Onb^rio -- Educ*.bi-0Yi cfefd'i \ > I REPORT ON THE PREPARATION AND COST OF TEXT-BOOKS IN THE PROVINCE OF ONTARIO 1914 PRINTED BY ORDER OF THE LEGISLATIVE ASSEMBLY OF ONTARIO TORONTO : Printed Jand Published byJL. K. CAMERON, Printer to the King’s Most Excellent Majesty 19 14 2 REPORT OX THE PREPARATIOX Xo. 104 Return to an Order of the House, twenty-first of April, 1914, for a Return showing: (1) The present practice of the Department of Education in regard to the number of text-books authorized for use in each subject in the Course of Studies) (2) The number of text-books authorized for use in the elementary and secondary schools of Ontario issued since the date of the last Return laid before this House, March 20th, 1911; and the methods adopted to keep these books up to the requirements of the schools; (3) The cost to the Province of each of these books in the form of payments to authors, printers, and electrotypers; (4) The estimated saving to purchasers of all text-books in elementary and secondary schools on all the books, as compared with previous prices of the same; (5) The amount annually paid in royalties by the Department of Education to writers of authorized text- books; (6) The cost to the Province of the preparation, editing, and printing of supplementary readers authorized for use in the schools; (7) The amount paid annually by publishers to any official of the Department of Education on text-books authorized for use in the schools of this Province; (8) What Ontario books have been. adopted in other Provinces. Presented to the Legislative Assembly, April 29, 1914. Mr. Musgrove. JU CeJ^ 3 fV 3 7 Tvt rtc-e n D. 1914 ^n°i. 156 CD *w S’ k I°ll4 AND COST OF TEXT-BOOKS. 1. The present practice of the Department of Education in regard to THE NUMBER OF TEXT-BOOKS AUTHORIZED FOR USE IN EACH SUBJECT IN THE COURSE OF STUDIES. The practice is to authorize but one text-book in each subject in the public school course of study, and but one in each subject in the high school course. 2. ( a ) Number of text-books authorized for use in the Elementary and Secondary Schools of Ontario since the date of the last Return laid BEFORE THE HOUSE MARCH 20TH, 1911. Elementary Schools: Two. Secondary Schools: Nine. ( b ) Methods adopted to keep these books up to the requirements of THE SCHOOLS. The contracts between the publishers and the Minister of Education contain the following clauses: 1. The publisher shall submit to the Minister sample sheets of each form of each edition of the book about to be printed, and specimens of the ink, mill-board, cloth, mull, tapes, and other material proposed to be used in the printing and con- struction of the book, together with a declaration of what are the current prices, the weight, size, and other particulars necessary to judge of the relative quality of the different materials proposed to be used ; and the approval of the Minister shall, before any work is proceeded with, be obtained of each and every particular thereof, and the publisher shall submit to the Minister for his approval sample copies of each and every edition of the finished book before the same are offered for sale for use in the schools of the Province of Ontario, and no copy of any edition of the book shall be sold or disposed of for use in the schools of the Province of Ontario without such approval having first been had and obtained. 2. The paper to be used in each and every edition of each and every copy of the book shall be a chemical wood pulp (sulphite process) with at least fifteen per cent, of rag pulp, and shall contain no mechanical wood pulp. For the ( name of the hook) it shall be super-calendered, and it shall be according to the sample hereto annexed weighing at least eighty-five pounds to the ream of five hundred ♦ and ten sheets, each sheet measuring thirty-one inches by forty-one inches. (If mill-finished paper, the corresponding weight is eighty pounds.) 3. The ink shall be of the best quality of book ink. 4. The press work shall be such as to produce from the electrotypes supplied a clear and distinct impression of every page and illustration in each book. 5. The tapes, mull, end papers, and cloth shall be according to the sample hereto annexed. The millboard shall be according to the sample annexed. 4 REPOET ON THE PREPARATION No. 104 6. Each section of each book shall be sixteen pages, and each section shall be strongly sewn with thread to three tapes overlapping one inch on each side; the tapes shall be covered with coarse, strong, evenly-made mull, extending to within one-half inch from the top and bottom of each book, and overlapping from three- quarters of an inch to one inch on each side: over the mull a strong piece of paper or lining shall be glued; and the book thus stitched and having proper end papers shall be strongly pasted into cases of millboard according to the sample annexed, and covered with well-finished plain cloth turned in at the sides and ends, which cloth shall be according to the sample annexed. 7. Each and every part of each book shall be so manufactured as to make the book strong and durable. 8. No advertisement of any kind shall appear in the book or upon the covers. 9. The said sample copies which are to be furnished as hereinbefore provided for, or which shall be taken for examination by the officer representing the Minister as hereinafter provided, shall remain on file in the Department of Education, and each and every copy of each and every edition published shall in all respects be identical with the sample copy or copies approved of by the Minister. 10. The Minister or any person appointed by him in writing for that purpose shall and may, from time to time and at any time during business hours, during the term covered by this contract, enter the warehouse and all other business premises or any part thereof of the publisher, for the purpose of inspecting any and every edition or issue of the book, and every copy thereof, and shall have the right to take away from the premises, free of charge, sample sheets or other samples of material, or sample copies of the book in any state of manufacture, for the purpose of examination and report, whenever he thinks proper so to do. 11. The Minister may, on giving six months notice to' the publisher, require him from time to time to make any alterations in the contents of the book which the Minister may consider desirable, and such alterations shall be made by the publisher at his own expense, and the Minister may on a like notice alter the specifications of the book ; and the publisher shall thereafter in the publication of the book conform to such alterations; but it is agreed that no alterations shall be required to be made, by virtue of any provision in this contract, (including the regulations of the Department of Education) in the book or in the contents of the book, or shall be made in the specifications, which will increase to the publisher the cost of the manufacture of the book, other than any additional cost for changing the plates, which shall be borne by the publisher. No change shall be made by the publisher in the contents of the said book, nor any addition thereto, nor any omission therefrom, nor any notes or appendices thereto, nor any other change in the subject-matter thereof, without the consent in writing of the Minister first had and obtained. 12. In ease any edition of the book is condemned by the Minister as unfit for use in the schools of the Province of Ontario, the condemned edition shall be with- drawn from sale, and shall, if required by the Minister, be delivered by the publisher into the custody of the Minister. In brief, the following is the practice : Each publisher submits samples of the materials to be used in the publication of an edition. These samples are thoroughly tested in the Department of Edu- 1914 AND COST OF TEXT-BOOKS. 5 cation and, if found satisfactory, one is given to the publisher, and another is filed in the Department, with dates, quality, etc., endorsed thereon. Sample sheets of presswork are submitted, and filed if approved. When the book is printed and bound, copies are submitted for examination and are compared with materials previously accepted. If satisfactory these copies are endorsed, and one copy given to the publisher and the other filed in the Department. Not till these conditions have been complied with, is the publisher at liberty to offer the books for sale. At such times as the Minister may direct, an official visits the publishing houses and examines the books, either in process of manufacture, or on the shelves, to see that the terms of the contract are observed. 3. The Cost to the Province of each of these Books in the form of Payments to Authors, Printers, and Electrotypers. Elementary Schools : Ontario Public School Composition Nothing. Ontario Writing Course Nothing. Secondary Schools: Ontario High School Reader Nothing. Ontario High School English Grammar Nothing. Ontario High 'Slehool English Composition $1,963.03. Ontario High School History of England Nothing. Ontario High School French Grammar Nothing. Ontario High School French Reader $672.05. Ontario High School German Reader $714.55. Ontario High School Physics Nothing. Ontario High School Laboratory Manual in Physics Nothing. 4. (a) Estimated saving to Purchasers of all Text-books in Ele- mentary and Secondary Schools on all the Books as compared with PREVIOUS PRICES OF THE SAME. ELEMENTARY SCHOOLS (PUBLIC SCHOOLS). Old Text-books. Price. New Text-books. Price. r»" - ! Readers: Ontario, Part 1, 64 pp., or Modern Phonic Primer, 64 pp. or Public School Phonic Primer Part I, 64 pp. $0 10 Readers: Primer, 96 pp. $0 04 Ontario Part II, 96 pp., or Modern Phonic Primer, Part II, 96 pp., or 15 First Book, 128 pp 06 Public School Phonic Primer, Part, II, 96 pp. Second Book, 184 pp 20 Second Book, 224 pp 09 Third Book, 280 pp 30 Third Book, 352 pp 14 Fourth Book, 344 pp 40 Fourth Book, 416 pp 16 Total for set of Readers . . $1 15 Total for set of Readers . . $0 49 6 REPORT ON THE PREPARATION No. 104 Old Text-books. Price. Copybooks: Five numbers (24 pp. each) each $0 07 Total for the set $0 36 New Text-books. Price Copybooks: Five numbers (24 pp. each) each $o 02 Total for the set $0 10 Arithmetic, 183 pp. $0 25 Arithmetic, 256 pp. $0 10 Public School Grammer, 100 pp.;\ Morang’s Modern English Gram j ^ 25 Grammar, 268 pp $0 10 mar, 191 pp J Public School Geography, 206 pp., or Morang’s Modern Geography, 265 pp. or Rose’s Public School Geography, 405 pp., y $0 75 Ontario School Geography, 288 pp $0 66 Public School. History of Eng- land and Canada, 284 pp $0 30 History of the Dominion of Can-\ ada, Clement, for Fifth Form,! 358 pp., or I Duncan’s Story of the Canadian > $0 50 People, 428 pp., or l Weaver’s Canadian History, 3121 PP / Public School History of England, 320 pp $0 25 Public School History of Canada, 302 pp $0 25 Practical Speller, 208 pp $0 25 Public School Speller, 208 pp. . . $0 IS Public School Physiology and Public School Hygiene, 256 pp. $0 20 Temperance, 202 pp $0 25 Public School Bookkeeping, 88 pp. $0 25 Ontario School Bookkeeping, 106 pp. (Also used in High Schools) $0 30 Public School Drawing Course — Ontario Blank Drawing Book, No. five numbers, illustrated — (24 1, 144 pp $0 05 pp. each), each $0 05 None Ontario Public School Composi- tion, 208 pp $0 15 None Ontario Writing Course $0 05 1914 AND COST OF TEXT-BOOKS. 7 HIGH AND CONTINUATION SCHOOLS AND COLLEGIATE INSTITUTES. Old Text-books. Price. New Text-books. Price. High School Arithmetic, or, Arithmetic for High Schools— De Lury $0 60 High School Arithmetic $0 40 High School Algebra, or Elements of Algebra — McLellan. $0 75 Hall & Knight’s Junior Algebra.. $0 50 Geometry for Schools — Baker' or High School Euclid — J. S. McKay ! 75 or High School Euclid — McKay <& Thompson High School Geometry $0 40 First Latin Book and Reader, or~\ Primary Latin Book and Reader, I ^ qq Hagarty’s Latin Grammar J High School Latin Book $0 60 High School Chemistry High School Chemistry . . . Laboratory Manual ... . . $0 40 $0 20 Myers’ Ancient History, or, Botsford’s Ancient History High School Physical Geography $1 00 High School Ancient History ... $0 75 High School Physical Geography $0 60 High School Drawing Course — Blank Drawing Book, No. 2, $0 05 two numbers, illustrated, each $0 10 High School Bookkeeping $0 60 \ or / Ontario School Bookkeeping $0 30 Commercial Course in Practical ( (Also used in Public Schools) Bookkeeping $0 40 ' High School Reader, or ^ Principles and Practice of Oral l $0 50 Ontario High School Reader .... $0 40 Reading J High School English Grammar . $0 75 Ontario High School English Grammar $0 45 High School English Composition. $0 60 or ) Ontario High School English Corn- High School Composition from ( position $0 18 Models $0 75 ' 8 REPORT ON THE PREPARATION No. 104 Old Text-books. Wrong’s The British Nation High School French Grammar and High School German Grammar and Reader High School Physical Science, Part I High School Physical Scienc Part II None Price. New Text-books. Price. . $1 00 Ontario High (School History of England (Revised edition of Wrong’s The British Nation) . . $0 65 ! r Ontario High School French 1 Grammar $0 60 $1 00 I i Ontario High School French 1 l Reader $0 11 1 r Ontario High School German 1 Grammar $0 70 $1 00 1 | Ontario High School German < $0 13 Ontario High School Physics $0 90 $0i 50 $0 75 Ontario High School Laboratory Manual in Physics $0 35 i ( Ontario School Bookkeeping, Sec- ( ond Course $1 00 TOTAL AMOUNTS SAVED TO PURCHASERS. Estimates on Basis of Previous Sales and Attendance. Elementary Schools. Readers : The old series contained 968 pages; the new series contains 1,216 pages. The total expenditure on the old series, as shown in the Return to an Order of the Legislative Assembly, dated March 3rd, 1885, and a further Order dated March 20th, 1886, was $21,016.58. From this should be deducted $7,500 paid by the publishers for three sets of electros, leaving $13,516.58 as the actual cost to the Province. The actual cost to the Province of the new series was $8,694.89, and if to this is added $786.66, the cost of the revision of the Primer, the saving over the cost of the old series is $4,035.03. The retail price of a set of the old readers was $1.15; that of the new readers is 49 cents. The saving to purchasers on the number of new readers sold from publication in August, 1909, to the end of 1913, compared with that on an equal number of the old readers, was $168,100. Estimating future savings at the same rate, the total savings on the readers during the term of the contract will exceed $370,000. Arithmetic : The old hook contained 183 pages; the new one contains 256 pages. The cost of editing the old book was paid by its publisher ; that of the new book, amounting to $3,321, was paid by the Province. The cost of composition and electros for each book was paid by its publisher. 1914 AND COST OF TEXT-BOOKS. 9 The retail price of the old book was 25 cents; that of the new book is 10 cents. The relative saving to purchasers on the sales from August, 1910, to the end of 1913 was $53,800. Estimating future savings at the same rate, the total savings on the Arithmetic for the term of the contract will exceed $107,000. Grammar : The old Public School Grammar contained 190 pages, and Morang’s Modern English Grammar 191 pages; the new book contains 268 pages. The cost of editing the old books was paid by their publishers ; that of the new book, amounting to $2,323, was paid by the Province. The cost of composition and electros for each book was paid by its publisher. The retail price of each of the old books was 25 cents; that of the new book is .10 cents. The relative saving to purchasers on the sales from August, 1910, to the end of 1913, was $32,400. Estimating future savings at the same rate, the total savings on the grammar during the term of the contract will exceed $64,000. Speller: The old book contained 208 pages; the new book contains 208 pages. The entire cost of preparation and publication of each book was paid by its publisher. The retail price of the old book was 25 cents; that of the new book is 15 cents. The relative saving to purchasers on the sales from the issue of the new book, midsummer, 1909, to the end of 1913, was $38,000. Estimating future savings at the same rate, the total savings on the speller during the term of the contract will exceed $59,000. Geography : Under the former system there were three authorized geographies — The Public School Geography, Morang’s Modern Geography, and Pose’s Public School Geo- graphy. Each was sold retail at 75 cents. Under the present system there is one authorized geography, and it is sold retail at 65 cents. The entire cost of pre- paration and publication of all these books was paid by their publishers, with the exception of an expenditure of $289.90 for expert services on the new geography. The relative saving to purchasers on the sales of the new geography from July, 1910, to the end of 1913, was $20,600. Estimating future savings at the same rate, the total savings on the geography during the ten-year contract will exceed $59,000. Hygiene : The Public School Physiology and Temperance contained 202 pages; the new Hygiene contains 256 pages. The cost of preparation and publication of these books was paid by their publishers. The retail price of the old book was 25 cents ; that of the new book is 20 cents. The relative saving to purchasers on the sales from July, 1910, to the end of 1913 was $6,700. Estimating future savings at the same rate, the total savings during the term of the contract will exceed $13,000. 10 REPORT ON THE PREPARATION No. 104 History : Under the former system there were authorized for use in the Public Schools, the Public School History of England and 'Canada (284 pp.), 30 cents, and the History of the Dominion of Canada by Clement (358 pp.) or Weaver’s Canadian History (312 pp.), each 50 cents. Under the present system there is a Public School History of England (320 pp.) and a Public School History of Canada (302 pp.), each 25 cents. Practically, 80 cents was spent where 50 cents is now sufficient. The relative saving on the sales from July, 1910, to the end of 1913, was $34,300. Estimating future savings at the same rate, the total savings for the term of the contract will exceed $68,000. Bookkeeping : The old book contained 88 pages, and was used only in the Public Schools. The new book contains 106 pages, and may be used in both Public and High Schools. The retail price of the former was 25 cents, that of the latter is 30 cents. As the use of a text-book in bookkeeping is optional in the Public Schools, there is not sufficient data to enable comparisons to be made respecting savings. Drawing Books : The old series consisted of five illustrated numbers, each containing 24 pages. Each number was sold at five cents. The new book contains 144 pages, is not illustrated, and is sold at five cents. Though the new book contains over one- fifth more drawing space than the old series, and is sold at one-fifth of the cost, yet, owing to changes in the method of using drawing books, it is difficult to estimate closely how large the saving will be during the term of the contract. Copy Books : Each series consisted of five numbers, 24 pages each. The cost of preparation of each series was paid by its publisher. The retail price of the old series was 35 cents; that of the new series is 10 cents. The relative saving to purchasers on the number of new books sold during 1909 and 1910 was $27,000. Estimating future savings on sales of 25,000 copies a year less than were sold in 1910 — a number within the actual sales since — the total savings on the copy books during the term of the contract will exceed $102,000. Composition : No text-book was prescribed for use in the Public Schools until July, 1910. The new book contains 204 pages and is sold at 15 cents. High and Continuation Schools and Collegiate Institutes. Arithmetic: Under the former system either of two authorized arithmetics could be used, the retail price of each being 60 cents. Under the present system there is one book at 40 cents. The relative saving on the sales from July, 1909, to the end of 1913, was $19,000, and at the same rate on the whole term of the contract, it is estimated at over $29,000. 1914 AND COST OF TEXT-BOOKS. 11 Algebra : Formerly, either of two authorized algebras could be used, the retail price of each being 75 cents. Now, there is one book at 50 cents. The relative saving on the sales from August, 1908, to the end of 1913, was $16,000, and at the same rate for the whole term of the contract, it is estimated at over $20,000. Geometry : Formerly, one of three authorized geometries could be used, the retail price of each being 75 cents. Now, there is one book at 40 cents. The relative saving on the sales from July, 1910, to the end of 1913, was $12,900, and at the same rate on the whole term of the contract it is estimated at over $25,800. Latin : Formerly, one of three authorized Latin books could be used, the retail price of each being $1.00. Now, there is one book at 60 cents. The relative saving on the sales from September, 1908, to the end of 1913, was $18,000, and at the same rate on the whole term of the contract, it is estimated at over $23,000. Ancient History : Formerly, one of two authorized ancient histories could be used, the retail price of each being $1.00. Now, there is one book at 75 cents. The relative saving to purchasers from July, 1909, to the end of 1913, was over $6,300, and at the same rate on the whole term of the contract, it is estimated at over $7,500. German Grammar: The old hook was a grammar and reader combined, and was sold at $1.00. The new book is a grammar, and is sold at 70 cents. With it there is now a reader which sells at 13 cents. The relative saving to purchasers from July, 1909, to the end of 1913, with allowance for the later date at which the reader was introduced, is $3,800, and at the same rate for the whole term of the contract, it is estimated at over $5,900. Chemistry : The retail price of the old book was 50 cents; that of the new book is 40 cents, but a laboratory manual at 20 cents has been added to cover the course of study more effectually. The result from July, 1909, to the end of 1913, has been an increased expenditure of $2,400, and on the whole term of the contract, the increased expenditure is estimated at over $3,800. Physical Geography: The retail price of the old book was $1.00, that of the new is 60 cents. The relative saving to purchasers from July, 1909, to the end of 1913, was $17,000, at the same rate and on the whole term of the contract, it is estimated at over $26,000. 12 REPORT ON THE PREPARATION No. 104 Bookkeeping : Formerly, one of two authorized texts could be used, the retail price of one being 60 cents, and of the other 40 cents. Now, there is one book at 30 cents, and this book is also used in the senior class in the public schools. Using the old text at 40 cents for purposes of comparison, there has been a relative saving of over $4,600 to purchasers from July 1910 to the end of 1913 and, at the same rate on the whole term of the contract, it is estimated at over $7,000. Reader: Formerly, one of two authorized texts could be used, the retail price of each being 50 cents. Now, there is one book at 40 cents. The relative saving to purchasers from July, 1911, to the end of 1913 was over $3,500, and at the same rate on the whole term of the contract, it is estimated at over $9,000. English Grammar: The retail price of the old book was 75 cents; that of the new is 45 cents. The relative saving to purchasers from July, 1911, to the end of 1913 was over $11,000, and at the same rate on the whole term of the contract, it is estimated at over $31,000. English Composition: Formerly, one of two authorized text-books could be used, the retail price of one being 50 cents, and of the other 75 cents. Now, there is one book at 18 cents. Using the old text at 50 cents for purposes of comparison, there has been a relative saving to purchasers during 1913 of over $6,000. Estimating future savings on yearly sales of even one-third the number of copies sold during the first year, the total savings during the term of the contract will exceed $19,000. History of England: The retail price of the old book (Wrong’s The British Nation) was $1.00; that of the new book is 65 cents. The relative saving to purchasers from January 1912 to the end of 1913 was over $6,000. Allowing for a substantial reduction in the number of copies sold each year thereafter, the total savings during the term of the contract will exceed $20,000. French Grammar: The old book was a grammar and reader combined and was sold at $1.00. The new book is a grammar and is sold at 60 cents. With it there is now a reader, which sells at 11 cents. The relative saving to purchasers for the first half year was over $4,000. Estimating future savings on yearly sales of even one-third the number of copies sold during the first half year, the total savings during the term of the contract will exceed $17,000. Physics : The new physics and the laboratory manual in physics are sold at the same price as the old Physics, Parts I and II. 1914 AND COST OF TEXT-BOOKS. 13 Drawing Books : Formerly two illustrated numbers, each containing 24 pages, were in use. Each number was sold at 10 cents. The new book contains 48 pages, is not illustrated, and is sold at 5 cents. Owing to changes in the method of using drawing books it is difficult to estimate closely how large the saving will be during the term of the contract. Literature Series in English and French : Formerly these books were sold at prices varying from 50 cents to $1.00. Now, they may be obtained at 15 cents each, and some even at 10 cents. Using the text at 50 cents for the purposes of comparison, the annual saving on these books is estimated at over $9,000, or on the usual life of a contract for authorized texts, $63,000. Total Savings : Without including the total savings on the drawing books, which will exceed $20,000, the savings on public school text-books during the terms of the present contract will exceed $845,500; and the savings on high school books will exceed $303,000. The total relative savings on all authorized text-books during the terms of the contracts will exceed $1,168,000. Deducting from this total the cost to the province in the form of payments to authors, printers, and electrotypers, there will remain a net saving of at least $1,150,000. Note: All retail prices are subject to a discount of 20 per cent, when books are purchased at place of publication. 5. The amount annually paid in Royalties by the Department of Education to writers of authorized text-books. No royalties are paid by the Department of Education to writers of author- ized text-books. 6. The cost to the Province of the preparation, editing, and printing of Supplementary Readers. Nothing. The cost is borne by the publishers. 7. The amount paid annually by Publishers to any official of the Department of Education on text-books for use in the schools of this Province. Nothing. 14 PREPARATION AND COST OF TEXT-BOOKS. No. 104 8. What Ontario Text-rooks have been adopted in other Provinces: Public Schools: Ontario Public School Arithmetic Nova Scotia. Ontario Public School History of England ( Prince Edward Island. Saskatchewan. [ Manitoba. { Nova Scotia. Province of Quebec. Manitoba (as supplementary). C Saskatchewan. Ontario Public School Speller < Alberta. | Province of Quebec. Ontario Public School Composition Saskatchewan. Ontario Copy Books New Brunswick. Province of Quebec. Ontario School Bookkeeping, First Course Ontario Readers Saskatchewan. Manitoba. Prince Edward Island. Nova Scotia (1915). High Schools. Ontario High School Reader Ontario High School English Grammar . Ontario High School English Composition Ontario High School Physical Geography Ontario High School History of England Ontario High School Arithmetic Ontario High School French Grammar . High School Ancient History High School German Grammar Saskatchewan (as supplementary) Saskatchewan. Alberta. Saskatchewan. Saskatchewan. Alberta. Manitoba. Saskatchewan. Alberta. f Prince Edward Island. Nova Scotia. I Manitoba. Saskatchewan. Alberta. British Columbia. Saskatchewan. Province of Quebec. Manitoba. Saskatchewan. Ontario High School Physics Ontario High School Laboratory Manual in Physics Nova Scotia. Saskatchewan. Alberta. British Columbia. Ontario High School Chemistry ( Saskatchewan. Ontario High School Laboratory Manual in { ^ Chemistry I Alberta. Ontario School Bookkeeping, Second Course . Saskatchewan. Printed by WILLIAM BRIGGS, 29-37 Richmond Street West, TORONTO.