AT UNIVERSITY ,li -INO!S LIBRARY agriculture Washington, D.C. Issued July 1974 For sale by the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office, Washington, D.C. 20402 Price 25 cents Stock Number 0100-03261 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AGRICULTURE LIBRARY No. UN^H I 7200 if ifl This duplex design is the next best thing to a single family house. It works equally well for a young family or an elderly couple. The two identical units are divided by a concrete block firewall furred with gypsum board. This wall separates the kitchen and bath area of each unit, which combined, forms a central "core" of plumbing and utilities. The entrance is visually screened from the dining area and has a generous coat closet. The living and dining areas can be spacially sep¬ arated by furniture but are combined to form one large area for special entertainment needs. The kitchen is compact yet contains plenty of needed storage space and ample room to perform daily kitchen chores. It may be left open to the dining area or screened by an accordian door. The window over the sink pro¬ vides a passthrough for serving the patio or it may be used by mother to watch the children at play on the patio. r m i 20 PLAN UNITED STATES DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE Miscellaneous Publication No. 12 8 ' Q.630 UN3iVi| m. Ccpi* ^ Bedroom DUPLEX PERSPECTIVE OF PATIO The bathroom's location provides easy access from all parts of the house. The bedrooms are more than adequate and the place¬ ment of the closets provides sound insulation from ad¬ joining areas. Storage of linen or equipment is provided in the hall as well as on the patio. The patio becomes a visual extension of the living room via the large window and the sliding glass doors. This area can be used for barbecues, fair weather entertainment, sunbathing, or a small playground for the kids. It can be visually separated from the public by a fence, yet still retain it's open-air quality. A built-in barbecue or fireplace is optional. Complete working: drawings may lx* obtained from the extension agricultural engineer at your State university. There may be a small charge to cover cost of printing. If you do not know the location of your State university, send your request to Agricultural Engineer, Extension Service, U.S. Department of Agriculture, Washington. D.C. 20250. He will forward your request to the correct university. ORDER PLAN NO. 7200, TWO-BEDROOM DUPLEX. TYPICAL WALL SECTIOM l AGRICULTURAL RESEARCH SERVICE U S. GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1974 OL- 539-858 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2018 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA MISCELLANEOUS PUBLICATION WASHINGTON. D 1289 1974 3 0112 019307724