^\Yv s^jN '^^^ jjpapww 1 »» y/Jm JRMMm|(A>- LAWRENCE J. GUTTER Collection of Chicogoono THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT CHICAGO The University Library Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from CARLI: Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois http://archive.org/details/chicagobarassocOOchic ■+<=* I Jl Certificate of ©rgatmation ■*BY-Ii?IWj5#- fy (L|irago Jgar J^ssoriaHon, InjST + 0K*0FFieER& + Ewe -*# 18 7 9 #• AMMMM AV CH ICAGO : DONNELLEY.. GASSETTE & LOYD. Printers Clark and Adams Streets. trf^*™******^ GMMp fia-F iifHeiaiiBH Qj ' I ' ' l|lTr|li|l.|l JJtate of Jlltrtots, DEPARTMENT OF STATE, GEORGE H. HARLOW, Secretary of State. 'O ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME — GREETING Whereas, a Certificate duly signed and acknowledged, having been filed in the Ofiice of the Secretary ofi State, on the -2-jth day of May, A . D. 1874, for the organi- zation of The Chicago Bar Association, under and in accordance with the provisions of ^ An Act Concer?iing Corporations" approved April 18, 1872, and in force July 1, 1872, a copy of which Certificate is hereto attached : Now, therefore, I, George H. Harlow, Secretary of State of the State of Illinois, by virtue of the powers and duties vested in me by law, do hereby certify that the said C|)e (Efncago IS at ^Lsisoctatfcm Is a legally organized corporation under the laws of this State. In testimony whereof, I hereunto set my hand and cause to be affixed the great seal of State. Done at the city of Springfield, this zjth day of May, in the year Yp %( of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and seventy-four, and of the Independence of the United States the ninety-eighth. *f ■* (Signed). George H. Harlow, Secretary of State. State tdj |fHmm$, COOK COUNTY. ss. We, the undersigned, being citizens of the United States, desiring to form an Association, not for pecuniary profit, pursuant to an Act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled "An Act concerning Corporations," approved April 18, 1872, do hereby certify that the following is a true statement of the name or title by which such Association shall be known in law; the particular business and object for which it is formed; the number of its managers, and the names of the same selected for the first year of its existence, viz : 1. Name or title : " The Chicago Bar Association." 2. Particular business and object is, to establish and maintain the honor and dignity of the profession of the law, to cultivate social intercourse among its members, and to increase its usefulness in promoting the due administra- tion of justice. 3. Number of Managers, Thirteen (13). 4. Names of the Managers selected for the first year : William C, Goudy. Lyman Trumbull. Thomas Hoyne. A. M. Pence. Wirt Dexter. Edwin C. Larned. Stephen A. Goodwin. Ezra B. McCagg. Murray F. Tuley. Wm. P. Black. Charles M. Hardy. Wm. H. Barnum. Ira Scott. 5. Location, Chicago, Illinois. (Signed), Charles M. Sturges. James P. Root. C. B. Lawrence. Charles Hitchcock. Robert T. Lincoln. Ira O. Wilkinson. STATE OF ILLINOIS, I Cook County. j s " I, W. O. Robinson, a Notary Public in and for said County, in the State of Illinois, do hereby certify that C. B. Lawrence, Charles Hitchcock, Robert T. Lincoln, Ira O. Wilkin- son, James P. Root, and Charles M. Sturges, personally known to me as the same persons whose names are subscribed to the foregoing Certificate, appeared before me this day in person, and severally acknowledged that they signed said Certificate in writing for the pur- poses and uses therein set forth. Given under my hand and notarial seal, this 22d day of May, A. D. 1874. [Notarial Seal.] W. O. ROBINSON, Notary Public. BY-LAWS The (Chicago B ar A ssociation i. The Association shall be called " The Chicago Bar Asso- ciation." II. The Association is established to maintain the honor and dignity of the profession of the law, to cultivate social inter- course among its members, and to increase its usefulness in promoting the due administration of justice. III. Section i. The members of the legal profession practicing in the City of Chicago, whose names appear on the roll at the end hereof, are hereby declared to be members of this Asso- ciation. Any member of the profession, in good standing, practicing in the City of Chicago, may become a member by vote of the Association, on recommendation of the Committee on Admis- sion, as hereinafter provided, and on subscribing the said Roll and paying the admission fee. All Judges of Courts of Record in Illinois, and all members of the profession of the State of Illinois, in good standing, not practicing in the City of Chicago, may, in like manner, become members of the Association, having all the privileges of the same, except that of voting. Section 2. The Committee on Admission shall have power to make such regulations in relation to proposals for member- ship, and notice thereof, as they may, from time to time, deem needful, subject to alteration and revision, from time to time, by the Association. Candidates against whom there shall be a negative vote in the Committee, shall not be recommended for admission. Upon being recommended, the report of the Committee shall be laid over until the next meeting, at which time a vote by ballot shall be taken in the Association, and one negative vote in every five of those present shall exclude the candidate, and the candidate so excluded shall not again be presented for mem- bership within six months thereafter. IV. OFFICERS. The officers of the Association shall be a President, two Vice Presidents, a Secretary, a Treasurer, a Board of Managers of nine members, of which the President, Vice-Presidents and Secretary shall, ex-officio, be additional members, and a Com- mittee on Admissions, to consist of nine members. The Officers, after the first election hereunder, shall be elected at the annual meeting, to be held on the second Saturday of January in each year hereafter. The Board of Managers and the Committee on Admissions first chosen under the By-Laws, shall divide themselves into three classes of equal numbers each. The first class of each Committee shall hold office for three years ; the second class two years ; the third class one year; and thereafter, each annual election shall be for three members of the Board of Managers, and three members of the Committee on Admissions, to hold office three years, and for such additional number, if any, to fill vacancies, to hold office during the remainder of the terms of the members whose places they fill. The number of the foregoing committees may be diminished or increased at any annual meeting, by a vote of the Association. V. The Board of Managers shall manage the affairs of the Association, subject to the By-Laws, and they shall provide a permanent place for the use of the Association. VI. MEETINGS OF THE ASSOCIATION. There shall be an annual meeting of the Association on the second Saturday in January of each year, and such stated and other meetings as shall be provided in the By-Laws. VII. ADMISSION FEE.* The admission fee shall, in all cases, be fifteen dollars, to be paid on signing the roll of members, and no member shall be subject to annual dues during the current year of his admission. VIII. Any member of the Association may be suspended or * As Amended April 6, 1878. expelled for misconduct in his relations to this Association, or in his profession, on conviction thereof, in such manner as may be prescribed by the By-Laws, and all interest in the property of the Association of persons resigning, or otherwise ceasing to be members, shall vest in the Association. IX. All elections shall be by ballot. The officers elected shall enter upon their duties immediately upon their election, and shall hold office until their successors are elected or appointed. In case of a vacancy in any office, it shall be filled by appointment of the Board of Managers until the annual elec- tion, except in the case of a vacancy occurring in the office of President, which shall be filled by the Association, at its first stated meeting, occurring more than ten days after the happen- ing of such vacancy. X. THE PRESIDENT AND VICE-PRESIDENTS. The President shall preside at all meetings of the Associa- tion, and in case of his absence, any one of the Vice-Presidents, who shall be chosen without ballot, shall preside. XI. SECRETARY. The Secretary shall keep a record of the proceedings of all meetings, and of all other matters of which a record shall be deemed advisable by the Association. He shall notify the officers and members of their election, and shall keep a roll of the members, and shall issue notices of all meetings, and shall conduct the correspondence of the Association, with the concurrence of the President. * When any names of candidates for admission shall be reported favorably to the Association by the Committee on Admissions, it shall be the duty of the Secretary to forthwith prepare and mail to each member of the Association printed slips containing names of such candidates, and the date of meeting upon which they are to be voted. XII. TREASURER. The Treasurer shall collect, and, under the direction of the Board of Managers, disburse all funds of the Association; he shall report annually, or oftener if required ; he shall keep regular accounts, which shall be, at all times, open to the inspection of any member of the Board of Managers ; his accounts shall be audited by a Committee of three members of the Association, to be elected by ballot at the stated meeting preceding the annual meeting in each year. XIII. MEETINGS OF THE BOARD OF MANAGERS. The Board of Managers shall meet at least once a month, except in July, August and September. They shall have power to make such regulations (not inconsistent with the By-Laws), as shall be necessary for the protection of the property of the Association, and for the preservation of good order in the conduct of its affairs. They shall keep a record of their proceedings, which shall * Amendment, adopted March 6, 1875. be read at the ensuing meeting of the Association; and it shall be their duty to present business for the action of the Associa- tion ; they shall have no power to make the Association liable for any debts amounting to more than half of the amount in the Treasurer's hands, in cash, and not subject to prior liabili- ties; nor shall they have power to make any contract binding, personally, upon members of the Association. XIV. There shall be stated meetings of the Association held on the first Saturday of every month, except the month of Jan- uary, when the annual meeting takes place, and the months of July, August, and September, unless otherwise ordered by the Board of Managers. At these stated meetings, and at any regular adjourned meeting thereof, all the powers of the Asso- ciation may be exercised. Special meetings may be called at any time by the Board of Managers, or such special meetings shall be called by the Sec- retary, upon the written request of ten members of the Association. At such special meetings no business shall be transacted except such as shall be specified in the call thereof. The presence of twenty members shall be necessary to con- stitute a quorum at any meeting of the Association, which number may be increased or diminished by any subsequent By-Law. XV. The annual dues shall be fixed and assessed at the annual meetings hereafter, and shall be collectible forthwith, and any member in default after thirty days' notice, shall cease to be a member, unless excused by the Board of Managers. THE CHICAGO BAR ASSOCIATION. II * When any person has ceased to be a member of the Asso- ciation because of a failure to pay dues, he may be reinstated by the Board of Managers in their discretion, upon the pay- ment of all dues. XVI. At each stated meeting of the Association the order of busi- ness shall be as follows: i. Reading of minutes of preceding meeting. 2. Reading of minutes of Board of Managers. 3. Report of Board of Managers. 4. Report of Treasurer. 5. Report of Committee on Admissions. 6. Election. 7. Report of Committee on Amendment of the Law. 8. Report of Judiciary Committee. 9. Report of Committee on Grievances. 10. Report of Committee on Legal Education. 11. Report of Committee on Inquiry. 12. Report of Special Committees. 13. Miscellaneous Business. This order of business may be changed by a vote of the majority of the members present. The usual parliamentary rules and orders, otherwise than as herein provided, shall govern all meetings of the Association. XVII. If any person elected does not, within one month after notice of his election, signify his acceptance by signing the Roll, and payment of his admission fee, he shall be deemed to have declined to become a member. * As amended May 5, 1877. XVIII. There shall be the- following Standing Committees : (a.) A Committee on the Amendment of the Law, which shall be charged with the duty of attention to all proposed changes in the law, and of recommending such as, in their opinion, may be entitled to the favorable influence of this Association. (b.) A Judiciary Committee, which shall be charged with the duty of the observation of the working of our judicial sys- tem, the collection of information, the entertaining and examination of projects for a change or reform in the system, and of recommending, from time to time, to the Association, such action as they may deem expedient. (