LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 510.84 The person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN MAR 2 2 1976 OEC 1 4 1976 DEC 12^ L161 — O-1096 , , UIUCDCS-R-T3-56T fcAJ 5C1 0- y^t^z^ March 1973 CALCULATION OF GFSR PSEUDORANDOM NUMBER BINARY STARTING MATRIX by W. H. Payne %, w V'3 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN URBANA, ILLINOIS ILLINOIS UNWERSlJ pA ,r,M UIUCDCS-R-73-567 CALCULATION OF GFSR PSEUDORANDOM NUMBER BINARY STARTING MATRIX by W. H. Payne* March 1973 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBAN A-CH AMP AIGN URBANA, ILLINOIS 6l801 * Visiting Research Associate Professor of Computer Science on leave from the Computer Science Department and the Computing Center, Washington State University, Pullman, Washington 99163. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 1. INTRODUCTION The generalized feedback shift register (GFSR) pseudorandom number generator produces the 'same' floating-point sequence of multi- dimensional distributed pseudorandom numbers on any computer. The 'same' sequence in the sense that high-order bits agree on all machines. Not only is the period of the pseudorandom sequence independent of the word size of the host machine, but the algorithm can be implemented with one exclusive-or (ffi) and two add (modulo p) instructions. This makes its execution extremely fast for mini- or microcomputers [l]. The pseudorandom number generator is based on a primitive trinomial modulo 2 of the form I + X + 1 and a resulting feedback shift register sequence. Statement of the GFSR algorithm is : GFSR Pseudorandom Number Algorithm Initialize integer J=0 Initialize table M(l) ,M(2) , . . . ,M(P) Step: 1. J -*■ J+l 2. If J > P, set J «- 1 3. K «- J+Q k. If K > P, set K «- 1 5. Exclusive-or, M(j) 9 M(K) 6. STORE, M(J) «- M(J) ® M(K) -2- The procedure of initializing the table, M(l) ,M(2) ,. . . ,M(P) of computer words (up to 98 bits) , is a nontrivial time-consuming task (about five minutes 360/75 CPU time). Specifically, a 98 x 98 binary matrix with linearly independent (modulo 2) columns is needed. Further, a judiciously selected delay of the basic feedback shift register sequence between columns to achieve excellent statistical performance of the generator must be sought. It is the purpose of this paper to present an initial M table, both in octal and hexadecimal, for the polynomial X + X + 1 Q ft (period 2 -l) computed from the initialization algorithm in [l]. For this specific polynomial, L-space distributed numbers to N-bit accuracy where LN < 98 will be produced by the GFSR algorithm. For example, it is possible to generate six-distributed random numbers to 15-bit accuracy since 6 x 15 = 90 < 98. 2. THE TABLE Alignment of both the octal and hexadecimal digits on the 98 bits was set so that the high-order octal digit attains a maximum value of three while the corresponding hexadecimal digit attains a maximum value of seven. This was done to insure that the sign digit was zero for those programmers who wish to implement the algorithm in compiler languages, -3- j r u HI l) M< 2) HI 3) Ml 41 Ml 5) Ml t>) Ml 7) Ml 8) Ml 9) MI10I Mill! Mt 12) HI13I Mil*) MI15I 11161 Mim HUB) MI19I Hlrtl MI21I MI22I M(23> M(2*l M125I MI26) HI27I MI28) M<29) MI3UI M131) MU2I MI33) M134) MI35I MI36I MI37i MI38J MI39) NHll MUD MI42I MI451 Ml**) MUSI KU6I HI47I HUB) MI49) MliOl M13U MI52) MI55I MI54) MISS) MIS61 M(SM MI58) MI59) MI60I MI61) MI62) NI63I MI64I MI6S) Mlbb) MlbT) MI68) MI69) MI70) MI71) M472I MI73) MI74) NI7SI MI76) MITM M(78) MI7V) Mtao) MI81) MI82) MI83J Mid,) Mlasi MIS6I MI87I MI88I MI8VI MI9QI MIV1I HI92) MI93I MIV4I MI94J Ml 96 I MI97) MI98I GFSR PSEUDORANDOM NUMBER GENERATOR 9B STARTING MATRIX 198 X 981 BITS). 27 UCTAL 04121 56 52 5*06*73 3326*6 12306 5362 10 106*1*30*72016615060*6 30533 43 0**/ 3*75 7250 73 7505 5115**5 7**5221172 3 213670*213710710*1*6*752 777133*30 3236*2216 7*11757*756122*60733*030 2053*36102*72 35233650652*7***716* 02**20350310170*76551* 7*72**65 70* 165*056*31266232221752 7*5 7000*362 2712216*012455*071120**1765*77335 2631*0160262 737*7*3 7171112*575317 115*210 75*700270*026152025362 77*0 300 733020170*51**52 765*0733 522363 11*2226176667 75526152*2 7671060101 25*5125766 7216*302**3612*****53*6 17*62666020127102561613310175*52* 116*40*2 750*2*302 751372*51*2*303* 1732 77276357*2633 7162 751735123 70* 0*12663*766*725 7050 7*050663315507 0*6 76216551*613505353*67*11521175 0556000*0*1*71*6602*65251**1*1172 11523*055557225612666 7*17*50750 72 5*3520716521360353265161663*32*01 1115 7211010304151131*442002112327 1**62710*06111664 0116115*0 5000*73 0*2656222127072*770221651*325*3** 0*3 5*25 7357510326*605*3141*5*7 76* 37705*2513113515*007721025440 3**0 167 7152722311326*602362271*163424 056404160710 7204 731 70 72230207 5 123 2123 174321 75602572 51626S 704032565 36240 7*15016305062532*03315674161 0* 16*60265635 70100*71 4 1*443 105*25 103333*1106*256461313432 531665374 016 700752 72741160542 700016 7340145 3726 54233600232650214 760662026600 55 745141 11002 354 76635 7065 70S 76636 35630316 73623544444741112615156 71 01172 7417500242241325505 71*0666** 2 7454 7006144406450600055 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2C0036F8335353A58C00D9026 1499C59B«F4B7F^9829 721B06 224C9B06CC200A8A60EF1E75C 61CE6EE9AA328AF3306F25090 52 34CAA3FF482081F3C242906 O0OE280C6 333B6E06CB380C46 20500 157CE651 56 A578A63B34 4005C3E8C00F1B04 7 79A8EA14 3804FC0006952B0B3C24C350A 3 76DC452999CM(98) = UABD. For an IBM 360 (32-bit fullword: 31-bit integer), M(l) = 1HA37556, M(2) = 23U3189D ,. . . , M(98) = 1+ABD322F. For a last example, the CDC 6000 series (word size, 60 bits: integer size, k8 bits; initialized to UT bits) requires M(l) = 00000512156525U06U73, M(2) = 0000106UlU30U720l66l,. . . , M(98) = 00022536U62136T631T. A multiple precision routine (of doubtful value) to 98 bits is easily implemented. 3. COMPILER IMPLEMENTATION Figure 1 presents an example of a non-ANSI standard FORTRAN coding of the GFSR algorithm. FUNCTICN RAND(M,P,Q, INTSIZ) C M(P) = TABLE CF P PREVIOUS RANDOM NUMBERS, C P, Q = POLVNCMIAL PARAMETERS: X**P+ X**Q-f 1 . C .NOT. OPERATOR IMPLEMENTED IN ARITHMETIC. C INTSIZ = INTEGER SIZE (BITS) OF HOST MACHINE: E.G., C IBM 360, 31; CDC 6000, 48; SRU 1100, 35; HP 2100, 15. LOGICAL AA,BB,LCCMPJ f LCOMPK INTEGER A, B,P,Q, INTSIZ, M(l ) EQUIVALENCE ( A A f A) , ( BB, B ) , ( MCOMPJ ,LC0MP J ) , ( MCOMPK , LCOMPK ) CATA J/0/ N*(2**(INTSIZ-l)-l)*2«-l J=J + 1 IF(J.GT.P) J=l K = J+Q IF(K.GT.P) K = K-P MCOMPjsN-M J) MCOMPK =N-M(K) A=M(K) B=M(J) BB = L CO MP J. AND. A A. OR. LCOMPK. AND. BB M( J)=B P.AND = FLOAT(M( J) |/FLOAT(N) RETURN END Figure 1. FORTRAN Implementation of GFSR Pseudorandom Number Generator -5- This particular coding has been certified for l) IBM 360 , 2) Sperry-Rand 1108. 3) Control Data Corporation .6h00 , and k) Hewlett-Packard 2116 computers. The first five GFSR pseudorandom numbers for each of these machines is given in Figure 2. Validity of coding any implementation can be checked against these values. 0.36963295936584470 0.40631365776062010 0.42877840995788570 0.47411382198333740 0.95315784215927120 (a) 0.36963297000000000 0.40631372000000000 0.42877845000000000 0.47411389000000000 0.95315778000000000 (b) 0.36963297409225149 0.40631371808778027 0.42877845193692465 0.47411388879095284 0.95315778681866803 (c) 0.36964017152786255 0.40632343292236328 0.42878508567810059 0.47410506010055542 0.95318460464477539 (d) Figure 2. The First Five Normalized Pseudorandom Numbers From GFSR: x 9 ° + x +1, delayed column=9o00, produced on the ft) IBM 360, b) SRU 1108, c) CDC 6k00 , and d) HP 2116 computers. -6- h. CONCLUSIONS The heretofore unachievable feat of essentially duplicating the same probabilistic simulation on any model computer using the fast, general* multidimensional GFSR pseudorandom number generator is now possible. REFERENCE [l] Lewis, T. G. and Payne, W. H. , "Generalized Feedback Shift Register Pseudorandom Number Algorithm" Journal of the ACM (to appear about August 1973) . -7- APPENDIX A Method ¥ Q Let X + X + 1 "be a primitive trinomial modulo 2 such that Q < P/2. Binary digits, a. , obey the recurrence a = a € a . The J? Q companion matrix for polynomial X + X + 1 is of the form thus , A = 1 ... 1 1 1 All zeros except a 1 in the Q-th column A x V. = l 10 10 a. i a i+l Vi i+1 = V2 = a i+2 a i+Q — a i+P-l a. <8a. i i+Q a i+P = V i+1 For this initialization application, let a_ - a. =. . .= a_ . = 1. Next form V = A x V n . Set V = U , and with V, form a N x 2 dimensioned matri: d 1 d such that V is the first column while V, is the second column: that is U d U 2 = V 1 x[l 0] + V d x[0 1] Form U = U n x[l 0] + A x U Q x 10 1 Continue this process. Matrix U„ will be a P x N matrix -with each of its columns of the form V_ , V,, V_ ...... ,V/. T ,\ ... Numerical values in the 0' d 2d (N-ljd table presented in this paper were to be both in octal and hexadecimal so a value of N , a multiple of 3 and k 3 was selected. Here d = 100 x P = 9800 and N = 2k. The first N bits of table M were the rows of matrix U, T . N Let U be the matrix of the second N bits. Clearly these are easily obtained from dN U N,2 = A XU N For statistical reasons, the generator was cycled another 5000 P times. Order of these operations does not affect the final result so II T was cycled 5000 P times before calculation of U . a 9 d -9- C GFSR PSEUDORANDOM NUMBER ALGORITHM INITIALIZATION TO 98 BITS. INTEGEP M<98,5) INTEGER ONE, DELAY, P,Q P*98 0=27 N = 24 DELAY=100*P 0NE=2**(N-1) DO I 1=1, P 1 M(I,1)=0NE DO 2 J = 1,N DO 3 K=l, DELAY 3 X=IXOP