Ill 'Mill ■ |aUbuji">'j«i| LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAICN 510. 84 IjM- Cop. Z I he person charging this material is re- sponsible for its return to the library from which it was withdrawn on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Theft, mutilation, and underlining of books are reasons for disciplinary action and may result in dismissal from the University. UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN \3 L161 — O-1096 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 w Report No. UIUCDCS-R-76-798 THE PRECOMPILER COMPONENT OF A DATA BASE DICTIONARY SYSTEM by MICHAEL JASON HUGGINS May 1976 Report No. UIUCDCS-R-76-798 THE PRECOMPILER COMPONENT OF A DATA BASE DICTIONARY SYSTEM BY MICHAEL JASON HUGGINS May 1976 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Urbana, Illinois 61801 * Submit ted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science in the Graduate College of the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. m ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to thank Professor H. G. Friedman and R. L. Mann for their advice and help in the preparation of this thesis, IV TABLE OF CONTENTS INTRODUCTION 1 PART I. PRECOMPILER FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION Chapter I. FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW 4 II. PRECOMPILER STATEMENTS 8 III. PL/ 1 SOURCE OUTPUT 15 IV. THE COMMUNICATION MODULE 19 V. SUMMARY 23 PART II. PRECOMPILER INTERNALS AND THE OPERATING ENVIRONMENT VI. LEXICAL ANALYSIS 26 VII. SYNTACTIC AND SEMANTIC ANALYSIS 29 VIII. INTERNAL STRUCTURES 34 IX. PRECOMPILER OPTIONS 39 X. PRECOMPILER OPERATING ENVIRONMENT 41 XI. TESTING AND VERIFICATION 43 APPENDIX 44 REFERENCES 73 LIST OF TABLES Table Page 1. FIXED LENGTH AREA IN COMMUNICATION MODULE .... 20 2. DATA BASE ENTRY IN COMMUNICATION MODULE 21 3. SEGMENT ENTRY IN COMMUNICATION MODULE 21 4. FIELD ENTRY IN COMMUNICATION MODULE 22 5. LEXICAL CLASS ASSIGNMENTS 26 6. INTERNAL HEADER RECORD 35 7. INTERNAL DATA BASE RECORD 36 8. INTERNAL SEGMENT RECORD 37 9. INTERNAL FIELD RECORD 38 10. PRECOMPILER OPTIONS 40 11. INPUT AND OUTPUT FILES 42 12. SYSTEM NODE 54 13. PROGRAM NODE 55 14. DATA BASE NODE 56 15. SEGMENT NODE 57 16. FIELD NODE 59 17. SYSTEM/PROGRAM EDGE 60 18. PROGRAM/DATA BASE EDGE-FIRST PCB ENTRY 61 19. ADDITIONAL PCB ENTRIES 62 20. SENSEG EDGE ENTRY 63 21. DATA BASE/SEGMENT EDGE 64 22. SEGMENT/FIELD EDGE 66 VI LIST OF TABLES—Continued Table Page 23. SAMPLE HOJ RECORD 67 24. RANDOMIZING MODULE HOJ DATA 68 25. EDIT/VERIFICATION HOJ DATA 68 26. XDFIELD HOJ DATA 69 27. DATA SET GROUP HOJ DATA 70 28. LOGICAL CHILD HOJ DATA 71 29. LAT RECORD 72 VI 1 LIST OF FIGURES Figure Page A. PCB declarative 10 B. Data base declarative 11 C. Segment declarative 12 D. Field declarative 13 E. Segment manipulation 14 F. Nonsegment manipulation 14 G. PCB, data base, and segment sample output 16 H. Data manipulation sample output 18 I. Lexical analysis 28 J. Model syntax table 30 K. Data manipulation syntax automaton 33 L. Logical view of dictionary system 48 M. Example of segment-field edge 49 N. Logical view of HOJ table 50 0. Logical view of LAT table 51 INTRODUCTION With the advent of large, general purpose data base systems [1], several desirable information processing theories have now been implemented. These include advances in the areas of data independence, data sharing, data security, and control. While facilities to take advantage of these concepts have been implemented to varying degrees, much of the control needed to administer their use is not inherent in the data base software itself. To meet this need, the role of data base administration has emerged [2], While data base administration is finding its place in data processing structures, much work is being done to provide it with the tools needed to manage and control the data. The greatest need is in the area of data dictionaries. A data dictionary is a collection of data about data [3]. A complete description of a particular installation's data base en- vironment would be contained within the data dictionary. The use of a dictionary provides a large measure of control and documentation which allows data sharing and security to be used and monitored. The real drawback is that the dictionary, while an excellent source of informa- tion and an aid in communicating with the data base software, does not actually control the access to the data. If the dictionary were the source of information controlling the actual interface between a program and the data it wished to process, then a real level of data independence and security could be provided, and many additional services could be made available. To this end the Data Base Dictionary System described in Appendix A was designed. This project is a sample implementation of one subsystem of the Data Base Dictionary System, the precompiler. IBM's Information Management System [4] (IMS) is used here as the target Data Base Man- agement System (DBMS) because it is general purpose and is currently in use by many installations. The precompiler is an extension to PL/I and is used to generate IMS application programs. In addition to sim- plified programming, the goals of the precompiler are to implement the various features offered by the Data Base Dictionary System de- scribed in Appendix A. Until such time when data dictionaries, data base software and compilers are closely associated and more fully integrated, a precompiler can be most useful in bridging the gap be- tween these separate systems and providing the needed support to the application programmer. PART I PRECOMPILER FUNCTIONAL DESCRIPTION CHAPTER I FUNCTIONAL OVERVIEW The function of this precompiler is to take as input an application program written in PL/I with the addition of certain precom- piler statements and generate a complete PL/I source program along with an interface module for use by the execution monitor. In this role, the precompiler serves not only as a programming aid but also as the first level of security and control in the Data Base Dictionary System environment. The precompiler statements fall into two categories, declar- atives and data manipulation statements. The declaratives allow for the declaration of Program Control Blocks [5] (PCB), data bases, and logical segments for which the appropriate PL/I DECLARE statements are generated. In addition to these declaratives there are a set of precom- piler statements used to communicate requests to the execution monitor. These data manipulation statements generate PL/I source code which includes a CALL to RNPTDLI, the execution monitor. The concept of the logical segment is essential to many of the features that the dictionary system offers. In effect, it is the logical segment approach that allows for field level independence not inherent in IMS. The major concepts surrounding the logical segment are as follows: 1. Any field may be included in the logical segment as long as it is contained in the real or source segment. That is, a logical segment is a subset of its source segment. 2. A field may be requested in any scale, base or precision. Conversion will be accomplished by the execution monitor based on information from the dictionary and the commu- nication module. 3. Field position within the logical segment is totally independent of its real location within the source segment. Again the execution monitor performs the necessary mapping at run-time. 4. A program may update a subset of a real segment without affecting fields in the source segment that it is not sensitive to. The logical segment approach allows for run-time binding. The execution monitor establishes the mappings and conversions necessary to give the program the data it requests. With the precompiler and execution monitor functioning together in this manner, true data independence is achieved. As long as the data fields requested remain in the source segment, all other rearrangements and format changes are transparent to the program and do not require a recompile or relink edit. The precompiler checks security at several levels. Because this precompilation is the first security check and therefore a re- quirement, a method has been devised to ensure that a program executing in the Data Base Dictionary System environment has been processed by the precompiler. As the program is processed, the following is ensured: 1. The program is described to the dictionary system and is written in PL/ I. 2. The data bases requested are in the system indicated. If the system is password protected, then the password is given by the program. 3. The program is allowed to access each data base it requests. 4. The program is sensitive to the segments it requests and update access is allowed if attempted. 5. The program is allowed the type of access requested to each field within the logical segments defined. In the area of simplified programming, several precompiler features make the task of creating a complete application program easier. The PCB mask, a moderately large structure, is generated for each PCB declared in the program. On the precompiler statements themselves, several options are inferred if not explicitly stated. If the program wishes to process a segment exactly as it is in the data base, then the precompiler will generate the appropriate structure to map the requested segment without program concern for the declaration of all the associated fields. The data manipulation specifications expand into the necessary source statements including the CALL to interface with the execution monitor and IMS. In addition to these "shorthand" techniques, a programmer using the dictionary system need not worry as much about data editing, segment characteristics, and data conversion. This means that he can concentrate on the function to be performed. While allowing the pro- grammer to accomplish his task more efficiently, the precompiler as a part of the dictionary system adds a real measure of data independence and control to a processing environment. 8 CHAPTER II PRECOMPILER STATEMENTS Precompiler statement syntax is similar to PL/ I in that it is keyword oriented. Data associated with a keyword is enclosed in parenthesis following that word. A set of related keywords is ex- pressed as a precompiler statement. The semicolon is used as the statement terminator. The period immediately followed by either "DECLARE" or one of the IMS function abbreviations [5] signals the be- ginning of a precompiler statement. Within the context of a statement, the keywords are treated as reserved words and therefore cannot be used as user symbols. These reserved words are: ASIS, BASED, BIN, CHAR, DATABASE, DEC, FIELDS, FIXED, FLOAT, KEYFDBKLEN, NAME, PCB, PROCOPT, SEGMENT, SOURCE, SSA, SYSTEM, and WITH. Syntax conventions are again much like those of PL/I. The precompiler is blank transparent, that is, any number of consecutive blanks are treated only as a token separator. Except as a token sep- arator, card boundaries and comments are also transparent. Quoted strings are treated as one token regardless of their content. The precompiler scans the input program looking for one of its statements. When one is found, it is processed token by token until the semicolon is found. If an error is detected, the remainder of the statement in error is skipped. When the precompiler has fin- ished parsing one of its statements, scanning continues until another is found or end of file is reached. Each precompiler statement must begin a PL/I statement, or in the case of data manipulation requests, be the only entry in a THEN or ELSE clause of an IF statement. There are three types of declarative statements and twelve data manipulation statements. Each declarative must begin with the token ".DECLARE". Data manipulation statements also begin with a period immediately preceding one of the following IMS function abbreviations [5]: GU, GN, GNP, GHU, GHN, GHNP, ISRT, DLET, REPL, SNAP, CHKP, LOG. A detailed definition of the syntax of each precompiler statement and the semantic action taken in each case is shown in Figures A through F. In all cases the keywords may appear in any order but only once per statement. The notation conventions used in these figures to describe the syntax are as follows: 1. Nonterminals are enclosed in braces and explained below each use. 2. Items enclosed in plain brackets are optional. 3. Items enclosed in brackets followed by a superscript "+" are optional and may be repeated any number of times. 4. Parentheses are terminals and must be included where indicated. 5. The bar separates a list from which one and only one item must be chosen. 6. User variables, passwords, and SSA names follow standard PL/I conventions for symbol formation. 10 SYNTAX: .DECLARE PCB NAME () BASED () KEYFDBKLEN () ; where is a user variable is an unsigned decimal integer SEMANTIC ACTION: 1. establish this as the current PCB 2. allocate an internal PCB entry and save the pertinent information 3. output the PL/I structure to map this PCB ERROR CONDITIONS: 1 . invalid syntax 2. PCB already known Fig. A.--PCB declarative 11 SYNTAX: .DECLARE DATABASE NAME () SYSTEM ([,]) [PCB ()]; where is a user variable is the password associated with the system SEMANTIC ACTION: 1. associate the data base with the indicated PCB, or if the PCB is not specified, with the current PCB 2. verify data with dictionary 3. if PCB is specified, make it the current PCB ERROR CONDITIONS: 1. invalid syntax 2. data base not known to the dictionary 3. program not allowed to access this data base 4. system not known to the dictionary, or if passworded, the password given does not match 5. PCB not known, or if no PCB specified, no current PCB 6. PCB already associated with a data base Fig. B.--Data base declarative 12 SYNTAX: .DECLARE SEGMENT NAME () [ASIS] [PCB ()] [SOURCE ()] [PROCOPT ()] + [WITH] FIELDS [ ,] ]; where is a user variable is a valid IMS processing option [5] is defined in Figure D note all keywords must precede the field declaratives, if any SEMANTIC ACTION: 1. allocate an internal segment entry and save the pertinent information 2. identify the source segment, either explicitly or implicitly 3. if PCB is specified, establish it as the current PCB 4. if ASIS is specified, generate the field entries for this segment as it is defined to the dictionary 5. check security, i.e. the program's access to this segment 6. output the PL/I structure to map this segment ERROR CONDITIONS: 1 . invalid syntax 2. source segment not known to the dictionary 3. logical segment already declared 4. invalid processing option 5. PCB not known, or if no PCB is specified, no current PCB 6. source segment not in data base 7. program not allowed access to this segment 8. in the ASIS case, the program is not allowed to access one or more fields in the source segment Fig. C. --Segment declarative 13 SYNTAX: CHAR | DEC | BIN | ZONED (L,]) [FIXED| FLOATJ where is a user type symbol which is a field name an unsigned integer representing the total field length an unsigned integer representing the number of decimal places SEMANTIC ACTION: 1. allocate an internal field entry and save the pertinent information 2. check security 3. include this field in the structure mapping the current segment 4. keep track of maximum segment size ERROR CONDITIONS: 1 . invalid syntax 2. invalid scale, base or precision combination 3. field not known to the dictionary 4. program not allowed the requested level of access to the field 5. field is not in the source segment being defined Fig. D. --Field declarative 14 SYNTAX: . [SSA (],] )J; where is either GU, GN, GNP, GHU, GHN, GHNP, ISRT, DLET or REPL is a user type symbol which is a segment name is a user variable SEMANTIC ACTION: 1. output CALL and preliminary set up statements 2. keep track of the maximum number of SSAs in any one call ERROR CONDITIONS: 1 . invalid syntax 2. segment not known 3. invalid use of segment Fig. E. --Segment manipulation SYNTAX: . PCB () ; where is either SNAP, CHKP or LOG is a user variable is a user variable SEMANTIC ACTION: 1. output CALL and preliminary set up statements ERROR CONDITIONS: 1 . invalid syntax 2. PCB is not known Fig. F.--Nonsegment manipulation 15 CHAPTER III PL/I SOURCE OUTPUT The source code produced is a complete PL/I program ready to be compiled. All the precompiler statements are included in it as comments, followed by the appropriate generated code. The expanded code can take at least forty-five characters per line. If the margin length as defined by the compiler option MARGINS is not at least forty- five characters, then precompilation is abandoned. The ".DECLARE PCB" statement is expanded into the PCB mask necessary to map the control blocks passed to each program by IMS. A detailed description of each element in the structure can be found in [5]. Figure G shows the precompiler statement converted to a comment followed by the expanded PCB mask. The ".DECLARE DATABASE" statement does not result in any PL/I code but is included as a comment as also illustrated in Figure G. The ".DECLARE SEGMENT" precompiler statement is expanded into an unaligned structure that maps the logical segment as defined in the program or the real segment if the ASIS option is taken. Figure G shows how the precompiler statement is turned into a comment and fol- lowed by the appropriate structure for use as an I/O area. The data manipulation precompiler statements are treated much the same as the declaratives. They are included as a comment within the generated program, followed by the necessary PL/I source code to 16 SAMPDATA: PROCEDURE OPTIONS(MA DECLARE REGULAR-DATA CHAR(9 SUMEBITS BIT(5); .DECLARE PC6 NAMt(PCBONE) B ******************************* DCL PTR1 POINTER; DCL 1 PCBONE BASED(PTRl) 5 DbD_N4ME CHAR(8) 5 SEG_LEVEL CHAR(2 5 STATU5_CODE CHAR 5 P^OC_OPTIOf!S CHA 5 KESDLI FI ; ******** DATA) SY ******** ******** Gl) SOUR .DECLARE* ), ***************** 1) KEYFDBKLEN(6) ; ***************** ************* ************* ***************** STEM(SAMPDATA,TST ***************** ***************** CE(SAMPSEG) PCB(P ************* PSWD) ; ************* ************* CBONE) 10,3), 31), 6); ************************************** 9V9T* , ( 10,3), (31), (6); BIN(31) ; SOMEBITS = '01010'B; END SAMPDATA; CO OG 00 **00 00 */00 00 00 00 00 OG 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 **oo 00 */00 00 **00 CO 00 00 00 00 OG 00 */00 00 00 00 OG CO 00 00 00 00 00 00 000010 000020 000030 000031 000032 000033 000034 000035 000036 000037 000038 000039 000040 000041 000042 000043 000044 000045 000046 000047 000048 000050 000051 000060 C00070 000080 000090 000100 000110 000111 000112 000113 000114 000115 000116 000117 000118 000119 000120 000121 C00130 000140 Fig. G.--PCB, data base, and segment sample output 17 interface with the execution monitor. If the precompiler request is coded as the only entry in an IF-THEN or IF-ELSE clause, then a DO group is created containing the generated code. This maintains the intended program structure. Figure H shows how the data manipulation statements are handled. The code produced sets a variable to the proper number of parameters in the CALL to follow and finally invokes the execution moni- tor with the proper parameters. The two variables FUNCTION and PARMCOUNT are declared and maintained by the precompiler and therefore do not re- quire programmer concern. Standard IMS Segment Search Arguments (SSA) [5] are used and when included in a precompiler request statement, are passed to IMS by the execution monitor. 18 SAMPDATA: PROCEDURE OPTI ONS ( MAI N ) ; OO0O0O1O DECLARE S5A1 CHAk(8) INI T ( ' SGEFPAMS* ) , 00000020 SSA2 CHAR(b) INIT( 'SGEFPANMM , C0000030 LOGRECORD CHARI12); • 00000040 /**********************************************************************0OOOOO41 •DECLARE PCb NAME(PCSONE) BASED(PTRl) KEYFDDKLEN( 8 ) ; 00000042 *************** *******************************************************/000 00043 DCL PTR1 POINTER; 00000044 DCL 1 PCBONE BA$ED(PTR1), 00000045 5 PBU_NAM£ CHAR(8), OOCG0046 5 SEG.LEVEL CHAR(2)t 00C00047 5 STATUS.CUDE CHAK(2), 00000048 5 PRGC.OPTIONS CHAR(4), 00000049 5 RESDLI FIXED UIN(31), 0C000050 5 SEG_NAME CHAR(8), 00000051 5 LtN.KFDBK FIXED BIN(31), 00000052 5 NUM.SENSEGS FIXED BIN(31), 00000013 5 KEY_FUBK_AREA CHAR(8); 00000054 00000055 /********************************************************************* *OOC00056 .DECLARE DATABASE NAME ( SAMPDATA) SYSTEM( SAMPDATA , TSTP5WD ) ; 00000057 **********************************************************************/00000058 00000060 /**********************************************************************O0C00061 .DECLARE SEGMENT NAME ( L0GSEG1 ) SOURCE ( SAMPSEG ) PCB(PCBONE) 00000070 PROCOPT(A) WITH FIELDS 00000080 SAMPFLD FIXED DEC(6,3); 00000081 ********************************* ****** *******************************/oo000082 DCL 1 L0GSEG1 UNALIGNED, 00000083 5 SAMPFLD FIXED DEC (6,3); 00C00084 DCL FUNCTION CHAR(4), C0000085 PARMCOUiMT FIXED BIN131); 00000086 00000090 /**** PROCESSING FOLLOWS ****/ 00000100 LOGRECORD = 'SAMPLE LOG 1 ; 00000110 /**** SEGMENT MANIPULATION STATEMENT FOLLOWS ****/ 000G0120 /**************************** A *****************************************00C00121 .GU L0GSEG1 SSA(SSAl,SSA2) ; 00000122 **********************************************************************/0C 000123 FUNCTION = 'GU • ; PARMCOUNT =3+2; 00000124 CALL RNPTDLI (PARMCOUNT, 00000125 FUNCTION, 00000126 PCBONE, 00000127 L0GSEG1, 00000128 SSA1, 00000129 SSA2); 00000130 00C00131 /**** NON-SEGMENT MANIPULATI ON STATEMENT FOLLOWS ****/ 00000140 /**************************#*******************************************00 000141 .LOG LOGRECORD PCB(PCBONE); 00000142 **********************************************************************/0G000143 FUNCTION = 'LOG • ; PARMCOUNT = 3 ; 00000144 CALL RNPTDLI (PARMCOUNT, 00GO0145 FUNCTION, 000C0146 PCBONE, 0C000147 LOGRECORD); 00000148 00000150 END SAMPDATA; 00000160 Fig. H.--Data manipulation sample output 19 CHAPTER IV THE COMMUNICATION MODULE After the input program has been processed, a communication section in the form of an object module is produced. This module con- tains both executable code and a tabular description of each data base, each logical segment, and each field declared within the program. The application program object module produced by the regular PL/I com- piler is linked with this module to become the complete executable ap- plication program. At run time, the execution monitor will load the application program and modify some code within the communication module to allow it to be the entry point to which IMS will transfer control. In addition, some address references will be linked such that the ap- plication program can communicate with the execution monitor. With the description of the program's data requirements contained within the communication module, and the actual segment descriptions from the dictionary, the execution monitor is able to determine the necessary mappings and data conversions. The tabular section of the communication module is composed of three subsections: the data base section, the segment section, and the field section. The data base section contains one entry for each data base declared within the program. Similarly, the segment and field sections contain one entry for each segment or field respectively. These three subsections are preceded by a fixed length area containing 20 the executable code and some control information. The layout of each subsection is described in the following tables. TABLE 1 FIXED LENGTH AREA IN COMMUNICATION MODULE Decimal Dis- Field placement Size Data Format Content 108 Code Executable code which contains the program entry point (RNPENTRY) and the interface point (RNPTDLI) back to the execution monitor 108 2 Binary The maximum number of SSA's used in any CALL to RNPTDLI within the program 110 2 Binary The CSECT size less the 114 bytes in the fixed length area, but at least as large as the largest segment 112 2 Binary The number of data bases declared in the program 21 TABLE 2 DATA BASE ENTRY IN COMMUNICATION MODULE Decimal Dis- Field placement Size Data Format Content 8 10 8 2 Character Binary Binary The data base name The number of segments in the data base The offset to the first segment entry for the segments in this data base relative to the beginning of this entry TABLE 3 SEGMENT ENTRY IN COMMUNICATION MODULE Decimal Dis- Field Data Format Content placement Size 8 Character The logical segment name used in the pro- gram for this segment 8 8 Character The real segment which is the source for this logical segment 16 2 Binary The number of fields in this segment 18 2 Binary The offset to the first field entry for the fields in this segment relative to the beginning of this entry 22 TABLE 4 FIELD ENTRY IN COMMUNICATION MODULE Decimal Dis- Field Data Format Content placement Size 8 Character Field name 8 2 Binary The field len gth in bytes minus one 10 1 Bit string An indication the data type field. Possi Bit 0=1 Bit 1=1 Bit 2=1 Bit 3=1 Bit 4=1 Bit 5=1 Bit 6=1 Bit 7=1 Bits 0-7 as to of this ble codes: FLOAT FIXED CHAR PACKED ZONED /SX /CK XDFIELD = 1 HEX 11 1 Binary Field scale factor 12 2 Binary Field position as an offset into 1 ogical segment 23 CHAPTER V SUMMARY The precompiler subsystem of the Data Base Dictionary System can be briefly summarized as follows. As an extension to PL/I it allows several features of the Data Base Dictionary System to be implemented. Since programs are processed before they are actually compiled and the dictionary is available at this precompile time, security and access control is enforced and programming simplification is provided for. Using a set of precompiler statements, a program declares its intentions regarding what data and how that data is to be processed. Authority and continuity is checked. Requests for data are coded using another set of precompiler statements. The concept of the logical segment is perhaps the most important technique employed. A logical segment is a subset of a real segment of data as defined to IMS. Any of the data elements within the source segment may be requested in any order and in any format. Conversions and mappings will be done by the execution monitor. Chapter I examines the advantages of this approach. Physically then, the precompiler reads in a program which in- cludes the special statements, processes the program accessing the dic- tionary as needed, and optionally produces a listing of the input, a listing of the expanded program produced, the expanded program for input to the PL/I compiler, the expanded program for punching, a 24 communication module for interface with the execution monitor, and always a burst page and statistics. Chapter X gives a more detailed description of the processing options available. Although this precom- pilation process requires an extra step in the translation from source program to executable code, the benefits gained are worth the additional overhead. 25 PART II PRECOMPILER INTERNALS AND THE OPERATING ENVIRONMENT 26 CHAPTER VI LEXICAL ANALYSIS Lexical analysis may be defined as the scanning of the charac- ters in a source program from left to right isolating tokens or symbols, A scanner is used in this precompiler to perform lexical analysis as well as to determine the type of token isolated. When the syntactic and semantic routines invoke the scanner, the next token is found and its type made available. To perform the analysis, each character is translated into a lexical class as defined in Table 5. TABLE 5 LEXICAL CLASS ASSIGNMENTS Class Members Blanks Blanks Letters A thru Z and #, $, @ Underscore Quote Digits thru 9 Delimiters .+- = %&;(), :<>|-i Double ".DECLARE" or a . as previously defined Slash / Star * Bad Character Anything else While scanning the input program quoted strings are treated as a single token without regard to the characters within that string. 27 Except for terminating tokens, card boundaries and comments are ignored. Quoted strings, however, may extend onto multiple cards. When a token has been isolated, its class is determined by searching a table of possi- ble token types. If the token in hand is not in the table, then it is an "undefined" token and is so classed. The possible classes of token types are undefined tokens, numbers, strings, IMS functions, delimiters, and reserved words. For ease of reference, the scanner not only indicates which token class is isolated but also, when applicable, which IMS func- tion, delimiter or reserved word. If while scanning the program the end of the source is found, an indication of such is given by the scanner so that the syntactic routines can take appropriate action. Figure I shows a flow of the lexical analysis process. When the lexical analysis routine is invoked, processing starts at the "ENTER" node. Each "NEXT CHAR" box represents moving to the character at the right of the current position. From each box extends one or more flow lines indicating the action taken based on the particular lexical class of the current character. Some lines are followed for several classes. Those lines with no class indicated show action taken for lexical classes not explicitly covered by other lines. "RETURN" means that a token has been isolated and typed and control has passed to the invoking routine. The reader should recall that card boundaries do terminate tokens (except quoted strings) but are transparent otherwise. 28 BLANK STAR SLASH STAR J NEXT CHAR LETTER | DIGIT xl, N LETTER, DIGIT, or UNDERSCORE DIGIT DELIMITER QUOTE ^_i -QUOTE. QUOTE SLASH RETURN ^ Fig. I. --Lexical analysis 29 CHAPTER VII SYNTACTIC AND SEMANTIC ANALYSIS The syntactic analysis or parsing of the input source program is performed at two levels, the outermost of which performs two functions First, the source program is parsed until the program name is found. Since this is a PL/I program, its name should be the token preceding the first colon, i.e., the label on the first external procedure. Once the program name is found, the dictionary is checked to verify that the program is defined and that it is written in PL/I. As with IMS alone, programs must be defined before they can be used. If a discrepancy exists, an appropriate error message is produced and precompilation is abandoned. The second function performed is the search for a precompiler statement. Precompiler statements are divided into their two semantic classes. Once one of the tokens identifying a precompiler statement has been found, control is passed to one of two routines, one for the declar- ative and the other for the data manipulation statements. One of these two routines then performs the second level of syntactic analysis. The declarative routine initially ensures that the precompiler statement about to be parsed starts a new statement in the input program. Parsing then is accomplished by moving through a series of parse tables that are linked together in such a way that syntactical analysis and semantic processing are performed quite simply. Figure J shows the 30 NUMBER OF ENTRIES TOKEN VALUE -1 "T PROCESSING ROUTINE BAD SYNTAX ROUTINE NEXT TABLE NEXT TABLE Fig. J. --Model syntax table structure of these tables. After the initial table is established the parser repeats the following: 1. The lexical analysis routine is called to get the next token. 2. The current syntax table is searched for the entry that corresponds to the current token. 3. The indicated routine is called to take semantic action based on the token in hand. 4. The table indicated as the next table becomes the current table. This process is continued until a statement terminator, the semicolon, is found or the end of the input program is reached. The semantic 31 routines invoked process a particular keyword and its operands, if any. Processing includes accessing the dictionary for verification and security functions as well as maintenance of the internal structures. A full description of these structures is found in Chapter VIII of this document. When the outermost level of the syntactic parser finds a data manipulation statement, the second inner level routine is invoked. Since the semantic action required for this type of statement is much less than that required for declarative statements, a finite state automaton approach was used to parse them. This technique affords good syntax analysis while supporting the limited semantic processing required. No dictionary access is needed. If the request is a data base manipu- lation function then the I/O area given must be a logical segment that has been previously defined. If, however, the function is SNAP, CHKP or LOG then the PCB given must have been previously defined. Figure K graphically illustrates the nine state automaton and the movement through the states for different types of expected input. Parsing begins at START after the I/O area has been identified. If an unexpected token is found, then the processing of this statement is terminated. Four cases of missing right parentheses are shown with dotted lines. In these cases the missing token is assumed. While the outer level routine identifies the precompiler statements and invokes the appropriate second level routine, syntactic and semantic analysis continues until the end of the input program is 32 reached. When errors are detected error messages are produced and the remainder of the current statement is bypassed. 33 w on o +-> E o +J (T3 X > +-> Q. Q I I 05 34 CHAPTER VIII INTERNAL STRUCTURES A set of internal tables is created and maintained throughout the precompilation process. These tables contain the information nec- essary to verify the correctness of and the continuity between the entities declared by the program. In addition, they accumulate data used to generate the communication module. There are four table types. The first is a header record that contains counters and other static variables as well as the heads of the linked lists connecting the other tables types. The second, third and fourth table types represent each data base, segment, and field declared respectively. From the header record, all the data base table occurrences are linked on a list. All segment table occurrences are linked on a second list. Each data base table contains the head of a list of segment tables that represent the segments within that data base. In like manner, each segment table contains the head of a list of field tables for the fields contained within that segment. This network of interrelated tables is built from the precom- piler declarative statements and information from the dictionary. As each new statement is being processed, the current environment depicted by these internal tables is checked to see if the new entity fits in. If it does then the necessary tables are created and/or maintained. When processing the data manipulation statements, the tables are checked 35 to ensure the feasibility of the request in hand. When the entire input source program has been processed, the tables are used to create the communication module. It in turn is linked with the object module from the PL/I compiler to form the complete application program. The layout of each of the four internal records is shown in Tables 6 through 9. TABLE 6 INTERNAL HEADER RECORD Decimal Dis- Field Data Format Content placement 2 Binary Number of data bases declared 2 2 Binary Number of segments declared 4 Binary Number of fields declared 6 2 Binary Maximum number of SSAs used in any CALL statement 8 2 Binary The size of the largest segment 10 4 Pointer Head of the linked list of data base records 14 4 Pointer Head of the linked list Field Data Format Size 2 Binary 2 Binary 2 Binary 2 Binary of segment records 36 TABLE 7 INTERNAL DATA BASE RECORD Decimal Dis- placement Field Size Data Format Content 6 14 22 30 32 2 Binary The eventual location of the corresponding data base entry in the communication module 4 Pointer Link to next data base record 8 Character Data base name 8 Character System name 8 Character PCB name 2 Binary Number of segments in this data base 4 Pointer Pointer to first segment record for this data base 37 TABLE 8 INTERNAL SEGMENT RECORD Decimal Dis- placement Field Size Data Format Content 6 14 22 30 34 36 40 2 Binary The eventual location of the corresponding seg- ment entry in the communication module 4 Pointer The link to the next segment record from the header record 8 Character Logical segment name 8 Character Source segment name 8 Character PCB name 4 Character The PR0C0PT for this segment 2 Binary Number of fields in this segment 4 Pointer Link to next segment in its data base 4 Pointer Link to first field in this segment 38 TABLE 9 INTERNAL FIELD RECORD Decimal Dis- placement Field Size Data Format Content 6 14 16 18 20 22 2 Binary The eventual location of the corresponding field entry in the communication module 4 Pointer Link to the next field in its segment 8 Character Field name 2 Binary Field length minus one 2 Binary Total number of digits or characters in this field 2 Binary Offset to this field within the logical segment 2 Binary Number of decimal places for numeric fields 1 Bit Field type indicator 39 CHAPTER IX PRECOMPILER OPTIONS Run-time options are passed to the precompiler by means of a parameter string specified on the EXEC statement of the invoking JCL. Standard OS parameter conventions apply. Each option has a default, as indicated in Table 10; options may be specified in any order separated by commas. If an option appears more than once, the last specification (scanning left to right) is used. Each option keyword may be abbreviated with any number of characters up to its complete spelling. For the options which may be prefixed by "NO," abbreviations still apply with or without the prefix. A description of each option along with any unique specification rules is shown in Table 10. / 40 TABLE 10 PRECOMPILER OPTIONS Keyword Meaning DECK/NODECK GEN/NOGEN INSOURCE/NOINSOURCE LIST/NOLIST MARGINS(a,b,c) NUMBER/NONUMBER SEQUENCE(x,y) PL/ I code SYSLIN be written input file Default PL/I code SYSLIST. This option indicates whether a card image version of the PL/I code produced is to be written to file SYSPNCH for punching. Default is NODECK. This option indicates whether the produced is to be written to file and the communication CSECT is to to file SYSOUT. Default is GEN. This option indicates whether the is to be listed on file SYSPRINT. is NOINSOURCE. This option indicates whether the produced is to be listed on file Default is NOLIST. This option indicates the source margins applicable to the input. All values must be between and 80 inclusive. Only data within the source margin is processed. a - The left margin. Default is 2. b - The right margin. Default is 72. c - The carriage control character position, used when printing the insource. If 0, then single spacing is used. Default is 0. This option indicates whether the PL/ I code produced should be renumbered, starting with 10 and incrementing by 10 in the sequence area defined by the SEQUENCE option. Default is NONUMBER. This option indicates the position of the sequence field in the input record. x - The left margin of the sequence field. Default is 73. y - The right margin of the sequence field. Default is 80. 41 CHAPTER X PRECOMPILER OPERATING ENVIRONMENT The precompiler was written in PL/I and compiled using IBM's PL/I Optimizing Compiler. It is intended to be executed on IBM 370 hardware with access to the dictionary system of Appendix A. Five input files and five output files are used by the precompiler in its processing. Four of the input files are the dictionary's four data sets. These data sets are VSAM files and access to them is through special dictionary service modules. A full description of each of these four dictionary system files can be found in Appendix A. The following table describes the files used by the precompiler. Given are the in- ternal PL/I file names, the associated DDNAME and compiler options, the formats of each file with characteristics when different from the PL/I default, and the usage for each file. A set of PL/I preprocessor macros are used to generate the three VSAM control blocks within the precompiler program. These blocks are the Access-Method Control Block (ACB), the Request Parameter List (RPL), and the Exit List (EXLST). With these control blocks and an external assembler routine, the precompiler has full access to the NODE data set. Access to the LAT table, HOJ table and the EDGE data sets is through a set of I/O routines, one for each data set. These assembler routines are tailored for the type of requests that are made against their particular data set. All access to the other files used by the precompiler is through standard PL/ I I/O. 42 TABLE 11 INPUT AND OUTPUT FILES File Name DDNAME Compiler Option Format Usage SYSIN SYSIN N/A STREAM, INPUT The input source program to be precompiled SYSPRINT SYSPRINT INSOURCE PRINT, LINESIZE(130), VBA, LRECL(135), BLKSIZE(139) The listing file that contains the header page, insource listing and error messages SYSLIST SYSLIST LIST PRINT The listing of the output source pro- gram generated SYSLIN SYSLIN GEN RECORD, OUTPUT, FB, LRECL(80), BLKSIZE(1680) The output source program generated SYSPNCH SYSPUNCH DECK RECORD, OUTPUT, F, LRECL(80) The to-be-punched form of the source program generated SYSOUT SYSOUT N/A RECORD, OUTPUT, FB, LRECL(80), BLKSIZE(1680) The communication module in object form N/A LATTABLE N/A VSAM, ESDS The dictionary LAT data set N/A NODE N/A VSAM, KSDS The dictionary NODE data set N/A EDGE N/A VSAM, ESDS The dictionary EDGE data set N/A RNPDDHOJ N/A VSAM, ESDS The dictionary HOJ data set 43 CHAPTER XI TESTING AND VERIFICATION The data base precompiler was implemented in a structured, top down fashion. Therefore, by using "null" routines where routines were not yet implemented, each section being programmed could be tested. With this technique the parameter parsing section was written and tested first. Following that the lexical analysis section was programmed and tested, then the syntactic and semantic routines. Testing the semantic routines was the most difficult part. Since the Data Base Dictionary System described in Appendix A was not fully implemented, exhaustive system testing was impossible. A sample data definition language and dictionary maintenance subsystem was not developed at all. In light of this, only a small set of test data was loaded into test dictionary data sets to allow the precompiler to test its access and use of the dictionary. Although not a thorough test, this does show the feasibility of such a precompiler as part of a dic- tionary system. 44 APPENDIX A INTRODUCTION Appendix A is a description of the Data Base Dictionary Sys- tem. Section I gives an overview of VSAM, IBM's Virtual Storage Access Method. Only terminology and concepts necessary to the reader's under- standing of the following system description have been included. Section II is a system overview that discusses the dictionary itself as well as the role played by the precompiler and execution monitor. The third and final section gives detailed record layouts of the data records in each of the four data sets composing the dictionary. 45 SECTION I VSAM OVERVIEW Because our Data Base Dictionary System was implemented on IBM computing hardware, using IBM software for support, it was necessary to choose an access method from those available with current IBM operating systems. Our requirements were quite varied. In addition to direct access by pointer within and between data sets, we needed direct and sequential access by key value. VSAM (Virtual Storage Access Method) was chosen because it supported all our processing needs. The following is a short overview of VSAM and the terminology used when describing our use of it. VSAM offers two types of data sets, key-sequenced data sets (KSDS) and entry-sequenced data sets (ESDS). The primary difference be- tween the two is the order in which records are stored within them. In a KSDS the records are stored in sequence by the value of a specified key field from each record. Sequential and direct access is possible via this key field. In an ESDS, records are stored without regard to data within the records. The sequence of an ESDS is determined by the order in which records were stored. Physical sequential access is allowed as well as direct access by relative byte within the data set. Both ESDS and KSDS are actually stored and retrieved in units called control intervals. The total space of a data set is considered to be divided into a continuous set of these control intervals; hence 46 a data record stored within a control interval can be addressed by its Relative Byte Address (RBA), i.e., offset, in bytes, from the beginning of the data set. We have used these RBA's for our direct pointer imple- mentation both within a data set and between data sets. A complete description of the VSAM access method can be found in appropriate IBM documentation and publications [6]. 47 SECTION II SYSTEM OVERVIEW The Data Base Dictionary System was designed to be an adminis- trative aid as well as the source of information used to allow and con- trol access to data in a particular environment. Five different levels of data are recognized as separate entities by the dictionary. These entities are: fields, segments, data bases, programs, and systems. For each of these entities the dictionary maintains information on its characteristics, usage and relationship with other entities. Each entity type is represented as a node in the graphical diagram of the dictionary system (Figure L), and the five nodes have been labeled Nl through N5. All node data, however, is kept in one VSAM key-sequenced data set (KSDS). In addition to the static information about each entity, inter- node relationships are maintained to build levels of data, that is, several fields make up a segment, several segments make up a data base, several data bases may be used by one program, and several programs may belong to one system. Certain types of information have meaning only as they relate one entity to another; for example, a field's location is significant only as that field relates to a particular segment. This type of relational information is called "edge" data. The four different types of edge data are represented in Figure L by the labels El through E4, and are stored in a VSAM entry-sequenced data set (ESDS). An example 48 Data "Bases rocjrams Stj-yleinn - Pv-oorara £] T>aU "Base Sustems Dab "Base- Seq meats Secjmervt Fig. L.— Logical view of dictionary system 49 showing how the segment-field edge data exists is given in Figure M. A segment points into the edge data set to the head of a linked list connecting all the edge entries for all the fields in that segment. In like manner, a field points into the edge data set to the head of a list linking all occurrences of that field in the several segments in which it might exist. Each edge entry points to both of the node en- tries it relates. ■free list head Segment A Reld I si I fields ui Segment A. -—all occuv-Tonces of hold I Fig. M. --Example of segment-field edge Infrequently needed or variable-length information for any of the nodes or edges is kept in the HOJ table; this is a VSAM ESDS. This device was chosen to improve efficiency from both the storage and the 50 processing point of view. The HOJ table allows the data sets containing all of the information pertinent to the node or edge to consist of fixed- length records. Figure N gives a representational view of the HOJ table. A variable number of fixed-length records make up one entry of information. These records are linked, and the node or edge entry referencing the information in the HOJ table contains a pointer to the head of this list. pointers •from MODE EDGE -c- free list head Fig. N. --Logical view of HOJ table The dictionary uses relative byte addresses (RBA) as direct pointers from one entry to another, the latter being either in the same 51 data set as the former or in one of the other three data sets composing the dictionary. In VSAM KSDK's the RBA of existing records can change as records are added, changed, or deleted. In order to minimize the effect of this relocation of records in the node data set, an indirect pointer scheme is used. A separate data set, the LAT table, is used to implement these indirect pointers. Figure shows how a node, edge, or HOJ entry points into the LAT table, which in turn points at the target node entry. As RBA's change in the node data set, the corresponding LAT table entry is updated. With this technique, the many pointers that reference a particular entry can be maintained by updating only one indirect pointer. Node F.clcje Hoj Node Fig. 0. --Logical view of LAT table In order to offer control and several other features, the dic- tionary system has two major subsystems. These are a PL/I precompiler and an execution monitor. Both of these subsystems access the dictionary 52 data for the information needed to provide various services outlined below. 1. Security enforcement to the field level. 2. A shorthand for some of the control blocks and call statements. 3. The definition of logical segments of data. 4. An interface module for communication with the execution monitor. The execution monitor acts as an interface between the appli- cation program and the data base software, thereby allowing several features not inherent in the data base software to be available. These include: 1. Translation between user defined logical segments and real data segments. 2. Data editing. 3. Data compression and "invisible" fields with default values. 4. Derivable fields. The concept of a logical segment defined by an application pro- gram proves useful in several ways. It first helps clean the users code by deleting filler fields in input/output data structures. It frees the user from being tied to data of specific characteristics, and finally, it allows a program to be desensitized to data at the field level. 53 SECTION III DETAILED DESCRIPTION OF THE DICTIONARY DATA SETS This section provides a detailed record layout of the entire Data Base Dictionary System. As discussed above, the system comprises four separate data sets linked by RBA pointers: the node, edge, LAT, and HOJ data sets. NODE RECORDS The node data set is a VSAM/KSDS file whose key is composed of a one-byte type identifier and an eight-byte name, for a total key length of nine bytes. All node records are thirty-eight bytes long. The control interval size is 512 bytes. There are five different types of node records. The fields making up the various node records are explained below in Tables 12 through 16. 54 TABLE 12 SYSTEM NODE Decimal Dis- placement Field Size Data Format Content 1 9 12 15 18 27 8 3 Character Character Binary Binary Binary "Y" to identify system node System name RBA of LAT entry for this node record RBA of HOJ entry for the text string de- scribing this system RBA of the first system/ program edge entry for this system 8 Character Password for this syst 1 Binary System type, codes: Possible Bit 0=1 system Bit 1=1 trans- action Bit 2=1 job- stream 55 TABLE 13 PROGRAM NODE Decimal Dis- Field Data Format Content placement Size 1 Character "P" to identify program node 1 8 Character Program name 9 3 Binary RBA of LAT entry for this node record 12 3 Binary RBA of HOJ entry for the text string de- scribing this program 15 3 Binary RBA of the first system/ program edge entry for this program 18 3 Binary RBA of the first program/ data base edge entry for this program 21 3 Binary Program input/output area size 24 3 Binary Program segment search area size 27 1 Binary Program type. Possible codes: Bits 0-1=00 PL/I Bits 01 assembler 10 COBOL Bit 2 =0 CMPAT=N0 1 CMPAT=YES 28 3 Binary Maximum enqueue calls allowed at any one time 56 TABLE 14 DATA BASE NODE Decimal Dis- Field Data Format Content placement Size 1 Character "D" to identify data base node 1 8 Character Data base name 9 3 Binary RBA of LAT entry for this node record 12 3 Binary RBA of HOJ entry for text string describing this data base 15 3 Binary RBA of the first program/ data base edge entry for this data base 18 3 Binary RBA of the first data base/segment edge entry for this data base 21 3 Binary RBA of the shared secondary index head node LAT entry 24 3 Binary RBA of the LAT entry of the next shared secondary index data base node 27 1 Binary Data base type. Possible codes: Bit 0=1 HSAM Bit 1=1 SHSAM Bit 2=1 HISAM Bit 3=1 SHISAM Bit 4=1 HDAM Bit 5=1 HIDAM Bit 6=1 INDEX Bit 7=1 LOGICAL 28 1 Binary Physical access method. Possible codes: Bit 0=1 ISAM Bit 1=1 VSAM Bit 2=1 OSAM Bit 3=0 NOPROT 1 PROT 57 TABLE 14--Continued Decimal Dis- placement Field Size Data Format 29 3 Bina ry 32 3 Bina ry Content RBA of the HOJ entry de- scribing the randomizing module for this data base RBA of the first HOJ entry giving data set group information for this data base TABLE 15 SEGMENT NODE Decimal Dis- Field Data Format Content placement Size 1 Character "S" to identify system node 1 8 Character Segment name 9 3 Binary RBA of LAT entry for the record 12 3 Binary RBA of HOJ entry for the text string describing this segment 15 3 Binary RBA of the first data base/segment edge entry for this segment 18 3 Binary RBA of the first segment/ field edge for this segment 21 3 Binary RBA of the LAT entry for the physical source seg- ment for this segment 24 3 Binary RBA of the LAT entry for the physical sibling segment for this segment 58 TABLE 15— Continued Decimal Dis- Field Data Format Content placement Size 27 1 Binary Segment type. Possible codes: Bit 0=0 Non-com pressible 1 Compressible Bit 1 Indicates how the pointer segment par- ticipates in the concate- nated segment being defined =0 Physically = 1 Virtually Bit 2 Indicates how the segment pointed at participates in the con- catenated =0 =1 Bit 3=1 segment being defined Physically Virtually Key of segment being pointed at is stored in this seg- ment 28 2 Binary Maximum length of the segment 30 2 Binary Minimum length of the segment 32 3 Binary RBA of edg e entry for logical source segment 35 3 Binary RBA of edge entry for destination source segment 59 TABLE 16 FIELD NODE Decimal Dis- Field Data Format Content placement Size 1 Character "F" to identify field node 1 8 Character Field name 9 3 Binary RBA of LAT entry for this node record 12 3 Binary RBA of HOJ entry for the text string describing this field 15 3 Binary RBA of the first segment/ field edge for this field 18 3 Binary Pointer to field edit information in HOJ 21 3 Binary Indirect RBA of the generic parent field node for this field 24 3 Binary Indirect RBA of the next generic sibling field node for this field 27 1 Binary Field type. Possible codes: Bit 0=1 FLOAT Bit 1=1 FIXED Bit 2=1 CHAR Bit 3=1 PACKED Bit 4=1 ZONED Bit 5=1 /SX Bit 6=1 /CK Bit 7=1 XDFIELD Bits 0-7=1 HEX 28 2 Binary Field length 30 1 Binary Decimal places in this field 60 EDGE RECORDS The edge data set is a VSAM/ESDS file whose records contain thirty-eight bytes of data within control intervals of 512 bytes each. All access is by direct RBA to the desired record. Initially this data set is completely filled and all the records are linked on a "free list" from which records are made available as they are needed. The different record types and the fields that comprise them are described in Tables 17 through 22 below. TABLE 17 SYSTEM/PROGRAM EDGE Content Decimal Dis- Field Data Format placement Size 3 Binary 3 3 Binary 6 3 Binary RBA of the next system/ program edge for this system RBA of the next system/ program edge for this program RBA of the LAT entry for the system node partici- pating in this relation- ship Binary RBA of the LAT entry for the program node partici- pating in this relation- ship 61 TABLE 18 PROGRAM/DATA BASE EDGE-FIRST PCB ENTRY Decimal Dis- Field Data Format Content placement Size 3 Binary RBA of the next program/ data base edge for this program, i.e., next PCB for this program 3 3 Binary RBA of the next program/ data base edge for this data base 6 3 Binary RBA of the LAT entry for the program mode partici- pating in this relation- ship 9 3 Binary RBA of the LAT entry for the data base node par- ticipating in this relationship 12 1 Binary PCB type. Possible codes: Bit =0 single positioning 1 multiple positioning Bits 1-3=000 processing option G 001 processing option I 010 processing option R Oil processing option D 100 processing option A 101 processing option L Bit 4 =1 processing option E Bit 5 =1 processing option S 62 TABLE 18--Continued Decimal Dis- placement Field Size Data Format Content 13 15 2 Binary 3 Binary 18 28 36 10 8 3 Binary Binary Bit 6 =1 Bit 7 =1 processing option P processing option This is the length of the longest concatenated key in this PCB If a secondary processing sequence is used, this is the RBA of the LAT entry for the secondary index data base First SENSEG entry, see TABLE 20 Unused RBA of the next edge record for this PCB TABLE 19 ADDITIONAL PCB ENTRIES Decimal Dis- Fi eld Data Format placement Size 10 Binary 10 10 Binary 20 10 Binary 30 6 — 36 3 Binary Content A SENSEG entry, TABLE 20 A SENSEG entry, TABLE 20 A SENSEG entry, TABLE 20 Unused RBA of the next edge record for this PCB There will be one SENSEG for each sensitive segment in the PCB being described. The format of a SENSEG entry is shown in Table 20. 63 TABLE 20 SENSEG EDGE ENTRY Decimal Dis- Field Data Format Content placement Size 3 Binary RBA of data base/s egment edge for this sjeigment 3 3 Binary RBA of data base/segment edge for the paren t seg- ment of this segme nt in this hierarchy 6 1 Binary Processing options this segment. Bit Bits 1-3=000 001 010 011 100 101 Bit 4=1 5=1 6=1 7=1 for unused G I R D A L E S P K 64 TABLE 21 DATA BASE/SEGMENT EDGE Decimal Dis- Field Data Format Content placement Size 3 Binary RBA of the next : data base/segment edge for this data base 3 3 Binary RBA of the next data base/segment edge for this segment 6 3 Binary RBA of the LAT entry for the data base participating in this relationship 9 3 Binary RBA of the LAT entry for the segment participating in this relationship 12 1 Binary Pointers used: Bit 0=0 1 Bit 1=0 1 Bits 2-4=001 010 011 100 101 110 111 Bit 5=1 Bit 6=1 Bit 7=1 SNGL DBLE VIRTUAL PHYSICAL HIER HIERBWD TWIN TWINBWD NOTWIN LTWIN LTWINBWD LPARENT counter present paired 13 3 Binary RBA of the LAT entry for the parent of this seg- ment in this data base hierarchy 16 3 Binary RBA of the HOJ taining LCHILD this segment entry con- data for 19 3 Binary RBA of the HOJ entry for the data set group in which this segment belongs 65 TABLE 21 --Continued Decimal Dis- Field Data Format Content placement Size 22 3 Binary RBA of the HOJ entry containing the logical parent data, if applicable 25 4 Binary Frequency of occurrence of this segment in hundredths 29 1 Character The insert rule for this segment 30 1 Character The delete rule for this segment 31 1 Character The replace rule for this segment 32 1 Character The nonunique sequence where rule for this segment 66 TABLE 22 SEGMENT/FIELD EDGE Decimal Dis- Field Data Format Content placement Size 3 Binary RBA of the next segment/ field edge for this segment 3 3 Binary RBA of the next segment/ field edge for this field 6 3 Binary RBA of the LAT entry for the segment node partici- pating in this relation- ship 9 3 Binary RBA of the LAT entry for the field node partici- pating in this relation- ship 12 1 Binary Field type. Possible codes: Bits 0-1=10 unique key 13 16 19 21 24 25 26 3 Binary 3 Binary 2 Binary Binary 1 Binary 1 Binary 8 Character field 11 multiple- valued key field 00 not key field RBA of HOJ security records for this field RBA of HOJ XDFLD records, if applicable The relative field posi- tion of this field in this segment RBA of HOJ default value or derivable field data, if applicable Secondary index XDFLD constant value Secondary index NULLVAL value Name of secondary index exit routine 67 HOJ RECORDS The HOJ data set is a VSAM/ESDS file that is used as a secondary storage area for infrequently needed or variable-length data. The thirty-eight byte logical records are stored in 512 byte control intervals. All five of the node entities make use of the HOJ table as well as several of the edge entries. Textual descriptions, edit information, and default values are examples of the types of data stored in the HOJ table. Each logical record has room for thirty-four bytes of data and four bytes of control information. A free list, whose head is the first HOJ record, is maintained in order to link all unused records together. Table 23 below shows the layout of a HOJ record. TABLE 23 SAMPLE HOJ RECORD Decimal Dis- Field Data Format Content placement Size 1 Binary Length of data portion 1 3 Binary Next record RBA 4 34 Mixed Data (variable) The data portion of each HOJ record is different depending on the type of record. Much of the information kept here is used to generate IMS control blocks. [7] can be consulted as to the meaning of many of the fields. The different usages and layouts of the data portion of a HOJ entry, which may be more than one HOJ record, is shown in Tables 24-28. 68 TABLE 24 RANDOMIZING MODULE HOJ DATA Decimal Dis- Field Data Format Content placement Size 8 Character Module name 8 4 Binary Number of root anchor points 12 4 Binary Maximum relative block ■ number 16 4 Binary Maximum number of bytes of a data base record stored in the root addressable area TABLE 25 EDIT/VERIFICATION HOJ DATA Decimal Dis- placement Field Size Data Format Content Binary 1 3 Binary Type of verification. Possible codes: Bit 1=1 range of possible values 2=1 list of possible values Number of values The two values or the list of possible field values. The format and length match the field characteristics 69 TABLE 26 XDFIELD HOJ DATA Decimal Dis- Field Data Format Content placement Size 3 Binary RBA of source segment 3 3 Binary RBA of search field one 6 3 Binary RBA of search field two 9 3 Binary RBA of search field three 12 3 Binary RBA of search field four 15 3 Binary RBA of serach field five 18 3 Binary RBA one of subsequence field 21 3 Binary RBA two of subsequence field 24 3 Binary RBA of subsequence field three 27 3 Binary RBA of subsequence field four 30 3 Binary RBA of subsequence field five 33 3 Binary RBA of duplicate data fie' d one 36 3 Binary RBA of duplicate data fie' d two 39 3 Binary RBA of duplicate data fie' d three 42 3 Binary RBA of duplicate data fie' d 1 Four 45 3 Binary RBA of duplicate data fie' d five 70 TABLE 27 DATA SET GROUP HO J DATA Decimal Dis- Field Data Format 1 Content placement Size 6 Character Data set group name 6 8 Character DDNAME one 14 8 Character DDNAME two DDNAME or overflow 22 2 Binary Block factor one 24 2 Binary Block factor two 26 2 Binary Size/record length one 28 2 Binary Size/record length two 30 1 Binary Scan limit 31 1 Binary Free block factor frequency 32 1 Binary Free space factor percentage 33 1 Binary Model and < device type. Possible codes: Bit 0=1 2314 Bit 1=1 2305 Bit 2=1 2319 Bit 3=1 3330 Bit 4=1 3340 Bit 5=1 2400 Bit 6=1 3400 Bit 7=0 2305 model 1 or 3330 model 1 1 2305 model 2 or 3330 model 11 71 TABLE 28 LOGICAL CHILD HOJ DATA Decimal Dis- Field Data Format Content placement Size 3 Binary RBA of data base/segment edge for the logical child segment 3 1 Binary Pointer type. Possible codes: Bit 0=1 SNGL Bit 1=1 DBLE Bit 2=1 NONE Bit 3=1 INDX Bit 4=1 SYMB 4 3 Binary RBA of data base/segment edge for paired segment 7 3 Binary RBA of segment/field edge for the index field 10 1 Character Insert rules, either "F", "H", "L" In addition to the above uses of the HOJ records, there are three other uses that do not lend themselves to tabular description. They are textual descriptions, security records, and the default value/ derivable field records. In the textual records the character string description is packed into as few records as possible. Security records relate to a segment/field edge entry and are made up of a series of four byte entries. Each entry gives the RBA of a program node corresponding to a program that has access to the field and an indication as to the type of access. If the record is a default value entry, then it contains the default value of a field packed into as few HOJ records as possible. 72 For derivable fields, the module name and the RBA pointer to the argu- ments) passed to that module are stored. LAT RECORDS The LAT data set is a VSAM/ESDS file which has a record length of four bytes, containing only a type byte and the RBA of a node record. This allows modification of the placement of the node records without changing all pointers to these entries, since all pointers point through the LAT. Only this single RBA need be updated. Table 29 below describes the layout of the LAT record. TABLE 29 LAT RECORD Decimal Dis- placement Field Size Data Format Content Binary Binary Type of entry pointed at, Possible codes: Bit 1 = 1 field Bit 2=1 Bit 3=1 Bit 4=1 Bit 5=1 Bit 6=1 segment data base program system generic head Bit 0-7=0 free RBA of entry pointed at 73 REFERENCES 1. Cohen, Leo J. Data Base Management Systems: A Critical and Compara tive Analysis . Performance Development Corporation, Trenton, New Jersey, 1973. 2. Nerad, Richard A. "Data Administration as the Nerve Center of a Company's Computer Activity," Data Management , vol. 11, no. 10, October 1973, 26-31. 3. "The Data Dictionary/Directory Function," EDP Analyzer , vol. 12, no. 11, November 1974, 1-13. 4. Information Management System Virtual Storage (IMS/VS), General Information GH20-1260, IBM Corp., White Plains, New York, March 1974. 5. Information Management System Virtual Storage (IMS/VS), Application Programming Reference Manual SH20-9026, IBM Corp., White Plains, New York, August 1974. 6. OS/VS Virtual Storage Access Method (VSAM), Programmer's Guide GC26-3818, IBM Corp., White Plains, New York, May 1973. 7. Information Management System Virtual Storage (IMS/VS), Utilities Reference Manual SH20-9029, IBM Corp., White Plains, New York, August 1974. LIOGRAPHIC DATA ET 1. Report No. UIUCDCS-R-76-798 3. Recipient's Accession No. 5- Report Date May 1976 itle and Subt it \c he Precompiler Component of a Data Base Dictionary System 6. uthor(s) ichael Jason Huggins 8- Performing Organization Rept. N °- UIUCDCS-R-76-798 jrforming Organization Name and Address epartment of Computer Science niversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign rbana, Illinois 61801 10. Project/Task/Work Unit No. 11. Contract /Grant No. Sponsoring Organization Name and Address epartment of Computer Science niversity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign rbana, Illinois 61801 13. Type of Report & Period Covered faster of Science Thesis 14. supplementary Notes Abstracts With the advent of large, general purpose data base systems, several desirable nformation processing theories have now been implemented. These include advances 11 the areas of data independence, data sharing, data security, and control. While acilities to take advantage of these concepts have been implemented to varying sgrees, much of the control needed to administer their use is not inherent in he data base software itself. To meet this need, the role of data base administratiofi as emerged. While data base administration is finding its place in data processing tructures, much work is being done to provide it with the tools needed to manage nd control the data. Key Words and Document Analysis. 17a. Descriptors ita Dictionary recompiler Identif iers/Open-Ended Terms COSATI Field/Group vailability Statement Release Unlimited 19. Security Class (This Report) UNCLASSIFIED 20. Security Class (This Page UNCLASSIFIED I NTIS-35 ( 10-70) 21. No. of Pages 79 22. Price USCOMM-DC 40329-P7 1 \** <6 & J