DOC. Ed 1.17: v 85 WITHDRAWN Ur of iiiini ^ r y _ gtUitemn-ChOTpaion UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA CHAMPAIGN BQQKSTACKS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 instructional Business and V Office Education ^^^VITHDRAWN ^r^^ U n ; s rs ity of ^^ orary UNIVER9rTY OF ILUNOIS-URBANA 3 0112 101581244 available from ^federal agencies The set of Vocational Instructional Materials Available from Federal Agencies includes the following volumes which can he purchased from the Government Printing Office: Vocational Instructional Materials for Agriculture and Agribusiness Education Vocational Instructional Materials lor Business and Office Education Vocational Instructional Materials for Vocational Home Economics Education \ ocational Instructional Materials for Marketing and Distributive Education Vocational Instructional Materials for Allied Health Education Vocational Instructional Materials for Technical Education Vocational Instructional Materials for Trade and Industrial Education Vocational Instructional Materials for Special Needs Groups— Handicapped. Disadvantaged, Older Americans, Youth Employment. Displaced Homemak ers DISCRIMINATION PROHIBITED— No person in the United States shall, on the ground of race, color, or national origin, be excluded from participation in, be denied the benefits of, or be subjected to discrimination under any program or acti\ ity receiving Federal financial assistance, or be so treated on the basis of sex under most education programs or activities receiving Federal assistance. the Superintendent of Documents, U.S. Government Printing Office Washington, D.C. 20402 vocational instructional materials for available from federal agencies Compiled by Carol L. Hill Human Resources Management, Inc. 1101 30th Street. N.W.. Suite 301 Washington, D.C. 20007 1980 Developed pursuant to Contract No. 300-79-0420 U.S. Department of Education Office of Vocational and Adult Education Office of Employment and Education Division of Program Improvement Curriculum Development Branch I he activities which resulted in this volume were supported in whole or in part by the U.S. Department of Education. However, the opinions expressed herein do not necessarily reflect the position or policy of the Department of Education, and no official endorsement by the Department of Education should be inferred. ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS The project was most fortunate to have the following outstanding Advisory Group of Vocational Educators: Dr. James Barge, Director. Special Programs. Division of Vocational Education, State Department of Education, Elorida Ms. Yvonne Bender, Health Occupations Specialist, Division of Adult Education. State Department of Vocational Technical Education, Oklahoma Ms. Beverly Campbell, Consultant. Apprenticeship & Health Careers. Vocational Education Support Services Section. State Department of Education, California Ms. Ruth Fossedal, Director, Counselor, Women's Development Center, Waukesha County Technical Institute. Pewaukee, Wisconsin Mr. CM. Green, Director, Division of Vocational Education, State Department of Education, Connecticut Dr. Elizabeth Iannizzi. Professor, New York City Community College Dr. Max E. Jobe. Associate Professor, Department of Secondary and Higher Education, East Texas State University Mr. Peter S. Labruzzo. Coordinator. Tampa Skills Center. Elorida Ms. Angelica Martiniano. Director of Training Programs, National Puerto Rican Forum, New York City Dr. Clifford L. Nelson. Chairman, Department of Agricultural & Extension Education, University of Maryland Ms. Fannie Nelson, Instructor, Vocational Home Economics, Kansas City Technical Education Mr. Jerry Rosener. President. National Association of Distributive Education Teachers. Reston, Virginia Ms. Jill Russell. Program Associate. National Center for Research in Vocational Education, Ohio State University Dr. James F. Shill. Director, Research and Curriculum Unit, College of Education, Mississippi State University Dr. Douglas C. Towne. President. Designed Learning Associates. Beavcrton. Oregon Appreciation is extended to the personnel in the federal organizations who gave so generously of their time and enthusiasm throughout the project. A special word of thanks goes to project team members Cecilia Jaramillo, Dr. Robert Morris, and Jane Buckley for their valuable contributions to the preparation of these listings. Carol L. Hill Project Director June 1980 in CONTENTS ACKNOWLEDGEMENTS iii INTRODUCTION 1 HOW TO USE THIS LISTING 3 SOURCE AN D ORDERING 1 N FORM A HON 5 BUSINESS AM) OFFICE EDUCATION MATERIALS 11 General References II Accounting and Bookkeeping 12 Data Programming and Systems Analysis 12 Receptionist and Other Business Communication 12 Business Law 13 General Office, Typing and Related 13 Secretarial and Word Processing 13 Banking and Finance 13 Personnel and Training Programs 13 Office Management and Budget Analysis 16 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION MATERIALS 17 CAREER EDUCATION MATERIALS 21 ORDER FORMS 27 INTRODUCTION Each year the Federal Government prepares and releases thousands of quality publications. Human Resources Management surveyed this vast resource to identify, review and annotate materials developed since 1975 which are suitable for use by vocational education teachers. These materials are cited in eight separate volumes which are listed on the inside cover of this booklet. In addition to the traditional vocational education program areas, efforts were made to locate and annotate materials for use with the handicapped, disadvantaged, older Americans, displaced homemakers, youth and clientele of CETA programs. Also, general references for vocational and career education are included in each booklet. While these listings are by no means exhaustive, the materials are representative of both print and nonprint materials which can be obtained free or for a nominal charge from federal organizations. Every attempt possible has been made to ensure that the organizational names are the latest and most accurate. However, materials from the former U.S. Department of Health, Education and Welfare (HEW) were developed and annotated prior to the recent division of the Department into the Department of Health and Human Resources and the new Department of Education. Thus, the old name HEW has been used. [Since this bibliography was prepared, some items may have been discontinued or have price increases. You may wish to write the source for updated information before placing an order with payment.] HOW TO USE THIS LISTING Materials selected for inclusion in this booklet have been placed under the subject headings as given in the table of contents. The basic format used for each title entry is composed of three sections: • bibliographical information listing the title, publication number, type of material, personal author, federal sponsor, publisher, publication date, number of pages, and the price • a source code which gives the federal organization from which the material can be ordered and the appropriate stock or order number or letters • an annotation or explanatory notes giving the use and intended users of the material The same format has been used in citing both printed and audiovisual materials. Incases where a series has been cited, the title of the series and other information common to all its volumes are contained in the bibliographical information section. Following the source section, individual entries for each of the volumes are listed. The examples below detail the various components of an individual entry and an entry for a series: INDIVIDUAL ENTRY BIBLIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION TITLE / PUBLICATION NUMBER TYPE OF MATERIAL \ CLEAN WATER. Publication No. 39. Booklet. Elaine West. Environmental Protection AgencyV personal author office of Public Awareness. Government Printing Office^ 1977. 30pp. $2.00 ea. PR | C e FEDERAL SPONSOR .PUBLISHER SOURCE CODE ANNOTATION PUBLICATION DATE GPO S/N ORDER NUMBER --^^'^ PAGINATION This booklet is about the dairy products industry and water pollution. It discusses pollution control and what the industry must do to keep from polluting water. SERIES ENTRY TITLE TYPE OF MATERIAL FEDERAL SPONSOR BIBLIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION SOURCE CODE ANNOTATION BIBLIOGRAPHICAL INFORMATION PRICE ORDER NUMBER. HOW INDUSTRY AFFECTS CLEAN WATER. Booklets. Environmental Protection Agency, Office of Public Awareness. Government Printing Office. Source: GPO PUBLISHER- SOURCE This series is composed of the following: RUBBER PROCESSING INDUSTRY. Publication No. 30. 1975. 20pp. $0.80 ea. S/N 000-003-010. BEET SUGAR PROCESSING INDUSTRY. Publication No. 31. 1976. 26pp. $ 1 . 10 ea. S N 000-003-01 1 . publication date THE DAIRY PRODUCTS INDUSTRY. Publication No. 32. 1977. 24pp. $0.90 ea. S N 000-003-012. PUBLICATION NUMBER PAGINATION ABBREVIATIONS USED IN THIS LISTING approx. approximately BR braille col. color ea. each et al. and others in. inch(es) min. minute(s) mono monaural Opt. Sd. optical sound RD recorded disc RPM revolutions per minute S side(s) V. volume B&W black and white cm centimeter comp. compiler ed. editor ill. illustrated IPS inches per second MM millimeter No. number RC recorded cassette RM recorded master Rev. revised S/N (GPO) stock number SOURCE AND ORDERING INFORMATION The names and addresses of the sources from which materials described in this volume can be ordered are listed below. In addition, ordering information and brief descriptions of some of these sources are included. Requests for materials or information should be directed to the specific offices as indicated. Since the source of the material is not always the same as the federal sponsor, it is important that the information on the "source code" line be used for ordering. Most offices will accept checks or money orders but not currency. Sources vary as to which charge cards are acceptable, discount rates, arrangements for deposit accounts, order forms and guidelines, special mail handling requirements, and availability of materials on microfiche or computer magnetic tapes. Write individual sources for details. Since many of these materials can be ordered from either the Government Printing Office or the National Audiovisual Center (Government Services Administration), order blanks for these two sources can be found at the back of the booklet. Please note that prices are subject to change. Most materials may be delivered sooner, but allow 30 to 60 days for delivery. ORDERING SOURCES ACTION Action/ Peace Corps Information Collection and Exchange 806 Connecticut Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20525 Action's Information Collection and Exchange makes available technical publications on training, programming and appropriate tech- nology developed by Peace Corps volunteers. Training guides, curricula, lesson plans, man- uals, and other materials developed in the field are collected and reviewed. Listings of publi- cations are available on request. CRC U.S. Commission on Civil Rights 1121 Vermont Ave., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20425 In addition to advancing the cause of equal opportunity, it serves as a national clearing- house for civil rights information. Commis- sion publications are made available on request from the Publications Management Division; a catalog of publications is also available upon request. CERN Consumer Education Resource Net- work DOC/NBS 1500 Wilson Blvd. Suite 800 Rosslyn, VA 22209 The Consumer Education Resource Network provides reference and referral services to all consumer educators. Services include publica- tions such as ConCERNs, a monthly publica- tion, training, and technical assistance. Re- quests may be made in person, by mail, or via the toll-free telephone line: 800-366-0223. CFTC U.S. Commodity Futures Trading Commission 2033 K. Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20581 CPSC U.S. Consumer Product Safety Commission Office of Communications 111 18th St., N.W. Washington, D.C. 20207 DOC/OC Publications and films on product safety are available on request. U.S. Department of Commerce National Bureau of Standards Office of Technical Publications Washington, D.C. 20234 The Department of Commerce's National Bureau of Standards develops measurement standards and techniques that affect science, industry, and commerce, and facilitates their effective application for the public good. For information on publications contact the Office of Technical Publications; films are available on free loan to scientific and professional organizations, educational institutions, and nonprofit community groups from: Modern Talking Picture Service 5000 Park Street N. St. Petersburg. FL 33709 U.S. Department of Commerce Office of Communications Washington, D.C. 20230 DOE/IIR U.S. Department of Energy Office of Intergovernmental and Institutional Relations Washington, D.C. 20585 This office performs outreach and consumer affairs coordination functions. It maintains and oversees Department of Energy relations with Congress, the news media. States, private institutions and consumer interests. DOE/PA U.S. Department of Energy Office of Public Affairs 1000 Independence Ave., S.W. Washington, D.C. 20585 DOE/RA U.S. Department of Energy Office of Resource Applications RA-324 Room 3518, Federal Building, MS 3344 Washington, D.C. 20461 This office is responsible for developing, managing, and directing policies and pro- grams to increase domestic energy supplies. DOE/TIC U.S. Department of Energy Technical Information Center P.O. Box 62 Oak Ridge, TN 37830 Orders for complete sets or bulk quantities of individual titles are only available to teachers, librarians, and energy information centers and should be submitted on official letterhead stationery. Individuals may request up to five titles. For information on printing negatives, write to: U.S. Department of Energy Division of Editorial Services Washington, D.C. 20585 DOI/PA U.S. Department of the Interior Office of Public Affairs Washington, D.C. 20240 DOJ/PI U.S. Department of Justice Office of Public Information Constitution Ave. & 10th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20530 DOL/BLS U.S. Department of Labor Bureau of Labor Statistics Information Office— Rm. 1539 441 G Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20212 The Bureau of I abor Statistics collects and analyzes data on areas such as manpower and labor requirements, employment, labor force, wages, labor-management relations, occupa- tional safety and health. The information is issued in monthly press releases, in special publications, and in its official journal. There are BLS regional offices throughout the country which also issue additional reports. Publications are available both free and for sale. DOL/ETA U.S. Department of Labor Employment and Training Administration Rm. 10225 601 D Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20213 The Department of Labor's Employment and Training Administration publishes booklets, pamphlets, and reports on apprenticeship programs, work experience, unemployment insurance, occuptional analyses, and research results. Consumer fact sheets on ETA's major programs and other periodicals are also available. Single copies of most publications are available free of charge. DOL/IPR U.S. Department of Labor Office of Information, Publications, and Reports Room S1032 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20210 DOJ/LEAA U.S. Department of Justice Law Enforcement Assistance Administration 633 Indiana Ave., N.W. Washington. D.C. 20531 LEAA serves as a national and international clearinghouse for the exchange of criminal justice information through the National Criminal Justice Reference Service. DOL/WB U.S. Department of Labor Women's Bureau 200 Constitution Avenue, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20210 Eormulates standards and policies to promote the welfare of working women and impiovc their working conditions and investigates and reports on such matters. I he Women's Bureau has 10 regional offices throughout the U.S. Single copies of publications are tree of charge. DOT/FAA U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Aviation Administration Office of Public Affairs Public Information Center-APA-430 800 Independence Avenue, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20591 The Department of Transportation's Federal Aviation Administration regulates air com- merce, fosters aviation safety, and promotes civil aviation and a national system of airports. For additional information contact the Office of Public Affairs; Free FAA publications are available from: U.S. Department of Transportation Publications Section-M-443.1 Washington, D.C. 20590 DOT/FHA U.S. Department of Transportation Federal Highway Administration 400 7th Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20590 The Department of Transportation's Federal Administration administers the Federal-aid highway program of financial assistance, and highway safety and beautification programs. It also develops and administers training pro- grams, fellowship programs in highway safety transportation research and education and a highway technician scholarship program. DOT/NHTSA U.S. Department of Transportation National Highway Traffic Safety Administration 400 7th Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20590 The National Highway Traffic Safety Admin- istration maintains and collects scientific and technical information on motor vehicle safety. It serves as a documentary reference point for Federal, State and local agencies, industry, educational organizations, and the public. DOT/PCA U.S. Department of Transportation Office of Public and Consumer Affairs 700 7th Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20590 DOT/TSC U.S. Department of Transportation Transportation Systems Center Office of Technology Sharing Kendall Square, Code 151 Cambridge, MA 02142 Among its other activities, the Center collects and disseminates transportation information and statistics to regional, State and local organizations and consumers. DOT/UMTA U.S. Department of Transportation Urban Mass Transportation Administration Office of Policy and Program Development 400 7th Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20590 The Department of Transportation's Urban Mass Transportation Administration assists in the development of improved mass trans- portation systems; it maintains 10 field offices throughout the U.S. DT/PA U.S. Department of the Treasury Office of Public Affairs Room 2324 Washington, D.C. 20220 EPA/PA U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Office of Public Awareness 401 M Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20460 This office develops and maintains informa- tion and public awareness programs. Inquiries for information on films, publications and speakers can be directed to this office. EPA/PIC U.S. Environmental Protection Agency Public Information Center 401 M Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20460 The Public Information Center provides information about EPA's programs and makes available EPA publications. ERIC U.S. National Institute of Education Educational Resources Information Center 1220 19th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20208 ERIC is a national information system sponsored by the National Institute of Educa- tion. It disseminates education research results, practitioner-related materials and other re- source information. FMC U.S. Federal Maritime Commission 1100 L Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20573 FTC U.S. Federal Trade Commission Office of Public Information Pennsylvania Avenue at Sixth Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20580 A free list of publications is available on request. GPO U.S. Government Printing Office Superintendent of Documents Washington, D.C. 20402 In addition to being the Federal government's printer and bookbinder it sells government publications and prepares catalogs. It sells over 25,000 various publications. A free information brochure Consumer Guide to Federal Publications provides a description of the services provided by GPO which maintains bookstores in 20 cities. GSA/CIC U.S. General Services Administration Consumer Information Center Pueblo, CO 81009 By encouraging Federal agencies to develop and release useful consumer information the Consumer Information Center attempts to increase public awareness of this information. It issues a quarterly publication and distributes it free of charge. GSA/FIC U.S. General Services Administration Federal Information Center Federal Information Centers, clearinghouses of information about the Federal Government are maintained in 38 major metropolitain areas. Information requests can be made by letter, telephone, or in person. For a list of Federal Information Centers, write to: U.S. General Services Administration Office of Public Affairs Washington, D.C. 20405 GSA/NAC U.S. General Services Administration National Audiovisual Center Washington, D.C. 20409 The General Services Administration's Na- tional Audiovisual Center is the central clear- inghouse for all Federal audiovisual materials. They are available for public use through information and distribution services: Sales. Motion pictures, video formats, slide sets, audiotapes, and multimedia kits are available for purchase.- Conversion to other media formats can be made. Rental. Only 16mm motion pictures are avail- able for rent. loan Referrals. Free loan distribution of 16mm motion pictures is available to the public from regional Federal agency offices. I he Center refers users to closest loan distributor. For purchase or rental of materials, contact the Order Section/ Rl: include title and title number of material and make checks payable to National Archives Trust Fund (NAC). To be billed, an official purchase order or letter on official letterhead is required. For information on other services contact the Reference Section RL. HEW/HDS U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Office of Human Development Services Washington, D.C. 20201 I his office administers social and rehabilita- tion services and human development pro- grams oriented towards special populations the elderly, low-income children, metally and physically handicapped. HEW/HRA U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Health Resources Administration Office of Communications 3700 East-West Highway Hyattsville, MD 20782 As part of HEW's Public Health Service, HRA identifies health care resource problems, and maintains the distribution of these re- sources to improve the health care system. Single copies of most publications are avail- able, free of charge: HRA. Office of Communications 3700 East-West Highway Hyattsville. MD 20782 HEW/NIE U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare National Institute of Education Office of Public Information 1200 19th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20208 HEW/OE U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Office of Education Education Information Center Washington, D.C. 20202 Single copies available free while supply lasts. HEW/PHS U.S. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare Public Health Service Office of Public Affairs 200 Independence Ave., S.W. Washington, D.C. 20201 Inquiries about films and publications should be sent to the above address. HUD/PIC U.S. Department of Housing and Urban Development Public Information Center 451 7th Street, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20410 LC/NLSBPH LC/NRC NASA Library of Congress National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped Reference Section 1291 Taylor Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20542 The NLS is a free national library program of braille and recorded materials for blind and physically handicapped persons. Reading ma- terials are distributed to cooperating regional and local libraries which circulate them to eli- gible borrowers. These materials are sent to borrowers and returned to libraries by postage- free mail. In addition to its book and magazine collection, the following services are also of- fered: • special equipment— playback equipment is loaned free to readers • music services — music materials are avail- able from the Music Section • volunteer services — free correspondence course leading to braille transcribing certifica- tion and proofreading are available • information services — questions in refer- ence to blindness and physical handicaps are answered. Library of Congress National Referral Center Washington, D.C. 20540 The Library of Congress' National Referral Center is a free referral service which directs those with questions to resources which have the information. The referral service uses a subject-indexed, computerized file of 13,000 organizations of information resources in- cluding not only traditional information sources, but also such sources as professional associations and grass roots citizens' organiza- tions. Requests for referral services may be made by letter, telephone (202-287-5670, Ref- erence Section), or in person. National Aeronautics and Space Administration 400 Maryland Ave., S.W. Washington, D.C. 20546 NASA conducts research on space technol- ogy, flight, and exploration within and outside the earth's atmosphere. Services include speak- ers, films, and exhibits. Publications include NASA Directory of Services for the Public, NASA Film List, and NASA Educational Publications List. For further information, contact the NASA Headquarters Information Center, Washington, D.C. 20546. NCRVE NSF NTIS National Center for Research in Vocational Education The Ohio State University 1960 Kenny Road Columbus, OH 43210 The National Center for Research in Voca- tional Education's purpose is to increase the ability of institutions to solve educational problems relating to individual career plan- ning and preparation. Under a contract with the U.S. Office of Education's Bureau of Oc- cupational and Adult Education, it serves as a clearinghouse. For additional information on the Center's services, programs and projects, write to the Program Information Office; for information on products or publications, write to the Publications Office. National Science Foundation 1800 G Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20550 The National Science Foundation initiates and supports research and education activities in all scientific disciplines. Major national and international science programs include the U.S. Antarctic Program and the International Decade of Ocean Exploration. To learn about the Foundation's information and publication dissemination activities, write either the Pub- lications Unit, or the Public Information Branch. U.S. Department of Commerce National Technical Information Service 5285 Port Royal Road Springfield, VA 22161 NTIS is the Federal government's central point for the sale of government funded re- search and development reports. The follow- ing services are available: • NTI Search-on-line computer search ser- vice locates abstracts on 650,000 research reports; copies of reports are sold in paper or microfiche. • NTIS Bibliographic Data File (on magnet- ic tape) of published and unpublished abstracts is available for lease. OPM U.S. Office of Personnel Management Distribution Unit Room B-431 7900 E Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20415 The Office of Personnel Management (OPM), formerly the Civil Service Commission, ad- ministers the Federal employment merit sys- tem. OPM makes available career guidance films and other audiovisuals and publications addressed to various audiences. It maintains ten regional offices throughout the U.S. Employment information is available through OPM's Job Information Centers. PCEH President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped Mil 20th Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20210 SBA U.S. Small Business Administration Office of Public Information 1441 L Street, N.W. Washington, D.C. 20416 USDA/FNIERC U.S. Department of Agriculture The Food and Nutrition Information and Education Resources Center National Agricultural Library Room 304 Beltsville, MD 20705 Tel.: 301-344-3719 The Food and Nutrition Information and Education Resources Center is a part of the Department of Agriculture Science and Edu- cation Administration. It serves as an infor- mation center for groups and individuals interested in human nutrition, food service management, and food technology by provid- ing the following services: • acquires and lends books and audiovisuals • provides photocopies of journal articles • provides specific answers to questions on food and nutrition • provides comprehensive reference services including computer searches. The collection of materials ranges from chil- dren's materials to more sophisticated profes- sional information. Information requests are received by telephone and mail: personal visits are also welcomed. TVA Tennessee Valley Authority Office of Public Information 400 Commerce Avenue Knoxville, TN 37902 The TVA is a Government-owned corporation that conducts a resource development pro- gram for economic growth in the Tennessee Valley region. Information on environmental education and agriculture and on publica- tions and films is available. USDA/GPA U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of Governmental and Public Affairs Publications Division Washington, D.C. 20250 Single copies of most publications are avail- able free: request a free copy of List 5 of current available publications and prices. USDA/OC U.S. Department of Agriculture Office of Communications Washington, D.C. 20250 Free publications are available from this office. USDA/ES U.S. Department of Agriculture Extension Service Four USDA agencies— Agricultural Research Service (ARS), Cooperative State Research Service (CSRS). Extension Service (ES). and the National Agricultural Library (NAL)— have been merged to form the new Science and Education Administration. Requests for publications should be sent to: U.S. Department of Agriculture Science and Education Administration Publication Requests and Distribution Information Staff Washington. DC. 20250 USDA/SEA USPS U.S. Department of Agriculture Science and Education Administration Publication Requests and Distribution Information Staff Washington, D.C. 20240 I'he former Agricultural Research Service (ARS). Cooperative State Research Service (CSRS). Extension Service (ES). and the National Agricultural Library (NAL) have been merged to form the SEA. which main- tains four regional offices throughout the U.S. U.S. Postal Service Office of Public Communications 475 L'Enfant Plaza West, S.W. Washington, D.C. 20260 Publications, films, and speakers are available on request. 10 BUSINESS AND OFFICE EDUCATION GENERAL REFERENCES EMPLOYMENT OUTLOOK FOR CLERICAL OCCUPA- TIONS. Pamphlet. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1978. 21pp. ill. $0.50 ea. Source: GPO S/N 029-001-02072-4 This publication gives the employment outlook for book- keeping workers, file clerks, office machine operators, re- ceptionists, secretaries and stenographers, shipping and re- ceiving clerks, statistical clerks, stock clerks, typists, occu- pations in the postal service, mail carriers, and postal clerks. TWO STUDIES ON THE ROLE OF BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY AND LABOR PARTICIPATION IN CAREER EDUCATION. Department of Health, Education, and Wel- fare, Office of Education. 1977. 120pp. $2.75 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01737-7 INCREASING JOB OPTIONS FOR WOMEN. 101 min., 2 x 2 Slides, Audiocassette, Col. 1976. Sale $26.25 Source: GSA/NAC Title No. 007846/RB Shows women working in a variety of non-traditional jobs, such as professional, technical, administrative, and manage- rial workers, in the skilled trades, and as repairers and machine operators. Encourages women to consider non- traditional occupations because they usually pay better than traditional women's jobs. Reviews Equal Employment Op- portunity Officer Regulations against Sex Discrimination in Employment and Office of Contractor Compliance Require- ments for Affirmative Action. 74 slides. 1 Audiocassette. 2- Track Mono. With audible advance signals. Script included. WHY NOT A WOMAN? 26 min., 16 MM Film, Opt. Sd., Col. 1977. Sale $150.75 Source: GSA/NAC Title No. 010571/RB Shows women working successfully in non-traditional jobs like welders, carpenters, and mechanics. Explores the atti- tudes of their male co- workers, supervisors, personnel man- agers, and teachers. Demonstrates the wide range of job options and training available to girls and women. Presents audiences with a realistic and entertaining argument against the long standing myths about women and work. Attempts to direct audiences to reassess their deep-seated attitudes about working women. YOU IN PUBLIC SERVICE - A SERIES. 9 16MM Films, Opt. Sd. 1977. Rental $100.00 Sale $1,483.25 Source: GSA/NAC Attempts to capture the imagination and promote interest in public service careers. Explains what public service is, the types of public service jobs, and how to obtain them. Also discusses different skills needed and practical tips for self- improvement. Applying for a Public Service Job. 28 min. Basic Record Keeping. 28 min. Basic Report Writing. 28 min. Good Grooming. 28 min. Interviewing Skills. 28 min. Oral Communication. 28 min. Person-to-Person Relationships. 28 min. Techniques of Decision Making. 28 min. Written Communication. 28 min. A REFERENCE LIST OF AUDIOVISUAL MATERIALS PRODUCED BY THE UNITED STATES GOVERN- MENT, 1978. Catalog. General Services Administration, National Audiovisual Center. Government Printing Office. 1978. 398pp. Source: GPO S/N 052-003-00497-6. Also available from GSA/NAC. List includes subject and title sections, rental and purchase policies, and a price list. INSERVICE TRAINING SEMINAR FOR THE DRIVER- LICENSING ADMINISTRATIVE HEARING OFFICER. 24 min., Audiocassette, 2-track, Mono. 1978. Sale $10.00 Source: GSA/NAC Title No. A00682/PF Presents models of Drivers License Hearings to assist hear- ing officers in conducting hearings of their own. The pro- gram attempts to identify the various alternative modes of driver licensing adjudication throughout the U. S., deter- mine the dominant characteristics of the hearing and the rules by which the hearing is governed, and document the tasks performed by the hearing officer in typical hearings. 124-page Instructor Manual included. ANNUAL EARNINGS AND EMPLOYMENT PATTERNS OF PRIVATE NONAGRICULTURAL EMPLOYEES, 1973-75. Bulletin 2031. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1979. 383pp. $7.50 ea. Source: GPO S/N 029-001-02386-3 This bulletin presents statistics on annual earnings and em- ployment in the United States in 1973, 1974, and 1975. The Bureau of Labor Statistics developed the data from a 1% random sample of records of the Social Security Adminis- tration and the Railroad Retirement Board. The data pro- vide a more accurate picture of annual earnings and em- ployment patterns by industry than is available from any other source. The data are the last available from the Social Security Administration and provide historical continuity with the other published data in the series. EXPLORING CAREERS. Handbook. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1979. 550pp. $10.00 ea. 11 Source: GPO S/N 029-001-02224-7. Also available from DOL/BLS. A career education resource designed and written for junior high students; older students will find this book useful also. It can be used in classrooms, career resource centers and youth programs and is packaged to facilitate either group or individual use. Titles of individual chapters are: The World of Work and You, Industrial Production Occupations; Office Occupations; Service Occupations; Education Occu- pations; Sales Occupations; Construction Occupations; Transportation Occupations; Scientific and Technical Occu- pations; Mechanics and Repairers; Health Occupations; Social Scientists; Social Service Occupations; Performing Arts, Design and Communications Occupations; Agricul- ture, Forestry, and Fishery Occupations. Exploring Careers can be purchased as: A single volume, $10.00 ea.; 15 sepa- rate booklets, one for each chapter, $2.00 ea.; a set of 15 booklets, $12.00 set, S/N 029-001-02225-5. ACCOUNTING AND BOOKKEEPING RECORD KEEPING FOR A SMALL BUSINESS. Depart- ment of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service. 1979. 16pp. $1.00 ea. Source: GPO S/N 048-004-01686-9 DATA PROGRAMMING AND SYSTEMS ANALYSIS TECHNICAL PROFILE OF SEVEN DATA ELEMENT DICTIONARY/DIRECTORY SYSTEMS. Booklet. Depart- ment of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards. 1977. 38pp. $1.60 ea. Source: GPO S/N 003-003-01725-6 A Data Element Dictionary/Directory is a software tool that provides a central repository for information about data resources across organizations and application lines and that can be used to control and manage data elements in a uniform manner. This booklet describes and classifies these systems and discusses the potential benefits of their use. COMMON COMMAND LANGUAGE FOR FILE MA- NIPULATION AND NETWORK JOB EXECUTION: AN EXAMPLE. Booklet. Department of Commerce, National Bureau of Standards. 1978. 27pp. $1.50 ea. Source: GPO S/N 003-003-01965-8 The capability for sharing resources across many diverse computer systems is inhibited by the large number of com- mand languages and protocols being used by computer technology. This booklet presents a general approach to solving this problem using an intermediary system to sup- port a set of common commands for file manipulation and network job execution. RECEPTIONIST AND OTHER BUSINESS COMMUNICATION CLARITY IN TECHNICAL REPORTING. Pamphlet Na tional Aeronautics and Space Administration. 1964. Reprint- ed 1977. 25pp. $1.30 ea. Source: GPO S/N 033-000-00513-0 EFFECTIVE REVENUE WRITING. Textbooks Depart- ment of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service. Source: GPO Two textbooks: No. 1. 1967. Reprinted 1976. 268pp. ill. $2.55 ea. S/N 048-004- 00036-9. Basic course designed to give a brief, practical review of writing principles, gram- mar, and punctuation. No. 2. 1962. Reprinted 1976. 198pp. ill. $4.75 ea. S/N 048-004- 00037-7. Advanced course designed to help experienced writers and reviewers diagnose and cure writing weaknesses. EFFECTIVE WRITING, A WORKSHOP COURSE. Text book. Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Serv- ice. Revised 1975. 106pp. $1.40 ea. Source: GPO S/N 048-004-01288-0 A self-teaching course text that emphasizes effective com- munication rather than strict grammar as the primary goal of practical writers. Improved writing skills are taught through a three-fold approach, consisting of a thorough familiarization with theory, practical application of writing principles, and an informed criticism of sample letters, memos, etc. The course teaches how to write clearly and authoritatively, without falling into the 'gobbledygook' trap. EFFECTIVE WRITING, THE MANAGER'S ROLE, WRITING SEMINAR FOR MANAGERS. Department of the Treasury, Internal Revenue Service. 1975. Reprinted 1977. 46pp. $0.75 ea. Source: GPO S/N 048-004-01295-2 FROM AUDIT TO EDITING. Handbook. General Ac- counting Office. 1974. Reprinted 1976. 80pp. ill. $1.45 ea. Source: GPO S/N 020-000-00122-4 The General Accounting Office has prepared this handbook to combat the rise of 'gobbledygook' in government reports. Originally designed to assist GAO auditors in report writ- ing, the handbook is packed with practical tips for improv- ing anyone's business writing style. It is divided into three parts. The first part discusses basic concepts behind letter writing; the second part shows how to eliminate writing problems by taking time to edit correctly; and the final section includes several lists of words and expressions fre- quently misused. GOBBLEDYGOOK HAS GOTTA GO. Department of the Interior, Bureau of Land Management. 1966. Reprinted 1980. 112pp. ill. $4.00 ea. Source: GPO S/N 024-01 1-00002-0 This publication is concerned with the improvement of gov- ernment writing for better communications. CORRESPONDENCE MANAGEMENT. Manual. General Services Administration, Federal Register Office. 1973. Re- printed 1975. 35pp. ill. $0.85 ea. Source: GPO S/N 022-O03-OO899-3 A guide to efficiency and economy in letter and memo writing that can be employed effectively in private industry as well as government. This manual presents a complete program to cut correspondence costs. PLAIN LETTERS. General Services Administration, Na- tional Archives and Records Service. 1973. Reprinted 1976. 51pp. ill. $2.50 ea. Source: GPO S/N 022-002-00041-9 An excellent guide on how to write a clear, simple, sincere letter. Gives examples of good and bad letters, tips on style, choice of words, how to be brief, and much more. The 12 book was written for government employees, but it is in- valuable for anyone who ever picks up a pen. WRITE/REWRITE: AN ASSESSMENT OF REVISION SKILLS, SELECTED RESULTS FROM THE SECOND NATIONAL ASSESSMENT OF WRITING. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1977. 29pp. ill. $1.50 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01731-8 WRITING MECHANICS, 1969-1974: A CAPSULE DE- SCRIPTION OF CHANGES IN WRITING MECHANICS. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1975. 59pp. ill. $1.30 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01854-3 WRITING WORDS THAT WORK: A GUIDE FOR EX- TENSION WORKERS. Pamphlet. Department of Agricul- ture. 1961. Reprinted 1978. 19pp. $0.90 ea. Source: GPO S/N OOl-OOO-01336-O SELLING TO THE DEPARTMENT OF THE TREAS- URY. Booklet. Department of the Treasury, Internal Reve- nue Service. 1976. 16pp. ill. $0.45 ea. Source: GPO S/N 048-004-01303-7 This booklet is written to assist those who wish to do business with the Department of the Teasury. APPOINTMENT CONTROL IN A TEAM DENTAL PRACTICE. HRA77-16. Manual. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Health Resources Administration. 1977. Source: PB-261665/4 WW This manual is designed to teach dentists and receptionists a new method of scheduling dental patients. One section de- scribes the dentist's role in the appointment scheduling process and another describes the receptionist's responsibil- ities. time and money for businesses and get the best service at the post office. SECRETARIAL AND WORD PROCESSING FEDERAL OFFICE ASSISTANT EXAMINATION: STE- NOGRAPHER, TYPIST, CLERK, AND OFFICE MA- CHINE OPERATOR, WHAT IT IS, AND HOW IT IS GIVEN. Office of Personnel Management. 1976. Reprinted 1978. 54pp. ill. $1.10 ea. Source: GPO S/N 006-000-00962-0 MAIL IT RIGHT. 12 min., 16 MM Film, Opt. Sd., Col. 1975. Sale $69.50 Source: GSA/NAC Title No. 007692/PF Illustrates how secretaries are taught the recommended methods of preparing first class mail. Introduces the correct address format for mechanized sorting in post offices. Dem- onstrates careless time- consuming mistakes made by many secretaries. Emphasizes secretarial practices which save time and money for businesses and get the best service at the post office. BANKING AND FINANCE EAGLE ON THE STREET. 12 min., 2x2 Slides, Audiocas- sette, Col. 1975. Sale $23.25 Source: GSA/NAC Title No. 008274/RR Traces the development of the securities industry in the U. S. from its origins on Wall Street in the late 18th century through the precipitous 1929 crash of the stock market. Relates the reasons for the creation of the Securities and Exchange Commission in 1934 and how the SEC adminis- ters the various laws that relate to the field of securities and finance. 69 Slides. 1 Audiocassette. 2-Track. Mono., with audible and inaudible advance signals. Script included. BUSINESS LAW LEGAL ASSISTANT PROGRAM: A SUGGESTED TWO- YEAR POST-HIGH SCHOOL CURRICULUM. Depart- ment of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Educa- tion. 1978. 69pp. $2.50 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01915-9 GENERAL OFFICE, TYPING, AND RELATED FEDERAL OFFICE ASSISTANT EXAMINATION: STE- NOGRAPHER, TYPIST, CLERK, AND OFFICE MA- CHINE OPERATOR, WHAT IT IS, AND HOW IT IS GIVEN. Office of Personnel Management. 1976. Reprinted 1978. 54pp. ill. $1.10 ea. Source: GPO S/N 006-000-00962-0 MAIL IT RIGHT. 12 min., 16 MM Film, Opt. Sd., Col. 1975. Sale $69.50 Source: GSA/NAC Title No. 007692/PF Illustrates how secretaries are taught the recommended methods of preparing first class mail. Introduces the correct address format for mechanized sorting in post offices. Dem- onstrates careless time- consuming mistakes made by many secretaries. Emphasizes secretarial practices which save PERSONNEL AND TRAINING PROGRAMS TRAINING SALESMEN TO SERVE INDUSTRIAL MAR- KETS. Small Business Administration. 1975. 85pp. ill. $2.20 ea. Source: GPO S/N 045-000-00133-4 HANDBOOK OF SELECTIVE PLACEMENT OF PER- SONS WITH PHYSICAL AND MENTAL HANDICAPS IN FEDERAL CIVIL SERVICE EMPLOYMENT. Office of Personnel Management. 1979. 71pp. $3.00 ea. Source: GPO S/N 006-000-01093-8 This handbook outlines concepts and procedures that can and should be used to provide equal employment opportuni- ty for all qualified handicapped applicants and employees. Contents of the publication: Introduction; The Agency Co- ordinator; The Rehabilitation Counselor; Architectural and Transportation Barriers; Special Provisions for Handicapped Individuals; Blindness and Visual Impairment; Deafness and Hearing Impairment; Mental Illness; Mental Retardation; Mobility and Other Physical Handicaps; Disabled Veterans. PERSONNEL LITERATURE. Monthly periodical. Gov- ernment Printing Office. $17.00 per year. Source: GPO Symbol PLM Includes selected books, pamphlets, and other publications received in the Library of the Office of Personnel Manage- 13 ment during the previous month. Periodical articles, unpub- lished dissertations, and microfilms are also listed. Includes Annual Index. PLANNING YOUR STAFFING NEEDS: A HANDBOOK FOR PERSONNEL WORKERS. Office of Personnel Man agement. 1977. 360pp. ill. $5.25 ea. Source: GPO S/N 006-000-01020-2 CLASSROOM TRAINING, THE OIC APPROACH: CETA PROGRAM MODELS. Department of Labor. Govern- ment Printing Office. 1978. 24pp. ill. $1.40 ea. Source: GPO S/N 029-000-00329-7 Discusses classroom training as a component of employment and training programs. The paper is based on the classroom training experiences and philosophy of the Opportunities Industrialization Centers (OIC). HANDBOOK FOR ANALYZING JOBS. Department of Labor. Reprinted 1979. 345pp. ill. $7.50 ea. Source: GPO S/N 029-000-00131-6 HEALTH OCCUPATIONS TRAINING PROGRAMS AD- MINISTERED BY HOSPITALS, APRIL, 1976, A DIREC- TORY. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service. 1977. 362pp. $5.75 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-022-00585-9 HOW TO PREPARE AND CONDUCT JOB ELEMENT EXAMINATIONS. Office of Personnel Management. 1975. 76pp. $2.50 ea. Source: GPO S/N 006-000-00893-3 IMPROVING EMPLOYEE PERFORMANCE AND OR- GANIZATIONAL EFFECTIVENESS, 1976. Office of Per- sonnel Management. Revised 1976. 64pp. $1.25 ea. Source: GPO S/N 006-000-00948-4 PERSONNEL POLICIES AND PRACTICES, 1978. Bib liography. Office of Personnel Management. Revised 1978. 46pp. $2.30 ea. Source: GPO S/N 006-000-01063-6 This bibliography updates Personnel Bibliography Number 89. UTILIZATION OF OLDER WORKERS. Government Printing Office. 1979. 76pp. $3.50 ea. Source: GPO S/N 052-003-00698-7 YOUNG WOMEN AND EMPLOYMENT, WHAT WE KNOW AND NEED TO KNOW ABOUT THE SCHOOL- TO-WORK TRANSITION: REPORT OF A CONFER- ENCE. Department of Labor, Women's Bureau. 1978. 91pp. $2.75 ea. Source: GPO S/N 029-002-00052-5 YOUTH SERVING THE COMMUNITY: REALISTIC PUBLIC SERVICE ROLES FOR YOUNG WORKERS. Department of Labor. 1979. 149pp. $4.75 ea. Source: GPO S/N 029-000-00370-0 Presents information on public service job projects which are particularly suitable or can be adapted for youth. De- scribes projects in the following fields: health, housing, en- vironment and conservation, social services, public safety, public works, cultural and beautification, education, eco- nomic and community development, and clerical and ad- ministrative work. SCENES FROM THE WORKPLACE. 23 min., 16MM Film, Opt. Sd., Col. 1975. Rental $12.50 Sale $133.50 Source: GSA/NAC Title No. 009872/RR Illustrates different grievances and how they are handled through eight situations taking place in various types of state and local public employment. Involves processing grievances, identifying the real grievances and determining remedies. Also discusses the language necessary to resolve the grievance in favor of the grievant or management, and the relationship with agency rules, merit systems, and regu- lations. Cleared for non-sponsored TV. SUCCESSFUL SUPERVISION OF HANDICAPPED EM- PLOYEES. 328 2 x 2 Slides, Audiocasssette, Col. 1977. Sale $73.00 Source: GSA/NAC Title No. 000755/RR Demonstrates supervisory practices and procedures which promote the efforts of selection and advancement of quali- fied handicapped individuals in the federal government. Dis- cusses facts about handicapped persons, selective placement, job modification, and good supervisory practices. A 1 Day Training Package in six individual units. 8 Audiocassettes, 2 track, mono, with audible advance and inaudible advance signals. Instructor's guide and student workbook included. Cleared for T.V. EMPLOYER-EMPLOYEE RIGHTS AND RESPONSI- BILITIES UNDER THE OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH ACT. 62 min., 2x2 Slides, Audiocassette, Col. 1976. Sale $28.50 Source: GSA/NAC Title No. 009862/RR Discusses the Occupational Safety and Health Act and the rights and responsibilities of both employer and employee. 50 Slides, 2 Audiocassettes, 2-Track, Mono, with audible and inaudible advance signals. Instructor's manual included. EDUCATIONAL OPPORTUNITIES FOR OLDER PER- SONS. No. (OHDS) 79-20029. Fact Sheet. Department of Health, Education and Welfare, Office of Human Develop- ment Services. 1978. 6pp. Source: HEW/HDS Information for older persons seeking courses and educa- tional programs. Includes information on Federal coopera- tion, sources of funding for educational programs for older persons, and available publications. AMERICAN PROFILE. Booklets. President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped. 1975. Source: PCEH These booklets are designed to assist government officials to establish rules and regulations which will permit handi- capped persons an equal opportunity to compete for jobs in government. Useful for recruiters, selective placement per- sonnel and others working with the handicapped. The fol- lowing titles are available: What States are Doing (and Can Do) to Hire the Handi- capped. 74pp. What Cities and Counties are Doing to Hire Handi- capped People. 69pp. JOB READY HANDICAPPED AMERICANS ARE FIND- ING MORE BUSINESS ACCEPTANCE. Reprint Presi- dent's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped. 14 Source: PCEH Article by Carol Riggs reprinted from Dun & Bradstreet Reports Magazine, Jan. -Feb., 1979. PREPARING FOR WORK. Booklet. President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped. Government Printing Office. 1979. 17pp. Source: PCEH A guide for special class teachers, school guidance counsel- ors, work- study specialists, families of mentally retarded young people and mentally retarded young people. GUIDE TO JOB PLACEMENT OF MENTALLY RE- STORED PEOPLE. Booklet. President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped. Government Printing Office. 1977. 47pp. Source: PCEH EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING ISSUES - GOVERNMENT AND INDUSTRY-- A SERIES. 3-3/4 in. Videocassettes. 1976. Sale $281.50 Source: GSA/NAC Title No. 008938/PF Presents discussions carried on by representatives from the U.S. Civil Service Commission, The Social Security Admin- istration, and Martin Marietta Corporation. Discusses execu- tive development, training programs, and mobility. Audi- ence: Executives and The Industrial Community. Leader's Guide included. Other Format Or Version 3 1/2 in. Video- tapes. 1976. Sale $354.50. Title No. 008968/PF. EXECUTIVE DEVELOPMENT AND TRAINING ISSUES - GOVERNMENT AND INDUSTRY, PT. 1, STRUC- TURED VERSUS UNSTRUCTURED APPROACHES. 20 min., 1/2 in. Videotape, Col. 1976. Sale $117.00 Source: GSA/NAC Title No. 008941/PF Presents officials from the U.S. Civil Service Commission, The Social Security Administration, and The Martin Mar- ietta Corporation discussing formal and informal approaches to executive development, using examples from the public and private sectors. Emphasizes that executive development is essential and should be consciously planned by organiza- tions. Mobility is also discussed along with alternatives to mobility. Leader's Guide included. From the Executive De- velopment and Training Issues - Government and Industry Series. Other Format(s) Version(s): 20 min. 3/4 in. Video- cassette, Col. 1976. Sale $101.00. Title No. 008857/PF. Leader's Guide included. EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FROM DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WAREHOUSE. Catalog Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. 1978. 19pp. Source: DOL/ETA MATCHING PERSONAL AND JOB CHARACTERIS- TICS. Booklet. Kathy Wilson. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 13pp. $1.25 ea. Source: GPO S/N 029-001-02274-3. Also available from DOL/BLS. A reprint from the Fall 1978 Occupational Outlook Quarter- ly, the U.S. Department of Labor's career guidance maga- zine. Listed and defined in this booklet are 23 occupational characteristics and requirements which are matched in the chart that follows with 281 occupations chosen from the 7975 - 79 Occupational Outlook Handbook. This table is designed as an exploratory tool to help you compare per- sonal interests, capacities, abilities, and educational qualifica- tions with characteristics usually associated with an occupa- tion or group of occupations. UNION WAGES AND HOURS: LOCAL TRUCK- DRIVERS AND HELPERS, JULY 1, 1977. Bulletin 2015 Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1979. 108pp. $3.00 ea. Source: GPO S/N 029-001-02285-9 The Bureau of Labor Statistics conducts surveys of wage rates and straight-time hours of work in selected cities of 100,000 inhabitants or more for specified crafts or jobs as provided in labor-management agreements. They are done annually in the construction and local transit industries and biennially for printing trades, local trucking, and grocery stores. Wage rates and hours presented in this report are those in effect the first workday in July, as reported to the Bureau by the appropriate local labor organizations in each city included in the survey. UNION WAGES AND BENEFITS: BUILDING TRADES, JULY 3, 1978. Bulletin 2038. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1979. 153pp. $4.75 ea. Source: GPO S/N 029-001-02389-8 This study of construction wage rates was conducted in the Bureau's Office of Wages and Industrial Relations. It pro- vides a comprehensive account of the current study and includes indexes of union wage rates for building trades' employees for 1907-78. EMPLOYMENT REQUIREMENTS OF MASS TRANSIT. BLS Bulletin 1989. ETA R&D Monograph 58. Depart- ment of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics and Employment and Training Administration. 1978. 44pp. $2.30 ea. Source: GPO S/N 029-001-02211-5 The Bureau of Labor Statistics, as part of its research on the employment requirements of Federal Programs, re- viewed Federal aid for mass transit and selected the Massa- chusetts Bay Transportation Authority for a case study. TRIO FOR YOUTH. Booklet. Department of Labor, Em- ployment and Training Administration. 1979. 13pp. Source: DOL/ETA INCOME INEQUALITY AND EMPLOYMENT. R D Monograph 66. Booklet. Department of Labor, Employ- ment and Training Administration. 1978. 60pp. Source: DOL/ETA This monograph is a review and analysis of over 50 re- search and development projects which have dealt with welfare recipients and the low-wage employed. The process by which welfare recipients move into the ranks of the employed, and the extent to which this is accomplished as a result of training programs, are examined. EQUAL OPPORTUNITY IN APPRENTICESHIP: A GUIDE FOR PROGRAM SPONSORS. Pamphlet Depart- ment of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. 1979. 8pp. Source: DOL/ETA Provides a brief explanation of the Department of Labor's equal employment opportunity regulations and exactly what they require. It also lists some activities supported by the Department that can help program sponsors reach their affirmative action goals. 15 TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES IN JOB CORPS. Directo- ry. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Ad- ministration. 1979. 48pp. Source: DOL/ETA This directory provides a list of vocational courses offered at 103 Job Corps centers located in 42 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Job Corps provides intensive training, work experience, and counseling on a residential or nonresidential basis. These facilities, programs, and the vo- cational courses listed in this directory, are available for training adults and youth who are out of work or school and who need additional skills to secure and hold meaning- ful employment. INDEX TO INFORMATION. Quarterly Periodical. Office of Personnel Management, Library. Source: OPM Provides a complete listing of information available from the Office of Personnel Management. UNION WAGES AND BENEFITS: BUILDING TRADES, JULY 3, 1978. Bulletin 2038. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1979. 153pp. $4.75 ea. Source: GPO S/N 029-001-02389-8 This study of construction wage rates was conducted in the Bureau's Office of Wages and Industrial Relations. It pro- vides a comprehensive account of the current study and includes indexes of union wage rates for building trades' employees for 1907-78. OFFICE MANAGEMENT AND BUDGET ANALYSIS PLANNING YOUR STAFFING NEEDS: A HANDBOOK FOR PERSONNEL WORKERS. Office of Personnel Man- agement. 1977. 360pp. ill. $5.25 ea. Source: GPO S/N OO6-OO0-01020-2 SCENES FROM THE WORKPLACE. 23 min., 16MM Film, Opt. Sd., Col. 1975. Rental $12.50 Sale $133.50 Source: GSA/NAC Title No. 009872/RR Illustrates different grievances and how they are handled through eight situations taking place in various types of state and local public employment. Involves processing grievances, identifying the real grievances and determining remedies. Also discusses the language necessary to resolve the grievance in favor of the grievant or management, and the relationship with agency rules, merit systems, and regu- lations. Cleared for non-sponsored TV. GUIDE TO RECORD RETENTION REQUIREMENTS, 1979. General Services Administration, Federal Register Office. 1979. $3.00 ea. Source: GPO S/N 022-003-00985-0 This useful reference tool is designed to assist businessmen and the general public with their record keeping and con- tains more than 1000 digests detailing the retention periods for the many types of records required to be kept under Federal laws. UNION WAGES AND HOURS: LOCAL TRUCK- DRIVERS AND HELPERS, JULY 1, 1977. Bulletin 2015 Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1979. 108pp. $3.00 ea. Source: GPO S/N 029-001-02285-9 The Bureau of Labor Statistics conducts surveys of wage rates and straight-time hours of work in selected cities of 100,000 inhabitants or more for specified crafts or jobs as provided in labor-management agreements. They are done annually in the construction and local transit industries and biennially for printing trades, local trucking, and grocery stores. Wage rates and hours presented in this report are those in effect the first workday in July, as reported to the Bureau by the appropriate local labor organizations in each city included in the survey. 16 VOCATIONAL EDUCATION DEVELOPMENT OF INDIVIDUALIZED EDUCATION PROGRAMS (IEP) FOR THE HANDICAPPED IN VO- CATIONAL EDUCATION. Department of Health, Educa- tion, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1979. 60pp. $2.40 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01954-0 Addresses the specifics of the laws, provides an analysis of literature sources relating to the development and imple- mentation of the IEP in vocational education, and discusses the implications of the findings for vocational education at state and local levels. LEAST RESTRICTIVE ALTERNATIVE FOR HANDI- CAPPED STUDENTS. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1979. 40pp. $1.80 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01953-1 Describes the least restrictive alternative to the vocational education of people with handicaps. OCCUPATIONAL SAFETY AND HEALTH IN VOCA- TIONAL EDUCATION: A GUIDE FOR ADMINISTRA- TORS, FACULTY, AND STAFF. Guidebook. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institute of Occupational Safety and Health. 1979. 184pp. ill. $4.25 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-033-00347-5 INTRODUCTION TO THE VOCATIONAL REHABILI- TATION PROCESS: A TRAINING MANUAL. Depart ment of Health, Education, and Welfare, Social and Reha- bilitation Service Administration. 1976. 201pp. ill. $3.30 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-061-00021-6 OUTDOOR CLASSROOMS ON SCHOOL SITES. Depart- ment of Agriculture. 1976. 22pp. ill. $0.50 ea. Source: GPO S/N 001-000-01458-7 This book gives information on developing an outdoor classroom and includes many photographs illustrating ideas for students in outdoor classrooms. It contains many ideas that will be of special interest to teachers and school admin- istrators. DECISION POINTS IN DEVELOPING NEW PROD- UCTS. Small Business Administration. 1976. 64pp. ill. $1.50 ea. Source: GPO S/N 045-000-00146-6 IMPROVING OCCUPATIONAL PROGRAMS FOR THE HANDICAPPED. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1976. 227pp. ill. $2.85 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01637-1 Discusses practical methods for helping the handicapped gain employment. Advice is provided on: designing and setting up an education/training program; reaching and se- lecting students; preparing for specific skill training, voca- tional training, and supportive and social services; and tran- sition to the work world, job placement, and follow-up. Includes a program evaluation checklist, a variety of pro- gram abstracts, and a sampling of case studies. CAREER EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL EDUCA- TION, SIMILARITIES AND CONTRASTS. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1977. 19pp. $1.10 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01742-3 OCCUPATIONAL TRAINING IN SELECTED METAL- WORKING INDUSTRIES, 1974: A REPORT ON A SURVEY OF SELECTED OCCUPATIONS. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 52pp. ill. $2.20 ea. Source: GPO S/N 029-001-02127-5 ON-THE-JOB TRAINING: CETA PROGRAM MODELS. Department of Labor. Revised 1978. 39pp. ill. $1.80 ea. Source: GPO S/N 029-000-00334-3 VOCATIONAL/TECHNICAL: A SELECT LIST OF U. S. GOVERNMENT PRODUCED AUDIOVISUAL MATERI- ALS - 1978/79. Catalog. General Services Administration, National Audiovisual Center. 1979. 56pp. Source: GSA/NAC This catalog features a select list of available materials from the National Audiovisual Center on vocational and techni- cal instruction and training. Includes order/purchase forms. VOCATIONAL EDUCATION AND TRAINING FOR THE NON-HANDICAPPED: A BIBLIOGRAPHY WITH ABSTRACTS. A. Young. National Technical Information Service. 1978. 194pp. $28.00 ea. Source: NTIS NTIS/PS-78/0315 Included are evaluations of technical schools or curricula. The evaluations are developed from the standpoint of both the industry's and the individual's needs. The reports ab- stracted cover programs aimed at the hardcore unemployed and the socially and economically disadvantaged. BIBLIOGRAPHY OF SECONDARY MATERIALS FOR TEACHING HANDICAPPED STUDENTS. President's Committee on Employment of the Handicapped. 1979. Approx. 30pp. Source: PCEH Contains titles of materials dealing with the delivery of special educations, vocational educations, and industrial arts services to the handicapped. 17 DOZENS OF WAYS TO MAKE MONEY. 1 Cassette: C- 90; 15/16 IPS.; 4 Track. RC. Yvonne Michie Horn. Library of Congress, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. 1977. Source: LC/NLSBPH RC 12292 A clever guide to money-making ventures; includes tips on becoming one's own boss, advertising, initial supplies, and methods of operation. For junior and senior high readers. Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1976. 9pp. Source: HEW/OE PLANNING AND CONDUCTING A PROGRAM OF IN- STRUCTION IN VOCATIONAL AGRICULTURE FOR YOUNG FARMERS: SUGGESTIONS FOR TEACHERS AND SCHOOL ADMINISTRATORS IN DEVELOPING EDUCATIONAL PROGRAMS FOR OUT-OF-SCHOOL YOUNG FARMERS. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1978. 81pp. Source: HEW/OE WOMEN IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. Evelyn R. Kay. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Edu- cation Division. 1978. 9pp. $0.90 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01895-1 STEPS TOWARD SEX FQUITY IN VOCATIONAL EDU- CATION: AN INSERVICE TRAINING DESIGN. Joyce Kaser, Martha Matthews, and Shirley McCune. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1978. 235pp. $4.50 ea. Source: HEW/OE ENERGY-RELATED ACTIVITIES IN TWO-YEAR POST- SECONDARY VOCATIONAL TECHNICAL INSTITU- TIONS: A REPRESENTATIVE SAMPLING BY STATE. DOE/IR 0050. Mayme R. Crowell. Department of Energy, Office of Education, Business and Labor Affairs. 1978. 87pp. Source: DOE/IIR This report describes the procedures and findings of a peer- to-peer telephone information exchange between the Educa- tion Programs Division and various vocational-technical schools throughout the U. S. The purpose of the study was to assess the state of the art of energy education activities within 2-year post-secondary education institutions. PUT WINGS ON YOUR CAREER. 15 min., 16 MM Film, Opt. Sd., Col. 1978. Sale $87.00 Source: GSA/NAC Title No. A00119/PF Illustrates the diversity of jobs associated with aviation maintenance both in government and private industry. Out- lines the basic technical requirements and points interested people in the right direction for more specific career infor- mation. Audience: Secondary schools, vocational schools, high schools, and junior highs. Cleared for TV. ERIC, IT'S THAT EASY. 15 min., 3/4 in. Videocassette, Col. 1978. Sale $50.00 Source: GSA/NAC Title No. A01306 Tells what the Eric System is, and how it is useful to research efforts. Audience: Educational and library. Other Format(s) or Version(s): 15 min., 1 in. Videotape, Col. 1978. Title No. A01977/PF. Sale $80.00. EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FROM DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WAREHOUSE. Catalog Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. 1978. 19pp. Source: DOL/ETA JOBS FOR WHICH YOU CAN QUALIFY IF YOU'RE NOT A HIGH SCHOOL GRADUATE. Pamphlet Depart- ment of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Government Printing Office. 1979. Approx. 20pp. $1.75 ea. Source: GPO S/N 029-001-02449-5 Contains a list of occupations for which a high school diploma is not required; highlights the job qualifications and employment outlook for each. MATCHING PERSONAL AND JOB CHARACTERIS- TICS. Booklet. Kathy Wilson. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 13pp. $1.25 ea. Source: GPO S/N 029-001-02274-3. Also available from DOL/BLS. A reprint from the Fall 1978 Occupational Outlook Quarter- ly, the U.S. Department of Labor's career guidance maga- zine. Listed and defined in this booklet are 23 occupational characteristics and requirements which are matched in the chart that follows with 281 occupations chosen from the 1978 - 79 Occupational Outlook Handbook. This table is designed as an exploratory tool to help you compare per- sonal interests, capacities, abilities, and educational qualifica- tions with characteristics usually associated with an occupa- tion or group of occupations. MANPOWER MAGAZINE. Monthly Periodical. Depart- ment of Labor, Manpower Administration. $15.30/year. Source: GPO This is the official journal of the Manpower Administration; past issues have covered topics such as basic education and job training, public service jobs, technical education and careers in industry. Book reviews and lists of publications are usually included. WORKLIFE. Monthly Periodical. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. $15.30/year. Source: GPO This is the official journal of the Employment and Training Administration. Past issues have covered topics such as nontraditional jobs exploration, older workers, CETA, flexi- time and union apprenticeships. Book reviews and publica- tions' lists are usually included. GUIDE FOR OCCUPATIONAL EXPLORATION. Depart- ment of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. 1979. 715pp. $11.00 ea. Source: GPO S/N 029-013-00080-2 The guide has been designed to help meet the need for more information on occupational fields and occupational requirements. The guide is intended for use both by voca- tional counselors and individuals themselves to assist with career and occupational exploration. ANNUAL EARNINGS AND EMPLOYMENT PATTERNS OF PRIVATE NONAGRICULTURAL EMPLOYEES, 1973-75. Bulletin 2031. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1979. 383pp. $7.50 ea. Source: GPO S/N 029-001-02386-3 18 This bulletin presents statistics on annual earnings and em- ployment in the United States in 1973, 1974, and 1975. The Bureau of Labor Statistics developed the data from a 1% random sample of records of the Social Security Adminis- tration and the Railroad Retirement Board. The data pro- vide a more accurate picture of annual earnings and em- ployment patterns by industry than is available from any other source. The data are the last available from the Social Security Administration and provide historical continuity with the other published data in the series. PUTTING AMERICA'S FUTURE TO WORK. Booklet. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Adminis- tration. 1979. 20pp. Source: DOL/ETA This is the story of young people who are taking their first steps into the labor market, and it is the story of govern- ment sponsored employment and training programs that aim to assist and direct them during this difficult learning and adjustment period. INCOME INEQUALITY AND EMPLOYMENT. R D Monograph 66. Booklet. Department of Labor, Employ- ment and Training Administration. 1978. 60pp. Source: DOL/ETA This monograph is a review and analysis of over 50 re- search and development projects which have dealt with welfare recipients and the low-wage employed. The process by which welfare recipients move into the ranks of the employed, and the extent to which this is accomplished as a result of training programs, are examined. CARPENTRY: A TRADE WORTH LEARNING THROUGH APPRENTICESHIP. Pamphlet Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. Source: DOL/ETA Defines the job of a carpenter and an apprentice. Lists the general qualifications and term of a carpentry apprentice- ship. Describes best way to enter an apprenticeship. TRAINING OPPORTUNITIES IN JOB CORPS. Directo- ry. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Ad- ministration. 1979. 48pp. Source: DOL/ETA This directory provides a list of vocational courses offered at 103 Job Corps centers located in 42 states, the District of Columbia, and Puerto Rico. Job Corps provides intensive training, work experience, and counseling on a residential or nonresidential basis. These facilities, programs, and the vo- cational courses listed in this directory, are available for training adults and youth who are out of work or school and who need additional skills to secure and hold meaning- ful employment. RESOURCES IN VOCATIONAL EDUCATION. Bi-month- ly Periodical. National Center for Research in Vocational Education. $34.00/yr. Source: NCRVE Includes abstracts of research, instructional, and other mate- rials in vocational and technical education, and abstracts of funded proposals. The full texts of most documents an- nounced in this publication are available in microfiche or hard copy from ERIC. A GUIDE TO COORDINATING CETA/VOCATIONAL EDUCATION LEGISLATION AFFECTING DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAMS. Department of Labor, Women's Bureau. 1979. 38pp. Source: DOL/WB INDUSTRY WAGE SURVEY: COMPUTER AND DATA PROCESSING SERVICES, MARCH 1978. Bulletin 2028. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1979. 51pp. $2.50 ea. Source: GPO S/N 029-001-02319-7 This bulletin summarizes the results of a first-time Bureau of Labor Statistics survey of occupational wages and supple- mentary benefits in the computer and data processing serv- ices industries in March 1978. OCCUPATIONAL TRAINING GUIDE. ET Handbook No. 325. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Ad- ministration. 1976. Approx. 100pp. Source: DOL/ETA The purpose of this guide is to assist Job Corps instructors in establishing coordinated training programs by providing procedures and guidelines to: analyze vocational curricula so that they reflect training requirements, plan, implement, evaluate and, when necessary, modify the training. SYNERGIST. Periodical. Action's National Center for Service - Learning. $5.00/year. Source: GPO. Also available from ACTION. Three times a year the National Center for Service-Learn- ing publishes Synergist a 56 page technical journal for edu- cators who work with programs that integral course work and community service. Synergist aims to demonstrate how service-learning in general, innovative projects and pro- grams in particular, improve the quality of life for the least privileged members of society, and the quality of learning for all students. The 35,000 readers include secondary and post-secondary administrators and teachers as well as those involved in social change activities in the United States and 57 other countries. Indexes for Synergist are available for all years of publication as are reprints of selected articles. The Synergist and all NCSL resource materials are free. Librar- ies and profit-making institutions must pay the subscription fee. JOBS FOR WHICH APPRENTICESHIPS ARE AVAILA- BLE. Booklet. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Sta- tistics. 1976. Approx. 15pp. Source: DOL/BLS Lists occupations, qualifications and training, and employ- ment trends to 1985. JOBS FOR WHICH YOU PROBABLY WILL NEED SOME COLLEGE OR SPECIALIZED TRAINING. Pam- phlet. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1979. Approx. 20pp. $1.75 ea. Source: GPO S/N 029-001-02450-9 Presents a list of occupations for which college, technical, or specialized training is required. It highlights the training requirements and employment outlook for each. NATIONAL APPRENTICESHIP AND TRAINING STANDARDS. Booklet. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. 1978. Source: DOL/ETA This is a series of booklets on standards for the following occupations: auto body repair and painting, automotive ma- 19 chinist, bricklaying, glaziers and glassworkers, lathing, oper- ating engineers, plumbing and steamfitting/pipefitting, truck body and trailer mechanic, and vending machine mechanics. Standards for the Graphic Arts International Union, the American Public Works Association, and the United Auto Workers are also available. PUBLICATIONS OF THE WOMEN'S BUREAU. Leaflet 10. Department of Labor, Women's Bureau. 1979. 9pp. Source: DOL/WB 20 CAREER EDUCATION CAREERS IN COMMUNICATIONS MEDIA. Guidebook. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1975. 288pp. ill. $5.60 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01496-3 Guidelines for instructors organizing courses for career ex- ploration in communications; provides descriptions of var- ious occupations in the communications field and assistance in career planning. HAVE YOU CONSIDERED A HEALTH CAREER? De- partment of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service. 1977. 27pp. $0.55 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-022-00524-7 POLICE SELECTION AND CAREER ASSESSMENT. De- partment of Justice. 1976. 199pp. ill. $4.00 ea. Source: GPO S/N 027-000-00390-7 PUBLIC SERVICE OCCUPATIONS. Guidebooks. Depart- ment of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Educa- tion. 1975. Source: GPO A series of six curriculum guides in public service occupa- tions are available: Administering Public Service Occupations, An Imple- mentation Guide. 176pp. $2.95 ea. S/N 017-080- 01447-5. Exploration Of Public Service Occupations, An Imple- mentation Guide. 296pp. $3.70 ea. S/N 017-080- 01432-7. Preparing For Public Service Occupations, Common Core, Curriculum Guide. 214pp. $2.90 ea. S/N 017- 080-01433-5. Preparing For Public Service Occupations, Educational Service, Curriculum Guide. 172pp. $3.05 ea. S/N 017- 080-01435-1. Preparing For Public Service Occupations, Law Enforce- ment Services, Curriculum Guide. 134pp. $2.10 ea. S/ N 017-080-01436-0. Preparing For Public Service Occupations, Social Serv- ices, Curriculum Guide. 40pp. $2.20 ea. S/N 017-080- 01434-3. FROM AIDE TO TEACHER, THE STORY OF THE CAREER OPPORTUNITIES PROGRAM. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1977. 28pp. $3.00 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01566-8 GUIDANCE NEEDS OF SPECIAL POPULATIONS. De- partment of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Edu- cation. 1979. 28pp. $1.50 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01969-8 Special needs populations in educational and employment settings include the handicapped, and those who have aca- demic, socio-economic, cultural, or other disadvantages which prevent them from being successful in traditional and regular occupational programs. JOB PLACEMENT AND ADJUSTMENT OF THE HANDICAPPED: AN ANNOTATED BIBLIOGRAPHY. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1979. 24pp. $1.40 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01970-1 This bibliography was produced to assist special educators and vocational educators in obtaining information on the job placement and career adjustment of various handi- capped populations. CAREER CHOICES, WORKING TOWARD A BETTER ENVIRONMENT. Environmental Protection Agency. 1977. 15pp. ill. $0.35 ea. Source: GPO S/N 055-000-00158-8 ADULT WORK SKILLS AND KNOWLEDGE: SELECT- ED RESULTS FROM THE FIRST NATIONAL ASSESS- MENT OF CAREER AND OCCUPATIONAL DEVELOP- MENT. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1976. 70pp. $1.50 ea. Source: HEW/OE The findings of a survey examining the work related skills and knowledge of American adults, ages 26-35. The skills assessed are basic to many employment situations and re- sults are analyzed for various groups within the national population. CAREER DEVELOPMENT NEEDS OF ADULTS: HOW TO IMPROVE CAREER DEVELOPMENT PROGRAMS. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1977. 58pp. ill. $2.10 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01787-3 CAREER EDUCATION OF ADULTS. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1977. 73pp. $2.20 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01736-9 Condenses current data concerning the disposition of Adult and Continuing Education in the United States. Examines adult participation in career education, summarizes adult learning needs, reviews developments in higher education, and makes several recommendations. FUTURE FARMERS OF AMERICA AND CAREER EDU- CATION. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1979. $1.50 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01922-1 21 CAREER EDUCATION TEACHING LEARNING PROC- ESS. Barbara Preli. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1978. 33pp. ill. $1.50 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01849-7 A monograph emphasizing the ways in which career educa- tion helps students learn more instructional content. INTEGRATING CAREER EDUCATION INTO TEACH- ER PREPARATION, IMPLEMENTATION GUIDE FOR COLLEGE/UNIVERSITY USE. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1976. 130pp. ill. $1.95 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01577-3 K - 12 CLASSROOM TEACHERS AND CAREER EDU- CATION: THE BEAUTIFUL PEOPLE. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare. Office of Education. 1976. 35pp. $0.90 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01537-4 Provides specific examples of career education in the class- room. TEACHERS AND CAREER EDUCATION. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1976. 35pp. $0.70 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01618-4 A set of 4 papers discussing the crucial importance of the classroom teacher to career education. SPEECH PATHOLOGY AND AUDIOLOGY: MANPOW- ER RESOURCES AND NEEDS. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service, National Institute of Neurological Disorders and Stroke. 1977. 97pp. ill. $2.40 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-049-00085-2 Describes the demographic and professional characteristics of the speech pathology/audiology work force and those students currently in training; identifies current patterns of manpower utilization; estimates the need for additional speech pathologists and audiologists in the area of teaching research and client care through 1985; recommends appro- priate goals for meeting the needs of the communicatively handicapped; and suggests means for meeting these goals. CURRENT STATE OF CAREER EDUCATION AT THE POST-SECONDARY LEVEL. Department of Health, Edu- cation, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1977. 115pp. $2.75 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01734-2 Presents an overview of how American colleges and univer- sities perceive and practice career education, together with a series of recommendations for further implementation of the career education concept at this level. TWO STUDIES ON THE ROLE OF BUSINESS AND INDUSTRY AND LABOR PARTICIPATION IN CAREER EDUCATION. Department of Health, Education, and Wel- fare, Office of Education. 1977. 120pp. $2.75 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01737-7 RESOURCES IN WOMEN'S EDUCATION EQUITY, NONPRINT MEDIA AND MATERIALS. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1978. 243pp. $4.25 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01836-5 Each listing provides a title, author, distributor, format, price, abstract, and source. WOMEN'S AMERICAN ORT AND CAREER EDUCA- TION. Pamphlet. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1978. 20pp. $1.50 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01904-3 Provides a basic understanding of Women's American ORT (Organization of Rehabilitation Through Training) and out- lines ways it can be utilized to further the concept of career education as a collaborative community effort. ADVANCED GENERAL EDUCATION PROGRAM: HIGH SCHOOL SELF STUDY PROGRAM. Department of Labor. Rev. 1977. 455pp. ill. $40.00 ea. Source: GPO S/N 029-000-00340-8 This program is designed to help prepare adult students with the information, concepts, and general knowledge needed to pass the American Council on Education's 'Test of General Educational Development' (GED) for high school equivalency certification. The kit consists of 126 booklets and one form; 126 volumes, sold only as a set. CAREER EDUCATION AND BASIC ACADEMIC ACHIEVEMENT, A DESCRIPTIVE ANALYSIS OF THE RESEARCH. Department of Health, Education, and Wel- fare, Office of Education. 1977. 143pp. $2.75 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01720-2 CAREER EDUCATION AND HUMAN SERVICES De- partment of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Edu- cation. 1977. 23pp. $1.30 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01741-5 CAREER EDUCATION AND THE BUSINESS-LABOR- INDUSTRY COMMUNITY. Department of Health, Edu- cation, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1976. 22pp. $0.45 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01613-3 CAREER EDUCATION AND THE COMPREHENSIVE EMPLOYMENT TRAINING ACT. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1978. 56pp. $2.30 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01862-4 Traces the role of youth in pre-CETA Manpower Programs and in CETA to 1977, and makes some recommendations for linking career education to current youth employment policies. CAREER EDUCATION AND VOCATIONAL EDUCA- TION, SIMILARITIES AND CONTRASTS. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1977. 19pp. $1.10 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01742-3 CAREER EDUCATION FOR SPECIAL POPULATIONS. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1976. 21pp. $0.45 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01612-5 CAREER EDUCATION IN PUBLIC SCHOOLS, 1974-75: A NATIONAL SURVEY. Department of Health, Educa- tion, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1976. 325pp. ill. $4.00 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01560-9 22 CAREER EDUCATION: WHAT PROOF DO WE HAVE THAT IT WORKS? REPORT OF A PANEL SESSION OF THE COMMISSIONER'S NATIONAL CONFERENCE ON CAREER EDUCATION, HOUSTON, TEXAS, NO- VEMBER 8, 1976. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1977. 64pp. ill. $2.10 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01785-7 CAREER OPPORTUNITIES IN THE ELECTRIC POWER AND GAS UTILITIES INDUSTRIES. Depart- ment of Labor. 1978. 136pp. ill. $3.25 ea. Source: GPO S/N 029-000-00341-6 COMMUNITY RESOURCES FOR CAREER EDUCA- TION. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1976. 30pp. $0.55 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01615-0 DEALING WITH FUTURES, CAREER EDUCATION MATERIALS FOR STUDENTS, PARENTS, AND EDU- CATORS: A BIBLIOGRAPHY BASED ON THE ACQUI- SITIONS OF THE EDUCATIONAL MATERIALS CENTER. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1977. 20pp. $1.00 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01721-1 HEALTH CAREERS GUIDEBOOK. Department of Labor. Revised 1979. 221pp. ill. $5.25 ea. Source: GPO S/N 029-000-00343-2 INTRODUCTION TO CAREER EDUCATION: A POLICY PAPER OF THE UNITED STATES OFFICE OF EDUCATION. Department of Health, Education, and Wel- fare, Office of Education. 1975. 40pp. $1.05 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01388-6 KEY RESOURCES IN CAREER EDUCATION: AN AN- NOTATED GUIDE. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1976. 408pp. ill. $5.75 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01667-2 PRIMER FOR CAREER EDUCATION. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1977. 39pp. $1.50 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01752-1 REFINING THE CAREER EDUCATION CONCEPT. De- partment of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Edu- cation. Source: GPO Comprised of two booklets: Part 1. 1976. 47pp. $0.75 ea. S/N 017-080-01610-9 Part 2. 1977. 32pp. $1.50 ea. S/N 017-080-01739-3 SCHOOL COUNSELOR AND CAREER EDUCATION. Pamphlet. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1976. 27pp. $0.55 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01528-5 YEDPA AND CAREER EDUCATION. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1978. 42pp. $2.10 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01889-6 Outlines the results of two mini-conferences concerning the Youth Employment and Demonstration Projects Act and Career Education. DOOR TO THE FUTURE: CAREERS FOR WOMEN. De- partment of the Interior, Office of the Secretary. Govern- ment Printing Office. 1978. 58pp. ill. Source: DOI/PA This publication illustrates a broad spectrum of careers that are available to women at the Department of the Interior in the sciences, engineering, and other professional areas. SELECTED U. S. GOVERNMENT AUDIOVISUALS: CAREER EDUCATION. Catalog. General Services Admin- istration, National Audiovisual Center. 1977. Approx. 20pp. Source: GSA/NAC This catalog lists audiovisual materials which are available from the National Audiovisual Center. Included are order/ purchase forms. VOCATIONAL/TECHNICAL: A SELECT LIST OF U. S. GOVERNMENT PRODUCED AUDIOVISUAL MATERI- ALS - 1978/79. Catalog. General Services Administration, National Audiovisual Center. 1979. 56pp. Source: GSA/NAC This catalog features a select list of available materials from the National Audiovisual Center on vocational and techni- cal instruction and training. Includes order/purchase forms. GUIDE TO FEDERAL AVIATION ADMINISTRATION PUBLICATIONS. Report No. FAA-APA-PG-2. Depart- ment of Transportation, Federal Aviation Administration. Government Printing Office. 1979. 51pp. Source: DOT/FA A The FAA publishes numerous documents dealing with a variety of subjects from regulations on aviation safety to career guidance materials designed to enrich aviation cur- ricula and promote interest in aviation careers. Many of these publications are of interest to the general public as well as to the aviation community. BIBLIOGRAPHY ON CAREER EDUCATION. Linda Hall and Sidney C. High, Jr. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1979. 68pp. $3.25 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-02059-9 It is hoped that this bibliography will be useful to persons interested in familiarizing themselves with the career educa- tion concept and with some emerging techniques for the implementation of career education programs. DENTAL ASSISTING - A CAREER ON THE MOVE. HRA78-40. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Health Resources Administration. 1978. Source: HEW/HRA This publication can be used in recruitment efforts and contains information about careers in dental assisting. OCCUPATIONAL EDUCATION: ENROLLMENTS AND PROGRAMS IN NONCOLLEGIATE POST-SECOND- ARY SCHOOLS 1976. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1978. 42pp. $1.70 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-01884-5 Analyses and appendixed tabular data. HANDBOOK FOR PROFESSIONAL DEVELOPMENT IN HUMAN SERVICES. Handbook. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1979. 205pp. $4.25 ea. Source: GPO S/N 017-080-02007-6 23 Presents curricular modules and professional development units that represent basic tools for the contemporary prac- tices of career education and human services. CAREERS IN HEALTH: THE PROFESSIONALS GIVE YOU THE INSIDE PICTURE ABOUT THEIR JOBS. 2 cassettes: C-90; 15/16 IPS; 4 Track. RC. Barbara Zimmer- man and David B. Smith. Library of Congress, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. 1978. Source: LC/NLSBPH RC 13525 Dramatic vignettes present the activities, problems, respon- sibilities, and satisfactions of a wide variety of health occu- pations. Includes such relatively new occupations as physi- cian's assistant and emergency medical technician. For high school and adult readers. JOBS IN RECREATION. 1 V. 28 x 28 cm. Handcopied, Grade 2. Br. Walter C. Schatz and Carl M. Tausig. Library of Congress, National Library Service for the Blind and Physically Handicapped. 1977. Source: LC/NLSBPH BRA 14139 Introduces various careers available in the field of recrea- tion including park ranger, recreation therapist, landscape architect, travel agent, hotel manager, and others. A PRIMER FOR CAREER EDUCATION. Kenneth B. Hoyt. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Office of Education. 1977. 39pp. $1.50 ea. Source: HEW/OE SELECTED PUBLICATIONS ON ENERGY. Department of Energy, Office of Legislative Affairs. 1979. 3pp. Source: DOE/PA This publication contains a listing of books, pamphlets, cur- riculum guides, posters, and stickers on energy efficiency for teachers, students and consumers. DIRECTIONS IN CAREER EDUCATION: QUESTIONS PEOPLE ASK ABOUT EDUCATION AND WORK. Nancy Bridgeford, Marilyn Clarks, and Larry McClure. Department of Health, Education, and Welfare, Educational Resources Information Center. 1977. 288pp. Source: ERIC DENTAL ASSISTING: A CAREER ON THE MOVE. De- partment of Health, Education, and Welfare, Public Health Service. 1978. 7pp. ill. Source: HEW/PHS LOOKING UP TO YOUR AVIATION CAREER. 14 min., 16 MM Film, Opt. Sd., Col. 1979. Source: GSA/NAC Title No. A01285/PF Describes the more than 60 different career opportunities which aviation offers for people with different aptitudes, skills, and educational backgrounds. Illustrates how careers in aviation present a wide-ranging opportunity for achieve- ment, challenge, responsibility, and fun. Audience: General Audience. Cleared for TV. PUT WINGS ON YOUR CAREER. 15 min , 16 MM Film, Opt. Sd., Col. 1978. Sale $87.00 Source: GSA/NAC Title No. A00119/PF Illustrates the diversity of jobs associated with aviation maintenance both in government and private industry. Out- lines the basic technical requirements and points interested people in the right direction for more specific career infor- mation. Audience: Secondary schools, vocational schools, high schools, and junior highs. Cleared for TV. CHANCE TO BE, A. 30 min., 3/4 in. Videocassette, Col. 1977. Sale $100.00 Source: GSA/NAC Title No. A00672/PF Focuses on Career Education Programs for women, minor- ities, the handicapped, and the gifted and talented. Empha- sizes the needs of the programs for these special populations whose options have been limited. Describes four programs: Project Equality of Seattle, WA; Urban Career Education, Philadelphia, PA; The World of Work, Warren, Oh; and The Center for Career Education in the Arts, Providence, RI. Audience: General audience, school administrators, par- ents, teachers. Cleared for TV. Other Format(s) or Version(s): 30 min., 16 MM Film, Opt. Sd., Col. 1977. Rental $12.50 Sale $174.00. Title No. A00671/PF EMPLOYMENT AND TRAINING ADMINISTRATION PUBLICATIONS AVAILABLE FROM DEPARTMENT OF LABOR WAREHOUSE. Catalog Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. 1978. 19pp. Source: DOL/ETA FROM HOMEMAKING TO MONEYMAKING. Depart- ment of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. Government Printing Office. 1978. 15pp. Source: DOL/BLS Reprinted from the Winter, 1978 issue of Occupational Out- look Quarterly. MATCHING PERSONAL AND JOB CHARACTERIS- TICS. Booklet. Kathy Wilson. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 13pp. $1.25 ea. Source: GPO S/N 029-001-02274-3. Also available from DOL/BLS. A reprint from the Fall 1978 Occupational Outlook Quarter- ly, the U.S. Department of Labor's career guidance maga- zine. Listed and defined in this booklet are 23 occupational characteristics and requirements which are matched in the chart that follows with 281 occupations chosen from the 1978 - 79 Occupational Outlook Handbook. This table is designed as an exploratory tool to help you compare per- sonal interests, capacities, abilities, and educational qualifica- tions with characteristics usually associated with an occupa- tion or group of occupations. POLICE EMPLOYMENT OPPORTUNITIES. Booklet Department of Labor, Employment and Training Adminis- tration. Government Printing Office. 1977. 15pp. Source: DOL/ETA Reports on a survey of job opportunities in 2,440 police agencies. MANPOWER MAGAZINE. Monthly Periodical. Depart- ment of Labor, Manpower Administration. $15.30/year. Source: GPO This is the official journal of the Manpower Administration; past issues have covered topics such as basic education and job training, public service jobs, technical education and careers in industry. Book reviews and lists of publications are usually included. 24 WORKLIFE. Monthly Periodical. Department of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. $15.30/year. Source: GPO This is the official journal of the Employment and Training Administration. Past issues have covered topics such as nontraditional jobs exploration, older workers, CETA, flexi- time and union apprenticeships. Book reviews and publica- tions' lists are usually included. DUAL CAREERS, A LONGITUDINAL STUDY OF THE LABOR MARKET EXPERIENCE OF WOMEN. Manpow- er R & D Monograph 21. Department of Labor, Manpower Administration. Source: GPO This report is composed of the following three volumes: Volume 1. $3.55 ea. Volume 2. $2.10 ea. Volume 3. 1975. 191pp. $2.65 ea. S/N 029-000-00247-9. In early 1965, the Center for Human Research, under a contract with the Department of Labor, began the planning of longitudinal studies of the labor market experience of four subsets of the U. S. population. The above three volumes focus on the older group of women. GUIDE FOR OCCUPATIONAL EXPLORATION. Depart- ment of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. 1979. 715pp. $11.00ea. Source: GPO S/N 029-013-00080-2 The guide has been designed to help meet the need for more information on occupational fields and occupational requirements. The guide is intended for use both by voca- tional counselors and individuals themselves to assist with career and occupational exploration. EMPLOYMENT REQUIREMENTS OF MASS TRANSIT. BLS Bulletin 1989. ETA R&D Monograph 58. Depart- ment of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics and Employment and Training Administration. 1978. 44pp. $2.30 ea. Source: GPO S/N 029-001-02211-5 The Bureau of Labor Statistics, as part of its research on the employment requirements of Federal Programs, re- viewed Federal aid for mass transit and selected the Massa- chusetts Bay Transportation Authority for a case study. INCOME INEQUALITY AND EMPLOYMENT. R D Monograph 66. Booklet. Department of Labor, Employ- ment and Training Administration. 1978. 60pp. Source: DOL/ETA This monograph is a review and analysis of over 50 re- search and development projects which have dealt with welfare recipients and the low-wage employed. The process by which welfare recipients move into the ranks of the employed, and the extent to which this is accomplished as a result of training programs, are examined. EXPLORING CAREERS. Handbook. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Statistics. 1979. 550pp. $10.00 ea. Source: GPO S/N 029-001-02224-7. Also available from DOL/BLS. A career education resource designed and written for junior high students; older students will find this book useful also. It can be used in classrooms, career resource centers and youth programs and is packaged to facilitate either group or individual use. Titles of individual chapters are: The World of Work and You, Industrial Production Occupations; Office Occupations; Service Occupations; Education Occu- pations; Sales Occupations; Construction Occupations; Transportation Occupations; Scientific and Technical Occu- pations; Mechanics and Repairers; Health Occupations; Social Scientists; Social Service Occupations; Performing Arts, Design and Communications Occupations; Agricul- ture, Forestry, and Fishery Occupations. Exploring Careers can be purchased as: A single volume, $10.00 ea.; 15 sepa- rate booklets, one for each chapter, $2.00 ea.; a set of 15 booklets, $12.00 set, S/N 029-001-02225-5. MEMO TO MATURE JOBSEEKERS. Pamphlet. Depart- ment of Labor, Employment and Training Administration. Government Printing Office. 1980. Source: DOL/ETA Provides suggestions for an effective job search. A GUIDE TO COORDINATING CETA/VOCATIONAL EDUCATION LEGISLATION AFFECTING DISPLACED HOMEMAKER PROGRAMS. Department of Labor, Women's Bureau. 1979. 38pp. Source: DOL/WB PUBLICATIONS OF THE WOMEN'S BUREAU. Leaflet 10. Department of Labor, Women's Bureau. 1979. 9pp. Source: DOL/WB A CAREER AS A CORRECTIONAL OFFICER - AN OP- PORTUNITY FOR A CHALLENGE. Announcement No 431. Leaflet. Office of Personnel Management, Staffing Services. 1979. Source: OPM INDEX TO INFORMATION. Quarterly Periodical Office of Personnel Management, Library. Source: OPM Provides a complete listing of information available from the Office of Personnel Management. NATIONAL CENTER FOR SERVICE LEARNING. Infor- mation Kit. 1979. $5.00 ea. Source: GPO S/N 056-000-00021-6 The National Center for Service Learning was founded in 1969 as the National Student Volunteer Program and is part of ACTION, the federal volunteer service agency. The Center provides free training programs, resource materials, and technical assistance to service learning and student vol- unteer programs in high schools and colleges across the country, and also conducts selected research studies on service learning. Enclosed in this kit is information on the publications and resource materials, training activities, and consultant services developed by the Center. CAREER PROFILES IN FORESTRY, CONSERVATION, ECOLOGY, ENVIRONMENT MANAGEMENT. Depart- ment of Agriculture, Forest Service. 1977. 1977. 13pp. ill. $0.90 ea. Source: GPO S/N 001-001-00423-5 SYNERGIST. Periodical. Action's National Center for Service - Learning. $5.00/year. Source: GPO. Also available from ACTION. Three times a year the National Center for Service-Learn- ing publishes Synergist a 56 page technical journal for edu- cators who work with programs that integrate course work 25 and community service. Synergist aims to demonstrate how service-learning in general, innovative projects and pro- grams in particular, improve the quality of life for the least privileged members of society, and the quality of learning for all students. The 35,000 readers include secondary and post-secondary administrators and teachers as well as those involved in social change activities in the United States and 57 other countries. Indexes for Synergist are available for all years of publication as are reprints of selected articles. The Synergist and all NCSL resource materials are free. Librar- ies and profit-making institutions must pay the subscription fee. JOBS FOR WHICH APPRENTICESHIPS ARE AVAILA- BLE. Booklet. Department of Labor, Bureau of Labor Sta- tistics. 1976. Approx. 15pp. Source: DOL/BLS Lists occupations, qualifications and training, and employ- ment trends to 1985. 26 ORDER FORM ORDER FORM To: Enclosed is $ Superintendent of Documents. 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