C7\ M\7A, McGill uoiVer&i+y, Montreal. w Royal CharVer Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2016 https://archive.org/details/royalcharteractsOOmcgi MCGILL UNIVERSITY, MONTREAL. EXTRACTS FROM THE WILL OF THE FOUNDER. ROYAL CHARTER. %cfs jcrf STATUTES. Pottttcal : PRINTED BY JOHN LOVELL & SON, ST. NICHOLAS STREET 1883. Msn Cn i TABLE OF CONTENTS. PAGE 1. Extract from Will of Hon. James McGill 3- 8 2. Amended Royal Charter of McGill College, dated 6th July, 1852 9-25 3. An Act respecting the Royal Institution for the Ad- vancement of Learning. Con. St. L. C., cap. 17. 26-33 ^ 4. Act amending Cap. 17, 26 Vic. Cap. 6. (A.D. 1863).....^ 34-36 5. Statutes of the University 36-62 Cap. I. Of the Governors 33*^9 “ II. Of the Principal and Vice-Chancellor 39 “ III. Of the Fellows 39-40 ‘‘ IV. Of the Corporation of the University 40-41 V. Of the Convocation 42—46 “ VI. Of the Appointment and Duties of Officers, Faculties, Ac 46-49 “ VII. Of Matriculation, Courses of Study, Fees, Ac 49-51 ‘‘VIII. Of Degrees 51-54 “ IX. Of Scholarships, Ac 55 “ X. Of Moral Conduct and Discipline 55-56 “ XI. Of Rank and Precedence 56-57 “ XII. Of the McGill Xormal School 57 “ XIII. Of Affiliated Colleges 57-60 “ XIV. Of Affiliated Schools 60-61 “ XV. Of School Examinations 61 “ XVI. Of Repeal or Amendment of Statutes 62 “ XVII. Of Repeal of former Statutes... 62 [The Will of Mr. McGill was dated 8th January, 1811. The testator died 19th Dec., 1813. Vide Stuart’s Reports, 218 and seq., case of Desrivieres & Richardson.] EXTRACT FROM THE WILL OF THE LATE HON. JAMES McGILL. “ I GIVE and devise all that tract or parcel of land, Burnside pro- commonly called Burnside, situated near the city of ^er1;Sn^par^ Montreal aforesaid, containing about forty-six acres, including an acre of land purchased by me from one Sanscrainte, together with the dwelling-house and other buildings thereon erected, with their appurte- nances, unto the Honorable John Richardson and James Reid, of the City of Montreal aforesaid. Esquires, the Rev. John Strachan, Rector of Corn- wall, in Upper Canada, and James Dunlop, of the said City of Montreal, Esquire, and to their heirs, to, upon, and for the uses, trusts, intents, and pur- poses, and with, and subject to, the provisions, conditions, and limitations, hereinafter mentioned and expressed, of and concerning the same, that is to say, upon trust that they, the said John Richardson, James Reid, John Strachan, and James Dunlop, or the survivors or survivor of 4 To convey the same to the Royal Institu- tion for the Ad- vancement of Learning. Upon condition that Royal In- sitution in 10 years from Tes- tator’s decease, erect a Univer- sity or College. If an Universi- ty then one of the Colleges to be called McGill College. them, or the heirs, executors, or curators of such survivors or survivor, do and shall, as soon as it conveniently can be done after my decease, by a good and sufficient conveyance and assurance, con- vey and assure the said last-mentioned tract or par- cel of land, dwelling-house, buildings and premises, to the Koyal Institution for the Advancement of Learning, constituted and established, or to be con- stituted and established, under and by virtue of an Act of the Parliament of the Province of Lower Canada, made and passed in the forty -first year of His Majesty’s Eeign, intituled ‘An Act for the establishment of Free Schools and the Advancement of Learning in this Province’ — upon and under the conditions, restrictions, and limitations, and to and for the ends, intents, and purposes following, that is to say, upon condition that the said ‘ Eoyal Institu- tion for the Advancement of Learning ’ do and shall, within the space of ten years, to be accounted from the time of my decease, erect and establish, or cause to be erected and established, upon the said last- mentioned tract or parcel of land, an University or College, for the purposes of education, and the advancement of learning in this Province, with a competent number of Professors and Teachers, to render such establishment effectual and beneficial for the purposes intended; and if the said ‘Eoyal Institution for the Advancement of Learning ’ should so erect and establish, or cause to be erected and established, an L^niversity, then upon condition also that one of the Colleges to be comprised in the said University shall be named, and perpetually be known and distinguished, by the appellation of ‘ McGill College ’ ; and if the said ‘ Eoyal Institution 5 for the Advancement of Learning’ should not so erect and establish, or cause to be erected and estab- lished, an University, but should erect and establish, or cause to be erected and established, a College only, then upon the further conditions that the said College shall be named, and perpetually be known and distinguished, by the appellation of ‘ McGill College,’ and upon condition also, that until such University or College be erected and established, the said ‘Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning ’ do and shall permit and suffer my said wife, and in case of her death, the said Francis Des- Rivieres, to hold, possess and enjoy the said last- mentioned tract or parcel of land, dwelling house, buildings and premises, and to recover, have and receive all and every the rents, issues and profits thereof to and for her and his use and benefit : and upon this other and further express condition, that if the said ‘ Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning’ should neglect to erect and establish, or cause to be erected and established, such Univer- sity or College as aforesaid, in manner aforesaid, within the said space of ten years, to be accounted from the time of my decease, then and in such case the said conveyance and assurance so made to the said ‘Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning ’ shall, from and after the expiration of the said space of ten years, become and be absolutely null and void, and all and every the estate, right, title, and interest of the said ‘ Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning ’ of, in, and to the said last-mentioned tract or parcel of land and premises shall cease and be determined, and be as completely extinguished as if such conveyance and Jf one "College only erected, to be called McGill College. Testator’s wife, and after her death, F. Des- Rivi^res, to en- joy property till College be erected. If Royal Insti- tution fail to erect College AV'ithin 10 years of Testator’s death, the con- veyance to be null. 6 assurance had never been made or executed. All which conditions, restrictions, and limitations shall, in apt and sufficient language, be fully expressed in such conveyance and assurance. And upon trust that the said John Eichardson, James Keid, John Strachan, and James Dunlop, or the survivors or survivor of them, or the heirs, executors, or curators of such survivors or survivor of them, do and shall permit and suffer my said wife, or, in case of her death, the said Francis DesEivieres, to hold, possess and enjoy the said tract or parcel of land, dwelling- house, buildings, and premises, and recover, have, and receive the rents, issues, and profits thereof until the making and executing of the said convey- ance and assurance so as aforesaid to be made to the said ‘Eoyal Institution for the Advancement of Learning ’ ; and if the said ‘ Eoyal Institution for the Advancement of Learning’ should refuse to accept and receive the said conveyance and assurance of the said last-mentioned tract or parcel qf land and pre- mises, upon the conditions, restrictions, and limita- tions hereinbefore expressed and directed, of and concerning the same, or should, after the making and accepting of the said conveyance and assurance neglect to erect and establish, or cause to be erected and established, such University or College as afore- said, in manner aforesaid, within the said space of ten years, to be accounted from the time of my decease, or if, from any legal cause, matter, or thing, the said trust so as aforesaid to convey and assure the said last-mentioned tract or parcel of land and premises to the said ^ Eoyal Institution for the Ad- vancement of Learning,’ in the manner hereinbefore directed, should be incapable of being accomplished 7 or carried into effect, or otherwise become or be, or be deemed or construed to be invalid, illegal, or inoper- ative, then and in either or any of those cases upon trust, and that they, the said John Eichardson, James Eeid, John Strachan, and James Dunlop, or the survivors or survivor of them, or the heirs, executors, or curators of such survivors or survivor do and shall, from and immediately after the expira- tion of the said space of ten years, by a good and sufficient conveyance and assurance, convey and assure the said last-mentioned tract or parcel of land? dwelling-house, buildings, and premises to the said Francis DesEivieres (if then living), and to his heirs and assigns for ever, or if the said Francis DesEivieres should be dead, then to the legal heirs then living, and to their heirs and assigns for ever. I give and bequeath, from and out of the lest and residue of my estates, real and personal, movable and immovable, which shall and may remain after the fulfilment and satisfaction of the several legacies in this my Will contained, the sum of ten thousand •pounds, current money of the said Province of Lower Canada, to the said John Eichardson, James Eeid, John Strachan, and James Dunlop, their heirs, executors, or curators, upon the trust, and to and for the intents and purposes and upon the conditions following, that is to say upon trust, that they, the said John Eichardson, James Eeid, John Strachan, and James Dunlop, or the survivors or survivor of them, or the heirs, executors, and curators of such survivors, do and shall pay the said sum of ten thousand pounds (with the interest to accrue thereon from and after the expiration of three years from my decease) to the said ‘ Eoyal Institution for the The property in this case is be- queathed to F. DesRivi^res and his heirs. £10,000 i» mo- ney bequeathed in trust. To be paid to i 8 Royal institu- Advancement of Learning ’ when and so soon as the Siege^erected. ‘ Eoyal Institution for the Advancement of Learn- ing ’ shall have erected and established, or cause to be erected and established, an University or College upon the last-mentioned tract or parcel of land, herein- before directed to be conveyed to the said ‘ Eoyal Institution for the Advancement of Learning,’ in manner aforesaid, to he by the said ‘ Eoyal Institution for the Advancement of Learning ’ jpaid and applied Swards defia^ towavds defraying the expense incurred in establish- cufredfnStab- '^'^9 Said University or College, and towards iisiiing College, maintaining the same after it shall have been erect- ed and established, in such manner and form, and under such regulations as the said, ‘ Eoyal Institution for the Advancement of Learning ’ shall in this behalf prescribe. Provided always, that ^ected^within ^uch University or College be erected and estab- lished within the space of ten years, to be accounted DesRWi^rS or Eom the time of my decease: and if such Univer- Ms heirs. College should not be so erected and established within the said space of ten years, then upon trust that they, the said John Eichardson, James Eeid, John Strachan, and James Dunlop, or the survivors or survivor of them, or the heirs, executors, or curators of such survivor, from and immediately after the said expiration of the said space of ten years do and shall pay the said sum of ten thousand pounds with all and every the interest accrued thereon, to the said Francis DesEivi^res, if then living, to and for his use and benefit, or if dead, then to his legal heirs then living, to and for their use and benefit. iz... AMENDED CHARTER OF MCGILL COLLEGE AND UNIVERSITY. VICTORIA, by the Grace of God, of the United Kingdom of Great Britain and Ireland, Queen, Defender of the Faith. TO ALL TO WHOM THESE PRESENTS SHALL COME, GREETING : Whereas, the Honorable James McGill, late of the City of Montreal, in that part of the Province of Canada heretofore constituting the Province of Lower Canada, by his last Will and Testament, bearing date at Montreal aforesaid, the eighth day of January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hundred and eleven, did give and bequeath a certain tract of land near the said City of Montreal, with the dwelling- house and other buildings thereon erected, to Trustees in trust to convey and assure the same to the Koyal Institution for the Advancement of Learning, estab- lished by virtue of an Act of the Provincial Date of Hon. James McGill’s Will. Tract of Land de\iscd to Trus- tees in trust to be conveyed to the Royal Insti- tution for the Advancement of Learning. 10 £10,000 be- queathed to Trustees in trust to be paid with In- terest to the Royal Institu- tion for the Ad- vancement of Learning. Petition of the Royal Institu- tion for a Char- ter to His late Majesty George Parliament of the said then Province of Lower Canada, made and passed in the forty-first year of the reign of our late Eoyal Predecessor King George the Third, intituled “ An Act for the establishment ‘ of free Schools and the Advancement of Learning “ in this Province,” upon condition that the said Institution should within ten years from the decease of the said James McGill, erect and establish, or cause to be erected and established, upon the said land, an University or College, for the purposes of Education and the Advancement of Learning in the said then Province, with a competent number of Professors and Teachers to render such establish- ment effectual and beneficial for the purpose intended, and also upon condition that one of the Colleges to be comprised in the said U niversity should be called “ McGill College.” And whereas the said James McGill, Esquire, by his said Will, did further give and bequeath to the said Trustees, the sum of ten thousand pounds in trust, to pay the same with interest to accrue thereon from and after the expiration of three years from his decease to the said Eoyal Institution for the Advancement of Learning, to be applied as soon as the said Institution should have erected an University or College on the said land, towards defraying the expenses thereby incurred, and towards maintaining the said University or College so erected and established. And whereas our late Eoyal Predecessor King George the Fourth, upon the humble petition to that effect of the said Eoyal Institution for the Advancement of Learning, was pleased by His Letters Patent, bearing date at Westminster the 11 thirty-first day of March in the second year of His Reign, to will and ordain in manner following, that is to say : — “Whereas the Honorable Janies McGill, late of Quotation from the Charter “ the City of Montreal, in the Province of Lower granted by ms '' late Majesty “ Canada, now deceased, by his last Will and Testa- George iv. “ ment, bearing date at Montreal the eighth day of “ January, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight “ hundred and eleven, did give and bequeath a “ certain tract of land near the said City of Montreal, “ with the dwelling-house and other buildings there- “ on erected, to Trustees in trust to convey and “ assure the same to the Royal Institution for the “ Advancement of Learning, established by virtue “ of an Act of the Provincial Parliament of Lower “ Canada, made and passed in the 41st year of the “ Reign of His late Majesty, intituled ‘ An Act for “ the establishment of Free Schools and the Advaiice- “ ment of Learning in this Province,’ upon coiidi- “ tion that the said Institution should, within ten “ years from the decease of the said Janies iMcGill “ erect and establish, or cause to be erected and “ established, upon the said land, an University “ or College, for the purposes of Education and the “ Advancement of Learning in the said Province, “ with a competent number of Professors and Tea- “ chers to render such establishment effectual and “ beneficial for the purpose intended, and also upon, “ condition that one of the Colleges to be comprised “ in the said University should be called ‘ McGill “College’; — And whereas the said James McGill, “Esquire, by his last Will, did further give and “bequeath to the said Trustees the sum of £10,000 “ in trust to pay the same, with interest to accrue, 12 “ One College at least to be established. ” “ thereon from and after the expiration of three years “ from his decease, to the said Eoyal Institution for “ the advancement of Learning, to be applied as soon “ as the said Eoyal Institution should have erected “an University or College on the said land, towards “ defraying the expenses thereby incurred, and “ towards maintaining the said University or College “ so erected and established; And whereas. We have “ been humbly petitioned by said ‘ Eoyal Institution “for the Advancement of Learning,’ that We would be pleased to grant our Eoyal Charter for the “ more perfect erection and establishment of the said “ College, and for incorporating the members thereof “for the purposes aforesaid, and for such further “ endowment thereof as to Us should seen meet, We, “ having taken the premises into Our Eoyal consi- “ deration, and being desirous that an University or “ College should be established for the education of “ youth in the principles of true religion, and for “ their instruction in the different branches of science “ and literature, are willing to comply with the “ prayer of the said petition, and to afford every “ assistance towards carrying the intentions of the “ said James McGill into execution. Therefore, know ye that We, of Our special “ grace, certain knowledge, and mere motion, have willed, ordained, and granted, and do by these presents for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, will, ordain, and grant, that upon the said land and in “ the said buildings thereon erected, or to be erected, “ there shall be established from this time one Col- “ lege at the least, for the education of youth and “ students in the Arts and Faculties, to continue for “ ever, and that the first College to be erected there- 13 “ on shall be called ‘McGill College,’ and that Onr “ trusty and well beloved the Governor of Lower “ Canada, Lieutenant-Governor of Lower Canada, “ Lieutenant-Governor of Upper Canada, the Bishop “ of Quebec, the Chief Justice of Montreal, and the Chief Justice of Upper Canada, for the time being, “ shall be Governors of the said McGill College, and “that the said McGill College shall consist of one “ Principal, to be elected in manner hereinafter “ mentioned, and who shall be during his continu- “ ance in the said office, a Governor of the said Col- “ lege, of four Professors to be also elected in man- “ ner hereinafter mentioned, and of Fellows, Tutors, “ and Scholars in such numbers, and at such salaries “ and subject to such provisions, rules, and regula- “ tions as shall hereafter be appointed by the “ Statutes, Rules, and Ordinances of the said College ; “ And We do, by these Presents, for Us, Our Heirs “ and Successors, will, ordain and grant that the “ Principal and Professors of the said College shall “ be from time to time elected by the said Gov- “ ernors or the major part of them as shall be “ present at any meeting to be holden for such elec- “ tion ; and in case of an equality of votes, the “ officer present at such meeting whose office is “ first described in order in these presents shall have “ a double and casting vote ; provided always, that “ the persons by whom such election shall be made “ shall notify the same respectively to Us, Our “ Heirs and Successors, through one of Our or “ Their principal Secretaries of State, by the first “ opportunity, and in case that We, Our Heirs, or “ Successors shall disapprove of any person so elected^ “ and shall cause such disapprobation to be notified “Called McGill College. ” “Who should he Governors of said College. ” “ Officers of which said Col- lege should consist. ” “ Principal and Professors how to be elected.” “ Election of Principal and Professors 14 must receive ' sanction of the Crown.” “ Governors in- structed wheii an election is disallowed.” “ The Gover- nors, Principal, and Fellows shall be a body Corporate, with certain power and pri- vileges.” to him under the Eoyal signet and sign manual, ‘ or through one of the principal Secretaries of State^ “ the person so elected as aforesaid shall immedi- “ ately upon such notification, cease to hold the ofi&ce “ of Principal or Professor to which he shall have “ been elected as aforesaid, and the said Governors “ shall thereupon proceed to the election of another “ person to fill the office of such Principal or Pro- “ fessor respectively, and so, from time to time, as “ often as the case shall happen. “And We do by these presents, for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, will, ordain, and grant that “ the said Governors, Principal, and Fellows, and “ their Successors for ever, shall be one distinct and “ separate body politic and corporate in deed and “ in word, by the name and style of ‘ The Governors, “ Principal, and Fellows of McGill College, at “ Montreal, in the said Province of Lower Canada,’ “ and that by the same name they shall have per- “ petual succession and a common seal, and that “ they and their successors shall, from time to time “ have full power to break, alter, make new, or “ change such common seal at their will and pleas- “ ure, and as shall be found expedient, and that “ by the said name the said Governors, Principal, “ and Fellows, and their successors, from time to “ time, and at all times hereafter, shall be a body “ politic and corporate in deed and in law, and be “ able and capable to have, take, receive, purchase, “ acquire, hold, possess, enjoy and retain. “And we do hereby, for Us, Our Heirs and Suc- “ cessors, give and grant full authority and free “ license to them and their successors, by the name “ aforesaid, to have, take, receive, purchase, acquire, 15 “ hold, possess, enjoy, and retain, to and for the nse “ of the said College, notwithstanding any statutes “Authorized to . . • 1 >Toperty “or statute of mortmain, any manors, rectories ad- of what ’dnd so- ever not exceed - “ vowsons, messuages, lands, tenements, rents, here- ditaments of what kind, nature, or quality soever, V^iiT«es°to “ so as that the same do not exceed in yearly value receive^, topiead “the sum of £6,000 above all charges; and more- and beimpiead- “ over, to take, purchase, acquire, have, hold, enjoy, “ receive, possess, and retain, notwithstanding any “ such statutes or statute to the contrary, all or any “ goods, chattels, charitable or other contributions, “ gifts and benefactions whatsoever ; and that the “ said Governors, Principal, and Fellows, and their ^ “ successors, by the same name, shall and may be “ able and capable in law to sue and be sued, implead “ and be impleaded, answer and be answered in all “ and every Court or Courts of record or places of “judicature within Our United Kingdom of Great “ Britain and Ireland, and Our said Province of “ Lower Canada, and other Our dominions, and in “ all and singular actions, causes, pleas, suits, “ matters, and demands whatsoever, of what kind “ and nature and sort soever, in as large, ample, and “ beneficial manner and form as any other body “ politic and corporate, or any other our liege sub- “ jects being persons able and capable in law may or “ can have, take, purchase, receive, hold, possess, “ enjoy, retain, sue, implead, or answer, or be sued, “ impleaded, or answer, in any manner whatsoever. “And We do by these presents, for Us, Our “ Heirs, and Successors, will, ordain, and grant, that .. “the Governors of the said College, or the major Sorstof^r' “ part of them, shall have power and authority to Buies and the “ frame and make statutes, rules, and ordinances Statutes and 16 Rules speci- fied.” “Members of the Royal Insti- tution Visitors of the College.” touching and concerning the good government of “ the said College, the performance of Divine Ser- “ vice therein, the studies, lectures, exercises, and “ degrees in arts and faculties and all matters re- “ garding the same, the election, qualification, and “ residence of the Principal, Professors, Fellows, and Scholars, the salaries, stipends, and provisions for “ the Principal, Professors, Fellows, and Scholars, “ and Officers of the said College, and touching and “ concerning other matter or thing which to them “ shall seem good, fit, useful, and agreeable to this “ our Charter, provided that no such statutes, rules, and ordinances shall have any force or effect until “ allowed and confirmed by Us, Our Heirs, and Suc- “ cessors ; and also from time to time to revoke, aug- “ ment, or alter the same as to them, or the major “ part of them, shall seem expedient, subject always “ to Our allowance and confirmation as aforesaid, “ provided that the said statutes, rules, and ordi- “ nances or any of them shall not be repugnant to “ the laws and statutes of this Our realm, and of “ our said Province of Lower Canada ; and we do “ hereby for Us, Our Heirs, and Successors, charge “and command that the statutes, rules, and ordi- “ nances aforesaid, subject to the said provisions, “ shall be strictly and inviolably observed, kept, “ and performed, so long as they shall respectively “ remain in force and effect, under the penalties “ to be thereby or therein inflicted or contained ; “ And we do by these presents, for Us, Our Heirs, “ and Successors, will, ordain, direct, and appoint, “ that the members of the Poyal Institution afore- “ said, for the time being, shall be visitors of the “ said College ; And We do further will, ordain, and 17 “ grant, that the said College shall be deemed and “ taken to be an University, and that the Students “ in the said College shall have liberty and faculty “ of taking the degrees of Bachelor, Master, and “ Doctor in the several Arts and Faculties, at the “ appointed time, and shall have liberty within them- “ selves of performing scholastic exercises, for the ‘‘ conferring of such degrees, in such manner as shall “ be directed by the statutes, rules, and ordinances “ of the said College ; And We do by these presents “ for Us, Our Heirs, and Successors, grant and declare that these Our Letters Patent, or the enrolments “ or exemplifications thereof shall and may be good, ‘‘ firm, and valid, sufficient and effectual in the law ac. “ cording to the true intent and meaning of the same^ “ and shall be taken and construed and adjudged in the most favourable and beneficial sense for the best “ advantage of the said Governors, Principal, Fel- “ lows, and Scholars of the said College at Montreal “ aforesaid, as well as in Our Courts of Eecord, as “elsewhere, and by all and singular Judges, Jus- “ tices. Officers, Ministers, and other subjects what- “ soever, of Us, Our Heirs, and Successors, any “ misrecital, nonrecital, omission, imperfection, “ defect, matter, cause, or thing whatsoever to the “ contrary thereof, in anywise notwithstanding, “ without fine or fee, great or small, to be for the “ same in any manner rendered, done, or paid to Us “ in Our hanaper or elsewhere to Our use. ’’ And whereas it is deemed expedient for the interests of the said College, and for the augmenta- tion of its funds, and the better and more easy management of its affairs and the government of the said College, to make certain alterations in the pro- B “ Students in said College shall have lib- erty of taking Degrees in the several Arts and Faculties.” Expedient to make certain alterations in the above-recit- ed Charter of His late Majes- ty George IV. 18 Members of Royal Institu- tion for tlie time being to be Governors of tbe College. The Governors appointed by the Charter of His Late Majes- ty George IV. shall no longer act as such. visions of the said hereinbefore recited and existing O Letters Patent, which said Alterations are and have been assented to by the said Eoyal Institution for the Advancement of Learning and by the said Cor- poration of the said College : i^ow Know Ye, that We, of Our special Grace, certain Knowledge and mere motion, have willed, ordained and granted, and by these presents do, for Us, Our Heirs, and Successors, will, ordain and grant, that henceforth from the date hereof, the members of the Eoyal Institution aforesaid for the time being shall be and remain Governors of the said College, and shall have and exercise all and every the powers, authority and jurisdiction given and granted unto the Governors nominated and appointed in and by the said Letters Patent, save only in so far as the provisions of the said Letters Patent in that behalf are or may be by these presents altered ; and shall also have and exercise all and every the powers, authority and jurisdiction given and granted under and by virtue of these presents ; And We do further by these presents for Us, Our Heirs, and Successors, will, and ordain, that hence- forth from the date hereof, the Governor of Low^er Canada, the Lieutenant Governor of Lower Canada, the Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada^ the Bishop of Quebec, the Chief Justice of Montreal, the Chief Justice of Upper Canada, and the Princi- pal of the said College, shall not, nor shall any or either of them, as such Governor of Lower Canada, Lieutenant Governor of Low^er Canada, Lieutenant Governor of Upper Canada, Bishop of Quebec, Chief Justice of Montreal, Chief Justice of Upper Canada, and Principal of the said College, be Governor of 19 the said College, or use or exercise any power, authority or jurisdiction in or over the same in any manner or way whatsoever ; And We do further, by these presents, for Us, Our Heirs, and Successors, will, ordain and grant, that the said College shall consist of one Principal, of such and so many Professors in the various Arts and Faculties as from time to time may be judged necessary and expedient by the said Governors, and of Fellows, Tutors and Scholars, in such numbers and at such Salaries, and subject to such provisions, rules and regulations as shall be appointed by the Statutes, Eules and Ordinances of the said College ; that save and except for the purposes hereinafter specially mentioned and excepted, three of the said Governors shall be a sufficient number to be present as any meeting for the transaction of the ordinary business of the said College ; that the determination of all questions, matters and things submitted to the said Governors at their meetings, shall be made by the votes of the majority of those present, including the vote of the Governor presid- ing at such meeting, who shall have a double or casting vote in the case of an equality of votes thereat ; that the President or Principal for the time being of the said Eoyal Institution, in all cases when present, shall preside at the said meetings, and in his absence the member of the said Eoyal Institution first or senior in order of appointment of those present at the meeting, shall preside thereat ; that the Principal and all the Professors of the said College shall from time to time be elected by the said Governors or the major part of them present at a meeting specially convened and holden for the College to con- sist of one Prin- cipal and as many Profes- sors as may be necessary, and of Fellows, Tu- tors and Schol- ars. At all Meetings the Presiding Governor shall have a casting vote in cases of equality of votes President of Royal Institu- tion to preside at all Meetings of Governors, or in his absen- ce the Member present first in order of ap- pointment. Principal and Professors to be elected by Go- vernors. 20 Five Governors at least to be present at elec- tions or amo- tions. Special Meet- ings how to be called. Notice of elec- tion or amotion to be given to the Visitor. Election or amotion sub- ject to the Visi- tor’s review who may signi- fy his determi- nation thereon .within 60 days- purpose of such election, and shall and may hold their respective offices subject to the right and power of amotion by the said Governors for the time being, at a meeting specially convened and holden for the said purpose ; provided always that no less than five of the said Governors shall he present at every such special meeting for the purpose of election or amotion, and that special notice in writing of the time, place and object of every such special meeting, by the Secretary of the said College, addressed to each of the said Governors, shall have been delivered by the said Secretary into the Post Office of the said City of Montreal at least fifteen days before the time appointed for such meeting; that within forty-eight hours after every such election or amotion, notice thereof in writing, sealed with the College Seal, signed by the Secretary of the said College or in his absence by the Governor who shall have presided at the meeting whereat such election or amotion shall have been voted, and addressed to Our Visitor of the said College hereinafter mentioned, for the time being, shall be delivered into the Post Office of the said City of Montreal ; that every such election or amo- tion shall be subject to the review of Our said Visitor, whose determination thereon being signified in writing to the said Governors within sixty days after such delivery as aforesaid at the said Post Office of the City of Montreal, of the said notice of such election or amotion, shall be final and conclu- sive unless the same by any order or orders to be by Us, Our Pleirs or Successors made in Our or Their Privy Council shall be altered, revoked or disallowed as hereinafter is provided ; that during the said last 21 mentioned period of sixty days the said election or amotion, as the case may be, shall have no force or effect; and that failing such signification within the said last mentioned period, such election or amo- tion shall be and be held and taken to be by him approved and confirmed ; And We do fuilher by these presents for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, will and ordain, that hence- forth from the date hereof such election shall not be required to be notified to Us, Our Heirs, and Succes- sors, in the manner provided and required in and by the said Letters Patent, or in any other manner whatsoever ; And we do further by these presents, for [Is, Our Heirs and Successors, will, ordain and grant, that the said Governors, Principal and Fellows, and their Successors for ever, shall be one body politic and corporate, by the name of “ The Governors > Principal and Fellows of McGill College,” and by the said name shall have perpetual succession, and a common seal, and shall by the same name sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded ,and answer and be answered unto, in every Court of Us, Our Heirs and Successors, henceforth from the date hereof, and shall no longer be known by the name in the said Letters Patent mentioned, and shall retain all and every the property, franchises, rights and privileges granted under and by virtue of the said Letters Patent, and belonging to the said Corporation imme- diately before the date hereof, and shall be and remain liable to all claims and duties to which imme- diately before the date hereof they were subject, save only in so far as by these presents may be otherwise specially provided ; If no significa- tion made by tile Visitor, election or amo- tion to be held as confirmed by him. Election not to be notifiedj di- rect to the Crown. College consti- tuted a body Co’^porate with like powers and privileges as in Original Char- ter. 22 Aut horized to hold property, of what kind so- ever, not ex- ceeding in year- ly value £ 12 , 000 . Governor-Gen- eral of the Pro- vince appoint- ed Visitor of the College, with like powers as Visi- tors exercise in England. And We do further by these presents, for Us, Our Heirs, and Successors, will, ordain and grant, to the said Governors, Principal and Fellows, and their Successors, by the name aforesaid, full authority and free license to have, take, purchase and hold, to them and their Successors to and for the use of the said College, any goods, chattels or personal property whatsoever; and also that by the name aforesaid they shall be able and capable in law, notwithstanding any Statutes or Statute of mortmain, law, usage or custom whatsoever to the contrary, to have, take, purchase and hold to them and their Successors to and for the use of said College, any other manors, rectories, advowsons, messuages, lands, tenements, rents and hereditaments of what kind, nature, or quality soever over and above the manors, rectories, advowsons, messuages, lands, tenements, rents and hereditaments in the said Letters Patent mentioned of the yearly value of Six thousand pounds above all charges as in the said Letters Patent is set forth, but not for the purpose or with the view of re-selling the same ; provided always, that the whole shall not exceed the yearly value of Twelve thousand pounds above all charges, such annual value to be calculated and. ascertained at the period of taking, purchasing or acquiring the same ; And we do further by these presents, for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, appoint as our Visitor in and over and for the said College, Our Governor General of Our said Province of Canada, for the time being, or his in absence the Administrator of the Govern- ment of the same for the time being ; who shall exercise, use and enjoy all and every the powers and authority of a Visitor, for and in the name 23 and behalf of Us, Our Heirs and Successors, of the said 'College in all matters and things connected with the said College, as to him shall seem meet, according to the tenor and effect of these presents, and of the laws in force in Our Eealm of England in relation to such powers and authority. And We do further by these presents, for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, revoke and annul the power and authority in and by the said Letters Patent given and granted to the members for the time being of the Ptoyal Institution for the Advan- cement of Learning, to be Visitors of the said College ; and do will and ordain that henceforth from the date of these presents the power and autho- rity so given and granted to the said members of the said Eoyal Institution to be such Visitors, shall absolutely cease and dertermine, and shall not be exercised or used by them or any of them. And We do further by these presents, for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, will, ordain and declare that the Statutes, Eules and Ordinances from time to time framed and made by the said Governors of the said College, touching the matters and things in the said Letters Patent and in these presents enumerated, or any thereof, or for the revoking, augmenting or altering of any Statutes, Eules or Ordinances theretofore framed and made, so always as the same be not repugnant to the Laws of Our Eealm or of Our said Province of Canada, or to the objects and provisions of this Our Charter, shall have full force and effect, without the Alio wane? and Confirmation of Us, Our Heirs and Successors, as ordained in and by the said Letters Patent ; provided always, that a certified Copy of aU such Members of the Royal Institu- tion no longer Visitors. Governors to make Statutes, By-laws, &c. Certified Copies to be sent to Visitor, who may disallow the same within 60 days. If no disallow- ance 24 Signified, such Statutes to be held as ap- proved. Her Majesty re- serves power to herself in her Privy Council to revise, con- firm, alter. &c , decisions, sen- tences, or orders made by Visitor. The Charter of His late Majesty George IV. con- firmed, except where specially Statutes, Eules and Ordinances, sealed with the College seal and addressed to Our said Visitor of the said College for the time being, shall have been delivered into the Post Office of the said City of Montreal, and that the same shall not have been disallowed by Our said Visitor, and such dis- allowance signified in writing to the said Governors, within sixty days after such delivery of such Copy into the said Post Office. And We do by these presents, for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, expressly save and reserve to Us, Our Heirs and Successors, the power of receiving, and by any order or orders to be by Us, or Them made in Our or Their Privy Council revising, confirming, altering, revoking or disallowing, all or any of the decisions, sentences or orders so as aforesaid from time to time by the said Visitor to be made and rendered in reference to any such Statutes, Eules and Ordinances, or the disallowing thereof, or in reference to any matter or thing whatsoever, as. to which any power or authority is by these presents given and granted to him ; And We do by these presents, for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, will, ordain and grant, that nothing herein contained shall be held, construed or consi- dered to have in any manner or way whatsoever revoked, cancelled, abrogated or altered the provi- visions, powers, authorities and grants in and by the said Letters Patent ordained and granted, or any thereof, save and except in the particulars herein- before specially and expressly set forth; but that all and every the said provisions, powers, authori- ties and grants in and by the said Letters Patent ordained and granted, shall subsist and continue in 25 • full force and effect, save and except in the particu- altered, by the lars aforesaid, in the same manner as if these Our Letters Patent had- never been made, ordained or granted ; And We do further by these presents for Us, Our Heirs and Successors, grant and declare that these Our Letters Patent, or the enrol- ment or exemplification thereof, shall be in all things valid and effectual in the Law according to the true intent and meaning of the same, and shall be taken, construed and adjudged in the most favorable and beneficial sense for the best advantage of the said College, and of the said Governors, Principal, Fellows and Scholars thereof, as well in Our Courts of Pecord as elsewhere, and by all and singular J udges, Justices, Officers, Minsters and other subjects what- soever of Us, Our Heirs and Successors, any misrecital, non-recital, omission, imperfection, defect^ matter, cause or thing whatsoever to the contrary thereof in any wise notwithstanding. In witness whereof We have caused these Our Letters to be made Patent. Witness 'Ourself at Our Palace at Westminster, this sixth day of July, in the sixteenth year of Our Eeign. ( 1852 .) By Her Majesty’s command, . (Signed,) EDMUNDS. CONSOLIDATED STATUTES. Governor may appoint Tru.s- tees of Schools of Royal Foun- dation. Such Trustees to be a Corpo- ration. Chapter XVII. An Act respecting the Eoyal Institution for the Advancement of Learning. H er Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows : CONSTITUTION, INCORPORATION,ETC. 1 . The Governor may, by an instrument under the great seal of this Province, appoint such and so many persons as he sees fit, to be Trustees of the Schools of Royal foundation in Lower Canada,, and of all other Institutions of Royal foundation, established for the advancement of learning therein and for the administration and improvement of all estates and property, in any manner appropriated to the said schools and institutions, for the purposes of education and the advancement of learning in Lower Canada? and may remove, from time to time, the said Trustees or any ot them, and appoint others in the place of those so removed, or who die or resign their trust. 41 G. 3, c. 17, s. 1. 2, The said Trustees shall be a body corporate and politic, by the name of The Royal Institution for the 27 Advancement of Learning ; and by that name shall have perpetual succession and a common seal, and may alter, break and make new the same, when and as often as they judge the same to be expedient; and may, by the same name, sue and be sued, implead and be impleaded, answer and be answered unto, in all or any Court of Eecord or places of judicature within this Province; and by the name aforesaid may purchase, take, hold and possess, without license in mortmain or lettres d’amortisse- ment, all real or immovable property, money and movable property, paid, given, granted, purchased, appropriated, devised or bequeathed in any manner whatsoever, ^or and in favor of the said Schools and institutions of Eoyal foundation, to and for the purposes of education and the advancement of learn- ing, within Lower Canada, and may do all and every lawful act and thing which any other body politic or corporate, by law, may do. 41 G. 3, c. 17, s. 2. SS. All immovable property, and all rents and sums of money charged upon, and issuing or pay- able out of any immovable property, and all sums of money or movable property, paid, given, granted, purchased, appropriated,’ devised or bequeathed in any manner whatsoever, for and in favor of the said Schools and Institutions of Eoyal foundation, to and for the purposes of education and the advance- ment of learning within Lower Canada, shall be vested in the said Trustees for the uses and pur- poses herein mentioned ; And the said Trustees, or the major part of them, may demise, let and lease any immovable property so given, granted, pur- chased, appropriated, devised or bequeathed, for any Tlif’ir corporate naiiip and powers. All tlie proper- ty belonging to Insiitntions of Royal Fonnda- ticm vo ted in said Trustees. Their powers in respect of it. 28 Prpsidpnt of Corporation. If Prosidont be absent, who to preside at meet- ings. Officers. Bj’-Laws, &c. By-Laws for the management, &c., of Schools of Royal Foun- dation. term of years not exceeding twenty-one years, and have, take and receive the rents, issues and profits thereof. 41 G. 3, c. 1 7, s. 3, and 16 V., c. 58, s 7. 4, The Governor may, by an instrument under the great seal of tliis Province, from time to time, appoint a President or Principal of the said Corpor- ation hereby erected. 41 G. 3, c. 17, s. 4, part. 5, In the absence of the President or Principal, the member first or senior in order of appointment, present at any meeting of the said Corporation, shall preside. 16 V., c. 58, s, 1. The said Corporation may appoint, from time to time, its Officers and servants, and may remove them. 16 V., c. 58, s. 2. 7. At any Meeting of the said Corporation, held according to law, the said Corporation may provide and fix by By-laws, Pules and Orders, the place, times and manner in which the said Corporation shall assemble, and the number and description of members which shall be requisite for transacting the business and executing the trust of the said Corporation. 16 V., c. 58, s. 3. §. The President and the number of members of the Corporation so fixed, being assembled at the place and times, in the manner so fixed, may make by-laws, rules, orders, constitutions and ordinances, not repugnant to the customs or laws of Lower Canada or the express regulations of this Act, as by them or the greatest part of them, then and there present, are judged necessary and expedient, as well for the direction, conduct and government of the said Corporation of the free Schools of Koyal found- 29 ation in Lower Canada, and all other institutions of Eoyal foundation for the advancement of learn- ing established within Lower Canada, and of the masters, teachers, professors and students thereof, respectively, as for the management and adminis- tration, improvement and amelioration of all estates and property, real or personal in any manner paid, given, granted, purchased, appropriated, devised or bequeathed, in any manner or way for and in favor of the said Schools and Institutions of Eoyal found- ation, for the purposes of education and the advance- ment of learning within Lower Canada ; 2. But nothing hereinbefore contained shall extend to or shall prejudice, directly or indirectly, the religious communities existing de facto, at the time of the passing of the Act 41 G. 3, c. 17, nor to any school or house of instruction then existing de facto, in Lower Canada, nor to any Corporation legally established in Lower Canada, nor to any private school or other private establishment by individuals, for the purposes of education. 41 G. 3, c. 17, s. 4, part. 9 . All By-laws, Eules, Orders, Constitutions and Ordinances, made by the said Corporation after the Tenth day of November, one thousand eight hundred and fifty-three, not being repugnant to any law of this Province, shall have full force and effect with- out being santioned or confirmed by the Governor ; but a certified copy thereof shall be sent to the .Governor through the Post Office, and he may signify his disallowance of the same within sixty days thereafter. 16 V., c. 58, s. 4. 10 . The Governor may, by an instrument under Tills Act not to oir»-ct religious coinniuiiities or private Schools. By-Laws made since a certain date need not be sanctioned by the Gover- nor. Governor may 30 appoint Masters of free Schools. Terms upon which Corpora- tion may dis- pose of lands held by them in trust for McGill College. his hand and seal at arms, appoint a fit and proper person to be the School-master of each free school of Eoyal foundation, established by virtue of this Act, and may, from time to time, remove such school- master and appoint another in his stead, or in the stead of any master dying or resigning his trust, — and may fix the salary or annual stipend to be allowed to each such school-master; and no such master shall teach in any free school of Eoyal foundation established after the passing of this Act, 41 G. 3, c. 17, without a commission for that purpose from the Governor, under his hand and seal at arms. 41 G. 3, c. 17, s. 10. ADMINISTRATION AND DISPOSAL OF PROPERTY BELONG- ING TO M‘GILL COLLEGE OR OTHERWISE VESTED IN THE SAID CORPORATION. I i. The said Corporation of the Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning may alienate and dispose in perpetuity of all such portions of all lands or real estate by them held in trust for McGill College, or for any department or branch thereof, or for any Institution of Eoyal Foundation wholly or in part under their control, as they deem expedient for the ends of such trust, for a ground rent {rente foncUre ) or otherwise, subject to all such terms and conditions , whether in reference to time and mode of redemption of any such rent or otherwise, and with such formalities only of procedure, as they may deem advisable. And no such rent which they thus stipulate shall be redeemable nor the capital thereof exigible, otherwise than at such time or times and in such mode and after such notice as 31 may have been stipulated, any general provision in these Consolidated Statutes to the contrary notwith- standing ; except that if such rent be stipulated irredeemable, or not redeemable within at least thirty years, it shall ipso facto become and be redeemable and exigible at the expiration of such thirty years. 20 V., c. 53, s.l. The said Royal Istitution for the Advancement of Learning may agree with any holder of land here- tofore alienated by them under authority of the Act of the eighth year of Her Majesty’s Reign, Chapter seventy-eight, in consideration of an irredeemable ground rent (rente foncUre ) subject to an increase of twenty-five per cent, at the end of each twenty years up to one hundred, for the redemption of such rent on such terms as they deem expedient, and may take in discharge thereof the redemption money as so agreed upon, and shall deal with such redemp- tion money as though it were received in redemption of an ordinary ground rent. 22 V., (1859,) c. 53, s. 1. 1 3. The said Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning, if they deem it to the advantage of the said McGill College so to do, may cancel and annul any deed heretofore by them granted for the disposal of any portion of the said lands and real estate, upon such terms as by them and the other parties to such deed may be mutually agreed upon. 16 V., c. 58, s.,6, and 20 V., c. 53, s. 3. 14 . The rents, issues and profits, and sums of money by the said Corporation held, possessed or received, shall be received by the Treasurer of the said Corporation, and be by him deposited and disposed of in such manner as, from time to time, the Royal Institu- tion may agree for redemption of certain rentes foncierea. May cancel deeds liereto- fbre granted by them. How revenues of Corporation shall be ois- posed of and accoumed tor. 32 How money received as pur- chase money of real estate shall be dealt with. May expend a certain amount in discharge of indebtedness for Burnside Hall. said Corporation may direct ; but the said Corpora- tion shall, on or before the first day of February in every year, furnish to the Governor a detailed state- ment and account, affirmed by the Treasurer before a Maffistrate or Commissioner authorized to receive O affidavits, of the receipt and expenditure of such moneys during the year immediately preceding. 16 V., c. -58, s. 7. All sums of money from time to time to be received by the said Corporation, on account of pur- chase money of any real estate by them alienated, or on account of the capital of any ground rent, shall be by them dealt with as capital only, and not as income, and shall be invested either in productive real estate, or upon security thereof, or in public stocks or securities of the United Kingdom or of this Province, as soon as possible, and in such wise as the said Corporation deems most for the advantage of their trust ; and such investments may from time to time be changed as occasion may require, so always as that all proceeds thereof be ever kept as capital and re-invested in the like manner ; And the said Corporation shall at all times, in their yearly state- ment of account rendered to the Governor, specially and in detail state all such receipts and all such investments and re-investments as have taken place during the year covered by such statement, 20 V., c. 53, s. 2. 10. The said Koyal Institution for the Advance- ment of Learning may expend not more than ten thousand dollars, from any capital now or hereafter, in their hands in discharge tanto of their present indebtedness incurred by reason of the re-building by 33 them of Burnside Hall, in the year one thousand eight hundred and fifty-six. 22 Y., (1859,) c. 53^ s. 2. 17 . Any moneys heretofore or hereafter received by the said Eoyal Institution for the Advancement of Learning on account of any real estate by them alienated or to be alienated, or on account of the capital of any ground rent, whether for McGill College aforesaid, or for any department or b*ranch thereof, or for any Institution of Eoyal founda- tion wholly or in part under their control, may be by them invested in such buildings or other real estate as may be required for the actual use of such College or department or branch thereof, or institu- tion, as the case may be. 22 V., (1859,)c. 53, s. 3. 1 The said Eoyal Institution for the Advancement of Learning, shall, at all times in their yearly statements of account rendered to the Governor of this Province specially and in detail, state all such receipts and. all such investments or re-investments as may have taken place under authority of this Act during the year covered by such statement. 22 V., (1859,) c. 53, s. 4. 11>. The said Corporation may further, from time to time, obtain and take loans of money, upon such security, wdiether by hypothecation of their said lands or of any part or parts thereof or otherwise^ and. upon such other terms and conditions as they may stipulate and assume ; but the total amount of such loans shall not at any one time, in the whole? exceed the sum of twenty thousand dollars. 20 V., c. 53, s. 3. c Moneys receiv- ed may be in- vested in real estate tor their own use and occupation. Such invest- ments to be iii» eluded in an- nual report, Corporation may eftect cer- tain loans. XXVI Victoria. An Act to amend the Act chapter seventeen of the Consolidated Statutes for Lower Canada, respect- ing the . Eoyal Institution for the Advancement of Learning. HEREAS the Royal Institution for the Ad- vancement of Learning, Governors of McGill College, by their petition have in effect set forth, that for many years past the said Royal Institution for the Advancement of Learning, Governors of McGill College, have in fact had no functions to perform other than those incident to their capacity as such Governors, and no property or funds to administer, other than those appertaining to the said College and University, or the Departments or Institutions of Learning belonging or affiliated thereto, — that the endowments thereof are the re- sult of private liberality, and that, for the further development of such liberality, and the advance- ment in other respects of the interests of the said University, it is desirable that the Provincial Statute constituting the said Royal Institution for the Ad- vancement of Learning should be amended as here- inafter is set forth ; and whereas it is expedient to grant their prayer for such amendment thereof; 35 Therefore Her Majesty, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council and Assembly of Canada, enacts as follows : 1 , Notwithstanding anything contained in the first, fourth, and fifth sections of the Act, chaptered seventeen of the Consolidated Statutes for Lower Canada, provision may from time to time be made by any Statute of McGill College and University aforesaid, duly passed, for augmenting the number of the Trustees, members of the Eoyal Institution for the Advancement of Learning, and Governors of the said College and University from the number of ten presently established, to not more than fifteen in the whole ; and also for regulating the selection and appointment thereafter in such manner and with such formalities as may be deemed expedient, of fit and proper persons to become such Trustees ; and also for fixing and limiting, in so far as may be deemed expedient, the term of office of such Trustees, and also for regulating the selection and appoint- ment, iu such manner and with such formalities as may be deemed expedient, and the duties, title and term of service, of the President or Principal of the said Eoyal Institution for the Advancement of Learning, and generally for the conducting of the affairs thereof, and of the said University ; and any such Statute of the said University may thereafter, from time to time, be amended or repealed by any other Statute thereof, in like manner duly passed. O. Upon the due passing of any such Statute or Statutes of the said University, so much of the said first, fourth, and fifth sections of the said Act as may be in anywise inconsistent therewith, shaE Provision may- be made by Statute of McGill College for augmenting the number of Trustees, J 2 c., &c.. Con. Srat, L. C., Cap.17, cited. And touching appointment, duties, &c., of the President of the Royal Insti- tution. Enactments inconsistent with such Sta- tute to stand repealed. 36 McGill College to be deemed a School or ins- titution of Roy- al foundation. Section 10 re- repealed. wholly cease to have force and effect, to all intents as though hereby expressly repealed. 3, The said University and the several depart- ments or branches thereof, and such institutions of education as from time to time may have been or hereafter may be affiliated thereto, in terms of the Statutes thereof, shall alone be deemed to be Schools and Institutions of Eoyal foundation within the meaning of the said Act. 4 , The tenth Section, and also the proviso or lim- itation forming part of the nineteenth section of the said Act, is hereby repealed. 5 , This Act shall be a Public Act. Public Act. STATUTES OF THE CHAPTER I. OF THE GOVERNORS. 1. — The Number of the Trustees, Members of the Royal Ins- titution for the Advancement of Learning, Governors of McGill College and University, shall not be more than fifteen in the whole. 2. — They shall be Laymen of some Protestant denomination, selected with a view to the representation at the Board (so far as may be found practicable) of the several Protestant denomi- nations in Lower Canada, and (at the time of their nomination) resident in Lower Canada ; and none of them shall derive emolument from the College, or hold any appointment, or exercise any functions connected with the College, otherwise than as hereby provided, and incidentally to their charge as Governors. 3. — Resignations of the office of Governor shall be addressed to the Board, and by it accepted or otherwise acted on in its discretion. 4. — Vacancies on the Board whether by death, disqualifica- tion, resignation or otherwise, shall be filled by the Board, 38 as soon after their occurrence as it may see fit. Provided always, that no such vacancy shall be so filled unless at a meeting specially convened and holden for that purpose, — that notice in -writing of the time, place and object of such meeting, addressed to each of the Governors, shall haVe been delivered by the Secretary into the Post-office of the City of Montreal, at least fifteen days before the time appointed therefor — that not less then five Governors shall be present at such meeting, — that at least two-thirds of all the Governors shall subscribe on the records of the Board a declaration of their concurrence in and approval of each and every nomination made, failing which the same shall not be held to have been made, — and that within one week after such declaration shall have been so subscribed, a copy thereof sealed with the College Seal, and certified by the Secretary, or, in his absence, by the Governor who presided at such meeting, and addressed to the Visitor, shall be delivered into the Post Office of the City of Montreal. 5. — If within sixty days thereafter, the Visitor shall signify to the Board that he declines to confirm the nomination thereby declared, the appointment of such person as a Governor shall ipso facto cease and determine on and from the first day of January next following ; and the same person shall not then be eligible to fill the vacancy so occasioned. In default of such signification within the said sixty days, such nomination shall be held to be confirmed. 6. — Should the total number of the Governors at any time fall below fen, and so remain for as long as three months, the Visitor may name in his discretion such one or more qualified persons as may be requisite to bring the total number of the Governors up to ten ; and, every nomination so by him made, being transmitted to the Board in writing, under his hand and seal, shall be entered on the records of the Board, and shall take effect to all intents, as though the same had been in ordinary course made by the Board, and confirmed by the Visitor. 39 7. — The President of the Eoyal Institution for the Advan- cement of Learning, shall be elected from time to time from among the Governors, by themselves ; and shall hold office, unless sooner resigning, for so long as he shall remain a Governor ; and shall also bear the title, and discharge the func- tions, of Chancellor of the University. 8. — Meetings of the Governors shall be held, whenever convened by order of the President, or of any two Governors, at such place and hour as from time to time may be fixed j and may be adjourned when necessary. 9. — At least three days’ written notice of all such meetings shall be given by the Secretary to every Governor. CHAPTER II. OF THE PRINCIPAL AND VICE-CHANCELLOR. 1. — The Principal shall have general superintendence of all affairs of the College and University, under such Regulations as may be in force for the time being, and shall preside, when present, at the meetings of the several Faculties. He shall also perform such duties, in the instruction of Students, and otherwise, as may from time to time be assigned to him by the Governors. 2. — He shall also bear the title, and discharge the functions, of Vice-Chancellor of the University. CHAPTER III. OF THE FELLOWS. The Fellows of the University shall be — (1) The Deans of the respective Faculties, — (2) Any Acting or Vice Dean of Faculty, or any Registrar of the Faculty of Law or Medicine, whom the Governors may 40 find it requisite to appoint as such Fellows, — not more than one such appointment, however, to subsist at any timefor any Faculty, — (3) Two Members of the Faculty of Arts, and one Member of each of the other Faculties, to be elected as such from time to time for a term of four years by their respective Faculties, — (4) The Principal of the McGill N ormal School, so long as it shall remain affiliated with the University, — (5) The several representatives of every Affiliated College in connection with the University, to be named as hereinafter is provided, — (6) Eight Members of Convocation, Graduates of the University, two in Law, two in Medicine, two in Arts, and two in Applied Science, to be elected by the qualified Graduate Members of Convocation, from time to time, as hereinafter is provided, — (7) Such other Members of Convocation, not more than seven in number, as the Governors, may so appoint, for the term of four years, — (8) The Chairman of the Protestant Board of School Commis- sioners, for the City of Montreal, if so appointed by the Governors, but not otherwise. CHAPTER lY. OF THE CORPORATION OF THE UNIVERSITY. 1. — The Corporation of the University shall hold its Regular Meetings at such place and hour as from time to time may be ordained, on the fourth Wednesday in April, June, October, and January; Provided always, that if any such Wednesday shall fall upon a Holiday, the meeting shall be deferred till the day following. The Corporation shall have power at such meetings to grant Degrees, deciding to that end upon such representations as may have been made by the various Faculties ; to fix the day for the conferring of such Degrees, and for the 41 public exercises to be performed by Candidates for the same ; and to transact all other business ; and any Eegular Meeting may be adjourned when necessary. 2. — Special Meetings of the Corporation may be summoned at any time by order of the Chancellor, or of any two Gover- nors, or of the Vice-Chancellor, for the transaction of any busi- ness other than that of granting Degrees or fixing the day for the conferring thereof ; not less than three days’ written notice being given through the Secretary, to every member of the Corporation resident in Montreal. No business at all affecting any Affiliated College shall be transacted at any such Special Meeting, unless at the instance of such Affiliated College, or with the written consent of the Fellow or Fellows representing such Affiliated College. 3. — At all Meetings of the Corporation, seven shall be a quorum; and the Chancellor, or in his absence the Vice Chan- cellor, or in absence of both Chancellor and Vice-Chancellor, such member as may be called to the chair by the Meeting, shall preside, and shall have a double or casting vote. 4. — The Corporation shall, from time to time, frame Eegulations as occasion may require, touching the general course of study and teaching in the several Faculties, and in the Affiliated Colleges, and touching all examinations, and other matters appertaining either to matriculation or to graduation in the University; may also, (subject to the approval of the Governors,) from time to time, frame Eegulations, as occasion may require, touching Academic dress, or any other matters of general Academic interest ; shall duly enforce such Eegulations, and may alter or repeal the same or any of them ; and may hear and determine any complaints as to the violation thereof. But no such Eegulation shall be made or amended by the Corporation, until after opportunity given to the proper Faculty or Faculties, and also to any Affiliated Colleges which may be interested, to make such representation in the premises as they may see fit. 42 CHAPTER V. OF THE CONVOCATION. 1. — The Convocation shall consist of the Chancellor and other Governors ; the Vice-Chancellor ; the Fellows ; the Pro- fessors and other Instructing Officers, Members of the several Faculties; the Instructing Officers of Affiliated Colleges, being Graduates of any University, the Secretary, Registrar and Bur- sar, being a Graduate of any University; and the Graduates of the University. 2. — Convocation shall meet- annually, on the day or days fixed by the Corporation for the conferring of Degrees ; and due notice of such Meeting shall be given, by advertisement in at least one Newspaper published in the City of Montreal. 3. — At such Meetings the Vice-Chancellor, or in his absence the Vice-Principal, or in absence of both Vice-Chancellor and Vice-Principal, such other Officer or Officers of the University as by the Corporation may have been specially deputed thereto, shall confer such Degrees as shall have been previously granted by the Corporation. 4. — Special Meetings of Convocation may be held by order of the Corporation, for the conferring, by the proper officer, of any Honorary Degrees which the Corporation may have previously granted; for any public University exercises; or for election to fill any vacancy occurring by the death or resignation of any of such Fellows. 5. — At all Meetings of Convocation, the Chancellor, or in his absence the Senior Governor present, shall preside, and shall have a double or casting vote. 6. — There shall be prepared and kept by such Officer or Officers, and in such form, as the Governors by Regulation shall direct, a Register of all living members of Convocation, and of the calling, residence and Post Office address of each, so far as ascertainable. 43 7. — A Copy of this Statute, with such explanatory instruc- tions as the Governors may deem requisite shall be mailed or otherwise communicated, on or before the 1st day of December next (1880),* to every member of Convocation whose address is then known or supposed so to be. 8. — Members of Convocation, presently Graduates of the University, and who on or before the day of the next meeting of Convocation for the conferring of Degrees in Law and Medi- cine, shall pay such Eegistry Fee (whether for the current year, or by way of commutation) as the Governors by Eegulation shall have ordained in that behalf, shall alone be held qualified to vote at the ensuing election of Fellows hereby provided for. 9. — A Voting paper for such election, in such form and with such explanatory instructions as the Governors by Eegulation shall have ordered or authorised, shall be sent by mail to every such qualified Graduate, who on or before the 1st day of Febru- ary next shall have paid such Eegistry Fee, and indicated the Post Office whereat he wished to be addressed, at his Post Office so indicated, on or before the first day of March next ; or at the request of any such qualified Graduate, the same may at any time on or before such day for conferring of Degrees in Law^ and Medicine, be furnished him in any way that may be convenient. 10 — By such voting paper, duly returned on or before such day for conferring of Degrees in Law and Medicine, and being duly filled up, signed and attested, — the whole as such Eegul- ations shall require, — each such qualified Graduate may vote for not more than eight Members of Convocation, Graduates of the University, of not less than three years’ standing, not more than two of them being such in Law, Medicine, Arts and Applied S cience respectively. 11. — Any vote so tendered for more than eight in the whole, or for more than two as being Graduates in each Faculty respect- * Sections 7 to 16 inclusive refer to the first voting under tlie amended statutes for the election of fellows. 44 ively, or for any one not such Graduate as so being, or for any Graduate not having at least three years’ ^standing from the date of his earliest Degree conferred by the University, shall be rejected. 12. — The voting papers thus returned shall be carefully examined by Scrutineers, to be named to that end by the Gov- ernors, and shall by such Scrutineers be laid before Convocation at its next meeting for the conferring of Degrees in Arts and Applied Science, with their report shewing (so far as possible) wliat two Graduates in each Faculty have received the highest number of the Votes cast; and also how many votes have been cast for each. 13. — Should such report shew that the Scrutineers cannot say that two Graduates in any Faculty have such highest number of Votes, from the fact that two or more have an equal number of Votes, the question of the tie so occurring shall be resolved at such Meeting by lot. 14. — The two Graduates in each Faculty, indicated by such report, or by lot (as the case may be), shall thereupon become Fellows of the University, and shall be received into and be Members of the Corporation as such Fellows. 15. — The four (out of such eight) Fellows who shall have received the highest number of Votes cast, shall be such Fellows for the term of two years ; and the other four shall be such for one year. 16. — All questions of tie arising in respect of such term of Office as Fellow, shall be resolved at such Meeting by lot. 17. — Every year thereafter, election to fill the places of the four Fellows so vacating Office, and also to fill any vacancies otherwise previously during the year occurring, shall be held in the like manner, that is to say : — 18. — Members of Convocation, Graduates of the University, who, on or before the day of the Meeting of Convocation for the conferring of Degrees in Law and Medicine, shall have duly paid 45 their Eegistry Fee, whether for the current year or by way of commutation, shall alone be held qualified to vote. 19. — Voting papers, with all requisite instructions, shall be duly sent by mail to all such qualified Graduates, or at their request otherwise furnished them, as by Eegulation of the Governors in that behalf shall hereafter be prescribed, and, being duly filled up, signed, attested and returned, on or before the day of the next meeting of Convocation for the conferring of Degrees in Law and Medicine, shall avail as votes cast for such election. But any vote so tendered for more than the proper number of vacancies in the whole, or for any .Graduate or Grad- uates in a wrong Faculty, or for any one not a Graduate, as so being, or for any Graduate not having at least three years’ standing from the date of his earliest Degree conferred by the University, shall be rejected. 20. — After due examination, such returned voting papers shall by the Scrutineers (thereto named by the Governors) be laid before Convocation at its next Meeting for the conferring of Degrees in Arts and Applied Science, with their Eeport shewing (so far as possible) upon whom the highest aggregate vote in respect of each vacancy, has fallen ; and, if this cannot be declared, from the fact of two or more having in any case an equal vote, the question of the tie so occurring, shall be resolved at such meeting by lot. 21. — The Graduates indicated by such report or by lot (as the case may be) shall thereupon become Fellows of the Univer- sity, and shall be received into and be members of the Corpor- ation, as such Fellows, — for the term of two years, when the vacancy is in ordinary course, and for the unexpired term when the vacancy has occurred otherwise. 22. — The present Eepresentative Fellows in Law, Medicine, Arts and Applied Science respectively, shall remain such through the yearly term for which they were elected. 46 23. — All regulations of the Governors for giving effect in anywise to the foregoing provisions, shall have force and effect as though set forth herein. CHAPTER VI. OF THE APPOINTMENT AND DUTIES OF OFFICERS, FACULTIEo, &C. 1. — The Principal, Vice-Principal, Deans of Eaculty, Pro- ‘ fessors, and all other Officers of the University (except the Demonstrator of Anatomy, who may be appointed by the Medi- cal Faculty or by the Professor of Anatomy, if the Governors so allow or order, and in such case shall be removable at the pleasure either of the party so appointing him, or of the Govern- ors), shall be appointed and shall hold office for and during the pleasure of the Governors, and no longer ; and they shall receive such salaries and emoluments as may be fixed by the Governors. The several Professors and other Officers of the University shall have such titles of office, and discharge such duties, as may from time to time be assigned to them by the Governors. 2. — The Governors shall constitute such of the Professors, Lecturers, and Tutors, or other Instructing Officers of the Uni- versity, as they may see fit, into the several Faculties of Law, Medicine, Arts and Applied Science ; and whenever they shall see fit, may also in like manner constitute other Faculties ; and may, at any time, alter the composition of such Faculties, as they may see fit. Three Members of each Faculty shall be a quorum thereof, for transaction of business. 3. — The Governors shall appoint one of the Professors of the Faculty of Arts, to be Vice-Principal of the College and Univer- sity, and Dean of the Faculty of Arts. Such Vice -Principal shall preside at all meetings of the Faculty of Arts, in the absence of the Principal ; shall keep its records, or cause them to be duly kept by some other member of the Faculty, and (under the Principal) take general superintendence of its affairs ; and, in the absence of the Principal, shall discharge his duties. 47 4. — The Governors shall appoint a Professor in each of the other Faculties to be Dean of such Faculty. Such Deans shall preside at all Meetings of their respective Faculties, in the absence of the Principal ; shall keep the records of such Facul- ties, or cause them to be duly kept by some other member of the Faculty, and (under the Principal) shall take general super- intendence of the affairs of such Faculties respectively. 5. — The several Faculties shall from time to time frame Regulations, as occasion may require, touching the details of the course of study and teaching in their respective Departments of the University, — the number, times and mode of all examin- ations thereto appertaining, — the admission of Students, whether to the Regular Course of Study thereof or to any Special Course of Study connected therewith, or to instruction in any particu- lar branch of such study, — the amount and mode of payment of all Fees therein, — and the discipline and internal government thereof : and shall duly enforce such Regulations ; and may alter or repeal the same or any of them ; and shall hear and deter- mine all complaints as to the violation thereof. Provided always, that such Regulations, or such alteration or repeal thereof, be first approved by the Corporation ; that such Regul- ations shall be further subject to alteration or repeal by the Cor- poration; that no Student shall be expelled without the consent of the Corporation ; and that the Corporation, if it see fit, may entertain appeal from any decision of a Faculty, whereby any punishment more severe than reprimand may have been imposed on any Student. 6. — Meetings of the Faculty of Arts shall be held at least once in every two weeks during the Academical year, at such time and place as by such Faculty may be appointed ; and, in the absence of the Principal and Vice-Principal, the Senior Pro- fessor present shall preside. 7. — Meetings of the other Faculties shall be held as often as occasion may require, and at such time and place as by each 48 Facult}^ may be appointed; and, in the absence of the Principal and Dean of Faculty, the Senior Member present shall preside. 8. — It shall be the duty of the Secretary, Eegistrar and Bursar of the University, to act as Secretary and Eegistrar to the Go- vernors, Corporation, and Convocation, to summon all Meetings thereof, and to enregister, and (when necessary) carry into effect their respective proceedings ; to take charge of the Corporate Seal and of the general Matricula or Eegister of the Members of the University, and of all i(s Charters, Eecords, and Muniments ; te keep accurate Books of Account, in such form as from time to time shall be ordered by the Governors, of all revenues, receipts and expenditure of the University, with all requisite vouchers ; to collect and receive all moneys, rents and revenues of the University, from whatever sources derivable, except only (in the case hereinafter contemplated) those peculiar to the Faculties of Law and Medicine, — and forthwith to lodge the same to the credit of the “ Eoyal Institution for the Advancement of Learn- ing,” in such chartered Bank in this City as may be designated by the Governors ; to submit at every Meeting of the Governors a minute of such collections and deposits, together with a state- ment of all moneys due to the University and not paid, and of all outstanding claims against the University ; to pay all such claims, when ordered by the Governors, by his cheque, counter- signed always by at least one Governor, being of the Committee of Finance for the time being ; to inspect all lands, buildings and other property of the University, and report promptly to the Gov- ernors all necessary repairs and expenditures thereon, and super- intend, under their directions, the execution of such repairs or expenditure ; to present a full statement of his accounts, exhibit- ing in detail all revenues, receipts and disbursements of the University, to the Corporation at its Eegular Meeting in October yearly, as also to the Governors, at all such periods as they shall direct ; and generally, to obey aijd carry out all instructions of the Governors and of the Corporation. Provided always, that so long 49 as the Governors shall see fit to maintain the usage heretofore practised in that behalf, it shall be competent to them from time to time to name — or to allow the Faculties of Law and Medicine respectively, by Eegulation or otherwise, to name — any Member of such Faculty to be the Bursar thereof, under such Eegulations as they, the Governors, may direct or allow, and in that case each such Bursar shall report in writing, fully and in detail, as to all matters falling under his charge, to the Secretary, Eegis- trar and Bursar, at least once in every year, when and as the Governors may direct or allow, —and each such Bursar’s Books, Accounts and Vouchers shall be open at all times to the inspec- tion and audit of the Secretary, Eegistrar and Bursar, and suffi- cient abstracts and statements therefrom shall always by him be kept of record in his general Books of Account, and exhibited in his Eeports. The Secretary, Eegistrar and Bursar shall further enter into bonds towards the Corporation, with security to the Governors, in such sum not less than one thousand dollars, as they may from time to time ordain, for the faithful accounting for all moneys collected or received by him, and the correct per- formance of his duties generally. CHAPTEE VII. OF MATRICULATION, COURSES OF STUDY, FEES, &c. 1. — FTo person shall matriculate as a Student in any Faculty, unless after such examination as the Eegulations of the Corpor- ation may require. 2. — The Dean of each Faculty shall keep or cause to be kept a Eegister of all Students of such Faculty; wherein shall be in- scribed the Christian and Surnames of all such Students, with their ages and places of birth and education, and the names, places of residence and profession or calling of their Parents or Guardians, and whereon each Student shall subscribe his name to a Declaration that he will faithfully observe the Statutes, D 50 Eules, and Ordinances, of the University; and the _ contents of such Eegisters shall be fairly entered in the general Marticiila or Eegister, to be kept by the Secretary, Eegistrar and Bursar of the University. 3. — The Fees for Matriculation and for Tuition in the several Faculties, and for the Library or Libraries of the University, shall be such as from time to time by the Eegulations of the Corpor- ation, or of the several Faculties, may be ordained; and shall be payable as thereby required . 4. — The Academical Year for the several Faculties shall com- mence on the sixth day of September, and shall end on the first day of May, or such other day as may be fixed by the Corpor- ation, for the conferring of Degrees. There shall be a Christmas Vacation of not more than two weeks, and which shall include Christmas day and Uew Year’s day. Provided, however, that it shall be competent to any Faculty by Eegulation or Order (sub- ject always to approval or amendment by the Corporation) to provide for the opening either for its Eegular Course of Study, or of any Special Course of Study connected with such Faculty, on any convenient day other than that of the commencement of the Academical Year, — and also for the prolonging of any such Course, whether Eegular or Special, beyond the close of the Aca- demical Year, or for the delivery of any Course or Courses of Lectures or Instruction between the close of the Academical Year and the time of the opening of such Course of Study, Eegu- lar or Special. 5. — The Eegular Course of Study of the Faculty of Law shall extend over three years ; that of the Faculty of Medicine over four years; that of the Faculty of Arts over four years; that of the Faculty of Applied Science over four years; and that of any other Faculties respectively, when established, over such num- ber of years as by Statute in that behalf shall hereafter be or- dained. In each Faculty, the detail of the Course shall be such as from time to time shall be prescribed by its Eegulations ;, and 51 Students qualified to enter at an advanced period of such Course, shall be allowed to do so, within such limits always as such regulations may permit. 6. — Special Courses of Study may be established and main- tained in connection with any Faculty or Faculties, under such designations, and on such terms as, by Eegulations of such Faculty or Faculties (duly approved by the Corporation), may be from time to time ordained. CHAPTEE VIII. OF DEGREES. 1. — Students who shall have completed the Eegular Course of Study in Arts, shall have passed the prescribed examinations during the Course, and also the special examinations for Gradu- ation, and shall have performed such exercises as may be pre- scribed to that end, — the whole to the satisfaction of the Faculty of Arts, and also of any other Examiners whom the Corporation may associate with such Faculty, — shall be entitled to the Degree of Bachelor of Arts. 2. — Bachelors of Arts of at least three years’ standing shall be entitled to the Degree of Master of Arts, after such examination and the performance of such exercises as, by the Eegulations of the Corporation in that behalf, shall be prescribed. 3. — Students who shall have completed the Eegular Course of Study in Law, shall have passed the prescribed examinations during the Course and also the special examinations for Gra- duation, and shall have performed such exercises as may be prescribed to that end, — the whole to the satisfaction of the Faculty of Law, and also of any other Examiners whom the Cor- poration may associate with such Faculty, — shall be entitled to the Degree of Bachelor of Civil Law. Provided always, that any such Student, if he be either a Bachelor or Master of Arts, 52 or an Articled Student with a practising Member of the Bar of Lower Canada, who shall have matriculated in the third year of his Clerkship under such articles, shall be entitled to such Degree after two years’ attendance on the said Course of Study, if he shall satisfactorily pass all requisite examinations, and perform all required exercises. 4. — No person shall be admitted in Course to the Degree of Doctor of Laws, unless he be a Master of Arts of twelve years’ standing, nor to that of Doctor of Civil Law, unless he be a Bachelor of Civil Law of twelve years’ standing ; nor until he shall have passed such examination and performed such exer- cises, as by the Eegulations of the Corporation in that behalf shall be prescribed. 5. — Students who shall have completed the Eegular Course of Study in Medicine, and shall have passed the prescribed exami- nations during the course, and also the special examinations for Graduation, and shall have performed such exercises as may be pi escribed to that end, — the whole to the satisfaction of the Laculty of Medicine, and also of any other Examiners whom the Corporation may associate with such Faculty, — shall be entitled to the Degree of Doctor of Medicine and Master of Surgery. 6. — Students who shall have completed the regular Course of Study in Applied Science, and shall have passed the prescribed Examination during the Course, and also the Special Examina- tions for Graduation, and shall have performed such exercises as may be prescribed to that end, — the whole to the satisfaction of the Faculty of Applied Science, and also of any other Examiners • whom the Corporation may associate with such Faculty, — shall be entitled to the Degree of Bachelor of Applied Science, the particular branch or branches of Applied Science in which they have passed being specified in the Diploma granted therefor. 7. — The Degree of Graduate in Civil Engineering heretofore granted by this University may on application be exchanged by the Corporation for that of Bachelor of Applied Science, and 53 evi^ry Graduate holding a Degree so given in exchange shall rank as such Bachelor of Applied Science from the date of his original Degree. 8. — Bachelors of Applied Science of at least three years stand- ing, and having either passed to that Degree in the Branch of Engineering or having taken the same in exchange for the Degree of Graduate in Civil Engineering, on presenting Certifi- cates to the satisfaction of the Faculty of Applied Science, that they have devoted at least three years to Engineering work under competent guidance, and after such further Examination on the Theory and Practice of Engineering and the performance of such exercises as hy the Eegulations of the Corporation in that behalf shall be prescribed, — the whole to the satisfaction of the Faculty of Applied Science and also of any other Examiners whom the Corporation may associate with such Faculty, — shall be entitled to the Degree of Master of Engineering. 9. — Bachelors of Applied Science of at least three years stand- ing and having passed in any other branch or branches, on pre- senting Certificates to the satisfaction of the Faculty of Applied Science, that they have devoted at least three full years to the bona fide practice thereof under competent guidance, and after such further Examination on the Theory and Practice thereof, and the performance of such exercises as hy the Regulations of the Corporation in that behalf shall be prescribed, the whole to the satisfaction of the Faculty of Applied Science, and also of any other Examiners whom the Corporation may associate with such Faculty, — shall be entitled to the Degree of Master of Applied Science, the particular branch or branches in which they have so passed being specified in the Diploma granted therefor. • 10. — Students who shall have completed any Special Course of Study, duly established and maintained in connection with any Faculty or Faculties, and shall have passed the prescribed examinations during such Course, and also the special examina- tions for Graduation, and shall have performed such exercises 54 as may be prescribed to that end, — the whole to the satisfaction of such Faculty, or Faculties, and also of any other Examiners whom the Corporation may associate with such Faculty or Faculties, shall be entitled to the Degree of Graduate in such Special Course. 11. — Upon the organization of any other Faculty or Faculties, there shall be granted therein such Degrees as by Statute in that behalf shall hereafter be ordained. 12. — Graduates of other Universities, desirous of admission to the like Degree in this University, may be so admitted by the Corporation ; due enquiry being first made as to their moral character and sound learning, and opportunity given to the several Faculties to make such representation in the premises as they may see fit. Provided always, that, unless by unami- nous consent, such admission shall not be put to vote until after three months’ notice, and shall not be be ordered, if as many as five Members of the Corporation shall vote against it. 13. — Honorary Degrees may be granted by the Corporation to any persons who may be considered worthy of such distinc- tion : due enquiry being first made, and opportunity given to the several Faculties to make such representation in the premises as they may see fit. Provided always, that, unless b}; unani- mous consent, the grant of such Degree shall not be put to vote until after three months’ notice, and shall not be ordered, if as many as five Members of the Corporation shall vote against it. 14. — The Fees on all Degrees shall be such as from time to time shall be fixed by the Kegulations of the Corporation. Such Fees shall always be deposited with the proper officer, before a Degree is conferred ; and no Diploma shall be given, until the Degree shall have been conferred. 15. — Degrees in Course may always be refused, if the conduct or character of the Candidate be open to objection. 55 CHAPTEE IX. OF SCHOLARSHIPS, &C. 1. — There shall be maintained such and so many Scholarships for Students in Arts, as the Governors from time to time shall authorize; and on such terms, as regards appointment, tenure, and emolument, as by the Eegulations of the Governors and Corporation in that behalf shall from time to time be prescribed. 2. — It shall be competent to the Governors, if they shall see fit, to create and maintain Scholarships for Students in any other Faculty or Department of the University, and, with concur- rence of the Corporation, to make all needful Eegulations from time to time touching the same. 3. — Donations for the endowment of Scholarships, Bursaries Prizes or Medals, may be held by the Governors under such, conditions as may be agreed on with the donors thereof ; and, subject to such conditions, shall be applied as by the Eegula- tions in that behalf of the Governors and Corporation shall from time to time be prescribed. CHAPTEE X. OF MORAL CONDUCT AND DISCIPLINE. 1. — Every exertion shall be made by all Members of the University, for the maintaining of good morals, and the due observance of all Statutes and Eegulations of the University. 2. — No M(imber of the University shall promulgate any princi- ples adverse to good morals. 3. — Xo Member of the University shall break, deface, or injure, any buildings, walls, doors, fences, or other property of the U niversity. 56 4. — Due respect and courtesy will at all times be required of all Students and Pupils. 5. — Immorality, or impropriety of conduct, of whatever kind, on the part of any Student or Pupil, will at all times subject the offender to such measure of discipline as may be requisite. CHAPTEE XI. OF EANK AND PRECEDENCE. Eank and Precedence in the University shall be regulated as follows : — 1. — The Visitor. 2. — The President and Chancellor. 3. — The remaining Governors, in order of appointment. 4. — The Principal and Vice-Chancellor. 5. — The Vice-Principal. 6. — The remaining Eellows, in order of first appointment. 7. — The Professors of the College and University, in order of appointment. 8. — Those of Affiliated Colleges, Members of Convocation, in like order. 9. — The Secretary, Eegistrar, and Bursar, being a Member of Convocation. 10. — The Lecturers, Tutors and other Instructing Officers of the College and University, Members of Convocation, in like order. 11. — Those of Affiliated Colleges, Members of Convocation, in like order. 12. — Doctors of Divinity. 13. — Doctors of Laws or of Civil Law, 14. — Doctors of Medicine. 15. — Bachelors of Divinity. 16. — Masters of Arts. 17. — Masters of Engineering and Applied Science. 57 18. — Bachelors of Civil Law. 19. — Bachelors of Arts. 20. — Bachelors of Applied Science, and Graduates in Civil Engineering. 21. — Graduates in any Special Course of Study. 22. — Instructing Officers of the College (if any) not Members of Convocation, in order of appointment. 23. — Those of Affiliated Colleges (if any) not Members of Convocation, in like order. 24. — Students of Law. 25. — Students of Medicine. 26. — Students of Arts. 27. — Students in Applied Science. CHAPTEE XII. OF THE McGILL NORMAL SCHOOL. ' / The McGill Normal School, so long as it shall remain under charge of the Corporation, shall be held to be affiliated with the University; and the Pupil Teachers thereof shall enjoy such facilities in respect of Study and of Degrees in the University, as the Corporation from time to time may find it practicable and expedient, by Eegulation, to grant to them. CHAPTEE XII r. OF AFFILIATED COLLEGES. 1. — Any incorporated Collegiate Institution in this Province^ having such staff of Instructing Officers, and providing for such Course of Tuition thereat, as by the Corporation may be deemed sufficient to enable it to carry its Students to the Degree of Bachelor of Arts, may be admitted as an Affiliated College of the Eirst Class in connection with the University. 58 2. — Any such Institution, having a staff of Instructing Officers, and providing for a Course of Tuition thereat, sufficient in the opinion of the Corporation to enable it to carry its Stu- dents up to the Intermediate Examination prescribed for the De< ree of Bachelor. of Arts, may be admitted as an Affiliated College of the Second Class, in connection with the University. 3. — Any incorporated School of Theology in this Province, having a staff of Instructing Officers, such as by the Corporation may be deemed sufficient, and desiring to obtain for its Students the advantage, in whole or part, of the Course of Study in Arts of the University, may be admitted as an Affiliated Theological College, in connection with the University. 4. — No such Institution or School shall be admitted to affili- ation, unless by a two-thirds vote of the Members of the Corporation present at a Eegular Meeting thereof, and also by a two-thirds vote of the Governors present at a Meeting of the Governors specially called to consider thereof. Nor shall the question of such admission be put to vote at either of such Meetings, until after opportunity given to the several Faculties to make such representations in the premises as they may see fit ; nor yet, unless by unanimous consent, until after three months’ notice first given. 5. — Students of any Affiliated College, desiring to graduate in Arts in the University, may matriculate therein, upon passing such examination as the Eegulations of the Corporation in that behalf may require, and otherwise conforming to such Eegula- tions ; and having so matriculated, shall be borne on the Books of the University, as Matriculated Students thereof, — may pursue their studies, either wholly or (within such limits as the Eegula- tions of the Corporation may prescribe) in part, in such Affiliated College, —shall be allowed, within like limits, if desired, to pur- sue their studies in part under the Faculty of Arts, — and shall be admitted to the Examinations for Graduation in Arts, and also 59 to Degrees in Arts, on the same footing with Students matricu- lated directly under the Faculty of Arts. 6. — The Corporation may, at any time, by Eegulation in that behalf, grant such further facilities as may be deemed expedient, for the admission of the Students of any Affiliated College, or of any particular Classes of such Students, to the whole or to any part of the Course of Tuition of any Faculty, or to the whole or to any part of the Tuition provided for any established Special Course of Study ; and may from time to time, by like Eegula- tion, modify or withdraw such facilities. 7. — Any Affiliated College of the First Class, having regularly established therein any other Faculty or Faculties, besides that of Arts, may apply for and obtain from the University its recogni- tion of such Faculty or Faculties. 8. — Such recognition shall only be accorded by the like votes of the Corporation and Governors, and under the like restrictions^ as are above prescribed, for admission of a College to affiliation. 9. — Students under such recognised Faculties shall have such facilities granted them, in respect of the Course of Tuition and Degrees of the corresponding Faculties in the University, as the Corporation, by its Eegulations in that behalf, may from time to time allow. 10. — Every Affiliated College shall be entitled to be. repre- sented in the Corporation, by one or more of its Officers, to be from time to time elected or otherwise designated, as the Cor- poration and Governors by their vote shall have prescribed or authorized ; that is to say, each such College of the First Class, by two Eepresentative Fellows, and also by one additional Eepresentative Fellow for each Faculty therein besides that of Arts, which may have been recognized by the University as above provided; and each Affiliated Theological College, and each Affiliated College of the Second Class, by one Eepresentative Fellow. 60 11. — Any Affiliated College may be raised from the Second to the First Class, or vice versa; but only by the like votes of the Corporation and Governors, and under the like restrictions, as are above prescribed for the admission of a College to affilia- tion. 12. — Every Affiliated College shall be held to report from time to time to the Corporation, as to the regulations and affairs thereof, to the satisfaction of the Corporation, at such times and in such form as the Corporation, by its Eegulations or otherwise, may require. 13. — Any Affiliated College may at any time, by duly noti- fying the Corporation to that effect, withdraw from its connec- tion with the University. 14. — The Corporation and Governors may also, at any time, by the like votes, and under the like restrictions, as are above prescribed for the admission of a College to affiliation, terminate the connection af any Affiliated College with the University. CHAPTEE XIV. OF AFFILIATED SCHOOLS. 1. — Any School in this Province, providing for such Course of Tuition thereat, as by the Corporation may be deemed suffi- cient to enable it to carry its Pupils up to the Examination prescribed for Matriculation in the Faculty of Arts of the University, may, by vote of the Corporation duly passed at a Eegular Meeting thereof, after opportunity given to the Faculty of Arts to make such representation in the premises as it may see fit, be admitted as an Affiliated School in connection with the University. 61 2. — Every such School, while so affiliated, will be held to maintain such Course of Tuition thereat, to make such periodi- cal returns to the Corporation, and otherwise to he subject to such Visitation, on the part of the Corporation, as the Corpor- ation, by Regulation or vote in that behalf, shall from time to time ordain. 3. — Every such School, while so affiliated, shall enjoy such privileges, in respect of Scholarships for its more distinguished pupils, and otherwise, as the Corporation, by Regulation or vote in that behalf, approved by the Governors, shall from time to time ordain. 4. — Any such Affiliated School may at any time, by duly notifying the Corporation to that effect, withdraw from its con- nection with the University. 5. — The Corporation also may at any time, by a vote duly passed at a Regular Meeting thereof, terminate the connection of any such Affihated School with the University. CHAPTER XV. OF SCHOOL EXAMINATIONS. The Corporation may from time to time, by Regulation in that behalf, provide for the periodical Examination of all Pupils presenting themselves, from whatever School or Instructor, as Candidates for a Certificate of proficiency in the various branches of School Education, or in any thereof; and for the granting of Certificates at such Examinations ; and also (but subject to the approval of the Governors), for the according of Scholarships, or other special distinctions or rewards, to the more distinguished of such successful Candidates. 62 CHAPTEE XVI. OF REPEAL OR AMENDMENT OF STATUTES, Xo motion for the repeal or amendment of any Statute, or for the passing of any new Statute, shall he finally put to the vote at any meeting of the Governors, unless in virtue of an order to that effect made at a previous meeting of the Governors, after opportunity given to the Corporation to consider the same at a Eegular Meeting thereof, and to make such representations in the premises as it may see fit ; and whenever such order shall have been made, the Secretary shall embody the terms of such motion in the notice to be given to each Governor, convening the meeting whereat the same may have been ordered for final vote ; and at such meeting no amendment of such motion shall be allowed. CHAPTEE XVII. OF REPEAL OF FORMER STATUTES, All Statutes of the University heretofore in force, are hereby repealed. [Enacted and passed the eighteenth day of February, in the year of Our Lord one thousand eight hundred and sixty-four. Amended the thirteenth day of March, 1870; further amended the sixteenth day of February, 1871 ; further amended the twenty-sixth day of March, 1872; and further amended the twenty-third day of October, 1880.] •; i' ■ ' • V.- • UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBANA 3112 081459866