3 My 15 . 1 H,Cp^?vC. Adolph Seek el Library. 59 THE PUBLIC SCHOOL LIBRARY. In ^Memory of Adolph Seckel. On Thanksgiving Day, 1896, Mr. C. B. Beach, then presi- dent of the Board of Education, received from Mr. Albert Seckel a letter, inclosing a check for one thousand dollars, to be used to found a public school library in memory of his brother, Mr. Adolph Seckel. A committee was appointed by the Board of Education to select and purchase books. Suitable cases were procured and the books were catalogued. A librarian is in charge at stated times in order that books may be drawn from the library by the teachers and pupils of the schools. At the present time, when private schools and colleges are being so amply endowed by the gifts of wealthy men, it is note- worthy that a public-spirited citizen should thus enrich the work of the public school. In a republic the public school is the school of the people, and there are many opportunities for wealthy men to supplement its work through liberal endowments. CATALOGUE OF THE BOOKS CONTAINED IN THE SECKEL LIBRARY CT*^ Q 1-2. Principles of Psychology. 2 vols.‘ James. 3. Studies of Childhood. Sully. 4-5. Works of Epictetus. 2 vols. Higginson. 6. Thoughts of Marcus Aurelius Antoninus. Long. 7. Luther’s Table Talk. Hazlitt. 8 Dictionary of American Politics. Brown. 9. Political History of United States. Smith. 10. History of Presidential Elections. Stanwood. 11. Among the Law Makers. Alton. 12. Congressional Government. Wilson. 13. Economic Interpretation of History. Rogers. 14. Tariff History of United States. Taussig. 15. Outlines of International Law. Davis. 16. Federalist. Hamilton and Madison. 17. Growth of English Constitution. Freeman. 18. Evolution of Constitution of United States. Fisher. 19. Journal of Federal Convention. Madison. 20. Story of the Golden Age. Baldwin. 21. Story of Siegfried. Baldwin. 21. 1. Story of Roland. Baldwin. 22. Court of King Arthur. Frost. 23. Knights of the Round Table. Frost. 24. Legends of the Middle Ages. Guerber. 25. Nights with Uncle Remus. Harris. 26. Uncle Remus. Harris. 27. Boy’s King Arthur. Lanier. 28. Knightly Legends of Wales. Lanier. 60 Riverside Public Schools. 29. Verbalist. Ayres. 30. Le Morte D’Arthur. Strachey. 31. Dictionary of English Synonyms. Soule. 32. Every Day English. White. 33. Words and Their Uses. White. 34. Handbook of Poetics. Gummere. 35. Eye Spy. Gibson. 36. Popular Scientific Lectures. Helmholtz. 36.1. Popular Scientific Lectures. Second Series. Helmholtz. 37. Lay Sermons, Addresses, Reviews. Huxley. 38. Home Experiments in Science. Sloane. 39. History of Mathematics. Ball. 40. Astronomy. Newcomb. 41. Sound. Tyndall. 41.1. Light. Tyndall. 42. Light and Electricity. Tyndall. 43. Heat. Tyndall. 44. Hours of Exercise in the Alps. Tyndall. 45. Faraday as a Discoverer. Tyndall. 46. Light. Wright. 47. Text-Book of Science. Maxwell. 48. Chemical History of a Candle. Faraday. 49. Geological Sketches, Vol. I. L. Agassiz. 50. Geological Sketches, Vol. II. L. Agassiz. 51. Life and Correspondence of Agassiz. E. C. Agassiz. 52. Agassiz Journey in Brazil. Prof, and Mrs. L. Agassiz. 53. Agassiz Method of Study. L. Agassiz. 54. Geological Studies. Winchell. 55. Physiography. Huxley. 56. Nature and Man in America. Shaler. 57. Sea and Land. Shaler. 58. Man and the Glacial Period. Wright. 59. Beginnings of Writing. Hoffman. 60. Beginnings of Art. Grosse. 61. Pygmies. De Quatrefages. 62. Woman's Share in Primitive Culture. Mason. 63. Origin of Species. C. Darwin. 64. Descent of Man. C. Darwin. 64.1. Voyage of a Naturalist. C. Darwin. 64.2. Life of Charles Darwin. F. Darwin. 65. The Sea and Its Wonders. Kirby. 66. Ants, Bees and Wasps. Lubbock. 67. Bird Neighbors. Blanchan. 68. Key to North American Birds. Coues. 69. Our Common Birds. Grant. 70. Citizen Bird. Wright and Coues. 71. Stories of Invention. Hale. 72. Human Body. Martin. 73. Electrical Instrument Making. Bottone. 73.1. Treatise on Chemistry. Roscoe and Schorlemmer. 73.2. Treatise on Chemistry, Vol. II. Roscoe and Schorlem- mer. Adolph Seckel Library . 73.3. Outlines of General Chemistry. Ostwald. 73.4. Essays in Historical Chemistry. Thorpe. 73-5- General Chemistry. Freer. 73.6. Foundations of Analytical Chemistry. Ostwald. 73.7. Researches on Molecular Asymmetry. Pasteur. 73.8. Liquefaction of Gases. Faraday. 73.9. Foundations of Molecular Theory. Dalton. 74. Chemistry of Common Life. Johnston. 74.1. Experiments on Air. Cavendish. 74.2. Foundations of Atomic Theory. Dalton. 74.3. History of Chemistry. Ernst von Meyer. 74.4. The Discovery of Oxygen. Priestley. 75. History of Architecture. Hamlin. 76. History of Sculpture. Marquand and Frothingham. 77. History of Painting. Van Dyke. 78. Poems. Lanier. 79. Poetical Works, Vol. I. Longfellow. 80. Poetical Works, Vol. II. Longfellow. 81. Poetical Works, Vol. III. Longfellow. 82. Poetical Works, Vol. IV. Longfellow. 83. Poetical Works, Vol. V. Longfellow. 84. Poetical Works, Vol. VI. Longfellow. 85. Dante, Vol. I. Longfellow. 86. Dante, Vol. II. Longfellow. 87. Dante, Vol. III. Longfellow. 88. Prose Works, Vol. I. Longfellow. 89. Prose Works, Vol. II. Longfellow. 90. Prose Works, Vol. I. Lowell. 91. Prose Works, Vol. II. Lowell. 92. Prose Works, Vol. III. Lowell. 93. Prose Works, Vol. IV. Lowell. 94. Prose Works, Vol. V. Lowell. 95. Prose Works, Vol. VI. Lowell. 96. Prose Works, Vol. VII. Lowell. 97. Poetical Works, Vol. I. Lowell. 98. Poetical Works, Vol. II. Lowell. 99. Poetical Works, Vol. III. Lowell. 100. Poetical Works, Vol. IV. Lowell. 101. Locusts and Wild Honey. Burroughs. 102. Wake Robin. Burroughs. 103. Year in the Fields. Johnson. 104. Nature Addresses and Lectures. Emerson. 105. Essays, Series I. Emerson. 106. Essays, Series II. Emerson. 107. Representative Men. Emerson. 108. English Traits. Emerson. 109. Conduct of Life. Emerson, no. Society and Solitude. Emerson, in. Letters and Social Aims. Emerson. 1 12. Poems. Emerson. 1 13. Lectures and Biographical Sketches. Emerson. 62 Riverside Public Schools. 1 14. H5. 1 16. 11 7. 1 18. 1 19. 120. 121. 122. 123. 124. 125. 126. 127. 128. 129. 130. 131. 132. 133. 134 . 135 . 136. 137 . 138. 139. 140. 141. 142. 143. 144. 145. 146. 147. 148. 149 . 150. 151. 152. 153. 154. 155 . 156. 157 . 158. 159. 160. 160.5. 161. 162. 162.5. Miscellanies. Emerson. Natural History of Intellect. Emerson. American Orations, Vol. I. Woodburn. American Orations, Vol. II. Woodburn. American Orations, Vol. III. Woodburn. American Orations, Vol. IV. Woodburn. Autocrat of the Breakfast Table. Holmes. Professor at the Breakfast Table. Holmes. Poet at the Breakfast Table. Holmes. Over the Teacups. Holmes. Elsie Venner. Holmes. Guardian Angel. Holmes. Mortal Antipathy. Holmes. Pages from an Old Volume of Life. Medical Essays. Holmes. Hundred Days in Europe. Holmes. Poetical Works, Vol. I. Holmes. Poetical Works, Vol. II. Holmes. Poetical Works, Vol. III. Holmes. Sketch Book, History of New York, etc. Alhambra, Conquest of Granada, etc. Astoria, Salmagundi, etc. Irving. Tales of a Traveler, etc. Irving. Life of Columbus, Tour of the Prairies. Mahomet, and Life of Goldsmith. Irving. Life of Washington, Vol. I. Irving. Life of Washington, Vol. II. Irving. Life of Washington, Vol. III. Life of Washington, Vol. IV. Walden. Thoreau. Autumn. Thoreau. Winter. Thoreau. Prose Works. Whitman. History of English Literature. Modern English Literature. Gosse. New Library of Poetry and Song. Bryant. Poetical Works. Arnold. Poetical Works, Vol. I. R. Browning. Poetical Works, Vol. II. R. Browning. Poetical Works. E. B. Browning. Works. Burns. Works. Chaucer. Works. Coleridge. Cowper. Holmes. Irving. Irving. Irving. Irving. Irving. Gosse. Works. Works. Works. Works. Dryden. Milton. Pope. Poetical Works. Works. Shelley. Works. Spenser. Works. Tennyson Scott. Adolph Seek el Library. 63 163. Works. Wordsworth. 164. Works. Shakespeare. 165. Shakespearian Grammar. Abbott. 166. Poems. Meredith. 167. Poems and Ballads. Stevenson. 168. Boy’s Percy. Lanier. 169. Spectator. Morley. 170. Essays. Bacon. 170.5. Sartor Resartus. Carlyle. 171. Short Studies on Great Subjects. Froude. 172. Short Studies on Great Subjects. Froude. 173. Short Studies on Great Subjects. Froude. 174. Short Studies on Great Subjects. Froude. 174.5. Selected Prose Writings. Milton. 175. Classical Essays. Myers. 176. Stones of Venice, Vol. I. Ruskin. 177. Stones of Venice, Vol. II. Ruskin. 178. Stones of Venice, Vol. III. Ruskin. 179. Sesame and Lilies. Ruskin. 180. Seven Lamps of Architecture. Ruskin. 181. Divine Comedy, Vol. I. Dante. 182. Divine Comedy, Vol. II. Dante. 183. Divine Comedy, Vol. III. Dante. 184. New Life. Dante. 185. Spiritual Sense of Dante’s Divine Comedy. Harris. 186. Companion to Dante. Scartazzini. 187. Dialogues, Vol. I. Plato. 188. Dialogues, Vol. II. Plato. 189. Dialogues, Vol. III. Plato. 190. Dialogues, Vol. IV. Plato. 191. Herodotus, Vol. I. Rawlinson. 192. Herodotus, Vol. II. Rawlinson. 193. Xenophon’s Works. Watson. 194. Historical Essays, Vol. I. Freeman. 195. Historical Essays, Vol. II. Freeman. 196. Historical Essays, Vol. III. Freeman. 197. Historical Essays, Vol. IV. Freeman. 198. Two Years Before the Mast. Dana. 199. Stories of Adventure. Hale. 200. Stories of Discovery. Hale. 201. Rocky Mountains, Vol. I. Lewis and Clarke. 202. Rocky Mountains, Vol. II. Lewis and Clarke 203. With the Admiral of the Ocean Sea. MacKie. 204. The Last Voyages of the Admiral. MacKie. 205. Aztecs. Biart. 206. Home Life of the Ancient Greeks. Blumner. 207. History of Ancient Peoples. Boughton. 208. Roman Life in the Days of Cicero. Church. 209. Private Life of the Romans. Preston. 210. Zigzag Journeys in Arcadia. Butterworth. 21 1. Zigzag Journeys on the Mediterranean. Butterworth. 64 Riverside Public Schools. 212. Zigzag Journeys in Classic Lands. Butterworth. 213. Some Strange Corners of Our Country. Lummis. 214. People for whom Shakespeare Wrote. Warner. 215. Pilgrimage to Historic Homes. Brooks. 216. Pilgrimage to Battle Fields of Amer. Revolution. Brooks. 217. Pilgrimage to Washington. Brooks. 218. Letters of John Adams. C. F. Adams. 219. John Adams. Morse. 220. Samuel Adams. Hosmer. 221. John Quincy Adams. Morris. 222. Thomas H. Benton. Roosevelt. 223. John C. Calhoun. Holst. 224. Lewis Cass. McLaughlin. 225. Henry Clay, Vol. I. Schurz. 226. Henry Clay, Vol. II. Schurz. ,227. Benjamin Franklin. Morris. 228. Albert Gallatin. Stevens. 229. Alexander Hamilton. Lodge. 230. Patrick Henry. Tyler. 231. Andrew Jackson. Sumner. 232. John Jay. Pellew. 233. Thomas Jefferson. Morris. 234. Abraham Lincoln, Vol. I. Morris. 235. Abraham Lincoln, Vol. II. Morris. 236. James Madison. Gay. 237. John Marshall. Magruder. 238. James Monroe. Gillman. 239. Gouverneur Morris. Roosevelt. 240. John Randolph. Adams. 241. William H. Seward. Lothrop. 242. Martin Van Buren. Shepard. 243. George Washington, Vol. I. Lodge. 244. George Washington, Vol. II. Lodge. 245. Daniel Webster. Lodge. 246. Aristotle. Davidson. 247. Arnold of Rugby. Findlay. 248. Caesar. Froude. 249. Captains of Industry, Vol. I. Parton. 250. Captains of Industry, Vol. II. Parton. 251. Cicero and His Friends. Boisier. 252. Admiral Farragut. Mahan. 253. General Grant. Wilson. 254. General Jackson. Parton. 255. General Johnston. Hughes. 256. General Lee. F. H. Lee. 257. General Thomas. Coppee. 258. John Evelyn’s Diary, Vol. I. Bray. 259. John Evelyn’s Diary, Vol. II. Bray. 260. John Evelyn’s Diary, Vol. III. Bray. 261. John Evelyn’s Diary, Vol. IV. Bray. 262. Franklin’s Autobiography. Bigelow. Adolph Seckel Library. 65 263. Personal Memoirs of General Grant, Vol. I. Grant. 264. Personal Memoirs of General Grant, Vol. II. Grant. 265. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Vol. I. Morris. 266. Oliver Wendell Holmes, Vol. II. Morris. 267. Joan of Arc. Lowell. 268. Life of Samuel Johnson, Vol. I. Boswell. 269. Life of Samuel Johnson, Vol. II. Boswell. 270. Life of Samuel Johnson, Vol. III. Boswell. 271. Life of Samuel Johnson, Vol. IV. Boswell. 272. Life of Samuel Johnson, Vol. V. Boswell. 273. Life of Samuel Johnson, Vol. VI. Boswell. 274. Early Life of Lincoln. Tarbell. 275. Abraham Lincoln, Vol. I. Nicolay and Hay. 276. Abraham Lincoln, Vol. II. Nicolay and Hay. 277. Abraham Lincoln, Vol. III. Nicolay and Hay. 278. Abraham Lincoln, Vol. IV. Nicolay and Hay. 279. Abraham Lincoln, Vol. V. Nicolay and Hay. 280. Abraham Lincoln, Vol. VI. Nicolay and Hay. 281. Abraham Lincoln, Vol. VII. Nicolay and Hay. 282. Abraham Lincoln, Vol. VIII. Nicolay and Hay. 283. Abraham Lincoln, Vol. IX. Nicolay and Hay. 284. Abraham Lincoln, Vol. X. Nicolay and Hay. 285. Macaulay’s Life and Letters, Vol. I. Trevelyan. 285.5. Macaulay’s Life and Letters, Vol. II. Trevelyan. 286. Horace Mann. Hinsdale. 287. Plutarch’s Lives. Clough. 288. Diary of Samuel Pepys, Vol. I. Bright. 289. Diary of Samuel Pepys, Vol. II. Bright. 290. Diary of Samuel Pepys, Vol. III. Bright. 291. Diary of Samuel Pepys, Vol. IV. Bright. 292. Diary of Samuel Pepys, Vol. V. Bright. 293. Diary of Samuel Pepys, Vol. VI. Bright. 294. Diary of Samuel Pepys, Vol. VII. Bright. 295. Diary of Samuel Pepys, Vol. VIII. Bright. 296. Diary of Samuel Pepys, Vol. IX. Bright. 297. Diary of Samuel Pepys, Vol. X. Bright. 298. Life of Sir Walter Scott, Vol. I. Lockhart. 299. Life of Sir Walter Scott, Vol. II. Lockhart. 300. Memoirs of Sheridan, Vol. I. Sheridan. 301. Memoirs of Sheridan, Vol. II. Sheridan. 302. Memoirs of Sherman, Vol. I. Sherman. 303. Memoirs of Sherman, Vol. II. Sherman. 304. Richelieu. Lodge. 305. William the Silent. Harrison. 306. Oliver Cromwell. Harrison. 307. Edward the First. Tout. 308. Queen Elizabeth. Beesly. 309. Henry the Second. Green. 310. Peel. Thursfield. 31 1. Pitt. Roseberry. 312. Walpole. Morley. 66 Riverside Public Schools. 313. Willaim the Conqueror. Freeman. 314. William the Third. Traill. 315. Cardinal Wolsey. Creighton. 316. George Washington. Wilson. 317. Whittier. Underwood. 318. Dolly Madison. Goodwin. 319. Eliza Pinckney. Ravina. 320. Catherine Schuyler. Humphreys. 321. Margaret Winthrop. Earle. 322. Mercy Warren. Brown. 323. Martha Washington. Wharton. 324. Jane Austen. Smith. 325. Charlotte Bronte. Birrel. 326. Robert Browning. Sharp. 327. Bunyan. Venables. 328. Burns. Blackie. 329. Byron. Nowell. 330. Carlyle. Garnett. 331. Cervantes. Watts. 332. Coleridge. Caine. 333. Darwin. Bettany. 334. Dickens. Marzials. 335. Eliot. Browning. 336. Emerson. Garnett. 337. Goethe. Sime. 338. Goldsmith. Dobson. 339. Hawthorne. Conway. 340. Lessing. Rolleston. 341. Longfellow. Robertson. 342. Mill. Courtney. 343. Milton. Garnett. 344. Schiller. Nevinson. 345. Scott. Yonge. 346. Thackeray. Merivale and Marzials. 347. Thoreau. Salt. 348. Whittier. Linton. 349. History of Modern Europe, Vol. I. Tyffe. 350. History of Modern Europe, Vol. II. Tyffe. 351. History of Modern Europe, Vol. III. Tyffe. 352. Europe, 496-918, Period I. Oman. 353. Europe, 1494-1598, Period IV. Johnson. 354. Europe, 1598-1715. Period V. Wakeman. 355. Europe, 1715-1789, Period VI. Hassall. 356. Revolutionary Europe. 1789-1815, Period VII. Stephens. 357. Boy’s Froissart. Lanier. 358. Roman and the Teuton. Kingsley. 359. Year After the Armada. Hume. 360. History of Our Own Times, Vol. I. McCarthy. 361. History of Our Own Times, Vol. II. McCarthy. 362. History of Our Own Times. Vol. III. McCarthy 363. Works of Lord Macaulay, Vol. I. Macaulay. Adolph Seckel Library. 67 364. Works of Lord Macaulay, Vol. II. Macaulay. 365. Works of Lord Macaulay, Vol. III. Macaulay. 366. Works of Lord Macaulay, Vol. IV. Macaulay. 367. Works of Lord Macaulay, Vol. V. Macaulay. 368. Works of Lord Macaulay, Vol. VI. Macaulay. 369. Works of Lord Macaulay, Vol. VII. Macaulay. 370. Works of Lord Macaulay, Vol. VIII. Macaulay. 371. Short History of England. Kirkland. 372. Pictures from Life of Nelson. Russell. 373. France, Vol. I. Bodley. 374. France, Vol. II. Bodley. 375. * French Revolution, Vol I. Carlyle. 376. French Revolution, Vol. II. Carlyle. 377. French Revolution, Vol. III. Carlyle. 378. Heroes and Hero-Worship. Carlyle. 379. Short History of France. Kirkland. 380. Short History of Italy. Kirkland. 381. History of Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, Vol. I. cott. 382. History of Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, Vol. II. cott. 383. History of Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella, Vol. III. cott. 384. Philip the Second, Vol. I. Prescott. 385. Philip the Second, Vol. II. Prescott. 386. Philip the Second, Vol. III. Prescott. 387. Charles the Fifth, Vol. I. Prescott. 388. Charles the Fifth, Vol. II. Prescott. 389. Charles the Fifth, Vol. III. Prescott. 390. Critical Miscellanies. Prescott. 391. Dutch Republic, Vol. I. Motley. 392. Dutch Republic, Vol. II. Motley. 393. Dutch Republic, Vol. III. Motley. 394. John of Barneveld, Vol. I. Motley. 395- John of Barneveld, Vol. II. Motley. 396. United Netherlands, Vol. I. Motley. 397. United Netherlands, Vol. II. Motley. 398. United Netherlands, Vol. III. Motley. 399. United Netherlands, Vol. IV. Motley. 400. Indian History. Drake. 401. Conquest of Mexico, Vol. I. Prescott. 402. Conquest of Mexico, Vol. II. Prescott. 403. Conquest of Mexico, Vol. III. Prescott. 404. Conquest of Peru, Vol. I. Prescott. 405. Conquest of Peru. Vol. II. Prescott. 406. Life of Prescott. Ticknor. 407. The West Indies. Rodway. 408. Story of Pilgrim Fathers. Arber. 409. Naval History. Abbott. 410. Province of Quebec. Coffin. 41 1. Beneath Old Roof Trees. Brown. Pres- Pres- Pres- 68 Riverside Public Schools. 412. Beginners of a Nation. Eggleston. 413. History of U. S. A., Vol. I. Bancroft. 414. History of U. S. A., Vol. II. Bancroft. 415. History of U. S. A., Vol. III. Bancroft. 416. History of U. S. A., Vol. IV. Bancroft. 417. History of U. S. A., Vol. V. Bancroft. 418. History of U. S. A., Vol. VI. Bancroft. 419. Discovery of America, Vol. I. Fiske. 420. Discovery of America, Vol. II. Fiske. 421. Old Virginia, Vol. I. Fiske. 422. Old Virginia, Vol. II. Fiske. 423. Beginnings of New England. Fiske. 424. American Revolution, Vol. I. Fiske. 425. American Revolution, Vol. II. Fiske. 426. Critical Period. Fiske. 427. American Conflict, Vol. I. Greeley. 428. American Conflict, Vol. II. Greeley. 429. The Pilgrims. Griffis. 430. American History. Hart. 431. Story of a Great Conflict. Johnson. 432. Select Documents. MacDonald. 433. Documents Illustrative of American History. Preston. 434. With the Fathers. McMaster. 435. History of the People of the U. S. McMaster. 436. History of the People of the U. S. McMaster. 437. History of the People of the U. S. McMaster. 438. History of the People of the U. S. McMaster. 439. Pioneers of France. Parkman. 440. Jesuits in North America. Parkman. 441. La Salle. Parkman. 442. Old Regime in Canada. Parkman. 443. Count Frontenac. Parkman. 444. A Half Century of Conflict, Vol. I. Parkman. 445. A Half Century of Conflict, Vol. II. Parkman. 446. Montcalm and Wolfe, Vol. I. Parkman. 447. Montcalm and Wolfe, Vol. II. Parkman. 448. Conspiracy of Pontiac, Vol. I. Parkman. 449. Conspiracy of Pontiac, Vol. II. Parkman. 450. Oregon Trail. Parkman. 451. Atlantic Coast. Ammen. 452. Gulf and Inland Waters. Mahan. 453. Blockade and Cruisers. Soley. 454. Nullification and Secession in U. S. Powell. 455. Cartier to Frontenac. Winsor. 456. Mississippi Basin. Winsor. 457. Westward Movement. Winsor. 458. Diplomatic History. Seward. 459. Colonial Days. Earle. 460. Old Colony Days. Ward. 461. On Plymouth Rock. Drake. 462. Men, Women and Manners. Fisher. Adolph Seckel Library . 69 463. Men, Women and Manners. Fisher. 464. California. Royce. 465. Connecticut. Johnson. 466. Indiana. Dun. 467. Kansas. Spring. , 468. Kentucky. Shaler. 469. Maryland. Browne. 470. Michigan. Cooley. 471. Missouri. Carr. 472. New York, Vol. I. Roberts. 473. New York, Vol. II. Roberts. 474. Ohio. King. 475. Oregon. Barrows. 476. Vermont. Robinson. 477. Virginia. Cooke. 478. Little Women. Alcott. 479. Old-Fashioned Girl. Alcott. 480. Little Men. Alcott. 481. Kentucky Cardinal. Allen. 482. On the Heights, Vol. I. Auerbach. 483. On the Heights, Vol. II. Auerbach. 484. Commodore Bainbridge. Barnes. 485. Lothair. Beaconsfield. 486. Lorna Doone. Blackmore. 487. Springhaven. Blackmore. 488. Jane Eyre. Bronte. 489. Story of Tonty. Catherwood. 490. Romance of Dollard. Catherwood. 491. Lords of the World. Church. 492. With the King at Oxford. Church. 493. Paul Traverse. Clover. 494. Robinson Crusoe. Defoe. 495. American Notes. Dickens. 496. Barnaby Rudge. Dickens. 497. Bleak House. Dickens. 498. Christmas Books. Dickens. 499. Christmas Stories. Dickens. 500. David Copperfield. Dickens. 501. Dombey and Son. Dickens. 502. Great Expectations. Dickens. 503. Little Dorrit. Dickens. 504. Martin Chuzzlewit. Dickens. 505. Nicholas Nickleby. Dickens. 506. Old Curiosity Shop. Dickens. 507. Oliver Twist. Dickens. 508. Our Mutual Friend. Dickens. 509. Pickwick Papers. Dickens. 510. Reprinted Pieces. Dickens. 5 1 1. Sketches by Boz. Dickens. 512. Uncommercial Traveler. Dickens. 513. Letters of Charles Dickens. Dickens. 513. 1. Tale of Two Cities. Dickens. 70 Riverside Public Schools. 514. Micah Clarke. Doyle. 515. Watchfires of ’76. Drake. 516. The Hoosier Schoolmaster. Eggleston. 517. Adam Bede. George Eliot. 518. Scenes of Clerical Life. George Eliot. 519. Daniel Deronda, Vol. I. George Eliot. 520. Daniel Deronda, Vol. II. George Eliot. 521. Felix Holt. George Eliot. 522. Middlemarch, Vol. I. George Eliot. 523. Middlemarch, Vol. II. George Eliot. 524. Mill on the Floss. George Eliot. 525. Romola, Vol. I. George Eliot. 526. Romola, Vol. II; Silas Marner, George Eliot. 527. Miscellaneous Essays. George Eliot. 528. Poems. George Eliot. 529. Mistress Spitfire. Fletcher. 530. Cranford. Gaskell. 531. The Works of Goldsmith. Masson. 532. American Note Books. Lathrop. 533. Dolliver Romance, etc. Hawthorne. 534. Dr. Grimshaw’s Secret. Hawthorne. 535. Passages from French and Italian Notebooks. Hawthorne. 536. Marble Faun. Hawthorne. 538. Our Old Home, Vol. I. Hawthorne. 539. Our Old Home, Vol. II. Hawthorne. 540. Scarlet Letter. Hawthorne. 541. House of Seven Gables. Hawthorne. 537. Mosses from an Old Manse. Hawthorne. 542. Tales, Sketches and Other Papers. Hawthorne. 543. Twice Told Tales. Hawthorne. 544. Wonder Book. Hawthorne. 545. Nathaniel Hawthorne and Wife, Vol. I. Plawthorne. 546. Nathaniel Hawthorne and Wife, Vol. II. Hawthorne. 547. Tom Brown’s School Days. Hughes. 548. Tom Brown at Oxford. Hughes. 549. Ramona. Jackson. 550. Hypatia. Kingsley. 551. Westward Ho ! Kingsley. 552. Soldiers Three, etc. Kipling. 553- Jungle Book. Kipling. 554. Captain Courageous. Kipling. 555. Caxtons. Lytton. 556. Last Days of Pompeii. Lytton. 557. Harold. Lytton. 558. Rienzi. Lytton. 559. A Daughter of Two Nations. McClelland. 560. Annals of a Quiet Neighborhood. MacDonald. 561. Robert Falconer. MacDonald. 561.1. The Heart of a Boy. De Amicis. 562. More’s Utopia. Lumby. 563. John Halifax, Gentleman. Mulock. Adolph Seckel Library, 71 564. A Noble Life. Mulock. 565. The Seats of the Mighty. Parker. 566. Tales, Vol. I. Poe. 567. Tales, Vol. II. Poe. 568. Tales, Vol. III. Poe. 569. Tales, Vol. IV. Poe. 570. Tales, Vol. V. Poe. 571. Criticisms, Vol. VI. Poe. 572. Criticism, Vol. VII. Poe. 573. Criticisms, Vol. VIII. Poe. 574. Eureka, etc., Vol. IX. Poe. 575. Poems, Vol. X. Poe. 576. Rob Roy. Scott. 577. Talisman. Scott. 578. Heart of Midlothian. Scott. 579. Red Gauntlet. Scott. 580. Ivanhoe. Scott. 581. Old Mortality. Scott. 582. Quentin Durward. Scott. 583. Kenilworth. Scott. 584. Waverley. Scott. 585. Antiquary. Scott. 586. Decatur and Somers. Seawell. 587. Paul Jones. Seawell. 588. Virginibus Puerisque. Stevenson. 589. Treasure Island. Stevenson. 590. Kidnapped. Stevenson. 591. David Balfour. Stevenson. 592. Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. Stevenson. 593. Rudder Grange. Stockton. 594. Gulliver’s Travels. Swift. 595. Uncle Tom’s Cabin. Stowe. 596. Memoirs of Lyndon and Duval. Thackeray. 597. Burlesques. Thackeray. 598. Contributions to Punch. Thackeray. 599. Christmas Stories, etc. Thackeray. 600. The Four Georges, etc. Thackeray. 601. Henry Esmond. Thackeray. 602. History of Samuel Titmarsh. Thackeray. 603. Irish Sketch Book, etc. Thackeray. 604. Memoirs of Yellowplush, etc. Thackeray. 605. Miscellaneous Sketches. Thackeray. 606. Newcomes, Vol. I. Thackeray. 607. Newcomes, Vol. II. Thackeray. 608. Paris Sketchbook, etc. Thackeray. 609. Pendennis, Vol. I. Thackeray. 610. Pendennis, Vol. II. Thackeray. 61 1. Philip, Vol. I. Thackeray. 612. Philip, Vol. II. Thackeray. 613. Roundabout Papers. Thackeray. 614. Vanity Fair, Vol. I. Thackeray. 72 Riverside Public Schools. 615. Vanity Fair, Vol. II. Thackeray. 616. The Virginians, Vol. I. Thackeray. 617. The Virginians, Vol. II. Thackeray. 618. Ben Hur. Wallace. 619. Zenobia. Ware. 620. Story of Patsy. Wiggins. 621. Polly Oliver’s Problem. Wiggins. 622. Harper’s Book of Facts. Willsey and Lewis. 623. Lippincott’s- Pronouncing Dictionary. Thomas. 624. Concordance of Shakespeare’s Works. Bartlett. 625. Cyclopedia of U. S. History, Vol. I. Lossing. 626. Cyclopedia of U. S. History, Vol. II. Lossing. 627. Dictionary of Phrase and Fable. Brewer. 628. Historic Note Book. Brewer. 629. Familiar Illusions. Wheeler. 630. Noted Names of Fiction. Wheeler. 631. References for Literary Workers. Matson. 632. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, Vol. I. and Buel. 633. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, Vol. II. and Buel. 634. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, Vol. III. and Buel. 635. Battles and Leaders of the Civil War, Vol. IV. and Buel. 636. Hand Book of the American Revolution. Winsor. 637. Poems. Jackson. 638. The Dawn of Civilization. Maspero. 639. The Struggle of the Nations. Maspero. 640. Recollections of a Private. Goss. 641. Familiar Quotations. Bartlett. 642. Progress in Language. Jespersen. Johnson Johnson Johnson Johnson