3 5%tJ lAnn'M e ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL UNITED STATES ARMY WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1917 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL UNITED STATES ARMY PREPARED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE CHIEF OF ENGINEERS, UNITED STATES ARMY BY THE BOARD ON ENGINEER TROOPS APPENDIX No. 2 INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE USE OF COMPANY AND REGIMENTAL FORMS WASHINGTON GOVERNMENT PRINTING OFFICE 1917 ■UVN^\€. « Ca- ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL, UNITED STATES ARMY. APPENDIX NO. 2. INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE USE OF COMPANY AND REGIMENTAL FORMS. GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. The ultimate end for which a company is created and maintained is to render perfect service on the field of battle. To attain this end many things are required and a realization of the correct proportion, each bear to the other is necessary. Efficiency in paper work will not render the company efficient for field service. It is required by law and regulations and can not be slighted, nor done in a slip-shod manner. If it is done thoroughly and accurately at first, it ends there. If it is done otherwise, it requires additional time of officers and enlisted men to correct the errors and mistakes. Time will thus be deducted from that allotted to other duties, and efficiency will decrease. The instructions on the blank forms have the same weight as regulations and should be followed explicitly. Read the instructions before making out any form. Company officers should know when a paper is right. The best way to learn when a paper is right is to make out a set of blanks yourself. Train your company clerk to do the work and train an understudy at the same time who can instantly replace the company clerk. Individual records of enlisted men .—When a soldier enlists the following blank forms are filled out by the recruiting officer and mailed to The Adjutant General of the Army. Enlistment paper, Form No. 22, A. G. O. Physical examination for enlistment, Form No. 135, A. G. 0. Identification record card, Form No. 260, A. G. O. Note. —Photograph and photographic negative required for Regular Army only (suspended during war). Designation of beneficiary, Form No. 380, A. G. 0. The service record, Form No. 29, A. G. O., is also started by the recruiting officer and sent to the commander of the post, camp or regiment at the same time that the soldier is sent forward to the organization in which he enlisted or to which he is assigned. The report of assignment in the service record is detached at the headquarters of the post, camp or regiment to which the soldier is sent and forwarded by the com- ■fcf mander thereof to The Adjutant General of the Army. The service record itself is j sent to the company to which the soldier is assigned by the post, camp or regimental commander. I : I l 3 LIST OF FORMS, COMPANY AND REGIMENTAL. COMPANY. No. Form No. Page. 1. Morning report.A. G. 0. 332. 13 2. Daily sick report.A. G. O. 339. 31 3. Ration return.Q. M. C. 223. 33 4. Requisition for forage.Q. M. C. 218. 38 5. Duty roster.A. G. O. 342. 41 6. Officer’s pay voucher.W. D. 336. 49 7. Officer’s mileage voucher.W. D. 337. 51 8. Service record.A. G. 0. 29. 53 9. Company council book.Q. M. C. 452. 64 10. Advice of soldier’s deposits.Q. M. C. 8a. 66 11a. Soldier’s allotments.Q. M. C. 38. 69 lib. Discontinuance of soldier’s allotment.Q. M. C. 39. 70 12a. Muster rolls.A. G. O. 61. 71 12b. Extra sheets muster roll.A. G. O. 61-1. 75 13a. Pay rolls of enlisted men, first sheet.W. D. 366. 83 13b. Pay rolls of enlisted men, other sheets.W. D. 366a. 84 14a. Honorable discharge.A. G. 0. 525. 104 14b. Discharge.A. G. O. 526. 106 14c. Dishonorable discharge.A. G. O. 527. 108 15a. Final statement.W. D. 370. Ill 15b. Notification of discharge.A. G. O. 3. 113 16. Delinquency record.Q. M. C. 509. 115 17a. Inventory of effects of deceased soldiers.A. G. O. 34. 116 17b. Report of death and disposal of remains.A. G. 0.415.. 120 18. Military correspondence. Correspond¬ ence book .... 122 19a. Company return.A. G. 0. 30. 130 19b. Field return.:.A. G. O. 26. 132 20a. Report of known distance rifle firing and classification. .A. G. 0. 307. 134 20b. Report of pistol firing and classification.A. G. O. 308. 140 20c. Record of known distance rifle firing—Individual.A. G. O. 304. 142 20d. Record of pistol firing—Individual.A. G. O. 305. 146 21. Charge sheet.A. G. O. 594. 149 22. Noncommissioned officer’s warrant.A. G. O. 152. 151 23. Furlough.A. G. O. 66. 154 24. Clothing and equipage: a. Requisition for clothing.Q. M. C. 213. 158 b. Statement of clothing charged to enlisted men.. .Q. M. C. 165b. 160 c. Individual clothing slip.Q. M. C. 165. 161 25. Individual personal equipment (receipt).Q. M. C. 501. 165 26. Descriptive card of public animals.A. G. O. 277. 167 27. Certificate of disability for discharge.A. G. 0.17. 171 -1 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 5 No. 28. Return. 29. Invoice and receipt. PROPERTY FORMS, UNIT EQUIPMENT. 32. Due certificate. 33. Requisition.:. 34. Inventory and inspection report. REGIMENTAL. 36a. Guard report. 36b. Guard report, extra sheets. 37. Field return. 38. Consolidated morning report. 39a. Regimental return. 39b. Regimental return, extra sheets. 40. Return of casualties.A Form No. Page. .New. 185 New. 187 .New. 195 .New. 199 .New. 204 .New. 205 I.G.D. 1 . 207 .New. 211 A. G. 0.338. 213 A. G. 0. 338-1.... 214 A. G. 0. 26. 217 A. G. 0.336. 219 A. G. 0.41. 221 .A. G. 0. 41a. 223 A. G. 0.149. 224 QUICK REFERENCE LIST OF FORMS, No. 10. Advice of soldier’s deposits. 27. Certificate of disability for discharge... 21. Charge sheet. 9. Company council book. 19a. Company return. 38. Consolidated morning report. 2. Daily sick report. 16. Delinquency record. 26. Descriptive card of public animals. 14b. Discharge. lib. Discontinuance of soldier’s allotments.. 14c. Dishonorable discharge. 32. Due certificate. 5. Duty roster. 12b. Extra sheets muster roll. 19b. Field return. 37. Field return. 15a. Final statement. 23. Furlough..,. 36a. Guard report. 36b. Guard report, extra sheets. 14a. Honorable discharge. 24c. Individual clothing slip.... 25. Individual personal equipment (receipt 34. Inventory and inspection report. 17. Inventory of effects of deceased soldiers 29. Invoice and receipt. 35. Memorandum receipt. 18. Military correspondence. 1. Morning report. 12a. Muster rolls. 22. Noncommissioned officer’s warrant. 15b. Notification of discharge. 7. Officer’s mileage voucher. 6. Officer’s pay voucher.. 13b. Pay rolls of enlisted men), other sheets. 3. Ration return.. 39a. Regimental return. 33. Requisition. 6 Form No. Page. .Q. M. C. 8a. 66 .A. G. 0. 17. 171 .A. G. 0. 594. 149 .Q. M. C. 452.... 64 .A. G. 0. 30. 130 .A. G. 0. 336. 219 .A. G. 0. 339. 31 .Q. M. C. 509_ 115 .A. G. 0. 277. 167 .A. G. 0. 526. 106 .Q. M. C. 39. 70 .A. G. 0. 527. 108 .New. 204 .A. G. 0. 342. 41 .A. G. 0. 61-1.... 75 .A. G. 0. 26. 132 .A. G. 0. 26. 217 .W. D. 370 . 111 .A. G. 0. 66. 154 .A. G. 0. 338. 213 _A. G. 0. 338-1... 214 .A. G. 0. 525. 104 .Q. M. C. 165. 161 _Q. M. C. 501. 165 .I. G. D. 1. 207 .A. G. 0. 34. 116 _New. 187 .New. 211 ... .Correspondence book. 122 _A. G. 0. 332. 13 _A. G. 0. 61. 71 _A. G. 0. 152. 151 _A. G. 0.3. 113 ....W. D. 337. 51 ....W. D. 336. 49 ....W. D. 366. 83 _W. D. 366a. 84 ....Q. M. C. 223. 33 .A. G. 0 . 304. 142 ....A. G. 0 . 305. 146 ....A. G. 0. 41. 221 ....A. G. 0. 51a. 223 m...A. G. 0. 307. 134 ....A. G. 0. 308. 140 205 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 7 No. 24a. Requisition for clothing. 4. Requisition for forage. 28. Return. 40. Return of casualties. 8. Service record. 31. Statement of charges. 24b. Statement of clothing charged to enlisted men 11a. Soldier’s allotments. 30. Survey report. Form No. Page. Q. M. C. 213. 158 .Q. M. C. 218. 38 .New. 185 .A. G. 0. 149. 224 .A. G. 0. 29. 53 New. 199 .Q. M. C. 165b... 160 .Q. M. C. 38...... 69 .New. 195 FORMS USED IN COMPANY ADMINISTRATION. ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL—NO. 2. © © Q Q HO o o OO T3 © "2 © Ph o n- 1 "P o 3 p © © "E S ^1—< Ph g W > to © ^ p 8 >• © p p S ® © £ P TJ •2 I ts cQ T3 « © p © a a S-, © >* +3 §>, P cQ M r-r*, 1> ■£ c3 T3 ^ PrP <3 p © 0 • 8 p p a © a ll 8 * !l^ © © p w o’ p . •rH © uf © © W >H © © f S' 0 P too O >> P . «3 g Ph^ a § © a a p • a 8 «jj ® 8 >>^50 >> p ^ ® p . cQ'P'rt 03 S3 p.p.y Ph-O a^© a I © a a © a © O ' 5r! ° a © © p . «8 & ?p <= a ©a • Q c8 S> . a is © as Q © Ph © Jh be .a *a © : ; • OQ +3 • >-H ! © *a © ap N Q ' rP s| ■s? r^’ © © rO © Ph © - ’-a JE OQ fl -4V *- > c 1 > OC 1 p © g SP - ’© p •S 0> a p © ^ +3 GO 3 2 P >> CP+f © P P$Q >>:P &a jo m V Vi © © © © £50 oo p © © !>» s pH a o O © © V TO © © a ® CQ +3 a 1=1 p © *p a P -+3 o o © P .a cq • 03 co 00 * 3 -1-3 d o a ,§§• “ O) © •rH I 9 ^ §, o 9 I 73 d O ; * !-Sfl 73 . ® d d'O © O o> © t>> o a <1 1 a a .2 <3 d Of a> d • © t>» O S § 1 a 03 § d >>g © d oS § -M "H o Ej ®+3 Jd y ^ 3 +=> d ©.dU d 0) Of^H <3?P <1 mo 73 d . d 03 a ®*d.«+H w ,H ® 2t2 ° ® h «.g I.§ U>>»© 1 • : 1 • l-g-S a a : a : © d © . o ° ; “ ° : ° M ° 3 d -373^ 'e3 . . ! 3 ,'w o m p a mander the orig is signe men pai egiment: mander ompan mander, ,. .do... . _do_.. C t: d © ^ §■§ a .I9| g P . Ph © Ph O CM i—1 CM i—t i— 1 CM i—1 i—1 !>> d e3 A a o o d . •rH 03 Uf 03 O w a d o) o w © w *3 d73*C > d »h cs® ^d a g O H O .a .a 3 3 03 ® O^O® ' Q ® f Q ^ g j^Sfo fk fk c3 P © .a 73 d 3 .a - ©*£ f3 c3 d m ©p 2^ d o rd 32 o.S.2 d WPPP 73 z >* d © 2 a • rt © 1 & $3 o © £P ° -g d 03 S © •g 88 .73 »t-j 03 >5 d o 33^ I g o ^ 5 o ^ ^ ^ d 2 b m 9 1 © gS.tS > © © Ph.^ 3 PS a >> 9 Ph a o o rH iO co r- . : S CO lO ; 30 o : g : lr^ O0 lO t—1 CD CO CO <3 CO CM CM CM . lOiOiOQ . . . !>• ss rH O 1 cd CM o CO o CO o CO d o CO co CO CO ooo w do o o gv^ d o o o o d d p p ddd^ dS d d d ' d d d d < £ £ >d ^ 8 00 § dX is X © m nd o X O S i "cj © dd © l§l“S v .h,Q o oq < r n - .9 3 f ti 3 i-S a °'S © d li .* s § g-S d d -5 h xJ 00 0 Q d.2 O X © O go XI c3 XX X © T3 co ^ i P - • 9? >>>o © - 1 «H * © d P nd o M ^ -.2 *> © d »gdflO flMH fl HCO X 55 r- 1 _ co X . d X X © p d j-| X o3 e3 ad® eo X t> ^ 3 G? f>* d g X — | I U B • "m © CD s s- | tMS ®«S&0'3 S co W P=h ©.; d o © bp 3 02 o EH E3 o bo a ;£ *© © © Pi O +J in’ h ©X s a « .,-< c3 §?a A o> *1 II d o 02 d o +3 s-i g | 1 a | £h X ©£ « © c3 m H a o © >» 1=1 d |l gi o © © *0' o bo PI 1 a^3 ill a S3.S H t> *-i © l> ■-! bo d +-> j© '© .2 d cr* © bO . • d d • X *d © • i a .& •a X 1 © v © bO +» rt 02 © '"S d d +j © O g © d 4j X -x c3 ©"2 •4J d CO hH X d x o 0.^8 X © © © ** P. > X 5-1 X JS ° 03 © bo _g ^3 "c5 s ^ X Xd © X •I Sols « ■9 a g « ^ ►H Q O 05 lO 02 lO i—1 CO CO cd 02 X iO CO I—1 uo CO r—1 o o t- 02 i> rH O o o d d Q d o o d d d a S d d < nd a •a 3 -§ r-H H 2 -a ; § : .i [w "+3 © (X) o< CD d o> K. CT ■« § d .2 05 S c| •rd rd W < :5 £ • 5-1 -t-s +J ®P C3 O 'tS d —' _» * d d ® . =3 c3 'Si^° pd ndo -s 5h ^ rd 2 _T C3 O S§>g-o w S a bo d rj ‘ 3 d .3 § &o d (X) *"* PQ o d f-I a? d -d a CO > > 8 m • ^ • d • c3 d .2 >> .■a 8 •d d ^d d nd §2 Sh d) a 60 d •a 5h o a o a 0) 5-i 'd a 5 a> a -2 £ d •2 • 111 otJS d g;& O P3 * . ' . ' rH CO CO CO CO CO co rH ^ T_l :n 6 c 6 6 £ © £ © £ © i® £ © 6 d 6 . G. 41a . G. & HH - CO CO OO 05 O co co 3 See instructions on form. REFERENCES TO ARMY REGULATIONS AND SAMPLE FORMS WITH INSTRUCTIONS FOR USE. 1. MORNING REPORT. (To be superseded.) MORNING REPORTS OF COUEMBT... *«D» 6th BHGffl EBBS (Organization.) FOR THE MONTH OF AUGUST ion Morning Report—Troop, Battery, Company, or Detachment, Form No. 332—A - O. O. Ed .Tan. 8-17—50,000. 3—-1449 MODEL. Remarks for the month of October , 1907. *> O'. A* M .S«2 a g 'o *: o Sj « a — a n * £i •§3 o XT ~ is •2 "®. ’ft" a 5- 2 a t ~ o •a £ £ £ . o Air — c 13 P« o o‘3 §1 § 3 «» O £ Otc crS a ’& *53 a a j«i 2.8 Ah 3 _ 02 -2*3 a a o o §3 r > 3 — ft & o T x! ft o ® E O Q ^ o5 ** "Sl% S» « fe" a a o ^ ft 3 U! t« ft s' o. ft s a as O o 8,3 bCa «*-0 -a a ga 5 S »4 § r,* © 231 11 * o ^ © •3 ®X! ej O o 2 k 35. o- 2 a I 5 q. oo a ca >>£ oja Ah •a *? ‘S o 6 3*2 a * o*§ ® 05 O q •** e« >>3 □ en 'O ft oS a § 2J SUL Ji 'SSgjl | llJl ® ^ Sx* 9 J O ^ G - C rj ^ O £ bO"S X3 ^ £*■§2 8 = H 3-- Z a? s a ■q. »-a a s-° g £ .2 . .2 o 2 ts "3 > a 8 O 9- ZD jj - C fcfloj x: u t. « S £ <* §>J®j; ~ a 2 a ft 2 g£s§s 3,2 rfl * . o a a 22 a *"* 3 OX! *j .. a ® o g 3 ’S.*J ° P O O g2 ° ■a a o *3 S -a 3 ©« 2 §JT® J J> a u 'o _ ® •2o©Jg cC # Q "D tcS-s © 2 c cap 5 5’5 m •B^avaS -jog 9[qtqg pan *jt[ *£) j Cl Cl d I oJ CO •sjnBoSjog ;sjij; ' 1 rH rH ihI j rH •s^inmo^noi'i paooog rH rH rH rH •8[ut;u9|U9;q ^sjij N| rH rH rH ! rH •sarajdBO Ml rH rH 4 rH •uopi pejsiina—'PI -at •sjooigo pouoissinanoo —’0 '0 o' o s' © d S d C. 0. S d 6 d S d o d E. M.| STATION. Washington Barracks t D # C. ♦ o g fi © •> 4-> W P o •H rP W ^ 1 s • o CJ o •> q-> W P O •H $ ,P P Cl ^ o3 cd se pq Washington £Sr racks, p.c. • O P Q o •* -4-3 <0 60^4 c o *H -P u C*» L, ttl ni •qjaom jo £b (0 fcD M\ P O •H n$ ^ H 00 nl fi &■ CQ| * O 0 Q P , O A q-> CD MM p 0 •H ClJ ^ u m P d aS & m # Q C «* O 0> hO O 52 •8* ccJ O 0 Q § , 4-> CD bOJ* 5 8 •§2 ri cij ^ pq O rH •qjaoui jo &9Q • 1 *- j » 03 I co ■1449 ‘REIVT-A-DR-IiS. For Men. I For Animals $ q. U o O CO Qj : O i U | «M k l cvr -H £ g tu •r* a ££ -P > a, ca flfi jo I o I +> ! Q £ BJ O 4* P« 03 C W S' £ •$ & i C 4>| 4 a •H £: sl s 4 - n •M o -P 8 §? I £ o 03 »H fH Pi £l c •p 0 Er l . 0 ) 19 •1449 * Chief mechanics, mechanics, farriers and blacksmiths, wag¬ oners, saddlers, and artificers will be reported under the heading “Mechanics.” Sergeants, first class, will be reported under the heading “ Sergeants;” privates, first and second class, under the heading “ Privates.” SIGNATURE OF COM¬ MANDING OFFICER. John A* Dodd John A. Dddd John A* Dodd John A. Dodd T- tS O Q • & i 10 a CM •juasqu puu juasojj CM & * CM £ CM iO rH rH rH 156 •juasqy CM d CM d CM CM 8 PRESENT •juaraauguoo jo jsaaxB uj A tn in in m *^°TS 1 “i in lO vO m Hjnp jupads no r fc fa s 8 •iCjnp BJJX9 no in ! For Duty. sjiiuoaa; 3 1 & SI S| 55 54 54 CM in •8.19 -pdratux pms su-Btoisnjg CM CM CM — CM CM ^’soiuuqoaK | 1 CM CM CM •sj[ooo I CM CM CM CM •sjBJodjoo OOURa puu bjuiocLioo 1 nl tf) rH 2 CM rH a ^•8JUU92j0g a o» o> a* •BJUU98 F -J9g ejqujg pnu *jj -ft CM CM CM CM CM •8JUU93j9g JSJia | rH rH rH rH rH •Bjguuajnaia puooag j •sjuuuajnata isa;a | rH rH rH rH rH •suiujduQ *H rH rH H rH •nan p^siiua —-h -a •SJ90100 pauoisstnuuoQ—"Q '0 C. 0. a p4. C. 0. S' W O d a s4 C. 0. a w C. 0. a H STATION. «■* o • c o ^ -P oi hf)r* £ V •H «* A ^ 00 ^ fes pa * £ i —j i—! W W ** »— I rH CO •d W J rH «—* rj to •Cf C=4 £ •% rH rH O £3 •qicoux jo ^c(j s CM CO rH . tO rH 20 -1449 RATIONS. 21 * Chief mechanics, mechanics, farriers and blacksmiths, wag¬ oners, saddlers, and artificers will be reported under the 1 leading “Mechanics.” Sergeants, first class, will be reported under, the heading “ Sergeants;” privates, first and second class, under the heading “Privates.”' SIGNATURE OF COM MANDING OFFICER. John A- Dodd t -d i *d * o r P> r « : ^ : g * o *d c P > i : <* i s c ►■a i *t l *c l c 1 p 1 1 : o tj •0iqe9OIAJ9SUQ I. 1 ! 1 1 i 1 1 1 "9[C 399lAJ9g 18 1 IS r !$ a 19 •©[qegoiAjosafx 1 1 i 1 | i i |- ' •9iqB90lAJ9g I 1 «* |C3 i 1 N 1 M 03 «r o W W CO J a pa -O & a* *9iqB90lA.T0Safl 1 1 i 1 1. r 1 i [ 1 1 •9iqa99tAJ9g 1 1 1* i N H* ! •aveSteaSSiy 03 tn I ill ! ^: Foj! !9li •jaeaq'e pua juasajj CO 03 r-f ***! g • « •jupsqv 03 03 s L 10 r-f a - a l« H ■1 1 i i £"* : K H OT lg- • £/. i 1 ■J ^uaraeuyaoo jo ^seiiu uj to & i" K •*>FS m 1« o 11 I O’ ! 1 1 *jf;np psioeds no a s !- [fij •£}np ujjxe no f> 1 " i •* to ! C! i cqii ! _ j i fi •ajiaxoaa 1 r-i 1 l J I? *H LO c— rH :1 ~£d rH t*- : rH| C3 in •B9?BAU,I^ r-f to C3 m 03 in "SJ9 ladiunrx pn« srreioisnjj 03 ,03 1 03 03 _L 5? 03 ^•soiuTBqoon; 1 1 03 ' 1 i 1 03 iJ •sqooo | Tj 03 03 A.J 03 i i J? 03 •S[Ti.lOdjOQ oonwf pun sjerocLioQ : i P* n N i P* m ^•s;atiaSaog | i 9! I 9| 1 .9 ! s 9;: •s^u^eS ->»S oiq'RJS pau 'Iff •?) 1 i W Oil | 03 03 A •s^uBogjsg qs.iij; | ! •H 1 vir i *V ; r-f -TH i rH _i •s^u'eua^neiq puoogg | i 1 j ' j •HI u *s;auuo?n9iq; ^saij j 9 r*l| rHi r-^ rH •sunqduo rH rH rH iH H : -uaitt paisiiua—a j ‘Sjaoipo pouoissiuiraoQ— - 0 ' 6 d d © d] a d o ■ d a d d d o| d| - s K 'station. J •* rH rH w •z W * * — 1 rH Cl •rj fc-4 £ *% rH rH F> T? Pi A oS > •% f-H rH 5J C3 ■d P4 £ •\ i —l rH tf Cl nH w |j •qjuoiu jo Sv(j CO r -1 GO O 8 22 23 from D to disch. am 20th (-12) * Chief mechanics, mechanics, farriers and blacksmiths, wag¬ oners, saddlers, and artificers will be reported under the heading “Mechanics.” Sergeants, first class, will be reported under the heading “ Sergeants;” privates, first and second class, under the heading “ Privates.” ^ o£ gw Po Opt, H° «« i 8g 3 o Q • o • r& s <4 rt X! o • s o 5 V 7 tH i *H £ T IS IS IS IS IS rH tO •Ajnp lupads uo 1ft CM to CM to C\? to CM CM “10 CM •£)np '&HX9 UQ CM CM CM CM For Duty. •sjjnjogg IS fH ~SS rH IS IS rH •— 8 to to •89?bau^ O 10 oi IQ rH 10 tO tO tO •SJ9 -pdmnjj, pun saBpienjy' CM CM| CM CM — CM CM — CM CM ^’soiuBqoojg; CM CM ‘83[OO0 CM 1 & to to to •spgjo&ioo aowj p nig spe-iodioQ | fcOj rH . ! ■"*1 SS rH CM rH IS rH 00 rH CM iH CM ^•s^augS.ieg ©1 r—II 1 S •81UB93 -.mg eiqn?g pun *w; -ft | rH 1 1 CM 1 CM •s^aueSaag H 1 A rH ! i rH I rH ! •8pu'ea9?n9i r i paooag H H 1 | rH 1 rH, •sqa'Buainai'i ^aiig r- “1 cm ! r—1 CM •sutu^dBO H 1 1 H i i •U9j£ poisiiaa—-R[ -g •sj90{po psaoissiramoo —-q '0 d d g| W 1 © d| 3 o d a w o d S M c d s' w STATION. Washington Barracks. D.C. A , o +> M spI •H H ■S a • o ‘ « ss tfS co ctf Washington Barracks,DC Washington Barracks DC •qjuom jo ^b Pi ® 05 £ O CO & p 4-3 § •H fcD CD 44 I •H 02 * to o C\2 a -s 25 -1449 * Chief mechanics, mechanics, farriers and blacksmiths, wag¬ oners, saddlers, and artificers will be reported under the heading “Mechanics.” Sergeants, first class, will be reported under the heading “ Sergeants;” privates, first and second class, under the heading “ Privates.” SIGNATURE OF COM¬ MANDING OFFICER. H.L. Merrill. H.L•Merrill. John A Dodd. r •z h < c rC C ► i i * • o o ANIMALS ON HAND. Mules. •0[qBOOlAJO9U£[ i i 1 1 i •OiqBOOIAJOg i 1 ^ 1 cv| i CM 13 13 13 Horses, Private •9[qB00TAJ0SU£[ . ! i 1 1 •oiqBooiAJog CM CM CM CM |CM Horses, Public. •oiqBooiAjesan 1 i 1 1 1 •0[qB00IAJ9g 1 10 iol 01 IS IS "djvSdjSSv CO to i D- t£) ■ » to —to to rH tO tO rH •juosqv pun —rr to r*! n to to rH 8 L l to tto [—1 CM tO rH * CM tO rH •?uasqv »H rH rH «H to PRESENT. •^uaraaugaoo jo ^saaju uj; tO to e*- ■^is rH to rH LO LO LO LO •A)np [upods uo tO 02 CM CM jH FM 3 IO> CM *A'[np bjjxo uq CM CM CM CM CM . | For Duty. •s^injoog to to to to to •ga^BATJJ* 84 84 84 CO ?>• 76 •S.IO -lodcutux pa® suBiaisnjg; CM CM CM 1 CM CM CM_ CM ^•soiunqoopi CM CM CM •sqooQ to to to to tO •sjejodioo oounq p U B sjuio&ioo CO CD f—4 CO rH £*"i rH 1 rH ^‘s^unoSjog CM H CM p-! a O rH i s •S}ubo8 -jog ojqBjg puB -pi ’f) CM CM CM CM | CM •s[UB02J0g ^sjig rH rH tH rH i i rH •s^uBuojnotq paooog - A rH rH H — rsjuBao^noiq ^sjij; f 9 u CM CM —iH CM CM w i •saiB[dBQ H rH rH! •uajtt poisnua—'M ’a •sjooyjo peuoissiannoQ — *0 "0 o d W o' d S w o' d S w C. 0. s w C. 0. E. M.| STATION. Washington Barracks, DC O =r fi ' o * -P 03 to ^ £ O •r-i & U CQ cd cd £-* « Washington Barracks,DC O 00 4-> M tp O £ cd 3 s 03 cd cd CO Washington Barracks DC •muom jb if«(j o CM r- CM CO CM S S 2 6 •1449 27 a—144D' » 4= “ .2 .2 •y' «T § A Qfl'C 0^-3 fci a 2 PS ■2 - 0 OB 3 - i £ ^ a> S« c r°C i J! ?s£ _<¥ 9*~ Ss a« S w °o <5£ ss 5?5 03 Q S5 *< w H 3 P a fc a S o 2 <1 w£ a wT o £ -< t>2 w ca O D , •8{qBaotAJ»safi " •©iq-BaoiAaag ! l« *0iqB30tA.I99afl I I •8iq«80iAiag W •9iqi390tA.i9Suxi •aiqwaoiAjeg "o^SajSSy t- & •jaosqn pus ^nesajj CO %o rH •^uoeqy l« *q uemeagnoo jo ^se.x.re ui CO *^IS j *> •jfynp i^pod^ uo G> cm *Anp no ! 05 •s^tiuoa^i r CO ^-sa^Auj <£>! cH ^_| H •B.T3 -jodmn.il priB suntoienj^ CM 63 CO ^•soiaBqoaij i CM W K P- •8^000 "i CO H P •s[«jodjoo oou'B'i pu "B eiBJodJOQ | L.i £ 02 O *sjai398j9g J ! XD -r* • •BjmjaS -J3g eiqujg pat? •]*[ *f) 1 i i CM •sju'eaS.iog ?SJT^[ | ! r-i •sjtreaajngri paooog 1 r-f •8?UBa9^ti0T r i jsjig; 1 CM •snnqdxso 1 H ?-'t Rars8ey_.fr Es3artion.to Conf. P.v„..J3.0th CO K Uj UJ ■j £ uj £ uj CD U. O Q or o o UJ Q: £ UJ I *d © ii © 1 £ p cc 'd d o; p 8 c * © s M r-M * O c o Cl p •* 2 6) P a • © P < 6.0 >> pi P © c; V) C i r ■a £ c «3 c » H p ne G * c~ P r c JH cc «! p © p w 03 ♦ © p P § © $ •H P Ar ra Q* iH P) Z> -ti UJ vD 5. 1 p; H © u a o ss l © o O P -P rd © P 8 CM »d © S eo 29 -1449 30 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. NOTES ON MORNING REPORT. ABBREVIATIONS. D.=Duty; i. e., available for any work. S. D.=Special duty; i. e., duty different from the general routine work of the com¬ pany. D. S.=Detached service; i. e., on duty separated from the company. E. D.=Extra duty; i. e., duty for which the man receives extra compensation. A. W. L.= Absent with leave. A. W. 0. L.=Absent without leave. Arrest means the restricting of the man to certain limits. Confinement means actual confinement under guard. A ration is the allowance of food for one man for one day. In the case of a man leaving an organization after breakfast, the organization the man leaves loses the ration for the day and the organization to which the man goes gets the ration. In the case of a man leaving an organization after dinner, the organization the man leaves, having furnished the man two meals draws his ration for the day, and the organization to which the man goes loses the ration. Notes following apply to sample morning report. (а) Twenty-two men dropped p. m. 1st; therefore rationed the 1st and dropped for 30 days. Officers not rationed. (б) Sick in quarters, rationed with company, no rations dropped. (c) Rationed in hospital. (d) Dropped from company. (e) Rations for this man were dropped on the 5th. His rations will be drawn by the prison mess. (/) Officers not rationed. (g ) Rationed with company. (, h ) Furlough (A. W. L.) to A. W. O. L. does not affect rations. (i) Note the man picked up on receipt of his order and carried as absent. (j) Casuals are men attached to the company for rations. They are earned on the morning report in red ink. (Jc) Whenever the remarks are too long for the space given they are written in the general remarks in the back. Casuals are carried on memorandum to the ration return by name and organization so these names should be entered in the morni n g report. (1) A. W. 0. L. to desertion does not affect rations. Note that the man is dropped from the morning report, and is taken up again when confined on the 31st. daily sick report ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2, 31 2. SICK REPORT. References: Army Regulations 1913, pars. 1471, 1472, Articles of War, 107; General Order 31, War Department 1912; General Order 12, War Department 1913. ■I o r in tj Is S Se Ja = UmI ii 11 & I?! 3 1 § 8 * 8 3 ***i?*faj * I ill •is •g s |S , is si'll! I iti 21 ' S 0 slip's gss 1 -8 <3 11« *5 ,8° ~ ° § *! s §I s a s•O | g & 11 s 1 s & t g p d 5 § 2 ^ w5o iiS sl 5 «5l &3o|EgSo| m = S o a a = c 1 & Z fe « 5 COMPANY OFFICER'S REPORT. MEDICAL OFFICER'S REPORT. Date. ioi 7 SURNAME. CHRISTIAN NAME. RANK- When Taken Sick. in Line of Duty. (Yet or No.) In Line of Duty. (Yes or No.) DISPOSITION. 4ag.«..l». Blley, John Pvt. 7-2-17. r-i-rfi] 7-9-17 ,®' 15 Yes Hospital... . Black,. Pates. Pvt... Cpl. sL Hospital . .Parser, Jacss A. Yes Hospital . iaaa .. Pater. Pyt,. .7-15-17. ..JfiB. Y.es. .....Quarters. t ... ; . . -Lincoln.. Williaa. Pvt.. 7-23-17 Ye® Yea . Hospital . BSOOkS.. ,JQ8. 7-29-17 Yes Yes Hospital John. A, Dodd, Gapt. Bners./S *61... . I.H,. Haj No •t,. 1st« Lt*.M.B.0 i _ Hospital. n . Ang, 2... .Bll«y,..JQhn. 7-2-17.., BlACk, Peter . Pvt. 7-4-17 ,2 Hospital Barker,..Janie u A*. Cpl 7-9-17 Yes Yes Hospital Tj».n» t Peter Pvt. 7-15-17. Yes Yes qiiArtera Lincoln, William.. snooks,Joe . -Pvt...... ..?vt. 7-23.25 7-29-17 Yes Yes Hospital JOB '"W Hosp.»*1 32 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL—NO. 2. REMARKS. In making out the “Sick report” each day the names of all those who were indi¬ cated on the preceding day as being in “hospital” or “sick in quarters” will be copied; also any additional names of members of the company who require medical attention. The medical officer indicates under the heading “Disposition” whether the men whose names appear in the report shall be returned to duty, admitted to the hospital, or carried as sick in quarters. He also determines whether or not the illness is in line of duty, and if it comes under the provisions of G. O. 31, 1912, he makes the notation “No. G. 0. 31, 1912,” under the heading “Line of duty.” The “Sick report” is used continuously until the book is filled. The signature of the medical officer and of the company commander are written on the line following the last name for that day. ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2, 33 3. RATION RETURNS. References: Field Service Regulations, Paragraphs 293-297, 301-303, 310, 311; Army Regulations, 1913, Paragraphs 1202-1215, 1220, 1223-1238. THIS CERTIFICATE AND APPROVAL COVER THE ISSUES INDICATED ON THE REVERSE SIDE HEREOF. I Citify that this Ration Return is correct and that the last regular issue of rations was made hy. Cap tain ___ __ ,. ;C * 2 .-... Q-i.rteraia.ter at. '•'ashin.-TtOn 3t.rrt.C k3. D.C. to da»e of ....19^^ that the emergency rations entered (if any) are required, for the enlisted men of my "orr-mand and the money value of all previously drawn and improperly opened or lost has been charged against the persons respon¬ sible; that the civil employees for whom rations arc required (if any) are entitled thereto under the regulations, and that the articles, other than rations, above requested are necessary for the public service. Dodd. of..Ihacineers ... Approved and ordered issued The total rations required agree with the morning reports, and the quantities of other articles ordered issued are necessary in the public service and within the regulation allowance. Csgd) J. it. v/ood Oolnnol, Corps of Hn ; -;in ;! -rs This form may be used for a Brigade, Regiment, Battalion. Company, Troop, or Battery, a Detachment, Civil Employees etc Not to be signed In duplicate. * J * »—ja«i Q. M. C. Form No. 223. NO.__ Authorized April 23,1013. (QUARTERMASTER'S NUMBER! 3atk n Return Of.C omp any /D** $th Regiment of fin£i ne-3rs _ ^Washi ngto n Barracks, D.C. ( f rom September 1, } 191^, to September 30, ^ jgj 7 V.0. of da VS 30... norsons nrosont 150 Nn. of rations 4500 Additions. . .£ia. ~— r w .... 1 *~ ~.w . , deductions .1125 . ,., net corrections minus 515 DUMBER ) 3ATIOKIQ ( GARRISON. FIELD. 1 RESERVE. | TRAVEL. FILIPINO. • lUlNo > required 1 3985 -- |- | -— TOTAL 3935 No. emergency rations required_ “““.t.:.:"™ )ther issues required, quantities actually required within regulation allowance: (No. of animals _ SOAP. CANDLES. ISSUE. CANDLES, LANTERN. MATCHES. TOILET PAPER. FLOUR FOR PASTE. TOWELS. HUCK. ICE. lbs. LBS. LB8. BOX E8. PKOS. LBS. NO. Lbs. 159 30001 x.:xxx 36 67 xxxxx xxxxx xxxxx XZJCXXXX 4500 104122-J 7 3 34 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. Date. 1 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 Gain. 56 25 .46. _ 6 _ 6 . . 20 . 17 Total. Cor.. 45 15 Loss. 660 .30.. .56. .55. .27.. ..11 ..ia .138. __._8 31 _6 ...3a 610 24 21 .m 72 51 14 13 12 . 12 ...6 . 6 . 12 4 1125 Hinu 3-515 7 Memorandum to Accompany Ration Return of.-., _Qo%.."D".5th.Engrs. for period. 3§Pt .1.*. ..to _?Op t. 3Q jl 1317 [ One copy, properly filled out, to be submitted with each Ration Return.] Present on Morning Report-. 4.59. Present, but not rationed on this Return : In confinement__ In Hospital_5_ Total__ ..13.... Total number of men of this Or¬ ganization to be rationed on this Return_ 14.7_ Number of men of other Organ¬ izations to be rationed on this Return_ _3. _ [Name and Organization of all such men to be entered on the back of this slip.] Total number to be rationed on this Return_ 150.... Number of days_ ..30... Number of rations_ 4500. Corrections, . _ ..515 Total number of rations to be drawn___ 3985.. (Sgd) John A. Dodd Oapt.C.ofE. Commandinfp9.* _ _ ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 35 EXTRACTS FROM ARMY REGULATIONS. 1913. 1205. The kinds and quantities of the component articles of the Army ration and the substitutive equivalent articles which may be issued in place of such components shall be as follows: 1. GARRISON RATION. Component articles and quantities. Substitutive articles and quantities. 20 ounces.... [Mutton, fresh. Bacon 1 . Canned meat, when impracticable to furnish fresh meat. Hash, corned beef, when impracticable to furnish fresh meat. ■ 1 20 ounces, j 12 ounces. 16 ounces. i 16 ounces. 14 ounces. 18 ounces. 16 ounces. Turkey, dressed, drawn, on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas, when practicable. 16 ounces. 18 ounces. Flour. Hard bread, to be ordered issued only when the interests of the Government so require. Corn meal. 16 ounces. 20 ounces. Baking powder. 0.08 ounce... 2.4 ounces... (Rice. 1.6 ounces. Beans. (Hominy. 1.6 ounces. (■Potatoes, canned. 15 ounces. Potatoes 2 . 20 ounces.... i j Onions, in lieu of an equal quantity of pota¬ toes, but not exceeding 20 per cent of total issue. Tomatoes, canned, in lieu of an equal quan¬ tity of potatoes, but not exceeding 20 per cent of total issue. Other fresh vegetables (not canned) when they can be obtained in the vicinity or transported in a wholesome condition from a distance, in lieu of an equal quan¬ tity of potatoes, but not exceeding 30 per . cent of total issue. [Apples, dried or evaporated. 1.28 ounces. Peaches, dried or evaporated. 1.28 ounces. Prunes. 1.28 ounces..! Jam, in lieu of an equal quantity of prunes, but not exceeding 50 per cent of total issue. Coffee, roasted, not ground. • 1.12 ounces. Coffee, roasted and ground_ 1.12 ounces.. •{Coffee, green. 1.4 ounces. Tea. black or green. 0.32 ounce. Sugar. 3 2 ounces Milk,evaporated,unsweetened Vinegar. 0.5 ounce_ 0.16 gill.... [Pickles, cucumber, in lieu of an equal quan- { tity of vinegar, but not exceeding 50 per | cent of total issue. Salt. 0.64 ounce. Pepper, black. 0.04 ounce.. .r 0.014 ounce. Cinnamon. 0.014 ounce.. {Ginger. 0.014 ounce. 0.014 ounce. Lard. 0.64 ounce... L ar d substit ut e. . 0.64 ounce. Butter.| 0.5 ounce... Oleomargarine.. 0.5 ounce. Sirup. 1 0.32 gill. Flavoring extract, lemon. 0.014 ounce.. Vanilla. 0.014 ounce. 1 In Alaska, 16 ounces bacon, or, when desired, 16 ounces salt pork, or 22 ounces salt beef. 2 In Alaska the allowance of fresh vegetables will be 24 ounces instead of 20 ounces, or canned potatoes, 18 ounces instead of 15 ounces. Note.— Food for troops traveling on United States Army transports will be prepared from the articles of subsistence stores which compose the ration for troops in garrison, varied by the substitution of other articles of authorized subsistence stores, the total daily cost per inan of the food consumed not to exceed 20 per cent more than the current cost of the garrison ration, except on Thanksgiving Day and Christmas, when 60 per cent increase over the same current cost is authorized. 36 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 2. TRAVEL RATION. Component articles and quantities. Substitutive articles and quantities. Soft bread. 18 ounces.... Hard bread. 16 ounces. 12 ounces. Beef, corned. 12 ounces.... Hash, corned beef Beans, baked. 4 ounces. Tomatoes, canned. 8 ounces. Jam. 1.4 ounces... Coffee, roasted and ground.... Sugar. 1.12 ounces.. 2.4 ounces..-. Milk, e vaporat ed, unsweetened 0.5 ounce_ 3. RESERVE RATION. Bacon. 12 ounces.... or meat canned 16 ounces. Hard bread. 16 ounces.... Coffee, roasted and ground.... Sugar. 1 12 ounces.. 2 4 ounces .. Salt. 0 16 ounce... . One day in each alternate month of the season of practical instruction, not exceeding three days in each year, the use of the reserve ration with individual cooking will be required by all troops in the field for purposes of instruction. 4. FIELD RATION. The field ration is the ration prescribed in orders by the commander of the field forces. It consists of the reserve ration in whole or in part, supplemented by articles of food requisitioned or purchased locally, or shipped from the rear, provided such supplements or substitutes correspond generally with the component articles or substitutive equivalents of the garrison ration. 6. EMERGENCY RATION. , The emergency ration is furnished, in addition to the regular ration, as required for troops on active campaign or in the field for purposes of instruction, and will not be opened except by order of an officer or in extremity, nor used when regular rations are obtainable. Ration returns upon which emergency rations are drawn will bear the certificate of the organization commander that such rations are required for the enlisted men of his organization and that the money value of any rations previously drawn by him, and improperly opened or lost, has been charged against the person responsible. Company and detachment commanders are responsible for the proper care and use of emergency rations carried on the person of the soldier. (C. A. R. No. 8, June 15, 1914.) 1207. In adjusting charges to be made against enlisted men or others on account of increased expense to the Government for their subsistence, the value of the garrison ration will be estimated at 30 cents, the Filipino ration at 20 cents, and the travel ration at 40 cents. LIQUID COFFEE. 1208. When an enlisted man or an applicant for enlistment, supplied with cooked or travel rations, travels unaccompanied by an officer, and it is impracticable to cook coffee en route, he may be supplied with funds for the purchase of liquid coffee in lieu of the coffee, milk, and sugar components of the travel ration, at the rate of 21 cents a day for the number of days that the travel is expected to cover, to be paid to each man on the order of the commanding officer who directs the journey, a copy of the ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 37 order being filed with the voucher on which payment is made. When an enlisted man or an applicant for enlistment, supplied with cook or travel rations, travels under the command of an officer, and it is impracticable to cook coffee en route, funds at the rate of 21 cents a day for a similar purpose may be transferred to the officer to be dis¬ bursed and accounted for. At the end of the journey all money in excess of 21 cents a day for each man for the actual number of days traveled will be transferred to the nearest quartermaster. Should any part of the 21 cents a day for the actual number of days traveled be unexpended it will be transferred to company commanders pro rata, to be taken up by them as part of the company fund. When recruits en route to different organizations or corps serving at over-sea stations arrive at a recruiting depot, however, the unexpended funds will be transferred to the mess officer and taken up by him as part of the mess funds. (G. A. R. No. 53.) EXTRACT FROM ARMY REGULATIONS, PARAGRAPH 1215. ]. Soap: To organizations of enlisted men— For each ration, 0.64 ounce. For use in bakeries, and for use of prisoners in guardhouses and military prisons—• Such quantities as the commanding officer may order as necessary. For each ration issued to troops in the field, in active campaign only, in addition to the foregoing, 0.25 ounce hand soap to be issued in ounce cakes. 2. Candles, when other illuminants are not furnished by the Quartermaster Corps: To organizations of enlisted men— For each ration, except the Filipino ration, 0.24 ounce. In Alaska, 0.32 ounce. For each Filipino ration, 0.12 ounce. To headquarters in the field of organizations larger than a company, to hospitals, bakeries, depots of supply, guards, and telegraph stations— Such quantities as the commnding officer may order as necessary. 3. Lantern candles: For use in lanterns furnished to the Army by the Government and used in the public service— Such quantities as the commanding officer may order as necessary. 4. Matches: For lighting fires and lights, for which fuel and the 'illuminating supplies are issued— Such quantities as the commanding officer may order as necessary. 5. Toilet paper: For use of enlisted men stationed at military posts, camps, and rendezvous provided with modern water-closets, with sewer connections, or where sanitary conditions require its use. To organizations of enlisted men— One package or roll of 1,000 sheets for every 60 rations. For use in water-closets of offices, post gymnasiums, guardhouses, bakeries, and post exchanges— Such quantities as the commanding officer may order as necessary. 6. Salt, rock: For each public animal, a day, 0.8 ounce. 7. Vinegar: For each public animal, a day, 0.1 gill. 4. FORAGE REQUISITION. 38 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL—NO. 2. as P o of si a, .2 Sf c co & | r> O 1 - At », u «i J2i o* »j 2 fl; si 1 ! a.pd Kansas City,. .Mft*...... I certify that the foregoing account is correct, and that transportation, either in kind or on Government Transpor¬ tation Request, was not used except as stated above. DO NOT SIGN IN DULICATE. Ugd.) Pet er 0 . Mason,._ 2nd Lieut.,Corp8 of Engi neers, Tfala space for use of paying offloer. Object Symbol Amount 1 U.S. Notation! miles at 7 cents.... Actual expenses as per statement attached. Deductions at 3 cents per mile: .. miles, account transportation'furnished.... Amount to be paid. Lc&mtrtsd by Paid by check No.... dated ....191 , of_ on.....:..... in favor of payee named above, for $. OR Received..., 191 , of _________ _ in cash, the sum of_____dollars. and_ .... cents, in full payment of the above account. Reimbursement —Transportation of the Army ar.d its Supplier., 191 H—tMil 52 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL—NO. 2 Form No. 337. Public Voucher JITo . Place to credit with WAR DEPARTMENT Riggs, Na t. Bank. (Bureau or Office?) <7ashington, D.G. . APPROPRIATION: _. 2nd Lieut.,Corps of Engrs. (State full title of appropriation.) __ Amount, S- . IN FAVOR OF (Name of payee.) FOR MILEAGE ACCOUNTS OF (Name of disbursing offioer.) (Official designation.) (Place where located.) (Period for which account Is rendered.) engineer training MANUAL- NO. 2. 53 8. SERVICE RECORD. Supersedes tlie ‘Description list” and “Description and assignment card.” * Regular Army. * Volunteer Army. * Regular Army Reserve. * Enlisted Reserve Corps. * National Guard, State of--- SERVICE RECORD OF Jnhruan n ,...._jCreOXg£L-A*.... (Surname:) (Christian name.) PriTate^--Co^..!!D. , ^-5J^.Regt.^.JE)agr.6.._ (Company and regiment or arm or oorps or department for which enlisted.) * Strike out words not applicable. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. Opening of record. —When a soldier is enlisted or reenlisted a service record on this form will be opened for him by the recruiting officer, who will fill out the Descriptive List, page 2, the Prior Service, and the first part of Current Enlistment, page 3. Other data called for by the printed headings or by these instructions will be supplied from time to'tlivne as occasion arises by the soldier’s company or detachment commander, care being taken to make the record complete and to keep it up to date at all times. 2. Forwardingdo first station. —When a soldier is sent from the recruit depot to a post, camp, or regiment, for assignment, the adjutant, or other designated officer, at the dopot will fill out the first indorsement and turn the service record over to the officer or noncommissioned officer in command of detachment of departing recruits; or, if no officer or noncommissioned officer be placed in command, the service record will be forwarded by mail to the proper commanding officer. 3. Transmission to company. —Upon assignment of a soldier to a company, the post, camp, or regimental commander will transmit the service record to the commanding officer of the company to which he is assigned, detach¬ ing the report of assignment and forwarding same to The Adjutant General I of the Army. 4. Soldiers transferred or detached. —When a soldier is transferred or detached from his company, the company commander will fill out the second indorse¬ ment. and transmit the service recora to the soldier’s new commanding officer in the manner prescribed in paragraph 2, above, in the case of soldiers leav¬ ing recruit depots. Subsequentindorsements will be filled out as the soldier’s chango of station or status requires, the original service record thus following the soldier wherever he goes. Each commanding officer forwarding the service record will retain an official copy of his indorsement,to which will be added the name of the soldier for purpose of identification. 5. Data to be included in indorsements.— Each indorsement will give the reason for the soldier’s chango of station or status, and his cha racter, and will contain a full statement of his accounts at the time. Under the heading “ Due United States” will be noted all authorized stoppages for loss of or damage to .Government property or supplies; amounts due on account of allotment, post exchange, post laundry, tailo/, jl mpanyfund, or transporta¬ tion; and stoppages, including detained pay, under sentence‘of a court- martial and on account of absence from duty because of disease resulting from the soldier’s own intemperate use of drugs or alcoholic liquor, or other misconduct. In short, all information required to be entered on muster roll and pay roll will bo incorporated in the indorsement on the service record, .the wording of the indorsement conforming to model remarks for such rolls prescribed by the War Department. 6. Soldiers furloughed to reserve.— When a soldier is furloughed to the re¬ serve, his service record will be forwarded by indorsement to the officer charged with keeping his records as a reservist. If the soldier is detached from his company at the time he is furloughed to the reserve, a copy of the indorsement forwarding the service record will be furnished his former company commander withput delay. 7. Soldiers discharged, etc. —When a soldier is discharged or otherwise separated from the service without being furloughed to the reserve, bis service record will be closed and filed with records of his company. If he is absent from his company at the time, the officer under whom he is serv¬ ing will promptly transmit the service record to the company commander for file. The service record of a .soldier discharged or otherwise separated from the service while in the reserve, will be closed and filed by the officer charged with keeping the reservist’s records 8. Record of court-martial. —When the service record of a soldier shows a sentence by court-martial, it Will he accompanied by an authenticated copy of the record of summary court-martial, or by an official copy of the order pro¬ mulgating sentence in case of conviction by a general of special court-martial. 9. Procedure in case of Lost record. —In theevent that a service record is lost® report of the fact will be made to The Adjutant General of the Army, who wfll start a new service record, transmitting same to the reicruit depot or station at which the soldier was enlisted. The new record will then be forwarded in turn to the commanding officers of the companies in which the soldier has served during current enlistment, each commanding officer repeating the indorsement required by paragraph 4, and, making appropriate entries in the body of the record. Pending receipt or the new service'record the soldier’s pay and duty status will be determined from the data shown on the last pay roll on which his name appears, and from other records of tbo company or detachment with which he last served. Form No. 29, A. G. O. Ed. Mar. 22,1917. 3—375 (Instructions continued on page 2.) 54 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL—NO. 2. ( 2 ) 10. Changes in entries. —Erasures of ontrios on a service record are pro¬ hibited. All changes in original entries must be made by drawing lines through the entries and each change will be duly authenticated by the signa¬ ture oi the officer making it, the reason for the'change being stated. 11. Additional svacc for entries. —In case the space under any heading, except “Deposits” in the body of the record proves insufficient, the entry will bo continued under" Remarks,” page 5. If the space under “Remarks” or “Deposits” is insufficient, additional sheets will be securely pasted at the bottom of the page, as indicated by footnote. If the space for showing change of station or statusin an indorsement is insufficient,the entry will becontinued under “Due United States.” One indorsement may. if neo* essary, occupy the space allotted to two. If there be more than 12 indorse¬ ments, an additional sheet will be securely pasted at the bottom of the last page of the form, as indicated by footnote. Under no circumstances will sheets or slips of paper be pasted or attached to a service record except as provided above. 12. Initialing of entries.— Each entry under “Military Reoord,’.' pages 4 and 5, “Clothing Account,” pages 0 and 7, and “Allotments,” page 7, will be initialed by the recruiting officer or company commander, as the case may be. Where there are no data of record relating to a printed heading, the space under that heading will be left blank, except that in case of transfer to another organization or furlough to the reserve the company commander will insert his initials in such blank spaces to show that he has not overlooked the entries. Negative entries, such as “None,” “Nothing,” etc., will not be made in any part of the form except as required for street and house num¬ ber and indorsements. DESCRIPTIVE LIST. Residence:.. ....JEteffiS..k|ven_ (Street *n Articles of Wax—- * _court-martial; approved__191 , Articles of War.— * _court-martial; approved_191 t Articles of War- * _court-martial; approved_191 , Articles of War—- * _court-martial; approved_191 , Articles of War- * _court-martial; approved_191 , Articles of Wax—- * _court-martial; approved_._191 , Articles of War_ * Insert word ‘'General,” "Special,” or "Summary,” as the oose may be. Fay detained by court-martial collected on pay roll as follows: Month. Amount. Month. Amount. Dols. Ots. Dols. Cts. .,191 .,191 .,191 ..,191 .,191 ...,191 .,191 _ , 191 ...,191 ., 191 ., 191 ..,191 BEBlAEKS (See Instruction 11): Jlk.SL.DjCl, --io-inad. and soldiers handbook issued* Du6 US at .date._of._Disch.14/ .Co ,_ .Fund . . 0 . 0 .. "D" . .Util . j£nsx J5 1.5.t . .La^ _t_ _ D.ua. j8Lq 1. Addltloioai.p^-.icr-. _ Additional sheets for "Remarks,” if required, will be attaohed here. (See Instruction 11.) (5) 3—375 58 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. <«) CLOTHING ACCOUNT. Each entry on this page will be initialed. (See Instruction 12.) CLOTSING DRAWN. Date of Issue. Value. Date of Issue. Value. Dols.j Cts. Dols. Cts. From D _ SS.LsJ May 6/16 BO 22 July.. 10/16.. ..4. 18... P Sep.t_,__4/l.6.. M.. 1 1. Jan.-1B/X7._ 2 &. ...4. 7.4. 01- July 8 1 1917 _ ' . ! March. 17/16 8 16 ! 1. j | . i | 1' i 1 . i i — 1 .1 i j i ... 1 | 1 .1 1 'j i ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 59 Each entry on this page will be initialed. (See Instructions 12,) GRATUITOUS ISSUES OF CLOTHING. Date of Issue. Value. | i Date of Issue. Value. Dols. Cts. Dole. Cts. ! ! i 1 _ | |_ 1 I | !_ |. J 1 1.; CLOTHING SETTLEMENTS. (To bo made semiannually and when soldier is separated from the ac¬ tive service.) Date of Settlement. Initial Allowance. 43,0$ ; Money value of Clothing Drawn Since Last Settlement. Balance Due United States. . Balance Due Soldier. 6/2Q/16 .-8.-70. i ...un... 12 / 21/1 ...JiJA.J Liau-CA... ..s/SO/i .J&lJTaJ 1 .1.20 U-^LeJDL.. 12/31/i: 1 _-l£*40j L.A JXL.J ! LJ3LJBL. 6/30/ia 1 .12...4Q ... ._8_A$.... 1 12,63 12 / 31/1 3.-12^40 .AJUL .25^03.. 2 / 2 a/i$ .. &+1T . —~ ! I..3iAa3>a -31,20 ALLOTMENTS. .per month for—i?-months beginning with the month of —i-jj-t, .1917 ; discontinued...191 ; $-per month for_months beginning with the month of - -191 ; discontinued_ 191 ; I—-per month for-months beginning with the month of .191 . .191 } discontinued., CO 3—375 60 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. ( 8 ) DEPOSITS. Date. Amount. Quartermaster. Dols. Cts. 5/4/16 .5 OCL. jJ_ *5?. fc.fcs.*. _ _J * A* _ _ 1 U _ i .... | i .1 ! ' 1 | i j i 1 - _ _ _ Additional sheets for “Deposits,” if required, will be attached here. '.See Instruction 11.) 3—375 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 61 1st IND. cr*_uit„Pjappt^_ Co liaabus._ _April.22 + .....,191 6 Xo C* 9 -i _. ?f_% • h 1 n is t o n __B a r r a c k b ^ _ P^C _ Tms soiaier*.Jmfl-ihlfi-daie-been-ior-warded -to, Washington Bks. DC for assignment to 5 th H'e'glment'or‘iiJhgin*eersV''SGD''$/l?/l6‘.. He was last paid to inclnde.f J 4^{5&--.3-l- > ---.» 191 ® B7.-Capt^--Jonfis^-QMC.______... (Rank and name of quartermaster.) Dae United States (See Instruction 6); If nothing, so state: Due P£ Col Bks 0 $ 5 . 00 ; Due Post Laundry Q„Ql„.Skfi-QjL..tQa. 7 . 5 s__ This 80 ldlerlh_a_§-. JT£.t an allotment running. (Has or has not.) His character isf-^firy „.GoQd .—.... 1 have personally verified all entries under “Due United States.” _Be___§*_„Adamg. .. .. Lt _ .Col_ .In f &_n. try. . ...Commanding. 2d IND. QA.Q_».-.Q.Q-*.- ,, D‘ , -.5th.-Sngr.fi^..Waaiiingtoii-_akaa D_. C_... Jun.e..5.th.. v ___m 6 To r -CoP^-Ft—-Jay r ^*—---- -----— This soldier 1 £i t. _Pa at..thia. .data._iotr„_ jduty.. ina.tru.c.tQr..af..Jdaaer.y;a.-alf-icers-a.t-i’."t-Jay wlPlast paiPf(ftnclufe5}®„i.»„i?.^L--.-May--Bl-. 191 6 By-.^Capt^..JlKa..-(lllv-ar. t ...QMC..-..-_ _ _ (Rank and name of quartermaster.) Due United States (See Instruction 5); if nothing, so states .... .Nothing*.—.—-- This soldierh&S.-nO-t an allotment running. (Has or has not.) His character lsf_ .Vary— Go od . * _ I have personally verified all entries under “Dne United States.'” .Jp.ha. _A._j)Md___ _. - C attain , . . .C.QT P_S. . .of. . Jfingr JB ^...Commanding. * Give change Of station or status of soldier, with number, date, and souroe of order. t To be filled out in handwriting of officer signing indorsement. (9) v 3—375 62 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. ( 10 ) 3d IHD. . -..Juno. . 2 l 7 -, ..... . i9i 6 to. £t.Q.t _. .Q.o.*P— . irtix. 2ngr a i/aa iu . _ Ek fl ^..DG. Thia 8oidier*_cjoinpjje.tueil-.tlie--iiirty--ix)r-.which--ha was sent to this Post and is returned He was last paid to Include.,.. May...2LL,...., 19l6 By.Gap.l *.. H« &*.. .Oliver.,.. £MGa... (Rank and Dame of quartermaster.) Due United States (Sea Instruction 5); if nothing, so state: .to. . -Wa^hixL£ toja , P.t .CU „ i er. . dirty. _ wi.t h .. hi a C o SCL--12.9..^-i)-Qp-t^unQ--Z5-,-JL51-t^--Lait--Poat -ac-c-au^ts-.—- U5.. «e-thla&a---- This seldierhL&B-.nOt an allotment running. (Haa or has not.) His character is|. ][&%*-$. .-Q.0-CHl .*.. I have personally verified all entries under “Due United States." .Jam.a a. .4 . Plar.c.©... .- Ma i or.,.. .In ian.lr.y_ ?..commanding. 4th XHD. ...-.-, 191 To... This soldier*...... He was last paid to include...., 191 - By— ...... (Rank and name of quartermaster.) Due United States (See Instruction 5); 1f nothing, so state: This soldlerf_an allotment running. (Has or has not.) His character 1st.-. I have personally verified all entries under “Due United States.” . c o mm ending. * Give change of station or status of soldier, with number, date, and source of order, t To be filled out in handwriting pf officer signing indorsement. 03—375 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 63 Report of assignment mailed —April.: £4^-19l6 REPORT OF ASSIGNMENT. * _ Johnson... .George A...._ (Surname.) (Christian name.) who was accepted for enlistment at_Cincinna tj. _ _ Ohio.___ and enlisted_. 25__ 191 ^ at colvunUi8-3arracka^..0hio. # ._— has this date been assigned to.CO♦ ..5th__R6gt Engl*8 i -J-^-Wood^.-iSgd)... Col^ CorpjB.-.of..Engineers._ Commanding station:. - ^ gt6h.ington r -BarEaclc&*-.J)A.Q.jL..— Date: .. -April-_24*~1916^- To The Adjutant General op the Army, Washington, D. C. INSTRUCTIONS, 1. When completed, this card will be detached from the service record and forwarded directly to The Adjutant General of the Army. 2. Men failing to report at a post for assignment within ten days after the receipt thereat of their service records, and whose absence has not been accounted for, will be assigned to an organization serving at the post and reported on the records of said organization as “Never joined, deserted en route from-” as of the date they were forwarded therefrom. 3. This report of assignment is not required for the National Guard except in the case of enlistments or reenlistraents for organizations in the Federal service. 3 _ 375 64 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2, 9. COMPANY COUNCIL BOOK. Reference .—Army Regulations, 1913, paragraphs 316-318, 321-324, 327-330. SAMPLE PAGE. I* account with Company Pond. Company f'k" 24th Infantry Year 1.915.. . ... t- - i Bat ■ Off Si LlM » 11 Other f FvoJ Month July L ts E LL-Af?fz. ATTEST: John A. Dodd J. W. Y/atts Capt. Q. LI. Coipa. Paymaster, U. S. A Cap t. EngI*B . Commanding Company. 68 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL—NO. 2. Q. M. C. Form No. 8a. Authorized April 7.\ 1013. SOLDIERS’ DEPOSITS. tfachington Barra cks, D .C. (Enter date of deposit here.).r^v....-.. Toe Quartermaster General of the Army, Washington, D. C. The following deposits have this day been made with 9. a --?A_.. *H?..._^. 3 »__. Quartermaster, U. S. Army, per Par. 1361, A. R., 1913. NAME. (Eater surname first.) RANK. ORGANIZATION. AMOUNT. Johnson, George A. Pvt Co "D" 5th Engrs. 5 00 ... 1 1 i . * These reports of deposit are filed with the Quartermaster’s Abstract of Deposits to which they pertain, and each report 1 should contain only the deposits made with a single quarter-1 master on a given date. This report will be forwarded by the company commander, immediately after the deposit is made, direct to the Quartermaster General of the Army. 3—2712 .John. A*... ... Bodd.. Captain Corps of Enginee rs . Commanding Co .' VP." „*?th.._ Engr jb_,.. ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 69 11a. SOLDIER’S ALLOTMENTS. References— Army Regulations, 1913, paragraphs 1347-1360. (•jnomisnTOjo 9JSQ) ..... I ( j^oivb jo jpraj pno onriK) ... 1 ej»firat9oQr jo" .tPHJ.‘iittii. °0 ? « i (•J»non»J0 *TTBJ pUB 8UIBK) ..“•• ■•"'iiifSWjef *r'8aroe{)-*• 'wewT^ Jo* '&U .W" ^’XST 'OQ DISCONTINUANCE. (SOLDIER S ALLOTMENT.) 70 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. lib. DISCONTINUANCE OF SOLDIER’S ALLOTMENT. I II «:o c tfl! Oi © S' © 5g Aii“ (•J»))0|[* jo ^du poe «or»K) .*trosetrojf" 'y- e 2 Lr*00$ g j&g gT 9 ng-jo -09q%g- JIU °o •s © I § 5 .g ft. S. 8* © si a | § : © ■ «9 ft. .3 © <3 •ii 1 s i ! a : *§ i * £ a j§ © -si 2 ; a i © © "© ik .«0 9 fO *K> ”© sj 8* c c : *8 «1 * > s ! ft ! © •8 e» © <3 ®7> «o 1 I <3 ixj .—The discontinuance of an allotment should be made ,to take effect the last day of a calendar month. ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 71 12. MUSTER ROLLS. (To be superseded.) References .—Army Regulations, paragraphs 807-810. MUSTER ROLL of.company.......of the .. FAfth. Beglraaot.. of... Boglnaer*. Army of the United States from the . aotJi...day of ._...Jtons_„., 1917 (date of last bimonthly muster), to the ....,31a*.day of.August..., 191 7 NAMES, PRESENT AND ABSENT, AND RANK. (Commissioned and noncommissioned officers accord¬ ing to rank. Surnames of all enlisted men will precede Christian names. Privates of each class in alphabetical order.) WHEN ENLISTED. All present and mustered except those indicated in this column by the word ABSENT. REMARKS. Captain. L. John A. Dodd Comdg Co. Sick Aug 24 to 28/17 In line of duty. 1st Lieutenant b l. Howard L. Merrill Assgd to Co Aug 19/17 RO 68, 1917, Joined Aug 21/17,Coradg Co Aug 24 to 28/17. l. -Rater.. fi_.Ite.aan. . With. Cp. .Member..of. £<311.30.. 194,. E Dept.,. Aug 15/17. Aptd TE Officer and Adjutant Post of Washington Bks., DC. SOP 99, Aug 3/17. .2d Li©tenant. L t ... Harold H, Porter. I ' ' 1 - j With Co. AWL fr Aug 8 to 18/17 SOP 74, ' .! . Aug. ,6/17. .... 1 1st Sergeant J; . Flanders. August P. 14 Aug 17 i Eeenl tfrnt as Sgt and Aprat as 1st Sgt contd. * Sergeant s 1st Class j Aptd Sgt lcl fr fat Aug 5/17. RO 64. 1917, l .. j ! effective sd. . Hames, Howard A. 2 Aug 16 ] Hess Sergeant ! j . Fields, Dudley M. 5 June 14 J zt Aptd Ms Sgt fr Sgt Aug l/l7 CO 21, 1917*- | I effective sd. Supply Sergeant 1 i! . Sorely, Finer H. i 6 Jan 15 | Aptd Sgt fr Pvt lcl Aug 17/17, BO 66, 1917. 72 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. I certify that this muster roll is made out in the manner required by the printed instructions; that the remarks set opposite the name of each officer and soldier are accurate and just; and that it exhibits the true state of the organization for the period mentioned herein, as required by Regulations and the Rules and Articles of War. Station: Washington 3n-.rrac.ks, D.C. Pate: ... AttCTRSt ...31,. . 19 . 11 * . John A. Dodd. Captain, Corps of Engineers. Commanding the Organization. I certify that I have carefully examined this muster roll, and that I have mustered and minutely inspected the organization, the condition of which is found to be as expressed in my remarks hereunto annexed (see note *) Military Appbahance: ..Excellent- Arms:.... Very..Good. . Accouterments: Very. GO.Od. Clothing: .7.6ry. Good. J. A. Wood Colonel., Come. of .Engineers, Inspecting and Mustering Officer. •Note.—I t is made the special duty of the inspecting and mustering officer to add the appropriate remarks according to the facts determined in the course of his inspection, with such other romarks as may be necessary or useful for the information pf the War Department. He will also see that the roll is signed by the proper officer; that the ebeen?* „ tees are recorded ip the column provided for that purpose, and that tho roll to the matn is correot. M83 engineer training manual-NO. 2. 73 AH officer*, noiiconini!•• mnrd officers, and others concerned In the preparation of this roll, arc enjoined to exercise great earn to make the roll complete When filed in The Adjutant General’s Office, the roll will heroine’the record to which reference will tin're- after ho made In tho lines igatlon and settlement of claims or questions affecting the officers anil enlisted men whose names are borne on the roll, and tb ir heirs, for the period covered by It. INSTRUCTIONS FOR TIIE PREPARATION OF MUSTER ROLLS. will be taken up on the rolls from the date of receipt of notice of icy have yet joined or not, and will be entered in the following order: First, commissioned officers ad, commissioned officers attached to the organization in order of rank; third, noncommissioned 1. NAM US TOBE ENTERED ON ROLL.— All officers and enlisted their assignmen^by competent authority, whether thev belonging to the'organization in order of rank; second, .. officers in the order of tho grades given in paragraph 9, A. U., the names under each grade heading appearing in the order of the dates of warrants; fourth, all others, except musicians and privates, in alphabetical order of grade; filth, musicians; sixth, privates. The names of the men under each grade heading, except noncommissioned officers, will appear alphabetically. [Lance corporals will be carried under the heading of privates.] The names and the grade headings (1st sergeant, quartermaster sergeant, sergeants, corporals, etc.), which will .precede the names under each different grade, will follow one another without interval except when made necessary by the use of two or .more lines in the column for “Remarks,” after a name. In all cases the last name will be written first, e. g., Smith, John A., not John A. Smith, In the ease of recruits forwarded from recruit depots, the receipt of the descriptive and assignment card will be considered as the not ice of assignment. Care will he taken to have names of soldiers ana dates of enlistment correct. The names of officers attached to an organization will be borne on the muster rolls of (lie organization to which attached, But the names of the enlisted men attached will not be borne on the muster rolls of the organization but on a separate (detachment^ roll. 2. REMARKS. —Under the head of “Remarks” will be carefully stated opposite the name of the person concerned: ! a) Assignment.—The date when any assignment takes effect, with number and source of order therefor; b) Date of Joining.—The date that any officcT or enlisted man joins, whether originally or from any absence, and, if originally, the source of gain; (<•) Command, Assignment to or Relief from.— The dato an officer assumes or is relieved from auy command; (d) Changes of Rank or Grado. — All changes of rank or grade, with dates of changes, and numbers; and sources of orders; (e) Sentences. —All sentences, with dates of same and numbers and sources of orders; (f) Absence.—All cases of absence of twenty-four hours or more, the nature and commencement of, and periods authorised, with numbers and sources of orders; and this will be stated on the first roll, and on subsequent rolls, while such absences continue', will be noted . since. . See roll (period).191..; and in (Nuturo of absence.) (Month, date, year.) (First roil bearing entry.) case of absence on detached service, siclc, or in confinement, the place of absence will he set forth; (g) Injuries or Wounds. —All injuries or wounds received during the period covered by the roll, and whether or not contracted in line of duty; (hi Confinement. —All cases of confinement, with dates; and when by civil authority the nature of the offenses, whether prisoners have boon held for trial, tried, or discharged without trial, and, when tried, whether acquitted or convicted; (1) Medal of Honor and Certificate of Merit. —Onthefirstmusterrollafterreceiptofnoticeoftbeawardofamedaloihonororcertificate of merit, the fact of the award, together with the date of the engagement and the cause of the award, will be noted; (k) Discharge.—Opposite the name of every soldier discharged will be noted whether he was honorably discharged, dishonorably dis¬ charged, or discharged; whether or not his service was honest and faithful; the character given on the discharge certificate, or if none so state; all unauthorized absences exceeding one day, also absences from duty on account of sickness, tho result of misconduct, and while serving sentence of a court-martial and the time held in confinement awaiting said sentence, with dates, or if uo such absences are of record that fact will be stated. When the reenlistment of a soldier is not recommended, that fact and the reasons for such action will be notod on the roll, except in the case of a soldier discharged on surgeon’s certificate of disability. 9 . CHANGES SINCE LAST MUSTER: (•) Those Who Have Ceased to Belong to the Command.—The names of those belonging to the command will be immediately followed by those of the officers and enlisted men who have ceased to belong to it since last bimonthly muster. These will be classed in the following order: Discharged, transferred, died, retired, deserted, dropped; and the utmost particularity will be observed in the remarks concerning them; dates and places will in every case be given; and numbers, and sources of orders, or description of authority, be always carefully given. When transferred to the Army Reserve, the character giveu ou the descriptive card will be stated, and if transferred prior or subsequently to tho date on which he was eligible for transfer the reasons therefor will he given. Under each heading the names will appear in the order prescribed in Instruction 1. (Ii) Retention Beyond Dato of Enlistment.—When soldiers are retained in service beyond the period for which they were enlisted, as shown by the date of their enlistments, the cause of such retention will be stated. (e) Tlie Names of Soldiers Discharged and Reenllsted, or who have deserted and rejoined from desertion eincelast bimonthly muster, will be placed both in the body of tho roll and under the appropriate hcadingaas having been discharged, having deserted, etc. (d) Deserters.—The date and place of the return of a deserter to military control, whether he surrendered to or was apprehended by the military or civil authorities, and in the latter case the date of surrender or apprehension, will be noted on the first roll. On subsequent rolls until the result of the trial has been published, or the case otherwise disposed of, will appear the remark “Awaiting trial (or result of trial) for desertion. See roll for.. 191...” On the rolls following the final disposition of the case will appear the data given on the first roll, and also the date, with number and source of the order announcing the man’s return to duty or the result of the trial, including nature of offense of which convicted. [Note.—The restoration to duty without trial of a deserter by competent authority, i. e., the commander who would havf (Teen authorized to direct his trial, entailing the imposition of the forfeitures and stoppages prescribed by Army Regulations, can be ordered only in case the desertion is admitted, and must not be confused with the removal, by the order of such a commander or the War Department, of a charge of desertion erroneously entered on the rolls against a soldier, such removal operating to relieve him from any and all stoppages to which he may have been subjected on account of his supposed desertion ] (e) Desertion anil Fraudulent Enlistment.—(1) Upon the apprehension or surrender of a soldier there will be noted on the first roll of the organization from which he deserted the date of approhensiou or surrender, the name under which ho fraudu¬ lently enlisted, and the place where confined awaiting trial; and on roll of organization in which serving fraudulent enlistment, the date of apprehension or surrender, the organization from which soldier deserted, and the name under which he served therein. (2) If convicted of desertion and fraudulent enlistment and sentenced to be. dishonorably discharged, the soldier will be dis¬ charged from the organization from which ho originally deserted, as of name and date of enlistment under which he was serving therein, and his name dropped from tho records of the organization in which fraudulently serving. (3) If not dishonorably dis¬ charged but held to servo balance of legal enlistment, tho soldier will bo'held as of the name and date of that enlistment and his name dropped from the records of tho organization in which he was serving under fraudulent enlistment. (4) If held to service as of fraudulent enlistment and ordered discharged from enlistment from which he deserted, the soldier will be discharged from the organization from which he deserted and held to service as of the date and name under which he fraudulently enlisted. J—ssa 74 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2, 4. ABBREVIATIONS.—The abbreviations authorized in the preparation of the pay roll may bo used on the muster roll. 5. EXTRA SHEETS.—If additional space be found absolutely necessary, the roll will be enlarged by stitching into the middle of it an extra sheet or sheets, Foim No. 61-1, A. G. O., provided for that purpose. Under no circumstances will halt sheets be usea or pieces of paper be attached to the roll. Paper fasteners, wire, or paste will hot be used in joining the sheets of the roll. 6. USE OF TYPEWRITER OR LEAD PENCIL IN THE PREPARATION OF ROLLS.—The preparation of muster rolls on a type¬ writing machine is authorized provided a black record ribbon of standard quality is used. The original copy of the roll will be forwarded to The Adjutant G eneral's Office. Carbon copies of rolls will not be forwarded to that office. Rolls will not be prepared or signed with lead pencil of any kind. 7. DOTS AND “DITTO.”—The use of dots and the word "ditto” is prohibited. 8. RULED COLUMNS.—The ruled columns will not be used for purposes other than as stated in these instructions or indicated in the printed headings. f 9. CORRECTION OF ROLLS.—Corrections on muster rolls, after muster and before they have been forwarded, to The Adjutant General -oI the Array, will only be made with the approval of the mustering officer. Retained rolls will not be changed until authority iherefor ha3 been obtained from The.Adjutant General. 10. ^DETACHMENTS.—This roll will not be used to muster detachments. 11. DISPOSITION MADE OF ROLLS.—Within three days after each bimonthly muster, the mustering officer will forward to The Adjutant 'General of the Army a copy of the muster roll of each company, battery, troop, or detachment. A duplicate of the muster roll will be retained. Blanks will be supplied from the Adjutant General’s Department. The roll for The Adjutant General’s Office will be folded evenly in three folds, with the brief on the outside. It will pot be folded or creased to fit an envelope, but will be mailed in an envelope of the proper size or in a wrapper made especially for the purpose. A SHEET OF MODEL REMARKS WILL BE FURNISHED UPON APPLICATION TO THE ADJUTANT GENERAL OF THE ARMY. i I rg P» t*. OS \ { ■w3 ! 2 * ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 75 12(a). MUSTER ROLLS. See Form No. 6, —, A. G. O. [ 1 effective,sd. Aptd Sup Sgt fr Sgt .Aug_ ! 20/17, CO 24,-1917, effectivo. ad. i j....._____ Dexeter, Ambrose I. 15 July 14 jTransferred'aa Sgt fr Sgt Co ”B" thie -; Regt Aug 15/17 RO 63, 1917. Joined ad. 1 .,. !Aptd Stab Sgt fr Sgt Aug 16/17 CO 23,1917, . 1 1 effective sd. . . .Sergeant;* ... ,... . ;... 1 I..7.. .... .. .. Brady, Patrick J. .__ Stanley * John E,....... 20 July 14 ! i... ; . 13 May 15 Bd fr Mb Sgt to Sgt Aug l/l7 CO 21, 1917, .{} ! effective ad. .'lAntd Sgt fr Coro Aug 5/l7 RO 64, 1917. |l i i. effective ad ? ________ ____| Corporale :•...1 ; ;. ■ 1 ^umbdldt, Jaqoh__ u r... i 4 Hoy.16. J !.' ' ! | Hbrth, Earl J. I i 21 Dec 14 ! | 1 Sick not 1D30 TSl/lZ fr Aug 6 to 14/17, tnc. .Jaaper...George .5... i t 7 Mar 16 i ! ! Aptd Corp fr Ck Aug 5/l7;;BO 64, 1917, I __ ! i i i . i i effective sd. . .^..Horaeahoer..... [....j i Kramer, Isaac | 4 Apr 16 i ! Forfeit 5 daya pay SC-Aug 27/17.. _-..Bngler.„......... h ' i F _ Wilaon, Arthur F; I 20-Apr 15 i ■ In hande of CAuth fr July 13 tp.Aug.6/l7, i j ! ■ ! i Drunk and disorderly. Convicted. To have I.~j 1. i . j ! l/3 of hia pay detained until he i» die?* !__, j L. j | charged fr his current enl SC Aug 8/17^, . • Saddler i. > i ,—j i i I* .*.. .*.“ v -. 'Hammer, Rodney ft/ i 1 15 June 15 i | •...Codlc....... t ™ i j' Ifould, Waldo . .. | 6 Oct 16 *.! l Aptd Ck fr Rvt* Id Aug 5/17 CO 23, 1917, L: ...j Effect ivet sd. 76 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2, NAMES. PRESENT AND AUT-NT, AND ‘ RANK ■{Commissioned and noncommissioned oilier accord-’ ing to rank. Surnaipes of all enlisted tnen will precede Christian names Privates of each .class in alphabetical order.) WHEN ENLISTED. All present and mustered except those indicated in this column bv the word ABSENT. EEKARtS. . Privates 1st Clasp .... ... 1. Aaron, John Q. 28 Mar 16 Aptd Pvt lcl fr Pvt Aug 5/17, cp 23, 191 1 ( —i .. . i . ^ effective sd. 2, Bonnie, Edvferd.rS.. 22 Apr 17 ’ 1 Absent . 1 On DS .at .Ft. Jay,. II. Y., since. July. 31/17, 3. Furlong, Samuel..1- .i. .8 .Oct 16 4. Jackson. Ellis C-. 5. Tasker, 'ion t ague Q, , Privates 1* Becker, Ernest 2. Howard, Carl A. 3. Miner, Everett B, 4. ifocky, Jerj^r.. 4 Dec 16 14 ‘fey 15 3 Aug 17 14.Pet 15 under provisions Par. 15, SO 199, E Dept July 12/17 and SOP 86, 1917/ .M. f r Sgt lcl to Pvt Aug. 5/17 EO. 64,.1917, ^effe c tive sd) Aptd Pvt lcl fr Pvt Aug 20/17 CO 24, 1917. I. Transferred, as..Pyt. fr..Sgt...Go..I’F'V this, ll Eegt. Aug 10/17..BQ 68,..1917,..Joined gd... Aptd Pvt lcl fr Pvt Aug 12/17 CO 26, .1917, effective sd. ]: Deserted at Wash. Bks. D.C., June 4/17. I; . j Surrendered to Mil control at Wash. Bks. jj D,C,,. Aug.. 5 / 17 , Tried.. for..desertion.and ■ acquitted OCjllO 60 E Dept Aug 25/l7,. !j Recnl for Co -Aug 3/l7, .joined sd. 1 . ,. ■ i Deserted Apr .14/1.7. at Tfash, .Bks..,D.,C.. ii aporehedded hv CAuth, Alexandria, Va., It ' i '".'. |j returned to Mil control at Ft. Mfeyer, Va. July 3l/l7, Tried for desertion, found. guilty, and sentoneed to be confinod at hard.labor.for .6 nos. and. forfeit 2/3. of I h.ls .pay per no . for a like period GCMQ.70. ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 77 E Dept Aug 15/l7 A .„. P.2 Sep 16 Assgd to Co Aug 14/17, B&A Card, Joined sd Vera,. Joseph E. 31 Mar 16 Awol fr Aug 4 to 7/14. Bd fr Pvt lol to Pvt Aug 8/17 CO 24j, 1917. effective sd. Weitzer, Anton. 16 Deo 15 To be Bd fr Corp to grade of P7t and .. forfeit..?/3..Qf hj.s . 9aS..V*X..m>..X9X..2..m9 SC Aug 12/17, . CHANQES SIN CE JUNE 30. 1?17 Transferred 1st Lieutenant Alton B. Smith Transferred to Cq "B" this Begt Aug.. 17/17, BO 66, 1917. On DS at Plattsburg Bks..]|,T., fr.. Aug..l.t.Q. 17/17 ,SQ. .196*. .E..Dept.. 1916-_ Discharged ' Corporal Ennis, Thomas B. 14 June 16 Hon disch Aug 4/17 at Wash. Bks. D.C.,- • on SCD. Character "Excellent" service honest and faithful. Ho Auol or absence-^ 0 duty under Act of April 27, 1914. Privates Wingate, William B. 17 Mar 17 Disch Aug 26/17, at Wash., hfca. D.C.,..under provisions of Paragraph 148 j/fc, Amy . .Hegulat ions,...1913,.. and ..on. recommendation. of Board of Officers aptd. per SCP.1B.7.,. 1917, as. approved..by..2d .Ind E.Dept-Aug. * 23/17, Ho awol or absence fr duty under. . 78 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. Transferred .1 Ser preant U Graves, Robert A. 14 Oct 15 1917. Died Private 1st Class . Burres, Adam R. 5 Apr 16 Died Atlg'25/l? at Walter Reed General Hospital, Takoma Bark, D.C., in line of duty, Aptd Pvt lcl fr Pvt Au=r l/l7, CO 21, 1917, effective sd. . | j j 2WT engineer training manual-NO. 2. 79 NAMES, PRESENT AVD ABSENT, AND RANK *TC©mniaioned and noncommissioned officers ocoord- log to rank. Surnames of all enlisted men will precede Christian names. Privates of each class in alphabetical order.) WHEN ENLISTED. All present and mustered except those indicated in this column bv the word Absent. REMARKS. act of April 27. 1914. Character "Good"_ Service honest and faithful. Not recommended • for reenllstraont owinc to inability to learn even the most olonontary drill 0, _ 2.....Walton..’yallace W. . 15 De o. . .15. such aa the facings etc . .Rishnnorably. die.cn Aug 22/17 .at Ft. .’layer, 7a/, f odtf e itln^. all. pay and allowance a., due or to become due and to be confined at hard labor for. 1 year,... Gc> . 0 73i> ept Aug. 2p/l7/ Awol during enlistment fr Jan 1 to.6/16 ; absent fr duty under act of April 27, 1914, fr Jan. 7 to. 18/17, Chariot or.."Bad.”. Service not hone 31 and faithful.. FurlousrheAto Reserve Privates Perry, Claude E. 9 Au fs 13 Furloughed and transferred to Arngr Reserve Ansr 8/17 under GO 11 WD 1913. Character No A'vVOL or absence fr duty under act of April 27, 1914. 2. Glennen. Janes G. Jr. 13 Deo 15 Furloughed and transferred to Any Reserve Au/? 9/l7, in lieu of disch on account of dependency of relatives, ..under..ae.ct.ien..29, National Defense act, June 3/16, and 4th Ind WD AGO dated Au^ 3/17. Character "Excellent**/ Service Honest and Faithful. No A.70L or absence fr duty under act of April 27. 1914 during enlistment. Do not writ© in tills 9pacc. See Instruction 6 . a—2*57 . [Face.] MODEL REMARKS FOR MUSTER ROLLS. (Note.— These Model Remarks are intended as a guide for placing data on the muster rolls required by the printed instructions for the preparation of those rolls.) ABSENCE. (a) Civil A uthorities.— In hands CAuth fr Jan 10 to Feb 3/14. Offense: Drunk and disorderly. Con¬ victed (acquitted, released on bail, or released with¬ out trial). (ft) Detached Service — DS since Jan 15/14 at HQE Dept. Par 15 SO 20 E Dept 1914. (c) Furlough.— On one mos furlough since Aug 10/14. AR106. (d) Sick. —(1) Sick in Walter Reed Gen Hosp July 5 to Aug 20/14. (2) Sick in PH Ft Jay, N Y, since May 10/14. (e) In Confinement.— In confinement since Apr 20/14 at Ft Ontario, N Y. See Roll for Mar and Apr 1914. (/) With Leave.— On 10 days’ leave July 20-30/14. SOP 100 1914. (g) Without Leave. —AWOL Aug 10 to 15/14 (or since Aug 10/14). (Note.— Absence of less than 24 hours will not be noted.) APPOINTMENTS CONTINUED IN FORCE. (a) Reenl Wmt as Sgt, andApmt as 1st Sgt contd. ( b) Reenl Wmt as Sgt (or Corp) contd. (c) Reenl Apmt as Ck contd. (Note.— Warrants and Appointments may be continued only when reemistment Is accom¬ plished on the next day after discharge.) APPREHENSION. (See DESERTION.) ASSIGNMENT. (a) Assigned to Co RSO 10 Mar 5/14, not yet joined. (b) Joined by assignment May 14/14, SOP 20,1914. (c) Assigned" to Co May 20/14 D and A Card joined Sd (or not yet joined). ATTACHED. (In case of officers only.) Attached to Co. Par 1 RSO 40,1914 joined Aug 10/14. CERTIFICATE OF MERIT. Awarded C of M for saving the life of a comrade in a skirmish with Filipinos at Tayug, P I, Aug 10/13. GO 20 WD 1914. (Note. —To be noted only on first roll after receipt of notice of award.) CHANGE OF NAME. Name changed fr John A Smith to Robert A Jones. Letter AGO July 10/14. CHANGES OF RANK OR GRADE. а) Aptd Sgt Maj fr July 2/14. RO 20, 1914. б) Aptd Bn Sgt Maj fr Aug 2/14. Bn O 12,1914, under AR 256. (c) Aptd 1st Sgt fr Sgt Aug 5/14. CO 5, 1914. id) Aptd Sgt fr Corp Aug 1/14. RO 10, 1914. (e) Aptd Corp fr Pvt July 5/14. CO 7,1914, under AR 271, 275. (J) Aptd Ck fr Pvt July 5/14. CO 6,1914. (g) Rd fr 1st Sgt to Sgt Aug 5/14. CO 5,1914. (h) Rd fr Sgt to Pvt and forfeit one mos pay SC July 20/14. (Note.—A ll other changes of rank or grade will be reported in like manner.) COMMAND. (a) Comdg Co. (b) Comdg Co since Aug. 15/14. SOP 25,1914. (c) Comdg Co Aug 10 to 13/14. (d) Relieved fr command of Co Aug 15/14. Par 5, SO 100 WD, 1914. CONFINEMENT. In confinement July 2 to 6/14. SC July 2/14. (Note.—S ee also under headings “Absence,” “Desertion ,” and “Sentences.”) DEATH. Died July 15/14, at Ft Jay, N Y. DESERTION. (а) Deserted July 5/14, at Ft Porter, N Y. (б) Deserted July 5/14, at Ft Jay, N Y, appre¬ hended July 19/14, by CAuth, Chicago, Ill, returned to Mil control at Ft Sheridan, Ill, July 20/14. Tried for desertion, found guilty, and sentenced to be con¬ fined at hard labor for 4 mos. GCMO 460 C Dept, 1914 (or tried for desertion and acquitted; or, tried for desertion and found guilty of AWOL only and sentenced to forfeit 2 mos pay and suffer a stoppage of $50 reward for apprehension and delivery). In confinement serving sentence. (c) Apprehended Aug 5/14, at Albany, N Y, by Mil Auth. In confinement since that date awaiting trial or result of trial. (d) Restoration to duty without tnal.— In confine¬ ment fr July 4 to Aug 10/14 awaiting trial for deser¬ tion. Restored to duty without trial. Par 3, SO 64 E Dept, 1914. (e) Removal of charge.— In confinement fr July 4 to Aug 10/14 awaiting trial for desertion. Charge re¬ moved as having been erroneously made. Par 5 SO 64 E Dept, 1914. (/) Desertion and fraudulent enlistment — (1) Upon the first roll following apprehension will be noted as follows: On the roll of the organization from which he deserted: “Apprehended (or surrendered) July 1/14 while serving m-under the name of John A Jones; in confinement at Ft Logan, Colo, awaiting trial.” On the roll of the organization in which serving fraudulent enlistment: “Apprehended (or surrendered) July 1/14 as Martin Brown, who deserted Nov 2/12 from-; in confinement await¬ ing trial.” (2) See heading “Dropped” (a) for remarks in case of conviction of desertion and fraudulent en¬ listment and sentenced to be dishonorably dis¬ charged. (3) See heading “Dropped” (b) for remarks if soldier is not dishonorably discharged, but held to serve out balance of legal enlistment. (4) If such soldier be held to service as of his fraudulent enlistment and is ordered to be dis¬ charged from his enlistment from which he deserted, he will be discharged from the organization from which he deserted and held to service as of the date and the name under which he fraudulently enlisted. (OVJSB) 104122—17-6 81 82 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. [Back.] MODEL REMARKS FOR MUSTER ROLLS—Continued. DISCHARGE. 1. Honorable. (a) Expiration of service.— Hon disch Aug 9/15, at Ft Jay, N Y, per ETS. Character: Excellent. Service honest and faithful. AWOL May 5 to 9/14 (or no AWOL). Absent fr duty Feb 5 to 10/15 under GO 45 wD 1914 (or no absence fr duty under GO 45 WD 19141. Retained in service to make good AWOL (or absence fr duty under GO 45 WD 1914. or for convenience of Government). ( b ) By Purchase.— Hon disch Dec 30/15, at Ft Jay, N Y, par 2 SO 95 E Dept 1915. Character: Excellent. Service honest and faithful. AWOL Apr 11 to Mav 10/15 (or no AWOL). Absent fr duty July 6 to 20/15 under G O 45 WD 1914 (or no absence fr dutv under GO 45 WD 1914). ( c ) By Order.— Hon disch Sep 30/15, at Ft Jay, N Y, par 15 SO 98 WD 1915. Character: Very good. Service honest and faithful. AWOL July 3 to 10/15 (or no AWOL). Absent fr duty Aug 12 to 20/15 under GO 45 WD 1914 (or no absence fr duty under GO 45 WD 1914). (d) On Surgeon's Certificate of Disability. —Hon disch Nov 30/15, at Ft Jay N Y, on SCD. Character: Good. Service honest and faithful. AWOL July 16 to 20/15 (or no AWOL). Absent fr duty Oct 16 to 30/15 under GO 45 WD 1914 (or no absence fr dutv under GO 45 WD 1914). 2. Discharge (Sec. 3, Par. 150, A. R.)—Disch Nov 8/15, at Ft Jay N Y, par 4 SO 21 E Dept 1915 (or SCD, or ETS). Character: (That which may have been recorded on discharge certificate.) Service j honest and faithful (or not honest and faithful). Is not recommended for reenlistment (stating the rea¬ sons therefor). AWOL Feb 3 to 10/15 (or no AWOL). Absent fr duty May 11 to 20/15 under GO 45 WD 1914 (or no absence fr duty under GO 45 WD 1914). 3. Dishonorable— Dishon disch Dec 20/15, at Ft Jay, N Y, per GCMO 378 E Dept 1915. Service not honest and faithful. Character: (That which may have been recorded on discharge certificate.) Ser¬ vice not honest and faithful. AWOL June 3 to 20/15 (or no AWOL). Absent fr duty Oct 21 to 30/15 under GO 45 WD 1914 (or no absence fr dutv under GO 45 WD 1914). (a) Dishonorable Discharge Suspended.— Tried by GCM and sentenced to be dishonorably discharged, etc., per GCMO 1812 E Dept 1915. Sentence of dishon disch suspended. In conf at. DROPPED. (a) Apprehended (or surrendered) May 20/14 as Martin Brown, who deserted Nov 2/12 fr — : -; con- Form No. 489, A. G. O. Ed. Aue. 9-16—50,000. victed of desertion and fraudulent enlistment and sentenced to be dishonorably discharged, etc. , GCMO 450, E Dept, 1914. Dropped fr records Julv 1 1/14 (b) Apprehended (or surrendered) May 20/14 as Martin Brown, who deserted Nov 2/12 fr-: held to serve out balance of his legal enlistment. Par 4 SO 75, WD, 1914. Dropped fr records July 1/14. (cl Discovered to be a deserter fr the Navy (or i Marine Corps) Aug 2/14. Dropped fr records Aug ! 20/14. Letter AGOWD Aug 17/14. (See par 133. i AR.) j INJURIES OR WOUNDS. Sick in PH Ft Jay, N Y, Aug 5 to 11/14 inc. In- i jured (or wounded) on target range Aug 4/14 LD (or not LD). i JOINING, DATE OF. (See “ Assignment,” “De- ' sertion,” ‘.Return from absence,” and “ Transfer.”) MEDAL OF HONOR. Awarded Medal of Honor for gallant and'meritor¬ ious conduct at the battle of San Juan, Cuba, Julv 2/11. GO 40, WD, 1914. (Note.—T o be noted only on first roll after receipt of notice of award.) RETURN FROM ABSENCE. (In cases of ab- i sence reported on last muster roll.) Returned fr leave (or furlough, or AWOL, or absent, sick, or confinement, or DS) Aug 25/14. RETIREMENT. Retired Aug 10/15, at Ft Jay, N Y, par 1 SO 125 WD 1915. SENTENCES. (a) Forfeit $5 SC May 5/14. (6) Forfeit $10 per mo for 6 mos and to be confined for same period fr Aug 2/14. GCMO 420, E Dept, 1914. TRANSFER. (a.) Transferred as Sgt fr Sgt Co B this Regt July 10/14. RSO 7,1914. Joined Sd. (b) Transferred as Pvt fr Sgt Co B this Regt Aug 15/14. RSO 40, 1914. Joined Aug 17/14. (c) Transferred to Co A 1st Inf Aug 20/14. Par 1, SO, 150 WD, 1914. (d) Furloughed and transferred to Army Reserve Dec 20/15, under GO. 11 WD 1913. Character: Excellent. Service honest and faithful. AWOL May 5 to 9/14 (or no AWOL). Absent fr duty Feb 11 to 20/15 under GO 45 WD 1914 (or no absence fr duty under GO 45 WD 1914). Retained to make good AWOL (or absence fr duty under GO 45 WD 1914). ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 83 13. PAY ROLLS. (To be superseded.) References .—General Order, No. 40, War Department, 1916; Army Regulations, 1913, paragraphs 116, 341, 345, 686, 687, 807-810, 1160. 1161, 1164. 1166, 1315. 1316, 1318, 1319, 1332, 1336-1341, 1345, 1357, 1370-1373. f i Was hington Barraoks, D.C.. _ Augu 3 t 31 f m 7 (Station.) (D at*.) I certify that this roll is made out as required by Army Regula¬ tions, and that the entries opposite each name arc-c.rrect andijust. Except as otherwise stated in "RemarltB,” each man whose name appears on this pay roll was last paid to ... 191 7 by <&£&*. QM, USA. John A. Dodd Cagt.Corg6afaigr9. Commanding Organization* ..m 7 (Date.) I certify that I have this day mustered this organization, and Gnd all present and absent are accounted for on this roll as required by Army" Regulations. _J.A. Wood... Colonel, Corps of Engineers / nsptct.nq and UMOinnt Offtc.T, I certify that I witnessed the payment ol this roll and that prior to the signing of this certificate ouch man received the amount set opposite nis name, with the exception of those men marked " Not paid.” JJorj* of Engr«. Commanding • ‘rganuation. Nor*.—This certificate to bo signed only on the copy of the pay roll which bears signatures of the man for payment In cash. I certify that this roll is a true copy of the roll upon which pay¬ ment, witnessed by me, was made, excepting as to tho signatures in the receipt column and tho certificate as to witnessing the payment thereof. Ce$it * Corps of Engr 3 •_ Commanding Organization. Note.—T his certificate to be signed only on the copy of the roll not receipted, and Which constitutes the quartermaster s retainod vouebar.’ 1 1 J J 0 DC < 1 I! 7 Oapt. K.B. 16 diver, QUO. 17 Prlvataa 18 Beckar, Bneil Hot 16A* 1 3a. Deserted at Wash Bfcs DO J'nne 4A 7 * Surr- 19 esdered at Wash Bka DO Aug 5A 7 » Zrled for 20 deaertlen and acquitted OClfO 60 B Dept Aog 21_ Aug 25 /lit Laat pd te May 3lA 7 *7 C*pt* K.B. 22_ Oliver# OKU 23 Howard, Our! A. May 14A& B 3b 0 Aug 1 to 31 A 7 # 81 day a, worked 5 24 Sundays. 25_ 3—2463 WAR DEPARTMENT. ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 89 Page JL 90 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL- NO. 2. Page ...8- NAMJE8, PRESENT AND ABSENT, AND RANK. WHEN ENLISTED. | h REMARKS. ! Privateo Continued 2 Miner, Everett B. &b« zfvi 2 Due Sol bonus for reenl. Former service« Enl 3 Aug z/lZi diach In US completion of 4 years 4 service Aug 2./\l fr Co "D" 5th Engrs as Pvt 5 lei* 1st Enl period. Pay due fr enl. 1 6 Kooky, Jerry Pet 14A5 2 Deserted at Wash Bks DC April 14A?» Appreh- 7 ended by CAuth and delivered at Ft. ifyer, Va, 8 July 31A^* $50 reward pd for apprehension 9 and d^llyejy* Due US at d*ite of desertion. 10 &«, $10.60* PE Wash Bke DC $5. Convicted of 11 desertion and sentd to be confined at hard 12 labor for 6 moa and forfeit 2/3 of hia pay 13 per mo for a like period GCM0 70 B Dept Aug 14 15/17. Last pd to Mch 31A 7 by Capt. K.B. 15 i Oliver, QMC. 16 Soraowflki, Asdrcvr M. Sen 22A6 1 Aasgd to Co Aug 14A7 B&A Card, Due IB Ft. 17 Slocum UY $3*80. Last pd to July 3lA 7 *>y 18 Capt* A,E. Jenckn, QMC, Tern, Joseph B» Ifch 31 As 1 Awcl fr Aug 4 to 7A7* Rd fr Pvt lcl to Pvt 20 0 24 Aug eA 7 » effective ad. 21 Weltzerj Jntoo. Deo 16A5 3 To be Ed fr Corp to grade of Prt and forfeit 22 2/3 of hie pay for 2 oos SC Aug 12/± , l» Due 23 USi Signal property $6*26 24 25 3— WAR DEPARTMENT. Form No. 366 a. Approved by the Comptroller of the Treasury February 16,1914. ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 91 Page 0 [For Use bt Accountin'! Cffu^cs anu,Whfm Necessat:*. rmi Notations nr Qcartf.o- $—2466 [TnzBE Columns m to* Um or Qcabtkbj*a0Tbb Only.) _mastlb and .ViTNMoir.o 0 > mclk ] Poet Laundry. Post Exchange. Allotments. Amount Dux. 6tOPPAO£3. Balance Paid. RECEIVED PAYMENT, IN CASH, OF jo. M. c. c. f & 0. E. 0 m. . Subs. Ord- n (Not to bo signed in duplicate*.). . ----- I i 2 Everett B. Miner 3 4 5 • 6 Jerry Mociyr 7 8 9 10 II 12 13 * 14 15 16 Andrew U » Sosna7gki . i. 17 !. 18 I 19 Joseph E. Vera 20 ...... 21 Anton Weitzer 22 23 — — ----- ----- ...... — ---- ----- 24 25 r 92 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL—NO. 2. Page.IQ— NAMES.PRESENT AND ABSENT^AND BANK. WHEN ENLISTED. it s* BKHARK8. 1 LOSSES 2 Discharged 3 Corporal 4 Ennis, 2?hotnas B. J'une 14 A 6 2 Honorably dlsch Aug Afll on SCD 2d Ind AGO 5 * WD Aug lA-7* 6 Privates 7 Wingate, William B. .. Mch 17A7 1 Disch Aug 26A7 under provisions of Par. 8 14&jr AR 1913. and 2d Ind B Dent Aue 23A7. 9 Walton, Wallace W. Deo 15^5 1 Dishonorably disch.at Ft* B^yer, Va. Ang ZZ/ll >10 forfeiting all pay and allowances due or to 11 become due and to be confined at hard labor 12 for 1 year GCMO 73 B Dept Aug 20 A 7 • Due 03 13 Wash BkB DC $4. Last pd to Apr 30A 7 by Capt 14 K.B. diver t QMC. 15 JFurloughed to Reserve 16 Privates 17 Perry, Claude E. Aug 9A3 1 Furloughed Amy Reserve Aug B/ll in accord- 18.__ ance with GO 11 WD 1913 as amended. 19 Glennen, James G. Jr. Dec 1SA& 1 Furloughed to Arny Reserve on aocount of 20 dependency of relatives, in lieu of disch 21 under section 29. Rational Defense Act,June 22 3/16 1 per auth 4th Ind WD AGO Bug 3A 7 * _ 23 . Furloughed Aug 9A 7 » 24 25 . 3—2486 WAR DEPARTMENT. Form No. :h>g a. Approved by the Comptroller of the Treasury February 10,1914. ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL—NO. 2. 93 Page-12 _ NAME3, FRE8ENT AND ABSENT, AND RANK. WHEN ENLISTED. s. II REMARKS. 1 transferred 2 Sergeant 1 . J .... 3 Graves, Bofbert A* Oct 14/L5 4 transferred as Pvt to Aviation Section, 4 Signal Corps, per SO 196 WD 1917. 0 received 5 at station of Sol Ang 9 /Yl. 6 Died 7 Private 1st Glass S Burres, Adam E* Apr 5A6 2 Aptd Pvt lei fr Pvt 0 21 Aug 1 A 7 , effective 9 si* Died at Walter ^eed General Hospital, 10 Eafeoma Park, D*C* Aug 25 A 7. in line of duty* 11 12 13 14 15 1 16 17 18 19 20 • 21 22 23 24 25 WAR DEPARTMENT. Form No. 366 a. Approved by the Comptroller of the Ttwaory February 16,1*14. 94 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. General Orders,1 War Department, No. 40. / Washington, August SO, 1916. The instructions for the preparation of Army pay rolls and authorized abbreviations published as Quartermaster Corps Form No. 70, and model remarks for Army pay rolls published as Quartermaster Corps Form No. 69, are hereby rescinded, and the follow¬ ing is published in their stead for the information of all concerned: INSTRUCTIONS FOR THE PREPARATION OF ARMY PAY ROLLS. 1. The pay rolls are not only the guide for the immediate payment of the troops interested, but when filed in the Treasury Department they become the record to which reference will thereafter be had in the investigation and settlement of claims or questions affecting the pay of the men whose names are borne thereon for the period involved. All officers are therefore enjoined to exercise every care to make the pay rolls with which they are concerned complete in every detail. 2. Composition of a Pay Roll. A pay roll will be made up of one copy of War Department Form No. 366 and as many forms 366a as may be necessary, fastened together along the edge indicated by sewing or by means of a stapling machine or other permanent fastening, but not by use of glue or mucilage. 3. Number of Copies and Disposition of Same. Pay rolls will be made out in triplicate, and dated from the first to the last day of the month. Two of the three copies (one being the signed roll) will be forwarded to the quartermaster and the third copy duly extended will be retained with the records of the organization. 4. Signing of Rolls. 4 Only one copy will be signed by the men, and when carbon copies are made the original will always be the copy to be signed. The roll to be signed will always be completed and fastened together before being signed. When it is known that pay¬ ment is to be made by check none of the rolls will be signed by the men. Only men who are to be paid will sign the roll; those who for any reason are not to be paid will not sign; if, however, in such case, the roll be inadvertently signed, the signature will be erased. In cases of stoppages equaling or exceeding the pay due, complete data will be carried to the next succeeding rolls until a sufficient amount of pay is due to satisfy all stoppages and leave a balance for the soldier. (See par. 15 below.) If for any reason a soldier whose name appears on the pay roll does not sign the roll and is not to be paid by check, a line will be drawn through the space intended for his signature. 5. Typewritten and Carbon Copies Authorized. The preparation of pay rolls on a typewriting machine is authorized provided a record ribbon is used. The making of carbon copies is also authorized, but they must be clear and legible throughout, and the original copy and the first carbon copy must be forwarded to the quartermaster, who will in turn forward the original copy, with his account current, to the Quartermaster General of the Army. Quartermasters will not be required to accept carbon copies that are not clear and legible throughout, and they are authorized to return illegible copies with request for legible ones. 6. Names to be Entered on Roll. The names of officers of the Regular Army will not be entered on the roll, but all enlisted men will be taken up thereon from the date of receipt of notice of their assign¬ ment, whether or not they have yet joined, and will be entered in the column “ Names, Present and Absent, and Rank,” in the following order: First, noncommissioned officers, in the order of the grade given in paragraph 9, Army Regulations, 1913, the names under each grade-heading appearing in the order of the dates of warrants; second, all others, except buglers, first-class privates, and privates in alphabetical order of grade; third, buglers; fourth, first-class privates; fifth, privates. The names of the men under each grade-heading, except noncommissioned officers, will appear alphabetically. Lance corporals will be carried under the heading of “First-class privates” or “Privates,” depending on the actual grade held ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 95 The names and the headings will follow one another without interval, except when made necessary by the use of two or more lines, in the column of “Remarks” after a name. Men on detached service will be carried on the roll of the organization to which they belong in their proper place with remarks showing them on detached service and place, if known. In all cases the last name will be written first, e. g., Smith, John A., and not John A. Smith. Care will be taken to have the names correctly spelled and the dates of enlistment correct, and the signatures must correspond exactly with the names in the column, “Names, Present and Absent, and Rank.” 7. Detachment Rolls. The names of men mustered for pay at stations where their companies or organiza¬ tions are not mustered may be borne on one consolidated pay roll. All detachment pay rolls for detachments composed of various organizations will show in a column ruled for that purpose the company, battery, troop, or other organi¬ zation to which each man belongs. 8. Ruling Extra Columns. The use of dots and the word “ditto” is prohibited, but when items of the same character, such as subsistence credit sales, clothing due United States, post exchange, and post laundry, are to be made against a sufficiently large number of men, columns may be ruled therefor in the space under “Remarks.” 9. By Whom and to What Date Paid. In the cases of soldiers who were last paid to a date different from that to which the organization was last paid, or by a different quartermaster, as shown by the certificate of the commanding officer on the first page, the date to which last paid and the name of the quartermaster will be stated against their names under “Re¬ marks.” 10. Column “Remarks”—Data Opposite Names. All data affecting a soldier’s pay will be entered in the column “Remarks” in the manner indicated under the caption “Model Remarks” below. Only such remarks as affect a soldier’s pay will be entered. Opposite the name of the person concerned will be carefully noted— (а) All changes of rank or grade. In case of appointment the number, date, and source of order will be stated; in case of reduction the date of receipt of order at sol¬ dier’s station will also be stated. (б) All authorized stoppages, fines, sentences, with number, date, and source of order. (c) All cases of absence of enlisted men without leave or absence sick without pay for one day or more. (d) All cases of confinement of one day or more by civil authorities and whether such prisoners have been held for trial, tried, or discharged without trial, and, when tried, whether acquitted or convicted, with dates of absence. ( e ) Everything else affecting the pay of every enlisted man, so as to insure justice to him and to the United States. As many lines as may be necessary to avoid crowding will be taken after each name, and only one line of written matter will be placed on one ruled line. When the matter is typewritten, remarks exceeding one line will be single spaced without regard to the ruled lines on the paper. 11. Clothing Account. For regulations concerning the settlement of a soldier’s clothing account, see paragraphs 1159-1169, Army Regulations, 1913. 12. Retention in Service Beyond Date of Enlistment. When soldiers are retained in the service with the colors to make good time lost, the cause of such retention must be stated. In case a soldier who must be kept in the service beyond the date of expiration of term of enlistment in order to make good time lost and is in confinement at or after date of expiration of term of enlist¬ ment, the date of restoration to duty status, if so restored, will be stated. 96 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL—NO. 2. 13. Changes Since Last Muster for Pay. (a) Names of men belonging to a command will be immediately followed by those of the men who have ceased to belong to it since last muster for pay. These will be classed in the following order: (1) Discharged, (2) furloughed to the reserve, (3) transferred, (4) died, (5) retired, (6) deserted, (7) missing. Under each heading the names will appear in the order prescribed in paragraph 6 above. ( b ) The character of discharge (honorably discharged, discharged, or dishonorably discharged) will be noted on the roll. (c) In these cases: (1) Desertion; (2) dishonorable discharge; (3) discharged for desertion; (4) missing; (5) and discharge, honorable discharge, or furlough to the reserve when the stoppages equal or exceed the amount due soldier; the soldier’s account will be stated in full, showing rank or grade, date to which last paid, and by whom. All stoppages and charges (special care being taken to note all dues to post exchanges, company fund, etc.), and credits for deposits, etc., and the balance due the United States or due the soldier on account of clothing, and when the desertion, discharge, or furlough occurs within the first six months of enlistment the money value of clothing drawn since enlistment must also be stated; also dates and places will be given, the number, date, and source of order or other authority. ( d ) In case of honorable discharge (except as prescribed in (c) above and ( e ) below), discharge or furlough (except as prescribed in (c) above), transfer, death, or retirement, only the rank or grade, the date of discharge, furlough, transfer, death, or retirement, and the number, date, and source of the order or other authority will be given. ( e ) The names of men who are discharged during the period covered by the pay roll and who reenlist in the same company during that time will be carried in the body of the roll only. 14. Deserters. The name of a soldier who has joined from desertion since last muster for pay will be placed in the body of the roll only. The following data will appear on the first roll: The same data that appeared on the rolls on which the soldier was dropped as a deserter; a statement of his new account opened after date of return to military control (the account at date of desertion and the account since return to military control being stated separately); the place and date of return to military control; and whether he was apprehended or surrendered. On subsequent rolls until the result of the trial has been published, or the case otherwise disposed of, will appear the remark, “Awaiting trial (or result of trial) for desertion. For statement of account, see rolls for-, 191—. ’ ’ On the rolls following the final disposition of the case will appear a complete statement of the soldier’s account at the date of such dis¬ position of the case, the ante-desertion and post-desertion accounts to be stated separately, including the number, source, and date of the order announcing his return to duty, or the result of the trial. The restoration to duty of a deserter by competent authority, namely, by the com¬ mander who would be authorized to direct that he be brought to trial, can be ordered only in case the desertion is admitted, and must not be confused with the removal (by the order of such commander or the War Department) of a charge of desertion erroneously entered on the rolls against a soldier. 15. When a soldier is not paid on a pay roll the organization commander must not attempt to settle the account by striking a balance between the undrawn pay and indebtedness, but the account as a whole must, except as provided'in paragraph 14, be carried forward to succeeding rolls until the quartermaster can collect all dues to the United States and pay a balance to the soldier. (See A. R. 1374, 1913.) 16. Where changes occur in a quartermaster’s figures in the “Balance paid ” column, the company commander or officer witnessing the payment must certify in the margin of the roll the amount actually paid the soldier. MODEL REMARKS FOR ARMY PAY ROLLS. 17. These model remarks are meant to cover only the more common cases. Cases arising not covered herein will be stated according to facts of record. Any pay or allowances that may have accrued during a previous enlistment can not be paid by a quartermaster, but a claim for same must be made on the Auditor for the War Department. ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL—NO. 2. 97 18. Absence. (a) In hands of civil authorities. —In hands CAuth fr Jan 10 to Feb 3/16, convicted (acquitted, released on bail, or released without trial). (b) Without leave. —Awol Jan 10 to 15/16. (1) Absence in the hands of civil authorities or without leave will be stated by dates of departure and return as above. The day of departure is a day of absence and day of return is a day of duty, without regard to hours, in case of enlisted men absent without leave or in hands of civil authorities. For example, “Awol Jan 10 to 15/16,” is an absence of five days, January 10 the day the soldier left post being a day of absence and January 15 the day he returned to post being considered a day of duty. Hours of departure and return will not be stated. An absence of less than 24 hours will not be entered on the pay roll. (c) Sick, not in line of duty, G. 0. 31, 1912, and 45, 1914 .—Sick, not LDGO 31/12 and 45/14, Jan 1 to 15/16, inc. (1) G. O. 31, 1912, requires the inclusive dates sick to be stated as distin¬ guished from the method of stating absence without leave indicated above. In deducting pay for time sick, quartermasters will treat the dates given as inclusive whether stated so or not. 19. Allotments. (а) Commencement. —Alot $12 per mo for 20 mos fr Jan 1/16 to Aug 31/17. (1) Allotments should begin with the first day of a month, except that no allotment will begin prior to date of current enlistment. (2) An allotment should be entered on the pay roll for the month in which it commences without waiting for any report from the Quartermaster General that the allotment papers have been received. (3) A soldier should not be allowed to allot his entire monthly pay, except for good reasons warranting such action, so that he may have at least a small balance due him each month to meet unforseen indebtedness. (б) Discontinuance .— (1) Alot $12 per mo for 20 mos fr Jan 1/16; almt discontd with Apr 30/17, letter QMG Apr 15/17. (2) Almt of $12 per mo for 20 mos fr Jan 1/16, collected to Aug 31/17, discontd with May 31/17, letter QMG June 15/17. Due Sol $36 deducted for almt for June, July, and Aug /17. (3) Discontinuances close on the last day of the month, unless a soldier deserts, severs his connection from active duty with the Army, or the allotment is discontinued before the end of the period of allotment. In all such cases his commanding officer will make immediate report direct to the Quartermaster General, as required by Army Regulation 1350, stating the date to which the allotment has been collected, and in case of desertion, discharge, furlough to the reserve, death, etc., the date thereof. (4) An allotment should not be entered on pay rolls subsequent to the expira¬ tion of the period for which the allotment was originally made, except when necessary to secure deduction or collection of the allotment for a month or months within such, period yet due. 20. Appointments. (а) Aptd Sgt fr Corp R O 10 Jan 15/16. (б) Aptd 1st Sgt fr Sgt O 5 Jan 10/16. (c) Aptd Ck fr Pvt O 6 Jan 10/16. (d) Aptd Corp fr Pvt O 7 Jan 20/16, under AR 275, the Co being absent from Regtl lq (or AR 256 or 271, with statement that the company or battalion is serving away from regimental headquarters). 21. Appointments Continued in Force. (a) Disch Jan 5/16 wrnt as Sgt contd. (b) Disch Jan 4/16 wrnt as Sgt and apmt as 1st Sgt contd. (c) Disch Jan 5/16 apmt as Ck contd. (d) Warrants and appointments may be continued only when reenlistment is accomplished within 20 days after discharge. 104122—17-7 98 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 22. Bonus For First Reenlistment. (а) Due Sol bonus for reenl. Former service: Enl Jan 3/13; disch in US (give reason) Jan 2/17 from Co A 1st Inf as Pvt 1st enl period; SbO at date of disch drawing 35tatra Army. Form No. 52S, A. O. O. Ed. Feb. 23-17—60.000. • Insert grade and company and regiment or corps or department; c. g.." Corporal, Company A, 1st Iqfantry;" “Sergeant. Quartermaster Corps;” •’Sergeant, First Class. Medical Department." t Insert ** Regular Army." " Volunteer Army.” ’* Regular Army Reserve.” or ” Enlisted Reserve Corps, as the case may be. 1 If discharged prior to expiration of service, give number, date, and souroe of order or description of authority therefor. 3—3164 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL—NO. 2. 105 ENLISTMENT RECORD. ttd. . Grade Enlisted Serving in ... ..,.. . enlistment period at date of discharge. Prior service: * . Noncommissioned officer Marksmanship..gunner qualification or rating: ^4^7 /T6?^ , Horsemanship: . Battles, engagements, skirmishes, expeditions: _ S.. 106 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 14b. DISCHARGE. Hmrfjari^ from % States Army. ft M L& mOG8 If HJV? ®0G3@BM« Form No. S26, A. G. O. • Insert grade and company and regiment or corps or department; c. g.."Corporal, Company A. 1st Infantry;" "Sergeant, Quartermaster Corps;" Ed. Feb. 23-17—10,000. "Sergeant, First Class. Medical Depaftmont." t Insert " Regular Army," " Volunteer Army." " Regular Army Reserve," or " Enlisted Reserve Corps," as tho cose may be. } State fully aetual cause of discharge, giving number, date, and source of order or description of authority therefor. 3—31*3 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 107 ENLISTMENT RECORD. Name Serving in . J&jLJl. . Prior service: * . enlistment period at dale of discharge. Noncommissioned officer: . Marksmanship, gunner qualification or rating: J-C Horsemanship: . Battles, engagements, skirmishes, expeditions:'y. Knowledge of any vocation: Wounds received in service: Physical condition when discharged: zrrg7&.. Typhoid prophylaxis completed ...,. Paratyphoid prophylaxis completed Married or single Character: Remarks: WiQk&C. Signature of soldier: Is not recommended for reenlistment . 108 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL—NO. 2. 14c. DISHONORABLE DISCHARGE. 4 V # * % ❖ To ciTI mhom it mag concern: This is to ffiertifg, S7J-. \ <=>*-.-*» « .C.Q J . "D". 5tfcL._Engr8-.-~ who died at ? 0 _S_t„Ho_Sp_. S&Shir^tQXi.JBkSijJXi: on AuEUJBLts-.JLi_ y \9\ Hy by reason of Strangulate d- . _ i&e s_e_n t e_r ic~ Hexnia_ and was buried at.:.. . No. of grave ARTICLES. NO. It Bf waist 3 Box, 8cap ! 1 Box,buttcms i Breeches,cotton O.D. 3 Breeches, wool, 0,1). 5 Brush,gun 1 1 Brush,hair j l Brush,shaving ! i Brush,shoe i Brush,tooth i Cap,O.D, i Cap,Dress i Coats,O.D.wool 5 Cellars,issue 2 Comb 1 Cord,breast 1 drawers,canton flannel 1 Drawers ,J ean,prs . 2 Expert pin i Gloves 2 Gloves,riding 1 Gloves,wool,O.D. 3 & Porm.No.34, a. o. JEd. JulyS~W—2S,0C (Triplicates.) UmoD ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 117 i ARTICLES. NO. Gun rag 1 Hood,overcoat 1 Housewife 1 Knife,pen 1 Lac e s,leggins,prs. 6 Laces,shoe,prs. l Matches, boxes Package,letters,envelopes n & photos i Paste,tooth l Pipe l Pipe cleaners,package l Polish,shoe l Powder, talc uifc l Oil,gun,bottle l Shaving mug l Shaving soap l Shirts,O.D. 2 Shoes,tan,prs. 3 Shoes,gymnasium,prs• 1 Shoes,civilian,prs• Snuff,boxes 1 2 Stockings,cotton,prs. 4-1/ Stockings, wool, light ,-prs, 10 Testament 1 Tie 1 Towels,bath 2 Towels,hand 2 Trousers,denim 1 Trousers,dress 1 Undershirts,cotton 3 Undershirts,woolen l Whisk brooru l 118 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 1 Specie_ $_ Notes_$_ I certify that the foregoing inventory comprises all the effects oi C o rp_o r al _ Wi 1J, i wa_. A deceased, and that the effects are in the hands of _.Coiciuanding...Qff iaex^Go..."U"5-t3bL-Eng at ..Wa.@jaingt.Qxx.Baxr.6Ci:a*P.C Jl ... to be disposed of as prescribed in Army Regulations* Qo*~ . A . &vJJ, . Cap.tfiin,.Cex£8...of.-EngxjB Commanding C_0- #:* t&EDgSTS . la8hix!gt©n__Baxrac J ka^P. C. I Station.) August 21_, j 9 j 7 _ (DaV.) ' ™ Form No. 34, A. Q. O. Ed. July 8-16—25,000. J^OVER.) V—15S ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 119 INSTRUCTIONS. 1. In the case of the death of any soldier, it shall be the duty of his immediate commander to secure his effects and to prepare the inventory required by the 126th' Article of War, according to prescribed form, and to notify nearest relative of the fact of death. Duplicates of the inventory, with final statements, will be forwarded directly to The Adjutant General of the Army. (Par. J62, A. R.)—[A third copy of the Inventory will be retained by the officer .] 2. Officers charged with the care and custody of the effects of deceased soldiers arc required, under the provieions of the 127th Article of War, to deliver the same, or the net proceeds thereof, to the legal representatives of the deceased. Should the effects of a deceased soldier not be claimed within a reasonable time, they will be sold by a council of administration under the authority of the post commander, and the proceeds transferred to the commander of the company to which the deceased belonged, by whom they will be deposited with a paymaster to the credit of the United States. (Par. 163, A. R.) 3. In all cases of a sale by a council of administration a detailed statement of the proceeds, duly certified by the council and commanding officer, will accompany the paymaster's receipt forwarded by the company commander to The Adjutant Gen¬ eral of the Army. The statement will be indorsed : ** Report of the p.-oceeds of the effects of__ late of company___regi¬ ment of_who died at_, the __day of __ t _..." (Par. 164, A. R.) 4. The accounts of deceased soldiers are settled by the Auditor for the War Department, and the following is the order of distribution provided for by the act cf Congress approved June 30, 1906 (34 Stat. L., 75C): Where the amount due the decedent's estate is less than five hundred dollars and no demand is presented by a duly appointedJegal representative-of the estate, the accounting officers may allow the amount found due to the decedent's widow or legal heirs in the following order of precedence: First, to the widow; second, if the decedent left no widow, or the widow be dead at the .time of settlement, then to the children or their issue, per stirpes; third,if no widow or descendants, then to the father and mother in equal 4 , provided the father has not abandoned the suppert of his family, in which #to the mother alone; fourth, if either the father or mother be dead then to the one surviving; fifth, if there be no widow, child, father, or mother at the date of settlement, then id the brothers and sisters and children of deceased brothers and sisters, per stirpes: Provided, That this act shall r.ot be so construed as to prevent payment from the amount due the decedent's estate of funeral expenses, provided a claim therefor is presented by the person or persons who actually paid the same be¬ fore settlement by the accounting officers. When che amount due,to the decedent's estate exceeds the sum of fivs*hundr«d dollars legal administration of the estate is necessary. Officers are advised that, in the cases of single men, it is a safe rule to dispose of the effects as prescribed in paragraph 163 and leave the responsibility of distribution to the Treasury Department. (Par. 166, A. R.) 5. When the effects of a deceased soldier have been destroyed, or there are no effects, the facts will be fully set forth on the form for inventory of effects. 120 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 17b. REPORT OF DEATH AND DISPOSAL OF REMAINS. Reference —Army Regulations, 1913, paragraphs 162£, 163. - : Wa^i^tOEL-Bar racks _^ (Station.) .Aug. ., 191 7 (Date.) The Adjutant General of the Army. I hereby report the death of the person named on the reverse side of this slip and the disposal of his remains as indicated thereon. .Colon* 1. .4,. Brown,. 5th Engineers. Commanding. (See G. O., No. 67, War Department, April 19, 1910.) ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL- NO. 2, 121 _.Maaon v . '£ ..William..A...... (Surname of deceased.) (Christian name.) Corporal. Co. "P " - 5th Bngrs... (Rank and organization; if civilian, capacity and department in which employed.) .August. 13*. .191.7..... (Date of death.) Eos.t..Eosp.ital f ..Washington _Barrac}cs JL „JX5._.. (Place of death.) S.tranguilat ed_ Me sent e r ic Hernia. (Cause of death.) August 17^1917.. (Date of burial.) ....Ha,—49^372..ArlJJigt.on..Cemetery (No. and locality of grave, or other disposal of remains.) -Single -.. ^Married or single.) (If married, name and address of widow.) Remarks: REPORT OF DEATH AND DISPOSAL OF REMAINS. Fobm No. 415—A. G. O. Ed. Oct. 30-16—25,000. 3—631 122 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL- NO. 2, 18. MILITARY CORRESPONDENCE. NOTES ON MILITARY CORRESPONDENCE. Headings , subject, and number of letter .—The letter will begin with the place and date; below this, beginning at the left margin, will come the word “from, ” followed by the official designation of the writer, or in the absence of any official designation, the name of the writer with his rank and regiment, corps, or department; below this, also beginning at the left margin, will come the word “to,” followed by the official designation or the name of the person addressed. Next will come the subject of the communication, indicated as briefly as possible and in not to exceed 10 words. The words “from,” “to,” and “subject” will begin on the same vertical line. The send¬ ing office number of the communication will appear in the upper left-hand corner. In case of letter paper, the upper third, and in case of foolscap, the upper fourth of the sheet, will be devoted solely to the matter described above. Body .—Then will come the body of the letter, which, when typewritten, will be written single spaced, with a double space between paragraphs, which will be num¬ bered consecutively. Signature. —The body of the letter will be followed by the signature. If the rank and regiment, corps, or department of the writer appear at the beginning of the letter, they will not appear after his name; but if they do not appear at the beginning of the letter, they will follow under his name. Omission of ceremonial forms .—All ceremonial forms at the beginning and end of letters, such as, “Sir,” “I have the honor,” “I would respectfully,” “Very respect¬ fully,” etc., wall be omitted. Use of only one side of sheet .—Only one side of the paper will be used, the writing beginning about 1 inch from the top. Office marks .—The stamps bearing office numbers will be placed on the back of the lower fold of the first sheet. The received and received back stamps will be placed immediately below the body of the letter, and, in the case of indorsements, imme¬ diately after the proper indorsement. When a communication of two or more sheets is filed, the back of the lower fold of the first sheet will be on the outside, thus exposing to view the office numbers. Brief .—The matter described under “Heading, subject, and number of letter” will constitute the brief of the letter. Inclosures. —All inclosures will be numbered and wall be given the proper office marks. Inclosures will be noted on the communication as shown on the model. Indorsements. —The writing width of indorsements will be the same as that of letters. The first indorsement will begin about one-half inch below the rank after the signature of the writer of the letter, and succeeding indorsements will follow one another serially, with a space about one-half inch between indorsements. The serial number of the indorsement, the place, the date, and to whom written, will be shown as in the model. Should one or more additional sheets be necessary for indorsements, sheets of the same size as the letter will be used. Numbering of pages. —The pages, beginning with the first, will be numbered mid¬ way about one-half inch from the bottom. In referring to an indorsement by number the number of the page will also be given. Thus “5th Ind., page 3 ”. Carbon copies. —All letters and indorsements that are typewritten, except letters of transmittal, reports of taking leave of absence, periodical reports, and other communi¬ cations of a similar nature, will be made with two carbon copies; one copy will be retained for the records of the office in which the letter was written, and the other will be forwarded with' the communication for the files of the first office in which a complete copy of the communication is required for the records, but such copy will not be regarded as an inclosure. ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 123 Correspondence book .—The correspondence book is issued by The Adjutant General’s Office. In this book is entered with ink or indelible pencil a brief of each item of correspondence in respect to which a record is necessary and a notation of the action taken thereon. Each item will be numbered from one forward continuously and without break for any new year. A space of three lines will be left below each entry for use in continuing the record. Each item will be indexed under its subject, and when necessary under the name of the writer and names of persons mentiohed therein. The index entries will bear numbers corresponding to those of the items. The corre¬ spondence book will be supplemented by a “Document file.” The papers of the file will be numbered to correspond with the number of the items and of the index entries, and will be filed according to their serial numbers. The files will contain the original documents or communications when these are retained, and carbon or other legible copies of all letters, indorsements, or telegrams sent with regard to same. When more than one paper pertaining to the same item is placed on file, the papers will be placed in an envelope, if practicable, and the number of the item noted thereon. 124 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. MODEL FORMS. [CORRESPONDENCE MODEL.—G. O. 23,1912.] 2039 Company B, 40th Infantry, Tort William*H. Seward, Alaska, July 19, 1912. Prom: The Commanding Officer, Co. B, 40th Inf. To: The Adjutant General of the Army. (Through military channels.) Subject: Philippine campaign badge, Corporal John Doe. Inclosed are lists in duplicate of enlisted men of Company B, 40th In¬ fantry, entitled to the Philippine campaign badge. John A. Brown, 2 Inels. Capt., 40th Inf. 824 1st Ind. Hq. Pt. William H. Seward, Alaska, July 19, 1912 - To the Comdg. Gen., Dept; of the Columbia. S. P. T., 2 Inels. COl., 40th Inf., Comdg. (Stamp) Rec'd Dept.- Columbia, July 27, 1912. 2d Ind. Hq. Dept’. Columbia, Vancouver Bks., Wash., July 28, 1912 - To the Comdg. Gen., Western Division. A. P. R., 2 Inels. Brig. Gen., Comdg. (Stamp) Rec'd Western Div., July 30, 1912. ( 1 ) Sept. 24 % Sept. 14. Aug. 6.. July 31.. Jul. 19 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL—NO. 2. 125 .. * *..♦ HEADQUARTERS. • 824 Ft. Wra. Seward, Alaska. .HEADQUARTERS. 8043 I i i Western Division D JOT ANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, 1942286 I < I War Department. .HEADQUARTERS .. c 79935 c r Philippines Division .HEADQUARTERS. 3467 r 0 r Dept* Mindanao. Incl. 1 126 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL— NO. 2. ..HEADQUARTERS o* H 824 K CM r*4 O* >» S Ft* Wm* H* Seward, Alaska* ..HEADQUARTERS. 8043 cm H cr> Western Division ADJUTANT GENERAL*S OFFICE, « • 1942286 War Department , * *.HEADQUARTERS 79935 Philippines Division , * ♦ .HEADQUARTERS 3467 4-3 g* co CM H5 o> CM CO Dept. Mindanao* CM O 1, Incl. -12th* Xn&.j total 5 1. Incl. withdrawn - 11th Ind$ total 4. 3 Incls* - 7th Ihd.; total 5 2 Incls, of S', ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL—NO. 2. 127 3d Ind. 8043 Hq. Western Division, San Francisco, Cal., July 31, 1912—To The Adjt. Gen. of the Army, Washington, D. C. Arthur E. Green, Col., Gen. Staff, in absence of the Division Commander. 2 Incls. (Stamp) Rec’d A. G. 0., Aug. 5, 1912. 4th Ind. 1942286 War Dept., A. G. O., Aug. 8, 1912—To the C. 0., Co. I, 50th Inf., through the Comdg. Gen., Philippines Division. 1. Information is requested as to whether the records of the company show that Corporal Doe served in the field against hostile natives on the Island of Panay during July, 1907. 2. The early return of these papers is desired. By order of the Secretary of War: Thomas H. Smith, Adjt. Gen. 2 Incls. (Stamp) Rec’d Phil. Div., Sept. 14, 1912. 5th Ind. 79935 Hq. Philippine Division, Manila, P. I., Sept. 15, 1912—To the C. O., Co. I, 50th Inf. through the Comdg. Gen., Dept, of Mindanao. 2 Incls. (Stamp) Rec’d Dept. Mind., Sept. 24, 1912. 6th Ind. 3467 Hq. Dept, of Mindanao, Zamboanga, P. I., Sept. 25, 1912—To the C. 0., Co. I, 50th Inf., Camp Keithley, Mind., P. I., through the Post Commander. 2 Incls. To the C. 0., Co. I, 50th Inf. (Stamp) Rec’d Co. I, 50th Inf., Sept. 26, 1912. 7th Ind. Co. I, 50th Inf., Camp Keithley, Mind., P. I., Oct. 4,1912—To the Comdg. Gen., Dept, of Mindanao, through the C. O., Camp Keithley, P. I. 1. Inclosed are extracts from the post orders and morning report of this company, which contain all that there is of record regarding the service of Corporal Doe re¬ ferred to herein. Inclosed also is affidavit of Corporal Jones as to Corporal Doe’s service. 2. It is believed that the records of the headquarters, Department of Mindanao, may contain the information desired. Edward French, Capt., 50th Inf., Comdg. (3 Incls. added.) 5 Incls. 128 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 8th Ind. Hq. Camp Keithley, Mind., P. I., Oct. 5, 1912—To the Comdg. Gen., Dept, of Mind. 5 Incls. A. C. D. (Stamp) Rec’d back, Dept. Mind., Oct. 6, 1912. Maj., 50th Inf., Comdg. 9th Ind. 3467 Hq. Dept, of Mindanao, Zamboanga, P. I., Oct. 12, 1912—To the Comdg. Gen., Philippines Division. There is nothing on file at these headquarters bearing on the service of Corporal Doe referred to herein. William Jones, Brig. Gen., Comdg. 5 Incls (Stamp) Rec’d back, Phil. Div., Oct. 23, 1912. 10th Ind. 79935 Hq. Philippines Division, Manila, P. I., Oct. 24,1912—To the Comdg. Gen., Dept, of Mindanao, with directions to withdraw the affidavit of Corporal Jones, it being proposed to inclose an affidavit from Sergeant Blank, who is on duty at these head¬ quarters and who is prepared to furnish a more complete affidavit than that fur¬ nished by Corporal Jones. By command of Major General White: Andrew Brown, Adjt. Gen. 5 Incls. (Stamp) Rec’d back, Dept. Mind., Nov. 3, 1912. 3467 11th Ind. Hq. Dept, of Mindanao, Zamboanga, P. I., Nov. 4,1912—To the Comdg. Gen., Philip¬ pines Division, the foregoing directions having been complied with. William Jones, Brig. Gen., Comdg. (Incl. 5 withdrawn.) 4 Incls. (Stamp) Rec’d back, Phil. Div., Nov. 15, 1912. 79935 12th Ind. Hq. Philippines Division, Manila, P. I., Nov. 16, 1912—To the Adjutant General of the Army, inviting attention to the preceding indorsements and to the accom¬ panying inclosures. James 0. White, Maj. Gen., Comdg. (1 Incl. added.) 5 Incls. (Stamp) Rec’d back, A. G. O., Dec. 23, 1912. ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 129 List of enlisted men of Company B , 40th Infantry, entitled to Philippine campaign badge. Name. Present rank. When badge was earned. Rank. Organization. Served in P. I. between John Doe. Corpl. Pvt. I, 50th Inf. Isld. of Panay, 1907. I certify that the above-named enlisted man of this organization is entitled to the Philippine campaign badge for service as indicated. John A. Brown, Capt., 40th Inf., Gomdg. Co. B. EXTRACT FROM POST ORDERS. Hq. Post of Dulog, Panay, P. I., Sept. 1, 1907. ******* 2. Company I, 50th Infantry, will march at daybreak to-morrow morning to Panalid. Full field equipment and rations for ten days will be taken. ******* By order.etc. EXTRACT FROM MORNING REPORT OF COMPANY I, 50TH INFANTRY. * * * Ten men under Lieutenant.were sent out on the morning of August 5, 1907, to disperse hostile natives at. Affidavit of Sergeant Blank showing that Corporal J. Doe served with him in en¬ gagements against hostile natives on the Island of Panay P. I., in 1907. 104122—17-9 130 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 19a. COMPANY RETURN. Reference .—Army Regulations, 1913, paragraphs 811-819. S §|8 |8m JsS®* 3“is !I!i '|lgg lies © © M in .8 O-J O.A t.= S® C,c3 i-j3 8-tf^ £Ho a I sgt fl! O g-cJ! 511 pg •3 9a §-° a sir ©!==•§ 3 -8*|3 O © O =lila is I stii g£j ff Ttti •£ -X ■ /i^'rV iKSra 3 a s o m •sexnjfj •©iqp&DjAJWTjm CM •©iqooopuog ‘PTM 10 •uopoo nj 3ujS9u^[ uopjcrB nj popnno^ 6« gi 03 O *aom po*Bn a a 3* vo •—l •bjoo®q fe a 2 P B m P fc B TOTAL. 163 1 « ◄ •^ootnjJBd -«(I oqi jnoqii^ Within the Dept. ««HO JOjI CM '©OIAJ98 poqoojop uq rH 091 to ro fi B 0 s R 0 TOTAL. v* H 55 W 9 •}a©anj*d •ea ®q* ^oqiiAi 1 •^norenJiid -9a «m uftfcjAi 1 LN3I33H © Ss I I a * a s J; * 2 a s a *= K -~ S? C5 1 s ^ its *§ l s -ca "a-a °(e I! M *aONOB i»nra -pauajnraiX . T»JD»S 1 •jepjo Tg TTOO, ©ouoiuooXa rH •^mq -OTJP JOJ .‘OOf ■A JOB JO uopuijdrd M fc 5‘ Total. CD •UOIJ -josop mcuj rH •j.jsatjj Xg rH •todep maij g)nu39^ •o •poiojiuoon rH •petsnna LOSS. 1 PIED. •010 *000081 p JO *aoipon| poAieooj opcnOM jo 'OOIIOB at P9ITTTI •poatjoj JO p0JJ9J9aiU£ -• •poflflfinata •ponSiwg o •jojstren jo ‘taetrriniodd. ‘nofjomoad ig Form No. so. a. o. o. Captains Corps of Engineers OFFICERS, PRESENT AND ABSENT, ACCOUNTED FOR BY NAME. ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 131 RETURN OF Company "TT» 5tfr BftgimttTTh of TtncrinBa-ra (Organisation.) (Regiment.) _EEE_^ I ?! ?!"■. If * ii iisfii i ?if M ias °5»l®es 5« Is ill Jo i |9 ©•fi jC 03 S m 2 © a ^T jQ ^ £3 t*© ® 2=3 £ © ssi«S o«'g x-9 j*i# s if gs e - *'Sr =- ® Illllll! If 5 ii II 1 bO Tj ■g ®0| |f £ 4 5*3 si ill SI I- §52 Z |,-g iS iji ^ n 'Q * 8 g io is* O Sd. 2. >, £'£ William Hnge, Jr. lat Lt it Company B. AhRAnt ; i Mnnnn M. Patrick Colonel ■I D.S. at Washington BarTaoks. D.C. g HJowTiarn H 1 *. Harmum MAlnr tt Comda. 2nd Bn. D.S. Washington Bis. DC 7 Wilhnrn W. Homlnriinn 1st Lt. ,i Co. A. D.S. at Marfa.Texas. ‘ ; 1 '***',•■ /.-»■ i* -* *V,, . / ■* 11 * t <-■ Y i suet.n-r <*'A — >.». <* ■ y ■ s-1 SJ.*, ix^Zi.r-y c—" 1- ' /. —' C --- ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 133 F}ELD RETURN of lat Baylnmt tT. 3. Saglnsors , for April 10? 1917? _ » 191 Note 1.— When the command is composed of different organizations or parts of different | regiments, the troops will be reported on separate lines^.by regiments; if of the same regiment, by companies; if coast artillery organizations, on separate lines, by com¬ panies. When this form is used by divisions, troops wlB be shown by brigades; If by field armies, by divisions; and if by department or army, by field armies. A recapitulation will be made at the foot of the sheet, showing separately each arm of the service, viz: Staff, engineers, cavalry, artillery, infantry. All officers and enlisted men attached will be accounted for, but not Included in any of the totals or aggregates* When additional space is necessary another blank will be attached. § § i I | 55 OFFICERS. ENLISTED MEN. < S i E < E • 1 1 | 5 j_ 5 a Absent. I j j Absent. 1 4 i* ? | Without the 1 3 ! i 1 |I s' j [ STATIONS. COMMANDING OFFICER. TROOPS. P.S.&Hq.De ■, l 3 2 2 4 20 is fi 43 Co. A. 2 l S Aft 1 2fi 106 T.1mit» .T.U.Willfl Co.R. 2 2 fla 1 21 *08 ■nth -Wlrn .tl-C. Attanhftd M«id. Coot 1 1 3 5 Grdnanoa D ip? 2 ? 3 3 1 Raksry Co. fn.,1 38 7 4$' _ Mad,Deut. 1 1 1 Total, I 6 2 l 9 j 183 17 54 254 Horses: Serviceable, 7Z ; unserviceable, ; lost in action, died, etc., Mttlea 81 Mules: Serviceable, ; unserviceable, ; lost in action, died, etc., ' Wagons: t r ' " ' Pieces of Artillery: Effective Strength: Officers, : ; enlisted men, 1 ' (Effective strongth will be reported only in campaign, and in determining such strength only those who are available for service in line of battle will be Included. Officers and enlisted men who are sick or disabled, are on duty in any of the staff or supply departments, or for any other reason are not available in line of battle, will be excluded.) RECORD OF EVENTS. Note 2.—Actions in which any portion of the command has been engaged, scouts, marchos, changes of stations, and anything of interest, will be carefully noted, with dates, places, and distances marcheil or travoled. 03—377 Begtl. Hq. lat Bn. Hq. & Go. A & B. loft Camp Brownsville, TaxaB, April 4, 11.30 A.M. Left Brownsville 1.30 P.M. enroute to Washington, D.C. per S.O. 88, H.S.D. March 30/17, arrived Washington, D.C, 7.30 A.H. April 11, 1817. Bouts traveled*0.3.L. Houston, T & B.7. Corsicana. St L.S.W. St. Louia.Penn.to destination. Animals watered fed and exercised every 24 hourB. Distance 2300 miles. Bakery Co. No. l.crBined at Harlingen, Texas, April 4/17, S.O. 3 Hq. 1st Prov. Inf. Div. March 29/17. 134 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. P W 20a. REPORT OF KNOWN DISTANCE RIFLE FIRING. References .—Army Regulations, 1913, paragraphs 349-351, 353, 1345; Small Arms Firing Manual. REPORT OF INDIVIDUAL CLASSIFICATION IN RIFLE PRACTICE OF company ”D"._5«i. Engineers,,_ (Organization.) ...WasMng 1 t-Qn.J 5 .ks_ .....JnneSO _, 191 8 (Station.) (Date.) SUMMARY. Number of Commissioned Officers. Number of Enlisted Men. Expert riflemen, 3 2 15 Sharpshooters. 2 R 39 Marksmen. 1 7 59 First-class men. 1 14 Second-class men. 11 Unqualified. 1 14 INSTRUCTIONS. 1. This report will be prepared by the company commander. 2. Where the regiment is serving together, the company commander will for¬ ward the report to the battalion commander, who, after verifying it from the company target records will forward it to the regimental commander. Where a battalion is serving away from regimental headquarters, but in the samp territorial department, the battalion commander will forward the report through' the post commander to the regimental commander. If the regimental headquarters is in a different department, the battalion commander will forward .the report, through his post commander, to the regimental commander, and, in •addition, will forward aouplicate through the post commander to the commander of the department in which he is serving. Where a company is serving away from thfe other companies of the battalion the report will pe forwarded to the commanding officer of the post where the company is stationed, who will verify it from the company target records, certify, to its correctness, and forward it to the commanding officer of the battalion to which the company belongs. A duplicate of the report will be forwarded to the commander of the department in which the company is serving, in the manner indicated in the preceding section in the case of a battalion, if the regimental headquarters is not serving in the.same department. 3. Whenever, under the foregoing, a duplicate will be required, it will be the duty of the company commander to prepare it, dnd it should accompany the original to thq post commander. • 4 . The regimental commander will include the figures of this report in his consolidated report. He will forward the report itself with the consolidated report to the department commander if the company is serving in the- same territorial department as the headquarters of the regiment; otherwise it will be filed at regimental headquarters. 5. The report will contain the names of all officers and enlisted men qualifying as expert riflemen, sharpshooters, and marksmen in the practice season for which the report is rendered. The names of officers so qualifying will be entered first and will be ruled off from the remainder of the report. The names of the enlisted men who so qualified will be entered in groups according to classification. No entry will be made of the names of thosaenlisted men who did not qualify in the -practice season covered by the report, but who are entitled to classification, and additional pay therefor, as a result of a qualification attained in a prior season in the same enlistment, nor of the names of those who are ffelow the grade of marksman. 6. In the summaiy will be entered the number df officers and enlisted men entitled to. be classified as expert riflemen, sharpshooters, marksmen, first-class men and second-class men, and the number unqualified. 7. Officers and enlisted men attached to a company for practice will be noted in red ink, separately. Form No. 307, A. G. O. Ed. Sept. 26-16—40,000. 3—2348 (OVEE.) ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL- NO. 2. ] 35 in: : a ! «oi co i>; J>! u tj $ IQ j wi «o irf ioj LQ! U CM cv? CM ^ CM CM| C 4. *? CM a? I eo! *3 a S CO! r-< . 4 o* CO! 3 l col Si 3 1 „ 4 1 CO rH| •] 1 *H! - | - I 4 » ! I «! ! H s 3 f 3 ! * M CM lO! H h ! •} < 4 CM! CM I «Oj rHj H h *! i td > si j 2 1 1 fill l|i 4 n *44 ^ ^ « q w: W VI oa to to !• * • OS W ‘-P -P—-P —■** -Pj o? J J 0>' o i o rJ H 6! & el q o Q o £ ij iji h p < h rf d o Q 0 4 4fj q a H w f 1 ! csl 1 oi e* o> 0 y\ Crt of cr> r—a HI iH H !* Hi r- K *5*- ' i 4 4 -i i I 4 >* 1 1 A 1 i i i i 1 • Si i Sj ej tn | tO; «? a h4—pc * x P p t -p 4-> P 1 > > i > > l P* a, 1 a, i rH rH i h H r~ i O o ! o O! CJ 1 % -p d c O V3 CJ H a> rH >" S3 CJ c iu & 15 £ rH j_, CJ 1 ? a oi > CJ 1 Sw 1 ! t K «& xJ C ) X I Oi •H a r& >■ M ! H 1 c i £4 M o CO T>. i •rj 1 -C [ u CO « ft. 2 w P2 : pa ■ cr I t£> 00 cr> 3 ! d | H c> o £2 a k w i» ■3 § Q> o •H H> oi >t ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 1 cri cd GO CO CO CO CO; i H cd cd Sf g r-Hfi 1-1» i—i r-t\ rH rH rHi r-4 rHi r-{ r-J mj <7>i o% OV O'. &i of o>j OT( f* r-j H 05 O r-Hj pH] i—< i—fj rH rH *—t; r-i i —l! *» l i i ! ! 4 | 4. '7 CJ* a>] CM] CM C-i CT> t- CM; c-i rHi cm! ^ *3 1 *s '—+ rH; (—1 rH; rH rH *^{ H p—4 rHj «~i 1 jg *s ft >1 !> i >4 !>) >1 4 1 ft ft ft ft ai sj Si cj cd; cj 2 S cj S si I Cji ssi <2 » :§. A 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 Ld in 1 , CO CO| Oi | i 1 1 1 I j 1 co i ! ! j coi 1 j CM cr* coi CO coi CM CM! CM] CM! CM CM! CM! CM CM! CM CM! CM! CM! CM cd f 3 A “P-P -P —pi—pi—Pi—Pr S >1 >1 X >i > > fa, CL, fa ^ W fa rd rH rH rd H d ft 6 | o o o; 4 o q -pj Td 4 4 p c/j rH rH +j| -P! 'd 4 1 A A +s > i H fa CL p~t o tJ u a) a r til f •r-il *xJ Q>. & Cxi K 'til d cs P «4 4 a k w oj a) ^ o OTl «j 4 cd .3 r—i rH d os 4 -Pi -Pi oi a Qi «■ Oi ai d H! 4 oi al I Qi 8 4 3 i d cj I* 54 Qi P d 4 •H r-f Q h ») a> nj •H a Wi a> # «l s* o » #-> ^ «S •*H a>i a> +3 PS ^ 4 ^ ^ i H 4 3 4 i co| 137 138 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. to toi ■4 cnl cjii 04 H H i l i i t>l t4 CM! Oi\ H H H ,H i sf S| III cb 03 oi cr> c4 c*- £ it % Mi i i i i i i i i ^ i ^ i M if ~Tf Sf 5* > ^ ^ ft* r-4 »-H Cf 05 o -p; -a c CM 3 CJ)| ■Hj A '4 >—44 Sf J* ^ CM X > CUJ A, H rt j "i r-jl r- J 3 3 ^ °l °i ^ « -H >» 4 ^ y ^ + 3 ! 1 Q Cl Ci c3 «m! r-i ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. . ! fc- 3 S § >— c3 § ® m a 33 © gl.WJi w; a o; 5 |j HI p: co i> : - • ' C3 «H S « fo 139 140 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL—NO, 2. 20b. REPORT OF PISTOL FIRING AND CLASSIFICATION. REPORT OF INDIVIDUAL CLASSIFICATION IN PISTOL PRACTICE OF Ro£fec»t .^..B^neerg. (Organization.) Washington _ 91 7 (Station.) (Date.) SU M M ARY. Number of Commissioned Officers. Number of Enlisted Men. Expert pistol shots. First-class pistol shots.. ...1 . . 1 . * .. Second-class pistol shots Unaualified_! ...z . . 7 . i ID 1 INSTRUCTIONS. 1. This report willb§ prepared by the company commander. "Where • the regiment is serving together, the company com¬ mander will forward the report to the battalion commander, who, after verifying it from the company target records will forward it to the regimental commander. The regimental commander will forward it with his consolidated report to the department commander. Where the company is in a different department from the battalion or regimental headquarters, the report will be forwarded as indicated on Form 307, A. G. 0. , pertaining to classification in rifle practice. 2. The report will contain the names of all officers and enlisted men qualifying as expert pistol shots and first-class pistol shots in the practice season for which the report is rendered. The names of officers so qualifying will be entered first and will be ruled off from the remainder of the report. No entry will be made of the names of those who did not qualify in those two grades. 3. In the summary will be entered the number of officers and enlisted men entitled to be classified as expert pistol shots, first-class pistol shots, second-class pistol shots, and the number unqualified. jForm No. 308, A. G. O. lid. Autr. 8-14—10,000. (OVER.) 8—2347 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 141 EXPERT PISTOL SHOTS AND FIRST-CLASS PISTOL SHOTS (Enter in groups according to classification.) No. 1 Name. Rank. Aggregate score. | Qualifica- j tion. Dodd, J*A* Capt 10CL 1st Cl. 2 Johnson, G*A* Pvt 103 1st Cl. 1 .Benton, A*B. Pvt 101 1st Cl i . I certify that the foregoing report is correct. John. A*. .Dodd. Capt* Engrs. Commanding Company. .Jtznfl.3CV., i9i? (Date.) I have examined the foregoing report and the methods of conducting practice and of marking and scoring followed in this organization. .. J* A*. .l&S.Qn . Colonel, Corps of Engra* R Commanding . J5til. EngTS V/ashington ^arracks, DC* (Station.) ' 3— 2:547 .30,..1.917, 191 (Date.) I 142 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL—NO. 2 . 20c. RECORD OF KNOWN DISTANCE RIFLE FIRING—INDI¬ VIDUAL. RECORD OF KNOWN-DISTANCE RIFLE FIRING (INDIVIDUAL) OP Johns CttljL (Surname.) _ George A_ (Christian name.) _ , (Rank.) (Organization.) DEPARTMENTAL RIFLE COMPETITIONS. PLACE. DATE. MEDAL. ORDER. NOTE.—This form is for four years’ record and will be used for individual record of known-distance rifle firing. For methods of scoring, classification, and keeping the record, see paragraphs 101, 240, and 254, Small-Arms Firing Manual. When a soldier is transferred or detached for an extended period, this record will be completed to date, signed by the organization commander, and attached to the soldier’s descriptive list. If a soldier is a member actually firing on a prize-winning team in a national team match, this fact will be noted under “ Departmental Rifle Competitions.” Form No. 304, A. G. O, , Ed. Aug. 19^10—200,000. (OVER.) 3—2172 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 143 191 6 SLOW FIRE. 300. 500. 600. Total. 34 38 40 112 RAPID FIRE. 200. 300. 500. Total. 30 32 32 94 Aggregate, slow Are and rapid Are... 206 Qualification: Mm mie: 'jTine 5 , 1915. ESTIMATING DISTANCE TEST. 1 . 2 . 3. 4. 5. Total. 86.5 83.4 80.9 91.0 88.6 86.1 Qualification: MTO Final classification: _ - l&k_ Date: ...June __5^..2916_«l. LONG-DISTANCE PRACTICE. (For expert riflemen and sharpshooters.) SLOW FIRE-TARGET C. 8C0. 1,000. Total. I certify that the foregoing is a correct report. .... A? A. . fW :rr. ndiw] . V 9 ^ . .Jtelsolr* Veu.___ (Station.) June 30 101 0 (Dalo.).' ?— 2 ,.’} 144 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 191 7 SLOW FIRE. 300. 500. 600. Total. 41 38 44 123 RAPID FIRE. 2 CO. 300. 500. Total. 45 40 35 120 Aggregate, slow fire and rapid fire 243... Qualification: Date: Apr. 22. 1917. ESTIMATING DISTANCE TEST. 1. 2. 3. 4. 5. Total. 92*4 100.0 82*6 88*7 90.9 90.9 Qualification: S « S * Final classification:_ Date:- Apr-22*--X9X7--. LONG-DISTANCE PRACTICE. (For expert riflemen and sharpshooters.) CLOW FIFE-TARGET C. 8:o. 1,000. Total. I certify that the foregoing is a correct report. ....-Jarm.X^.-DQdd^..__ _ C apt §_ _C . jJH. *_,__ Commanding _ 5 . 9 — _BeXeair£ -la*.... (Station.) .-..Ap r 3Q»._, i9i 7 (Date.) ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 145 1918 SLOW FIRE. 3Q0. 500. 600. Total. 42 48 50 140 % RAPID FIRE. 200. 300. soo. Total. 43 37 35 115 Aggregate, slow fire and rapid fire 255 Qualification; a R • Date: May 12. 1918* ESTIMATING DISTANCE TEST. 1. 2 . 3. . 4. 5. Total. 95.3 92.6 98.1 90.0 01 .ft 93.5 Qualification: E * R • Final classification: ...JUL. Date*..- LONG-DISTANCE PRACTICE. (For expert rJlemen and sharpshooters.) SLOW FIRE-TARGET C. 8C0. 1,000. Total. I certify that the foregoing is a correct report. . Capt. C.E. Commanding,. C XL,. ._7 JBU ...JBelxair-.. . (Station.)' Juae„3Q.,i9i 8 (Date.) 104122—17-10 146 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL- NO. 2. 20d. RECORD OF PISTOL FIRING-INDIVIDUAL. RECORD OF PISTOL FIRING (INDIVIDUAL) OP Jonns on__ f Geor ge A«_ (Surname.) (Christian name.) --•Eptaate--, -—Co^J!D"-.5£h..3ngr.&._ (Grade.) (Troop and regiment.) DEPARTMENTAL PISTOL COMPETITIONS. PLACE. DATE. MEDAL. ORDER. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. This form is for three years’ record and will be used for individual record of pistol firing. 2. For methods of scoring, classification, and keeping the record, see paragraphs 101, 243, and 254, Small-Arms Firing Manual. • 3. When a soldier is transferred or detached for an extended period, this record will be completed to date, signed by the organization commander, and attached to the soldier’s descrip¬ tive list. Form No, no. 1 ?, A; O. O £d, Feb. 27-17—50,000. (OVER.) 3—2173 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 147 191b DISMOUNTED COURSE. RAPID FIRE. QUICK FIRE. 25 yard*.—2,scores. IS yards.—2 scores. 25 yards. —-2 scores. Failed to nufke 50 p er c ent at;-T 5 yea ' f apld fi re---- 1 -'- RAPID FIRE..| TOTAL, i V AGGREGATE--- l QUICK FIRE. I EXPERT TEST—DISMOUNTED COURSE. , RAPID FIRE. QUICK FIRE. j 50 yards.—1 score. 15 yards.—1 score. 25 yards.—1 score. i ( RAPID FIRE. ) TOTAL: { ^ AGGREGATE. I QUICK FIRE. J MOUNTED COURSE. AT THE HALT. AT THE GALLOP. 10 yards.- —2 scores. 10 yards.—4 scores. To right. To left. 2 to right. | 2 to left. | f HALT _1 TOTAL: { } AGGREGATE l GALLOP. J EXPERT TEST—MOUNTED COURSE. | HALT. 8 to 15 yds.— 1 score. GALLOP. 10 yds.—1 score. GALLOP EXTD. 5 to 15 yds.—2 scores. total. Classification: . Lfied Date:.May_.25V_.1916-,.. I certify that the foregoing is a correct report. J_o_Jm_^__P_Qfll_^. Capt_ f .__CQrpa__D_f._En@rs_ # .. -2al3fJQ-UL_-Ya^.. Commanding (Station.) ____May__2Z.., 1916 (Date.) 1917 DISMOUNTED COURSE. RAPID FIRE. QUICK FIRE. 25 yards.—2 scores. 15 yards.—2 scores. 25 yards.—2 scores. 40 | 40 5 | 5 5 6 f RAPID FIReB{ TOTAL: { 2l l QUICK FIRE __ ^ | AGGREGATE_ 1Q0. EXPERT TEST—DISMOUNTED COURSE. RAPID FIRE. QUICK FIRE. 50 yards.—1 score. 15 yards.'—1 score. 25 yards.—1 score. 30 OUT f RAPID FIRE.) TOTAL: < > AGGREGATE __ l QUICK FIRE_ J 148 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2, MOUNTED COURSE. AT THE HALT. 10 yard*.—2 scores. AT THE GALLOP. 10 yards. — 4 scores. Td right. j To left. 2 to right. 2 to lest. 1 ( HALT . 1 TOTAL: < V AGGREGATE l GALLOP_ J EXPERT TEST—MOUNTED COURSE. HALT. 8 to 15 yds.—1 score. GALLOP. 10 yds.—1 score. GALLOP EXTD. 5 to 15 yds.—2 scores. total. Classification: .let Class.Pistoi^saot Date:.JuiX-22,.1917... I certify that the foregoing is a correct report. . .£&i$.&..Cprp_s..of .EngrSj,._ .. B.ftl V.Q.ir 4.. .. Commanding _!?D."_ (Station.) ..July -~22 ., 1917 v (Date.) 191 8 DISMOUNTED COURSE. RAPID FIRE. QUICK FIRE. 25 yards.- —2 scores. 15 yards.—2 scores. 25 yards.—2 scores. i 41 j 45 4 4 4 5 (RAPID FIRE...8.6.... ) l QUICK FIRE .A/.... J AGGREGATE. .1QZ. EXPERT TEST—DISMOUNTED COURSE. RAPID FIRE. QUICK FIRE. 50 yards.—1 score. 15 yards,—1 score. 25 yards.—1 score. 36 OUT ( RAPID FIRE..) TOTAL: ( > AGGREGATE. I QUICK FIRE. j MOUNTED COURSE. AT THE HALT. 10 yards.—2 scores. AT THE GALLOP. 10 yards.—4 scores. To right. To left. 2 to right. 2 to left. ( HALT .) TOTAL: ( ) AGGREGATE l GALLOP.... J EXPERT TEST—MOUNTED COURSE. HALT. 8 to 15 yds.—1 score. GALLOP. 10 yds.—1 score. GALLOP EXTD. 5 to 15 yds.—2 scores. TOTAL. -?- Classification: ..lat..i3lasj3..JEls.t.Ql...S.hQt Date: .I£ay...l9^...1917.. I certify that the foregoing is a correct report. .jT.olm„A.Dpdd A . Cap.t*..Corp.s..of .Engrs*. _BeXv_Qir_ t ...Y5t^. Commanding (Station.) 9 (Daft.) 191 3—2173 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL—NO. 2. 149 21. CHARGE SHEET. CHARGE SHEET. Number. -Johnson*... , (8nrQt m«.j . (Place.) _, (In sarimssyjott reocfa 19A.4 &tar..£t*JL. (Date.) ■a.. i.) (Runk and otganliallon.) Date current enlistment, £ah^.2fi«.., 19.JA; Rate of pay, $-17..; No. previous convictions, Previous service,_Hoiuu. -Hone. '(Give dates, with character given on each discharge.) Date of—Arrest,___, 19_ Place where accused is now in wcssfefcjr confinement), • Confinement,_.July.. 20,19.14 .__ Witnesses: JkA.3af^^.j»E^^-go v g&'?--5tbL.E ngr a..---;-,,-i Oorpl. Sraalld oa, C o. ,, D 1 *, 5th. angrs. ( _._ _ _ _ _ e Charge : Violation of the__Article of War. Specification : ^ that Private George A. Johnson, Company "D* 5th Engineers, did, at Washington Barracks, D.C,, without leave, absent himself from his company frgm about 9t30 A, S. July 15, 1916, to about 5:00 P.M. July 20, 1916. John A. Dodd. Captain., Corps of Engineers. Office* preferring charges. Pleas * Guilty. Findings : Guilty. Sentenoe t To forfeit five (5) days pay. A. C. Byron, let Lieut., Corps of Engineers. Sunnary Court Officer. Hq. Washington Arracks; D.O., July 22, 1916. Approved. J. A. Wood, Colonel., Corps of Engineers. Conmandlng. 150 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL—NO. 2. Pleas: Findings; Sentence,_______ Days in arrest (or confinement),..; Maximum punishment,_ Remarks: (Note. —The above spaces are intended only for use for record purposes at the headquarters of the officer appointing the special' or general court-martial, and it is not intended that they shall be filled in by summary courts, trial judge advocates, etc.] INSTRUCTIONS. 1. Submission of charges.—All charges for trial by court-martial will be prepared in triplicate, using the prescribed charge sheet as a first sheet and using such additional sheets of ordinary paper as are required. They will be accompanied— (а) Except when trial is to be had by summary court, by a brief statement of the substance of all material testimony expected from each material witness, both those for the prosecution and those for the defense, together with all available and necessary informatloa as to any other actual or probable testimony or evidence in the case; and (б) In the case of a soldier, by properly authenticated evidence of convictions, if any, of an offense or offenses committed by him during his current enlistment and within one year next preceding the date of the alleged commission by him of any offenses set forth la the charges. They will be forwarded by the officer preferring them to the officer immediately exercising summary court-martial jurisdiction over the command to which the accused belongs, and will by him and by each superior commander into whose hands they may come either be referred to a court-martial-within his jurisdiction for trial, forwarded to the next superior authority exercising court-martial juris¬ diction over the command to which the accused belongs or pertains, or otherwise disposed of as circumstances may appear .to require. (M. C. M., par. 7&.) 2. Investigation of charges.—If the officer immediately exercising summary court-martial jurisdiction over the command to which the accused belongs or pertains decides to forward the charges to superior authority, he will, before so doing, either carefully investigate them himself or will cause an officer other than the officer preferring the charges .to investigate them carefully and to report' to him, orally or otherwise, the result of such investigation. The officer investigating the charges will afford to the accused an oppor¬ tunity-to make any statement, offer any evidence, or present any matter in extenuation that he may desire to have considered in .con¬ nection with the accusations against him. If the accused desires to submit nothing, the indorsement will so state. In his indorsement forwarding the charges to superior authority the commanding officer will include: (а) The name of the officer who investigated the charges; (б) The opinion of both such officer and himself as to whether the several charges can be sustained; (e) The substance of such material statement, if any, as the accused may have voluntarily made in connection with the case during: the investigation thereof; (d) A summary of the extenuating circumstances, if any, connected with the case; («) His recommendation of action to be taken. (M. C. M., par. 76.) 3. Disposition of copies of charges.—(e) When trial is to be had by summary court tne charges will be completed as the record of trial, a copy thereof will be completed as a copy of the summary court record for the company or other commander, and the other copy- will, with the least practicable delay after action has been taken on the sentence, be completed and transmitted as the required report of trial to the officer exercising general court-martial jurisdiction over the command, there to be filed in the office of the judge advocate for a period of two years, at the end of which time it may be destroyed; (6) When trial is to be had by spea-ial or general court-martial the charges and one copy thereof-will be referred to the Vial judge advocate, the copy to be furnished by him to the accused or his counsel, and the other copy will be used for record purposes in the office of the officer appointing the trial court, the top fold of this copy of the charge sheet, in case of trial by general court-martial, being detached at the proper time and forwarded with the record of trial to the Judge Advocate General of the Army. (M. C. M., par. 79.) 4. Disposition of evidence of previous convictions.—(a) The evidence of a previous conviction referred to a summary court or to the judge advocate of a special court will, after trial, be returned by him to the appointing authority and will, after action by the latter on the case, be returned to the company or detachment to which it pertains, (6) The evidence of a previous conviction referred to the judge advocate of a general court-martial will, if a company record, after trial be returned by him direct to the company or detachment to which it pertains, and a certified copy thereof will be attached to the record of trial. (M. C. M., par. 306.) [Note. —This form supersedes the blank form for record of trial by summary court (Form No. 99, A. G. 0.), the blank form for report of tria summary court (Form No. 59, A. G. O.) and the blank form i tatement of service (Form No. 15, A. G. O.).] ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 151 22. NONCOMMISSIONED OFFICER’S WARRANT. References— Army Regulations, 1913, paragraphs 270-272, 274-278. 152 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. Company D 5th Regiment of Engineers, Washington Barracks, D. C. August 16, 1917. Company Orders! No. 22. / 1. The following reduction and promotion is hereby made in Company D, 5th Regi¬ ment of Engineers, effective this date: TO BE PRIVATE Cook Alton B. Parker. TO BE COOK Private Arlie L. Jenkins, vice Parker reduced. John A. Dodd, Captain, Corps of Engineers, Commanding Company D. Note. —By the issue of the company order similar to the above the company com¬ mander can appoint: (а) From the sergeants of the company: The first sergeant, mess sergeant, stable sergeant, and supply sergeant. (б) From the privates: Privates first class. (c) From the privates and privates first class: The cooks, buglers, saddler, and horseshoer. In a similar manner the company commander can return the first sergeant, etc., to- duty as sergeant, and can reduce the privates first class, and cooks, buglers, saddler, and horseshoer to private. Warrants are not issued the first sergeant, mess sergeant, stable sergeant, supply sergeant, or men in the grades named in (6) and (c). Company D 5th Regiment of Engineers, Washington Barracks, D. C. August 12, 1917. From: C. O. Co. D, 5th Regt. of Engrs. To: C. O. 5th Regt. of Engrs. Subject: Recommendation for reduction and promotions. 1. The following reduction and promotions in Company D, 1st Regiment of Engi¬ neers , are recommended: TO BE PRIVATE Sergeant Patrick L. Casey. TO BE SERGEANT Corporal James A. Duffy, vice Casey reduced. TO BE CORPORAL Private William C. Parker, vice Duffy promoted. John A. Captain, Corps of When the company commander desires a noncommissioned officer of reduced without trial by court-martial, he will write a letter similar to the regimental commander. Dodd, Engineers. his company the above to ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL—NO. 2. 153 Regimental Orders'! No. 62. f Headquarters Fifth Regiment, U. S. Engineers, Washington Barracks, D. C., August 14, 1917. 1. Upon the recommendation of the company commander, the following reduction and promotions in Company D, Fifth Regiment U. S. Engineers, are announced: TO BE PRIVATE, Sergeant Patrick L. Casey. TO BE SERGEANT, Corporal James A. Duffy. TO BE CORPORAL, Private William C. Parker. By order of Colonel Wood. Hiram Johnson, Captain, Corps of Engrs., Adjutant. Order issued by the regimental commander as a result of Capt. Dodd’s recommen¬ dations. Note. —A noncommissioned officer, when reduced, is always reduced to the grade of private. Section 27. National Defense Act. [Extract.] ******* That any noncommissioned officer discharged with excellent character shall be per¬ mitted, at the expiration of three years in the active service, to reenlist in the or¬ ganization from which discharged with the rank and grade held by him at the time of discharge if he reenlists within twenty days after the date of such discharge. * * * * * * * * Note. —When the warrant of a noncommissioned officer is continued in force the following indorsement is placed on the back of his warrant: . Company D, 5th Engineers, Washington Barracks, D. C., March 1, 1919. Warrant continued in force upon reen¬ listment March 1st, 1919. John A. Dodd, Captain, Corps of Engineers, Comdg. Co. D, 5th Engrs. 154 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 23. FURLOUGH. Refei'ences— Army Regulations, 1913, paragraphs 106-113, 134, 1229, 1233-1238. FURLOUGH. TO ALL WHOM IT MAY CONCERN: Be it known, That in pursuance of authority in me yes ted by__ _BegulatLions» t __1913.__ (Give full reference to orders or other authority.) a FURLOUGH is hereby granted to _Wi 1_s_on # _Albert. _B*_ (Surname.) (Christian name.) a -Goxpl._Ca._.!m'?-&th..Eni;ineara,-. (Grade.) (Company and regiment or corps or department.) *for the period from August..lit_, 1917 {from date of arrival in the United States to .August 20th*_, 191 7 both days in¬ clusive, with permission to visit. At hen s, _ _ (*a * _ The close of the last day of this furlough must find him with his_Company*.,,__ at JL-Cl* _, or wherever it may then be for at---, (Here enter name of post nearest home port of embarkation.) Station: Washington. .Barrack _s_ # _ _ D _*_C t __ Date: .August_ 1 It h* _ 1917. ___ J. A* Wood* Colonel M Corps of Engineers__ Commanding Post. ♦Strike out this lino in case of furlough granted to a soldier serving in Porto Rico, Panama Canal Zone, Hawaii, Guam, the Philippine Islands, Alaska, or at aDy station beyond the continental limits of the United States. The furlough in such case takes effect on the date the soldier reaches the United States, which will be shown in the certificate of transport quartermaster or agent hereon. fStrike out these lines if not applicable. Form No. 66, A. G. O. Ed. Dec. 14-16—100,000. 3—1231 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL—NO. 2. 155 Subvoucher No. TO Voucher No...Abstract of Disbursements, Pertaining to Account Current of . Quartermaster, for , 191 INSTRUCTIONS. Failure to rejoin proper station on the expiration of the furlough works a forfeiture of any claim for commutation of rations for the period of the furlough. This paper will he preserved by the soldier for use in col¬ lecting commutation of rations, which will be paid by any quartermaster having funds for the purpose, after the certificate rn page 3 hereof has been duly executed. The transport quartermaster or agent frill certify hereon the dates between which subsistence was furnished on the transport, nd the date the vessel arrived in the United States. The commanding officer of the post at which the soldier is directed to report on the expiration of his furlough will cause the certificate on page 3 hereof to be executed, showing date the soldier reported. The authority under which a furlough is granted x whether under Army Regulations or in pursuance of the orders of a superior) should be cited on the face of the furlough by the officer granting it. If the period for which the furlough is given is within the competency of the authority cited, no copy of the order is needed to accompany the furlough when presented to a disbursing officer for payment of commutation of rations, but if the period is manifestly beyond the competency of the authority cited, the furlough should, when presented for payment of com¬ mutation of rations, be accompanied by copies of all orders in pursuance of which it was given. 3—1231 156 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. MEMORANDUM. Pay and rations.—This soldier was last paid to include —, 191 7 ; included on ration return to .Ang&st__3l8t ._^ 191 7 - actually rationed to include_ Aug f __10th # _t 9 i 7 • the -21 -rations overdrawn to be deducted from ration return of .. for the period from^ep.t.Qmb.dr.-lat,.., 191 7 7 to Septejnber _30tli._ f 191 7 Description of Soldier. Age, —.26-; height, —5-feet_inches; complexion, _; eyes, _• hair, Signature of soldier- _ .Albert-J3^-tfIlsnn___ _John A * pQdd_ - - £apt . C orps - -o£- -Eagre-,- Commanding S)Q ♦.. —D—. 5th _ JEngra *_ (Organization or detachment.) CERTIFICATE OF TRANSPORT QUARTERMASTER OR AGENT, OR OF CAPTAIN OR PURSER OF COMMER¬ CIAL LINER. I certify that subsistence was furnished the above- named man from _...., 191 to____,191 (both dates inclusive), on . ..—___ which arrived at_______ on...., 191 2—1231 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 157 Washington. _ August 21 3 1_. ? i9i 7 The above-named soldier * reported for duty, as required by this furlough, on the_£Q.th^— day of ... August_, 191 7 *was discharged per Special Orders, No. _, Hq. ......— 191 , on the_day of.., 191 , and will be included on ration return from and including t.September 1st. ( 191 7 / The rations reported as overdrawn were duly deducted from the ration return referred to. John A. Dodd, Capt. Corps of Engrs. Commanding . Qo_«._7117Kngrs^.--- (Organization or detachment.) Commutation of rations paid by Check No_, on........ in favor of___, or order, dated..,...,191 . Am’t, .. ,, Quartermaster . ♦Strike out clause not applicable. tA full day’s ration is the unit. Paragraph 371, Army Regulations, 1913, pre¬ scribes three meals per day—breakfast, dinner, and supper. The credit in ra¬ tions to be given an organization for messing men for a part of a day only should therefore be determined by dividing the total number of meals furnished by 3, and taking the quotient to the nearest whole number. A remaining fraction of $ would thus be disregarded, whereas ? remaining would count as a ration. 3—1231 158 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 24. CLOTHING AND EQUIPAGE. References .—See General Order No. 17, War Department, 1916, for allowances and prices of clothing. Army Regulations, 1913, paragraphs 266, 1146, 1153-1166, 1168- 1178, 1180-1183. . 'WAB'CEI'ARTMENT. VhSiSES.RiSSr REQUISITION FOR CLOTHING (IN BULK) "D.T-5th.Enginaara.;— . .W*aWasio&.Ba*JWks r -D-C,__ _ Uay Stli, . J$f7 (Organization.) (Station.) * Req’d. Bat'd Q. M. iJuJd Articles. Sizes Unit Totals Banda^, cap, dress (state <% 654 7 754 754 754 754 1 1 1 50 50 l 49 Belts, waist... .1. .. 1 1 1.4. 1.90. 100 100 2 , 90 Breeches, pairs: 1 2 3 * 4 .12 8 .10 9 lfl" 11 12 22 13 1 14 15 10 i; 13 6 .1.07. .1 0 4 Woolen, 0. D.,m't'd. 19 20 21 22 8 23 24 25 30 27 28 29 30 31 12 32 . : ! Woolen. O. X)., m’t'd ' Cap-: oj* 654 654 OVa 7 754 754 754 7J4 75, 8 I YYT r Winter.... XXX I r. Chevrons, pairs: Arm TW. i. i 1 1 1 I i Woolen, 0. D.. 1 1 i Coate: I 1 2 8 4 4 54 z 5 654 654 6 654 0J4 7 754 ~>y% 8 9 | ' Dress r •Sal -SO.. ...1.. ...49. Service, cotton, 0. D_ .2.0 .10 10. I.O.. .1*31. 6 i 19 Service, wooleq, 0. D_ White. XXT XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX |xx*x XXX 1....—! • 1 Collars —. 14 15 1514 10 10 Yi 1/ 1754 18 18>$ .... i Cords: Breast _ __ Arm 50 . 50 1 49 Hat..... Ini ler .05 2! 45 Drawers, pairs: Canton flannel, winter_ 1 T*' 3 : 4 5 6 7 8 y 10 ii 12 13 14 15 16 17 is | 2QQ~ 2.00 4 196. Jean, summer ............. ml Sj6_ 24.. 32 1 .4 .... .3 - 12.. 19 1 Jean, summer.. l“" 1 i ' 1 n Gauntlets, winter, pairs,... 9 10 11 l ! Gloves, pairs: 8 854 ® 954 10 1054 “J c 12 1 *6CT| f50 ' 1'. r 49 ' 15 10 15. .... ..... . ..... .... L ...,.70' 3 4 30 ' Riding. i XXX 1 .J ...J Woolen, O.D.. XXX XXX 1 XXX Ixxx XTX XXX XTT • 1 Ilats: 654 654 1 7 <54, ,754 754 754 754 254 | l"l :w 50 1 49 If 25. .a.. .2.1 :... XXX **X •1.04! “ i 5 0 ! 96. Laces, pairs: 1 1 . i 100 100 2 90 I ...0.1' i | 98 2Q0. 200.. .4 ... b.6... .1 ... L 1 96 100 100 2 90 1-eggins, canvas, pairs. lO.i 2 25 3 50 JL£ 5 ° 1 . 1. .1 .47 6 06. i.. 1 ... 1.i.... .I....I. .... 1.1. I. ...1.... 1 1 Ornaments (each): I i r,p r m ... " i 50 50 1 49 Collar hmnw 1 .. .04 "! ...il..96.. ..50. ..50.. ....!.. 49... Collar, broDze, lei ters U S. .1 .02 I ! 98 Colhf pill ... i 1 .i 1 ' 1 i Overshoes, arctic, pairs.... 6 7 * 10 I, w 13 1 n 1 ! .1 ioq.. IOC.. 2..L 9a;.. Shirts, flannel, O D. 1 35 • 3 35 30 5 0 .1 i 2,37 .? I; 3.1 2 26 .. n 13J4 14 1416 15 1554 10 f 17 17M IS 1854 1 i i ] 1 ! 6 O' 2 0 654 i 854 9 .1 J j ...... J 1 - - Earned forward- 5 9. B 98 ,. ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. Req’d Issued. Ret’d to Q. M. Net Issued. Artiolfes. Bites. Unit prices. Totals. 12 ~13 12 13 2 10 Rmii£M fArvar<1 5 8 8 98 Shoes, russet, pairs: 6 6 7 4' VA u 9 2 10 z LOH 11 .2. 11H 12 2, Cl 2 8 10 _ 13 4 s r* *2,81 3 6 53 10 10 - 10 1 3 IS T " 2 '.si 2 8 10 25 25 _ 25 10 s 3 z z J3 2.81 7 0. 25 20 20 _ 20 1 5 4 5 2 3 6 5 6 6 I8- : 20 20 - 20 Last EE. “S' 4 i s" 3 2.81 Stockings, pairs: 10 ioh " 11H 12 50 50 1« 25 .300. 2QG A )75 .13 3 8 22 Stripes, pairs: «gt. Corp Mus XXX Art. Cav king. H.C. Inf. M.C. Nav. Ord. Q.M. Scb. Big. Trouser... XXX XXX Suspenders, pairs. 36 38 40 50| 50 \ 1 49 I Tags, identification 1 .01 II I * * * * * * * 9 .. bC 49 .01 . Trousers, pairs: Cotton, 0 D... 1 a 3 4 *yi 5 m 6H 6 6* 7 7* 7)4 8 9 50 50 1 49 35 15 XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX .89 4. 3 Dress, Ift-ot__ . Dress,£2-oz... . White. XXk XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX XXX . 200 20G 4 196 ^Undershirts: ( Cotton, summer. * >0 IOC J 25 25 6 6 .23 4 5 08 J. -A- — . . Total valpp of clothing received from quartermaster_UJ.7S. John A. Dodd, Capt.. C orp s of Engine ers. Commanding. (Approval required only when used as special requisition by quartermaster.) Tbearticles enumerated in column "Issued” were received by me from l eapt . A. B. C ole, _ Q u „„ llay 5th, 6 (! n Jo hn A. Dodd, (Signed by organitatlon commander or his representative!) C apt. . Corps of Engineera. . B. Cole .._ ;Signed by quartermaster or his representative.). Captai n.^ ft. I t. Co rps. The articles enumerated in columns "Ret’d i . !9I 6 returned to btm on John A. Dodd, Returned articles received by: (Signed by organisation commander or his representative.) A. B. Cqle, (Signed by quarterraa .Capt., Q. M . Corps. I certify that tbe articles enumerated in column "Net issued" have been duly issued.' Total money value of clothing issued to enlisted men..M.®?.___ hundred nine ty one and 76/lOQ... dol lars -— --; - - 99 1 .76 , Prices were taken Irom O. O. No. ...22..w. D., in 6 (7iJoh n A. Dodd,. (Signed by organization commander or his representative.) Capt., Corps of Engineers. (Above certificate (7) not to be completed on copies retained by quartermaster.) 1 . I mm up hi l| I 'till § !§I| 1 tMf S-“’g' 9 Co S'! E * _ §Ps|!f!» eg 9 -|| £2±a ||5 SslgSzf 1 III -Ulsiflslip i I ?|ii«| t iff niinii f MI 111 i *11 f &?l Kfi i I3SIJ i - - 5%8 S«§^-Iss>!If“!°SIg-f mm & mn la ii 160 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2, A. REQUISITION FOR CLOTHING. Q. M. C.—Form Ko. list). STATEMENT OF CLOTHING CHARGED TO ENLISTED MEN OF Congpany "D" 5th Engineers. (Orftnixatloa.) Individual Slips No. ...A_ to .... incl., F>onJ^A. ,20.,19T 6 . to “SSL®*., 191 6 , ino*. Requisition for clothing dated 191 ® INSTRUCTIONS. 1. The organization commander will make a statement On this form (single copy) for all clothing drawn by or Issued to enlisted men of his command. 2. A separate statement will be. made for each bulk issue. (See Instructions, Form No. 213.) 3. When clothing is drawn individually from the quar¬ termaster, each Individual Clothing Slip will be entered opposite its corresponding number on this form imme¬ diately after the duplicate slip has been returned from the quartermaster For individual issues, the statement will be completed at the end of each calendar month, or whenever an organization leaves the vicinity of the issuing quartermaster for an extended period. 4. At the end of a month or period and also whenever the statement is made in connection with Requisition for Clothing (in bulk) (Form No. 213). the organization com¬ mander will determine the total money value of clothing charged to e nlis ted men and complete the statement. 6. When clothing is issued gratuitously, the money value thereof .will be separated from the money value to be charged and both amounts entered on the statement in the ' ne space opposite the man’s name, the gratuitous issue _^ig entered in red ink or indicated by the letter “ G. ” B. The total money value of the clothing charged to enlisted men (including the gratuitous issues) must be equal to the total money value of clothing drawn from the quartermaster. 7. The organization commander will file this statement with the requisitions to which it pertains. ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL -NO. 2. 161 STATEMENT OF CLOTHING CHARGED TO ENLISTED HEN. Drawn, on Individual Slips Mos . 1 _ to ind., from , 19H , to «th' r . * 191 6 - inct - 104122—17-11 162 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. t . . Date ?.th,___ m 6 John ki Dodd, Capt., Corps, of ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2, 163 WAS UKV ABTKE7IT. , _ __... . , Q. M C. Form Noi i«>. ORIGINAL A' 1 March 6, 1915. INDIVIDUAL CLOTHING SLIP. The quartermaster is requested to issue the articles enumerated below to Private. Toorgo A. Johnson^ . of soidi.f.^ Capt ,Corjofl..of..gnog:a <> Com’d’^D. , !5tfo..Bagga^ Quantities. Sizes. Unit 1 priocs. j Totals. Req’d. Issued- Req’d. Issued, j 1 i .10 10 2 2 5 1.07 P 14 . 1 — 1 "I ... ... .! 1 i .5... ..1 1.3lj 1 31 . ...... 1 i 1 i 1 .05 05 i Drawers can top flannel pair? .| 4 1 4 Drawers, jean _ _pairs 1 2 -22 88 I Gauntlets, winter___pairs.. i J 1. cloves, Horseliide palre i 9 1 .70 70 ’i Gloves,_pairs. _l i 35* ts, denim_each.. i ! ■"VI Hats, service_each.. 16-7 fa 1.04, i 04 J2__! .4_’ .2.. ...4.. Laces JbO>i£££_XXl pairs -01 ! .02. Laces, shoe_pairs.. !. -01 1 .04. 2 2 Leggins _pairs. _ 1.2... .-47 .9.4.. i 1 TOttliJfc r Pa.pe t yd. each -01 . .01. . Ornaments, cap, bronze each 1 Ornaments, cap, gilt_each.. 1...1.. Ornaments, collar, bronze_each_ ...04 .1.. Ornaments, collar, br., “ U. S.”._eaco_ -02 1 | Ornaments, collar, gilt .pv'h Ornaments, collar, gilt, “ U. 6.’’..each. 2 2 Shirts, flannel, 0. D...each— 2.37 4 74 Shoes, gymnaiiiim...pairs z R Shoes, russet pairs 9A 2.02 ! 5 o2 Stortings cotton p-qirs 6 6 Stockings, woolen, wt_pairs.. - Stripes, service ...pairs.. .11 . ...13 79. Stripes tfopser pairs Suspenders ........ _ _p'4rs. L 1 1 Trousers, denim. pairs., 1 «0Q 66 Trousers, dress, oz . pairs 4 4 TTrjdershirts cotton each 2 .22 23 Undershirts, woolen _ _ each 1 Li.. . .£ag*.. .ideutif ical ion. -- ...02 .01. Total . ^0 22 Received the articles enumerated in column “Quantities issued.” o „ ..TQQyjge.A^.jJ-OiaaBon-.-. 2 _Rr.iyate>,.l JSj^.J3ff.j5th Rngt n^ re Slip No. „. .I,_ Issued by: ■C- Entered onabstract_ ».M« ...... .,191 Entered on tutnimM Entered an D. L.. 164 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. INSTRUCTIONS. This form Is for use as follows: (o) By soldier to make request (single copy) to organization commander for clothing for either Individual or bulk Issues. For this purpose the original and duplicate will be detached and used Indiscriminately. When clothing it drawn individually, the soldier’s request will be preserved by the organization commander until tho' ‘ dupl 1- cate” Is rocelved back from tho quartermaster. When clothing it drawn in bulk, the soldier’s request will bo preserved and used lor making the Issue. The officer makin g the Issue will complete the Individual Clothing Slips as prescribed la . Instructions on Form No. 213. (6) By organization commander to make requisition for individual Issue of clothing. REQUISITION BT ORGANIZATION COMMANDER. The Individual Clothing Slips will be serially numbered by each organization commander for the month or period and are made In duplicate by carbon process. 'The original and duplicate (not detached) will be sent to the quartermaster. The quantities and sizes desired will be entered at the organization office, except that for men not yet fitted the size may be filled In at the time of Issue after proper size has been determined by try-oh. Clothing issued to the soldier apd removed from the quartermaster’s storehouse will not be received back by the quartermaster. The quartermaster or his representative Issuing the clothing will be held responsible that the soldier drawing the clothing lsidentlfled. If a large number of men of an organization are to draw clothing, Individual Clothing Slips will be sent to the quartermaster In advance to permit the clothing to be prepared for Issue. At the time of Issue the quartermaster or his representative will, by carbon process, enter on both copies tho quantities, sizes, and unit prices of the articles lamed, Initial tho slip, and obtain the soldier’s signature on original and duplicate. A line will be drawn through each blank space in column "Quantities issued” on original and duplicate by tljo quartermaster or his representative before tho soldier signs the receipt. The “original” will bo retained by tho quartermaster and the "duplicate” returned to tho organization commander or his representative at the time of issue or returned at the close of the business day in a sealed envelopo to the organization commander. The original will be abstracted daily by the quartermaster on Abstract of Clothing Issued (Form No. 180), as explained on that form. A check mark will be placed In the space pro¬ vided at the bottom of the slip to note the fact of entry on the abstract. The duplicate, after having been returned by the quartermaster, will be retained by the organization commander, who will Immediately determine the total money value and enter the data on Abstract of Clothing Drawn (Form No. 180) on Statement of Clothing Charged to Enlisted Men (Form No. 165b), as explained on those forms, and on the Descriptive List of the enlisted man. Check marks will be placed in the spaces provided at the bottom of the form to note the fact of entries. The abstraot, statement, and duplicate slips will be kept fllod together. At the end of tho month, or whonever an organization leaves the vicinity of the Issuing quartermaster for an extended period, the organization commander will compare his Abstraot of Clothing Drawn (Form No. 180) with the quartermaster’s Abstract of Clothing Issued (Form No. 180), as explained on that form. »—12571 Notes. —On form Q. M. C. 165, 2 cents (the value of 1 yard of red tape and 1 tag, identification) is a gratuitous issue and is not included in the amount charged the soldier. It is, however, entered on the soldier’s service record under the heading 4 ‘ Gratuitous issue. ’ ’ On form Q. M. C. 213, the company commander includes in his receipt to the quar¬ termaster the sum of 98 cents (49 yards of red tape and 49 identification tags), these articles having been gratuitously issued by the company commander to 49 enlisted men of his organization. As required by Circular No. 10, Quartermaster General’s Office, 1912, a record will i be kept in each company of the 3izes of clothing required for each enlisted man thereof, as ascertained by actual trial of the various articles of clothing. Instructions con¬ tained in General Order 26, War Department, 1912, will be strictly followed by com¬ pany commanders in fitting shoes to the men of their commands. engineer training manual-NO. 2. 165 25. INDIVIDUAL PERSONAL EQUIPMENT (RECEIPT). Q. M. C. Form No. 501. Approved May 20,1915. Company "D" 5th Engineers Organization ...... INDIVIDUAL PERSONAL EQUIPMENT, No. JkQ*_ ..Private_.. (Name and rank.) = j—3402 I acknowledge receiving the individual arms and equipment for held service prescribed in Unit Equipment Manual for mv organization and rank. Changes therein and issues of other property are acknowledged by my initials below. ._Andrew ]£♦ Will s Pvt _ Co ♦. * r D n 5th Bngr s •_ UNIT EQUIPMENT. Issued. Turned in. Ordnance Unit, Model 1910 1 Engineer Unit Signal Unit Medical Unit 1 Rifle No. .M6688. Pistol No. ADDITIONAL ARTICLES AND CHANGES. ARTICLES. ri © I Initials. Garrison Belt 1 1 km? ' 1G6 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2 QUARTERMASTER PROPERTY. ARTICLES, Issued. Changes. Initials Bags, barrack 1 Bars, mosquito 1 Bedsteads, iron 1 Blankets, 0. d(1 H* 1 L} 2 Bugles, with E. M. r. Cases, pillow 2 Cord and tassel, trumpet m Covers, mhttress 2 Head nets, mosquito Lockers, trunk 1 Mattress 1 Overcoat, blanket-lined Overcoat, 0. D. Pillow ") 1 Pins, tent, shelter 5 Poles, tent, shelter — Ponchos 1 I Receiver, card, bedstead 1 Ropes, shelter tent 1 Sacks, bed Sacks, pillow Sheets, bed 4 Slicker Slings, bugle — Sweater, 1 Tags, identification 1 Tent, shelter, half 1 Trumpet, with E. M. P. j i 1 engineer training MANUAL—NO. 2. 167 26. DESCRIPTIVE CARD OF PUBLIC ANIMALS. References— Army Regulations, 1913, paragraphs 1070-1071. DESCRIPTIVE CARD OF PUBLIC ANIMALS. km . Cavalry_ Hoo/Ko. .M_ GENERAL DESCRIPTION. (To be filled in at time of purchase.) dgc...£. . years. Stx &&. Weight _ lbs. Color ..B&y.. Height... JL5.. hands __1_ inches. Breeding ....Hal £_Roach..-. Sire i^eiic}i..Coach._. Darn... .....Jaativa__ Name (if any ). Bred by .... Foaled... 1910 ..... Inspected and purchased .. 19k^... at .ThQrQughfarB-^.Yflu....0apt*__A.*-JI4iller. from ....AmHIm ...Slttitll.*. Cost , $.-!*>Q A 00.. How purchased .--.Xll..OJ^aa-J33a j rJk6.t..... (Contract or open market.) .___ (Signature and'rank of Purchasing Officer.) ■t&W SPECIAL DESCRIPTION. (To be filled in at time of purchase.) 168 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. YEARLY HEIGHT. Five years . hands. ... in. Date... _ _, 19 .... Six years . .. . hands _ _ in. Date . .., 19 .... Seven years . - _ hands .. _ in. Date . .., 19 .... YEARLY WEIGHT. Fire years . pounds. Date_ _ , 19. - Six years.. ... pounds. Dale .., 19 __ Seeen years _ pounds. Date . , 19. - SICK REPORT DURING ENTIRE SERVICE. From _ .. to .. _ Disease _ From.. .. _ to.... . .. Disease . From _ _ to. . _ Disease . From . ... to _ _ Disease . From _ _ to .. . Disease _ From _ _ to _ .. Disease _ From.. .. _ to. . . Disease _ From. . .. to ... . . Disease . From _ .. to. . ... Disease __ INSTRUCTIONS. This card will accompany the animal as long as it remains in the service. The original card will be kept by the accountable oificer, who will furnish a copy thereof to the responsible^ officer in each case. The animal will be weighed and measured in May of each year until seven years old. Organization commander will give character and condition over his signature at date of transfer. On final disposition the card will be properly com¬ pleted and sent .to the Chief, Quartermaster Corps. * Note.— In taking girth, tape should be broad-placed just behind withers and under belly at girth place, and should be drawn tight enough to make respiration just noticeable by slight movement of tape. If animal is very fat, deduct 1$ to 2 inches for true girth. In measuring height use measuring standard. Abbreviations: T. B.—Thoroughbred. S. B. —Standard bred. Sdl. B.—Saddle bred. H. B.—At least £ T. B. S. B. C.—Stand¬ ard bred cross. Sdl. B. C.—Saddle bred cross. Form No. 277. A. G. O. Ed. June 15-1&-J5,000- . 3—1249 * ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 169 DEPOT RECEIPT DESCRIPTION. Z*Ll%emount Depot, «J?meJLl_„ 19 JA . _ 4 — years. Weight... 855— lbs. Qirth* -—-— Height* ....1.5. . hands _ 1 _ inches. Condition .(?QOd_---- REMARKS ON ANIMAL WHILE AT REMOUNT DEPOT. (To show disposition, peculiarities, training, etc.) DEPOT ISSUE DESCRIPTION. mount Depot, _, Age _. years. Height _1§ . hands -Irrl inches. Girth .. 33 .... ... inches. Weight _. lbs. Shipped to QQr^a.-Qf._Sfegineer.s_ Place lWjashingltO_n_^ _ Authority . .QMGQ. .$454*. PHOTOGRAPH OF ANIMAL AT TIME OF ISSUE. (To be made at remount depots only.) Date photographed. __ 3—1249 170 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. SERVICE. Organization _ .0 9.rj> 13 Place. B^__ From ..JOfl.tL.6.*..-1.9-15. to ..Oct.. 15 # . 1916_ , Condition _Gr£Q&_ Character ._5.99^.... ___, Commanding. Organization CD.. "lP..lai.. EOgZS. Place . VaflAl JOsJDQ From _ .Q(3LtL.JL5. 9 ..J L 9X6.... to . Condition _,_ Character .... . __ Commanding. Organization. ____ Place .. From .. to ___*. Condition ....*. . Character ... Commanding. Organization .. .. Place.... From ... Condition ... ___ Character .... , Commanding. Organization Place From ... ... Condition .. _ to . .. _ Character ... -,- __, Commanding. FINAL DISPOSITION. Died_ _., 19. _, at ---— Cause _____ Inspected , condemned, and sold _, 19. - at _ Price, $. .. Cause ......... Remarks . ........ 3—1248 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 27. CERTIFICATE OF DISABILITY FOR DISCHARGE. References. —Army Regulations, 1913, paragraphs 140, 159-161, 1472. CERTIFICATE OF DISABILITY FOR DISCHARGE OF _ Jx offlk .....,_James_ (Surname.) (Christian name.) _Erivat q _, G.O.."D** 5 th_.Engineers, (Rank.) (Organization.) C apt*. A., _ _ Smi tfh, Q .M *C •_ who was enlisted by at Celumlua. .Barracks*. Ohio .. on the .-7_t3i day of _July...., 191 6.., to .seven years; he was born in. Penna* _ .PAjb.t£&.urgk_ (T f, wn or city.) _ , and when enlisted was 23 (State.) years of age, and by occupation a .. ....Garp.ent.er_ ; eyes _BltTO_; hair _ USht _; complexion _ ruddy._ _ ; height _5.. feet -@- inches. Recommended for discharge on account of .. ...l.QSS.Qf_ ...sight, of ...right .eye_ (State nature of disability.) Became unfit for duty from present disease dr injury (date) ...aepteraBar__l f _..19.16_ Disease contracted or injury received (date and plate) - -j!ugust~15»--1916---- When disability arose soldier was (state duly or service, if absent from com¬ pany, cause and date). present. with company Cause of disease, or circumstances under which it appeared. [Note.—I n case of wounds (other than wounds received in action), or injury, if the company commander has no personal knowledge as to how received, cer¬ tificates of officers, affidavits of enlisted men, or other parties if practicable, hav¬ ing such knowledge, special reference being made therein as to the sobriety of the soldier at the time of the occurrence, will be procured in duplicate, and a copy appended to each of the certificates of disability, and the number so appended will be enumerated hereon. If no information is obtainable, so state.] .Eye _injured. By. accidental..explosion, of Blasting- _ cap... Form No. 17, A. G. O. Ed. Mar. 10-17—100,000. [Duplicates.] (1) S—2626 172 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. ( 2 ) Disability was orwwn it incurred in line of duty. (Erase words not applicable .) John-Bold*.. . Commanding.. Co-VIP- -£tli-JEngr Washington. Barracks. J> .C. (Station.) -Sept, 15 -6. I certify that 1 have carefully ebcaminetTthe above-named soldier and find him incapable of performing the duties of a soldier because of (here state nature and anatomical location of disease or injury, and how it incapacitates for duty.) ... Min&ne-ss.. _o£ Tight eye..... Opinion based on history and progress of case, as to cause of disability and whether or not incurred in line of duty, (if no information as to causes can be obtained, so state here.)... -Incurred- In.. 1 ine-Of. duty. length of time case has been under observation _.0ne..ffi01lth- In view of occupation, to what extent is he disabled from earning subsistence ? Hot.. .\ftL0lly.. .incapacitated..... John. Doe kt:lfAI'yf. : ..... Surgeon, U. S. A., Post Surgeon. 3—2526 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 173 ..1st.... INDORSEMENT. - Waslii^g.t-oiL-Barr^ci<:s^.. D^C ...... .S©p.t .30 ..^ 191Q... To the Adjutant General, Headquarters.. E&s.t.em.jD.ept.... William..Smith,.. C ol,.. Corps.. of . Rimers Commanding. -2nd— INDORSEMENT. a. g. a .ilaatem.JDapar.tiiie.u.t... ....Qc.t...5......,. ,wi&. To Chief Surgeon. .....3X.d. INDORSEMENT. OFFICE OF CHIEF SURGEON. Headquarters Eastern. Eepar.tme .... .Qcz^.,7.... js/.fc. To the Adjutant General of the ..... . B.O.c.anmending._Approval..., .J.amaa. Blao&... -Ma^or * l&edical.-Corps Chief Surgeon. ( 3 ) 174 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. (O .INDORSEMENT. Headquarters .Eas.ti5jni.Xt0paxM.Qnt . Oct 10 lgi 6 % . ’ “" ’ To the Commanding Officer .JP.05_t-_.0X.. V^aBjl^n^tOIl __BkS f DC ..Approved..__...________. By command of .Blailk!.... ._Q.aU.Blue__ .20th....Inf. Adjutant General. 5 th INDORSEMENT. ...Washiia^ tQirE^rxaok s t ._ _p_ *0 *.. .Oct-12. 191 ..& To The Adjutant General of the Army ____ y/illiam.. Smith,..._ ,..Cal*-CQrpa..Qf. Jtogcg * Commanding. _ I __6th_INDORSEMENT. WAR DEPARTMENT, The Adjutant General’s Office. Washington, .. Qct..l5._ — ,191:7 To be discharged. Br ORDER Of THE SECRETARY OF WAR: Adjutant General . 3—2526 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 175 7tll_ .INDORSEMENT. Was Mngt 0 n Barracks ? D, C. ... i&fi—. To the Commanding Officer *- who will prepare the necessary papers and forward them to these Headquarters. By command of—. GQl*. Smith.____,. ______ Capt. Doe .. Corps of Engrs. The Adjutant. _§th___, indorsement. W as hi ngto n_ 38OTa& _8 t _ 3) . C . Oct, 24 191 .. JTo the Adjutant with the discharge certificate and duplicate final statements, as requested. Jjoim.D-Qd-d,... Capt*__Corps of .Engrs,. Commanding .CP-..!!D!!-5th Engr —... INDORSEMENT. _.WasMpgt.on. Barracks . __.Qct a 27_•__j To The Adjutant General of the Army. The soldier was discharged at this Post on the.. 26th—- .. day o/.__0c±0ber-, 19lS..., and was furnished with a discharge certificate^ and duplicate final statements. He desires to be addressed at .... .P.ifefcsMrgh,.. ... _ __ , county « _Alleghany.. State of .... Pennsylvania. .....Wnu-Smith... Col^ Corps of Engineers Commanding Post. 3—2526 ( 6 ) 176 engineer training manual-NO. 2. (c) DIRECTIONS. This certificate will be inado out in duplicate by the soldier’s troop, battery, or company commander, or other officer commanding the separate detachment to which he belongs, and sent by him to the surgeon who has charge of the hospital where the soldier is sick. The surgeon will then fill out and sign the surgeon's certificate, and forward these papers to the post commander. These certificates, after having received the action of the highest authority to which they arc required to be sent, will be returned through the same channel to the post commander, who will, if the discharge is authorized by the indorse¬ ment of the proper authority, sign the soldier’s discharge certificate, and the last indorsement on this paper; see that the soldier is furnished with tlie proper final statements in duplicate, and forward BOTH of these certificates directhj to The Adjutant General of the Army; they will not, under any circumstances, be given into the hands of the soldier. 3—2526 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO, 2. 177 REPORT OF BOARD OF MEDICAL OFFICERS TO ACCOMPANY CERTIFI¬ CATE OF DISABILITY FOR DISCHARGE. Place, Washington Barracks, D.C. Pboceedings of a Board of Medical Officers oonvened at by par. 4 S. O., No. 451, Eastern Department for the examination of enlisted men reported unfit for service because of disability John Doe, Captain Medical Corps, L r . S. A. Detail for Board: Arthur Brown, Captain Medical Corps, U. S. A John Black, 1st Lieut Medical Corps, U S. A. The Board met on Oct, 6 , 19l6 Present: All the members The Board then proceeded with the examination of— Name James Brown .Rank Private , OrganizationCD.'^)" 5th Engrs. Date of current enlistment ; Age, years 23 Previous service From a careful consideration of all the evidence obtainable in the case and a thorough examination of the man, the Board finds: That he is unfit for service as a soldier because of— loss of sight of right eye, 4 That the disqualifying disability exist prior to enlistment, and i-mm ! originate in the line of duty. That the Medical Officer, who enlisted the man f? no ,} blamable. (867, A. R.) The Board therefore recommends: That the soldier be discharged on Certificate of Disability (copy of which is inclosed) for dis¬ ability incurred in the line of’duty; degree of disability: loss of sight in right eye Captain, John Doe Medical Corps, U, S. A President. 1st, Lieut, John Black Medical Corps, U. S. A Recorder. (Note.—T his form will be used in all proceedings accompanying certificates of disability, as well as in cases coming under the provisions of par. 465, A. R.) Form No. 484, A. C. O. Ed. July 8—18—12.000. 104122-17-12 Captain, Arthur Brown Medical Corps, U. S. A. Member. a-2842 178 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. Place Date 191 1st Indorsement. Place Washington..Barracks,.D-.C......*_ Date.Qet .6 ., 19$ FORWARDED TO Proceedings of a Board of Medical Officers recommending discharge on Certificate of Disability, in the case of References: PUBLIC PROPERTY REGULATIONS AND FORMS. (Unit Equipment System.) 1. Proposed general or^er putting new regulations into effect: General Order| No. —. I War Department, March -, 1917. General Orders No. 59, War Department, 1907, and No. 52 of 1915 are hereby rescinded. Equipment C in the possession of regiments, separate battalions, field hospitals, ambulance companies, or other tactical organizations, supplied with such equipment, will be accounted for as prescribed in paragraph 681, A to N, Army Regulations, Changes No.-, A. R., 1913, dated-, 1917. For all such units now in the service of the United States the new method of accounting will go into effect July 1, 1917. For any such units mustered into the service of the United States between now and July 1, 1917, the new method of accounting will be effective from the date of muster in. The voucher forms now issued by The Adjutant General, United States Army, and the various bureaus of the War Department will be con¬ tinued in use until June 30, 1917. All articles of equipment C pertaining to such units being accounted for by other officers of a unit will, on June 30, 1917, be regularly I invoiced to the proper unit supply officer. 2. General nature of system: (а) Each regiment, separate battalion, etc., has but one accountable officer, to be known as the unit supply officer for equipment C pertaining to each bureau. This equipment is issued by him to organization commanders on memorandum receipt. (б) The return will be of a loose-leaf character, with one item on each sheet. (c) Semiannual returns are required, but none when there is a change in accountable i officers within an accounting period. ( d ) The return will be audited by an officer of the unit before being forwarded. ( e ) Equipment G, for full authorized strength, is to be kept on hand in garrison and taken to mobilization and concentration points. In the field, equipment A, for actual strength only, will be kept on hand by organizations. ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 179 < (/) Replacement will be secured by: Exchanging unserviceable property for serviceable. Submitting vouchers to cover property lost or missing. Certificate in an emergency, in either of preceding cases, if serviceable property is needed before an exchange can be made or vouchers prepared. ( g) Replacement will habitually be secured through the accountable (unit supply) officer, who will act as the agent of the organization commanders, but such trans¬ actions will not ordinarily appear in his return. ( h ) Garrison equipment will be held on memorandum receipt by organization commanders from post supply officers. | (i) The unit supply officer will perform the duties of post or camp supply officers only when no other officer is available. j£ (j) The same system is made to apply to coast defenses, with this difference, that there is no separate unit supply officer, and equipment C is not replaced on a separate return, the return forms now prescribed being continued in use. (k) While a fixed unit is not the basis of accounting, and in this respect the pro¬ posed system is more flexible than the present one, it is expected that the number of any item authorized in Unit equipment manuals for an organization will be closely adhered to, and marked variations are required to be reported by the regimental officer examining the accounts and investigated by inspectors. 3. The following forms will he used: (a) Return, includes inside sheets and cover front and back. These are new forms, not unlike the return form now used by the Quartermaster’s Department. (&) Transfer of property, invoice, and receipt blank. This is a new form, similar to that now in use in each of the departments concerned. fc. (c) Survey report. Replaces present survey report, A. G. O. Form 196, with slight changes. ' ( d ) Statement of charges. This is a new form, to replace similar forms in use in each bureau concerned. (e) Certificate of expenditures. This is a new form, to replace similar forms in use in each bureau concerned. i (/) Requisition-receipt (expendable articles). Replaces present A. G. O. Form No. 543. ( g ) Due certificate. Replaces present A. G. O. Form No. 544. ( h ) Record of property issued on memorandum receipt. Present A. G. O. Forms 448, 448a, and 448b. Instructions have been placed on each blank, covering its use. 4. Samples of forms and extracts from Army Regulations: (A) RETURN. CHANGES IN ARMY REGULATIONS (PROPOSED). 681 A. There shall normally be but one accountable officer for equipment C of each bureau for a* regiment, separate battalion, field hospital, ambulance company, or other tactical organization for which equipment C is prescribed, and such officer will ac¬ count on a separate return for all articles listed in the various equipment manuals as equipment C, and he will be referred to in the following paragraphs as the “unit supply officer. ’ ’ When one officer serves as supply officer for all bureaus he will be designated as “regimental, field hospital, etc., supply officer,” but when different officers serve as supply officers of the different bureaus, they will be designated as “regimental, field hospital, etc., quartermaster,” etc. Should local conditions make it desirable or necessary to have an accounting officer for any detachment serving separately from its parent organization, one may be designated for that purpose and the articles of equipment C that pertain to such detachment will be transferred to the designated accountable officer of the detachment, but as soon as the conditions making 180 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. this separate accountability necessary cease, the account will be closed by transferring back to the unit supply officer of the parent organization the accountability for the property which had been carried separately. Batteries, troops, companies, or detach¬ ments will hold on memorandum receipt from the unit supply officer of the unit of which they form a part articles of equipment C prescribed in the equipment manuals as pertaining to them. (C. A. It. No.-, March —, 1917.) 681B. All property received by such unit supply officer will be accounted for on authorized blanks of a loose-leaf character, with a separate sheet for each article and columns for date, voucher numbers, debit entries, credit entries, and balances, i Vouchers to the account will be numbered serially, beginning with number 1, through : the six months’ accounting period, regardless of transfers from one officer to another, | and will be posted to the account currently. The account will be kept in duplicate— ! an original and a carbon copy. On June 30th and December 31st of each year the account will be examined as provided in paragraph 681D, and the original record, together with all vouchers pertaining thereto not previously forwarded, mailed direct to the chief of the bureau to which the property pertains. Before being mailed, ; the correctness of the account, together with a notation of the serial numbers of the vouchers pertaining thereto, will be certified to by the unit supply officer. (C. A. R., No. ——, March —, 1917.) 681C. When an officer is relieved as unit supply officer, his account will be closed by drawing a line below the last entry on each sheet, immediately below which will be entered the balance of the article, with the notation opposite thereto “Received from predecessor.” When a transfer has been made, the officer making the transfer will certify to the correctness of the account, and will, after the account has been audited, mail direct to the chief of the bureau to which the property pertains the original vouchers to the account up to the date of transfer. These will be accompanied by a letter of transmittal, which will enumerate the vouchers, give date of the transfer, and name of the officer to whom the transfer was made. The receiving officer will j acknowledge receipt of the balances shown on the return account by signing the receipt attached thereto, and will furnish a signed copy of such receipt to the trans¬ ferring officer. (C. A. R., No.-, March —, 1917.) 681D. All returns will be examined in the regiment or other similar organization j by a suitable officer (preferably by a field officer) designated for that purpose by the commanding officer thereof. This examination will be made at the end of each ac- i counting period, also in case of a transfer of accountability from a unit supply officer to his successor. The examining officer will see that all balances have been correctly brought forward, that all property on debit vouchers has been taken up on the account, and that all property dropped is covered by authorized credit vouchers which com¬ ply with the regulations. In so far as these features of the account are concerned, and to the extent of the vouchers actually examined, this officer’s examination will be final, and action in the War Department bureaus will be limited to seeing that all property invoiced to unit supply officers is actually taken up by them, and that ac- ' countability is properly placed in accordance with the final action taken on survey reports. He will certify on the account the fact of examination and the result of same, ij He will also see that the authorized allowances are entered on each sheet of the return, ! and on the completion of the examination report in writing to his commanding officer i whether or not the balances on hand are in agreement with those prescribed in the unit equipment manuals, mentioning in detail, if not in agreement, the more important that are surplus or that are short, and stating in general terms the minor discrepancies, j These reports will be kept on file until the next regular inspection of the command by an officer of the Inspector General’s Department, whose duty it will be to inves- tigate and make report on the causes of the discrepancies, and the steps taken by the commanding officer to remedy them. (C. A. R., No.-, March —, 1917.) ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 181 681E. Under normal peace conditions all organizations will keep their equipment C, as prescribed for their actual strength, complete and in serviceable condition. The remaining equipment required for the unit for its full authorized strength will be held by the unit supply officer. If ordered for field duty, this full equipment will be taken to the mobilization and concentration points. If ordered on active field duty, where equipment B and equipment A not required for the actual strength can not b e taken, it will be disposed of by the unit supply officer as conditions require, by turn¬ ing it in to a camp supply officer or depot, or by disposing of it as otherwise ordered. The same course will be followed at any time during active field service, should equipment become surplus. (C. A. R., No.-, March —, 1917.) 681F. Unit supply officers will obtain replenishment of equipment C by furnishing the post, camp, division, depot, or other proper supply officer in exchange for the articles, either— (1) The unserviceable articles to be replaced, if not repairable at the post. No receipt is given in this case, but should the condition of the articles not be manifestly due to fair wear and tear in the service, the issuing officer will require (a) a survey report, or (6) the necessary evidence for a survey report, or (c) if that can not be fur¬ nished, a certificate as provided in paragraph (3) below; or ' (2) A voucher on which a supply officer may take credit for the articles. This covers cases where no unserviceable article is to be turned in. The voucher should be turned in to the supply officer may be (a) certificates of authorized expenditures; (6) certificates of destruction for articles authorized to be so dropped by the bureau to which the property pertains; (c) statements of charges against enlisted men; ( d) abstracts of sales when authorized; ( e ) survey reports; (/) “I. & I. ” reports; (g) due certificates completed by a receipt for the articles to be replaced, or ( h ) other author¬ ized voucher; or (3) A certificate that replenishment is immediately necessary, and that the neces¬ sary voucher or the corresponding unserviceable articles (with survey report, if required) will later be furnished. This certificate will be filed with the receipt for the supplies so issued, or may be written on the receipt itself. If the voucher or corre¬ sponding unserviceable article is supplied before the end of the accounting period, the accountable officer will return the receipt and certificate. If not furnished before the end of the accounting period, the certificate and receipt may be used as a credit voucher, and the bureau to which the property pertains will hold the signer of the certificate and receipt accountable. (C. A. R. No.-, March —, 1916.) 631G. Each voucher used for replacement under paragraph 681F (2) will contain a certificate signed by the responsible officer that he has received all the articles on due certificates therefor, but such a certificate is not required on a survey report when the unserviceable article is turned in in accordance with paragraph 681F (1), as in that case the survey report is not to be used as a credit voucher. (C. A. R. No.-, March —, 1917.) 681H. When, in compliance with competent orders, equipment C has been reduced by any part of it being invoiced by the unit supply officer to another accountability, it will be replaced by the unit supply officer certifying the facts on his requisition, or, if the replacement is to be made by verbal or other informal method, a like certificate will be placed on the receipt for the property. If equipment C has been increased in any way, above that prescribed, the surplus, when no longer necessary, will be invoiced to some accountable officer at the first opportunity. (C. A. R. No. -, March —, 1917.) 6811. Replenishment of equipment C will habitually be obtained through the unit supply officer, but no entry of the transaction will be made in his account unless necessary. In emergencies, an organization commander may obtain replenishment by any of the methods prescribed for the unit supply officer, but when such action is 182 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL—NO. 2. taken, he will promptly report the transaction to the unit supply officer. (C. A. R. No.-, March —, 1917.) 681J. All garrison equipment and other Government property (including ammuni¬ tion for target practice), except equipment C, will be held by organization com¬ manders on memorandum receipt from the post or other supply officers. If ordered to field duty, all articles of the garrison equipment held on memorandum receipt by organizations will be turned over to the post supply officer, and none of it will be ; taken with the organization, except as may be specially ordered by the next higher commander. Replenishment of garrison equipment will habitually be obtained by Drganization commanders according to the methods prescribed in paragraph 681F for unit supply officers in replenishing equipment C. (C. A. R. No. --, March —, \ 1917.) 681K. When a regiment or other organization having an equipment C accounta¬ bility is separated from a supply depot and the situation demands a reserve stock on hand, such reserve stock will be accounted for on the same return and in the same way as equipment C, but so soon as the necessity for carrying this reserve stock ceases, i; the surplus will be invoiced to the proper accountable officer. The fact of having on hand a reserve will not be authority to issue on memorandum receipt to a company or other smaller organizations- any property in excess of its prescribed equipment C. If articles not listed as part of equipment C are necessary, they will likewise be carried on the same return, but as soon as a post, depot, or camp supply officer is designated, I such property will be invoiced to him. (C. A. R., No.-, March —, 1917.) 681L. No unit supply officer will be appointed post or camp supply officer except when no other officer for this duty is available. (C. A. R., No.-, March —, 1917.) 681N. All expendable articles, spare parts, cleaning materials, and preservatives pertaining to equipment C will be issued to unit supply officers (or in coast defenses to organization commanders). These officers will furnish receipts to the accountable officer, but will not further account for the material. The receipts will serve as vouch¬ ers on which the material will be dropped by the accountable officer. In cases where allowances are fixed by orders or regulations the receipts will contain a certificate signed by the unit supply officer (or in coast defenses by the organization commander), that the articles receipted for, considering those previously drawn for the period, do not exceed the prescribed allowances. In such cases, approval by the commanding officer is not required. If, however, articles or material in excess of the allowances are required, they will be supplied on requisition, which must show the necessity for the excess issue, and be approved by the division or department commander (C. A. R., No. , March —, 1917.) 1086. Unless otherwise specially directed by the Secretary of War, there will be at j each military post or station but one accountable officer in the Quartermaster Corps, I and he will account for all quartermaster supplies there in use or in store, except the j equipment C as prescribed for an organization, and this will be accounted for by the uni supply officer of that organization. (C. A. R., No.-, March —, 1917.) 1106. All means of public transportation at a post, except that provided as part of the j equipemnt C of a tactical unit, will be accounted for by the quartermaster, and will be under his charge except as provided in paragraph 1427. Means of transportation , provided as a part of the equipment C of a unit will be accounted for by the unit supply I officer. Commanding officers will cause mounted organizations to be provided daily j with the proper facilities for policing stables and hauling forage. (C. A. R., No.-, March —,1917.) 1179. (Changed by C. A. R., No. 26, W. D., 1915, and C. A. R., No. 30, July 24, ! 1915.) • There will be furnished by the Quartermaster Corps to all duly authorized 1 bands * * * The commanding officer of the band will be responsible for all the property specified, and it will be accounted for by the unit supply officer on the same \ return and in the same manner as the articles pertaining to the equipment C of the unit. I ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 183 When an instrument has become unserviceable it will be submitted to a surveying officer. * * * Requisitions for band instruments will be submitted to the desig¬ nated supply depots through the department headquarters. (C. A. R., No.-, March —, 1917.) 1282. The quartermaster will be accountable for and will carry on his property accounts all cooking apparatus supplied by the Quartermaster Corps, and will fur¬ nish to commanding officers of organizations and detachments the necessary authorized articles of the same on approved requisitions, the issues to be made on memorandum receipts. Bake ovens will be dropped from his property accounts when permanently installed at posts. Articles of cooking apparatus pertaining to the equipment C of a unit will he accounted for hy the unit supply officer. (C. A. R., No. -, March —, 1917.) 1535. Articles of personal equipments or other ordance property which a detached soldier carries with him, or for which he may be indebted to the United States at the time of his transfer, will be entered on quadruplicate invoice and receipt transfer blanks (Ordnance Department Form No. 152). The blanks will, when practicable, indicate the destination of the soldier. Each of the four copies will be signed by the accountable officer, or the issuing officer in his name, and by the soldier acknowledg¬ ing receipt of the stores, including these missing. Two of these designated blanks will be forwarded with the descriptive list or descriptive and assignment card of the soldier; the other two constitute the voucher ( original and retained copies) under which the accountable officer will drop from his return the articles enumerated on the voucher, or secure replacement of the articles hy turning them over to the post or other supply officer. On arrival of the soldier at his destination, all articles appearing on the transfer blank accompanying the descriptive list or descriptive and assignment card will be taken up by the officer accountable for the property of the organization to which he reports, who will receipt for the same on this blank and forward one of the two signed copies of it immediately to the Chief of Ordnance, and keep the other copy for file with the retained copy of his return. All articles missing on arrival will be charged against the soldier in the usual manner. When enlisted men are transferred in detachments, with an officer or noncom¬ missioned officer in charge, from a recruit depot, and each man is equipped identi¬ cally and none of them are indebted for other articles of ordnance property, the articles of ordnance property carried by them will all be entered on but one invoice and receipt blank, prepared in quadruplicate, on Ordnance Department Form No. 152-D. Each of the four copies will be signed by the accountable officer and by the officer or noncommissioned officer in charge of the detachment acknowledging receipt of all the stores. A receipt roll will be made, in duplicate, on Ordnance Department Form No. 153, and duly signed by each of the enlisted men to cover his individual responsibility. Tivo copies of the signed invoice and receipt blank and one copy of the signed receipt roll will be furnished to the officer or noncommissioned officer in charge of the detachment, and the other copies of these signed papers will constitute the voucher under which the accountable officer will drop the property from his return. One copy of the signed Form No. 152-D, together with the signed copy of the receipt roll will he filed as the voucher with his return forivarded to the Chief of Ordnance , and the other copy of the signed Form No. 152-D filed with his retained copy of the return . On arrival of the detachment at its destination the two copies of the invoice and receipt blank and the receipt roll will be turned over to the post ordnance officer or the designated supply officer, who will take up all the articles appearing on the transfer blank and receipt for the same on this blank and forward one copy of it immediately to the Chief of Ordnance, and keep the other copy of the invoice and receipt blank, together with the copy of the receipt roll (Form No. 153) for file with the retained copy of his property return. All articles missing on arrival will be invoiced hy the post ordnance officer, or 184 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO, other supply officer, to the officer accountable for the property of the organization to which the particular soldiers report, and charged against these men on the pay rolls of the organizations to which they are assigned and dropped from the return of the account¬ able officer under statements or charges made by the commanding officers of the organizations and turned over by them in duplicate to the accounting officer. In each case where the recruit is indebted to the United States at the time of this transfer, or the articles in his possession are not identical with those in the possession of the other men of the detachment, or where the detachment is not in charge of an officer or noncommissioned officer, individual transfer blanks will be used. Unless the arrangements for the journey require the use of ordnance property en route, none will be transferred with such soldiers. A copy of the transfer blank will be kept by each accountable officer for his retained return. (C. A. R., No.-, March —, 1917.) 28. SAMPLE FORM Ending. A. G. 0. Form No. (Authorized.) SEMIANNUAL RETURN OF .Property (Q. M., Ord., Engr., or Signal.) FOR THE PERIOD .,191.... PERTAINING TO Rendered by. (Organization or post.) { Received., 191- ' Examiner. Note. —Read carefully the instructions printed on the back of this blank. 185 136 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. PROPERTY RETURN. Form No. 599, A. G. O. (Authorized April 12, 1917,)—Ed. Apr. 24-17—2,000,000. Voucher. Debit Received,' Taken up, Etc. Credit Issued, Transferred, Etc. • Balance on Hand. .Date. No. On hand from last return ■ * Article ... Description*, size, etc. unit quantity 3ee Note 2 Max. i.!- Min__ Equip. “C” fClass_ [ Section .. (Ordnance only.) A. G. O., Form "No. . (Authorized .) Certificate to be signed by a regimental (or other similar tactical unit) accountable officer in completing his semiannual return when there is no transfer of accountability: I certify that this return, sheets numbered 1 to., inclusive, is correct, and shows all transactions in.property for the half year (Q. M., Ord., Engr., or Signal.) ended., 191- .U. S. Army. Certificates to be signed by a regimental (or other similar tactical unit) accountable officer when turning over his accountability to a successor, and the certificate of his successor: I certify that this return, sheets numbered 1 to ., inclusive, is correct, and shows all transactions in.property for the period covered (Q. M., Ord., Engr., or Signal.) to date, and that the balances herein shown were turned over by me this.day of., 191_, to., U. S. Army. .U. S. Army. I certifv that all the.property enumerated on this return, (Q. M., Ord., Engr., or Signal.) sheets numbered 1 to., inclusive, as turned over by .. U. S. Army, was received by me on., 191. .U. S. Army. Certificate to be signed by a regimental (or other similar tactical unit) examining officer: I certify that all transactions in this return of.property, (Q. M., Ord., Engr., or Signal.) sheets numbered 1 to., inclusive, for the period from.,191_, to., 191_, as shown by vouchers numbered_to_, has been examined by me, and that I found all balances brought forward, all property on debit vouchers taken up, and all property dropped covered by authorized credit vouchers which comply with regulations. .U. S. Army. (Date)., 191_ In case more than one transfer occurs with an accounting period, an additional copy of this form, with certificates properly signed, will be added to the return to cover additional transfer. INSTRUCTIONS. 1. All property received and on hand will be accounted for on A. G. 0. Form No. ...., using a separate sheet for each article and arranging alphabetically, except in case of ordnance property, which will be arranged alphabetically under each class and section as shown in manuals or price list. 2. When used by unit supply officers in accounting for equipment G, the author¬ ized allowances will be entered at the bottom of each sheet, using the space opposite equipment C. Other supply officers for whom allowances are prescribed will use spaces opposite “Max.” and “Min.”. 187 188 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL- NO. 2. 3. Vouchers to the return will be numbered serially, beginning with number 1, through the six months’ accounting period regardless of transfer from one officer to another, and will be posted to the return currently. The return will be kept in duplicate — an original and a carbon copy. 4. On June 30 and December 31 of each year the return will be audited, as provided in A. R. 681D, and the original record, together with all vouchers pertaining thereto not previously mailed, sent direct to the chief of the bureau to which the property pertains for file and record. 5. When an officer is relieved as accountable officer, his return will be closed by drawing a line below the last entry on each sheet immediately below which will be entered the balance of each article with the notation opposite thereto, “Received from predecessor.” 6. When a transfer has been made, all original vouchers to the return up to the date of transfer will be mailed direct to the chief of the bureau to which the property pertains, accompanied by a letter of transmittal, signed by the transferring officer, enumerating the vouchers, giving the date of transfer, and the name of the officer to whom transfer is made. The receiving officer will acknowledge receipt of the balances shown on the return by signing the receipt attached thereto, and the account will be audited before vouchers are mailed. 7. The return, for convenience, will be kept paged and when it becomes necessary may have pages inserted by adding letters after the page number, as 10a, 10b, etc. In case of transfer of the property the pages then making up the return will be renum¬ bered serially in a distinctive manner, as al, a2, a3, * * * a25, etc., and so described in the certificates covering the transfer. ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 189 29. (B) TRANSFER OF PROPERTY. Combination Blank, Invoice or Receipt. TRANSFER OF J»R0FERT¥ From, To (Qm., Ord., Engr., or. Sig. Corps) _at_ at in conformity withjt / Authority for transfer of the property must be shown here. Quantity (See figures) Unit Item No Cost per Unit Dollars cents Total cost Condition No.& Kind of PackageA {The marks on the several packages covered will he given in this space See A.R, 1575 of 1912) INVOICED th e day of. U,3,Vos. 1 to_ From_ To ino. Invoiced _191 . RECEIVED the_day of. at_ STORES received for transportation thdfc _,191 _day o Quartermaster. For Q.M. only and Weight 191 Issuing Officer Receiving Officer. Issuing Officer's Voucher Jo.___ Receiving Officer's Voucher No._ Stores .really for shipment this j.Fer invoice for RECEIPT only 190 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. Issuing officer’s voucher No. .. Receiving officer's voucher No. TRANSFER OF . PROPERTY (Q. M.. Ord.. F.ngr.. Sig. Corps.) From. To. Invoiced the ... ... day of_ ... 191.. Received the ... ... 191.. Receipt Invoice If used as receipt, erase word “invoice.” If used as invoice, erase word “receipt.’* GENERAL INSTRUCTIONS. 1. This form will be used for all in¬ voices and receipts, making necessary notation when used for “Transporta¬ tion.” 2. Where two or more words are neces¬ sary in the name of an article, place dis¬ tinctive noun first, except as provided in paragraph 31, below. 3. Invoicing officers will enter their voucher number on all copies and sign the two copies used as invoices. Re¬ ceiving officers will enter their voucher number on all copies received by them and sign both copies of the receipts and return them to the invoicing officer. 4. Receiving and invoicing officers will file, respectively, one copy of invoice and one copy of receipt with their re¬ turns forwarded to the chief of the bureau and one copy with their retained returns. 5. When used as a shipping invoice, gross weights or cubic measurements, when required, must be stated in the last column. 6. Three additional copies of this form, when used as a shipping invoice, will be furnished for use of the quarter¬ master making the shipment . SPECIAL INSTRUCTIONS. ( When used for quartermaster property, supplies, and subsistence stores.) 11. Arrange articles alphabetically. 12. For supplies transferred to depots and supply points, to posts or stations under the jurisdiction of department commanders, the form will be prepared in sextuplicate, by carbon process when practicable. 13. When used as voucher to return, the copies will be transmitted as follows: (a) To the Quartermaster General of the Armv, one invoice plainly marked “Finance” on face and brief (forwarded by depots and supply points only). (h) To the department quartermaster, one invoice. (c) To the receiving officer, two signed invoices and two re eipts. When by reason of sales to other bu¬ reaus or departments a transfer settle¬ ment by the Treasury Department is necessary, an extra original signed re¬ ceipt must be transmitted to the Quar¬ termaster General (A. R. 671). When such transaction is with the Navy De¬ partment, an extra signed carbon receipt is required in addition to the extra signed original. 14. Subsistence stores will be invoiced separately from other quartermaster supplies. 15. For property furnished by depots and supply points to independent sta¬ tions the form will be prepared in quin- tuplicate and disposed of as in paragraph 31, omitting the copy for the department quartermaster. 16. For property transferred between posts in the same department the form will be prepared in quintuplicate and disposed of as in paragraph 13, omitting the copy marked “Finance.” When the posts are in different departments, the same disposition will be made. The department quartermaster to receive a copy is the department quartermaster of the department into which the stores are transferred. 17. Prices must be stated on both in¬ voice and receipt. 18. In column designated “Item No.” enter appropriate item numbers as pub¬ lished in Circular No. 10, O, Q. M. G., 1915. This data must be furnished in all cases. It is not necessary to enter initials of appropriations. SPECIAL I NSTRUCTIONS. (When used for ordnance and ordnance stores.) • 31. Use nomenclature in ordnance price list and arrange articles alphabet¬ ically under proper classes and sections, as shown therein. 32. Prices will be entered only in cases of sales, transfers, or shipments to the Philippine Islands. 33. The number of copies to be pre¬ pared will be as prescribed in paragraph 1548, A. R., unless modified by special instructions. ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 191 CHANGES IN ARMY REGULATIONS (PROPOSED). , 681F. Unit supply officers will obtain replenishment of equipment C by furnishing the post, camp, division, depot, or other proper supply officer in exchange for the articles, either— (1) The unserviceable articles to be replaced, if not repairable at the post; no receipt is given in this case, but should the condition of the articles not be manifestly due to fair wear and tear in the service, the issuing officer will require (a) a survey report, or ( b ) the necessary evidence for a survey report, or (c) if that can not be fur¬ nished, a certificate as provided in paragraph (3) below; or i (2) A voucher on which a supply officer may take credit for the articles. This covers cases where no unserviceable article is to be turned in. The voucher to be turned in to the supply officer may be (a) certificates of authorized expenditures; (6) certificates of destruction for articles authorized to be so dropped by the bureau to which the property pertains; (c) statements of charges against enlisted men; ( d) abstract of sales when authorized; ( e) survey reports; (/) “I. & I.” reports; ( g) due certificates completed by a receipt for the articles to be replaced, or ( h ) other author¬ ized voucher; or (3) A certificate that replenishment is immediately necessary and that the neces¬ sary voucher or the corresponding unserviceable articles (with survey report, if required) will later be furnished. This certificate will be filed with the receipt for the supplies so issued, or may be written on the receipt itself. If the voucher or cor¬ responding unserviceable article is supplied before the end of the accounting period, the accountable officer will return the receipt and certificate. If not furnished before the end of the accounting period, the certificate and receipt may be used as a credit voucher, and the bureau to which the property pertains will hold the signer of the certificate and receipt accountable. ' (C. A. R., No. --, March —, 1916.) 681C. When an officer is relieved as unit supply officer, his account will be closed by drawing a line below the last entry on each sheet, immediately below which will be entered the balance of the article, with the notation opposite thereto “Received from predecessor.” When a transfer has been made, the officer making the transfer will certify to the correctness of the account, and will, after the account has been audited, mail direct to the chief of the bureau to which the property pertains, the original vouchers to the account up to the date of transfer. These will be accompanied by a letter of transmittal, which will enumerate the vouchers, give date of the transfer and name of the officer to whom the transfer was made. The receiving officer will acknowledge receipt of the balances shown on the return account by signing the receipt attached thereto, and will furnish a signed copy of such receipt to the trans¬ ferring officer. (C. A. R., No. --, March —, 1917.) 681H. When, in compliance with competent orders, equipment C has been reduced by any part of it being invoiced by the unit supply officer to another accountability, it will be replaced by the unit supply officer certifying the facts on his requisition, or, if the replacement is to made by verbal or other informal method, a like certifi¬ cate will be placed on the receipt for the property. If equipment C has been increased in any way above that prescribed, the surplus, when no longer necessary, will be invoiced to some accountable officer at the first opportunity. (C. A. R., No. -, March —, 1917.) 717. (Changed by C. A. R.. No. 30, July 24, 1915.) On the approved recommenda¬ tion of a surveying officer, the following classes of property will be destroyed: (1) Clothing infected with contagious diseases; (2) stores that have become so deterior¬ ated as to endanger health or injure other stores; and (3) unserviceable property of no salable value submitted to a surveying officer under the provisions of paragraph 678. The decision of the commanding officer will be final as to whether such prop¬ erty has salable value. 192 ENGINEER TRAINING^ MANUAL-NO. 2. When the disposition of unserviceable articles is covered by specific instructions ******* A certificate of the witnessing officer that the property has been destroyed as authorized will be appended to the report. (C. A. R., No.-, March —, 1917.) 30. SURVEYS OF PUBLIC PROPERTY. A company commander who draws public property on memorandum receipt from a supply officer for the use of his organization is responsible for the property and in case of its loss, damage, or destruction he will have to pay for same unless relieved of his responsibility by an approved survey. (Pars. 657 and 710, A. R.) The property which can properly be acted upon by a surveying officer may be divided into five classes: (1) Property worn out by fair wear and tear in the military service which has no salable value (par. 678, A. R.); (2) property which has been rendered unserviceable from causes other than fair wear and tear (par. 678, A. R.); (3) property lost through the desertion of a soldier (par. 116, A. R.); (4) individual equipment lost by enlisted men when they request a survey before being charged with the property (par. 686, A. R.); (5) other lost or damaged property drawn by a company commander for the use and equipment of his organization. There are other circumstances in which articles of public property can or should be surveyed but these five cases cover practically all those which will come before a company commander. Paragraphs 678 and 717, Army Regulations, provide for the disposition of unserv¬ iceable public property and of property which can be destroyed on an approved survey. Paragraph 711, Army Regulations, provides for the appointment of the surveying officer. The surveying officer as far as the company commander is concerned will be appointed by either the post or regimental commander who is the convening authority spoken of in paragraph 716, Army Regulations, and elsewhere. When an officer responsible for public property desires to have same surveyed he makes out a survey report and sends it to the proper convening authority, usually the regimental commander on posts where more than one regiment is stationed for the appointment of a surveying officer. This report must contain a short recital of the circumstances attending the loss, etc., of the article, the list of witnesses, if any, and such certificates or affidavits as the responsible officer thinks necessary or desirable to properly present his case. Surveys will be submitted as soon as possible after the loss, damage, etc., of the article and in every case within 30 days after the discovery of such loss or damage, unless exceptional circumstances, which will be explained by the officer’s certificates, prevent such action within that period. (Par. 713, A. R.) The survey report will be prepared in triplicate and separate reports will be made out for each class of property. (Par. 716, A. R.) An officer appointed as surveying officer should make his investigation of the case as complete as may be possible or necessary and should not make his recommendations until he has assured himself that they are proper. In case there is insufficient evi¬ dence on the survey report to justify the making of a recommendation he can return the survey to the convening authority and ask to be furnished with further evidence, affidavits, or certificates. (Par. 713, A. R.) It must be remembered that the functions of a surveying officer are purely advisory and his actions consist entirely of recommendations, these recommendations embody¬ ing the opinions he has formed from his investigation of the case. (Par. 715, A. R.) After the action of the surveying officer, the survey report goes to the convening authority who will either approve or disapprove of the former’s recommendations. ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 193 If the surveying officer recommends that the responsible officer be relieved of his responsibility and if the convening authority approves, the responsible officer can use this approved survey as a property voucher, provided the value of the property listed on the survey does not exceed $500, in which case the next higher administra¬ tive commander will review the case and with his action it is complete. (Pars. 718, 719, A. R.) Paragraphs 718, 719, Army Regulations, provide for the disposition of the different copies of a survey and enumerate different cases in which the survey must be sent to the next higher administrative commander for review. Paragraph 722, Army Regulations, provides that properly approved survey reports may be submitted as vouchers to property returns but they are not to be considered conclusive until accepted by the Secretary of War. Reports of surveys are examined m that bureau of the War Department issuing the property and if the examination brings out serious errors in either the investigation or finding, they will not be ac¬ cepted as sufficient vouchers and the officer submitting them may be duly notified in order that he may make explanations or appeal to the Secretary of War. 104122—17-13 ' * . ' ' . ■ ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 195 30. SAMPLE FORMS. [First page (survey).] . PROPERTY SUBMITTED FOR SURVEY. (Class of property.) Pertaining to. Station. (Organization.) In column A enter money value; in column B disposition ordered, abbreviated as D., to be destroyed; I., to be held for inspection; R., to be used for repairs; S., to be continued in service; T., to be turned into supply officer; in column C articles of the equipment C of the organization not replaced but for which a “due certificate” is issued; and in D, the balance for which credit may be taken. Quantity. [ Articles. A Value. $ c. B Disposi¬ tion. C Eqt. C or due cert. D Bal. for credit. Date and circum¬ stance (see instruc¬ tions No. 1). Voucher to return of For period ending .. Voucher No. See instructions 4 and 5 on the back hereof. 196 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL—NO. 2. [Second page (survey).] I do solemnly swear that the articles of public property named hereon were lost, destroyed, or damaged in the manner stated while in the public service. (Name.) (Rank and organization.) Sworn to before me and subscribed in my presence this.day of.. ... 191.... (Name.) (Rank and organization.) (Office.) I certify that the loss, destruction, damage, or unserviceability of the articles of public property named hereon was occasioned by unavoidable causes and without fault or neglect on my part, and that each article listed hereon with a view to elimi¬ nation by destruction has been examined by me personally, has never been previously condemned, has become unserviceable in the manner stated herein, and is, in my opinion, worthless for further public use. (Name.) (Rank and organization.) Responsible Officer. Fort.. .,191... To., who, by order of the commanding officer, is appointed surveying officer on the articles of public property named hereon. (Name.) (Rank and organization.) Adjutant. I have examined all available testimony in this case, and it is my belief that. . . ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 197 [Third page (survey).] RECOMMENDATIONS. List of witnesses: Surveying Officer. Approved.. The property recommended to be destroyed has (Date.) J been personally inspected by me and has no salable value. Commanding. Complying with the instructions of the commanding officer, I have witnessed the destruction of the property hereon approved by him for destruction. (To be used only when articles are ordered destroyed.) I certify that I have received from...all the articles pertaining to the equipment C of...authorized dropped by this survey except as noted in column C;. that I have received a “Due certificate ” for those in column C, and that the other articles to be dropped hereon have been replaced or a memorandum credit given for them. Date,.,191. . (This certificate is necessary only when articles of equipment C are involved.) 198 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. Voucher No. REPORT OF SURVEY on . Property (Class of property.) (Station or organization.) i. ,191 (Name and rank of accountable officer.) INSTRUCTIONS. 1. Use, number of copies, and disposition .—This form will be used in making re¬ ports of survey on all classes of public property acted upon by a surveying officer. Each report will be made in triplicate and disposed of as prescribed in Army Regulations. In the col¬ umn headed “Date and Circumstances ” will be en¬ tered a statement of the circumstances attending the loss, damage, or de¬ struction of the articles sur¬ veyed, and, in the case of ordnance stores, the date of their receipt. 2. Classes of property .— Property of different staff departments, or property carried on separate returns, will not be entered on the same report, but separate reports will be made for each class of property. 3. Documentary evidence. —Where documentary evi¬ dence is submitted, it will be marked “Exhibit A,” ‘ ‘ Exhibit B, ’ ’ etc.. and will be so noted and referred to by the surveying officer in his report. All documenta¬ ry evidence will be inserted and fastened between the leaves of the report. 4. When any stores are included that have been lost, destroyed, or damaged by means other than fair wear and tear in the ser¬ vice, the facts will be [Fourth page (survey).] sworn to as indicated on page 2. If the oath is sub¬ scribed to by the respon¬ sible officer the certificate need not be subscribed to. If the oath is subscribed to by any other individual than the responsible officer, he will subscribe to the certificate. 5. In case property that is unserviceable through fair wear and tear in the service only is covered by the survey the certificate only will be completed by the signature of the respon¬ sible officer, but the sur¬ veying officer will exercise great care in examining such property and state in his findings whether he found that its unservice¬ able condition is due to fair wear and tear in the ser¬ vice. In case its unser¬ viceable condition is not found to be due to such cause he will fix responsi¬ bility for such damage upon the proper party. 6. Army Regulations .— The survey of property is covered in paragraphs 710- 726, Army Regulations (1913), which define the duties of surveying officers, fix the power of the con¬ vening authority, and give instructions relative to the preparation and disposition of survey reports. For sur¬ vey of band instruments, see also A. R. 1179; of china and glassware of outgoing organizations, see also A. R. 1023; of silken colors, standards, and guidons, see also A. R! 239. 7. For classes of unser¬ viceable property that may be destroyed or turned in to depot on approved rec¬ ommendation of a survey¬ ing officer, see A. R. 678, 717, 907, 1520, 1534, and 1537, as amended. 8. Brass trimmings. —Be¬ fore leather or other stores belonging to the Ordnance Department are destroyed or broken up, all rings, buckles, and other trim¬ mings of brass will be cut off by enlisted labor and turned over to the post ord¬ nance officer, and the cer¬ tificate of the officer wit¬ nessing the destruction will contain a statement to the effect that these articles have been removed and turned over to the post ord¬ nance officer. (For the dis¬ position of this material by post ordnance officers, see par. Ill, General Orders No. 9, War Department, 1911.) 9. Loss of small arms .— When a survey is made on the loss of small arms, the report must show whether or not the arms were stored at the time of the loss in arm racks or arm lockers furnished by the Ordnance Department for their safe¬ keeping, or were being used at the time in the perform¬ ance of military duty. In all cases the report must show clearly whether or not every reasonable precau¬ tion was taken to prevent the loss. In this connec¬ tion see paragraph 5 of the G. 0. No. 20, War Dept., May 26, 1916, regarding issue of arm racks and arm chests for the safe-keeping small of arms etc. 10. Survey reports sub- vouchers to statements of charges .—Reports of survey authorizing charges against enlisted men, including de¬ serters, are sub vouchers to the Statement of Charges and will accompany it. 11. Desertions. —When¬ ever public property is lost in consequence of the de¬ sertion of an enlisted man, a surveying officer will re¬ port on the missing prop¬ erty, but its value can not be charged against the de¬ serter in the absence of an approved report of survey to that effect. (Pars. 116 and 687, A. R., 1913.) 12. Quantity, name of ar¬ ticle, and money value will be entered by the officer making up the survey re¬ port. Column B (dispo¬ sition) will be completed by the surveying officer and columns C and D by the supply officer, who makes replenishment and uses the report as a voucher. ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 199 31. STATEMENT OF CHARGES. (Page l.) iTHMEHT OP CHARGES against enlisted men to* . o ronercy (QHt, Qrd.,Bogr. f or Sig«, Corps) On Pinal Statements o f o r On Pay roll o f , f or month o f 1 9 1^ . Hames Art! cles Charged al oe Cause of Charge. Pot rail A. Total charge If noVarticles of the, Equipment w 0" are charged, lines B and ( will not be used. B. Equipment "0 ^ < n 3 Cie <3e: %U J,Q«j 0. Balance for Jr< dit have been mad© for tha reasons stated. Oommanding_ I certify that I have received fro m . r eplacement of all the articles pertaining to the Equipment *0" o f c harged hereon, except as noted in line B, that I have received a Dae Certificate for that in line B, and thtat all other articles hereon have been replaced or a credit memorandum given for them. Dat e 1 91_. ____ ___-Supply Off icer of the Equipment "St are charged) !. Toucher to return o f ____ V oucher Ho. For period,___________ . _ _____ 200 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. [Page 2 (charges).] INSTRUCTIONS. (Approved by the Secretary of War.) 1. All property when first charged against enlisted men, including deserters, must be entered on this Form No., A. G. O., and the reports of survey required by A. R. 116, 686, or 687, of 1913, authorizing charges against deserters or enlisted men, will be made subvouchers to this statement of charges. Each charge entered on this statement of charges_will be entered on the monthly pay roll of the organization. 2. Charges pertaining to property of one department only will be entered on this form. 3. In the column headed “Cause of charge” will be stated whether the articles were lost, damaged, destroyed, or taken by deserters; if charge is authorized by a report of survey, add the abbreviation “R. S.” 4. The commanding officer of an organization provided with unit equipment will make out this Form No.A. G. O., to cover (a) articles of property which form a part of his unit equipment, or ( b ) articles for which he is responsible on memoran¬ dum receipt from the accountable post (supply) officer, or (c) expendable articles, (d) articles invoiced on Ordnance Department Form No. 152 and found missing. This form will be made in duplicate. The organization commander will sign the certificate of correctness on both copies and turn them over to the unit supply officer, who will present them to the post or other designated supply officer, who will issue all the available similar articles called for, if on hand; and said supply officer will enter on the line ‘ £ Equipment C on due certificate ” the remaining articles not replaced. The unit supply officer will fill in and sign the certificate acknowledging receipt of such articles received, on both copies. The voucher will then be turned over to the accountable (supply) officer, who will drop from his return only the articles entered on the lines “ A ” or “ C ” as indicated within. For articles entered on the line ‘ ‘ Total on due certificate” the accountable (supply) officer will give the organization com¬ mander a due certificate, to be held until such time as these articles are actually replaced. 5. The accountable (supply) officer himself will make out and sign this Form No. _A. G. O., to cover only property for which he is to be responsible and accountable officer. 6. When a charge is made on a pay roll against a soldier and not collected, entry of the charge will be made only once on the statement of charges, although the charge will appear on subsequent pay rolls. 7. When the charges are properly stated hereon this statement of charges signed by the proper officer will constitute a valid voucher for file with the return of the accountable officer. (Q. M., Ord., Engr., or Signal Corps.) Property Expended at (or by). (Station or organization.) During the Month op , 191.... ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 201 In column A will be entered those articles authorized expended on certificate of responsible officer; in B, those articles which in addition require certificate of destruc¬ tion; in C, articles of equipment C not replaced but for which a “Due certificate” is issued; and in D, the total for which credit is taken on return. Quantity. Articles. Expended as used. A Expended after destruction. B Expended on due certificate. C Balance from certificate. D Value (enter value only when required). Applica¬ tion. I certify that the above articles have been properly expended in the’service^for the^purpose indicated, and that articles in B are unserviceable because of fair wear and tear in the service, and have no salable value. Approved,. . Commanding. Complying with the instructions of the commanding officer, I have witnessed the destruction of the articles listed above in column B. I certify that I have received from .replacement of all the articles pertaining to the equipment C of . expended hereon, (Organization.) except as noted in column C, that I have received a due certificate for those in column C, and that the other articles hereon have been replaced or a memorandum receipt given for them. Date , 191.... 202 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2, Voucher to return of. Voucher No. For period ending. . Authorized strength of organization: .* officers and.* enlisted men. Maximum strength during the accounting period:.* officers and.* enlisted men. Maximum number that participated in target practice,.* officers and.* enlisted men. Machine guns, cal. .30, assigned to organization or post.t Description of cannon assigned to Artillery company. % 'Total money value of cleaning, preserving, and marking supplies author¬ ized for the armament and fire-control equipment of these coast de¬ fenses for this semiannual period. Money value of such supplies heretofore expended during this semi- annual period, as per vouchers Nos. ||. Money value of such supplies covered by this voucher. Total money value of all such supplies so far expended this period. Balance or excess. (Line out words not needed.) ♦Required to be filled in by officers expending small-arms ammunition. tRequired to be filled in by officers expending ammunition in machine guns. ^Required to be filled in by officers expending Coast Artillery ammunition. ■ §AI1 this information to be'filled in by the coast defense ordnance officer. ||Here give the numbers of the property vouchers under which the stores are dropped from the return. RECAPITULATION SHOWING THE MONETARY ALLOWANCE OF SMALL-ARMS AMMU¬ NITION AUTHORIZED FOR USE BY THIS ORGANIZATION DURING THE CALENDAR YEAR ENDING DECEMBER 31, 19. AUTHORIZED. EXPENDED. .Officers, at $. .Enlisted men, at $. * . . Sergeants and musicians, at $... .Pounds of empty cartridge cases, at.cents.. .Pounds brass clips, at.cents. .Bandoleers, at.cents. .Packing boxes, caliber .30, zinc lined, at.cents.. .Metallic packing boxes, at $... .Officers (attached), at $.. .Enlisted men (attached), at $. Total money value authorized Total value of all expended to date. “—"G58SSS excess Value of all the small-arms ammunition, etc., expended by the organization from Jan. 1, 19.., up to and including the period covered by this Certificate of Expenditures, viz: Value of all the small-arms ammuni¬ tion, etc., expended and covered by previous Certificate of Expen¬ ditures dated.,19. Value of all the small-arms ammuni¬ tion, etc., expended and covered by this Certificate of Expendi¬ tures is as follows— .Ball cartridges, caliber .30, model of 1906, at $.per M_ .Blank cartridges, caliber .30, model of 1909, at $.per M. Value of score books expended this pe¬ riod. Total value of all expended to date. ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL—NO. 2. 203 RECAPITULATION SHOWING ANNUAL ALLOWANCE OF MOBILE ARTILLERY AMMU¬ NITION AUTHORIZED FOR USE BY THIS ORGANIZATION DURING THE CALENDAR YEAR*|ENDING( DECEMBER 31, 19. AUTHORIZED. EXPENDED. Total from Jan. 1 to date. Balance. Quantity. Kind. Quantity cov¬ ered by previ¬ ous vouchers filed with pre- | ceding returns. Quantity covered by this voucher. Shrapnel..._. Shell. Subcaliber ammunition. Caliber .30 blank cartridges. Subcaliber gallery practice cartridges, caliber .30. Powder, black, pounds. Revolver cartridge cases, primed, cali¬ ber .30. INSTRUCTIONS. (Approved by the Secretary of War-.) 1. If more than one sheet is necessary, the bottoms will be cut from all except the last, and all sheets securely fastened together. f 2. Property may be expended on this form by any accountable officer. Columns C and D and the replacement certificate will be ignored when post or depot supply officers expend property on this form. Columns C and D, when used, will be filled in by the supply officer, who makes replenishment and uses the paper as a voucher. 3. Form-will be used in obtaining expendable articles, spare parts, and pre¬ servatives for the maintenance of an equipment C. |. 4. Property which may be dropped on account of consumption or expenditure is published by the various supply departments, and such property when consumed or expended for an authorized purpose can be dropped from the return of the accountable officer on this certificate to the extent of the authorized allowances. 5. The article reported as expended on this certificate will be arranged according to their classification where prescribed; otherwise, alphabetically. 6. When expenditures are dependent on the strength of an organization, it must be stated. 7. At the end of each accounting period, or when organizations depart for duty at another station, organization commanders will furnish to the accountable officer from whom they obtained ammunition a certificate of expenditures, properly executed, in duplicate, to cover all the ammunition (including bull’s-eye score books) that has been actually expended by them for authorized practice firing, etc., during the period, and the supply officer will use these certificates as the vouchers for dropping such ammunition and score books from their returns. 8. Ammunition used in target practice will be expended separately from any other¬ wise expended as in action, and details of such expenditures will be entered in reca¬ pitulation table on this page. 9. In each case, where any ammunition is expended in excess of the amount author¬ ized by the annual orders issued from the War Department, the special authority for such expenditures will be cited on this voucher opposite the expenditures, in the column headed “For what purpose expended.” (For further instructions relative to expending small arms ammunition see G. O. No. 18, War Department, dated Jan. 31, 1917, and later orders.) 204 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 32. DUE CERTIFICATE. DUE CERTIFICATE. O. O. War Dept. .191... (Place and date.) List of articles of equipment C due the unit supply officer of. (Organization.) on a., used as a credit voucher to the. (Description of voucher.) (Q. M., Ord., Engr., or Signal Corps.) return of.for the period ended. 191. • (Accountable officer.) Quantity due. Articles. Quantity replaced. Balance remaining due. * Certified correct,. (Signature of post or other supply officer.) I acknowledge to have received from.the articles listed above in column “Quantity replaced” and a new due certificate for those in column “Bal¬ ance remaining due.” Place. . Date.191. . Voucher to return of. Voucher No. For period ending. . [Instructions on back of sheet.) INSTRUCTIONS. 1. This form is for use where post or depot supply officers are unable to replace all the articles of equipment C due an organization on some authorized voucher, as state¬ ment of charges, expenditure certificates, survey report, I. & I. report, or similar voucher. 2. It will be prepared in duplicate, signed as indicated by the post or other supply officer, the shortage in whose stores available for issue required the issue of the certifi¬ cate, and turned over to the unit supply officer. 3. When the receipt of the unit supply officer is completed this certificate becomes a valid credit voucher for articles listed in column “Quantity replaced.” 4. If more than one sheet is used cut off the bottom of all except the last sheet and fasten all sheets together. 5. Property pertaining to one department only will be entered on this form. ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 205 33. REQUISITION. [Page 1 (requisition).] A. G. O. Form No. (Authorized.,191.) Requisition for articles of.property for maintenance (Q. M., Ord., Engr. or Sig.) of the Equipment C of. (Organization.) Quantity- required. Articles. Quantity issued. Unit price. Total value. i* • The articles listed above are necessary for the main¬ tenance and equipment of. In cases where the allowances are fixed by regula¬ tions the articles listed hereon, considering those previously drawn, do not exceed the allowances prescribed for the period. Approved. . (See note 2) Commanding. Unit supply officer. Summary: ' Total on voucher. Previously drawn. Total to date this period. Allowances. Balance. To be filled in by officer making the requisition. Voucher to return of For period ending . Voucher number 206 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL—NO. 2. [Page 2 (requisition).] A. G. 0. Form No. (Authorized.) Requisition for Articles for Main¬ tenance of . (Q. M., OrdL, Engr. or Sig.) Property pertaining to return of for period ending., 191_ INSTRUCTIONS. 1. This form will be used by the unit supply officer in obtaining expendable articles, spare parts, and preservatives for the maintenance of equipment C. Ar¬ ticles issued hereon will not be taken up on the account of the unit supply officer. (See A. R. 681K.) If articles of this class are, under the provisions of A. R. 681N, on the accountability of the unit supply officer they may be dropped on this form, using it as an expenditure voucher. It will be used in a similar manner by the organizations of a coast defense where there is no unit supply officer. This form will not be used to cover articles of ordnance property issued or expended for the maintenance of the sea- coast armament. 2. When allowances of expendable ar¬ ticles are prescribed by orders or regula¬ tions the approval of the commanding officer is not necessary. When this requi¬ sition covers articles in excess of the pres¬ cribed allowances it must be approved by the division or department commander. (See A. R. 681N.) When no allowances are prescribed, the approval of the com¬ manding officer is necessary. 3. The unit price, total value, and sum¬ mary columns will be used only when the allowance is a money value one. 4. Separate requisition will be sub¬ mitted for each bureau. 5. Separate requisition will be sub¬ mitted on this form for each of the fol¬ lowing classes of ordnance stores: Repairs of arms.abb. RD. Repairs of personal equipment, abb. RPE. Repairs of horse equipment and harness and pack outfits.abb. RHE. Cleaning and preserving material .abb. C&P 6. This completed form is a valid credit voucher to the account of a post, camp, or depot supply officer, or when as authorized by a bureau it may be used as a sub¬ voucher to the retained consolidated ex¬ penditure voucher of the post, camp, or depot supply officer of the bureau. 34. INVENTORY AND INSPECTION REPORT Form No. 44.8, A. G. O. (Authorized Apr. 12, 1917.) Ed. Apr. 24-17—1,000,000. Form No. 1, I. G. I>. Authorized December27,1907 Ed. July 13-16—50,000. INVENTORY AND INSPECTION REPORT Of ..Ordnance .Property.. Pertaining tolat..Regnit^Brigr J . Jf .Wssh.Jks * (Station or organization.) , r Myron Bertman Accountable I... * ... officer tL9.t..Meut A C.of .E A .S.,0. t _.. Inspected at.Wa3Mng.t.an..J3k3.«...PjiC . on ...May„.5.feh # ...l9l7 A . By Col, Snow % 1 ,Gr # D. spec ial * DIRECTIONS. 1. This form will be used for the inventoiy and inspection of property (except public animals) for condemnation in all the departments of the Army. To be made in duplicate. 2. Separate inventories will be made for the property pertaining to each staff department; for buildings as distinct from other property, and for “Subsistence Stores" as distinct from other property of me Q. M. Corps; also for the articles of ordnance, engineer, and signal property ’mentioned in paragraph 8 of these directions as requiring special author¬ ity of the Secretary of War for their submission for the action of an inspector. 3. Rifles to be inventoried singly, (a) The number of each rifle and its arsenal initial, (b) The date of issue of the rifle to the organization (date of invoice) and the number of target seasons it has been fired. This information to be given in column 1, usmg more than one line if necessary. See War Dept. Bulletins 24 of 1913; 15 and 31 of 1915. 4. An officer signing an inventory will add his official title, and, if com¬ manding a company or detachment, the letter or number of the company and the regiment or corps should also be added. 5. All changes made in original entries on an inventory and inspection report will be duly authenticated by the signature of the inspecting officer. Erasures of entries thereon are prohibited. Blank lines, column 1, to be ruled out in red ink when no articles are entered thereon. 6. Public property which has been damaged, except by fair wear and tear, or is unsuitable for the service, before being submitted to an in¬ spector for condemnation, will be surveyed by a disinterested officer, preferably the summary court officer. (A. R. 710.) 7. If an inspection of property follows the report of a survey thereon, one copy of the proceedings will accompany the inventory and inspection report which is transmitted for approval, and will afterwards be returned to be used as a voucher to the officer’s returns. (A. R. 725.) 8. Special authority must be obtained for submission of property to an inspector, as follows: Of the Secretary of War: Cannon and their carriages, machine and automatic guns with their carriages and mounts, but not including spare parts, accessories, implements and equipments required in then maintenance and operation; also ammunition for cannon. Electrical and mechanical installations and appliances furnished to the Coast Artillery Corps by the Engineer Department or the Signal Department and form¬ ing part of the permanent seacoast defenses. See A. R. 913. Of Quartermaster General: Old and unserviceable typewriting ma¬ chines issued by the Q. M. Corps. Cir. 3, O. C. Q. M. C., 1913. Of Chief Signal Officer: Unserviceable telescopes, field glasses, tele¬ phones, expensive electrical apparatus, and aeronautical apparatus. (A. R. 1566 as amended by C. A.R. 35,1915.) Of Department or Division Surgeon: Damaged or unserviceable medicines, medical books, surgical or scientific instruments and appli¬ ances. . (A. R. 1488.) 9. Attention is also invited to A. R. 678 and 903 to 914, inclusive, also G. 0.186, War Dept., 1907, G. 0.22,. W. D„ 1915, A. R. 1520 as amended by C. A. R. 1,1914, and Cirs. 89 and 92,1908,51 and 72,1910, and Ord¬ nance Pamphlet No. 1871. 10. Inspection reports on buildings must be forwarded for the action of the Secretary of War. (A. R. 912.) 11. Under A. R. 913 all of the copies of the inspection report on cannon and their carriages,-machino and automatic guns with their carriages and mounts, and ammunition for cannon; also electrical and mechanical in¬ stallations and appliances famished to the Coast Artillery Corps by the Engineer or Signal Departments, and forming part of the permanent seacoast defenses; must be forwarded by the v department or division commander directly to the chief of bureau concerned for final action of the Secretary of War. 12. Inspectors will state under Remarks that all brass trimmings, etc., of Ordnance Stores to be destroyed are to be turned in to Post Ordnance Officer for shipment to arsenal. 3—621 ***»--._ INVENTORY BY RESPONSIBLE OFFICER, 208 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 209 FIRST INDORSEMENT. WasMngMa.J^s^-.P^C JL .„5/.^17,._ I certify that this inventory, consisting of ...3*_ sheets, is correct in every particular; that each article enumerated has been examined by me personally, has never been previously condemned, and is, in my opin¬ ion, unserviceable or unsuitable for further public use here, and requires the action of an inspector. „_Myron_ Bertman,___ 1st Lieut.C orps of Engr. D.C. Responsible Officer. SECOND INDORSEMENT. I certify that I have carefully examined the articles enumerated within; that the disposition recommended is, in my judgment, the best for the public interest; that the articles recommended to be destroyed have no money value at or near the post, and that those found to be worthless have, as far as practicable, been de¬ stroyed in my presence. Inspector . THIRD INDORSEMENT. The within named articles will be disposed of as recommended by the inspector. By command of 3—621 104122—17-14 REPORT BY THE INSPECTOR I certify that all property herein recommended to be destroyed has been destroyed in my presence. 3—021 Date: 210 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 211 35. MEMORANDUM RECEIPT. CREDIT DEBIT jsLI P. Issued to \ Turned in by) Fort. r Date,' * 1 2 3 4 . .,1191.. Form No 448b, A. G. O. Authorized Sept. 28,1915. Ed. May 24-lfi—300,000. Abstract Record of Memo¬ randum Receipts. Post (or) \ Organization /. QUARTERMASTER (ORDNANCE) (ENGINEER) (SIGNAL) PROP¬ ERTY. (Strike out words'not "applicable.) NO. ARTICLES. . Received the above-named ar¬ ticles. (Sig.). (Rank). (Office). (Signed in duplicate.) No. QUARTERMASTER (ORDNANCE) (ENGINEER) (SIGNAL) PROP¬ ERTY. (Line out words not used.) Date. 6 £ P5 05 A ' Credit. Balance. Initials on transfer, j .... _ .! .... .... .... 1 1 - Article. Class. Section (Instruction slip to be pasted in¬ side of binding cover for use of loose-leaf memorandum receipt forms for quartermaster, ord¬ nance, engineer, and signal prop¬ erty.) Instructions. 1. Form No. 448, A. G. O., will be used for all quartermaster, ord¬ nance, engineer, or signal property on memorandum receipt issued by (debit slip) or turned in to (credit slip) a post or unit supply officer for each separate transacti ;t. The words “credit” or “debit,” “is¬ sued to” or “turned in by,” to be lined out according to the trans¬ action. These memorandum re¬ ceipt debit and credit slips will be filed as vouchers to the abstract record of memorandum receipts (Form No. 448b, A. G. O.), and will be numbered in one series for each. When so abstracted no other memorandum receipt will be required. 2. Form No. 448b, A. G.O., will be used by a post or unit supply officer as a consolidated abstract for all property issued on memo¬ randum receipt, and also for sep¬ arate abstracts for each organiza¬ tion which will be kept uosted from dav to day. The po’st. ab¬ stract will show the total quantity of each article out on memoran¬ dum receipt and each organiza¬ tion abstract will show the total quantity in that organization. This form will also be used simi¬ larly by each organization. 3. In case of a transfer of prop¬ erty on relief of a post or unit sup¬ ply officer, the receiving or unit officer will initial the balances shown on the post abstract of memorandum receipts. In case of the relief of an organization com¬ mander the receiving officer will initial the balances shown on the organization abstract of memo¬ randum receipts. 4. When an organization changes station the organization commander will initial the bal¬ ances shown on the supply offi¬ cer’s organization abstract of memorandum receipts for those articles to be transferred to an¬ other accountable officer, which will then be forwarded complete to the supply officer at the new station, together with the usual invoices and receipts for the prop¬ erty transferred. Form No. 448a, A. G. O. Authorized September 28, 1915. 212 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL—NO. 2. EXTRACTS FROM ARMY REGULATIONS. 281. There will also be kept in each company or detachment full information re¬ specting all equipment and other property held on memorandum receipt showing lists of articles, date of receipt * * * will be destroyed under the direction of the commanding officer. (C. A. R., No.-, March —, 1917.) 661. A company or detachment commander is responsible for all public property pertaining to his company or detachment, and Will not transfer his responsibility therefor to a successor during periods of absence of less than a month, unless so ordered by competent authority; when such absence exceeds a month, the question of re¬ sponsibility is settled by the proper authority. (C. A. R., No.-, March —, 1917.) 6811. Replenishment of equipment C will habitually be obtained through the unit supply officer, but no entry of the transaction will be made in his account unless necessary. In emergencies, an organization commander may obtain replenishment by any of the methods prescribed for the unit supply officer, but when such action is taken, he will promptly report the transaction to the unit supply officer. (C. A. R., No.-, March —, 1917.) 681J. All garrison equipment and other Government property (including ammuni¬ tion for target practice), except equipment C, will be held by organization commanders on memorandum receipt from the post or other supply officers. If ordered to field duty fall articles of the garrison equipment held on memorandum receipt by organiza¬ tions will be turned over to the post supply officer, and none of it will be taken with the organization, except as may be especially ordered by the next higher commander. Replenishment of garrison equipment will habitually be obtained by organization commanders according to the methods prescribed in paragraph 681F for unit supply officers in replenishing equipment C. (C. A. R., No.-, March —, 1917.) 5. The authorized engineer, ordnance, and Signal Corps supplies and equipment are given in the Unit Equipment Manuals. The authorized Quartermaster supplies and equipment are given in G. O. 39, 1915, as amended. ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 36. GUARD REPORT. : t» i 213 i 6 . H 8 * s Guard Mo unt ed at POST.-OF .-WASHINGTON..BARRACKS.DC.., CN --Apr-30th..... Ifll7 . and Relieved cn ...May. 1st t | 91 7 SERGEANTS. 1 CORPORALS. j MUSICIANS. Paf-pmnn, Co. E_[ Goddard. Co. E 1 Reed, Co. C ORDERLIES Kostanx> f Co. E. — LeNoir. Co. C-—Laird. Co. E._ i 1 Connollv . c. c. i 1 Post. 3.30 FIRST RELIEF^.; FROM 9.30 T0 11. 30 3Q 5*30 SECOND RELIEF. • •* l FBo ^i.ao to i 50 sn 50 THIRD RELIEF ^ 30 TO f7 n o— LO Co. Regt Name. J Co. Name. CO LJ- | Regt. , James E 1" E agDavls ! c 1 1"E2 g O’Brien E Soung E 1" E Jig Jones c l"Et! ig gaynor E Smith E i" e pg Ryan c | l"Ei 1g Kelly E -In&ryg 1 4 j Wilson C i" Ei c l"Ei! g Jaclcon E l"Eng 5 | | Boogher 0 E Millville u 1"B *g Gate8 E J/'Eng 7 li ' | 1 1 —is 1 | ■ j 1 9 ! i | 1 1° 1 Ii 1 ! 1 REMARKS. Summary Or Prisoners. ! Released G.P. Mc7ey 3. Clam. Received. Gain. Lots. 1 General Garrison Prisoners not 3 0 1 2 1 0 0 1 1 ,1 n Q 1 Toial i -1 1 In Hospital. . » John G. Peterson John Jones Serg’t Co. E. 1st U.S. Engra 1st Lieut. Corps of Engrs. . 1 Commanding Guard Officer of the Day. -i| 214 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL—NO. 2. PRISONERS. No. NAME. CO. REQT. CONFINED. CHARGE, SENTENCE. ■ - • - ^ • i REMARKS. AUTHORITY. DATE. TERM. EXPIRES WITH FUTURE GOOD CONDUCT. 1. iTrtV ,„ s„,, f >, P f q.C Jl.0.72 2-10-1 \ 47-62 AST 5-1/2J r 10-12-19 P „ G.CJ1.0.76 4-11-1 5 47 A.W. 1 yr 3-9-17 paroled (of conf Confined d urirwt t rur of Gu&: pd 3-1F -16-17 JlI MAsnri f .Tmriftn W 1 T)ep + Sport T fi -VI K 1 6-1 7 61A ,w K mo 6 i n i 7 Confined luring :our of gui ,rd .4-3 9-30-17 McCarthy, Robert Ifif A ,fl c .o t 4-30-17 / t= POSTS OF THE GUARD Ho, Location. x Guard pous? Gate 3s .ft. M. Storehouse & En/rr. Denot —.Officer a Qxs. f# Ponton Sheds & Caroenter Shon -§* 7, 8, ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 215 INSTRUCTIONS. 1. During the first tour of guard re¬ ported on this form, the names of all prisoners in confinement at the begin¬ ning of the tour will be recorded in one list (on the pages prepared for that pur¬ pose), and no new fist will be made dur¬ ing the month. The names of general prisoners 'and all entries pertaining to them will be recorded with red ink; the names of all other prisoners (enlisted men) and all entries pertaining to them will be recorded with black ink. The names of the general prisoners in con¬ finement at the beginning of the tour will be recorded at the head of the list of prisoners, beginning with name of the general prisoner who has the longest re¬ maining period of confinement to serve, and following with the names of other general prisoners in the order of the length of their remaining periods of con¬ finement. The names of the enlisted men then serving Sentences of confine¬ ment will follow next in the same order. The names of the other prisoners then in confinement (enlisted men not under¬ going sentences of confinement) will next be recorded in the order of the dates of their respective commitments; and the names of all prisoners, including general prisoners, will be numbered consecutively. The interval between a name and the one preceding it should not be greater than necessary. The minimum and normal allowance will be two of the ruled spaces for each prisoner. No attempt will be made by means of entries on the re¬ port other than by the prescribed column entries to designate or distinguish prison¬ ers awaiting trial or result of trial. 2. The name of each prisoner confined after the list hereinbefore prescribed is made and during the month covered by the report will be recorded, without re¬ gard to classification, next after the name of the prisoner last entered on the original list, and will be numbered accordingly. Sufficient space will be left above the name of the first prisoner confined during each guard tour, including the first tour of the month, for this heading: “Confined during the tour of -” (described by dates, e. g., June 25-26, 1909). All entries and parts of entries pertaining to general prisoners will invariably be made with red ink. 3. When a prisoner is released or dropped during the period covered by the report, a notation to that effect will be made opposite his name in the column for remarks. This notation will set forth briefly the fact, with the date on which the prisoner is released or dropped, and, except in the case of a prisoner released at expiration of sentence , the authority for releasing or dropping him. His name will then be lined out with black ink in the case of a general prisoner, and with red ink in all other cases. Whenever a pris¬ oner is released or dropped the fining out of his name will be initialed immediately below the name by the officer of the guard or if there be no officer of the guard, by the officer of the day. 4. When in the case of a prisoner not serving sentence notice of his sentence is received, the term and date of expira¬ tion of the confinement, if any, will be entered in the proper columns opposite his name, and the authority therefor will be noted in the column for remarks. If the sentence includes dishonorable dis¬ charge and confinement, the entries will be made with red ink, and include in the column for remarks this additional entry: “General prisoner since -” date of discharge). 5. The total number of prisoners for which the guard is accountable at any time may be ascertained readily by sub¬ tracting the number of names fined out from the total number of names entered, that is to say, from the number given to last name on the fist. 6. Forfeiture of “good conduct time” and orders modifying sentence will be noted in the column for remarks opposite the appropriate name in the fist of prison¬ ers, but the date of expiration of sentence recorded will not be changed, except as provided in paragraph 9. 7. Gains and losses numerically re¬ ported in the “Summary of Prisoners” will be noted by name in the space for remarks opposite the summary, and after each name will be entered the serial number given the name in the fist of prisoners, e. g., “Released: General prisoners Smith, 10; Jones, 21;” etc. Changes in the personnel of the guard will be noted in this space also. Hours and results of inspections and roll calls will not be recorded on this form, but they may, under the direction of the com¬ manding officer, be made the subject of a memorandum report. 8. When it is known in advance that the strength of the daily guard that will be required is so great that one page of the Guard Report will be insufficient for the daily fist of the guard, provision will be made to meet the deficiency by stitch¬ ing into the middle of the Guard Report, before beginning its use for the month, a sufficient number of extra sheets, which will be obtained by requisition upon The Adjutant General of the Army. This will permit of using more than one page of 216 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL—NO. 2. the report, under the caption “List of the guard,” for the guard of each day. When more than one page of the report is used for the list of the guard of one day, the word “Continued” will be written after the words “List of the Guard” at the top of each additional page so used, and the numbers printed under the heading “No. of Post” on each addi¬ tional page so used will be changed by prefixing the proper numeral to each of those numbers so that they will read 11, 12, 13, etc. 9. At the end of the month covered by any report, the names of all prisoners not lined out on that report will be trans¬ ferred with all entries pertaining to them to a new report and will be entered in the new list, in accordance with instruc¬ tions 1 and 2, and thereafter the remain¬ ing instructions, including this one, will apply. At this time the column entries which are affected by the remarks will be changed to conform thereto, and re¬ marks so incorporated will not be repeated on the new list. ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2. 37. FIELD RETURN. 217 .....SI IllPfl pa-’i i Isli illipl flfllll rlllp! liiiffi li is® ; ISIIll ! wm 1 RI I? | i l!l ?!! Co ** 1 | l 1 1 w j m r r f. jte* 1 • M I \Ck o id ? [Pi If T ro * s ! * § a :« o > • j 3 M «0 M FI iw { jt i ! H if III ip jo | Co ff o 8 c 33 Z OFFICERS, PRESENT AND ABSENT, ACCOUNTED FOR BY NAME (MATURE OF ABSENCE WITH DATES TO BE STATED). Note 3.—The names of the officers shown in the column "Commanding Officer’' on the face of the return will not be repeated under this heeding, except where it is necessary to giro other information to complete the record of the officer during the period covered. »- xo NAMES. Present RANK. REOIMENT OR CORPS. REMARKS. i Petar T H.Y. f ulna* AOS' l/l7 r [so 196 j Dept. 1916, i - Harold M. Porter 2» It « of a A.W.L. since Au* eA7 3C1P 74. An* 6A7. - -**Tr r; T / 218 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL- NO. 2. ™1P- RETIIR K of gcmpany T>" -BtfcBeglmat of Engineer for mars* lath » 191? Note 1.—When the command Is composed of dilleront organizations or parts of different • ’ regiments, the troops will bo reported on separate lines, by regiments; If of the same f regiment^by companies; if coast artillery organizations, on separate lines, by com- Q OFFICERS.. ENLISTED MEN. if If f S 1 I 1 1 Abs ENT. i 1 1 1 ! Absew h STATIONS. COMMANDING OFFICER. TROOPS. . g ‘ mrm. . John U D«dd« Co* *D" 1 2 2 4 141 21 □ - - - Total, 1 2 2 4 141 21 162 -f Hohses: Servir-able.6_l unserviceable,; lost in action, di^d, etc., Mules: Serviceable, 20 _ ; unserviceable, __ ; lost in action, died, etc., _._ Waoons: z toffML and 1 eac«rt wagon*. ___ Pieces of Artillery: _ , _ . ErrecrrvE Strength; Officer.,; enlisted men,j ona rvtryM*} o/tnttrut nl.tls( to th« duclpllnd RECORD OF EVENTS. ' Non t.—Adlcmt in which the regiment, or any portion of It, has been engaged, tcou efficiency, or trnAce of the regiment, will be minutely and carefully noted, with de Twrtiaw ernm ..the reservation.—indlaae dlssoTerad.April e, 1912, gad during sagageaant that followed Pit;. fleorge Bnrne, Company A f raoalTftd slltjrht. flush wrand in tha y -19l2. Distance marched. 65 mllea. lag. Sstumsd to poet April 12 Company E, under command of Cajat. C.-E. .Amea, 3Sth-Inf„ left Ft. Inwall, Aria,, April .28, 1912 on 10 days* practice march On April oai 2 . t he - . 3d. B a t t a l ion, aa &e n ■ 1 1 1 3 62 62 3 65 2 i SO 1 " ( ) 3 3 60 2 * 6? ? 60 4 1 80 ? L” 1 I 1 2 3 62 3 64 4 65 ? ? SO 1 Ft. Thomas. Arls. 1 [ 2 2 62 2 64 2 60 9 2Q- ft " l Z Z 1 3 61 2 1 64 2 50 l 20 , " I . 3 3 65 66 .4 60 1 3 2 20 1 1 " i t 2 1 3 38 - 1 1 1 61 f ■ 65 1 2 20 r ■ And Hdors Date. 35 1 36 30 I' to U tnelujsd t » o»y of the total*. 1 1 Tot Ala, h 8 3 41 7®, 35, 9 14 637 847' 780 aa 39 9 .260 6 8 EFFECTIVE STRENGTH: Officers,. enlisted men, ALTERATIONS SINCE LAST MONTHLY RETURN. OB’KidKita. iONZ.IB'TjaD MDK. 75 69 !__ mtmm A 191fi fl)t 1st Lieut.. ».f> Apr 'iCl, 1912, 2d Lieut.. Vwartr RrsMMif TJtrhy with Oo. to Anr 20 r 1912. Absent with. nnfc Inin sin nm Apt*. 21 f \912. I 0»Dt.. nh&ylds* I^ 0 H^r t y Tf* Cornua. IwTKlftgc ftgp*- ftnA >4AttAllon Api» t 16 to 2A, 1912 r Samtw nemrt. ■ 1st Lieut.. 2d Lieut.. w Duty with 0e t C«n4ff„ On. Apr 16 to 24 t 191£ T I [ K C»Dt.. frank Sawyer » Ootslg. Co. Fire Marshall 1 1st Lieut., Daniel D. Todd West Point. JKif. D.8. Instructor U.3. Military Aoadamy sins* •- An*. 10. 1910. See return for Aruc. 1910 t. 2d Lieut.. J&roas B. Hebws?^ Pt. ThouMMi. AriEt Duty with company, Athleetio Officer. As- pointed from civil life to rank Feb. 17, 1912 and assigned to the 38 Inf. 3.0. 76. Bf.D. Mali L 30. 1912, Assigned to 0e>. K. P«r B.3.Q. 42 1 C»Dt.. Apr. 10. 1812, Joined poet «4.re«t. Apr 10 1912. f 1st Lieut., 2d Lieut.. | - . H . . 0»Pt,. 1st Lieut,. a-tw# ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO 223 39b. REGIMENTAL RETURN (EXTRA SHEET). O FFICERS—Continued. RANK. NAMES. STATION. REMARKS- Ft. Lowell. Ariz . 'Duty with rest. Foot Com. Poet vreairarerf- - --> —;- Amt, tiurg...... A«flt R„ 1 Henry H,. Gordon Ft. Lowell. Aria Duty with rest. Poet librarian and in 1 chars* of enlisted men’s ectool. 1 AH 1 M Caadg. regtl. date. Ord. Ztuf.. and Sis.- - Officer. 1 Ifrotnaa Harmon 3.L. ae Fire M&rah&il. Frliton amtl Palfloa- officer. in chare* of.nfljft aarhftnga._ c TWty, Post Ad jt. flrd. t Rng,. and- Tiitngm ftfflneT, Tn clinrgH of post Sfthnol- ) , At- lamt. for S mf>B . ■ Biro* Veh . 11. 1912 - 1 . or ft. Sea ratern ftvrMr-h. 14112 T ,[ Si, ) hek •f Duty Aaat„ to Post rtnmsy. On loaye for 1 V Nl rtATj'wBi* R.D M-. Post Anr. 24. 1912. Tj»ft V post Apr, EE, rnlni.nad Apr. 26, 1912.' 1 / - . . i ■ Q 1 AT ■Tnatph W rivrt.ia Ft 0 TTioraa/I , Ari ? r Duty Pnatj. Q.M. and flomsy. r Priaon officer | Cap* Lou 12 C. Brirgfl Ft. Lowell. Aria . Crawls. Co. Ik, the field Apr. 4 to 12. 1912 Relieved as Restl. Adjt. and assigned to Ce A Adt. 2. 1912. per R.S.O. 20 Apr 2. 1912 1st Limit.. Edward Wilson at Duty vritb Co. Relieved a• prison officer Apr. 1. 1912. per 3.0. 51. poet'Apr. 1 i 1912. In the field Apr. 4 to 12, 1912. 2d Lieut.. Taca-nsy B C*Dt.. Harry C. Toim*. •1 Cotwig. Co. Rejoined tmm D.S. at Ffr. LeavsTv- worth. K«ns.' Apr. 16, 1912. 3e© return for tteh. 1942, 'Ist Lieut. Joeech Wild * Duty with Co. Ccradfi. Co. to Aprl 15, 1912 In the field' Apr. 4 to 12, 1912. 2d Lieut.. Edward Putnam w Duty, v^th Co. to Apr. 28. 1912 In arrest since Apr. 29. 1912. In the fidld Apr. 4 to. 12. 1912. C C»Dt„ Sidney JPtUi* Cords. Co., Eranfiferred free S6th Inf. per S.O. 7£„ W„D. Apr. 4. 1912. Joined Apr. K> 12. 1912. Assigned to C.C par R.S.O. 40 I*.* 79 1Q19 f-- AT attend «i- London ^ | Apr « A7lC« — *£>ut? with Co, Goads Co. to Apr. 11. 1912. ' i 2d Lieut.. Jacob Ks-eler 9f S.D. Condg. Co. D since Kch 14. 1912. L .. i D Cant.. Harry Gilbert Ft. Leavenworth D.S. a* Student. Aray School of the Line Kaos. a tone Ang. IS. 1911. See return for Auk. 1911. 1st Lieut., Yacangy -.-. | , L - :—4 224 ENGINEER TRAINING MANUAL-NO. 2, OFFICEKS—Continued. Rank NAMKA 8TATIOW Kl.lLlt2iCtl 2d LieuL, Los Angeles, Cal. S^O t 70 87 n r Mr.h. 3p ( 1912, jwvat 7, Wl? Sitrlr In Mnii U *■ c , rr» V E ' Capt., Charles K. Arms Ft. towel 1 , Ari y. , 2fl, 1912, Vt W) prt t Jl 5^ nr^ /PF 1st Lieut., p.h. 1912, 2d Lieut-, «f On LAAtrA fnr 1 M mn^ fT-nm Apr 10 f 191?^ p^r S,n. 7*5, Dept . Call/, .Apr 2, 1912, left pout. Apr. 9, 1912, VI th'Hn . ~tn inr, 9, 1912 F Capt., John A Hope 0*i Franc 1 sen ( Cel, T} S opdftfpd. fco Pflyn7*t ho P P —— far tenporarv rjuty pr^r tel, instructions Hdvrra-.Wost Dlv. Anr. 10. 1912. Left post let Lieut., William Springer Ft. Lowell. Ariz Apr 12. 1912.CondK, Co to' Anr 11, 1912. sCamdg. Co since Apr. 12. 1912 Duty with Co to spr. 11, 1912. 2d Lieut., George Burt Ft. Leavenworth D.S. undergoing 3 mas. course of instruction Kans. Assigned to Co. rer R.3.0. 32. Apr. 3. 1912. Hot vet joined. o Capt., Charles W. Winter Ft. Lowell. Ariz . Comdg. Co. Promoted froml.et It.. 36th.inf. to Capt. to rank Mch 17. 1S12 and assigned to 38th Inf.Apr. 23. 1912 par 12 3.0. 93 1st Lieut., Herbert Curtis,^.. « W.D. APB. 23. 1912. Assigned to Co'S. Per j R.S.O. 50 r Apr. 29, 1912.. ' . --> Duty with Co. Onrndg Co to Apr 26, 19l - 2, , 2d Lieut., Charles M. Lee N Dutv with Co. Sick in quarters Apr. 20 to 23,' 1912 . H Capt., James Harris San Francisco Cal . D.S. as In ”Bector-Instructor of organized Militia since Apr 11. 1912 per S.O. 76 Comdg. .Apr 10, 1912 ♦ (Fasten along this fold to Fonq No. 41.) OFFICERS, PRESENT AND ABSENT, ACCOUNTED. FOR BY NAME. Not* Tha dele (with numb* any command or tpecial duly, with The actual 8CUTO0 of enter) on which an officer Is aatigntd or transferred to, joint or rejoins, the regizatot, or any company, assumes or to relieved from of whatever duration, or cause, with authority therefor, and dates of departure and return, will be stated ’, if abaent from the regiment, will be reported. of, and periods authorized, with numbers, dates, and sources of orders (and in case of absence on detached service, Bubse^hen* returns, while such ebsanoBs octtCtajM; will be ndrtd, “......;.;.. m .» * <»—-—> of order), resignations, dismissals, \ at the foot of the Lbt of o RANK. NAMES. STATION. BZJ£AIL£S. , " 4 Colonel, Ft.. Lowell, Ari* Sick In quartern since Anr. 24. 1912. Cczwiff. regiment and. post, to Anp. 23. 1912. 1 1 Lt. Col., Geo rye H. Hay ft Cotidg. rejft. and post since Apr 24. 1912. Aenltfnod to refft. from nuaasignod Apr. 3. 1912, par. 30, £.C, 81, W.D. Apr, 3, 1912. Joined Aor. 0. 1912. Major, Williem Spencer M Comic?, battalion. Stannary Court. . J ' 1 Major, John fi. Carter r Comdg. battalion. Assigned to 24 battn Anr. MB,, or Bn., 1. 1912. per R.S.O. 29. same date. Detailed as range officer Apr. 26.1912. S.O. 69. Post, Apr. 26. 1912. , . Major, Chari os W. Hevs Ft. ThOmae. Ariz firmidg-, post and battalion. D.S. at Ft. Grant 3d Sq. or Bo., ArlzT, oaMJ. duty Apr, 16 to 24, p or , s,n, 68, Dept. Calif. Apr, 3, 1912. Adjutant, T?f T.rmfi 11 p Aria Duty with negt, Pont Adjt, cemdg. N.C..9, and hand, Relieved from Co. A. and appointed j Re^t.l , Adjt, Apr, 2, 1912, per R.S.O. SO. Apr. 2 f 1)912. Q.M., John E. llorse »t Duty with Regt. Post l - : - O RETURN of c 0,1 July 31, » : ..... . . :‘ NO. NAMES. (To be entered in order shown in recap od first fold.) NGAGEMENT. than ooo day, or occurred at more than d io; otherwise, the entry of the place top of this sheet will be sufficient ) REMARKS. Date. 1 John Doe 1 A ttnilam Brovffl,- 1 1. l| | f . 104122—17. (To face 40. A. G. O. 149, RETURN OF CASUALTIES. RETURN of Casualties in Regiment jxfEryjp.neers ill ^CtiOIl at Gettysburg_0^1 July 31,t $ NO. NAMES. (To be entered In order shown In recapitulation on flr*t fold.) RANK. CO. REGIMENT OR CORPS. NATURE OF CASUALTY. (Whether killed, wounded, or otherwise injufcrt, or missing ) NATURE OF WOUND OR OTHERTNTURT. ■ACTION. OR. ENGAGEMENT. (If action or engagement covered more than on© day, or occurred at more than one place, tboeo columns will be tilled in; otherwise, tho entry ©f the place and date in the spaces provided at tho top of thi§ sheet will bo sufficient) REMARKS. Slight ok Severe. (For wooodrd or injured only.) LOCATION. Missile or Weapon. Place. Date. let Lieut. D 5th Engrs. wounded Severe Head Shrapnel. Kp+. 7) 5th Eners. killed Body wound- 0 5th Engrs. killed Hsag, Shell fr igment Pvt D 5th Engr3. missing Pvt D 5th Engrs. wounded slight Left Arm .Rifle Bill Ji± — 104122—17. (To face page 224.) Face RETURN OF CASUALTIES TROOPS ENGAGED AND RECORD OF EVENTS. 5th-gsg latent ofj.^nginaer.9.^. IN ACTION AT .. ..Gattyrtous*.. Zoom., . On . ,jf!te.3k . 191 8 RECAPITULATION. om “"' EolisUd Killed. 2 2 Wounded 1 l . i S Otherwise! injured./' Missing -... Total _ .1...J ...... 1 ...... .1 4 5 Thin return will be mode in triplicate, after the close of each action, by tho commander of a post, detachment, indopdndont company, independent battalion, regiment, district, or brigade, and will account for all casualties by name and in figures. Tho commander of a division, corps, army, or deport¬ ment will consolidate these returns, in figures only, adding to such consolidation the casualties, by name end in figures, of the staff or detachment at his headquarters. One copy of this return will bo forwarded by tho officer making it to his immediate superior commander, one copy will bo Bent by mail diroctly to The Adjutant General of tho Army, and one copy will bo retained for file with the records of the post or organization. Station, _ &ottyaburg f Pa. _ Date , _ JBta..31a 1917 __ 191 ornmanding 104122—17. (To face page 224.) Back ^GED AND RECORD OF EVENTS. - Commanding.