V. ORDINANCES -OF THE CITY OF OGDENSBURG PASSED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL, APRIL 12th, 1904. Republican & Journal Co. Publishers and Printers Ogdensburg, N. Y. • * ■I • %'.Jj ORDINANCES CITY OF OGDENSBURG PASSED BY THE COMMON COUNCIL, APRIL J2th, 1904. Republican & Journal Co. Publishers and Printers Ogdensburg, N. Y. ■ . ■ * -J r. A1 Al 3 • - "SsHj.o'lVV ' 06 i ox, ^> 04 - ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF OG- DENSBURG. The Common Council of the City of Ogdensburg do ordain as follows: CHAPTER I. Of Streets, Squares and Sidewalks. Sec. 1. No person shall place or de¬ posit, except as hereinafter provided, on any sidewalk or in any street, any sign, cask, box, crate, stone, vehicle, lumber or other substances or materi¬ als under a penalty of ($5.00) five dol¬ lars for each and every offense; and the person depositing the same, and the owner or occupant of the premises in front of which any such article, sub¬ stance or material shall be, shall for¬ feit a penalty of ($5.00) five dollars for every twenty-four hours the same shall remain after he is notified in writing by the Mayor or a policeman to re¬ move the same. Sec. 2. The Mayor or Board of Public Works may grant permission in writing to any person to place and keep any building materials in any of the public streets for the purpose of building or repairs, for a period not exceeding three months; but such permission shall not authorize the obstruction of more than one-third the sidewalk and one-third of the carriage way of the street opposite the lot on which an erection is to be made by the person to whom such permission is granted and such permission may, at any time be revoked by the Mayor or the Board of Public Works on one day’s notice. Sec. 3. The preceeding first section shall not be construed to prevent the temporary deposit of firewood or kindling in the street in front of any house, store or shop, for the use of which such wood or kindling is so de¬ posited, provided, that the same is not suffered to remain in said street more than twenty-four hours. Sec. 4. It shall be lawful for any person to place or set out for sale any goods on the sidewalk, in front of and within three feet of the store or build¬ ing or to occupy the sidewalk in front of the same so far only, as may be ne¬ cessary in receiving and delivering ar¬ ticles to or from such premises. Sec. 5. No person, shall at any time fasten any horse to any shade tree, nor fasten or stop the same in such way Incumbering streets and walks, prohibited. Permission to deposit building material in streets. Depositing firewood in street. Goods may be placed on sidewalk. Horses not to be fastened to shade trees. /^M. Go CO 4 Dog carts, swill carts, &c., not to be driven on sidewalks. Immoderate driving, prohibited. Signs, etc., not to project more than three feet from buildings. Injuries to walks, bridges, pavements, &c. Throwing snow balls and shooting air guns prohibited. Playing ball in streets prohibited. Encroachments on streets prohibited. that such horse, or the reins, lines, or vehicle attached, shall be an obstruc¬ tion to the free use of any side¬ walk or crosswalk under the penalty of five dollars for each offense. Sec. 6. No person shall drive, lead or propel, any horse, cart, wagon, sleigh, dog-team, wheelbarrow, hand delivery cart or swill cart on any side¬ walk, except in crossing the same to go into a yard or lot, under the penal¬ ty of five dollars for each offense. Sec. 7. No person shall ride or drive any horse, horses or automobiles in any street in this city faster than at the rate of eight miles an hour; nor shall any person drive any sleigh, cut¬ ter or other vehicle upon runners through any street of this city unless there shall be one or more bells at¬ tached to the horse or horses, or to some part of the harness thereof, or to the sleigh, cutter or vehicle, under the penalty of five dollars for each of¬ fense. Sec. 8. No person shall put up, or erect, or suffer to remain, any sign, show case or other thing projecting into or hanging over the street or side¬ walk more than three feet from the premises of such person, under the penalty of five dollars for each offense, and the further penalty of five dollars for every twenty-four hours such ob¬ struction shall be suffered to remain after written notice given by the Mayor or Chief of Police to remove the same. Sec. 9. Any person who shall tear up, or injure any pavement, planking, sidewalk, bridge or crosswalk, drain or sewer, in any street or public ground, or shall dig any hole or ditch therein, without the permission of the Mayor or the Board of Public Works, shall forfeit the sum of ten dollars for each offense. Sec. 10. No person shall throw snow¬ balls or ice balls or shoot air guns or sling shots in any street in the city of Ogdensburg, under a penalty of five dollars for each offense. Sec. 11. No person shall play ball, or knock or drive any ball in any street in this city under a penalty of five dol¬ lars for each offense. Sec. 12. No person shall erect, or place or cause or procure to be erected or placed, any building or structure 5 extending or projecting over any street, under the penalty of twenty-five dollars for each offense, and the fur¬ ther penalty of ten dollars for each week the same shall be allowed to continue after notice from the Council to remove the same; provided such penalty shall not be incurred by rea¬ son of any cornice, window cap or ornamental moulding on any build¬ ing, projecting into the street three feet or less. / Sec. 13. No person shall, without permission from the Mayor or Board of Public Works, dig, remove or carry away, or cause to be dug, removed or carried away any stone, earth, sand or gravel from any street or public ground in this city under the penalty of ten dollars for each offense. Sec. 14. No person shall construct, improve or renew any sidewalk, unless the grade and width thereof be fixed and the material and the manner of construction be prescribed by the Board of Public Works under a penal¬ ty of ten dollars for each offense, and a further penalty of five dollars for each week such sidewalk shall remain af¬ ter notice from the Board of Public Works that such sidewalk must be al¬ tered to conform to the specifications provided by said Board of Public Works. Sec. 15. The occupant of every building or lot and the owner of every unoccupied building or lot adjoining which there is any sidewalk shall keep the same clean and free from dirt and rubbish, snow and ice. Any person violating this ordinance shall forfeit the sum of three dollars for each offense. Sec. 1G. Catherine street, on the north side of Ford street between Washington street and to within fifty teet of Ford; Isabella street south of Ford, between the intersection of South Water street to within fifty teet of Ford, and River street east of Lake street shall be designat¬ ed, streets for cartmen and truck¬ men, who while occupying the same must place their vehicles in such posi¬ tion that both hind wheels will stand against the curb; and every cartman and truckman who shall, when not in actual employ of any person leave his cart or truck in any street except at the place and the manner above desig¬ nated, shall forfeit the sum of two dol¬ lars for each offense. Digging stone, etc., in streets prohibited. Altering grade or width of sidewalks prohibited. Sidewalks to be kept clean and free from snow and ice. Cartmen stands. 6 Horses not to be left unfastened. Injuring shade trees. Opening sewer or water main without permission prohibited. No rubbish or litter to be thrown on street. Bills, posters, pamphlets, &c., not to be thrown on streets. Distributing Advertising matter on streets prohibited. Advertising on telegraph &c. poles prohibited. Sec. 17. No person shall leave in any street in said city, any horse unat¬ tended by driver or other person un¬ less the same be properly fastened, under the penalty of two dollars for eacn offense. Sec. 18. No person shall maliciously or wantonly cut or injure any orna¬ mental or shade tree in any street or public ground, under the penalty of ten dollars for each offense. Sec. 19. No person shall tap, open or connect with any pipe, sewer, drain, conduit or gas main, constructed or maintained under the authority of the City of Ogdensburg, without the per¬ mission of the Mayor or the Board of Public Works, and only in such man¬ ner and on such condition as may be prescribed by said Board of Public Works; and no person shall tap, open or connect with any pipe, water main or fire hydrant without the per¬ mission of the Mayor or the Board of Water Commissioners. No person shall dig any hole or open any trench in any street or square, without the permission granted as hereinbefore provided. Any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be liable for a penalty of twenty-five dollars for each offense. Sec. 20. Any person who shall sweep, throw or deposit, or cause to be swept, thrown or deposited, any ashes, dirt, stone, brick, straw, papers, or other litter, rubbish, slops or gar¬ bage of any kind in any street, lane, gutter, sidewalk or public place, or in any place where the same may be blown upon the streets of the city, shall forfeit the sum of three dollars for each offense. Sec. 21. Any person who shall cast, throw or scatter or cause to be cast, thrown or scattered in or upon any of the streets, alleys, sidewalks or public places in the city, any bills, posters, dodgers, pamphlets or paper of any kind or description shall forfeit the sum of three dollars for each offense. Sec. 22. No person shall distribute advertisements of any nature, except newspapers, to pedestrians in any public street within the City of Og¬ densburg, under a penalty of three dollars for each offense. Sec. 23. No person shall place any advertisement upon the sidewalks, hydrants, telephone or telegraph poles, 7 telephone wires, electric light poles or public building in any public street or place within the City of Ogdensburg, under a penalty of three dollars for each offense. Sec. 24. No person or persons shall, at any time, move any building or any part of a building, through or upon any of the public streets, lanes or al¬ leys in the city, unless by permission in writing of the Common Council. Any person or persons violating any of the provisions of this section shall be liable to pay to the city a penalty of twenty-five dollars for each offense. Sec. 25. Any person who shall with intent to alter the top grade or earth of any street, alley, lane, square, side¬ walk or crosswalk, shall remove, alter, pull up or move any post, stake or mark or cause the same to be done which has been fixed or placed by the surveyor or engineer employed by the city, shall for each offense be liable to pay to the city a penalty of ten dol¬ lars. CHAPTER II. Of Nuisances and Disorderly Houses and Practices. Sec. 1. No person shall deposit or suffer his servant, child or family to deposit, any carcass, carrion, putrid meat, fish, entrails, offals, filth, gar- bish, rubbish or any unwholesale sub¬ stance upon any lot in this city or in any street or lane, or upon t..e bank of any river, or in the pond or canal in this city, under a penalty of $5.00 for each offense. Sec. 2. Expectorating upon the floors of any public place or on the sidewalks in this city, or in the street cars is prohibited, under a penalty of three dollars for each offense. Sec. 3. No owner or occupant of any lot or tenement shall permit any sub¬ stance mentioned in the first section of this chapter, to remain upon said lot or tenement or to the center of the street adjoining, under the penalty of five dollars for every day during which the same shall so remain. Sec. 4. The Mayor, any alderman or a policeman, may order the owner or occupant of any house, shop, stable, sewer or other building, or place which shall be unwholesome or nauseous, to Moving buildings. Removal of surveyor’s stakes. Deposit of nuisances, etc. in streets prohibited. Expectorating upon the sidewalks, etc. prohibited. Occupants not to allow nuisances to remain in streets. Unhealthy places to be cleaned. 8 Disorderly houses prohibited. Letting such houses prohibited. Riots, etc prohibited. Police to arrest etc. Public bathing restricted. cleanse, remove or abate the same as often as it may be necessary for the health and comfort of the inhabitants of the city; and any person neglecting or refusing to obey such order shall forfeit the penalty of ten dollars for each neglect or refusal. Sec. 5. No person shall keep any house of ill-fame, prostitution, assigna¬ tion, or house for the resort of gam- sters, or other disorderly persons un¬ der the penalty of fifty dollars for each offense. Sec. 6. No person, as owner or agent shall let or demise any house, room, or tenement in this city for the purpose of its being used, or having notice that it is intended to be used as a disorderly or gaming house or house of ill-fame, prostitution or as¬ signation, under a penalty of fifty dol¬ lars for each offense. Every such hou^e is declared to be a public nuis¬ ance and the Council shall cause the same to be abated. Sec. 7. Every person who shall make or assist in making any riot or tumult, or aid or be engaged in any noisy, quarrelsome or disorderly as¬ semblage, or shall make any loud or boisterous noise so as to disturb the peace of the city, or shall idle or loiter upon the streets or sidewalks of said city, so as to annoy or hinder the peo¬ ple passing thereon, or shall use vul¬ gar or insulting language to, or know¬ ingly within the hearing of any fe¬ male passing upon the streets or side¬ walks, or being upon the streets or sidewalks, to, or knowingly within the hearing of any female lawfully being in or upon premises adjacent thereto, shall be liable to a penalty of ten ($10) dollars for each offense. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of the policemen to arrest all persons guilty of any offense in the last section men¬ tioned, and also all tramps, vagrants, common beggars and other disorderly persons and take them before the re¬ corder to be dealt with according to law. Sec. 9. No person shall publicly bathe, without bathing suits in the day time in any river, pond or canal in this city under the penalty of two ($2.00) dollars for each offense. 9 Sec. 10. No person shall exhibit or assist to exhibit any natural or arti¬ ficial curiosities, caravan, circus, theat¬ rical or other show or exhibition or performance for money within the bounds of the city, (except in the town hall building) without a license for that purpose under the penalty of one hundred ($100) d'ollars for each of¬ fense. Sec. 11. The Mayor may issue li¬ cense for any such exhibitions, upon the payment to the City Treasurer of the sum of not less than fifty dollars ($50) for each exhibition of a circus or caravan, and for any other exhibition, not less than five ($5.00) dollars for every twenty-four hours. Sec. 12. Any person who shall act in a noisy or boisterous manner as a hackman, cartman, runner or solicit¬ or for any hack, cart, boat, railroad, public house or other establishment, shall forfeit a penalty of ten dollars ($10) for each offense. Sec. 13. No person shall threaten or challenge another to fight or en¬ gage in any fight, within the bounds of the city, under a penalty of ten dol¬ lars ($10) for each offense. Sec. 14. Except on the 3rd, 4th and 5th of July, no person shall fire any cannon, gun, fire ball, fire cracker, tor¬ pedo, fire works or other explosives within the bounds of the city, unless by permission of the Mayor or Com¬ mon Council, under a penalty of five ($5.00) dollars for each offense. Sec. 15. No person shall set lire to any pile of shavings or build any bon¬ fire, or burn any leaves on any street, lane or public grounds at any time, nor elsewhere, after sun down, under a penalty of five ($5.00) dollars for each offense. Sec. 16. No person shall use any building for a slaughter house in this city unless the same is located west¬ erly of Jefferson Avenue, or easterly of Champlain street, and southerly of LaFayette street, under a penalty of ten ($10) dollars for each offense. Sec. 17. No person shall cast or de¬ posit, suffer or procure to be cast or deposited, in the Oswegatehie river above the mill dam and within the city limits, the body of any dead ani¬ mal or any live animal' with intent to Exhibitions, shows, etc., without license, prohibited. Mayor to license shows. Runners restricted. Challenge to fight. Firing of guns prohibited. Building fires in the streets, etc., prohibited. Location: of slaughter houses. Not to corrupt the Oswegatehie river. 10 Use of dynamite, etc., prohibited. Animals not allowed to run at large. Actions against persons allowing cattle, etc., to run at large. Persons causing animals to escape. drown the same, or any other filth, nor deposit or place such dead body or any other filth on either bank of said river within said limits, so that the same or any part thereof shall be liable to be washed or otherwise con¬ ducted into said river, nor in any oth¬ er manner or way corrupt, or render impure the water in said river within said limits, under a penalty of ten ($10) dollars for each offense. Sec. 18. No person or persons, shall use any dynamite, nitro-glycerine or explosive substances other than gun powder for blasting purposes in the city of Ogdensburg, without the per¬ mission of the Mayor, and whoever violates this ordinance, shall, upon conviction, forfeit and pay the sum of ($50) fifty dollars for each offense. CHAPTER III. Of Restraining Animals. Sec. 1. No cattle, horses, swine, sheep or geese shall be permitted to run at large in this city, nor be driven or allowed on the streets without such restraint as shall prevent such ani¬ mals from going out of the wagon¬ way, under a penalty of two dollars for each offense; to be recovered from the owner or person who allows the same to run at large or go unrestrained up¬ on the streets, or from whose posses¬ sion the same shall have escaped. Ani¬ mals being driven on the streets with¬ out the immediate and constant at¬ tendance of at least one person for every two animals who are keeping such animals in the wagon-way and under progress, shall be deemed as running at large, or not restrained as provided in this section. Sec. 2. If any taxpayer shall file with the recorder a verified complaint against any person offending under the first section of this chapter, giving the names of at least two reliable wit¬ nesses, the recorder shall forthwith commence an action in the name of tne city against such offender to recov¬ er such penalty and when so recover¬ ed, the whole penalty shall belong to the city. Sec. 3. Any person who shall cause any animal to escape from a proper enclosure, or to be released from proper restraint, shall be liable to a penalty of five ($5.00) dollars for each offense. 11 Sec. 4. No dog that is dangerous, vicious or ferocious in any degree, shall be permitted to run at large in this city under a penalty of five ($5.00) dollars for each offense, to be recover¬ ed from the owner of said dog or the person from whose possession it es¬ caped. Sec. 5. It shall be lawful for the recorder on the complaint of any per¬ son that any dog is dangerous, vicious or ferocious, and is allowed to run at large to issue an order directed to the owner or person having charge of or harboring said dog, requiring such owner or person to appear before him at the next regular session of the re¬ corder’s court, to show cause why said dog should not be confined or destroy¬ ed, which order shall be served upon such owner or person having posses¬ sion of or harboring such dog in the same manner as is provided for the service of a summons in the recorder’s court and at the next session of said court the recorder shall take the evi¬ dence then offered relating to the same and report the same to the Com¬ mon Council, and if the Common Coun¬ cil shall decide that such dog is dan¬ gerous, vieous or ferocious in any de¬ gree and is not kept constantly con¬ fined so as not to endanger any per¬ son rightfully passing or an ordinary trespasser in the day time, they may require such owner or person having possession or harboring such dog, to thereafter keep said dog so confined or to destroy the same, and any person who shall neglect or refuse to so con¬ fine or destroy such dog after having been so ordered by the Common Coun¬ cil, shall forfeit a penalty of ten dol¬ lars for every twenty-four hours he shall so neglect or refuse. The po¬ lice of said Cn.y may, and it shall be their duty, to destroy said dog at any time after the Common Council shall decide that the same is dangerous, vicious or ferocious in any degree if the same shall be found running at large. Sec. 6. Every person residing in the City of Ogdensburg, New York, own¬ ing or harboring any dog or bitch therein, shall on or before the first day of June in each year, procure from the City Clerk a license for each dog or bitch so owned or harbored and pay the City Treasurer a license fee of one dollar for each such dog and three dollars for each such bitch and pre¬ sent to the clerk a receipt therefor. Vicious dogs to be restrained. Destroying vicious dogs. Owners of dogs must pay licenses. 12 City clerk to issue licenses. Police officers to impound and kill dogs without tags. Dynamite and other explosives; How to be kept. and put and keep upon the neck of each such dog or bitch the metal num¬ ber tag which shall be issued to such person as hereinafter provided. Any person violating this ordinance shall forfeit a penalty of five ($5.00) dollars for each offense. Sec. 7. It shall be the duty of the City Clerk upon payment to the City treasurer of the license fee, provided in the last section, to issue to every person applying therefor a numbered license for each such dog or bitch, to¬ gether with a metal number tag of convenient size and shape. It shall also be the duty of the said clerk to procure a record book which shall be the property of the city and to enter and record therein the name of every person applying for such license, the date of such application and the num¬ ber of each license and metal tag, is¬ sued as aforesaid. The number of the license and tag to be the same in the case of each animal. Sec. 8. It shall be the duty of any police officer of said city to apprehend, impound and within two days there¬ after, kill any dog or bitch owned or harbored by any person residing therein and running at large in said city without a metal number tag issued as aforesaid attached to its neck, or which has not been duly licensed as provided in these ordinances or run¬ ning at large contrary to the provi¬ sions of any ordinance of said city. No bitch in heat shall be suffered to run at large in said city under a pen¬ alty of $5.00 for each offense. No person shall keep in said city any dog or bitch, which by howling, bark¬ ing or whining at night, or by barking or in any other manner, annoys any person. Every person harboring such dog or bitch in said city shall be sub¬ ject to a penalty of three dollars ($3.00). CHAPTER IV. Of the Prevention and Extinguish¬ ment of Fires. Sec. 1. (a) No person or corpora¬ tion shall without express license from the Common Council store or keep dy¬ namite, nitroglycerine or other high explosive in any store or other place within this city, and no person or cor¬ poration shall carry or transport any such substance through any street of 13 this city except with the written per¬ mission and under the regulation of the Chief of the Fire Department or officer lawfully performing his duties. No person or corporation shall with¬ out express license from the Common Council store or keep in any store or place within this city gun powder in a quantity to exceed twenty-five pounds in any one store or premises. (b) No person or corporation shall without express license Trom the Com¬ mon Council store or keep within this city gasoline, spirits of turpentine, benzine, naptha or other explosive fluid, or fluid which may generate an explosive gas, in a quantity to exceed sixty gallons in any one store or prem¬ ises. The Chief of the Fire Department or other officer lawfully acting in his stead shall have power, and it shall be his duty, when there is reasonable cause to believe any substance herein mentioned is being stored or kept in violation of this section, to enter and make search for the same in any store or other place, and if the same is found in violation of this section to cause the immediate removal of the same and to present a proper informa¬ tion to the Recorder or magistrate act¬ ing in his stead. All gunpowder and volatile explosive fluids hereby per¬ mitted to be stored or kept shall at all times be stored and kept in a situa¬ tion and manner approved by the Chief of the Fire Department, other¬ wise he may summarily cause their removal. Any person or corporation violating the provisions of either subdivision of this section shall forfeit a penalty of fifty dollars for each offense. Sec. 2. No owner, occupant or oth¬ er person shall permit, suffer or allow any waste paper, wooden or paper boxes, not in use, excelsior or other inflammable substance or refuse to ac¬ cumulate or be stored in any building, cellar, room, attic, shed or lane in the city of Ogdensburg, under a penalty of $10 for each offence. Sec. 3. Whenever in the opinion of the Mayor, Chief Engineer of the Fire Department or his assistant, any chim¬ ney, fireplace, stove, stovepipe, smoke¬ house or any heating apparatus or re¬ pository for ashes, is in such condition as to expose a building to take fire, it shall be his duty to direct the occu¬ pant or owner to correct or remove Penalty for inflammable sub¬ stances not allowed to accumulate. Exposure to fire remedied. ±4 Penalty for refusal. Fire Department. Chief to have charge of all fires. No person to injure fire hose or apparatus. No obstruction near hydrant. No person to interfere with fire boxes. such exposure within a certain time to oe designated by him, not less than twenty-four hours after notice to such owner or occupant. Sec. 4. Every person or occupant suffering any such unsafe fireplace, chimney place, stove, stove pipe, smoke house, heating apparatus or re¬ pository for ashes as provided in the last section, to continue in such condi¬ tion after notice to correct the same and after the time limited therefor, shall forfeit the sum of ten dollars ($10) for each offense and the further sum of ten ($10) dollars, for every teD days such unsafe fireplace, stove or other thing shall continue. Sec. 5. The Fire Department of the City of Ogdensburg, shall consist of a Chief, one assistant chief and such firemen as the Common Council may employ; the compensation of such Chief, assistant chief and firemen shall be fixed by the Common Council. Sec. 6. The Chief of the Fire De¬ partment in all cases of fire shall have sole control of all the other members of the fire department and over all the companies, engines and apparatus pertaining thereto, and any person in said department who shall refuse or neglect to obey any lawful order of the Chief shall be suspended by the Chief of the Fire Department who shall thereupon report such suspension to the Common Council for their action thereon at their first regular meeting thereafter. The orders to members of the companies shall be given only through their foreman or by the Chief in person. Sec. 7. Any person who shall drive any sleigh, carriage, cart, wagon, car or other vehicle upon or across any hose, while in use by the Fire Depart¬ ment without permission of the Chief or his assistant in charge of the same, shall forfeit a penalty of twenty-five ($25) dollars for each offense. Sec. 8. No person shall place any lumber, stone or other obstruction nearer than six feet to any hydrant nor cover the same with snow in this city under a penalty of five ($5.00) dollars for each offense. Sec. 9. No person shall make or cause to be made, or have in his pos¬ session, any key, impression or dupli¬ cate of any key of any signal box of 15 the fire alarm system of the City of Ogdens burg without permission of the Common Council under a penalty of five ($5.00) dollars for each offense. Sec. 10. No person shall give or cause to be given any false alarm of fire in any manner within the City of Ogdensburg without permission of the Mayor under a penalty of ten ($10) dollars for each offense. Sec. 11. No person shall attempt to operate any connected fire alarm sig¬ nal box within the City of Ogdensburg except in case of fire, nor interfere with said signal box, nor any part thereof in any manner whatever nor with any wire, pole or other thing con¬ nected with or in any way auxiliary to the fire alarm apparatus of said city without the permission of the Mayor or Chief of the Fire Depart¬ ment under a penalty of five ($5.00) dollars for each offense. Sec. 12. No person shall cause any telegraph, telephone, electric light or other wire to be erected upon, along or across any wire connected with the fire alarm telegraph so that the same shall in anywise effect or interfere with the operation of said fire alarm telegraph under a penalty of ten ($10) dollars for each offense and a further penalty of one dollars ($1) for each day such wire shall remain after no¬ tice to remove the same. Sec. 13. No person shall injure or interfere in any way with any hose or apparatus belonging to the fire depart¬ ment of the City of Ogdensburg, nor shall any person injure any building or part thereof, where such apparatus is kept under a penalty of ten ($10) dollars for each offense. Sec. 14. No person shall erect, ex¬ tend or place any wooden building in the City of Ogdensburg within the following limits, which shall be known as the fire limits, under a penalty of fifty ($50) dollars for each offense, viz.: The territory bounded by Greene, Caroline, Washington, Water and Cres¬ cent streets; the territory bounded by Water and Crescent streets, the Oswe- gatchie river and the northerly lines of Crescent Park and Washington street prolonged to said river; the ter¬ ritory within one hundred and fifteen feet northerly of the northerly curb line; the territory within one hundred and fifteen feet southerly of the south- Fire alarms not to be given. Interference w*th signal boxes prohibited. Wires, etc. Injuring hose, etc., prohibited. Fire limits. 16 Penalty for acting as hackman or cartman without license. erly curb line of Ford street, one hun¬ dred feet east of Caroline street, and the territory in the second ward bounded by the Mill Pond, the main aqueduct, and the westerly line of said Mill Pond and the westerly line of said aqueduct continued northerly to the Oswegatchie river. No person shall permit any such bid'ding or extension placed, erected or constructed in violation of this ordi¬ nance to remain on his or her premises under a penalty of twenty-five ($25) dollars for each week the same shall so remain. The word “person” in this ordinance shall be deemed to include corporations. All persons are hereby forbidden under a like penalty of fifty dollars to erect, alter, extend, add to, or commence the erection, alteration, extension or additions, or repair to any building or buildings of any kind ®r description, within the above describ¬ ed limits until the person or persons erecting or causing the same to be erected, shall have filed with the Common Council a plan or plans upon which said building or buildings are to be erected, extended and repaired and the same shall have been approved by said Common Council. A wooden building within the meaning of this ordinance is one, the outside wall or sustaining wall of which is constructed wholly or partially of wood. All roofs within the above limits shall be cover¬ ed with tin or other incombustible ma¬ terial. An extension within the mean¬ ing of this ordinance is an enlarge¬ ment of the dimensions of such build¬ ing as they existed immediately prior to such extension, either in length, breadth, height or otherwise. This ordinance shall not apply to buildings for storing boats along the Oswegatchie river between Greene street and the bridge at the foot of Ford street, not exceeding twenty feet in height to the peak of the roof. CHAPTER Y. Of Cartmen and Porters. Sec. 1. No person shall act as hack- man, cartman or porter for the trans¬ portation of persons or property from place to place, within the bounds of this city, for hire, without a license therefor, under a penalty of ten dollars for each offense. 17 Sec. 2. Such license may be grant¬ ed by the Mayor upon a receipt of a bond with one or more sufficient sure¬ ties, in the penalty of one hundred dol¬ lars, conditioned for the payment of all damages for which the person ap¬ plying for such license may become liable in the course of such business to any person or persons, and the re¬ ceipt of the City Treasurer stating that said applicant has paid for said license in accordance with the follow¬ ing rates: For two horse passenger hack or sleight, $5.00. For one horse passenger hack or sleigh, $3.00. For one horse carts or wagons for carrying freight, merchandise, house- nold goods, etc., $2.00. For two horse carts or wagons for same, $4.00. Every such license shall be granted to expire on the 30th of June follow¬ ing upon which it is granted, and said license shall authorize the use of no more than one vehicle at one time. All persons procuring license under the provisons of this chapter for carrying passengers, shall provide a good and substantial spring carriage, of easy access, and keep the same at all times in good, safe and respectable condi¬ tion. Any failure to comply with this requirement, will be followed by revo¬ cation of license. Sec. 3. Each hackman, cartman or porter, as soon as licensed, shall cause the number of his license to be paint¬ ed on each side of his cart, sled, truck, or other vehicle, so as to be distinctly seen, and hackmen, porters and others who carry passengers shall wear a me¬ tallic number corresponding with the number of his license, pinned to his clothing so as to be distinctly seen, and shall so continue the same under penalty of two dollars ($2.00) for each day he shall drive or solicit passengers without being so numbered and cloth¬ ed. Sec. 4. Prices and rates to be taken for the cartage of goods, merchandise or other articles by such cartmen, or porters when the distance does not exceed one mile, shall be for each, one horse load, twenty-five cents. Double the rates shall be allowed for a two horse load; the rates for the convey¬ ance of passengers or other persons and their baggage shall be as follows: Cartman’s license. Number of license to be painted on cart. Rates. Penalty for taking more than above rates. 18 When the distance does not exceed one mile, for each person and his hand satchels or valises and one trunk, twenty-five cents, and for each addi¬ tional trunk, ten cents. When the distance exceeds one mile, for each person and bis hand satchels and valises and one trunk, forty cents; for each additional trunk, ten cents. For children over five and under twelve years of age, half the above rates shall be charged; any child un¬ der five accompanied by adults or per¬ sons over twelve years of age, no charge shall be made. The rates of hire by the hour shall be: For wagons, carriages or sleighs with one horse for one hour, seventy- five cents; each additional hour, forty cents. For wagons, carriages or sleighs with two horses for first hour, $1.50. For second hour, $1.00. For each hour thereafter, 50c. For the conveyance of passengers or other persons to and from the State Hospital buildings, hour rates shan be charged. All the aforesaid rates are from six o’clock a. m. to 11 o'clock at night; and from 11 o’clock at night to six o’clock in the morning, double the above rates may be charged. Sec. 5. If any hackman, cartman or porter shall exact or demand any greater charge than is allowed by this chapter he shall, upon conviction, be¬ fore the recorder or other magistrate, forfeit the penalty of five ($5.00) dol¬ lars for each offense. If on complaint in writing made to the Common Council, it is cnarged that any hackman, cartman, or porter has exacted or demanded any greater charge than is allowed by this chapter, or has cheated, deceived, abused or de¬ frauded passengers or acted in a noisy or boisterous manner or been intoxi¬ cated while driving his vehicle or soliciting passengers, or who fails to keep an engagement, the Common Council may as a body or by a com¬ mittee appointed for that purpose in¬ vestigate such charge and complaint, on giving the accused at least two days notice in writing of the substance of said complaint, and of the time and place at which such investigation will be had. 19 Such examination shall be made by the examination of witnesses under oath offered by complainant or persons charged, and the accused shall have the permission to crossexamine the witnesses so offered by the complain¬ ant. If such investigation is made by a committee they shall thereupon re¬ port their proceedings and conclusions to the Council. If, in the opinion of the Common Council the person charg¬ ed is guilty of the offense or offenses named in the complaint, the Common Council may, by resolution to that ef¬ fect, authorize the Mayor to revoke the license of the offender and he shall for¬ feit the unearned portion of the license fee paid by him. Any person accepting a license un¬ der tnis chapter, does so subject to the conditions and liabilities imposed by said chapter. Sec. 6 The proprietor or driver of any vehicle licensed to carry passen¬ gers, shall keep posted in a conspicu¬ ous place in or upon said vehicle, printed in a plainly legible print, a statement of the rates allowed by this chapter; and the owner and driver of said vehicle so licensed who shall not have such rate conspicuously posted as aforesaid, shall not demand or re¬ ceive any payment for fare of passen¬ gers, and shall be liable to pay a penalty of two ($2.00) dollars for every day he shall so use such vehicle. Sec. 7. The provisions of this chap¬ ter shall not apply to teamsters em¬ ployed by the day. CHAPTER VI. Of the Burial of the Dead and the Reg¬ ulation of the Public Cemeteries. Sec. 1. No person shall hereafter bury the corpse of any person at any place within the bounds of the City of Ogdensburg west of Bigelow street, un¬ der the penalty of twenty-five dollars for each offense, and the further pen¬ alty of twenty-five ($25) dollars for every week during which such corpse shall be suffered to remain, after no¬ tice to the offender to remove the same. Sec. 2. The burial ground belong¬ ing to the City of Ogdensburg, lying south of Ogdensburg cemetery shall be under the superintendence of some Rates to be posted in a conspicuous place on vehicle. Burial—place limited. Superintendent. 20 Consent to dig grave. General lot. Depth of grave. person to be appointed by the Council, and to hold during their pleasure. Such superintendent shall keep a book wherein shall be recorded the name, residence, age and sex of every per¬ son buried in such cemetery, the date of the burial, and the number of the lot where the interment is made, cor¬ responding with the number of such lot on the map of the burial ground and on the first Monday of eacn month he shall deliver to the City Clerk a copy of all such entries made for the preceding month. Sec. 3. No person shall dig any grave in such burial ground, except under the direction of the superinten¬ dent under the penalty of ten dollars for each offense. Sec. 4. That part of said burial ground lying south and east of the southerly circular road is set apart to the interment of all persons dying, res¬ ident of the City of Ogdensburg, whose friends shall not prefer to purchase an exclusive lot. Family and single lots, on the north and west side of said road may be secured by any person, by the payment to the treasurer of ten dol¬ lars each for the former, and two for the latter. The name of the person making such payment shall be entered by the City Clerk and superintendent upon the maps of the burial ground. Over the lot for which payment is made, and thereafter no interment shan be made in such lot, without the consent of the person making such payment or his heirs. The remains of persons not having been, immediately prior to their decease, residents of said city, shall only be interred in such ground upon the production to the su¬ perintendent of the treasurer’s re¬ ceipt for the sum of two dollars, or certificate of the Mayor, or in his ab¬ sence, of an alderman, that by reason of the poverty of the deceased, such charge should not be made. Sec. 5. No grave made in said bur¬ ial ground shall be less than five feet deep. And no person, other than the superintendent and his assistants shall tor hire dig any grave in such ground, under the penalty of ten dol¬ lars for each offense. The superin¬ tendent shall, whenever requested in accordance with these regulations, pre¬ pare any grave, and attend to the bur¬ ial and shall be entitled to demand and receive from the person by whom he I 21 may be employed, the sum of one dol¬ lar and fifty cents, and no more, for such service, and for making the rec¬ ord herein provided. Sec. 6. All money received by the treasurer, under the provisions of this chapter, together with any money which may be raised by tax for the same purposes shall be termed - the cemetery fund, and be appropriated only to the improvement of the said grounds, the fencing of the same, and the maintenance of the sidewalk in from thereof. CHAPTER VII. Of the Weighing, Measuring and Mar¬ keting of Hay, Straw and Wood. Sec. 1. South Water street between Isrbella and Ford streets and Lake street from the iron bridge to the ca¬ nal bridge on Main street, in said city, shall be the places ^or the mar¬ keting of hay and straw; and Isabella street from the Oswegatchie river bank co the southerly bounds of Wash¬ ington street, in said city, shall be the places for the marketing of wood, and every person who shall expose or offer for sale, any of the above commodities within the bounds of said city from any wagon, sleigh or vehicle except at the places above designated, respec¬ tively, shall forfeit one dollar for each offense. Sec. 2. No person shall, within the bounds of said city, offer or expose for sale in manner aforesaid, any of the commodities mentioned in the preced¬ ing section, without the same having been duly weighed or measured, and a certificate of such weight or mea¬ surement having been given by an offi¬ cer duly authorized to the person ex¬ posing such commodity for sale; which certificate shall be shown by such per¬ son to applicants for the purchase of such commodity, before tne sale there¬ of, and any person violating any of the provisions of this section shall for¬ feit one dollar for each offense. Sec. 3. Weighers and measurers of hay, straw and wood shall be entitled to demand and receive from the owner or owners, or persons exposing for sale, or having in charge any of the commodities mentioned in the first Money; how appropriated. Hay—the weighing, marketing, etc. Said article not to be offered for sale until so weighed. Weigher’s fees. 22 Certificate. Ferry districts. Capacity of ferry boat to be used. section of this chapter, the following compensation or fees and no more: For each load of hay or straw weighed, 10 cents. For each load of wood measured, 6 cents. Sec. 4. Any weigher or measurer shall, upon the payment of his fees, de¬ liver to the person having in charge any commodity mentioned in section one of this chapter, a certificate stat¬ ing the date of its weighing or meas¬ urement, the true weight or quantity of such commodity, in plain words or figures, with the name of said officer subscribed thereto; and any weigher or measurer who shall violate any of the provisions of this or the preceding section, shall forfeit five dollars for each offense. CHAPTER VIII. Of Ferries. Sec. 1. There shall be and hereby is established two ferry districts. The eastern ferry district shall comprise the water front east of the center of Franklin street, and the western ferry district shall embrace the water front of the city west of Franklin street cen¬ ter. The said western district shall be in subdivisions, known as subdivision ‘'A” and subdivision “B.” Subdivision “A” shall be set apart for the ferrying of passengers, freight in bulk and oth¬ er property not in cars. Sec. 2. For subdivison “A” there must be provided and used, a steam¬ boat of not less than seventy-nine feet keel measurements, and eighteen feet breadth of beam, and not less than forty-six net tons burthen with suit¬ able accommodations for passengers, capable of making the trips in winter and which shall be kept and used ex¬ clusively for such ferry subdivison and shall except when prevented by the in¬ clemency of the weather or accident cross and return every hour, leaving the dock at Ogdensburg precisely at 6 a. m. and at the expiration of every hour thereafter until 8 p. m. providing necessary customs officers are furnish¬ ed at Ogdensburg and Prescott with¬ out expense to lessee and the les¬ see of the western ferry district or of subdivision “A” as the case maj be shall provide and keep in use sufficient other boats with men to take over all 23 passengers offering to cross at this ferry when such steamboat is not in use, and also in the night time on reasonable notice at their places of business, but for night ferriage, double the rates established by section four of chapter eight of the city Ordinances may be charged. The Common Council in its advertisement for proposals may name the rate for day passengers in this subdivision, but in no case to exceed the rate establish* ed by section four. The terminal land¬ ing place of this division must be at a point east of the Oswegatchie river, to be stated in the lease, but the lessee shall not be prohibited from taking or landing passengers at any other point in the western ferry district. Sec. 3. For subdivison “B” of the western ferry district and also for the eastern ferry district, there must be provided and used a steamboat of not less than one hnudred feet keel mea¬ surements and not less than twenty-six feet breadth of beam and eighty tons burthen, with suitable accomodations for passengers and which shall be cap¬ able of transporting railroad cars, wag¬ ons, carriages, with their lading, and of making the trips in winter and shall cross at stated times to be speci¬ fied in the license and shall land cars, empty or loaded at, or take the same from, any suitable slip now provided or that may be hereafter pro¬ vided within their respective districts by any corporation or individual with¬ out discriminating in charges, provid¬ ed, however, that if at any time the Common Council shall deem it to the advantage of the city to lease subdivi¬ sion “A” separate and anart from sub¬ division “B” then the lessee of sub¬ division “B” shall be prohibited from carrying local passengers. Sec. 4. The rates of ferriage from the first day of April until the first day of December in each year, shall be as follows: For every adult passenger, ten cents. For children over four and under twelve years of age, five cents. For horses each, twenty-five cents. For single wagon, sleigh or carriage, twenty-five cents. For double wagon, sleigh or car¬ riage, fifty cents. For cattle, each, twenty-five cents. Measurements and size of boat for ferry districts. Ferry rates. 24 Penalty for Auction sales prohibited. Junk dealers. When city clerk should issue license. Penalty. For horses and cattle in droves, for each, over five, one-half the above rates. For sheep, each, six cents. For freight, per ton, one dollar. From the first day of December to the first day of April, double the above rates sh ill be allowed, and for ferriage in the night time, there shall be al¬ lowed double the rates of day ferriage. Each lessee shall keep posted up in a conspicuous place upon each of his ferry boats a copy of the foregoing rules. Whenever any one of these ferries is not under lease it may be occupied by the lessee of any other ferry un¬ der regulations prescribed by the Common Council. Sec. 5. Any person violating any of the provisions of this chapter shall forfeit the sum of ten ($10) dollars for each offense. CHAPTER IX. Auction Sales and Junk Dealers. Sec. 1. All auction sales within the City of Ogdensburg except judicial saies of household goods are hereby prohibited, unless a license in writing is obtained from the treasurer or City Clerk. Sec. 2. No person or persons shall engage in business as principal or agent upon any street, lane, alley or other place within the City of Ogdens¬ burg for the purpose of buying or sell¬ ings any rags, old iron, zinc, copper or other junk, unless a license in writing to engage in such business is first ob¬ tained from the Mayor or the City Clerk; license fee to be fixed by the Common Council. Sec. 3. The City Clerk shall issue license under the foregoing sections of this chapter upon a written application of the licensee and upon written no¬ tice that the license fee has been paid to the City Treasurer. Sec. 4. Any person or persons who shall violate any of the provisions of this chapter shall be liable to pay a penalty of ten ($10) dollars for each and every offense. 25 CHAPTER X. Of Harbors. Sec 1. The shore line of the harbor of the City of Ogdensburg shall be for the first and that part of the third ward lying southerly of the following described line: A line commencing at the iron bridge at the outer edge of the wharf in the highway, and run¬ ning thence northwesterly to the southerly corner of the Averell dock; thence northerly and easterly on a reg¬ ular curved line touching the most westerly corner of the Payne dock and a point in the river in the range of the north line of the southerly part of the Parish Stone Store Dock and distant forty feet from the northerly corner of said southerly part of said Parish Dock, said southerly part of the Parish Dock being the part which extends furtherest into the river; thence on a line northerly five feet to a point in a range of the south line of the ferry dock distant forty feet from the west¬ erly corner thereof; thence on a line curving ten feet northerly to a point in the easterly line of Isabella street con¬ tinued and three hundred feet from the northerly line of Water street; thence to the northwesterly corner of the Parish depot dock; thence to a line curving one hundred and thirty feet southerly to the first angle in the face of the dock of the Rutland Railroad Company; thence along the face of the dock to the second angle thereof. Sec. 2. And the shore line for the harbor of said city and that part of the second ward lying next westerly of the line hereinafter described, shall be a line commencing at the iron bridge at a point in a line with the front of the Parker Stone Warehouse, running thence to the northwesterly corner of the Northrup Dock; thence to and along the front of the Allen Dock and to and along the front of the dock of the Rome, Watertown & Ogdensburg Railroad Company; and thence to a point in line with the front of the light house and distant thirty feet northerly therefrom. Sec. 3. Any person who shall place any wharf, cribbing, spile, hulk or oth¬ er obstruction or allow the same to re¬ main in the channel or on what is known as the bar within the city lim¬ its outside of the shore line described in sections 1 and 2 of this chapter, or in the river at the foot of any street. Shore line of harbor in first and third wards. Shore line of harbor in second ward. Penalty for placing obstruction in channel. 26 Sawdust, &c., not to be cast into canal or river. Vessels to have yards braced up &c., while in harbor. Penalty for abandoning sunken vessels in harbor. Steamers to have screens on smoke stack. Vessels &c., not to be fastened to bridges. or in any slip belonging to the public without authority from the Common Council shall for each offense forfeit the sum of twenty-five dollars, and a like sum for every five days the same shall continue after written notice from the Mayor or Chief of Police to remove the same. Sec. 4. No person shall cast or de¬ posit or suffer or procure to be cast or deposited in the Oswegatchie river or in any canal, raceway or pond lead¬ ing into said river in this city any saw dust, shavings, chips, tanbark, earth or refuse matter from any saw mill, machine shop, tannery or shop or manufactory of any kind under the penally of fifty dollars for each of¬ fense. Sec. 5. All vessels while lying in the harbor of Ogdensburg shall have their anchors (except such as are hold¬ ing the vessel) kept in board upon deck and their yards braced up so as not to interfere unnecessarily with the passage of other vessels, and for every failure in this respect the owners and officers of the offending vessel shall forfeit a penalty of ten dollars. 3oc. 6. No person shall abandon or suffer to remain in said harbor any sunken vessel of which he is the owner or master under the penalty of ten dol¬ lars for each offense, and the further penalty of five dollars for every day the same shall be suffered to remain, provided that if immediately after the sinking of such vessel diligent efforts are made to remove it and a flag kept on it by day and a white light by night, no forfeiture will be incurred so long as such efforts continue. Sec. 7. All steamboats or propel¬ lers while entering or leaving the har¬ bor of the city or lying in any of the waters of the city, shall have a metal¬ lic wire screen or gauze attached to the smoke stack which shall always be closed when within two hundred feet of any dock or building so as to prevent the escape of sparks, under the penalty of twenty-five dollars, to be paid by the master or owner for each offense. Sec. 8. No person or persons shall moor or fasten or aid in mooring and fastening any vessel, raft or float to either of the bridges across the Oswe¬ gatchie river, or to any pier or abut¬ ment thereof, under the penalty of twenty-five dollars for each offense. 27 CHAPTER XI. Miscellaneous Provisions. Sec. 1. No railroad company nor any person shall direct, cause or suffer any engine or railroad car to be driv¬ en or propelled upon or along any street of the city at a greater rate of speed than four miles an hour; nor any car to be propelled by an engine not closely attached thereto, except where the railroad is or shall be car¬ ried un ler or over tne travelled part of such street so that the engines and cars will not endanger travellers un¬ der a penalty of fifty dollars for each offense. Nor shall they nor any of them in crossing any street permit the speed of any car or engine to exceed two miles an hour; nor shall they oc¬ cupy any crossing to exceed five min¬ utes, under a penalty of ten dollars for such offense. Sec. 2. No railroad company or any person in its employ, shall use or oc¬ cupy any portion of any street for switching on or switching off any car or cars, under the penalty of fifty dol¬ lars for each offense. Sec. 3. No railroad company or any person in its employ, shall occupy any portion of any street for the pur¬ pose or during the process of loading or unloading any car or cars, under the penalty of fifty dollars for each of¬ fense. Sec. 4. The blowing of whistles by engines within four hundred feet of the bridge across the Rutland railroad, at the end of Ford street, and by steam¬ ers in the Oswegatchie river within five hundred feet of the lower bridge, and on the R., W. & O. railroad north of four hundred feet south of Spring street is prohibited under a penalty of ten dollars for each offense. Trolley Ordinance. Sec. 5. (a.) That no company, motorman, con¬ ductor, or other person in charge of any electric car or cars shall run or cause, or permit or suffer to be run or driven, any electric car or cars at a greater speed than eight (8) miles per hour in any of the public streets of the City of Ogdensburg west of Lin¬ den street. (b.) That all cars must not cross any street west of Linden street at a speed of more than four (4) miles an hour. Running of engines, &c., regulated. Railway company not to use streets for switching, &c. Railroad company not to occupy streets. Blowing of whistles prohibited. Trolley ordinance. 28 Penalty for Bicycle, motorcycle and automobile ordinance. (c.) No cars shall be allowed to stop on or over a crossing or in front oi any intersecting streets except to avoid a collision or to prevent damage or injury to persons or property in the streets, or for other unavoidable rea¬ sons. (d.) When it is necessary to stop at the intersection of any streets to re¬ ceive or leave passengers the car shall be stopped so as to leave the rear plat¬ form slightly over the last crossing. (e.) Each car is to be supplied with a gong which shall be sounded by the driver when the car approaches to wiinm fifty feet of each crossing. (f.) Conductors and drivers shall be required to bring the cars to a stop when the passengers request to get on and off the cars. (g.) All cars shall be required to come to a full stop before crossing any steam railroad tracks, and the conduc¬ tor shall be required to get off the car and go ahead to the said tracks to see if everything is all right to cross, and the motorman must not start the car until the conductor gives the word. Sec. 6. Any person who shall vio¬ late any of the provisions or subdivi¬ sions of section five shall be sub¬ ject to a fine of ten dollars for each offense. Bicycle, Motor-cycle and Automobile Ordinance, Sec. 7. (a.) No person shall ride a bicycle, motor-cycle or au¬ tomobile on any sidewalk in the City of Ogdensburg. (b.) No person shall ride a bicycle, motor-cycle or automobile on any street of Ogdensburg west of the bridge passing over the Rutland Rail¬ road at a rate of speed exceeding eight nixies an hour. v c.) No person shall ride a bicycle, motor-cycle or automobile on any street of the City of Ogdensburg be¬ tween twilight and daylight the follow¬ ing morning without a lighted lantern attached to such bicycle, motor-cycle or automobile so as to cast its light ahead. (d.) Every person riding a bicycle, motor-cycle or automobile on any street in the City of ogdensburg shall upon meeting any other vehicle turn to the right side of the street and shall otherwise observe the law of the road applicable to vehicles drawn by horses. 29 (e.) No person shall put or place or cause to be put or placed in or upon any lane, street or alley or any other public place in the City of Ogdensburg any glass, crockery, scrap iron, nails, tacks or other articles which would be liable to injure or damage the tires or wheels of any bicycle or other vehicles which may have wheels with rubber or pneumatic tires. (f.) For the purpose of this ordi¬ nance the term “bicycle'’ shall be con¬ strued to mean any cycle, unicycle or tricycle whose wheel or wheels or either of them shall exceed twenty- four inches in diameter. Sec. 8. Any person who shall vio¬ late any of the provisions of section 7, including any subdivisions thereof, shall forfeit the sum of five dolars for each offense. Sec. 9. No person or persons shall mar, deface or injure the Town Hall edifice or any part or portion thereof, inside or outside of the same, by pen¬ cil, chalk, coal or any other mark, cut or scratch, or commit any other nuis¬ ance upon said building, furniture, fix¬ tures or grounds connected therewith under the penalty of five dollars for each offense. CHANGE WATER PIPE AND FIX¬ TURES. Sec. 10. No plumber or other person shall make an extension or addition to or change in any of the water pipes or fixtures connected with or leading to the water mains of this city without a written permit from the Superinten¬ dent of the Water Works or the Board of Water Commisisoners, under a pen¬ alty of five dollars for each offense. Sec. 11. No person shall destroy or injure, or deface any fence or any lock or fastening thereof in or around any public park in this city, nor remove from or disturb therein any grass, sod, shrub, tree, flower, floral plant, or any vase, pot or vessel whatsoever, under a penalty of five dollars for each of¬ fense. Sec. 12. No person shall destroy, in¬ jure or meddle with any water pipes, water fixtures or any article or con¬ struction to accommodate or regulate the flow of water, now in, or that may hereafter be placed in any of said Penalty for Injury to town hall. Change water pipe and fixtures. Injury to property in public parks. Injury to water pipes. 30 Injury to fountain. Injury to statuary. Injury to birds, &c. Penalties to be recovered in the name of the city. General penalties. parks, under the penalty of five dol¬ lars for each offense. Sec. 13. No person shall deface or injure, or meddle with any fountain, fountain basin or the connections thereof in or that may be placed in any of said parks, or obstruct or med¬ dle with the flow of water to or from any said fountains or parks or place or deposit without the consent of the Park Commissioners in any of said fountain basins, or parks, anything, matter or substance whatsoever, under the penalty of five dollars for each of¬ fense. Sec. 14. No person shall injure, de¬ face or remove any statuary, statuette, sofa, chair or seat of any description or any park furniture, in, or that may be placed in any of said parks, under a penalty of five dollars for each of¬ fense. Sec. 15. No person shall kill, injure, disturb or molest any squirrel, bird or wild animal that may at any time be nesting in, frequenting, or found in any of the parks or public streets of the City of Ogdensburg, under a pen¬ alty of five dollars for each offense. Sec. 16. All penalties prescribed in the ordinances of the City of Ogdens¬ burg passed, or which may hereafter be passed, shall be sued for and recov¬ ered by and in the name of the City of Ogdensburg and for its use. Sec. 17. Any person violating any ordinance of the City of Ogdensburg shall be liable to a penalty of ten dollars for each offense, unless the penalty is otherwise prescribed in the ordinance violated. Sec. 18. All existing ordinances of the City of Ogdensburg are hereby re¬ pealed on the legal adoption of the foregoing. Dated April 13th, 1904. D. J. CRICHTON, JR., City Clerk. /