IS 5PH^te^~!^ : fc^]!H|p?4 ^^^Lt^^it^ "■ -SS- ptg-v ■JjawL 'V\lBfa ^\dMfcfc//-MRgr— ■ \je ije 1 Sec. 4. And be it further enacted, That the members of 2 the convention thus duly elected, be, and they are hereby 3 authorized to meet at the seat of the government of the 4 said Territory, on the second Monday of June next, which 5 convention, when met, shall first determine by a majority 6 of the whole number elected, whether it be, or be not 7 expedient at that time, to form a constitution and State 8 government for the people within the said Territory, and 9 if it be determined to be expedient, the convention shall be, 10 and hereby are authorized to form a constitution and State 11 government; or if it be deemed more expedient, the said 12 convention shall provide by ordinance for electing repre- 13 sentatives to form a constitution or frame of government; 14 which said representatives shall be chosen in such manner, 15 and in such proportion, and shall meet at such time and 16 place, as shall be prescribed by the said ordinance, and 17 shall then form for the people of said Territory, a consti- 18 tution and State government: Provided, That the same, 19 whenever formed, shall be republican, and not repugnant 20 to those articles of the ordinance of the thirteenth of July, 21 one thousand seven hundred and eighty seven, which are 22 declared to be irrevocable between the original States and 23 the people and States of the Territory north-west of the River Ohio, excepting so much of said articles as relate to the boundaries of the States therein to be formed. APPENDIX III An Act to provide for the appointment of commissioners to adjust the boundary between the state or states to be formed north of a line running east and west through the southerly extreme of Lake Michigan and the states of Ohio, Indiana and Illinois. Sec. 1. Be it enacted by the Legislative Council of the Territory of Michigan, That there shall be three commissioners appointed by the Governor of the Territory of Michigan, by and with the advice and consent of the Legislative Council, whose duty it shall be to enter into a negotiation with such com- missioners as may be appointed on the part of the states of Ohio, Indiana, or Illinois, or with the Governors of those states, to adjust and finally settle the northern boundary of the said states or either of them. It shall be the duty of the said commissioners, or a majority of them, to make a report of their proceedings to the legislature or legislatures of the state or states to be formed north of the aforesaid line ; and if said boundary line shall be ascertained or agreed upon by the said commis- sioners, it shall become the fixed and established boundary be- tween such of the said states as shall consent and agree to the same, by the ratification of the proceedings of the said com- missioners by their legislatures respectively, so soon as their consent shall be given. Sec. 2. And the said commissioners to be appointed on the part of Michigan shall receive such compensation for their services as may be allowed them by law. Approved, December 26, 1834. Appeal by the Convention of Michigan, to the People of the United States; with other Documents in relation to the Bound- ary Question between Michigan and Ohio, pp. 145-46 (Detroit, 1835). (3i8) BIBLIOGRAPHY Government Publications, Official Documents United States Congress. Debates and Proceedings in the Congress of the United States, The, . . . , 1, 7, 8, 14 Congresses (Washington. 1834-54). Cited as Annals. . Journals of the American Congress, Vol. IV (Wash- ington, 1823). Cited as Journals of Congress. . Register of debates in Congress, comprising the lead- ing debates and incidents of the eighteenth Congress, second session to the twenty-fifth Congress, first ses- sion, . . .,23 and 24 Congresses (Washington, 1834, 1836). Cited as Congressional Debates. . Reports of Committees, House, 23 Congress, 1 ses- sion (No place, no date). Cited as Committee Reports. Public Documents printed by order of the Senate of the United States . . .,24 Congress, 1 session (Wash- ington, 1836). Cited as Senate Documents. Indiana. Journal of the Convention of the Indiana Territory . . . (Louisville, 1816). . Journal of the House of Representatives, 1834-35 (Indianapolis, 1834). Cited as Indiana House Journal. . Laws of Indiana, local, 1834-35 (Indianapolis, 1835). See also Esarey, Logan, in section of Historical Books and Articles. Michigan. See Fuller, George N., in section of Historical Books and Articles. . Appeal by the Convention of Michigan to the People of the United States; with other Documents, in relation to the Boundary Question between Michigan and Ohio (De- troit, 1835). Manuscripts Tipton, John. Papers. Manuscripts in Indiana State Library. . Journal of John Tipton, commissioner on the part of Indiana for marking the Illinois-Indiana boundary line. Copy by George Pence, in Indiana State Library. (3i9) 320 The Northern Boundary of Indiana Newspapers Logansport Canal Telegraph, 1835 and 1836. Western Sun, The, Vincennes, 1816. Maps Indiana State Library. 2 Vols. (Indianapolis, 1890). . Miscellaneous collection of Photostat maps. Historical Books and Articles Burnet, Jacob, Notes on the Early Settlement of the North- western Territory (Cincinnati, 1847). Cooley, Thomas Mclntyre, Michigan, a History of Govern- ments (New York, 1905). Esarey, Logan (ed)., Messages and Papers of Jonathan Jen- nings, Ratliff Boon, William Hendricks (Indiana His- torical Collections, Vol. XII, Indianapolis, 1924). Fiske, John, The Critical Period of American History, 1783- 1789 (Riverside Press, 1888.) Ford, Paul Leicester (ed.), The Works of Thomas Jefferson, Vol. IV (New York, 1904). Fuller, George N. (ed.), Messages of the Governors of Michigan, Vols. I and II (Lansing, 1925 and 1926). Hinsdale, Burke A., The Old Northwest with a view of the thirteen colonies as constituted by the Royal charters (New York, 1899). Kettleborough, Charles, Constitution Making in Indiana, Vol. I (Indiana Historical Collections, Indianapolis, 1916). Larzelere, Claude S., "The Boundaries of Michigan," Michi- gan Historical Collections, Vol. XXX, pp. 1-27 (Lansing, 1906). "Lyon, Lucius, Letters of." See Stuart, L. G. (ed.). Macdonald, William (ed.), Documentary Source Book of American History, 1606-1926 (New York, 1926). Mendenhall, T. C, and A. A. Graham, "Boundary Line be- tween Ohio and Indiana, and between Ohio and Michi- gan," Ohio Archeological and Historical Publications, Vol. IV, pp. 127-98 (Cincinnati, no date). Miller, G. J., "The Establishment of Michigan's Boundaries," American Geographical Society, Vol. XLIII, pp. 339-51. Robson, Frank E., "The Michigan and Ohio Boundary Line," Michigan Pioneer and Historical Collections, Vol. XI, pp. 216-27 (Lansing, 1888). The Northern Boundary of Indiana 321 Sherman, C. E., The Ohio-Michigan Boundary (Ohio Co- operative Topographic Survey, Vol. I (Ohio State Re- formatory Press, 1916). Schlesinger, Arthur M., "Basis of the Ohio-Michigan Bound- ary Dispute," Ohio Co-operative Topographic Survey, Vol. I, pp. 59-70 (Ohio State Reformatory Press, 1916). Soule, Annah May, "The Southern and Western Boundaries of Michigan," Michigan Historical Collections, Vol. XXVII, pp. 346-90; (Lansing, 1897) ; also reprinted in part in the Ohio Co-operative Topographic Survey, Vol. I, pp. 71-112, under the title "The Controversy over the Ohio-Michigan Boundary." Soule, Annah May, "The Michigan-Indiana Boundary," Michigan Historical Collections, Vol. XXVII, pp. 341-45 (Lansing, 1897). Stuart, L. G., "Verdict for Michigan. How the Upper Penin- sula became a part of Michigan," Michigan Historical Collections, Vol. XXVII, pp. 390-403 (Lansing, 1897). Stuart, L. G. (ed.), "Letters of Lucius Lyon," Michigan His- torical Collections, Vol. XXVII, pp. 412-604 (Lansing, 1897). Utley, Henry M., and Byron M. Cutcheon, Michigan as a Province, Territory and State, the Twenty-Sixth Member of the Federal Union, Vol. II (New York, 1906). Way, W. V., The Facts and Historical Events of the Toledo War of 1835 as connected with the first session of the court of common pleas of Lucas County, Ohio. (Toledo, 1869).