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As y.Zf> A COMPUTER GRAPHIC TECHNIQUE FOR FINDING NUMERICAL METHODS FOR ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS by Carl Dill January 1969 DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN • URBANA, ILLINOIS Report No. 295 A COMPUTER GRAPHIC TECHNIQUE FOR FINDING NUMERICAL METHODS FOR ORDINARY DIFFERENTIAL EQUATIONS* by Carl Dill January 1969 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 6l801 * This work was supported in part by Contract U. S. AEC AT(ll-l)lU69 and was submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Computer Science, January 1969. Ill ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to thank Professor C. W. Gear for his valued guidance and support during the preparation of this thesis. The technical assistance provided by Professor Gear is especially- appreciated. Thanks are also extended to Miss Barbara Hurdle for typing the final manuscript. IV TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. METHOD OF TESTING k 3. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION lU k. TESTS AND RESULTS 19 5. CONCLUSIONS 22 BIBLIOGRAPHY 23 APPENDIX 2h 1. INTRODUCTION Recent interest in the numerical integration of stiff ordinary differential equations has led to a search for methods of higher order than those currently known. This paper describes a computer graphic technique which was developed to make a systematic search possible. New high order methods, found using this technique, will be presented. Stiff equations are characterized by the presence of widely varying time constants. Terms corresponding to very small time constants decay rapidly and are of no interest because of their small magnitude. Conventional methods are unstable if the step size used is much greater than the smallest time constant. Stiffly stable methods allow a much larger step size while maintaining stability. Known stiffly stable methods are predictor-corrector methods. The corrector may be written (1 " 1) \ J » t Vi J «-i , '" n oVi where a ^ 0, |a | + -g J > 0. The discretization error of the method K. U (J is defined as the difference between the value of y calculated from n (l-l) and the value of the exact solution y(t ). Define e - y - y(t ) = y - F n J n J n ^n n Then the errors e obey the difference equation (1-2) I (a. + hXB.) e _. + T(F, t , h) = . - 1 i n-k+i * n' i=0 where T is the truncation error for the exact solution. Convergence requirements make it necessary to hound the solution of (1-2). This [2] requires the stability of the homogeneous difference equation obtained from (1-2) with T set to zero. This equation is stable if and only if the modulus of no root of the polynomial equation (1-3) k £ (a. + hAB. ) r = i-0 1 exceeds 1, and roots of modulus 1 are simple. The order p of a multistep method may be defined as the highest degree of polynomial functions y for which the truncation [3] error T(y, t , h) vanishes identically in t and h. The truncation error is then directly proportional to h , so p should be as large as possible. Dahlquist has shown that if (l-3) is stable for all A with negative real parts, then the maximum order of the method is two, Gear, C. W. , "The Numerical Integration of Stiff Differential Equations," University of Illinois, Department of Computer Science, Report No. 221, p. k. [2] Henrici, P., Discrete Variable Methods in Ordinary Differential Equations , John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1962, pp. 218-220. [3] Gear, C. W. , ojo_. cit . , p. 5. [h] Dahlquist, G. , "A Special Stability Problem for Linear Multistep Methods," BIT 3, 1963, pp. 27-^3. Gear has relaxed these requirements and defined those necessary for stiff stability. The requirements are shown in Figure 1. hA Plane ICURAT 4v RELATIVELY STABLE -0 Figure 1, Since accuracy is usually defined in terms of order, where order is defined as above, we again see that a large p is desirable. Previous results show the existence of stiffly stable methods of order as high as six for proper D, 0, and a. The object of the current investigation was to find new methods of order greater than six. [5] Gear, C. W. , op_. cit . , pp. 5-7. 2. METHOD OF TESTING k k Define p(?) = E a.^ 1 and o(c) = £ 8.5 1 . Then (1-3) i=0 X i=0 x may be rewritten (2-1) pU) + hXa(e) = Letting hX ■*■ °°, the roots of (2-1) approach those of o(£) = 0. This implies that the roots of o(£) must also lie inside the unit circle or be on the unit circle and simple, and that a(c) is of degree k. Given any o(£), the unique method of degree k may be \ f> 1 found as follows. For a method of degree k, we have (2_2) P(0 + log(0 0(e) ~ c(C-D k+1 as^l k , Set £ - 1 = x. From (2-2), p(l+x) = - [ Z 6. (l+x) J ] log(l+x), j=0 J truncated to terms in x and lower. rn Let ■$■ = [a Q , a ±9 , a fc ] , then L ■* Henrici, P., op_. cit . , pp. 226-228. r 1 -l -2 3 1 -3 1 (-if (-l) k_1 k < k 1 1 k ( k ) (*) k 1 + 3 k-1 k-1 1 ff) k-1 1 k-1 ... 1 + . . .+ o Q..i o i -1/2 1/3 (-D k /k The last matrix consists of the coefficients of the logarithm series for (l+x). Each matrix in the inner sum of matrices corresponds to a k multiplication by (l+x) in £ 8. (l+x) . The first matrix provides j=0 J the conversion back to £ = l+x. We want hX values such that (2-l) has roots inside the unit circle or on the unit circle and simple. This region is bounded by the locus of - ^y^f in the hX plane for £ = e 10 , 0e[0,2tt]. If a(c) is stable, the method will be stable at hX = infinity, so by continuity arguments any region connected to hX = infinity will be [7] stable. In order to obtain values for plotting this locus, we let y(Q) = - (fy witn £ = el " and calculate y(0) for = 0(^)tt, where M is chosen to provide a small enough increment to obtain a suitable number of points. The calculation of y(Q) is as follows y(e) = - »*& o(C) kiG k 10 kiG 3 k e + ... ... + B / 9 + B Letting R = £ a cos(jQ) , S = E a sin(jO) j=0 J j=l J k k A = T. B. cos(j0) , B = I B, sin(jO) we get j=0 J j=l j fn\ R + iS Y(0) = " aTTb (RA + SB) + i(SA - RB) 2 2 A + B w 1 + (RA + SB) , _ (SA - RB) Now let x = - -^ — ^— and y = - — 5 p— A + B A + B [7] L,J Gear, C. W. , op_. cit . , pp. 9-10. The desired locus is obtained by plotting the curve passing through the x,y values calculated for © varying over the range to f, giving the lower half, and then rotating this curve 180* to obtain the upper half, since the locus is symmetric about the real v axis. Figure 2 shows a sample plot for o(C) = K with k = 6. -«.o Figure 2. Given a k and the coefficients of the polynomial o(£), the stiff stability of the unique method of degree k may thus he investigated by visually examining the plotted locus. The computer graphic approach used in the current study takes advantage of this fact. A plot of the locus is created on a CRT display and an interactive system is provided for manipulating k and the coefficients of a(£). The great advantage is that of the speed of obtaining a new plot. Conventional plotting techniques are too slow to make a study of a large number of methods possible in a reasonable length of time. While speed was a major goal in designing the graphic system, it should be noted that implementation of the system is on a DEC PDP-8 computer with an attached Model 338 CRT display. The PDP-8 is a 12 bit per word, fixed point binary machine whose basic arithmetic capability is two's complement fixed point addition. The necessary floating point arithmetic is thus accomplished entirely by means of software. It was therefore desirable to minimize the number of calculations necessary to obtain the points used in plotting the locus . The calculation of p- given in (2-3) may be optimized in terms of fewest floating point operations as follows. Given k and 6 , B-, » , B, generate the Pascal triangle matrix A, where A. . = (.), or as shown in (2— U ) and where the element in the upper left corner of A is indexed A and so on. (2-U) A = 1111 12 3 1 3 1 ( k ) k 1 To generate the matrix B representing Z 8. (l+x) , for j = 0, l*,.. t k multiply the j-th column of A by the corresponding 6. J 1 r "\ i 6 o { }h< v J r ^ i )'" ^ ( ( k ) \ 2 j ( k ) k 1 10 Sum across the rows to get the column matrix M, (2-5) M = l 6. j=0 J k £ J 6. 3-1 J M M "k Since A is an upper triangular matrix, indexing on the implemented versions of the above operations is constructed in such a manner that additions and multiplications are performed only on upper triangular elements. In terms of (2-5), B is now given below by B = M, M l M o M 2 M x M. \ \-l \-2 • • • M l M 11 The large savings in number of multiplications and additions over straightforward calculation as in (2-3) is obvious. In addition, a significant savings in storage during calculation and for B itself is realized. Because of the nature of B, only M need be retained. A transformation on the indexing function on B may be used to obtain corresponding elements from M. The first matrix in (2-3) is obtained by negating each element of A the sum of whose subscripts is odd. Call the new matrix A' . The next step in the calculation of p- is the matrix multiplication A* x B = C Taking advantage of the fact that A 1 is upper triangular and B lower triangular, and using M to obtain the desired elements of B, the most efficient method of obtaining C is summarized in the following section of ALGOL program for i := step 1 until k do for ] ;= step 1 until k do begin sum := 0.0; for n := i step 1 until k do if j < n then sum := sum + A(i ,n)*M(n-j ) ; C(i,j) := sum; end ; Multiplication of the matrix C by the last matrix in (2-3) then gives us - jy = - [o Q , o , , a k J . 12 In order to increase the efficiency of the calculation of y(Q), tables of values of sin(O) and cos(O) for © = 0(— )n are stored permanently. A table look-up technique is employed to obtain the values of sin(jO) and cos(jO) as needed. The technique works in the following manner. Each will be of the form ItTT — , k = 0, 1, 2, , M. The table entries for sin and cos may be thought of as being numbered from to M. Thus the value of cos(— ) is found in entry number k in the cos table. To obtain values of sin(jO) and cos(jO) we note that j0 = *•— : — — . If we form i = ( j •k)mod(M) , then the desired value will be * entry number i in the sin or cos tables respectively. The correct sign may be determined by counting the number of times M must be subtracted from j*k to get i. An odd number indicates that a sign change is necessary. This is because jQ = *•— : - — falls in a quadrant diagonally opposite to that — falls in. As an example let M = 100, k = 30, and j = h, so that j0 = = — — . Then i = 20 and one subtraction of 100 is necessary to get i, so the desired sin or cos is minus entry 20 in the respective tables. It should be obvious from the above that incrementing over = 0(— V simply corresponds to incrementing k over k = 0(l)M. 13 Values of sin(jO) and cos(j0) for use in calculating any particular point on the locus are thus obtained using an i based on j and the current value of k to index the tables. Ik 3. SYSTEM DESCRIPTION The graphic system was designed to make a rapid search for new stiffly stable methods possible. Easy to use interactive capabilities were thus included to control the display and the basic input parameters k and o(£). Implementation is on a PDP-8 with four U096 word memory banks. The attached Model 338 display runs off display files constructed in the computer memory. An on-line teletype and a bank of 12 push-buttons are used for interactive communication by the current system. Computer storage allocation is shown in Figure 3. Bank : 1 2 3 SYSTEM PROGRAMS LOG MATRIX S's a's A MATRIX SIN TABLE DISPLAY FILE A M MATRIX COS TABLE C MATRIX DISPLAY FILE B FLOATING POINT SOFTWARE LOCUS COORDINATES TELETYPE MESSAGES ; .... _ Figure 3. The majority of the system programs in bank are concerned with the calculation of -p and y{&) using the methods described in the previous section. The others calculate an appropriate display file for each locus. 15 The display is based on a user defined display window specified in terms of left (X T ) and right (X^) boundaries relative to the real (X) axis, and upper (Y.J and lower (Y ) boundaries relative to the imaginary (Y) axis. Only the section of the locus the coordinates of which fall within these boundaries is displayed. Axes are displayed as appropriate to the specified window. Each display is scaled to cover the entire usable screen area. The 338 screen size is 102U units by 102U units, where a unit is an intensifiable point, and points are numbered through 1023. A coordinate x will be displayed if X < x < X , and the calculation x - X *102U performs the required scaling. A similar calculation produces the desired y' for Y T '- y < Y . The display consists of vectors connecting consecutive points (x' ,y' ) on the locus. If the increment used in calculating y(Q)» and thus the (x' ,y' ) coordinates, is small enough, the locus will appear as a smooth curve. In order to increase the efficiency of the display file building, an appropriate switch is set whenever a point on the locus first falls above, below, left, or right of the display window. When each new point thereafter is tested, the switch on causes the corresponding out of window condition to be tested immediately. Thus only a single test, rather than a four-way test, is necessary on each new point as long as the condition occurs. When the locus re-enters 16 the window, a non-intensified vector is drawn from the last point in the window to the new point, and the switch is turned off. The most obvious requirement of the system is to allow a user to input a k, the coefficients 8 , B, , , 6, of the polynomial a(£), and the display window boundaries, from which a display of the - / ~\ locus will be created. Since it is much too a(fcj cumbersome to respecify all of this data each time a specific parameter is to be changed, interactive facilities for selectively changing the parameters have been included in this system. The amount of recalculation necessary to create a new display based on the change varies significantly depending on the nature of the change. Two display files are maintained so that the old display is left on until the new display file, resulting from the latest parameter change, has been built. Display control is then transferred to the new file. User intentions with respect to specific changes are indicated by the use of the push-buttons, each of which has an implied meaning. Messages asking 'for new parameters are printed on the teletype as required, after which the user inputs the appropriate data. Push- buttons are associated with the following actions. 1. Respecify k, S Q , 6^ , 6 k and the 3^, X^ Y y , Y L display window boundaries. A new locus is automatically displayed. 17 2. Change g. . User specifies i, then new 3.. No new locus is calculated. This allows the user to change more than one 3. before getting a new display. 3. Calculate a new locus and create a new display based on one or more 3. changes. h. Specify an increment for 8. . User specifies i and the increment amount by which 8. is to be incremented. 1 No incrementing is done here. 5. Increment 8. based on the data specified in the last use of the button associated with action h. A new locus is calculated and displayed using the new B.. This is separated from action k so that a 3. may be incremented without requiring new teletype input each time it is incremented. 6. Respecify the display window boundaries. A new display is created based on the new window. 7. Double display window size and create new display. Since no teletype input is required, this enables a very fast change in the display when a larger viewing area is desired. 8. Halve display window size and create new display. 9. List the (x,y) coordinates of the points on the currently displayed locus. 18 10. List the a , a , a coefficients of the U _L K polynomial p(£) calculated in connection with the currently displayed locus . 11. List the current 6^, 3 n , , 6, coefficients. This 1 k is particularly useful after incrementing or changing several 3. . l 19 k. TESTS AND RESULTS Using the system described in the previous section, a systematic search for stiffly stable methods of order greater than six has been conducted. Suitable coefficients for a(£) have been found which indicate the existence of new methods of order as high as eight. In addition to the stability requirement, the relationship between the 3's and the number of items which must be saved to provide information about the history of the solution influenced the choice of polynomials o(£) tested. The corrector formula (l-l) can be written more generally as a y (m+l) = - E a y - h E 1 6 y' (m+l) k y n+l k-j y n-j+l n . =Q \-j y n-j+l By defining v as ^ = [ V W ' y n-k + l' h y n> h K-V ' h Ck^l 1 r 8 1 and defining suitable A, &_, and F, Gear has shown that the numerical predictor-corrector process may be written as (m+l) (m) . / (m) x y n + l = y n+l + ^ F( ^n + l > X n+1' h) [8] Gear, C. W. , "The Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations of Various Orders," Argonne National Laboratory Report ANL 7126, Argonne, Illinois, January 1966, pp. 7-9. 20 For general o(£) as defined in this study, we would have k = k in [k-l). However, if 3. = 0, i = 0, 1, , j , then k = k-j-1. Since y contains information to be saved at step n, it is obvious from (k-2) that small k require the saving of less information at each step of the corrector iteration. In order for (k-2) to make sense, we must have k >_ 1. The least amount of solution history data must be saved when k = 1. Looking at (4-l), this corresponds to allowing only B and B to have non-zero values. Initial search efforts were thus directed to methods involving a(£) satisfying this condition. Since methods of order up to six were known, the most immediate goal of the current investigation was to find a stiffly stable method of order seven. For convenience, B was set equal to one throughout the study, since the coefficients of o(£) may always be scaled in such a manner as to make this hold. Fixing B to one, and imposing the above restriction, made it possible to study the most optimal possibilities of order seven by varying only B/-. Stability requires the roots of o(C) to lie within the unit circle, or be onthe unit circle and simple. Another restriction on a(£) is that it have no common factor with p(£). Since p(^) will always have a root at +1, a(C) must not have a root at +1. In terms of the above restriction, with B =1, this implies that B must not equal -1. For k K—-L optimal methods of order seven, possible B/- are thus limited to the 21 range -1 < 3,- f_ 1. By setting 3,- equal to -.99, a locus was obtained which indicated the existence of suitable parameters D and for a stiffly stable method. Thus the unique method determined by the polynomial a(£) = £ - • 99£ was found to be a stiffly stable method of order seven. As 3/- was incremented toward +1, the parameter was seen to decrease toward zero until 3,- passed -.8, at which time a suitable ceased to exist. Details of this and other new methods are summarized in the Appendix. Using this same technique, a similar study of the most optimal possibilities for orders up to 15 was made. No locus was found which indicated the existence of a stiffly stable method. Results indicate that no parameter exists for methods of these orders determined by stable a(£) satisfying the 3, k-2 M k-3 & = condition. By removing the restriction on non-zero 3's, less optimal possibilities for methods of order greater than six were investigated. Efforts were concentrated on methods of order seven and eight. For these orders, each coefficient 3. i = 0, 1, , k-1 was incremented over the range -1 < 3. £ 1 with 3, = 1 and 3. = 0, j^i,j^k. 1 k J For k = 7, loci indicating stiffly stable methods were found for 3> in the range .6 <_ 3> <. .8. Thus, for example, the unique method 7 h determined by the polynomial o(£) = £ + .75 is stiffly stable. No stable methods were found when this approach was applied to methods of order eight. 22 5 . CONCLUSIONS Although no simple method for theoretically determining stiffly stable numerical integration methods is known, the computer graphic system described here has enabled the efficient examining of large numbers of possible methods. Systematic search procedures have led to the discovery of stiffly stable methods of orders seven and eight. Defining optimality in terms of least amount of solution history data to be saved at each step of the corrector iteration, the optimal possibilities for orders seven through fifteen were tested, with negative results for all orders except seven. Results of the tests indicate that no optimal methods of order greater than seven exist. Removing the optimality restriction allows the unique method determined by any stable a(c) to be a valid candidate for satisfying stiff stability requirements. No general results can be given, since the number of potential methods excludes the possibility of any type of exhaustive testing. Testing of large classes of methods tends to indicate the scarcity of stiffly stable methods of orders greater than six. Methods of orders seven and eight were found, however, while examining some of the more likely classes of possible methods. The greatest advantages of the graphic system seem to be the ability to rapidly accept or reject whole classes of a(£), and the ability to narrow in on a method in a promising region by interactively manipulating the coefficients of a(c) while watching the changes in the locus of - / \ . 23 BIBLIOGRAPHY 1. Dahlquist, G. , "A Special Stability Problem for Linear Multistep Methods," BIT 3, 1963. 2. Gear, C. W. , "The Numerical Integration of Stiff Differential Equations," University of Illinois, Department of Computer Science, Report No. 221, 1967. 3. Gear, C. W. , "The Numerical Solution of Ordinary Differential Equations of Various Orders," Argonne National Laboratory Report ANL 7126, Argonne, Illinois, 1966. k. Henrici, P., Discrete Variable Methods in Ordinary Differential Equations , John Wiley and Sons, Inc., New York, 1962. 2k APPENDIX 25 This section -will present details of the new methods of order greater than six. Two methods of order seven and one of order eight will be given. The coefficients for an optimal method of order seven are iO 1 2 3 k 5 6 3. i -.99 1 a. l 0.166 -1.361+ U.9^2 -10.1+00 lU.lUl -13.U70 8.1+35 -2.1+51 The locus of - / A is given in Figure A-l. From Figure A-l we see that -6.1 is an approximate upper hound on the parameter D and that .5 is an approximate upper hound on the parameter 0. Another method of order seven is given by .7 a. 0.138 -1.120 3.990 -8.050 11.1+92 -10.920 7.070 -2.560 The locus of - t ' t for this method is given in Figure A-2. An approximate upper bound for D is -12.1+ and for 0, .25. 26 A method of order eight is specified by i 1 2 3 h 5 6 7 8 S. i .81 -1.8 1 a. -.±62 1.U892 1 -6.129 1U.890 -23.763 26.587 -21.070 IO.636 -2.U78 The locus of - ~JTT ^ s gi ven i- n Figure A-3. The approximate upper bound for D is -6.9 and for 0, .25. 27 | I I I I | I I I I | I I 100 Figure A-l 28 - 10.0/ = ; Figure A-2. 29 Rigure A- 3. ; ^ ? UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS-URBAN* 3 0112 045402051