i\mw ■.skyoAluhois. ^ 1 / Sducatioi EDUCATIONAL INFORMATION. Salem, Oregon. April 6, 1899. STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION. T. T. Geer Governor F. I. Dunbar Secretary of state J. H. Ackerman State superintendent of public instruction STATE BOARD OF EXAMINERS. Frank Rigler Portland R. F. Robinson Portland Thomas Newlin --• Newberg Thomas M. Gatcli Corvallis L. H. Baker Lebanon N. L. Narregan ^ Medford C. A. Hitchcock Ashland J. A. Churchill Baker City E. B. Conklin Union MEETINGS OF THE STATE BOARD OF EDUCATION. I. The regular meetings of the state board of education are held at the state capitol on the first Monday in January and July. II. The state board of education will hold meetings on the fourth Wednesday of February and August for the considera- tion of applications for state certificates and state diplomas. III. All applicants for state certificates and state diplomas must file with their applications satisfactory evidence that they are legally entitled to such certificates or diplomas. IV. Teachers presenting authenticated diplomas or cer- tificates from other states for the purpose of obtaining diplo- mas or certificates of like grade and kind from this board, must furnish proof therewith, satisfactory to the board, that such diplomas or certificates are still in force, and that the applicants are in good professional standing, and of good moral character. V. Each application for a state certificate or a state dip- w 221 loma shall be in writing, on blanks furnished by the state board of education for that purpose, and such application must be filed with the secretary of the board at least five days before the meeting at which it is to be presented. PROVISIONS FOR STATE CERTIFICATES AND STATE DIPLOMAS. I. The state board of 'education shall have power to grant state certificates and state diplomas to such persons as are found upon examination by the state board of examiners, here- inafter defined, to possess a good moral character, thorough scholarship and successful experience in teaching. The ex- amination for state certificates and state diplomas shall be upon questions prepared by the state board of examiners ; said questions shall be based on the textbooks adopted by the state and shall cover all the branches required for a first-grade county certificate, and in addition thereto, algebra, bookkeep- ing, composition, physical geography, physics and psychol- ogy; those for state diplomas, in addition to the foregoing, botany, plane geometry, general history and English litera- ture. Examinations for state certificates and state diplomas shall be conducted in accordance with the rules an(T regula- tions adopted by the state board of education, consistent with the laws of the state. II. A state certificate shall authorize the holder thereof to teach in any public school in the state for five years thereaf- ter, and the state diploma shall confer a like authority for life. State certificates shall be granted to such applicants, only, who have had thirty months’ teaching experience with approved success, at least nine of which shall be in the schools of Ore- gon, and who shall make an average of eighty-five per cent, in all the branches herein prescribed, and shall not fall below seventy per cent, in any one branch. III. State diplomas shall be granted to such applicants, only, as have had at least sixty months’ teaching experience with approved success, fifteen of which shall have been in the schools of Oregon, and shall have made an average of eighty- five per cent, in all branches herein prescribed and shall not fall below seventy per cent, in any one branch. Any appli- cant for a state certificate or a state diploma who shall attain the required percentages in one or more of the designated branches, but shall fail in one or more of such branches, shall be credited with such required percentages and shall be al- lowed to complete the examination in the remaining branches at the two following examinations, and shall then receive a state certificate or state diploma in accordance with the result of all the examinations. IV. Applicants for a state certificate shall pay $4, and for a state diploma $6. V. The state board of education shall appoint not less than four nor more than nine professional teachers to assist in the examinations for state papers, who shall be known as the state board of examiners, and the said teachers shall receive $5 per day while engaged in their duties. VI. The state board of education may, at its discretion, grant without examination state certificates and state diplo- mas to persons presenting authenticated papers from other states of grade and kind like those granted by the state board of education in this state; provided, that the state board of education is satisfied that said papers were secured by passing an examination equivalent to that given by the state board of education of this state for state papers; .provided, that the state board of education may, at its discretion, grant a permit for one year to persons who hold papers of the grade and kind equivalent to the state certificate, but have not had the re- quisite amount of teaching experience in Oregon to secure a state certificate. A permit granted by the board shall au- thorize the holder to teach in any public school in the state. Applicants for state certificates and state diplomas must pre- sent certificates of good moral character and that they have taught successfully in their several counties, from the county superintendents of all the counties in which the applicant has taught for three years immediately preceding the time of mak- ing such application, but the state board, if otherwise satisfied as to the qualifications of said applicant, may grant the certifi- cates or diplomas without certificates from the county super- intendents. All persons holding such diplomas or certificates, before engaging to teach in any public school in this state, shall present such diploma or certificate to the superintend- ent of the county in which the holder proposes to teach, to be registered by the superintendent, and such holders of dip- lomas and certificates, while they remain in such county, shall attend institutes, assist in institute work and perform such other reasonable duties as may be required by the county superintendent, the same as other teachers of the county are required to do. VII. The following diplomas shall be considered equiva- lent to the teaching experience required for a state certifi- cate: 1. Diplomas from the regular state normal schools. 2. Diplomas from any normal schools in the state whose requirements for admission and graduation, including train- ing-school experience, are equal to that of the best Oregon state normal schools, as determined by the state board of edu- cation. 3. Diplomas from any chartered institutions of this state of collegiate or university grade granted upon the completion of a course consisting of at least five years’ work above the eighth grade of the public school system of this state, on the basis of twenty recitations per week and thirty-two weeks per year, the state board of education being the judge of the standard of such schools; provided , that this section shall not be so construed as to permit the issuance of any state certifi- cate or state diploma without the examination provided for in section 8 of this act; provided, further, that no certificate shall be issued under the provisions of this act to any person who is not twenty-one years of age. 4. Holders of state certificates granted under the provisions of this section may become candidates for a st^te diploma when they have taught thirty months with approved success from the date of their state certificate; provided, that this sec- tion shall not be so construed as to prevent the issuing of state diplomas to the pupils of state normal schools and chartered institutions who may graduate from such institutions before September 1, 1899, under the provisions of acts in force Feb- ruary 1, 1899. VIII. Commencing at 9 o’clock on the second Wednesday of February and August, and continuing three days, a public examination of applicants for teachers’ state certificates and state diplomas will be held in each county. IX. The state board of education has formulated the fol- lowing rules relative to holders of state certificates and state diplomas, issued prior to May 20, 1899 : 1. Persons holding state certificates under the provisions of the law in force before May 20, 1899, and possessing the other qualifications for a state certificate shall be granted an- other state certificate, upon passing the required examination on the branches prescribed for a state certificate. 2. Persons holding state certificates under the provisions of the law in force before May 20, 1899, and possessing the other qualifications for a state diploma, shall be granted another state diploma, upon passing the required examination on all the branches prescribed for a state diploma. PROVISIONS FOR COUNTY CERTIFICATES. Commencing at 9 o’clock on the second Wednesday of the following months, viz., April and August and continuing three days, the board of examiners for each county shall hold a public examination of applicants for teachers’ county cer- tificates for such county, using the questions prepared by the state board of examiners, following the program prescribed by the state board of education, at such place in the county as may be designated by the superintendent. Neither the county board of examiners, nor any member thereof, shall at any time grant a private examination to an applicant for a teacher’s certificate, except for a temporary permit, as herein- after provided. At least ten days’ notice by a publication in a newspaper, if there be one published in the county, shall be given by the superintendent, at the expense of the county, of all examinations. The board of examiners shall issue cer- tificates of such general form as the state board of education may prescribe to all such applicants as are found upon exam- ination to possess a good, moral character, requisite scholar- ship and ability to teach and govern successfully. There shall be three grades of certificates granted by the board, at its discretion, and subject to such rules and regulations as the state board of education may prescribe, which grades of cer- tificates shall be as follows : The certificate of the first grade shall be granted only to those who are over eighteen years of age and have taught twelve school months with approved success; and shall be valid throughout the county for three years. To obtain the same, an applicant shall make a general average of not less than ninety per cent, of all branches pre- scribed by law, and shall not fall below seventy per cent, in any one branch ; provided , that whenever an applicant has upon two successive examinations received ninety per cent, or more in one or more branches, said applicant may, in the next examination thereafter, be excused from examination upon such branches and be credited with the standing so earned ; provided , that the county superintendent may en- dorse a first-grade certificate in force in any other county in the state without examination, and said endorsement shall render the said certificate valid in his county during the validity of the original certificate ; provided, that the super- intendent shall have power to revoke said certificate for the same cause and in like manner as those granted by the county board of examiners of his county ; provided, that in all cases [61 where a certificate is endorsed, it shall be registered in the office of the county superintendent of such other county, in a book provided for such purpose. The date of such regis- tration must be endorsed by the superintendent on the back of the certificate, and without such registration and endorse- ment no first-grade certificate shall be valid in any county except the one for which it was issued. A fee of $1 shall be paid to the superintendent by the teacher whose certificate is registered and endorsed. SECOND GRADE. A certificate of the second grade shall be granted only to those who have attained to the age of eighteen years and have taught at least three school months with ability and success, and shall be valid throughout the county for two years. To obtain the same an applicant shall make an average of not less than eighty per cent, in all branches prescribed by law and shall not fall below sixty per cent, in any one branch. Such certificate shall not be renewed, nor shall any person be entitled to receive more than one second-grade in any one county; provided , that more than one second-grade certificate may be issued to the same person in a count/ on a regular public examination, as herein set forth, if such person has not had the requisite experience for a first-grade certificate. THIRD GRADE. A certificate of the third grade shall be issued only to those who have attained the age of seventeen years. Such certifi- cate shall be valid for one year. To obtain the same an appli- cant shall make an average of not less than seventy per cent, in all branches prescribed by law, and shall not fall below fifty-five per cent, in any one branch. Such certificates shall not be renewed, nor shall any person be entitled to receive more than one third-grade certificate in any one county; pro- vided, that more than one third-grade certificate may be issued to the same person on a regular examination as here set forth, if such person has not had the requisite teaching experience required for a second-grade certificate. PRIMARY. A certificate to be known as a primary certificate shall be issued to applicants therefor upon passing an examination upon the subjects of reading, writing, orthography, the art of questioning, theory and practice of teaching and methods, which certificate shall authorize the bearer to teach in the primary departments of the state, not beyond the third grade; provided, the applicant pass such examination with an average of eighty-five per cent.; provided , that such teacher shall only be authorized to teach in a graded school as an assistant teacher. TEMPORARY CERTIFICATES. A temporary permit may be issued by the county superin- tendent in case of necessity, valid only in the county where issued, and valid only until the next regular public examina- tion held by the county by board of examiners for such county. A teacher shall not be entitled to receive more than two temporary permits in a county, nor shall an applicant who failed at the last regular public examination held by the board of examiners for any county be entitled to receive a temporary permit for that or any other county in the state; provided, that a fee of two dollars and fifty cents ( $2.50 ) for each temporary permit shall be paid by the applicant to the county school superintendent, who shall pay the same to the county treasurer, taking his receipt therefor, and all such fees shall be credited to the county institute fund. 3 0112 061941990 COUNTY SUPERINTENDENTS. Elected June 6, 1898. Postoffice. County. Baker City Baker Corvallis Ben ton Oregon City Clackamas Sven son Clatsop _ Honlton Columbia McKinley Loos Prineville Crook Langlois Curry B.osehnrg Douglas Arlington Gilliam Prairie City Grant _ __ Burns Harney Med ford Jackson Josephine ' Kerhy Klamath Falls— La, ke view Klamath Lake Eugene Lane Newport Lincoln Alhauiy Linn On ta.ri o Malheur Salem Marion Heppner M orrow Port! and Multnomah Dallas Polk _ _ Moro Sherman Tillamook Tillamook Pendleton Umatilla, . Union Union Joseph Wallowa, The Dalles Wasco Hillsboro AVashington . McMinnville Yamhill Fossil _ Wheeler County superintendent. Average salary paid teachers per month. Male. Female. r>3 06 ft 40 62 87 15 30 49 88 80 33 25 50 15 40 38 35 00 32 57 43J J33 34 63 34 29 25 18 41 00 38 50 36 00 29 00 43 25 37 08 42?00 25 00 50 00 39 00 38 00 31 00 39178 33 44 50 00 40 00 53 Oil 40 80 35 49 29 95 31 00 27 00 41 06 31 18 51 00 47 00 42 00 34 00 35 77 33 17 61 65 43 35 37 52 31 50 40 25 36 22 29 58 26 78 43 12 37 68 43 00 32 00 40 00 32 00 42 28 33 08 33 83 29 72 43 80 31 27 W. R. Privett George W. Denman. W. W. Bowland Joseph T. Lee I. H. Copeland W. H. Bunch William Johnson--. William S. Guerin— Douglas Waite E. B. Daggett R. D. Williams W. C. Byrd G. A. Gregory J. D. Hayes P. L. Fountain J. Q. Will its William M. Miller— George Bethers A. S. McDonald B. L. Milligan G. W. Jones J. W. Shipley A- P. Armstrong W. H. Ragsdale. George B. Lamb. J. F. Nowlin E. E. Bragg J. C. Conley C. L. Gilbert H. A. Ball E. V. Littlefield- O. B. Miles