SELECTED LIST OF BOOKS FOR SUMMER READING 44 Tis the good reader that makes the good book. — Emerson . PUBLISHED BY THE MINNEAPOLIS PUBLIC LIBRARY 1905 Ube ‘University press MINNEAPOLIS 3 — co CM FOREWORD. The following list has been compiled from the recommen- dations of friends and patrons of the library, and by members of the staff. Many good things are necessarily omitted from so short a list, which in its nature is merely suggestive, but the titles which are included have not been taken from pub- lisher's lists or from “Best lists," but from the actual reading experiences of our friends. The design has been to call attention to the many good things among the older publications which are likely to be forgotten in the continuous flood of new books, but which de- serve to be recalled from the obscurity thus forced upon them. Most of the new books, especially those of the last twelve months, have been omitted; they are listed in the last Annual Bulletin, and for the most part are shelved in the “Open Shelf Room," where they readily suggest themselves to the borrow- ers. The design has also been to make a list of comparatively light reading, such as would naturally accompany hammocks and summer days, and to omit for the most part the serious and heavier works, which require mental effort. It is intended primarily, as its title suggests, for the people who are rest- ing. It is hoped that the gentle reader, whether man or wo- man, old or young, sick or well, may find something sugges- tive in this brief list of books and may get through it an added pleasure in the use of the Public Ribrary. FICTION, If love , joy , laughter, sorrow please my mind. Love, joy, grief, laughter in my books I find. Bcnnoch. Austin, Jans G. Betty Alden .936a5 Standish of Standish 9S6&3 Balzac, Honors de. Eugenie Grandet 198b7 Pere Goriot 198bll Barr, Amelia E. Bow of Orange Ribbon 268b3 Jan Tedder's Wife 268b6 Barr, Robert. In a Steamer Chair 2687bl In the midst of alarms ...... 2687b3 Jennie Baxter, Journalist 2687bl0 One day's courtship Barrie, James M. Little minister 275b4 Sentimental Tommy ; 275bl0 Tommy and Grizel 275bll Bates, Arlo. Pagans < 329b2 Patty's perversities 329b3 Baylor, Frances C. On both sides 358bl Besant, Walter. All sorts and conditions of men 554bl Armorel of Lyonesse 554b20 Children of Gibeon 554bl8 Golden butterfly 554bll Bjornson, Bjornstjerne. Fisher maiden 626b4 Black, William. Judith Shakespeare 6278b6 Macleod of Dare 6278b7 Princess of Thule 6278b9 Blackmore, R. D. Lorna Doone 629b7 Springhaven 629b5 Brush, Christine C. Colonel's opera cloak 9123b2 o Burnett, Frances H. Louisiana 964b4 That lass o’ Lowrie’s 964b7 Through one administration 964b8 Burnham, Clara L. Miss Archer Archer . .966bll Miss Bagg’s secretary 966b4 Next door 966b5 Bynner, E. L. Agnes Surriage 994bl Cable, George W. Bonaventure 115cl Dr. Sevier 115c2 Grandissimes 115c3 Castle, Agnes & Egerton. Pride of Jennico 3532c2 Catherwood, Fv^ary H. Romance of Dollard ........ 363cl Chesnutt, C. W. The marrow of tradition 5245c3 Church?!!, Winston. The crisis 5633c3 The crossing 6633c4 Richard Carvel 5633c2 Clark, Kate E. Dominant seventh 5951cl Connor, Ralph. Black Rock 753cl Man from Glengarry 753c3 Sky pilot 753c2 Converse, Florence. Burden of Christopher 7659c2 Craddock, Charles Egbert. Prophet of the Great Smoky mountains 884c4 Crawford, F. Marion. Don Orsino. (Sequel to Sant’ Ilario) 899cl7 Marietta 899c33 Mr. Isaacs - 899c4 Roman Singer 89dc6 Sant' Ilario. (Sequel to Saracinesca) 899cl2 Saracinesca 899c7 Crockett, S. R. Lilac sunbonnet 938c4 Play actress 938c5 Raiders 938c2 Davis, M. E. M. The wirecutters ...262d4 Deland, Margaret. John Ward, preacher 3373dl Dougall, Lily. Beggars all 731dl Doyle, A. Conan. Adventures of Sherlock Holmes 754d7 Memoirs of Sherlock Holmes 754dll Micah Clarke 754d2 6 Dumas, Alex. Count of Monte Cristo 886d3 Three guardsmen 886dll Dunning, Charlotte. Upon a cast 924d2 Eggleston, Edward. Circuit rider 302el Eliot, Annie. White birches 425el Elliott, Sarah B. Jerry 466el Fawcett, Edgar. Gentleman of leisure 2784f4 Social silhouettes 2784f3 Fleming, George. Kismet 6983f4 Ford, Paul Leicester. Honorable Peter Stirling 706fl Story of an untold love 706f3 Fothergill, Jessie. The first violin. 761fl Fowler, Ellen Thorneycroft. Concerning Isabel Carnaby 787fl Double thread > 787f2 Fox, John, jr. Kentuckians 792f3 Little shepherd of Kingdom Come 792f 5 Frothingham, E. B. The turn of the road 941fl Fuller, Henry B. Cliff-dwellers . .966f3 With the procession | 966f4 Garland, Hamlin. Captain of the gray horse troop ,...233gl3 Glasgow, Ellen. The deliverance 548g5 The descendant 548gl Voice of the people 548g3 Goodwin, Maud W. Four roads to Paradise 657g5 Head of a hundred i 657gl Grahame, Kenneth. Golden age 740gl Gras, Felix. Reds of the Midi < 767gl The terror 767g2 Green, Anna Katherine. Behind closed doors 795gl Forsaken inn 795g6 Leavenworth case .795g4 That affair next door 795gl4 H a levy, L. Abb§ Constantin 168hl Hamblen, H. E. General manager’s story 199hl Hardy, Arthur S. Wind of destiny 268h3 Hardy, Thomas. Far from the madding crowd 272h8 Pair of blue eyes 272h7 Return of the native 272h9 7 Harrison, Mrs. Burton. Anglomaniacs 318hl Bachelor maid 318h6 Hastings, Elizabeth. Experiment in altruism . ...356hl Hawthorne, Nathaniel. House of Seven Gables 402h8 Marble faun 402h4 Scarlet letter 402h6 Henderson, C. H. John Percyfield 4955hl Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Elsie Venner 753h2 Hope, Anthony. Prisoner of Zenda 791hl Hornung, E. W. Amateur cracksman . . . . .8165h9 Raffles 8165hl3 Hosmer, James K. How Thankful was bewitched 827h2 Howard, Blanche W. Guenn 848h2 One summer 848h4 Howe, E. W. Story of a country town 856h4 Howells, Wm. D. Doctor Breen’s practice 860h4 Hazard of new fortunes, 2 v 8 6 Oh 16 Lady of the Aroostook » 860h8 Rise of Silas Lapham ..860hll Hugo, Victor. Les miserables 895hl Ninety-three 896h3 Toilers of the sea ...895h5 Jewett, Sarah O. Country doctor 594jl Country of the pointed firs 594J15 Johnston, R. M. Widow Guthrie 735 jl King, Charles. Colonel's daughter 624k5 Marion's faith .524k2 War-time wooing i 524k3 Kingsley, Florence M. Singular Miss Smith 565k6 Kipling, Rudyard. Kim 574kl8 Light that failed 674k4 Kirk, Ellen O. Goodbye, proud world ...594kl4 Queen Money 694k4 Story of Margaret Kent 594k3 Lane, Elinor M. Nancy Stair 265L1 Latimer, Mrs. E. W. My wife and my wife’s sister ...... 857L1 Lee, Mary Catherine. Quaker girl of Nantucket 4793L1 Lie, Jonas. The pilot and his wife 716L2 Loti, Pierre. Iceland fisherman 883L1 8 Lush, C. K. Federal judge 969L1 Lyall, Edna. Donovan 981L6 In the golden days 981L1 We two 981L3 Won by waiting 981L4 Macdonald, George. Annals of a quiet neighborhood ...1353m3 David Elginbrod 1353m4 Malcolm 1353ml0 Robert Falconer ;. .1353mlG McLean, S. P. Cape Cod folks 163m2 Moral imbeciles . . . 163m6 Vesty of the Basins 163m4 Marlitt, E. Little moorland princess 348ml0 Old Mam’selle’s secret j....348m8 Martin, George Madden. Emmy Lou ,..3808m2 Mason, E. W. Four feathers 399m4 Meredith, George. Diana of the Crossways 559m2 Merriman, Henry S. The sowers .5715m4 Mitchell, J. A. Amos Judd ..6817m2 Pines of Lory ; 6817m5 Mitchell, S. Weir. Characteristics 6826m5 Hugh Wynne, 2v 6826m8 W'hen all the woods were green 6826m6 Montresor, F. F. At the cross-roads (811m5 One who looked on 811m2 Into the highways and hedges 811ml Morris, William. Story of the glittering plain 877m3 Tale of the House of the Wolfings 877ml Muller, Max. Memories 958ml Noble, A. L. Professor’s dilemma 747n6 Uncle Jack’s executors ...747n3 Ohnet, Georges. Iron-master 1 . 385o2 Overton, Gwendolen. Heritage of unrest 96ol Page, Thomas Nelson. Red Rock 133pl4 Parker, Gilbert. Battle of the strong . ...240pl2 Seats of the mighty - 240p6 Perry, Bliss. Plated city 462p2 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. Singular life ,540p25 Friends 540p2 9 Pool, Maria Louise. Mrs. Keats Bradford 821p2 Roweny in Boston 821p& Two Salomes 821p6 Roberts, C. G. D. Forge in the forest 643r2 Heart of the ancient wood « 643r4 Sedgwick, Anna D. Dull Miss Archinard 447sl Shafer, Mrs. Sara Andrew. Day before yesterday 525sl Sheehan, P. A. My new curate i ,. ...542sl Shorthouse, J. H. John Inglesant . .659s5 Smith, F. Hopkinson. Caleb West, master diver ...647s5 Col. Carter of Cartersville ....) 647sl Tom Grogan 647s4 Spearman, F. H. Close of the day 740s4 Stevenson, R. L. David Balfour 848sl2 Kidnapped 848s3 St. Ives 848sl7 Strange case of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde 848s9 Treasure Island 848s7 Stimson, F. J. Pirate gold 859s5 Sudermann, H. Dame Care 943sl Tarkington, Booth. Gentleman from Indiana .187tl Monsieur Beaucaire 187t2 Tiernan, M. S. Homoselle 564t2 Jack Horner 664tl Tolstoi, L. Anna Karenina 654tl Katia 654t5 War and peace, 6v. . . .>. 654t8 Tompkins, Elizabeth K. Her Majesty 662tl Tracy, Louis. Wings of the morning ■ 761t4 Walford, L. B. Mr. Smith.. 174w7 Wallace, Lew. Ben-Hur 191wl Waltz, Eliz. C. Pa Gladden 241wl Ward, Mrs. Humphrey, Lady Rose’s daughter 259w9 Marcella. 2v ,.259w4 Warner, Charles Dudley. Golden house.. 280w4 Little journey in the world 280w3 That fortune 280w5 Weyman, Stanley J. Gentleman of France *549wl ic White, Eliza Orne. Coming of Theodora 684w3 A lover of truth 584w7 White, Stewart E. Blazed trail 5884wl Wilkins, Mary E. Jerome, a poor man ....686w9 Portion of labor 685wl6 Wilkinson, Florence. Strength of the hills... 686wl Woolson, Constance F. Anne..; 916w4 East Angels ...., 916wl Horace Chase 916w6 Jupiter lights 916w3 Young, Rose E. Henderson 76yl Zangwill, I. Mantle of Elijah ..29z7 The master 29z4 Zola, Emile. Lourdes. 2v » 86z2 Paris. 2v 86z8 Rome. 2v 86z5 FAVORITE OLD NOVELS* “Old friends are best.” Auerbach, B. On the heights. 2v 917a7 Austen, Jane. Mansfield Park.. 933a2 Northanger Abbey \ 933a5 Pride and prejudice 933a3 Sense and sensibility 933a4 Borrow, George. Lavengro 737bl Romany Rye. (Sequel to “Lavengro”) 737b2 Bremer, Frederica. Neighbors 836b5 Bronte, Charlotte. Jane Eyre... 869bl Shirley 869b3 Villette 869b4 Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. Last days of Pompeii 941bl3 Last of the barons 941bl4 Rienzi 941b24 II Collins, Wilkie. Moonstone 713cl0 Woman in white 713el7 Craik, Dinah M. Brave lady .886c2 John Halifax, gentleman 886cll Noble life . 886c21 Cummins, Maria S. The lamplighter 971cl Curtis, Geo. William. Prue and I.. 980c3 Dickens, Charles. Martin Chuzzlewit 548d6 Pickwick papers ...548dll Ebers, Georg. Egyptian princess. 2v 163e3 Sisters 163e9 Uarda. 2v 163el0 Edgeworth, Maria. Castle Rackrent and The absentee 234el Eliot, George. Adam Bede 427el Middlemarch. 2v .427e5 Mill on the Floss 427e6 Romola 427e7 Gaskelf, E. C. Cranford.... 248g8 Goethe, J. W. Wilhelm Meister's apprenticeship 599g2 Goldsmith, Oliver. Vicar of Wakefield 6245gl Holland, J. G. Arthur Bonnicastle 736h5 Sevenoaks 736h4 Ingelow, Jean. Don John.... .4618 Jackson, H. H. Ramona 135J2 Kingsley, Charles. Hypatia 554k3 Westward Ho! 554k6 Lamartine, Alphonse de. Graziella... 217L2 La Motte, Fouque. Undine, and other tales , ...235L3 Lever, Charles. Charles O'Malley 658L4 The Dodd family abroad .658L9 Lover, Samuel. Handy Andy „ 911L3 Manzoni, A. The betrothed 296ml Mitford, Mary R. Our village. 2v 684ml Oliphant, M. O. W. The beleaguered city 475o54 Perpetual curate * .475o38 Reade, Charles. Christie Johnstone.. 285r2 Cloister and the hearth. 2v j ,....285rl0 St. Pierre, B. Paul and Virginia 149sl Sand. George, Consuelo , 213s2 12 Scheffel, J. V. Ekkehard. 2v . .. 316sl Scott, Sir Walter. Heart of Mid-Lothian 431s9 Hob Roy . .~ 431s20 Stael, Mme. de. Corinne.... 778sl Stowe, Harriet Beecher. Minister's wooing 892s7 Oldtown folks ....... . .. . .892s9 Tautphoeus, Jemima. Initials 22911 Quits. 2v 229t3 Taylor, Bayard. The story of Kennett. . . . u . . 23813 Thackeray, William Makepeace. Henry Esmond 363t7 The Newcomes < 363tl2 Vanity Fair 363tl4 Tourgee, Albion. Bricks without straw 727t2 Fools errand 727t3 Trollope, Anthony. Barchester towers. 2v. ...847t2 Can you forgive her? 847t34 Framley parsonage 847t7 Last chronicle of Barset 847t35 Phineas Finn 847t25 The Warden 847 131 SHORT STORIES. For here at least [in the short story] we have the conditions of perfect art . There is no subdivision of interest; the author can strike directly in, without preface, can move with determined step toward a conclusion, and can — O highest privilege ! — stop when he is done. T. W. Higginson. „ Allen, James Lane. Aftermath 427a4 Flute and violin 427al Kentucky cardinal 427aS Aldrich, T. B. A sea turn and other matters .365a7 * Barrie, J. M. Window in Thrums 275bl 13 Brown, Alice. Tiverton tales 878b3 Meadow grass 878bl Brown, Dr. John. Marjorie Fleming and Rab and his friends B8812b2 Chopin, Kate. Bayou folk 549cl Cody, Sherwin. Selections from the world’s greatest short stories i 671cl Connolly, James. Out of Gloucester 7528cl Cooke, Rose T. Huckleberries ,...773cl Somebody’s neighbors 773c5 Cutting, Mary S. Little stories of married life 990cl Davis, M. E. M. The elephant’s track, and other stories. .262d3 Davis, Rebecca Harding. Silhouettes of American life...264d2 Davis, Richard Harding. Gallegher and other stories 2643d2 Princess Aline 2643d5 Van Bibber and others 2643dl Deland, Margaret. Dr. Lavendar’s people 3373d8 Old Chester tales ..3373d7 Wisdom of fools 3373d6 Deming, P. Adirondack stories 3815d2 Foote, Mary Hallock. Cup of trembling and other stories. 689f 7 In exile and other stories 689f5 Fox, J. jr. Cumberland vendetta, etc 792fl Fuller, Anna. Literary courtship 965f2 Venetian June ,..965f4 Fuller, H. B. Under the skylights i ,...966f8 Garland, Hamlin. Main -travelled roads 233gl Spirit of Sweetwater 233g9 Harte, Bret. Drift from two shores 327h6 Luck of Roaring Camp 327hll Hillern, Wilhelmine. Higher than the church 652h4 Howard, Blanche. Seven on the highway 848h9 King, Grace. Balcony stories. .1 533k2 Kipling, Rudyard. Day’s work. ..574kl5 Plain tales from the hills 574kl Soldier stories 574kl2 Maclaren, Ian. Beside the bonnie brier bush. .1 161ml Ouida. Dog of Flanders, etc B93ol3 Page, Thomas Nelson. In ole Virginia 133p5 Parker, Gilbert. Adventurer of the north 240p8 Pierre and his people 240p7 Peattie, Elia W. A mountain woman 3635pl Poe, Edgar Allan. Tales of imagination 743pl Saxe Holm. Stories. 2v 272sl Slosson, Annie T. Seven dreamers. 634sl Spearman, F. H. Held for orders, being stories of rail- road life - 740s2 Spofford, Harriet P. Amber gods .762s4 Thanet, Octave. Missionary sheriff 367t6 Stories of a western town 367t5 Tolstoi, L. Life is worth living 654tl2 Van Dyke, Henry. The blue 1 flower 248vi The ruling passion 248v3 White, Eliza Orne. Browning courtship and other sto- ries 584w6 Wilkins, Mary E. Humble romance 685w3 New England nun, etc 685w2 CHEERFUL BOOKS. A laugh is worth a hundred groans in any market. Oha8. Lamb, Aldrich, T. B. Marjorie Daw..... 366al Anstey, F. Brass bottle 625al4 Giant’s robe 625a3 Bell, Lilian. From a girl’s point of view Ms434bl Blouet, Paul. Jonathan and his continent Kn657bl John Bull and his island Jb657bl Book of American prose humor Mn724bl Bunner, H. C. “Short sixes” 9425b3 More “Short sixes” 9425b6 Clemens, Samuel L. Connecticut Yankee in King Ar- thur’s court 625c8 Innocents abroad Gb625cl Conrad, Stephen. The second Mrs. Jim 7544cl Couch, A. T. Quiller-. Astonishing history of Troy town. .863 c6 Davison, C. S. How I sent my aunt to Baltimore in885s25 Daskam, Josephine. Madness of Philip and other tales of childhood * 2295d2 Diaz, Abby M. William Henry and his friends B542d6 William Henry letters .B542d7 Duncan, Sara J. American girl in London Jc912dl Social departure Gb912dl Dunne, F. P. Mr. Dooley’s opinions Mn923d3 Fisk, May I. Monologues i Mr539fl Ford, Simeon. A few remarks... . Ms708fl Grant, Robert. Bachelor’s Christmas ...763gl0 Reflections of a married man \ 763g6 Habberton, John. Helen’s babies .113h3 Harland, Henry. Cardinal’s snuff-box 283h5 My friend Prospero 283h7 Hegan, Alice C. Mrs. Wiggs of the Cabbage Patch 462hl Holley, Marietta. My opinions and Betsy Bobbett’s 738h2 Samantha at the St. Louis Exposition 738hl2 Jacobs, W. W. Many cargoes t .178jl Janvier, Thomas A. Passing of Thomas, etc 357J5 Jerome, Jerome K. Three men in a boat ..563jl Idle thoughts of an idle fellow Ms56jl Kelly, Myra. Little citizens 301kl Loomis, C. B. Cheeriul Americans 863L1 Lorimer, G. H. Letters from a self-made merchant to his son 8715L1 Martin, Edward Sandford. Lucid intervals..! Ms379m2 Luxury of children .Ms379m4 Windfalls of observation Ms379m3 Matthews, Brander. In the vestibule limited ,.438m3 Mitchell, J. A. That first affair and other sketches 6817m3 Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. Old maids and burglars in paradise 540p21 Phillips, H. W. Red Saunders t 562pl 16 Reed, Myrtle. The spinster book Ms326rl Richards, Laura E. Mrs. Tree 516r25 Stockton, Frank R. Casting away of Mrs. Leeks and Mrs. Aleshine 866s3 Dusantes 866s5 Lady, or the tiger? 866s9 Rudder Grange 866sll Stuart, Ruth McEnery. Moriah’s mourning and other sketches 932s7 Napoleon Jackson 932s9 Sonny 932s4 Warner, Chas. Dudley. My summer in a garden Ms280w6 Washburne, M. F. Every day essays Ms315wl Wells, David D. Her ladyship’s elephant 4535wl Westcott, E. N. David Harum 524wl White, W. Allen. The court of Boyville 5887wl Wiggin, Kate D. Cathedral courtship 655w6 Penelope’s progress i 655wl0 Penelope’s Irish experiences ,..655wl2 OUT OF-DOOR BOOKS. Therefore am I still A. lover of the meadows and the woods And mountains; and of all that we behold From this green earth. Wordsworth. Austin, A. The garden that I love Ms935al Badenoch, L. N. Romance of the insect world Pcfl34bl Bailey, L. H. Garden making.. SLgl56b6 Beale, S. Profitable poultry keeping Sn366bl Bennett, I. D. The flower garden Slg471bl Blanchan, N. How to attract the birds Pch639b3 Nature’s garden Phf639bl Boardman, W. H. Lovers of the woods P662bl Bruncken, £. North America forests and forestry SLt894bl 1 7 Burroughs, J. Birds and poets P972b2 Pepacton P972b5 Chapman, F. M. Bird life Pch466c2 Dallas, E. M. & Burgin, C. A. Among the mushrooms Phcl45dl Dana, Mrs. W. 8. How to know the ferns Phcl71dl How to know the wild flowers ,Phfl71d2 Dickerson, M. C. Moths and butterflies Pcf549dl Dugmore, A. R. Bird homes Pch866dl Nature and the camera . ... P867dl Edgar, W. C. Story of a grain of wheat SL23el Elizabeth and her German garden Ms435el Ely, H. R. Woman's hardy garden i SLg525el Fullerton, E. L. How to make a vegetable garden. .. .SLg971fl Garden of a commuter’s wife Ms218gl Gibson, W. H. Our edible toadstools Phc451gl Sharp eyes P451g2 Green, 8. B. Vegetable gardening i . .SLg798gl Hubert, P. G. Jr. Liberty and a living 878hl Irving, E. How to know the starry heavens Ok72il Jefferies, R. Life of the fields ...P46J2 Open air P46J3 Lange, D. Our native birds Pch274Ll Lounsberry, A. Guide to the wild flowers Phf889Ll Guide to the trees ...Pht889Ll Lubbock, Sir John. Ants, bees and wasps PcfS27Ll McFarland, J. H. Getting acquainted with the trees. Phil 4 3ml McMillan, C. Minnesota plant life... Ph666m3 Maeterlinck, M. Life of the bee Pcfl86ml Mather, F. Modem fish culture Sn427ml Mathews, F. 8. Field book of American wild flowers. Phf429m2 Merriam, F. A. Birds through an opera glass Pch588ml Miller, O. T. A bird lover of the west Pch650m4 Miller, M. R. The brook book P649ml Miller, W. How to make a flower garden SLg847hl Mowbray, J. P. Making a country home 936m3 Parkhurst, H. E. Bird's calendar Pch246pl Perry, W. A. & others. American game Ashes Tp465pl Powell, E. P. The country home SL882pl 18 Roberts, C. G. D. Kindred of the wild: a book of animal life 643r5 Roberts, H. The tramp’s hand-book Tp644rl Seton-Thompson, Grace. A woman tenderfoot Kg495sl Sharp, D. L. Wild life near home P531sl Skinner, C. M. Little gardens SLg628sl Streeter, J. W. Fat of the land SL915sl Thaxter, Celia. Island garden i SLg369tl Thomas, Mrs. Theo. Our mountain garden SLg462tl Torrey, B. World of green hills P694t2 Foot-path way P694t4 Van Dyke, H. Fisherman’s luck Ms248vl Little rivers Ms248v2 Van Dyke, J. C. The desert Kg247vl Nature for its own sake . ...P249vl Van Rensselaer, Mrs. S. Art out of doors SLt274vl Walton, I. Complete angler .Tp239wl Weed, C. M. Birds in their relation to man Pch394wl White, G. Natural history of Selborne ,P584wl White, S. E. The forest P588wl The mountains P588w2 Silent places 5884w3 Winslow, H. M. Concerning cats \ Sn779wl Wright, M. O. Bird craft Pch952wl TRAVEL AND HISTORY. Some men live all their lives in a barrel, and look out only through the bung-hole. — Rabelais . Amicis, E. de. Holland and its people Jdc516al Bacon, E. M. Historic pilgrimages in New England Kcl29b3 Ballou, M. M. Due North J193bl Bancroft, Eliz. Letters from England, 1846-1849 Lb212bl Beveridge, Albert, J. The Russian advance Ek571bl Boegli, Lina. Forward. (Letters written on a trip around th© world.) Gb669bl 19 Boutmy, Emile. The English people Jb780bl Chamberlin, Wilbur J. Ordered to China Hf4435cl Creelman, Ja. On the great highway Gb913cl Custer, Elizabeth. Boots and saddles ( . . ..Kg987cl Davis, A. M. Confiscation of John Chandler’s estate Fh261dl Deilenbaugh, Frederick 8. Romance of the Colorado River >....Kg357dl Dodd, Anna B. In and out of three Normandy inns . . . . Jf639dl On the Broads ...Jc639dl Dorr, Julia C. Flower of England’s face Jb716d2 Dye, E. E. McLoughlin and old Oregon .Fg995dl Fraser, Mrs. H. A diplomatist’s wife in Japan Hf 84213 Frederikson, N. C. Finland; its public and private economy . . Jk852fl Hearn, Lafcadio. Japan: an attempt at interpretation Hf436h8 Hewlett, Maurice. Earthwork out of Tuscany Jg612hl Hooker, Katherine. Way-farers in Italy . ..„ ..Jg783hl Irving, Washington. Knickerbocker’s history of New York ..., Fc72il Captain Bonneville Kg72il Jackson, Helen H. Bits of travel at home .Knl35jl Johnson, Clifton. Highways and byways of the South. (Includes every state east of the Mississippi.) . .Kd67jl Meakin, A. M. B. A ribbon of iron. (Great Siberian railroad.) Hd483ml Moulton, Louise C. Lazy tours in Spain and elsewhere J927m2 Muir, J. Our national parks Kg953m6 Munsterburg, Hugo. The Americans Kn969m2 Murphy, Edgar G. Problems of the present South . .FL978ml Richardson, R. B. Vacation days in Greece Jk526rl Schierbrand, Wolf von. Russia, her strength and her weakness ..Ek332sl Scidmore, E. P. Jinrikisha days in Japan Hf416sl Semple, Ellen C. American history and its geographic conditions Fn473sl Singleton, Esther. London as seen and described by fam- ous writers < <..Jc617sl Smith, F. H. Gondola days Jg647sl White umbrella in Mexico . . . Kbd647sl 20 Smith, H. E. Colonial days and ways Fc649sl Stevenson, R. L. Across the plains ... Ms848sl Travels with a donkey Jf848sl Stoddard, J. L. Lectures Gb868sl-13 Th waites, R. G. Afloat on the Ohio Kg548t2 Tweedy, Mrs. A. Through Finland in carts Jk971tl Waddington, Mary A. Letters of a diplomat’s wife ..Lwll8wl Wise, John S. End of an era FL812wl Wolfe, T. F. Literary haunts and homes Kc866w2 BIOGRAPHY. “Great persons are not soon learned , not even their outlines, but they change like the mountains in the horizon as we ride along.” Adam, Mme. Juliette. Romance of my childhood and youth Lal94al Adams, Samuel. Life, by J. K. Hosmer La217hl Arnold, Matthew. Letters, 1848-1888. 2v La757al Barrie, Mrs. Margaret Ogilvy, by J. M. Barrie ...... .Lb275bl Bronte, Charlotte. Life, by Mrs. Gaskell ,...Lb869gl Brooks, Phillips. Life and letters, by Allen. 2v Lb873al Browning, Robert. Life, by Chesterton Lb885c2 Carlyle, Jane Welsh. New letters and memorials, 2v. Lc2863c2 Carroll, Lewis. Life and letters, by Collingwood . . . .Lc3195cl Cobbe, Frances. Life, by herself, 2v Lc653cl Crevecoeur, J. H. St. J. Letters from an American Farmer Fc926cl Drummond, Henry. Life, by G. A. Smith Ld795sl Edgeworth, Maria. Life, by Emily Lawless Le234Ll Franklin, Benj. The many sided Franklin, by Ford ... .Lf831f8 Gilbert, Mrs. Anne. Stage reminiscences Lg4635gl Gillespie, Mrs. E. D. Book of remembrance Lg478gl Gladden, Washington. Witnesses of the light; Dante, Michelangelo, Fichte, Hugo, Wagner, Ruskin ..L542gl Grove, Sir George. Life and letters, by Graves Lg883gl Hale, Edward Everett. Memories of a hundred year, 2v Thl62h2 21 Hawthorne, Nath. Life, by Woodberry .Lh402wl Higginson, T. W. Cheerful yesterdays Lh637hl Hoar, George Frisbie. Autobiography of seventy years 2v Lh679hl Holmes, Oliver W. Life and letters by Morse Lh753ml Howe, Mrs. Julia. Reminiscences, 1819-1899 Lh856hl Hubbard, Elbert, Little journeys to homes of famous women i. ...L876h2 Huxley, Thomas H. Life and letters, 2v > Lh986hl Jefferson, Joseph. Autobiography Lj454jl Keller, Helen. Story of my life Lk287kl Kovalevsky, Sonya. Recollections of childhood . . . . . .Lk885kl Lamb, Charles. Best letters LL218L1 Lowell, James Russell. Letters, 2v .LL915L1 Macaulay, T. B. Life and letters, by Trevelyan Lmll7tl Martineau, Harriet. Autobiography, 2v Lm385ml Mason, W. Memoirs of a musical life .Lm412ml Montagu, Lady Mary W. Letters and works, 2v Lm758m2 Morris, Clara. Life on the stage Lm8739ml Morris, Wm, Life, by Mackail Lm876ml Parkman, Francis. Life, by Farnham Lp249fl Phelps, E. S. Chapters from a life Lp540pl Pioneers of religious liberty in America L662pl Riis, Jacob. The making of an American Lr573rl Ruskin, John. Life, by Collingwood Lr956c2 Smith, William and Lucy. Story of, by Merriam Ls664sl Stevenson, R. L. Life, by Balfour, 2v Ls848b3 Stillman, W. Ja. Autobiography of a journalist, 2v Ls867sl Temple, Dorothy Osborne, Lady. Letters to Sir William Temple, 1652-54 Lt285tl Train, Geo. Francis. My life in many states and in for- eign lands . . Lt768tl Trollope, Anthony. Autobiography . ...Lt847tl Verbeck of Japan, by Griffis Lv477gl Walpole, Horace. Letters, 2v Lw219w3 Washington, Booker T. Up from slavery Lw317wl Wesley, John. The heart of John Wesley’s journal. .Lw514w4 Whittier, J. G. Life and letters by Pickard Lw625pl Wordsworth, Dorothy. Journals, 2v Lw925wl 22 ESSAYS AND POETRY, This hinged cover, like o well hung door, Shuts out the noises of the jangling day ; These fair leaves fan unwelcome thoughts away. Bowker, R. R. Arts of life Ms786bl Burroughs, John. Songs of nature Nf972bl Burton, Richard. Dumb In June Ng974bl Forces in fiction Ms974b2 Chadwick, J. W. and Annie H. Through love to light; songs of good courage