;♦ *J* «£♦ ♦!♦ «£♦ *J* *!♦ * 1 * ♦J* «j* *J« »J* ♦’* *J» «j* *?♦ *j» «j TRAFFIC imw umvBsnv of w* 1015 ORDINANCE "Wocrffi** CITY OF NASHVILLE REGULATING * • I i, Traffic Upon Streets And Rates of Fare that May Be Charged by Taxicabs and Automobiles. Higginbotham. Nashville > «£♦ «}► *J» .J» *J» «J* **« **♦ ♦’» *J* »J**« , S*** TRAFFIC LAW ORDINANCE OF R T Ry ^ 8 ^ OF THE CITY OF NASHVILLE REGULATING Traffic Upon Streets And Rates of Fare that May Be Charged by Taxicabs and Automobiles* ttc/Tt-l* T\. G'^d > Higginbotham. Nashville INDEX Accidents—must assist-13 Ambulance, etc.—lias right of way- 9 Auto and motorcycle tax-15 Auto Rates—fares-13 Baggage Carried—how-11 Baggage Left or Lost—stored where- Brakes, Horns and Signal Devices-14 Chauffeurs and Drivers-11 Chauffeurs—convicted, license revoked-11 Chauffeur—not under eighteen-11 Chauffeur—obscene language prohibited-11 Chauffeur—qualifications - 11 Chauffeur—Two hands and feet-11 Children under ten years not left in- 11 Complete traffic system-2 2 Congested traffic—move on - 10 Construction of vehicle-10 Control of Traffic under Mayor-21 Conviction of Chauffeur revokes license-11 Crossing from one side of street to other— how _ Cross-section streets—speed at- Drayage kept off of what streets—when- 9 Distance—taximeter—computed -IS Drivers and Chauffeurs-11 Eight miles an hour—where- 9 Eighteen years minimum age Chauffeur-11 Emergency traffic, etc., has right of way- 9 Enacting and Repealing Clause-22 Fares—table of rates- 17 Fifteen miles an hour—where- 9 Frightened animals—signal that-12 Fifteen feet clearing at—what- 7 Fire apparatus—get close to curb-10 Fire apparatus, etc.—has right of way- 9 Fire plugs—do not stop within 15 feet- 7 Following street car—keep ten feet away— 8 Give name, etc., case of accident-13 High speed over low speed—right of way-10 Horns, brakes and signal devices-14 Horse—attended or fastened.- 8 Intoxicated chauffeur prohibited-11 VYs" INDEX Jurisdiction and purpose-22 License revoked for what—how_11 Lights and auto signals-12 Load must not project beyond vehicle_11 Loading of vehicle—how -10 Loading or unloading—stand how- 7 Machinery in auto stopped when standing-- 8 Mayor controls traffic_21 Misdemeanor—to violate_22 Move one—office buildings, etc._10 Mufflers _14 Nine miles an hour—where_ 8 Noisy load deadened_11 Non-enforcement no cause of action_22 Obscene language by chauffeur_11 Obstruction of street not allowed_ 9 Passengers getting on and out—have right to _ Pass to left when overtaking vehicle_ Pass to right overtaking street car_ Pass to right when meeting_ Pr destrians’ duties and rights_ Pedestrians must cross streets—where_ Penalties for violation—misdemeanor_ Police patrol wagon, etc.—has right of way_ Racing in street prohibited___ Rates—table of fares_ Registration fees_ Repealing and enacting clause_ Registration of chauffeurs_ Registration of vehicles _ Registered where _ Registered when _ Reins must be held in right hand_ Revoked how long_ Riding or hanging on side or rear of vehi¬ cle _ Right hand side travel on_ Right of way___ Stand—direction of traffic—when_ Standing auto—machinery stopped—when _ 10 5 5 5 13 13 22 9 8 17 15 22 15 15 15 15 8 11 11 5 9 7 8 INDEX Standing—move for—passengers to alight _ 10 Standing—prohibited where_10 Speed areas—eight miles_ 9 Speed areas—nine miles_ 8 Speed areas—fifteen miles_ 9 Speed limits_ 8 Street car, etc., has right of way—when_ 9 Street car following—ten feet clearing_ 8 Street car stop—not within fifteen feet_ 7 Street car stops or stations_19 Signals and warnings_11 Signal devices, brakes and horns_14 Signals from traffic men must be obeyed_12 Signals of movements_12 Signals of traffic officers_12 Stop with right side to curb_ 7 System—complete traffic_22 Tax—annual wheel on autos_15 Taximeters inspected_19 Taixmeters—time and distance_18 Taximeters—equipped how_21 Taxi rates—fares_17 Theaters—do not stand in front of_10 Time—while waiting—how computed_18 Traffic movements_ 5 Traffic ordinance a complete system_22 Traffic—slow vehicles—prohibited where __ 9 Trunk carried for_18 Turn around only at corners_ 7 Turn around center to left—w T hen- 6 Turn to right at curb corner—w T hen- 5 Unattended children under ten_11 U. S. mail boxes—do not stop within fifteen feet - 7 U. S. mail, etc., has right of way- 9 Vehicles defined_13 View not obstructed by load-10 View T not obstructed by covering-10 Waiting—time how computed_18 What vehicles have right of way-10 Wheel tax_15 ORDINANCE OF THE City of Nashville Regulating Traffic Upon Streets Hilary E. Howse, Mayor SECTION 1. TRAFFIC MOVEMENTS. i. A vehicle, except when passing a vehicle ahead, shall keep as near the right hand curt as possible. 2. A vehicle meeting another shall pass to the right. 3. A vehicle overtaking another shall pass on the left side of the overtaken vehicle, and not puH over to the right until entirely clear or h. This does not apply to street cars. 4. A vehicle overtaking a street car or an¬ other vehicle in the street car tracks, shall pass on t e right hand side of the overtaken street car or such vehicle in the street car tracks. A vehicle turning into another street to the nght shall turn the corner as near the right —5— hand curb as practicable, lustrated thus: This direction is il- 5. A vehicle turning into another street to the left shall turn around the center of inter¬ section of. the two streets. This direction is illustrated thus: The wrong way or the negative of this direc- tion is illustrated thus: j 'L N \ r •i 6 A vehicle crossing from one side of the street to the other shall turn so as to bnng t e right-hand side of the vehicle next to the cu TL turning vehicle, and it m».t be headed in the direction of traffic. Ao ve ic come to a stand at the sidewalk except to it be headed in the direction of traffic, rule is illustrated thus. —6— CITY OF NASHVILLE Anci the wrong way or the negative of the method of turning to the opposite side of the street are illustrated thus: 7. No vehicle shall stop with its left side to the curb, except on established cab, hack and truck stands. § 8 ‘ No veIli cIe shall stand backed up to the curb, except when actually loading or unload¬ ing, and if such vehicle is horse-drawn and has .our wheels, the horse or horses must stand parallel to the curb and facing in the direction of traffic, but no vehicle shall stand so backed up, if it interferes with or interrupts the pas¬ sage of other vehicles or street cars. 9. No vehicle must be left standing within fifteen feet of a fire hydrant or U. S. mail box, or adjacent to the curb at the point where pas¬ sengers of street cars are required to alight or embark. 10. No vehicle, unless in an emergency, or to allow another vehicle or pedestrians to cross its path, shall stop in any public street or high¬ way, except near the right-hand curb thereof, and so as not to obstruct the crossing, or when following a street car that has stopped for pas¬ sengers to alight or embark. 11. No vehicle shall back or make a turn in any street, except at the corners; vehicles shall go either around the block or to a corner suf¬ ficiently wide to turn in without backing. —7— TRAFFIC REGULATION 12. A vehicle following a street car must not pass or approach within 10 feet of it when the street car has stopped for passengeis to alight or embark. 13. No vehicle shall be permitted to race upon any street w r ithin the city limits. 14. No automobile or other machine pro¬ pelled vehicle shall be left standing in the street with the machinery running, without an attendant .in charge. 15. No horse shall be left unattended in any street or highway, unless securely fastened, anil it shall not he allowed to stand unhitted m any street or highway, unless secured by a hal¬ ter. In case of the removal of any wheel, pole, shaft, whiffle-tree, splinter-bar, or any part of a harness, likely to cause accident if the horse or horses start, without first unhitching the horse or horses attached to said vehicle. 16. No one shall cease to hold the reins in his hands while driving, riding or conducting a horse. SPEED LIMITS. If No vehicle shall exceed a greater speed thanmiles an hour in the following limits: First, Second and Third Avenues between Broadway and the Public Square; Fourth and Fi^tb Avenues between Broadway aG erick Street; Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Ave¬ nues between Broadway and Union btre . Church Street between First Avenue anc Eighth Avenue; Union Street between Mrs Avenue and Eighth Avenue; Deadenck Str —8— CITY OF NASHVILLE between the Public Square and Fifth Avenue- the Public Square, West End Avenue, and Broadway, when crossing Sixteenth, Seven- teentn and Eighteenth Avenues, North, and on Woodland, Russell and Fathering Streets when crossing Seventh Street, South, and not more than eight miles an hour when turning corners, and not more than fifteen miles an hour in other parts of the city, and no more than nine miles an hour when going across the through : thoroughfares or cross-section streets. RIGHT OP WAY. 18. Police, Fire, Hospital Ambulances, Traf¬ fic Emergency Repair, U. S. Mail Vehicles shall have the right of way in any street or thorough¬ fare and through any procession. Street cu^s shall have the right of way between croll streets, over all other vehicles, except those named, and the driver of any vehicle proceed¬ ing upon the track in front of any street car shall immediately turn out upon signal by the motorman, driver or conductor of the car. 19. No vehicle or street car shall so occupy any street so as to interfere or interrupt the passage of other street cars or vehicles. 20. No slow-moving vehicle transporting aiayage shall be driven between the hours of « o c.ocic a m. and 6 o’clock p. m„ on Church ?L U S 1 -°?,? tr . eetB ’ betwe8n Third Avenue, North, and EigJub Avenue, North, or on Third, Fourth, *‘ Uh u ^ r : d Slxth Avenues, North, between uich Street and Union Street, except for such d ’ s n ta , nc ® a8 be reasonably necessary to reach the building to which it is going. —9 TRAFFIC REGULATION 2 1. A vehicle waiting at the curb shall promptly give place to a vehicle about to take on or let off passenger^. 22. No vehicle shall be stepped or left in front of the entrance to office buildings, thea¬ ters, hotels, department stores, or other en¬ trances to places of congestion, for any longer time than is sufficient to deliver its occupant on the sidewalk, or goods intended for such building, and the driver in charge of such^ ve¬ hicle shall move up promptly to permit others to arrive for like purpose. 23. ‘ The driver of a vehicle, on the approach of a fire engine or apparatus, shall immediately draw up his vehicle as nearly as practicable t the right-hand curb, and parallel thereto, and bring it to a standstill, and a street c immediately stop and keep its station upon approach of a fire engine or apparatus. 04 That vehicles of high speed, power or motive energy, shall have the right of way over vehicles of slow motive power, at crossings. CONSTRUCTION OR LOADING. 1 25 No one shall drive a vehicle that is so covered or constructed as to Prevent the driver thereof from having a sufficient vi Safficfotlowtns and at the tides ot such veh,- “V No on, shall drive or conduct any ve hide in such condition, so constructed, of sud width or so loaded, as to be likely to cause d lay in traffic or accident or injury to man, bea -10— CITY OF NASHVILLE or property. If such vehicle is loaded with iron or other material that may strike together and make a deafening noise, it shall be properly deafened or deadened; nor shall any vehicle be loaded with material projecting beyond the width of the vehicle. CHAUFFEURS OR DRIVERS. 27. No one shall be permitted to operate an automobile while intoxicated, or who shall use obscene or profane language while waiting on the streets or in the presence of his passengers. A chauffeur for any taxicab or automobile for hire, or driver of any public vehicle, who is re¬ quired to take out a license permit, upon con¬ viction for either of such offenses, shall have his license revoked, such conviction operating per se as a revocation of his license, and he shall not be allowed to register again for six months. 28. No on© shall drive a public licensed or business vehicle who is less than eighteen years of age, and no person incapacitated from using both feet and both hands to operate the vehi¬ cle shall be permitted to drive it. 29. No child under ten years of age shall be left unattended in any standing vehicle on the streets. 30. No one shall ride upon the rear end, or take hold of the side or rear end of any moving vehmle for the purpose of riding or being drawn T . SIGNALS. 31. In slowing up or stopping any vehicle, —11— the signal shall be given by those behind Dy racing the whip or hand vertically. In turning SSTin motion, or in starting to turn from a standstill, the -Uj- £ "cZ in the whip or hand, indicating which the turn is to be made. 3 2 Before backing, ample warning shall be given, and while backing unceasing vigilance shall be exercised not to injure those behind. 3S Or., blast ot police Indicate. that the east and west traffic shall stop, and that the north and south traffic may procee . I Two blasts that the north and south traffic mu 5 ,.„ and that the east and west traffic may proceed. Vehicles and street cars must s opjo as n ot to interfere with the passage 1 as iiwu w Thvpp or more blasts triq-ns at the crossings. mice u t l . , . i„m and indicates the approach is a signal of alarm, ana 1 ambulance, of the fire engine, fire appa^. •> Mail police patrol, emergency repair, o vehicle, or some other danger. ^ 34. No vehi f e gs Sh p a rivided Se with 11 Sts and souM sSfal U afp?ovided by law. and use the same as provided by law. 35. The driver offfiffied-e^that a'horsffis Sf g hteS a at his Sproachffie^^top rAtfWVa coStroh 36 . That a failure ^o^obey the^ignate^ tj any’traffic r officer, shall he unlawful and pun¬ ished as herein provided. 12 CITY OF NASHVILLE ACCIDENTS. 3 7. In case of injury, the driver must stop at once and ascertain the extent of the injury and render assistance, and must give his name and address, if required. SECTION 2. PEDESTRIANS. That pedestrians shall not step from the side¬ walk to the road-bed without first looking to see what is approaching, and shall not need¬ lessly interfere with the passage of vehicles or street cars. While the road-beds of streets and highways are primarily intended for vehicles, pedestrians have the right to cross them in safe¬ ty, and pedestrians in their turn must not cross the streets except at street crossings, and shall cross the streets as nearly as possible at right- angles, and not diagonally. This provision, however, shall not excuse the driver of any ve¬ hicle from constant vigilance to avoid injury tc pedestrians under all conditions or from his own carelessness. SECTION 3. DEFINITIONS. That the word “vehicle” includes equestrians, horses led, and everything on wheels or run¬ ners, whether propelled by man, animal or me¬ chanical energy, except street cars, baby car¬ riages and roller skates. 13 TRAFFIC REGULATION SECTION 4. BRAKES, HORNS AND SIGNAL DEVICES. That all automobiles, motorcycles, mechanic¬ al-propelled vehicles using the streets of the City of Nashville, must be provided with good brakes, and with bell, horn, siren or signal de¬ vice, producing an abrupt sound loud enough to warn persons of the presence of such vehicles and of danger. The making of unnecessary noise shall be unlawful, and such vehicles shall be provided with steering-gear and brakes in good and working order. Automobiles must be provided with mufflers, and they must not be cut out or inoperative while using the streets. Such vehicles, while on the streets or highways, must be lighted from sunset to one hour before sunrise, with two lamps in front and one be¬ hind; front lamps must be visible at least 200 feet, rear lamp must throw a red light in the reverse direction and show white to side next the number. Automobiles and motorcycles must have a number-plate at the back, and it must be legi¬ ble 150 feet. The rear number-plate must be unobstructed and visible from any angle, the lamp alongside of it not less than 6 inches nor more than twelve inches from the plate, nor project more than six inches. The number¬ plate shall be of the same dimensions as pro¬ vided by the State law. No unnecessary nox¬ ious smoke, gas, steam or offensive odor shall be allowed to escape from any automobile. —14— CITY OF NASHVILLE SECTION 5 . KEL That all automobiles mjSTRk m^.ff£ lobiles and mot&r 3 yn] -- w w » vy gjps shall be registered once a year, the year to coWQ/frce the first day of April, and the registration must be completed by the 15th day of April. Any automobile or motorcycle acquired or put in operation after the 15th day of April shall be registered within 15 days after it is put in operation. $ 1.00 shall he paid for each registration. Such automobiles or motorcycles shall be reg¬ istered at the office of the Mayor, and the fee shall be paid upon said certificate of registra¬ tion to the City Treasurer, upon warrant of the City Comptroller. All chauffeurs operating on any automobile or taxicab for hire shall be registered once a ■ >ear in a registration book in the Mayor's office, and shall pay a fee of 50 cents therefor. He shall register between April 1st and April 15th, and shall procure a metal badge with its proper serial number, and wear the same conspicuous¬ ly exposed on his person. Any person taking employment as a public chauffeur after the 15th of April shall first take out his registration be¬ fore he commences work. SECTION 0. WHEEL TAX. That— Each motorcycle for hire or used for business purposes shall pay —15— TRAFFIC REGULATION 3.00 an annual wheel tax to the City of Nashville of . ? Each automobile or motor vehicle of 35-horse power or less, used for transportation of persons for hire, shall pay an annual tax of. .$10.00 Each automobile or motor vehicle of more than 35 horse power, used for the transportation of persons for hire, exclusive of trucks, coaches, omnibuses, slia11 ' pay an annual tax of. Each automobile truck, coach or omnibus, used for commercia purposes, shall pay an annua tax of . Each automobile delivery wagon used for light delivery, and for conveying loads of less than two tons in weight, shall pay an an- ^ nual tax of . Automobile delivery wagons used for light delivery, and conveying Xa* ot more than two to~m weight, shall pay an a $20.00 of . The above license fees expire on April 1st - soau oe -* — • ““ the said tax shall be apportioned. 16 CITY OF NASHVILLE SECTION 7. RATE OF FARES FOR TAXICABS AND AUTOMOBILES. Be It Further Enacted, That no person, firm or corporation owning, operating or controlling any taxicab, shall let the same for hire or re¬ ward, for a fee or charge to be fixed and de¬ termined by the hour or fraction thereof, but the fare demanded and received shall (except for waiting time as herein provided for) be computed by the distance traveled and shall not exceed the following rates: For the first half-mile or fraction thereof, for one person. 30 cts. for each one-fourth after .... mile there- . 10 cts. For each additional person for the whole journey . 20 cts. For each four minutes of waiting. 10 cts. oO lbs. of baggage shall be carried free of charge, per passenger, and 25 cents for a trunk. Waiting time shall include the time during which the taxicab is not in motion, beginning with its arrival at the place to which it has been called, or the time consumed while stand¬ ing at the direction of a passenger, but no charge shall be made for time lost for ineffi¬ ciency of the taxicab or its operator, or for time consumed by a premature arrival in re¬ sponse to a call; provided, however, that no TRAFFIC REGULATION operator or driver of any taxicab which has responded to the call of a prospective passen¬ ger shall throw down or place in a recording position the flag attached to the taximeter, un¬ til at least eight minutes’ waiting time have elapsed or been consumed. It shall be the du y of the operator of every taxicab at the termina¬ tion of his services to throw the flag to e non-recording position on the taximeter and call the passenger’s attention to the amount registered. The taximeter shall not be changed until after the fare is paid, or a charge ticket therefor made out and delivered to the person hiring such taxicab. Each passenger upon a taxicab shad be a-. nrz* r = charged for conveying a trunk. Whenever a package or baggage of any -hall be left upon any taxicab, the operator SS upon discovery thereot, torttwi.h deliver the sumo to the police ueadQunrter,, information as he possesses leading t turn thereof to the owner. . All persons, firms or corporations owning o oD—tin- or controlling any automobile for hire "may equip the same with a taximeter, and when equipped with a taximeter rates my charged as provided for in case of taxicabs a when not equipped with a taximeter the ra-e shall be as follows, to-wit: —IS- CITY OF NASHVILLE ‘■^A^VWWWN^ Four passengers or less, per hour, $3.0 0. Five passengers or more, per hour $4.00. Fift> pounds of baggage per passenger shall be carried free, and all trunks shall be carried for not more than 25 cents. SECTION 8. STREET CAR STOPS. Street cars going east on Church Street shall stop only at the corner of Third, Fourth, Fifth, Si^th, Seventh and Eighth Avenues, at the side of intersection of approach; and going west shall stop at the corner of Fourth, Fifth, Sixth, Seventh and Eighth Avenues, North, at the in¬ tersection of approach, and shall not stop at the Capitol Boulevard or Polk Place, or at any other points than those designated, on Church Street. On Third Avenue, North, cars shall stop at the corner of Church Street, and the corner of Union Street, and at the intersection of the Public Square, on the side of approach of said intersections. SECTION 9. INSPECTION OF TAXIMETERS. It shall be the duty of the city sealer of weights, and measures to examine, inspect and seal at least once in every three months ail taximeters used in the City of Nashville; pro¬ vided, that in the event complaint is made to the said city sealer that any taximeter registers improperly or incorrectly, then it shall be his 19 TRAFFIC REGULATION duty immediately to examine and inspect such taximeter; and every such examination and i - spection shall include examination and m,? tion of every taximeter affixed to the taxicab, sssr. s —r'rksix tberem bv the city sealer; and it shad be tne i; tv of the City sealer of weights and measures TL 1 taia.ter. found correct and .cco- f ‘ d ke0 p a record of the number of all Liters and the date of the examination ^and inspection thereof m * b ® boo fo J| ° aid exa mina- T ‘* r \‘rLpcctlo? > o'f sevonty-dv, (75 cent.) r«. “r r«Smoter», Out no made for inspections mad. Z less the taximeters register incorrect y /*| 1 \ *p f) 4* p 1 All taxicabs .hall have> a*» dtt^* meter, and no person, fir ff r or let ** within ;: sr;.r— fixed thereto ha. been exam.nod' '“Sd,xlmet tested by ..Id city .ea tor, ^ “ “f „ a t5Sti ter. &[ter TTd cor'r«Ty 'Ulster, Indb *T °° l d , P I”ay r the distance traveled, the tlm consumed and the amount of extra* »*e > ■ rrs sls: rr'.r -.»- —20- CITY OF NASHVILLE event it shall b© unlawful for the owner, op¬ erator or person in charge of said taxicab to us© or pei mit its use until there is affixed to said taxicab a taximeter approved by the said city sealer. Every taximeter shall be so connected or af¬ fixed to the taxicab that the amount of fare determined and charged for its use shall be plainly visible from the inside of the taxicab to all passengers or occupants of the taxicab, and during the period which by law motor ve¬ hicles are to be equipped with lights on or about such taximeter there shah be a light so reflected upon the dial of the taximeter as to enable passengers or occupants to read the fig¬ ures indicated thereon from the inside of the taxicab. There shall be posted in a conspicuous place on the inside of each licensed taxicab and auto¬ mobile a card to be supplied by the City Treas¬ urer at the time of the issuance of the license, which card shall contain in plain, legible type the name of the license, the number of license, the rate of fare provided for herein, a refer¬ ence to this ordinance by number and such other extracts from this ordinance as the Mayor may determine. SECTION 10. PENALTY AND CONTROL. 1. The control of traffic shall be under the general supervision of the Mayor and the Po¬ lice Department. —21 TRAFFIC REGULATION 2. To insure the safety of the traveling pub- lie and of expedition in handling traffic, any violation of any of the foregoing provisions shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and any per¬ son, firm or corporation, upon conviction, shall be punished by a fine of not less than $5.00 nor more than $50.00. SECTION 11. The jurisdiction of this ordinance is em¬ braced within the limits of the City of Nash¬ ville It is expressly intended and ordained that’ the non-enforcement of any provision con¬ tained herein shall or cannot be pleaded or put in evidence against the City of Nashville in any action at law or cause in equity. SECTION 12. This ordinance is to be a complete system of traffic regulations for the City of Nashville. SECTION 13. That all laws and parts of law in conflict herewith are expressly repealed. SECTION 14. That this ordinance take effect from and a ter its passage, the public welfare requiring Enacted by the Board of Commissioners, January 14, 1914. Approved January 14, 1914: H. E. HOWSE, Mayor. Attest: J. W. DASHIELL, Secretary. Prepared by A. G. EWING, JR., City Attorney. # 3 0112 105350794 m