1606.1 Sa2Aso cop.2 (wad ae tj 7 a eae cee ‘ at i- hi ae a 1D av ieee r i gee wee Ci A ee oe ts ie Lave pa Wwe Liv.of Il, Litracy 52 | Return this book on or before the 0 7 ic eS ; ea Latest Date stamped below. oo University of Illinois Library L161—H41 THE TRADE SUPPLIED BY THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY AND ITS BRANCHES COPYRIGHT, 1904, BY Published by the OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY, PRESS OF LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION CO ROBERT A. REID, Director of Publications SAM'L F. MYERSON PRINTING CO., ST. LOUIS Matled by publishers for 30 cents. Address ctty office, 411 Olive Street, St. Louts. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2021 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign https://archive.org/details/souvenirbookofloOOlout u a iv.Of Ill, Litcacy 52 /O xC eee UVENIR Boo Kee o7 the APU RCHASE EXPOS AY and NIGHT SCENES THE TRADE SUPPLIED BY THE AMERICAN NEWS COMPANY AND ITS BRANCHES CORON Rs tnY Published by the OFFICIAL PHOTOGRAPHIC COMPANY, pics LOUISIANA PURCHASE EXPOSITION CO ROBERT A. REID, Director of Publications SAM'L F. MYERSON PRINTING CO., ST. LOUIS Matled by publishers for 30 cents. Address ctty office, 411 Olive Street, St. Louts. 4 FESTIVAL HALL, CASCADES AND GARDENS. ( The architectural center-piece of the Exposition is seen in the Festival Hall and its attendant structures, consisting of the colonnades of states and the restaurant pavilions on either side. The three series of cascades give life and brightness to the scene, and flowers and sloping lawns complete an exquisite picture. SS GO06./ * i ie Neils si ed bat > % ak, | aburyore! Lai ya 4+4 > #H It covers eight acres and cost £400,000, PALACE OF EDUCATION. The characteristic feature of this building is its colonnades of Jonic columns which surround it. realy Dik, LIBRARY CHAMPAIGN RSITY OF UNIVE ILLINOIS ay URBANA ee PALACE OF ART. In this fire-proof structure are 135 galleries, containing the finest examples of the work of the best American and foreign artists. PALACE OF LIBERAL: ARTS. Covering nine acres and costing $480,000, this splendid structure houses the exhibits relating to Music, the Graphic Arts and all that its title implies. PALACE OF MANUFACTURES. Exhibits relating to the textile industries and Hardware, Heating and Ventilating apparatus are shown here. The building covers 14 acres and cost $720,000. Pee ne rn en ee PALACE OF MACHINERY. Here are housed the power, lighting and pumping plants of the Exposition, generating 45,000 horse-power by engines from all parts of the world. Pmt PPORLe,, LO Se 0 i ee ping * LJ " bal * pony Uae ye EH * # * yee NH my yams 3? : rege ge t bio +E REAP LEE tare .! : O*esee 8 §679e8° ™ © y 4 PALACE OF VARIED INDUSTRIBSPAE NIGH. By the ingenious plan of placing the main lights behind the free columns, a unique and pleasing effect for night illumination has been obtained bie bts Hii | PALACE OF VARIED INDUSTRIES. The Industrial Arts find here their opportunity for displaying such commodities as Ornamental Furniture, Upholstery, etc. Size, 14 acres; cost $050,000 PALACE OF AGRICULTURE. The largest building on the Exposition grounds, covering 23 acres and built at a cost of $550,000, to display farm methods and products, Ca LOUISIANA PURCHASE MONUMENT AND PALACE OF VARIED INDUSTRIES. The Plaza of St. Louis, in which the Louisiana Purchase Monument stands, is a favorite gathering place for World’s Fair visitors. It is 600 feet across by 1000 feet long. From this Plaza the visitor may have a fine view of the Cascade Gardens and other central features of the Exposition. PALACE OF TRANSPORTATION. The largest exhibit palace in the main picture, in which ancient and modern vehicles of every class, from the ox-cart to the latest automobile, are displayed. PALACE OF MINES AND METALLURGY. The striking architectural feature of this building is the Egyptian effect obtained by means of the obelisks at the entrances. Size, 9 acres; cost $500,000 : si i iii - e ed PALACE OF ELECTRICITY AT NIGHT: Under the glow of a myriad incandescent bulbs, the beautiful architectural detail and splendid sculpture are reyealed like a vision from another world. Terex fires ip See, etter ey ALACE OF PEECTRICITY. P. Gi « current, Here mé ye seen 1n ye OULOrS ) € { sterlous the Wy ere W int wWsform } > at c ind 1a tic dynam rn ! 5 Vy t t he migh ravion t 1 } \ e see UNITED STATES GOVERNMENT BUILDING. In this stately edifice the various departments and bureays of the Federal Government display the methods by which the machinery of Government is administered, LOOKING EAST ACROSS THE GRAND BASIN Beautiful views formed by the great palaces and the avenues between meet the eye in all directions. This one is from the Palace of Electricity. LOOKING NORTH ACROSS THE GRAND BASIN The unbroken line of sight towards the main entrance of the Exposition takes in a pleasing glimpse of the Palaces of Electricity and Varied Industries. DE SMET BRIDGE, PALACES OF LIBERAL ARTS AND MINES Father De Smet, for whom the bridge was named, was a famous Missionary about St. Louis in the early part of the century. PANORAMIC VIEW OF FESTIVAL HALL, THE CASCADES AND GARDEN AND THE GRAND BASIN, FROM THE REP ae OP he FOULS Adm GH]; Pear Chad vA eer P Od +s * eerrens a? ae s ee mm ae a mre es Le 4 * > yi 2 . ” *~ , ve 6 ve pe roy LOOKING TOWARD JERUSALEM One of the beautiful restaurant pavilions on the hilltop. A dome of Jerusalem in the center. Palace of Electricity on the right. PALACE OF EDUCATION AT NIGHT The four facades of the Palace of Education are composed of long rows of lofty Ionic columns. Statuary is liberally used in the further embellishment of the rich architectural detail, so that under the glow of thousands of electric lamps the great building makes a brilliant and entrancing picture. fe Stn eos * = i gee = Stic $ MISSOURI STATE BUILDING state buildings, befitting the dignity of the hoste: ate during the greatest event of her history. Ss st S st of the arge L PALACE OF MINES, THE GERMAN HOUSE AND EAST RESTAURANT PAVILION. In this view the observer is looking southwest from the Plaza of Orleans. The east lagoon is seen in the foreground, spanned by the De Smet Bridge. A portion of the Palace of Education appears on the right. PALACE OF HORTICULTURE. ADMINISTRATION BUILDING. THE FRENCH PAVILION. The building and gardens are reproductions of the Grand Trianon at Versailles with its beautiful surrounding landscape. THE BRITISH PAVILION. The Orangery of Kensington Palace is here accurately reproduced, with additional wings containing historic rooms. A bit of the Kew gardens is also to be seen surrounding the building. ° ‘ONICD TING WNsllonvaad SS WzZvad MIVA S.GTYOM AHL LV VAVNVO “SUONEN JO 92¥]q 9Y} Ul SUOT}ORIZIE OY} JO BuO SI SuIp]ING aB1v] eyL —“aJA}S BuLWOIEq UT ATe4 S~PHOAA PU} 1” queseid st vuysny ‘ONIGIING NVINLSNV AHL PEPE bie b | gaaesaz | ay} Ul S]feq eBNY «*[reJop 0} AUEpy yeors YA peonpoidei “ASNOH NVWHaD AHL ITALY’S BEAUTIFUL BUILDING. CHINA’S BRILLIANT PAVILION. SIAM’S_ CHARACTERISTIC TEMPLE, CUBA’S COMELY HOME. ONIGTING NOILVIOOSSV SAILOALOdd .SHATHAVAL i POTD! Ta 50x 34 ALINYALVaAd AO AIdNAL THE CASTLE IN THE GERMAN TYROLEAN ALPS. “CREATION, AN ILLUSION CONFUSING AND AMUSING. ROLTAIR’S INDIAN CONGRESS AND ROUGH RIDERS OF THE WORLD IN WILD WEST, SCENE CAMEL TEAM IN THE HAGENBECK ANIMAL SHOW. HALE'S FIRE FIGHTING EXHIBITION INFANT INCUBATORS. HEREAFTER STREETS OF SEVILLE. SOME OF THE PROMINENT PIKE ATTRACTIONS. ‘AMId AHL NO AVM TIVE OINAOS SNVIGNI O18aNd GNV SYSTEM SAITO BATTLE ABBEY—BATTLE HISTORY OF OUR COUNTRY. SCENE IN ‘‘HEREAFTER.’? SOME PROMINENT PIKE ATTRACTIONS. GALVESTON FLOOD, SIBERIAN RAILWAY. UNDER AND OVER THE SEA. OLD ST. LOUIS. SOME OF THE PROMINENT PIKE ATTRACTIONS. VISV SNOIYSALSAW sEREUKELENEUTREREET ERE « > ‘NVdvf MIVA OL AONVYLNGA ‘doO1d NOLSSA1VD AHL WONA LSVA ONINOOT ANId AHL ue joe * an ie aie ies ' ty ‘ - J fj il Bi i ry iy. 7 a 7 nn ae 5 iis i ( ; ‘ +i *- +; . » 7F i we ' hy * \e al i ‘ THE, PROTEST OF THE SIOUX f i