Physicians 'clu - !-. n.f Cu 610.6 P578c id ±mt i story, constitution, etc. M^Hi Physicians' Club of Chicago Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2010 with funding from CARLI: Consortium of Academic and Research Libraries in Illinois The Physicians' Club of Chicago Incorporated December, 1895 HISTORY, CONSTITUTION BY-LAWS, MEMBERS, ETC. Complete List of the Programs of Meetings held from date of the Club's inception to the present time CHICAGO, ILLINOIS 1908 / LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS COLLEGE >FMEDICh«S QPT&1 ■ ' ':} . OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS ^ \ RR ARY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS COLLEGE OF MEDICINE Officers and Directors 1 t 1895-1896-1897 Secretary, DR. WILLIAM H. WILDER Directors DR. GEORGE W. WEBSTER, President DR. HENRY F. LEWIS, Treasurer DR. M. H. CAZIER DR. NICHOLAS SENN DR. GEORGE F. FISKE DR. C. D. WESCOTT 1897-1898 Secretary, DR. WILLIAM H. WILDER Directors DR. NICHOLAS SENN, President DR. M. H. CAZIER, Treasurer DR. JOSEPH B. BACQN; (• I I DR. JOHN RIDLON DR. DENSLOW KIWIS' " "DR.! GEORGE* ,*W WEBSTER 1898-1899 Secretary, DR. WILLIAM H. WILDER Directors DR. DENSLOW LEWIS, President DR. JOHN RIDLON, Treasurer DR. JOSEPH B. BACON DR. HAROLD N. MOYER DR. H. H. DEMING DR. WILLIAM A. PUSEY 1899-1900 Secretary, DR. WILLIAM H. WILDER Directors DR. WILLIAM A. PUSEY, President DR. L. HARRISON METTLER, Treasurer DR. H. H. DEMING DR. HUGH T. PATRICK DR. HAROLD N. MOYER DR. GEORGE F. BUTLER 6 ] OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS 1900-1901 Secretary, DR. L. HARRISON METTLER Directors DR. WILLIAM H. WILDER, President DR. L. BLAKE BALDWIN, Treasurer DR. HUGH T. PATRICK DR. C. S. BACON DR. JOHN M. DODSON DR. JOHN L. PORTER 1901-1902 Secretary, DR. L. HARRISON METTLER Directors DR. JOHN M. DODSON, President DR. JOSEPH ZEISLER, Treasurer DR. WILLIAM H. WILDER DR. G. FRANK LYDSTON DR. L. BLAKE BALDWIN DR. W. S. CHRISTOPHER 1902-1903 Secretary, DR. L. HARRISON METTLER Directors DR. A. C. COTTOIV, President DR. JOSEPH ZFISLEP, Treasurer DR. G. FRANK LYDSTON DR. JOHN M. DODSON DR. W. S. CHRISTOPHER DR. J. CLARENCE WEBSTER 1903-1904 Secretary, DR. HENRY F. LEWIS Directors DR. J. CLARENCE WEBSTER, President DR. JOSEPH ZEISLER, Treasurer DR. ARTHUR M. CORWIN DR. CHARLES P. SMALL DR. ALFRED C. COTTON DR. JOHN M. DODSON 1904-1905 Secretary, DR. HENRY F. LEWIS Directors DR. I. N. DANFORTH, President DR. JOSEPH ZEISLER, Treasurer DR. FERNAND HENROTIN DR. CHARLES P. SMALL DR. ARTHUR M. CORWIN DR. JOHN RIDLON OFFICERS AND DIRECTORS [ 7 1905-1906 Secretary, DR. CHARLES LOUIS MIX Directors DR. I. N. DANFORTH, President DR. ARTHUR M. CORWIN, Treasurer DR. FERNAND HENROTIN DR. HENRY F. LEWIS DR. JOHN RIDLON DR. J. CLARENCE EARLE 1906-1907 Secretary, DR. CHARLES LOUIS MIX Directors DR. DANIEL R. BROWER, President DR. ARTHUR R. CORWIN, Treasurer DR. J. CLARENCE EARLE DR. EDWIN B. TUTEUR DR. HENRY F. LEWIS DR. WILLIAM T. BELFIELD 1907-1908 Secretary, DR. EDWIN B. TUTEUR Directors DR. DANIEL R. BROWER, President DR. CHARLES LOUIS MIX, Treasurer DR. D. A. K. STEELE DR. WILLIAM T. BELFIELD DR. CHARLES A. PADDOCK DR. ALFRED C. CROFTAN 1908-1909 Secretary, DR. EDWIN B. TUTEUR Directors DR. HENRY B. FAVILL, President DR. CHARLES LOUIS MIX, Treasurer DR. D. A. K. STEELE DR. ALFRED C. CROFTAN DR. CHARLES E. PADDOCK DR. GEORGE E. BAXTER CHARTER [ 9 Charter STATE OF ILLINOIS, Department of State. Wm. H. Hinrichsen, Secretary of State. To all to whom these Presents shall come, Greeting: Whereas, A Certificate, duly signed and acknowledged, having been filed in the office of the Secretary of State, on the 14th day of December, A. D. 1895, for the organization of "The Physicians' Club of Chicago," under and in accordance with the provisions of An Act Concerning Corporations, ap- proved April 18, 1872, and in force July 1, 1872, and all acts amendatory thereof, a copy of which Certificate is hereto attached. Now, Therefore, I, William H. Hinrichsen, Secretary of State of the State of Illinois, by virtue of the powers and duties vested in me by law, do hereby certify that the said, "The Physicians' Club of Chicago," is a legally organized Corporation under the laws of this State. In Testimony Whereof, I hereto set my hand and cause to be affixed the great Seal of State. Done at the City of Springfield, this 14th day of December, in the year of our Lord one thousand eight hun- dred and ninety-five, and of the Independence of the United States, the one hundred and twentieth. seal. W. H. Hinrichsen, Secretary of State. Recorded in the office of the County Clerk of Cook County, February 23rd, 1897. HISTORICAL [ 11 Historical | HE Physicians' Club was formed by the union of the Doctors' and Practitioners' Clubs. The former had a membership almost wholly on the South Side, while the latter was composed of members from every part of the city. Their aims and purposes were similar, viz. : to promote sociability and good fellowship among the members of the profession, and to discuss at monthly meetings general topics of current interest related in any way to medical affairs. It was thought that a combination of these forces would be more useful and more productive of good than both oper- ating singly. In answer to an invitation from the Executive Committee of the Practitioners' Club, the Executive Committees of both Clubs met October 14th, 1895, and agreed to advise consolida- tion of the membership, and that the Doctors' Club amend its Charter by inserting the word "Physicians' " in place of the word "Doctors'." It was further agreed that all members in good standing, in either of the Clubs, should be members of the new organization ; that the membership should be limited to 250 ; that the annual dues should be $2.00 ; and that monthly meetings, with dinners and discussion should be the order, as heretofore. The Reports of the Committees were discussed by each of the Clubs in special session, and adopted by vote. The first meeting of the new organization was held at the Union League Club, Monday evening, Nov. 25th, 1895. Dr. John Ridlon presided, and sixty-five members from both of the old Clubs were present. The new Constitution and By-Laws, which had been formulated and endorsed by the Executive Committees in a joint session, were presented and adopted. With the notice for the meeting of January 25th, 1897, at which the subject was discussed "What is the attitude of the 12 ] HISTORICAL Physicians' Club in local political affairs?" a postal card vote was taken, which resulted almost unanimously in the resolu- tion that the Club should take some active part in local municipal affairs. Final action upon this question was deferred until the meeting of the Club which was held February 22nd, 1897. The following resolutions were adopted : Whereas, The necessity is apparent for every good citizen to use his influence to promote local good government, and Whereas, It appears that the Physicians' Club may reason- ably undertake as an organization that which each individual may undertake, therefore, Be it Resolved, That the Physicians' Club shall, in a non- partisan way, exert its influence for good government in Chi- cago. Resolved: That no discussion or action upon a question which is of a partisan or party character shall be tolerated. Resolved: That a committee of five, which may be called a Good Government Committee, be appointed by the Directors, which committee shall act in conjunction with the Civic Feder- ation, the Municipal Authorities League, and other organiza- tions for similar objects, that none but good men may be nominated for local offices, and that the members of the Club may be informed as to the best men before them for their suffrages. Resolved: That it is the sense of the Club that all med- ical offices be filled by medical men. This committee took immediate action and issued a circu- lar to nearly all the physicians and dentists of Chicago, con- taining information and advice concerning the candidates in the spring municipal election. The Physicians' Club of Chicago represents the liberal- minded element in the profession. It takes cognizance of political and sociological conditions which relate to medical practice and principle. It has denounced, in no uncertain manner, partisan favoritism in the management of our health department. It has taken exception to irregularities in the HISTORICAL [13 administration of public charities and the control of eleemosy- nary institutions. It has criticised any apparent deviation from professional etiquette. It has discussed with freedom some of the vagaries of contemporaneous practice. It has invited to participate in its discussions and has treated in a tolerant manner, persons holding all sorts of opinions on all sorts of questions. It is an open arena to which is invited the expression of the most diversified views on matters per- taining to the welfare of society. It seeks the truth, and its endeavor is to foster a spirit of altruism among its members. Its meetings are well attended and the consideration of live topics of the day has often been animated. The Club is constantly growing in usefulness, and it occupies today a higher and more influential position in public estimation than ever before. The period just passed has marked the best in the life of the Club — may we not hope and work for still greater achievements in the years to come? Because of the broadening scope of the work of the Club, and the fact that there has repeatedly been upon the waiting list, a large number of applicants for membership, the Con- stitution was amended, the annual dues being increased to two dollars and fifty cents, and the active membership to three hundred. CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS [ 15 Constitution and By-Laws as adopted and amended Section i. The purpose of this Club shall be to promote good fellow- ship among its members, to encourage high ethical standards, to advance the interests of the Medical Profession, and to discuss, at stated meetings, topics of current interest relating in any way to medical affairs. Section 2. The membership shall be composed of active, non-resident and honorary members, the limit of active membership being 300 and of non-resident 50. Section 3. Hereafter any male member of the regular Medical Pro- fession in good standing shall be eligible for active mem- bership. In order to become a member he shall present to the Directors an application, in writing, stating his name, address and the place and date of his graduation in medicine, which application shall be indorsed by at least two members of the Club. The membership fee of five dollars shall accom- pany the application, to be returned to him in case he fails of election to membership. Any regular male physician, residing outside of Cook County, may apply for non-resident membership in a similar manner. When so instructed by the Board of Directors, the Sec- retary shall post, on the announcement of a regular meeting, the names of candidates for active and non-resident member- ship. At a meeting of the Directors subsequent to this an- 16 ] CONSTITUTION AND BY-LAWS nouncement they may vote upon such candidates, the affirma- tive vote of six members of the Board being requisite for election. The Directors may elect to Honorary membership any layman or physician who, in their judgment, seems fit. Hon- orary and non-resident members shall be entitled to all the privileges of the Club excepting the right to vote and hold office, and shall be exempt from annual dues. Section 4. The officers of the Club shall consist of a Secretary, who shall be ex-ofEcio a member of the Board, and of six Direc- tors, three of whom, together with the Secretary, shall be elected by the Club at each annual meeting in May. The Secretary shall hold office for one year, and each Director shall hold office for two years from the date of his election. Section 5. The Board of Directors shall organize by selecting from their number one to be President of the Board, who shall preside at all of the regular meetings of the Board, and also at all special business meetings of the Club, and at the regular annual meeting. The Board of Directors shall have the gov- ernment and control of the Club and management of its bus- iness affairs. They shall have power to elect members after they have been properly posted. They may also suspend or expel members by ballot for sufficient cause within the pro- visions of Section 10. They also shall elect a Treasurer from their own number, whose term of office shall be one year. Section 6. The Board of Directors shall designate one of the mem- bers of the Club to act as Chairman at each monthly meeting of the Club, but no member shall serve as Chairman twice in the same year. COXSTITUTIOX AXD BY-LAWS [ 17 Section 7. There shall be a repast at each meeting of the Club, after which the discussion of the program shall be in order. Section 8. The annual dues of active members shall be $2.50, payable within three months from the beginning of the fiscal year, dating from June 1st. Failure of a member to pay his dues within a reasonable time shall constitute sufficient cause for his expulsion. Section 9. Each member may invite guests to any meeting except a business meeting, he being responsible for the extra covers thus provided. Section 10. Conduct unbecoming a physician and a gentleman shall constitute sufficient cause for the expulsion of any member. Charges of such misconduct shall be preferred to the Direc- tors, and the member so accused be permitted a hearing before them. Such member may be expelled by the affirmative vote of not less than six members of the Board. Section ii. Amendment of the Constitution and By-Laws may be made by a three-fourths vote of the number present at any meeting of the Club, provided due notice has been given at the pre- ceding meeting, and such notice sent to each member with the regular announcement of the meeting at which the amendment will be acted upon. PROGRAMS I 19 PROGRAMS The following Programs have been presented at Regular Meetings of the Club NOVEMBER 25, 1895 First Meeting of the new organization at the Union League Club Subject: "IS A UNION OF MEDICAL SOCIETIES IN CHICAGO DESIRABLE?" Chairman: Dr. John Ridlon Speakers: Dr. Sanger Brown Dr. Nicholas Senn Dr. H. T. Byford Dr. E. L. Holmes Dr. John M. Dodson Dr. A. E. Garceau Dr. George F. Fiske Dr. W. A. Pusey Dr. Clark W. Hawley Dr. Denslow Lewis Dr. Fernand Henrotin Appointment of a Committee consisting of Dr. Nicholas Senn, Dr. E. J. Doering and Dr. Fernand Henrotin, to en- deavor to secure subscriptions for a permanent home for the Medical Profession in this city. 20] PROGRAMS DECEMBER 30, 1895 Wellington Hotel Subject: "SCIENTIFIC CHARITIES" Chairman: Dr. Edward L. Holmes Speakers: Dr. Bayard Holmes Dr. Philip W. Ayres Secretary of Bureau of Charities, Civic Federation General Discussion: Dr. George A. Coe Dr. C. W. Courtwright Dr. John Ridlon Dr. E. H. Dorland Dr. W. Franklin Coleman Dr. W. A. Pusey Dr. L. H. Mettler Dr. Joseph B. Bacon JANUARY 27, 1896 Wellington Hotel Subject: "LIFE INSURANCE AND ITS RELATIONS TO THE MEDICAL PROFESSION" Chairman: Dr. Horace M. Starkey Speakers: Mr. W. P. Stewart Mr. H. H. C. Miller, Chicago Mutual Life Ins. Co. of New Past Supreme Regent Royal York Arcanum Dr. S. L. Fuller, Chicago Washington Life Ins. Co. General Discussion: Mr. Chas. B. Soule Dr. John Ridlon Union Central Life Ins. Co. Dr. Bayard Holmes Dr. J. E. Stubbs Dr. W. A. Pusey Mr. Jackson Dr. Denslow Lewis New York Life Ins. Co. PROGRAMS [ 21 FEBRUARY 24, 1896 Wellington Hotel Subject: "THE MANAGEMENT OF THE HEALTH DEPART- MENT IN LARGE CITIES" Chairman: Dr. Nicholas Senn Speakers: Dr. Arthur R. Reynolds Commissioner of Health, Chicago Dr. U. O. B. Wingate Secretary of the Wisconsin State Board of Health Dr. F. W. Reilly Asst. Commissioner of Health, Chicago Dr. Walter Kempster Commissioner of Health, Milwaukee General Discussion: Dr. Denslow Lewis Dr. T. W. Miller Dr. J. E. Stubbs MARCH 30, 1896 Wellington Hotel Subject: "THE EVIL OF FOOD ADULTERATION" Chairman: Dr. Frank Billings Speakers: Mr. Franklin MacVeagh Mr. G. Edward Fuller Mr. C. L. Kennicott of the Thomson & Thomson City Chemist of Chicago Spice Co. Dr. John H. Long General Discussion: Dr. John Ridlon Dr. Denslow Lewis Dr. E. J. Doering Dr. L. C. Borland 22 1 PROGRAMS APRIL 27, 1896 Wellington Hotel Subject: '.'DEGENERACY IN RELATION TO VICE AND CRIME" Chairman: Dr. Denslow Lewis Speakers: "Physical and Mental Characteristics of Degeneracy as Observed in the Vicious and Criminal," Dr. James G. Kiernan "The Legal Responsibility of the Degenerate," Hon. John S. Miller, Ex-Corporation Counsel "The Degenerate as an Anti-Social Being," Dr. A. W. Small, Professor of Sociology, University of Chicago "Unjust Dispensation and Maladministration of Law in Relation to the Degenerate," Hon. James Goggin, Judge of the Superior Court "Sociological Therapeusis of Degeneracy," Dr. G. Frank Lydston "The Consideration of the Degenerate from the Standpoint of the Philanthropist," Hon. Clarence S. Darrow General Discussion: Judge Henry V. Freeman Mr. Mark Crawford MAY 25, 1896 Union League Club ANNUAL MEETING Smoker Chairman: Dr. George W. Webster President of the Board of Directors Election of Officers and transaction of general business PROGRAMS [ 23 JULY 30, 1896 Chicago Beach Hotel MID-SUMMER MEETING FOR MEMBERS AND THEIR LADIES The meeting was preceded by an excursion on the lake. The dinner was followed by an impromptu program of declamations and music, in which the Misses Whitmore, Mrs. Fairburn, Dr. G. Frank Lydston and others took part. The evening ended with a dance. SEPTEMBER 28, 1896 Wellington Hotel Subject: "WHAT SHALL BE THE ATTITUDE OF THE MEDI- CAL PROFESSION TOWARD PROPRIETARY REMEDIES?" Chairman: Dr. E. P. Cook Speakers: Dr. Edwin J. Kuh Dr. John Ridlon Dr. B. T. Whitmore Dr. J. Homer Coulter General Discussion: Dr. Archibald Church Dr. William E. Casselberry Dr. William L. Baum 24 ] PROGRAMS OCTOBER 26, 1896 Wellington Hotel Subject: "THE MANAGEMENT OF COOK COUNTY HOSPITAL" Chairman: Dr. Christian Fenger Speakers: Dr. Thomas A. Davis Dr. D. A. K. Steele Dr. R. H. Babcock Dr. Daniel R. Brower Dr. Nicholas Senn Dr. Arthur R. Reynolds Dr. John B. Hamilton Dr. Harold N. Moyer Dr. William T. Montgomery Dr. Henry F. Lewis NOVEMBER 30, 1896 Victoria Hotel Subject: THE WATER SUPPLY OF CHICAGO" Chairman: Dr. Arthur R. Reynolds Speakers: Prof. Carl S. Hallberg Dr. Adolph Gehrmann Chicago College of Pharmacy Health Department, Chicago Dr. F. W. Reilly, Health Department, Chicago General Discussion: Dr. Nicholas Senn Dr. Clark W. Hawley Dr. S. C. Stanton PROGRAMS [ 25 DECEMBER 28, 1896 Victoria Hotel Subject: "THE ATTITUDE OF THE PRESS TOWARD THE MEDICAL PROFESSION" Chairman: Dr. John B. Hamilton Speakers: Col. Louis H. Ayme Rev. Dr. Arthur Edwards Chicago Press Club Editor Northwestern Chris- Mr. Melville E. Stone tian Advocate Associated Press Dr. Jas. G. Kiernan JANUARY 25, 1897 Victoria Hotel Subject: "SHALL THE PHYSICIANS' CLUB ATTEMPT TO EXERT SOME INFLUENCE IN LOCAL POLITICAL AFFAIRS?" Chairman: Dr. Truman W. Miller Speakers: Mr. George E. Cole Dr. John B. Hamilton President Municipal Voters' Dr. Fernand Henrotin League Dr. William E. Quine Dr. E. Fletcher Ingalls General Discussion : Dr. Horace M. Starkey Dr. Robert H. Babcock Dr. Denslow Lewis Report of Good Government Committee 26 ] PROGRAMS FEBRUARY 22, 1897 Victoria Hotel LADIES' NIGHT An Executive Session was held in which were discussed and adopted the following resolutions presented by the Good Government Committee : Whereas, The necessity is apparent and urgent for every good citizen to use his influence to promote local good gov- ernment; and Whereas, It appears that The Physicians' Club may rea- sonably undertake, as an organization, that which each mem- ber attempts individually; therefore, be it Resolved, That The Physicians' Club shall, in a non- partisan way, exert its influence for good government in Chicago. Resolved, That no discussion of nor action upon a question which is of a partisan or party character shall be tolerated. Resolved, That a Committee of five, which may be called the "Good Government Committee," be appointed by the Directors, which Committee shall act in conjunction with the Civic Federation, the Municipal Voters' League, and other organizations having similar objects, to the end, that good men may be nominated for local offices, and that the members of the Club may be informed as to the best men before them for their suffrages. Resolved, That it is the sense of the Club that all medical offices shall be filled by medical men. The business session was followed by a social entertain- ment in which the ladies participated. PROGRAMS [27 MARCH 29, 1897 Victoria Hotel Subject: "MODERN ATHLETICS" Chairman: Dr. Daniel R. Brower Speakers: "Introduction of the Subject," Prof. A. A. Stagg, Chicago University "Competitive Athletics," Dr. Arthur Dean Bevan "Modern Athletics in Relation to the Circulatory System," Dr. E. Fletcher Ingals "Influence upon the Male Genito-Urinary System," Dr. G. Frank Lydston "Influence Upon the Female Genito-Urinary System," Dr. Thomas J. Watkins APRIL 26, 1897 Victoria Hotel Subject: "THE RELATION OF SPECIALISTS TO GENERAL PRACTITIONERS" Chairman: Dr. C. W. Courtright Speakers: Dr. Thomas B. Swartz Dr. William L. Baum Dr. Henry F. Lewis Dr. John M. Dodson General Discussion: Dr. W. H. Wilder Dr. Den slow Lewis Dr. L. Harrison Mettler 28 ] PROGRAMS MAY 28, 1897 Hotel Bismarck ANNUAL MEETING Smoker Chairman : Dr. Jos. B. Bacon Presiding for Dr. George W. Webster, President Reports of retiring Officers and transaction of general business. Election of three Directors : Dr. Denslow Lewis Dr. John Ridlon Dr. Joseph B. Bacon to serve two years And a Secretary : Dr. William H. Wilder to serve one year After the Business Meeting, Dr. G. Frank Lydston took the chair, and the Club was delightfully entertained by mem- bers of the Cipher Club, who were guests of the occasion. SEPTEMBER 27, 1897 Victoria Hotel Subject: "FAITH AS A REMEDY FOR DISEASE" Chairman: Dr. William E. Quine Speakers: Rev. Father Dorney Rev. Dr. P. S. Henson Dr. M. H. Lackersteen Dr. Harold N. Moyer General Discussion: Dr. A. H. Burr Dr. A. R. Reynolds Dr. H. T. Patrick Dr. S. B. Clevenger Dr. Denslow Lewis Dr. L. H. Mettler Dr. James H. Etheridge PROGRAMS [ 29 OCTOBER 29, 1897 Victoria Hotel Subject: "THE PROTECTION OF THE COMMUNITY FROM CONTAGION" Chairman: Dr. J. Nevins Hyde Speakers: "The Dangers of Leprosy," Hon. Lorin Thurston, Former Minister to the United States from Hawaii "The Prevention of Syphilis and Venereal Diseases," Dr. Jos. Zeisler "The Prevention of Tuberculosis," Dr. N. S. Davis, Jr "Protection from Yellow Fever," Dr. F. W. Reilly, Health Department, Chicago NOVEMBER 29, 1897 Chicago Medical Society Rooms Stewart Building LADIES' NIGHT Dr. Joseph Zeisler read a paper on Program Music, which was illustrated with selections on the piano. A lunch was served. 30 1 PROGRAMS JANUARY 3i, li Victoria Hotel Subject: 'OSTEOPATHY AND ITS RELATION TO MEDICINE AND SURGERY" Chairman: Dr. Denslow Lewis In the absence of Dr. John E. Owens Speakers: Dr. J. H. Sullivan Representative in Chicago of the School of Osteopathy, Kirksville, Mo. Dr. H. M. Smith Kirksville, Mo Dr. G. A. Dorsey Curator, Field Columbian Museum Dr. L. L. McArthur Dr. John Ridlon General Discussion: Dr. A. Church Prof. Geo. A. Coe Dr. J. H. Etheridge Dr. Taylor, Oakland, Cal. Dr. E. P. Cook, Mendota, 111. Dr. L. H. Mettler Dr. C. C. Hunt, Dixon, 111. PROGRAMS [ 31 MARCH 7, 1898 Victoria Hotel Subject: "THE TRAINED NURSE" Chairman: Dr. E. C. Dudley Speakers: Miss Isabel McIsaacs Superintendent Illinois Training School tor Nurses Miss Emily Wakem Superintendent Visiting Nurses' Association Dr. Edmund Andrews Dr. A. C. Cotton. General Discussion: Dr. T. B. Swartz Dr. L. Harrison Mettler Dr. Den slow Lewis Dr. W. H. Wilder APRIL 4, 1898 Palmer House Subject: "THE PROBLEMS OF ADOLESCENCE" Chairman: Dr. E. J. Doering Speakers: "Psychology of Adolescence," p R0F . j 0H n Dewey, Head Professor of Philosophy, Chicago University "Physical Penalties," Dr. M. P. Hatfield "Ethics of Adolescence," Mr. W. M. Salter, Lecturer to Society for Ethical Culture "Lying, Stealing and Kleptomania in Adolescence," Dr. W. X. Sudduth "Sexual Instability," Dr. Jas. G. Kiernan "School Fatigue in Adolescence," Dr. Colin A. Scott, Professor of Child Psychology, Chicago Board of Education 32 ] PROGRAMS MAY 2, 1898 Palmer House Subject: "THE MEDICAL ASPECTS OF THE WAR QUESTION" Chairman: Dr. H. P. Merriman Speakers: "The Medical Department of the Army : Its Organi- zation and Duties," Dr. Truman B. Miller, Late A. A. Surgeon, U. S. A. "The Attitude of the Insurance Companies Toward the Military Man," Dr. J. H. Stowell, President Chicago Medical Examiners' Association "The Surgeon on the Battlefield," Dr. Nicholas Senn, Surgeon-General I. N. G. "The Surgeon on a Warship," Dr. J. Nevins Hyde, Late Passed Assistant Surgeon, U. S. N. "Probable Influence of the Modern Small Arm Pro- jectile on Military Surgery," Dr. G. Frank Lydston, Surgeon Second Regiment, I. N. G. "Climatology of Cuba as a Factor in the Present War," Dr. John B. Hamilton, Late Surgeon-General Marine Hospital Service Music by The Lexington Vocal Quartette PROGRAMS [ 33 MAY 31, 189: Temple Club ANNUAL MEETING Smoker Chairman: Dr. Denslow Lewis In the absence of Dr. Nicholas Senn, President Officers for the ensuing year were elected, the reports of retiring officers presented, and the policy and management of the Club discussed. The election of three Directors : Dr. H. H. Deming Dr. H. N. Mover Dr. Wm. Allen Pusey to serve for two years And a Secretary, Dr. William H. Wilder to serve for one year After the Business Meeting there was a "Stag Social Session" and a lunch OCTOBER 3, 1898 Victoria Hotel Subject: "RELATIONS OF THE MEDICAL PRESS AND THE MEDICAL PROFESSION" Chairman: Dr. John B. Hamilton Speakers: "The Medical Press and Scientific Progress," Dr. Sanger Brown "Relation of the Medical Press to the Public and Government," Dr. Archibald Church "Ethics of the Medical Press," Dr. James G. Kiernan "Compensation of Medical Authors," Dr. Harold N. Moyer "The 'Reading Notice,'" Dr. J. H. Hollister "The Medical Press as a Critic of Medical Literature," Dr. J. Homer Coulter 34 ] PROGRAMS OCTOBER 3i, 1898 Grand Pacific Hotel Subject: "THE LESSONS OF THE WAR" Chairman: Major G. Frank Lydston Surgeon Second Illinois Volunteer Infantry Speakers: "From the Political Standpoint," Senator William E. Mason "From the Strategic Standpoint," Col. Marcus Kavanagh, Seventh Illinois Volunteer Infantry "From the Standpoint of Hospital Organization," Lieut.-Col. Albert Hartsuff, Deputy Surgeon-General, U. S. A. "From the Standpoint of a Regular," Gen. Andrew S. Burt, U. S. A. "From the Medical, Surgical and Sanitary Standpoints," Major William Cuthbertson, Surgeon First Illinois Volunteer Cavalry Major William G. Willard, Surgeon First Illinois Volunteer Infantry Capt. Thomas E. Roberts, Assistant Surgeon First Illinois Volunteer Infantry "What Profiteth It?" Lieut.-Col. Nicholas Senn, Deputy Surgeon-General United States Volunteers ; Chief of the Operating Staff With the Army in the Field. PROGRAMS [ 35 NOVEMBER 28, 1898 Kinsley's Subject: "SEXUAL HYGIENE" Chairman: Dr. John M. Doeson Speakers: "The Awakening of the Sexual Instinct," Dr. Emil Ries "The Effects of Genital Derangements and Malforma- tions on Sexual Appetite," Dr. C. S. Bacon "Sexual Desire as Influenced by Religious and Other Emotions," Dr. George F. Butler "The Sexual Act: Frauds in the Conjugal Embrace," Ds. Joseph Zeisler "The Results of Sexual Excess or Continence, Sexual Misinformation and Quack Literature," Dr. W. T. Belfield "The Effect of Coitus During Pregnancy and Lactation," Dr. A. C. Cotton General Discussion: Dr. C. W. Courtright Dr. H. A. Norden A. S. Trude, Esq. Dr. F. H. Montgomery Rev. Paul Carus Dr. Wm. Rittenhouse Dr. Rachel Hickey Carr Prof. W. M. Wheeler Dr. C A. Parker 36 ] PROGRAMS JANUARY 30, 1899 Union Hotel Subject: "SOCIAL SETTLEMENTS" Chairman: Dr. Bayard Holmes Speakers: "Origin of the Social Settlement," Mr. H. F. Ward Northwestern University Settlement "The Need for the Settlement," Prof. Graham Taylor, Chicago Commons "The Aim of the Settlement," Miss Jane Addams Hull House "Instruction of the Needy Public in Hygiene and Sanitation," Dr. J. H. Kellogg "The Poor Man's Lawyer," Mr. Joseph W. Errant "Duties of the Outsider to the Settlement Movement," Prof. C. R. Henderson Chicago University PROGRAMS [ 37 FEBRUARY 27, 1899 Palmer House Subject: "ILLEGITIMACY' Chairman: Dr. Hugh T. Patrick Speakers: "Etiology and Statistics of Illegitimacy," Dr. Effie L. Lobdell "The Effects of Law and Regulations," Hon. Edward T. Noonan "Sociological Conditions in Relation to Illegitimacy," Mr. A. M. Simons Bureau of Charities "Educational and Religious Prophylaxis," Rabbi A. Norden "Provisions for the Illegitimate Child," Mr. Carl Kelsey Supt. of Children's Dept, Children's Home and Aid Society "What Would Human Brotherhood Require?" Prof. Geo. A. Coe Northwestern University General Discussion: Dr. Frances Dickinson Dr. Denslow Lewis Dr. John Ridlon Dr. A. H. Burr Dr. J. E. Stubbs Dr. H. N. Moyer 38 ] PROGRAMS MARCH 27, 1899 Sherman House Subject: "HOSPITAL ETHICS" Chairman: Dr. E. J. Doering Speakers: "Relation of the Hospital Staff and Internes," Dr. Casey A. Wood "Relation of the Executive Body to the Staff," Dr. T. A. Davis "Relation of the Members of the Hospital Staff to Each Other," Dr. H. J. Burwash "What Shall be our Attitude Toward Professional Mistakes?" Dr. J. E. Stubbs "Duty of the Hospital Physician to his Outside Brethren," Dr. Weller Van Hook "What Would Professional Etiquette Demand?" Dr. John Ridlon General Discussion: Dr. B. Meyer Dr. James Burry APRIL 24, 1899 Sherman House Subject: "MARRIAGE" Chairman: Dr. James Burry Speakers: "The Purpose of Marriage," Dr. L. Harrison Mettler "The Dissolution of the Marriage Contract," Judge O. H. Horton "The Regulation of Marriage," Dr. A. H. Burr "The Future of Marriage," Rev. Frank Crane General Discussion: Dr. John Ridlon Dr. L. Blake Baldwin Dr. C. S. Bacon Dr. W. L. Baum PROGRAMS [39 MAY 29, 1899 Sherman House ANNUAL MEETING Smoker Chairman: Dr. Denslow Lewis President of the Board of Directors Reports from the Secretary and Treasurer were read. A discussion on the policy of the Club was participated in by : Dr. A. R. Johnstone Dr. H. N. Moyer Dr. Joseph B. Bacon Dr. J. H. Coulter Dr. W. A. Pusey Dr. T. J. Watkins Dr. Z. H. Going Dr. C. W. Courtright Dr. H. T. Patrick Dr. W. H. Wilder Dr. N. H. Henderson Dr. Clarence A. Earle Election of three Directors : Dr. L. Harrison Mettler Dr. Hugh T. Patrick Dr. George F. Butler to serve for two years And a Secretary: Dr. William H. Wilder to serve for one year Lunch was served and appropriate musical selections were rendered. 40 ] PROGRAMS SEPTEMBER 25, 1899 Sherman House Subject: "SHALL THE CODE OF ETHICS BE ABOLISHED?" Chairman: Dr. I. N. Danforth. Speakers: "Has the Code Outlived Its Usefulness?" Dr. E. J. Kuh "Do We Need a Code of Ethics?" Dr. H. M. Lyman "Consultation With Irregulars?" Dr. John Ridlon "How Can We Improve It?" Dr. D. W. Graham General Discussion: Dr. E. L. Holmes Dr. H. N. Moyer Dr. E. Fletcher Ingals Dr. Wm. H. Wilder Dr. Denslow Lewis Dr. Wm. G. Stearns Dr. Wm. L. Ballenger Dr. L. H. Mettler OCTOBER 30, 1899 Sherman House Subject: "THE DRAINAGE CANAL" Chairman: Dr. Daniel R. Brower Speakers: "The Objects and Work of the Canal" (Illustrated), Mr. Isham Randolph Chief Engineer, Sanitary District of Chicago "The Canal as a Deep Waterway," Mr. Lyman E. Cooley "Sanitary Considerations," Dr. Arthur R. Reynolds Health Commissioner, City of Chicago General Discussion: Dr. I. N. Danforth PROGRAMS [ 41 NOVEMBER 27, 1899 Sherman House Subject: "MODERN MEDICAL EDUCATION" Chairman: Dr. William E. Quine Speakers: 'The Teaching of Subjects Introductory to Clinical Medicine," Henry H. Donaldson, Ph. D. Professor of Neurology, University of Chicago 'Didactics, Recitations and Clinics," Dr. W. S. Christopher 'The Relation of the Hospital to the Medical School," Dr. N. S. Davis, Jr. 'The Elective System and the Continuous Session," Dr. John M. Dodson General Discussion: Dr. H. N. Moyer Dr. Frances Dickinson Mrs. Abbott Dr. J. C. Webster 42 ] PROGRAMS JANUARY 29, 1900 Sherman House Subject: "MEDICAL LEGISLATION" Chairman: Dr. George W. Webster Speakers: "Constitutional Aspects of Medical Legislation," Hon. S. P. Shope, Ex-Justice Supreme Court "Practical Difficulties in the Way of Passing Medical Practice Acts," Hon. John A. Barnes Attorney for the Illinois State Board of Health "Analysis of the Present Medical Law: Its Strength and Weakness," Dr. J. W. Pettit, Ottawa, Illinois Chairman of Committee on Medical Legislation of Illinois State Medical Society. "Need of Organization to Promote Proper Medical Legislation," Dr. George H. Simmons Editor of Journal of American Medical Association General Discussion: Dr. I. N. Love Dr. H. N. Mover St. Louis, Mo. Dr Frances Dickinson Dr. C. W. Hawley Dr. E. W. Weis Dr. C. B. Johnson Ottawa, 111. Champaign, 111. jy R j yy p ETTIT Dr. J. A. Egan Ottawa, 111. Springfield, 111. PROGRAMS [_43 FEBRUARY 26, 1900 Sherman House Subject: "SUCCESS IN MEDICINE" Chairman: Dr. Robert H. Babcock Speakers: "What Is Success in Medicine?" Dr. Frank S. Johnson "The Elements of Success," Dr. E. J. Gardiner "Economy of Time," Dr. William E. Quine "Proper and Improper Advertising," Dr. James B. Herrick "Fees and Commissions," Dr. A. H. Ferguson (In the absence of Dr. John B. Murphy.) General Discussion: Dr. John E. Owens Dr. Harold N. Moyer Dr. J. E. Stubbs Dr. Joseph Zeisler MARCH 26, 1900 Sherman House Subject: "CRIMINAL ABORTION" Chairman: Dr. Fern and Henrotin Speakers: "The Facts Regarding Criminal Abortion," Dr. Denslow Lewis "The Pathological Findings," Dr. Maximilian Herzog "The Danger of Unjust Accusation," Dr. O. B. Will Ex-President Illinois State Medical Society "The Legal Aspect of the Subject," Hon. Francis W. Walker "The Sociologic Problem," Dr. Albion W. Small Head Professor of Sociology, University of Chicago "What Can Religion Accomplish?" Rev. H. W. Thomas, D. D. General Discussion: Dr. Edmund Andrews Dr. C. W. Courtright Rev. John Crosser Dr. J. Clarence Webster Dr. Frances Dickinson 44 ] PROGRAMS APRIL 30, 1900 Sherman House Subject: "HYPNOTISM AND SUGGESTION" Chairman: Dr. Sanger Brown Speakers: "Hypnotism and Its Medical Application" (Demonstrations), Dr. A. H. Burr "Fallacies of Hypnotism," Dr. Sydney Burr "Suggestive Therapeutics," Dr. E. Perry Rice "Suggestion Without Hypnotism as a Therapeutic Agent," Dr. Harold N. Moyer MAY 28, 1900 Sherman House ANNUAL MEETING Smoker Chairman: Dr. William A. Pusey President of the Board of Directors The reports of the Secretary and of the Treasurer were read and other regular business transacted. The election of new officers for the ensuing year resulted as follows : Three Directors : Dr. John M. Dodson Dr. C. S. Bacon Dr. John L. Porter to serve for two years And a Secretary : Dr. L. Harrison Mettler to serve for one year After the regular business of the meeting had been dis- posed of there was a short discussion of the work and policy of the Club, followed by a Kneipe, of which Dr. Joseph Zeisler acted as Commander. Interesting speeches were made, good stories told and appropriate songs sung. PROGRAMS I 45 SEPTEMBER 24, 1900 Sherman House Subject: "THE REQUIREMENTS FOR ADMISSION TO THE MEDICAL SCHOOL" Chairman: Prof. Albion W. Small of the University of Chicago Speakers: "What Should the Educational Standard Be?" Dr. Frank S. Johnson "How Can the Standard Best Be Raised?" Dr. Bayard Holmes "Is the Possession of a Baccalaureate Degree a Sufficient Evidence of Qualification for Admission to the Medical School?" Dr. E. Fletcher Ingals "How Can the Medical Schools and the Institutions of General Learning Be Brought Into Closer Union?" Prof. George E. Fellows of the University of Chicago General Discussion: Dr. W. S. Christopher 46 ] PROGRAMS OCTOBER 29, 1900 Sherman House LADIES* NIGHT Subject: "THE PHYSICAL SIDE OF SCHOOL LIFE" Chairman: Dr. W. S. Christopher Speakers: "The Physical Side of Pedagogic Child-Study," Mr. F. W. Smedley Director of Dept. of Child-Study, Chicago Public Schools "Manual Training," Mr. E. C. Cooley Superintendent of Schools, Chicago "Physical Training," Miss Laura W. Sanborn Director of Physical Training, Chicago Normal School "Stages of Development in Relation to School Work," Dr. H. B. Favill "Medical Inspection of Schools," Dr. Arthur R. Reynolds, Commissioner of Health, Chicago "Education as a Factor in Pathogenesis," Col. F. W. Parker, President of Chicago Institute PROGRAMS [ 47 NOVEMBER 26, 1900 Sherman House Subject: "THE PHYSICIAN AS A WRITER OF MEDICAL LITERATURE" Chairman: Dr. Harold N. Moyer Speakers: "Should the Physician Write?" Dr. G. Frank Lydston "The Common Faults of the Writings of Medical Authors." Dr. George H. Simmons Editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association "How to Write Well," Dr. George F. Butler "The Medical Writer from the Standpoint of the Reader," Dr. Henry F. Lewis General Discussion: Dr. H. T. Patrick Dr. E. Snydacker Dr. J. H. Coulter Dr. C. S. Bacon 48 ] '-Li: P R. A ^ * PROGRAMS January UNIVERSITY OP lUttVj Sherman Hous §QLLHaE OF MEDICINE Subject: "PROFESSIONAL CONDUCT" Chairman: Dr. James H. Stowell Speakers: "The Tendency of the Profession Toward Commercialism," Frank Asbury Johnson, Esq. "Professional and Unprofessional Advertising," Dr. G. Frank Lydston "Modern Commercialism," Mr. James H. Eckels "The Practice of Medicine as a Source of Income," Dr. D. A. K. Steele "Legitimate and Illegitimate Fees," Dr. A. J. Ochsner General Discussion: Dr. Frances Dickinson Dr. A. H. Ferguson Dr. J. W. Pettit Dr. Joseph Zeisler Ottawa, 111. Dr. J. E. Stubbs E. M. Ashcraft, Esq. Dr. William A. Pusey PROGRAMS [ 49 FEBRUARY 25, 1901 Sherman House Subject: 'THE RAVAGES OF THE VENEREAL DISEASES" Chairman: Dr. William E. Quine Speakers: "Their Extent: Can They Be Lessened?" Dr. J. Clarence Webster and Dr. Harold N. Moyer "By the Education of the Public: How?" Dr. Edmund Andrews "By the More Frank and Thorough Instruction of the Young," Prof. Charles R. Henderson of the University of Chicago "By Legislative Enactment," Judge Lorin C. Collins "By the Establishment of Special Hospitals for the Treatment of Venereal Diseases," Dr. Joseph Zeisler General Discussion: Dr. Denslow Lewis Dr. L. H. Mettler Dr. L. B. Baldwin Dr. H. T. Patrick Dr. C. S. Bacon 50 ] PROGRAMS MARCH 25, 1901 Sherman House Subject: "MEDICAL CHARITIES" Chairman: Dr. John Ridlon Speakers: "From the Standpoint of the Citizen," Mr. Charles F. Weller Secretary of Associated Charities, District of Columbia "From the Standpoint of the Recipient," Miss Jane Addams, Hull House "From the Standpoint of the Physician," Dr. Weller Van Hook General Discussion: Miss Julia C. Lathrop Dr. D. N. Eisendrath Member of the State Board Dr. George W. Haskins of Charities Dr. Charles A. Parker Dr. I. A. Abt Dr. Charles P. Small Dr. C. W. Courtright Dr. W. A. Pusey Dr. L. B. Baldwin APRIL 29, 1901 Sherman House LADIES' NIGHT Chairman: Dr. G. Frank Lydston The following programme was presented : 1. Piano Duet — Norweigan Dances - - - Dr. and Mrs. Joseph Zeisler 2. Soprano Solo - - - - Miss Hazel Kirke Strayer 3. Selections from Riley and Other Things Mr. Harry A. Antram 4. Violin Solo - Mr. Otradovec 5. a Modern Music, a la Himself ! b A Night at the Italian Opera - Mr. William L. Bush 6. Tenor Solo - Mr. Harry Cassidy 7. Glimpses of Dixie - Col. William Lightfoot Visscher 8. Violin Solo - Master Harry Gillman PROGRAMS [ 51 MAY 27, 1901 Sherman House ANNUAL MEETING Smoker Chairman: Dr. William H. Wilder President of the Board of Directors The annual reports of the Secretary and Treasurer were read and other regular business transacted. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : Three Directors : Dr. Joseph Zeisler Dr. W. S. Christopher Dr. G. Frank Lydston to serve for two years And a Secretary : Dr. L. Harrison Mettler to serve for one year. The new Constitution and By-Laws were considered and adopted. After the Business Meeting a lunch was served. 52 ] PROGRAMS OCTOBER 28, 1901 Wellington Hotel Subject: "CLINICAL TEACHING IN HOSPITALS AND DISPENSARIES" Chairman: Dr. John B. Murphy Speakers: 'The Advantages to the Institutions," Rev. Dr. Emil G. Hirsch 'The Interests of the Community," Dr. Robert H. Babcock and Geo. F. Harding, Esq. (in the absence of Mr. John J. Hanberg, President of the Board of Cook County Commissioners) 'Its Importance to the Student," Dr. Roberg H. Preble 'Its Benefits to the Patient," Dr. James B. Herrick 'Its Possible Abuses and Necessary Safeguards," Mr. Daniel D. Healy Warden of the Cook County Hospital General Discussion: Hon. Edwin K. Walker Miss Julia Lathrop Mr. Kohn Dr. John Ridlon of the Hebrew Charities Dr Frank Billings Association r-v t u n Dr. John M. Dodson of thf'Michael Reese Dr " Sydney Kuh Hospital Dr - a - J- Ochsner Dr. A. P. Ohlmacher PROGRAMS [ 53 NOVEMBER 25, 1901 Wellington Hotel Subject: "DOES THE TREND OF MODERN SCIENTIFIC THOUGHT TEND TO MAKE THE PHYSICIAN A SKEPTIC?" Chairman: Dr. Frank S. Churchill Speakers: Dr. Gustav Futterer Rev. Jenkin Lloyd Jones Rev. P. S. Henson, D. D. of All Souls Church of the First Baptist Church Dr. Jaques Loeb of the University of Chicago The discussion was opened by Dr. A. M. Corwin and Dr. William A. Pusey And continued by . G. Frank Lydstx . Harold N. Moyeb Dr. F. X. Sudduth Dr. Joseph Zeisler Dr. G. Frank Lydston Prof. George A. Coe Dr. Harold N. Moyer of Northwestern University 54 ] PROGRAMS JANUARY 27, 1902 Wellington Hotel Subject: "THE BETTER ORGANIZATION OF THE MEDICAL PROFESSION" Chairman: Dr. Henry F. Lewis "For Sociologic Purposes," Prof. Albion W. Small, of the University of Chicago "For Political Influence," Dr. Archibald Church (In the absence of Dr. P. Maxwell Forshay, of Cleveland, O.) "Is Organization Possible?" Dr. George H. Simmons, Editor of the Journal of the American Medical Association The discussion was opened by Dr. Edmund J. Doering and Dr. E. Fletcher Ingals (In the absence of Dr. George N. Kreider, of Springfield, 111.) And continued by Dr. P. M. Woodworth Dr. C. W. Courtright Dr. T. A. Davis Dr. W. H. Wilder Dr. W. A. Pusey PROGRAMS [ 55 FEBRUARY 24, 1902 Wellington Hotel Subject: "SPURIOUS HEALERS: THE COMPLEXION SPE- CIALIST, DOWIE, THE PSEUDO-OCULIST, THE OSTEOPATH, THE CHRISTIAN SCIENTIST, ET ID OMNE GENUS. HOW CAN THE PROFESSION AND THE PUBLIC BE BETTER PROTECTED?" Chairman: Dr. Harold N. Moyer (In the absence of Dr. Moreau R. Brown) Speakers: "By Legal Measures," Warwick A. Shaw, Esq., Attorney for the Illinois State Board of Health "By the Education of the Public," Dr. Fernand Henrotin "The Responsibility of the Press," Mr. Victor S. Yarros, of the Editorial Staff of the Chicago Evening Post General Discussion: Dr. C. M. Oughton By special request, read a paper on "Eddyism." 56 ] PROGRAMS MARCH 31, 1902 Sherman House Subject: "A HOME FOR THE MEDICAL ORGANIZATIONS OF CHICAGO" Chairman: Dr. Edmund Doering Speakers: Dr. Sanger Brown of the Board of Trustees of the Chicago Medical Society Mr. C. W. Andrews Librarian of the John Crerar Library The discussion was opened by Dr. Nicholas Senn And continued by Dr. Fernand Henrotin Dr. J. H. Stowell Dr. Harold N. Moyer Dr. A. R. Reynolds Dr. D. W. Graham Dr. Joseph Zeisler Dr. A. D. Bevan Dr. Henry Gradle Dr. Frances Dickinson It was moved by Dr. Nicholas Senn, seconded and carried, "That a Committee of five be appointed by the Chair to confer with a similar Committee to be appointed by the American Medical Association at its next regular meeting, and with the Trustees of the Chicago Medical Society, to consider the feasibility of building a home for the medical organizations in Chicago." The Chair appointed the following Committee : Dr. Nicholas Senn, Chairman. Dr. Harold N. Moyer Dr. Joseph Zeisler Dr. Daniel D. Graham Dr. D. J. Doherty It was moved by Dr. Norval H. Pierce, seconded and carried, "That it is the sense of the Physicians' Club of Chicago that the John Crerar Library is the proper institu- tion for the housing of the public medical library." PROGRAMS [ 57 APRIL 28, 1902 De Jonghe's Cafe Subject: "WHAT CONSTITUTES PROPER ADVERTISING FOR A PHYSICIAN?" Chairman: Dr. C. S. Bacon Speakers: Dr. F. Kreissl Dr. J. W. Walker Dr. J. E. Stubbs Dr. John L. Porter General Discussion: Mr. W. M. Shirley Dr. D. O. Hecht of Swift & Co. Dr. Denslow Lewis Dr. Joseph Zeisler Dr. J. W. Pettit Dr. W. A. Pusey of Ottawa, 111. Dr. W. H. Wilder Dr. W. M. Fitch Dr. L. H. Mettler Dr. C. W. Courtright MAY 26, 1906 Union Hotel ANNUAL MEETING Smoker Chairman: Dr. John M. Dodson President of the Board of Directors The Annual Reports of the Secretary and Treasurer were read and other regular business transacted. The following officers were elected for the ensuing year : Three Directors : Dr. John M. Dodson Dr. A. C. Cotton Dr. J. Clarence Webster to serve for two years And a Secretary: Dr. L. Harrison Mettler to serve for one year After the Business Meeting there was a "Smoker" and a light lunch served. 58 j PROGRAM S SEPTEMBER 29, 1902 De Jonghe's Subject: "THE PRESENT EPIDEMIC OF TYPHOID FEVER IN CHICAGO" Chairman: Dr. Frank Billings Speakers: Dr. Edwin O. Jordan Associate Professor of Bacteriology, University of Chicago Dr. John H. Long Professor of Chemistry, N. W. University Medical School Dr. Adolph Gehrmann Former Director Bacteriological Laboratory, Board of Health, Chicago General Discussion OCTOBER 27, 1902 Sherman House Subject: "FEES AND COLLECTIONS" Chairman: Dr. Arthur R. Edwards Speakers: "In Relation to General Practice," Dr. Isaac A. Abt Mr. C. F. Meyer of C. F. Meyer & Co. "In Relation to Surgical Practice," Dr. Frank T. Andrews William S. Cameron, Esq. "In Relation to Special Practice," Dr. Hugh T. Patrick General Discussion Dr. Joseph Zeisler proposed an Amendment to the Con- stitution and By-Laws, a vote upon which was taken at the Regular Meeting of the Club in November, to the effect that the words "regular" and "male" found in Section 3, be stricken out. PROGRAMS r 59 NOVEMBER 24, 1902 Sherman House Subject: "CHILD LABOR" Chairman: Dr. Frank B. Earle Speakers: "Its Extent," Mr. Edgar T. Davies Chief State Factory Inspector "Its Effect Upon the Individual," o Physical, Dr. John C. Cook b Mental, Mr. W. L. Bodine Superintendent of Compulsory Education c Moral, Rev. M. M. Mangasarian "Its Effect Upon the Community," Mr. Harry S. McCartney General Discussion JANUARY 26, 1903 De Jonghe's LADIES' NIGHT Subject: "THE DOCTOR'S VACATION" Chairman: Dr. J. Clarence Webster Speakers: "Its Purpose," Dr. Henry T. Byford "Where?" Dr. Rachel Hickey Carr "When?" Dr. G. Frank Lydston Popular and Scientific Lecture on the Yellowstone National Park, illustrated with stereopticon Views Mr. Charles Truax 60 ] PROGRAMS FEBRUARY 23, 1903 Sherman House Subject: "THE PREVENTION OF TUBERCULOSIS" Chairman: Dr. Henry B. Favill Speakers: "Reasons for a Special Effort to Prevent the Spread of Tuberculosis," Dr. W. A. Evans "What the Health Department Can Do to Help a Crusade Against Tuberculosis," Dr. Arthur R. Reynolds "In What Way Can the General Practitioner Assist in the Purposes of the Crusade," Dr. N. S. Davis, Jr. "Outlines for a Systematic Crusade in the City," Dr. A. C. Klebs General Discussion MARCH 30, 1903 Sherman House Subject: "THE RACE PROBLEM IN THE UNITED STATES" Chairman: Dr. Henry T. Byford Speakers: Graham H. Harris Rev. R. A. White Former President Chicago of the Stewart Avenue Board of Education Universalist Church Dr. C. S. Bacon Dr. W. A. Pusey Discussion was opened by Dr. Charles E. Bentley S. Lang Williams, Esq. Dr. John M. Dodson proposed an amendment to the Con- stitution and By-Laws, a vote upon which was taken at the Regular Meeting of the Club in April, to the effect that the word "male," found in Section 3, be stricken out. PROGRAMS [ 61 APRIL 27, 1903 Sherman House Subject: "THE INDIAN QUESTION IN THE UNITED STATES" Speakers: G. Frank Lydston President M. E. Gates Hon W A Jones Secretary of the Board of Washington, D. C, Commis- Indian Commissioners sioner of Indian Affairs Bayard Holmes Carlos Montezuma A vote was taken on the amendment to the Constitution and By-Laws proposed by John M. Dodson, and announced at the last meeting, to the effect that the word "male" found in Section 3, be stricken out. JUNE 1, 1903 Sherman House ANNUAL MEETING Smoker Chairman: A. C. Cotton Transaction of general business. Report of Secretary and Treasurer. Election of Officers. The following were elected : Secretary: Dr. Henry F. Lewis Directors for two years : Dr. Joseph Zeisler Dr. Charles P. Small Dr. A. M. Corwin 62 ] PROGRAMS SEPTEMBER 28, 1903 Sherman House Subject: "THE HYDROPHOBIA QUESTION" Chairman: Dr. Wm. T. Belfield Speakers: "From the Pathological Standpoint," Dr. Ludvig Hektoen "From the Prophylactic Standpoint," Dr. Arthur Dean Bevan "From the Therapeutic Standpoint," Dr. A. Lagorio "From the Veterinary Standpoint," Dr. A. H. Baker "From the Humane Standpoint," Mr. John G. Shortall "From the Dog Fancier's Standpoint," Dr. M. D. McNab General Discussion NOVEMBER 2, 1903 Sherman House Subject: "THE DOCTOR AS AN INVESTOR" Chairman: Dr. Fernand Henrotin Speakers: "Investments in General," Mr. David R. Forgan Vice-President First National Bank "Bonds and Mortgages," Mr. William R. Stirling of Peabody, Houghteling & Co. "Stocks," Mr. Granger Farwell President Chicago Stock Exchange "Speculation in and out of the Commercial Exchange," Mr. Robert Lindblom of the Chicago Board of Trade "Life Insurance," Mr. Charles Dyer Norton General Agent Northwestern Mutual Life Insurance Co. "Private Hospitals and Sanitariums," Dr. Alex. Hugh Ferguson of the Chicago Hospital "The Doctor as an Easy Mark," Dr. Norman Bridge General Discussion PROGRAMS [ 63 FEBRUARY 16, 1904 Sherman House Subject: "GRAFT" Chairman: Dr. Hugh T. Patrick Speakers: "Municipal Graft," Dr. Walter L. Fisher Secretary Municipal Voters League "Educational Graft," Prof. Geo. E. Vincent University of Chicago "Graft in the Legal Profession," Mr. Clarence Darrow Lawyer "Medical Graft," Dr. Harold N. Moyer General Discussion APRIL 5, 1904 Auditorium Annex LADIES' NIGHT Subject: "AS OTHERS SEE US" Chairman: Dr. Albion W. Small Speakers: Mrs. Charles Henrotin Rev. Frank DuMoulin President Chicago Woman's Rector St. Peters Church CIub Dr. Banks Mr. Edgar A. Bancroft 64 ] PROGRAMS MAY 31, 1904 Sherman House ANNUAL MEETING Smoker Chairman: Dr. J. Clarence Webster Transaction of general business Reports of Secretary and Treasurer Election of Officers The following were elected : Secretary Dr. Henry F. Lewis Directors Dr. John Ridlon Dr. I. N. Danforth Dr. Fernand Henrotin OCTOBER 20, 1904 Sherman House Subject: "UNIONISM— IS IT ADAPTED FOR THE MEDICAL PROFESSION?" Chairman: Dr. Joseph Zeisler Speakers: Mr. Michael Donnelly President Amalgamated Butchers of North America Mr. John M. Glenn Secretary Illinois Manufacturers' Association. Dr. Alfred C. Croftan Dr. George F. Butler General Discussion PROGRAMS [ 65 DECEMBER 6, 1904 Sherman House Subject: "THE PLACE IN MEDICAL EDUCATION OF THE EVENING MEDICAL SCHOOL" Chairman: Dr. E. J. Doering Speakers: Dr. L. Blake Baldwin President Dearborn Medical College Dr. Frank Billings Dean Rush Medical College Dr. H. M. Martin President Jenner Medical College Dr. Weller Van Hook Professor of Surgery, Northwestern University Medical School Dr. Frances Dickinson Dean Harvey Medical College Dr. D. A. K. Steele Professor of Surgery, University of Illinois Dr. George W. Webster President Illinois State Board of Health General Discussion JANUARY 16, 1905 Sherman House Subject: "SMALLPOX AND VACCINATION" Chairman: Dr. Arthur R. Reynolds Lantern Slide and Illustrated Lecture, Dr. Jay F. Schamberg Philadelphia Discussion opened by Dr. Heman Spalding, Chicago Health Department. 66 ] PROGRAMS APRIL i, 1905 Sherman House LADIES' NIGHT Subject: 'WHEN SHALL WE BE CHLOROFORMED?" Chairman: Dr. I. N. Danforth Speakers: "When Shall the Doctor Be Anesthetized?" Dr. William Allen Pusey "When Shall We Administer It to the Clergyman?" Rt. Rev. Samuel Fallows "When Shall the Professor Be Doped?" Prof. George E. Vincent "When Shall the Artists Get Their Dose ?" Mr. I. K. Pond "When Shall the Poli-Statesman Get Their Dues?" (No Statesmen can be found: they are all busy electing Mayors) "When Ought the Lawyers to Succumb?" Mr. Joseph W. Errant "When Shall the Business Man Shuffle Off?" Mr. Franklin MacVeagh "When Shall the Journalists Take Their Own Medicine?" Mr. W. D. Nesbit Chicago Tribune "When Can We Spare the Ladies?" Mr. Joseph L. McNab MAY 23, 1905 Hotel Bismarck ANNUAL MEETING Smoker Chairman: Dr. I. N. Danforth Reports of Secretary and Treasurer. Transaction of general business. Election of Officers and Directors. The following were elected: Secretary : Dr. Charles Louis Mix Directors : Dr. Henry F. Lewis Dr. Arthur M. Corwin Dr. Clarence Earle PROGRAMS [ 67 OCTOBER 24, 1905 Sherman House Subject: "THE ESTABLISHMENT OF A PERMANENT MED- ICAL HOME AND LIBRARY FOR THE PHYSICIANS OF CHICAGO AND OF COOK COUNTY" Chairman: Dr. Frank Billings Speakers: Dr. Charles Loomis Dana addressed the Club on the history of the organization of the New York Academy of Medicine, and offered suggestions concerning the establish- ment of a similar organization in Chicago. Dr. Nicholas Senn addressed the Club on the establish- ment and maintenance of a Medical Library in such a Club. Dr. A. P. Gilmore discussed the ways and means, from the financial point of view, for the establishment of a Per- manent Medical Home. A general discussion followed, led by Drs. Fernand Hen- rotin, E. Fletcher Ingalls and Maxwell P. Foshay. DECEMBER 19, 1905 Sherman House Subject: "RACE SUICIDE" Chairman: Dr. John Edwin Owens Speakers: "The Reproductive Function as a Subject for Education," Prof. Graham Taylor "Race-Suicide from a Sociological Point of View," Lester C. Bodine Superintendent of Compulsory Education Rev. Frank Smith considered Race Suicide in his own way. ' Race-Suicide from the Point of View of the Physician," Dr. Harold N. Moyer General Discussion Dr. Henry F. Lewis Dr. Emil Ries Dr. Charles E. Paddock 68 ] PROGRAMS FEBRUARY 20, 1906 Sherman House Subject: "MEDICAL EDUCATION AT THE COOK COUNTY HOSPITAL" Chairman: Dr. John B. Murphy Speakers: "Bedside Clinics," Dr. J. B. Herrick "More Freedom in the Securing Post-Mortem Exam- inations," Dr. W. A. Evans "Obstetrical Teaching in Hospitals Other than the Cook County Hospital," Dr. Henry F. Lewis "Gynecological Teaching at the Cook County Hospital," Dr. Fernand Henrotin General Discussion APRIL 24, 1906 Sherman House Subject: "THE RELATION OF THE PHYSICIAN TO COMPUL- SORY SICKNESS AND INVALIDITY INSURANCE" Chairman: Dr. C. S. Bacon Governor Deneen last year appointed a commission, of which Prof. C. R. Henderson of the University of Chicago is secretary, to investigate the subject of compulsory govern- mental insurance. Professor Henderson has studied the question at close range abroad, and addressed the Club on the "Principles of Sickness and Invalidity Insurance for Workingmen." Governor Deneen is very much interested in the question and promised to be present. Undoubtedly one or more bills bearing on this general subject will be introduced at the next meeting of the legislature, and it is the duty of physicians very early to acquaint themselves with the trend of possible future legislative action. Dr. Frank Billings led the discussion. PROGRAMS [ 69 MAY 22, 1906 Sherman House LADIES' NIGHT Subject: "THE AMERICAN WOMAN" Chairman: Dr. Weller Van Hook Speakers: "The American Woman from the Point of View of One of Her Own Sex," Mrs. Evelyn Frake "The American Woman from the Point of View of the Clergy," Rev. John Roach Stratton, D. D. Pastor of the Second Baptist Church "The American Woman from the Point of View of the Physician," Dr. Henry T. Byford "The American Woman from the Point of View of the the Lawyer," Hon. Homer E. Tinsman "The American Woman from the Point of View of the Priesthood," Rev. Maurice J. Dorney Pastor of St. Gabriel's Church Music by Tomaso RECEPTION COMMITTEE Doctors and Mesdames : Charles S. Bacon, L. Blake Baldwin, Henry T. Byford, W. H. Cazier, Arthur M. Cor- win, A. C. Cotton, I. N. Danforth, John M. Dodson, Arthur R. Edwards, Fernand Henrotin, Henry F. Lewis, L. Harrison Mettler, Charles Louis Mix, William Allen Pusey, John Ridlon, Emil Ries, Nicholas Senn, Charles P. Small, Weller Van Hook, George W. Webster, W. H. Wilder and Drs. William L. Baum, Denslow Lewis, William E Quine 70 J PROGRAMS JUNE 26, 1906 Sherman House ANNUAL MEETING Smoker Chairman: Dr. I. N. Danforth Reports of Secretary and Treasurer. Election of Officers and Directors. "Some Stunts of a Literary Doctor," Dr. G. Frank Lydston The following Officers and Directors were elected : Secretary : Dr. Charles Louis Mix Directors : Dr. Daniel R. Brower Dr. Edwin B. Tuteur Dr. William T. Belfield OCTOBER 30, 1906 Sherman House Subject: "THE VENEREAL PERIL" Chairman: Judge Julian W. Mack Speakers : "The Prevalence of Sexual Vice and Venereal Diseases Among Children," Mr. Henry W. Thurston Chief Probation Officer, Juvenile Court "The Prevalence of Sexual Vice and Venereal Diseases Among the Submerged," Mr. Raymond Robins "The Prevalence of Sexual Vice and Venereal Diseases Among Those Who Should Know Better." Dr. W. L. Baum "Prostitution and Its Supervision by the State," Dr. G. Frank Lydston "Education of the Public to the Immediate and Remote Dangers of Venereal Diseases," Ernest A. Bell Midnight Missionary PROGRAMS [71 JANUARY 29, 1907 Vogelsang's Subject: "DEFECTIVE CHILDREN" Chairman: Dr. Daniel R. Brower "The Scientific Study of Children," a Establishment of Physical and Mental Norms b Chief Departures from These Norms c Education and Care of Abnormal Children in Public Schools, Dr. D. P. MacMillan Superintendent of the Child Study Department Chicago Board of Education "The Education and Care of Abnormal Children in Public Institutions," Dr. O. C. Wilhite General Superintendent of the Cook County Institutions at Dunning "The Early Discovery of Mental Defects and of Mental Disease in Children," Dr. James G. Kiernan Dr. Harold N. Moyer and Dr. Frank Allport led the discussion. FEBRUARY 14, 1907 Great Northern Hotel Subject: "MENTAL THERAPY" Chairman: Dr. John M. Dodson Speakers: "Mental Therapeutics from the Psychologist's Point of View," Dr. James Rowland Angell Professor of Psychology, University of Chicago "Religious Psychology," The Right Rev. Samuel Fallows Bishop of the Reformed Episcopal Church, Chicago "Suggestive Therapeutics," Dr. Harold N. Moyer "Subconscious Therapeutics," Dr. Joseph Jastrow Professor of Psychology, University of Wisconsin Discussion was opened by Dr. Hugh T. Patrick, Dr. James G. Kiernan, Dr. L. Harrison Mettler. 72 ] PROGRAMS APRIL 30, 1907 Great Northern Hotel LADIES' NIGHT Chairman: Dr. James Nevins Hyde A Brief Salutation from the Mayor, Mayor Frederick A. Busse A symposium : "How I Became Famous," a Richard Henry Little, War Correspondent b J. Hamilton Lewis, Ex-Corporation Counsel, City of Chicago c John T. McCutcheon, Cartoonist d George W. Peck, Author, Ex-Governor of Wisconsin e Rev. Wm. E. Barton, D. D., Pastor of the First Congregational Church of Oak Park, 111. Mr. Edward J. Brundage, Ex-President of the Board of Commissioners of Cook County, who has done much for the cause of medicine, and Col. Milton J. Foreman, were the guests of the Club. MAY 26, 1907 Great Northern Hotel ANNUAL MEETING Smoker Chairman: Dr. Daniel R. Brower Report of Secretary and Treasurer. Transaction of general business. Election of Officers and Directors. The following were elected: Secretary: Dr. Edwin B. Tuteur Directors : Dr. Chas. Louis Mix Dr. Chas. E. Paddock Dr. Alfred C. Croftan PROGRAMS [ 73 DECEMBER 13, 1907 Great Northern Hotel JOINT MEETING— PHYSICIANS' CLUB AND LAW CLUB Subject: "SENSE AND SENTIMENT IN THE TREATMENT OF THE CRIMINAL AND OTHER SOCIAL PARASITES." Chairman: Judge William H. McSurely "The Biological Aspect, including Race Suicide for Social Parasites," Dr. Wm. T. Belfield "The Indiana Movement," Dr. J. N. Hurty Secretary Indiana State Board of Health "The Custodians' Experience," Mr. J. L. Whitman Superintendent Bridewell "The Youthful Criminal," Judge John R. Newcomer Municipal Court "The Judicial Aspect," Judge Albert C. Barnes Superior Court "The Humanitarian View," Prof. Graham Taylor Chicago Commons Discussion from the Floor 74 ] PROGRAMS MARCH i 3) 1908 Great Northern Hotel JOINT MEETING— PHYSICIANS' CLUB AND CHICAGO MEDICAL SOCIETY Subject: "THE TRUE SITUATION IN REGARD TO THE ADMINISTRATION OF THE STATE INSTITUTIONS" Chairman: Dr. Henry B. Favill Speakers: "What the State Board of Charities Is Accomplishing," Hon. Wm. C. Graves Executive Officer Illinois State Board of Charities "Where and How Can Matters Be Improved," Hon. Cicero J. Lindley Greenville, 111., Member Appropriation Committee "The Medical Administration of the State Charitable Institutions," Dr. Frank P. Norbury Jacksonville, Ex-President State Conference of Charities "What the Civil Service Commission Is Accomplishing," Hon. Wm. B. Moulton Chicago, President Illinois Civil Service Commission "Where the Fault Lies," Dr. Richard Dewey Wauwatosa, Wis., Ex-Supt. Kankakee Insane Asylum Discussion: Dr. J. W. Pettit Ottawa, 111., Ex-President Board Trustees Illinois Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary Miss Julia C. Lathrop Rockford, 111., Philanthropist and Member State Board of Charities PROGRAMS [75 APRIL 24, 1908 Great Northern Hotel LADIES' NIGHT Chairman: Dr. Arthur M. Corwin "Salutation and Introduction to the Symposium," Hon. Charles S. Deneen Governor of the State of Illinois A Symposium : "Some Lessons I Have Learned," a Mr. S. E. Kiser, Poet and Newspaper Correspondent b Prof. Shailer Mathews, Editor and Dean of the Divinity School, University of Chicago c Hon. Adlai E. Stevenson, Former Vice-President of the United States d George Ade, Author and Playwright e William Hodge, "The Man from Home" Col. James Hamilton Lewis, Mr. John T. McCutcheon and Mr. Richard Henry Little, who did much toward making last year's Ladies' Night the splendid success that it was, were guests in a "silent" capacity. MAY 15, 1908 Great Northern Hotel ANNUAL MEETING Smoker Chairman: Dr. Daniel R. Brower Members of the Club dined at the expense of the Club's treasury. An excellent program by professional entertainers. Transaction of business and election of Officers and Directors. A Story, by the Retiring Chairman. The following Officers and Directors were elected : Secretary : Dr. Edwin B. Tuteur Directors : Dr. Henry B. Favill Dr. George E. Baxter Dr. Chas. L. Mix 76 ] PROGRAMS NOVEMBER 27, 1908 Grand Pacific Hotel Subject: "DRUG THERAPY: PAST, PRESENT AND FUTURE' Chairman: Dr. William E. Quine Speakers: "The Cause of Drug Nihilism," Dr. Bernard Fantus Professor of Materia Medica and Therapeutics, College of Physicians and Surgeons "Some Therapeutic Misconceptions and Fallacies," Dr. Joseph L. Miller, Assistant Professor of Medicine, Rush Medical College "The Present Status of Drug Therapy," Dr. George H. Simmons, Editor Journal of the American Medical Association "The Clinical Value of Experimental Therapy," Dr A. S. Loevenhart, Professor of Pharmacology, University of Wisconsin "The Proper Teaching of Therapeutics in the Medical Schools," Dr. George F. Butler, Professor of Therapeutics, Chicago College of Medicine and Surgery, Medical Department, Valparaiso University Discussion: Prof. Mathews Dr. George E. Baxter Dr. W. F. Waugh Dr. G. Frank Lydston Dr. W. E. Quine PROGRAMS [ 77 JANUARY 27, 1909 Grand Pacific Hotel Subject: "EUGENICS" Chairman: Dr. Frank Billings "The Experimental Study of Heredity" — Illustrated with Lantern Slides," Dr. W. E. Castle, Professor of Zoology, Harvard University, Cambridge "Studies of Inheritance in the Evening Primrose" — Illus- trated with Lantern Slides, Dr. R. R. Gates, Professor of Botany, University of Chicago "Important Lessons to Be Learned from the Breeding of Animals," Dr. Eugene Davenport, Dean and Director, College of Agriculture, Univ. of Illinois "Experiments and Observations in the Modification and Control of Inheritance with Results of the Crossing of Primitive People With Europeans." Discussion : To be opened by Dr. C. O. Whitman, Professor of Zoology, University of Chicago, and Dr. Charles Louis Mix RESIDENT MEMBERS [ 79 Resident Members Abbott, W. C. Univ. of Mich. '85 1897 2666 N. Hermitage Avenue — Edgewater 143. Abt, I. A. Northwestern '91 1895 100 State Street — 2 to 3 — Central 1934. Allport, Frank Northwestern '76 1898 72 Madison Street — 10 to 4 — Randolph 199. Anderson, E. B. Coll. P. and S. '03 1908 5933 Prairie Avenue — Wcntworth 6391. Andrews, Albert H. Univ. of Iowa '89 1900 100 State Street — 10 to 2 — Randolph 345. Andrews, E. Wyllys Northwestern '81 1895 100 State Street — 12 to 1 — Central 1934. Andrews, Frank T. Northwestern '84 1895 100 State Street — 12 to J — Central 1934. Bacon, Charles S. Northwestern '84 1898 756 Sedgwick Street — 2 to 3 — Lincoln 1109. Bacon, M. W. Univ. of Mich. '75 1896 6844 Perry Avenue — / to 3, 7 to 8 — Wentworth 652. Baldwin, L. Blake Northwestern '94 1900 72 Madison Street — Central 2233. Ballard, C. N. Rush '90 1905 100 State Street — 1 to 3 — Central 339. Barnes, Walter S. Univ. Buffalo '92 1907 42 Madison Street — 11 to 12.30 — Central 5480. Barr, W. A. Rush '92 1903 /oo State Street — 10 to 12 — Randolph 345. Bartholomew, J. N. Ohio Med. Coll. '82 1896 100 State Street — 1 to 2 — Central 257. Bates, Morley D. Rush '96 1905 Jackson and Halsted — // to 3, 7 to 8 — Monroe 1858. Baum, W. L. Jefferson Med., Phil, '88 1896 103 State Street — 9 to 1, 4 to 5 — Central 2751. Baxter, George E. Northwestern '99 1903 1916 Evanston Avenue — 8 to 9, 4 to 5 — Edgewater 370. Beard, Chas. H. Univ. of Louisville '77 1896 34 Washington Street— 9 to J, 4 to 5— Central 4522. 80 ] RESIDENT MEMBERS Beck, Emil G. Coll. P. and S. '96 1908 92 State Street — Central 3035. Behrendt, A. J. Coll. P. and S. '91 1902 85 Fowler — 12 to 2 — Humboldt 758. Belfield, Wm. T. Rush '78 1895 100 State Street — 12 to 3, 5.30 to 6 — Central 2129. Belknap, F. W. Northwestern '94 1901 385 N. State Street— 2 to 4— North 894. Bell, E. S. Rush '96 1903 103 State Street — / to 5 — Central 2548. Bergeron, J. Z. Rush '89 34 Washington Street — 12 to 4 — Central 2415. Bevan, A. D. Rush '83 1897 100 State Street — 2 to 4 — Central 556. Billings, Frank Northwestern '81 1895 100 State Street — 1 to 4 — Central 556. Bishop, Arthur M. Northwestern '98 1903 Virginia Hotel — North 584. Bishop, R. W. Univ. Berlin '82 1895 70 State Street — 12 to 1 — Central 3692. Bouffleur, A. I. Rush '87 1895 100 State Street — 2 to 4 — Central 379. Brower, D. R. Univ. of Georgetown '64 1895 34 Washington Street — 10.30 to 2.30 — Central 2415. Brown, E. M. Northwestern '93 1900 255 Ashland Boulevard — 2 to 4, 7 to 8 — West 1975. Brown, M. R. Univ. of Louisville '76 1895 34 Washington Street — 1 to 3 — Central 1797. Brown, Sanger Bellevue '80 1895 100 State Street — // to 1 — Central 3707. Brugge, H. J. Rush '97 1903 1939 W. Polk Street — / to 3 — Kedzie 1267. Brumback, A. H. Coll. P. and S. '84 1898 100 State Street — 12 to 2 — Randolph 345. Burwash, H. J. McGill '79 1899 42 Madison Street — 12 to 3 — Central 5480. Butler, Geo. F. Post. Grad. Med. Sch. 1899 1213 Forest Avenue, Wilmette, III. — 2792 Wil. Butler, Wm. J. Rush '94 1902 72 Madison Street — Central 5020. Byford, Henry T. Northwestern '73 1895 100 State Street — 9.30 to 12 — Central 2067. RESIDENT MEMBERS [ 81 Campbell, John G. Northwestern '96 1903 7143 Princeton Ave. — 4 to 6, 7 to 8 — Wentworth 490. Capps, Joseph A. Harvard '95 1903 100 State Street — // to 1 — Central 336. Carr, Rachael Hickey Northwestern '87 1895 100 State Street — 12 to 1 — Central 174. Casselberry, W. E. Univ. of Pa. '79 1895 31 Washington Street — 9 to 1 — Central 5432. Cheney, H. W. Northwestern '92 1895 427 E. 63rd Street — // to 1, 5 to 6 — Hyde Park 164. Chester, Paul Northwestern '96 1907 4707 Lake Avenue — 2 to 5 — Oak 1118. Christie, Wm. McGill '87 1896 1 189 72nd Street — 2 to 4, 7 to 8 — Wentworth 72. Churchill, F. S. Harvard '90 1896 439 A r . State Street — 2 to 3.30 — North 1267. Coleman, W. F. Surgeons (England) '71 1895 34 Washington Street — 10 to 3 — Central 2856. Collins, Lorin C, Jr. Northwestern '00 1900 1 158 Addison Avenue — Lakeview 992. Colwell, N. P. ,», > » j ,Rv,sh,'oo, . ,, ,. „ 1903 771 W. II ' r%lJz6? Streeb-^i- to'.^Weit 84. Edwards, Arthar R. Northwestern '91 1895 100 State Street — 1 to 3 — Central 4310. Eisendrath, D. N. Northwestern '91 1896 103 State Street — 1 to 3 — Randolph 1395. Eskridge, J. H. Rush '76 1895 746 W. 67th Street — 8 to 10, after 6 — Wentworth 908. Favill, Henry B. Rush '83 1895 700 State Street — 2 to 5 — Central 5533. Ferguson, Alex. Hugh T. and T., Canada, '81 1895 100 State Street — 2 to 5 — Central 2067. Fischkin, E. A. Univ. Berlin '94 1903 /oo State Street — 3 to 5 — Randolph 345. Fisher, W. A. Univ. Mich. '85 1895 103 State Street — 70 to 1 — Central 1019. Fiske, Geo. F. Yale Med. Sch. '83 1895 700 State Street — 9 to 12 — Central 2042. Fitch, Walter M. Rush '85 1901 645 W. Monroe Street — 1 to 4 — West 41. RESIDENT MEMBERS [ 83 Fletcher, Richard M. Med. Coll. Alabama '94 1905 145 Van Buren Street — 8.30 to 5.30 — Harrison 61. Fowler, Edson B. Northwestern '96 1908 1412 Heyworth Building — Central 5480. Fowler, J. V. Rush '99 1905 312 Grand Avenue — / to 3, after 7 — Monroe 1792. Frothingham, H. H. Northwestern '85 1908 4304 Lake Avenue — 10 to 12 — Oak 722. Fuller, William Rush '87 1904 100 State Street — 1 to 4 — Central 3596. Futterer, Gustav Univ. Wurzburg (Germany) '83 1895 34 Washington Street — / to 4 — Central 3829. Gardiner, E. J. San Carlos, Madrid (Spain) '78 1895 34 Washington Street — 10 to 1, 2.30 to 4.30 — Cen. 3366. Gill, James C. Rush '90 34 Washington Street — 10.30 to 3.30 — Central 2415. Gilmer, Thomas L. Missouri Dent. Coll. '82 1903 31 Washington Street — 9 to 10, 4 to 5 — Central 1754. Gillmore, Robert T. Northwestern '92 1899 103 State Street — 11 to 12.30 — Central 4921. Going, Z. H. Rush '74 1895 4642 Indiana Avenue — Oak $83. Goodkind, M. L. Coll. P and S., N. Y. '89 1898 3035 Indiana Avenue — 4.30 to 6.30 — Douglas 146. Graham, David W. Bellevue '72 1895 34 Washington Street — 12 to 1 — Central 2191. Graves, Robert Northzvestern '93 1895 818 S. Halsted Street — 10 to 12, 7 to 8 — Canal 449. Gray, Ethan A. Rush '87 1900 9 Evanston Avenue — 8.30 to 9, 2 to 4 — Lakeview 890. Green, F. R. Northwestern '98 1902 103 Dearborn Avenue — 8 to 5 — North 717. Green, G. W. Univ. Michigati '92 1908 499 Wilson Avenue — Edgewater 577. Gregory, L. L. Northwestern '88 1895 514 Evanston Avenue — 4 to 6 — Lakeview 284. Grinker, Julius Univ. City N. Y. '91 1903 100 State Street — 10 to 1 — Central 4180. 84 ] RESIDENT MEMBERS Haight Allen T. W. Reserve, Cleveland '94 1897 1097 N. Clark Street — Lakeview 152. Hammon, Glenn M. Rush '81 1895 6S3 W. Adams Street — 12 to 1.30, 6 p. m. — West 216. Hardie, T. Melville Univ. of Toronto '88 1896 34 Washington Street — 10 to 1 — Central 593. Harpole, W. S. Northwestern '97 103 State Street — 2.30 to 4 — Central 5396. Harris, Malcolm L. Rush '82 1895 100 State Street — 12.30 to 3.30 — Central 2042. Harsha, Wm. M. Northwestern '83 1895 103 State Street — / to 4 — Central 861. Haskins, Geo. W. Chic. Med. Coll. '89 1899 1209 Trude Building — 9 to 5 — Central 2799. Haven, A. C. 1895 Lake Forest, Illinois — P. O. Box 96. Hawley, C. W. Rush '85 1895 72 Madison Street — 10 to 4 — Central 2508. Hayford, Ernest L. Coll. P. and S., N. Y. '90 1901 34 Washington Street — / to 6 — Central 2856. Hayman, L. B. Rush '86 1895 70 State Street — 11.30 to 2.30 — Central 3782. Healy, Wm. Rush '00 1559 Sheridan Road — Lakeview 1257. Hecht, D. O. Northwestern '98 1902 103 State Street — 11 to 1 — Central 1594. Hector, W. S. Bennett '88 1895 3673 State Street — 2 to 4, 7 to 8 — Douglas 3347. Heguembourg, J. E. Rush '82 1895 ji2 Fuller ton Avenue — 8 to 9, 2 to 3 — Lincoln 432. Henderson, E. E. Rush '96 1907 874 IV. North Avenue. Herrick, James B. Rush '88 1895 103 State Street — 1.30 to 3.30 — Central 1065. Hessert, Wm. Northwestern '92 1898 685 Fullerton Avenue — 12 to 2, 6 to 7.30 — Lincoln 1344. Hoelscher, J. H. Northwestern '85 1901 34 Washington Street — 1 to 4 — Central 2285. Holmes, Rudolph W. Rush '93 1896 412 N. State Street — 2 p. m. — North 801. Hollenbeck, Fred D. Rush '95 1903 394 E. Chicago Avenue — 1.30 to 3 — North 510. RESI DENT MEMBERS [ 85 Hooper, Henry Harvard '69 1895 10 Astor—12 to 2, 5 to 7.30 — North 171. Hopkins, C. W. Northwestern '01 1908 Plasa Hotel— North 1868. Howland, Edward D. Rush '86 1901 103 State Street— 2 to 3— Central 3007. Hyde, J. Nevins Univ. of Pa. '69 1895 100 State Street — 9 to 2 — Central 3045. Ingals, E. Fletcher Rush '71 1895 34 Washington Street — 9 to 3 — Central 2415. Isham, Ira D. Univ. New York '91 1903 zoo State Street — / to 3 — Central 4356- Johnson, Frank S. Northwestern '81 1896 2521 Prairie Avenue — // to 1 — Calumet 239. Johnstone, A. Ralph Univ. of Illinois '87 1896 4147 Lake Avenue — Oakland 1220. Kahn, Harry Northwestern '98 1908 103 State Street — Central 1019. Kanavel, Allen B. Northwestern '99 1907 103 State Street — / to 2 — Central 1594. Kenyon, Elmer L. Rush '96 1903 34 Washington Street — 9 to 12 — Central 2415. Kerr, Ellis K. Northwestern '00 1903 103 State Street — 3.30 to 4.30 — Central 2731. Klebs, Arnold C. Univ. of Basic (Switzer- land) '94 1895 100 State Street — 10 to 1 — Central 1204. Kohn, A. D. Rush '98 103 State Street — 2 to 5.30 — Randolph 1395. Kreissl, F. U. of Vienna '85 1895 92 State Street — // to 4 — Central 1177. Kuh, E. J. U. of Heidelberg '82 1895 103 State Street — 1 to 4.30 Central 5396. Kuh, Sidney U. of Heidelberg '90 1895 103 State Street — 9 to 12 — Central 5396. Lackner, E. Bennett Med. Coll. '72 1907 103 State Street — 2 to 3.30 — Central 1019. Lagorio, Antonio Rush '79 1903 228 Dearborn Avenue — 9 to II, 4 to 6 — North 973. Leeming, John Royal Coll. Phy. (Lon- don) '87 1895 3541 Indiana Avenue — 8 to 10, 6 to 8 — Douglas 556. 86 ] RESIDENT MEMBERS Lewis, Denslow Univ. of Michigan '78 1895 92 State Street — 4 to 5 — Central 3326. Lewis, Henry F. Harvard '88 1895 42 Madison Street — 1 to 3 — Central 32. Lewis, Thomas H. Northwestern '96 1902 zoo State Street — 11 to 1 — Central 5533. Linnell, B. M. Rush '93 1900 100 State Street — 2 to 4 — Central 1162. Loring, J. Brown McGill '83 1903 103 State Street — 9 to 12, 3 to 4.30 — Central 2747. Luehr, Edward Rush '92 1896 9141 Houston Avenue — 8 to 9, 7 to 8 — S. Chicago 419. Lydston, G. Frank Bcllevue, New York, '79 1895 100 State Street — 1 to 5 — Central 2307. Lyons, J. A. Long Island '89 1895 4118 State Street — 12 to 2, 6 to 8 — Oak 545. Macy, H. C. Bcllevue, New York, '96 1899 100 State Street — 2 to 4 — Central 2192. MacMartin, D. R. McGill '88 1901 77 Jackson Street — 2 to 5 — Harrison 1775. Mann, Wm. A. Northwestern '83 1895 70 State Street — 10 to 3 — Central 1971. McEwen, Ernest L. Rush '97 1907 700 State Street — 2 to 4 — Central 3045. McNab, Malcolm D. Rush '95 1897 6449 Stezvart Avenue — 7 to 2, 7 to 8 — Wentworth 778. McWilliams, S. A. N orthwestem '66 1895 3456 Michigan Avenue — 12 to 1.30, 6 to 7, Douglas 3528. Meloy, Wm. W. Rush '97 1903 103 State Street — 3.30 to 5 — Central 1019. Menge, Frederick Northwestern '92 1895 34 Washington Street — 77 to 4 — Central 5463. Mettler, L. Harrison Jefferson, Phila., '86 1895 700 State Street — 7 to 2 — Central 2067. Miller, Jos. L. Northwestern '95 1903 700 State Street — 77 to 1 — Central 556. Mix, Chas. Louis Harvard '94 1903 103 State Street — 1 to 3 — Central 2751. Monash, David F. P. and S., N. Y. '93 1901 707 36th Street — 77 to 12, 5 to 6 — Douglas 323. Moore, F. B. N orthwestem '89 1895 209 Morse Avenue, Pullman, III. — West Pullman 39. R ESIDENT MEMBERS [_87 Morgan, Wm. E. Northwestern '82 1895 42 Madison Street— 2 to 5— Central 5480. Morganthau, Geo. L. Dartmouth '87 1895 34 Washington Street— 11 to 1, 4 to 5— Central 3747- Moyer, Harold N. Rush '79 l8 95 103 State Street— Central 2751. Murphy, John B. Rush '79 l8 95 100 State Street— 2 to 5— Central 1821. Napheys, Wm. D. Northwestern '06 1908 4800 Ashland Avenue— Yards 1024. Neff, James M. P. and S., Chicago '98 1904 100 State Street— 2 to 5— Central 1821. Newman, Henry P. Detroit '78 1895 100 State Street— 1.30 to 3— Central 339- Niles, J. W. univ. of New York '76 1895 '421' Division Street— 11 to 1, 7 to 8— North 644. Ochsner, Edw. H. Rush '94 l8 9 8 29 Lane Place— 1 to 3— Lincoln 906. Ogden E. R. Northwestern '84 1897 ' 700 State Street— 9.30 to 12.30— Central 2129. O'Neill, John W. Rush '92 . 1896 1373 North Clark Street— 4 to 6—Lakevtew 751. Ormsby, Oliver S. Rush '95 I 9° 6 100 State Street— 9 to 2— Central 3045. Oughton, Chas. M. Rush '84 1895 5470 Jefferson Avenue— 2 to 4— Hyde Park 259. Owens, John E. Jefferson Med. Coll. '62 1895 34 Washington Street— 11 to 1, 4 to 5— Central 3466. Paddock, Chas. E. Northwestern '91 i895 103 State Street— 1 to 3— Central 4921. Parker, Chas. A. Rush '91 l8 95 700 State Street— 1 to 3— Central 556. Patrick, Hugh T. Bellevue '84 1896 34 Washington Street— 9 to 12— Central 2285. Patrick, Z. E. l8 °5 25 Woodland Park— Douglas 1727. Patton, D. H. R. Baltimore Med. '96 1901 ' 2204 Michigan Avenue — 2 to 4, 7 to 8 — Calumet 1226. Pennington, J. Rawson Maryland '87 1895 70J State Street— 9 to 1, 4 to 5.30— Central 43*9- Peterson, Herman D. Northwestern '92 1898 7S00 Michigan Avenue— 11 to 1, 5 to 7.30— Calumet 1428. RESIDENT MEMBERS Pierce, Frank E. Rush '98 1901 100 State Street — 12 to 2 — Central 379. Pierce, Norval H. P. and S. '85 1896 31 Washington Street — 10 to 1, 4 to 5 — Central 1539. Porter, John L. Northwestern '94 1899 72 Madison Street — 1 to 3 — Central 16/8. Porter, W. A. Rush '01 1903 140 Dearborn Street — 12 to 2 — Central 1965. Pusey, Wm. Allen U. City of N. Y. '88 1895 72 Madison Street 10 to 12.30 — Central 4161. Quine, Wm. E. Northwestern '69 1895 103 State Street — / to 3 — Central 861. Quinlan, Wm. W. P. and S., N. Y. '91 1902 42 Madison Street — 11 to 12.30 — Central 32. Quirk, John J. Rush '88 1906 103 State Street — Central 3618. Rhodes, John Edwin Rush '86 1895 100 State Street — 10 to 4 — Central 339. Rice, E. Perry Rush '89 1899 279 Dearborn Street — 10 to 2, 4 to 6 — Harrison 2671. Richter, H. M. P. and S., Chicago, '94 1907 103 State Street — Central 1594. Ridlon, John P. and S., New York, '78 1895 72 Madison Street — 9 to 11 — Central 1678. Ries, Emil Strassburg (Germany), '88 1896 100 State Street — 1 to 3 — Central 174. Riese, B. L. Northwestern '87 1895 215 Wabash Avenue — 10 to 5 — Harrison 3457. Roberts, Thos. E. Chicago Homeo. '88 1906 132 N . Oak Park Avenue, Oak Park. Robison, John A. Rush '80 1895 zoo State Street — 1 to 4 — Central 3596. Rogers, Buell S. Rush '92 1902 100 State Street — 1 to 5 — Central 2307. Sauer, H. Edward Northwestern '96 1899 700 State Street — 3 to 5 — Central 339. Schroeder, Wm. E. Northzuestern '91 1897 103 State Street — 10 to 12.30 — Central 5396. Seifert, M. J. Univ. of Illinois '99 1906 103 State Street — 3.30 to 5 — Central 861. Senn, Emanuel J. Rush '93 1895 100 State Street — // to 1 — Central 3362. RESIDENT MEMBERS [89 Simmons, Geo. H. Rush '92 1899 103 Dearborn Avenue — North 2023. Simon, Ludwig S. P. and S., N. Y., '94 1902 103 State Street — 1 to 3 — Central 2073. Slaymaker, S. R. Rush '92 1902 100 State Street — 1 to 3 — Central 1162. Small, Chas. P. Bowdoin, Maine, '89 1899 /oo State Street — 10 to 12 — Central 2067. Snydacker, E. F. P. and S., Chicago, '98 1900 103 State Street — 10 to 1 — Randolph 968. Stanton, S. C. Northwestern '92 1895 Masonic Temple — 1 to 5 — Central 7134. Stearns, Wm. G. Northwestern '93 1899 92 State Street — jo to 1 — Central 4900. Steele, D. A. K. Northwestern '73 1895 103 State Street — 10 to 12 — Central 861. Stewart, W. T. P. and S., Chicago, '93 1902 978 Douglas Blvd. — 8 to 9, 6.30 to 7.30 — Canal 615. Storer, W. D. Northivestem '88 1895 /oo State Street — 1 to 3 — Central 430. Stowell, James H. Northivestem '81 1895 103 State Street — 1 to 3 — Central 1019. Stubbs, F. Gurney Northwestern '93 1896 103 State Street — 70 to 2 — Central 1594. Stubbs, James E. Univ. of Pa. '64 1895 92 State Street — 9 to 11, 1 to 4 — Central 3326. Swartz, T. Benton Northivestem '88 1895 70 j State Street — 12 to 1 — Central 10 19. Tarnowsky, Geo. W. Northwestern '00 1900 7904 Evanston Avenue — Edgewater 1470. Thomas, A. L. Northwestern '79 1895 4424 Indiana Avenue — Oak 202. Thomas, Homer M. Rash '82 1895 31 Washington Street — 9 to 4 — Private Exchange 1. Tuteur, Edwin B. Jefferson '90 1900 70j State Street — 3 to 5.30 — Central 1019. Tydings, Oliver Maryland '77 1906 70j State Street — 70 to 2 — Central 1019. Van Hook, Weller P. and S., Chicago, '85 1896 103 State Street — 2 to 3 — Central 5396. Walker, James W. Northwestern '93 1900 1 S3 E. 53rd Street — Hyde Park 2986. 90 ] RESIDENT MEMBERS Walker, S. J. North-western '93 1896 394 E. Chicago Avenue — 77 to 1 — North 570. Walling, Willoughby Louisville '68 1895 4127 Drexel Boulevard. Walter, Will Univ. of Mich. '91 1899 72 Madison Street — Mornings — Central 1169. Warbrick, John C. Trinity, Toronto, '94 1905 615 E. 43rd Street — 9 to 11, 7 to 8 — Oak 941. Washburn, J. M. Northwestern '89 1906 100 State Street — 11 to 12 — Central 556. Waterhouse, C. F. Univ. of Pa. '90 1895 42nd and Lake Avenue — 4 to 9 — Oak 710. Watkins, Thos. J. Bellevue '86 1895 103 State Street — 77 to 1 — Central 1065. Weatherson, John Univ. of Illinois '00 1896 103 State Street — 3 to 5 — Central 861. Weaver, Geo. H. Rush '89 1906 513 Washington Boulevard — 1 to 2, 7 to 8 — West 149. Weber, Samuel L. P. and S., New York, '88 1896 100 State Street — 1 to 3 — Central 4356. Webster, Geo. W. Northwestern '82 1896 70 State Street — 1 to 3 — Central 1971. Webster, J. Clarence Edinburgh (Scotland) ,'91 1895 100 State Street — 2 to 4 — Central 1204. Wescott, Cassius D. Rush '83 1895 31 Washington Street — 77 to 12, 2 to 5 — Central 2212. Wesener, John A. P. and S., Chicago, '94 1896 103 State Street — 9 to 5 — Central 2740. West, Stephen G. Rush '90 1903 103 State Street — 2 to 4.30 — Central 1019. Whalen, Chas. J. Rush '91 1904 34 Washington Street — 3 to 5 — Central 2415. Wiggin, Twing P. and S. '86 1900 /oo State Street — 1 to 3 — Randolph 345. Wilder, Wm. H. Med. Coll., Ohio, '84 1895 103 State Street — 10 to 1 — Central 1065. Willard, Wm. G. Chicago Homeo. '87 1904 428 North Kenilworth Avenue, Oak Park Williams, Hugh B. Louisiana (Tulane) '84 1902 700 State Street — 9 to 1 — Central 4819. Williamson, Chas. S. Med. Coll., Ohio, '96 1902 103 State Street — 9 to 11 — Central 2073. RESIDENT MEMBERS [91 Woley, H. P. P. and S., New York, '90 1896 New York Life Building — 9 to 5 — Central 5501. Wood, Casey A. P. and S., Ontario, '87 1895 72 E. Madison Street — 10 to 4 — Randolph 199. Woodruff, Thos. A. McGill '88 1806 72 E. Madison Street — 10 to 4 — Randolph 199. Woodworth, P. M. ' Northwestern '78 1895 1246 N. Clark Street— 1 to 2, 6 to 7—Lakeview 127. Young, Carl O. Harvard Med., Boston '93 1908 100 State Street — 3 to 4 — Central 174. 3829 Calumet Avenue. Zeisler, Joseph Univ. of Vienna '82 1895 100 State Street— 10 to 1, 2 to 4— Central 1656. 92 ] NON-RESIDENT MEMBERS Non- Resident Members Bacon, Joseph B Macomb, Illinois Baldwin, A. E Kettle Falls, Washington Black, Stanley P Los Angeles, California Bridge, Norman Los Angeles, California Egan, Jas. A Springfield, Illinois Findlay, Palmer Omaha, Nebraska Garceau, A. E San Francisco, California Graves, C. H Canon City, Colorado Greenleaf, Geo. F 727 Main Street, Evansvtlle, Indiana Johnson, C. B Champaign, Illinois Norden, Henry A Sturgeon Bay, Wisconsin Olney, Thos. A South Bend, Indiana Peterson, Reuben Ann Arbor, Michigan Pettit, J. W Ottawa, Illinois Rumpf, Wm. H Faribault, Minnesota Starkey, H. M Rockford, Illinois Weis, E. W Ottaiva, Illinois Schmidt, F. W River dale, Illinois Williams ( Nagle) , Helen S McClure House, Wheeling, West Virginia Wing, Elbert Los Angeles, California Worthington, Harry C. .. .Goodwin Block, Beloit, Wisconsin HONORARY MEMBERS [ 93 Honorary Members Addams, Jane Hull House, Chicago Ayers, Philip W 105 E. 22nd Street, New York Coe, George A 620 University Place, Evanston, Illinois Curtis, Lester, M. D 35 Douglas Place, Chicago Darrow, Clarence S 100 Washington Street, Chicago Dewey, Richard, M. D Wauwatosa, Wisconsin Dryer, Geo. P.... 149 S. St. Louis Avenue, Cincinnati, Ohio Finkler, Dr. Dittmar Bonn, Germany Henderson, C. R University of Chicago Hollister, John EL, M. D 3430 Rhodes Avenue Knapp, Herman New York, N. Y. Lyman, Henry M Chicago, Illinois Maclean, Donald Detroit, Michigan Marshall, Dr. J. S United States Army Merriman, H. P., M. D 2237 Michigan Avenue Nelson, Daniel T., M. D 2400 Indiana Avenue Notter, S. L Nettler, England Oliver, Chas. A 1507 Locust Street, Philadelphia Politzer, Dr. Adam Vienna, Austria Small, Albion W University of Chicago Stewart, Wm. P. .Mutual Life Insurance Co. of New York Tappey, Ernst T Detroit, Michigan Taylor, Graham Chicago Commons Vaughan, Victor C, M. D Ann Arbor, Michigan Winckel, Dr. R. von Munich, Bavaria Wolf, R. J Glasgow, Scotland 3ln iflUmnrtam H. N. Hall Admitted 1895 Died D. D. Bishop Admitted 1895 Died Mark H. Lackersteen Admitted 1895 Died Ernest Hart Admitted 1895 Died William E. Clarke Admitted 1895 Died Edwin H. Dorland Admitted 1895 Died John B. Hamilton Admitted 1895 Died James H. Etheridge Admitted 1895 Died W. F. Robinson Admitted 1895 Died J. L. Tucker Admitted 1895 Died Albert E. Hoadley Admitted 1895 Died Edward L. Holmes Admitted 1897 Died A. B. Strong Admitted 1895 Died C. D. Bradley Admitted 1895 Died Truman W. Miller Admitted 1895 Died Ephraim Ingals Admitted 1897 Died F. A. Larkin Admitted 1896. Died Christian Fengsv Admitted: 1895 .... . IDied Edmund Andrews. I . . , . . AdmitUd 1896. ....... Died C. E. Manierre Admitted 1895 Died F. C. Schaefer Admitted 1895 Died Henry M. Lyman Admitted 1897 Died W. S. Christopher Admitted 1895 Died Fernand Henrotin Admitted 1895 Died Arthur B. Hosmer Admitted 1896 Died W. W. Hester Admitted 1895 Died C. S. Burr Admitted 1896 Died H. H. Deming Admitted 1895 Died A. R. Small Admitted 1895 Died Nicholas Senn Admitted 1895 Died Frank H. Montgomery Admitted 1898 Died Daniel J. Doherty Admitted 1895 Died F. C. Greene Admitted 1896 •. . .Died 896 896 897 899 899 899 900 900 900 900 900 900 901 902 902 904 904 905 905 906 906 907 907 907 907 908 908 95 LIBRARY UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS COLLEGE OF MF