782.6 Of 2 b 1867 l y THE LATEST EDITION OF HELEN; OR, TAKEN FROM THE GREEK. % burlesque, IN THREE SCENES, A Companion Picture to “ Paris; or , Vive Lempriere !" BY F. C. BURNAND, Esq., {Member of the Dramatic Authors' Society ), AUTHOR OF Patient Penelope, or The Return ot Ulysses ; Ixion, or the Man at the Wheel ; Alonzo the Brave, or Faust and the Fair Imogene ; Villikins and his Dinah; Lord Lovel and Lady Nancy Bell; Romance under Difficulties; In for a Holiday; Dido ; King- of the Merrows; Deerfoot; Fair Rosamond; Robin Hood, or The Foresters’ Fete ; Acis and Galatsea ; The Deal Boatman; Madame Berliot’s Ball, or the Chalet in the Valley; Rumplestiltskin, or The Woman at the Wheel; Snowdrop, or the Seven Mannikins and the Magic Mirror ; Cupid and Psyche, or as Beautiful as a Butterfly ; Ulysses, or the Iron Clad Warrior and the Little Tug of War; Pirithous, the Son of Ixion; Windsor Castle; Dido (second edition); Paris, or Vive Lempriere; L’Africaine (opera-bouffe) ; L’Africaine (burlesque, Liverpool) ; Boabdil el Chico, or the Moor the Merrier : Sappho, or Look before you Leap; Our Yachting Cruise (G. Reed’s); Der Freischutz, or a good Cast for a Piece ; Antony and Cleopatra, or His-story and Her-story in Modern Nilo-metre; Olympic Games, or the Major, the Miner, and the Cock-a-doodle-doo ; The Latest Edition of Black-eyed Susan, or the Little Bill that was Taken up; Guy Fawkes, or the Ugly Mug and the Couple of Spoons, &c., &c. AND PART AUTHOR OF B. B. ; Volunteer Ball; Turkish Bath; Carte de Visite ; The Isle of St. Tropez; Easy Shaving; &c., &c. %* An adaptation of “ La Belle Helene ,” in Three Acts, (with Offenbach’s music) by the same Author, was performed at the Adelphi. THOMAS HAILES LACY, THEATRICAL PUBLISHER, LONDON. HELEN ; OR, TAKEN FROM THE GREEK. 3 A rt a H | CO M § S W s CO < a g a H 1 4-> *ao £ < P P P but why sing, Instead of acting so. (Agamemnon draws sword — Menelaus recovers himself and does so too — All drav: — the galley begins to move off away from the shore , backwards towards c.) All. 1 They go — they go! Paris and Helen. ) We go — we go ! [ropes thrown back on shore) All. ) We’ll give him such a blow. Paris. j Now then look out below. (Menelaus rushes at the plank , gains the middle — the ship moves off suddenly , the plank disappears , and Menelaus falls into the water — he is picked out by Agamemnon and can only gesticulate wildly as the galley goes farther away , and the curtain descends — the music of chorus is kept up to and through the end) Helen. Paris, {on the ship) Agamemnon. Menelaus. Calchas. Ajax 1st. Orestes. Ajax 2nd. r. r. c. c. l. c. L. Curtain* Paris. All. Menel. Chorus.