'i*L 'X -<**\ 52d Gr. A. HOUSE BILL NO. 462 1921 1 Introduced by Mr. Searcy, March 22, 1921. 2 Read by title, ordered printed and referred to Committee on Efficiency and Economy. V A BILL For an Act to provide for the certification of librarians in the free public libraries of this State. am Section 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, 2 represented in the General Assembly: After January 1, 1922, it shall be unlaw- 3 ful for any person or board to employ any person as a librarian in any free 4 public library in this State, unless such librarian shall have a valid librarian’s 5 certificate, issued by the Department of Registration and Education, pursuant 6 to the provisions of “An Act in relation to the civil administration of the State 7 government, and to repeal certain Acts therein,” approved March 7, 1917, and 8 in force July 1, 1917, as amended. Sec. 2. The term “free public library” shall include all libraries in this 2 State which are supported in whole or in part by funds raised by taxation 3 and which are open to the public. It shall include the Illinois State Library, 4 the Illinois Library Extension Commission and the high school libraries. It 498— 1M 2 5 shall not include the Joint Legislative Reference Bureau or any law library. 6 This Act shall not apply to any librarian engaged in any library maintained by 7 a city, town, township, or village having a population of less than 2,000 inhab- 8 itants by the last preceding Federal census. 9 The term “libarian” shall include any person who serves as a librarian or 10 library assistant, children’s librarian, reference librarian or cataloguer, or one 11 who is engaged in any other library work, but shall not include those perform- 12 ing chiefly clerical service, page service or janitor service, nor shall it include 13 any student attendant employed in any of the libraries of the educational insti- 14 tution in which he is enrolled as a student. I . ; :_s^ ' •• Sec. 3. No person is qualified to receive a librarian’s certificate of any 2 grade unless : 3 (a) He is at least eighteen years of age; 4 (b) He is of good moral character and temperate* habits ; and 5 (c) He has completed four full years of study in a high school approved 6 by the Department of Public Instruction, or any school on the accredited list 7 of the University of Illinois, or has completed an equivalent course of study as 8 determined by an examination conducted by the Department of Registration and 9 Education. Sec. 4. The Department of Registration and Education shall have power 2 to issue four grades of librarians’ certificates. The Department shall hold 3 such examinations as may be necessary to enable applicants to obtain certifi- 4 cates in each grade, but may accept the diploma of any library school approved 5 by the Department in lieu of such examination. 6 Permits for temporary appointments may be granted in case of emergency. 7 Such permits shall be for not more than one year, and shall not be renewable 8 and no person shall be granted such permit a second time until one full year has 9 elapsed after the expiration of a previous permit. 10 Requirements for librarian’s certificates shall be as follows: 3 H B 462 11 (a) For a one year certificate there shall be required: either (1) comple- 12 tion.of an approved summer library course of not less than six weeks or 13 (2) completion of six months in a recognized library training class or (3) a 14 successful elementary examination in library organization and management. 15 (b) For a three year certificate there shall be required: either (1) com- 16 pletion of one full year in an approved library school or (2) completion of two 17 full years in a recognized college or university, and an approved summer 18 library course of not less than six weeks, or (3) completion of an approved % 19 summer library course of not less than six weeks, ,or six months in a recognized 20 library training class and three years successful experience in an approved 21 library. 22 (c) For a six year certificate there shall be required: either (1) gradua- 23 tion from a recognized college or university (or the completion of an equiva- 24 lent preparation) and in addition one full year in an approved library school; 25 or (2) completion of two full years in a recognized college or university, and 26 in addition one full year in an approved library school and three years success- 27 ful experience in an approved library or (3) graduation from a recognized col- 28 lege or university (or the completion of an equivalent training) and in addi- 29 tion completion of an approved summer library course of not less than six 30 weeks or a recognized library training class of not less than six months, tested 31 by an advanced examination or a thesis on some subject in library administra- 32 tion, and also two years successful experience in an approved library. 33 (d) For a life certificate there shall be required: either (1) graduation 34 from a recognized college or university, (or completion of an equivalent prep- 35 aration) and in addition successful completion of two full years of study in an 36 approved library school and one year’s successful experience in an approved 37 library; or (2) graduation from a recognized college or university, (or com- 38 pletion of an equivalent preparation) and in addition completion of one full 39 year of study in an approved library school and three years successful expe- 40 rience in an approved library or libraries or (3) completion of three years in 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 2 9 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 4 a recognized college or university and in addition one full year of study in an approved library school, and five years successful experience in an approved library or libraries; or (4) ten years successful experience in an approved library or libraries, and in addition an acceptable thesis on some subject of library administration. The candidate may submit publications of his own on library topics which may be accepted in lieu of the thesis. Any requirement of work in a college or university, library, library school, summer library course, or library training class may be satisfied by work in an approved institution in this or any other state. The qualifications necessary for each grade of certificate shall be published in pamphlet form by the Department, and distributed free of charge to all per- sons applying therefor. The subjects to be embraced or covered by any exam- ination to determine the fitness of applicants for certificates of any grade shall also be published and distributed free of charge to all persons applying therefor. Sec. 5. Any six year, three year, or one year certificate which has expired, shall be renewed not more than two years after the holder thereof has ceased working as a librarian, upon the payment of the required renewal fee, and upon presentation of a certificate signed by the person, board or corporation last employing such applicant, certifying that the work done by such applicant has been satisfactory. One year certificates shall be renewable, upon the payment of the required renewal fee from year to year for a total of not more than five years. Sec. 6. Any person who is at least eighteen years of age and who is of good moral character and temperate habits and who, on July 1, 1921, has had one year’s experience and is then acting as a librarian in a free public library in this State, shall be entitled, upon application, to receive a three year certifi- cate without regard to any other qualifications prescribed by this Act or by the Department of Registration and Education. Such application shall be made 5 H B 462 % 7 not later than January 1, 1922. Certificates issued pursuant to the provisions 8 of this section shall be renewed in accordance with the provisions of Section 5 9 of this Act. Sec. 7. Every person who desires to obtain a librarian’s certificate of any 2 grade shall apply therefor to the Department of Registration and Education, 3 in writing on blanks prepared and issued by the department. Each application 4 shall contain proof that applicant possesses the particular qualifications required 5 of an applicant for such grade of certificate, shall be verified by the applicant 6 under oath, and shall be accompanied by the fee required in Section 9. Sec. 8. Examinations of applicants for librarians’ certificates of any one I 2 or more grades shall be held by the Department of Registration and Educa- 3 tion at such times and places as it may determine. Sec. 9. An applicant for a librarian’s certificate shall be required to pay 2 the following fees : 3 (a) For an examination to determine his fitness for a certificate of any 4 grade, one dollar ($1.00). 5 (b) For a certificate of any grade, one dollar ($1.00). 6 (c) For the renewal of any certificate, one dollar ($1.00). Sec. 10. The Department of Registration and Education may either refuse 2 to issue, or may suspend, or may revoke any certificate or registration for any 3 of the following causes : 4 (a) Conviction of a felony, as shown by a certified copy of the record of 5 the court of conviction; t 6 (b) The obtaining of, or an attempt to obtain, a certificate of registra- 7 tion, or employment as a librarian, or money, or any other thing of value by 8 fraudulent misrepresentation. 9 (c) Gross incompetency. 10 11 12 13 Il- ls 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6 The Department of Registration and Education may neither refuse to renew, nor suspend, nor revoke any certificate of registration, however, for any of these causes, unless the person accused has been given at least twenty days’ notice in writing, of the charges against him or her, and a public hearing by the Department of Registration and Education. Upon the hearing of any such proceeding, the Director of 'Registration and Education, the Assistant Director of Registration and Education, or the Superintendent of Registration, may administer oaths, and the Department of Registration and Education may procure, by its subpoena, the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant books and papers. Any circuit court, or any judge of a circuit court, either in term time or in vacation, upon the application, either of the accused or of the Department of Registration and Education may, by order fully entered, require the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant books and papers, before the Department of Registration and Education, in any hearing relating to the re- fusal, suspension or revocation of certificates of registration. Upon refusal or neglect to obey the order of the court or judge, the court or judge may compel by proceedings for contempt of court, obedience of its or his order. Sec. 11. Upon payment of the required fee, an applicant who is a librarian, registered or certified under laws of another state or territory within the United States, may be granted a certificate by the Department of Registration and Education at its discretion, upon the following conditions: (a) That the applicant is at least eighteen years of age and of good moral character and temperate habits; and (b) That the requirements for the registration or certifying of librarians of the particular state or territory were, at the date of the certificate, substan- tially equal to the requirements in force in this State at the time the application is made; and (c) That the applicant has acted as a librarian within two years prior to the date of the application. 7 H B 462 Sec. 12. Any person who holds a valid librarian’s certificate, issued as 2 provided in this Act, may be appointed and his salary may he fixed regardless 3 of the terms of any civil service law. Sec. 13. The Department of Registration and Education may adopt rea- 2 sonable rules and regulations relating to the enforcement of the provisions of 3 this Act. Sec. 14. None of the above enumerated functions and duties shall be exer- 2 cised by the Department of Registration and Education, except upon the action 3 and report in writing of five persons, one of whom shall be a member of the 4 faculty of the University of Illinois Library School, and the other four shall 5 be competent librarians who have had five years experience as such, designated 6 from time to time by the Director of Registration and Education to take such 7 action and make such report; and after the first year such persons must be 8 holders of a six year or a life librarian’s certificate. Sec. 15. The Department of Registration and Education shall keep a record 2 which shall be open to public inspection at all reasonable times, of its proceed- 3 ings relating to the issuance, refusal to issue, suspension and revocation of 4 certificates or registration. This record shall also contain the name, places of 5 business and residence, and the date of the certificate of every librarian in this 6 State. s J 4 : X 52d G. A. SENATE BILL No. 286 1921 1 Introduced by Mr. Pervier, March 30, 1921. 2 Eead by title, ordered printed and referred to Committee on Education. A BILL For an Act to provide for the certification of librarians in the free public libraries of this State. Section 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, 2 represented in the General Assembly: After January 1, 1922, it shall be unlaw- 3 ful for any person or board to employ any person as a librarian in any free 4 public library in this State, unless such librarian shall have a valid librarian’s 5 certificate, issued by the Department of Registration and Education, pursuant 6 to the provisions of “An Act in relation to the civil administration of the State 7 government, and to repeal certain Acts therein,” approved March 7, 1917, and 8 in force July 1, 1917, as amended. Sec. 2. The term “free public library” shall include all libraries in this 2 State which are supported in whole or in part by funds raised by taxation 3 and whiqh are open to the public. It shall include the Illinois State Library, 4 the Illinois Library Extension Commission and the high school libraries. It 374—750 2 5 shall not Include the Joint Legislative Reference Bureau or any law library. G This Act shall not apply to any librarian engaged in any library maintained by 7 a city, town, township, or village having a population of less than 2,000 inhab- 8 itants by the last preceding Federal census. 9 The term “librarian” shall include any person who serves as a librarian or 10 library assistant, children’s librarian, reference librarian or cataloguer, or one 11 who is engaged in any other library work, but shall not include those perform- 12 ing chiefly clerical service, page service or janitor service, nor shall it include 13 any student attendant employed in any of the libraries of the educational insti- 14 tution in which he is enrolled as a student. Sec. 3. No person is qualified to receive a librarian’s certificate of any 2 grade unless : 3 (a) He is at least eighteen years of age; 4 (b) He is of good moral character and temperate habits; and 5 (c) He has completed four full years of study in a high school approved 6 by the Department of Public Instruction, or any school on the accredited list 7 of the University of Illinois, or has completed an equivalent course of study as 8 determined by an examination conducted by the Department of Registration and 9 Education. Sec. 4. The Department of Registration and Education shall have power 2 to issue four grades of librarians’ certificates. The Department shall hold 3 such examinations as may be necessary to enable applicants to obtain certifi- 4 cates in each grade, but may accept the diploma of any library school approved 5 by the Department in lieu of such examination. 6 Permits for temporary appointments may be granted in case of emergency. 7 Such permits shall be for not more than ohe year, and shall not be renewable 8 and no person shall be granted such permit a second time until one full year has 9 elapsed after the expiration of a previous permit. 10 Requirements for librarian’s certificates shall be as follows: 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 37 38 39 40 3 S B 286 (a) For a one year certificate there shall be required: either (1) comple- tion of an approved summer library course of not less than six weeks or (2) completion of six months in a recognized library training class or (3) a successful elementary examination in library organization and management. (b) For a three year certificate there shall be required: either (1) com- pletion of one full year in an approved library school or (2) completion of two full years in a recognized college or university, and an approved summer library course of not less than six weeks, or (3) completion of an approved summer library course of not less than six weeks, or six months in a recognized library training class and three years successful experience in an approved library. (c) For a six year certificate there shall be required: either (1) gradua- tion from a recognized college or university (or the completion of an equiva- lent preparation) and in addition one full year in an approved library school; or (2) completion of two full years in a recognized college or university, and in addition one full year in an approved library school and three years success- ful experience in an approved library or (3) graduation from a recognized col- lege or university (or the completion of an equivalent training) and in addi- tion completion of an approved summer library course of not less than six weeks or a recognized library training class of not less than six months, tested by an advanced examination or a thesis on some subject in library administra- tion, and also two years successful experience in an approved library. (d) For a life certificate there shall be required: either (1) graduation from a recognized college or university, (or completion of an equivalent prep- aration) and in addition successful completion of two full years of study in an approved library school and one year’s successful experience in an approved library; or (2) graduation from a recognized college or university, (or com- pletion of an equivalent preparation) and in addition completion of one full year of study in an approved library school and three years successful 1 expe- rience in an approved library or libraries or (3) completion of three years in 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 51 52 53 54 55 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 4 a recognized college or university and in addition one full year of study in an approved library school, and five years successful experience in an approved library or libraries; or (4) ten years successful experience in an approved library or libraries, and in addition an acceptable thesis on some subject of library administration. The candidate may submit publications of his own on library topics which may be accepted in lieu of the thesis. Any requirement of work in a college or university, library, library school, summer library course, or library training class may be satisfied by work in an approved institution in this or any other state. The qualifications necessary for each grade of certificate shall be published in pamphlet form by the Department, and distributed free of charge to all per- sons applying therefor. The subjects to be embraced or covered by any exam- ination to determine the fitness of applicants for certificates of any grade shall also be published and distributed free of charge to all persons applying therefor. m Sec. 5. Any six year, three year, or one year certificate which has expired, shall be renewed not more than two years after the holder thereof has ceased working as a librarian, upon the payment of the required renewal fee, and upon presentation of a certificate signed by the person, board or corporation last employing such applicant, certifying that the work done by such applicant has been satisfactory. One year certificates shall be renewable, upon the payment of the required renewal fee from year to year for a total of not more than five years. Sec. 6. Any person who is at least eighteen years of age and who is of good moral character and temperate habits and who, on July 1, 1921, has had one year’s experience and is then acting as a librarian in a free public library in this State, shall be entitled, upon application, to receive a three year certifi- cate without regard to any other qualifications prescribed by this Act or by the Department of Eegistration and Education. Such application shall be made S B 286 7 not later than January 1, 1922. Certificates issued pursuant to the provisions 8 of this section shall be renewed in accordance with the provisions of Section 5 9 of this Act. Sec. 7. Every person who desires to obtain a librarian’s certificate of any 2 grade shall apply therefor to the Department of Registration and Education, 3 in writing on blanks prepared and issued by the department. Each application 4 shall contain proof that applicant possesses the particular qualifications required 5 of an applicant for such grade of certificate, shall be verified by the applicant 6 under oath, and shall be accompanied by the fee required in Section 9. Sec. 8. Examinations of applicants for librarians’ certificates of any one 2 or more grades shall be held by the Department of Registration and Educa- 3 tion at such times and places as it may determine. Sec. 9. An applicant for a librarian’s certificate shall be required to pay 2 the following fees: 3 (a) For an examination to determine his fitness for a certificate of any 4 grade, one dollar ($1.00). 5 (b) For a certificate of any grade, one dollar ($1.00). 6 (c) For the renewal of any certificate, one dollar ($1.00). Sec. 10. The Department of Registration and Education may either refuse 2 to issue, or may suspend, or may revoke any certificate or registration for any 3 of the following causes : 4 (a) Conviction of a felony, as shown by a certified copy of the record of 5 the court of conviction; 6 (b) The obtaining of, or an attempt to obtain, a certificate of registra- 7 tion, or employment as a librarian, or money, or any other thing of value by 8 fraudulent misrepresentation. 9 (c) Gross incompetency. 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 9 10 11 12 6 • ^ s The Department of Registration and Education may neither refuse to renew, nor suspend, nor revoke any certificate of registration, however, for any of these causes, unless the person accused has been given at least twenty days’ notice in writing, of the charges against him or her, and a public hearing by the Department of Registration and Education. Upon the hearing of any such proceeding, the Director of Registration and Education, the Assistant Director of Registration and Education, or the ' I : Superintendent of Registration, may administer oaths, and the Department of Registration and Education may procure, by its subpoena, the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant books and papers. Any circuit court, or any judge of a circuit court, either in term time or in vacation, upon the application, either of the accused or of the Department of Registration and Education may, by order fully entered, require the attendance of witnesses and the production of relevant books and papers, before the Department of Registration and Education, in any hearing relating to the re- fusal, suspension or revocation of certificates of registration. Upon refusal or neglect to obey the order of the court or judge, the court or judge may compel f by proceedings for contempt of court, obedience of its or his oi*der. Sec. 11. Upon payment of the required fee, an applicant who is a librarian, registered or certified under laws of another state or territory within the United States, may be granted a certificate by the Department of Registration and Education at its discretion, upon the following conditions: (a) That the applicant is at least eighteen years of age and of good moral ■ ^ ■■ . i character and temperate habits; and (b) That the requirements for the registration or certifying of librarians \ - s ! of the particular state or territory were, at the date of the certificate, substan- tially equal to the requirements in force in this State at the time the application is made; and (c) That the applicant has acted as a librarian within two years prior to the date of the application. 7 S B 286 2 3 2 3 2 3 4 5 6 7 8 2 3 4 5 6 Sec. 12. Any person who holds a valid librarian’s certificate, issued as provided in this Act, may be appointed and his salary may be fixed regardless of the terms of any civil service law. Sec. 13. The Department of Registration and Education may adopt rea- sonable rules and regulations relating to the enforcement of the provisions of this Act. Sec. 14. None of the above enumerated functions and duties shall be exer- cised by the Department of Registration and Education, except upon the action and report in writing of five persons, one of whom shall be a member of the faculty of the University of Illinois Library School, and the other four shall be competent librarians who have had five years experience as such, designated from time to time by the Director of Registration and Education to take such action and make such report; and after the first year such persons must be holders of a six year or a life librarian’s certificate. Sec. 15. The Department of Registration and Education shall keep a record which shall be open to public inspection at all reasonable times, of its proceed- ings relating to the issuance, refusal to issue, suspension and revocation of certificates or registration. This record shall also contain the name, places of business and residence, and the date of the certificate of every librarian in this State. 52d Gr. A. SENATE BILL No. 287 1921 <£gp*u 1 Introduced by Mr. Pervier, March 30, 1921. 2 Read by title, ordered printed and referred to Committee on Education. A BILL For an Act to amend Section 60 of “An Act in relation to the civil administration of the State government and to repeal certain acts therein named,’ ’ approved March 7, 1917, in force July 1, 1917, as amended. Section 1. Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, 2 represented in the General Assembly: Section 60 of “An Act in relation to the 3 civil administration of the State government and to repeal certain Acts therein 4 named,” approved March 7, 1917, in force July 1, 1917, as amended,, is amended 5 to read as follows : Sec. 60. The department of registration and education shall, wherever the 2 several laws regulating professions, trades and occupations which are devolved 3 upon the department for administration so require, exercise, in its name, but 4 subject to the provisions of this Act the following powers: 5 1. Conduct examinations to ascertain the qualifications and fitness of appli- 6 cants to exercise the profession, trade or occupation for which an examination 375—750 7 8 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 19 20 21 22 23 24 25 26 27 28 29 30 31 32 33 34 35 36 2 is held; and pass upon the qualifications of applicants for reciprocal licenses; certificates and authorities; 2. Prescribe rules and regulations for a fair and wholly impartial method of examination of candidates to exercise the respective professions, trades or occupations ; 3. Prescribe rules and regulations defining, for the respective professions, trades and occupations, what shall constitute a school, college or university, or department of a universitv, or other institutions, reputable and in good standing and to determine the reputatbility and good standing of a school, college or uni- versity, or department of a university, or other institution, reputable and in good standing by reference to a compliance with such rules and regulations; 4. Adopt rules providing for and establishing a uniform and reasonable standard of maintenance, instruction and training to be observed by all schools for nurses which are to be deemed reputable and in good standing and to deter- mine the reputability and good standing of such schools for nurses by reference to compliance with such rules and regulations; 5. Establish a standard of preliminary education deemed requisite to ad- mission to a school, college, or university, and to require satisfactory proof of the enforcement of such standard by schools, colleges and universities ; 6. Conduct hearings on proceedings to revoke or refuse renewal of licenses, certificates or authorities of persons exercising the respective profess 1 ons, trades or occupations, and to revoke or refuse to renew such licenses, certificates or authorities ; 7. Formulate rules and regulations when required in any Act to be admin- istered. None of the above enumerated functions and duties shall be exercised by the department of registration and education, except upon the action and report lu writing of persons designated from time to time by the director of registration and education to take such action and to make such report, for the respective professions, trades and occupations as follows: 3 S B 287 37 38 39 40 41 42 43 44 45 46 47 48 49 50 / 51 52 53 54 55 56 57 58 59 60 61 62 63 64 65 66 For the veterinary practitioners, three competent veterinary surgeons, not more than two of whom shall he graduates of the same veterinary college, and neither of whom shall he connected with any veterinary college in any capacity ; For the horseshoers, five persons, consisting of three practical master horse- shoers, who have been for at least three years prior to their designation engaged in the occupation of horseshoeing in this State, and two journeymen horsesho- ers, who have been for at hast three years prior to their designation engaged in the occupation of horseshoeing as journeymen horseshoers in this State. For the architects, five persons, one of whom shall be a member of the fac- ulty of the University of Illinois, and the other four of whom shall be architects residing in this State, who have been engaged in the practice of architecture at least ten years ; . For the structural engineers, five persons, one of whom shall be a professor in the civil engineering department of the University of Illinois, and the others of whom shall be structural engineers of recognized standing, who have had not less than ten years’ practical experience, then practicing as structural engi- neers in this State ; For the medical practitioners, embalmers and midwives, five persons, all of whom shall be reputable physicians licensed to practice medicine and surgery in this State, no one of whom shall be an officer, trustee, instructor or stockholder or otherwise interested directly or indirectly, in any medical college or medical institution. For the purp jse of preparing questions and rating papers on prac- tice peculiar to any school, graduates of which may be candidates for registra- tion or license, the director may designate additional examiners whenever occa- sion may require; For the pharmacists, five persons, each of whom shall be a competent reg- istered pharmacist, in the State, and shall have had ten years ’ practical exper- ience in the dispensing of physicians’ prescriptions since such registration; For the dentists, five persons, each of whom has been a licensed practi- tioner of dentistry or dental surgery in this State for a period of five years ur 67 more, and no one of whom is in any way connected with or interested in any 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 dental college or dentol department of any institution of learninig; For the registered nurses, five persons, each of whom is a registered nurse in this State and has been graduated for at least a period of five years from a school for nurses in good standing, and, during the course of training, has sereved for two years in a general hospital, and three of whom shall have had at least two years ’ experience in educational work among nurses * Foi the optometrists, five persons from among such practicing optometrists of the State as have had not less than five years’ practical experience in opto- metry, no one of whom is a member of any optical school school or college or instructor in optometry or person connected in any way therewith, or is a man- ufacturer, jobber or jobbing representative; For the barbers, three practical barbers, each of whom has been for at least live years preceding his designation engaged in the occupation of barbering in this State. For the librarians , live persons, one of whom shall be a member of the fac- ulty of the University of Illinois Library school, and the other four shall be com- petent librarians who have had five years’ experience as such, designated from time to time by the direct- r of Registration and Education to take such action and make such report; and after the first year such persons must be holders of a six year or life librarian h certificate. The action or report in writing of a majority of the persons designated for given tiade, occupation or profession, shall be sufficient authority upon which the director of registration and education may act. In making the designation of persons to act for the several professions, trades and occupations the director shall give due consideration to recommen- dations by members of the respective professions, trades and occupations and by organizations therein. Whenever the director is satisfied that substantial justice has not been done either in an examination or in the revocation of or refusal to renew a license, certificate or authority, he may order re-examinations or rehearings by the same or other examiners. 52d G. A. SENATE BILL No. 287 1921 1 Introduced by Mr. Pervier, March 30, 1921. 2 Read by title, ordered printed and referred to Committee on Education. r; i ‘■■■MteBSHY QF A BILL For an Act to amend Section 60 of “An Act in relation to the civil administration of the State government and to repeal certain acts therein named,” approved March 7, 1917, in force July 1, 1917, as amended. Section 1 . Be it enacted by the People of the State of Illinois, 2 represented in the General Assembly: Section 60 of “An Act in relation to the 3 civil administration of the State government and to repeal certain Acts therein 4 named,” approved March 7, 1917, in force July 1, 1917, as amended / is amended 5 to read as follows : Sec. 60. The department of registration and education shall, wherever the 2 several laws regulating professions, trades and occupations which are devolved 3 upon the department for administration so require, exercise, in its name, but 4 subject to the provisions of this Act the following powers: 5 1. Conduct examinations to ascertain the qualifications and fitness of appli- 6 cants to exercise the profession, trade or occupation for which an examination 375—750 2 7 is held; and pass upon the qualifications of applicants for reciprocal licenses, 8 certificates and authorities; 9 2. Prescribe rules and regulations for a fair and wholly impartial method 10 of examination of candidates to exercise the respective professions, trades or 11 occupations ; 12 3. Prescribe rules and regulations defining, for the respective professions, 13 trades and occupations, what shall constitute a school, college or university, or 14 department of a universitv, or other institutions, reputable and in good standing 15 . and to determine the reputatbility and good standing of a school, college or uni- 16 versity, or department of a university, or other institution, reputable and in 17 good standing by reference to a compliance with such rules and regulations; 18 4. Adopt rules providing for and establishing a uniform and reasonable 19 standard of maintenance, instruction and training to be observed by all schools 20 for nurses which are to be deemed reputable and in good standing and to deter- 21 mine the reputability and good standing of such schools for nurses by reference 22 to compliance with such rules and regulations; 23 5. Establish a standard of preliminary education deemed requisite to ad- 24 mission to a school, college, or university, and to require satisfactory proof of 25 the enforcement of such standard by schools, colleges and universities ; 26 6. Conduct hearings on proceedings to revoke or refuse renewal of licenses, 27 certificates or authorities of persons exercising the respective profess 1 ons, trades 28 or occupations, and to revoke or refuse to renew such licenses, certificates or 29 authorities ; 30 7. Formulate rules and regulations when required in any Act to be admin- 31 istered. 32 None of the above enumerated functions and duties shall be exercised by the 33 department of registration and education, except upon the action and report in 34 writing of persons designated from time to time by the director of registration 35 and education to take such action and to make such report, for the respective 36 professions, trades and occupations as follows: 37 For the veterinary practitioners, three competent veterinary surgeons, not 38 more than two of whom shall be graduates of the same veterinary college, and 39 neither of whom shall be connected with any veterinary college in any capacity ; 40 For the horseshoers, five persons, consisting of three practical master horse- 41 shoers, who have been for at least three years prior to their designation engaged 42 in the occupation of horseshoeing in this State, and two journeymen horsesho- % 43 ers, who have been for at least three years prior to their designation engaged in 44 the occupation of horseshoeing as journeymen horseshoers in this State. 45 For the architects, five persons, one of whom shall be a member of the fac- 46 ulty of the University of Illinois, and the other four of whom shall be architects 47 residing in this State, who have been engaged in the practice of architecture at 48 least ten years ; 49 For the structural engineers, five persons, one of whom shall be a professor 50 in the civil engineering department of the University of Illinois, and the others 51 of whom shall be structural engineers of recognized standing, who have had not 52 less than ten years’ practical experience, then practicing as structural engi- 53 neers in this State ; 54 For the medical practitioners, embalmers and midwives, five persons, all of 55 whom shall be reputable physicians licensed to practice medicine and surgery in 56 this State, no one of whom shall be an officer, trustee, instructor or stockholder 57 or otherwise interested directly or indirectly, in any medical college or medical 58 institution. For the purp jse of preparing questions and rating papers on prac- 59 tice peculiar to any school, graduates of which may be candidates for registra- 60 tion or license, the director may designate additional examiners whenever ocea- 61 sion may require; 62 For the pharmacists, five persons, each of whom shall be a competent reg- 63 istered pharmacist, in the State, and shall have had ten years ’ practical exper- 64 ience in the dispensing of physicians’ prescriptions since such registration; 65 For the dentists, five persons, each of whom has been a licensed practi- 66 tioner of dentistry or dental surgery in this State for a period of fi\e years ur 67 68 69 70 71 72 73 74 75 76 77 78 79 80 81 82 83 84 85 86 87 88 89 90 91 92 93 94 95 96 97 98 4 more, and no one of whom is in any way connected with or interested in any dental college or dental department of any institution of learninig; For the registered nurses, five persons, each of whom is a registered nurse in this State and has been graduated for at least a period of five years from a school for nurses in good standing, and, during the course of training, has sereved for two years in a general hospital, and three of whom shall have had at least two years’ experience in educational work among nurses; For the optometrists, five persons from among such practicing optometrists of the State as have had not less than five years’ practical experience in opto- metry, no one of whom is a member of any optical school school or college or instructor in optometry or person connected in any way therewith, or is a man- ufacturer, jobber or jobbing representative; For the barbers, three practical barbers, each of whom has been for at least five years preceding his designation engaged in the occupation of barbering in this State. For the librarians, five persons, one of whom shall be a member of the fac- ulty of the University of Jllinois Library school, and the other four shall be com- petent librarians who have had five years’ experience as such, designated from time to time by the direct- r of Registration and Education to take such action and make such report ; and after the first year such persons must be holders of a six year or life librarian ’s certificate. The action or report in writing of a majority of the persons designated for any given trade, occupation or profession, shall be sufficient authority upon which the director of reg'stration and education may act. In making the designation of persons to act for the several professions, trades and occupations the director shall give due consideration to recommen- dations by members of the respective professions, trades and occupations and by organizations therein. Whenever the director is satisfied that substantial justice has not been done either in an examination cr in the revocation of or refusal to renew a license, certificate or authority, he may order re-examinations or rehearings by the same or other examiners.