T-I B R.ARY OF THE. U N I VLR.5ITY OF ILLINOIS 973.74 1*61 77 1UULNO1S HI8TOXLICAI, SURVEY HISTORY OF THE ILLINOIS VOLUNTEER INFANTRY, SEPT. 2, 1862, JULY 10, 1865, BY LIEUT. W. H. BENTLEY, WITH AN INTRODUCTION BY GENERAL D. P. GBIEB. PEORIA, ILLINOIS: EDWARD HINK, PRINTER, ADAMS ST., COR. HARRISON. 1883. 1+ -r' S / f \j \JL L* __ '>-(-. n r\ n TO MY COMRADES OF THE SEVENTY -SEVENTH, FROM THE COLONEL WHO SO ABLY COMMANDED US, TO THK DRUMMER BOY WHO CARRIED THE STRETCHER ON THE FIELD OF BATTLE, AS A TRIBUTE OF SINCERE AFFECTION FOR THE LIVING, AND OF PROFOUND SORROW FOR THE DEAD, THIS VOLUME IS RESPECTFULLY DEDICATED, BY THE AUTHOR. 96 1 869 PREFACE. KING SOLOMON made a centre shot when he said "of making many books there is no end," and yet there is always " a long felt want" for another. If it were not so the book trade would be un- profitable. Acting on the belief that there is a a gap somewhere to be filled, this book is writ- ten. It was first projected about twenty years ago soon after the fall of Vicksburg. The writer had been keeping a record of the events in which the Seventy-Seventh participated, while those events were transpiring, and while all the circumstances were fresh in the mind. But he did not rely alone upon his own sight- seeing or his own judgment. Other members of the regiment, from that day to this, have ren- . dered valuable assistance. Among these may be mentioned General D. P. Grier, Major J. M. McCulloch, Lieutenant Henry P. Ayres and J. H. Snyder, Musician of Co. " I." The latter kept a daily record from first to last, noting all the occurrences worth noting, with great care and accuracy. To him I am indebted for the use of his voluminous and interesting journals. Much of the matter contained in these pages was 6 PREFACE. derived from that source. To all who have as- sisted in any way, I can only say, THANK YOU, while indulging the hope that this work may prove acceptable to the members of the regiment and their friends, and be treasured as a memo- rial of the trying scenes through which we were called to pass. It is not the intention to exalt the Seventy- Seventh at the expense of any other regiment. For pure, unselfish patriotism for devotion to principle for endurance on the march and for gallantry in the field, the Volunteer Army of the United States during the war of the rebellion, has no parallel in the history of nations. But while this is true, each regiment has a history peculiar to itself. And it is only right and proper that it should receive full credit for all it accomplished while in the service. As the years roll on, and as one after another takes up the line of march to that undiscovered country from whose bourne no traveler returns, may the ties of affection cemented by close com- panionship during those years of bloody strife, grow stronger as the sun lengthens the shadows on our pathway of life. And at last may we clasp glad hands and renew the friendships of this life in that " house not made with hands, eternal in the heavens." W. H. B. PEORIA, ILL., Sept. 2, 1883. CONTENTS. INTRODUCTION. PAGE. BY GENERAL D. P. GRIER, 9 CHAPTER THE FIRST. "THE LONG ROLL," CHAPTER THE SECOND. "REVIELLE," . . CHAPTER THE THIRD. To THE FRONT, CHAPTER THE FOURTH. ARKANSAS POST, CHAPTER THE FIFTH. ON TO VlCKSBURG, CHAPTER THE SIXTH. VlCKSBURG, 145 CHAPTER THE SEVENTH. SUCCESS, 163 CHAPTER THE EIGHTH. JACKSON, 184 CHAPTER THE NINTH. CARROLLTON, lltf> CHAPTER THE TENTH. BAYOU TKCHE, 205 CONTENTS. CHAPTER THE ELEVENTH. i- A(1E . RECRUITS, 218 CHAPTER THE TWELFTH. TEXAS, 234 CHAPTER THE THIRTEENTH. RED RIVER, 244 CHAPTER THE FOURTEENTH. A. J. SMITH, ^ 260 CHAPTER THE FIFTEENTH. PRISON LIFE, .281 CHAPTER THE SIXTEENTH. THE RETREAT, . 307 CHAPTER THE SEVENTEENTH. GAINES AND MORGAN, 319 CHAPTER THE EIGHTEENTH. "A SOFT THING," 327 CHAPTER THE NINETEENTH. MOBILE, 336 CHAPTER THE TWENTIETH. " ALL PRESENT OR ACCOUNTED FOR," . . 356 CHAPTER THE TWENTY-FIRST. "TATTOO," 378 CHAPTER THE TWENTY-SECOND. "TAPS," . . 385 INTRODUCTION. ST. Louis, July 28, 1883. W. H. BENTLEY, Peoria, III. DEAR SIR: I have read your History of the Seventy-Seventh Regiment Illinois Vol- unteer Infantry, with a good deal of pleasure, and find it to be a very accurate and truthful history of the services rendered to the Govern- ment by that organization. I feel that the Regiment is entitled to have its history written. Its achievements during the War of the Rebellion were of so high a charac- ter, and it earned in so many hard fought bat- tles such distinction, that a truthful history pub- lished at this time, will be highly appreciated by all the members and their friends. The book will be highly prized by them, not only now, but by their decendants in the future. As the Commander of the Seventy-Seventh during the entire term of its service, I take great pride in its brilliant record. Our experience 10 INTRODUCTION. during the whole war was a severe one. We were constantly at* the front. Our long and te- dious marches were trying. Our battles were among the hardest fought during the war. But our brave men went through all without mur- muring, and in the most trying positions in which they were placed, they never failed to acquit themselves honorably. In the estimation of their commanding generals, they stood second to hone. More than twenty years have passed since we became soldiers; and in looking back over what we passed through in those days, we naturally feel that it was a hard life, and perhaps we should not feel disposed, or should hesitate to give another three years of our lives in the same way. But I venture to say right here, that I do not believe there is a man living who served with us during those trying times, but is proud that he was there, and that he will, during his whole life, remember with a thrill of pleasure, that he was once a soldier of the Seventy-Seventh Illi- nois Regiment. I believe that one great cause of the success of the Regiment is due to the kind and charac- ter of the men who composed it. The great majority of them were young men who had been carefully trained at their own homes by good fathers and mothers, who had implanted in them true and manly principles. They were young INTRODUCTION. 11 men of intelligence, honest and upright. They were men who scorned to commit a mean act. On all occasions they could be depended upon to go where you directed them, and to stay there as long as there was any ground under thei? feet to stand on. Such men as these were invincible, and could only be successful, and I believe that no force could resist an army like them, and that they could march triumphantly around the world. We were also favored with good officers. They all came from civil life knew nothing whatever of the life and duties of a soldier had never seen a battle in their lives, and in fact had everything to learn. They learned it in a very short time, and learned it well. They behaved as well in battle as the veteran officers of the regular army who had been in the service all their lives. When, at the close of the war, they were mustered out of service, most of them were competent to take any command. in conclusion, I wish here to congratulate you, my old comrades in arms, on your past achieve- ments. You served your country at a time when you were badly needed, and you served it well. Twenty years have passed away since those stirring events occurred, and the probabilities are that you will never be called upon to take part in another war. But you have the satis- 12 INTRODUCTION. faction of leaving as a legacy to your descend- ants, the record of the brave deeds done by you, in the Great Rebellion of 1861-65. In the future this will be more highly prized by them than any other legacy you could leave them. Yours truly, D. P. GRIER.. CHAPTER THE FIRST. " THE LONG ROLL." )HE summer of 1862 was one of doubt and darkness to the people of the northern states. For long weary months we had been waging an unsuccessful war against the foes of constitutional liberty and popular rights. Thousands of our bravest and best had gone to the front to stem, if possible, the rushing tide of battle. Many had perished on the field, and more had fallen before a worse enemy disease. De- feat and victory were about equally balanced on the line dividing loyalty and treason. There was no silver lining to the dark cloud of war. Hope and fear alternately took possession of loyal hearts. The strongholds of the rebellion seemed to be impregnable to our attacks. In the east, Richmond, with bristling bayonets and frowning batteries, had hurled back the solid columns of the Army of the Potomac, with fear- ful loss of life. In the west, Vicksburg and Port Hudson closed the Mississippi against the com- merce of the great states depending on it and its tributaries for an outlet to the sea. The com- 14 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH bined efforts of the army and navy could not si- lence the batteries or lower the flag of secession at Mobile, Charleston or Savannah. Doubt and uncertainty, almost amounting to despair, took possession of the people. Prayers to the God of battles had ascended from thousands of pul- pits and firesides, for the success of our arms, but no substantial success came in answer to those prayers. "The brave began to fear the power of man, and the pious to doubt the favor of God." Under these disheartening circumstances, on the 28th of June, the governors of the northern states addressed a memorial to the President, urging upon him the necessity of a more vigor- our prosecution of the war. They suggested the propriety of calling upon the different states for additional troops to fill up the vacancies al- ready existing in the field, and to organize such new forces as might be deemed necessary for the prompt suppression of the rebellion. They told him that the people were with the government that they were willing to sacrifice life, prop- erty, everything, for the restoration of the Un- ion and the perpetuity of our free institutions that they would respond to any demand made upon them, and that every available means should be brought to bear upon the one great object-in view the termination of the war. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 15 To this urgent appeal the President replied as follows : EXECUTIVE MANSION, \ Washington, D. C., July 1. j. GENTLEMEN : Fully concurring in the wisdom of the views expressed to me in so patriotic a manner by you in the communication of the 28th day of June, I have decided to call into the ser- vice an additional force of 300,000 men. I sug- gest and recommend that the troops should be chiefly of infantry. The quota of your state would be . I trust they may be enrolled without delay, so as to bring this unnecessary and injurious civil war to a speedy and satisfactory conclusion. A# or- der fixing the quotas of the respective states will be issued by the War Department. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. The key-note was struck. Henceforth there was to be no temporizing. All the energies and resources of the government and the people were to be concentrated on a single object the successful termination of the war. The response to this proclamation was emphatic and prompt. From every pursuit and condition in life the peo- ple rushed with one accord to the defense of the glorious old flag of their fathers. Never before in the history of the world had such a grand uprising of the masses been witnessed. 16 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH The State of Illinois, true to her trust, was not behind the others in contributing men and means for the national defense. Recruiting weat forward vigorously in every city and town and hamlet in the state. The war was the all- absorbing topic of the times. Enthusiastic war meetings were held, and the people were alive to the importance of the issues presented. And when the work of enlistment was complete, when the regiments were all full, that grand army of stalwart men took up the line of march southward a living wall extending from the Atlantic to the Mississippi and as they marched they sang, " We are coining father Abraham, Three hundred thousand more." Among the regiments organized under the President's call of July 1, was the Seventy-Sev- enth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, at Peoria. While the organization of the Regiment was in progress, rival claims appeared for the colonelcy, which for a time seemed difficult of adjustment. Charles Ballance, Esq., a prominent citizen of .Peoria, had been authorized by the governor to raise a regiment of infantry. He had devoted his time and energies to this object, and he very naturally felt that he was the proper person to command the regiment after it was fully organ- ized. On the other hand, there was a strong feeling in the Regiment, both among the officers ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 17 and men, in favor of David P. Grier, who was also well known in Peoria and surrounding country, and who was at that time the captain of Co. "G," 8th Missouri Volunteers. Mr. Ballance's friends urged his claims on the ground that as he had been chiefly instru- mental in organizing the Regiment, he had the best right to command it. Captain Grier's friends urged his military experience as a reason why the command should be given to him. And again, inasmuch as Mr. Ballance was an old man, and an influential citizen, it was thought that he could do more good for the country by remaining at home than by going into the field. But Captain Grier was a young man, and able to endure the hardships and privations of a soK dier's life, as he had already shown on the fields of Donelson and Shiloh. While arguments and negotiations upon the subject in dispute were pending between the parties interested, Gov. Yates commissioned Mr. Ballance as colonel of the Regiment on the 18th of August. By an arrangement subsequently entered into, the command was transferred to Captain Grier, and he was commissioned acord- ingly, as will be seen by the following dispatch : SPRINGFIELD, Sept. 4, 1862. To Col.D. P. GRIER: You will take command of the Seventy- Seventh Regiment as Colonel, Lysander R. 18 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Webb as Lieutenant-Colonel, and M. V. Hotch- kiss as Major. By order of D. L. GOLD, A. A. G. Gov. YATES. On tbe third of September the Regiment was formed on the parade ground, and Colonel Bal- lance, in a neat and appropriate speech, took for- mal leave of his command, at the same time giving a detailed account of the difficulties which had been encountered and overcome in the formation of the Regiment. He then intro- duced Captain Grier as our future Colonel, who appeared upon the stand and remarked that speech-making was out of his line of business, and intimated that we might expect actions rather than words from him. How far this in- timation was realized, will be seen from the fol- lowing pages. Col. Grier was followed by Lieut. Col. Webb, who made a brief but elo- quent speech. He expressed his satisfaction that we had, at length, secured the organization of a regiment, which he trusted would never return dishonored from the field of battle. He was glad that, as Col. Ballance had resigned his commission, we would be led by an experienced officer one who had already seen active ser- vice, and who was fully competent to command us on the march r in the camp, or on the battle field. The proceedings were harmonious throughout, and at the close three cheers were ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 19 given for Col. Ballance, three for Col. Grier, and three for an undivided Union. On the fourth of this month an election was held for chaplain. Several candidates were brought forward and warmly supported by their respective friends. The choice fell on the Rev. William G. Pierce, of Elmwood. Having been mustered into the service of the United States on the second day of September, we now considered ourselves full-fledged soldiers in every sense of the word. But we had much to learn, and more to endure. We were well uniformed in the regulation suit of blue, but the arms first put into our hands were nothing but the flint-lock muskets of ancient times some with locks and some without. With these we paced our "beat" with as much security as though we had been armed with the best rifles in the government arsenals. But we could not rely upon such weapons in conflict with an ene- my, and acordingly we were soon armed with Entield rifles. When we appeared on battallion drill or dress parade we fancied that we made an imposing display that we were soldiers, terri- ble as an army with banners. But we were sadly mistaken, as subsequent experience proved. Yet we were in the service of the United States OUR COUNTRY and we resolved to do the best we could. We looked forward with a good deal of interest to the day when we should 20 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH be permitted to strike a blow in defense of the government of our fathers. It is true we had never witnessed " the pride and pomp and cir- cumstance of glorious war." We had never seen the death-dealing engines of destruction decimating the ranks of an army. Many of those who were now in the full vigor of life, and joyously looking forward to active service, would ere long, sleep their last long sleep beneath the shades of a southern clime. The rattle of musketry, the boom of artillery, and the din of battle, would be their funeral dirge, while their comrades in arms would drop the tear of sorrow and regret over their remains, and then pass on. The friends they left behind would never welcome their return to the joys of home. We thought of these things, yet felt none the less inclined to go. We had something dearer than life at stake, the perpetuation of our civil and religious liberties, and if the shedding of our blood would contribute to this end, we felt wil- ling to make the sacrifice. At all events it was our duty to go, and we went. Camp life was something new. Our first intro- duction to army rations was rather embarrass- ing. We had not been educated for cooks, and now we were brought face to face with the fact, that we must either cook or starve. Our female friends at home would have smiled if they could have seen the perplexity -of countenance which ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 21 characterized us as we attempted to cook. Often had we to enjoy an indifferent dinner or no dinner at all, because we knew not how to pre- pare it. But time heals many wounds and cures many defects. It is not to be supposed, there- fore, that we remained in ignorance on a subject involving such vital interests. On the contrary we soon learned, not only to endure privation and hardships, but also to prepare an acceptable meal a meal which a king, in our circumstan- ces, might envy. There was an establishment in camp purport- ing to be a sutler's shop, but which was, in re- ality, a whisky shop. This was an eye-sore to the members of the regiment, and they resolved that the nuisance should be abated. Many of them were religious, and many of those who made no pretentious to a religious character, were tem- perate in their habits, and they were not willing that the Seventy-Seventh should become ad- dicted to the vice of intemperance at the outset. They notified the " sutler " that he must remove his stock in trade within a specified time, or suf- fer the consequences. With this order he prom- ised compliance, but failed to make his promise good. As mild measures had failed, other means were resorted to. On the night of September 1st, the forces were formed in line of battle, com- pletely investing the enemy's works. After brief skirmishing an assault was ordered. The 22 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH assailants moved forward in handsome style with unbroken lines, and after a faint resistance, the works were carried by storm. This was our first engagement and our first victory. It was com- plete, bloodless and decisive. It was a harbinger of good things to come, of greater victories to follow. The lady friends of the different companies made frequent visits to our camp at Peoria, bringing with them dainties which contrasted strangely with the rough fare to which we were becoming accustomed. Pies and cakes of all kinds, and in almost endless profusion fowls, the barn-yard treasures of home, boiled, baked and fricasseed, also contributed to satisfy our ap- petites, together with other dishes of taste and delicacy too numerous to mention. These were happy days, and transient in their happiness. But memory lingered long and pleasantly around those happy scenes, and we thought of the act- ors in them with feelings akin to veneration. When separated far from them by time and dis- tance, the beautiful language of the poet came to our minds : " Oh, still be my heart with such memories filled, Like the vase in which roses have once been distilled; You may break, you may ruin the vase if you will, But the scent, of the roses will hang round it still." As milk is an article not put down on the government bill of fare, the "boys" were ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 23 obliged to run a dairy on their own account, .or do without the milk. Of the two evils they chose the least. This is the way it was done. Forty or fifty cows, belonging to people in the city, were in the habit of grazing in the vicinity of the camp, and beyond. As they returned to their homes in the evening the boys would head them oft' and drive them into a corral. Here they were at the mercy of their captors. While two of the boys held a cow, four others seated on their heels, would "draw" the daily rations for six. On one occasion as they were thus en- gaged, a funeral procession passed, wending its slow and solemn way to the city of the dead. The occupants of the first two carriages passed by without noticing the proceedings. In the next carnage a pleasant smile of recognition was no- ticed, while the ludicrous scene was too much for the afflicted friends who brought up the rear. With one accord they burst into a hearty peal of laughter, and acknowledged mentally, that what soldiers don't know about drawing rations, isn't worth knowing. On the 20th of September the regiment marched to the city for the purpose of receiving a beautiful national fiag a present from the ladies of Peoria. The presentation speech was made by Washington Cockle, Esq., and responded to by Col. Grier, on behalf of the regiment, 24 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH after which we listened to an eloquent and thrill- ing war speech by E. C. Ingersoll, Esq. Soon after this the ladies presented us with ten libraries of religious books one for each company. By this act of kindness they mani- fested a desire that our intellectual and religious wants should be supplied. They knew the temp- tations incident to a life in the army, arid in throwing these safeguards around us, they acted a noble part. In addition to this, religious exer- cises were held in camp almost every evening, conducted by Mr. William Reynolds and other Christian workers from the city. While these exercises varied the monotony of camp life, they were duly appreciated and long remembered with gratitude by those for whom they were intended. Our time while in camp at Peoria, was chiefly occupied with company and battallion drill, thereby fitting us for active service in the Held. It should be stated in this connection that we were not alone in our encampment. The 85th, 86th, 102d, 103d, 108th and 112th Illinois Volun- teers were with us. On the 27th of September, in company with these regiments, we appeared on review before Col. John Bryner, command- ing the post. There were about 4,500 men, and as this was our first appearance on review, and the largest and most imposing military display ever witnessed at this place, a very large assem- ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 25 blage of men, women and children were present to view the proceedings. Their presence inspired us with confidence as our dense columns marched past the officer reviewing the troops. We were not, as yet, thoroughly drilled, and it is hoped that those who witnessed our maneuvers on that occasion, were charitable enough to pardon the blunders of raw recruits. We were now enacting the closing scenes of our encampment at Peoria, as will be seen by the following order which was issued about this time : HEADQUARTERS, | 77TH REGIMENT ILL. INFANTRY. / Regimental Orders, No. 5. Marching orders arrived for the regiment last evening. Therefore every absent man must report at headquarters immediately. If there are any confined to their beds by sickness, they must furnish a certificate from the physician in attendance, and join the regiment as soon as they are able to travel. D. P. GRIER, Col. Commanding 11th III. Infantry. This looked like business. Something more than playing soldier was in store for us. At last the long-looked-for-day arrived. The 4th of October came, and with it orders to pack knap- sacks, prepare two days' rations and take up the line of march. With these orders we yielded a 2 26 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH. cheerful compliance, as we were becoming weary of the monotonous routine of our duties in camp. The place of our destination was Cincinnati. It may be that we were too anxious to go, but perhaps it was natural. There is something in the excitement of a soldier's life that prompts him to seek new scenes and new adventures, and he never enjoys himself better than when mak- ing these changes. At 2 o'clock P. M., the regi- ment was formed, and soon after we were marching to the depot. The citizens gave us kindly greetings as we passed through the streets of the city, aud when we reached the depot we found a large assemblage of people who had come from the city and country to witness our departure. This was a trying time for the mem- bers of the Seventy-Seventh. Fathers and mothers, brothers and sisters were there, to bid, perhaps, a last farewell to their departing friends. But no doubt they cheerfully made the sacrifice in view of the necessities of their country. At 5 o'clock the signal was given the thrill- ing oh, how thrilling pressure of the hand was exchanged the farewell w r ords were spoken the farewell kiss enjoyed the engine whis- tled the wheels began to revolve, and that long line of cars, filled with soldiers, bound for "Dixie," moved off, leaving home and friends, with all their endearing joys, behind. CHAPTER THE SECOND. "REVIELLE." >HE Roll of the Seventy-Seventh Regi- ment Illinois Volunteer Infantry, as mus- tered into the service of the United States on the second of September, 1862, is herewith presented. While it is not claimed that this roll is absolutely correct, it is believed to be nearly so. In the hurry and confusion and ex- citement incident to the muster out of the Regi- ment, it would be very strange if no mistakes had occurred. But these mistakes are of minor importance. The main facts and incidents re- corded as pertaining to each individual member are substantially correct. And as such, they are respectfully submitted, with the hope that our surviving comrades, in looking over these famil- iar names, may call to mind the forms and fea- tures of those brave men who gave their lives for their country that they may recall many of the scenes and incidents, both serious and comic, which occurred- on the march, in the camp, and on the fatal field and that the ties of friendship and sincere affection, cemented by 28 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH those long, weary months of common sufferings and common dangers, may grow stronger and stronger with the advancing years, until the Su- preme Grand Commander of armies and nations shall sound the last " Tattoo" for the last surviv- ing member of the Regiment. FIELD AND STAFF. COLONELS. Charles Ballance, Peona. Commissioned August 18, 1862, but not mustered. David P. Grier, Peoria. At the outbreak of the war, General Grier was engaged in business at Elmwood, Illinois. As soon as he heard of the fall of Fort Sumpter he expressed his determination to enter the service. He at once began recruiting a company, and the ranks were soon full, when he was elected captain. He tendered the services of himself and company to Gov. Yates, of Illinois, but as the state quota was already full, he was not accepted. He then took his company to St. Louis, where they were mustered into the service in June, 1861, as Co. " G," 8th Missouri Volunteer Infantry. As Cap- tain of that company he was actively engaged for several months, participating in the battles of Fort Henry, Fort Donelson, Shiloh, and the siege and capture of Corinth, Miss., besides many skirmishes of minor importance. On the 25th day of August, 1862, Captain Grier was or- dered to report at Springfield, Illinois, for orders. On ar- riving there he was commissioned by Gov. Yates as colonel of the 77th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, Sept. 2d, and was mustered on the 12th of the same month. He was in com- mand of his regiment continuously from that time until the surrender of Vicksburg, July 4, 1863. During the siege of Jackson, Miss., and until the return to Vicksburg, he was in command of the Brigade to which the 77th belonged. At Franklin and New Iberia, La., Nov. 1863, he commanded ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 29 the 2d Brigade, 4th Division, 13th Army Corps. In August, 1864, he was placed in command of all the land forces on' Dauphine Island, Ala., under the orders of Major General Granger, who was in command of the expedition. After the capture of Fort Gaines, all the troops on the island, excepting the 77th and one other regiment, crossed over to the peninsula and laid siege to Fort Morgan. Colonel Grier was ordered over with them, and retained command of all the land forces there during the siege, and until the capture of the Fort. On the 26th of March, 1865, Colonel Grier was commis- sioned BREVET BRIGADIER GENERAL, a promotion well earned by four years of faithful service, and too long with- held. When General Canhy organized the expedition against Mobile, in the spring of 1865, General Grier was assigned to duty on his Brevet rank, and ordered to the command of the 1st Brigade, 3d Division, 13th Army Corps. He retained command of the Brigade during the entire campaign against Mobile, and the assaults on Spanish Fort and Blakely, and also after the capture of Mobile, on the march up the Tombigbee River. On the return from that march he was assigned to the command of the 3d Division, 13th Army Corps, and remained in command of the Divi- sion until he and his regiment were mustered out, July 10, 1865. During all this time, and in every position to which he was assigned, General Grier had the entire confidence of his own regiment, and of all the other troops under his com- mand. As he led the 77th to the front in 1862, so he had the satisfaction of bringing home what remained of that regiment at the close of the war. LIEUTENANT COLONELS. Lysander R. Webb, Peoria. Mustered Sept. 18, 1862; killed in battle at Mansfield, La., April 8, 1864. The following tribute to the memory of this gallant officer is furnished by Mrs. Virginia B. Bash, of San Anto- nia, Texas, formerly the wife of Col. Webb: * * * * AH mv p a p ers anc i letters connected with the war, were burned in the Chicago fire of 1871, and so far as I know, Col. Webb has no living relative. " Left an orphan early in life, he was adopted by Colonel 30 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Shepherd, a man of large business connections, and, as was supposed, of immense wealth. With the expectation of inheriting this, he was reared in affluence, every imaginary wish gratified before it was expressed, and petted extrava- gantly by his doting foster-mother and her maiden sister. " Notwithstanding this, he exhibited a strong literary bias, and was, with many misgivings, sent to Yale. For three years he continued his studies most creditably, but near the close of that time was suddenly recalled home by the accidental death of his guardian, speedily followed by the death of his wife. " An examination of the property to which he believed himself heir, showed a lamentable state of affairs. Every- thing was confusion, and the result of the disentanglement swept away, not only his original patrimony, but every penny belonging to Col. Shepherd, as well. But Col. Webb was not one to sit down and cry over ill-fortune. " Although little more than a boy, as soon as he compre- hended the state of arTaiis, he started to Springfield, Mass., and made application for employment to the " Republican" which was even at that early day, the leading paper of Western New England. Something in the eager, boyish face, attracted ths attention of Mr. Bowles, and he give him a desk in the editorial room, as it chanced, bv the side of J. G. Holland, the afterwards famous "Timothy Titcomb." "For a year he worked night and day to learn his work, asking no greater praise than the smiles of his associates. " The next year, N. C. Geer, desiring to start a Republi- can paper in Waukegan, Illinois, wrote to Mr. Bowles for a " live editor" to take charge of it, and the result was that Mr. Webb was sent to fill the place. From the first, the success of the new enterprise was assured, and when, a couple of years later, it was found necessary to establish a new Republican daily paper in the stronghold of Democ- racy, as Peoria was then considered, Mr. N. C. Geer was induced to take it in hand, and Mr. Webb accompanied him as editor. The magnetism of the new editor was felt at once, and for the first time, Peorians had a paper of which they were proud. " In the course of the year Col. Webb was married to Virginia, eldest daughter of Charles Ballance, a leading lawyer of Central Illinois, and soon after, at the instigation of his father-in-law, gave up his connection with the Tran- srrifit, and began the study of law. Here his indomitable ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 31 energy and industry came to his aid, and in less than a year he had accomplished what is considered a two year's course, and was admitted to the bar. His partner was Peter Da- vidson, afterwards Major of Artillery, and a brilliant future opened before him. But the war broke out and the first shot at the old flag sent the hot blood coursing through his veins with indignation. "The tears of his young wife kept him out of the first levies, but when the call came for more men to put down a rebellion whose strength no one guessed at, he could stand it no longer, and scarcely counting the cost to those he loved, enlisted as a private in the 77th. His subsequent career is a matter of history and I need not touch upon it. Repeated efforts were made to recover his remains that they might be interred in the family lot at Peoria, but all proved ineffectual. Like many another brave man, he sleeps in an unknown grave to wait the final summons. " Col. Webb was a singularly handsome man, with brown hair and eye.-', and an engaging manner that few could re- sist. As a soldier, he was brave and daring to a fault. It was his fortune to lead his regiment on many trying occa- sions, and in all he added fresh laurels to his reputation. The affection between the various officers of the 77th was unusually fraternal, and neither officers nor men would have shrunk from any danger when Col. Webb led the way. " Col. Webb was born in Berkshire County, Mass., sin- gularly alone in the world. His brothers died in childhood, his guardian was childless, and I never knew of but one cousin, the Hon. J. A. Harris, of Cleveland, Ohio, and he, too, has been dead for ten years." John A. Burdett, Knoxville. Mustered May 22, 1864; resigned January 3, 1865. MAJORS. Memoir V. Hotehkiss, Peoria. Mustered September 12, 1862; resigned February 2, 1864. John A. Burdett, Knoxville. Mustered April 4, 1864; promoted Lieutenant-Colonel. Joseph M. McCulloch, Cazenovia. Commissioned April 8, 1864, but not mustered. In command of Union prisoners at Camp Ford, Texas, from October, 1864, to May, 1865; mustered out as Captain of Company " C," July 7, 1865. 32 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH ADJUTANTS. John Hough, Peoria. Mustered as First Lieutenant of Co. " B," 17th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, August 26, 1861; resigned April 16, 1862; mustered as First Lieutenant and Adjutant of the 77th, September 12, 1862; promoted by the President Assistant Adjutant-General on the staff of Gen. A. J. Smith, May 15, 1863. Henry P. Ayres, Galesburg. Enlisted as Private August 5, 1862; mustered as Cor- poral Co. "A," September 2, 1862; promoted Ser- geant-Major January 14, 1863; mustered as First- Lieutenant and Adjutant May 15, 1863; on detached service as Acting Assistant Adjutant-General 2d Brigade, 4th Division, 13th Army Corps. November 21, 1863; also in 1st Brigade of same Division, Janu- ary 28, 1864. He was also detached as A. A. A. G., on the staff of Col. W. J. Landram, commanding 4th Division, 13th Army Corps', March 15, 1864, and in that capacity participated in the battle of Mansfield, La., April 8, 1864, and was highly complimented for "gallantry and efficiency" on that occasion. Was again detached as A. A. A. G., 3d Brigade, 3d Division, 19th Army Corps, July 13, 1864; mustered out July 10, 1865. QUARTERMASTER. David McKinney, Peoria. Mustered September 12, 1862; on detached service as Acting Assistant -Quartermaster, 2d Brigade, 4th Division, 13th Army Corps; promoted Captain and Assistant-Quartermaster May 15, 1865; on duty as Post-Quartermaster at mouth of White River and at Duvall's Bluff, Ark.; mustered out at Duvall's Bluff January 15, 1866. SURdEON. Charles Winnie, Somonauk. Mustered Assistant Surgeon 55th Illinois Volunteer Infantry, November 25, 1861; promoted Surgeon of the 77th, and mustered December 20, 1862; mustered out July, 10, 1865. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 33 ASSISTANT SURGEONS. Jesse M. Cowan, Magnolia. Mustered September 30, 1862; mustered out at consoli- dation. John Stoner, Minonk. Mustered September 30, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. CHAPLAINS. William G. Pierce, Elmwood. Mustered September 12, 1862; resigned January 7, 1864. John S. McCulloch. Mustered April 5, 1864; mustered out July 10, 1865. NON - COMMISSIONED STAFF. SERGEANT MAJORS. Jehu Buckingham, Cazenovia. August 13, 1862; transferred to Co. " C," June 21, 1863. Henry P. Ayres, Galesburg. August 5, 1862; promoted Adjutant May 15, 1863. Walter JB. Hotchkiss, Peoria. August 12, 1862; discharged for disability September 22, 1864. Charles H. Arms, Knoxville. August 1, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. QUARTERMASTER SERGEANTS. Joe H. Stevison, Magnolia. August 5, 1862; promoted Second Lieutenant Co. "B." George W. Cone, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; promoted Second Lieutenant Co. "I." William Stiteler, Knoxville. August 7, 1862; transferred to Co. "A," January 26, 1865. Leonidas H. Bradley. Transferred from 130th ID. Infantry; retransferred to 130th 111. Infantry as revived. 34 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH COMMISSARY SERGEANTS. Nathaniel H. Wakefield, Peoria. August 9, 1862; transferred to Co. "C," December 21, 1862. William H. Bennett, Peoria. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. HOSPITAL STEWARDS. Ambrose B. Niles, Eugene. August 5, 1862; discharged for disability June 20, 1864. Joel Allen, Minonk. August 8, 1862; commissioned Assistant Surgeon July 24, 1865, but not mustered; mustered out July 10, 1865. PRINCIPAL MUSICIANS. Daniel B. Allen, Elmwood. August 12, 1862; discharged for disability March 15, 1863. John W. Carroll, Peoria. August 7, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Lemon H. Wiley, Elmwood. August 5, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. ROLL OF COMPANY "A." CAPTAINS. John A. Burclett, Knoxville. Mustered September 2, 1862; promoted Major. Gardner G Stearns, Knoxville. Mustered April, 4, 1864; mustered out July 10, 1865. FIRST LIEUTENANTS. Gardner G. Stearns, Knoxville. Mustered September 2, 1862; promoted Captain. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 35 Merritt M. Clark, Galesburg. Date of rank February 2, 1864; mustered out July 10, 1865. SECOND LIEUTENANTS. Merritt M. Clark, Galesburg. Mustered September 2, 1862; promoted First Lieu- tenant. Charles H. Arms, Knoxville. Date of rank February 2, 1864; declined commission. William H. Wilcox, Galesburg. Commissioned February 2, 1864; not /mistered; mus- tered out as Sergeant July 10, 1865. SERGEANTS. W. H. Ilolcomb, Jr., Knoxville. August 1, 1862; discharged March 12, 1864, for promo- tion in U. S. Colored Troops. Walter B. Hotchkiss, Peoria. August 12, 1862; promoted Sergeant Major. William H. Wilcox, Galesburg. August 5, 1862; commissioned Second Lieutenant, but not mustered; mustered out July 10, 1865. John F. Campbell, Peoria. August 7, 1862; killed at Vicksburg May 22, 1863. Thomas Harrison, Galesburg. July 18, 1862; discharged May 7, 1864, for promotion in U. S. Colored Troops. CORPORALS. Arthur H. Rugg, Peoria. August 12, 1862; discharged as Sergeant, December 18, 1863. John II. Sanburn, Knoxville. August 1, 1862; discharged March 12, 1864, for promo- tion in U. S. Colored Troops. Lyman West, Galesburg. July 17, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. W. D. Putnam, Peoria. August 14, 1862, discharged December 17, 1863, for pro- motion in U. S. Colored Troops. 36 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Charles H. Arms, Knoxville. August 1, 1862; promoted Sergeant, then Sergeant Major. John A. Griffith, Galesburg. July 31, 1862; mustered out as Sergeant June 7, 1865. Henry P. Ayres, Galesburg. August 5, 1862; promoted Sergeant-Major. Charles G. Field, Galesburg. August 6, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. WAGONER. William Stiteler, Knoxville. August 7, 1862; promoted Q. M. Sergeant; returned to company; mustered out July 10, 1865. PRIVATES. Andrew J. Abraham, Elmwood. August 15, 1862; died a prisoner of war at Tyler, Texas, December 14, 1864. John Anderson, Knoxville. August 11, 1862; discharged for wounds received at Arkansas Post. Frank W. Ash, Peoria. August 15, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Robert H. Avery, Galesburg. August 15, 1862; discharged at Springfield, 111., July 22, 1865. Horatio F. Bacon, Galesburg. August 5, 1862 ; killed at New Orleans December 25, 1863. Henry A. Barber, Elba. August 12, 1862; mustered out as Sergeant June 17, 1865. Samuel Bolt, Knoxville. August 15, 1862; died of wounds June 21, 1863. James H. Bull, Galesburg. August 9, 1862; discharged for disability April 6, 1863. William H. H. Burdett, Knoxville. August 1, 1862; discharged for disability April 7, 1863. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 37 John C. Burlingame, Galesburg. July 17, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. George D. Butler, Galesburg. August 9, 1862; mustered out as Sergeant, July 10, '65. Wilberforce Churchill, Galesburg. August 1, 1862; died at Young's Point, La., February 7, 1863. William 8. Coe, Knoxville. August 9, 1862; discharged as Sergeant for disability, June 2, 1865. James S. Coe, Knoxville. August 22, 1862; mustered out as Corporal June 17, 1865. George Connell, Truro. August 12, 1862; transferred to V. E. C., July 7, 1864. Isaac Conner, Knoxville. August 11, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Milton Dippery, Knoxville. August 7, 1862; discharged for wounds November 17, 1863. James Divert, Knoxville. August 6, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. James H. Divilbiss, Peoria. August 14, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Samuel S. Divilbiss, Peoria. August 7, 1862; killed at Mansfield, La., April 8, 1864. Ulysses Edwards, Kickapoo. August 12, 1862; died at Memphis, September 3, 1863. Benjamin Fry, Peoria. August 11, 1862; mustered out May 18, 1865. Horace F. Ferris, Galesburg. August 15, 1862; discharged February 6, 1864, for promotion in U. S. Colored Troops. Alexander R. Fisher, Knoxville. August 11, 1862; died in Knox County, Illinois, Octo- ber 10, 1863. Charles P. Foster, Truro. August 12, 1862; discharged for disability April 7, 1863. Francis G. Fuller, Galesburg. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. 38 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Edward F. Green, Galesburg. August 5, 1862; mustered out as Corporal, June 17, 1865. Ira R. Hall, Galesburg. August 15, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Henry D. Hester, Galesburg, August 7, 1862; discharged for disability April 7, 1863. Cornelius Hensey, Galesburg. August 9, 1862; discharged for disability April 7, 1863. Peter Holcomb, Knoxville. August 15, 1862; died at New Orleans, Nov. 10, 1863. Conrad J. Haller, Peoria. August 14, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Asahel E. Hnrd, Galesburg. August 15, 1862; mustered out July 8, 1865. Charles T. Kurd, Peoria. August 15, 1862; transferred to Signal Corps, October 1, 1863. E. Winthrop Jenny, Galesburg. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Cyrus A. Kroeson, Kickapoo. August 12, 1862; transferred to V. E. C., July 7, 1864. Washington Kroeson, Radnor, August 12, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Henry E. Losey, Galesburg. August 1, 1862; discharged January 23, 1864, for pro- motion as Major in the U. S. Colored Troops. W. W. Luddington, Knoxville. August 9, 1862; died at Cairo, 111., March 10, 1863. Daniel Lockbaum, Knoxville. August 8, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Lewis Mather, Knoxville. August 9, 1862; died at St. Louis, Missouri, March 16, 1863. S. Mather, Knoxville. August 1, 1862; died at St. Louis, Mo., February 14, 1863. Henry H. Miller, Galesburg. August 1, 1862; discharged April 9, 1864, for promo- tion in U. S. Colored Troops. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 39 James M. McGraw, Galesburg. August 18, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. John L). Moore, Knoxville. August 9, 1862; discharged for disability June 11, 1863. J. R. Moss, Peoria. August 13, 1862; discharged for disability May 15, 1863. John W. Ostrander, Knoxville. July 31, 1862; died at Milliken's Bend, La., April 6, 1863; buried in National Cemetery at Vicksburg, Section F; number of grave, 119. William Ott, Knoxville. August 6, 1862; mustered out a prisoner of war, June 17, 1865. Julius Rambo, Knoxville. August 9, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. John P. Randall, Knoxville. August 12, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. John Reynolds, Knoxville. August 15, 1862; discharged for disability June 3, 1863. Alfred Russell, Knoxville. August 6, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Luther G. Russell, Elmwood. August 12, 1862; mustered out as Corporal June 17, 1865. Charles W. Sanburn, Knoxville. August 1, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Fred. Summers, Peoria. August 11, 1862; discharged for disability, August 7, 1864. Lester T. Stone, Peoria. August 15, 1862; transferred to Signal Corps, October 1, 1863. William Sturgeon, Peoria. August 15, 1862; discharged for disability June 15, 1863. Lewis J. Swan, Knoxville. August 7, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. 40 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH > James H. Tarleton, Knoxville. August 11, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. John Tompkins, Knoxville. August 7, 1862; died of wounds January 16, 1863. Daniel B. Trench, Peoria. August 11, 1862; died of wounds January 12, 1863. Henry Varley, Peoria. August 14, 1862; mustered out as Corporal July 10, 1865. Charles H. Ward, Galesburg. August 11, 1862; discharged "March 22, 1864, to enlist as Hospital Steward, U. S. A. Mason M. White, Peoria. August 13, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. John Wilber, Knoxville. August 2, 1862; killed at Vicksburg May 22, 1863. Henry Wilson, Peoria. August 9, 1862; mustered out as Sergeant June 17, 1865. John P. Wilson, Peoria. August 15, 1862; discharged for wounds Sept. 10, 1863. Samuel R. Wilson, Peoria. August 15, 1862; discharged May 12, 1864, for promo- tion in U. S. Colored Troops. A. D. Witherell, Knoxville. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865, George Woodmansee, Jr., Knoxville. August 5, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Joseph D. Woodruft', Galesburg. Ausrsst 11, 1862; died at Young's Point, La., June 9, 1863. John L. Woolsey, Knoxville. August 1, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 41 BOLL OF COMPANY " B." CAPTAINS. Robert Irwin, Magnolia. September 2. 1862; killed at Arkansas Post, January 11, 1863. Joe H. Stevison, Peoria. March 1, 1863; mustered out June 13, 1865. Addison E. McCaleb, Robertson. January 16, 1863; not mustered; resigned as First Lieutenant, March 2, 1863. FIRST-LIEUTENANTS. Henry B. Kays, Putnam County. September 2, 1862; resigned December 6, 1862. Charles C. Tracy, Peoria. January 16, 1863; mustered out at consolidation. SECOND LIEUTENANTS. Addison E. McCaleb, Robertson. September 2, 1862; promoted. Joe H. Stevison, Peoria. January 16, 1863; promoted. Samuel W. Cook, Magnolia. May 29, 1863; resigned September 13, 1864. Orange Parrott, Magnolia. March 17, 1865; transferred as consolidated; commis- sioned Captain July 24, 1865, but not mustered; mus- tered out as 2d Lieutenant July 10, 1865. SERGEANTS. Isaac Sprague, Palatine. August 8, 1862; discharged Juue 15, 1863. Samuel W. Cook, Magnolia. August 4. 1862; promoted 2d Lieutenant. Henry Foster, Magnolia. August 6 1862; discharged December 20, 1862. 3 42 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH John Walcott, Magnolia. August 15, 1862; mustered out as Private July 10, 1865. James Wier, Magnolia. August 9, 1862; mustered out as Private July 10, 1865. CORPORALS. Lyman S. Calkins, Magnolia. August 15, 1862; mustered out June 7, 1865. Hiram Compton, Magnolia. August 9, 1862; died at Magnolia, Illinois, September 28, 1863. David Simpson, Magnolia. August 6, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Marion Kays, Magnolia. August 12, 1862; died at Memphis June 8, 1863. William Dugan, Magnolia. August 15, 1862; 'died at New Orleans, February 18, 1865. Ervin O. Smith, Magnolia. August 12, 1862; discharged December 8, 1863. John W. Massie, Magnolia. August 12, 1862; discharged July 25, 1864. Thomas G. Harris, Magnolia. August 14, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865; commis- sioned 1st Lieutenant July 24, 1865, but not mus- tered. MUSICIANS. Silas Norris, Hennepin. August 15, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Rice Dunbar, Hennepin. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. PRIVATES. Anderson Alexander, Magnolia. August 15, 1862; died at Young's Point, La., February 3, 1863. John Alexander, Magnolia. August 15, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865, ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 43 John Brown, Magnolia. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Frank Bobbett, Magnolia. August 15, 1862; discharged December 21, 1862. William G. Boman, Magnolia. August 22, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. William W. Blakeslee, Peoria. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. George Chambers, Magnolia. August 11, 1862; died of wounds April 12, 1864. Stephen Compton, Magnolia. August 9, 1862; died at Milliken's Bend, La., March 19, 1863; buried in National Cemetery at Vicksburg, Section F; number of grave, 121. Francis M. Cook, Magnolia. August 13, 1862; discharged April 16, 1863. Jonas Ellenburgh, Magnolia. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 7, 1865. Marion Ellenburgh, Magnolia. August 13, 1862; discharged May 13, 1865. Jacob Ely, Magnolia. August 22, 1862; killed at Mansfield, La., April 8, 1864. Elias Fisher, Peoria. August 13, 1862; discharged February 18, 1863. William F. Fulsom, Hennepin. August 22, 1862; discharged April 16, 1863. Samuel Grable, Magnolia. August 10, 1862; killed at Arkansas Post January 11, 1863. Aaron Grimes, Magnolia. August 22, 1862; discharged April 16, 1863. Hamilton Gurnea, Magnolia. August 9, 1862; died at Milliken's Bend, La., March 28, ^63. William German, Magnolia. August 22, 1862; discharged at Memphis. Robert Hines, Magnolia. August 9, 1862; transferred to V. R. C., May 15, 1864, 44 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Charles Henthorne, Magnolia. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. William W. Head, Magnolia. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John A. Hoessel, Magnolia. August 15, 1862; discharged at Mound City, Illinois. Isaac B. Head, Magnolia. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 1, 1865. George M. Holmes, Magnolia. August 15, 1862; discharged June 20, 1864. William P. Johnson, Magnolia. August 6, 1862; died near Vicksburg July 25, 1863. George W. Kays, Magnolia. August 15, 1862; discharged December 20, 1862. William King, Magnolia. August 9, 1862; discharged January 16, 1864. Hiram Kraft, Magnolia. August 9, 1862; discharged July 11, 1864. James King, Magnolia. August 22, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John E. McComber, Magnolia. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Henry S. McFarland, Peoria. - Died at Young's Point. La., March 4, 1863. James Malone, Magnolia. _ August 13, 1862: discharged March 12, 1863. Philip Nelling, Magnolia. August 10, 1862; killed at Mansfield, La., April 8, 1864. Roger Ong, Magnolia. August 22, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. William Oldham, Magnolia. August 22, 1862; discharged February 13, 1863. Orange Parrott, Magnolia. August 22, 1862; promoted First Sergeant; then Second Lieutenant. Abram L. Poyer, Magnolia. August 9, 1862; died near Cairo, 111., February 19, 1863. Jonathan Poyer, Magnolia. - Mustered out July 10, 1865. David Parkin, Magnolia. August 9, 1862; discharged August 25, 1864. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 45 John Ruley, Magnolia. August, 15, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John A. Roberts, Lacon. August 6, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. James M. Roberts, Lacon. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Jesse Ray, Magnolia. August 22, 1862; discharged at Memphis. Lewis E. Simpson, Magnolia. August 22, 1862; discharged August 12, 1863. Augustus Schermeman, Magnolia. August 10, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Franklin Smith, Magnolia. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 22, 1865. Edward Sergeant, Magnolia. August 15, 1862; died at Memphis, Dec. 19, 1862. Jesse Studivan, Magnolia. August 22, 1862; discharged June 21, 1863. Joe H. Stevison, Peoria. August 5, 1862; promoted Quartermaster Sergeant. Edward Swargy, Magnolia. August 12, 1862; died of wounds January 16, 1863. Charles C. Tracy, Peoria. August 6, 1862; promoted 1st Lieutenant. Jacob Van Winkle, Magnolia. i August 22, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Samuel Vanhorn, Magnolia. August 22, 1862; mustered out as Corporal July 10, 1865; commissioned 2d Lieutenant July 24, 1865, but not mustered. William A. West, Magnolia. August 22, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. George W. Welser, Magnolia. August 9, 1862; mustered out May 25, 1865. George N. Woodring, Magnolia. August 13, 1862; discharged May 13, 1865. Allen Woodring, Magnolia. August 10, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Daniel E. Winters, Magnolia. August 12, 1862; transferred to V. R. C., June 27, 1865. Eli T. Way, Magnolia. August 22, 1862; discharged April 8, 1863. 46 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH. ROLL OF COMPANY " C." CAPTAIN. Joseph M. McCulloch, Cazenovia. September 1, 1862; mustered out July 7, 1865. FIRST LIEUTENANTS. William A. Woodruff, Peoria. September 2, 1862; resigned March 17, 1863. Philip Jenkins, Cazenovia. March 17, 1863; resigned February 12, 1864. Anderson Wright, Cazenovia. May 24, 1864; mustered out at consolidation. SECOND LIEUTENANTS. Philip Jenkins, Cazenovia. September 2, 1862; promoted First Lieutenant. Charles F. McCulloch, Cazenovia. March 17, 1863; commissioned First Lieutenant May 11, 1865; transferred as consolidated; commissioned Captain April 8, 1864, but not mustered; mustered out as Second Lieutenant June 17, 1865. SERGEANTS. Charles F. McCulloch, Cazenovia. August 13, 1862; promoted Second Lietenant. George A. Hart, Woodford County. August 14, 1862; died at Peoria, 111., October 2, 1862. Jehu Buckingham, Cazenovia. August 13, 1862; promoted Sergeant Major; reduced at his own request; mustered out July 10, 1865. John S. Hornbaker, Peoria. August 9. 1862; discharged for wounds August 28, 1863. Anderson Wright, Cazenovia. August 13, 1862; promoted First Sergeant; then First Lieutenant. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 47 CORPORALS. Joseph A. Hutchinson, Cazenovia. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865, as Sergeant; commissioned First Lieutenant July 24, 1865, but not mustered. Alfred G. Thorn, Linn. August 13, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. John Sewell, Peoria. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865; commis- sioned Second Lieutenant July 24, 1865, but not mus- tered. Albert Shepherd, Logan. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John C. Heron, Metamora. August 13, 1862; discharged for disability June 16, 1864. James P. Black, Richland. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Thomas S. Patton, Logan. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. James H. Drennan, Cazenovia. August 13, 1862; promoted Sergeant; died of wounds May 26, 1863; buried in National Cemetery at Vicks- burg; Section G; number of grave, 1011. MUSICIAN. Enoch Buckingham, Cazenovia. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. WAGONER. Moses Carles, Peoria. August 14, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. PRIVATES. Samuel T. Acres, Linn. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. J. "William Avery, Cazenovia. August 13, 1862; mustered out as Corporal July 10, 1865. William H. Bennett, Peoria. August 12, 1862; promoted Commissary Sergeant. 48 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Alfred M. Blackman, Cazenovia. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Joseph C. Burson, Shelby. August 13, 1862; died at Blackburn, 111., February 12, 1864. Robert Bennett, Peoria. August 14, 1862; killed at Vicksburg, May 22, 1863. James Crow, Limestone. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Minor Calvert, Cazenovia. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. O. A. Cotton, Cazenovia. August 13, 1862; transferred to V. R. C. September 30, 1864. W. F. Carson, Cazenovia. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John B. Carson, Metamora. August 13, 1862; died at Memphis, April 12, 1863. James Drake, Panola. August 22, 1862; died of wounds June 6, 1863; buried in National Cemetery at Vicksburg; Section G; number of grave, 1034. John T. Davis, Cazenovia. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Andrew Dorson, Cazenovia. August 13, 1862; died at Memphis, December 25, 1862. John C. Dunbar, Logan. August 11, 1862; discharged for wounds Jan. 16, 1864. Dennis Duff, Logan. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Lewis Duchesne, Woodford County. August 13, 1862; discharged for disability Feb. 7, 1863. Henry C. Duchesne, Woodford County. August 21, 1862; discharged for disability Feb. 7, 1863. Alexander Debolt, Cazenovia. August 13, 1862; discharged for disability Feb. 7, 1863. Charles C. Enslow, Linn. August_13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Joseph Fisher, Cazenovia. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 49 Isaiah Fisher, Woodford County. August 15, 18(32; mustered out July 10, 1865. August Farrer, Metamora. August 13, 1862; supposed killed at Vicksburg. Philo W. Gallop, Roanoake. August 13, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. William C. Gordon, Henry. August 13, 1862; discharged for disability April, 1863. Clinton L. Gennoway, Cazenovia. August 13, 1862; mustered out a prisoner of war, June 17, 1865. Edward Hall, Logan. August 11, 1862; died at Memphis December 23, 1862. Samuel M. Hart, Woodford County. August 5, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. A. Warren Howard, Selby. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. David W. Hilsabeck, Cazenovia. August 13, 1862; discharged for disability March 20, 1863. Frank N. Ireland, Richland. August 21, 1862; discharged for disability Jan. 20, 1863. Cephas H. John, Woodford County. August 13, 1862; transferred to V. R. C. April 28, 1864. Henry R. Kirby, Woodford County. August 13, 1862; discharged July 12, 1863. John Kennedy, Washburn. August 13,1862; mustered out a prisoner of war June 17, 1865. William M. Kerrick, Cazenovia. August 13, 1862; killed at Vicksburg May 22, 1863. James A. Lindsay, Peoria. August 14, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Samuel A. Lessly, Woodford County. August 14, 1862; discharged for disability October 20, 1863. George M. Lay, Cazenovia. August 13, 1862; died near Arkansas Post, January 10, 1863. John M. McCormick, Woodford County. August 9; 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. 50 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Edwin R. Mann, Woodford County. August 11, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. James R. McCracken, Logan. August 14, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865 Thomas H. McCulloch, Woodford County. August 14 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. William D. McCoy, Woodford County. August 14, 1862; detailed in Chicago Mercantile Bat- tery May 2, 1863; taken prisoner at Mansfield, La., April 8, 1864, exchanged May 27, 1865; mustered out June 17, 1865. Joshua W. McCoy, Woodford County. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Philip H. McCartney, Logan. August 9, 1862; discharged for disability April 3, 1863. William R. Moore, Low Point. August 13, 1862; discharged January 20, 1865. Daniel H. Norris, Cazenovia. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Benjamin Pitcher, Peoria. August 19, 1862; discharged for disability April 3, 1863. John A. Pinkerton, Logan. August 7, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. William M. Pinkerton, Logan. August 14, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Bonaparte Palmer, Cazenovia. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Reuben Parnham, Woodford County. August 11, 1862; died at Memphis April 21, 1863. John G. Philips, Cazenovia. August 13, 1862; discharged for disability March 25, 1863. William Richards, Woodford County. August 13, 1862; died at St. Louis, Mo., April 9, 1863. Andrew Ruling, Metamora. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Martin V. Robbins, Woodford County. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Alma Rogers, Woodford County. August 13, 1862; discharged for disability Oct., 30, 1863. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 51 Joseph T. Sims, Woodford County. August 13, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Joseph R. Sims, Woodford County. _ August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. William Sims, Cazenovia. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. William Stevenson, Linn. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Alfred B. Bcrogin, Woodford County. August 13, 1862; discharged for disability November 17, 1863. Anton Scher, Cazenovia. August 13, 1862; mustered out June 20, 1865. William Stephenson, Cazenovia. August 22, 1862; mustered out July 10 : 1865. Isaac M. Thorn, Cazenovia. August 13, 1862; discharged for disability Feb. 27, 1863. Silas P. Thompson, Woodford County. August 13, 1862; discharged for disability March 9, 1863. James W. Vanarsdale, Linn. August 11, 1862; died at Memphis Feb. 23, 1863. Merrick J. Wald, Woodford County. August 11, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Edward Wallace, Logan. August 11, 1862; died January 26, 1863. John P. Wiley, Limestone. August 14, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865, as 1st Ser- geant; commissioned Captain July 24, 1865, but not mustered. Nathaniel R. Waketield, Peoria. August 9, 1862; Reduced from Commissary Sergeant; deserted. William W. White, Woodford County. August 13, 1862; died at Jefferson Barracks June 22, 1864. George M. Woodburn, Logan. August 21, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. William M. Wright, Peoria. August 9. 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. 52 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH James H. Wedley, Woodford County. Mustered out July 10, 1865. William Wiley, Peoria. August 5, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. James Yeldon, Cazenovia. August 18, 1862; died at Memphis Feb. 26, 1863. BOLL OF COMPANY "D." CAPTAIN. Robert H. Brock, Lacon. September 2, 1862; transferred as consolidated; mus- tered out July 10, 1865; commissioned Lieut. Colonel July 24, 1865, but not mustered. FIRST LIEUTENANTS. William J. Goodrich, Lacon. September 2, 1862; resigned June 9, 1864. John M. Shields, Lacon. November 27, 1864; transferred as consolidated; mus- tered out July 10, 1865. SECOND LIEUTENANT. John M. Shields, Lacon. September 2, 1862; promoted First Lieutenant. SERGEANTS. Benjamin F. Thomas, Lacon. August 11, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865; commis- sioned Second Lieutenant July 24, 1865, but not mus- tered. James T. Bender, Lacon. August 9, 1862; mustered July 10, 1865. Jacob C. Batrum, Lacon. August 11, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Reuben Taylor, Lacon. August 9, 1862; discharged as private, for disability, February 20, 1863. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 53 William Wilson, Lacon. August 9, 1862; mustered out as private June 17, 1865. CORPORALS. Moroni Owens, Rich land. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Frederick B. Jones, Richland. Aujjust 9, 1862; died of wounds May 20, 1863. James Scoon, Richland. August 11, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. James Laughlin, Richland. August 9, 1862; died at Young's Point, La., February 4, 1863; buried in National Cemetery at Vicksburg; Sec- tion C; number of grave, 161. Nicholas S. Sharon, Lacon. August 11, 1862; discharged for disability June 26, 1863. Thomas Frail, Lacon. August 15, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. James M. Powers, Lacon. August 9, 1862, died January 18, 1863. William A. Fisher, Hopewell. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. MUSICIANS. John C. Barney, Belle Plain. August 22, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Charles Chambers, Richland. August 11, 1862, discharged for disability March 5, 1865. WAGONER. John McWhinney, Lacon. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. PRIVATES. Umphred Bickel, Belle Plain. August 9, 1862; died June 15, 1863. John Blackmore, Lacon. August 11, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. 54 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Jacob Buck, Lacon. August 11, 1862; died at Young's Point, La., February 18, 1863. Ithamar Baker, Bennington. August 15, 1862; mustered ou' July 10, 1865. Thomas Burlingame, Lacon. August 9, 1862; discharged for disability July 21, 1863. Horace Burlingame, Lacon. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Lewis H. Burlingame, Lacon. August 9, 1862; deserted October 4, 1862 George W. Brewer, Oxford. August 9, 1862; mustered out June 11, 1865. Andrew J. Brewer, Lacon. August 22, 1862; died of wounds at Vicksburg, May 23, 1863. Alonzo J. Brewer, Belle Plain. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John H. Benson, Putnam. August 9, 1862, mustered out as Corporal July 10, 1865. Frank A. Bennett, Lacon. August 9, 1862; discharged for disability January 31, 1863. Samuel H. Bender, Lacon. August 9, 1862; di-charged for disability December 26, 1862. Rufus A. Chambers, Lacon. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Barnard Connolly, Lacon. August 11, 1862; killed at Vicksburg May 22, 1863. Daniel Chambers, Roberts. August 9, 1862; drowned at Young's Point. La., Jan- uary 31, 1863. Thompson Criseston, Lacon. August 9, 1862; dropped September 3, 1863; supposed to be dead. William H. Cassel, Whitefield. August 11, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. George W. DeLong, Roberts. August 12, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 55 Albert DeLong, Roberts. August 11, 1862; died of wounds, May , 1864. Peter Degner, Lacon. August 11, 1862; died of wounds, May 22, 1863. John T. Durham, Lacon. August 9, 1862; mustered out as Corporal July 10, 1865. Andrew Dufty, Lacon. August 9, 1862; mustered July 10, 1865. George Echols, Steuben. August 6, 1862; died at Memphis, December 30, 1862. Martin V. Etheridge, Hopewell. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Henry Ebersold, Lacon. August 18, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. William P. Evans, Marshall County. August 12, 1862; deserted November 22, 1862. George Fairchilds, Richland. August 15, 1862; died at St. Louis, Mo., February 7, 1863. Daniel Fowler, Lacon. August 12, 1862; transferred to V. R. C., September 30, 1863. Alpheus Ford, Lacon. August 9, 1862; deserted November 1, 1863. Isaac Ford, Lacon. August 9, 1862; discharged for disability, August 14, 1864. William P. Fenn, Lacon. August 22, 1862; died at Mobile, Ala., March 13, 1865. Charles O. Henthorn, Lacon. August 9, 1862; mustered out June 30, 1865. Samuel Hadlock, Lacon. August 9, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Frederick W. Hake, Brimfield. August 9, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Martin Hoagland, Lacon. August 11, 1862; died of wounds at Vicksburg, June 18, 1863. Jason M Hunter. August 13, 1862; accidentally killed August 19, 1863. 56 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH John Harigan, Lacon. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. James P. Isom, Richland. August 9, 1862; killed at Vicksburg May 22, 1863. Benjamin K. Jackson, Richland. August 11, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Frederick Kraft, Lacon. August 14, 1862; died at St. Louis, Mo., July 1, 1863. Daniel Kennedy, Richland. August 11, 1862; deserted January 21, 1863. Apollos Laughlin, Lacon. August 19, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. William Laidlon, Lacon. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John McGowan, Lacon. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Griffith Moyer, Lacon. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Ernestes J. Meyers, Hopewell. August 11, 1862; died of wounds at Vicksburg, May 30, 1863 ; buried in National Cemetery at Vicksburg, Section G; number of grave, 1006. Martin V. Meyers, Hopewell. August 11, 1862; discharged for disability May 20, 1864. Warren D. Meyers, Lacon. August 11, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. George C. Moore, Hopenell. August 9, 1862; died of wounds at St. Louis, Jan. 22, 1863. John Martin, Lacon. August 15, 1862; died at Memphis, April 6, 1863. Peter Overmier, Hopewell. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. William R. Owens, Lacon. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. William Post, Lacon. August 11, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John N. Pratt, Belle Plain. August 12, 1862; mustered out June 29, 1865. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 57 John W. Riggs, Lacon. August 13, 1862; discharged for disability March 20, 1863. Samuel Sawyer, Hopewell. August 9, 1862; died at Springfield, 111., June 21, 1864. Richard Shaw, Lacon. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Jesse Sawyer, Hopewell. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John A. Stockton, Lacon. August 9, 1862; killed at Vicksburg May 22, 1863. David B. Stockton, Chillicothe. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John Scoon, Rutland. August 11, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Cornelius Twinam, Lacon. August 15, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Joseph Tronier, Lacon. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John Torrence, Lacon. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Jacob Vanderson, Lacon. August 9, 1862; transferred to V. R. C. Dec. 21, 1863. John D. Winters, Lacon. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Henry Wagoner, Lacon. August 13, 1862; discharged for disability Dec. 26, 1862. Joseph Willis, Lacon. Amgust 11, 1862; died a prisoner of war at Tyler, Texas, June 17, 1864. ROLL OP COMPANY " E." CAPTAIN. Edwin Stevens, Princeville. September 2, 1862; transferred as consolidated; mus- tered out July 10, 1865; commissioned Major July 24, 1865, but not mustered. 4 58 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH FIRST LIEUTENANT. Samuel J. Smith, Hollis. September 2, 1862; transferred as consolidated; mus- tered out July 10, 1865. SECOND LIEUTENANTS. James H. Schnebly, Medina. Saptember 2, 1862; discharged March 28, 1863. Henry L. Bushuell, Peoria. July 15, 1863; transferred as consolidated; honorably discharged June 2, 1865. SERGEANTS. William Dawson, Rosefield. August 5, 1862; died at Memphis, December 21, 1862. George B. Stiles, Peoria. August 14, 1862; discharged for disability, April 10, 1863. William I. Brooks, Elmwood. August 9, 1862; died at Quincy, 111., Januarys, 1864. Henry E. Slough, Kickapoo. August 14, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. James Parr, Logan. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865; commis- sioned Second Lieutenant July 24, 1865, but not mus- tered. CORPORALS. Henry L. Bushnell, Peoria. August 9, 1862; promoted First Sergeant; then Second Lieutenant. Erasmus 1). Richardson, Peoria. August 14, 1862; discharged as private for disability, September 4, 1863. Wilson G. Morris, Radnor. August 5, 1862; deserted September 19,' 1862. Benjamin F. Robbins, Peoria. August 14, 1862; died a prisoner of war at Savannah, Georgia. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 59 Ellis Hakes, Millbrook. August 7, 1862; discharged for disability, January 8, 1863. Andrew J. Dunlap, Radnor. Angust 4, 1862; died at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Feb- ruary 28, 1863. R. McKee Davis, Peoria. July 22, 1862; died of wounds, May 27, 1863; buried in National Cemetery at Vicksburg; Section G; num- ber of grave, 1012. Henry Patf, Kickapoo. August 14, 1862; committed suicide July 11, 1863. MUSICIANS. Daniel B. Allen, Elmwood. August 12, 1862; promoted Principal Musician. John W. Carroll, Peoria. August 7, 1862; promoted Principal Musician June 29, 1864. WAGONER. Louis Z. Rench, Medina. August 15, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. PRIVATES. Henry Adams, Peoria. August 21, 1862; discharged for disability, April 5, 1863. Joseph Adams, Peoria. August 21, 1862; discharged for disability, January 23, 1863. Henry M. Brooks, Logan. August 8, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Samuel G. Bunting, Logan. August 12, 1862; died January 7, 1863. John Buttrick, Richwoods. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. James Barrigan, Radnor. August 15, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Simeon P. Bower, Rosefield. August 4, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. 60 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH John C. Bush, Jubilee. August 22, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Franklin R. Clark, Rosefield. August 16, 1862; discharged for disability, March 3, 1863. John Collins, Radnor. August 15, 1862; died at Milliken's Bend, La., May 15, 1863; buried in National Cemetery at Vicksburg; Sec- tion E; number of grave, 197. Daniel Cook, Radnor. August 14, 1862; died at Memphis, January , 1863. John Cook, Peoria. August 22, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. George F. Cord, Medina. Mustered out as Sergeant July 10, 1865. Lorenzo W. Cord, Peoria. August , 1862; died of wounds May 25, 1863; buried in National Cemetery at Vicksburg; Section G; num- ber of grave, 1036. Isaac S. Dawson, Rosefield. August 6, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Joseph JN". Dawson, Rosefield. August 4, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John Daily, Logan. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John Evans, Elruwood. August 15, 1862; died at Memphis, March 15, 1863. Franklin W, Eslow, Limestone. August 9, 1862; died January 8, 1863. Thomas Forbes, Logan. August 9, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. John S. French, Logan. August 8, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Silas W. Fisher, Radnor. August 14, 1862; mustered out as Corporal, July 10, 1865. Joseph Fulton, Richwoods. August 12, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Frederick Gutting, Elmwood. , August 15, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 61 Philip Goodman, Radnor. August 11, 1862; discharged for disability, February 1863. Gustavus Huffman, Rich woods. August 14, 1862; killed at Vicksburg May 22, 1863. John 8. Hamerbacher, Rosefield. August 5, 1862; mustered June 17, 1865. James Hutchiusou, Rosetield. August 6, 1862; discharged for disability, June , 1863. Grauville James, Peoria. August 22, 1862; discharged for disability, May 30, 1865. Alexander Kinder, Logan. August 9, 1862; died at Mobile, Ala., March 11, 1865; buried in National Cainetery at Vicksburg; Section F; number of grave, 25. Joseph Letterman, Jubilee. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John B. Loughman, Richwoods. August 12, 1862; died of wounds February 19, 1863. Edward W. Laugh lin, Richwoods. August 12, 1862; died of wounds February 19, 1863. ' James McStravick, Logan. August 13, 1862; died December 19, 1863. William H. Magee, Logan. August 15, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Albert H. Magee, Logan. August 9, 1862; mustered out as Sergeant, July 10, 1865. Jacob Mankle, Peoria. August 13, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Joseph T. Mills, Timber. August 11, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Francis M. McDermott, Mill brook. August 6, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. * John H. Mclntyre, Logan. August 11, 1862; killed at Arkansas Post, January 11, 1863. Thomas J. Nixon, Rosefield. August 7, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. 62 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Le Roy Nash, Elmwood. August 5, 1862; discharged for disability, January 29, 1863. Harris Parr, Hollis. August 14, 1862; killed at Vicksburg May 19, 1863. Samuel Perry, Richwoods. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Samuel A. Rathbun, Rosetield. August 11, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Asa J3. Reeves, Smithville. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Richard W. Rateliff, Peoria County. August 13. 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Solomon Ruse, Peoria. August 11, 1862; deserted July 12, 1864. Thomas J. Randall, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; discharged for disability, January 16, 1863. David Rogers, Peoria County. August 13, 1862; discharged for disability. Otis B. Smith, Elmwood. August 6, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John W. Smith, Rosefield. August 6, 1862; died of wounds June 19, 1863. Charles Stevens. - Killed at Vicksburg, May 22, 1863. Joseph A. Smith, Hollis. August 15, 1862; mustered out May 30, 1865. Cosmer A. Stevenson, Peoria. August 15, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Robert W. Summers, Peoria. August 9, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. James M. Sweet Rosetield. August 7, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Albert Sutton, Trivoli. August 11, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Smith E. Shepler, Richwoods. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Peter M. Shepler, Died at Paducah, Ky., Nov. , 1862. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 63 Cheney W. Thurston, Richwoods. August 14, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Daniel R. Vinson, Rosefield. August 7, 1862; transferred to V. R. C. John W. Wood, Peoria. August 9, 1862; discharged for disability, October 1, 1863. Thomas White, Logan. August 14, 1862; deserted January 1, 1864. Leonard T. White, Logan. August 13, 1862; mustered out as Sergeant, June 17, 1865. David T. Wiggins, Medina. August 15, 1862; died at Louisville, Ky., November 1, 1862. James Watson, Smithville. August 21, 1862; discharged for disability, January 28, 1863. BOLL OP COMPANY "P." CAPTAINS. William W. Crandall, Elmwood. September 18, 1862; honorably discharged May 17, 1864. James K. Secord, Yates City. July 9, 1864; transferred as consolidated ; mustered out July 10, 1865. FIRST LIEUTENANTS. Wiliam O. Hammers, Metamora. September 18, 1862; discharged March 28, 1863. James K. Secord, Yates City. July 2, 1863; promoted. George C. Keuyon, Knoxville. July 9, 1864; transferred as consolidated; mustered out August 15, 1865. 64 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH SECOND LIEUTENANTS. James K. Secord, Yates City. September 18; 1862; promoted. George C. Kenyon, Knoxville. July 3, 1863; promoted. SERGEANTS. George C. Kenyon, Knoxville. August 1, 1862; promoted 2d Lieutenant. James A. Hammers, Metamora. August 22, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865; commis- sioned 1st Lieutenant July 24, 1865, but not mustered. Oliver F. Woodcock, Elmwood. August 22, 1862; discharged March 12, 1864, for pro- motion in U. S. Colored Troops. Endress M. Conklin, Elmwood. August 22, 1862; discharged for disability July 29, 1864. Ephraim S. Stoddard, Metamora. August 22, 1862; mustered out as Corporal, June 17, 1865. CORPORALS. Joseph Irwin, Belle Plain. August 22, 1862; discharged for disability March 6, 1864. James T. Martin, Low Point. August 22, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865, as Ser- geant; commissioned 2d Lieutenant July 24, 1865, but not mustered. Harmon McChesney, Minonk. August 22, 1862; discharged for disability Feb. 2, 1863. Lewis Hamrick, Peoria. August 22, 1862; mustered out as Sergeant, June 17, 1865. Francis W. Fisher, Metamora. August 11, 1862; killed at Vicksburg May 22, 1863. James Sleeth, Roseiield. August 22, 1862; deserted January 18, 1863. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 65 Henry Ferguson, Whitefield. August 22, 1862; discharged Sept. 9, 1862, being a de- serter from 3d Missouri Cavalry. George A. Farnsworth, Washburn. August 22, 1862; mustered out as Sergeant, July 22, 1865. MUSICIANS. Mitchell T. Graham, Elmwood. August 22, 1862; discharged July 1, 1864. Charles Nixon, Gilson. August 22, 1862; killed at Vicksburg June 22, 1863. PRIVATES. Thomas Ashworth, Metamora. August 22, 1862; discharged for disability February 4, 1863. William T. Arrowsmith, Metamora. August 22, 1862; discharged January 4, 1863. John Arrowsmith, Metamora. August 22, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. William Aid, Metamora. August 22, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Charles Aid, Metamora. August 22, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. George Attick, Metamora. August 22, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Thomas Beagle, Fairview. August 22, 1862; discharged for disabitity April 6, 1863. Charles M. Baldwin, Lacon. August 22, 1862; discharged for disability April 6, 1863. Frederick Bolander, Elmwood. August 22, 1862; died at Arkansas Post January 13, 1863. Joseph Buckman, Elmwood. August 22, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Chester Brown, Elmwood. August 22, 1862; discharged September 30, 1862; mi- nor. 66 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH. Hugh P. Beach, Peoria. August 15, 1861 ; discharged March 12, 1864, for pro- motion in U. S. Colored Troops; mustered out February 22, 1867. Noah J. Crew, Minonk. August 22, 1862; discharged for disability December 30, 1862. Jesse Croson, Timber. August 22, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Michael Carrigan, Kickapoo. August 15, 1862; deserted October 10, 1862. Charles W. Carter, Rosefield, August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. French Chamberlain, Peoria. August 15, 1862; deserted January 20, 1863. John Doran, Radnor. August 10, 1862; deserted October 10, 1862. Thomas J. Ewing, Princeville. August 22, 1862, discharged for disability April 6, < 1863. William Fowler, Gilson. August 22, 1862; mustered out as Corporal, June 17, 1865. Francis Hatton, Belle Plain. August 22, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Casper Hummel, Yates City. July 28, 1862; deserted January 29, 1863. Thomas A. Irwin, Knoxville. August 7, 1862; discharged for disability, August 18, 1864. Hosea Johnson, Whitefield. August 22, 1862; promoted Corporal; killed at Mans- field/La., April 8, 1864. John M. Johnson. -Deserted September 18, 1862. Nelson E. Johnson, Knoxville. August 22, 1862; discharged for disability May 30, , 1863. Peter Jury, Minonk. August 22, 1862; transferred to 130th Ill's Inf. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 67 James F. Kent, Yates City. August 22, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. George E. Knox. Discharged lor disability April 6, 1863. Sylvester Kenyon, Low Point. August 22, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. George Lawrence, Knoxville. August 22, 1862; mustered out as Sergeaut, June 17, 1865. Hamilton Lamson. August 22, 1862; no further record. John B. Murray, Lacon. August 22, 1862; died at Young's Point, La., March 3, 1863. James Miner, Knoxville. August 22, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Moses A. Messenger, Belle Plain. August 22, 1862; transferred to V. E. C., May 81, 1864. David B. Macy, Yates City. August 22, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. A. McMullen, Peoria. August 22, 1862; deserted September 20, 1862. Allen F. Mitchell, Peoria. August 22, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Martin Mason, Miuonk. August 22, 1862 ; killed at Vicksburg May 22, 1863. John W. Miner, Knoxville. August 11, 1862; discharged for disability January 10, 1863. George Norman, Peoria. August 22, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Peter 8. L. Newman, Knoxville. August 22, 1862; mustered out May 13, 1865. Charles W. Pierce, Peoria. August 9, 1862; discharged for disability March 10, 1863. Jacob Rediger, Metamora. August 22, 1862; mustered out as Corporal, July 10, 1865. Jonah Stone, Peoria. August 22, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. 68 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Marshall Smiley, Minonk. August 22, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Harmon Seifert, Metamora. August 22, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Monterville Stone, Peoria. August 22, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Andrew Sparks, Low Point. August 22, 1M62; deserted January 18, 1863. Alonzo D. Stoddard, Metamora. August 22, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. DeWitt C. Standiford, Knoxville. August 22, 1862; mustered out June 2, 1865. Samuel E. Thomas, Belle Plain. August 22, 1862; discharged for disability April 16, 1863. Thomas Thurman, Elba. August 22, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. George W. Thomas, Elba. August 22, 1862; transferred to 130th Ill's Inf.; mus- tered out a prisoner of war, August 15, 1865. John Trump, Metamora. August 22, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. James M. West, Lacon. August 22, 1862; died at Vicksburg, August 10, 1863; buried in National Cemetery at Vicksburg; Section L; number of grave 549. William H. West, Lacon. August 22, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865, John Weaver, Low Point. August 22, 1862; deserted October 10, 1862. Henry Walters, Elmwood. August 22, 1862; died at Memphis, Jan. 6, 1863. Richard R. Wilkinson, Minonk. August 22, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865 Henry White, Peoria. August 22, 1862; discharged February 1, 1863. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 69 ROLL OP COMPANY " G." CAPTAIN. John D. Rouse, Peoria. September 2, 1862; transferred as consolidated; trans- ferred to Company " F," 130th 111. Vol. Infantry; mus- tered out August 15, 1865. FIRST LIEUTENANTS. Charles Ireland, Millbrook. September 2, 1862; resigned March 19, 1863. Henry J. Wyman, Brirafield. May 17, 1863; transferred as consolidated; mustered out June 17, 1865. SECOND LIEUTENANTS. Frederick H. Osgood, Henry. September 2, 1862; honorably discharged March 28, 1863. Hiram M. Barney, Brimfield. July 15, 1863; resigned September 23, 1863. SERGEANTS. Hiram M. Barney, Brimlield. July 22, 1862; promoted Second Lieutenant. John Toynbee, Brimlield. August 5, 1862; discharged at Quincy, 111., in 1864. Henry J. Wyman, Brimlield. August 5, 1862; promoted First Lieutenant. Edward E. Burt, Brimlield. August 9, 1862; discharged for disability, February 21, 1863. William W. Miller, Millbrook. August 14, 1862; promoted First Sergeant; killed at Mansfield, La., April 8, 1864. CORPORALS. William G. Huey, Brimlield. August 9, 1862; mustered out as Sergeant July 10, 1865. 70 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Hugh Smart, Brimfield. August 7, 1862; died of wounds at St. Louis, February 20, 1863. Joseph 8. Nightingale, Millbrook. August 15, 1862; mustered out March 31, 1865. Timothy Martindale, Brimfield. August 5, 1862; died at East Pembroke, N. Y., August 31, 1863. Stephen J. Cook, Brimfield. August 5, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. John B. Curran, Brimfield. August 8, 1862; discharged February, 1863. Thomas W. Beckett, Brimfield. August 7, 1862; promoted Sergeant; died February 28, 1865. Hitz Boney Petrcs. Brimfield. August 13, 1862; killed at Vicksburg, May 22, 1863. MUSICIANS. Wesley R. Andrews, Brimfield. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Robert Cooper, Brimfield. August 27, 1862; died at St. Louis, February 26, 1863. WAGONER. Jacob Alderdice, Eugene. August 6, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. PRIVATES. Adrian R. Aten, Millbrook. August 13, 1862; mustered out as Sergeant July 10, 1865. Delos Aldrich, Brimfield. August 12, 1862; died of accidental wounds, August 22, 1863. Joab Baily, Brimfield. August 6, 1862; killed at Vicksburg May 22, 1863. Franklin Beltbrd, Brimfield. August 7, 1862; mustered out as Corporal July 10, 1865; commissioned Second Lieutenant July 24, 1865, but not mustered. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 71 Daniel Beck, Elmwood. August 11, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865 Moses E. Burt, Rrimfield. August 13, 1862; mustered out as Sergeant July 10, 1865; commissioned Captain July 24, 1865, but not mustered Henry Barnes, Brimtield. . August 13, 1862; died at home. Eleazer Barnell, Millbrook. August 14, 1862; killed at Arkarsas Post, January 11, 1863. Henry C. Brassfield, Kickapoo. August 15, 1862; killed at Vicksburg May 22, 1863. David Baronett, Brimfield. August 18, 1862; mustered out July 10,1865. William Baronett, Brimn'eld. August 20, 1862; discharged for disability, February 23, 1863. William Curran, Brimfield. August 5, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. David G. Campbell, Millbrook. August 15 1862; died at home October 3, Ib62. Charles L. Campbell, Millbrook. August 8, 1862; discharged September , 1862, for disa- bility. Samuel W. Campbell, Millbrook. August 8, 1862; died at home October 2, 1862'. Joseph J. Camp, Millbrook. August 8, 1862; discharged for disability, March 7, 1863. Henry F. Cady, Brimfield. August 11, 1862; deserted January 12, 1863. Charles W. Cone, Brimfield. August 15, 1862; died at Young's Point, La., March 8, 1863. William Collister, Eugene. August 14, 1862, mustered out June 17, 1863. Russell Darby, Brimfield. August 8, 1862; mustered out July 10, IcSii,"). Hiram B. Doty, Millbrook. August 13, 1862; discharged January 31, 1863. John Davidson, Kickapoo. August 15, 1862; died at St. Louis December 26, 1862. 72 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Austin M. Dustin, Millbrook. August 14, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Francis 0. Dimmick, Millbrook. August 22, 1862; killed at Mansfield, La, April 8, 1864. William Eaton, Brimtield. August 14, 1862; died at Young's Point, La., February 4, 1863. Joseph D. Ensley, Truro. August 14, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Isaac Ensley, Truro. August 14, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Moses Fisher, Brimtield. August 7, 1862; discharged for disability, April 5. 1865. Joseph H. Fetters, Yates City. August 11, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. James Fleming, Millbrook. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Lafayette Flower, Peoria. August 14, 1862; deserted November 3, 1862. Littleton A. German, Truro. August 6, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Erastus L Gilbert, Brimfield. August 11, 1862; discharged September 26, 1863. se- verely wounded. James Gillins, Brimtield. August 14, 1862; died at Keokuk, Iowa. Francis W. Griswold, Brimtield. Mustered out as Corporal, July 10, 1865. William H. Hanna, Millbrook. August 13, 1862; discharged June 29, 1863. David Hart, Millbrook. August 12, 1862; died of wounds May 27, 1863. Jacob Hockenberg, Brimtield. August 12, 1862; mustered out June 5, 1865. Thomas Hatsel, Brimtield. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Henry Jacques, Truro. August 5, 1862; dropped as a deserter, Oct. 27, 1863. Romeo W. Jones, Brimtield. Augusts, 1862; deserted January 29, 1863. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 73 Frederick R. Johnson, Brimfield. August 5, 18(52; mustered out July 10, 1865. William Lawson, Brimtield. August 5. 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. William M. Lambertson, Millbrook. August 12, 1862; died at Louisville, Ky., Dec. 2, 18(52. Heslip W. Laughlin, Brimtield. August 14, 1862; deserted in face of the enemy. John A. Mendall, Brimtield. August 8, 1862; died at Keokuk, Iowa, Jan. 31, 1864. Henry P. Moore, Brimfield. August 11, 1862; transferred to 2d Ill's Cav. Feb., 1865. Elias Martin, Eugene. August 12, 1862; reported died of wounds received at Mansfield, La., April 8. 1864. William McComb, Brimtield. August 10, 1862; mustered out July 10, 18(55. Calvin R. Ogden, Monmouth. August 2"), 1862; deserted February 21, 1863. David F. Ogden, Monmouth. August 25, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. William Onstott, Kickapoo. August 19, 1862; discharged for wounds December 21, 1863. Jesse J. Purcell, Brimfield. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Gaylord Robinson, Trivoli. August 11, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Joseph Rogers, Millbrook. August 15, 1862; discharged for disability December 12, 1862. John Swan, Brimtield. August 5, 1862; died at St. Louis. Daniel W. Shinmell, Millbrook. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Joseph Shull, Millbrook. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John Shull, Millbrook. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Joseph W. Slocum, Millbrook. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. 5 74 . THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Daniel Shade, Millbrook. August 12, 1862; died at Milliken's Bend, La., May 12, 1863; buried in National Cemetery at Vicksburg, Sec- tion E; number of grave, 201. Franklin Stanton, Millbrook. August 13, 1862: mustered out June 17, 1865. Francis Smith, Kickapoo. August 22, 1862; dropped as a deserter Dec. 12, 1863. Cyrus H. Stockwell, Peoria. August 15, 1862; died of wounds, at New Orleans, June 1864. Samuel Tucker, Eugene. August 10, 1862; discharged February 18, 1863. Joseph Tanner, Millbrook. August 13, 1862; mustered out as Corporal, July 10, 1865. John M. Ward, Brimfield. August 5, 1862; deserted October 27, 1863. Washington Wilson, Millbrook. August 12, 1862; discharged for disability, April 7, 1863. ROLL OF COMPANY "H." CAPTAINS. Lewis G. Keedy, Minonk. September 2, 1862; died January 23, 1863. Milgrove B. Parmeter, Minonk. January 23, 1863; transferred as consolidated; mustered out July, 10, 1865. FIRST LIEUTENANT. Milgrove B. Parmeter, Minonk. September 2, 1862; promoted. George H. Jenkins, Minonk. January 23, 1863; resigned December 14, 1863. Sylvester S. Heath, Clayton. April 19, 1864; mustered out at consolidation. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. . t O SECOND LIEUTENANTS. John Filger, Minonk. September 2, 1862; dismissed March 1, 1863. Sylvester S. Heath, Clayton. Promoted. William C. McGowan, Minonk. March 16, 1865; transferred as consolidated; transferred to 130th 111. Vol. Inf.; promoted 1st Lieutenant Co. "D" 130th Illinois, August 12, 1865; mustered out August 15, 1865. SERGEANTS. George H. Jenkins, Minonk. August 11, 1862; promoted 1st Lieutenant. Stephen O. Pillsbury, Nebraska. August 12, 1862; discharged for disability June 18, 1863. Valentine P. Peabody, Linn. August 9, 1862; mustered out a prisoner of war, June 17, 1865. Henry K. Ferrin, Minonk. August 9, 1862; discharged for disability August 9, 1863. John M. Brown, Minonk. August 11, 1862; discharged for disability June 3, 1863. CORPORALS. William C. McGowan, Minonk. August 11, 1862; promoted Sergeant; then 2d Lieu- tenant. David Filger, Minonk. August 11, 1862 ; discharged for disability June 18, 1863. Cyrus K. Snyder, Green. August 11, 1862; discharged for disability June 6, 1864. Thomas II. Clark, Minonk. August 9, 1862; mustered out as Private July 10, 1865. David L. Murdock, Nebraska. August 12, 1862; mustered out as Sergeant July 10, 1865. Joel Allen, Nebraska. August 8, 1862; promoted Hospital Steward, 76 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Ezra D. Davidson, Clayton. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Aaron Dean Addis, Minonk. August 11, 1862; discharged January 5, 1863. MUSICIANS. Reuben W. Davison, Linn. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Benjamin Wilson, Jr., Linn. August 9, 1862; discharged for disability June 10, 1865. PRIVATES. John Arnett, Nebraska. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. William H. Addis, Minonk. August 12, 1862; mustered out|July 10, 1865. William H. Bocock, Linn. August 9, 1862; mustered out as Sergeant, July 10, 1865; commissioned 2d Lieutenant July 24, 1865, but not mustered. James P. Brooks, Secor. August 9, 1862; died at New Orleans February 16, 1863. William D. Blake, Long Point. August 5, 1862; discharged for disability February 21, 1863. John Bennett, Waldo. August 10, 1862; discharged for disability March 17, 1863. Alfred C. Bell, Belle Plain. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. James Clark, Minonk. August 5, 1862; discharged for disability March 24, 1863. Joseph C. Clegg, Groveland. August 13, 1862; killed at Vicksburg, May 19, 1863; buried in National Cemetery at Vicksburg; Section G; number of grave, 1013. Charles E. Dunham, Miuonk. August 5, 1862; transferred to V. R. C., January 1, 1864. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 77 Charles L. Davis, Linn. August 6, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Asa L. Davison, Clayton. August 6, 1862; discharged April 22, 1865. Daniel W. Davison, Clayton. August 9, 1862; discharged January 17, 1863. Robert Deuby, Minonk. August 8, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Charles 8. Fuller, Groveland. August 8, 1862; discharged February 16, 1863. Benjamin F. Fisher, Green. August 11, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John Farrell, Nebraska. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Isaac Grove, Clayton. August 11, 1862; killed at Mansfield, La., April 8, 1864. Sylvester 8. Heath, Clayton. August 6, 1862; promoted 2d Lieutenant. Fred. W. Holmes, Minonk. August 9, 1862; discharged for disability, December 23, 1863. Ira Hofnagle, Nebraska. August 11, 1862; died of wounds June 16, 1863. Gideon P. Holman, Belle Plain. August 9, 18(52; discharged March 12, 1863, to enlist in Mississippi Marine Brigade. John W. Holman, Belle Plain. August 9, 1862; mustered out May 23, 1865. Daniel Hollenback, Linn. August 13, 1862; discharged April 22, 1865. John W. Howell, Nebraska. August 11, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Richard Hnxtable, Green. August 11, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Flavius G. Her rick, Minonk. August 11, 1862; discharged January 10, 1863. William D. Irwiu, Linn. August 9, 1862; died at Young's Point, La., January 27, 1863. 78 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH William W. Jermau, Liim. August 9, 1862; discharged for disability, March 12, 1863. William 1). Jones, Long Point. August 9, 1862; died at Nicholasville, Ky., Nov. 3, 1862. George W. James, Belle Plain. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Casey B. James, Clayton. August 9, 1862; mustered out as Corporal, July 10, 1865. Leo Julg, Minonk. August 9, 1862; mustered out a prisoner of war, June 7, 1865. Joshua Ketchum, Minonk. August 10, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Conrad Kohl, Groveland. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Joseph L. Kuowles, Clayton. August 7, 1862; discharged for disability Feb. 7, 1863. Milton B. Linn, Clayton. August 2, 1862; died in Woodford County, 111., Dec. 5, 1863. James H. Longfellow, Minonk., August 5, 1862; died at St. Louis, March 29, 1863. Hiram Livingston, Minonk. August 8, 1862; mustered out a prisoner of war, June 17, 1865. Nathaniel Livingston, Clayton. August 9, 1862; mustered out May 23, 1865. Milton G. Marshall, Minonk. August, 5, 1862; killed at Vicksburg May 22, 1863. Stephen W. Maring, Linn. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Joseph Miller, Nebraska. August 10, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Frederick Mehlhorn, Minonk. August 11, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John P. McCoy, Minonk. Augusts, 1862; discharged March 10, 1865. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 79 Joseph McSparren, Minonk. August 9, 1862; mustered out as 1st Sergeant, July 10, 1865; commissioned 1st Lieutenant July 24, 1865, but not mustered. Enoch R. Nye, Clayton. August 6, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Lorenzo D. Philips, Clayton. August 6, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Alfred B. Poage, Groveland. August 9, 1862; mustered out a prisoner of war, June 17, 1865. Fred. Presinger, Minonk. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Thomas P. Peabody, Linn. August 9, 1862; died January 11, 1863. James P. Ross, Grovelaud. August 7, 1862; died at Young's Point, La., March 3, 1863. Thomas Ruff, Miuonk. August 7, 1862; mustered out May 29, 1865. Norman D. Richards, Metamora. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Edwin E. Sampson, Clayton. August 9, 1862; died at Milliken's Bend, La., March 25, 1863. John M. Spandau, Peoria. August 6, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. William B. Self, Nebraska. August 9, 1862; died at St. Louis, May 16, 1863. David Smith, Nebraska. August 8, 1862; died at St. Louis, Feb. 18, 1863. Henry Smith, Nebraska. August 8, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. R. Milton Smilie, Belle Plain. August 9, 1862; committed suicide June 6, 1865. Welden R. Smilie, Clayton. Mustered out July 10, 1865. Robert S. Swift, Long Point. Augusts, 1862; discharged for disability July 1, 1863. 80 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH John M. Smith, Long Point. Angust 9, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. William H. Stewart, Groveland. August 12, 1862; discharged for disability May 27, 1863. Michael Stewart, Minonk. August 12, 1862; died of wounds July 3, 1863. William Swendeman, Clayton. August 9, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Edward L. Sutton, Minonk. August 6, 1862; died of wounds February 3, 1863. Joseph Standaker, Minonk. August 8, 1862; died of wounds January 16, 1863. Norman Smilie, Clayton. August 13, 1862; discharged November 6, 1863. Andrew Sampson, Minonk. August 13, 1862; died at Vicksburg, August 6, 1863; buried in National Cemetery at Vicksburg, Section L; number of grave, 550. James Talbot, Minonk. August 7, 1862; died at Jefferson Barracks, Mo., Feb- ruary 9, 1863. John Talbot, Minonk. August 9, 1862; discharged for disability, Jan. 9, 1863. Israeli). Trowbridge, Minonk. August 11, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John I). Vance, Minonk. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John W. Vanarsdale, August 11, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. William S. Worthington, Clayton. August 2, 1862; killed at Vicksburg, May 22, 1863. Freeman P. Wilson, Clayton. August 16, 1862; killed at Vicksburg, May 22, 1863. Leonidas M. Wilkes, Linn. August 9, 1862; died at Keokuk, Iowa, Feb. 2, 1863. John H. Williams Minonk. August 6, 1862; absent, sick at muster out of Regi- ment. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 81 Collins P. Waterman, Minonk. August 6, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. William H. Young, Minonk. August 9, 1862; discharged for disability June 10,1863. ROLL OF COMPANY "I." CAPTAIN, Wayne O'Donald, Elmwood. Enlisted as Private, Co. G, 8th Missouri Vol. Inf., June 25, 1861; promoted Corporal, Sergeant and First Sergeant; participated in the battles of Fort Henry and Fort Donelson, and the siege and capture of Cor- inth; had the index finger of the right hand shot off at Donelson February 15, 1862; discharged at Mem- phis, Tenn., July 28, 1862; mustered Capain Co. "I," 77th 111. Vol., September 2, 1862; in command of 2d Bat- tallion, Camp of Distribution at New Orleans, La., December 28, 1863, to January 26, 1865, at which time he was mustered out in consequence of the consolida- tion of the 77th and 130th Regiments. FIRST LIEUTENANTS. Silas J. Wagoner, Elmwood. September^, 1862; resigned March 17, 1863. John H. Eno, Elmwood. May 17, 1863; resigned June 22, 1863. Thomas C. Mathews, Salem. January 22, 1864; transferred as consolidated; trans- ferred to 130th 111. Vol. Inf.; promoted Captain Co. "D," 130th 111., August 12, 1865; mustered out Au- gust 15, 1865. SECOND LIEUTENANTS. John H. Eno, Elmwood. September 22, 1862; promoted. George W. Cone, Elmwood. March 17, 1863; commissioned 1st Lieutenant, but not mustered; honorably discharged November 20, 1863. Thomas G. Mathews, Salem. June 22, 1863; promoted. 82 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH SERGEANTS. Imle L. Eno, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; discharged for disability March 12, 1863. George W. Cone, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; promoted Quartermaster Sergeant. Thomas C. Mathews, Salem. August 14, 1862; promoted 2d Lieutenant. George L. Lucas, Elmwood. August 11, 1862; died at Cape Girardeau, Mo., June 25, 1863. Robert J. Biggs, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865; commis- sioned Captain July 24, 1865, but not mustered. CORPORALS. Edward F. Bartholomew, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; discharged for disability February 1, 1863. Rufus Atherton, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Eli H. Plowman, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Joseph M. Lee, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; mustered out as Private July 10, 1865. John J. Rose, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; discharged for disability December 24, 1862. John Wills, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; absent, sick at muster out of Regi- ment. John McMullen, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Alfred B. Reed, Elmwood. August 14, 1862, mustered out July 10, 1865. MUSICIANS. Jasper S. Baker, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; discharged for disability January 11, 1863. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 83 Jacob H. Snyder, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. WAGONER. Alonzo G. Ellsworth, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; discharged for disability February 21, 1863. PRIVATES. Austin C. Aten, Millbrook. August 18, 1862; mustered outasCorporalJuly 10, 1865; commissioned 2d Lieutenant July 24, 1865, but not mustered. Lewis B. Anderson, Salem. August 22, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Lewis J. Bevans, Elmwood. August 22, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Frederick Beeny, Elmwood! August 24, 1862; discharged for disability May 15, 1863. William H. Bentley, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; promoted Corporal October 13, 1863; discharged March 17, 1864, for promotion in U. S. Col- ored Troops; mustered as 1st Lieutenant Co. " D," 77th U. S. Colored Infantry, May 24. 1864; transferred to Co. "H," 10th U. S. Colored Artillery (heavy), October 1, 1865; resigned September 18, 1866. Isaac Brown, Elmwood. August 15, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. John T. Biggs, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; mustered out June 6, 1865. Robert Benton, Salem. August 22, 1862; deserted November 20, 1862. William M. Cox, Salem. August 15, 1862; died at Benton Barracks, Mo., Feb- ruary 2, 1863. John H. Clark, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; discharged for disability March 27, 1863. Asa A. Cook, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. James D. Caldwell, Elmwood. August 15, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. *84 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Richard Cowley, Elmwood. August 22, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. George Darnell, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; died at Peoria, 111., September 28, 1862. George M. Dixon, Salem. August 22, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Enos Frisbie, Elmwood. August 15, 1862, died at Milliken's Bend, La., May 2, 1863; buried in National Cemetery at Vicksburg; Sec- tion A ; number of grave, 90. Jacob Fisher, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; died at Memphis, December 20, 1863. Joel J. Fox, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; discharged for disability February 4, 1863. Hiram B. Fox, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; discharged for disability Jan. 1, 1864. Willis H. Ferguson, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; absent, sick at muster out of Regiment. George T. Finch, Salem. August 14, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Ichabod O. Gibbs, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; discharged for disability October 2!), 1862. Lemuel Hand, Elmwood. August 15, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John C. Hill, Salem. August 18, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John Hyne, Elmwood. ^ August 14, 1862; killed at Vicksburg May 22, 1863. Eli Humphrey, Elmwood. August 14, 1*62; died at Milliken's Bend, La., April 27, 1863; buried in National Cemetery at Vicksburg; Section E; number of grave, 150. Pleasant A. Hildebrandt, Elba. August 14, 1862; discharged for disability August 19, 1863. Joseph Huffman, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; discharged for disability July 25, 1863. Homer H. Higbie, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 85 Barney Hand, Elm wood. August 14, 1862; died June 18, 1863. Benedict M. S. Horner, Elmwood. August 15, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Anthony Hauler, Salem. August 20, 1862; died at Louisville, Ky., January 3, 1863. Abraham Hull, Salem. August 22, 1862; mustered out as Sergeant July 10, 1865; commissioned 1st Lieutenant July 24, 1865, but not mus- tered. Thomas F. Jacobs, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; dropped as a deserter, September 3, 1864. William W. Jacobs, Elmwood. Mustered out July 10, 1865. Butler K. Jones, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; died at Memphis March 14, 1863. Theodore P. Jarman, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; discharged for disability January 18, 1863. John M. Jordan, Salem. August 22, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Henry Keller, Salem. August 15, 1862; died at Covington, Kv., November 15, 1862. James C. Moore, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; died at Young's Point, La., February 15, 1863; buried in National Cemetery at Vicksburg"; Section C; number of grave, 162. George W. McCann, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John H. Mathews, Salem. August 14, 1862; tranferred to V. R. C., April 28, 1864; discharged at Concord, N. H., June 30, 1865. Micajah C. Macy, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; discharged for disability Jan. 7, 1863. Daniel D. Moore, Salem. August 14, 1862; died at Young's Point, La., February 1, 1863. Richard Murphy, Elmwood. August 21, 1862; deserted September 14, 1862. 86 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH. Milton Nunn, Elmwood. August 21, 1862; discharged for disability March 1 1863. John W. Poe, Elmwood. August 15, 1862; discharged for disability January 20, 1863. Garret D. Pence, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. William H. Richardson, Elmwood. August 15, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Scott H. Rockeniield, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Cleves S. Rockenfield, Elmwood. August 15, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Frank A. Redtield, Brimneld. August 15, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John A. Randall, Elmwood. August 15, 1862; died at Milliken's Bend, La., May 28, 1863; buried in National Cemetery at Vicksburg; Sec- tion H; number of grave, 92. Lyman H. Smith, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. George S. Smith, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; discharged for disability Feb. 21, 1863. Myron C. Smith, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Robert Scanlan, Elmwood. August 22, 1862; discharged for disability February 6, 1863. William B. Toler, Elmwood. August 15, 1862; died at Memphis January 15, 1863. Alexander Thurman, Salem. August 18, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. John C. Widner, Elmwood. _ August 14, 1862; deserted October 29, 1862. William H. Warne, Elmwood. August 15, 1862; discharged for wounds, October 30, 1863. Jacob D. Wasson, Elmwood. August 14, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 87 Lemon H. Wiley, Elmwood. August 15, 1862; promoted Principal Musician, June 2!>, 1864. Thomas Yerby, Salem. August 15, 1862; deserted December 20, 1862. ROLL OF COMPANY " K." CAPTAINS. Ephraim C. Ryuearson, Rosefield. September 2, 1862; resigned October 21, 1862. William H. White, Rosefield. October 21, 1862; mustered out at consolidation. FIRST LIEUTENANTS. William H. White, Rosefield. September 2, 1862; promoted. Sylvester S. Edwards. Rosefield. October 22, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. SECOND LIEUTENANTS. Sylvester S. Edwards, Rosetield. September 2, 1862; promoted. Marcus O. Harkness, Elmwood. October 21, 1862; transferred as consolidated; honora- bly discharged June 15, 1865. SERGEANTS. Marcus O. Harkness, Elmwood. August 13, 1862; promoted 2d Lieutenant. Servetus Holt, Rosefield. August 9, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. John Yinger, Rosefield. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865; commis- sioned Captain July 24, 1865. but not mustered. George Edwards, Rosefield. August 7, 1862; mustered out as Private, July 10, 1865. Harvey R. Brockett, Rosefield. August 9, 1862; Private; died at Morganza, La., Octo- ber 4, 1864. THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH CORPORALS. John White, Rosefield. August 8, 1882; mustered out March 19, ISlM. Francis Shorder, Kickapoo. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John M. Harper, Roseiield. August 11, 1862; discharged for disability March 28, 1863. George W. Awl, Roseiield. August 12, 1862; mustered out as Private July 10, 1865. Enlee E. Coulson, Rosefield. August 9, 1862; mustered out as Private July 10, isr,:, Andrew J. Vleet, Roseiield. August 8, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Oswall B. Green, Rosefield. August 14, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Richard M. Holt, Roseiield. August 9, 1862; promoted Sergeant; died at Peoria, 111., October 5, 1864. MUSICIANS. Daniel Slane, Rosefield. August 15, 1862; discharged for disability. Charles E. Lines, Rosefield. August 11, 1862; deserted October 28, 1863. WAGONER. Clement S. Padget, Rosefield. August 22, 1862; discharged for disability June 11, 1863. PRIVATES. William Beck, Rosefield. August 8, 1862; died of wounds, May 26, 1863. Eli Brown, Rosefield. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. J. Henry Brown, Rosefield. August 13, 1862; killed at Mansfield, La., April 8, 1864. Patrick Brown August 7, 1862; supposed to have deserted. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 89 Henry Behrns, Rosefield. August 15, 1862; died at Milliken's Bend, La., July 12, 1863; buried in National Cemetery at Vicksburg, Sec- tion B; number of grave, 89. John Camp, Rosefield. August 8, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John Cronan, Rosefield. August 9, 1862; died of wounds July 8, 1863. Henry Coulson, Rosefield. Mustered out July 10, 1865. William Clayton, Rosefield. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Uriah Dunhaugh, Rosefield. August 9, 1862; discharged June 30, 1863. William Donelly, Rosefield. August 22, 1862; mustered but July 10, 1865. John A. Enders, Rosefield. August 8, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Jacob Frank, Peoria. August 16, 1862; died. John Greenhalch, Rosefield. August 12, 1862 ; mustered out a prisoner of war, June 17, 1865. Frederick Gilson, Rosefield. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Roger Greenough, Rosefield. August 9, 1862; transferred to V. R. C., June 15, 1864. Auxilius Gurtern, Kickapoo. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John Haynes, Rosefield. August 11, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Edward Halstead, Rosefield. Mustered out a prisoner of war, June 17, 1865. William S. Harper, Rosefield. August 9, 1862; mustered out May 27, 1865. Richard M. Holt, Rosefield. August 8, 1862; discharged for disability, February 16, 1864. Adam Harding, Rosefield. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. 6 90 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Thomas J Holt, Rosefield. August 8, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Warner Hollinsworth, Rosefield. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Peter Hoffman, Kickapoo. August 11, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. John Ibeck, Rosen' eld. August 17, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Lawrence Ibeck, Rosefield. August 11, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. Charles Kingsley, Kickapoo. August 11, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Joseph M. King, Rosefield. August 16, 1862; killed at Arkansas Post, June 11, 1863. John Kingsley, Rosefield. August 7, 1862; discharged for disability April 12, 1864. Samuel Kirkman, Kickapoo. August 13, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Levi H. King, Rosefield. August 9, 1862; mustered out May 22, 1865. William W. King, Rosefield. August 9, 1862; mustered out May 31, 1865. Alonzo Kingsley, Rosefield. August 7, 1862; discharged for disability April 3, 1863. John Lafollet, Rosefield. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Jacob Lafollet, Rosefield. August 11, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. George Lander, Rosefield. August 9, 1862; dropped as a deserter October 21, 1863. Henry Largent, Limestone. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Madison Largent, Limestone. August 15, 1862; mustered out June 17, 1865. James Miller, Rosefield. August 11, 1862; absent, in confinement at muster out of Regiment. Henry S. Morris, Rosefield. Mustered out as Corporal, July 10, 1865; commissioned 2d Lieutenant, but not mustered. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 91 Richard Morris, Rosefield. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. James M. Moody, Rosefield. August 9, 1862 ; mustered out a prisoner of war, June 17, 1865. John Merritt, Rosefield. August 9, 1862; died July 15, 1863. Andrew J. Meek, Rosefield. August 12, 1862; discharged for disability March 26, 1863. William Mulvaney, Kickapoo. August 8, 1862; killed at Marksville, La., May 16, 1864. Peter Nelson, Elmwood. August 15, 1862; killed at Arkansas Post, January 11, 1863. Charles Parnham, Rosefield. August 13, 1862; transferred to V. K. C., February 15, 1864. Henry Perry, Rosefield. August 9, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Samuel B. Powell Rosefield. August 13, 1862; died at Oak Hill, 111., April 7, 1864. Joseph Potts, Rosefield. August 11, 1862; discharged for disability March 14, 1863. John Pritchard, Kickapoo. August 16, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Francis Rynearson, Rosefield. August 15, 1862; mustered out July 6, 1865. Lyman T. Rench, Rosefield. August 11, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. William Race, Kickapoo. August 8, 1862; mustered out a prisoner of war, June 17, 1865. John Roberts, Kickapoo. August 12, 1862; deserted December 15, 1862. William Stevenson, Rosefield. Discharged for disability November 1, 1862. Thomas Sleeth, Rosefield. August 12, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. 92 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH. George W. Smith, Rosetield. August 15, 1862; discharged for disability. Samuel J. Sherwood, Rosefield. August 8, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Ephraim R. Shepard, Rosefield. August 9, 1862; died of wounds at St. Louis, July 28, 1864. Samuel Sharkey, Rosefield. August 22, 1862; killed at Vicksburg June 22, 1863; "buried in National Cemetery at Vicksburg; Section G; number of grave, 478. John Shordon, Rosefield. August 8, 1862; died at New Orleans, October 29, 1864. August Sheibling, Rosefield. August 15, 1862; discharged for disability March 26, 1863. William Thorp, Limestone. August , 1862; discharged for disability March 29, 1863. Robert Thompson, Rosefield. August 15, 1862; discharged for disability September 14, 1863. Ed. E. White, Rosefield. August 15, 1862; mustered out a prisoner of war, June 17, 1865. Austin E. Walker, Jubilee. August 15, 1862; mustered out as Corporal, July 10, 1865; commissioned 1st Lieutenant, but not mustered. Perry S. Walker, Elm wood. August 13, 1862; died at Peoria, 111., October 5, 1864. John Wholstenholm, Rosefield. August 15, 1862; mustered out July 10, 1865. Joseph Yerby, Kickapoo. August 12, 1862; mustered out a prisoner of war, June 17, 1865. CHAPTER THE THIRD. TO THE FRONT. ;S the spires of the Central City were lost in the distance, and every revolution of the wheels carried us farther and farther from the sacred associations of the home circle, and the Sabbath and sanctuary privileges of other days, the breast was tilled with strange and con- flicting emotions. We had often sung, "I wish I were in Dixie," and now the full realization of that wish was coming upon us. But why had we thus cut loose, as it were, from the ties and tender associations of home and friendship ? "Were we actuated by an ambitious desire for conquest? Were we in search of laurels to grace the victor's brow? Far otherwise. God forbid that the welfare and happiness the blood and treasure of thirty millions of people should be made to subserve the ambitious designs of political tricksters or military despots, either north or south. We went in obedience to the promptings of patriotism. In defense of that glorious old flag under whose protecting folds we had so long lived and prospered. 94 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH The day succeeding our departure was the Sabbath, but it did not look like it. It is a no- torious and painful truth that there is no Sab- bath in the army no seventh day of rest for the weary soldier. We traveled as rapidly as possible, and at ten o'clock A.M. arrived at Lo- gansport, Ind., and then, turning southward, reached Indianpolis at 5 P.M. We remained here two or three hours before proceeding on our way. At two o'clock in the morning the train stopped at a station by the way and re- mained until after daylight, not knowing but the rebel sympathizers in southern Indiana might destroy the railroad bridges, and thus insure our destruction, as they knew that troops were at that time passing over the road. In the morn- ing, however, we went on and found to our great relief that the fears of the previous night were unfounded. All along the line of travel the citizens made the most emphatic demonstrations of loyalty. Men, women and children, all united in giving us a hearty God-speed, as we passed along. At Lawrenceburg, on the Ohio River, the reception was particularly gratifying. In fact, our pro- gress through the State of Indiana represented a triumphal procession. And when we add that these patriotic expressions were not given in compliment to the Seventy-Seventh, but to the great enterprise in which we expected soon to ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 95 be engaged the restoration and preservation of the UNION it will not seem strange that we felt some pride in our position as soldiers in the Grand Army of the Republic. At twelve o'clock M., on the 6th of October, we arrived at Cincinnati, and soon afterward crossed the Ohio River on a pontoon bridge, and went into camp in the suburbs of Covington, Kentucky. Our first night at this place we regarded as the most disagreeable we had yet experienced. We had no tents, and, as matter of course, had to sleep in the open air. This was not very pleas- ant; but we made a virtue of necessity, and en- joyed ourselves as well as we could under the circumstances. With one blanket for a bed and one blanket and the blue canopy of heaven for a covering, we managed to sleep with a little and it was a little comfort. The next day we received our tents, and that night slept more soundly and more sweetly than at any time since leaving Peoria. Having become settled again, the first thing in order was to, communicate with friends at home. Our camp looked like an army of war correspondents. Every one seemed to be writing. Of course we gave the full particulars of our journey to this place, together with a de- scription of the beautiful city of Covington, and other matters of interest. When we first came to Kentucky we felt that we were marching on the soil of rebellion; but 96 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH subsequent experience proved this to be an erro- neous thought. Kentucky the home and the grave of Henry Clay would have been as thor- oughly loyal as any other state if she could have had a fair expression of the popular voice. But cursed as she was with a disloyal governor, and occupying a position midway between the con- tending forces, it was hardly to have been ex- pected that her sympathies and support would be wholly on the one side or the other. She suf- fered much, having been overrun time and again with the contending armies of the North and the South. She became emphatically, true to her traditions, the dark and bloody ground. She sent thousands of her sons into the Union army, and braver men never fought for the right. On the 15th of October, the 77th, 97th, 108th and 112th regiments of Illinois Volunteers were formed into a temporary brigade, with Colonel John Coburn, of the 33d Indiana Volunteers, acting Brigadier General, in command. Colonel Coburn received orders to be in readiness to march to the front on the 16th. Forty rounds of ammunition for each man was to be carried in the cartridge boxes, thirty more per man to be drawn by the regiments, and thirty rounds extra to be drawn and transported in the company wagons. Five days' rations were also drawn; three to be carried in the company wagons, and two in the haversacks of the men. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 97 Our time was iiow fully occupied in making preparations for an advance into the interior of Kentucky. We were supplied with teams and wagons for transportation, consisting of one for each company, three for the headquarters of the regiment, and one for the hospital. We were furnished with great-coats and all the clothing necessary to make us comfortable during the cold days and nights which were then fast ap- proaching. In short, we were now prepared to take up the line of march and enter upon the duties of active service. At noon on the 17th we commenced the for- ward movement. We had to carry our blan- kets, clothing, etc., our haversack with two days.' rations, canteen, gun and cartridge-box, the lat- ter containing forty rounds of ammunition, and the whole weighing about sixty pounds. Thus armed and equipped we began our campaigns. Our march for a few miles was on the public highway leading to Lexington, but we soon turned to the left and marched through one of the roughest countries we had ever seen. Hills were piled upon hills, and the rocky surface of the ground indicated that all the stones in Ken- tucky had been gathered together and deposited along our line of march. So great were the dif- ficulties we had to contend with that it was fre- quently impossble for the teams to descend the hills without assistance from the men. We con- 98 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH trasted the country through which we passed with the broad and fertile prairies of our own loved Illinois. And what a contrast ! It seemed like an exchange of Paradise for the drear do- minions of Pluto. But this was not a fair spec- imen of Kentucky. We found after emerging from the hills and hollows that the State was rich in all the elements of agricultural wealth, and required only the hand of industry and the spirit of enterprise to develop in her soil the most abundant resources. As we marched along, a decided Union senti- ment was manifested at several points, while at others the grim visage of the secession Moloch could be seen, showing that some of the people were not loyal to the government. Frequently, as we passed through the towns, the citizens would fling the starry banner to the breeze, as a token of their loyalty. Bat we were informed that most of the people had rebel flags, also, in their houses, to use as occasion required. Be this as it may, whenever the Flag of our Union made its appearance it was greeted with the most enthusiastic cheers by the men. Who ever heard or dreamed of a Kentucky snow storm in the month of October ? Yet, on the night of the 25th of this month, we experi- enced one which we can never forget. On the fol- lowing morning we had the pleasure of rolling up our tents in the snow. That night, after a ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS, 99 march of twenty-five miles, we arrived at Paris. Footsore and weary, our first impulse was to throw ourselves on the ground and seek rest and refreshment in sleep; but knowing the danger of such an expedient, we kept in motion, pitched our tents, prepared supper, and after eating it, turned in with a hearty good will. It was amus- ing to see our predicament the next morning. Boots and shoes were frozen stiff, and many of us could not get them on. Groups of the boys would cluster around the camp-fires thawing their leather, to the no small annoyance of the cooks. If these worthy dignitaries did not ut- ter " curses, loud and deep," it was because they were endowed with more than ordinary patience and good nature. There was more truth than poetry in our situation; but it was all for the love of country, and, of course, necessary for the suppression of the rebellion. On the 29th we reached Lexington, a beautiful city, and for- merly the home of the notorious rebel cavalry chief, John Morgan. Here we remained one day only, and then continued the march, arriving at Richmond at 4 o'clock on the second of Novem- ber. A severe battle was fought at this place, Au- gust 30, 1862, between the rebel General Kirby Smith and General Nelson, in which the latter was defeated with great loss. In the cemetery adjoining the town were many graves of union 100 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH and rebel soldiers. There they lie, from all parts of the country north and south, east and west and there they shall lie until the archangel's trump shall bid them come forth to judgment. Many beautiful and costly monuments in the cemetery were shattered and defaced by the missiles of the contending forces, thus bearing mournful witness of the fight. Our stay at this place was one of the bright spots in our soldier-life an oasis in the desert through which we were passing. We had a beautiful camping-ground, our duties were light, and the weather delightful. The Seventy-Sev- enth was the only regiment at the place. Cap- tain J. M. McCulloch, of Co. " C," was appointed Provost Marshal, and he filled the duties of his office with credit to himself, and to the entire' sat- isfaction of the citizens. While here we found large quantities of arms which had been lost in the battle of August 30th, and afterward col- lected together and secreted by the negroes. These arms were properly taken care of, and in due time turned over to the military authorities at Lexington. But our stay here was rendered pleasant from the fact that the people were so kind and considerate. Many of the boys were sick in the hospital, and the ladies God bless them like ministering angels, came arid sup- plied their wants with an abundance of provi- sions acceptable to the sick palate. But we need ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 101 not pronounce encomiums upon them for their kindness. The consciousness of having nobly done their duty to the sick and suffering is their abundant reward. It becomes us, however, as members of the Seventy-Seventh, to remember Richmond, Kentucky, with gratitude. An amusing incident, as well as a good joke on some of the boys, occurred while in camp at this place. The ladies vied with each other in their attentions to the officers, and in order to return the compliment, some of our musical Peorians proposed a serenade. The suggestion was duly acted upon, and on a pleasant evening they sallied forth to carry out the programme. Selecting one of the finest mansions in the town as the object of their attentions, they soon poured forth such a gushing stream of melody that the hardest heart would have melted under its influence. The fair objects of their devotion within the mansion acknowledged the compli- ment by the waving of scarfs and handkerchiefs from the windows. These tokens inspired the mu- sicians with greater zeal, and they answered the encore a second and a third time, and in all prob- ability would have remained there all night, had uot the door opened followed by this pleasing salutation : " Much 'bliged gemman, for de mu- sic, and werry sorry de white ladies warn't at home to hear it." Let us, before leaving this beautiful town of 102 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Richmond, snatch from cold oblivion an elegant specimen of southern literature. The scholmaster was evidently abroad in those regions, The fol- lowing lines were written in pencil on one of the monuments in the cemetery. The extract is given verbatim et literatim: " J. C. Dunn Esq, I live in South Western Ga on Flint River I were mustered into service 10 Day of Ap 1861 and this Sep 15 1862 Come all soldiers a Warnin Take & shun the Bite of a Big Snake." When " J. C. Dunn Esq," placed his autograph on that monument it became public property " One of the few, the immortal names, That were not born to die." Hence it is transferred to these pages. Richmond was the southern terminus of our campaign in Kentucky; and having remained here a few days we took up the line of march again, turning our faces to the northwest des- tination, Louisville immediately, and Memphis ultimately. We struck tents on the eleventh of November, and on the fourteenth reached Frank- fort, the capital of the State. We remained here one day, and then continued the march, arriving at Louisville on the seventeenth a wet, gloomy day. We had now marched about two hundred and fifty miles in this State, and had learned something of the vicissitudes of a soldier's life; but what we had accomplished more than this, ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 103 is one of those things that no fellow could ever find out. It is needless to give a detailed account of the return march through Kentucky, as it was but a repetition of our former experience. The same weary marches the same false alarms the same real or pretended loyalty of the people the same boisterous enthusiasm in the Regiment the same exodus of slaves from bondage. The latter part of the programme was one of the notable features of the march, and was some- times attended with serio-comical consequences. Whenever an " American citizen of African de- scent" made his appearance, he was ordered to " fall in," which was done in most instances with- out reluctance. In this manner he was enticed away from his legal owner legal according to the laws of the State, but not legal according to our notions. And, no doubt, visions of happiness in a land flowing with milk and honey, danced through his woolly head as he turned his back on his former home, and followed the fortunes of the Regiment. To such an extent was this slave enticing pro- pensity indulged, that Gen. Burbridge, a Ken- tuckian, was reported to have said that the Seventy-Seventh was an abolition regiment, and would steal all the niggers in Kentucky if they had a chance to do so. But of course we repel with scorn and indignation the idea that our 104 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH mildly mannered Brigadier-General, would be guilty of casting any such reflections upon us. At all events we had quite a regiment of darkies following in our wake, like a troop of boys fol- lowing an organ grinder, with a monkey on his "tnasheen" As above remarked, we reached Louisville on the 17th, but did not remain long at that place. On the evening of the 20th we marched to Port- land, and embarked on the steamer "Starlight," bound for Memphis, Tenn. Early the next morning we started down the river. The boat was crowded to its utmost capacity. There was not a nook or corner, above or below, fore or aft, that was not occupied, either by soldiers or their baggage. The consequence was that we were almost suffocated. The boys would endeavor to while away the tedious hours of their imprison- ment by singing snatches of homely songs, of which the following is a specimen : " Oh give me the girl with the blue dress on, The white folks call Susanna; She stole my heart and away she's gone, 'Way down to Louisiana." Little did the songsters imagine that they, themselves, would so soon be in Louisiana. In those days, the country bordering on the Ohio and Mississippi rivers, was infested with marauding bands of guerrillas and bushwhack- ers, rendering navigation somewhat uncertain, if ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 105 not hazardous. In consequence of this we did not travel at night. At 3 o'clock P.M. of the 2d, we reached Evansville, Ind., and remained there until the next day at noon. On the 25th we landed for a few minutes at Cairo, 111., and soon after were floating on the bosom of the mighty Father of Waters. On our journey down this river we passed t Island No. 10, Belmont, Columbus and other spots of historic interest, where, a few months before, the thunders of artillery had waked the slumbering echoes of the valley. It was at these points that Grant and Foote had demonstrated the invincibility of the American Army and Navy. Here they had written a bloody page in the history of our country, which can never be obliterated. Here they began that series of bril- liant achievements which resulted in the final reopening of the Mississippi, and the restoration of our national authority on that stream from its source to its mouth. We landed at Memphis on the 27th, and went into camp near the city. Before our arrival, there had been large bodies of troops encamped in this vicinity, but they had moved off in the direction of Holly Springs, for the purpose of operating in Mississippi. The first thing in order with us, was to ransack the camps which they had deserted, to obtain building materials where- with to render our abodes comfortable. In this 7 106 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH we succeeded to our entire satisfaction. But in the present instance, as in many others, we had no sooner arranged our encampment to suit us than we received marching orders. Red tape regulations require the troops to ap- pear on review before the commanding general, previous to entering upon an active campaign, and as " coming events cast their shadows before," this was always regarded as a "shadow" indicating field operations in the near fu- ture. Perhaps this practice of reviewing the troops may be attributed to a pardonable curiosity on the part of the general in command. In accordance with this laudable custom we ap- peared on review before Major General W. T. Sherman, at Memphis. The review took place on a level plain near Fort Pickering. The pro- ceedings appeared to be satisfactory to the gen- eral and all concerned, and when they were ended, we returned to camp to seek rest and supper after the toils of the day. As we marched through the streets of the city, on our return, the boys made a noise and clatter as unearthly and unintelligible as was ever heard at the Tower of Babel. Some would sing and some would crow, some would cackle and some would squeal. Altogether the concert was neither musical nor entertaining. No doubt the citizens of Memphis thought the regiment was either drunk or crazy. On the 20th of December marching orders ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 107 were received, and we proceeded to embark on the steamer "Duke of Argyle," lying a short distance below the city. The next day at 2 o'clock P. M., we started down the Mississippi, hoping that, before long, we would be hailed as the victors of Vicksburg. Our fleet consisted of many transports and gunboats, carrying a large and well appointed army. . Gentle reader, if you have never carried arms in an active campaign if you have never fol- lowed in the wake of an advancing host if you have never crossed the track of an invading army, you know but little of the desolations of war. It matters not whether the army is friend or foe the result is the same. They leave the silence of the grave and the dreariness of the desert behind them. We saw this fact abun- dantly illustrated on our passage down the Mis- sissippi. All along the river from Memphis to Vicksburg, we could trace the footsteps of an advancing army, by the mouldering ruins of buildings, the former magnificent residences of the rich planters of the south. And we won- dered how long it would require the slow, con- servative enterprise of these people to regain their lost opulence. Perhaps a lifetime. At this time we formed a part of the 2d Bri- gade, 1st Division of the 13th Army Corps. The brigade was commanded by Col. W. J. Lan- drani of the 19th Kentucky, and consisted of the 108 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH 19th Kentucky, the 48th Ohio, and the 77th, 97th, 108th and 131st Illinois, and the 17th Ohio battery. The division was commanded by Brig- adier General A. J. Smith. We moved leisurely down the river as though we were on a pleasure excursion, rather than en- gaged in a great arid important military expedi- tion. It is not our province to criticise or con- demn, but it seems very strange that it should require a whole week for the fleet to sail a dis- tance of four hundred miles. One thing is cer- tain our slow progress gave the rebels ample time to prepare for our reception. And the time was well improved, as we afterward found to our cost. However, on the 27th of December, we landed in the Yazoo River about ten miles from its mouth. Skirmishers were immediately thrown out, the lines formed, and an advance ordered. The enemy was met in force, and a terrible conflict ensued, lasting several hours. The rebels were driven beyond two bayous that girt the rear of Vicksburg, and from their en- trenchments on the Hill. At night the two ar- mies slept on their arms, with the two bayous intervening. At daylight on Sunday, the 28th, a concerted advance was made, and by sunrise the whole army was engaged, and up to ten o'clock the artillery and musketry firing was very heavy and destructive. The enemy in front of Gen. Morgan L. Smith's ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 109 Division, were entrenched on high, rising ground. This position was, after a desperate and bloody conflict, taken by storm. On Monday the battle was renewed; our forces carried the rifle pits and principal battery, but were finally repulsed and lost their ground. Both armies rested during the night. Skirmishing continued for three or four days, but all to no purpose, so far as we were concerned. During those days and nights we could distinctly hear the rattle of the trains on the Vicksburg and Brandon railroad, carry- ing reinforcements and supplies to the besieged. In the mean time the rebels were busy strength- ening their .works by every available means. What could we do ? It was madness to attempt to carry the works by storm. And to remain in our present position would insure our defeat, if not destruction, as soon as the enemy should ob- tain additional troops to enable him to act on the offensive. In this emergency Gen. Sherman reluctantly decided to withdraw and reembark the troops. This was successfully accomplished on the morning of January 2d, 1863 r and our first attack on Vicksburg was a costly failure. The entire loss in our army during the six days' fighting, including killed, wounded and missing, was about twenty-five hundred. This was the first engagement in which the Seventy-Seventh was engaged. Until now we had never seen a gun tired in battle. We had 110 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH. read glowing accounts of battles bravely fought and won; we had seen pictures representing bril- liant bayonet charges, and all that. But we had not been called upon to perform any deeds of daring, such as storming the enemy's works bris- tling with bayonets, or planted with batteries. Nothing of this kind. But we endeavored to the best of our ability to discharge the duties assigned to us, and if we did not earn a reputa- tion worthy of record on this occasion it is hoped that the subsequent achievements of the Regiment compensated to some extent for the deficiency. After " our masterly retreat from the Youza" as some of the boys called it, the army proceeded to Milliken's Bend, on the Lou- isiana shore about ten miles up the river, there to rest, or to make preparations for conquest in some other direction. CHAPTER THE FOURTH. ARKANSAS POST. I BOUT the time of our withdrawal from the attempt on Vicksburg, Major Gen- eral John A. McClernand appeared on the scene, having been appointed by the Presi- dent, to supercede General Sherman in command of the forces operating against Vicksburg. This transfer of authority was announed in the fol- lowing terms : HEADQUARTERS RIGHT WING ARMY OF TENNESSEE, ] STEAMER FOREST QUEEN, MILLIKEN'S BEND, January 4, 1863. ) General Orders No. 5. Pursuant to the terms of General or- ders, No. 1, made this day by General McCler- nand, the title of our army ceases to exist, and constitutes in the future the Army of the Mis- sissippi, composed of two army corps, one to be commanded by General G. W. Morgan, and the other by myself. In relinquishing the command of the Army of the Tennessee, and restricting my authority to my own corps, I desire to ex- press to all commanders, to soldiers and officers 112 THE SEVENTY- SEVENTH recently operating before Vicksburg, my hearty thanks for their zeal, alacrity and courage mani- fested by them on all occasions. We failed in accomplishing one purpose of our movement, the capture of Vicksburg; but we were part of a whole. Ours was but part of a combined move- ment in which others were to assist. We were on time; unforeseen contingencies must have delayed the others. We have destroyed the Shreveport road, we have attacked the defenses of Vicks- burg, and pushed the attack as far as prudence would justify, and having found it too strong for our single column, we have drawn oft' in good order, ready for any new move. A new commander is -here to lead you. He is chosen by the President of the United States, who is charged by the Constitution to maintain and defend it, and he has the undoubted right to se- lect his own agents. I know that all good officers and soldiers will give him the same hearty support and cheerful obedience they have hitherto given me. There are honors enough for all, and work enough too. Let each do his appropriate part, and our nation must in the end emerge from this dire conflict purified and ennobled by the fires which now test its strength and purity. All offi- cers of the general staff now attached to my person, will hereafter report in person or by let- ter to Major General McClernand, commanding the Army of the Mississippi, on board the ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 113 steamer Tigress at our rendezvous at Gains' Landing and at Montgomery Point. By order of Maj. Gen. W. T. SHERMAN. J. H. HAMMOND, A. A. Gr. The army as now organized, consisted of the 13th and 15th Army corps, the former com- manded by Gen. Morgan, and the latter by Gen. Sherman. With this force, consisting of about twenty-five thousand men, at his command, Gen. McClernand cut loose from Milliken's Bend on the 5th of January and started up the river. We knew not our destination. But, as is usual on such occasions, each man had a destination to suit himself. Many conjectures were afloat with regard to the future objects of the expedi- tion, and the camp was full of rumors. Some said we were going into Arkansas to clean out a nest of rebels said to be in that state. Others, who had no stomach for fighting, contended with equal earnestness that we were going into camp at Memphis, to revel in ease and feast on army luxuries. While a good many of the more sanguine thought we were going home to be mustered out of the service; never doubting that our assaults on the ramparts of Vicksburg had totally annihilated the Southern Confeder- acy and all its hosts. It is needless to say that those who dreamed of ease, either at home or at Memphis, were sadly disappointed. 114 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH We sailed up the Mississippi, and then up the White River until we reached a " cut off," lead- ing into the Arkansas. We proceeded up the latter stream until, on the 10th of January, we landed about three miles below the old French town of Arkansas Post, where the rebels had erected a strong earthwork, called Fort Hind- man. Our destination was now manifest to the most casual observer. We were in for a tight; that was very plain. We disembarked in the afternoon, formed our lines and proceeded to invest the rebel works. This was accomplished about 10 o'clock at night. We slept on our arms and waited for the dawn, expecting to wake the echoes of the morning with the roar of battle. Our military leaders were very economical of time, acting probably upon the supposition that time is money, or that lost time is never found again, and hence in reading the history of the war, and observing days and dates, we find that many of our most important military operations took place on iSunday. Bull Run, Shiloh, and many other bloody fields attest the truth of this remark. Those who have conscientious scruples about this method of remembering the Sabbath day to keep it holy, contend that the attacking party is always defeated; while Napoleon, and others of the same habit of thinking, have main- ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 115 tained that providence favors the heaviest bat- tallions, without regard to the day of the week. The day succeeding the investment of Fort Hiudman was the Sabbath clear, calm and beautiful. It was a day made for rest and the worship of God, and not for human slaughter. Yet there were hostile hosts of armed men con- fronting each other, and only waiting for the command to begin the work of death. It was a fearful thought. How many widows and or- phans would weep over that field of conflict ! The morning wore away the sun rose high and passed the meridian at length the sacred stillness of the day was broken by the roar of artillery, the rattle of musketry and the din of battle. The artillery and the gunboats began the action at about half-past one o'clock p. M., and soon after the infantry was engaged around the whole line. At this time the Seventy-Sev- enth was in reserve about two hundred yards in rear of the Nineteenth Kentucky, with or- ders to maintain that distance between the two lines, governing our movements by the move- ments of those in front of us. But we had not long been in this position until we were ordered to move to the right, and take position one hun- dred yards behind the Eighty-Third Ohio. We marched by the right flank about three hundred rods, and then in line of battle in the direction of the fort. 116 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH We now began to feel the effects of the rebel tire. But the Regiment moved steadily forward through the timber, and into the open field be- yond, until we reached the position assigned to us. We had been here but a short time when an order came from our brigade commander to " go in." And then we heard the well-known, clear, ringing voice of Col. Grier commanding, " SEVENTY-SEVENTH, forward, guide centre, march" Every man sprang to his feet, and with loud cheers and yells of defiance, rushed forward. The 83d refused to advance, and we were com- pelled to charge over them in the face of a ter- rible fire from the fort. As we passed over them we made it a matter of necessity to tramp on as many as possible, at which they threw a few old fashioned anathemas after us. This we consid- ered very uugentlemanly, and especially so as it was Sunday. We took position about eighty yards in advance of them. Here we fired about twenty rounds, when Col. Grier ordered another advance. We moved forward about fifty yards further, when we were considerably in advance of any other regiment in the division, and within easy pistol range of the works. It was here that we sustained our heaviest loss. It was here that our color bearer, John S. Hornbaker, of Co. " C," was wounded and left the field. As he fell, Lieut. Philip Jenkins, of the same company, seized the colors, arid carried them during the ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 117 remainder of the action, and until the Regiment entered the fort, when MajorHotchkiss took the flag and proudly planted it on the parapet. These are the plain facts of history, and are suscepti- ble of proof. Without wishing to detract from the merits of any other troops who fought on. that sanguinary field, it is due to those who are entitled to this great honor that it should be ac- corded to them. And our Division commander, General A. J. Smith, could have conferred no greater compliment on the Seventy-Seventh than he did when 'he placed Colonel Grier and his Regiment in charge of the captured works. The following extract from Lieutenant Col- onel Webb's account of the battle is interesting: " My fellow officers and the men behaved splendidly, and I feel an immense amount of pride in both. Quite a number of bur officers were sick; among them Captains Rouse, White and Keedy, and regret the fact that they could not participate in the fight. Colonel Grier, by his coolness and courage, sustained and added to his previously well-earned reputation. Major Hotchkiss knew no fear of any kind, and Adju- tant Woodruff was at his post from the com- mencement to the close, as brave as the bravest. Our Captains and Lieutenants all behaved admir- ably. " When the white flag went up, the Seventy- Seventh went down the ditch and over into the 118 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH fortifications with a rush. We claim to have been the first Regiment that entered the fort, and the first to raise our flag over the captured works. Gen. Smith, by order of Gen. Morgan, at once acknowledged our services by placing Colonel. Grier in command of the rebel works, and in charge of the prisoners. " The capture of Fort Hindman reflects much credit upon General McClernand. The plan of attack was made with skill and sense. In fact, from the the time Gen. McClernand took com- mand of the expedition, it has been managed with secresy and judgment. The rebels were wholly deceived in our strength, and I know from the dispatches of couriers, which I myself picked up in Gen. Churchill's headquarters, that they were bewildered by our movements and did not know our destination until we arrived below their works and commenced investing them. The investment was complete. There could have been no escape. Our loss will not exceed five hundred in killed and wounded, and the vic- tory is one of the greatest and most gratifying of the war." The fort surrendered at 5 o'clock p. M. The victory was complete. The entire loss in our Brigade consisting of six regiments was nine killed and seventy-six wounded. Of these, the Seventy-Seventh lost six killed and thirty- nine wounded, or more than one-half. The fol- ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 119 lowing is a complete list of the killed and wounded in the Seventy-Seventh at the battle of Arkansas Post, January 11, 1863, as officially reported by companies : "A." Wounded Privates John Anderson, Henry D. Hes- ter, Cyrus A. Kroessen, Lester T. Stone, John Tomp- kins (mortally), Daniel B. Trench (mortally), A. D. Witherell. " B." Killed Captain Robert Irvvin. Wounded Privates James Malone, Lewis E. Simp- son, Edward Swargy (mortally). " C." Wounded Sergeant John S. Hornbaker, color bearer. Privates Samuel T. Acres, Joseph T. Sims. " D." Wounded Privates Thomas Davis, Daniel Fowler, Frederick Kraft. "E." Killed Private John H. Mclntyre. Wounded Corporal R. McKee Davis, Private Ed- ward H. Laughlin (mortally). "P." Wounded First Lieutenant William O. Hammers. Privates Thomas J. Ewing, Nelson E. Johnson, Hosea Johnson, James M. West. " G." Killed Private Eleazer Darnell. Wounded Corporal Hugh Smart (mortally). Pri- vates Francis O. Dimmick, Joseph D. Ensley. "H." Wounded Corporal David Filger. Privates Edward L. Sutton (mortally), Joseph Standaker (mortally). " I." Wounded Private William H. Bentley. "K." Killed Privates Joseph M. King, Peter Nelson. Wounded Privates Jacob Lafollett, William Thorp, John Ibeck, Samuel Kirkmau, Robert Thompson. On the day succeeding the battle Gen. McCler- nand issued the following congratulatory order to the troops. It sounds a good deal like Na- poleon : 120 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH HEADQUARTERS, ARMY OF THE MISSISSIPPI, ) POST or ARKANSAS, January 12. j May 30, 1863. j General Orders, No. 72. COMRADES : As your commander, I am proud to congratulate you upon your constancy, valor and success. History affords no more brilliant example of soldierly qualities. Your victories have followed in such rapid succession that their echoes have not yet reached the coun- try. They will challenge its grateful and enthu- siastic applause. Yourselves striking out a new path, your comrades of the Tennessee followed, and the way was thus opened for them to redeem previous disappointments. Your march through Louisiana from Milliken's Bend to New Car- thage and Perkins' Plantation, on the Missis- sippi River, is one of the most remarkable on record. Bayous and miry roads threatened with momentary inundations, obstructed your progress. All these were overcome by unceasing labor and unflagging energy. The two thousand feet of bridging which was .hastily improvised out of materials created on the spot, and over which you passed, must long be remembered as a mar- vel. Descending the Mississippi still lower, you were the first to cross the river at Bruin's Land- ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 165 ing, and to plant our colors in the State of Mis- sissippi below Warrenton. Resuming the ad- vance the same day, you pushed on until you came up to the enemy near Port Gibson. Only restrained by the darkness of the night, you hastened to attack him on the morning of the first of May, and by vigorously pressing him at all points, drove him from his position, taking a large -number of prisoners and small arms, and five cannon. General Logan's Division came up in time to gallantly share in consummating the most valuable victory since the capture of Fort Donelson. Taking the lead on the morning of the second, you were the first to enter Port Gibson, and to hasten the retreat of the enemy from the vicin- ity of that place. During the ensuing night, as a consequence of the victory at Port Gibson, the enemy spiked his guns at Grand Gulf, and evac- uated that place, retiring upon Vicksburg and Edward's Station. The fall of Grand Gulf was solely the result of the victory by the land forces at Port Gibson. The armament and public stores captured there are the just trophies of that victory. Hastening to bridge the south branch of the Bayou Pierre at Port Gibson, you crossed on the morning of the third, and pushed on to Willow Springs, Big Sandy, and the main crossing of Fourteen-mile Creek, four miles from Edward's 166 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Station. A detachment of the enemy was im- mediately driven away from the crossing, and you advanced, passed over, and rested during the night of the 12th, within three miles of the enemy in large force, at the Station. On the morning of the 13th, the objective points of the army's movements having been changed from Edward's Station to Jackson, in pursuance of an order from the Commander of the Department, you moved on the north of Fourteen-mile Creek toward Raymond. This delicate and hazardous movement was executed by a portion of your numbers under cover of Hovey's Division, which made a feint of attack in line of battle upon Edward's Station. Too late to harm you, the enemy attacked the rear of that Division, but was promptly and decisively repulsed. Resting near Raymond that night, on the morning of the 14th, you entered that place, one Division moving on to Mississippi Springs, near Jackson, in support of General Sherman, another to Clinton, in support of General McPherson, a third remaining at Raymond, and a fourth at Old Auburn, to bring up the army trains. On the 15th you again led the advance towards Edward's Station, which once more became the objective point. Expelling the enemy from Bol- ton, the same day, you seized and held that im- portant position. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 167 On the 16th you led the advance in three columns upon three roads, against Edward's Sta- tion. Meeting the enemy on the way, in strong force, you heavily engaged him near Champion Hills, and after a sanguinary and obstinate battle, with the assistance of General McPherson's Corps, beat and routed him, taking many pris- oners and small arms, and several pieces of cannon. Continuing to lead the advance, you rapidly pursued the enemy to Edward's Station, captur- ing that place, a large quantity of public stores, and many prisoners and small arms. Night only stopped you. At day-dawn on the 17th, you resumed the advance, and early coming upon the enemy strongly entrenched in elaborate works, both before and behind Big Black River, immediately opened with artillery upon him, followed by a daring and heroic charge at the point of the bayonet, which put him to rout, leaving eighteen pieces of cannon, and more than a thousand prisoners in your hands. By an early hour on the morning of the 18th, you had constructed a bridge across the Big Black, and had commenced the advance upon Vicksburg. On the 19th, 20th and 21st, you continued the reconnoitre and skirmish, until you had gained a near approach to the enemy's works. 168 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH On the 22d, in pursuance of the order of the Commander of the Department, you assaulted the enemy's defences in front at 10 o'clock A. M., and within thirty minutes had made a lodgment and planted your colors upon two of his bastions. This partial success called into exercise the highest heroism, and was only gained by a bloody and protracted struggle. Yet it was gained, and was the first and largest success gained anywhere along the whole line of the army. For nearly eight hours, under a scorching sun and destructive fire, you firmly held your foot- ing, and only withdrew when the enemy had largely massed their forces, and concentrated their attack upon you. How and why the general assault failed, it would be needless now to explain. The 13th Army Corps, acknowledging the good intentions of all, would scorn indulgence in weak regrets and idle recriminations. According justice to all, it would only defend itself. If, while the enemy was massing to crush it, assistance was asked for by a Division at other points, or by reinforcements, it only asked what, in one case Major General Grant had specifically and per- emptorily ordered, namely, simultaneous and persistent attack all along our lines, until the enemy's outer-works should be carried; and what in the other by massing a strong force in time ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 169 upon a weakened point, would have probably insured success. Comrades : You have done much ; yet some- thing more remains to be done. The enemy's odious defences still block your access to Vicks- burg. Treason still rules that rebellious city, and closes the Mississippi River against rightful use by the millions who inhabit its sources and the great Northwest. Shall not the flag float over Vicksburg ? Shall not the great " Father of Waters" be opened to lawful commerce? Methinks the emphatic response of one and all of you is, " It shall be so." Then let us rise to the level of a crowning trial ! Let our common sufferings and glories, while uniting us as a band of brothers, rouse us to new and surpassing efforts ! Let us resolve upon success, God help- ing us. I join with you, comrades, in your sympathy for the wounded, and sorrow for the dead. May we not trust nay, is it not so, that history will associate the martyrs of this sacred struggle for law and order, liberty and- justice, with the hon- ored martyrs of Monmouth and Bunker Hill ? JOHN A. McCLERNAND, Major General Commanding. So much for the Order. Now for the result. This order gave great offense to the other Corps commanders, because, according to their con- 11 170 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH struction, it cast reflections upon them. Be this as it may, a sharp correspondence between Gen. Grant and Gen. McClernand resulted from it. The war of words went on for several days, until finally, General Grant issued a special order, from which the following is an extract. HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE TENNESSEE, ) NEAR VICKSBURG, June 15, 1863. } Special Orders, No. 16%. Extract. Major General John A. McClernand is hereby relieved from the command of the Thirteenth Army Corps. He will proceed to any point he may select in the State of Illinois, and report by letter to headquarters of the army for orders. Major General E. O. C. Ord is hereby ap- pointed to the command of the Thirteenth Army Corps, subject to the approval of the President, and will immediately assume charge of the same. By order of Major General U..S. GRANT. JOHN A. RAWLINS, A. A. G. And who was Major General Ord ? He was a total stranger to us, both personally and by rep- utation. If he had ever distinguished himself as a commander, we were ignorant of the fact. But, presuming that Gen. Grant considered him an extra-Ord-inary man and worthy of all confi- dence, we went on with our digging as though nothing unusual had occurred. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 171 While we were working in the trenches, firing on the picket line, or giving them an occasional salute from our batteries, the navy was not idle. That department of the service did a great deal of damage in the city, and the inhabitants must have lived in constant dread of the exploding shells. At night when the mortars were firing occasional shots we would mount the breast- works, and watch the shells in their flight. We could see the flash as the mortar was discharged, and. then by the aid of the faint, flickering fuse, could watch the ascent until the shell reached the highest point, and then turning in its down- ward course, it would descend, slowly at first, but with increasing velocity, until finally it burst with terrible fury over the devoted city. In order to prevent the possibility of General Johnston's coming in from the rear with troops to raise the siege, the Divisions of Generals Osterhaus and Blair were sent in that direction on the 27th of May, to reconnoitre the country ? ascertain the rebel strength, and repel any hos- tile demonstration. They encountered a small force of the enemy at Mechanicsburg, which they routed and then pushed rapidly forward. General Blair ascertained the fact that Johnston had, at his command, about forty thousand troops, composed for the most part of old men and boys the relics of the "cradle and the grave" conscripted for the occasion. About 172 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH two-thirds of these troops were without arms. These facts having been made known, we felt no apprehension for the safety of our own army. While these events were transpiring in the rear, the sappers and miners were busily working at the front. The hills were under- mined, and large quantities of powder imbed- ded to blow up the rebel works at the proper time. The bombardment was also continued with but slight interruptions, while our sharp- shooters were constantly on the alert, and woe to the rebel head that appeared above the para- pet. During all this time, and notwithstanding the fact that we had established an impenetrable line of works around the city, the people of the south fondly cherished the delusion that Vicks- burg was safe beyond a perad venture that re- lief would be sent to the garrison that the siege would be raised, and that final disaster, if not annihilation, awaited the armies of Gen. Grant. The press and the telegraph daily informed them that Vicksburg was an impregnable fortress, and that no fears need be entertained for its safety. But the prospect of relief from Johnston or from any other source, became daily more and more remote, for, as the situation of the besieged became more desperate, our foothold in those hills and valleys became more secure. Yet the people of the south were taught to believe that ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 173 the salvation of Vicksburg was a fixed fact at some indefinite period in the future. But our assurance was rendered doubly sure by the arrival of reinforcements from the north. About the middle of June Gen. Parke came to our assistance, with the Ninth Army Corps, and Gen. Washburn with a part of the Sixteenth. With these additional troops at his disposal, Gen. Grant was enabled to prosecute the enterprise with renewed energy. A sufficient force was sent to Black River to bid defiance to all *ap- pr"oaching forces. All hope of succor was thus cut off, and Gen. Pemberton found himself under the necessity of saving his strength, as well as his rations and ammunition, in order to prolong the desperate struggle which must eventually terminate in his surrender. The mining operations were carried on with steady perseverance and success, and so important was this part of the programme considered, that the utmost secrecy was observed concerning it. Guards were placed at the entrance leading to the mine, with instructions to allow no one to pass under the rank of a general, excepting the engineers and workmen carrying on the opera- tions. These workmen were miners of expe- rience, detailed from the different regiments for the express purpose of working in the mines. It is unnecessary to give a description of these mines. Suffice it to say, that they were com- 174 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH pleted, the powder planted, and everything ready for the explosion on the 25th of June. On the afternoon of that day an unusual scene of commotion was witnessed in camp. Troops were concentrating in the most available posi- tions to be ready for an assault, after the mine under Fort Hill should be sprung. Sharp- shooters were stationed to annoy the enemy until the match should be applied. The Seventy- Seventh marched some distance to the right, not far from the mine. The forlorn hope was com- posed of one hundred men from the Forty-Fifth Illinois Infantry, and one hundred from the Twenty-Third Indiana. At last everything was ready, the troops were distributed along the line to do their appropriate share of the work to the best advantage. The forlorn hope stood in their places, boldly awaiting the uncertainties of their fate. They would soon hurl themselves into the breach, perhaps never to return. Thousands of glittering arms Hashed on the surrounding hills. A painful feeling of suspense oppressed every heart as the moments wore slowly away. At last the fearful grandeur of the explosion burst upon us, and an enormous column of earth, tim- bers and projectiles, was lifted high into the air. It was now a matter of life and death to the contending forces. The forlorn hope ran into the fort, when a lively musketry fight took place, without much advantage to either side. As ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 175 soon as these detachments had become well en- gaged, the rest of their brigade went to their assistance. The fighting continued with varied success all the afternoon. The flag of the Forty- Fifth was planted on the works, while cheer after cheer was heard above the roar and confu- sion of battle. At six o'clock the Forty-Fifth was withdrawn, and another Illinois regiment took their place. With regard to the work of that day a correspondent wrote : " The explosion of the mine was the signal for the opening of the artillery of the entire line. The left Division of Gen. McPherson's Seven- teenth, or centre Corps, opened first, and dis- charges were repeated along the left through Gen. Ord's Thirteenth Corps and Herron's extreme 'left Division,' until the sound struck the ear like the mutterings of distant thunder. Gen. Sherman on the right, also opened his artil- lery about the same time, and occupied the enemy's attention along his front. Every shell struck the parapet, and bounding over, exploded in the midst of the enemy's forces beyond. The scene at this time was one of the utmost sub- limity. The roar of artillery, rattle of small arms, the cheers of the men, flashes of light, wreaths of pale blue smoke over different parts of the field, the bursting of shell, the fierce whistle of solid shot, the deep boom of the mor- tars, the broadsides of the ships of war, and 176 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH added to all this, the vigorous replies of the enemy, set up a din which beggars all descrip- tion." Probably the heaviest artillery firing that was heard during the entire siege, succeeded the explosion of the mine, and the greatest activity prevailed from one end of our lines to the other. During the afternoon Gen. Grant sent the fol- lowing order : June 25, 1863. GENERAL ORD : McPherson occupies the crater made by the explosion. He will have guns in battery there by morning. He has been hard at work running rifle pits right, and thinks he will hold all gained. Keep Smith's Division sleeping under arms to- night, ready for an emergency. Their services may be required, particularly about daylight. There should be the greatest vigilance along the whole line. U. S. GRANT, Major General. As the Seventy-Seventh Illinois formed a part of Smith's Division, the foregoing order had reference, in part, to us, and that night our line of battle was formed. We slept on our arms, and, like Micawber, "waited for something to turn up." No demonstration, however, was made on the part of the enemy. The night passed away, the morning dawned, and the ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 177 stereotyped phrase, " All quiet on the Potomac," applied to us. The rebels had one gun which made a peculiar whistling noise every time it was fired, and from this circumstance our boys called it " Whistling Dick." Whenever a shot from this gun passed over our heads with that familiar sound, the boys would exclaim, " Lay down," " Here goes your goose," etc. On the morning of June 28th, the rebels having, by some means, ascertained our position, commenced throwing solid shot in such a manner that they would strike the top of the hill above us, and bound over into our camp. For a time there was a lively scamper to get behind the trees or any other protection that offered. Samuel Sharkey, of Co. " K," was just getting out of bed when the tiring commenced. He was struck on the head by a conical shot and instantly killed. His funeral took place on the evening of the same day, our Chaplain, Rev. Wm. G. Pierce, preaching the funeral sermon. About this time there were rumors in camp that on the approaching Fourth of July the eighty-seventh anniversary of American Inde- pendence a grand, final and successful assault would be made on the rebel works. That these rumors were not altogether without foundation, is shown from the fact, that Gen. Grant in his official report, says he had made preparations for an assault on the 6th of July, and had already 178 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH ordered Gen. Sherman to hold himself in readi- ness to move immediately, if the assault proved successful. General Pemberton, actuated perhaps as much by a desire to avoid a warm celebration of the Fourth of July, as to save the " effusion of blood," concluded to surrender the place at this time, in order, as he said, to gratify the vanity of the " Yankees" by giving them possession of the "heroic city" upon this, their National holiday, and also to secure better terms for himself and garrison. On the morning of July 3d, a flag of truce was seen approaching our lines in front of the Thirteenth Army Corps. The flag was borne by Gen. Bowen and Col. Montgomery, and was immediately conducted to the headquarters of Brigadier General A. J. Smith. Gen. Bowen carried an official document addressed to General Grant. A courier was hastily sent to depart- ment headquarters with the message. On break- ing the seal Gen. Grant found a proposition for the surrender of Vicksburg. Gen. Grant's terms in reply to this proposition were short and to the point, "an unconditional surrender of the city and garrison." And in con- cluding his letter he said, " I have no other terms than those indicated above." It was a bitter pill and swallowed with a wry face, but the heroic defenders of that city had reason to feel proud, even in their humiliation, for the manner in ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 179 which they had defended their works in the fierce assaults which had been hurled against them. . General Bowen having sought and failed to obtain au interview with General Grant, an ar- rangement was made by which the commanding officers of the respective forces were to meet at some point on the neutral ground that afternoon at 3 o'clock. At the appointed hour a single gun from our batteries, and a reply from the rebel works, announced the conference about to-begin. Immediately afterwards General Pemberton emerged slowly from his lines, and General Grant rode through an opening in our trenches. The officers present at this interview were Gen- erals Grant, McPherson and A. J. Smith on the part of the United States; and Generals Pem- berton and Bowen and Col. Montgomery on the part of the rebels. The conference was not pro- ductive of definite results. After this the correspondence was renewed, and terms of capitulation finally agreed on, sub- stantially the same as those suggested by Gen. Grant at first, and the city, with its garrison and public stores, was ours. In compliance with the terms agreed upon, our troops took formal pos- session of the city at 10 o'clock A.M., July 4, 1863, and at twelve o'clock M., the Flag of our Union floated proudly and triumphantly from the dome of the court house, from which it had 180 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH been torn by rebellious hands more than two years before. That Fourth of July was a gay and glorious Fourth for the Army of the Ten- nessee. At night, rockets, bonfires, illumina- tions and music enlivened the closing scenes of the great struggle, making us forget for the time being, the toils and perils and privations from which we .had just emerged. In the " Vicksburg Daily Citizen " of July 2d, printed on the plain side of a piece of wall-paper, appeared the following : "ON BIT that the great Ulysses the Yan- kee generalissimo surnamed Grant, has expressed his intention of dining in Vicksburg on Satur- day next, and celebrating the Fourth of July by a grand dinner, etc. When asked if he would invite General Jo Johnston to join him, he said, ' No, for fear there will be a row at the table.' Ulysses must get into the city before he dines in it. The way to cook a rabbit is first to catch the rabbit, etc." On the same sheet appeared the following note under date of July 4th, evidently inserted by one of "Lincoln's hirelings:" "Two days bring great changes. The banner of the Union floats over Vicksburg. General Grant has " caught the rabbit," he has dined in Vicksburg, and he did bring his dinner with him. The " Citizen " lives to see it. For the last time it appears on wall-paper. No more ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 181 will it eulogize the luxury of mule meat and fricasseed kitten urge southern warriors to such diet nevermore. This is the last wall-paper edition, and is, excepting this note, from the types as we found them. It will be valuable hereafter as a curiosity." It has been said that the garrison at Vicksburg were reduced to great straits for want of rations. In order to show that this impression was wrong, we insert the following bill of fare, which is sup- posed to have been picked up inside the rebel lines. It shows that they had an abundance of the necessaries of life, and some of the luxuries. And the charges were so moderate that any soldier could enjoy the dainties of the house at pleasure : HOTEL DE VICKSBURG. Bill of Fare for July, 1868. SOUP. Mule Tail. BOILED. Mule Bacon, with poke greens. Mule Ham, canvassed. BOAST. Mule Sirloin. Mule Bump, stuffed with rice. VEGETABLES. Peas and Rice. 182 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH ENTREES. Mule Head, stuffed a la mode. Mule Ears, fricasseed a la got'ch. Mule Side, stewed, new style, hair on. Mule Beef, jerked, a la Mexicana. Mule Spare Ribs, plain. Mule Salad. Mule Tongue, cold, a la Bray. Mule Liver, hashed. Mule Brains, a la omelette. Mule Hoof, soused. Mule Kidneys, stuffed with peas. Mule Tripe, fried in pea-meal batter. JELLIES. Mule Foot. PASTRY. Cottonwood Berry Pies. Chinaberry Tarts. DESSERT. White Oak Acorns. Blackberry Leaf Tea. Beech Nuts. Genuine Confederate Coffee. LIQUORS. Mississipps Water, vintage of 1492. Superior, $3 Limestone Water, late importation. Very fine, $2.75. Spring Water, Vicksburg brand, $1.50. at all hours. Gentlemen to wait on themselves. Any inattention on the part of servants to be promptly reported at the office. JEFF. DAVIS & Co., Proprietors. CARD. The proprietors of the justly celebrated Hotel de Vicksburg, having enlarged and refitted the same, are now prepared to accommodate all who favor them with a call. Parties arriving by the Eiver or Grant's inland route, will find Grape, Cannister & Co.'s carriages at the landing, or at any depot on the line of entrenchments. Buck, Ball & Co., take charge of all baggage. No effort will be spared to make the visit of all as interesting as possible. J. D. & Co. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 183 As we are now about to retire from active business at Vicksburg, let us take account of stock, as follows : UNITED STATES OF AMERICA, In Acc't with Major General U. S. Grant, DR. To 40,000 Rebel loss, from May 1 to May 18, 1863. 31,220 Prisoners captured in Vicksburg. 5,000 Citizen Prisoners. 1,500 Women and Children. 18,000 Prisoners fit for duty. 13,220 Sick and wounded Prisoners. 188 Siege Guns. 150 Field Pieces. 300 Rounds of ammunition per gun. 35,000 Stands of small arms (good). 30,000 Shot Guns, Squirrel Rifles, &c. 4,000 Tents. 1,500 Mules. 1,000 Horses. 200 Freight Cars. 30 Locomotives. Total value of property captured, $12,000,0000. CHAPTER THE EIGHTH. JACKSON. )HUS terminated this memorable conflict for the possession of the rebel stronghold in the southwest, and thus the SIEGE or VICKSBURG passed into, and became a part of, the permanent history of the country. The glo- rious consummation was hailed with acclama- tions of joy throughout the north, while it fell like an unexpected thunder-clap upon the people of the south. But our joy at the success of our work was mingled with disappointment and vexation. For forty-seven long, weary days and nights we had either charged upon the works or stood upon the picket line or worked in the trenches. A bloody record had been written on those hills. And yet we, of the Thirteenth Army Corps, were not permitted to go inside and see the prize we had assisted in capturing. Scarcely had the sound of our artillery died away in the distance, before we were again un- der marching orders. At first we expected to move at six o'clock on the morning of the 4th, ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 185 but from some cause unknown to us, the forward movement did not commence until Sunday morning, July 5th, at sunrise. The whole col- umn was in motion by eight o'clock A.M. The expedition was commanded by General Sher- man, and consisted of three Army Corps, the Ninth, Thirteenth and Fifteenth, commanded respectively by Generals Parke, Ord and McPher- son. We were now playing the last act in the bloody drama in which we had been engaged for the last six months. The weather was excessively hot, and not- withstanding the fact that we were in light marching order, many of the men fainted and fell by the way. And no wonder. We had done no marching for several weeks, and this laborious march was too much for us. Water was also very scarce, and a great deal of suffer- ing was experienced from thirst. But a soldier's life is a life of endurance, and the troops com- posing that army forgot, to some extent at least, their toils and their grievances, and trudged along as merrily as they could under the circum- stances. A part of the Seventy-Seventh reached the spot selected for the camp about the middle of the afternoon, and from that time until after midnight the stragglers kept coming in. The next day we rested. It was on this march that we received the nattering appellation of " Smith's greyhounds." 12 186 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH On the morning of July 7th, the march was resumed, and soon after we passed over the battle ground of Champion Hills. Here we saw evidences of the fight of May 16th, as we could not see them on the day of the conflict. " There was much here to interest the members of Hovey's Division. There nearly fourteen hun- dred of their comrades had fallen. Each one had friends and companions in arms, whose graves they sought out and paid their last tribute of respect. All was quiet. Each spoke and walked about, as if he moved on hallowed ground, and hallowed it was, if the noblest blood of the land can hallow any spot of creation, when ebbing from wounds received in defending liberty's banner and liberty's cause. It was an impressive sight to behold the bluff and har- dened soldier, wipe from his bronzed cheek the silent tear. They visited the spot where their comrades fell. All around were evidences of the fierce conflict. Each tree, log and bush was scarred and torn by the balls. The graves were arranged along the summit of the hill. In many instances officers were buried in the same grave with the common soldier. They died together, struggling for victory; it is meet that they should sleep in the same heroic graves. In future days, when the starry folds shall float over this united land, honored and respected by all, some memo- rial may be raised by their grateful countrymen ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 187 to commemorate their deeds of valor in the greatest of the battles fought for the possession of Vicksburg." But we had no time to indulge in reminis- censes of the past, or to stand regretfully on the graves of our dead comrades at Champion Hills. Onward, was the word, and Jackson was the goal. At night the Thirteenth and Fifteenth Army Corps formed their lines of battle, expect- ing a general engagement in the morning, as the enemy was only a short distance in front of us. That part of the line occupied by the Seventy- Seventh, was in a cornfield, and the corn was in good roasting ear condition. We were not long in gathering the crop and appropriating it to our own use. We then cut up the corn by the roots, and laying the stalks lengthwise in the furrows behind our stacks of guns, made a bed which answered our purpose as well as the best woven wire mattrass could have done. That night we had a regular old-fashioned Mississippi rain- storm. And such a rain ! It beggars descrip- tion. It was a perfect deluge in miniature. During the night we awoke from our slumbers in the furrows, to find high water-mark about half-way up our sides. There were nights on this march when we found a scarcity of water, but this was not one of them. We pulled our bed and bedding out of the ditch and laid them on higher ground, and for the rest of the night 188 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH we slept on the ridges. The next morning that army presented an appearance which would defy all the descriptive powers of the poet or painter. Mud and water were our boon companions. But we were disappointed in our expectations of a battle, and continued the advance, skirmishing with the enemy in front, until they were finally driven within their defences at Jackson. We were now ready for business again. The siege of Jackson began, properly on the 13th of July, our lines having been established the two preceding days. The Seventy-Seventh occupied a position supporting Gen. Lawler's Brigade. We were within easy range of the rebel guns, and the shells would crash through the trees and burst over our heads, and we would then hear the old familiar sounds, "lay down," "grab a root," etc. One day when a severe cannonading opened upon us, we saw Gen. A. J. Smith gallop- ing to the front as fast as his horse could carry him. He was always on hand when there was any work to do. His aids and orderlies found it impossible to keep pace with him. At another time when everything was comparatively quiet on both sides of the line, Gen. Osterhaus went to the front to see how the boys were getting along. Sitting down in the trenches facing the rebel works, he remarked, " I takes a front seat." Just then a shell came howling overhead and exploded behind the general. Quick as thought ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 189 he whirled around and taking a seat on the other side of the trench, he said, " I takes a pack seat." The men hailed the movement and the remark with cheers and roars of laughter. The siege progressed satisfactorily, with now and then a sortie by the rebels, or a charge by some part of our lines. In one of these affairs Co. "K" had a sergeant wounded by a cannister shot, and a private in Co. "G" was severely wounded by a fragment of a shell. Our lines were drawing closer and closer around the rebel works, and we expected soon to have them sur- rounded on all sides. Gen. Johnston, fearing such a resultj took the precaution to evacuate during the night of the 16th, and crossing Pearl River on the east, made good his escape. As soon as this fact was ascertained, on the morning of the 17th, troops were marched in, and formal possession was taken of the city. Jackson was ours a second time. On Sunday, the 19th of July, the Seventy- Seventh Illinois and the Ninty-Sixth Ohio Regi- ments, were ordered to march a few miles south of Jackson for the purpose of tearing up and destroying a section of the New Orleans, Jack- son and Great Northern Railroad. When we reached the point designated, it was found that other troops had been there and accomplished the work we had been sent to do. We remained there that night, and in the morning proceeded 190 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH to a place called By ram, about seven miles fur- ther south, where we arrived at 9 o'clock A. M. Going to work with a will, we succeeded during the day in destroying about two miles of track, burning the ties and bending the rails. Having accomplished our mission we retired, as we sup- posed, for a good night's rest after the toils of the day. But scarcely had we turned in, when an orderly came from Gen. Smith with orders to return to Jackson immediately, and be ready to march for Vicksburg at three o'clock the next morning. The first duty of a good soldier is obedience to orders, and accordingly all we had to do was to obey. We took up our line of march and re- traced our steps, arriving in camp about two o'clock in the morning. We pursued the march and made our advent into camp with the most unearthly howls and yells that ever waked the midnight slumbers of the Mississippi forests. So great was the noise and confusion that some of the troops, thinking a rebel host was about to pounce upon them, sprang half asleep from their beds and seized their arms, ready to repel the impending attack. Finding it to be a false alarm, they returned to their downy pillows, muttering something about " needless alarms," " fools in disguise," " rather a thin joke,"etc. Those of us who had created all this uproar sought con. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 191 venieut places to lie down, and were soon in blissful ignorance of war's alarms. After sleeping two or three hours, we scratched out again and prepared for another march of fifty miles. On the return we again came to Champion Hills, and the Seventy-Seventh camped on the ground over which they marched on the 16th of May. At night we had orders to have our breakfast over by daylight in the morn- ing, in order to get an early start. This order was complied with by most of us, but there was one who did not comply with it. One of the boys in Co. "I" slept until all the others had their breakfast. As it would never do to start on a long march under a burning sun with an empty stomach, he proceeded to cook his break- fast, and having done so, very coolly sat down on a log, and laying his hat on one side of him, his tin cup of coffee on the other and his tin plate on his knees, went to work on his morning repast. By this time the Regiment was in line ready to march. Colonel Grier was sitting on his horse and was just on the point of giving the command "forward" when he saw our hero sit- ting on the log, and asked, "H , what are you doing?" He replied, " I'm eating my breakfast." u All right," said the colonel, " eat your break- fast ; we '11 wait for you." And we did wait, and it was many a day before H heard the last of it. 192 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH On this march the boys made a business of confiscating " abandoned property," that is, they would pick up all the old plugs of mules and horses they could find in the country, and mount- ing them, they followed in the wake of the Regi- ment. It is probably safe to say that by the time we arrived at Black River one-half of our men were mounted. It looked as though we had a cavalry escort or guard of honor, conduct- ing us back to Vicksburg. At last, at about ten oclock on the night of July 23d we reached our old quarters in the ravine, footsore and weary. We now felt that our work, for the present, was done ; and we felt an honest pride^n believing it well done. Soon after our return we were removed to the river bank, about two miles below the city. We were now permitted to rest and recuperate for a time, after more than six months of almost incessant toil. The weather was very hot, and we built small sheds and other contrivances to protect us from the scorching sun. Our duties were light, compared with our past experience. We had company drill at seven o'clock in the morning, and dress parade at six o'clock P.M. The rest of the time we enjoyed life as best we could. On Sunday the second day of August, Chap- lain Pierce preached a good sermon to us, and we all enjoyed it very much. At the close of the services he administered the sacrament of the Lord's Supper, and many of those bronzed ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 193 men partook of the elements representing the broken body and shed blood of Christ, for the first time since leaving home. It was good to be there. Many a fervent heart was raised in thankfulness to the God of battles for the vic- tories which had crowned our arms. We also attended church in the city as we had oportu- nity. Rev. Dr. Russell, of the U. S. Christian Commission, preached a thanksgiving sermon in the Walnut Street Presbyterian church, on the 6th of August, from these appropriate words : " Thy right hand, Lord, is become glorious in power; thy right hand, Lord, hath dashed in pieces the enemy." Ex. 15 : 6. Soon after our return from Jackson, the army was partially reorganized, preparatory to new campaigns. The Thirteenth Arm}* Corps was still under the command of Major General E. O. C. Ord, and consisted of four Divisions the First, Second, Third and Fourth, commanded respect- ively by Generals Washburn, Herron, Hovey and Burbridge. The First Brigade of the Fourth Division consisted of the 23d Wisconsin, the 16th, 60th and 67th Indiana, the 83d and 96th Ohio regiments and the 17th Ohio battery. The Second Brigade consisted of the 77th, 97th and 130 Illinois, the 48th Ohio and the 19th Ken- tucky regiments and the Mercantile battery of Chicago. Our old Division Commander, Gen. A. J. Smith, went north to enter some other field of service. We had been with him ever 194 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH. since we entered the State of Kentucky, and had learned to love him; notwithstanding the fact that under his leadership we had been called "nigger thieves" and " greyhounds." But that was not the last we heard of A. J. Smith. On other hard-fought fields he made his presence known; and the campaign on Red River, and the siege and capture of Mobile bear wit- ness to hjs abilities as an officer. While we were enjoying ourselves in camp on the banks of the great river, Col. Grier sent the following letter to the Soldier's Aid Society, at Peoria, which shows that the Seventy-Seventh was not idle at Jackson. VICKSBURG, July 25, 1863. PRESIDENT OF THE SOLDIERS' AID ) SOCIETY, PEORIA, ILLINOIS, j At the capture of the city of Jackson, Miss., by the United States forces on the 16th of July, 1863, the 77th Regiment was among the first regiments that entered the city, and succeeded in capturing from the enemy a stand of their national colors. Allow me, on behalf of the Regiment, to present your society with those colors as a slight token of our appreciation of the many great benefits you have conferred on the Regiment since our entering the service of our country. Very respectfully, your obedient serv't, D. P. GRIER, Col. 77th Ittinois. CHAPTER THE NINTH. CARROLLTON. ?ICKSBURG! What thrilling recollec- tions cluster about the name ! The weary march the hunger, thirst and fatigue the rapid and resistless advance the successful investment of the rebel works by an impenetrable line of troops the bloody, hard- fought battles the daring but unsuccessful assault the high-noon and midnight labor in the trenches the watchfulness and weariness the laborious and long-continued siege the final capture of the place on the ever-memorable Fourth of July these, and similar events, will ever be remembered with patriotic pride by all who participated in them. But we were now about to bid adieu to those historic scenes. A new field was opening before us, and on the 25th of August, we struck tents and went aboard the steamer " Atlantic," bound for the Department of the Gulf. At 11 o'clock p. M., we cast loose from our moorings and started down the river. On the way we touched at PORT HUDSON, a name which has become historical. 196 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH As we looked upon the forbidding battlements and frowning guns at this place, we were com- pelled" to admire the daring courage and endur- ance which had invested, stormed, besieged and finally captured this rebel stronghold. All honor to the sons of New England for their heroic achievements ! At Port Hudson and Vicksburg the armies of the East and the West, met and congratulated each other upon their successful operations. After long sieges and laborious campaigns, they had succeeded in opening the Mississippi to the wants of commerce. And they rejoiced at the thought that now, hence- forth and forever, the richly freighted argosies of the South and West, should be borne undis- turbed on its tranquil bosom. Let not the critic, then, charge with egotism those men, who, after having endured so much, felt an honest pride that they had contributed something to accom- plish these great results. After a pleasant trip of thirty-two hours, we landed at Carrol Iton, La., a suburb of New Or- leans. Our encampment at this place was on the Champ de Mars, near the New Orleans and Car- rollton Railroad, and seven miles from the city. This was a beautiful open plat of ground, and was known as " Camp Lewis " in confederate times. Here we expected to rest, recuperate and have a grand review, preparatory to future move- ments. Most of the troops previously in this ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 197 vicinity, had been sent forward, so that the Thir- teenth Army Corps, might be said to have full possession. Soon after our arrival, we received orders to hold ourselves in readiness to march at twelve hours' notice. On the 29th we had a re- view on a small scale before Gen. Banks, and we confidently expected soon to take up the line of march, without the pleasure of becoming ac- quainted with the people in the city. In this, however, we were agreeably disappointed. As might be expected, we made frequent appli- cations for " passes " to visit the city and sur- rounding country. And it must be said that our officers were more indulgent than usual in grant- ing these privileges. We took in all the points of interest. The battle-ground, famous in American history, where the English forces met with such a crushing defeat in 1815 the beau- tiful cemeteries in and around the city Lake Pontchartrain, etc., all received a due share of attention. In short, we had a good time gener- ally, and enjoyed ourselves fully as well as we did on the march from Milliken's Bend. On the fourth of September, General Grant having arrived at New Orleans, reviewed the Thirteenth Army Corps, in company with Gen- eral Banks and Adjutant General Thomas. It was an imposing display, probably not less than fifteen thousand troops being on review, includ- ing infantry, cavalry and artillery. In speaking 198 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH on this subject, we can do no better than copy the following account from the New Orleans Era : "According to the announcement in the city papers, the troops under the command of Major General Washburn, now stationed at Champ de Mars, near Carrollton, were reviewed by Generals Banks and Grant, at an early hour yesterday morning. The men under review were the war- scarred veterans, who left the pleasant scenes of their homes in every part of the Union, to hew their way to the Gulf with their swords. Every Division, Brigade and Regiment, as it filed past the generals surrounded by their staff's, showed the results of skillful training, while the ani- mation that gleamed from the bronzed faces of these veterans, gave evidence that they were conscious of the distinguished presence in which they were marching. "In the array of officers and men who met together on the Champ de Mars, the city of New Orleans could behold a portion of the deliverers of the Mississippi. The opening of the great inland sea required great men and stout soldiers; and to the credit of our country let it be said, the right men were found for the work. Upon the appearance of Generals Banks and Grant, accompanied by their respective staffs, they were greeted with three hearty cheers by the whole line of men under arms. The two generals were ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 199 surrounded by their respective staffs, and pre- sented altogether a very brilliant appearance. " The review was what might be reasonably expected from the tried troops in the presence of two distinguished generals. The Division, Brigade and Regimental officers handled their men with more military precision than might have been witnessed on the same field two years ago, when an attempt was made by one or two Louisiana militia generals to review raw recruits, who had never seen even a skirmish, and many of whom are still innocent of the blood of the soldiers of the United States. " The heat of the day was so intense that many of the old citizens of New Orleans were glad to retire to some friendly shade; and yet the troops showed no signs of distress, nor even inconvenience. Such is the result of being inured to exposure. These men, coming from a northern climate, endured a heat whch even an acclimated person gladly avoids. A heartier or more robust set of men probably never passed in review under the critical eyes of generals who have performed great deeds, and who have more yet to do. It was apparent to the most superfi- cial observer that the parade was no training- day display. The two generals, their respective staffs, the general, field and regimental officers, the men themselves had the bearing of the true soldier, and the to at ensemble was suggestive of 200 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH genius, discipline and backbone. Whatever du- ties may be required of Generals Banks and Grant to perform, the country can rest assured will be well performed. Whatever work it may have for that army to do, under either or both these, will be well done. It has been the fortune of the two generals to lead men through diffi- culties and dangers which might appal the man who obtains his ideas of human endurance from theory alone. They have demonstrated that there is no such word as fail, for those who are determined to succeed. It was a proud priv- ilege to stand on that animated field yesterday and say : ' These are American generals and American troops, whose deeds are about to be enrolled on the scroll of immortal fame, and America is my country.' The traitors to our flag, even, must have rejoiced that their pseudo friends had been overcome by men who have shown such bravery in arms and such mercy and moderation in victory." " Terrible as an army with banners if those banners are torn by the shot and shell of a score of battles. Belmont, Donelson, Shiloh, Arkan- sas Post, Port Gibson, Raymond, Jackson, Cham- pion Hills, Big Black, Vicksburg these names were written in bullet holes on those dear, seedy old rags. No bunting gay with new beauty could be so gorgeous as these to the thoughtful eye. It is not surprising that General Banks ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 201 lifted his hat with real reverence when these historic colors dipped to him as he passed. A brave man himself, he knows the honor which is due to the emblems of courage." Soon after the review closed, our camp was thrown into a deep gloom, by a report that Gen. Grant had been thrown from his horse and killed. We soon learned, however, that although he had been injured by the accident, his injuries were not serious. We felt much relieved at this intelligence, and hoped that we might soon be led to victory again under his command. It must be confessed that we had but little faith in political generals, and the subsequent experience of the regiment proved this lack of faith well founded. In this connection let us introduce a character which has not hitherto figured in these pages to any great extent, but which, at the same time, deserves an immortality of fame. Brigadier General M. K. Lawler was an im- portant individual a man of some consequence in his own estimation, if not in ours. He was famous for his rotundity of stomach and his keen appreciation of good living. He*wore a blue checkered shirt, a pair of loosely-fitting, grey pantaloons, a blouse that hung about his shoulders without any definite object in view, and the who^e costume was surmounted by an old battered hat which had seen hard service 13 202 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH and rough usage. The glowing appearance of his countenance indicated an acquaintance with bacchanalian festivities, but of course we at- tributed the rosy tint of his frontispiece to natu- ral causes, not supposing for a moment that he would drink anything stronger than cold water. At the same time it was strongly intimated that he was as good a judge of "commissary" as any member of his personal staff. Such was the man, who, for a brief period commanded the Fourth Division of the Thirteenth Army Corps. And such was the man who will never be for- gotten by certain members of the Seventy- Seventh Regiment, who had the pleasure of his acquaintance. One day, as this famous general was riding through the camp in company with a captain a member of his military family he ap- proached a juvenile specimen of the African race, who was amusing himself in the following manner: He had procured a lot of damaged cartridges, and being naturally of a martial turn of mind, was studying the art of building and destroying fortifications. He would build these wSrks on a small scale, and having done so, would dig a mine and deposit a charge of powder. In the present instance the charge was planted, the train laid, the match applied, and just as the general was passing .the fire had reached its destination and up went the Afri- ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 203 can's miniature Fort Hill. The general's horse, a restless animal, not being particularly fond of such exhibitions, sprang aside, almost un- horsing his rider. The commander's wrath rose to the boiling point, and he ordered the captain to dismount and give the hopeful youth a casti- gation, which was done with a hearty good will. The two officers then rode off, the general giving a parting broadside in this happy style : "There, you little black d I, take that." On the .morning of September 12th, some of our boys made a " charge " on the Provost Mar- shal's office, not knowing who occupied the building, and perhaps not caring very much. The "provo" was up stairs asleep at the time, but the boys were in blissful ignorance of this fact. As they were marching off with their plunder, consisting of office stationery, including official envelopes, legal cap, foolscap, letter paper, etc., spring-bottom chairs and other fur- niture of costly pattern, some of them were ar- rested by the provost guards, the others making their escape. The recaptured property was restored to the office, and the captured guilty ones were marched off to the headquarters of Brigadier General Lawler, to be disposed of as that officer might direct. The general ordered them to be armed with sticks of cordwood and marched through the Division at shouldered arms. This performance was more amusing to 204 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH. the spectators than to the performers, although Lew and Jake, of Company " I," and one or two others, seemed to enjoy it very much. After having marched the boys all through the Division, the guards returned with their charge to headquarters. Here the general drilled them in the manual of arms, and the different commands "shoulder arms," "order arms," "ground arms," "raise arms," "shoulder arms," " right shoulder shift arms," " shoulder arms," " present arms," " shoulder arms," " order arms," " stack arms," " take arms," etc., were executed with a neatness and dispatch unequaled, consid- ering the kind of arms used on the occasion. The general expressed himself perfectly satisfied with their progress in the " school of the sol- dier," and having worked himself into a per- spiration, he gave the welcome command "break ranks, MARCH." As they were marching away, a lady secesh, perhaps called out from an ad- joining residence, " Steal again, will you ?" and " steal again, will you ? " was a by-word in the Regiment for a long time afterwards. CHAPTER THE TENTH. BAYOU TECHE. S WE had now been more than a month at Carrollton, had undergone two reviews and several inspections, had taken in the city and seen the sights, it became necessary to think about changing our base. Accordingly on the evening of October 3d, we went aboard the steamer "North America," and, after a pleasant sail, landed at the railroad station in Algiers on the opposite side of the river, and about ten miles below our encampment. At eleven o'clock p. M., we went aboard the cars, or rather, were piled in, as Col. Webb said, "like a lot of hogs." We had nothing but flat-cars, and a night ride of eighty miles in that shape, was neither pleasant nor entertaining. However, with our usual good luck, we reached Brashear City the next morning at sunrise. We crossed to the opposite side of Berwick Bay, on the steamer " St. Charles," and went into camp. And here we had the pleasure of serving up our 206 TfiE SEVENTY-SEVENTH oysters on the half-shell. There were many ru- mors in camp as usual, but we concluded to keep still and wait for developments. The developments came on the morning of the 7th, in the shape of an order, which said, "for- ward" or words to that effect. That day we marched about eighteen miles, and camped at night on the battle-ground of Bisland, where the Army of the Gulf had defeated the rebel forces under Dick Taylor, on the 13th of April. We continued the march the next day, and until noon of the 9th, when we found ourselves within a mile of New Iberia, having marched fifty miles in two days and a half. Here we rested a short time, when an order came for the 77th Illinois, 48th Ohio and 19th Kentucky, to take the back track a track we did not like to take and go into camp at Franklin, twenty-seven miles to the rear, where we arrived on the morning of the eleventh, somewhat jaded and a good deal out of humor. We found the country along the Bayou Teche, one of the richest and most beautiful portions of Louisiana we had yet seen. Large and fertile plantations reached back as far as the vision extended, while handsome residences, almost hidden behind the dark green foilage of trees peculiar to the south, fronted on the bayou, and long rows of orange trees, at that season of the year, almost bending under their loads of lus- ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 207 cious fruit, lined the road along which we passed. Cattle and sheep, as well as the agricultural pro- ducts of the country abounded, and it must not be supposed that we had been so long in the service, without learning how to supply our temporal wants while passing through a rich country, with a failing commissary on our hands. General Grant had taught us a few lessons on that important subject, and we were very apt scholars. An extract from a letter written by one of the boys while in camp at Franklin, will show how we enjoyed ourselves : " I presume there is not a noisier regiment in the Thirteenth Army Corps than the Seventy- Seventh, especially on the march. When we first carne to this place, very strict orders were issued against pillaging, destroying buildings, etc. This did well enough so long as we had good weather. But last Friday we had a heavy rain, and as we had nothing but rail pens to live in, we got very wet. We thought this way of liv- ing would hardly pay, and the next day we went to a large barn about a mile from camp, and the way we made the lumber fly was a caution. We tore off all the siding, floors, etc., hauled the lumber to camp, and built tolerably comfort- able quarters. Just as we were leaving with the last load, the guards came to protect the property, but they were too late. They suc- ceeded, however, in arresting some of the 208 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH offenders from the regiment. We have some gay times in the army, and I venture to say that whoever lives to see the Seventy-Seventh re- turn to Peoria, will see a high day." It may be said here in passing, that when guards were sent to protect property and arrest the offenders, they were almost always too late to accomplish those objects. And why not? They did not know how soon it would be their turn to be arrested. And one good turn deserves another. It will be remembered that the flags presented to the Regiment before leaving home, were lost in the unsuccessful charge at Vicksburg, May 22d, 1863. The ladies of Peoria, not satisfied with their previous munificence, very generously replaced these flags by others more beautiful, more costly, and, under the circumstances, far more acceptable than the first. The flags were presented through Colonel Grier, who had just returned from leave of absence. The following letter which accompanied the gift, was read on dress parade on the evening of October 31st. COL. D. P. GRIER, 77th Ills. Vols. SIR : To you and your noble Regi- ment the women of the " National League " present for acceptance our beloved country's ensign. "When again you stand at the head of your brave column and unfurl it to their view, tell ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 209 them it was sent by the "Woman's National League " of Peoria, an association of women upon whose record stand the names of many near and dear to them, and of others, who, though it may be, are personally unknown to them, have marked with gratitude and pride, their unremitting efforts in their country's ser- vice; an association calumniated and sneered at by the traitors of the North, among whom even women stand enrolled. Say to them that this association has adopted as its motto, " uncondi- tional loyalty to the powers that be," has pledged its members to bring their God-given influence to bear against treason in word or action, at home and abroad, and to give aid and encour- agement to our honored soldiers whenever and however it may be in their power. In replacing the Flag lost under circumstances of so much daring and peril, the members of the " Woman's National League " feel that they are in part fulfilling their pledge, and are making to you and your Regiment, the most acceptable expression of their sympathy with, and appreci- ation of your valor. Accept it, then, accompanied with the earnest prayer of the league to the God of battles, even He who ruleth supreme over all, that He will ever be with you, giving you in conflict the vic- tory over our country's enemies, protecting you in the hour of danger, assuaging suffering, if 210 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH suffering there must be, and fitting each by His Spirit, through the merits of His crucified Son, for mansions in Heaven. MRS. A. G. CURTENIUS, President W. N. L. PEORIA, ILL., Sept. 7, 1863. The flags were received by the Regiment with long, loud and enthusiastic cheers, and, Pursuant to a call from the Colonel of the Regiment, a meeting of the officers of the 77th Reg't 111. Vols., was held at the Regimental Head- quarters at Franklin, La., on the 31st of October, 1863. Col. D. P. Grier was called to the chair, and Lieut. H. P. Ay res, elected secretary. The chairman stated the object of the meeting to be the expression of the sentiments of the regiment on the occasion of receiving two beautiful flags from the " Woman's National League " and "Misses Aid Society" of Peoria, which had been presented on dress parade the same day, and re- ceived by the Regiment with three hearty cheers. On motion, a committee consisting of Messrs. Major Charles Winnie, Captain John A. Burdett and Lieut. Henry P. Ayres, were appointed to draft resolutions expressive of the sense of the meeting. The committee, after deliberation, submitted the following preamble and resolutions: WHEREAS, on the twenty-second of May, 1863, while engaged in that unfortunate charge on the ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 211 rebel works at Vicksburg, our flag and colors, planted on the parapet, and defended for eight long hours against a murderous fire from the enemy, were in the darkness, and during a furious onslaught of massed numbers, borne oft' and insulted by a traitorous foe; and WHEREAS, our countrywomen, the loyal ladies of Peoria, have presented to our Regiment, through its brave and talented Colonel, D. P. Grier, new colors and a new flag, whose broad stripes and bright stars will ever cheer us, and to which we shall look in times of danger as the emblems of hope, the insignia of liberty, thus showing their devotion to our common cause, and that they are mindful of the brave boys who have gone at their country's call; therefore, Resolved, That to the women of the " National League " and the misses of the " Aid Society " the munificent donors, we tender our grateful thanks that we appreciate the gift and the spirit of patriotism and kindness that prompted it, and we promise as we hope for Heaven and as God is just, that never, by one cowardly act on our part, shall these banners be dishonored, but that we will ever be true to our country and our colors, and will do and suffer in their defence until "Old Glory" waves in triumph over every stronghold of treason and rebellion, and as we can only feel that the colors are entrusted as a memento of confidence and respect not given, 212 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH so we promise that when our country shall be reunited and peace shall reign from ocean to ocean, from the Lakes to the Gulf, to bring back these banners, and then only will we accept them in full, when each star represents a loyal State. Then we can feel that these flags are fit to take the place of the old ones, which, though faded and worn by service on the well-fought fields of Post Arkansas, Port Gibson, Champion Hills, Black River Bridge and Vicksburg, nevertheless were dear to every one of us. Resolved, That we recognize the "National League" and "Aid Society" as auxiliaries to our cause, and powerful agencies for restoring peace and unity to the nation by sustaining and encouraging its defenders in the field that we endorse their motto and heartily approve their objects that we are proud of their patriotism and fidelity to our Institutions and the banner that represents them, and that we believe that they, and similar associations, in bringing the powerful influence of woman to bear for the cause of Liberty and Union, are golden links in the chain which binds the hearts of all loyal men to the government of our Fathers. They have placed us forever under obligations to defend, not only our Country against traitors from within and foes without, but to defend them from all harm, come from whatever source it may, and as our duty to our country is our duty ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 213 to our God, so is the defence of our Constitution and Flag, the defence of our mothers and sisters at home. Resolved, That the memory of the noble women of the "League" and no less patriotic Misses of the "Aid Society" shall ever be hal- lowed in the Regiment as the memory of our mothers and sisters is sacred, that we ask their encouragement and prayers and those of loyal women everywhere to sustain us against our open enemies in front and concealed foes in the rear, that our best wishes shall ever be for their happiness and prosperity in this world, and that in another, angel hands may place upon the brow of each and every one of them a diadem of 'stars far more brilliant and more sacred than those which glitter in the azure of our National banner. Resolved, That copies of these Resolutions be sent to the Presidents of the " Woman's National League " and " Misses Aid Society " of Peoria, to the Peoria Transcript and the Chicago Tribune. On motion, the resolutions were adopted by a unanimous vote. On motion, adjourned sine die. COL. D. P. GRIER, Chairman. LIEUT. H. P. AYRES, Secretary. On the eleventh of November, at ten o'clock A.M., we received orders to march at two o'clock P.M. for New Iberia, to reenforce the troops at 214 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH. that place, as General Burbridge was appre- hending an attack. Accordingly the 77th Illi- nois and 48th Ohio packed their traps, and at the hour designated, away we went on a dog trot, reaching our destination, after a forced march, to find that there was no immediate danger. But then, we had been long enough at Franklin, and we had to move to wear off the rust. We were now in a land of plenty a land of corn and wine, so to speak, and we were not slow to improve our opportunities. On the nine- teenth of November the Seventy-Seventh was ordered on a foraging expedition that is, to get something to feed the mules. But Gen. Frank- lin had issued strict orders against supplying oar own wants. As we passed through the town, Major Hotchkiss, who was in command of the Regiment, reported to General Burbridge for instructions. He told the Major about the orders of Gen. Franklin, and in conclusion he said, " Now Major, I hope you will observe these orders very strictly, and tell your men from me, that if they should unfortunately catch any chickens or geese, or anything else, they must be careful and not get bitten." The Major brought the report to the Regiment we knew what it meant three very emphatic cheers went up for General Burbridge, and we started. We crossed the bayou and marched about ten miles when ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 215 we came to a plantation where we found an abundance of forage for the teams, and it is safe to say that when we came into camp that night we had at least forty bushels of sweet potatoes, ten dozen chickens and other things in propor- tion. On the evening of the 23d one of the boys received a package of papers from home, and among them was the Peoria Transcript, contain- ing a speech made by Col. R. G. Ingersoll, at Pekin, and one by his brother, E. C. Ingersoll, at Elmwood. The boys crowded into the tent and insisted on having those speeches read aloud for the benefit of all present. As the reader proceeded he was frequently interrupted by cheers for " Bob " and such exclamations as these: '"read that again," "hurrah for Elrn- wood," "bully for Bob Ingersoll," "his head is level," etc., and notwithstanding the drum tapped the hour for retirement, they would not be satisfied until both speeches were read. It was a rough and boisterous expression of patri- otism, but it came from warm and loyal hearts. Our National Thanksgiving was observed on the 26th of November, and on that day a large gathering of officers and soldiers took place at the headquarters of Gen. McGinnis, commander of the 3d Division, 13th Army Corps. It was one of the most cheering scenes we had seen for many a day. Speeches were made by General 216 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Cameron, and by a great many Colonels. Majors, Captains, etc. The occasion was enlivened by music from the brass bands belonging to the llth and 34th Indiana Regiments. At the close, when the Doxology, "Praise God from whom all blessings flow," was sung by the choir and played by the band, every head in that vast assemblage was rever- ently uncovered, as in the presence of Him who rules among the nations. About this time another change was made in our Division. As now arranged the 1st Brigade was commanded by Col. "W. J. Landram, and consisted of the 19th Kentucky, the 83d and 96th Ohio, and the 60th and 67th Indiana Regiments, and the 17th Ohio Battery. The 2d Brigade, commanded by Colonel D. P. Grier, consisted of the 77th, 97th and 130th Illinois and the 48th Ohio Regiments, and the Mercantile Battery of Chicago. We remained at New Iberia until the 7th of December, when we turned our faces homeward that is in the direction of New Orleans. And here it may be well to state that General Banks pursued a very peculiar, but at the same time, salutary and welcome policy with the troops in his department a policy which was well calcu- lated to "make treason odious," and crush the rebellion. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 217 He would collect a large army in the vicinity of New Orleans, and after having spent a month or more in the pleasant exercise of reviewing the troops, a la McClellau an exercise which was indispensable to the salvation of the country he would march his army to some point on the frontier, or " to the front," as it was called, when, having made the necessary observations and studied the geography of the country, he would retrace his steps, return to the city and repeat the programme, placing his " objective point " in a different direction. This policy was pursued probably from the fact that if the troops re- mained long in the field, they would become de- moralized and forget all about city life and polite etiquette. Moreover, they would become total strangers to the influences exerted by the high standard of morality, for which the Southern Metropolis has always been noted. These con- siderations indicate the necessity of our return- ing frequently to the base of operations at New Orleans. In accordance with the foregoing order of exercises, we made a retrogade movement in due time, leaving New Iberia on the 7th day of December, and arriving at Algiers on the 13th of the month, having marched fifty-six miles, and traveled eighty miles by railroad, in the brief period of ix days and a half. Verily, the world did move in those days. 14 CHAPTER THE ELEVENTH. RECRUITS. VIEW of the fact that the Regiment was now becoming very much reduced in num- bers, Colonel Grier asked for, and received permission to go home with a detachment of men for the purpose of recruiting. The follow- ing is the order granting that permission : HEADQUARTERS, DEPARTMENT OF THE GULF, ) NEW ORLEANS, November 24, 1863. j Special Orders, No. Extract * The following-named officers and enlisted men will proceed without delay to their respective States, and there report to the Governors of the several States, for the purpose of recruiting for their respective regiments. These detachments will proceed without delay, under the charge of the senior officer of each Regiment. The Quartermaster's Department will furnish the necessary transportation : ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 219 Colonel D. P. Grier, .... 77th III. Captain Edwin Stevens, Co. " E," " Corporal Charles H. Arms, " " A," " Sergeant James Wier, " " B," Joseph Hutchinson, " " C," James T. Bender, " "D," Benj. F. Kobbins, " " E," " James Hammers, " " F," " Corporal Moses E. Burt, " " G," " David L. Murdock, " "H," Austin C. Aten, " "I," Sergeant John Yinger, " " K," " By command of MAJ. GEN. BANKS. G. NORMAN LIBBER, A. A. A. G. The foregoing detail left New Iberia for the north soon after the order was issued, arriving in Feoria on the 18th of December, 1863. As the detail departed. General Burbridge sent the fol- lowing communication to Gov. Yates of Illinois: HEADQUARTERS, 4rn DIVISION 13TH A. C., ) NEW IBERIA, December 5, 1863. ) HON. RICHARD YATES. Dear Sir: I avail myself of the return home of recruiting details from the 77th, 97th and 180th Regiments Illinois Volunteers, and Chicago Mercantile Battery, as a fitting oppor- tunity to express my entire satisfaction and 220 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH hearty approval of their conduct, discipline and soldierly bearing under their accomplished and efficient officers. Having been intimately associated with them long before I was called to assume command of them, I found them to the full what their past noble record had prepared me to expect, and I desire to join my pride and gratification at hav- ing such men in my command, to the just pride of the people at having sent such gallant soldiers to fight for our glorious cause. I heartily commend these Regiments to you and to the citizens of your State as very desir- able ones to enlist in, as they will be certain of a favorable position for a vigorous prosecution of the war. With assurances of high personal regard, I beg leave to subscribe myself, Your obedient servant, S. G. BURBRIDGE, Brigadier General. As soon as the recruiting detail reached home they commenced operations in Peoria and the surrounding towns, and were very successful, as the following muster-roll will show. It will be observed from the dates that some of these men enlisted before this recruiting party began their work, but as they are all recruits, that is, they enlisted after the original muster-in of the Regi- ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 221 ment, it is thought proper to give them all in this place. Those who were transferred to the 130th Illinois are followed to that Regiment until they finally left the service : RECRUITS FOR COMPANY "A." William C. C. Allison, Galesburg. February 11, 1864; transferred to Co. "B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Henry G. Arms, Knoxville. December 16, 1863; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out June 17, 1865. Levi S. Bartlett, Galesburg. February 3, 1864; transferred to Co. "B," 130th 111.; mustered out June 24, 1865. Charles E. Bancroft, Galesburg. February 8, 1864; transferred to Co. "B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Daniel Boher, Galesburg. January 20, 1864; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Francis Bates, Galesburg. January 26, 1864; died at Galesburg, 111., Oct. 12, 1864. William H. Babcock, Peoria. December 30, 1863; discharged for disability, May 23, 1864. Elisha A. Chadrich, Galesburg. February 11, 1864; transferred to Co. "B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. George W. Conero, Galesburg. February 12, 1864; transferred to Co. "A," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Henry Crow, Peoria. January 7, 1864; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out June 17, 1865. Daniel B. Cutler, Peoria. December 26, 1863; transferred to Co. "B," 130th III.; mustered out June 17, 1865. 222 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH James H. Cutler, Peoria. December 26, 1863; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. James Crawford, Jreoria. December 30, 1863; discharged for disability, July 26, 1864. Darius J. Cook, Peoria. February 13, 1865; transferred to Co. "D," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Charles H. Day, Wataga. February 29, 1864; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Benjamin F. Dounard, Peoria. January 4, 1864; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out July 10, 1865. Thomas W. Edson, La Salle. November 9, 1863; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out June 17, 1865. Frank M. Evans, Galesburg. February 9, 1864; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; promoted Sergeant; mustered out August 15, 1865. James F. Heagy, Galesburg. February 9, 1864; died at Baton Rouge, La., July 18, 1864. Oliver Howard, Galva. January 29, 1864; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Charles C. Hope, Galesburg. January 4, 1864; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out June 17, 1865. Alfred M. Judson, Galesburg. January 4, 1864; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Robert Kay, Galesburg. February 11, 1864; transferred to Co. "B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Joseph Kunert, Peoria. January 4, 1864; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Andrew J. Lockbaum, Peoria. November 23, 1863; transferred to Co, " B," 130th 111.; absent, sick at muster-out of Regiment. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 223 Thomas Lynch, Peoria. January 5, 1864; transferred to Co. " B," 130th III.; mustered out June 17, 1865. Charles H. Meadows, Galesburg. February 15, 1864; transferred to V. R. C., December 23, 1864. Charles May, Galesburg. February 12, 1864; transferred to Co. "B," 130th 111.; musterred out August 15, 1865. John Martin, Peoria. December 29, 1863; mustered out a prisoner of war June 17, 1865. Frank M. Martin, Galesburg. February 18, 1864; transferred to 130th 111. James Mather, Knoxville. November 9, 1863; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out June 17, 1865. Theodore H. Neander, Washburn. November 9, 1863; transferred to Co. "D," 130th 111.; mustered out June 17, 1865. Samuel Ott, Orange. November 18, 1863; transferred to Co "D," 130th 111. Theodore Perkins, Persifer. November 30, 1863; transferred to Co. "D," 130th 111.; mustered out June 17, 1865. Charles W. Price, Galesburg February 9, 1864; transferred to Co. " D," 130th 111.; discharged Sept. 9, 1864, to accept promotion in 107th U. S. C. T. John S. Rambo, Haw Creek. December 30, 1863; transferred to Co. "E," 130th 111.; mustered out a prisoner of war, June 17, 1865. Joseph Rambo, Haw Creek. December 30, 1863; discharged for wounds, July 1, 1864. Charles W. Read, Galesburg. February 9, 1864; transferred to Co. "D." 130th Illi- nois; mustered out August 15, 1865. William Smith, Gilson. December 30, 1863; transferred to Co. " E," 130th Illi- nois; mustered out a prisoner of war, June 17, 1865. 224 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Charles B. Smith, Galesburg. February 11, 1864; transferred to Co. " D," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. James Smith, Peoria. January 5, 1864; transferred to Co. " D," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. George W. Sutton, Peoria. January 11, 1864; transferred to Co. "D," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Alfred Spidle, Persifer. February 10, 1865; transferred to Co. " D," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. William S. Tree, Persifer. December 30, 1863 ; died at Tyler, Texas, while a pris- oner of war, July 22, 1864. Ethan A. Wallace, Galesburg. February 22, 1864; transferred to Co. " D," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Milton H. Wentworth, Galesburg. February 6, 1864; transferred to Co. " D," 130th 111.; promoted Corporal; mustered out August 15, 1865. George W. Witherell, Galesburg. February 11, 1864; transferred to Co. "D," 130th III.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Benjamin Wills, Persifer. December 30, 1863; transferred to Co. " E," 130th 111.; mustered out August 9, 1865. Jacob Wallack, Persifer. February 10, 1865; transferred to Co. "E," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. RECRUITS FOR COMPANY " B." Alfred F. Selling. Transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111. ; mustered out Aug. 15, 1865. Alonzo F. Murden, Peoria. March 14, 1865; transferred to Co. "B," 130th Illinois; mustered out August 15, 1865. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 225 Ellsworth Utterbach, Vermilliori. March 15, 1865; transferred to Co. "A," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Benjamin L. Weireman, Magnolia. September 13, 1864; mustered out July 10, 1865. RECRUITS FOR COMPANY " C." George J. Gordon, Smithfield. February 29, 1864; transferred to Co. "B," 130th 111.; promoted Corporal ; mustered out August 15, 1865. David W. Hanna, Cazenovia. January 19, 1865; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; Absent, sick at muster out of regiment. Fred. J. Han day sides, January 4, 1864; died at Baton Rouge, La., August 9, 1864. Dudley Linville, Versailles, Ky. November, 1862; transferred to Co. "B," 130th Illinois; promoted Corporal; mustered out August 15, 1865. Samuel W. McCulloch, Washburn. February 29, 1864; transferred to Co. "B," 130th 111.; promoted Corporal ; mustered out August 15, 1865. Alfred Romine, Kingston. January 25, 1864; discharged for disability, December 17, 1864. John E. Stephenson, Washburn. February 29, 1864; transferred to Co. "D," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. David B. Sattbrd, Metamora. February 28, 1864; deserted April 21, 1865. James M. Toy, Washburn. February 29, 1864; transferred to 130th Illinois. RECRUITS FOR COMPANY " D." Morgan Antrim, Henry. December 29, 1863; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. 226 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Thompkin C. Barney, Peoria. November 16, 1863; transferred to 130th 111. Sherebiah Bass. Transferred to 130th 111. James Bonde. Lawrence Creyton, Lacon. February 10, 1864; dropped Sept. 3, 1864; supposed to to be dead. Thomas Davis. October 1, 1862; transferred to Co. "B," 130th 111.; mustered out June 17, 1865. George W. Furrow, Lacon. December 23, 1863; transferred to Co. "B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. James Fowler. July 28, 1864; deserted October 10, 1864. Frank Maxwell. July 28, 1864; deserted October 12, 1864. James W. Twinam. October 1, 1864; transferred to Co. "D," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. RECRUITS FOR COMPANY " E." George Albright, Westtield. March 14, 1865; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. James W. Babcock, Peoria. February 24, 1864; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. James T. Dawson, Haw Creek. January ,1865; transfered to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. William Donaldson, Logan. February 25, 1865; transferred to Co. "B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. George W. Hunt. December 14, 1863; transferred to Co. "B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 227 James W. Houghtalling, Logan. February 23, 1865; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Charles G. Holt, Marshall. March 31, 1864; transferred to Co. " B," 130th Illinois; mustered out August 15, 1865. William H. Hays, Hallock, January 30, 1865: transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Charles V. Johnson, Marshall. March 31, 1864; died at Henry, 111., Sept. ,1864. Newton Jenkins, Logan. February 23, 1865; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Charles McTaggart, Metamora. March 31, 1864; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Samuel H. Smith, Elmont. February 29, 1864; transferred to Co. "A," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. William P. Souders. Transferred to Co. "A," 130th 111.; mus- tered out August 15, 1865. Henry Sargent, Peoria. February 24, 1865; transferred to Co. " A," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. RECRUITS FOR COMPANY " P." John W. Adams, Yates City. December 29, 1863; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. William H. Barnes, Sparland. January 5, 1864; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. John D. Hamrick, Yates City. December 25, 1863; transferred to Co. " C," 130th 111.; mustered out June 17, 1865. Solomon Johnson, Sparland. January 5, 1864; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111. ; mustered out June 17, 1865. 228 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Joseph Lutkieweiz, Persifer. February 10, 1865; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. David Nighswonger, Spar-land. January5, 1864; transferred to Co. " C," 130th 111.; mustered out June 17, 1865. William J. Phillips, Bruce. April 5, 1865; transferred to Co. "C," 130th 111.; mustered out June 14, 1865. Alfred Snell. August 22, 1863; transferred to Co. "E," 130th 111.; mustered out a prisoner of war, June 17, 1865. RECRUITS FOR COMPANY " G." Michael Bolen, Elmwood. February 20, 1864; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Cassius M. Clough Elmwood. January 27, 1864; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Caleb G. Clough, Elmwood. January 27, 1864; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Morris Grissom, Summit. November 11, 1863; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111. James A. Grissom, Summit. November 11, 1863; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Benjamin G. Hunter, Peoria. November 5, 1863; died at Baton Rouge, La., June, 1864. Joseph Hunter, Peoria. November 11, 1864; died at home, Dec. 26, 1864. George W. Huffman, Elmwood. January 27, 1864; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. John S. Hirst, Summit. January 27, 1864; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out June 17, 1865. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 229 Charles B. Johnson. Transferred to 130th 111. Peter Morris, Troy. February 13, 1865; deserted April 5, 1865. Charles Patch, Minonk. January 5, 1865; transferred to Co. " C,', 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Robert H. Stewart, Elmwood. February 19, 1864; transferred to Co. " A," 130th 111.; discharged at New Orleans, La., August 81, 1865. Charles H. Smith. Transferred to Co. " A," 130th 111. ; dis- charged August 15, 1865. Benjamin F. Williams, Elmwood. January 18, 1864; transferred to Co. "A," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Christopher C. Williams, Springfield. March 28, 1864; transferred to Co. "A," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. RECRUITS FOR COMPANY " H." William Allen, Minonk. March 24, 1864; transferred to Co. " B," 130th III.; discharged for disability, August 11, 1865. John Baker October 1, 1864; transferred to Co. "C," 130th 111.; mustered out June 17, 1865. Thomas Bassett, Chestnut. January 27, 1865; transferred to Co. " C," 130th 111.; mustered out June 19, 1865. Charles E. Hall, Minonk. December 26, 1863; transferred to Co. ",B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Joseph H. Knickerbocker, Peoria. January 25, 1864; mustered out May 23, 1865. David Moore Transferred from 2d Illinois Cavalry; transferred to Co. " B," 130th 111.; mustered out Aug. 15, 1865. Frank W. Pillsbury, Lebreeshy. January 5, 1864; transferred to Co. "B," 130th 111.; promoted 1st Sergeant; mustered out August 15, 1865. 230 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH RECRUITS FOR COMPANY "I." Edward E. Bigelow, Elm wood. December 30, 1863; transferred to Co. "B," 130th 111.; promoted Corporal; mustered out August 15, 1865. William D. Cone, Elmwood. January 4, 1864; transferred to Co. "B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. John W. Dixon, rates City. December 23, 1863; discharged fo* disability, May 11, 1864. Daniel L. Murphy, Elmwood. December 23, 1863; transferred to Co. "E," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Samuel McRill, Eugene. December 24, 1863; transferred to Co. "E," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Samuel C. Null, Salem. February 3, 1865; transferred to Co. " E," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. William W. Pratz, Elmwood. February 29, 1864; transferred to Co. "E," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Wesley J. Whitehead, Elmwood. January 25, 1864; transferred to Co. " E," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. RECRUITS FOR COMPANY " K." George Archdale, Trivoli. December 24, 1863; transferred to Co. "B," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. John Haine$, Peoria. January 5, 1864; transferred to 130th III. John H. Hamilton, Peoria. December 3, 1863; mustered out January 3, 1865. Taylor McMohan, Somerville. January 12, 1864; transferred to Co. "C," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. William Nolan, Haw Creek. January , 1865; transferred to Co. "C," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 231 Isaac Orr, Kickapoo. January 25, 1864; transferred to Co. " C," 130th 111.; mustered out June 14, 1865. Thomas Parker, Rosefield. April 7, 1864; died at Fort Gaines, Ala., September 4, 1864. Lyman J. Powell, Edwards Station. January 20, 1864; transferred to Co. "C," 130th 111.; mustered out June 14, 1865. Samuel H. Race, Pekin. February 1, 1864; transferred to Co. "C," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. Robert J. Rynearson, Peoria. December 3, 1863; transferred to Co. " C," 130th 111.; mustered out June 17, 1865. Edwin R. Somers, Peoria. January 2, 1864; transferred to Co. "C," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. George Thurston, Peoria. February 29, 1864; transferred to Co. "C," 130th 111.; mustered out August 15, 1865. John D. Wholstenholm, Kickapoo. April 5, 1864; transferred to Co. " C," 130th 111.; mus- tered out August 15, 1865. UNASSIGNED RECRUITS. John Abel, Chicago. Richard Atkins, Peoria, March 1, 1865. Charles W. Brown, Troy, Feb. 13, 1865. Thomas Bun, Peoria, March 2, 1865. James Burnett, Peoria, March 1, 1865. James Boner, Lacou, l3ec. 22, 1863. William H. Brown, Peoria, Feb. 26, 1864. William Brown, Chicago, April 1, 1865. John M. Bremble. Alfred Burlingame, Lacon. James Conners, Peoria, March 2, 1865. Jacob M. Conner, Auburn, Feb. 14, 1865. 232 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Franklin F. Denton, Galesburg. Patrick Flannagan, Peoria, Sept. 9, 1864. William Folz, Peoria. Chauncey W. Greenman, Peoria. James Haley, Peoria, Feb. 28, 1865. John Hubert, Peoria, Feb. 28, 1865. John Hays, Peoria, March 2, 1865. John Herbert. William Hays, Hallock, Jan. 30, 1865. Samuel J. Hutchinsou, Lacon. John Houck, Washington. Silas Kerr, Peoria, Feb. 24, 1865. Daniel Kelly, Peoria, March 2, 1865. Alfred Kahling, Peoria, Feb. 27, 1865. Charles King, Eugene. Henry M. Karmany, Peoria. James Linch, La Salle. Abraham Linscott, Lacou. Alonzo T. Marden, Westtield. John Miller, Peoria, Feb. 28, 1865. Hugh F. McElheny, Peoria, March 14, 1865. John McGree, Peoria, Jan. 13, 1864. James McElhany, Ohio, March 9, 1865. John Miller. Henry P. McManus, Peoria, Feb. 29, 1864. Wm. H. B. McCoy, Washburn, Nov. 18, 1863. Michael Morrisy, Galesburg. Walter Murray, Galesburg. Frank N. Martin, Wataga. Henry S. McAllister, Galesburg. George H. Percival, Peoria. David B. Pemble, Elmwood. Nathan W. Pourch, Lacon. Andrew Sorner, Peoria, Feb. 28, 1865. Andrew Simson. William Sowders Hallock, Jan. 30, 1865. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 233 John Shurray, Peoria. John (jr. Stewart, Elmwood. Louis Sanford, Peoria. Samuel Stevens, Galesburg. John Wilson, Peoria. Samuel M. Wadsworth, Peoria. 15 TEXAS. THE evening of Dec. 17th, we went aboard the transport " De Molay," and that night cut loose and steamed down the river. The next morning, early, we crossed the dividing line between the turbid waters of the Mississippi and the clear blue waters of the Gulf. And now ensued a scene comical in the extreme^ comical to the spectators, but not to the perfor- mers. The vessel heaved and rolled from side to side as she bounded over the waves now lifting her prow high in the air, and then plunging for- ward as if the noble ship would be engulfed in the trough of the sea. Many of the boys were seized with that peculiar nauseous feeling known as sea-sickness, and they employed their leisure time in what they called " heaving up Jonah," that is they vomited most majestically. Some would lean over the railing and deposit their morning meal in the Gulf; others, more timid, would cling with the tenacity of life to a post, and perform their part of the comedy with due ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 235 solemnity. As some unlucky officer appeared on deck to contribute something to the entertain- ment, the boys, without the fear of shoulder- straps before their eyes, would call out, " There goes your fifty cents." We reached our destination Pass Cavello, Texas and went into camp on a dreary, deso- late sand bank, known as DeCrow's Point. This is a peninsula lying between the waters of the Gulf and Matagorda Bay. While here we felt much inconvenience for want of rations. While vast stores of " hard-tack," and kindred luxuries were piled up at New Orleans, Gen. Banks, with a foresight for which his military adminis- tration was famous, failed to furnish his troops in Texas with the much-needed supplies. To add to the discomforts of the situation, the weather was exceedingly cold for a southern climate. At night the cold northwesters would howl across the sandy waste, and it was no un- common thing to see the whole encampment ly- ing prostrate on the sand. On one of. these occasions, after the wind had been performing wild antics through the night, the lamented Col. Webb awoke in the morning to find his tent covering him as a blanket. He crawled from the ruins and looked with mute surprise upon the wrecks around him. At length, unable longer to control his feelings, he exclaimed in 236 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH accents of solemnity, " Behold the ruins of Pom- peii" For the most part, we had to depend for fuel on drift-wood gathered along the coast. This would not burn very well, especially when the wind was blowing, and that was nearly all the time. To obviate this difficulty, we dug holes in the ground, and in them built, fires to do our cooking. Of course the wind would very gen- erously sprinkle our rations with sand, which was gritty to the teeth and the taste. In fact we had " grit " enough and " sand in the craw " enough for any emergency. But these diversions were suddenly inter- rupted by the appearance of an enemy in the distance. We were now becoming too much attached to our new home to be driven from it without a struggle. We would " die in the last ditch " rather than surrender our firesides and our sand hills. No ruthless foe should ever in- vade the sacred precincts of our camp. With these thoughts animating our patriotic breasts, we marched out to meet the enemy. With colors flying, and burnished arms glistening in the sunlight, our lines advanced in splendid style. We met the enemy and they were ours. To parody the lines of the nursery rhyme, " We charged upon a flock of sheep, And put them all to flight," excepting what we killed and brought into ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 237 camp. But in spite of these alarms, and in spite of all our surroundings on this inhospitable coast, we had one consolation left, and that was, our stay would be short. Gen. Banks, in the regu- lar order of things, would soon order us back to our " base " to take a fresh start. At this time a good deal of interest was felt about a new organization of troops which had been christened the "Corps d'Afrique," or as some of the baser sort among us called it, the " Corps de Nigger." Many were the aspirants for military honors in this new enterprise. Dreams of promotion, shoulder straps and in- creased pay floated through the imaginations of thousands. Many of the non-commissioned officers and privates in the different regiments, who had hitherto performed their duties credita- bly, became dissatisfied with their present con- dition, and applied for commissions. The epidemic swept through the Seventy-Seventh. About a dozen of our boys were successful in their aspirations for fame; but, as is always the case in a grand rush for office, there were a few appointments, and many ^appointments. Some of those however, who did succeed, put on more style than a Major General. It was a common thing in those days to see a brand new Second-Lieutenant strut the streets of New Orleans, with head erect, shoulders thrown back 238 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH and stately tread, as much as to say, ' Clear the track, look out there, /' m coming." Before receiving a commission in the Corps d' Afrique, it was necessary for the applicant to pass an examination before a Board of Examin- ers, appointed to try the merits of the case. A gentleman who passed or rather failed to pass the examination, thus reports the results: Colonel. What is the position of a soldier ? Candidate. About the same as that of a deck hand on a steamboat. Col. How do you form company ? Can. Get out big handbills offering $13 a month, $100 bounty, $25 down, a month's pay in advance and $2 premium. Say something about our glorious country, free institutions and Fourth of July, and you will soon have your company formed. Col. "When you have formed your company, what do you do then ? Can. Wear shoulder straps and draw $129 a month. Col. How do you instruct your men to mark time ? Can. By cutting a notch in a stick for each day two notches for Sunday. Col. After marking time, what conies next? Can. March. Col. What next after march ? Can. April. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 239 Col. How do you open ranks? Can. Fire a cannon ball into them. Col. Who are the highest military officers ? Can. Generals. Col. Why are they called generals? Can. Because they are nobody in particular. Col. Very well. What education have you had ? What branches are you familiar with ? Can. Beech branches mostly, as I lived in Indiana during my school days. Col. Do you consider yourself capable of in- structing a company of American citizens of African descent? Can. I think, sir, I can teach the young idea how to shoot. Col. What would be your principal aim and end be in such instructions? Can. My principal aim would be at the rebels my end, the end of the war. Here the examination closed, but as there was no vacancy just then, the applicant did not re- ceive a commission. As our highly esteemed Chaplain, the Rev. W. G. Pierce, had resigned and gone home, we now had to depend upon ourselves and the generosity of other regiments for religious instruction and entertainment. On the latter we depended not in vain. The Rev. Mr. Chittenden, of the 67th Indiana was, emphatically, the right man in the right place, and the boys of the 77th can never 240 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH forget his kind services. He was faithful in season and out of season faithful all the time. But still we had no Chaplain that we could call our own, and we felt lost without one. We missed the Christian ministrations of Mr. Pierce, which we had so much enjoyed in other days. It is true that the Sunday and Wednesday even- ing prayer meetings were kept up and well attended. At one of these meetings, Captain McCulloeh proposed that it be made a matter of public and private prayer, that God, in his own good time, would send us a Chaplain to go in and out before us. And that prayer was an- swered in due time, by the arrival in the Regi- ment of the Rev. John S. McCulloeh, who was mustered as Chaplain on the 5th of April, 1864. It is a great mistake to suppose that soldiers, as a rule, have no respect for religion or religious teachers. On the contrary, a conscientious, God- fearing, faithful Chaplain, is regarded by saint and sinner alike, as a great acquisition to any Regiment. And such was Rev. L. S. Chittenden of the 67th Indiana. His work was not confined to his own Regiment, but throughout the camp wherever a soldier, whether sick or well, or dying, needed his service, he was there at the post of duty. With a smile and cheerful greet- ing, "Well, boys, how do you do?" and a warm, fraternal grasp of the hand, he scattered sun- ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 241 shine wherever he went. And his name will be held in grateful remembrance, while an inhab- itant of that desolate camp remains on the earth. Among other things, he procured a large tent, in which he held religious services, and here hundreds assembled for worship. The Chaplain conducted a series of revival meetings, which resulted in the conversion of about five hundred. And many of these converts were taken to' the quiet waters of the Matagorda Bay, and conse- crated in the ordinance of baptism. One scene was impressive and beautiful. Twenty-five of the new recruits had chosen immersion, as the mode of baptism which they preferred. Accord- ingly, one beautiful day, with the Chaplain at their head, the candidates joined hands and marched into the gently deepening water, per- haps a hundred yards from the shore, and there, while the thousands of spectators sang an old familiar hymn, the rite of baptism was per- formed, after which the company rejoined hands and came singing to the shore. The Chaplain also organized what he called an "Army Church," in which were associated the religous elements of the different Regiments, without doing violence to past affiliations or beliefs. He was also an earnest worker in the temperance cause. In these labors he was ably seconded by Prof. Mathews of the 19th Ken- tucky, and by other devoted Chaplains. As a 242 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH result of their joint labors, hundreds were led to adopt lives of uprightness and sobriety. It is perhaps not saying too much to assert, that many a soldier can date the beginning of a new life, from his sojourn among the sand hills of Texas. "Because of his eminent services, Adj't Gen. Swain, of Chicago, then serving on the corps staff, made diligent effort to have created the office of Chaplain General an office having supervision of all the Chaplains of the army, and of having Chaplain Chittenden raised to that rank. It would have been a worthy act be- stowed upon a worthy man." While here Major General N. J. T. Dana issued his famous manifesto, saying, "This army shall tight on foot and not on wheels," and we did fight on foot to some purpose, as witness our successful assault on the sheep. The Fourth Division was now in command of Brig. Gen. T. E. G. Ransom, formerly Colonel of the Eleventh Illinois Infantry, a brave officer and one beloved by all the troops under him. The Brigade which had formerly been led to victory by that gallant Kentuckian, Bnrbridge, was now presided over by one who was no less qualified, no less daring, Col. Lamiram of the 19th Kentucky. Up to this time our experience in the Depart- ment of the Gulf, had not been very pleasant or agreeable. We had spent a month or more in camp at Carrollton. We had marched up the ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 243 Bayou Teche, and then marched down again. And now, to cap the climax of our disquietude, we were banished to the dreary coast of Mata- gorda Bay. But it was not to be expected that we would be allowed to remain long in idleness, even on this desert shore. On the 22d of February, the Regiment em- barked on the steamer " St. Mary," and turned their faces in the direction of the Mississippi River. The 19th Kentucky and a part of the 67th Indiana, were on the same vessel. This trip was but a repetition of the other. The same "heaving up of Jonah" on the part of the men ; the same " throwing up of commissions " on the part of the officers. At night, on the 24th, the Regiment reached the landing at Algiers, and the next day proceeded to Brashear City, and thence began the forward movement along the Bayou Teche. CHAPTER THE THIRTEENTH. RED RIVER. NOW becomes our painful duty to write a chapter full of disaster to the Seventy- Seventh and to the Thirteenth Army Corps a chapter which we would gladly blot from the pages of this history. But the events trans- pired, and the record must be made. Great activity prevailed in the department of the Gulf during the early spring of 1864. A large army, fully organized, thoroughly equipped, and well supplied with all the ma- terials for an active, energetic and successful campaign, was collected and sent to the front. Great results were anticipated, and, as the sequel will show, great results were accom- plished. The campaign opened about the first of March. General Franklin with the forces from New Orleans, took up the line of march along the Bayou Teche. General A. J. Smith em- barked at Vicksburg with the troops under his command and proceeded down the river, while ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 245 General Steele was to cross the country from Little Rock, Ark., and join the expedition on Red River. Major General N. P. Banks, " The Bobbin boy of Waltham," was to com- mand the combined forces. Shreveport, in northwestern Louisiana, was the grand objective point, the occupation of which would give us control of that part of the State, and afford a base of operations against Texas. In addition to the forces named above, Admiral Porter com- manded a fleet of gunboats, the most formidable, perhaps, ever seen on the western waters. On the 14th of March, while General Franklin was moving across the country via Franklin, New Iberia, and Opelousas, General Smith, assisted by the gunboats, attacked and captured Fort De Russy on Red River. Immediately after this, the transports, with General Smith's troops on board and Admiral Porter's fleet of iron clads moved up the river and anchored in front of Alexandria on the 16th. It was the intention of Gen. Franklin t<5 effect a junction with Gen. Smith at this place, but failing to do so, he was obliged to move in the direction of Shreveport by land. It is needless to detail all the particu- lars of the march and the camp between Brashear City, and Alexandria. One or two incidents will suffice. On the 14th of March an event occurred which afforded some amusement. The boys were sup- 246 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH plied with what they jocularly called" dog tents" Our first tents were the " Sibley," large enough to accommodate from twelve to sixteen persons. The next was the " wedge " tent, large enough for from four to six. The '' dog," or ; ' shelter " tent consisted of two parts, each about the size of an ordinary blanket, and they could be fastened together with buttons and eyelets. In this way the boys carried their tents with them, each one carrying one part, and by " bunking " together in couples, they were prepared to pitch tents in short order. Either with or without a ridge-pole, and with end stakes and pins to fasten down the sides, and by spreading a rubber blanket over the top and a rubber or other blanket over one end, they could be made quite comfortable. But they were so small the boys could only occupy a sitting posture. If they wanted to stand up or turn around, they had to go outside for that purpose. Two objects were accomplished by using this kind of tent. Every soldier carried his shelter with him, and it re- lieved the command of extra teams to carry camp equipage. In the course of time the boys managed to get at least two each of these tents, and then a heavy rain would not disturb them; and when they remained in camp for a few days at a time, by getting a few boards and elevating the tents, they did finely. The first night after the dog tents were issued, ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 247 the boys hundreds of them it was midnight came to the entrance of their tents and barked, representing all the variations of dog music, from the gentle whine of the insignificant cur, to the hoarse voice of the majestic mastiff. This novel and amusing concert was kept up for an hour or more. Of course there could be no sleeping while it lasted. With such pastimes as these the boys varied the tedious monotony of the march, and prepared for the sterner duties of the battle field. ' : DOG TENT " On the 2d of April, two of the boys from the 48th Ohio, and one from the 24th Iowa, were out foraging. They were caught by the rebel bush- whackers, and one of them shot. Our boys felt very indignant, and especially so, as Gen. Frank- lin had thrown constant protection around those fellows all along the line of march. And yet the flanks and rear of our army were constantly annoyed by these' cowardly sneaks men who had not the courage to enlist and tight like sol- diers, but stood at their gates and bowed as the army passed, and then, seeking the cover of the brush, acted their mean, contemptible part in the 248 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH capture or killing of our men. On some of the residences were placards bearing the inscription : "NEUTRALITY FRENCH PROTECTION HERE," and the French flag fluttered in the breeze. But the western boys had been too long in the service to show much respect for " French protection " or " neutrality," and even Franklin's " protection " availed them nothing, for the boys showed their contempt for all such claims, by acts of wholesale destruction as they passed along. On Sunday, April 3d, Captain Coulter of the 48th Ohio, and others, preached to the boys. It was a quiet day for all those who appreciated a day of rest and worship. The text chosen by Capt. Coulter was from Heb. 12 : 23-24. The ser- mon was full of pathos and burning hope. Five days after this, the brave young captain fell mor- tally wounded and died in the hands of his captors. He had " come to Mount Zion, to the City of the living God," as he preached. At last, on the 7th of April, foot-sore and weary, the troops arrived at Pleasant Hill, having marched three hundred miles since leaving Brashear City. The boys of the 13th Corps felt a good deal exasperated at the treatment they had received from their Commanding General. From the time they left Berwick Bay until the after- noon of the 7th, the 19th Army Corps Banks' pets or as some of our boys called them, ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 249 "Headquarters' Pimps" kept the front, hav- ing every advantage of forage, and of freedom from lagging men or teams. But as soon as the sound of battle was heard, the pets were halted, and the 13th Corps was sent to the front. However, as the first duty of a soldier is to obey orders without question, they had nothing to do but to face the music. At three o'clock A.M., on the 8th of April, the First Brigade of the Fourth Division, Thirteenth Army Corps, to which the 77th now belonged, after eating a hasty breakfast, was on the march to the front to relieve the cavalry of Gen. Lee. The march was slow and tedious, as the night was dark. At daylight the brigade came up with Gen. Lee, who had advanced about ten miles from Pleasant Hill, and was still advancing. The 23d Wis- consin and 67th Indiana were deployed and thrown forward, while the 19th Kentucky and 77th Illinois, were held in reserve. After an advance of about two miles, the 77th relieved the 23d and 67th, which in turn was relieved by the 19th Kentucky. This advance was through a heavy pine country, quite undulating, and as the enemy which seemed to be only a force of cavalry were driven from one hill, they would take a position on the next. Our casualties in this running tight were small. The greatest loss sustained by the 77th, was in the death of Lieut. Col. Webb. He was in the act of asking Gen. 16 250 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Lee to have his Regiment relieved, as the boys were very much fatigued, when the fatal shot of a rebel sharpshooter struck 'him just below the right eye, and passing through the head, came out behind the left ear. A brave man, a good soldier, and a gentleman in every sense of the word, Col. Webb fell with his face to the foe, universally respected and regretted. About three o'clock in the afternoon, our ad- vance came to an open field to the left of the road, and at a distance of nearly a mile the bat- tle flags of the enemy could be seen. A battery was brought forward and fired a few shots, but elicited no reply. The Regiment then advanced into a field at the right of the road, crossed a little ravine and came to a house and a fence running at right angles with the line of inarch. Here the batteries were planted, but afterwards, when the hardest battle was fought, they were of no avail. Had the line of troops been formed at this point and consolidated, instead of being scattered as they were, the final result might have been different. The following is J. H. Snyder's account of the battle : " We advanced across another field; then en- tered a piece of timber. Here the line was formed for battle. But we waited nearly an hour before the engagement began. The Sev- enty-Seventh halted in a small field to the right of the road that had timber on three sides, and ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 251 and while here tarrying, a cavalryman of the 7th Illinois came riding up to us, knowing many of our boys, and informed us that the rebels were advancing in three columns, and would soon engage us. Just then Gen. Banks ordered the Division forward, the 77th moving to the right oblique. Gen. Ransom had protested against engaging the enemy with the troops scattered, and when ordered to move forward, he was re- ported as saying, ' That will finish me.' " When the engagement began the Third Divi- sion was in the rear some three miles, and the 19th Corps seven miles. Gen. Smith was twenty miles away. The Fourth Division numbered 2,400 effective men on that morning, and this little handful of men, with the cavalry, was brought face to face with the combined armies of Dick Taylor and Kirby Smith. " The line had advanced scarcely three hun- dred yards when the action began. The rebels threw their line upon our flanks, telescoping our line, and as the timber was densely studded with underbrush, our boys, in many instances, were entirely surrounded before they knew it. The line being flanked the movement striking our extreme right the Regiments fought by detail, and by detail were defeated. As the timber was dense with underbrush, and the line of the enemy constantly advancing, surging around farther and farther on our flank, our troops were placed 252 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH in the dilemma of having the enemy in front and rear. The 77th had tired several rounds before the regiments on the left had tired a shot. "The column thrown into confusion, hundreds of the hoys captured, the enemy pressing us from all quarters, what men were able to get out of the tangle, fell back, forming a line on the batteries which had not, as yet, fired a shot. " When the second line was formed the boys acting without organization, for in falling back, each man was left to his chances the batteries did good execution. But it was only for a short time, as the enemy were flanking the guns and cutting off all retreat. " A third and last stand was made at the timber to the rear of the open field. But this was merely a feint, for the road being narrow and the timber dense, and impassable for horses and teams, the rush was to occupy the road, and consequently the road was blocked, cutting off all retreat, ex- cept in the most confused form. Gen. Banks moved his train forward, and on the preparation for engagement, had corralled several hundred wagons in the open field to the left of the road. In the confusion of retreat, the wagons blocked the road, cutting off our cavalry and artillery. The result was the loss of nearly three hundred wagons and the Chicago Mercantile and Nims' Batteries. This was a sad loss to the brave men who had so long handled these guns. The Ninas ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 253 Battery had participated in thirty battles without losing a gun, and now to lose them all, filled the boys with the deepest regret. " We fell back some distance, perhaps a half- mile from the place of the last stand, before any relief came, when the Third Division met us and formed their line, advancing to the open field, only to be served as we had been. The Third Division was flanked and routed, and fell back to about the same place where they had relieved us, before the advance of the 19th Corps came up. The advance was a Regiment of Zouaves, who had double-quicked until they appeared exhausted and flushed. But forming their line, they checked for the time, the advancing enemy, and the shadows of night brought an end to the further disasters of the day. "No one will ever know the depth of shame our hearts experienced over this defeat. For it was a manifest display of the profoundest igno- rance of the proper management of a battle. It was and is our understanding, that at the time of the opening of the engagement, the Third Division was in our rear some three miles, and the 19th Corps some seven miles, encamped and drawing rations or receiving pay. A good cor- poral could have exhibited better military wisdom and skill. Gen. Ransom saw the fatal condition of the attack, when he remarked, as 254 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH he pushed forward to meet the advancing rebel columns, l That will finish me.' " Man} 7 brave boys were killed and many were captured. The 77th lost one hundred and sev- enty-one men, the 19th Kentucky two hundred and fifty, and other regiments accordingly. One hundred and forty-three of the 77th boys, with all others captured, were taken to Mansfield and Shreveport and finally to Tyler, Texas, where they lingered in a rebel prison for nearly four- teen months, returning to the Regiment just at the hour of its discharge from the service, the cruel war being over. " The 77th lost Lieut. Col. Webb, a generous, impulsive, respected soldier. He seemed to feel a portent of the fate that awaited him, for his spirits wereTieavy; and yet he bravely led on in the line of duty. Col. Stone, of the 96th Ohio, commanding the Brigade, also fell. Also Adju- tant General Dickey, of Gen. Ransom's staif. Lieut. Col. Cowan, an intrepid officer, command- ing the 19th Kentucky, also fell, and many others. " It is said that when the zouaves came to the front and then fell back, a rebel was in pursuit, of a retreating zouave, and another rebel drew his gun to shoot when the first rebel said, 'Do n't shoot, I want to catch the thing alive.' ' : Captain John D. Rouse, of Company " G," who was at that time on staff duty, and who ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 255 was well qualified to judge, wrote as follows of this disastrous battle : " Detachments of the 13th and 19th Army Corps arrived at Pleasant Hill on the 7th instant, numbering about 13,000 men. General Lee with a Brigade of Cavalry advanced three or four miles beyond, and after severe skirmishing, drove the enemy in the front five or six miles toward Mansfield. The 1st Brigade, 4th Divi- sion, 13th Army Corps, to which the 77th be- longs, moved forward at 3 o'clock A.M., on the 6th, to the support of General Lee. We arrived at his camp about 6 o'clock, and immediately took the front. We found the enemy posted on a small creek, and commenced skirmishing with him. The rebels soon abandoned their position, and falling back, we skirmished with them as they retreated, about ten miles, until two o'clock P.M. We had now reached a road branching oft' to the right, leading directly to Mansfield. Here our Brigade halted and formed line of battle and awaited the arrival of the sup- porting column. The 2d Brigade soon arrived and extended the line to the right. Skirmishing went on briskly until about four o'clock, when the enemy attacked us in force. Our Division numbered about 2,400 men, and our line was formed in the edge of the timber with an open field in our rear. In the rear of the field there is heavy pine timber, which extends from 256 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Pleasant Hill to this point, almost without inter- ruption. We had been skirmishing for ten miles, and having but forty rounds per man, our ammunition was getting scarce. The 3d Divi- sion and the 19th Corps encamped nine miles back. " Under these circumstances the rebels ad- vanced in force, and attacked our 2,400 infantry and a few cavalry with 20,000 men. This may seem exaggerated, but the prisoners we have, all affirm it, and so do the facts. The 77th advanced about thirty paces into the timber to meet the rebel advance, and found five to one within a few feet of them. A battle began along the whole line simultaneously; the combatants face to face, within a few feet of each other. Our men were soon out of ammunition, and without support opposed to overwhelming numbers. The rebels flanked us on the right and left, and we could not do otherwise than retreat across the field to prevent their capturing what few there were of us. In less than ten minutes the 77th Regiment came out of the woods, leaving at least a hundred whom we know not any more. The Division again formed a second line in the edge of the woods back of the field, and here began one of the most terrific fights yet re- corded. " Bravely and well did the old 4th Division stand up to the work here for more than one ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 257 hour, baffling all the desperate efforts of the enemy until the 3d Division came to our relief. Our little force was fast dwindling. The soldiers of the east and of the west never before heard such musketry, and all admit that such fierce fighting ensued as has never before taken place during the war. Another hour we held them, but slowly retiring before the overwhelming force. To cap the climax of mismanagement, the train of the whole army, sixteen miles in length, was brought up to the front, and the road blocked up so that our artillery could not be gotten out. We could not always resist against such great odds. For two hours had we opposed five times our numbers. The slaughter of officers was immense, and the men having lost their officers, and being without support and utterly exhausted, gave way. The cavalry dash- ing through the woods to the rear, created a panic, and soon such a rout as would put Bull Run to shame, began. Opportunely at this time, General Emery's Division of the 19th Corps came up, 9,000 strong, and forming his line, the pursuing foe suddenly found himself opposed by fresh troops who hurled him back with a mur- derous fire, and night coming on closed the contest. " The slaughter on both sides was fearful. General Ransom was dangerously wounded. Colonels Emerson and Vance, commanding re- 258 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH spectively the 1st and 2d Brigades of our Divi- sion, were wounded and captured. " The 77th Illinois lost ten officers out of sixteen engaged. Our Brigade lost thirty-two commissioned officers out of sixty-eight line and field. Under the head of missing are included nearly all our wounded and doubtless many dead. " If the whole force had been at the front and the train at the rear, we might report a glorious victory instead of this. Somebody (and the army knows who), is very much to blame for pushing one small Brigade nine miles ahead of the supporting column in the very face of ten times their number. This same Brigade was sent so once before in this Department at Carrion Crow. During the night we fell back to Pleas- ant Hill where General A. J. Smith had arrived with 7,000 fresh troops from Sherman's army. Here we chose our own ground, and our forces were attacked on the 9th; but the enemy were driven from the field with a loss of 10,000 killed and wounded. We did not participate in the battle. The 47th Illinois was engaged, but their loss was light. " Being temporarily on staff duty, I was on all parts of the field at Mansfield, and I never saw troops stand up so well under such a tremendous fire. Nothing at Vicksburg ever equaled it. How I ever escaped to tell the tale is wonderful. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 259 Four balls passed through my clothing, and my sword was shot away, but my flesh is whole. " I cannot close without paying a tribute to the memory of our lamented Lieutenant Colonel L. R. Webb. He was shot through the head and killed instantly, during our skirmishing in the forenoon. An excellent officer, eminently courteous and social, he commanded the respect and esteem of all who came in contact with him, and his loss is deeply felt by his comrades in arms. " The fate of the other officers is uncertain, though I fear many of them are either wounded or have met a worse fate. Our little squad, which we gathered together the next morning, was a sad representation of our gallant Regi- ment, which went forth the day before, but we are thankful that even so many are left." CHAPTER THE FOURTEENTH. A. J. SMITH. >E MIGHT multiply these comments almost indefinitely. We might fill a volume with statements like the fore- going, all tending to the same result all going to show the criminal mismanagement of those having in charge the cotton -foraging expedi- tion on Red River. But it is unnecessary. It only remains to show upon whom depended the final salvation of the shattered remnants of that magnificent army. A correspondent who was on the field wrote as follows : u On the afternoon of the 9th, Gen. Smith had one of the severest engagements of the war, but he, being something of a General, succeeded in giving the enemy what they had given us that is a whipping. He recaptured sixteen pieces of artillery, but was not able to take them off the field, but destroyed them. He also captured some five hundred prisoners, and some of our wagons back, and as I write, fell back to this point, where he will prepare again to meet the ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 261 enemy, if he should think of following, which I don't think he will; but while writing this, I hear cannonading, and who knows what may come? I will not predict, however. Now let me say, 1 think, and we all think, we might just as well have had a victory as a defeat, and if I mistake not, some high official will get beheaded. I most sincerely hope so. I am opposed to inconipe- tency in any place, more particularly in the army. Gen. Smith fought his own men and won a victory, and had Gen. Ransom had the same privilege, we would not have been whipped. Of one thing I am certain, our few remaining boys will tight no more under such commanders. I for one do not blame them. I may be severe, but can you blame me when I see it is sacrifice after sacrifice? We were always victorious until we came here, and we would be so here if we had a Grant to lead us, yes, or a McClernand, who is buried at Pass Cavallo because he ranks Franklin, and the noble, brave and generous Ransom is sacrificed. May he ventilate this as he well knows how. * * * I could till sheets with incidents of the battle. Some would cause mirth, some tears; all would move the hearts of the brave to do battle for their brothers and their country. * * The following extract is from an eastern paper, published a few days after the battle : " A bearer of dispatches from Admiral Porter, 262 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH who arrived in Washington on the 27th, makes statements calculated to greatly damage General Banks' military reputation. He says that on the second day, Gen. A. J. Smith whipped the rebels alone, driving them six miles. He was in hot pursuit, eager to reap all the fruits of victory, when an order came from Gen. Banks directing him to retreat with the rest of his army. Gen. Smith refused to obey. A second order to fall back, he also refused to obey. Finally Gen. Banks in person, brought a third order and insisted that Gen. Smith should fall back before daylight. He begged permission to stay long enough to bury his dead and care for his wounded and sick, if only till an hour after sunrise. But General Banks was inexorable, and General Smith was obliged, with tears in his eyes, to leave his men who had fallen on the battle-field, to the tender mercies of the rebels. He carried off two of the twenty-three cannon which the rebels abandoned, but was not allowed time to spike the remainder. While our forces were retreating in one direc- tion, the rebels were retreating in the opposite direction. " Some hours after Gen. Smith's departure the rebels sent a flag of truce to the battle-field, to ask permission to bury their dead, and sought vainly for a long time for somebody to receive it. A few miles out from Alexandria, General Banks found General McClernand with six ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 263 thousand men on their way to reenforce him. He ordered him to fall back to Alexandria at once, after destroying his grain and supplies. McClernand refused twice to obey, but on receipt of the third order, set tire to a part of his oats. " Gen. Smith, with two thousand men, took the responsibility of marching to the spot, extin- guishing the flames, and after remaining there all night, marched back again with the residue, and all the other supplies.'.' GENERAL A. J. SMITH, AND HE ALONE, WITH HIS " GUERRILLAS," SAVED THE ARMY OF GENERAL BANKS FROM FURTHER DISASTER, IF NOT FROM TOTAL DE- STRUCTION. In order to give a full and official statement of some of the movements on that fatal day, the Report of Colonel W. J. Landram, commanding the^4th Division, is herewith appended. It will be observed that this gallant officer, while he obeys his instructions to the letter, indulges in no fault-finding, but where meritorious conduct calls for official commendation, it is cheerfully given. HEADQUARTERS 4xn DIVISION, 13TH ARMY CORPS. ) GRAND ECORE, LA., April 12, 1864. } CAPT. OSCAR MOHR. A. A. A. O. Detachment 13th Army Corps. Captain : On the 6th iust., this Divi- sion marched from Nachitoches, La., in the rear 264 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH of the Cavalry of Brigadier General Lee, a distance of sixteen miles in the direction of Pleasant Hill and encamped in a dense wood near a bayou. On the 7th inst., the command marched nine- teen miles and encamped at Pleasant Hill. At eleven o'clock P.M. of the 7th, I received orders, of which the following are copies: HEADQUARTERS, U. S. FORCES, WEST LA., ) April 7, 1864. j General: The Commanding General directs that a Brigade of Infantry be sent to General Lee, to be with him by daylight to-morrow morning. You may use your discretion as to sending a Brigade or Division. The spirit of the order will doubtless be better carried out by sending a Division. Send therefore a Brigade or Division to- re- port to General Lee, at or before 5 A.M., on to-morrow, Friday, 8th inst. Respectfully, (Signed.) W. B. FRANKLIN, Major Qeneral. T. E. G. RANSOM, Brief. Gen. Com'd'y Detachment 13th Army Corps. [Official.'] (Signed.) C. E. DICKEY, Capt. and A. A. General. HEADQUARTERS, DETACHMENT 13TH ARMY CORPS, ) PLEASANT HILL, LA., April 7, 10:20 P.M. } Colonel: In obedience to the enclosed order, ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 265 you will move at 3 A.M. to-morrow, with the First Brigade of your Division, and report to General Lee, 8 miles in front at daylight, or as soon thereafter as possible. By order of (Signed.) Brig. General T. E. G. RANSOM. C. E. Dickey, Capt. and A. A. General. COL. W. J. LANDRAM, Commanding 4th Division. In obedience to these orders, I moved with the First Brigade of my Division at the time specified and reported to Brig. General Lee very soon after daylight. By order of General Lee, I followed his ad- vance beyond the creek a short distance and was ordered to take the front and drive the enemy with which the Cavalry was then skir- mishing. The 16th Indiana dismounted, and probably some other Regiment of General Lee's command, assisted in skirmishing for several miles. General Lee then directed that I relieve all of his command with my Infantry and drive the enemy as rapidly as possible, at the same time ordering his Cavalry to the right and left of the road to protect my flanks, which was done. The timber on each side of the road was heavy and dense, which rendered it very difficult to move in line, and the marching was tedious and tire- 17 266 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH some to the men; the enemy contesting every foot of the ground as we advanced. All the houses near the road were abandoned, and we saw frequent evidence of large camps which had been recently deserted. The enemy were thus driven nine miles or more beyond the camp of General Lee, making an obstinate resistance the whole time. The credit of this advance is due the 23d Wisconsin, 19th Kentucky, 77th Illinois and 67th Indiana Regiments, Vol. Infantry. Lieut. Col. L. R. Webb, of the 77th Illinois, an accomplished gentleman and gallant officer, was killed while commanding his Regiment in the advance. The number of casualities was not large, only a few being wounded. At a point said to be four miles from Mans- field, our advance came in sight of a wide open- ing in the timber, in front of a hill of consider- able height; on the right, left and top of which there was considerable timber, but not as thickly set as on the road over which we had advanced. I had made frequent requests before coming to this point, to have the Brigade relieved or allowed to rest, inasmuch as the men were ex- cessively fatigued by the loss of sleep and the difficulty experienced in advancing through the underbrush, which seemed to extend for miles to the right and left of the road, and was in- formed by Gen. Lee that he had sent for the 2d ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 267 Brigade of my Division to relieve the first. Be- lieving that the position in my immediate front, was too strong to be abandoned by the enemy without stubborn resistance, I expressed the opinion to Gen. Lee that it would be dangerous to send the 19th Kentucky, which was then de- ployed as skirmishers, through the opening to the top of the hill, without a heavy support. By his direction, however, I ordered the Regiment, with the remainder of the Brigade in support, to advance, and covered their movements by a fire from two guns of a Battery, which had been ordered to report to me during the day. The enemy soon disappeared, and I formed line with the Brigade on the side and top of the hill. In the meantime Major General Banks and Brigadier General Ransom arrived, and upon consultation, I believe it was decided to halt at that point. About one and a half or two hours must have elapsed before my other Brigade arrived, during which time the enemy made scarcely any show in front. On our right, how- ever, there were frequent indications of a large force of the enemy moving by the left flank, endeavoring to get a position upon onr right, parallel with the road. This induced me to commence changing front, so as to face them if they came down the road from Mansfield, or ad- vanced in line from a road on our right parallel with the road upon which we had moved, and as 268 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH fast as they extended their line, I extended mine, so as to effectually cover my front and right flank. At half-past three o'clock P. M., the enemy placed his line, said by prisoners to be eight thousand infantry, with a reserve of twelve thousand cavalry and infantry, in motion. My force consisted of the following troops: First Brigade. Colonel Frank Emerson, 67th Indiana, commanding. 19th Regiment Kentucky Vol. Inf., Lieut. Col. John Cowan, commanding. 23d Regiment Wisconsin Vol. Inf., Maj. J. E. Greene, commanding. 77th Regiment Illinois Vol. Inf., Major John A. Burdett, commanding. 67th Regiment Indiana Vol. Inf., Major F. A. Sears, commanding. Second Brigade. Colonel J. W. Vance, 96th Ohio, commanding. 96th Regiment Ohio Vol. Inf., Lieut. Col. A. H. Brown, commanding. 83d Regiment Ohio Vol. Inf., Lieut. Col. W. H. Baldwin, commanding. 48th Regiment Ohio Vol. Inf., Lieut Col. J. W. Liudsey, commanding. 130th Regiment Illinois Vol. Inf., Maj. John B. Reid, commanding. The entire force numbered 2,413 men. It would have been impossible at that time to ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 269 have retired from the position we occupied, and by direction of Brigadier General Ransom, who had arrived upon the field and assisted in person in arranging the line, I assumed the offensive as soon as I saw their whole line advancing, so as to meet them upon better ground, and with a better effect. A general engagement ensued, lasting one hour and a half, which was by far the most desperate I ever witnessed. Some parts of the line were broken, after a short but terrific engagement, but in other parts it re- mained firm and unbroken until the enemy had flanked my whole force and began to attack in the rear. Seeing that the capture of the entire force was inevitable unless I withdrew, I ordered the remainder of the shattered Regiments to fall back, which they attempted, but were una- ble to do with entire success. The list of 'the killed and wounded of my command cannot be ascertained, inasmuch as the enemy retained possession of the field; but that we suffered severly there can be no doubt. Many brave men fell, but they fell with their faces to the foe. Honored be their memory ! That the enemy suffered immensely, is known by actual observation, and by statements of pris- oners captured the day following, who acknowl- edged that they had purchased a victory at a bloody price. Colonel J. W. Vance, commanding. Second 270 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH * Brigade, fell mortally wounded while gallantly cheering his men. Colonel Frank Emerson, commanding First Brigade, also fell wounded while nobly performing his duty, and is a pris- oner in the hands of the enemy. Major Reid, of the 130th Illinois was badly wounded while rallying his men. Lieut. Col. Lindsey, of the 48th Ohio, was captured, and Major Bering, of the same Regiment, wounded. Lieut. Col. Cowan, 19th Kentucky, was con- spicuous for the manner in which he managed his Regiment, directing the fire of his men and preserving up to the order of retreat an un- broken line, driving the rebels from his front in three distinct charges, and ordering the fire in which it is believed the rebel general Mouton was killed, while leading a charge carrying a regimental fiag. When ordered to withdraw, he remarked that he had driven the rebels from his front, and if the remainder of the line stood firm he could not be taken. In endeavoring to obey the order, he was wounded and captured. Major Mann, of the same Regiment, was cap- tured. To Major Greene, and the officers and men of the 23d Wisconsin, for the manly and noble manner in which they supported the battery and held the left of the line until further resistance was impossible, I desire to express my admira- tion and gratitude. Major Sears and the gallant ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 271 67th Indiana, Major Burdett and the brave men of the 77th Illinois, deserve the highest praise for their conduct. The officers and men of the 130th Illinois and 48th Ohio, deserve equal praise. Though the survivors mourn the loss of their gallant field officers, they have the conso- lation of knowing that they all did their duty. Lieut. Colonel Brown, of the 96th Ohio, and the men of his Regiment, as well as Lieut. Col. Baldwin, and the officers and men of the 83d Ohio, are entitled to my warmest thanks for their gallantry in holding the right of the line until overpowered by vastly superior numbers. The conduct of the 19th Kentucky was worthy of all praise, and I thank them for their gal- lantry upon this, as upon all other occasions. The Chicago Mercantile Battery, Lieut. Cone, commanding, and the First Indiana Battery, Capt. Klauss, commanding, came upon the field about 4 P.M., and delivered a very destructive fire upon the advancing line of the enemy. The officers and men of these two Batteries deserve great praise for their coolness and cour- age. Many of their horses were killed, but they succeeded in getting their pieces into the road, when ordered to fall back, and would have saved their guns but for the immense wagon-train of the Cavalry which blocked up the road in their front and rear. Capt. White and Lieut. Cone, Mercantile Bat- 272 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH tery, were captured. Lieut. Throop and Lieut. Barr, of the same Battery, were wounded and captured. Lieut. Rogue, 2d New York Veteran Cavalry, with his company, was with me during the day, and behaved well. Two men of his company were wounded. Brig. General Ransom, commanding Detach- ment of the 13th Army Corps, rode the entire length of our line, cheering the troops, and assisting in rallying the men after the line had been broken. This gallant and able officer was severely wounded while assisting me in trying to reform the line, and after he fell from his horse, continued to give directions as to the dis- positions he desired to make. It is proper to say that Captain Ninas' Battery displayed during the whole fight, a noble exam- ple of coolness and true courage. They are entitled to the highest commendation, and although they lost their guns, it is due to them to say, that they could not have prevented it, and that the damage they inflicted upon the enemy was such as to entitle them to the thanks of the whole army. Major Generals Banks and Franklin, and Brigadier General Stone were active in assisting to rally the men amidst the hottest of the fire. Part of the men were rallied, and a second line formed near the line of Brig. Gen. Cameron, who ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 273 had arrived with the 3d Division 13th Army Corps, but it was unable to resist the continued assaults of the enemy, who pressed upon us with overwhelming numbers. Brig. General Emery, with the First Division of the 19th Army Corps, having arrived about sunset, checked the further advance of the enemy, and after dark I caused h' res to be built a short dis- tance in rear of the line on both sides of the road, and gathered together the shattered remains of my Division, which, together with what came in at Pleasant Hill next day, amounted to one thousand six hundred and eighty-three men, who were immediately reorganized and placed on duty. I thank Lieut. Henry P. Ayres, 77th Illinois, A. A. A. G.; Lieut. John Landram, 19th Ken- tucky, Aid de Camp; Capt. J. W. Wilkin, 130th Illinois; Capt. D. C. Holdridge, 23d Wisconsin, Inspector General, and Capt. R. H. Brock, 77th Illinois, for their gallantry and efficiency. They were all prompt and faithful in the discharge of duty. It is impossible to tell who were killed, who were wounded and who were taken prisoners, but my total loss in killed, wounded and prison- ers, is seventy-three officers, and one thousand and sixty-three enlisted men, making an aggre- gate of one thousand one hundred and thirty-six. My thanks are due to Rev. James Mathews, 274 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Chaplain of the 19th Kentucky, who gave me valuable information at a critical moment. Lieut. G. 11. McKinney, A. A. Q. M., is entitled to praise for care and attention to the Division Train, none of which was captured. Capt. Rouse, 77th Illinois, A. A. A. G.; Capt. Vilas, 23d Wisconsin, Aid de Camp; Capt. Hogg, 19th Kentucky, Inspector First Brigade; Capt. Lynch, 48th Ohio, Inspector Second Brigade, were faithful in the discharge of their duties, and deserve praise for their conduct. In this report of the part taken by my Division in the battle of Mansfield, or Sabine Cross Roads, I have thought proper to be thus particular in specify- ing the conduct of Regiments and officers, inas- much as Commanders of Brigades, and most of the field officers of Regiments, were among the killed and wounded, and none left to make reports. Respectfully, "W". J. LANDRAM, Colonel 19th Kentucky, Commanding Division. Before proceeding further with the harrowing details, it becomes necessary to insert the list of the losses in the Seventy-Seventh Regiment, as given officially by Col. Grier, after the fate of the officers and men became known. In this list, the names of the prisoners numbering one hundred and forty-three are omitted, but will be inserted hereafter, when we come to write of ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 275 "Prison Life. 5 ' It will be noticed that the list of killed was light compared with the wounded and prisoners. But it was heavy enough to cause heart-strings to snap, and hearthstones to remain forever desolate. Official list of officers arid men of the 77th Regiment, Illinois Volunteer Infantry, killed, wounded and missing in the action of the 8th of April, 1864, at Mansfield, La. : FIELD AND STAFF. Killed LYSANDER R. WEBB, Lieutenant Colonel. " A." filled Private Samuel S. Divilbiss. "B." Killed Privates Jacob Ely, Philip Nelling. Wounded Sergeant William Dugan; Privates Sam- uel Vanhorn, George Chambers (mortally), Roger Ong, Franklin Smith. " C." Wounded Corporal Samuel M. Hart. " D." Wounded Private Albert De Long (mortally). Missing Private William H. Cassel. " E." Wounded Private Otis B. Smith. " F." Killed Corporal Hosea Johnson. "G." Killed First Sergeant William W. Miller; Private Francis O. Dimmick. Wounded Sergeant Cyrus H. Stock well (mortally); Corporal Francis W. Griswold; Privates Daniel F. Ogden, Moses Fisher, James A. Grissom. Missing Private Franklin Stanton. " H." Killed Private Isaac Grove. Wounded Corporal William H. Addis; Private Stephen W. Maring. "K." Killed Private J. Henry Brown. Wounded Sergeant Richard M. Holt; Private Henry Largent. 276 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH RECAPITULATION. Killed. Wounded. Missing. Prisoners. Field and Staff, 1 2 Company 'A,' 4 35 'B,' 2 5 10 "C/ 1 8 'IV 1 "1 10 'E,' 1 13 EVENTY-SEVENTH, forward ! Take off your paper collars. Leave your blacking-brushes and brass mountings behind. Git up and git" or words to that effect, was the order of February 20, 1865. In compliance with this order they left their camp at a little before noon, and marched to Bull's Head Landing, where they remained in the dock-yard all the afternoon, and at dark went aboard the steamer " St. Mary " the same "St. Mary" which had brought them from Texas a year before. Some of the boys still clung to their paper collars the last relic of garrison life. Homer H. Higbie and some of the others who thought these were unnecessary or- naments in an active campaign, went through the Regiment and despoiled the boys of their treasures. In doing so they acted on the princi- ple, " peacably if we can, forcibly if we must," and as a general thing the "must" had it by a ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 337 large majority, to the amusement of all con- cerned. The next morning found them once more. on the blue waters of the Gulf. But the sea was rough and boisterous. Heavy winds, increasing to a gale, blew from the west. The storm in- creased in violence. The vessel rolled from side to side, or plunged madly forward over the bil- lows. The boys began to think they were on their last excursion. There were pale faces and anxious hearts on board that day. The old sea- sickness returned, and the old process of " heav- ing up Jonah " was resorted to by way of relief. Home, and Mother occupied many thoughts, while by many others the Patron Saints were invoked for deliverance. The horses and mules, as well as the men, were terribly bruised and battered by the storm. In order to escape the storm the vessel was finally run in under the shelter 'of Chandler's Island, about fifty miles from Fort Morgan. They remained here until the morning of the 23d, when they weighed anchor, proceeded on their way, although the sea was still rough, and landed at Fort Morgan in the afternoon. As one of them said, " they were glad to serve as dry-land sailors, rather than as soldiers on the sea." It was raining, and as soon as they stacked arms, they sought shelter under a pontoon train, and there they spent the night. 338 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Soon after their arrival, the following order was issued by the War Department: WAR DEPARTMENT, } ADJUTANT GENERAL'S OFFICE, i- WASHINGTON, February 28, 1865. ) General Orders, No. J*. The Thirteenth and Sixteenth Army Corps hav- ing been reorganized by Major General Canby, by direction of the President, Major General Gor- don Granger is assigned to the command of the former, and Major General A. J. Smith to the latter; their assignment to date from February 18th. By order of The Secretary of War. E. D. TOWNSEND, Assistant Adjutant General. As now constituted, the Third Division was organized as follows : 3d Division, 13th Army Corps. Brigadier General W. P. Benton, Com- manding. 1st Brigade. Colonel D. P. Grier, Commanding. 28th and 77th Illinois, 96th Ohio and 35th Wisconsin. 2d Brigade. Colonel Day, Commanding. 7th Vermont, 91st Illinois, 29th Iowa and 50th Indiana. 3d Brigade. Colonel Krez, Commanding. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 339 27th and 28th Wisconsin, 33d Iowa" and 77th Ohio. Artillery. 21st and 26th New York Batteries. And now the "Old Thirteenth" is resurrected. Again it figures in history. But how changed ! Some of the old forces remain, but most of the material is new. We miss the old familiar faces of the 19th Kentucky the 67th Indiana the 48th Ohio, and others. The Mercantile Battery, of our own State is not with us now. But no matter. They are doing their appropriate work, and will render a good account of themselves wherever they go. Good news reached the boys from other parts of the great field embraced in the rebellion. General Sherman had forced his way from " At- lanta to the Sea." Our Flag floated over the battered works of Fort Sumter. General Grant was hammering away at Richmond, with pros- pects of ultimate success. The coils were tight- ening around the " Confederacy." The end was drawing near, and visions of " Home, sweet Home," animated the men at Mobile, and in- spired them with new life. On the 17th of March the troops moved for- ward. All unnecessary baggage was left behind. The officers were ordered to take " dog-tents," instead of the commodious tents they had been using. The march began at daylight. The 340 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTfi roads were sandy and swampy. The country was covered with a dense growth of pines and underbrush. Corduroy roads were built in order to render the passage of wagons and artillery possible. Slow progress was made, as they marched only twelve miles the first day, and ten the second. But the worst was yet to come. On the night of the 20th one of those southern rain storms, with which they had become so familiar, descended upon them. The next day they marched, or rather waded, only two miles, and this through water from two inches to two feet deep. The teams could not draw the wagons, and the men were detailed as brevet males. Covered with mud and full of fun, the boys pulled the wagons through the swamps, twenty men doing the work of a span of mules. What a scene for the poet or the painter ! Through all these discouragements the troops pressed on, and on the night of the 22d encamped on the East Branch of Fish River. All day they could hear heavy cannonading in advance, far up the bay. The next morning early, the march was resumed, and about the middle of the after- noon they went into camp. General A. J. Smith occupied the advance with the 16th Army Corps. He had been skirmishing with the enemy during the day, and now held a forti- fied position to be prepared for any attack that might be made. They remained in camp ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 341 a couple of days and then moved forward. The timber was dense and dark, and the marching tedious and slow. On the morning of the 26th the troops took an early start. General Smith marched off on a road leading to the right, and General Bertram to the left. The 1st and 3d Divisions of the 13th Corps occupied the centre. As they were now in the vicinity of Spanish Fort, every precaution was taken to guurd against surprise. Works were thrown up in front every night, and the utmost vigilance maintained all along the line. At last, on the night of the 27th, the fort was invested. The line extended around the works in the form of a half circle, touching the bay on the right and left. The monitors in the bay occupied the enemy's attention in that direction. During the next three or four days heavy siege- guns were brought forward and placed in posi- tion, and all the necessary preparations com- pleted for an energetic prosecution of the siege. On the 4th of April, Garrett D. Pence, of Company "I," was shot in the right shoulder and very severely wounded. It was the custom of the boys to lay a piece of wood on the top of their breastworks and then to dig a hole under the wood through which to fire at the enemy. Garrett had been exchanging shots all night with a rebel picket, without inflicting any dam- age on either side. In the morning he saw a 342 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH piece of wood lying just in front of the works, which he thought would be a good thing to afford protection for him. Just as he reached over to secure the prize, the rebel fired and Gar- rett received the .shot in his shoulder. The only complaint the brave boy made, as he came back to the Regiment, was that the rebel might have allowed him to get the piece of wood to fix up his port hole. On the 6th an official dispatch was received from General Canby, ordering a salute of one hundred shotted guns to be fired at twelve o'clock in honor of a great victory won by the Army of the Potomac at Petersburg, by the Army of the Mississippi in North Carolina, and by the Army of the Cumberland at Selma, Alabama. On the evening of the 8th our batteries and siege-guns opened with terrible effect on the rebel works, followed by incessant volleys of musketry. Then loud and prolonged cheers were heard, and all was quiet again. A dispatch from General Cauby announced that General Smith had charged the rebel line, had carried three hundred yards of rifle-pits, and captured two hundred prisoners. At midnight a rumor came that the rebels had evacuated and that our skirmishers had entered the works. And thus another victory was added to the long list already recorded. The next day the 13th Army Corps left Span- ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 343 ish Fort and marched to Blakely, already in- vested by General Steele. Fearing 'the works would be evacuated that night, General Steele prepared for an immediate assault. At, five o'clock the batteries began the work. Then the infantry poured in destructive volleys of musketry. Soon after a loud cheer arose from the centre another from the left and then on the right, indicating the successive points at which the works had been successfully stormed. The conflict was short and the victory complete. The assault was made by the First arid Second Divisions of the 13th Army Corps, and by Gen. Hawkins' Division of colored troops. Some of the officers in this Division had formerly be- longed to the 77th, and they said that their men, when they made the charge, raised the battle- cry, " Remember Fort Pillow !" and rushing upon their foes, plunged their bayonets into some of them before they could be checked by the offi- cers. If General Forest and his cut-throats had been there, a terrible retribution would have been visited upon them. As all the works guarding the approaches to the city of Mobile were now in our possession, the further defence of that place was a needless waste of time, powder and life. Accordingly, soon after the fall of Fort Blakely the rebels began to evacuate the city. At dark on the llth our troops were again in motion, marching to 344 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Stark's Landing, about three miles below the fort. Transports were in waiting. The troops began to embark immediately, and as soon as a vessel was loaded it pushed from the pier and anchored in the bay. The next morning all the vessels moved across to Cat Fish Point, five miles below Mobile, and landed. It was feared that in crossing the bay some torpedoes might be encountered, but no accident occurred. Soon after the landing was effected the following cor- respondence took place between our laud and naval commanders and the Mayor of the city : HEADQUARTERS, LAND AND NAVAL U. S. FORCES, ) MOBILE, ALABAMA, April 12, 1865. j MAYOR SLOUGH, Mobile, Ala. Sir : Your city is menaced by a large land and naval force. We deem it proper to de- mand its immediate and unconditional surrender. Very respectfully, your obedient servants, Major General GORDON GRANGER. Acting Rear Admiral H. K. THATCHER. MAYOR'S OFFICE, CITY OF MOBILE, 1 April 12, 1865. J Gentlemen : I have the honor to acknowledge the receipt of your communication at the hands of Lieut. Col. R. G. Laughlin, staff of Major General Granger, Commanding 13th Army Corps, and Lieut. Commander S. R. Franklin, U. S. Navy, staff of Admiral Thatcher, demand- ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 345 ing the immediate and unconditional surrender of this city. The city has been evacuated by the military authorities, and its municipal authority is now under my control. Your demand has been granted, and I trust, gentlemen, for the sake of humanity, all the safeguards which you can throw around our people will be secured to them. Very respectfully, Your obedient servant, R. H. SLOUGH, Mayor of the city of Mobile. To Major General Gordon Granger, Command- ing 13th Army Corps; Acting Rear Admiral H. K. Thatcher, Commanding West Gulf Sqadron. General Veatch, with a part of the 1st Divi- sion, 13th Army Corps, was at once placed in command of the city. The results of the cam- paign up to this time may be briefly stated in the language of General Canby : " The capture of the enemy's works at Spanish Fort and Blake ly; the surrender of Mobile; the capture of more than live thousand prisoners; twelve flags; nearly three hundred pieces of artillery; several thousand stands of small arms, and large stores of ammunition and other materials of war." On the day after the surrender the 3d Division 22 346 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH was ordered to march to Whistler Station, on the Mobile and Ohio railroad, about six miles from the city.' The 1st Brigade was in front, with the Seventy-Seventh band at the head of the column to furnish the music as they marched through the city. Crowds of people of all ages, colors and conditions appeared on the streets. Several National airs were played and many of the older people gave expression to their feel- ings by exclaiming " God bless you," " God be praised," etc. Two or three old ladies standing in a group, said, when the boys played Yankee Doodle " That's the good old tune, that's the good old tune!" After leaving the city and reaching the up- lands, General Benton allowed foraging parties to bring. in cattle for the troops. The boys were also allowed to pick up poultry along the way, provided they did not "straggle." By this ar- rangement geese, turkeys, chickens etc., were " taken in and done for." As General Benton was riding at the head of the column, a soldier caught a chicken just in front of him. He had an axe in his hand, and dropping on one knee whacked oft' the chicken's head exclaiming vehemently, " I'll show you how to bite me." The General laughed heartily and rode on. At about one o'clock in the afternoon they reached Whistler Station. Upon the arrival of ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 347 our advance, they found some rebels here who had set tire to the buildings. They were driven beyond Eight-Mile Creek, where they joined a force of about five hundred cavalry. As the Brigades came up, they unslung knapsacks and started on the double-quick for the front. Quite a brisk tight ensued. Our troops tried to flank them, but the cavalry was too quick and made their escape. Three of our boys, belonging to the 91st Illinois, were wounded and four of the rebels killed. This was the last engagement in which the Seventy- Seventh participated. When General Benton ordered the boys for- ward that afternoon, some of them asked him : " What shall we do with our chickens, Gen- eral ?" " Leave them with your knapsacks until you come back," he replied. A detail of two or three men was made from each company to re- main and see that the chickens did not get away. On the 17th of April, the 21st and 26th New York Batteries each fired one hundred guns in honor of the great victories achieved by Grant and Sherman in the east. Rumors were also current that the Trans-Mississippi Army had surrendered. So much good news coming so soon after their own victories made the boys feel jubilant. They left their camp at Whistler Station on the morning of the 19th, leaving the 28th Illinois to garrison the place. Nothing occurred to break 348 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH the monotony of th'e march or the camp, until Sunday, the 23d. On that day they received in- telligence of the assassination of their President, ABRAHAM LINCOLN ! Upon him, more than upon any other man, had they depended for the sal- vation of the country during the last four years. He had stood bravely at the helm through all the storms; and now to be stricken down by the cowardly assassin, instigated by southern trai- tors, just as he was bringing the old Ship of State safely into the harbor, seemed to be too much to endure. The rebels had been guilty of many atrocities, but this was the crowning act of their infamy. They could descend no lower than this. No wonder that our brave boys in Alabama felt indignant when the news reached them on that Sabbath day. If they had been free from official restraint they would gladly have marched all through rebeldom, car- rying tire and the sword of vengeance in their hands. They would have hung " Jeff Davis on a sour apple tree," without compunction and without remorse. On the 25th, the 2d and 3d Brigades left Nannahubba Bluff, and the 1st Brigade followed the next morning, marching to Mclntosh Bluff, ten miles further up the Tombigbee River. At this place the boys erected a flag-staff eighty feet high, and the starry banner was run up and floated in triumph over the headquarters of ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 349 General Benton. Many of the citizens from the surrounding country came in and took the oath of allegiance. On the 2d of May the 2d Brigade was sent out on a foraging expedition. When about four miles from camp they met a flag of truce. A letter was handed to Colonel Day, which proved to be an official document from General Dick Taylor to his forces at Citronville, stating that an armistice had been agreed upon between himself and General Canby. The Bri- gade immediately returned to camp, and an officer was sent to Mobile on the gunboat " Oc- torora," with the news. As a result of this armistice, the armies of the Rebellion in the south-west surrendered to Gen- eral Canby. All the personal effects of the late " Confederacy," including gunboats, transports, etc., became the property of the United States. The rebel fleet at that time was at Demopolis, some distance up the river. It was not long, however, until they put in an appearance at Mclntosh Bluff, and then the work of loading the troops and stores was begun. On the 9th of May "all aboard" the transports started down the river in the following order : Flagship, ..... { Cherokee. First Brigade, . . . ( Reindeer, Second Brigade, . . . < Admiral, Dorrance. 350 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH 26th New York Battery, { Jefi' Davis. f Marengo, mu- j T> j Sumter, Third Brigade, Waverly, (_ Watson. 21st New York Battery, { Magnolia. Pioneers, <( Duke. Transports without troops. They reached Mobile in the evening, and at ten o'clock at night went into camp about three miles out in the direction of Whistler. Here they remained, reposing on their laurels, until the 15th, when they received orders to be ready to move at an hour's notice all surplus bag- gage to be stored at Mobile rations for five days fifty rounds of ammunition caissons to be well filled. " What next?" No one could answer the question. The next day the calm was broken by long, loud and boisterous cheering. The word came that Jeff Davis the head and front of the re- bellion was a prisoner, and there was good reason for cheering. On the 3d of June all the troops in the city of Mobile and vicinity were reviewed by General Granger; partly as a preparation for future oper- ations, and partly in honor of Salmon P. Chase, Chief Justice of the United States, who was then on a visit to Mobile. The following ex- tracts are from the New Orleans Times : ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 351 "* * * The soldiers formed on Government Street, and marched up Royal Street, past the Battle House, when General Granger and staff, and Chief Justice Chase, mounted on horseback, reviewed the gallant men as they marched on with the steady tramp of veterans. * * * On Saturday, as we marched through the place to the position assigned us on Government Street, the streets were alive with people. Men, women and children, clad in the gayest attire, were out to behold one of the grandest military pageants ever witnessed by the people of Alabama. Royal Street, in the region of the Battle House and the Custom House, was a perfect jam. I saw quite a number of Confederate officers be- holding the march of our boys, and all seemed in the best of humor. " * * * The troops remaining were of the Third Divison, and were marched into the city under the command of Brevet Brig. Gen. Grier, Colonel of the 77th Illinois Volunteers. The General is a tine officer; has done his duty in this war. His Regiment under his command have made for themselves a glorious record. On many a well fought tield have they carried their colors through 'shot and shell,' 'until a tri- umphant victory has crowned their efforts. Peoria may well feel proud of Brevet Brig. Gen. Grier and his gallant 77th. They have done honor to the City and State. Their time of 352 THB SEVENTY-SEVENTH enlistment will soon expire, and it will not be long before they are on their way to their homes. May they receive the hero's welcome they have so nobly earned." And this from the Mobile Daily News : " The 77th Illinois also had their band out, and it is to them that our citizens are under obliga- tions for the musical treat given on different occasions during the past ten days in Bienville Square. The members of this band are musi- cians in every sense of the word, and evince a correct knowledge of the science in the pieces performed by them." The boys were now looking forward to the* time when they would be permitted to leave the service and return to their homes. An extract from a letter written by one of the boys about this time, will show the spirit which animated them: " Well, , I could tell you a volume of things were we together, but paper would con- sume too much time. Since leaving New Orleans, we have gone through l thick and thin,' through mud and storm, and heat and battle have won laurels and given antidotes have marched and have sailed have walked dry shod, and have gone into the tender 'element' just 'knee deep' have 'seen sights' and 'phelt phunny,' and now here we are, 'fat, ragged and saucy,' waiting, like Micawber, 'for something ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 353 to turn up.' There is a big breeze a stiff' gale just now coming this way, full of little elfs, tell- ing us that we are just on the eve of being mus- tered out, and we begin to consider ourselves the 'bully boys with glass eyes.' The Mustering Officer has ordered the Regiment to proceed to work to complete its rolls, etc. Our Colonel, now Brevet Brigadier General, D. P. Grier, went to New Orleans the other day, saw Gen. P. H. Sheridan, and succeeded in having a Special Order issued to muster out the 77th. There was an order to muster out all troops whose term of service expires prior to the first of September, and through this Special Order the 77th will go out. There are only two Regiments in this Divi- sion that go out now, the 96th Ohio and the 77th Illinois. The 96th will be mustered out by Mon- day evening, and the 77th immediately after. Is n't this glorious ? The old 77th is all that goes out. The 130th Illinois, per Special Order, will be reorganized, and the recruits will all be trans- ferred, probably to the 130th Battallion. The 130th feel vexed under this order. They had hoped to go out, but are now destined, perhaps, for the sandy, barren, homeless, houseless, de- serted, uncongenial, uncompromising, arid coast of Texas. Been there, haven't we? Well, I don't want any Texas in mine." It may not be out of place, in this connection, to show what the Government at Washington 354 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH thought of the operations at Mobile, and how the services of the army in the southwest were appreciated. For this purpose, the following from the War Department, is inserted : WAR DEPARTMENT, ) WASHINGTON CITY, May 16, 1865. j ORDERED : That the thanks of the President and the War Department be, and they are here- with, presented to Major General Canby, and the officers and soldiers of his command, for their gallantry, energy and successful military skill, in the siege and reduction of the strongly for- tified City of Mobile, and for the achievements that have rendered their campaign one of the most brilliant and important of the war. By order of the President: EDWIN M. STANTON, Secretary of War. Before the Regiment is mustered out of the service, it may be well to bring together, in one group, all the principal battles and sieges in which they were engaged. Many skirmishes of minor importance are not included : Chickasaw Bluffs, Miss., Dec. 27, 1862, to Jan. 1, 1863. Arkansas Post, Ark., Jan. 11, 1863. Magnolia Hills, Miss., May 1, 1863. Champion, Hills, Miss, May 16, 1863. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 355 Black River Bridge, Miss., May 17, 1863. Vicksburg, Miss., May 19 and 22, 1863. Siege of Vicksburg, Miss., May 19 to July 4, '63. Siege of Jackson, Miss., July 13-17, 1863. Mansfield, La., April 8, 1864. Kane River La., April 23, 1864. Marksville, La., May 16, 1864. Yellow Bayou, La., May 18, 1864. Fort Gaines, Ala., Aug. 4-8, 1864. Fort Morgan, Ala., Aug. 8-23, 1864. Spanish Fort, Ala., March 27 to April 9, 1865. Blakely, Ala., April 9, 1865. Whistler Station, Ala., April 13, 1865. CHAPTER THE TWENTIETH. " ALL PRESENT OR ACCOUNTED FOR.' )S A preliminary step to the muster-out of the Seventy-Seventh Regiment, the fol- lowing orders were issued from Corps and Division Headquarters : HEADQUABTERS, THIRTEENTH ARMY CORPS, ) GALVESTON TEXAS, June 23, 1865. j Special Orders, No. 77. Extract. I. The organization formerly known as the One Hundred and Thirtieth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, discontinued January 23, 1865, by Special Orders, No. 18, Headquarters, Defences of New Orleans, is hereby, subject to the ap- proval of the War Department, revived. All men of the Seventy-Seventh Illinois Vol- unteer Infantry whose term of service will not expire on or before September 1, 1865, and all officers and men now with said Regiment who were transferred from the One Hundred and Thirtieth Illinois Volunteer Infantry, will be ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 357 formed into a battallion composed of companies of maximum strength. The officers and men will be transferred on the rolls required by Cir- cular No. 64, War Department, A. G. O., August 18, 1864. Brigadier General Benton, Commanding Third Division, is charged with the execution of this order. $$$$#$$$$ By order of MAJOR GENERAL GRANGER. F. W. EMERY, Major and A. A. G. HEADQUARTERS, 3D DIVISION, 13TH ARMY CORPS, 1 NEAR MOBILE, ALABAMA, July 7, 1865. J Special Orders, No. 79. Extract. III. By authority from superior headquarters, all enlisted men now belonging to the Seventy- Seventh Illinois Volunteers, whose term of ser- vice does not expire on or before the 30th day of September next, and all officers of that Regiment, who formerly belonged to the One Hundred and Thirtieth Illinois Volunteers, are transferred to the One Hundred and Thirtieth Illinois Volun- teers, revived, Special Orders, No. 77, dated Headquarters, Thirteenth Army Corps, June 23, 1865. The organization of the One Hundred and 358 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH Thirtieth Illinois Volunteers will be composed of the officers and men mentioned in the preceding paragraph, and such officers of the Seventy- Seventh Illinois Volunteers, as are transferred by Major General Sheridan, by Special Orders, No. 25, Extract V, dated Headquarters Military Division of the Southwest, July 3, 1865, and will be organized as set forth in the schedule hereto annexed, and made a part of this order. By order of BRIG. GEN. W. P. BENTON. J. D. ROUSE, Captain and A. A. A. G. Schedule of assignment of officers transferred from the Seventy-Seventh Illinois Volunteer In- fantry, to the One Hundred and Thirtieth Illinois Volunteer Infantry : FIELD AND STAFF. LIEUTENANT COLONEL. John B. Eeid. Original 130th Illinois Volunteers. FIRST LIEUTENANT AND ADJUTANT. Edmund S. Dewey. Original 130th Illinois Volunteers. ASSISTANT SURGEON. William F. Sigler. Original 130th Illinois Volunteers. COMPANY OFFICERS. Jesse R. Johnson, Captain Co. " A." OriginaJ 130th Illi- nois Volunteers. ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 359 Wilson J. Neil, Second Lieut. Co. " A." Original 130th Illinois Volunteers. George C. Kenyon, First Lieut. Co. " B." Transferred by General Sheridan from 77th Illinois Volunteers. Jacob W. Wilkin, Captain Co. " C." Original 130th Illi- nois Volunteers. Joseph F. Parker, First Lieut. Co. "C." Original 130th Illinois Volunteers. Andrew S. Martin, Second Lieut. Co. "C." Original 130th Illinois Volunteers. Thomas C. Mathews, First Lieut. Co. "D." Transferred by General Sheridan from 77th 111. Vol. William C. McGowan, Second Lieut. Co. " D." Transferred by General Sheridan from 77th 111. Vol. John W. Watts, Captain Co. " E." Original 130th Illi- nois Volunteers. John W. Paulson, First Lieut. Co. " E." Original 130th Illinois Volunteers. John D. House, Captain Co. " F." Transferred by Gen- eral Sheridan from 77th 111, Vol. William C. Harned, First Lieut. Co. " F." Original 130th Illinois Volunteers. Charles W. Johnson, Second Lieut. *Co. " F." Original 130th Illinois Volunteers. immediately after the foregoing orders were issued, the necessary steps were taken to effect the transfers indicated. The 130th Illinois, .as reorganized, was composed of six companies of maximum strength. All of the men remaining of the original 130th, and the recruits belonging to the 77th, constituted the material of which these companies were composed. They remained in the service until the 15th of August, 1865, when they were mustered out. The following statement will show the aggre- 360 THE SEVENTY-SEVENTH gate strength of the 77th from first to last. As originally mustered into the service it stood thus : Field and Staff. 9 Company "A," 89 Company " B," 77 Company " C," 95 Company " D," 88 Company " E," 86 Company " F," 79 Company " G," 87 Company "H," 99 Company "I," 83 Company "K," 90 Total... ...882 Charles Bal lance was commissioned Colonel, but not mustered 1 John S. McCulloch was mustered as Chaplain while the Eegiment was in the service 1 There were recruits to the number of. 138 Also unassigned recruits 54 Field and Staff from the 130th 1 Non-commissioned Staff from the 130th 1 Line officers from the 130th 11 Enlisted men from the 130th.... . 460 Making a grand total of. 1549 Perhaps a word of explanation may be neces- sary in regard to the original companies. It will be remembered by the members of the Regiment, and the officers especially, that on the first of October, 1862, several of the enlisted men were transferred from one company to another, and the muster-rolls given in this book, as well as the foregoing figures, show the condition of the com- panies after those transfers were made. This statement is deemed necessary to account for any discrepancies that may appear between the ILLINOIS VOLUNTEERS. 361 figures here given, and the original muster-rolls of the companies. For the sake of comparison the following table is given, showing the condition of the Regiment wjien it was mustered out at Mobile, Ala., July 10, 1865 : *te. f SQ