OF THL U N I VERS ITY or ILLINOIS 0^0 W693 Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/worldsencyclopedOOplat m tiwttw OF IKE awwFRjamf bf imwsis L J. R, WESSEfTj Wlnt.c CHAPTER 1. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING MAN. PAOB The Human Body— The Countenance— The Eye— The Ear— The Heart— The Circulation of the Blood— Respiration — The Hair of the Head— The Beard— Women with Beards— Sneezing 13 CHAPTER II. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING MAN — {Continued). ^ Difference between the Sexes— Comparative Number of the Sexes at a Birth — Extraor- dinary Prolification— Extraordinary Instances of Rapid Growth— Giants— I ‘warfs- Kimos- Curious Account of the Abderites— Account of a Country in which the Inhabitants reside in Trees 34 CHAPTER III. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING MAN — {Continued). Astonishing Acquisitions made by Blind Persons— Wonderful Performances of a Fe- male, blind almost from Infancy— Wonderlul Instances of Adroitness of Persons born defective in their Limbs— Curious Account of Incapacity of distinguishing Colors— Ventriloquism— Sword-swallowing 46 CHAPTER IV. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING MAN — {Continued). Instances of Extraordinary Gluttony- Instances of Extraordinary Fasting— Wonders of ' Abstinence— Sleep-waiking— Sleeping Woman of Dunninald- Instances of Extraor- dinary Dreams— Poetical, Grammatical, and Scientific Deaths— Anthropophagi, or Men-eaters— Account of a Wild Man 64 CHAPTER V. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING MAN — {Continued). Striking Instances of Integrity— Shocking Instances of Ingratitude — Extraordinary Instances of Honour— Surprising Effects of Anger— Remarkable Effects of Fright, or Terror— Notable Instance of the Power of Conscience Tt CHAPTER VI. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING MAN — {Continued). Remarkable Instance of Memory— Surprising Instance of Skill in Numbers — Extraor- dinary Arithmetical Powers ‘of a Child— Curious Instance of Mathematical Talent — Stone-eater-Poison-eater— Bletonism— Longevity 80 CHAPTER VII. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING MAN — {Continued). Combustion of the Human Body, produce'^ by the lon^ immoderate Use of Spirituous Liquors. From the “Journal de Physique,’’ Pluviose, Year S: written by Pierre Aime Lair 97 CHAPTER VIII. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING MAN — {Continued). John Elwes— Daniel Dancer— Henry Wolby— John Henley- Simon Brown, and his Cu- rious Dedication to Queen Carolina— Edward Wortley Montngue — Blaise Pascal — Old Parr— George Psalmanazar- John Case— John Lewis Cardiac— John Smeaton— Cteorge Morland — Henry Christian ileineckcu — Thomas Topham— Zeuxis (iii) 104 IV C0NTTEN8. CHAPTER IX cuniosiTiES KESPECTiKG MAN — {Continued). Nicholas Pesce— Paul Scarron— Maria Gaetana Aerucsi— Anna Maria Schurman— Samuel Bieset, the noted Animal Instructor— John Philip Baratier — Buonaparte IIT CHAPTER X. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING MAN — {Continued). 128 CHAPTER XI. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING MAN — {Concluded). 134 CHAPTER XII. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING ANIMALS. Animal Generation— Formation of Animals— Preservation of Animals— Destruction of Animals— Animal Reproductions 139 CHAPTER XHI. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING ANIMALS — {Continued). The Beaver, and its Habitations- The Mole— The Frog— The Toad — The Rhinoceros- Crocodiles and Alligators— Fossil Crocodile— The Omithorhynchus Paradoxus — The Marmot, or Mountain Eat, of Switzerland 156 CHAPTER XIV. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING ANIMALS — {Continued). The Elephant— Fossil Elephant— The Chameleon— The Common Tortoise— Orang-Ou- tang— The Unicorn— The Common Seal— The Ursine Seal— American Natural History 168 CHAPTER XV. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING ANIMALS — {Concluded). Remarkable Strength of Affection in Animals — Surprising Instances of their Sociality — Unaccountable Faculties possessed by some Animals— Remarkable Instances of Fasting in Animals— Extraordinary Adventures of a sheep- Sagacity of a Monkey —Astonishing Instance of Sagacity in a Horse— Sagacity of Dogs— Curious Anec- dotes of a Dog— Remarkable Dog 184 CHAPTER XVI. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING PISHES. The Frog-fish— Bird-catching Fish— The Nautilus— The Air-bladder in Fishes— Respira- tion in Fishes— Shower of Fishes 196 CHAPTER XVII. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING FISHES — {Concluded). The Whale— WTiale Fishery— The Kraken 204 CHAPTER XVIII. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING SERPENTS AND WORMS. The Scorpion — The Boa Constrictor— The American Sea Serpent— Fascinating Serpents —The Caterpillar— Caterpillar-eaters— The Silk-worm— The Tape-worm— The Ship- worm— The Lizard imbedded in Coal 218 CHAPTER XIX. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING BIRDS. The Common Peacock— The Egyptian Vulture— The Secretary Vulture— The Stork— The Great Pelican— The Bird of Paradise— The Ostrich— The Mocking-bird of America— The Social Grosbeak— The Bengal Grosbeak— The Humming-bird— The Golden Eagle 226 CONTENTS. V CHAPTER XX. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING BIRDS — {Continued'). The Cuckoo— The Cormorant— The Great Bustard— The Alarm-bird— The Carrier, or Courier Pigeon— The Wild Pigeon, its multiplying Power— Singular Bird inhabiting a Volcano in Guadaloupe— Curious Adventure of an Owl — Curious Facts in Natural History— The Chick in the Egg 240 CHAPTER XXI. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING BIRDS — (^Concluded). Birds’ Nests— Migration of Birds— Curious Method of Bird-catching in the Faro Isles— Song of Birds 251 CHAPTER XXH. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING INSECTS. 265 CHAPTER XXHI. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING INSECTS — {Continued). The Clothier Bee— The Carpenter Bee— The Mason Bee -The Upholsterer Bee— The Leaf-cutter Bee— Curious Account of an Idiot Boy and Bees— Mr. Wildman’s Cu- rious Exhibitions of Bees explained 277 CHAPTER XXIV. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING INSECTS — {Continued). The Wasp 285 CHAPTER XXV. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING —{Continued). Ants— White Ants— Green Ants— Visiting Ants— The Ant-lion 290 CHAPTER XXVI. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING INSECTS — {Continued), The Spider- Ingenuity of the Spider— Spider tamed— Curious Anecdote of a Spider, etc. 314 CHAPTER XXVH. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING INSECTS — (Co 12 Luminous Insects 319 CHAPTER XXVHI. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING INSECTS — {Continued). The Flea— On the Duration of the Life of a Flea— The Louse 825 CHAPTER XXIX. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING INSECTS — {Continued). 831 CHAPTER XXX. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING INSECTS — {Continued). The Common House Fly— The Hessian Fly— The May Fly— The Vegetable Fly— The Boat Fly— The Ephemeral Flies— Butterflies— Metamorphoses of Insects— The Death-watch 337 CHAPTER XXXI. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING {Continued) . Locusts and Musquitoes, and their Uses in the Creation :— from Kirby, Spence and Fothergill 349 VI CONTENTS. CHAPTER XXXII. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING INSECTS — {Concluded). Animalcules— The Cheese Mite— The Hydra, or Polypes 366 CHAPTER XXXIII. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING VEGETABLES. Curiosities in the Vegetable Kingdom— Germination in Seeds— Dissemination of Plants — Number of Plants upon the Earth — Sensibility of Plants — The Sensitive Plant . . . 368 CHAPTER XXXIV. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING VEGETABLES — {Continued). The Cocoanut Tree- The Bread-fruit Tree— The Bannian Tree— Fountain Trees— The Tallow Tree— The Paper Tree- The Calabash Tree— Remarkable Oak— Dimensions, etc., of some of the largest Trees now growing in England— Upas, or Poison Tree . . 371 CHAPTER XXXV. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING VEGETABLES — {Continued). Curious Plant near the Cape of Good Hope- The Mandrake— Changeable Flower— Chi- nese Method of Preparing Tea— Antiquity of Sugar— Curious Efl’ects of Cinchona, or Peruvian Bark- Curious Particulars of a Pound Weight of Cotton- wool— Ani- mated Stalk— 'Animal Flower 386 CHAPTER XXXVI. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING VEGETABLES — {Conclude^. 395 CHAPTER XXXVII. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING STONES. The Meteoric Stone —Labrador Stone— Asbestos— Mushroom Stone— The Changeable Stone— A Wonderful Diamond— A Singular Curiosity 401 , CHAPTER XXXVIII. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING MOUNTAINS. Natural Description of Mountains— The Peak in Derbyshire— Snowden in Wales— Skid- daw in Cumberland 406 CHAPTER XXXIX. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING MOUNTAINS— The Andes— Pichinca— Monte Bolea— Pausilipo — Monte Nuovo— Spectre of the Broken — Gauts, or Indian Apennines— Pico— Written Mountains— A thos— Sulphur Moun- tains 415 CHAPTER XL. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING MOUNTAINS— (CoTlfZTlWtftZ). 427 CHAPTER XLT. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING MOUNTAINS — {Concluded). Description of Vesuvius— Hecla— Etna 434 CHAPTER XLII. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING GROTTOES, CAVES, ETC. Grotto in South Africa — Grotto del Cani — Grotto of Antiparos — Grotto of Guacharo— Snow Grotto— Cave of Fingal— Cave near Mexico— The Nitre (.aves of Missouri — Okey Uolc—Borrowdale— Needle’s Eye 445 CHAPTER XLHI. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING MINES. Diamond Mine in the Brazils— Mines of Peru— Volcanic Eruptions of Mud and Salt — Pitch Wells -Visit to a Coal-pit 460 CONTENTS. VU CHAPTER XLiy. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING THE SEA. General Observations respecting the Sea, or Ocean — Particnlar Curiosities of the Sea — On the Saltness of the Sea— On the Tides— Waves stilled by Oil 471 CHAPTER XLY. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING THE SEA — {Concluded). 481 CHAPTER XLVI. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING WATERFALLS, LAKES, GULFS, WHIRL- POOLS, ETC. The Falls of Niagara— Lake of Killamey— Lake Sc Ifatara— Whirlpool near Suderoc— Maelstrom— Gulf Stream— New Island starting from the Sea 485 CHAPTER XLYII. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING BURNING SPRINGS. Naphtha Springs— Burning Springs in Kentucky — Hot Springs of Iceland— Hot Springs of Ouachitta— Other Burning Springs 492 CHAPTER XLYHI. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING EARTHQUAKES. 498 CHAPTER XLIX. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING WINDS, HURRICANES, ETC. Remarkable Winds in Egypt— Whirlwinds of Egypt— Tornado— Harmattan— Hurricane — ^Monsoons — Velocity of the Wind 507 CHAPTER L. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING SHOWERS, STORMS, ETC. Surprising Showers of Hail— Singular Effects of a Storm — The Mirage— Sand Floods — Showers of Gossamers — Winter in Russia 518 CHAPTER LI. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING ICE. On the Greenland, or Polar Ice— On the Tremendous Concussion of Fields of Ice— Ice- bergs— Magnitude of Icebergs — The Glaciers— Shower of Ice— Remarkable Frosts., 525 CHAPTER LTI. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING RUINS. Ruin at Siwa, in Egypt— Ruins of Palmyra— Ruins of Herculaneum and Pompeii — Ancient Ruins of Balbec— Ruins of Agrigentum, in Sicily— Ancient Grandeur of Carthage 534 CHAPTER LTII. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING ANCIENT BUILDINGS, TEMPLES, AND OTHER MONUMENTS OF ANTIQUITY. Egyptian CtmiosiTiES : — Pompey’s Pillar— Buildings and Library of Alexandria— Temple of Tentyra — Palace of Memnon — Temple of Osiris 544 CHAPTER LIY. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING BUILDINGS, 'ETC.— {Continued). Temple of Diana at Ephesus— Laocoon— Babylon— Alhambra 654 CHAPTER LY. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING TEMPLES, {Continued). Seraglio -Museum- Colossus— and Obelisk 664 viii CONTENTS, CHAPTER LVI. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING TEMPUES, ETC. — {Concluded) Inverlochy Castle — \fagdalen’s Hermitage— Curiosities of Friburg— Curiosities of Augs- burg — Escurial — Florence Statues — Great Wall of China — Floating Gardens — Curi- osity at Palenno 574 CHAPTER EVIL CURIOSITIES RESPECTING THE ARK, ETC. Cariosities respecting the Ark of Noah— The Galley of Hiero— and the Bridge of Xerxes 582 CHAPTER LYHI. BASALTIC AND ROCKY CURIOSITIES. Giant’s Causeway — Stonehenge 590 CHAPTER LIX. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING THE VARIOUS CUSTOMS OF MANKIND. Curious Demonstrations of Friendship — Singularities of different Nations in Eating- Female Beauty and Ornaments— Various Modes of Salutation— Maiden — Lady of the Lamb— Curious Custom respecting Catching a Hare— Extraordinary Ancient Custom 594 CHAPTER LX. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING THE CUSTOMS OF MANKIND — {Continued). Marriage Ceremonies of different Nations — Marriage Custom of the Japanese — Bacon Flitch Custom at Dunmow, Essex— On the Origin of Rings in general— Matrimonial Ring- Extraordinary Marriage Custom— Hand-fasting G02 CHAPTER LXI. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING THE CUSTOMS OF MANKIND — {Continued). Funeral Ceremonies of the Ancient Ethiopians— Funeral Ceremonies of the Chinese — Ancient Funeral Ceremonies of the Dajakkese — Ancient Modes of Mourning — Feasts among the Ancients of various Nations — Feast of Lanterns 609 CHAPTER LXII. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING THE CUSTOMS OF MANKIND — {Continued). Origin of the Sheriff’s counting Hobnails — Origin of the Order of the Garter— Origin and History of the Claim and Allowance of the “Benefit of Clergy” in Criminal Convictions— Curious Tenures— The Origin of May Poles and Garlands— Curious Custom at Oakham— Curious Practice in North Holland 622 CHAPTER LXIII. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING THE CUSTOMS OP MANKIND— Shrovetide— Candlema« Day— Origin of Valentine’s Day— Origin of Plough Monday- New Year's Gifts— Origin of Christmas-boxes— Chiltern Hundreds— Origin of the Term “ John Bull ’’—Origin of the Old Adage, “ If it rains on St. Swithin’s Day, it will rain Forty Days aftewards ’’—Curfew Bell 630 CHAPTER LXIV. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING THE CUSTOMS OP MANKIND — {Concluded). Romish Indulgences— Act of Faith— Baptism of Bells — Curious Baptism— Kalmuck Fraying Machines— Curious Penance at Calcutta 636 CHAPTER LXY. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING VARIOUS PHENOMENA OR APPEARANCES IN NATURE. 644 CHAPTER LXVI. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING VARIOUS PHENOMENA OR APPEARANCES IN NATURE — {Continued). Extraordinary Properties and Effects of Lightning— Thunder Rod— Fire-balls- Terrible Effects of Electrified Clouds — Surprising Effects of extreme Cold — Astonishing Expansive Force of Freezing 651 CONTENTS. IX CHAPTER LXVIT. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING VARIOUS PHENOMENA OR APPEARANCES IN NATURE — [Continued), Water-spout— Fata Morgana— Fairy Rings— Sheet of Phosphoric Fire— Phosphorus ... 663 CHAPTER LXVIII. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING VARIOUS PHENOMENA OR APPEARANCES IN NATURE — {Continued). Spots in the Sun — Diminution of the Snn— Parhelia, or Mock Suns— Eclipses— Halo, or ■ Corona, and similar Appearances — Falling or Shooting Star— Volcanoes in the Moon 671 CHAPTER LXIX. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING VARIOUS PHENOMENA OR APPEARANCES IN NATURE — {Concluded). The Aurora Borealis 681 CHAPTER LXX. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING GALVANISM. 689 CHAPTER LXXI. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING MAGNETISM. 693 CHAPTER LXXIl. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING THE ARTS, ETC. Early Invention of several useful Arts— Automaton — Androides — Extraordinary Pieces of Clock-work — Heidelberg Clock — Strasburg Clock — Clepsydra — Invention of Watches 698 CHAPTER LXXIII. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING THE ARTS — {Continued). Telegraph — Spectacle of a 8ea-fight at Rome— Wooden Ea le and Iron Fly— Whitehead’s Ship— Scaliot’s Lock, el c.— Praxiteles’ Venus— Weaving Engine— Hydraulic Birds — Herschel’s Grand Telescope — Boverick’s Curiosities— Bunzlau Curiosities— Artificial Flying 708 CHAPTER LXXIV. CURIOSITIES RESPECTING THE {Concluded). Burning Glasses— Ductility of Glass — Remarkable Ductility and Extensibility of Gold— Pin-making— Needles— Shoes— The Great Bell of Moscow 717 CHAPTER LXXV. CURIOSITIES IN HISTORY, ETC. 727 CHAPTER LXXYI. CURIOSITIES IN HISTORY, -ETC.— {Continued). 732 CHAPTER LXXYIT. CURIOSITIES IN HISTORY, ETC.— {Continued). 737 CHAPTER LXXYI H. CURIOSITIES IN HISTORY, ETC. — {Continued). Peeping Tom of Coventry Long absent Husband returned— Curious Historical Fact — The most Extraordinary Fact on Record 740 X CONTENTS. CHAPTER LXXIX. CURIOSITIES IN HISTORY, 'E.TC— {Concluded). Great Events Prom Little Causes— Dreadful Instances of the Plague in Europe— Fire of London— Vicar of Bray— Curious Account of the Ceremonies at Queen Elizabeth’s Dinner— A Blacksmith's Wife become a Queen — Swine’s Concert 746 CHAPTER LXXX. CURIOSITIES OF LITERATURE. Origin of the Materials of Meriting— Minute 'W^riting— Titles of Books— Literary Labour and Perseverance— Curious Account of the Scarcity of Books— Celebrated Libraries — Book of Blunders — Curious Account of the Means of Intellectual Improvement in London 751 CHAPTER LXXXI. CURIOSITIES OF LITERATURE — {Continued). Origin of the Word “ News ’’—Origin of Newspapers— Instances of New Studies in Old Age— Literary Shoemakers— Imprisonment of the Learned— Singular Customs annually observed by the Company of Stationers— Book of Sports — Origin of Cards —Explanation of all the Letters on a Guinea 762 CHAPTER LXXXTI. CURIOSITIES OF LITERATURE— (CoTlcZwM). Curious Address to the late Queen Charlotte— Quaint Lines on Queen Elizabeth— Cu- rious Names adopted iu the Civil Wars — Curious Extracts from the Will of an Earl of Pembroke— Curious Letter from Pomare. King of Otaheite, to the Missionary Society— Curious Love Letter and Answer— Creeds of the Jews — The Unbeliever’s Creed — Explanation of the Terms ’• Whig ” and “ Tory ” 769 CHAPTER LXXXHI. MISCELLANEOUS CURIOSITIES. Monster— Individuation— Reproduction — Peruke— Centaurs and Lapithae 777 CHAPTER LXXXIV. MISCELLANEOUS CURIOSITIES— (CoTliWWec?). Spontaneous Inflammation— Diseases peculiar to Particular Countries — Injuries from Swallowing the Stones of Fruits — Extraordinary Surgical Operation — Extraor- dinary Cures by Burning- Illumination by Electricity— Divisibility of Matter 786 CHAPTER LXXXV. MISCELLANEOUS CURIOSITIES — ( Continued). The Jew’s Harp- Remarkable Aqueducts— Crich up Linn— Eddystone Rocks— Dismal Swamp — Curious Wine-cellar — Mint of Segovia— Remarkable Mills — Silk Mill at Derby — Portland Vase — Murdering Statue- A Curious Pulpit 795 CHAPTER LXXXYI. MISCELLANEOUS CURIOSITIES — {Continued). Extraordinary Echoes and Whimpering Places— Natural Productions resembling Arti- ficial Compositions — Remarkable Lamps — Perpetual Fire — Magical Drum — An Extraordinary Cannon — Curious Account of Old Bread — Substitute for Spectacles — Winter Sleep of Animals and Plants 802 CHAPTER LXXXVH. MISCELLANEOUS CURIOSITIES — {Concluded). ‘.Lama- Nun — Mahometan Paradise— Opinions respecting Hell— London — Coins of the Kings of England— Singular Calculations respecting the National Debt— Moral and Physical Thermometer — Conclusion 810 CONTENTS OF APPENDIX. PAGl A Person having an even Number of Counters in one Hand, and an odd Number in the other, to tell in which Hand each of them is 829 A Person having fixed on a Number in his Mind, to tell him what Number it is 821 Another Method of discovering a Number thought on 821 To tell the Number a Person has fixed upon, without asking him any Questions 821 A curious Kecreation — The Blind Abbess and her Nuns 823 Any Number being named, add a Figure, which shall make it divisible by 9 823 A Person having made choice of several Nun-bers, to tell him what Number will exactly divide the Sum of those which he has chosen 824 To find the Difference between any two Numbers, the gre.iter of which is unknown — 824 A Person striking a Figure out of the Sura of two given Numbers, to tell him what that Figure was 825 By knowing the last Figure of the Product of two Numbers, to tell the other Figures. . 825 A curious Recreation with a Hundred Numbers, usually called the. Magical Century 826 A Person in Company having privately put a Ring on one of his fingers, to Name the Person, the Hand, the Finger, and the Joint on which it is placed 827 To make a Deaf Man hear 828 When two Chests are like one another, and of equal Weight, being filled with different Metals, to distinguish the one from the other 828 To find the Burden of a Ship at Sea or in a River 829 To Measure the Depth of the Sea 829 Method of Melting Steel, and causing it to Liquefy 830 How to dispose two little Figures, so that one shall light a Candle and the other put it out 830 The Camera Obscura, or Dark Chamber 830 To show the Spots in the Sun’s Disc 832 To magnify small Objects by means of the Sun’s Rays 832 T o cut a Looking-glass or Crystal without the help of a Diamond , 833 By the means of two plain Looking-glasses, to make a Face appear under different forms 833 To know which of two different Waters is the lightest, without any Scales 834 To know if a suspicious Piece of Money is good or bad 634 To hold a Glass full of Water with the Mouth downwards, so that the Water shall not runout 835 The Mysterious Watch 835 To make a Glass of Water appear to boil. 835 How to make a Cork fly out of a Bottle, 836 To produce Gas Light on a small scale 836 Thunder Powder 836 To tell, by the Dial of a Watch, at what hour any Person intends to rise 836 Experimei^ts showing the Power of Attraction and Repulsion 837 Experiments respecting the Centre of Gravity 838 Experiment showing the Power of Steam 839 Diminution of Heat by Evaporation 839 Experiment to ascertain the Strength of Spirits of Wine 839 To ascertain the Strength of Brine 839 Experiments showing the Pressure and Elasticity of Air 839 Experiments respecting Sound 840 Electrical Experiments 841 Electricity of Silk Stockings 842 Xll CONTENTS OF APPENDIX. PAGE To suspend a Eing by a Thread that has been burnt .* 844 . Chemical Illuminations 844 A Flash of Lightning when one enters a Room with a lighted Candle 844 The Fiery Fountain 844 A Lamp that will burn Twelve Months without replenishing 844 The Magic Oracle 845 Method of constructing a Voltaic Pile 847 Magnetical Experiments. 848 Light produced by Friction, eveu uuder Water 850 Hydraulic Experiments. .. . 851 Another Hydraulic Experiment, called the Miraculous Vessel 852 A curious Hydraulic Experiment, called Tautalue’s Cup 852 A curious Chemical Experiment, called the Tree of Diana 852 A remarkable Experiment, called Prince Rupert’s Drops 858 How to make Sympathetic Inks of various Kinds 853 Other Sympathetic Inks 855 A Sympathetic Ink which appears by being wetted with water 856 Experiments with Sympathetic Ink. 856 How to Write on Glass by means of the Rays of the Sun. 85S To produce different Colors, by pouring a colorless Liquor into a clean Glass 858 Xo produce a Color which appears and disappears by the Influence of the Air 858 To turn a colorless Liquor Black, by adding a White Powder to it 853 Freezing Mixture 859 Experiments with the Microscope 859 Experiments with the Thermometer and Barometer 863 Rules for judging of and predicting the State of the Weather by the Barometer 864 Method of Preserving Birds 865 To take the Impression of the Wings of a Butterfly in all their Colors 866 To take the Impression of a Leaf of any Tree, Plant, or Shrub, with all its Veins 866 Experiments respecting Colors, etc SG7 A Quantity of Eggs being broken, to find h