WHY You Should Be a Stockholder in Your Government Every Idle Dollar is an alien enemy N O investment you can make in this country can be safe without the assurance of the Government that your business will endure. Be it stocks or bonds, mine or farm, factory or other exploitation, the busi- ness into which you place your money for increment must be a safe business backed by your country’s approval. The biggest business in the country is the business of government; the business of protecting your business. If the Goverment fails, you fail. If the Government prospers, you prosper. A nation and its industries are inter- dependent. Still more .interdependent are a gov- ernment and its investments, because it is the investment that makes possible the industry. A government can stand, even with its industries and investments in an un- stable condition. This frequently has happened in the world’s history. But can you point to investments that have continued safe when the govern- ment protecting them has failed? Isn’t it plain, therefore, that the safest investment is in safe government? Take the case in hand: The United States is entered in the World War on the side of Justice, Liberty, Equality of Humankind and World Democracy. As a business man or woman, you know that a business that is not legitimate can not long prosper. There must be laws of equality to create confidence and stability. Just so with nations. And we are fighting for world stability that will make business stability. We are en- gaged in a war that will make you and your interests safe. The Government of the United States, through the bonds of its Third Liberty Loan, offers you stock in the best going concern in the world. It guarantees to you a reasonable in- terest, whether it wins or loses. Can anything be fairer than that? Isn’t preferred stock in an enterprise that insures safety for your personal business worthy of your confidence and your cash? Possibly you do not like war. War is never popular. But when it is a necessity in order to guarantee your safety you cannot afford to side-step it, either morally or physically. It is your war, and your children’s war. If you have prospered in the past, it has been largely due to the stability of your nation. You want to keep your nation in that condition. You can do this by investing in your government. “ If you can’t fight, your dollar can,” is a terse reminder of your duty. Uncle Sam isn’t asking you to give your money to the war. He offers you preferred stock in the business of maintaining a great nation. The Third Liberty Loan offers you shares in the Safest Thing in the World. Where can you beat it ? The non-taxable feature of these Liber- ty Loan Bonds will offset any immediate advantage you might see in other in- vestments at slightly higher rates of interest. The Bonds are liquid and, should mis- fortune overtake you, they can easily be sold. Which do you prefer: Uncertain dividends in the project of a few men organized to further their own interests, or reasonable dividends backed by an army and navy'of the greatest republic in the world, engaged in fighting your battles ? Has Uncle Sam done enough for you to gain your confidence? Then show your confidence and invest ” r *sely. s=i- St i >r ' Lous. — CD = 10 App /iL , J oul ldti — CP iQia -in =o Uni lv *rsih "CM Buy S Third Liberty Loan Bonds