VW<\ r * & —•» O (° INDEX TO REPORT Exhibit GENERAL BALANCE SHEET A FUND STATEMENT—General Fund B “ “ Capital Fund C “ “ Sinking Fund D CASH STATEMENT E ADDITIONS AND BETTERMENTS F SUMMARY STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS G (All Departments) Schedule SCHEDULES OF EXPENSE: General Government 1 Protection of Persons and Property 2 Preservation of Health 3 Promotion of Economic Welfare 4 Education, Science and Art 5 Recreation 6 Charity 7 Undistributed 8 Deductions from Revenue 9 OPERATING STATEMENTS: Brandon Waterworks Summary 10 “ “ Expenses 11 Street Railway Summary 12 “ Expenses 13 “ Municipal Cemetery 14 APPROPRIATIONS, STATEMENT OF 15 ii ii EXHIBIT A MANITOBA SHEET.. ...191 CURRENT LIABILITIES AND RESERVES Yu > Y ( , INCREASE RED DECREASE BLACK Immediate Demands for Cash Accounts Payable C Interest on Funded Debt Due and Payable Cash Reserves • - Capital Funds JL ' Sinking Funds t » Special and Trust Funds y "■ A Special Assessments Levied in Advance ■ . .. . Total Demands for Cash and Cash Reserves Loans to be Repaid from Current Revenues ft Reserves Against Assets Other than Cash For Uncollectible Taxes m ■»> Oil For Interest on Funded Debt Accrued not Due ► f For New Construction—Waterworks For New Construction—Street Railway . :t J J For Depreciation—Waterworks For Depreciation—Street Railway rjt -j. 4 n r < 4 , 70 A ff\ Current Surplus , Ji*C CAPITAL LIABILITIES AND RESERVES _ - - ■ .. - - J Debenture Debt Debentures Issued • Less Debentures Unsold 1 Debentures Outstanding yu Less Sinking Fund Reserves Net Debenture Indebtedness mm .» 104 r 1 ? 1 *' Loans to be Repaid from Sale of Debentures 00 ■ ! ■ 0 . _ .... . _ _ Due to Other Accounts Reserves — ■ — —■ — ■ - — . | For Depreciation of Capital Assets t» Q . "T B Capital Surplus 5 3 . SINKING FUND LIABILITIES & RESERVES V „ ,, : f . - _J' ■ j 1 ' .C ' A i _ l.Ii_ -X j Due to Other Accounts Reserves to Retire Debentures when Due !. ! SPECIAL AND TRUST FUND LIABILITIES • AND RESERVES Due to Other Accounts i 1 / Reserves for Special and Trust Funds f ^ -r-- h z LJ 2 ui h < h to i to < o EXHIBIT “E” TOTAL CURRENT FUNDS CAPITAL FUNDS SINKING FUNDS •+J rt <1 3 f-i 3 o o o <1 C* 3 d c3 r*-H Wl a3 _i_) .S • f 4 • r-H 2 o a c! a r-H •rH a O m Ul BRANDON THE CITY OF BRANDON STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS—ALL DEPARTMENTS EXHIBIT “G” THIS MONTH LAST MONTH REVENUES ACCRUED, ORDINARY Real Property Taxes Business and Personal Property Taxes - 1 Special Assessments Miscellaneous Recovered Expenditures j Total Revenues .. " EXPENSES INCURRED, ORDINARY General Government Schedule 1 * 1 X Protection of Persons and Property Schedule 2 4 Preservation of Health Schedule 3 Promotion of Economic Welfare Schedule 4 Education, Science and Art Schedule 5 Recreation Schedule 6 Charity Schedule 7 \ Undistributed Schedlue 8 Total Expenses EXCESS OF ORDINARY REVENUE OVER ORDINARY EXPENSE OTHER REVENUES Profit from Operation of Public Service Enterprises Brandon Water Works Schedules 10-11 Brandon Street Railway Schedules 12-13 Brandon Municipal Cemetery Schedule 14 3 Total Other Revenues Total Revenue — DEDUCTIONS FROM REVENUES Deductions from Revenues—City Schedule 9 Loss from Operation of Public Service Enterprises Brandon Water Works Schedule 10-11 Brandon Street Railway Schedule 12-13 Brandon Municipal Cemetery Schedule 14 • • Total Deductions EXCESS OF TOTAL REVENUE OVER TOTAL EXPENSE c SURPLUS ACCOUNT - J — r : • - * ■ .-iQ- 7 ? iigt "Hi ;i t# n r S TtOrea - — --—. . . --—-- ■ -. ✓ I*- * --— , * — — - -JL -I-..-*- ! ) ! _ .... .... .1 _ J_ ! _L 1 •' 1 I I I 1 fx j • | I . r" I i l l: -1 1 THE CITY OF BRANDON OF OPERATIONS--ALL departments THE CITY OF BRANDON EXPENSES THIS MONTH LAST MONTH GENERAL GOVERNMENT, SCHEDULE 1 6001 The Mayor—Office of City Council 6011 Elections and List of Electors 6012 Travelling Expenses 6013 Printing and Supplies 6019 Miscellaneous 6020 City Clerk—Office of 6021 Statutory Advertising 6022 Municipal Publicity 6025 City Solicitor—Office of 6029 Miscellaneous Legal 6030 City Treasurer—Office of 6031 Debenture Flotation Expenses 6035 City Auditor—Office of 6040 City Assessor—Office of 6041 City Tax Collector—Office of 6043 City Purchasing Agent—Office of 6045 Operation and Care of City Hall Building 6047 Province of Manitoba—Levy 6049 Unclassified Total General Government PROTECTION OF PERSONS AND PROPERTY, SCHEDULE 2 6051 Police Magistrate’s Court 6052 Mayor’s Court Bureau of Police 6053 Administration 6054 Policing the City 6058 Detection of Crime 6059 Detention of Prisoners 6060 Inspection and Regulation of Licenses 6065 Miscellaneous Total Magistrate’s Court and Bureau of Police Bureau of Fire 6066 Administration 6068 Uniformed Force 6069 Operation and Maintenance of Fire Apparatus 6070 Care of Buildings and Grounds 6071 Miscellaneous 6088 Fire Alarm System 6089 Payment to Waterworks for Fire Service Total Bureau of Fire 6090 Bureau of Electrical Inspection 6093 Impounding Animals 6094 Wolf and Rat Bounties 6095 Miscellaneous Total Protection of Persons and Property x5- 1 5c 5* ibSi ■*■ ‘ . . r 1 I J 1 ■ UWli I THE CITY OF BRANDON EXPENSES PRESERVATION OF HEALTH, SCHEDULE 3 Bureau of Health General Service Quarantine Hospital Nurses Collection and Disposal of Garbage Operation and Maintenance of Sewerage System Miscellaneous Total Preservation of Health PROMOTION OF ECONOMIC WELFARE, SCHEDULE 4 Bureau of Public Works 6126 Administration 6127 Maintenance of Highways Maintenance of Bridges Maintenance of Sidewalks Naming Streets and Numbering Houses Cleaning and Sprinkling Streets Operation and Maintenance of City Weigh Scales Destruction of Noxious Weeds Miscellaneous 6183 6184 6185 6186 6187 6188 6189 Total Bureau of Public Works Street Lighting Entertainment of Public Visitors Contributions—Public Institutions Western Agricultural and Arts Association Young Men’s Christian Association Young Women’s Christian Association Dressed Poultry Association Boy Scouts for Accommodation Bureau 6199 6200 6201 6202 6203 Miscellaneous Contributions—Patriotic Military Accommodation Returned Soldiers’ Association Red Cross Association Patriotic Levy 6209 6210 6220 6221 6222 6223 Miscellaneous Contributions—Bonuses Gordon MacKay & Co., Ltd. Contributions in Support of Municipal Utilities Waterworks Street Railway Market Cemetery Total Promotion of Economic Welfare THIS MONTH LAST MONTH . ] t i n : 1 - - I i ■ — l J • — — -41 H ——-—ii I / * I --JL -f • • ■ . IT | —~ THE CITY OF BRANDON EXPENSES Mi THE CITY OF BRANDON EXPENSES THIS MONTH LAST MONTH EDUCATION, SCIENCE AND ART, SCHEDULE 5 6226 Payments to Board of Education 6266 Maintenance of Public Library Property Total Education, Science and Art RECREATION, SCHEDULE 6 Bureau of Parks Payments to Parks Board Band Concerts Miscellaneous Recreation 6276 6290 6292 6301 6302 6303 6304 6305 Total Recreation CHARITY, SCHEDULE 7 Bureau of Charity Administration Care of the Sick Care of Incurables Outdoor Relief Miscellaneous Charity Total Charity UNDISTRIBUTED, SCHEDULE 8 6325 Taxes Insurance 6326 Fire 6326a Fire (Market) 6327 Employers’ Liability 6328 Pensions and Retirement Salaries 6329 Claims, Judgments and Settlements 6340 6351 6352 6352a 6353 6353a 6354 6355 6356 6357 Miscellaneous Total Undistributed DEDUCTIONS FROM REVENUE, SCHEDULE 9 Interest on Temporary Loans Interest on Funded Debt Interest on Funded Debt (Market) Payments to Sinking Funds Payments to Sinking Fund (Market) Commissions on Debentures and Coupons Special Assessments on Exempt Property Taxes Rebated Allowance for Prompt Payment Rebated and Remitted Total Deductions from Revenue • J Q 1 , y - - - 1 BRANDON WATER WORKS SUMMARY STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS SCHEDULE 10 OPERATING REVENUES Metered Service Unmetered Service Municipal Service Total Operating Revenues OPERATING EXPENSES General Expense Operating Expense Maintenance Expense Depreciation Total Operating Expenses NET OPERATING REVENUE OTHER INCOME Frontage Tax Meter Rentals Penalties on Delinquent Accounts Miscellaneous Recovered Expenditure GROSS INCOME DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS INCOME Interest on Floating Debt Interest on Funded Debt Payments to Sinking Funds Total Deductions from Gross Income PROFIT FOR THE PERIOD SURPLUS ACCOUNT THIS MONTH LAST MONTH 2 $ " ; —T — BRANDON WATER WORKS SUMMARY STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS 1 CR E A SE DE CREA SE TO DATE THIS YEAR TO DATE LAST YEAR l| ii- INCREASE DECREASE ] - • ? V -1- 1- — * • T' • 1 J- . • * * • < • • j • BRANDON WATER WORKS WATER SERVICE EXPENSES SCHEDULE 11 THIS MONTH LAST MONTH GENERAL EXPENSES 6401 Administration 6411 Revenue Collection Expense 6421 Insurance 6431 Miscellaneous 6481 6491 6492 6501 6511 6521 6531 6532 6533 6534 6535 6536 6537 6538 6541 6542 6543 6545 6551 6552 6553 6554 6555 Total General Expenses OPERATING EXPENSES 6451 Operating Management Expenses 6461 Collecting System Expenses 6471 Purification Expenses 1.23. Pumping Expenses Distribution System Expenses Miscellaneous Total Operating Expenses MAINTENANCE EXPENSES General Repairs Collecting System Repairs Purification System Repairs Pumping System Repairs Station Buildings, Fixtures, Structures and Surroundings Fuel and Ash Handling and Storage Equipment Boilers, Stacks and Connections Feed Water Equipment Steam and Exhaust Piping Steam Engines, Condensers and Auxiliary Apparatus Pumps and Pumping Equipment Miscellaneous Distribution System Repairs Mains Services Meters Fire Hydrants and Connections Total Maintenance Expenses DEPRECIATION RESERVE CHARGES Operating Management Properties Collecting System Properties Purification System Properties Pumping System Properties Distribution System Properties 29 99_ 154142 _ Total Depreciation BRANDON WATER WORKS WATER SERVICE EXPENSES INCREASE DECREASE TO DATE THIS YEAR TO DATE LAST YEAR INCREASE DECREASE ■ l| 1 - T * ~ 1 —-- j w 1 vi > ' J J 1" 1 .- j — 1 - 1 - 1 1 1 — . . .Jll 1 . — --— - - J ■ -1 -—1 ~ — HIT [If !LLfrJ0IS LIBS — 1 u N || OV 18 1920 - 1 i -- 1 —— 1 - 1 -1 1 BRANDON STREET RAILWAY SUMMARY STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS SCHEDULE 12 OPERATING REVENUES Revenue from Transportation Passenger Revenue Cash Fares Regular Tickets Employees’ Tickets Workmen’s Tickets Children’s Tickets Miscellaneous Revenue from Operations Other than Transportation Station and Car Privileges Total Operating Revenues OPERATING EXPENSES Way and Structures Equipment Traffic Conducting Transportation General Schedule 13 THIS MONTH LAST MONTH ) J Depreciation Total Operating Expenses NET OPERATING REVENUE OR DEFICIT OTHER INCOME Recovered Expenditure GROSS INCOME OR DEFICIT DEDUCTIONS FROM GROSS INCOME Interest on Floating Debt Interest on Funded Debt Payments to Sinking Fund Total Deductions from Gross Income FOR THE PERIOD SURPLUS ACCOUNT _ _ H—at I 4 * 2 ] ••• r» BRANDON STREET RAILWAY OPERATING EXPENSES SCHEDULE 13 MAINTENANCE OF WAY AND STRUCTURES 6601 6611 6615 6621 6625 Superintendence of Way and Structures Maintenance of Way Maintenance of Track and Roadway Maintenance of Electric Line Maintenance of Signal and Interlocking Systems Maintenance of Buildings, Fixtures and Grounds Total Maintenance of Way and Structures MAINTENANCE OF EQUIPMENT 6641 6642 6643 6644 6650 Maintenance of Revenue Cars Maintenance of Electric Equipment of Cars Maintenance of Miscellaneous Equipment Maintenance of Shop Equipment Total Maintenance of Equipment TRAFFIC EXPENSE THIS MONTH LAST MOI 6661 CONDUCTING TRANSPORTATION EXPENSE Power Purchased Operation of Cars Superintendence of Transportation Wages of Motormen-Conductors Car Service Supplies Cleaning and Sanding Track Removal of Snow, Ice and Sand from Track Wages of Car House Employees Car House Supplies Operation of Signals Total Conducting Transportation Expense GENERAL EXPENSE 6681 General Office Salaries 6685 Stationery and Printing 6691 Miscellaneous General Expense 6671 6672 6673 6674 6675 6676 6677 6678 83 25 - 6701 Injuries and Damages 6702 Insurance Total General Expense DEPRECIATION RESERVE CHARGE 6711 Way and Structures 6712 Equipment Total Depreciation Reserve Charge T BRANDON MUNICIPAL CEMETERY STATEMENT OF OPERATIONS , H ■ ! ■**-[] ^ , f ^ J* J 1 1 r CUiH < 0*0 O 04 «■ _ ti _ ■. fcl P-i -r.[ 3 m k—J I :j r c>ou\ O rH * 'Cr. tr* o - ^.cn O'Osc O OUiT-NC* CVJ>C\J OJ , r;>, ChO‘ Os ■* fie-** c: .-I G 1 tflvS 3 ' O OOP o: i ■ ($ <«-* H Q *»H O | |w < r~-* !*■♦; ,• f- ;> *»«, ^ 4 - i ps u , it-i ao «\o Of*tCVJ,CVl KS Jr I K*» K-ytt |iKVK^ jOjcrjci c