ILLUSTRATED SOUVENIR of the ARCHDIOCESE of CHICAGO Commemorating the Installation of the Most Reverend Archbishop George W. Mundelein, D. D. February 9, 1916 R. H. FLEMING PUBLISHING COMPANY CHICAGO Resume of the History of the Archdiocese of Chicago THE history of Catholicity and the marvelous growth of the great North- west have kept pace in the annals of time. More than two centuries ago the re- gion between the Mississippi and the Kas- kaskia rivers was dotted with strong Cath- olic settlements. The landing of Father Marquette is an important landmark in the affairs of the country of the Tllini. His work among the Indians stands out pre- eminent and is a glory to the Catholic Church. The work of the various mission- aries in the region of Chicago found its highest culmination in the establishment of the Diocese of Chicago. At a meeting of the Provincial Council in Baltimore in 1843 a decree for the for- mation of a number of new sees was passed ; that of Chicago being among those considered. In February of the ensuing year the Holy See acted upon this advice, and the Eeverend William Quarter w r as consecrated Bishop of Chicago on March 10, 1844, in St. Patrick's Cathedral, Xew York. The first Bishop of Chicago was born in Killurrine, Kings County, Ireland, on Jan- uary 21, 1806. On April 10, 1822, young William Quarter left his native land to en- counter the difficulties and hardships of life in a new country. After his arrival in America he entered the theological school at Mount St. Mary's in Emmitsburg, Md. His progress in study was remarkable, and in September of the year 1829 he was or- dained to the priesthood by a special dis- pensation, as he was less than twenty-three years of age. His first appointment was as assistant to the pastor of St. Peter's Church, New York. On May 5, 1844, a memorable date to the Catholics of Chicago, Bishop Quarter became its first Bishop. St. Mary's Church, which was to be the Cathedral, was in an unfinished state, and on the morning of his arrival the Bishop cele- brated Mass in a frame structure in the back of the episcopal residence on the cor- ner of Wabash Avenue and Madison Street. He found onlv two priests in the new dio- cese. Father De St. Palais, a Frenchman, and Father Fischer, a German, who were ministering to the spiritual needs of the people. One of the Bishop's first acts was the founding of a college, which was des- tined to become the seed from which sprang the University of St. Mary of the I , 1795, James Van De Velde was born in Belgium, near Termonde. A French clergyman supervised his early in- struction. Tn 1817 a renowned missionary from Kentucky visited the various semi- naries in Belgium, among others that of Mechlin, where James Oliver Van de Velde held a professorship. His purpose was to arouse interest in the missionary work of America. Young Van De Velde listened to these enthusiastic accounts and offered his services in behalf of his fellow beings on the new continent. Feeling himself called to a religious life, lie identified himself with the Society of Jesus, and on September 25, 1X27, ho was ordained in the Cathedral at Baltimore. For a period of four years he was Chaplain to the Visitation Convent at Georgetown. The Held of Father Van De Velde's activity was transferred to the West in 1831; he assumed the vice-presi- dency of the University of St. Louis, and in 1840 he became its president. Upon the recommendation of the Bish- ops of the United States, this highly es- teemed and talented priest was appointed to succeed Bishop Quarter in the adminis- tration of the diocese of Chicago. On De- cember 11, 1848, he received Episcopal con- secration in the church of St. Francis Xavier in St. Louis. Among Bishop Van De Velde's first du- ties were visitations to the different parts of his diocese. In 1849 occurred the found- ing of the first orphanage in the diocese; here many destitute children were shel- tered. The Sisters of Mercy took charge of this institution. Failing health caused Bishop Van De Velde to tender his resignation as Bishop of the See of Chicago to the Pope in 1852. With much reluctance, His Holiness, the Pope, relieved him from his strenuous du- ties, and in September, 1853, apostolic let- ters appointed him to the See of Natchez. Bishop Van De Velde died November 13, 1 855. Right Reverend A. 'Regan, D. D., was the third Bishop of Chicago. The town of Laralloc, County Mayo, Ireland, was his birthplace. Young Anthony was of a gen- tle and pious disposition and early entered Maynooth College as an ecclesiastical stu- dent. After the completion of his studies he was ordained and his first Mass was celebrated in the chapel of the College where he had so conscientiously labored. In 184!), when Archbishop Kenrick es- tablished his theological seminary, he wrote to Ireland for a priest who could act as its superior with efficiency and abil- ity. Father 'Regan was delegated to fill this position of honor. The important and rapidly developing diocese had been left without a head by the resignation of Bishop Van De Velde. To find a priest who could sustain this im- portant office with executive ability and proficiency was a question which con- fronted the Bishops of the province. All united in the selection of Reverend An- thony 'Regan. In spite of Father O 'Re- gan's objections to this elevated and re- sponsible position, the edict of the Holy See had gone forth, and in a spirit of obedience he accepted. Archbishop Ken- rick performed the consecration on July 25, 1854. The pages of history recount the won- derful growth of Chicago from 1850 to 1860. Vast railroad enterprises had made of it a commercial center. At the instigation of Bishop 'Regan the Jesuit Fathers were induced to estab- lish a house in Chicago, which derived an almost incalculable benefit from its intro- duction into her midst. A fresh impetus was given to religious activity. Holy Fam- ily Church, St. Ignatius College, the Sa- cred Heart Church, the Sacred Heart Academy, St. Joseph's Home, and many parish schools can trace their existence to the influence of these tireless w r orkers. Bishop O 'Regan passed away November 13, 1866, and his remains were carried to his native parish in Ireland. The bishopric of the diocese of Chicago next passed into the hands of Right Rev- erend James Duggan. Bishop Duggan was a native of Maynooth, County Kildare, Ire- land, where he was born May 22, 1825. He received his early training in the Seminary of Ballaghadareen. In 1842 Archbishop Kenrick again asked for a talented young priest for the diocese of St. Louis, and James Duggan responded. Here he be- came a student at St. Vincent's College, Cape Girardeau. His first call was to the Cathedral in St. Louis, where he gained celebrity for his scholarly discourses. Up- on the resignation of Bishop Van De Velde," Father Duggan was sent to Chicago to administer its affairs until a new Bishop should be chosen. He remained in Chicago until Bishop O 'Regan assumed the office of Bishop, when Father Duggan returned to St. Louis. The able fulfillment of his duties induced Archbishop Kenrick to ask for Father Duggan as his co-adjutor. After his consecration in May, 1857, Bishop Duggan rapidly assumed the lofty require- ments of his office. At Bishop 'Regan's departure for Rome to lay his resignation before the Pope, Bishop Duggan was again The Most Reverend Archbishop George W. Mundelein sent to assume the responsibilities of the Chicago Sec, and eventually he was offi- cially installed at St. Mary's Cathedral by apostolic letters from the Holy See. Chicago had grown apace with the ad- vancing years, and in 1857 its census showed an increase of 33,000, making a to- tal population of 93,000. About this time ;i yreat business depression occurred and 1:5,000 people left Chicago. Naturally the church suffered and a most discouraging prospect greeted Bishop Duggan upon his entrance to his exalted office. However, the cloud soon vanished and swarms of people Hocked anew to this center and in a short space of time 109,263 people claimed citi- zenship in this vast community. Bishop Duggan 's administration extend- ed through the most precarious time of the existence of the Union. Although in the throes of a terrible civil w r ar, he guided the helm of his ship with a masterly hand ! .Mas, in 1866 this brilliant intellect began to show signs of weakening, and his with- drawal from his office and his removal to an asylum became a necessity. The successor of Bishop Duggan was Eight Reverend Thomas Foley, w T ho was born in Baltimore on March 6, 1822. At the age of ten Thomas Foley entered St. Mary's College. He was appointed Co-ad- jutor Bishop and Administrator of the Diocese of Chicago and consecrated Bishop in the Cathedral of Baltimore in 1869. On March 10, 1870, he was installed in the Church of the Holy Name, the pro-Cathe- dral of Chicago. When Bishop Foley as- sumed this new responsibility, he assidu- ously devoted himself to the mastery of every detail of his vast responsibility. With wonderful diplomacy he set himself to the task of rectifying the misunder- standings which existed in the diocese at that time and skillfully straightened out the tangled skein. Chicago had now grown to be one of the largest commercial and mercantile centers, her population had increased to 334,270 in 1871. Then came the great conflagration of 1871 which brought dire disaster upon this enterprising and intrepid community. The shocking event caused consternation throughout the civilized world. The labor of years lay waste; schools, convents, asy- lums and churches were demolished by this insatiable foe. In January, 1879, Bishop Foley was called to Baltimore, where he contracted a cold which developed into pneumonia, and which resulted in his death on Feb- ruary 19, 1879. His death was a severe loss to the Dio- cese at whose head he had stood for nine years. At his demise the Diocese was in a splendid financial condition, more than 200 churches with 350,000 communicants belonged to its jurisdiction. Reverend Doc- tor McMullen assumed the administrator- ship of Chicago. In September, 1880, a decree of the Holy See elevated Chicago to the rank of an archdiocese, and Bishop Feehan, of Nash- ville was called to preside over its spiiitual affairs. Patrick Augustine Feehan was born Au- gust 29, 1829, at Killinnall, Tipperary, Ire- land. His early training was begun at home; when sixteen years old he entered Castle Kurck College as a student. In his eighteenth year he was admitted to May- nooth College and the next five years were devoted to the study of philosophy and the- ology, gaining such proficiency that he re- ceived an appointment to Dunboyne. To the worthy Archbishop of St. Louis we owe another debt of gratitude for his judicious selection of young Irish priests, for an- other appeal from him brought to our shores this young and talented seminarian. In 1852, upon his arrival in America, he en- tered the ecclesiastical seminary at Caron- delet, to make further preparation for his reception to the priestly calling. He was ordained November 1, 1852, at twenty- three years of age. After having taught for a brief time Father Feehan was made assistant to the pastor of St. John's Church in St. Louis. A^ 7 ith great reluctance the parishioners of St. John's saw the depar- ture of this priest when he was sent to suc- ceed Reverend Anthony 'Regan at the theological seminary in Carondelet, where he served as president for three years. With his usual zeal he entered upon his duties as pastor of St. Michael's Church, St. Louis, in July, 1857. In 1865 Father Feehan became Bishop of Nashville. Here he found that debts and demoralization loomed up on all sides, for Nashville had been the very heart of the late rebellion. With characteristic en- HOLY NAME CATHEDRAL State and Superior Streets Founded 1S74 by the Right Reverend Thomas Folry. D. I).. Fourth Bishop of Chicago The present pastor is the Right Rev. Monsignor M. J. Fit/Simmons, Vicar General ergy Bishop Feehan went to work to clear the debris of the war and to solidify the foundations of every Catholic institution that had been devastated, and ere the lapse of many months a marked change had taken place in the Diocese of Nashville. After Chicago had been made an arch- diocese and Archbishop Feehan had been named as its head, both clergy and laity rejoiced that Bishop Foley's successor was a priest of such strong personality and executive ability. Amid impressive cere- monies Archbishop Feehan was installed in the Cathedral of the Holy Name, Sun- day, November 28, 1880. Although the efforts made by Bishop Fo- ley to repair the loss the church had sus- tained by the great fire were well-nigh su- perhuman, there remained much to be done upon the accession of Archbishop Feehan. Archbishop Feehan devoted much time and expended great thought upon the finan- cial problems of his realm. Eleemosynary institutions, homes for the aged, hospitals for the sick, orphan and foundling asylums, providence houses for young women were all objects of his deepest consideration. Unstintedly he aided them financially and with his judicious advice. One of Arch- bishop Feehan 's greatest foundations was the establishment of the Industrial School for Boys at Feehansville, on the Des Plaines River. The magnitude of the work done in the Archdiocese of Chicago during the admin- istration of Archbishop Feehan can scarce- ly be computed. With marvelous and un- diminished fervor he was ever on the alert for the most minute interests of his people. Most ably did he uphold and second the efforts of every priest, every brotherhood, and every sisterhood under his jurisdic- tion. His gentle and loving disposition had endeared him to all with whom he came in contact, regardless of religious conviction, and his scholarly attainments had called forth the warmest admiration of all. On July 12, 1902, the revered Archbishop of Chicago entered into eternal rest. The lamented Archbishop Feehan was succeeded by the Most Reverend James Ed- ward Quigley, 1). 1)., who was installed as the second Archbishop of Chicago on Jan- uary S, 1 )(K5. Archbishop Quigley was born in Oshawa, Ontario, Canada. October 15, 1854. At a tender age he removed to Buffalo, N. Y., with his parents and at the college of the Christian Brothers received his education. He began his theological studies in New York at the Seminary of Our Lady of Angels, and for several years pursued his studies at the University of Innsbruck, Austria. Later he entered the College of the Propaganda at Rome, and in 1879 re- ceived the degree of doctor of theology, summa cum laude. He received holy or- ders and was ordained in the same year. Upon his return to the United States, St. Vincent's Church, in Attica, N. Y., was as- signed to him. After devoting his services to this congregation for several years, he was made rector of St. Joseph's Cathedral, Buffalo. At the death of Bishop Ryan of Buffalo in 1896 this able young priest Avas appointed as his successor. While Bishop of this Diocese he filled his office with such ability and distinction that when the Arch- diocese of Chicago was left without a spiritual head, he was selected by the Holy See to fill this exalted position. For twelve years Archbishop Quigley continued to ad- minister the affairs of this Archdiocese with the utmost wisdom and efficiency, when, on July 10, 1915, he passed to his everlasting reward. He was a strong and able man, with tal- ents which, had he chosen a secular instead of a religious career, would undoubtedly have won him the amplest material success. His ability as an administrator is shown by the growth in twelve years of the number of churches in his diocese from 252 to 326, of schools under his supervision from 166 to 256, and of children attending them from about 67,000 to nearly 110,000. Someone has truly said: "Archbishop Quigley in more respects than one was a great man, a providential ruler, a true ec- clesiastic and an apostolic Bishop. Built on princely lines without, he was a real prince within. His soul was all that a soul should be : wise in its goodness and full of the sympathy caught from its Creator. His range of vision, like his early education, was Roman, and Rome still stands for what is universal. He was the Archbishop of Chicago, but an Archbishop of the Church in America. He made his influence felt without trying, or even think- ing of it at all, and he made it felt on the whole Church, the whole country and on other countries." 10 Interior of Holy Name Cathedral Installation of Archbishop Mundelein T.IIK third Arclil)islio]) of Chicago, a the eighth prelate to liold tlic reins of the Catholic Church government in this city, has now entered actively upon his duties. The solemn installation of the Most IJeverend (ieorge \V. Mundelein, 1). D., as Archbishop of Chicago and his investiture, by Most Reverend .John Bonzano, Arch- bishop of Militene, and Apostolic Delegate to the United States, with the Sacred Pal- lium, the insignia of the Archiepiscopal office, was among the most splendid and im- posing religious ceremonies ever witnessed in this country. Chicago had lived in expectancy for many months, waiting most anxiously for the announcement of the will of the Holy Father, Benedict XV, regarding the filling of the vacant See of the nation's second metropolis. It was late in November, to be precise on Monday, the 29th, when word reached Chicago that the successor of Archbishop Quigley had been selected in the person of the then Right Reverend George AY. Mundelein, D. D., Auxiliary Bishop of the Diocese of Brooklyn. The message from the Apostolic Lega- tion in Washington which told of Arch- bishop Mundelein 's appointment was fol- lowed almost immediately by lengthy tele- grams from Brooklyn detailing the biog- raphy and the achievements of Chicago's new prelate. One of the first messages from his former home said: "Chicago's new prelate is the youngest Archbishop in the United States." Such, indeed, is Arch- bishop Mundelein, having been born only forty-three years ago. The city of his birth is the same as that which has benefited so wonderfully by his labors in the past few years. He comes from an old American family of New York City, old and Ameri- can because it bought those titles on the battlefields of the Civil \Yar. ARCHBISHOP'S CAREER The date of Archbishop Mundelein's birth was .July 2, 1872. He spent his youth in Xew York, where he likewise received his primary education. The first school he attended was the parochial school of St. Nicholas Parish. Later he attended an academy of the Christian Brothers, the old De La Salle Institute on Second Street, i'rcm which he graduated in 1887. Next he went to Manhattan College, which is under the direction of the same teaching brothers. Here he spent two years, after which he commenced his theological studies at St. Vincent's Seminary, Beatty, Penn- sylvania. He spent three years in this in- stitution, on the completion of which he was sent by the present Bishop of Brook- lyn, Right Reverend Charles E. McDonnell, D. D., to the Urban College of the Propa- ganda in Rome, where he completed his theology, taking likewise a special course in the Academy of Sacred Liturgy and ob- taining a degree there in 1895. ORDINATION It was on June 8, 1895, that the young clerical student completed his course and was ordained to the priesthood. The ordi- nation was performed by the Right Rev- erend Bishop McDonnell of Brooklyn in the chapel of the Sisters of the Holy Cross in Rome. Archbishop Mundelein celebrated his first mass on the following day in the Crypt of St. Peter's. He was assisted by the late Monsignor O'Connell, rector of St. Mary Star of the Sea Church, Brooklyn, and by the late Dr. Brophy, his companion in the Propaganda. His first appointment was as associate secretary to Bishop McDonnell, and while performing his duties he was at the same time, for several months, pastor of the Lithuanian church in the Williamsburg sec- tion of Brooklyn. It was only two years r.fter his ordination that his first important office was given him. He was made chan- cellor of the diocese of Brooklyn in De- cember, 1897. For a period of twelve years he filled the arduous and exacting duties of this office, which he only vacated Sep- tember 1, 1909, after his appointment, and shortly before his consecration, as Bishop. AYhile he filled the chancellorship of Brooklyn Diocese, he began to be the re- cipient of exceptional honors granted by Rome in recognition of his learning. On November 14, 1903, he was appointed by the Cardinal Vicar of Rome as a censor of the Liturgical Academy. This is one of the Pontifical academies which grew out of the notable movement in liturgical studies un- der the great theologist and liturgist, Bene- Cathedral Schools and Cathedral College 13 diet XIV, in the middle of the eighteenth century. It was subsequently disbanded, but was reorganized in 1840 under the di- rection of the Lazarists and now holds fre- quent conferences in which liturgical and cognate subjects are treated from the his- torical and practical point of view. Arch- bishop Mundelein is likewise a member of the Pontifical Academy of Arcadia, a unique association of Catholic scholars whose purpose is the production and pat- ronage of what is finest and purest in lit- erature. Archbishop Mundelein was elected to this academy on April 20, 1907, and is the only American with a membership in the academy. The first elevation of Archbishop Mun- delein above the rank of the priesthood was his appointment on November 21, 1906, as a Domestic Prelate with the title of Mon- signor, which honor was conferred on him at the request of Bishop McDonnell. In 1908 the degree of Doctor of Sacred Theology was granted to Archbishop Mun- delein by the Sacred Congregation of the Propaganda. In 1909, on the 30th of June, the new Archbishop of Chicago was made Titular Bishop of Loryma and Auxiliary Bishop of the diocese of Brooklyn. The consecration of Archbishop Munde- lein as Auxiliary Bishop of Brooklyn took place on September 21, 1909, at St. James Pro-Cathedral, Brooklyn. Since that clay the history of Archbishop Mundelein is a record of accomplishments. Two notably successful undertakings are credited to his efforts. The first is the building of the Cathedral College of the Immaculate Con- ception, of which he is rector-founder, and where one hundred boys are being pre- pared for the priesthood. But this is not his only achievement. Another was the building of the Cathedral Chapel, Queen of All Saints, which was built under Arch- bishop Mundelein 's supervision, and of which he was then the rector. The dedica- tion of this chapel on November 27, 1913, was a notable event in the church history of Brooklyn. Never will either Archbishop Mundelein or the Catholics of Chicago forget Feb- ruary 8, 1916. It was the memorable day on which the third Archbishop of Chicago entered the city in which his future years are destined to be spent, and where, be- yond doubt, the great deeds that will make his name more prominent in American church history remain to be done. Nearly a thousand laymen met His Grace, Arch- bishop Mundelein, at La Porte, Indiana, on the very boundaries of the Archdiocese of Chicago. Two trains, each of thirteen coaches, proceeded into Chicago, where thousands more awaited the new Arch- bishop at the station and lined the streets over which he proceeded with his escort of two hundred automobiles to the Archi- episcopal residence. The installation and investiture ceremonies took place on Wednesday morning, February 9, at ten o'clock. The scene of the ceremonies was the Holy Name Cathedral. The procession of clergy, one thousand in number, composed principally of local priests, together with nearly one hundred of the Brooklyn Diocese, followed by two abbots, ten monsignors, thirty-two bishops, seven archbishops, and finally Archbishop Mundelein and His Excellency, the Apos- tolic Delegate, started from the Chancery office on Cass Street, proceeded on Supe- rior Street around to the front of the Ca- thedral. At the doorway of the Cathedral Archbishop Mundelein was met by Eight Eeverend Monsignor M. J. FitzSimmons, P. A., recent Administrator and now Vicar General, who escorted His Grace to the sanctuary where the Papal Bull of appoint- ment of Most Reverend George "VV. Munde- lein to the Archdiocese of Chicago was read by Very Reverend E. F. Hoban, D. D. After the reading of the Papal Bull, Arch- bishop Mundelein was enthroned by His Excellency, Archbishop Bonzano, Apostolic Delegate to the United States. This was the official installation of Archbishop Mun- delein as prelate of this Archdiocese. His Excellency Archbishop Bonzano then made an address. This was followed by a short address, delivered by Mon- signor FitzSimmons, in which, in the name of the clergy of the Archdiocese, he wel- comed Archbishop Mundelein to his See. He likewise turned over to the new Arch- bishop the affairs of the diocese, of which he had been in charge. Monsignor Fitz- Simmons' address was followed by an- other delivered by Mr. Lynch, President of the National Bank of the Republic, who spoke for Chicago's laity. ACT OF OBEDIENCE The clergy then made their act of obe- dience, in the course of which each priest 14 Archiepiscopal Residence, Corner of State Street and North Avenue in turn approached Archbishop Mundelein, seated on his throne, and, as a mark of submission to his Episcopal authority, kissed his ring. After this, Pontifical High Mass was sung, His Excellency Archbishop Bonzano officiating. Toward the close of the Mass the Pallium, which is the insignia of the archiepiscopal dignity, was placed upon the altar. After Mass Archbishop Mundelein was vested in his full pontificals, the robes of his office. He then approached the Apostolic Delegate, who was seated on a faldstool at the upper step of the altar. Archbishop Mundelein knelt before His Excellency, the immediate representative of our Holy Father, and made his profession of Faith. The Apostolic Delegate placed upon the shoulders of the kneeling prelate the Pallium, with which he became Arch- bishop of the Archdiocese of Chicago and Metropolitan of the Province of Illinois. Archbishop Mundelein then delivered his first address as prelate of the See. It was a gem of oratory, of such impressiveness and eloquence that it will remain forever indelible in the minds of Chicagoans. CHICAGO'S THIRD ARCHBISHOP The ceremony of the installation was thus completed. And from that hour on the deeds of the Most Reverend George W. Mundelein, D. D., will be recorded in the history of both the Church and the State of Illinois as the deeds of Chicago's third Archbishop. But the installation ceremony will not be soon forgotten, for it brought to the city one of the greatest gatherings of prelates that ever assembled here. Noted among these were Archbishops Messmer of Milwaukee, Moeller of Cincinnati, Keane of Dubuque, Pitival of Santa Fe, Ruiz and Plancarte of Mexico; Weber, Chicago, Superior of the Resurrectionist Fathers; Bishops Allen of Mobile, Althoff of Belleville, Aldering of Fort Wayne, Busch of St. Cloud, Burke of St. Joseph, Mo., Dunne of Peoria. Bishops Shaw of San Antonio, Tex. ; McGovern of Cheyenne, Wyo. ; Tihen of Lincoln, Neb. ; Gunn of Natchez, Miss. ; Dowling of Des Moines, Iowa ; O'Reilly of Lebedos ; O'Con- nell of Richmond, Va. ; Kondelka of Supe- rior, Wis. ; Sclirembs of Toledo, 0. ; Heffron of Winona, Minn.; Rhode of Green Bay, Wis. ; Wehrle of Bismarck, No. Dak. ; Mul- doon of Rockford, 111., Lawler of St. Paul, Minn., Ortynsky of Philadelphia, Pa. ; Lynch of Dallas, Tex. ; Gallagher of Grand Rapids, Mich. ; Rice of Burlington, Vt. ; McDonnell of Brooklyn, N. Y. Foreword : IX presenting this Souvenir volume to the Catholics of Chicago and vicinity, the pub- lishers wish to make it plain that this is not intended to he a literary history of the numerous churelies, schools, and other institutions of the Archdiocese of Chicago, but a pictorial presen- tation of them, which will bring more vividly and effectively to the mind's eye the magnifi- cence and magnitude of the work accomplished by the twelve hundred thousand Catholics under the inspiration and direction of their spiritual heads. In most instances, only the briefest outline could be given ; but more is not necessary as the illustrations tell their own story. The work has been hard and sometimes disappointing, but if our efforts meet with the approval of those for whom it was undertaken we shall feel well repaid Many thanks are due to the pastors and heads of institutions who have given us their kindly co-operation by furnishing information which has aided greatly in our work. The photographs in most cases were the work of Mr. B. Pearson of 2120 North Clark Street. We also appreciate the excellent work done by the McGrath Engraving Company of this city. 16 THE PAULISTS AND THEIR WORK. The Congregation of Missionary Priests of St. Paul the Apostle, popularly known as the Paulist Fathers, was founded in 18~>8. The ob- ject was, to quote Father Ileeker's own words, ''to form an independent band of missionaries to be devoted to the great wants of the coun- try, and particularly to preach to the non- Catholics of America." At the invitation of Archbishop Hughes, the first Paulists estab- lished a parish and missionary headquarters in New York City, and began at once their apos- tolic labor. The principal fields covered by the work of the Paulist Fathers are: (a) Missions to Catholics When only three priests of the nascent institute could be spared for this work, they went up and down this country and Canada from 18i>8 to 186"). As soon as new recruits were enlisted under their standard they utilized them to extend this work. From 1870, when it was regularly re- sumed, up to the present time, they have given thousands of missions in all parts of the coun- try, thus sharing with the other missionary orders in the great work of keeping the faith alive and vigorous among our Catholic people. (b) Missions to Non-Catholics This work, which really constitutes their distinctive voca- tion, was initiated by Father llecker himself. These missions have been attended by large numbers of non-Catholics. They serve, to- gether witli the free distribution of leaflets and books which accompany them, to destroy much deep-rooted prejudice and bring about a number of conversions. The Paidist Fathers, under the direction of the Catholic Missionary Union, are in charge of the Apostolic Mission House at Hrookland, I). C. Secular and religious priests are trained there for work among non-Catholics. In 1892 the Paidist Press was inaugurated. It consists of a large printing office, editorial, composing and press rooms. Here "The Catho- lic World" ami "The header" are issued monthly, with a vast number of pamphlets on every subject of interest to Catholics or to any- one interested in religion. Millions of these pamphlets have been distributed all over the country. The Paulists were also instrumental in establishing "The Hookraek," which has accomplished a distinctly useful and beneficial work. ADDITIONAL WORK. (a) Church Music The 1'anlists have introduced in their churches the 00 students. The departments of the University include Arts and Science. Law, Engineering, Pharmacy, Socio- logy, and Medicine. The Medical College dates its foundation as far back as 1868. It became affiliated with Loyola University in 1910, and in 1915 came under its complete control. The increasing needs of Catholic education led to the opening on September 20, 1909, of Loyola Academy at Sheridan Road and Loyola Avenue. This is the second high school depart- ment opened in connection with the college. Built on a spacious tract on the lake shore, the Academy has every attraction of location and surroundings. During the brief years of its existence it has increased its enrollment to two hundred and thirty-two students. A collegiate department is projected for the near future. The Cudahy Science Hall, erected by the mu- nificent gift of the late Michael Cudahy, already flanks the Academy building, and other colle- giate buildings are to be grouped on the same site. son is assisted by the Reverend T. A. O'Malley, S.J., and the Reverend Edward J. Hanhauser, S.J. Kt. Ipnatius, 6435 Broadway. ST. IGNATIUS CHURCH, FOUNDED 1907. The Church of St. Ignatius, located at Sheri- dan Road and Broadway, was founded by the Reverend Louis Kellinger, S.J., in 1907. The Ifeverend B. M. Johnson, S.J., is the present rector. In 1912 he built the handsome paro- chial school, which opened September 12 of the same year. The children, of whom there are more than :iOO in attendance, are taught by the Sisters of the IIolv Child Jesus. Father John- St. Ignatius' School, 6435 Broadway. Sacred Heart, 818 West Nineteenth Street. SACRED HEART CHURCH, FOUNDED 1872. The Sacred Heart Church, situated at West Nineteenth and Johnson Streets, was founded in 1872. The parish of the Sacred Heart dates back to the early days of the great Jesuit parish of the Holy Family, from which it was formed. It has always been under the care of the Jesuit Fathers. The Reverend Michael Corbett, S.J., was its first pastor. The present pastor is the Reverend Thomas Finn, S.J. He is assisted by the Reverends Hugh J. Erley, S.J., John A. Ganser, S.J., and Joseph B. Murphy, S.J. The 400 children who attend the parish school are taught by the Sisters of the B.V.M. 22 ST. PETER'S CHURCH (GERMAN). St. Peter's Church is one of the oldest German Catholic Churches in Chi- cago, and was organized in 1846 by Bishop Quarter. The original location of the church was on Wash- ington Street between Wells and Franklin Streets, and the first pas- tor was Johannes Jung. The present edifice was erected in 1864 by the Reverend P. Fischer, and was one of the few build- ings to escape the great conflagration in 1871. The Franciscan Fathers came here at the request of the Right Reverend Thomas Foley in 1875 and have re- mained ever since as the spiritual heads of this parish. The Reverend Henry Kuester, O.F.M., the present pastor, is as- sisted by the following priests : The Reverend Christopher Guithues, St. Peter's Church, Clark and Polk Streets. F M Alphonse Bergener, O.F.M., Ulric Petri, O.F.M., and Peter Volz, O.F.M. The Sisters of Xotre Dame of Milwaukee instruct 300 Italian children in a free school connected with the church. ST. JOSEPH'S CHURCH (GERMAN). St. Joseph's and St. Peter's Churches, represent- ing the two oldest German Catholic parishes in Chi- cago, were founded in 1846 by the Right Reverend Bishop Quarter, first bishop of Chicago. The first St. Joseph's Church was at the northeast corner of Cass Street and Chicago Avenue, but after the Chicago fire the new St. Joseph's Church was built at the present location. In 1875 the church as it stands today was dedicated. It has a plain exterior, but the interior is a very beautiful Gothic edifice. The first pastor of St. Joseph's Church was Rev- erend Johannes Jung, but in 1861 St. Joseph's par- ish was transferred to the Benedictine Fathers of St. Vincent, Pennsylvania, and in 1915 to the Bene- dictine Fathers of St. Bede Abbey, Peru, Illinois.^ Its present pastor is the Reverend Justus Wirth, O.S.B., with Reverend Philip Stauffer, O.S.B., and Reverend Francis Dorr, O.S.B., as assistants. The school maintained by this parish dates back almost as far as the church itself. The Benedictine Sisters, whose convent is located at Franklin and Hill Streets, instruct the 250 pupils. The course of study embraces the primary, intermediate and gram- mar. German is taught from the very commence- ment through all the grades. .^A - St. Joseph's Church, Orleans and Hill Streets. 23 St. .Michael': School and Brothers House ST. MICHAEL'S CHURCH (GERMAN), FOUNDED 1852. St. .Michael's Church, situated at the corner of Eugenie Street and Cleveland Avenue, was founded in 1S.VJ by the Very Reverend Kopp, V. G. The Redemptorist Fathers assumed charge of this parish on February 26, 1860. The first pastor was the Reverend Joseph Mueller, C. SS. R. The present church, which is a fine, large edifice in the Romanesque style, was built in 1866, and has the distinction of being one of the relics of the great Chicago fire of 1871. 24 Sisters' Convent, St. Michael's Parish. St. Michael's School, Hudson and North. St. Michael's parochial school, one of the largest in the city, has an attendance of 1,798 pupils. The xipper classes of boys are in charge of thirteen Brothers of Mary, while the Sisters of Notre Dame take care of the instruction of all the girls' classes as well as that of the lower grades of boys. To this parish are attached also St. Michael's high school for boys and girls, and St. Gerard's kindergarten, the latter being under the care of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ. This order, whose mother house is in Fort Wayne, Indiana, was called to the diocese of Chicago in 1875 by the Right Reverend Bishop Poley. At first the Sisters occupied rented quarters on Sedgwick Street. The present handsome con- vent and chapel at 1644 Hudson Avenue was dedicated December 4, 1876. The Sisters at- tend the sick in their homes without distinction of creed or nationality. Sister M. Alexia is the Superioress. Thirteen Sisters are at present stationed at this convent. The Very Rev- erend Nicholas Klein, C. SS. R., is rector in charge of this parish. St. Michael's Hall. Handmaids of Jesus chr ist. St. Alphonsus' Church, Founded in 1882. St. Alphimsus' Rectory St. Alphonsus School. ST. ALPHONSUS' CHURCH, FOUNDED 1882. St. Al|>honsus ', Southport Avenue and Wellington Street, the offspring of St. Michael's Parish, was founded in iss^ | iy Reverend Joseph Kssing, a Roclemptorist Fat her, and at that time rector of St. Michael's Church. The church is a lieaiitiful (iothic structure, while the school is one of the finest parochial buildings in the archdiocese. It lias an enrollment of 1550 pupils, and the instruction is under the School Sisters of Notre Dame of Milwaukee. Tin' ^yniiiasiiiin is also another magnificent building belonging to this community. The parishioners attending this rhurrh are Hermans or of German descent. This parish is under the spiritual direction of the Reverends Augus- tine Ahlert. ('. SS. R., Mathew Hregenser, 0. SS. R., John H. Schagemann, C. SS. R., James Ott, C. SS. R., Thomas Heine. C. SS. K.. Louis Brand, C. SS. R., Thomas Reiser, C. SS. R. 26 St. James' Rectory. St. Jninr*' Schools ST. JAMES' CHURCH, FOUNDED 1855. The church of St. James is located on Wabash Avenue and Twenty-ninth Street. This parish was organized by the Reverend Thomas J. Kelly in 1855. The property consists of a beautiful Gothic church, three school buildings, and a fine parochial residence. The school, conducted by the Sisters of Mercy, has an attendance of more than 1,000 children. The curriculum includes primary, grammar, and high school instruction. The present pastor, the Keverencl P. W. Dunne, is assisted by the Reverends Sidney Morrison. .lames L. Kearns, and Daniel Murphy. HOLY ANGELS', FOUNDED 1880 The parish of the Holy Angels, one of the most important Catholic com- munities in Chicago, was founded by the Reverend I). A. Tighe on February L'L'. 1SSO. As with many other Catholic churches, the iiew congregation had a very small beginning, the handful of worshipers meeting for several months in a hall on Cottage Grove Avenue, be- tween Thirty -seventh and Thirty-eighth Streets. Then a neighboring Baptist church was rented for four months. In the meantime the congregation grew so rapidly that it was found nec- essary to build a house of worship. For this purpose a beautiful site was pur- chased on Oakwood Boulevard, and, on September 8, 1880, the corner-stone of the first Church of the Holy Angels was laid. Four mouths later, December 5, 1880, the completed edifice was dedi- cated by the Most Reverend Archbishop Feehan, D. D. Within the next few years additional property was purchased in the same locality for schools and other parish buildings. In the next decade, the congregation grew so rapidly that it was found nec- essary to erect a new church to accom- modate the increased membership. Ac- cordingly, on May 24, 1896, the corner- stone of the present church edifice was laid by Archbishop Feehan. On Sep- tember 26, 1896, the magnificent new church was dedicated by the same prel- ate. The services were made a splendid Holy Angels' Church. Showing Rectory. occasion, many notable ecclesiastics from different parts of the" country being present. The sermon was preached by the Right Reverend John Clancy, D.D., of Maynooth College, Ireland, now Bishop of the historic see of Elphin. The splendid schools of the parish are modern in every particular and are unsurpassed by any in Chicago. They are under the direction of the Sisters of Mercy, whose motlier house is in Chicago, and are attended by 725 pupils. The Right Reverend Bishop McGavick, in charge of the parish, is assisted by the Eeverend J. E. McCiavick, J. M. Morrison, Timothy O'Shea and William Griffin. Si'ilil.l Holy Angels Schools. Oakwood Boulevard. 28 if - mil St. Elizabeth, Forty-first Street and Wabash Avenue. St. Elizabeth's School, Forty-first Street and Wabash Avenue. ST. ELIZABETH'S, FOUNDED 1881. St. Elizabeth's Church, founded 1881, is located at Forty-first Street and Wabash Avenue. Few churches, in the city of Chicago can boast of having one pastor for thirty-five years, but this parish is still under the spiritual direction of its founder, the Reverend D. J. Riordan. In 1890 the present church edifice was erected. The recent addition to the parish buildings is a handsome new school which has been erected nearly opposite the church. The 600 children who attend the school are instructed by the Sisters of Mercy. Father Riordan is assisted by the Rev- erends F. C. Cannell, Edmund Burke and Clarence Cavanaugh. St. John's. Clark and Eighteenth Streets. ST. JOHN'S, FOUNDED 1859. In 1859 the Reverend John Waldron, with the consent of the Right Reverend Dugan, Bishop of Chicago, bought property at Eighteenth and Clark Streets and erected the church known as St. John, the Evangelist, wliich is the second oldest English Catholic, Church on the South Side. In 1879 the cornerstone of the present church was laid. Father E. L. Dondanville is the present pastor. He is assisted in his work by the Reverend Peter P. Dunne. 29 ST. VINCENT'S CHURCH AND DE PAUL UNIVERSITY. St. Vincent's parish dates back to an inter- est inj; period in the expansion of the Catholic Church in Chicago. The city was just recover- ing from the shock of the Great Fire. The Cathedral had been rebuilt under Bishop Foley and was soon to be dedicated when the Rever- end Edward M. Smith, C.M., picked ont, amid the cow pastures far to the north and west, the site for a new church. Having borrowed $5,000 at St. Mary's Seminary, Perry ville, Mo., the mother house of the Vincentians, he made the first payment August 28, 1875, on the five-acre plot occupied by St. Vincent's Church and De Paul University. floor was converted into a parochial school in 1883. Father Smith was called elsewhere in 1887. The Reverend J. A. Maloney, C.M., was pastor for several months and was in turn succeeded by the Reverend T. J. Abbott, C.M. In 1899 the Reverend Felix Guedry, C.M., became pas- tor. He laid the cornerstone of the parochial school on Osgood Street in 1890. In 1891, Father Smith returned and immediately set about the construction of a grand church, the cornerstone of which was laid in 1895. The zeal of the pastor and the loyalty of his people combined to produce a commodious and beau- St. Vincent De Paul (Church and College). In the beginning of October, 1875, Father Smith began the organization of a parish and applied himself to putting up a building in- 1 ended to serve as church, school, and parochial residence. On November 1, 1875, the corner- stone of the old St. Vincent's Church was laid, and the tirst Mass was celebrated on Christmas Day. The dedication took place on the Feast of the Translation of the Relics of St. Vincent de Paul, April 30, 1876. Archbishop John J. Lynch, C.M., of Toronto, Canada, came to perform the ceremony. The upper floor of the building was used as a church for manv rears. The lower tiful edifice easily accommodating twelve hun- dred people. When the noble task was about completed the beloved pastor was again called away, this time to the Great Beyond. The first Mass in the new church was sung at his funeral service, September 20, 1896. The new church which was erected at a cost of $160,000 was dedicated May 1, 1897, by Archbishop Feehan, D.D., assisted by Bishop Spalding of Peoria and Bishop Stephen Ryan, C.M., of Buffalo. For some time the provincial of the Vincen- tian Fathers, Very Reverend Thomas J. Smith, C.M., remained as head of the parish founded 30 by his brother. The Reverend Thomas J. Wei- don, C.M., was pastor from 1897 until the end of 189S. when he was succeeded by the Reverend P. V. Byrne, C.M. Father Byrne continued as pastor for ten years and was succeeded by the Reverend J. J. Martin, C.M., in 1909. The pres- ent pastor, Reverend P. X. McCabe, C.M., as- sumed his duties in July 1910. St. Vincent's Church is conceded to be one of the most beautiful churches in this great city and Archdiocese. A notable feature of its con- struction is the absence of pillars to obstruct the interior view. The mural decorations are De Paul University is one of the largest edu- cational institutions of the Middle West. The students for the year 1910 number about one thousand. The College of Law is considered one of the very best in the country. The College of Engineering is fully equipped and confers several degrees each year. A new department is the College of Commerce, which is located with the Law School in the Tower Building, at Michigan Avenue and Madison Street. The College of Education was organized at the ur- gent request of the Most Reverend Archbishop Quigley, D.D., in the summer of 1911. It pro- l>e I'aul College, Webster Avenue. simple yet rich; and the altars and communion rail are exqiiisitely carved in Carrara marble, the main altar alone costing about twenty thou- sand dollars. The entire altar and its furnish- ings constitute an exquisite work of art. The windows are wonderfully beautiful and are of pure Munich glass. The organ in St. Vincent 's is indeed superb and has been so improved from time to time that it now has few equals among the great instruments in the city. The parochial school has been conducted by the Sisters of Charity, of the B. V. M., since 1883. More than one thousand children are now in attendance. vides summer school work and extension classes throughout the year. Many Sisters and lay teachers take advantage of the excellent opportunities thus offered. De Paul also conducts a high school depart- ment for students who have satisfactorily com- pleted the eighth grade of grammar school. The De Paul High School for Girls, under the direction of the Sisters of Charity, B. V. M., has an attendance of more than one hundred. Much of the progress of De Paul University is due to the untiring xeal and energy of the Very Reverend F. X. McCabe, C.M., LL.D., who has presided over the institution since 1910. 31 ST. MARY'S OF THE LAKE One of the most beautiful and ideally located houses of worship in the city of Chicago is St. Mary's of the Lake, on the northwest corner of Sheridan Road and Buena Avenue. This church has many interesting features connected with its construction. Its style of architecture is that of a Roman Basilica, St. Mary's having been patterned after St. Maria in Trastavue. which was the first large church in Koine dedicated to the Virgin, and which was itself founded as an oratory by St. Calixtus as early as 222 A. 1). The main entrance is on Sheridan Road, and is protected by a beautiful portico with fluted columns. To the left of the church is a picturesque campanile, or tower, which is an exact facsimile of the celebrated campanile of St. Pudenxia, built in the year 1100. The edifice is 170 feet long by 75 feet wide, with the ceiling sixty feet above the floor. There are three aisles, the center aisle or nave being fifty-five feet wide, and having twenty- four scagliola columns. The exterior is entirely of terra cotta as near in color as possible to that of the Roman Travertine stone, a sample of which was brought from Rome. The roof tile is also the color of Roman tile. The inte- rior decorations will be in keeping with the high character of the edifice. The lighting and heating are after the most approved scien- tific methods. The parish of St. Mary's of the Lake was organized by the present pastor, Reverend John J. Dennison, in 1901. The new church was begun in 1913. Father Dennison is assisted by the Reverend Joseph A. Casey. OUR LADY OF LOURDES. The beautiful new- Church of Our Lady of Lourdes is located at Ash- land and Leland Avenues, on the North Side, and will shortly be dedicated. The style is Spanish Ren- aissance. Reverend J. M. Scanlan is pastor, assisted by the Reverend S. E. Mc- Mahon and John V. Mai- ley. Nearly 600 children receive their instruction in the parochial school which is under the care of the Sisters of Charity of the B. V. M. ST. JEROME'S. St. Jerome's, at Morse Avenue and Paulina Street, is located in Rogers Park, the northern limit of the city. The cornerstone was laid in 1914 and was built under the present pastor, the Reverend T. P. Farrell. ST. MATTHEWS'. The new Church of St. Matthews' is located on the corner of Walnut and Francisco Streets. Reverend J. F. Flood is pastor. He is assisted by Reverend P. Furlong. 33 OUR LADY OF MT. CARMEL, FOUNDED 1886. The parish of Our Lady of Mt. Carmel was organized in 1886 by the Reverend P. O'Brien, and was located on the North Side in that part of the city known as Lake View. Since that time the parish has been divided into several new communities owing to the great and rapid growth in the population. Until about five years ago the con- gregation worshiped in a frame structure. Then the Reverend P. D. Gill, who had been pastor of the church for twenty years, laid the foundation for the present beautiful edifice on Belmont Avenue between Halsted Street and Broadway. The church was not completed until 1914, and is considered one of the handsomest in the city. The archi- tect was Charles H. Prindeville. This parish supports a fine school, which is in charge of the Sisters of Mercy. It is attended by 250 children. Father Gill is assisted in his labors by the Reverend Joseph T. O'Donnell. St. I la's. Magnolia and Catalpa Avenues. St. Ita's School, Magnolia and Catalpa Avenues. ST. ITA'S, FOUNDED 1900. The parish of St. Ita's which for many years was situated near the northern boundary of the city, is today in the heart of a thickly populated district and one of the most flourishing communities in tin- Archdiocese of Chicago. The Reverend J. H. Crowe, who founded it in 1900, is still at the head of the church. The valuable property of the parish is situated on Magnolia and Catalpa Ave- nues, and consists of a handsome church, rectory, and fine modern school where 550 children receive instruction under charge of the Sisters of Mercy. 34 CHURCH OF THE IMMACULATE CONCEPTION. ] m maculate Conception (English). The English Church of the Im- maculate Concep- tion, situated at, North Park Ave- nue and Schiller Street, was erect- ed in 185!). The first priest, and founder was the Reverend William Edward s. For many years this English parish was the most northern one of the city. The present pastor is the Reverend Thomas A. Kearns. He is assisted by the Reverends E. P. Gahagan and C. F. Donovan. The Sisters of the Third Order of St. Dominic teach the 410 children. ST. SEBASTIAN'S, FOUNDED 1910. The spacious and well appointed school building of St. Sebastian's parish is located at Wel- lington Avenue and Halsted Street, and has an attendance of more than 300 pupils, who are under the care of the Sisters of Charity. The church is a frame structure adjoining on Blucher Street. The Reverend Edward Byrnes is pastor. 35 St. Henry's, Ridge and Devon. ST. HENRY'S (GERMAN), FOUNDED 1851. The church known as St. Henry's ranks among the oldest Catholic communities in Chi- cago. Its first priest was the Reverend Fort- mann. For many years the Redemptorist Fa- thers were in charge, but in 1868 the parish came under the secular clergy. The Reverend F. J. Ruetershoff, now rector, erected the pres- ent magnificent church. The school taught by the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ is attended by 450 pupils. St. Teresa's, Center and Osgood. ST. TERESA'S (GERMAN), FOUNDED 1889. The community of St. Teresa, which is lo- cated at Center and Osgood Streets, was founded by the Reverend M. W. Barth. The pupils, who number 432, are under the tutelage of the Sisters of Christian Charity. The Rev- erend J. F. Kirsch is the spiritual head of the parish, and is assisted by the Reverend H. Retzek. ST. CLEMENT'S (GERMAN), FOUNDED 1905. The parish of St. Clement was organized by the Germans in 1905 and the cornerstone of the parish building at 646 Doming Place was laid October 18, 1905. It is a combination structure used for both school and divine worship. About 250 pupils are instructed by the School Sisters of St. Francis of Joliet. Reverend F. Rempe became its first pastor. He is assisted by Reverend Goyke. 36 ST. LUCY'S, FOUNDED 1911. The Church of St. Lucy's was known by the name of St. Catharine's until 1911. This prop- erty, at Franklin Avenue and Lake Street, was purchased by the parishioners of St. Catharine's of Sienna, with the intention of erecting their parish buildings thereon. But, owing to the great influx of Catholic population into this part of the city, St. Lucy's was made an independent church in 1911, the Reverend Father Dorney, the present rector, becoming the first resident pastor. The large parish school is attended by more than 200 children, who are under the in- struction of the Sisters of Mercy. ST. CATHARINE'S OF SIENNA, FOUNDED 1889. The church known as St. Catharine's of Sienna, on the corner of Washington Boulevard and Park Avenue, was the first Catholic Church founded in Austin. The parish was organized in 1889 by the Reverend Father Campbell, who was appointed by the Most Reverend Arch- bishop Feehan, D. IX, becoming the first pas- tor. The children of the parish are taught at St. Catharine's Academy, which is under the care of the Sisters of Mercy. The academy is located at the corner of Central Avenue and Washington Boulevard. The Reverend John M. Howen is the present pastor. ST. VERONICA'S, FOUNDED 1906. The parish of St. Veronica's was organized in 1906 by the Reverend T. M. Burke, now pas- tor of St. Gabriel's Church. The church build- ings, which are situated on North Whipple Street, near School, were erected during Father Burke 's pastorate. Father Burke was suc- ceeded by the present pastor, the Reverend George C. Code, in March, 1914. The building used for divine worship is a handsome com- bination structure now so much in vogue. The spacious parish house is a credit to the congre- gation. Nearly three hundred children attend the school, which is in charge of the Sisters of the IIolv Child Jesus from Sheridan Road. OUR LADY OF SORROWS. Tin* strip of territory bounded by North Avenue, Western Avenue and Twelfth Street, and miming west indefinitely, was the original grant made by Bishop Foley to the Servite Fathers when, in 1870, they came to settle in Chicago. Within this tract the site selected for a mission church was that on which the present parish church stands, namely, Jackson Boulevard and Albany Avenue. As time went on, other mission churches were established at various points, all of which have developed into parochial churches. Wherefore, Our Lady of Sorrows stands as the Mother Church of thirteen new parishes which have been carved out of her original territory. The first pastor was Father A. M. Morini, O.S.M. The present edifice, begun in September of the year 18!tO. was completed in 1902 under the administration of Reverend Hugh Crevier, O.S.M. To the tireless energy of the same able administrator is due likewise the commodious 38 Our Lady of Sorrows' Parish Hall and School, Jackson anil Albany. monastery attached to the church building, erected in 1903. The parish school, which was erected iu 1886, has a capacity of 1600 pupils and is conducted by the Sisters of Providence. It remains a monument to the enterprise and foresight of its founders, for in those days scarcely one-fourth of its capacity was enrolled. The parish Auditorium was built in 1!)08 under 1he superintendence of the present pastor, Reverend A. M. Quigley, O.S.M. The lower floor of this building consists of meeting halls, society rooms, etc., while the upper floor is a spacious auditorium, containing seats for 1400 persons, with stage, gallery, dressing rooms, etc. St. Philip's High School, a three-story, fireproof structure, was erected in 1909. It is capable of accommodating six hundred pupils, but at present not more than two-thirds of that number attend. St. Philip's High School. Jackson lioulevard. 39 ST. COLUMBKILLE 'S, FOUNDED 1859. St. Columbkille's parish was founded in 1859 by the Reverend Father Kenney. The first pastor was the Reverend Father Ward. He was succeeded in 1871 by the Reverend Thomas Hurke, who in that year erected the present church at the corner of Grand Avenue and North Paulina Street. Reverend P. J. Tinan, P.R., is the present pastor. He is assisted by the Rever- ends John E. Foley and John M. Ford, D.D. Many improvements have been made in the church property under Father Tinan 's pastorate. These include electric lighting, a new heating plant, the putting in of a beautiful new marble entrance to the church, and enlarging the rectory. In the meantime St. Columba's girls' school has been brought under parish control. The school chil- dren number 590, and are taught by the Sisters of Providence. The number of parishioners has been gradually decreasing, other nationalities settling in that part of the city. The parish celebrated its golden jubilee in October. 1909. ST. CHARLES OF BORROMEO. On the corner of Twelfth and Cypress Streets stands a magnificent Gothic structure known as the Church of St. Charles of Borromeo, which was founded in August, 1885, by the Most Reverend Arch- bishop Feehan, D.D. The first resident pastor was the Reverend P. D. Gill. He was succeeded by the Reverend P. J. Muldoon, who afterward be- came Bishop of Chicago and who is now Bishop of Rock- ford, 111. The Right Reverend P. J. Muldoon, D.D., was suc- ceeded by the present pastor, the Reverend E. J. Fox, who has made many important im- provements to the parish buildings, which are today among the finest church prop- erty in the diocese. The fine parochial school has 860 pu- pils, while St. Mary's High School has an attendance of 850 girls. Both schools are taught by the Sisters of Char- ity, B. V. M. Father Fox is assisted by the Reverends J. B. Scanlan and M. J. Xealis. St. Charles of Horromeo Church and Rectory, Showing Schools Above. 40 CHURCH OP THE PRESENTATION, FOUNDED 1898. The imposing group of buildings belonging to the parish of the Presentation are located at Spring- field Avenue and Lexington Street. They were erected by the Rever- end J. J. Jennings, the founder and the present pastor of the parish, in 1898. In the past twenty years this section of the city has had a phenomenal growth, which has given this Catholic community a large membership and enabled it to erect a beautiful church, rec- tory, two school buildings, and a Sisters' convent. The church is built in the Mission style of archi- tecture, being patterned after the wonderful churches built in the early Spanish days in the south- west. This valuable property is entirely free from debt. Nearly 1,100 children attend the school, which is under the care of the Sis- ters of Charity of the B. V. M. The curriculum covers all grades from primary through grammar. Father Jennings and his devoted parishioners feel proud of what has been accomplished in the short space of eighteen years. Father Jennings is assisted in his labors by the Reverends John J. Kearns, Thomas A. Canty, D.I)., and James E. O'Brien. Cliurcli of Thf Presentation. SpriiiRticId and School and Hall above SclKKil art! Sisters Residence below St. Jarlath's, Jackson Houlevard and Hermitage. ST. JARLATH'S, FOUNDED 1869. St. Jarlath's Church is a handsome stone structure at the corner of Jackson Boulevard and Hermitage Avenue. St. Jarlath's parish was organized by the Reverend J. J. Grogan in 1869. In its early days it was in one of the best residential districts of the west side, but as the city grew and its original people moved away, the character of the congregation has entirely changed. Father Grogan was succeeded by the Reverend Thomas Cashman in 1872, who still continues in charge of the parish. This gives him a longer pastorate than any other Catholic rector in Chicago. All the improvements in the church property have been made during his administration. The parochial school, which is in charge of the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Dominic, has an enrollment of 400 pupils. Father Cashman is assisted by the Reverend Philip L. Kennedy and John A. Fleming. ST. ATTRACTA'S, FOUNDED 1902. The parish of St. Attracta is located on the west side and was organized by the Reverend Father Judge in 1902. The church edifice is situated on the corner of West Thirteenth Street and Forty-eighth Avenue. Father O'Con- nor was the first resident pastor. Father M. J. McKenna is now the pastor in charge. ST. EDMUND'S, FOUNDED 1907. St. Edmund's Church and rectory, on Oak Avenue, in the beautiful suburb of Oak Park, were erected by the present pastor, the Rev- erend John J. Code. The church is of Gothic design and is by many considered the most at- tractive and devotional in style of any church in the Archdiocese. . St. Kilmund's, Oak I'aik. St. Attracta's, West Thirteenth Street and Forty-eighth Avenue. 42 Convent and Heotory School of the Nativity CHURCH OF THE NATIVITY OF OUR LORD. The Church of the Nativity of Our Lord, Thirty-seventh Street and Union Avenue, was founded nearly half a century ago by the Reverend Michael Lyons. It was originally located at Halsted and Thirty-ninth Streets, but on Holy Rosary Sunday, 1878, the first mass was cele- brated in the basement of the present imposing structure. The church, house and school were built by the Reverend Joseph M. Cartan, who served the parish as pastor for more than thirty years. The Sisters of St. Joseph have charge of the school of 1,125 pupils. The Reverend James J. Flaherty is pastor, assisted by the Reverends E. F. Rice and J. H. Murphy. 43 ST. DAVID'S, FOUNDED 1905. St. David's Parish, which lies within the Stock-yards district, was organized in 1905 by the Reverend D. J. Crimmins, now pastor of St. Leo's. Father Crimmins remained with this congregation until 1914, when he was succeeded by the present pastor, the Reverend Joseph McNamee. The substantial buildings of the parish a combination church-school structure and a rectory stand at the corner of Thirty- second Street and Union Avenue. The large parochial school is under the care of the Sisters of Providence from St. Mary-of-the- Woods, Indiana, and is attended by four hundred and fifty children. Father McNamee is assisted in his labors by the Reverends J. Cannell and James E. Burke. St. Oavid's Rectory. Thirty-second and Union. 44 ST. BASIL'S FOUNDED 1904. St. Basil's Parish was founded by the late Rev- erend Thomas E. Cox, LL.D., in 1904. The church edifice is a com- bination building answer- ing the purpose of school and divine worship. The school is under the Sisters of St. Dominic and has an attendance of nearly 800 children. St. Rose of Lima, Ashland and Forty-eighth. ST. GABRIEL'S, FOUNDED 1878. The beautiful Church of St. Ga- briel's, situated at the corner of Forty-fifth a n d Sherman Streets, was founded by the Reverend Maurice Dorney, who remained at the head of the parish until his death in 1914. The property of the parish grew to the be very valuable under his pastor- ate. Father Dorn- ey was succeeded by the Reverend T. M. Burke, the present pastor. St. Basil, 1810 Garfield Boulevard. ST. ROSE OF LIMA, FOUNDED 1881. The Congregation of St. Rose of Limn, although founded scarcely thirty-five years ago, is one of the oldest in the southwest part of the city. It was organized by the Reverend Thomas G. Galle- gan in 1881. The Reverend D. Hayes, the pres- ent pastor, received his appointment in 188)5. The quaint church edifice is located at the corner of Ashland Avenue and Forty-eighth Street. The school building is one block west, at the corner of Marshfield. Nearly 700 children are taught by the Sisters of Mercy. St. Gabriel's, Forty-fifth and Sherman. ST. AGNES' CHURCH AND RECTORY. St. Agnes' Parish was organized in 1884 by the Rev- erend M. J. Horgan, who was also its first pastor. The beautiful church and rectory are situated on the corner of Washtenaw Avenue and Thirty-ninth Street. The large parochial school was opened in 1884, and now has an attendance of more than 800 pupils, who are instructed by twenty Sisters of Providence. The present pastor, the Reverend N. J. Hitchcock, has been in charge of the parish for twenty-two years, hav- ing succeeded the Reverend J. A. Hemlock in 1894. He is assisted by the Reverend Francis P. Murphy and the Reverend Moses E. Kiely. ST. BRIDGET'S, FOUNDED 1858 St. Bridget's 1'arish is one of the oldest Catholic communities in Chicago, having been founded- by the Reverend Father Kelly in 1858. The handsome church and other buildings which have been erected by the present pastor, the Reverend II. O 'Sullivan, P.R., are located on Archer Avenue near Twenty-ninth Street. CUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL The parish of Our Lady of Good Counsel was or- ganized from that of\ St. Bridget's in 1912. The large church edifice, which is a combination building church and school, is located at Thirty-fifth Street and Hermit- age Avenue. Reverend E. M. O'Donnell is pastor. 46 ST. BRENDEN'S, FOUNDED 1891. St. Brenden's is a flourishing parish located in the southwestern part of the city. It was or- ganized in 1891 by Reverend .Michael T. Macken, and was formerly a part of St. Bernard's parish. For several years the congregation worshiped in the frame church which was erected at the time the parish was founded. In 1900 the corner-stone of the splendid new Gothic church at the corner of Sixty-seventh Street and Racine Avenue was laid. The church, however, was not dedicated until June, 1914. Its seating capacity is about 1,400. The parish school is located at, Loomis and Sixty-seventh Streets. It has an enrollment of 900 pupils and is in charge of the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Dominic. Father Macken is assisted by the Reverend Michael J. Fennessy. Visitation Grammar School. VISITATION CHURCH, FOUNDED 1886. The Catholic community known as the Parish of the Visitation is one of the largest in the archdiocese. It was founded by the Reverend D. F. McGuire on July 2, 1886, who is still the spiritual director of the congregation. The first church edifice was located at Morgan and Fifty-third Streets, but as the future showed an encouraging outlook for the parish, Father Visitation High School, Garfield and Peoria. McGuire secured property on Garfield Boule- vard and Peoria Street and laid the foundation for the present spacious and beautiful church in 1892. From almost the inception of the parish, the education of its yoiith has been provided for, and today this parish has one of the best i'(|iii|>ped schools in the city. The grammar school is thoroughly graded and prepares the students for the high school which has just been completed. These schools are under the direction of the Dominican Sisters, whose mother house is located at Sinsinawa, Wiconsin. Visitation Church, Garfield and Peoria. Sisters' Convent. ST. RITA'S CHURCH AND COLLEGE. The parish of St. Rita's was organized by the Augustine Fathers in 1905. They were in- vited to come to Chicago by the Most Rev- erend Archbishop James E. Quigley, D.D., of happy memory. He gave the necessary per- mission to the Reverend M. J. Geraghty, Provincial of the Augustine Order, to found a new parish and college in the Archdiocese of Chicago. By reason of this permission, on June 25, 1905, Reverend J. F. Green, O.S.A., was appointed to undertake the work of secur- ing property and erecting buildings for the new parish. For this purpose he purchased five acres at Sixty-third Street and Oakley Avenue. On this site a combination building, consisting of a church, college, and monastery, was erected, the entire cost being $87,000. The cornerstone was laid with the permission of the Most Reverend Archbishop, by Father Green, 0. S. A., October 26, 1905, and the church part of the building was solemnly dedi- cated April 22, 1906, by the Right Reverend P. J. Muldoon, D.D., Auxiliary Bishop of Chi- cago. The ministers of the Mass were: Cele- brant, Very Reverend M. J. Geraghty, O.S.A., Provincial ; deacon, Reverend Wm. A. Ryan, rector of St. Agnes' Church, Utica, X. Y. ; sub-deacon, Reverend Hugh A. Gallagher, O.S.A., prior of the monastery of St. Thomas of Villanova, Pennsylvania; and master of ceremonies, Reverend John A. Nugent, O.S.A., rector of the Church of Our Lady of Good Counsel, Bryn Mawr, Pennsylvania. The ser- mon, a masterly one on the life and sanctity of St. Rita, was preached by the Reverend M. J. Dorney, D.D., rector of St. Gabriel's Church, Chicago. Thirty-five priests were present in the sanctuary on the occasion. The college opened in September, 1906, with twelve stu- dents. By January, 1907, the number had in- creased to twenty-seven. Since then the num- ber of students has increased from year to year. Up-to-date 1,'JOO boys have been taught and 167 graduated. The parish, which nine years ago numbered only a few families, has grown steadily if not largely, and the four .Masses on Sunday are well attended. In the church is a shrine of St. Rita, who is known as the Saint of the Impossible. At the present time there is in the course of erection on Sixty-second Street and Washtenaw Avenue a building which serves as a convent for the Sisters and a paro- chial school. The school was opened in Septem- ber of 1915. Connected with St. Rita's Church are three out-missions: St. Gall's, St. Nicholas of Tolen- tine, and St. Clare of Montefalco. Father Green is rector of the church and president of the college. He has ten assistant priests. 49 ST. NICHOLAS' CHURCH (GERMAN), FOUNDED 1890. In March, 1890, the church known as St. Nicholas, located at State Street and One Hundred and Thirteenth Place, was founded by the Reverend Theodore A. Honi- fas, who is the present pastor of the church. The cornerstone was laid in 1896 by the Most Reverend P. A. Feehan, D.I)., and in 1901, the Right Reverend P. J. Muldoon, 1 ).!)., dedicated the complete edi- fice. The style of architecture is French Gothic. The school build- ing, a handsome brick structure, was erected in 1906. About 300 children are in attendance and are taught by the School Sisters of St. Francis. As this is a German con- gregation, the German language is taught in all the grades. ST. ANTHONY OF PADUA (GERMAN), FOUNDED 1873. Located on the South Side is the German Catholic Church known as St. Anthony of Padua. It was founded by the Reverend P. Fischer and was situated for many years at Canal Street and Twenty-fourth Place, but on account of business encroachments, prop- erty was secured at Wallace Street and Twenty-eighth Place for the erection of the present church, school, convent, and parochial residence. The cornerstone of the new church was laid in 1914 by the Bight Rev- erend A. J. McGavick, D.D., and a year later the ded- ication of this magnificent group of buildings was sol- emnized by the Right Reverend Paul P. Rhode, D.D. The school has an attendance of 460 pupils, instructed by the School Sisters of Notre Dame of Milwaukee. The present rector, the Reverend John Dettmer, P.R., superintended the erection of the new buildings. 50 ST. PAUL'S CHURCH, FOUNDED 1878. Although situated in the heart of a busy manufacturing district at Twenty-second Place and Hoyne Avenue, the Church of St. Paul (German) is a most imposing edifice and reflects great credit on the parishioners. The parish was organized in 1878, but the corner-stone of their beautiful church was not laid until 18!)7. and the building itself was not completed until 1899. The two stately towers, thirty-two feet square at their base, and rising to a height of 240 feet, are the pride of the neighborhood. The parish house, just back of the church, is constructed in the same style of architecture. The church school is also constructed on splen- did lines and includes grammar, commercial and high school departments. It is attended by about ")f>0 children, who are instructed by six- teen School Sisters of Notre Dame. The Very Reverend Leonard Sclilimm, O.S.B., is pastor; Reverend Augustine Minkel, O.S.B., Reverend Bonaventure Reithmeier, O.S.B., and Reverend Herbert Huettner, O.S.H., are assistants. 51 ALL SAINTS', FOUNDED 1875. All Saints' Par- ish was founded in 1S75 by the Right Reverend Bishop E. J. Dunne, D. D., of Dallas, Texas. When Father Dunne b e c a in e bishop he was suc- ceeded by Rever- end J. C. Gillan, who is still in charge. The fine Gothic church, school and paro- chial residence at Wallace Street and T went y-fi f t h Place were erected during the pastor- ate of Father Dunne. The Sisters of Mercy brought the schools to a high standard of efficiency. All Saints', Twenty-fifth and Wallace. f ' St. Thomas', Fifty-fifth and Kimbark. ST. THOMAS, APOSTLE, FOUNDED 1865. Half a century ago, when the great Hyde Park district of Chicago was chiefly a prairie, Father Thomas Kelly, pastor of St. James' parish, built a mission church at Fifty-fifth Street and Kim- bark Avenue in 1865. In 1868, Reverend P. D. Butler was made resident pastor. The present pastor, Reverend J. J. Carroll, assumed charge in 1887. The handsome church was erected after his accession. Holy Cross, Sixty-fifth and Jackson (Maryland). HOLY CROSS, FOUNDED 1891. The Church of the Holy Cross, at Sixty-fifth Street and Maryland Avenue, was founded by Reverend Father Hishen in 1891. The fine parish school instructs more than 1,000 children. Reverend D. D. Hishen, the present pastor, erected the handsome church and school build- ings. He is assisted in his labors of the parish by the Reverends Francis E. Scanlon and Henry McGuire. 52 Corpus Christ! Church, School and Rectory, (fraud Hoult'vnrd au the Most Reverend Arch- bishop Quigley, D. I)., gave permission to the Reverend J. J. Greene to found a new parish. Father (Jreene, who is still pastor, has erected a handsome church, which has a seating ca- pacity of about 650. ST. AUGUSTINE (GERMAN), FOUNDED 1879. The handsome group of buildings belonging to St. Augustine's parish are located on Laflin and Fifty-first Streets. They comprise the beautiful church, monastery, school building, and the Sisters' convent. For several years this parish was in charge of one of the assistants of St. Anthony's. In 1882 His Grace, the Most Reverend Archbishop Feehan, sent Reverend I). Thiele to St. Augustine's. He thus became its first pastor, remaining until 1886, when the church was put under the supervision of the Franciscan Fathers. Reverend Symphorian Forstmann. O.F.M., from St. Peter's Church, was the first Franciscan pastor, continuing with the parish thirteen years. Many of the im- provements were organized and carried out un- der his administration. The school has an en- rollment of nearly 1100 and is under the charge of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ. The course of instruction extends from the primary through the grammar grades. The parish be- ing German, that language is taught in all grades. Reverend Mathew Schmitz, O.F.M., is the pastor. Since his appointment as rector he has made many improvements. He is assisted bv a number of the Franciscan Fathers. 56 ST. AMBROSE, WHEN COMPLETED. St. Ambrose is one of the leading parishes on the South Side, and its buildings, at Forty -seventh Street and Ellis Avenue, are situated in the heart of a beau- tiful residential district. The congregation was organ- ized in 1904 by the Eevereud William Foley, who is now pastor. The cornerstone of the new church, which has not been completed, was laid October 28, 190(i. The design of the church, which is perpendicular Gothic, is very beautiful. The large triple window over the entrance will be the largest art-glass window the church. There will be two galleries, one over the main entrance and the other over the left transept. Under the latter gallery there will be a chapel seating about 100, which will be used on week days when there is a small attendance. This chapel will be separated from the auditorium by collapsible doors, which can be made to disappear when necessary. The dimen- sions of the church will be 175 feet deep, including the sanctuary, and 100 feet wide, covering the transepts. It will seat comfortably about 1300 persons. The St. Ambrose as It Is Today. in Chicago. The walls of the edifice will be constructed of blue Bedford stone, while the roof will be supported by steel trusses covered with tile. The main audi- torium will have a height of fifty feet, and will be free from obstructions, so that worshipers may have a clear view of the altar and pulpit from any part of School, Showing Priests' House. school, which is situated to the east of the church, has an enrollment of 250 pupils. The School Sisters of Notre Dame from Milwaukee are the instructors. The Reverend William Foley, the present pastor, is assisted bv the Reverend James Sullivan. 57 ST. LAURENCE. The beautiful church of St. Laurence is located at Seventy-third Street and Madison Avenue. The Rev- erend S. Molloney is pastor of the parish. About 550 children are enrolled in the school, which is taught by the Dominican Sisters from Adrian, Michigan. ST. ANSELM'S, FOUNDED 1909. The church building of St. Anselm's Parish is a handsome large structure of the popular combination style and is located at the corner of Sixty-first Street and Michigan Avenue. The parish was erected from portions of the parishes of St. Ann's, Holy Cross and St. Bernard's. The Reverend M. S. Gilmartin, the founder, still holds the pastorate. The Reverends M. J. Haydon and W. J. Rooney are assistant pastors. The 400 children are taught by the Sisters of Providence. ST. COLUMBANUS', St. Columbanus' Parish was founded in 1909 by the Reverend D. P. O'Brien, who is its pres- ent pastor. The parish buildings, located at Seventy-first Street and Calumet Avenue, are es pecially attractive and valuable. Nearly 550 children are enrolled in the school. The Domini- can Sisters are in charge. ST. BRIDE'S, FOUNDED 1893. St. liride's Parish was founded in 1893 by the Reverend Stanislaus Fitte, C.S.C. The present pastor is the Reverend William Lynch. The 300 school children of the parish are taught by thi: Sisters of Loretto. 58 ST. PHILIP NERI'S, FOUNDED 1914 The handsome combination church-school building of the parish of St. Philip Xeri (founded in 1914) is located at the intersection of Seventy-second Street and Merrill Avenue. About 800 children attend the school and are under the tutelage of the Sisters of St. Dominic. Reverend William J. Kinsella is the founder and present, pastor. AQUINAS HIGH SCHOOL, FOUNDED 1915 The parish of St. Philip Xeri is situated in the beautiful Mryn Mawr Highlands, where its fine buildings have an attractive setting. During the year l!)lf> the Aquinas High School was com- pleted. It stands on Seventy-second Street, near Merrill Avenue, and is under the efficient, direc- tion of the Sisters of St. Dominic from Adrian. Michigan. The new institution is thoroughly equipped for high-school work. The commercial department will be one of the best in the city and will be under experienced teachers. Music and art are included in the curriculum. 59 ST. MARGARET'S, FOUNDED 1874. As early as 1874 the Benedictine Fathers or- ganized St. Margaret 's parish, on Ninety-fifth Street near. Loomis. In the year 1892 the pres- ent pastor, the Reverend S. P. McDonnell, became pastor. Since his appoint- ment this parish has grown slowly but substan- tially. The church build- ings are now located at Ninety-ninth and Throop Streets. The school has an attendance of 400 pupils taught by the Sisters of Notre Dame from Milwaukee. Father McDonnell pays great attention to the thorough- ness of his school. He is assisted in his labors by the Reverend Michael Cavallo. Father McDon- nell is also Chaplain of the Academy of Our Lady at Longwood. ST. CATHARINE OF GENOA. The parish of St. Catharine of Genoa, located at One Hundred-and- Eighteenth Street and Lowe Avenue, was organized by the Reverend Wil- liam Foley, now pastor of St. Am- brose. The pres- ent pastor is the Reverend Michael Cotter. ST. AILBE, FOUNDED 1890, The church, located at Ninety-second Street and Washington Avenue, known as the con- gregation of St. Ailbe, was founded in 1890 as a mission church of St. Thomas Aquinas. The Reverend Philip Traynor is the present pastor. A school will soon be opened. ST. PATRICK'S, FOUNDED 1866. The parish of St. Patrick's, located in South Chicago at Ninety-fourth Street and Commer- cial Avenue, has been in existence for fifty years. The first resident pastor was the Reverend P. M. Flannigan. The Reverend E. O'Reilly is the present pastor. About 750 school children are taught by the Sisters of Mercy. 60 HOLY TRINITY (GERMAN), FOUNDED 1885. This church is located at Taylor and Lincoln Streets. At the time the parish was organized this locality was one of the best on the West Side, but, as the city grew, the entire character of the community changed, until this parish now ranks among the many that are being crowded out by business interests. The school of 170 pupils is taught by the Sisters of Chris- tian Charity. The parish was founded by Rev- erend D. M. Thiele in 1885. The Reverend George Eisenbacher is pastor, and is assisted by the Reverend Joseph Hagenmayer. The parish of Holy Trinity was organized to accommodate the overcrowded German church of St. Francis, and was the second congregation to be detached from that parish. ST. FRANCIS XAVIER'S (German), FOUNDED 1888. The Reverend A. J. Thiele was the founder of this parish. Its first resident pastor was the Reverend Kdward T. Goldschmit, who is also the present rector. The school of l{.")0 pupils is taught, by the Franciscan Sisters of Joliet. A handsome new school building was erected in 1!)06. The parish buildings are located at 2886 Warsaw Avenue. St. Francis Xavler School, 284(1 Warsaw Avenue. ST. FRANCIS DE SALES (German), FOUNDED 1888. This church is located at Avenue J and One Hundred and Second Street. The Reverend J. P. Suerth is the pastor. It was founded by the Reverend M. W. Barth. Four hundred chil- dren attend the school taught by the Sisters of St. Francis of Joliet. Holy Trinity Rectory. 61 SACEED HEART (GERMAN), FOUNDED 1894. This church, located at Seventieth and Hay Streets, is the home of a German congregation. The church was founded in 1894 by the Reverend J. M. Schaefer. The Reverend Dominic A. Konen is the present pastor and is assisted by the Reverends Martin Schmidt and Oscar Strehl. The building houses both church and school, and here the 365 children who attend the school receive their instruction from the School Sisters of St. Francis of Joliet. SS. PETER AND PAUL, FOUNDED 1881. The Church of the German parish of SS. Peter and Paul at 2940 East Ninety-first Street, was founded in 1881 by the Reverend Earth. The Reverend George J. Blatter is the present pastor. The Order of St. Francis of Joliet has charge of the 150 pupils who attend the school. ST. ALOYSIUS (GERMAN), FOUNDED 1884. St. Aloysius Church is located at Claremont and Le Aloyne Avenues. The Very Reverend A. J. Thiele, V.(i., is at the head of this parish. He is assisted by the Reverend Henry Lieblaug and Reverend John Wester. .More than 400 pupils attend the school. ST. NICHOLAS, EVANSTON (GERMAN), 1887. St. Nicholas parish is located in South Evanston. The Reverend P. L. Biermann is the present rector. The Sisters of St. Agnes instruct the 300 children in the parochial school. 62 waukee have charge of the parish school, which has an attendance of 400 children. The Rev- erend B. Rogers, D.I)., is assistant pastor. Holy Rosary, One Hundred and Thirteenth and South Park. HOLY ROSARY, FOUNDED 1882. The Pullman Catholic congregation known as the Holy Rosary was founded in 1882 by the Reverend John Waldron. He was succeeded by the Reverend P. J. Tinan, who is now pastor of St. Columbkille's. Father Tinan built the church, the rectory and the school, which are located at One Hundred and Thirteenth Street and South Park Avenue. The Reverend E. S. Keough, D. D., who succeeded Father Tinan, has made many improvements to the church property. The Sisters of Notre Dame of Mil- St. Finbarr's, .1359 South Harding. ST. FINBARR'S. The church building of St. Finbarr's, which is located at 1359 South Harding Avenue, was erected in 1900 by the Reverend Thomas Judge, D.D., who also was the organizer of the parish. The building, which is an imposing structure, is adapted for the use of both church and school purposes. The school has an attendance of 450 pupils, who are taught by the Sisters of Mercy. The Reverend John C. Murphy is the pastor, and is assisted by the Reverends Francis C. Smith and B. McGuire. St. Joachim's, Ninety-first and Langley. ST. JOACHIM'S. The beautiful group of buildings belonging to St. Joachim's parish are located at Ninety-first Street and Langley Avenue. The parish is among the younger communities of the archdiocese, hav- ing been founded by the Reverend S. Woulfe, the present pastor. The handsome school, which was much needed, was erected in 1915. Father Woulfe is assisted by the Reverend H. Kennedy. 63 ST. MARTIN'S (GEEMAN), FOUNDED 1885. The beautiful Church of St. Martin 'a, at Fifty- ninth Street and Princeton Avenue, considered by many the finest piece of architecture in Chicago, was dedicated in 1899. It was erected by the Reverend J. Schaefer. The present rector, the Reverend F. Schi- kowski, succeeded Father Schaefer and has erected the handsome school building and the Sisters' resi- dence. The school taught by the Sisters of St. Francis, is attended by 450 pupils. HOLY GHOST (GERMAN), FOUNDED 1896. The Church of the Holy Ghost is situated at West Adams Street and Kildare Avenue. The Reverend Joseph Warner was the founder, and was succeeded by the present rector, Reverend W. G. Faber, in 1905. Reverend John Weiler is his assistant. The Sisters of St. Agnes conduct the school, which is attended by 160 pupils. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY (GERMAN), FOUNDED 1881. The Reverend P. Fischer founded this parish in 1881. It was then located on Bonfield Street near Ly- man. In 1891 it was removed to Thirty-first Street. The Reverend Peter Faber was appointed pastor. He erected the present church and rectory. Reverend F. Tschippert is the assistant. The Sisters of St. Francis instruct the 350 school children. ST. GREGORY'S (GERMAN), FOUNDED 1904. Located at Bryn Mawr Avenue and Paulina Street is St. Gregory's parish church. The present pastor, the Reverend M. Klasen, was the founder. He is assisted by the Reverend John P. Stoesser. The Sisters of Christian Charity conduct the school of 350 pupils. 64 CHURCH OF THE EPIPHANY, FOUNDED 1905. The parish of the Epiphany is under the spiritual direction of the Reverend J. E. Madden, who became its first resident pastor in 1905. The church edifice at the corner of Twenty-fifth Street and Keeler Aveuue, is a com- bination building. The nearly 400 pupils who attend the school are under the care of the Sisters of St. Dominic. Father Madden is assisted by Rever- end P. J. Quinn. Blessed Sacrament, Twenty-second and Central I'aik. CHURCH OF THE BLESSED SACRAMENT, FOUNDED 1890. The parish of the Blessed ^Sacrament was founded by Reverend Father Henneberry of St. Pius Parish in 1890. The first resident pastor was the Reverend J. M. Dunne. During his pastorate the valuable church property at the corner of Twenty-second Street and Central Park Boulevard, was built. This includes the present church, school, and convent. Upon Father Dunne's death, the Reverend John J. Morrissey became pastor. Since his appointment a fine parochial resi- dence has been erected at 2153 South Millard Avenue. The school is attended by 900 children, who are taught by the Sisters of the B. V. M. Reverends J. H. Sheri- dan and W. J. Ryan are assisting priests. ST. AGATHA'S CHURCH, FOUNDED 1883. St. Agatha's Parish was founded in 1883 by the Reverend M. Bonfield. The present church edifice, which is located at Douglas Boulevard and Kedzie Avenue, was dedicated in 1898, and may justly take rank among the many fine churches on the West Side. A splendid school adjoins the church, which is attended by 650 children. The Sisters of the B. V. M. have charge of instruction. In 1915, Father Bonfield, having passed to his reward, was succeeded by the Reverend J. J. Darcv. St. Gall, Fifty-fifth and Millard. ST. GALL'S. St. Gall's Church, at Fifty-fifth Street and Millard Avenue, is a mission of St. Rita's church, and is at- tended by the Augustinian Fathers. About fifty chil- dren attend the school and are taught by the Domin- ican Sisters. 65 CHURCH OF THE ANNUNCIATION The beautiful church edifice, erected by the parish of the Annunciation, is situated on the ST. JOHN BERCHMAN'S (BELGIAN) St. John Berchman's is the first Belgian Catholic congregation to be organized in Chi- cago, and was founded by Archbishop Quigley, D.D., in 1906. The credit for the unification of the people of this nationality into an inde- pendent congregation belongs to the Reverend J. P. De Schryver. On August 26, 1906, the cornerstone for their handsome church edifice was laid at Logan Boulevard and North Maplewood. In the same year the Reverend Julius l)e Vos was appointed pastor, and is now in charge. There is a fine school of 200 pupils in charge of the Dominican Sisters of Spring- field, Kentucky. Annunciation School. corner of Paulina Street and Waubansia Ave- nue. The foundation of this congregation was laid more than half a century ago by the Rev- erend Thomas J. Edwards, who was the first pastor. From the very outset the parish has supported a fine school, which is now attended by 450 children. The Sisters of Charity of the B. V. M. are in charge. The Reverend Joseph A. Glennon is the present pastor. He is as- sisted by the Reverend Thomas L. Harmon. ST. STEPHEN'S, FOUNDED 1867. Among the oldest congregations of the city is that of St. Stephen's, which worships in the church edifice at Ohio and Sangamon Streets. The original structure was built in 1869 by the Reverend S. M. Barrett, founder of the parish in 1867. The present pastor, Reverend Dominic Egan, took charge in 1890. The church is in the heart of a manufacturing district and the majority of its members are Italians. Fa- ther Egan is one of the oldest priests in the Archdiocese. Reverend S. Sullivan is assistant. 66 ST. CLARA'S (GERMAN), FOUNDED 1894. The Reverend P. Schikowski organized and founded the church known as St. Clara's at Sixty-fourth Street and Woodlawn Avemie. At that time this was a German parish, but as the years have advanced the members have become mixed, and now it is really more English than Ger- man. The church came under the Carmelite Fathers in 1908. The Reverend Lawrence C. Diether, O.C. C., is pastor, and is assisted in his labors by the Reverend U. W. Lager. They erected the new school building at a cost of $50,000. The 250 pupils who attend the school are taught by the Sisters of St. Francis of Milwaukee. ST. BENEDICT'S (GERMAN), FOUNDED 1902. This church, at Irving Park Boulevard and Leavitt Street, was founded by the Right Rev- erend Archbishop Feehan, D.D., in 1902. Reverend Joseph Zimmerman is pastor, assisted by the Reverend John J. Steines. The Sisters of St. Francis instruct 400 children in the parochial school. 67 OUR LADY OF THE ANGELS, FOUNDED 1894. The congrega- tion of Our Lady of the Angels was founded by the Reverend J. A. Hynes in 1894. At this time t h e northwest part of the city, in which this parish is situ- ated, was v e r y sparsely settled, but during these twenty years a number of new Catholic churches have been erected in the vicinity. The parish of Our Lady of the An- gels has become very flourishing, and its large school has an attendance of nearly 1100 pupils, who are under the tuition of the Sisters of Charity of the B. V. M. The commodious church-school building and rec- tory are situated on the corner of Iowa Street and Hamlin Avenue. Father Hynes is assisted by the Reverends Thomas Small and George Parker, D.D. Our Lady of the Angels, Avers and Iowa Street. ST. MARK'S, FOUNDED 1894. The parish of St. Mark's was founded by the Reverend Thomas A. Kearns in 1894. The church is as yet incomplete, the basement only having been built. The school build- ing (shown by the illustration) is a modern brick structure at Campbell Avenue and Thomas Street. The 320 children who at- tend are taught by the Sisters of Providence. The Reverend J. S. Finn is pastor. He is assisted by the Reverend P. J. McGuire. St. Mark's School, Campbell and Thomas. 68 ST. MEL'S, FOUNDED 1878. The splendid parish of St. Mel's was originally in- cluded in the territory of Our Lady of Sorrows parish. The first church was organized under the .missionary efforts of the Servite Fathers, and was erected at Lake Street and Forty-fourth Avenue in 1878. The corner- stone was laid by the Right Reverend Thomas Foley, D.D., and the building was dedicated under the patron- age of St. Philip of Benizi. Father Thomas Moreschini, O.S.M., was placed at the head of the new parish. In 1883 the Servite Brothers resigned their jurisdiction and the present pastor, the Reverend P. J. McDonnell, was appointed to take charge. In 1886 St. Philip's St. Mel's Rectory. parochial school opened with 150 pupils under the efficient charge of the teach- ing Sisters of Providence of St. Mary's, Indiana. In 1896 the basement of the present church, at Washington Boule- vard and Kildare Avenue, was dedi- cated under the patronage of St. Mel, and hence the parish is known as St. Mel's instead of St. Philip's. The church, which is a handsome specimen of the Romanesque style and richly fur- nished, was not completed until 1910. It has a seating capacity of 1250. In the meantime other important parish buildings were erected. The rectory was built in 1898; in 1907, the new St. Mel's school, which can accommodate over 1300 pupils, was opened; and in 1908, the fine St. Mel's Convent was erected. A high school for boys will be built shortly. St. Mel's School. Ft. Mel's Convent. 69 CHURCH OF THE RESURRECTION OF OUR LORD, FOUNDED 1910. The Church of the Resurrection of Our Lord, on Jackson Boulevard and Leamington Avenue, was the fourth Catholic congregation to be organized in Austin. The handsome parish buildings, consisting of a rectory and a large combination building for church and school use, were erected in 1910 by Reverend M. J. Sullivan, the founder and present pastor. More than 500 children at- tend the school, which is taught by the Sisters of Mercy. The Reverend J. A. Cunningham is assist- ant pastor. ST. THOMAS AQUINAS, FOUNDED 1909. Situated on Washington Boulevard and Le Claire Avenue, in one of the most attractive parts of the West Side, are the fine large buildings of the parish of St. Thomas Aquinas, founded by the present pastor, the Reverend D. Luttrell, in 1909. The school children, who number 450, are taught by the Sisters of Mercy. The Reverends W. J. Murphy and Thomas P. Nolan are the assistants. OUR LADY OF MERCY, FOUNDED 1911. The beautiful buildings of the parish of Our Lady of Mercy are located at Montrose Boulevard and North Troy Street. The parish was organized by the present pastor, the Reverend H. P. Coughlin in 1911. The 360 children who attend the parochial school are under the instruction of the Sisters of Providence. The Reverend Edward P. O'Connor is assistant pastor. 70 PRECIOUS BLOOD, FOUNDED 1908. The imposing combination church-school edi- fice of the congregation of the Precious Blood is located at the corner of Western Avenue and Congress Street. The parish was organized in 1908 under the direction of the late Most Rev- erend Archbishop Quigley, D.D., by the Rev- erend William L. Kearney, who was also ap- pointed to be its pastor. This parish has grown by leaps and bounds, and, although only a few years old, its commodious church house is becoming too small for the congregation. The large and flourishing school of nearly 900 pupils is under the care of seventeen Sisters of Mercy. Father Kearney is assisted by the Rev- erends J. A. McCarthy, Thomas P. Kelly and Lea M. Hartke. ST. MALACHY'S, FOUNDED 1881. The parish of St. Malachy's was founded in 1881 and was organized from portions of St. Jarlath's and St. Columbkille's. Its first pastor was the late Father Hodnett, who erected the fine church edifice at the corner of Walnut Street and Western Avenue. Father Hodnett was succeeded by the Reverend James T. Callaghan, LL.D. After Father Callaghan became pastor, property was purchased at the corner of Washington and Oakley Boulevards and a beautiful and spacious school building erected. Nearly 600 children of the parish at- tend this school, where they are taught by the Sisters of Mercy. Father Callaghan is assisted by the Reverends D. Byrnes, Walter Murphy and Thomas Friel. 71 St. Sylvester, HumboUlt and Palmer Square. ST. DOMINIC'S, FOUNDED 1905. St. Dominic's Church, located at the corner of Locust and Sedgwick Streets, was founded by the Reverend E. M. Griffin in 1905. The style of architecture of this fine church is a pleasing combination of Roman and Gothic. The parish being located in a large manufac- turing district, the congregation is composed almost entirely of Italians. The 400 children who attend the school are taught by the Sisters of Charity of the B. V. M. The Reverend P. J. Scanlan, the present pastor, is assisted by the Reverend M. Hanley. ST. SYLVESTER'S, FOUNDED 1882. The parish of St. Sylvester was organized by the Reverend Sylvester Delaney in 1882, who was appointed to be its first pastor. The first church in which the congregation worshiped was located on Humboldt Street. In 1910 the old church was discarded. A new location hav- ing been secured at Humboldt Boulevard and Palmer Square, the present beautiful Gothic structure was erected by the Reverend Michael O'Brien, who continues as pastor. Other valu- able church property, including rectory, school and Sisters' residence, has been added during his pastorate. The Sisters of Providence, eigh- teen in number, are in charge of the school, which has an attendance of 750 children. St. Dominic's, 357 Locust Street. OUR LADY OF VICTORY, FOUNDED 1909. Our Lady of Victory is one of the many parishes organized under the administration of the late Archbishop Quigley, and was founded by the Reverend Francis Cichotzki, who is now its pas- tor. The large parish building a combination of church and school is located at 5211 Sunnyside Avenue. The Franciscan Sisters of Milwaukee have charge of the school, which is attended by 260 children. NOTRE DAME, POUNDED 1873. The first Catholic churches in Chicago were erected by French priests, the pioneer be- ing that of St. Mary 's, founded by Father St. Cyr in 1833. St. Louis, the second French church, which was destroyed in the great fire, was founded by Reverend Isador Lebel in 1849. Notre Dame, the third French church, built in 1873, was originally located at Har- rison and Halsted Streets. A new site was secured in 1884 at Sibley Street and Vernon Park Place, where the present build- ings were erected by Reverend A. L. Bergeron. The school is taught by the Sisters of Notre Dame of Montreal. This school has also a boarding depart- ment. The course of study is from the primary through the academic grades. Music and art are taught by experienced teachers. Notre Dame, Sibley and Vernon Place. ST. JOHN THE BAPTIST, FOUNDED 1893. St. John the Baptist, founded in 1893 and located at Peoria Street and Fiftieth Place, is the second largest French congregation in Chicago. Reverend P. T. Gelinas is the pastor. The school, with 350 chil- dren, is taught by Sisters of the Holy Names of Jesus and Marv. ST. LOUIS, FOUNDED 1889. The French Church of St. Louis, Kast One Hundred and Seventeenth Street, West Pullman, was founded in 1889 by Reverend C. Fournier. Reverend J. C. Fortin is the pastor. The St. Louis Academy and High School, conducted by the Sisters of the Congregation of Notre Dame, has 250 pupils. 73 ST. ANDREW'S CHURCH, FOUNDED 1894. One of our more recent churches is that of St. Andrew's, situated at Paulina and Addison Streets. The Reverend Father A. Croke organized this parish in 1894. The original church was a frame building on Addison Street, but, as the parish grew, plans were made for a larger church, and in 1915 the handsome mission structure was completed. Father Croke, still the spiritual head of this parish, is assisted by Reverend W. Long and Reverend Francis Hart. The Sisters of Provi- dence instruct the 625 children in the parochial school. St. Andrew's School and Convent. ST. GERTRUDE'S, FOUNDED 1912. St. Gertrude's is one of the later parishes organized under the administration of His Grace, the late Arch- bishop Quigle}-, D.D. The church and rectory are situ- ated at the corner of Glenwood and Granville Avenues. The parish was founded by the Reverend P. F. Shew- bridge, the present pastor. The Sisters of the B. V. M. have charge of the school, which is attended by 375 pupils. Father Shewbridge is assisted by the Reverend Luke Lvons. OUR LADY OF GRACE. Our Lady of Grace is another of the recent parishes founded by the late Most Reverend Archbishop Quig- ley, D.D. The fine combination building is located at the corner of Hamlin and Fullerton Avenues. Nearly 200 children attend the school, which is under the tutelage of the Sisters of St. Dominic. The Reverend James J. Mullaly is pastor. ST. EDWARD'S, FOUNDED 1899. The little church of St. Edward's is situated at the corner of Kostner and Sunnyside Avenues. The parish was founded by the Reverend T. J. McCormick in 1899. He was succeeded by the Reverend J. J. Cregan, the late pastor. The school, which is under the charge of the Dominican Sisters, is attended by 375 children. ST. GENEVIEVE, I'OUNDED 1901. The Church of St. Genevieve is situated on the north- west side of the city, at LaVergne and Armitage Ave- nues. The parish was organized in 1901 by the Rever- end J. A. Hynes, now pastor of Our Lady of Angels. Reverend T. D. Burke is the present pastor. Our Lacy of Grace, Hamlin and Fullerton. St. Edward's, Kostner and Sunnyside. ST. BONAVENTURE, FOUNDED 1911. The parish of St. Bonaventure's was founded in 1911 by its present pastor, the Reverend M. J. McGuire. The handsome combination church building is situated on the corner of Diversey Boulevard and Marshfield Ave- nue. The flourishing school, under the Sisters of St. Joseph, has an attendance of about 300 pupils. 75 MATERNITY B. V. M., FOUNDED 1910. The parish of the Maternity of the B. V. M. was founded by the Reverend Francis Caraher in 1910. The fine, large parish building is lo- cated on the corner of Monticello and North Avenues. The style of architecture is the com- bination of school and house of worship so largely used by recently organized parishes. The large school of 400 pupils is under the di- rection of the Sisters of Providence. The Rev- erend Francis Caraher is. pastor, and Reverend W. C. Burke, assistant. QUEEN OF ANGELS, FOUNDED 1809. The flourishing congregation of the Queen of Angels was established in 1909 by the Reverend Francis L. Reynolds. By his untiring zeal and efforts tlie handsome group of church buildings at the corner of Western and Sunnyside Ave- nues was erected. They consist of a handsome church-school, a rectory and Sisters' house. More than 350 children attend the school, which is taught by the Sisters of St. Dominic. Father Reynolds was succeeded in the pastorate by the Reverend Terrence O'Brien in 1915. He is as- sisted by the Reverend John Campbell. ST. VIATOR'S, FOUNDED 1889. St. Viator's parish was organized by the Con- gregation of St. Viator in 1889, and the Rev- erend Father Faunier was its first pastor. The original buildings were located at Belmont and Crawford Avenues. In 1911 a new site was se- cured, at Kedvale Avenue and Addison Street, upon which a fine combination parish building and rectory were erected by the Reverend T. J. McCormick. In 1912 the Reverend J. F. Ryan, C.S.V., succeeded to the pastorate, in which he is assisted by Reverend L. J. Goulette. The Sisters of St. Joseph have charge of the paro- chial school. OUR LADY HELP OF CHRISTIANS. The congregation of Our Lady Help of Chris- tians is among the number of parishes recently organized in the Archdiocese by the late Most Reverend Archbishop Quigley, D.D., and was founded by the Reverend Joseph P. O'Reilly, who is the present pastor. The combination church-school and rectory are situated at the corner of North LeClaire and Iowa Streets. The school has an enrollment of 400 children, who are under the care of eleven Sisters of Charity of the B. V. M. 76 ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISIUM (GERMAN), FOUNDED 1853. The third oldest German Catholic Church in Chicago is that of St. Francis, founded by the Reverend J. B. Weikamp, and located at West Twelfth Street and Newberry Avenue. The first church was destroyed by fire in 1904 and the old edifice was rebuilt in the same year. The school is attended by 150 children who are taught by the Sisters of St. Francis from Joliet. The Reverend A. H. Leising is the present pastor, as- sisted by the Reverend Leo Gruenenfelder. ST. PHILOMENA'S (GERMAN), FOUNDED 1895. One of the first parishes to erect what is known as a combination building was St. Philomena's at Cort- land and Kedvale Streets. The handsome new rec- tory, which is now used as a Sisters' residence, was built in 1915. The school has 580 pupils, who are in- structed by the Sisters of St. Francis. The parish is under the charge of the Reverend J. P. Schiffer, who is also the founder. St. Philomea's, Cortlaml and Kedvale. ST. RAPHAEL'S (GERMAN), FOUNDED 1901. The church and other buildings of the parish of St. Raphael 'a are locat- ed at Sixtieth and South Justine Streets, The Reverend Joseph Schutte, the founder, is the present rector. The 430 school chil- dren are taught by the Sisters of Chris- tian Charity. The Reverend Schutte is assisted by Reverend Peter Gall. St. Raphael's, Sixtieth and South Justine. 77 ST. GEORGE'S (GERMAN), FOUNDED 1884. St. George's parish was organized by the Reverend George D. Heldmann. It is located on Wentworth Avenue, near Thirty-ninth Street. The parish buildings consist of church, rectory, Sisters' home, and a fine school build- ing. About 300 pupils attend the school and are taught by the Benedictine Sisters. The Reverend B. Springmeier is the present rector. ST. MAURITIUS (GERMAN), FOUNDED 1888. St. Mauritius' Church is located at Thirty- sixth Street and Hoyne Avenue. The Reverend J. A. Neumann is the present pastor. The building is a combination one and houses both church and school. About 170 children attend the school, which is conducted by the Sisters of St. Francis. OUR LADY OF PERPETUAL HELP (GERMAN), FOUNDED 1898. Located in the western section of the city, at St. Louis Avenue and Thirteenth Place, is the Church of Our Lady of Perpetual Help. The building is a combination one part of it being used as a church and part as a school. More than 400 children attend this parochial school, which is taught by the Sisters of Providence. The parish was organized by the present rector, the Reverend Ed- ward II. Kramer, who is assisted by the Reverend M. Weidner. 78 ST. JOSEPH'S. (FRENCH). FOUNDED 1889. The church of St. Joseph's, located at Cali- fornia Avenue and Thirty-eighth Place was founded by the Reverend J. C. Lesage in 1889. At present this is a mixed congregation, but the majority of its communicants are of French origin. The present pastor is the Reverend J. V. LaMarre. Over 200 pupils attend the school taught by the Sisters of St. Joseph of Nazareth. The assistant is the Reverend P. Dufault. ST. MONICA. (COLORED). The church of St. Monica, located at Thirty- sixth and Dearborn Streets, is the first colored Catholic Church to be erected in Chicago. The Reverend John S. Morris is founder and present pastor of the parish. The Sisters of the Blessed Sacrament conduct the school. ST. CLARE OF MONTEFALCO. This parish is a mission attended by the Augustinian Fathers from St. Rita's. The church building is located at Fifty-fifth Street and Talman Avenue. ST. PIUS'. FOUNDED 1873. One of the oldest parishes on the West Side is that of St. Pius', located at Ashland Avenue and Nineteenth Street. This commu- nity was attended from the Holy Family Church until the appoint- ment of the Reverend Hugh Mc- Guire in 1873. The present pas- tor, the Reverend P. C. Conway, assumed charged in 1901. About 800 children attend the school taught by the Sisters of the B. V. M. Reverend Father Con- way is assisted in his labors of the parish by the Reverends J. J. Sigstein, John J. O'Brien and Francis Magner. 79 ST. MATTHIAS, FOUNDED 1887. The Church of St. Matthias, located at Ainslee Street and Claremont Avenue, was founded by the Reverend Matthias Erz in 1887. The handsome church, now in course of erec- tion, is being built by the present pastor, the Reverend I). M. Thiele. ST. DIONYSIUS, HAWTHORNE. The congregation of St. Dionysius is the old- est Catholic parish in Hawthorne (West Side, Chicago). The Reverend C. A. Erkenswick is the present pastor. ST. BONIFACE. (GERMAN). FOUNDED 1865. The parish of St. Boniface was organized by the Benedictine Fathers of St. Joseph's Church, Chicago, in 1865. Its first pastors were the Reverends Albrech, Marshall, and Clemens Venn. The Rev. Albert Evers, the present pastor, succeeded Father Venn in 1895. Since beginning his pastorate Father Evers has erected the beautiful parish church and a sub- stantial school and rectory besides. The school has an attendance of 450 pupils who are taught by the Sisters of St. Francis. ST. JOSEPH'S. (GERMAN). LOCKPORT. The Reverend H. M. Franz is the pastor of St. Joseph's German Church at Lockport, Illinois. The parochial school is taught by the Franciscan Sisters. 80 IMMACULATE CONCEP- TION, WAUKEGAN. One of the oldest Catholic parishes in the Archdiocese of Chicago is that of the Immacu- late Conception of Waukegan. A small church was built here in the thirties, and was admin- istered to by Father St. Palais, pastor of St. Mary's, Chicago. The first resident pastor was the Reverend Bernard Mc- Gorisk, who was appointed in 1844. The present pastor is the Rev. Edward Gavin, who has been with the parish since 1875. 6350. .yt. Mary's Church and School. WaiAjgan. I!!. Immaculate Conception of the B. V. M., Waukegan. ST. MARY'S, EVANSTON. St. Mary's Catholic Church in beautiful Evanston was founded by the Reverend Father Donohue in 1870, remaining with the parish until his death in 1893. He was succeeded by the present pastor, Reverend H. B. Smith. HOLY TRINITY. (CROATIAN.) The Croatian parish now known as Holy Trinity and located at 1852 South Throop Street, was organ- ized in 1914 (under the name of Assumption). About 75 children attend the parochial school. The Reverend J. Soric is the present pastor. ST. DENIS', LOCKPORT. The Church of St. Denis, located in the town of Lockport, 35 miles from Chicago, is one of the old Catholic settlements of the Archdiocese, and dates back to the year 1840. The handsome new church was commenced in 1877, but was not completed until 1898. The present pastor is the Reverend F. E. O 'Bryan. 81 SOME KANKAKEE CHURCHES ST. ROSE OF LIMA, FOUNDED 1855. The parish of St. Rose of Lima, located in Kankakee, Illinois, was organized by the Rev- erend L. Cartuyvels in 1855, and enjoys the honor of having been the mother of many other churches which have been founded in this part of the state. This church has 3,500 communi- cants. The French language is still dominant in this community. St. Joseph's Seminary, which adjoins the church, is attended by more than 500 children of the parish. The Sisters of Notre Dame are in charge of the school. The Reverend A. D. Granger is the present pastor, and is assisted by the Reverends S. A. Daigle and E. J. Souligny. ST. STANISLAUS, BISHOP AND MARTYR. The Polish Church of St. Stanislaus is the youngest Catholic comrmmity in Kankakee. The Reverend B. Orlemauski has been identified with the parish for the past year. The Sisters of the Holy Family of \azareth have charge of the parochial school. The course of study is equal to that of the public grammar school. The Polish language is taught in all the grades. Father Orlemanski, during his pastorate, has added many improvements. The church has been decorated, and the school has been brought to a higher standard. He has also introduced a number of beneficiary societies besides the different sodalities. St. Joseph's Seminary. Adjoins St. Rose of Lima. EMERGENCY HOSPITAL, KANKAKEE. The Emergency Hospital at Kankakee is conducted by the Sister-Servants of the Sacred Heart of Mary. The Sisters are all trained nurses and the Hospital is conducted on a high plane. Many private rooms nicely furnished are provided for patients ; also a splendid oper- ating room. Father Granger of St. Rose of Lima Church was instrumental in securing this hospital for Kankakee. 82 POLISH CATHOLICS IN CHICAGO. The Polish element in Chicago constitutes one of the strongest factors both in the civic and in the religious life of this cosmopolitan community. There are between 350,000 and 400,- 000 persons in Chicago who have either come from Poland to this country or who claim de- scent from Polish immigrants. They love and re- spect their adopted country, since it is the unbearable political conditions in their native land which have induced them to seek a liveli- hood elsewhere. They are an industrious peo- ple, and no shirkers. One of their first ambi- tions is to secure citizenship papers and to own their own homes. A tre- mendous majority of the Poles in this city, as well of the four million who are scattered throughout the country, are Catholics, ardently devoted to the church of their fathers. This devotion to the church is shown in the fact that most of the activities and institutions of the Poles in this city are launched and conducted by Polish Catholics. To begin with, there are thirty-nine Polish Catholic Churches in Chicago and the adjoining suburbs, and forty-six in the Arch- diocese itself, each with its own school. The total number of children attending these Polish schools exceeds 30,000. The oldest Polish parish is that of St. Stanis- laus Kostka, at Noble, Ingraham and Bradley Streets. It was founded in 1867, and will next year celebrate its golden jubilee. Of the first church and great school building with its hall, neither is left today. The latter burned down some years ago, and the old church, which was later used as a school, was torn down, in their places were erected a beautiful set of buildings, comprising a modern hall, with a seating capacity of 1,000; a fine home for the Xotre Dame Sisters, who are the teaching staff, and a school building in which the 3,500 chil- dren attending find ample quarters. These three structures form an architectural unit. The church, which was erected in 1897, com- prises an upper and a lower church. In both of these churches masses and other services are held every day. The upper church is noted throughout the city for its beautiful paintings. Father Vincent Barzynski, who was the pastor for many years, and who died in 1899, was widely beloved and was recognized as one of the most powerful figures in the life of the Polish community in this country. Among other Polish churches which are noted for the beauty of their architecture the following may be mentioned: St. Michael's, Eighty-third Street and South Shore Drive; Holy Innocents, Superior and Armour Streets; St. Stanislaus Kostka. Founded 1867. Reverend Francis Dembinski, Pastor. St. Adalbert's, Seventeenth and Paulina Streets; Holy Trinity, Noble Street, opposite Chapin Street. The new church of St. Mary of Angels, now in course of construction at the corner of North Hermitage Avenue, Cort- land, and Wood Streets, will also be one of the notable religious edifices of the city. Nearly all of the Polish Catholic Churches in Chicago and suburbs are under the pastor- ship of the secular clergy. The exceptions are Holy Trinity Church, directed by the Holy Cross Fathers; St. Stanislaus Kostka, St. John Cantius, St. Hedwig's, St. Mary of Angels, St. Stanislaus Bishop and Martyr, and St. Hya- cinth's, which are under the guidance of the Fathers of the Resurrection. His Grace, Most Reverend Joseph Weber, titular Archbishop of Darna, Provincial of the Resurrectionist Fath- ers in the United States, resides at the rectory 83 St. Stanislaus College. of St. Stanislaus Kostka Church. His Grace, the Eight Reverend Paul P. Rhode, Bishop of Green Bay, Wisconsin, was pastor of St. Michael's Archangel Church, while Auxiliary Bishop of the Archdiocese of Chicago, until a few months ago. The Polish Catholics in Chicago have also higher institutions for both sexes. The St. Stanislaus College for young men, located at Division and Holt Streets, has been in existence more than twenty-five years. It gives an excel- lent secondary education in all courses of instruction and possesses all the requirements of an institution of the first grade, including modern scientific laboratories, and is under the direction of the Fathers of the Resurrection. The present rector is the Very Reverend Ladis- laus Zapala. It has an enrollment of 250 stu- dents. Scores of graduates of this institution occupy positions of prominence in their com- munities, in both the lay and spiritual vocations, one of the foremost among them being Judge Edmund K. Jarecki. The Holy Trinity High School (also for boys) has been successfully conducted for a number of years by the Fathers of the Holy Cross at Division and Cleaver Streets. The Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth are in charge of a high school for girls which has a good at- tendance. The Sisters of the Resurrection con- duct a boarding school for girls at 5959 Talcott Avenue, Norwood Park. Of other institutions serving the needs of Polish Catholics in Chicago and conducted by them, the following should be mentioned : St. Hedwig's Industrial School for Girls and Polish Manual Training School for Boys, both located at Niles, Illinois, furnish shelter and instruction for 500 orphaned boys and girls of Polish extraction under the care of the Felician Sis- ters; St. Mary of Nazareth Hospital, 1120 North Leavitt Street, known popularly as the "Polish Hospital," which accommodates 350 patients and ranks among the best hospitals in the city ; the Holy Family Nursery, Sixteenth and Paulina Streets; St. Elizabeth's Nursery, 1360 North Ashland Avenue; St. Joseph's Home for the Aged and Crippled, Hamlin and Schubert Avenues ; and, last but far from least, is the Guardian Angel Settlement at Gross Avenue and Forty-sixth Street, which owes its existence to the labors of the pastors of the three adjoin- ing Polish parishes, Reverend L. Grudzinski of St. John of God Church, Reverend S. Chole- winski, of St. Joseph's Church, and Reverend F. Karabacz of the Sacred Heart of Jesus Church. Sister Callizta of the Felician Sisters is the Directress. Mrs. J. Cudahy, widow of the late packer, takes a very active interest in this institution. Now as to societies and organizations. It is almost unnecessary to say that every church is the center of an intense activity, which St. Hedwig's. Founded in 1888. 84 expresses itself in numerous socie- ties, sodalities, and clubs for all ages, both sexes, and various pur- poses, not only religious, but also for mutual aid in sickness and death, social, athletic, educational, and even civic, hi many a Polish Catholic school building classes are conducted for the instruction of Polish young men and women in the English language and in the principles of citizenship, to prepare them for the necessary naturalization examinations. The Polish Roman Catholic Union, the largest of a score of Polish Catholic organizations in this country, numbers 90,000 mem- bers. Its home office is located in a magnificent building at the cor- ner of Milwaukee Avenue and Augusta Street. The building contains a large hall where many of the Polish celebrations and demonstrations in this city take place. A smaller organization, the Polish Alma Mater, has its home office in the Polish Daily News building, at 1455 West Division Street. Its founder and present mod- erator is Reverend Francis Gordon, one of the Resurrectionist Fathers, who is also pastor of St. Mary of Angels Church and manager of the Polish Daily News. Mention must also be made here of the Association of Polish Clergy in America, which comprises all of the Polish Catholic priests in the United States, numbering about one thou- sand, and which also has its headquarters in Chicago. His Grace, Right Reverend P. P. Rhode, Bishop of Green Bay, Wisconsin, is the president ; Very Reverend L. Zapala, rector of St. Stanislaus College, is the secretary ; and Reverend L. Krakowski of Bay City, Michigan, is the treasurer. His Grace, Most Reverend J. Weber, Archbishop of Darna, is honorary president. The Polish Catholic press is well represented in Chicago. Foremost is the Polish Daily News (Dziennik Chicagoski), published by the Fathers of the Resurrection, which, from the day of its founding more than twenty-five years ago, has been a staunch champion of Catholic St. Mary of the Angels. Reverend Francis Gordon, Pastor. ideals, and has the distinction also of being a well-paying enterprise. It is housed in modern fashion in a commodious building at 1455 West Division Street. Its present manager, Rever- end Francis Gordon, and present editor, Mr. Stanislaus Szwajkart, have occupied their posi- tions from the first issue of this paper, of which 85,000 copies are issued every day. In Chicago are published also: The Polish Ecclesiastical Review, a monthly which is the organ of the Association of Polish Catholic Clergy; Narod Polski, the organ of the Polish Catholic Union; Polonia, a weekly of which Reverend Francis Wojtalewicz, pastor of the Church of the Immaculate Conception, is man- ager, and the Gazeta Katolicka, published by the Polish American Publishing Company and edited by the Holy Cross Fathers. This synoptical view gives only one phase of the life of the Polish community in Chicago. The scope of this article does not allow the discussion of other phases such as educational, journalistic, social, political, professional, and others. Let it suffice to say that, for example, there are three other Polish daily newspapers in Chicago, and that two other organizations (the Polish National Alliance; membership over 100,000, and the Polish Women's Alliance, membership .30,000), have their headquarters in this city. 85 ST. ADALBERT'S CHURCH. 86 ST. ADALBERT'S CHURCH (POLISH), FOUNDED 1872. St. Adalbert 's, the second largest Polish church in Chicago, is situated at West Seven- teenth and Paulina Streets. The parish was or- ganized in 1872, with Reverend Klimecki as its first pastor. In 1894 Rev. John Radziejewski, the founder of the Immaculate Conception parish, was appointed parish priest. In 1904 the present pastor, the Reverend C. I. Gron- kowski, took charge of this important com- munity and it is to his untiring zeal and energy that the parish is indebted for the magnificent church edifice which has been recently com- pleted. In addition to the church he has built a new rectory, school, and a day nursery. The school exact counterpart of St. Paul's Church in Rome. It has the distinction of being really a Roman church. It is Italian in style of archi- tecture, and contains copies of Italian art in statuary and paintings, while the altars and their decorations were all made in Italy. The interior of the church is said to have a finer display of marble than any other church in Chicago. The main altar is forty-three feet high and is patterned after the celebrated Ve- netian altar in the Jesuit church in Venice. It is composed entirely of marble and has a marble dome supported on ten fluted marble columns. The two side altars, which are elaborately carved, are twenty-two feet high, of solid marble, and reproductions of the famous altar St. Adalbert's, Interior. is the second largest Catholic school in the city, with an attendance of more than 2,100 pupils, who are taught by the Sisters of the Holy Fam- ily of Nazareth. The Polish language is taught in all grades, which extend through the eighth. The corner-stone of the new school was laid July, 1912, by the Most Reverend Archbishop Quigley, D. D., the sermon being preached by the Right Reverend Paul P. Rhode, D. D. The completed edifice was dedicated in September, 1914, by the Apostolic Delegate, the Most Rev- erend John Bonezano, D. I). Father Gron- kowski is assisted by the Reverends S. Czapel- ski, Alex. Knitter, J. Mencikowski, Felix Helta. The new St. Adalbert 's Church so nearly ap- proaches perfection in artistic design and scien- tific construction that it merits more than the brief description which our space affords. In plan and interior arrangement it is almost an in Breccia, North Italy. The transept altar, twenty-two feet high, also of marble, contains a full size marble duplicate of Michael Angelo's "Pietra" as it stands in St. Peter's in Rome. In fact, a plaster cast was made of the original in order that the reproduction might be per- fect. This magnificent church is one hundred and ninety-five feet long and one hundred and twelve feet wide over all. Each of its two towers is one hundred and eighty-six feet high, and between them are three entrances protected by a granite portico whose roof is supported on eight granite columns each twenty-five feet high. The building is absolutely fireproof, no wood being used in its construction except the doors. The exterior is faced with buff-colored brick and trimmed with terra cotta. The auditorium seats 1,800 people. 87 Rectory and Church of St. John Cantius. ST. JOHN CANTIUS (POLISH). When the Polish Immigrants were coming to Chicago more and more and settled among their fellow countrymen, St. Stanislaus Church, the first Polish-Catholic church although having a ca- pacity for seating 5,000 persons, could not accommodate the great in- flux of Polish Catholics. A new church was a necessity. The Reverend Vincent Barzynski, then pastor to St. Stanislaus, appointed Reverend John Kasprzycki, pastor to the new parish to be. At once a parish committee was elected, a large plat of ground was secured at Carpenter, Chicago, and Fry Streets, and, in 1893, the building was begun. In five years the church was finished and dedicated -to St. John Cantius, whose name it bears. The Reverend John Kasprzycki saw the great necessity for a parochial school, which was erected in 1903. Thus having church and school the number grew rapid- ly. At present the St. John Cantius par- ish is under the direction of Reverend Stanislaus Siatka, C.R., appointed pastor March 1915. Four assistant priests help him in the spiritual work. It must be men- tioned that more than 2000 children at- tend St. John Cantius school, which is conducted by the Venerable Notre Dame Sisters of Milwaukee. There are thirty teachers, whose principal is the Venerable Sister M. Oswaldine. School of St. John Cantius. 88 HOLY INNOCENTS The Church of the Holy Innocents, on the northeast corner of Armour and Supe- rior Streets, is one of the most imposing edifices on the north side. The style of architecture, with its many domes and the effective com- bination of materials used in its construction, make it a conspicuous feature of that neighborhood. The walls are of dark pressed brick with buff Bedford cut-stone trim- mings, while the roof is of green tile. This Polish par- ish was organized in 1905 by the present pastor, the Rev- erend John N. Zwierzchow- ski. He is assisted in his la- bors by the Reverend Fathers J. Grembowicz, B. Kas- przycki, A. S. Gorski and Wyrzykowski. The large parish school is under the di- rection of the Felician Sisters and has an attendance of 1260 pupils. Holy Innocents. St. Stanislaus, Bishop and Martyr. ST. STANISLAUS, BISHOP AND MARTYR As early as 18915 the Poles began to settle in Cragin, then a suburb of Chicago, and His Grace, Archbishop Feehan, D.D., was asked to send a priest to care for the spiritual needs of these people. He appointed the Reverend Vincent Barzynski, the Superior of Resurrection Fathers, to take charge of the matter, with the result that the parish of St. Stan- islaus was organized in 1893, and has been in the spiritual care of these fa- thers ever since. The con- gregation still worships in the combination church- school building, which cost $50,000, but is erecting a beautiful new edifice, which will be, when completed, one of the finest and most attractive churches in the Archdiocese. The location is on Lorel Avenue, near Fullerton. The Reverend Stanislaus Swierczek is the present pastor. The parish school, which is in charge of the Franciscan Sisters, gives instruction to 425 children. IMMACULATE CONCEPTION OF THE B. V. M. (POLISH), FOUNDED IN 1882. Immaculate Conception Church. In 1882 the Reverend J. Rad- ziezewski was degelated to organ- ize a Polish parish in South Chi- cago, to be known as the Immacu- late Conception of the B. V. M. He was the first pastor and erected the first parish building. He was succeeded by the Reverend M. Pyplacz and the late Reverend Zaleski. This parish has been un- der the jurisdiction of the present pastor, the Reverend F. M. Woj- talewicz, since 1895. In that time this young and energetic priest has replaced all the original buildings by other of modern construction. They consist of a handsome church, rectory, school and Sis- ters' home. This valuable property is situated at Eighty-eighth Street and Commercial Avenue. The large and elegant school has an at- tendance of 1,050 children who are under the instruction of the Polish Sisters of St. Joseph. Both English and Polish are taught throughout the curriculum. Father Wojtalewicz is assisted in his spiritual labors by the Reverends Stanislaus Koralewski and Frank Marcinek. Immaculate Conception, School and Rectory. ST. MICHAEL'S (POLISH) FOUNDED 1822. St. Michael's Parish is one of the most important Polish parishes in the Chicago diocese. It is situ- ated in South Chicago and was or- ganized in 1892 by the Reverend Adolph Nowichi, who was its first pastor. In 1898 he was succeeded by the Reverend Paul P. Rhode, who afterward became the first Polish Bishop of Chicago, and is now Bishop of Green Bay, Wis. The church property is located at the corner of Eighty-third Street and Ontario Avenue. It comprises a fine Gothic church which is considered one of the most beautiful in the archdiocese ; a school building which has lately been remodeled and made thor- oughly modern, and a handsome rectory and Sisters' convent. The greatest part of this work was ac- complished while the Right Rev- erend Paul P. Rhode, D. D., was pastor. The Reverend J. M. Langc is the present pastor. More than 1,200 children are in- structed in both Polish and Eng- lish by the Sisters of Nazareth of the Holy Family. The course of study extends through the gram- mar grades. tit. Michael's Church, South St. Michael's School, South Chicago. 91 ST. FRANCIS OF ASSISIUM. Among many new parishes founded in recent years is that of St. Francis of Assisium, located on West Walton Street and Kostner Avenue. The parish was organized in 1909 by the Rev- erend Joseph P. Pajkowski. The present pas- tor, the Reverend F. Jagielski, was appointed September, 1915. ST. JOSEPH'S (POLISH), FOUNDED 1886. The third Polish congregation organized on the South Side was St. Joseph's, located at Forty-eighth and Paulina Streets, and founded in 1886. The first pastor was the Reverend J. Zyla. The beautiful new church was erected by the present pastor, the Reverend S. Chole- winski. ST. BARBARA'S (POLISH), FOUNDED 1910. In 1910 the parish of St. Mary of Perpetual Help was subdivided and the parish of St. Barbara's was organized. The property is located on Throop Street near Twenty-ninth and consists of a handsome new church, school and rectory. Reverend Anthony Xawrocki was appointed pastor. ST. MARY OF PERPETUAL HELP, FOUNDED 1884. The Polish congregation of St. Mary of Perpetual Help on Thirty-second Street near Morgan is the oldest Polish parish on the Southwest Side, having been organized in 1884 by the Reverend Radziejewski. The first resident pastor, Reverend John Zyla, remained until 1891 and was succeeded by the present pastor, Reverend S. Xawroeki. In October, 1903, this church was consecrated by Arch- bishop Quigley. 92 SS. PETER AND PAUL (POLISH). SS. Peter and Paul 's Parish is among the oldest parishes on the southwest side. Its handsome church and school building are located at Thirty-seventh and Paulina Streets. The Felician Sisters of Milwaukee are in charge of the parish school, which has an en- rollment of nearly 600 pupils. Both Polish and English are taught. The Reverend M. Kotecki is pastor. ST. ANN'S CHURCH (POLISH), FOUNDED 1903. The large combination building erected by St. Ann 's Parish for school and divine worship stands at Leavitt Street and Eighteenth Place. About 1000 children at- tend the school. The Reverend C. F. Slominski is the founder and pastor. ST. CASIMIR'S (POLISH), FOUNDED 1890. St. Casimir's Church, located at Twenty-second and Whipple Streets, was founded in 1890, and is attended by 1800 families. Reverend Albert Furman, the present pastor, has had charge of the parish since 1893. He is assisted by the Reverends A. Koztek, John Zielezinski and John Kozlowski, D.D. The illustration shows the proposed new church in Flemish Renaissance style. ST. HELEN'S (POLISH), FOUNDED 1914. St. Helen's Polish Church, located on Augusta Street near Oakley Avenue, was built in 1914 by the Rev- erend P. Pyterek, the pastor and founder of the par- ish. The building is adapted for both church and school purposes. The school children number 316 and are under the care of the Felician Sisters. Eeverend Constantino Warciniak is assistant pastor. FIVE HOLY MARTYRS (POLISH). The Church of the Five Holy Martyrs a combina- tion church and school building is situated in the southwest part of the city at South Albany Avenue and Forty-first Street. Reverend J. H. Kruszka is pastor. ST. VALENTINE'S (POLISH), FOUNDED 1912. St. Valentine's Polish Church, at Thirteenth Street and Fiftieth Avenue, was founded in 1912 by the Eev- erend A. Halgas, its first pastor. He was succeeded in 1915 by the Reverend Theodore Langfort. IMMACULATE HEART (POLISH), FOUNDED 1912. The flourishing Polish parish of the Immaculate Heart was founded by Reverend R. Appelt, who is still its spiritual head. The combination church and school building, located at Byron and North Spaulding Ave- nues, was built in 1912. The school, in charge of the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth, has 175 chil- dren in attendance. TRANSFIGURATION CHURCH (POLISH), FOUNDED 1911. The large and handsome combination building of the Church of Transfiguration, which is located on Carmen Avenue near Rockwell Street, was built by the Reverend F. J. Wojciechowski, the pastor, in 1911. It is used both for school and worship. The 150 school children are taught by the Polish Sisters of St. Joseph. 94 ST. MAKY MAGDALENE (POLISH), FOUNDED 1910. The Polish parish of St. Mary Magdalene was organized June 12, 1910, by the pastor, the Reverend Edward A. Kowalewski. The corner- stone of the school-church building, located at Marquette Avenue and Eighty-fourth Street, was laid October 25 of that year by the Right Reverend Bishop P. P. Rhode, D. D. The first mass was celebrated February 12, 1911. About 460 children attend the school, which is taught by the Felician Sisters. The Reverend Vincent Nowicki is the assisting priest. ST. SALOMEA'S CHURCH (POLISH), FOUNDED 1897. The Polish Church of St. Salomea's, situated at One Hundred and Eighteenth Street and In- diana Avenue in West Pullman, was founded by Father F. Kroll in 1897. The present pastor, Reverend J. S. Pajkowski, succeeded the Rev- erend J. M. Lange, Ph.D., in 1915. The 414 pupils who attend the parish school are taught by the Polish Sisters of St. Joseph. St. Wenceslaus (Polish), 3452 North Lawndale. Rectory of St. Mary Magdalene. ST. WENCESLAUS' CHUECH (POLISH), FOUNDED 1912. St. Wenceslaus' Parish was organized in 1912 by the Reverend F. C. Scieszka. The church is located on North Lawndale Avenue between Ros- coe and Cornelia Streets. There are 370 children in the school, who are instructed by the Felician Sisters. Father Seieszka is assisted by the Rev- erend James Szprenga. 95 ST. JOHN OF GOD (POLISH), FOUNDED 1906. The parish buildings of tlic flourishing young Pol- ish community of St. John of God are located on South Throop Street be- tween Fifty - first and Fifty-second Streets. Al- though established only ten years ago (1906) by the Reverend John Jen- drzejek, this parish ranks among the largest Polish communities in the city. Father Jendrzejek erected the large combina- tion church and school building and the Sisters' convent. He was succeeded in 1909 by Rev- erend L. Grudzinski, the present pastor, who built the new rectory. The school children num- ber 1,150 and are taiight by the Felician Sisters of Milwaukee. The assistant priests are Reverends Stephen A. Bubacz, John Stoinski, and Stephen Szczcpanski. GOOD SHEPHERD (POLISH), FOUNDED 1907. The Church of the Good Shepherd, at 2719 South Kolin Avenue, was founded in 1907 by the Reverend A. L. Jung, the present pastor. Five Felician Sisters, 0. S. F., teach the 200 children who attend the parochial school. SACRED HEART (POLISH), FOUNDED 1910. The Sacred Heart (Polish) Church, at Forty-sixth and South Lincoln Streets, was founded in 1910 by its present pastor, the Reverend F. J. Karabacz. In addition to the church (combina- tion), he erected the Sisters' convent and parochial residence. The school is attended by 925 chil- dren and taught by the Felician Sisters. Father Karabacz is assisted by the Reverends Anthony Klowo, James J. Strzycki, and Anthony Gawsch. 96 Holy Trinity, Xoble and Milwaukee. HOLY TRINITY (POLISH), FOUNDED 1873. The Church of the Holy Trinity is one of the oldest and most important Polish congregations in Chicago, having been founded in 1873, and is in spiritual charge of the Fathers of the Holy Cross, Notre Dame, Indiana. The parish buildings are located at Noble and Chapin Streets. The Reverend Casimir Sztuczko, C. S. C., has been pastor for many years. The present church and parochial residence were erected by him, and he also purchased the high-school building on Division Street. The nearly 1900 children who attend the schools are taught by the Brothers of the Holy Cross and the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth. St. Josaphat Church. ST. JOSAPHAT 'S (POLISH), FOUNDED 1884. Another important Polish parish is that of St. Josaphat 's, founded in 1884 by the Reverend Francis Breitkopt, C. R. The Reverend F. Lange, who was appointed pastor in 1889 erected the parish buildings at Belden and Southport Avenues. He was succeeded by the present pastor, Reverend F. G. Ostrowski, P.R., in 1914. The Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth teach the 875 school children of the parish. The as- sisting priests are the Reverends Thadeus Nowak and D. F. Tyrcha. Holy Trinity High School, Division and Cleaver Streets. St. Josaphat School. 97 ST. FLORIAN. (POLISH). The congregation of St. Florian was organ- ized in 1906 and the parish buildings are located at 133rd Street and Green Bay Ave- nue. This district is known as Hegewisch. The present pastor, the Reverend F. W. Chod- niewicz, was the founder. Nearly 300 children attend the school taught by the Franciscan Sisters. ASCENSION OF OUR LORD CHURCH, EVANSTON. The first Polish Church to be founded in Evanston was the Ascension of Our Lord. It was founded in 1912 by the Reverend Felix Feldheim, the present pastor. One hundred and thirty-two children attend the school, taught by the Felician Sisters. This young par- ish has made wonderful strides since its organi- zation and much credit is due to Father Feld- heim for the many improvements that have been accomplished among the Polish people of Evanston. He has established many beneficiary and social societies for the benefit of his pa- rishioners. St. Hyacinth's, 3651 West George Street. Guardian Angel Day Nursery and Home for Girls. (Polish). Gross Avenue and Forty-sixth Street. 98 THE BOHEMIAN CATHOLICS OF THE ARCHDIOCESE OF CHICAGO Among the Slav people who, in the course of time, have made Chicago their home, the Bohemians were the first to settle in this great western metropolis. The first Bohemian Catholic Church (St. Wenceslaus), which was erected at DeKoven and Desplaines Streets, was the first Slav church in Chicago ; St. Wenceslaus School, the first Slav school; and the Reverends F. Sulak, S.J., and Joseph Molitor, the first Slav priests. Hence, St. Wenceslaus Church and School are landmarks in the history of the Slav population of Chicago. The first Bohemian settlers came to Chicago about the year 1850, and settled on the north side in the neighborhood of Clark and Dear- born Streets, near North Avenue. Soon after- ward others settled in the vicinity of the pres- ent location of the Rock Island Station. The first permanent Bohemian settlement, however, was founded in the district embraced by De- Koven, Polk, Ewing, Burlington, Canal, and other streets. From this settlement the Bohe- mians drifted to other parts of the city, chiefly to the west and southwest, creating new Bo- hemian colonies. During six decades thousands of Bohemian immigrants have come to Chicago every year. Bohemia was over-populated, and America, with its vast opportunities, presented a very inviting field to the poor European. The early Bohemian settlers, as have been nearly all subsequent Bohemian immigrants, were finan- cially poor, but sound of body and mind, hon- est and ever willing to work, and to work hard, to make an honest living. Owing to their con- servative habits, as well as to their thrift and untiring industry, they have made wonderful strides and are today an important and an integral part of the political and industrial life of the city. The Bohemian population of Chicago, at the present time (1916), is estimated to be from 150,000 to 175,000. About one-half of this num- ber are Catholics. Forty-five per cent of the other half, however, have drifted away from their faith and the greater part of these are entirely indifferent in matters of religion. St. John's and St. Procopius' parishes fol- lowed in order of time. St. Procopius is the' most important of the Bohemian parishes, hav- ing at one time over two thousand families, and was the largest Bohemian congregation in the United States. In addition to their school and beautiful church buildings, there are several important Bohemian institutions dedicated to St. Procopius, which are located at Lisle, Illi- nois. They are St. Procopius Abbey, St. Proco- pius Seminary and St. Procopius College. The buildings are modern in construction and splen- didly adapted for their purposes, having been erected at a cost of about $250,000. About a half-mile from St. Procopius College and Sem- inary is the Sacred Heart Convent, the home of the Bohemian Benedictine Sisters, who are supplying many of our Bohemian and Slovac schools with teachers. Organizations of various kinds are highly de- veloped among the Bohemian Catholics of Chi- cago. In almost every parish we find from fifteen to thirty-five different organizations. Some are mutual or beneficiary, others religious, while some are social. The Bohemian Catholics of Chicago have an organization which is the only one of its kind in the United States. It is called the Bohemian Federation of Catholics in the Archdiocese of Chicago and not only com- prises the various organizations of the Arch- diocese, but the various parishes as well. Each parish is represented by a delegate appointed by the pastor, this delegate being ex-officio a member of the executive board. In 1916 the Bohemian Catholics of Chicago have eleven congregations. Nine are exclu- sively Bohemian, the other two are mixed con- gregations. They are as follows : St. Wences- laus, DeKoven and Desplaines Streets; St. John's, Thirtieth Street and Lowe Avenue; St. Procopius, Eighteenth and Alport Streets ; St. Vitus, Eighteenth Place and Paulina Street ; SS. Cyrill and Methodius, Fiftieth Street and Hermitage Avenue ; Our Lady of Good Counsel, 916 North Western Avenue ; Our Lady of Lourdes, Keeler Avenue and Fifteenth Street; St. Ludmila's, Albany Avenue and Twenty- fourth Street ; Blessed Agnes, Central Park Ave- nue and Twenty-seventh Street ; Marie Celle, 1428 South Euclid Avenue, South Oak Park, Illinois; Mary, Queen of Heaven, Fifty-third Avenue and Twenty-fourth Place, Cicero, Chi- cago, Illinois. Each Bohemian parish has its parochial school. There are at present 8200 children in these schools. The Bohemian Cath- olics are fully cognizant of the importance of a thorough training in Catholic schools, for ex- perience has taught them that children who have not received a thorough Catholic educa- tion in our own schools are, as a rule, lost to their faith. The Bohemian Catholics of Chicago have a daily paper, the "Narod" (Nation); a semi- weekly, the "Katolik" (Catholic); a weekly, the "Pritel Ditek" (Children's Friend), and a semi-monthly, the "Hospodarske Listy" (Agri- cultural News). These papers are published by the Bohemian Benedictine Press, which is owned and controlled by the Bohemian Bene- dictine Order. These papers were not estab- lished for any pecuniary gain, but in the inter- est of religion and morality. The Bohemian Benedictine Press likewise publishes all the Bohemian school books, prints the organs of several Bohemian Catholic benevolent organ- izations, publishes books of a religious nature, etc. Its plant is one of the most modern and up-to-date Catholic printing plants in the country, operating five linotype machines, a semi-rotary machine, two Miehle presses, etc., and employing about thirty-five men. ST. WENCESLAUS (BOHEMIAN), FOUNDED 1864. St. Wenceslaus, the first Bohemian Catholic Church to be built in the city of Chicago, was founded by the Reverend Father Molitor in 1864. This church is located in the thickly set- tled district of DeKoven and Desplaines Streets. The present pastor is the Reverend Anastasius Rebec, O.S.B. The parish school is attended by 200 pupils, who are taught by the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis of Joliet. ST. PROCOPIUS (BOHEMIAN), St. Procopius' Church, at the corner of West Eighteenth and Alport Streets, was built by the Very Reverend William Coke, who organized the parish in 1875. The boundaries of the original parish extended from Halsted Street westward to the city limits. In 1885 the Bene- dictine Fathers of St. Vincent, Pennsylvania, took charge of the congregation. The Right Reverend Nepomucene Jaeger was the first Benedictine pastor. The parochial school built by him was attended by nearly 1200 children. Since then five other Bohemian parishes have been organized out of the original parish. At present the school has 656 pupils, who are taught by the Sisters of the Third Order of St. Francis of Joliet. Reverend Methodius Vones, O.S.B., is pastor. OUR LADY OF LOURDES (BOHEMIAN), FOUNDED 1892. The Church of Our Lady of Lourdes, at Kee- ler Avenue and Fifteenth Street, was founded by the Benedictine Fathers in 1892. The parish was organized by the Right Reverend John X. Jae- ger, then abbott of St. Procopius Abbey. The present pastor is the Reverend A. Mergl. The school has an attendance of nearly 250 children. 100 OUR LADY OF GOOD COUNSEL (BOHEMIAN), FOUNDED 1889. Situated at 916 North Western Avenue is the Bohemian parish church of Our Lady of Good Counsel. The community was organized by the Reverend J. Moliter and the first parish priest was the Reverend J. P. Jedlicka. The new school was erected in 1908 at a cost of $25.000, and the 130 children who attend the school are taught by the Sisters of St. Francis. The Reverend Francis W. Jedlicka is the present pastor. ST. AGNES' (BOHEMIAN), FOUNDED 1904. Although founded in 1904, this is one of the largest Bohemian parishes in the Archdiocese. The founder of this parish was the Reverend Francis Vanous. The church is located at Twenty- seventh Street and Central Park Avenue. The 500 children who attend the parochial school are under the instruction of the School Sisters of St. Francis of Milwaukee. The Reverend Innocent Kestl is the present rector and is assisted by the Reverend Francis Merra. 101 St. Vitas' (Bohemian), Paulina and Eighteenth Place. ST. VITUS' (BOHEMIAN), FOUNDED 1887. St. Vitus' Church was organized in 1887 by the Benedictine Fathers from St. Procopius. Eeverend Father Sigismund Singer, O. S. B., was appointed to take charge of the parish. He was succeeded by the Reverend Valentine Kohlbeek, O. S. B., who remained with the parish for a number of years. The present oncumbeut is the Reverend Everett Foster. The 182 school children of the parish receive their instruction from the Sisters of St. Benedict. ST. JOHN NEPOMUCENE'S (BOHEMIAN), FOUNDED 1871. The parish building located at 2953 Lowe Avenue is so arranged that it can be used for both school and divine worship. The original church was located at Twenty-fifth Street and Princeton Avenue. In 1913 it was removed to its present site. The 130 school children are taught by the Benedictine Sisters. The present pastor is the Reverend A. J. Novacek. ST. LUDMILA'S (BOHEMIAN), FOUNDED 1891. This fine Bohemian Church is situated at Twenty-fourth Street and South Albany Avenue, and was founded by the Reverend Matthias Farnik in 1891. The parish buildings consist of church, school, Sisters' residence, and rectory. The 400 pupils receive a thorough grammar school education from the Sisters of St. Francis from Joliet. Reverend Francis Bobal is the present rector and is assisted by the Reverend Francis Bozenek. 102 SS. CYRILL AND METHO- DIUS (BOHEMIAN). The Church of SS. Cyrill and Methodius is located in the southwest district of Chi- cago, at Fiftieth Street and Hermitage Avenue, and was founded by the Reverend Thomas J. Bobal. He was also the organizer of this fine Bohemian parish and is still its spiritual head. The hand- some new church which has recently been erected is of the Corinthian style of archi- tecture and is conceded to be the finest church edifice be- longing to any Bohemian parish in the city. The par- ish maintains a fine school, attended by 250 children, who are taught by the Sisters of St. Francis. SS. Cyrill and Methodius, Fiftieth and Hermitage. MARY. QUEEN OF HEAVEN PARISH. CICERO. ILL MARY QUEEN OF HEAVEN, FOUNDED 1911. The beautiful buildings of the parish of Mary Queen of Heaven are located at Fifty-third Avenue and Twenty-fourth Place, in the southwest part of the city. This flourishing community has been in existence only five years (being founded in 1911), and in that time the people have secured valuable property and erected a beautiful Roman church and school building. The school has an attendance of 300 pupils and is taught by the Sisters of Charity of the B. V. M. The mem- bership of the church includes English, Bohemians and Germans. The Reverend A. J. Dedera, who organized the parish, is still its spiritual head. ST. PROCOPIUS COLLEGE, LISLE, ILLINOIS, (BOHEMIAN), FOUNDED 1900. St. Procopius College (Bohemian), located at Lisle, Illinois, about twenty-five miles from Chi- cago, is a Bohemian boarding-school for boys and young men under the care of the Benedictine Fathers. The institution, which is a direct successor of the old Bohemian College in Chicago, was founded by the Right Reverend Xepomucene Jaeger, O.S.B., in 1900, and has at present an enrollment of 140 students. The curriculum includes a full high-school course. There are two departments of instruction one for the Benedictine priesthood and the other for secular educa- tion. Father Jaeger is at the head of the school and the Reverend Cosmas Vesely, O.S.B., is rector. BOHEMIAN ORPHAN ASYLUM, LISLE, ILLINOIS, FOUNDED 1898. At Lisle, Illinois, also, is to be found the Bohemian Orphan Asylum, which was opened in 18!)8 by a number of Bohemian societies, and which is the first institution of the kind established by that nationality in this country. About 200 children are cared for by the Bohemian Benedic- tine Sisters. The work of the instruction includes a manual training school for boys and an indus- trial school for girls. 104 ST. GEORGE'S (LITHUANIAN), St. George's Church, the mother Lithuanian church in the Archdiocese of Chicago, was founded in 1892 by the Reverend M. Krawcz- unas, who is still pastor of this congregation. The church edifice, which is large and impos- ing, is located in the stock-yards district, at Thirty-third and Auburn Streets. The parish supports a fine school of 600 pupils, who are under the care of the Sisters of the Holy Fam- ily of Nazareth. Father Krawczunas is as- sisted by the Reverends Uaicunas and Albowicz. ST. MICHAEL'S (LITHUANIAN), FOUNDED 1904. The Lithuanian parish of St. Michael's was organized in 1904 and is located in the river district on the north side, where so many peo- ple of foreign nationalities reside. In 1913 the Marion Fathers were appointed by the Most Reverend Archbishop Quigley, D.D., to take charge of the parish. The present spiritual director of the church is the Reverend F. Kuderko, assisted by the Reverend J. Kazakas. The combination parish building is situated at the corner of Wabansia Avenue and Paulina Street. The school has an enrollment of 120 children, under tuition of the Lithuanian Sisters of St. Casimir. OUR LADY OF VILNA, FOUNDED 1806. About ten years ago (1906), the Lithuanian congregation erected a substantial combination church and school building and a parochial residence under the pastorate of the Reverend Casi- mir Ambrozaitus. This property is situated on West Twenty-third Street, near Western Avenue. Father Ambrozaitus remained at the head of the parish until Octo- ber, 1915, when he was succeeded by the Reverend F. B. Serafinas. The parochial school is attended by 226 children, who are under the care of the Lithuanian Sisters of St. Casimir. 105 HOLY CROSS (LITHUANIAN), FOUNDED 1904 The beautiful group of buildings of the parish of the Holy Cross, consisting of church, rectory, and school structures, is located at Forty-sixth Street and Ashland Avenue. The parish was organized by the Eeverend Alex. Skrypko in December, 1904, who has been its pastor from the beginning. The corner-stone of the splendid new church was laid by the late Most Reverend Archbishop Quigley, D. D., December 24, 1913. The structure was not completed until 1915, when it was dedicated by the Right Reverend A. J. McGavick, auxiliary bishop of Chicago. The parochial school has an enrollment of 250 children, who are taught by the Sisters of the Holy Family. ST. ANTHONY'S (LITHUANIAN), FOUNDED 1911 The large church and school building of the Lithuanian parish of St. Anthony's is picturesquely situated at Fifteenth Street and Fiftieth Avenue, in the outskirts of the city. It was founded by the Reverend A. Ezerskis in 1911. The Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth have charge of the school, which is attended by 250 children. 106 PROVIDENCE OF GOD (LITHUANIAN), FOUNDED 1900. The Lithuanian parish of the Providence of God was organized in 1900 by the Reverend M. Peza, who became its first pastor. The new congregation immedi- ately set about securing a site for their parish buildings. For this purpose ground was purchased at Union Avenue and Eighteenth Street, where a school building has been erected and the base- ment of a handsome church put up. The illustration given shows the beautiful de- sign of the completed church. A flourish- ing school is connected with the parish, which is in charge of the Lithuanian Sis- ters of St. Casimir, and which has an at- tendance of 550 children. The Reverend Michael Leo Kruszas is the present pastor and is assisted by the Reverend Alexander Baltutitf. Father Kruszas was instru- mental in having the Order of St. Casimir founded in the Archdiocese of Chicago. 1 IMMACULATE CONCEPTION (LITHUANIAN), FOUNDED 1914. The Lithuanian community of the Immacu- late Conception was founded in 1914 by the Reverend Anthony Briszko. The handsome combination structure of this parish, which is located at Fairfield Avenue and Forty-fourth Street, is the latest Lithuanian church edifice to be erected in Chicago. The parish school was opened in September, 1915, with 150 pupils in attendance, under the care of the Lithuanian Sisters of St. Casimir. 107 ALL SAINTS. (LITHUANIAN). FOUNDED 1906. The Lithuanian community of All Saints, located at 10806 Wabash Avenue, in West Bullnian, was organized by the Reverend F. B. Serafinas, now pastor of Our Lady of Vilna Church. He was succeeded by the present pastor, the Reverend Peter Ladelis. The Sisters of St. Casimir instruct the 260 children in the parochial school. OUR LADY OF HUNGARY. (HUNGARIAN). FOUNDED 1904. The church known as Our Lady of Hungary is the first and only Hungarian church organ- ized in the state of Illinois. The church is located on Chauncey Avenue near Ninety- third Street. The first pastor and founder was the Reverend Francis Grosz. The present pastor is the Reverend S. Soltesz. ST. JOSEPH'S. (LITHUANIAN). FOUNDED 1901. The parish of St. Joseph's Lithuanian Church, located at Eighty-eighth Street and Saginaw Avenue, was organized in 1901 by the Reverend M. P. Peza, its founder and first pas- tor. The Reverend A. Petrajtes is the present pastor. He is also an authority on astronomy. ST. MARY'S. (GREEK RUTHENIAN). FOUNDED 1910. Located on Seeley Avenue and Fiftieth Street is the second largest Greek Ruthenian Catholic community in the city. Nearly 2,000 families attend this parish. The Reverend Max Relic, the present pastor, built the church and parochial residence and has been identified with the parish for the past six years. 108 ST. NICHOLAS (GREEK RUTHENIAN) The beautiful and imposing church of St. Ivicholas, on the northeast corner of Oakley Boulevard and Rice Street, is notable for the distinctive style of its architecture. Tt is Byzantine in design, and is unique in being the only one of its kind in Chicago. The edifice is of slow-burning construction. The outer walls are of light yellow pressed brick, with cut-stone trimmings. The roofs are of green Spanish tile and the domes are covered with copper. The interior of the church also follows the green color scheme, the columns being of dark green scagliola, with bases of green mar- ble, while green will prevail in the walls and caps of the columns. Altogether the church is one of the handsomest and most imposing in the Archdiocese. The present pastor, the Rev- erend Nicholas Strutynski, organized the parish and built the church and parochial residence under the jurisdiction of the Ruthenian prelate. Bishop Ortyhski, of Philadelphia. A new school will be added in the near future. St. Joseph's, 730 West Seventeenth Place. St. Michael Archangel, Forty-eighth and Robey Streets. Holy Rosary, Pullman. SOME SLOVAK FOUNDATIONS. The first organized Catholic Church of the Slovak people of Chicago was St. Michael Archangel, founded in 1896, and located at Forty -eighth and Eobey Streets. The first rector was the Keverend A. J. Brunkala. The present pastor, the Reverend Gregory K. Vaniscak, O. S. B., took charge in 1915. The school, with an attendance of 800 children, is taught by the Benedic- tine Sisters. The second Slovak church was the Church of the Assumption, founded in 1908. It is located at Mar- shall Boulevard and California Avenue. The Reverend J. Marescak is rector. St. Joseph 's Church, located at 730 West Seventeenth Place, was founded in 1906. Reverend L. Neuwirth is pastor. Holy Rosary, founded in 1909, located in Pullman, at One Hundred-and-Eighth Street and Perry Avenue. Pastor, Reverend K. Gottschall. The Church of the Sacred Heart, the fifth congre- gation of Slovaks to be founded in Chicago, is located at Huron Street and North Racine Avenue. Reverend Michael Bajor is pastor. Sacred Heart, North Racine Avenue and Huron Street. Assumption, Marshall Boulevard and California Avenue. lin ST. STEPHEN'S. (SLOVENIAN). FOUNDED 1898. St. Stephen's parish, Slovenian, was the first of its nationality to be organized in Chicago. The Most Reverend Archbishop Feehan appointed the Reverend John Plevnik as its first pastor and founder. At this church, the Slovenians and Croatians in Chicago attended divine worship. In 1905 the present pastor, the Reverend A. Sojar, took charge. His parish extends all over the city and numbers about 350 families. The church is located at the corner of Twenty-second Place and Lincoln Street. ST. GEORGE'S. (SLOVENIAN). FOUNDED 1903. The second Slovenian church, located at Ninety-sixth Street and Ewing Avenue, was founded in 1903 by the Reverend John Krawjee. The present pastor, the Reverend A. M. Kraschowitz, is doing splendid work in organizing the Slovenian people. As there is no school attached to the church the children attend either the German or English Catholic school. They receive religious instruction every Sunday in the parish church. SACRED HEART. (CROATIAN). FOUNDED 1913. The Croatians of South Chicago organized the parish of the Sacred Heart in 1913, under the pastorate of its present pastor, the Reverend Stipanovic. At the time of his appointment he was only twenty-two years old, thus making him the youngest pastor in the United States. About 125 children attend the school and are taught by the Franciscan Sisters. The combination church and school buildings is located at 2922 East Ninety-sixth Street. ST. JEROME. (CROATIAN). FOUNDED 1912. The first Croatian church founded in Chicago was St. Jerome's on Twenty -fifth Street near Wentworth Avenue, founded by the Reverend Leo Medic, O. F. M. Father Medic is still at the head of the spiritual work. Ill ASSUMPTION OF THE BLESSED VIRGIN MARY. The Assumption of the Blessed Virgin Mary is the oldest Catholic Italian community in the city. The Church, Renaissance in style, is situated on Illinois Street near Orleans, and was founded in 1880 by the Reverend S. Moretti, O. S. M. The 600 school children are taught by the Missionary Sisters of the Sacred Heart. The Reverend F. S. Angelucci, O. S. M., is assisted by the Reverends C. Fiorucci, O. S. M., and S. Jedruszczak. OUK LADY OF POMPEI (ITALIAN), FOUNDED 1904. The Church of Our Lady of Pompei is located at 1224 McAllister Place. The parish is under the spirit- ual direction of the Congregation of St. Charles of Borromeo. The Reverend P. Barabiuo, C. S. C. B., is the pastor. He is assisted by the Reverend Angelo Perrone, C. S. C. B. ST. PHILIP BENIZI (ITALIAN) The Church of St. Philip Benizi was organized Au- gust 14, 1904, by the Servite Fathers. The corner- stone was laid by the Right Reverend P. J. Muldoon, D.D. The present pastor is the Reverend P. Giangrandi, O. S. M. He is assisted by the Reverends P. Mondino. O. S. M., Aloysius Giambastiani, O. S. M., and An- gelico Barsi, O. S. M. SANCTA MARIA ADDOLORATA (ITALIAN). The above church, which is known as Sancta Maria, Grand Avenue and Peoria Streets, is under the spirit- ual direction of the Congregation of St. Charles of Borromeo. The Reverend J. Gambera, C. S. C. B., is the pastor. This parish was organized in 1903. 112 Holy Guardian Angel's, 717 Forquer. HOLY GUARDIAN ANGEL (ITALIAN), FOUNDED 1899. The Bight Reverend M. E. Dunne, now bishop of Peoria, organized, in 1899, the parish known as Holy Guardian Angel, and through his efforts, the church and priest house were erected. The Fathers of the Congregation of St. Charles of Borromeo are now in charge. The present pastor is the Reverend Pacifico Chenuil, C. S. C. B., and his assistants are the Rev- erend C. Fani, C. S. C. B., and the Reverend D. An- geli, C. S. C. B. St. Mary's (Italian). 218 Alexander. HOLY ROSARY (ITALIAN), The Holy Rosary is another of the Italian parishes founded by his Grace, the late Archbishop Quigley, D.D. The church is located at 612 North West- ern Avenue. As yet no school has been established in the parish. The Reverend J. Colombi, C. S. C. B., is the pastor. St. Anthony's, 11530 Prairie Avenue. ST. ANTHONY'S (ITALIAN), FOUNDED 1906. St. Anthony 's of Padua, whose church edifice is located at the corner of Prairie and Kensington Ave- nues, is one of the many Italian parishes erected by the late Archbishop Quigley, D.D., in the Archdiocese of Chicago, and was founded in 1906. It supports a school with an attendance of 680 pupils, who are taught by the Sisters of St. Joseph from La Grange, 111. Reverend H. D 'Andrea is the present pastor. ST. MARY'S (ITALIAN), FOUNDED 1904. The Italian community of St. Mary's on the West Side of the city was founded in 1904 by the late Most Reverend Archbishop Quigley. The parish was put in charge of the Congregation of St. Charles of Borro- meo. The church and school are situated at Alexander Street and Twenty-fifth Place. The present pastor is the Reverend R. Loreuzoni, C.S.C.B. More than 300 children attend the school and are taught by the Sisters of Notre Dame. Holy Rosary (Italian), 612 Western Avenue. 113 ST. FRANCIS A PAULA. The latest Italian congregation to be organ- ized is that of St. Francis of Paula, located at Seventieth Street and Dobson Avenue. It was founded by its present pastor, the Reverend Joseph Angeletti, in 1915. ST. MARY OF MT. CARMEL. The Italian community of St. Mary of Mt. Carmel was organized by the Most Reverend Archbishop Quigley, D. D. It is located on South Hermitage Avenue, between Sixty- seventh and Sixty-eighth Streets. The spirit- ual director is the Reverend E. Ricciardelli, C. PP. S. MONASTERY OF THE PASSIONIST FATHERS, NORWOOD PARK. The Passionist Fathers were established in the Archdiocese of Chicago, by the late Arch- bishop James Edward Quigley, D. D., in the year 1904. The opening and blessing of the new Monastery took place June 12, 1910. The principal means employed by the Passionists sions and retreats, whether to public congrega- tions in towns or country places, or to religious communities, to colleges, seminaries, to the clergy assembled for this purpose, or to particu- lar sodalities or classes of people, and even to non-Catholics, where this .can be done, for the for the spiritual good of others is giving mis- purpose of their conversion. 114 St. Cyril's College 64th Street and Blackstone Avenue CHICAGO St. Cyril's College was founded in the year 1900, at the instance of the Most Rev. P. A. Feehan, late Archbishop of Chicago, to impart to youth a Christian, liberal and business edu- cation. It is under the direction of the Carme- lite Fathers. Those who are interested in education appreciate the advantages offered by the Ancient Order of Carmelites, whose traditions on formation of character are now blended with all true improvements that mod- ern sciences have discovered. The course of studies is two-fold : Classical and Commercial. The classical, extending over a period of eight year's, includes the work of the ordinary high school and college, and is the chief scope of St. Cyril's. The studies pursued in this course embrace Christian Apolo- getics and Doctrine, Logic, Metaphysics, Psy- chology, Ethics, Political Economy, Astronomy, Geology, Chemistry, Physics, Plane, Analytical and Spherical Trigonometry, Plane, Solid and Analytical Geometry, Algebra, Arithmetic, Ancient, Medieval and Modern History, His- tory of the United States, Church History, Com- mercial and Physical Geography, Physiology, Zoology, Botany, English Literature, English Grammar, Composition, Rhetoric, Elocution, Latin, Greek, French and German. The Commercial Course, which aims at pre- paring the student for a business career, extends over a period of two years. Besides the fundamental branches of Mathematics and English in all their subdivisions, the Commer- cial Specialties are taught Penmanship, Book- keeping, Shorthand, Commercial Law and Typewriting. 115 ST. PATRICK'S COMMERCIAL SCHOOL In the '40s when Chicago was little more than a frontier town, there was a little one- room school on the corner of Randolph and Desplaines Streets. Within its walls were gathered the few Catholic boys of the now populous West Side. The school was presided over by an old-time school master. The Catho- lic population grew and in the early '50s the Brothers of the Holy Cross took charge of a new school in St. Patrick's Parish. It was a small frame building and up to a few years ago was still standing. In 1854 the Brothers of the Holy Cross were succeeded by the Chris- tian Brothers. This mission was under Brother Candidian, an organizer and a teacher of great merit. Under his direction the school grew until shortly before the Chicago fire the present building was erected. "St. Patrick's" is the Alma Mater of thousands of the leading business and professional men of Chicago. Prom its classes a score of priests have gone to the seminary and of these several have been elevated to the episcopacy. In the early '80s the course of the school was changed to meet the demand for young men trained for the business world. Since then it has been a purely commercial school. Its graduates are in constant demand in the com- mercial houses of the city. St. Patrick's Academy offers the young men of Chicago who intend to enter business a course of preparatory studies that has stood the test of time. It adds the unique feature of following up its graduates for years after they finish in its classes. The St. Patrick's Commercial Academy Alumni Association is one of the oldest and strongest Alumni Associations in the Middle West. 116 DE LA SALLE INSTITUTE. On June 16, 1888, a meeting of the principal pastors of Chicago was' held at St. Patrick's Commercial Academy to devise ways and means to build a high school on the South Side. The result of this meeting was the establishment of the De La Salle Institute, the first Catholic high school for boys on the South Side. The late Brother Adjutor solicited the neces- sary funds and the cornerstone of the new school was laid on May 19, 1889. The building was in complete readiness for students in Sep- tember, 1892. In this institution the Christian Brothers have adapted their experience of two centuries in the schools of Europe to the special wants of the youth of Chicago. The aim of the school is to give a thorough Christian and busi- ness training which will fit its graduates for the practical duties of life. The chief object of the teachers is to mold the characters of their pupils, to make them self-reliant and honorable, to encourage self-expression, and to produce reliable men. The mortals and deportment of the students are objects of constant solicitude. Xone but eighth grade graduates are received at the De La Salle Institute. The course em- braces three years. Christian doctrine, Eng- lish, literature, correspondence, geometry, alge- bra, history, commercial law, economics, com- mercial arithmetic, elocution, vocal culture, typewriting, phonography, office routine, sys- tem, penmanship, advanced studies in accounts and the priciples of efficiency are the subjects offered to the students. The De La Salle Alumni Association is one of the strongest organizations in the west. It finds employment for its members. The boys of the De La Salle are found in all the large business establishments in Chicago. 117 THE ST. FRANCIS XAVIER COLLEGE AND ACADEMY, FOUNDED 1846. This old and excellent school for girls and women was opened in 1846 under the auspices of the Sisters of Mercy, who thus have the dis- tinction of being engaged in the work of edu- cation in Chicago for seventy years. The academy is situated on the South Side of Chicago, not far from Washington Park, be- ing on Cottage Grove Avenue between Forty- ninth and Fiftieth Streets. The spacious build- ing is of brick with stone trimmings, and is arranged in three wings with a view to the greatest comfort and convenience of the stu- dents. It fronts upon a five-acre lawn, Xavier Park, which affords facilities for outdoor sports and exercise. The instruction afforded may be grouped under four divisions, viz. : the preparatory school ; the intermediate department, the acad- iiy ; and the college. Special attention is given to music, the full course representing four years of college work in that art. The organ course which is included in the course of instruction will provide a thorough education in the work of church organist and accompan- ist. Special attention is devoted also to in- struction in religion, the aim of the Sisters of Mercy being to instill into youthful minds the sterling virtues of Christian womanhood and prepare them for their duties in life. Many women of Chicago and elsewhere have enjoyed the privilege of attending this school ; and its influence should be extended by the generous gifts of those who desire to see the benefits of a Christian education more widely diffused. The Alumnae Association of the school numbers nearly 600 gifted women, whose influence is for good in the home and in social and business life. 118 ACADEMY OF OUR LADY The Academy of Our Lack- is an excellent boarding and day school for girls in Long- wood, one of the attractive suburbs to the south of Chi- cago. The school was estab- lished in 1875 by the School Sisters of Notre Dame from Milwaukee, conceded to be one of the most talented and pro- gressive teaching orders in America. Under their efficient management the academy at Longwood has grown to be one of the largest boarding and day schools of our great me- tropolis, and has established a reputation excelled by no other similar institution of learning. The course of instruction begins with an elementary academic course, well into college work itself. Academy of Our Lady, Showing Chapel. training and extends, through an The work of the school is greatly broadened by the use Ihe management makes of the great educational advantages of Chicago in the way of libraries, art galleries, museums, lectures, and music. About 250 students are enrolled in the school, 100 of whom are in the boarding department. Academy of Our Lady, Main BuildinR. The buildings are spacious, conveniently arranged, and fitted out in the best modern fashion. The present chapel was built by the Benedictine Fathers as a parish church in 1871. A few years later this church and the adjoining building were taken over by the Sisters of Notre Dame and have been used by them for boarding and day school purposes ever since. Longwood is within easy access of Chicago, being reached by the Rock Island Railroad and by the Wentworth Avenue and South Side Elevated and Englewood car service. 119 ACADEMY OF ST. SCHOLASTICA 7430 Ridge Avenue, Rogers Park, Chicago. The Academy of St. Scholastica, conducted by the Benedictine Sisters, was opened for the admission of students in 1908. The Institution is located in Chicago, near the northern limits of the city. It is reached by the Northwestern Elevated Railroad, station at Howard Avenue, and the Clark Street sur- face line to Howard Avenue. St. Scholastica 's, most attractively situated in beautiful Rogers Park, should prove an ideal home for the student. The extensive grounds offer exceptional facilities for exercise and amusements, and the seclusion of the place permits out-door class work during the autumn and spring months. The Academy of St. Scholastica has for its object the Christian education of girls and young women. Its classes are open to day pupils and to a limited number of boarding pupils. Outside students are .received for Music, Art, Needlework and special branches of study. The Benedictine Sisters is a strictly teach- ing order, in fact they are one of the oldest teaching orders in the Catholic Church. They conduct many fine secondary schools, both in this country and in Europe. They also teach in many of our parochial schools in the city. Chicago as one of the great educational and art centers offers many advantages in the way of libraries, galleries, museums and lectures of which the authorities of the Academy of St. Scholastica avail themselves. 120 ACADEMY OF OUR LADY OF PROVIDENCE The Academy of Our Lady of Providence is a resident and day school for girls under the direction of the Sisters of Providence of Saint Mary-of-the-Woods. The high-school department has both the four-year course and the elective course. Com- mercial department, two-years' course and shorter courses. Conservatory of music, special advantages in vocal, piano, harp, violin and ensemble work. Oral expres- sion, art and domestic science. The institution is located at 3107 West Van Buren Street. Phone, Kedzie 532. 121 ST. MARY'S HIGH SCHOOL, FOUNDED 1899. St. Mary's High School, founded in 1899, under the direction of the Sisters of Charity of the B. V. M., is a legally incorporated and thoroughly equipped institu- tion for the higher education of girls. Owing to the increased number of students, three additions to the original structure have been made. The building now includes fifteen classrooms, physical and biological lab- oratories, three commercial rooms, auditorium, domestic science suite, dining-room, music rooms, library and chapel. The various departments are equipped with everything that is necessary for the successful comple- tion of the work which the school professes to teach. The library contains the works of standard authors, encyclopedias, reference books and works for historical research. The auditorium, which is delightfully situ- ated, has a seating capacity of 600. The curriculum offers tour courses of study: the classical course, four years; the domestic science course, four years; the commercial course, two years; the commercial course, six months; and a course of instrumental and vocal music, and art. For the past few years the Loyola extension courses in ethics, ecclesiastical history and psychology have been conducted at the school. A large number of public school teachers of Chicago have availed themselves of this opportunity to receive promotional credits. The music and foreign language courses offer the same ad- vantages. Some Interior Views of St. Mary's High School. 122 ST. LOUIS ACADEMY, WEST PULLMAN The St. Louis Academy and High School, incorpo- rated in 1904, is a boarding and day school for girls un- der the direction of the Sis- ters of the Congregation of Notre Dame, a teaching order founded in Montreal in 1659. Instruction is of- fered in primary, prepara- tory and senior grades. Music, art, domestic and commercial courses may be taken as extras. A home- like atmosphere is culti- vated, and the pupils are given careful supervision. Special attention is given to outdoor physical exercise. The Alumnae Association St. Louis Academy, West Pullman. was organized in 1915. The school is located in West Pullman, at the corner of One Hundred and Eighteenth and State Streets. ST. ANGELA'S ACADEMY, MORRIS, ILLINOIS. St. Angela's Academy, in Morris, Illinois, is conducted by the Holy Cross Sisters from St. Mary's, Notre Dame, Indiana, as a boarding and day school for children and young girls. The curriculum of the school extends through all grades of grammar and high school. Music, art and literature are given special attention. Sister M. Hildegarde is the Superior. 123 ACADEMIES FOR GIRLS IN CHICAGO SACRED HEART ACADEMY. The Ladies of the Sacred Heart have been identified with Catholic education in Chicago since 1858, when they occupied their tempo- rary school on Wabash Avenue near Peck Court. In 1860 they erected their academy buildings on West Taylor Street, and their institution soon became one of the boarding and day schools in Chicago. However, in the course of years the influx of foreign immigra- tion changed the entire character of the popula- tion in that part of the West Side and the Ladies were to move their school elsewhere. About twelve years ago they secured the beautiful property on Pine Grove Avenue near Addison and erected the buildings for their day school. The boarding department is in River Forest. CONVENT OF THE HOLY CHILD JESUS. The boarding and day school for children and young ladies conducted by the Sisters of the Holy Child Jesus was established about ten years ago. The convent of the order is located at Haves Avenue and Sheridan Road. LORETTO ACADEMY. The Loretto Academy, located in Woodlawn, on Sixty-fourth Street, was established by the Sisters of Loretto, from Toronto, Canada, about fifteen years ago. The school has both day and boarding departments. The curriculum is very comprehensive, and includes all grades from kindergarten through the academic. The Sisters of Loretto teach in many of the paroch- ial schools of the archdiocese. They also have a fine academy located at Stewart Avenue and Sixty-sixth Street. JOSEPHINUM ACADEMY. The "Josephinum Academy" is the name of the school established in 1889 in Chicago by the Sisters of Christian Charity, for the pur- pose of giving a solid, comprehensive and practical Christian education to girls. The institution is incorporated under the laws of Illinois, and is located at 1515 North Oakley Avenue, near Western. This was one of the first schools in Chicago to introduce domestic science in its curriculum. Many of its pupils pass successfully every year the examination for teachers which admits them to the Normal School. 124 SISTERS OF ST. CASIMIR, FOUNDED 1907 The Sisters of St. Casimir were the first Lithuanian Sisters to establish a mother house in this country. Their convent, erected in 1911, is situated at Sixty- seventh and Rockwell Streets. These Sisters conduct a boarding and day school, where all nationalities are received, but the majority of the pupils are Lithu- anians. They also teach in many of the Lithuanian schools of the Archdiocese. Mother Maria is superior. FRANCISCAN SISTERS OF ST. KUNEGUNDA, FOUNDED 1894 This community was founded in the Archdiocese of Chicago in 1894, by the present mother general, Rev- erend M. Anna Wisinska, who, with a few other young ladies, began a community life, following the rule of the Third Order of St. Francis, under the guidance of the late Reverend Vincent Barzynskj, C. R. The Sis- ters conduct St. Joseph 's Home for the Aged and St. Elizabeth's Day Nursery on Hamlin and Schubert Avenue. They also conduct Polish parochial schools in the Archdiocese and in the dioceses of Altoona, Belle- ville, Cleveland, Fort Wayne and Peoria, and also many charitable institutions in these dioceses. 125 THE RESURRECTIONIST ACADEMY One of the recent foundations for higher education for girls in the Archdiocese is The Resur- rectionist Academy, located at Norwood Park, under the direction of the Resurrectionist Sisters. This institution was founded for the benefit of Polish girls. The building is a superb structure and was erected at a cost of $300,000. It was erected in 1914, and in the coming years this academy will be one of the leading Catholic schools for h'gher education in Chicago and vicinity. ST. MARY'S ACADEMY, JOLIET More than a quarter of a century ago the Ladies of Loretto opened St. Mary's Academy at Joliet for the higher education of girls. This school has two departments, boarding and day school. Its curriculum is broad and comprehensive, and is carefully graded. The graduates from this school are admitted on their diplomas to the state normal school. The Ladies of Loretto are a strictly teaching order. Their Motherhouse is located in Toronto, Canada. 126 THE EPHPHETA SCHOOL FOR THE DEAF AND DUMB. The Ephpheta School for the Deaf and Dumb was founded about twenty-nine years ago, and, in its early years, occupied very meager quar- ters at the corner of May and Twelfth Streets. In 1896 the school was incorporated, and in 1909 was established in a commodious home of its own at 3100 North Crawford Avenue. This institution is doing a noble work in caring for these unfortunate children, many of whom would otherwise be neglected men- tally, morally and physically. It is under the control of a board of directors, the Arch- bishop of Chicago Archdiocese being at the head. Miss Annie M. Larkin is the superin- tendent and is assisted by thirteen teachers. In addition to the solid grammar school edu- cation which is given to the children, various useful trades and industries are taught, which enable them to earn their livelihood when they leave the school to make their own way in the world. The girls are taught millinery, dress- making, and domestic science, and the boys receive the usual manual training preparation for future trades. The instruction in writing, spelling and mathematics is most thorough and far excels that given in the public schools. The work of the school is almost entirely charitable, at least eighty-eight per cent of the number of the inmates paying practically noth- ing for tuition and board, while the amount that any child can pay is extremely small. Being children of the poor, the afflicted creatures eome from almost every nationality and denom- ination. It is the pride of the school that no child has ever been turned away from its doors because its parents were unable to pay for its support and education. The only requirements for admission being that the applicants shall be of sound mind and good morals. Although the institution relieves the commu- nity of the care of many children who would otherwise be public charges there is no appropri- ation made by either county or state for its sun- port. Hence it is dependent almost entirely upon the contributions of charitably inclined persons. Outside of these contributions the only other source of revenue is a small yearly publication called "The Voice of the Deaf." As the sub- scription price is 25 cents and the subscribers number less than 10,000, the income from this source is not large. The work of this school is most interesting and beautiful, and deserves the attention and support of those who have money to give to the furtherance of good causes. At present, unfor- tunately, much that might be done for the welfare and advancement of the pupils is ham- pered by lack of funds. All contributions should be sent to Miss Larkin, the superintend- ent, 3100 North Crawford Avenue. ST. MARY'S MISSION HOUSE, TECHNY, ILLINOIS. CONDUCTED BY THE SOCIETY OF THE DIVINE WORD St. Joseph's Industrial School is situated about ten miles north of the Chicago city lim- its, on the Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Rail- way. The main building was erected in 1900 and occupied in 1901. The primary intention of the society was to establish a trade school for boys. For this purpose, spacious work- shops were erected in addition to the school building. Hundreds of boys and young men have received their training at this institution, which was then called the St. Joseph's Insti- tute. Up to the present time the society con- ducts the trade school. The Society of the Divine Word, being a re- most of the main school building, the trade school moved into new quarters, becoming a separate establishment under the same man- agement. Today St. Mary's has an enrollment of sev- enty-five students in the classical course, while already eight young men have entered the novitiate. Perhaps the success may not be called splendid, yet conclusive evidence has been obtained in the years which have passed that the American Catholic youth can and will follow the call of the Apostles if properly di- rected. St. Mary's claims the honor to be the first Catholic mission house in the United St. Mary's Mission House, Techny, Illinois. ligious order, could not for an indefinite length of time exist without a proper training school for its own candidates. For years the society had entertained the desire to work for a cause so dear and so essential to a missionary society, the conversion of the heathen. The first Missionary Congress at Chicago, in 1908, finally brought to a realization what had seemed to be well-nigh an impossibility. The late Father Janssen, founder and first Superior General of the society, approved of the plan to establish a mission college at Techny, and the Holy Father, Pope Pius X, gave his blessing. Archbishop Quigley of Chicago opened the col- lege with appropriate ceremonies April 26, 1909. Gradually the trade school gave room to the mission school. Whilst the latter occupied States. Another institution for the same pur- pose has been opened at Girard, Pennsylvania. The Society of the Divine Word conducts mis- sion colleges in Holland (2), Germany (4), Aus- tria (2), South America (1), and North Amer- ica (2). Approximately the total number of students is 1200. The society is represented in the following foreign mission districts: South Shantung (China), Togo (West Africa), Wil- helmsland (New Guinea), Niigata (Japan), Abra and Manila (Philippine Islands), Para- guay (South America), Mozambique (East Africa), Timor (East Indies). The society is also engaged in parochial work among the thou- sands of immigrants in South America. In the United States it has charge of five negro mis- sions in the Southern States. 128 St. Anne's Home for the Aged, Techny, Illinois. THE HOLY GHOST INSTITUTE. The Missionary Sisters, Servants of the Holy Ghost, have been resident in the Archdiocese of Chicago since 1901. Their mother house is in Steyl, Holland, and the community embraces at present about 1000 members. Reverend Father Arnold Janssen, mindful of the need of female laborers in the vineyard of Our Divine Savior, was the founder of this congregation, whose canonical name is "Congregatio Servarum Spiritus Sancti" (C. S. Sp. S.). The chief aim and purpose of this community is prayer and work for the propa- gation of the interests of the Catholic Church in pagan countries. Every year the mother house sends Sisters to the various missions, so that at the present these Sisters are working in Brazil, Argentina, New Guinea, Africa, Mozambique, China, Japan, and the Philippine Islands. In the United States more than 130 Sisters are sac- rificing their lives for the great mission cause. The provincialate, including the- noviciate, is at Techny, Illinois, nine miles from the city limits of Chicago. Here the Sisters also conduct a boarding school, known as the Holy Ghost Institute, for girls and young ladies. At a mile distant from this place the Sisters have erected a home for the aged under the name of St. Ann's Home. But the main occupation of the Sisters in this country is the work for the colored populace in the Southern States. As the name of the community indicates, the special veneration and glorification of the Holy Ghost is a chief factor in their life. It is His Divine light that guides His servants into the darkness of paganism and sin, and His Divine grace and fortitude that render the burden of the mission work "light and sweet." Besides this active branch thu community has an- other of cloistered Sisters, who have the same founder and live according to the same holy rule, modified to meet the necessities of a purely contemplative life. These cloistered Sisters have their residence in Phil- adelphia, Pa., where they are entrusted with the Per- petual Adoration in the newly erected chapel of the Divine Love. Young ladies upon whom the Holy Spirit bestows the grace of the missionary vocation, and all who are desirous of aiding the noble mission cause, may write to the Mother Provincial, S. Sp. S., Techny, 111. The Holy Ghost Institute. Techny, Illinois. 129 MERCY HOSPITAL, FOUNDED 1850. The first institution devoted to the treatment of the sick in Chicago was the hospital estab- lished in 1850 by the Sisters of Mercy on the south side lake front. It was. a small, ram- shackle old frame building which served the little town of Chicago for a year or two. Then, as the town grew, new demands were made on the new institution. From this insignificant beginning it kept pace with the giant strides of the wonderful city, until now the magnifi- cent group of buildings and its beautiful grounds constitute a veritable palace for the sick. The hospital is, with perhaps one exception, the largest in the city ; first- class in all its appointments, and strictly modern in all its methods. The best medical and surgical staff of doctors in the Northwest, a noble, self-sacri- ficing sisterhood, and a large staff of trained nurses minister to the needs of the sick and in- jured. The present site of the in- stitution, bounded by Calumet Avenue, Twenty-sixth Street and Prairie Avenue, was pur- chased by the Sisters for the small sum of $600, the first money they had saved up for the pur- pose. The present group of buildings dates from 1869, when the cornerstone for the first struc- ture was laid at the corner of Calumet Avenue and Twenty-sixth Street. Several additions were made from time to time. In 1896 the old building of the Chicago Medical College on Nurses' Home. Twenty-sixth Street and Prairie Avenue was torn down and a large addition made to the main building. Ten years later another addition was found necessary. The new wing is a stately and attractive structure in the new classic style. This necessitated much remodeling to make the group of buildings a harmonious whole, and when completed will make this one of the largest and best equipped private hospitals in the country. The private grounds give an air of quiet and seclusion not usually found in connection with a city hospital. A large and efficient Nurses' School is connected with the hospital, with a capacity for 125 nurses. 130 O S 43 BJ "* Q} O> 5 * : | -f t- . . rt 18 * 3 n c ) O 5 r^ *> ! 2 I1 = > bjD W -*^ . .S "S " li^|! oi o 5 -3 o ] ?* ^JS -* 5 CO CO oo Q w Q fc t) O fo hf il S 03 O B 01 H B EH O tf PQ X S - OJ - ' 5 > 5 ' 3 C S O i: 5 o >>:-.- a < 'SS^i'i^ oj ?: i o " a) c a c a 5 *j . a ? - 2.& - |- S O> ^ C5 o -^ a* c3 * _ ,11! P hill 11 131 ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL, FOUNDED 1868. St. Joseph 's Hospital, located at Garfield Avenue one of the finest in the city. The present magnificent and Burling Street, was organized by the Sisters of building was erected in 1889. Besides the care of the Charity of St. Vincent de Paul in 1868. From a very sick in the hospital, about 14,000 patients apply for small beginning, the institution has grown until it is medical aid at the dispensary every year. ST. VINCENT'S INFANT ASYLUM, FOUNDED 1881. Another of Chica- go's most noted in- stitutions under the direction of the Sis- ters of St. Vincent de Paul is St. Vincent's Infant Asylum at Su- perior and La Salle Streets, having been founded in 1881 by Sister Wallburga. No institution of the city is more deserving tf the gifts of the char- itably inclined than this great establish- ment where friend- less infants are cared for. Since the foun- dation of this institu- tion thousands of in- fant children have been taken care of and homes provided. St. Vincent's Infant Asylum. ST. JOSEPH'S HOSPITAL The mother house of the Franciscan Sis- ters of the Sacred Heart was trans- ferred from Avilla, Indiana, to Joliet, Il- linois, in the year 1882. St. Joseph's Hospital is connected with the home of this order, and is the fin- est institution of its kind in Joliet. Here the Sisters take care of about 1500 pa- tients a year. Mother M. Marcella Restet- ter is superior gen- eral of the commun- ity. Sister M. Anna Ettelbuck is local superintendent of the hospital, assisted by an efficient corps of nurses and sisters. ST. ANTHONY'S HOSPITAL St. Anthony's Hos- pital was founded in 1898 and is conduct- ed by the Franciscan Sisters of the Sacred Heart. It is ideally located at Nineteenth Street and Marshall Boulevard, fronting as it does on beauti- ful Douglas Park. Sister M. Henrietta is superior of the in- stitution. About 2,500 patients are treated yearly. Reverend Vitus Haman, O. S. B., is chaplain. The hospital is open to all physicians and sur- geons of good stand- ing, and no difference is made in the admis- sion of patients and their treatment. St. Joseph's Hospital, Joliet, Illinois. St. Anthony's Hospital, Nineteenth Street and Marshall Boulevard. 133 COLUMBUS HOSPITAL. One of the most notable and delightfully situated institutions for the care of the sick is that of the Co- lumbus Hospital located at the north end of Lincoln Park, overlooking both the park and Lake Michi- gan. The building is superb and is splendidly equipped with every modern appli- ance for the care and com- fort of the sick. The hos- pital was incorporated in 1903 and has been remod- eled several times to meet the increasing demands. In the past year wards for children have been added. The hospital is open to all, irrespective of creed or nationality, and is under the charge of the Mission- ary Sisters of the Sacred Heart of Jesus. More than two thousand pa- tients are treated every year. Adjoining the hos- pital a handsome flat building has been pur- chased for a Nurses' Home. The impelling cause for the erection of the Columbus Extension Hospital was the increas- ing demands of the poor on the West Side, es- pecially those of Italian extraction, for medical aid. For the purpose of supplying this need, the Reverend Mother Frances X. Cabrini pur- chased a block of ground on the West Side, facing Vernon Park. The existing buildings were remodeled and connected with a new structure. The capacity of the entire Extension Columbus Hospital. Lake View and Deming Place. is one hundred beds, one ward being devoted en- tirely to charity. The location is ideal for so congested a locality, as convalescing patients have the benefit of a beautiful park. The hos- pital was opened in July 1911, and has been filled to its capacity ever since. Those who have money to give, and who wish to follow in the footsteps of the Blessed Master, can find no better object upon which to bestow it than this noble institution. Columbus Extension Hospital, 809 Lytle Street. Nurses' Home, Columbus Hospital. 134 ST. MARY OF NAZARETH HOSPITAL. St. Mary of Nazareth Hospital, which is con- ducted by the Sisters of the Holy Family of Nazareth, was founded in 1894. It is a massive fireproof structure six stories high. The build- ing and grounds occupy an entire block, bound- ed by Leavitt and Thomas Streets and Haddou and Oakley Avenues. The main building in which all the patients are treated in so far removed from the streets that no dust or noise arising from the traffic can enter it. The surroundings are bright and healthful. A large, beautiful lawn stretches from the front entrance to the street, one hun- dred and thirty feet away, while shrubs, flower- pots and a sparkling fountain give it a park- like appearance. In the rear is a spacious gar- den, two hundred and eighty feet long and one hundred and fifty feet wide, where trees and many green things delight the eyes. On the north and south sides of the building are two large verandas where convalescing patients may enjoy the outer air. Indeed, the hospital is so ideally situated that patients recover more quickly here than in hospitals in the crowded sections of the city. Not only in the exterior, but in the interior also, is St. Mary's of Nazareth ideal. All the appointments are the best and most approved by medical science. The medical staff is com- posed of skilled physicians who are devoted to their work. In addition to the finely equipped surgical department is one of the best X-ray rooms in the city. All the wards are commodi- ous and cheerful. Connected with the hospital are a dispensary, fitted out for the treatment of outside patients, and a first-class pharmacy. St. Mary's of Nazareth Hospital has no founded endowment, but has been self-sustain- ing from the start. However, as no large gifts have been made, the work of caring for pa- tients who are unable to pay for hospital treat- ment has been restricted, but, so far as their means will permit, the Sisters take care of the poor sick of all creeds and nationalities without charge. 135 ST. BERNARD'S HOSPITAL St. Bernard's Hotel Dieu Hospital, the young- est institution of its kind in Chicago, was dedi- cated by the Most Reverend Archbishop Quig- ley, D.D., November 21, 1905. It was founded and is conducted by the Religious Hospitallers of St. Joseph, a nursing sisterhood, until this time comparatively unknown in the United States. Being situated at 6337 Harvard Ave- nue, St. Bernard's is easily accessible from all parts of the city. Its present capacity is 200 patients, and its progress has been so marked that at the present time the institution is taxed to its utmost to meet all demands upon its services. More than thirty thousand patients have been cared for since its doors were opened in 1905, and more than 25 per cent of this num- ber have been treated without remuneration of any kind. CONVENT OF THE POOR CLARES The Convent of the Poor Clares, located at Fifty-third and Laflin Streets, came to Chicago by invitation of His Grace, Archbishop Feehan. This religious order first came to the United States in 1875. The Poor Clare nuns are a strictly cloistered order devoted to prayer and penance for the salvation of souls, because the prayer of the righteous availeth much. Their abode in any community is of untold value. Without endowment of any sort, these poor nuns are wholly dependent upon the charity and good will of the people of Chicago. Their chief means of support consists in the making of vestments, altar-cloths, habits, etc. During their sojourn in this city they have made their influence felt for good, for who can estimate the blessings and favors that are drawn down to earth by the prayers of these devoted souls. 136 St. Elizabeth's Hospital. Founded 1888. Claremont Ave. and Le Moyne St. St. Patrick's Convent and Academy of the Sisters of Mercy, Park Avenue and Oakley Boulevard. ST. PATRICK'S ACADEMY. St. Patrick's Academy for the education of girls, Within its walls have been educated children from was founded in 1883, by Sisters of Mercy from Chicago's most influential families as well as from Xashville, Tennessee, Mother Mary Catharine Feehan different parts of the country, being its first Superior. 137 ANGEL GUARDIAN ORPHANAGE (GERMAN) Xo. 1 School Building. Xo. 2 Main Building. Xo. 3 Baby House. No. 4 Power Plant. Xo. 5 Flower Houses. Xo. 6 Old School Building. Xo. 7 Manual Training Building. No. 8 Play Hall and Boys' Quarters. No. 9 Orchard, with Cottage in Rear. No. 10 Storage Building and Dining Rooms. The Angel Guardian Orphanage, located at 2001 Devon Avenue, was founded in 1865. The total number of orphans in the institution is 753. Of these, 130 are from two to three years old, while 520 attend school. There are thirty-eight in the manual training class and thirty-two in do- mestic science. The orphanage is conducted by forty-five Sisters of the Poor Handmaids of Jesus Christ. Sister M. Bertina is Superioress; Reverend George Eisenbacher, president ; and Reverend P. Halbmaier, chaplain. 138 St. Joseph 1 ! Homo St. Augustine Home Sacred Heart Home THE LITTLE SISTERS OF THE POOR This charitable order has three institutions for the care of the aged and friendless poor in Chicago, one located in each of the principal divisions of the city. The Sisters of this order were called to Chicago by the Right Reverend Bishop Foley, D.D., in 1876, who aided very materially in getting them well established. The first house founded by the order was lo- cated at Halsted and Polk Streets, where they remained for four years. In 1877 ground was purchased at Harrison and Throop Streets for a larger house, and one wing of the present building was erected in 1878, the cornerstone having been laid in June of that year by the Right Reverend T. R. McMullen, V.G. In Feb- ruary, 1880, the Sisters moved into their new Sacred Heart Home. St. Vincent de Paul So- ciety is a great help to the institutions. The chapel was blessed November 1, 1889, by His Grace, Archbishop Feehan, D. D. The West Side institution accommodates 200 of these helpless poor people. The second house erected by the Little Sis- ters of the Poor was built in 1882 at Sheffield and Fullerton Avenues, and is known as the St. Augustine Home. The latest house to be built is the St. Jo- seph's Home at 5148 Prairie Avenue. It was completed in 1891. This is one of the most beautiful charities of the church and well deserves the patronage of all who can give anything to help it along. 139 FRONT VIEW SIDE VIEW CONVENT OF THE MATERNAL HEART CONDUCTED BY THE LITTLE COMPANY OF MARY 4130 INDIANA AVE., CHICAGO By the invitation of the Venerable Archbishop Feehan, at the request of the late Mr. C. A. Mair, benefactor and life long friend of The Little Company of Mary, the Order came to Chicago in 1893. Its first house in America was opened in an eight-room cottage at 4130 Indiana Avenue ; the above illustrations repre- sent the Convent of today at the same address. The Little Company of Mary has for its object the sanctification of its mem- bers by the exercise of religious life and the care of the sick in the hospitals or institutions of the Order. The Sisters also nurse the sick in their own homes ir- respective of creed or position in life. Every Sister who cares for the sick has received a thorough training and is a registered trained nurse. The Little Company of Mary has no lay sisters, but conducts a Novitiate where suitable subjects are received and given a training to fit them for the work of the Order. The Habit worn by the Sisters in the sick room is blue and white (The Blessed Virgin's colors) which produce a cheering effect on the patient. Special devotions for the dying prayers and sacrifices are constantly prac- ticed by the Community. Many beautiful deaths have been recorded, and many careless and fallen away Catholics have been cured physically and spiritually and now lead useful Christian lives. The Little Company of Mary was founded in England. The Mother House is located in Rome, Italy. The present branch houses are in Florence, Fiesole, Malta, South Africa, Australia, New Zealand, England, Ireland and North and South America. Any information relative to services, etc., will be cheerfully given by ad- dressing THE LITTLE COMPANY OF MARY, Telephone Drexel 1027. 4130 Indiana Avenue, Chicago, Illinois. 140 HOUSE OF THE GOOD SHEPHERD The House of the Good Shepherd, the well- known institution for the reclaiming of way- ward and evilly-disposed girls and women, is located at 1126 Grace Street. It was estab- lished in 1859 and incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois in 1867. Since its foundation more than half a century ago more than twenty thousand have passed through its doors. There are at present over four hundred inmates, with forty-one Sisters of the Good Shepherd in charge. The common branches of an English education are taught, also stenog- raphy, typewriting and bookkeeping, besides domestic science, fine sewing and other indus- trial arts. All are received, irrespective of na- tionality or creed. ILLINOIS TECHNICAL SCHOOL FOR COLORED GIRLS The Chicago Industrial School for Girls was opened at Forty-ninth Street and Indiana Ave- nue September 23, 1889. In August, 1911, the children of this school were transferred to the new building prepared for them in Desplaines, Illinois, and the Sisters of the Good Shepherd opened their doors to the dependent colored children of Chicago, under the title "Illinois Technical School for Colored Girls." The pres- ent enrollment is 115. Reverend Thomas O'Gara, pastor of Corpus Christi Church, and his asssistants are in attendance. 141 ST. JOSEPH'S HOME FOR THE FRIENDLESS. The organization of St. Joseph's Home for the Friendless, which is located at Thirty-fifth Street and Lake Park Avenue, is due to the efforts of the Most Reverend J. E. Quigley, D. D., Archbishop of Chicago. It was incor- porated in 1912 and is conducted by the Sisters of St. Joseph. ST. JOSEPH'S HOME FOR GIRLS. St. Joseph's Home for Girls, located at 1100 South May Street, is a home for young women and girls employed in shops, offices, and stores and has 150 inmates. Miss Sarah Mellon is the superintendent. WORKING BOYS' HOME, FOUNDED 1890. The Mission of Our Lady of Mercy, or better known as the Working Hoys' Home, was founded in 1890 by the Reverend Louis Campbell. The institution was then situated at LaSalle and Jack- son Streets. Father Campbell was succeeded by the Reverend Dennis Mahoney. In 1906 Father Quille took charge. The present building at 1140 Jackson Boulevard has been erected during his administration. This home shelters about one hundred boys. 142 THE CONVENT OF MEECY AND MERCY HOME, FOUNDED 1874. The Mercy Home, at 2834 Wabash Avenue, is a boarding-house for women and girls of good character con- ducted by the Sisters of Mercy. All the comforts and protection of a refined private home are provided for the patrons. There are at present 160 guests. The Convent of Mercy was founded in 1874, which was then located on Calumet Avenue, near Mercy Hospital. THE HOUSE OF PROVIDENCE, FOUNDED 1882. The House of Providence, at 1121 Orleans Street, is conducted as a home for working girls, by the Sisters of St. Francis, by whom it was founded in 1882. 143 SAINT CLARA COLLEGE AND ACADEMY, SINSINAWA, WISCONSIN THE SISTERS OF ST. DOMINIC OF SINSINAWA In the southwestern part of Wisconsin about six miles from Dubuque, Iowa, and ten miles from Galena, Illinois, is situated Sinsinawa, the remarkable beauty of whose natural setting has frequently been the theme of a poet 's verse. Here, on the southern slope of Sinsinawa Mound, is Saint Clara Convent, the Mother- house of the Dominican Sisters of the Congre- gation of the Holy Rosary, who since 1868 have been teaching in the parish schools of Chicago. Here, too, is the well known Saint Clara Col- lege. The institution now chartered under the title of Saint Clara College and Academy was founded in 1854 by the zealous and scholarly pioneer priest of the Northwest, the Reverend Samuel Charles Mazzuchelli, O. P. Through a period of sixty-one years, it has sustained the reputation of a prominent educational center. In the sacrifices which the Sisters have made to bring to the students entrusted to them all that is best in each line of study, they have had but one aim. They have labored to equip, for the duties of life, Christian women distinguished by power of intellect, integrity of character, and liveliness of faith. In a time when secular colleges and universities, favored by enormous wealth and worldly reputation, are offering extraordinary advantages in the world of edu- cation, the demands on the Catholic schools are vital. The Sisters of Sinsinawa, like other Religious who conduct similar Academies and Colleges, are zealously alert to every opportu- nity and project which will make for strength in the position of our Catholic institutions. For the benefit of the School of Music and the School of Art, they have spent years in the studios of Rome, Florence, Munich and Paris. Copies of the great Masters made by the Sis- ters have been declared by distinguished critics to be most faithful reproductions. Teachers of the ancient Classics at Saint Clara have had advantages of special study and original re- search in Italy and Greece. The departments of Philosophy, English, Mathematics, History, Science and Languages are conducted by Sis- ters who have had their advanced degrees ' ' cum laude ' ' from our own Catholic University or from other leading universities of America. The standard of the work accomplished at Sinsinawa has been generally recognized. Saint Clara Academy is accredited to the Catholic University of America, and is listed in the North Central Association of Secondary Schools. The University of Wisconsin, and all universities which honor it, accept without question, credits for advanced standing from students in any year of the Saint Clara College course. A recognition of the diploma of the college has been granted by the Department of Education of Wisconsin and of other states, whereby a student on whom Saint Clara College confers the Bachelor's degree may receive a State Teachers' License. In the School of -Music the degree of B. M. is conferred. Gradu- ates from this Department have won real dis- tinction in noted Conservatories of Music. The attainments of her graduates, the com- mendation of the Faculty by eminent educators of the country, the standard of Christian instruction and fidelity to the beautiful scholas- tic traditions of the Dominican Order which she has labored to maintain prove that Saint Clara is a leading force in the life o,f Catholic education in the United States. 144 MOUNT ST. JOSEPH COLLEGE, DUBUQUE, IOWA. ITUATED in a beautiful woodland district, on an eminence overlooking the city of Dubuque, Mount St. Joseph College possesses every charm so fortunate a location can furnish. From its elevated position, it commands an extensive view of the surrounding country, a place unrivaled for the richness and variety of natural beauty. On the grounds are many dear and familiar spots of rare loveliness The Pines, Angel Campus, Glen-Oak, where the first violets are found, and the Grotto of Our Lady of Lourdes. Mount St. Joseph has been in existence since 1843, when it was established as an Academy for the educa- tion of girls and young women, under the auspices of Rt. Rev. Matthias Loras, the first Bishop of Dubuque. It was at his invitation that the Sisters of Charity of the Blessed Virgin Mary, a community devoted exclu- Francis Clarke Hall, named in honor of the Sister- Foundress of the Community, is completely and handsomely furnished. In addition to private rooms, it contains class-rooms, a tea-room, reception hall and a large, pleasant social room. The College has complete library and laboratory equipment, a gymnasium, auditorium and a depart- ment fitted for the study of household economics. Every advantage for the acquisition of literary and musical culture is afforded the students. Lectures and concerts are given by the best scholars and musicians, and continual impetus to literary effort is furnished by the college journal, conducted by the students under the supervision of the faculty. The interests and activities connected with the life of the college are furthered by religious, literary and alumni societies. Two scholarships are available The Very MOUNT ST. JOSEPH COLLEGE sively to educational work, had come from Philadel- phia to begin their labors in the West. Success attended their earliest efforts in this frontier town of scanty population, and in 1881, so great had been the increase in the enrollment of the school and so rapidly had the new city grown around them, that a change of site was deemed necessary, and the school was removed to its present location. Continued prosperity has necessitated the erection of several buildings, so that at present the establishment comprises the academy, college, chapel, conservatory of music and art and Mary Francis Clarke Hall, a residence for the college students. Thorough systems of electric lighting, heating and ventilating are employed, and all the buildings have been so planned that every room has the benefit of direct sunlight for some hours each day. Every build- ing has been constructed with regard to the harmony of the whole, and, as a result, an imposing set of structures graces the Mount property. The Chapel of the Sacred Heart is in the Romanesque style. Exterior and interior are beautiful in their simplicity and finish. The Conservatory of Music and Art is an imposing building. From its several balconies there is a magnifi- cent view of the city among its seven hills. Mary Rev. Terence J. Donaghoe Scholarship and The Mary Francis Clarke Scholarship. The College and Academy are affiliated in all their courses with the Catholic University of America, and with the Iowa State University. The College is also registered with the New York Board. Mount St. Joseph has all the privileges the law accords to incorporated institutions. The administration of the establishment is conducted by the Superior, who is assisted in her government by a local council, the directress and the prefects of each department; while general supervision is exercised by the Superior General of the Order and her board of consultors at Mount Carmel. Under such carefully regulated man- agement, and provided as they are with every help for physical, intellectual and moral development, there is every reason why the pupils should attain the edu- cational ideal which calls for the harmonious maturing of all their powers. Perhaps the truest test of the work done by the school is found in the lives of its Alumni, who, true to the ideals and principles of their Alma Mater, as queens in their homes or as workers in educational and other fields, are living representa- tives of what is best and noblest in Christian woman- hood. 145 INDEX TO CHURCHES AND INSTITUTIONS ENGLISH CHURCHES Cathedral 9 St. Agatha 65 St. Agnes 46 All Saints 52 St. Ailbe 00 St. Ambrose 57 St. Andrew 74 St. Anne 54 Annunciation of the B. V. M. . 66 St. Anselm 08 St. Attracta 42 St. Basil 45 St. Bernard 55 Blessed Sacrement 65 St. Bonaventure 75 St. Brenden 47 St. Bride 58 St. Bridget 46 St. Catharine of Genoa 60 St. Catharine of Sienna 37 St. Cecilia 54 St. Charles of Borromeo 40 St. Clare of Montefalco 79 St. Columbanus 58 St. Columbkille 40 Corpus Christi 53 St. Cyril 115 St. David 44 St. Denis, Lockport. 81 St. Dominic 72 St. Elizabeth 29 Epiphany 65 St. Edmund, Oak Park 42 St. Edward 75 St. Finbarr 63 St. Gabriel 45 St. Gall 65 St. Genevieve 75 St. Gertrude 75 Holy Angels ; 28 Holy Cross 52 Holy Family 20 Holy Rosary 63 St. Ignatius 22 Immaculate Conception 35 Immaculate Conception, Wau- kegan 81 St. Ita 34 St. James 27 St. Jarlath 42 St. Jerome 33 St. Joachim 63 St. John . . 29 St. John Berchman 60 St. 5j St. J.aurence 5s St. .Leo 55 St. Lucy 37 St. Maiachy 7i St. Maigaret 60 St. Ma.K 08 St. Maiy l^- St. Maiy s, E\anston 81 St. Maiy s of the Lake 32 Mateinicy of the Blessed \ ir- gin iia^y 76 St. Matthew 33 St. Mel 69 St. Monica 79 Nativity of Cur Loid 43 Our Lady of the Angels 68 Our Lady of Good Counsel.... 4ii Our Lady of Grace 75 Our Lady Help of Christians.. 76 Our Lady of Lourdes 33 Our Lady of Mercy 70 Our Lady of Mt. Carmel 34 Our Lady of Sorrows 38-39 Our Lady of Victory 72 St. Patrick 60 St. Patrick, (Adams and Des- plaines) 18-19 Paulist Fathers 17 St. Philip Neri 59 St. Pius 79 Precious Blood 71 Presentation 41 Queen of Angels 76 Resurrection of Our Lord 70 St. Rita 49 St. Rose of Lima 45 Sacred Heart 22 St. Sebastian 35 St. Stephen 66 St. Sylvester 72 St. Thomas Apostle 52 St. Thomas Aquinas 70 St. Veronica 37 St. Viator 76 St. Vincent de Paul 30-31 Visitation 48 GERMAN CHURCHES St. Aloysius 62 St. Alphonsus 26 St. Anthony of Padua 50 St. Augustine 56 St. Benedict 67 St. Boniface 80 St. Clara 67 St. Clement 36 St. Dionysius, Hawthorne 80 St. Francis of Assisium 77 St. Francis de Sales. 61 St. Francis Xavier 61 St. George 78 St. Gregory , 64 St. Henry 36 Holy Ghost 64 Holy Trinity 61 Immaculate Conception 64 St. Joseph 23 St. Joseph, Lockport 80 St. Martin 64 St. Matthias 80 St. Mauritius 78 St. Michael's 24-25 St. Nicholas 50 St. Nicholas, Evanston 62 Our Lady of Perpetual Help. . . 78 St. Paul's 51 SS. Peter and Paul 62 St. Peter 23 St. Philomena 77 St. Raphael 77 Sacred Heart 62 St. Teresa 36 POLISH CHURCHES St. Adalbert . . 86, 87 St. Ann 93 Ascension of Our Lord, Evans- ton 98 St. Barbara 92 St. Casimir 93 Five Holy Martyrs 94 St. Florian 98 St. Francis of Assisium 92 Good Shepherd 96 St. Hedwig 84 St. Helen 94 Holy Innocents 89 Holy Trinity 97 St. Hyacinth 98 Immaculate Conception 90 Immaculate Heart 94 St. John Cantius 88 St. John of God 96 St. Joseph 92 St. Josaphat 97 St. Mary Magdalene 95 146 INDEX Continued St. Mary of the Angels 85 St. Mary of Perpetual Help... 92 St. Michael !1 SS. Peter and Paul 93 Sacred Heart 90 St. Salomea 95 St. Stanislaus Kostka 83 St. Stanislaus, Bishop and Mar- tyr 89 St. Stanislaus, Bishop and Mar- tyr, Kankakee 82 Transfiguration 04 St. Valentine 94 St. Wenoeslaus 95 BOHEMIAN CHURCHES St. Agnes 101 SS. Cyril and Methodius 103 St. John Nepomucene 102 St. Ludmila ] 02 Mary Queen of Heaven, Cicero. 103 Our Lady of Good Counsel 101 Our Lady of Lourdes 100 St. Procopius 100 St. Vitus 102 St. Wenceslaus 100 SLOVENIAN CHURCHES St. George Ill St. Stephen Ill GREEK RUTHENIAN St. Mary 10S St. Nicholas 100 HUNGARIAN Our Lady of Hungary 108 FRENCH CHURCHES St. Joseph 79 St. Louis 73 Notre Dame 73 St. John the Baptist 73 St. Rose of Lima, Kankakee. . . 82 LITHUANIAN CHURCHES All Saints 108 St. Anthony, Cicero 106 St. George 105 Holy Cross 106 Immaculate Conception 107 St. Joseph 108 St. Michael 105 Our Lady of Vilna 105 Providence of God 107 CROATIAN CHURCHES Assumption (see Holy Trinity) St. Jerome Ill Sacred Heart Ill Holy Trinity 81 SLOVAC CHURCHES Assumption 110 Holy Rosary 110 St. Joseph 110 St. Michael Archangel 110 Sacred Heart . ..110 ITALIAN CHURCHES St. Anthony 113 Assumption of the Blessed Vir- gin Mary 112 St. Francis a Paula 114 Holy Guardian Angel 1 1 3 Holy Rosary 113 Sancta Maria Addolorata 112 Sancta Maria Incoronata 113 St. Mary of Mount Carmel. . . . 11 4 Our Lady of Pompei 1 12 St. Philip Benizi 112 HOSPITALS Alexian Bros. Hospital 131 St. Anthony of Padua Hospital. 133 St. Bernard's Hotel Dieu Hos- pital 13(> Columbus Hospital and Exten- sion 134 St. Elizabeth's Hospital 137 Emergency Hospital, Kankakee 82 St. Joseph's Hospital. 132 St. Joseph's Hospital, Joliet...l33 St. Mary of Nazareth Hospital. 135 Mercy Hospital 130 St. Vincent's Infant Asylum. . .132 CHARITABLE INSTITUTIONS Angel Guardian Orphan Asy- lum (German) 138 St. Ann's Home for the Aged, Techny 129 Convent of the Poor Clares 136 Franciscan Sisters 125 Bohemian Orphan Asylum, Lisle, 111 104 Guardian Angel Orphan Asy- lum (Bohemian) 9S Holy Ghost Institute, Techny.. 129 House of the Good Shepherd. . . 141 House of Providence. . . . , 143 Illinois Industrial School for Colored Girls 141 St. Joseph's H o in e for the Friendless 142 St. Joseph's Home for Girls... 142 Little Company of Mary 140 Little Sisters of the Poor 139 Mercy Home 143 1'assionist Monastery 114 Working Boys' Home 142 EDUCATIONAL INSTITUTIONS Academy of Our Lady 119 Academy of the Resurrection, Niles 126 St. Angela's Academy, Morris. .123 Aquinas High School 59 St. Cyril's College 115 De LaSalle Institute 117 Be Paul University 30-31 Ephpheta School for the Deaf. 127 St. Francis Xavier's Academy. 118 Holy Child Convent 124 St. Ignatius' College 20-21 St. Joseph's Seminary, Kanka- kee 82 Josephinum Academy. 124 St. Joseph's Industrial School, Techny 128 Loretto Academy 124 St. Louis High School 123 Loyola University 20-21 St. Mary's High School 122 St. Mary's Academy, Joliet. . . . 120 St. Mary's Mission House, Techny 128 Mount St. Joseph College, Du- buque 145 Our Lady of Providence 121 St. Patrick's Academy 137 St. Patrick's Commercial Acad- emy 110 St. Philip's High School 39 St. Procopius College, Lisle. . . .104 St. Rita's College 7"49 Sacred Heart Academy 124 St. Clara College, Sinsinawa. . .144 St. Scholastica's Academy 120 Sisters of St. Casimir 125 St. Stanislaus' College 84 147 v- a K : CHICAGO r BX