'6mmat\uel Baptist (^hurct? SUNDAY SCHOOL OF THE L I B re ^ Y ALBANY. N. Y. Riggs Printing Company, 1896. . OF IHB Gmmar\uel ISapfisf % SUNDAY SCHOOL L I B R ^ Y ALBANY, N. Y. Riggs Printing Company, 1896. / ^'2>x Qq_ Fi.XJ T^E> & Books must not be kept from the Library more than two weeks, unless by permission of the Librarian. Only one book may be taken at a time. Kotes or marks of any kind on either blank or printed pages of the books are forbidden. To enable the Librarians to select acceptably, readers are requested to keep checked on their cards the numbers of several books desired. Books will not be exchanged if they are asked for on the cards. MARTHA T. WHEELER, Librarian. Note. — It has been the aim of the Committee to put into the Library only books of wkolesome influence, but no attempt has been made to decide what is suitable Sunday reading. On this point there is necessarily much difference of judgment, and parents are expected to make their own rules. CATALOGUE OF TITLES [The letter c marks books written especially for the young- est children; b marks for those somewhat older and a books for readers from fourteen years of age upwards. This classi- fication is necessarily a broad one, and should [not he taken too literally.] 454 A B C of electricity. William H. Meadowcroft. a Outlines principles of electrical science in simple language, and explains their application in telegraph, telephone, electric light and motive powef . 431 Abandoned claim, The. Florence Longhead. a Story o-f three children thrown on their own resources, who took up land in California. 175 Abraham Lincoln. Charles Carleton Coflln. a Life of Lincoln written for young people; many illus- trations. 332 Across Asia on a bicycle. a T. G. Allen, Jr, and W. L. Sachtleben. The journey of two American students from Con- stantinople to Peking. 865 Acts of the Apostles, Illustrated commentary a on. Lyman Abbott. 65 Adventures of a Brownie, c D. M. Mulock Cralk. Doings of a mischievous but friendly fairy In a household of children. 710 Adventures of Ann. Mary E. Wilkins. b The story of a little girl bound out to service in New England; founded on documents and family ,i traditions. 6 CATALOGUE 618 After school days. Christina Goodwin. a Pleasant story suggesting ways of self-support and usefulness for girls. 147 After years. Glance Gaylord. a Sequel to Culm Rock. 331 Against heavy odds. H. H. Boyesen. b Story of a Norwegian boy who made a valuable invention; intensely interesting to boys. 675 Against the stream. Elizabeth Charles. a A story of a contrary child. 783 Ages before Moses. John Monro Gibson. a A series of interesting lectures on science and the book of Genesis. 279 Aim of life, The. Philip Stafford Moxom. a Talks to young men and women on character, habit, temperance, the true aristocracy, education, amusements, reading, etc. 857 Ainiee. Agnes Giberne. a Story of the days of James II. 466 Ainslee and his friends. Helen Campbell. b 804 Alcott, Louisa May, Life, letters and a journals. Ednah D. Cheney. Biography of the author of Little women. 284 Alice’s adventures in Wonderland. c Lewis Carroll. Nonsense story equally delightful to children and grown people. 866 All among the lighthouses. b Mary B. Crowninshield. Three children’s experiences on the trip of the inspector’s steamer along the Maine coast. 560 Along the the Florida reef. a Charles F. Holder. A story of camping and fishing adventures in company with a naturalist in Florida. 143 Along the old road. Mary Hubbard Howell. b 844 722 368 781 260 344 493 341 359 277 510 CATALOGUE 7 American boy’s handy book. D. C. Beard. b DirectioDS for making kites, boats, aquariums, puppet shows, and all sorts of games and toys. American girl abroad, An. Adeline Trafton. a Travels in England, France, Holland and Switzer- land, told in a sprightly manner. American girl’s home book of work and b play. Helen Campbell. A book that every girl will wish she owned. American lady, An; with sketches of manners a and scenes in America as they existed pre- yious to the Reyolution. Anne Grant. Biography of Madam Schuyler, with much about life in Albany. American missionary in Japan. a M. L. Gordon, D. D. An uncommonly interesting and candid account of the history and present status of Christianity in Japan. Among the camps. Thomas Nelson Page. c Four stories about Southern children during the Civil war. Amongst machines. John Lukin. a A description of various mechanical appliances used in the manufacture of wood, metaland other substances. Annals of a quiet neighborhood. a George MacDonald. Story of the inner life of a Scotch parish as revealed to its rector. Another flock of girls. Nora Perry. b A collection of short stories about girls. Another girl’s experience. Leigh Webster. a Story of a youn^ girl’s venture into the world as companion to a wealthy New York lady. Antony Brade. Robert T. S. Lowell. a Life in a boy’s boarding school. 8 CATALOGUE 708 Archie’s shadow. Lynde Palmer. b ^ Interesting story of a bright winning boy who had to control a hot temper. 351 Around the world in the yacht Sunbeam. a Mrs. Brassey Describes places touched at and life on the yacht. 539 Around the world with the Blue jackets, a H. E. Rhoades. Life on a man-of-war sent to make the U. S. flag known in out-of-the-way places. 776 Arthur Bonnicastle. J. G. Holland. a The story of a young man’s life, showing the evils of willing dependence on others and the beauty of a manly and self-reliant character. 756 Ascent of man, The. Henry Drummond. a Maintains that unselflshness is coeval with egoism. Highly readable advocacy of evolution, holding its essential unity with Christianity. 294 Ascutney Street. A. D. T. Whitney. a A neighborhood story of New England life. 505 At ye Grene'Oriffiu. Emily Sarah Holt, a A story of the flfteenth century. 762 Battle of New York. William 0. Stoddard. a Tlie adventures of two boys during the draft riots in New York and at the battle of Gettysburg. 282 Beautiful Joe. Marshall Saunders. b Autobiography of a dog, with much information about proper treatment. 261 Bed-time stories, New. Louise Chandler Moulton, c 131 Bede’s Charity. Hesba Stretton. a A pathetic story of an unselflsh life and its reward. 860 Beg*innin^s of Christianity. G. P. Fisher. a 692 Ben Hur; a tale of the Christ. Lew Wallace. a 767 Bertram family, Note book of the. a Elizabeth Charles. 806 53 308 463 349 475 148 213 75 470 73 547 CATALOGUE 9 Beside the bonny brier bush. Ian Maclaren. a Series of stories of a Scotch neighborhood; quaint, strong in characterization and rich in feeling. Betty Leicester. Sarah Orne Jewett. b A young girl’s summer in a New England country town, after a life of travel abroad. Betty’s bright idea. Harriet Beecher Stowe. b Big brother, The; a story of Indian war. b George Cary Eggleston. The adventures of four young people in the woods and swamps of Alabama. Bimbi. Louisa de la Rame. b Contains several stories for children, the most de- lightful of all being The Nurnhurg stove. Birch word. Jak. b The story of a hoy who found a new and delightful interest in life by way of overalls, strawberries and a market wagon. Birds’ Christmas Carol, The. c Kate Douglas Wiggin. Pathetic and amusing story of little Carol Bird, who was born on Christmas day. Bits of talk. Helen Hunt Jackson. b Stories, poems and sketches. Black Beauty. Anna Sewell. a The autohigraphy of a horse, with much information about proper treatment. Blind brother, The. Homer Greene. b A story of the Pennsylvania coal mines. Blockaded family, A. Parthenia A. Hague. a A true account of the adventures of a southern family during the civil war and of their ingenious devices to provide themselves with the necessaries of life . Blue Jackets of ’76. Willis J. Abbot. b A history of the naval battles of the American revolution, and of the war with Tripoli. 10 CATALOGUE 546 Blue Jackets of 1812. Willis J. Abbot. b A history of the naval battles of the second war with Great Britain. 372 Blues cure, The. Delia Lyman Porter. a Contains also Pull out the plug, The hospital for broken resolutions, The measuring-rod and My possible self. 545. Bodley family, Doings of the. c Horace E. Sciidder. 166 Bodley family. The English. b Horace E. Scudder. Describes historic people and places. 186 Bodley grandchildren. Horace E. Scudder. b 185 Bodley, Mr., abroad. Horace E. Scudder. b While Mr. Bodley is in Europe the rest of the family are at Cape Cod, and they exchange experiences by letter. 184 Bodleys afoot. Horace E. Scudder. b Tramp of two boys from Boston to New York. 183 Bodleys on wheels. Horace E. Scudder. b A drive through Essex county. Mass. 182, 354 Bodleys telling stories— copies. c Horace E. Scudder. 365 Bodleys, The Tiking. Horace E. Scudder. b 779 Bonnie little Bonnibel. Mary D. Brine. c story of a little runaway. 348 Bonnyborough. A. D. T. Whitney. a story of a country town. 106 Book of golden deeds. Charlotte M. Y^onge. a Stories of heroism in ditferent countries from days of ancient Greece and Rome to 1864. 316 Boots and saddles; or life in Dakota with a General Custer. Elizabeth B. Custer. 745 Border shepherdess. Amelia E. Barr. a A Scotch story of a strong, fine character. CATALOGUE 11 768 Boston town. Horace E. Scudder. b Describes historic buildings and places. 364 Boy travelers in Soutlierii Europe. a T. W. Knox. Journey through Italy, Southern France and Spain, to Gibraltar, Sicily and Malta. 280 Boyhood of John Kent. Willis Boyd Allen. b An interesting story for boys and girls. 118 Boys at Cheqiiasset. A. D. T. Whitney. b . Story of a city boy who goes into the country to live, and is interested in collecting birds’ eggs. 167 Boys coastwise. William H. Rideing. b A cruise in a pilot-boat along the New Jersey shore ; adventures and information about life-saving sta- tions, light-houses, etc. 752 Boys’ Froissart. Sidney Lanier, ed. b 763 Boys’ Mabinogion. Sidney Lanier. a Knightly legends of Wales. 558 iBoys of ’76. Charles Carletoii Coffin. b A history of the battles of the revolution. 160 Boys of ’61. Charles Carleton Coffin. b Personal observations from first battle of Bull Run to fall of Richmond. 237 Brave little Holland and what she has taught a us. William Elliot Griffis. Describes the development and influences of the Netherlands in spirited and interesting style. 123 Brooks and brook basins. Alexander E. Frye, c A little brook tells stories of its adventures to the birds and flowers along its banks and thus explains the construction of water courses.^ 735 Brothers of Pity. Juliana H. Ewing. c ^ Story of a boy who imitates the Fratelli della Mlseri- cordia in his own way, by burying dead robins and befriending stray kittens. 462 Browns, The. M. P. W. Smith. b Story of every day life, chiefly inlCincinnati, the flood of 1884 being one of the incidents. 12 CATALOGUE 554 Bunny stories. John R. Jewett. c Pleasant story of the doings of a family of rabbits. 471 Burnham breaker. Homer Greene. b An interesting story of the Scranton coal mines. 843 Butterfly hunters in the Caribees. a Eugene Murray-Aaron. Adventures of a naturalist and two boys in the Bahamas, and West Indies. 101 Bybury to Beacon street. A. M. Diaz. a Some people in a country town compare notes with a friend in Boston on their every-day life, and how to make the most of it. 582 By-ways of Europe. Bayard Taylor. a Travels in Greece and Russia, and an excursion to Crete. 310 Canoeinates. Kirk Munroe. b Two boys travel from Key West along the Florida reef to the w^estern coast, and thence through the Everglades to the Atlantic. 367 Captain January. Laura E. Richards. b Story of an old light-house keeper and a little girl whom he rescued from the sea. 461 Captain Sam ; or, The Boy scouts of 1814. b George Cary Eggleston. 146 Carola. Hesba Stretton. a 200 Cathedral, The. James Russell Lowell. a 176 Cats’ Arabian nights. A. M. Diaz. c Stories of thrilling adventures of cats, as told to King Grimalkum by Pussyanita, whom he had con- demned to death. 857 Century boolrfor Young Americans. b Elbridge S. Brooks. Several boys and girls visit Washington wuth their uncle and study the workings of the U. S. government. .508 Chaplet of pearls. ' Charlotte M. Yonge. a Story of the Huguenots in France at 'the time of the massacre of St. Bartholomew. CATALOGUE 13 733 501 672 566 565 518 103 701 683 551 232 842 92 138 Character sketclies. Norman Macleod. a Chats with girls on self-culture. Eliza C Lester, a Sensible and pleasantly-given advice. Chevalier’s daughter. Lucy Ellen Guernsey. a A deeply interesting story of the French Protestants in the time of Louis XIV. Child-life. J. G. Whittier, compiler. b A collection of poems for and about children. Child-life in prose. J. G. Whittier, compiler. b Stories, fancies and memories of child-life selected from various prose writers. Child Marian abroad. William F. Round. c What happened to a little girl traveling in Europe. Children of old Parks’ tavern. b Frances A. Humphrey. Incidents in the lives of Dorothy Winslow and Ned Parks, at the old tavern in Byfield. Mass., in 1680. Children of the Great King. b Tells how a family of children induced others to join them on their journey to the palace of the Great King. Children of liie New Forest. Captain Marryatt. b Story of the war between the Cavaliers and Round- heads. Childrens’ crusade. George Zabriskie Gray. a Describes the march of several thousand French and German children to the Holy Land, in the 13th cen- tury. Children’s wing, The. Elizabeth Glover. a A talk between Miss Fitts and Rosalie on the harm to both mothers and children of living separate lives. Chris, the model maker. W. O. Stoddard. a story of an ingenious young mechanical draughts- man in New York city. Christmas at Surf Point. Willis Boyd Allen. b Christmas every day, W. D. Howells. c Contains also Turkeys turning the tables; The pony engine and the Pacific express ; The pumpkin-glory and Butterfly -flutterby and Flutterby-butterfly. 14 356 325 643 R2 514 355 19 552 289 305 80 426 48 526 CATALOGUE City boys in the woods. Henry P. Wells. b A trapping venture in Maine. CloYer. Susan Ooolidge. b The fourth story of the Katy-did series. Columbus, Christopher, his life and his work, a Charles Kendall Adams. Makers of America series. Concordance 1o the Holy Scriptures on the a basis of Cruden. Edited by John Eadie. Cook and the captive. The. Charlotte M. Yonge. a story, founded on fact, of the adventures of the boy Attalus in the time of St. Gregory, Bishop of Tours. Corner of Cathay, A. Adele M. Fielde. a Interesting and authoritative account of the daily life, customs, beliefs and superstitions of the Chinese. Dainty illustrations by Chinese artists. Country by-ways. Sarah Orne Jewett. a Stories of New England country life. Country cousins. Ernest Ingersoll. a Studies in natural history, with descriptions of the caves of Luray and other interesting regions. Country doctor, A. Sarah Orne Jewett. a Story of an orphan girl adopted by a physician; New England life. Courage. Puth Ogden. b A prettily told story of a little girl who justified her name. Courage and cowards. Selina Gaye. b Cranford. Elizabeth C. Gaskell. a A sketch, full of charming humor, of a sleepy old English town. Cruise of the Ghost, W. L. Alden. b Several New York boys cruise in a sail boat through Long Island Sound. Cuore ; an Italian schoolboy’s journal, a Edmondo de Amicis. CATALOGUE 15 299 Dab Kinzer. W. O. Stoddard. b Story of the summer adventures of four boys at the seashore. 113 Daisy chain, The. Charlotte M. Yonge. a A story of English home life. 772 Dan, a story for boys. Mary D. Brine. b Story of a little boy who tried to help his mother. 688 Danish story book. Hans Christian Andersen. b 826 Daughters of the Revolution. a Charles Carleton Coffin. Story of outbreak of the Revolution. Describes state of public feeling, Boston massacre, the tea-party, battle of Lexington, etc. 557 Davy and the Goblin. Charles E. Carryl. c What followed reading Alice's adventures in Won- derland. 274 Dayspring. Emma Marshall. a Story of the time of William Tyndale. 757 Dear daughter Dorothy. A. G. Plympton. b Story of devotion and comradeship between a young father and his little motherless daughter. 828 Decatur and Somers. M. E. Seaweil. a Story of the Tripolitan war, describing the burning of the Pliiladelphia ” and the explosion of the “Intrepid.” 236 Destiny of man. John Fiske. a Argues from the doctrine of evolution the reason- ableness of belief in man’s immortality. 273 Dewdrops and diamonds. Emma Marshall. a A story showing the power of love. 479 Diccon, the Bold. J. R. Coryell. b An English boy’s adventures with pirates, in ship- wreck, Spanish inquisition and voyage across the At- lantic with Columbus. R5 Dictionary of the Bible. William Smith. a Revised and edited by F. N. andM. A. Peloubet. 16 CATALOGUE 480 Diego Pinzon and the fearful voyage he took into the unknown ocean, A. D. 1492. a J. R. Coryell. Adventures of a boy who was an unwilling voyager with Columbus. 93 Dollars and cents. Anna Warner. a 541 Dollikins and the miser. Frances Eaton. b Story of a bright little girl who became a missionary to a miser. 478 Donald and Dorothy. Mary Mapes Dodge. b Entertaining every-day doings of a merry boy and girl, about whom an interesting mystery lingers. 262 Dorothy’s experience. Adeline Trafton. a Story of a lost faith regained through unselfish work ^ for others. 31 Dotty Dimple at her grandmother’s. c Sophie May. 32 Dotty Dimple at home. Sophie May. c 34 Dotty Dimple at play. Sophie May. c 35 Dotty Dimple at school. Sophie May. c 33 Dotty Dimple out west. Sophie May. c 36, 38 Dotty Dimple’s Flyaway — Two copies. Sophie May. c 233 Double story, A. George Macdonald. b A fairy story. 506 Dove in the eagle’s nest, The. a Charlotte M. Yonge. Story of life in a German castle in the middle ages. 60 Dowui the ravine. Charles Egbert Craddock. b Story of boy life in the Tennessee mountains. 62 Dr. Howell’s family. H. B. Goodwin. a 522 Drake, the Sea-king of Devon. b George M. Towle. CATALOGUE 17 494 Draytons and the Davenants, The. a Elizabeth Charles. An interesting story of English life in the days of Cromwell and the civil war. 125 Dream children. Horace E. Scudder. b Stories which prove to be dreams. 259 Dream of Rubens, A. Austin Clare. a 706 Drifting and steering. Lynde Palmer. b The aim of the story is to show the contrast between two lives, the one honorable and the other selfish and dishonest. 358 Drumbeat of the nation. Charles C. Coffin. b Illustrated story of the war of the rebellion from its outbreak to the close of 1863. 338 Dutch Reformation, The. a 127 Dwellers in Five-Sisters’ Court. a Horace E. Scudder. A pleasant story of the doings of a neighborhood. 750 Early dawn, The. Elizabeth Charles. a Sketches of Christian life in England in the olden time. 755 Early days of Christianity, The. F. W. Farrar, a Supplements the author’s Life of Christ and Life of St. Paul as a companion to the whole’New Testament. 58 Earth in past ages, The. a Sophia Bledsoe Herrick. The wonderful story of the earth’s growth and its strange inhabitants, told in an interesting way. 81 Edwy, the Fair. A. D. Crake. a 533 Egypt and Iceland. Bayard Taylor. a Travel Sketches. 83 Eight cousins. Louisa M. Alcott. b A delightful story of one Rose among seven thorns. 538 Electricity in daily life. a Ten essays on as many electrical subjects,' by vari-' ouslwriters. Admirably illustrated. 18 199 669 298 549 553 254 668 327 734 457 276 17 194 257 CATALOGUE Enoch Arden. Alfred Tennyson. a Era of the Protestant Revolution. a Frederic Seebolim. A concise and interesting sketch of European his- tory in Luther’s time. Eric; or, Little by little. Frederick W. Farrar, h Interesting and pathetic story of a boy’s life in an English boarding-school. Esther’s fortune. Lucy C. Lillie. a Story of a girl with a beautiful voice. Ethics of the dust. John Ruskin. a Conversational essays on mineralogy and morals. European breezes. M. J. Pitman. a Entertaining details of a tour in Germany, Hungary, Austria and Switzerland, with practical suggestions to travelers. Faire gospeller, The. Anne Manning. a Events in the life of Anne Askew. Fairport nine. The. Noah Brooks. b A base-ball story. Faith Gartney’s girlhood. A. D. T. Whitney, a About a girl who wanted to be in the “good times.” Family manners. Elizabeth Glover. a A talk between a girl and an older friend about courtesy and kindliness at home. Father Damien. Edward Clifford. a A sketch of the Roman catholic priest who gave his life to the lepers of Hawaii. Feats on the fiord. Harriet Martineau. b Adventures on the coast of Norway. Field botany. Walter P. Manton. a A hand-book for the collector, containing instruc- tions for gathering and preserving plants and the for- mation of the herbarium. Fifiiie. Louise Seymour Houghton. b A story of the McAll mission in France. CATALOGUE 19 235 Finding* Blodgett. George W. Hamilton. b Story of a boy and a dog that drove sheep in Penn- sylvania in the time of the civil war. 314 Fisliin’ Jimmy. Annie Trumbull Slosson. a The story of an old fisherman who teaches two boys his favorite art. 587 Five hundred dollars. C. H. W. a Stories of New England life. 112 Flamingo feather, The. Kirk Munroe. b A French boy’s adventures among the Florida In- dians in the 16th century. 11 Flat iron for a farthing, A. b Juliana Horatia Ewing. 102 Flavia. Emma Leslie. a Story of the second century. 326 Flock of girls, A. Kora Perry. b A collection of interesting stories. 467 Flying Hill farm. Sophie Swett. b A lively story of pure tone. 350 For the temple. G. A. Henty. a Story of the fall of Jerusalem. 253 Fortunate island, The. Max Adder. a 679 Foster-sisters, The. Lucy Ellen Guernsey. a Story of two young girls brought up in a French convent, then taken to England where they become Protestants. 430 Four and five. Edward Everett Hale. a Adventures of a “ Lend a hand ” club of boys in a Catskill summer camp. 573 Four Macnichols, The. Wm. Black. b How four boys in the Hebrides were left orphans and managed to support themselves by fishing. A delightful story for old or young. 534 From Hong Koi)g to the Himalayas. a E. Warren Clark. A three- thousand-mile journey through India. 20 CATALOGUE \ 77 Frowzle, the runaway, Lily Wessellioelt. c Lively story about a little dog and liis human and four-footed acquaintances. 245 Garden graith ; or, Talks among my flowers, a Sarah F. Smiley. 258 Garland for girls. Louisa M. Alcott. h Some girls are encouraged to personal effort for others by reading Mrs. Campbell’s Prisoners of pov- erty. 585 Gentle breadwinners, The. Catharine Owen. a story of how some young girls, left without fortune, supported themselves by making candy and cake for sale; with practical directions. 268 Geoffrey, the Lollard. Frances Eastwood. a A story of the 15th century. 56 Girls and women. Eliza Chester. a On health, education, self-support, charity, hospi- tality, emotional women, etc. Practical and interest- ing. 108 Golden gossip, A. A. D. T. Whitney. a A pleasant neighborhood story ; shows how kindly gossip may produce excellent results. 425 Grandmamma’s letters from Japan. b Mary Pruyn. 70 Great Emergency, A. Juliana Horatia Ewing. c 774 Great-grandmother’s girls in New France ; b the history of little Eunice Williams. Lizzie W. Cliampney. An imaginary companion of Eunice Williams gives an account of the Deerfield massacre (1704), and the subsequent lives of some of the prisoners carried to Canada. 163 Great-grandmother's girls in New" Mexico. b '' Lizzie W. Cliampney. Incidents in the life of a qiiaint little girl wdio lived in the time of the Spanish adventurers. 293 Greatest thing in the world. The. Plenry Drummond. a CATALOGUE 21 174 Guernsey Lily, A. Susan Coolidge. b Story of a little girl’s summer in the Channel islands. 559 Guert Ten Eyck. W. O. Stoddard. b A boy’s adventures in Revolutionary times, chiefly about New York ; introduces Nathan Hale, Wash- ington, Hamilton, Paul Revere and other historic characters. 247 Gulf and glacier; or, The Percivals in Alaska, a Willis Boyd Allen. A lively account of a pleasure trip to Alaska made by a party of young people, ^39 Gutta percha Willie. George Macdonald. b How a boy, by his ingenuity and constant endeavor to help others, does much good . 392 Hand-book of wood engraving. Emerson. b 698 Hanniiigton, James, first Bishop of Eastern a equatorial Africa. E. C. Dawson. An inspiring record of a devoted life, 689 Hans Andersen’s story-book. c 139 Hans Brinker. Mary Map'es Dodge. • b An intensely interesting story of life in Holland. Four boys make a journey on skates from Amsterdam to the Hague. 452 Happy boy, A. Bjornstjerne Bjornsen. a Story of a Scandinavian peasant boy. 695 Happy Dodd. Rose Terry Cooke. a Showing the worth of lowly service. 730 Heidi. Johanna Spyri. b Story of a little Swiss girl. 851 Hero-tales from American history. a Theodore Roosevelt and Henry Cabot Lodge. Daniel Boone, Francis Parkman, Sheridan at Cedar Creek, Farragut at Mobile Bay, storming of Stony Point, burning of the Philadelphia, the. charge at Gettysburgh, etc. 720 Hildegarde’s holiday. Laura E. Richards. b Sequel to Queen Hildegarde. 22 CATALOGUE 807 Hiram Golf’s religion. G. H. Hepworth. a Conversations on religion between a minister and some of his parishioners. 765 His little royal highness. Ruth Ogden. c Rex’s broken leg procures him his royal title and his body-guard, Harry and Nan. The time of convales- cence is spent at a life-saving station on the New Jersey coast. 283 His one fault. J. T. Trowbridge. ‘ h A country boy’s heedlessness and its consequences. 180 Historic hoys. E. S. Brooks. h Stories of boy life in various climes and ages. 217 Historical tales. Charles Morris. a True stories of heroic and romantic events and ad- ventures in history. 821 V. 1 — American. 822 V. 2 — English. 823 V. 3— French. 824 V. 4 — German. 862-63 History of the planting and training of a the Christian church hy the Apostles. 2 v. Augustus Neander. 335-37 History of the Reformation. a J. Merle D’Aubigne. v. 2 - 4 . 825 History of the United States. John Fiske. a From earliest discoveries to 1894. Offers suggestions for collateral reading, 122 Hitherto. A. D. T. Whitney. a A story of New England life. 94 Home influence. Grace Aguilar. a 760 Home nook. A. M. Douglas. a 724 Homer’s stories simply told. h Charles Henry Hanson. CATALOGUE 23 686 Home spun yarns. A. D. T. Whitney. a Zerub Throop’s experiment, and ten other maga- zine stories, several about school life. 323 Hope Benliam. Nora Perry. b Story of two girls, two violins, and a duet. 61 How Marjory helped. M. Carroll. b Shows how much good a child may do by forgetting self. 272 How they learned housework. b Christina Goodwin. Four school-girls, under the guidance of an accom- plished mother, learn by practice the various duties of housekeeping, and enjoy it. 542 How to know the wild flowers. a Mrs. W. H. Dana. For persons unacquainted with botany; describes briefly more than four hundred common varieties, grouping them by color. Illustrated. 278 How' we are governed. Anna Laurens Dawes. a Practical and concise account of the United States government in all its branches. 154 Howling Wolf and his trick pony. b Lizzie W. Champney. Story of a little Indian boy. After thrilling adven- tures, he is sent to the Indian school at Carlisle, Pa. 659 Hunter cats of Connorloa. c Helen Hunt Jackson. A story about the seventeen cats kept by a man in California to destroy the gophers, and about the wrongs the Indians have suffered. 76 Ice Queen, The. Ernest Ingersoll. b Adventures of four young people who attempt a journey over the ice on Lake Erie. 324 Imago Christi. James Stalker. a 385 In His name. Edward Everett Hale. a Story of the poor men of Lyons, and how a young girl’s life was saved for the love of Christ. 199 In memoriani. Alfred Tennyson. a 24 759 421 849 764 329 543 318 57 193 680 866 693 88 CATALOGUE In Old Quinnebasset. Sophie May. a Story of everyday life in a New England family a hundred years ago. In the high valley ; being the fifth and last b volume of the Katydid series. Susan Coolidge. story of life in Colorado, and an English girl’s im- pressions of it. In the lion’s mouth. Eleanor C. Price. a Story of two English children in France during the French revolution, 1789-93. In the valley. Harold Frederic. a Story of the Mohawk valley and Albany in time of French and Indian and Revolutionary wars. In trust ; or, Dr. Bertrand’s household. a Amanda M. Douglas. India. Fannie Roper Feuge. a An epitome of the history, physical traits, litera- ture, laws, customs, cities, etc., of India. Inglises, The. Margaret M. Robertson. a Story of a family of children who were trained to be soldiers of Christ. Insect lives ; or Born in prison. b Julia P. Ballard. Describes the habits and appearance of common insects, and tells how to preserve specimens. Insects ; how to catcli and how to prepare a them for the cabinet. Walter P. Manton. Inside our gate. Christine Chaplin Brush. a Entertaining sketches of life in the suburbs. International lessons for 1892, Select notes a on. F. N. and M. A. Peloubet. Island home. Christopher Romaunt. b Jack and Jill. Louisa M. Alcott. b Story of the busy and happy days of a boy and girl recovering from the results of an accident. 145 717 712 250 427 4 704 709 647 648 332 525 CATALOGUE 25 Jack Arcombe. Glance Gaylord. b Story of a baby washed ashore from a wreck, and how he grew to manhood. Jack Hall. Robert Grant. b A Boston boy’s doings at home and at boarding- school; entertaining descriptions of base-ball and boating contests. Jack in the bush ; or, A siiniiuer on a salmon a river. Robert Grant. Hunting and fishing adventures in Canada. Jackanapes. Juliana Horatia Ewing. h A pathetic story of a mischievous, true-hearted boy, who dies in battle in early manhood, to save the life of a comrade. Jacques Bonne val. Anne Manning. a Days of the Dragonnades in France, 1085. Jan of the windmill. Juliana Horatia Ewing. a How a boy brought up as a miller’s son becomes a distinguished painter, Jan Tedder’s wife. Amelia E. Barr. a Story of the Shetland islands. Japanese boy, A. By himself. a A series of articles describing the home life and school experiences of a Japanese boy. Japanese girls and women. Alice M. Bacon. a Included in Prof. Chamberlain’s ten best books on Japan. Lively, comprehensive and discriminating. Japanese interior, A. Alice M. Bacon. a Daily experiences of an open-minded American girl who taught in the school for peeresses in Tokio; trust- worthy and entertaining. Jeannette. Frances M. Peard. a A story of the Huguenots. Jerusalem, the Holy city ; its history and a hope. M. O. W. Oliphant. Reviews the long story of Jewish history with special reference to local association and with a con- stant feeling for its wider religious import. 26 CATALOGUE 816 Jesuits in North America. Francis Parkman. a Seventeenth century; spirited, picturesque and showing thorough research. Has introductory chap- ter on Indians. 434 Jimmyjohns, The. Abby Morton Diaz. c Adventures of the twins, Jimmy and Johnny Plum- mer, with other stories and dramas for children. 151 John Halifax, gentleman. Dinah Mulock Craik. a Story of English domestic life. 709 John- Jack. Lynde Palmer. h A boy who imagined himself a sort of Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 439 Jolly good times at Hackmatack. h M. P. W. Smith. Entertaining story of life in an inland village of Massachusetts during President Jackson’s adminis- tration. 171 Jolly fellowship, A. Frank R. Stockton. b Humorous story of boy life. 270 Jo’s boys. Louisa M. Alcott. b Sequel to Little men. 16 Jo’s opportunity. Lucy C. Lillie. c Story of a little waif, and the overcoming of evil effects of heredity arid surroundings. 503 Joyous story of Toto. Laura E. Richards. c Story of a little boy who passed much of the time in the woods with animals for his playfellows. 753 Juan and Juanita. Frances C. Baylor. b Story of a little Mexican boy and girl, captured and carried off by Comanche Indians. 775 Judson, Adoniram, The life of. Edward Judson. a A very interesting biography of the first American foreign missionary, by his son. 528 Jungle book, The. Rudyard Kipling. c Seven delightful stories of wild animals and their sayings and doings in relation with men. 875 524 134 744 685 556 718 817 676 495 54 504 691 360 CATALOGUE 27 Kanter girls. Mary L. B. Brandi. c Story of two little country girls and their remark- able adventures with fairies, Kent Hampden. Rebecca Harding Davis. b Adventures of a Virginia boy who undertook an im- portant journey for his father seventy years ago. King’s servants, The. Hesba Stretton. b Story showing the insignificance both of riches and of poverty. Knights of Sandy Hollo vv, The. Mary B. Sleight, a Story of several boys in a dull fishing village, who, inspired by dime novels, formed a band to make mis- chief ; and how through good infiuences they learned to be true knights. Lady Betty’s governess. Lucy Ellen Guernsey, a A pleasing story of the time of Charles I. Lady Jane. C. B. Jamison. b A little girl falls into the hands of a selfish woman ; makes friends, and is finally restored to her relatives. Lady Rosamond’s book. Lucy Ellen Guernsey, a Story of English convent life in the 16th century. Land of Pluck, The. Mary Mapes Dodge. b The story of Holland and its people ; contains also Wondering Tom, A garret adventure, and other stories. Lapsed, but not lost. Elizabeth Charles. a A story of the early Christians at Carthage. La Salle, Chevalier de. John S. C. Abbott. b Popular biography of the first explorer of the Miss- issippi. Lays of ancient Rome and Lays of the Scottish a cavaliers. T. B. Macaulay and William E. Aytouu. Lettice Eden. Emily Sarah Holt. a A story of the last days of King Henry the eighth. Life in Japan. Edward Warren Clark. ^ Light Princess, The. George Macdonald. b Seven modern fairy tales. 28 CATALOGUE 175 Lincoln, Abraham. Charles Carleton Coffin. a Life of Lincoln written for young people; many illustrations. 238 Lincoln, Abraham. Carl Schurz. a Masterly outline sketch —Theodore Roosevelt 458 Lionel Franklin’s yictory. E. Yan Sommer. a 248 Little country girl, A. Susan Coolidge. b A Connecticut girl’s summer at Newport ; contains excellent advice about social etiquette. 115 Little Duke, The. Charlotte M. Yonge. b Richard, the fearless. 90 Little flower-people. Gertrude Elizabeth Hale, b Fact and fancy about botany. 178 Little folks in feathers and fur. c Oliver Thorne Miller. About animals, birds and insects. 181 Little He and She. Grace Denio Litchfield. b Story of the good influence of two loving and lovable little children. 161 Little Lord Fauntleroy. b Frances Hodgson Burnett. Story of the doings of a generous hearted little boy suddenly raised to high position. 105 Little Lucy’s wonderful globe. c Charlotte M. Yonge. A little girl dreams stories of children in other countries. 141 Little Miss Phoebe Gray. Helen Dawes Brown b Delightful story of the daily adventures of a little New England girl ten years old. 50 Little Peter. Lucas Malet. b Story of a little boy whose friends are a deformed charcoal burner and a black cat. 39 Little Prudy. Sophie May. c The first of tlie “Prudy books.” CATALOGUE 29 41 Little Prudy’s Captain Horace. Sophie May. c A story about a boy who wanted to be a soldier. 43 Little Prudy’s cousin Grace. Sophie May. c 44 Little Prudy’s Dotty Dimple. Sophie May. c Story of a bright, funny little girl. 40 Little Prudy’s sister Susy. Sophie May. c About Prudy’s accident on Christmas morning, and the weeks that followed. 42 Little Prudy’s story book. Sophie May, c Fairy tales told to Prudy. 309 Little Pussy Willow. Harriet Beecher Stowe. b The happy, useful life of a country girl who had the fairy gift of seeing the bright side of things. 537 Little sister of Wilifred. A. G. Plympton. c Wilifred and her sister were twin orphans, one of whom was adopted by a wealthy family, while the other earned her living in a boarding house. 761 Little Smoke. W. O. Stoddard. b Story of the Black Hills at the time of the Custer raid. 780 Little twin Roses. Mary D. Brine. c A story of Willie and Kitty Rose, and how they managed mamma’s birthday present. 188 Little white shadow, A. E. M. M. a The record of a life shut in by pain, yet exerting a wide, helpful influence. 140 Little women. Louisa M. Alcott. b Lively story of the doings of four sisters, drawn largely from the home life of the author. 729 Lob lie-by-the-flre. Juliana Horatia Ewing. b About a waif adopted by two elderly ladies. 742 Lone house, The. Amelia E. Barr. a Study of development of character in a strong, self- willed Scotchman. 165 Look-about club. Mary E. Bamford. b Doings of a children’s, natural history club. 30 770 684 550 736 417 281 179 68 424 800 369 78 699 500 187 CATALOGUE Louie’s last term at St. Mary’s, a Miriam Coles Harris. A story for school girls. Loveday’s history. Lucy Ellen Guernsey. a A story of the time of Henry VIII, showing some- thing of convent life. Loyal little Ked coat, A. Ruth Ogden. b story of a little girl who lived in New York in Revo- lutionary times and whose father was a tory. Luther, Martin, Life and times of. a W. Carlos Martin. Lyra heroica. W. E. Henley, compiler. a Collection of stirring English and American ballads, from Shakespeare to Rudyard Kipling. Madam How and Lady Why. Charles Kingsley, b About earthquakes, volcanoes, coral reefs, and the changes through which the earth has passed. Man-of-war life. Charles Nordhoff. a Author’s experiences as a boy in the U. S. Navy in a voyage around the world, 1815. Manliness of Christ. Thomas Hughes. a Marie Antoinette. John S. C. Abbott. b Marjorie and her Papa. R. H. Fletcher. c A three-year-old girl and her father tell each other stories and make a book. Marjorie’s quest. Jeanie T. Gould. a Marsh island, A. Sarah Orne Jewett. a The story of a young artist’s summer on a New Eng- land sea-coast farm. Martyrs of Spain. Elizabeth Charles. a Mary’s alabaster box. Henry Melville King. a Mary’s meadow. Juliana Horatio Ewing. b Story of an out-door game devised by a family of children, and their attempts to make waste places cheerful. CATALOGUE 31 133 Max Kroiiier. Hesba Stretton. b A boy’s experiences in Strasburg during the bom- bardment and siege in 1870. 705 Mehetabel. Mrs. H. C. Gardner. b A story of the Revolution. 315 Merle’s crusade. Rosa Noucliette Carey. a The story of a young girl who took the position of head-nurse in an English family. 340 Miracles of our Lord. George Macdonald. a 334 Miss Tommy, and In a house-boat. a Dinah Muloch Craik. 37 Miss Toosey’s mission, and Laddie. a The etfort, and its results, of an earnest and simple- minded woman, who thought her mission ” the con- version of the heathen. 440 More good times at Hackmatack. b M. P. W. Smith. Sequel to Jolly good times at Hackmatach. . 79 Mother Herring’s chicken. L. T. Meade. c A story of London life. 473 Mother Michaud. Elizabeth Washington. a A story of the McAll mission in Paris. 67 Mrs. Limber’s raffle. William Allen Butler. a A story of a church fair which resulted in unex- pected good. 275 Mrs. Mainwaring’s journal. Emma Marshall, a 255 My child life in Burmah. Olive Jennie Bixby. a Story of mission life. 158 My Desire. Susan Warner. a A New England story. Desire is a country girl with an intense nature. 96 My new home. Mrs. Moleswortli. b Pleasant story of a little English girl’s experiences. 657 Nan. Lucy C. Lillie. b Story of a true-hearted little girl. 32 CATALOGUE 97 Natural law in the spiritual world. a Henry Drummond. ' 773 Neesima, Joseph Hardy ; Life and letters cf. a Arthur Sherburne Hardy. An nncommonly interesting biography of a Japanese missionary and educator. 74 Nellie’s stunihliiig’-hlock. Julia Matthews. c 244 Nelly’s silver mine. Helen Hunt Jackson. h Story of the life of a New England family who move to Colorado, and of a little girl’s discovery of a silver mine. 202 New England girlhood, A. Lucy Larcom. a Story of Miss Larcom’s early life, first in a sea-coast village and later in a Lowell factory. 516 Nine little goslings. Susan Coolidge. h Stories about the “ Katydid ” children and others. 820 Nineteenth century, The. Robert Mackenzie. a Covers European and American history for three- quarters of the century in a series [of well-arranged sketches. 342 No heroes. Blanche Willis Howard. ^ Story of a boy’s unconscious but real heroism. 150 Noble life, A. Dinah Mulock Craik. a Story of a Scotch ’earl, hopelessly deformed from birth, who led a thoroughly unselfish, beneficent life. 82 Northern cross, The. Willis Boyd Allen. b An interesting, helpful story about some Boston school-boys and school-girls. 696 Not bread alone. Jennie M. Drinkwater. b 422 Not quite eighteen. Susan Coolidge. b How Bunny brought good luck. Three little candles. The prize girl of the harnessing class, and other stories. 120 Odd or even. A. D. T. Whitney. a Story of New England life. 703 Oif the Skelligs. Jean Ingelow a CATALOGUE 33 847 Olaf the glorious. Robert Leighton. a Historical story of the Viking age. 442 Old ocean. Ernest Ingersoll. b Describes ocean currents, polar regions, sea animals, early voyages, naval battles and the rigging of ships. 674 On both sides of the sea. Elizabeth Charles. a story of the time of the Commonwealth in England . 459 On special service. Gordon Stables. • Adventures of a thirteen-year-old Scotch boy in the English navy; describes life in training ships, with some important naval engagements. 491 On the leads ; or, What the planets saw. b A. A. Strange Butson. 561 On the old frontier. W. O. Stoddard. b Story of adventures in Western New York during the last Iroquois raid. 707 One day’s weaving. Lynde Palmer. b An intensely interesting story of a noble hearted young girl who overcame her own evil doings with good. 758 One little maid. Elizabeth Preston Allen. a Story of a young girl who came from Japan to a girls’ boarding school in Baltimore. 412 One year abroad. Blanche Willis Howard. a European travel sketches. 529 Open sesame ! Poetry and prose for school days. c Edited by Blanche Wilder Bellamy and Maud Wilder Goodwin, vol. 1. 530 Open sesame ! 2. b 531 Open sesame ! 3. a 840 Oscar Peterson, ranchman and ranger. n Henry W. French. Story of a boy’s adventure in the West. 117 Other girls, The. Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. a Introduces some of the characters from Bcdl folk^. 34 CATALOGUE 548 Otto of the silver hand. Howard Pyle. h Story of a boy in the days of the robber barons in Germany. 361 Our boys in India. Harry W. French. b The wanderings of two young Americans in Hin- dustan, with their exciting adventures on the sacred rivers and wild mountains. 468 Our gold mine. Ada C. Chaplin. a A story of missions. 132 Our home pets. Olive Thorne Miller. a Describes various kinds of birds, dogs, cats and peculiar pets, and tells how to care for them properly. Well illustrated. 384 Our new crusade. Edward E. Hale. a How the good people of a New England town by wisely “looking up and not down, out and not in, for- ward and not back, and lending a hand,” brought about a true temperance reform. 812 Overhead. Annie Moore and Laura D. Nichols, b Two children learn much in a happy summer about the sun, moon, stars and planets. 802-3 Parables from nature. 2 v. * a Mrs. Alfred Gatty. Stories in which moral and spiritual If^ssons are conveyed through animate and inanimate nature. Excellent to read with children. 509 Pat. Stella Austin. b 121 Patience Strong’s outings. A. D. T. Whitney, a A story of New England life. 819 Patriot Schoolmaster, The. a Hezekiah Butterworth. Story of Revolutionary times in the neighborhood of Boston and of Sam Adams’s services in the cause of liberty. 288 Paul, St. Character of. J. S. Howson. a R4 Paul, St. Life and epistles. a W. J. Conybeare and J. S. Howson. 296 521 827 664 252 727 333 636 136 769 152 815 CATALOGUE 35 Paul and Christina. Amelia E. Barr. a The saving of a wilful wife through the love and patience of her husband. Paul and Persis. Mary E. Brush.. b The adventures of two children during an Indian raid upon the Mohawk valley in the time of the Revo- lution. Paul Jones. Molly Elliot Seawell. b Story of adventures with Capt. Paul Jones during the Revolution. Follows historv closely. Paul the Pope and Paul the Friar. a T. Adolphus Trollope. The struggle between Father Paul of Venice and Paul V. Pen. By the author of Miss Toosey's mission. b Story of some orphan children who find companion- ship in a kind man who takes care of everybody. Penshurst Castle. Emma Marshall, ^ Story of the time of Queen Elizabeth. Sir Philip Sidney and his sister are among the characters. Phoebe Skiddy’s theolo§*y. May Kingston. a Picciola. X. B. Saintine. a The hero is a young nobleman, imprisoned by Napo- leon I; the interest he takes in a little plant brings about his release. Pilgrim street. Hesba Stretton. b Pillar of lire, The. J. H. Ingraham. a Pine cones. Willis Boyd Allen. b Stories told to a party of boys and girls by the light of a pine-cone fire. Pioneers of France in the New World. a Francis Parkman. First part of the brilliant history of the struggle between France and England in America. About the Huguenots in Florida, and Champlain and his associ- ates. 36 CATALOGUE 256 Play days. Sarah Orne Jewett. c Pretty stories, most of them about little girls and their dolls. 880 Poems. Henry W. Longfellow. a Complete edition. 881 Poems. James Russell Lowell. a Household edition . 551 Poems. Alfred Tennyson. a Complete edition. 882 Poems. John G. Whittier. a Complete edition. 199 Poems, Fayorite. Alfred Tennyson. a 55 Politics for young Americans. a Charles Nordhoff. Plain statement of the elements of U. S. government in letters from father to son. 68 Polly Cologne. Ahby Morton Diaz. C How a precious rag doll was lost and found. 841 Poor hoys who became famous. a Mrs. Sarah K. Bolton. Sketches of Horace Greeley, Garibaldi, Gen. Sheri- ^ dan. Admiral Farragut, Abraham Lincoln, Dr. John- son, Mozart, Ole Bull, Mr. Moody, and others. 564 Popular natural history. J. G. Wood. a 114 Prince and the page, The. b Charlotte M. Yonge. Story of the crusades; introduces Prince Edward, afterwards Edward I., and Richard, fourth son of Simon de Montfort. 291 Prisoners of poverty abroad. Helen Campbell, a About the working- women of London and Paris. 476 Professor Johnny. Jak. b A boy’s experiments in natural philosophy and chemistry. 300 271 177 353 701 839 322 771 778 499 240 CATALOGUE 37 Quartet, The; a sequel to Dab Kinzer. b William O. Stoddard. Carries the four boys to the end of their school life. Queen Hildegarde. Laura E. Richards. b Story of a young New York girl sent to stay on a U farm to get away from the unwholesome atmosphere of life at a fashionable school. Queer pets at Marcy’s. Olive Thorne Miller. b Sketches and stories in natural history. Quentin Durward. Sir Walter Scott. a Entertaining story of the 15th century. Shows ad- mirably the characteristicsand relations of Louis XI. of France and Charles the Bold of Burgundy. Rachel Stanwood. Lucy Gibbons Morse. a Story of New York city about 1850; pictures the workings of the abolution movement and the ‘‘under- ground railroad,” from the standpoint of a Quaker family. Raftmates. Kirk Munroe. b A tale of adventure and misadventure with a raft on the Mississippi. Ramona. Helen Hunt Jackson. a A very interesting, pathetic story, bearing on the Indian question. Recollections of a druniiner boy. b Harry M. Kieffer. The author’s personal recollections of three years of army life in active service during the civil war. Red mountain of Alaska. b Willis Boyd Allen. A Boston family makes a journey, full of interest and adventure, to Alaska. River by. John Burroughs. a Eighteen essays on wild flowers, birds, Kentucky blue grass. Mammoth Cave, the Southern Catskills, sportsmen, the chipmunk, etc. Rob Claxton’s story. Parthenia B. Chamberlain, b The story of a soldier’s son during our civil war. 88 345 519 331 700 423 678 694 285 743 155 517 867 728 726 CATALOGUE Robert Falconer. George Macdonald. a One of the best of Macdonald’s books. Robin’s recruit. A. G. Plympton. b Story of a Texas army post, showing how a child’s loving faith in him influenced a bad man. Rocky Fork. Mary Hartwell Catlierwood. b A bright story of the life of two little Ohio girls, long ago. Roddy’s romance. Helen Kendrick Johnson. c Interesting and amusing to old as well as young. Roland, Madame. John S. C. Abbott. b Biography of one of the heroines of the French Revolution. Room for one more. Mary Thacher Higginson. b The “ one more ” is a motherless boy, welcomed into a New England family. Rose and Tliorn. Katharine Lee Bates. b A story about a brother and sister. Rose in bloom. Louisa M. Alcott. a Sequel to Eight cousins. Rose Raymond’s wards. Margaret Vandegrift. a Teaches a good deal of housekeeping in the expe- riences of an orphaned family for whose support the elder sister becomes responsible. Royal hunt, A. E. C. Wilson. a A Huguenot story. Ruth Eliot’s dream. Mary Lakeman. b Sabbath for man. Wilbur F. Crafts. a Study of the origin, obligation, history, advantages and present state of Sabbath observance. Sabbath in Puritan New England. a Alice Morse Earle. Good history based on solid fact and told with much h umor.— Academy. St. Bartholomew’s eve. G. A. Henty. a An English boy’s adventures in the Huguenot wars. CATALOGUE 39 343 St. George and St. Michael. George Macdonald, a An interesting story of the .times of the Cavaliers and Roundheads. 848 St. George for England. G. A. Henty. a A tale of Cressy and Poitiers. 555 St. Winifred’s. Frederic W. Farrar. a Scene laid in an English boarding school. 301 Saltillo hoys. William O. Stoddard. h The hero is the teacher of the academy, and much admired by his pupils, who have many adventures and much sport. 747 Sanford and Merton. Thomas Day. h 563 Santa Claus on a lark. Washington Gladden. b Eight delightful Christmas stories. 363 Sara Crewe. Frances Hodgson Burnett. a From being the favorite pupil in a select seminary, Sara becomes the household drudge. A good fairy comes to her rescue, and wealth and friends return. 295 Saxe Holm’s stories. a 433 Scamp and I. L. T. Meade. c Child-life among the London poor. Scamp is an adopted dog. 670 Schonberg-Cotta family. Elizabeth Charles. a Story of Luther and the Reformation. 298 Schoolboys all the world over. Henry Frith, b 69 School-days at Rngby. Thomas Hughes. a Famous story of boy-life at an English school. 347 Seaboard parish. George Macdonald. a Sequel to Annals of a quiet neighborhood. 673 Sealed orders. Elizabeth ^Stuart Phelps. a A collection of stories. 681 Search for Andrew Field. a Everett T. Tomlinson. Boys’ adventures on Lake Ontario and the St. Law- rence at the outbreak of the war of 1813. 40 CATALOGUE 690 Sermons from the studio. Marie Sibree. a 61 Seven kings of the seven hills. b C. H. B. Laing. The legends of the kings of Rome told pleasantly for children. 128 Seven little people and their friends. c Horace E. Scudder. Contains The three wishes, A Christmas stocking with a hole in it, The little castaways, A faery sur- prise party, The rock elephant, The old brown coat. New Year’s day in the garden. 66 Seven little sisters who live on the round ball that floats in the air. Jane Andrews. c Stories of seven little girls living in ditferent parts of ths world. 197 Short stories of American authors. Thomas Wentworth Higginson. a Sketches of Hawthorne, Poe, Thoreau, Howells, Helen Jackson and Henry James, Jr. 714 Shut in. Evelyn Everett-Green. a Interesting story of the siege of Antwerp. 158 Sidney, Sir Philip, Life and times of. S. M. D. a 754 Signal boys; or. Captain Sam’s company. b George Cary Eggleston. Story of the war of 1813. 284 Silent partner, The. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. a Story of life in a New England factory town. 153 Silver rags. Willis Boyd Allen. b Adventures of several Boston hoys and girls in the country. 473 Singular life, A. Elizabeth Stuart Phelps. a Story of a young minister’s heroic sacrifice to the humble, weak and depraved people who were his charge. 330 Sir Percival. J. H. Shorthouse. a A touching and beautiful story. 338 266 477 641 766 319 320 49 746 246 509 496 CATALOGUE 41 Six little rebels. Kate Tannett Woods. b About some Southern boys living with Northern relatives during the civil war. Six to sixteen ; a story for girls. b Juliana Horatia Ewing. Story of a young girl born in India and brought to England. Sketch book. Washington Irving. a Some passages in the practice of Dr. Martha a Scarborough. Helen Campbell. Dr. Martha is the little daughter of a wise physic- ian ; the story advocates temperance reform through better food, cooking and living. Some strange corners of our country. a Charles F. Lummis. A most interesting book, describing many curious customs of the Indians of the Southwestern United States, and the strange natural scenery of that part of our country. Spare hours ; first series. John Brown. a Contains Rab and his friends. Our dogs. Queen Mary’s child-garden, etc. Spare hours ; second series. John Brown. a Contains Majorie Fleming, John Leech, Thackeray’s death, etc. Sparrow, the tramp, Lily F. Wesselhoeft. c A charming little story of a sparrow and other pets. Spinning-wheel stories. Louisa M. Alcott. b Stories read to a party of children during the Christ- mas holidays. Sprag boy, The. Helen B. Williams. b Life in a coal mine. Squire’s daughter, The. Lucy C. Lillie. a Tells how Dorothy Kent’s good principles and good manners carried lier safely through a difficult experi- ence. Standish, Miles. John S. C. Abbott. b 42 CATALOGUE 461 Starland. Robert Stawell Ball. a Best of all juvenile works on astronomy.— Critic. 511 Starlight stories. Fanny Lablanclie. c 196 Stars and the earth, The. Thomas Hill. a 833 Stories and poems for children. h Mrs. Celia Thaxter. A very attractive collection ; poetic in thought, wholesome in tone and charmingly written. 809-810 Stories of industry. A. Chase E. Clow, b V. 1— About coal, petroleum, mining and manufac- tures of gold, silver, tin and iron, sewing machines, ship building, glass making, etc. Y. 2— About cotton spinning, calico printing, carpet weaving, whale fisheries, printing, the manufacture of hats, leather, butter and cheese, candy, paper, etc. 444 Stories of the sea, told by sailors. b Edward Everett Hale. 137 Story of a bad boy. Thomas Bailey Aldrich. b Story of a mischievous but perfectly natural New England boy. 126 Story of Babel te. Ruth McEnery Stuart. a Interesting story of a little Creole stolen from her New Orleans home and growing up among strangers. 382 Story of Bethlehem. John R. Macduff. b 460 Story of Keedon blulls. b Charles Egbert Craddock. Story of boy life in the Tennessee mountains. 162 Story of Liberty. Charles Carleton Coffin. b From Magna Charta to landing of the Pilgrims. 59 Story of Mary Jones and her Bible. Tells in story form the circumstances which brought about the formation of the British Bible society. 721 Story of Norway. Hjalmar H. Boyesen. a An exceedingly interesting history. 142 Story of Patsy. Kate Douglas Wiggin. c A kindergarten story. 520 116 856 144 507 527 497 264 306 71 777 303 638 CATALOGUE 43 Story of Siegfried. James Baldwin. a The German legend told in story form. Story of Sonny Sahib. Mrs. Everard Cotes. b story of an English baby rescued by his nurse dur- ing the Indian mutiny, and afterward the playmate of an Afghan chief’s son. Story of the American sailor. E. S. Brooks. a Describes navigators, crafts, shipping interests and naval prowess in American waters from the time of Indians and Northmen to the present. Story of Yiteaii. Frank R. Stockton. b How two boys, sons of a count, lived in the days of knighthood. Stray pearls. Charlotte M. Yonge. a A sequel to the The Chaplet of Pearls and a very interesting story. Stumbling blocks. Gail Hamilton. a A series of spirited essays on applied Christianity. Stuyyesant, Peter. John S. C. Abbott. b Biography of the last Dutch Governor. Summer drift-wood for the winter fire. a Rose Porter. Summer in a canon, A. Kate Douglas Wiggin. b The experience of some young people camping out in Southern California. Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite’s life. b A. D. T. Whitney. Story of a young girl’s summer in the White Moun- tains. Sweet William. Marguerite Bouvet. b Story of a boy imprisoned in a Norman castle. Swiss Family Robinson. J. R. Wyss. b An account of the life of a Swiss family wrecked on an island in the Pacific ocean. Tales from Shakespeare. b Charles and Mary Lamb. Shakspeare’s plays told in simple prose. 44 CATALOGUE 302 Talking leaves, The. William O. Stoddard. h Interesting story of a white child’s life among the Indians, and how she escaped. 307 Talks ahoiit a fine art. Elizabeth Glover. a The art of being lovely at home. 14 Tanglewood tales. Nathaniel Hawthorne. h Stories from Greek mythology. 195 Taxidermy without a teacher. a Walter P. Maoton. Instructions for preparing and preserving animals and eggs, with a chapter on hunting and hygiene. 801 Teaching and teachers. H. Clay Trumbull. a On methods of Sunday-school teaching and the teacher’s work. 249 Ten hoys who lived on the road from Long Ago to Now. Jane Andrews. h 515 Ten New England blossoms. C. M. Weed. a Admirably clear and interesting description of methods of fertilization. 535 Tenants of an old farm. Henry McCook. Scientific information in popular form about com- mon insects. 312 That lass o’ Lowrie’s. a Frances Hodgson Burnett. Story of life in a Lancashire mining town. 474 Their canoe trip. Mary P. W. Smith. b Adventures of two boys canoeing from the New Hampshire hills to the Atlantic. 808 They met in Heaven. G. H. Hepworth. a Conversations, held together by a thread of story, on death and immortality. 135 Things will take a turn. Beatrice Harraden. b Story of a little London girl and a cheerful parrot. 853 Three colonial boys. E. T. Tomlinson. a Story of the beginning of the Revolution, showing conditions and state of feeling in New Jersey and Connecticut. CATALOGUE 45 360 Three martyrs of the 19th century. a Elizabeth Charles. Exceedingly interesting sketches of the lives of Livingston, Gordon and Patteson. 719 Three Mrs. Judsoiis, Lives of the. a Arabella W. Stuart. 129 Through a needle’s eye. Hesba Stretton. a An intensely interesting story of a young man’s struggles in overcoming worldly hindrances to en- trance at the strait gate. 469 Through magic glasses. a Mrs. Arabella Buckley. Natural science for young people; travels over a wide field, pointing out some of the marvels which can be studied with optical instruments. 287 Through the looking-glass. Lewis Carroll. c Sequel to Alice m Wonderland. 492 Through the rough wind. Crona Temple. a A story of the collieries in England. 855 Through thick and thin, and The niidship- men’s mess. M. E. Seawell. a A soldier story and a sailor story. 671 Through unknown ways. Lucy Ellen Guernsey, a A story of the time of Richard Baxter. 64 Timothy’s quest. Kate Douglas Wiggin. c A. charming story, with a young boy hero and a baby heroine. 713 Tim’s little mother. b 290 To the lions. Alfred J. Church. a Story of life under the tRoman empire in the second century. 741 Tom Clifton. Warren Lee Goss. a Story of boys’ experiences in Grant’s and Sherman’s army, 297 Tom Paulding. Brander Matthews. b Story of buried treasure in the streets of New York. 46 CATALOGUE 99 Toto’s merry winter. Laura E. Richards. c A continuation of The joyous story of Toto; a fairy- story introducing animals. 15 True stories. Nathaniel Hawthorne. b Contains the whole history of grandfather’s chair, and describes many historical scenes in which it figured. 443 Twenty years at sea. Frederic Stanhope Hill. a Civil war and earlier period. One of the best narra- tives of life at sea recently published. 437 Two college girls. Helen Dawes Brown. a Story of Vassar life. 173 Two Gray girls. Ellen Haile. b 540 Two little confederates. Thomas Nelson Page, b Adventures of two little boys left on a Virginia plantation during the war. » 874 Two little pilgrims’ progress. b Frances Hodgson Burnett. Story of two country children who went by them- selves to the World’s fair at Chicago. 317 Two Miss Jean Dawsons. a Margaret M. Robertson. 751 Two sides of a shield. Charlotte M. Yonge. a 687 Two years before the mast. a Richard Henry Dana, Jr. Entertaining experiences of a Harvard graduate as a common sailor, from 1837-39. 352, 370 Uncle Tom’s cabin. a Harriet Beecher Stowe. ^ cops. Story of slave life in the South before the civil war. 157 Under the lilacs. Louisa M. Alcott. b Story of a stray circus boy who found friends for himself and his remarkable dog at a country house. 811 Underfoot. Laura D. Nichols. b What two children found out about caves, volca- noes, stone quarries, mines, and various treasures within the earth. CATALOGUE 47 445 Ups and downs. Edward Everett Hale. a An entertaining story of a young man working out his fortune in the West. 739 Yicar’s daughter George Macdonald. a This story follows A seaboard parish. 667 Tictory of the yanqiiished. a Elizabeth Charles. A story of unusual interest of Rome and her prov- inces in the first century of the Christian era. 200 Yision of Sir Launfal. Jas. Russell Lowell. a 512 Yoyage alone in the Yawl “ Rob Roy.” b John Macgregor. From London to Paris and hack by Havre, the south coast, etc. 767 Walks in Rome. Augustus J. C. Hare. a 72 We girls. Mrs. A. D. T. Whitney. a Several characters introduced in Leslie Goldthwaite reappear. 346 Weighed and wanting. George MacDonald. a 852 Westward ho! Charles Kingsley. a Fine story of adventure in the reign of Queen Eliza- beth. Scenes in England, South America, and on the high seas. 419 What Katy did. Susan Coolidge. b Every day adventures of Katy Carr and her younger sisters and brothers. 420 What Katy did at school. Susan Coolidge. b Experiences at boarding-school. 418 What Katy did next. Susan Coolidge. b How Katy went to Europe. 502 When I was a boy in China. Yan Phou Lee. a Interesting and instructive. 523 When I was your age. Laura E. Richards. b Memories of childhood, by the daughter of Dr. S. G. and Mrs. Julia Ward Howe. 48 CATALOGUE 845 When London burned. G. A. Henty. a Boy’s adventures during the plague and the great fire, in the time of Charles the Second. 292 When Molly was six. Eliza Orne White. c story of what happened to a little girl in each month of a pleasant year. 429 White as snow. Edward Garrett. a 53 White heron, A. Sarah Orne Jewett. a Nine stories of New England life and character. 513 White rose of Langley. Emily Sarah Holt. a Story of the English court in the olden time. 156 Wide, wide world, The. Susan Warner. a 311 Wild men and wild beasts. a R. Gordon Gumming. Hunting adventures in India. 436 William Henry and his friends. b Abby Morton Diaz. Mr. Fry describes a summer spent at William Henry’s home, and gives many letters. 435 William Henry letters. Abby Morton Diaz. c Entertaining letters which pass between a boy at boarding-school and his friends at home. 562 William, Prince of Orange. T. M. Merriman. a 716 Will's voyages. P. Frankfort Moore. b 697 Window in Thrums. J. M. Barrie. a Delightful studies of life'and character in a Scotch town. 104 Winifred. Lucy Ellen Guernsey. a Story of the tdme of James the Second. 554. With Wolfe in Canada. G. A. Henty. a Introduces the story of Braddock’s defeat and the attacks on Ticonderoga and Fort William Henry. 13 Wonder book. Nathaniel Hawthorne. b Stories from Greek mythology. CATALOGUE 49 172 Wonderful city of Tokio. Edward Greey. b Fact and fancy about the Japanese and their coun- try. 632 Wonders of insect life. J. E. Willet. b 465 Wreck of the Red Bird. b George Cary Eggleston. The adventures of three boys on an islandjoff the Carolina coast. 846 Wulf the Saxon. G. A. Henty. a story of the Norman conquest 265 Years that are told, The. Rose Porter. a 749 York and a Lancaster rose, A. Annie Keary. a Two little English girls, in different conditions of life, both named Rose, become friends and help each other. 263 Young folks’ book of American explorers. 1 b T. W. Higginson. Extracts from narratives of explorers of the American coast from the time of the Northmen to thel establishment of the Virginia and Massachusetts colonies. 107 Young folks’ history of England. b Charlotte M. Y^onge. From Julius Caesar to Victoria. 109 Young folks’ history of France. b Charlotte M. Yonge. From B. C. 150 to A. D. 1871. Ill Young folks’ history of Greece. b Charlotte M. Yonge. Sketch of mythology and history. 110 Young folks’ history of Rome. b Charlotte M. Y^onge. 119 Young Lucretia. Mary E. Wilkins. b Stories about little country girls and tl^eir doings. 50 CATALOGUE 748 Young Macedonian, A. Alfred J. Church. b A lively account of the adventures of two young men in the army of Alexander the Great. 169 Zig zag journeys in classic lands. b Hezekiah Butterworth. Travels of a party of boys through Spain, Southern France, Italy and Greece. 168 Zig zag journeys in Europe. b Hezekiah Butterworth. The Zig-zag Club travels through England, Belgium and France. iNiDE>:x: Aakon, Eugene Murkay- Butterfly hunters in the Cari- bees, 843. Abbot, W. J. Blue jackets of 1812, 546. Blue jackets of ’76, 547. Abbott, J. S. C. Chevalier de la Salle, 495. Madame Roland, 423. Marie Antoinette, 424. Miles Standish, 496. Peter Stuyvesant, 497. Abbott, Lyman. Commentary on the Acts of the Apos- tles, 865. Adams, C. K. Christopher Columbus, 653. Adeler, Max. Fortunate island, 253. Aguilar Grace. Home influence, 94. Alcott, L. M. Eight cousins, 83. Garland for girls, 258. Jack and Jill, 88. Jo’s boys, 270. Life, letters and journals, 304. Little women , 140. Rose in bloom, 285. Spinning wheel stories, 746. Under the lilacs, 157. Alden, W. L. Cruise of the Ghost, 48. Aldrich, T. B. Story of a bad boy, 137. Allan, E. P, One little maid, 758. 52 AUTHOR INDEX Allen, T. G., and Sachtleben, W. L. Across Asia on a bicycle, 322. Allen, W. B. Boyhood of John Kent, 280. Christmas at Surf Point, 92. Gulf and glacier, 247. Northern cross, 82. Pine cones, 152. Red mountain of Alaska, 778. Silver rags, 153. Amicis, Edmondo de. Cuore, 526. Andersen, H. C. Danish story book, 688. Hans Andersen’s story book, 689. Andrews, Jane. Seven little sisters who live on the round ball that floats in the air, 66. Ten boys who lived on the road from long ago to now, 249. Austin, Stella. ^Pat, 509. Aytoun, W. E. Lays of the Scottish cavaliers, 54. Bacon, A. M. Japanese girls and women, 647. Japanese interior. A, 648. Baldwin, James. Story of Siegfried, 520. Ball, R. S. Starland, 461. Ballard, J. P. Insect lives, 57. Bamford, M. E. Look-about club, 165. Barr, Mrs. A. E. Border shepherdess, 745. Jan Vedder’s wife, 704. Lone house. The, 742. Paul and Christina. 296. Barrie, J. M. Window in Thrums, 697. Bates, K. L. Rose and Thorn, 694, Baylor, P. C. Juan and Juanita, 753. Beard, D. C. American boy’s handy book, 844. AUTHOR INDEX 53 Bixby, O. J. Child-life in Burmah, 255. Bjornsen, Bjornstjerne. Happy boy, 452. Black, William. Four MacNicols, 573. Bolton, Mrs. S. K. Poor boys who became famous. 841. Bouvet, Marguerite. Sweet William, 777. Boyesen, H. H. Against heavy odds, 321. Story of Norway, 721. Branch, M. L. B. The Kanter girls, 875. Brassey, Mrs. Around the world in the yacht Sunbeam^ 351. Brine, M. D. Bonnie little Bonnibel, 779. Dan, 772. Little twin Roses, 780. Brooks, E. S.^£Century book for young Americans, 857. Historic boys, 180. Story of the American sailor, 856. Brooks, Noah. Fairport nine, The, 327. Brown, H. D. Little Miss Phoebe Gay, 141. Two college girls, 437. Brown, Dr. John. Spare hours, ser. 7, 319. Spare hours, ser. 2, 320. Brush, Mrs. C. C. Inside our gate, 680. Brush, M. E. Paul and Persis, 521. Buckley, Mrs. Arabella. Through magic glasses, 469. Burnett, Mrs. F. H. Little Lord Fauntleroy, 161. Sara Crewe, 363. That lass o’Lowrie’s, 312. Two little pilgrims’ progress, 874. Burroughs, John. Riverby, 499. Butler, W. A. Mrs. Limber’s raffle, 67. Butson, a. a. S. On the leads, 491. Butterworth, Hezekiah. Patriot school master, 819. Zigzag journeys in classic lands, 169. 54 AUTHOR INDEX Butterworth, Hezekiah. Zigzagjourneysin Europe,168. Campbell, Mrs. Helen. Ainslee and his friends, 466. American girl’s home book of work and play, 368. Prisoners of poverty abroad, 291. Some passages in the practice of Dr. Martha Scar- borough, 641. Carey, R. N. Merle’s crusade, 315. Carroll, Lewis. Alice’s adventures in wonderland, 284. Through the looking-glass, 287. Carroll, M. How Margery helped, 51. Carryl, C. E. Davy and the goblin, 557. Catherwood, Mrs. M. H. Rocky Fork, 331. Chamberlain, P. B. Rob Claxton’s story, 240. Champney, Mrs. L. W. G’eat-grandmother’s girls in New France, 774. Great grandmother’s girls in New Mexico, 163. Howling Wolf and his trick pony, 154. Chaplin, A. C. Our gold mine, 46S. Charles, Mrs. Elizabeth. Against the stream, 675. Draytons and the Davenants, The, 494. Early dawn, 750. Lapsed, but not lost, 676. Martyrs of Spain, 699. Note-book of the Bertram family, 677. On both sides of the sea, 674. Schonberg-Cotta family, 670. Three martyrs of the 19th century, 360. Victory of the vanquished, 667. Chase, A. and Clow, E. Stories of industry, 2v, 809-10. Cheney, E. D. ed. Life, letters and journals of Louisa May Alcott, 304. Chester, Eliza. Chats with girls on self-culture, 501. Girls and women, 56. AUTHOR INDEX 55 Chuhch, a. J. To the lions, 290. Young Macedonian, 748. Clare, Austin. Dream of Rubens, 259. Clark, E. W. From Hong-Kong to the Himalayas, 534. Life in Japan, 691. Clifford, Edward. Father Damien, 276. Coffin, C. C. Abraham Lincoln, 175. Boys of ’76, 558. Boys of ’61, 160. Daughters of the Revolution, 826. Drumbeat of the nation, 358. Story of liberty, 162. CoNYBEARE, W. J. and Howson, J. S. Life and epistles of St. Paul, R4. Cooke, Mrs. R. T. Happy Dodd, 695. CooLiDGE, Susan. Clover, 325, Guernsey Lily, A, 174. In the high valley, 421. Little country girl, 248. Nine little goslings, 516. Not quite eighteen, 422. What Katy did, 419. What Katy did at school, 420. What Katy did next, 418. Coryell, J. R. Diccon the Bold, 479. Diego Pinzon, 480. Cotes, Mrs. Everard. Story of Sonny Sahib, 116. Craddock, C. E. Down the ravine, 60. Story of Keedon bluffs, 460. Crafts, W. F. Sabbath for man, 867. Craik, Mrs. D. M. Muloch. Adventures of a Brownie, 65 ^ John Halifax, gentleman, 151. Miss Tommy and In a house boat, 334. 56 AUTHOR INDEX Craik, Mrs. D. M. Muloch. Noble life, A, 150. Crake, A. D. Edwy the Fair, 81. Crowninshield, Mrs. M. B. All among the light-houses, 366 . Cruden, Alexander. Concordance to the Holy Scrip- tures, R2. CuMMiNG, R. Gordon. Wild men and wild beasts, 811. Custer, Mrs. E. R. Boots and saddles, 316. Dana, R. H. Two years before the mast, 687. Dana, Mrs. W. S. How to know the wild flowers, 542. D’Aubigne, J. Merle. History of the Reformation, ^-4, 335-37. Davis, Mrs. R. H. Kent Hampden, 524. Dawes, A. L. How we are governed, 278. Dawson, E. C. James Hannington, 698. Day, Thomas. Sanford and Merton, 747. Diaz, Mrs. A. M. Bybury to Beacon Street, 101. Cats’ Arabian Nights, 176. Jimmyjohns, The, 434. Polly Cologne, 63. William Henry and his friends, 436. William Henry letters, 435. Dodge, Mrs. M. M. Donald and Dorothy, 478. Hans Brinker, 139. Land of Pluck, 817. Douglas, Mrs. A. M. Homenook, 760. In trust, 329. Drinkwater, J. M. Not bread alone, 696. Drummond, Henry. Ascent of man, 756. Greatest thing in the world, 293. Natural law in the spiritual world, 97. Earle, Mrs. A. M. ^Sabbath in Puritan New England, 728. AUTHOR INDEX 57 Eastwood, Frances. Geoffrey the Lolard, 268. Eaton, Frances. Dollikins and the miser, 541. Eggleston, G. C. Big brother. The, 163. Captain Sam, 464. Signal boys, 754. Wreck of the Red bird, 465. Emerson, . Hand book of wood engraving, 392. Ewing, Mrs. J. H. Brothers of pity, 735. Flat iron for a farthing, 11. Great emergency, 70. Jackanapes, 250. Jan of the windmill, 4. Lob-lie-by-the-fire, 729. Mary’s meadow, 187. Six to sixteen, 266. Farrar, F. W. Early days of Christianity, 755. Eric; or, Little by little, 298. St. Winifred’s, 555. Feuge, F. R. India, 543. Fielde, a. M. Corner of Cathay, A, 355. Fisher, G. P. Beginnings of Christianity, 860. Fiskb, John. Destiny of man, 236. History of the United States, 825. Fletcher, R. H. Marjorie and her Papa, 800. Frederic, Harold. In the Valley, 764. French, H. W. Oscar Peterson, 840. Our boys in India, 361. Frith, Henry, School-boys all the world over, 298. • Frye, A. E. Brooks and brook basins, 123. Gardner, Mrs. H. C. Mehetabel, 705. Garrett, Edward. White as snow, 429. 58 AUTHOR INDEX Gaskell, Mrs. E. C. Cranford, 426. Gaye, Selina. Courage and cowards, 80. Gatty, Mrs. Alfred. Parables from nature, 802-3. Gaylord, Glance. After years, 147. Jack Arcombe, 145. Giberne, Agnes. Aimee, SI?. Gibson, J. M. Ages before Moses, 732. Gladden, Washington. Santa Claiis on a lark, 563. Glover, Elizabeth. Children’s wing, The, 232. Family manners, 457. Talks about a fine art, 307. Goodwin, Christina. After school-days, 618. How they learned housework, 272. Goodwin, H. B. Dr. Howell’s family, 62. Gordon, M. L. American missionary in Japan, 260. Goss, W. L. Tom Clifton, 741. Gould, J. T. Marjorie’s quest, 369. Grant, Mrs. Anne, American lady. An, 781. Grant, Robert. Jack Hall, 717. Jack in the bush, 712. Gray, G. Z. Children's crusade, 551. Green, Evelyn Everett — Shut in, 714. Greene, Homer. Blind brother, 470. Burnham breaker, 471. Greey, Edward. Wonderful city of Tokio, 172. Griffis, W. E. Brave little Holland, 237. Guernsey, L. E. Chevalier’s daughter, 672. Foster sisters, 679. Lady Betty’s governess, 685. Lady Rosamond’s book, 718. Loveday’s history, 684. Through unknown ways, 671. Winifred, 104. AUTHOR INDEX 59 Hague, P. A Blockaded family, 73. Haile, Ellen. Two Gray girls, 173. Hale, E. E. Four and five, 430. In His name, 385. Our new crusade, 384. Stories of the sea, 444. Ups and downs, 445. Hale, G. E. Little fiower people, 90. Hamilton, G. W. Finding Blodgett, 235. Hamilton, Gail. Stumbling blocks, 527. Hanson, C. H. Homer’s stories simply told, 724. Hakdy, a. S. Life and letters of Joseph Hardy Neesima, 773. Hare, A. J. C. Walks in Rome, 767. Harraden, Beatrice. Things will take a turn, 135. Harris, Mrs. M. C. Louie’s last term at St. Mary’s, 770. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Tanglewood tales, 14. True stories, 15. Wonder book, 13. Henley, W. E., comp. Lyra heroica, 417. Henty, G. a. For the temple, 350. St. Bartholomew’s eve, 726. St. George for England, 848. When London burned, 845. Wi h Wolfe in Canada, 554. Wulf the Saxon, 846. Hepworth, G. H. Hiram Golf’s religion, 807. They met in Heaven, 808. Herrick, S. B. Earth in past ages, 58. Higginson, M. T. Room for one more, 678. Higginson, T. W. Short studies of American authors, 197- Young folk’s book of American explorers, 263. Hill, F. S. Twenty years at sea, 443. 60 AUTHOR INDEX Hill, Thomas. Stars and the earth, 196. Holder, C. F. Along the Florida reef, 560. Holland, J. G. Arthur Bonnicastle, 776. Holm, Saxe. Saxe Holm stor'es, 295. Holt, E. S. At ye Grene Griffin, 505. Lettice Eden, 504. White Rose of Langley, 513. Houghton, L. S. Fifine, 257. Howard, B. W. No heroes, 342. One year abroad, 412. Howell, M. H. Along the old road, 143. Howells, W. D. Christmas every day, 138. Howson, J. S. Character of St. Paul, 288. Hughes, Thomas. Manliness of Christ, 68. School days at Rugby, 69. Humphrey, F. A. Children of old Park’s tavern, 103. Ingelow, Jean. Off the Skelligs, 703. Ingersoll, Ernest. Country cousins, 552. Ice queen. The, 76. Old ocean, 442. Ingraham, J. H. Pillar of fire, 769. Irving, Washington. Sketch book, 477. Jackson, Mrs. Helen Hunt. Bits of talk, 212. Hunter cats of Connorloa, 659. Nelly’s silver mine, 244. Ramona, 322. Jak. Birchwood, 475. Professor Johnny, 476. Jamison, Mrs. C. Y. Lady Jane, 556. Jewett, J. R. Bunny stories, 554. Jewett, S. O, Betty Leicester, 52. AUTHOK INDEX 61 Jewett, S. O. Country by-ways, 19. Country doctor. A, 289. j Marsh Island, A, 78. Flay days, 256. White heron, 53. Johnson, H. K. Roddy’s romance, 700. JuDSON, Edward. Life of Adoniram Judson, 775. Keary, Annie. York and Lancaster rose. A, 749. Kieffer, H. M. Recollections of a drummer boy, 771. King, H. M. Mary’s alabaster box, 500. Kingsley, Charles. Madam How and Lady Why, 281. Westward ho! 852. Kingston, May. Phoebe Skiddy’s theology, 333. Kipling, Rudyard. Jungle book, 528. Knox, T. W. Boy travelers in Southern Europe, 364. La blanche, Fanny. Starlight stories, 511. Laing, C. H. B. Seven kings of the seven hills, 61. Lakeman, Mary. Ruth Eliot’s dream, 517. Lamb, Charles and Mary. Tales from Shakespeare, 638. Lanier, Sidney, ed. Boys’ Froissart, 752. Boys’ Mabinogian, 763. La Rame, Louise de. Bimbi, 349. Larcom, Lucy. New England girlhood. A, 202. Lee, Yan Phou. When I was a boy in China, 502. Leighton, Robert. Olaf the Glorious, 847. Leslie, Emma. Flavia, 102. Lillie, Mrs. L. C. Esther’s fortune, 549. Jo’s opportunity, 16. Nan, 657. Squire’s daughter, 509. Litchfield, G. D. Little He and She, 181. 62 AVTKOn INDEX Longfellow, H. W. Poems, 830. Loughead, Florence. Abandoned claim, 431. Lowell, J. R. Cathedral, The, 200. Poems, 831. Vision of Sir Launfal, 200. Lowell, R. T. S. Antony Brade, 510. Lukin, John. Amongst machines, 493. Lummis, C. P. Some strange corners of our country, 766. Macaulay, T. B. Lays of Ancient Rome, 54. McCook, Henry. Tenants of an old farm, 535. Macdonald, George. Annals of a quiet neighborhood, 341. Double story, 233. Gutta-percha Willie, 339. Light Princess, 360. Miracles of our Lord, 340. Robert Falconer, 345. St. George and St. Michael, 343. Seaboard parish, 347. Vicar’s daughter, 739. Weighed and wanting, 346. Macduff, J. R. Story of Bethlehem, 382. MACGREGOR, JoHN. Voyage alone in the yawl “Rob- Roy,” 512. Mackenzie, Robert. Nineteenth century, 820. Macla^en, Ian. Beside the bonny brier bush, 806. Macleod, Norman. Character sketches, 733. Malet, Lucas. Little Peter, 50. Manning, Anne. Faire Gospeller, 668. Jacques Bonneval, 427. Manton, W. P. Field botany, 194. Insects, 193. AUTHOR INDEX 63 Manton, W. P. Taxidermy without a teacher, 195. Marryat, Captain. Children of the New Forest, 683. Marshall, Emma. Dayspring, 274. Dewdrops and diamonds, 273. Mrs. Mainwaring’s journal, 275. Penshurst castle, 727. Martineau, Harriet. Feats on the fiord, 17. Martyn, W. C. Life and times of Martin Luther, 736. Matthews, Brander. Tom Paulding, 297. Matthews, Julia. Nellie’s stumbling block, 74. May, Sophie. Dotty Dimple at her Grandmother’s, 31. Dotty Dimple at home, 32. Dotty Dimple at play, 34. Dotty Dimple at school, 35. ^ Dotty Dimple out West, 33. i Dotty Dimple’s flyaway, ^ cops, 36, 38. In Old Quinnebasset, 759. Little Prudy, 39. Little Prudy ’s Captain Horace, 41. Little Prudy’s Cousin Grace, 43. Little Prudy’s Dotty Dimple, 44. Little Prudy’s Sister Susy, 40. Little Prudy’s story book, 42. Meade, L. T. Mother Herring’s chicken, 79. Scamp and I, 483. Meadowcroft, W. H. a B C of electricity, 454. Merriman, T. M. William, Prince of Orange, 562. Miller, Mrs. O. T. Little folks in feathers and fur, 178. Our home pets, 132. Queer pets at Marcy’s, 177. Molesworth, Mrs. M}^ new home, 96. Moore, Annie and Nichols, L. D. Overhead, 812. Moore, F. F. Will’s voyages, 716. 64 AUTHOR INDEX Morris, Charles. Historical tales, 4^. 821-24. Morse, Mrs. L. G. Rachel Stan wood, 701. Moulton, Mrs. L. C. New bed time stories, 261. Moxom, P. S. Aim of life, 279. Munroe, Kirk. Canoemates, 310. Flamingo feather, 112. Raftmates, 889. Neander, Augustus. History of the planting and train- ing of the'Christian church, 2v. 862-63. Nichols, L. D. Underfoot, 811. Nordhoff, Charles. Man-of-war life, 179. Politics for young Americans, 55. Ogden, Ruth. Courage, 305. Hts little Royal highness, 765. Loyal little Red-coat, 550. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. W. Jerusalem, the Holy city, 525. Owen, Catharine. Gentle bread winners. The, 585. Page, T. N. Among the camps, 344. Two little confederates, 540. Palmer, Lynde. Archie’s shadow, 708. Drifting and steering, 706. John-Jack, 709. One day’s weaving, 707. Parkman, Francis. Jesuits in North America, 816. Pioneers of France in the New World, 815. Peard, F. M. Jeannette, 332. Peloubet, F. N. and M. A. Select notes on the Inter- national lessons, 866. Perry, Nora. Another flock of girls, 359. Flock of girls. A, 326. Hope Benham, 323. AUTHOR INDEX 65 Phelps, E. S. Sealed orders, 673. Silent partner, 234. Singular life, 478. Pitman, M. J. European breezes, 254. Plympton, a. G. Dear daughter Dorothy, 757. Little sister of Wilifred, 537. Robin’s recruit, 519. Porter, Mrs. D. L. Blues cure, 372. Porter, Rose. Summer driftwood for the winter fire, 264. Years that are told, 265. Price, E. C. In the lion’s mouth, 849. Pruyn, Mrs. Mary. Grandmamma’s letters from Japan, 425. Pyle, Howard. Otto of the silver hand, 548. Rhoades, H. E. Around the World with the Blue jack- ets, 539. Richards, Mrs. L. E. Captain January, 367. Hildegarde’s holiday, 720. Joyous story of Toto, 508. Queen Hildegarde, 271. Toto’s merry winter, 99. When I was your age, 523. Rideing, W. H. Boys coastwise, 167. Robertson, M. M. Inglises, The, 318. Two Miss Jean Dawsons, 317. Romaunt, Christopher. Island home, 693. Roosevelt, Theodore, and Lodge, H. C. Hero tales from American history, 851. Round, W. F. Child Marian abroad, 518. Ruskin, John. Ethics of the dust, 553. 66 AUTHOR INDEX Saintine, X. B. Picciola, 636. Saunders, Marshall. Beautiful Joe, 282. ScHURZ, Carl. Abraham Lincoln, 238. Scott, Sir Walter. Quentin Durward, 353. ScuDDER, H. E. Bodley grandchildren, 186. Bodleys afoot, 184. Bodleys on wheels, 183. Bodleys telling stories, 2 cops, 182, 354 . Boston town, 768. Doings of the Bodley family, 545. Dream children, 125. Dwellers in Five sisters court, 127. English Bodley family, 166. Mr. Bodley abroad, 185. Seven little people and their friends, 128. Viking Bodleys, 365. Seawell, M. E. Decatur and Somers, 828. Paul Jones, 827. Through thick and thin, 855. Seebohm, Frederic. Era of the Protestant revolution, 669. Sewell, Anna. Black Beauty, 75. Shorthouse, J. H. Sir Percival, 330. SiBREE, Marie. Sermons from the studio, 690. Sleight, M. B. Knights of Sandy Hollow, 744. Slosson, a. T. Fishin' Jimmy, 314. Smiley, S. F. Garden graith, 245. Smith, M. P. W. Browns, The, 462. Jolly good times at Hackmatack, 439. More good times at Hackmatack, 440. Their canoe trip, 474. Smith, William. Dictionary of the Bible, R5. Spyri, Johanna. Heidi, 730. Stables, Gordon. On special service, 459. AUTHOR INDEX 67 Stalker, James. Imago Christi, 324. Stockton, F. R. Jolly fellowship. A, 171. Story of Yiteau, 144. Stoddard, W. O. Battle of New York, 762. Chris, the model maker, 842. Dab Kinzer, 299. Guert Ten Eyck, 559. Little Smoke, 761. On the old frontier, 561. Quartet. The, 300. Saltillo boys, 301. Talking leaves, 302. Stowe, Mrs. H. B. Betty’s bright idea, 308. Little Pussy Willow, 309. Uncle Tom’s cabin, 2 cops, 352, 370. Stretton, Hesba, Bede’s Charity, 131. Carola, 146. King’s servants, 134. Max Kromer, 133. Pilgrim Street, 136. Through a needle’s eye, 129. Stuart, A. W. Lives of the three Mrs. Judsons, 719. Stuart, R. M. Story of Babette, 126. SwETT, Sophie. Flying Hill farm, 467. Taylor, Bayard. By-ways of Europe, 532. Egypt and Iceland, 533. Temple, Crona. Through the rough wind, 492. Tennyson, Alfred. In memoriam, Enoch Arden and Favorite poems, 199. Poems, 551. Thaxter, Mrs. Celia. Stories and poems for~children, 833. 68 AUTHOR INDEX Tomlinson, E. P. Search for Andrew Field, 681. Three colonial boys, 853. Towle, G. M. Drake, the Sea king of Devon, 522. Trafton, Adeline. American girl abroad, 722. Dorothy’s experience, 262. Trollope, T. A. Paul the Pope and Paul the Friar, 661. Trowbridge, J. T. His one fault, 283. Trumbull, H. C. Teaching and teachers, 801. Van Sommer, E. Lionel Franklin’s victory, 458. Vandergript, Margaret. Rose Raymond’s wards, 743. Wallace, Lew. Ben Hur, 692. Warner, Anna. Dollars and cents, 93. Warner, Susan. Wide, wide world, 156. Washington, Elizabeth. Mother Michaud, 472. Webster, Leigh. Another girl’s experience, 277. Weed, C. M. Ten New England blossoms, 515. Wells, H. P. City boys in the woods, 356. Wesselhoeft, L. F. Frowzle, the runaway, 77. Sparrow the tramp, 49. White, E. O. When Molly was six, 292. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T. Ascutney street, 294. Bonnyborough, 348. Boys at Chequasset, 118. Faith Gartney’s girlhood, 734. Golden gossip. A, 108. Hitherto, 122. Homespun yarns, 686. Odd or even, 120. Other girls. The, 117. Patience Strong’s outings, 121. Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite’s life, 71. AUTHOR INDEX 69 Whitney, Mrs. A. D. T. We girls, 72. Whittier, J. G. Child life, 566. Child life in prose, 565. Poems, 832. WiGGiN, Mrs. K. D. Birds’ Christmas Carol, 148. Story of Patsy, 142, Summer in a canon, 306. Timothy’s quest, 64. Wilkins, M. E. Adventures of Ann, 710. Young Lucretia, 119. WiLLET, J. E. Wonders of insect life, 632. Williams, H. B. Sprag boy, The, 246. Wilson, E. C. Royal hunt, 155. Wood, J. G. Popular natural history, 564. Woods, K. T. Six little rebels, 328. Wyss, j. R. Swiss family Robinson, 303. Yonge, C. M. Book of golden deeds, 106. Chaplet of pearls, 508. Cook and the captive. The, 514. Daisy chain. The, 113. ^ Dove in the eagle’s nest, 506. Little Duke, The, 115. Little Lucy’s wonderful globe, 105. Prince and the page. The, 114. Stray pearls, 507. Two sides of a shield, 751. Young folks’ history of England, 107. Young folks’ history of France, 109. Young folks’ history of Greece, 111. Young folks’ history of Rome, 110. ADDITIONS ADDITIONS ADDITIONS ADDITIONS ADDITIONS ADDITIONS ADDITIONS ADDITIONS ADDITIONS additions ADDITIONS