U.UNOSS '"":TOR!CAl SURVEY ILLUSTRATED I-S- o- <**>- HICAGO SSTUIDE FOFi 1B8O. Fox, COLE & Co., PUBLISHERS, 177 LA SALLE ST. CHICAGO, ILL., U.S.A. Frlce One Xtollar- |p ^0 dftldf&(jO, the publishers would call especial attention to the varied and valuable infor- T|T mation it contains, and its fine arrangement and artistic appearance. Never before in the history of this or any other city has there been provided a volume so replete with data and directions for which there is daily use, prepared in form and style such as will give it place in the drawing- room, library and counting-house. It is illustrated -with engravings, printed in tint, of the leading Mercantile Houses, Manufacturing Establishments, and Public Institutions of Chicago. Many of these engravings are new and made expressly for this work. This book will not only be of interest to residents of Chicago but to the people of the Great West, who take a lively interest in their metropolitan citv. FOX, COLE & CO. \ \ 64637 fHE HISTORY OF CHICAGO has been so often told, and its age is counted with so few years, that all are familiar with it. In telling the story writers cannot go back of the present century, hardly previous to this generation, and yet in this brief time it has accomplished what thousands of years have not been able to do for many pretentious places, and many generations on the Western Continent. While the entire population of the county in which Chicago is situated was only 10,201 in 1840, 500,000 souls. The growth of commerce and busi- ness for the same time has not been second to the increase in population. In 1850 the manufacturers and wholesale dealers did a business of $20,000,000. This has increased to $764,000,000 in 1879. It must be borne in mind that during the last ten years of the history of Chicago it passed through an ordeal of fire second to none in modern times. Between the sunset of Sunday, October 9, 1871, and the same hour of the succeeding day, there buildings, which, with the property contained in them, represented more than two hundred millions dollars; and yet in only eight years after, the city is rebuilt in greater magnificence and splendor, and has almost doubled in population. The city is supplied with water by two immense pumping works, one on the lake shore at the foot of Chicago avenue, with a pumping capacity of 76,000,000 gallons per day, and the other about five miles away on the corner of Blue Island avenue and Twenty-second street, with a capacity of 30,000,000 gallons, both drawing their supply from the same source, the crib, situated over two miles out in Lake Michigan. The fire department of Chicago consists of 35 officers and men; 154 horses, 33 engines, 29 hose carts, 8 hook and ladder wagons, carrying 1,793 feet of ladders. The valuation of the property used by the department is estimated as follows: real estate, $203,550; buildings, $274,800; apparatus, $479,300.97, a total of $957,655-97- There are nearly two thousand acres of ground in and about Chicago devoted to parks, which have been secured at a cost of over $5,000,000, and when completed, by improving, will be the finest and most elaborate park economy on the continent. The shipping accommodations of Chicago are unequaled by any city not on tide water. The Chicago river provides more than forty miles of dockage, and Lake Michigan furnishes an outlet to the seaports of the world by way of the great chain of lakes and the St. Lawrence river, while the great railroads, radiating from all directions, put the By the statistics of the Post-office department, Chicago is only second in the amount of post-office business transacted. All these facts are pointed to with pride by those who admire progress and success, and with envy by those who live in cities which, from their location and want of push, cannot keep pace with the "Greatest City of the West." INDEX TO GUIDE. Amusements 46 j Libraries - 36 Asylums 16 ! Masonic Bodies - 12. Banks : 20 i Medical Colleges and Societies 36 Cemeteries 34 j Newspapers .*. - 18 Chicago, Sketch 4 and 5 ; Places of Interest to Strangers. Cityand Baggage Express Companies.... 16 i Post Office Department City Corporation Offices 10 i Preface City Railway Companies 30 Public Halls and Buildings County Offices 12 ! Railroads Express Companies 20 : Railroad Passenger Depots Exchanges 28 | Railroad Freight Offices... Foreign Consuls 28 I Reading Rooms Government Offices 34 I Street Guide Hack Ordinance.... 44 I Street Map Hotels 46 j Suburban Towns Hospitals .... - - . 36 Telegraph and Telephone Co Horse Cars and Destination 114 i Transportation Compar Judiciary 42 Tunnels INDEX TO ILLUSTRATIONS. Andrews, A. H. & Co., Works .'* G g7 H. A. Pitts' Sons Manufacturing Co., Building View of Chicago n Hibbard, Spencer* Co.. Building Illinois Staats Zeitun;; Building Jackson & Hughes, Building ". Kimbwk, S. !>.. Building Carson. Pirie. Scott & Co.. Building 41 Kirk. Thos. J. & Co.. Building La Salle Street Tunnel . .:...."\ McCormi.-k Harvester Co Work* Chicago Stove Works '. 93 Chicago Evening journal Building 105 Chicago'Shot Tower 24 Chicago White Lead and Oil Co., Works 25 McVicker's Theater... National Life Building '..'.'.".'.'.'.'.'. County Jail - - 109 Crane Bros. Manufacturing Co., Works 17 North Side Water Works, Exterior North Side Water Works. Interior .'. Old Fort Dearborn Farwell John V & Co" Building 81 Kire Insurance Patrol Building 59 Fox, Cole & Co., Building -.103 Post Office and Custom House Sherman House Furst & Bradley Manufacturing Co., Works 13 Gage Bros. & Co., Building _ 49 Goss & Phillips Manufacturing Co.. Works State Capitol..... Tobey Furniture Co., i:,,ildin K .'..... Trcmont House Grand Pacific Hotel .--? - 25 Haverly's Theater 52 Hartford Fire Insurance Co.. Buildings --.. Walshe. R. I., Building West Side Water Works _ _..:::~^ WiUoii I'ackini: Co.. Works.... INDEX TO BUSINESS HOUSES. Andrews. A. H. & Co. Blatchford, E. W. & Co H. A. Pitts' Sons Manufacturing Co Hibbard. Spencer & Co Blair, Wm. & Co 89 Hubbard, Gilbert & Co Chicago Shot Tower Co Chicago White Lead and Oil Co Jackson & Hughes Kimbark, S. D Chicago Stove Works 93 Kirk. Jas. S. & Co Collins & Burgie 95 Knight & Leonard Farwell, John V. & Co 81 Moore, S. H. & E. Y Fox, Co e Furst & Bradley Manufacturing Co. .... Schuttler* Hotz Gage Bros. & Co 49 Tobey Furniture Co. Goss & Phillips Manufacturing Co 77 Walshe, R. J ford Fire Insurance Co 68 j Wilson Packing Co CHICAGO PKOOBES8IVB ALBUM. CHICAGO CITY GUIDE. CITY CORPORATION OFFICES. MAYOR Carter H. Harrison. Office, No. 8 City Hall, Adams st. entrance. CITY CLERK P. J. Howard. Office, No. 5 City Hall. COMPTROLLER Theodore T. Gurney. Office, No. 3 City Hall. CORPORATION COUNSEL Francis Adams. Office, No. 10 City Hall. TREASURER "William C. Seipp. Office, No. 3 City Hall. CITY ATTORNEY Julius S. Grinnell. Office, No. 10 City Hall. PROSECUTING ATTORNEY C. S. Cameron. Office, No. 10 City Hall. SUPERINTENDENT HOUSE OF CORRECTION Charles E. Felton, Sacramento av. n. cor. 26th st. SCHOOL AGENT C. C. Chase. Office room, 20 Bryan bl. SUPERINTENDENT PUBLIC SCHOOLS Duane Doty. Office, 85 5th av. CITY PHYSICIAN W. P. Dunne, M.D., office, City Hall. FIRE MARSHAL J. D. Swenie. Office, No. 2 City Hall, Quincy st. entrance. THE BOARD OF ALDERMEN meets every Monday even- ing, in the Council Chamber, City Hall, and con- sists of two representatives from each of the eighteen wards of the city. BUILDING DEPARTMENT Room 4 City Hall, Adams st. entrance. CITY CLERK'S DEPARTMENT Room 5 City Hall, Adams st. entrance. CITY COLLECTOR'S DEPARTMENT Room 7 City Hall, Adams st. entrance. CITY TREASURER'S DEPARTMENT Room 9 City Hall, Adams st. entrance. COMPTROLLER'S DEPARTMENT Room 3 City Hall, Adams st. entrance. PUBLIC WORKS DEPARTMENT Room i City Hall, Adams st. entrance. HEALTH DEPARTMENT Room 8 City Hall, Adams st. entrance. ENTRANCE TO HARBOR. LAW DEPARTMENT Room 10 City Hall, Adams st. entrance. POLICE DEPARTMENT Rooms City Hall, LaSalle st. entrance. POLICE COURTS South Division Court is held at First Precinct Station, cor. Harrison st. and Pacific av. West Division Court, at Second Precinct Police Station, cor. W. Madison and S. Union sts. North Division Court, at Third Precinct Station, Chicago av., bet. N. Clark and N. LaSalle sts. 'DETECTIVE DEPARTMENT Headquarters, City Hall, LaSalle-st. entrance. BOARD OF EDUCATION Office, 85 Fifth av. Office open from 9 A. M. to 5 p. M. CITY FIRE DEPARTMENT Office, 2 City Hall, Quincy st. entrance. COUNTY OFFICES. BOARD OF COMMISSIONERS Offices, 60 and 62 North Clark st. (N. D.) BOARD OF EDUCATION Office, rooms i and 3, 171 Randolph st. PARK COMMISSIONERS Lincoln Park. Office, room 34 Ashland blk., op. Sherman House. West Chicago Parks. Office, 182 and 184 W. Washing- ton st. South Parks. Office, room 9, 92 Washington st. POST OFFICE. New Government Building, cor. Adams and Clark sts. Postmaster F. W. Palmer. Assistant-Postmaster C. S. Squiers. Chief Clerk and Sup't of Mails M. J. McGrath. Private Secretary D. Shepard. Clerk of Business Office W. E. Patten. Auditor E. P. Upham. Cashier P. R. Forrest. Accountant Fred Meyer. Superintendent of Carriers John M. Hubbard. Sup't Money Order Department Theo. F. Swan. Sup't Registry Department W. D. Rawlins. Sup't Stamp Department F. J. Groth. RAILWAY MAIL SERVICE Sup't James E. White. Chief Clerk W. P. Campbell. SPECIAL AG'T POST-OFFICE DEP'T James E. Stuart. Office Hours. Business hours, from 9 A M. to 4 P.M. Sup't Mails, 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Money Order Department, 9 A.M. to 4 I-..M. Registered Letter Division, S A.M. to 5 P.M. Wholesale Stamp, 9 A.M. to 5 P.M. Retail Stamp, 7 A.M. to 9 P.M. PLACES OP INTEREST TO STRANGERS. Waterworks Tower and Crib Chicago av. and Pine st. Board of Trade Building Washington and LaSalle sts. Custom House and Post-officebounded by Clark, Adams, Dearborn and Jackson sts. City Hall building Washington and LaSalle sts. County building Clark and Washington sts. Jail buildings North Side. Michigan and Dearborn sts. Exposition buildings Michigan av. and Adams st. Grand Pacific Hotel Clark and Jackson sts. Palmer House State and Monroe sts. Chicago Public Library Dearborn and Lake sts. Historical Society Library Washington st. Tunnel entrance Market and Wash- ington sts. LaSalle st. Tunnel entrance Lake and LaSalle sts. Lincoln Park (N. S.) N. Clark st. cars to entrance. Union Park (W. S.) Madison or Randolph st. cars. Jefferson Park (W. S.) Madison st. cars. Central Park (W. S.) Madison st. cars to park. Douglas Park (W. S.) Ogden av. cars to park. Humboldt Park (W. S.) Milwaukee av. cars. South Park and Boulevards (S. S.) South side cars. Douglas Monument nr. 35th st. and Cottage Grove av. Stock Yards (largest in the world, six miles from the city) steam cars; State st. horse cars; or S. Halsted st. cars direct to yards. CHICAGO TinOOlLS. WASHINGTON ST. TUNNEL extending from S. Market st. to S. Canal st. Covered portion, 920 ft. ; ex- treme length, 1,650 ft.; cost of building, $400,000. LASALLE ST. TUNNEL extends from E. Randolph st. to N. Kinzie. Completed May, 1872; covered portion, extending from Lake to Kinzie sts., 1,000 ft. long; extreme length, 1,750 ft.; cost of building, $500,000. LAKE TUNNEL Tunnel completed 1865, extending from Waterworks to Crib in the lake, two miles long, through which the water is conducted to the main works, supplying the city with as pure water as can be found in the world. THE NEW LAKE TUNNEL extends from cor. Twenty- second st. and Ashland av. under nearly the entire business portion of the city to the main Waterworks, and thence along the Old Tunnel to the Crib, supplying the West Side people of the city from the same fountain-head as the mam tunnel. Extreme length, six miles; diameter, 7 ft. 2 in.; estimated cost, $500,000. ASYLUMS. Chicago Nursery and Half-Orphan Asylum 855 N. Halsted St. and 175 Burling st. Chicago Protestant Orphan Asylum 789 Michigan av. Chicago Reform and Industrial School 713 Archer av. Erring Woman's Refuge Indiana av., S. E. cor. Thirty- first st. Cook County Insane Asylum and Poor House located at the town of Jefferson. Foundlings' Home 72 S. Wood st., nr. W. Madison st. Good Samaritan Industrial Home 151 Lincoln av.; office, 171 and 173 Randolph st. Home for the Aged W. Harrison, cor. Throop st. Home for the Friendless 911 Wabash av. House of Providence (for young women) adjoining Mercy Hospital) Calumet av., cor. Twenty-sixth st. Old People's Home Indiana av., cor. Thirty-ninth st. Soldiers' Home S. EVanston. St.Joseph's Home for the Friendless 409 and 41 1 S.May. St. Joseph's Orphan Asylum Thirty-fifth St., cor. Lake av. St. Mary's Orphan Asylum 707 Archer av. Uhlich Evangelical Lutheran Orphan Asylum Burl- ing St., N. W. cor. Centre st. Washingtonian Home 566 to 572 W. Madison st. CITY AND BAGGAGE EXPRESS. Brink's Chicago City Express 59 State st. Converse Union Park Express 564 W. Madison st. Merchants City Express 73 Jackson st. Swigert's City Express 103 Randolph st. Union Express Line 113 Randolph st. Western Avenue Express 983 W. Madison st. TELEGRAPH COMPANIES. American Union Telegraph Co. LaSalle, N. W. cor. Washington st. Atlantic and Pacific Telegraph Co. 126 Washington st. Board of Trade Telegraph 2 Exchange place. Chicago and Milwaukee Telegraph Co. 7 Exchange pi. Gold and Stock Telegraph Co. Room 17, no LaSalle. Western Union Telegraph Co. LaSalle St., S. W. cor. Washington. CITY TELEPHONE AND TELEGRAPH CO'S. American District Telegraph Co. 118 LaSalle St., 94 Twenty. second st.; 515 Wabash av.; City Hall; 257 and 693^ W. Madison; Twenty-second St., cor. Center av., and 246 Chicago av. Bell Telephone Co. Office, 125 L.aSalle st.; 2 Franklin St.; 117 W. Madison st., and 170 Twenty-second st. Chicago Telephone Exchange Room 6, 125 LaSalle st. S. W. ADAMS, SKC. CKANB BKOTI s.NF'0 CO.. 10 N. Jefferson ft.. Manufacturers of Wrought-Iron Pipe, Steam Pump 9 . Steam a. Steam and Hydraulic Freight and Passer ger Elevators, Steam Hoisting Engines for Furnaces. Mines. Etc., Stationary Steam Engines. Etc. PROMINENT NEWSPAPERS. (Daily and Weekly.) Chicago Daily News 123 Fifth av. Chicago Daily Telegraph 122 Fifth av. Chicago Evening Journal 161 Dearborn st. Chicago Times Fifth av., N. W. cor. Washingtor Chicago Tribune Madison St., cor. Dearborn. Chicago Inter-Ocean Crystal block, 81 Madison Chicago Daily Law Bulletin 113 Madison st. Chicago Volks Freund 60 Firth av. Neue Freie Presse 60 Fifth av. Skandinaven 87 Franklin st. Illinois Staats Zeitung 91 Fifth av. (Weekly.) Advance 155 Dearborn st. Alliance 155 Dearborn st. The Appeal 78 Monroe st. Chicago Journal of Commerce 70 State st. Chicago Railway Review 35 Howland block. Chicago Legal News 47 Dearborn st. Dunton's Spirit of the Turf 164 Washington st. Farmers' Review 104 State st. Industrial World and Commercial Advertiser Randolph st. -164 Interior 69 Dearborn st. North-Western Christian Advocate 57 Washington st. North- Western Lumberman 1154 Lake st. Prairie Farmer 118 Monroe st." Railway Age Grand Pacific Hotel. Religio-Philosophical Journal 92 LaSalle st. Saturday Evening Herald 85 Madison st. Standard 42 McCormick's block. Western Rural 157 Dearborn st. (Monthly.) American Bee Journal 974 W. Madison ft. American Miller 184 Dearborn st. American Poultry Journal 182 Clark st. Factory and Farm Fox, Cole & Co., publishers, 177 LaSalle St., 40 pages. Furniture Trade Journal-7o Dearborn st. Grocer's Criterion 88 Fifth av. Horseshoer and Hardware Journal Fox, Cole & Co., publishers, 177 LaSalle st., 16 pages. The Argus 161 LaSalle st. The Spirit and Wine Trade Review 119 Clark st. The National Farmer Fox, Cole & Co., publishers, 177 LaSalle st., 16 pages. The Western Manufacturer 89 Madison st. The Western Brewer 167 Dearborn st. The Western Catholic 92 LaSalle st. OLD PORT DEAKBOK: BANKS FOR DEPOSIT. Adsit, James M. 38 Clark st. Canadian Bank of Commerce LaSalle, N. W. cor. Madison st. Bank of Montreal LaSalle St., cor. Madison. Chicago Clearing House 80 LaSalle st. Commercial National Bank 99 Dearborn st. Corn Exchange Bank 15 Chamber of Commerce. Fifth National Bank LaSalle st.,N.W.cor.Washington. First National Bank State St., S. W. cor. Washington. Hibernian Banking Association Lake st., S. W. cor. Clark. Hide and Leather Bank 70 LaSalle st. Home National Bank W. Washington st., S. W. cor. Halsted. International Bank 108 LaSalle st. Merchants National Bank 80 LaSalle st. Merchants Savings, Loan and Trust Co. 103 Dearborn. National Bank of Illinois 107 Dearborn st. North-Western National Bank Clark St., N. E. cor. Washington. Preston, Kean & Co. 100 Washington st. Traders Bank 138 LaSalle st. Union National Bank LaSalle st., S. W. cor. Wash- ington. Union Stock Yards National Bank Exchange building, Stock Yards. BANKS FOB SAVINGS. Dime Savings Bank 105 Clark st. Hibernian Banking Association Lake st, S. W. cor. Clark. Home Savings Bank W. Washington st., S. W. cor. Halsted. Illinois Trust and Savings Bank 145 Randolph st. Illinois Trust Co. of Princeton, 111. 105 Clark st. Mechanics and Traders Savings, Loan and Building Association 1 10 Dearborn st. Merchants Savings Loan and Trust Co. 103 Dearborn. Prairie State Loan & Trust Co. no W. Washington st. Union Trust Co. Savings Bank 133 Dearborn st. EXPRESS COMPANIES. Adams Express Co. 53 Madison st. American Express Co. 72 Monroe st. Branch offices: 90 W. Water st; Madison st, S. W. cor. LaSalle; 60 S. Halsted st, and Central Depot, foot of Randolph st. Baltimore and Ohio Express Co. 83 Clark st. United States Express Co. 87 Washington st. Western Express Co. 80 S. Water st. RAILROAD PASSENGER DEPOTS AND TICKET OFFICES. BALTIMORE & OHIO R. R. Depots: Exposition build- ing and foot of Twenty-second st. Ticket offices: 83 Clark st., Palmer House, Grand Pacific Hotel, and Depot (Exposition building). CHICAGO & ALTON Union Depot (W. S.), near Madi- son st. bridge, and Twenty-third st. Ticket offices at depots, 89 S. Clark st, Grand Pacific Hotel and Palmer House. CHICAGO, BURLINGTON & QUINCY RAILROAD For maps, guide books, time tables, sleeping-car accom- modations, apply at any of the following ticket offices of the Company in Chicago: 59 Clark St., Grand Pacific Hotel, Brink's Express office (on N.E. cor. Randolph and State sts.), foot of Indiana av., Grand Central Depot, cor. Canal and Sixteenth sts., Palmer House, and cor. Canal and Madison sts. (on W. S.) CHICAGO & EASTERN ILLINOIS R. R. (Danville Route) Ticket offices, 77 Clark St., Palmer House, Grand Pacific Hotel, and Depot cor. of Clinton and Car- roll sts. CHICAGO, MILWAUKEE & ST. PAUL R'Y Union Depot, cor. Madison and Canal sts. Ticket offices: 63 Clark st., Palmer House and Grand Pacific Hotel. CHICAGO & NORTHWESTERN R'Y Ticket offices: 62 Clark St., Grand Pacific Hotel, Brink's Express office (on N. E. cor. Randolph and State sts.), Palmer House, cor. Canal and Madison st. (on W. S.), and at the Depots, cor. Wells and Kinzie sts. and cor. Canal and Kinzie sts. CHICAGO & PACIFIC R. R. Depot, Chicago av. corner Larrabee st. CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC R. R. Depot, cor. Van Buren and Sherman sts. Ticket offices: 56 Clark St., Sherman House, Palmer House, Grand Pacific Hotel, and 75 Canal St., cor. Madison. GRAND TRUNK RAILROAD Depot, Fourteenth near State st. ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD Depot, foot of Lake st. and foot of Twenty-second st. Ticket office, 121 Randolph st. near Clark, Grand Pacific Hotel and Palmer House. KANKAKEE LINE Depot, foot of Lake st. and foot of Twenty-second st. offices at Depots : Van Buren st, head of LaSalle, Twenty second st. and Forty-third st. Ticket and OKAND PACIFIC HOTEL. I . BLATCHFORD, PR . Clinton & Pulton Sts. CHICAGO WHI freight office] under Sherman House, and Ticket offices in the Grand Pacific Hotel and Palmer House. LOUISVILLE, NEW ALBANY & CHICAGO R. R. Ticket office, 79 Clark st. Depot, Clinton st., cor. Carroll. MICHIGAN CENTRAL RAILROAD Depots, foot of Lake st. and foot of Twenty-second st. Ticket office, 67 Clark St., S. E. cor. of Randolph st., Grand Pacific Hotel and at Palmer House. PITTSBURGH, CINCINNATI & ST. Louis R. R. (Cincin- nati Air-Line and Kokomo Line) Depot, cor. Clinton and Carroll sts. (W. S.) PITTSBURGH, FT. WAYNE & CHICAGO R'Y Depot, cor- Canal and Madison sts. Ticket offices : 65 Clark st., Palmer House and Grand Pacific Hotel. WESTERN INDIANA & CHICAGO R. R. Depot, Four- teenth near State st. RAILROAD FREIGHT OFFICES, ETC. Baltimore & Ohio R. R. foot of S. Water st. Chicago, Burlington & Quincy R. R. Canal st. Viaduct. Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific R. R. Twelfth st., S.W. cor. Fourth av. Chicago & Alton R. R. on west side, at Van Buren st. bridge. Chicago & Eastern Illinois R.R. Fulton st.,cor. Morgan. Chicago & Iowa R. R. Gen'l agent, 94 Dearborn st. Chicago & Lake Huron R.R. Gen'l ag't, 8 Exchange pi. Chicago & Northwestern R. R. Contracting freight office, Randolph cor. LaSalle sts. Chicago & Pacific R. R. 60 Clark st. Grand Trunk R. R. Freight office, 108 Washington st. Illinois Central R.R. Freight office, foot of S. Water st. Lake Shore & Michigan Southern R. R. Polk cor. Pacific av. Michigan Central R. R. foot of S. Water st. Pittsburg, Cincinnati & St. Louis R. R. 116 LaSalle st. Milwaukee & St. Paul R. R. N. Halsted Viaduct. SUBURBAN TOWNS. Miles. Winetka Miles. 16 Rose Hill --- Tti Glencoe ... 18 Rogers Park 9 Highland Park 23 28 Evanston n Wilmette 14 WISCONSIN Maplewood 4 Waukegan DIVISION. Canfield ----35 12 Irving Park 6 Montrose 9 Norwood ioX Park Ridge Desplaines _.. Palatine 13 16 28 OMAHA DIVISION. Miles. Austin.... ... 63/1 Oak Park Miles. .... 8^ ... ... 7#| Maywood 10^ URLINGTON & QuiNCY RAILROAD. Ridgeland... CHICAGO, Lawndale 6^ Hinsdale 18 Hawthorn 8 Clarendon Hills 19 Riverside 12 CHICAGO, ROCK ISLAND & PACIFIC RAILROAD. Englewood ._ ..7 Prospect Avenue n Normal 73^) Tracy Avenue 12 Auburn 8 j Morgan Park 13 South Englewood 9 Blue Island ..15 Washington Heights.. 10 ILLINOIS CENTRAL RAILROAD. Kenwood 53 Hyde Park 7 Wood Lawn 8 Oak Woods Cornell.. South Lawn 1 FOREIGN CONSULS. Austro-Hungarian 2 Clark st. Consul, Henry Claus- Belgium 106 Washington st. Consul, Charles Hen- rotin. Denmark-25 9 Milwaukee av. Vice-consul Emil Dreier. France 76 Monroe st. Consul, Edmond Carey. German Empire 95 Fifth av. Dr. Hinckel. Great Britain 166 Randolph st. Vice-consul James Warrack. j Italy 114 Quincy st. Consul A. T. Scuitti. Netherlands 154 Fifth av. L. J. J. Nieurwenkamp. Sweden and Norway 226 Milwaukee av. Vice-consul Peter Svanoe. I Switzerland 130 Lake st. Henry Enderis, L. Boerlin, 157 State st. Turkey 106 Washington st. Charles Henrotin, consul. CHICAGO EXCHANGE. Board of Trade Washington st. cor. LaSalle. i Registration of Grain Room 19, 156 Washington st. ! State Grain Inspector Room 18, 156 Washington st. Chamber of Commerce Washington st. cor. LaSalle. Chicago Grain & Provision Exchange 124 Clark st. Chicago Public Produce and Free Stock Exchange 141 Madison st. Coal Exchange Grand Pacific Hotel. Drug, Paint and Oil Exchange 51 Wabash av. Lumberman's Exchange 238 S. Water st. National Association of Lumber Dealers Room 12, 154 Lake st. Pork Packers' Association of Chicago 132 Clark st. Produce Exchange S. Water st. cor. LaSalle. Provision, Grain and Stock Board Exchange place. EXTERIOR VIEW NORTH SIDE WATER-WORKS. CITY RAILWAY LINES. CHICAGO CITY RAILWAY Co. S. B. COBB, Pres.; DAN'L A. JONES, Vice-Pres.; C. B. HOLMES, Sup't; J. F. JOHNSON, Trcas.; W. N. EVANS, Scc'y. Office 50 State St. Superintendent's Office 960 State St. Archer av. cars leave State cor. Lake every 10 minutes. Cottage Grove av. cars leave same place every 4 minutes. Hyde Park dummy I've Cottage Grove av. every Hour. Indiana av. cars leave State cor. Lake ev. four minutes. State st. cars leave same place every three minutes. Stock- Yards cars I've State st. cor." Thirty -fourth every 20 minutes. Clark and Twenty-fifth st. i every 12 minutes. I've Clark cor. Randolph CITY RAILV NORTH CHICA V. C. TURNER, Pres.; H. CRAWFORD. Treas.; M. W. SOUIRES, Sup't ; Office 430 North Clark Street. Chicago av.and Larrabee. st. cars leave Clark cor. Madi- son ev. 6 minutes. Clark st. and city limit cars I've same place ev. 12 minutes. Clybourn av. and Division st. cars I've same place ev. 12 minutes. Lincoln av. cars I've same place ev. 12 minutes. Sedgwick and North av. cars I've same place ev. 12 minutes. Wells st. and Lincoln Park cars I've F^fth av. cor. Randolph ev. 6 minutes. Webster av. and Center st. cars I've Clark and Madison ev. 12 minutes. WEST DIVISION RAILWAY Co. J. R. JONES. Pres.; B. H. CAMPBELL, Vice-Pres.; WM. H. OVINC-.TON. Sec.; JAMES K. LAKE, Sup't. Office 50 Randolph St. Blue Island av. cars I've State st. cor. Randolph ev. 4 minutes. Clinton st. cars I've Randolph cor. State ev. 9 minutes. Madison st. cars I've State cor. Ran- dolph ev. 2 minutes. Milwaukee av. cars I've Ran- dolph cor. State ev. 5 minutes. Randolph st. cars I've same place ev. 3 minutes. Van Buren st. cars same place ev. 5 minutes. Halsted st. cars I've same place ev. 6 minutes. Ogden av. cars I've same place ev. 6 minutes. Canal st. cars I've same place ev. 8 minutes. West Twelfth st. cars I've same place ev. INTERIOR VIEW .NORTH .SIDE..WATEB-WORK8 -HE foundation of this house was laid in 1834 by George A. Robb, and succeeded in 1849 by Hubbard & Robb, and by the present firm in 1856. The rapid increase of business made neces- sary enlarged facilities, and the present extensive buildings and lofts were erected under the personal supervision of Mr. Geo. B. Carpenter, a member of the firm, and one who thoroughly understood the needs of the business; they are located on the river bank at the corner of Fifth avenue and South Water streets. They employ about fifty hands in the man- ufacture of sails, tents, awnings, paulins, wagon and horse covers, belting, netting, netting twines, and in silk flags and banners. In addition to this they carry' extensive stocks of manila, sisal and tarred hemp rope, steel and iron wire rope, all sizes and qualities, and twines of every description. They carry the largest stock and are the largest operators in their line west of New York. It is but giving the house of Gilbert Hubbard & Co. their due to state that having been pioneers in their line, they at all times are first to introduce new and improved stocks for any of their departments, and any goods that can be bought in any house of their class anywhere can be found in their store in Chicago; and among the thousands of sailors and ship-owners scattered from Duluth to the St. Lawrence, it would be a miracle to find one that does not know this old and long tried counted by the thousand, as they can equip any craft from anchor to pennant. QILBEHT HUBBARD & CO., 202. 204. 206 and 208 So. Water Street. CEMETERIES. Anshe Maariv Green Bay road, near city limits. Beth Hamedrash Oakwood, south of the city limits. B'Nai Sholom Green Bay road, near Graceland. Calvary Ten miles north of City. Office, room 20, Central Union Block. Cemetery of the Congregation of Sinai at Rose Hill. Cemetery of the Congregation of the Sons of Peace Green Bay road, south of Graceland. Cemetery of the Free Sons of Israel at Waldheim. Cemetery of the Hebrew Benevolent Society South of Graceland. Cemetery of the Congregation of the North Side at Waldheim. Chebra Gmilat Chasudim Green Bay road, south of Graceland. Chebra Kadisha Ubekar Cholim Green Bay road, south of Graceland. Concordia Five miles west of city limits, on Madison st. Office, 39 Market st. Forest Home Cemetery Office, 88 Washington st. German Lutheran of St. Paul and Emanuel Churches- Two miles north of city limits, near Graceland Cemetery. Graceland Green Bay road, 5 miles north of Court House. Office, room 8, 94 Dearborn st. Oakwoods Sixty-seventh St., Hyde Park. Office, room 9, 181 Clark st. Rosehill Seven miles from the City, on Milwaukee division of the Northwestern Railroad. Office, room 19, 132 LaSalle st. St. Boniface Green Bay road, 3 miles north of city limits. Waldheim Ten miles from Court House, on Galena Div. Chicago & Northwestern Railroad. Office, 84 LaSalle st. Zion Congregational Cemetery at Rosehill. GOVERNMENT OFFICES. Custom House 159 La Salle st. Night Custom House Office, foot of River st. Internal Revenue Department 159 LaSalle st. U. S. Treasury Department Room n, Custom House. Special Ag't U. S. Treasury Room 67, Custom House U. S. Appraiser 210 Market st. U. S. Attorney Room 29, Custom House. U. S. Circuit Court Room 40, 159 LaSalle st. U. S. Commissioner Room 25, Custom House. U. S. Court of Claims Room 25, Custom House. U. S. District Court Room 49, 159 LaSalle st. U. S. Court Official Reporter 52 and 54 Major block. U. S. Engineer's Office 24 Honore block. U. S. Inspector of Steam Vessels Room 70, 159 LaSalle st. U. S. Marine Hospital 41 Clark st. U. S. Marshal's Office Room 28, Custom House. U. S. Pension Agency Room 19, Marine building. U. S. Signal Office Room 38, Major block. Board of Examining Surgeons for Pensions 978 Wabash av. HOSPITALS. Alexian Brothers Hospital, 539 N. Market st. Bennett Hospital, 511 and 513 State st. Chicago Floating Hospital Association. Chicago Hospital for Women and Children.W. Adams st. cor. Paulina. Cook County Hospital, W. Harrison st. cor. Wood. Hahnemann Hospital, 287 Cottage Grove av. nr. Twenty- Marine Hospital, 5 miles north from Court House on lake shore. Mercy Hospital, Calumet av. cor. Twenty-sixth st. St. Joseph's Hospital, Sophia st. cor. Burling. St. Luke's Free Hospital, 724 Indiana av. Woman's Hospital of the State of Illinois, 571 Cottage Grove av. MEDICAL COLLEGES AND SOCIETIES. Bennett Medical College, 513 State st. Chicago College of Pharmacy, 235 Wabash av. Chicago Homoeopathic College, Michigan av. cor. Van Buren st. Chicago Medical College, Prairie av. cor. Twenty-sixth. Hahnemann Medical College, 287 Cottage Grove av. Rush Medical College, W. Harrison st. cor. Wood. LIBRARIES AND READING-ROOMS. Chicago Law Institute, room 12 City Hall, Adams st. Chicago Public Library, Dearborn st. S. W. cor. Lake. Chicago Athemeum Library, 50 and 52 Dearborn st. Cobb's Library, 173 Wabash av. Michigan Avenue Library, Mich. av. cor. Twenty-third. North Chicago Rolling Mill Library, Waubansia ave. cor. Wright st. Railroad Chapel Library, 715 State st. St. Mary's Parochial Library, Wabash av. S. E. cor. Eldridge Court. Union Catholic Library Association, 174 State st. Union Swedenborgian, Room 3, 83 Madison st. West Side Library, 239 W. Madison st. Young Men's Christian Association Reading Rooms, 150 Madison st. TOBEY FURNITURE COMPANY. State and >~^ E PUBLIC HALLS Accordia Hall, 112 and 114 Randolph st. American Express Go's Building, 72 Monroe st. Apollo Hall, 1270 State st. Arbeiter Hall, 368 W. Twelfth st. Athenaeum Building, 48 Dearborn st. Aurora Turner Hall, Milwaukee av. cor. Huron st. Board of Trade Building, LaSalle, S. E. cor. Washington. Brand's Hall, 162 N. Clark st. Burlington Hall, State st. cor. Sixteenth. Caledonia Building and Hall, 167 Washington st. Central Hall, Wabash av. cor. Twenty-second st. Central Music Hall, State st. cor. Randoph. Chamber of Commerce Building, LaSalle st. S. E. co r . Washington. City Hall, Adams st. cor. LaSalle. County Buildings and New City Hall, bounded by Wash- ington, LaSalle, Randolph and Clark sts. Concordia Hall, 166 and 168 Twenty-second st. Corinthian Hall, 187 E. Kinzie st. Covenant Hall, Lake st. S. W. cor LaSalle. Criminal Court Building, Michigan, cor. Dearborn av. Custom House, 159 LaSalle st. Douglas Hall, S. Park av. cor Twenty-seventh st. Excelsior Hall, 13 S. Halsted st. Exposition Building, Michigan av. and Monroe Folz' Hall, 267 North av. Farwell Hall, 148 Madison st. Ford's Hall, 44 to 50 W. Van Buren st. Freemason's, 76 Monroe st. Germania Hall, 60 N. Clark st. Grow's Opera Hall, 517 W. Madison st. Hershey Music Hall, 83 Madison st. Hoeber's Hall, 224 W. Twelfth st. Journal Building, 159 Dearborn st. Kingsbury Music Hall, 51 Clark st. Landmark Hall, Thirty-seventh and Cottage Grove av. Lumber Exchange, S. Water st. cor. Franklin. Lumberman's Exchange, S. Water st. cor. Franklin. Maskell Hall, 173 S. Desplaines st. McCormick Hall, Clark st. N. E. cor. Kinzie. McVicker's Theater, 78 Madison st. Methodist Church Block, Clark st. S.E. cor. Washington. Mueller's Hall, 356 North av. Odd Fellows' Hall, Clark st. S. E. cor. Washington. Odd Fellows' Hall, 406 Milwaukee av. Oriental Hall, 122 LaSalle st. Orpheus Hall, 239 W. Lake st. Pleiades Hall, 220 S. Halsted st. CARSON, PIRIE, SCOTT & GO'S DRY GOODS HOUSE, Madison Street, cor. Franklin. Produce Exchange Block, S. Water st. S.E. cor. LaSalle. Radical Hall, 615 W. Lake st. St. Peter's Hall, 28 State st. Schuartman Hall, 634 Larrabee st. Sharpshooters' Hall, Clark st. cor. Illinois. Societies' Hall, 210 Blue Island av. Staats Zeitung Building, Washington, cor. Fifth av. Standard Hall, Michigan av. cor. Thirteenth st. Temperance Hall, N. Market st. cor. Michigan. Times Building, Washington, cor. Fifth av. Tribune Building, Madison st. cor. Dearborn. Turner Hall (N.), 257 N. Clark st. Turner Hall (W.), 251 W. Twelfth st. Union Hall, Clark st. S. E. cor. Washington. United States Express Company's Building, 87 Wash- Washingtonian Home, 566 W. Madison st. Water-works, Chicago av. cor. Pine st. Water-works, West Side, Blue Island av. cor. Twenty- second. Westphal's Hall, 691 S. Halsted st. Workingmen's Hall, 368 W. Twelfth st. JUDICIARY. Appellate Court of Cook County, Grand Pacific Hotel. Circuit Court of Cook County, City Hall. Superior Court of Cook County, City Hall. Criminal Court of Cook County, room S Criminal Court Building, Dearborn st. entrance. Probate Court, 75 and 77 Clark st. Harrison st. west of Clark. Chicago av. west of N. Clark. Union Police Station, cor. Union and Madison sts. TRANSPORTATION COMPANIES. Goodrich Passenger Steamers' Landing, east of Rush st. Bridge. Lake Superior Steamers' Landing (N.D.), Wells st. Bridge. Northern Transportation Company's Dock, foot of N. LaSalle st. Sarnia and Grand Trunk Line Steamers' Dock, N. Wells st. Bridge. Union Steamboat Company's Landing, west bank of river, nr. Lake st. Bridge. Western Transportation Company's Dock, on the river bet. State and Dearborn sts. HACK ORDINANCE. The price to be charged by the owner or owners, or drivers, of any hackney coach, carriage or vehicle for the conveyance of passengers, except omnibuses, for hire within the city of Chicago, shall be as follows, to be regulated and estimated by the distance on the most direct route, namely : For conveying each passenger from one railroad de- pot to another railroad depot, 50 cents. For conveying each passenger not exceeding one mile, 50 cents. For conveying a passenger any distance over one mile and less than two miles, $1.00. For conveying each additional passenger of the same family or party, 50 cents. For conveying a passenger in said city any distance i exceeding two miles, $1.50. For each additional passenger of the same family or j party, $0 cents. For conveying children between five and fourteen years of age, half the above rates may be charged for "like distances; but for children under 'five years of age, no charge shall be made. Provided, that the distance from any railroad depot, steamboat landing or hotel to any other railroad depot, steamboat landing or hotel, shall in all cases be estimated as not exceeding one For the use by the day of any hackney coach or other vehicle drawn by two horses or other animals, with one or more passengers, $8.00 per day. For the use of any such carriage or vehicle by the hour, with one or more passengers, with the privilege of going from place to place, and stopping as often as may be required, as follows: For the first hour, $2.00; for each additional hour or part of an hour, $1.00. For conveying one or more passengers to or from any place in said city, between the hours of 12 o'clock, midnight, and 7 A.M., for each trip, without regard to For the use of any cab or other vehicle drawn by one horse or other animal, by the hour, with the privilege of going from place to place, with one or more passengers, and stopping when required: For the first hour, $1.00; for each additional hour or part of an hour, 50 cents. For the use of any such carriage by the day, $4.00. Every passenger shall be allowed to have conveyed upon such vehicle, without charge, his ordinary traveling baggage, not exceeding in any case one trunk and twenty- five pounds of other baggage. For every additional package, where the whole weight of baggage is over one hundred pounds, if conveved to any place within the city limits, the owner or driver shall be permitted to charge fifteen nts. PARKHUR8T & WILE 1 THEATERS AND PLACES OF AMUSEMENT. Academy of Music, Halsted st. near Madison. Aurora Turner Hall, Huron and Milwaukee av. Central Music Hall, State St. cor. Randolph. Chicago AtheniEum, 48 Dearborn st. Folly Theater, Desplaines st. n. of Madison. Farwell Hall, 148 Madison st. German Theater, 51 Clark st. Grow's Opera House, 517 W. Madison st. Halsted Street Opera House, Halsted and W. Harrison. Haverly's Theater, cor. Dearborn and Monroe sts. Hamlin's Theater, 87 Clark st. Hershey Music Hall, 83 Madison st. Hooley's Theater, 149 Randolph st. McCormick Hall, Kinzie and N. Clark st. McVicker's Theater, 78 Madison st. Metropolitan Theater, 51 Clark st. Standard Hall, Michigan av. and Thirteenth st. Turner Hall, 257 N. Clark st. Turner Hall, 255 W. Twelfth st. LEADING HOTELS. rt House, 145 Madison st. House, Randolph st. N. E. cor. Fifth av. Burdick House, Wabash av. S. W. cor. Adams. Burke's European Hotel, 140 and 142 Madison st. Central European Hotel, 13 S. Water st. Chicago Jockey and Trotting Club Hotel, Crawford av bet. W. Madison and Van Buren. City Hotel, State st. cor. Sixteenth. Clarendon House, N. Clark st. near cor. Ontario. Clifton House, Wabash av. N. W.cor. Monroe. Commercial Hotel, Lake st. N. W.cor. Dearborn. Gardner House, Michigan av. S. W.cor. Jackson. Gault House, Madison st. cor. Clinton. Grand Pacific Hotel, Clark st. N. W. cor. Jackson. ! Hotel Brunswick, 219 Wabash av. Matteson House, Wabash av. N. E. cor. Madison. J Michigan Avenue House, 21 Michigan av. Ogden House, 102 Franklin st. I Palmer House, State st. S. E. cor. Monroe. ! Parker House, 187 W. Madison st. Revere House, N. Clark st. cor. Michigan. Sherman House, Clark st. N.W. cor. Randolph. St. Caroline's Court Hotel, 18 S. Elizabeth. Tremont House, Dearborn, S. E. cor. Lake. Windsor European Hotel, 145 to 153 Dearborn st. SHERMAN HOUBB. the extensive and reliable houses of Chicago is the firm whose name heads this article, and who have for the past twenty-four years and upward catered successfully to the require- ments of a diversified and fastidious trade. Gage Brothers & Co's stock contains a complete variety of Millinery, Notions, Fancy Goods and Dry Goods sundries. Among these specialties we would name Ribbons, Corsets, Velvets, Satins, Bareges, Dress Buttons, Parisenas, Black English Crapes, Ladies' Hats, and Black Dress Silks. The spacious floors, arranged with scrupulous neatness, are really grand to behold, presenting, they do, an array of goods seemingly exhaustless. Interior buyers visiting Chicago will add to their profit by looking through this model emporium and witness the manufacturing of ladies' straw hats, also corsets, theirs being the pioneer corset manufactory of Chicago. The members of this firm, having devoted many 3-ears to catering to the wants of the great West, have acquired a knowledge of what is needed and seem to be appreciated. Dealers selecting their stocks from a firm of this character have the advantage of knowing that they are purchasing goods selected by thoroughly competent men and embracing the latest dictates of fashion, and at prices that fear no competition. mil DDQQD aann nnnn . IAVEHLY'8 THEATER. Dearborn Street, corner Monr JACKSON & HUGHES. Manufacturers and Dealers in Carpets, Oil Cloths, Matting, Etc. STATE CAPITOL, SPBIN3FIELD. ILL. 3RIEF SKETCH HE SCHUTTLER WAGON was first manu- factured by the senior PETER SCHUTTLER, on the corner of Randolph and Franklin Streets, in this city, in 1843, where he continued in business with unprecedented success up to the time of his decease in 1865. The present PETER SCHUTTLER had assisted his father in the management of the factory for several years previously, and hence was well qualified to continue the business without inter- ruption, which he did until 1868, when Mr. CHRIS- TOPH HOTZ was admitted as a partner, and since that time Messrs. SCHUTTLER & HOTZ have con- ducted the business as proprietors. The original factory was consumed by the Great Fire of October 8 and 9, 1871, and as the demand for the "Schuttler" wagon had exceeded its capacity, it was deemed advisable to remove to the corner of Clinton and Monroe Streets, where they had sufficient ground to build a factory, equal (as was then sup- posed) to the requirements of all future trade. The large and commodious buildings, of which we show an illustration on the following page, were ac- cordingly built, but the constantly increasing demand for its products far exceeded the most sanguine expectations of its projectors, and so they were com- pelled to erect in addition the new factory shown on page 57, which doubles the capacity for manu- facturing wagons since 1871. PETER SCHUTTLEB'S HUB AND SPOKE FACTORY, SAW MILL A] Sohuttler & Hotz, Proprietors Located on the track of the P., Ft. W. & C. R. R., I Main Office, 46 W. Monroe Street. i Sebor and Mather Sts. CHICAGO STREET GUIDE. av., .... avenue, e, east. N.D., - North Division, n.e., - - - northeast. S.D., - - South Division, s.e., - - - southeast. bet., - - - - between. ' A (N.D.) fr. 125 Southport av. w. to Dominick. Aberdeen (W.D.) fr. 238 W. Madison to Eleventh. Ada, N. (W.D) fr. 437 W. Randolph n. to W. Erie. Ada, S. (W.D.) fr. 437 W. Randolph s. to 461 W. Madison. Adams (S.D.) fr. Michigan av. W. to river. Adams, W. (W.D.) fr. the river W. to California av. Alaska (N.D.) fr. 385 Larrabee w. one block. Albany av. (W.D.) fr. Barry Point road s. to Lexington. AldineSq.(S.D.) fr. 141 Vincennes av.w. one-half block. Archer av. (S.D.) fr. 924 State s.w. to city limits and Bridgeport. Armitage av. (W.D.) fr. Mendell tir. 769 Elston av. w. to city limits. Armour (W.D.) fr. 505 W. Kinzie n. 10433 W.Chicago av. Arnold (S.D.) fr. Sixteenth s-to city limits. ' Artesian av. (W.D.) fr. 1040 W. Lake n. to W. Ohio. Arthington (W.D.) fr. 285 Centre av. Arthur (W.D.) fr. W. Sixteenth s. to Lumber, first e. of Almond (W.D.) fr. 952 W.Taylor s. to Ashland, one block. Alport (W.D.) fr.433 W. Sixteenth s. to Twenty-second. Alston av. (W.D.) Ambrose (W.D.) fr. S. Wood w. to 1040 S. Western av. Ash (S.D.) fr. Thirty-first s. to Illinois and Michigan. Ashland (W.D.) fr. 505 S. Roby w. to Olive. Ashland av. N. (W.D.) fr. 578 W. Lake n. to Clybourn place. Ann, N. (W.D.) fr. 362 W. Randolph N. to W. Kin Arbor PI. (W.D.) fr. 122 N. Ada w.to N. Ashland Arcade Ct. (S.D.) fr. 155 La Salle e. to 160 Clark. Arch (S.D.) fr. 722 Archer av. s.e. to Lyman. Ashland av. S. (W.D.) fr. 577 W. Lake s. to city limits. Ashley (W.D.) fr. 177 N. Wood w. to Leavitt. Astor (N.D.) fr. 583 Division N. to Schiller. Asylum PI. (W.D.) fr. 954 Alston av x w. to Leavitt. Auburn (S.D.) fr. Thirty-third s. to Douglas av. Augusta (W.D.) fr. 97 Elston av. w. to Crawford a\ AversVW.D.) fr. W. Kinzie n. to Chicago av. vers"(W.D.) fr. Avon (W.D.) fr. 267 S. Roby Ayers Ct. (W.D.) fr. W. Huroi to 83 Chicago ; . to Dominick. . to Racine av. six blocks B (N.D.) fr. 93 Southport av. w. Babetta av. (N.D.) fr. Fabius w. n. of city limits. Baldwin (W.D.) from 725 W. Kinzie n. to Hubbard. Banks (N.D.) from 473 N. State e. to the lake. Barber (W.D.) fr. 103 Stewart av. w. to 576 S. Halsted. Barry Point Rd. (W.D.) fr. junction of W. Madison and California av. s.w. to city limits. Bartlet av. (W.D.) fr. N. Kedzie av. w. to Homan av. Bates (W.D.) from Lumber w. to Stewart av. first s. of W. Twelfth. Bauwans (W.D.) fr. 587 N. Ashland av. n.w. and n. to W. Black Hawk. Beach (W.D.) fr. 40 W. Harrison s. to W. Twelfth. Beech av. (W.D.) fr. N. Kedzie av. w. to Sheridan. Bears (S.D.) fr. Illinois & Michigan canal s. to city lim- its; crosses Archer av. at 993. Belden av. (N.D.) fr. 30 Perrv e. to Lincoln av. Belden PI. (N.D.) ^-.458 Beld'en av. n.and w. half block. Belknap (W.D.) fr. 419 S. Morgan w. one-half block. Bellvue PJ. (N.D.) fr. 313 N. State e. to lake. Benson (S.D.) fr. 1089 Thirty-first s. to Thirty-second. Berlin (W.D.) fr. 1285 N. Leavitt w. to Western av. Bethuel (W.D.) fr. W. Sixteenth s. to W. Nineteenth, third e. of S. Crawford av. Better (W.D.) fr. Sholto w. to 340 S. May. Bickerdike (W.D.) fr. 412 W. Indiana n. to 403 W. Chi- Bickerdike Sq. (W.D.) fr. Bickerdike w. to Armour, bet. W. Ohio and W. Indiana. Birch (W.D.) fr. 425 S. Roby w. to Kendall. Bishop Ct. (W.D.) fr. 478 W.Washington s. to W. Mad- Bismarck (W.D.) fr. Rockwell w. to Humboldt Park. Bismarck Ct. (W.D.) fr. Rucker w. to 87 Noble. Bissell (N.D.) fr. 137 Dayton n.w. to Willow and n. to Belden av. Bixby PI. (W.D.) fr. 459 W. Kinzie n. to Hubbard. Black Hawk (N.D.) fr. the river n.e. and e. to 398 Sedg- Black Hawk, W. (W.D.) fr. the river w. to N. Paulina. Blackwell (S.D.) fr. 230 Eighteenth s. to Twentieth. Blair (W.D.) fr. 31 Canalport av. s. to Twentieth. Blake (S.D.) fr. 1350 Archer av. s.w. one-half block. Blanchard PI. (S.D.) fr. 191 Twenty-fourth s. three- fourths block. Blanche (W.D.) fr. the river w. to 718 N. Ashland av. Bliss (N.D.) fr. 224 N. Branch n.e. to N. Branch canal. Block (N.D.) fr. 303 North av. n. to Eugenie. Bloom (S.D.) fr. W. Thirty-fourth s. to Douglas av. Bloomingdale Rd. (W.D.) fr. 661 Elston av. w. to 954 Western av., thence w. to city limits. Blucher (W.D.) fr. Lull PI. w. to 598 N. Wood. S. H. & E. Y. MOOBE. Heavy Hard Blue Island av. (W.D.) fr. junction of Halsted and Har- rison s.w. to Western av. Bonaparte (S.D.) fr. 50 Locke n.e. to Arch. Bond (W.D.) fr. Douglas Park Boulevard s. to W. Six- teenth. Bonfield (S.D.) fr. Hickory s.e. to Thirty-first; crosses Archer av. 656. Bonney (W.D.) fr. Genesee av. w. to Mowrey , two blocks. Bonney av. (W.D.) fr. Ogden av. s. to Twenty-sixth. Boone (W.D.) fr. DeKalb w. to 436 S. Leavitt. Boston av. (W.D.) fr. 181 S. Desplaines w. to Halsted. Bowery (W.D.) fr. 288 W. Van Buren s. to W. Congress. Bradley (W.D.) fr. 303 Elston av. w. to Holt. Bremen PI. (W.D.) fr. 1229 N. Leavitt w. to Western av. Bremer (N.D.) fr. 61 Chicago av. n. to Division. Breslau (W.D.) fr. Hamberg n. to Ems. Brigham (W.D.) fr. 673 N. Ashland av. w. to N. Wood. Broad (S.D.) fr. Thirty-first n.w. to Chicago & Alton R. R.; crosses Archer av. at 788. Brook (S.D.) fr. the lake w. to Cottage Grove av., two blocks s. of city limits. Broom (W.D.) fr. 565 W. Indiana n. to W. Ohio. Bross av. (S.D.) fr! Long John s.w. to city limits. Brown (W.D.) fr. 316 W. Taylor s. to W. Twenty-second. Bryan PI. (W.D.) fr. 477 W. Randolph n.w. to Lake, opp. Union Park. Bryant av. (S.D.) fr. 34 Vincennes av. w. to Stanton av. Bryson (W.D.) fr. 599 N. Lincoln w. to N. Rockwell. Buena Vista PI. (S.D.) fr. Emerald av. one-half block. Bunker (W.D.) fr. Beach w. to 434 S. Halsted. Burling (N.D.) fr. 183 North av. n. to Belden av. Burlington (W.D.) fr. 97 W. Sixteenth s. to 96 W. Eight- eenth, one block. Burton PI. (N.D.) fr. 606 N. Clark e. to Dearborn av. Bushnell (S.D.) fr. 1164 Wentworth av. w. to Archer av. Butler (S.D.) fr. 264 Archer av. s.e. to Twenty-fourth, thence s. to Egan av. Butterfield (S.D.) fr. 201 Sixteenth s. to city limits. Butterfield al. (N.D.) fr. 157 Clybourn av. s.w. and w. to rear of 585 N. Halsted. Byford av. (W.D.) fr. Douglas Boulevard s. to W. Six- teenth. C (N.D.) fr. 69 Southport av. w. to Dominick, one block. Calhoun PI. (S.D.) fr. 109 State w. to Market; al. bet. Washington and Madison. California av. N.(W.D.) fr. 1272 W. Lake n. to North av. California av. S. (W.D.) fr. 1271 W. Lake s. to city limits. Calumet av. (S.D.) fr. I Eighteenth s. to Egan av. Campbell av. (W.D.) fr. 1062 W. Madison s. to W. Six- teenth. Campbell Park (W.D.) fr. 357 S. Leavitt w. to S. Oakley 1, N. (W.D.) fr. 30 W- Randolph n. to W. Kinzie. (w" Elston av Canal, S. (" D.) fr. 30 W. R Canal PI. (W.D.) fr. N. Branch Chicago ndolph Lumber. Canalport av. (W.D.) fr. 735 S. Canal s.w. to Twenty- second. Carl (N.D.) fr. 549 N. Wells e. to N. LaSalle. Carpenter, N. (W.D.) fr. 301 W. Randolph n. to river. Carpenter, S. (W.D.) fr. 301 W. Randolph s. to 393 W. Madison. CHICAOO. BOCK ISLAND [&l PACIFIC., S. B. DEPOT, La Salle and Van Buren Sts. Carroll av. (W.D.) fr. the river w. to Leavitt ; fr. Fran- cisco to Sacramento, and fr. Kedzie av. to Homan av. Cass (N.D.) fr. Kinzie n. to Delaware PI., three blocks e. of N. Clark. Cedar (N.D.) fr. 347 Rush e. to the lake. Central av. (S.D.) fr. 9 S. Water s. to Randolph. Central Park av. N. (W.D.) fr. Central Park Boulevard n. to city limits Central Park av. S. (W.D.) fr. W. Madison s. to Thirty- first. Centre (N.D.) fr. Racine av. e. to 873 N. Clark. Centre av. (W.D.) fr. 382 W. Madison s. to Lumber. Champlain (S.D.) fr. Bross av. s. to Douglas av. Chapin (W.D.) fr. Currier w. to 543 Noble. Charles (W.D.) fr. W. Van Buren s. to W. Harrison. Charles PI. (S.D.) fr. 324 Fifth av. w. to 316 Franklin. Charlotte (W.D.) from S. Central Park av. W. to Gene- see av. Chase (W.D.) fr. 312 W. Chicago av. n. to Cornell. Chase Ct. (W.D.) from Coulter s. one block. Chatham Ct. (N.D.) fr. Hobbie n. to 198 Division. Cherry av. (N.D.) fr. 224 N. Branch n.w. to Eastman and n. to North av. Chestnut (N.D.) fr. Sedgwick e. to lake. Chicago av. (N.D.) fr. the river e. to lake. Chicago av. W. (W.D.) fr. the river w. to citv limits. Church (N.D.) fr.one block s.of Black Hawk n. to Centre Church Ct. (W.D.) fr. 86 S. Morgan Church PI. (S.D.) fr. 739 Arche St. Louis R. R. . to Centre av. to Chicago & Churchill (W.D.) fr. 889 N. Robey w. to N. Leavitt. Cicero Ct. (W.D.) fr. W. Van Buren to Harrison. Clarinda (W.D.) fr. 34 Holt w. to N. Wood. Clark (S.D.) from river s. to city limits. Clark (N.D.) fr. river n. to North av. Clarkson Ct. (W.D.) fr. 1306 W. Lake s. to W. Wash- ington. Clayton (W.D.) fr. 427 Johnson w. to Brown, and fr. Morgan w. to Fisk. Cleaver (W.D.) fr. 761 Milwaukee av. n. to Blanche. Clifton Park av. (W.D.) fr. W. Sixteenth s. to Ogden av., and fr. W. Twenty-second s. to W. Twenty-sixth. Clinton, N. (W.D.) fr. 62 W. Randolph n. to W. Kinzie. Clinton, S. (W.D.) fr. 62 W. Randolph s. to 165 Maxwell. Clybourn av. (N.D.) fr. 300 Division n.w. to city limits. Clvbourn PI. (N.D.) fr. 549 Clybourn av. w. to river. Clybourn Pl.W. (W.D.) fr. the river w. to 938 N. Roby. Clyde (N.D.) fr. 484 Clybourn av. n. to Centre. Coblentz (W.D.) fr. 1013 N. Roby w. to N. Western av. College PI. (S.D.) fr. 550 Cottage Grove av. w. to Rhodes av. Collins (W.D.) fr. Douglas Park w. to S. Kedzie av. Cologne (S.D.) fr. Quarry s.w. to the river. Commercial (W.D.) fr. 321 W. North av. n. to Armitage av. Concord PI. (N.D.) fr. 340 Clybourn av. n. to Sheffield Congress (S.D.) fr. Michigan av. w. to 317 State, and fr. 300 Fifth av. w to river. Congress, W. (W.D.) fr. 259 S. Clinton w. to Spaulding NATIONAL LIFE BUILDINO. 168 La SaUe 8t WILSON PACKING GOMPANY. C^HE production and exportation of canned goods portant feature of American commerce. In nothing has the production grown more rapidly than in canned meats ; and among those who are engaged in this specialty, THE WILSON PACKING COMPANY, of Chicago, undoubtedly occupies the foremost place. This company was organized in 1874, for the express purpose of utilizing a newly discovered process for the preservation of meats. By this process meats are so preserved in compact and solid form that they can be transported to the ends of the earth if desired; and in any climate under the sun, after being incased for years in the can invented by the Messrs. Wilson, the meat comes forth in a solid state, without a particle of gravy, in a natural and palatable condition, of delicious flavor, cooked and ready to be sliced and eaten. The company has adapted its methods of pre- serving to all kinds of meats, including game and poultry, but the specialties have been corned beef, ham and beef tongues, of the latter the company can each year from 250,000 to 300,000. The works of the company occupy the entire square bounded by Canal, Jackson, Clinton and Adams streets in this city, and the power is furnished by nine large boilers, aggregating about 450 horse power, consuming about fifteen tons of anthracite coal daily. They employ from 800 to 1,500 hands, varying according to season, and have a capacity for handling 1,000 head of cattle per day. Their pro- duct amounts to about eight millions of cans of meat, 25,000 barrels of tallow, over 5,000 tierces of lard, and an immense quantity of barreled meats, and their goods are to be found in all parts of the world. THE WILSON PACKING COMPANY, bounded by Canal. Jackson. Clinton and Adams St.. MONG the financial landmarks of our country FORD FIRE INSURANCE COMPANY. This is a representative American institution, backed by a constituency of wealthy stockholders repre- senting more than fifty millions of capital. The chartered existence of this institution dates from 1810, but its business career began in 1794, when, as an unchartered association, its first Policies of indemnity were issued. Its agencies may be found in nearly every State and Territory, thus" affording to its patrons in each of these widely-separated localities equal facilities, not only for procuring indemnity, but under its far-reaching enterprise, celerity and promptness in disbursing it in case of disaster. Upward of twenty thousand sufferers by fire have been relieved under its contracts to the extent of more than twenty-three millions of dollars, and not a few business enterprises have thereby been saved from ruin. While hundreds of similar institutions have ingloriously failed or been swept down by great calamities that from time to time have visited the country, its stability has been demonstrated, not only in meeting faithfully the ordinary visitations of disaster incident to a career of nearly three-quarters great and s-cecping conflagrations that have become historic on account of their magnitude, among which are those of New York, in 1835; Pittsburgh, 1846; St. Louis, 1849; Portland, 1865; Chicago, 1871; Boston, 1872 ; Virginia City, 1875, and St. Johns, N. B., 1877. In a single one of these this institution was able in the space of four months, without litigation in its patrons, in cash, to "the extent of over nineteen hundred thousand dollars, and to continue its business undisturbed! None of its claimants has ever been asked to accept less than one hundred cents on the dollar of approved claims, and under the manage- ment of skilled and practical minds its business is so conducted as to render it superior to any conceivable calamity. By the record thus established, and its reputation for high commercial honor in all transactions, the the leading institutions of its class has long been conceded by the insuring public. Its principal offices are in Hartford, Conn.; Chicago, 111.; and San Francisco, Cal. ITFOBD FIBE INSURANCE COMPANY'S BUILDINQB. Conn Park (W.D.) fr. (N.D.) fr. 62 H 12 W. Van lbut e. to to 334 Se Conrad (W.D.) fr. Ruble w. to 682 S. Uni, Cook (W.D.) fr. the river s.w. to 133 N. Jefferson. Cooper (N.D.) fr. 806 Clybourn n. to 121 to Fullerton av. Cork (W.D.) fr. 215 N. Ashland av. w. to N. Paulina. Cornelia (W.D.) fr. 6c6 Milwaukee av. w. to Wood. Cornell (W.D.; fr. 556 Milwaukee av. w. to 374 N. Ash- land av. Cortez (W.D.) fr. N. California av. w. to Humboldt Pk. Cortland (W.D.) fr. 941 N. Robey w. to Central Parkav. Corwin (W.D.) fr. W. Fifteenth to W. Sixteenth. Corwin PI. (W.D.) fr. Moore s. half block. Cottage Grove av. (S.D.) fr. 89 Twenty-second s.e. to limits. Cottage PI. (S.D.) see Groveland Park av. Couch PI. (S.D.) fr. Market e. to State, al. bet. Lake and Randolph. Coulter (W.D.) from 1083 S. Robey s.w. to California av. Court PI. (S.D.) fr. Market e. to State, al. bet. Randolph and Washington. Coventry (W.D.) fr. 147 W. North av. n.w. to W. Cly- bourn Place. Crawford (S.D.) fr. al. rear 465 Twenty-second s. to near Archer av. Crawford av. N. (W.D.) fr. 984 W. Lake n. to W. North Crawford av. S. (W.D.) fr. 1983 W. Lake s. to Egan av. Crawford Ct. (S.D.) fr. 20 Glashen w. to Crawford. Crenshaw (W.D.) fr. 543 S. Oakley av. w. to Washtenaw. Critenden (W.D.) fr. Currier w. to 509 Noble. Crooked (N.D.) fr. 20 Southport av. s.e. half block. Crosby (N.D.) fr. 79 Larrabee n.w. to Division, crossing W. Division fr. Mendel w. to 994 N. Paulina. Crown PI. (W.D.) fr. W. Twenty-sixth to the river. Crystal (W.D.) fr. 555 N. Robey w. to N. Leavitt. Currier (W.D.) fr. 67 Augusta n. to Chapin. Curtis, N. (W.D.) fr. 322 W. Randolph n. to W. Huron. Curtis, S. (W.D.) fr. 322 W. Randolph s. to 323 W. Madison. Custom House PI. (S.D.) fr. Monroe to Dearborn, rear old Post-office building. Cutler (W.D.) from 1144 W. Adams s. to W. Jackson. Cynthia (W.D.) fr. Ogden av. s. to W. Twenty-second. Cypress (W.D.) fr. Kendall s. to 945 W. Twelfth. Dakota av. (S.D.) See Lake Park av. Dale PI. (W.D.) fr. 724 W. Twenty-second, s. half block. Damen (W.D.) fr. 75 Sholto w. to 346 S. May. Dania av. (W.D.) fr. 686 W. Division n. to Wabansia av. Dashiel (S.D.) fr. Twenty-sixth st. to Egan av. Davis (W.D.) fr. 622 W. Division n. to Wabansia. Davlin (W.D.) fr. W. Lake n. to Kinzie. Dayton (N.D.) fr. 14^ Ress n. to Belden av. Dean (W.D.) fr. N. Paulina n.w. to Brigham. Dearborn (S.D.) fr. river s. to city limits. Dearborn av. (N.D.) fr. river n. to North av. Dearborn PI. (S.D.) fr. Randolph s. to Madison. Deering (S.D.) fr. the river s.e. to Thirty-first, 678 crosses Archer av. THE MoCOHMICK HARVESTER COMPANY'S WORKS. DeKalb(W.D.) fr. 26 Flournoy s.w. to S. Leavitt. DeKoven (W.D.) fr. 151 Beach w.to 406 S. Halsted. Delaware PI. (N.D.) fr. 277 Dearborn av. e. to the lake. Deming Ct. (N.D.) fr. N. Clark w. to Orchard. Depot (W.D.) fr. 157 Stewart av. w. to 642 S. Halsted. Depot PI. (W.D.) See Arbor Place. Depuyster (W.D.) fr. 259 S. Desplaines w. to 246 S. Halsted. Desplaines, N. (W.D.) fr. 122 W. Randolph n. to W. Erie. Desplaines, S. (W.D.) fr. 122 W. Randolph s. to 213 W. Twelfth. Dexter PI (S.D.) fr. 430 Cottage Grove av. s. to Thirty- second. Dickey av. (W.D.) fr. N. Kedzie w. to N. Homan av. Dixon (W.D.) fr. 174 W. Division n. to Bloomingdale rd. Dieden (W.D.) fr. 217 Elston av. w. to Currier. Diller (W.D.) fr. 906 Fulton n. to W. Ohio. Division (N.D.) fr. the river e. to the lake, crosses N. Clark at 448. Division, W. (W.D.) fr. the river w. to city limits. Dix (W.D.) fr. the river s.e. to 100 W. Chicago av. Dock (S.D.) fr. 49 River n.w. to the river. Dodge (W.D.) fr. Lumber s. to 53 W. Fourteenth. Dominick (N.D.) fr. al. w. of 51 Southport av. n.w. to Webster av. Douglas av. or Thirty-fifth (S.D.) fr. the lake w. to river. Douglas av. (W.D.) fr. South Branch of river w. to West- Drake (W.D.) fr. W. Kinzie n. to W. Chicago av. Dudley (W.D.) from 6=52 W. Chicago av. n. to Asylum pi. Dunn (W.D.) fr. 45 W. Kinzie n.w. to Cook. Dunning (N.D.) fr. N. Halsted w. to Reuben. Dussold (W.D.) fr. 485 S. Jefferson w. to 478 S. Halsted. Eagle (W.D.) fr. 21 N. Desplaines to 21 N. Halsted. Earl (S.D.) fr. 1480 Garibaldi w. to Stewart av. Eastman (N.D.) fr. N. Branch n.e. to Judson, thence e. to 575 N. Halsted. Eberhart (W.D.) fr. N. Kidzie av. w. to N. Homan av, first n. ofW. Division. Eda (S:D.) fr. 1674 Indiana av. w. to 1681 State. Edbrook PI. (W.D.) fr. 1119 N. Western av. w. to Edgar (W.D.) a fr. W. North av. n. to W. Clybourn PI, first w. ofN. Ashland av. Edward (N.D.) from 352 Sophia n. to Webster av. Egan av. (S.D.) fr. the'lake w. to the river. Eldridge Ct. (S.D.) fr. Michigan av. to 483 State. Eleventh (W.D.) fr. 403 S. Morgan w. to May. Elgin (S.D.) fr. 78 Purple w. to Stewart av. and half block beyond first n. of Twentv-second. Elias (S.D.) fr. 664 Archer av. s.e. half block. Elizabeth, N. (W.D.) fr. 404 W. Randolph n. to W. Erie. Elizabeth, S. (W.D.) fr. 404 W. Randolph s. to 417 W. Madison. Elk (W.D.) fr. Bauwans w. to 626 N. Paulina. Elk Grove av. (W.D.) -fr. 743 N. Wood w. and n.w. to to W. North av, thence n. to Asvlum Place. Ellen (W.D.) fr. 948 Milwaukee av. s.w. to N. Lincoln. Ellis av. (S.D.) fr. Douglas av. s.e. to city limits. Ellis Park (S.D.) fr. Prospect Place s. to 136 Thirty- seventh. Ellsworth (W.D.) fr. Sebor s. to 19 \V. Polk. Elm (N.D.) fr. N. Branch canal n.e. to Crosby, thence e. to the lake. Elston av. (W.D.) fr. 499 Milwaukee av. n.w. to Sloan, n. to W. Black Hawk, from thence n.w. to city limits. Emerald (S.D.) fr. Stearns s.e. to Thirty-first. Emerald av. (S.D.) fr. 376 Archer s. to Egan av. Emery (W.D.) from N. Kedzie av. w. one block, second s. of Division. Emily (W.D.) fr. 469 N. Ashland av. w. to N. Wood. Emma (W.D.) from 704 Milwaukee av. w. to N. Ash- land av. Ems (W.D.) fr. 1201 n. Leavitt w. to Western av. Erie (N.D.) fr. the river e. to the lake, crosses N. Clark at at 170. Erie (W.D.) fr. the river w. to Western av. Eugenie (N.D.) fr. 4156 Larrabee e. to N. Clark. Evans Ct. (W.D.) fr. 635 S. Union w. to S. Halsted. Evergreen av. (W.D.) fr. 1038 Milwakee av. w. and s.w. to Leavitt. Evergreen PI. (W.D.) fr. 369 S. Leavitt w. to S. Oakley Ewing (W.D.) fr. Beach W. to 108 Blue Island av. Ewing PI. (W.D.) fr. 719 N. Robey w. to N. Leavitt. Exchange PI. (S.D.) fr. Washington s. to Madison, bet. Clark and LaSalle. Fabius (N.D.) fr. 52 Kroger n. to Lincoln av. Fairfield av. N. (W.D.) fr. 128 W. Lake n. to W. North av., seventh w. of Western av. Fairfield av. S. (W.D.) fr. Fillmore s. to Douglas Park. v. W. to Halsted, Fake (S.D.) fr. 22 Lyman n.w. to Bonaparte. Fall (W.D.) fr. 1161 W. Lake s. to Warren av. Farrell (S.D.) fr. Hickory s.e. to Thirty-first, Archer av. at 612. Fay (W.D.) fr. 89 W. Erie n. to Pratt. Ferdinand (W.D.) fr. 149 N. Ashland av. w. to Oakley. Fifteenth (S.D.) See Springer. Fifteenth, W. (W.D.) fr. 131 Stewar and fr. Morgan to city limits. Fifth av. (S.D.) fr. the river s. to Taylor. Fig (W.D.) See Tell Place. Fillmore (W.D.) fr. 507 S. Western av. w. to Sacramento. Finnell (S.D.) fr. 150 Archer av. e. to 1098 Wentworth av. Fisk (W.D.) fr. W. Eighteenth s. to Lumber; crosses W. Twenty-second at 309. Fleetwood (W.D.) fr. W. Black Hawk n w. to Rawson. Florimond (N.D.) fr. 689 N. Wells to N. Franklin. Flournoy (W.D.) fr. 339 S. Robey w. to Sacramento av. Fontenoy Ct. (W.D.) fr. 1 152 Milwaukee av. s.w. to Park. Forest av. (S.D.) fr. 175 Thirty-first s. to city limits. Forquer (W.D.) fr. Beach w. to 148 Blue Island av. . (W.D.) fr. Gene Twenty-second. Foster (W.D.) fr. half block n. of 157 W. Harrison s. to W.Polk. Fourteenth (S.D.) fr. Indiana av. w. to 695 Clark. Fourteenth (W.D.) fr. river w. to Ogden av. Fourth av. (S.D.) fr. 102 Jackson s. to Fourteenth. Fowler (W.D.) fr. Evergreen av. w. to 728 N. Leavitt. Fox (S.D.) fr. 1025 Thirty-first to Thirtv-third. Fox PI. (W.D.) fr. 415 Elst to Noble. . D. KIMBAHK, 80, I , Heavy Hardware. Iron, Nails. Steel, Carriage and Wagon Wood Stock. fHE FAIRBANKS SCALE has an estab- lished reputation as the "standard of the \vorld." They are used by the United States Government, which has purchased twelve thousand within the past five years. Many of the foreign governments use them, including Russia, China, Spain, Holland and Japan. They have always been given the highest premium at all the World's Fairs. Forty-five new improvements have been intro- duced and patented within the last five years, h make them the perfected scale of the age. These scales are handled in Chicago by the house of FAIRBANKS, MORSE & Co., in and 113 Lake St., Chicago. They also manufacture the ECLIPSE WIND MILL, which they claim to be the most economical and reliable mill made, and is now used by the leading railroads. Descriptive Catalogues will be furnished on application, giving full particulars of all their goods. Francisco, N.(W.D.) fr. 1342 W. Lake n. to Humboldt Pk. Francisco, S. (W.D.) fr. 1331 W. Lake s. to W. Madison, and fr. Jackson s. to Douglas Park. Frank (W.D.) fr. 75 Waller w. to 336 Blue Island av. Frankfort (W.D.) fr. 1065 N. Robey w. to Western av. Franklin (S.D.) fr. the river s. to Harrison. Franklin, N. (N.D.) fr. river n. to Division, Sigel n. to North av., fr. Starr to Florimond, and fr. Menominee to Fullerton av. Frederick (W.D.) fr. Central Park av. W. to Hamlin av. second n. of W. Division. Fremont (N.D.) fr. 44 Bissell n. to Belden av. Front (W.D.) fr. 344 N, Halsted w. to Elston av. Fry (W.D.) fr. 218 Rucker w. to 385, and from Rose to Ashland av. Fuller (S.D.) fr. 675 Archer av. n.w. to the river. Fullerton av. (N.D.) fr. the river e. to the lake, crosses N. Clark 1076. Fullerton av. (W.D.) fr. the river w. to city limits. Fulton (W.D.) fr. the river w. to nr. Central Park. Gage (S.D.) fr. 941 Douglas av. s. to Egan av. Gano (S.D.) fr. South Park av. w. to 1349 Prairie av. Garden (W.D.) al. bet. Morgan and Aberdeen and W. Jackson and W. Van Buren. Gardner (N.D.) fr. Vine w. to 545 N. Halsted. Garibaldi (S.D.) fr. Twenty-sixth s. to Thirty-third. Geary (N.D.) fr. 437 Chestnut n.w. to 94 Walton Place. Genesee av. (W.D.) fr. W. Harrison s. to Sixteenth, and fr. Ogden av. s. to Thirty-first, sixth east of city limits. Geneva (W.D.) fr. S. Central Park av. w. r to Mowry, first south of Douglas Park av. George (W.D.) fr. Dix w. to 50 Elston av. George PI. (W.D.) fr. W. Kinzie n. half block, first w. N. Robey. Gilpin PI. (W.D.) fr. 277 Loomis e. to 260 Centre av. Girard (W.D.) fr. 1129 Milwaukee av. n.e. and n. to Asylum Place. Glenwood PI. (W.D.) See Howard Court. Goethe (N.D.) fr. 305 Sedgwick e. to the lake. Gold (W.D.) fr. 302 W. Harrison s. to Gurley. Good (W.D.) fr. Sholto w. to 324 S. May. Goodwin (W.D.) fr. Homan av. w. to Central Park av. first s. of W. Twelfth. Gordon (S.D.) fr. Stewart av. w. to S. Halsted, first s. of Forty-third. Grace (N.D.) fr. 157 Division n. to 30 Vedder. Grand av. (W.D.) fr. 177 N. Western av. n.w. to Craw- ford av. . Granger (N.D.) fr. 281 Sedgwick e. to 423 N. Wells. Grant (N.D.) fr. 605 N. LaSalle e. to 641 N. Clark. Grant PI. (N.D.), fr. 995 N. Clark w. to Larrabee. Graves PI. (S.D.) fr. 500 Cottage Grove av. three to Thirty-third. Greeley PI. (W.D.) fr. George s. half block, first w. of N. Sangamon. Green, N. (W.D.) fr. 218 W. Randolph n. to Front. Green, S. (W.D.) fr. 218 W. Randolph s. to 261 W. Harrison. MoVICKEK'S THEATER. Greenwich (W.D.) fr. 915 N. Robey w. to N. Leavi Gross (W.D.) fr. S. Kedzie av. e. one V ' Dougla Grove (S.D.) fr. 281 Sixteenth s.w. to 255 Archer av. Groveland Ct. (S.D.) fr. 91 Vincennes av. w. to Stanton Groveland Pk. (S.D.) fr. 547 Cottage Grove av. e. i block. Groveland Park av. (S.D.) fr. half block n. of Twenty- ninth s.e. to Thirtv-third, first e. of Cottage Grove av. Gurley (W.D.) fr. 41 Blue Island av. w. to 2 14 Centre av. Haddock PI. (S.D.) from Wabash av. w. to Franklin, bet. S. Water and Lake. Haines (N.D.) fr. 32 Hickory n.e. to N. branch canal. Halsted, N. (W.D.) fr. 119 W. Randolph n. to city limits. Halsted, S. (W.D.) fr. 200 W. Washington s. to city limits. Hamburg (W.D.) fr. 1091 N. Robey w. to N. Western av. nr. n.w. city limits. Hamilton av. (W.D.) fr. 834 W. Monroe s. to Jackson. Hamlin av. N. (W.D.) fr. 1854 W. Lake n. to W. Fuller- Hammond (N.D.) fr. 383 Hanover (S.D.) fr. 206 Archer av. s. to Thirty-third. Harding (W.D.) fr. W. Kinzie n. to W. Chicago av first e. of western limits. Harmon Ct. (S.D.) fr. Michigan av. w to 525 State. Harrison (S.D.) fr. Michigan av. w. to the river. Harrison, W. (W.D.) fr. the river w. to citv limits. Hart (W.D.) fr. 705 W. Kinzie n. to Hubbard. Harvard (W.D.) (^.449 S. Western av. w. to Sacramento, first s. of Polk. Hastings (W.D.) fr. 341 Blue Island av. w. to Lincoln. Haven (S.D.) fr. 1526 Garibaldi w. to Stewart av. Hawthorne av. (N.D.) fr. 29 Larrabee n.w. to Southport av. Haynes Ct. (S.D.) fr. 698 Archer av. s.e. to Lyman. Hein (N.D.) fr. Hurlbut n.e. and e. to 298 Sedgwick. Henry (W.D.) fr. one-half block e. of Margaret w. to Wood, first s. of W. Fourteenth. Hermitage av. (W.D.) fr. the junction of Ogden av. and W. Jackson s. to Polk, and fr. 747 W. Polk n. one- half block. Herndon (N.D.) fr. Hawthorne av. n.e. to Nursery, thence n. to Fullerton av. Hervey (W.D.) fr. 1083 N. Wood w. to Roby. Hickory (S.D.) fr. Cologne s.w. to Ashland av. Hickory av. (N.D.) fr. 140 N. Branch n.w. to Black Hawk. High (N.D.) fr. 68 Webster av. n. to Fullerton av. Hill (N.D.) fr. 209 Sedgwick e. to 349 N. Wells, thence one-half block. Hinman (W.D.) fr. 753 Throop w. to Laflin, and fr. 955 Ashland av. w. to California av. Hinsche (N.D.) fr. 102 Clybourn av. n. to 258 Black Hawk. Hirsch (W.D.) fr. 717 N. Leavitt w. to California av. Hobbie (N.D.) fr. 138 Hawthorne av.e.to 196 Sedgwick. Hoey (S.D.) fr. Mary s.w. one-fourth block, first s. of Holden C (W.D V j fr. 40 W. Twelfth s. to W. Fourteenth. J. V. FABWELL & CD'S WHOLESALE DRY GOODS HOUSE, Pranklln *nd B. KIRK & HERE is probably no one who will question the statement that JAMES S. KIRK & Co., an engraving of whose works and warerooms is shown on the opposite page, are the largest soap manufacturers in this country, if not in the world. The history of the concern is one of steady but rapid progress, the magnitude of each year's business being greatly in excess of the previous year. The reputa- tion of the different varieties of soap made by them is so high and so thoroughly established for its quality and uniform excellence that it has become standard, and extended their trade through the entire United States and into the British Dominions. The extent and magnitude of this firm may be better understood when it is known that they possess the requisite machinery and capacity for making 3,000,000 pounds of new soap each week and holding 3,000,000 pounds more ready for sale and shipment. The enterprise of the firm is proverbial, as they spare no trouble or expense in promptly securing every improvement by which their business can be facilitated and their customers benefited. They manufacture all grades of goods from the very finest toilets to the more common qualities, and they are each recognized as being absolutely pure, of real worth and standard excellence. 1ME3 8. KIRK & GO'S SOAP FACTOKY. 35a North Water Street. Holden PI. (S.D.) fr. Randolph s. to Twenty-first; al. bet. Wabash av. and State. Holt (W.D.) fr. 422 W. Chicago av. n. to Augusta, and fr. 144 W. Division to Waubansia av. Homan av. N. (W.D.) fr. 1638 W. Lake n. to W. North H. . S. (W.D.) fr. 1637 W. Lake Homer (W.D.) fr. 967 N. Roby w. to N. Oakley av., and fr. Western av. to Rockwell. Honore (W.D.) fr. 708 W. Madison s. to W. Harrison. Hoofman av. (W.D.) fr. Milwaukee av. n. to Diversey av., third w. of Western av. Hooker (N.D.) fr. 396 N. Halsted n.w. to Cherry av. Hope (W.D.) fr. 65 Blue Island av. w. to 302 S. Morgan. Hough PI. (S.D.) fr. 469 Archer av. n.w. one block. Houston ( W.D.) See N. Paulina. Howard Ct. (W.D.) fr. Humboldt Park w. to N. Kedzie av. Howe (N.D.) fr. 28 Willow n. to Sophia. Hoyne av. N.fW.D.) fr.832 W. Lake n. to Asylum pi. Hoyne av. S. (W.D.) fr. 831 W. Lake s. to DeKalb; IV. W. Twelfth s. to Twenty-sixth; fr. Illinois & Michi- gan Canal s. to W. Douglas av. Hubbard (W.D.) fr. 1152 N.Jefferson w. to Seymour av. Hubbard Ct. (S.D.) fr. Michigan av. w. to 399 State. Hubbs (S.D.) fr. 603 Thirty-first s. to Douglas av., and s. fr. Thirty-seventh to'Egan av. Hull (N.D.) fr." Eugene n. to Menominee, first e.of Hurl- but. Humboldt (W.D.) fr. 979 W. North av. n. to Armitage Hunt (W.D.) fr. 70 Rucker w. to Elizabeth. Hurlbut (N.D.) fr. 48 Clybourn av. n. to Fullerton av. Huron (N.D.) fr. Roberts e. to the lake; cross N. Clark at 190. Huron, W. (W.D.) fr. 360 Milwaukee av.w. to city limits. Idaho (W.D.) fr. 944 W. Van Buren s. to Harrison, and one-half block n. of W. Polk, s. to W. Taylor. Iglehart PI. (S.D.) one block e.of 239 Cottage Grove av. Indiana (N.D.) fr. the river e. to the lake; crosses N. Clark at 106. Indiana, W. (W.D.) from the river w. to Crawford av. Indiana av. (S.D.) fr. Twelfth to one-half block s. of Thirteenth, and fr. one-half block n. of Fourteenth s. to limits. Ingraham (W.D.) fr. 333 Elston av. w. to Noble. Iowa (W.D.) fr. 357 N. Wood w. to Western av. and fr. Washtenaw av. to California av. Iron (S.D.) fr. Thirty-second s. to Thirty-third, first w. Irving av. (W.D.) fr. one-half block n. of 873 W. Adams s. to W. Harrison, and fr. one-half block' n. of W. Polk s. to Taylor. Irving PI. N. (W.D.) fr. 846 Fulton n. to W. Kinxie. Isabel Ct. (W.D.) fr. Douglas Park w. to S. Kedzie av. Jackson (S.D.) fr. Michigan av. w. to the river. Jackson, W. (W.D.) fr. the river w. to Central Park av. CHICAGO INTER-STATE INDUSTRIAL EXPOSITION BUILDING. PITTS' SONS MANUFACTUKINS CO., 7 and 9 South Jefferson Threshing,. Machines. Separators and Horse iPowers. ILLINOIS! STAAT9 ZEITtTNO BTJILDINQ. James av. (S.D.) fr. Laurel w. to Benson, first s. of Thirty- first. Jane (W.D.) fr. nr. 812 Milwaukee av. s.w. and w. to Newton. Jav (N.D.) fr. 192 Sophia n. to Webster av. thence one- half block. Jefferson, N. (W.D.) fr. 92 W. Randolph n. to the river. efferson, S. (W.D.) fr. 92 W. Randolph s. Twenty ond. . 34 W. ty-se Jessie PI. (W.D.) fr. 769 W. Kinzie n. one-half block. John PI. (W.D.) fr. 879 S. Halsted w. one block. Johnson (W.D.) fr. 288 W. Taylor s. to Twenty-second. Johnson av. (S.D.) fr. 31 Twenty-seventh s. to Twenty- eighth. Johnson PI. (S.D.) fr. one-half block n. of 150 Thirty- eighth s. to Egan av. Jones (S.D.) fr. 932 Archer av. s. to Egan av. Joseph (S.D.) fr. Hickorv s.e. to 5^8 Archer av. Judd (W.D.) fr. Stewart av. w. to Jefferson, first s. of Twelfth. Judson (N.D.) fr. Eastman n.w. to Black Hawk, second . of N. Halsted. Julian (W.D.) fr. 699 N. Ashland av. w. to N. Wood. Julius (W.D.) fr. 103 Eleventh s. one block. Kansas (W.D.) fr. 329 Throop w. to S. Ashland av. -.D.) fr. 1512 W. Lake n. to W. North Kedzie av. N. (W Kedzi Keele Keenon (W . S. (W.D.) fr. 1511 W. Lake s. to city lim Keeley (S.D.) fr. 618 Archer av. s.e. to Thirty-first, enon (W.D.) fr. 749 N. Ashland av. w. to N. Woe Keith (W.D.) fr. 140 W. Huron n. to 303 Chicago av. Kendall (W.D.) fr. 840 W. Polk s.w. to W. Taylor. Kingsbury (N.D.) fr. 27 Kinzie n.w. to Ontario, thence to 44 Chicago av. Kinzie (N.D.) fr. the river e. to N. Water; runs parallel to main branch of the river. Kinzie, W. (W.D.) fr. the river w. to the limits. Kissam (W.D.) See Vernon Park pi. Kossuth (S.D.)fr. 1022 Halsted e. to 1284 Wentworth av. Kramer (W.D.) fr. 513 S. Jefferson w. to Halsted. Kroger (N.D.) fr. 115 Sheffield av. n.w. to Racine av. Labar (N.D.) See Vedder. Lafayette PI. (N.D.) fr. 300 N. Clark e. to Dearborn av. Laflin (W.D.) fr. 536 W. Madison s. to the Lake (S.D.) fr. Central av. and rail Branch of the ri . . ilroad depot w. to S. Lake W. (W.D.) fr. the river w. to city limits. Lake av. (S.D.) fr. 17 Douglas av. s.e. to city limits. Lake Park av. (S.D.) fr. Twenty-third s.e. to Twenty- fifth, and fr. 29111 s.e. to Thirty-third, second e. of Cottage Grove av. Lake Park PI. (S.D.) fr. 330 Michigan av. e. to the lake. Lane PI. (N.D.) fr. Centre n. to Sophia, first w. of N. Franklin. Langdon (N.D.) fr. 185 Clybourne av. s.w. half block. Langley av. (S.D.) fr. 71 Thirty-seventh or Ellis Park s. to city limits. Larrabee (N.D.) fr. 19 Chicago av. n. to Fullerton av. LaSalle (S.D.) fr. the river s. to Van Buren, tunnel at north end of street. WILLIAM BLAIR & LaSalle, S. (S.D.) fr. 237 Sixteenth s. to Egan av. LaSalle, N. (N.D.) fr. the river n. to N. Clark. Laughton (W.D.) fr. S. Hoyne av. \v. to California av. two blocks s. of Twenty-second. Laurel (S.D.) fr. 865 Thirty-first to Egan av. Lawrence (N.D.) fr. north branch of river e. to 35 South- port av. Lawndale av. (W.D.) fr. W. Kinzie n. to W. Chicago av. and fr. William av. n. to W. North av., second w. of Central Park Leavitt, N. (W.D.) fr. 892 W. Lake n. to city lii ~ (W.D.) fr. 891 W. ' ' , fr. 273 N Leipzig % (W.D'.) fr. Hamburg "n. to Ems, first w. Leavitt, S. (W.D.) fr. Lee PI. (W.D.) fr. 273 4. Robey ce s. to city limits. w. to N. Hoyne av. Less 85 N. Robey w. 124 W. Chicago : LeMoyne (W.D.) fr. - ssing (W.D.) fr. la Levee (W.D.) fr. S. Ashland av. n.e. to the river. Lewis (N.D.) fr. 796 Hawthorne av. n.e. to Clybourne av. Lexington (W.D.) fr. 35 DeKalb w. to Leavitt, fr. 337 S. Western av. w. to Sacramento av., and Central P'k av. w. to Genesee av. Liberty (W.D.) fr. 75 Stewart av. w. to 544 S. Halsted. Lill (W.D.) fr. Station w. to Western av. nr. n.w. city Lir , lir Lime (S.D.) fr. the river s. to Twenty-seventh, crosses Archer av. at 431. Lincoln, S. (W.D.) fr. 723 W. Lake s. to the river, and fr. W. Thirtv-first s. to Douglas av. Lincoln, N. (W.D.) fr. 721 W. Lake n. to Milwaukee av. Lincoln av. (N.D.) fr. 739 N. Wells n.w. to city limits. Lincoln PI. (N.D.) fr. 500 Sophia n. to Webster av. Linden av. (W.D.) fr. Fullerton av. n. to Diversey e. of California av. :y first Linwood PI. (W.D.) fr. California av. w. to Humboldt Park, first n. of W. Chicago av. Lisle (W.D.) fr. Union w. to 840 S. Halsted. Lock (S.D.) fr. Thirty-first n.w. to Cologne. Lockport (S.D.) fr. 1383 Archer av. n.w. to C. & A. R. R. Locust PI. (N.D.) fr. N. LaSalle e. to 311 N. Clark. Logan (S.D.) fr. 109 Hickory s.e. to railroad track. Lonergan (N.D.) fr. Wisconsin N. to Lincoln av. second w. of N. Clark. Long John (S.D.) fr. Thirty-first S. to city limits, crosses Archer av. at 1151. Loomis (W.D.) fr. 488 W. Madison s. to Lumber. Louisa (S.D.) fr. Douglas av. S. to Thirty-sixth, first w. of Ashland av. Lowe av. (S.D.) fr. Twenty-sixth s. to Thirty-first, and fr. Douglas av. s. to Egan, third e. of S. Halsted. Lubeck (W.D.) fr. 1039 N. Robey w. to Western av. Luce (W.D.) fr. 61 W. Biackhawk n.w. half block. Lull PI. (W.D.) fr. Ellen half block s.w. of 984 Mil- waukee av. s. and w. to N. Wood. Lumber (W.D.) fr. W. Twelfth nr. the river and s. and s.w. with river to Loomis. Lundy's Lane (S.D.) fr. Thirty-second s. to Thirty- fourth nr. Archer av. Lydia (W.D.) fr. 54 N. Desplaines W. to 51 N. Halsted. Lyinan (S.D.) from Thirty-first n.e. to 195 Main. Lynch PI. (S.D.) fr. Thirty-second s. to Thirty-third, first e. of Ashland av. HIBBABD, SPENCEK & CO., corner Lake Street and Wabasn Avenu Lytle (W.D.) fr. 474 W. Harrison s. to W. Twelfth. Macallister PI. (W.D.) fr. 238 Centre av. w. to Loomis. Macedonia (W.D.) fr. 316 W. Division n. to Ellen. Madison (S.D.) fr. Michigan av. w. to the river. Madison W. (W.D.) fr. the river w. to Central Park av. Main (S.D.) fr. the .river s.e. to Thirty-first, crosses Archer av. at 594. Mamie (W.D.) from Central Park av. Mantene Ct. (W.D.) fr. 912 Milwaukee av. s.w. half blk. Maple (N.D.) fr. half block w. 364 N. LaSalle to 316 N. State. Maple PI. (W.D.) fr. 1131 N. Western av. w. one block. Maple wood av. (W.D.) fr. 1106 W. Lake n. to Fulton, fr. W. Division n. to W. North av. Maplewood PI. (W.D.) fr. Ogden av. s. to W. Fifteenth one block, second w. of S. Western av. Marble PI. (S.D.) fr. Fifth av. e. to 182 State, al. bet. Monroe and Adami Marcy (N.D.) fr. 53 Sheffield av. n.w. to Clybourne PI. Margaret (W.D.) fr. 402 W. Fourteenth s. to W. Fifteenth. Margaret PI. (W.D.) fr. W. Sixteenth s. to W. Nine- teenth, second e. of Crawford Marion PI. (W.D.) fr. 328 W. Division n. to Ellen. Mark (W.D.) fr. 695 S. Union w. to 764 S. Halsted. Market (S.D.) fr.253 Lake s. to Congress and half block beyond. Market, N. (N.D.) fr. the river n. to Division, and fr. 97 Schiller to 379 North av. Market Sq. (S.D.) fr. Thirty-first s.e. to S. Ashland av., crosses Archer av. at 890. Marshfield av. (W.D.) fr. 600 W. Jackson s. to W. Twelfth. Marvin (W.D.) fr. 1163 S. Oakley av. w. to railroad track. Mary (S.D.) fr. Hickory s.e. to Hoey, crosses Archer av. at 544. Mather (W.D.) fr. 34 Ellsworth w. to 310 S. Halsted. Mathew (W.D.) fr. 215 Ogden av. w. to S. Wood one block. Maxwell (W.D.) fr. the river w. to 330 Blue Island av. May N. (W.D.) fr. 342 W. Randolph n. to George half block. May, S. (W.D.) fr. 342 W. Randolph s. to Madison, and fr. 408 W. Harrison s. to Twelfth, and from 411 W. o esern av. McDermott (S.D.) fr. 753 Archer av. n.w. one b McGlashen (S.D.) fr.449 Twenty.second s. to Ar McGovern (W.D.) fr. Milwaukee v. w. one bk Eighteenth s. to W. Twenty-second. McAlpine (S.D.) fr. Bross av. s. to Douglas av. first e. of Western av. block. :herav. (W.D.) fr. Milwaukee v. w. one block n.w. of city limits. McGrath (W.D.) See Avon PI. McGregor (S.D.) fr. 346 Archer av. e. to 1224 Wentworth av. McHenry (W.D.) fr. Blanch half block e. of 436 Elston av. n. and n.w. to Chicago river. Mcllroy (W.D.) fr. N. Kedzie av. w. one block, first n. of Augusta. McMullen Ct. (W.D.) fr. Fisk w. to 638 Centre av. McReynolds (W.D.) fr. 727 N. Ashland av. w. to N. Mead (w'.D.) fr. W. Chicago av. n. to Grand av., and fr CHICAGO STOVE WOHKS. Blue Island Ave. and Twenty-second Street. North av. to Fullerton av. second w. of Humboldt Park. Meaghan (S.D.) fr. S. Ashland av. e. half block first s. ofThirty-second. Meagher (W.D.) fr. Stewart av. w. to 624 S. Halsted. Mechanic (W.D.) fr. 41 W. Eighteenth s. half block. Mendell (W.D.) fr. 141 W. Clybourne PI. n.w. to Canal Menominee (N.D.) fr. 512 Larrabee e. to 767 N. Clark. Canal PI. Merian (W.D.) fr. W. Twenty-first s. to W. Twenty- second, first e. of Kedzie av. Meridian (W.D.) fr. 59 S. Desplaines w. to tf S. Halsted. Michigan (W.D.) fr. Kingsbury e. to N. Water. Michigan av. (S.D.) fr. the river s. to city limits. Mill (W.D.) fr. S. Ashland av. w. to Jones, first s. of Thirty-second. Millard av. (W.D.) fr. Ogden av. s. to W. Twenty-sixth st. nr. west limits. Miller (W.D.) fr. 364 W. Harrison s. to 357 W. Taylor. Milwaukee av. (W.D.) fr. 28 W. Lake n.w. to city limits. Mohawk (N.D.) fr. 78 Clybourne av. n. to Sophia. Moltke (W.D.) fr. N. Rockwell w. to California av. second n. of W. Division. Monroe (S.D.) fr. Michigan av. w. to the river. Monroe, W. (W.D.) Canal AV. to Central Park av. Montana (N.D.) fr. Racine av. e. to Sheffield av. one block n. of city limits. Montana, W. (W.D.) fr. Station \v. to Western av. third n. of Fullerton av. Moore (N.D.) fr. 366 Division s. one block. Moore PI. (W.D.) fr. W. Sixteenth s. to W. Nineteenth, first e. Crawlord av. Moore (W.D.) fr. S. Wood w. to California av. second s. W. Twenty-second. Moorman (W.D.) fr. Lull PI. s.e. to 591 N. Paulina. Morgan, N. (W.D.) fr. 281 W. Randolph n. to W. Chicago av. Morgan, S. (W.D.) fr. 281 W. Randolph s. to Lumber. Mowry (W.D.) fr. Douglas Park Boulevard s. to W. Sixteenth, fr. Twenty-second s. to Thirty-first, two blocks west of Central Park Muspratt (S.D.) fr. " fr. 923 Thi r. Birch s, ty-first s. to Springer Myrtle (W.D.) fr. Birch s. to Ashland av., crosses W. Taylor at 903. Napoleon PI. (S.D.) fr. 1412 Wentworth av. w. to Wal- lace. Nassau (W.D.) fr. 1326 W.Jackson s. to W. Van Buren. Nebraska (W.D.) fr. 312 Throop w. to S. Ashland av. Newberry av. (W.D.) fr. 270 W. Taylor s. to W. Six- teenth. Newton (W.D.) fr. Iowa n. to 321 W. Division. Nichols (W.D.) fr. 1424 Fulton n. to Central Park boulevard. Nineteenth (S.D.) fr. 912 State w. to the river. Nineteenth, W. (W.D.) fr. 675 S. Union w. to city limit. Nineteenth PI. (W.D.) fr. Johnson w. to Brown, first n. of W. Twelfth. Nixon (W.D.) fr. 575 W. Polk s. to W. Taylor. Noble (W.D.) fr. 451 W. Kinzie n. to W. North av. North av. (N.D.) fr. the river e. to the Lake, crosses N. Clark at 661. North av., W. (W.D.) fr. the river w. to city limits. RKS, Clinton, corner Congress Stre North Branch (N.D.) fr. 45 Hawthorne av. n.w. to Division. North Grove Ct. (N.D.) fr. 711 Larrabee w. to Orchard. North Pier (N.D.) fr. Michigan e. to lake. North PI. (W.D.) fr. Armitage av. n.w. one-half block. North Water (N.D.) fr. the river e. to the lake. Norton (W.D.) fr. 154 Gurley s. to W. Taylor. Norwood (W. D.) fr. N. Kedzie av. w. to N. Homan av. Nursery (N.D.) fr. Lewis one-half block n., n. of 586 Clybourn av. Nutt (W.D.) fr. 320 W. Sixteenth s. to W. Eighteenth. Oak (N.D.) fr. 88 Hawthorne av. n.e. to Larrabee. Oak av. (S.D.) fr. 69 Vincennes av. w. to Stanton av. Oakley av. N. (W.D.) fr. 952 W. Lake n. to city limits. Oakley av. S. (W.D.) fr. 951 W. Lake s. to city limits. Oakwood (N.D.) See Bellevue pi. Oakwood av. (S.D.) fr. 846 Cottage Grove av. e. to the O'Brien (S.D.) fr. 501 Jefferson w. to 498 S. Halsted. Ogden av. (W.D.) fr. 486 W. Randolph s.w. to Crawford Ohio (N.D.) fr. Kingsbury e. to the lake. Ohio, W. (W.D.) fr. 266 N. Desplaines w. to Crawford 6 W. Taylor s. to 1001 W. Twelfth. Iker Ct. one-half block n. of 508 Olive (W.D.) fr. 976 W. Oliver PI. (W.D.) fr. Wa W. Eighteenth. O'Neil (W.D.) fr. 915 S. Halsted w. one block. Ontario (N.D.) fr. the river e. to lake; crosses N. Clark at 146. Orchard (N.D.) fr. 230 Clybourn av. n.e. and n. to North av. thence n. to city limits. Osborne (W.D.) fr. 549 W. Indiana n. to W. Ohio. Osgood (N.D.) fr. 114 Center n. to Fullerton Oswego (W.D.) fr. 575 W. Kinzie, n. one-half block. Otis (N.D.) fr. 2os Division n. to Vedder. Owasco (W.D.) fr. 223 S. Western av. to California av. Oxford (S.D.) fr. Stanton av. w. to Vernon av. Pacific av. (S.D.) fr. 144 Jackson s. to Tavlor. Page, N. (W.D.) fr. 607 W. Kinzie n. to Hubbard. Page, S. (W.D.) fr. 651 W. Lake s. to W. Madison. Palatine (W.D.) fr. Homan av. w. to Central Park av. Park (W.D.) fr. 631 N. Wood n.w. to N. Roby. Park av. (W.D.) fr. S. Ashland av. w. to city limits. Park Front (N.D.) fr. N. Wells e. to 787 N. Clark. Parmelee (W.D.) fr. Oakley av. w. to Washtenaw av. Paulina, N. (W.D.) fr. 625 W. Lake n. to Armitage av. Paulina, S. (W.D.) fr. 627 W. Lake s. to the river. Pearce (W.D.) fr. 237 S. Desplaines w. to 220 S. Hal- sted. Pearl (N.D.) fr. 378 Sophia n. to Webster av. Pearson, E. (N.D.) fr. 28 N. State e. to the lake. Pearson, W. (N.D.) fr. 222 N. Market e. to N. Wells. Peck Ct. (S.D.) fr. Michigan av. w. to 441 State. Penn (N.D.) fr. 175 Division n. to Vedder. Peoria, N. (W.D.) fr. 240 W. Randolph n. to Milwaukee Peoria,'s. (W.D.) fr. 240 W. Randolph s. to W. Hard Perry (N.D.) fr. 754 Clybourn av. n. to Fullerton av. Perry av. (W.D.) fr. Milwaukee av. n. to W. Fulton av. Peterson (W.D.) fr. N. Robey w. to 59 N. Hovne av. Phillips (W.D.) fr. 250 N. Halsted w. to N. Sangamon. Phinney av. N. (W.D.) fr. W. Ohio n. to Huron. Phinney av. S. (W.D.) fr. W. Jackson s. to W. Van Buren. Pier (S.D.) fr. 184 Lake av. e. to the lake. Pierce av. (W.D.) fr. N. Kedzie av. w. to Homan av. Pine (N.D.) fr. N. Water n. to the lake. Pitney Ct. (S.D.) fr. Thirty-first n.w. to the river; crosses Archer av. at Sio. Pleasant (N.D.) fr. 191 Division n. to 68 Vedder. Pleasant PI. (W.D.) fr. 1223 N. Western av. w. one-half block. Plum (W.D.) fr. 220 Loomis w. to Laflin. Poe (N.D.) fr. 26 Kroger n. and n.w. to Clyde. Polk (S.D.) fr. 426 State w. to the river. Polk, W. (W.D.) fr. the river w. to Sacramento av. Portland av. (S.D.) fr. 331 Twenty-second s. to Egan av. Portland PI. (N.D.) See Pearson, e. Post (S.D.) fr. Ashland av. s.e. to Levee. Powell av. (W.D.) fr. Milwaukee av. n. to W. Fullerton Prairie av. (S.D.) fr. <; Sixteenth s. to city limits. Pratt (W.D.) fr. 292 N. Halsted w. to Morgan. Pratt PI. (W.D.) fr. 219 S Hoyne av. w. one-half block. Price PI. (W.D.) See Boston av. Prince av. (W.D.) fr. Central Park av. w. to Hamlin av. Prospect PI. (S.D.) fr. 722 Cottage Grove av. w. to Vin- cennes av. Purple (S.D.) fr. 251 Nineteenth s. to 112 Archer av. Putnam (W.D.) fr. W. Erie n. to 19 W. Chicago av. Quarry (S.D.) fr. the river s.e. to Twenty-seventh. Quincy (S.D.) fr. 220 State w. to the river. Quincy, W. (W.D.) fr. 173 S. Clinton to 167 S. Des- plaines. Quinn (S.D.) fr. 568 Archer av. s.e. to Thirty-first. Racine av. (N.D.) fr. ^o Clybourn av. n. to Diversey. Railroad av. (W.D.) fr. W. Twelfth s. to W. Fourteenth. Railroad PI. (W.D.) fr. 631 W. Sixteenth s. to Nine- teenth. Randolph (S.D.) fr. Michigan av. w. to the river. Randolph, W. (W.D.) fr. the river w. to Union Park. Rawson (W.D.) fr. Fleetwood w. to 540 Elston av. Ray (S.D.) fr. 298 South Park av. w. to 1321 Prairie av. Raymond (W.D.) fr. 787 N. Robey w. one-half block. Rebecca (W.D.) fr. 603 S. Morgan w. to California av. Redfield (W.D.) fr. the river w. to 6;o Elston av. Rees (N.D.) fr. 275 Larrabee w. and s.w. to N. Branch. Rhine (W.D.) fr. 1257 N. Leavitt to Western av. Rhodes av. (S.D.) fr. one-half block n. of 66 Thirty- second s. to 122 Douglas av. Rice (W.D.) fr. 323 N. Wood w. to N. Lincoln. Rice PI. (W.D.) fr. 1016 W. Twenty-second s. to Moore. Ridgeville Rd. (W.D.) See Paulina, N. Ridgeway av. (W.D.) fr. Williams av. n. to North av. Ritchie PI. (N.D.) fr. 231 Goethe n. to Banks. River (S.D.) fr. the lake to Rush Street bridge. Roberts (N.D.) fr. i Erie n. to 8 Chicago av. ' Robey, N. (W.D.) fr. 771 W. Lake n. to city limits. Robey, S. (W.D.) fr. 771 W. Lake s. to the river. Rockwell, N. (W.D.) fr. 1146 W. Lake n. to North av. Rockwell, S. (W.D.) fr. 1030 W. Madison s. to Egan Roe (W.D.) fr. S. Leavitt e. to Olive. Rose (W.D.) fr. 394 W. Chicago av. n. to Cornell. Rosebud (W.D.) fr. Bloomingdale rd. n.w. to 998 N. Western av. Ruble (W.D.) fr. 153 W. Sixteenth s. to 125 Canalport Rucker (W.D.) fr. 347 W. Kinzie n. to 17 Augusta. Rumsey (W.D.) fr. 499 W. Indiana n. to 223 W. Divi- sion. Rundel PI. (W.D.) fr. S. Morgan w. to Centre av. Rush (N.D.) fr. the river n. to Elm. Sacramento av. N. (W.D.) fr. 1392 W. Lake n. to W. Sacramento av. S. (W.D.) fr. I 39 j W. Lake s. to W. Twelfth. Samuel (W.D.) fr. 550 W. Chicago av. n. to 265 W. Di- Sangamon, N. (W.D.) fr. 260 W. Randolph n. to the river. Sangamon, S. (W.D.) fr. 259 W. Randolph s. to W. Har- Sanger (S.D.) fr. 346 Archer av. s.e. to 508 Twenty- sixth. Saratoga (S.D.) fr. Illinois & Michigan canal s. to Doug- las av. Sawyer av. (W.D.) fr. Ogden av. s. to Twenty-second. Schiller (N.D.) fr. 357 Sedgwick e. to the lake. School (W.D.) fr. 93 S. Canal w. to Desplaines. Scott (N.D.) fr. 407 N. State e. to the lake. Sebor (W.D.) fr. Ellsworth w. to 90 S. Halsted. Sedgwick (N.D.) fr. 85 Erie n. to city limits ' ht. (N.D.) fr. ----- 328 Division s. to Elm. Seeley av. (W.D.) fr. 804 W. Madison s. to Congress. Selden (W.D.) fr. 48? S. Wood w. to S. Lincoln Sedgwick Ct. (N.D.) Seeley av. (W.D.) fr. Seneca (N.D.) fr. North Water n. to Erie. Seventeenth (S.D.) fr. 852 State w. to Grove. Seventeenth, W. (W.D.) fr. Arthur w. to Western av. Seward (W.D.) fr. 77 W. Sixteenth s. to Lumber. Seymour (W.D.) fr. 1074 w - Lak e n. to Armitage av. Shaughnessy (N.D.) fr. 9 Goethe n. to Sigel. Sheffield av. (N.D.) fr. 472 Hawthorne av. n. to city limits. Shelby Ct. (W.D.) fr. W. Nineteenth s. to W. Twentieth. Sheldon, N. (W.D.) fr. 468 W. Randolph n. to Arbor pi. Sheldon, S. (W.D.) fr. 468 W. Randolph s. to 491 W. Madison. Sheridan (W.D.) fr. W. Kinzie n. to Fullerton av. Sheridan PI. (S.D.) fr. 1022 Wentworth av. w. one and one- half blocks. Sherman (S.D.) fr. 164 Jackson s. to Taylor. Sherman PI. (N.D.) fr. 132 Pine w. one-half block. Shober (W.D.) fr. 562 W. Division n. to Waubansia. Sholto (W.D.) fr. 368 W. Harrison s. to Eleventh. Short (S.D.) fr. 180 Hickory n.w. to Cologne, one block. Shurtleff av. (S.D.) fr. 300 Twenty-sixth s. to Thirty- and Washington Str Sibley (W.D.) fr. 522 W. Harrison s. to 512 W. Taylor. Sigel (N.D.) fr. 49 Hurlbut e. to 477 N. Wells. Silver (W.D.) fr. 280 W. Harrison s. to Gurley. Sixteenth (S.D.) fr. the lake w. to river. Sixteenth, W. (W.D.) fr. the river w. to city limits. Sloan (W.D.) fr. 273 Elston av. w. to Noble. Smart (W.D.) fr. W. Kinzie n. to Hubbard. Smith (W.D.) fr. 125 Ogden av. w. to S. Wood. Smith av. (N.D.) Ir. 129 Blackhawk n. to 114 North av. Smith av. (W.D.) fr. S. Central Park av. w. to Mowry. Snell (W.D.) fr. 178 W. Huron n. to 340 W. Chicago av. Snow (W.D.) fr. C. & N. W. R. R. crossing n.e. to the river. Sophia (N.D.) fr. Herndon to N. Franklin. South Park av. (S.D.) fr. 9 Twenty-second s. to Doug- South Water (S.D.) fr. the lake w. and s.w. to lake. Southport av. (N.D.) fr. 97 Clybourn av. n. to city limits. Spaulding av. (W.D.) fr. 1561 W. Madison s. to Thirty- Spring (S.D.) fr. 1327 Wentworth av. e. to 1220 State. Springer (S.D.) fr. 764 State w. to Clark. Springer av. (S.D.) fr. Laurel w. to Waterville. Springfield av. (W.D.) fr. W. Kinzie n. to W. North av. Spruce (W.D.) fr. 242 Loomis W. to Laflin. Stanton av. (S.D.) IV. 135 Douglas av s. to Egan av. Starr (N.D.) fr. 148 Scdgwick e. to N. Franklin. State (S.D.) fr. So South Water s. to city limits. State, N. (N.D.) fr. the river n. to Schiller, station (W.D.) fr. N.Leavitt n.w. to Western av. Staunton (W.D.) fr. 1061 W. Lake s. to 1049 W. Madi- son. St. Clair (N.D.) fr. 300 N. Water n. to 380 Superior. Stearns (S.D.) fr. S. Halsted w. and s.w. to Main. Stein (W.D.) fr. Redfield n.w. one block. Stephenson (W.D.) fr. Lumber s. to 35 W. Fourteenth. Stewart av. (W.D.) fr. 62 W. Twelfth s. to Lumber. Stewart av. (S.D.) fr. the river to city limits; crosses Archer av. at 166. St. John's PI. (W.D.) fr. 550 W. Lake n. to Arbor pi. St. Louis av. (W.D.) fr. 1684 W. Madison s. to Thirty- first. Stone (N.D.) fr. 613 Division n. to Banks. Stowell (S.D.) fr. 530 Clark AV. one and one-half block. String (W.D.) fr. 131 W. Sixteenth s.to So Canalport av. Sullivan (N.D.) fr. 310 Sedgwick w. to Hurlbut. Summit (S.D.) fr. 1339 Archer av. n.w. one block. Sumner (W.D.) fr. W. Fifteenth s. to 764 W. Sixteenth. Superior (N.D.) fr. Roberts e. to the lake. Superior, W. (W.D.) fr. 320 N. Halsted w. to Rock- Swift (W.D.) fr. S. Kedzie av. w. to Mowry. Swift PI. (S.D.) fr. 1458 Wentworth av. w. to Stewart av. Talman av. N. (W.D.) fr. 1170 W. Lake to W. North av. Talman av. S. (W.D.) fr. W. Twelfth s. to Ogden av. Taylor (S.D.) fr. 504 State w. to river. Talor, W. (W.D. fr. the river w. to Genesee a Taylor, W. (W.D.) fr. the ri Tell Ct. (N.D.) fr. 539 Sedg . ck e. to N. Wells. Tell PI. (W.D.) fr. 748 Milwaukee av. w. to N. Ashland Temple (W.D.) fr. 158 W. Huron n. to 321 W. Chicago av. Third av. (S.D.) fr. 86 Jackson s. to Fourteenth. Thirteenth (S.D.) fr. Indiana av. w. to 641 State. Thirteenth, W. (W.D.) fr. Waller w. to 294 Blue Island av. Thirteenth, W. (W.D.) fr. 303 Blue Island av. w. to West- Thirteenth PI. (W.D.) fr. Waller w. to S. Hoyne av. Thirtieth (S.D.) fr. the lake w. to S. Halsted. Thirty-first (S.D.) fr. the lake w. to Illinois & Mich- igan canal. Thirty-first, W. (W.D.) fr. S. Leavitt w. to Crawford av. Thirty-second (S.D.) fr. 468 Cottage Grove av. w. to the Thirty-second, W. (W.D.) fr. the s. fork of river w. to S. Hoyne av. Thirty-third (S.D.) fr. the lake w. to the riv Thirty-third Ct. (S.D.) fr. 1359 S. Halsted w. to Laurel. Thirty-third Ct. W. (W.D.) fr. S. Ashland av. w. to 1059 Archer av. Thirty fourth (S.D.) fr. 181 Rhodes av. w. to Ullman; Thirtyfo S urth, a W. a (WD 5 j fr. S. Ashland av. w. to West- ern av. Thirty-fourth Ct. (S.D.) fr. 1419 S. Halsted w. to Laurel. Thirty-fourth Ct. W. (S.D.) fr. Beers w. to Long John. Thirty-fifth Ct. (S.D.) fr. 1476 S. Halsted w. to Laurel. Thirty-fifth Ct. W. (S.D.) fr. Saratoga one-half block n. 1301 Archer av. w. to Western av. Thirty-sixth (S.D.) fr. 1674 Indiana av. w. to Laurel. Thirty-sixth, W. (S.D.) fr. 1361 Archer av. w. to city Thirty-seventh (S.D.) fr. the lake w. to Laurel ; crosses State at 1675. Thirty-seventh, W. (S.D.) fr. S. Ashland av. w. to Long John. Thirty-seventh Ct. (S.D.) fr. 1778 Indiana av. w. to 1769 State, and fr. Halsted to Laurel. Thirty-seventh Ct. W. (S.D.) fr. S. Ashland av. w. to Beers. Thirty-eighth (S.D.) fr. 836 Cottage Grove av. w. to Thirty-eighth, W. (S.D.) fr. S. Ashland av. w. to Beers. Thirty-eighth Ct. (S.D.) fr. Portland av. w. to Laurel. Thirty-eighth Ct. W. (S.D.) fr. S. Ashland av. w. to Thirty-ninth (S.D.) See Egan av. Thomas (W.D.) fr. N. Wood w. to Western av. Thompson (W.D.) fr. N. Leavitt w. to California av. Throop (W.D.) fr. 438 W. Madison to the river. Throop, N. (W.D.) fr. 439 W. Madison n. to Washington. Tinkham av. (W.D.) fr. W. Kinzie n. to W. North av. Todd (S.D.) fr. 256 Grove n.w. to the river. Tompkins (W.D.) fr. 522 W. Polk s. to W. Taylor. Town (N.D.) fr. 22 North av. s. to Black Hawk. Townes Ct.(N.D.) fr. 194 North av. s. one-half block. Townsend (N.D.) fr. Erie n. to 286 Division. Tremont (W.D.) fr. S. California av. w. to Homan av. Troy (W.D.) fr. Barry Point rd. S. to ! 4 I7 W. Van Buren. Troy, N. (W.D.) fr. W. Kinzie to Central Park boule- vard. Trumbull av. (W.D.) fr. Barry Point rd. s. to W. Twenty- Truro (W.D.) fr. Douglas Park w. to S. Kedzie av. Trustee (W.D.) fr. 559 W. Kinzie N. to Hubbard. Tucker (S.D.) fr. 895 Douglas av. s. to Egan av. Turner av. (W.D.) fr. Ogden av. s to Twenty-second. Twelfth (S.D.) fr. Indiana av. w. to the river. Twelfth, W. (W.D.) fr. the river w. to city limits. Twentieth (S.D.) fr. the lake w. to the Grove. Twentieth, W. (W.D.) fr. Bears w. to Washtenaw av. Twenty-first (S.D.) fr. the lake w. to Stewart av. Twenty-first, W. (W.D.) fr. S. Union w. to St. Louis av. Twenty-second (S.D.) fr. the lake w. to the river. Twenty-second, W. (W.D.) fr. the river w. to city limits. Twenty-third (S.D.) fr. the lake w. to Archer av. Twenty-third, W. (W.D.) fr. Homan av. w. to Genesee Twenty-fourth (S.D.) fr. the lake w. to Butler. Twenty-fourth, W. (W.D.) fr. Homan av. w. to city limits. Twenty-fifth (S.D.) fr. the lake w. to Sanger. Twenty-fifth, W. (W.D.) fr. St. Lonis av. w. to city limits. Twenty-sixth (S.D.) fr. the lake w. to Hals Twenty-sixth, W. (W.D.) fr. S. Hoyne w. Halsted. Crawford Twenty-seventh (S.D.) fr. the lake w. to Quarry. Twenty-seventh, W. (W.D.) fr. S. Kedzie av. w. to Crawford av. Twenty-eighth (S.D.) fr. the lake w. to 1082 S. Halsted. Twenty-ninth (S.D.) fr. the lake w. to S. Halsted. Twomey (N.D.) fr. 288 Sedgwick w. to Hein. Ullman (S.D.) fr. 973 Thirtv-first s. to city limits. Union, N. (W.D) fr. 156 W.' Randolph n. to W. Chicago av. Union, S. (W.D.) fr. 156 W. Randolph to Madison, and fr. Twelfth to Lumber. Union av. (S.D.) fr. Cottage Grove av. w. to Vincennes av. Union PI. (W.D.) fr. 82 W. Twenty-second s. to S. Union"pi n '(W.D.) fr. 1057 W. Congress s. to 1209 W. Harrison. Union Park PI. (W.D.) fr. 524 W. Lake n. to Arbor pi. University PI. (S.D.) fr. 622 Cottage Grove av. w. to Rhodes av. Upton (W.D.) fr. 1486 Milwaukee av. w. to city limits. Van Buren (S.D.) fr. 197 Michigan av. w. to the river. Van Buren, W. (W.D.) fr. the river w. to Homan av. Van Horn (W.D.) fr. 825 S. Ashland av. w. to S. Western av. Vedder (N.D.) fr. 527 N. Halsted e. to 270 Division. Vermont av. (S.D.) fr. W. Thirty-first s. to Thirty -third. Vernon av. (S.D.) fr. half block n. of 70 Twenty-ninth s. to Egan av. Vernon Park PI. (W.D.) fr. Centre av. w. to Loomis. Vincennes av. (S.D.) fr. 648 Cottage Grove av. s. t Vincennes PI. (S.D.) See Johnson PI. N.D. fr. 220 Division n. to Willow. city limits. cennes PI. Vine (N.D.) fr. Waubansia av. (W.D.) fr. the river w. to city limits. Wabash av. (S.D.) fr. S. Water s. to city limits. Wade (W.D.) IV. 131 Elston av. w. to Currier. Wahl (S.D.) fr. 947 Thirty-first s. to Springer av. Waldo (W.D.) fr. 23 S. Desplaines w. to S. Halsted. Walker Ct. (W.D.)'fr. W. Eighteenth n. half block. Wallace (S.D.) fr. 298 Archer av. s. to city limits. Waller (W.D.) fr. 370 W. Twelfth s. to 353 W. Four- teenth. Walnut (W.D.) fr.2i N. Ashland av. w. to N. Homanav. Walsh Ct. (W.D.) fr. 733 S. May w. to 682 Centre av. Wallon PI. (N.D.) fr. 303 Dearborn av. e. to the lake. Ward (N.D.) fr. 656 Clybourn av. n.e. and n. to Fuller- ton av. Ward Ct. (W.D.) fr. 401 Lumber w. to Jefferson. Warren av. (W.D.) fr. 77 Ogden av. to city limits. Washington (S.D.) fr. Michigan av. w. to the river. Washington, W. (W.D.) fr. the river w. to city limits. Washington PI. (N.D.) fr. 250 N. Clark e. to Dearborn av. WashteSaw av. N. (W.D.) fr. 1206 W. Lake n. to Ful- Washtenaw av. S. (W.D.) fr. W. Madison s. to Twenty- sixth. Water, N. See N. Water. Water, S. See S. Water. Water, W. (W.D.) See W. Water. Waterville (S.D.) fr. 1077 Thirty-second s. third. Waver (S.D.) fr. 325 Archer av. w. one block. Wayman (W.D.) fr. N. Jefferson w. to 81 N. Halsted. Weigh av. (W.D.) fr. N. Kedzie w. to Homan av. Webster av. (N.D.) fr. the river e. to Lincoln Park. Weed (N.D.) fr. 334 Hooker e. to 644 N. Halsted. Weed Ct. (N.D.) fr. 256 n.e. half block. Wells, N. (N.D.) fr. the river n. to N. Clark. Wendell (N.D.) fr. 187 Sedgwick e. to 331 N. Wells. Wentworth av. (S.D.) fr. 259 Sixteenth s. to city limits. Werder (W.D.) fr. N. Rockwell w. to California av. Wesson (N.D.) fr. 43 Chicago av. n. to Division. West Water (W.D.) fr. W. Madison n. to W. Ohio. Western av. N. (W.D.) fr. 1012 W. Lake n. to city limits. Western av. S. (W.D.) ion W. Lake s. to city limits. Weston (N.D.) fr. the Presbyterian Seminary grounds to E. Lincoln av. Wharf (W.D.) fr. Lumber s.e. to the river. Wheaton (W.D.) fr. N. Kedzie av. w. one block. Whipple (W.D.) fr. Barry Point Road s. to 1327 W. White (N.D.) fr. half block of 138 Townsend e. to 256 N. LaSalle. Whitehouse (W.D.) fr. S. Kedzie av. w. to Mowery av. Whitehouse PI. (S.D.) fr. 1504 Wentworth av. w. to Stewart av. Whiting (N.D.) fr. 276 N. Market e. to N. Wells. Wicker Ct. (W.D.) See Park. Wieland (N.D.) fr. 141 Schiller N. to 416 North av. Wilcox av. (W.D.) fr. 149 S. Oakley av. w. to California Will (W.D.) fr. 567 Milwaukee av. n. to Augusta. Willard PI. (W.D.) fr. 361 W. Washington n. to 380 W. Randolph. William (W.D.) fr. 215 S. Morgan w. to 142 Centre av. William av. (W.D.) fr. Central Park av. w. to Hamlin av. Willow (N.D.) fr. 491 Larrabee w. to Hawthorne av. Wilmot av. (W.D.) fr. 833 N. Roby w. to Armitage av. Wilson (W.D.) fr. Stewart av. w. to 513 S. Jefferson. Winchester av. (W.D.) fr. 758 W. Madison s. to 501 W. Polk. Wisconsin (N.D.) fr. 572 Larrabee e. to 815 N. Clark. Wood, N. (W.D.) fr. 676 W. Lake n. to Asylum pi. Wood, S. (W.D.) fr. 675 W. Lake s. to Blue Island av. Woodbine PI. (W.D.) fr. 357 S. Leavitt w. to S. Oakley Woodland av. (W.D.) fr. Douglas Park boulevard s. to W. Twenty-sixth. Woodland Park (S.D.) fr. 597 Cottage av. e. one block. Wright (W.D.) fr. 117 Stewart av. w. to 570 S. Morgan. Wright (W.D.) fr. 107 W. North av. n. to Waubansia Wrightwood av. (N.D.) fr. N. Clark w. to Ashland av. Yager, N. (W.D.) fr. 1452 W. Lake n. to Central Park boulevard. Yager, S. (W.D.) fr. 1451 W. Lake s. to W. Madison. Yeaton (W.D.) fr. 5:3 S. Wood w. to S. Lincoln. York (W.D.) fr. 173 Laflin w. to S. Wood. Yorktown (S.D.) fr. Bross av. s. to W. Thirty-first ct. COUNTY JAIL. 177 LaSalle Street. NEW WEST SIDE WATEK-WOBK8. "HORSESHOEB AKD HARDWARE JOURNAL." 177 La Salle Str HORSE OAKS AND WHERE THEY RUN. South Side Lines. STATE AND THIRTY-NINTH STS. Cars run on State St. from Lake to Thirty-ninth. Distance, 4^ miles. Red light. Running time, 42 minutes. STATE AND THIRTY-FOURTH STS. Cars run on State st. from Lake to Thirty -fourth. Distance, 3? miles. Red light. Connect with Stock Yards line at Thirty-fourth st. Running time, 36 minutes. UNION STOCK YARDS. This line extends from Thirty- fourth st. southwest to the Union Stock Yards. Distance, 2}^ miles. Connect with State st. line at Thirty-fourth st. Red light. Running time, 30 minutes. A transfer car connecting with cars on Slock Yards line, at Thirty-ninth st., runs between State st. and Cottage Grove av. via Thirty-ninth. HALSTED ST. STOCK YARDS LINE. Cars run on Hal- sted St., from the bridge on the south branch, to time, 22 minutes. ARCHER Av. These cars run on State St., from Lake to Archer av., thence southwest on Archer av. to Rolling Mills. Distance, 4% miles. White light. Running time, 43 minutes. INDIANA Av. AND THIRTY-FIRST ST. Cars run on State st., from Lake to Madison, thence on Madison to Wabash av., on Wabash av. to Eighteenth st., on Eighteenth st. to Indiana av., and on Indiana av. to Thirty-first st. Distance, 3 miles. Green light. Running time, 35 minutes. INDIANA Av. AND THIRTY-NINTH ST. VIA WABASH Av. Cars run on State st., from Lake to Madison, on Madison to Wabash av., on Wabash av. to Eighteenth st., on Eighteenth st. to Indiana av., and on Indiana av. to Thirty-ninth st. Distance, 4J