VILLAGE OP EVANSTON, IN COOK COUNTY, ILLINOIS. PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY OF THE PRESIDENT AND BOARD OF TRUSTEES. Issued February 2Oth, 1874. PRINTED AT THE OFFICE OP THE EVANSTON INDEX. VILLAGE ORDINANCES. Animals Running at Large. AN ORDINANCE In Relation to Certain Animals Running at La >(/<. SECTION 1. Animals at large Penalty. xJ. Duty of pound-master Neglect Penalty. 3. Pound charge. 4. Redemption of animals Costs, etc. [ment. 5. Proceeding against impounded animals Judg- 6. Proceeding against unknown owner. 7. Justice's docket. 8. Jury trial. 9. Justice's order Form. 10. Pound- master's notice Form. 11. Who may not purchase Penalty. 12. Breaking pound Penalty. 13. Obstructing Penalty. [ter. 14. Pound-master's report Money received Regis- 15. Owner entitled to surplus proceeds. 16. Pound-master's bond. 17. Wrongful taking of animals Penalty. 18. Pound accounts Quarterly statement. Jle it Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Evanston : SECTION 1. No cows, horses, mules, swine, sheep, goats, geese or cattle of any kind, shall be permitted to run at large within the Village of Evanston; and any owner or owners of any such animal or animals, who shall permit the same to run at large, contrary to the provisions of this section, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of three dollars for each animal so permitted to run at large, together with the costs of impounding, and the expense of suste- nance for such animal or animals, when impounded, as hereinafter provided. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the pound-master of said village to take up any such animal or animals found running at large as aforesaid, and confine the same in a secure pen, pound or place provided by him for that purpose, and for so doing he shall receive from the treasurer of said village, when collected, an impounding fee of fifty cents for each animal so taken up and impounded by him ; and for each neglect or refusal so to do, he shall forfeit and pay a penalty of five dollars. SEC. 3. There shall be charged for each animal impounded an impounding fee of fifty cents, and also fifty cents for each day or part of a day for providing sustenance for each animal impounded. SEC. 4. At any time before the sale of any animal or animals impounded, the owner or owners thereof may redeem the same by paying to the pound-master the penalty prescribed in this ordinance, together with the impounding fee and costs of suste- nance as prescribed in the last section, and in case procedings shall have been instituted before a judicial officer, the cost of such proceedings, and the amount of the judgment, if judgment shall have been recovered under the ordinance, together with subsequently accrued costs of sustenance, shall be the redemp- tion money to be paid. SEC. 5. When any animal or animals shall be impounded, as aforesaid, it shall be the duty of the said pound-master forthwith to make complaint before the police magistrate, or some justice of the peace of said village, against the owner or owners of such animal or animals, if known, and thereupon a warrant shall be issued, and upon the return thereof executed, or the defendant having appeared, it shall be the duty of the justice or police mag- istrate to inquire whether the defendant has been guilty of a vio- lation of this ordinance ; and, if the defendant be found guilty, judgment shall be rendered against him for the penalty, impounding fee and cost of sustenance herein above prescribed, and the costs of suit, and an order shall be entered that the animal or animals shall be sold to satisfy said judgment in ease the same shall not be paid forthwith. Sueli order shall deserilit- the animal or animals, and state the time and place of impound- ing, S ice. G. When the owner of any animal impounded shall be unknown, it shall be the duty of the pound-master, when the same shall be impounded, to make complaint, as provided in the last section, against the unknown owner of such animal, describ- ing- the same ; and thereupon the officer before whom such com- plaint shall be made, shall issue a notice in substance as follows, to wit : POUND NOTICK. WHEREAS, Complaint has this day been made before me, that the unknown owner of the following described animals, to wit : , impounded at , on the day of , A. D. 18 , has permitted the same to run at large, contrary to the pro- visions of an ordinance entitled "An ordinance in relation to certain animals running at large." Now, therefore, notice is hereby given that a trial will be had upon f the said complaint, at my office, in the Village of Evanston, on the day of , A. 1). 18 , at the hour of M., when and where the unknown owner may appear and defend, if he sees fit so to do. Witness my hand, this day of , A. D. 18 . , J. P. or P. M. The day named in said notice for trial shall not be less than five nor more than ten days from the time of issuing the notice ; and it shall be the duty of the pound-master upon making the complaint, forthwith to post three copies of said notice, one at the pound where the animal is impounded, one at the office of the justice or police magistrate issuing the same, and one at the door of the post-office in said village, and to return the said notice, with the time and manner of said posting. SEC. 7. The justice or police magistrate issuing said notice shall enter the cause upon his docket as follows, to wit: "The Village of Evanston rs. The Unknown Owner of" [here specify the ani- mals.] And upon the return of the notice prescribed in the last section, like proceedings shall be had, as in the case of personal service or appearance. SEC. 8. In all trials for violation of this ordinance, the accused shall have the right of trial by jury, and in proceedings against unknown owners, the trial must be by jury. SKI . 9. Upon the rendition of any judgment, as provided in sec- tion seven of this ordinance, the justice of the peace or police magistrate rendering the same, shall issue to the pound-master an order which shall be in the following form as nearly as may be : The People of the State of Illinois to Pound-Master. WE COMMAND You, That of the following described goods and chattels, to wit : , the property of , you make the sum of dollars and cents debt, and dollars and cents costs, which the Village of Evanston lately recovered before me, against the said , and hereof make due return. Given under my hand this, the day of , A. D. 18 . ' , J. P. or P. M. SEC. 10. Upon the receipt of such order, the pound-master shall immediately post three notices, in like places as provided in sec- tion six of this ordinance, in substance as follows : PotrND NOTICE. Taken up and impounded in the village pound of the Village of Evanston, the following described animals : which, unless redeemed, will be sold at public auction, for cash, to the highest bidder, at said pound, at the hour of o'clock in the forenoon, on the day of , 18 . , Pound-master. The day of sale mentioned in said notice shall be the third day after posting the same, exclusive of Sundays, holidays and elec- tion days ; and if said animal or animals are not redeemed, the pound-master shall sell the same in accordance with said notice. It shall be the duty of the pound-master to return such order, within twenty days from its date, to the officer issuing the same, with an indorsement showing when and how the same was executed. SEC. 11. The said pound-master shall not purchase or be inter- ested directly or indirectly in the purchase of any animal taken up, impounded <5r sold by him under the provisions of this ordin- ance, under a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense, or the forfeiture of his office. SEC. 12. If any person shall break open said pound, or in any manner, directly or indirectly, aid or assist in, or counsel or advise the breaking open of said village pound, he shall forfeit and pay a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars for each offense. SEC. 13. No person shall hinder, delay or obstruct said pound- master, when engaged in taking to said pound any animal or animals liable to be impounded, under a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than ten dollars for each animal so being taken. SEC. 14. The said' pound-master shall, by the end of each quarter year, pay to the treasurer of said village all moneys received by him, over and above the necessary expenditures for the mainte- nance of the pound during the said quarter, by virtue of his office of pound-master, and shall at the end of each quarter year render to the treasurer of said village a full statement, on oath, of all the animals received into said pound during said quarter, describ- ing the same, with the names of the owners, if known, the dates when received, redeemed or sold, and of all moneys received by him during said quarter for the redemption or sale of animals, or otherwise, as pound-master, and of all moneys expended by him in the maintenance of said pound, and shall attach to said statement receipts for all moneys so expended. Said pound-master shall also keep a record, in which he shall enter, from time to time as they occur, all matters required to be shown in such statements, and in which he shall cause to be written the receipts of owners of animals by them redeemed. SEC. 15. When the proceeds of the sale of any animal or animals shall exceed the amount of judgment and costs, and the expense of sustenance which shall have accrued subsequently to the ren- dition of the judgment, and such excess shall have been paid to the treasurer, the owner or owners of such animal or animals shall be entitled to a warrant on the treasurer for such excess, upon presenting to him satisfactory evidence of his right thereto. SEC. 16. The said pound-master shall, before entering upon the duties of his office, execute a bond to the Village of Evanston in the penal sum of one thousand dollars ($1,000), to be approved by the Board of Trustees, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office, and the payment to the village of all moneys coming into his hands under this ordinance, or any ordin- ance amendatory thereof. SEC. 17. Any person, who shall take or drive any such animal from any inclosed lot or tract of ground, or from any stable or other building, lawfully occupied by the owner of such animal, or from without the limits of said village, to said poxind, with the intent that such animal may be impounded, shall IK- liable to a fine of not less than five nor more than twenty dollars for every animal so driven or taken from the place or places aforesaid. SKO. 18. It shall be the duty of said pound-master to keep such books, in such manner, as the treasurer shall direct; they shall show, among other things, all receipts and expenditures for his pound ; and the treasurer shall, at least once each quarter year, audit and adjust the accounts of said pound-master. Passed Jan. 13th, 1874. Approved Jan. loth, 1874. C. J. GILBERT, President. Arrests, and Recovery of Fines. AN ORDINANCE Coiieentiuy Arrests and the /.'/// of Fiue, Prmilticx mte committed to the village calaboose, or other place provided for the imprisonment of offenders against the ordinances of said village, or remain in the custody of the officer making the arrest, until the time set for the trial of the case. SEC. 3. In all cases of arrest on view for a violation of any of the ordinances of said village, in which detention in custody, of the person or persons so arrested shall be authorized by any of said ordinances, it shall be the duty of the keeper of the village calaboose or other place of confinement provided for violators of said ordinances to receive, and he is hereby authorized and empowered to receive, from any officer of said village legally empowered to make such arrests, any such person or persons, and him, her or them to safely keep until such person or persons can l>o safely brought before the police magistrate of said village, or some justice of the peace of said Cook County, and be tried for such violation in the manner prescribed by ordinance. SKC. 4. That all fines, forfeitures, penalties and costs imposed against any person or persons by any of the ordinances of said village for the breach thereof, may be recovered before the police 10 magistrate of said village or any justice of the peace of said Cook County by action of debt in the name of " The Village of Evanston," and judgments may be rendered thereon, and col- lected by execution or other process, as other judgments of justices of the peace are rendered and collected; and such fines, forfeitures and penalties, when collected, shall be paid over to the treasurer of said village for the use of said village, on demand of said treasurer. In all actions for the violation of any ordinance, the first process shall be a summons, where arrest upon view is not made, or a warrant is not issued. SEC. 5. Whenever any person shall make complaint in writing, verified by affidavit, to the police magistrate of said village, or any justice of the peace of the township of Evanston in said Cook County, and shall therein state that any ordinance of said village has been violated, and that the complainant has reasonable grounds to believe that the person charged in such complaint with such violation is guilty thereof, said police magistrate or justice may issue in the first instance a warrant for the arrest of the person or persons so charged; and any person or persons, so charged and arrested upon such warrant, shall without unneccessary delay, except as provided in section one of this ordinance, be taken before the magistrate or justice issuing such warrant, to be tried for the alleged violation. In all such cases continuances may be granted, bail taken, or commitments made as are provided for in cases of arrests under section two of this ordinance. SEC. 6. In all cases where any person or persons, convicted of a breach of any of said ordinances, shall fail, neglect, or refuse forthwith to pay any fine, forfeiture, or penalty, and costs, which may be adjudged against such person or persons, it shall be competent and lawful for the police magistrate, justice of the peace, or other court, before whom such conviction is had, to order that such person or persons, so convicted as aforesaid, shall be committed to the jail of Cook County, the village calaboose, or other place provided by said village for the incarceration of offenders in such cases, there to remain until such fine, forfeiture, or penalty, and costs shall be fully paid or otherwise legally dis- charged. Provided, that no such imprisonment shall continue longer than the period of six months for any one offense. SEC. 7. Commitment of any person or persons, as provided in either section two or six of this ordinance, shall be by process under the hand of the police magistrate, justice of the poaco, or other 11 court, which shall have made the order for such commitment. SEC. 8. In every case, where the trial for a breach of any of the said ordinances shall be by jury, the amount of the fine, penalty, forfeiture, or punishment, the limits of which are provided for by any ordinance, shall be assessed or fixed by the jury, if they shall find the defendant or defendants guilty; and the police magistrate, justice of the peace, or other court, before whom the same shall be tried by jury, shall record their verdict on his docket, and render judgment in accordance therewith, for the amount of the fine, penalty, forfeiture, or punishment so assessed or fixed by the jury and the costs of suit. If the jury shall return a verdict of not guilty, such magistrate, justice, or court, shall record the same and order that the defendant or defendants, if held in custody, be discharged. SEC. 9. In all cases when judgment shall be rendered by the police magistrate, or any justice, or competent court, as aforesaid, in favor of said village against any person or persons convicted of a violation of any of the ordinances of said village, and such person or persons so convicted shall be committed to the county jail or other place of imprisonment provided by said village, and be imprisoned therein for failing, neglecting, or refusing to pay any fines, forfeitures, penalties, or costs, which may be adjudged against such person or persons, it shall be lawful and competent for any such person or persons, so convicted, com- mitted and imprisoned, to board out in such place of confinement the amount of such fine, penalty, or forfeiture, and costs at the rate of twenty-four hours for each two dollars of such fine, penalty, or forfeiture and costs, until sush fine, penalty, or forfeiture and costs be fully satisfied ; provided no such imprisonment shall continue longer than six months for any one offense. And in such case, whether by satisfaction as aforesaid or by the expira- tion of six months from the commencement of such imprisonment, the keeper of said jail, or the place of confinement, shall endorse the writ of commitment "Satisfied in full by imprisonment," and discharge such person or persons from his custody. SEC. 10. Changes of venue, and appeals from judgments, in all cases arising under any of said ordinances, shall be allowed before magistrates and justices of the peace; the same to be taken and granted in the same manner, and with like effect, as in other actions of debt before justices under the laws of this State. The same proceedings and practice shall be observed before magis- 12 trates or justices to whom changes of venue are taken, and the same powers may be exercised by them, as are provided for in this ordinance. SEC. 11. This ordinance shall take effect and be in force, from and after its passage and due publication according to law. Passed Jan. 13th, 1874. Approved Jan. 13th, 1874. CHAS. J. GILBERT, President. Coal and Hay. AN ORDINANCE In Relation to tJie Weighing of Coal and Hay. SECTION 1. Rights of purchasers. 2. A ton described. 3. Penalty for short weight and deceit. 4. Fees for weighing. He it Ordained by the President and Hoard of Trustees of the Village of Evanston : SECTION 1. That each and every person, firm or corporation who shall sell or be engaged in the business of selling coal or hay in the village of Evanston, to be delivered within said village, shall either produce and deliver to the purchaser, at the time of the delivery of the coal or hay purchased, a certificate signed by a weigher duly appointed under the ordinances of said village, showing the weight of the coal or hay so delivered ; or the seller of said coal or hay shall, at the time and place of the delivery thereof, weigh, or cause to be weighed, the coal or hay so deliv- ered, which weighing shall be done in the presence of the pur- chaser, or his, her or their agent, if he, she or they shall desire or see fit to be present. SEC. 2. That every person, firm or corporation purchasing a ton of coal or hay, shall be entitled to receive two thousand pounds (and a proportionate amount for any portion of a ton purchased), and every person, firm or corporation selling the s:nii<>, shall deliver two thousand pounds of co:il <>r luy I'm- c:ich ton purchased 13 from such person, firm or corporation, and a proportionate amount lor any part of a ton so purchased. SEC. 3. Every weigher, who shall be guilty of giving a false certificate as to the number of pounds of coal or hay weighed by him, as provided in section one, and every person, firm or corpo- ration who shall neglect or refuse to comply with the provisions of this ordinance, or who shall deliver to any purchaser a less quantity than two thousand pounds of coal or hay for each ton purchased (or a proportionate amount for any part of a ton), or who shall practice any fraud or deceit in the sale or delivery of any coal or hay purchased, to be delivered in said village as aforesaid, shall, on conviction by any magistrate or court having jurisdiction, be fined in a sum of not less than twenty dollars nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. SEC. 4. For weighing each ton of hay or coal and issuing a cer- tificate thereof, the village weigher shall be entitled to demand and receive from the person having the same weighed, the sum of ten cents. Passed Jan. 13th, 1874. Approved Jan. 13th, 1874. C. J. GILBERT, President. Concealed Weapons. AN ORDINANCE In Relation to tJie Carrying of Concealed Weapons. SECTION 1. Carrying of deadly weapons prohibited. 2. Who may arrest offenders how. 3. Penalty. 3. Exception as to police officers when on duty. Be it Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of JEvanston : SECTION 1. All persons, within the limits of the Village of Evanston, are hereby prohibited from carrying, or wearing under their clothes, or concealed about their persons, any pistol, revol- ver, slung shot, cross knuckles, knuckles of lead, brass or other 14 metal, bowie knife, dirk knife, dirk, dagger, or any other danger- ous or deadly weapon. SEC. 2. Any policeman, marshal, constable, police magistrate, or justice of the peace of the Village of Evanston may, within the limits of said village, without a warrant, arrest any. person or per- sons whom such officer may find in the act of carrying or wearing under their clothes, or concealed about their persons, any or either of the above named or other dangerous or deadly weapons, and detain him, her or them in the calaboose or lock-up, or in custody, until a summons or warrant can be procured on complaint, made (under oath or affirmation) for the trial of such person or persons. SEC. 3. Any person, who shall be adjudged to have violated any of the provisions of section one of this ordinance, shall pay a fine not exceeding one hundred dollars, or be imprisoned for a term not exceeding six months, or both, in the discretion of the magistrate or court, before whom such conviction shall be had. SEC. 4. The prohibitions of this ordinance shall not apply to the officers of said village, named in section two of this ordinance, when on duty. Passed Jan. loth, 1874. Approved Jan. 13th, 1874. C. J. GILBERT, President. Corporate Seal. AN ORDINANCE In Relation to tlie Corporate ticul. SECTION 1. Seal described. 2. Village clerk shall have custody of. Be it Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Evanston: SECTION 1. That a seal in a circular form, with the words, " Village of Evanston, Cook Co., Illinois," on the outer circle, and in the interior of said circle, an open book, shall be the seal of the Village of Evanston, to be used in all cases that have been or shall hereafter be provided by the laws of the United States, the laws 15 of the respective States of the United States, and the ordinances of the said Village of Evanston, and in all cases in which, by the laws and customs of nations, it is necessary to use a seal by a cor- poration. SEC. 2. The said village seal shall be and remain in the cus- tody of the clerk of said village, to be used by the said clerk and the president of said village, as is provided in the first section of this ordinance. Passed Sept. 30th, 1873. Approved Sept. 30th, 1873. C. J. GILBERT, President. Dogs. AN ORDINANCE In relation to Dogs Running at Large. SECTION 1. Dangerous dogs not to run at large. 2. What deemed ownership of dog. 3. Duty of police, constable, etc. to slay. 4. Mad dogs. Be it Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Evanston : SECTION 1. If any owner or possessor of a fierce or dangerous dog, or slut, shall permit the same to run or be at large at any time within the limits of said village, to the danger, or annoyance of any of the inhabitants, such owner or possessor shall forfeit and pay a sum of not less than five dollars for each offense; and upon a second conviction of such owner or posssessor for such offense, the said dog or slut shall be slain and buried. SEC. 2. Any person, who shall harbor or suffer or permit any dog or slut to be and remain at or about his house, stable, store, or other premises in said village, shall be held to be the owner of the same, and subject to the penalties contained in this ordinance. SEC. 3. It .shall be the duty of the police constable, and of such persons as the President of the Board of Trustees may designate, to slay all dogs and sluts as provided in this ordinance, 16 and to superintend the removal and burial of the same, and to enforce the provisions of the foregoing sections of this ordinance. SKC. 4. Whenever it shall be nuvde to appear to the President of the Board of Trustees, that there are good reasons for believing that any dog, or dogs, within the corporate limits of said village, or one mile thereof, are mad or have been bitten by any rabid animal, it shall be the duty of said President to issue a procla- mation requiring that all dogs shall, for a period to be stated in the proclamation, wear a good and substantial wire, gauxe or leathern muzzle securely put on, so as to prevent them from biting; and any dog, going or being at large, during the period defined in such proclamation, without such muzzle, shall be killed and buried, or the carcass otherwise disposed of. It shall be the duty of the police constable, and of such other persons as the Pres- ident may designate, to enforce the provisions of this section and of such proclamation; and the use of fire-arms by such officer or persons in so doing shall not subject them to the penalties of any ordinance relative to the discharge of fire-arms. Passed Jan. 13th, 1874. Approved Jan. 13th, 1874. C. J. GILBERT, President. Elections. AN ORDINANCE Regulating the Election, of Certain Villmjt OjfiriT*. SECTION 1. Election, when to be held Notices of. 2. Judges and Clerks of Clerk to notify. 3. Vacancies in Judges how filled. 4. Oath of Judges and Clerks- 1 Form of. 5. Qualifications of voters. [Clerks. 0. Manner of conducting Powers of Judges and 7. Tie vote how determined. 8. Persons elected Clerk to notify. '.. Vacancies in special cases how filled. J>e it OrJaimd l>>/ the President and Hoard of Ti-tishcs vl' tin Village of 17 SECTION 1. That an election shall be held annually on the third Tuesday in April, in each year, at such place or places as shall be designated by the Board of Trustees of said village, of which the village clerk shall give at least ten days' previous notice by posting in three of the most public places in said vil- lage written or printed notices thereof. And in case of a vacancy in any of the elective offices of said village, a special election may be ordered by the Board of Trustees of said village, or the remaining member or members thereof, to fill such vacancy; whereupon, like notice, as above provided, shall be given of the time and place, when and where such election shall be held to fill said vacancy. SKC. 2. The Board of Trustees, or the remaining member or members thereof, shall annually, at least thirty days prior to such annual election, or in case of a special election, at any time prior to such special election, appoint to act as judges of election at each poll, three, and, as clerks, two competent persons; whereupon the clerk of said village shall give them notice in writing of their appointment. SEC. 3. If any judge of election shall refuse to act, or fail to be present at the polls at the time fixed for the opening thereof, the vacancy shall be filled by any qualified voter of the village, to be selected by the remaining judges. And if no judge shall be present, a full board may be selected by the qualified electors in like manner. The judges shall have power to appoint one or more electors of the village to act as clerks, when necessary, to fill vacancies. SEC. 4. Judges and clerks shall severally, before receiving any votes, take and subscribe an oath or affirmation, which shall be attached to the returns and shall be in the following form, to wit : " I do solemnly sw.ear [or affirm, as the case may be] that I will support the Constitution of the United States and the Constitu- tion of the State of Illinois, and that 1 will faithfully discharge the duties of the office of judge of election [or clerk as the case may be] according to the best of my ability." If no person shall bo present at the opening of the polls, author- ized to administer oaths, it shall be lawful for the judges, or either of them, to administer the oath to each other, and to the clerks. The oaths, when thus administered, shall be in form as ;il)ove given, and shall be certified by the judge or judges admin- istering the same, and prefixed to each poll book. 18 SEC. 5. All persons entitled to vote at any general election for State officers within said village, having resided therein thirty days next preceding thereto, may vote at any election for village officers. SEC. 6. The manner of conducting and voting at such elections and contesting the same, the keeping of poll lists and canvassing the votes, shall be the same, as nearly as may be, as in the case of the election of county officers, under the general laws of this State. The judges and clerks of such elections shall have the same powers and authority as the judges and clerks of general State elections. After the closing of the polls, the ballots shall be counted and the returns made out and returned, under seal, to the village clerk within two days after the election ; and there- upon the Board of Trustees shall examine and canvass the same and declare the result of the election, and cause a statement thereof to be entered upon its journal. SEC. 7. The person, having the highest number of votes for any office, shall be declared elected. In case of a tie in the election of any village officer, it shall be determined by lot, in presence of the Board of Trustees, in such manner as they shall direct, which candidate or candidates shall hold the office. SEC. 8. It shall be the duty of the village clerk, within five days after the result of the election is declared, or appointment made, to notify all persons elected or appointed to office of their elec- tion or appointment, and unless such persons shall, respectively, qualify in ten days after such notice, the office shall become vacant. SEC. 9. In the event of a vacancy caused by the death, removal, absence, resignation or other inability to act, of all the members of said Board of Trustees, it shall be the duty of the village clerk, or, if his office be vacant, or if he be absent or refuse to act, then of the police magistrate of said village, forthwith to call a special election to fill such vacancies, and to give notice and appoint judges and clerks therefor in like manner and with like effect as provided in section one and two of this ordinance, except that the previous notice of the time and place of holding such special elec- tion may be five days instead of ten days, as in other instances. Returns of such election shall be made to, and the canvass and result thereof made and declared by the officer calling such election. In case of a tie in any such election, the same officer shall determine by lot, which candidate or candidates 19 shall hold the office. And he shall also, within live days after the result of such election is declared, notify the person or persons elected, as provided in section eight of this ordinance. Passed Sept. 30th, 1873. Approved Sept. 3()th, 1873. C. J. GILBERT, President. Fire Limits. AN ORDINANCE Eitablithing the Fire Lim it* ofilie ViU(/r <>f E SKCTION 1. Fire limits designated. 2. Construction of buildings regulated. 3. Penalty for violation. Be it Ordained by the President and Hoard of Trustees of the Village, of Evamton- : SECTION 1. That the fire limits of the Village of Evanston shall begin at the center of Maple avenue and its intersection with the center of Davis street (formerly College avenue) ; running thence south one hundred and ninety (100) feet ; thence east on a line parallel with the south line of said Davis street, and one hundred and fifty (150) feet distant, therefrom, to the center of the alley in block twenty-six (#6) in the Village of Evanston ; thence northerly along the center of said alley and across Davis street, and thence northerly along the center of an alley in block twenty (20), to a point one hundred and fifty (150) feet north of the north line of Davis street ; thence northwesterly and westerly on a line, parallel with Davis street and one hundred and fifty (150) feet distant from the north line thereof, to the center of Maple avenue ; thence south to the place of beginning. SEC. 2. No building or structure of any kind or description shall be erected, or constructed, within the fire limits as defined in section one of this ordinance, without the permission of said Board of Trustees first obtained, unless the outside and party walls thereof shall be composed of brick, stone, iron or other 20 incombustible material ; and all buildings which shall, or inav hereafter be erected, or constructed within said fire limits, with- out permission, as aforesaid, shall have outside walls of not less than one foot in thickness, and if any building shall be more than two stories in height above the basement, the outside walls of the basement and first story shall be not less than sixteen inches in thickness, and the walls of the stories above the first shall be not less than twelve inches, and with the exception of the front wall shall extend at least twelve inches above the roof: Prori<1cf Kcn. Be it Ordained Inj the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of J2vattst<>/i: SKCTION 1. That the present .fiscal year of the Village of Evanston shall be held to have commenced on the fifteenth day of April, A. D. 1873, and shall end on the thirty-first day of March, A. D. 1874, and from and after said last date, the fiscal year shall commence on the first day of April in each year, and shall end by the first day of the next succeeding April, including the first and excluding the last of said days. SFC. 2. It shall be the duty of the village treasurer, annually, on or before the first day of April, to report to the Board of Trustees the report, and to make and file with the village clerk the account, required by the tenth section of the act entitled, " An Act to provide for the incorporation of cities and villages," approved April 10th, 1872. And it shall be the duty of the village clerk, at the close of each fiscal year, and on or before the first day of April, annually, to submit to said Board of Trust- ees the report of his estimates, prescribed in section seventeen of said act of the General Assembly SEC. 3. This ordinance shall be in force from and after its passage. Passed Jan. 20, 1 S I I . Approved Jan. 20, lrt4. . Retailers of coal oil, etc., regulated. 4. Duty of President and Fire Marshal to make search Penalty. Jfe it Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Evanston : 1. That no person or persons shall keep or store any gunpowder, coal oil, kerosene oil, benzine, naptha, camphene or gasoline, in any store, storehouse, warehouse, cellar or other place within said village, unless the same shall be stored in a fire- proof magazine or cellar, to be located and approved of by the President and fire marshal of said village ; jn-orided, that this section shall not be deemed as applicable to retailers of said arti- cles, or either of them. Every person violating the provisions of this section shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dol- lars nor more than fifty dollars. SEC. 2. No retailers of gunpowder shall keep or store any quan- tity thereof, greater than twenty-five pounds weight, in any store- house, shop or place, within the corporate limits of this village, except in a magazine or cellar as aforesaid ; provided, also, that said quantities of twenty-five pounds weight shall be kept in close, tin or copper, canisters, containing not more than five pounds each; and all retailers of gunpowder shall place on the building containing the same, over or at the side of the front door thereof, a sign with the words " Ptunler for /Sale," printed or painted thereon, in letters at least three inches in height ; and no such retailer of gunpowder shall be permitted to sell, retail, or give away the same, in said village, alter lamp or gas lighting in the evening; and every person, violating the provisions of this section, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars. SEC. 3. No retailer of coal oil, kerosene oil, benzine, naptha, 34 campliene or gasoline, shall keep or store within the limits of said village, a quantity greater than one, barrel, containing- forty-live gallons, of each of said articles, which shall be kept in a cellar or place remote from fires, lighted lamps, candles or gas lights; and no such retailer shall sell or give away the same after lamp or gas lighting in the evening. Every person, violating the provisions of this section, shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dol- lars nor more than fifty dollars. SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the President or fire marshal, when complaint is made or information is communicated to him, by any village officer or citizen, that there is probable cause to suspect any person or corporation of keeping or having stored any gunpowder, coal oil, kerosene oil, benzine, naptha, campliene or gasoline, con- trary to the provisions of this ordinance, to make at any time a careful examination of any building or place within said village, to ascertain the truth of such allegation or suspicion ; and if it be found oil such examination that any of said articles are therein kept or stored, contrary to this ordinance, the person or corporation keeping or storing the same, or occupying the building or prem- ises where the same may be found, shall, on conviction, forfeit and pay not less than ten dollars nor more than fifty dollars for every such offense, and the further sum of ten dollars, for every twenty-four hours any of said articles are allowed to remain within said village, contrary to this ordinance. Passed Jan. 13th, 1874. Approved Jan. 13th, 1874. C. J. GILBERT, President, Horse Railroads. AN ORDINANCE <'i>iu-rriiin(/ He it Onlntned by the Village of Evannton : SK< TION 1. The guage of all horse railroads, that may be laid within the corporate limits of said village, is hereby fixed at four feet, eight and one-half inches, unless permission by the Board of Trustees to change the same be granted. 25 SK< . ;i. All rails, which shall be laid on any horse railroad track, in the streets, alleys, or other public grounds of said village, shall be train rails, of the kind, quality, and material, customarily in use for horse railroads, unless express permission be first obtained by the order or resolution of said Board of Trustees to lay a different kind and quality of rail. The upper part of all rails shall not be laid above the level of the surface of the street, and the whole manner of constructing said railways, so as carry out the provisions of this ordinance, shall be subject to the direction of said Board of Trustees. The tracks shall not be laid within twelve feet of the sidewalks upon any of the streets, with- out special permission of said Board of Trustees first obtained. SKC. 3. All proprietors, or corporations, owning or operating horse railroads in said village, shall keep the tracks of their respective roads, within the limits of said village, in good condi- tion, and in such manner that such tracks shall not at any time be elevated above the svirface of the streets or public grounds, on which they are laid ; and in such manner also, that vehicles can easily and freely, at all times, cross said tracks at all points, in any direction, without obstruction. They shall also keep in good repair, such portions of the streets, as they may agree with said village so to do. SKC. 4. Whenever any proprietor, company, or corporation, owning or operating any horse railroad within the limits of said village, shall fail, neglect, or refuse, to comply with the provisions of section three of this ordinance, the. street commissioner or other officer of said village, so directed by said Board of Trustees, shall cause a notice to be served upon such proprietor, company, or corporation, requiring the track or tracks, or portion of the streets required to be kept in repair by such proprietor, company, or corporation, and mentioned in such notice, to be put in the condition specified in said section three, within five days after the service of said notice.- SK<'. 5. If any such proprietor, company, or corporation, shall fail, neglect, or refuse, to put the track, or tracks, or any part thereof, or portion of the streets as aforesaid, mentioned in such notice, in the condition specified in section three aforesaid, within five days after the service of said notice, snch proprietor, company, or corporation, shall forfeit and pay a penalty of not less than one hundred dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense, and a further penalty of fifty dollars for every day such neglect, failure, or refusal, shall continue, after the expiration of said five days. SEC. .6. If any proprietor, company, or corporation, owning or operating any horse railroad in said village, shall suffer or per- mit any car or cars to be run on any of the streets, alleys, or public grounds, or any portion thereof, within the limits of said village, at any time, without such car or cars being in charge of and under the control of some competent conductor, or driver, such proprietor, company, or corporation shall be subject to a penalty of not less than ten dollars nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. SEC. 7. All proprietors, conductors, or drivers of horse rail- road cars are hereby prohibited from stopping any car at any street crossing, so as to interfere with or interrupt the travel of the several streets, which such car is required to cross. In stop- ping cars, for the accommodation of passengers, they shall in all cases pass over the respective cross streets, and not stop until the rear of the car shall arrive at the last sidewalk crossing, in the direction in which the car shall be moving. Every person or corporation, violating the provisions of this section, shall be subject to a fine of not less than three dollars nor more than twenty 'dollars for each offense. SEC. 8. In all cases, where any team or vehicle shall meet a car upon any horse railway upon the streets of said village, such team or vehicle shall give way to said car. No person shall wil- fully or maliciously obstruct, hinder, or interfere with any such car, by placing, driving, or stopping, or causing to be placed or driven at a slow pace, or stopped, any team, vehicle, or other obstacle, in, upon, across, along, or near to the track of such rail- way, within the limits of said village, after being notified by the ringing of the car bell. Every person, who shall wilfully violate any of the provisions of this section, shall forfeit and pay a pen- alty of not less than five dollars nor more than twenty dollars for each offense. SEC. 9. This ordinance shall be in force, from and after the expiration of ten days from its publication in the Evanston Index. Passed Jan. 20th, 1874. Approved Jan. 20th, 1874. CIIAS. J. GILBERT, President. 27 Ice. AN ORDINANCE In, Relation to tlw Sale of In. SECTION 1. Penalty for selling impure ice. Be it Ordained by the President, and Board of Trustees of the Village of Evanston : SECTION. 1. That it shall not be lawful for any person, or persons, to sell any family, person, or corporation, within said village, any impure ice, or any ice which shall contain filth, or any other matter, substance, or thing, and which, when melted, will render the water impure, or the use of the same unhealthful ; and any person, violating this ordinance, shall forfeit and pay not less than three dollars, nor more than fifty dollars for every such offense. Passed Jan. 13th, 1874. Approved Jan. 13th, 1H74. C. J. GILBERT, President. Licenses. AN ORDINANCE Authoriting tfo Granting of Licences. SECTION 1. President may grant. 2. Licenses to be subject to ordinances of village. 3. Bonds to be approved by president and clerk. 4. Licens3 not transferable. 5. When granted not to exceed one year. <). Clerk to register. 7. Fees of president and clerk. Be. it Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of th Vill. No person or persons, shall place or deposit, or cause to be placed or deposited, at any place in said village, any dead horse, cow, hog, dog, or the carcass or remains of any animal 39 whatever; and every person violating- the provisions of this section, shall be deemed guilty of a nuisance, and, on conviction, shall forfeit and pay not less than five dollars nor more than one hun- dred dollars for every such ofiense, and all expenses of removing and burying- the same. SEC. 0. When any dead animal shall be found in said village, it shall be the duty of the person owning such animal at the time of its death, or of the person who deposited or caused the same to be deposited, to remove said animal forthwith beyond the lim- its of the village, and bury the* fame at least four feet deep; and if such owner or person, on being notified thereof by anv officer or other person, shall, after a reasonable time, refuse or neglect to remove and bury the same, as herein required, he, she, or they shall forfeit and pay not less than five dollars, nor more than fifty dollars for every such offense, and shall also pay the expense of removing and burying the same. SEC. 7. When any dead animal shall be found on any lot or part of a lot in said village, it shall be the duty of the person or persons, owning or occupying such lot or part of lot, to cause the same to be removed forthwith; and such owner or occupant of such lot, or part of lot, or any other person removing said animal, may collect the expense of such removal from the person owning or depositing such dead animal; and if any owner or occupant of any lot, or part of lot, shall fail or neglect to remove such dead animal, he shall forfeit and pay not less than five dollars, nor more than fifty dollars for every such offense. SEC. 8. It shall not be lawful for any person to throw or deposit, or cause to be thrown or deposited, at any place in said village, any ashes, vegetables,' meat, slops, swill, animal matter, suds, garbage, filth, stable drippings, or offal of any kind, which will produce an offensive odor, or whereby the health of any por- tion of the community may be affected or endangered; and every person, violating the provisions of this section, shall be deemed guilty of a nuisance, and shall forfeit and pay not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars for every such offense. SEC. 9. It shall not be lawful for any person in said village to throw or deposit, or cause to be thrown or deposited, any slops, suds, swill, or other liquid substance, on or about the prmises or lot occupied by him or her, in such manner that the same may run or be washed through or upon any adjoining lot, premises, street, or alley; and any person, violating this section, shall be 40 deemed guilty of a nuisance, and, on conviction, shall forfeit and pay not less than five dollars nor more than fifty dollars for every such offense. SEC. 10. Any person or persons, who shall discharge or throw, or cause to be discharged or thrown into Lake Michigan, within the limits of said village, any dead animal, offensive substance, or thing which shall produce an offensive or nauseous smell, or which might affect the purity of the water or endanger the health of any portion of the citizens, shall be deemed guilty of a nuisance; and every person so offending shall, on conviction, forfeit and pay not less than five dollars, nor more than fifty dollars for every such offense, and shall also pay the expense of removing the same, if removal be practicable. SEC. 11. If any person shall own, occupy, or keep, any grounds or other premises in such condition as to be offensive to the neighborhood, he shall be deemed guilty of a nuisance, and be subject to a fine of not less than five dollars, nor more than fifty dollars, and to a like fine for every day such nuisance shall con- tinue after the first conviction. SEC. 12. No person shall erect, or keep, any privy within forty feet from any street, or the dwelling, shop, or well of any other person, unless the same be furnished with a substantial vault, six feet deep, and made tight, so that the contents cannot escape therefrom, and be sufficiently secured and enclosed; any person so offending shall be deemed guilty of a nuisance, and be subject to a penalty of ten dollars, and to a like penalty for every week he shall continue to keep the same after the first conviction. SEC. 13. If any person shall suffer or permit any chicken-coop, cow-house, stable, cellar, vault, private drain, pool, privy, sewer, or sink, upon any premises belonging to or occupied by him, to become nauseous, foul, offensive, or injurious to the public health, he shall be deemed guilty of a nuisance, and be subject to a fine of not less than five dollars, nor more than fifty dollars in every case, and to a like fine for every day the same shall continue, after notice to remove and abate such nuisance, given in the manner hereinafter prescribed. SEC. 14. All notices given for the purpose ofabatmg nuisances as above specified, shall be signed and served by the street com- missioner, or any constable of said village. Passed Jan. loth, 18M. Approved Jan. 13th, 1SJ4. C. .1. CILUKh'T, President. 33 Officers. AN ORDINANCE Election, Appointment, find ]~hitir*. SKCTIOX 1. Officers, their election, and appointment. 2. Duties of village clerk. '}. Duties of village treasurer. 4. Duties of village attorney. 5. Duties of fire marshal. 0. Duties of street commissioner. 7. Duties of engineer and surveyor. . Collector's compensation. 14. Collector's report to county collector. To. Village moneys how kept by collector. Jie it Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of tlie Village of Evanston : SECTION 1. That the officers of said village shall consist of a Board of six Trustees, one of whom shall be chosen by said Board, as President, and a village clerk, the same to be elected by the qualified voters of said village ; said Trustees and clerk shall hold their offices for one year, and until their successors are elected and qualified. The other officers of said village shall be appointed by said President and Board of .Trustees, and shall hold their offices until they are removed or suspended, or until their successors are appointed and qualified. Any officer, so appointed, may from time to time be suspended or removed from office for good and sufficient cause, and all vacancies may be filled by said President and Board of Trustees. Said officers shall consist of a treasurer, an attorney, a fire marshal, a street com- missioner, an engineer and surveyor, a sealer of weights and measures, a pound-master, a village' weigher, "and a village collector; and s;iid I 'resident and Board of Trustees iimy ;ds<> from time to time appoint such further or other ollicrrs ;is they may deem necessary, and for such term (not exceeding the fiscal year for which they are elected) as they may see fit. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the village clerk to keep the seal of said village, and affix the same to all papers requiring the corporate seal; to attend the general and special meetings of the Board of Trustees; to keep a correct journal of all its proceedings, record the same in a book to be kept for that purpose; record in a separate book all ordinances, which may be passed, from time to time, by the President and Board of Trustees, and cause the same to be published (if so required by law) within one month after they shall have been passed, in such newspaper as the Board of Trustees may designate; keep and preserve safely all papers pertaining to his office; prepare and deliver all licenses and bonds, on the receipt of the proper sums of money therefor; countersign all vouchers, and deliver the same when called for, taking a proper receipt for the same; notify all officers, appointed by the Board of Trustees, of their election; and generally to do and per- form such other duties, as may at any time be enjoined on him by ordinance or resolution of the Board of Trustees. It shall be the especial duty of the village clerk, at the close of each fiscal year, to make out, and publish in the newspaper selected to publish the village proceedings, a full and complete statement of the receipts and expenditures of said village during such year, and showing on what account received and expended; and such fiscal year shall commence on the first day of April in each year, and shall end on the first day of the next succeeding April, including the first, and excluding the last of said days. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the village treasurer, to keep a true and accurate account of all moneys paid into the treasury, by whom and on what account received; keep a distinct account of all special assessments, and in making reports to the Board of Trustees, to make a separate and specific report of the same; pay out all such sums of moneys as may be ordered by the said Board, vouchers therefor being signed by the President of said Board, and countersigned by the village clerk; and finally, to make an annual report of the state of the treasury and of his doings, to the Board of Trustees, or oftener, if required by said Board; nnd the treasurer shall perform such other duties as may be prescribed by ordinances, or resolution of the Board of Trustees. SEC. 4. It shall be the duty of the village attorney to keep a docket of all the cases, to which the said village is a party, in any 48 court of record, in which shall be briefly entered all steps taken in each cause (and which shall at all times be open to the inspec- tion of said Board of Trustees) and to attend to all such matters in court. It shall also be the duty of said officer to draft all ordi- nances, bonds, contracts, leases, conveyances, and such other instruments of writing as may be required in the business of said village; to examine and inspect tax and assessment rolls, and all proceedings in reference to the levying and collection of taxes and assessments; to attend, when required, the meetings of the Board of Trustees, and to perform such other and further duties as the President and Board of Trustees may designate. SEC. 5. It shall be the duty of the fire marshal to see that all chimneys are properly constructed, and kept in good order; that all stoves, furnaces, and heating apparatus are properly put up, secured, and protected; that no rubbish, shavings, or other com- bustible materials are thrown out on the streets and alleys, and burned up thereon, or allowed to remain thereon, contrary to the ordinances of said village in such cases made and provided; that no straw, hay, or other combustible material, is placed or stacked within the limits of said village, contrary to the provisions of the ordinances for such cases provided ; also to report to said Board all fires in said village, and to examine into the probable cause thereof; and to perform such other duties as the Board of Trustees may from time to time direct. SEC. 6. It shall be the duty of the street commissioner to superintend streets, alleys, side and cross-walks within said village; to see that the same are not dug or taken up, or other- wise injured, and to keep the same in good order and repair; to have the same kept open and free from all fences, houses, boxes, barrels, wood, coal, and everything that shall interfere with the travel thereon, and to have all rubbish, nuisances, and dead animals, removed therefrom as provided by the ordinances of said village; to oversee all laborers on the streets and alleys in said village, and keep an account of their time, and report the same monthly to the President and Board of Trustees. SEC. 7. The village engineer and surveyor shall do and per- form, within said village, all engineering and surveying and such other duties pertaining to his office, as may from time to time be prescribed to him by ordinance, order, or resolution of the Pres- ident and Board of Trustees, or cause the same to be done by some competent person, lit- shall, when requested so to do, 6 44 survey any private lot in said village into so" many parts or divisions as may be desired, and put down the necessary stakes; designate, when requested by any person about to build a house or fence, or grade, or make a sidewalk, the line of a street, lane, avenue, or alley, on which such house or fence is to be erected, or sidewalk made, and also the grade of such street, lane, avenue or alley, and make out and deliver to individuals, certificates of all surveys made at their request. SEC. 8. The duties of the sealer of weights and measures shall be those which are prescribed by the ordinance concerning "Weights and Measures," and such as shall be required of him from time to time by order or ordinance of said Board of Trustees. The duties of the village weigher shall be those which are pre- scribed by the ordinance concerning "Coal and Hay" and "Fire- wood," and such other ordinances as may from time to time be adopted by said Board of Trustees. The duties of the pound - master shall be such as are prescribed by the ordinance of said village, concerning "Animals running at large," and such other ordinances as may be enacted. SEC. 9. That a village collector be appointed for said Village of Evanston, who shall perform the duties prescribed for such officer in the act of the General Assembly of the State of Illinois, entitled, " An Act to provide for the incorporation of cities and villages," approved April 10th, 1872 ; collect special assess- ments in said village, and perform such other duties appertain- ing to his said office as may from time to time be prescribed by ordinance, order, or resolution of the Board of Trustees of said village. SEC. 10. Said collector's term of office shall continue until the first day of May next, and until his successor shall be appointed and qualified, and thereafter there shall be a village collector appointed at the first regular meeting of the said Board of Trustees, in May of each and every year, whose term of office shall be one year, and until his successor shall be appointed and qualified. SEC. 11. Said collector shall execute a bond to said Village of Evanston, with two or more sureties, to be approved by said Board, in such sum as shall be from time to time prescribed by order or resolution of said Board, conditioned for the faithful performance of the duties of his office and the pay- ment of all moneys received by him, according to law and tin- 45 ordinances of said village, and for a compliance with the orders and resolutions of said Board of Trustees. SEC. 12. Said collector shall, upon the first day of each and every month, submit a report to the Board of Trustees of all moneys collected by him, and shall OH the first day of each and (.very month, and as much oftener as required by order or resolu- tion of said Board, pay over to the village treasurer all moneys received by him. SEC. 13. Said collector shall be entitled to receive for his services as collector such compensation, as shall hereafter be agreed upon, and fixed by ordinance. SEC. 14. Said collector shall make and return a report in writing, to the county collector of Cook County, of all the lands, town lots, and real property, on which he shall have been unable to collect special assessments, with the amount of special assess- ments due and unpaid, together with his warrant, or warrants, accompanied with the oath in such cases by the statute required, on or before the tenth day of March, next after the same shall have become payable, unless a different time shall be appointed by special ordinance in particular cases, in which event such cases shall be governed by the special ordinance. SEC. 15. The said collector is hereby expressly prohibited from keeping the moneys collected by him in his hands, or in the hands of any person to his use, beyond the time which may be prescribed for the payment of the same to the village treasurer; and any violation of this provision shall subject him to immediate removal from office. Passed Jan. 13th, 1874. Approved Jan. 13th, 1874. C. J. GILBERT, President. Ordinances. AN ORDINANCE Coinxriiiny Ordinances, their publication, iriwul, and (Joust ruction. SECTION 1. Reading, filing and proof of ordinances. 2. When Ordinances take effect. 3. Repeal, and effect. 4. To whom applicable. 5. Rights saved. 46 0. Procedure, when different penalties for same of- fense are given. [dinance, 7. Fines, in cases where no penalty is fixed by or- y tlit President <<>/f Truxti <* <>f tlte Village of J>-. unless therei n otherwise expressly provided. 47 But no suit, proceeding, right, fine or penalty, instituted or cre- ated, given, secured, or accrued under any ordinance previous to its repeal, shall in anywise be affected, released or discharged, but may be prosecuted, enjoyed and recovered as fully as if such ordinance had continued in force, unless it shall be therein otherwise expressly provided. SEC. 0. In all cases, when the same offense may be made punishable, or shall be created, by different clauses or sections of the ordinances of said village, the prosecuting officer may elect under which to proceed; but no more than one recovery shall be had against the same person for the same offense. SKC. 7. Whenever in any ordinance the doing of any act, or the omission to do any act or duty, is declared to be a breach thereof, and there shall be no fine or penalty, declared for such breach, any person,,who shall be convicted of such breach, shall be ad- judged to pay a fine of not less than three dollars nor more than two hundred dollars. SEC. 8. Whenever any power shall be vested in the President of the Board of Trustees, or he shall be required to do any act or perform any executive function, in his absence, it shall be the duty of the acting President, for the time being, to exercise such power and perform such act or executive function as fully as if especially named in the ordinance, unless it shall be therein otherwise expressly provided. SEC. 9. Whenever in any ordinance the doing of any act, or the omission to do any act or duty, is declared to be a breach thereof, and damage, loss, expense, or injury to the village, or to any person, is a result or consequence of such doing or omission, compensation for such damage, loss, expense or injury, may be recovered from the offender by the party aggrieved. Passed Jan. 6th, 1874. Approved Jan. 6th, 1874. C. J. GILBERT, President. Plumbers. AN ORDINANCE Fof tkr. GOI-I rn nn nl of I'lin/ilx /'*. SECTION 1. Must procure license -Penalty. />'( it, Ordiiined by the Presidqrd /' Truth <* of the, Village of Evanston : SECTION. 1. That any person, who shall lay any water service pipes, or introduce into or about any building-, or on any grounds, any water pipes, or do any plumbing work in any building, or on any grounds, for the purpose of connecting such pipes, or plumb- ing works, with the pipes of the Evanston Water Works, or of preparing them for such connections, with the view of having such premises supplied with water by the Evanston Water Works, or who shall make any addition to or any alteration of any water pipe, bath, water-closet, stop-cock, or other fixtures, or apparatus, for the supplying of any premises with water, without being duly licensed to perform said work by the President of the Board of Trustees of the village of Evanston, and without having first obtained a permit for the doing of such wqrk from said President, shall be subject to a fine of not less than ten dollars and not exceeding fifty dollars in every case. Passed Jan. 13th, 1874. Approved Jan. 13th, 1874. C. J. GILBERT, President, Police. AN ORDINANCE diiiy fur Rcyular >md S^cciiil Police IIH'H in tin V illdi/i of k'/'ii /IK/OK. S.K< TION 1. Policemen, regular and special how appointed. 2. Duties and authority of policemen. 3. Powers of entry. 4. Neglect of duty fraud and malfeasance. 5. Resistance of officers Penalty. 0. Duty to assist officers Penalty for failure. 7. Personating police Penalty. 8. Dismissal from service when. [to Board. '.). Appointments of special policemen to be reported lie it Ordiiiinil by the President and .Hoard of Trustees of the Vfllf Trustees of the Village of SECTION 1. That it shall not be lawful for any person to erect or use any stove, or stove-pipe, in the Village of Evanston, except in accordance with the following provisions of this ordinance. SEC. 2. Every stove in use shall be placed on a floor or platform of brick, or other incombustible material, of sufficient thickness and extent to prevent all danger of fire to any floor or other wood work from such stove; and all other fire-places and hearths, of every description, shall be kept in good and sufficient repair to prevent any danger from fire. SEC. 3. No part of any stove-pipe shall be placed or suffered to remain within the distance of three inches from any wood or wood-work whatever. SEC. 4. Every stove-pipe, in its passage through the ceiling, floor, partition, wall, or roof, shall be secured in its position at ev- ery such passage by plates of tin or iron, or by means of cut stone or earthen safes; and all horizontal pipes, or portions of pipe not perpendicular, shall be supported by wires or other proper supporters, so as to prevent all danger of the falling of such pipes. SEC. 5. No stove-pipe shall pass through more than one ceil- ing before entering a chimney, or terminate or discharge at any distance less than three feet from the roof or any other wood-work of any building, nor discharge towards any building so as to en- danger the same, nor into any street or alley. SEC. 6. Every person, who shall violate any of the provis- ions of the foregoing sections of this ordinance, shall, on convic- tion, be subject to a penalty of not less than five dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars for every offense. SEC. 7. No person shall build, or cause to be built, a chimney resting upon any part of a building liable to settle, unless such foundation is permanently connected with the rafters where the chimney passes through the roof, so that the whole may settle together; and no chimney shall be commenced in any loft unless there are fixed stairs leading to the same, easy of access at all times, under a penalty of not less than five dollars, nor more than one hundred dollars, for every such offense and a further sum of five dollars for cadi week either shall remain, after notice shall be given by the lire marshal tn alter the same. 53 SKC. 8. No person or persons shall deposit, or stack, any hav, straw, or any other combustible substance, within one hundred feet of any dwelling house, barn, stable, outhouse, or building of any description, within the limits of the Village of Evanston, without first having obtained written permission from the Presi- dent and fire marshal of said village, under a penalty of twenty five dollars for every such offense, and a like penalty for every week the same may remain after notice to remove. SEC. 9. No hay, straw, shavings, or other combustible matter shall be set fire to, or burned, within any street, alley, public or private ground, within- the fire limits of said village. Nor shall any hay, straw, shavings, or other combustible matter, be set fire to, or burned, without the fire limits and within the village, near- er than sixty feet to any house, barn, shell or wooden building, unless by the direct permission, in writing, or superintendence of. the fire marshal. Any person, so offending, shall be liable to a penalty of not less than five dollars, nor more than fifty dollars for every offense. SK< . 10. No lighted candle or lamp shall be used in any stable, or other place or building, where hay, straw, or other combusti- ble materials, shall be kept, unless the same shall be well secured in a lantern, and evey person thus offending shall be liable to the penalty of five dollars for each offense; and no fire shall be kept in any stove, or otherwise, in any such building, or any room where such combustible material is kept, and any person so of- fending shall be liable to a penalty of ten dollars, and an addi- tional penalty of five dollars for each and every twelve hours that said fire shall so remain. SEC. 11. Every person, keeping or occupying a shop or other building, wherein shavings or other combustible materials are made, accumulated, or may be contained, shall forfeit the sum of two dollars for every neglect to clear or remove the same out of such buildings, and the yards belonging thereto, at least three times in each week; and no stove shall be used in any such shop or building, unless the same shall be set in a box surrounded with fire proof material, with thr pipe carefully set up according to the provisions of this ordinance; and no lighted candle or lain)) shall be used in any such shop or building, unless the same shall be well secured in a lantern. Kvery person violating any of the provisions of this section shall be subject to the penalty of five dollars for every such offense. 54 SKC. 12. Any person, who shall carry fire, in, or through any street, or lot, or other public or private place, except the same be placed or covered in some close or secure pan, or other ves- sel, shall be subject to the penalty of one dollar for each offense. SKC. 13. It shall be the duty of the fire marshal of .said vil- lage to examine carefully, at all times during the year, every house, store, warehouse, shop or building, and places for the de- posit of ashes, chips or shavings, and also to remove and abate any cause from which immediate danger of fire may be apprehended, and to cause all buildings, chimneys, stoves, pipes, hearths, ovens, boilers, ash-houses, ash-barrels, smoke-houses, and all fixtures, things and apparatus used in or about every building which shall be found in such condition as to be considered unsafe, to be, without delay, at the expense of the owner or occupant thereof, put in such condition as not to be dangerous in causing or pro- moting fires; and any person, refusing or neglecting to comply with the provisions of this section, or with the notice or request of the said fire marshal, given or made in reference to any matter or thing contained in this section, shall, on conviction, be sub- ject to a penalty of not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars for every such offense. . Passed Jan. 13, 1874. Approved Jan. 13, 1874. C. J. GILBERT, President. Sanitary Ordinance. AN ORDINANCE < 'iiin'i rni/it/ a Jjoiird of Hetdtk, nx in, the Of El'illixtoii. SK< TION 1. Board of Health established. 2. Prevention of contagion Vaccination. 3. Health officers I)uties and powers. 4. Nuisances how abated Neglect to comply Penalty. "). Patients having infections diseases to be removed. r<'!if<-d, that it shall be the duty of said Board to provide, at. the expense of the village, for the vaccination of such persons us are unable to pay for the same. SEC. 3. The said Board of Health by and with the consent of the said Board of Trustees, may from time to time appoint, and at discretion remove from office, one or more health officers, whose dutv it shall be to carry out all the orders of the Board of Health, the laws of the State, and ordinances of the? village relating to the. sanitary regulations of the village; to proceed, from time to time, " to make a thorough and systematic examination of the village, and cause all nuisrfnces to be abated with all reasonable prompt- 56 ness. For the purpose <>f carrying out tin- foregoing requirements, such health officer shall be permitted at all times, IVom the rising to the setting of the sun, to enter into any house, store, stable, or other building, and to cause the floors to be raised, if he shall deem it necessary, in order to make a thorough examination of cellars, vaults, sinks, or drains; to enter upon all lots or grounds, and to cause all stagnant waters to be drained off, pools, sinks, vaults, drains, or low grounds to be cleansed, filled up, or other- wise improved; to cause all privies to be cleansed and kept in good condition; and to cause all dead animals, or other nauseous or unwholesome things or substances, to be buried, or removed beyond the limits of the village. SEC. 4. In order to carry out the provisions of the foregoing- section, it shall be the duty of the health officer to serve a notice in writing upon the owner, occupant, or agent, of any lot, building, or premises, in or upon which any nuisance may be found, or upon any person who may. be the owner or cause of such nuisance, requiring him or them to abate the same, in such manner as said officer may prescribe, within a reasonable time after such service; provided, that it shall not be necessary, in any case, for the health officer to specify in his notice the manner in which any nuisance shall be abated, unless he shall deem it advisable so to do; and such notice may be served by any officer of said village, who may be deputed or directed by said health officer to serve the same. If such owner, occupant, agent, or person, so served with a copy of such notice, shall neglect or refuse to comply with the require- ments of such notice, within the time specified therein, he shall be subject to a fine of not less than three dollars, nor more than fifty dollars for every violation; and it shall be the duty of said health officer to proceed at once, upon the expiration of the time specified in said notice, to cause such nuisance to be abated; provided, that whenever the owner, or occupant, of any premises, or his agent, in or upon which any nuisance may be found, is unknown, or cannot be found, the said health officer shall proceed to abate the same without notice; and in either case, the expense of such abatement, when made by said health officer, shall be collected from the offender in such manner as shall be provided by ordinance or resolution of said Board of Trustees. SKI . 5. It shall be the duty of said health officer to visit and examine all sick persons, who shall be reported to him as taken, or supposed to be taken, with small-pox, cholera, or any infec- tious or pestilential disease, and, under the advice of the Board of Health, cause all such infected persons to be removed to the cholera, small-pox, or other hospital, or to such other safe and proper place as he may think proper, or as he shall be directed by said Board of Health, and cause them to be provided with suitable nurses, medical attendance and nourishment, at their own expense, if they are able to pay for the same, but, if not, then at the expense of the village. SEC. 6. It shall also be the duty of such health officer, when directed by the Board of Health, to cause a notice, printed or written in large letters, to be placed upon or near any house in which any person may be affected or sick with small-pox, upon which notice shall be written, or printed, the words, " SMALL-POX HEKE ;" and if any person or persons shall deface, alter, mutilate, destroy, or tear down such notice, without permission of the Board of Health, or of the health officer, such person or persons shall be liable, for each offense, to pay a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars, nor more than fifty dollars. The occupant of any house, upon which such notice shall be placed or posted, as aforesaid, shall be held responsible for the removal of the same, and if the same shall be removed without permission, as aforesaid, such occupant shall be subject to a fine of not less than twenty-five dollars, nor more than fifty dollars, unless he shall notify the Board of Health, or health officer, within twenty-four hours after the removal of such notice. SK<;. 7. It shall be the duty of the health officer to see that the hospital or other place, to which he shall cause sick or infected people to be removed, is supplied with suitable nurses, furniture, fuel, nourishment, and medicines, under the direction of the Board of Health, and that persons dying therein are decently ;mciil< (/, that such expense shall not be charged to the village unless such deceased persons have left no means to defray the expenses of their sick- ness and burial. SEC. 8. Every physician, practicing in this village^ who shall have any patient affected or sick with any malignant fever, cholera, small-pox, or any infectious or pestilential disease, shall forthwith make report thereof in writing to some member of the Board of Health, or to the President of the Board of Trustees, describing the locality of the house or place where said patient may be, with such certainty that the same may be easily found. 58 Any physician, who shall withhold such information, or neglect or refuse to comply with the provisions of this section, shall be fined in a sum not less than five dollars, nor more than fifty dollars for each day he shall neglect or refuse so to do. SEC. 9. No person shall put out, remove, or allow to lie put out or removed, from the premises or place occupied or owned by him, into any street, alley, or other public place in said village, any person, having the small-pox, or any infectious or pestilential disease. Such owner or occupant shall immediately report such case to the health officer, or some member of the Board of Health, or to the President of the Board of Trustees. Any person, who shall violate any provision of this section, or neglect or refuse to report as aforesaid, shall be fined not less than ten dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars, for each offense. SEC. 10. If any person, affected with any contagious disease, small-pox, cholera, or any infectious or pestilential disease, shall before complete recovery therefrom, wilfully go without his pri- vate premises, or other place where he may have been kept during such disease, into or upon any of the streets or public .places in said village, or in any manner wantonly or recklessly expose any of the inhabitants of said village to such contagion or disease, every such person shall be fined for each offense in a sum not less than twenty-five dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars. SEC. 11. The said Board of Health shall make such rules and regulations for the government of the quarantine or health of the village, as from time to time, they shall deem necessary, subject however to the approval of said Board of Trustees; and any physician or health officer in charge of any quarantine station, or hospital, of said village, shall have power to make and enforce such regulations as may be necessary for the proper conduct and management thereof; and it shall be the duty of all persons in quarantine, or hospital, and of all agents, officers, or other persons employed by said village in or about such quarantine or hospital, to carry out and obey the same. SEC. 12. The Board of Trustees of said village, shall, when necessary, select, purchase, lease, or establish sites, places and boundaries for pest houses, hospitals, and for quarantine stations, and provide, lease, purchase or erect thereon, from time to time, such buildings as in their judgment may be requisite and necessary, and keep the same in good repair, and fit for their occupation by patients. The said Board of Health, whenever 59 they shall deem it necessary, may, by proclamation, (the approval of said Board of Trustees being first obtained) require all vessels, railroad cars, or other public conveyances, touching at or passing- through the village, before the same shall land or stop at any wharf, landing, depot, or stopping place, in said village, to touch or stop at some site, place, or boundary, so selected and estab- lished for quarantine or hospital purposes, and leave all such emigrants, travelers, or persons recently from sea-board, and all such sick, diseased or unclean persons, with their stores and baggage, as in the opinion of the officers stationed at such quar- antine sites, hospitals, places or boundaries shall be deemed proper, on account of the existence or general report of cholera, small-pox, contagious disease, or disease endangering the health of the inhabitants of said village ; and whenever it shall be deemed necessary to issue such proclamation, it shall be the duty of the Board of Health to send the same, with the substance of the regulations of quarantine and the period of time during which the same shall be in force, to such persons and places as they shall deem proper. Said Board of Health shall also cause to be stationed at such quarantine sites, places or boundaries, one or more health officers, or physicians, whose duty it shall be to go on board and examine all cars, vessels, or other public convey- ances, so as aforesaid required to stop or touch at such quarantines respectively, and then and there determine what emigrants, passengers or persons, if any, shall stop at such quarantine; and it shall be the duty of all persons in charge of such car, vessel or public conveyance, to aid any health officer or physician of said village, in the exercise of the duties aforesaid. The' said health officers or physicians shall attend to all sick persons detained in quarantine as aforesaid, and provide medicines and necessaries for their use, and shall have general supervision of such quarantines, and may compel persons placed therein to purify their bodies, clothes and baggage, and do all such acts and things as shall be proper in the premises, keeping correct accounts of all necessary expenditures and services, which shall be allowed and paid by order of the Board of Trustees. And whenever the officer in charge of any such quarantine station, shall be satisfied that any persons detained there, as aforesaid, are free from disease, and their baggage and effects are properly purified; he shall discharge them. SKC. 13. No person, master or OOndootOT, in charge' of any 60 vessel, car, or other public conveyance, shall knowingly bring into this village any person diseased with cholera, small-pox, or any contagious or communicable disease whatever; and no person, stopping or detained in any hospital or at any quarantine place in said village, shall leave the same without obtaining permission from the officer in charge thereof; nor shall any person aid or abet in any violation, neglect or evasion of any provision or requirement of this ordinance; nor shall any person interfere with, resist, neglect, or refuse to obey the orders of any health officer, physician, or other person in authority at any hospital or quar- antine, established as aforesaid, or do any act in violation or dis- obedience of any of the provisions, clauses, or sections of this ordinance; nor shall any person interfere with or attempt to defeat any lawful regulation of said Board of Health, or officer in charge of any hospital or quarantine. Any person, who shall offend as aforesaid, or who shall in any manner resist any officer or agent of this village in the discharge of his duties, as contemplated in this ordinance, or attempt to defeat or interrupt the carrying into effect of the provisions of this ordinance, or any lawful regu- lation of said Board of Health, shall in cases where no other penalty is prescribed, be fined not less than two dollars, nor more than two hundred dollars for each offense. SEC. 14. All necessary expenses incurred under this ordinance, or any lawful regulation of said Board of Health, shall be audited by the said Board of Trustees, and paid put of the appropriate fund, or when necessary out of the contingent fund of said village; provided, that when practicable, all persons, taken into hospital or quarantine, and there receiving aid and care, shall pay such moneys as shall be sufficient to meet the expenses, labor and care, incurred on their behalf; which moneys, when received, shall be faithfully kept, accounted for and paid over to the treasurer of said village, on demand, by the officer receiving the same. SEC. 15. This ordinance shall take effect from and after the expiration of ten days from its due publication. Passed Feb. 5th, 1874. Approved Feb. 5th, 1874. C. J. GILBERT, President. 61 Street Labor. AN ORDINANCE Concerning Labor on tJie Streets in tlie Village of Evanston. SKOTION 1. Able-bodied males, between twenty-one and sixty years, required to labor. "Z. Duty of street commissioner, to serve notices. 3. Commutation for road labor. 4. Notices how served Penalty for failing to com- ply with notices. lie it Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of Evanston : SECTION 1. That every able-bodied, male person, over the age of twenty-one years, and under the age of sixty years, residing within the limits of said village, be and he is here- by required to labor on the streets or public alleys of said village, under the direction of the street commissioner, three days in each year: Provided, every person subject to such labor, may in lieu thereof, pay into the treasury of the village, or to the street commissioner, the sum of one dollar per day for each of the three days' labor herein required; said money to be applied in opening arid keeping in repair the streets and alleys of said village. SEC. 2. It shall be the duty of the street commissioner to serve the usual notice on the person, subject to the performance of street labor, at least two days before such person shall be liable to appear and perform such labor, or to pay. any sum of money in lieu thereof, which notice shall be in substance as follows, to wit: "Mr Sir: you are hereby notified to appear at ' on the . . day of A. D. 18 .... at .... ' o'clock . . M. and bring with you for the pur- ' pose of laboring on the streets and alleys, as you shall then ' and there be directed by me, or that you pay to me or the ' Treasurer of the Village of Evanston, within two days after 4 the service of this notice, the sum of three dollars ; otherwise ' you shall become liable to pay to the said village the sum of four ' dollars without further notice, unless paid before suit com- ' menced for the SKC. 3. It shall be the duty of the street commisioner, or of the Treasurer, on the receipt of the sum of three dollars, to execute and deliver to the person paying the same, a receipt in writing, which shall operate as a full and complete discharge of the person, to whom it is made, for the amount of street labor, the said person shall be liable to perform for the year men- tioned therein. SEC. 4. It shall be deemed sufficient service of the notice, mentioned in the preceding section, if the same, or a copy there- of shall be delivered to such person, or left at the usual place of abode of such person, liable to perform such street labor, with some member of his family, above the age of ten years, and informing such member of the contents thereof, or by leaving a copy at his usual place of business, with some clerk, agent, or employe of the person notified. Every person, who shall, after being so notified, refuse, or neglect, to appear and perform the work required of him at the time specified in the notice aforesaid, shall forfeit and pay in lieu thereof, four dollars, to be recovered in an action of debt, in the name of said village, unless he shall, before suit be brought, pay to the treasurer or street commission- er the sum of one dollar for each day he shall be so required to abor. Passed Jan. 20th, 1874. Approved Jan. 20th, 1874. CHAS. J. GILBERT, President. Street Names. AN ORDINANCE N inning certain Street*, and changing the ninmm of certain Streets' and Alley*, in tJie Village of Ecanston. lie it Ordained by the, President and Board of Trustees of the, Village of JSvanston: SECTION 1. The street running east and west through the center of the northwest quarter of Section Eighteen (18), Town- ship forty-one (41) North, Range fourteen (14), East of the third principal meridian, and the Northwest quarter of section thirteen (13), Township forty one (41) north, Range thirteen (lo), east of the third principal meridian, so far as included in the village of Evanston, shall be and is hereby named Emerson Street. SEC. 2. The street running east and west through Lyons', Gilbert's, and Woodford's Addition to Evanston shall be and hereby is called Lyons Street. SEC. 3. The Street now called College Avenue, shall be and hereby is named Davis Street. Also the street, now called Grove Avenue shall be and hereby is named Grove Street. Also the Street called Lake Avenue, shall be and hereby is named Lake Street. Also the street now called Greenwood Avenue, shall be and hereby is named Greenwood Street. SEC. 4. That the Street, now called Ridge Street, shall be and hereby is, named Ridge Avenue ; that the Street, now called Oak Street, shall be and hereby is named Oak Avenue ; that the Street now called Maple Street shall be, and hereby is named Maple Avenue ; and that the Street, now known as Benson Street shall be and hereby is named Benson Avenue. Passed Nov. l!)th, 1872. Approved Nov. 19th, 1874. C. J. GILBERT, President. Streets. AN ORDINANCE Consenting Streets, their Use awl Obxl rin-ti<>ii. SECTION 1. Encumbering streets by building material. 2. Removal of encumbrances Penalty. 3. Proceeding to remove same. 4. Vehicles on streets Prohibited when. 5. Removing buildings without permit Penalty. (5. Buildings on streets Penalty. 7. No buildings on thoroughfares. 8. Removal of fence, etc., from streets. 0. Obstructions declared nuisances Removal of. 10. Guarding exc:iv;itions. 11. Rubbish in streets- Penalty. 12. Tearing up pavements and walks Penalty. 13. Injuring trees, etc. Penalty. 14. Permits to remove buildings how issued. 64 fie it Ordained by the President <;>, /,<<, >i/ t il ot/u-rx, uml tin' Lf J'lJH'H ill thl' Mint'. SECTION 1. How gas pipes must be laid. 2. How water mains must be laid. 3. Excavations must be filled how. 4. Excavations must be guarded. 70 5. Excavations in carriage ways regulated. 6. Companies must keep map of pipes. 7. Penalty for violation. lie it Ordained by the President r companies, putting in pipes, shall be required to lay their street mains at a distance of not less than ten feet from the center of the streets, in said village, and on the south and west, or southerly or westerly sides of said streets, unless otherwise specially ordered by resolution of the Board of Trustees. SEC. 2. That the mains of the Evanston water pipes shall be laid at a distance of not less than ten feet from the center of the streets, in said village, and they shall be laid on the north and east, or northerly and easterly sides of said streets. SEC. 3. Every gas company, water company, corporation, or person, that shall make any excavation in any street or alley, in said village, for the purpose of putting down pipes, or for any other purpose, shall immediately till up, ram, pack down, and level the same, and restore such street or alley to a condition as good as before such excavation was made; and whenever the tilling of such excavation shall settle or sink down, such corpora- tion, or person, shall restore and refill the same from time to time. SEC. 4. In case any company, corporation, or person, shall leave any hole or excavation, in any street, or alley, in said vil- lage, open during the night, such company, corporation, or per- son, shall securely enclose the same, and put a light by the same in such way as to warn all persons of danger. SEC. 5. No such company, corporation, or person, shall make any excavation, for the purpose of laying down pipes, in the carriage way, or any traveled portion of any street, in said vil- lage, other than as herein before provided, except for necessary crossings. SEC. 0. Every gas and water company, that has heretofore laid or shall hereafter lay down pipes in any street, or alley, in said village, shall make and keep an accurate map, showing the exact location and depth of every line of pipe laid by them, which map shall at all times be accessible for public inspection. 71 SEC. 7. Every snob company, corporation, or person, for each and every violation of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be fined not less than five dollars nor more than one hundred dollars. Passed Jan. 13, 1874. Approved Jan. 13, 1874. C. J. GILBERT, President. Weights and Measures. AN ORDINANCE Iteyulatiiuj Weights and Measxnx SECTION 1. Standard of weights and measures. 2. Board of Trustees to procure standards. 3. Sealer to test every six months ; stamp correct ones and condemn incorrect ones. 4. Penalty for using condemned weights and meas- ures. Fees of sealer regulated. Alteration of weights, measures and scales Pen- alty. Be it Ordained by the President and Board of Trustees of the Village of JSvanaton : SECTION 1. That there shall be a regulation of weights and measures in said village, and the standard, adopted by the State of Illinois, shall be the test by which they shall be compared and determined. SEC. 2. That the President and the Board of Trustees of said village, shall procure correct and improved standards, with their necessary subdivisions, together with the proper beams and scales, for the purpose of testing and proving by said standards the weights and measures used in the village. SEC. 3. It shall be the duty of the sealer of weights and measures at least once in every six months, to examine and test the accuracy of all weights, measures, scales, y tUe President mul fitmril of Trustee* of the, Villn; or, 5th, w lien it has been decided that the previous quest ion shall be taken, and the "previous quest inn" shall be as follows: "Shall the main ([Uestioii now be put?" 77 XII. Standing and select committees to whom references are made shall, in nil cases, report in writing the state of facts, with their opinions thereon. RULE XIII. No person except a member of the Board shall he permit- led to address the same, unless by the unanimous consent of the Board. HULK XIV. When any motion, resolution or matter has been passed upon by the Board, the same may be reconsidered at the same or any sub- sequent regular meeting, upon the motion of a member who voted with the majority; but a motion to reconsider shall not be entertained unless I here be present as large a number of trustees as were present when the question was passed upon. RULE XV. No vote of the Board shall be reconsidered or rescinded at a special meeting, unless at such special meeting there be present as large a number of Trustees as were present when such vote was taken. RULE XVI. All ordinances, petitions and communications to the Board shall, unless by a two-thirds vote otherwise directed, be referred to appro- priate committees, and only be acted on by the Board at a subsequent meeting, on the report of the committee having the same in charge, unless by a vote of two-thirds of the members of the Board. RULE XVII. Upon the passage of all orders, ordinances or resolutions appropriating money, the yeas and nays shall be entered on the record of the Board, and a majority of the votes of all the members of the Board shall be necessary to their passage. RULE XVIII. All ordinances having for their object the repeal, amend- ment or alteration of any ordinance in force at the time the same is pre- sented to the Board, shall not be taken under consideration until at least one week from the time the same is presented, unless by vote of two-thirds of the members of the Board. RULE XIX. When amendments are offered to any question before the Board, the vote shall be first taken on the amendment last proposed. RULE XX. All charges against the President or a trustee for improp- er conduct shall be made by a member of the Board and shall be reduced to writing, setting forth specifically the nature of the charge; and no re- marks or debate shall be permittee! on suid charge until the question comes up for investigation and decision. RULE XXI. The standing committees shall be oppoiuted by the Presi- dent, annually, on entering upon the duties of his office, unless otherwise provided by ordinance; and the person first named on the committee shall be the chairman thereof. The following shall be the standing committees, and they shall consist of three members on each committee, unless other- wise provided : STANDING COMMITTEES. On Finance and Auditing Claims, On Water and Water Works, On Streets, Alleys, Side and Cross-Walks, On Street and Gas Lamps, On Special Assessments and Taxes, On Police and Fire Department, On Sewerage and Drainage, On Judiciary, and Plats and Subdivisions. RULE XXII. The standing committees, shall have charge of all subject- matter, properly belonging to them respectively as designated by their titles, or which may be referred to them by the Board, and shall be required to report at regular meetings, unless otherwise instructed by the Board. RULE XXII I. The village clerk shall report at each monthly meet ing, the amount of expenditures of the various departments to the date of report. Clerk's Certificate. STATE OF ILLINOIS, COOK COUNTY, Village of JSvtensfon. I, JULIAN R. FITCH, Clerk of the Village of Evanston, in said County, do hereby certify that the Ordinances contained in this pamphlet, and entitled therein as follows: 1. ANIMALS RUNNING AT LARGE. Published January 17th, 1874. 2. ARRESTS, AND RECOVERY OF FIXES. Published January 17th, 1874. 3. COAL AND HAY. Published January 17th, 1874. 4. CONCEALED WEAPONS. Published January 24th, 1874. 5. CORPORATE SEAL. Published January 24th, 1874. 6. DOGS. Published January 17th, 1874. 7. ELECTIONS. Published January 24th, 1874. 8. FIRE LIMITS. Published January 24th, 1874. '.). FIRE WOOD. Published January 17th, 1874. 10. FISCAL YEAR. Published February 20th, is; 4. 11. GUNPOWDER AND COMBUSTIBLE MATERIALS. Published January 24th, 1874. 12. HORSE RAILWAYS. Published January 24th, 1874. 13. ICE. Published January 31st, 1874. 14. LICENSES. Published January 24th, 1874. 15. LICENSES FOR VARIOUS PURPOSES. January 24th, 1874. 1G. MISDEMEANORS. Published January 24th, 1874. 17. NUISANCES. Published January 31st and February 7th, 1874. 18. OFFICERS. Published February 7th, 1874. 19. ORDINANCES. Published February 7th, 1874. 20. PLUMBERS. Published February 7th, 1874. 21. POLICE. Published February 7th, 1874. 22. PREVENTION OF FIRES. Published February 14th, 1874. 23. SANITARY ORDINANCE. Published February 14th and 21st, 1874. 24. STREETS. Published February 14th, 1874. '">. STREKT LAUOK. Published February 14th, 1874. 20. STREET NAMES. Published February 14th, 1874. 27. SUBDIVISION AND PLATTING OF LANDS. Published Feb- ruary 21st, 1874. 79 28. VENDIXU OF LKJI OKS. Published February 7th, 1874. W. WATKK AND GAS PIPES. Published February 21st, 1874. 30. WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Published February 21st, 1874. are true copies of the original ordinances and of the memoranda of the dates of their passage and approval, now on file in my of- fice; that said ordinances were each duly adopted and passed by the President and Board of Trustees of said village, at duly as- sembled meetings thereof held, and approved and signed by said President, at the respective dates under said ordinances written; that said ordinances were, after their passage and approval and within thirty days from such passage, published by authority of said Board in "THE EVANSTON INDEX," a weekly newspaper, published in said village, and on the respective days herein be- fore set forth; that said ordinances herein numbered nineteen, twenty-two, twenty-three, twenty-four, twenty-five, twenty-nine and thirty, were also re-enacted by said Board, and approved by the President thereof, at a regular meeting of said Board, held on the 17th day of February, 1874; and that the following is a true copy of an order of said Board, adopted at a regular meeting thereof held on the 17th day of February, 1874, to wit: "OR- " DEKED, that the pamphlet, containing the published ' Ordi- " nances of the village of Evanston, in Cook County, Illinois " published by authority of the President and Board of Trustees,' " be and the same is hereby declared to be published by au- " thority of this Board; and that the date of the issue and pub- " lication of said pamphlet be fixed as of the 20th day of Feb- " ruary, 1874." . In witness whereof, 1 have hereunto set my hand, and affixed the corporate seal of said Village, this 20th day of February, A. D. 1874. J. R. FITCH, [L. s.] Village Clerk.