R’S TIYE OPRIATION ACT 1917 TRANSMITTED TO THE JANUARY 3, 1917 AN ACT Making appropriations for the support of the g The People of the State of Neiv York , represent Assembly , do enact as follows: Section 1. Subject to the provisions of this act th named herein or so much thereof as shall he the purposes designated by the appropriations are her and authorized to be paid as hereinafter provided public officers and for the several purposes specified, beginning on the first day of July, nineteen shall be available only for the purposes of such fiscal appropriations for construction or permanent shall be available for purposes subsequent to such of appropriations immediately available shall be a date of this act to the end of such fiscal year : EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT For payment for services of the Governor, the Lieutem and the employees in the Executive Department. int PERSONAL SERVICE Administration UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY Salaries, regular Governor $10,000 00 JAN 2 6 191 ? Lieutenant-governor . . . 5,000 00 Secretary to the Governor O O O 00 Secretary to the Lieuten- ant-governor o o o 00 Military secretary to the Governor 2,000 00 Keeper and recorder of legislative bills, to which military secre- tary may be assigned. 1,500 00 Assistant secretary 4,500 00 Hearing stenographer . . 1,800 00 Confidential stenographer to the governor 2,000 00 Telephone operator .... 1,200 00 Attendant 1,800 00 >5'7SH3 $37,800 00 2 UTIVE DEPARTMENT ular the governor, ler to counsel . $5,000 1,200 00 00 $6,200 00 employees... 750 00 auditor er to auditor . $4,000 00 1,200 00 $1,800 00 1,200 00 — Continued 6,950 00 5,200 00 $3,000 00 Salaries, temporary Temporary employees. . 1,000 00 Pardon bureau Salaries, regular Executive legal assistant $5,000 00 Requisition clerk 1,800 00 Stenographer 1,350 00 Document and file bureau Salaries, regular Document clerk $1,500 00 Pile and index clerk. . . 1,200 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 Budget bureau Salaries, regular Secretary $3,000 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,500 3,000 00 Budget assistant 1,200 00 4,000 00 8,150 00 3,900 00 $7,200 00 3 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT — Continued Budget bureau — Continued Salaries, temporary Temporary employees . . 450 00 7,650 00 Total for personal service $73,650 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation in the Executive Department, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing Administration $3,000 00 Notarial 1,450 00 Pardon and requisition 150 00 Governor’s public papers. . . . 1,000 00 Executive mansion 1,900 00 $7,500 00 Equipment Office $300 00 Books 200 00 Supplies Office Traveling expenses Transportation $2,250 00 Hotel expenses 2,250 00 Communication Express $100 00 Postage 1,800 00 Telephone, telegraph, cable. . 4,600 00 Fixed charges and contributions Rent of stable and equipage. Incidental expenses of executive mansion 500 00 1,000 00 4,500 00 6,500 00 6,000 00 4 EXECUTIVE DEPARTMENT — Continued General plant service Administration $500 00 Moreland act fund 10,000 00 10,500 00 Total for maintenance and operation other than personal service $36,500 00 Total for department 1917-18 $110,150 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the expenses of maintenance and operation in the Executive Department, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION General plant service • Moreland act deficiency F or investigation conducted by Charles S. Strong to investigate and examine the management and affairs of the office of the Fiscal Supervisor . of State Charities ; the State Board of Charities, the Sites, Buildings and Grounds Commission; the Building Improvement Commission and the Salary Classification Commission 20,966 78 Total for Executive Department $131,116 78 THE LEGISLATURE SENATE For payment for services of the members of the Senate and em- ployees of the Senate. Senate PERSONAL SERVICE Salaries, regular Members, 51 at $1,500 $76,500 00 THE LEGISLATURE — Continued Administration Salaries, regular Clerk $3,500 00' Assistant clerk 2,500 00 Journal clerk 2,500 00 First assistant journal clerk 1,500 00 Second assistant journal clerk 1,000 00 Chief deputy clerk 1,500 00 Revision clerk 1,500 00 1 Deputy clerk, 4 at $1,000 4,000 00 Financial clerk 1,500 00 Index clerk 2,000 00’ Assistant index clerk. . 1,500 OO iSergeant-at-arms 1,500 00 Stenographer 2,500 00 Executive clerk 1,500 00 1 Telephone operators, 2 at $900 1,800 00 30,300 00 Per diem officers and employees, based on 110 days’ session. Salaries, temporary Temporary president’s clerk, at $10* $1,100 00 Postmaster, at $8 880 00 Principal doorkeeper, at $5 550 00 Assistant doorkeeper, 12 at $5 6,600 00 Janitor, at $5 550 00 Assistant janitor, 2 at $5 . . . 1,100 00 Assistant postmaster, at $5 550 00 6 THE LEGISLATURE — Continued Administration — Continued Salaries, temporary — Continued Post office messenger, at $3 330 00 Committee clerk, 8 at $10 8,800 00 Committee clerk, 21 at $5 11,550 00 General clerk, 3 at $10. 3,300 00 General clerk, 31 at $5. 17,050 00 iStenographer, 5 at $7 . . 3,850 00 Stenographer, 32 at $5. . 17,600 00 Superintendent wrap- ping department, at $5 550 00 Assistant superintendent wrapping department, 4 at $5 2,200 00 Superintendent docu- ment department, at $5 550 00 Assistant superintendent document department, 4 at $5 2,200 00 Financial clerk’s mes- senger, at $5. 550 00 Messenger, 22 at $3 . . . . 7,260 00 Page, 15 at $2 3,300 00 Assistant sergeant-at- arms, at $5 550 00 90,970 00 Under concurrent resolution Salaries, temporary Clerk, 255 days at $20. $5,100 00 Deputy clerk, 255 days, 3 at $10 '. . 7,650 00 Superintendent wrap- ping department, 255 days at $5 1,275 00 7 THE LEGISLATURE — Continued Under concurrent resolution — Continued Salaries, temporary — Continued Assistant superintendent wrapping department, 255 days at $5 1,275 00 Superintendent docu- ments, 255 days at $5. 1,275 00 Assistant superintendent documents, 255 days at $5 1,275 00 Clerk’s stenographer, 255 days at $5 1,275 00 General stenographer, 255 days at $5 1,275 00 Messenger, 255 days at .$3 , 765 00 Page, 255 days, 2 at $2. 1,020 00 Temporary services . . . 3,000 00 25,185 00 Statutory Salaries, temporary Indexing journal, hills, documents . . . Supplemental index- $500 00 ing journal, documents . . . bills, 500 00 Extra clerical services engrossing . . . 500 00 1,500 00 Statutory Officers and employees to open session Salaries, temporary Clerk, 8 days at $38.88. $311 04 Assistant clerk, 8 days at $27.77 222 16 Journal clerk, 8 days at $27.77 222 16 General clerk, 8 days at $10 80 00 8 THE LEGISLATURE — Continued Statutory — Continued Salaries, temporary — Continued Sergeant-at-arms, 8 days at $16.66 133 28 Postmaster, 8 days at $8 ’ 64 00 Financial clerk, 8 days at $16.66 133 28 Index clerk, 8 days at $22.22 177 76 Stenographer, 8 days at $27.77 222 16 Principal doorkeeper, 8 days at $5 40 00 Assistant doorkeeper, 8 days at $5 40 00 Page, 8 days, 4 at $2 . . 64 00 1,709 84 Statutory Officers and employees to re- main after adjourn- ment Salaries, temporary Clerk, 30 days at $38.88 $1,166 40 Assistant clerk, 30 days at $27.77 833 10 Journal clerk, 30 days at $27.77 " . 833 10 Assistant journal clerk, 30 days at $16.66. . . 499 80 Index clerk, 30 days at $22.22 666 60 Assistant index clerk, 30 days at $16.66. ..... 499 80 4,498 80 Total for personal service $230,663 64 9 THE LEGISLATURE — Continued MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Senate, other than printing and personal service. Equipment Office and books $5,000 00' Blue book — manual 870 98 Legislative directory 262 50 Legislative records 3,750 00 $9,883 48 Supplies Office Stationery, blank forms, committee records in general. .< 18,000' 00 Traveling expenses Hileage of 51 senators . ..... $1,900 00 Officials and employees of the Senate . . 500 00' 2,400 00 Communication Express $2,500 00 Postage 5,000 00 Telegraph 2,000 00 Telephone 9,000 00 Cartage 500 00 19,000 00 Fixed charges and contributions Chaplains 500 00 General plant service Bond . . 25 00 Rents Document room and post office box. ..... 766 00 C ontingencies Expenditures where clerk is directed by resolution of Senate or for other unforeseen circumstances 2,500 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service and printing ,53,074 48 Total for Senate, other than printing. . . $283,738 12 10 THE LEGISLATURE — Continued ASSEMBLY For the payment for services of the members of the Assembly and the employees of the Assembly. PERSONAL SERVICE Assembly Salaries, regular Members, 150 at $1,500 $225,000 00 Administration Salaries., regular Clerk $3,500 00 Assistant clerk 2,500 00 Journal clerk 2,500 00 First assistant journal clerk 1,500 00 Second assistant journal clerk 1,000 00 Deputy clerk, 2 at $1,500 3,000 00 Deputy clerk, 10 at $1,000 10,000 00 Assistant clerk to com- mittee on engrossed bills 1,000 00 Financial clerk 1,500 00 Index clerk 2,000 00 First assistant index clerk 1,500 00 Second assistant index clerk 1,000 00 Sergeant-at-arms . . . . . 1,500 00 Stenographer 2,500 00 Telephone, chief opera- tor 1,095 00 Telephone, assistant ope- rator 912 50 37,007 50 Per diem officers and em- ployees based on 110 days’ session. THE LEGISLATURE — Continued Administration — Continued Salaries, temporary Speaker’s clerk at $10. $1,100 00 Assistant financial clerk at $10 1,100 00 Committee clerk, 11 at $10 12,100 00 Postmaster at $8 880 00 Principal doorkeeper at $5 550 00 Assistant doorkeeper, 14 at $5 7,700 00 Janitor at $5 550 00 Assistant janitor 4 at $5 2,200 00 Assistant postmaster at $5 550 00 Committee clerk, 26 at $5 14,800 00 General clerk, 17 at $5. 9,850 00 Stenographer, 15 at $5. 8,250 00 General stenographer, 10 at $3 3,300 00 Superintendent wrap- ping department at $5 550 00 Assistant superintendent wrapping department, 5 at $550 2,750 00 Superintendent docu- ment department at $5 550 00 Assistant superintendent document department, 5 at $5 2,750 00 Talley clerk at $5 550 00 Mail and document car- rier at $5 550 00 Messenger to committees, 13 at $5 7,150 00 General messenger, 24 at $3 7,920 00 Page, 20 at $2 4,400 00 89,100 00 12 THE LEGISLATURE — Continued Administration — Continued Under concurrent resolution Salaries, regular Deputy clerk, 255 days at $10 . $2,550 00 Clerk’s stenographer, 255 days at $5 1,275 00 Clerk’s messenger 255 days at $5 1,275 00 General clerk, 4, 255 days at $5 5,100 00 Superintendent, wrap- ping department, 255 days at $5 1,275 00 Assistant superintendent, wrapping department, 2, 255 days at $5 ... . 2,550 00 Messenger to maj ority leader, 255 days at $5 1,275 00 Chief messenger, 255 days at $5 1,275 00 Messenger, 255 days at $3 765 00 Page, 3, 255 days at $2. 1,530 00 Second assistant journal clerk, 255 days at $5. 1,275 00 $20,145 00 Salaries, temporary Journal clerk, 45 days at $25 . . . . $1,125 00 Other temporary services 3,000 00 $4,125 00 24,270 00 Statutory Salaries, temporary Indexing journal, hills and documents $750 00 13 THE LEGISLATURE — Continued Administration — Continued Statutory — Continued Salaries, temporary — Continued Supplemental index jour- nal, bills and docu- ments 1,300 00 Posting notices — com- mittee, bearings, etc. . 300 00 Extra clerical services and engrossing 750 00 3,100 00 Statutory officers and em- ployees to open session Salaries, temporary Clerk, 8 days at $38.88 $311 01 Assistant clerk 2, 8 days at $27.77 . 441 32 Journal clerk, 8 days at $27.77. 222 1G Speaker’s clerk, 8 days at $10 80 00 Sergeant-at-anns, 8 days at $16.66 133 28 Postmaster, 8 days at $8 64 00 Assistant postmaster, 8 days at $5 40 00 Financial clerk, 8 days at $16.66 133 28 Index clerk, 8 days at $22.22 177 76 Stenographer, 8 days at $27.77 1 222 16 Principal doorkeeper, 8 days at $5 40 00 Assistant doorkeeper 3, 8 days at $5 120 00 Messenger 2, 8 days at $5 80 00 Page 6, 8 days at $2. . . 96 00 2,164 00 14 THE LEGISLATURE — Continued Administration — Continued Statutory Officers and employees to remain after adourn- ment Salaries, temporary Clerk, 30 days at $38.88 $1,166 40 Assistant clerk, 30 days at $27.77 833 10 Journal clerk, 30 days at $27.77 . . . . 833 10 Index clerk, 30 days at $22.22 " 666 60 Deputy clerk, 30 days at '$16.66 499 80 Speaker’s clerk, 30 days at $10 300 00 4,299 00 Total for personal service $384,940 50 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Assembly, other than printing and personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Equipment Law hooks $3,200 00 Blue hook — Clerk’s manual. 1,404 00 Legislative directory 262 00 Legislative record 7,500 00 Committee directory and seat numbers 125 00 $12,491 00 Supplies Stationery, blank forms, etc. . $25,000 00 Spring water, drinking cups, etc 500 00 25,500 00 Traveling expenses Mileage for members $5,200 00 Officials and employees 500 00 5,700 00 15 THE LEGISLATURE — Continued Communication Cartage, parcel post, etc. . . . $1,100 00 Express 2,000 00 Postage 10,000 00 Telegraph 1,100 00 Telephone 4,000 00 18,200 00 Fixed charges and contributions Chaplains 500 00 General plant service Bond 25 00 Rents Document room and storage. $1,086 00 Post-office box 16 00 1,102 00 Contingencies Expenditures which clerk is directed by resolution of the Assembly to make, or by unforeseen circumstances 1,000 00 Total for maintenance and operation, As- sembly, other than printing and personal service $64,518 00 Total for Assembly, other than printing. . . $449,458 50 JOINT LEGISLATIVE BUDGET COMMITTEE For payment for services of the employees of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Clerk, 2 at $4,000 $8,000 00 Accountant, 2 at $1,500 . 3,000 00 Stenographers, 2 at $1,- 200 2,400 00 $13,400 00 16 THE LEGISLATURE — Continued Administration — Continued Salaries, temporary Additional expert service 500 00 Total for personal service $13,900 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Joint Legislative Budget Committee, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing ' $500 00 Traveling expenses 4,000 00 Total for maintenance and operation other than personal service 4,500 00 Total for Joint Legislative Budget Committee $18,400 00 BILL DRAFTING COMMISSION PERSONAL SERVICE F or the payment for services of employees of the Bill Drafting Commission $35,000 00 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION For the expenses of maintenance and opera- tion of the bill drafting commission, other than personal service 5,000 00 Total for Bill Drafting Commission $40,000 00 BOARD OF STATUTORY CONSOLIDATION PERSONAL SERVICE For payment for services of employees of the Board of Statutory Consolidation $1,500 00 17 THE LEGISLATURE -- Continued LEGISLATIVE LIBRARY PERSONAL SERVICE For payment for services of employees of the legis- lative library $5,000 00 SENATE AND ASSEMBLY For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Senate and the Assembly, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing Senate and Assembly Senate and Assembly bills $55,000 00 Additional copies by concurrent resolution 10,500 00 Senate and Assembly calendars 4,000' 00 Senate and Assembly en- grossed bills 10,000 00 Binding Senate and As- sembly bills, journals, calendars and docu- ments for libraries . . 8,500 00 Decisions, opinions and rulings of state officers and departments, with advance sheets 21,000 00 List of senators and members, rules and standing committees . 100 1 00 Supplemental index to Senate and Assembly bills . 1,850 00 Senate and Assembly journals 10,000 00 Miscellaneous documents, messages and reports of standing committees 7,500 00 $128,450 00 THE LEGISLATURE — Continued Printing — Continued Departmental reports to Leg- islature : Messages of the Gover- nor and budget .... $5,000 00 Comptroller including canals, municipal ac- counts and tabulations 5,000 00 Charities 2,000 00 Attorney-general 2,900 00 Civil service 2,000 00 Public works 2,000 00 Engineer and surveyor. 4,800 00 Health 3,000 00 Hospital commission . . . 2,000 00 Excise 2,000 00 Conservation — reports and bulletins 5,000 00 Insurance 15,000 00 Banking 3,000 00 Adjutant-general 500 00 Industrial 6,000 00 Public service First district 10,000 00 Second district 10,000 00 Statutory consolidation.. 2,500 00 Veterinary college .... 250 00 Health officer, port of Hew York 500 00 Secretary of state — sta- tistics of crime 1,800 00 Preparation index to ses- sion laws 750 00 Architecture 250 00 Superintendent of elec- tions 250 00 Highways . . 2,000 00 Probation 250 00 Hospital for crippled and deformed children 250 00 19 THE LEGISLATURE — Continued Printing — Continued Departmental reports to Leg- islature — Continued Thomas Indian school. . 150 00 Monuments commission — Gettysburg 200 00 Nautical school 250 00 Grand Army of the Republic 1,000 00 Tax 3,000 00 Fiscal supervisor 500 00 Letch worth village .... 250 00 Institution for study of malignant disease ... 75 00 Training school for girls 200 00 United (Spanish war vet- erans 250 00 Western house of refuge for women 85 00 Foods and markets .... 50 00 Education Reports 5,000 00 Bulletins 2,500 00 Museum reports and memoirs 5,000 00 Museum bulletins . .. 5,000 00 Library reports 750 00 Library bulletins . . . 2,500 00 Craig colony 250 00 Hospital for pulmonary tuberculosis 125 00 Soldiers’ and sailors’ home 250 00 Women’s relief corps home 7500 Custodial asylum for feeble-minded women 125 00 Agriculture Reports and bulletins 20,000 00 Commission for the blind 75 00 20 THE LEGISLATURE — Continued Printing — Continued Departmental reports to Leg- islature — Continued Palisades interstate park 100 00 Rome custodial asylum. 250 00 Reformatory for women at Bedford 200 00 Niagara reservation .... 100 00 Institute for feeble mind- ed children 20000 Cornell agricultural col- lege bulletins 40,000' 00 Prison commission .... 500 00 Supplying court reports to libraries for state library 1,500 00 Supplying court reports to judges 750 00 Geneva experiment sta- tion bulletins 15,000 00' Asylum for feeble mind- ed women 10000 Weights and measures . . 50 00 Elmira reformatory ... 250 00 Court of claims 750 00 Treasurer 1,500 00 Industrial school at In- dustry 5000 Pardons, commutations, etc 3500 Scenic and historic pre- servation society .... 2,000 00 Land office . . 100 00 Superintendent of pris- ons 1,000 00 201,095 00 Total for maintenance and operation — printing $329,545 00 Total for the Legislature 1917-18 $1,127,641 62 21 THE LEGISLATURE — Continued TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION For printing from December 1, 1916, to June, 30, 191 Printing Senate and Assembly Senate and Assembly bills. $55,000 00 Additional copies by con- current resolution 10,500 00 Senate and Assembly calen- dars 4,000 00 Senate and Assembly en- grossed bills 10,000 00 Binding Senate and Assem- bly bills, journals, calen- dars and documents for libraries 8,500 00 Decisions, opinions and rulings of State officers and departments, with advance sheets 21,000 00 List of Senators and mem- bers, rules and standing committees 100 00 Supplemental index to Sen- ate and Assembly bills. 3,700 00 Senate and Assembly journals 15,000 00 Joint committee on public service commission .... 5,000 00 Additional copies by reso- lution 3,000 00 Miscellaneous documents, messages and reports of standing committees . . . 7,500 00 $143,300 00 Departmental reports to the Legislature Messages of the Governor, . with budget $5,000 00 22 THE LEGISLATURE — Continued Printing — Continued Departmental reports to Leg- islature — Continued Comptroller, with canals, municipal accounts and tabulation 5,000 00 Charities 2,000 00 Attorney-general 2,900 00 Civil service 2,000 00 Public works 2,000 00 Engineer and surveyor. . . 4,800 00 Health 3,000 00 Hospital commission .... 2,000 00 Excise 2,000 00 Conservation — reports and bulletins 5,000 00 Insurance 15,000 00 Banking 3,000 00 Adjutant-general 500 00 Industrial 6,000 00 Public service, 1st district. 10,000 00 Public service, 2d district. 10,000 00 Statutory consolidation — civil practice 2,500 00 Veterinary college 250 00 Health officer, port of Hew York 500 00 Secretary of State — Sta- tistics of crime 1,800 00 Preparation index to ses- sion laws 750 00 Architecture 250 00 Superintendent of elections 250 00 Highways 2,000 00 Probation 250 00 Hospital for Crippled and Deformed Children .... 250 00 Thomas Indian School... 150 00 Monuments commission — Gettysburg 200 00 Hautical school 250 00 23 THE LEGISLATURE — Continued Printing — Continued Departmental reports to Leg- islature — Continued Grand Army of the Republic 1,000 00 Tax 3,000 00 Fiscal supervisor 500 00 Letch worth village 250 00 Institute fou Study of Ma- lignant Disease 75 00 Training School for Girls. 200 00 United Spanish War Vet- erans 250 00 Western House of Refuge for Women 85 00 Foods and markets 50 00 Education Reports 5,000 00 Bulletins 2,500 00 Museum reports and memoirs 5,000 00 Museum bulletins 5,000 00 Library reports 750 00 Library bulletins .... 2,500 00 Craig Colony 250 00 Hospital for Pulmonary Tuberculosis 125 00 Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home 250 00 Women’s Relief Corps Home 75 00 Custodial Asylum for Feeble-Minded Women. . 125 00 Agriculture Reports and bulletins. . 20,000 00 Commission for the Blind. 75 00 Palisades Interstate Park. 100 00 Rome Custodial Asylum. . 250 00 Reformatory for Women at Bedford. . . 200 00 Niagara Reservation 100 00 Institute for Feeble- Minded Children 200 00 24 THE LEGISLATURE — Continued Printing — Continued Departmental reports to Leg- islature — Continued Cornell Agricultural Col- lege Bulletins 42,000 00 Prison Commission 500 00 Supplying court reports to libraries for State Li- brary 1,500 00 Supplying court reports to judges 750 00 Geneva Experiment Station bulletins 15,000 00 Asylum for Feeble-Minded Women 100 00 Weights and Measures. . . . 50 00 Elmira Reformatory 250 00 Court of Claims 350 00 Treasurer o lO t-T 00 Industrial School at Indus- try 50 00 Pardons, commutations, etc. 35 00 Scenic and Historic Pres- ervation Society 2,000 00 Land Office 100 00 Agriculture — “ Peaches of New York ” 5,000 00 Superintendent of Prisons. To o o 00 207,895 00 For balances due on contracts made for the year ended October 1, 1916, and including all work completed thereon to November 30, 1916. Printing Senate and Assembly Percentage deducted on contract ended October 1, 1915 $61,567 91 Percentage deducted on contract ended October 1, 1916 5,468 28 25 THE LEGISLATURE — Continued Printing — Continued Senate and Assembly — Continued Session Laws and slips. . . 18,044 90 Senate and Assembly bills*. 25,187 73 Senate and Assembly en- grossed bills 6,884 17 Senate and Assembly Jour- nals 4,692 85 Binding Senate and Assem- bly documents for libra- ries 1,360 61 Binding Senate and Assem- bly bills for libraries . . . 1,346 02 Additional copies of bills by concurrent resolution. 325 51 Committee reports and small documents. ..... 129 24 List of members, rules, etc. 55 93 J oint Committee on Fi- nance in City of New York 94 03 Additional copies by con- current resolution ... 112 75 Senate Committee on Civil Service 1,964 78 Additional copies by con- current resolution ... 1,035 25 Joint Committee on Public Service Commission. . 4,268 38 Additional copies by con- current resolution ... 2,028 00 Joint Committee on Taxa- tion 487 10 Additional copies by con- current resolution ... 1,117 00 Commission in re bridge be- tween Schenectady and Scotia 802 75 136,973 19 26 THE LEGISLATURE — Continued Printing — Continued Departmental reports to tlie Legislature Messages of Governor . . . . $2,337 85 Veterinary College 503 21 Additional copies by con- current resolution ... 288 00 Health Officer, Port of Hew York 931 15 Additional copies by con- current resolution ... 627 10 Saratoga Reservation .... 478 26 Additional copies by con- current resolution ... 1,785 00 Secretary of State — cen- sus report 1,764 30 Additional copies by con- current resolution . . . 1,076 00 Secretary of State — cen- sus maps 12,259 50 Additional copies by con- current resolution . . . 3,642 48 Secretary of State — sta- tistics of crime 1,671 83 Comptroller 3,296 77 Charities. 5,131 65 Attorney-General 1, 036 18 Civil Service 3,160 83 Public Works 5,041 61 Engineer and Surveyor . . . 2,820 24 Health 2,316 64 Hospital Commission .... 1,987 30 Excise 3,275 70 Conservation — bulletins . . 6 40 Conservation — fire maps. 7,144 48 Insurance 15,647 10 Banking, 2,938 43 Adjutant-General 962 87 Industrial 2,063 16 Public Service Commis- sion, First District. . . . 8,285 91 27 THE LEGISLATURE — Continued Printing — Continued Departmental reports ' to Leg- islature — Continued Public Service Commis- sion, Second District. . . 9,844 20 Statutory Consolidation . . 1,109 67 Revision of Surrogates’ Practice 217 44 Preparation, Index to Ses- sion Laws 145 00 Prison Association 810 77 Architecture 206 91 Athletic 29 06 Superintendent of Elections 108 08 Highways 3,525 75 Probation 1,347 58 Hospital for Crippled and Deformed Children ... 174 09 Thomas Indian School. ... 117 69 Monuments Commission Dedication Wadsworth monument 626 01 Dedication Antietam monument 47 21 Dedication Webb monu- ment 599 43 Fiftieth Anniversary Celebration 659 55 Special Report, Gettysburg Battlefields 2164 HauticaLSchool 161 19 Grand Army Republic. ... 778 84 Tax 4,145 77 Fiscal Supervisor 1,361 89 Improved Instruction of Deaf Mutes 86 87 Letchworth Village 777 91 Institute for Study of Ma- lignant Diseasd 30 67 Training School for Girls. 147 04 Training School for Boys. 19 22 28 THE LEGISLATURE — Continued Printing — Continued Departmental reports to Leg- islature — Continued United Spanish War Vet- erans 1,378 02 Western House of Refuge for Women 36 48 School for the Blind 304 69 Foods and Markets 45 51 Education Reports 9,501 97 Bulletins 3,669 57 Museum reports 324 23 Museum bulletins 9,304 06 Library reports 274 65 Library bulletins 2,135 43 “ Flora of Hew York ” . 3,339 89 Plates of birds — for public sale 8,000 00 Craig Colony 540 29 Watkins Glen Reservation. 30 52 Hospital for Pulmonary Tuberculosis 110 58 Fire Island State Park. ... 50 92 Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home 296 91 Women’s Relief Corps Home 63 96 Custodial Asylum for Feeble-Minded Women. 74 70 Agriculture Reports 13,387 18 Bulletins 27,156 31 Institution for the Instruc- tion of Deaf Mutes 91 39 Commission for the Blind . 33 09 Palisades Interstate Park. 789 16 Rome Custodial Asylum. . 156 79 Jewish Protectory and Aid Society 126 13 Reformatory for Women at Bedford 87 17 29 THE LEGISLATURE — Continued Printing — Continued Departmental reports to Leg- islature — Continued Niagara Reservation 163 75 Improved Instruction for Deaf Mutes 86 88 Institute for Feeble-Minded Children 41 09 Cornell Agricultural Col- lege bulletins 43,927 47 Prison Commission 1,838 32 Supplying court reports to libraries for State Li- brary O o O' rH 00 Supplying Court reports to Judges 750 00 Geneva Experiment Sta- tion bulletins 15,130 82 Total immediately available. 264,327 36 Total for the Legislature. . . $1,880,137 17 COURT OF APPEALS For payment for services of the Judges and the employees of the 'Couid of Appeals. PERSONAL SERVICE Judicial Salaries, regular Judges of the Court of Appeals, including ex- penses $96,400 00 Justices of the Supreme Court, including ex- penses 41,100 00 Clerks to Judges 11,500 00 Clerks to Justices 4,200 00 Consultation clerk 4,000 00 30 COURT OF APPEALS — Continued J udicial — Continued -Salaries, regular — Continued Librarian, Syracuse ... 3,000 00 Librarian, Albany 3,000 00 Librarian, stenographer and attendant 2,500 00 Law clerk, stenographer and attendant 3,000 00 Card clerk, stenographer and attendant 2,200 00 ! Stenographer and at- tendant, 2 at $2,200.. 4,400 00 1 Stenographer and at- tendant 2,000 00 Stenographer and at- tendant 1,900 00 Stenographer and at- tendant 1,500 00 Attendant 2,200 00 Attendant 1,600 00 Crier 2,200 00 Messenger 1,200 00 Porter 800 00 $188,700 00 Clerk of the Court Salaries, regular Clerk. . $6,000 00 Deputy clerk 4,000 00 Remittitur clerk 3,000 00 1 Telephone operator .... 720 00 Other employees 6,380 00 20,100 00 Referees Salaries, regular Retired Judges, 3 at $6,000 . $18,000 00 Clerks, 3 at $1,500 4,500 00 22,500 00 Total for personal service $231,300 00 31 COURT OF APPEALS — Continued For tlie expenses of maintenance and operation of the Court of Appeals, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Libraries Judges’ chambers. . . $920 00 Law Library, Albany 3,000 00 Law Library, Syracuse 1,100 00 $5,020 00 Clerks and attendants, ex- penses $1,000 00 Clerk of the court, office expenses 3,200 00 4,200 00 Postage and transportation 750 00 Referees, expenses. . . 4,500 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 14,470 00 Total for Court of Appeals $245,770 00 APPELLATE DIVISION For payment for the services and expenses of the Justices and employees of the Appellate Division. Salaries, regular — not refunded For compensation of clerks, criers, at- tendants, stenographers and other employ- ees of the court and expenses $60,000 00 SECOND DEPARTMENT Salaries, regular — refunded Justices For compensation of the justices of the supreme court designated to the appellate division in the second judicial department from any district other than the second judicial district, in addition to the sum 32 APPELLATE DIVISION - Salaries, regular — refunded — Continued of three thousand, seven hundred fifty dol- lars, being the unexpended balance of ap- propriation heretofore made by chapter seven hundred twenty-eight of the laws of nineteen hundred fifteen which is here- by reappropriated (re. $3,750.00), the further sum of eleven thousand, two hun- dred fifty dollars, refunded to the treasury pursuant to section seventy-six of the judiciary law . Official referees F or compensation of the official referees appointed pursuant to section one hundred fifteen of the judiciary law as amended by chapter two hundred sixty-two of the laws of nineteen hundred sixteen, in addi- tion to the sum of five thousand seven hun- dred fifty dollars, being the unexpended balance of appropriation heretofore made by chapter seven hundred twenty-five of the laws of nineteen hundred fifteen, which is hereby reappropriated (re. $5,- 750.00), the further sum of twenty-three thousand dollars, to be refunded to the treasury pursuant to section one hundred sixteen of the judiciary law as amended by chapter two hundred sixty-two of the laws of nineteen hundred sixteen Confidential clerks For compensation of confidential clerks appointed by the justices of the appellate division of the supreme court designated to the appellate division in the second ju- dicial department from any district other than the second judicial district, pursuant to section one hundred two of the judi- ciary law, nine thousand dollars, to be refunded to the treasury pursuant to sec- tion two hundred seventy-two of the judi- ciary law Continued $11,250 00 23,000 00 9,000 00 83 APPELLATE DIVISION - Attendants For compensation of attendants ap- pointed pursuant to section one hundred eleven of the judiciary law as amended by chapter three hundred seventy-six of the laws of nineteen hundred fifteen, in addi- tion to the sum of four thousand fifty dol- lars being the unexpended balance of ap-- propriation heretofore made by chapter seven hundred twenty-five of the laws of nineteen hundred fifteen which is here- by reappropriated (re. $4,050.00), the further sum of twelve thousand one hun- dred fifty dollars, to be refunded to the treasury pursuant to section three hundred forty-five of the judiciary law Confidential attendants For compensation of confidential attend- ants appointed pursuant to section one hundred eleven of the judiciary law, in addition to the sum of nine hundred dol- lars, being the unexpended balance of ap- propriation heretofore made by chapter seven hundred twenty-five of the laws of nineteen hundred fifteen, which is hereby reappropriated (re $900.00), the further sum of two thousand seven hundred dol- lars, to he refunded to the treasury pur- suant to section three hundred forty-six of the judiciary law Typewriter operators For compensation for two typewriter operators appointed pursuant to section one hundred ten of the judiciary law, in addition to the sum of one thousand dol- lars and twelve cents, being the unex- pended balance of appropriation hereto^ fore made by chapter seven hundred twenty-five of the laws of nineteen hun- dred fifteen, which is hereby reappropri- ated (re $1,000.12), the further sum of Continued 12,150 00 2,700 00 34: APPELLATE DIVISION - Typewriter operators — Continued two thousand nine hundred ninety-nine dollars and eighty-eight cents, to be re- funded to the treasury pursuant to section three hundred eight of the judiciary law as amended by chapter three hundred eighty-seven of the laws of nineteen hun- dred thirteen Confidential clerks to justices Tor compensation of confidential clerks to justices of the supreme court designated to the appellate division in the second ju- dicial department, appointed pursuant to section one hundred three of the judiciary law, in addition to the sum of eight thou- sand five hundred dollars and fifteen cents, being the unexpended balance of appropriation heretofore made by chapter seven hundred twenty-five of the laws of nineteen hundred fifteen, which is hereby reappropriated (re. $8,500.15), the fur- ther sum of eight thousand nine hundred ninety-nine dollars and eighty-five cents, to be refunded to the treasury pursuant to section two hundred seventy-four of the judiciary law as amended by chapter three hundred sixty-five of the laws of nineteen hundred eleven Deputy clerk For compensation of the deputy clerk appointed pursuant to section one hundred one of the judiciary law, in addition to the sum of one thousand two hundred fifty dollars and six cents, being the un- expended balance of appropriation here- tofore made by chapter seven hundred twenty-five of the laws of nineteen hun- dred fifteen, which is hereby reappropri- ated (re. $1,250.06), the further sum of three thousand seven lined red forty-nine dollars and ninety-four cents, to be re- Continued 2,999 88 8,999 85 35 APPELLATE DIVISION — Continued Deputy clerk — Continued funded to the treasury pursuant to section two hundred seventy-one of the judiciary law as amended by chapter eight hundred twenty-eight of the laws of nineteen hun- dred eleven 3,749 94 Case and consultation clerk For compensation of the case and con- sultation clerk appointed pursuant to sec- tion one hundred five of the judiciary law, in addition to the sum of eight hundred seventy-five dollars and six cents, being the unexpended balance of appropriation heretofore made by chapter seven hun- dred twenty-five of the laws, of nineteen hundred fifteen, which is hereby reappro- priated (re. $875.06), the further sum of two thousand six hundred twenty-four dol- lars and ninety-four cents, to be refunded to the treasury pursuant to section two hundred seventy-one of the judiciary law as amended by chapter three hundred twenty-six of the laws of nineteen hundred fourteen 2,624 94 $76,474 61 THIRD DEPARTMENT Salaries, regular — refunded Justices $10,500 00 Deputy clerk and librarian For compensation of the deputy clerk and librarian appointed pursuant to sec- tion one hundred one of the judiciary law, in addition to the sum of five hundred dol- lars and six cents, being the unexpended balance of appropriation heretofore made by chapter seven hundred twenty-five of the laws of nineteen hundred fifteen, which is hereby reappropriated (re. $50'0.0'6), the further sum of one thou- sand four hundred ninety-nine dollars . and APPELLATE DIVISION — Continued Deputy clerk and librarian — Continued ninety-four cents, to be refunded to the treasury pursuant to section two hundred seventy-one of the judiciary law as amended by chapter six hundred thirty- two of the laws of nineteen hundred thir- teen 1,499 94 $11,999 94 FOURTH DEPARTMENT Salaries, regular — refunded Justices $10,500 00 Official Referees For compensation of the official refer- ees appointed pursuant to section one hun- dred fifteen of the judiciary law as amended by chapter two hundred sixty- two of the laws of nineteen hundred six- teen, seven thousand six hundred sixty- six dollars and sixty-six cents, to be re- funded to the treasury pursuant to section one hundred sixteen of the judiciary law as amended by chapter two hundred six- ty-two of the laws of nineteen hundred sixteen 7,666 66 Consultation Clerk For compensation of the consultation clerk appointed pursuant to section one hundred six of the judiciary law, in addi- tion to the sum of eight hundred seven- ty-five dollars, being the unexpended bal- ance of appropriation heretofore made by chapter seven hundred twenty-five of the laws of nineteen hundred fifteen which is hereby reappropriated (re. $875.00), the further sum of two thousand six hundred twenty-five dollars, to be refunded to the treasury pursuant to section two hun- dred seventy-one of the judiciary law as amended by chapter one hundred nine- 37 APPELLATE DIVISION — Continued Consultation clerk — Continued teen of the laws of nineteen hundred twelve 2,625 00 Deputy Clerk For compensation of the deputy clerk appointed pursuant to section one hun- dred one of the judiciary law, in addition to the sum of seven hundred fifty dollars, being the unexpended balance of appro- priation heretofore made by chapter seven hundred twenty-five of the laws of nineteen hundred fifteen, which is hereby reappropriated (re. $750.00), the further sum of two thousand two hundred fifty dollars, to be refunded to the treasury pursuant to section two hundred seven- ty-one of the judiciary law as amended by chapter six hundred thirty-two of the laws of nineteen hundred thirteen 2,250 00 Librarian For compensation of the librarian of the appellate division law library of the supreme court in the fourth judicial department at Eochester, appointed pur- suant to section one thousand one hun- dred sixty-four of the education law, in addition to the sum of seven hundred fifty dollars, being the unexpended balance of appropriation heretofore made by chap- ter seven hundred twenty-five of the laws of nineteen hundred fifteen, which is hereby reappropriated (re. $750), the further sum of two thousand two hun- dred fifty dollars, to be refunded to the treasury pursuant to section one thousand one hundred sixty-four of the education law 2,250 00 25,291 66 Total for Personal Service $173,766 21 38 APPELLATE DIVISION — Continued For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the law libraries of the Appellate Division, other than personal service: MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Law libraries First Department New York $2,600 00 Second Department Brooklyn 2,000 00 Third Department Albany 1,000 00 Fourth Department Bochester 2,500 00 For maintenance and operation, other than personal service $8,100 00 Total for Appellate Division, 1917-18. $181,866 21 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For deficiency in appropriation for compensation of clerks, criers, attendants, stenographers and other employees of the court and expenses, for the year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred sixteen, three hundred forty dollars and ninety- eight cents $340 98 FOURTH DEPARTMENT Salaries, regular — refunded Official Beferees For compensation of the official referees appointed pursuant to section two hundred fifteen of the judiciary law as amended by chapter two hundred sixty-two of the laws of nineteen hundred sixteen, for the year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hundred seventeen, seven thousand nine hundred eighty-six dollars and ten cents, to he refunded to the treasury pursuant 39 APPELLATE DIVISION — Continued Appellate division — Fourth department — Continued Official referees — Continued to section one hundred sixteen of thel judiciary law as amended by chapter sixty-two of the laws of nineteen hun- dred sixteen 7,986 10 Total immediately available 8,327 08 Total for Appellate Division $190,193 29 SUPREME COURT For payment for services of the Justices and the employees of the Supreme Court. FIRST DISTRICT Salaries, regular — not refunded Justices $310,000 00 SECOND DISTRICT Salaries, regular — refunded Justices $200,000 00 Additional compensation of justices For additional compensation of justices not residing in the county of Kings, pur- suant to section one hundred forty-five of the judiciary law in addition to the sum of nine thousand three hundred seventy- five dollars, being the unexpended balance of appropriation heretofore made by chap- ter seven hundred twenty-five of the laws of nineteen hundred fifteen, which is hereby reappropriated (re. $9,375.00), the further sum of twenty-eight thousand one hundred twenty-five dollars, to be re- funded to the treasury pursuant to section one hundred forty-five of the judiciary law 28,125 00 SUPREME COURT — Continued Stenographers For compensation of stenographers ap- pointed pursuant to section one hundred sixty-one of the judiciary law as amended by chapter sixty of the laws of nineteen hundred ten, in addition to the sum of six thousand four hundred dollars and forty- three cents, being the unexpended balance of appropriation heretofore made by chap- ter seven hundred twenty-eight of the laws of nineteen hundred fifteen, which is hereby reappropriated (re. $6,400.43), the further sum of nine thousand five hun- dred seventy-nine dollars and fifty-seven cents, to be refunded to the treasury pur- suant to section three hundred sixteen of the judiciary law as amended by chapter four hundred ninety-one of the laws of nineteen hundred thirteen 9,579 57 Confidential clerks For compensation of confidential clerks to resident trial justices of the supreme court, other than justices of the appellate division, residing in the second judicial district, not including the county of Kings, appointed pursuant to section one hun- dred sixty of the judiciary law, in addi- tion to the sum of three thousand four hun- dred thirty-seven dollars and sixty cents, being the unexpended balance of appropri- ation heretofore made by chapter seven hundred twenty-five of the laws of nine- teen hundred fifteen, which is hereby re- appropriated (re. $3,437.60), the further sum of ten thousand three hundred twelve dollars and forty cents, to be refunded to the treasury pursuant to section two hun- dred seventy-nine of the judiciary law as amended by chapter three hundred sixty- five of the laws of nineteen hundred eleven 10,312 40 41 SUPREME COURT — Continued THIRD DISTRICT Salaries, regular — refunded Justices $60,000 00 Stenographers For compensation of stenographers ap- pointed pursuant to section one hundred sixty-one of the judiciary law. as amended by chapter sixty of the laws of nineteen hundred ten, in addition to the sum of five thousand eight hundred eleven dollars and ninety-nine cents, being the unex- pended balance of appropriation here- tofore made by chapter seven hundred twenty-five of the laws of nineteen hun- dred fifteen, which is hereby reappropri- ated (re. $5,811.99), the further sum of eight thousand five hundred eighty-eight dollars and one cent, to be refunded to the treasury pursuant to section three hundred thirteen of the judiciary law as amended by chapter four hundred ninety-one of the laws of nineteen hundred thirteen 8,588 01 A d ditional stenogra phers For compensation of additional stenog- raphers appointed pursuant to section one hundred sixty-one of the judiciary law as amended by chapter sixty of the laws of nineteen hundred ten, five thousand four hundred dollars, to be refunded to the treasury pursuant to section three hundred seventeen of the judiciary law as amended by chapter five hundred forty-three of the laws of nineteen hundred eleven 5,400 00 $73,988 01 FOURTH DISTRICT Salaries, regular — refunded Justices $60,000 00 Stenographers For compensation of stenographers ap- pointed pursuant to section one hundred sixty-one of the judiciary law as amended 42 SUPREME COURT — Continued Stenographers — Continued by chapter sixty of the laws of nineteen hundred ten, in addition to the sums of five hundred eleven dollars and seventy- seven cents, being the unexpended balance of appropriation heretofore made by chap- ter seven hundred twenty-five of the laws of nineteen hundred fifteen, and four thou- sand dollars, being the unexpended bal- ance of appropriation heretofore made by chapter seven hundred twenty-eight of the laws of nineteen hundred fifteen, which are hereby reappropriated (re. $4,511.- 77), the further sum of two thousand six hundred eighty-eight dollars and twenty- three cents, to be refunded to the treas- ury pursuant to section three hundred thirteen of the judiciary law as amended by chapter four hundred ninety-one of the laws of nineteen hundred thirteen 2,688 23 Additional stenographers For compensation of additional stenog- raphers appointed pursuant to section three three hundred thirteeen of the judi- ciary law as amended by chapter four hundred ninety-one of the laws of nineteen hundred thirteen, seven thousand two hun- dred dollars, to be refunded to the treas- ury pursuant to section three hundred sev- enteen of the judiciary law as amended by chapter five hundred forty-three of the laws of nineteen hundred eleven 7,200 00 $69,888 23 FIFTH DISTRICT Salaries, regular — refunded Justices $80,000 00 Stenographers For compensation of stenographers ap- pointed pursuant to section one hundred sixty-one of the judiciary law as amended 43 SUPREME COURT — Continued Stenographers — Continued by chapter sixty of the laws of nineteen hundred ten, in addition to the sum of for thousand five hundred dollars, being the unexpended balance of appropriation heretofore made by chapter seven hundred twenty-five of the laws of nineteen hun- dred fifteen, which is hereby reappropri- ated (re. $4,500.00), the further sum of thirteen thousand five hundred dollars to he refunded to the treasury pursuant to section three hundred thirteen of the judi- ciary law as amended by chapter four hun- dred ninety-one of the laws of nineteen hundred thirteen 13,500 00 Confidential clerks For compensation of confidential clerks to resident trial justices appointed pursu- ant to section one hundred sixty of the judiciary law as amended by chapter one hundred eighteen of the laws of nineteen hundred twelve, in addition to the sums of one thousand nine hundred fifteen dol- lars, being the unexpended balance of ap- propriation heretofore made by chapter seven hundred twenty-five of the laws of nineteen hundred fifteen, and one thou- sand two hundred thirty-five dollars, being the unexpended balance of appropriation heretofore made by part five of chapter six hundred forty-six of the laws of nineteen hundred sixteen, which are hereby reap- propriated (re. $3,150.00), the further sum of nine thousand four hundred fifty dollars, to be refunded to the treasury pursuant to section two hundred seventy- nine of the judiciary law as amended by chapter one hundred eighteen of the laws of nineteen hundred twelve. . . . 9,450 00 $102,950 00 44 SUPREME COURT — Continued SIXTH DISTRICT Salaries, regular — refunded Justices $60,000 00 Stenographers For compensation of stenographers ap- pointed pursuant to section one hundred sixty-one of the judiciary law as amended by chapter sixty of the laws of nineteen himdred ten, in addition to the sum of two thousand seven hundred dollars, being the unexpended balance of appropriation here- tofore made by chapter seven hundred twenty-five of the laws of nineteen hun- dred fifteen, which is hereby reappropri- ated (re. $2,700.00), the further sum of eight thousand one hundred dollars, to he refunded to the treasury pursuant to sec- tion three hundred thirteen of the judi- ciary law as amended by chapter four hundred ninety-one of the laws of nine- teen hundred thirteen 8,100 00 Confidential clerks For compensation of confidential clerks to resident trial justices appointed pur- suant to section one hundred sixty of the judiciary law, in addition to the sums of four hundred fifty dollars, being the unex- pended balance of appropriation hereto- fore made by chapter seven hundred seventy-five of the laws of nineteen hun- dred fifteen, and one thousand two hun- dred dollars, being the unexpended bal- ance of appropriation heretofore made by part fire of chapter six hundred forty-six of the laws of nineteen hundred sixteen, which are hereby reappropriated (re. $1,- 650.00), the further sum of four thousand nine hundred fifty dollars, to be refunded to the treasury pursuant to section two 45 SUPREME COURT — Continued Confidential clerks — Continued hundred seventy-nine of the judiciary law as amended by chapter five hundred fifty- four of the laws of nineteen hundred thir- teen 4,950 00 $73,050 00 SEVENTH DISTRICT Salaries, regular — refunded Justices $70,000 00 Stenographers For compensation of stenographers ap- pointed pursuant to section one hundred sixty-one of the judiciary law as amended hy chapter sixty of the laws of nineteen hundred ten, in addition to the sums of two thousand five hundred dollars, being the unexpended balance of appropriation heretofore made hy chapter seven hun- dred twenty-five of the laws of nineteen hundred fifteen, and two thousand dollars, being the unexpended balance of appro- priation heretofore made hy chapter seven hundred twenty-eight of the laws of nine- teen hundred fifteen, which are hereby re- appropriated (re. $4,500.00), the further sum of thirteen thousand five hundred dollars to be refunded to the treasury pursuant to section three hundred thir- teen of the judiciary law as amended by chapter four hundred ninety-one of the laws of nineteen hundred thirteen $13,500 00 Confidential clerks For compensation of confidential clerks to resident trial justices appointed pur- suant to section one hundred sixty of the judiciary law, six thousand dollars, to be refunded to the treasury pursuant to sec- 46 SUPREME COURT — Continued Confidential clerks — Continued tion two hundred seventy-nine of the judi- ciary law as amended by chapter five hun- dred fifty-four of the laws of nineteen hundred thirteen 6,000 00 $89,500 00 EIGHTH DISTRICT Salaries, regular — refunded Justices $130,000 00 Stenographers For compensation of stenographers ap- pointed pursuant to section one hundred sixty-one of the judiciary law as amended by chapter three hundred forty-four of the laws of nineteen hundred sixteen, in addition to the sum of nine thousand three hundred dollars, being the unex- pended balance of appropriation hereto- fore made by chapter seven hundred twen- ty-five of the laws of nineteen hundred fifteen, which is hereby reappropriated (re. $9,300.00), the further sum of thir- ty thousand three hundred dollars, to he refunded to the treasury pursuant to sec- tion three hundred thirteen of the judi- ciary law as amended by chapter four hundred ninety-one of the laws of nine- l teen hundred thirteen $30,300 00 Confidential clerks For compensation of confidential clerks to resident trial justices appointed pur- suant to section one hundred sixty of the judiciary law, in addition to the sums of one thousand four hundred dollars, being the unexpended balance of appropriation heretofore made* by chapter seven hundred twenty-five of the laws of nineteen hun- dred fifteen, and one thousand two hun- dred sixty-two dollars and fifteen cents, being the unexpended balance of appro- . - 47 SUPREME COURT — Continued Confidential clerks — Continued priation heretofore made by chapter seven hundred twenty-eight of the laws of nine- teen hundred fifteen, which are hereby reappropriated (re. $2,662.15), the fur- ther sum of four thousand five hundred thirty-seven dollars and eighty-five cents, to be be refunded to the treasury pursuant to section two hundred seventy-nine of the judiciary law as amended by chapter five hundred fifty-four of the laws of nineteen hundred thirteen 4,537 85 Librarian — Buffalo For compensation of the librarian of the law library of the eight judicial di- strict at Buffalo, appointed pursuant to section one thousand one hundred seven- ty-seven of the education law as amended by chapter fifty-eight of the laws of- nine- teen hundred eleven, in addition to the sum of six hundred twenty-five dollars and three cents, being the unexpended balance of appropriate heretofore made chapter seven hundred twenty-five of the laws of nineteen hundred fifteen, which is hereby reappropriated (re. $625.03), the further sum of one thousand eight hundred seventy-four dollars and ninety- seven cents, to be refunded to the treasury pursuant to section one thousand one hundred seventy-seven of the education law as amended by chapter fifty-eight of the laws of nineteen hundred eleven 1,874 97 $166,712 8 NINTH DISTRICT Salaries, regular — refunded Justices $70,000 00 Additional compensation of justices For additional compensation of jus- tices, pursuant to section one hundred 48 SUPREME COURT — Continued Additional compensation of justices — Continued forty-five of the judiciary law, in addi- tion to the sums of seven thousand five hundred dollars, being the unexpended balance of appropriation heretofore made by chapter seven hundred twenty-five of the laws of nineteen hundred fifteen, and three thousand seven hundred fifty dol- lars, being the unexpended balance of appropriation heretofore made by part five of chapter six hundred forty-six of the laws of nineteen hundred sixteen, which are hereby reappropriated (re. $11,250.00), the further sum of thirty- three thousand seven hundred fifty dol- lars, to be refunded to the treasury pur- suant to section one hundred forty-five of the judiciary law 33,750 00 Stenographers For compensation of stenographers ap- pointed pursuant to section one hundred sixty-one of the judiciary law as amended by chapter one hundred twenty-eight of the laws of nineteen hundred sixteen, in addition to the sum of nine thousand one hundred ninety dollars, being the unex- pended balance of appropriation hereto- fore made by chapter seven hundred twenty-five of the laws of nineteen hun- dred fifteen, which is hereby reappropri- ated (re. $9,190.00), the further sum of twelve thousand four hundred ten dollars, to be refunded to the treasury pursuant to section three hundred sixteen of the judiciary law as amended by chapter for- ty-nine of the laws of nineteen hundred thirteen 12,410 00 Confidential clerks For compensation of confidential clerks to resident trial justices appointed pur- 49 SUPREME COURT — Continued Confidential clerks — Continued suant to section one hundred sixty of the judiciary law, in addition to the sum of three thousand seven hundred fifty dol- lars, being the unexpended balance of ap- propriation heretofore made by part five of chapter six hundred forty-six of the laws of nineteen hundred sixteen, which is hereby reappropriated (re. $3,750.00), the further sum of eleven thousand two hundred fifty dollars, to be refunded to the treasury pursuant to section two hun- dred seventy-nine of the judiciary law as amended by chapter five hundred fifty- four of the laws of nineteen hundred thir- teen 11,250 00 $127,410 00 Total for personal service $1,261,516 03 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Supreme Court, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION THIRD DISTRICT Expenses — refunded For actual and necessary expenses of additional stenographers appointed pursu- ant to section one hundred sixty-one of the judiciary law as amended by chapter sixty of the laws, of nineteen hundred ten, seven hundred fifty dollars, to be refund- ed to the treasury pursuant to section three hundred seventeen of the judiciary law as amended by chapter five hundred forty-three of the laws of nineteen hun- dred eleven $750 00 50 SUPREME COURT — Continued FOURTH DISTRICT Expenses — refunded For actual and necessary expenses of additional stenographers appointed pursu- ant to section three hundred thirteen of the judiciary law as amended hy chapter four hundred ninety-one of the laws of nineteen hundred thirteen, one thousand dollars to he refunded to the treasury pursuant to section three hundred seven- teen of the judiciary law as amended by chapter five hundred forty-three of the laws of nineteen hundred eleven 1,000 00 TRIAL TERM Expenses — refunded For expenses of justices in the third, fourth, fifth, sixth, seventh and eighth judicial districts, assigned by the appel- late division or designated by the governor to hold a trial or special term in a judicial district other than that in which he is elected, pursuant to section twelve of article six of the constitution, three thou- sand dollars, to he refunded to the treas- ury by the judicial district where the serv- ices are rendered, pursuant to section twelve of article six of the constitution . . . 3,000 00 $4,750 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the trial terms and law libraries of the Supreme Court, other than personal service, not refunded: LAW LIBRARIES Second district Long Island City $600 00 Brooklyn 2,600 00 SUPREME COURT — Continued Third district Kingston 600 00 Troy 600 00 Fourth district Saratoga Springs 600 00 Fifth district Utica 1,500 00 Watertown 2,020 35 Sixth district Binghamton 1,500 00 Delhi 1,000 00 Elmira 1,600 00 Norwich 1,000 00 Eighth district Buffalo 7,000 00 Ninth district Newburgh 1,000 00 Poughkeepsie 600 00 White Plains 600 00 $22,820 35 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service $27,570 35 Total for Supreme Court 1917-18 $1,289,086 38 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the services of the Justices and the employees of the Supreme Court. THIRD DISTRICT Salaries, regular — not refunded J ustices For deficiency in appropriation from January first to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred seventeen $5,000 00 52 SUPREME COURT — Continued SEVENTH DISTRICT Salaries, regular — refunded Confidential clerks For deficiency in appropriation for compensation of confidential clerks to resi- dent trial justices appointed pursuant to section one hundred sixty of the judi- ciary law, for the year ending June thirti- eth, nineteen hundred seventeen, three hundred eleven dollars and two cents, to he refunded to the treasury pursuant to section two hundred seventy-nine of the judiciary law as amended hy chapter five hundred fifty-four of the laws of nineteen hundred thirteen 311 02 EIGHTH DISTRICT Salaries, regular — not refunded Justices For deficiency in appropriation from July first, nineteen hundred sixteen to June thirtieth, nineteen hundred seven- teen 20,000 00 Salaries, regular, — refunded Stenographers For deficiency in appropriation for compensation of stenographers appointed pursuant to section one hundred sixty- one of the judiciary law as amended hy chapter three hundred forty-four of the laws of nineteen hundred sixteen, for the year ending June thirtieth, nineteen hun- dred seventeen, two thousand two hun- dred fifty-five dollars, to he refunded to the treasury pursuant to section three hundred thirteen of the judiciary law as 53 SUPREME COURT — Continued Salaries, regular — refunded — Continued amended by chapter four hundred nine- ty-one of the laws of nineteen hundred thirteen 2,255 00 Total immediately available $27,566 02 Total for Supreme Court $1,316,652 40 COURT OF CLAIMS For payment for services of the Judges and the employees of the Court of Claims. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Presiding judge $8,000 00 Judge, 4 at $8,000. . . . 32,000 00 Clerk 3,500 00 Stenographer to judges and relief court sten- ographer 3,000 00 Deputy clerk, also acting as court stenographer, 5 at $2,500 12,500 00 Clerk and stenographer. 1,500 00 Recording clerk 1,200 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 Stenographer 720 00 Page 480 00 $64,100 00 Salaries, temporary Stenographers, court at- tendants, extra clerical service and labor as may be needed 2,500 00 $66,600 00 Total for personal service $66,600 00 54 COURT OF CLAIMS — Continued For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Court of Claims, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $1,600 00 Equipment Office $600 00 Books 650 00 1,250 00 Supplies Office 2,195 00 Traveling expenses 10,000 00 Communication . . . . 800 00 General plant service 1,000 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 16,845 00 COURT OF CLAIMS — JUDGMENTS Judgments, other than canals: For the payment of determinations of the hoard of claims with interest, and payment of judgments and awards made by the court of claims, other than those on account of canals, with interest, as provided by law. ... $565,299 34 CANAL FUND Judgments, canals : For the payment of determinations of the board of claims with interest, and payment of judgments and awards by the court of claims, on account of canals, with interest thereon, as pro- vided by law 75,000 00 640,299 34 $723,744 34 Total for Court of Claims STATE REPORTER For payment for services of the State Reporter and the employees in the office of State Reporter. PERSONAL SERVICE Salaries, regular State Reporter $5,000 00 Deputy State Reporter. 3,700 00 Second Deputy State Reporter 2,000 00 Stenographer 1,000 00 Page 360 00 Total for personal service $12,060 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the office of the State Reporter, other than for personal ser- vice. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $100 00 Equipment 100 00 Supplies 100 00 Communication 150 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 450 00 Total for 1917-18 $12,510 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Rent 100 00 $12,610 00 Total for State Reporter 56 SUPREME COURT REPORTER For payment for services of the Supreme Court Reporter and the employees in the office of the Supreme Court Reporter. Administration Executive Salaries, regular Supreme Court Reporter $5,000 00 First deputy reporter. . 3,000 00 Second deputy reporter. 2,000 00 Secretary 1,500 00 Office Salaries, regular Clerk $2,000 00 Clerk 1,800 00 Clerk 1,200 00 Clerk 1,000 00 Stenographer 900 00 Clerk 500 00 $7,400 00 Salaries, temporary Temporary employees . . 500 00 $11,500 00 7,900 00 Total for personal service $19,400 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the office of the Supreme Court Reporter, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $50 00 Equipment 100 00 Supplies . . # 175 00 Communication 300 00 General plant service 250 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 875 00 Total for Supreme Court Reporter $20,275 00 57 MISCELLANEOUS REPORTER For payment for services of the Miscellaneous Reporter and the employees in office of Miscellaneous Reporter. PERSONAL SERVICE Salaries, regular Miscellaneous Reporter. $5,000 00 Assistant 2,000 00 Clerk 1,500 00 Stenographer and proof- reader 1,500 00 Associate 1 editor, State 'department reports . . 1,500 00 Total for personal service $11,50000 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the office of Miscellaneous Reporter, other than personal ser- vice. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Equipment $100 00 Supplies 100 00 Communication 100 00 General plant service 400 00 Rents 600 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 1,300 00 Total for 1917-18 $12,800 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Rent 350 00 Total for Miscellaneous Reporter $13,150 00 58 SECRETARY OF STATE For payment for services of the Secretary of State and the employees in the office of the Secretary of State. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Secretary of State $6,0-00 00 Deputy Secretary of State 5,000' 00 Private secretary 2,500 00 Confidential clerk 2,200 00 Assistant to deputy 2,200 00- Clerk and stenographer . . 1,800 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 Confidential stenographer to deputy 900 00 $21,800 00 Administrative bureau Salaries, regular Chief clerk or second deputy $4,200 00 Clerk 1,800 00- Bookkeeper 1,440 00 Stenographer 960 00 Stenographer 900' 00 Stenographer 840 00 Telephone operator .... 1,000 00 Messenger 1,200 00 Typewriter copyist 960 00 Clerk 780 00 $14,080 00 Wages, regular Laborer 900 00 14,980 00 Corporation bureau Salaries, regular Examiner of corporations $3,000 00 Assistant examiner of corporations 2,000 00 59 SECRETARY OF STATE Administration — Continued Corporation bureau — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Clerk 1,850 00 Clerk 1,600 00 Clerk and stenographer . . 1,400 00 Confidential file and in- dex clerk . . . 1,800 00 Clerk M- To o o 00 Clerk, 2 at $1,000 © © 00 Clerk 900 00 Clerk 780 00 Clerk 660 00 Clerk and typist 1,200 00 Stenographer, 3 at $1,200 3,600 00 Stenographer, 6 at $900. V O o 00 Stenographer, 2 at $780. 1,560 00 Typewriter copyist, 5 at $780 3,900 00 Land bureau Salaries, regular Land clerk $3,000 00 Clerk and stenographer. . 1,350 00 Proofreading bureau Salaries, regular Clerk $1,200 00 Stenographer 660 00 Certificate division Salaries, regular Clerk and stenographer . . $1,080 00 Typewriter copyist 660 00 Criminal statistics Salaries, regular Clerk $1,800 00 Typewriter copyist .... 780 00 Continued 32,850 00 4,350 00 1,860 00 1,740 00 2,580 00 60 SECRETARY OF STATE — Continued Administration — Continued Election and law bureau Salaries, regular Certificate and election clerk $2,400' 00 Stenographer 1,212 00 Stenographer 780 00 Typewriter copyist 900 00 5,292 00 Cashiers’ bureau Salaries, regular Clerk $1,200 00 1 Clerk . . . 900 00 Salaries, temporary Temporary employees . . $2,100 00 5,000 00 Motor vehicle bureau Administration Salaries, regular Chief of bureau New York office Administrative division Salaries, regular Clerk Messenger Stenographer Typewriter copyist . . $1,500 00 1,200 00 780 00 780 00 7,100 00 3,750 00 Wages, regular Watchman . , $4,260 00 900 00 $5,160 00 Clerical division Salaries, regular Cashier, 2 at $1,600. . 3,200 00 Cashier 900 00 Investigator 2,000 00 61 SECRETARY OF STATE — Continued Administration — Continued New York office — Continued Clerical division — - Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Chief inspector 1,200 00 Inspector, 2 at $1,080. 2,160 00 Transfer clerk 1,400 00 Bookkeeper 1,440 00 Bookkeeper, 2 at $780. 1,560 00 Clerk 1,200 00 Application examiner . 1,050 00 Shipping clerk 900 00 Stenographer, 1 1 at $780 8,580 00 Typewriter copyist, 13 at $780 10,140 00 35,730 00 Wages, regular Laborer, 10 at $900 . . 9,000 00 $44,730 00 Chauffeur’s examination dk /ision Salaries, regular Chief examiner of chauffeurs 2,000 00 Chauffeur examiner, 3 at $1,320 3,960 00 Interpreter 1,140 00 Stenographer, trans- lator 780 00 Typewriter copyist . . 780 00 $8,660 00 Wages, regular Laborer, 2 at $900. . . 1,800 00 $10,460 00 60,350 00 62 SECRETARY OF STATE — Continued Administration — Continued Buffalo office Administrative division Salaries, regular Deputy chief $3,000 00 Cashier 1,600 00 Stenographer 1,320 00 Stenographer, 2 at $780 1,560 00 $7,480 00 Clerical division Salaries, regular Chauffeur examiner. . 1,320 00 Inspector 1,080 00 Stenographer 1,000 00 Bookkeeper 900 00 Stenographer, 12 at $780 9,360 00 Typewriter copyist, 2 at $780 1,560 00 $15,220 00 Wages, regular Laborer, 7 at $900. . . 6,300 00 Charwoman 420 00 $6,720 00 29,420 00 Albany office Administrative division Salaries, regular Deputy chief $3,000 00 Law clerk 1,800 00 Clerk 1,200 00 Stenographer 780 00 $6,780 00 63 SECRETARY OF STATE — Continued Administration — Continued Albany office - — Continued Clerical division Salaries, regular Correspondence clerk. . $1,600 00 Chauffeur examiner. . 1,320 00 Chauffeur 1,320 00 Inspector, 2 at $1,080 . 2,160 00 Clerk 1,000 00 Clerk, 3 at $900 2,700 00 Clerk 780 00 Clerk 660 00 License examiner . . . 900 00 Stenographer, 4 at $780 3,120 00 Stenographer, 2 at $660 1,320 00 Typewriter copyist . . 780 00 Messenger 78000 $18,440 00 Salaries, regular Temporary employees 10,000 00 Wages, regular Laborer, 4 at $900. . . 3,600 00 38,820 00 Total for personal service $224,892 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the office of Secretary of State, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water Light $800 00 Printing Election laws $30,000 00 Other 15,000 00 Legislative manual 13,150 00 Session laws and slips 22,000 00 80,150 00 64 SECRETARY OF STATE — Continued Advertising Publication of official notices. $50,000 00 Publishing general laws. . . . 200,000 00 250,000 00 Equipment Office : $4,000 00 Motor vehicle, including pur- chase of car 3,000 00 Books 500 00 Supplies Office $10,000 00 Motor vehicle 4,200 00 General plant 300 00 Chauffeur’s badges, 103,486 . . 9,000 00 Number plates, 291,935 76,500 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials and employees $3,000 00 Hotel expenses 6,000 00 Communication Parcel post (plates, badges and miscellaneous) $25,000 00 Postage 24,500 00 1 Telegraph and telephone. . . . 2,000' 00 Sending out legislative man- uals, election law supplies, session laws, department re- ports and miscellaneous ex- pressage, messenger service and box rent. 5,000 00 Fixed charges and contributions General plant service , Bent 7,500 00 100,000 00 9,000 00 56,500 00 1,000 00 6,000 00 8,000 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service $518,950 00 Total for Department 1917-18 $743,842 00 65 SECRETARY OF STATE — Continued TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the office of Secretary of State, other than personal service : MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing election laws $6,243 30 Fixed charges and contributions For refund of moneys ad- vanced by Comptroller to meet emergency caused fey taking National Guard vote at Mexican border $20,000 00 For refund of moneys ad- vanced by Comptroller for expenses of convening the presidential electors 5,000 00 $25,000 00 Inauguration expenses , . . 5,000 00 Refunds . . . 18,000 00 Session laws and slips . . . 22,000 00 Publication of official notices. . , . . 200,000 00 Publication of general laws. . . , . . 6,680 00 Total immediately available 282,923 30 Total for Secretary of State, exclusive of Land Office — Expenses $1,026,765 30 LAND OFFICE — EXPENSES For payment for services of employees of the Land Office. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Land clerk in the office of the Secretary of State, acting as secre^ tary to the commis- 66 LAND OFFICE — EXPENSES — Continued Administration — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued sioners of the Land Office $1,000 00 Appraiser, 3 at $1,800. 5,400 00 $6,400 00 Total for personal service For the expense of maintenance and operation of the Land Office, other than personal service: MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $500 00 Advertising 500 00 Traveling expenses 1,000 00 Contingencies 500 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than per- sonal service $6,400 00 2,500 00 Total Land Office — Expenses $8,900 00 Total for Secretary of State, including Land Office — Expenses $1,035,665 30 STATE COMPTROLLER For payment for services of the State Comptroller and the employees in office of the State Comptroller. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Comptroller Deputy comptroller, 4 at $6,000 Secretary to the comp- troller Stenographer to the comptroller Stenographer $8,000 00 24,000 00 4,000 00 1,800 00 2,800 00 67 STATE COMPTROLLER Administration — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Stenographer to the comptroller, New York office 1,800 00 Stenographer to the dep- uty comptroller 1,440 00 Stenographer to the dep- uty comptroller, New York office 1,800 00 Confidential agent 1,500 00 Telephone operator .... 1,300 00 Junior clerk 720 00 Junior clerk 660 00 Detective agents, 3 at $1,800 5,400 00 $55,220 00 Salaries, temporary Temporary employees . . 2,000 00 Wages, regular Laborer 1,200 00 Audit bureau Salaries, regular Auditor $4,500 00 Assistant auditor 3,000 00 Expert accountant 3,000 00 Estimate clerk 3,000 00 Special agent 3,000 00 Confidential examiner. . . 3,000 00 Legal examiner 2,700 00 Examiner 2,400 00 Clerk 2,400 00 Clerk 2,340 00 Clerk 1,800 00 Clerk, 2 at $1,560 3,120 00 Clerk 1,500 00 Clerk 1,320 00 Clerk, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Continued $58,420 00 68 STATE COMPTROLLER Audit bureau — Continued 'Salaries, regular — Continued Cashier 1,500 00 Stenographer 1,500 00 Stenographer 1,320 00 Corporation tax bureau Salaries, regular Chief clerk $3,000 00 Corporation tax commis- sioner, New York. . . . 4,000 00 Corporation tax commis- sioner 2,000 00 Clerk 2,000 00 Special corporation tax commissioner, New York City 1,800 00 Stenographer 1,400 00 Clerk 1,440 00 Clerk 1,400 00 Clerk . 1,300 00 $18,340 00 Wages, regular Laborer, New York office 1,200 00 Laborer, (3) 2,272 50 $3,472 50 Finance bureau Salaries, regular Voucher clerk and au- ditor $4,500 00 Document clerk 3,500 00 Assistant warrant clerk and assistant deputy. . 3,800 00 Assistant auditor and municipal accounts ex- aminer 4,500 00 Accountant 3,300 00 Chief clerk yo "A o o 00 Continued 43,800 00 21,812 50 69 STATE COMPTROLLER Finance bureau — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Chief auditor — prison accounts 00 Clerk and assistant dep- uty 3,300 00 Entry clerk 2,500 00 Clerk 2,000 00 Clerk, 4 at $1,800 7,200 00 Clerk, 2 at $1,500 3,000 00 Clerk, 2 at $780 1,560 00 Filing clerk 1,500 00 Stenographer 1,800 OO Stenographer 1,440 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,320 2,640 00 Stenographer 720 00 Stenographer 660 00 Typewriter copyist 1,440 00 Copyist 1,400 00 Bookkeeper 1,320 00 Land tax bureau Salaries, regular Chief clerk $4,500 00 Clerk 2,700 00 Tax clerk 2,500 00 Tax clerk 2,400 00 Clerk, 3 at $2,000 6,000 00 Clerk, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Actuarial clerk 1,800 00 Stenographer 1,32000 Stenographer 1,200 00 Leveler 2,000 00 Mortgage tax license and muni- cipal accounts bureau Salaries, regular Chief clerk $4,500 00 Municipal accounts ex- aminer 2,400 00 Clerk 2,160 00 Continued 58,280 00 26,820 00 TO STATE COMPTROLLER — Continued Mortgage tax license and mu- nicipal accounts bureau - — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Stenographer 1,400 00 Stenographer 1,300 00 Stenographer 1,080 00 Stenographer 660 00 $13,500 00 Salaries, temporary Examiner, at $12 per day, 610 days $7,320 00 Examiner, at $11 per day, 1,220 days 13,420 00 Examiner, at $10 per day, 2,135 days 21,350 00 Examiner, at $9 per day, 305 days 2,745 00 Examiner, at $8 per day, 305 days 2,440 00 $47,275 00 Court and trust fund bureau Salaries, temporary Examiner, at $14 per day, 305 days $4,270 00 Examiner, at $12 per day, 305 days 3,660 00 Examiner, at $10 per day, 4,695 days 46,950 00 Secured debt and land bank bureau Salaries, regular Chief clerk (New York office) $3,500 00 Chief clerk (Albany of- fice) ^ 3,000 00 Cashier (New York of- fice 1,980 00 60,775 00 54,880 00 71 STATE COMPTROLLER Secured debt and land bank bureau — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Bond indexer 1,560 00 Secured debt tax exam- iner, 2 at $1,800 3,600 00 Stock transfer tax bureau Salaries, regular Chief clerk (New York office) $4,000 00 Stenographer 1,400 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 Stock transfer tax ex- aminer, 21 at $2,000. 42,000 00 $48,600 00 Wages, regular Laborer . . . 1,515 00 Transfer tax bureau Salaries, regular Assistant . . . $5,000 00 Attorney . . . 3,600 00 Recording clerk .... . . . 2,400 00 Transfer tax expert. . . . 1,800 00 Examiner of values. . . . 1,800 00 Clerk . . . 2,820 00 Clerk, 4 at $1,800. . . . . 7,200 00 Clerk . . . 1,500 00 Clerk . . . 1,320 00 Clerk . . . 1,200 00 Stenographer . . . 1,800 00 Stenographer, 3 at $1,400 . . . 4,200 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,200 . . . 2,400 00 Stenographer 600 00 Continued 13,640 00 50,115 00 $37,640 00 72 STATE COMPTROLLER — Continued Transfer tax bureau — Continued Wages, regular Laborers at $2.50 per day 2,272 50 39,91*2 50 Private bank bureau Salaries, regular Supervising examiner of private banks 3,500 00 Highway bureau Salaries, regular Highway audit clerk. . . $3,500 00 Clerk /. 1,560 00 5,060 00 Veteran pension list 583 33 Total for personal service $437,598 33 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of tire office of the State Comptroller, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $25,000 00 Equipment - 4,000 00 Supplies . 5,000 00 Traveling expenses $30,000 00 Comptroller in lieu of all ex- penses 1,500 00 31,500 00 Communication 14,000 00 Fixed charges and contributions Refund cancelled stock transfer stamps . . -5,000 00 General plant service 4,000 00 Rents New York city office $5,250 00 Safe deposit vaults 3,750 00 9,000 00 73 STATE COMPTROLLER — Continued Contingencies 2,000 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service $99,500 00 Total for State Comptroller 1917-18, other than Bureau of Canal Affairs $537,098 33 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the office of the State Comptroller, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $18,500 00 Fixed charges and contributions 28,500 00 Contingencies 500 00 Total immediately available $47,500 00 Total for State Comptroller, other than Bureau of Canal Affairs $584,598 33 BUREAU OF CANAL AFFAIRS For payment for services of employees of the State Comptroller, Bureau of Canal Affairs. CANAL FUND PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Clerk $2,400 00 Clerk * . 2,500 00 Stenographer , 1,800 00 74 STATE COMPTROLLER — Continued Administration — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Transfer agent 1,200 00 Page or junior clerk. . . 660 00 $8,560 00 Total for personal service $8,560 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the State Comptroller, Bureau of Canal Affairs, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $1,600 00 Equipment 100 00 Supplies 200 00 Traveling expenses 100 00 General plant service 6,000 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 8,000 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the expenses of maintenance and operation of State Comptroller, Bureau of Canal Affairs, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $200 00 Supplies 150 00 350 00 Total for Bureau of Canal Affairs $16,910 00 Total for State Comptroller including Bureau of Canal Affairs $601,508 33 75 STATE — FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS OF THE STATE DEBT SERVICE Rates are hereby established on the basis of each dollar of real and personal property of the State, subject to taxation on July one, nine- teen hundred and seventeen, to he appropriated from the general fund July one, nineteen hundred and seventeen, for contributions to the following funds: Canal Debt Sinking Funds Fund No. 4 For the annual contribution to the canal debt sinking fund, pursuant to chapter one hundred and forty-seven of the laws of nineteen hundred and three and chapter sixty-six of the laws of nineteen hundred and ten, twenty one-hundredths of a mill. Fund No. 5 For the annual contribution to the canal debt sinking fund, pursuant to chapter three hundred and ninety-one of the laws of nineteen hun- dred and nine and chapter one hundred and thirty-nine of the laws of nineteen hundred and ten, fifteen one-thousandths of a mill. Fund No. 6 For the annual contribution to the barge canal terminals sinking fund, pursuant to chapter seven hundred and forty-six of the laws of nineteen hundred and eleven, thirty one-thousandths of a mill. Fund No. 7 For the annual contribution to the canal debt sinking fund, pursuant to chapter one hundred and forty-seven of the laws of nineteen hundred and three and chapter seven hundred and eighty-seven of the laws of nineteen hundred and thirteen, fifteen one-hundredths of a mill. Fund No. 8 For the annual contribution to the canal debt sinking fund, pursuant to chapter three hundred and ninety-one of the laws of nineteen hun- dred and nine, chapter one hundred and thirty-nine of the laws of nineteen hundred and ten and chapter seven hundred and eighty-seven of the laws of nineteen hundred and thirteen, as amended by chapter two of the laws of nineteen hundred and fifteen, twenty one-thousandths of a mill. Fund No. 9 For the annual contribution to the barge canal terminals sinking fund, pursuant to chapter seven hundred and forty-six of the laws of nineteen hundred and eleven, thirty one-thousandths of a mill. STATE— FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS— Cont’d Fund No. 10' For the annual contribution to the canal debt sinking fund, pursuant to chapter one hundred and forty-seven of the laws of nineteen hundred and three and chapter seven hundred and eighty-seven of the laws of nineteen hundred and thirteen, as amended by chapter two of the laws of nineteen hundred and fifteen, four onediundredths of a mill. Fund No. 11 For the annual contribution to the canal debt sinking fund, pursuant to chapter one hundred and forty-seven of the laws of nineteen hundred and three, chapter sixty-six, of the laws of nineteen hundred and ten, and chapter five hundred and seventy of the laws of nineteen hundred and fifteen, eighty-five one-thousandths of a mill. Fund No. 12 For the annual contribution to the barge canal terminals sinking fund, pursuant to chapter seven hundred and forty-six of the laws of nineteen hundred and eleven, chapter seven hundred and eighty-seven of the laws of nineteen hundred and thirteen, and chapter two of the laws of nineteen hundred and fifteen, eighteen one-thousandths of a mill. Fund No. 13 For the annual contribution to the canal debt sinking fund, pursuant to chapter one hundred and forty-seven of the laws of nineteen hundred and three, chapter sixty-six of the laws of nineteen hundred and ten, and chapter five hundred and seventy of the laws of nineteen hundred and fifteen, five one-hundredths of a mill. Highway Debt Sinking Funds Fund No. 1 For the annual contribution to the highway improvement sinking fund, pursuant, to chapter four hundred and sixty-nine of the laws of nineteen hundred and six, fifty-five ten-thousandths of a mill. Fund No. 2 For the annual contribution to the highway improvement sinking fund, pursuant to chapter four hundred and sixty-nine of the laws of nineteen hundred and six, as amended by chapter seven hundred and eighteen of the laws of nineteen hundred and seven, one thousand six hundred and thirty-six ten-thousandths of a mill. Fund No. 3 For the annual contribution to the highway improvement sinking fund, pursuant to chapter four hundred and sixty-nine of the laws of nineteen hundred and six, as amended by chapter seven hundred and 77 STATE— FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS — Cont’d eighteen of the laws of nineteen hundred and seven, and chapter seven hundred and eighty-seven of the laws of nineteen hundred and thirteen, eight hundred and eighty-two ten-thousandths of a mill. Fund No. 4 For the annual contribution to the highway improvement sinking fund, pursuant to chapter two hundred and ninety-eight of the laws of nineteen hundred and twelve and chapter seven hundred and eighty- seven of the laws of nineteen hundred and thirteen, twenty-five one- thousandths of a mill. Fund No. 5 For the annual contribution to the highway improvement sinking fund, pursuant to chapter two hundred and ninety-eight of the laws of nineteen hundred and twelve and chapter seven hundred and eighty- seven of the laws of nineteen hundred and thirteen, as amended bv chapter two of the laws of nineteen hundred and fifteen, fifty one- thousandths of a mill. Fund No. 6 For the annual contribution to the highway improvement sinking fund, pursuant to chapter two hundred and ninety-eight of the laws of nineteen hundred and twelve and chapter seven hundred and eighty-six of the laws of nineteen hundred and thirteen, as amended by chapter two of the laws of nineteen hundred and fifteen and chapter ten of the laws of nineteen hundred and fifteen, twenty-five one-thousandths of a mill. Fund No. 7 For the annual contribution to the highway improvement sinking fund, pursuant to chapter two hundred and ninety-eight of the laws of nineteen hundred and twelve and chapter seven hundred and eighty-six of the laws of nineteen hundred and thirteen, as amended by chapter two of the laws of nineteen hundred and fifteen .and chapter ten of the laws of nineteen hundred and fifteen, fifty one-thousandths of a mill. Palisades Interstate Park Debt Sinking Fund For the annual contribution to the Palisades interstate park debt sinking fund, pursuant to chapter three hundred and sixty-three of the laws of nineteen hundred and ten, one hundred and twenty-five ten- thousandths of a mill. State Park Land Debt Sinking Fund For the annual contribution to the State park lands debt sinking fund, pursuant to chapter five hundred and sixty-nine of the laws of nineteen hundred and sixteen, two hundred forty-four thousand, three hundred twenty-seven dollars and fifty cents ($244,327.50). 78 STATE— FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS— Cont’d Saratoga Springs State Reservation For the payment of the principal maturing March first, nineteen hundred and eighteen, on the debt contracted for the Saratoga Springs State reservation under chapter five hundred and sixty-nine of the laws of nineteen hundred and nine, chapter three hundred and ninety-four of the laws of nineteen hundred and eleven, the sum of ninety-five thou- sand dollars ($95,000). For the payment of the interest on the debt contracted for the Sara- toga Springs State reservation under chapter five hundred and sixty-nine of the laws of nineteen hundred and nine, chapter three hundred and ninety-four of the laws of nineteen hundred and eleven, chapter two hundred and fifty-two of the laws of nineteen hundred and fourteen and chapter three hundred and thirty-five of the laws of nineteen hundred and fifteen, thirty-two thousand three hundred and sixty dollars ($32,360). Estimate of the Amount of the Funds Which Will be Provided Under the Rates Hereby Fixed for Sinking Fund Contributions Canal debt sinking funds Fund No. 4 (Erie, Champlain and Oswego canals) (A) For amortization $758,125 (B) For interest 1,600,000 ($40,000,000 0o bonds) Fund No. 5 (Cayuga and Seneca canals) (A) For amortization 56,859 (B) For interest 120,000 ($3,000,000 4% bonds) Fund No. 6 (Barge canal terminals) (A) For amortization 153,718 (B) For interest 200,000 ($5,000,000 0o bonds) Fund No. 7 (Erie, Champlain and Oswego canals) (A) For amortization 418,594 (B) For interest 1,350,000 ($30,000,000 41 / 2 % bonds) 76 00 43 00 86 00 32 00 79 STATE— FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS— Cont’d Canal debt sinking funds — Continued Fund No. 8 (Cayuga and Seneca canals) (A) For amortization 65,812 58 (B) For interest 170,000 00 ($4,000,000 00o bonds) Fund No. 9 (Barge canal terminals) (A) For amortization 141,218 86 (B) For interest 212,500 00 ($5,000,000 41 / 4 '% bonds) Fund No. 10 (Erie, Champlain and Oswego canals) (A) For amortization 131,625 15 (B) For interest 340,000 00 ($8,000,000 4 % '% bonds) Fund No. 11 (Erie, Champlain and Oswego canals) (A) For amortization 322,203 45 (B) For interest 680,000 00 (Estimate issue of $17,000,000 4% bonds) Fund No. 12 (Barge canal terminals) (A) For amortization 92,231 32 (B) For interest 120,000 00 (Estimate issue of $3,000,000 0o bonds) Fund No. 13 (Erie, Champlain and Oswego canals) (A) For amortization 189,531 44 (B) For interest 400,000 00 (Estimate issue of $10,000,000 0o bonds) Total for Canal Sinking Fund Contributions. . . . $7,522,421 17 Highway debt sinking funds Fund No. 1 (A) For amortization $34,848 46 (B) For interest 30,000 00 ($1,000,000 3 % bonds) 80 STATE— FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS— Cont’d Highway debt sinking funds — Continued Fund No. 2 (A) For amortization 608,445 38 (B) For interest 1,320,000 00 ($33,000,000 4 Jo bonds) Fund No. 3 (A) For amortization 320,000 00 (B) For interest 720,000 00 ($16,000,000 4y 2 '% bonds) Fund No. 4 (A) For amortization 69,765 72 (B) For interest 225,000 00 ($5,000,000 4y 2 '% bonds) Fund No. 5 (A) For amortization 164,531 44 (B) For interest 425,000 00 ($10,000,000 4%'% bonds) Fund No. 6 (A) For amortization 94,765 72 (B) For interest 200,000 00 (Estimated issue of $5,000,000 4% bonds) Fund No. 7 (A) For amortization 189,531 44 (B) For interest 4:00,000 00 (Estimated issue of $10,000,000 4'% bonds) Total for Highway Debt Sinking Fund Contribu- tions 4,801,886 16 Palisades Interstate Park debt sinking fund (A) For amortization $47,382 86 (B) For interest 100,000 00 ($2,500,000 4‘% bonds) Total for Palisades Inter- state Park Debt Sinking Fund contribution 147,382 86 81 STATE— FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS— Cont’d Saratoga Springs State Reservation (A) Bonds payable March 1, 1917 and March 1, 1918 $95,000 00 (B) For interest . 32,360 00 Total for Saratoga Springs State Reserva- tion and Interest 127,360 00 State Land Park Sinking fund (A) For amortization $44,327 50 (B) For interest 200,000 00 (Estimated issue of $5,000,000 4'% bonds) Total for State Park Land Sinking Fund 244,327 50 Total for Debt. Service $12,843,379 69 SUMMARY OF DEBT SERVICE (A) For amortization and re- demption $3,998,519 69 (B) For interest ....... 8,844,860 ’00 Total for Debt Service . .$12,843,379 69 (Note. — The estimated amounts for debt service are based on the legal mill rate taxes and valuations of real and personal property as fixed by the “ Equalization Table of 1916 ” of the State Board of Equalization, of $11,790,628,803 with estimated is- sues of bonds -during 1917 of $25,000,000 as follows: Erie, Champlain and Oswego canals $10,000,000 00 State Park Land 5,000,000 00 Highways 10,000,000 00 $25,000,000 00 82 STATE— FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS— Cont’d MISCELLANEOUS FUNDS For surrogates fees $300 00 For Cornell University College Land Script Fund 34,428 80 For board of prisoners in peniten- tiaries 150,000 00 For transportation of convicts 25,000 00 For payment to county treasurers for taxes on public lands 140,000 00 For assessments for local improve- ments 20,000 00 For refund of taxes paid in error. . . . 500 00 For redemption of lands 5,000 00 For State Employees Compensation In- surance 100,000 00 Total for Miscellaneous Funds 415,228 80 INDIAN AFFAIRS For agent of the Onondagas $300 00 For agent of the Onondagas, Allegany and Cattaraugus Reservations .... 150 00 For attorney of St. Regis 150 00 For attorney of Senecas 15000 For attorney of Tonawanda band. . . . 150 00 For Cayuga annuities 13,306 08 For medical aid, attendant, Onondagas. 600 00 For medical aid, attendant, St. Regis. . 600 00 For Onondaga annuities 2,430 00 For purchase of salt, Onondagas 90 00 For St. Regis annuities 2,131 67 For Seneca annuities 500 00 Total for Indian Affairs 20,557 75 83 STATE— FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS — Cont’d TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE MISCELLANEOUS FUNDS For payment to county treasurers for taxes on public lands $60,000 00 For State Employees Compensation In- surance 25,630 00 Total immediately available 85,630 00 Total Fixed Charges and Contributions of the State $13,424,796 24 STATE TREASURER For payment for services of the State Treasurer and the employees in the office of State Treasurer. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration division Salaries, regular Treasurer . . . $6,000 00 Deputy Treasurer . . . . . 5,000 00 Stenographer . . . 1,320 00 Messenger . . . 1,200 00 Page 600 00 $14,120 00 Salaries, temporary Stenographer 100 00 Receipt division Salaries, regular Assistant cashier . . . . . . $2,500 00 Chief clerk . . . 1,800 00 Clerk . . . 1,680 00 $5,980 00 84 STATE TREASURER — Continued Receipt division — Continued Salaries, temporary Clerk 50 00 6,030 00 Depository division Salaries, regular Cashier $3,300 00 Bond clerk 1,800 00 5,100 00 Disbursement division Salaries, regular Auditor and paying tel- ler $3,500 00 Assistant check clerk. . . 1,200 00 Salaries, temporary Clerk $4, TOO 00 100 00 Accounting division Salaries, regular Accountant and transfer officer 4,800 00 2,100 00 Total for personal service $32,250 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the office of the State Treasurer, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $4,000 00 Equipment — office T50 00 Supplies - — office 650 00 Traveling expenses 1,100 00 Communication Telephone Telegraph Postage . . Expressage $1,200 00 100 00 850 00 25 00 2,175 00 85 STATE TREASURER — Continued General plant service Surety bonds $650 00 Clippings, etc 50 00 700 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service $9,375 00 Total for State Treasurer $41,625 00 ATTORNEY-GENERAL For payment for services of the Attorney-General and the employees in the office of the Attorney-General. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Albany office General Salaries, regular Attorney-General $10,000 00 First deputy 8,000 00 Second deputy 0,000 00 Third deputy 5,000 00 Deputy, 4 at $6,000 . . . 24,000 00 Deputy, 7 at $5,000 . . . 35,000 00 Deputy 4,500 00 Deputy, 8 at $4,200 . . . 33,600 00 Deputy, 2 at $4,000 . . . 8,000 00 Deputy 3,000 00 Deputy 2,500 00 Deputy 2,000 00 Chief of land bureau. . . 4,000 00 Examiner of titles 4,000 00 Investigator of claims. . 3,900 00 Land and opinion clerk. 3*, 000 00 Private secretary 2,580 00 $159,080 00 86 ATTORNEY-GENERAL — Continued Administration — Continued Clerical and stenographic Salaries, regular Attorney $2,750 00 Hearing stenographer . . 2,820 00' Stenographer and record clerk 2,500 00 Clerk 2,580 00 Financial clerk 1,500 00 Confidential clerk 1,500 00 Assistant to record clerk 1,350 00 Stenographer 2,000 00 Stenographer to attor- ney-general 1,500 00 Stenographer 1,500 00 Stenographer, 9 at $1,200 10,800 00 Stenographer, 3 at $900 . 2,700 00 Stenographer 720 00 Stenographer 600 00 Typewriter copyist 900 00 Librarian 1,980 00 Confidential messenger. 1,500 00 Messenger 1,200 00 Telephone operator .... 1,120 00 Relief telephone operator 960 00 $42,480 00 Wages, regular Laborer, 2 at $720. . . . 1,440 00 $43,920 00 $203,000 00 Conservation bureau Salaries, regular Deputy attorney-general $6,000 00 Assistant deputy 5,000 00 Assistant deputy 4,500 00 Assistant deputy 4,000 00 Assistant deputy, 2 at $3,500 7,000 00 87 ATTORNEY-GENERAL Conservation bureau — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Confidential secretary . . 1,350 00 Stenographer 1,800 00 Stenographer 1,320 00 New York City bureau Salaries, regular Deputy attorney-general $6,000 00 Deputy attorney-general 5,000 00 Deputy attorney-general 5 at $4,000 20,000 00 Deputy 3,000 00 Law clerk 1,800 00 Special investigator .... 1,500 00 Process servers, 4 at $1,500 6,000 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,500 3,000 00 Stenographer, 5 at $1,200 6,000 00 Messenger 1,200 00 Telephone operator .... 960 00 $54,460 00 Wages, regular Laborer 900 00 Departmental Salaries, temporary Accountant $5,000 00 Agricultural counsel. . . . 7,000 00 Counsel 15,000 00 Counsel, New York City elections 2,500 00 Miscellaneous, temporary employees 8,500 00 Continued 30,970 00 55,360 00 38,000 00 Total for personal service $327,330 00 88 ATTORNEY-GENERAL — Continued For the expenses of maintenance and operation for the office of the Attorney-General, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $16,000 00 Equipment Office $2,0QO 00 Books 4,500 00 Supplies Office Traveling expenses Traveling expenses of officials or employees $6,000 00 Hotel expenses 9,000 00 Attorney-generars expenses in lieu of all expenses. . . . 2,400 00 Fixed charges and contributions Cost of suits $2,000 00 Examination of titles 500 00 Judgments for costs 3,500 00 Communication Rents 6,500 00 3,000 00 17,400 00 6,000 00 5,500 00 5,930 00 Total for maintenance and operation other than personal service 60,330 00 Total for department 1917-18 $387,660 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the services of employees in the office of the Attor- ney-General : PERSONAL SERVICE Personal service $10,000 00 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing 920 28 89 ATTORNEY-GENERAL — Continued Traveling expenses (including expenses of Attorney-General) 541 56 Fixed charges and contributions.. 258 76 General plant service Fees of counsel (Elon ft. Brown) 2,800 00 Total immediately available 14,520 60 Total for Attorney-General. $402,180 60 STATE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR For payment for services of the State Engineer and Surveyor and the employees in the office of the State Engineer and Surveyor. State boundary PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Main office Salaries, regular State engineer and sur- veyor $8,000 00 Deputy state engineer and surveyor 5,000 00 Chief clerk 4,200 00 Private secretary „ 2,400 00 Confidential clerk and and stenographer .... 2,100 00 Land clerk 2,000 00 Index clerk 1,800 00 Stenographer, 3 at $1,350 4,050 00 Telephone operator .... 1,080 00 $30,630 00 •Wages, regular Laborer 730 00 Salaries, temporary Bridge designers, engi- neers, etc. 90 STATE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR — Continued Administration — Continued Main office — Continued Salaries, temporary — Continued For salaries and compen- sation 1,800 00 $33,160 00 State boundary Salaries, temporary Assistant engineer, 2 months at $2,520 per year Wages, temporary Laborer, 40 days at $2 per day $420 00 80 00 500 00 Land grants Salaries, temporary Draftsman, 16 days at $5 per day $80 00 Assistant engineer, 30 days at $7 per day. . . 210 00 Chainman, 3, 30 days at $3 per day 270 00 Wages, temporary Laborer, 4, 30 days at $2 per day $560 00 240 00 Department surveys Salaries, temporary Rodman, 2, 7 months at $1,440 per year. . . $1,680 00 Chainman, 2, 7 months at $1,080 per year. . . 1,260 00 800 00 Wages, temporary Laborer, 4, 7 months at $720 per year $2,940 00 1,680 00 91 STATE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR — Continued Department surveys — Continued Wages, temporary — Continued Laborer, 6 months and 10 days at $720 per year 380 00 $2,060 00 5,000 00 Total for personal service pay- able from General Fund $39,460 00 CANAL FUND For payment for services of employees in the office of State Engineer and Surveyor. PERSONAL SERVICE Ordinary repairs to canals Salaries, regular Division engineers, 3 at $4,800 per year $14,400 00 Resident engineers, 3 at $3,000 per year 9,000 00 Stenographer, 3 at $1,000 per year 3,000 00 $26,400 00 Wages, temporary Laborer, 3, 150 days at $2 per day 900 00 $27,300 00 Surveys, court of claims Salaries, temporary Assistant engineer, 6 months at, $2,520 per year $1,260 00 $2 STATE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR — Continued Surveys, court of claims — Continued Salaries, temporary — Continued Rodman, 6 months at $1,440 per year 720 00 Chairman, 6 months at $1,080 per year 540 00 $2,520 00 Wages, temporary Laborer, 2, 170 days at $2 per day 680 00 3,200 00 Blue line surveys Salaries, temporary Assistant engineer, 4, 300 days at $7 per day $8,400 00 Rodman, 8, 300 days at $4 per day Chainman, 11, 300 days 9,600 00 at $3 per day. ..... Draftsman, 2, 300 days 9,900 00 at $5 per day 3,000 00 $30,900 00 Wages, temporary Laborer, 11, 300 days at $2 per day Laborer, 150 days at $2 6,600 00 per day 300 00 $6,900 00 37,800 00 Total for personal service, canal fund group 68,300 00 Total for personal service, including canal fund group $107,760 00 93 STATE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR — Continued For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the office of the State Engineer and Surveyor, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing, main office $300 00 Equipment, main office Office 200 00 Supples, main office Office 1,000 00 Traveling expenses Traveling expenses state engi- neer and surveyor, payable quarterly in full for all such expenses $2,500 00 Deputy state engineer and surveyor Travel . . . . 200 00 Hotel expenses 300 00 $500 00 Chief clerk Travel 100 00 Hotel expenses 150 00 $250 00 Bridge designers, engineers, etc. Travel 75 00 Hotel expenses 12500 $200 00 State boundary Travel . . . 200 00 Hotel expenses 30000 $500 00 9 4 STATE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR — Continued Traveling expenses — Continued Land grants Travel $75 00 Hotel expenses 12500 $200 00 1,000 00 4,000 00 $5,000 00 Communication Main office Fixed charges and contributions Topographic surveys $15,000 00 Hydrographic surveys 2,500 00' 9,150 00 3,000 00 17,500 00 Department surveys Travel Hotel expenses . Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 31,150 00 CANAL FUND For the expenses of maintenance and operation, other than personal service, of the office of the State Engineer and Surveyor. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing Ordinary repairs to canals $300 00 Equipment Engineering Ordinary repairs to canals $150 00 Blue line surveys 600 00 750 00 Supplies Ordinary repairs to canals. . $450 00 Blue line surveys 600 00 1,050 00 95 STATE ENGINEER AND SURVEYOR — Continued Hired horses and vehicles Surveys — court of claims. . . $400 00 Blue line surveys 1,260 00 1,660 00 Traveling expenses Transportation $3,700 00 Hotel expenses 2,540 00 6,240 00 Communication Ordinary repairs to canals. . . $300 00 1 Blue line surveys 600 00 900 00 General plant service (Surveys — court of claims. . . $200 00' Blue line surveys 60000 . 800 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service, canal fund 11,700 00 Total for maintenance and operation other than than personal service, including canal fund items $42,850 00 Total for State Engineer and Surveyor. . . . $150,610 00 STATE PRINTING BOARD For payment for services of employees of the State Printing Board. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Printing expert and chief clerk $4,000 00 Proofreader and assist- ant clerk 1,800 00 96 STATE PRINTING BOARD — Continued Administration — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Clerk (senior).. 1,650, 0.0 Stenographer 1,200 00 Clerk 900 00 $9,550 00 Total for personal service $9,550 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation other than personal service, of the State Printing Board. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Contingencies . 450 00 Total for State Printing Board $10,000 00 THE UNIVERSITY OF THE STATE OF NEW YORK THE STATE DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION For payment for services of the Commissioner and the employees of the State Education Department, other than those engaged in the Pro- fessional Examinations Bureau or the State College or Normal Schools. PERSONAL SERVICE Commissioner’s office Office of commissioner of education Salaries, regular Commissioner of education. . $10,000 Secretary to the commissioner 2,000 Confidential stenographer . . . 1,600 Stenographer 900 Stenographer 720 Messenger 1,200 $16,420 97 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued Commissioner’s office — Continued Office of deputy commissioner of education Salaries, regular Deputy commissioner of edu- cation and assistant com- missioner for elementary education $6,000 Secretary and stenographer. . 1,500 Assistant in elementary edu- cation 3,000 Stenographer 1,200 Stenographer 1,100 Stenographer 900 Stenographer 600 Secretary, teachers retirement board 2,000 Clerk 1,200 Clerk, 2 at $720 1,440 Clerk 480 Medical inspector of schools. . 4,000 Inspector of physical training 3,000 Inspector of physical training 2,500 Inspector of Indian schools and special institutions . . . 2,500 Elementary education in- spector 3,000 District superintendent, 207 at $1,200 248,400 Teachers on the Indian reser- vations as follows : 4 at $600 2,400 3 at $480 1,440 2 at $440 880 19 at $400 7,600 For additional personal serv- ice, to be paid from the apportionment to Indian schools made pursuant to statute from the appro- 98 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued Commissioner’s office — Continued Office of deputy commissioner of education — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued priation for the support of common schools, as follows : 1 at $800 $800 1 at $525 525 7 at $440 3,080 1 at $420 420 Janitorial service 808 $295,140 Office of assistant commissioner for secondary education Salaries, regular Assistant commissioner for secondary education, or di- rector Secretary and stenographer. . Clerk 5,000 1,500 720 $7,220 $318,780 Administration division Executive office Salaries, regular Chief $4,000 Stenographer 1,200 $5,200 Auditing Salaries, regular Auditor, or cashier 2,500 Bookkeeper 720 Bookkeeper 480 Clerk 1,400 Clerk 1,000 Clerk 600 $6,700 99 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued Administration division — Continued Editing and proofreading Salaries, regular Editor 2,500 Clerk 1,300 Clerk 1,000 Clerk 720 Clerk 600 Clerk 480 Clerk or multigraph operator. 900 $7,500 Mailing room- Clerk 1,500 Messenger 1,200 Messenger 900 Laborer, or messenger 900 Junior clerk 480 $4,980 Supply room and switchboard Salaries, regular Storekeeper 1,600 Shipper and attendant 900 Addressograph operator, or laborer 720 Junior clerk 480 Telephone operator 820 Telephone operator 700 Page 480 $5,700 Filing room Salaries, regular Clerk 1,300 Clerk 720 $2,020 Information bureau Salaries, regular Clerk 900 100 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued Administration division — Continued Engineering section Salaries, regular Chief engineer 2,650 Electrical engineer 1,500 Messenger 1,300 Assistant steam engineer. . . . 1,100 Salaries, temporary For occasional temporary stenographers, clerks, pages, or other temporary service, throughout the department as necessity demands For payment of honorariums to convocation speakers. . . $6,550 2,750 1,000 $3,750 43,300 Attendance division Salaries, regular Chief $3,500 Clerk 1,080 Stenographer 1,080 Stenographer 600 Junior clerk 480 6,740 Archives and history division Salaries, regular Chief of division and state historian $5,000 Chief archivist 3,000 Assistant to archivist 480 Assistant in public records . . . 2,000 Chief clerk 1,500 Expert copyist 1,000 Page 480 13,460 101 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued Agricultural and industrial education division Salaries, regular Director $4,000 Specialist in drawing and industrial training 2,820 Specialist in agricultural education 3,000 Assistant in agricultural education 2,160 Specialist in vocational schools 2,820 Specialist in vocational educa- tion for girls 1,980 Stenographer 1,200 Clerk 480 18,460 Examinations and inspections division Executive office Salaries, regular Director $4,500 Editor and proofreader of question papers 2,000 Stenographer 1,100 Filing clerk 1,100 Clerk 900 Clerk 600 Field work Salaries, regular Assistant for field work Specialist in modern lan- guages Specialist in physical science Specialist in history Specialist in Greek and Latin Specialist in Training schools and classes Specialist in elementary education $10,200 3,000 3,000 2,750 2,820 2,820 2,820 2,820 ■■n 102 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued Examinations and inspections division — Continued Field work — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Specialist in biologic sciences 2,820 Specialist in commercial sub- jects 2,820 Specialist in mathematics .... 2,820 Specialist in drawing 1,800 Record clerk 1,200 Clerk 1,000 $32,490 Teachers and academic examinations Salaries, regular Assistant in charge of teachers’ examinations 2,500 Examiner in science 1,800 Examiner in ancient lan- guages . . 1,800 Examiner in ancient lan- guages 1,320 Examiner in ancient lan- guages, 2 at $1,000 2,000 Examiner in modern lan- guages 1,320 Examiner in modern lan- guages 900 Examiner in English 1,600 Examiner in English 1,000 Examiner in mathematics. . . 1,320 Examiner in mathematics ... 1,000 Examiner in teachers’ exam- ination papers 1,320 Examiner in history 1,200 Examiner in history 1,080 Examiner in history, 2 at $900 1,800 Examiner in science 1,200 Examiner in commercial sub- jects 1,080 103 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued ^animations and inspections division — Continued Teachers and academic examinations — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Examiner in commercial sub- jects 960 Record clerk ' 1,300 Assistant record clerk 1,000 Examination papers clerk. . . 1,300 Teachers record clerk 1,300 Clerk, 4 at $960 3,840 Clerk, 3 at $840 2,520 Clerk 720 Clerk, 2 at $660 1,320 Clerk, 3 at $600 1,800 Stenographer 660 Junior clerk, 2 at $480 960 $41,920 Professional academic examinations Salaries, regular Assistant in charge of qualify- ing examinations 1,800 Clerk 960 Clerk, 2 at $720 1,440 Clerk 660 Stenographer 840 Stenographer 600 $6,300 Printing of examination question papers Salaries, regular Compositor 1,440 Compositor’s apprentice .... 720 $2,160 Salaries, temporary Temporary examiners 16,000 Temporary clerk and stenog- raphers 3,200 104 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued ^animations and inspections division — Continued Printing of examination question papers — Continued Salaries, temporary — Continued Proctor, 700 days at $5 a day 3,500 Honorariums to members of examinations committees. . 2*, 000 $24,700 117,770 Law division Salaries, regular Chief $4,500 Stenographer 1,100 Law assistant 2,000 Stenographer 840 8,440 School buildings and grounds divi- sion Salaries, regular Chief $3,500 Inspector of buildings 2,750 Stenographer 1,000 7,250 School libraries division Salaries, regular Chief $3,000 Inspector of school libraries. . 2,400 Stenographer 720 Statistics division Salaries, regular Chief $3,500 Clerk 1,300 Clerk 1,080 Clerk 900 Clerk, 2 at $600 1,200 Junior clerk 480 Stenographer 1,300 Stenographer 600 10,360 105 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued Visual instruction division Salaries, regular Chief $3,300 Assistant 2,000 Art assistant 1,300 Clerk 1,200 Clerk 900 Clerk 720 Clerk 600 Clerk, 2 at $480 960 Stenographer 900 Copyist 600 12,480 State library Executive office Salaries, regular Director $4,500 Director’s assistant 1,800 Stenographer 1,200 Copyist or stenographer 720 Copyist 480 Clerk . . 720 Junior clerk 480 Page 480 Reference section * lu ’ oou Salaries, regular Reference librarian 2,700 Sublibrarian, reference 1,800 Sublibrarian, reference .... 1,320 Sublibrarian in history 1,200 Library assistant 1,100 Library assistant, 2 at $720.. 1,440 Library assistant 600 Clerk, 2 at $720 1,440 Clerk 600 Junior clerk, 2 at $480 960 Page, 2 at $480 960 Page 360 $14,480 106 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued State library — Continued Order section Salaries, regular Head of order section $2,100 Order assistant 1,100 Clerk 1,200 Clerk 900 Clerk, 2 at $720 1,440 Clerk 600 Junior clerk, 3 at $480 1,440 Stenographer 1,200 Library assistant 900 Copyist or clerk 480 Page 360 $11,720 Catalog section Salaries, regular Senior librarian 2,400 Subject cataloger 1,500 Head cataloger 1,500 Reference assistant 1,500 Indexer 1,200 Clerk, or library assistant, 3 at $900 2,700 Sublibrarian in classification 1,500 Library assistant, 2 at $900. 1,800 Library assistant 720 Clerk 600 Junior clerk 480 $15,900 Shelf section Salaries, regular Shelf clerk 1,680 Clerk 900 Page 480 $3,060 107 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued State library — Continued Book selection section Salaries, regular Library assistant $1,500 Assistant in book selection and annotation 780 Library assistant 720 Library assistant 600 Junior clerk 480 $4,080 Manuscripts section Salaries, regular Head of manuscripts section. 1,680 Junior clerk, 2 at $480. . . . 960 $2,640 Library for the blind Salaries, regular Librarian for the blind 1,080 Clerk 600 * $1,680 Medical library Salaries, regular Medical librarian 1,200 Page 480 $1,680 Law library Salaries, regular Law librarian 3,000 Sublibrarian in law 1,500 Statute law indexer 1,500 Stenographer 720 Clerk 720 Clerk 600 Page 360 $8,400 108 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued State library — Continued Legislative reference library Salaries, regular Legislative reference librarian $2,100 Sublibrarian in legislative reference 1,100 Library assistant, 2 at $600. 1,200 Clerk, 2 at $600 1,200 Page 480 $6,080 Library school Salaries, regular Vice director $2,500 Registrar 1,500 Library assistant 1,200 Library assistant 600 Stenographer 600 80T00 $6,400 Salaries, temporary Library school lectures, 25. at $20 a lecture 500 6,900 Educational extension division Salaries, regular Chief $3,000 Assistant in charge of travel- ing libraries 1,500 Inspector of public libraries. 2,340 Library organizer, 2 at $1,560 3,120 Library assistant. . 840 Library assistant 720 Library assistant 600 Stenographer 820 Clerk 900 Clerk 820 Clerk, 2 at $600 1,200 Junior clerk, 4 at $480 1,920 Page, or junior clerk 480 109 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued State museum Salaries, regular Director of the museum, state geologist and paleontologist $4,500 Assistant paleontologist 2,700 Assistant in paleontology. . . 1,200 Custodian of museum collec- tions 1,000 State entomologist 2,400 Assistant entomologist 1,200 Assistant to state entomolo- gist . . 900 Assistant geologist 2,400 Director’s clerk and secretary of museum 2,100 Assistant in geology 1,600 State botanist 1,800 Assistant to state botanist. . . 780 State mineralogist 1,600 Draughtsman 1,800 Archeologist 1,500 Zoologist 1,300 Assistant in economic geology 1,300 Technical assistant 1,300 General mechanical assistant 720 Preparator 1,000 Taxidermist 900 Stenographer, 2 at $900 ... . 1,800 Stenographer 720 Clerk 600 Page 480 $37,600 Salaries, temporary Stenographer 100 Wages, temporary Carpenter $960 Laborer, 2 at $720 1,440 $2,400 110 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued State Museum — Continued For such additional compensa- tion to members of the depart- ment staff as may he neces- sary to keep the museum open on Sunday 2,500 42,600 Care and cleaning Wages, regular Carpenter $960 Electrician 900 Elevator repairman 900 Roofer 1,000 Painter 900 Assistant steam engineer, 4 at $1,000 4,000 Elevatorman, 5 at $900.... 4,500 Orderly, 6 at $840 5,040 Watchman, 2 at $780 : 1,560 Shipper 840 Laborers 11,520 Porters 6,600 Cleaners 13,620 $52,340 440 52,780 Total for personal service $763,800 For the expenses of maintenance and operation, other than personal service, of the State Education Depart- ment, other than the Professional Examinations Bureau or the State College or Normal Schools. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water Electric light bulbs $1,000 Water rent 1,000 Indian schools. . . .'. 1,500 Wages, temporary Temporary service $3,500 Ill DEPARTMENT OR EDUCATION — Continued Printing General $39,900 Indian schools 100 40,000 Advertising General $100 Indian schools 100 200 Equipment Office $9,725 Educational Visual instruction... $9,800 State museum 3,000 General 200 Indian schools 200 — 13,200 Books and binding Purchase of books, pamphlets and docu- ments to replace those destroyed by fire $30,000 Purchase of books, se- rials , manuscripts and binding for the law, legislative, ref- erence, medical, technological and blind sections of the state library. . . 28,500 Books for traveling library 6,000 Books for office use. . 500 Indian schools 400 65,400 General plant 1,400 89,725 Supplies Office $10,510 Household 400 Laundry, cleaning and disinfect- ing 500 112 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued Supplies - — Continued Educational General $50 Indian schools 990 1,040 Botanical and agricultural 50 General plant 1,500 Materials General plant General $2,500 Indian schools 200 Traveling expenses Commissioner $1,200 District superintendents 62,100 General 28,700 Indian schools 50 14,000 2,700 92,050 Communication Postage, express, freight, and cart- age . . $25,400 Telephone 1,500 Telegrams 1,100 Indian schools 50 ixed charges and contributions Support of common schools. . . . . $6,000,000 Academic quotas . . 74,500 Books, apparatus and standard works of art 80,000 Attendance of academic pupils . . . 100,000 Nonresident tuition. . . . . . 340,000 Training of teachers. . . . . 90,000 Grants to libraries . . 40,000 Camp schools 2,500 Teachers’ annuities. . . . 23,000 Teachers’ conferences . . . 5,000 State scholarships 300,000 28,050 ,055,000 113 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued General plant service General $4,000 Indian schools 1,600 Rent Contingencies 5.000 500 1.000 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 7,332,325 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment. Removing skylights, and changing location of elevator $2,000 New step bearing and motor for old sump pump 100 Indian schools 775 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS New school building on the Cattaraugus Indian reserva- tion 3,000 Total for Education Department, other than Pro- fessional Examinations Bureau and the State Col- lege and Normal Schools, 1917-1918 $8,102,000 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the services of the Education Department, other than Professional Examinations Bureau, and the State College and Normal Schools. PERSONAL SERVICE Examinations and inspection division Salaries, temporary Temporary examiners Temporary clerks and stenog- raphers $2,000 1,000 $3,000 114 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fixed charges and contributions Teachers’ annuities . 1,000 Total immediately available 4,000 Total for Education Department, other than the Professional Examinations Bureau and the State College and Normal Schools $8,106,000 PROFESSIONAL EXAMINATIONS BUREAU For payment for services of employees in the State Education Department in administering the professional examinations. PERSONAL SERVICE Executive office Salaries, regular Assistant commissioner and director of pro- fessional education . . Secretary and stenog- rapher Assistant in charge of foreign credentials . . Clerk, 2 at $900 Clerk Stenographer $5,000 00 1.500 00 2.500 00 1,800 00 720 00 720 00 $12,240 00 Professional examinations section — Examinations and inspections division Salaries, regular Assistant in charge of professional examina- tions $2,750 00 Professional record clerk 1,300 00 Clerk, 2 at $960 1,920 00 Clerk 780 00 Clerk 600 00 115 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued Professional examinations section — Continued Examinations and inspections division — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Clerk, 3 at $480 1,440 00 Engrosser 1,000 00 Stenographer 660 00 10,450 00 State board of medical examiners Salaries, regular Secretary $4,000 00 Stenographer 1;000 00 $5,000 00 8,000 00 1,000 00 $9,000 00 14,000 00 $3,000 00 1,800 00 3.200 00 3,000 00 1.200 00 960 00 $13,160 00 Salaries, temporary Board of examiners. . . . 5,400 00 Chemist 3,500 00 Attorney 2,000 00 Proctors 500 00 $11,400 00 Salaries, temporary Board of examiners. . . Proctors State board of pharmacy Salaries, regular Secretary Clerk . '. Inspector, 2 at $1,600 Inspector, 2 at $1,500 Inspector Stenographer 24,560 00 11G DEPARTMENT OP EDUCATION — Continued State board of nurse examiners Salaries, regular Inspector $1,800 00 Stenographer 960 00 $2,160 00 Salaries, temporary Board of examiners. . . . 1,500 00 Proctors 100 00 $1,600 00 4,360 00 State board of dental examiners Salaries, regular Secretary $4,000 00 Inspector, 2 at $1,200. . 2,400 00 Stenographer 720 00 $7,120 00 Salaries, temporary Board of examiners . . . 4,500 00 Proctors 400 00 $4,900 00 12,020 00 Veterinary examinations Salaries, temporary Board of examiners. . . . $300 00 Proctors 100 00 400 00 Optometry examinations Salaries, temporary Board of examiners. . . . $350 00 Proctors 150 00 500 00 Certified public accountants Salaries, temporary Board of examiners. . . $2,000 00 Proctors 150 00 2,150 00 117 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued Certified shorthand reporters Salaries, temporary Board of examiners . . . $200 00 Proctors 50 00 250 00 Chiropodists exa mi nation s Salaries, temporary Proctors 175 00 Board of registered architects Salaries, temporary Board of examiners 2,000 00 Temporary service for the various profes- sional boards 2,000 00 Total for personal service $85,105 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Professional Examinations Bureau, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing Medical board $1,600 00 Dental board 1,100 00 Veterinary examinations . . . 200 00 Nurses examinations 1,500 00 Optometry examinations ... 100 00 Pharmacy board 3,500 00 Chiropody examinations . . . 300 00 Certified shorthand reporters 50 00 Certified public accountants. 150 00 Architect board 1,500 00 $10,000 00 Equipment 950 00 Supplies 500 00 Traveling expenses Medical board $1,200 00 Dental board 1,200 00 Veterinary examinations . . . 150 00 Nurses examinations 1,500 00 Optometry examinations . . . 200 00 118 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued Traveling expenses — Continued Pharmacy examinations . . . 6,000 00 Chiropody examinations . . . 100 00 Architect board 800 00 Certified shorthand reporters 100 00 Certified public accountants. 150 00 11,400 00 Communication 2,200 00 Fixed charges Apportionment to state dental society. . . 1,700 00 General plant service 100 00 Rents, 6,800 00 Total for maintenance and operation other than personal service 33,650 00 Total for Bureau, 1917— 18 $118,755 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For payment for services of the employees of the Pro- fessional Examinations Bureau. PERSONAL SERVICE State board of nu'rse examiners Salaries, temporary Board of examiners State hoard of dental examiners Salaries, regular Secretary $2,666 66 Stenographer 360 00 Certified shorthand reporters Salaries, temporary Board of examiners Board of registered architects Salaries, temporary Board of examiners $400 00 3,026 66 230 00 400 00 Total immediately available $4,056 66 Total for Professional Examinations Bureau. $122,811 66 119 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued STATE COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS AND STATE NORMAL SCHOOLS STATE COLLEGE FOR TEACHERS For payment for services of employees of the State College for Teachers. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular President $0,000 00 Dean Financial secretary and instructor Secretary to president.. Stenographer Secretary to trustees. . . 4,000 00 1,800 00 700 00 500 00 300 00 Teaching staff $13,300 00 Salaries, regular Professor, 5 at $3,000 . . $15,000 00 Professor 4° o o 00 Professor, 8 at $2,500.. 20,000 00 Assistant professor .... 2,250 00 Assistant professor, 2 at $2,000 4,000 00 Assistant professor .... 1,900 00 Assistant professor .... 1,800 00 Assistant professor .... 1,500 00 Instructor, 2 at $1,800. . 3,600 00 Instructor, 4 at $1,700. 6,800 00 Instructor . . 1,600 00 Instructor, 3 at $1,500. 4,500 00 Instructor 1,400 00 Instructor, 9 at $1,300. 11,700 00 Instructor, 8 at $1,200. 'a* o o 00 Instructor, 4 at $1,100. o o 00 Instructor, 2 at $1,000. 2,000 00 Instructor .800 00 Laboratory assistant . . . 360 00 Laboratory assistant . . o o CO 00 Laboratory assistant . . . 250 00 120 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued Teaching staff — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Laboratory assistant . .. 200 00 Laboratory assistant .. . . 150 00 Laboratory assistant, 4 at $100 400 00 Laboratory assistant, 2 at $80 160 00 Lecturer, 2 at $300 ... . 600 00 •ial staff ages, regular Engineer $1,200 00 Janitor 1,140 00 Assistant engineer, 2 at $900 . . 1,800 00 Laborer and watchman. 780 00 Laborer and watchman, 2 at $720 1,440 00 Laborer and watchman. 480 00 Laborer and watchman, 4 at $420 1,680 00 97,870 00 Wages, tempoi ary Laborer $8,520 00 796 00 9,316 00 Total for personal service $120,486 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the State College for Teachers, other than personal .service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water Fuel . . $2,700 00 Light 1,125 00 Power 300 00 Water 75 00 $4,200 00 121 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued Printing 600 00 Advertising 50 00 Equipment Office $500 00 Educational 3,000 00 Books 2,600 00 6,100 00 Supplies Office $500 00 Educational 4,900 00 5,400 00 Hired horses and vehicles 140 00 Traveling Transportation of officers and employees $300 00 Hotel expenses 250 00 550 00 Communication 600 00 General plant service 200 00 Bent Bent of athletic field $250 00 Bent of foundry 125 00 375 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 18.215 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that regularly appropriated for elsewhere for repairs to buildings and equipment 1,500 00 Total for State College for Teachers $140,201 00 122 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued BROCKPORT NORMAL SCHOOL For payment for services of employees of the Brockport Normal School. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Principal $3,500 00 Secretary to principal.. 900 00 Secretary treasurer, local hoard 200 00 Teaching staff Salaries, regular Teacher $1,800 00 Teacher 1,700 00 Teacher 1,550 00 Teacher 1,500 00 Teacher 1,400 00 Teacher 1,175 00 Teacher 1,150 00 Teacher, 4 at $1,050 . . . 4,200 00 Teacher, 2 at $1,000. . . 2,000 00 Teacher, 6 at $950. . . . 5,700 00 Teacher, 3 at $900 2,700 00 Teacher, 2 at $850. . . . 1,700 00 Teacher 800 00 Janitorial staff Wages, regular Head janitor and’ engi- neer $900 00 Laborer, 3 at $720 2,160 00 $3,060 00 Wages, temporary Laborer 500 00 $4,600 00 27,375 00 3,560 00 Total for personal service $35,535 00 123 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Broekport Normal School, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $4,500 00 Light 700 00 Power 140 00 Water 160 00 $5,500 00 Printing 350 00 Advertising 50 00 Equipment • Office $200 00 Educational 1,250 00 Farm and garden 200 00 Books 1,000 00 2,650 00 Supplies Office $100 00 Household 200 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 200 00 Educational 1,000 00 Botanical and agricultural . . . 200 00 General plant 200 00 1,900 00 Hired horses and vehicles 50 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials or employees $450 00 Hotel expenses 400 00 850 00 Communication 500 00 General plant service 75 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 11,925 00 124 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that regularly appropriated for elsewhere for repairs to buildings and equipment 1.450 00 Total for Brockport Normal School $48,910 00 BUFFALO NORMAL SCHOOL For payment for services of employees of the Buffalo Normal School. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Principal $3,500 00 Secretary to principal . 1,200 00 Secretary treasurer, local board 400 00 Stenographer 600 00 Teaching staff Salaries, regular Teacher $2,500 00 Teacher 2,200 00 Teacher 2,000 00 Teacher, 2 at $1,800. . . 3,600 00 Teacher, 4 at $1,600. . . 6,400 00 Teacher 1,500 00 Teacher, 2 at $1,400. . . 2,800 00 Teacher, 5 at $1,300. . . 6,500 00 Teacher, 4 at $1,200. . . 4,800 00 Teacher, 2 at $1,150. . . 2,300 00 Teacher, 2 at $1,050. . . 2,100 00 Teacher 1,000 00 Teacher 700 00 Teacher 650 00 Teacher 400 00 Teacher 100 00 $5,700 00 39,550 00 125 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued Janitorial staff Wages, regular Janitor $1,350 00 Laborer 860 00 Laborer 600 00 $2,810 00 Wages, temporary Scrub woman, 1,000 days 1,600 00 Laborer 250 00 $1,850 00 4,660 00 Teaching staff, night school Salaries, regular Principal $500 00 Teacher 240 00 Teacher 210 00 Teacher 189 00 Teacher, 2 at $120. . . . 240 00 1,379 00 Janitorial staff, niglit school Wages, regular Janitor $62 50 Laborer 62 50 125 00 Saturday extension staff Salaries, regular Teacher, 130 hours at $1.50 per hour 195 00 Total for personal service $51,609 00 For the expense of maintenance and operation of the Buffalo Normal School, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $6,800 00 Light 975 00 Power 400 00 $8,175 00 126 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued Printing Advertising Equipment Office ; $1,000 00 Educational 1,400 00 Books 1,200 00 Supplies Office $400 00 Educational 2,800 00 Hired horses and vehicles. . Traveling expenses Transportation of officials or employees $390 00 Hotel expenses 260 00 Communication General plant service Rents 900 00 75 00 3,600 00 3,200 00 350 00 650 00 950 00 75 00 70 00 Total for ‘maintenance and operation, other than personal service 18,045 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that regularly appropriated for else- where, for repairs to buildings and equipment 2,500 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS Filter $1,500 00 Elevators Enclosing elevator wells 8,500 00 Installation of one elevator 5,000 00 15,000 00 $87,154 00 Total for Buffalo Normal School 127 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued CORTLAND NORMAL SCHOOL For payment for services of employees of the Cortland Normal School. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Principal $3,800 00 Confidential clerk 900 00 Teaching staff Salaries, regular Teacher $2,600 00 Teacher 2,250 00 Teacher 1,900 00 Teacher 1,700 00 Teacher 1,550 00 Teacher 1,500 00 Teacher 1,400 00 Teacher, 2 at $1,300. . . 2,600 00 Teacher, 4 at $1,200 . . . 4,800 00 Teacher, 3 at $1,150. . . 3,450 00 Teacher, 7 at $1,050. . . 7,350 00 Teacher 1,000 00 Teacher 950 00 Teacher 900 00 Teacher 850 00 Teacher 800 00 Teacher 300 00 J anitorial staff Wages, regular Janitor $2,000 00 Wages, temporary Laborer 435 00 $4,700 00 35,900 00 2,435 00 Total for personal service $43,035 00 128 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued .For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Cortland Normal School, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water Fuel Electricity Gas ^ Power Water $2,750 00 500 00 110 00 190 00 450 00 Printing Advertising Equipment Office $75 00 Educational 750 00 Books 800 00 General plant 175 00 Supplies Office $250 00 Educational 850 00 General plant 100 00 Hired horses and vehicles Traveling expenses Transportation of officials and employees $300 00 Hotel expenses 200 00 Communication General plant service Bents $4,000 00 600 00 50 00 1,800 00 1,200 00 40 00 500 00 550 00 200 00 60 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service • . 9,000 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in 129 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued addition to that regularly appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment 1,500 00 Total for Cortland Normal School $53,535 00 FREDONIA NORMAL SCHOOL For payment for services of employees of the Fredonia Normal School. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Principal $3,800 00 Secretary-treasurer, local board 250 00 Principal’s clerk 1,000 00 Teaching staff Salaries, regular Teacher, 3 at $1,850. . . $5,550 00 Teacher .1,800 00 Teacher 1,650 00 Teacher 1,500 00 Teacher 1,450 00 Teacher 1,400 00 Teacher, 6 at $1,200. . . 7,200 00 Teacher 1,150 00 Teacher 1,100 00 Teacher, 7 at $1,050. . . 7,350 00 Teacher, 3 at $1,000. . . 3,000 00 Teacher 850 00 Teacher 300 00 Janitorial staff Wages, regular Janitor $1,050 00 laborer, 2 at $500 1,000 00 $5,050 00 34,300 00 $2,050 00 130 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued Janitorial staff — Continued Wages, temporary Laborer 400 00 2,450 00 Total for personal service $41,800 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Fredonia Normal School, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $3,450 00 Light and power 700 00 Water 150 00 Printing Advertising Equipment Office $10 00 Educational 300 00 Books 890 00 Supplies Office $30 00 Educational 1,470 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials or employees $250 00 Hotel expenses 150 00 Communication General plant service $4,300 00 275 00 25 00 1,200 00 1,500 00 400 00 300 00 40 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 8,040 00 131 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that regularly appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment 1,500 00 Total for Fredonia Normal School $51,340 00' GENESEO NORMAL SCHOOL For payment for services of employees of the Geneseo Normal School. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Principal $3,800 00 Secretary to principal. . 900 00 Teaching staff Salaries, regular Teacher $2,200 00 Teacher 2,100 00 Teacher 1,800. 00 Teacher, 2 at $1,600. . . 3,200 00 Teacher, 3 at $1,500. . . 4,500 00 Teacher, 2 at $1,400. . . 2,800 00 Teacher, 2 at $1,250. . . 2,500 00 Teacher, 2 at $1,200 . . . 2,400 00 Teacher, 3 at $1,100. . . 3,300 00 Teacher 1,050 00 Teacher, 5 at $1,000. . 5,000 00 Teacher 950 00 Teacher, 3 at $900 2,700 00 Teacher, 4 at $850. . . . 3,400 00 Teacher 800 00 Teacher, 2 at $750 1,500 00 Teacher 650 00 $4,700 00 40,850 00 132 DEPARTMENT COEDUCATION — Continued Janitorial staff Wages, regular Janitor $850 00 Laborer 700 00 Laborer, 2 at $600 1,200 00 $2,750 00 826 00 3,576 00 Total for personal service $49,126 00 For tbe expenses of maintenance and operation of the Genesee Normal School, other than personal service. Wages, temporary Laborer MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water Fuel Light Water Printing Advertising Equipment Office $300 00 Educational 2,000 00 Books 1,500 00 General plant 200 00 Supplies Office $400 00 Educational 1,600 00 General plant 300 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officers or employees $260 00 Hotel expenses 190 00 $5,200 00 750 00 550 00 $6,500 00 600 00 50 00 4,000 00 2,300 00 450 00 133 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued Communication 600 00 General plant service 200 00 Rents 400 00 Total for maintenance and operation other than personal service 15,100 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that regularly appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment 13,500 00 Total for School, 1917-18 $77,726 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Geneseo Normal School, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Communication $200 00 Total immediately available 200 00 Total for Geneseo Normal School $77,926 00 NEW PALTZ NORMAL SCHOOL For payment for services of employees of the New Paltz Normal School. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Principal $3,500 00 Secretary, local board . . 200 00 Treasurer, local board. . 200 00 Secretary to principal. . 900 00 $4,800 00 134 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued Teaching staff Salaries, regular Teacher, 2 at $1,900. . . $3,800 00 Teacher 1,850 00 Teacher, 2 at $1,800. . . 3,600 00 Teacher 1,700 00 Teacher 1,600 00 Teacher 1,500 00 Teacher 1,250 00 Teacher, 2 at $1,150. . . 2,300 00 Teacher, 10 at $1,100. . 11,000 00 Teacher 1,050 00 Teacher 1,000 00 Teacher 950 00 Teacher 900 00 32,500 00 Janitorial staff Wages, regular Engineer $1,050 00 Laborer, 2 at $650.... 1,300 00 Laborer 100 00 Wages, temporary Laborer $2,450 00 500 00 2,950 00 Total for personal service $40,250 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the New Paltz Normal School, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $1,900 00 Light 312 00 Power 75 00 Water 324 00 $2,611 00 Printing 700 00 Advertising 10 00 135 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued Equipment Office $50 00 Educational 445 00 Books 725 00 General plant 250 00 Supplies Office $200 00 Laundry 550 00 Medical and surgical 15 00 Educational 1,620 00 General plant 20 00 Hired horses and vehicles Traveling Transportation of officers or employees $375 00 Hotel expenses 200 00 Communication . . . General plant service 1,470 00 2,405 00 90 00 575 00 475 00 50 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 8,386 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that regularly appropriated for elsewhere for repairs to buildings and equipment 1,500 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For new building for normal school (authorization, chap- ter 640, Laws of 1916, of one hundred and twenty-five thousand dollars ($125,000) of which thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) was appropriated) a further appropriation of seventy-five thousand dollars 75,000 00 $125,136 00 Total for New Paltz Normal School 136 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued ONEONTA NORMAL SCHOOL For payment for services of employees of the Oneonta Normal School. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Principal $3,800 Secretary-treasurer, local 00 board 200 00 Secretary to principal. . 1,000 00 Teaching staff Salaries, regular Teacher, 2 at $2,600 . . . $5,200 00 Teacher 2,400 00 Teacher 2,200 00 Teacher 1,700 00 Teacher 1,500 00 Teacher, 4 at $1,400. . . 5,600 00 Teacher, 3 at $1,300. . . 3,900 00 Teacher, 3 at $1,200. . . 3,600 00 Teacher, 7 at $1,100. . . 7,700 00 Teacher, 3 at $1,050. . . 3,150 00 Teacher, 4 at $1,000 . . . o o 00 Teacher 950 00 Teacher, 6 at $900 5,400 00 Teacher 800 00 Janitorial staff Wages, regular Engineer $1,000 00 Janitor 700 00 Laborer 700 00 Laborer Laborer Wages, temporary Laborer $3,500 00 490 00 $5,000 00 600 00 500 00 48,100 00 3,990 00 Total for personal service $57,090 00 137 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued Far the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Oneonta Normal School, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $2,800 00 Light and power 450 00 Water 250 00 Printing Equipment Office $250 00 Educational 500 00 Books 2,000 00 General plant 1,000 00 Supplies Office ■ $100 00 Educational 2,000 00 General plant 100 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officers or employees $250 00 Hotel expenses 200 00 Communication Fixed charges and contributions General plant service $3,500 00 800 00 3,750 00 2,200 00 450 00 750 00 10 00 100 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 11,560 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that regularly appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment 1,000 00 Total for Oneonta Normal School $69,650 00 138 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued OSWEGO NORMAL SCHOOL For payment for services of employees of the Oswego Normal School. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Principal $3,800 00 Principal’s secretary ... 1,200 00 $5,000 00 Teaching staff Salaries, regular Teacher, 2 at $2,500. . . $5,000 00 Teacher 2,200 00 Teacher 2,000 00 Teacher 1,750 00 Teacher, 3 at $1,500... . 4,500 00. Teacher, 4 at $1,400. . . 5,600 00 Teacher, 3 at $1,300. . . 3,900 00 Teacher, 3 at $1,250. . . 3,750 00 Teacher 1,200 00 Teacher, 4 at $1,150. . . 4,600 00 Teacher 1,050 00 Teacher 520 00 Janitorial staff Wages, regular Laborer $1,040 00 Laborer, 2 at $730 1,460 00 Laborer 600 00 Laborer 366 00 Laborer, 3 at $300 900 00 Janitor 820 00 Wages, temporary Laborer at 20c per hour 1,715 00 36,070 00 6,901 00 Total for personal service $47,971 00 139 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Oswego Normal School, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $6,000 00 Light and power 730 00 Water 270 00 $7,000 00 Printing 150 00 Advertising 50 00 Equipment Educational $2,000 00 Farm and garden 75 00 Books 1,425 00 General plant 200 00 Supplies Office $105 00 Household 335 00 Laundry 104 00 Educational 2,400 00 Refrigerating 42 00 Hired horses and vehicles 3,700 00 2,986 00 250 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of offi- cers or employees ... $350 00 Hotel expenses 250 00 600 00 Communication 450 00 General plant service 200 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service $15,386 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in 140 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued addition to that regularly appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment 2,825 00 Total for Oswego Normal School $66,182 00 PLATTSBURG NORMAL SCHOOL For payment for services of employees of the Plattsburg Normal School. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Principal $3,800 00 Secretary - treasurer, lo- cal board 200 00 Principal’s secretary . . . 900 00 Teaching staff Salaries, regular Teacher . $2,100 00 Teacher, 2 at $2,000. . . 4,000 00 Teacher, 2 at $1,900 . . . 3,800 00 Teacher, 2 at $1,800. . . 3,600 00 Teacher 1,700 00 Teacher 1,400 00 Teacher, 10 at $1,000. . 10,000 00 Teacher, 5 at $950. . . . 4,750 00 Janitorial staff Wages, regular Janitor $700 00 Special policeman 700 00 laborer 650 00 $2,050 00 Wages, temporary Laborer 320 00 $4,900 00 31,350 00 2,370 00 Total for personal service $38,620 00 141 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Plattsburg Normal School, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $2,250 00 Light . , 375 00 Power 150 00 Water 225 00 — $3,000 00 Printing 150 00 Advertising 50 00 Equipment Office $300 00 Educational 700 00 Books 500 00 — 1,500 00 Supplies Office $325 00 Educational 875 00 1,200 00 Hired horses and vehicles 100 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officers or employees $200 00 Hotel expenses 300 00 500 00 Communication 300 00 General plant service 50 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 6,850 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that regularly appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment 2,300 00 Total for Plattsburg Normal School $47,770 00 142 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued POTSDAM NORMAL SCHOOL For payment for services of employees of the Potsdam Normal School. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Principal $3,500 00 Secretary to local board. 200 00 Treasurer to local board. 200 00 Secretary to principal. . 900 00 Teaching staff Salaries, regular Teacher $2,100 00 Teacher, 3 at $1,800. . . 5,400 00 Teacher 1,700 00 Teacher, 2 at $1,600. . . 3,200 00 Teacher, 2 at $1,500. . . 3,000 00 Teacher 1,450 00 Teacher, 2 at $1,400. . . 2,800 00 Teacher 1,350 00 Teacher 1,300 00 Teacher, 2 at $1,200 . . . 2,400 00 Teacher, 2 at $1,150. . . 2,300 00 Teacher 1,100 00 Teacher, 3 at $1,050. . . 3,150 00 Teacher 1,000 00 Teacher, 2 at $950 1,900 00 Teacher, 3 at $900 2,700 00 Teacher 850 00 Teacher 650 00 Janitorial staff Wages, regular Engineer $1,200 00 Laborer 800 00 Laborer 600 00 $4,800 00 38,350 00 $2,600 00 143 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued J anitorial staff — Continued Wages, temporary Laborer 500 00 3,100 00 Total for personal service For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Potsdam Normal School, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $4,200 00 Light 300 00 Power 300 00 Water 200 00 Printing .... Advertising . . Equipment Office Educational $75 00 460 00 Supplies Office $200 00 Educational 1,300 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officers or employees Hotel expenses Communication . General plant service Rents $350 00 250 00 $5,000 00 350 00 250 00 535 00 1,500 00 600 00 275 00 200 00 45 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that regularly appropriated for elsewhere for repairs to buildings and equipment $46,250 00 $8,755 00 800 00 144 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For reconstructing buildings (authorization by chapter 389 Laws of 1915, three hundred thousand dollars ($300,000) of which one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000) was appropriated) a further appropriation of one hundred thousand dollars $100,000 00 Total for Potsdam Normal School $155,805 00 SUMMER SESSIONS For payment for services of employees for Summer Sessions. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Principal, 4 at $500. . . Secretary to principal, 4 at $100 Teaching staff Salaries, regular Teacher, 16 at $300. . . Teacher, 52 at $150. . . Teacher, 8 at $125 .... Janitorial staff Wages, regular Janitor, 4 at $50 $2,000 00 400 00 $2,400 00 $4,800 00 7,800 00 1,000 00 13,600 00 200 00 Total for personal service $16,200 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation for Summer Sessions, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Supplies 1,000 00 Total for Summer Sessions $17,200 00 SUBSTITUTE TEACHERS For the expenses of maintenance and operation for Substitute Teachers, other than personal service. 145 DEPARTMENT OF EDUCATION — Continued MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fixed charges and contributions $6,450 00 Total for 1917-18 $6,450 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the expenses of maintenance and operation for Substitute Teachers, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fixed charges and contributions $1,000 00 Total immediately available 1,000 00 Total for Substitute Teachers . $7,450 00 Total for State College and Normal Schools. . . . $948,259 00 Grand total for Department of Education, Pro- fessional Examinations Bureau, State College and Normal Schools $9,177,070 66 NEW YORK STATE SCHOOL OF CLAY-WORKING AND CERAMICS, AT ALFRED UNIVERSITY For payment for services of employees of the New York State School of Clay-Working and Ceramics, at Alfred University. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Director $2,200 00 Assistant director 1,800 00 President , 880 00 Stenographer 624 00 Treasurer and account- ant 250 00 $5,754 00 146 SCHOOL OF CLAY WORKING AND CERAMICS — Continued Instruction Salaries, regular Instructor of drawing and design $1,200 00 Instructor of modeling and pottery 1,000 00 Foreman of moulds and pottery 900 00 Professor of chemistry. . 900 00 Professor of industrial mechanics 450 00 Professor of natural science 300 00 Instructor in physical training 300 00 Library Salaries, regular Librarian Care of buildings and supervision Wages, regular Janitor $650 00 Matron 130 00 5,050 00 250 00 $780 00 Wages, temporary Sundry laborers about the buildings and grounds employed by the day or hour 166 00 946 00 Total for personal service $12,000 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the New York State School of Clay-Working and Ceramics, at Alfred University, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION $950 00 250 00 75 00 Fuel Printing . . Advertising 147 SCHOOL OF CL A Y- WORKIN G AND CERAMICS — Continued Equipment Office $50 00 Educational 300 00 Books 125 00 General plant 25 00 Supplies Office $50 00 Household 50 00 Laundry, cleaning and dis- infecting 10 00 Educational 765 00 General plant 75 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials or " employees $175 00 Hotel expenses 75 00 Communication General plant service 500 00 950 00 250 00 200 00 100 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 3,275 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for re- pairs to buildings and equipment 300 00 Total for New York State School of Clay-Working and Ceramics, at Alfred University $15,575 00 NEW YORK STATE NAUTICAL SCHOOL For payment for services of employees of the New York State Nautical School. PERSONAL SERVICE Office, board of governors. Salaries, regular Secretary and treasurer $2,000 00 148 NEW YORK STATE NAUTICAL SCHOOL — Continued Training ship “ Newport. 7 ’ Salaries, regular Superintendent $3,000 00 Executive officer 2,500 00 Senior instructor 2,000 00 Junior instructor 1,500 00 Surgeon instructor 1,900 00 $10,900 00 Wages, regular Chief engineer 2,500 00 Boatswain 1,200 00 Commissary 900 00 Master-at-arms 72000 Ship’s cook 720 00 Assistant ship’s cook. . . 720 00 Carpenter 600 00 Sailmaker 600 00 Fireman, 3 at $540. . . , 1,620 00 Chief quartermaster ... 600 00 Quartermaster, 2 at $480 w 960 00 Cabin steward 540 00 Wardroom steward 600 00 Wardroom boy 420 00 Seamen, 4 at $420 1,680 00 Cabin boy 360 00 Electrician 900 00 Chief machinist 1,500 00 Assistant machinist ... 900 00 Boilermaker 720 00 Coal heaver 360 00 Captain-of-hold 420 00 Water tender, 3 at $600. 1,800 00 Tailor 420 00 Bandmaster 660 00 $22,420 00 149 NEW YORK STATE NAUTICAL SCHOOL — Continued Training ship “ Newport ” — Continued Wages, temporary Wireless operator, five months 250 00 33,570 00 Total for personal service * For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the New York State Nautical School, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food Provisions, ship mess, 150 at 60c a day $23,000 00 Provisions, officers’ mess . . . 2,200 00 Provisions, captains’ mess. . . 1,100 00 Fuel Printing Equipment Office Board of governors $100 00 Household Mess gear and furniture. . 1,000 00 Books 1,000 00 General plant Musical instruments 100 00 $26,300 00 5,500 00 600 00 2,200 00 Supplies Office Board of governors $200 00 Medical and surgical 350 00 General plant Navigators’ supplies 525 00 Hardware and tools 550 00 Engineers’ supplies 950 00 Electrical supplies 950 00 Chandlers’ supplies 3,075 00 $35,570 00 6,600 00 150 NEW YORK STATE NAUTICAL SCHOOL — Continued Communication Board of governors 1,200 00 Total for maintenance and operation other than per- sonal service 42,400 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment 1,000 00 Total for New York State Nautical School $78,970 00 NEW YORK STATE DRILL HALL, CORNELL UNIVERSITY For payment for services of employees of the New York State Drill Hall, Cornell University. PERSONAL SERVICE Janitor, 3 at $480 $1,440 00 Janitor 420 00 $1,860 00 Total for personal service $1,860 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the New York State Drill Hall, Cornell University, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, Light, Power and Water Heat $5,500 00 Light and power 1,640 00 $7,140 00 Equipment Office $1,520 00 Household 60 00 151 CORNELL UNIVERSITY DRILL HALL — Continued Equipment — Continued Educational 6,430 00 General plant 7,400 00 15,410 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 22,550 00 Total for New York State Drill Hall, Cornell Uni- versity $24,410 00 NEW YORK STATE SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE AT ALFRED UNIVERSITY For payment for services of employees of the New York State School of Agriculture at Alfred University. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Director (also professor of horti- culture) $2,500 00 Assistant director (also pro- fessor of field crops) 1,35000 President (also professor of rural sociology and ethics) ... 980 00 Stenographer 80000 Treasurer and accountant 775 00 $6,405 00 Instruction Salaries, regular Professor of home economics. .$1,300 00 Professor of animal husbandry. 1,500 00 Professor of forestry and economic biology 1,200 00 Instructor in mechanics 1,100 00 Instructor in poultry hus- bandry 1,100 00 Instructor in dairy laboratory. 1,000 00 Instructor in chemistry. ..... 1,000 00 152 ALFRED UNIVERSITY — Continued Instruction — Continued. Salaries, regular — Continued Instructor in forge shop practice 600 00 Instructor in domestic arts .... 500 00 Instructor in physical training 500 00 9,850 00 Library Salaries, regular Librarian 150 00 Care of buildings Salaries, regular Head janitor and superintendent of buildings 750 00 Farm and greenhouse Supervision and instruction Salaries, regular Farm superintendent (also in- structor in farm practice) . . . $1,200 00 Superintendent of greenhouse (also instructor in green- house management and plant laboratory practice 1,00000 $2,200 00 Farm labor Wages, regular Herdsman, at $65 per month. . $780 00 Horseman, at $50 per month. . 600 00 Laborer . 660 00 Laborer, at $50 per month . . . . 600 00 Laborer, at $47.50 per month . 570 00 $3,210 00 5,41000 Temporary employees Wages, temporary Sundry laborers employed by the day or hour in and about the buildings, grounds and farm 1,500 00 Total for personal service $24,065 00 153 ALFRED UNIVERSITY — Continued For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the New York State School of Agriculture at Alfred Univer- sity, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water $1,700 00 Printing 500 00 Advertising 100 00 Equipment Office $100 00 Motorless vehicles 100 00 Educational 700 00 Farm and garden 30000 Live stock 20000 Books 250 00 General plant 5000 1,700 00 Supplies Office $200 00 Household 50. 00 Laundry, cleaning and disinfecting. 350 00 Educational 1,600 00 Botanical and agricultural 400 00 Forage and veterinary 3,20000 Refrigerating 50 00 General plant 15000 6,000 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials and em- ployees $45000 Hotel expenses 150 00 600 00 Communication 85000 General plant service 700 00 Rent 350 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service $12,500 00 154 ALFRED UNIVERSITY — Continued REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the pur- chase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment 500 00 Total for New York State School of Agriculture at Alfred University . $37,065 00 NEW YORK STATE COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, CORNELL UNIVERSITY For payment for services of the Dean and director and the employees of the New York State College of Agriculture, Cornell University. PERSONAL SERVICE Administrative service Office of the dean Salaries, regular Dean and director $6,000 00 (Secretary to dean and director 1,60000 Stenographer 750 00 $8,350 00 Office of secretary and registrar Salaries, regular Secretary, registrar .... 3,000 00 Assistant registrar .... 1,800 00 Clerk 900 00 Clerk 600 00 Stenographer 660 00 Stenographer 600 00 $7,560 00 Business office Salaries, regular Executive assistant 1,500 00 Chief clerk 1,500 00 155 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, CORNELL — Continued Business office — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Clerk 1,100 00 Clerk ' 780 00 Clerk 600 00 Clerk 540 00 Clerk 504 00 Clerk 420 00 Stenographer 720 00 $7,664 00 Treasurer’s office Salaries, regular Assistant to treasurer. . 1,500 00 Messenger 120 00 $1,620 00 $25,194 00 Office of information Editorial division Salaries, regular Editor and chief of publications $3,000 00 Assistant editor 1,200 00 Assistant editor 900 00 Stenographer 600 00 $5,700 00 Distributing division Salaries, regular Clerk 600 00 Clerk • 576 00 Clerk 540 00 Clerk, 2 at $480 960 00 Clerk, 3 at $360 1,080 00 $3,756 00 9,456 00 156 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, CORNELL — Continued Library Salaries, regular Librarian $1,600 00 Reference librarian .... 1,000 00 Clerk 600 00 Care of buildings and grounds Buildings Wages, regular Superintendent $1,200 00 Engineer 1,200 00 Repairman, 2 at $1,002. 2,004 00 Repairman, 2 at $858. . 1,716 00 Repairman 860 00 Repairman . . 720 00' Fireman, 6 at $600. . . . 3,600 00 Ice machine operator. . 600 00 Janitor 780 00 Head janitor 720 00 Janitor, 2 at $600 1,200 00 Janitor, 11 at $540 5,940 00 Watchman 660 00 Clerk 420 00 Painter 936 00 $22,556 00 Wa ges, temporary Miscellaneous labor .... 1,000 00 Grounds Wages, regular Superintendent 1,200 00 Gardener 660 00 Sub-gardener, 3 at $660. 1,980 00 Sub-gardener 650 00 1 $4,490 00 3,200 00 28,046 00 General Wages, temporary Miscellaneous labor 650 00 157 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, CORNELL — Continued Animal industry, service Animal husbandry Salaries, regular Professor $4,000 00 Professor, 2 at $2,750.. 5,500 00 Assistant professor .... 2,000 00 Instructor and stockman 1,800 00 Instructor 1,500 00 Instructor, 2 at $1,200. . 2,400 00 Stenographer and libra- rian 600 00 Superintendent 1,000 00 Helper . 720 00 Helper 600 00 $20,120 00 Wages, regular Laborer, 4 at $600 2,400 00 Laborer, 4 at $660 2,640 00 $5,040 00 25,160 00 Poultry husbandry Salaries, regular Professor $3,500 00 Assistant professor .... 2,250 00 Assistant professor . ... 1,500 00 Instructor 1,400 00 Instructor, 2 at $800. . . 1,600 00 Assistant 650 00 Assistant 450 00 Student assistant, 3 at $150 450 00 Bookkeeper 504 00 Clerk 756 00 Sales manager * 504 00 Stenographer 456 00 Foreman, experiment plant 1,200 00 Foreman incubation . . . 1,200 00 158 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, CORNELL — Continued Poultry husbandry - — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Foreman, instruction plant 1,100 00 Helper 700 00 Helper 540 00 Helper, 2 at $504 1,008 00 Teamster 600 00 20,368 00 Dairy industry Salaries, regular Professor . . . $4,000 00 Professor 3,000 00 Professor, 2 at $2,750. . 5,500 00 Professor 2,250 00 Assistant professor .... 1,800 00 Instructor, 2 at $1,500. 3,000 00 Instructor, 2 at $1,200.. o o o>7 00 Instructor 600 00 Assistant . . . 720 00 Assistant, 2 at $600 ... . 1,200 00 Clerk 1,200 00 Clerk 660 00 (Stenographer 660 00 Stenographer 480 00 Helper 780 00 28,250 0.0 Entomology Salaries, regular Professor $3,500 00 Professor, 2 at $3,250. . 6,500 00 Professor 2,750 00 Assistant professor, 2 at $2,000 4,000 00 Assistant professor, 2 at $1,800 3,600 00 Assistant professor .... 1,500 00 Assistant professor .... 900 00 Instructor 1,200 00 Instructor, 5 at $750. .. 3,750 00 159 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, CORNELL — Continued Entomology — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Assistant 660 00 Assistant 600 00 Assistant, 12 at $500 . . 6,000 00 Assistant 400 00 Librarian 800 00 Stenographer 660 00 Stenographer 540 00 Curator 760 00 38,120 00 Plant industry service Agronomy (farm crops) Salaries, regular Professor $3,000 00 Instructor, 3 at $1,500. . 4,500 00 Assistant, 3 at $500... 1,500 00 Stenographer 660 00 Clerk 504 00 Foreman 660 00 $10,824 00 Agronomy (farm practice) Salaries, regular Professor 4,000 00 Professor 3,500 00 Instructor, 2 at $900. . . 1,800 00 Farm superintendent . . 1,800 00 Assistant farm superin- tendent 1,200 00 Stenographer 720 00 Stenographer 480 00 $13,500 00 Wages, regular Mechanic 1,140 00 Harness maker 840 00 Repairman 660 00 Freight superintendent and truckman 900 00 160 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, CORNELL Plant industry service — Continued Agronomy (farm practice) — Continued Wages, regular — Continued Continued Head teamster 720 00 Repairman 660 00 Laborer, 6 at $600 3,600 00 $8,520 00 Botany Salaries, regular Professor $3,000 00 Professor 2,500 00 Professor 2,000 00 Assistant professor, 2 at $1,500 3,000 00 Instructor 1,500 00 Instructor 1,200 00 Instructor 1,100 00 Instructor 1,000 00 Instructor, 2 at $900 . . . 1,800 00 Instructor, 3 at $800 . . . 2,400 00 Instructor, 3 at $600. . 1,800 00 Assistant 700 00 Assistant 600 00 Assistant, 4 at $500. . . 2,000 00 Stenographer and clerk. 600 00 Stenographer 540 00 Stenographer 480 00 Helper 500 00 $26,720 00 Wages, regular Gardener 800 00 Floriculture Salaries, regular Professor $3,500 00 Professor 2,500 00 Assistant professor .... 2,250 00 Instructor 1,200 00 32,844 00 27,520 00 161 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, CORNELL Plant industry service — Continued Floriculture — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Instructor Instructor Curator and stenog- rapher Stenographer Wages, regular Gardener Gardener Superintendent of green- houses Gardener and night fire- man Teamster Continued Forestry Salaries, regular Professor Professor, 2 at $3,500. Assistant professor. . . . Assistant Assistant Stenographer Stenographer Landscape art Salaries, regular Professor Professor Assistant professor. . . . Instructor, 2 at $1,000 Assistant Assistant Stenographer Stenographer Lecturer and adviser. . 6 1,000 00 900 00 780 00 720 00 $12,850 00 1,140 00 720 00 900 00 660 00 600 00 $4,020 00 $3,750 00 7,000 00 2,500 00 400 00 200 00 660 00 540 00 $2,500 00 1,800 00 1,500 00 2,000 00 1,200 00 400 00 720 00 540 00 200 00 16,870 00 15,050 00 10,860 00 162 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, CORNELL — Continued Plant breeding Salaries, regular Professor, 2 at $3,000 . . $6,000 00 Professor 500 00 Assistant professor 1,800 00 Instructor 1,200 00 Assistant, 3 at $500. . . . 1,500 00 Assistant 250 00 Stenographer 660 00 Stenographer 600 00 $12,510 00 Wages, regular Laborer 720 00 Laborer, 2 at $600 1,200 00 Gardener 600 00 $2,520 00 — 15,030 00 Plant pathology Salaries, regular Professor $4,000 00 Professor 3,000 00 Assistant professor, 2 at $2,000 4,000 00 Assistant professor, 3 at $1,800 5,400 00 Assistant professor .... 1,500 00 Instructor 1,000 00 Instructor, 2 at $750. . . 1,500 00 Assistant, 2 at $500 .... 1,000 00 Assistant 480 00 Clerk 600 00 Stenographer 576 00 Helper 850 00 Helper 480 00 24,386 00 163 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, CORNELL — Continued Pomology Salaries, regular Professor $3,000 00 Assistant professor, 2 at $1,600 3,200 00 Assistant 850 00 Assistant 600 00 Stenographer 720 00 Stenographer 540 00 Stenographer 504 00 Superintendent of or- chards 900 00 10,314 00 Vegetable gardening Salaries, regular Professor $2,500 00 Instructor 1,800 00 Instructor 1,600 00 Instructor . 1,200 00 Assistant 720 00 Superintendent of gar- dens 1,200 00 Gardener 660 00 Gardener 600 00 Stenographer 540 00 10,820 00 Rural community service Farm management Salaries, regular Professor $3,500 00 Professor 3,000 00 Assistant professor 2,000 00 Instructor 1,200 00 Instructor 1,000 00 Instructor 500 00 Stenographer 750 00 Clerk 720 00 Clerk, 2 at $660 1,320 00 Clerk 600 00 Laboratory assistant, 4 at $200 800 00 15,390 00 164 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, CORNELL — Continued House economics Salaries, regular Professor, 2 at $3,250. . $6,500 00 Assistant professor, 2 at $2,200 4,400 00 Assistant professor 1,500 OO Assistant professor 1,100 00 Assistant professor .... 1,000 OO Instructor 1,400 00 Instructor, 5 at $1,200. . 6,000- 00 Instructor 1,000 00 Instructor 900 00 Instructor 600 00 Assistant, 2 at $800 .... 1,600 00 Secretary to department . 1,500 00 Stenographer 600 00 Housekeeper 600 00 Housekeeper 480 00 Office hoy 300 00 29,480 00 Rural economy Salaries, regular Professor $5,000 00 Professor, marketing. . . 2,500 00 Instructor 200 00 Stenographer . . . 780 00 6,480 00 Rural education Salaries, regular Professor $2,500' 00 Assistant professor 2,000 00 Stenographer 660 00 Stenographer 540 00 Stenographer 48000 Stenographer 450 00 $6,630 00 Wages, temporary Miscellaneous labor co- operative teaching . . . 500 00 7,130 00 165 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, CORNELL — Continued Rural social organization Salaries, regular Professor 3,250 00 Stenographer 780 00 $4,030 00 Wages, temporary Miscellaneous labor ... 25 00 Soils, chemistry and rural tech- nology service Agricultural chemistry Salaries, regular Professor $3,000 00 Professor 2,750 00 Assistant professor .... 1,800 00 Assistant, 2 at $500 .... 1,000 00 Stenographer 456 00 Drawing Salaries, regular Professor $2,500 00 Assistant professor .... 1,500 00 Instructor 1,000 00 Instructor 900 00 Meteorology Salaries, regular Professor $500 00 Assistant professor 1,800 00 Rural engineering Salaries, regular Professor $3,000 00 Assistant professor 2,250 00 Assistant professor. .... 1,600 00 Assistant professor .... 1,500 00 Instructor 1,200 00 Assistant 500 00 Stenographer 660 00 Mechanic 1,000 00 4,055 00 9,006 00 5,900 00 2,300 00 11,710 00 166 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, CORNELL — Continued Soil technology Salaries, regular Professor .' $3,000 00 Professor 2,250 00 Assistant professor 1,500 00 Assistant, 4 at $500 .... 2,000 00 Soil surveyor 1,500 00 Stenographer 600 00 Stenographer 300 00 Helper 720 00 Extension service Salaries, regular Professor, administration $3,250 00 Professor, soil technology 3,000 00 Professor, extension teaching 2,750 00 Professor, extension teaching, 2 at $2,500. 5,000 00 Professor, entomology, . 2,750 00 Professor, plant pathol- ogy 2,750 00 Professor, animal hus- bandry 2,500 00 Professor, farm manage- ment 2,500 00 Professor, pomology. . . . 2,500 00 Professor, co-operation and marketing 2,000 00 Assistant professor, ani- mal husbandry 2,000 00 Assistant professor, for- estry 2,000 00 Assistant professor, farm crops 2,000 00 Assistant professor, ex- tension teaching .... 1,800 00 Assistant professor 2,000 00 Assistant professor, rural engineering 1,500 00 Assistant professor 1,500 00 11,870 00 167 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, CORNELL — Continued Extension service — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued State director of farm bureaus . 1,000 00 Assistant state director of farm bureaus, 2 at $1,000 2,000 00 Instructor, 2 at $1,800, dairy industry 3,600 00 Instructor, extension teaching, 3 at $1,400 . 4,200 00 Instructor, agricultural chemistry analysis ... 1,000 00 Instructor, poultry .... 1,600 00 Instructor, farm manage- ment 1,500 00 Instructor, extension teaching 1,000 00 Instructor, farm manage- ment 1,200 00 Instructor, forestry. . . . 1,000 00 Instructor, extension teaching 1,250 00 Instructor, poultry 1,100 00 Instructor, plant pathol- ogy 750 00 Assistant, entomology, 2 at $500 1,000 00 Assistant, farm crops. . . 167 00 Stenographer 720 00 Stenographer, 2 at $660. 1,320 00 Stenographer 576 00 Stenographer, 2 at $504 1,008 00 Stenographer 456 00 Clerk and stenographer. 720 00 Clerk 660 00 Clerk, 2 at $600 1,200 00 Clerk 480 00 Helper 840 00 $72,147 00 168 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, CORNELL — Continued Extension service — Continued Wages, temporary Miscellaneous labor in connection with fair exhibits, extension schools, farmers’ week and other extension activities 925 00 73,072 00 Total for personal service $518,531 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the New York State College of Agriculture, Cornell Uni- versity, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water $26,000 00 Printing Equipment Office $4,000 00 Educational 10,000 00 Farm and garden 4,000 00 Books 2,000 OO Supplies Office $8,000 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 1,000 00 Educational 12,000 00 Botanical and agricultural. . . 1,000 00 Forage and veterinary 3,000 00 3,500 00 20,000 00 25,000 00 Hired horses and vehicles 500 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials and employees $12,000 00 Hotel expenses 4,000 00 Communication 16,000 OC 8,000 00 169 COLLEGE OF AGRICULTURE, CORNELL — Continued General plant service Payment for instruction of College of Agriculture stu- dents in University classes . 57,875 00 Summer school 8,000 00 Miscellaneous 1,000 00 66,875 00 Rents 2,340 00 Contingencies 2,000 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 170,215 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For additional unit for heating plant $12,000 00 For remodeling boiler room in Roberts hall. 8,000 00 For the construction of sidewalks, roads and drains on the grounds of the College of Agriculture 5,000 00 For the construction of a piggery with de- tached pens 7,000 00 For the construction of a water pipe line to plant breeding garden 200 00 32, .200 00 Total for New York State College of Agriculture, Cornell University $720,946 00 170 NEW YORK STATE VETERINARY COLLEGE, CORNELL UNIVERSITY For payment for services of employees at the New York State Vet- erinary College, Cornell University. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Director $5,000 00 Clerk and bookkeeper. . . 1,200 00 Stenographer and secre- tary 720 00 Librarian 720 00 Instruction and research Salaries, regular Professor of anatomy. . . $3,500 00 Professor of materia medica and superin- tendent of small animal clinic 1,300 00 Professor of medicine and superintendent of ambulatory clinic ... 4,000 00 Professor of pathology and bacteriology .... 2,750 00 Professor of physiology. 3,750 00 Assistant professor of surgery 2,750 00 Professor of obstetrics and diseases of breed- ing cattle 3,500 00 Instructor, materia medica 1,500 00 Assistant professor of anatomy 1,800 00 Assistant professor of medicine 1,800 00 Assistant professor of pathology and bac- teriology 2,000 00 $7,640 00 171 VETERINARY COLLEGE, CORNELL — Continued Instruction and research — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Assistant professor of physiology 1,500 00 Assistant professor of farriery 1,500 00 Assistant professor of research 2,000 00 Assistant professor of diagnosis . . . . 1,800 00 Instructor in anatomy. . 800 00 Instructor in medicine. . 800 00 Instructor in surgery. . . 800 00 Instructor in obstetrics. 800 00 Assistant in anatomy. . . 300 00 Assistant in pathology and bacteriology. . . . 500 00 Assistant in diagnosis. . 500 00 39,950 00 Care of buildings Wages, regular Engineer $720 00 Assistant engineer .... 540 00 Groom ambulatory clinic 600 00 Groom surgical clinic. . 600 00 Second groom surgical clinic 540 00 Attendant experiment station 600 00 Teamster experiment sta- tion 540 00 Teamster ambulatory clinic 540 00 Janitor anatomy 540 00 Janitor materia medica. 600 00 Janitor pathology and bacteriology 540 00 Janitor physiology and offices 540 00 172 VETERINARY COLLEGE, CORNELL — Continued Care of buildings — Continued Wages, regular — Continued Janitor obstetrics 540 00 Attendant in farriery. . .. 600 00 $8,040 00 Wages, temporary Laborers $900 00 Temporary labor by day or hour 600 00 1,500 00 9,540 00 Total for personal service $57,130 00 For the maintenance and operation of the New York State Veterinary College, Cornell University, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, water and power $2,300 00 Printing 600 00 Advertising 65 00 Equipment Office $150 00 Motorless vehicles 5000 Educational 750 00 Research 150 00 Farm and garden 125 00 Books . . . 150 00 General plant 100 00 q r 1,475 00 Supplies Office $125 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 150 00 Educational 1,700 00 Research 400 00 Botanical and agricultural. . 50 00 Forage and veterinary 3,500 00 General plant 150 00 6,075 00 173 VETERINARY COLLEGE, CORNELL — Continued Materials General plant 400 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials. . . $150 00 Hotel expenses 100 00 — — — 250 00 Communication 675 00 General plant service 200 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 12,040 00 REPAIRS Tor work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment 700 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS Tor the construction and equipment of the south wing of the main building (James Law Hall) of the New York State Veterinary College an authorization of one hun- dred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) of which twenty thousand dollars is hereby appropriated 20,000 00 Total for the New York State Veterinary College, Cornell University $89,870 00 THE NEW YORK STATE SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE - MORRISVILLE Tor payment for services of employees of the New York State School of Agriculture, at Morrisville. . , . . . PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Director $2,700 00 Secretary 1,500 00 Clerk and secretary to director 1,200 00 Stenographer 840 00 $6,240 00 174 SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE, MORRXSVILLE — Continued Administration — Continued Instruction Salaries, regular Instructor, dairying . . . $1,800 00 1 Instructor, agronomy . . 1,500 00 Instructor, horticulture. 1,500 00 Instructor, poultry .... 1,500 00 Instructor, domestic science 1,200 00 Instructor, domestic art. 1,000 00 Veterinarian, also in- structor of veterinary science and physiology 1,000 00 Instructor, chemistry, also assistant in Eng- lish and physical director 1,100 00 Instructor, shop work. 1,200 00 Assistant in sciences. ... 900 00 Assistant in dairying. . . 900 00 Assistant in horticulture 780 00 Assistant in laboratory. 540 00 Instructor, vocal music. 340 00 Instructor, piano 340 00 $15,600 00 Salaries, temporary Extension service, lec- turers, experts, demon- strators, etc., to assist in various phases of extension work car- ried on by the school independently and in co-operation with other institutions and departments 1,000 00 175 SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE, MORRXSVXLLE — Continued Administration — Continued Wages, temporary Janitor’s assistants, extra clerical help, artisans and laborers, etc 900 00 Care of buildings Wages, regular Head janitor $660 00 Watchman 600 00 Farm and institutional service Salaries, regular Farm superintendent, (also assistant in farm practice . $1,080 00 Wages, temporary Teamster, not to exceed five, for farm institu- tion 1,800 00 Labor, not to exceed six. 1,800 00 17,500 00 1,260 00 4,680 00 Total for personal service $29,680 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation at Hew York State School of Agriculture, Morrisville, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water. . o o °is oJ 00 Printing 500 00 Advertising 700 00 Equipment Office equipment $50 00 Motorless vehicles 100 00 Educational 150 00 Farm and garden . to o o 00 Livestock o o 1—1 00 Books 100 00 General plant 50 00 1,650 00 176 SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE, MORRISVILLE — Continued Supplies Office -. $200 00 Laundry, cleaning and dis- infecting 200 00 Educational 460 00 Botanical and agricultural. . 400 00 Forage and veterinary 3,000 00 Refrigerating 40 00 General plant supplies 500 00 Materials Traveling expenses Transportation officials and employees $650 00 Hotel expenses 350 00' Communication .... General plant service 4,800 00 400 00 1,000 00 850 00 200 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 13,000 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract, or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment 1,000 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For the construction of a laboratory and class room build- ing including site, (authorization chapter 646, Laws of 1916, seventy-five thousand dollars ($75,000) of which forty thousand dollars ($40,000) was appro- priated) a further appropriation of twenty thousand dollars 20,000 00 Total for New York State School of Agriculture, Morrisville $63,680 00 m NEW YORK STATE SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE AT COBLESKILL For payment for services of employees of the New York State School of Agriculture at Cobleskill. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Director, also teacher of horticulture $2,700 00 Stenographer 800 00 Instruction Salaries, regular Instructor, animal hus- bandry and dairying. $1,800 00 Instructor, agronomy . . 1,500 00 Instructor, botany and horticulture 1,500 00 Instructor, English, his- tory and arithmetic. . 1,300 00 Instructor, veterinary medicine 1,000 00 Instructor, poultry hus- bandry 1,500 00 Instructor, home eco- nomics 1,200 00 Instructor, vegetable gar- dening and greenhouse practice 1,200 00 Care of buildings Wages, regular Laborer $600 00 Laborer 540 00 3,500 00 11,000 00 Farm and institutional service Salaries, regular F arm superintendent and assistant in agron- omy $1,000 00 1,140,00 178 SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE, COBLESKILL — Continued Farm and institutional service — Continued Wages, regular Teamster, 2 at $600 $1,200 00 Laborer, 2 at $560 1,120 00 $2,320 00 Wages, temporary Other labor as needed, including students, art- isans, mecbanics, etc. . 750 00 4,070 00 Total for personal service y $19,710 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the New York State School of Agriculture at Cobleskill, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water $1,400 00 Printing 250 00 Advertising 100 00 Equipment Office $300 00 Educational 1,500 00 Earm and garden 500 00 Live stock Llorses $500 00 Cattle 600 00 Hogs and sheep . . 300 00 Poultry 300 00 1,700 00 General plant 500 00 4,500 00 Supplies Office $200' 00 Educational 1,000 00 Forage and veterinary 1,000 00 Refrigerating 300 00 2,500 00 179 SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE, COBLESKILL — Continued Traveling expenses Transportation of officials and employees . $400 00 Hotel expenses 100 00 500 00 Communication 300 00 Rent 100 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service $9,650 00 Total for Hew York State School of Agriculture at Cobleskill $29,360 00 STATE SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE — ST. LAWRENCE UNIVERSITY, CANTON For payment for services of employees of the State School of Agri- culture, St. Lawrence University, Canton. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Director of agricultural schoool, faculties and extension work, also instructor of field crops $2,500 00 Stenographer 720 00 Treasurer and account- ant 1,500 00 Assistant to treasurer . . 480 00 Instruction Salaries, regular Assistant director and instructor in aca- demics $1,800 00 Instructor in chemistry. 1,700 00 Instructor in chemistry. 900 00 $5,200 00 180 ST. LAWRENCE SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE — Continued Instruction — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Instructor in animal husbandry 1,500 00 Instructor in horticul- ture, botany and ento- mology 1,500 00 Instructor in domestic science 1,200 00 First assistant instructor in domestic science . . 1,000 00 Instructor in bacteri- ology and soils 1,200 00 Instructor in manual training 1,500 00 Instructor in butter and cheese making 1,500 00 Assistant in butter and cheese making 720 00 14,520 00 Farm and greenhouse, poultry and live stock Salaries, regular Farm superintendent... Superintendent of green- house Superintendent of poul- try Superintendent of dairy live stock $1,000 00 900 00 800 00 800 00 3,500 00 Care of buildings Wages, regular Engineer and janitor. . $1,200 00 Assistant to janitor . . . 546 00 — 1,746 00 1S1 ST. LAWRENCE SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE — Continued Farm labor Wages, regular Laborer $660 00 Laborer 600 00 Laborer 540 00 1,800 00 Total for personal service $26,766 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the State School of Agriculture, St. Lawrence University, Canton, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water. . . . .$2,200 00 Printing 400 00 Advertising 100 00 Equipment Office . $150 00 Educational 800 00 Farm and garden 150 00 1,100 00 Supplies Office $75 00 Educational 3,400 00 Botanical and agricultural. . 100 00 Forage and veterinary 225 00 General plant 200 00 4,000 00 Traveling expenses Traveling expenses of officials and employees $300 00 Hotel expenses 200 00 500 00 Communication 500 00 Fixed charges and contributions. . 50 00 General plant service 350 00 Bents 100 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service . 9,300 00 182 ST. LAWRENCE SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE — Continued REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for re- pairs to buildings and equipment 1,500 00 Total for State School of Agriculture, St. Law- rence University, Canton $37,566 00 NEW YORK STATE COLLEGE OF FORESTRY AT SYRACUSE UNIVERSITY For payment, for services of employees of the New York State Col- lege of Forestry at Syracuse University. PERSONAL SERVICE Department of college adminis- tration and maintenance. Salaries, regular Dean (also professor of silviculture) $5,000 00 Cashier-assistant trea- surer 1,600 00 Secretary to Dean 1,000 00 Bookkeeper 900 00 Stenographer 900 00 Stenographer 800 00 Librarian 850 00 Clerk, filing and mailing. 480 00 Janitor 900 00 Engineer and assistant janitor 900 00 Department of forest engineering Salaries, regular Professor of forest engi- neering $3,000 00 Assistant professor of forest engineering . .. 1,900 00 $13,330 00 183 COLLEGE OF FORESTRY, SYRACUSE — Continued Department of forest engineering — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Instructor, forest engi- neering 1,400 00 6,300 00 Department of forest utilization Salaries, regular Professor of forest utilization 1,400 00 Department of silviculture Salaries, regular Professor 2,300 00 Department of forest products Salaries, regular Assistant professor of forest tech- nology 2,000 00 Department of forest entomology Salaries, regular Professor of forest entomology 2,200 00 Department of forest zoology Salaries, regular Assistant professor of forest zoology. 2,100 00 Department of forest botany Salaries, regular Professor $2,200 00 Assistant professor .... 1,800 00 Laboratory assistant ... 700 00 4,700 00 Department of state ranger school Salaries, regular Director $2,500 00 Professor of forestry . . 2,200 00 Yardman 600 00 Bookkeeper 400 00 5,700 00 Department of landscape engi- neering Salaries, regular Assistant professor of landscape engineering 2,200 00 184 COLLEGE OF FORESTRY, SYRACUSE — Continued Department of forest investiga- tions Salaries, regular Director $3,000 00 Field assistant 1,200 00 Nurseryman, Chitten- ango forest experiment station 700 00 Foreman, forest experi- ment station 800 00 Teamster, forest experi- ment station 600 00 Department of forest extension Salaries, regular Professor $2,100 00 Professor of landscape extension . . .. 1,800 00 Assistant professor, 2 at $1,800 3,600 00 Stenographer 900 00 Care of fruit stations Wages, temporary Labor 6,300 00 8,400 00 4,500 00 Total for personal service $61,430 00 For the expense of maintenance and operation of New York State College of Forestry at Syracuse University. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water. $4,000 00 Printing 3,500 00 Advertising 400 00 Equipment Office $600 00 Household 360 00 Motorless vehicles 320 00 Motor vehicles 280 00 Educational equipment 4,000 00 185 COLLEGE OF FORESTRY, SYRACUSE — Continued Equipment — Continued Farm and garden 600 00 Livestock 700 00 Books 700 00 Engineering equipment .... 640 00 General plant 800 00 Supplies Office $1,500 00 Household 1,300 00 Motor vehicles 1,200 00 Educational supplies 1,800' 00 Botanical and agricultural. . 1,500 00 Forage and veterinary 200 00 General plant 500 00 Materials Industrial Hired horses and vehicles Traveling expenses Transportation of officials or employees $2,050 00 Hotel expenses 1,950 00 Communication General plant service Payment for instruction of College of Forestry students in University classes. 9,000 00 8,000 00 :2,000 00 500 00 4*000 00 2,500 00 10,600 00 Total for maintenance and operation other than personal service $44,500 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment 2,800 00 186 COLLEGE OF FORESTRY, SYRACUSE — Continued CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS Equipment for College of Forestry Building at Syracuse $25,000 00 For construction of well at State Forest Ex- periment Station at Syracuse 600 00 Grading and landscaping, including walks and necessary drives 2,600 00 28,200 00 Total for College 1917-18 $186,930 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE PERSONAL SERVICE Deficiency in maintenance of the college dur- ing the fiscal year 1914-15 Personal service $4,557 13 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water 1,500 00 General plant service Payment for instruction of State School of Forestry students in university classes 3,000 00 Deficiency in traveling expenses for the fiscal year 1914-15 1,517 79 Total immediately available $10,574 92 Total for New York State College of Forestry at Syracuse University $147,504 92 187 STATE SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE AND DOMESTIC SCIENCE AT DELHI For payment for services of employees of the State School of Agri- culture and Domestic Science at Delhi. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Director $2,700 00 Stenographer 720 00 $3,420 00 Instruction Salaries, regular Teacher of chemistry and dairying $1,450 00 Teacher of dairying and animal husbandry 1,450 00 Farm superintendent and instructor 1,200 00 Teacher of poultry. . . . 1,300 00 Teacher of biology and chemistry 1,300 00 Teacher of domestic science 1,200 00 Teacher of farm mechan- ics 1,300 00 Teacher of agronomy... 1,300 00 Assistant teacher in dairying 750 00 Assistant teacher in domestic science .... 800 00 Assistant teacher in hor- ticulture 900 00 Assistant teacher in ani- mal husbandry 900 00 13,850 00 188 SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE, DELHI — Continued Care of buildings Wages, regular Janitor and engineer. . . $900 00 Assistant janitor 300 00 Laborer 600 00 Wages, temporary Mechanic and carpenter, 100 days at $3.50. . . $1,800 00 350 00 Farm Wages, regular Laborer, 2 at $600 2,150 00 1,200 00 Total for personal service $20,620 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of State School of Agriculture and Domestic Science at Delhi, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water $1,500 00 Printing 400 00 Advertising 150 00 Equipment Office $400 00 Educational 1,000 00 Research 200 00 Farm and garden 500 00 Live stock 1,000 00 Books 500 00 General plant . * 1,400 00 5,000 00 Supplies Office $200 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting . . Educational . 300 00 500 00 189 SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE, DELHI — Continued Supplies — Continued Research 200 00 'Botanical and agricultural. . 700 00 Forage and veterinary 2,600 00 Refrigerating 100 00 General plant 400 00 5,000 00 Materials General plant 400 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials or employees $500 00 Hotel expenses 300 00 800 00 Communication 400 00 General plant service 400 00 Rent 500 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 14,550 00 Total for State School of Agriculture and Domes- tic Science at Delhi $35,170 00 NEW YORK STATE SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE ON LONG ISLAND, FARMINGDALE, LONG ISLAND, N. Y. For payment for services of the Director and the employees of the New York State School of Agriculture on Long Island, Farmingdale, PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Director $5,000 00 Secretary and book- keeper 1,500 00 Bookkeeper 840 00 Stenographer 900 00 $8,240 Of 190 SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE, FARMINGDALE — Continued Instruction Salaries, regular Head of department of extension service and dairying and animal husbandry $2,400 00 Head of department of farm crops and soil fertility 2,400 00 Head of department of vegetable gardening . . 2,400 00 Head of department of academic subjects and elementary sciences. . 2,400 00 Instructor in farm me- chanics 2,400 00 Instructor in poultry husbandry 1,800 00 Instructor in vegetable gardening 1,350 00 Instructor in farm crops and soil fertility 1,350 00 Instructor in vegetable gardening 1,200 00 Instructor in agricul- tural chemistry and physics 1,200 00 Librarian 1,000 00 Laboratory instructor in farm management ... 1,200 00 Laboratory instructor in animal husbandry . . . 840 00 Field instructor 840 00 Field instructor, 4 at $780 3,120 00 25,900 00 Extension service Salaries, regular Extension instructor, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 191 SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE, FARMXNGDALE — Continued Care of buildings and grounds Wages, regular Head janitor o 00 t- €©■ 00 Assistant janitor, 2 at $720 O tH 00 Chief engineer 1,500. 00 Assistant engineer, 2 at $1,020 2,040 00 Laborer 780 00 Laborer 720 00 Laborer, 3 at $660 O OO OS T— 1 00 Carpenter 1,080 00 10,320 00 Total for personal service $46,860 00 For tbe expenses of maintenance and operation of the New York State School of Agriculture on Long Island, Farmingdale. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water $6,000 00 Printing 1,000 00 Equipment Office $150 00 Motorless vehicles 350 00 Educational 500 00 Farm and garden 325 00 Live stock 2,400 00 Books 500 00 General plant 225 00 Supplies Office $400 00 Household 200 00 Medical and surgical 15 00 Educational 950 00 Botanical and agricultural. . 2,400 00 Forage and veterinary 500 00 General plant 535 00 4,450 00 5,000 00 192 SCHOOL OF AGRICULTURE, FARMINGDALE — Continued Traveling expenses Transportation of officials or employees $800 00 Hotel expenses 200 00 1,000 00 Communication 1,300 00 General plant service 200 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 18,950 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS Cow bam $7,000 00 For the construction of one dormitory an authorization of fifty thousand dollars ($50,000.00) of which thirty thousand dollars is hereby appropriated $30,000 00 Campus lighting system 3,000 00 Gas system 1,000 00 One cottage for women students 3,000 00 Roads, walks and grading 1,500 00 Heat for Mott house 700 00 $46,200 00 Total for the New York State School of Agriculture on Long Island, Farmingdale $112,010 00 NEW YORK STATE COMMISSION FOR THE BLIND For payment for services of employees of the New York State Com- mission for the Blind. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Seeing employees Salaries, regular Secretary. $3,200 00 Stenographer and chief clerk or bookkeeper. . 1,200 00 NEW YORK STATE COMMISSION FOR BLIND — Continued Administration — Continued Seeing employees — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Stenographer 1,200 00 Nurses, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Superintendent of wom- en’s industries 900 00 Manager, central work- shop 1,200 00 Workshop assistant. . . . 360 00 $10,460 00 Blind employees Salaries, regular Field agent $1,500 00 Home teacher 1,200 00 Home teachers, 2 at $900 1,800 00 Home teachers, 3 at $900 2,700 00 Home teachers, 2 at $840 1,680 00 Wages, regular Foreman, Albany work- shop 720 00 Wages, temporary Wages to blind in work- shops 1,500 00 11,100 00 Total for personal service $21,560 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the New' York State Commission for the Blind, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $500 00 Supplies Office $500 00 194 NEW YORK STATE COMMISSION FOR BLIND — Continued Traveling expenses 4,500 00 Communication 900 00 Fixed charges and contributions. . . 3,500 00 Rents 2,000 00 Total for maintenance and operation other than personal service $12,100 00 Total for Commission 1917-18 $33,660 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION For industrial materials (Industrial Fund) 8,000 00 Total for New York State Commission for the Blind $41,660 00 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS FOR THE EDUCATION OF THE BLIND, DEAF AND DUMB Blind — State aid For state aid for blind pupils in certain institutions to be paid for the purposes and in the manner provided by section nine hundred thirty-six of the education law $1,500 00 Albany Home School for the Oral Instruction of the Deaf. For the support and instruction of pupils at the Albany Home School for the Oral Instruction of the Deaf, at Albany, twenty-six pupils at three hundred sev- enty-five dollars $9,750 00 195 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS — Continued Central New York Institution for the Improved Instruc- tion of Deaf Mutes. For the support and instruction of pupils at the Central New York Institution for Improved Instruction of Deaf Mutes at Rome, sixty-three pupils at three hun- dred seventy-live dollars $23,625 New York Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb. For the support and instruction of pupils at the New York Institution for the Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb at New York City, two hundred eighty-five pupils at three hundred seventy-five dollars $106,875 Institution for the Improved Instruction of Deaf Mutes. For the support and instruction of pupils at the Institu- tion for the Improved Instruction of Deaf Mutes, New York City, one hundred twenty-eight pupils at three hundred seventy-five dollars $48,000 Le Couteulx St. Mary’s Institution for the Improved Instruction of Deaf Mutes. For the support and instruction of pupils at the Le Couteulx St. Mary’s Institution for the Improved Instruction of Deaf Mutes at Buffalo, eighty-five pupils at three hundred seventy-five dollars $31,875 The New York Institute for the Education of the Blind. For the support and instruction of pupils at the New York Institution for the Education of the Blind, ninety-five pupils at three hundred seventy-five dollars $35,625 00 00 00 00 00 196 FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS — Continued Northern New York Institution for Deaf Mutes. For the support and instruction of pupils at the Northern New York Institution for Deaf Mutes, sixty pupils at three hundred seventy-five dollars $22,500 00 St. Joseph’s Institute for the Improved Instruction of Deaf Mutes. For the support and ’instruction of pupils at the St. Joseph’s Institute for the Improved Instruction of Deaf Mutes at Westchester, two hundred seventy- five pupils at three hundred seventy-five dollars $103,125 00 Western New York Institution for the Improved Instruc- tion of Deaf Mutes. For the support and instruction of pupils at the Western Institution for Deaf Mutes at Rochester, one hundred five pupils at three hundred seventy-five dollars $39,375 00 THE ADJUTANT GENERAL’S OFFICE For payment for services of The Adjutant General and the employees in The Adjutant General’s Office. PERSONAL SERVICE General division Salaries, regular Adjutant General $6,000 00 Assistant Adjutant Gen- eral 3,500 00 Assistant to the Ad- jutant General 2,700 00 Senior clerk 1,800 00 Senior stenographer ... 1,560 00 Stenographer 960 00 $16,520 00 197 ADJUTANT GENERAL’S OFFICE — Continued Personnel division Salaries, regular Assistant to the Ad- jutant General $3,000 00 Clerk, 3 at $1,200 3 3 600 00 Clerk, 2 at $840 1,680 00 Stenographer 960 00 Stenographer 840 00 Finance division Salaries, regular Chief clerk $2,100 00 Senior clerk 1,500 00 Senior clerk 1,440 00 Accountant 1,560 00 Bookkeeper 1,200 00 Bookkeeper 840 00 Clerk 840 00 Senior stenographer . . . 1,200 00 Stenographer 1,080 00 Stenographer 960 00 Records division Salaries, regular Senior clerk $1,680 00 Clerk, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Clerk 1,000 00 Clerk 1,020 00 Clerk 960 00 Naval Militia division Salaries, regular Senior clerk $1,800 00 Stenographer 1,000 00 War record bureau, Albany Salaries, regular Chief clerk $2,160 00 Clerk, 6 at $1,200 7,200 00 10,080 00 12,720 00 7,060 00 2,800 00 198 ADJUTANT GENERAL’S OFFICE — Continued War record bureau, Albany — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Clerk 1,000 00 Clerk . . 1,080 00 11,440 00 Spanish war fund Salaries, regular Stenographer 1,000 00 Hall of military records Wages, regular Keeper $1,000 00 Janitor 1,000 00 2,000 00 Total for personal service For the expenses of maintenance and operation of The Adjutant General’s Office, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $11,000 00 Equipment Office $1,000 00 Books 300 00 General plant 200 00 Supplies Office $1,200 00 General plant 300 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials and employees $800 00 Hotel expenses 1,200 00 2,000 00 Communications 3,500 00 General plant service 100 00 $63,620 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 19,600 00 Total for the office of The Adjutant General $83,220 00 199 ADJUTANT GENERAL’S OFFICE — Continued STATE ARSENAL — NEW YORK CITY For payment for services of employees of the State Arsenal, New York City. PERSONAL SERVICE General division Salaries, regular Assistant adjutant gen- eral $3,000 00 Chief clerk 2,100 00 Senior clerk 1,800 00 Clerk 1,080 00 Senior stenographer . . . 1,200 00 Stenographer, 3 at $960 2,880 00 $12,060 00 Operation Wages, regular Engineer . $1,500 00 Janitor 960 00 W atchman 900 00 Watchman 600 00 Foreman laborer . . . . . . 1,000 00 Laborer, 2 at $900 .. . . . 1,800 00 6,760 00 Stores Clerical Salaries, regular Senior clerk $1,800 00 Clerk 1,200 00 Clerk, 2 at $1,000 2,000 00 Bookkeeper, 1st grade, 3 at $1,200 3,600 00 Bookkeeper, 2 at $900. 1,800 00 Physical Wages, regular Chauffeur, 2 at $1,200. $2,400 00 Chauffeur, 3 at $960. . . 2,880 00 Tailor 1,100 00 Foreman laborer 1,000 00 Laborer, 6 at $900 .... 5,400 00 10,400 00 12,780 00 200 ADJUTANT GENERAL’S OFFICE — Continued War record bureau, New York Salaries, regular Clerk $1,200 00 Clerk, 4 at $1,000 4,000 00 5,200 00 Total for personal service $47,200 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the State Arsenal, New York City, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, Tight, Power and Water $1,200 Printing 500 Advertising 50 Equipment Office $500 00 Books 100 00 General plant 2,000 00 00 00 00 2,600 00 (Principally for hardware, to be used in making minor repairs to building and building equipment and for repairs to articles of equipment for reissue, also packing boxes, etc., necessary for the shipment of supplies.) Supplies Office $500 00 Medical and surgical 25 00 Laundry, cleaning and dis- infecting (cleaning ma- • terials and disinfectants) . 200 00 General plant 275 00 1,000 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials and employees $50 00 Hotel expenses 100 00 150 00 .201 ADJUTANT GENERAL’S OFFICE — Continued Communication 5,000 00 Contingencies 300 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 10,800 00 Total for State Arsenal, New York City $58,000 00 Grand total for The .Adjutant GeneraTs office in- cluding the State Arsenal, New York City $141,220 00 NATIONAL GUARD For payment for services of officers, enlisted men and employees of the National Guard. PERSONAL SERVICE Salaries, temporary For payment for services of officers and enlisted men assigned to special duties and for other emergent service $35,000 00 Total for personal service. . . . $35,000 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the National Guard, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Equipment Household (mess equipment, bedsacks, blankets, etc.).. $1,000 00 Motorless vehicles (harness blankets, saddle cloths, etc.) 1,000 00 Motor vehicles 5,000 00 Wearing apparel (uniforms and equipment) 60,000 00 Live stock 1,500 00 Books (military publications for issue) 1,500 00 General plant 5,000 00 $75,000 00 202 NATIONAL GUARD — Continued Supplies Household (scrubbing brushes, mops, brooms, etc.) $500 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting (soaps, cleaning materials and disinfect- ants) 500 00 Medical and surgical (medi- cal supplies for issue) .... 500 00 Motor vehicles 5,000 00 Forage and veterinary 3,500 00 General plant 3,000 00 Decorations for long and faithful service 7,500 00 Traveling expenses Officers and enlisted men traveling on special duty. . $7,000 00 Hotel (subsistence, officers and enlisted men) 5,650 00 Delegates to National Guard convention 1,000 00 Fixed charges and contributions Allowances to headquarters. . $43,500 00 Allowances to officers and or- ganizations 197,000 00 Allowances for mounted drills 91,000 00 Prizes, small arm firing 2,000 00 Pensions and disability claims 20,000 00 20,500 00 13,650 00 353,500 00 General plant service 1,500 00 Contingencies 500 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 461,650 00 Total for 1917-18 $499,650 00 203 NATIONAL GUARD — Continued TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fixed charges and contributions Inauguration expenses $9,500 00 Bents Quarters, sergeant instructors, IT. S. A. storage building, 152-156 West 36th street, New York, from July 18, 1916, for one year. Necessary expense ac- count of fire at N. Y. State arsenal, July 17, 1916 16,000 00 25,500 00 Total for National Guard $525,150 00 DIVISION HEADQUARTERS, NEW YORK CITY For payment for services of the Major General and the employees of the Division Headquarters, New York City. PERSONAL SERVICE Division headquarters Salaries, regular Major-General $8,000 00 A d j utant-G e n e r a 1 , 2 at $3,000 6,000 00 Inspector general 3,300 00 Inspector general 3,000 00 Inspector general 1,000 00 Chief ordnance officer. . . . 3,300 00 Ordnance officer 3,000 00 Coast defense officer 2,000 00 Chief clerk 2,160 00 Senior clerk 1,680 00 Senior stenographer 1,320 00 Senior stenographer, 3 at $1,200 . . 3,600 00 204 NATIONAL GUARD — Continued Division headquarters — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Junior stenographer, 3 at $780 2,340 00 — $40,700 00 Total for personal service $40,700 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Division Headquarters, New York City, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $2,500 00 Equipment Office $900 00 Books 400 00 General plant 500 00 1,800 00 Supplies Office $2,000 00 General plant 100 00 2,100 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials and employees $2,000 00 Hotel expenses 3,500 00 5,500 00 Communication 3,700 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than per- sonal service 15,600 00 Total for Division Headquarters, New York City $56,300 00 205 NATIONAL GUARD — Continued FIELD EXERCISES AND SMALL ARMS FIRING For payment for services of officers and enlisted men and authorized civilian employees participating in encampments and maneuvers, coast defense exercises, instruction camps, service schools small arms firing and field firing, auxiliary arms. PERSONAL SERVICE Salaries, temporary For the pay of officers and enlisted men and authorized civilian employees en- gaged as follows : Encampments and maneuvers $270,000 00 Coast defense exercises 36,000 00 Instruction camps 16,650 00 Service schools 5,850 00 Small arms firing 16,920 00 Field firing, auxiliary arms. 2,250 00 $347,670 00 Total for personal service $347,670 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the field exercises and small arms firing, other than per- sonal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food Service rations of troops par- ticipating in field exer- cises and small arms fir- ing. Encampments and maneu- vers $40,000 00 Coast defense exercises-. . . . 9,000 00 Instruction camps 3,000 00 Service schools 2,200 00 Small arms firing 3,900 00 Field firing auxiliary arms. 1,000 00 $59,100 00 206 NATIONAL GUARD — Continued Fuel, light, power and water, (Cord wood, kerosene and water service) Encampments and maneuvers $4,100 00 Instruction camps 300 00 Service schools 100 00 Small arms firing 500 00 5,000 00 Advertising Encampments and maneuvers 100 00 Equipment Household (mess equip- ment) Field firing, auxiliary arms 50 00 Motor vehicle Encampments and maneuvers 1,500 00 Books (service schools) 200 00 Engineering (service schools) 200 00 General plant Service schools 200 00 Small arms firing 500 00 $700 00 2,650 00 Supplies Office Encampments and maneu- vers $100 00 Service schools 500 00 $600 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting Encampments and ma- neuvers 500 00 Instructiopn camps 50 00 Service schools 1000 Small arms firing 50 00 $610 00 207 NATIONAL GUARD — Continued Supplies — Continued Medical and surgical Encampments and ma- neuvers $250 00 Instruction camps 25 00 Service schools 1000 Small arms firing 50 00 $335 00 Motor vehicles Encampments and ma- neuvers 2,000 00 Coast defense exercises. ... 50 00 Instruction camps 50 00 Service schools 30 00 Small arms firing 25 00 $2,155 00 Educational (service schools) $200 00 Forage and veterinary Encampments and ma- neuvers 9,000 00 Instruction camps 200 00 Service schools 1,000 00 Small arms firing 275 00 Field firing, auxiliary arms 225 00 $10,700 00 General plant Encampments and ma- neuvers 4,000 00 Coast defense exercises. . . 100 00 Service schools 500 00 Small arms firing 775 00 Field firing, auxiliary arms 25 00 $5,400 00 20,000 00 NATIONAL GUARD — Continued Materials General plant Encampments and maneu- vers $6,700 00 Small arms firing 500 00 7,200 00 Hired horses and vehicles Encampments and maneuvers $44,500 00 Instruction camps 500 00 Service schools 500 00 Small arms firing 500 00 46,000 00 Traveling expenses For transportation of officers, enlisted men and authorized civilians participating in field exercises and small arms firing Encampments and maneuvers $22,000 00 Coast defense exercises 1,500 00 Instruction camps 1,000 00 Service schools 3,125 00 Small arms firing 14,658 00 Field firing, auxiliary arms. . . 4,000 00 46,283 00 Communication Encampments and maneuvers $13,350 00 Coast defense exercises 100 00 Instruction camps 200 00 Service schools . . . ^ 100 00 Small arms firing 500 00 Field firing, auxiliary arms. . 600 00 14,850 00 Fixed charges and contributions (Principally items of damage to property by troops and loss of, or injury to, animals hired for maneuvers or in- 200 NATIONAL GUARD — Continued Fixed charges and contributions — Continued struction purposes and for entry fees and state team medals and certificates in connection with small arms firing competition. ) Encampments and maneuvers $5,600 00 Instruction camps 100 00 Service schools 100 00 Small arms firing 200 00 6,000 00 General plant service Encampments and maneuvers 1,000 00 Rents Eor rent of camp sites for maneuver purposes Encampments and maneuvers $1,500 00 Instruction camps 50 00 Service schools 150 00 1,700 00 Maintenance undistributed Encampments and maneuvers $7,200 00 Coast defense exercises 1,000 00 Instruction camps 300 00 .Service schools 1,000 00 Small arms firing 500 00 10,000 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service $219,883 00 Total for 1917-18 $567,553 00 210 NATIONAL GUARD — Continued TO EE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Maintenance undistributed Deficiency for payment of temporary loan made by Comptroller for mobilization of National Guard 100,000 00 Total immediately available 100,000 00 Total for field service and small arms firing. . $667,553 00 Grand total for National Guard, Division Headquarters, New York City and Eield Exercises and Small Arms Firing. $1,249,003 00 CAMP OF INSTRUCTION, PEEKSKILL For payment for services of employees at the Camp of Instruction, Peekskill. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Wages, regular Caretaker $1,200 00 Wages, temporary Labor 5,110 00 Total of personal service $6,310 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the camp of instruction, Peekskill, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water $400 00 Equipment Motorless vehicles and equip- ment $400 00 Motor vehicles 425 00 Farm and garden 75 00 Live stock 800 00 General plant 500 00 2,200 00 211 NATIONAL GUARD — Continued Supplies Motor vehicles $450 00 Botanical and agricultural. . 400 00 Forage and veterinary 800 00 General plant 350 00 2,000 00 Materials General plant 600 00 Communications 180 00 General plant service 100 00 Rents 250 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 5,730 00 Total for Camp of Instruction, Peekskill $12,040 00 NAVAL MILITIA For payment for services of the officers, enlisted men and employees of the Naval Militia. PERSONAL SERVICE Pay of officers and enlisted men assigned to special duty Pay of troops Salaries, temporary Extra service, temporary $2,500 00 Laborers on board vessels and launches Labor Wages, temporary Extra service, temporary 20,000 00 Total for personal service $22,500 00 212 NAVAL MILITIA — Continued For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Naval Militia, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water $1,000 00 Equipment Books $250 00 Engineering, navigating in- struments 100 00 General plant, hardware and equipment necessary for minor repairs and for prac- tical instruction work in electrical and steam engi- neering G50 00 1,000 00 Supplies General plant $500 00 Decorations for long and faithful service 500 00 — 1,000 00 Materials General plant 500 00 Traveling expenses Officers and enlisted men. . . . $800 00 Hotel expenses 500 00 1,300 00 Fixed charges and contributions Allowance to headquarters. . . $4,000 00 Allowances to officers and or- ganizations 13,000 00 Prizes, small arms firing. . . . 500 00 Hauling out, storing and an- nual overhaul of vessels and launches 1,500 00 19,000 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service . . 23,800 00 Total for Naval Militia. $46,300 00 213 NAVAL MILITIA — Continued HEADQUARTERS OF THE NAVAL MILITIA For payment for services of commodore and staff and employees of the Headquarters of the Naval Militia. PERSONAL SERVICE Salaries, temporary Compensation of commodore and staff $3,000 00 Salaries, regular Clerk 1,800 00 Stenographer 780 00 : $5,580 00 Total for personal service $5,580 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Headquarters of the Naval Militia, other than per- sonal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Traveling expenses Transportation of officers and employees $400 00 Hotel expenses 600 00 $1,000 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service . 1,000 00 Total for Headquarters of the Naval Militia $6,58j0 00 CRUISES, EXERCISES AND INSTRUCTION For payment for services of crews and labor in connection with cruises, exercises and instruction. PERSONAL SERVICE For the pay of crews and labor in connection with cruises, exercises and instruction and target practice 214 NAVAL MILITIA — Continued Wages, temporary Summer cruise $10,000 00 Exercises and instruction. 500 00 Target practice and small arms firing 2,000 00 $12,500 00 Total for personal service $12,500 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation in con- nection with cruises, exercises and instruction, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food Service rations of officers and enlisted men participating in cruises, exercises, in- struction and target prac- tice. Summer cruise $1,250 00 Exercises and instruction 500 00 Target practice and small arms firing. . . . 400 00 Hired horses and vehicles Cartage, summer cruise $2,150 00 100 00 Traveling expenses For traveling expenses of officers and enlisted men and for the transportation of crews and labor in con- nection with cruises, exer- cises, instruction and tar- get practice. Transportation of officers and enlisted men, exer- cises and instruction. $70 00 215 NAVAL MILITIA — Continued Traveling expenses — Continued Transportation of crews Summer cruise 200 00 Exercises and instruc- tion 100 00 Target practice and small arms firing. . 900 00 1,270 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 3,520 00 Total for cruises, exercises and instruction $16,020 00 Grand total for Naval Militia, Headquarters of Naval Militia, and Cruises, Exercises and In- struction $68,900 00 STATE ARMORY COMMISSION For payment for services of employees of the State Armory Commission. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Secretary $4,000 00 Inspector-architect .... 2,500 00 Inspector-architect .... 1,400 00 Senior clerk 1,560 00 Assistant 600 00 Stenographer 1,600 00 Salaries, temporary Commissions, per diem authorized by Military Law, 210 and 212. . . 2,200 00 $13,860 00 Total for personal service $13,860 00 216 STATE ARMORY COMMISSION — Continued For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the State Armory Commission, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $300 00 Advertising 500 00 Supplies Office . $450 00 •General plant 100 00 550 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials and employees .2,400 00 Hotel expenses 750 00 3 r 150 00 Communication 700 00 Maintenance undistributed For maintenance of armories in the counties of the third brigade district for the twelve months to commence on the first day of July, 1917, and to end on the 30th day of June, 1918, being an amount heretofore assessed pursuant to the military law as amended by chapter 558, of the laws of 1913 $279,178 81 For construction, alteration, repairs enlargement, rent- ing and equipping armories in the counties of the third brigade district for the twelve months to commence on the 1st day of July, 1917, and to end on the 30th day of June, 1918, being an amount heretofore 217 STATE ARMORY COMMISSION — Continued assessed pursuant to the military law as amended by chapter 558 , of the laws of 1913 33,470 00 For maintenance of armories in the fourth brigade dis- trict for the twelve months to commence on the 1st day of July, 1917, and to end on the 30th day of June, 1918, being an amount heretofore assessed pursu- ant to the military law as amended by chapter 558, of the laws of 1913 331,609 91* For construction, alteration, repairs, enlargement, rent- ing and equipping of ar- mories in the counties of the fourth brigade district for the twelve months to commence on the 1st day of July, 1917, and to end on the 30th day of June, 1918, being an amount heretofore assessed pursuant’ to the military law as amended by chapter 558, of the laws of 1913 17,130 00 661,388/ 72 General plant service 300 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 666,888 7 REPAIRS Buffalo, 3rd Field Artiller y armory, point- ing masonry (upper walls and parapets) interior painting and repair of guards and plaster in plunge hath room, and rein- forcing portion of drill hall floor $4,500 00 218 STATE ARMORY COMMISSION — Continued Schenectady, companies E and F, 2nd In- fantry armory, painting, decorating and heating and plumbing and lighting in con- nection with rearrangement of adminis- tration portion 2,700 00 Albany, 10th Infantry armory, repair of wrought iron guards and painting exterior wood and metal work 450 00 Catskill, company E, 10th Infantry Armory, repair of roofing, exterior masonry and sheet metal, and painting exterior metal and woodwork 400 00 Hornell, company K, 3rd Infantry Armory, repair of basement floors, walls and finish (damaged by flood) and alteration of plumbing to prevent recurrence 900 00 Mt. Vernon, company H, 10th Infantry Ar- mory, repair of masonry (rebuilding up- per portions of walls and parapets and pointing masonry and painting same) ... 900 00 Medina, company F, 3rd Infantry Armory, repair of roofing (removal of gutter lin- ings and cornice and pointing masonry) . . 700 00 Ogdensburg, company D, 1st Infantry Ar- mory, repair of electrical lighting system and bath and toilet accommodations . . . . 1,000 00 Peekskill, camp of instruction, painting frame buildings and new fixtures and fin- ish for bath and toilet units 900 00 Troy, headquarters 2nd Infantry Armory, pointing masonry and painting exterior wood and metal work 800 00 White Plains, company L, 10th Infantry Armory, replastering and finishing walls and ceilings 900 00 Amount estimated to provide for the cost of emergency repairs and alterations of ar- mories, camp grounds, rifle ranges and arsenals, or work made necessary by in- 219 STATE ARMORY COMMISSION — Continued crease of military units or other military necessities 10,000 00 24,150 00 Total for State Armory Commission $704,898 72 MILITARY TRAINING COMMISSION For payment for services of the employees of the Military Training Commission. PERSONAL SERVICE Physical training Salaries, regular State inspector of phys- ical training $5,000 00 Executive secretary .... 3,000 00 Assistant inspector of physical training, 8 at $3,000 24,000 00 Assistant inspector of physical training .... 2,500 00 Inspector 2,500 00 Stenographer, 6 at $900 . 5,400 00 Junior clerk 420 00 $42,820 00 Temporary employees Salaries, temporary Physical training experts at $10 per day, average two days a week 1,040 00 Total for personal service $43,800 00 220 MILITARY TRAINING COMMISSION — Continued For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Military Training Commission, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $5,000 00 Equipment Office $500 00 Books 100 00 600 00 Supplies 1,200 00 Traveling expenses 10,000 00 Communication 2,400 00 General plant service 1,000 00 Contingencies 250 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 20,450 00 F or personal service and maintenance and operation for the Military Training Commission (items to be segregated in the final appropriation act) . 100,000 00 Total for .Military Training Commission . $164,310 00 GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC For the expenses of the Grand Army of the Republic, Department of New York, office expenses $3,000 00 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION For payment for services of the Commissioners and the employees of the Civil Service Commission. Administration Salaries, regular ( Commissioner ident) PERSONAL SERVICE (pre s- $5,000 00 221 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION — Continued Administration — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Commissioner, 2 at $5,000 10,000 00 Secretary 4,000 00 Assistant secretary .... y© If** o o 00 Chief clerk, payroll bureau 1,800 00 Stenographer 1,500 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 Stenographer 1,080 00 Stenographer 960 00 Stenographer 900 00 Stenographer, 2 at $7 80 . 1,560 00 Clerk 1,020 00 Clerk, 2 at $960 1,920 00 Stenotype operator or stenographer 660 00 Telephone operator .... 600 00 Page 480 00 $35,0S0 00 Examinations Salaries, regular Chief examiner $3,900 00 Examiner 2,340 00 Examiner 2,160 00 Examiner, 2 at $1,980. 3,960 00 Examiner 1,440 00 Examiner 1,400 00 Examiner 840 00 Stenographer 1,080 00 Stenographer 780 00 Stenographer 66000 Typewriter copyist .... 780 00 Typewriter copyist .... 660 00 Junior clerk 660 00 Page 360 00 21,020 00 222 CIVIL SERVICE COMMISSION — Continued Examinations — Continued Salaries, temporary For salaries of temporary employees necessary to the work of the Com- mission 12,000 00 Total for personal service $68,100 00 For the expense of maintenance and operation of the Civil Service Commission, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $7,500 00 Equipment 500 00 Supplies 1,000 00 Traveling expenses 4,500 00 Communication 5,400 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 18,900 00 Total for Civil Service Commission $87,000 00 STATE TAX DEPARTMENT For payment for services of the commissioners and the employees of the State Tax Department. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration • Executive Salaries, regular Commissioner, president Commissioner, 2 at $6,000 Secretary Confidential secretary to president $6,500 00 12,000 00 4.000 00 2.000 00 $24,500 00 223 STATE TAX DEPARTMENT — Continued Administration — Continued General Salaries, regular Deputy commissioner and chief clerk $4,000 00 Bookkeeper and assistant chief clerk 2,340 00 Bookkeeper 2,160 00 Hearing stenographer. . 2,160 00 Clerk 1,500 00 Chief stenographer . . . 1,320 00 Stenographer, 4 at $1,200 4,800 00 Stenographer, 2 at $960 1,920 00 Stenographer 1,000 00 Stenographer 960 00 Stenographer 900 00 Stenographer 720 00 Special agent 2,100 00 Typewriter copyist . . . 1,000 00 Typewriter copyist, 4 at $960 3,840 00 Clerk 840 00 Telephone operator. . . . 900 00 File and index clerk. . . 900 00 Laborer 900 00 Stenographer, 3 at $840 2,520 00 Page 480 00 Typewriter copyist, 3 at ' $600 ' 1,800 00 39,060 00 File division Salaries, regular File clerk $1,400 00 Clerk, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 File and index clerk. . . 1,020 00 4,820 00 224 STATE TAX DEPARTMENT Administration — Continued Legal division Salaries, regular Counsel $4,000 00 Special agent acting' as assistant counsel 2,200 00 Stenographer and calen- dar clerk 1,600 00 Special franchise bureau Salaries, regular Deputy commissioner . . $4,750 00 Expert appraiser and assistant deputy .... 3,300 00 Expert appraiser, 2 at $3,175 6,350 00 Expert accountant .... 3,000 00 Special agent, 4 at $2,100 8,400 00 Special agent, 5 at $ 2,000 . . 10,000 00 — Continued 7,800 00 35,800 00 Bureau of local assessments, equalization and statistics Salaries, regular Deputy commissioner . . $4,250 00 Division of local assessments and equalization Salaries, regular Special agent 2,340 00 Special agent, 6 $2,000 at 12,000 00 Special agent, 4 $1,800 at 7,200 00 Clerk 1,200 00 26,900 00 Division of statistics Salaries, regular Statistician . . . Junior clerk . . $2,500 00 900 00 3,400 00 225 STATE TAX DEPARTMENT — Continued Administration — Continued Mortgage tax bureau Salaries, regular Deputy commissioner and chief clerk $4,250 00 Confidential mortgage tax examiner 3,600 00 Mortgage tax clerk. . . . 3,500 00 Mortgage tax examiner, 5 at $2,000 10,000 00 Mortgage tax examiner, 3 at $1,800 5,400 00 File and index clerk. . . 1,080 00 27,830 00 Corporation tax bureau Albany office Salaries, regular Deputy commissioner and chief clerk $5,000 00 .Assessing clerk, 2 at . $3,100 6,200 00 License clerk 2,160 00 Hearing stenographer. . 1,600 00 Corporation tax exam- iner 1,560 00 Corporation tax exam- iner, 3 at $1,500. . . . 4,500 00 Stenographer 1,400 00 Stenographer 960 00 Clerk . 1,500 00 Clerk, 3 at $1,400 4,200 00 Clerk 1,300 00 Bookkeeper 1,300 00 Clerk, 2 at $840 1,680 00 Messenger 1,000 00 Clerk.. 900 00 File and index clerk, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 8 37,660 00 226 STATE TAX DEPARTMENT — Continued Administration — Continued New York office Salaries, regular Corporation tax exam- iner and managing clerk Process server Hearing stenographer. . Clerk Temporary services (various bureaus) Salaries, temporary Stenographer, 12 mo., at $75 Typewriter copyist, 30 months, at $60 Telephone operator, 1 month, at $75 Junior clerk, 1 month, at $60 Total for personal service $3,000 00 1,500 00 1,320 00 1,200 00 7,020 00 $900 00 1,800 00 75 00 60 00 2,835 00 $237,715 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the State Tax Department, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing Report forms, corporations and local officials $8,900 00 Letter heads and envelopes. . 4,500 00 Advance report to legislature and other publications .... 2,000 00 Circular letters 200 00 Blanks for office use 1,100 00 Blanks for certification of special franchise assess- ments 90000 Miscellaneous 400 00 227 STATE TAX DEPARTMENT — Continued Tax conference: For copies of proceedings of State tax conference and conference of local officials, and for expenses and disbursements in- curred in connection therewith 3,000 00 Equipment Office $2,000 00 Books 700 00 Supplies Office Traveling expenses For transportation and hotel expenses of commissioners, secretary, deputy commis- sioners, expert appraisers, corporation tax examiners, mortgage tax clerk, mort- gage tax examiners, expert accountant, special agents and other employees $25,000 00 National tax conference: For transportation and hotel expenses of representatives attending annual national tax conference 500 00 21,000 00 2,700 00 5,000 00 Communication Postage and transportation. $7,100 00 Telephone and telegraph... 1,900 00 General plant service For the purchase of records, data and publications relating to real estate sales and assessments Rents 25,500 00 9.000 00 3.000 00 1.000 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service $67,200 00 Total for department. 1917-18 $284,915 00 228 STATE TAX DEPARTMENT — Continued TO BE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing Tax conference: For copies of proceedings of State tax conference and conference of local officials, and for expenses and disbursements in- curred in connection therewith $2,000 00 For deficiency in appro- priation for printing as provided by chapter 646 of the laws of 1916. . . . 6,000 00 Total, immediately available $8,000 00 Total for State Tax Department $292,915 00 STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF ELECTIONS For payment for services of the Superintendent and the employees in the office of State Superintendent of Elections. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Executive Salaries, regular Superintendent $5,000 00 Chief deputy 4,000 00 Secretary 2,000 00 Chief stenographer. . . . 1,500 00 $12,500 00 General Salaries, regular Clerk . . $1,800 00 Stenographer, 10 at $900 9,000 00 Clerk, 36 at $780. 28,080 00 38,880 00 229 STATE SUPERINTENDENT OF ELECTIONS — Continued Administration - — Continued Deputies Salaries, regular Deputy, 13 at $1,500.. $19,500 00 Deputy, TO at $1,080. . 75,600 00 Salaries, temporary Deputy, 150, 40 days at $5 per day 30,000 00 : 125,100 00 Total personal service $176,480 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the office of the State Superintendent of Elections, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $5,000 00 Equipment 600 00 Supplies 2,000 00 Traveling expenses 5,000 00 Communication 4,800 00 Rents 13,750 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 31,150 00 Total for State Superintendent of Elections $207,630 00 DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE For payment for services of the State Architect and the employees of the Department of Architecture. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular State Architect. . Executive deputy $10,000 00 5,000 00 230 DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE — Continued Administration — Continued General — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Executive secretary ... 4,000 00 Assistant secretary .... 2,650 00 Executive clerk 2,300 00 Chief clerk 1,700 00 Stenographer 1,500 00 Stenographer 1,300 00 Stenographer, 3 at $1,- 200 3,600 00 Stenographer 1,000 00 Stenographer 900 00 Stenographer 600 00 Clerk and stenographei . 1,400 00 Messenger 1,200 00 Junior clerk 960 00 Page, 2 at $360 720 00 Telephone operator .... 960 00 $39,790 00 Salaries, temporary Stenographer, 8 months at $70 560 00 Page, 4 months, at $30 . 120 00 $680 00 $40,470 00 Blue printing and plan file Salaries, regular Draftsman $1,800 00 Draftsman 1,200 00 Junior clerk 720 00 3,720 00 New York office Salaries, regular Confidential assistant . . $1,500 00 Confidential assistant . . 1,250 00 2,750 00 231 DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE — Continued Administration - — Continued Division of design and construction Salaries, regular Assistant state architect. $5,000 00 Chief draftsman 3,200 00 Chief of institutional de- sign 3,000 00 Draftsman 1,800 00 Draftsman, 2 at $1,700. 3,400 00 Draftsman 1,680 00 Draftsman 1,350 00 Draftsman, 4 at $1,200. 4,800 00 Draftsman, 2 at $1,000. 2,000 00 Expert specification writer 2,800 00 Specification writer . . . 2,000 00 Architectural designer . 2,400 00 Architectural designer . 1,920 00 Architectural designer . 1,680 00 Architectural designer, 2 at $1,600 3,200 00 Architectural designer . 1,500 00 Special architectural de- signer 2,340 00 Special architectural de- signer 2,200 00 Special architectural de- signer 1,600 00 Special architectural de- signer 1,500 00 Chief structural engineer 3,000 00 Structural engineer ... 1,980 00 Junior draftsman 800 00 Junior clerk 720 00 * $55,870 00 Salaries, temporary Architectural designer, 6 months at $200 per month 1,200 00 232 DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE — Continued Administration — Continued Division of design and construction — Continued Salaries, temporary — Continued Architectural designer, 6 months at $150 per month . 900 00 Draftsman, 12 months at $100 per month .... 1,200 00 Tracer, 6 months at $50 per month 300 00 $3,600 00 59,470 00 $4,000 00 5,200 00 1,900 00 1,800 00 1,800 00 1,800 00 1,400 00 1,800 00 $19,700 00 Salaries, temporary Engineer and draftsman, 12 months at $125 per month 1,500 00 21,200 00 Inspection division Salaries, regular Chief inspector $3,000 00 Engineering inspector . 2,500 00 Engineering inspector . 1,900 00 Assistant engineer .... 1,800 00 Superintendent of con- struction 2,700 00 Superintendent of con- struction, 3 at $2,400 7,200 00 Engineering division Salaries, regular Chief engineer Heating engineer, 2 at $2,600 Heating engineer Heating engineer Sanitary draftsman . . . Electrical engineer .... Draftsman Tracer, 2 at $900 233 DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE — Continued Administration — Continued Inspection division — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Superintendent of con- struction Superintendent of con- struction, 3 at $2,000. Superintendent of con- struction Superintendent of -con- struction, 7 at $1,800 Draftsman and building inspector Confidential inspector . Junior clerk 2,100 00 6,000 00 1,900 00 12,600 00 1,800 00 1,400 00 720 00 45,620 00 Total for personal service $173,230 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Department of Architecture, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $4,500 00 Equipment Office 1,500 00 Supplies Office 4,500 00 Traveling expenses 12,000 00 Communication 4,000 00 General plant service 200 00 Rents 1,000 00 Total for maintenance and operation other than per- sonal service 327,700 00 Total for department 1017-18 $200,030 00 234 DEPARTMENT OF ARCHITECTURE — Continued TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Traveling expenses $2,000 00 Fixed charges and contributions For payment to John A. Stevens for pro- fessional services rendered and disburse- ments incurred aiid paid in connection with the charges made against Charles A. Sussdorf, executive deputy state architect, in connection with the Great Meadow prison cases at Hudson Falls, N. Y., during the years 1913, 1914, 1915 and 1916 3,088 70 Total for immediately available 5,088 70 Total for Department of Architecture $206,018 70 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS For payment for services of employees of the Department of Public Buildings. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration division Salaries, regular Superintendent $5,000 00 Deputy superintendent. 3,500 00 Chief clerk and book- keeper 2,580 00 Private secretary and cashier 2,000 00 Stenographer and clerk 1,700 00 Messenger and weigher. 1,400 00 Custodian of senate. . . . 1,200 00 Custodian of assembly. . 1,080 00 Telephone operator ... 720 00 Wages, regular Laborer 792 00 $19,972 00 235 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS — Continued Engineering General Salaries, regular Chief engineer Power house division Wages, regular Assistant chief engineer $1,500 00 Assistant steam engineer, 3 at $1,210 3,630 00 Chief fireman, 2 at $1,056 2,112 00 Fireman, 3 at $1,056. . 3,168 00 Fireman, 6 at $990 .... 5,940 00 Laborer, 11 at $871.20. 9,583 20 Capitol engine room division Wages, regular Engineer $1,210 00 Assistant steam engineer 1,210 00 Assistant steam engineer 1,100 00 Chief fireman 1,056 00 Mechanical division Wages, regular Chief carpenter $1,400 00 Carpenter, 2 at $1,252/ 2,504 00 Plumber and gasfitter, 2 at $1,502.40 3,004 80 Steamfitter 1,502 40 Steamfitter’s helper. . . . 840 00 Machinist and locksmith 1,200 00 Assistant machinist. . . . 1,200 00 Roofer 1,502 40 Rigger 1,095 50 Electrical engineer ... 1,812 00 Laborer, 2 at $792 1,584 00 Painter 1,252 00 Stone cutter and tile setter 1,627 00 Upholsterer 1,000 00 Seamstress 626 00 3,000 00 25,933 20 4,576 00 22,150 10 236 DEPAETMEMT OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS — Continued Orderly Wages, regular Chief orderly Orderly, 9 at $792. . . . Watchman, 2 at $960. . Elevatorman, 12 at $1,200 Laborer Laborer, 10 at $792. . . . $1,800 00 7,128 00 1.920 00 14,400 00 900 00 7.920 00 Cleaning Wages, regular Laborer, 2, in charge, at $1,080 Laborer, 25 at $792. .. . Porter, 21 at $660 Portress Forewoman Cleaner, 57 at $391.25. $2,160 00 19,800 00 13,860 00 540 00 600 00 22,301 25 Eire watch 34,068 00 59,261 25 Wages, regular Captain of fire watch. . $1,200 00 Laborer, 3 at $792.... 2,376 00 ■ 3,576 00 Executive Mansion Wages, regular Attendant $1,620 00 Attendant 1,200 00 Gardener 1,200 00 Laborer, 6 at $792.... 4,752 00 Forewoman 540 00 Laundress, 2 at $480. . . 960 00 Cleaner 480 00 Cleaner, 2 at $391.25. . 782 50 Geological Hall Wages, regular Janitor $1,400 00 Fireman 1,056 00 11,534 50 237 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS — Continued Geological Hall — - Continued Wages, regular — Continued Laborer 792 00 Porter 660 00 Janitress 480 00 Cleaner, 4 at $391.25. . 1,565 00 5,953 00 State Hall Wages, regular Janitor, 9 months $1,400 00 Elevatorman, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Fireman, 2 at $990. . . . 1,980 00 Laborer, 2 at $792. . . . 1,584 00 Porter 660 00 Janitress 540 00 Cleaner, 8 for 9 months 3,130 00 Kingston Senate House Wages, regular Custodian 11,694 00 800 00 Temporary services Wages, temporary 2,009 00 Pension of Veterans Orderly, 4 at $396 $1,584 00 Watchman, 2 at $480 960 00 2,544 00 Total personal service $207,062 05 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Department of Public Buildings, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $39,000 00 Light 2,000 00 Water 3,500 00 Electric light bulbs and gas mantels . 3,500 00 Waste 300 00 $48,300 00 238 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS — Continued Printing 300 00 Advertising 35 00 Equipment Office $800 00 Household 4,500 00 General plant 2,000 00 7,300 00 Supplies Office $2,500 00 Household 3,000 00 Laundry, cleaning, etc O O CO of 00 Botanical and agricultural. . 1,000 00 Refrigerating 300 00 General plant 5,000 00 14,400 00 Material* General plant Communication Freight and express $400 00 Postage and messenger serv- ice 250 00 Telephone and telegraph. . . . 400 00 General plant service 2,500 00 1,050 00 7,000 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service $80,885 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment 8,000 00 Total for department, 1917-18 $295,947 05 239 DEPARTMENT OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS — Continued TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE. For services of employees of the Department of Public Buildings. PERSONAL SERVICE Orderly Wages, regular Orderly $435 60 Orderly 396 00 Watchman 540 00 $1,371 60 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water Water $2,326 00 Equipment Household 6,295 49 Communication Telephone and telegraph 624 00 Fixed charges and contributions Medical care for State employees 2,260 11 11,505 60 Total immediately available 12,877 20 Total for Department of Public Buildings $308,824 25 TRUSTEES OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS For payment for services of employees in the office of Trustees of Public Buildings. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Secretary $1,500 00 Supervising auditor . . . 1,000 00 Confidential agent 1,800 00 Stenographer 1,500 00 $5,800 00 Total for personal service $5,800 00 240 TRUSTEES OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS — Continued For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the office of Trustees of Public Buildings, other than per- sonal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $200 00 Traveling expenses 1,000 00 Rents New York Telephone build- ing $53,434 00 D. & H. building 25,000 00 78,434 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 79,634 00 REPAIRS For repairs to building at No. 14 Washing- ton avenue, city of Albany, occupied by the Public Service Commission, Second District, and damaged by commission dur- ing commission’s occupancy of the prem- ises $288 92 For relaying sidewalks on Hawk street side of Education Building adjacent to Capital park 3,000 00 • 3,288 92 Total for department, 1917-18 $88,722 92 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the office of Trustees of Public Buildings, other than per- sonal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION General plant service For the decorating of the Capitol for the unveiling of the Sheridan monument. . $500 00 241 TRUSTEES OF PUBLIC BUILDINGS — Continued Rents For deficiency rent and inter- est for premises 176 State street, city of Albany, Rollin B. Sanford, agent, and occupied by the ad- jutant general’s office $1,714 06 For deficiency in rent for premises northwest corner of Swan street and Wash- ington avenue, city of Albany, occupied by De- partment of Efficiency and Economy 625 00 2,339 06 Total immediately available 2,839 06 Total for Trustees of Public Buildings $91,561 98 CHARITIES BUILDING IMPROVEMENT COMMISSION For payment for services of employees of Charities Building Im- provement Commission. Administration Salaries, regular Secretary . . . PERSONAL SERVICE $500 00 242 CONSERVATION COMMISSION For payment for services of the commissioner and the employees of the Conservation Commission. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Commissioner $8,000 00 Deputy commissioner. . 6,000 00 Secretary 3,000 00 Counsel 6,000 00 Private secretary and editor 2,700 00 Assistant secretary and cashier 2,400 00 Auditor and pay clerk. . 2,800 00 Confidential agent, 3 at $1,800 5,400 00 Assistant to chief of pub- lication 1,500 00 Stenographer 1,800 00 Stenographer 1,500 00 Stenographer 1,400 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 Stenographer 720 00 Multigraph operator ... 900 00 Messenger 1,100 00 Clerk 1,400 00 Clerk 1,000 00 Telephone operator .... 960 00 $49,780 00 Wages, regular Laborer 720 00 Laborer 600 00 $1,320 00 243 CONSERVATION COMMISSION — Continued Administration — Continued Salaries, temporary Counsel 1,200 00 Stenographers 600 00 $1,800 00 Division of fish and game Salaries, regular Chief protector $4,000 00 Deputy chief protector . . 2,580 00 Superintendent of inland fisheries 2,800 00 License clerk 2,000 00 Record and penalty clerk 1,800 00 Stenographer 1,300 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 Stenographer, 2 at $960 . 1,920 00 Stenographer 900 00 Stenographer 600 00 Stenotype operator .... 960 00 Division chiefs, 12 at $1,600 19,200 00 Importation agent, 2 at $1,500 3,000 00 Marine fisheries pro- tectors, 5 at $1,300. . . 6,500 00 Came protector 1,150 00 Game protector, 5 at $1,100 5,500 00 Game protector, 8 at $1,050 8,400 00 Game protector, 16 at $1,000 . , 16,000 00 Game protector, 22 at $950 20.900 00 Game protector, 73 at $900 . 65,700 00 $166,410 00 244 CONSERVATION COMMISSION — Continued Division of fish and game — Continued Wages, regular • Laborer 720 00 Wages, temporary Assistant to game pro- tectors, 2,500 days at $2 5,000 00 Special protectors, 1,000 days at $2 2,000 00 Engineer, Long Island, 2 at $900 1,800 00 Engineer, Oneida Lake. 600 00 $9,400 00 Fish culture Salaries, regular Fish culturist $4,000 00 Chief clerk 2,000 00 Stereopticon operator . . 1,600 00 Hatchery foremen, 12 at $1,140 13,680 00 Field superintendent . . . 1,800 00 176,530 00 $23,080 00 Wages, temporary Laborers, at not to exceed $2.50 per day 40,000 00 63,080 00 Game bird farms Salaries, regular Superintendent $2,000 00 Assistant superintendent, 3 at $1,200 3,600 00 Assistant superintendent, 3 at $900 2,700 00 $8,300 00 Wages, regular Laborer, 6 at $600 3,600 00 245 CONSERVATION COMMISSION — Continued Game bird forms — Continued Wages, temporary Laborers * 1,500 00 Marine fisheries bureau Salaries, regular Supervisor $3,000 00 Confidential secretary. . 1,800 00 Cashier and bookkeeper. 2,000 00 Stenographer 1,300 00 Chainman 1,200 00 Division of lands and forests Salaries, regular Superintendent of forests 4,000 00 Assistant superintendent of forests 2,580 00 Surveyor 2,400 00 Special agent and land clerk . . 2,000 00 Fire account auditor. . . . 1,800 00 Forester, 2 at $1,800. . . 3,600 00 Forester, 2 at $1,440. . . 2,880 00 Forester 1,320 00 Stenographer 1,000 00 Stenographer 900 00 Stenographer 780 00 Junior clerk 900 00 Caretaker, Cuba reserva- tion 600 00 Nursery foreman 900 00 Nursery foreman, 3 at $840 2,520 00 Nursery foreman 600 00 Forest surveyor and draftsman 1,080 00 District forest ranger, 5 at $1,560 , 7,800 00 Surveyor 1,080 00 13,400 00 9,300 00 $38,740 00 246 CONSERVATION COMMISSION — Continued Division of land and forests — Continued Wages, temporary Laborers, assisting sur- veyor $4,000 00 Laborers in nursery work, not to exceed 25 cents per hour 22,000 00 $26,000 0D F ire fighting and prevention Salaries, regular Chief fire inspector, 2 at $1,400 Salaries, temporary Ranger, 17 at $60 per per month, 12 months Ranger, 4 at $65 per month, 7^/2 months . . . Ranger, 38 at $65 per month, 7 months Ranger, 6 at $70 per month, 12 months. . . . Ranger, 3 at $75 per month, 12 months . . . . Observer, 3 at $62 per month, 7 months. . . . Observer, 32 at $72 per month, 7 months . . . . Observer, 8 at $62 per month, 7% months . . . $2,800 00 12,240 00 1,950 00 17,290 00 5,040 00 2,700 00 1,302 00 16,128 00 3,720 00 64,740 00 Wages, temporary Laborers, fighting fires, not to exceed 25 cents per hour $63,170 00 14,700 00 77,870 00 247 CONSERVATION COMMISSION — Continued Division of waters Salaries, regular Division engineer $4,000 00 Assistant engineer, 2 at $3,000 €.000 00 Assistant engineer, 3 at $2,160 6,480 00 Junior engineer 1,500 00 Rodman 1,440 00 Map draftsman 1,500 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,- 100 2,200 00 Stenographer 1,020 00 Clerk : 900 00 Junior assistant 900 00 Junior assistant 1,080 00 Page 480 00 Wages, regular Gate tender, River dam $27,500 00 Beaver 500 00 Survey work Wages, temporary Junior engineer, 310 days at $5 $1,550 00 Junior engineer, 600 days, at $3.50 2,100 00 Junior engineer, 400 days, at $2.50 1,000 00 Junior engineer, 620 days, at $2.50 1,550 00 Laborers, 800 days, at $2 1,600 00 Guides and cooks, 300 days, at $3 900 00 28,000 (& 8,700 00 248 CONSERVATION COMMISSION — Continued Bureau of docks and dams For making investigation, plans, reports, etc., of docks and dams under section 22, article 3, of the Conservation Law. Salaries, regular Inspector of docks and dams $3,500 00 Wages, temporary Assistants, 500 days, at $2 1,000 00 Inspection of construction work on St. Lawrence reservation, docks, dams, etc. Wages, temporary Assistants, 125 days, at $4 500 00 5,000 00 Hydrographic investigations Salaries, temporary District engineer $250 00 Assistant engineer .... 1,595 00 Junior engineers 2,200 00 Clerks 1,595 00 River gage observers at salaries not to exceed $7.50 per month. . . . 1,200 00 6,840 00 Total for personal service $506,360 00 For expenses of maintenance and operation of the Con- servation Commission, other than personal service. 249 CONSERVATION COMMISSION — Continued MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $3,200 00 Fuel, light, power and water 6,000 00 Printing 15,000 00 Advertising 400 00 Equipment Office $500 00 Motorless vehicles 400 00 Motor vehicles 6,000 00 Farm and garden 600 00 Live stock 4,000 00 General plant 3,700 00 Supplies Office $2,000 00 Motor vehicle 12,000 00 Botanical and agricultural. .. 1,000 00 Forage and veterinary 6,000 00 General plant (including hunters buttons) 10,500 00 Refrigerating 500 00 15,200 00 32,000 00 Materials General plant 5,000 00 Hired horses and vehicles 1,500 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials or employees $65,000 00 Hotel expenses 56,000 00 121,000 00 Communication 15,000 00 Fixed charges and contributions 10,050 00 Rents 6,850 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service $231,200,00 250 CONSERVATION COMMISSION — Continued REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for re- pairs to buildings and equipment 3,000 00 Total for Commission 1917-18 $740,560 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Supplies 7,000 00 Traveling expenses 12,000 00 Total immediately available 19,000 00 Total for Conservation Commission $759,560 00 SARATOGA SPRINGS DIVISION For payment for servcies of employ ess of the Saratoga Springs Divi- sion of the Conservation Commission. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Superintendent $5,000 00 Engineer 3,000 00 Chemist 1,980 00 Secretary 1,800 00 Stenographer and book- keeper 1,020 00 $12,800 00 251 CONSERVATION COMMISSION — Continued Administration — Continued Wages, temporary Laborer, 360 days at $2.25 810 00 Laborer, 150 days at $2.00 300 00 $1,110 00 $13,910 00 Free service Wages, temporary Laborer, 300 days at $1.50 $450 00 Extra laborers 675 00 Parks and roads Salaries, regular Park superintendent . 1,125 00 $200 00 Wages, regular Laborer 600 00 Wages, temporary Laborers, 8 months at $2 a day each 2,400 00 Chauffeur 960 00 Night watchman 730 00 $4,090 00 4,890 00 Total for personal service $19,925 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Conservation Commission, Saratoga Springs Division, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water $500 00 Printing 1,500 00 252 CONSERVATION COMMISSION — Continued Equipment 800 00 Supplies 1,000 00 Materials 500 00 Traveling expenses 800 00 Communication 500 00 General Plant Service 250 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than per- sonal service 5,850 00 REPAIRS For 'work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment. Repairs to High Rock baths $1,000 00 Repairs to Lincoln bath house plumbing. . . 2,000 00 Repairs to Drink Hall 900 00 Repairs to gas plant 2,500 00 Repairs to dwelling houses (4) 700 00 Repairs to Geyser building 1,000 00 Miscellaneous repairs 4,500 00 12,000 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS Hathorn No 3 spring house $400 00 Coesa spring house 400 00 Congress No. 2 spring house 300 00 Dressing room, Lincoln bath house 1,000 00 Drilling Smith well deeper 1,500 00 Ferndell storehouse and boiler room 4,000 00 7,600 00 Total for Saratoga Springs Division $45,975 00 Total for Conservation Commission, including Saratoga Springs Division $805,535 00 [Note. — The preceding tentative proposals, both for personal service and for other than personal service are based upon the establishment of 253 CONSERVATION COMMISSION — Continued a Capital Fund for all industries in this division of the Conservation Commission. In the event of the Capital Fund not being created by legislative action, the following amounts in full or in part should be added to the corresponding items in the preceding schedules :] PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Office manager (mineral water department) . . $1,500 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 Stenographer 720 00 Stenographer 540 00 $3,960 00 Well department Wages, temporary Wellman, 300 days at $4.00 Wellman, 182 days at $3.00 Wellman, 182 days at $2.50 ... .' Laborer, 300 days at $2.00 $1,200 00 546 00 455 00 600 00 2,801 00 Bottling works Salaries, regular Superintendent of the bottling works $1,080 00 Wages, temporary Laborers, 6 (filling, washing and labeling bottles) 3,250 00 Laborers, 8 (filling, washing and labeling bottles in rush season) . 3,675 00 8,005 00 254 CONSERVATION COMMISSION — Continued Saratoga baths Salaries, temporary Superintendent for 5 months at $100 $500 00 Attendants 6 for 4 months at $60 1,440 00 Cashier for 5 months at $45 225 00 $2,165 00 Wages, regular Engineer . . : 1,020 00 Laborer (cleaner) 540 00 Attendants 4 for 12 months at $60 2,880 00 $4,440 00 Wages, temporary Laborers, temporary (cleaners) 3 for 5 months 750 00 7,355 00 Lincoln baths Salaries, temporary Superintendent for 4 months at $100 $400 00 Attendants, 6 for 4 months at $60 1,440 00 Cashier for 4 months at $45 180 00 Swimming instructor, 3 months at $60 180 00 $2,200 00 Wages, regular Engineer 1,020 00 255 CONSERVATION COMMISSION — Continued Lincoln baths — Continued Wages, temporary Engine room helper for season, cleaners, 4 for season, lock room help- ers, 2 for season 1,300 00 High Hock baths Salaries, temporary Superintendent for 2 months at $75 $150 00 Cashier for 2 months at $45 90 00 Attendants, 4 for 2 months at $60 480 00 Wages, temporary Engineer for 2 months at $60 120 00 4,520 00 Bath attendant helpers 3 for season, cleaners, 30 for season 600 00 Drink hall Salaries, temporary Cashiers, 2 for 4 mos. at $45 $360 00 Wages, temporary Laborers, 3 (one night man and two day men at counter) 2,250 00 Temporary labor (boys as needed to serve water) 600 00 Free service Wages, temporary Laborer, 300 days at $1.50 (to care for Lla- thorn No. 1 spring) . . 1,440 00 3,210 00 $450 00 256 CONSERVATION COMMISSION — Continued Free service — Continued W ages, temporary - — Continued Extra laborers, 5 to sell cups, etc., in summer at Congress spring, Ha thorn No. 1 spring and Hathorn No. 3 spring 675 00 Parks and roads Salaries, regular Park superintendent . . . $1,200 00 Wages, regular Laborer 600 00 Wages, temporary Temporary laborers, for 8 months at $2 per day 2,400 00 Auto truck Wages, regular Chauffeur Protection of property Wages, regular Night watchman 1,125 00 4,200 00 960 00 730 00 Total for personal service $38,306 00 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water $7,000 00 Printing 3,500 00 Supplies 206,120 00 Communication 5,000 00 Fixed charges and contribution General plant service 500 00 750 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 222,870 00 Total to be payable from capital fund in the event of its creation bv legislative action $261,176 00 257 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE For the payment for services of the Commissioner and the em- ployees of the Department of Agriculture. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Commissioner $8,000 00 Deputy commissioner. . 5,000 00 Deputy commissioner. . 4,000 00 Supervisory agent .... 4,000 00 Secretary 3,500 00 Stenographer 2,000 00 Chief investigator .... 1,500 00 Confidential agent .... 1,500 00 Special detective, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Library assistant 900 00 Telephone operator 900 00 Clerk 1,080 00 Clerk, 2 at $720 1,440 00 Page 480 00 Wages, regular Laborer, 2 at $720. .. . 1,440 00 $38,140 00 Accounts Salaries, regular Chief, bureau of ac- counts 2,000 00 Clerk 1,800 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 Agent 1,200 00 Bookkeeper 1,050 00 Bookkeeper 900 00 9 $7,850 00 258 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE — Continued Administration — Continued Editing and bookkeeping Salaries, regular Editorial clerk 1,500 00 Proofreader, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 $3,900 00 New York office Salaries, regular Agent in charge 2,400 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 Stenographer 90000 Agent, 3 at $1,500 4,500 00 Agent, 3 at $1,200 3,600 00 Agent 1,380 00 Agent, 11 at $900 9,900 00 Wages, regular Laborer, 2 at $720 .... 1,440 00 Special detective, 2 at $1,500 3,000 00 Telephone operator .... 480 00 $28,800 00 Utica office Salaries, regular Agent in charge 1,800 00 Agent 1,800 00 Agent, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Agent, 4 at $900 3,600 00 Cheese instructor, 3 at $1,620 4,860 00 Clerk 900 00 $15,360 00 Cortland office Salaries, regular Agent in charge 1,800 00 Agent, 5 at $1,200.... 6,000 00 Agent 900 00 259 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE — Continued Administration — Continued Cortland office — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Cheese instructor. . . . . . 1,620 00 Special detective. . . . . . . 1,500 00 $11,820 00 Rochester office Salaries, regular Agent in charge. . . . . . . 1,800 00 Agent, 3 at $1,200. . . . 3,600 00 Agent 900 00 Cheese instructor. . . . . . 1,620 00 Butter instructor. . . . . . 1,620 00 Stenographer 900 00 $10,440 00 Buffalo office Salaries, regular Agent in charge. . . . . . . 1,800 00 Agent, 2 at $1,500 . . . . 3,000 00 Agent, 3 at $1,200 . . . . 3,600 00 Agent, 4 at $900. . . . . . 3,600 00 Veterinary agent . . , . . . 2,000 00 Cheese instructor . . . . . 1,380 00 Stenographer 720 ' 00 $16,100 00 $132. Legal bureau Salaries, regular Counsel . . . $4,000 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,500 . .. 3,000 00 Stenographer 900 00 Stenotype operator. . , 900 00 Stenographer 720 00 Index clerk . . . 1,200 00 Filing clerk . . . 1,200 00 Detective . . . . 1,500 00 13,420 00 260 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE — Continued Bureau of veterinary service Salaries, regular Chief $3,300 00 First assistant veterina- rian 2,580 00 Veterinarian 2,580 00 Veterinarian . . .. . 2,500 00 Veterinarian 2,160 00 Veterinarian 1,980 00 Veterinarian 1,800 00 Cashier 1,800 00 Confidential agent .... 1,800 00 Agent 1,200 00 Clerk, 2 at $1,500 . . 3,000 00 Clerk 1,200 00 Filing clerk 1,200 00 Filing clerk 720 00 Stenographer, 4 at $1,200 4,800 00 Stenographer 900 00 Stenographer 840 00 Stenographer 600 00 Page 480 00 Wages, regular Laborer 720 00 $36,160 00 Salaries, temporary Veterinarian at $7 (900 days) 6,300 00 Veterinarian at $10 (1120 days) . . . 11,200 00 Appraiser at $5 (200 days) 1,000 00 Wages, regular Laborer at $2.50 (365 days) 912 50 $19,412 50 55,572 50 261 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE — Continued Bureau of farmers’ institutes Salaries, regular Director $3,120 00 Stenographer 1,500 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 Clerk 1,200 00 $7,020 00 Salaries, temporary Lecturers, compensation from $6 to $10 per day 11,002 00 18,022 00 Farm Bureau Salaries, regular Director, State’s share. . $1,000 00 Assist’nt director, State’s share, 2 at $1,000 . . . 2,000 00 3,000 00 Bureau of plant industry Salaries, regular Chief $3,000 00 Assistant chief 2,000 00 Pathologist 1,800 00 Inspector 2,000 00 Inspector, 7 at $1,500*. . 10,500 00 Inspector, 7 at $1,260. . 8,820 00 Inspector, 14 at $900. . . 12,600 00 Inspector of bees, 4 at $800 3,200 00 Stenographer 1,0*20 00 Typewriter copyist .... 900 00 $45,840 00 Wages, temporary Laborer at $2 (450 days) . 900 00 46,740 00 262 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE — Continued Bureau of dairy products Salaries, regular Chief of bureau $2,700 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,080 2,160 00 Agent 1,500 00 Agent, 3 at $1,320 3,960 00 Agent, 7 at $1,200 8,400 00 Agent, 2 at $900 1,800 00 20,520 00 Bureau of food products Salaries, regular Agent, chief of bureau. $1,800 00 Stenographer 600 00 Agent 2,000 00 Agent 1,500 00 5,900 00 Bureau of licenses Salaries, regular Superintendent $2,400 00 Bookkeeper 1,200 00 Stenographer 1,020 00 Stenographer, 2 at $900. 1,800 00 Stenographer 720 00 New York City branch counsel 1,500 00 8,640 00 Chemical laboratories Albany laboratory Salaries, regular Chief chemist $3,000 00 Chemist 1,680 00 Chemist 1,500 00 Wages, regular Laborer 720 00 $6,900 00 263 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE — Continued Chemical laboratories — Continued New York laboratory Salaries, regular Chemist $3,000 00 Chemist 1,200 00 Assistant chemist 800 00 $5,000 00 Ithaca laboratory Salaries, regular Chemist, 2 at $2,000 . . . $4,000 00 Buffalo laboratory Salaries, regular Chemist 1,800 00 Canton laboratory Salaries, regular Chemist 600 00 Bureau of statistics Salaries, regular Chief of bureau $2,700 00 Assistant 1,500 00 Stenographer 900 00 Stenographer 600 00 Bureau of State institution farms Salaries, regular Inspector of farms $2,400 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 Salaries, temporary Inspector at $7 (200 days) 1,400 00 Bureau of supervision of co-operative associations Salaries, regular Superintendent $3,000 00 Stenographer 720 00 18,300 00 5,700 00 $5,000 00 3,720 00 264 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE — Continued Pension of veterans Agent, 2 at $600 - 1,200 00 Total for personal service $338,144 50 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Department of Agriculture, other than personal service MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing . . Advertising Equipment Office . . Supplies Office . . $15,000 00 2,000 00 2.500 00 4.500 00 Traveling expenses Commissioner’s expenses. . . $1,200 00 Horticulture, nursery and bee inspectors 21,000 00 Agents, deputies and admin- istrative employees 46,800 00 Farmers’ institute employees 7,000 00 Veterinary bureau employees 19,000 00 Agricultural information and statistics employees 2,000 00 Inspectors of state institu- tions 2,000 00 Farm bureau director and as- sistant director 1,000 00 100,000 00 Communication Telephone $3,000 00 Telegraph 500 00 Express 775 00 Postage 7,500 00 Freight and cartage 225 00 12,000 00 265 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE — Continued Fixed charges and contribu- tions Co-operative farm bureaus. . $25,200 00 Expense annual conference. 1,000 00 For apportionment to agri- cultural fairs under the provisions of section three hundred and ten of chapter nine of the Laws of nine- teen hundred and nine, be- ing the Agricultural Law. 250,000 00 Diseases of plants, currants. . 6,000 00 For the payment of claims of horses suffering from glanders, appraised, con- demned and killed by or- der of the Commissioner of Agriculture, thirty-three thousand, eighty-six dol- lars and seventy-five cents, the same being the amount of claims proven up to De- cember first, nineteen hun- dred and sixteen 33,086 75 For the payment of claims for cattle suffering from tuberculosis, appraised, condemned and killed by order of the Commissioner of Agriculture, one hun- dred and one thousand nine hundred and ninety-nine dollars and fifty-five cents, the same being the amount of claims proven up to December first, nineteen hundred and sixteen 101,999 55 Interest on indemnities, Mar. 1 to Sept, 1, 1916 8,855 96 426,142 26 General plant service 1,000 00 266 DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE — Continued Rents New York office $3,000 00 New York chemical labora- tory 1,290 00 Albany chemical laboratory. . 180 00 Utica office 300 00 Cortland office 60 00 Rochester office 540 00 Buffalo office 600 00 Columbia University 500 00 6,470 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than per- sonal service 569,612 26 Total for Department, 1917-18 $907,756 76 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the services of the employees of the Department of Agriculture. PERSONAL SERVICE Bureau of supervision of co-operative Associations. Salaries, regular Superintendent $750 00 Stenographer 180 00 Pension of veterans Agent 685 48 $1,615 48 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fixed charges and contributions For the payment of temporary loan made by the State Comptroller for the sup- pression of insect pests 15,000 00 Total immediately available $16,615 48 Total for Department of Agriculture $924,372 24 267 NEW YORK AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION, GENEVA For payment for services of employees at the New York Agricul- tural Experiment Station, Geneva. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Director $5,000 00 Secretary and treasurer. 600 00 Mailing clerk 1,000 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,- 200 2,400 00 Stenographer, 4 at $840 3,360 00 Stenographer 960 00 $13,320 00 Research Salaries, regular Agriculturist and super- intendent of labor. . . $1,500 00 Agronomist 2,500 00 Assistant agronomist . . 1,300 00 Associate chemist, agron- omist 1,800 00 Assistant chemist, agron- omist 1,400 00 Assistant in animal hus- bandry 2,000 00 Bacteriologist 3,000 00 Associate bacteriologist. 2,000 00 Assistant bacteriologist. 1,250 00 Assistant bacteriologist. 1,000 00 Botanist 3,000 00 Associate botanist 1,800 00 Chemist 1,250 00 Associate chemist, 2 at $1,500 3,000 00 Dairy expert 1,800 00 268 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION — Continued Research — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Editor and librarian. . . 3,000 00 Entomologist 3,000 00 Associate entomologist, 2 at $1,800 3,600 00 Assistant entomologist. . 1,500 00 Assistant entomologist. . 1,400 00 Horticulturist 3,500 00 Associate horticulturist. 2,000 00 Associate horticulturist. 1,900 00 Assistant horticulturist, 2 at $1,500 3,000 00 Assistant horticulturist. 1,400 00 Foreman in horticulture 2,000 00 Special agent 1,500 00 56,400 00 Inspection of fertilizers, feed- ing stuffs, etc. Salaries, regular Chemist $1,250 00 Associate chemist 1,800 00 Assistant chemist, 5 at $1,400 7,000 00 Assistant botanist 1,500 00 Laboratory assistant . . 720 00 Dairy helper 900 00 $13,170 00 Wages, regular Janitor $840 00 Wages, temporary Laborer, 337% days, at $2 , . . . . 675 00 $1,515 00 14,685 00 2G9 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION — Continued Investigations Wages, regular Florist $1,000 00 Mechanic 900 00 Foreman in orchard ... 900 00 Janitor 900 00 Poultryman 900 00 Engineer 840 00 Watchman 720 00 Herdsman 600 00 Laborers 8,695 00 $15,455 00 I Wages, temporary Laborers 6,500 00 21,955 00 Museum Wages, temporary Model maker, 300 days, at $4 1,200 00 Total for personal service $107,560 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the New York Agricultural Experiment Station at Geneva, other than personal service MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water General $3,650 00 Inspection of fertilizers, etc. 400 00 — $4,050 00 Printing 400 00 Equipment Office $200 00 Motor vehicle 200 00 Research o o 00 Farm and garden 900 00 Books 500 00 Miscellaneous for inspection of fertilizers, etc . 275 00 6,275 00 270 AGRICULTURAL EXPERIMENT STATION — Continued Supplies Office .* $900 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 70 00 Motor vehicle supplies 460 00 Research 2,850 00 Botanical and agricultural. . 3,170 00 Forage and veterinary 700 00 General plant 400 00 Miscellaneous for inspection of fertilizers, etc 1,400 00 Hired horses and vehicles Traveling expenses Transportation $1,900 00 Hotel expenses 1,630 00 Inspection of fertilizers, etc. 155 00 Communication General $1,750 00 Inspection of fertilizers, etc. 170 00 General plant service Rents 9,950 00 2,500 00 3,685 00 1,920 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 30,780 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for re- pairs to buildings and equipment 1,500 00 Total for New York Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva $139,840 00 STATE FAIR COMMISSION For payment for services of the Commissioners and the employees of the State Fair Commission. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular New York State Fair Commissioner, 5 at $2,000 $10,000 00 Secretary 4,000 00 Treasurer 3,000 00 Superintendent 3,000 00 Gardener 1,200 00 Race secretary 1,200 00 Horse show secretary. . 750 00 $23,150 00 Maintenance Wages, temporary Temporary employees 9,300 00 Total for personal service $32,450 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the State Fair Commission, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing Prize lists, etc $800 00 Advertising Space in newspapers, billboards, etc 12,000 00 Equipment Motorless vehicles $950 00 General plant 50 00 1,000 00 Supplies Motor vehicle $450 00 Forage and veterinary 125 00 General plant 425 00 1,000 00 272 STATE FAIR COMMISSION — Continued Materials 4,000 00 Hired horses and vehicles 600 00 Traveling expenses 2,000 00 Communications 1,000 00 Fixed charges and contributions Premiums for 1917 fair 50,000 00 General plant service Parade display expenses .... $2,000 00 Exhibits of state institutions . 5,000 00 7,000 00 Rents 1,450 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 80,850 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS Improvements and repairs made necessary on account of changes in ground plan, loca- tions of buildings, new top surfacing for track, changes in present water, electric and sewer systems, and additions thereto, all in conformity with the general perma- nent plan being worked out $50,000 00 For construction of a fireproof horse barn with accommodations for stabling and ex- hibiting 800 head, an authorization of two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000.00) of which one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000.00) is hereby appropriated. . . 100,000 00 150,000 00 $263,300 00 Total for State Fair Commission 273 PALISADES INTERSTATE PARK For payment for services of employees of the Palisades Interstate Park. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Assistant secretary .... $3,000 00 Chief clerk 1,800 00 Bookkeeper 1,800 00 Superintendent, Bear Mountain Park . ... 2,000 00 $8,600 00 Engineering Salaries, regular Chief engineer $2,500 00 Resident engineer, 3 at $1,800 5,400 00 7,900 00 Audit Division, Bear Mountain Park Salaries, regular Chief clerk $1,200 00 Storkeeper 720 00 Time keeper 720 00 2,640 00 Protection and maintenance, Bear Mountain Wages, regular Chief of police $1,200 00 Patrolman, 4 at $720. . 2,880 00 Master mechanic 1,200 00 Seaman “ Half Moon . 720 00 $6,000 00 PALISADES INTERSTATE PARK — Continued Protection and maintenance' — Continued Bear Mountain — Continued Wages, temporary Patrolman, 17, 6 months at Laborers, 1,800 days at $2 per day Stationary engineer, 8 months at $60 Hook Mountain $10,080 00 Wages, regular Patrolman $720 00 Watchman 600 00 $1,320 00 Wages, temporary Patrolman, 2 for 6 months, at $60 ... . 720 00 Laborers, 160 days, at $2 per day 640 00 $1,360 00 Harriman $2,680 00 Wages, regular Patrolman, 7 at $720 . . $5,010 00 Boiler engineer . ... 960 00 $6,000 00 Wages, temporary Motor cycle patrolman, 2 for 6 months, at $60 720 00 Laborer, 10 at $2 per day 6,000 00 3,600 00 480 00 3,200 00 275 PALISADES INTERSTATE PARK — Continued Protection and maintenance, continued Blauvelt Wages, regular Caretaker $840 00 Wages, temporary Patrolman, 2 for 6 months, at $60 $720 00 Laborers, 3 at $2 per day 960 00 $1,680 00 Forestry $2,520 00 Wages, regular Patrolman, 5 at $70 per month $4,200 00 Fire patrolman, 3 at $720 2,160 00 Head fire patrolman . . . 840 00 $7,200 00 Wages, temporary Laborers, 1,000 days, at $2 per day 2,000 00 $9,200 00 $40,400 00 Total for personal service $59,540 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Palisades Interstate Park, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water $1,000 00 'Printing 300 00 Advertising 100 00 Equipment Office $50 00 Medical and surgical 50 00 Motor vehicles 650 00 276 PALISADES INTERSTATE PARK — Continued Equipment — Continued Engineering 200 00 General plant 300 00 1,250 00 Supplies Office $50Q 00 Motor vehicle 2,000 00 Botanical and agricultural. . 500 00 Forage and veterinary 1,000 00 General plant 3,500 00 7,500 00 Materials Highway $1,500 00 Sewer 200 00 General plant 1,300 00 3,000 00 Traveling expense Transportation of officials or employees $400 00 Hotel expenses 100 00 500 00 Communications 2,500 00 General plant service 500 00 Rents 2,000 00 Total for maintenance and operation other than per- sonal service 18,650 00 Total for Palisades Interstate Park $78,190 00 NIAGARA RESERVATION For payment for services of employees at Niagara Reservation. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Superintendent $2,400 00 Treasurer 1,500 00 NIAGARA RESERVATION — Continued Administration — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Police superintendent. . 1,200 00 Foreman gardener .... 1,200 00 Engineer, electrical ... 1,200 00 Assistant engineer, elec- trical 900 00 $8,400 00 Division of police Salaries, regular Police constable, 9 at $1,000 $9,000 00 Wages, regular Night watchman, 4 at $900 3,600 00 12,600 00 Prospect Point Elevator Salaries, regular Ticketman, 2 at $720.. $1,440 00 Wages, regular Scrubwoman 456 00 Janitor, 4 at $720 2,880 00 4,776 00 Wages, temporary Temporary employees 12,000 00 Total for personal service $37,776 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation at Niagara Reservation, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Supplies $3,940 00 Traveling expenses 700 00 Communication 300 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 4,940 00 278 NIAGARA RESERVATION — Continued REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment 3,000 00 Total for Niagara Reservation $45,716 00 SCHUYLER MANSION For payment for services of an employee at Schuyler Mansion. PERSONAL SERVICE Care and maintenance Salaries, regular Keeper $600 00 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Schuy- ler Mansion, other than personal service 1,000 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For building wall of stone with concrete back of it on north and front, with drains to carry off surface water 8,000 00 Total for Schuyler Mansion. . . . .* $9,600 00 WATKINS GLEN RESERVATION For payment for services of employees of Watkins Glen Reservation. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Superintendent $1,200 00 Secretary and treasurer. 600 00 $1,800 00 279 WATKINS GLEN RESERVATION — Continued Care and maintenance Wages, regular Caretaker, 4 at $600 .. . $2,400 00 Night caretaker 300 00 Woman attendant, 2 at $300 600 00 3,300 00 Total for personal service — $5,100 00 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Wat- kins Glen Reservation, other than personal service. . 4,000 00 Total for Watkins Glen Reservation $9,100 00 CROWN POINT RESERVATION MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION For the expenses of maintenance and oper- ation of Crown Point Reservation, other than personal service $1,500 00 Total for Crown Point Reservation $1,500 00 NEWTOWN BATTLEFIELD RESERVATION For payment for services of one employee at Newtown Battlefield Reservation. PERSONAL SERVICE Care and maintenance Salaries, regular Custodian $500 00 280 NEWTOWN BATTLEFIELD RESERVATION — Continued MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Newtown Battlefield Reservation, other than personal service 1,000 00 Total for Newtown Battlefield Reservation. $1,500 00 STONY POINT RESERVATION For payment for services of one employee at Stony Point Reser- vation. PERSONAL SERVICE Care and maintenance Salaries, regular Keeper $600 00 Total for personal service $600 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Stony Point Reservation, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water $100 00 Equipment 50 00 Supplies 50 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment 200 00 300 00 $1,100 00 Total for Stony Point Reservation 281 FIRE ISLAND STATE PARK For payment for services of employees of Fire Island State Park. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Superintendent $1,200 00 Secretary-treasurer .... 500 00 $1,700 00 Care and maintenance Wages, temporary Carpenter, six months, 2 at $540 $1,080 00 Laborer, six months, 2 at $540 1,080 00 2,160 00 Total for personal service $3,860 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Fire Island State Park, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water $100 00 Printing 25 00 Advertising 25 00 Equipment 300 00 Supplies 100 00 Traveling expenses 100 00 Communications 50 00 Fixed charges and contributions 200 00 General plant service 100 00 Rents 100 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 1,100 00 $4,960 00 Total for Fire Island State Park 282 JOHN BOYD TEACHER PARK For payment for services of employees of John Boyd Thacher Park. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Superintendent $1,000 00 Care and maintenance Wages, regular Foreman $600 00 Wages, temporary Laborers, at $2 per day. 250 00 850 00 Total for personal service. . $1,850 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of John Boyd Thacher Park, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water $100 00 Supplies 50 00 Materials 150 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service $300 00 Total for John Boyd Thacher Park $2,150 00 BENNINGTON BATTLEFIELD For payment for services of one employee at Bennington Battlefield. PERSONAL SERVICE Care and maintenance Salaries, regular Caretaker $250 00 Total for Bennington Battlefield $250 00 283 LAKE GEORGE BATTLEGROUND For payment for services of one employee at Lake George Battle- ground. PERSONAL SERVICE Care and Maintenance Wages, regular Caretaker $250 00 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION For the expenses of maintenance and oper- ation of Lake George Battleground, other than personal service 500 00 Total for Lake George Battleground $750 00 LETCHWORTH PARK For payment for services of employees of Letchworth Park. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Superintendent $1,500 00 Foreman 720 00 $2,220 00 Care and maintenance Wages, temporary Laborers 3,600 00 Total for personal service $5,820 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Letchworth Park, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water $100 00 Printing 20 00 Advertising 15 00 Equipment 100 00 Supplies 400 00 284 LETCHWORTH PARK — Continued Traveling expenses 200 00 Communications 175 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than per- sonal service 1,010 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment 450 00 Total for Letchworth Park $7,280 00 SARATOGA MONUMENT For payment for services of one employee at Saratoga Monument. PERSONAL SERVICE Care and maintenance Salaries, regular Keeper $600 00 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION For the expenses of maintenance and oper- ation of Saratoga Monument, other than personal service 250 00 Total for Saratoga Monument $850 00 CLINTON HOUSE, POUGHKEEPSIE For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Clinton House, Poughkeepsie, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, water and power $105 00 Communication 12 00 Supplies . 95 00 Total for Clinton House, Poughkeepsie $212 00 285 GENERAL HERKIMER HOME, DANUBE For payment for services of one employee at General Herkimer Home, Danube. PERSONAL SERVICE Care and maintenance Salaries, regular Caretaker $600 00 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Gen- eral Herkimer Home, Danube, other than personal service .• 2,500 00 Total for General Herkimer Home, Danube. . . . $3,100 00 GRANT COTTAGE, MT. McGREGOR For payment for services of one employee at Grant Cottage, Mt. McGregor. PERSONAL SERVICE Care and maintenance Salaries, regular Custodian $1,000 00 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Grant Cottage, Mt. McGregor, other than personal service. . 290 00 Total for Grant Cottage, Mt. McGregor $1,290 00 PHILIPSE MANOR HOUSE, YONKERS For payment for services of employees of Philipse Manor House, Yonkers. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Superintendent $1,200 00 286 PHILIPSE MANOR HOUSE, YONKERS — Continued Care and maintenance Wages, regular Janitor $600 00 Watchman 750 00 1,350 00 Total for personal service For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Philipse Manor House, Yonkers, other than personal ser- vice. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, water and power $400 00 1 Supplies 35 00 Materials 100 00 Communication 50 00 Total for maintenance and operation other than per- sonal service $2,550 00 585 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment 200 00 Total for Philipse Manor House, Yonkers $3,335 00 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANSION, JOHNSTOWN For payment for services of employees of Sir William Johnson Man- sion, Johnstown. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Superintendent $720 00 287 SIR WILLIAM JOHNSON MANSION — Continued Care and maintenance Wages, temporary Temporary services 360 00 Total for personal service For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Sir William Johnson Mansion, Johnstown, other than per- sonal services MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, water and power $200 00 Contingencies 350 00 Total for maintenance and operation other than personal service Total for Sir William Johnson Mansion, Johnstown. . 550 00 $1,630 00 $1,080 00 WASHINGTON’S HEADQUARTERS, NEWBURGH For payment for services of employees of Washington’s Headquar- ters, Newburgh. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Curator of museum. ... $900 00 Superintendent 500 00 Care of buildings and grounds Wages, temporary Laborers $1,400 00 1,725 00- Total for personal service $3,125 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Washington’s Headquarters, Newburgh, other than per- sonal service. 288 WASHINGTON’S HEADQUARTERS, NEWBURGH — Ctd. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water $450 00 Supplies 50 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service . . . . 500 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment 250 00 Total for Washington’s Headquarters, Newburgh $8,875 00 NEW YORK MONUMENTS COMMISSION For payment for services of the Commissioners and the employees of the New York Monuments Commission. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Compensation of com- missioners at $10 per diem $2,500 00 Secretary and stenog- rapher 1,500 00 $4,000 00 Wages, regular Laborer 626 00 Total for Personal Service.* $4,626 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the New York Monuments Commission, other than personal service. 289 NEW YORK MONUMENTS COMMISSION — Continued MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Communication $300 00 Printing 30 00 Traveling expenses 274 00 General plant service Dedication of statues of Major-General Abner Doubleday and Brevet-Major- General John C. Robinson, on the battlefield of Gettysburg, Pa., in the fall of 1917; and illustrated report of proceedings of dedications includ- ing biographical sketches of General Doubleday and General Robinson. . 6,000 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service .' 6,604 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS Statue of Major-General Abner Doubleday, to be erected on the battlefield of Gettysburg, Pa 4,000 00 Statue of Brevet-Major-General John C. Robinson, to be erected on the battlefield of Gettysburg, Pa 4,000 00 Total for New York Monuments Commission $19,230 00 MOUNT CALM PARK, OSWEGO For payment for services of one employee at Mount Calm Park, Oswego. PERSONAL SERVICE Care and maintenance Wages, regular Laborer . . . $1,000 00 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION For expenses of maintenance and operation of Mount Calm Park, Oswego 250 00 Total for Mount Calm Park, Oswego . . $1,250 00 10 290 STATE HOSPITAL COMMISSION For payment for the services of the Commissioners and the ployees of the State Hospital Commission. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Medical commissioner. . $7,500 00 Legal commissioner. ... 5,000 00 Lay commissioner 5,000 00 Medical inspector 4,500 00 Secretary 5,000 00 Assistant secretary. ... 3,000 00 Clerk and stenographer . 1,500 00 Confidential stenogra- pher 1,200 00 Proofreader (detailed indexer) 1,200 00 Indexer 1,200 00 Stenographer, 2 at $900 1,800 00 Telephone operator ... 720 00 Junior clerk . 480 00 Inspector of buildings and engineering 3,000 00 Inspector of dairy products 1,380 00 $42,480 00 Salaries, temporary For vacation relief and extra work 2,000 00 $44,480 00 Bureau of prevention and after care Salaries, regular Director 3,000 00 em- 291 STATE HOSPITAL COMMISSION — Continued Administration — Continued Bureau of statistics Salaries, regular Statistician and editor. $3,000 00 Assistant statistician . . 1,320 00 Stenographer 900 00 Junior clerk 480 00 Audit bureau Salaries, regular Auditor $4,000 00 Assistant auditor 2,700 00 Assistant auditor 2,100 00 Clerk 1,700 00 Clerk 1,500 00 Clerk 1,200 00 Collections Bureau Salaries, regular Collection attorney .... $3,000 00 Salaries, temporary Agent, 6 at $5 per day when employed, 1,660 days 8,300 00 Bureau of treasurer Salaries, regular Bookkeeper $2,500 00 Voucher clerk 2,000 00 Voucher clerk 1,600 00 Voucher clerk 1,300 00 Clerk, 2 at $1,080 2,160 00 Stenographer 960 00 Stenographer 540 00 Bureau of deportation Salaries, regular Medical examiner $4,500 00 Deputy medical exam- iner 3,500 00 5,700 00 13,200 00 11,300 00 11,060 00 292 STATE HOSPITAL COMMISSION — Continued Administration — Continued Bureau of deportation — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued General interpreter and agent 1,600 00 Interpreter 1,000 00 Transportation agent. . . 900 00' Stenographer, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Purchasing committee Salaries, regular Confidential accountant. $4,000 00 Stenographer 1,000 00 Stenographer 840 00 Clerk 780 00 Chemist 744 00 Chemist 600 00 Psychiatric institute Salaries, regular Director $4,000 00 Assistant director 3,500 00 Chief assistant in neuro- pathology 3,500 00 Senior assistant physi- cian 2,200 00 Assistant physician. . . . 1,200 00 Assistant physician in autopsies 600 00 Assistant in serology. . . 2,000 00 Special assistant in chemistry 1,200 00 Secretary 1,400 00 Medical stenographer. . 1,140 00 Stenographer 960 00 Laboratory helper, 2 at $780 1,560 00 Laboratory helper, 2 at $600 1,200 00 13,900 00 7,964 00 293 STATE HOSPITAL COMMISSION — Continued Administration — Continued Psychiatric institute — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Special attendant . . . . 900 00 Photographer 900 00 Attendant 348 00 Stenographer 312 00 C o ok 420 00 Waitress 276 00 27,616 00 New York city office Salaries, regular Stenographer . . 1,200 00 Total for personal service $139,420 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the State Hospital Commission, including the Psychiatric Institute, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing Advertising Equipment Office $2,400 00 Research 1,000 00 Books 1,200 00 General plant 400 00 Supplies Office $1,700 00 Research 1,800 00 Traveling expenses Commissioners $3,600 00 Employees 8,400 00 $4,000 00 250 00 5,000 00 3,500 00 12,000 00 Communication . 3,700 00 Fixed charges and contributions 384 00 294 STATE HOSPITAL COMMISSION — Continued General plant service Miscellaneous $500 00 Bond premiums 1,600 00 2,100 00 Rents 750 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 31,684 00 Total for Commission, 1917—18 $171,104 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the State Hospital Commission, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Traveling expenses For return to other states of non-resident insane : Traveling expenses of patients $5,000 00 Traveling expenses of at- tendants 2,000 00 For transfer of patients be- tween institutions in the state : Traveling expenses of patients 2,500 00 Traveling expenses of at- tendants ' 500 00 Total immediately available 10,000 00 Total for State Hospital Commission $181,104 00 295 BINGHAMTON STATE HOSPITAL For payment for services of employees of Binghamton State Hospital. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Medical superintendent . $5,100 00 First assistant physician 3,000 00 Senior assistant physi- cian, 2 at $2,200. . . . 4,400 00 Senior assistant physi- cian, 2 at $1,900.'. . . 3,800 00 Senior assistant physi- cian 1,800 00 Senior assistant physi- cian 1,200 00 Assistant physician, 5 at $ 1,200 . .' 6,000 00 Woman physician 1,800 00 Medical interne 1,000 00 Pharmacist 900 00 Stenographer 96000 Stenographer, 3 at $816 2,448 00 Stenographer, 3 at $600 1,800 00 Stenographer 540 00 Barber, 2 at $660 1,320 00 Special attendant, barber 600 00 Special attendant, office. 600 00 Special attendant, lab- oratory 600 00 Special attendant, assist- ant apothecary 516 00 Special attendant, social worker 516 00 Coachman 720 00 Driver 600 00 Attendant, office, 2 at $300 600 00 296 BINGHAMTON STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Administration — Continued General — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Attendant, office, acts as stenographer Attendant, office, night . Housekeeper W aitress and chamber- maid, 5 at $276 . Accounting and stores S atari es, r egu 1 a r Steward Bookkeeper Accountant Storekeeper Stenographer, 2 at $960 Stenographer Special attendant, assist- ant storekeeper Special attendant, cloth- ing clerk Ward service Salaries, regular Charge nurses and charge attendants . . . Nurses and attendants . Special attendants, hy- drotherapy, 2 at $600 Special attendants, hy- drotherapy, 2 at $516 300 00 CM CO 00 O GO 00 1,380 00 $43,412 00 2,500 00 1,260 00 840 00 1,020 00 1,920 00 816 00 600 00 516 00 $9,472 00 $816 00 6,870 00 37,300 00 70,000 00 1,200 00 1,032 00 $52,884 00 117,218 00 297 BINGHAMTON STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Nurses’ training Salaries, regular Principal, t. r a i n i n g school $1,200 00 Housekeeper, 2 at $480. 960 00 Waitress and chamber- maid, 7 at $276 1,932 00 4,092 00 Industrial Wages, regular Shop foreman $768 00 Special attendant, shoe and mattress shop. . . . 600 00 Special attendant, tailor- ess 516 00 Special attendant, dress- maker 516 00 Attendant, sewing room, 6 at $300 1,800 00 4,200 00 Kitchen and dining room Wages, regular Chef . . $1,140 00 Head cook, 2 at $660. . . 1,320 00 Cook, 7 at $420 2,940 00 Assistant cook, 6 at $360 2,160 00 Kitchen helpers 5,864 00 Dining room attendants. 5,972 00 19,396 00 Bakery Wages, regular Baker $816 00 Assistant baker, 2 at $540 1,080 00 1,896 00 Meat stores Wages, regular Meat cutter 816 00 298 BINGHAMTON STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Laundry Wages, regular Overseer $780 00 Special attendant 600 00 Special attendant 564 00 Launderer 420 00 Driver 396 00 Head laundress 420 00 Laundress, 10 at $264. . 2,640 00 5,820 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Chief engineer $1,560 00 Engineer’s assistant, first grade, 3 at $984. 2,952 00 Engineer’s assistant, sec- ond grade 984 00 Engineer’s assistant, sec- ond grade 816 00 Eireman, 12 hours .... 816 00 Fireman, 8 hours, 10 at $540 5,400 00 Engineer’s assistant, third grade, or fire- man, 3 at $660 1,980 00 14,508 00 Repairs Wages, regular Supervising carpenter . . 1,320 00 Carpenter, 2 at $816. . . 1,632 00 Mason 900 00 Tinsmith 816 00 Painter 816 00 Steamfitter, 2 at $936. . 1,872 00 Plumber 936 00 Special attendant, painter 600 00 299 BINGHAMTON STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Mechanical - — Continued Repairs — Continued Wages, regular — Continued Special attendant, plumber 60000 Special attendant 540 00 Attendant, p lu mb e r’s helper 408 00 Attendant, 2 at $408. . . 816 00 11,256 00 Field service Wages, regular Head farmer $816 00 Supervisor of grounds . . 744 00 Farmer 516 00 Special attendant, gardener 600 00 Special attendant, poul- try man 600 00 Dairyman 660 00 Gardener 66000 Florist 768 00 Herdsman, in charge of hogs 516 00 Dairyman, in charge of one cow barn 624 00 Attendant, helper on farm, 3 at $408 .... 1,224 00 Attendant, grounds .... 408 00 Attendant, grounds .... 368 00 Drivers (12) 4,752 00 Blacksmith 816 00 25,764 00 14,072 00 Special employments Wages, regular Special attendant, photog- rapher $600 00 300 BINGHAMTON STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Special employments — Continued Wages, regular — Continued Special attendant, indus- trial teacher Special attendant, police- 516 00 man Supervisor, supervising 600 00 housekeeper Special attendant, driver 660 00 motor truck 600 00 Tota.l for personal service $249,134 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Binghamton State Hospital, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $185,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $52,000 00 Light 1,200 00 Printing Advertising Equipment Office $300 00 Household 17,000 00 Medical and surgical 600 00 Motorless vehicles and equip- ment 300 00 Wearing apparel 4,700 00 Laundry 300 00 Farm and garden 1,000 00 Live stock 2,600 00 Books 300 00 General plant 2,000 00 53,200 00 950 00 15 00 29,100 00 301 BINGHAMTON STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Supplies Office $800 00 Household 3,400 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 5,000 00 Medical and surgical 3,200 00 Motor vehicle 1,600 00 Botanical and agricultural. . 4,500 00 Forage and veterinary 12,000 00 Refrigerating 200 00 General plant 8,300 00 39,000 00 Materials Highways $200 00 Industrial 9,000 00 General plant 9,800 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials or employees $2,100 00 Transportation of inmates. . 2,250 00 Miscellaneous ( car-fares,. etc.) 200 00 Communication Freight and express $1,000 00 Telephone and telegraph. . . . 600 00 Postage 900 00 Fixed charges and contributions Commutation $5,000 00 Contribution to retirement fund of employees 700 00 Cash given to patients on dis- charge 100 00 General plant service Special religious services. . . $600 00 19,000 00 4,550 00 2,500 00 5,800 00 302 BINGHAMTON STATE HOSPITAL — Continued General plant service — Continued Special technical or medical services 900 00 Entertainment of patients. . 1,800 00 Veterinary 400 00 3,700 00 Total for maintenance and operation other than personal service 342,815 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment $6,000 00 Painting interiors and exteriors 3,000 00 Reconstruction of Ward 6 1,800 00 Remodeling heating system 12,000 00 22,800 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For the completion of furnishings and equipment of new building $5,000 00 For building for analytical laboratory 5,000 00 Renewals of electric wiring 5,000 00 Stable for young stock at Plymouth Rock Farm 2,800 00 Vegetable cellar at farm 900 00 Sewage disposal for power plant 2,200 00 20,900 00 Total for hospital 1917-18 $635,649 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Binghamton State Hospital, other than personal service. 303 BINGHAMTON STATE HOSPITAL — Continued MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $13,000 00 Supplies 9,000 00 Total immediately available 22,000 00 Total for Binghamton State Hospital $657,649 00 BROOKLYN STATE HOSPITAL For payment for services of employees of the Brooklyn State Hospital. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Medical superintendent. $4,191 67 First assistant physician. 3,000 00 Senior assistant phy- sician, 2 at $2,200 . . . 4,400 00 Woman physician 1,800 00' Medical interne 1,000 00 Pharmacist 900 00 Stenographer, 2 at $816. 1,632 00 Special attendant (sten- ographer) 516 00 Coachman 720 00 Driver 396 00 Attendant (day tele- phone operator) 408 00 Attendant (night tele- phone operator) .... 432 00 Special attendant (chauf- feur), 2 at $600 1,200 00 Special attendant (bar- ber) 600 00 Special attendant (labo- ratory assistant) .... 600 00 304 BROOKLYN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Administration — Continued General — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Special attendant (of- fice) 600 00 Special attendant (night watchman, 2 at $600. 1,200 00 Attendant (yardman) . . 408 00 Special attendant (social worker) . v 516 00 Housekeeper (superin- tendent’s residence) . . 480 00' Cook, 2 at $420 . 840 00 Kitchen helper 300 00 Waitress, 3 at $276 828 00 Chambermaid, 3 at $276 828 00 Head laundress 420 00 Special attendant, occu- pation and games. . . . 528 00 Special attendant, occu- pation and games .... 516 00 Attendant, occupation and games 300 00 Page 228 00 $29,787 67 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Steward 2,191 74 Bookkeeper 1,260 00 Stenographer, 2 at $816 1,632 00 Voucher and treasurer clerk 720 00 Special attendant (book- keeper) 600 00 Accountant 972 00 Storekeeper 840 00 Special attendant (assist- ant storekeeper) .... 600 00 $8,815 74 $38,603 41 305 BROOKLYN STATE Ward service Salaries, regular Chief supervisor Supervisor Charge nurses and charge attendants . . . Nurses, attendants and special attendants .... Nurses’ training Salaries, regular Principal HOSPITAL — Continued $816 00 660 00 9,576 00 32,532 00 43,584 00 1,200 00 Industrial Salaries, regular Spec i a 1 attendant (tailor) $600 00 Special attendant (shoe- maker 600 00 Special attendant (mat maker) 600 00 Special attendant (cloth- ing clerk) 516 00 Attendant (dressmaker). 300 00 Kitchen and dining room Salaries, regular Chef $1,140 00 Head cook, main kitchen 660 00' 'Cook, main kitchen, 2 at $420 840 00 Assistant cook 360 00 Kitchen helper, 2 at $360 720 00 Kitchen helper 300 00 Kitchen helper 312 00 Attendant, 2 at $408.. 816 00 Attendant, 2 at $300. . . 600 00 Meat stores Wages, regular Meat cutter . 2,616 00 5,748 00 744 00 306 BROOKLYN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Laundry Wages, regular Overseer $780 00 Laundress, 4 at $264. . . 1,056 00' Launderer 420 00 2,256 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Chief engineer $1,560 00 Assistant engineer 984 00 Assistant engineer, 2 at $816 1,632 00 Electric lineman 600 00 1 Fireman, 5 at $780. . . . 3,900 00 0 . $8,676 00 Repairs Wages, regular Carpenter $816 00 Special attendant (car- penter) . . . 600 00 Painter 816 00 Special attendant (painter) 600 00 Special attendant (tin- smith) 600 00 Special attendant (mason) 600 00 Plumber 936 00 Steamfitter 936 00 $5,904 00 Field service Farm, garden and grounds Wages, regular Gardener $660 00 Driver, 2 at $396 792 00 Special attendant (flor- ist) 600 OO 14,580 00 $2,052 00 307 BROOKLYN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Field service — Continued Farm, garden and grounds — Continued Wages, temporary Temporary services .... 300 00 2,352 00 Total for personal service $111,683 41 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Brooklyn State Hospital, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $78,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $16,000 00 Light 1,500 00 Water 5,000 00 22,500 00 Printing 700 00 Advertising 75 00 Equipment Office $200 00 Household 4,500 00 Medical and surgical 200 00 Motorless vehicles 250 00 Wearing apparel 1,300 00 Industrial 350 00 Laundry 450 00 Books 100 00 General plant 800 00 8,150 00 Supplies Office $500 00 Household 2,000 00 Laundry, cleaning, and dis- infecting 1,900 00 Medical and surgical 1,800 00 Motor 500 00 Research 500 00 Botanical and agricultural. . 900 00 Refrigerating 1,200 00 General plant 1,000 00 10,300 00 308 BROOKLYN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Materials Industrial $1,500 00 General plant 4,100 00 6,200 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officers and employees $600 00 Transportation of inmates. . 100 00 700 00 $300 00 700 00 400 00 1,400 00 . Fixed charges and contributions Commutation $4,700 00 Maintenance 300 00 5,000 00 General plant service Special religious services. . . . $860 00 Special medical and tech- nical services 600 00 Entertainment, etc 500 00 Veterinary services 70 00 Horseshoeing 350 00 Miscellaneous 420 00 2,800 00 Rents 1,200 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 137,025 00 Communication Freight and express Telephone and telegraph. . . Postage REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for re- pairs to buildings and equipment 7-800 00 309 BROOKLYN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For the construction of Chronic and Recep- tion buildings (authorization chapter 727, Laws of 1915, four hundred thousand dol- lars ($400,000), a further authorization, chapter 258, Laws of 1916, thirty thou- sand dollars ($30,000), of which two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) was appropriated hy chapter 727, Laws of 1915), a further appropriation of one hundred and seventy-five thousand dol- lars $175,000 00 For storehouse and cold storage plant and equipment (authorization chapter 646, Laws of 1916, fifty thousand dollars ($50,000), of which ten thousand dollars was appropriated), a further appropria- tion of thirty-two thousand five hundred dollars 32,500 00 For repairs, renovating, heating, lighting, water connections, etc., of existing build- ings at Creedmoor for 110 patients 15,000 00 For equipment of wards, dining rooms, etc., at Creedmoor for 110 patients 7,500 00 For laundry and equipment an authorization of sixty-five thousand dollars ($65,000), of which thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) is hereby appropriated 30,000 00 For kitchen and dining rooms for present main building, an authorization of one hundred thousand dollars ($100,000), of which ten thousand dollars ($10,000) is hereby appropriated ’ 10,000 00 For repairs to main building 10,000 00 For automobile ambulance 1,000 00 Tea and coffee urns, main kitchen 410 00 For elevator, reception building 4,000 00 285,410 00 Total for hospital 1917-18 $541,918 41 310 BROOKLYN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Brooklyn State Hospital, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $12,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water 800 00 Equipment 1,000 00 Supplies 3,500 00 Total, immediately available 17,300 00 Total for the Brooklyn State Hospital $559,218 41 BUFFALO STATE HOSPITAL For payment for services of employees of Buffalo State Hospital. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Medical superintendent. $5,100 00 First assistant physician 3,000 00 Senior physician, 4 at $2,200 8,800 00 Senior physician 2,133 33 Assistant physician . . . 1,900 00 Assistant physician . . . 1,300 00 Woman physician 1,800 00 Medical interne • 1,300 00 Supt. of nurses 1,200 00 Pharmacist 900 00 Special attendant, 6 at $600 3,600 00 Special attendant, 3 at $516 1,548 00 Special attendant, after- care agent 516 00 311 BUFFALO STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Administration — Continued General — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Special attendant, ste- nographer 480 00 Stenographer 816 00 Stenographer 801 00 Stenographer 784 00 Watchman 600 00 Barber, 2 at $660 1,320 00 Coachman 720 00 Truck chauffeur 576 00 Supervisor, grounds, offices 744 00 Attendant, telephone operator 300 00 Housekeeper, staff .... 478 00 Housekeeper, steward . 471 00 Waitress and chamber- maid, 6 at $276 1,656 00 $42,843 33 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Steward $2,500 00 Accountant 1,080 00 Storekeeper • 1,020 00 Special attendant, store- room 600 00 Special attendant, office, 2 at $516 1,032 00 V oucher and treasurer clerk 840 00 Stenographer 960 00 Stenographer 816 00 Stenographer 724 00 $9,572 00 $52,415 33 312 BUFFALO STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Ward service Salaries, regular Chief supervisors $2,304 00 Supervisors 2,800 00 Charge nurses and at- tendants 24,882 00 Nurses and attendants.. 65,056 00 Special attendants and watchmen 1,800 00 Nurses’ training Salaries, regular Housekeeper, n u r s e s’ home Waitress and chamber- maid, 2 at $144 Special attendant, charge, male em- ployees’ home, chapel amusement hall Attendant, 3 at $300. . . $480 00 288 00 600 00 900 00 Industrial Wages, regular Shop foreman $768 00 Tailor 768 00 Shoemaker 768 00 Seamstress 216 00 Special attendant, 2 at $516 1,032 00 Attendant, sewing room, 3 at $300 900 00 Kitchen and dining room service Wages, regular Chef $1,140 00 Head cook, 3 at $660. . 1,980 00 Cook, 8 at $420 3,360 00 Assistant cook, 2 at $360 720 00 96,842 00 2,268 00 4,452 00 313 BUFFALO STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Kitchen and dining room service — Continued W ages, regular — Continued Dining-room attendant, 30 at $300 9,000 00 Dining-room attendant. 294 00 Kitchen helper 360 00 Kitchen helper 358 00 Kitchen helper 356 00 Kitchen helper, 3 at $354 1,062 00 Kitchen helper, 2 at $300 600 00 Kitchen helper 279 00 19,509 00 Bakery Wages, regular Baker $816 00 Assistant baker 540 00 Meat stores Wages, regular Meat cutter , 1,356 00 816 00 Laundry Wages, regular Overseer $780 00 Launder er 420 00 Special attendant 600 00 Attendant 408 00 Attendant 372 00 Head laundress 420 00 Laundress, 10 at $264. 2,640 00 — 5,640 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Chief engineer $1,560 00 Assistant engineer, 1st grade 984 00 314 BUFFALO STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Mechanical — Continued Engineering — Continued Wages, regular — Continued Assistant engineer, 2d grade, 2 at $816 1,632 00 Electrical engineer .... 1,200 00 Assistant electrical en- gineer, 1st grade. . . . 984 00 Assistant electrical en- gineer, 2d grade, 2 at $816 1,632 00 Watchman 600 00 Fireman, 5 at $780. . . . 3,900 00 Laborer, 7 at $360. . . . 2,520 00 $15,012 00 Repairs Wages, regular Head carpenter 936 00 Carpenter, 2 at $816. . . 1,632 00 Mason 900 00 Tinsmith 816 00 Painter, 2 at 816 1,632 00 Painter’s helper 60 00 Plumber and steamfitter, 2 at $936 1,872 00 Plumber’s helper . ... 440 00 Plumber’s helper 372 00 $8,660 00 23,672 00 Field service Farm, garden and grounds Wages, regular Head farmer $816 00 Farmer 516 00 Watchman 600 00 Florist 768 00 Laborer, 3 at $360 . . . . 1,080 00 Gardener 657 00 $4,437 00 315 BUFFALO STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Field service — Continued Farm, garden and grounds- — Continued Wages, temporary Temporary employees . 1,500 00 5,937 00 Total for personal service $212,907 33 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Buffalo- State Hospital, other than personal -service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $168,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $33,000 00 Light 750 00 33,750 00 Printing 700 00 Advertising 50 00 Equipment Office $73 00 Household 8,818 00 Medical and surgical 162 00 Wearing apparel 4,634 00 Industrial 80 00 Laundry 142 00 Books 115 00 Engineering 72 00 Live stock 55 00 Farm and garden 193 00 General plant 750 00 Supplies Office $502 00 Household 3,225 00 Laundry 2,835 00 Medical and surgical 2,818 00 Motor vehicles 833 00 Botanical and agricultural. . 388 00 Forage and veterinary 735 00 Refrigerating 690 00 General plant 6,974 00 19,000 00 316 BUFFALO STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Materials Sewer $250 00 Industrial 14,500 00 General plant 6,000 00 20,750 00 Traveling expenses Officers and employees $350 00 Transportation of patients. . 1,000 00 1,350 00 Communication Freight and express $300 00 Telephone and telegraph. ... 700 00 Postage (including parcel post) 750 00 1,750 00 Fixed charges and contributions Communication $14,500 00 Maintenance — retirement fund . 250 00 Cash to patients discharged. 250 00 15,000 00 General plant service Religious services $1,113 00 Special medical or technical service 504 00 Entertainment, etc 2,011 00 Veterinary services and horse- shoeing 189 00 3,817 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 279,261 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment 4,500 00 317 BUFFALO STATE HOSPITAL — Continued CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For sterilizer and sterilizer washer $3,000 00 For renewing old heating system on men’s wards, main building; wards 2, 3, 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 10,000 00 For renewing wire and conduit on wards 16, 17 and 18 1,600 00 14,600 00 Total for hospital, 1917-18 $511,268 33 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the services of the employees of Buffalo State Hospital. PERSONAL SERVICE Personal service $124 33 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $25,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water. . 4,500 00 Supplies 7,000 00 Materials 7,500 00 General plant 4,000 00 48,000 00 Total immediately available 48,124 33 Total ‘for Buffalo State Hospital $559,392 66 CENTRAL ISLIP STATE HOSPITAL For payment for services of employees of the Central Islip State Hospital. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Medical superintendent . $6,000 00 Assistant medical super- intendent 3,000 00 318 CENTRAL ISLIP STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Administration — Continued General — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Senior assistant physi- sician, 9 at $2,200. . . 19,800 00 Senior assistant physi- cian, 3 at $2,000'. . . 6,000 00 Assistant physician, 7 at $1,600 11,200 00 Assistant physician . . . 1,408 33 Assistant physician ... 1,358 27 Medical interne, 3 at $1,000 3,000 00 AVoman physician 1,750 00 Woman physician 1,366 60 Pharmacist 1,200 00 Stenographer, 3 at $960 2,880 00 Stenographer 816 00 Stenographer 792 00 Stenographer 744 00 Stenographer 740 00 Coachman 720 00 Watchman, 9 at $600 . . 5,400 00 Special attendant, 2 at $600 1,200 00 Driver, 5 at $396 1,980 00 Page 276 00 Page 273 00 Page, 2 at $272 544 00 Page 267 00 Special attendant 14 at $600 8,400 00 Special attendant 528 00 Special attendant, 5 at $516 2,580 00 Special attendant 468 00 Attendant, 5 at $408 . . . 2,040 00 Attendant, night 432 00 Attendant, 6 at $300 . . . 1,800 00 319 CENTRAL ISLIP STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Administration — Continued. General — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Chief transfer agent. . . 720 00 Chief transfer agent. . . 600 00 Barber, South colony . . 660 00 Supervisor 744 00 Supervising house- keeper 600 00 Waitress, 3 at $276... 828 00 1 Chambermaid, 2 at $276 552 00 $93,667 20 Salaries temporary Stenographer, city office, 4 months 272 00 After care agent, 6 months 1,200 00 $1,472 00 $95,139 20 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Steward $2,500 00 Assistant steward 1,600 00 Bookkeeper 1,260 00 Accountant 1,080 00 Storekeeper 1,020 00 Stenographer, 3 at $960 . 2,880 00 Stenographer 886 OO Special attendant, 8 at $600 4,800 00 Attendant 408 00 Attendant 404 00 $16,838 00 $111,977 20 320 CENTRAL ISLIP STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Ward service •Salaries, regular Chief supervisor $816 00 1 Chief supervisor 744 00 Supervisors 12,566 00 Charge nurses and charge attendants .... 54,891 00 Nurses and attendants. . 148,646 00 Special attendant, 8 at $600 . 4,800 00 222,463 00 Nurses’ training Salaries, regular Principal of training school $1,200 00 Special attendant, janitor 600 00 Special attendant, jani tress 516 00 Charge attendant 516 00 Attendant 408 00 Attendant 400 00 Attendant 300 00 Housekeeper 480 00 4,420 00 Industrial Wages, regular Tailor $768 00 Shoemaker 768 00 Special attendant, tailor. 600 00 Clothing clerk 600 00 1 Special attendant, 2 at $600 1,200 00 Special attendant, 4 at $516 2,064 00 Attendant, 3 at $408. . . 1,224 00- 7,224 00 Kitchen and dining room Wages, regular Chef, 2 at $1,140 Head cook, 8 at $660. . $2,280 00 5,280 00 321 CENTRAL ISLIP STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Kitchen and dining room — Continued Wages, regular — Continued Cook, 10 at $420 o o oy 00 Special attendant, 2 at $600 1,200 00 Charge attendant, 4 at $516 2,064 00 Charge attendant 492 00 Charge attendant 420 00 Charge attendant 414 00 Dining room attendant, 2 at $408 816 00 Dining room attendant, 5 at $300 1,500 00 Dining room attendant, 3 at $290 870 00 Dining room attendant, 3 at $276 828 00 Kitchen helper 360 00 Kitchen helper 356 00 Kitchen helper 355 00 Kitchen helper, 2 at $354 708 00 Kitchen helper, 2 at $351 702 00 Kitchen helper, 2 at $348 696 00 Bakery Wages, regular Baker, 2 at $816 $1,632 00 Assistant baker 540 00 Baker’s helper 420 00 2,592 00 Meat stores Wages, regular Meat cutter $816 00 (Special attendant 579 00 11 1,395 00 322 CENTRAL ISLIP STATE HOSPITAL Laundry service Wages, regular Continued Laundry supervisor .... $900 00 Head laundress 420 00 Launderer, 5 at $420. . . 4° "m- o o 00 Laundress, 13 at $264.. 3,432 00 Special attendant . ... 600 00 Special attendant 516 00 Attendant, 2 at $408. . . . 816 00 Attendant, 4 at $300 .. . 1,200 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Chief engineer $1,560 00 Engineer, assistant, 1st grade, 2 at $984. .. . 1,968 00 Engineer, assistant, 2nd grade, 5 at $816. . . . 4,080 00 Engineer, electrical . . . 1,200 00 Engineer, assistant elec- trician, 1st grade, 2 at $984 1,968 00 Fireman, 22 at $780. . . 17,160 00 $27,936 00 Repairs Wages, regular Head carpenter $936 00 Carpenter, 8 at $816. . . 6,528 00 Mason 1,092 00 Plasterer, 2 at $816.. . . 1,632 00 Tinsmith, 2 at $816. . . . 1,632 00 Slater and roofer 816 00 Plumber and steam-fitter, 6 at $936 5,616 00 Lineman, 2 at $600 , . 1,200 00 Painter, 2 at $816 1,632 00 Special attendant, 13 at $600 o o CO W 00 9,984 00 CENTRAL ISLIP STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Mechanical — Continued Repairs — Continued Wages, regular — Continued Special attendant 528 00 Attendant, 4 at $408. . . 1,632 00 Attendant, 2 at $376. . . 752 00 $31,796 00 59,732 00 . Field service Farm, garden and grounds Wages, regular Head farmer $816 00 Farmer, 2 at $516 1,032 00 Dairyman 660 00 Gardener, 3 at $660 . . . 1,980 00 Gardener 656 00 Gardener 655 00 Florist 768 00 Supervisor, 2 at $744. . 1,488 00 Blacksmith 816 00 Special attendant, 7 at $600 4,200 00 Attendant, 9 at $408. . . 3,672 00 16,743 00 Railway service Wages, regular Special attendant, trackman 600 00 Total for personal service $460,671 20 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Central Islip State Hospital, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $362,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $98,000 00 324 CENTRAL ISLIP STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Printing Advertising Equipment Office $1,000 00 Household 27,000 00 Medical and surgical 500 00 1 Motorless vehicles 1,000 00 Motor vehicles 1,600 00 Wearing apparel 20,000 00 1,600 00 25 00 Industrial 70 00 Laundry 280 00 Books 175 00 General plant 2,700 00 54,325 00 Supplies Office $900 00 Household 7,400 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 2,150 00 Medical and surgical 4,000 00 Motor vehicles 190 00 Botanical and agricultural. . . 3,800 00 Forage and veterinary 6,500 00 Refrigerating 120 00 General plant . . 10,600 00 35,660 00 Materials Highway $200 00 Sewer 300 00 Industrial 18,000 00 General plant 10,500 00 29,000 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials and employees $1,500 00 Transportation of patients. . 3,700 00 Hotel expenses 300 00 5,500 00 325 CENTRAL XSLIP STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Communication Freight and express $7,600 00 Telephone and telegrams. . .. 1,200 00 Postage 1,200 00 10,000 00 Fixed charges and contributions Commutation , . . $16,456 00 Contributions to retirement fund 1,150 00 Cash given to discharged patients 1,500 00 19,106 00 General plant service Special religious services. . . . $1,550 00 Special medical or surgical services 750 00 Entertainment of patients. . . 1,500 00 Veterinary — farm 75 00 Veterinary — administration 25 00 3,900 00 Rents 1,020 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 621,336 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for re- pairs to buildings and equipment 11,500 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For additional quarters for acute patients, (authorization by chapter 646, Laws of 1916, two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000), of which fifty thousand dol- lars ($50,000) was appropriated) an further appropriation of fifty thousand dollars 50,000 00 326 CENTRAL ISLIP STATE HOSPITAL — Continued For extension to laundry and laundry equip- ment. A reappropriation of eighteen thousand four hundred and twelve dollars ($18,412), appropriated by chapter 728, Laws of 1915, and a further authoriza- tion for the same purposes of fifteen thou- sand dollars ($15,000) For new central heating and lighting plant, an authorization of one hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($150,000), of which fifty thousand dollars is hereby appro- priated 50,000 00 Repairs to heating plant 7,000 00 For extension to lavatories and water closet sections 15,000 00 For electric motor, transformer, and switch- board for South Colony sewage disposal plant 2,500 00 For boiler feed pumps 800 00 For feed water heater 1,200 00 For oil separator 275 00 126,775 00 ' Total for hospital, 1917-18 $1,220,282 20 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For payment for services of employees of the Central Islip State Hospital. PERSONAL SERVICE Personal service $439 60 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food 38,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water 10,000 00 Equipment * 10,000 00 Supplies 8,000 00 Materials 2,000 00 327 CENTRAL ISLIP STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Communication 2,000 00 Fixed charges and contributions 1,000 00 1 Wi<: n Total immediately available $71,439 60 Total for Central Islip State Hospital $1,291,721 80 GOWANDA STATE HOMEOPATHIC HOSPITAL For payment for services of employees at Gowanda State Homeo- pathic Hospital PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Medical superintendent. $3,792 00 First assistant physician. 2,875 00 Senior assistant physi- cian, 2 at $2,050' 4,100 00 Assistant physician .... 1,600 00 Assistant physician .... 1,325 00 Woman physician 1,800 00 Matron 900 00 Pharmacist 900 00 Stenographer, woman . . 798 00 Watchman, 2 at $600. . 1,200 00 Barber 604 00 Coachman 720 00 Coachman 718 00 Special attendant, clerk, medical office 476 00 Special attendant, tele- phone operator 516 00 Special attendant, type- writer copyist 480 00 Special attendant, labora- tory assistant and charge of morgue, band leader and photog- rapher, 2 at $600. . . . 1,200 00 328 GOWANDA STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Administration — Continued General — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Attendant, night tele- phone operator 324 00 Attendant, assistant bar- ber 408 00 Page 267 00 Waitress, 4 at $276. . . . 1,104 00 Chambermaid, 2 at $276 552 00 Chambermaid 27400 Field worker and after care agent 1,200 00 $28,133 00 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Steward $2,275 00 Bookkeeper 1,260 00 Storekeeper 840 00 Stenographer 960 00 Voucher clerk 840 00 Special attendant, type- writer copyist, etc. ... 600> 00 Special attendant, stores keeper’s assistant. . 528 00 $7,303 00 35,436 00 Ward service Salaries, regular Chief supervisor $807 00 1 Supervisors, 2 at $660 . . 1,320 00* Supervisor, night 744 00' Charge nurses and charge attendants . 16,340 00 Nurses and attendants. . 33,845 00 Special attendants .... 600 00 53,656 00 329 5 GOWANDA STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Nurses’ training Salaries, regular Principal of training school $1,200 00 Housekeeper 480 00 Attendant, assistant housekeeper 408 00 2,088 00 Industrial Salaries, regular Shop foreman $768 00 Tailor 768 00 Special attendant, seam- stress 516 00 Special attendant, indus- trial ciass . 488 00 Special attendant, shop foreman’s assistant . . 576 00 Attendant, seamstress as- sistant 300 00 3,416 00 Kitchen and dining rooms Wages, regular Chef $1,140 00 Head cook 660 00 Cook, 5 at $420 2,100 00 Assistant cook 360 00 Kitchen helper, 4 at $360 1,440 00 Kitchen helper 354 00 Charge attendant ...... 420 00 Charge attendant 516 00 Dining room attendant . . 300 00 Dining room attendant . . 290 00 Chambermaid 276 00 7,856 00 330 GOWANDA STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Bakery Wages, regular Baker $816 00 Assistant baker 540 00 1,356 00 Meat stores Wages, regular Meat. cutter $744 00 Special attendant, meat- cutter’s assistant .... 600 00 1,344 00 Laundry Wages, regular Overseer $780 00 Launderer, 2 at $420 . . . 840 00 Head laundress 420 00 Laundress, 4 at $264. . 1,056 00 Attendant 408 00 3,504 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Chief engineer $1,560 00 Engineer’s assistant, 1st grade 984 00 Engineer’s assistant, 2nd grade, 3 at $816 2,448 00 Electrical engineer’s as- sistant, 1st grade. ... 984 00 Fireman, 4 at $780. . . . 3,120 00 $9,096 00 Repairs Wages, regular Carpenter $816 00 Mason 816 00 Painter 816 00 Special attendant, assist- ant painter 600 00 331 GOWANDA STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Mechanical — Continued Repairs. — Continued Wages, regular — Continued Plumbers’ and steamfit- ters’ helper 428 00 Attendant, mason’s as- sistant 372 00 Carpenter 816 00 $4,664 00 Wages, temporary Bricklayer $200 00 Boilermaker and helper. 250 00 $450 00 14,210 00 Field service Farm, garden and grounds Wages, regular Farm manager Dairyman Herdsman Gardener Florist Driver, 7 at $396 Attendant, night watch- man Attendant, laborer .... $900 00 660 00 516 00 660 00 768 00 2,772 00 432 00 372 00 7,080 00 Total for personal service $129,946 00' For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Gowanda State Homeopathic Hospital, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $80,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water Coal 30,500 00 Light 450 00 30,950 00 332 GOWANDA STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Printing 750 00 Advertising 25 00 Equipment Household 5,400 00 Medical and surgical 200 00 Motorless vehicles and equip- ment 273 00 Wearing apparel 2,218 00 Industrial 16 00 Books 134 00 General plant 1,000 00 Gasoline tractor complete with plow, harrows, etc 2,500 00 11,741 00 Supplies Office $296 00 Household 2,000 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 2,024 00 Medical and surgical 683 00 Motor vehicle 412 00 Botanical and agricultural. . 3,500 00 Forage and veteirnary 5,600 00 Kefrigerating 168 00 General plant 5,145 00 19,828 00 Materials Industrial $5,500 00 General plant 2,000 00 7,500 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials or employees $1,200 00 Transportation of inmates. .. 1,200 00 • 2,400 00 Communication Freight and express $964 00 Telephone and telegraph. ... 383 00 333 GOWANDA STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Communication — Continued Postage, including parcel post 666 00 Demurrage 50 00 Fixed charges and contribu- tions Commutation $5,424 00 Contributions to retirement fund of employees 295 00 Cash given to patients upon discharge 100 00 General plant service Horseshoeing 309 00 Special religious services. ... 520 00 Special medical or technical services 260 00 Entertainment, etc 1,225 00 Veterinary services, farm. ., 129 00 Rents 2,063 00 5,819 00 2,443 00 550 00 Total for maintenance and operation other than per- sonal service 164,069 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment 5,000 00 Total for hospital 1917-18 $299,015 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the services of the employees of Go wanda State Homeopathic Hospital. blospital. Personal service PERSONAL SERVICE $2,769 00 334 : GOWANDA STATE HOSPITAL — Continued MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $16,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water. .. 3,500 00 Equipment 2,500 00 • 22,000 00 Total immediately available 24,769 00 Total for Gowanda State Homeopathic Hospital. . . $323,784 00 HUDSON RIVER STATE HOSPITAL For payment for services of employees of the Hudson River State Hospital. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Medical superintendent. $5,100 00 First assistant physician 3,000 00 Senior assistant physi- cian, 4 at $2,200 8,800 00 Director clinical psychi- atry 2,600 00 Senior assistant physi- cian 1,800 00 Assistant physician . . . 1,600 00 Assistant physician, 2 at $1,325 2,650 00 Assistant physician, 2 at $1,200 . 2,400 00 Woman physician, 2 at $1,800 . ' 3,600 00 Woman physician, 2 at $1,700 3,400 00 Medical interne, 2 at $1,000 2,000 00 335 HUDSON RIVER STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Administration — Continued General — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Pharmacist 900 00 Stenographer, 2 at $816 1,632 00 Watchman, 5 at $600. . . 3,000 00 Barber, 2 at $660 1,320 00 Coachman 720 00 Driver, 2 at $396 792 00' Special attendant, 6 at $600 3,600 00 Special attendant 596 00 Special attendant 585 00 Special attendant, 3 at $516 1,548 00 Housekeeper 480 00 Housekeeper 477 00 Waitress and chamber- maid, 16 at $276. . . . 4,416 00 Special attendant, 2 at $516 1,032 00 $58,048 00 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Steward $2,500 00 Bookkeeper 1,260 00 Accountant 1,080 00 Voucher clerk, 2 at $840 1,680 00 Stenographer 960 00 Special attendant, ste- nographer 432 00 Storekeeper 1,020 00 Special attendant, clerk 600 00 Special attendant 528 00 $10,060 00 $68,108 00 336 HUDSON RIVER STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Ward service Salaries, regular Chief supervisor $1,560 00 Supervisors 3,552 00 Charge nurses and charge attendants .... 30,994 00 Nurses and attendants. . 120,086 00 156,192 00 Nurses’ training Salaries, regular Principal training school $1,200 00 Housekeeper, 2 at $480 960 00 Waitress and chamber- maid, 6 at $276 1,656 00 Housekeeper 432 00' 4,248 00 Industrial Wages, regular Shop foreman . . . $768 00 Tailor 768 00 Shoemaker 768 00 Special attendant, $600 3 at 1,800 00 Special atendant, $516 6 at 3,096 00 Special attendant, $492 2 at 984 00 Special attendant, stress seam- 432 00 Attendant 408 00 Attendant 300 00 9,324 00 Kitchen and dining room Wages, regular Chef $1,140 00 Head cook, 7 at $660. . 4,620 00 Cook, 10 at $420 4,200 00 Assistant cook, 9 at $360 3,240 00 337 HUDSON RIVER STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Kitchen and dining room — Continued Wages, regular — Continued Dining room attendant, 17 at $300 5,100 00 Attendant 288 00 Kitchen helper, 11 at $408 4,488 00 Bakery Wages, regular Baker $816 00 Assistant baker 540 00 Special attendant, bak- er’s helper 600 00 Meat stores Wages, regular Meat cutter $816 00 Special attendant, meat cutter 594 00 Laundry Wages, regular Laundry supervisor .... $900 00 Special attendant, assist- ant supervisor 600 00 Launderer, 4 at $420'. . . 1,680 00 Head laundress 420 00 Laundress, 10 at $264. . 2,640 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Chief engineer $1,56000 Engineer, assistant, first grade 984 00 Engineer, assistant, third grade 660 00 Electrical engineer .... 1,200 00 23,076 00 1,956 00 1,410 00 6,240 00 338 HUDSON RIVER STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Mechanical — Continued Engineering — Continued W ages, regular — Continued Electrical engineer, as- sistant, second grade, 3 at $816 2,448 00 Lineman, 2 at $600 .... 1,200 00 Special attendant, 3 at $600 1,800 00 Special attendant 528 00 Plumber 93600 Plumber’s helper 564 00 Steamfitter, 2 at $936. . 1,872 00 Fireman, 15 at $780. . . 11,700 00 Attendant 408 00 Attendant 37200 $26,232 00 Repairs Wages, regular Master mechanic $1,56000 Head carpenter 936 00 Carpenter, 5 at $816. . . 4,080 00 Mason 960 00 Special attendant, car- penter 52800 Special attendant, ma- son, cement worker, 2 at $600 1,200 00 Laborer 360 00 Painter 816 00 Special attendant, paint- er, 5 at $600 3,000 00 Special attendant, black- smith’s helper 600 00 Attendant, painter .... 408 00 $14,448 00 40,680 00 339 HUDSON RIVER STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Field service Farm garden, grounds Wages, regular Head farmer $816 00 Head farmer 780 00 Farmer, 2 at $516 .... 1,032 00 Farmer 508 00 Dairyman 66000 Gardener 66000 Gardener 612 00 Florist 768 00 Driver, 12 at $396 4,752 00 Laborer, 2 at $360 ... . 720 00 Fireman (road roller) . 780 00 Special attendant, roads, 3 at $600 1,800 00 Special attendant, roads. 585 00 Attendant (driver) 3 at $408 1,224 00 Special attendant, driver 528 00 Blacksmith 816 00 Supervisor 744 00 17,785 00 Total for personal service $329,019 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Hudson River State Hospital, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $253,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water Fuel, light and power $74,000 00 Lighting 2,000 00 Water 5,000 00 Printing Advertising 81,000 00 900 00 100 00 340 HUDSON RIVER STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Equipment Office $500 00 Household 18,000 00 Medical and surgical — T O O 00 Motorless vehicles and equip- ment 800 00 Wearing apparel o o 00 Industrial 160 00 Farm and garden 650 00 Live stock o o T— I 00 Books 160 00 General plant o CO 00 33,000 00 Supplies Office $800 00 Household 5,000 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 2,400 00 Medical and surgical 4,500 00 Motor vehicles 1,00000 Research — laboratory 250 00 Botanical and agricultural.. 4,250 00 Forage and veterinary 7,500 00 Refrigerating 800 00 General plant 22,000 00 Materials Highway $1,200 00 Industrial 10,000 00 General plant 1,000 00 48,500 00 12,200 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officers and employees $90000 Transportation of inmates. . 6,100 00 7,000 00 Communication Postage $1,350 00 Telegraph 25000 341 HUDSON RIVER STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Communication — Continued Telephone 750 00 Freight and teaming 1,55000 Express 20000 4,100 00 Fixed charges and contribu- tions Rewards and expenses $100 00 Cash given to patients upon discharge 25000 Commutation 16,900 00 Contributions to retirement ment fund . 200 00 17,450 00 General plant service Entertainment $2,200 00 Special medical service 700 00 Special technical service. . . . 1,100 00 Special religious service .... 1,000 00 5,000 00 Care of Mohansic State Hospital Farm. Supplies 1,000 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than per- sonal service 463,250 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment 7,200 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For additional filter $12,000 00 For changing water main 7,000 00 For the construction of a new reservoir. . . . 20,000 00 39,000 00 Total for hospital, 1917-18 $838,469 00 342 HUDSON RIVER STATE HOSPITAL — Continued TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For payment for services of employees of the Hudson River State Hospital. PERSONAL SERVICE Personal service $108 00 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $25,000 00 Supplies 15,000 00 40,000 00 Total immediately available 40,108 00 Total for Hudson River State Hospital $878,577 00 KINGS PARK STATE HOSPITAL For payment for services of employees of the Kings Park State Hospital. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Medical superintendent . $5,100 00 First assistant physician 3,000 00 First assistant physician 2,791 67 Senior assistant physi- cian, 4 at $2,200 .... 8,800 00 Senior physician 2,133 33 Senior assistant physi- cian, 2 at $1,900. . . . 3,800 00 Assistant physician, 6 at $1,600 9,600 00 Assistant physician . . . 1,541 66 Assistant physician . . . 1,483 33 Assistant physician . . . 1,475 00 343 KINGS PARK STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Administration - — - Continued General — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Assistant physician, 3 at $1,300 3,900 00 Woman physician, 2 at $1,800 3,60000 Medical interne, 2 at $1,000 2,000 00 Pharmacist 1,200 00 Dentist 900 00 Stenographer, 2 at $816. 1,632 00 Stenographer 804 00 Stenographer 77600 Stenographer 73200 Chief transfer agent. . . 720 00 Chief transfer agent ... 600 00 Research assistant 600 00 Watchman, 5 at $600. . . 3,000 00 Coachman 72000 Barber 66000 Special attendant, mail clerk 516 00 Special attendant, 9 at $600 5,400 00 Special attendant, oper- ating room 516 00 Special attendant, drug room 516 00 Attendant, drug room. . 400 00 Attendant, 2 at $408 ... 816 00 Special attendant, stenog- rapher 506 00 Attendant, stenographer. 408 00 Attendant, stenographer, 2 at $300 600 00 Attendant, dining room, 15 at $300 4,500 00 Special attendant, trans^ fer of patients 600 00 344 KINGS PARK STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Administration — Continued General — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Special attendant, trans- fer of patients 516 00 Special attendant, sewage disposal plant 600 00 Housekeeper 48000 Fireman (fire marshal) 780 00 Cook, 10 at $420 4,200 00 Driver, 7 at $396 2,772 00 Page, 3 at $276 828 00 $86,522 99 Salaries, temporary Stenographer, city office, 4 months at $68 272 00 $86,794 99 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Steward 2,500 00 Assistant steward 1,50000 Bookkeeper 1,26000 Accountant 1,08000 Storekeeper 1,020 00 Stenographer 960 00 Stenographer 952 00 Stenographer 92400 Voucher clerk 796 00 Voucher and treasurer’s clerk 768 00 Special attendant, stew- ard’s office 600 00 Special attendant, store- house 600 00 Attendant, 2 at $408. . . 816 00 $13,776 00 $100,570 99 345 KINGS PARK STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Ward service Salaries, regular Supervisors $9,000 00 Charge nurses and charge attendants . 35,556 00 Nurses and attendants. . 162,516 00 Special attendants 2,032 00 209,104 00 Nurses’ training Salaries, regular Principal of training school 1,200 00 Industrial Wages, regular Chief supervisor $744 00 Supervisor 660 00 Special attendant, shoe- maker 600 00 Special attendant, linen room, 2 at $600 1,200 00 Special attendant, dress- maker 516 00 Special attendant, seam- stress, 2 at $516 1,032 00 Special attendant, tailor shop 600 00 Special attendant, mat shop 600 00 Special attendant, fancy class 516 00 Special attendant, art class 506 00 Special attendant, basket work 600 00 Special attendant, basket work 516 00 Special attendant, reed work 516 00 Attendant, 3 at $300 . . . 900 00 Attendant, linen room. . 408 00 346 KINGS PARK STATE Industrial — - Continued Wages, regular — Continued Shoemaker Tailor Shop foreman Kitchen and dining room Wages, regular Chef Head cook, 5 at $660 . . . Cook, 9 at $420 Special attendant, 3 at $516 Attendant, detailed to kitchen, 11 at $408. . Kitchen helper, 2 at $360 Charge attendant, dining hall Attendant, dining room. Attendant, dining room, 32 at $300 Attendant, kitchen, 2 at $408 ' HOSPITAL — Continued 168 00 768 00 768 00 12,218 00 $1,140 00 3,300 00 3,780 00 1,548 00 4,488 00 720 00 420 00 408 00 9,600 00 816 00 Bakery Wages, regular Baker $816 00 Assistant baker, 2 at $540 1,080 00 Meat stores Wages, regular Meat cutter $81600 Special attendant, meat cutter 60000 26,220 00 1,896 00 Laundry Wages, regular Supervisor of laundry. . $900 00 Driver 396 00 Special attendant 600 00 1,416 00 347 KINGS PAEK STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Laundry — Continued Wages, regular — Continued Launderer, 7 at $420 . . . 2,940 00 Special attendant, soap- maker and launderer. 598 00 Special attendant 432 00 Head laundress 420 00 Laundress, 18 at $264. . 4,752 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Chief engineer $1,560 00 First assistant engineer, 3 at $984 2,952 00 Second assistant engi- neer, 2 at $816 1,632 00 Electrical engineer .... 1,200 00 Fireman, 17 at $780. . . 13,260 00 Special attendant, engi- neer’s department . . . 600 00 $21,204 00 Repairs Wages, regular Master mechanic 1,560 00 Electrician 750 00 Plumber, 3 at $936. . . . 2,808 00 Steamfitter and machin- ist 936 00 Steamfitter 936 00 'Special attendant, plumber, 6 at $600 . . . 3,600 00 Carpenter, 6 at $816. . . 4,896 00 Carpenter and locksmith 816 00 Painter, 5 at $816 4,080 00 Mason 900 00 Mason 750 00 Tinsmith 816 00 348 KINGS PARK STATE Mechanical — Continued Repairs — Continued W ages, regular — Continued Special atendant, tin- smith Special attendant, mason Blacksmith, 2 at $816. . HOSPITAL — Continued 600 00 600 00 1,632 00 $25,680 00 Field service Farm, garden and grounds Wages, regular Supervisor, 2 at $744. . $1,488 00 Farm manager 900 00 Farmer, 3 at $516 1,548 00 Florist 768 00 Gardener 660 00 Driver, 4 at $396 1,584 00 Special attendant in charge of piggery. ... 528 00 Special attendant, gar- dener 60000 Laborer, 4 at $360 1,440 00 Attendant, farm, 5 at $408 2,040 00 Salary and wages, temporary employees 46,884 00 11,556 00 1,200 00 Total for personal service $ 423,302 99 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Kings Park State Hospital, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $340,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $65,000 00 Light 1,300 00 Water 300 00 66,600 00 349 KINGS PARK STATE Printing Advertising Equipment HOSPITAL — Continued 1,800 00 150 00 Office $700 00 Household 29,000 00 Medical and surgical 600 00 Motorless vehicles and equip- ment 500 00 Wearing apparel 7,500 00 Industrial 700 00 Laundry 950 00 Farm and garden 800 00 Live stock 2,200 00 Books 150 00 General plant o o 00 Supplies Office $1,200 00 Household 7,500 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 1,800 00 Medical and surgical 7,500 00 Motor vehicle 1,400 00 Research 100 00 Botanical and agricultural.. 4,600 00 Forage and veterinary 9,500 00 Refrigerating 30000 General plant 11,000 00 Materials 48,000 00 44,900 00 Highway $500 00 Sewer 500 00 Industrial 31,000 00 General plant 12,00000 Traveling expenses Traveling expenses of officers and employees $3,00000 Transportation of inmates . . . 3,000 00 Hotel expenses 500 00 44,000 00 6,500 00 350 KINGS PARK STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Communication Freight and express $4,800 00 Telephone and telegraph .... 1,200 00 Postage 2,000 00 8,000 00 Fixed charges and contributions Commutation 13,00000 Contributions to retirement fund of employees 720 00 Cash to discharged patients . . 500 00 Veteran retirement 1,000 00 General plant service Special religious services. . . . $1,580 00 Special medical or technical services 850 00 Entertainment 3,500 00 Veterinary services, farm. . . 200 00 Veterinary services, adminis- tration 5000 15,220 00 6,180 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service $581,350 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment . $8,000 00 Hot and cold water supply line for Group No. 1 male and female cottages, build- ings A, C, D ; A, B kitchen ; C, I) kitch- en ; Group No. 1 kitchen 3,000 00 Rewiring in buildings A, B, C and I) 4,000 00 15,000 00 351 KINGS PARK STATE HOSPITAL — Continued CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For the construction of additional accommo- dations for chronic patients, for footings, area boxes, for windows, excavating, piers, area drains, sewer line, plumbing and beating and other construction work. . . . $3,500 00 Furniture and equipment for new additions to Groups 2 and 3 for employees and patients 16,000 00 For change of electric light, system from sin- gle phase to 3 phase 2,000 00 For iron lire ladders to run from the water sections to the top of certain buildings. . 320 00 For survey and plans by the Department of Health for a water storage reservoir and connections therefrom to present water system 700 00 Providing additional heat for dormitories, wards 45 and 47, group No. 1 800 00 Increasing radiation of both large donnitor- ies, ward 55 750 00 Window guards for four porches, cottages 1, 2, 3 and 4, groups 2 and 3 740 00 Window guards for basements of cottages 1 and 2 kitchens and dining room, group 2 ; and cottages 3 and 4 kitchen and dining room, group 3 300 00 Fly screens for new additions, groups 2 and 3 300 00 $25,410 00 Total for hospital, 1917-18 $1,045,062 99 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For payment for services of the employees of the Kings Park State Hospital. PERSONAL SERVICE Personal service $582 00 352 KINGS PARK STATE HOSPITAL — Continued MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food Equipment . . . Supplies Materials .... Communication $24,000 00 3,500 00 14,000 00 4.000 00 1.000 00 $46,500 00 Total immediately available $47,082 00 Total for Kings Park State Hospital $1,092,144 99 MANHATTAN STATE HOSPITAL For payment for services of employees of Manhattan State Hospital. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Medical superintendent. $6,000 00 Director of clinical psy- chiatry 3,000 00 First assistant phy- sician, 2 at $3,000 . . . 6,000 00 (Senior assistant phy- sician, 6 at $2,200 .\ 13,200 00 Senior assistant phy- sician, 2 at $2,133.33 4,266 66 Senior assistant phy- sician, 2 at $1,900. . . 3,800 00 Assistant physician, 4 at $1,600 6,400 00 Assistant physician . . . 1,508 33 Assistant physician, 2 at $1,391.67 2,783 34 Assistant physician, 2 at $1,325 ' 2,650 00 353 MANHATTAN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Administration — Continued General — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Assistant physician . . . 1,300 00 Woman physician 1,800 00 Medical interne, 5 at $1,000 5,000 00 Matron and director of women’s industries . . 1,200 00 Pharmacist 1,200 00 Secretary and stenogra- pher 900 00 Stenographer, 3 at $9 GO 2,880 00 Stenographer, 3 at $816 2,448 00 Stenographer 728 00 Stenographer 807 00 Stenographer 80400 Stenographer 784 00 Stenographer 492 00 Supervisor 744 00 Supervisor 660 00 Special attendant, 10 at $600 6,000 00 Special attendant 576 00 Special attendant, 2 at $528 1,056 00 Special attendant, 6 at $516 3,096 00 Special attendent 514 00 Special attendant 492 00 Watchman, 9 at $600.. 5,400 00 Barber 660 00 Coachman 720 00 Driver, 4 at $396 1,584 00 Attendant, 9 at $408. . . 3,672 00 Attendant 372 00 Attendant 300 00 Page, 4 at $276 1,104 00 Page 275 00 Page 267 00 12 354 MANHATTAN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Administration • — Continued General — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Housekeeper, 2 at $480. 960 00 Head cook 660 00 Cook, 2 at $420 840 00 Assistant cook, 2 at $360 720 00 Waitress, 11 at $276. . . 3,036 00 Dockmaster (day) .... 900 00 Dockmaster (night) . . . 600 00 Transfer agent 72000 Transfer agent 600 00 $106,479 33 1,500 00 800 00 1,500 00 4,200 00 780 00 2,400 00 1,125 00 1,050 00 $13,355 00 1,200 00 $14,555 00 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Steward $2,500 00 Assistant steward 1,500 00 Assistant paymaster and bookkeeper 1,400 00 Bookkeeper 1,244 00 Storekeeper 1,020 00 Stenographer 96000 Wages, regular Captain Mate Chief engineer Engineer, 4 at $1,050. Fireman Deckhand, 5 at $480 . . Pilot (day) Pilot (night) Salaries, temporary After-care agent months) 355 MANHATTAN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Administration — Continued Accounting and stores Salaries, regular — Continue Stenographer 954 00 Stenographer 944 00 Stenographer 816 00 Clerk or stenographer. . 908 00 Voucher clerk 720 00 Special attendant 600 00 Special attendant 585 00 Special attendant 576 00 Attendant, 2 at $408 . . . 816 00 Attendant 398 00 Page 276 00 Assistant cook 360 00 Waitress 276 00 $16,853 00 1 Ward service Salaries, regular Chief supervisor $816 00 Chief supervisor 744 00 Supervisors 10,566 00 Charge nurses and • charge attendants . . . 53,953 00 Nurses and attendants. 155,000 00 Special attendant 600 00 Special attendant 516 00 Nurses’ training Salaries, regular Principal of training school $1,200 00 Housekeeper 480 00 Attendant 300 00 Head cook 660 00 Cook 420 00 Kitchen helper 272 00 Waitress, 2 at $275. . . . 550 00 $137,887 33 222,195 00 3,882 00 356 MANHATTAN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Industrial Wages, regular Shop foreman $768 00 Tailor 768 00 Shoemaker 768 00 Special attendant, 2 at $600 1,200 00 Special attendant, 4 at $516 2,064 00 Attendant, 2 at $408. . . 816 00 Kitchen and dining-room Wages, regular Chef $1,140 00 Head cook, 6 at $660. . 3,960 00 Cook, 13 at $420 5,460 00 Kitchen helper, 2 at $360 720 00 Kitchen helper 35900 Kitchen helper 356 00 Kitchen helper, 2 at $351 702 00 Kitchen helper, 6 at $300 1,800 00 Attendant, 4 at $408. . . 1,632 00 Attendant, 25 at $300. . 7,500 00 Attendant, 2 at $296. . . 592 00 Attendant, 2 at $284. . . 568 00 City office Salaries, temporary Stenographer, city office, four months, at $804 Bakery Wages, regular Baker/ $816 00 Assistant baker, 2 at $540 1,080 00 Attendant 376 00 6,384 00 24,789 00 271 00 2,272 00 357 MANHATTAN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Meat stores Wages, regular Meat cutter $816 00 Special attendant 600 00 1,416 00 Laundry Wages, regular Supervisor $900 00 Head laundress, 4 at $420 1,680 00 Laundress, 10 at $264. 2,640 00 Launderer, 5 at $420. . . 2,100 00 Special attendant 600 00 Attendant 408 00 Attendant 300 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Chief engineer $1,560 00 Engineer’s assistant, first grade, 3 at $984 2,952 00 Engineer’s assistant, second grade 816 00 Electrical engineer .... 1,200 00 Electrical engineer’s as- sistant, first grade, 4 at $984 3,936 00 Lineman, 2 at $600. . . . 1,200 00 Fireman, 17 at $780. . . 13,260 00 Fireman 540 00 Laborer, 2 at $360 720 00 Attendant 408 00 8,628 00 Repairs Wages, regular Supervising carpenter . . Carpenter, 6 at $816. . . Tinsmith Painter, 2 at $816 $26,592 00 $1,320 00 4,896 00 816 00 1,632 00 358 MANHATTAN STATE HOSPITAL Mechanical — Continued Repairs — Continued Wages, regular — Continued Plumber and steamfitter, 6 at $936 Plumber and steamfi tter’s helper, 4 at $504. Plumber and steamfi tier’s helper Plumber and steamfi tier’s helper Special attendant, 7 at $600 Special attendant Special attendant Attendant Continued Wages temporary Mason, at $4 a day. . . . Plasterer, at $3.50 a day Roofer, at 3.50 a day. . . Field service Farm, garden and grounds Wages, regular Farm manager Dairyman Herdsman Farmer Gardener Florist Special attendant, 4 at $600 Attendant Driver, 2 at $396. . . 5,616 00 > 2,016 00 484 00 452 00 4,200 00 594 00 588 00 408 00 $23,022 00 1,212 00 1,060 50 1,060 50 $3,333 00 $900 00 660 00 516 00 516 00 660 00 768 00 2,400 00 408 00 792 00 52,947 00 7,620 00 Total for personal service $468,291 33 359 MANHATTAN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Manhattan State Hospital, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $460,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $61,000 00 Light 2,000 00 63,000 00 Printing 2,600 00 Advertising 100 00 Equipment Office $500 00 Household 34,000 00 Medical and surgical 900 00 Motorless vehicles and equip- ment 900 00 Motor vehicles and equipment 600 00 Wearing apparel 12,500 00 Industrial 240 00 Laundry 300 00 F arm and garden 800 00 Live stock 900 00 Books 300 00 General plant 2,460 00 54,400 00 Supplies Office $1,800 00 Household 13,000 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting O o tjT 00 Medical and surgical 12,000 00 Motor vehicle 500 00 Research 300 00 Botanical and agricultural. . 5,000 00 Forage and veterinary o o w 00 Refrigerating 750 00 General plant o o rH 00 59,250 00 360 MANHATTAN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Materials Industrial $36,250 00 General plant 6,750 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials and employees $1,400 00 Transportation of inmates. . . 400 00 Hotel expenses 200 00 Communication Freight and express $1,500 00 Telephone and telegraph. ... 1,500 00 Postage 2,500 00 Fixed charges and contributions Commutation $13,250 00 Retirement fund 1,000 00 Pensions and cash to dis- charged patients 750 00 General plant service Special religious services. . . . $1,350 00 Special medical or technical services 500 00 Entertainment, etc 850 00 Veterinary services — farm.. 100 00 Veterinary services — admin- istration 100 00 Horseshoeing — farm 120 00 Horseshoeing — administra- tion 400 00 Miscellaneous 160 00 Rents Boat and dock service 43,000 00 2,000 00 5,500 00 15,000 00 3,580 00 900 00 14,000 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 723,330 00 361 MANHATTAN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon esti- mate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that ap- propriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment $14,500 00 Painting 6,500 00 Xew floors 5,000 00 26,000 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For the construction of additional accom- modations for disturbed patients, includ- ing kitchen for same, (authorization 'chap- ter 646, Laws of 1916, two hundred thou- sand dollars ($200,000), of which forty- six thousand five hundred dollars ($46,500) was appropriated), a further appropriation of one hundred thousand dollars $100,000 00 F or the construction of a piggery and slaughter house 10,000 00 F or the construction of area way around wards 13, 14, 15 and 16, and cement floors in basement of same, with pipe drains ; additional toilet fixtures and re- moval of obsolete ones ; the building of proper manholes over sewers to have screens and to extend sewer outlets 5,000 00 For automatic sprinkler for storehouse. ... 2,00000 For coal and ash conveyer, and power truck 38,000 00 For materials for sidewalks and roads 2,500 00 For heating, men employees’ home 3,500 00 For steam kettles 2,00000 163,000 00 Total for hospital 1917-18 $1,380,621 33 362 MANHATTAN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For payment for services of employees of Manhattan State Hospital. PERSONAL SERVICE Personal service $160 00 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food 45,000 00 Printing 400 00 Supplies 20,000 00 Communication 50000 Fixed charges and contributions 1,000 00 $66,900 00 Total immediately available $67,060 00 Total for Manhattan State Hospital $1,447,681 33 MIDDLETOWN STATE HOMEOPATHIC HOSPITAL For payment for services of employees of the Middletown State Homeopathic Hospital. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Medical superintendent. $5,000 00 First assistant physician 3,000 00 Senior assistant physi- cian 2,133 36 Assistant physician, 2 at $1,600 . 3,200 00 Assistant physician, 2 at $1,400 . 2,800 00 Assistant physician .... 1,325 00 Woman physician 1,775 00 Woman physician 1,316 67 MIDDLETOWN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Administration * — Continued General — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Interne, 3 at $1,000. . . . 3,000 00 Matron 900 00 Pharmacist 900 00 Attendant 408 00 Stenographer 81600 Stenographer 792 00 Attendant, stenographer, 3 at $300. . . 900 00 Special attendant 432 00 Watchman, 3 at $600. . 1,800 00 Barber 660 00 Coachman 720 00 Driver 396 00 Special attendant, 3 at $516 1,548 00 Special attendant 510 00 Special attendant 432 00 Attendant, 2 at $408. . . 816 00 Attendant, usher 294 00 Housekeeper 480 00 Housekeeper 474 00 Chambermaid, 8 at $276 2,208 00 Social service worker. . . 1,200 00 $40,236 03 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Steward 2,500 00 Bookkeeper 1,260 00 Accountant 1,080 00 Voucher clerk 822 00 Stenographer 81600 Storekeeper 968 00 Special attendant, stenog- rapher 516 00 Special attendant 600 00 Special attendant 555 00 3G4 MIDDLETOWN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Administration — Continued Accounting and stores — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Attendant 408 00 Attendant 380 00 Attendant 372 00 $10,277 00 $50,513 Ward service Salaries, regular Supervisors $3,322 00 Charge nurses and at- tendants 29,100 00 Nurses and attendants.. 64,000 00 03 Nurses’ training Salaries, regular Principal of training school $1,200 00 Housekeeper 480 00 Chambermaid, 3 at $276 828 00 Industrial Wages, regular Tailor $768 00 Attendant 408 00 Special attendant, dress- maker 51600 Special attendant dress- maker 476 00 Charge attendant 408 00 Special attendant 528 00 Special attendant 432 00 96,422 00 2,508 00 3,536 00 Kitchen and dining-room Wages, regular Chef . $1,140 00 Mead cook, 3 at $660. . 1,980 00 Cook, 6 at $420 2,520 00 Assistant cook 360 00 Dining room attendant, 3 at $408 1,224 00 365 MIDDLETOWN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Kitchen and dining-room — Continued Wages, regular — Continued Bakery Dining room attendant Dining room attendant, 400 00 14 at $300 4,200 00 Dining room attendant 288 00 Dining room attendant Kitchen helper, 7 at 280 00 $360 2,520 00 Kitchen helper 358 00 Kitchen helper 356 00 Kitchen helper Kitchen helper, 2 at 355 00 $354 Kitchen helper, 2 at 708 00 $351 Kitchen helper, 2 at 702 00 $348 696 00 Kitchen helper 312 00 ages, regular Baker $816 00 Assistant baker 540 00 Special attendant, baker 600 00 Special attendant, baker 597 00 Meat stores Wages, regular Meat cutter Special attendant, meat cutter 18,399 00 2,553 00 $816 00 572 00 Laundry Wages, regular Laundry overseer $780 00 Special attendant, 2 at $600 1,200 00 Head laundress 420 00 Launderer, 2 at $420 . . . 840 00 Laundress, 11 at $264. . 2,904 00 1,388 00 6,144 00 366 MIDDLETOWN STATE HOSPITAL Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Continued Chief engineer $1, ,560 00 Assistant engineer .... '984 00 Electrical engineer .... 1 . ,200 00 Assistant electrical engi- neer, 2 at $816 1 , ,632 00 Fireman, 8 at $780 . . . . 6; ,240 00 Attendant 408 00 $12. ,024 00 lirs ages, regular Steamfitter, 2 at $936. . 1 ,872 00 Steamfi tier’s helper . . . 504 00 Steamfitter’ s helper . . . 408 00 Attendant 360 00 Head carpenter 936 00 Painter 816 00 Mason 900 00 Mason, 2 at $750 1 ,500 00 Special attendant, 5 at $600 3 ,000 00 Special attendant 564 00 Tinsmith 816 00 Attendant 360 00 $12,036 00 24,060 00 Field service, farm, garden and grounds Wages, regular Farm manager $900 00 Farmer 506 00 Herdsman 516 00 Gardener 660 00 Florist 768 60 Driver, 6 at $396 2,376 00 367 MIDDLETOWN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Field service, farm, garden and grounds — Continued Wages, regular- — Continued Laborer, 8 at $360 .... 2,880 00 Attendant, 2 at $408 . . . 816 00 Attendant, 2 at $380. . . 760 00 Attendant 364 00 Blacksmith 816 00 Special attendant 600 00 $11,962 00 Salaries, temporary Salaries, temporary em- ployees 500 00 12,462 00 Total for personal service $217,985 03 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Middletown State Homeopathic Hospital, other than per- sonal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $171,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $26,370 00 Light 530 00 Water 3,100 00 Printing Advertising Equipment Offices $250 00 Household 14,000 00 Medical and surgical 500 00 Motorless vehicles 150 00 30,000 00 975 00 25 00 368 MIDDLETOWN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Equipment — Continued Wearing apparel 5,300 00 Laundry 1,500 00 Farm and garden 2,500 00 Live stock 1,200 00 General plant 2,100 00 Supplies Office $500 00 Household 3,300 00 Laundry 3,000 00 Medical and surgical 1,200 00 Motor vehicle 1,000 00 Botanical and agricultural. . 2,000 00 Forage and veterinary 2,800 00 Kefrigerating 300 00 General plant 2,800 00 Materials Industrial $6,600 00 General plant 4,400 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials or employees $800 00 Transportation of inmates. . . 700 00 Communication Freight and express $925 00 Telephone and telegraph. ... 275 00 Postage 800 00 Fixed charges and contributions Commutation $8,000 00 Contributions to retirement fund for employees 500 00 General plant service Special religious services. . . . $625 00 Special medical or technical services 50 00 27,500 00 16,900 00 11,000 00 1.500 00 2,000 00 8.500 00 369 MIDDLETOWN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Entertainment, etc 1,900 00 Veterinary services, farm. . . 50 00 Veterinary services, adminis- tration 25 00 2,650 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than for personal service 272,050 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment $4,800 00 Mechanical shop and equipment 8,000 00 Paint, labor and new floors 5,000 00 Wire screens for windows 1,000 00 18,800 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For dairy barns, silos, hay and storage barns $10,000 00 For piggery and slaughterhouse, two thou- sand five hundred dollars 2,500 00 For additional accommodations for 600 patients, an authorization of three hun- dred and sixty-nine thousand dollars ($369,000), of which one hundred thou- sand dollars ($100,000) is hereby appro- priated 100,000 00 112,500 00 Total for hospital, 1917-18 $621,335 03 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Middletown State Homeopathic Hospital, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $20,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water 5,000 00 370 MIDDLETOWN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Equipment 4,000 00 Supplies 5,000 00 Total immediately available 34,000 00 Total for Middletown State Homeopathic Hospital $655,335 03 ROCHESTER STATE HOSPITAL For payment for services of employees of the Rochester State Hospital. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Medical superintendent. $5,100 00 First assistant physician 3,000 00 Senior assistant physi- cian 2,200 00 Senior assistant physi- cian 2,108 33 Woman physician . ... 1,800 00 Woman physician, 2 at $1,700 . 3,400 00 Medical interne 1,000 00 Pharmacist 900 00 Stenographer 960 00 Stenographer 81200 Coachman 720 00 Driver 396 00 Special attendant 600 00 Special attendant 579 00 Special attendant, 3 at $516 1,548 00 Special attendant 476 00 Nurse, 3 at $420 1,260 00 Attendant (night), 2 at $432 864 00 371 ROCHESTER STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Administration — Continued General — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Attendant, 2 at $300 . . . 600 00 Attendant 292 00 Cook 420 00 Assistant cook, 3 at $360 1,080 00 Waitresses and chamber- maids, 6 at $276. . . . 1,656 00 $31,771 33 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Steward 2,500 00 Bookkeeper 1,260 00 Accountant 1,080 00 Voucher and treasurer’s clerk 672 00 Stenographer 801 00 Storekeeper 840 00 Special attendant 600 00 Special attendant 510 00 Nurse 420 00 Attendant, 3 at $408 . . 1,224 00 Attendant 406 00 Attendant 300 00 $10,613 00 $42,384 33 Ward Service Salaries, regular Chief supervisor $744 00 Supervisors 3,284 00 Charge nurses and charge attendants 12,500 00 Nurses and attendants. . 50,000 00 Special attendant, 2 at $516 . 1,032 00 — 67,560 00 372 ROCHESTER STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Nurses’ training Salaries, regular Principal, training school $1,200 00 Housekeeper, 2 at $480 960 00 Nurse 420 00 Attendant 408 00 Attendant 300 00 Industrial Wages, regular Tailor $768 00 Shoemaker 768 00 Special attendant, 2 at $600 1,200 00 Special attendant, 2 at $516 . 1,032 00 Charge attendant 420 00 Attendant, 2 at $300 . . . 600 00 Nurse, 2 at $420 840 00 Kitchen and dining room Wages, regular Head cook, 2 at $660. . $1,320 00 Cook, 2 at $420 840 00 Assistant cook, 3 at $360 1,080 00 Kitchen helper, 2 at $300 600 00 Charge nurse 564 00 Charge nurse 480 00 Attendant, 3 at $408. . 1,224 00 Attendant 400 00 Attendant 396 00 Attendant 368 00 Attendant, 7 at $300.. 2,100 00 Attendant 288 00 Bakery Wages, regular Baker $816 00 Assistant baker 540 00 3,288 00 5,628 00 9,660 00 1,356 00 373 ROCHESTER STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Meat stores Wages, regular Special attendant Laundry Wages, regular Overseer $780 00 Launderer 420 00 Head laundress 420 00 Special attendant 516 00 Attendant, 5 at $408. . . 2,040 00 Attendant, 3 at $300 . . 900 00 Nurse 420 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Chief engineer $1,560 00 Engineer’s assistant, 1st grade 984 00 Engineer’s assistant, 2nd grade 816 00 Electrical engineer’s as- sistant, 1st grade. . . . 984 00 Firemen, 5 at $780 3,900 00 8.244 00 $936 00 816 00 816 00 816 00 816 00 600 00 2,808 00 468 00 1,200 00 Repairs Wages, regular Head carpenter Carpenter Painter Mason Tinsmith and slater. . . Lineman Plumber and steamfitter, 3 at $936 Plumbers’ and steamfit- ter’ s helper Special attendant, 2 at $600 600 00 5,496 00 ROCHESTER STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Mechanical — Continued Repairs — Continued Wages, regular — Continued Special attendant 572 00 Attendant 406 00 Attendant 402 00 Nurse 516 00 Laborer, 2 at $360 720 00 $11,892 00 20,136 00 Field service Farm, garden and grounds Wages, regular Head farmer $816 00 Farmer 516 00 Hardener 660 00 Florist 768 00 Driver 396 00 Laborer, 5 at $360. . . . . 1,800 00 Attendant 384 00 Attendant 368 00 5,708 00 Total for personal service $161,816 33 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Rochester State Hospital, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $119,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $39,500 00 Light 800 00 Water 4,000 00 44,300 00 Printing 850 00 Advertising 100 00 375 ROCHESTER STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Equipment Office $300 00 Household 12,300 00 Medical and surgical 400 00 Motorless vehicles 400 00 Wearing apparel 5,278 00 Industrial 300 00 Laundry 200 00 Farm and garden 700 00 Live stock 500 00 Books 100 00 General plant 2,400 00 Supplies Office $600 00 Household 1,600 00 Laundry, cleaning and dis- infecting 3,800 00 Medical and surgical 1,600 00 Motor vehicle 400 00 Research 100 00 Botanical and agricultural . . 1,300 00 Forage and veterinary 2,500 00 Refrigerating 200 00 General plant 4,100 00 Materials Highway $500 00 Industrial 8,000 00 General plant 2,500 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials or employees $600 00 Transportation of inmates . . . 200 00 Hotel expenses 200 00 Communication Freight and express $500 00 Telephone and telegraph .... 300 00 Postage 700 00 22,878 00 16,200 00 11,000 00 1,000 00 1,500 00 ROCHESTER STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Fixed charges and contributions Commutation $9,000 00 Contributions to retirement fund of employees 740 00 Cash given to patients on dis- charge 100 00 Pensions to retired veterans as provided by chapter 438, laws 1916 . 708 00 General plant service Special religious services. . . . Special medical and technical service Entertainments, etc Veterinary service, farm. . . . Veterinary service, adminis- tration, etc Florseshoeing 3,000 00 $540 00 440 00 1,250 00 75 00 75 00 620 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 230.376 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for re- pairs to buildings and equipment . . . 4,800 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For the construction of buildings to provide additional accommodations for disturbed patients, (authorization chapter 646, Laws of 1916, twenty-seven thousand five hun- dred dollars ($27,500.00), of which ten thousand dollars ($10,000.00) was appro- priated,) a further appropriation of seven- teen thousand five hundred dollars $17,500 00 For water supply mains for fire protection. 4,000 00 21.500 00 Total for hospital, 1917-18 $418,492 33 377 ROCHESTER STATE HOSPITAL — Continued TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE Far payment for services of employees of Rochester State Hospital. PERSONAL SERVICE Personal service $96 33 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food Fuel .... Equipment Supplies . $26,000 00 3.000 00 3,500 00 4.000 00 $36,500 00 Total immediately available 36,596 3! Total for Rochester State Hospital $455,088 66 ST. LAWRENCE STATE HOSPITAL For payment for services of employees of St, Lawrence State Hos- pital. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Medical superintendent. $4,875 00 First assistant physician 3,000 00 Senior assistant physi- cian 2,200 00 Senior assistant physi- cian 2,133 33 Senior assistant physi- cian 1,900 00 Assistant physician .... 1,600 00 Assistant physician .... 1,558 33 Assistant physician, 2 at $1,408.34* 2,816 68 378 ST. LAWRENCE STATE HOSPITAL — Continued A dministration — Continued General — Continued Salaries, regular Continued Assistant physician .... 1,325 00 Assistant physician .... 1,275 00 Assistant physician .... 1,200 00 Woman physician 1,800 00 Matron 900 00 Pharmacist 900 00 Stenographer 816 00 Stenographer 801 00 Special attendant, ste- nographer 516 00 Special attendant, ste- nographer 50400 Special attendant, ste- nographer 500 00 N ight attendant, watch- man 432 00 Watchman, 2 at $600. . . 1,200 00 Barber, 2 at $660 1,320 00 Coachman 720 00 Special attendant, chauf- feur 600 00 Special attendant, chauf- feur 528 00 Driver 396 00 Page 267 00 Supervisor, office 864 00 Special attendant, tele- phone operator 480 00 Charge nurse, patholo- gist assistant 480 00 Special attendant, mort- uary 600 00 Attendant, porter 380 00 Waitress and chamber- maid, 8 at $276 2,208 00 Waitress and chamber- maid 273 00 379 ST. LAWRENCE STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Administration * — Continued Gteneral — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Special attendant, field worker 600 00 $41,968 34 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Steward 2,500 00 Bookkeeper 1,260 00 Voucher and treasurer’s clerk, 2 at $840 1,680 00 Stenographer, 2 at $960 1,920 00 Stenographer 740 00 Storekeeper 1,020 00 Special attendant, stores 600 00 $9,720 00. $51,688 34 Ward service Salaries, regular Chief supervisor Supervisors Charge nurses and charge attendants . . . Nurses and attendants. Special attendants .... Housekeeper $816 00 5,700 00 19,716 00 65,000 00 2,232 00 480 00 93,944 00 Nurses’ training Salaries, regular Principal of training school $1,200 00 Special attendant 412 00 Housekeeper, employees’ cottage 480 00 2,092 00 380 ST. LAWRENCE STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Industrial Wages, regular Shop foreman $768 00 Tailor 768 00 Shoemaker 768 00 Special attendant, pho- tographer 600 00 Special attendant, tail- oress 516 00 Special attendant, seam- stress 516 00 Special attendant, cloth- ing clerk 516 00 Attendant, seamstress, 3 at $300 900 00 Kitchen and dining-room Wages, regular Chef. . $1,140 00 Head cook, 3 at $660. . 1,980 00 Cook, 8 at $420 3,360 00 Assistant cook, 5 at $360 1,800 00 Dining-room attendant, 16 at $300 o o oo rtT 00 Dining-room attendant . 292 00 Dining-room attendant . 288 00 Dining-room attendant . 284 00 Kitchen helper, male. . . 355 00 Kitchen helper, male, 2 at $351 702 00 Kitchen helper, male. . . 348 00 Kitchen helper, male. . . 345 00 Bakery * Wages, regular Baker Assistant baker 5,352 00 15,691 00 $816 00 540 00 1,356 00 381 ST. LAWRENCE STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Meat stores Wages, regular Meat cutter $816 00 Special attendant, meat cutter 600 00 Laundry Wages, regular Laundry overseer $780 00 Special attendant, laun- . derer 600 00 Head laundress 420 00 Launderer, 2 at $420 . . . 840 00 Laundress, 6 at $264. . . 1,584 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Chief engineer $1,560 00 Engineer’s assistant, 1st grade 984 00 Engineer’s assistant, 2 at $816 Electrical engineer .... Lineman Firemen, 12-hour shifts, 8 at $780 Repairs Wages, regular Head carpenter Carpenter, 3 at $816. . .. Carpenter and pilot. . . . Painter Special attendant painter Mason Roofer Plumber and steamfitter, 2 at $936 1,632 00 1,200 00 600 00 6,240 00 $12,216 00 936 00 2,448 00 816 00 816 00 600 00 750 00 936 00 1,416 00 4,224 00 1,872 00 382 ST. LAWRENCE STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Mechanical — Continued Repairs — Continued Wages, regular — Continued Assistant plumber 630 00 Special attendant, plumber, 2, at $600 1,200 00 $11,004 00 23,220 00 Field service Farm, garden and grounds Wages, regular Head farmer in charge of grounds $1,200 00 Assistant farmer, dairy- man 900 00 Gardener 660 00 Special attendant, florist 600 00 Farmer, 7 at $432 3,024 00 Driver, 2 at $396 792 00 Special attendant, 3 at $600 1,800 00 Special attendant, dairy- man 568 00 Attendant 408 00 L a b o r e r , quarry man, $2.50 per day 782 50 Blacksmith 816 00 11,550 50 Salaries and wages temporary Temporary employees 1,100 00 Total for personal service $211,636 84 383 ST. LAWRENCE STATE HOSPITAL — Continued For the expenses of maintenance and operation of St. Lawrence State Hospital, other than personal services. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $130,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water Fuel 52,500 00 Light 500 00 Water 7,500 00 Printing Advertising Equipment 60,500 00 1,100 00 100 00 Office $225 00 Household . 10,000 00 Medical and surgical 5.50 00 Motorless vehicles 350 00 Wearing apparel . 3,800 00 Industrial 25 00 Laundry 450 00 Books 160 00 General plant M M- O 00 applies Office . . $620 00 Household o o °0~ cl 00 Laundry . 1,800 00 Medical and surgical . 2,100 00 Motor vehicle 600 00 Botanical and agricultural. O o o 00 Forage and veterinary . 13,000 00 Refrigerating 75 00 General plant . 8,175 00 aterials Industrial . $9,500 00 General plant . 4,500 00 18,700 00 33,170 00 14,000 00 384 ST. LAWRENCE STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Traveling expenses Officers and employees $1,500 00 Transportation of inmates . . 2,500 00 Communication Freight and express $1,400 00 Telephone and telegraph ... 900 00 Postage 900 00 Fixed charges and contributions Commutation $9,456 00 Maintenance 150 00 Cash given to patients 144 00 General plant service Special religious services. . . . $1,040 00 Special medical or technical * service 1,200 00 Entertainment 2,000 00 Veterinary service, farm. . . . 100 00 Veterinary service, adminis- tration, etc 50 00 4,000 00 3,200 00 9,750 00 4,390 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service $278,910 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purpose of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for re- pairs to buildings and equipment $4,800 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For rebuilding barns, Morrison Farm 3,000 00 For additional barn 6,500 00 For water line from water softening plant to laundry 1,075 00 For the completion of coal shed 2,500 00 13,075 00 Total for hospital, 1917-18 $508,421 84 385 ST. LAWRENCE STATE HOSPITAL — Continued TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE Eor payment for services of employees of St. Lawrence State Hospital. PERSONAL SERVICE Personal service $821 34 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $7,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water 4,500 00 Supplies 4,000 00 Fixed charges and contributions 100 00 $15,600 00 Total immediately available. . 16,421 34 Total for St. Lawrence State Hospital $524,843 18 UTICA STATE HOSPITAL For payment for services of employees of IJtica State Hospital. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Medical superintendent. $5,100 00 First assistant physician 3,000 00 Senior assistant physi- cian 2,200 00 Senior assistant physi- cian 1,900 00 Assistant physician . . . 1,600 00 Assistant physician . . . 1,200 00 Woman physician . ... 1,800 00 Medical interne, 3 at $1,000 3,000 00 Pharmacist 900 00 Stenographer, 2 at $816 1,632 00 Stenographer 768 00 13 386 UTICA STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Administration — Continued General — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Watchman 600 00 Barber 660 00 Coachman 720 00 Driver 396 00 Special attendant, 3 at $600 1,800 00 Special attendant, 2 at $516 1,032 00 Special attendant 496 00 Attendant 300 00 Attendant 298 00 Waitress and chamber- maid, 5 at $276 1,380 00 $30,782 00 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Steward 2,500 00 Bookkeeper 1,260' 00 Office attendant 300 00 Storekeeper 840 00 Special attendant, 2 at $600 1,200 00 Special attendant 516 00 Voucher clerk 840 00 Attendant 300 00 $7,756 00 $38,538 00 Salaries, temporary Temporary employees 900 00 Ward service Salaries, regular Chief supervisor $816 00 Supervisor 1,320 00 Charge nurses and charge attendants 18,368 00 387 UTICA STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Ward service — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Nurses and attendants. . 50,374 00 Scrubwoman, 2 at $408 816 00 71,694 00 Nurses’ training Salaries, regular Principal of training school $1,200 00 Housekeeper 480 00 1,680 00 Industrial Wages, regular Shop foreman $768 00 Tailor 768 00 Shoemaker, 2 at $768.. 1,536 00 Special attendant, 4 at $516 2,064 00 Attendant 408 00 Attendant 300 00 Kitchen and dining room Wages, regular Head cook, 3 at $660. . . $1,980 00 Cook, 2 at $420 840 00 Assistant cook, 10 at $360 3,600 00 Attendant, dining room, 15 at $300. 4,500 00 Attendant, dining room. 294 00 Attendant, dining room. 288 00 Attendant, dining room, 2 at $284 568 00 Kitchen helper, 4 at $300 1,200 00 Kitchen helper 299 00 Kitchen helper 294 00 Kitchen helper, 4 at $268 1,072 00 Housekeeper 480 00 5,844 00 15,415 00 388 UTICA STATE HOSPITAL Bakery Wages, regular Baker $816 00 Assistant baker 540 00 Meat stores Wages, regular Meat cutter, 2 at $744 Laundry Wages, regular Overseer $780 00 Special attendant, 2 at $600 1,200 00 Special attendant 516 00 Head laundress 420 00 Laundress, 5 at $264. . . 1,320 00 Driver 396 00 Attendant 300 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Chief engineer $1,560 00 Engineer, first grade. . . 984 00 Engineer, second grade. 816 00 Engineer, third grade. . 660 00 Electrical engineer .... 1,200 00 Electrical engineer, first grade 984 00 Eireman, 4 at $780. . . . 3,120 00 Laborer 360 00 Continued 1,356 00 1,488 00 4,932 00 Bepairs W ages, regular Supervising carpenter. . Carpenters, 2 at $816. . Mason Tinsmith Painter, 2 at $816 $9,684 00 1,320 00 1,632 00 1,240 00 816 00 1,632 00 389 UTICA STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Mechanical — Continued Repairs — Continued Wages, regular — Continued Special attendant 600 00 Plumber and steamfitter, 2 at $936 1,872 00 Plumber and steamfit- ter’ s helper 504 00 Plumber and steamfit- ter’s helper 460 00 Plumber and steamfit- ter’ s helper 438 00 $10,514 00 20,198 00 Field service Wages, regular Farm supervisor, 2 at $744 $1,488 00 Herdsman 516 00 Herdsman 492 00 Gardener, 3 at $660.. . . 1,980 00 Florist 768 00 Driver, 26 at $396. ... . . 10,296 00 Laborer 360 00 15,900 00 Total for personal service $177,945 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Utica State Hospital, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $95,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $29,318 00 Light ’. 1,200 00 Water 1,200 00 31,718 00 390 UTICA STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Printing Advertising Equipment Office $125 00 Household 11,100 00 Medical and surgical 125 00 Motorless vehicles and equip- ment 220 00 Wearing apparel 4,105 00 Industrial 100 00 Laundry . . 10 00 Books 100 00 General plant 2,115 00 Supplies Office $450 00 Household 3,200 00 Laundry cleaning and disin- fecting 1,450 00 Medical and surgical 1,956 00 Motor vehicle 500 00 Botanical and agricultural. . . 6,125 00 Forage and veterinary 4,910 00 Befrigerating 350 00 General plant 5,130 00 Materials Industrial $5,525 00 General plant 1,844 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials or employees $300 00 Transportation of patients. . 2,500 00 C ommun icat ion Freight and express $691 25 Telephone and telegraph. ... 476 57 Postage 662 18 850 00 50 00 18,000 00 24,071 00 7,369 00 2,800 00 1,830 00 391 UTICA STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Fixed charges and contributions Commutation $13,548 00 Contribution to retirement fund of employees 500 00 14,048 00 General Plant Service Special religious services 640 00 Special medical or technical service 579 55 Entertainment 1,449 74 Veterinary services, farm. . . 155 00 Veterinary services, adminis- tration 12 20 Horseshoeing 626 03 3,462 52 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 199,198 52 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment 7,500 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS Additions to heating power plant $15,000 00 For mechanical survey borings and plans to be prepared by the State Architect for the construction and equipment of a state hos- pital and necessary buildings in connection therewith, including necessary heating, water supply, sewage disposal system to be located on present state property at Marcy, N. Y . 5,000 00 20,000 00 Total for hospital 1917-18 $404,643 52 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the expenses of maintenance and op- eration of Utica State Hospital, other than personal service. 392 UTICA STATE HOSPITAL — Continued MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food 6,500 00 Supplies 3,000 00 Fixed charges and contributions 700 00 Total immediately available 10,200 00 Total for Utica State Hospital $414,813 52 WILLARD STATE HOSPITAL For payment for services of employees of the Willard State Hospital. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Medical superintendent. $5,100 00 First assistant physician 3,000 00 Senior assistant physi- cian, 2 at $2,200. . . . 4,400 00 Senior assistant physi- cian 1,900 00 Assistant physician, 2 at $1,600 3,200 ,00 Assistant physician, 2 at $1,525 . " 3,050 00 Woman physician 1,800 00 Medical interne, 2 at $1,000 2,000 00 Pharmacist 900 00 Nurse, pharmacist’s as- sistant 420 00 Nurse, laboratory as- sistant 420 00 Special attendant, lab- oratory assistant .... 600 00 Special attendant, sten- ographer 516 00 909 oJo WILLARD STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Administration — Continued General — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Special attendant, med- ical office 516 00 Special attendant, teach- er and librarian. . ... 516 00 Attendant, telephone op- erator, 2 at $408'. ... 816 00 After-care agent 1,000 00 Barber 660 00 Coachman 720 00 Stenographer 816 00 Watchman, 5 at $600. . 3,000 00 Driver, 2 at $396..... 792 00 Housekeeper, 2 at $480. 960 00 Waitress 276 00 Chambermaid, 13 at $276 . . . . , 3,588 00 Cook 420 00 Assistant cook, 2 at $360 720 00 $42,106 00 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Steward 2,500 00 Bookkeeper 1,260 00 Stenographer 960 00 Accountant 1,056 00 Voucher clerk 744 00 Storekeeper and teleg- rapher 1,140 00 Special attendant, assist- ant storekeeper 600 00 Special attendant, stenog- rapher, 2 at $516. . . . 1,032 00 $9,292 00 $51,398 00 WILLARD STATE Ward service Salaries, regular Chief supervisor Supervisor Supervisor Supervisor, 4 at $660. . Supervisor Charge nurses and charge attendants Xurses and attendants. . Xurses’ training Salaries, regular Assistant principal, training school Attendant, 2 at $300 . . . Chambermaid, 2 at $276 Industrial Wages, regular Shop foreman Tailor Shoemaker . . Special attendant, 2 at $600 Special attendant, 2 at $516 Special attendant Attendant, 3 at $300 . . . Kitchen and dining room Wages, regular Chef Head cook Cook, 6 at $420 .... Assistant cook, 5 at $360 Attendant, dining room Attendant, dining room, 21 at $300 HOSPITAL — Continued $816 00 744 00 712 00 2,640 00 692 00 32,356 00 74,000 00 111,960 00 $900 00 600 00 552 00 2,052 00 $768 00 768 00 768 00 1,200 00 1,032 00 510 00 900 00 5,946 00 $1,140 00 660 00 2,520 00 1,800 00 280 00 6,300 00 395 WILLARD STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Kitchen and dining room — Continued Wages, regular- — Continued Dining room attendant. 298 00 Dining room attendant. 288 00 Dining room attendant. 280 00 Kitchen helper, 2 at $360 720 00 Kitchen helper, 22 at $300 6,600 00 Kitchen helper 288 00 Kitchen helper 282 00 Kitchen helper, 3 at $279 837 00 Chambermaid 276 00 Bakery Wages, regular Baker $816 00 Assistant baker 540 00 1 Baker’s helper 420 00 Meat stores Wages, regular Meat cutter $816 00 Special attendant, meat cutter’s assistant 600 00 1,416 00 22,569 00 1,776 00 Laundry Wages, regular Overseer $780 00 Charge attendant 516 00 Attendant, 3 at $408.. 1,224 00 Attendant 300 00 Head laundress 420 00 Laundress, 10 at $264. . 2,640 00 5,880 00 396 WILLARD STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Chief engineer $1,560 00 First assistant engineer. 984 00 Second assistant engi- neer, 2 at $816 1,632 00 Second assistant elec- trical engineer, 2 at $816 1,632 00 Fireman, 16 at $780. . . 12,480 00 Special attendant, re- frigeration plant 600 00 Attendant, sewage dis- posal plant 408 00 $19,296 00 Wages, temporary Firemen, 4 at $65 per month, five months each 1,300 00 Repairs Wages, regular Head carpenter $936 00 'Carpenter, 3 at $816. . . 2,448 00 Mason 780 00 Tinsmith 816 00 Special attendant, tin- smith’s helper 600 00 Painter 816 00 Special attendant, ma- son’s helper, 2 at $600 1,200 00 Special attendant, paint- er’s helper, 2 at $600 . 1,200 00 Special attendant, car- penter, 2 at $600. . . . 1,200 00 Attendant, a i n t e r ’ s helper 408 00 397 WILLARD STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Mechanical — Continued Repairs — Continued W ages, regular — Continued Lineman 600 00 Plumber 936 00 Plumber’s helper 504 00 Steamfitter, 2 at $936. . 1,872 00 $14,316 00 34,912 00 Field Service Farm, garden and grounds Wages, regular Farm manager $900 00 Farmer 516 00 Herdsman 516 00 Dairyman 660 00 Gardener 660 00 Florist 768 00 Driver, 12 at $396 4,752 00 Blacksmith 816 00 Special attendant, 2 at $600 ... 1,200 00 Attendant, 2 at $408. . . 816 00 Attendant 398 00 Attendant 368 00 12,370 00 Railway Wages, regular Engineer $660 00 Conductor 540 00 Trainman ...... 246 00 Fireman 324 00 Brakeman 246 00 Trackman 540 00 2,556 00 Total for personal service $252,835 00 398 WILLARD STATE HOSPITAL — Continued For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Willard State Hospital, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $164,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $40,000 00 Light 700 00 40,700 00 Printing 850 00 Equipment Office $200 00 Household . . 14,000 00 Medical and surgical. 200 00 Motorless vehicles . . 500 00 Wearing apparel .... . . 6,000 00 Industrial 100 00 Laundry . . 1,000 00 Books 200 00 General plant . . 5,800 00 28,000 00 Supplies Office $400 00 Household o o o TtT 00 Laundry, cleaning and disinfecting 1,500 00 Medical and surgical . . . 1,800 00 Motor vehicle o o CM 00 Botanical and agricul- tural 3,000 00 Forage and veterinary. . 11,000 00 Refrigerating 100 00 General plant 6,200 00 28,200 00 Materials Industrial $12,000 00 General plant 9,000 00 21,000 00 399 WILLARD STATE HOSPITAL — Continued T raveling expenses Traveling expenses of officials or employees $3,000 00 Transportation of in- mates 1,000 00 4,000 00 Communication Freight and express. ... $1,000 00 Telephone and telegraph 400 00 Postage 800 00 2,200 00 Fixed charges and contributions Commutation $8,500 00 Contributions to retire- ment fund of em- ployees 1,500 00 10,000 00 General plant service Special religious services $1,220 00 Special medical or tech- nical service 720 00 Entertainment, etc. . . . 2,300 00 Veterinary services, farm 5000 Veterinary services, administration, etc. . 50 00 4,340 00 Rents 1G000 Total for maintenance and operation other than per- sonal service $303,450 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment 8,500 00 400 WILLARD STATE HOSPITAL — Continued CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS Sunny Croft, the Hermitage and Grand View basements, material and labor for wiring basements for electric lights 400 00 For extending hospital boathouse 3,000 00 3,400 00 Total for hospital, 1917-18 $568,185 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For payment for services of employees of the Willard State Hospital. PERSONAL SERVICE Personal service $478 00 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food 20,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water 4,000 00 Equipment 3,000 00 Supplies 4,500 00 Materials 3,000 00 Communication 200 00 Fixed charges and contributions -250 00 $34,950 00 Total immediately available $35,428 00 $603,613 00 Total for Willard State Hospital 401 STATE BOARD OF CHARITIES For the payment for services of the Commissioners and the employees of the State .Board of Charities. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Commissioners and secretary Salaries, regular Commissioners (twelve, $10 per diem for each day actually served at hoard or committee meetings) not to exceed $500 for any one com- missioner in any one year. $2,500 00 General Salaries, regular Secretary $6,000 00 Chief clerk .2,500 00 Statistician 1,500 00 Executive hearing sten- ographer 1,500 00 Clerk 1,200 00 Clerk 780 00 Stenographer, 2 at $960.. 1,920 00 Telephone operator .... 720 00 16,120 00 Department of Inspection Administration . Salaries, regular Superintendent $3,000 00 Stenographer 960 00 $3,960 00 Albany office Salaries, regular Inspector 1,800 00 Inspector, 7 at $1,500. .. 10,500 00 Clerk 1,500 00 Clerk, 2 at $780 1,560 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,050 2,100 00 $17,460 00 402 STATE BOARD OF CHARITIES — Continued Department of inspection — Continued New York city office Salaries regular Superintendent 2,000 00 Stenographer, 2 at $900. 1,800 00 Stenographer 800 00 $4,600 00 Division of state and alien poor Administration Salaries regular Superintendent of state and alien poor $3,500 00 Stenographer (chief clerk) . . . ! 1,500 00 Bureau of Inspection Salaries regular Inspector $2,000 00 Inspector, 6 at $1,500. . 9,000 00 Stenographer o o tH 00 Stenographer, 2 at $Y80 . 1,560 00 Stenographer 680 00 Bureau of analysis and in- vestigation Salaries, regular Inspector $1,500 00 Investigator 1,350 00 Investigator, 3 at $1,200. 3,600 00 Stenographer, 2 at $900 . 1,800 00 Bureau of removals, New York city Salaries, regular Deputy superintendent.. $2,000 00 Transfer agent 1,500 00 Inspector 1,400 00 Inspector 1,350 00 Stenographer 1,000 00 Stenographer 860 00 26,020 00 5,000 00 14,240 00 8,250 00 403 STATE BOARD OF CHARITIES — Continued Division of state and alien poor — Continued Bureau of removals, New York city — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Clerk 860 00 Bureau of removals, Buffalo Salaries, regular Transfer agent 8,970 00 1,500 00 Total for personal service $82,600 00 Bor the expenses of maintenance and operation of the State Board of Charities, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $2,800 00 Equipment Office $500 00 Books 300 00 800 00 Supplies Office 1,000 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials or employees $11,500 00 Transportation of state, alien and nonresident poor. ... 20,000 00 31,500 00 Communication 3,000 00 Bixed charges and contributions 14,000 00 (Bor maintenance of state and Indian poor in almshouses and outdoor relief to In- dian poor.) Bents 2,590 80 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service $55,690 80 Total for State Board of Charities $138,290 80 404 FISCAL SUPERVISOR OF STATE CHARITIES For payment for services of the Fiscal Supervisor and the employees of Fiscal Supervisor of State 'Charities: PERSONAL SERVICE Administration and executive Salaries, regular Fiscal Supervisor of state charities $6,000 00 Deputy fiscal supervisor 4,500 00 Private secretary 2,000 00 Chief clerk 2,750 00 Bookkeeper 2,100 00 Accountant ... . ........ 1,800 00 Stenographer 1,500 00 Stenographer, 3 at $1,200 3,600 00 Clerk 1,200 00 Clerk 900 00 Telephone operator .... 720 00 $27,070 00 Bureau of estimates, contracts and vouchers Salaries, regular Deputy fiscal supervisor $4,500 00 Estimate clerk 2,300 00 Assistant estimate clerk. 2,100 00 Examiner of estimates and statistics 1,500 00 Index and record clerk. 1,500 00 Record clerk and ste- nographer 1,200 00 Inspector of records . . . 1,200 00 14,300 00 Bureau of inspection Salaries, regular Chief inspector $2,500 00 Traveling dietist 2,500 00 Inspector ol heating, lighting and plumbing 2,250 00 Auditor of accounts . . . 2,100 00 405 FISCAL SUPERVISOR OF STATE CHARITIES Bureau of inspection — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Stenographer 1,200 00 Inspector of machinery. 1,200 00 11,750 00 Total for personal service For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Fis- cal Supervisor of State Charities, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $500 00 Equipment Office 200 00 Supplies Office 300 00 Traveling expenses 4,500 00 Communication Postage $500 00 Express and freight 100 00 Telephone and telegraph ... 400 00 1,000 00 General plant service 200 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service PURCHASING COMMITTEE For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Pur- chasing Committee, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $450 00 Advertising 50 00 Supplies Office 100 00 General plant service 200 00 Total for maintenance and operation of Pur- chasing Committee, other than personal ser- vice Total for the Fiscal Supervisor of State Chari- ties Continued $53,120 00 6,700 00 800 00 $60,620 00 406 WESTERN HOUSE OF REFUGE FOR WOMEN, ALBION For payment for services of employees of Western House of Refuge for Women, Albion: PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Superintendent $2,000 00 Assistant superintendent 1,300 00 Marshal 900 00 Parole agent 900 00 Stenographer 600 00 Assistant matron 420 00 Coachman 480 00 Night watchman 600 00 Sewage tender 504 00 Chaplains, visiting 500 00 $8,204 00 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Steward $1,200 00 Bookkeeper 540 00 Stenographer ......... 540 00 Bookkeeper and store keeper 540 00 $2,820 00 $11,024 00 Ward, (dormitory) or cottage service Salaries, regular Reception house matron $840 00 Cottage matron, 8 at $500 4,000 00 First assistant matron, reception house 480 00 Assistant matron, 13 at $420 5,460 00 $10,780 00 407 HOUSE OF REFUGE FOR WOMEN, ALBION — Continued W ard or cottage service — Continued Salaries temporary Assistant matrons, (vaca- tion supply) 3 at $30 per month, 3 months each 270 00 Hospital Salaries, regular Resident physician .... $1,200 00 Nurse 480 00 Hospital matron 720 00 Laundry Wages, regular Instructor in laundry Kitchen and dining room Wages, regular Housekeeper and cook, reception house Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Engineer and electrician $900 00 Fireman, 3 at $540. . . . 1,620 00 11,050 00 2,400 00 480 00 420 00 Repairs Wages, regular Carpenter . . $2,520 00 600 00 Field service Farm Wages, regular Farmer 720 00 Teamster, 2 at $480. . . . 960 00 3,120 00 Garden and grounds Wages, regular Ganlen matron $1,680 00 480 00 2,160 00 408 HOUSE OF REFUGE FOR WOMEN, ALBION — Continued Educational Scholastic ►Salaries, regular Head teaciier $600 00 Head music and general teacher 600 00 Teacner, 2 at $450. . . . 900 00 $2,100 00 Teacher, (vacation sup- ply,; 2 at $60 per month, 2 months eack 240 00 Teacher, (vacation sup- ply,) at $45 per month, 2 months ... 90 00 Physical instructor 600 00 $930 00 $3,030 00 Industrial Salaries, regular Instructor in dressmak- ing 540 00 Instructor in sewing. . . . 540 00 Cooking instructor 600 00 $1,680 00 Salaries and wages, temporary Temporary employees Total for personal service $35,464 00 For expenses of maintenance and operation of the Western House of Refuge for Women, Albion, other than personal service: MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $14,250 00 Fuel, light, power and water 9,000 00 Printing and advertising 50 00 4,710 00 100 00 409 HOUSE OF REFUGE FOR WOMEN, ALBION — Continued Equipment Office $150 00 Household 1,800 00 Medical and surgical 100 00' Wearing apparel 2,900 00 Educational 175 00 Industrial 275 00 Laundry 50 00 Farm and garden 250 00 Live stock 300 00 Books 350 00 General plant 350 00 6,700 00 Supplies Office * $150 00 Household 300 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 600 00 Medical and surgical 800 00 Educational 150 00 Forage and veterinary 1,200 00 Refrigerating 550 00 General plant 100 00 3,850 00 Materials Industrial and general plant 1,400 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officers and employees $1,500 00 ^ Transportation of inmates. . 500 00 Hotel expenses 500 00 2,500 00 Communication 700 00 Fixed charges and contributions 2,350 00 General plant service 1,200 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 42,000 00 410 HOUSE OF REFUGE FOR WOMEN, ALBION — Continued REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that regularly appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment 2,500 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For two new boilers and repairs to steam lines $21,000 00 For finishing third floor in industrial building 2,400 00 For wiring four old cottages 2,000 00 25,400 00 Total for institution, 1917-18 $105,364 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Western House of Refuge for Women, Albion, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $2,500 00 Total immediately available 2,500 00 Total for Western House of Refuge for Women, Albion $107,864 00 411 NEW YORK STATE SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND, BATAVIA For payment for services of employees of New York State school for the Blind, Batavia : PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Superintendent $3,000 00 Coachman 600 00 Stenographer 600 00 $4,200 00 Wages, temporary Watchman, 10 months. 350 00 Usher, 10 months 400 00 Dressmaker, 80 days at $1.25 100 00 Domestic, as required, at 50c, 75c and $1 per day 180 00 $1,030 00 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Steward and storekeeper 1,200 00 $6,430 00 Ward, dormitory or cottage service Salaries, regular Matron $600 00 Assistant matron, 5 at $420 2,100 00 Domestic, 17 at $240 . . 4,080 00 Housekeeper ; 300 00 $7,080 00 Wages, temporary Laborer, 10 months, at 60 00 412 STATE SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND, BATAVIA — Continued Ward or cottage service — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Domestic, 10 months at $6 60 00 Hospital Salaries, regular Optical surgeon Physician .... $120 00 7,200 00 100 00 300 00 $400 00 Salaries, temporary Dentist, visiting, 10 months 300 00 Nurse as required 300 00 Kitchen and dining room Wages, regular Cook Cook Laborer $600 00 480 00 420 00 420 00 Bakery Wages, regular Baker Laundry Wages, regular Head laundress Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Engineer and electrician $1,020 00 Fireman, 4 at $540... 2.160 00 1,000 00 1,320 00 480 00 300 00 $3,180 00 413 STATE SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND, BATAVIA — Continued Mechanical — Continued Repairs Wages, regular Carpenter 600 00 3,780 00 Field service Farm Wages, regular Farmer $600 00 Laborer, 9 months, at $35 per month 315 00 $915 00 Garden and grounds Wages, regular Florist 600 00 Laborer 420 00 $1,020 00 Educational Scholastic Salaries, regular Head teacher, 10 months $1,000 00 Teacher, general, 10 months 700 00 Teacher, general 10 months, 6 at $600 . . . 3,600 00 Teacher, typewriting, 10 months 575 00 Teacher, music, head, 10 months 900 00 Teacher, music, general, 10 months, 3 at $600. 1,800 00 Vocal instructor, 10 months 600 00 Physical instructor, 10 months 840 00 $10,015 00 4 1 L STATE SCHOOL FOE THE BLIND, BATAVIA — Continued Educational — Continued Industrial Salaries, regular Tuning teacher, 10 months $900 00 Stereotyper, 10 months. 500 00 Instructor, manual train- ing, 10 months 720 00 Instructor, sewing, 10 months 500 00 Instructor, household arts, 10 months 600 00 $3,220 00 $13,235 00 Total for personal service $35,680 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of New York State School for the Blind, Batavia, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $10,500 00 Fuel, light, power and water Fuel Light Power Water 5.000 00 1.000 00 200 00 375 00 Printing Advertising Equipment Office $50 00 Household 1,200 00 Medical and surgical 500 00 Motorless vehicles 100 00 Wearing apparel 600 00 Educational 1,050 00 Industrial 200 00 Laundry 50 00 Farm and garden 150 00 6,575 00 25 00 25 00 415 STATE SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND, BATAVIA — Continued Equipment — Continued Live stock 50 00 Books 400 00 Supplies Office $100 00 Household 150 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 400 00 Medical and surgical 100 00 Educational 300 00 Botanical and agricultural. . 200 00 Forage and veterinary 400 00 Refrigerating 50 00 General plant 800 00 Materials Highway $100 00 Industrial 1,200 00 General plant 200 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials or employees $300 00 Transportation of inmates. . 150 00 Hotel expenses 150 00 Communication Fixed charges and contributions General plant service 4,350 00 2,500 00 1,500 00 600 00 600 00 3,120 00 1,150 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 30,945 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that regularly appropriated for else- where, for repairs to buildings and to equipment 1,200 00 Total for school 1917-18 $67,825 00 416 STATE SCHOOL FOR THE BLIND, BATAVIA — Continued TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the expenses of maintenance and operation of New York State School for the Blind, Batavia, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel 1,200 00 Total for the New York State School for the Blind, Batavia $69,025 00 NEW YORK STATE SOLDIERS’ AND SAILORS’ HOME, BATH For payment for services of employees of the New York State Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home, Bath. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Citizen employees Commandant $3,500 00 Adjutant 1,500 00 Coachman 480 00 Stenographer and clerk. 780 00 Organist, 2 at $60 120 00 Barber 180 00 Inspector 1,200 00 Chaplain, 2 at $1,200.. 2,400 00 Bandmaster 840 00 Assistant cook, Com- mandant’s 420 00 Secretary board of trustees 250 00 Musician 600 00 Musician 396 00 Musician, 5 at $336... 1,680 CO Musician, 4 at $312. . . 1.248 CO Musician 300 CO 417 SOLDIERS’ AND SAILORS’ HOME, BATH — Continued Administration — Continued General — Continued (Salaries, regular — Continued Musician 240 00 Musician and bugler. . . 420 00 Chief of police (deputy sheriff) 840 00 Inmate employees Sergeant-major 300 00 Commissary sergeant . . 240 00 Chief clerk 360 00 Clerk, 2 at $180 360 00 Janitor, A. H 180 00 Mail and telephone clerk 180 00 Orderly 120 00 U. S. mail orderly 120 00 Librarian . 150 00 Assistant librarian .... 96 00 Police captain 180 00 Police sergeant 144 00 Police corporal 96 00 Policeman, 17 at $96.. 1,632 00 Barber 60 00 Firing squad, 3 at $72. 216 00 Musician, church, 4 at $24 96 00 $21,924 00 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Citizen employees Stenographer, 2 at $720 1,440 00 Bookkeeper 1,500 00 Cashier 1,500 00 Quartermaster 1,800 00 Assistant quartermaster. 1,200 00 Storekeeper 720 00 Inmate employees Clerk 360 00 Clerk 240 00 14 418 SOLDIERS’ AND SAILORS’ HOME, BATH — Continued Administration — Continued Accounting and stores — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Helper 120 00 Helper 96 00 Greaseman 144 00 Second-hand store clerk. 144 00 Second-hand store clerk. 84 00 Quartermaster’s orderly 84 00 $9,432 00 $31,356 00 Ward, dormitory or cottage service Salaries, regular Inmate employees Captain, 6 at $180 .... $1,080 00 Sergeant, 6 at $96 576 00 Corporal, 14 at $96... 1,344 00 Chapel orderly 96 00 Commandant’s house orderly 108 00 Cottage orderly, 2 at $108 216 00 Bath orderly 9600 Closet orderly 72 00 Swill-house orderly .... 72 00 Quartermaster hostler. . 96 00 Janitor, 2 at $96 192 00 Clerk, Company B 96 00 4,044 00 Hospital Salaries, regular Citizen employees Matron $600 00 Stenographer and clerk. 480 00 Chief nurse 900 00 Nurse, 20 at $540 10,800 00 Hospital attendant, 55 at $360 19,800 00 Optical surgeon 300 00 Pharmacist 900 00 SOLDIERS’ AND SAILORS’ HOME, BATH — Continued Hospital — Continued Salaries, regular — - Continued Citizen employees — Continued Physician 2,500 00 Assistant physician (sur- geon), 2 at $1,200 . . . 2,400 00 Domestic 240 00 Inmate employees Header 96 00 Wounddresser 72 00 Nightwatch 120 00 Watchman, 2 at $144. . 288 00 Bath orderly 84 00 Hall and ward orderly, 3 at $84 252 00 Orderly 90 00 39,922 00 Industries Wages, regular Citizen employees Blacksmith $420 00 Master mechanic and carpenter 900 00 Carpenter 600 00 Seamstress 240 00 Inmate employees Tailor, foreman 120 00 Tailor, pressman 96 00 Tailor, 5 at $84 420 00 Shoemaker 108 00 Shoemaker, 2 at $84. . . 168 00 Soapmaker 144 00 Carpenter, 3 at $108.. 324 00 Tinsmith 108 00 Painter, 2 at $108 216 00 Mason 108 00 Mattress maker, 2 at $108 216 00 420 SOLDIERS’ AND SAILORS’ HOME, BATH — Continued Kitchen and dining room Wages, regular Citizen employees Chef, 2 at $900 $1,800 00 Assistant cook, 12 at $420 5,040 00 Superintendent of mess hall 780 00 Waitress and chamber- maid, 3 at $240.... 720 00 Inmate employees Foreman, vocational classes 132 00 Assistant foreman, voca- tional classes 120 00 Assistant cook, 4 at $120 480 00 Assistant cook 96 00 Foreman dining room. . 144 00 Assistant foreman, din- ing room 96 00 Bread cutter 132 00 Breadstocker 120 00 Dishwasher 144 00 Dishwasher, 5 at $120. 600 00 Dishwasher, 2 at $96.. 192 00 Waiter, 27 at $96 2,592 00 1 Food cartman, 7 at $120 840 00 Kitchen helper, 7 at $96 672 00 14,700 00 Bakery Wages, regular Citizen employees Baker $720 00 Inmate employees Baker, 5 at $150 750 00 Meat stores Wages, regular Citizen employees Meatcutter 1,470 OC 480 00 421 SOLDIERS’ AND SAILORS’ HOME, BATH — Continued Laundry Wages, regular Citizen employees Head laundryman $480 00 Laundress 240 00 Inmate employees Foreman 144 00 Laundryman, 6 at $96. 576 00 1,440 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Citizen employees Engineer and electrician $1,400 00 Assistant engineer and electrician 900 00 Fireman, 6 at $540 . . . 8,240 00 Engine oiler and tender, 2 at $540 1,080 00 Laborer, 4 at $420. . . . 1,680 00 Wages, temporary Citizen employees Fireman, 18 months, at $45 810 00 Coal passer, 21 months, at $35 735 00 Inmate employees Sewer house 180 00 Engine tender, 5 at $120 600 00 Wiper 120 00 Clerk 96 00 $10,841 00 Repairs Wages, regular Citizen employees Steamfitter, 2 at $900. 1,800 00 12,641 00 422 SOLDIERS’ AND SAILORS’ HOME, BATH — Continued Field service Farm Wages, regular Citizen employees Farmer $720 00 Laborer, 5 at $420.... 2,100 00 Teamster, 2 at $480. . . 960 00 Inmate employees Laborer, barns and horses 120 00 $3,900 00 Garden and grounds Wages, regular Citizen employees Gardener $540 00 Laborer, 10 at $420 . . . 4,200 00 Teamster, 5 at $480 . . . 2,400 00 Florist and superintend- ent of grounds and cemetery 900 00 Wages, temporary Citizen employees Laborer, 22 months, at $35 770 00 Wages, regular Inmate employees Cartman 108 00 Cartman 96 00 Laborer, 2 at $108. . . . 216 00 Laborer, 9 at $96 864 00 Foreman of roads and walks 120 00 Vegetable man 96 00 $10,310 00 $14,210 00 Total for personal service $124,451 00 423 SOLDIERS’ AND SAILORS’ HOME, BATH — Continued For the expenses of maintenance and operation of New York State Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home, Bath, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $89,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $38,200 00 Light 450 00 Water 350 00 39,000 00 Equipment Office $200 00 Household 3,000 00 Medical and surgical 1,400 00 Wearing apparel 21,000 00 Industrial 600 00 Laundry 250 00 Farm and garden 300 00 Live stock 750 00 General plant 1,500 00 29,000 00 Supplies Office $400 00 Household 1,200 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting . . 900 00 Medical and surgical 4,300 00 Botanical and agricultural. . 700 00 Forage and veterinary 5,000 00 Refrigerating 500 00 General plant 2,000 00 15,000 00 Materials 500 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officers and employees $750 00 Transportation of inmates. . . 250 00 Communication 1,000 00 2,000 00 424 SOLDIERS’ AND SAILORS’ HOME, BATH — Continued Fixed charges and contributions 25,524 00 General plant service 1,500 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than per- sonal sendee 202,524 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that regularly appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and to equipment . . . $4,000 00 For repairs to steam plant 15,000 00 10,000 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For rebuilding Barracks “ H and I ” according to former plans with changes on inside for smaller rooms as may be required, on authorization of fifty-three thousand five hundred and fifty dollars ($53,550), of which twenty thousand dollars is hereby appropriated 20,000 00 Total for institution 1917-18 $365,975 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the expenses of maintenance and operation of New York State Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home, Bath, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fixed charges and contributions Pensions to retired employees, Chapter 438, Laws of 1916 2,959 66 Total for the New York State Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home, Bath $368,934 66 425 NEW YORK STATE REFORMATORY FOR WOMEN, BEDFORD HILLS For payment for services of employees, of New York State Reform- atory for Women, Bedford Hills. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Superintendent $3,000 00 Assistant superintendent 1,800 00 Second assistant super- intendent 1,100 00 Parole agent, 2 at $900. 1,800 00 Parole agent 720 00 Marshal 900 00 Physical instructor .... 600 00 Stenographer, 2 at $600 1,200 00 Coachman 480 00 Guard, 4 at $600 2,400 00 $14,000 00 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Steward $1,500 00 Book and storekeeper. . 600 00 Storekeeper 600 00 Clerk 480 00 $3,180 00 $17,180 00 Ward, dormitory or cottage service Salaries, regular Matron, 2 at $840 $1,680 00 Matron, 3 at $600 1,800 00 First assistant matron . . 600 00 Matrons and assistant matrons 20,500 00 24,580 00 426 REFORMATORY FOR WOMEN, BEDFORD HILLS — Cont’d Hospital Salaries, regular Physician $1,800 00 Assistant physician .... 1,200 00 Nurse, quarantine corri- dor 480 00 Hospital matron 720 00 Assistant matron, hospi- tal 420 00 4,620 00 Kitchen and dining room Wages, regular Housekeeper and cook, 2 at $480 $960 00 Assistant matron, 2 at $420 840 00 1,800 00 Meat stores Wages, regular Laborer, 2 at $420 840 00 Laundry Wages, regular Laundry instructor, 2 at $360 720 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Engineer and electrician $1,200 00 Assistant engineer and electrician, 2 at $600. . 1,200 00 Fireman, 5 at $540. . . . 2,700 00 Repairs Wages, regular Carpenter, 2 at $600 . . . Plumber and steamfitter. $5,100 00 1,200 00 900 00 $2,100 00 7,200 00 427 REFORMATORY FOR WOMEN, BEDFORD HILLS— Cont’d Field service Farm Wages, regular Farmer (teacher of ag- riculture) $900 00 Laborer, 3 at $420 . . . . 1,260 00 Matron, 2 at $480.. . . 960 00 Assistant matron, 3 at $420 1,260 00 Educational Scholastic Salaries, regular Teacher, principal . . . $1,020 00 Teacher, music 420 00 Teacher, 4 at $720. . . 2,880 00 4,380 00 $4,320 00 Industrial Salaries, regular Instructor of dress- making 480 00 Instructor of sewing. . 480 00 Instructor of sewing. . 420 00 Instructor of cooking. 480 00 $1,860 00 6,180 00 Total for personal service $67,500 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of New York State Reformatory for Women, Bedford Hills, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $30,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $19,350 00 Light 650 00 20,000 00 Printing 75 00 Advertising 25 00 428 REFORMATORY FOR WOMEN, BEDFORD HILLS— Cont’d Equipment Office $850 00 Household o o GO of 00 Medical and surgical 40 00 Motorless vehicles and equip- ment 150 00 Motor vehicles and equipment 150 00 Wearing apparel 2,700 00 Educational 50 00 Laundry 200 00 Farm and garden 1,000 00 Live stock 500 00 Books 100 00 General plant 500 00 9,040 00 Supplies Office $250 00 Household o o •b- of 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 1,000 00 Medical and surgical 300 00 Motor vehicle 150 00 Educational 300 00 Botanical and agricultural . . . 1,500 00 F orage and veterinary ...... o o 00 Refrigerating 500 00 General plant 2,000 00 13,700 00 Materials Industrial and general plant 4,000 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officers and employees $3,000 00 Transportation of inmates. . . 1,000 00 Hotel expenses 150 00 4,150 00 429 REFORMATORY FOR WOMEN, BEDFORD HILLS— Cont’d Communication Express $200 00 Freight 600 00 Package 50 00 Postage 500 00 Telegrams 60 00 Telephone 515 00 — 1,925 00 Fixed charges and contributions 3,650 00 General plant service Dentistry $225 00 Examinations in lunacy. .... 80 00 Religious services 1,000 00 Smith work and horseshoeing. 200 00 Veterinary sendees 125 00 For ploughing land 500 00 2,130 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 88,695 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that regularly appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and to equipment 3,000 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For wall around cemetery and grading and seeding of same 500 00 For completion of road to farm group 2,500 00 3,000 00 Total for institution 1917-18 $162,195 00 430 REFORMATORY FOR WOMEN, BEDFORD HILLS— Cont’d TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the expenses of maintenance and operation of New York State Reformatory for Women, Bedford Hills, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Communication $1,000 00 Fixed charges and contributions 1,300 00 General plant service 1,000 00 Total immediately available 3,300 00 Total for New York State Reformatory for Women, Bedford Hills $165,495 00 NEW YORK STATE REFORMATORY, ELMIRA For payment for services of Reformatory, Elmira. Administration General Salaries, regular Superintendent at $5,000 (One-half salary paid by Elmira and one- half by Napanoch). Assistant superintendent Chief parole officer at $1,800 (Three-quarters salary paid by Elmira and one-quarter by Napa- noch) . Assistant parole agent, 5 at $1,200 (Three quarters salary paid by Elmira and one-quarter by Napa- noch) . employees of the New York State $2,500 00 3.500 00 1,350 00 4.500 00 431 STATE REFORMATORY, ELMIRA — Continued Administration — Continued General — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Supervisor of construc- tion at $2,100 1,050' 00 One-half salary paid by Elmira and one- half by Napanoch.) Military instructor .... 1,800 00 Physical instructor .... 1,200 00 Chaplain, 2 at $1,200. . 2,400 00 Chaplain, visiting 600 00 Housekeeper 360 00 Housekeeper 30000 Domestic 96 00 Transfer agent 1,200 00 Bertillon measurer .... 1,200 00 Coachman 600 00 $22,656 00 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Chief clerk 1,800 00 Stenographer and private secretary 1,200 00 Stenographer to chief parole officer at $720. 540 00 (Three-fourths salary paid by Elmira and one-half by ET ap- anoch. ) Telegrapher (clerk) . . . 960 00 Steward 1,800 00 Bookkeeper, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Clerk, 3 at $960 2,880 00 Storekeeper (guard), 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 $13,980 00 $36,636 00 432 STATE REFORMATORY, ELMIRA — Continued Ward (dormitory) or cottage service Salaries, regular Chief guard, 8 at $1,200. $9,600 00 Guard, 55 at $1,200 06,000 00 Guard 1,133 33 Hospital Salaries, regular Physician (resident) . . . $2,000 00 Assistant physician .... 1,200 00 Visiting dentist 240 00 76,733 33 3,440 00 Industries Wages, regular Coffee roaster and assistant to soap maker 720 00 Kitchen and dining room Wages, regular Chef . . 900 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Engineer and electri- cian $1,400 00 Assistant engineer and electrician, 2 at $1,080 2,160 00 Assistant engineer and electrician 930 00 Firemen, 3 at $540 1,620 00 6,110 00 Field service Farm Wages, regular Farmer (guard) $1,200 00 Chauffeur 720 00 Teamster, 9 at $480. . . . 4,320 00 Gardener 1,200 00 7,440 00 433 STATE REFORMATORY, ELMIRA — Continued Educational Scholastic Superintendent of educa- tion $1,800 00 Lecturer 600 00 Teacher of music 1,200 00 $3,600 00 Industrial Salaries, regular Superintendent of trade schools 1,800 00 Bookbinding instructor . . 1,200 00 Carpentry instructor, 2 at $1,200 2 ^ Masonry and bricklaying instructor 1,091 67 Moulding instructor. ... 1,200 00 Machinist instructor.... 1,200 00 Blacksmith instructor. .. 1,200 00 Cabinet and woodwork- ing instructor 1,200 00 Painting instructor 1,200 00 Plumbing instructor.... 925 00 Printing instructor 1,200 00 Shoemaking instructor. . 1,200 00 Tinsmith instructor. . . . 1,200 00 Tailoring instructor, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Upholstering instructor. 1,200 00 $20,616 67 24,216 67 Total for personal service $156,196 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Yew York State Reformatory, Elmira, other than personal service : Pood MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION $39,000 00 434 STATE REFORMATORY, ELMIRA — Continued Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $20,000 00 Light 700 00 Water 2,800 00 23,500 00 Printing and advertising 225 00 Equipment Office $300 00 Household K 7— 1 O o 00 Medical and surgical 300 00 Motor vehicles and equipment 300 00 Wearing apparel 2,350 00 Educational 1,000 00 Industrial 600 00 Laundry 500 00 Farm and garden 500 00 Live stock 900 0Q Books 400 00 General plant 1,250 00 Supplies Office $200 00 Household 400 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 800 00 Medical and surgical 1,500 00 Motor vehicle 600 00 Educational 2,800 00 Botanical and agricultural . . . 1,500 00 Forage and veterinary 2,000 00 General plant 3,500 00 13,300 00 Materials Industrial and general plant 30,000 00 Hired horses and vehicles 250 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officers and employees $3,500 00 Transportation of inmates. . . 5,500 00 Hotel expenses 1,000 00 10,000 00 435 STATE REFORMATORY, ELMIRA — Continued Communication Express $400 00 Freight and cartage 700 00 Postage 1,400 00 Telegraph and telephone. ... 500 00 Fixed charges and contributions Commutation $8,900 00 Money given to inmates on their parole, rewards and other expenses 9,100 00 General plant service Rents 3,000 00 18,000 00 1,700 00 1,830 00 Total for maintenance and operation other than personal service 150,305 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that regularly appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and to equipment 3,000 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For new pavement for institutional parade ground, in yard and armory 2,000 00 For equipment of, tools and other apparatus for Trades School Building No. 4, de- stroyed by fire December 8, 1914 11,500 00 For replacing old circular radiators in north and south halls with wall coils 1,500 00 For installing electric lights in printing office, machine shop, bricklaying class and carpenter shop 2,000 00 17,000 00 Total for institution, 1917-18 $326,501 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the expenses of maintenance and operation of New York State Reformatory, Elmira, other than personal service. 436 STATE REFORMATORY, ELMIRA — Continued MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Traveling expenses Amount due Erie Railroad Company for underpaid fare 16 25 Total for New York State Reformatory, Elmira. $326,517 25 NEW YORK STATE TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, HUDSON For payment for services of employees of the New York State Training School for Girls, Hudson. Administration General Salaries, regular Superintendent $3,000 00 Assistant superintend- ent 1,675 00 Chief parole agent .... 1,000 00 Parole agent 900 00 Parole agent 785 00 Parole agent 720 00 Marshal 900 00 Clerk 600 00 Stenographer . . 600 00 Coachman 600 00 Matron, assistant cottage 420 00 Matron, assistant cottage 360 00 $11,560 00 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Steward 1,500 00 Stenographer 600 00 Bookkeeper 600 00 Bookkeeper 565 00 437 STATE TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, HUDSON— Cont’d Administration - — Continued Accounting and stores — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Bookkeeper and store- keeper 600 00 $3,865 00 $15,425 00 Ward (dormitory) or cottage service Salaries, regular Guard, 3 at $540 $1,620 00 Matron, supervising and dietitian 735 00 Matron, syphilitic cot- tage 600 00 Matron, cottage for colored girls, 2 at $600 1,200 00 Matrons, cottage, and matrons, assistant cot- tage 16,000 00 Matron, assistant cottage for colored girls 435 00 Matron, assistant syphi- litic cottage 480 00 21,070 00 Hospital Salaries, regular Resident physician . . . $1,800 00 Resident physician, as- sistant 1,200 00 Hospital matron 840 00 Nurse, 3 at $600 1,800 00 Matron, assistant cot- tage 450 00 Matron, assistant cot- tage 420 00 Meat stores 6,510 00 Wages, regular Butcher . . . 420 00 438 STATE TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, HUDSON— Cont’d Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Engineering and electri- cian $1,200 00 Assistant engineer and electrician, 4 at $720. 2,880 00 Fireman, 5 at $540. . . . 2,700 00 Repairs Wages, regular Carpenter, 2 at $660 . . . Mason and general helper Painter $6,780 00 1,320 00 900 00 480 00 $2,700 00 9,480 00 Field service Farm Wages, regular Farmer $900 00 Teamster 480 00 Laborer, 3 at $420.... 1,260 00 Garden matron, 2 at $480 960 00 $3,600 00 Garden and grounds Wages, regular Laborer 420 00 Educational Scholastic Salaries, regular Second assistant superin- tendent, supervisor of schools $1,475 00 4,020 00 439 STATE TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, HUDSON— Cont’d Educational — Continued Scholastic — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Teacher, general, 3 at $720 2,160 00 Teacher, general 705 00 Teacher, general 700 00 Teacher, general 650 00 Teacher, music 480 00 Physical instructor .... 720 00 Wages, regular Laborer 420 00 $7,310 00 Industrial Salaries, regular Cooking instructor .... $525 00 Dressmaking instructor. 595 00 Industrial instructor . . 595 00 Laundry instructor, 2 at $540 1,080 00 Sewing instructor 540 00 Sewing instructor 535 00 Sewing instructor .... 420 00 Fireman, laundry .... 540 00 $4,830 00 Salaries and wages, temporary For temporary employees for entire institution, including vacation supply Total for personal service $72,065 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the New York State Training School for Girls, Hudson, other than personal service. 12,140 00 3,000 00 440 STATE TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, HUDSON— Cont’d MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $27,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $11,000 00 Light 250 00 Water 950 00 12,200 00 Printing 150 00 Advertising 25 00 Equipment Office $100 00 Household 1,850 00 Medical and surgical 300 00 Motorless vehicles and equips ment 250 00 Motor vehicles and equip- ment 200 00 Wearing apparel 3,300 00 Educational 25 00 Laundry 200 00 Farm and garden 100 00 Books 25 00 General plant 500 00 6,850 00 Supplies Office $500 00 Household 700 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 800 00 Medical and surgical 500 00 Motor vehicle 500 00 Educational 250 00 Botanical and agricultural .. 300 00 Forage and veterinary 1,300 00 Refrigerating 700 00 General plant 1,200 00 6,750 00 Materials Industrial and general plant 4,900 00 441 STATE TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, HUDSON — Cont’d Traveling expenses Transportation of officers and employees $3,700 00 Transportation of inmates. . 1,400 00 Hotel expenses 3,400 00 8,500 00 Communication Express $160 00 Freight, package and cartage. 250 00 Telephone and telegraph ... 740 00 Postage 500 00 1,650 00 Fixed charges and contributions Commutation $5,304 00 Payment to paroled and dis- charged girls 240 00 Board for infants and mothers 4,200 00 Boxes and suit cases for paroled and discharged girls 76 00 9,820 00 General plant service Special medical services. ... $1,650 00 Special religious services. . . 580 00 Miscellaneous 770 00 3,000 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 80,845 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that regularly appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and to equipment . . . $7,000 00 7,000 00 442 STATE TRAINING SCHOOL FOR GIRLS, HUDSON— Cont’ cl CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For curb, etc 419 55 For stokers 3,000 00 3,419 55 Total for school 1917-18 $163,329 55 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the expenses of maintenance and operation of New York State Training School for Girls, Hudson, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fixed charges and contributions Board for infants and mothers 2,300 00 Total for New York State Training School for Girls, Hudson $165,629 55 STATE AGRICULTURAL AND INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, INDUSTRY For payment for services of employees at State Agricultural and Industrial School, Industry. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Superintendent $4,000 00 Assistant superintendent 2,000 00 Parole agent, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 443 STATE INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, INDUSTRY — Continued Administration — Continued General — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Parole officer, 3 at $1,200 3,600 00 Organist and usher, 2 at $336 672 00 Stenographer, 3 at $660 1,980 00 Telephone operator .... 420 00 Coachman 480 00 Chaplain, 2 at $1,200. . 2,400 00 Rabbi, visiting 600 00 Head cook 480 00 Cook 360 00 $19,392 00 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Steward 1,500 00 Chief clerk 720 00 Clerk, 2 at $600 1,200 00 Junior clerk 360 00 Storekeeper 900 00 Storekeeper 840 00 $5,520 00 $24,912 00 Ward, dormitory or cottage service Salaries, regular Inspector $1,200 00 Guard, disciplinary, 4 at $660 2,640 00 Guard, 23 at $600 13,800 00 Matron 1,200 00 Matron, disciplinary . . 480 00 Matron, assistant, 35 at $360 12,600 00 Supervisor farm cottage, 25 at $720 18,000 00 Supervisor, disciplinary 1,000 00 50,920 00 444 STATE INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, INDUSTRY — Continued Hospital Salaries, regular Resident physician .... $2,000 00 Dentist 600 00 Hospital matron 600 00 Chief nurse 480 00 Nurse, contagious cases. 600 00 Optical surgeon 480 00 Waitress 300 00 Cook 360 00 Guard 1 600 00 6,020 00 Kitchen and meat stores Wages, regular Cook, 2 at $360 $720 00 Butcher 720 00 1,440 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Engineer and electrician $1,500 00 Assistant engineer and electrician, 3 at $000 . 2,700 00 Repairs Wages, regular Carpenter . $4,200 00 600 00 4,800 00 Field service Farm Wages, regular Supervisor, colony farms $1,500 00 Farmer 600 00 Farmer 540 00 2.640 00 445 STATE INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, INDUSTRY — Continued Educational Scholastic Salaries, regular Superintendent (of schools) $1,200 00 Teacher, drawing, free- hand 900 00 Teacher, music 900 00 Teacher, general, 14 at $900 12,600 00 Teacher, general 840 00 Teacher, general, 2 at $720 1,440 00 Waitress, 3 at $300. . . . 900 00 Head cook 480 00 Cook 360 00 $19,620 00 Industrial Salaries, regular Baking instructor .... 720 00 Blacksmithing instructor 900 00 Carpentry instructor . . 900 00 Carpentry instructor . . 840 00 Creamery instructor . . 720 00 Electrical construction instructor 900 00 Laundering instructor . 720 00 Machinery instructor. . 900 00 Masonry instructor ... 900 00 Milling instructor .... 900 00 Painting instructor ... 900 00 Printing instructor ... 900 00 Tailoring instructor, 2 at $900 1,800 00 Band instructor 900 00 $12,900 00 32,520 00 446 STATE INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, INDUSTRY — Continued Departmental Salaries and wages, temporary For entire institution 2,000 00 Total for personal service $125,252 00 For payment for expenses of maintenance and opera- tion of the State Agricultural and Industrial School, Industry, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $28,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water 19,500 00 Equipment Office $10000- Household 7,500 00 Medical and surgical 140 00 Motorless vehicles and equip- ment 1,800 00 Wearing apparel 8,500 00 Educational 725 00 Industrial 500 00 Laundry 300 00 Farm and garden 1,250 00 Live stock 550 00 Books 550 00 General plant 75 00 21,990 00 Supplies Office $350 00 Household 1,300 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 875 00 Medical and surgical 400 00 Educational 225 00 Botanical and agricultural. . 3,000 00 Forage and veterinary 6,000 00 Refrigerating 100 00 General plant 2,000 00 14,250 00 447 STATE INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, INDUSTRY — Continued Materials Industrial and general plant 6,700 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials or employees $2,500 00 Transportation of inmates. . 700 00 Hotel expenses 1,300 00 4,500 00 Communication Freight and express $700 00 Postage' 600 00 Telegraph and telephone. . . . 400 00 Fixed charges and contributions Commutation $6,200 00 Prizes for annual fair 300 00 Rewards and expenses 300 00 General plant service Rents 1,700 00 6,800 00 1,700 00 450 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 105,590 00 REPAIRS For work done hy contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that regularly appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and to equipment 5,000 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For furnishings for hoys’ new cottage. . . . $1,800 00 For electric light and telephone extension. . 500 00 2,300 00 Total for school 1917-18 $238,142 00 448 STATE INDUSTRIAL SCHOOL, INDUSTRY — Continued TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the services of employees of the State Agricultural and Industrial School, Industry. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Assistant superintendent $1,416 00 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food . . . . Equipment Supplies . Materials . $5,000 00 2,000 00 1,000 00 1,000 00 $9,000 00 Total immediately available 10,416 00 Total for State Agricultural and Industrial School, Industry $248,558 00 THOMAS INDIAN SCHOOL, IROQUOIS For payment for services of employees of Thomas Indian School, Iroquois PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Superintendent $2,500 00 Matron 800 00 Coachman 480 00 Watchman 540 00 Housekeeper 300 00 $4,620 00 449 THOMAS INDIAN SCHOOL, IROQUOIS — Continued Administration — Continued Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Steward 900 00 Bookkeeper 480 00 Stenographer and store- keeper 600 00 $1,980 00 Ward, dormitory or cottage service Salaries, regular Assistant matron $480 00 Supervisor 600 00 Attendant, 8 at $300 . . 2,400 00 Hospital Salaries, regular Physician $400 00 Nurse 480 00 Industries Wages, regular Seamstress, 2 at $240 Kitchen and dining room Wages, regular Cook, 3 at $300 Bakery Wages, regular Assistant cook Laundry Wages, regular Head laundress $420 00 Domestic 240 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Engineer and electrician $1,020 00 15 $6,600 00 3,480 00 880 00 480 00 900 00 240 00 660 00 450 THOMAS INDIAN SCHOOL, IROQUOIS — Continued Mechanical — Continued Engineering — Continued Wages, regular — Continued Assistant engineer and electrician 720 00 Fireman 540 00 Laborer 420 00 $2,700 00 Repairs Wages, regular Mason and general repairer 900 00 3,600 00 Field service Farm Wages, regular Farmer $1,200 00 Gardener and poultry- man 600 00 Laborer 420 00 Teamster, 2 at $480. . . 960 00 $3,180 00 420 00 — 3,600 00 Educational Scholastic Salaries, regular Head teacher $1,200 00 Teacher, 10 months, 6 at $600 3,600 00 Kindergarten teacher, 10 months 600 00 Music teacher, 10 mos. 600 00 Garden and grounds Wages, regular Laborer $6,000 00 451 THOMAS INDIAN SCHOOL, IROQUOIS — Continued Mechanical — Continued Industrial Salaries, regular Instructor in carpentry. 900 00 6,900 00 Total for personal service $27,340 00 For expenses of maintenance and operation of Thomas Indian School, Iroquois, other than personal service : MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $7,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water 4,500 00 Equipment Office $100 00 Household 1,600 00 Motorless vehicles and equip- ment 300 00 Wearing apparel 2,000 00 Laundry 150 00 Farm and garden 200 00 Live stock 300 00 Books 150 00 General plant 200 00 5,000 00 Supplies Office $125 00 Household 400 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 375 00 Medical and surgical 50 00 Educational 225 00 Botanical and agricultural. . . 650 00 Forage and veterinary 1,700 00 General plant 700 00 4,225 00 Materials General plant 1,500 00 452 THOMAS INDIAN SCHOOL, IROQUOIS — Continued Traveling expenses Transportation of officials and employees $300 00 Transportation of inmates . . 15 00 Hotel expenses 185 00 500 00 Communication 750 00 Fixed charges and contributions 720 00 General plant service 1,600 00 Rent 500 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than per- sonal service 26,295 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that regularly appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and to equipment 1,000 00 Total for school 1917—18 $54,635 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For payment for services of employees of Thomas Indian School, Iroquois. PERSONAL SERVICE Ward, dormitory or cottage service Salaries, regular Supervisor $105 00 Educational Scholastic Salaries, regular Teacher $40 00 Teacher 50 00 Music teacher 90 00 180 00 285 00 453 THOMAS INDIAN SCHOOL, IROQUOIS — Continued MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $750 00 Equipment 700 00 1,450 00 Total immediately available $1,735 00 Total for Thomas Indian School, Iroquois. . . . $56,370 00 EASTERN NEW YORK REFORMATORY, NAPANOCH For payment for services of employees of Eastern New York Reformatory, N apanoch : PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Superintendent at $5,000 (one-half salary paid by N apanoch and one- half by Elmira) $2,500 00 Assistant superintendent 3,500 00 Chief parole officer at $1,800 (one-quarter salary paid by Napa- noch and three-quar- ters by Elmira 450 00 Assistant parole agent, 3 at $1,200 (one-quarter salary paid by Napa- noch and three-quar- ters by Elmira) 900 00 Housekeeper 300 00 Laundress 120 00 Coachman 600 00 Chaplain, 2 at $1,200. . 2,400 00 Visiting Hebrew chap- lain 600 00 $11,370 00 454 NEW YORK REFORMATORY, NAPANOCH — Continued Administration — Continued Accounting and stores 'Salaries, regular Chief clerk Bookkeeper Stenographer Stenographer at $720 (one-quarter salary paid by Napanoch and three-quarters by Elmira) Clerk $1,500 00 1,080 00 900 00 180 00 960 00 Storekeeper (guard) ... 1,200 00 $5,820 00 —$17,190 00 Ward (dormitory) or cottage service Salaries, regular Captain of the guard. . $1,350 00 Chief guard, 3 at $1,200 3,600 00 Guard, 26 at $1,200. . . 31,200 00 Guard 1,016 67 37,166 67 Hospital Salaries, regular Assistant physician 1,500 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Engineer and electrician 1,200 00 Field service Farm Wages, regular Farmer (guard) 900 00 Educational Scholastic Salaries, regular Principal teacher $1,200 00 455 NEW YORK REFORMATORY, NAPANOCH — Continued Educational — Continued Industrial Salaries, regular Supervisor of construc- tion work at $2,100 (one-half of salary paid by Elmira and one-half by N ap- anoch) 1,050 00 Instructor in black smith- ing 1,200 00 Instructor in carpentry. 1,200 00 Instructor in masonry and bricklaying 1,200 00 Instructor in plumbing. . 1,100 00 $5,750 00 Salaries and wages temporary Temporary employees for entire insti- tution, including vacation help. . . . 6,950 00 500 00 Total for personal service $65,406 67 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Eastern New York Reformatory, Napanoch, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $17,000 00 F uel, light power and water Fuel $6,000 00 Light 2,000 00 8,000 00 Printing 50 00 Equipment Office $ 100 00 Household 1,400 00 Medical and surgical 75 00 Motorless vehicles 100 00 Wearing apparel 6,700 00 Educational 25 00 Industrial 50 00 456 NEW YORK REFORMATORY, NAPANOCH — Continued Equipment — Continued Laundry 100 00 Farm and garden 150 00 Books 250 00 General plant 200 00 9,150 00 Supplies Office $ 450 00 Household 450 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 250 00 Medical and surgical 600 00 Educational 250 00 Botanical and agricultural . . . 488 00 Forage and veterinary 2,965 00 Refrigerating 91 00 General plant 206 00 5,750 00 Materials Industrial and general plant. . . . 350 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials or employees $1,300 00 Transportation of inmates... 1,700 00 Hotel expenses 600 00 3,600 00 Communication Express $52 00 Freight 42 00 Postage 600 00 Telegraph 70 00 Telephone 45 00 Telephone rent 210 00 1,019 00 Fixed charges and contributions Commutation in lieu of main- tenance $2,496 00 Rewards and expenses 100 00 Payments to paroled and dis- charged inmates 3,975 00 6,571 00 457 NEW YORK REFORMATORY, NAPANOOH — Continued General plant service 535 00 Rent 300 00 Total for maintenance and operation other than per- sonal service $52,325 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that regularly appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and to equipment 2,000 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For barn $5,000 00 For plumbing in cell block 5,000 00 For cell furniture 1,500 00 11,500 00 Total for reformatory 1917-18 $131,231 67 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Eastern New York Reformatory, Napanoch, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food 2,000 00 Total for Eastern New York Reformatory, Napanoch. $133,231 67 NEW YORK STATE CUSTODIAL ASYLUM FOR FEEBLE- MINDED WOMEN, NEWARK For payment for services of employees at New York State Custodial Asylum for Feehlei-Minded Women, Newark. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Superintendent $4,000 00 Chief clerk 1,080 00 Stenographer 600 00 458 CUSTODIAL ASYLUM, NEWARK —Continued Administration — Continued General — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Coachman 480 00 Watchman 540 00 Cook 420 00 $7,120 00 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Steward, storekeeper . . . 1,500 00 Bookkeeper 720 00 Clerk 600 00 Stenographer 600 00 $3,420 00 $10,540 00 Ward (dormitory) or cottage service Salaries, regular Matron $1,200 00 Supervising matron .... 600 00 Assistant matrons, 10 at $480 4,800 00 Attendants, first; attend- ants, day, and attend- ants, night 18,000 00 24,600 00 Hospital Salaries, regular Resident, physician .... $1,500 00 Assistant physician .... 1,200 00 Nurse, 3 at $600 1,800 00 Cook, 2 at $420 840 00 Attendant, 4 at $300. . . 1,200 00 Attendant, night 360 00 6,900 00 Kitchen Wasres, retail ar Cook, 6 at $420 $2,520 00 Cook, 3 at $360 1,080 00 3,600 00 459 CUSTODIAL ASYLUM, NEWARK —Continued Bakery Wages, regular Baker 600 00 Meat stores Wages, regular Laborer 420 00 Laundry Wages, regular Head laundress $420 00 Laundress, 7 at $300. . . 2,100 00 2,520 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Engineer and electrician. $1,200 00 First assistant engineer and electrician 900 00 Assistant engineer and electrician, 2 at $720.. 1,440 00 Fireman, 5 at $540. . . . 2,700 00 $6,240 00 Repairs Wages, regular Carpenter 600 00 Painter 480 00 $1,080 00 7,320 00 Field service Farm Wages, regular Foreman $900 00 Garden matron 600 00 Laborer, 4 at $420 1.680 00 Teamster 480 00 3,660 00 460 CUSTODIAL ASYLUM, NEWARK —Continued Educational Scholastic Salaries, regular Head teacher $600 00 Supervisor of music and physical culture . ... 600 00 $1,200 00 Industrial Salaries, regular Instructor in sewing, 3 at $480 1,440 00 Attendant 420 00 $1,860 00 Salaries and wages temporary Temporary employees for entire institu- tion, including vacation supply 3,060 00 500 00 Total for personal service For the expenses of maintenance and operation of New York State Custodial Asylum for Feeble-Minded Women, Newark, other than personal service $63,720 00 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $47,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water Fuel 17,500 00 Light 125 00 Printing and advertising. . . . Equipment Office $200 00 Household . . 4,400 00 Medical and surgical 100 00 Wearing apparel . . 2,300 00 Industrial 100 00 Laundry 100 00 Farm and garden 250 00 461 CUSTODIAL ASYLUM, NEWARK —Continued Equipment — Continued Live stock . . 250 00 General plant 1,000 00 8,700 00 Supplies Office $400 00 Household 1,100 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 1,500 00 Medical and surgical 80000 Educational 50 00 Botanical and agricultural . . . 200 00 Forage and veterinary 1,000 00 Genera] plant 050 00 6,000 00 Materials Industrial 4,500 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials and employees $300 00 Transportation of inmates. . . 50 00 Hotel expenses 150 00 500 00 Communication 1,000 00 Fixed charges and contributions 4,250 00 General plant- service 3,000 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 92,675 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that regularly appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and to equipment 7,500 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For two new boilers $18,000 00 For stokers for boilers and extension and improvements to boiler and heating plants 15,000 00 462 CUSTODIAL ASYLUM, NEWARK — Continued For filter and water purification plant and changes in water mains (authorization, fif- teen thousand dollars ($15,000) by chap. 646, Laws of 1916, of which seven thou- sand five hundred dollars ($7,500) was appropriated by chap. 646, Laws of 1916, a further appropriation of seven thousand five hundred dollars 7,500 00 40,500 00 Total for New York State Custodial Asylum for Feeble-Minded Women, Newark $204,395 00 NEW YORE STATE WOMEN’S RELIEF CORPS HOME, OXFORD For payment for services of employees at New York iState Woman’s Relief Corps Home, Oxford: PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Superintendent $2,500 00 Stenographer 600 00 Coachman 540 00 Watchman 420 00 Cook 300 00 $4,360 -00 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Chief clerk . . Bookkeeper . . Storekeeper . . $2,280 00 1,080 00 600 00 600 00 $6,640 00 463 WOMEN’S RELIEF CORPS HOME, OXFORD — Continued Ward, dormitory or cottage service Salaries, regular Housekeeper $60000 Assistant housekeeper. . . 300 00 Laborer, house 360 00 Domestic, 5 at $240 .... 1,200 00 2,460 00 Hospital Salaries, regular Physician $1,500 00 Hospital matron 720 00 Nurse 480 00 Hospital attendant, 10 at $360 3,600 00 6,300 00 Kitchen and dining room Wages, regular Cook $720 00 Assistant cook 420 00 1 Hospital cook. 360 00 Laborer 420 00 Domestic, 6 at $240 .... 1,440 00 Laundry Wages, regular Head laundress $360 00 Laundress, 4 at $240’. . . 960 00 Laborer 180 00 3,360 00 1,500 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Engineer and electrician $1,000 00 Assistant engineer and electrician, 2 at $600 . 1,200 00 Fireman, 2 at $540. . . . 1,080 00 $3,280 00 464 WOMEN’S RELIEF CORPS HOME, OXFORD — Continued Mechanical — Continued Repairs Wages, regular Repairer 600 00 Field service Farm Wages, regular Farmer $'900 00 Teamster, 2 at $480. . . . 960 00 Laborer, 3 at $420 1,260 00 Salaries and wages temporary For services of temporary employees for entire institution including vacation supplies ... , 3,880 00 3,120 00 500 00 Total for personal service For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the New York State Women’s Relief Corps Home, Oxford, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $9,500 00 Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $6,150 00 Light 150 00 Water 100 00 Printing and advertising Equipment Office $100 00 Household 2,000 00 Medical and surgical 500 00 Motorless vehicles and equip- ment 300 00 Wearing apparel 700 00 Laundry 150 00 Farm and garden 365 00 Live stock 2,D00 00 General plant 500 00 6,400 00 25 00 $27,760 00 6,615 00 465 WOMEN’S RELIEF CORPS HOME, OXFORD — Continued Supplies Office $200 00 Household 300 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 300 00 Medical and surgical 700 00 Botanical and agricultural. . 750 00 Forage and veterinary 3,400 00 Befrigerating 200 00 General plant. 150 00 6,000 00 Materials General plant . 200 00 Traveling expenses 1,000 00 Communication . . . . 600 00 Fixed charges and contributions 2,300 00 General plant service 500 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 33,140 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that regularly appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and to equipment 1,500 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For garbage and hose cart house $650 00 For manure pit and slaughter house 650 00 For completion of roads 2,000 00 For ice house or refrigerating plant 2,500 00 For piggery 2,500 00 8,300 00 Total for institution 1917-18 $70,700 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the New York State Women’s Belief Corps Home, Oxford, other than personal service. 466 WOMEN’S RELIEF CORPS HOME, OXFORD — Continued MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Equipment $500 00 General plant service 300 00 Total immediately available 800 00 Total for New York State Women’s Relief Corps Home, Oxford $71,500 00 HOUSE OF REFUGE, RANDALL’S ISLAND For payment for services of employees of House of Refuge, Randall’s Island : PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, Regular Superintendent $4,000 00 Assistant Superinten- dents, 2 at $1,800. . . 3,600 00 Parole agent 1,500 00 Assistant parole agents, 4 at $900 " 3,600 00 Assistant parole agent. . 780 00 Assistant parole agent. . 775 00 Captain boat “ Refuge ” 1,260 00 Chief clerk . . 1,200 00 Stenographers, 2 at $600 1,200 00 Messenger 180 00 Attendant, 125th street waiting room 480 00 Clerk . 600 00 Military instructor .... 1,200 00 Domestic 240 00 Waitress 240 00 Cook, head 420 00 Housekeeper .' 300 00 Cooks, assistants, 3 at $300 900 00 $22,475 00 HOUSE OE REFUGE, RANDALL’S ISLAND — Continued Administration — Continued Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Bookkeeper 1,000 00 Clerk, treasurer’s 300 00 Steward 1,500 00 Clerk 720 00 Storekeeper 660 00 Teamster 480 00 $4,660 00 $27,135 00 Ward (dormitory) or cottage service Salaries, regular Attendants, 4 at $300. . $1,200 00 Chief Guards, 6 at $720 4,320 00 Guards 13,500 00 Matrons, assistant, 2 at $480 960 00 19,980 00 Hospital Salaries, regular Physician $1,200 00 Dentist 600 00 Nurse, chief 600 00 Optical surgeon 600 00 Rhinologist and Laryn- gologist 600 00 Nurse 480 00 $4,080 00 Kitchen and dining room Wages, regular Cook, head 600 00 Guard 525 00 Guard 530 00 1,655 00 468 HOUSE OF REFUGE, RANDALL’S ISLAND — Continued Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Engineer and electrician $1,200 00 Engineer, assistant, and electrician, 2 at $765. 1,530 00 Engineer, boat “Refuge” 960 00 $3,690 00 Repairs Wages, regular Carpenter 600 00 4,290 00 Field service Farm Wages, regular Farmer (guard) $600 00 Garden and grounds Wages, regular Florist 720 00 1,320 00 Educational Scholastic Salaries, regular Superintendent, (schools) $1,500 00 Assistant superintendent, (schools) 960 00 Teachers, general 14,000 00 Teacher, music 720 00 $17,180 00 Industrial Salaries, regular Baking instructor 780 00 Bandmaster 900 00 Blacksmithing instructor 900 00 Carpentry instructor ... 900 00 Barbering instructor ... 780 00 Drawing and wood carv- ing instructor 900 00 469 HOUSE OF REFUGE, RANDALL’S ISLAND — Continued Educational — Continued Industrial — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Laundress, 2 at $360. . $720 00 Launderer 720 00 Machinist 845 00 Masonry instructor. . . . 845 00 Painting instructor .... 900 00 Plumbing instructor . . . 900 00 Printing instructor 855 00 Sloyd instructor 900 00 Shoemaking instructor. . 720 00 Tailoring instructor. . . . 900 00 Electrical construction instructor 720 00 Plumbing instructor. . . 855 00 Telegraphy instructor. . . 780 00 $15,820 00 33,000 00 Salaries and wages, tem- porary For temporary employees for entire institution, including vacation supply 500 00 Total for personal service $91,960 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the House of Refuge, Randall’s Island, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $54,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water Fuer. . $11,000 00 Light 2,000 00 13,000 00 Advertising 50 00 Equipment Office $300 00 Household 5,000 00 470 HOUSE OF REFUGE, RANDALL’S ISLAND Equipment — Continued Continued Medical and surgical 500 00 Motorless vehicles 200 00 Motor vehicles 100 00 Wearing apparel 7,500 00 Educational 300 00 Research 100 00 Industrial 2,000 00 Laundry 300 00 Farm and garden 200 00 Live stock 300 00 Books 1,000 00 General plant 425 00 Supplies Office $500 00 Household 1,400 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 900 00 Medical and surgical 1,500 00 Motor vehicles 500 00 Educational 1,580 00 Research 20 00 Botanical and agricultural . . 600 00 Forage and veterinary 700 00 Refrigerating 500 00 General plant 800 00 Materials Highway $400 00 Sewer 100 00 Industrial 14,500 00 General plant 2,000 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials or employees $2,300 00 Transportation of inmates . . 600 00 Hotel expenses 200 00 - 18,225 00 9,000 00 17,000 00 3,100 00 471 HOUSE OF REFUGE, RANDALL’S ISLAND — Continued Communication Express, freight and cartage. o o e- 00 Postage and box rent 800 00 Telephone and telegraph . . . 600 00 Fixed charges and contributions Rewards for escapes $275 00 Commutations 400 00 General plant service Analyses $100 00 Tuning musical instruments . 100 00 Medicine and veterinary ser- vices 100 00 Garage storage 240 00 Bonds and insurance 500 00 General 260 00 1,300 00 Total for maintenance and operation other than per- sonal service . . . 118,450 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that regularly appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and to equipment 2,000 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For new boiler $2,500 00 For material to renew steam lines 2,000 00 For material to renew gas lines and gas plant equipment 1,500 00 6,000 00 Total for New York House of Refuge, Randall’s Is^ land $218,410 00 472 NEW YORK STATE HOSPITAL FOR THE TREATMENT OF INCIPIENT PULMONARY TUBERCULOSIS, RAY BROOK For payment for services of employees of New York State Hospital for the Treatment of Incipient Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Ray Brook. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Superintendent $3,500 00 Stenographer 600 00 Watchman 420 00 $4,520 00 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Steward 1,400 00 Stenographer and book- keeper 600 00 Storekeeper and book- keeper 780 00 Coachman, special .... 480 00 $3,260 00 Hospital Salaries, regular Physician, first assistant $1,800 00 Physician, second assist- ant 1,200 00 Physician, third assist- ant 1,000 00 Nurse, social service. . . 1,200 00 Diener, laboratory 600 00 $7,780 00 Wages, regular Laborer, laboratory, 2 at $420 $5,800 00 840 00 6,640 00 473 STATE HOSPITAL, RAY BROOK — Continued Ward (dormitory) or cottage service Salaries, regular Matron $1,020 00 Nurse, 12 at $600 7,200 00 Domestic, 15 at $240. . 3,600 00 $11,820 00 Wages, regular Laborer 360 00 Industrial Wages, regular Seamstress Kitchen and dining room Wages, regular Assistant matron $360 00 Head waitress 300 00 Waitress, 32 at $240. . . 7,680 00 Cook 900 00 Assistant cook 600 00 Assistant cook, 2 at $360. 720 00 Laborer, 2 at $420 840 00 Bakery Wages, regular Baker $600 00 Laborer 420 00 12,180 00 300 00 11,400 00 Laundry Wages, regular Head laundryman $480 00 Launderers, 5 at $240. . 1,200 00 Laborer 420 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Engineer and electrician. $1,200 00 Fireman, 6 at $540. . . . 3,240 00 Laborer 420 00 1,020 00 2,100 00 $4,860 00 474 STATE HOSPITAL, RAY BROOK — Continued Mechanical — Continued Repairs Wages, regular Painter 600 00 Painter 360 00 Carpenter 600 00 $1,560 00 Pield Service Garden and grounds Wages, regular Teamster $480 00 Laborer, 4 at $420. . . . 1,680 00 Laborer, 2 at $360. . . . 720 00 Salaries and wages, temporary For temporary employees for entire institution, including vacation supply 6,420 00 2,880 00 1,200 00 Total for personal service $51,920 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the New York State Hospital for the Treatment of Incipient Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Ray Brook, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $65,000 00 Fuel and light Coal, bituminous $12,900 00 Coal, stove 1,300 00 Miscellaneous 300 00 14,500 00 Printing and advertising 150 00 Equipment Office $147 00 Household 4,777 00 Medical and surgical Motorless vehicles and equip- 786 00 ment 150 00 Wearing apparel 1,000 00 475 STATE HOSPITAL, RAY BROOK — Continued Equipment — Continued Educational, entertainment. . 750 00 Research 300 00 Farm and garden 200 00 Live stock 550 00 Books 150 00 Engineering 700 00 General plant 190 00 c -■ . 9,700 00 Supplies Office $600 00 Household 2,47 5 00 Laundry 1,650 00 Medical and surgical 6,000 00 Educational, entertainment. . 250 00 Research 600 00 Botanical and agricultural. . 200 00 Forage and veterinary 800 00 General plant 1,925 00 14,500 00 Materials 500 00 Hired horses and vehicles 150 00 Traveling expenses Traveling expenses of officials or employees $500 00 Transportation of inmates. . 3,000 00 3,500 00 C ommu nicat i on Freight and express $1,750 00 Postage 500 00 Telegrams and telephones. . . 250 00 Fixed charges and contributions Commutation General plant service Special religious services. . . $450 00 Special medical services. . . . 1,800 00 Horseshoeing 100 00 Laboratory, expert services. . 500 00 2,500 00 2,000 00 2,850 00 Total for maintenance and operation other than per- sonal service 115,350 00 476 STATE HOSPITAL, RAY BROOK — Continued REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for re- pairs to buildings and equipment 2,500 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For the construction of a pavilion for forty patients, in- cluding heat, light, water and sewerage connections. . $25,000 00 Total for New York State Hospital for the Treatment of Incipient Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Ray Brook. $194,770 00 ROME STATE CUSTODIAL ASYLUM, ROME For payment for services of employees at Rome State Custodial Asylum, Rome. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Superintendent $4,000 00 Stenographer, 3 at $600. 1,800 00 Watchman 540 00 Coachman 480 00 Steward 1,800 00 Barber 480 00 $9,100 00 900 00 900 00 $1,800 00 — $10,900 00 Ward (dormitory) or cottage service Salaries, regular Matron. ! $900 00 Supervisor and assistant supervisors Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Storekeeper Bookkeeper .... 25,000 00 477 STATE CUSTODIAL ASYLUM, ROME — Continued Ward (dormitory) or cottage service — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Matrons, assistant, 30 at $360 10,800 00 Attendants, assistant charge, male ; attend- ants, day, male ; and attendants, night, male 25,000 00 Attendants, assistant charge, female ; at- tendants, day, female; attendants, night, fe- male 13,000 00 74,700 00 Hospital Salaries, regular Physician $2,000 00 Senior assistant physi- cian 1,800 00 J unior assistant physi- cian 1,500 00 J unior assistant physi- cian 1,200 00 Nurse, 10 at $540 5,400 00 Dentist 720 00 12,620 00 Kitchen and dining room Wages, regular Supervisor $720 00 Cooks and assistant cooks 5,000 00 Domestic, 9 at $300 .... 2,700 00 Waitress, 6 at $300. . . . 1,800 00 10,220 00 Bakery Wages, regular Baker 900 00 Meat stores Wages, regular Butcher and meat cutter 660 00 478 STATE CUSTODIAL ASYLUM, ROME — Continued Laundry Wages, regular Head laundryman .... $780 00 Laundress, 6 at $300. . . 1,800 00 2,580 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Engineer and electrician Assistant engineer and electrician, 2 at $900. Fireman, 7 at $540. . . . Plumber and steamfitter. Sewage tender $1,500 00 1,800 00 3,780 00 720 00 540 00 Repairs Wages, regular Blacksmith Carpenter, 2 at $720. . . Mason Painter Shoemaker $8,340 00 720 00 1,440 00 720 00 660 00 660 00 $4,200 00 Field service Farm Wages, regular Farmer $900 00 Dairyman 720 00 Teamster, 12 at $480. . 5,760 00 Laborer, 11 at $420... 4,620 00 Chauffeur, 2 at $720. . . 1,440 00 12,540 00 $13,440 00 720 00 Garden and grounds Wages, regular Gardener ■14,160 00 STATE CUSTODIAL ASYLUM, ROME — Continued Educational Scholastic Salaries, regular Head teacher $720 00 Teacher, 4 at $540 2,160 00 Instructor in music. . . . 600 00 $3,480 00 Industrial Salaries, regular Instructor in manual training, 2 at $600 . . . 1,200 00 Instructor in domestic arts 600 00 Instructor in sewing. . . 600 00 Instructor in tailoring. 600 00 $3,000 00 6,480 00 Total for personal service $145,760 00 For the expenses; of maintenance and operation of Rome State Custodial Asylum, Rome, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $60,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $25,100 00 Light 700 00 Water 1,200 00 27,000 00 Printing and advertising Equipment Office Household Medical and surgical. Motorless vehicles . . . Motor vehicles Wearing apparel .... Educational 75 00 $300 00 5,500 00 100 00 2,750 00 100 00 13,500 00 100 00 480 STATE CUSTODIAL ASYLUM, ROME — Continued Equipment — Continued Laundry 250 00 Farm and garden 1,800 00 Live stock 1,200 00 Books 50 00 General plant 850 00 26,500 00 Supplies Office $500 00 Household 1,800 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 3,000 00 Medical and surgical 1,200 00 Motor vehicle 1,000 00 Educational 500 00 Botanical and agricultural . . . 1,500 00 Forage and veterinary 23,500 00 General plant o o 00 37,000 00 Materials Industrial and general plant Traveling expenses Transportation of officials or employees $600 00 Transportation of inmates . . . 800 00 Hotel expenses 300 00 Communication Fixed charges and contributions Commutation $5,500 00 Rewards and expense 300 00 General plant service Bents 16,000 00 1,700 00 2,500 00 5,800 00 2,200 00 2,110 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than per- sonal service 180,885 00 481 STATE CUSTODIAL ASYLUM, ROME — Continued REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that regularly appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and to equipment. . . $4,000 00 For repairs to sewage disposal plant 5,000 00 For enlarged water line 15,000 00 24,000 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For elevator for new dormitory building 4,000 00 Total for Institution 1917-18 $854,645 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Borne State Custodial Asylum, Borne, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $10,000 00 Equipment 10,000 00 Supplies 5,000 00 Traveling expenses 750 00 Fixed charges and contributions 500 00 General plant service 500 00 26,750 00 Total for Borne State Custodial Asylum, Borne. . . $381,395 00 16 482 CRAIG COLONY FOR EPILEPTICS, SONYEA For payment for sendees of the employees of Craig Colony for Epileptics, Sonyea : PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Superintendent $4,300 00 Stenographer 600 00 Usher and telephone op- erator 300 00 Telephone operator, night 360 00 Coachman 600 00 Watchman, 4 at $600 2,400 00 Cook, first grade 420 00 Chambermaid and wait- ress 288 00 Steward 1,800 00 Cook, cottage 360 00 Barber 480 00 Chaplain 1,200 00 Chaplain 1,000 00 Sewage tender 540 00 $14,648 00 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Bookkeeper, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Stenographer 600 00 Storekeeper 900 00 Agent and treasurer . . . 1,200 00 Attendant 360 00 $5,460 00 $20,108 00 Ward, dormitory or cottage service Salaries, regular Matron $900 00 Supervisor, 4 at $720.. 2,880 00 483 CRAIG COLONY FOR EPILEPTICS — Continued Ward, dormitory or cottage service — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Supervisor, 4 at $600 . . 2,400 00 Attendant, 15 at $444. . 6,660 00 Attendant, 6 at $420. . . 2,520 00 Attendant, 28 at $384. . 10,752 00 Attendant, 24 at $360 . . 8,640 00 Attendant, 14 at $300 . . 4,200 00 Cook, 16 at $360 5,760 00 Assistant cook, 4 at $360 1,440 00 Hospital Salaries, regular First assistant physician $2,500 00 Second assistant physi- cian 2,000 00 Third assistant physician Ol o o 00 Junior assistant physi- cian, 4 at $1,200. . . . 4,800 00 Woman physician 1,400 00 Pathologist 2,500 00 Visiting opthalmologist . 300 00 Dentist 900 00 Pharmacist 900 00 Superintendent of nurses 1,200 00 Assistant superintendent of nurses 900 00 Stenographer, 2 at $600 1,200 00 Chief nurse 600 00 Nurses and attendants . . 6,660 00 Special attendant 420 00 Nurse, 15 at $480 7,200 00 34,980 00 Industrial Wages, regular Head seamstress $420 00 Seamstress 300 00 Tailor 660 00 Shoemaker 600 00 484 CRAIG COLONY FOR EPILEPTICS — Continued Industrial — Continued W ages, regular — Continued Printer 600 00 1 Brickmaker 900 00 Laborer, 2 at $420 840 00 Kitchen and dining room Wages, regular Domestic $240 00 Chambermaid and wait- ress, 3 at $288 864 00 Cook, head, 3 at $600. . 1,800 00 Cook, first grade, 4 at $420 1,680 00 Meat stores Wages, regular Butcher Bakery Wages, regular Baker $720 00 Assistant baker 420 00 Laundry Wages, regular Head laundryman $840 00 Laundryman, 2 at $420. 840 00 Laundress, 11 at $240. . 2,640 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Engineer and electrician $1,500 00 Assistant engineer and electrician, 3 at $900. 2,700 00 Assistant engineer and electrician 840 00 Fireman, 9 at $540 4,860 00 4,320 00 4,584 00 660 00 1,140 00 4,320 00 $9,900 00 485 CRAIG COLONY FOR EPILEPTICS — Continued Mechanical — Continued Repairs Wages, regular Blacksmith $600 00 Head carpenter 900 00 Carpenter, assistant . . . 720 00 Mason and bricklayer. . 720 00 Mason and bricklayer . . 600 00 Painter 600 00 Painter 480 00 Plumber 720 00 Plumber 600 00 Tinsmith 540 00 Mattress maker 60000 Steamfitter 900 00 $7,980 00 Field service Farm Wages, regular Head farmer $900 00 Assistant farmer 540 00 Laborer, 3 at $420 1,260 00 Teamster, 14 at $480.. 6,720 00 Dairyman 720 00 $10,140 00 Garden and grounds Wages, regular Florist and gardener. . . 720 00 Laborer 420 00 Teamster 480 00 $1,620 00 Educational Scholastic Salaries, regular Head teacher $900 00 Teacher, 2 at $720 1,440 00 17,880 00 11,760 00 $2,340 00 486 CRAIG COLONY FOR EPILEPTICS — Continued Educational — Continued Industrial Salaries, regular Sloyd instructor 720 00 Instructor arts and crafts 780 00 Bandmaster 720 00 $2,220 00 4,560 00 Salaries and wages, temporary F or temporary employees for entire institution, including vacation supply 1,000 00 Total for personal service $151,464 00 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Craig Colony for Epileptics, Sonyea, other than personal service : Food . $82,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $35,200 00 Light 800 00 Printing and advertising. Equipment Household $10,270 Medical and surgical 800 Motorless vehicles and equip- ment 500 Wearing apparel 14,000 Educational 500 Industrial 30 Laundry 8,500 Farm and garden 2,000 Live stock 1,000 Books 400 General plant 1,000 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 36,000 00 100 00 39,000 00 487 CRAIG COLONY FOR EPILEPTICS — Continued Supplies Office $1,000 00 Household 2,500 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 2,500 00 Medical and surgical 2,500 00 Educational 400 00 Research 400 00 Botanical and agricultural . . . 1,800 00 Forage and veterinary 5,000 00 General plant 5,000 00 21,100 00 Materials Industrial and general plant. Traveling expenses Transportation of officers and employees $800 00 Transportation of inmates. . . 200 00 Hotel expenses 100 00 Fixed charges and contributions Commutation General plant service Miscellaneous amusements . . $1,800 00 Expense, nose and throat spe- cialist 300 00 Expense, optician 100 00 Funeral expenses 280 00 Services, Jewish chaplain. . . 720 00 Services, veterinary 200 00 Communication Express $900 00 Freight 1,364 00 Postage 1,300 00 Telegraph 200 00 Telephone 140 00 Telephone rentals 96 00 10,000 00 1,100 00 8,620 00 3,400 00 4,000 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 205,320 00 488 CRAIG COLONY FOR EPILEPTICS — Continued REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that regularly appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and to equipment 10,000 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For the construction of dormitories to re- place Letchworth House (authorization chapter 640 of the laws of 1916, eighty thousand dollars ($80,000) of which $20,- 000, was appropriated), a further appro- priation of forty-five thousand dollars . . . $45,000 00 For providing the colony with an adequate and sanitary supply of water (authoriza- tion chapter 646 of the laws of 1916, twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) of which $5,000 was appropriated), a fur- ther appropriation of ten thousand dollars 10,000 00 For the construction and equipment of a cold storage plant (authorization chapter 646 of the laws of 1916, thirty-five thousand dollars ($35,000) of which $5,000 was ap- propriated), a further appropriation of twenty-five thousand dollars 25,000 00 For expenses of survey by the State engi- neer for the development of plans for the enlargement of central heating plant for Villa Flora Group, etc 3,000 00 For borings and plans to be prepared by the State Architect for the construction and equipment of a dining room and kitchen building 500 00 83,500 00 Total for colony, 1917—18 $450,284 00 489 CRAIG COLONY FOR EPILEPTICS — Continued TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $10,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water 1,000 00 Equipment 5,000 00 Supplies 1,500 00 Materials 1,000 00 Total immediately available 18,500 00 Total for Craig Colony for Epileptics, Sonyea. . $468,784 00 SYRACUSE STATE INSTITUTION FOR FEEBLE MINDED CHILDREN, SYRACUSE For payment for services of employees of the Syracuse State Insti- tution for Feeble-Minded Children, Syracuse. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Superintendent $4,000 00 Chief clerk 900 00 Watchman 480 00 Coachman 480' 00 Usher 240 00 Cook 360 00 Waitress 240 00 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Steward Bookkeeper .... Stenographer . . . Storekeeper .... Junior clerk . . . $6,700 00 1,200 00 900 00 600 00 720 00 300 00 $3,720 00 $10,420 00 490 SYRACUSE STATE INSTITUTION — Continued Ward (dormitory) or cottage service Salaries, regular Matron $1,200 00 Assistant matron, 3 at $480 1,440 00 Matron’s assistant 300 00 Housekeeper 600 00 Housekeeper 300 00 Supervisor 540 00 Watchman 480 00 Head attendant 480 00 Attendants, male 2,500 00 Attendant, female, 22 at $300 6,600 00 Attendant, female, night, 2 at $360 720 00 Domestic, 4 at $240. . . . 960 00 16,120 00 Hospital Salaries, regular Physician $1,800 00 Dentist 600 00 Nurse 480 00 Attendant, 2 at $300. . . 600 00 Cook 300 00 Industrial W ages, regular Attendants, 3 at $300 . . $900 00 Tailoress 360 00 Dressmaker 240 00 Seamstress, 4 at $240 . . 960 00 Shoemaker 480 00 Kitchen and dining-room Wages, regular Head cook Head cook 3,780 00 2,940 00 $420 00 360 00 491 SYRACUSE STATE INSTITUTION — Continued Kitchen and dining-room — Continued Wages, regular — Continued Assistant cook, 6 at $360 2,160 00 Attendant, 4 at $300. . . 1,200 00 Waitress, 3 at $240 720 00 4,860 00 Bakery and meat stores Wages, regular Baker $600 00 Meat cutter 540 00 1,140 00 Laundry Wages, regular Head laundress .... Laundress, 4 at $240 Attendant Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Engineer and electrician. Assistant engineer and electrician Fireman, 3 at $540. . . . Steamfitter and plumber. $4,180 00 $1,000 00 780 00 1,620 00 780 00 $360 00 960 00 300 00 1,620 00 Repairs Wages, regular Carpenter, 2 at $540. . . $1,080 00 Painter 480 00 $1,560 00 5,740 00 492 SYRACUSE STATE INSTITUTION — Continued Field service F arm Wages, regular Farmer $600 00 Housekeeper 300 00 Teamster, 3 at $480. . . 1,440 00 $2,340 00 Garden and grounds Wages, regular Gardener 540 00 Laborer, 2 at $420 840 00 Teamster 480 00 $1,860 00 Educational Salaries, regular Head teacher $900 00 Instructor, band, 1 0 months . 500 00 Instructor, industrial, 10 months 500 00 Teachers, 10 months, 9 at $450 4,050 00 Attendant, 3 at $300 . . . 900 00 Salaries and wages, temporary For temporary employees for entire institution, including vacation supply 4,200 00 6,850 00 500 00 Total for personal service $58,170 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation for the Syracuse State Institution for Feeble-Minded Children, Syracuse, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $26,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water 15,500 00 Advertising . ; 25 00 493 SYRACUSE STATE INSTITUTION — Continued Equipment Office $225 00 Household 3,000 0 ! 0 Medical 400 00 Mqtorless vehicles 500 Books 150 Educational 600 Farm and garden 500 General plant . . . : 1,000 Live stock 1,000 Wearing apparel 3,000 Industrial 525 Supplies Office $300 Household 700 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 1,000 Medical . ... Motor vehicles Educational . Botanical and agricultural . 500 50 650 900 F or age and veterinary 3,800 . 300 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 00 10,900 00 Refrigerating General plant 1,900 00 Materials 10 ’ 100 00 Industrial and general plant 5,000 00 Traveling expenses 600 00 Communication Express $150 00 175 00 300 00 Telephone and telegraph. ... 225 00 850 00 Fixed charges and contributions Commutation $3,000 00 Rewards, etc. , 500 00 3,500 00 General plant service 1,300 00 F reight Postage Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 73,775 00 494 SYRACUSE STATE INSTITUTION — Continued REPAIRS For work clone by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that regularly appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and to equipment 0,0(30 00 Total for institution, 1917-18 $137,945 00 TO BE MADE 1 IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the expense of maintenance and operation for the Syracuse State Institution for Feeble-Minded Children, Syracuse, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $5,000 00 Fuel, light and power 2,000 00 Supplies 1,000 00 Traveling expenses 250 00 Total immediately available 8,250 00 Total for Syracuse State Institution for Feeble- Minded Children, Syracuse $146,195 00 LETCHWORTH VILLAGE, THIELLS For payment for services of employees ,of Letchworth Thiells. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Superintendent $4,500 00 Stenographer-bookkeeper 720 00 Steward 1,800 00 Resident engineer and inspector 2,400 00 Chauffeur 720 00 Attendant 360 00 Village, $10,500 00 495 LETCHWORTH VILLAGE, THIELLS — Continued Administration — Continued Accounting and stores Stenographer-bookkeeper, 3 at $900 2,700 00 Storekeeper 600 00 Teamster 480 00 $3,780 00 $14,280 00 Ward (dormitory) or cottage service Salaries, regular General matron $900 00 Colony matron 600 00 Dormitory matron, 6 at $600 3,600 00 Supervisor 720 00 Supervisor 540 00 Farmer 900 00 Attendant, male, 7 at $420 2,940 00 Attendant, female, 11 at $360 3,960 00 Laborer, 8 at $420. . . . 3,360 00 Teamster, 3 at $480. . . . 1,440 00 Head cook 600 00 Cook, 3 at $480 1,440 00 Assistant cook, 5 at $360 1,800 00 Assistant cook 300 00 Housekeeper, attendants’ home 540 00 Hospital Salaries, regular First assistant physician $1,708 33 J unior assistant physician 1,200 00 Nurse 600 00 Cook 480 00 Attendant, female 360 00 Domestic 300 00 Domestic 240 00 23,640 00 4,888 33 496 LETCKWQRTH VILLAGE, THIELLS — Continued I ndustrial Salaries, regular Sewing instructor $480 00 Seamstress 360 00 840 00 Kitchen and dining room Wages, regular Cook, 3 at $480 $1,440 00 Assistant cook, 3 at $360 1,080 00 2,520 00 Laundry Wages, regular Head laundress $480 00 Laundress 330 00 810 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Engineer, chief $1,500 00 Fireman, 4 at $540 . . . . 2,160 00 $3,660 00 Repairs W ages, regular Blacksmith $600 00 Mason 900 00 Carpenter, 2 at $600. . . 1,200 00 Painter 480 00 Plumber 720 00 $3,900 00 — 7,560 00 Educational Salaries, regular Band instructor $720 00 Teacher, 2 at $720 1,440 00 2,160 00 497 LETCHWOETH VILLAGE, THIELLS — Continued Field service Farm Wages, regular Farmer, 2 at $900 $1,800 00 Dairyman 600 00 Poultryman 600 00 Teamster, 2 at $480. ... 960 00 Laborer 420 00 Salaries and wages, temporary For temporary employees for entire insti- tution, including vacation supply 4,380 00 2,000 00 Total for personal service $63,078 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Letchworth Village, Thiells, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $18,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water 12,000 00 Printing and advertising 150 00 Equipment Office $500 00 Household 3,500 00 Medical and surgical 400 00 Motorless vehicles 700 00 Motor vehicles 1,500 00 Wearing apparel 3,000 00 Educational 500 00 Research 200 00 Industrial 1,000 00 Laundry 500 00 Farm and garden 1,100 00 Live stock 1,000 00 Books 100 00 General plant 500 00 14,500 00 498 LETCHWORTH VILLAGE, THIELLS — Continued Supplies Office $300 00 Household 2,000 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 1,500 00 Medical and surgical 250 00 Motor vehicles 1,000 00 Educational 500 00 Research 200 00 Botanical and agricultural. . 3,000 00 Forage and veterinary 6,000 00 Refrigerating 500 00 General plant 750 00 — 16,000 00 Materials Industrial and general plant. Traveling expenses Transportation of officers and employees $1,200 00 Transportation of inmates. . . 300 00 Hotel expenses 300 00 Communication Fixed charges and contributions General plant service 7,500 00 1,800 00 2,000 00 2,200 00 1,000 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service . 75,150 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that regularly appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and to equipment. . . . $1,500 00 For plumbing and lighting 1,450 00 2,950 00 499 LETCHWORTH VILLAGE, THIELLS — Continued CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For construction of storehouse, bakery, re- frigerating' plant and cold storage build- ing (authorization chapter 646 of the laws of 1916 — sixty thousand dollars ($60,- 000) of which $15,000' was appropriated), a final appropriation of forty-five thou- sand dollars For equipment, refrigerating plant and cold storage building For construction of cottages E, F, G and H (authorization chapter 646 of the laws of 1916, one hundred sixty-eight thousand dollars ($168,000) of which $42,000 was appropriated) a further appropriation of eighty thousand dollars For tunnel, conduit work, steam and return piping, and hot water distributing and cir- culating piping for buildings of boys’ im- provable group (authorization chapter 646 of the laws of 1916 — thirty thousand dollars ($30,000) of which $10,000 was appropriated) a further appropriation of ten thousand dollars For employment by state architect of archi- tectural, engineering and other assistants . For an assembly hall, an authorization of fifty-five thousand dollars ($55,000), of which twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,- 000) is hereby appropriated For an industrial building, an authorization of forty thousand, six hundred dollars ($40,600), of which fifteen thousand dol- lars ($15,000) is hereby appropriated. . . $45,000 00 32,000 00 80,000 00 10,000 00 10,000 00 25,000 00 15,000 00 500 LETCHWOETH VILLAGE, THIELLS — Continued For a service building, an authorization of fifty-eight thousand dollars ($58,000), of which twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) is hereby appropriated 20,000 00 For an attendant's home, an authorization of fifty-four thousand dollars ($54,000), of which twenty thousand dollars ($20,000) is hereby appropriated 20,000 00 For cottages I, J, K and L, an authorization of one hundred sixty thousand dollars ($160,000), of which sixty thousand dol- lars ($60,000) is hereby appropriated. . . 60,000 00 For underground electric, telephone, sewer and water connections, an authorization of fifteen thousand dollars ($15,000) of which five thousand dollars is hereby ap- propriated 5,000 00 For underground piping, tunnel and conduit work, an authorization of eighty thousand dollars ($80,000) of which twenty thous- and dollars is hereby appropriated 20,000 00 For bridge across creek to laundry and adult female group 15,000 00 357,000 00 $498,178 33 Total for Letchworth Village, Thiells 501 NEW YORK STATE HOSPITAL FOR THE TREATMENT OF CRIPPLED AND DEFORMED CHILDREN, WEST HAVERSTRAW For payment for services of employees of the New York State Hospital for the Treatment of Crippled and Deformed Children, West Haverstraw : PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Superintendent $3,000 00 Stenographer 600 00 Watchman 420 00 $4,020 00 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Steward 1,200 00 Storekeeper 720 00 $1,920 00 Ward (dormitory) or cottage service Salaries, regular Matron $900 00 Assistant matron 660 00 Nurse, head, 2 at $600. . 1,200 00 Nurses and orthopedic nurses 7,500 00 Domestic, 7 at $240. . . . 1,680 00 Hospital Salaries, regular First assistant surgeon . . $1,800 00 Physician, resident .... 1,500 00 Industries Wages, regular Seamstress, 4 at $240 $5,940 00 11,940 00 3,300 00 960 00 502 STATE HOSPITAL, WEST HA VERSTRAW — Continued Kitchen and dining room Wages, regular Cook, 3 at $480 $1,440 00 Domestic, 8 at $240. ... 1,920 00 Chambermaid and wait- ress 240 00 Laundry Wages, regular Head launderer $300 00 Launderer, 5 at $240 . . 1,200 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Instrument maker and fireman $720 00 Repairs Wages, regular Repairer 420 00 Eield service F arm Wages, regular Gardener $540 00 Laborer, 2 at $420 840 00 3,600 00 1,500 00 1,140 00 $1,380 00 Garden and grounds Wages, regular Laborer, 2 at $420 840 00 Educational Scholastic Salaries, regular Teacher, 2 at $660 $1,320 00 Industrial Salaries, regular Instructor, manual train- ing, 2 at $660 1,320 00 2,220 00 2,640 00 503 STATE HOSPITAL, WEST HA VEESTRAW ~ Continued Departmental Salaries and wages, temporary For temporary employees for entire institution, including vacation supply 1,200 00 Total for personal service. . . For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the New York State Hospital for the Care of Crippled and Deformed Children, West Haverstraw, other than per- sonal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $1,500 00 Light 1,000 00 Power 200 00 Water 1,000 00 Printing and advertising Equipment Office $100 00 Household 800 00 Medical and surgical 1,600 00 Motorless vehicles 150 00 Wearing apparel . 700 00 Educational 250 00 Industrial 100 00 Laundry 75 00 Farm and garden 65 00 Live stock 200 00 General plant 110 00 Supplies Office $150 00 Household 700 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 350 00 Medical and surgical 1,800 00 Educational 450 00 $11,000 00 3,700 00 100 00 4,150 00 $34,440 00 504 STATE HOSPITAL, WEST HA VERSTRAW — Continued Supplies — Continued Research 100 00 Botanical and agricultural. . . 600 00 Borage and veterinary 500 00 Refrigerating 400 00 General plant 200 00 5 ? 250 00 Materials Industrial and general plant 700 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials or employees $800 00 Transportation of inmates . . . 25 00 Hotel expenses . . . 25 00 850 00 Communication Freight and express $200 00 Postage 150 00 Telephone and telegraph. . . . 250 00 600 00 Fixed charges and contributions Commutation 1,200 00 General plant service Amusements $200 00 Horseshoeing 200 00 Orthopedic services 500 00 Miscellaneous 300 00 1,200 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 28,750 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment 1,700 00 505 STATE HOSPITAL, WEST HA VERSTRAW — Continued CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For construction to complete main hospital building, (authorization chapter 456 of the laws of 1916, fifty-five thousand dol- lars ($55,000), of which twenty-five thousand dollars ($25,000) was appro- priated),. a further sum of twenty thou- sand dollars is hereby appropriated $20,000 00 For equipment for new laundry 4,000 00 For water piping from water tank to main connection 1,500 00 25,500 00 Total for hospital, 1917-18 $90,390 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For payment for services of employees of the New York State Hospital of Crippled and Deformed Chil- dren, West Haverstraw. PERSONAL SERVICE Hospital Salaries, regular First assistant surgeon (January 1 to October 1, 1915) $600 00 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Equipment 1,000 00 Materials 150 00 Fixed charges and contributions 200 00 $1,350 00 Total immediately available $1,950 00 Total for New York State Hospital for the Treat- ment of Crippled and Deformed Children, West Haverstraw $92,340 00 506 STATE COMMISSION OF PRISONS For payment for services of the Commissioner and the employees of the State Commission of Prisons. Administration PERSONAL SERVICE Salaries, regular Commissioners, 7 at $500 $3,500 00 Secretary . 3,600 00 Chief clerk 2,600 00 Chief inspector 2,000 00 Inspector 1,650 00 Stenographer 1,500 00 Total for personal service. $14,850 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Prison Commission, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $1,000 00 Equipment 500 00 Supplies 500 00 Traveling expenses 4,500 00 Communication 800 00 General plant service 250 00 Total for maintenance and operation other than personal service 7,550 00 Total for State Commission of Prisons $22,400 00 COMMISSION ON NEW PRISONS CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For the construction of new buildings and the demolition of the old cell block and cell house at Sing Sing Prison (an authorization bv chapter 594, Laws of 1916, of seven hundred and fifty thousand dollars ($750,000) of which two hundred thousand dollars ($200,000) was appropriated), a further appropriation of two hundred thousand dollars $200,000 OO 507 STATE PROBATION COMMISSION For payment for services of employees of the State Probation Com- mission. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Secretary $3,500 00 Assistant secretary .... 1,500 00 Chief clerk and hearing stenographer 1,500 00 Stenographer 900 00 Total for personal service $7,400 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the State Probation Commission, other than personal service MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $1,000 00 Equipment 150 00 Supplies 250 00 Traveling expenses 1,700 00 Communications 1,200 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 4,300 00 $11,700 00 Total for State Probation Commission 508 BOARD OF PAROLE For payment for services of the members and employees of the Board of Parole: PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Member, 2 at $3,600.. $7,200 00 Parole officer 1,500 00 Parole officer, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Total for personal service $11,100 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Board of Parole, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $125 00 Equipment 50 00 Supplies 50 00 Traveling expenses 4,200 00 Communication 150 00 General plant service 75 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 4,650 00 $15,750 00 Total for Board of Parole 509 PRISON DEPARTMENT — MAIN OFFICE For payment for services of the State Superintendent of Prisons and the employees, of the Prison Department — Main Office. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Superintendent $8,000 00 Superintendent’s clerk . 4,000 00 Confidential clerk .... 2,400 00 Confidential stenog- rapher 900 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 Messenger 1,800 00 Telephone operator .... 660 00 Bureau of audit and estimate Salaries, regular Estimate clerk and audi- tor $3,000 00 Stenographer 960 00 Stenographer and book- keeper 1,080 00 $18,960 00 Special fund bureau Salaries, regular Special fund clerk $3,000 00 Stenographer 900 00 5,040 00 Parole bureau Salaries, regular Statistician . . $2,500 00 Stenographer 1,000 00 Bureau of identification General Salaries, regular Bertillon indexer and stenographer $1,200 00 Stenographer 900 00 1,900 00 3,500 00 $2,100 00 510 PRISON DEPARTMENT — MAIN OFFICE — Bureau of identification — Continued Bertillon system Salaries, regular Bertillon indexer 900 00 Junior clerk, 2 at $660. 1,320 00 $2,220 00 Finger print system Salaries, regular Bertillon indexer 1,020 00 Bertillon indexer ..... 900 00 $1,920 00 6,240 00 Total for personal service For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Prison Department, Main Office, other than personal Service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing Letterheads, printed en- velopes, etc $400 00 Billheads, forms and miscel- laneous 225 00 — $625 00 Advertising 100 00 Equipment Furniture, etc $150 00 Books, periodicals, newspaper clippings, etc 200 00 Typewriters, repairs, etc. . . 125 00 Filing and transfer cases. . . 150 00 Legislative index 50 00 Rubber stamps, pads, daters, etc 75 00 Continued $37,640 00 750 00 511 PRISON DEPARTMENT — MAIN OFFICE — Continued Supplies Office Blank paper, cards, en- velopes, typewriter rib- bons, carbon paper and miscellaneous stationery. $200 00 Binders, loose leaf sheets, index sheets, etc * 240 00 Drinking water, etc 60 00 Pens, pencils, ink, bank books, rubber bands, etc. 100 00 Traveling expenses Communication Telephone $550 00 Telegrams and messenger service 200 00 Postage 600 00 Express and cartage 50 00 General plant service Surety bonds $75 00 Miscellaneous 25 00 600 00 1,200 00 1,400 00 100 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 4,775 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For the construction of highways under the direction of the superintendent of State prisons, for guarding prisoners engaged in this work, and for the purchase of implements and equipments, pursuant to the pro- visions of section one hundred and seventy-nine of chapter forty-seven of the laws of nineteen hundred and nine, being the prison law, such highways to be those designated by the state commissioner of high- ways 50,000 00 Total for Department 1917-18 $92,415 00 512 PRISON DEPARTMENT — MAIN OFFICE — Continued TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Prison Depart- ment — Main Office — other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Equipment $350 00 Supplies 150 00 Total immediately available 500 00 Total for Prison Department, Main Office $92,915 00 SING SING PRISON For payment for services of employees of Sing Sing Prison, payable from general fund. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Agent and warden $3,500 00 Receiving officer 1,800 00 Bertillon clerk 1,500 00 Confidential clerk 1,200 00 Assistant confidential clerk 1,200 00 Correspondence censor. . 1,200 00 Stenographer 900 00 Stableman 730 00 Chaplin — Catholic ... 2,000 00 Chaplin — Protestant . . 500 00 Chaplin — Hebrew .... 500 00 Confidential agent to su- perintendent of prisons at Albany ($3,000), Sing Sing prison pro- portion 750 00 Laborer and coachman. . 912 50 Telephone operator .... 600 00 $17,292 50 513 SING SING PRISON — Continued Administration — Continued Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Comptroller’s clerk . Assistant comptroller clerk Storekeeper Assistant storekeeper . General supervision of prisoners Salaries, regular 2,000 00 1,500 00 1,500 00 1,200 00 $6,200 00 $23,492 50 Principal keeper $2,000 00 Assistant principal keeper 1,500 00 Sergeant of the guard. . 1,500 00 Captain of the night guard 1,200 00 Guard, 78 at $1,200. . . . 93,600 00 Guard, 4 at $1,100 .... 4,400 00 Guard, 3 at $1,000 .... 3,000 00 Guard, 3 at $900 .... 2,700 00 Guard, 3 at $800. . . . 2,400 00 State detective 1,800 00 n and dining room ages, regular Kitchen keeper $1,500 00 Guard 1,200 00 Laundry Wages, regular Guard ’ . , Hospital Salaries, regular Physician Assistant physician . . . Pharmacist Visiting dentist 2,700 00 1,200 00 $ 2,000 00 1,800 00 1,500 00 500 00 514 SING SING PRISON — Continued Hospital — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Guard 1,200 00 Guard, 2 at $1,000. . . . 2,000 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Chief engineer $600 00 Assistant engineer, 2 at $450 900 00 Guard (also receives $720 from prison capi- tal fund) 480 00 9,000 00 Repairs Wages, regular Yard keeper Guard, 7 at $1,200 Plumber $1,980 00 $1,500 00 8,400 00 960 00 $10,860 00 12,840 00 Educational Salaries, regular Head teacher 1,500 00 Field service Farm and garden Wages, regular Head farmer $1,050 00 Laborer 912 50 1,962 50 Total for personal service payable from gen- eral fund $166,795 00 PRISON CAPITAL FUND For the payment for services of employees of Sing Sing prison, payable from prison capital fund. 515 SING SING PRISON — Continued PERSONAL SERVICE Industries Manufacturing- Salaries, regular Superintendent $3,600 00 Confidential clerk 300 00 Assistant confidential clerk 300 00 Stenographer 300 00 Foreman, clothing de- partment 1,800 00 Foreman, shoe depart- ment 1,800 00 Instructor, shoe depart- ment 1,500 00 Foreman, brush and mat- tress department .... 1,500 00 Foreman, cart and wagon department 1,900 00 Blacksmith, cart and wagon department ... 1,200 00 Foreman, knitting de- partment 2,400 00 Assistant foreman, knit- ting department .... 1,500 00 Assistant foreman, knit- ting department 1,200 00 Dyer, knitting depart- ment, guard and fore- man mat department. 1,500 00 Foreman, foundry de- partment 1,600 00 Guard and foreman, shipping department. 1,200 00 Guard (also receives $480 from general fund) 720 00 Chief engineer 900 00 Assistant engineer 450 00 Assistant engineer 450 00 26,120 00 516 SING SING PRISON — Continued Industrial bureau Salaries, regular Industrial agent ($4,000), Sing Sing prison pro- portion $1,333 33 Chief of bureau ($3,600), Sing Sing prison proportion. ... 1,200 00 Collection clerk ($2,400), Sing Sing prison pro- portion 800 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,080, Sing Sing prison proportion, one- third 720 00 4,053 33 Total personal service, payable from prison capital fund $30,173 33 Total for personal service $196,968 33 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Sing Sing prison, other than personal service, payable from general fund. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $104,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $7,700 00 Light 600 00 Water 2,200 00 10,500 00 Printing ; . . 2,000 00 Equipment Office $600 00 Household 7,250 00 Medical and surgical 2,392 50 Wearing apparel 12,000 00 Laundry 1,100 00 Books 1,000 00 General plant 1,300 00 25,642 50 517 SING SING PRISON — Continued Supplies Office $1,500 00 Household 5,200 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 1,000 00 Medical and surgical 3,000 00 Motor vehicles 300 00 Botanical and agricultural . . . 1,000 00 Forage and veterinary 900 00 Refrigerating 1,500 00 General plant 700 00 Materials 15,100 00 Industrial $8,000 00 General plant 10,000 00 18,000 00 Traveling expenses J Transportation of officials or 1 employees f $1,000 00 Hotel expenses J Transportation of inmates. . . 7,000 00 8,000 00 Communication Freight, express and teaming. $1,000 00 Postage 2,000 00 Telephone and telegraph. . . . 1,200 00 — 4,200 00 Fixed charges and contributions Rewards $ 300 00 ( Contributions to discharged inmates 2,900 00 3,200 00 General plant service Special technical or expert service $1,300 00 Miscellaneous 800 00 2,100 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service, payable from general fluid. . 192,742 50 Total for prison, 1917—18, including amounts payable from Prison Capital Fund $389,710 83 518 SING SING PRISON — Continued TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For payment for services of employes of Sing Sing prison, payable from general fund. PERSONAL SERVICE Eor deficiency in the statutory compensation of guards $3,815 11 Eor the expenses of maintenance and opera- tion of Sing Sing prison, other than per- sonal service, payable from general fund. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $20,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water. . 2,000 00 Equipment 2,080 00 Materials General plant 2,000 00 26,080 00 Total immediately available, payable from general fund $29,895 11 Total for Sing Sing prison, payable from general fund. . $389,432 61 Payable in addition from prison capital fund $30,173 33 — — = _ - — ■ ■■■= J Total for Sing Sing prison $419,605 94 AUBURN PRISON For payment for services of employees of Auburn prison, payable from general fund. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Agent and warden (and maintenance) $3,500 00 Warden’s confidential clerk 750 00 (Also receives $750 from prison capital fund.) 519 AUBURN PRISON — Continued Administration — Continued General — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Record clerk 1,500 00 Correspondence censor. . 1,500 00 Bertillon clerk 1,500 00 (Also receives $300 from State Prison for Women.) Chaplain, Protestant . . . 2,000 00 (Also receives $300 from State Prison for Women.) Chaplain, Hebrew 500 00 Chaplain, Catholic 500 00 (Also receives $300 from State Prison for Women.) Confidential agent to su- perintendent of pris- ons ($3,000) Auburn prison’s proportion . . 750 00 Coachman 720 00 (Also receives $300 from State Prison for Women.) $13,220 00 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Storekeeper 1,500 00 (Also receives $300 from State Prison for Women.) 'Comptroller’s clerk 2,000 00 (Also receives $500 from State Prison for Women.) 520 AUBURN PRISON — Continued Administration — Continued Accounting and stores Salaries, regular — Continued Assistant comptroller’s clerk 1,500 00 (Also receives $300 from State Prison for Women.) Bookkeeper 600 00 (Also receives $600 from prison capital fund.) Guard 1,200 00 $6,800 00 $20,020 00 General supervision of prisoners Salaries, regular Principal keeper $2,000 00 Assistant principal keeper 1,500 00 Guard, 80 at $1,200. . . 96,000 00 Guard, 5 at $800 4,000 00 — 103,500 00 Kitchen, mess hall and bakery Wages, regular Kitchen keeper $1,500 00 Bakery keeper 1,200 00 2,700 00 Laundry and tailor shop Wages, regular Guard 1,200 00 Hospital Salaries, regular Physician $2,000 00 (Also receives $300 from State Prison for Women.) Assistant physician. . . . 1,800 00 Steward 1,200 00 521 AUBURN PRISON — Continued Hospital — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Pharmacist 1,200 00 (Also receives $300 from State Prison for Women.) Guard 1,200 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Laborer, 2 at $750 $1,500 00 7,400 00 Repairs Wages, regular Yardmaster $1,200 00 (Also receives $300 from State Prison for Women.) Educational Salaries, regular Head teacher 2,700 00 1,500 00 Total for personal service payable from gen- eral fund $139,020 00 PRISON CAPITAL FUND For payment for services of employees of Auburn prison, payable from prison capital fund. PERSONAL SERVICE Industries Manufacturing Salaries, regular Superintendent of indus- tries $3,600 00 Assistant superintendent of industries 1,800 00 Industrial agent ($4,000), Auburn prison propor- tion 1,333 33 522 AUBURN PRISON — Continued Industries — Continued Manufacturing — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Collection clerk ($2,400), Auburn prison propor- tion 800 00 Chief of Bureau ($3,600), Auburn prison propor- tion 1,200 00 Stenographers, (2 at $1,080), Auburn prison proportion 720 00 Warden’s confidential clerk 750 00 (Also receives $750 from general fund.) Bookkeeper 600 00 (Also receives $600 from general fund.) Chief engineer 1,500 00 Foreman, New York city 1,800 00 Teamster 900 00 Foreman 2,000 00 Foreman 1,800 00 Foreman 1,500 00 Foreman, 14 at $1,200. 16,800 00 $37,103 33 Wages, regular Guard, 11 at $1,200.. . . 13,200 00 Laborer, 2 at $720. .. . 1,440 00 $14,640 00 Total for personal service, payable from prison capital fund $51,743 33 Total for personal service $190,763 33 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Auburn prison, other than personal service, payable from general fund. 523 AUBURN PRISON — Continued MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $95,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $14,250 00 Light 665 00 Power 1,710 00 Water 2,375 00 19,000 00 Printing 1,440 00 Advertising 50 00 Equipment Office $500 00 Household 3,200 00 Medical and surgical 1,150 00 Motorless vehicles and equip- ment 300 00 Wearing apparel 7,200 00 Laundry 10 00 Books and periodicals 1,240 00 General plant 1,500 00 15,100 00 Supplies Office $1,500 00 Household 4,500 00 Laundry, cleaning and dis- infecting 1,500 00 Medical and surgical 2,700 00 Educational 200 00 Botanical and agricultural. . 60 00 Forage and veterinary 400 00 Refrigerating 640 00 General plant 800 00 Materials Industrial $10,000 00 General plant 6,000 00 16,000 00 524 AUBURN PRISON — Continued T r a vel ing expen ses Transportation of officials or employees $60000 Transportation of inmates.. 5,400 00 — 6,000 00 Communication Freight, teaming and express $650 00 Postage 2,000 00 Telephone and telegraph.... 850 00 3,500 00 Fixed charges and contributions Rewards $500 00 Contributions to discharged prisoners 4,500 00 5,000 00 General plant service Special medical service $500 00 Miscellaneous 50000 1,000 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service, payable from general fund. . $174,300 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for re- pairs to buildings and equipment, payable from gen- eral fund. Plumbing in administration building $500 00 Completion of repairs to hospital including plumbing 1,000 00 $1,500 00 Total for prison, 11)17-18, including amounts payable from prison capital fund $366,653 33 525 AUBURN PRISON — Continued TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE Eor the payment for services of employees of Auburn prison, payable from general fund. PERSONAL SERVICE For deficiency in statutory compensation for guards $1,458 07 For the expenses of maintenance and opera- tion of Auburn prison, payable from gen- eral fund. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $15,000 00 Fuel 5,000 00 $20,000 00 Total immediately available $21,458 07 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for pur- chase of material and the employment of labor in addi- tion to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment, payable from prison capital fund 6,500 00 Total for Auburn prison, payable from general fund $333,868 07 Payable in addition from prison capital fund $58,243 33 Total for Auburn prison $394,611 40 526 CLINTON PRISON For payment for services of employees of 'Clinton Prison, payable from general fund. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Agent and warden .... $3,500 00 Chaplain 2,000 00 Chaplain, 2 at $500 .... 1,000 00 Bertillon clerk . 1,500 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Correspondence censor . 1,200 00 Confidential agent ($3,000), Clinton Prison proportion .... 750 00 Acting hall keeper .... 1,200 00 Chambermaid 240 00 Servant 240 00 Coachman 000 00 Dog trainer ($1,080), Clinton Prison pro- portion 540 00 $15,470 00 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Comptroller’s clerk .... 2,000 00 Assistant comptroller’s clerk 1,500 00 Storekeeper 1,500 00 $5,000 00 General supervision of prisoners Salaries, regular Principal keeper $2,000 00 Assistant principal keeper 1,500 00 Sergeant of guard 1,500 00 $20,470 00 527 CLINTON PRISON — Continued General supervision of prisoners — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Guard, 45 at $1,200. . . 54,000 00 Guard 1,194 08 Guard 1,193 81 Guard 1,192 75 Guard 1,120 55 Guard, 2 at $1,108.33. . 2,216 66 Guard 1,087 90 Guard 1,083 03 Guard 998 12 Guard 997 04 Guard, 2 at $993.28.. . . 1,986 56 Guard 911 83 • 72,982 33 Kitchen and mess hall Salaries, regular Kitchen keeper $1,500 00 Guard, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Baker 900 00 Guard and assistant store-keeper 1,200 00 • 6,000 00 Laundry Salaries, regular Guard 1,200 00 Hospital Salaries, regular Physician $2,000 00 Assistant physician .... 1,500 00 Assistant physician .... O O T—i 00 Interne 720 00 Pharmacist 1,500 00 Guard and steward .... 1,200 00 Guard, 10 at $1,200 .... 12,000 00 Guard 911 38 Guard, 6 at $800 4,800 00 Male nurse, 4 at $900. . 3,600 00 29,431 38 528 CLINTON PRISON — Continued Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular 'Chief engineer $1,500 00 Fireman, 2 at $900. . . . 1,800 00 $3,300 00 Repairs Wages, regular Yardmaster $1,500 00 Guard, 3 at $1,200 3,600 00 $5,100 00 8,400 00 Educational Salaries, regular Head teacher $1,500 00 Guard 1,200 00 2,700 00 Field service Farm and garden Wages, regular Farmer 1,200 00 Construction Wages, regular Guard, 6 at $1,200 $7,200 00 Guard 1,091 67 Guard . 1,087 63 9,379 30 Pension list Wages, regular Payment of veteran 750 00 Total for personal service payable from gen- eral fund $152,513 01 PRISON CAPITAL FUND For payment for services of employees of Clinton Prison, payable from prison capital fund. 529 CLINTON PRISON — Continued PERSONAL SERVICE Industries Manufacturing Salaries, regular Superintendent of indus- tries $3,600 00 Industrial agent ($4,000) 'Clinton pris- on proportion 1,333 33 Chief of b u r e a u ($3,600), Clinton prison proportion. . . . 1,200 00 Collection clerk ($2,400) Clinton prison propor- tion 800 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,080, Clinton prison proportion 720 00 Office assistant, 300 days, at $2 per day 600 00 $8,253 33 Wages, regular Guard in charge of state industrial office 1,500 00 Fireman 900 00 Watchman 600 00 Laborer, 365 days, at $3 per day 1,095 00 $4,095 00 t and clothing industry $12,348 33 Wages, regular Foreman $1,500 00 Guard 1,200 00 Tinware industry Wages, regular Foreman $1,500 00 Guard 1,200 00 2,700 00 530 CLINTON PRISON — Continued Yarn and cloth industry Wages, regular Foreman, 2 at $1,500. . $3,000 00 Guard and dyer 1,500 00 Guard, 3 at $1,200 3,600 00 Machinist 1,200 00 Wood and lumber industry Wages, regular Assistant foreman, 365 days at $3 per day. . . $1,095 00 Guard 1,200 00 9,300 00 2,295 00 Total for personal service payable from prison capi- tal fund $29,343 33 Total for personal service $181,856 34 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Clinton prison, other than personal service, payable from general fund. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $90,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water New hospital $2,375 00 Prison Fuel 12,000 00 Light 625 00 15,000 00 Printing New hospital $50 00 Prison 450 00 500 00 Advertising New hospital $50 00 Prison 50 00 100 00 Equipment New hospital $4,500 00 531 CLINTON PRISON — Continued Equipment — Continued Prison Office 400 00 Household 2,000 00 Medical and surgical 700 00 Motorless vehicle and equip- ment . . . . 250 00 Wearing apparel 23,000 00 Livestock 500 00 Laundry 50 00 Books 700 00 General plant 2,500 00 Supplies New hospital $3,000 00 • Prison Office 935 00 Household 3,000 00 Laundry, cleaning and dis- infecting 550 00 Medical and surgical 1,650 00 Motor vehicles 880 00 Educational 330 00 Botanical and agricultural. 100 00 Forage and veterinary. . . . 3,515 00 General plant 990 00 Materials New hospital $1,000 00 Prison Industrial 2,000 00 General plant 2,000 00 34,600 00 14,950 00 5,000 00 Traveling expenses New hospital $400 00 Prison Officers and employees. . . . 1,000 00 Transportation of inmates. 4,200 00 5,600 00 532 CLINTON PRISON — Continued Communication New hospital $670 00 Prison Freight and express 750 00 Postage 1,860 00 Telephone 735 00 Miscellaneous 5 00 — 4,020 00 Fixed charges and contributions New hospital . $600 00 Prison Rewards and escapes 350 00 Contributions to discharged inmates 5,300 00 6,250 00 General plant service New hospital $150 00 Prison Special medical service... . 200 00 Miscellaneous 900 00 1,250 00 Rents 350 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service payable from general fund. . . . 177,620 00 REPAIRS For w r ork done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for re- pairs to buildings and equipment 5,500 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For the construction and equipment of tuber- culosis hospital $12,000 00 For the construction of laundry building and school room (including fifty individual baths) 8,000 00 For alterations to chapel and prison hospital 5,800 00 25,800 00 Total for prison, 1917—18 $390,776 34 533 CLINTON PRISON — Continued TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For payment for sendees of employees of Clinton Prison. PERSONAL SERVICE For deficiency in the statutory compensation of guards pay- able from general fund $2,416 70 For deficiency in appropriation from prison capital fund. . . . 1,496 00 $3,912 70 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $14,400 00 Fuel, light, power and water. . . 1,500 00 Materials 1,700 00 Traveling expenses 500 00 Fixed charges and contributions 600 00 18,700 00 Total immediately available 22,612 70 Total for Clinton Prison, payable from general fund " $382,549 71 Payable in addition from prison capital fund. . . . $30,839 33 Total for Clinton Prison $413,389 04 GREAT MEADOW PRISON For payment for services of the employees of the Great Meadow Prison, payable from general fund. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Agent and warden $3,500 00 Principal keeper 2,000 00 Chaplain 2,000 00 Chaplain 600 00 Chaplain 500 00 Assistant principal keep- er 1,500 00 534 GREAT MEADOW PRISON — Continued Administration — Continued General — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Hall keeper 1,500 00 Private secretary 1,200 00 Guard 1,200 00 Coachman 900 00 Confidential agent, at $3,000, Great Meadow proportion 750 00 $15,650 00 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Comptroller’s clerk 2,000 00 Assistant comptroller’s clerk 1,500 00 Storekeeper 1,500 00 $5,000 00 $20,650 00 General supervision of prisoners Salaries, regular Guard, 27 at $1,200 $32,400 00 Guard 1,195 43 Guard 1,122 78 Guard 1,120 55 Guard 1,111 83 Guard 1,086 83 Guard 1,050 00 Guard 1,012 09 Guard 1,000 00 Guard 998 35 Guard, 2 at $994.06 1,988 12 Guard 991 64 Guard 941 66 Guard 936 61 Guard 931 45 Guard 929 03 Guard 921 95 Guard 900 00 535 GREAT MEADOW PRISON — Continued General supervision of prisoners — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Guard 898 12 Guard, 2 at $800 1,600 00 — 53,136 44 Kitchen and mess hall Wages, regular Kitchen keeper $1,500 00 Guard 1,200 00 Laundry 2,700 00 Wages, regular Guard 1,200 00 Hospital Salaries, regular Physician 2,000 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Chief engineer $1,500 00 Laborer, 4 at $2 per day, 365 days each 2,920 00 Repairs $4,420 00 Wages, regular Guard, 3 at $1,200 $3,600 00 Laborer 730 00 $4,330 00 Educational 8,750 00 Salaries, regular Head teacher $1,500 00 Music teacher 730 00 Field service 2,230 00 Farm and garden Wages, regular Guard, 3 at $1,200 $3,600 00 Laborer, 365 days, at $3.00 1,095 00 4,695 00 Total for personal service payable from gen- eral fund 95,361 44 536 GREAT MEADOW PRISON — Continued PRISON CAPITAL FUND For payment for services of employees of Great Meadow Prison, payable from prison capital fund. Industries Wages, regular Farm superintendent. . . $1,800 00 Farmer, 300 days, at $3.00 900 00 Laborer 660 00 3,360 00 Total for personal service payable from prison capital fund 3,360 00 Total for personal service $98,721 44 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Great Meadow Prison, other than personal service, pay- able from general fund. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION F ood Fuel, light, power and water Fuel Light Power Printing Advertising $60,000 00 $19,000 00 500 00 500 00 20,000 00 1,950 00 50 00 Equipment Office $50 00 Household 3,000 00' Medical and surgical 350 00 Wearing apparel 5,000 00 Educational 300 00 Books 200 00 General plant 350 00 9.250 00 537 GREAT MEADOW PRISON — Continued Supplies Office $200 00 Household 500 00 Laundry, cleaning and dis- infecting 1,300 00 Medical and surgical 1,500 00 Motor vehicle 500 00 Educational 200 00 Botanical and agricultural. . . 100 00 Forage and veterinary 200 00 General plant 500 00 Materials Industrial $12,000 00 General plant 1,000 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials or employees $1,000 00 Transportation of inmates. . . 7,000 00 Communication Freight, express and teaming. $850 00 Postage 1,800 00 Telephone and telegraph.... 650 00 Miscellaneous 200 00 5,000 00 13,000 00 8,000 00 3,500 00 Fixed charges and contributions Rewards $500 00 Contributions to dismissed inmates 6,500 00 Miscellaneous 500 00 7,500 00 General plant service Special medical service $200 00 Special technical and expert. 50 00 Miscellaneous 750 00 1,000 00 Rents 100 00 Total for maintenance and operation, payable from general fund 129,350 00 538 GREAT MEADOW PRISON — Continued REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment. General repairs 9,000 00 Total for prison, 1917-18 $237,071 44 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For payment for services of the employees of the Great Meadow prison, payable from prison capital fund. PERSONAL SERVICE Industrial Wages, regular Farmer 195 00 Total for Great Meadow Prison, payable from general fund 233,711 44 Payable in addition from Prison Capital fund. . 3,555 00 Total for Great Meadow Prison $237,266 44 STATE PRISON FOR WOMEN, AUBURN For payment for services of employees of State Prison for Women, Auburn, payable from general fund. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Agent and warden (Receives $3,500 from Auburn prison.) Matron $1,200 00 Chaplain, Protestant ... 300 00 (Also receives $2,000 from Auburn prison. ) Chaplain, Catholic .... 300 00 (Also receives $500 from Auburn prison.) 539 STATE PRISON FOR WOMEN, AUBURN — Continued Administration — Continued General — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Coachman 180 00 (Also receives $720 from Auburn prison.) Bertillon clerk 300 00 (Also receives $1,500 from Auburn prison.) Accounting and stores Salaries, . regular Storekeeper (Also receives $1,200 from Auburn prison. ) Comptroller’s clerk .... (Also receives $2,000 from Auburn prison.) Assistant comptroller’s clerk (Also receives $1,500 from Auburn prison.) $2,280 00 300 00 500 00 300 00 $1,100 00 General supervision of prisoners Salaries, regular Attendant $480 00 Attendant, 4 at $420. . . 1,680 00 Attendant 540 00 Attendant 120 00 (Also receives $300 from prison capital fund. ) Guard, male, 4 at $900. . 3,600 00 $3,380 00 6,420 00 540 STATE PRISON FOR WOMEN, AUBURN — Continued Hospital Salaries, regular Physician $300 00 (Also receives $2,000 from Auburn prison.) Pharmacist 300 00 (Also receives $1,200 from Auburn prison.) 600 00 Educational, scholastic Salaries, regular Head teacher $1,000 00 Music teacher and organ- ist ... 346 00 1,346 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Engineer $1,200 00 Laborer, 2 at $720 1440 00 $2,640 00 Repairs Wages, regular Yardmaster 300 00 (Also receives $1,200 from Auburn prison.) Janitor and attendant .. 720 00 $1,020 00 3,660 00 Total for personal service, payable from general fund $15,406 00 541 STATE PRISON FOR WOMEN, AUBURN — Continued PRISON CAPITAL FUND For payment for services of employees of State Prison for Women, Auburn, payable from Prison Capital Fund. PERSONAL SERVICE Industries, manufacturing Salaries, regular Forewoman 300 00 (Also receives $60 per annum as attendant.) Total for personal service $15,706 00 For Ike expenses of maintenance and operation of State Prison for Women, Auburn, other than personal service, payable from general fund. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $10,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water 1,800 00 Printing 150 00 Equipment Household $600 00 Medical and surgical 150 00 Motorless vehicles and equip- ment 25 00 Wearing apparel 450 00 Books 125 00 General plant 150 00 1,500 00 Supplies Office $75 00 Household 200 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 800 00 Medical and surgical 900 00 Educational 40 00 Botanical and agricultural.. . 35 00 Forage and veterinary 150 00 Refrigerating 250 00 General plant 5000 2,500 00 STATE PRISON FOR WOMEN, AUBURN — Continued Materials Industrial $500 00 General plant 300 00 800 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials or employees $50 00 Transportation of inmates. . 1,450 00 1,500 00 Communication Freight, teaming and express $5 00 Postage 220 00 Telephone and telegraph. ... 75 00 — 300 00 Fixed charges and contributions Contributions to discharged inmates 500 00 General plant service Special medical sendees. . . . $150 00 Miscellaneous 250 00 400 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service, payable from general fund. . 19,450 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment 1,500 00 Total for prison 1917-18 $36,656 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For payment for services of employees of State Prison for Women, Auburn, payable from general fund. 543 STATE PRISON FOR WOMEN, AUBURN — Continued PERSONAL SERVICE General supervision of prisoners Attendant 60 00 Total for State Prison for Women, Auburn, pay- able from general fund $36,416 00 Payable in addition from prison capital fund. . . 300 00 Total for State Prison for Women, Auburn. . . . $36,716 00 STATE FARM FOR WOMEN For payment for services of employees of tbe State Farm for Women. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Agent and warden $2,000 00 Physician, attending . . 500 00 Head farmer 900 00 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Stenographer and clerk. $3,400 00 900 00 General supervision of prisoners Salaries, regular Attendant, 3 at $480 $4,300 00 $1,440 00 Total for personal service For the expenses of maintenance and operation of State Farm for Women, other than personal service MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $5,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $1,400 00 Light 600 00 $5,740 00 2,000 00 544 STATE FARM FOR WOMEN — Continued Printing 150 00 Advertising 50 00 Equipment 2,100 00 Supplies 2,000 00 Materials 1,000 00 Traveling expenses 250 00 Communication 300 00 Fixed charges and contributions 100 00 General plant service 500 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 13,450 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for re- pairs to buildings and equipment. Repairs to barn and outbuildings $750 00 * Screens for cottages, complete, 114 windows and 7 doors 362 00 1,112 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For the construction of a piggery $750 00 For permanent water supply, as recom- mended by the State Architect 2,000 00 2,750 $23,052 00 00 00 00 Total for State Farm for Women 545 DANNEMORA STATE HOSPITAL For payment for services of employees of Dannemora State Hospital. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Medical superintendent.. $4,750 00 First assistant' physician 2,975 00 Senior assistant physi- cian 2,125 00 Assistant physician .... 1,375 00 Medical interne 1,000 00 Stenographer 816 00 Driver and coachman. . . 684 00 Cook 420 00 Cook and supervising housemaid 384 00 Housemaid and assistant cook 336 00 Housemaid and assistant cook 360 00 Housemaid and assistant cook 334 00 Housemaid, 2 at $276.. 552 00 $16,111 00 Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Steward 2,500 00 Commissary clerk, book- keeper 1,196 00 Stenographer 816 00 Storekeeper and butcher. 1,080 00 Attendant 600 00 $6,192 00 $22,303 00 Ward service Salaries, regular Chief supervisor $1,080 00 Attendants, supervisors 6,049 00 18 546 DANNEMORA STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Ward service — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Attendants, charge .... 5,593 00 Attendants, assistant charge 6,016 00 Attendants 14,150 00 32,888 00 Industrial Wages, regular Attendant, supervisor of sewing room and shoe shop 960 00 Kitchen and dining room Wages, regular Head cook and supervisor $960 00 Attendant, charge 660 00 Attendant, supervisor. . . 840 00 Attendant 444 00 Bakery Wages, regular Baker Laundry Wages, regular Attendant, charge $633 00 Head laundress 368 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Chief Engineer $1,308 00 Assistant engineer, first grade, 2 at $1,200 . . . 2,400 00 Assistant electrical engi- neer third grade 696 00 Fireman and dynamo tender 696 00 Fireman, 2 at $624. ... 1,248 00 Fireman 620 00 Attendant, charge .... 660 00 2,904 00 852 00 1,001 00 547 DANNEMORA STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Mechanical — Continued Engineering — Continued W ages, regular — Continued Attendant, assistant charge 562 00 $8,190 00 Repairs Wages, regular Head Carpenter 1,260 00 Mason 1,044 00 Painter 846 00 Attendant, supervisor. . 960 00 Attendant, supervisor. . 840 00 Attendant, charge 600 00 Attendants, charge. . . . Attendants, assistant 638 00 charge 576 00 Attendants, charge .... 580 00 Attendant 388 00 Attendant 324 00 $8,056 00 Field service Farm, garden and grounds Wages, regular Farmer $756 00 Attendant, assistant charge, 2 at $564. . . . Attendant, assistant 1,128 00 charge 560 00 Attendant, assistant charge 500 00 16,246 00 $2,944 00 Total for personal service $80,098 00 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Hannemora State Hospital, other than personal service. 548 DANNEMORA STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Food $50,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $9,775 00 Light 225 00 10,000 00 Printing 450 00 Advertising 50 00 Equipment Office $200 00 Household 2,500 00 Medical and surgical 140 00 Motorless vehicles 120 00 Wearing apparel 2,500 00 Laundry 105 00 Farm and garden 225 00 Live stock 200 00 Books 150 00 General plant 810 00 6,950 00 Supplies Office $225 00 Household 2,385 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 600 00 Medical and surgical 450 00 Botanical and agricultural . . . 275 00 Forage and veterinary 1,815 00 General plant 450 00 6,200 00 Materials Industrial $3,000 00 General plant 2,100 00 5,100 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials or employees $120 00 Transportation of inmates. . 300 00 Hotel expenses 80 00 500 00 540 DANNEMORA STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Communication Freight and express $400 00 Postage 454 00 Telephone and telegraph. . . . 140 00 994 00 Fixed charges and contributions Rewards Contributions to discharged inmates Commutation in lieu of main- tenance . . . . Miscellaneous $300 00 200 00 2 880 00 50 00 3,430 00 General plant service Special religious services. . . . $242 00 Special medical services 750 00 Miscellaneous 400 00 1,392 00 Rents 240 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 85,306 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in ad- dition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment. For repairs to floors $1,000 00 For repairs to porch 600 00 For repairs to furniture and equipment as- sembly hall 600 00 For addition to laundry dryer 200 00 For painting interior walls 600 00 For incidental repairs to equipment 1,000 00 4,000 00 550 DANNEMORA STATE HOSPITAL — Continued CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For cement and rough lumber for walks . . . . $500 00 For clearing, under draining and leveling land available for cultivation 250 00 For converting old shop building into cottage for employees 1,200 00 1,950 00 Total for Dannemora State Hospital $171,354 00 MATTEAWAN STATE HOSPITAL For payment for services of employees of Matteawan State Hospital. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Medical superintendent.. $3,900 00 First assistant physician 3,060 00 Senior assistant physi- cian 1,800 00 Assistant physician . . . 1,560 00 Assistant physician .... 1,440 00 Assistant physician . . . 1,320 00 Medical interne 720 00 Stenographer 816 00 Attendant stenographer. 480 00 Charge attendant, 2 at $570 1,140 00 Assistant charge attend- ant 510 00 Policeman 600 00 Barber 660 00 Coachman 750 00 Driver 456 00 Supervising housemaid 420 00 Waitress, 2 at $300. . . . 600 00 Chambermaid, 2 at $300 600 00 $20,832 00 551 MATTEAWAN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Administration — Continued Accounting and stores Salaries, regular Steward $2,500 00 Bookkeeper 1,260 00 Clerk OO o 00 Storekeeper 840 00 Charge attendant, stenog- rapher 600 00 Attendant 450 00 Attendant 420 00 $6,910 00 $27,742 00 Ward service Male and female wards Day and night service Salaries, regular Chief supervisor $960 00 Supervisor, 2 at $780.. 1,560 00 Supervisor 690 00 Charge nurses and charge attendants . . . 10,000 00 Nurses and attendants. . 36,500 00 Assistant charge attend- ants 7,000 00 56,710 00 Nurses’ training home Salaries, regular Attendant $360 00 Assistant cook 360 00 Chambermaid 300 00 1,020 00 Industrial Wages, regular Tailor $768 00 Shoemaker 768 00 Attendant 360 00 1,896 00 552 MATTEAWAN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Kitchen and dining-room Wages, regular Head cook $1,140 00 Cook, 2 at $570 1,140 00 Cook, female 420 00 Assistant cook 360 00 Kitchen helper, 3 at $390 1,170 00 Charge attendant 570 00 Charge attendant 480 00 Attendant 450 00 Attendant, 2 at $390 . . 780 00 6,510 00 Bakery Wages, regular Baker $816 00 Baker’s helper 450 00 1,266 00 Laundry Wages, regular Laundry overseer $780 00 Attendant, 2 at $360. . . 720 00 Laundress, 2 at $300 . . . 600 00 2,100 00 Mechanical Engineering and construction Wages, regular Engineer $1,560 00 Assistant engineer 984 00 Assistant engineer .... 816 00 Electrician . 984 00 Fireman, 3 at $780. . . . 2,340 00 Fireman, relief 600 00 Special attendant, pump- ing station 660 00 $7,914 00 553 MATTEAWAN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Mechanical — Continued Repairs and construction Wages, regular Steamfitter $936 00 Steamfitter’s helper . . . 600 00 Tinsmith 816 00 Plumber’s helper 480 00 Head carpenter 1,320 00 Carpenter 1,064 00 Carpenter . 1,038 67 Painter 816 00 Mason 912 00 Attendant 420 00 $8,402 67 16,316 67 Field service Farm, garden and grounds Wages, regular Head farmer . $840 00 Dairyman 660 00 Herdsman 540 00 Gardener 660 00 Teamster, 5 at $420 . . . 2,100 00 Supervisor 750 00 Charge attendant 570 00 Attendant, night 474 00 Attendant, 2 at $450 . . . 900 00 Attendant, 3 at $420 . . . 1,260 00 Blacksmith 816 00 Chambermaid 300 00 9,870 00 Total for personal service $123,430 67 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Matteawan State Hospital, other than personal service. 554 MATTEAWAN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $62,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $13,710 00 Light 441 00 Power 3,349 00 17,500 00 Printing 800 00 Advertising . 100 00 Equipment Office $400 00 Household 4,500 00 Medical and surgical 250 00 Motorless vehicles 300 00 Motor vehicles 25 00 Live stock 700 00 Wearing apparel 3,200 00 Laundry 300 00 Books 200 00 General plant 1,325 00 11,200 00 Supplies Office $400 00 Household 2,500 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 750 00 Medical and surgical 1,300 00 Motor vehicle 175 00 Botanical and agricultural. . 4,000 00 Forage and veterinary 2,200 00 "Refrigerating 250 00 General plant 1,925 00 13,500 00 Materials Highway $750 00 Sewer 350 00 Industrial 6,500 00 General plant 1,200 00 8,800 00 555 MATTEAWAN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Traveling expenses Transportation of officials or employees $450 00 Transportation of inmates. . 550 00 Communication Freight, express and teaming $425 00 Postage 575 00 Telephone and telegraph . . . 400 00 Miscellaneous . 10 00 Fixed charges and contributions Rewards $200 00 Contributions to discharged inmates 400 00 Commutation to employees in lieu of maintenance 2,928 00 Maintenance contribution to retirement fund in the event of lost time 100 00 General plant service Special religious services.... $450 00 Special expert and technical services 500 00 Miscellaneous 700 00 1,000 00 1,410 00 3,628 00 1,650 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 121,588 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in ad- dition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment. Repairs to block B and infirmary. Point- ing of walls $900 00 Repairs to roofs, gutters and leaders 500 00 Repairs to windows, window guards and painting 300 00 556 MATTEAWAN STATE HOSPITAL — Continued Repairs to plumbing and to water and steam lines 1,000 00 Repairs to electric cables 150 00 Repairs to boilers and pumps 600 00 3,450 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS Reconstruction of bakery 500 00 Total for Hospital, 1917-18 $248,968 67 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the expenses of maintenance and operation of Matteawan State Hospital, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $6,400 00 Fuel, light and power 1,000 00 Equipment 600 00 Supplies 900 00 Materials 800 00 Traveling expenses 300 00 Total immediately available 10,000 00 Total for Matteawan State Hospital $258,968 67 STATE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION For payment for services of the commissioners and the employees of the State Industrial Commission. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Commissioner, 5 at $8,000 $40,000 00 Secretary 6,000 00 Private secretary to chairman 2,250 00 STATE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION — Continued Administration — Continued General — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Assistant secretary, 2 at $3,000 6,000 00 Chief hearing stenog- rapher 1,800 00 Hearing stenographer, 4 at $1,560 6,240 00 Hearing stenographer . . 1,500 00 Senior stenographer, 5 at $1,320 6,600 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,020 2,040 00 Stenographer 1,000 00 Clerk 900 00 Confidential attendant. . 1,200 00 Multigraph operator. . . . 960 00 Multigraph operator. . . . 900 00 Telephone operator, 2 at $750 1,500 00 Junior clerk, 2 at $600 . . 1,200 00 Page, 2 at $420 840 00 $83,330 00 Salaries, temporary Temporary services, in- cluding special serv- ices 3,000 00 $86,330 00 Albany office Salaries, regular Assistant secretary .... $3,500 00 Confidential agent 1,800 00 Stenographer 1,800 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 558 STATE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION — Continued Administration — Continued Albany office — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Stenographer 1,080 00 Telephone operator .... 900 00 Proofreader 1,200 00 Clerk 960 00 Junior clerk 66000 $14,300 00 $100,630 00 Legal Salaries, regular Counsel $6,000 00 First assistant 4,50000 Assistant counsel 4,000 00 Assistant counsel 2,50000 Factory inspector, 2 at $1,800 3,600 00 Factory inspector as- signed as law clerk. . . 1,800 00 Stenographer 1,50000 Stenographer, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Stenographer, 2 at $ 1,000 . r 2,000 00 Stenographer 90000 Typewriter copyist 900 00 Interpreter 1,320 00 Messenger 66000 Page 420 00 32,500 00 Accounts Salaries, regular Cashier $3,350 00 Assistant cashier 1,800 00 Chief accountant 2,700 00 Junior accountant 1,50000 Bookkeeper, 5 at $1,200 . 6,000 00 Bookkeeper 90000 559 STATE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION — Continued Accounts — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Bookkeeper 72000 Clerk, 4 at $1,200 4,800 00 Stenographer 1,08000 Stenographer 90000 Stenographer 780 00 Index and filing clerk. . 1,020 00 Index and filing clerk. . 900 00 Junior clerk 540 00 Page, 2 at $420 840 00 $27,830 00 Wages, regular Laborer, 2 at $900. .... 1,800 00 Bureau of compensation General Salaries, regular Second deputy commis- sioner Deputy commissioner . . Assistant examiner of claims Filing clerk or stenogra- pher Stenographer Stenographer, 4 at $720 . Brooklyn Salaries, regular Deputy commissioner . . $4,000 00 Assistant deputy commis- sioner 1,800 00 Interpreter 1,200 00 Stenographer 1,20000 Division of state insurance fund Brooklyn Salaries, regular Underwriter $6,000 00 4,000 00 1,320 00 900 00 900 00 2,880 00 29,630 00 16,000 00 8,200 00 1,800 00 5G0 STATE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION — Continued Bureau of compensation Albany office Salaries, regular Deputy commissioner . . $4,000 00 Investigator 1,000 00 Interpreter 960 00 Assistant examiner of claims . ... 1,350 00 Underwriter or assistant examiner of claims, 3 at $1,320 3,960 00 Senior clerk, 2 at $1,000 2,000 00 Clerk 1,000 00 Clerk 900 00 Stenographer 1,500 00 Stenographer, 3 at $1,200 3,600 00 Stenographer, 2 at $900 1,800 00 Stenographer 720 00 Junior clerk 600 00 Page 420 00 23,810 00 Division of state fund Albany ( The appropriation for this division is inserted here instead of giving it the same position that it has in the current appro- priation, because of the re- organization scheme of the Albany office.) Salaries, regular Safety inspector $1,500 00 U n derwriter 1,320 00 Stenographer 720 00 3,540 00 501 STATE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION — Continued Bureau of compensation Syracuse office Salaries, regular Deputy commissioner. . $4,000 00 Assistant deputy com- missioner 1,800 00 Underwriter, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Clerk, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Junior clerk 900 00 Stenographer 1,500 00 Stenographer, 3 at $720 2,16000 15,220 00 Division of state fund Syracuse Salaries, regular Underwriter 1,500 00 Bureau of compensation Rochester Salaries, regular Deputy commissioner. . 4,000 00 Assistant examiner of claims 1,200 00 Investigator 1,000 00 Assistant examiner of claims 1,320 CO Clerk, 2 at $960 1,920 00 Hearing stenographer.. 1,500 00 Stenographer 900 00 Stenographer, 2 at $720 1,440 00 13,280 00 Divsion of state fund Rochester Salaries, regular Statistical clerk 1,500 00 Bureau of compensation Buffalo Salaries, regular Deputy commissioner. . . $4,000 00 Clerk" 900 00 562 STATE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION — Continued Bureau of compensation — Continued Buffalo — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Assistant examiner of claims, 2 at $1,200.. 2,400 00 Investigator 1,00000 Underwriter 1,320 00 Underwriter 1,200 00 Clerk, 2 at $960 1,920 00 Interpreter 960 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 Stenographer, 3 at $660 1,98000 Division of state fund Buffalo ( The appropriation for this division is inserted here instead of giving it the same position that it has in the current appro- priation because of the re- organization scheme of the district offices.) Salaries, regular Safety inspector $1,500 00 Underwriter 1,800 00 Stenographer 780 00 Claims Salaries, regular Chief, division of claims $4,000 00 Chief medical examiner 5,000 00 Assistant medical exam- iner 3,000 00 Medical examiner 2,000 00 Examiner of claims. . . 2,000 00 Examiner of claims, 3 at $1,500 4,500 00 Assistant examiner of claims, 3 at $1,350.. 4,050 00 16,880 00 4,080 00 563 STATE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION — Continued Claims — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Assistant examiner of claims, 3 at $1,200.. 3,600 00 Assistant examiner of claims, 2 at $1,000.. 2,000 00 Underwriter, 2 at $1,500 3,000 00 Underwriter, 11 at $1,320 14,520 00 Underwriter, 6 at $1,200 7,200 00 Underwriter or assistant examiner of claims, 4 at $1,020 4,080 00 Underwriter, 7 at $1,000 7,000 00 Underwriter, 4 at $900. 3,600 00 Investigator of claims.. 1,200 00 Investigator, 3 at $960. 2,880 00 Librarian and filing clerk 1,500 00 Interpreter, 6 at $1,200 7,200 00 Bookkeeper 1,200 00 Bookkeeper 90000 Clerk or bookkeeper, 4 at $1,000 4,000 00 Senior clerk, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Clerk 1,200 00 Clerk 1,000 00 Junior clerk, 2 at $520. 1,040 00 Stenographer, 11 at $900 9,900 00 Stenographer, 5 at $840 4,200 00 Stenographer, 3 at $720 2,160 00 Stenographer or type- writer copyist, 6 at $720 4,320 00 Typewriter copyist, 7 at $720 5,040 00 Filing clerk 900 00 Page, 2 at $420 840 00 121,430 00 STATE INDUSTRIAL Division of state insurance fund Salaries, regular Manager Chief actuary Assistant manager .... Inspector of risks Medical advisor Underwriter, 2 at $2,160 Underwriter Underwriter, 5 at $1,500 Underwriter, 4 at $1,320 Underwriter, 6 at $1,200 Underwriter, 2 at $1,020 Actuarial clerk Actuarial clerk, 2 at $1,200 Accountant Safety inspector, 2 at $1,500 Safety inspector, 3 at $1,200 Statistical clerk Statistical clerk, 2 at $1,320 Statistical clerk Payroll auditor Payroll auditor, 2 at $1,500 Payroll auditor Payroll auditor, 4 at $1,200 Investigator, 4 at $900. 'Stenographer Stenographer Stenographer, 2 at $960 Stenographer, 7 at $900 Stenographer, 2 at $720 Stenographer, 9 at $660 Typewriter copyist, 2 at $660 COMMISSION — Continued $7,000 00 6,000 00 4,000 00 4.000 00 2.500 00 4.320 00 1,800 00 7.500 00 5,280 00 7,10 2,040 00 2,340 00 2,400 00 1,950 00 3.000 oa 3,600 00 1.500 00 2,640 00 1,200 00 1,560 00 3,000 00 1.320 00 4,800 00 3,600 00 1,500 00 1,200 00 1,920 00 6,300 00 1,440 00 5,940 00 1,320 00 565 STATE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION Division of state insurance fund — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Continued Bookkeeper, 5 at $1,200 6,000 00 Filing clerk, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Junior clerk, 2 at $720. 1,440 00 Junior clerk, 2 at $600, 1,200 00 Junior clerk, 7 at $540. 3,780 00 Junior clerk 520 00 Page, 2 at $480 960 00 $120,470 00 Temporary service Salaries, temporary Clerk or underwriter, 4 at $100 per month, 2 months . 800 00 Typewriter copyist, 6 at $40 per month, 2 months 480 00 $1,280 00 Bureau of inspection Salaries, regular First deputy commis- sioner $6,000 00 Assistant to first deputy 3,000 00 Tunnel inspector 1,800 00 Mine and tunnel in- spector 1,800 00 Mine inspector 1,800 00 Stenographer 1,320 00 Stenographer 960 00 Division of factory inspection Salaries, regular Supervising inspector, 5 at $2,500 $12,500 00 Factory inspector, 3 $2,000 121,750 00 16,680 00 at 6,000 00 566 STATE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION — Continued Division of factory inspection — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Factory inspector, 11 at $1,800 19,800 00 Factory inspector, 19 at $1,500 28,500 00 Factory inspector, 45 at $1,200 54,000 00 Special agent 1,200 00 Stenographer, 3 at $900 2,700 00 Stenographer 720 00 Typewriter copyist .... 1,200 00 Stenographer or type- writer copyist 1,200 00 Typewriter copyist, 2 at $900 1,800 00 Typewriter copyist, 6 at l $780 4,680 00 Typewriter copyist .... 720 00 Clerk 1,320 00 Clerk 1,200 00 Clerk 780 00 Filing clerk 90000 Junior clerk 720 00 139,940 00 Albany office Salaries, regular Supervising factory in- spector Clerk Clerk Factory inspector, 2 at $1,800 Factory inspector, 4 at $1,500 Factory inspector, 4 at $1,200 Stenographer, 2 at $ 1,200 $2,500 00 2,000 00 1,800 00 3,600 00 6,000 00 4,800 00 2,400 00 567 STATE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION — Continued Division of factory inspection — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Stenographer 1,020 00 Stenographer 900 00 Typewriter copyist .... 1,200 00 Typewriter copyist .... 900 00 Clerk, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Clerk 900 00 $30,420 00 Utica Office Salaries, regular Supervising factory in- spector 2,500 00 Factory inspector, 2 at $1,800 3,600 00 Factory inspector, 5 at $1,500 7,500 00 Factory inspector, 4 at $1,200 4,800 00 Stenographer 960 00 ' $19,360 00 Rochester Office Salaries, regular Supervising factory in- spector 2,500 00 Factory inspector, 2 at $1,500 3,000 00 Factory inspector, 6 at $1,200 7,200 00 Stenographer or type- writer copyist 1,200 00 Buffalo Office Salaries, regular Supervising factory in- spector F actory inspector, 4 at $1,500 $13,900 2,500 6,000 00 00 00 568 STATE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION — Continued Division of factory inspection — Continued Buffalo office — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Factory inspector, 6 at $ 1,200 7,200 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 $16,900 00 80,580 00 Division of home work inspection Salaries, regular Chief of division $3,000 00 Factory inspector, 3 at $1,500 o o 1C) tH' 00 Factory inspector, 11 at $1,200 13,200 00 Clerk 900 00 Stenographer 900 00 Typewriter copyist .... 900 00 23,400 0© Division of mercantile inspection Salaries, regular Chief of division $3,000 00 Clerk 1,500 00 Clerk 1,200 00 Mercantile inspector, 3 at $1,500 4,500 00 Mercantile inspector, 16 at $1,200 19,200 00 Factory inspector 1,200 00 Stenographer 1,200 OO Stenographer 1,00000 Stenographer 960 00 Stenographer 900 00 Typewriter copyist .... 960 00 35,620 00 Division of industrial hygiene Salaries, regular Chemical engineer $3,500 00 Medical inspector of fac- tories, 2 at $2,500. . . 5.000 00 569 STATE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION — Continued Division of industrial hygiene — Continued ♦Salaries, regular — continued Dire prevention engineer 3,500 00 Factory inspector 1,500 00 Stenographer or type- writer copyist 1,200 00 14,700 00 Subdivision of engineering, Albany Salaries, regular Engineering draughtsr- man $1,800 00 Factory inspector 1,500 00 Stenographer 1,200 QQ 4,500 00 Bureau of mediation and arbitration Albany office Salaries, regular Third deputy commis- sioner $5,000 00 Assistant mediator, 2 at $2,500 5,000 00 Bookkeeper or stenog- rapher 960 00 $10,960 00 New York Office Salaries, regular Mediator of industrial disputes 2,800 00 Special agent 2,000 00 $4,800 00 15,760 00 Bureau of employment, New York Office Salaries, regular Director $4,000 00 Assistant and stenog- rapher 1,500 00 $5,500 00 570 STATE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION — Continued Bureau of employment — Continued Brooklyn Office Salaries, regular {Items in appropriation under this heading included under New York Office. This change requested.) Superintendent, 4 at $2000 8,000 00 Assistant superintendent 900 00 Assistant superintendent 660 00 Stenographer, 2 at $960 1,92000 Stenographer 660 00 Messenger 540 00 $12,680 00 Albany Office Salaries, regular Superintendent 2,000 00 Assistant superintendent 960 00 Filing clerk 900 00 Stenographer 540 00' $4,400 00 Syracuse Office Salaries, regular Superintendent 2,000 00 Assistant superintendent, 3 at $960 2,880 00 Assistant superintendent 720 00 Stenographer 900 00 Laborer 540 00 $7,040 00 Rochester office Salaries, regular Superintendent 2,000 00 Assistant superintendent 960 00 Assistant superintendent 780 00 Assistant superintendent 660 00 571 STATE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION Bureau of employment — Continued Rochester office — Continued Stenographer . . 960 00 Stenographer 66000 Continued $6,020 00 Buffalo office Salaries, regular Superintendent 2,000 00 Stenographer 90000 Stenographer, 2 at $780. 1,560 00 Assistant superintendent 960 00 Assistant superintendent 600 00 Laborer 660 00 Bureau of fire hazards, boilers $6,680 00 and explosives Chief engineer $3,500 00 Confidential clerk 1,200 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 Boiler inspector, 10 at $1,200 12,000 00 Bureau of industrial code Salaries, regular Deputy commissioner, 2 at $3,000 $6,000 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Bureau of industries and immigration New York office Salaries, regular Chief investigator . ... $3,000 00 Special investigator, 8 at $1,200 9,600 00 Clerk 960 00 Clerk 600 00 42,320 00 17,900 00 8,400 00 STATE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION — Continued Bureau of industries and immigration — Continued New York office — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued iStenographer 9.0.0 00 Stenographer, 3 at $840 2,520 00 Typewriter copyist .... 780 00 $18,360 00 Buffalo office Salaries, regular Special investigator. ... 1,500 00 'Special investigator . . . 1,200 00' Stenographer 600 00 $3,300 00 21,660 00 Bureau of statistics and information Albany office Salaries, regular Chief statistician $4,500 00 Stenographer 96000 $5,460 00 New York office Salaries, regular Assistant chief statis- tician 3,500 00 Stenographer 060 00 $4,460 00 9,920 00 Division of general labor statistics Albany office Salaries, regular Chief of division $2,500 00' Special agent, 2 at $1,800 3,600 00 Statistician, 3 at $1,500 4,500 00 Clerk 1,200 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 573 STATE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION — Continued Division of general labor statistics — Continued Albany office — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Stenographer 72000 Comptometer operator . 600 00 Tabulating machine operator 600 00 $14,920 00 New York office Salaries, regular Special agent- 2,000 00 Special agent 1,800 00 Special agent 1,500 00 Statistician 1,500 00 Typewriter copyist .... 1,200 00 $8,000 00 22,920 00 Division of industrial accidents and diseases Salaries, regular Chief of division $2,500 00 Stenographer 1,500 00 Clerk 1,500 00 Clerk 1,200 00 Clerk, 2 at $900 1,800 00 Junior clerk 72000 Junior clerk, 5 at $600. 3,000 00 12,220 00 Division of special investigations Salaries, regular Chief of division $2,500 00 Expert 2,000 00 Expert 1,800 00 Librarian 1,500 00 7,S00 00 574 STATE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION — Continued Division of bulletins and publications Salaries, regular Editor of official bulletin 2,500 00 Total for personal service $988,570 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the State Industrial Commission, other than personal ser- vice. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing Advertising Equipment Office $8,000 00 Books 500 00 Research 1,500 00 Supplies Traveling expenses Transportation of officials and employees . . $45,000 00 Hotel expenses 55,000 00 Special appropriation for the purpose of paying the trav- eling expenses and main- tenance of the members of the voluntary committee on the preparation of the va- rious codes and rules of the commission 3,000 00 $34,500 00 2,000 00 10,000 00 15,000 00 103,000 00 Communication Telephone and telegraph. . . . $10,000 00 Postage, expressage, etc. . . . 30,000 00 40,000 00 Fixed charges and contributions Special appropriation to pro- vide for the expenses of the second state industrial safety congress $1*000 00 575 STATE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION — Continued Fixed charges and contributions — Continued Special appropriation to pro- vide for sheriffs, subpoena fees, mileage and court costs 1,500 00 2,500 00 General plant service Surety bonds $1,100 00 For' contribution on account of the state insurance fund for the services of the com- pensation inspection rating board 20,000 00 Rents 21,100 00 62,000 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 290,100 00 Total for Commission, 1917-18 $1,278,670 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the services of the employees of the State Indus- trial Commission. PERSONAL SERVICE Salaries, regular $3,000 00 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fixed charges and contributions For the expenses of the first state industrial safety con- gress $750 00 For sheriffs, subpoena fees, mileages, court costs, spec- ial stenographic reports and fees on medical exam- ination 1,246 40 1,996 40 570 STATE INDUSTRIAL COMMISSION — Continued General plant service For contributions on account of state insurance fund for the services of the compen- sation rating board 10-, 540 61 Total immediately available 15,537 01 Total for State Industrial Commission . ...... .$1,294,207 01 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, FIRST DISTRICT F or payment for services of the members and the employees of Public Service Commission, First district. PERSONAL SERVICE Commissioners Salaries, regular Commissioner, 5 at $15,000 $75,000 00 Commissioners’ staff Salaries, regular Secretary to chairman. . $4,200 00 Secretary to commissioner 3,500 00 Secretary to commis- sioner, 3 at $3,000 . . . 9,000 00 Confidential stenographer to chairman 1,200 00 Confidential stenog- raphers to commis- 4,500 00 sioners, 3 at $1,500. . Confidential stenographer to commissioner 1,000 00 23,400 00 General administration Salaries, regular Secretary to the commis- sion $0,000 00 577 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, FIRST DISTRICT — Ctd. General administration — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Assistant secretary ($4,200) 2,100 00 Additional compensa- tion, $2,100, paid by city of New York. Assistant secretary ($3,000) 1,500 00 Additional compensa- tion, $1,500, paid by city of New York. Auditor ($4,200) 2,100 00 Additional compensa- tion, $2,100, paid by city of New Y r ork. Assistant counsel 4,000 00 Junior assistant counsel. 1,800 00 Junior assistant counsel. 1,650 00 Chief clerk ($4,000) . . . 2,000 00 Additional compensa- tion, ($2,000) paid by city of New York. Assistant chief clerk .... 1,650 00 Filing clerk, 3 at $1,200 3,600 00 File clerk 1,020 00 Clerk 1,200 00 Clerk, 2 at $1,020 2,040 00 Clerk, 2 at $840 1,680 00 Stenographer 2,100 00 Stenographer, 9 at $1,200 10,800 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,140 2,280 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,020 2,040 00 Stenographer, 2 at $900. 1,800 00 Bookkeeper 1,200 00 Bookkeeper 1,140 00 Bookkeeper 1,050 00 19 578 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, FIRST DISTRICT — Ctd. General administration — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Proofreader 1,200 00 Library assistant 1,200 00 Clerk 720 00 Junior clerk, 2 at $600. 1,200 00 Junior clerk, 2 at $540. 1,080 00 Junior clerk, 2 at $481. 962 00 Junior clerk, 3 at $480. 1,440 00 Page, 7 at $360 2,520 00 Telephone operator, 4 at $900 3,600 00 Supervising transit in- spector 1,800 00 Transit inspector 1,200 00 Junior assistant 1,200 00 Chauffeur 1,200 00 Porter 900 00 Watchman 900 00 Laborer 900 00 $76,772 00 Salaries, temporary For salaries of counsel, engineers and other experts 3,000 00 79,772 00 Law department Salaries, regular Counsel $10,000 00 Assistant counsel 8,000 00 Assistant counsel 6,000 00 Assistant counsel, 2 at $5,400 10,800 00 Assistant counsel 2,800 00 Junior assistant counsel. 2,400 00 Stenographer, 3 at $1,200 3,600 00 File clerk 1,020 00 579 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, FIRST DISTRICT — Ctd. Law department — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Clerk 960 00 Junior clerk 480 00 Page 360 00 46,420 00 Bureau of statistics and accounts Salaries, regular Chief statistician $6,500 00 Assistant chief statisti- cian 4,000 00 Chief of division 4,000 00 Statistician, 3 at $2,550. 7,650 00 Statistician, 4 at $2,400. 9,600 00 Statistician, 2 at $2,100. 4,200 00 Statistician, 4 at $1,801. 7,204 00 Junior statistician 1,800 00 Junior statistician 1,650 00 Junior statistician 1,350 00 Accountant, 4 at $3,000. 12,000 00 Accountant 2,550 00 Accountant 2,400 00 Accountant 2,100 00 Accountant, 3 at $1,801. 5,403 00 Junior accountant 1,650 00 Junior accountant 1,500 00 Clerk 1,200 00 Junior statistical clerk. . 900 00 Junior statistical clerk. . 840 00 Junior statistical clerk. . 720 00 Junior statistical clerk, 3 at $600 1,800 00 Junior clerk 600 00 Junior clerk, 2 at $480. 960 00 Page, 4 at $360 1,440 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 Stenographer 1,050 00 Stenographer 1,020 00 Stenographer 900 00 88,187 00 580 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, FIRST DISTRICT — Ctd. Bureau of electrical equipment and inspection Executive Salaries, regular Electrical e n gineer ($7,000) $3,500 00 Additional compensa- tion, $3,500, paid by city of New York. Electrical engineer ($4,200) 2,100 00 Additional compensa- tion, $2,100, paid by city of New York. Junior electrical engineer 1,650 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,140 O OO op of 00 Stenographer 1,020 00 Stenographer, 3 at $900. At o o 00 Clerk ($1,650) 825 00 Additional compensa- tion, $825, paid by city of New York. Junior clerk, 2 at $600. 1,200 00 Junior clerk, 2 at $480. 960 00 Page, 2 at $360 720 00 18,155 00 Power bouse and stationary equipment inspection squad Salaries, regular Electrical engineer .... $3,600 00 Junior electrical engi- neer 1,800 00 Junior electrical engi- neer 1,650 00 Junior electrical engi- neer, 2 at $1,501. . . . 3,002 00 Junior electrical engi- neer 1,500 00 Junior electrical engi- 1,201 00 neer 12,753 00 581 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, FIRST DISTRICT — Ctd. Accident squad Salaries, regular Railway engineer $2,100 00 Junior electrical engi- neer 1,350 00 Inspector of equipment. 1,350 00 Inspector of equipment, 3 at $1,080 3,240 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 9,240 00 Bond issue squad Salaries, regular Electrical engineer .... $3,300 00 Junior electrical engi- neer 1,800 00 J unior electrical engi- neer 1,650 00 Junior electrical engi- neer, 3 at $1,501. . . . 4,503 00 Junior electrical . engi- neer, 4 at $1,350 5,400 00 J unior electrical engi- neer, 2 at $1,201. . . . 2,402 00 Junior electrical engi- neer, 2 at $1,080. . . . 2,160 00 21,215 00 Equipment squad Salaries, regular Assistant electrical engi- neer $1,801 00 Junior electrical engi- neer 1,501 00 J unior electrical engi- neer 1,350 00 Inspector of equipment. 1,200 00 Inspector of equipment. 1,080 00 Locomotive boiler inspection squad Salaries, regular Locomotive boiler inspector 6,932 00 1,800 00 582 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, FIRST DISTRICT — Ctd. Appraisal squad Salaries, regular Railway engineer $3,300 00 Railway engineer, 2 at $2,400 4,800 00 Railway engineer 2,100' 00 Assistant supervisor in- spector 1,800 00 Junior electrical engi- neer 1,501 00 Junior electrical engi- neer, 2 at $1,350. . . . 2,700 00 Junior electrical engi- neer, 6 at $1,201. . . . 7,206 00 Junior electrical, engi- neer, 9 at $1,080. . . . 9,720 00 33,127 00 Electrical laboratory squad Salaries, regular Chief inspector of elec- tric meters 2,400 00 Junior electrical engi- neer, 2 at $1,501. . . . 3,002 00 Junior electrical engi- neer 1,500 00 Junior electrical engi- neer, 3 at $1,350. . . . 4,050 00 Junior electrical engi- neer 1,201 00 Inspector of electric meters 1,320 00 Inspector of electric meters, 2 at $1,080. . 2,160 00 15,633 00 Engineering statistics squad Salaries, regular Junior electrical engi- neer 1,650 00 583 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, FIRST DISTRICT — Ctd. Bureau of gas and electricity Salaries, regular Secretary $3,600 00 Chief gas engineer. . . . 4,500 00 Chemist 1,801 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 Stenographer 1,020 00 Complaint inspector . . . 1,500 00 Complaint inspector, 2 at $1,350 2,700 00 Chief inspector of elec- trie meters 1,350 00 Junior assistant, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 J unior assistant 1,050 00 Junior assistant 901 00 Gas meter tester, 20 at $1,200 24,000 00 Gas meter tester 1,080 00 Electric meter tester. . . 1,500 00 Electric meter inspector 1,200 00 Electric meter inspector 1,080 00 Assistant chemist, 4 at $1,201 4,804 00 Bureau of Transit Inspection Salaries, regular Chief of transit bureau. $7,500 00 General inspector 4,500 00 Supervising transit in- spector, 4 at $1,800 . . 7,200 00 Assistant supervising transit inspector, 7 at $1,500 10,500 00 Transit inspector, 25 at $1,200 30,000 00 Traffic inspector 1,800 00 Stenographer, 3 at $1,200 3,600 00 Clerk 1,020 00 Junior clerk 480 00 55,686 00 66,600 00 584 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, FIRST DISTRICT — Ctd. Bureau of grade crossing Salaries, regular Assistant division engi- neer $2,700 00 Assistant engineer .... 2,100 00 Junior engineer 1,650 00 Stenographer 1,140 00 7,590 00 Total for personal service 563,160 00 For the payment of expenses of maintenance and operation of the Public Service Commission, First Dis- trict, other than personal service. Printing . . . . Advertising . . Equipment Office Books . . . . Engineering MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION $6,000 00 500 00 $3,500 00 250 00 1,800 00 Supplies Office $13,900 00 Motor vehicle 1,100 00 Engineering 1,200 00 General plant 100 00 5,550 00 16,300 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of officials or employees $4,400 00 Hotel expenses 1,000 00 5,400 00 Commun ic at i on Express and messenger $1,300 00 Postage 2,500 00 Telephone and telegraph. . . . 3,000 00 6,800 00 585 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, FIRST DISTRICT — Ctd. General plant service 2,000 00 Rents 36,000 00 Contingencies 2,500‘ 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 81,050 00 Total for Public Service Commission, First District $644,210 00 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, SECOND DISTRICT For payment for services of the commissioners and the employees of Public Service Commission, Second District. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Executive Salaries, regular Commissioner, 5 at $15,000 $75,000 00 Counsel 10,000 00 Secretary 6,000 00 $91,000 00 Secretarial and stenographic Salaries, regular Confidential secretary to chairman $2,250 00 'Secretary to commis- sioner 2,250 00 Secretary to commis- sioner, 3 at $1,500.. 4,500 00 'Stenographer 1,500 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 11,700 00 586 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, SECOND DISTRICT— Ctd. Administration General Salaries, regular Executive clerk $5,000 00 Hearing and publicity clerk 2,500 00 Chief clerk of records. . 2,500 00 Superintendent of publi- cation and compila- tion 2,400 00 Auditor 2,000 00 Stenographer 2,000 00 Stenographer 1,800 00 Stenographer, 3 at $1,500 4.500 00 Stenographer, 5 at $1,200 6,000 00 Stenographer 960 00 Stenographer, 2 at $780. 1,560 00 Stenographer 720 00 Filing clerk, 2 at $1,500 3,000 00 Filing clerk 1,200 00 Clerk, 2 at $1,500 3,000 00 Clerk 1,200 00 •Clerk 900 00 Clerk, 2 at $720 1,440 00 Junior clerk, 2 at $600. 1,200 00 Messenger 1,200 00 Laborer 900 00 Laborer 730 00 Telephone operator .... 900 00 Attendant 600 00 Page, 2 at $480 960 00 49,170 00 Division of capitalization Salaries, regular Chief of division $4,000 00 Examiner, 2 at $2,580. 5,160 00 Examiner 2,340 00 Examiner, 2 at $2,160. . 4,320 00 587 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, SECOND DISTRICT— Ctd. Division of capitalization — Continued (Salaries, regular — Continued Examiner 1,980 00 1 Examiner, 2 at $1,800.. 3,600 00 Assistant examiner, 2 at $1,500 3,000 00 Assistant examiner, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Junior accountant .... 1,500 00' Stenographer 1,500 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Typewriter copyist .... 900 00 33,100 00 Division of statistics and accounts Salaries, regular Chief statistician $5,000 00 Assistant chief statis- tician 2,400 00 Junior statistician 1,800 00 Accountant 2,500 00 Bookkeeper 1,680 00 Assistant examiner .... 1,800 00 Junior accountant .... 1,500 00 Junior accountant .. .% . 1,200 00 Junior accountant 1,140 00 Stenographer 1,800 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Clerk and typist 1,140 00 Clerk, 2 at $900 1,800 00 26,160 00 Division of tariffs Salaries, regular Chief of division $4,500 00 Inspector of operation . . 2,400 00 Chief clerk 2,000 00 Tariff clerk 1,800 00 Tariff clerk 1,200 00 Stenographer and tariff clerk 1,500 00 588 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, SECOND DISTRICT— Ctd. Division of tariffs — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued 'Stenographer 1,200 00 Bookkeeper 1,200 00 Clerk 1,080 00 16,880 00 Division of electric railroads Salaries, regular 'Chief inspector $5,000 00 Assistant inspector .... 2,160 00 Division of steam railroads Salaries, regular Chief of division $4,500 00 Inspector of maintenance and operation, 2 at $3,000 6,000 00 Inspector of equipment, 3 at $2,500 7,500 00 Accident inspector .... 2,160 00 Assistant locomotive boil- er inspector 1,980 00 Stenographer 1,500 00 Clerk lo o o 00 Clerk 1,080- 00 Clerk 900 00 26,820 00 Division of telegraph and telephone Salaries, regular Chief of division. . . . . . $4,500 Off Assistant chief . . 3,000 Off Engineer . . 2,800 00 Inspector . . . 1,800 00 Inspector . . 1,680 00 Inspector . . 1,320 Off Traffic inspector, 2 at $1,320 . . 2,640 Off Traffic inspector 4o o o Off Stenographer ... 1,500 Off Clerk , . . 1,200 00 21,640 00 589 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, SECOND DISTRICT— Ctd. Division of light, heat and power (electric) Salaries, regular -Chief engineer $5,000 00 Assistant engineer 3,000 00 Chief inspector 1,400 00 Inspector of electric meters, 2 at $1,200. . O O gT 00 Electric inspector, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 Clerk 720 00 - 16,120 00 Division of light, heat and power (gas) 'Salaries, regular Engineer $3,000 00 Assistant gas inspector, 3 at $1,200 3,600 00 Gas meter tester, 6 at $1,080 6,480 00 Gas meter tester, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 15,480 00 Grade crossing division Salaries, regular Engineer of grade cross- ings $5,000 00 Inspector of grade cross- ings 2,000 00 Engineering draftsman. 1,400 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 9,600 00 Total for personal service $324,830 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Public Service Commission, Second District, other than personal service. 5 90 PUBLIC SERVICE COMMISSION, SECOND DISTRICT— Ctd. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $10,000 00 Equipment 3,000 00 Supplies 5,000 00 Traveling expenses 35,000 00 'Communication 6,000 00 General plant service 8,500 00 Rents 3,400 00 Contingencies 2,500 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 73,400 00 Total for Public Service Commission, Second District $398,230 00 BANKING DEPARTMENT For payment for services of the State Superintendent of Banks and the employees of the Banking Department. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Superintendent $10,000 00 First deputy superin- tendent 6,000 00 Second deputy superin- tendent 5,500 00 Third deputy superin- tendent 5,000 00 Land and opinion clerk. 3,900 00 Hearing stenographer .. 1,700 00 Stenographer and clerk. 1,500 00 Filing clerk . • 1,350 00 File and index clerk . . . 1,350 00 Salaries, temporary Bookkeeper or clerk, 4 V 2 months 500 00 $36,800 00 591 BANKING DEPARTMENT — Continued Administration — Continued Accounts Salaries, regular Bookkeeper $1,200 00 Junior clerk 900 00 $2,100 00 $38,900 00 Bureau of savings and loan Salaries, regular Stenographer and clerk 1,500 00 New York office Salaries, regular Confidential stenographer $1,800 00 Stenographer 1,500 00 Clerk 1,350 00 4,650 00 Bureau of bank examination Salaries, regular Stenographer 1,700 00 Bureau of credit and verification Salaries, regular Examiner $1,800 00 Stenographer and clerk. 1,400 00 Stenographer and clerk. 1,100 00 Stenographer and clerk. 840 00 Typewriter copyist and clerk 1,000 00 6,140 00 Bureau of hank examination For salaries of examiners in connection with the examination of corporations and individual hankers pursuant to the Banking Law under the following bureaus: Bureaus of savings and loan, bureau of credit and verification, metropolitan di&- trict, western district, central district, eastern district, and savings hanks. 592 BANKING DEPARTMENT — Continued Bureau of hank examination — Continued Salaries, temporary Chief bank examiner, 305 days, at $18 $5,490 00 Bank examiner, 305 days, at $16, (2) 9,760 00 Bank examiner, 305 days, at $14, (8) 34,160 00 Bank examiner, 305 days, at $13, (5) . . . . 19,825 00 Bank examiner, 305 days, at $12, (6) 21,960 00 Bank examiner, 305 days, at $11, (8) 26,840 00 Bank examiner, 305 days, at $10, (5) 15,250 00 Bank examiner, 305 days, at $9, (3) . 8,235 00 Bank examiner, 305 days, at $8, (4) . 9,760 00 Bank examiner . . . 2,700 00 $153,980 00 Expenses of bureau of examination 11,020 00 165,000 00 Private bankers 7 bureau Salaries, regular Confidential clerk and private secretary .... $2,820 00 Confidential messenger. 1,500 00 Stenographer 900 00 Inspector, 3 at $1,680. . 5,040 00 $10,260 00 593 BANKING DEPARTMENT — Continued Private bankers’ bureau — Continued Examiners Salaries, temporary For salaries and expenses of ex- aminers including examiner in charge in connection with the ex- amination of private bankers. Bank examiner, 305 days, at $13 $3,905 00 Extra examiners for ex- amining large institu- tions and for making examinations up-state. 3,535 00 $7,500 00 Pension list Retired employees For deputies, clerk and examiners in the banking department, retired or to be retired as provided by section 16 of the Banking Law. . . 17,760 00 3,000 00 Total for personal service $238,650 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the State Banking Department, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $8,000 00 Advertising 2,500 00 Equipment Office $900 00 Books 850 00 1,750 00 Supplies Office 2,000 00 Traveling expenses Transportation of employees other than examiners .... $3,000 00 Hotel expenses 2,000 00 5,000 00 594 BANKING DEPARTMENT — Continued Communication Telephone, telegraph and messenger serv- ice, express age, stamps and stamped envelopes 7,000 00 General plant service Rental of safe deposit vaults, valuation of securities of savings hanks, examination of securities held in trust by superin- tendent of hanks, reports of financial agencies, etc 3,000 00 Rents 7,500 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 36,750 00 — Total for State Banking Department $275,400 00 STATE INSURANCE DEPARTMENT For payment of services of the State Superintendent of Insurance and the employees of the Insurance Department. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Superintendent $10,000 00 First deputy superin- tendent 6,500 00 Counsel 5,000 00 Confidential secretary. . 2,100 00 Chief clerk 2,820 00 General clerk 2,000 00 Correspondence (clerk. . 1,800 00 Mailing clerk 1,500 00 Clerk 1,200 00 Confidential investigator 1,800 00 Stenographer 1,800 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,- 500 3,000 00 595 INSURANCE DEPARTMENT — Continued Administration — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Stenographer and clerk. 1,500 00 Card indexer 1,200 00 Clerk 960 00 Night watchman 900 00 Telephone operator .... 600 00 Page or messenger 480 00 $45,160 00 8.500 00 3.500 00 2,160 00 3,000 00 $12,160 00 New York office Salaries, regular Second deputy superin- tendent $6,500 00 Assistant examiner .... 2,400 00 Confidential investigator 1,800 00 Confidential stenogra- pher 1,800 00 Clerk 1,200 00 Filing clerk 1,050 00 Telephone operator .... 720 00 Page 480 00 $15,950 00 $73,270 00 Actuarial bureau Salaries, regular Actuary $5,000 00 Registrar 2,500 00 Second assistant actuary 2,400 00 Actuarial clerk, 3 at $1,500 4,500 00 Accounts Salaries, regular Accountant Cashier and tax clerk . . . Senior bookkeeper Typewriter copyist, 2 at $1,500 596 INSURANCE DEPARTMENT — Continued Actuarial bureau — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Actuarial clerk, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Messenger, 2 at $1,500. 3,000 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Clerk, 3 at $1,200 3,600 00 25,800 00 Co-operative fire and licensing bureau Salaries, regular Chief $4,500 00 Examiner 3,250 00 Stenographer 1,320 00 Stenographer, 5 at $1,200 6,000 00 Stenographer, 3 at $960. yo GO O 00 Clerk, 14 at $1,200 .... 16,800 00 Clerk, 3 at $960 2,880 00 Typewriter copyist .... 1,200 00 38,830 00 Fraternal and assessment bureau Chief $4,500 00 Salaries, regular Stenographer 1,500 00 Clerk 1,020 00 7,020 00 Liquidation bureau Salaries, regular Chief . . 4,250 00 Printing and purchasing bureau Salaries, regular Chief . . $2,500 00 Proofreader and clerk. . 1,800 00 Proofreader 1,500 00 Clerk 1,200 00 7,000 00 597 INSURANCE DEPARTMENT Statistical bureau Salaries, regular Statistician .... $3,500 00 First assistant statis- tician 2,000 00 Second assistant s tat is- tician 1,800 00 Clerk o o lO 1—1 00 Clerk 1,200 00 Stenographer . . 1,320 00 Stenographic bureau Salaries, regular Stenographer $1,800 00 Stenographer 1,500 00 Stenographer, 7 at $1,200 8,400 00 Stenographer 1,080 00 Stenographer 960 00 Workmen’s compensation bureau Salaries, regular Associate actuary $6,000 00 Assistant actuary 2,750 00 Compensation rating ex- pert 8,750 00 Examiner 3,000 00 Assistant examiner .... 2,160 00 Clerk 1,500 00 Underwriters association bureau Salaries, regular Chief examiner $4,500 00 Rating expert 2,500 00 Bank messenger 1,200 00 Clerk 900 00 — Continued 11,320 00 13,740 00 19,160 00 9,100 00 598 INSURANCE DEPARTMENT — Continued Audit bureau Salaries, regular Auditor and assistant actuary $5,000 00 Assistant examiner .... 1,950 00 Clerk 1,800 00 Clerk, 5 at $1,200 6,000 00 Clerk 900 00 Clerk 720 00 16,370 00 Branch brokers division of licensing bureau Salaries, regular Examiner $3,000 00 Stenographer 1,500 00 Filing clerk 1,200 00 5,700 00 Total for personal service $231,560 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the State Insurance Department, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing Reports, five volumes $4,500 00 Agents’ certificates 2,750 00 Application blanks 1,750 00 Special examination reports. 1,000 00 Letter heads and envelopes . . 3,500 00 Annual statement blanks. . . . 4,300 00 Miscellaneous 4,200 00 $22,000 00 Equipment Typewriters $900 00 Steel filing cases and cabinets 1,400 00 Desks and chairs 300 00 Books and periodicals 1,200 00 Rubber stamps 300 00 Miscellaneous 550 00 4,650 00 599 INSURANCE DEPARTMENT — Continued Supplies Stationery and typewriter ribbons $2,000 00 Typewriter paper, carbon and note books 2,000 00 Index cards 150 00 Ice 200 00 Spring water 500 00 Towel supplies 180 00 F olders 70 00 5,100 00 Traveling expenses Superintendent Transportation and hotel expenses $1,500 00 First deputy superintendent Transportation and hotel expenses 1,000 00 Employees Transportation and hotel expenses 4,500 00 7,000 00 Communication Telephone $2,300 00 Postage 6,800 00 Expressage 650 00 Telegraph, cable and mes- senger service 250 00 10,000 00 General plant service Appraisal of securities $3,500 00 Other general plant service. . 1,500 00 Rental of sorting and tabulat- ing machines 900 00 5,900 00 600 INSURANCE DEPARTMENT — Continued Rents Offices in New York city 9,500 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than per- sonal service 64,150 00 Total for Insurance Department, exclusive of refund account $295,710 00 REFUND ACCOUNT The following appropriations to he collected and re- funded to the treasury by the corporations under exam- ination when disbursements therefrom are in consequence of services and expenses had or in connection with such examinations, excepting in the discretion of the superin- tendent of insurance, fraternal beneficiary orders, co- operative fire insurance corporations or associations ex- amined more frequently, than required by statute : For payment for services of examiners, as follows : Examination bureau Salaries, regular Chief examiner, life division * $6,000 00 Assistant chief examiner, life division 3,250 00 Chief examiner, fire division 6,000 00 Assistant chief examiner, fire division 3,250 00 Chief examiner, casualty division 6,000 00 Chief examiner, assess- ment and fraternal division 5,000 00 Examiner 3,500 00 Examiner, 3 at $3,250. . 9,750 00 Examiner, 3 at $3,100. . 9,300 00 Examiner, 2 at $3,000. . 6,000 00 Examiner 2,850 00 Examiner 2,750 00 Assistant examiner .... 2,850 00 601 INSURANCE DEPARTMENT — Continued Examination bureau — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Assistant examiner, 2 at $2,750 P 1 At O O 00 Assistant examiner, 5 at $2,600 13,000 00 Assistant examiner, 2 at $2,500 5,000 00 Assistant examiner, 2 at $2,400 o o 00 00 Assistant examiner, 2 at $2,250 4,500 00 Assistant examiner, 6 at $2,200 13,200 00 Assistant examiner, 7 at $2,100 14,700 00 Assistant examiner .... 1,800 00 129,000 00 For expenses of department appraisers in the state, for appraisals and fees of examiners designated in other states, for expenses of counsel and for expenses of ex- aminers in connection with examination of insurance companies. Traveling and hotel expenses of examiners on examination and traveling and hotel expenses of appraisers on examination. . . $16,000 00 General plant service For payment for appraisals, title searches, and fees of counsel 18,000 00 $34,000 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE General plant service 913 16 Total Refund Account $163,913 16 Total for Insurance Department, including refund ac- count $459,623 16 602 EXCISE DEPARTMENT For payment for services: of the Commissioner and the employees of the Excise Department. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Commissioner . . $7,000 00 Deputy commissioner . . 5,000 00 Confidential clerk . . . . . 3,250 00 Secretary . . 2,000 00 Chief inspector . . 3,000 00 Bank messenger . . . . . . 1,500 00 Telephone operator . . .. 1,200 00 Clerk . . 1,500 00 Clerk . . 1,300 00 Clerk . . 1,200 00 Clerk . . 1,080 00 Stenographer . . 1,300 00 Stenographer, 6 at $1,200 . . 7,200 00 $36,530 00 Wages, regular Laborer 720 00 Financial and bookkeeping Salaries, regular Second deputy commis- sioner $3,500 00 Auditor 3,000 00 Accountant and special examiner 3,000 00 Chief bookkeeper 2,500 00 Accountant and statisti- cian 2,300 00 Financial clerk 2,000 00 Bookkeeper 1,800 00 Bookkeeper 1,500 00 603 EXCISE DEPARTMENT — Continued Administration — Continued Financial and bookkeeping — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Bookkeeper 1,200 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 $23,200 00 Property and supplies Salaries, regular Purchasing agent 1,800 00 Laborer 900 00 $2,700 00 $63,J50 00 Special agents division Salaries, regular Special agent, 41 at $1,500 $61,500 00 Detective, 5 at $1,500 . . . 7,500 00 $69,000 00 Salaries, temporary Temporary service For the employment of detective agen- cies or of individu- als to obtain evi- dence 4,000 00 Legal bureau Salaries, regular Attorney, 8 at $5,000. . . $40,000 00 Attorney, 2 at $3,500. . 7,000 00 Attorney 3,000 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,800 3,600 00 Stenographer 1,600 00 Stenographer, 7 at $1,200 8,400 00 73,000 00 6 ? " 604 EXCISE DEPARTMENT — Continued SPECIAL DEPUTY COMMISSIONER DISTRICTS For the one-half, payable by the State Manhattan — The Bronx Salaries, regular Special deputy com- missioner $2,500 00 Cashier 1,750 00 First assistant cashier. . 1,250 00 Confidential clerk 600 00 Clerk 900 00 Clerk, 2 at $750 o o lO 1—1 00 Acting auditor , 750 00 Stenographer 900 00 Stenographer, 2 at $750. 1,500 00 Watchman 90 00 il, 740 00 County of Kings Salaries, regular Special deputy commis- sioner $1,875 00 Cashier 1,600 00 Confidential clerk 600 00 Assistant cashier 750 00 Clerk, 2 at $750 1,500 00 Stenographer 750 00 Watchman 90 00 7,165 00 County of Erie Salaries, regular Special deputy commis- sioner $1,500 00 Auditor 1,200 00 Cashier 1,000 00 Stenographer 600 00 4,300 00 605 EXCISE DEPARTMENT — Continued County of Queens Salaries, regular Special deputy commis- sioner $1,250 00 Cashier 750 00 — 2,000 00 County of Westchester Salaries, regular Special deputy commis- sioner $1,250 00 Cashier 750 00 ■ 2,000 00 County of Monroe Salaries, regular Special deputy commis- sioner . $1,250 00 Cashier 450 0 O' 1,700 00 County of Albany Salaries, regular Special deputy commis- sioner 1,000 00 Cashier 600 00 1,600 00 County of Richmond Salaries, regular Special deputy commissioner 1,000 00' County of Onondaga Salaries, regular Special deputy commissioner 1,000 00 County of Orange Salaries, regular Special deputy commissioner 1,000 00 County of Rensselaer Salaries, regular Special deputy commissioner 750 00 County of Schenectady Salaries, regular Special deputy commissioner 750 00 606 EXCISE DEPARTMENT — Continued County of Oneida Salaries, regular Special deputy commissioner 750 00 County of Niagara Salaries, regular Special deputy commissioner 750 00 County of Broome Salaries, regular Special deputy commissioner 750 00 County of Nassau Salaries, regular Special deputy commis- sioner $1,000 00 Wages, temporary Cleaners 100 00 1,100 00 Total for personal service $238,105 00 Bor the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Excise Department, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing Advance reports $500 00 Certificates .... 2,000 00 Law briefs o o 00 Blanks, etc 3,000 00 Miscellaneous 1,000 00 $8,500 00 Advertising 250 00 Equipment Office O O cT 00 Supplies Office 2,500 00 Traveling expenses Transportation Detectives $1,500 00 Special agents 16,000 00 607 EXCISE DEPARTMENT Traveling expenses — Continued Transportation — Continued Attorneys o o o cT 00 Officials 2,500 00 Employees 1,500 00 $23,500 00 Hotel expenses Detectives 3,500 00 Special agents 24,000 00 Attorneys 5,000 00 Officials 2,500 00 Employees o o T— 1 00 $36,500 00 Communication Express and freight, Albany office $400 00 Postage, Albany office 1,200 00 Telegraph, Albany office. ... 200 00 Telephone, Albany office. . . . 1,000 00 Postage, branch offices 255 00 Telephone, branch offices. . . . 1,130 00 Special agents Postage and telephone. . . . 1,000 00 Fixed charges and contributions Judgments $3,500 00 Rebates 5,000 00 Motion costs 100 00 General plant service Surety bonds $1,700 00 Automobile and motor boat hire 500 00 Stenographers’ minutes . ... 1,250 00 Analyses of liquors 250 00 Continued 60,000 00 5,185 00 8,600 00 608 EXCISE DEPARTMENT — Continued General plant service - — - Continued Cartage and storage of liquors 2,000 00 Notary fees 200 00 Taxable trial disbursements. 1,000 00 6,900 00 Rents 8,000 00 Total for maintenance and operation other than per- sonal service 101,935 00 Total for department 1917-18 $340,040 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Excise Department, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fixed charges and contributions Rebates . . . 10,000 00 Total for Excise Department $350,040 00 DEPARTMENT OF HE ALTH — EXCLUSIVE OF LABORATORIES For payment for the services of the State Commissioner of Health and the employees of the Department of Health, exclusive of Labora- tories. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Executive Salaries, regular Commissioner of health. $8,000 00 Deputy commissioner . . 5,000 00 Secretary 4,000 00 Executive clerk 4,000 00 Hearing stenographer. . 2,700 00 609 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH — Continued Administration — Continued Executive — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Stenographer, assistant to secretary 1,320 00 Stenographer, assistant to deputy 1,200 00 Stenographer, assistant to executive clerk . . . 1,200 00 Stenographer, general .. 960 00 Clerk, filing 1,200 00 Clerk, assistant filing. . 600 00 Clerk, library and gen- eral 900 00 Clerk, mailing list and general 780 00 Clerk, general 600 00 Clerk 540' 00 Telephone operator .... 720 00 Relief operator or clerk. 540 00 Messenger or page 420 00 $34,680 00 Legal Salaries, regular Counsel 4,000 00 Audit and supply Salaries, regular Audit clerk $1,800 00 Bookkeeper 840 00 Clerk 780 00 Supply clerk 1,800 00 Wages, regular Laborer, 2 at $780 $5,220 00 1,560 00 20 010 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH — Continued Administration — Continued Public health education Salaries, regular Supervisor of exhibits. . $2,400 00 Proofreader and print- ing clerk 1,200 00 Clerk, assistant and gen- eral 900 00 Parochial school lecturer 1,000 00 $5,500 00 Wages, regular Laborer, assistant with exhibits 900 00 Laborer, assistant with exhibits 720 00 $1,620 00 Sanitary supervisors Salaries, regular Sanitary supervisor, 14 at $3,000 42,000 00 Assistant sanitary super- visor, 6 at $1,500. . . . 9,000 00 Stenographer 1,000 00 Stenographer or clerk. . 840 00 Clerk 540' 00 $53,380 00 $105,960 00 Division of child hygiene Executive Salaries, regular Director $4,000 00 Stenographer 960 00 Stenographer or clerk. . 600 00 $5,560 00 611 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH — Continued Division of child hygiene — Continued Inspection and instruction Salaries, regular Supervising nurse, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 7,960 00 Division of communicable dis- eases Executive Salaries, regular Director $4,000 00 Stenographer 960 00 Stenographer 540 00 $5,500 00 Investigations Salaries, regular Orthopedic surgeon ... 3,500 00 Diagnosticians and epi- demiologists, 4 at $3,500 14,000 00 Laboratory diagnosti- cians, 2 at $2,500. . .. 5,000 00 Assistant laboratory diagnostician 2,400 00 Medical expert 2,400 00 Supervising nurse .... 1,800 00 Supervising nurse, 12 at $1,200 14,400 00 Stenographer 780 00 Stenographer or clerk. . 720 00 Muscle tester, 2 at $900. 1,800 00 Statistical Salaries, regular Clerk Clerk Clerk $46,800 00 780 00 600 00 540 00 $1,920 00 612 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH — Continued Division of communicable dis- eases — Continued Records Salaries, regular Stenographer 780 00 Stenographer or clerk, 2 at $660 1,320 00 Stenographer or clerk. . 600 00 $2,700 00 56,920 00 Division of tuberculosis Executive Salaries, regular Director $3,200 00 Stenographer 900 00 Clerk 780 00 Field agent 1,200 00 Supervising nurse, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 8,480 00 Division of sanitary engineering Executive Salaries, regular Chief engineer $5,000 00 Principal assistant engi- neer 3,250 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 $10,650 00 Field force Salaries, regular Assistant sanitary engi- neer, 2 at $2,500. . . . $5,000 00 Assistant sanitary engi- neer, 3 at $2,000 6,000 00 Inspecting engineer ... 1,800 00 Draftsman 1,080 00 613 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH — Continued Division of sanitary engineering — Continued Field force — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Stenographer 780 00 Stenographer 660 00 Division of vital statistics Executive Salaries, regular Director Stenographer .... Statistics Salaries, regular Statistical clerk . Statistical clerk . Junior statistician Clerk Clerk Clerk Clerk Stenographer Records Salaries, regular Clerk, 2 at $1,200 Clerk, 3 at $780 Clerk Clerk, 4 at $480 Stenographer Stenographer Typewriter copyist or stenographer Typewriter copyist or clerk $15,320 00 $4,000 00 O O T— t 00 $5,200 00 1,800 00 1,650 00 o o cy T— 1 00 1,200 00 900 00 o © 00 540 00 540 00 $8,430 00 2,400 00 2,340 00 660 00 1,920 00 680 00 540 00 900 00 540 00 $9,980 00 25,970 00 23,610 00 614 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH — Continued New York office Executive Salaries, regular Stenographer $1,200 00 Inspection Salaries, regular Supervising inspector .. 2,500 00 Inspector, 8 at $1,260. . 10,080 00 Stenographer 900 00 Wages, regular Laborer . . . $13,480 00 720 00 15,400 00 Public health council Salaries, regular Members, 6 at $1,000 6,000 00 Temporary service Salaries, temporary Temporary employees 2,500 00 Total for personal service $252,800 00 For the expenses for maintenance and operation, De- partment of Health, exclusive of laboratories, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $35,000 00 Advertising 200 00 Equipment Office $1,500 00 Educational 4,000 00 Books 500 00 General plant 400 00 6,400 00 Supplies Office 4,000 00 G15 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH — Continued Traveling expenses Division of administration. . $2,600 00 Public health education 1,500 00 Exhibits 2,000 00 Child hygiene (director).... 400 00 Communicable diseases .... 6,000 00 Pulblic health nurses 17,000 00 Sanitary engineering 3,000 00 Sanitary supervisors 20,000 00 Vital statistics (director).... 400 00 Cold storage inspection 5,500 00 Public health council 600 00 59,000 00 Communication Postage (Albany and New York offices) $7,600 00 Express (office and exhibits) 2,000 00 Freight and cartage (office and exhibits) < . 600 00 Telegrams (Albany and New York offices) 600 00 Telephone (Albany and New York offices) 1,200 00 12,000 00 General plant service Rental of card punches and sorting machines $780 00 Clipping service, 2 at $10 per month 240 00 1,020 00 Rents Branch office, New York city $1,500 00 Diagnostic centers 500 00 2,000 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 119,620 00 610 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH — Continued REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for re- pairs to buildings and equipment 1,000 00 Total for Department, exclusive of Laboratories, 1917-18 $373,420 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE. For payment for services of employees of the Depart- ment of Health, exclusive of laboratories. PERSONAL SERVICE Salaries, regular and temporary Expert on garbage disposal. . $2,600 00 Hearing stenographer (folio rate) 1,500 00 - 4,100 00 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fixed charges and contributions Refund of monies advanced by 'Comptroller to meet emergency caused by epidemic of infantile paralysis Refund of monies advanced by Comptroller to meet emergency of control of epidemic 40,000 00 5,000 00 45,000 00 Total immediately available 49,100 00 Total for Department of Health, exclusive of laboratories $422,520 00 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH — DIVISION OF LABORA- TORIES AND RESEARCH For payment for services of employees of Department of Health, Division of Laboratories and Research. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Executive Salaries, regular Director $5,000 00 Librarian, scientific sec- retary 1,500 00 $6,500 00 1,500 00 840 00 720 00 1,200 00 1,800 00 ' 720 00 1,200 00 540 00 1,440 00 420 00 1,080 00 $11,460 00 Branch laboratory, New York city Salaries, regular Assistant bacteriologist. $1,500 00 Assistant bacteriologist. 1,200 00 Laboratory assistant . . . 900 00 Office Salaries, regular Executive clerk or stenog- rapher Bookkeeper or storey- keeper Shipping clerk Stenographer Stenographers, 2 at $900 Stenographer or clerk. . Typewriter copyist, 2 at ' $600 '. . . Filing clerk Junior clerk, 3 at $480. J unior clerk Page, 3 at $360 $17,960 00 618 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH — Continued Branch laboratory, New York city — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Laboratory assistant . ... 720 00 Laboratory apprentice. . 720 00 Technical assistant .... 660 00 Stenographer or clerk. . 600 00 6,300 00 Diagnostic laboratory, bacterial diagnosis Salaries, regular Bacteriologist, patholo- gist $2,500 00 Bacteriologist 2,000 00 Assistant bacteriologist. 1,800 00 Assistant bacteriologist. 1,500 00 Laboratory assistant . . . 1,200 00 Laboratory assistant, 2 at $720 1,440 00 Technical assistant, 2 at $600 1,200 00 11,640 00 Diagnostic laboratory, serum diagnosis Salaries, regular Assistant serologist .... $1,500 00 Assistant serologist . . . 1,200 00 Laboratory assistant . . . 900 00 Laboratory assistant ... 720 00 Laboratory apprentice. . 600 00 Technical assistant, 2 at $600 1,200 00 6,120 00 Preparation and distribution antitoxine and serums Salaries, regular Bacteriologist $2,500 00 Bacteriologist 1,800 00 Assistant bacteriologist. 1,500 00 Laboratory assistant . . . 1,200 00 Laboratory assistant . . . 960 00 619 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH — Continued Preparation and distribution, antitoxine and serums — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Laboratory assistant . . . 900 00 Laboratory assistant, 2 at $720 . 1,440 00 Laboratory apprentice. . 600 00 Technical assistant 900 00 Technical assistant 600 00 Technical assistant 540 00 Physiological chemist. . 2,500 00 Physiological chemist . . 1,500 00 16,940 00 Preparation and distribution of bacterial vaccines Salaries, regular Assistant bacteriologist. $1,800 00 Assistant bacteriologist. 1,500 00 Laboratory assistant. . . . 1,200 00 Technical assistant 600 00 5,100 00 Preparation and distribution smallpox vaccine Salaries, regular Assistant bacteriologist. $1,320 00 Assistant veterinarian. . 1,200 00 Technical assistant .... 600 00 Laboratory apprentice . . 600 00 3,720 00 Samples of water Examination Salaries, regular Chemist $2,800 00 Water analyst 1,800 00 Water analyst 1,600 00 Laboratory assistant. . . 1,200 00 Laboratory assistant, 2 at $900 1,800 00 Technical assistant, 2 at $600 1,200 00 10,400 00 620 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH — Continued Media preparation and sterilization Salaries, regular Laboratory assistant . . . $1,200 00 Technical assistant .... 900 00 Technical assistant ... 720 00 Technical assistant .... 600 00 Laboratory apprentice . 600 00 $4,020 00 Wages, regular Cleaner, 2 at $600 1,200> 00 Cleaner, 6 at $540 3,240 00 Cleaner, 2 at $480 960 00 Cleaner 420 00 $5,820 00 Boxing outfits Salaries, regular Laboratory, 3 at $600.. $1,800 00 Laboratory helper, 5 at $480 2,400 00 Service laboratory buildings and animals Laborers and cleaners Wages, regular Cleaner, 2 at $720 $1,440 00 Assistant stableman ... 720 00 Assistant stableman ... 360 00 Laborer, 3 at $720 2,160 00 Laborer 66000 Laborer, 3 at $600 1,800 00 Laborer 540 00 Laboratory farm Wages, regular Stableman $1,200 00 Laborer, 4 at $720. . . . 2,880 00 9,840 00 4,200 00 7,680 00 4,080 00 Total for personal service $103,980 00 621 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH — Continued For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Department of Health, Division of Laboratories and Research, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water $3,000 00 Printing 1,600 00 Equipment Office $1,600 00 Motorless vehicles 350 00 Wearing apparel 400 00 Research 2,500 00 Farm and garden 100 00 Live stock 6,000 00 Books 700 00 General plant 350 00 12,000 00 Supplies Office $800 00 Household 100 00 Laundry, cleaning and disin- fecting 300 00 Motor vehicle 500 00 Research 13,000 00 Botanical and agricultural. . 200 00 Forage and veterinary 2,600 00 Refrigerating 100 00' General plant 600 00 Traveling expenses . . Communication General plant service Rents 18,200 00 1,200 00 3,000 00 800 00 480 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 40,280 00 622 DEPARTMENT OF HE ALTH — Continued REPAIRS For work don© by contract or upon estimate for the pur- chase of materials and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for re- pairs to buildings and equipment 4,000 00 Total for Division, 1917-18 $148,260 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For payment for services of employees of the De- partment of Health, Division of Laboratories and Research. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Librarian, scientific secretary $500 00 Office Salaries, regular Shipping clerk $240 00 Stenographer or clerk. . 240 00 480 00 Diagnostic laboratory, bacterial diagnosis Salaries, regular Assistant bacteriologist . $600 00 Technical assistant .... 400 00 — 1,000 00 Diagnostic laboratory, serum diagnosis Salaries, regular Technical assistant 200 00 Preparation and distribution antitoxins and serums Salaries, regular Laboratory assistant . .. $300 00 Technical assistant .... 300 00 Technical assistant . . . 200 00 800 00 DEPARTMENT OF HEALTH — Continued Preparation and distribution bacterial vac- cines Salaries, regular Assistant bacteriologist Media preparation and sterili- zation Wages, regular 100 00 Cleaner $200 00 Cleaner 180 00 380 00 Laboratory farm Wages Laborer 240 00 Total for personal service . $3,700 00 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Equipment 2,500 00 Supplies Traveling expenses Communication General plant service 1,000 00 300 00 800 00 400 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service $5,000 00 Total for immediatelv available. . . . 8,700 00 Total for Department of Health, Laboratories and Research Division of $156,960 00 Total for Department of Health, including Divi- sion of Laboratories and Research $579,480 00 624 HEALTH OFFICER OF THE PORT OF NEW YORK For payment February 1, 1917, to June 30, 1917, for services of employees of the Department of the Health Officer of the Port of New York. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Health Officer Port of New York $5,208 33 Secretarv 1,250 00 Confidential stenogra- pher 625 00 Accountant 875 00 (Fief clerk 833 33 Chief clerk 750 00 Stenographer 541 66 Assistant clerk 541 66 Clerk 500 00 Marine passenger inspec- tor, 4 at $416.66 1,666 66 Stenographer 416 66 Telephone operator, 3 at *300 900 00 Messenger 150 00 $14,258 30 Marine medical inspection Salaries, regular Deputy Health officer, 3 at $1,250 . . $3,750 00 Boarding officer and in- spector City Island. . 375 00 4,125 00 Laboratory service Salaries, regular Director $1,458 33 Assistant director 1,041 66 Assistant bacteriologist. 750 00 Assi slant bacteriologist, 6 at $500 3,000 00 625 HEALTH OFFICER OF THE FORT OF NEW YORK — Cont’d Laboratory service — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Laboratory helper, 2 at $375 '. . 750 00 Assistant steam engineer. 375 00 Laboratory helper, 2 at $300 600 00 Hospital service Salaries, regular Medical officer, 2 at $1,041.66 $2,083 33 Assistant medical officer, 4 at $625 2,500 00 Superintendent of nurses, 2 at $500 1,000 00 Trained nurse, 14 at $300 4,200 00 Hospital orderly, 4 at $250 1,000 00 Waitress, 2 at $125. . . . 250 00 Chambermaid 125 00 Chambermaid, 2 at $100 200 00 Ward helper 150 00 Ward helper, 5 at $100 . 500 00 Protective and supervisory Salaries, regular Policemen, 6 at $375 Boat service Wages, regular Senior captain $750 00 Vice senior captain. ... 700 00 Captain, 3 at $650.... 1,950 00 Senior engineer 700 00 Engineer 700 00 Firemen, 5 at $350. . . . 1,750 00 Deckhand, 13 at $350. . 4,550 00 Chief disinfector 400 00 7,974 99 12,008 33 2,250 00 11,500 00 626 HEALTH OFFICER OF THE PORT OF NEW YORK — Cont’d Custodial service Wages, regular Supt. of grounds and buildings $500 00 Foreman laborer 350 00 Laborer 350 00 Laborer, 5 at $240 1,200 00 Laborer, 5 at $200 1,000 00 Watchman, 2 at $225.. 450 00 $3,850 00 W ages, temporary Telegraph operator .... 50 00 3,900 00 Mechanical Engineering Wages, regular Engineer, 4 at $443.75. $1,775 00 Fireman, 6 at $275. . . . 1,650 00 $3,425 00 Repairs Wages, regular Carpenter 416 66 Carpenter, 2 at $375. . . 750 00 Chauffeur 416 66 Foreman painter 375 00 Painter, 3 at $333.33. . 1,000 00 Plumber and steamfitter, 2 at $375 750 00 $3,708 32 7,133 32 Food service Salaries, regular Dietitian $375 00 Wages, regular Cook, 3 at $225 675 00 Cook 175 00 627 HEALTH OFFICER OF THE PORT OF NEW YORK — Cont’d Food service — Continued Wages, regular — Continued Assistant cook, 4 at $125 500 00 Kitchen helper 150 00 Kitchen helper, 3 at $100 300 00 Laundry service Wages, regular $1,800 00 Laundress $225 00 Laundress, 3 at $125. . . Assistant laundress, 2 at 375 00 $125 250 00 Laundry man 200 00 Laundryman 150 00 Total for personal service $66,524 94 For the expenses from February 1, 1917, to June 30, 1917, of maintenance and operation of the Department of the Health Officer of the Port of New York, other than personal service: MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food $7,000 00 Fuel, light, power and water 8,175 00 Printing 575 00 Equipment, supplies and materials 17,600 00 Traveling expenses 850 00 Communication 1 1,850 00 General plant service 2,700 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 38,750 00 Total for the Department of the Health Officer of the Port of New York $105,274 94 628 STATE INSTITUTE FOE STUDY OF MALIGNANT DISEASE, BUFFALO For payment for services of employees of the State Institute for the Study of Malignant Disease, Buffalo. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Director $6,000 00 Secretary 1,600 00 Superintendent of nurses 1,200 00 $8,800 00 Scientific Salaries, regular Chemist $3,000 00 Pathologist 3,000 00 Biologist 2,580 00 Skilled helpers 7,284 00 Assistant, radio-physics. 1,200 00 Internist 2,000 00 19,064 00 Medical Salaries, regular Nurses, 6 at $600. . . . $3,600 00 Interne 720 00 4,320 00 Services Wages, regular Mechanic $840 00 Cook 600 00 $1,440 00 W ages, temporary Laborers 7,780 00 9,220 00 Total for personal service $41,404 00 629 INSTITUTE FOR STUDY OF MALIGNANT DISEASE — Ctd. For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the State Institute for the Study of Malignant Disease, Buffalo, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food Fuel, light, power and water Fuel $2,210 00 Light . 460 00 Power 330 00 Water 120 00 Printing Equipment Office $150 00 Household 700 00 Medical and surgical 400 00 Motorless vehicles 1000 Motor vehicles 100 00 Wearing apparel 230 00 Research 1,800 00 Laundry 10 00 Farm and garden 100 00 Books 800 00 General plant 1,200 00 Supplies Office $270 00 Household 300 00 Laundry, cleaning, disinfect- ing 600 00 Medical and surgical 1,100 00 Motor vehicle 350 00 Research 2,000 00 Botanical and agricultural ... 200 1 00 Forage and veterinary 200 1 00 Refrigerating 10 00 General plant 970 00 $5,000 00 3,120 00 200 00 5,500 00 6,000 00 030 INSTITUTE TOR STUDY OF MALIGNANT DISEASE — Ctd. Traveling expenses Transportation of employees . $875 00 Hotel expenses 175 00 550 00 Communication Telephones $370 00 Telegraph 30 00 Postage 250 00 Express, freight 200 00 850 00 General plant service Window cleaning $135 00 Occasional services anesthetist 95 00 Care of lawn and grounds. . . 25 00 Awnings up and down 25 00 Services installing apparatus, making lantern slides, etc . . 80 00 360 00- Rents Cottage for housemaids 216 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 21,796 00 REPAIRS For work done by contract or upon estimate or for the purchase of material and the employment of labor in addition to that appropriated for elsewhere, for repairs to buildings and equipment 1,000 00 Total for Institute, 1917—18 $64,200 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION General plant service 250 00 Total for State Institute for Study of Malignant Disease, Buffalo $64,450 00 631 SUPERINTENDENT OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES For payment for services of the Superintendent of Weights and Measures and the employees in the office of Superintendent of Weights and Measures. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, general Superintendent $3,500 00 Deputy superintendent. 2,500 00 Second deputy superin- tendent 2,000 00 Inspectors, 3 at $1,400. 4,200 00 Stenographer 1,350 00 Total for personal service $13,550 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Superintendent of Weights and Measures, other than for personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $500 00 Equipment 650 00 Supplies 550 00 Traveling- expenses 4,000 00 Communication . 300 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 6,000 00 Total for Department, 1917-18 $19,550 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Traveling expenses 1,000 00 Total for Superintendent of Weights and Measures. $20,550 00 632 DEPARTMENT OF FOODS AND MARKETS For payment for services of the commissioner and the employees of the Department of Foods and Markets. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Commissioner $6,000 00 Deputy Commissioner . 3,000 00 Secretary 1,500 00 Stenographer 1,500 00 Stenographer, 2 at $700. 1,400 00 File and index clerk. . . 600 00 Wages, temporary T emporary employees . $14,000 00 3,000 00 Total for personal service $17,000 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Department of Foods and Markets, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $1,500 00 Equipment 150 00 Supplies 150 00 Traveling expenses 3,500 00 Communication 1,000 00 Rents 1,200 00 Total for maintenance and operation other than personal service $7,500 00 Total for Department of Foods and Markets. . . $24,500 00 Note. — This allowance is tentative only and is intended to provide for the continuance of the present organization of the Department of Foods and Markets in the event that the proposed reorganization is not acted upon during the present legislative session. 633 STATE RACING COMMISSION For the expenses of the State Racing 'Commission to he paid out of the moneys hereafter collected bv the State Comptroller $2,000 00 TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE For the expenses of the State Racing Commission for the period July 1, 1916, to June 30', 1917, to he paid out of the moneys heretofore or hereafter collected by the State Comptroller 545 00 Total for State Racing Commission $2,545 00 STATE ATHLETIC COMMISSION For payment for services of the commissioners and employees of the State Athletic Commission. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Commissioner, 3 at ’ $3,000 $9,000 00 Secretary 3,000 00 Stenographer 1,200 00 Total for personal service For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the State Athletic Commission, other than personal service. $13,200 00 MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing Supplies Traveling expenses Communication . . Rents $100 00 ' 500 00 1,000 00 600 00 800 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 3,000 00 Total for Commission, 1917-18 $16,200 00 634 STATE ATHLETIC COMMISSION — Continued TO BE MADE IMMEDIATELY AVAILABLE MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Traveling expenses 1,000 00 Total for State Athletic Commission $17,200 00 BOARD OF EMBALMING EXAMINERS For payment for services of the members and employees of the Board of Embalming Examiners. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Members, 5 at $200 .... $1,000 00 Secretary 1,000 00 Stenographer 600 00 $2,600 00 Salaries, temporary Examiners For New York City. 200 00 For Albany and Rochester 200 00 400 00 Total for personal service $3,000 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Board of Embalming Examiners, other than per- sonal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $135 00 Supplies 15 00 Traveling expenses 550 00 Communication 150 00 Fixed charges and contributions 65 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than per- sonal service 915 00 $3,915 00 Total for Board of Embalming Examiners 635 STATE BOARD OF PORT WARDENS For payment for services of employees of the State Board of Port Wardens. PERSONAL SERVICE Administration Salaries, regular Secretary $2,000 00 Chief clerk 2,000 00 Total for personal service $4,000 00 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the State Board of Port Wardens, other than personal service. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Printing $100 00 Advertising 50 00 Supplies 700 00 Communication 350 00 Rents 1,500 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service 2,700 00 Total for State Board of Port Wardens $6,700 00 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS For the payment for services of the Commissioner, the Deputy Com- missioners and the employees in the office of the Department of High- ways, other than offices of the Division Engineers. PERSONAL SERVICE Office of the commissioner Salaries, regular Commissioner $10,000 00 First deputy commis- sioner 6,000 00 636 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Office of the commissioner — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Second deputy commis- sioner 5,000 00 Third deputy commis- sioner 5,000 00 Secretary 5,000 00 Chief auditor 5,000 00 Supervisor of claims . . . 4,000 00 Assistant secretary .... 2,500 00 Chief clerk 2,000 00 Private secretary to commissioner 2,500 00 Confidential stenograph- er to commissioner . . 1,500 00 $48,500 00 Office of the secretary Salaries, regular Appointment clerk .... $1,900 00 Clerk 1,800 00 Clerk, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Stenographer, 6 at $1,200 . . 7,200 00 Office assistant, 3 at $1,200 3,600 00 Clerk, 2 at $900 1,800 00 Clerk, 2 at $720 1,440 00 Clerk or page, 2 at $600 1,200 00 Telephone operator . . . 1,040 00 Telephone operator ... 780 00 Messenger or page, 2 at $480 960 00 Highway inspector, at $4.50 per day (313 days) 1,408 50 Laborer, 3 at $2.00 per day, (365 days) .... 2,190 00 Laborer, 2 at $2.00 per day, (313 days) .... 1,252 00 637 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Office of the secretary — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Laborer 730 00 Charwoman, 4 at $1.25 per day, (365 days) . 1,825 00 $31,525 50 Salaries, temporary Extra stenographic or clerical services .... 3,000 00 Bureau of audit and finance Salaries, regular Estimate clerk $2,400 00 Clerk and stenographer 2,000 00 Clerk 2,000 00 Clerk, 2 at $1,800 3,600 00 Estimate clerk 1,800 00 Financial clerk 1,500 00 Clerk, 4 at $1,500 6,000 00 Office assistant . 1,500 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,200 2,400 00 Clerk 1,200 00 Clerk, 2 at $900. 1,800 00 Clerk, 2 at $720 1,440 00 Clerk 600 00 Highway inspector at $4.50 per day, (313 days) 1,408 50 Division Engineers Salaries, regular Division engineer, 9 at $4,000 Bureau of maintenance and repair Salaries, regular Assistant to second dep- uty $2,000 00 Superintendent of main- tenance, 2 at $3,000. 6,000 00 34,525 50 29,648 50 36,000 00 638 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Bureau of maintenance and repair — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Clerk 2,400 00 Chauffeur 1,500 00 Stenographer, 4 at $1,200 4,800 00- Stenographer or type- writer copyist 1,200 00 Highway inspector, $4.50 per day, (313 days) 1,408 50 Highway inspector, act- ing sub-chief clerk. . 1,500 00 Office assistant at $4.00 per day, (313 days). 1,252 00 Highway assistant, 5 at $1,200 6,000 00 Bureau, of town highways Salaries, regular Assistant to third deputy District supervisor, 10 at $2,000 Auditor highway ac- counts Auditor highway ac- counts Office accountant Stenographer Chauffeur Hodman, at $4.00 per day, (313 days) .... 28,060 50 $2,750 00 20,000 00 2,100 00 1,500 00 1,800 00 1,200 00 1,500 00 1,252 00 32,102 00 Total for personal service $208,836 50 For the expenses of maintenance and operation, other than personal service, of the Department of Highways, other than offices of the Division Engineers. 639 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Fuel, light, power and water Administration $2,000 00 Printing Administration $2,700 00 Second deputy 1,920 00 Third deputy 1,380 00 6,000 00 Equipment Purchase or exchange of motor vehicles Administration $6,500 00 Second deputy, same 2,000 00 Supplies Office Administration $8,000 00 Second deputy 1,500 00 Third deputy 500 00 Motor vehicle 10,000 00 Traveling expenses Administration $8,900 00 Second deputy 2,400 00 Third deputy 8,800 00 Bureau of audit 300 00 Division engineers 4,600 00 Communication Administration Telephone and telegraph . . $4,900 00 Postage 5,500 00 Freight and express 1,600 00 General plant service Administration Auto insurance $1,000 00 Surety bonds 500 00 Witness fees 2,000 00 8,500 00 20,000 00 25,000 00 12,000 00 3,500 00 640 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Rent Office Administration 4,500 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service $81,500 00 Total for Department of Highways, Admin- istration $290,336 50 The following appropriations for maintenance and repair of state and county highways to he made immediately available: DIVISION NO. 1 For the maintenance and repair of state and county highways includ- ing personal service; division expenses other than personal service; roads to be resurfaced by contract; roads to be surface treated by con- tract; roads to be reconstructed by contract, and for general mainte- nance and repairs in the counties comprising Division No. 1. The fol- lowing amounts to be made immediately available for the purposes herein indicated. Columbia county seventy-five thousand five hundred and ninety-five dollars ($75,595), Dutchess county one hundred twenty-four thousand five hundred and five dollars ($124,505), Greene county seventy-nine thousand two hundred and twenty dollars ($79,- 220), Nassau county thirty-three thousand seven hundred and thirty- seven dollars ($33,737), Orange county one hundred thirty-five thou- sand seven hundred and eighty-five dollars ($135,785), Putnam county fifteen thousand one hundred and ninety dollars ($15,190), Rockland county twenty-three thousand two hundred and thirty dollars ($23,- 230), Suffolk county fifty-seven thousand six hundred and eighteen dollars ($57,618), Ulster county one hundred forty-four thousand five hundred and thirty dollars ($144,530), Westchester county one hun- dred sixty-eight thousand four hundred and ninety dollars ($168,490). 641 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued SCHEDULE A PERSONAL SERVICE Salaries, regular Assistant Engineer, at $6, 313 days Assistant Engineer, 2, at $5.50, 313 days each.... Assistant Engineer, at $5, 313 days ' Leveler, 3, at $5, 313 days each Rodman, at $4, 313 days. . . Chainman, at $2.50, 313 days Highway Inspector, 2, at $4.50, 313 days each. . . . Office Assistant, at $3.50, 313 days Office Assistant, at $100. . . . Clerk, at $100' Stenographer, at $75 Filing and Index Clerk, at $125 Salaries, temporary Engineering, supervision and inspection employees Total for Schedule A $1,87.8 00 3,443 00 1,565 00 4,695 00 1,252 00 782 50 2,817 00 1,095 50 1,200 00 1,200 00 900 00 1,500 00 $22,328 00 28,272 00 $50,600 00 SCHEDULE B DIVISION EXPENSES (OTHER THAN PERSONAL SERVICE) Supplies Motor vehicles and repair equipment. . . $4,500 00 Hired horses and vehicles and hired motor vehicles 7,000 00 21 642 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Traveling expenses 2,500 00 Communication 1,000 00 Rents — Office and storage 1,000 00 Advertising 1,500 00 Total for Schedule B $17,500 00 SCHEDULE C For highways to he resurfaced by contract $165,000 00 SCHEDULE D For highways to be surface treated by contract $43,346 00 SCHEDULE E For highways to be reconstructed by contract $214,500 00 SCHEDULE F GENERAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Personal service Wages, temporary Patrolmen and patrol gang labor $92,000 00 Foremen 5,00000 Laborers, mechanics, chauf- feurs, teams and trucks. 115,800 00 $212,800 00 Industrial equipment Purchase of Steam roller and scarifier. $3,350 00 Motor trucks 2,000 00 Distributors and tools. . . . 2,100 00 Rental of Rollers, distributors and tools $7,450 00 3,450 00 10,900 00 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Materials Including broken stone, sand, gravel, bituminous mate- rials, cement, lumber, paint and general plant 143,254 00 Total for Schedule F $366,954 00 Total for Division No. 1 $857,900 00 DIVISION NO. 2 For the maintenance and repair of state and county highways in- cluding personal service; division expenses other than personal service; roads to be resurfaced by contract; roads to be surface treated by con- tract ; roads to be reconstructed by contract, and for general mainte- nance and repairs in the counties comprising Division No. 2. The fol- lowing amounts to be made immediately available for the purposes herein indicated. Albany county one hundred fifty-four thousand four hundred seventy-five dollars ($154,475.00), Clinton county forty- six thousand three hundred forty dollars ($46,340.00), Essex county forty-three thousand dollars ($43,000.00), Rensselaer county one hun- dred ninety-one thousand seven hundred twenty dollars ($191,720.00), Saratoga county sixty-three thousand six hundred twenty-five dollars ($63,625.00), Schenectady county fifty-two thousand two hundred sixtv-five dollars ($52,265.00), Warren county twenty-seven thousand one hundred seventy-five dollars ($27,175.00), Washington county forty-six thousand dollars ($46,000.00). SCHEDULE A PERSONAL SERVICE Salaries, regular Resident engineer at $225.. $2,700 00 Inspector of construction at $4.50, 313 days 1,408 50 Chainman at $3, 313 days. . 939 00 Stenographer at $100 1,200 00 Salaries, temporary Engineering, supervision and inspection employees $6,247 50 33,752 50 Total for Schedule A $40,000 00 644 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued SCHEDULE B DIVISION EXPENSES (OTHER THAN PERSONAL SERVICE) Supplies Motor vehicles and repair equipment. . .. $1,500 00 Office 50 00 Hired horses and vehicles and hired motor vehicles 5,200 00 Traveling expenses 1,500 00 Communication 350 00 Rents — Office and storage 1,000 00 Advertising 1,200 00 Total for Schedule B $10,800 00 SCHEDULE C Tor highways to be resurfaced by contract $218,800 00 SCHEDULE D Tor highways to be surface treated by contract $4,000 OO SCHEDULE E Tor highways to be reconstructed by contract . . . $88,800 00 SCHEDULE F GENERAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Personal service Wages, temporary Patrolmen and patrol gang labor $66,600 00 Foremen 3,450 00 Laborers, mechanics, chauf- feurs, teams and trucks. 88,480 00 $158,530 00 Industrial equipment Purchase of Motor trucks $2,400 00 Distributor and tools 1,850 00 $4,250 00 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Industrial equipment — Continued Rental of Rollers, distributors and tools 2,100 00 Materials Including broken stone, sand, gravel, iron ore tailings, bituminous materials, cement, lumber, paint, calcium chloride and general plant 6,350 00 97,320 00 Total for Schedule F $262,200 00 . Total for Division No. 2 $624,600 00 DIVISION NO. 3 For the maintenance and repair of state and county highways in- cluding personal service ; division expenses other than personal service ; roads to be resurfaced by contract; roads to be surface treated by con- tract ; roads to be reconstructed by contract, and for general mainte- nance and repairs in the counties comprising Division No. 3. The following amounts to be made immediately available for the purposes herein indicated. Franklin county thirty-nine thousand three hundred fourteen dollars ($39,314.00), Jefferson county one hundred thousand seven hundred ninety-six dollars ($100,796.00), Lewis county thirty- two thousand nine hundred fifty-six dollars ($32,956.00), St. Law- rence county fifty-nine thousand four hundred thirty-four dollars ($59,434.00). SCHEDULE A PERSONAL SERVICE Salaries, regular Assistant engineer, at $5.50, 156 days $858 00 Office assistant, at $100 .... 1,200 00 Chainman, 2 at $3 per day, 313 days each 1,878 00 Stenographer, at $90 1,080 00 $5,016 00 646 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Salaries, temporary Engineering, supervision and inspection employees 15,609 00 Total for Schedule A $20,625 00 SCHEDULE B DIVISION EXPENSES (OTHER THAN PERSONAL SERVICE) Supplies Motor vehicles and repair equipment. . . . $1,750 00 Hired horses and vehicles and hired motor vehicles 3,900 00 Traveling expenses 1,525 00 Communication 260 00 Rents — Office and storage 640 00 Advertising . 300 00 Total for Schedule B $8,375 00 SCHEDULE C Eor highways to be resurfaced by contract $22,850 00 SCHEDULE D For highways to be reconstructed by contract $30,128 00 SCHEDULE F GENERAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Personal service Wages, temporary Patrolmen and patrol gang Labor $44,475 00 Foremen 3,150 00 Laborers, mechanics, chauf- feurs, teams and trucks. 57,047 00 $104,672 00 Industrial equipment Purchase of Steam roller $2,250 00 Motor trucks 2,000 00 Tools 500 00 647 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Industrial equipment — Continued Rental of Rollers, distributors and tools 2,000 00 Materials Including broken stone, sand, gravel, iron ore tailings, bituminous materials, paint, lumber, cement and general plant 6,750 00 39,100 00 Total for Schedule F $150,522 00 Total for Division No. 3 $232,500 00 DIVISION NO. 4 For the maintenance and repair of state and county highways includ- ing personal service; division expenses other than personal service; roads to he resurfaced hy contract; roads to be surface treated by contract ; roads to be reconstructed by contract, and for general mainte- nance and repairs in the counties comprising Division No. 4. The following amounts to be made immediately available for the purposes herein indicated. Fulton county fifty-three thousand seven hundred ninety-five dollars ($53,795.00), Hamilton county thirteen thousand five hundred ninety dollars ($13,590.00), Herkimer county fifty-four thousand two hundred six dollars ($54,206.00), Madison county twenty-four thousand five hundred ninety-five dollars ($24,595.00), Montgomery county ninety-two thousand four hundred fifty-two dol- lars ($92,452.00), Oneida county one hundred fifty-eight thousand three hundred sixty-two dollars ($158,362.00). SCHEDULE A PERSONAL SERVICE Salaries, regular First assistant engineer, at $7, 313 days $2,191 00 Assistant engineer, at $5.50, 313 days ' 1,721 50 Leveler, at $5, 313 days. . . . 1,565 00 Rodman, at $3.50, 313 days. 1,095 50 648 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Office assistant, (2) at $100, 12 months each 2,400 00 Chainman, at $2.50, 234 days 585 00 Stenographer, at $75 900 00 $10,458 00 Salaries, temporary Engineering, supervision and inspection employees 13,342 00 Total for Schedule A $23,800 00 SCHEDULE B DIVISION EXPENSES (OTHER THAN PERSONAL SERVICE) Supplies Motor vehicles and repair equipment. . . . $3,000 00 Hired horses and vehicles and hired motor vehicles 4,800 00 Traveling expenses 1,400 00 Communication ' 300 00 Rents — Office and storage 800 00 Advertising 900 00 Total for Schedule B $11,200 00 SCHEDULE C For highways to he resurfaced by contract $133,500 00 SCHEDULE D For highways to be surface treated by contract $69,000 00 GENERAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Personal service Wages, temporary Patrolmen and patrol gang labor Foremen $60,000 00 2,100 00 649 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Personal service — Continued Wages, temporary — Continued Laborers, mechanics, chauf- feurs, teams and trucks. 50,700 00 $112,800 00 Industrial equipment Purchase of Motor trucks $2,000 00 Rollers 4,000 00 Tools 1,200 00 $7,200 00 Rental of Rollers, distributors and tools 810 00 Materials Including broken stone, sand, gravel, bituminous materials, cement, paint, lumber and general plant 8,010 00 38,690 00 Total for Schedule F $159,500 00 Total for Division No. 4 * $397,000 00 DIVISION NO. 5 For the maintenance and repair of state and county highways includ- ing personal service; division expenses other than personal service;, roads to be resurfaced by contract; roads to be surface treated by contract ; roads to be reconstructed by contract, and for general maintenance and repairs in the counties comprising Division No. 5. The following amounts to be made immediately available for the purposes herein indicated. Broome county, one hundred two thousand two hundred dollars ($102,200.00), Chenango county, eighty-six thousand two hundred forty dollars ($86,240.00), Delaware county, forty thousand two hundred seventy dollars ($40,270.00), Otsego county, eightv-six thousand five hundred forty-five dollars ($86,545.00), Schoharie county, twenty-six thousand nine hundred twenty-five dollars ($26,925.00), Sullivan county, forty-two thousand three hundred twenty dollars ($42,320,00). 650 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued SCHEDULE A PERSONAL SERVICE Salaries, regular First assistant engineer, at $7, 313 days $2,191 00 Clerk, at $100 1,200 00 Leveler, at $5, 313 days. . . . 1,565 00 Highway inspectors, 6 at $4.50, 313 days each 8,451 00 Office assistants, 2 at $4, 313 days each 2,504 00 Stenographer, at $100 1,200 00 $17,111 00 Salaries, temporary Engineering, supervision and inspection employees 7,089 00 Total for Schedule A $24,200 00 SCHEDULE B DIVISION EXPENSES (OTHER THAN PERSONAL SERVICE) Supplies Motor vehicles and repair equipment . . . . $600 00 Hired horses and vehicles and hired motor vehicles 1,800 00 Traveling expenses 800 00 Communication 400 00 Rents— Office and storage 1,220 00 Advertising 900 00 Total for Schedule B 5,720 00 SCHEDULE C For highways to he resurfaced by contract 117,500 00 SCHEDULE D For highways to be surface treated by contract 57,550 00 651 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued SCHEDULE E For highways to be reconstructed by contract 28,000 00 SCHEDULE F GENERAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Personal service Wages, temporary Patrolmen and patrol gang Labor $51,845 00 Foremen 4,960 00 Laborers, mechanics, chauf- feurs, teams and trucks . 45,400 00 $102,205 00 Industrial equipment Purchase of Motor trucks $2,000 00 Road scraper, scarifier and tools 1,175 00 $3,175 00 Rental of Rollers, distributors and tools 850 00 Materials Including broken stone, sand, gravel, iron ore tailings, slag, bituminous materials, paint, lumber, cement and general plant 4,025 00 45,300 00 Total for Schedule F 151,530 00 Total for Division No. 5 $384,500 00 DIVISION NO. 6 For the maintenance and repair of state and county highways includ- ing personal service; division expenses other than personal service; roads to be resurfaced by contract; roads to be surface treated by contract ; roads to be reconstructed by contract, and for general mainte- 652 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued nance and repairs in the counties comprising Division No. 6. The following amounts to he made immediately available for the purposes herein indicated. Cayuga county fifty-three thousand seven hundred ninety-five dollars ($53,795.00), Cortland county sixty-five thousand ninety dollars ($65,090.00), Onondaga county one hundred fifty-nine thousand four hundred sixty dollars ($159,460.00), Oswego county sixty-six thousand six hundred fifty-five dollars ($66,655.00), Seneca county twenty-four thousand four hundred thirty dollars ($24,430.00), Wayne county forty-six thousand three hundred seventy dollars ($46,370.00). SCHEDULE A PERSONAL SERVICE Salaries, regular Assistant engineer at $175, 12 months $2,100 00 Leveler, at $4.50, 311 days. . 1,399 50 Highway inspector, 4 at $4.50, 222 days each 3,996 00 Rodman, at $3.50, 257 days. . 899 50 Stenographer, at $100, 10 months 1,000 00 Office assistant, at $100, 12 months 1,200 00 Estimate clerk, at $2,400, 4 months 800 00 Salaries, temporary Engineering, supervision and inspection ( in ploy ees $11,395 00 13,605 00 Total for Schedule A $25,000 00 SCHEDULE B DIVISION EXPENSES (OTHER THAN PERSONAL SERVICE) Sup} dies Motor vehicles and repair equipment. . . $1,000 00 Hired horses and vehicles and hired motor vehicles 2,500 00 653 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Traveling expenses 1,500 00 Rents, office and storage 1,000 00 Advertising 900 00 Total for Schedule B 6,900 00 SCHEDULE C For highways to be resurfaced by contract 172,800 00 SCHEDULE D For highways to be surface treated by contract 20,800 00 SCHEDULE E For highways to be reconstructed by contract 13,000 00 SCHEDULE F GENERAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Personal service Wages, temporary Patrolmen and patrol gang labor $45,000 00 Foremen 6,000 00 Laborers, mechanics, chauf- feurs, teams and trucks. 74,100 00 $125,100 00 Industrial equipment Purchase of Motor trucks $2,100 00 Roller 2,250 00 Distributors and tools. . . . 2,350 00 $6,700 00 Rental of Rollers, distributors and tools 500 00 7,200 00 654 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Materials Including broken stone, sand, gravel, bituminous materials, cement, lumber, paint and general plant 45,000 00 Total for Schedule F 177,300 00 Total for Division No. 6 $415,800 00 DIVISION NO. 7 For the maintenance and repair of state and county highways includ- ing personal service; division expenses other than personal service; roads to be resurfaced by contract; roads to be surface treated by con- tract; roads to be reconstructed by contract, and for general mainte- nance and repairs in the counties comprising Division No. 7. The following amounts to be made immediately available for the purposes herein indicated. Genesee county fifteen thousand one hundred fifty- two dollars ($15,152.00), Livingston county eighty-one thousand ninety-five dollars, ($81,095.00), Monroe county one hundred fifty- eight thousand five hundred thirty-two ($158,532.00), Orleans county sixty-one thousand nine hundred fifty-three dollarse ($61,953.00), Ontario county one hundred twenty-five thousand two hundred ninety- eight dollars ($125,298.00), Wyoming county ten thousand nine hun- dred seventy dollars ($10,970.00). SCHEDULE A PERSONAL SERVICE Salaries, regular First assistant engineer at $2,200 $2,200 00 Assistant engineer, 2 at $6, 313 days each 3,756 00 Leveler, 3 at $5, 313 days each 4,695 00 Highway inspector, 2 at $4.50, 313 days each 2,817 00 Rodman, 2 at $4, 313 days each 2,504 00 Inspector of construction, at $4.50, 313 days 1,408 50 655 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Office assistant, at $100, 12 months 1,200 00 Stenographer, at $90, 12 months 1,080 00 — $19,660 50 Salaries, temporary Engineering, supervision and inspection employees 10,539 50 Total for Schedule A $30,200 SCHEDULE B DIVISION EXPENSES (OTHER THAN PERSONAL SERVICE) Supplies Motor vehicles and repair equipment. . . . $140 00 Hired horses and vehicles and hired motor vehicles 4,500 00 Traveling expenses 2,000 00 Communication 100 00 Rents — Office and storage 360 00 Advertising 980 00 Total for Schedule B 8,080 SCHEDULE C For highways to be resurfaced by contract 175,468 SCHEDULE D For highways to be surf ace 1 treated by contract 52,173 SCHEDULE E For highways to be reconstructed by contract 19,532 00 00 00 00 00 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued SCHEDULE F GENERAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Personal service Wages, temporary Patrolmen and patrol gang- labor $50,274 00 Foremen 1,000 00 Laborers, mechanics, chauf- feurs, teams and trucks . 43,827 00 $95,101 00 Industrial equipment Purchase of Motor trucks $2,000 00 Distributors and tools. . . . 1,000 00 $3,000 00 Rental of Rollers, distributors and tools 2,000 00 Materials Including broken stone, sand, gravel, slag, bituminous materials, cement, lumber, paint and general plant 5,000 00 67,446 00 Total for Schedule F 167,547 00 Total for Division No. 7 $453,000 00 DIVISION NO. 8 For the maintenance and repair of state and county highways includ- ing personal service; division expenses other than personal service; roads to be resurfaced by contract ; roads to be surface treated by con- tract; roads to be reconstructed by contract, and for general mainte- nance and repairs in the counties comprising Division No. 8. The following amounts to be made immediately available for the purposes herein indicated. Allegany county thirty thousand four hundred fifty dollars ($30,450.00), Chemung county forty-five thousand eight hun- 657 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued dred ten dollars ($45,810.00), Schuyler county twenty-five thousand three hundred dollars ($25,300.00), Steuben county one hundred thirty-eight thousand eight hundred dollars ($138,800.00), Tioga county thirty thousand eight hundred dollars ($30,800.00), Tompkins county fifty-seven thousand seven hundred dollars ($57,700.00), Yates county thirty-three thousand one hundred forty dollars ($33,140.00). SCHEDULE A PERSONAL SERVICE Salaries, regular First assistant engineer, at $7, 313 days $2,19100 Inspector of highways, 3 at $4.50, 313 days each. . 4,225 50 Rodman, at $4, 313 days. . . Office assistant, at $100 .... Stenographer, at $60 1,252 00 1,200 00 720 00 Salaries, temporary Engineering, supervision and inspection employees $9,588 50 14,111 50 Total for Schedule A $23,700 00 SCHEDULE B DIVISION EXPENSES (OTHER THAN PERSONAL SERVICE) Supplies Motor vehicles and repair equipment. . . . $3,000 00 Hired horses and vehicles and hired motor vehicles 1,700 00 Traveling expenses 2,000 00 Communication 100 00 Rents — Office and storage 1,000 00 Advertising 800 00 Total for Schedule B 8,600 00 658 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued SCHEDULE C For highways to be resurfaced by contract 133,100 00 SCHEDULE D For highways to be surface treated by contract 57,260 00 SCHEDULE F GENERAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Personal service Wages, temporary Patrolmen and patrol gang labor $40,000 00 Foremen 6,400 00 Laborers, mechanics, chauf- feurs, teams and trucks. 44,720 00 $91,120 00 Industrial equipment Purchase of Motor trucks $2,50000 Steam roller 2,30000 Distributors, tools and gen- eral plant 1,200 00 $6,000 00 Rental of Rollers, distributors and tools 1,400 00 Materials Including broken stone, slag, sand, gravel, bituminous materials, paint, cement, lumber and general plant. . 7,400 00 40,820 00 Total for Schedule F 139,340 00 $362,000 00 Total for Division No. 8 659 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued DIVISION NO. 9 For the maintenance and repair of state and county highways in- cluding personal service ; division expenses other than personal service ; roads to be resurfaced by contract ; roads to be surface treated by con- tract; roads to be reconstructed by contract, and for general mainte- nance and repairs in the counties comprising Division No. 9. The following amounts to be made immediately available for the purposes herein indicated. Cattaraugus county thirty-one thousand five hun- dred three dollars ($31,503.00), Chautauqua county twenty-three thousand three hundred thirty-two dollars ($23,332.00), Erie county two hundred four thousand nine hundred five dollars ($204,905.00), Niagara county eighty-seven thousand nine hundred sixty dollars ($87,960.00). ’ SCHEDULE A PERSONAL SERVICE Salaries, regular Assistant engineer, 2 at $5, 313 days $3,130 00 Highway inspector, 2 at $4. 5 o', 313 days 2,817 00 Office assistant, at $100, 12 months 1,200 00 Resident engineer, at $2,700 2,700 00 Stenographer, at $75, 12 months 900 00 $10,747 00 Salaries, temporary Engineering, supervision and inspection employees 10,253 00 Total for Schedule A $21,000 00 SCHEDULE B DIVISION EXPENSES (OTHER THAN PERSONAL SERVICE) Supplies Motor vehicles and repair equipment . . .. $1,800 00 Hired horses and vehicles and hired motor vehicles 3,000 00 660 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Traveling expenses 1,200 00 Communication 50 00 Rents, office and storage 1,100 00 Advertising 800 00 Total for Schedule B $7,950 00 SCHEDULE C For highways to be resurfaced by contract 147,765 00 SCHEDULE D For highways to be surface treated by contract 27,362 00 SCHEDULE E For highways to be reconstructed by contract 40,200 00 SCHEDULE F GENERAL MAINTENANCE AND REPAIR Personal service Wages, temporary Patrolmen and patrol gang- labor . $22,400 00 Foremen 4,800 00 Laborers, mechanics, chauf- feurs, teams and trucks. 35,523 00 $62,723 00 Industrial equipment Purchase of Motor trucks Distributors and tools. . . . $ 2,000 00 1,200 00 Rental of Rollers, distributors and tools $3,200 00 500 00 3,700 00 661 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Materials Including broken stone, sand, gravel, bituminous materials, cement, lumber, paint and general plant $37,000 00 Total for Schedule F 103,123 00 Total for Division No. 9 $347,700 00 Total Divisions 1 to 9 $4,075,000 00 For maintenance and repair pursuant to section 171, Highway Law (undistributed) 250,000 00 Grand total Divisions 1 to 9 $4,325,000 00 The several itemized amounts following the appropriation items for Department of Highways Divisions number one to nine inclusive and which are contained in the list entitled “ Schedule,” in this act, indi- cate the proposed plan of distribution of such appropriation and not additional moneys appropriated. FIXED CHARGES AND CONTRIBUTIONS STATE AID FOR TOWN HIGHWAYS For the contribution of the state to the several towns based upon the amount of taxes levied therein for the repair and im- provement of highways, sluices, culverts and bridges having a span of less than five feet in the proportions fixed by section 101 of the highway law, and for comply- ing with the requirements of such section, the sum of one million, nine hundred and fifty-eight thousand, five hundred and ninety dollars and sixty-one cents $1,958,590 61 Distribution Among Counties of the Preceding Appropriation Counties Albany $25,620 20 Allegany 45,112 80 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Jbroome Cattaraugus 30,021 42 43,872 50 Cayuga 33,599 72 Chautauqua 43,288 10 Chemung 14,555 00 Chenango 36,919 86 Clinton 26,537 20 Columbia 26,806 78 Cortland 18,982 20 Delaware 51,58340 Dutchess 43,230 93 Erie Essex 27,955 32 Franklin 29,707 67 Fulton 13,795 00 Genesee 23,551 66 Greene 23,075 00 Hamilton 11,366 75 Herkimer 26,276 35 Jefferson 46,546 83 Lewis 35,541 20 Livingston 30,585 04 Madison 34,348 95 Monroe 56,010 62 Montgomery 16,430 00 Nassau . . . 75,659 05 Niagara 27,233 23 Oneida 52,941 86 Onondaga 39,357 67 Ontario 32,882 50 Orange 39,915 57 Orleans 19,214 26 Oswego 41,000 24 Otsego 38,862 81 Putnam 15,250 00 Rensselaer 25,524 36 Rockland 20,291 43 St. Lawrence 74,329 35 Saratoga 28,220 28 663 DEPARTMENT OF Schenectady Schoharie Schuyler Seneca Steuben Suffolk Sullivan Tioga Tompkins Ulster Warren Washington Wayne Westchester Wyoming Yates HIGHWAYS — Continued 10,048 67 23,217 55 14,000 00 15,355 90 68,115 00 105,312 78 44,108 20 20,644 87 21,924 80 40,865 00 18,559 50 29,061 06 35.347 29 66.347 53 25,746 00 15,580 00 $1,958,590 61 Contributions for Highways in Indian Reservations For the contributions of the state to coun- ties containing Indian reservations or a reservation or the major portion of a reservation of an amount not less than thirty dollars per mile based upon the entire mileage of the public highways within the reservation in such county pur- suant to section 159 of the highway law, fifty thousand dollars 50,000 00 Distribution Among Reservations of the Preceding Appropriation Oil Springs reservation . . $1,000 00 Tonawanda reservation . . . . 4,000 00 Tuscarora reservation Ot o o o 00 Onondaga reservation 5,000 00 St. Regis reservation 6,000 00 Cattaraugus reservation . . . . O O 00 Allegany reservation . . 22,000 00 $50,000 00 664 DEPARTMENT OF HIGHWAYS — Continued Contributions for County Roads For the state’s share of the expense of main- taining county roads, Franklin county, pursuant to chapter one hundred and thirty-seven of the laws of nineteen hun- dred and eleven 20,000 00 Total for Fixed Charges and Contributions. . . . $2,028,590 61 Grand Total for Department of Highways, includ- ing main office, nine divisions of maintenance and repairs and fixed charges and contribu- tions $6,643,927 11 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS For payment for services of the Superintendent of Public Works and the employees of the Department of the Superintendent of Public Works, payable from Canal Fund. CANAL FUND PERSONAL SERVICE Administration General Salaries, regular Superintendent $8,000 00 Deputy superintendent . 5,500 00 Assistant to deputy 4,500 00 Private secretary 2,500 00 $20,500 00 Executive staff and office help Salaries, regular Stenographer and clerk. 1,800 00 Filing clerk 1,800 00 Clerk 1,600 00 Messenger 900 00 Stenographer and clerk. 1,500 00 Stenographer and clerk. 1,200 00 Stenographer 900 00 Junior clerk 480 00 665 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Administration — Continued Executive staff and office help — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Page or junior clerk. . . 480 00 Telephone operator .... 840 00 Chauffeur 1,300 00 $12,800 00 Bureau of finance and accounting Salaries, regular Chief of bureau 3,900 00 Clerk, property accounts 1,800 00 Stenographer .. 1,300 00 Clerk and stenographer. 960 00 $7,960 00 Bureau of statistics Salaries, regular Statistician 2,700 00 (Navigation season only, seven months.) Collector of canal statis- tics, 2 at $875 1,750 00 Collector of canal statis- tics, 3 at $700 2,100 00 Collector of canal statis- tics, 4 at $560 2,240 00 Clerk to collector, 2 at $560 1,120 00 Clerk to collector, 2 at $525 1,050 00 Clerk to collector 490 00 Weighlock tender 560 00 Weighiock tender, 3 at $525 1,575 00 Assistant weighlock ten- der 525 00 Harbormaster 56000 Harbormaster 525 00 $15,195 00 666 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Administration — Continued Bureau of inspection Salaries, regular General inspector 3,600 00 Electrical inspector .... 3,000 00 Electrical inspector .... 2,100 00 Inspector of movable dams 1,800 00 $10,500 00 Bureau of navigation Salaries, regular Inspector of hulls 3,000 00 Inspector of boilers and engines 3,000 00 $6,000 00 Bureau of claims and appraisal Salaries, regular Special examiner and ap- praiser and claims agent 5,000 00 Stenographer and clerk. 1,500 00 $6,500 00 Additional clerk hire and tem- porary service Salaries, temporary Albany office 1,500 00 Three division offices. . . 1,000 00 $2,500 00 $81,955 00 Bridge tenders — miscellaneous Salaries, regular Bridge tender — Drake’s drawbridge over Wap- pinger creek, Dutchess county $600 00 667 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Bridge tenders — miscellaneous — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Bridge tender — draw- bridge over Minisce- ongo creek, Rockland county 600 00 : 1,200 00 Miscellaneous For salary of canal traf- fic agent $3,500 00 Stenographer 900 00 $4,400 00 For harbormasters at barge canal terminals. $20,000 00 24,400 00 $107,555 00 Eastern division General supervision Salaries, regular A ssistant s uperintendent of public works $3,500 00 Division clerk 1,800 00 Special agent 1,600 00 Voucher and property clerk 1,200 00 Stenographer 900 00 Chauffeur 1,200 00 J anitress 180 00 10,380 00 General field and shop force Salaries, regular Division foreman $2,200 00 Shop foreman 1,500 00 Diver . . . 1,500 00 $5,200 00 668 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Eastern division — Continued General field and shop force — Continued Wages, regular Foreman 1,600 00 Carpenter, 313 days at $5 1,565 00 Carpenter, 7 at $3.50, 313 days each 7,668 50 Blacksmith, 7 at $3.50, 313 days each 7,668 50 Watchman, 3 at $50 per month (shop and yard) 1,800 00 Laborer, 2 at $2.50, 313 days each (blacksmith helpers) 1,565 00 Laborer, 2 at $2.50, 313 days each (carpenter helpers) 1,565 00 $23,432 00 Wages, temporary Diver’s. assistant, 8 months at $60 480 00 Patrolman, 7 months at $95 665 00 Patrolman, 7 months at $90 630 00 Blacksmith, 6 months at $95 570 00 Carpenter, 6 months at $75 450 00 . Watchman, 6 months at $60 360 00 Fireman, division shop, 313 days at $3 939 00 $4,094 00 32,726 00 669 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Eastern division — Continued Boat crews division Wages, temporary Dredge No. 1 Captain, 8 months at $100 $800 00 Engineer, 8 months at at $70 560 00 Deckhand (laborers), 2 at $65, 8 months each 1,040 00 Deckhand (laborer), 8 months at $60 480 00 Cook, 8 months at $60 . . 480 00 Watchman, 8 months at $60 480 00 $3,840 00 Dredge No. 3 Captain 8 months at $85 680 00 Engineer, 8 months at $70 560 00 Deckhand, 8 months at $65 520 00 Scowman, 8 months at $60 480 00 Watchman, 8 months at $60 480 00 Cook, 8 months at $60 . . 480 00 $3,200 00 Tug “Amsterdam ” Captain, 8 months at $85 680 00 Engineer, 8 months at $90 720 00 Deckhand, 8 months at $60 480 00 $1,880 00 670 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Eastern division — Continued Boat crews division — Continued Wages, temporary — Continued Tug “ Schenectady ” Captain, 8 months at $85 680 00 Engineer, 8 months at $90 720 00 Deckhand, 8 months at $60 480 00 $1,880 00 Tug “ Ethel ” Captain, 8 months at $85 680 00 Engineer, 8 months at $90 720 00 Deckhand, 8 months at $60 480 00 $1,880 00 Boat “ Inspector ” Captain, 6 months at $100 , 600 00 Engineer, 6 months at $100 600 00 Deckhand, 6 months at $75 450 00 Cook and deckhand, 6 months at $75 450 00 $2,100 00 Wages, temporary Fleet commander, 244 days at $5 1,220 00 16,000 00 Section 1, Erie canal Salaries, regular Superintendent of re- pairs $1,782 00 Disbursing clerk 900 00 Lockmaster 1,501 00 671 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Eastern division — Continued Section 1, Erie canal — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Assistant lockmaster, 4 at $1,201 4,804 00 Lock operator, 18 at $1,000 18,000 00 Water and bridge watcb. 780 00 $27,767 00 Wages, temporary Lock helpers, 18 at $70, 7 months each 8,820 00 Guard gatetenders, 8 at $70, 7 months each. . 1,470 00 Lock tender, 13 at $47.50, 7 months each. 4,322 50 Lock tender, 9 at $45, 7 months each 2,835 00 Bridge tender, 7 months at $30 210 00 Bank and water watch, 2 at $430 860 00 Harbormaster and water watch, 7 months at $50 and 5 months at $30 500 00 Winter night watchman, 2 at $2, 150 days each. 600 00 Carpenter, 200 days at $3.50 700 00 $20,317 50 48,084 50 Section 2, Erie canal Salaries, regular Superintendent of repairs $1,782 00 Disbursing clerk 900 00 Lockmaster 1,501 00 672 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Eastern division — Continued Section 2, Erie canal — Continued Salaries, regular — - Continued Assistant lockmaster, 4 at $1,201 4,804 00 •Lock operator, 12 at $1,000 12,000 00 $20,987 00 Wages, temporary Lock helper, 12 at $70, 7 months each ...... 5,880 00 Buoy light tender, 3 at $100, 7 months each. 2,100 00 Carpenter, 200 days at $3.50 700 00 Laborer (shop watch- man) 540 00 $9,220 00 Section 3, Erie canal Salaries, regular Superintendent of repairs $1,782 00 Disbursing clerk 900 00 Watchman (shop) .... 480 00 Lockmaster 1,501 00 Assistant lockmaster, 6 at $1,201 7,206 00 Lock operator, 18 at $1,000 18,000 00 30,207 00 $29,869 00 Wages, temporary Lock helper, 18 at $70, 7 months each 8,820 00 Buoy light tender, 3 at $100, 7 months each. 2,100 00 Carpenter, 200 days at $3.50 700 00 $11,620 00 41,489 00 673 SUPERINTENDENT OF Eastern division — Continued Section 4, Erie canal Salaries, regular Superintendent of re- pairs Disbursing clerk Watchman Lockmaster Assistant lockmaster, 3 at $1,201 Lock operator, 7 at $1,000 Wages, temporary Lock helper, 9 at $70, 7 months each Buoy light tender, 2 at $100, 7 months each. Bridge tender, 3 at $70, 7 months each Bank watchman, 3 at $40, 7 months each. . Watchman and guard gate tender, 7 months at $90 Labor for operation of needle dam and guard gates in Mohawk. . . . Lock tender, 15 at $47.50, 7 months each Carpenter, 200 days at $3.50 PUBLIC WORKS — Continued $1,782 00 900 00 540 00 1,501 00 3,603 00 7,000 00 $15,326 00 4,410 00 1,400 00 1,470 00 840 00 630 00 250 00 4,987 50 700 00 $14,687 50 30,013 50 Section 1, Champlain canal Salaries, regular Superintendent of re- pairs Disbursing clerk 22 $1,782 00 900 00 674 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Eastern division — Continued Section 1, Champlain canal — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Lockmaster 1,501 00 Assistant lockmaster, 5 at $1,201 6,005 00 Lock operator, 10 at $1,000 10,000 00 $20,183 00 Wages, temporary Lock helper, 15 at $70, 7 months each Buoy light tender, 3 at $100, 7 months each. Bridge tender, 3 at $45, 7 months each Bridge and water watch- man, 7 months at $45 Bridge and water watch- man, 7 months at $45, and 5 months at $20. Lock tender, 6 at $45, 7 months each Carpenter, 200 days at $3.50 $13,715 00 33,903 00 $1,782 00 900 00 1,501 00 3,603 00 7,000 00 Section 2, Champlain canal Salaries, regular Superintendent of re- pairs Disbursing clerk Lockmaster Assistant lockmaster, 3 at $1,201 Lock operator, 7 at $1,000 7,350 00 2,100 00 945 00 315 00 415 00 1,890 00 700 00 $14,786 00 675 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Eastern division — Continued Section 2, Champlain canal — Continued Wages, temporary Lock helper, 9 at $70, 7 months each 4,410 00 Buoy light tender, 7 months at $100 700 00 Lock tender, 24 at $45, 7 months each 7,560 00 Feeder tender, 7 months at $45 315 00 Carpenter, 200 days at $3.50 700 00 Bank watch with horse, 7 months at $75 525 00 Bank watch, 7 months at $40 280 00 $14,490 00 29,276 00 Section 3, Champlain canal Salaries, regular Superintendent of re- pairs Disbursing clerk Lockmaster Assistant lockmaster, 3 at $1,201 Lock operator, 6 at $ 1,000 . . . $1,782 00 900 00 1,501 00 3,603 00 6,000 00 $13,786 00 Wages, temporary Lock helper, 9 at $70, 7 months each 4,410 00 Bank watchman with horse, 7 months at $75 525 00 676 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Eastern division — Continued Section 3, Champlain canal — Continued W ages, temporary — Continued Bank watchman, 2 at $40, 7 months each. . 560 00 Carpenter, 200 days at $3.50 700 00 $6,195 00 19,981 00 Section maintenance forces covering four sections of Erie canal and three sec- tions of the Champlain canal, both new and old. Wages, temporary Mechanics $13,465 00 Labor 28,400 00 Teaming 6,810 00 $48,675 00 Total for Eastern Division. . .$340,735 00 Middle division, General supervision Salaries, regular Assistant superintendent of public works $3,500 00 Division clerk 2,100 00 Special agent 1,565 00 V oucher and property clerk 1,200 00 Stenographer, 2 at $1,200 . . 2,400 00 Chauffeur 1,200 00 Janitor 600 00 Telephone operator. . . . 300 00 Fireman 263 00 13,128 00 General field and shop force Salaries, regular Division foreman $1,800 00 General foreman 1,800 00 677 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Middle division — Continued General field and shop force — Continued Salaries, regular — Continued Shop foreman Foreman Water watchman. . . Diver Supervisor of hydraulic s, regular Carpenter, 5 at $3, 313 days each Blacksmith, 3 at $4, 313 days each Blacksmith, 3 at $3, 313 days each Painter, 313 days at $4 Fireman, shop, 313 days at $3.50 Watchman, shop and yard Carpenter and watch- man, 313 days at $3. Laborer, 2 at $2.50, 313 days each Truck driver, 12 months at $60 Wages, temporary Blacksmith, 6 months, at $105 1,500 00 1,300 00 M- Lt o o 00 o o CM rH 00 i 1,800 00 $10,900 00 $-1,695 00 3,756 00 e- tH 00 gnT 00 1,252 00 1,095 50 540 00 939 00 1,565 00 720 00 $17,379 50 630 00 $18,009 50 Reservoir division W ages, regular General reservoir tender $900 00 Reservoir tender, 2 at $720 1,440 00 28,909 50 678 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Middle division — Continued Reservoir division — Continued Wages, regular — Continued Reservoir tender 3 at $480 1,440 00 Reservoir tender 300 00 Reservoir tender, 3 at $240 720 00 Reservoir tender, 2 at $180 360 00 Boat crews division Salaries, regular Supervisor of dredges. . $2,100 00 5.160 00 Tug “ Syracuse ” Wages, temporary Captain, 7 months at $90 $630 00 ' Engineer, 7 months at $80 560 00 Deckhand, 7 months at $60 420 00 Dredge Wages, temporary Captain, 7 months at $90 Fireman, 7 months at $80 Cranesman, 7 months at $70 Deckhand, 2 at $60, 7 months each Watchman, 7 months at $60 Scow man, 7 months at $60 Cook, 7 months at $20 . $1,610 00 630 00 560 00 490 00 840 00 420 00 420 00 140 00 $3,500 00 G79 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Middle division — Continued Tug “ F. C. Stevens ” Wages, temporary Captain, 7 months at $90 Engineer, 7 months at $80 Deckhand, 7 months at $60 Tug Wages, temporary Captain, 8 months at $100 Engineer, 8 months at $75 Deckhand, 8 months at $60 Dipper dredge Wages, regular Runner, 1 year at $150 per month Watchman, 2 at $60, 12 months each. W ages, temporary Cranesman, 10 months at $90 Fireman, 10 months at $80 Oiler, 10 months at $80 Deckhand, 10 months at $60 Cook, 10 months at $30 Scowman, 2 at $60, 10 months each 630 00 560 00 420 00 $1,610 00 800 00 600 00 480 00 $1,880 00 1,800 00 1,440 00 $3,240 00 900 00 800 00 800 00 600 00 300 00 1,200 00 $4,600 00 $7,840 00 680 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Middle division — Continued Hydraulic dredge No. 1 Wages, regular Operator, 12 months at $125 1,500 00 Watchman, 12 months at $60 720 00 $2,220 00 Wages, temporary Fireman, 10 months at $80 800 00 Night watchman, 10 months at $70 700 00 Oiler, 10 months at $80 800 00 Deckhand, 10 months at $65 650 00 Cook, 10 months at $30 300 00 Shoreman, 10 months, at $100 1,000 00 Scowman, 10 months at $60 600 00 Shore crew labor 2,400 00 $7,250 00 $9,470 00 Hydraulic dredge No. 2 Wages, regular Operator, 12 months at $125 $1,500 00 Watchman, 12 months at $60 720 00 $2,220 00 Wages, temporary Fireman, 10 months at $80 800 00 Oiler, 10 months at $80 800 00 Deckhand, 10 months at $65 650 00 681 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Middle division — - Continued Hydraulic dredge No. 2 — Continued W ages, temporary — Continued Cook, 10 months at $30 300 00 Night fireman, 10 months at $70 700 00 Shoreman, 10 months at $100 1,000 00 Scowman, 10 months at $60 600 00 Shore crew labor 2,400 00 $7,250 00 $9,470 00 37,480 00 Miscellaneous Wages, temporary Lock tender, 2 at $35, 6 months each $420 00 Wages, regular Gate tender, 12 months at $20 240 00 Section 5, Erie canal Salaries, regular Superintendent of re- pairs $1,782 00 Disbursing clerk 900 00 Lockmaster 1,501 00 Assistant lockmaster, 5 at $1,201 6,005 00 Lock operator, 10 at $1,000 10,000 00 660 00 Wages, regular Blacksmith, 313 days at $4 Blacksmith, 313 days at $20,188 00 1,252 00 939 00 682 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Middle division — Continued Section 5, Erie canal — Continued Wages, regular — Continued Watchman, shop, 12 months at $45 540 00 Janitress 84 00 $2,815 00 Wages, temporary Feeder tender and bank watch, 7 months at $40 Lock helper, 15 at $70, 7 months each Buoy light tender, 2 at $100, 7 months each. 1,400 00 Lock tender, 12 at $50, 7 months each Gate tender Bridge tender, 6 at $60, 7 months each 2,520 00 Bank watchman, 8 at $40, 7 months each. . 2,240 00 Feeder tender, 7 months at $30 210 00 Feeder tender, 7 months at $25 175 00 280 00 7,350 00 4,200 00 400 00 $18,775 00 Section 6, Erie canal Salaries, regular Superintendent of re- pairs $1,782 00 Disbursing clerk 900 00 Lockmaster 1,501 00 Assistant lockmaster, 2 at $1,201 2,402 00 Lock operator, 4 at $1,000 4,000 00 41,778 00 $10,585 00 683 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Middle division — Continued Section 6, Erie canal — Continued Wages, temporary Buoy light tender, 5 at $100, 7 months each. 3,500 00 Lock tender, 32 at $50, 7 months each 11,200 00 Water level watchman, 4 at $45, 7 months each 1,260 00 Bank watchman, 8 at $40, 7 months each. . 2,240 00 Bridge watchman, 180 days at $2.50 450 00 Feeder tender, 4 at $20, 7 months each 560 00 Lock helper, 6 at $70, 7 months each 2,940 00 Carpenter, 200 days at $3 600 00 $22,750 00 33,335 00 Section 7, Erie canal Salaries, regular Superintendent of re- pairs $1,782 00 Disbursing clerk 900 00 $2,682 00 Wages, temporary Buoy light tender, 3 at $100, 7 months each. 2,100 00 Lock tender, 12 at $50, 7 months each 4,200 00 Feeder tender, 2 at $30, 7 months each 420 00 Feeder tender, 7 months at $25 175 00 Bank watch, 5 at $40, 7 months each 1,400 00 Carpenter, 200 days at $3 600 00 684- SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Middle division — Continued Section 7, Erie canal — Continued W ages, temporary — Continued Feeder tender, 2 at $20, 7 months each 280 00 Bridge watchman, 6 months at $20 120 00 $9,295 00 Oswego canal Salaries, regular Superintendent of re- pairs $1,782 00 Disbursing clerk 900 00 Lockmaster 1,501 00 Assistant lockmaster, 6 at $1,201 7,206 00 Lock operator, 16 at $1,000 , . 16,000 00 Reservoir tender 600 00 Water watch 600 00 Gate tender 360 00 $28,94:9 00 Wages, temporary Lock helper, 21 at $70, 7 months each 10,290 00 Buoy light tender, 5 at $100, 7 months each. 3,500 00 Bridge tender, 3 at $70, 7 months each 1,470 00 Bridge watchman, 200 days at $2 400 00 Winter night watchman, 3 at $2, 150 days each 900 00 Carpenter, 200 days at $3 600 00 11,977 00 $17,160 00 46,109 00 685 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Middle division — Continued Cayuga and Seneca canal Salaries, regular Superintendent of re- pairs $1,782 00 Disbursing clerk 900 00 Lockmaster 1,501 00 Assistant lockmaster, 4 at $1,201 4,804 00 Lock operator, 10 at $1,000 10,000 00 Dam tender . 600 00 $19,587 00 Wages, temporary Buoy light tender, 7 months at $100 700 00 Lock helper, 13 at $70, 7 months each 6,370 00 Lock tender, 6 at $40, 7 months each 1,680 00 Bank watch, 7 months at $40 280 00 Carpenter, 200 days at $3 600 00 Bridge watch, 2 at $45, 6 months each 540 00 $10,170 00 29,757 00 Black River canal Salaries, regular Superintendent of re- pairs $1,782 00 Disbursing clerk 900 00 Reservoir tender 720 00 Reservoir tender 360 00 Janitress 42 00 $3,804 00 686 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Middle division — Continued Black River canal — Continued Wages, temporary Lock tender, 15 at $45, 7 months each 4,725 00 Lock tender, 24 at $40, 7 months each 6,720 00 Lock tender, 7 months at $35 245 00 Lock tender, 14 at $30, 7 months each 2,940 00 W ater watchman with horse, 2 at $55, 7 months each 77000 Water watchman, 2 at $40, 7 months each. . . 560 00 Bank watch, 5 at $40, 7 months each 1,400 00 Bridge tender, 2 at $50, 7 months each 700 00 Carpenter, 200 days at $3.50 700 00 $18,760 00 22,564 00 Section maintenance forces covering three sections of the Erie canal, both new and old, the Oswego canal, the Black River canal, and the Cayuga and Seneca canal. Wages, temporary Mechanics $6,415 00 Labor 32,401 00 Teaming 6,670 00 45,486 00 Total for Middle Division $316,343 50 687 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Western division 'General supervision Salaries, regular Assistant superintendent of public works Division clerk V oucher and property clerk Assistant clerk Stenographer Chauffeur Janitress General shop and field force Salaries, regular Inspector, division fore- man Inspector, division fore- man Foreman, general Harbormaster, (Buffalo) Supervisor of bridges. . Wages, regular Foremen, 2 at $4, 313 days Bridge repairman, 4 at $3.50, 313 days each. Bridge repairman, 313 days at $3 Bridge repairman Blacksmith, 313 days at $3.50 Blacksmith, 313 days at $3 Carpenter, 2 at $4.50, 313 days each Carpenter, 4 at $3.50, 313 days each $3,500 00 1,800 00 1,200 00 1,300 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 300 00 $2,200 00 1,500 00 1,200 00 1,200 00 1,500 00 $7,600 00 2,504 00 4,382 oo. 939 00 600 00 1,095 50 939 00 2,817 00 4,382 00 10,500 00 Continued 688 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Western division — Continued General shop and field force — Continued W ages, regular — Continued Sanitary watchman .... 900 00 Watchmen, shop and yard, 3 at $60 month 2,160 00 Painter, 313 days at $4 1,252 00 Janitress (Buffalo) .... 144 00 $22,114 50 Boat crews division Wages, temporary Tug “ Queen City ” Captain, 7 months at $127.50 $892 50 Engineer, 7 months at $117.50 822 50 Deckhand, 7 months at $60 420 00 29,714 50 $2,135 00 Wages, temporary Tug “ Flower City ” Captain, 7 months at $127.50 892 50 Engineer, 7 months at $117.50 822 50 Deckhand, 7 • months at $60 420 00 $2,135 00 Wages, temporary Dredge “ Empire State ” Captain, 7 months at $127.50 892 50 Cranesman, 7 months at $100 700 00 Fireman, 7 months, at $60 420 00 Deckhand, 2 at $60, 7 months each .... 840 00 689 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Western division — Continued Boat crews division Wages, temporary — Continued Scowman, 2 at $60, 7 months each .... 840 00 Watchman, 7 months at $60 420 00 Wages, temporary Dredges 1 and 2 and Steamer “ State of New York Captain, 7 months at $127.50 Engineer, 3 at $117.50 7 months each .... Deckhand, 6 at $60, 7 months each .... Watchman, 3 at $60, 7 months each .... Scowman, 3 at $60, 7 months each .... $4,112 50 892 50 2,467 50 2,520 00 1,260 00 1,260 00 Wages, temporary Pile driver Engineer, 200 days at $3.50 ‘ Fireman, 7 months at $60 Carpenter, 200 days at $4 Headman (driver) 200 days at $3 Laborers, 3 at $2.50, 200 days each .... Watchman, 7 months at $60 $8,400 00 700 00 420 00 800 00 600 00 1,500 00 420 00 $4,440 00 21,222 50 000 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Western division — Continned Miscellaneous Wages, temporary Patrolmen, 2 at $95, 7 months each 1,330 00 Section 8, Erie canal Salaries, regular Superintendent of re- pairs $1,782 00 Disbursing clerk 900 00 Lockmaster 1,501 00 Assistant lockmaster, 3 at $1,201 3,603 00 Lock operator, 6 at $1,000 6,000 00 Watchman, shop 600 00 $14,386 00 Salaries, temporary Lock operator, 6 at $1,000 (3 months only) 1,500 00 Assistant lockmaster, 3 at $1,201 (8 months only) 2,400 00 $3,900 00 W ages, temporary Lock helper, 9 at $70, 7 months each 4,410 00 Lock helper, 9 at $70, 3 months each 1,890 00 Buoy light tender, 7 months at $100 ... . 700 00 Lock tender, 24 at $50, 7 months each 8,400 00 Bank watchman, 10 at $40, 7 months each. . 2,800 00 691 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Western division — Continued Section 8, Erie canal — Continued Wages, temporary — Continued Watchman, 9 at $2, 275 days each 4,950 00 Blacksmith, 200 days at $4.50 ' 900 00 $24,050 00 42,336 00 Section 9, Erie canal Salaries, regular Superintendent of re- pairs Disbursing clerk Wages, temporary Lockmaster, 3 months at $1,501 per annum. . . Assistant lockmaster, 4 at $1,201, 3 months only Lock operator, 4 at $1,000, 3 months only Lock operator, 4 at $1,000, 8 months only Lock helper, 12 at $70, 3 months each Buoy light tender, 3 months at $100 Patrolman, 7 months at $95 Bridge tender, 25 at $2, 200 days each Bridge tender, 12 at $50, 7 months each Bank watchman, 14 at $40, 7 months each . . $1,782 00 900 00 $2,682 00 375 25 1,201 00 1,000 00 2,666 00 2,520 00 300 00 665 00 10,000 00 4,200 00 3,920 00 692 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Western division — Continued Section 9, Erie canal — Continued Wages, temporary — Continued Guard gate tender, 6 at $50, 7 months each. . 2,100 00 Guard gate tender, 2 at $20, 7 months each. . 280 00 Lock tender, 30 at $50, 7 months each 10,500 00 $39,727 25 Wages, regular Watchman, 6 at $2, 365 days each 4,380 00 Carpenter, 313 days at $4.25 1,330 25 $5,710 25 Section 10, Erie canal Salaries, regular Superintendent of re- pairs $1,782 00 Disbursing clerk 900 00 Lockmaster 1,501 00 Assistant lockmaster . . . 1,201 00 Lock operator, 6 at $1,000 6,000 00 48,119 50 $11,384 00 Wages, temporary Lock helper, 9' at $70, 7 months each . . ...... 4,410 00 Bank watchman, 20 at $40, 7 months each. . 5,600 00 Guard gate tender, 6 at $50, 7 months each. . 2,100 00 Guard gate tender, 4 at $20, 7 months each. . 560 00 693 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Western division — Continued Section 10, Erie canal — Continued Wages, temporary Continued Lift bridge tender, 38 at $2, 200 days each. . 15,200 00 Patrolman, 2 at $95, 7 months each 1,330 00 $29,200 00 Wages, regular Carpenter, 313 days at $4 1,252 00 Watchman, shop, 3 at $45, 12 months each. 1,620 00 Watchman, 2 at $10, 12 months each 240 00 $3,112 00 Section 11, Erie canal Salaries, regular Superintendent of re- pairs $2,282 00 Disbursing clerk 900 00 Sanitary watchman .... 900 00 Watchman, 2 at $50, 12 months each 1,200 00 43,696 00 $5,282 00 ages, temporary Lock tender, 11 at $50, 7 months each 3,850 00 Line carrier, Pendleton, 3 at $2, 200 days each 1,200 00 Line carrier, New Home Bridge, 3 at $2, 200 days each 1,200 00 Patrolman, \ f months at $95 .... 665 00 694 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Western division — Continued Section 11, Erie canal — Continued Wages, temporary — Continued Traffic and water regu- lator, 7 months at $50 350 00 Bank watch, 5 at $40, 7 months each 1,400 00 Carpenter, 200 days at $4 800 00 Bridge tender, 5 at $50, 7 months each 1,750 00 $11,215 00 $16,497 00 Wages, regular Carpenter, 313 days at $4.50 .' 1,408 50 Carpenter, 3 at $4, 313 days each 3,756 00 Blacksmith, 313 days at $3.50 ' 1,095 50 Blacksmith helper, 313 days at $2.50 782 50 Traffic regulator, 3 at $2, 313 days each. . . 1,878 00 $8,920 50 — 25,417 50 Section maintenance forces cov- ering four sections of the Erie canal, both new and old Wages, temporary Mechanics $16,364 00 Labor 30,612 00 Teaming 8,765 00 55,741 00 Total for Western Division $278,077 00 695 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued For the barge canal lock force winning the “ prize lock ” competition, according to the decision of the superintendent of public works, to be paid, in addition to the compensation herein otherwise provided, in equal monthly installments, as follows : Lockmaster (12 months. at $5) $60 00 Assistant lockmaster (12 months at $5) 60 00 Lock operator, 3 at $4, 12 months each 144 00 Lock helper, 3 at $3, 7 months each 63 00 $327 00 Total for personal service $1,043,037 50 For the expenses of maintenance and operation of the Department of the Superintendent of Public Works, other than personal service, payable from Canal Fund. MAINTENANCE AND OPERATION Food Food supplies for department inspection boat $800 00 Fuel, light, power and water Fuel Coal for floating plant and heating loekhouses and section offices $18,00000 Gasoline for operation of locks and dams 7,200 00 696 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued F uel, light, power and water — Continued Light and power Light and power for mov- able dams, lighthouses, locks, state shops, canal offices and bridges 8,500 00 Printing 33,700 00 1,600 00 Advertising Publishing abstracts of expenditures, as required by law, and canal notices .... 3,200 00 Equipment Office $3,000 00 Motorless vehicles 250 00 Purchase or exchange of motor vehicles 6,000 00 Motor vehicles (equipment and supplies) 8,000 00 Wearing apparel (rubber boots, badges, insignia and buttons) 1,600 00 Books 50 00 General plant Wheelbarrows, derricks and appurtenances 4,800 00 Small tools and mechanical devices 5,000 00 Fire extinguishers 250 00 National and state flags and staffs 500 00 Supplies Office $5,600 00 29,450 00 Medical and surgical (first aid cabinets) 150 00 General plant Oil, grease, gear compounds and waste for locks, lift bridges and guard gates. 6,180 00 697 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Supplies — Continued Oil, grease and waste for dredges, tugs, and miscel- laneous floating plant and for machine shops, and for miscellaneous furnishings and supplies for inspection boat 5,500 00 Miscellaneous supplies un- classified 3,000 00 Replacements and supplies for new type locks, lift bridges and guard gates. 21,000 00 Replacements and miscel- laneous hardware sup- plies for repair shops, tugs, dredges and floating plant 13,000 00 Dynamite and explosives for use on state canals . . 500 00 Motorless vehicles 600 00 Life saving devices 300 00 55,830 00 Materials New wire for new type locks. $11,500 00 Capstan ropes for lock cap- stans 4,500 00 Rope for present type locks and floating plant 3,000 00 Paint . 10,000 00 Timber and plank for replace^ ments and renewals Eastern division 17,000 00 Middle division 21,000 00 Western division 26,000 00 Cement, steel, iron and tile pipe and miscellaneous mo- terials 7,000 00 100,000 00 698 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Traveling expenses For superintendent of public works, payable quarterly in full for all such expenses . . $2,500 00 For deputy superintendent, payable quarterly in full for all such expenses 1,000 00 For other officials and em- ployees of main office 4,700 00 For inspectors of steam and motor vessels 1,300 00 For claims agent and special examiner and appraiser. . 1,200 00 For deputy claims agents in matters other than those connected with the so-called barge canal and terminal improvements 70000 For three assistant superin- tendents, their inspectors and foremen 14,300 00 For the 17 section superin- tendents, their clerks and foreman 8,700 00 Canal traffic agent 1,000 00 35,400 00 Communication Postage and box rent $1,400 00 Telegraph 30000 Telephone 12,500 00 Express 330 00 Miscellaneous freight cartage and express 3,000 00 Fixed charges and contributions Payment of small claims General plant service Legislative $50 00 Newspaper clippings 360 00 Departmental notaries 25 00 17,530 00 1,000 00 699 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued General plant service — -Continued Premiums on official bonds. . 850 00 Insurance on department plant 900 00 Removal or destruction of ice gorges in the Hudson river south of Troy, pursuant to section 40-a of the nav- igation law 6,000 00 Installing aids to navigation at opening season and removing same when canals are closed. For Eastern division 4,344 00 For Middle division 3,476 00 For Western division 690 00 For fees and incidental ex- penses of persons acting as witnesses or experts for the State in matter of claims on account of canals, other than those arising from the so-called barge canal or terminal improvements 5,300 00 21,995 00 Rents Storage $500 00 Division superintendent’s office 600 00 Canal office at Buffalo 250 00 Section superintendents’ offices 400 00 1,750 00 Total for maintenance and operation, other than personal service $302,255 00 700 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued REPAIRS On Eastern Division of State canals : Eor repairs of locks (new and old types) and guard gates : For mechanics, labor and teams $2,900 00 By contract 1,00000 $3,900 00 For the repair of bridges, both lift and fixed, of new and old types: F or mechanics, labor and teams $2,750 00 By contract 25000 3,000 00 For the repair of dams and lighthouses : For mechanics, labor and teams $4,200 00 By contract 6,000 00 10,200 00 For the repairs of banks, docks, walls and prisms: For mechanics, labor and teams 4,000 00 For the repair of culverts, wasteweirs and spillways : F or mechanics, labor and teams 950 00 F or the repair of reservoirs and feeders: For mechanics, labor and teams 2,000 00 For the repair of highways, walks and fences: F or mechanics, labor and teams 850 1 00 For painting bridges, locks gates, guard gates and other structures: 701 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued F or mechanics, labor and teams 2,500 00 F or repair of floating plant : For mechanics, labor and teams $2,500 00 By contract 1,500 00 4,000 00 For repair of shops and buildings : By contract 300 00 For dredging: By contract 6,80000 Total repairs — Eastern Divi- sion $38,500 00 On Middle Division of State canals : For the repair of locks (new and old types) and guard gates : F or mechanics, labor and teams $2,200 00 By contract 80000 For the repair of bridges, both lift and fixed, of old and new types : F or mechanics, labor and teams $8,200 00 By contract 800 00 For the repair of dams and lighthouses : For mechanics, labor and teams $1,000 00 By contract 1,00000 For the repairs of hanks, docks, walls and prisms For mechanics, labor and teams . . For the repair of culverts, wasteweirs and spillways 3,000 00 9,000. 00 2,000 00 10,000 00 702 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued For mechanics, labor and teams For the repair of reservoirs and feeders For mechanics, labor and teams For the repair of highways, walks and fences For mechanics, labor and teams For painting bridges, lock gates and other structures For mechanics, labor and teams F or repair of floating plant : For mechanics, labor and teams $6,000 00 Bv contract * 2,000 00 For repair of shops and buildings F or mechanics, labor and teams $600 00 By contract 400' 00 For dredging: By contract 3.000 00 5.000 00 1.000 00 2,800 00 8,000 00 1,000 00 1,500 00 Total repairs — Middle sion Divi- $46,300 00 On Western Division of State Canals For the repair of locks (new and old types,) and guard gates : F or mechanics, labor and teams $80000 By contract 300 00 For the repair of bridges, both lift and fixed, of old and new types: F or mechanics, labor and teams $7,500 00 By contract 1,500 00* For. repair of banks, docks, walls and prisms: For mechanics, labor and teams 1,100 00 9,000 00 10,000 00 703 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued For the repair of culverts, wasteweirs and spillways : F or mechanics, labor and teams 3,500 00 For the repairs of highways, walks and fences: F or mechanics, labor and teams 1,000 00 For painting bridges, lock gates, guard gates and other structures : F or mechanics, labor and teams 5,600 00 For repair of floating plant : F or mechanics, labor and teams $1,000 00' By contract 1,000 00 For repair of shops and build- ings: For mechanics, labor and terms 2,000 00 500 00 Total repairs — Western Divi- sion $32,700 00 Total Repairs, all Divisions 117,500 00 CONSTRUCTION OR PERMANENT BETTERMENTS For removal of bridges over abandoned canal and the construction in place thereof crossings on solid embankments with neces- sary provision for drainage: High and White St, bridge, Cohoes (by contract) $8,000 00 Abandoned Erie canal bridges on East- ern Division: For mechanics, labor and teams $16,000 00 For tile pipe, and timber, nails and miscellaneous materials 2,000-00 18,000 00 704 SUPERINTENDENT OF PUBLIC WORKS — Continued Abandoned Champlain canal bridges : For mechanics, labor and teams $13,500 00 For tile pipe, timber, nails and miscellaneous mate- rials 1,500 00 15,000 00 Abandoned Erie canal bridges on Middle Division : For mechanics, labor and teams $4,300 00 For tile pipe, timber, nails and miscellaneous ma- terials 500 00 4,800 00 $45,800 00 For the construction or cleaning out of drainage ditches : For mechanics, labor and teams $9,000 00 For tile pipe, cement and miscellaneous materials. 1,000 00 For the construction of stores and lock houses : 10,000 00 By contract For the purchase of electrical pumps at new type locks: 5,000 00 By contract For extension of telephone service to new canal structures (line construction) : 7,200 00 By contract For the purchase or construction of new 4,500 00 floating plant 25,000 00 97,500 00 $51,700 00 Total for Superintendent of Public Works. . .$1,560,292 50 INDEX A PAGE Adjutant-General 196 Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva 267 Agricultural and Industrial School, Industry : 442 Agriculture, Department of 257 Agriculture, State School of: Alfred University 151 Delhi 187 Farmingdale, Long Island 189 Morrisville 173 St. Lawrence University, Canton 179 Schoharie, Cobleskill 177 Albany Home School for Oral Instruction of the Deaf 194 Albion- Western House of Refuge for Women 406 Alfred University: State School of Agriculture 151 State School of Clay Working and Ceramics 145 Appeals, Court of 29 Appellate Division 31 Architecture, Department of 229 Armory Commission 215 Assembly 10 Asylums : Rome State Custodial Asylum 476 State Custodial Asylum for Feeble-Minded Women, Newark 457 Athletic Commission 633 Attorney-General 85 Auburn Prison: For Men 518 For Women 538 B Banking Department 590 Bath, New York State Soldiers and Sailors’ Home 416 Batavia, School for the Blind 411 Bedford Hills, New York State Reformatory for Women 425 Bennington Battlefield 282 Binghamton State Hospital 295 Blind: New York State Commission for 192 New York State School for the Blind, Batavia 411 State aid 194 [ 705 ] 706 Board of: p Parole Embalming Examiners # Port Wardens Brooklyn State Hospital Buffalo State Hospital C Camp of Instruction, Peekskill Canal Affairs, Bureau of Canal Debt, Sinking Fund Central Islip State Hospital Central New York Institution for the Improved Instruction of Deaf Mutes. Charities Building Improvement Commission Charities, Fiscal Supervisor of State Charities, State Board of Children: New York State Hospital for the Care of Crippled and Deformed Chil- dren, West Haverstraw Syracuse, State Institution for Feeble-Minded Children Civil Service Commission Claims, Court of Clinton House, Poughkeepsie Clinton Prison Cobleskill, Schoharie State School of Agriculture College of Agriculture, Cornell University College of Forestry, Syracuse University Comptroller Comstock-Great Meadow Prison Commission on New Prisons Conservation Commission Saratoga Springs Division Court of Appeals Court of Claims Cornell University: College of Agriculture Drill Hall Veterinary College Craig Colony for Epileptics, Sonyea Crown Point Reservation Custodial Asylum for Feeble-Minded Women: Newark Rome D Dannemora State Hospital Debt Service Delhi — School of Agriculture and Domestic Science Diseases — Institute for Study of Malignant Division Headquarters, New York City Drill Hall, Cornell University ’AGE 508 634 635 303 310 210 73 75 317 195 241 404 401 501 489 220 53 284 526 177 154 182 66 533 506 242 250 29 53 154 150 170 482 279 457 476 545 75 187 628 203 150 707 E PAGE Eastern New York Reformatory, Napanoch 453 Education Department 96 Professional Examinations Bureau 114 Normal Schools: New York State College for Teachers 119 Brockport State Normal School 122 Buffalo State Normal School 124 Cortland State Normal School 127 Fredonia State Normal School 129 Geneseo State Normal School 131 New Paltz State Normal School 133 Oneonta State Normal School 136 Oswego State Normal School 138 Plattsburg State Normal School 140 Potsdam State Normal School 142 Elections — State Superintendent of 228 Elmira — New York State Reformatory 430 Embalming Examiners, Board of 634 Engineer and Surveyor, State 89 Epileptics : Craig Colony for, Sonyea 482 Letch worth Village. Thiells 494 Excise Department 602 Executive Department 1 Experiment Station, Agricultural, Geneva 267 F Fair Commission, State 271 Farm for Women, State, Valatie 543 Field Exercises and Small Arms: Firing — National Guard 205 Feeble-Minded Children, State Institution for, Syracuse 489 Feeble-Minded Women, State Custodial Asylum for, Newark 457 Fire Island Park 281 Fiscal Supervisor of State Charities 404 Foods and Markets, Department of 632 Forestry, State College at Syracuse University 182 Funds of the State: Canal Debt Sinking 75 Highway Debt Sinking 76 Palisades Interstate Park Debt Sinking 77 Saratoga Springs State Reservation 78 State Park Land Sinking 77 G Grant Cottage, Mt. McGregor 285 General Herkimer Home, Danube 285 Geneva, Agricultural Experiment Station 267 708 PAGE Girls, New York State Training School for Girls, Hudson 436 Governor 1 Gowanda State Homeopathic Hospital 327 Grand Army of the Republic 220 Great Meadow Prison 533 H Health Department 608 Health Officer, Port of New York 624 Herkimer, General, Home, Danube 285 Highways Department : Administration 635 Fixed Charges and Contributions 661 Maintenance and Repairs: Division No. 1 640 Division No. 2 643 Division No. 3 645 Division No. 4 647 Division No. 5 649 Division No. 6 651 Division No. 7 654 Division No. 8 656 Division No. 9 659 Hospital Commission, State 290 Hospital for Crippled and Deformed Children, West Haverstraw 501 Hospital for Incipient Pulmonary Tuberculosis, Raybrook 472 House of Refuge, Randall’s Island 466 House of Refuge for Women, Albion 406 Hudson, New York State Training School for Girls 436 Hudson River State Hospital 334 I Indian School, Iroquois 448 Indian Affairs 82 Industrial Commission, State 556 Industry, State Agricultural and Industrial School 442 Institute for Study of Malignant Diseases 628 Institution for Feeble-Minded Children, Syracuse 489 Insurance Department 594 Iroquois, Thomas Indian School 448 J John Boyd Thacher Park 282 Judgments, Court of Claims 54 K Kings Park State Hospital 342 709 L PAGE Lake George Battleground 283 Land Office ^5 Le Couteulx St. Mary’s Institution for the Improved Instruction of Deaf- Mutes 195 Legislature : Assembly 19 Senate 4 Printing 17 Letchworth Village, Thiells 494 Letchworth Park 283 Long Island State Hospital (see Brooklyn State Hospital) 303 Long Island State School of Agriculture, Farmingdale 189 Lunacy (see State Hospitals) . M Malignant Diseases, Institute for the Study of 628 Manhattan State Hospital 352 Matteawan State Hospital 550 Middletown State Homeopathic Hospital 362 Military Training Commission 219 Militia : Adjutant-General’s Office 196 Armory Commission 215 Military Training Commission 219 Camp of Instruction, Peekskill 210 National Guard 201 Naval Militia . 211 Miscellaneous Funds 82 Miscellaneous Reporter 57 Mohansic State Hospital (see Hudson River State Hospital) 334 Mount Calm Park, Oswego 289 Monuments, New York Monuments Commission 288 Morrisville, State School of Agriculture 173 N Napanoch, Eastern New York Reformatory 453 National Guard 201 Nautical School 147 Naval Militia 211 Newark, State Custodial Asylum for Feeble-Minded Women 457 Newtown Battlefield, Reservation 279 New York, Port of, Health Officer 618 New York City, Institution for Deaf Mutes 195 New York Institute for the Education of the Blind 195 New York Institution for Instruction of the Deaf and Dumb 195 New York Monuments Commission 288 710 PAGS New York State School of Forestry at Syracuse University 182 New York State Commission for the Blind 411 New York State Custodial Asylum for Feeble-Minded Women, Newark. . . 457 New York State Hospital for the Care of Crippled and Deformed Children, West Haverstraw 501 New York State Hospital for Incipient Tuberculosis, Raybrook 472 New York State Nautical School 147 New York State Reformatory, Elmira 430 New York State Reformatory for Women, Bedford Hills 425 New York State School of Agriculture, Morrisville 173 New York State School for the Blind, Batavia 411 New York State School of Agriculture, Alfred University 151 New York State School of Clay- Working and Ceramics, Alfred University. 145 New York State Soldiers’ and Sailors’ Home, Bath 416 New York State Training School for Girls, Hudson 436 New York State Veterinary College, Cornell University 170 New York State Woman’s Relief Corps Home, Oxford 462 Niagara Reservation 276 Normal Schools: New York State College for Teachers 119 Brockport State Normal School 122 Buffalo State Normal School 124 Cortland State Normal School 127 Fredonia State Normal School 129 Geneseo State Normal School 131 New Paltz State Normal School . 133 Oneonta State Normal School 136 Oswego State Normal School 138 Plattsburg State Normal School 140 Potsdam State Normal School 142 Northern New York Institution for Deaf Mutes 196 0 Ossining, Sing Sing Prison 512 Oxford, Woman’s Relief Corps 462 P Palisades Interstate Park 273 Parole, Board of 508 Peekskill, Camp of Instruction 210 Philipse Manor House, Yonkers 285 Port of New York, Health Officer 624 Port Wardens, Board of 635 Printing Board, State 95 Prisons : Main Office 509 Auburn 518 711 Prisons — Continued : pagb Board of Parole 508 Clinton ' 526 Commission on New 506 Dannemora State Hospital 545 Great Meadow 533 Matteawan State Hospital 550 Probation Commission, State 507 Sing Sing 512 State Commission of 506 State Farm for Women, Valatie 543 Probation Commission, State 507 Public Buildings: Department of 234 Trustees of 239 Public Service Commissions : First District 576 Second District 585 Public Works, Superintendent of 664 R Racing Commission, State 633 Randall’s Island — House of Refuge 466 Raybrook, State Hospital for Incipient Tuberculosis 472 Reformatories : Eastern New York Reformatory, Napanoch 453 House of Refuge, Randall’s Island 466 New York State Reformatory, Elmira 430 New York State Reformatory for Women, Bedford Hills 425 New York State Training School for Girls, Hudson 436 State Agricultural and Industrial School, Industry 442 State Farm for Women, Valatie 543 Western House of Refuge for Women, Albion 406 Reporters : Miscellaneous 57 State 55 Supreme Court 56 Reservations, State: Crown Point 279 Newtown Battlefield * 279 Niagara . ... 276 Stony Point 280 Watkins Glen 278 Rochester State Hospital 370 Rome State Custodial Asylum 476 712 S PAGE St. Joseph’s Institute for the Improved Instruction of Deaf-Mutes 196 St. Lawrence State Hospital 377 St. Lawrence University, State School of Agriculture 179 Saratoga Monument 284 Schoharie State School of Agriculture, Cobleskill 177 Schuyler Mansion, Albany 278 Secretary of State 58 Senate 4 Sing Sing Prison. 512 Sinking Funds. See Funds of the State 75 Sir William Johnson Mansion, Johnstown 286 Soldiers and Sailors’ Home, Bath 416 Sonyea, Craig Colony for Epileptics 482 State : Adjutant-General 19b Agricultural Experiment Station, Geneva 267 Agriculture, Department of 257 Architecture, Department of 229 Arsenal, New York City 199 Athletic Commission 633 Attorney-General 85 Banking Department 590 Charities, Board of 401 Charities, Fiscal Supervisor of 404 Civil Service Commission . 220 Commission of Prisons 506 Comptroller 66 Conservation Commission 242 Education Department 96 Elections, Superintendent of . . 228 Engineer and Surveyor 89 Excise Department 602 Fair Commission 271 Health Department 608 Health Officer, Port of New York 624 Highways, Department of 635 Hospital Commission 290 Industrial Commission 556 Insurance Department 594 Miscellaneous "Reporter 57 Printing Board ; 95 Probation Commission 507 Racing Commission 633 Secretary 58 Tax Department 222 Treasurer 83 State Agricultural and Industrial School, Industry 442 State College and Normal Schools 119 713 PAGE State Custodial Asylum for Feeble-Minded Women, Newark 457 State Farm for Women, Valatie 543 State Institute for the Study of Malignant Diseases 628 State Prison for Women, Auburn 538 State Reporter 55 State School of Agriculture at: Alfred University, Alfred 151 Delhi 187 Farmingdale, Long Island 189 Morrisville 173 St. Lawrence University, Canton 179 Schoharie, Cobleskill 177 State School of Clay Working and Ceramics, Alfred University 145 State, Secretary of 58 Stony Point Reservation 280 Summer Sessions and Substitute Teachers 144 Superintendents : Banks 590 Elections 228 Insurance 594 Public Works 664 Weights and Measures 631 Supreme Court 39 Reporter 56 Syracuse State Institution for Feeble-Minded Children 489 Syracuse University, State College of Forestry 182 T Tax Department, State 222 Thacher, John Boyd, Park 282 Thiells, Letchworth Village 494 Thomas Indian School, Iroquois 448 Training School for Girls, Hudson 436 Treasurer, State 83 Trustees of Public Buildings 239 U Utica State Hospital 385 V Valatie, State Farm for Women 543 Veterinary College, State, Cornell University 170 W Washington’s Headquarters, Newburgh 287 Watkins Glen Reservation 278 Weights and Measures, Department of 631 714 PAGE Western House of Refuge for Women, Albion 406 Western New York Institution for the Improved Instruction of Deaf Mutes 196 West Haverstraw, Hospital for Care of Crippled and Deformed Children. . 501 Willard State Hospital 392 Woman’s Relief Corps, Oxford 462 Women : State Custodial Asylum for Feeble-Minded Women, Newark 457 State Farm for, Valatie 543 State Prison for, Auburn 538 New York State Reformatory for, Bedford 425 Western House of Refuge for, Albion 406 ' ■’ ? 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