Jniv. <*f 111. 51 332 / Library STATE OF WASHINGTON Oak Street UNCLASSIFIED A REFERENCE LIST OF Public Documents 1854-1918 Found in the Files of the State Library PUBLISHED BY THE State Librarian OLYMPIA j WASH. PRANK M. LAMBOUN PUBLIC PRINTER 1920 ■ m Ilf MiiiSU STATE OF WASHINGTON A REFERENCE LIST OF Public Documents 1854-1918 Found in the Files of the State Library PUBLISHED BY THE State Librarian OLYMPIA, WASH. FRANK M. LAMBORN PUBLIC PRINTER 1920 WASHINGTON STATE LIBRARY COMMISSION. His Excellency, Louis F. Hart, Governor. Judge Oscar R. Holcomb, Chief Justice of Supreme Court. Judge John F. Main. Judge Mark A. Fullerton. Judge Kenneth Mackintosh. Judge John R. Mitchell. Judge Wallace Mount. Judge Emmet N. Parker. Judge Warren W. Tolman. Judge J. B. Bridges. Hon. L. L. Thompson, Attorney General. STATE LIBRARY ADVISORY BOARD. Mrs. Josephine Corliss Preston, Superintendent of Public Instruction. Mrs. Henry McCleary, McCleary. Mrs. H. W. Patton, Hoquiam. Mrs. O. K. Williamson, Prosser. Mr. John Boynton Kaiser, Tacoma, President. J. M. Hitt, State Librarian, Secretary, Olympia. J. M. Hitt, State Librarian. Miss Marie E. Strock, Assistant. INTRODUCTION TO REFERENCE LIST. The following pages are only a tentative reference list of the public documents of the state covering the period since the earliest territorial days to 1918 issues of departmental reports. Naturally this list is incomplete, as only the items found in the State Library and checked up by the Library of the University of Washington have been accessible. It is hoped that as this list is compared with the collections of other libraries a completed list may be subsequently issued. Three other libraries have especially full collections of Washington documents. The New York Public Library, early appreciating the value of such material, saved many items of early documents of this state and care- fully completed them. The issue in 190 5 of State Publications by the R. R. Bowker Co. was a checklist of the documents then in the New York Public Library and was checked against the collection of the State Library. The University of Washington Library has a very full and well classified collection, built around the Department of History. Here may be found many items which connect some serial lists in the following pages, that would otherwise be broken. The Provincial Library at Victoria, B. C. is especially strong in documents relating to the early history of the state. Several private collections are worthy of notice, but one is especially so, that of Mr. C. B. Bagley. For a number of years he was Territorial Printer, and, possessing the instinct of the historian and bibliophile, saved many important documents. His file of the Territorial legislative journals is probably the only complete one. The State Library began saving the issues of departments at a time too late to catch the early issues, and has been unable to find many of them. It is hoped that additions and corrections will be reported, and that a full list will be issued later. Inconsistencies will be apparent throughout this list in the matter of dates, forms and wording of reports, most of which might have been cor- rected, had it not been thought to be best to follow exactly the wording given by the authors. These apparent errors of form are doubtless due to the fact that each author thought of his work at the time rather than as part of a series, the form and numbering of which had not at the time been determined. After the name of the department is given a citation of the act cre- ating the department or giving authority for issuing the report. There is no attempt to cite subsequent amendments, though these may wholly modify S the department, this citation indicating only when the first report might be * expected. No attempt is made to number the items serially or to correct errors of numbering, unless something in the report itself indicates it. Where the fiscal period covered is uniform, the first period is given in full '^-slind the following ones abbreviated; as, Oct. 1, 1902-Sept. 30, 1904, followed by 1904-1906, means also Oct. 1, 1904-Sept. 30, 1906. Title page entries are given as they stand, but when additional facts are found in the body of the document, as the serial number or the dates covered, these are given in their proper place, but in parenthesis. Departments are usually referred to under the title existing at this , c£ate, without attempting to trace changes. Several divisions of general ^departments stand alphabetically as full departments for convenience of reference, and not as an analysis of the state’s system of administration. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates https://archive.org/details/referencelistofpOOwash REFERENCE LIST OF PUBLIC DOCUMENTS. STATE DEPARTMENTS. Adjutant General. Territorial. Elected by people. U. S. Rev. S., sec. 1856. Report, biennial. (1st), 1884-1885; 1886-1887; 1888-1889; 1890. Note: Covers Oct. 1-Sept. 30, except last, which covers Sept. 25, 1889-Dec. 3, 1890. State. Elected for 4 years by field officers. Laws 1890. Report, biennial. 4th, Jan. 1, 1891-Sept. 1, 1892; 5th, -Oct. 20, 1894; State. Appointed by the Governor. Ch. 108, Laws 1895. Report, biennial. 6th, Oct. 20, 1894-Nov. 10, 1896; 7th, -Oct. 17, 1898; (8th), Dec. 1, 1898-Dec. 1, 1900; (9th), Jan. 16, 1901-Dec. 4, 1902; (10th), Dec. 4, 1902-Dec. 20, 1904; (11th), Apr. 1, 1905- Dec. 20, 1906; 12th, Jan. 1, 1907-Dec. 31, 1908; (13th), Apr. 1, 1909-Dec. 31, 1910; (14th), Jan. 1, 1911-Sept. 30, 1912; (15th), Oct. 1, 1912-Sept. 30, 1914; (16th), Oct. 1, 1914-Oct. 31, 1916; Special-Supp. to 16th, Nov. 1, 1916-Mar. 7, 1918; -(17th), Oct. 31, 1918. Note: 1st contains Roster of Officers, Report of Quartermaster Gen- eral; 2d contains Roster, Chinese riots (p. 9-34); 3d contains Ore- gon debt (p. 9), Martial Law, and Seattle fire (p. 15-40); Annual of 1890 contains Oregon Debt (p. 7), Court martial of Lt. Gorham (p. 37-55); 4th contains History of National Guard (p. 5-16), Mining riots of 1887 (p. 47-100), Court martial of Col. J. C. Haines, Roster of Indian wars 1855-56; 6th contains Fish trap riots, April 1886; 7th contains Full roster of companies; 8th contains Death roll of 1st Washington, Statistics of Spanish American war; 12th contains Rifle competition of 1907; 14th contains Washington Naval militia. Co-operative drilling. National Guard of Washington. Laws and regulations, 1892. 597 pp. Military Code. 1901. 95 pp. Illustrating camp life at American Lake. 1914. 32 pp. Agriculture, Department of • Chap. 60, Laws 1913. Report, biennial. 1st, June 11, 1913-June 30, 1914; 2d, July 1, 1914- June 30, 1916. Note: Assumed departments of Veterinarian, Dairy and Food, Horti- culture, Oil Inspector, Bakery Inspector, Fair Commission, previously reporting. The department organized into four divisions, viz; Dairy and Livestock; Horticulture; Foods, Feeds, Fertilizers, Drugs, Oils and Bakery Inspection; and Agriculture. Miscellaneous Series. (No. 1) Laws and Regulations. 1915. 64 pp. 6 Reference List of Public Documents Arid Lands, Commissioner of Chap. 107, Laws 1897. Report, biennial. -Nov. 1, 1896; Nov. 1, 1896-Nov. 1, 1898; -Dec. 24, 1898. Note: Named in Sec. 1 as Commissioner of Irrigation. Attorney General. Territorial. Act of Legislature. Jan. 28, 1888. Report, annual. Jan. 30, 1888-Nov. 1, 1889. State. Constitution, Art. Ill, Sec. 21. Report, annual. -Jan. 1, 1890; -Jan. 1, 1890, 2d ed. 1st, Feb. 25, 1890-Oct. 7, 1890 (Opin.) Report, biennial. 1st, -Jan. 1, 1892; Part 1, Feb. 25, 1890 Dec. 28, 1892 (Opin.); Part 2, Oct. 16, 1891-Apr. 2, 1892 (Opin.); 1st, Apr. 14, 1892-Dec. 28, 1892; (Opin.); 2d, Dec. 31, 1892- Jan. 16, 1895 (Opin.); 3d, July 9, 1894-Jan. 15, 1896 (Opin.); Mar. 19, 1894-Apr. 24, 1896 (Opin.); Jan. 1, 1895-Jan. 1, 1897, Report (Opin.); 4th, Report (Opin.), Jan. 13, 1897-Jan. 1, 1899; Jan. 22-Nov. 30, 1897 (Opin.); 5th, Jan. 1, 1899-Jan. 10, 1901; July 20, 1897-Jan. 15, 1901 (Opin.); 6th, Report (Opin.), Jan. 1, 1901-Dec. 31, 1902; 7th Report (Opin.), Dec. 31, 1902-Dec. 31, 1904; 8th Report (Opin.), Nov. 1904-Nov. 1, 1906; 9th Report, (Opin.), Jan. 1, 1907-Dec. 31, 1908; 10th Report (Opin.), Jan. 1, 1908- Dec. 31, 1910; 11th Report (Opin.), Jan. 1911-Dec. 31, 1912; Jan. 9, 1911-Dec. 31, 1912 (Opin.), (Reprint, pages 1-192 of 11th Report); Jan. 1-Mar. 20, 1912 (Opin.), (Reprint, pages 193-240); Mar. 20, 1912-July 2, 1912 (Opin.), (Reprint, pages 241-288); 12th Report (Opin.), Jan. 1, 1913-Dec. 31, 1914; 13th Report (Opin.), -Dec. 31, 1916; 14th Report (Opin.) -Dec. 31, 1918. Note: 1st biennial found in three parts, paged continuously and in- dexed separately. 2d biennial Part 1, Dec. 31, 1892-Sept. 2, 1893, and Part 2, Oct. 18, 1893-Jan. 16, 1895, found separately. Miscellaneous. On game code. Sept. 12, 1913. Issued by Bureau of Inspection. School District Bonds, Instructions relative to issuance of 1912. Legislation, Suggestions as to form of 1913. Digest of Opinions, 1890-1916 1919. Audit and Control, State Board of Chap. 108, Laws 1897. Report, biennial. 1st, Oct. 1, 1896-Sept. 30, 1898; 2d, Oct. 1, 1898- Sept. 30, 1900. For later Reports, see Control, State Board o*f Auditor. Territorial. Laws 1854, p. 409. Report, annual. 1st, -Dec. 11, 1854; (2d), Dec. 11, 1854-Dec. 13, 1855; Dec. 13, 1855-Dec. 13, 1856; Dec. 13, 1856-Dec. 13, 1857; -Dec. 31, 1858; Dec. 13, 1857-Jan. 4, 1858; -Dec. 31, 1859; Feb. 28, 1860-Nov. 19, 1860; April 1, 1861-Jan. 28, 1862; -Dec. 13, 1862; Feb. 19, 1863-Dec. 31, 1863; 1864; Oct.-Dec. 31, 1865; Dec. 31, 1865-Dec. 31, 1866; -Dec. 31, 1867. Washington State Library 7 Auditor. Territorial — Continued. Report, biennial. (1st), Jan. 1, 1868-Oct. 16, 1869; (2d), Nov. 5, 1869-Sept. 30, 1871; ( 5th) , Oct. 1, 1875-Oct. 1, 1877 ; (6th), Oct. 1, 1877-Oct. 1, 1879; (7th), Oct. 6, 1879-Sept. 30, 1881; (8th), Oct. 1, 1881-Sept. 30, 1883; (9th), Oct. 31, 1883-July 31, 1885; (10th), July 1, 1885-Sept. 30, 1887; (11th), -Sept. 30, 1889. Note: Before and including (2d) biennial report found only in Ter- ritorial Journals. Report for 1860 contains assessment rolls for each county. State. Constitution, Art. Ill, Sec. 20. Laws 1889-90, p. 634. Report, annual. (1st), Nov. 18, 1889-Oct. 31, 1890. Biennial. (2d), Nov. 1, 1890-Oct. 31, 1892; (3d), Nov. 1, 1892- Oct. 31, 1894; (4th), Nov. 1, 1894-Oct. 31, 1896; (5th), Nov. 1, 1896-Oct. 31, 1898; (6th), Nov. 1, 1898-Sept. 30, 1900; (7th), Oct. 1, 1900-Sept. 30, 1902; 8th, 1902-1904; 9th, 1904-1906; 10th, 1906- 1908; 11th, 1908-1910; 12th, 1910-1912; 13th, 1912-1914; 14th, Sept. 30, 1914-Oct. 1, 1916; 15th, Oct. 1, 1916-Sept. 30, 1918. Miscellaneous. Series. Suggestions and recommendations to the legislature of 1899. Estimated Revenues for biennium beginning April 1, 1915. Estimated Revenues for biennium beginning April 1, 1917. Examiner, State. Chap. 2 25, Laws 1907. Bank Examiner, State. Chap. 32, Laws 1915. Report, annual. 1st, 1907; 2d, 1908; 3d, 1909; 4th, 1910; 5th, 1911; 6th, 1912; 7th, 1913; 8th, 1914; 9th, 1915; 10th, 1916; 11th, 1917; 12th, 1918. Banks, State, Condition of Issued by State Auditor. May 31, 1901-May 31, 1902; 1903-1904; 1905-1906. Barber Examiners, Board of Chap. 172, Laws 1901. Report, biennial. 2d, 1903-Dec. 1, 1904; 3d, (1904)-1906; 4th, ( 1906 )-1908 ; 5th, ( 1908 )-1910 ; 6th, (1910)-1912. Board of Control. See Control, Board of. Building, Loan & Savings Association. Condition of banks June 30, 1890; Business of Aug. 31, 1892-Aug 31, 1893; 1893-1895; 1895-1897; 1898-1899; 1899-1900; 1900-1901; 1901-1902; 1903-1904; 1905-1906; 1907-1908; 1909-1911; 1911- 1913. Note: Found only in Biennial Reports of State Auditor to 1914. Re- port of 1892 missing from 2d biennial issued by State Auditor; Re- port of 1900 missing frorp 5th biennial; Report of 1901 missing from 7th biennial. Report of associations for 1903-1904, Reprint from Auditor’s report. Proceedings of annual convention. Fifth, 1912-1913; 6th, 1913-1914; 7th, 1914-1915; 8th, 1915- 1916; (9th), 1916-1917. 8 Reference List of Public Documents Capitol Commission, State. Chap. 138, Laws 1893. Report, biennial. 1st, July 26, 1893-Dec. 31, 1894; 2d, Jan. 1, 1895- Jan. 2, 1897. Capitol Commission, State. Chap. 45, Laws 1901. Report. Mar. 21, 1901-Jan. 1, 1903; 2d, and final, Jan. 1, 1903-Jan. 10, 1905. Financial statement, Jan. 1903. Capitol Commission, State. .Chap. 69, Laws 1909. Capitol Committee, Legislative. Appointed by the Governor Dec. 3, 1906. Report, On condition of Capitol. 1907. Note: 1st biennial contains description of designs submitted. Miscellaneous. Argument for group plan. List of Capitol building lands. Aug. 1910. Competition for architectural plan of buildings, on Capitol Place. (Program for competition and selection of an architect.) 1909. Temple of Justice. Specifications. Jan. 1, 1912. Sale of Capitol lands. 190 9. Coal Mine Inspector, Territorial. Act of Feb. 4, 1886. Report, annual. July 1, 1886-June 30, 1887; Oct. 1, 1888-Sept. 30, 1889; -Dec. 31, 1890. State. Chap. 81, Laws 1891. Chap. 36, Laws 1917. Report, annual. -Dec. 31, 1891 ; 1892-93-94; 1895-1896; Biennial. (8th), -Dec. 10, 1898; 9th, Dec. 10, 1898-Jan. 1, 1901; 10th, 1901-1902; 11th, 1903-1904; 12th, Jan. 1, 1905-Sept. 30, 1906; 13th, Sept. 30, 1906-Dec. 31, 1908; 14th, (Jan. 1, 1908)- Dec. 31, 1910; 15th, (Jan. 1, 1911)-Dec. 31, 1912; 16th, (Jan. 1, 1913 ) -Dec. 31, 1914; 17th, -Dec. 31, 1916; Note: Report of 1890 found in Public Documents, 1890-91; 2d annual contains chapter on “First coal mining in Washington.” Annual of 1895-1896 bound in volume of reports on Coal Mine Inspection; 1st- 6th biennial bound with Labor Reports. Code, Chapter 36, Laws 1917. Report, annual (1) June 7, 1917-Dec. 31, 1917; (2) Dec. 31, 1918. Constitution. Constitutional convention. (Proposed) Constitution, June 11, 1878; Proposed constitution in 1878, printed in Weekly Puget Sound Courier for Aug. 9, 16 and 23. Enabling act approved Feb. 22, 1889. (Contains list of members of Constitutional Convention “to meet” in July.) Constitution, Washington. Nov. 1,1, 1889. Constitution proposed by the convention held in Olympia July 4, ’ 1889-Aug. 22, 1889. Rules of Constitutional convention, July 4, 1889. Enabling Act and Constitution. Edition of 1891. Constitution (Edition 1901 ) . Washington State Library 9 Constitution — Continued. Enabling Act and Constitution. Edition of 1905. Constitution, Edition of 1907; Edition of 1911; Edition of 1914. Constitution, with Enabling Act, Edition of 1915; Edition of 1917. Note. Edition of 1889 contains marginal notes and index; Constitu- tional convention rules of 1889 contains list of standing committees of convention; Edition of 1891 contains side notes and index; Edition of 1901 contains marginal titles of sections, and amendments adopted in 1894, 1896, 1900; Edition of 1905 contains side notes and index; Edition of 1911 contains two insert amendments of 1910; Edition of 1914 fully annotated; Edition of 1915 fully annotated. Control, State Board of Chap. 119, Laws 1901. Reports, biennial. 1st, Oct. 1, 1900-Sept. 30, 1902; 2d, 1902-1904; 3d, 1904-1906; 4th, 1906-1908; 5th, 1908-1910; 6th, 1910- 1912; 7th, 1912-1914; 8th, 1914-1916; 9th, 1916-1918. Note: 5th biennial contains special report on State Quarries; 7th biennial contains 4th biennial report Washington State Reformatory (p. 169-197); 8th biennial contains 5th biennial report of Managers of State Reformatory; 9th biennial contains 6th biennial of Washing- ton State Reformatory. For earlier reports, see Audit and Control, State Board of Court, Juvenile, Seattle. Report of January term, Jan. 1, 1913; Report for year 1916. Probation officers’ conference. Seattle, Aug. 14, 15, 16, 1916. Dairy Commissioner. Chap. 4 5, Laws 1895. Report, annual. 2d, 1896. Biennial. 2d, Dec. 1, 1896-Dec. 1, 1898. Dairy and Food Commissioner. Chap. 113, Laws 1899. Report, biennial. 3d, Nov. 1, 1898-Nov. 1, 1899. Dairy, Food and Oil Commissioner. Chap. 187, Laws 1903. Report, biennial. 5th, Nov. 1, 1902-Nov. 1, 1904; 6th, Nov. 1, 1904- Oct. 31, 1906; 7th, -Oct. 31, 1908; 8th, -Oct. 31, 1910; 9th, -Oct. 31, 1912. For later reports, see Agriculture, Dept. of. Chap. 60, Laws 1913. Note: 2d annual report of 1896 contains law of 1895 relating to Dairy Products; 2d biennial report of 1898 contains law of 1895 and amend- ment of 1897; 5th biennial contains oil law of 1903; 7th biennial contains pure food law of 1907; 8th biennial contains law relating to Agricultural seed, 1909. Bulletins. No. 1, Aug. 8, 1907. (Analyses of extracts.) Rules and regulations. 1905. 10 Reference List of Public Documents Education Department. Superintendent of Public Instruction, Territorial Laws 1861, p. 55. Laws 1862, p. 29; Nov. 29, 1871; Nov. 14, 1873. Report. -Dec. 10, 1861. Note: Found in Council Journal, 9th Session, 1861, and in House Territorial Journal Appendix (p. 65-71). A 12th annual is referred to in the Catalogue of the State Library, issued in 1880. This was 1873 (?). Report, biennial. (3d), Oct. 1, 1877-Sept. 30, 1879; (4th), Sept. 1, 1880-Aug. 31, 1881; (5th), Sept. 1, 1881-Sept. 1, 1883; (6th), Sept. 1, 1883-Sept. 1, 1885; (7th), Nov. 1, 1885-Nov. 1, 1887; (9th), July 1, 1888-June 30, 1889; (10th), July 1, 1889-June 30, 1890. Superintendent of Public Instructmn, State. Report, biennial. 11th, Nov. 1, 1890-Nov. 1, 1892; 12th, Nov. 1, 1892-Oct. 31, 1894; 13th, -Oct. 31, 1896; 14th, June 1, 1896-June 1, 1898; 15th, -June 30, 1900; 16th, Nov. 1, 1 900-Nov. 1, 1902; 17th, -Nov. 1, 1904; 18th, -Nov. 1, 1906; 19th, * -June 30, 1908; 20th, -June 30, 1910; 21st, -June 30, 1912; 22d, -June 30, 1914; 23d, -June 30, 1916; 29th, -June 30, 1918. Note: 5th biennial contains school law approved Nov. 28, 1883 (p. 1-24); (7th) biennial found in Public Documents for 1887. High School Bulletins. No. 1, Botany, 1907; No. 2, Study of English in the High Schools, (1907); No. 3, Study of four year High Schools in Washington, 1908; No. 4, Physics course of the modern High School, 1908; No. 5, English in the High Schools, 1908; No. 6, High School Curri- cula — A comparative study, Thesis B A, 1909; No. 7, Studies of educational conditions in Washington, 1908-1909. Educational Bulletins. No. 7, Consolidation of rural schools — Transportation; No. 8, How to choose a good cow., Nov. 15, 1911; No. 9, Manual Arts, Dec. 15, 1911; No. 10, School officers yearbook, Jan. 1, 1912; No. 11, Re-directed education, Jan. 1, 1912; No. 12, Arbor day — March 15, 1912; No. 13, School gardens, March 1, 1912; No. 15, Agri- culture in the public schools, May 1, 1912; No. 20, The Community center, 1914; No. 21, Manual of agriculture for Eighth grade, 1914, 2d edition, 1915; No. 22, High School manual, 2d edition; 3d edi- tion, (1917); No. 23, Environment of plants; pt. 1, air, water, heat, light, 1915; No. 24, Environment of plants; pt. 2, soils, 1915; No. 25, List of books for elementary school libraries, 1914; No. 26, Suggestions for community centers, 1914; No. 27, Teachers’ cot- tages in Washington, 1915; No. 28, Apportionment of current State School fund, 1916; No. 29, Digest of opinions and rulings, -1916; No. (30), Arbor and Bird day bulletin, Apr. 13, 1917; No. 31, Parent-Teachers’ Associations; No. 32, A Patriotic bulletin, 1917; No. 33, State Board of Education, 1918. Note: Bui. 21 is supplement to State Manual No. 3; pub. 1914; Bui. 21 is supplement to 7th edition of State Manual, Published 1915; Bui. 23 is a manual of agriculture. Washington State Library 1L Education Department — Continued. Education matters, Jan. 1906, Cir. 5D; Oct. 8, 1906, Cir. 5E. Educational directory. 1909-1910, Cir. 5H; 1911-1912, Cir. 5 J ; 1913- 1914; 1914-1915; 1915-1916; 1916-1917; 1917-1918. High School Directory. -June 30, 1912; 1913-1914; 1915-1916; 1917-1918. News letter — monthly, vol. 1 No. 1. October, 1918. Miscellaneous. Suggestions and instructions to school district officers, 1891; 1892. Circular of information, (1897); (1898-1899); Cir. 5B, Jan. 1904; Cir. 5G, 1908; Cir. 3, 1915; Cir. 6, Papers accredited by State Board of Education, corrected to December, 1916. Educational system of the state of Washington, 1905; Cir. 3-15, Cir- cular of certification, (1915); Cir. 3-17; C’ir. 6-15, Papers accred- ited, Nov. 15, 1915; Eighth grade bulletin, C. 12, 1915; C. 16-14, Rules of practice; Rural schools leading boys and girls, 1915; Cir. 1, Reading circle books adopted — Adopted June 1916 for Sept. 1, 1916-1917; Rules of State Board on accrediting schools — Adopted December 30, 1910. Teachers’ Manual and course of study, 1898; (1900); Teachers’ manual for elementary schools, Sept. 5, 1905; State manual of Washington, (1909); edition 1910; High School manual, May 1, 1911 — Bui. 2; Teachers’ manual for Washington; State course of study, 7th ed.; 1915; State manual of Washington, 8th ed., Nov. 1917. Miscellaneous. “Proceedings of the Convention of the Territory of Washington, 1877, 1878” is mentioned in the catalogue of the State Library issued 1880. This is presumably a teachers’ convention. Arbor and Bird Day Bulletin. Boys and Girls contestant club bulletin. School transportation bulletin. History of education in Washington — For A. Y. P. (1909) Library books for schools. 1906. County superintendents’ convention — Opinions and rulings. 1st bi- ennial report. Apr. 7, 1891. Statistics of higher education — Relating to tax for educational institu- tions, 1911. U. S. Bur. of Education Bulletin No. 26, 1916 — Survey of Educational institutions of Washington. 1916. Equalization, Territorial Board of Act Nov. 14, 1870. Repealed Oct. 28, 1881. Rules. Aug. 25, 1881. Note: Found in Auditor’s Report of 1881, p. 38. Equalization & Appeal Laws 1889-90, p. 431. Report. 1st, Dec. 1892. Note: Found in Appendix of Auditor’s Report, page 540. Super- seded by Board of State Land Commissioners, Laws 1891, p. 388. 12 Reference List of Public Documents Equalization, State Board of Chap. 18, Laws 1889-90. Chap. 140, Laws 1891. Meetings in September each year. Chap. 140 Laws 1891, p. 307. Report, annual. 1890; 1891; 1892; 1893; 1894; 1895; 1896; 1897; 1898; 1899; 1900; 1901; 1902; 1903; 1904; 1905; 1906; 1907; 1908; 1909; 1910; 1911; 1912; lyi3; 1914; 1915; 1916; 1917; 1918. Note: All reports of minutes of Board found in Appendix to Audi- tor’s Reports up to 1908. Also for 1907 to 1914 found in Appendix to report of Tax Commission. Fairs and Exhibitions. Washington World’s Fair Commission. Chap. 108, Laws 1891. Report, biennial. (1st), 1891-1892; 1894. A.-Y.-P. Exposition Commission. Chap. 5, Laws 1907. Report. 1909. Pan-American Exposition Commission. Chap. 73, Laws 1901. Report. Dec. 31, 1901. Washington State Fair. Chap. 134, Laws 1893. Report, annual. 1st, Sept. 24-29, 1894; 2d, Sept. 28-Oct. 3, 1896; (3d), Sept. 26-Oct. 1, 1898; 11th, Sept. 17-22, 1906; (15th), 1910. Washington State Fair. — Children’s Industrial & Agricultural Depart- ment. Advance sheet premium list — North Yakima. Sept. 18-23, 1916. Premium list — North Yakima Sept. 20-25, 1915. Boys and Girls Agricultural and Industrial Contest Association. Report, annual. 1st, Oct. 28-30, 1913, Spokane; 2d, Oct. 28-30, 1914, Tacoma; Final prize list, Oct. 28-30, 1914, Tacoma. Fair, Spokane Interstate. Report, annual. 18th, Report to Stockholders, Nov. 1, 1911. Finance, State Board of Report, biennial. 1st, 1908, p. 356; 2d, 1910, p. 517; 3d, 1912, p. 561; 4th, 1914, p. 115. Note: All reports found in Auditor’s Reports. Budget submitted to Legislature of 1917; 1919. Fire Warden (and Forester) Chap. 164, Laws 1905. Report. (1st), 1905; 2d, 1906; (3d & 4th), 1907 & 1908. Fire Warden and Forester. Report, annual. (5th & 6th), 1909-1910; (7th & 8th), 1911-1912. Note: 5th & 6th, 1909-1910, typewritten only. Forester, State Report, biennial. Dec. 1, 1912-Nov. 30, 1914. Washington State Library 13 Forester, Washington State. Report, annual. (Dec. 1, 1914)-Nov. 30, 1916; -1918. Miscellaneous. Regulations governing the clearing of right-of-way. (1918). Stamp out forest fires. Fish Commissioner. Act of Feb. 20, 1890. Report, annual. 1st, Mar. 21, 1890-Nov. 30, 1890; 3d, Nov. 1, 1891- Nov. 1, 1892; 5th, Nov. 1, 1893-Nov. 1, 1894; 7th, Nov. 30, 1895-Nov. 30, 1896; 9th, Dec. 20, 1897-Dec. 20, 1898; lOth-llth, Dec. 31, 1898- Dec. 31, 1900; 13th, Nov. 30, 1901-Dec. 1, 1902; 14th-15th, Nov. 30, 1902-Nov. 30, 1904; 16th-17th, Nov. 30, 1904-Nov. 30, 1906; 18th- 19th, Mar. 31, 1907-Mar. 31, 1909; 20th-21st, Mar. 31, 1909-Mar. 31, 1911; 22d-23d, Apr. 1, 1911-Mar. 31, 1913; 24th-25th, Apr. 1, 1913- Mar. 31, 1915; 26th-27th, Apr. 1, 1915-Mar. 31, 1917. Fisheries, Governor’s Commission of Report. Dec. 23, 1908. Game Warden. Chap. 120, Laws 1913. Report, annual. 1st & 2d, June 1, 1913-Feb. 28, 1915; 3d & 4th, Mar. 1, 1915-Feb. 28, 1917. Geologist, State Act of Feb. 2 8, Laws 1889-90. Mines and minerals of Washington. Report, annual. 1st, 1890; 2d, 1891. Maps for report of mining bureau. 1892. Mining Bureau. Act Feb. 25, Laws 1889-90. Report, annual. 1st, Apr. 1, 1891-Apr. 1, 1892. Geological Survey. Chap. 165, Laws 1901. Report, annual. 1st, 1901; (2d), 1902. Report, biennial. (1st) , 1901-1903 ; 1909-1911; 1911-1913; 1913-1915; 1915-1917. Note: 1st, 1901, also bound in 6 parts in boards. Bulletins. No. 1, Geology and ore deposits of Republic Mining district, 1910; No. 2, Road materials of Washington, 1911; No. 3, Coal fields of King County, 1912; No. 4, Cement materials and industry of Washington, 1913; No. 5, Pt. 1, Myers Creek Mining District, Pt. 2, Oroville-Night- hawk Mining District, 1911; No. 6, Blewett Mining District, 1911; No. 7, Index Mining District, 1911; No. 8, Glaciation of Puget Sound, 1913; No. 9, Coal fields of Kittitas County, 1914; No. 10, Coal fields of Pierce County, 1914; No. 11, Mineral resources of Washington, 1914; No. 12, Bibliography of Washington Geology and Geography, 1913; No. 13, Tertiary formation of Western Washington, 1916; No. 14, Quincy Valley Irrigation project, 1912; No. 15, Tertiary Pale- 14 Deference List of Public Documents Geological Survey — Continued. Bulletins. ontology of Western Washington, 1912; No. 16, Covada Mining Dis- trict, 1913; No. 17, Geographic Dictionary of Washington, 1917; No. 18, Country about Camp Lewis, 1918. Note: Bulletin No. 13 contains 3 maps in pocket. Clays of the State of Washington — Prof. Solon Shedd, 1909. Governor’s Message to Session. Territorial. Messages. 1st, By Isaac I. Stevens, Feb. 28, 1854; 2d, (1854) By C. H. Mason, Secy, for Gov. Stevens, Dec. 3, 1855; 3d, By Isaac I. Stevens, Jan. 21, 1856; 4th, 1856-7; 1857; 5th, By Fayette McMullin, Dec. 12, 1857; 6th, By C. H. Mason, Acting Governor, 1858-1859; 7th, By R. D. Gholson, Dec. 7, 1859; By Henry M. McGill, Dec. 6, 1860; By L. Jay S. Turney, Acting Governor, Dec. 19, 1861; Accompanying papers, Dec. 19, 1861; By William Pickering, (1862); Letter to J. W. Ste- phenson, July 26, 1862; 11th, 1863-1864; (1864); Jan. 1, 1866; Dec. 11, 1866; By Marshall F. Moore, Dec. 9, 1867; By Alvan Flan- ders, Oct. 7, 1869; By Edward S. Salomon, Oct. 2, 1871; By Elisha P. Ferry, Oct. 9, 1873; Oct. 5, 1875; (Extract) 1877; Oct. 6, 1879; Oct. 10, 1879; Report to Secretary of Interior, Oct. 10, 1879; By William A. Newell, 1881; Oct. 3, 1883; By Watson C. Squire, Ses- sion 1885-1886; Report of 1884-1885-1886; Report to Department of Interior, Nov. 10, 1884; Report to Department of Interior, Oct. 1, 1886; By Eugene Semple, Report to Secretary of Interior, Oct. 15, 1887; Report to Secretary of Interior, Oct. 19, 1888; 1887-1888; By Miles C. Moore, Report to Secretary of Interior, Oct. 19, 1889; Inaugural Message, By Elisha P. Ferry, Governor of State, and Fare- well Message of Miles C. Moore, Governor of Territory, Nov. 18-22, 1889. Note: Numbers refer to legislative sessions and not to serial re- port; Message by I. I. Stevens to 1st Session found in House and Council Journals; Message to 2d, 3d and 4th Sessions found only in Council Proceedings; Message of Jan. 21, 1856 delivered orally, abstract in journals — relating to Indian War; Message of 1857 is report to War Department on the War of 1856, and correspond- ence; Message to 5th to 11th Sessions found in both House and Council Journals; Message of (1864) found only in Council Journal; Messages from Jan. 1, 1866 to Oct. 7, 1869 found in both House and Council Journals; Message of Oct. 2, 1871, found in House Journal and in The Echo for Oct. 12, 1871, in Supplement: Message to 19th Session found in Council Journal and in The Echo for Oct. 16, 1873; Message of Oct. 10, 1879, found in Reports of Governors issued by Government, (p. 51-56); Message of Oct. 3, 1883, found only in House and Council Journals; Report of 1884-1885-1886 is Re- sources for 1885 and 1886. Governor's Message to Session. State. Messages. 1st, Inaugural, By Elisha P. Ferry, Nov. 1889; Extra Ses- sion Sept. 3, 1890; By Chas. E. Laughton, Lieut, and Acting Gov- ernor, 1891; By Elisha P. Ferry, Retiring Message, and John H. Mc- Graw, Inaugural, Jan. 11, 1893; 2d, By J. H. McGraw, Jan. 14, 1895; Retiring Message, Jan. 13, 1897; 1st, By John R. Rogers, Jan. 13, Washington State Library 15 Governor’s Message to Session. State — Continued. Messages. 1897; Special Feb. 27, 1897; 2d, 1899; 3d, Second Inaugural, Jan. 16, 1901; 1st, By Henry F. McBride, Jan. 13, 1903; 2d, Jan. 11, 1905; By Albert E. Mead, 1st, 1905; 2d, Jan. 1907; 3d, Jan. 1909; Par- dons, Reprieves, etc., Mar. 4, 1907; By M. E. Hay, Special Message, 1909; Aug. 16, 1909; 2d, Jan. 1911; 3d, Jan. 1913; By Ernest Lister, 1st, Jan. 15, 1913; 2d, Jan. 12, 1915; 2d Inaugural, Jan. 10, 1917; Recommendations, Jan. 19, 1915. Note: McGraw’s Message of Dec. 13, 1897, found also in Public Documents of 1897; Rogers’ Special Message of Feb. 27, 1897, is on Establishment of Railroad Commission; Hay’s Special Message of 1909 is Report of Committee investigating Secretary of State, Su- perintendent of Public Instruction and State Institutions; Lister’s Message of Jan. 19, 1915, is Governor’s Appropriation recommenda- tions. Executive Practice, Rules of Oct. 1, 1893, by J. H. McGraw. Governors, Conference of Western Proceedings of conference at Seattle, May 18-20, 1915, and at Portland, September, 1915. Governors, Conference of Address by Gov. Ernest Lister — Conservation of natural resources, Aug. 24, 1915. Grain Inspector, State Chap. 109, Laws 1895. Report, annual. 1st, Sept. 1, 1895-Aug. 31, 1896; 3d, -Dec. 1, 1898. Report, biennial. (1st), Sept. 1, 1898-Aug. 31, 1900; 4th, Aug. 31, 1904-Aug. 31, 1906; 5th, Aug. 31, 1906-Aug. 31, 1908. Note: 3d annual, for years 1895-1896-1897-1898. For subsequent Reports see Railroad Commission. Report. Nov. 30, 1913-Nov. 30, 1914. Note: Published by Department of Public Service Commission. Harbor Line Commissioners, Board of Act, Mar. 28, 1890. Report. 1st, -Dec. 29, 1890; 2d-Final, (1893). Maps for Harbor Line Commission. 14 maps. Harbor Lines, Water Ways, and the Improvement of Harbors, — Provi- sions of the Constitution and Statutes. 1891. Health, Board of Report. Act Nov. 26, 1869. -Oct. 10, 1887. 16 Reference List of Public Documents Health, State Board of Chap. 58, Laws 1891. Report, 1st, -Dec. 16, 1890. Report, annual -Dec. 1, 1892; 3d, 1893-1894; 4th, -5th, (1st biennial), 1894-1896. Report, biennial. 5th, 1902-1904; 6th, 1904-1906; 7th, 1906-1908; 8th, 1908-1910; 9th, 1910-1912; 10th, 1912-1914; 11th, 1914-1916; 12th, 1917-1918. Note: Reports uniformly for period ending September 30th; 9th biennial contains proceedings of Health Officers’ Second Annual Conference, April 8-9, 1912.. Bulletins. Vol. 3, No. 1, January, February and March, 1913. Yol. 3, No. 2, Service regulations — State Laboratory. Yol. 3, No. 3, Vital Statistics Law, Chap. 83, Laws 1907; Chap. 163, Laws 1913. July, Aug., Sept., 1913. Yol. 4, No. 1, Report of Caroline Bartlett Crane. Yol. 5, No. 8, Aug. 1915. Special Bulletins. Typhoid fever; Measles and whooping cough; Diphtheria and scarlet fever; Registration districts — Eastern Washington, 1915; ed. 1917, Vital Statistics law; Western Washington, 1915; ed. 1917, Rural sanitation, 1916. Miscellaneous. Municipal control of dependent classes. Oct. 1901. Rules and regulations. 1906. Typhoid fever. 1909-1910. Infantile paralysis. 1910. Preservation of the health of the baby. 1917. Rules, regulations and statutes. Feb. 1917. “Edition limited.” Appendix to rules and regulations adopted Nov. 4, 1917. Mar. 1918. Note: Rules of Feb. 1917 contain statutes on public health. Health Officers. Annual conference. 1st, Dec. 14-16, 1910; 2d, Apr. 8-9, 1912; 3d, Apr. 28-29, 1913. Report of 1911, being report upon House Bill 211, 1909, relative to care of indigent consumptives. List of registrars of vital statistics. 1914. Highway Commissioner. Chap. 47, Laws 1911. Report, biennial. 1st, -Nov. 15, 1906; 2d, -Dec. 1, 1908; 3d, -Sept. 30, 1910; 4th, -Sept. 30, 1912; (5th), -Oct. 1, 1914; (6th), -Sept. 30, 1916; 7th, -1918. Bulletins. No. 1, State and County road laws of 1907. March, 1907. No. 2, Report to Governor — Convict labor on the State Roads. Dec. 1907. No. 3, State Aid Roads. Oct. 1910. No. 4, Split Log Drag. March, 1913. No. 5, Convict labor. Dec. 1, 1914. Washington State Library 17 Highway Commissioner — Continued. Bulletins. No. 6, Day labor. Dec. 1, 1914. No. 7, Improvement of Earth Roads. Dec. 1, 1914. No. 8, County roads and permanent highways. Dec. 1, 1914. No. 9, Maintenance of primary highways. June 4, 1917. No. 10, Maintenance of permanent highways. Dec. 3, 1917. Miscellaneous. Road map, 1912. W. J. Roberts, Highway Commissioner. Horticulture, State Board of Chap. 9, Laws 1891. Report, biennial. 1st, 1891-1892; 2d, 1893-1894; 2d edition; 3d, 1895- 1896 ; 2d edition. Note: 2d report, 1st edition, found also in Public Documents, 1894- 1895. Horticulture, Commissioner of Chap. 109, Laws 1897. Report, preliminary. 1901. Horticulture, State Commissioner of Chap. 133, Laws 1905. Report, biennial. 5th, -Mar. 31, 1907; 6th, -Dec. 31, 1908; 8th, -Dec. 31, 1912. Note: 8th report not printed — manuscript copy; Report of 1901 contains the law of 1897 and amendments of 1899. Bulletins. Nos. 1 & 3. Horticultural Association. Washington State. Report of Annual Convention. 4th, Jan. 29-31, 1908; 5th, Dec. 8-11, 1908; 6th, Jan. 12-14, 1910; 7th, Jan. 17-19, 1911; 8th, Jan. 4-6, 1912; 11th, Dec. 9-11, 1914. Miscellaneous. Report of Third Annual Convention of the Inland Empire Horticul- tural and Floricultural Association, Spokane, Jan. 6-8, 1903. (Horticulture) Year Book. 1906. Horticulture — Orchard Pests. Mar. 1904. Horticulture — Orchard Practice. Mar. 1906. Note: (Horticulture) Year Book contains proceedings of Snohomish County Association. Dec. 20, 1905. Humane Society, State. Program of meeting of Probation Officers Conference — 2d Annual, Aug. 14-16, 1916. Hydraulic Engineer, State. Chap. 117, Laws 1917. Report, biennial. 1st, June 19, 1917-Nov. 30, 1918. Miscellaneous. Bui. No. 1, Water Code and its administration. Mar. 14, 1917. Note: Contains Water Code of 1917, with report of organization of department. Cippoletti Weir Tables (Pocket edition). 18 Reference List of Public Documents Industrial Insurance Department. Chap. 74, Laws 1911. Report, annual. 1st, 1911-1912; 2d, 1912-1913; 3d, 1913-1914; 4th, 1914-1915; 5th, Workmen’s Compensation Act, 1915-1916; 6th, 1916- 1917; 7th, 1917-1918. Note: Reports uniformly for period ending September 30th. Report. Oct. 1, 1911-Jan. 31, 1912; June 8, 1911-Sept. 30, 1912; 4th biennial, Oct. 1, 1911-Apr. 1, 1913; Oct. 1, 1911-Mar. 31, 1914. Note: Report of 1911 is review of first four months’ operations — broadside; Report of 1912 is review of the first year: Report of 1913 is Statistical review of 18 months; Report of 1914 is Statement of Condition. Miscellaneous. Financial Statement — Condition of accident fund April 1, 1915. Compensation for Injured Industrial Workers — A Presentation. Jan. 1911. Report — Industrial Accidents. To 1911 Legislature. Dec. 30, 1910. Rules of Administration — Laws 1911. Pt. 1, Rules for employers; Pt. 2, Rules for workmen. Compulsory State Insurance from the Workman’s Viewpoint — An Address by John H. Wallace before American Association for Labor Legislation, Washington, D. C. Industrial Insurance — Work of Department — An Address by Com- missioner Daggett before the St. John’s Club. Manuscript. Workman’s Compensation Monopoly vs. Political Administration. Industrial Insurance Commission Rate Book. Jan. 1, 1916. Note: Financial statement contains comparative costs of 1912, 1913 and 1914. Industrial Welfare Commission. Chap. 174, Laws 1913. Report. (July 23, 1913)-Mar. 2, 1914. Note: Reprinted in 1st biennial as Appendix A. Report, biennial. 1st, Mar. 2, 1914-Jan. 1, 1915; 2d, 1915-1916; 3d, Jan. 1, 1917-Nov. 30, 1918. Note: Report of July 23, 1913-Mar. 2, 1914 appears as Appendix A. Obligatory orders. Nos. 1-13, Apr. 28, 1914-June 18, 1915: Nos. 1 & 2, Mercantile Industry. Nos. 3 & 4, Manufacturing Industry. Nos. 5 & 6, Laundry Industry. Nos. 7 & 9, Telephone and Telegraph Industry. Nos. 10 & 11, Office Occupations. Nos. 12 & 13, Hotel and Restaurant Occupations. Miscellaneous. To employers of female labor. A Proclamation. Jan. 7, 1918. Minimum wage orders for minors — Broadside letter. Minimum wage law for women. 1912. Recommendations of War Emergency Conference. Aug. 28-29, 1918. Washington Sttate Library 19 Inspection and Supervision, Bureau ctf Chap. 76, Laws 190 9. Report, annual. 1st, -Dec. 15, 1910; 2d, -Dec. 1, 1911; 3d, -Dec. 1, 1912; 4th, -Nov. 1, 1913; 5th-6th, 1913-1914, School years 1914-1915. Note: Has uniform title, Comparative Statistics. Is Department of Office of State Auditor. Miscellaneous. Estimated revenues. Biennium beginning April 1, 1913. Budget, April 1, 1915. Uniform classification — Municipal water utilities. Effective Jan. 1, 1916. Uniform classification— Municipal light and power utilities. Effective Jan. 1, 1916. Brief statement of work of Bureau. 1917. Report on Industrial Insurance — Special inspection. Oct. 1, 1911- Jan. 1, 1916. Insurance Commissioner. Act March 27, Laws 1890. Report. 1st, 1890. Report, biennial. 3d, Jan. 1, 1899-Dec. 31, 1900; 4th, 1901-1902; 5th, 1903-1904; 6th, 1905-1906; 7th, 1907-1908. Note: 1st report contains Act of 1890 creating - Department; 5th biennial found also in Report of Secretary of State, 8th biennial; 6th biennial found also in Report of Secretary of State, 9th biennial; 7th biennial found also in Report of Secretary of State, 10th biennial. Insurance Commissioner, State Chap. 4 9, Laws 1911. Report, biennial. 9th, Jan. 1, 1911-Dec. 31, 1912; 10th, 1913-1914; 11th, 1915-1916. Miscellaneous. W. U. Life Insurance Co. — Financial condition, June 30, 1914. Address — Insurance and State Supervision, Dec. 1, 1915, by F. T. Houghton. Proposed amendment to Remington-Ballinger Code. Sec. 6059. 1917. Insurance Department. Preliminary Reports. 1896; 1898; 1899; 1900; 1902; 1903; 1904; 1905; 1908. Preliminary Reports, annual. 16th, 1909; 17th, 1910; 18tli, 1911; 19th, 1912; 20th, 1913; 21st, 1914. Preliminary Tables, annual. 22d, -Dec. 31, 1915; Report, 22d, -Dec. 31, 1915; 23d, -Dec. 31, 1916. Note: Report of 1896 found also in Insurance Commissioner’s Re- port; Miscellaneous. Beneficiary Societies. Legislative Session, 1901. Insurance Companies, General Stock — Condition on Dec. 31, 1910. N. W. Mutual Fire Association. Apr. 10, 1913. Note: Law relating to Beneficiary Societies passed Mar. 18, 1901; General Stock report taken from 17th annual report; N. W. Mutual Fire Association report is an Examination by departments of Oregon, California, Utah, Idaho and Washington. 20 Reference List of Public Documents Labor, Bureau of Chap. 2 9, Laws 1897. Report, biennial. 1st, 1897-1898. Labor, Commissioner of Chap. 74, Laws 1901. Report, biennial. 2d, 1899-1900; 3d, 1901-1902. Labor, Bureau of, and Factory Inspection. Chap. 74, Laws 1901. Report, biennial. 4th, 1903-1904; 5th, 1905-1906; 6th, 1907-1908; 7th, 1909-1910; 8th, 1911-1912; 9th, 1913-1914; 10th, 1914-1916; 11th, 1916-1918. Note: 1st biennial contains Factory, Mill and Railroad Inspection report; 3d biennial bound with 4th biennial; 7th biennial contains Labor Laws (1909). All to the 6th, inclusive, contain the report of the Coal mine inspector, separately paged and numbered. Labor, Bureau of — Factory Inspector. Report, biennial. (1st), 1897-1898; (2d), 1899-1900; June 8, 1905- Nov. 1, 1906. Note: (1st) biennial found only in Labor Commissioner’s 1st bi- ennial report; Report of 1905-1906 is extracts from 5th biennial report of Labor Bureau. Miscellaneous. Safety First Movement. 1914. Safety Guide. Vol. 1, Nos. 1, 2, 3, 4. Special report on salmon canning industry. Nov. 1915. Comparative statistics on foodstuffs and fuel, 1914; 1915; 1916. Handbook on Safeguarding — Safety regulations required by Labor Commissioner. Mar. 1914. Foodstuffs and fuel, Comparative Statistics — Budget, Cost of living for family of five. April 1916. Foodstuffs and fuel. Cost of living. April 1917; April 1918. Note: Foodstuffs and fuel report for April 1917 is Comparative Statistics for April 1916-April 1917; Report on same for April 1918 is Comparative Statistics for each month. Public Lands, Commissioner of Constitution, Art. Ill, Sec. 23. Report, biennial. 1st, Mar. 27-Dec. 1, 1890; 2d, Dec. 1, 1890-Nov. 1, 1892; 3d, -Nov. 1, 1894; 4th, Nov. 1, 1894-Oct. 31, 1896; 5th, 1896-1898; 6th, 1898-1900; 7th, Oct. 1, 1900-Sept. 30, 1902; 8th, 1902-1904; 9th & 10th, 1904-1908; 11th, 1908-1910; 12th, 1910- 1912; 13th, 1912-1914; 14th, 1914-1916; 15th, 1916-1918. Note: Reports uniformly Oct. 1-Sept. 30, beginning with 7th biennial; 1st biennial found also in Public Documents, 1890-1891; 3d biennial found also in Public Documents, 1894-1895; 6th biennial is also the 4th biennial report of the Board of State Land Commissioners. 12th biennial has 127 maps and charts. Washington State Library 21 Land Commissioners, Board of Act March 15, Laws 1893. Report, biennial. (1st), -Nov. 1, 1894; 3d, -Nov. 1, 1898; 4th, -Nov. 1, 1900. Note: (1st) biennial found also in Public Documents, 1894-1895; 4th biennial is also 6th biennial of Commissioner of Public Lands. Miscellaneous. Rules of practice — resurvey of lands. March 30, 1897. Rules of practice. (1901). Vacant logged-off lands. 1917. Note: Rules of practice of 1897 found only in Public Documents of 1897. Librarian, Territorial. Act 1854. Report. 1st, 1854; -Jan. 8, 1856; -Jan. 26, 1857; -Jan. 26, 1858; -Dec. 31, 1858; Feb. 1, 1858-Jan. 4, 1859; (1860); Dec. 1, 1862-Jan. 29, 1863; Dec. 7, 1863-Feb. 4, 1864; -Dec. 18, 1864. Report, annual. Sept. 1, 1866-Dec. 13, 1866. Report, biennial. (2d), Jan. 1, 1868-Oct. 15, 1869; Nov. 7, 1870-Oct. 1, 1871; Aug. 15, 1879-Oct. 1, 1879; 1880; -Sept. 10, 1887; -Oct. 1889. Note: All reports before 1879 found only in Territorial Journals; 1st report contains only catalog - of 2130 volumes, and rules; Report of 1856 contains catalog of purchases; Report of (1860) contains catalog of books — 1860; Report of 1863 gives accessions for 1862; (2d) biennial contains accessions 1868-1869; Report of 1871 contains accessions of two predecessors and full catalog for 1871, also Act of 1867; Report of 1880 is a catalog of the Washington Library. Librarian, State. Act March 27, Laws 1890. Report. June 26, 1890-Nov. 25, 1890; June, 1891. Report, biennial. Nov. 26, 1890-Nov. 26, 1892; Nov. 30, 1892-Nov. 30, 1894; 1894-1896; Nov. 30, 1896-Nov. 1, 1898; Nov. 1, 1898-Nov. 1, 1900; 8th, 1902-1904; 9th, 1904-1906; 11th, Dec. 1, 1908-Nov. 30, 1910; 13th, 1912-1914; 15th, 1916-1918. Note: Report of June 1891 is complete Catalog of Washington Library. 329 pp. Miscellaneous. Art Exhibit, 300 mounted pictures. Catalog. 1905. Check List of Northwest History to be found in 14 collaborating libraries. Mr. Chas. W. Smith. March 3, 1909. Income Tax. Miss Josephine Holgate. 1910. Conservation. Miss Josephine Holgate. 1911. Pacific Northwest — Subject Index. Miss Katharine B. Judson. 1913. Session Laws, Catalog — Check list. 1914. (Law Library). Note: Income Tax and Conservation are select lists of references for debate. 22 Reference List of Public Documents Traveling Library, State. Chap. 16 4, Laws 1907. Report, biennial. 1st, 1907-1908; 2d, 1909-1910; 3d, 1911-1912; 4th, 1913-1914; 5th, 1915-1916; 6th, 1917-1918. Miscellaneous. Helps for Mothers’ Circles. Small books and booklets. Note: Roth contain book lists and annotations. State Library, Advisory Board. Chap. 171, Laws 1903. Survey of State Library supported activities, 1917. Issued Feb. 9, 1917. Note: Contains Public Library statistics for 1915-1916. Medical Examining Board, State. Report, biennial. Jan. 5, 1897-Jan. 6, 1899. Note: Contains Act of March 28, 1890. Memorials. Addresses upon the death of — John R. Rogers, 1903; Ed. S. Hamilton, 1905; J. P. Sharp, March 5, 1905; John H. McGraw, 1911. In Memory — H. A. Fairchild, 1913; Abraham Lincoln, Feb. 12, 1913; 1915; Lincoln, Feb. 12, 1915; Jan. 26, 1915; Young Men’s Re- publican Club, Lincoln Day Banquet, Feb. 12, 1915; Jan. 30, 1917. Memorial addresses before the legislature, 1913; 1915. National Guard, Washington. Report. (See Adjutant General.) National Guard of Washington. General Orders, Nos. 1 to date Dec. 1918. Pharmacy, State Board of Act March 9, 1891. Digest of laws relating to -March 3, 1916. Printer, State. Report. 1st, 1898; (1901). Note: 1st report is an unofficial report to the Governor; report of (1901) is Statement on the passage of Senate Bill No. 66, 1901. Public Service Commission. Chap. 117, Laws 1911. Report, annual. 1st, June 8, 1911-Dec. 31, 1911; 2d, Jan. 1, 1912- Nov. 30, 1912; 3d, Dec. 1, 1912-Nov. 30, 1913; 4th, 1913-1914; 5th, 1914-1915; 6th, 1915-1916; 7th, 1916-1917; 8th, 1917-1918. Note: Succeeds Railroad Commission; 1st annual is also final re- port of Railroad Commission, Nov. 1, 1910-June 8, 1911; 7th annual, contains Grain Inspection, (p. 211-232) and combined statement of Oregon, Idaho and Washington, in Appendix. Miscellaneous. Rules of practice and procedure. Jan. 10, 1912. Regulating gas, electric and water service. June 15, 1912. Uniform accounts — Gas companies. Effective Jan. 1, 1913. 1st ed. Washington State Library 23 Public Service Commission — Continued. Miscellaneous. Uniform accounts — Electric light and power companies. Effective Jan. 1, 1913. Dated Dec. 15, 1912. 1st ed. Uniform accounts — Electric light and power companies. Effective Jan. 1, 1913. Apparently 2d edition of preceding. Uniform system of accounts for water departments. 1913. Effective July 1, 1913. Issued by Bureau of Inspection & Supervision. Cases No. 1810 and 1825 Consolidated. Public Service Commission vs. Pacific Telephone and Telegraph Com- pany. Case 1825. Grain Department Report. Dec. 1, 1916. Transcontinental bottles. Brief. I. & S. Docket No. 963. Car shortage conference. Feb. 28, 1917 at Olympia. Map of Washington — Railroad and county. Issued March 1918. Note: Report of June 15, 1912 is Formal Order No. 493; Map is in colors, both wall and folded editions. Railroad Commission. Chap. 81, Laws 1905. Report, annual. 1st, June 23, 1905-Dec. 31, 1906; 2d and 3d, Dec. 31, 1906-Dec. 31, 1908; 4th, (Jan. 1-Dec. 31) 1909; 5th, Jan. 1, 1910- Nov. 1, 1910. Track Inspector. April 1, 1907-Nov. 1, 1908; Nov. 1, 1908-Dec. 31, 1909. Findings of Fact — Relative to Valuation of Railroads. 1909. Relative to Valuation of O. R. & N. R. R. 190 9. Relative to Valuation of Northern Pacific Railway. 1909. Relative to Valuation of Great Northern Railway. 1909. Relative to Valuation of B. B. & B. C. Railroad. 1909. Relative to Columbia and Puget Sound Railroad. 1909. Relative to Puget Sound Electric Railway. Feb. 26, 1910. Miscellaneous. Railroad Commission Map of Washington. Alphabetical list of Railroad Stations and Distances. 1907. Testimony of O. O. Calderhead regarding traffic movement of Great Northern Railway. Nov. 22, 1908- Classification of Units, Forms “A” and “B.” 1909. Standard Grain and Hay — Rules and Regulations. Sept. 20, 1909- Reasonable railway rates and how they are determined. 1st and 2d editions. 1910. (Railway Age Gazette, Feb. 18, 1910) Letter to the Governor transmitting 5th annual report. Nov. 1, 1910. Examination relative to W. H. Paulhamus vs. Puget Sound Electric Railway. Feb. 26, 1910. Final order Paulhamus vs. Puget Sound Electric Railway. Signed March 17, 1910, served March 21, 1910. Note: See Public Service Commission for later reports. 24 Reference List of Public Documents Road Commissioners, State Board of Chap. 16 8, Laws 1895. Report. Final, Dec. 17, 1896. Secretary of State. Constitution, Art. Ill, Sec. 17. Report, biennial. 1st, Nov. 18, 1889-Dec. 31, 1890; 2d, Dec. 4, 1890- Dec. 4, 1892; 3d, -Oct. 31, 1894; 4th, -Dec. 1, 1896; 5th, -Dec. 31, 1898; 6th, -Jan. 15, 1901; 7th, -Sept. 30, 1902; 8th, 1902-1904; 9th, 1904-1906; 10th, 1906-1908; 11th, 1908-1910; 12th, 1910-1912; 13th, 1912-1914; 14th, 1914-1916; 15th, 1916-1918. Note: 8th biennial contains the fifth biennial report of the Insur- ance Commissioner, J. H. Schively, Deputy. Recommendations to the 13th Legislature. 1913. Note: Found also in Secretary of State’s 12th biennial. Reprint of first 8 pages, with special title page. Automobile owners. List No. 1— Aug. 1, 1909; List No. 2 — Sept. 15, 1909; List No. 1 — Dec. 1, 1910; List for year ending May 31, 1912. Election Division. Report, biennial. 1st, Officers for 1915-1916, Dec. 31, 1914; 2d, Jan. 1, 1915-Dec. 31, 1916. Note: Contain lists of state and county officers elect and official returns of votes at general elections. County officers, Nov. 8, 1904; State and county officers, May 31, 1911; List of county officers 1913-1914, Election 1912; State and county officers, 914; 2d ed., March 16, 1914. Note: Lists of officers from 1913 are found also in Secretary of State’s Reports. Abstract of votes. Primary election, Sept. 8, 1908; Nov. 5, 1912; Sept. 8, 1914; Sept. 12, 1916; General election, Nov. 7, 1916. Resources, Washington Territory. Legislative Assembly, Session 1885- 1886. Resources of Washington Territory. 1887. (Report of Gov. I. I. Ste- vens to the Secretary of the Interior.) Resources, Washington State. (Prepared for World’s Fair, 1893.) Resources of the State. Up to and including Jan. 1, 1894. Agriculture, Industry and Commerce. Report, annual. 1st, Up to and including Jan. 1, 1896. Resources of Washington. July 20, 1901. Resources and Capabilities of Washington. Sept. 30, 1903. Resources and Industries of Washington. July 1, 1905; Oct. 1, 1907; June 1, 1909. Resources of Washington. 1907 & 1908. Address by John P. Hart- man. Advantages of Clarke County (1875). Note: 1st annual of Agriculture, Industry and Commerce contains also the resources by counties. Washington State Library 25 Secretary of State — Continued. Bureau of Statistics, Agriculture, Immigration. Report, biennial. (1st), -Nov. 1, 1910; (2d), -Dec. 1, 1912; (3d), April 1, 1913-Oct. 1, 1914; 4th, April 1, 1915-Oct. 1, 1916. Note: (1st) biennial found only in 11th biennial of Secretary of State; (2d) biennial found only in 12th biennial of Secretary of State. Bureau of Statistics and Immigration. Statistics of Washington. 1909-1910. Irrigated Lands. Sept. 20, 1910. Population Statistics. 1911. Logged-off lands of Western Washington. July 20, 1911; rev. ed., Nov. 16, 1914. Dairying, Poultry and Stock Raising. 1st ed. June 20, 1912; rev. ed. 1916. Opportunities. 1914. Homeseekers’ Guide. Jan. 20, 1914; 2d issue, Aug. 1, 1915. Beauties of Washington. 1915. School and granted lands. 1915. Adaptability for dairying in Washington. 1916. (Contains a chap- ter from “Dairying, poultry and stock raising.’’) Fisheries of Washington. 1916. Manufacturing opportunities in the State of Washington. April, 1918. Immigration Conference, State. March 27-28, 1914. Olympia. Resources and Industries. 1898. Resources and Industries. — A plain statement of facts — Thurston County (1901). Resources and Industries (1905). Olympia. Tax Commissioners, Board of Chap. 115, Laws 1905. Report, biennial. 1st, June 9, 1905-Nov. 1, 1906; 2d, -Dec. 1, 1908; 3d, Oct. 1-Sept. 30, 1910; 4th, 1910-1912; 5th, 1912-1914; 6th, 1914- 1916. Note: 2d to 5th biennials reprint Equalization reports, 1907-1914. Tax Commissioner, State Chap. 54, Laws 1917. Report, biennial. 1st, Oct. 1, 1916-Sept. 30, 1918. Treasurer, Territorial. Act of 1854, p. 413. Report, annual. 1st, Aug. 11, 1854-Dec. 12, 1854; Dec. 12, 1854-Dec. 13, 1855; -Dec. 13, 1856; Dec. 13, 1856-Dec. 13, 1857; March 1, 1858-Dec. 22, 1858; Dec. 22, 1858-Dec. 31, 1859; -Dec. 16, 1860; Feb. 8-Dec. 27, 1861; Feb. 10-Dec. 13, 1862; Feb. 19, 1863- Dec. 15, 1863; Jan. 1-Dec. 19, 1864; -Jan. 4, 1866; Dec. 31, 1865- Dec. 31, 1866; Jan. 4, 1867-Dec. 31, 1867. 26 Reference List of Public Documents Treasurer, Territorial — Continued. Report, biennial. (2d), Jan. 1, 1868-Oct. 16, 1869; Jan. 1, 1868-Oct. 16, 1869; Nov. 10, 1869-Oct. 2, 1871; -Oct. 1,1879; -Oct. 1, 1881; Oct. 1, 1881-Sept. 30, 1883; Oct. 1, 1883-June 30, 1885; -Oct. 1, 1887; -Oct. 1, 1889. Note: All reports to and including 1871 found only in Territorial Journals. State. Art. Ill, Sec. 19. Report. 1st, Nov. 19, 1889-Oct. 1, 1890. Report, biennial. (1st), -Oct. 31, 1892; (2d), -Oct. 30, 1894; (3d), -Oct. 1, 1896; (4th), -Oct. 31, 1898; (5th), Nov. 1, 1898-Sept. 30, 1900; (6th), Nov. 1, 1900-Sept. 30, 1902; (7th), 1902-1904; (8th), 1904-1906; (9th), 1906-1908; 11th, 1908-1910; 12th, 1910-1912; 13th, 1912-1914; 14th, 1914-1916; 15th, 1916- 1918. Veterinarian, State Chap. 16 7, Laws 1895. Report, annual. 2d, Oct. 1-Sept. 30, 1914; 3d, 1914-1915; 4th, 1915- 1916; 5th, 1916-1917; 6th, 1917-1918. For later reports, see Agriculture, Department of Weights and Measures, State Department of Chap. 52, Laws 1913. Report, annual. 2d, Oct, 1, 1913-Sept. 30, 1914; 3d, 1914-1915; 4th, 1915-1916; 5th, 1916-1917; 6th, 1917-1918. Miscellaneous. Instructions to Sealers. 1913. Weights & Measures vs. High Cost of Living. 1913. Specifications of weights and measures. 1915. Accuracy as an aid to conservation. 1918. Historial facts and practical hints on weights and measures. 1918. INSTITUTIONS — CHARITABLE. Institutions. A history to 1915. W. H. Cochran. Report on conditions in State Institutions. Goldsmith-Reed. April 15, 1912. School for the Deaf and Blind. Published by students. Note: History, reprinted from newspaper articles — only 10 copies issued; State Board of Control assumed all business charge of State Institutions after 1901. Soldiers’ Home, Washington. Report, annual. July 3, 1890-Nov. 8, 1890. Report, biennial. March 20, 1890-Dec. 31, 1892; 1893-1894; 1895- 1896. D£af, Washington State School for Report. Superintendent’s report to Board of Control. 1910-1912. Washington State Library 27 Deaf and Blind, Washington School for the Report of Superintendent. 1906-1908. Defective Youth, School for Territorial. Report of Trustees. 1887. Report, biennial. 2d, -May 30, 1888. Note: Report of Trustees found only in bound volume of reports for 1887. Defective Youth, School for State. Report, 1st, 1890; (2d), -Jan. 13, 1891; 4th, 1893-1894; 6th, 1897-1898; 7th, Oct. 1, 1898-Sept. 30, 1900. Insane, Eastern Hospital for By-laws, rules and regulations. 1891. Report of Board of Commissioners to select a location. 1887. Note: Report of 1887 contains bond for free site at Medical Lake. Insane Asylum, Governor’s Commission. Investigation, findings and testimony. M. S. Booth. July 20, 1880. Note: Found only in bound volume of reports for 1887. Evidently a reply to the official report to the Governor. Asylum Controversy— Supplement by members of the Medical Society. 1875. Note: Contains in Appendix, numerous affidavits and statements. Insane Asylum of Washington Territory. Report. -Oct. 1, 1871; Oct, 1, 1871-Oct. 1, 1873. Note: Found only in bound reports for 1887. Insane, Hospital for the Report. Superintendent’s report, Oct. 1, 1875-Oct. 1, 1877; Aug. 15, 1876-Aug. 15, 1877; Trustee’s report, -Oct. 1, 1881; Aug. 16, 1881-Aug. 15, 1883; Report of Trustees and Resident Officers, -June 30, 1885; -Sept. 30, 1887. Note: 1st edition of Superintendent’s report for 1877 in pamphlet form ends with Table D; 2d edition contains Table E and Matron’s report; All other reports found only in bound volume of reports for 1887. Insane, Hospital for the Territorial. Report. July 1, 1885-Sept. 30, 1887; -Oct. 12, 1889. Insane, Eastern Washington Hospital for Report. April 28, 1890-Dec. 17, 1890. Report, biennial. 1st, -Oct. 25, 1892; 2d,- * -Nov. 3, 1894; 3d, Oct. 1, 1894-Sept. 30, 1896; 7th, -Sept. 30, 1904. Insane, Western Washington Hospital for Report. -Sept. 30, 1890. Report, biennial. (Oct. 1, 1890)-Sept. 30, 1892; 1892-1894; 1894-1896. 28 Reference List of Public Documents INSTITUTIONS — EDUCATIONAL. Normal School — Bellingham. Catalog. 1898-1899; 1899-1900; 1900-1901; 1901-1902; 1902-1903; 1903-1904; 1904-1905; 1905-1906; 1906-1907; 1907-1908; 1908- 1909; 1909-1910; 1910-1911; 1911-1912; 1912-1913; 1913-1914; 1914-1915; 1915-1916; 1916-1917; 1917-1918; 1918-1919. Report, Board of Regents, biennial. 4th, -Dec. 1906; 5th, -Dec. 1908; 6th, -Oct. 1, 1910; 7th, -Oct. 1, 1912; 8th, -Dec. 1914; 9th, 1915-1916. Note: 5th biennial is Bulletin Vol. 6, No. 1; 6th biennial found in Bulletin of State Normal School, Vol. 8, No. 1, Dec. 1910; 9th biennial found in Vol. 14, No. 1. Circular of information. (Normal School — New Whatcom), June, 1899. Summer session June 13-July 22, 1910; June 8-July 31, 1914; June 4- July 27, 1917; June 3-Aug. 2, 1918. Bulletin. Vol. 11, No. 1. Manual course of study. Dec. 1913. Extension department. Bui. Vol. 14, No. 6. Normal School — Cheney. Catalog. 1890-1891; 1892-1893; 1893-1894; 1897-1898; 1901-1902; 1902-1903; 1903-1904; 1904-1905; 1905-1906; 1906-1907; 1907- 1908; 1908-1909; 1909-1910; 1910-1911; 1911-1912; 1912-1913; 1914-1915; 1915-1916; 1916-1917; 1918-1919. Report of Principal and Secretary, annual. (1st), Aug. 18, 1890-Dec. 5, 1890. Report of Trustees, biennial. 2d, Oct. 13, 1890-Oct. 15, 1892; 7th, -Dec. 1, 1904; 8th, -July 18, 1906; 9th, 1908; 11th, 1911-1912; 12th, 1913-1914. Note: 2d biennial is report of trustees, principal, secretary and president. School organized by Act of Mar. 1890; opened Oct. 13, 1890. Agriculture, Department of Bulletin A 1, Experiments with soils. Jan. 29, 1912. Bulletin A 5, Poultry study for schools. March 23, 1916. Parent-Teacher conference. Report, annual. 3d, Oct. 20, 1911. Rural School Department. Bulletin R 1, First aid suggestions, etc. Oct. 25, 1911. Bulletin R 2, Warm lunches in country schools. Dec. 1911. Letters from parents and teachers. 1914. Report. May 1, 1914. Correspondence Department. Jan. 1918. School Hygiene Department. Bulletin H 1* Sex hygiene. Sept. 27, 1911. Social Center work. Hot noon lunch. (1914). Health Education Department. Educational hygiene — Syllabus. Washington State Library 29 Normal School — Cheney — Continued. Library Department. Bulletin L, No. 1, First Aid list of children’s books. April, 1913. Normal Seminar. Yol. 4, No. 4, Special articles. Dec. 1908. Summer School. May 31-July 30, 1915; May 28-July 27, 1917; June 3- Aug. 2, 1918. Bulletin A-l, Mental testing to administration. July, 1917. Normal School — Ellensburg. Catalog, annual. 1892; 4th, 1893-1894; 6th, 1895-1896; 7th, 1896- 1897; 8th, 1897-1898; 1898-1899; 1899-1900; 1900-1901; 1901- 1902; 1902-1903; 1903-1904; 1904-1905; 1905-1906; 1906-1907; -May 1908; -June 1909; -June 1910 -June 1911; -June 1912; -June 1913; 1913-1914; 1914-1915; 1915-1916; 1916-1917; 1917-1918. Summer sessions. 1915, 1918. Washington Rural Teacher’s Monitor. Yol. 1, No. 1, Sept. 1916, — No. 8, April 1917. (Changed to Extension Bulletin, Series 1918.) A Home and School Center. June, 1917. Report, Trustees. (1st), (1891). Report, biennial. -Oct. 1, 1906; April 1, 1911-Oct. 1, 1912; April 1, 1913-Oct. 1, 1914. (1916 not printed.) Bulletin. Teaching beginning reading. Sept. 1917. Vol. 7, No. 2, Library number. Dec. 1914. Student Opinion. Dec. 11, 1916 to date. Issued weekly by students. Agricultural College and School of Science, State. Commission on technical institution, to establish, under Laws of 1890. p. 260 . Report. Dec. 17, 1890. Agricultural College, President of Report, annual. 2d, -June 30, 1892. Agricultural College, Regents of Report, annual. Nov. 1, 1892- ; Nov. 1, 1894. State College of Washington. Report. Oct. 1915, Quarterly Bulletin, Yol. 8, No. 3. State College, Regents of Report, biennial. -Nov. 1, 1898; July 1, 1898-June 30, 1900; 1900-1902; 1902-1904; 7th, 1904-1906; 8th, 1906-1908; 9th, 1908- 1910; 10th, 1910-1912; 11th, 1912-1914; 12th, -June 30, 1916. 30 Reference List of Public Documents State College. Catalog, annual. 1st, 1891-1892; 2d, 1892-1893; 3d, 1893-1894; 4th, 1894-1895; 5th, 1895-1896; 6th, 1896-1897; 7th, 1897-1898; 8th, 1898-1899; 9th, 1899-1900; 10th, 1900-1901; 11th, 1901-190^; 12th, 1902-1903; 13th, 1903-1904; 14th, 1904-1905; 15th, 1905-1906; 16th, 1906-1907; 17th, 1907-1908; 18th, 1908-1909; 19th, 1909- 1910; 20th, 1910-1911; 21st, 1911-1912; 22d, 1912-1913; 23d, 1913- 1914; 24th, 1914-1915; 25th, 1915-1916; 26th, 1916-1917; 27th, 1917-1918; 28th, 1918-1919. Winter School, Pullman. Quart, bulletin, vol. 8; 3. Announcement for Jan. 3-Feb. 11, 1916. Department of Extension. Extension bulletins. No. 1-5, 9-12, 15, 18-24, 26, 29-40, 42-43, 45, 46. Extension circulars. No. 1-5. Dairy Extension Circular. No. 1. Entomology Extension Circulars. No. 1-10. Home Economics Extension Circulars. No. 1, 3, 5, 7, 8-12, 14-17, 19-23. Horticulture Extension Circulars. No. 1-18. Poultry Extension Circulars. No. 1-35. Soils and Crops Extension Circulars. No. 1-3. Miscellaneous. Announcement — Projects of the Office of Farm Products. Nov. 1917. Civil Engineering Department. Honor Roll — Alumni in Service of U. S. A. 1914-1917. ( Illustrated booklet- — descriptive. ) Legal Status, State College-University, 1st, edition; 2d edition 1917. Library Bulletins. Vol. 1, No. 1-6. Newspaper Bulletins. 184-207, 210. June 23, 1916-Oct. 10, 1916. (Typed copies.) Some objections offered by the State College. 1917. Report on the re-cruise of 14,000 acres of timber land. Act of Feb. 11, 1899. Agricultural Experiment Station — Pullman. Bulletin 7, Nov. 1, 1907-April 1, 1911; 8, Nov. 15, 1911. Popular Bulletins. 1, 4, 6-15, 17-23, 25-72, 74-81, 83-94, 97-105, 112- 114. Bulletins. 1-11, 13-28, 30-132, 135, 139-150. Press Bulletin. Common house fly. 1905. Report, annual. 19th, -June 30, 1909; 20th, -June 30, 1910; 24th, July 1, 1913-June 30, 1914. Agriculture Experiment Station — Puyallup. Special series. No. 1-9, 1909-1912. Monthly bulletins. Yol. 1. Sept. 1913, to date. Farm Markets Division. Bulletin No. 1. The public markets. Oct. 1918. Washington State Library 3 ] University of Washington. Catalog. 1874-1875; 1877-1878; 1878-1879; 1881-1882; 1882-1883; 1884-1885; 1886-1887; 1888-1889; 1889-1890; 1890-1891; 1891- 1892; 1892-1893; 1893-1894; 1894-1895; 1896-1897; 1897-1898; 1898-1899; 1899-1900; 1900-1901; 1901-1902; 1902-1903; 1903- 1904; 1904-1905; 1905-1906; 1906-1907; 1907-1908; 1908-1909; 1909-1910; 1910-1911; 1911-1912; 1912-1913; 1913-1914; 1914- 1915; 1915-1916; 1916-1917; 1917-1918. Report of Regents. 1862; Dec. 19, 1864. Report of Regents, annual. Dec. 15, 1890. Report of Regents, biennial. 2d, Dec. 1, 1892; 3d, Dec. 1, 1892-Dec 1, 1894; 4th, -Dec. 1, 1896; 5th, -Dec. 1, 1898; 6th, -Dec. 1, 1900; 7th, -Jan. 1, 1903; 8th, (1904-1905); 9th, -Jan. 1, 1907; 10th, -Jan. 1, 1909; 11th, -Jan. 1, 1911; 12th -Jan. 1, 1913; 13th, -Jan. 1, 1915; 14th, 1915-1916. Note: Report of 1862 found only in Council Journal of 1862 and contains course of study; Report of 1864 found only in Council Journal, 1864; Report of 1890 found in Public Documents, 1890- 1891, and contains catalog, report of regents, report of special leg- islative commission, list of faculty and students, and report on University lands; 2d biennial contains catalog of students and alumni from 1876 to 1892. Bulletins. Issued Quarterly. Series II, No. 1 . University Addresses. Sept. 1901. Series II, No. 2. Announcement of the School of Pharmacy. March 1904. Series II, No. 16. Greek in the High School. Oct. 190 4. Series II, No. 17. Physics in the High School. Jan. 1905. Series II, No. 24. High School Physics. Oct. 190 5. Series III, No. 1 . Four Documents in American History. Dec. 1901. Series III, No. 2. Chief Sealth. Dec. 1903. Series IV, No. 1 . Suggestions to Secondary Schools. March, 1902. Series IV, No. 2. Suggestions to Secondary Schools. Sept. 1902. Series IV, No. 3. Suggestions to Elementary Schools. Sept. 1903. General Bulletins. Nos. 31, 40, 41, 60, 74, 82, 104. Extension Series. Bulletins 1-6, 10-14, 20, 21. Note: Also given General Bulletin numbers 62-64, 66, 67, 70, 81, 83-85, 87, 104, 110. University Studies. Bulletins 1, 2, 3, 4, 6, 7, 8. Note: No. 1 reprint from Anglia, Vol. 19, Aug. 1908; No. 2 reprint from Washington Historical Quarterly, Oct. 1908; No. 3 reprint from Educational Review, Jan. 1909 and Dec. 1909; No. 4 reprint from Euphorion, Vol. 17, pp. 538-556 (1910), in German text; No. 6 re- print from Magazine of History, Vol. 10, pp. 9-16, 79-85 (1909); No. 7 reprint from Physical Review, Dec. 1911 and Sept. 1912; No. 8 reprint from Manual Training, June, 1914. 32 Reference List of Public Documents University of Washington — Continued. Occasional Papers. Bulletins 1, 2, 3. Note: No. 1 reprint from Educational Review, April, 1908; No. 2 reprint from Atlantic Monthly, July, 1910; No. 3 reprint from Ameri- can Journal of Sociology, July, 1911. Bureau of Industrial Research. Bulletins 1, 2, 3. Chemistry, Department of Anodic passivity of iron. 1915. Volatile substance of urine. 1914. Botany, Department of Production of root hairs in water. Feb. 1, 1915. Vol. 1, No. 1. Mathematical and Physical Science, Department of Arithmetical theory. Aug. 1915. Vol. 1, No. 1. Geology, Department of Vol. 1, No. 1. Tertiary faunal horizons. Feb. 1918. Vol. 1, No. 2. Paleontology of oligocene of the Chehalis Valley. Expedition 1916-1917. English, Department of Vol. 4, No. 1. The pearl; an interpretation. 1918. Forest Club, Department of Cost of growing timber in the Pacific Northwest. 1915. Continuous forest production. Jan. 1917. Miscellaneous. Report of University Commissioners, and list of lands selected for University.^ Dec. 4, 1861. Report of University Lands. Special Committee appointed by Regents. Jan. 26, 1891. Report of University Land and Building Commissioners. March 12, 1891-Nov. 29, 1892. Laws and By-Laws governing Board of Regents. Adopted Aug. 13, 1892. News Letter. Dec. 11, 1916. State Tax system of Washington. Custis. 1916. Note: Report of University Commissioners found in Council Journal, 1861; News letter is typed copy, also part in manuscript. (To December, 1918, there have been issued in all 122 Bulletins.) INSTITUTIONS — PENAL. Penitentiary, Territorial. Report, Superintendent. May 9, 1887-Dec. 1, 1887. State. Report, Commissioners, annual. April 1, 1890- 1890. Report, Building Commissioners. Sept. 17, 1887-Nov. 21, 1887. Report, annual. 2d, Oct. 1, 1890-Sept. 30, 1891. Note: Commissioners’ report for 1890 contains reports of Warden, Clerk, Physician, and a sample menu by days. Prison Commissioners — Supplemental. Jan. 26, 1891. Washington State Library 33 Penitentiary, State. Report, annual. 3d, -Oct. 31, 1892; 5th, Oct. 1, 1893-Sept. 30, 1894; 6th, 1894-1895; 7th, 1895-1896; 8th, 1896-1897. Miscellaneous. List of sales of jute fabrics and brick. March 1, 1891-Sept. 30, 1892. Wanted — Escaped prisoners from State Penitentiary. 1913. Reformatory, State Report, annual. 2d, -Sept. 30, 1908. Report, biennial. 2d, 1908-1910; 3d, 1910-1912; 4th, -1914; 5th, -(1916). Note: 4th and 5th biennials found only in 7th and 8th biennial reports of State Board of Control. Miscellaneous. History of Washington State Reformatory. 1896-1908. Laws, rules and regulations. 1910. Report to Gov. M. E. Hay on conditions at Monroe. Nov. 7, 1911. Reform School, Washington State Report, annual. May 15-Dec. 12, 1890. Report, biennial. 1st, 1891-1892; 2d, -Sept. 30, 1894; 3d, Sept. 30, 1894-Oct. 1, 1896. Investigations. INVESTIGATIONS. Report of Committee on Concurrent Resolution No. 7, Session of 1913. Report of joint committee on state insane. Feb. 25. 1891. Investigating committee, legislative. House Concurrent Resolution No. 16, 1909. Chiefly on Land Office. Impeachment, Rules of Procedure (1909). Case of John H. Schively. Impeachment. (1909). Case of John H. Schively. Brief — Answer of Representatives of Legislative Investigating Committee. Concurrent Resolution No. 6, 1913. Forest Legislation, Report on Apr. -Nov. 1910. Note: Manuscript copy — never published. Penitentiary, State. Report of special committee of Legislature. Feb. 24, 1891. Training School — Reformatory. Report. 1911. Puget Sound — Grays Harbor Canal. 1900. Report of Committee appointed by Governor on State Powder Factory — Chap. 184, Laws 1913. May 29, 1914. Rural credit. Feb. 11, 1915. Note: Co-operation and Agricultural Organizations in Europe. Commission by Gov. M. E. Hay on Industrial accidents, draft of bill for Legislature of 1911. Report on Puyallup & Stuck Rivers. Feb. 18, 1911. Joint Special University Committee of the House and Senate. 1890. University Lands, Report of Special Committee on 1891. 34 Reference List of Public Documents LAWS — COMPILATIONS. Laws, Compilations and Special Editions. Agriculture, Department of Laws and regulations. 1913. Law regulating bovine tuberculosis. 1915. Dairy rules. 1917. Laws relating to food, drugs, stock feeds, oils, bakeries, fertilizers and eggs. Act of 1913, Chap. 60. Apples — grading, rules and regulations. 1917. Laws, regulations on eggs, stock feeds, milk and ice cream con- tainers, meat products; statement of weight; analysis of foods • and drugs; public nuisance defined. 1915. Food and food values — to reduce the cost of 1916. Registration of stallions and jacks. 1917, effective June 8, 1917. Agricultural seed laws. 1915 Code. Attorneys, Admission of Statutes, rules and practices. 1913. Banking. Banks and banking, Trust Company laws. 1907. Note: Contains act of 1907 relating to Surety Companies. Banking and trust company laws. 1915. Note: Contains negotiable institutions law, building and loan act, forms for organization, management, reports of trust companies. Banking and trust company laws. 1917. Bank Examiner — Laws of limitations — Opinions of Attorney General. 1917. Building, Loan and Savings Associations. An act to provide for the organization, etc. 1890; ed. 1903; ed. 1904. Savings and Loan Associations and Societies. 1913; ed. 1915; ed. 1917. Beneficiary Societies. Law. 1901. Chap. 174, Laws 1901. Coal Mining. Coal Mining Code. Chap. 36, Laws of 1917. June 7, 1917. Corporation Laws. Incorporation law of Washington — Cities and towns under 20,000 inhabitants. 1890. Corporation laws of Washington. Ed. 1898; ed. 1901; ed. 1903; ed. 1905; ed. 1907; ed. 1910; ed. 1911; ed. 1913. How to incorporate under Washington laws — General incorporation laws and forms. 1905. Acts of Legislature, 1909 — Organization and regulation of Corpora- tions, etc. Private corporations, organization and management. 1918. Note: Corporation laws of 1918 contains schedule of fees, annota- tions of Washington Reports to vol. 96. Criminal Code — Washington. 1909. Washington State Library 35 Laws, Compilations and Special Editions — Continued. Dairy. Laws relating to manufacture and sale of dairy products. 1899. Dairy and food laws, rules and regulations. 1901. Dairy and food laws. 1905; 1907. Dairy and food department, rules and regulations. 1907; 1909. Agriculture, Dept, of — Laws, regulations, etc., comp. — Dairying. 1918. Education. See Schools. Elections. Election law of Washington Territory. (Reprint of chapters 200-244, Code of 1881.) Election law, Territory of Washington. Approved Nov. 9, 1877. General election laws. 1890; ed. 1894; ed. 1895; ed. 1898; ed. 1905; ed. 1907; ed. 1910; ed. 1912; ed. 1918. Primary election law. Approved March 15, 1907; March 12, 1909; 1911; 1912. “Registration” and “Absent voters’ ” law. Effective Jan. 1, 1916. Primary election, registration and absent voters law. 1916. Electrical Construction. An act relating to electrical construction and maintenance of appa- ratus, wires, etc. 1913. An act relating to electrical construction. Aug. 14, 1914. Embalmers, State Examining Board. Official list of embalmers. Jan. 1, 1917. Factory. Factory inspection law. Effective June 8, 1905. Forest Protection. Forest protection law. Chap. 164, Laws of 1905, and Laws 1911. Forest officers’ book of laws, rules, etc. Revised 1917. Food and Shell Fish. Annotated laws relating to food and shell fish. 1915; ed. 1917. Game. Game law. 1897. Game and fish laws. 1898; ed. 1899. Game laws. 1901; ed. 1903. Fish, oysters and game laws. 1901; ed. 1903; ed. 1905; ed. 1907; ed. 1909; ed. 1911. Fish and game laws of Washington, and fish laws of Alaska. 1912. Laws on fish and oysters. 1913. Game and game fish laws. 1913. Annotated game and game fish laws. 1915; ed. 1917. Note: Laws of 1899 contain decisions of the Supreme Court. Grain and Hay. Laws relating to grain and hay inspection. Aug. 11, 1911. Grain and hay standards — warehouses. Aug. 1, 1914; ed. Aug. 1915. Grain laws and standards. Aug. 15, 1917. Guaranty Fund Board. Guaranty fund act. Chap. 81, Laws 1917. 36 Reference List of Public Documents Laws, Compilations and Special Editions — Continued. Highways. See Roads. Horticulture. Horticultural law and law governing commission merchants. 1907. Horticultural laws. 1909. Hotel. Hotel inspection laws. Chap. 29, Laws 1909 — Amend. 1915. Harbor Lines, Waterways, etc. Provisions of constitutions, statutes. 1890-1891. Indeterminate Sentence. Indeterminate sentence law of 1907. Industrial Welfare Commission. Minimum wage law. 1913. Chap. 174, Laws 1913. Inspection. Law creating and governing Bureau of Inspection and Supervision of Public Offices. 1911. Insurance. Insurance law enacted by 1st Session, 1889-1890, effective June 26, 1890. Insurance laws, comp, up to and including 1897. 1897. Insurance laws. 1901; ed. 1905; ed. 1907; ed. 1909. Insurance code. 1911. Insurance code with amendments enacted in 1915. Insurance code. 1915. Fire loss adjustments. 1916. Irrigation. Irrigation laws. 1911; ed. 1916. Labor. Labor laws — Washington. 1903; ed. 1905; ed. 1907; ed. 1909; ed. 1911; ed. 1915; ed. 1917. Note: Laws of 1903 contain act relating to trademarks, 1897. Lands. Act relating to school and granted lands, harbors, and tide lands. 1890. Laws for selection of state granted lands. 1891. Laws, rules and regulations governing appraisement, sale and lease of school and granted lands. 1893. Laws, rules and regulations governing appraisement and sale of tide lands. 1894. School, granted and tide land laws. 1895; ed. 1897; ed. 1899. Laws relating to school, granted and tide lands. 1901; ed. 1903; ed. 1907. Amendments to school, granted and tide lands. 1909. (With anno- tations) . Public land laws — Washington. 1914. Supplement to compiled public land laws. 1915; No. 2, 1918. Logged-off and arid land law. 1913. Issued by Secy, of State. Washington State Library 37 Laws, Compilations and Special Editions — Continued. Lands. Rules of practice and rules governing surveys of state lands. March 30, 1897. Rules of practice. 1901. Note: Public Land laws of 1914 includes Acts of Congress — Consti- tution — Decisions of Supreme Court, to v6l. 74 — Opinions of Attorney- General to Jan. 1, 1914. Library. Library laws. 1903; ed. 1913. Logged-off and Arid Land Law. 1913. Note: See Lands. Medical Aid. Medical aid board, rules of (1917) Note: Issued by Industrial Insurance Commission. Medical Examining Board, State. Biennial report. 1897-1898. Note: Contains law of March 28, 1890. Military. Organization, maintenance and discipline of the State Militia, An act providing for 1890. Military code and regulations of the National Guard — Washington. 1905. Military laws. G. O. 45, Adj. Genl. Office. 1911. Military laws. 1915; ed. 1917. General Orders No. 12, Laws. March 14, 1917. Note: Issued by Adjutant General. Mining Bureau. Act to create and to define powers and duties of Mining Bureau. 1890. Coal mine laws. 1897. Motor Vehicle. Motor Vehicle law. Effective June 10, 1915; 2d ed., Effective June 7, 1917. Note: Issued by Secretary of State. Navigation. Navigation law. June 12, 1907; ed. 1917. Nurses, State Board of Laws 1909; 1913. Optometry, Board of Examiners. List of registered optometrists (Law of Optometry). March 31, 1917. Pardons. Rules of executive practice relative to pardons, reprieves, paroles, etc. (Issued by Prison Board.) Rules of executive practice relative to pardons, reprieves, paroles, etc. (Issued by Governor.) Rules of executive practice. Adopted Nov. 1, 1887. Parole of Convicts. Laws, rules and regulations governing parole of convicts. 1899. 38 Reference List of Public Documents Laws, Compilations and Special Editions — Continued. Penitentiary. Rules and regulations for government of Washington State Peniten- tiary. 1899. Pilots. An act to provide for the licensing and government of pilots. Feb. 2, 1888. / Pharmacists, State Board of Laws relating to pharmacists. March 1916. Public Service Commission. Act creating the Public Service Commission. 1912. An act relating to electrical construction. Chap. 130, Laws of 1913. Jan. 23, 1914. Standard grades of grain and hay. July, 1915. Telephone regulation charges. Dec. 16, 1916. Laws relating to powers, duties and jurisdiction of Public Service Com. mission. Sept. 1917. (With annotations.) Railroad. General laws and constitutional provisions of railroads — Washington. (1905). ed. 1907. Compilation of railroad laws. 1905. Railroad laws of Washington. 1907. Railroad, express, telephone and telegraph companies, and grain in- spection — General laws and provisions. 1909. Note: Railroad laws of Washington, 1907, contains annotations of laws of other states. Revenue. Revenue law of Washington Territory. Approved Nov. 4, 1879. Act to provide for the assessment and collection of taxes, etc. 1889- 1890. Revenue law. Enacted Session 1891. Act to provide for assessment and collection of taxes, etc. 1893. Revenue laws. 1895; 1897; 1899-1901; 1903; 1905; 1907; 1917. Taxation of inheritances. 1917. Law relating to real estate transfer (1898). Law in recognizances, stipulations, bonds and undertakings. March 17, 1897. Note: Laws of 1907 annotated. Registration. See elections. Roads. Road law of Washington Territory. Passed Jan. 28, 1857. Road laws, Territory of Washington. Approved Nov. 9, 1877. Road law, Washington Territory. Approved Nov. 12, 1879. Road laws, State of Washington. Legislative Sessions 1889-1890; 1891-1893; 1895-1899; 1903; 1905; 1908. Highway laws. 1909. Permanent highways. 1911. Road laws — Washington. 1911; 1913. Road laws — Permanent highways. Chap. 35, Laws 1911; Chap. 154, Laws 1913. Washington State Library 39 Laws, Compilations and Special Editions — Continued. Savings and Loan. Savings and Loan Societies act. 1917 edition. School. School laws. April 12, 1854. An act establishing a common school system. Passed Jan. 7, 186 3. School law — Territory of Washington. Approved Jan. 31, 1867. An act establishing a common school system. Session of 1871. School law. Approved Nov. 14, 1873. School law — Washington Territory. Approved Nov. 9, 1877; 2d edi- tion; Approved Nov. 28, 1883. School laws, with appendix. 1890; 1893. School laws — amendments. 1895. School laws of Washington. March 4, 1897. Code of Public Instruction — School laws. 1901. School laws — Washington. 1903; 1907; 1915. Amendments to Code of Public Instruction. 1905. 1st and 2d edi- tions. Code to Public Instruction. 1909; 1913. Code to Public Instruction — Annotated. Nov. 1917. Note: Laws of 1854, 500 ordered printed; School law of 1883 con- tains rules and regulations — course of study — forms; Laws of 1893 contains in the introduction a history of school legislation to date; Laws of 1898 found only in Public Documents of 1898 — contains con- stitution, opinions and rulings, forms; Laws of 1901 contain con- stitution, enabling act, rules, forms, text book law, special session, June 12, 1901. Township Organizations. Laws of township organization. 1895. Township organization. 1908. Veterinary. Veterinary medical examiners 1915; Yearbook. Vital Statistics. Law regulating vital statistics. 1907; ed. 1913, see Health Quar- terly Bulletin, Vol. 3, No. 3. Instructions for the registration of vital statistics. 1907. Registration districts — « Vital statistics law — Eastern Washington. 1915; ed. 1917. Registration districts — Vital statistics law — Western Washington. 1915; ed. 1917. Note: Registration districts are special bulletins of State Board of Health. Water Code. Proposed water code. March, 1917. Water code and its administration. Bulletin 1 of Hydraulic Engineer. Jan. 1918. Note: Contains Chap. 117, Laws 1917 code. 40 Reference List of Public Documents Laws, Compilations and Special Editions — Continued. Weights and Measures. Weights and measures law. 1913. Instructions to sealers of weights and measures. 1913. Specifications governing weights and measures. 1915, same 1916. Laws providing for weights and measures. Revised 1917. Workman’s Compensation. Workman’s compensation law. 1911. 1st unofficial printing of law. Workmen’s compensation act. 1911; 2d ed. Workmen’s compensation act, Chap. 74, Session Laws of 1911. ed. 1912; ed. 1913. Workmen’s compensation act. 1915. Workmen’s compensation act. Laws 1911, 1913, 1915, 1917, with notes. 1917. Miscellaneous. Washington laws made plain. Session laws, etc. — Catalog and check list (1914). Local option law. 1909. Laws concerning women in the State of Washington. 1st ed. 1911; 2d ed. 1912. Washington State Library 41 LEGISLATURE. Legislature. Council, Territorial Journals. Sessions, annual. 1st, Feb. 27, 1854-May 1, 1854; 2d, Dec. 4, 1854-Feb. 1, 1855; 3d, Dec. 3, 1855-Jan. 31, 1856; 4th, Dec. 1, 1856-Jan. 29, 1857; 5th, Dec. 7, 1857-Feb. 4, 1858; 6th, Dec. 6, 1858-Feb. 3, 1859; 7th, Dec. 3, 1859-Feb. 2, 1860; 8th, Dec. 3, 1860-Jan. 31, 1861; 9th, Dec. 2, 1861-Jan. 30, 1862; 10th, Dec. 1, 1862-Jan. 29, 1863; 11th, Dec. 7, 1863-Feb. 4, 1864; 12th, Dec. 8, 186 4-Jan. 23, 1865; 13th, Dec. 4, 1865-Jan. 29, 1866; 14th, Dec. 3, 1866-Jan. 31, 1867. Note: Journals for 1st, 2d and 3d Sessions bound together; Journal of 1st Session contains Governor’s message, rules, memorials, joint resolutions, and proclamation; Appendix to Journal of 2d Session contains Governor’s message and report of committee on capitol site; Appendix to Journal of 3d Session contains message and reports; Journals for 4th, 5th and 6th Sessions bound together; Journal for 4th Session contains in Appendix the Governor’s message, and reports of the Librarian, Treasurer and Auditor; Journal for 5th Session contains in Appendix Governor’s message, and Gov- ernor’s report to United States President, and Reports of the Treas- urer, Auditor and Librarian; Journal for 6th Session contains Gov- ernor’s message, and reports of the Librarian, Treasurer and Auditor; Journal for 7th Session contains Governor’s message and reports of Treasurer and Auditor; Journals for 7th, 8th and 9th Sessions bound together; Journal for 8th Session contains Governor’s mes- sage and reports of Librarian and Auditor; Journal for 9th Session contains Governor’s message and reports of University Commissioners, Superintendent of Public Instruction and Auditor; Journal for 10th Session contains in Appendix the Governor’s message and reports of Librarian, University Regents, Auditor, Executive Cor. and Treasurer, and Memorials; Journals for 10th, 11th, 12th and 13th sessions bound together; Journal for 11th Session contains Governor’s message, and Reports of the Auditor, Treasurer and Librarian; Journal for 12th Session contains rules of order, Governor’s message and Reports of the Auditor, Treasurer, University Regents and Librarian; Journal for 13th Session contains Reports of Auditor and Treasurer and Governor’s message; Journal for 14th Session contains rules of order, Governor’s message and Reports of Auditor and Treasurer. Journals. Sessions, biennial First, Dec. 2, 1867-Jan. 30, 1868; (2d), Oct. 4, 1869-Dec. 2, 1869: 3d, Oct. 2, 1871-Nov. 30, 1871; (4th), “19th Regular Session,” Oct. 6, 1873-Nov. 14, 1873; 6th, Oct. 1, 1877-Nov. 9, 1877; 7th, Oct. 6, 1 879-Nov. 14, 1879; 9th, Oct. 1, 1883-Nov. 29, 1883; 11th, Dec. 5, 1887-Feb. 2, 1888. Note: Journal for 1st biennial contains in Appendix the Governor’s message, and reports of the Treasurer, Auditor, University Regents, Report of Select Committee, and Defense of Bagley; Journal for 2d biennial contains in Appendix the Governor’s message, and reports of the Auditor, Librarian, Treasurer, and University Regents; Jour- nal for 3d biennial contains in appendix the Governor’s message and reports of the Librarian, Treasurer, Auditor, University Regents, Penitentiary, and University Committee; Journal for (4th) biennial contains Governor’s message; Catalog of State Territorial Library, 1880, mentions a Council Journal for 1875, 5th biennial, as well as a House Journal; Journal for 9th biennial contains Governor’s message. 42 Reference List of Public Documents Legislature — Continued. House, Territorial. Journals. Sessions, annual. First, Feb. 27, 1854-(May 1, 1854); 2d, Dec. 4, 1854-Feb. 1, 1855; 3d, Dec. 3, 1855-Jan. 31, 1856; 4th, Dec. 1, 1856-Jan. 29, 1857; 5th, Dec. 7, 1857-Feb. 4, 1858; 6th, Dec. 6, 1858-Feb. 3, 1859; 7th, Dec. 3, 1859-Feb. 2, 1860; 8th, Dec. 3, 1860-Jan. 31, 1861; 9th, Dec. 2, 1861-Jan. 30, 1862; 10th, Dec. 1, 1862-Jan. 29, 1863; 11th, Dec. 7, 1863-Feb. 4, 1864; 12th, Dec. 5, 1864-Jan. 23, 1865; 13th, Dec. 4, 1865-Jan. 29, 1866; 14th, Dec. 3, 1866-Jan. 31, 1867. Note: Journals for 1st, 2d, 3d and 4th Sessions bound in one volume; Journal for 1st annual contains Governor’s message, Rules of the House and Joint Rules; Journal for 2d annual contains Governor’s message, and reports of the Auditor, Treasurer, Librarian, and cor- respondence regarding H. B. and P. S. Agricultural Company survey; Journal for 4th annual contains Governor’s message and correspond- ence and testimony regarding martial law in 1856; Journal for 5th annual contains Governor’s message and report of the Treasurer; Journals for 5th, 6th and 7th annual sessions bound in one volume; Journal for 6th Session contains Governor’s message, and reports of the Librarian, Treasurer and Auditor; Journal for 7th Session contains Governor’s message and reports of the Auditor and Treasur- er; Journals for 8th, 9th and 10th Sessions bound in one volume; Journal for 8th Session contains Governor’s message and reports of Librarian, Treasurer and Auditor; Journal for 9th Session contains as appendix the Governor’s message and reports of the University, Superintendent of Public Instruction, Auditor and Treasurer; Journal for 10th Session contains as appendix reports of the Librarian, Aud- itor, Treasurer, Executive Correspondence, Memorials, and Governor’s message; Journal for 11th Session contains Governor’s message, and reports of the Auditor, Treasurer, and Librarian, and Governor’s report on care of insane; Journal for 12th Session contains Governor’s message and reports of Auditor, Treasurer, Librarian and University; Journal for 13th Session contains reports of Auditor and Treasurer, and Governor’s message; Journal for 14th Session contains Governor’s, message and reports of the Auditor, Treasurer and Librarian. Journals. Sessions, biennial. First, Dec. 2, 1867-Jan. 30, 1868; (2d), Oct. 4, 1869-Dec. 2, 1869; (3d), Oct. 2, 1871-Nov. 30, 1871; 4th, Oct. 6-13, part session, 1873; 5th, Oct. 4, 1875-Nov. 12, 1875; 6th, Oct. 1, 1877-Nov. 9, 1877; 8th, Oct. 3, 1881-Dec. 7, 1881; 9th, Oct. 1, 1883-Nov. 29, 1883; 11th, Dec. 5, 1887-Feb. 2, 1888. Note: Journal for 1st biennial contains Governor’s message, and reports of the Auditor, Treasurer, and rules of the House and Joint Rules; Journal of (2d) biennial contains Governor’s message, and reports of the Auditor, Librarian, Treasurer and Rules and orders of House and Joint rules; Journal for (3d) biennial contains in Appendix the reports of the Librarian, Treasurer, Auditor, Peniten- tiary, and University and Governor’s message; Proceedings for 4th biennial found in Temperance Echo for Oct. 16, 1873, for only 6th- 13th, and much condensed. Washington State Library 43 Legislature — Continued. Senate, State Journals. Sessions, biennial. 1889-1890; 1891; 1893; 4th, 1895; 5th, Jan. 11, 1897-March 11, 1897; 6th, Jan. 9-March 9, 1899; 7th, Jan. 14-March 14, 1901; 8th, Jan. 12-March 12, 1903; 9th, Jan. 9, 1905-March 9, 1905; 10th, Jan. 14-March 14, 1907; 11th, Jan. 11-March 11, 1909; 12th, Jan. 9-March 9, 1911; 13th, Jan. 13-March 13, 1913; 14th, Jan. 11- March 11, 1915; 15th, Jan. 8-March 8, 1917. JVote: 11th biennial is Journal for both Regular and Extra Sessions. House, State. Journals. Sessions, biennial. First, Nov. 6, 1889-March 28, 1890; 2d, Jan. 7, 1891-March 7, 1891; 3d, Jan. 9-March 9, 1893; 4th, Jan. 14-March 14, 1895; 5th, Jan. 11-March 11, 1897; 6th, Jan. 9-March 9, 1899; 7th, Jan. 14- -March 14, 1901; 8th, Jan. 12-March 12, 1903; 9th, Jan. 9-March 9, 1905; 10th, Jan. 14-March 14, 1907; 11th, Jan. 11-March 11, 1909; 12th, Jan. 9-March 9, 1911; 13th, Jan. 13-March 13, 1913; 14th, Jan. 11-March 11, 1915; 15th, Jan. 8-March 8, 1917. JVote: 11th biennial is Journal for both Regular and Extra Sessions. Legislative Handbooks and Manuals. Legislative Handbook and Manual. 1889-90. March 1890. Legislative Handbook and Manual. 1891. Feb. 20, 1891. Legislative Handbook-Manual — Barton’s. 1893-1894. Legislative Souvenir Manual. 1889-1895, 1st to 4th Sessions. Legislative Manual and Political Directory. 1899. House of Representatives, Rules and Orders. 1887. Rules and Joint Rules of the Senate and House of Representatives. 1889. Joint Rules, Rules of Senate, Rules of House. Session of 1891. Joint Rules, Rules of Senate, Rules of House. Session of 1893. Joint Rules, Rules Senate-House. Jan. 18, 1897. Joint Rules, Rules Senate-House. Jan. 24, 1899. Joint Rules, Rules Senate-House. Jan. 22-March 21, 1901. Joint Rules, Rules Senate-House. Jan. 19-March 12, 1903. Cover title — Manual of Washington Legislature, R. B. Bryan. Joint Rules and Rules of the House. Session of 1903 (Rules only). Joint Rules and Rules of the House. Session of 1905 (Rules only). Jan. 12, 1905. Joint Rules, Rules of Senate-House. Session of 1905. Cover title — Manual of the Washington Legislature. Joint Rules, Rules of Senate-House. Session of 1907. Cover title — Manual Washington Legislature, 1907. Joint Rules, Rules of Senate-House. Session of 1907. Joint Rules, Rules Senate-House. Session 1909. Cover title — Manual Washington Legislature, 11th Session 190 9. Jan. 11-March 11, 1909. Joint Rules, Rules Senate-House. Session 1911. Cover title — Legislative Manual — 1911. 44 Reference List of Public Documents Legislative Handbooks and Manuals — Continued. Joint Rules, Rules Senate-House. 12th Session. (Jan. 9-March 9, 1911) (Only Rules). Joint Rules, Rules Senate-House. Session 1913. Cover title — Legislative Manual — 1913. Legislative Guide. 13th Session, Jan. 13-March 13, 1913. Rules and Joint Rules of Senate. 13th Session (1913) (Rules only). Joint Rules, Rules Senate-House. Session 1915. Cover title — 1915 Legislative Manual. Joint Rules, Rules of Senate-House. Session 1917. Cover title — 1917 Legislative Manual. Joint Rules and Rules of House. 14th Session — 1915 (Only rules). Rules and Joint Rules of Senate. 14th Session (Only rules). Note: Legislative Manual of Mar. 1890 contains much historical matter to the close of the 1st Session; Manual of 1891 contains much historical matter to the close of the 2d Session of the legis- lature; Barton’s Legislative Handbook of 1893 contains four party platforms 1892 — national; Legislative Souvenir contains Biographi- cal sketches; Legislative Manual of 1899 contains digest of party platforms (state) from 1889 to 1898 inclusive; Rules and Orders of 1887 — Copy in Public Documents 1887 has two pages of committees and roster additional; Manual of Washington Legislature for 1907 has tipped into it a copy of “Rules only.” Legislative Rosters. Legislative Roster. Senate and House 1905. Official Register. 1900. House of Representatives — Standing Committees. 1913. Senate — Standing Committees. 1913. House Roster 1915 — Various committee appointments of House and Senate. Note: Roster of 1905 has typed certificate of Secretary of State — Pound also in Auditor’s Report; Official Register of 1900 found also in Auditor’s Report; House Roster of 1915 contains six docu- ments Courts. COURTS. Supreme Court, Rules of Adopted July term, 1884. Judges of the Supreme Court. Report, annual. -Dec. 13, 1892. Recommendations for legis- lature. Supreme Court, Judges of Report, biennial. -Dec. 31, 1894 — Report on defects of the law. Supreme Court. Report, biennial. -Dec. 29, 1898. Supreme Court — State of Washington ex. rel. Stimson Mill Co. — Harbor Line Commissioners. 1891. Supreme Court. Bar Examinations. January, May, October 1914 — date. Superior Courts. General rules adopted at Seattle July 19-20, 1897. Supreme Court, Rules of 1909. Washington State Library 45 Courts — Continued. Supreme Court. Rules relating to admission of attorneys. 1910. Note: Annual Report of 1892 found also in Public Documents of 1892; Biennial Report of 1894 found also in Public Documents of 1894-1895 — contains report and rec. of the Superior Judges, p. 13-17; General Rules of Superior Courts found also in Public Documents of 1897. Washington Reports. Notes on Washington Reports, covering Yols. 1-3 Territorial Reports, and 1-30 State Reports. Washington Territorial Reports. Volumes. 1, 1854-1879; 2, 1880-1885; 3, Jan. 1887-Jan. 1888, and Special Term of July 1888. Washington Reports. Volumes. 1, 1889-1890; 2, 1891; 3, 1891-1892; 4, 1892; 5, 1892-1893; 6, 1893; 7, 1893-1894; 8, 1894; 9, 1894; 10, 1894-1895; 11, 1895; 12, 1895; 13, 1895-1896; 14, 1896; 15, 1896; 16, 1896-1897; 17, 1897; 18, 1897-1898; 19, 1898; 20, 1898-1899; 21, 1899; 22, 1900; 23, 1900-1901; 24, 1901; 25, 1901; 26, Sept. 3, 1901-Dec. 21, 1901; 27, Dec. 23, 1901-March 19, 1902; 28, March 20-June 27, 1902; 29, July 3-Sept. 15, 1902; 30, Sept. 16, 1902-Jan. 15, 1903; 31, Jan. 16- May 2, 1903; 32, May 4-Sept. 19, 1903; 33, Sept. 19, 1903-Jan. 2, 1904; 34, Jan. 2, 1904-April 14, 1904; 35, April 18, 1904-Sept. 21, 1904; 36, Sept. 21, 1904-Feb. 4, 1905; 37, Feb. 4, 1905-March 29, 1905; 38, March 29, 1905-May 3, 1905; 39, May 3, 1905-Sept. 5, 1905; 40, Sept. 6-Dec. 13, 1905; 41, Dec. 13-Feb. 26, 1906; 42, Feb. 26, 190 6-June 15, 1906; 43, June 19, 1906-Sept. 22, 1906; 44, Sept. 22, 1906-Dec. 13, 1906; 45, Dec. 13, 1906-March 19, 1907; 46, March 19, 1907-Aug. 2, 1907; 47, Aug. 2, 1907-Dec. 3, 1907; 48, Dec. 3, 1907-March 17, 1908; 49, March 17-June 29, 1908; 50, July 7-Nov. 7, 1908; 51, Nov. 7, 1908-Feb. 25, 1909; 52, Feb. 26- April 28, 1909; 53, April 28, 1909-June 30, 1909; 54, June 30- Sept. 25, 1909; 55, Sept. 25-Nov. 16, 1909; 56, Nov. 16, 1909-Jan. 17, 1910; 57, Jan. 17, 1910-March 25, 1910; 58, March 25-June 10, 1910; 59, June 10, 1910-Sept. 3, 1910; 60, Sept. 3-Dec. 1, 1910; 61, Dec. 2, 1910-Jan. 28, 1911; 62, Jan. 28, 1911-April 5, 1911; 63, April 5-June 27, 1911; 64, June 27, 1911-Sept. 6, 1911; 65, Sept. 6, 1911-Nov. 21, 1911; 66, Nov. 23, 1911-Jan. 23, 1912; 67, Jan. 24-March 28, 1912; 68, March 28, 1912-June 8, 1912; 69, June 10-Aug. 24, 1912; 70, Aug. 26-Nov. 4, 1912; 71, Nov. 4, 1912-Jan. 25, 1913; 72, Jan. 25, 1913-April 12, 1913; 73, April 12-June 3, 1913; 74, June 3-Aug. 12, 1913; 75, Aug. 12-Oct. 9, 1913; 76, Oct. 9, 1913-Dec. 18, 1913; 77, Dec. 18, 1913-Feb. 6, 1914; 78, Feb. 6- March 27, 1914; 79, March 27-June 1, 1914; 80, June 3-July 30, 1914; 81, Aug. 1-Sept. 26, 1914; 82, Sept. 26-Dec. 22, 1914; 83, Dec. 22, 1914-Feb. 1, 1915; 84, Feb. 1-April 6, 1915; 85, April 6- 46 Reference List of Public Documents Washington Reports — Continued. Volumes. June 3, 1915; 86, June 3-Aug. 16, 1915; 87, Aug. 17, 1915-Nov. 9, 1915; 88, Nov. 9, 1915-Dec. 23, 1915; 89, Dec. 23, 1915-Feb. 21, 1916; 90, Feb. 21, 1916-April 21, 1916; 91, April 21, 1916-July 5, 1916; 92, July 5, 1916-Aug. 30, 1916; 93, Aug. 30, 1916-Dec. 26, 1916; 94, Dec. 26, 1916-Feb. 16, 1917; 95, Feb. 16-April 16, 1917; 96, April 18-June 15, 1917; 97, June 15-Aug. 17, 1917; 98, Aug. 17- Nov. 12, 1917; 99, Nov. 12, 1917-Jan. 30, 1918. MISCELLANEOUS. Appointive Boards and Commissions. Artesian Well Commissioners. Report. Nov. 16, 1887. Dental Examiners, State Board. Report. June 3, 1889-Oct. 15, 1890. Report, annual. Oct. 15, 1891-Sept. 24, 1892. Dental Examiners, Board of Report, annual. 6th, -Oct. 18, 1893. Medical Examining Board. Report, annual. 1st, May 1890-May 10, 1892. Report, biennial. 1897-1898. Pharmacy Board. Report, annual. June 15, 1891-May 12, 1892. Pilot Commissioners for Columbia River and Bar Report. -Sept. 15, 1879; Feb. 18, 1884-Jan. 8, 1885. Pilot Commissioners. Report. Jan. 28, 1887-Sept. 19, 1887; Jan. 19, 1889-Oct. 18, 1889. Report. 1st, for year 1890. Report, annual. Dec. 1, 1890-Jan. 12, 1892. Pilot Commissioners for Columbia River and Bar. Report, annual. -Nov. 30, 1896. Pilot Commissioners, Board of Columbia River and Bar. Report, annual. 1898 (dated Dec. 31, 1898). Immigration Agent — State Report. 1899-1900. Immigration Commission. (1904) Uniformity of Legislation, Board of Commissioners on Report. 1909. Note: Report of Artesian well Commissioners found also in bound volume of Reports for 1887; Report of Dental Examiners of 1890 found only in Public Documents of 1890-1891. W ashington State Library 47 ASSOCIATIONS, STATE — SEMI-OFFICIAL. County Assessors — Washington Proceedings of Convention, Annual. 12th, Jan. 10-14, 1910; 13th, Jan. 16-20, 1911; 14th, Jan. 15-18, 1912; 15th, Jan. 20-24, 1913; 16th, Jan. 19-21, 1914; 17th, Jan. 18-25, 1915; 19th; 20th. County Auditors’ Association. Proceedings of, Annual. (3d), June 19-20, 1907; (4th), June 24-26, 1908; 5th, June 22-24, 1909; (6th), June 28-30, 1910; 7th, June 19- 21, 1911; 8th, June 27-29, 1912; 9th, June 16-18, 1913; 10th, June 10-12, 1914. County Commissioners, Washington State Association of Proceedings of Convention, Annual. 1st, Feb. 11-13, 1908; (2d), Jan. 18-21, 1909. County Superintendents. Proceedings of Convention, Biennial. 1st, April 7-9, 1891. Note: Contains Circular 23 of Superintendent of Public Instruction. Washington Forest Fire Association. Proceedings, Annual. (1st), 1908; (3d), 1910; 4th, 1911; (5th), 1912; (6th), 1913; 7th, 1914; 8th, 1915; 9th, 1916; 10th, 1917. Pacific Northwest Library Association. Proceedings and addresses. Sept. 5-6, 1916. Washington Logged-off Lands Association. Proceedings, Annual. 1st, and 2d, July 14 and Nov. 14, 1908, Nov. 13, 1909. Note: Contains the Constitution and By-laws adopted Dec. 9, 1909. AVashington Pharmaceutical Association. Proceedings, Annual. 15th, 1904; 16th, 1906; 23d, 1912; 24th, 1913; 25th, 1914; 26th, 1915; 27th, 1916; 28th, 1917. Bankers’ Association, AVashington State. Proceedings, Annual. 3d, June 18-20, 1891; 5th, July 12-14, 1900; 6th, June 20-22, 1901; 7th, June 19-21, 1902; 8th, July 23-25, 1903; 9th, June 16-18, 1904; 10th, July 20-22, 1905; 11th, June 21-23, 1906; 12th, June 20-23, 1907; 13th, June 18-20, 1908; 14th, June 24-26, 1909; 15th, July 21-23, 1910; 16th, Sept. 14-16, 1911; 17th, June 27-29, 1912; 18th, Aug. 7-9, 1913; 19th, June 4-6, 1914; 20th, Sept. 6-7, 1915; 21st, June 15-17, 1916. 48 Reference List of Public Documents Bar Association, Washington State. Proceedings, Annual. lst-6th, Jan. 8 and July 18-20, 1894; 7th, July 17-19, 1895; 8th, July 15-17, 1896; 9th, July 21-23, 1897; 10th, July 20-23, 1898; 11th, July 6-9, 1899; 12th, July 10-13, 1900; 13th, July 9-11, 1901; 14th, Aug. 5-7, 1902; 15th, Aug. 25-27, 1903; 16th, July 7-9, 1904; 17th, July 6-8, 1905; 18th, July 12-14, 1906; 19th, July 11-13, 1907; 20th, Aug. 24, 1908; 21st, July 29-31, 1909; 22d, July 28-30, 1910; 23d, July 27-29, 1911; 24th, July 30-Aug. 1, 1912; 25th, Aug. 7-8, 1913; 26th, Aug. 5-6, 1914; 27th and 28th, 1915 and 1916; Program, July 26-28, 1917. Note: Proceeding's of 6th session contains at back each of the pre- ceding five sessions, paged consecutively; 7th and 8th proceedings bound in one copy; 9th, 10th, and 11th proceedings bound in one copy. Address — Henry A. McLean — Evolution of state legislative methods. July 12, 1906. Our disrespect for law. Aug. 24, 1908. Code of ethics — American Bar Association — Washington Bar Associa- tion, adopted Aug. 1908. State insurance and first aid. Aug. 7-8, 1913. Seattle Bar Association. Proceedings and President’s address on The Federal Judicial Code,. June 28, 1911. Address — Recall of Judges. June 26, 1912. American Bar Association. Address — Education of the lawyer. Vol. 40. 1915. Labor Congress. Proceedings, Annual. 4th, Jan. 15-18, 1901; 5th, Jan. 15-17, 1902. Note: Merged 1902 with Washington State Federation of Labor at this session. Federation of Labor, Washington State. Proceedings, Annual. (1st), Jan. 5, 1903; 2d, Jan. 11-14, 1904; 4th, Jan. 4-6, 1906; 10th, Jan. 16-20, 1911; 11th, Jan. 15, 19, 1912; 12th, Jan. 20-24, 1913; 13th, Jan. 19-23, 1914; 14th, Jan. 18-22, 1915; 16th, Jan. 22-26, 1917. Note: Two editions of 10th annual, one of 100 pages and one of 117 pages; 14th annual contains reports of officers. President’s Report, Annual. 10th, Jan. 1911; 11th, 1912; 12th, Jan. 20-25, 1913; 13th, Jan. 19-23, 1914. Note: 11th report found also in Proceedings of 11th Session, p. 8-23; 12th report is reprint from Proceedings; 13th report found also in Proceedings of 13th Annual meeting, p. 45-64. Report of Legislative Agent, Annual. 14th, Jan. 19-23, 1914. Note: Found also in Proceedings of Annual meeting, p. 118-144. Washington State Library 49 Washington State Grange. Proceedings, Annual. (3d), 1891; (4th), 1892; (5th), 1893; (6th), 1894; (7th), 1895; (8th), 1896; (9th), 1897; (10th), 1898; (11th), 1899; (12th), 1900; (13th), 1901; (14th), 1902; (15th), 1903; (16th), 1904; (17th), 1905; 18th, June 5-7, 1906; 19th, June 4-7, 1907; 20th, June 2-5, 1908; 21st, June 1-4, 1909; 22d, June 7-10, 1910; 23d, June 6-9, 1911; 24th, June 4-7, 1912; 25th, June 5-6, 1913; 26th, 1914; 27th, June 1-4, 1915; 28th, June 6-10, 1916; June 5-8, 1917, June 4-7, 1918. Note: 26th annual is roster. Master’s Address. 25th annual, June 3-6, 1913. Washington Irrigation Institute. Proceedings, Annual. 3d, Jan. 10-12, 1916. League of Pacific Northwest Municipalities, 1st annual Conference, Oct. 1912. Washington Municipalities, League of Proceedings, Annual. 4th, Nov. 19-22, 1913; 5th, Jan. 25-27, 1915. Washington State Pharmaceutical Association. Proceedings. 7th, 1896; 8th, 1897; 9th, 1898; 10th, 1899; 13th, 1902; 14th, 1903; 19th, 1908; 20th, 1909; 22d, 1911; 23d, 1912; 24th, 1913; 25th, 1914; 26th, 1915; 27th, 1916. Washington Pioneer Association. Transactions. 1883-1889; 1903-1904; 1905-1910. Washington Teachers’ Institute. Proceedings. 1st, 1876; 2d, 1877; 3d, 1878; 4th, 1879; 5th, 1880. Washington Educational Association. Addresses and Proceedings. 18th, 1904; 19th, 1905; 20th, 1906; 21st, 1907; 22d, 1908; 23d, 1909; 24th, 1910; 25th, 1911; 26th, 1912; 27th, 1913; 28th, 1914; 29th, 1915; 30th, 1916; 31st, 1917. State Fair, Premium List. North Yakima, Sept. 20-25, 1915. Press Association. Proceedings, Annual. lst-4th, 1887-1890; 5th, Sept. 1891; 6th, Oct. 1892; 7th, Sept. 1893; 8th, June 1894; 9th, Aug. 1895; 10th, July 1896; 11th, Sept. 1897. Note: lst-4th bound in one volume. Press Association, State. Proceedings, Annual. (23d), July 15-17, 1909; 24th, Sept. 1910; 26th and 27th, July 1912 and July 1913. 50 Reference List of Public Documents Miscellaneous. Masonry. By-laws — Scottish Rite bodies. Resources of Washington. Address delivered Jan. 14, 1890 by Henry B. Clifford. Pub. by No. Syndicate for distribution in New England. Memorial Address. Biographical sketch of Judge W. H. White. Delivered at Seattle May 30, 1908. Oregon Trail, Story of the Lost By Ezra Meeker. 1916. Charities — Correction, Washington Conference. Proceedings and Addresses, Annual. 7th, June 2-4, 1914; 8th, June 8-10, 1915. Social Welfare, Washington Conference. Proceedings, Annual. 9th, June 1-2, 1916. Washington Surveying and Rating Bureau. Are insurance rates too high? Washington Association for Prevention and Relief of Tuberculosis. Report to Legislature of 1917 for two years ending Jan. 24, 1917. Hudson’s Bay and Puget Sound Agricultural Companies. Correspondence relative to survey of March 10, 1851-Jan. 16, 1856. Note: Found in Council Journal, 3d Session, 1855. Teachers’ Institute. Report. lst-4th, Oct. 2, 1873, July 26, 1876, July 18, 1877, Oct. 1, 1878, July 15, 1879; 5th, Aug. 17-20, 1880. Note: A History of and Proceedings of First Four State Teachers’ Institutes in Washington; 5th is Proceedings of 5th annual meet- ing at Seattle. Township Officers — A Manual July 28, 1911. Conservation, State’s Interest in. Address by Gov. M. E. Hay, Sept. 23, 1910. Palouse Project. An appeal from Franklin County for irrigation and electric power. Pacific Fisheries Society. Transactions. 1st, June 10-12, 1914; 2d, Aug. 9-11, 1915. Note: Addresses and data relate to Washington. Conference of Port Authorities of the Pacific Coast. Proceedings. June 23-25, 1914; Sept. 4, 5, 6, 1916; Sept. 4, 5, 6, 1917. Secretary of the Territory. Statistical report. Dec. 15, 1888. Note: Found only in Public Documents 1889, and gives Election and other statistics. Address on Right of State to Regulate Distribution of Water Rights, by Prof. O. L. Waller, Before State Bar Association at 26th Annual Con- vention, Aug. 5-6, 1914. Parental School, Seattle School District No. 1. Report, Annual. 1st, 1910-1911. Washington State Library 51 Miscellaneous — Continued. Taxpayers’ Efficiency Association, State Federation. “Tax eater will get you.” 1916. Public Lands in Oregon and Washington. O. W. R. & N. (1913). Who’s to blame? History of tax exemptions in State of Washington. 1897. Port of Seattle. “House Bill No. 45,” issued 1917 to 15th Legislature. C. M. & S. P. R. R. Immigration Bureau. Industrial map of Puget Sound country. 1916. Broadside. Labor Council — Olympia. Labor’s Yearbook. 1917. The Mountain. Brief submitted to U. S. Geographical Board. 1917. Shall the name of Mount Rainier be changed? C. Hart Merriam. Proposal to change name of Mount Rainier. C. T. Connors. Note: Contains Proceedings of Tacoma Academy of Science, 1893, paper of Judge Wickersham. Agriculture, Manual of Feb. 1, 1914. Bui. 21. Associated Bureau of Grades. Fir, spruce, cedar and hemlock lumber. May 1, 1909. School of Agriculture Located in Western Washington. 1917. Investigation of Means of Controlling Floods in Duwamish-Puyallup Valleys. By H. M. Chittenden to King and Pierce Counties. 1906-1907. Indian War Veterans. 1856. Memorial to Congress — Oregon Legislative Commission. Dated Dec. 25, 1885. Note: Covers both soldiers of Oregon and Washington. No rosters.