CIGd 130© rf?2S?‘r . DOMINION OF DEPARTMENT OF AGRICULTURE BRANCH OF THE LIVE STOCK COMMISSIONER A DIRECTORY OF THE BREEDERS OF PURE BRED LIVE STOCK OF THE DOMINION OF CANADA Published by direction of the Hon. Sydney A. Fisher, Minister of Agriculture, Ottawa, 6nt. AUGUST 1st, 1908. Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates r Lp 3 Ip PREFACE UT & r % J With the advance in agricultural methods going on from end to end of Canada the demand for pure bred sires is correspondingly increasing. Many Western ranchmen finding it difficult and expensive to purchase good pure bred males have to continue year after year the use of grades reared in their immediate vicinities. In the older provinces large numbers of grade and even “scrub” sires of all classes of stock are yet employed. The awakening that is taking place through the agency of Farmers’ Institutes and Agricultural fairs is encouraging the demand for pure bred sires. Many are exhibiting a desire to secure one or more pure bred females as foundation for more profitable herds, studs and flocks. In many sections the improved animals are procurable in one’s immediate neighbourhood or a few miles away. Even under such circumstances persons frequently prefer to purchase from a distant neighbourhood or province. The conditions spoken of have impressed themselves on the Live Stock Commissioner by very frequent inquiries as to where pure bred animals of certain breeds may be procured. Requests from foreign countries for similar information are each year growing larger indicating a hopeful sign of the times for the Canadian growers of pedigreed stock. The edition of the Directory issued in 1901 has served a useful purpose, but the enormous growth of the pure bred stock interests and the many changes in the personnel of Canadian stockmen have rendered a new T issue necessary. In order to include as far as possible all the breeders of Canada likely to have pure bred animals for sale each year circulars were sent out to those whose names could be obtained through the National Live vStock Records Office and otherwise, and to those who failed to reply, later circulars were sent. Much careful work has been expended in the collecting and compiling of the information published in this Directory. Copies will be sent to ranchmen, stock breeders, secretaries of Farmers’ Institutes, Agricultural Societies, Live Stock Associations and others who may apply for them or for addresses of breeders from time to time. Live Stock Branch, Department of Agriculture, Ottawa. J. G. RUTHERFORD, Live Stock Commissioner. SUMMARY The returns included in this directory have been sum- marized in the following tables. While the enumeration is much more complete than was shown in the first edition of this directory, it is not claimed that it represents anything like a complete tabulation of the pure-bred live stock in the Domin- ion. It does, however, represent a large per cent age of the studs, herds and flocks, as well as to afford an approximate estimate of the relative proportion in which the various breeds of horses, cattle, sheep, swine and goats are distributed throughout the different provinces. HORSES. Ponies. sapsuiaj 05 05 — CO S0ji3j^ _ - »o French Cana- dian. saiBuiaj 00 sq-epf CO CM Stand- French& ard German Bred. Coach. saj-Rina^ CM - - sap?j\[ CO 80{13ra0£ CO 05 05 CO CM CM LO CO S0JRJ\[ 7 10 9 CO CM rH Thor- ough- bred. S0j'eui0j 1-- CM CO CM LO rH rH CM Hackney. S8JBra8£ 00 O rH LO CO O CM rH Tf S0{RJ\[ — ( t- CM CO CO co CM Belgian French Draft. Draft seiRino^ i-H CM CM rH rH co S0^in0j : - CO rH S0JB J\[ i • CM rH 05 Percheron S0|RHI0J 00 lo CM CM O CO LO 00 o 80{Rp\[ 05 i-H 17 23 1 Suffolk Punch S0pin0j 05 S0|RJ\[ 05 Shire. s0|Bm0j CM T-t 05 CM LO S0|RJ\[ 00 • »-h Clydes- dale. gOJRUie^ 986 62 30 8 1 289 193 219 71 S0tRJ\[ CMOOSCOCMOt-Tfir— t Tti CO 00 CO LO hH CO Ontario Quebec i l 5 t ! * ; £ Prince Edward Island. . . c a & 1 ; « s “ 1 o a ! 3 3 d 3 t 1 | 2 < > > i CATTLE. Red Polled CO »o co - r>- fc Is S§ P3 <3 SOfRUIOJ 384 28 245 16 52 S0|RJ\[ tO o 1 CO CO t" Hereford S0JRUI0J r-H Suffolk Down. sapui9j to 00 Tfl lO sa{Rj\[ 00 lO r-H CM Dorset. S91RHI0J r-H o CO S9{RJ\[ CM o r-H T South- Lincoln. DOWN. S9{RUI9j[ 327 13 12 05 CM - CM CM S9^RJ\[ 55 2 5 - S9p3IXI9J 643 16 c- S9pJ\[ 224 2 tH Oxford Down. S9JRUI9J 1,220 96 140. 10 00 S9{'BJ\[ 330 18 CM CO CO CO CM Q O 02 Eh O o S9[BUI9J 1,745 34 13 3 15 o CM S9p3J\[ 229 9 CM CM CM Leicester. S9JRUI9J 1,844 352 36 20 77 28 S9[PJ\[ 335 55 2 CM CO CO r-H Shropshire. S9JRUI9j[ 2,770 205 102 O 05 CO O 05 r-H CM 05 H S0IRJ\[ 624 24 22 H o CO rH rtf r-H 1 i Ontario Quebec • H 1 1 3 ■ ? > * s 5 r 2 £ 3 5 4 5 £ Prince Edward Island. . . c £ 4 \ 1 i c 1 1 3 ty 3 3 i $ 3 U i a 1 = 2 * British Columbia / SWINE. Essex. S0JRJ\[ Duroc- Jersey. . 42 1 10 sopK >6 § ^ <13 © Ph W) £ T3 q 3 © 45- Adamson, A Aitken, Jas Allin, Frank Amos, Geo. & Son. . . . Anderson, Geo. W. . . . Archer, Jos Armstrong, G Armstrong, Robt Armstrong, Wm Ash, Wm Atkinson, J. A Bain, C. E Baldwin, C Balsden, Jno. I Barber, Samuel Barclay, Chas. A Barnes, W. G Barr, Jno Barron, W Bawden, E. McDonall, Beatty, F. C Beackton, Jno. M Bogart, L. F Bowman, Jas Brazier, Alex. R Brent, A. H Brien, E. & Sons Bright, Jno Broadfoot, A. & J Brodie, G. A Bruce, Jas Burnett, Jos Burnham, Geo Teeswater Fergus Newcastle Moffat Mountain View. . . Beekerton Speedside Strongville Locust Hill Thedford Dartford Taunton Hillsburg Markham Mulmur Brougham Green River Bromley Newmarket Exeter Lefroy Glencoe Gosport Guelph Medina Bowmanville Ridgetown Myrtle Station Seaforth Bethesda Egbert Elgin Mills Zephyr 9 Clydesdale — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER Burt, J. W. POST OFFICE COUNTY ns to 55 a> £ I S pH Ph cud O a> <3 £ <3 h rv S3« Ph bD fl ° 33 6 a> -9 "3 fS gp o £ m a> 3 O § SP* § > £ c<3 a> Lambton 3 Oxford 3 Durham 16 Waterloo . 3 Ontario 3 Victoria 1 Simcoe 2 Wentworth 1 York 2 Perth.. 2 Huron 3 Perth 4 Oxford 4 Ontario 3 Ontario 8 Ontario 2 Durham ! 1 Northumberland . . York 2 i Middlesex ! i i Northumberland.. . Bruce 2 | Huron 1 Wellington 2 Algoma 2 Huron 7 Northumberland. . . 1 Middlesex York 8 Wellington 4 York 1 Ontario Ontario 1 ; Ontario 2 I Ontario 1 Kent 3 Grev 2 Brant 3 Bruce 2 Durham 3 Kent 5 Lincoln 5 Kent 4 Wellington 4 Ontario 4 Simcoe 1 Lanark 2 York : 4 Dufferin 2 Grey Simcoe 4 1 20 1 1 10 1 2 25 2 1 > il & NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY Ph sc 3 SD Ph a $ '§ 'fig l^s ° ’•a 6 © o © 6 £ £ ^ Avera bred sale • ij-s Young & Son, W Mount Bridges Almonte... . Middlesex 3 1 2 2 Yuill, J. A Lanark 1 1 1 1 Clydesdale — Quebec. Bell, A Cavers, W Elder, P. M Finlayson, Geo Gordon, Hector Greenshields, J. N 'Greer, Jas Harris, R. N Hay, John Hodge, A. A Hodgins, W. E Ingham, B. S Langelier, Gus. A Lyster, C. N McClary, J. A. . . McDowell, Thos! McEwen, Duncan McGerrigle, W. J Macaulay, T. B Martin, R. W Morrin, John Ness, Robt. & Son Noiseux, F. Simieon Norton, E. V Owens, Hon. Wm Pringle, David Robb, M. T Roy, Wm Stewart, Geo. G Strong, Wm. C Whiteford, R. W Trout River Ormstown Kelso Ormstown Howick Danville Ormstown Gatineau Point . . . Lachute Cookshire Yarm Hillhurst Cap Rouge Kirkdale Hillhurst Shawville Dewitville Tatehurst Hudson Heights. . . Warden Petit Brule Howick St. Neichel de Rougemont Coaticook : . Montebello Huntingdon Huntingdon Tatehurst Howick N. Sutton Allen’s Corners. . . . Huntingdon... Chateauguay . Huntingdon . . Chauteauguay. Chateauguay. . Richmond. . . . Chateauguay. . Wright. . . Argenteuil Compton.. Pontiac. . 4 7 1 1 Compton 1 Quebec. . . . Drummond 7 2 Compton Pontiac Chateauguay Chateauguay Vaudreuil Shefford Tw t o Mountains . 2 2 3 2 5 1 1 Chateaguay. 5 Rowville 1 Stanstead 3 Labelle 1 Huntingdon. . Huntingdon . Chateauguay 2 2 Chateauguay 1 Brome- Chateauguay 2 2 2 2 2 5 1 2 4 1 9 1 2 1 1 2 15 2 16 Clydesdale — Nova Scotia, NAME OF BREEDER Agriculture College. . . . Armstrong, L. A Black, W. W Chase, C Collins, D. S Johnson, E. H Logan Bros Macdonald, John & Son O’Brien, Wm Sharp, Wm Starr & Son, C. R. H.. . POST OFFICE COUNTY Truro . . Colchester.. Falmouth Hants Amherst Cumberland Church Street Kings Port Williams Kings Greenwich Kings Amherst Point Cumberland Shubenacadie Hants Windsor Forks. . . . Hants Windsor Hants Port Williams Kings No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. 3 2 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 1 1 2 2 l 1 2 2 Clydesdale— Prince Edward Island. Darby, H. A Abram’s V alley. . . . Victoria Cross Prince 1 Reid, David Kings 2 Clydesdale — Manitoba Alison, W Deloraine 2 Armstrong, Henry Forrest i 3 1 1 August, Ed. A Bates 4 1 1 2 Bailey, Wm. E Carberry. 10 2 3 5 Banting, T. E. M Banting . 14 1 Baskier, W. & A Napinka 4 1 2 Benson, Stephen Nee paw a 8 1 1 2 Bradshaw, G. H Binscarth. 2 1 17 Clydesdale — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Brown & Sons, F. W Portagn la Prairie . 2 Burnett, Jas Napinka 3 2 2 3 Calverley & Son, .Tos. A 1 Cameron & Co., A Oak Lake 18 12 4 4 Cameron, A. A Oak Lake 15 3 6 4 Cameron, Duncan Gilbert Plains 3 1 1 Carruth & Brown Portage la Prairie. . 7 2 2 Chalmers, Wm Brandon 2 1 1 Clendenning Bros Harding 1 1 Davidson, Alex Sperling 1 Dudgeon, Jas Shadebank 1 1 Duncan, Jos Glenboro 2 Finlayson, C. S Lena 1 1 Foster & Lyle Lyleton 6 2 Gibson, J. S Morden 1 2 1 Gibson, John Hartney. 3 1 Graham, Andrew Pomeroy. 8 3 2 2 Graham, J. W. Bradwardine 2 1 Grayston, Wm New dale 2 Guild, W Kennay 5 2 Harvev, A. E Oak Lake 3 1 Hinshaw, J. B High River Hodgson, J. B Foxwarren 1 1 Hodgson, Thos Carman 1 2 Jickling, Jos. B Carman 3 Lidster, Wm Birtle 1 1 2 McAndrews, J Davisburg 1 1 McBeth, R. S Virden 2 McCallum, John Dauphin 5 2 1 2 McCartney, T Longbum 2 1 Mclnnes, L. W Brandon 3 1 McKirdy, Jas Napinka 2 1 McLean, Samuel Franklin - 6 1 3 McLehen, R. H Lenore MacFarlane, Donald Oak Lake 4 2 2 Moore, A. J. Swan Lake 2 1 1 1 Morrow, J Darlingford 6 i 3 ! 2 Norton Bros Orrwald 6 j 2 2 3 Owens, W. H High Bluff 1 1 Parker, B. C Morden 5 6 Penniston, A. E Swan Lake 2 1 1 j * Rankin, Geo. & Sons Hamiota 10 2 4 2 18 Clydesdale — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Robson, ,T. W 2 1 1 Rowan, G Miniota. . . 1 1 Ryan, F. Geo Ninga 6 6 Sandercoch, John Clear Water 1 1 Scharff, John R Hartney 2 2 1 Smith, Wm. R Oak Lake 1 Sproule, J. J Minto. . 3 Stevenson, D Wawanesa 6 2 3 2 Stone, Thos. W i Clearwater 1 1 1 Thomas, W Hartney 2 Thomson, J. B Ham iota 10 5 3 2 Thomson, Purves Purves 20 2 Thomson, R. G Oak Lake 2 1 • j 1 Tucker, Jas Margaret 1 1 Turnbull, Jas Hilton . 1 Van Horne, Sir Wm East Selkirk * 7 1 2 Walker, W. A Carnegie 4 Washington, J. G Ninga 5 1 1 2 Weightman, John J Underhill 4 2 2 Wight, Gus Napinka 5 2 1 1 Winkler, V Morden 2 1 Woodcocks, F. D Cypress River 2 1 1 Wishart, J Portage la Prairie 8 2 3 4 Clydesdale — Saskatchewan. Abbott, W. R Maple Creek 2 1 Adams, Ed Grenfall Armstrong, J. A Kennedy 1 1 Boden, Mrs. J. T Boyle, Wm Indian Head 1 1 Moose Jaw 2 1 Bredt, P. M Regina 18 4 10 10 Bryce, W. H Areola 25 11 9 10 U • Can. Land & Ranch Co., Ltd.. Crane Lake 13 3 | 4 Cotterell, H. S Glen Adelaide 1 1 Canning, Henry Montgomery 1 Cunningham, J. F Fitzmaurice. Douglas, Jas. N. & Son Tantallon 7 1 4 4 Drennam, Thos. S Alameda.. . . 2 Gallaugher, T. E Carson.. . . 1 1 Gilmour, H Pasque. . . . 7 3 Gorrell, Frank Oxbow. . . . 1 1 Green, Fred. W Moose Jaw. . 3 1 Hamilton & Son, A Indian Head. 3 1 19 Clydesdale — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually Average No. Pure bred Females for sale annually. I Horn, Peter Regina 2 2 1 1 Kerr, Jas Saltcoats 5 Kinnon, Geo Cottonwood 2 5 1 1 Lawrence, John Maple Creek 4 2 Linnell, J. B Summerberry. . . . 5 2 1 1 McCarthy, C Maple Creek 4 4 2 2 McMichael, A McLean 6 3 2 4 Marlin, J Wolsely 3 1 Miher, R. H Lumsden 15 6 6 Muir, Wm. S Saltcoats 4 Mutch, J. G Lumsden 5 1 Mutch, A. & G Lumsden 25 7 s 9 Osborne, Daniel Fleming 11 3 5 6 Partridge, G. H Saltco*ats 4 Pollock, John Yorkton 1 3 2 2 Ramsay, W. L Blad worth 11 1 Saunders, C. W. C Saltcoats 1 Sinton, Robt. . Regina 2 Weir, Alex Saltcoats 1 1 1 1 Clydesdale — Alberta. Allan, Chas Eagle Butte 2 1 1 1 Andrews, J. McK. Davisburg 1 1 Banister, Harold. Davishurtr 6 3 3 2 Beresford, Hon. Wm Oalcrarv 2 I Cargill, D Seven Persons 10 | 9 5 3 Charlton, G. H Carstairs 1 Clark, Duncan. * Gleichen. . 10 3 4 4 Clark, Jas. Gleichen 35 10 10 Clark, John, Jr Gleichen 35 5 10 Clark, Jno , Sr Crawfort. . . 15 1 2 Creighton, J. Okotoks 3 1 Gillanders, \ Gladys . , 2 1 Hinshaw. .T R Hindi River 1 1 I 20 Clydesdale — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY McCaugherty, W. T Lethbridge McLeod, H. P Okotoks Meiklejon, R. W Cochrane Moodie, W De Winton Robson, John Crossfield Shantz, David S Didsbury Talbot, Thos. . Lacombe Turner, John A . . Calerarv Walrond Ranch Co. . . Livingstone Watson, Rankin Wetaskiwin Wilson, Maurice Livingston -73 tn Ij £ W> Ph _c *0 'S ° 6 «3 1 s- ^ to J5> _ io-S la 6 2 Is fciS 2 Jz; S 2 ^ C „ 05 C 0) fl (Urr. c $P & CO 03 «-r^ Go > £? cO , > % oO «J' fi go CO 8 25 3 1 11 3 50 25 Clydesdale — British Columbia. Douglas Lake Cattle Co George Bros Douglas Lake Kamloops 45 3 2 10 8 3 4 1 10 10 Laing, Thos Eburne. . . Pemberton, F. B Victoria. . . 2 3 Vasey, H. M Ladner 3 2 Watson, G. L Cariboo Road Shire — Ontario. Armstrong, A. A Clarkson, Wm Galbraith Bros Gardhouse, C. S Gardhouse & Sons, John Hunter; R. D Sexsmith, Matthew W.. . Skinner, Thos.' Warded, W. E Minesing Mai ton Simcoe. . Peel Orangeville Humber Dufferin. . Peel Highfield . York Exeter Huron . . . Ridgeway. Mitchell Welland. . Perth Middlemarch Elgin .... 1 1 3 1 1 2 7 1 2 3 9 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 2 1 2 2 2 1 1 1 21 Shire — Manitoba NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average ;No. Pure- bred Females for sale_annually. McRae, F Brandon 2 Stott, Francis J Brandon 5 2 2 2 Stout, John H Westbourne. . . . Weightman, John J. Underhill 2 2 1 1 Shire — Saskatchewan. Adams, Ed Grenfell j 1 I Burton, John Abernethy j 1 Eckford, A. H Shire — Alberta. High River | 1 5 1 1 1 * Jaques Bros Suffolk Punch — Alberta. Lamp.rtnn 1 6 3 1 6 1 3 Jaques, Norman Tngleton Percheron- —Ontario Beemer, Louis Waterford Norfolk 1 1 Boulter, Geo. E Picton Prince Edward. . . . 2 6 Christy, W. A Bloomfield Prince Edward. . . . 3 2 Ford, W. W Corinth. . Elgin 1 Hassard, T. H MiHbrook. . . Durham 4 6 4 Johnston, Wesley Chester ville Dundas 2 5 3 Strutt, Robert Pembroke Renfrew. 1 Wardell, W. E Middlemarch Elgin 2 1 Webb & Sons, Wm.. . . Gananoque . Leeds . . 1 Wigles, I. A. & E. J Kingsville j Essex 16 12 . . .. 4 1 Percheron — Quebec. Ashby, Antonio Marieville. . Rouville. 1 3 1 Ecole d’ Agriculture d’Oka Hodge, A. A La Trappe Cookshire. Deux Montagnes.. . Compton.. 1 Ness, Robt Howick Chateauguay. Watson, John D., Y.S • Howick.. . Chateauguay. 22 Percheron — Manitoba. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Coleman, Richard Manson 1 Law, William Reston 1 Percheron — Saskatchewan. Cunningham, J. F Fitzmaurice Duhuc 3 1 7 7 1 1 ! Emmons, W. B Gimby, Fred. J Yellowgrass 1 1 1 1 2 1 Hunt, Wm. H Regina Jacob, Eli Saltcoats Langenburg Percheron Horse Co Langenhnrg McMichael, Albert McLean 6 7 2 3 4 2 McMichael, Geo Qu’Appelle Manor Percheron Horse Syndi- cate Manor 1 Pringer, Albert J Golden Plain 7 3 3 Stanley, R. P Moosomin 15 2 15 20 Tedford, E. B Mortlach 1 2 2 Upper, W. G. & R. C North Portal 25 2 5 5 Watson, Christopher Prosperity 1 Percheron — Alberta. Brickman. Edwin A Coombe, James Strathcona 5 2 10 Airdrie 1 2 Davenport, E. A Carstairs Hinshaw, J. R. High River Lane, Geo. & Gordon, Ironside & Fares Co., Ltd Pekisko 60 3 3 20 Loree, James & Son & L. Loree McKay, Alexandre Nanton Horse Hill 1 23 PERCHERON CoNTINUFD. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY i No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Root, Geo. F Red Deer 5 2 8 Rodis, Gustave Saron 1 Saunders, R. L Okotoks 1 Wigle, I. A. & C. J Calgary. 16 14 i i 1 Percheron — British Columbia. Anderson, Win. A | Agassiz | 5 | 1 1 Belgian Draft -Quebec. Agricultural Society Lac St. Jean 2 5 2 2 j Agricultural Society, No. 2 . . . Stokes & Sons Terrebonne . . . Bury Compton 1 1 Tournignv, Paul . Victoria ville. Drummond Klassem, J. A. Baxter, Heed & Co. Pirmez, Raoul Thompson, Jos. A. Belgian Draft — Manitoba. Plum Coulee | | J 1 Belgian Draft — Alberta. Olds : !..... Calgary 4 9 3 3 2 | French Draft — Ontario. South Lake | Leeds | 1 French Draft — Quebec. Brown, David St. Joachim. . Montmorency. . 2 2 1 1 2 3 Bryson, Jas Brvson ville.. Chateauguay. Deland, A. N y St. Jean . St. Jean i 1 Ness, Robt. & Son Howiek . Chateauguay. Paul, Napoleon St. Germain. . . Drummond. . 1 1 French Draft — Saskatchewan. Findlay, David j Drinkwater J. . . . Johnston, P. L J Curzon ! 1 24 French Draft — Alberta, Hackney — Ontario. Barnes, W. C Beebe, M. E Caughill, Geo. H. & Son. Dawson, Adam Edwards & Co., W. C. . . Green River. Allenford. . . Aylmer Cannington . Rockland. . . Ontario. Bruce. . Elgin.. . Ontario. Russell. 2 2 1 8 1 6 5 1 1 2 Farlinger, W. K Forster, W. D Graham, Renfrew Co., Ltd. . . . Morrisburg. . . Markham. . . . Bedford Park. Dun das. York. . . York. . . 1 4 3 8 Hamer, Jno. & Sons. Hassard, T. H Hayes, Frank Husband, J. F Mossip, Wm Myles, J. A McFarlane, Jas McRobie, Fred Robson, R. S. & Son. Newton Robinson.. Millbrook Bear Brook Eden Mills St. Marys Heathcote Claremont Haddo Ilderton Skinner, T j Mitchell Sorby, O Guelph Stillman, Robt. Jr., J Campbellford. Thomson, R j Guelph Simcoe 1 Durham Russell Wellington Perth Grey Ontario.. . Dundas.. . Middlesex. 1 2 2 1 1 Perth 1 Wellington 2 Northumberland. . . 1 12 15 10 1 2 Wellington | 5 j 2 Hackney — Quebec. Came, F. E Sault au Recollet . . Hochelaga 2 : 1 i 1 Cochrane, Jas. A Lennoxville. . . Sherbrooke.. . . 1 l Greenshields, J. N Danville Richmond 1 l Hay, Jno Lachute Wgenteuil 7 2 ! 5 ! Macaulay, T. B Hudson Heights. . . Vaudreuil 8 ! 2 , ■ 1 Hackney — Nova Scotia. NAME OF BREEDER _ POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred ^Females for sale annually. I Agricultural College Farm. . . . Black, W. W Truro Colchester... . 1 2 Amherst Cumberland 1 Smith, Howard Halifax Halifax 2 1 Hackney — Manitoba. MacFarlane, Donald Oak Lake 5 2 2 Moore, A. J Swan Lake 4 2 Steel Bros Glenboro 2 Wishart, Jno Portage la Prairie.. 4 1 1 2 Hackney — Saskatchewan . Mutch, Jas. G I Lumsden UWWUXVJI AV. 1 Hackney- -Alberta. P a.'5r+,p.r J P.pprl & Cr> Olds 29 2 10 10 Mnndifi, W m De Winton 6 2 3 2 Turner, Jno. A Calgary 5 2 5 4 Hadwen, G. H. Watson, G. L. Hackney — British Columbia. Duncan’s Cariboo Road . . . Thoroughbred— Ontario. 26 Thoroughbred — Quebec. NAME^OR BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Reaudoin, P. A Montreal Hochelaga 1 Varennes Vercheres 2 2 10 4 1 Thoroughbrei 1 — Manitoba. Morris, Thos. F Rosewood 1 Dale. R M Thoroughbred— South On’Annelle. -Saskatchewan. 1 2 I 4 1 Standard Bred — Ontario. 1 1 Barclay, Chas. A Brougham Ontario 2 Childs, Jas. A Eglinton York 1 1 2 Dixon, John I Toronto York 2 1 Dunkin, Chas. A Vittoria Norfolk 1 Farrington, W. R Morrisburg. . . Dundas 1 Fisher, A. E Myrtle Ontario 1 Kennedy, Geo. W Ilderton Middlesex 5 2 5 3 McKillop, A. & Sons West Lome Elgin 4 1 2 Patten, J. H Paris Brant 2 Perry, John Bowman ville Durham 2 2 Power, Chester Bowmanville. . . Durham 1 1 Sheppard, 0. B Toronto York 4 2 2 Smith, Frank A Grovesend. . . . Elgin 3 Tole, E. B Blenheim. . . . Kent 10 i 3 5 Wardell, W. E Mid diem arch Bio-in V Standard Bred — Quebec. BeU, E. Phelps Rock Island Stan stead 6 1 1 4 Foster, G. K Danville Richmond 10 1 5 3 McKee, R. F Richmond Richmond 2 1 McLaren, Alex Buckingham T.a.helle 5 1 2 4 Owens, W Monte Bello. Labelle . . 1 2 2 Ross, Hector Sherbrooke. Sherhrooke 3 2 3 2 Warner, E. C Sand Hill Compton 3 1 1 2 Woodworth, M. E Lacolle St Johns 2 1 1 27 Standard Bred — Nova Scotia, Standard Bred — Manitoba. Blain, Alexander Fitch Bros Gamley, C. D Moffatt, Geo Mclnnes, A. E Mclnnes, S. W McKenzie, G. A., V.S. Penniston, A. E Speers, C. W Wawanesa 6 2 3 3 Holland 1 1 2 2 Griswold 5 Souris 5 2 1 2 Brandon v 4 2 2 Brandon. . . 4 2 2 Neepawa 13 4 2 5 Swan Lake 2 1 • 1 1 Brandon 12 2 | 4 3 Standard Bred — Saskatchewan. Lawrence, John | Maple Creek | | | 2 | j Standard Bred — British Columbia. Murray, John | Langley Prairie.. . J j 3 | 1 j j French and German Coach — Ontario. Hogg, Wm. & Son | Thamesford | Oxford | 2 j | | French and German Coach — Quebec. Ness, Robt. & Son Howick Chateauguay { | 3 | j French and German Coach — Prince Edward Island. Reid, David | Victoria Cross | Kings | 1 ! ! • • • 28 French and German Coach — Saskatchewan NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE Burton, John ! Abernethy. COUNTY a> o '3 l-s? a bfj g £ Philips, J. C. French Canadian — Ontario. Brougham Ontario Beaudry, Jos. AndrA . Besner, Fred Bonin, L. Ptre Bouchard, Joseph Bouchard, A. L Bourria, Theodore .... Bourbonnais, Adelard. Brown, David Charron, Domina Coulombe, Joseph Denis, Arsene D61and, A. N D61and, Henri D61and, Joseph Deland, J. Bte Dore, J. A Dugas, Aim6 Dugas, J. M. Alp. Ptre Elie, Jos Fournier, Alcibiade Fournier, Arthur... Garceau, Philippe.. . . Gervais, Francois. . . . Gerard, T. Napoleon. Juneau, F. X Laferrtere, E Lafontaine, Edouard Lavall^e, Louis Legris, Uld^ric Lemieux, G. A. Ptre. MacKay, Dr. J. M. . . Malot, Hercule French Canadian — Quebec. St. Marc St. Clet.. St. Cunegonde St. Valentin St. Valentin Yamachiche Ste. Marie de Ste. Marthe St. Joachim Vercheres. . . . Soulanges.. . . Hochelaga. . . St. Jean St. Jean St. Maurice . . Vaudreuil.. . . Montmorency 1 2 4 2 2 1 2 2 St. Constant Laprairie St. Norbert Berthier. . . St. Norbert Station St. Jean Berthier St. Jean L’Acadie St. Jean L’Acadie St. Jean. . L’Acadie St. Jean Lac aux Sables Portneuf St. Jacques Montcalm. . St. Henri de Mas- couche L’Assomption La Baie du Febvre . Yamaska St. Alexandre Iberville 1 St. Simon de Yam- aska Bagot 1 Pointe du Lac. St. Narcisse. . . Trois Rivi&res. St. Maurice. . . Champlain. . . . Trois Rivi&res. 2 2 1 Ste. Ursule MaskinongA 3 St. Felix de Valois. Plessisville St. Guillaume St. L6on St. Joachim Ste. Foy Yamachiche Joliette 1 M6gantic 1 Yamaska Maskinong^ 1 Montmorency 1 Quebec | 2 Yamachiche j 2 1 3 1 1 1 2 1 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 3 1 ; 2 6 1 1 1 2 ; i * , 1 l 29 French Canadian — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY P-l J03 g a ^ 03 03 pt| g S £ rQ Ph6nix, Stanislas. . . . Picard, Jean Baptiste Poupart, Arthur St. Theodore d’ Ac- ton St. Hyacinthe St. Constant Bagot St. Hyacinthe. Laprairie 1 2 2 1 2 1 1 1 ... Reid, Dr. J. C., M.V. Chateauguay, Chateauguay. 3 1 1 Standish, C. E Sweet, Ogden Sylvestre, L. P. & Frere. Ayer’s Cliff North Sutton St. Theodore td’ Ac- ton Stanstead. Brome. . . . Bagot. . . . 8 1 3 1 2 3 3 114 Thouin, Louis. . . . Trudel, Th6ophile. R^pentigny. St. Prosper. L’Assomption, Champlain. . . 4 2 3 2 Vezina, Telesphore. St. Prosper. Champlain 2 PONIES. Ponies — Ontario. Baker Thos Salina 2 2 Dyment, E.. Capetown Wentworth 10 1 TTftnTOPT & TTndgsrvn Brantford Brant 6 4 Miller Robert Stouffville 6 3 McCullough & Son Markdale Grey 9 3 Ponies — Manitoba. na.mftrnn ; A Oak Lake 6 1 2 2 Graham, John Car berry 9 2 15 12 Mfl.rplpRj .T. E Deleau 30 3 12 12 30 CATTLE. Shorthorn — Ontario . NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE Adamson, A. & Sons, Alderson, Jas. W Allen, Richard Allin, Frank Alton, J. B. & Son. . . Amos, Geo. & Son. . . Arkell, Henry Armstrong, A. A Armstrong, Geo Armstrong, Geo. B... Atkinson, J. A Attridge, Chas Teeswater.. . . Gordon Lake. Flesherton. . . Newcastle.. . . Nelson Moffat Arkell Minesing Speedside. . . . Teeswater. . . . Dartford Shelburne.. . . COUNTY 3 Ph jg 6 fc a 11 Bruce Algoma Grey Durham Halton Halton Wellington Simcoe Wellington Bruce Northumberland.. . Dufferin 5 4 3 1 25 8 10 6 12 10 2 1 2 2 2 2 1 1 1 6 1 8 20 "V 20 3 2 1 4 - 4 4 4 4 2 Bain, C. E Baechles, Charles Baker, Franklin. Baker, John Ballagh, Robt Balsdon, John I Barber, Sami Barber, Wm Barber, W. J Barlow, Judson Barnes, W. G Barr, Jno Barr, David Barett, Thos. & Sons Barry, Edmund J Bartlett, D. & Sons Bartle Bros Battye, Herbert Bauman, John M Baxter, Geo Baynton, J. F Beaman, Jas Beaton, William Beckton, John M Bell Bros. Biggins, W. J Bingle, W. H Birdsall, F. & Son Black, D. Allan (Dr.) Blackburn, W. C Blanshard, C., V.S Blachie, Jno Blair, Calvin Taunton Kinloss Mount Joy Simcoe Belmore Markham Mulmur Almonte Mountain View Binbrooke Green River Bromley Renfrew Ridgetown Dornoch Smithville Dixon Gore Bay Waterloo Leggett Bothwell Manotick Coulson Glencoe Gormley Clinton Grimsby Birdsall Kingston Darlington Appleby Spring Bay Rideau View Ontario, Bruce York Norfolk Bruce York Dufferin Lanark Prince Edward. . . . Wentworth Ontario Renfrew Renfrew Kent Grey Lincoln Stormont Manitoulon Waterloo Dufferin Lambton Carleton Simcoe Middlesex York Huron Lincoln Peterborough Kingston Durham Halton Algoma Russell 15 2 1 5 1 7 6 4 14 9 13 4 7 15 2 8 1 8 3 3 1 1 6 15 2 7 1 10 9 5 10 4 2 31 Shorthorn — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred l breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Bogart, L. F Gosport Lennox 5 1 3 1 2 Bolton, Archie Mosboro Wellington 3 1 1 2 Bonnycastle, Chas. E Campbellford Northumberland.. . 20 I 10 10 Bowslaugh, Edward W Grimsby Lincoln 5 2 1 1 Bratt, Geo. A Inwood Lambton 4 1 2 2 Bricker, John C Elmira .... Waterloo 9 1 4 4 Brien, E. & Sons.. . . Ridgetown. Kent 20 2 10 40 Bright, John Myrtle Station.. . . Ontario 15 1 7 8 Brodie, G. A Bethesda York 12 1 4 6 Brillinger, J. L Malcolm Bruce 4 2 2 2 Bristow, G. B. . . Rob Roy. . Grey 14 4 4 6 Broadfoot, A. & J. . Seaforth. . . Huron ! 12 4 5 5 Brown, Jas Thorold.. . . Welland. . . . 16 1 5 6 Brown, I. D Riverdale Bruce 1 1 1 Brown, T. R Alma Wellington 2 2 2 Bruce, Jas Egbert Simcoe 1 1 1 * 1 Brush, Francis G. . . Amherstburg. Essex 2 1 1 Brydone, Jno Milverton. . . . Perth 14 1 6 6 Burk, G. H Maxwell Gray 4 3 2 2 Burnett, A. & Son Alma Wellington 5 1 3 2 Burnes, Alex Rockwood Wellington 16 1 6 8 Burnhan, George Zephyr Scott 21 1 15 ! 1 Burr, Jas. F Annan Grey ! 5 '1 2 : 3 Caddington, Win Melbourne. . . Brampton.. . 5 1 Caister, Edwin Tavistock.. . . Oxford 6 1 1 Calder, Chas Brooklin Ontario 20 1 i 8 6 Caldwell, Jno. Barrie Simcoe : 2 1 Caldwell, W. D. . Brighton Northumberland.. . ' 2 4 ! 4 i 3 Calvert, R. L Ilderton. Middlesex 5 , 1 Campbell, David. .... Molesworth . Huron i i 5 ! 5 3 Campbell, Jas. K Palmerston.. . . Perth 4 1 2 2 Campbell, Jno .... Woodville Victoria ! 12 j 1 4 3 Campbell, Max & Sons Harwick Kent i 5 j 1 3 3 Campbell, T. A. .... Smith’s Falls Lanark 2 1 2 1 1 x Carefoot, Albert N Redwing Grey 4 1 j j 2 2 Cargill, H. & Sons Cargill Bruce 75 ! 4 30 30 Carmichael, Sam. C Fingal Elgin 4 | 3 2 Carroll, Chas. W Norwich Oxford 16 1 4 4 Carscadden, J D Cadmus . Durham. . . . 6 Caughill, Alex. South Cayuga Haldimand 3 1 1 2 1 Caulfield, Robt H Mount Forest.. Grey 3 i 3 j 1 Cation, Ed. C Brampton.. Peel 4 1 Chalk, F Forest . . Lambton 3 1 1 Chalmers Bros Palmerston Wellington 2 3 3 3 Chambers, D. W. Freelton Wentworth 4 1 2 4 Ohapmfi.n, .Tnn 0 & Son St. Thomas Elgin 6 1 2 3 Charlton Sylvester Springfield. . . Elgin 12 3 2 4 Christie, Gilbert Aberdour Bruce 3 1 2 2 Christie, Peter, M.P. Manchester Ontario 15 2 2 4 Clapp, Percy J Tecumseh ! Essex 5 1 2 3 Clare, Jas. H. Chapman i Hastings 3 1 2 1 Clark, E S Ravenshoe. . . York 5 3 3 ' 2 Clark, Jno. B. & Son Fulton Wentworth 2 1 Clark, Wm Greenwood Ontario 10 3 1 5 : 5 1 32 Shorthorn — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Clarkson, Wm Milton Peel . . . 12 4 4 5 Claus, W.W Vineland Lincoln . 12 4 4 5 Cleghorn, Jno. B Mosborough Wellington .. . 3 1 2 3 Clough, Jno Binbrook Wentworth.. . 7 1 3 7 Clow, David Whiteehuren Huron 8 1 4 3 Cole, J. R. R Tyrone Durham 3 2 Cole, R. H. & Sons Wooler Northumberland. . . 10 2 5 10 Collins, 0 St. George Brant 1 Col will, A. A Newcastle Durham Camerford, F. A Eldorado Hastings 8 2 7 Conn. J, A Heathcote . Grey. . 3 1 Cook, David N Amulree Perth 4 3 2 2 Cooke, Jos Maple Hill. Bruce. . . 1 1 Cooper, Geo Claremont Ontario 8 1 4 Cooper, Wm Emo Rainy River 1 1 Corley, R Belgrave Huron 20 1 8 10 Corned, D. H Omemee Victoria 2 1 1 1 Coursey Bros Lucan Middlesex. . . 5 1 3 2 Coutts, Peter Egerton Wellington 5 1 2 Cousins, Jno. & Sons Harriston Wellington 20 3 5 3 Coulthard, R. E St. Mary’s Perth 10 1 5 4 Cowan, Jas Seaforth Huron 12 1 6 Cowan, Jas. & Son Guelph • Wellington 8 1 3 4 Craig, Jno. & Son Whitechurch Bruce 3 1 2 Cribbis, Jas Wiarton Grey 2 1 Crockard, Jas. H Lucasville Lambton 2 2 2 1 Crozier, Archie Beachburg Renfrew 13 5 6 4 Cudmore, Sami Huron dale Huron 3 1 1 2 Cullis, Edwin. . . . Vandeleur.. . Grey 3 3 Cumming, Wm. .... Alvinston Lambton ... 2 Cunningham, Jos Thorndale Middlesex 3 2 1 Currie, Chas Morriston Wellington 6 2 2 3 Currie, Daniel Black’s Corners.. . . Dufferin 10 1 5 4 Darroch, Donald Gillies’ Hill Bruce 4 2 2 Davidson, Jno Ashburn Ontario . ... , 13 2 5 5 Davidson, J. D Belhaven York 5 1 3 2 Davidson, W. T. Meadowville . . . Peel 2 1 Davis, H. J Woodstock Oxford 25 2 20 15 Dawson, Adam. Cannington Ontario 7 1 Dawson, Peter.. . Bailieboro.. N or thumberland 3 1 1 2 Dearing, Wm. N Exeter Huron 2 1 1 1 De Gex, Ed. H Kerwood Middlesex 5 3 4 2 Denison, Alfred Pana Carleton 8 3 3 2 Devitt, I. & Son Freeman Halton 11 3 4 1 6 Devitt, S. A Cadmus.. Durham. .*. . 6 Devitt, W. J Greenwood Ontario 6 1 1 2 Dewhirst, D. C Cottam Essex 5 1 3 5 Dick, Peter Grattan Renfrew 6 2 4 4 Dickieson, Richard & Son Guelph Wellington 7 1 3 3 Diefenbacher, C Hawkesville Waterloo 10 2 3 1 3 Dingwall, W. & R Hopeville Grey 5 1 2 2 Disney, Jno. E Greenwood. . . Ontario 20 3 6 1 20 Dix, J. F.. Tittle Britain Victoria 1 1 1 | Dobson, Wm.. i Humber Peel . 1 1 1' 33 Shorthorn — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- I bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- I bred Females for j sale annually. j Gordon ville Wellington 1 Doherty, Wm Clinton Huron 15 1 Hastings Peterborough.. . . 3 1 South Zorra Oxford 6 2 3 3 Donaldson, Wm South Zorra Oxford 15 6 6 8 Dorranon. .Tas Seaforth Huron 9 1 15 Doughty, Jno Nanticoke Haldimand 5 3 2 Douglas, Jas Caledonia Haldimand 42 2 16 20 Douglas. T. & Sons Strathroy Middlesex 40 2 20 20 Douglas, Wm. A Tuscarora Brant 16 1 5 8 Draper, John Port Whitby Ontario 2 2 2 Draper, Wm. Cookstown Simcoe 5 1 3 2 Drummond. A. & .T Clifford Huron 13 1 5 5 Drummond, Mrs. M. J Gladstone Middlesex 1 Drvden, John & Son Brooklin Ontario 45 2 7 15 Dudley, A Appleby Halton 12 1 5 3 Duffy, Arthur Rathburn Ontario 4 5 3 2 Duggan, James Schomberg York 10 1 4 3 Dunlop, Sami Eady ~ Simcoe 7 3 5 4 • Dunsmore, Chas. Wm. St. Paul Perth 2 1 1 1 Durie, Jno Owen Sound Grey 4 2 4 Dutot, Jas Comber Essex 2 1 1 2 Dyer, Wm. D. . . . Columbus Ontario 7 1 3 12 Dyer Bros... Hillsbur^... Dufferin. 1 1 Dyment, S. . . . Barrie Simcoe 30 10 15 10 Eakins, Robert. . Little Britain Victoria 6 1 2 3 Easterbrook, Wm. H.. Freeman Halton 17 1 6 10 Easton, Abram. . . Appleby Halton 2 1 2 1 Eby, R Winfield Wellington 11 4 6 4 Edwards, W. C. & Co., Ltd. . . Rockland Russell 65 4 30 30 Edwards, Wm Balsam Ontario 7 1 4 3 Ellen ton, John & Son Hornby Halton... . 5 1 Elcoat, A. Brucefield. ..." Huron 4 1 2 2 Elder, B Elsmore Beauce 1 1 Eldridge, John Hepworth Bruce 4 6 2 2 Ellis, Wm. Thos. Walkerton. . Bruce 2 1 Elsly, Jas.. . . Londesborough. . . Huron 2 2 Engell, Christian. . . Desboro Grey 3 1 1 9 Engler, Jos... Ethel. . . . Huron.. 8 2 Evans, Robt. J Wiarton Bruce 2 1 2 ! 1 Ewing, Fred. W Salem Wellington 12 5 7 Experimental Farm. Ottawa Carleton .... 12 2 4 1 Fairbairn,, H. K Thedford Lambton 12 8 6 5 Fairbairn, Jno.. Maple -Lane Grey 7 4 4 Faires, Chas. . . . Muskoka Falls.. Muskoka. . . . 4 1 Fairweather, Thos. H Parker. . Wellington 3 1 Fallows, H. F Evelyn Middlesex 10 1 5 Falkingham, Wm R . Ebordale Grey 2 1 3 ! Faris, P. M . Bradford Simcoe 4 1 2 | Farrow, Alf Speedside j Wellington 6 2 2 1 Farrow, J. H Wiarton ! Bruce 6 1 2 4 Faulds, W. M... . Muncey Middlesex 5 6 4 2 Ferguson, Alex Sonya Victoria 3 1 1 2 1 34 Shorthorn — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER 1 GO ^3 (X) Fh a a> § 03 i-rt §3 © ® > «s 3 Ph 2 6 o3 £ a g s -S- 0 Graham, James .... Graham, Percy C. . . . Graham, Thos Graham, Wm. M Graham, W. W Grainger, Geo Greenwood, Jno. C . . Grieve, Jno. D Groat, Chas Guest, R. L Gunn, Donald & Son. Guy, W. H Haggart, John, Sr Ham, John Hamer, John & Son Hamilton Bros Hamilton, F. R Hand, John Hanna, A Harbottle, Geo. F Harding, R. H Harper, W. J Hanley, J. C. & Son Hare, Wm. A Harris, Leamon Hastings Bros Hawksworth, Morley Heaslip, Christopher W Hendrie, W. (Estate of) Henhoeffer, Win Henry, J. W Hepton, G. W Hewie, Robt. A Hewins, Chas Hickling, C. M Hickson, John Hill, David Hill, G. H. & Son Hill, Jas Hippie, Lawrence E Hiser, Edward J Hisey, John Hislop, Arch Hislop, Jas Hodgins, J. J Hodgkinson & Tisdale Hodgson, John J Hogg, Robert Hogg, Wm. & Son Holdsworth, R. L. & Sons. . . . Holland, John Hossfeld, Geo 10 1 8 4 1 1 1 14 2 8 20 5 1 3 2 2 1 18 4 4 2 2 1 1 3 1 1 1 6 3 3 2 2 2 30 2 8 20 4 2 3 3 1 3 2 5 4 6 2 4 2 5 3 2 6 1 2 8 5 1 2 3 1 3 2 5 1 12 6 5 4 4 1 2 2 3 1 9 2 4 3 12 2 4 5 10 5 8 7 30 1 1 1 7 1 4 3 4 1 2 2 5* 1 1 2 9 2 3 2 2 7 1 4 3 6 1 2 7 2 3 2 2 1 1 6 2 3 2 2 17 1 7 7 7 1 1 3 3 1 10 1 3 10 1 2 1 1 1 1 13 1 4 4 1 13 1 1 4 5 4 2 1 1 6 36 sale annually. Shorthorn — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER Houston, M. F Howard, Jno. L Howell, A. E Howell, Fred Howlett, Ira L... . Howson, Christopher. Humphrey, Frank E. Hunter, Frank Hunter, R. I Hutchinson, Thomas. Hutton, Hugh & Son. POST OFFICE COUNTY a s| =3 P* Ph bJD 0-3 6 v . <33 O ® O o ~ £ <» o GG hi "3 s a a> cl Chatham Sutton West Pelham Corners.. . . St. George Keldon Keene Brock Road Norval Exeter. Eversley Bromley Kent York Welland Brant Dufferin Peterborough. Ontario Halton Huron York Renfrew 2 12 3 2 2 3 4 7 4 3 2 1 6 3 2 1 3 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 3 2 2 4 Ingram, Thos. Inglis, George, Innes, Jno. G. Isaac, W. J... . Manitowaning. Badjeros Sonya. ....... Harwood Algoma Grey. Ontario Northumberland. 18 5 4 4 2 2 1 1 2 2 Jackson, Geo. & Son. Jamieson, Victor... . Jasper, T. H Jeffrey, Alex Jeffs, E. & Son Jenkins, Wm Johnson, A. G Johnson, J. H Johnson, Andrew. . . Johnson, Arthur. . . . Johnson, S. & Sons.. Johnson, G. & Sons. Johnson, J. E Johnston, William... Jones, B W Kay, David Kellington, Jno. M.. . Kelly, David Kelly, John Kennedy, Alex Kennedy, F. M Kernahan, Jno. A.. . . Kerr, Jno. T Kidd, Jno. L Kidd, Jos Kirkwood, Gavin. . . . Kimball, J. A Knox Bros Kuntz, E. G Kupperschmidt, Wm. Kyle Bros Downsview Blackwater Walkerton Whitby Bondhead Everett Strongville North Pelham Lakefield Greenwood Fordwich Underwood Chapman Mountain Grove. . . Balsam Rydal Bank.. Ravenshoe. . . Holbrook. . . . Shakespeare. . Dover Centre. Holstein Feversham.. . Iona Station . Cottesloe Prospect Chesley Forest Chesterfield... Formosa Deemerton.. . Ayr York West... Ontario Bruce Ontario Simcoe Simcoe Simcoe Welland Peterboro.. . . Ontario Huron Bruce Hastings Frontenac.. . . Ontario Algoma York Oxford Perth Kent Grey Grey Elgin Peterborough. Lanark Bruce Lambton .... Oxford Bruce Bruce Oxford Lane, Jas. C Lancaster, H. D. Lang, Jas. & Son. Arkona. . . Bronson. . Hamilton, Lambton . . Hastings.. . Wentworth. 4 1 1 6 1 4 i 37 Shorthorn- — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. j Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Langmaid, G. A Courtice Durham 1 1 Langstaff Bros Wallaceburg Kent 11 1 3 4 Lattimer, J. A Woodstock.. . Oxford 16 1 6 6 Laurence, T. Alex Thamesville Kent 10 1 Lawrence, W. H Honeywood Dufferin 6 2. 3 5 Laver, Geo.. Orillia. Simcoe . . . 4 1 2 2 Leach, Geo Rrooklin . . Ontario.. . . 3 2 1 Leask, Jas Greenbank. . Ontario 9 1 5 4 Lee, Chas Thorn dale Middlesex 3 1 2 1 Lee, Ed Low Banks.. . . Haldimand 2 1 1 Legge, Jno St. Mary’s Perth.. . . 5 1 2 2 Legge, T. H Temperance ville. . . York. . . 7 1 2 4 Leggette, Wm Grey. . . . 2 1 1 1 Leith, David Varney. . . Grey 4 1 Lemon, Jas Walter’s Falls. . Grey 8 2 4 Leslie & Pearen Acton Wellington 10 6 4 6 Lewis, Frank M Burford.. . . Brant 4 1 3 Lewis, George Bally mote Middlesex 5 1 3 Lightle, Geo The Maples Dufferin. . . 2 2 1 Lindsay, Sami Formosa Bruce 4 1 1 Linton, Wm Aurora York 11 1 5 5 Litt, Jacob Sebringville Perth 4 1 2 2 Little, R. J Birdell Grey 3 3 6 2 Littlejohns, J. C Highgate Kent 13 4 6 7 Littlejohns, R. W.. . . Ridgetown Kent 3 1 2 1 Livingston, W. A Vickers Grey 6 1 Lochhead, J. M Centreville Addington 8 1 3 2 Logie, Henry C.. . Lindsay Victoria 5 1 2 1 Lough, Roy W Ida Durham 2 1 1 Love, Alex Eagle. . Elgin 8 1 4 5 Lyons, Sami Byng Haldimand 7 2 2 4 McAllister, D Comber Essex 4 1 4 3 McArthur, Jno Paisley. Bruce 17 1 5 5 McAvoy, J. D Balsam Ontario 18 4 4 4 McAvoy, T. C Balsam. . . Ontario 15 3 10 5 McBride, Roderick Arnott.. . . Grey 3 2 2 McCallum, J. R Iona Station West Elgin 10 5 5 McCamus, T. W Bailieboro Durham 8 2 6 2 McCormick, Malcolm Reading Dufferin 2 1 2 1 McCue, Jas. & Son Melancthon. . . . Dufferin 6 2 3 McCullough, John Williamsford . . . . Grey 4 1 2 2 McCullough, P. C. . . . Nantyr. Simcoe 2 2 1 McCutcheon, Jno Croton.. Kent 2 McDewitt, Jas.. . . Dunkerron 7 1 McDiarmid, Jno Lucknow . . Bruce 3 2 2 McDonald, Arch. & Son St. Mary’s Perth 3 2 McDonald Bros Woodstock. . Oxford 21 8 8 10 McDonald, I°aac.. Ridgetown Kent 1 2 McDonald, P. F... . Kintore. . Oxford 3 1 3 McDonald, Robt. L. . . Cran brook.. . Huron 5 1 2 3 McEachern, P. R Eldon. Victoria 3 1 o McElheron, Neil. . . Chatsworth Grey 1 1 McEwen, Robt Bvron Middlesex 6 1 3 2 38 Shorthorn — Continued . NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. McFarlane, Jas Claremont Ontario 3 1 1 2 McFarlane, Jos Hockley Dufferin 10 1 4 5 McFarlane, Jno Dutton Elgin 25 1 8 12 McFarlane, Jno Eden Mills Wellington 7 1 2 McGoey, T Q Romilly Simcoe 6 1 5 3 McGregor, Alex Uxbridge Ontario 3 2 2 McGregor Bros Tilbury Kent 3 1 3 McGregor, Peter Muncey Middlesex 14 9 4 5 McGowan, A. D Rodney Elgin 20 2 8 10 Mclnnis, Angus Goring Grey 6 5 5 9 Mclnnis, Chas Yeovil Grey 3 1 2 McIntosh, F. C St. Mary’s Perth 3 1 McIntosh, Jas Egmondville Huron 6 2 McIntyre, John Ridgetown Kent 4 1 1 8 McKague, Geo Cannington Victoria 1 1 McKay, David Owen Sound. . Grey 13 1 4 6 McKay, H. & Son Lucknow. . Bruce 7 1 4 McKeen, Ed Spring vale Haldimand 2 1 McKenzie, John Keward Grey 6 1 6 4 McKee ver, Wm Listowel Perth 5 4 4 McKenzie, M. J *. . . Crumlin Middlesex. 2 McKenzie, Wm Mitchell Perth. . . . 3 2 McKillop, A. M West Lome. . . Elgin 4 1 1 3 McKnight, S. J Epping Grey 20 5 5 5 McLoughry, Wm. M Markdale Grey 2 McLean, Hugh Wyoming Lambton 3 1 1 1 McLean, Wm. J Kerwood.. Middlesex. . 2 McMahon, A. & J Wyoming Lambton 6 4 3 3 McMillan, Donald Dutton Elgin 7 1 2 McMillan, D Priceville Grey 2 1 6 McNabb, M. & Sons Lawrence Station. . Elgin 15 2 5 10 McNeil, Arthur Stratford . . . Huron. . . . 2 1 McPhail, A. B Galt Waterloo 10 2 2 McPherson, G. H Arkona Lambton 5 2 2 4 McPherson, James Dundalk Grey 17 7 6 5 McQueen, Donald Conn Grey 6 3 4 3 McRae, Dan. K Strathburn Middlesex.. . . 6 1 1 2 McTaggart, A Appin Middlesex.. . 3 1 2 1 McTaggart, John A Sonya Victoria. . , 4 2 1 McVicar, Archie Harrietsville Elgin. . . . 3 3 5 MacColl, Sami Dutton J-IXgjXiX Elgin.. . . 3 MacKay, Peter Egmondville -L/igXJ-l Huron.. . . 8 1 4 2 MacKenzie, J. A Alvinston Lambton . . 1 Macrae, Jas Cherrywood Ontario. . . . 2 1 2 Maddock, Jno. W Inwood Lambton . 3 1 1 2 Maloney, Patrick Metropolitan Perth. . 12 4 8 6 Mallot, M. J Leamington Essex. . . . 5 1 2 2 Mann, Jas. H Bridgeworth Peterboro 3 1 1 1 Manion, Michael Egerton Wellington 4 1 4 Marr, Jos. F Grovesend Elgin. . . . 3 2 3 Marshall, J. W Harley Brant 9 4 2 4 39 Shorthorn — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure bred Females for sale annually. Marshall, Jos Jackson Grey 10 1 4 5 Marshall, Robt Elora. . Wellington 3 2 2 3 Martindale, E. & Son York Haldimand 15 1 7 9 Martinson, W. W Hawkesville. . Waterloo 2 3 1 1 Martyn, J. W Canton. . . Durham 10 2 3 Matheson, Wm Donegal Perth.. . 3 1 1 Mason, Henry A Scarborough.. . . York. 10 2 6 6 Meadows, A. E Port Hope. . . Durham 9 3 3 4 Meharey, Wm Russell 1 Merrick, Wm. T Pine Dale. Ontario . 2 Meyer, A. E Guelph Wellington 18 2 8 9 Millar, M. V Bervie. . Bruce.. . 10 2 4 4 Miller, Robt Stouffville. . York. 21 5 25 25 Millson, Ed Solina. . . Durham. 5 2 2 3 Minor, Ira Lowbanks.. Haldimand.. 10 3 3 3 Mitchell, Jno. H Green River.. Ontario.. . 7 4 2 Mitchell, Jos Parry S<">und 2 1 Mitchell, Robt Middlesex 6 Mitchelb W. J Kirkfield. . Victoria and Hali- burton.. 3 1 Mitton, W. J '. . . . Thamesville. Kent. 7 1 3 3 Moodie, Thomas Rideau View Carleton... * 2 1 Moore Bros Lake view. Elgin. . 5 1 Moore, Matthew Pine River. Bruce... . 5 1 Morden, H. N Barrie Island.. Manitoulin. . . 2 3 2 Moore, Jas Kirkton . . Perth. . . 4 1 3 2 Morgan, Ernest A Kerwood.. Middlesex.. . . 3 1 5 1 Morgan, Robt. & Sons Kerwood.. Middlesex.. 4 Morgan, W. P Napperton. . . Middlesex 5 1 2 3 Morris, Geo. E Comber Essex 12 5 5 Morrison, Peter Argyle Victoria and Hali- burton 13 1 5 5 Morrison, T. J Rocky Saugeen. . . . Varney. . . Grey. . . 4 2 1 Mountain, William Grey. . . 2 1 Mowbray, R. R Kinsale. . . . Ontario.. . . 9 4 Murdie, M Winthrop. . Huron 8 2 2 3 Murdoch, Wm Palmerston.. Wellington. . 4 1 2 1 Murray, Chas Stamford. . . Welland. r 8 2 4 4 Murray, Robt. B Avonton.. . Perth.. . 3 1 1 Myles, J. A Heathcote Grey. . . 12 1 5 6 Myers, Thos. H Aughrim Lambton 2 1 1 Neil, R West McGillivray. . Mount Forest Middlesex . 3 2 2 1 Nicholson Bros Grey. . . 5 2 3 2 Nicholson, F. W Flesherton. Grey 3 2 1 1 Nicholson, R. & S Sylvan .... Middlesex 30 8 10 8 Nickel, Charles Mildmay. . Bruce. . . . 6 2 3 2 Niece, Hosea Stromness Haldimand- 2 1 Nigle, Alvin J Kingsville. Essex 5 15 1 Norris, Robt Staffa... Perth.. 5 1 4 2 Norrish, Jno. Y Nassagaweya Halton. 4 Oke, Geo.- H Alvinsnn . T.amht.nn 12 3 5 6 40 Shorthorn — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Corbetton Dufferin 1 2 Galt Waterloo 15 8 7 7 Enfield Durham 6 2 2 2 Columbus Ontario 15 1 6 6 Canfield Haldimand 6 4 2 Sundridge Parry Sound 4 1 2 Wyebridge. Simcoe 6 2 Thornbury. . Grey 15 1 5 10 Crown Hill Simcoe 4 Swinton Park Grey 2 1 2 Ceylon.. . Grey 3 1 2 1 Mill Brook. . . Durham 15 1 5 5 South Dummer. . . Peterborough .5 2 1 1 Hillsdale Simcoe 5 2 4 3 Cayuga Haldimand 11 3 4 6 Meadow vale.. . . ! Peel 33 2 12 15 Ratho Oxford 5 2 3 Talkland. . Brant 3 1 3 1 Norval ! Peel 3 2 2 Freeman Halton 20 1 10 10 Freeman Halton 50 4 25 20 Brougham... . Ontario 2 1 2 Maple Lane. . Grey 5 5 3 3 Maidstone.. . Essex 5 1 3 2 Pinkerton.. Bruce 2 2 ! Essex Essex 5 2 3 Pine Orchard York 1 1 1 Iona Station Elgin.. . . 2 1 1 Seagrave Lloydtown. . . Ontario York 8 19 2 1 3 8 2 6 Caledon Peel 2 Fenelon Falls.. Victoria. . . . 2 1 Port Burrell Elgin 3 1 2 1 Fen agh vale Prescott 4 1 3 1 Claremont i Ontario 5 1 2 3 Whitevale Ontario 10 1 4 4 Claremont Ontario 5 3 4 Wards vale. . Elgin 1 1 Elimville. . Huron 2 Leamington Essex 7 3 4 3 Ballymote Middlesex.. 6 2 2 Exeter.. . Huron.. . . 2 Columbus. . Ontario.. . 5 2 Ardtrea. . Simcoe 15 1 1 Reaboro Victoria 12 3 2 6 Varna. Huron. . . 3 1 Pine River. . . . Bruce 18 1 12 6 Kossuth Glencoe Waterloo Middlesex 12 6 6 1 6 2 5 2 Dunblane Bruce 2 1 1 1 Lowville Halton 10 4 4 2 Vandorf.. . York 2 1 1 Oldfield, Thos Oliver, R. & A Ormiston, Wm. Geo... Ormiston, Wm. & Son. Oxley, Chas Paget, Jno. . . Parker, Wm. (Mrs.) & Son. Parkinson, E. & C Partridge, Jno. A Paton, Jas Paton, Wm Patterson Bros Patterson, Richard Patterson, Wm. Payne, J. C Pearson, S. J., Son & Co.. . . Peat, David Pelton, Sami. A Pettigrew, Hy Pettit, A. C Pettit, W. G. & Sons Philip, Jno. C Philip, J. R Phillips, Joseph Pinkerton, David Pinkerton, R. B Playter, W. Stanley Pollard, Jno. & Son Pollock, Wm Porter, Chas. E Potter, Hugh A Poulson, Jas. ... Prong, Ed Proudfoot, Jas Pugh, E. E Pugh, Hugh Pugh, W. D Purcell, Dugald Pynn, Sam. J Quick, C. H. Ralph Bros Ratcliffe, Jno. N Ratcliffe, Wm Reed, Isaac Reid Bros Reid, Jno Reid, R. H Reist, J. & G Reycraft, Thos. C... . Richardson, Andrew. Richardson, J. F Richardson, Wm. D. . 41 Shorthorn — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Rilance, F. W Beaverton Ontario 8 1 3 4 Roberts, W. B. & T. H Sparta Elgin 8 1 3 3 Robertson, Jno. . . Wyoming Lambton 7 1 3 3 Robertson, N. S Arnprior Renfrew 8 1 4 4 Grey 3 1 Hep worth.. Bruce 4 1 2 4 Robson, R. S Tlderton Middlesex 4 Rodgers, David . Avr Oxford 4 1 2 2 Rosevear, E. A Roseneath Northumberland. . . 4 1 2 2 Ross, Angus Beaverton Ontario 3 2 3 3 Ross Bros Nairn Middlesex 4 1 2 2 Ross, J. C Jarvis Haldimand 10 1 6 Rowand, A. J Dunblane Bruce 8 1 4 4 Rumney, J. S Victoria and Hali- burton.. . 1 1 1 Rusnell, D. H Stouffville York 7 5 4 5 Ruston, F. & Son Sebrinjrville Perth 10 3 4 4 Salkeld, Isaac Goderich Huron 6 1 2 3 3 Sanderson, Charlie Victoria Square.. . . York 3 I Sandham, T. A Tilsonburg Norfolk 1 ! i 1 1 Sang, Charles Chippawa Hill.. Bruce 3 1 2 Sarrow, Josiah Ready. . . . Grey. 3 i j Schatz, Nelson New Hamburg Waterloo 4 i Schatz, Herbert Waterloo Waterloo 2 1 Schmerr, Henry Formosa. . Bruce 2 i 4 Scobie, Thos. & Co Kars Carleton 5 i 2 3 Scott, Jno Dunblane Bruce 6 i 3 3 Scott, T. & Son. . . . Sutton West. . York 13 3 5 7 Scott, Wm. W.. . . Highgate. . . Kent 6 5 3 3 Seegmiller, Adam. . . Walker ton. . . Bruce 4 3 4 2 Shaver, A. M Ancaster Wentworth 12 1 4 8 Shean, W. J. & Son. . Owen Sound Grey 20 3 18 10 Sheridan, Jno... . Loree. . Grey 1 1 Shore, Harry. . . Byron. . . Middlesex 1 Shore, T. Hardy. . Glen worth. . Middlesex 7 1 Shoup, 0. E.. . . Cheapside. . . Haldimand 1 1 Sibbett, Jno Chippawa. . . . Welland 5 4 3 2 Sime, Thos Grand Valley Dufferin 7 1 4 Simpson, Geo... . Nassagaweya Halton 4 2 1 1 Simpson, Jno.. Nassagaweya. . Halton 5 2 3 Simpson, J. C Wardsville Middlesex 3 3 2 1 Simpson, W. J.. Ashton. . . Carleton ... 4 3 3 2 Sinclair, Duncan.. Keady.. . . Grey 10 2 4 4 Sinclair, Geo. H... Langbank.. . . Lambton 6 2 4 4 Skeoch, Jas Corunna Lambton 6 1 3 3 Skinner Bros. Rutherford.. Lambton . . . 3 2 2 Sloan, Jas Oxford Mills Grenville 2 2 1 1 Smillie, A. G Hensall Huron 12 1 6 6 Smith, A. W Maple Lodge Middlesex 20 2 20 Smith, David & Son.. Belmont Elgin 14 1 5 Smith, Frank A. . . . Grovesend Elgin 5 2 2 3 Smith, Geo. M. . Haysville Waterloo 2 1 Smith, Harry... Exeter Huron 35 10 15 15 Smith, H. P Gormley York 4 1 2 2 42 Shorthorn — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER % POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Smith, J. J Enniskillen Durham 2 1 Smith, Neil Peel 2 1 2 2 Smith, Sami Walkerton Bruce 8 3 4 4 Smith, Wm Ontario 20 10 10 5 Snell, Albert Haldimand 2 Snell, Jas Huron 33 6 6 5 Snyder, Jos. B Waterloo Waterloo 6 1 3 3 Snyder, Jonathan S Bridgeport Waterloo 4 1 1 1 Souch, S. D Orono Durham 3 2 2 2 Speiran, G. E Cran brook Huron 1 1 1 Spencer, Jas Bruce 3 1 1 Spencley, H. J Box Grove York 5 1 5 12 Spottiswoode, S. R.. Brant 2 1 Sproul, T. S Markdale. Grey 18 6 8 8 Stafford, Chas Flesherton Grey 4 1 3 2 Staples, Archie W Fleetwood .* Durham 2 Staples, J. F Ida Durham 16 1 1 Staples, L. F Ida Durham 16 2 8 6 Staples, W. H Cavan East Durham 3 1 5 2 Stark, Jas Enfield Durham 5 4 4 Stead, Henry Wilton Grove.. Middlesex 13 2 6 7 Steckley, Peter. . Bet, beads, . . York 3 3 6 2 Steele, Jas Lochalsh Huron 2 3 2 Stevenson, Walter H. Fenelon Falls Victoria 4 1 2 Stewart, Peter At ha Ontario 12 2 4 6 Stewart, Richard. . Maple Valley. . . Grey 4 2 Stirton Bros Beresford Northumberland. . . 5 1 3 Stocks, C. J Tavistock Oxford 0 4 3 Stocks, Geo Dundalk. . . Grey 2 1 1 Storie, Jno Watson’s Corners. . Lanark 2 Storie, Robert & Son.. . . Crossland Simcoe 5 1 2 3 Stott, Geo Wye vale. . Simcoe 6 4 2 Stouffer, Wellington.. Ringwood York 3 1 2 2 Stovre, Jacob & Son Springfield Oxford 4 2 2 2 Strickler, J. A Selkirk Haldimand 3 1 1 3 Stringer, Abe Kingarf. . Bruce 5 2 4 Stringer, Jas Little Current Manitoulin 3 1 2 3 Stroh, Geo. R Glenallan Wellington 7 1 4 3 Struthers, W. B Poole Perch 7 1 3 4 S worden, Robt. & Oh a s Kolapore Grey 3 1 1 Sylvestre, Victor.. . . St Joachim. Essex 4 1 1 Taylor, Thos. H. . . Belgrave Huron 4 1 1 Taylor, W. H Evelyn Middlesex 10 2 6 4 Taylor, W. H. & Son. . . . Park Hill. . . Middlesex 10 1 4 6 Thompson, Harry... Kerwood Middlesex 2 2 Thompson, Robt. & W. J. Spiers Wellington 22 2 4 5 Thompson, Jno. A Thornton Simcoe 4 2 2 2 Thoms, Jno. A Clay Bank. . . . Renfrew 5 1 O 3 Thomson, And Chesley Grey 2 1 1 1 Thompson, James Glammis Bruce 5 2 3 2 Thomson, Hugh. . . . St Mary’s Perth 7 2 6 5 Thomson, Jas Mildmay Bruce 16 5 4 6 Tindale, Robt Fergus Wellington 4 1 4 Tocker, William. Sut.Viprl nn H Ontario 5 4 kjuiuviiauu* 1 43 Shorthorn — Continued NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE # COUNTY No. of Pure bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Tolton, Edwin Walkerton Bruce 2 2 Tolton, Jas. L W alkerton Bruce. . . . 4 o 2 Tranter, J. E Southampton Bruce 1 1 & Trash, Israel H Dayton Algoma 2 1 2 Trick, John Cresswell Ontario 7 2 2 Trott, Ed. & Sons Christian.. Middlesex.. 7 2 O 9 Tupling, Alex. & Sons Duff erin . 5 2 A 2 0 1 Twedle, Ed Tweedside W en twnrf.h . . 3 1 1 Usher, Hudson Queenston Lincoln. . 30 2 10 10 Vanderlip, H. M Cains ville Brant. g 2 2 0 Vardon, F. W Springford . Oxford 4 Q 2 2 Varnum, E. N Solina. . . Durham 3 o Vickery, Frank Prince Albert Ontario 2 1 Wagner, C. & Sons Elmira. . Waterloo g 1 5 4 Wakely, L. A Peel 5 2 2 2 Waldie, Alex. & Sons Halton 5 2 3 2 Walker, R. W Gorrie. . 2 1 1 Wallace, Wm Hoo-ff. . . . Carleton g 4 5 3 Wallace, W. J Mount Forest Grev 12 1 0 4 Wallis, Jno Gran ton 1 ^ J Middlesex 4 2 3 3 Walsh, Patrick Ste. Augustine Huron 2 1 1 1 Walter, John Saltford Huron 11 3 2 3 Warded, W. E Middlemarch Elffin 7 1 3 4 Ward, Edwin Green bank. XJlglil. Ontario 5 3 3 4 Watson, A. J Castlederg York 15 2 7 10 Watson, Geo. A Durham. . Grey 1 1 1 1 Watson, Jno Seagrave. . . . Ontario 7 2 2 4 Watson, T. H Sonya. . . Victoria 2 1 1 1 Watson, Walter Tor more Peel. 1 Watt, J. & Son Salem WHlmgtnn 20 1 g 12 Wearing, Peter Thos Gilchrist Simcoe 4 1 2 Webb, Benj Stroud Simcoe 3 1 1 Webber, W. H Lakelet. . . Huron 10 4 5 5 Webber, M. S Waterloo . . W aterloo 9 1 4 4 Webster, Jas Oakwood Victoria 1 1 Weicker, Augusta Tavistock Perth g 1 3 3 Weller, Geo Elmhedge Grey 1 1 Welsh, William E ' Exeter Huron 7 1 1 2 Westington, W. J. & Lean C. F. Plain ville Northumberland.. . 3 1 Whaley, Wm I North Seneca.. Ualdimand 5 1 2 White, Daniel Brickley. Northumberland. . 9 3 4 4 White, Peter, K.C Pembroke Renfrew 60 20 20 30 Whitelaw, A. & W i Guelph WpII inert, nn g 2 4 3 Whitson, Robt Atha Ontario 11 3 2 3 Widdifield, J. W. . . Uxbridge. ........ Ontario 17 2 0 0 Wier, John & Son.. . . Paris Brant 3 1 2 Wightman, Robt Clifford Wellington. ....... 2 Wiggins, Wm Guthrie.... Simcoe 4 1 2 2 Wiley, Jas Wisbeach. . . Lambton g 1 3 3 Wilkin, Jas Balsam Ontario . 20 4 Willson, Ed. & Son i Brougham Ontario.. . . 5 4 3 2 1 44 Shorthorn — Continued. Name of breeder POST OFFICE Wilson, Geo. T Balsam Wilson, Geo. T Knatchbull.. . . Wilson, Geo Charing Cross Wilson, I. L McGarry. . Wilson, Jas. & Son Fergus Wilson, Norman F., M.P Cumberland.. . . Winter, Wilber Wicklow Wood, R. J. & J. D Langbank. . . . Warden, John St. Paul Station. . . Woods, Jas. S Mount Forest.. . Woolner, W. H Berlin. . . Worthy, Wm Kincardine. . . . Wraerer, Geo Port Hope. . . Wraggett, R. T Dundalk. . . . Wren, Christopher Uxbridge. . . Wright, Dan Ponsonby. . . . Wright, Thos Nesterville. Yorke, E. J In wood. . . . Young, J. W Waubuno. Young, Wm Waubuno. Young, Chas Brooksdale. . Zumstein, Herbert D Elcho COUNTY No. of, Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- | bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Ontario 4 2 2 Halton . . . 3 1 3 2 Kent 3 4 1 1 Lanark 1 1 1 1 Wellington.. . . 6 1 Russell 15 1 7 4 Northumberland. . . 8 1 4 4 Lambton 25 2 5 . 4 Perth 5 1 2 2 Grey. 4 2 1 Waterloo 2 Bruce 6 1 3 2 Northumberland.. . 5 1 2 2 Grey 2 1 1 1 Ontario. . 6 1 4 Wellington 6 1 4 2 Algoma. . 3 1 Lambton 4 2 2 Lambton 2 1 1 Lambton 11 6 4 I Oxford 13 6 4 5 Lincoln 2 1 1 1 Shorthorn — Quebec. Austin, G. M Beebe Plain Sta n stea d 4 Bennett, F. G Canterbury Compton 2 Berrigan, Jas Chapeau Pontiac 4 Booth, Geo. K Melboro Richmond Canning, Hamilton Inverness Megantic 3 Cleveland, H. H Brownleigh Place. . Richmond 10 Crepeau, J. H St. Camille Wolfe 6 Cromwell, F. R Cookshire Compton 15 Curtis, A. E Stanstead Stanstead 12 Dickson, H. A., Rev Rectory Hill Megantic.. . 7 Elder, Jas. T *7 Huntingdon.. . . Huntingdon 1 Elliott, H. J Danville Richmond 15 Ferns, R. J Hemmingf ord Huntingdon 4 Gilbert, Ernest N Lime Ridge Wolfe 2 Graham, John Glen Murray Megantic 2 1 2 3 1 1 2 2 1 1 1 1 45 Shorthorn — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER Hastings, H. C. & B. J Hodge, Archie A Hodgins, W. E Lasell, T. D Lathe, G. C Lawrence, W. M Leetr, S Lyster, C. N McClary, J. A McDow T ell, Thos Martin, Jos Norton, E. V Parker, E. B Parnell, Isaac Pink, Chas Racey, Jno., Jr Robinson, Chas Robinson, C. H Robinson, Sami Stoke, Carlos Strobridge, H. L Stewart, H. B Sullivan, Dan. 0 Taylor, J. H Ward, Chas. O Williams, Dennis Young, G. C Young, Peter & Son Young, Wm POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually Average No. Pure bred Females for sale annually. St. Armand Missisquoi 2 1 i Cookshire Comoton 4 1 2 i Yarm Pontiac 1 1 Bishop’s Crossing. . Wolfe 2 1 1 i Lacolle St. Johns 1 2 1 Melbourne Ridge. . . Richmond 3 3 Danville Richmond 5 2 3 2 Kirkdale Drummond 8 1 2 2 Hillshurst Compton.. . . 18 2 10 9 Shawville Pontiac 10 1 5 5 Martin ville Compton 3 1 ! Coaticook Stanstead 21 3 10 8 Bamston Stanstead i 12 4 6 6 Spring Road Sherbrooke 1 Hull Wright 1 1 1 1 Lennoxville Sherbrooke 12 2 6 Odelltown St. Johns and Iber- ° ! . ville 8 1 4 4 Aver’s Cliff Stanstead 2 1 Massawippi Stanstead 2 . . Robinson Compton 1 Cookshire Compton 2 1 ! 1 Beebe Plain Stanstead 36 2 14 i 11 Tingwick Arthabaska. . . 2 1 1 1 Cookshire Compton 8 2 3 i 2 Lower Ireland Megan tic 2 i I 1 Tingwick Arthabaska 2 1 I | 1 Rivard’s Corners.. . Compton 6 7 3 3 Red Mountain Compton 15 3 3 Compton Compton 2 1 2 2 Shorthorn — Nova Scotia. Agriculture College Archibald, C. A Armstrong, E. P. & E. J. Armstrong, L. A Bigelow, Clinton F Bigelow, Samuel Bowser, S. A Truro Colchester 6 2 Truro Colchester 25 10 Grove Farm, Church Street. . . Kings 7 1 Falmouth Hants 5 2 Beckwith Cumberland 4 2 Canning King 4 Grande Pre ICings 3 1 3 12 3 10 4 3 4 2 2 46 Sho rthorn — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY T g Ph W) ° ^ 6 £ •"rt ib g o b ' + “ * PM g *s 'S o c? d M <1 ^ o g c3 3 £ S ^ ®g d 03 i-t-* fc ©JJ > £ «s -S' 0 ® Chase, Oscar Church Street Kings 6 1 3 3^ Chute, Alden C Clementsvale Annapolis 4 1 2 Collins, D. S Port Williams Kings 6 2 2 3 Eaton, Walter E Upper Canard Kings 10 1 6 4 Griffin, A. N New Minas Kings 4 1 4 Henderson, David Wallace Bridge. . . . Aylesford Cumberland 3 2 4 McLean, Daniel & Son Kings 2 Messenger, R. .T Bridgetown Annapolis 6 2 4 2 Ripley, Geo Nappan Cumberland 3 3 3 3 Sharpe, Wm Windsor Hants Starr, C. R. H. & Son Port Williams .... Kings 15 2 6 5 ! ! Thompson, Geo. I Oxford Cumberland . . 7 3 3 3 Thompson, Jas. A Durham Pictou 4 1 2 West, G. W Aylesford Kings 3 2 1 1 Shorthorn — New Brunswick. Fawcett, Bliss M Sackville W estmoreland 10 3 5 5 Harper, J. N Jacksonville Carleton 2 • 1 2 Phillips, Nathan F Pembroke Carleton 7 1 3 4 Reid, F. S Upper New Hprton Albert 2 1 1 1 Snowball, J. B. & Co., Ltd... . Chatham Northumberland. . . 12 3 5 5 Wood, Hon. Josiah Sackville W estmoreland 10 1 6 6 Shorthorn — Prince Edward Island Cass, Thos. P North River Queens. . . 15 2 6 10 Darby, N. A Abram’s Village. . . Prince. . . . 1 1 MacNeill, W. A Cavendish Queens. . 1 1 McLeod, John J Riverdale Queens. . . 1 1 1 Nunn, Cephas Winsloe Road Queens. 1 1 1 Reid, David Victoria Cross Kings . 2 Simpson, Wm. McN Lower Hamilton. . . Prince 2 1 Stewart, Robt Southport, Queens. 3 1 3 Shorthorn — Manitoba . NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- | bred Females for 1 sale annually. I Adamson Bros 10 2 6 Allison, Wm 3 Allison, Geo Burn bank.. 15 4 5 3 Anderson, Sami Cypress Fiver. 3 1 1 1 Anderson, Wm Lenore. . . 5 1 1 Armstrong, Hy Forrest Station. . 10 1 5 3 Arnott, Robt Roblin.. . . 2 Ashdown, Geo Morden.. . 20 1 4 6 Askin, Jas 1 1 1 Baldwin, J. M Killarney 8 1 3 3 Banister, Nelson Oak Lake 6 1 2 5 Banting, T. E. M Banting 16 2 8 8 Barron, J. G Car berry 50 20 20 15 Barron, W. J Rathwell 9 4 3 3 Rosser.. . . 5 1 3 2 Bell, John . Seeburn 4 1 2 Benson, Stephen Neepawa.. . . 40 2 10 10 Brown, F. W Portage la Prairie . 24 2 10 10 Buck, Thos. H Killarney. . . 3 2 1 Burnell, Ed Strathclair 5 1 3 Calverley, Jos. & Son Treesbank 10 8 5 2 Cameron, Duncan Gilbert Plains 5 2 4 2 Cameron .T M.. .... Shoal Lake.. 7 3 Campbell, David. . Boissevain. 4 2 2 Carter, Sami. Manitou. . . 5 1 1 1 Caswell, A. W. Neepawa.. . . 8 3 6 10 Chalmers, Wm Brandon 30 3 12 10 Clark, Geo. Hayfield. . . 6 1 Cole, Thos. . Cypress River 3 1 2 Couch, Geo Swan Lake 2 2 Coulter, Hy Wakopa 5 3 3 Coulter, Robt. Portage la Prairie. 10 2 4 Courtice, William. Brandon. . . . 5 1 2 3 Cox, R. A.. Beresford. . . 10 4 6 5 Cox, S. A. . Brandon 3 1 2 Craig, Chas . . Lucas 6 2 Crowell, W. N Napinka. 6 j 3 1 Cuntz, Chas.. Shoal Lake. . . . 6 3 3 3 Drought, Jno. H.. Millwood 6 2 Dugan, Jos.. . . Castleavery 2 3 Duncan, Jas Glenboro 8 2 2 Dunn Oliver Alexander.. 7 1 Duthie, Jas. . . Hartney 10 2 5 4 Dyler, Jas Kelloe.. 4 4 2 2 English, W. H.. . Harding 15 5 8 8 Experimental Farm Brandon. . 4 1 Ewens, Jas. M.. Bethany. . 3 10 Fletcher, James.. . . Binscarth 4 3 3 2 Foster, R. E. Lyleton.. . . 3 ’ 1 1 48 Shorthorn — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred^Females for sale annually. Gibson, Chas. E Deloraine 2 1 Gibson, Jno 8 2 3 4 Gibson, Jno. S Morden 12 5 4 5 Godkin, Jos. G Morden.. . . 15 1 4 Gordon, Geo 10 1 5 5 Gordon, Jno. L Deleau ... . 12 1 2 Goring, James 7 1 Gorrell Bros Pilot Mound 7 1 3 2 Graham, And Pomeroy 35 10 10 10 Graham, John Carberry 20 3 10 10 Grayson, Wm Newdale 7 1 3 Hardy, Wellington Wallace. . . Hawkins, A. C Roland 2 Swan Lake.. 2 1 Head, S.L. & Son Rapid City... 15 3 Henders, R. C 10 2 3 3 Hill, James Darlingford 1 1 1 1 Hill' Thos Ninga 2 1 Hindson, Hampton Rapid City 6 1 3 1 Hodgson, J. B Fox warren 5 2 Hodgson, Jas. H Myrtle 1 2 Hutchinson, Lewis E Swan River. , . 3 Hysop, D. & Son Killarney 8 1 4 4 Innes, Jno Deloraine 2 1 1 Iverach, Wm Isabella 10 1 4 4 Jack, Andrew Pipestone 6 2 James, Walter & Sons Rosser. . . . 45 2 11 12 Kent, A. W Kenton. . 2 Kerslake, Jno Carroll. . . 4 1 2 1 Klassen, J. A Plum Coulee 7 1 3 3 Lany, R. L Oak Lake 22 1 10 10 Layng, Jno. H Neepawa.. . . 3 1 Lea, Rich Bridge Creek. . 12 1 4 4 Leece, Jno Holmfield. . 2 1 1 Lidster, Wm Birtle . . 2 1 2 Louth, Fred. Geo Stephenfield . 3 2 2 Lyons, Richard N Roseisle. . 5 3 3 5 McArthur, F Longburn 8 1 4 McBeth, R. S Virden.. 7 2 3 2 McCallum, A. C Roland. 12 2 2 McClain, Robt. W Morden. . . . 10 3 4 5 McConnell, E. W Hamiota . 4 3 2 1 McDonald, W. L Deloraine. . 5 1 3 2 McGill Bros. . .'. Carroll. 9 1 5 2 McGregor, Alex Rapid City 10 1 3 5 McGregor, G. S Makiwin 6 3 3 McGregor, Jos. & Sons Manitou. . 5 1 3 2 McHaffie, D. R Swan River 7 1 3 Mclver, K Virden. 20 1 8 McTvor, Evan Rootled ge 18 1 5 2 49 Shorthorn — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Napinka 3 2 MeLaeblnn, Mias Eva, .T Treherne 2 3 1 1 Pilot Mmind 6 3 3 12 5 Neelin 8 2 4 4 Macdonald 17 3 8 4 Brandon 14 8 6 2 Lintrathen 11 4 4 4 2 1 8 1 5 6 1 2 Crandall 3 2 2 1 25 2 9 9 Manitou 5 1 1 Orr, Alex Kenton 2 1 1 Owens, M. H High Bluff 2 1 2 1 Patterson, Wm. . . Birtle 9 2 3 4 Playfair, A. W . ... Baldur 10 3 3 6 Prichard, Robt. J Roland 1 Prichard, D Holmfield 3 2 1 2 Proctor, Jas Oswald 10 3 3 5 Rankin, Geo. . Hamiota 25 2 20 10 Ren wick, J. S. . . Carberry 10 2 2 3 Ring, Oscar H.. . . Crystal City 5 2 2 4 Robson, J. W Benito 12 1 6 3 Robson, T. W Manitou 80 2 30 30 Rodgers, Robt Elkhorn 2 1 Rowan, Gilbert Min iota 2 1 Russell, Robt . . Deloraine 7 5 3 2 Ryan, F. G Ninga 12 2 5 5 Sandercock, Jno. . . Clearwater 2 1 Scott, John Brandon 2 1 Shanks Bros Pettapiece 10 2 4 4 Shields, Wm Emerson 3 Shore, A. L Roland 5 1 2 3 Shortreed Bros Morden 8 1 3 Somers, W. F. . Carman.. . . 5 1 2 Speers, C. W. . . Brandon 6 1 4 2 Sproule, J. J. . . . Min to 18 2 7 5 Stancombe, James. . . Cartwright 10 3 5 3 Stewart, D. . . . Gilbert Plains 11 5 6 5 Stone, Thos. . . Clearwater 3 1 1 1 Stout, John Westbourne 20 1 8 Strachan, Jno. . . Crandall. . . 4 1 1 Strang, Jas Baldur 9 2 3 3 Sweet, Richard Thornhill ! 3 1 50 Shorthorn — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY I s Ph hD ^ a ° ^ 6 ® ’S m C Jj rO^ 6g f-H ^ ^ c t o ; 3 ° ® . a> o £ I g o p «, 6 4j' w 3 1 Oxbow 4 1 Maple Creek 28 1 Moose Jaw 15 1 Oxbow 2 Fertile Valley 3 1 . Indian Head 6 6 2 | 3 3 I 2 3 2 14 14 16 16 3 5 8 6 10 10 5 3 1 1 1 7 9 1 2 2 10 10 1 1 4 51 Shorthorn — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY to 1 Ph he C 6 © >. 03 Johnston, Ritchison Radisson Saltcoats Cottonwood Kidd, Nelson Moosomin Lawrence, Jno Maple Creek Logan, Geo. A Tuxford Moore, Edward Prince Albert Moulding. Chas Broadview S> Neely, G. M Go van Osborne, D Fleming Powell, A. H Caron Robertson, Alexander Tullymet Robertson, Jno Kinistino Salkeld, Jno. L. Dongola Scott, Robt. C Radisson Skinner, Fred. T Indian Head Teece, Jno Abernethy Warner, W. T 1 Fletwode Wood & Anderson Coulee 3 1 2 2 3 1 3 3 16 1 6 6 6 2 8 16 10 12 2 1 3 1 4 2 1 2 1 1 7 1 3 3 12 3 4 4 3 2 1 7 2 3 3 20 1 4 5 12 1 5 5 5 2 2 10 3 4 j 4 3 1 2 2 1 25 4 5 Shorthorn — Alberta. 52 Shorthorn — Continu ed. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Loree, Jas. C . Nan ton 8 1 4 5 Lyseng Bros Camrose 13 2 6 5 Melick, J. H Edmonton 6 1 1 McCannell, Mai ml m 3 McGill, A. F Lacombe 18 1 5 5 McPherson, Jno. A Spruce Grove 5 Nelles, F. R Bentley 7 5 3 2 Olsen, A. P Red Deer. . . 24 1 8 8 Pryce, A. G Kansas. . . 1 3 Root, Geo. F Red Deer 42 2 20 10 Shantz, David S Didsbury 18 1 6 Sinclair, David Innisfail. . . 9 1 3 Suitor, J. & W Gladys 21 10 10 10 Swift Bros Clover Lodge, Gil- pin 6 2 2 Talbot, P. & Son Lacombe 35 4 12 6 Talbot, Thos Lacombe 20 5 10 10 Thirsk, Wm Wetaskiwin. . . 8 1 4 Tribe, Thos. R Olds 5 1 10 10 Turner, Jno. A Calffarv. . . . 35 1 9 10 Waines, Ed Spring Bank 35 ! 11 9 10 Wannop, Jas. L Lawrence 25 3 5 10 White, Reid A River Course. 4 1 Williams, Wm. Percy Fort Saskatchewan 27 7 10 10 Wills, Richard H Innisfail 11 4 2 Shorthorn — British Columbia. Boyce, B. F Kelowna 4 1 1 Douglas Lake Cattle Co Douglas Lake . . . . 150 25 25 25 George Bros Kamloops. . . . 7 2 3 2 Keith, Jas. H Sumas 4 3 2 2 Ladner, Wm. H. (Estate) .... Ladner 19 8 8 8 Orr, John Chilliwack 4 1 1 2 Pemberton, F. B Victoria. . . 10 Walker, Wm. B Chilliwack 3 1 1 1 Watson, G. L Cariboo Road 15 1 5 5 53 Ayrshire — Ontario NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY PH bO 6 « ^ JS 'V, T3 ° o S a OJ Cl. bfi^ CD £ Two Mountains Chateauguay Iberville Brome Champlain Chateauguay Richmond Chateauguay Stanstead Terrebonne Argenteuil Compton Brome Missisquoi L’Assomption Missisquoi Terrebonne L’Assomption Quebec Joliette Bellechasse Quebec Maskinonge Montmorency L’Assomption Vercheres Chateauguay Chateauguay Argenteuil Quebec Champlain Labelle Missisquoi Two Mountains. . . . Berthier Chateauguay Labelle Compton.. Stanstead. 29 3 10 5 3 1 1 1 3 2 9 1 4 4 10 3 5 5 10 2 3 10 63 3 30 20 5 1 3 2 3 1 2 10 1 3 4 10 2 6 3 12 6 1 71 1 7 i 5 10 4 4 5 23 2 11 8 10 2 5 5 3 1 1 1 23 2 11 8 15 1 50 50 4 1 2 2 2 2 3 20 2 12 5 9 9 2 3 6 1 12 1 5 5 17 2 10 10 18 1 5 2 16 2 12 5 6 6 1 1 2 20 3 33 1 15 5 16 1 12 14 20 10 45 6 30 20 28 2 12 15 35 7 1 o 12 12 56 Ayrshire — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER Poupart, Arthur Pringle, David Puntin, Pierre Ritchie, David B Robb, M. T Safford, W. R Senecal, L. C Simard, Wilfred Sims, Jno Stark, Thos. B Ste. Matie, M Standish, Jas Stephen, W. F Strong, Wm. C Tourigny, Paul Tremblay, A. Achille Trudel, J. D Trudel, Theophile Turenne, Delphis Vessot, S. Co Wintle, G. S SR .a POST OFFICE COUNTY St. Constant Huntingdon Etchemin St. Chrysostome. . . Huntingdon La Prairie . . . Huntingdon.. Levis Chateauguay. Huntingdon.. 3 1 2 1 3 1 2 1 4 1 Sutton, J ct. . . St. Marc St. Gedeon.. . Greenlay Kelvin Grove. Moe’s River. . Warden Huntingdon. . North Sutton. Brome Vercheres. . . Chicoutimi. . Richmond. . Huntingdon. Compton.. . . Shefford. . . . Huntingdon. Brome 15 15 3 8 2 7 16 34 2 2 3 1 3 1 3 1 5 2 Victoriaville Les Eboulements. . St. Prosper St. Prosper St. Paul TErmite . . Arthabaska. . Charlevoix Champlain. . . Champlain. . . L’Assomption 18 3 37 22 12 7 1 8 2 1 Joliette. Joliette. 3 1 Richmond Richmond 5 3 Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. 1 2 2 3 4 7 2 4 6 5 5 4 4 4 4 8 8 10 8 2 5 5 2 1 12 10 12 10 8 4 2 2 Ayrshire — Nova Scotia. Agriculture College Farm Archibald, C. A Truro Colchester 6 24 7 1 8 1 3 10 1 3 10 1 Truro . Colchester Bigelow, Samuel Canning. . . King McDonald, .Tno. fo. Son Shuben aeadie Hants McPherson, Andrew.. . Rocklin . Pictou.. . . 4 2 4 - Ayrshire — New Brunswick. Frier, J. D Sussex Kings 7 40 40 Goodliffe, S. J Sussex.. . . Kings 14 2 6 6 Hampton Stock Farm Co Hampton Kings 16 1 5 8 Johnston, Jno Debec. . . Carleton 2 1 Me Alpine, Jas. H Lower Cambridge. . Queens 6 2 4 1 McIntyre Bros Sussex Corner. . Kings 15 3 7 5 57 Ayrshire — Continued. Easton Bros McPhail, Robt. A. Ayrshire — Prince Edward Island. Charlottetown Queens New Haven Queens 25 8 Ayrshire — Manitoba. Ayrshire — British Columbia. Austin, W. R. Sapperton.. . 15 7 30 Thompson, Jos Chilliwack 8 2 4 Wells & Son, A. C . . Sardis. 30 3 10 Hereford — Ontario Bennett, Walter. . . Chatham Kent 10 2 5 Boyd, Mossom Co.. Bobcaygeon. . Victoria 200 5 30 100 Buckle Bros.. Newmarket York 4 1 3 Davis, Chas. G. Bonnington Oxford 3 2 2 2 Downey Jas Fordwick Huron 8 2 13 Elliott W m & Son Porter Hill.. Huron 18 1 8 7 58 Hereford — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. 1 Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Gillies, Chas Robb Grev. . . ! Gillies, Wm Robb Grey 6 2 10 3 Goodchild, Andrew Craigleith Grey 2 1 1 Govenlock, John A Forest Lambton 20 2 9 9 Harrison, Frank Mount Albert York 6 1 4 4 Hunter, A. S Durham Grey 60 20 20 30 Jenkins, Jos.. . Pearceley Parry Sound 4 2 2 Lee, R. S Williamsford Grey 8 2 4 2 Little, Jas. D Tees water.. . . Bruce. . . 4 1 2 Mackie, R. J Oshawa Ontario 20 2 5 5 M O’Neil, Arthur F Maple Grove Middlesex 20 2 10 10 O’Neill, Malcolm H Southgate Middlesex 25 2 15 10 Ontario Agricultural College. . . Guelph Wellington Parks, Thos. J Orangeville Dufferin. . 2 2 1 ! Perdue, H. T Wingham Huron.. . . 3 1 2 Phillips, Geo. . . Burk’s Falls Parry Sound. . 1 Reed, Henry Mimosa Wellington 7 2 3 3 Ritchie, W. L Laurin Simcoe 4 1 3 Skippon, Thos Hyde Park Middlesex 8 1 3 5 Stone, The F. W. Stock Co. . . . Guelph Wellington. . . 40 17 12 10 Stone, Alfred Guelph Wellington 7 1 Stutt, R. W Forest Lambton 20 9 10 10 Stutt, Wm Forest Lambton 7 4 4 3 Thirsk, R. G Pine Orchard York 3 1 2 1 Tindale, Jos. J Shelburne Dufferin 2 2 1 Hereford — Quebec. Alger, B. A. . Bennett, S. L Eaton Compton"' Bennett Migantic. , 1 4 3 10 8 Hereford — Nova Scotia. Agricultural College Farm Truro Colchester 3 1 2 Black, W. W Amherst. . . Cumberland . 12 8 5 Brien, Wm. V Windsor Forks. . . . Hants. 4 1 59 Hereford — Manitoba. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY o3 9 r ® W) c *3 • £ s -913 2^ r? 610 Ph 0 'o ^ ° a> . a> o b tzi ' 0 o 9 ^ 73 6-213 ^ ^ 0 §> § b g-2 O 03 ^ s fl} 8>* £ 2 Bing, H. M . . Brown, J. W. Brown, R. J.. Chapman, J. A. Gilmour, Hugh. Grahan, Jas. . . Harvey, A. E. Glenella Portage la Prairie. Killarney Beresford. Griswold. Roden.. . Oak Lake. Hunter, Oliver J Pilot Mound. Marples, J. E.. Smith, Fred. . . Wallace, John. Deleau .... Brandon. . . Cartwright. 12 2 3 13 10 2 2 5 30 12 30 3 3 50 4 15 4 Hereford — Saskatchewan. Hereford — Alberta. Anderson, Herbert Millarville 3 1 2 Baxter, Reed & Co Olds 86 10 25 Blackfoot Indian Agency Gleichen 5 3 I Crowell, J. T. . May ton .... 2 1 Fletcher, Arthur Olds 4 2 2 Mace, S. M Pekisko 24 1 8 Ouin, H. . . Edberg 25 6 10 60 Hereford — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Palmer, Oswald Lacombe 30 3 10 10 Parker & Fraser Lacombe 35 2 20 20 Raethke, C. & A. Moodie Three Hills 42 19 15 10 Douglas Lake Cattle Co. Hereford — British Columbia. Douglas Lake | | 150 25 25 25 Aberdeen- Angus — Ontario. Bowman, Jas.. . . Baidin, Robt. . . Broadfoot, T. B Bryce, Alex. Buchanan, Jas.. Burt, J. W Guelph. . . . Shelbourne. Fergus Watford. . . Kerwood.. . Coningsby . Copeland, Mrs. E. Cook, Jas Teeswater. Erin Davis, Geo. & Sons Dinning, Roy C.. . . Alton.. . . Kerwood. Eldridge, J Hepworth. Galbraith, R. H. Gies, Anthony. . . Gilmour, John J Shelburne St. Jacobs Campbellcroft. Ische, W. Sebringville, Kean, Jas. & Son. Orillia. Lowe, John Elora. McFarlane, John McKinnon, Alex. & Son McLeod, J. A Marsh, C. H Murison, Jas Clinton Hillsburg. . . Plainsville . . Lindsay. . . . West Lome, O’Brien, John Ontario Agricultural College... Oppertshauser, Noah West London. Guelph Hanover Ritchie, Geo. A. Russell, A. G... Plainsville Cobourg. . Sharp, Jas, Rockside. Wellington Dufferin Wellington Lambton Middlesex Wellington Bruce Wellington Wellington Middlesex Bruce Dufferin Waterloo Durham Perth Simcoe Wellington LIuron Wellington Northumberland.. . Grey Elgin Middlesex Wellington Grey Northumberland.. . Northumberland.. . Peel 25 2 8 8 2 1 7 3 4 3 2 2 1 1 1 20 2 8 7 3 1 2 1 3 1 9 2 5 3 1 . 2 3 1 1 5 3 3 3 2 2 2 1 15 5 5 10 70 1 30 30 11 2 5 5 7 6 4 2 12 6 6 6 15 2 6 8 8 4 4 4 2 7 1 2 1 2 7 2 4 2 4 2 1 1 17 6 6 10 61 Aberdeen- Angus — Continued. Aberdeen- Angus — Quebec. Spafford, A. G Compton i Compton 25 3 i 3 1 8 1 I 10 1 Young, Wm Comnton Comnton.. Aberdeen- Angus — Manitoba. Brett,, Edgar Dugald 5 1 3 Clifford, Walter Austin 54 2 5 5 Curran, P. & Sons. . . . Emerson.. . . 13 1 2 6 Elliott, Dr. H. Hames Miami 3 1 1 Fraser, John Miami 3 1 Henderson, W Morden 6 3 2 2 Lowley, Chas Melita 6 1 McCann, Henry Solsgirth 2 1 2 2 - McFarlane, D Oak Lake 39 1 15 15 McGregor, J. D. . . Brandon. . . . 76 3 20 1 Mutch, Alex.. . . Crystal City 4 1 Parker, B. C Morden 8 2 Speers, Wm. Geo Griswold 6 1 3 3 Thompson, A.. . Virden 4 1 2 1 Walker, W. A. . . Carnegie 2 Weightman, M. C Monteith 8 2 2 j 3 Woodcock, F. D. Chater 6 1 3- | 3 Aberdeen- Angus- —Saskatchewan. Browne Bros. Ellisboro 5 1 2 Collyer, F. J Welwyn 9 1 4 2 Hawkins, Jos.. . . Stony Brook 2 1 2 62 Aberdeen- Angus — Alberta NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Capron, J Blackfalds 7 4 3 2 Crocker, C. H. & Son Pine Lake 14 2 5 Ellett, Chas Sandy Lake 10 1 3 Hilker, Gus Red Willow. . . . 7 3 3 Melson, Geo. G Olds 11 5 5 McClure, W. T. G Innisfail 3 2 1 Guernsey — Ontario. Experimental Farm | Ottawa | Carleton | 12 | 2 | 5 | Guernsey — Quebec. Baldwin, H. E Coaticook.. . . Stanstead 1 1 Ball, E. Philips Rock Island. . . . Stanstead 20 3 7 15 Fisher, Hon. Sydney Know! ton Brome. . 12 7 5 Guernsey — Nova Scotia. Cox, Wm Canard Kings 2 3 Henderson, David Wallace Bridge Stn. Cumberland. . 3 2 6 4 Keeler, C. J Dartmouth Halifax .... 2 McKay, Daniel G. & Son Heathbell Pictou 3 2 1 1 Guernsey — New Brunswick. Roach, J. F | Sussex | Kings | 12 | 2 | 10 | 5 Abbott, Fred Acres, J. G Anderson, Geo. W Andrews, Wm. A. Armstrong, Wm. . Arnold, J. B Holstein-Friesian — Ontario. Harrietsville Middlesex.. . . 13 4 5 5 Vernon Russell. . 13 2 4 4 Mountain View. . . . Prince Edward. . . . 11 1 2 Oxford Station. . . . Grenville 4 1 2 Locust Hill York 16 1 12 6 Easton's Corners.. . Grenville.. 25 7 17 15 63 Holstein-Friesian — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER > POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Railey, W. .1 Nober ! Haldimand 8 2 4 2 Ra.lla.ny, Geo. C Toledo Leeds 6 2 4 2 Beale, T. R Athens Leeds 6 2 3 Bertrand, Emerson D Inkerman Dundas 6 Black, D. Allen Kingston Frontenac 6 1 3, Thos. , Jr Colquhoun i Frontenac.. . 2 2 2 1 Rollert, H Cassel Oxford 10 2 12 5 Bret, hen, G. A Norwood Peterboro 10 . i 5 5 Bryant, Wm. A Cairngorm Middlesex.. . . 18 l 10 5 Perth Lanark. . 10 1 5 5 Campbell, Benjamin & Son... . Hartington Frontenac.. . . 3 1 2 Vernon Russell. . . 3 1 1 Carr, Fred St. Thomas Elgin 6 3 2 Carlyle, S. F Chesterville Dundas 7 Caughill, G. H Aylmer Elgin.. . . 6 3 3 3 Madoc Hastings 28 3 10 Chambers, Edwin C Fairfield Brant 7 Clare, Herbert Norwich Oxford 10 2 3 Clemons, G. W St. George Brant 16 2 6 5 Cohoe, J. W New Durham Oxford 12 1 5 2 Coon, S. A. . Athens Brockville.. . , 3 3 2 Crowder, Henry Oxford Mills Greenville 6 1 2 2 Davidson, Thos Spring Valley Leeds 25 6 12 12 Dobbie, Jas. M. Ventnor Grenville.. 6 1 4 Dunkin, T. L. . Norwich Oxford. . . 17 2 10 F) 10 Dunn, Andrew . Ingersoll Oxford. . . 10 1 Eaton, T. Co Georgetown Halton 1 1 Ede, P. D Oxford Centre Halton 25 2 j 14 10 Ellis, Wm. G Bedford Park York 4 1 Forester, Geo Gormley York. . . 5 1 4 1 Gies, C. R Heidelburg Waterloo 6 Gilbert, H. J. Durham Centre. . . . Oxford. . . 3 1 Gilroy, C. J Glen Buell Leeds 20 2 10 15 Griffin, Geo. & F. J. . . Burgessville Oxford 12 1 4 4 Grills, Wm Campbellford Northumberland.. . 2 2 1 Hallman, A. C Breslau W aterloo 20 2 10 10 Hambly, Irvin Napanee Lennox & Adding- ton 10 4 4 3 Hartley, Miles Norwich 15 1 7 5 Hartley, Stephen New Durham Brant 11 2 3 2 Hartley, Thos Downsview York 38 1 12 10 Hawse, W. H. . Athens Leeds 6 3 3 5 Honey, R Brickley Northumberland.. . 11 1 7 4 Hopps, John Campbellford Northumberland.. . 7 1 4 4 Hoskin, Thos The Gully Northumberland.. . 10 1 6 6 Howe, F. & N Crampton Middlesex 23 1 10 10 64 Holstein-Friesian — Continued. \ \ NAME OF BREEDER Hubbs, Louis P Hulet, Alfred E Hunter, Alfred Hutchinson, Norman. Hutton, Geo. & G. H. Johnston, Richard, Johnston, Wesley. , Jones, Wm Kelly, R. J... Kyle, Samuel. Laidlaw, E. W. H, Layng, H. A Lemon, S MacRae, Malcolm MacMaster, Donald E Mallory, F. & B Manhard, G. H McCormick, J. W McCullough, F. H. & Sons. . . . McDonald, A McGhee, Robt McKillican, W. E McLaren, Wm McLean, Gordon McLean, J. H McNeil, C. A McQueen, T. W McRobie, Fred Miller, Robt. J Moorhouse, Addison Morrison, Jas. R Morrow, R. O Motheral, Jas. & Sons Ontario Agricultural College. . . Parks, Archibald Patten, J. H Pearce, W. M Philp, W. A Plaunt, X Prouse, Geo. T Rathbun Co Rettie, Jas Rice, Geo Rife, David Robinson, Arthur E POST OFFICE COUNTY Hillier Norwich Harrowsmith Escott Easton’s Corners. . . Putnam. . . . Chesterville. Zenda Hagersville North Winchester.. Aylmer Spring Valley Lynden Lochiel Laggan Frankford Manhard.. Morewood Navan Ormond Beachville Vankleek Hill. Perth Athens Inkerman Wilstead Tillsonburg.. . . Haddo Fonthill Winchester . . . Hublert . Hilton... Drumbo. . . Guelph Prince Edward. Oxford Frontenac Leeds Grenville Middlesex. Dundas.. . Oxford. . . Haldimand. Dundas. . . . Elgin. Wentworth. Glengarry Glengarry Hastings Leeds Dundas Russell Dundas Oxford Prescott Lanark Brockville Dundas Leeds Oxford Dundas Welland Dundas Dundas Northumberland. Oxford Wellington. Napanee ! Lennox & Adding- ton Paris ! Brant Tillsonburg. Penryn Northcote.. . Ostrander.. . Deseronto Norwich Tillsonburg.. . Hespeler Markham Oxford Northumberland. Renfrew Oxford Hastings. Oxford. . , Oxford. . . Waterloo. York No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. 8 2 4 | 6 4 3 6 1 4 4 2 . 2 2 1 4 1 12 2 io 15 4 2 15 3 4 5 6 1 3 15 1 8 29 4 7 10 10 1 6 3 1 25 1 5 8 41 2 15 18 15 1 6 8 2 4 3 1 15 2 8 4 7 2 3 2 9 1 4 2 3 1 4 1 2 20 4 10 10 12 1 5 5 19 2 10 1 5 7 4 1 2 1 1 3 2 12 20 15 2 5 6 5 1 7 1 14 1 6 4 2 10 40 10 1 5 5 4 1 2 2 12 2 5 7 6 2 5 5 20 2 10 8 20 5 12 1 4 5 3 1 2 65 Holstein-Friesian — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY II g o Pm he S 3 6 S P M Ph a ol 6 2 a; £ ■ S ^ c3 4-° ” Rooke, Geo Rosebrugh, Jas. . . Shaw Bros Shearer, Wm. S.. . Shields, Jas Smith, C. E Smith, C. Jno Smith, Geo. W. . . Stephens, Byron.. Stevens, Wm. C. . Stillman, Robt. . . Suhring, Wm. . . . Taylor, J. H Teeple, A. H Telfer Bros Thompson, Jos. A Trottier, Francis.. Truesdell, Jas. D.. Usher, Jno Van Patter, J. M. Wallace, J. Alex. . Wardell, W. C.. . . Webster, D. M. . . Weller, A. E Welsh, Henry. . . . Willis, R., Jr Durham Centre.. St. George Foxboro Listowel Smith’s Falls. . . . Scotland Madoc Dundas Bragden Phillips ville Campbeliford. . . . SebringviHe Scotland Currie’s Crossing IngersoU South Lake Lochiel Spring Valley.. . . Wicklow Luton Simcoe Middlemarch. . . . Athens Kingston Jet. . . . Weston Aylmer Oxford Brant Hastings Perth Lanark Brant Hastings Wentworth Lambton Leeds Northumberland Perth Norfolk Oxford Oxford Leeds Glengarry Brock ville N orthumberland Elgin Norfolk Elgin Leeds Frontenac York Elgin 5 5 6 7 4 7 5 7 10 23 10 12 6 14 13 8 8 31 8 2 3 30 4 10 10 10 4 4 2 I 10 ! 15 6 4 3 3 2 8 8 5 3 4 6 14 3 4 1 10 2 2 4 4 Holstein-Friesian — Quebec. Adam, Samuel C. Ashby, Antoine.. Ashby, Felix P. . Clarence ville Marieville. . . Marieville. . . Iberville. Rouville. Rouville. 2 2 8 Bell, Archibald. Came, F. E Chapman, E. A. Connell, Martin. Cruis, Jno Trout River Sault au Recollet . . ! Emileville I Anderson’s Corners Lachute Mills Huntingdon. Hochelaga. . Bagot Huntingdon. Argenteuil. . 2 45 4 12 1 2 1 1 2 20 2 2 6 4 Davis, Carlo P. Deland, A. N.. Stanstead. St. Jean. . Stanstead. St. John. . 10 12 2 4 3 5 6 4 Elie, Jos. St. Baie Yamaska. 6 1 4 66 HoLSTEIN-FrIESIAN — CONTIN UED. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- j bred Females for j sale annually. | Fisette, Pierre Contrecouer Vercheres. . . . 2 2 2 Forget, Adelard St. Sebastien Iberville 3 1 1 Gervais, F. X St. Narcisse. ...... Champlain. . . 5 3 4 4 Gillespie, Robt. A Abbotsford Rouville 6 1 Gordeau, A. E., M.D St. Sebastien Iberville 2 1 Harwood, L. deL Vaudreuil Vaudreuil.. . . . 20 2 i 12 g Lussier, P. A Varennes V ercheres. 10 1 ! 4 ! i Malot, Hercule Yamaska St. Maurice. . 4 2 5 i 5 Monette, J. M Stanstead Stanstead.. . . 10 1 7 1 5 Peltes, Jas. C West Brome.. Brome. . 9 4 25 i OK Pickering, John F relighsburg Missisoquoi. 12 1 3 j Z. O 4 Reynolds, R. H Clarenceville Missisquoi. . 3 1 2 4 Riches, J. L Sherbrooke Sherbrooke. . . . 5 1 3 j Riley, Jas. J Vaudreuil Vaudreuil.. . . 15 3 2 Rutherford, John S Tullochgorum Chateauem av. 6 1 3 3 Sangster, H Ormstown Chateauguay 20 2 10 10 Sweet, Ogden North Sutton Brome 25 2 10 ! 25 Tannhill, Jno.. . . White’s Station.. . . Huntingdon. 11 1 6 2 White, Arthur A Huntingdon Huntingdon 6 1 2 2 Woodworth, M. E Lacolle St. J ohn & Iberville 14 2 10 4 Holstein-Friesian — Nova Scotia. Agricultural College Farm. Dickie, Samuel Logan Bros. Truro Colchester.. . . 4 2 Central Onslow. . . . Colchester 20 1 6 Amherst Point j Cumberland 25 2 15 2 8 15 Hol stein-F riesian — New Brunswick . Haslam, J. J Sussex Kings 4 Treadwell, A. A Mangerville Sunbury 3 1 1 1 Holstein-F riesian — Saskatchewan. Potter, A. B | Montgomery ... | | 9 | 3 | 4 | 4 67 Holstein-Friesian — Alberta, NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Blackwood, A. S De Winton 10 2 3 8 Mullins, W. H Ponoka 10 3 5 4 Tregillus, W. .T Calgary 12 1 6 Laing, Thos. Holstein-Friesian — British Columbia. ... | Eburne | | 2 | 1 | . Galloway — Ontario . McCrae, D. . . . Guelph Wellington 65 10 25 2 30 4 30 6 Shaw, Robt Brantford.. . Brant Galloway— -Manitoba. Anderson, Jas. W Winnipeg 7 3 5 Freese, Henry Arden. . . 4 4 Jickling, Jos. B Carman 14 3 3 3 Morris, Thos F. . . Rosewood.. 15 1 Schaffner, Dr. F. L., M.P Boissevain. . . 2 3 2 Galloway— Saskatcha wan. Ellams, D | Sask. Landing | | 13 | 5 | 4 | 4 Gall o way — Alb er ta . MacMillan, Thos | Lineham | | 40 | 7 | 8 |.... Jersey— Ontario. Bull, B H & Son.. Brampton Peel 150 6 75 75 Crowder Henry. Oxford Mills Grenville 4 2 2 Trvincr Tnns Winchester Dundas 4 J ersey — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY ° ’•B Laith waite, Geo. Lawrence, Mr. . . Pardis, E Rogers, D. D.. . . Stokes, Geo Tufts, Arthur H. Willis, Wm Goderich Oxford Centre Cumming’s Bridge. Kingston Uxbridge Tweed New Market Huron.. . . Oxford. . . Russell. . . Frontenac. Ontario.. . Hastings.. York 6 S 8 20 12 4 5 25 13 2 <8 4a P wo Pn a O £ o w> § 4° |p^ © d ^ 2 £ 33 t« ^ ^2 02 6 20 6 2 10 6 4 30 20 15 Jersey — Quebec. Jersey — Nova Scotia. Agricultural College Farm Truro Colchester 6 1 2 1 Trask, Israel K Dayton. . . . Yarmouth 1 1 Jersey — Prince Edward Island. Clark, Wm | North Wiltshire.. . . | Queens 1 8 1 1 1 1 12 1 13 J ersey — Manitoba . Brown, R. J | Killarney 1 1 6 | 1 2 1 1 Jersey — British Columbia. Graham, John Perrv Sidine 4 1 4 4 1 Grimmer, Washington Buckland Park. . . . Robson, F. . . . Mayne 2 Webb, Horatio Sardis. 69 Jersey — Alberta. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Sharman, C. A. J Red Deer. ..... 9 2 1 6 6 French Canad ian — Ontario. Experimental Farm | Ottawa | Carleton | 1 12 j 1 2 j 4 I 3 French Canadian — Quebec. Archambault, Joseph Ant St. Antoine Ver chores 3 1 2 2 Barrette, Ad61ard Ste. Melanie Joliette. . 9 1 3 4 Beaudry, Jos. Andr6 St. Marc Vercheres. . . 10 2 1 3 Bellerose, Dolphis Ste. Elizabeth Joliette 6 2 2 6 Besner, Fred St. Clet Soulanges. . . . 3 1 1 Bouchard, Joseph St. Valentin St. John 5 2 Bouchard, L. A St. Valentin St. John 8 2 4 Bourassa, Theodore Yamachiche St. Maurice 1 1 1 1 Boutet, Joseph Victoria ville Arthabaska 12 2 5 6 Cormier, Mathias St. Antoine Verch&res 2 1 Cot6, F. P. Ptre St. Valeriere de Mil- ton Shefford .\ 8 2 3 3 Coulombe, Joseph St. Norbert Berthier 7 3 3 Deland, J. Bte... . L’Acadie St. John 4 2 1 1 Deland, Joseph L’Acadie St. John 1 1 Denis, Arsine St. Norbert Station Berthier 35 15 8 5 Dor6, J. A Lac aux Sables. . . . Portneuf 4 1 2 1 Dugas, Aim6 St. Jacques Montcalm 8 2 1 6 Dugas, J. M. Alp St. Henri de Mas- couche Montcalm.. . . 10 2 4 3 Ecole d’ Agriculture d’Oka. . . . La Trappe Deux Montagues. . . 30 4 10 5 Fisher, Hon. Sydney, Knowlton Brome 7 1 Foisy, C. A L’Epiphanie L J Assomption . 4 1 Frechette, Eugene. . . Ste. Elizabeth Joliette 2 1 6 Frechette, Joseph St. Felix de Valois. Joliette 9 2 10 8 Gagnon, Francois St. Denis Kamouraska 16 1 3 2 Garceau, G6d6on... . Pointe du Lac St. Maurice 18 8 8 30 Garon, Samuel Montaubon Portneuf 2 1 2 4 Garneau, N St. Foye. Quebec 6 1 2 4 Gouin, Alexandre. . . La Baie Yamaska 5 1 3 1 Hardy, Isaie St. Bazile Portneuf 6 2 4 5 Hudon, A. R. . . . Herbertville Statn.. Lac St. Jean 2 1 Juneau, F. X Ste. Ursule Maskinong# 16 3 2 5 Labelle, Jos. F Ste. Ther&se Terrebonne 2 2 3 70 French Canadian — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY 73 JO'S & $ *sH O *-< 3 ^ 03 *1 § a>„ § s gus > £ Oj T3 ™ 1 2 Si g o * P ^ . PM J NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY P_, bO £ s iSj* . CQ EU o C3 *1 § a> ^ c bio o3 cd -d *h & ® 5> £ 13 6 ? oi * 1 § o « . -C M <3 Plantagenet. Napanee. . Mount, Vernon.. Brantford Hindmarsh, Geo Ailsa Craig Hinman, E. B Wicklow. . . Hippie, L. E Beamsville. . Hogle, S. G Violet. Hoskin, .Tas. W Bowmnnville. Howe, F. & N Crampton.. . Humphrey, Frank E Brook Road.. . Innes, Alex Clinton. Jamieson, Victor Black water.. . Johnson, J. H North Polhn.m Jones, J. Lloyd Burford.. Kernahan, J. 0 FpVPTsha.m . Ketcheson, Mrs. I. H Chisholm Laidlaw, Duncan Blyth Langford, Geo. E Braeebri d ce. Lee, Edward T/Ow Banks Lee, R Connor Lewis, F. M Burford Liddle, Robt Sault Ste. Marie. . . Livingston, W. A Vickers. Lovett, John W Paris. McDonald, Donald Mandanmin McDonald, John Lucknow McDougall, A. P Melbourne. McFarlane, John Clinton McGibbon, Jas L’Amable McGregor, Alex Uxbridge . McKague, Geo Cannington McKellar, W. John Belmont. . McKenzie, John Keward.. McPherson, J. & D Glenworth. McQuade, Geo. A Omemee. Marshall, Robt Elora. . Meadows, A. E Port Hope. Michel], John H Green River Miller, Robt Stouffville.. Miller, W. J Rocks Spring .... Minifie, Geo. W Harwood Monkman, E. C Bond Head Morrison, Jas. R Hubert . Morton, I. N Lefroy. Nichols, Geo. W Abingdon. . . Norris, Robt Staffa Prescott 35 20 20 Lennox 4 1 2 Brant 55 20 25 25 Brant 35 10 50 100 Middlesex 35 2 25 20 Northumberland.. . 12 2 3 4 Lincoln 12 4 4 6 Lennox 20 1 8 5 Durham. . , 11 4 6 Middlesex 20 7 10 6 Ontario 14 1 4 2 Huron.. . 11 1 18 Ontario. . 9 5 5 Welland 60 15 30 18 Brant 50 3 100 100 Grey 22 10 20 10 Prince Edward. . . . 11 1 5 6 Huron. . 5 1 2 Muskoka 3 Haldimand 11 1 5 5 Simcoe 36 16 18 10 Brant 15 1 10 5 Algoma 12 2 6 6 Grey 15 2 5 10 Brant 20 16 15 15 Lambton 7 3 5 2 Bruce 22 10 10 8 Middlesex 8 1 6 10 Huron 60 45 40 40 Hastings 21 6 5 Ontario 8 2 5 10 Victoria 15 8 10 10 Elgin 26 6 10 Grey 25 7 6 10 Middlesex 25 20 10 Victoria 6 1 3 Wellington 20 3 20 20 Durham 25 3 10 8 Ontario 4 4 4 York 40 4 1000 1000 Leeds 15 1 8 8 Northumberland . . 19 1 15 15 Simcoe 30 2 20 20 Dundas 20 2 12 20 Simcoe 12 2 6 6 Lincoln 21 1 15 20 Perth 12 1 7 6 Shropshire — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY s a -9 a XI 03 <1 o * & a £ g rr-< i-Q t» Ecole d’ Agriculture Oka. Fisher, Hon. Sydney. . . . Greenshields, J. N Legris, Ulderic McQuat, Jas Racey, John Riches, J. L Ste. Marie, M Stewart, H. B Wintle, Gilbert S La Trappe. . . . Knowlton Danville St. Leon Brownsburg. . . Lennoxville. . . Sherbrooke. . . . Moe’s River. . . Beebe Plain. . . Richmond. . . . Two Mountains. . . . Brome Richmond Maskinonge Argenteuil Sherbrooke Sherbrooke Compton Stanstead Drummond 45 26 22 5 .19 5 6 8 19 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 1 6 20 12 15 4 15 10 15 4 10 4 3 5 10 5 5 Shropshire — Nova Scotia. Bigelow, Samuel Canning King 2 1 m > Logan Bros Amherst Point.. . . . Cumberland 35 2 20 20 PM* Macdonald, John Shubenacadie Hants 20 6 15 10 McPherson, Andrew Rocklin Pictou 25 12 12 12 Sharp, Wm Windsor Hants 20 1 10 10 Shropshire — Prince Edward Island. Nunn, Cephas | Winsloe Road | Queens | 10 | 1 | 10 | 10 Shropshire — Manitoba. Alison, Wm Deloraine 12 2 4 10 Murdock, Frank Greenway 40 2 20 13 Roy, Wm Tatehurst 10 1 6 8 Stone, Thos. W Clearwater 10 1 5 Titus, S. S Napinka 7 4 75 Shropshire - Saskatchewan, NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. § Acron, Nathaniel Prince Albert 8 3 2 Skinner, Fred. T Indian Head. 15 3 10 10 Shropshire — Alberta. Nash, Thus Gladys 50 1 20 20 Turner, John A Calearv 40 25 Shropshire — Bri itish Columbia. Hadwen, G. H Duncans 15 4 7 7 Webb, Horatio Sardis 1 4 1 Leicester — Ontario. Alton, J. B Nelson Halton 10 5 7 5 Armstrong, Geo. B Teeswater Bruce 30 1 12 10 Bailey, Robt. B Shrifflev. . . Dufferin 10 Barlow, Judson.. . . Binbrook. . . ... Wentworth 8 1 10 6 Bell, Robt. . . Hurondale. . . Huron 18 9 Blackie, Jno Spring Bay Algoma 6 3 2 3 Blais, A. & J. . Glen Sandfield.. . . , Glengarry 8 1 5 6 Brown, Jas. . Thorold.. Welland 20 1 Campbell, Jas. K Palmerston Perth 16 2 12 10 Carscadden, J. D Carscadden, R. F Cadmus Durham. . , 31 Edgar Simcoe 20 8 10 8 Caughill, Geo. H.. Aylmer. . . Elgin 5 1 5 Clarkson, Win.. . Malton. . . Peel 20 1 6 6 Clow, David. Whitechurch Huron 4 Cowan, J. S Donegal North Perth 15 2 12 16 Corzier, A Beachburg Renfrew 30 6 8 11 Currelley, W. H. Fullerton . Perth 35 12 12 20 Currie, Dan. . Black’s Corners.. . . Dufferin 14 10 12 Deeks, T. T,. Williamsburg Dundas 10 1 10 5 Denniwell, Wm Wiarton Bruce 7 5 5 1 Dorrance, Jas Seaforth. Huron 20 1 20 15 Dou «das, Jas Caledonia. . . Brant 30 1 20 20 Douglas, W. \ Tuscarora Brant 30 1 15 20 Downey, Jas. . Fordwich Huron 20 12 15 Easton, Abram AoDlebv. . . Halton 28 7 20 12 Experimental Farm A Ottawa. Carleton 10 1 3 76 Leicester — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure -bred 1 breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Ebert, Walter Haldimand. . 6 4 Elcoat, A Huron.. 9 1 7 3 Falkingham, W. L Grey. . . 10 2 10 10 Fulcher, J. N Elffin. . 10 6 7 5 Gardhouse, J. M Weston. . . . York 25 1 15 20 Gibson, Henry Simcoe 1 Gillies, J., Estate of Bruce. . . 8 1 5 5 Glen, Wm Huron.. . 19 1 10 10 Graham, D. A Lambton 14 6 10 5 Greensback, Jno Simcoe 16 1 Greenlees, Hugh Durham 11 Guy, W. H.. . . Grey. 10 4 12 Hankinson, L. D Elgin. . . 15 1 10 10 Hastings Bros Waterloo 39 8 20 20 Heal, Fred Mitnhpll Perth.. 10 1 10 5 Henry, J. W Thornton Simcoe. 10 1 8 4 Hogg, Wm. & Son Thamesford Oxford. 12 1 Hutton, G. H. & Son Easton’s Corners.. Grenville 8 3 Imerson, C. J Lvn Leeds 8 5 5 5 Jeffs, E. & Son J -' t 7 AA Rnndhead Simcoe. 15 1 12 10 Johnson Bros Underwood Bruce. 25 1 15 15 Johnston, S. & Son Fordwich. Huron 10 2 5 5 Kelly, John Sh a Irpsnpa re Pprffi North 16 4 9 5 Kidd, Jos Prospect Lanark 3 2 2 3 McAuly, Walter Bellingham. . Algoma 11 1 8 McCue & Sons, Jas Melancthon Dufferin. 33 9 10 10 McDairmid John Lucknow Bruce 10 1 3 10 McGregor, A. N Ol piny firry 5 1 Mclnnes, Chas r t miaiiio tu w J-i Gouvel Grey 3 1 McKeen, Ed Sprinoryalp HaHimarid 10 1 McKiffican, W. E Vankleek Hill. Prescott 10 2 5 5 McKnight Bros Rnpktnn Wentworth.. . 21 11 10 10 McLean, Wm. J KprwnnH Middlesex.. 16 9 10 11 McMillan, D Price ville Grey 10 2 McMillan, D Dutton Elgin 15 1 McPhail, A. B Galt Waterloo 15 1 6 6 McPherson, Jas Axe Lake Parry Sound 12 1 9 McQueen, Donald Conn. Grev. 15 1 10 10 McRae, Kenneth Vankleek Hill ^ 1 Prescott. 4 1 3 3 McRobie, Jas Haddo Dundas 10 3 4 8 MacCampbell & Son3 Harwich. Kent. . . 40 2 20 20 Manion, Michael Egerton Wellington. . 4 Marr, Jos. F Grovesend Elo-in 20 12 10 12 Mather, John Stirling 1 1 S Parry Sound 2 2 Martyn, J. W Canton Durham. 20 4 15 10 77 Leicester — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Montgomery, W D Muskoka 2 1 Moore Bros Elgin 3 1 4 Morrison, Peter.. Victoria & Hali- burton 31 3 1 1 Myles, J. A. & Co.. . Grey 11 1 4 Neville, C. W Lennox & Adding- ton . . 6 2 Nicholson Bros Grey 20 2 12 10 Nixon, Win Carleton 14 3 8 8 Owelette, D. & A Essex 35 2 20 20 Partridge, A. W Simcoe 6 2 4 Paterson, R Wentworth 11 1 5 5 Philip, Jno. R Grey 3 1 2 4 Phillips, Jos Essex 25 3 25 25 Pinkerton, R. B Essex 2 Read, W. C Smith AnomQta Grenville./ 6 2 3 1 Reed, Isaac Ardtrea Simcoe 21 2 15 10 Rodgers, David Avr Oxford 20 2 10 20 Rummey, J. S 1 Coboconk Victoria & Halibur- ton.. . . 50 1 2 Ryan Bros Rir'pville Prescott 5 1 3 5 Sandhan, T. A Tillsonburg Oxford 8 1 2 3 Saunders, Duncan D Arthur Wellington 10 6 7 8 Shaw, D. M B p si mrs t n I tp Lincoln 20 8 10 15 Silcox, F. H Iona Elgin 20 4 15 15 Smith, A. W Mnnlp T.nrtcrp Middlesex 120 5 230 150 Smith, C. E Scotland Brant 10 2 5 5 Smith, Frank A Grovesend Elgin 25 12 10 20 Smith, John Beach ville Oxford 21 9 12 12 Smith, John T Stirling EpUp Parry Sound 13 1 8 4 Snell, Jas Clinton Huron 54 16 26 15 Stafford, Chas TTIpoVipr+rm Grey 4 1 8 Staples, Jos. F Ida Durham 12 1 10 5 Steele, Jas TiGplrlnQli Bruce 20 1 Taylor, Thos. H BpI crra vp Huron 8 1 2 Tindale, Robt Fergus Wellington 10 1 4 4 Westington, Lean W. F. & C. F Plainville Northumberland. . . 30 9 10 8- Whitelaw, A. & W Guelph Wellington 40 2 20 15 Wightman, Robt Clifford Wellington 13 1 6 4 Wilson, Geo i Vi q tm n rr Prnaa Kent Wilson, Geo. T Vvllell III L/iOoo Knatchbull Halton 2 1 3 2 Wilson, N. G.. Walsh Norfolk 6 10 Wilson, W A T .11 AlTB ATX7 Huron.. . 10 Wood, Wm. . . . JL/UtR.IlUW Palmers Halton 10 2 6 4 Wright, Dan. . . BnnHnn by Wellington 15 1 5 10 Wright, John AVipsIpv Bruce 20 2 12 15 78 Leicester — Quebec NAME OF BREEDER Alger, B. A Baldwin, H. E.. Booth, G. K Brown, David Bryson, Jas Boutet, Jos Canning, Hamilton Cloutier, Jos Cromwell, F. R Chicoutimi Ferme du Semin- aire Finlayson, Geo Hastings, F. C. & B. J Hodge, A. A Irving, Archie Lachappelle, Nap Legris, Ulderic Letourneau, Eudore Lyster/C. N Martin, R. W Miltimore, E. S Myles, Jas. A. & Co Parnell, Isaac Pringle, D Senical, L. C Tremblay, A. A POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Eaton Compton 15 1 7 7 Coaticook Stanstead 25 2 10 10 Melboro Richmond 12 1 10 8 St. Joachim Montmorency 75 2 30 Brysonville Chateauguay 12 1 10 4 Victoriaville. . . . Arthabaska 20 1 Inverness Megantic 4 1 3 3 Riviere aux Chiens Montmorency. .... 6 2 5 5 Cookshire. Compton 20 1 15 Chicoutimi Chicoutimi 2 1 Ormstown Chateauguay 2 1 4 4 St. Armand Statn.. Missisquoi 9 1 4 4 Cookshire. . . Compton 6 4 2 Scotstown.. . . Compton 12 1 12 St. Paul PErmite . . Assumption 16 3 12 6 St. Leon Maskinonge 10 1 8 6 St. Famille Montmorency 4 12 5 4 Kirkdale Drummond 20 2 8 12 Warden Shefford 12 1 15 5 Knowlton Brome 10 5 5 Heathcote. . . Grey 12 Spring Road Sherbrooke 20 4 10 10 Huntingdon Huntingdon 10 5 5 10 St. Marc Vercheres 12 4 6 6 Les Eboulements . . Charlevoix 6 2 4 1 Leicester — Nova Scotia. Brien, Wm. V Thompson, Jas. A. Windsor Forks .... Durham Hants. Pictou. 30 6 1 20 1 Leicester — Prince Edward Island. Clark, Wm. North Wiltshire. . . | Queens, 20 | 2 | 12 | 10 79 Leicester — Manitoba, NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Allison, Geo... Burnbank.. . . 12 6 17 Gamiey, CD Griswold 25 2 15 20 Mac Kay, A J McDonald. 15 2 8 8 Rankin, Geo. & Sons Hamiota 25 1 20 10 Kerr, Jas. . . , Potter, A. B Leicester — Saskatchewan. Saltcoats Montgomery. . . . Cotswold — Ontario. 13 ! 15 i 1 2 1 io 1 ! 6 4 6 20 1 10 15 15 2 10 5 30 1 20 40 200 8 150 75 30 1 20 20 35 70 70 30 11 12 6 8 6 4 1 4 15 7 10 25 5 12 12 15 5 6 5 5 2 3 30 2 20 20 25 1 15 20 20 5 8 25 3 1 2 11 2 3 4 20 ' 1 10 12 15 1 12 10 2 1 12 1 V ' 10 15 3 5 12 1 7 10 15 2 55 1 20 25 1 15 15 50 2 Balsden, John I Barrett, T. & Sons Bonnycastle, F. & Sons. Brien, Ed Bright, John Brooks, J. W Carroll, Chas. W.. Clark, Wm Coke, Jas Colwell, A. A. . . . . Comerford, F. A. . Connell, Timothy. Cooper, Geo Davidson, J. D Devitt, W. J Disney, J. E. & Son. Dunn, J. A Ferguson, Alex. Fitzgerald Bros. Forgie, John. . . Forster, W. D. . Forsyth, G. M.. Gilroy, John H. Groat, Chas. . . . Hepton, G. W. Hoover Bros. . Howitt, Jas. . . Markham Ridgetown. . . . Campbellford. . Ridgetown. . . . Myrtle Station. Solina Norwich. . . Greenwood. Erin Newcastle.. Eldorado . . Vine Claremont . Bel haven. . Greenwood. Greenwood. Wooler. . . . Sonya Mount St. Louis. . Claremont Millgrove N. Claremont Coe Hill. Brooklin. Whittington. Atha Claremont . . Iagram, Thos j Manitowaning York Kent Northumberland Kent Ontario Durham Oxford Ontario Wellington Durham Hastings Simcoe Ontario York Ontario Ontario Northumberland Victoria Simcoe Ontario Wentworth Ontario Hastings Ontario Dufferin Ontario Ontario Algoma 80 Cots wold — Co ntinu k d. NAME OF BREEDER Jones, B. W Langmaid, G. A Langmaid, W. G Leask, Jas McAvoy, T. C McCrae, D McDonald, Roderick McFarlane, Jas McGoey, T. F McPherson, G. H. . . Madill, J. H Miller, Robt Millson, Ed. O Morgan, E. A Morgan, Robt Morrow, R. O Neville, C. W Nicholson, R. & S. Prouse, J Pugh, W. D Rawlings, John. Ross, J. C Russell, Francis Shore, T. Hardy Smith, Geo. M Smith, Wm Stark, Jas Stillman, Robt., Jr.. . . Stouffer, W Turner, W. J, Underhill, Jas. Vance, R. & Sons. Vickery, Frank. . . Ward, Wm Wilson, G. T. & R. W. Wood, R. J. & J. D. . . Young, Cha3 POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Balsam Ontario 20 8 10 10 Courtice Durham 20 10 10 10 Taunton Durham 20 1 10 10 Greenbank Ontario 7 3 ! 8 Balsam Ontario 33 10 10 Guelph Wellington.. 10 4 10 ! 8 Manitowaning Algoma ! 14 i 6 4 Claremont Ontario j 25 1 12 15 Ronully Simcoe 1 20 1 15 10 Arkona Lambton 11 j l 6 8 Brougham Ontario j 29 1 Stouffville York. j 30 2 1000 1000 Solina Durham. 10 1 5 Kerwood Middlesex. . 25 ■ l 15 1 15 Kerwood Middlesex . 40 j 25 25 20 l\nTl nil m Kpr] cmH 1 10 2 5 Newburg *>U1 UlUlllUCIIdUU. . . Lennox & Adding- ton ! io 15 ■ Sylvan Middlesex.. 14 1 6 5 Durham Centre. . . . Oxford ! 20 4 Claremont Ontario 23 1 12 | 12 Forest Lambton 300 10 150 | 150 Jarvis Haldimand 40 4 35 30 Cedarville Grey. . . Gian worth Middlesex. . 30 2 20 10 Haysville Waterloo 13 | 1 7 Columbus Ontario i0 1 5 3 Enfield Durham 14 5 15 8 Campbellford Northumberland.. . 12 3 25 • 15 Ringwood York 8 5 6 ! Green River Ontario 12 13 8 ! 7 Claremont Ontario.. . . 50 Ida | Durham 1 25 1 15 5 Prince Albert j Ontario 22 1 Greenbank. . Ontario 15 20 20 10 Balsam Ontario 36 4 20 20 Longbank Lambton 20 2 10 6 Brooksdale | Oxford 20 10 10 6 81 Cotswold — Quebec. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. 1 No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- j bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- |i bred. FemalesHor I sale annually. || Carriere, Felix.. Verte V alkie. . . Vaudreuil. . n 1 3 2 Denis, Arsene St. Norbert Station Berthier 4 1 3 3 1 Gervais, Francois Xavier St. Narcisse Champlain 5 4 4 Laferriere, Elie Robinson, Chas St. Felix Joliette 3 Odelltown St. Johns 20 4 10 10 Cotswold — New Brunswick. Moore, Wm. H McAlpine, J. H York Queens . | 1 1 11 1 1 1 11 8 Reid, David Cotswold — Prince Edward Island. 1 Vip.tnria Crossinp.. 1 TCmps < 3 1 2 1 1 Brown & Sons, F. W Cotswold — o I Manitoba 1 1 15 | 2 I 1 12 | 14 Cotswold — British Columbia. Richardson, John | Ladner | | 20 | | 10 | Arkell, Henry Arkell, W. H Barber, Samuel Barnet, Wm Baxter, Geo Beale, T. R Beckett, W. II Birdsall, F. & Son .... Broadfoot, Thos. B . . Brown, T. R Brigham Bros Bryant, Wm. A Caldwell, J. R Creswell, Jas. A Cole, R. H. & Sons... . Oxford Down — Ontario. Arkell Teeswater Mulmere Swing Springs. Leggett Athens South Pelham. Birdsall Fergus Alma Allan Park.. . . Cairngorm. . . . Fergus Bond Head — Wooler Wellington Bruce Dufferin Wellington Dufferin Leeds Welland Peterborough Wellington Wellington Grey Middlesex Wellington Simcoe Northumberland.. . 110 6 100 50 40 3 15 15 22 2 20 20 30 1 30 20 1 6 2 30 8 10 25 55 2 30 31 4 4 3 10 1 1 20 2 10 12 20 2 10 10 6 l 5 4 50 5 25 50 50 3 15 1 10 82 Oxford Down — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTV No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Cooke, J Maple Hill. . Bruce. 12 1 9 ! 6 Coulson, J Hornby Halton. 12 1 8 6 Cousins, J. & Sons Harriston. . . Wellington 40 14 20 20 Dickison, W. W Mildmay. . . . Bruce. 20 2 12 8 Ellinton, John & Son Hornby Halton. 5 1 Fair bairn, John Maple Lane. Grey 15 12 15 Faulds, Wm. M Mulsey. . . Middlesex 20 1 Gilroy, Joshua Lynn Brockvihe. 15 2 10 20 Gowan, John Allan Ford Bruce. 37 18 15 15 Harrison, Frank Mount Albert.. York. 16 1 10 10 Harvey, A. P Kincardine Bruce. 30 8 20 23 Jasper, T. H Walkerton . . Bruce 16 1 10 5 Jull, J. Albert Burford.. . . Brant 50 2 20 30 Kuhl, John S Elmira Waterloo 16 14 14 Laugheed, Jacob Wode House. . Grev 40 2 20 20 McDonald, A. &~Sons St. Mary’s . . * ^ A v '«7 Perth.. 14 1 10 4 McFarlane, John M Dutton Elgin. . 25 1 12 10 McLoughry, H. D... Markdale Grey. 5 1 3 5 McNaughton, K Walkerton Rrnee. 10 4 5 3 Merkley, T. F Williamsburg. . . Dnndns 2 1 Miller, M. V Bervie Bruce 10 Mountain, Wm Varney Grev 3 1 Morden, H. M Barey Island. . . Algoma 13 6 4 4 Murdoch, Wm Palmerston. . Wellington 1 1 Neville, C. W Newburgh. TiPnBOY Ar A rr ton 8 S Nickel, Chas Mildmay. . . . Bruce 15 2 6 7 Parkinson, L Eramosa. . . . W el 1 i n gf on 20 1 10 8 Rennie, Chas Eden Mills. . . Hfllfnn 52 1 30 35 Richardson, Andrew Dunblane Bruce 15 2 g 8 Scott, W. M Kinlough Bruce 30 16 10 Sexsmith, M. W Ridgeway Welland 10 1 12 12 Schmurr, Henry Formosa Bruce 23 3 10 Snyder, Jonathan S Bridgeport Waterloo 12 1 5 1 Stevenson, A Atwood Perth 20 2 10 10 Summers, Thos Cardinal Grenville 5 ] 2 Thompson, Jas Mildmay Bruce 20 11 1 0 12 Tolton, Ed Walkerton Bruce 12 1 iU « £ Tolton, Jas. L Walkerton Bruce 18 2 u 12 u 83 Oxford Down — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE Waldie, Alex. & Sons... Whittiker, H. J. & Sons Widdifield, J W Acton N. Williamsburg. . . Uxbridge COUNTY Halton. Dundas. Ontario. S © > Halton. Halton . Lanark Lanark Wentworth Renfrew Lincoln Lambton Carleton Carleton Glengarry Peterborough Halton Lennox and Ad- dington Norfolk Lambton Durham Brant Middlesex Bruce Wellington Middlesex Perth York Wellington Algoma Simcoe. . . . Lanark. . . . Hastings.. . Oxford. . . . Simcoe. . . . Simcoe. . . . Ontario.. . . Haldimand. Wentworth. Brant Dundas.. . . Peel Wentworth. Huron Durham. . . Durham. . . . 1 I 1 6 . . . 30 25 1 2 2 80 2 1 1 5 4 1 4 1 2 1 5 5 1 20 10 10 40 10 20 8 8 20 5 24 1 | * i 5 1 1 100 10 10 15 15 10 25 58 I I 10 20 10 j 25 | 100 j 100 ! 2 10 1 -i 10 15 400 | 400 12 25 5 23 100 50 15 15 10 25 50 Y orkshire — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. | Collins, P. 0 Russell 35 3 60 75 Colquhoun, Peter Clifford Conroy, Thos Watson's Corners. Crowder, Henry Oxford Mills Grenville 5 2 25 25 Grey. . 3 Cunnington,F. A. I Cureston, Samuel Hamilton Norval (Halton). . . Carleton 2 1 20 20 1 Currie, Chas Morriston Wellington 12 2 25 25 Currie, Daniel.. ... T Black's Corners.. . . Dufferin 2 4 24 Daoust, Arthur Alfred Prescott 1 1 8 8 Davis, Geo. & Sons. . Davis, H. J Alton Wellington 1 Woodstock Oxford 10 25 100 50 Dedels, Hy Breslau Waterloo 6 2 20 20 Deeks, Thos. L No. Williamsburg. . Dalkeith Dundas 4 25 20 Denovan, W. J Glengarry 2 1 10 10 Derrick, A Andrewsville Lanark Diefenbacher, C. C Hawkesville Waterloo 1 Dinniwell, Wm Wiarton Bruce 2 Dix, J. F Little Britain Victoria 2 1 5 5 Dobbie, Jas. M Ventnor Grenville 4 1 40 20 Draper, Jno Port Whitby. . Ontario 1 Drummond, H. A Millgro ve Wentworth 10 2 10 20 Dudley, A Applebv Halton 4 10 20 Dunsmore, Chas. Wm St. Pauls Perth 2 10 10 Dyer, Wm. D ■ Columbus Ontario 3 5 Easton, Abraham Appleby Halton 2 4 15 13 Ede, P. D Oxford Centre Oxford 4 1 8 Elcoat, A Brucefield Huron 1 Ellis, Wm. Thos Walkerton Bruce 7 3 40 25 Elsley, Jas Londesborough Ottawa Huron 1 Experimental Farm Carleton 40 2 100 100 Falkingham, Wm. L . . Ebordale Grey 4 2 10 10 Fares, P. M. . . Bradford. . . Simcoe. . . 1 Farlinger, John A Morrisburg Dundas 4 1 2 3 Ferguson, Jas. F Dalmeny Russell 8 1 30 Forbes, Duncan. . Brocksden Perth 2 Forrester, Ed... . Aberdonr Bruce. 1 Fraser, W. S Bradford Simcoe 2 20 Freel, John C Thamesford Oxford 5 1 10 10 Galbraith Bros Orancrftville Dufferin 4 1 10 20 Garland, E. W Dwyer Hill Carleton 1 6 6 Garland, S. S Pinkerton Bruce 1 | 1 5 8 Gibb, Jas . Brooksdale.. Oxford 2 Gibson, R Delaware Middlesex 3 1 2 3 Gilmour, Smith... Tam worth Addington 1 Gilroy, C. J. . . Glen Buell Leeds 3 "V 30 1 20 Gilroy, Jos Lvn Leeds 4 1 10 I 10 Glenhodson Co Myrtle Station Ontario 5 2 20 25 Gnnd fellow Brns Macville Peel. . . . 2 Gordon, W. L. . . Elora Wellington 3 20 20 Gowanlock, John Port Elgin. . Bruce 2 90 Yorkshire — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER. POST OFFICE. COUNTY. No. of Pure-bred breeding Females No. of Pure-bred breeding Males Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually Graham, G. N York 24 4 125 100 Graham, James Saint, field . . . Ontario 2 10 10 Graham, Percy C Manchester Ontario 2 Graham, Thomas Ontario 4 60 50 Griesback, Jno Collingwood Simcoe 1 1 Grierson, Allen Carleton < 2 1 Groat, Chas Ontario 2 10 10 Grimlees, Hugh Bowmanville Durham 1 Gunn, Donald & Son Beaverton Ontario 35 2 75 75 Guy, W. H Maxwell Grey 4 3 20 Ham, John Meaford. . Grey 2 2 3 1 Hamilton, F. R Cromarty. . . Perth 1 Hatch, E. A Stra,ffordville. . Elgin 6 1 25 25 Hanmer, Herbert A Mount Vernon.. Brant 3 20 20 Hanley, J. C. & Son Read Hastings 2 2 Harper, W. J Oak Heights Northumberland. . . 1 Hawes, W. H Athens Leeds 2 1 10 Hawkinson, Leonard D Grovesend. Elgin 5 2 25 50 Hendry, W. F Dundalk. . . . Grey 2 10 6 Hicock, W. W Seeleys Bay. . Leeds. . 3 1 12 15 Hickson, Jno Victoria Square.. . . York. . 1 Hislop, Jas Stratford Perth. . 3 1 15 20 Hodgson, H. A Kinlough Hodgson, John J Ayr Waterloo 4 3 6 20 Hogle, S. G Violet. . Lennox 2 2 15 15 Honey, Richard Brickley. . Northumberland.. 5 2 35 40 Hood, G. B Guelph. . . Wellington 6 1 10 15 Hopps, John Campbell ford . Northumberland. . 2 8 5 Horne, Jas Mitchell’s Square. Simcoe 3 1 10 10 Howell, A. E Pelham Corners... Welland 1 Howell, Frederick St. George. . Brant. . 2 Howlett, Ira L Keldon Dufferin. . 9 1 40 60 Hulet, A. E Norwich. . Oxford . 2 1 20 20 Hume, Alex. & Co Menie. . . Northumberland.. . 4 2 30 30 Hummed, J. C "Chesterville Dundas.. 4 1 15 30 Humphrey, Frank E Brock Road.. Ontario. . 2 Hunter, R. D Exeter Huron 2 Hunter, Francis Norval Peel.. . . 1 Huth, Jno. M Sunnidale. . . . Simcoe 4 2 Ingram, Thos Manitowaning. . . Algoma. . . 3 Isaac, W. J Harwood Northumberland.. 1 6 5 Jasper, T. H Walkerton. Bruce 6 1 20 25 Johnson Bros Underwood . Bruce. . 5 3 15 15 Johnson, S. & Sons Fordwich. . . . Huron. . 14 Jones, Wm Zenda Oxford. 10 2 25 30 Kay, Alfred Port Sydney Muskoka. . . 3 Kennedy, A. & Son Vernon Russell. 5 1 25 Kendrick, E. L Lyndhurst. . Leeds 1 Kidds, S Cottesloe. . . . Peterboro. . 4 Koelln, H Glen Allan. Wellington 4 1 15 25 Kuntz, E. G Formosa Bruce. 1 1 1 91 Yorkshire — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- 1 bred Females for | sale annually. Laithwaite, Geo. ..... Goderich Huron 2 1 40 ! 30 Lancaster, H. D Hastings 4 20 10 Leal, Curtis M Welland 3 2 5 5 Lee, Chas Middlesex 1 Lee, Edward Haldimand Lefaivre, Peter M Vankleek Hill.. . . Prescott 1 1 Leith, David Grey 2 1 Leslie & Pearen Acton Wellington 2 10 Lichty, Benjamin W. Waterloo . 7 1 Little, R. J. . . . Birdell. . . Grey. . . 1 | Livingston, W. A. Grey 1 McBride, Roderick Grey i ; McCamus, T. W. . . . Durham 4 2 12 1 30 McCormack, J. H Lennox and Ad- dington 2 2 5 6 McCormick, J. W. Dundas. . 1 1 McCrae, Jas. & Son. Dufferin. 1 McCully, A. C St. Marys Perth 5 2 15 25 McDiarmid, H. S Fingal Elgin 15 3 50 60 McDonald, A. P Summerstown Glengarry McDonald, Peter A Ormond Dundas 2 McDonald, T. D. Olinda Essex 1 1 McFarlane, Jas Claremont Ontario 6 1 5 10 McGoey, T. Q Romilly Simcoe 4 1 1 50 10 McGregor, A. W Williamstown Glengarrv 3 1 10 ! 15 Mclnnes, Jno. D Glenpayne Stormont 1 McKay, David Owen Sound Grey 2 McKillican, W. E Vankleek Hill Prescott. . 2 1 10 ! 12 McKnight, S. J Erming Grey 3 1 10 10 McMurchy, Neil Strange York 4 1 8 ! io McQuabe, Geo. A. Omemee. . Victoria 2 7 McQueen, Donald. Conn . . Grey. . 3 20 20 McRae, Kenneth.... Vankleek Hill.. . Prescott. 1 10 8 McRobie, Fred. . . Haddo... Dundas.. . 3 10 10 McTaggart, Jno. A Sonya Victoria 1 Martin, R. G. Marysville Hastings 2 Martin, W. A Gilead Hastings 5 3 10 25 Matheson, Wm. Donegal. Perth. . . 4 25 20 Maybee, A. 0. . . . Brighton Northumberland.. . 2 1 10 10 Merkley, Y. F. . Williamsburg Dundas.. . . 1 1 1 10 ! 10 Merrick, W. T. . Pinedale. Ontario. . 2 1 Michell, John H Green River Ontario 3 1 , 20 ! 30 Millson, E. 0 Solina Durham 4 1 20 ! 20 Mitton, W. J Thames ville Kent. . . . 7 1 10 I 20 Morrison, T. J Rocky Saugeen .... Grey 1 Mott, Geo. P 1 Lvn j Leeds 1 j Murdoch, Wm ±j y u Palmerston 1 Wellington 4 1 15 20 Myers, Thos. H.. . . ! Aughrim j Lambton 3 2 5 5 Neville, C. W... . Newburgh Lennox and Ad- Neville, W. J.. Green Bay. Manitoulin. . 1 1 4 3 Newbigging, T. H Atwood Perth 1 1 9 12 Nicholson, Chester S Mount Forest Grey 2 12 12 Yorkshire — Continued NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred | breeding Males, j Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- j bred Females for ' sale annually. i Nicholson, F. W Flesherton Grey. . . . 1 7 8 Ouillette, D. & A Vereker Essex 16 6 25 20 Palmer, D. R Thorndale Middlesex. . 1 Patten, J. N Paris Brant. . 2 8 10 Patterson Bros Millbrook Durham. 1 5 Patterson, Wm Hillsdale Simcoe. 3 Pettit, A. C Freeman Halton. 10 20 Pettit, W. G. & Sons Freeman Halton. 6 20 20 Pinkney, Wm Cooks ville.. . . Peel.. 3 1 5 10 Pollock, Wesley Pine River. . . Bruce. 5 1 6 25 Pollock, Wm Seagrave. . . Ontario . 1 1 Read, W. C South Augusta Grenville 1 1 8 8 Reid, Jas Glen William.. Halton 10 2 20 ! 35 Rennie, G. G Halton 3 1 10 Richardson, Andrew Dunblane Bruce. 2 Richardson, J. F Low ville Halton. 6 i 16 14 16 Robinson, David Ay ton Grey. 2 Rowand, A. J Dunblane. . Bruce. 1 Ruthven, W. A Alliston. . . . Simcoe. 3 Rvan Bros Riceville. . . Prescott 3 1 Sands, Thos. W 1 Eleinbure. . F rrm ten a e 1 1 12 12 Scarf & Sons, T 1 & M U1 & Rocky Saugeen .... Grey 6 10 20 Schmel, Fred. W West Lome. . . . Elgin. . 1 1 5 4 Schmurr, Henry Formosa.... Bruce. 8 5 20 Shaw, Everard Tullamore Peel.. 2 1 8 6 Simpson, W. J Ashton. . . Carleton. 2 1 Sinclair, Peter J Brocksden. Perth.. 3 1 8 20 Skinner, Alex. W Peterboro. . Peterboro 3 1 6 6 Smith, G. M Haysville. Waterloo 10 2 40 60 Smith, J. J Enniskillen.. . Durham 1 Smith, Wm Columbus. . Ontario 2 Smith, Samuel Walkerton. Bruce. 1 j j Snell, Albert 1 Hagers ville. . Haldimand 2 Snider, Irwin A Floradale. . . Waterloo 1 1 Souch, S. D Orono. Durham 13 2 1 Spencer, Chas Hay Bay Lennox and Ad- i dington 1 5 I 4 Spencley, H. J Box Grove. . York.. 4 1 10 25 Sproule, T. S. S Markdale. . . Grey. 4 1 1 Staples, Jos. F Ida Durham. 1 2 Stark, Jas Enfield. . . Durham. 3 2 Stark, Jas Ashgrove . Halton. 1 7 Steele, Jas Lochalsh.. . Bruce. 1 Stewart, Andrew Robb Grev. 3 2 10 12 Stewart, A. M Dalmeny. . . J Carleton . Stewart, Jas. A., Sr Menie. . . . N orthumberland Stirton Bros Beresford. . Northumberland. . 3 1 4 5 Stocks, C. J 1 Tavistock. . Oxford. 8 1 Stocks, Geo ! Dundalk. . . . Grey. 1 Stover, E. H Elsrinburar. . . Frontenac 2 1 5 5 Stroub, Adam ! Elmira Waterloo i 14 3 i 10 30 Storey, Robt. & Son Crossland.. . Simcoe. . . 5 10 12 i 93 Yorkshire — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Sundeen, Felix St. David Lincoln 1 7 1 Sundeen, Leslie St. David Lincoln 1 7 Thompson, Jos. A South Lake Leeds 2 1 25 25 Thuell, Wm. C Brussels Huron 2 10 10 Thurston, R. E Bobcaygeon Victoria 7 3 25 50 Tinimin, W. S Winchester Dundas 1 3 Tindale, Robt Fergus Wellington 1 Thomas, Wm Tormory York 3 8 12 Thoma, R. H Tormore Peel 2 2 6 8 Tran, W. H Cedar Grove . . York 5 3 25 40 Trottier, Francis Lochiel Glengarry 2 1 8 6 Tufts, Arthur H Tweed Hastings 10 2 20 30 Turner, J. B Stouffville York Urquhart, A. A Tayside Stormont 2 1 Vance, A. D Prescott Grenville 10 2 50 50 Wallace, J. Alex Simcoe Norfolk 1 1 10 10 Webber, Wm. H Lakelet Huron 8 20 40 40 Weller, A. E Duncan Grev 4 8 15 15 Westington, W. J. & C. F. Lean. Planvi e Northumberland. . . 5 6 8 15 White, Jas Lords Mills Grenville 5 1 14 Wiggins, Henry Nottawa Simcoe 6 2 40 40 Willis, Wm New Market York 2 Wilson, Jas. & Sons Fergus Wellington 100 10 100 200 Worden, Jno St. Pauls Station. . . Perth 3 10 10 Young, J. W Waubono Lambton 2 1 Yorkshire — Quebec. Alger, B. A Eaton Arcand, Chas Iberville Beaudoin, P. A 107 James St., Montreal Bellemare, Gustave Louisville Bennett, Finlay G Canterberry Booth, Geo. K Melboro Broet, Couston & Co Perobonka. . . Carriere,' Felix Verta Vallee Deland, A. N St. Jean Denis, Arsene St. Norbert Sta. . . . Ecole d’ Agriculture La Trappe Finlayson, Geo Ormstown Compton Iberville 1 Hochelaga 3 Maskinonge 1 Compton 3 Richmond 1 Chicoutimi 4 Vaudreuil 3 Iberville 3 Berthier 15 Deux Montagues.. . 13 Chateauguay 1 1 1 1 10 1 ■ 10 j 10 1 4 4 1 12 1 10 10 1 6 6 8 40 15 1 25 94 Y orkshire — Continued NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure -bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Geoffroy, C. E Sherbrooke 1 1 Gerin, Leon Stan stead 3 1 Greenshields, J. N Danville Richmond 5 1 25 25 Hillhouse, A. P Bondville. . . Brome 3 1 10 10 Kay, W. F Philipsburg Missisquoi 4 1 30 30 Langelier, Gus Cap Rouge. . Quebec 30 3 250 250 Lee, Jos. & Son Dunham.. . Missisquoi 1 Legris, Uld6ric St. L6on. . . . Maskinonge 5 1 25 25 Letourneau, Pierre Ste. Famille Montmorency 10 15 Lloyd, Jas. H St. Lin. L* Assomption 10 2 McLeod, J. R Dalhousie Station. . Soulanges 4 1 10 10 Marwood, Wm. E Holland Victoria 5 2 3 4 Montgomery, Geo. H Philipsburg . . Missisquoi 5 1 Norton, E. V Coatinook Stanstead 4 1 25 16 Owens, Hon. Wm Montebello Labelle 14 2 100 100 Parnell, I Spring Road . Sherbrooke. . . . 2 1 Peltis, Jas. C West Brome Brome 8 25 1 25 Phenix, Stanislas St. Theodore d’ Ac- ton Bagot . . 3 Pringle, David Huntingdon Huntingdon 17 6 17 Robb, M. T Huntingdon Huntingdon 4 10 10 Semanaire de Chicoutimi Chicoutimi Chicoutimi 47 18 50 58 Shields, Wm Emerson Proven cher 4 1 15 15 Stewart, H. B Beebe Plain Stanstead 1 Sylvestre, L. P. & Fr&res St. Theodore Bagot 18 4 35 25 Tibbits, Jno. W Knowlton Brome 11 2 40 35 Tremblay, A. A Les Eboulement. . . Charlevoix. 2 1 Yorkshire — Nova Scotia. Keeler, C. J Dartmouth Halifax.. 30 3 2 150 Messenger, R. J Bridgetown Annapolis.. 1 10 N. S. Agriculture College Truro Colchester 7 1 50 Sharp, Wm Windsor Hants 2 10 95 Yorkshire — New Brunswick, COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. Kings. . • 8 Kings 1 Queens 3 Kings 1 Kings 1 Sunberry 1 NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE Goodliffe, S. J... Haslam, J. J. . . . McAlpine, J. H. . Sharp, Fred. E. . Sherwood, H. H Treadwell, A. A, Sussex.'. Sussex Lower Cambridge Midland Upham Mangerville ° © 6 S g-g-s > 3 03 g s- 2 I 50 | 50 Yorkshire — Prince Edward Island. Clark, Wm N. Wiltshire... Queens. . 2 1 10 10 Halliday, Frank Eldon. . Queens 3 2 16 14 MacNeil, W. A. . Cavendish. . . Queens. . . 1 Weeks, Harry J Fredericton Station Queens 3 2 1 2 1 Yorkshire — Manitoba. Adamson Bros Gladstone Armstrong, Henry Forrest Barker, W. J Deloraine Barron, J. G Carberry j Beachell, Walter Rosser Benson, Stephen Neepawa... Brooking, F. C Port Granby Brown, Stephen Neepawa Chapman, J. A. . Beresford. . . Clark, Geo Hayfield. . . . Clark, Wm Brandon Clendinning Bros Harding Couch, Geo . . Swan Lake.. Couch, Geo. H Swan Lake Davidson, Alex.. Sperling. English, W. H Harding Experimental Farm Brandon Gamley, C. D . Griswold Graham, Andrew v* Pomerov Guilbert, A 1 Letellier 3 ! 4 10 2 6 6 2 5 7 X 1 2 1 3 2 10 10 20 10 5 35 j 8 50 | 15 12 10 5 5 | 35 1 10 50 1 3 1 8 10 12 3 30 30 4 •1 8 10 1 12 12 6 2 6 9 10 8 40 40 2 1 3 3 1 1 25 7 so 25 14 2 20 40 96 Yorkshire — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for Hawkins, A. C Swan Lake 3 3 7 6 Hawkins, R. C Swan Lake 9 7 12 10 Heal, Fred Mitchell 1 10 James, Walter & Sons Rosser 15 4 30 50 Johnstone, C. W Headingly 4 10 15 King, Olive Wawanesa 10 2 50 50 McComb, W. J Brandon • 3 1 6 10 McConnell, Edmund W Hamiota 1 1 Macfarlane, Donald Oak Lake 8 2 20 10 Mackay, A. J Macdonald 2 1 MacRae, F Brandon ::::::::::::::::: 4 | Moffat, Peter Elgin.. . 14 1 8 10 Ryan, F. Geo Ninga. . 10 1 7 Shields, Wm Emerson.. 4 1 15 15 Sproule, J. J Minto 2 3 4 Stewart, Jas. J Gladstone 5 2 10 20 Stone, Thos. W Clearwater 5 1 12 6 Strachan, Jno Crandall 3 2 12 13 Van Horne, Sir Wm. C East Selkirk 10 2 25 50 Weightman, M. C Menteith 10 4 30 30 Woodstock, F. D Chater. . . . 3 1 Yorkshire — Saskatchewan. Bingham, R. E Tuxford Bredt, P. M. & Son Edenwold Finlayson, Kenneth N. Battleford Horn, Peter Regina. . . Hunt, C. W Indian Head. Leeper, Wm. T Adan^c Logan, Geo. A Tuxford * Moulding, Chas Broadview. . . . Potter, A. B Montgomery . . Purdy, D. A Lumsden . Robertson, Alexander Tullymet Skinner, Fred. T Indian Head. Teece, Jno Abernethy. Watson, A. M Weyburn 5 2 ! 20 20 8 1 25 30 4 2 ' 50 16 2 50 50 8 3 40 30 1 4 5 3 4 1 1 20 20 6 2 20 30 1 1 10 1 5 5 3 1 10 i 10 3 1 1 97 sale annually. Y orkshire — Alberta. NAME OF BREEDER - POST OFFICE COUNTY ' ! No. of Pure- bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Carswell, Edwin Penhold 4 1 1 30 30 Graham, H. C Kitscot i 5 U \J § 3 Harrington, J. B., V.S Lacombe 6 2 20 20 Loree, Jas. E. & Sons & L. Loree Nanton 1 McGill, A. F Lacombe 1 10 5 Mullins, W. H Ponoka 3 8 5 Nash, Thos Gladys 2 2 Saunders, R. L Okotoks 3 Seaman, Harvey Strathcona 6 2 1() i is Tregillus, W. I Calearv 9 2 20 j 20 Yorkshire — British Columbia. Harvey, Walter Ganges 1 1 10 Laing, Thos Eburne . 3 1 Robson, F Mayne 2 1 Thompson, Jos. . . Chilliwack 6 2 20 Webb, Horatio Sardis 5 4 2 Wells, A. C. & Son Sardis 7 2 10 Berkshire — 0 ntario. Alliston, M. B Atkinson, J. A Balsden, John I Dunbar Dartford Markham Barber, Samuel Beckstead, G. A Mulmere Mo.risburg Beckton, John M Glencoe Bell Bros Gormley Blackwood, Geo Martintown Bonnycastle, Chas. E Campbellford Brien, E. & Sons Ridgetown Broadfoot, A. & J Seaforth Brown, R. D Ulterson Brown, T.*R Alma Brush, Francis J Amherstburg Burr, Jas. F Annan Dundas 1 3 Northumberland.. . 1 York 4 1 10 12 Dufferin 5 1 30 Dundas 3 • 1 5 5 Middlesex 5 2 20 40 York 1 1 3 5 Glengarry.. 5 2 20 25 Northumberland . . 2 1 9 11 Kent 15 3 45 30 Huron 1 Muskoka 3 2 23 24 Wellington 4 2 40 40 Essex 1 14 13 14 Grey ...... 3 2 5 15 98 Berkshire — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER Calder, Alex Campbell, Benj. & Son. Campbell, Herbert Campbell, Jas. K Canham, Jos. R Carmichael, Sam. C. . . . Carver, Peter • Caughill, Geo. H. & Son, Chapman, Jno. G Clark, E. S Cole, R. H. & Sons Copeland, M. E Cowan, Jno. S Crowder, Henry Davidson, W. T. & Son., Davis, Wm. H Dillon, Jacob Dorland, W. C Douglas, T. & Son Douglas, W. A Downey, Jas Dunkin, Chas. A Dunn, J. A Durhamr W. H Elcoat, Appleton Ellenton, Jno. & Son. . . . Elsley, Jas Engel, Christian English, A. C Experimental Farm. . . . Faulds, W. M Ferguson, T. K Forder, Geo Forster, E. C Gent, Jas Goodfellow, C. J Gorde, Geo Gould, Wm Gowan, Jno. M Graham, D. A Guest, Richard L Hamer, Jno. & Sons Hamilton Bros. Hard, Jas Harris, G. W Harris, W Hensman, Wm. J Hewins, Chas Hill, David Hill, Jas POST OFFICE Yeovil Hartington North Montague. . . Palmerston Avomore Fingal Netherby Aylmer St. Thomas Ravenshoe Wooler Teeswater Donegal Oxford Mills Meadow vale Norwich Ellis ville Wooler Strathroy Tuscarora Fordwich Vittoria Wooler Islington Brucefield Hornby Londesborough Desboro Dufferin Ottawa Muncey Eversley Blackstock Milton Kingsmill Codrington Queensville Rutherford Allenford Wanstead Fanshawe Newton Glen Huron Tancreed Lynden | Day Mills Essex Mountsberg Staffa Sheffield COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Grey 1 Frontenac 2 1 2 Lanark 1 Perth 3 1 5 12 Stormont 1 1 1 Elgin 1 1 | Welland 1 1 "5- 10 Elgin 3 3 10 10 Elgin 1 4 4 York 3 2 20 20 Northumberland.. . 3 1 5 10 Bruce 3 1 10 15 North Perth 10 3 35 75 Grenville 4 1 20 | 20 Peel 4 20 30 Oxford 2 1 Leeds 3 1 10 10 Northumberland.. . 2 6 8 Middlesex 2 1 10 15 Brant 2 14 6 Huron 2 1 5 Norfolk 2 2 Northumberland. . . 3 2 20 20 York 60 8 200 400 Huron 3 Halton 2 Huron 1 Grey 1 1 9 Frontenac 2 3 5 Carleton 5 2 15 15 Middlesex 2 York 3 1 Durham. . 2 Halton 6 1 15 15 Elgin 2 7 Northumberland.. . 3 1 10 10 York 2 Lambton 25 40 Bruce 4 2 Lambton 4 3 15 10 Middlesex 5 4 4 4 Simcoe 4 1 2 3 Simcoe 1 1 Lambton L l 1 1 6 12 Wentworth 3 1 10 13 Algoma 3 1 io ; 10 Essex. . 2 1 Wentworth.. . 1 Perth.. . . 1 1 Wentworth 6 99 Berkshire — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Hill, Thos Ninga Souris 4 1 1 10 10 Wm Thamesford Oxford 1 10 Keldon Dufferin 1 10 2 40 60 Brantford Brant 4 2 10 20 Lyn Leeds 8 10 8 Jeffs, E. & Son Bond Head Simcoe 4 1 20 20 Chesterville Dun das 3 1 5 50 Orillia Simcoe. . . . 4 6 20 18 Kelly, Jno Shakespeare Perth 25 2 Knight, Joshua Elgin burg Frontenac 3 15 Knolln, Herman Sr. Son Glen Allen Wellington. . . . 5 5 15 25 Hampton Durham 5 2 20 40 Courtice Durham 3 15 15 Saunton Durham 1 4 Langstaff Bros Wallaceburg Kent 8 1 Lawrence, J Oxford Centre Oxford 10 2 75 100 Lear, Frank Leroy Orland Northumberland.. . 1 Leavens, Walter R Bloomfield Prince Edward. . . . 7 2 20 40 Lee, R Connor Simcoe 1 Lefaivre, Peter M Vankleek Hill Prescott 6 2 10 25 Liddle, Robt Sault Ste. Marie. . . Algoma 2 1 (V 6 Little, James Teeswater Bruce 3 Love, Alex Eagle Elgin 2 1 10 15 Maloney, Patrick. . . Metropolitan Perth 2 1 Malott, M J Leamington Essex 1 ] Manion, Michael Egerton Wellington 1 Marshall, J. W. & Son i Harley Brant 2 1 3 5 Martin, E. E. . . . Canning Oxford i 4 12 20 Martin, W. A Gilead Hastings 4 3 6 8 MaHindale, E. & Son.. . . York Haldimand. ...... 4 8 11 Michiner, Martin ' Dumiville Haldimand 4 2 6 6 Miller, W. A Rockspring Leeds 2 1 6 12 Minifie, G. W.. . Harwood Northumberland.. . 6 2 15 15 Mbore Bros. . . Lake View Elgin 1 1 Moore, Jas Kirkton Perth. . . . 3 3 Morgan, L E Milliken York 12 3 25 20 Morton, J. N. Lefroy Simcoe 2 15 15 McAvoy, T. C. . . Balsam Ontario 4 40 McBeth, Jno. . . Dromore Grey 2 2 4 10 McDiarmid, Jno Lucknow Bruce. . . 2 McDonald Bros Woodstock Oxford 6 2 44 44 McDonald, Robt. L. . Cranbrook Huron 5 1 2 5 McFarlane, Jno.. . . Sutton Elgin 5 1 12 11 McGee Bros Beachville Oxford 8 2 40 40 McGorman, W. B.. Kingsville Essex 4 1 10 10 McKean, Ed. Springvale Haldimand 2 McKenzie, Jno Keward.. . . Grey. . . . 2 1 McLean, Wm. J Kerwood Middlesex 3 1 10 12 McLou"hry, H D.. Markdale Grey 1 3 1 10 10 McMahon, A. & J Wyoming Lambton 2 8 8 100 B erkshire — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER ' POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure -bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- : bred Females for sale annually. ■ McMaster, Donald E Glengarry 1 McMurter, R Frankford Northumberland.. . 3 2 15 15 McPhail, A. B Galt... . Waterloo 5 1 20 j 20 McPherson, G. H Lambton 2 Nixon, Wm Carleton 4 6 7 8 O’Donnell, Thos Godswill I Perth 1 2 20 | 15 Page, J. A Elgin 9 4 4 8 Patterson, Wm Churchill.. Simcoe 3 5 15 Patterson, Wm Simcoe 3 Pearson, S. J. Son & Co Peel 4 2 16 40 Phillips, Jos Essex 3 1 6 6 Plaunt, X Renfrew 10 1 10 20 Pugh, E. E Ontario 3 12 20 Rathbun Co Deseronto Hastings l 3 2 5 | 5 Reed, Henry Wellington 1 Reed, Isaac Ardtrea Simcoe ’ 2 1 20 25 Richardson, Jas. & Sons Orangeville Dufferin 6 | 2 8 6 Robertson, Jno Wvominer. Lambton ' 2 2 4 7 Roberts, W. B. & T. H. . H J vnniig Sparta. . Elgin '5 1 10 10 Roger, David Avr. Oxford 6 1 30 40 Ronson, J. W 1 • ; Acacia Norfolk 1 1 4 5 Rosevear, Edgar A Roseneath Northumberland.. . 1 1 6 6 Ross, Geo. W ! Maxwell Grey 2 * 1 12 12 Rusnell, D. H Stouffville York ; 5 1 10 15 Ryan Bros Riceville Prescott. . . . 1 1 10 15 Sands, Thos. W Elginburg. . Frontenac i Schatz, Nelson New Hamburg.. Waterloo 6 1 Schooley, F. A Sparta. . ! Elgin 1 1 Shaw, D. M. & Son Basingstoke Lincoln 5 1 20 25 Shields, Jos Smith’s Falls. Lanark 1 1 Shields, W. A Milton . Hatton 4 3 20 30 Sinclair, Geo. N Langbank Lambton 3 1 3 10 Smith, A. W ! Maple Lodge Middlesex 4 1 25 Smith, Frank A Grovesend Elgin 3 Snell, Jas Clinton Huron 2 4 6 6 Snider, Irvin A Floradale. . . Waterloo 5 : Snowdon, Sam Bowmanville Durham 3 2 15 j 20 Somerville, Fred. R i Forest Lambton 4 2 8 9 Spencer, Chas Hay Bay Lennox & Adding- ' ton 7 Spencer, W. H Morpeth Kent 6 2 9 17 Staples, W. H Cavan . East Durham 3 1 10 Stover, E. H Edinburg. . . Frontenac 2 1 5 5 Teasdale, Thos Concord York. 8 2 25 Teeple, W. H Currie’s Crossing. . . Oxford i 4 1 20 j 20 Thomson, Douglas Woodstock Oxford 50 5 100 1 100 Todd, Jno. W Corinth Elgin 10 3 70 70 Tole, E. B ! Blenheim Kent 3 1 6 i 20 Trueman, Geo. C i Calton Elgin 3 1 20 15 101 Berkshire — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE Vance, R. & Son. Vanderlip, H. M. Ida Cains ville. Wallace, R. M Walker, Isaac Whitteker, H. J. & Sons. Wier, John & Son Willet, Geo Wilson, J. J Wood, R. J. & J. D Wragg, Geo Wylie Bros Kars Wood Green.. Williamsburg. Paris Gore Bay. . . . Milton West.. Langbank. . . . Port Hope. . . Cardinal Youngs, Chas Yuill, A. C.. . Yuill, J. A. . . Brooksdale. . . . Carleton Place. Almonte COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Durham 5 2 25 30 Brant 25 3 50 75 Carleton 3 2 15 15 Middlesex 2 1 6 10 Dundas 2 1 16 14 Brant 6 2 3 12 Manitoulin 3 3 15 15 Halton 10 2 60 50 Lambton 4 1 15 12 Northumberland.. . 4 17 18 . Grenville 3 1 15 15 Oxford 4 4 6 Lanark 2 2 6 8 Lanark 3 6 10 1 12 Berkshire — Quebec. Rpnrij AIpy Stark's Corners. . . . Louise ville Anderson’s Cors. . . St. Jean Pontiac.... Bellemare, Gustave 'Connell, Martin i Maskinonge Huntingdon Deland, A. N St. John & Iberville St. John & Iberville Berthier Deland, Jos L’Acadie Denis, Arsen e St. Norbert Descoteaux, J. F.. Ste. Monique. . . Nicolet. . . Gu4rard, Ildaige St. F61ix de Valois . Dunham Joliette Lee, Jos. & Sons Missisquoi.. . . Leggat, John & Son Dunham Missisquoi Legris, Ulderic St. Leon Maskinonge Lepage, Alfred St. Francois Montmorency Lloyd, J. H St. Lin L’Assomntion Lyster, C. N Kirkdale Drummond Martin, R. W . Warden Shefford. . . Martin, Thos. . . Brown’s Hill Stanstead. . . . Paige, Geo. W Coaticook ; Stanstead Racey, Jno Lennoxville Sherbrooke Senecal, L. C St. Marc Vercheres Strong, Wm. C North Sutton Brome 1 .... 2 1 3 2 3 2 3 j 2 3 | 3 1 1 7 3 1 .... 5 2 3 2 2 1 6 2 “± o 4 2 14 20 5 5 3 5 4 6 6 4 10 7 2 ! 15 10 10 10 11 15 15 15 15 50 20 102 Berkshire — Nova Scotia NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females, j No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. | Agricultural College Farm Truro Colchester 3 1 20 20 Logan Bros Amherst Point Cumberland 5 2 30 30 Semple, J. R Bruel Colchester 6 2 25 25 Berkshire — New Brunswick. Haslam, J. J | Sussex | Kings | 1 | 1 | 6 | Berkshire — Prince Edward Island. Brodie, Peter Little York Oueens 3 1 18 Darby, H. A Abram’s Village. . . New Haven Prince 1 1 ' 4 McPhail, Robt. A Queens 3 2 10 1 Berkshire — Manitoba. Alison, Wm Deloraine Anderson, Samuel Cypress River Ashdown, Geo Morden Bissett, Jas Roseland Brown, F. W Portage la Prairie.. Brown, J. W Portage la Prairie.. Burnell, Ed Strath clair Campbell, A. A Boissevain Cassidy, Douglas Minnedosa Ching, Jno Shadeland Cox, R. A Beresford Crowell, W. N Napinka Drummond, Mrs. M. J Gladstone Duthie, Jas Hartney Edwards, Geo. F. A Elliott, Dr. F. Jas Ninga Miami Evens, Jas. M Bethany Experimental Farm Brandon Graham, Andrew Pomeroy Harney, A. E Oak Lake Henders, R. C Culross Hume, J. R Souris 1 8 2 10 30 3 1 15 20 2 1 6 10 5 2 25 25 12 3 45 80 2 1 4 12 6 6 2 20 20 4 1 10 10 3 2 6 12 4 2 10 5 1 20 20 3 1 1 | 4 1 12 8 3 6 6 9 3 15 28 8 2 25 30 2 1 3 3 40 5 1 20 11 30 30 .7 1 20 20 103 Berkshire — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred i breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Females for sale annually. Souris 10 1 10 10 James, Walter & Sons Rosser 5 1 10 25 Oak Lake 2 1 Lea, Richard Bridge Creek 3 1 10 10 Lee wen, C. B Steinback 1 1 5 2 Lyons, Richard N Roseisle . . 1 Mabon, Walter Neelin 10 2 15 20 Marples, J. E Deleau 15 1 60 60 Marshall, Robt Gilbert’s Pin, ins. . 2 1 8 10 Morrison, Geo Hartney 3 1 5 4 McDonald, W. L Deloraine - 4 1 6 12 McGill, J. A Neepawa 14 3 50 50 McGregor, Alex Rapid City 6 6 2 3 McKirdy, Jas Napinka. 3 5 5 McLean, L. W Poplar Point. . . 2 1 6 4 McTavish, Jas Seeburn 16 6 15 15 Patterson, Jas. A Rosebank. . . 15 16 20 20 Prout, T., Sr Portage la Prairie. . 4 1 10 20 Prichard, R. 5 Roland 5 2 10 10 Robson, W Manitou 2 Russell, Robt Deloraine. . . 5 Shields, Wm Emerson 1 Staneombe, James Cartwright 3 j 5 5 Taylor, T. D Minnedosa 5 1 10 12 Wight, Gus Napinka 2 Winkler, V Morden 2 1 Woodiwiss, Capt. E. Sydney... Binscarth. . . 8 2 1 20 20 Berkshire — Saskatchewan. Berger, R. G Browne Bros Bulstrode, C. G Clayton, Walter. . . . Cornish, A. E Douglas, Jas. & Son Graham, W. H Johnson, R Marlin, Jos Langenburg Ellisboro South Qu’Appelle. Humboldt. Broadview. Tantallon. . McTaggart. Raddison. . Wolsley. . . . 4 8 6 3 10 10 4 1 25 25 5 ! 2 1 6 16 1 1 8 8 6 4 11 6 3 1 4 20 4 1 104 Berkshire — Continued. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY Moonie, R. D Abernethy Smith, A. B Moosomin Stanley, R. P . . Moosomin Watson, A. M Weyburn Watson, Chris Prosperity Hare, A. C '. Earlville £ a o . . ^ «s S-< OP S’ ®5 ^ S ^ CD c ptn C D 1 ^ os IB Jg fcj o3 30 30 6 10 20 15 10 20 7 8 20 20 B er kshir e — Alb er ta . Hare, A. C Earville 6 1 20 20 Hutchinson, Lew Duhamel 11 2 20 20 Indian Industrial School Davisburg 1 Loree, Jas. C. & Son & L. Loree. . . . Nanton 1 Morkin, J. P St. Albert 20 2 60 60 McPherson, Jno. A Spence Grove 3 1 Root, Geo. F Red Deer 6 1 10 10 Stevens, W. F Clover Bar 6 1 25 25 Suddaby, J. W Lavoy 2 1 8 10 Swift Bros Gilpin 4 1 12 10 Wigg, Wm Lewisville 7 1 10 2 Young, Cyrus Bathgate 2 1 8 8 Berkshire — British Columbia. Grimmer, Wash Pender Island 11 1 1 10 10 Keith, Jas. H . Sumas Rich, W. P Salmon Arm 7 4 25 75 Simister, Chas Michel 12 2 20 30 Webb, Horatio Sardis Wells & Son, A. C Chilliwack 4 2 10 10 105 Tam worth — Ontario. NAME OF BREEDER POST OFFICE COUNTY No. of Pure-bred breeding Females. No. of Pure-bred breeding Males. Average No. Pure- bred Males for sale annually. Average No. Pure- bred Pemales for sale annually. Anderson, E. E.. . . Wyoming. . Lambton 2 1 6 10 Armstrong, A. A Minesing Simcoe 1 1 2 20 Black, Thos., Jr Colquhonn . . . Dundas 2 5 7 Brandaw, Judson L. . . . Walsingham Centre Norfolk 1 8 8 Bruce, Jas Egbert Simcoe 3 2 10 10 Burke, Wm Staff a Perth 4 4 20 13 Christie, H. E Oxford Mills Grenville 3 1 10 10 Collins, 0 St. George Br?vnt. 2 Colwill, A. A Newcastle Durham 20 5 150 80 Currie, Chas Morriston Wellington 15 4 25 25 Davidson, Thos Spring Valiev Leeds 2 1 20 20 Elliott, Wm Galt Waterloo 5 1 15 25 Experimental Farm. Ottawa Carleton 5 15 15 German, Herbert. . . St. George Brant 12 4 40 40 Hallman, A. C Breslau Waterloo 8 2 50 50 Hambly, Irvine... Napanee Lennox 2 1 7 10 Hicock, W. W.. . Seeley’s Bay Leeds 3 1 12 15 Hoskin, Bertram The Gully Northumberland.. . 20 3 75 125 Hoskin, Thos The Gully Northumberland. . . 3 1 10 10 Hawson, Christopher. . Keen Peterborough. ..... 4 1 20 20 Johnson Bros. Underwood Bruce 4 2 10 10 Ketcheson, Mrs. I. H Chisholm Prince Edward. . . . 2 1 4 8 Merkley, Y. F Williamsburg. . . . Dundas 2 1 15 15 Morrow, R. 0 Hilton Northumberland. . . 10 3 20 25 Myles, J. A. & Co. . . . Heathcote Grey 3 1 10 10 McCullough, F. H. & Sons Navan Russell 1 1 McDonald, Jno Lucknow Bruce 4 4 5 10 McFellar, Jno. M Belmont. . . Elgin 2 1 12 McLaren, Wm. Perth. . Lanark. 2 1 McLoughry, Wm Markdale . . Grey 1 1 McMaster, Jno. J. . . Laggan Glengarry 2 1 12 12 McNeil, Arthur E . Saltford.. Huron 1 2 Newbigging, F. H.. . Atwood Perth 1 1 9 12 Nichol, J. C Hubrey Middlesex 6 2 10 25 Norris, Robt Staff a Perth 4 12 10 O’Donnell, Thos Godswill. . . . Perth 3 2 15 10 Riddick, P J MnrrisVmrg Dundas. . . 1 1 Ross, Geo. W . Maxwell. . . Grey 2 1 12 12 Sands, Thos W^ Elginburg Frontenac.. . . 1 Smith, C John Madoc Hastings 2 1 Staples, L. F. . Ida . . . Durham 3 2 15 12 Stevens, Wm. C. Philips ville. . Leeds 5 1 50 Sukring, Wm. Sebringville. . . Perth 2 10 15 Todd, Jno. W Corinth Elgin * 5 2 35 35 Truedell, J. D. Spring Valley 5 4 4 30 106 Tam worth — Quebec . NAME OF BREEDER Benham, C. J Brown, David Bryson, Jas Connell, Martin Ecole of Agriculture Oka Finlayson, Geo Fisher, Hon. Sydney. Gingras, Geo. E Hillhouse, A. P Lee, Jos Legris, Uld6ric Lemire, C. C Miltimore, E. S Paige, Geo. W Paul, Napoleon Pickering, Jno Sangster, Neil Stephen, W. F.., Tibbits, F. R Tibbits, George POST OFFICE Sweetsburg.. St. Joachim. Bryson ville.. Anderson’s Corner. La Trappe Ormstown . Knowlton. Knowlton. Bondville. Dunham St. Leon La Baie du Febvre Knowlton Coaticook St. Germain de Grantham Frelighsburg Ormstown . . Huntingdon. Bondville. . . Co wans ville. COUNTY Missisquoi Montmorency . Chateauguay. . Huntingdon Deux Montagnes. Chateauguay. Brome Brome. Brome. Missisquoi.. . Maskinong6. Yamaska. . . Brome. . . . Stanstead. 2 CD O) Ph bfi O 10 2 2 5 14 1 2 3 3 1 3 1 4 3 c3 O £ Missisquoi. Chateauguay. Huntingdon.. Brome Missisquoi. B ° P-l ^ . w 3 OiJ C3 Jz; cd 2 § fcJD 03 C3 X5 „s V ® > ,Q m <1 a ^ n 04 •*? a > — *o 3 ! -6 ^ S 3 'vZ. 3 = s c