CIRCULAR Illinois State Historical Library Vol. 1 NOVEMBER, 1905. No. 1' AN OUTLINE FOR THE STUDY OF "With a Reference List from the Books, and other Historical Material in the Illinois State Historical library, Springfield, Illinois COMPILED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THE Board of Trustees of the Illinois State Historical Library JKSSIK PAT-MKK WKBKR Librarian Illinois State Historical Library, and Secretary of the Illinois Stale Historical Society A881STEK BY 0. KORGIA T;. OSRORTSK Assistan: Librarian St^>;3^9 AN OUTLINE FOR THE STUDY OF ILLINOIS STATE HISTORY PEEPABED UNDER THE DIRECTION OF THB Board of Trustees of the Illinois State Historical Library BY JESSIE JPALMER WEBER LIBRARIAN OP THB ILLINOIS 8 T AT HISTORICAL LIBRARY, AND SBORETARS ILLINOIS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY ASSISTED BY GEORGIA L. OSBORNIE, ASSZSTANT LIBRARIAN PUBLISHED BY AUTHORITY or THE BOARD or TRUSTEES OF THE ILLINOIS STATE HISTORICAL LIBRARY NOVEMBER, 1905 H. W. BOKKEB CO., PRINTERS AND BINDERS, SPRINGFIELD, ILL. f ' ! BOARD OF TRUSTEES^ OF THE ILLINOIS STATE HISTORICAL LIBRARY s ^O EDMUND J. JAMBS, . . President M. H. CHAMBERLIN, Vice President N GEORGE N. BLACK, . . . Secretary MRS. JESSIE PALMER WEBER, Librarian OFFICERS ILLINOIS STATE HISTORICAL SOCIETY GEN. ALFRED ORENDORFF, . . President .... Springfield PAUL SELBY, A. M., . . 1st Vice President . Chicago CAPT. J. H. BURNHAM . . 2d Vice President . . Bloomington GEN. SMITH D. ATKINS . 3d Vice President . Freeport BOARD OF DIRECTORS E. J. James Alfred Orendorff, ex-officio Prof. George W. Smith George N. Black Edwin Erie Sparks Rev. C. J. Eschmann M. H. Chamberlin -William H. Collins J. W. Clinton J. H. Burnham J. O. Cunningham L. Y. Sherman David MoCulloch Andrew Russell Mrs. Jessie Palmer Weber Evarfcs B. Greene MRS. JESSIE PALMER WEBER, Secretary and Treasurer, Springfield, 111. HONORARY VICE-PRESIDENTS The Presidents of Local Historical Societies CONTENTS. PAGE 1. A condensed outline for the study of Illinois State History . . 5 2. A fuller and more complete outline for the study of Illinois State History 7 3. A reference list to accompany an outline for the study of Illinois State History, consisting of books and pamphlets to be found in the Illinois State Historical Library 15 OUTLINE FOR THE STUDY OF ILLINOIS STATE HISTORY THIS PLAN IS MERELY SUGGESTIVE, AND CAN BE CONDENSED OR AMPLIFIED TO MEET THE NEEDS OF STUDENTS 1. Natural History. Physical Features. 2. Archaeology. Indians. 3. French Period 1673. Early Explorers. The "Seven Year's War and British Domination 1754-1778. 4. Illinois in the Revolutionary War 1778-1783. George Rogers Clark. Illinois as a County of Virginia. 5. The Northwest Territory 1783-1800. Illinois as a part of Indiana Territory. Illinois Territory. Kaskaskia. Border warfare. War of 1812-1814. 6. Illinois as a Frontier State of the Federal Union 1818-1847. Constitution of 1818. The attempt to make Illinois a Slave State. Vandalia, the second Capital. 7. The Black Hawk War. Elijah P. Lovejoy. The Mormons. 8. Illinois and Michigan Canal. The Internal Improvement Craze. Early Railroads. Early methods of travel and transportation. Early educational institutions. The early newspapers. 6 9. The Mexican War. The Constitution of 1848. County organization. The names of counties; why so named. 10. The Era of Sectional Controversy and Abraham Lincoln. Stephen A. Douglas. The Lincoln and Douglas debates. 11. The Civil War. Illinois Regiments. General U. S. Grant. Our Local Heroes. 12. The Constitutional Convention of 1862. The Constitutional Convention of 1869-1870. Our present Con- stitution, otate Government and Institutions. 13. Political and Economic development since 1865. 14. Illinois Cities. Chicago. Peoria. Quincy. Springfield. 15. Illinois' noted men and women. Soldiers, Statesmen, Authors and others. 16. Local History Day. Our own County and Town. ILLINOIS An Outline for the Study of Illinois State History Somewhat fuller and more complete than the preceding condensed synopsis 1. NATURAL HISTORY. Topography and natural features. Boundaries. Rivers, lakes, prairies. Natural resources. Formation of the soil. The Piasa Bird and its legend, location and history. Starved Rock, description and history. La Vantum. Grand Tower. Charles Mound and Scales' Mound, the highest points in the State. ARCHAEOLOGY AND INDIANS. The Illinois Tribes, Cahokias, Kaskaskias, Mitchagamies, Peorias and Tamaroas. Chief ChicagQu. Indian remains. 2. Period of Discovery. The French domination 1673. Early explorers, the Jesuits and Franciscans, the Coureurs de bois. Fort Creve Cceur. Fort St. Louis of the Rock. (Starved Rock.) Fort Chartres. The Renault Grant. Wars with the Sacs and Foxes. The Seven years' War and British domination 1754-1778. Fort Gage, Pontiac, Rocheblave. 3. Illinois in the Revolutionary War. George Rogers Clark's Conquest of the Illinois; personal sketch of Clark. Fort Massac, Kaskaskia, Cahokia, Prairie du Rocher, Vincennes. Father Pierre Sfbault, Francois Vigo, Captain Joseph Bowman. Clark's Illinois regiment. The Spanish Invasion. Illinois as a county of Virginia. John Todd. Proposed Ordinance of 1784. 8 The Ordinance of 1787. The Territory of the United States Northwest of the River Ohio. Manasseh Cutler. Nathan Dane. General Arthur St. Clair. Marietta, Cincinnati. 4. Illinois as a part of Indiana Territory ; what it comprised. Jesse B. Thomas, John Rice Jones, William Henry Harrison. Illinois Territory; its boundaries. Ninian Edwards. Counties in 1809 ; counties laid off in 1812. The Border Wars. The Rangers, the Second War with Great Britain. Tecumseh and the Prophet. Illinois Territory and Missouri Territory in War of 1812. Ninian Edwards and William Clark. The Military Bounty lands. Early residents, the first families of Illinois. 5. Illinois as a State of the Federal Union. Wisdom and foresight of Nathaniel Pope. Daniel P. Cook, John McLean. The Constitutional Convention of 1818. Jesse B. Thomas, Ninian Edwards, Shadrach Bond, Pierre Menard. Social and economic conditions. Removal of the Capital to Vandalia. The attempt to make Illinois a slave state. The Anti-Slavery struggle of 1822-1824. Edward Coles, Morris Birkbeck. The Visit of LaFayette to Illinois. 6. The Black Hawk War. John Reynolds, "The Old Ranger." Major Isaiah Stillman, and other officers in the Black Hawk War, Father John Dixon. Sketch of Black Hawk. Sketch of Shaubena, the White Man's Friend (Shaubenee, Sha- bona or Shabbona). Sketch of Keokuk. Elijah P. Lovejoy, the first martyr of the anti-slavery struggle in Illinois, and pioneer advocate of the liberty of the press. The Mormons. Joseph Smith, Jr., Gov. Thomas Ford. Nauvoo. The Icarians. Etienne Cabet. 7. Illinois and Michigan Canal. Pioneer modes of travel, and transportation of goods. The Internal Improvement craze. Joseph Duncan and Thomas Carlin. 9 Early Illinois Railroads and those contemplated, under the in- ternal improvement scheme. The failure of the State Banks. The first public school law. Early educational institutions. McKendree College. Peter Cartwright and Peter Akers. Rock Spring Seminary and Shurtleff College. John M. Peck. Illinois College. J. M. Sturtevant, Theron Baldwin, "The Yale Band." Jubilee College. Bishop Philander Chase. The early newspapers of Illinois. Matthew Duncan, Daniel P. Cook, Robert Blackwell, Henry Eddy, Hooper Warren. The flood of 1844. The Massac County Rebellion. 8. The Mexican War. Thos. Ford, Governor at breaking out of War Wm. H. Bissell, John J. Hardin. THE CONSTITUTION OF 1848. Augustus C. French, Governor. New England Influence. Principal features. Township organization. The anti-slavery features. Members who afterwards became famous. The names of counties ; their organization. The Illinois Central railroad and legislation relating to it. 9. The Era of Sectional Controversy. Abraham Lincoln. Early Life, Ann Rutledge, Black Hawk War; personal sketch. Lincoln in the State Legislature. "The Long Nine." The removal of the State Capital to Springfield. Lincoln as a lawyer; his partnerships. Lincoln's marriage and domestic life. John M. Palmer, Lyman Trumbull, and the anti-Nebraska Demo- crats, 1854. The Editorial Convention at Decatur. The first Republican Convention in Illinois, Bloomington, May, 1856. Its members and adherents. Wm. H. Bissell. The Philadelphia Convention of 1856. Lincoln presented by the Illinois delegation as a candidate for vice-president. The Illi- nois delegation. The Springfield Convention of 1858. The "House divided against itself" speech. The Lincoln and Douglas Debates. Lincoln's defeats for the United States Senate, 1854 and 1858. Stephen A. Douglas and the repeal of the Missouri compromise. Lincoln's nomination for the presidency. The Convention in the Chicago Wigwam ; the campaign ; the election. 10 10. The Civil War. Richard Yates, (the elder), War Governor. The proroguing of the Legislature by Governor Yates. Illinois Regiments. The first ten regiments. Illinois ' Major-Generals. Ulysses S. Grant, John A. Logan. The Sanitary Commission and the Sanitary Fairs. The work of the army nurses. Our local heroes. The soldiers given by our county and town. 11. The Constitutional Convention of 1862. Richard Yates, (the elder), Governor. Members of the Convention. Its defeat by the people. The Constitution of 1870. Our present Constitution. John M. Palmer, Governor. Members of the Convention. Its chief features. The government of the State of Illinois. Executive, Legislative, Judicial. State, charitable and penal institutions. State educational institutions. Our population and resources. Political and economic development since 1865. Our free school system. Ninian Wirt Edwards, Newton Bateman. Illinois Industrial University. Jonathan Baldwin Turner, Bron- son Murray, John M. Gregory. The University of Illinois. Dr. Selim H. Peabody, Prof. Thomas J. BurriU, Dr. Andrew Sloan Draper, Dr. Edmund J. James. 12. ILLINOIS CITIES. Chicago Early discovery and settlement. Jean Baptiste Pointe de Saible, and Le Mai. Fort Dearborn. Major John Whistler. The Kinzie family and their associates. The Chicago Massacre. Jean Baptiste Beaubien and his family. John Wentworth The Temple family and their friends. City Government Wm. B. Ogden, first mayor. The Flood of 1849. The Chicago Fire. The World's Fair. Municipal problems of a modern city. The University of Chicago. Modern Chicago and her representative men. PEORIA Earliest discoveries; LaSalle and Fort Creve Coaur. La Ville de Maillet. Glamorgan. Early settlement. Fort Clark. 11 PEORIA. Thomas Forsyth, Abner Eads, John Hamlin. Incorporated as a town ; as a city, Wm. Hale, first mayor. Manufacturing interests. The Bradley Polytechnic Institute. Modern Peoria. QUINCY The Old Sauk Village. Early settlement. Willard Keyes. John Wood. The Military Bounty lands. Dr. Richard Eells and the fugitive slave cases. Moses Hunter and the "Institute." Sketches of Work, Burr and Thompson. The organization of the City; Ebenezer Moore, first mayor. Richard M. Young, John Tillson, 0. H. Browning, James D. Morgan. Soldiers' and Sailors' Home. The modern city. SPRINGFIELD First Settlement. The Kelley family. Removal of the Capital to Springfield. City organization; the first mayor, Benj. S. Clements. The two State houses. The Lincoln Home. . The Lincoln Monument. The State Fair Grounds. Executive Mansion. Wives and daughters of the governors. 13. Illinois' noted men and women; authors, preachers, teachers, lawyers, journalists, scientists, musicians and others. Her governors, lieutenant-governors, her United States senators. congressmen, judges, those who have been foreign ministers, military men, etc. Illinois Authors: Morris Birkbeck. Judge James Hall, John M. Peck, Juliette A. Kinzie. George F. Root, Isaac N. Arnold, John H. Bryant, Hiram W. Beckwith, Edward G. Mason, John Hay, John G. Nicolay, 12 Illinois Authors. Wm. F. Poole, John W. Powell, Frederick Schwatka, Robert G. Ingersoll, Mary Hartwell Catherwood, . Eugene Field. Later Authors, Frank Norris, Margaret Horton Potter, Myrtle Reed, George Ade, and many others. Illinois Preachers: Peter Akers, Bishop William McKendree. Peter Cartw right, Bishop E. R. Ames, Bishop Philander Chase, Edward Beecher, J. L. Crane, John H. Barrows, Bishop John Lancaster Spalding, David Swing, Frank Wallace Gunsaulus. Illinois Teachers: John Seeley, Sarah L. W. Carpenter, John F. Brooks, John Russell, George Bunsen, George W. Gale, Samuel Willard, Philena Fobes. Newton Bateman, Henry Raab. Illinois Lawyers : John Rice Jones (first English lawyer in the State). Daniel P. Cook, Justin Butterfield, J. Y. Scammon, John Dean Caton, A. P. Field, David Davis, Lyman Trumbull, Leonard Swett, Myra Bradwell (first woman lawyer in the State), Emery A. Storrs. 18 Illinois Religious and Charitable Workers and Reformers : Mother (Mary A.) Bickerdyke, Mary A. Livermore, Frances E. Willard, Mary Allen West, Frederick Howard Wines. Jane Addams. 14. LOCAL HISTORY DAY. Our own county and town; first settlement; natural features. Admission of County; why so named. Selection of County seat ; incorporation of chief town. What is our congressional district? What does it comprise? Who is our present member of congress? What is our senatorial district? Part taken in Constitutional Conventions, Wars, etc. Our authors, etc. 14 REFERENCE LIST. In preparing this list of references for the study of State history, the compilers do not wish to give the impression that the list includes all the material that the Illinois State Historical Library has upon these topics. Merely enough references have been cited on each topic to furnish a sufficient number of books for an intelligent study of the subject. 15 REFERENCE LIST TO ACCOMPANY AN OUTLINE FOR THE STUDY OF ILLINOIS HISTORY These books and pamphlets are to be found in the Illinois State Historical Library, Springfield, 111. ILLINOIS. NATURAL HISTORY. Bulletins of the Illinois State Museum of Natural History- Miller and Gurley, comps. 1893-1896. Pams. Bulletins of the Illinois State Laboratory of Natural History, Published by the University of Illinois, Urbana, 111. Calkins, W. W. The lichen-flora of Chicago and vicinity,, Bui. No. 1, Chicago Academy Sciences, 1896. Chicago Academy of Sciences Bulletins, Vols. 1, 2, 3. History of Madison County, 111., W. R. Brink & Co., pubs. See article by Win. McAdams, pp. 58-64. 8, Edwardsville, 1882. Kennicott, Robert Quadrupeds of Illinois injurious and bene- ficial to the farmers. 7 Part U. S. Agricultural Patent Office report, 1856. Ornithology of Illinois Robert Ridgway and S. A. Forbes 2 vols. 8 Springfield 1889-1895. Warner & Beers, pubs. Atlas of Illinois, to which are. added his- tory, statistics, geology, topography, flora, fauna, etc. Chicago, 1876. See Illinois Archaeology. NOTE The Library has also reports of State Fish Commission- ers, State Game Wardens, State Farmers' Institutes, State Bee Keepers' Association, State Board of Live Stock Commissioners, etc., etc., all of which contain valuable information and statistics. t ILLINOIS. GEOLOGY. Norwood, J. G. Abstract of report on Illinois coals (Part of Illinois Geological Survey). 8 Springfield, 1858. Shepard, Charles Upham, M. D. Geology of Upper Illinois. Fragment from some old document, Article 12, pages 134-161, n. d. (probably about 1838). 16 GEOLOGY. Spensley, William The Mines of JoDaviess County. In Publi- cation No. 8 of the Illinois State Historical Library, pp. 31-37. 8 Springfield, 1904. Thwaites, Reuben G. Early lead mining in Illinois and Wis- consin. (In papers of American Historical Association, 1893). 8 Washington, 1894. United States, Dept. Interior, House docs. Vols. 28 and 30, 1901- 1902, contain articles on geology of Illinois. Warner & Beers; pubs.. Atlas of Illinois, to which are added history, statistics, etc. Geology of Illinois by A. H. Worthen, pages 173-178. Chicago, 1876. * Worthen, A. H., Director Geological Survey of Illinois (8 vols. and 1 vol. plates) 9 vols., 4 Springfield, 1868-1891. Geological map of Illinois, from original surveys, drawn by W. Billington, C. H. St. John and C. K. Worthen. Published by authority of Illinois State Legislature, 1875. See also annual Coal Reports, published by the Illinois State Bureau of Labor Statistics ; and for the resources and natural features of the various counties, see County Histories, which contain chapters relating to the geology, flora, fauna, etc., etc. ILLINOIS. TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOGRAPHY. Adjutant General State of Illinois, Military map of Illinois, 1895. Bateman & Selby, Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois, p. 241-244. Beck, Lewis C., A. M. Gazetteer of the States of Illinois and Missouri, with map and general description. 8 Albany, N.Y., 1823. Blanchard, Rufus Historical map of Illinois, accompanied by a history of the State. Bound with the history. 8, Chicago, 1883. Dana, Wm. & Dwight, Theodore, Jr. New Gazetteer of the U. S. A. (Illinois, pages 209-212.) 8, Hartford, 1835. Cumings, Samuel The Western Pilot, containing charts of the Ohio river and of the Mississippi from the mouth of the Mis- souri to Gulf of Mexico. 8 Cincinnati, 1829. Another edi- tion published by George Conclin, 1840. Maps The Lilfrary owns a collection of early French and Eng- lish maps of Louisiana and the Illinois country. Mitchell, S. Augustus Tourist's pocket map of the State of Illinois, showing population by counties from census of 1830, steamboat routes, etc., map of lead mine region, etc. J. A. Young, comp. 24, Philadelphia, 1834. *An appropriation for a new geological survey was made by the last ses- sion of the Illinois Legislature (1905). The survey will be made under the direction of the University of Illinois. . 17 TOPOGRAPHY AND GEOGRAPHY. Pecl^ J. M. Guide for emigrants, containing sketches of Illinois,. Missouri and adjacent parts. 16, Boston, 1831. Gazetteer of Illinois. 16, Jacksonville, 1834. Gazetteer of Illinois, 2d edition, Philadelphia, 1837. New Guide for emigrants to the West, containing sketches of Michigan, Ohio, Indiana, Illinois, Missouri, Arkansas, Ter- ritory of Wisconsin and adjacent parts. 16 Boston, 1837. Kailroad and Warehouse Commissioners, State of Illinois, pubs. Maps of Illinois, 1890-1905. Warner & Beers, pubs. Atlas of the State of Illinois, to which are added history, statistics, etc. Chapters on topography, cli- matology, etc., of the State. Folio, Chicago, 1876. ILLINOIS. ARCHAEOLOGY. Atwater, Caleb Description of the antiquities discovered in Ohio and other Western States. 8 Circleville, Ohio, 1820. Remarks made on a tour to Prairie du Chien, thence to Wash- ington City in 1829. 12 Columbus, 0., 1831. Brine, Vice- Admiral Lindesay Travels amongst American In- dians ; their ancient earthworks and temples. 8 London, 1894, Carr, Lucien The mounds of the Mississippi Valley, historically considered. (Kentucky Geological Survey). Paper, Frank- fort, Ky., n. d. Conant, A. J. Footprints of vanished races in the Mississippi Valley. 8 St. Louis, 1879. McAdams, Wm. Records of Ancient Races in the Mississippi Valley. 8 St. Louis, 1887. MacLean, J. P. The Mound Builders. 12 Cincinnati, 1879. Peet, Stephen D. The history of explorations in the Mississippi Valley. Paper, 8, Chicago, 1892. Pre-historic America, Vol. I The Mound Builders; their works and relics. 8 Chicago, 1892. Snyder, Dr. J. F. A Group of Illinois Mounds. Article, pub- lished in the Archaeologist, 1895. -The field for archaeological research in Illinois. Paper read before the Illinois State Historical Society at its annual meet- ing, Peoria, 111., Jan. 5-6, 1900. Pam. 8 Springfield, 1900. See also pp. 21-29, Pub. No. 4, 111. State Hist, Library. 8, Springfield, 1900. Squier, E. G. and Davis, E. II., M. D. Ancient monuments of the Mississippi Valley. (From Smithsonian Contributions to Knowledge). 4 N. Y. 1848. U. S. Bureau of Ethnology, Powell, J. W., Director Annual Re- / ports, 1879-1904. 2 18 ILLINOIS. INDIANS. Armstrong, Perry A. The Piasa, or the Devil among the In- dians. Pam. 8, Morris, 111., 1887. The Sauks and the Black Hawk War. 8, Springfield, 1887. . /- Beckwith, Hiram W. The Illinois and Indiana Indians. (Fer- gus Historical Series, No. 27). 12, Chicago, 1884. I Caton, John Dean The last of the Illinois and a sketch of the Pottawatomies. (Fergus Historical Series, No. 3). 12 Chicago, 1876. Illinois State Historical Library, pubs. Illinois Historical Col- lections, Vol. I, edited by Hiram W. Beckwith. 8, Spring- field, 1903. Lewis, Mrs. Jane Narrative of Mrs. Jane Lewis, who was made prisoner by Sac and Fox. Indians under command of Black Hawk. 8, 1883. Stevens, Frank Illinois in the War of 1812. In Publication No. 9, Illinois State Historical Library, pages 62-197. 8 Spring- field, 1904. -The Black Hawk War, including a review of Black Hawk's Life. 8, Chicago, 1903. Steward, John F. Destruction of the Fox Indians in 1730. pp. 148-154 in Pub. No. 7 of Ills., State Historical Library. 8, Springfield, 1902. Steward, John F. Lost Maramech and earliest Chicago. A history of the Foxes and of their downfall near the great vil- lage of Maramech. 8, Chicago, 1903. Wakefield, John, Esq. History of the War between the United States and the Sac and Fox Indians and parts of other dis- affected tribes in 1827, 1831 and 1832. 12, Jacksonville, 1834. (Very rare volume). The biographies of La Salle, Tonty, Hennepin, Marquette, etc., etc., contain much matter relating to the Illinois Indian tribes. The following authorities on Indians, contain chapters on Illinois Indians. Catlin, George, Drake, Francis S., Drake, Samuel G. ? Ellis, Edward S., A. M., Finley, Rev. James B., Flint, Timothy, Foster, J. W., LL. D., Frost, John, LL. D., Haines, Elijah M., Harrison, William Henry, 19 INDIANS. St. Glair, Ma j. -Gen. Arthur, Report of, St. Glair Papers arranged and annotated by Win. Henry Smith, Schoolcraft, Henry R., Tanner, John, Thatcher, B. B., Tnimbull, Henry. U. S. Bureau of Ethnology, Powell, J. W., Director, Annual reports, 1879-1904. See Illinois, French Occupation. ILLINOIS. PERIOD OF DISCOVERY AND FRENCH OCCUPATION. See Indians and Archaeology. Affairs at Fort Chartres, 1768-1781. (Reprint from Historical Magazine, Vol. 8, No. 8). Pam., n. d. Bateman & Selby Historical encyclopedia of Illinois, pp. 249- 250. 4, Chicago, 1901. Bossu, M. Capt. Travels through that part of North America formerly called Louisiana. Notes on the natural history of the country. Translated by John Reinhold Forster. 2 vols. 8, London, 1771. Breese, Sidney The early history of Illinois from the discovery by the French in 1673 until its cession to Great Britain in 1763, including the narrative of Marquette's discovery of the Mississippi; with a biographical memoir of the author, by- Melville W. Fuller. Edited by Thos. Hoyne, LL. D. 8, Chi- cago, 1884. Butterfield, C. W. History of the discovery of the Northwest, by John Nicolet in 1634. 8, Cincinnati, 1881. Catherwood, Mary Hartwell Heroes of the Middle West; the French. 12, Boston, 1898. -Lady of Fort St. John. 12, Boston, 1892. -Little Renault. 1897. Story of Tonty, etc. 12, Chicago, 1892. Davidson & Stuve History of Illinois, 1673-1884. 8, Spring- field, 1884. . Fergus Historical Series, No. 12 Illinois in the XVIII Century; , Kaskaskia and its records Mason, E. G. . r No. 34 Philipe de Rocheblave and the Rocheblave Papers ^ Mason, E. G. French, B. F. Historical Collections of Louisiana. 7 vols. 8 \ N. Y., 1846-1875. 20 FRENCH OCCUPATION. Gayarre, Chas. History of Louisiana The French, Spanish and American dominations. 4 vols., edited by Grace King. 8, New Orleans, 1903. Hennepin, Father Louis, Travels in America. Editions of 1864, 1688, 1697, 1720. Illinois State Historical Library, pubs. Bulletin of the Illinois State Historical Library, Vol. 1, No. 1, Sept. 1, 1905. Illinois in the XVIII. Century C. W. Alvord. 8, Springfield, 1905. Illinois Historical Collections, Vol. I. Edited by Hiram W. Beckwith. 8, Springfield, 1903. I/ Jesuit Relations and Allied Documents; edited by Reuben Gold Thwaites. Vol. 59-60, contain relations of Claude Dab- Ion, who edited the synopsized letters of Allouez, Lamberville, Granier, Raffeix and others, relating to the Indians of Lower Canada and the Illinois, Iroquois and Ottawa Indians. 8, Cleveland, 1900. Joutel, M. Journal of the last voyage performed by La Salle to Gulf of Mexico. English translation. 12, London, 1714. ^ Mason, Edward G. Illinois in the Eighteenth Century (Chi- cago Historical Society Collections, Vol. 4). 8, Chicago, 1890. Chapters from Illinois History. 8, Chicago, 1901. Parkman, Francis Conspiracy of Pontiac, 2 vols. Discovery of the Great West. France and England in North America. 8, Boston, 1869. Frontenac and New France under Louis XIV. Jesuits in North America. Old Regime in Canada. Pioneers of France in the New World. Shea, John Gilmary Discovery and exploration of the Missis- . sippi Valley, with original narratives of Marquette, Allouez, Membre, Hennepin, and Anastase Douay. 8, N. Y., 1853. , Shea, John Gilmary, translator Description of Louisiana, by Father Louis Hennepin. From edition of 1683, with map. 8, N. Y., 1880. Tonti, Henri (Tonty) Relations de la Louisiane et du Fleuve Mississippi, par Le Chevelier de Tonti, Gouverneur du Fort St. Louis aux Illinois. Amsterdam, 1720. Dernieres decouvertes dans 1'Amerique Septentrionale de M. Le Chevelier Tonti, Gouverneur du Fort St. Louis aux Illinois. Paris, 1697. Wallace, Joseph Fort de Chartres: Its origin, growth and de- cline. In Publication No. 8, Illinois State Historical Library, pp. 105-117. 8, Springfield, 1904. 21 L FRENCH OCCUPATION. Wallace, Joseph Illinois and Louisiana under the French. 8, Cincinnati, 1893. Winsor, Justin. Cartier to Frontenac. 8, Boston 1894. (/Mississippi Basin (The) 8, Boston, 1895. Narrative and critical history of America. 8 Vols. 8, Boston/ 1889. -Westward movement (The) 8, Boston, 1899. ILLINOIS. BRITISH OCCUPATION. Bateman & Selby Historical encyclopedia of Illinois, p. 250. 4, Chicago, 1901. Canadian Archives Report on, 1881-1901. 1 Dillon, John B. History of Indiana, also history of Territory northwest of River Ohio. 8, Indianapolis, 1859. Fergus Historical Series, No. 34 Philipe de Rocheblave and the Rocheblave papers. Mason, E. G. Hutchins, Thomas Topographical description of Virginia, Pennsylvania, Maryland and North Carolina, comprehending the rivers Ohio, Kenhawa, Sioto, Cherokee, Wabash, Illinois, Mississippi, etc. Appendix containing Patrick Kennedy's jour- nal up the Illinois River, etc. 8, London, 1778. Illinois State Historical Library, pubs. Illinois Hist. Collections, Vol. I, edited by Hiram W. Beckwith. 8, Springfield, 1903. Mason, Edward G. Illinois in the Eighteenth Century. Chap- ters from Illinois History. 8, Chicago, 1901. See Fergus His- torical Series. Pittman, Capt. Philip Present, state of European Settlements on the Mississippi. 4, London, 1770. Wallace, Joseph, A. M. Illinois and Louisiana under the French rule embracing a general view of the French dominion in North America, with some account of the English occupation of Illinois. 8, Cincinnati, 1893. ILLINOIS IN THE WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE. Canadian Archives,, Report on, 1881-1901. Clark, Col. George Rogers Col. George Rogers Clark's sketch of his campaign in the Illinois in 1778-79. Introduction by Hon. Henry Pirtle. (Ohio Valley Historical Series No. 3). 8 Cincinnati, 1869. Dillon, John B. History of Indiana, also a history of the terri- tory Northwest of River Ohio. 8, Indianapolis, 1859. Dunn, J. P. Father Gibault, the Patriot Priest of the North- west. (In Publication No. 10 of the Illinois State Historical Library, soon to be issued.) O f A \ ~" 22 WAR FOR INDEPENDENCE. y English, William H. Conquest of the country northwest of the River Ohio, and life of General George Rogers Clark. 2 vols. 8, Indianapolis, 1896. Fessenden,(Mrs.) Laura Dayton Illinois during the Revolution. In Publication No. 6, Illinois State Historical Library, pp. 66- 71. 8, Springfield, 1901. Illinois State Historical Library, pubs. Illinois Historical Col- lections, Vol. I. Edited by Hiram W. BeckAvith. 8, Spring- field, 1903. Lodge, Henry Cabot The Story of the Revolution. 2 vols. 8 N. Y., 1898. Ohio Valley Hist. Series No 3. See Clark, George Rogers. Snyder, J. F. The Army lead by Col. George Rogers Clark in his Conquest of the Illinois, 1778-1779. Notes by J. F. Sny- der, pp. 166-178 in Publication No. 8, Illinois State Historical Library. 8, Springfield, 1904. Sparks, Katherine C. (Mrs. Edwin Erie) Illinois ancestry among the Daughters of the American Revolution, pp. 137-143. In Publication No. 7, Illinois State Historical Library. 8, Spring- field, 1902. I/" Thompson, Maurice Alice of Old Vincennes. 12 Indianapolis, 1900. Uv^o-^ ^^ is Thwaites, R. G. How George Rogers Clark won the northwest. 12, Chicago, 1903. Wisconsin Historical Collections, Vol. I, 1854, to Vol. 16, 1902. ILLINOIS. ILLINOIS AS A COUNTY OF VIRGINIA. Boyd, C. E. "The County of Illinois." In American His- torical Review, Vol. 4, No. 4, July, 1899. Casey, Joseph J. Index to personal names in Hening's Statutes at Large of Virginia. 4, N. Y., 1896. English, William Hayden Conquest of the Country Northwest of the River Ohio and the life of George Rogers Clark. 2 vols. 8, Indianapolis, 1896. Fergus Historical Series, No. 12 Illinois in the XVIII Century; Kaskaskia and its records. Mason, Edward G. Hening, William Waller, comp. Statutes at Large; being a col- lection of all the laws of Virginia, from first session of legis- lature in 1619 to 1792. 13 vols. 8, Richmond, 1809-1823. Also Samuel Sheperd's continuation to Hening's Statutes. 3 vols. 8, Richmond, 1835. 23 ILLINOIS AS A COUNTY OF VIRGINIA. Illinois State Historical Library, pubs. Bulletin, Vol. 1, No. 1, Sept, 1, 1905. Illinois in the Eighteenth Century Alvord, ^ Clarence Walworth. 8, Springfield, Sept. 1, 1905. (An act creating the County of Illinois, pp. 37-38 in the above bulletin). Mason, Edward G. Illinois in the XVIII Century; Kaskaskia and its Records. (Fergus Historical Series, No. 12). Todd, John John Todd Papers and John Todd Record Book'. ^ (Fergus Historical Series, No. 33). Mason, Edward G. ILLINOIS AS A PART OF THE NORTHWEST TERRITORY. Beggs, Rev. S. R. Pages from the early history of the West and Northwest. 12, Cincinnati, 1868. Bradford, Win. J. A. Notes on the Northwest, or Valley of the Upper Mississippi. 12, N. Y. and London, 1846. Burnet, Jacob Notes on the early settlement of the Northwest \s* Territory. 8, N. Y., 1847. Cutler, Ephraim Life and Times of, with biographical sketches of Jervis Cutler and William Parker Cutler. Cutler, Julia Perkins (Ohio Valley Historical Series). 8, Cincinnati, 1890. Cutler, Manasseh, LL. D. Life and correspondence of Man^sseh Cutler. Cutler, Wm. P. and Julia P. 2 vols. 8, Cincinnati, 1888. Dillon, John B. Historical notes on discovery and settlement of territory northwest of River Ohio; in introduction to Dil- lon's History of Indiana. Vol. 1 only. 8, Indianapolis, 1843. History of Indiana, also History of Territory Northwest of River Ohio. 8, Indianapolis, 1857. Sketch of the Territory Northwest of the River Ohio, with History of Indiana. 8, Indianapolis, 1859. Ewing, Gen. Thomas Address, July 15, 1888, at the Centennial Celebration of the settlement of the Northwest Territory. Marietta, Ohio. Pam. 2d ed. Laws of the Territory Northwest of the River Ohio 1791-1802. 8, Cincinnati, reprint, 1833. Laws passed in Territory U. S. Northwest River Ohio, from commencement of the government to Dec. 31, 1791. 8, Phila- delphia, 1792. Laws of the Territory of the U. S. Northwest of the River Ohio, adopted and made at session of legislature begun- May 29th and ended August 25th, 1795. 12, Phila. 1796. Laws of the Territory Northwest of the River Ohio, passed at first session general assembly 1799. 12, Cincinnati, 1800. , 24 NORTHWEST TERRITORY. McClure, David Diary of David McClure 1748-1820, with notes by Franklin B. Dexter. Edited by John P. Peters. 8, N. Y., 1899. Poole, Wm. Frederick The Early Northwest. (Address before American Historical Association). Paper, 8, N. Y., 1889. The Ordinance of 1787. A reply. From ' ' The Inlander, ' ' Jan- uary, 1892. 8, Ann Arbor, Mich., 1892. -The Ordinance of 1787 and Dr. Manasseh Cutler as an Agent in its formation. 8, Cambridge, Mass., 1876. Smith, Geo. W. Short history of Illinois. The Ordinance of 1787. Article in School News, Dec. 1899. 'Smith, G-eo. W., Article on Northwest Territory in Schools News, November, 1905. Smith, AVilliam Henry The St. Clair Papers. 2 vols. 8, Cin- cinnati, 1882. Also, St. Glair's report. 'Spear, S. L., comp. 23 maps, showing boundaries of counties from organization of Illinois as a county of Va. to present. Turner, Frederick Jackson The West as a field for historical \ study. Bradley, Isaac Samuel. Available material for study of institutional history of the Old Northwest. (Proceedings . Wis. Hist. Soc., both papers in one pam.) 8, Madison, 1897. Wilson, Frazer E. The Treaty of Greenville. 12 Piqua, 0., 1894. ILLINOIS AS A PART OP INDIANA TERRITORY. ' Alerding, Rev. H. History of the Catholic Church in the Dio- cese of Vincennes. 8, Ind. 1883. Cox, Sanford Recollections of the early settlement of the Wabash Valley. 8, Lafayette, 1860. Dillon, John B. History of Indiana. Vol. 1 (only). 8, In- dianapolis, 1843. History of Indiana; also History of Territory Northwest of River Ohio. 8, Indianapolis, 1857. Sketch of the Territory Northwest of the River Ohio, with History of Indiana, 8, Indianapolis, 1859. Fergus Historical Series, No. 32, John Rice Jones and Rice Jones. By W. A. B. Jones. Indiana Historical Society, Pubs. Vol. Ill, No. III. Executive Journal of Indiana Territory, 1800-1816. Edited and anno- tated by J. P. Dunn, Daniel Wait Howe, William Wesley, Woolen. 8, Indianapolis, 1900. Law, John Colonial history of Vincennes. 8, Vincennes, 1858. 25 INDIANA TERRITORY. Lewis, Virgil A. The original Indiana Territory. It was in West Virginia. (Pubs. W. Va. Hist, and Ant. Soc). 12, Charleston, 1895. Safford, Wm. H., comp. The Blennerhassett papers. 8, Cin- cinnati, 1864. Snyder, J. F. Forgotten Statesmen of Illinois Jesse B. Thomas, pp. 514-523 in Publication No. 9, Illinois State Historical Library. 8, Springfield, 1904. ILLINOIS TERRITORY. American State Papers Indians and Public Lands. Birkbeck, Morris Letters from Ills. 8, London, 1818. V; Edwards, Papers, The Being a collection of the letters, papers and manuscripts of Ninian Edwards. Edited by E. B. Wash- burne. (Chicago Historical Society's Collection, Vol. 3). 8, Chicago, 1884. Edwards, Ninian Wirt History of Illinois, 1778-1833, and life and times of Ninian Edwards. 8, Springfield, 1870. Elliott, Isaac H., comp. Record of services of Illinois Soldiers in Black Hawk and Mexican Wars, and Rangers from 1810- 1813. 8, Springfield, 1882. Fergus Historical Series, Nos. 4, 12, 31, 34. Ford, Gov. Thomas History of Illinois, 1818-1847. 12, Chicago 1854. Fordham, Elias Pym Personal narrative of travels in Virginia, ,/ Maryland, Pennsylvania, Ohio, Indiana, Kentucky, and of a residence in the Illinois Territory, 1817-1818. Edited with notes, introduction, index, etc., by Frederick Austin Ogg (in press). Arthur H. Clark, Co. pubs. Cleveland, 1905. Illinois State Historical Library, pubs., Pub. No. 2 Information Relating to the Territorial Laws passed from 1809-1812. Pre- pared by Edmund J. James, Ph. D. 8, Springfield, 1899. The Territorial Records of Illinois. Edited by Edmund J. James, Ph. D. 8, Springfield, 1901. Matson, N. Pioneers of Illinois. 12, Chicago, 1882. Meese, William A. Upper Mississippi Sketches The Battle of Campbell's Island. 8, Moline, 111., July 4, 1904. Niles, H., later Niles & Son (and Vol. 51, edited by Wm. Ogden Niles) The Weekly Register (later Niles Weekly Register) 51 vols. 8, Baltimore, Sept. 1811 to Feb. 1837. Pope, Nathaniel, comp. Laws of the Territory of Illinois. 2 vols. 8, Kaskaskia, 1815. 26 ILLINOIS TERRITORY. Territorial Laws (Known as Pope's Revision). Laws of the Territory of Illinois, revised and digested under the authority of the Legislature by Nathaniel Pope. 2 vols. 8, Kaskaskia^ June and July, 1815. Matthew Duncan, Printer to the Ter- ritory. Contents Ordinance of 1787. Laws of the Northwest Territory, Aug. 7, 1789-1800. Laws of Indiana Territory, 1800-1809. Laws of Illinois Territory, 1809-1815. Illinois Territory Legislative Council and House of Representa- tives. Laws passed 1812. Law establishing a Supreme Court^ 1814. Laws of 1815-16, 1816-17, 1817-18. Reynolds, John Pioneer History of Illinois. 12, Belleville, 1852. Stevens, Frank Illinois in the War of 1812-1814. pp. 62-197 in publication No. 9, Illinois State Historical Library. 8, Spring- field, 1904. EARLY HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. Albach & Peck Annals of the West. 3d edition, 1857. Birkbeck, Morris Notes on a journey in America, and letters from Illinois. 2d ed. 8, Dublin, 1818, London, 1818; 3d ed., London, 1818. Blanchard, Rufus History of Illinois, to accompany a historical map of the State. Map annexed. 8, Chicago, 1883. Black Hawk War Authorities, See Black Hawk War, Armstrong, Elliott, Stevens, Wakefield and others. Elliott's report con- tains list Illinois soldiers in Mexican War. Breese, Sidney The early history of Illinois, from the dis- covery by the French in 1673 until its cession to Gre#t Britain in 1763, including the narrative of Marquette's discovery of the Mississippi. With a biographical memoir of author, by Melville W. Fuller. Edited by Thos. Hoyne, LL. D. 8, Chi- cago, 1874. Brown, Henry History of Illinois from discovery and settlement to the present time ; with map. 8, N. Y., 1844. Burnet, Jacob Notes on the early settlement of the Northwest Territory. 8, N. Y., 1847. Chicago Historical Society's Collections, vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, and Circulars and addresses. Fergus Historical Series Chicago and Illinois, Nos. 1 to 34 inc., except No. 30, which has not been published. Fergus Printing Co., under the patronage of the Chicago Historical Society. I Plower, George History of the English settlements in Edwards [/ County, Illinois. (Chicago Hist. Soc. Collections, Vol. I). S<> Chicago, 1882. 27 EARLY HISTORY. Ford, Governor Thomas History of Illinois, 1818-1847. 12,. Chicago, 1854. Illinois State Historical Library, pubs. Publications Nos. 1, ta 9. Also, Illinois Historical Collections, Vol. 1. Edited by Hiram W. Beckwith. 8, Springfield, 1903. Mason, Edward G. Early Chicago and Illinois, (Chicago Hist. Soc. Collections, Vol. 4). 8, Chicago, 1890. Meese, William A. The beginnings of Illinois. A historical re- view of the steps leading to the division of the Northwest Country east of the Mississippi into the several States now existing; Wisconsin and Illinois boundary dispute. William- A. Meese, pub. 8, 1904. Pittman, Capt. Philip Present State of the European settle- ments on the Mississippi. London, 1770. Has maps of Fort Chartres, Kaskaskia, etc. Reynolds, Governor John My Own Times; embracing also the history of my life. 12, Illinois, 1855. Another edition published by Chicago Hist. Soc. with notes and index. 6, Chicago, 1879. Pioneer history of Illinois. 12, Belleville, 1852. Thwaites, Reuben Gold, Editor-in-Chief Jesuit Relations and' Allied Documents. 71 volumes and 2 volumes index. Burrows Bros., pubs., Cleveland, 0., 1896-1901. Woods, John Two years residence in the Illinois Country. 12, London, 1822. For gazetteers and guides containing much information relating to the early history of the State, see Illinois Topography and Geography. MORMON SETTLEMENT AND DIFFICULTIES. Caswell, Henry The City of the Mormons. Pam. London, 1842. Ford, Governor Thomas History of Illinois. 12, Chicago, 1854. Gregg, Thomas The Prophet of Palmyra. 12, N. Y., 1890. Linn, William Alexander The story of the Mormons from the date of their origin to the year 1901. 8, N. Y., 1902. Smith, Joseph, Jr. The Book of Mormon. Five editions. 12. Palmyra, N. Y., 1830. 16, Kirtland, 0., 1837. 4th American edition, 16, Nauvoo, 111., 1842. 6th European edition, 16, Liverpool and London, 1866. 16, Salt Lake City, 1883. Stenhouse, Mrs. T. B. H. A life's experience in Mormonism.. Introduction by Harriet Beecher Stowe. 8, Hartford, 1890. 28 ILLINOIS. GENERAL HISTORIES. Blanchard, Ruf us History of Illinois, to accompany a histori- cal map of the State. Map annexed. 8, Chicago, 1883. Bateman & Selby Historical encyclopedia of Illinois. 8, Chi- cago, 1901. Breese, Sidney The early history of Illinois, from the discovery by the French in 1673 until its cession to Great Britain in 1763, including the narrative of Marquette's discovery of the Mississippi ; with a biographical memoir of the author by Mel- ville W. Fuller ; edited by Thomas Hoyne, LL. D. 8, Chicago, 1884. Brown, Henry History of Illinois from discovery and settle- ments to the present time, with map, 8, N. Y., 1844. Carpenter, W. H. and Arthur, T. S. History of Illinois from f its earliest settlement to present. (Cabinet Histories of the States.) 16, Phila., 1869. * ^Carr, Clark E. The Illini. A story of the prairies. 8, Chi- K cago, 1904. *COUNTY HISTORIES. Histories of Illinois Counties. Adams Co. Published Chicago, 1879. Also atlas map, 1872. Alexander Co. Pub. Chicago, 1882. Bond Co. Pub. Chicago, 1882. Boone Co. Past and present of Boone Co. Kett & Co., 1877. Atlas map, 1886, Brown Co. Pub. Phila., 1882. Bureau Co. Pub. Chicago, 1885. Calhoun Co. Manuscript sketch, Child, Geo. B., 1894. Carroll Co. Pub. Chicago, 1878. Cass Co. Pub. Chicago, 1882. Champaisrn Co. Three editions, Champaign, 1876, 1878 and Phila., 1878. Christian Co. Pub. Phila., 1880. Clark Co. Crawford & Clark Counties in one Vol., Pub. Chicago, 1883, Atlas map, 1892. Clay Co. Pub. Chicago, 1884. Atlas map, 1881. NOTE Table showing the names of all the counties of Illinois, together with the date of their establishment, and the counties from which they were taken, pp. 99-100 in Publication No. 7, Illinois State Historical Library. 80, Springfield, 1902. 29 COUNTY HISTORIES. Clinton Co. Pub. Phila., 1881. Coles Co. Pub. Chicago, 1879. Cook Co. Pub. Chicago, 1884. See Chicago. Crawford Co. Pub. Chicago, 1884. Cumberland Co. Pub. Chicago, 1884. De Kalb Co. Pub. Chicago, 1868. Also atlas map, 1871. De Witt Co. Pub. Phila. 1882. Douglas Co. Pub. Chicago, 1884, Indianapolis, 1900. Du Page Co. Pub. Chicago, 1882. Also atlas map, 1874. Edgar Co. Pub. Chicago, 1879. Edwards Co.-Pub. Chicago, 1883. Effingham Co.-Pub. Chicago, 1883. Fayette Co.-Pub. Phila., 1878. *Ford Co. Not in Library. Franklin Co. Pub. Chicago, 1887. Fulton Co. Pub. Chicago, 1879. Gallatin Co.-Pub. Chicago, 1887. Greene Co. Pub. Springfield, 1885. Hamilton Co.-Pub. Chicago, 1887. Hancock Co. Pub. Chicago, 1880. Atlas map, 1891. Hardin Co. Biographical Keview, 1893. Henderson Co. Pub. Chicago, 1882. Henry Co. Kett & Co., 1877. Iroquois Co. Pub. Chicago, 1880. Jackson Co. Pub. Phila., 1878. Jasper Co. Pub. Chicago, 1884. Jefferson Co. Pub. Chicago, 1883. Jersey Co. two editions, Jacksonville, 1876, and Springfield,. 1885. Jo Daviess Co. Pub. Chicago, 1878. Johnson Co. Biographical Review, 1893. Kane Co. Pub. Chicago, 1878. Kankakee Co. Pub. Chicago, 1893. Atlas map, Chicago, 1883. Kendall Co.-Pub. Chicago, 1876, Aurora, 1877. . Knox Co.-Pub. Chicago, 1878. Lake Co. Pub. Chicago, 1877. *The Library would be glad to secure by gift or purchase, a history of Ford County. 30 COUNTY HISTORIES. History of Lake Co. A portion of Munsell's Encyclopedia of Illinois, and History of Lake Co. 8, Chicago, 1902. La Salle Co. Pub. Chicago, 1877. Lawrence Co. Pub. Phila., 1883. Lee Co. two editions, Chicago, 1881 and Dixon, 1893. Livingston Co. Pub. Chicago, 1878. Logan Co. three editions, Chicago, 1878; Dwight, 1880; and Lin- coln, 1881. Also atlas map of Logan Co., 1893. McDonough Co. Pub. Davenport, Iowa, 1871. Also atlas map, 1871. McHenry Co. Atlas maps, 1872, 1892. Macon Co. Pub. Phila., 1879. Macoupin Co. Pub. Phila., 1879. Madison Co. Pub. Edwardsville, 1882. Marion Co. Pub. Phila., 1881. Also atlas map, 1892. Marshall Co. Pub. Lacon, 1880. Mason Co. Menard and Mason Co., pub., Chicago, 1879. Massac Co. Biographical Review, 1893. History of Massac Co., 111., with life-sketches and portraits Page, 6. J., 8, 1902. Menard and Mason Counties Pub. Chicago, 1879. Menard Co.. Woman's Columbian Souvenir 1893. Also, map, 1874. Mercer Co. Pub. Chicago, 1882. Monroe Co. Pub. Phila., 1883. Montgomery Co. Pub. Chicago, 1882. Morgan Co. 2 eds. Pub. Chicago 1878, and Jacksonville, 1885. New history in course of preparation, edited by Dr. AY. F. Short, Jacksonville, 111. Moultrie Co. Pub. Phila., 1881. Ogle Co. Henry R. Boss, pub. 12, Polo, 1859. -Kett (H. F.) & Co. pubs. Chicago, 1878. Peoria Co. Ballance, C., comp., Peoria, 1870. -Atlas maps, 2 eds., 1873, 1896. History of Peoria Co., 111., published as A 7 ol. 2 of the Historical i Encyclopedia of Illinois and history of Peoria County. McCul- loch, David, editor. Chicago. 1902. Perry Co. Pub. Phila., 1883. Piatt Co. n. d. Piatt, Emma C., pub. 31 COUNTY HISTORIES. Pike Co. Pub. Chicago, 1880. Pope Co. Biographical Review, 1893. Pulaski Co. Pub. Chicago, 1883. Putnam Co. Pub. Lacon, 1880. Randolph Co. 2 eds. Alton, 1859, and Phila., 1883. Richland Co. Pub. Chicago, 1884. Rock Island Co. Rock Island Souvenir, 1895. R. I. Arenal. Flagler. 1887, R. I. Arsenal, Tillinghast. 1898. Saline Co. Pub. Chicago, 1887. Saneramon Co. 6 editions. Springfield, 1866; Davenport, Iowa, 1873 ; Phila., 1874 ; Chicago, 1881 and 1891. Chicago, 1904. S. J. Clarke & Co., pubs. Atlas map, 1874. Scott Co. Brief sketch, Knapp; Winchester, 1876. Schuyler Co. -Pub. Phila., 1882. Shelby Co.-Pub. Phila., 1881. Stark Co. Pub. Cambridge; Shallenberger, Mrs. E. H., comp., 1876. St. Clair Co.-Pub. Phila., 1881. Stephenson Co. Pub. Chicago, 1880. Tazewell Co. History of Tazewell Co. Edited by Ben. C. Aliens- worth. Published in Historical Encyclopedia of Illinois (Bate- man & Selby). 2 Vols. ; Munsell Pub. Co., Chicago, Ills., 1905. Union Co. Pub. Chicago, 1883. Also, atlas map, 1881. Vermilion Co. Pub. Chicago, 1879. AVabash Co. Pub. Phila., 1883. Warren Co. Pub. Chicago, 1877. Washington Co. Pub. Phila., 1879. Wayne Co. Pub. Chicago, 1884. Also, atlas map> 1881. White Co. Pub. Chicago, 1883. Whiteside Co. Pub. Morrison, 1877. Will Co.-Pub. Chicago, 1878. Williamson Co. Pub. Chicago, 1887, Marion, 1876. Winnebago Co. Pub. Chicago, 1876. Woodford Co.-Pub. Chicago, 1878. Illinois (General histories, continued). Davidson & Stuve History of Illinois, 1673-1873. 8, Spring- field, 1874. Second edition, 1673-1884. 8, Springfield, 1884. 32 GENERAL HISTORIES. Dresbach, Arthur C. and Ada A. Young people's history of Ills. (Chicago Home History Series.) 8, Chicago, 1886. Edwards, Ninian Wirt History of Illinois, from 1778 to 1833; and life and times of Ninian Edwards. 8, Springfield, 1870. Ford, Thomas History of Illinois, 1818 to 1847. 12, Chicago, 1854. Gerhard, Fred Illinois as it is, with a prairie and wood map, a geological map, a population map and other illustrations. 12, Chicago, 1857. fr Greene, Evarts Boutell The government of Illinois; its history and administration. (Hand-books of American Government Series). 12, N. Y., 1904. Hansford, Thos. W. History of Illinois in words of one syllable. 8, Chicago, 1888. Illinois State Historical Library Publications, No. 1-9, 1899- 1904. Historical collections, Vol. I. 8, Springfield, 1903. Internal Improvement Reports Reports to General Assembly contain a full set of canal reports from 4th annual, 1839 to 1896, except 1869, 1879, 1885, 1893 Reports to the General Assembly; message of Governor Carlin, transmitting the semi-annual reports of the Board of Commissioners of Public Works, 1838-1839; same, 1839-1840. 1 Vol., Vandalia, 1838- 1839; 1 Vol., Vandalia, 1839-1840. Lusk, D. "W. Politics and Politicians. A succinct history of Illinois, from 1856 to 1884. Appendix; history from 1809 to 1856. 8, Springfield, 1884. Mather, Irwin F. The making of Illinois. Historical sketches 12, Chicago, 1900. Matson, N. Pioneers of Illinois. Series of sketches relating to events that occurred previous to 1813. 12, Chicago, 1882. Moses, John Illinois, historical and statistical. 2 vols. 8, Chicago, 1889-1892. Moses, John Table of the counties of Illinois, why named and date of establishment, in Vol. I of Moses' history named above ; pp. 547-549. Reynolds, John My own times; embracing also the history of my life. 12, Illinois, 1855. -Pioneer history of Illinois. 12, Belleville, 1852. Woodruff, G. H. Fifty years ago; or, gleanings respecting the history of northern Ills, a few years previous to and during the Black Hawk War. 8, Joliet, 1883. NOTE The Library has a collection of blue-books, legislative directories, manuals, etc., which furnish much information. 33 HISTORY OF POLITICAL PARTIES IN ILLINOIS. Democratic Pub. Co. Prominent Democrats of Ills. A brief his- tory of the rise and progress of the Democratic Party in Illi- nois. 4, Chicago, 1899. Raum, Gen. Green B History of Illinois Republicanism, embrac- ing a history of the Republican Party of the State to the present time. 4, Chicago, 1900. SLAVERY IN ILLINOIS. Alton Observer, pubs., extra Proceedings of the Illinois Anti- Slaverv Convention held at Upper Alton on the 26-28, Oct., 1837. " 8, Alton, 1838. Parks and Breath, pubs. Beecher, Rev. Edward Narrative of riots at Alton in connection with death of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy. 16, Alton, 1838. See also Alton, Ills. Brown William H. Early movement in Illinois for the legaliza- tion of slavery. (Fergus Historical Series, No. 4.) 8, Chi- cago, 1876. Carr, Clark E. The Illini. 8, Chicago, 1904. Douglas, Stephen A. Political record of Stephen A. Douglas on the slavery question. A tract issued by the Illinois Republican State Central Committee. . Third edition, revised and enlarged. Part I, Anti-Slavery; Part II, Pro-Slavery; Part III, Miscel- laneous. 8, Evening Journal Tract No. 17, Albany, N. Y. Evening Journal, Pubs., n. d. Fishback, Mason McCloud Illinois legislation on Slavery and free negroes; 1818-1865; pp. 414-432 in Publication No. 9, Illinois State Historical Library. S, Springfield, 1904. Greene, Evarts B., Ph. D. Sectional forces in the history of Illinois, pp. 75-83 in Publication No. 8. Illinois- State Histori- cal Library. 8, Springfield, 1904. Harris, N. D wight, Ph. D. The history of Negro servitude in Illinois and of the slavery agitation in that State; 1719-1864, 12, Chicago, 1904. A. C. McClurg & Co., pubs. Lincoln & Douglas Debates Political debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas in campaign of 1858. Follet & Foster, pubs. 8, Columbus, 1860. Also edition of 1895, pub- lished by 0. S. Hubbell & Co., with complete index." 8, Cleve- land, 1895. Lincoln, "Wm. S., comp. Alton trials of Winthrop S. Gilman and others. 12, N. Y., 1838. Siebert, Wilbur H. The Underground Railroad. 8, N. Y., 1898, 3 34 SLAVERY. Snively, E. A. Slavery in Illinois. Pages 52-59 in publication, No. 6. Illinois State Historical Library, 1901. 8, Springfield, 1901. Tanner Henry The Martyrdom of Lovejoy. 8, Chicago, 1881. BLACK HAWK WAR. John Reynolds, Governor. See Illinois Governors; John Rey- nolds. .Armstrong, Perry A. Sauks & Black Hawk War.' 8, Spring- field, 1887. .Atwood, J. A. The story of the battle of Stillman's Run, fought at Stillman's Valley, Ills., May 14, 1832. Read before the 1904 meeting of the Ogle County Old Settlers' Association, held at Mount Morris, Illinois, August, 1904. 12, Mount Morris, Ills., Aug., 1904. Barton, Wm. E. The prairie schooner. A story of the Black Hawk War. 12, Boston & Chicago, 1900. IBullen, Laura E. Black Hawk (manuscript). .Drake, Benjamin Life and adventures of Black Hawk, sketches of Keokuk, the Sac and Fox Indians and the late Black Hawk War. 12, Cincinnati, 1839. Elliott, Isaac H. Illinois Soldiers in Black Hawk War, 1831- 1832, and Mexican War, 1846-48. 8, Springfield, 1882. Kirkman, Marshall Monroe The romance of Gilbert Holmes. An historical novel. 12 Chicago, 1900. Meese, William A. Upper Mississippi sketches. The Battle of Campbell's Island. 8, Moline, Illinois, July 4, 1904. Newlands, (Rev.) R. W. An account of the discovery of the graves of the men who fell in the "Battle of Stillman's Run," on May 14, 1832. Pages 117-120 in Publication No. 6, Illinois State Historical Library. 8, Springfield, 1901. Original muster rolls and orderly book of Illinois troops in the Black Hawk War. Patterson, J. B. ed. Black Hawk, Ma-ka-tai-me-she-kia-kiak. Life of Black Hawk, with account of Black Hawk War, dic- tated by himself. 16, Boston, 1834. Later edition, containing account of life, death and burial of Black Hawk. 12, Oquawka, 111., 1882. Smith, E. H. Black Hawk and scenes in the West ; by a western tourist. Poem. 12, N. Y., 1848. Stevens, Frank E. The Black Hawk War; including a review of Black Hawk's life. 300 portraits and views. 8, Chicago, 1903. 35 BLACK -HAWK WAK. Stevens, Frank E. Stillnian's defeat, pp. 170-179. In Pub- lication No. 7, Illinois State Historical Library. 8, Spring- field, 1902. Thomson, John Lewis History of the "War with the tribe of Black Hawk; pp. 507-512 inc. in "History of the War of the United States with Great Britain in 1812, and of the War with Mexico." 8, Phila., 1887. Thwaites, Reuben Gold Article 3, pp. 115-200, in "How George Rogers Clark won the- Northwest ; ' ' and other essays in Western history. 12, Chicago, 1903. A. C. McClurg & Co., pubs. Tuttle, Charles Richard History of the border wars of two centuries. 8, Chicago, 1874. C. A. Wall & Co., pubs. Wakefield, John, Esq. History of the war between the United States and the Sac and Fox Indians and parts of other dis- affected tribes in 1827 ; 1831-1832. 12, Jacksonville, Ills., 1834. (Very rare volume.) Werner Co., pubs. Choosing "Abe" Lincoln captain; and other stories. 12, Akron, Ohio, 1899. Woodruff, G. H. Fifty years ago; or, gleanings respecting the history of northern Illinois a few years previous to and during the Black Hawk War. 8, . Joliet, Ills., 1883. ILLINOIS IN THE WAR WITH MEXICO. Thomas Ford and A. C. French, respectively. Governors of Illi- nois. See Illinois Governors ; Thomas Ford. Brooks, N. C. Complete history of the Mexican War. 8, Phila., 1849. Century Manufacturing Co., pubs. Hero tales of the American soldier and sailor, as told by the heroes themselves and their comrades. The unwritten history of American chivalry. 8, Phila., 1899. 'Collins, William H. Biographical sketch of Maj.--Gen. James D. Morgan. In Publication No. 9, Illinois State Historical Library ; pages 274-285. Elliott, Isaac H. Illinois Soldiers in Black Hawk War, 1831-32, and Mexican War, 1846-48. 8, Springfield, 1882. Frost, John, LL. D. The American generals from the founding of the Republic to the present time, comprising lives of the great commanders and other distinguished officers who have acted in the service of the United States; and embracing a complete military history of the country. 8, Hartford, 1851. Hardin, Col. John J. Reception and burial of remains of Col. John J. Hardin, Jacksonville, Ills., July 14, 1847. Hardman, Francis Frontier life; Ttr, tales of the Southwestern border. 12, N. Y., 1859. The Jarochos. A tale of the Mexican War; pages 338-368 of above. 36 MEXICAN WAR. Hartley, Capt. J. W. Proceedings 19th annual reunion Ills., Asse. Mexican War Veterans. 8, Decatur, 1891. Hartley, John W. Proceedings Illinois State Conventions Vet- erans of the Mexican W T ar. 1874-1891, inc., except 1878 ; pams. Jay, William A review of the causes and consequences of the Mexican War. 12, Boston, 1849. Johnson, Chas P. An account of the. services of the Illinois troops in Mexican war, in Address before Illinois State Histori- cal. Society, 1904. Pub. IDs. State Hist. Lib. No. 9, 1904. Ladd, Horatio 0., A. M. History of the War with Mexico. 12, N. Y., 1883. Perrin, J. Nick Address to the Mexican Veterans of Illinois, Aug. 16, 1893. 8, Belleville, 1893. Ramsey, Albert C., trans, and editor The other side; or, notes for the history of the War between Mexico and the U. S. 12, N. Y., 1850. Thomson, John Lewis History of the War of the United States with Great Britain in 1812, and of the War with Mexico. 8, Phila,, 1887. Tuttle, Charles Richard History of the border wars of two Centuries. 8, Chicago, 1874. Walworth, Ellen Hardin The battle of Buena Vista, Article in Magazine of American History; Vol. 3, No. 12, December, 1879 ; pages 705-708. ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Arnold, Isaac N. Life of Abraham Lincoln. 8, Chicago, 1891. Lincoln and Douglas; pages 30-33 in "Recollections of early Chicago and the Illinois Bar." (Fergus Hist, Series No. 22.) Letter addressed to Hon. I. N. Arnold, written by Capt. Elijah lies, in reference to Mr. Lincoln's services as a private soldier in Black Hawk War. (Fergus Hist, Series No. 10). Lincoln and Douglas, pages 145-154, in "Illinois Bar forty years ago." (Fergus Hist. Series No. 14.) Barrett, J. H. Life of Abraham Lincoln. 12, Cincinnati, 1860. Bateman & Selby Historical encyclopedia of Illinois; pages 337-338. 4, Chicago, 1900. Brooks, Noah Abraham Lincoln. A biography for young peo- ple. 12, N. Y. & London, 1888. Browne Francis F. Every day life of Abraham Lincoln. 8, N. Y., 1886. Browne, Robert H., M. D.. Abraham Lincoln and men of his time. 2 Vols. 12, Cinn., 1901. 87 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Butterworth, Hezekiah In the boyhood of Lincoln; a tale of the .; Tunker schoolmaster and the times of Black Hawk. 9th ed. 12, N. Y., 1896. Carpenter F. B. Six months at the White House with Abraham Lincoln. The story of a picture. 12, N. Y., 1866. Catherwood, Mary Hartwell Spanish Peggy; a story of young Illinois.. 8, Chicago & N. Y., 1899. Caton, John Dean Death of Lincoln. Address to the Supreme Court of Illinois upon presenting resolutions of the Bar, May 3, 1865; pages 10-16 in "Miscellanies." 8, Boston, 1880. Chittenden, L. E. Personal reminiscences, 1840-1890. Abraham Lincoln, a study; pages 340-427. 8, N. Y., 1893. Coggeshall, William T. The journeys of Abraham Lincoln from Springfield to Washington, 1861, and from Washington to Springfield, 1865, as a Martyred President. 12, Columbus, 1865. Crosby, Frank Life of Abraham Lincoln, containing his early history, and political career, speeches, messages, proclamations and other official documents. 12, Phila., 1865. Curtis, William Eleroy The true Abraham Lincoln. 12, Phila., 1903. Darby, John F. Anecdote of Abraham Lincoln, pages 445-448, in "Personal recollections of many prominent people whom I have known." Davidson & Stuve Account of the duel between Gen. Shields and Mr. Lincoln, pages 623-627 ; sketch of Mr. Lincoln, and account of the Lincoln-Douglas debates, pages 702-715, in "History of Illinois, 1673-1884." 8, Springfield, 1884. Davis, J. McCan See Tarbell. Debates between Abraham Lincoln and Stephen A. Douglas in the celebrated campaign in Illinois, 1858; including the pre- ceding speeches of each at Chicago, Springfield, etc. ; also the two great speeches of Mr. Lincoln in Ohio in 1859. 8, Colum- bus, 1860. Follett & Foster, pubs. -Also edition of 1895, published by 0. S. Hubbell & Co., with complete index. S, Cleveland. Dodge, Daniel Kilham Ph. D. Abraham Lincoln; the evolution of his literary style. (University of Ills. Studies, Vol. I, No. 1.) Paper, 8. Champaign, May, 1900. Eggleston, Edward The Graysons. ^. story of Illinois. (Ac- count of Mr. Lincoln's defense of Tom Grayson on a charge of murder.) 12, N. Y., 1877 (date of copyright). 38 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Enos, Z. A. Early surveyors and surveying in Illinois. Con- tains fac simile of certified plat of survey and opinion by Mr. Lincoln. Read before the Illinois Society of Engineers Jan. 29, 1891. Pam. 7 pages and fac simile reprints, Springfield, 1891. Fish, Daniel, comp. Lincoln literature. A bibliographical ac- count of books and pamphlets relating to Abraham Lincoln. 8, Minneapolis, 1900. Minneapolis Public Library Board, pubs. Gallaher, J. E., comp. Best Lincoln stories tersely told. 16, Chi- cago, n. d. Gray, William C. Life of Abraham Lincoln, for the home circle and the Sabbath school. 16, Cincinnati, 1867. Hanaford, Mrs. P. A. Abraham Lincoln: his life and public services. 8, Boston, 1865. Hapgood, Norman Abraham Lincoln: the man of the people. 12, N. Y., 1899. Harris, T. M. Assassination of Lincoln. A history of the great conspiracy. Trial of the conspirators by military commission > and a review of the trial of John H. Surratt. 8., Springfield, Mass. Copyrighted, 1892. Hay, John See Nicolay and Hay. Herndon, Wm. H. Ann Rutledge; New Salem; Pioneering and the poem. A lecture delivered in Springfield, 1866. (Scrap- book) Herndon, Wm. H. Lincoln's religion. A lecture on Mr. Lin- coln's "Later life and religious sentiments," in answer to a lecture by Rev. James A. Reed; delivered 1875. Also corre- spondence between James Smith and Mr. Herndon in regard to Mr. Lincoln's religious beliefs and his affection for Ann Rutledge. Three letters dated 1867. Clipped from Shelby Republican, Shelby ville, Ind. ; copied from Illinois State Journal. (Scrap-book.) Herndon, Wm. H., & Weik, Jesse W., A. M. Herndon 's Lincoln. The true story of a great life. History and personal recollec- tions of Abraham Lincoln, by William H. Herndon, for twenty years his friend and law partner. 3 vols. ; 12, Chicago, 1892. Hitchcock, Caroline Hanks Nancy Hanks; the story of Abra- ham Lincoln's mother. 16, N. Y., 1899. Holland, J. C. Life of Abraham Lincoln. 8, Springfield, Mass., 1865. Illinois Central Railroad, pubs. Abraham Lincoln as attorney for the Illinois Central Railroad. 4, Chicago (1904). 39 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Inglis, Samuel, comp. Souvenir for school children of Illinois, to be used in celebration of Lincoln's birthday, Feb. 12, and Washington's birthday, Feb. 22. (Ills. Dpt. of Public Instruc- tion.) Pam., 8, Springfield, 1898. Irelan, John Robert, M. D. History of the life and administra- tion and times of Abraham Lincoln. 2 vols., 8, Chicago, 1888. Jerome, Alonzo Wheeler The great debate. Souvenir. 12, Springfield, 1899. Lamon, Dorothy, ed. Recollections of Abraham Lincoln, 1847- 1865, by Ward H. Lamon. 12, Chicago, 1895. Lamon, Ward H. Life of Abraham Lincoln, from his birth to his inauguration as president. 8, Boston, 1872. Linder, Usher F. Sketch of Abraham Lincoln, pages 37-40, and various anecdotes of him in "Reminiscences of early Bench and Bar of Illinois." 2d ed. ; 12, Chicago, 1879. Lippincott, J. B. & Co., pubs. Poetical tributes to the memory of Abraham Lincoln. 12, Phila., 1865. Lusk, D. W. Politics and politicians of Illinois, 1856-1884; Douglas and Lincoln, pages 45-94; Abraham Lincoln, pages 181-198. 8, Springfield, 1884. McClellan, Gen. George B. George B. McClellan's own story; Chap. 9, pages 149-166. Conspiracy of the politicians, Stan- ton-Chase. Relations and interviews with Mr. Lincoln, etc. 8, N. Y., 1887. McClure, A. K., LL. D. 'Abraham Lincoln and men of war times. 8, Phila., 1892. McClure, J. B., ed. Anecdotes of Abraham Lincoln and Lincoln stories. 12, Chicago, 1879. McClure 's Magazine; S. S. McClure Co., pubs. Sketches and anecdotes of Lincoln and Mrs. Lincoln; by Miss Tarbell, Mrs. Helm, etc. 1896, 1897, 1898. Menard Co., Ills. Woman's Columbian Club, comps., Menard- Salem-Lincoln souvenir album. 4, Bloomington, 1893. Moses, John Sketch of Lincoln-Douglas debates, Mr. Lincoln's nomination and election to the presidency, his assassination and death; organization of Lincoln Monument Association, etc., in "Illinois historical and statistical." 2 vols., 8, Chicago, 1889-1892. New York Tribune, pubs. Life of Abraham Lincoln, by John Locke Scripps. (Tribune Tract No. 6.) Pam. ; S*, N. Y., 1860. Also reprint of same, edited by Grace Locke Scripps Dyche, 1900. Nicolay, John G., and Hay, John Abraham Lincoln ; a history. 10 vols. ; 8, N. Y., 1890. Also editors of writings and speeches of Lincoln. 2 vols. 40 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Oldroyd, Osborn H. Lincoln's campaign; or, the political revolu- tion of 1860. Paper ; 12, Chicago, 1896. -The assassination of Abraham Lincoln; flight, pursuit, capture and punishment of the conspirators. Introduction by T. M. Harris. 12, Washington, 190L comp., Words of Lincoln, including several hundred opinions of his life and character by eminent persons. Introduction by Melville W. Fuller & Teunis S. Hamlin. 12, Washington, 1895. Onstot, T. G. Pioneers of Menard and Mason counties, made up of personal reminiscences of an early life in Menard county, which we gathered in a Salem life from 1840 to 1850 ; including personal reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln and Peter Cart- wright. 8, Forest City, Ills., 1902. Palmer, John M. Sketch of life of Abraham Lincoln Chap. 29, pp. 536-541, in "Bench and Bar of Ills, historical and rem- iniscent." 2 vols.; 4, Chicago, 1899. Phillips, Isaac N. Abraham Lincoln. A short study of a great man and his work. 8, Bloomington, Ills., 1901. Power, J. C. Abraham Lincoln. His great funeral cortege from AVashington City to Springfield, Ills. History and description of the National Lincoln Monument. 12, Springfield, 1872. History of an attempt to steal the body of Abraham Lincoln. S, Springfield, 1890. Raymond, Henry J. Life and public services of Abraham Lin- coln, together with his state papers. 8, N. Y., 1865. Republican State Convention, Springfield, Ills., Proceedings, June 16, 1858, contains Lincoln's speech, "A house divided against itself cannot stand." Pam., 12, Springfield. Rice, Allen Thorndyke, ed. Reminiscences of Abraham Lincoln, by distinguished men of his time. &, N. Y., 1889. Sangamon County Bar Assc. Resolutions passed by the Bar of Sangamon county on the death of Abraham Lincoln; pre- sented by Hon. Stephen T. Logan, April 25, 1865. Scammon, Hon. Jonathan Young Address containing an an- ecdote of Lincoln and Maj. Anderson in Black Hawk War, pages 14-15, in Fergus Historical Series Xo. 10. Schurz, Carl Abraham Lincoln. An essay. 12, Boston & N. Y., 1891. Scripps, John Locke See N. Y. Tribune. Selby, Paul Anecdotal Lincoln. Speeches, stories and yarns of the "Immortal Abe," including stories of Lincoln's early life, stories of Lincoln as a lawyer, presidential incidents, stories of the war, Lincoln's letters and great speeches chronologically arranged, with biographical sketch. 12, Chicago, 1900. 41 ABRAHAM LINCOLN. Stephens, Alexander H. Correspondence with Mr. Lincoln on questions of slavery and secession, pages 149-155, in "Alexan- der H. Stephens," by Henry W. Cleveland^ Stoddard, Richard Henry Abraham Lincoln. An Horatian ode. 8, N. Y., 1865. Stoddard, Wm. 0. Abraham Lincoln. The true story of a great life. 8, N. Y., 1885. Sumner, Charles Eulogy on Abraham Lincoln. 8, Boston, 1865. Tarbell, Ida M., assisted by J. McCan Davis The early life of Abraham Lincoln ; "containing many unpublished documents and unpublished reminiscences of Lincoln 's early friends ; with 160 illustrations, including 20 portraits of Lincoln. 8, N. Y., 1896. Tarbell, Ida M. Life of Abraham Lincoln. 2 vols. 8, N. Y., 1900. Thayer, Wm. M. The pioneer boy and how he became president. 12, Boston, 1864. Thompson, Richard W. Recollections of sixteen Presidents, from Washington to Lincoln. Abraham Lincoln, chap. 16, vol. 2, pages 389-419. Townsend, Virginia F. Our Presidents; or, the lives of 23 Presi- dents of the U. S. Abraham Lincoln, pages 281-306. 4, N. Y., 1889. Wright, Carrie Douglas Lincoln's first love. A true story. 16, Chicago, 1901. The Library also contains a large number of sermons and ad- dresses on Mr. Lincoln and a fine collection of photographs, engravings and other pictures of him ; and a pictorial and manuscript life of Lincoln which was exhibited at the Expo- sitions at St. Louis, Mo., and Portland, Ore. STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS. Arnold, Isaac N., & Sheahan, James W. Lincoln and Douglas. (Fergus Hist, Series No. 15.) 12, Chicago, 1881. Cutts, J. Madison Constitutional and party questions, and the history of political parties, as I received it orally from the late Senator Stephen A. Douglas of Illinois. 12, N. Y., 1866. Flint, M. F. Life of Stephen A. Douglas; with his most import- ant speeches and reports. By a member of the western 'bar. 12, N. Y., 1860. Lincoln and Douglas Political debates between in campaign, 1858. Follet & Foster, pubs. 8, Columbus, 1860. Also edition of 1895 published by 0. S. Hubbell & Co., with com- plete index. 8, Cleveland, 1895. 42 STEPHEN A. DOUGLAS. McConnel, Maj. George Murray Recollections of Stephen A. Douglas. In publication No. 4, Illinois State Historical Library, pages 40-50. 8, Springfield, 1900. Political record of Stephen A. Douglas, on the slavery question. Evening Journal Tract No. 17, Albany N. Y., n. d. Sheahan, James W. Life of Stephen A. Douglas. 12, N. Y., 1860. Wallace, Joseph, comp. Stephen A. Douglas. (Scrap-Book.) Some old letters by and relating to the distinguished states- man. In Publication No. 6, Illinois State Historical Library, pages 111-116. 8, Springfield, 1901. Sketches of the life of Stephen A. Douglas may be found in the various histories of Illinois; in Linder's "Bench and Bar of Ills.," pp. 76-82; Bonham's "Fifty Years' Recollections," pp. 186-200, and in ' ' The Bench and Bar of Illinois ; historical and reminiscent," p. 37, edited by Gen. John M. Palmer. WAR OF THE REBELLION. Richard Yates, Governor. See Illinois State Period, Governors , Richard Yates, (the elder). > Barnet, James, ed. Martyrs and heroes of Illinois. 8, Chicago, 1865. Eddy, T. M., D. D. The patriotism of Illinois. A record of the civil and military history of the State in the war for the Union. Biographical sketches of many eminent citizens of the State and soldiers and officers. 2 vols. 8, Chicago, 1865-1866. Fuller, Allen C., Adj. Gen. of Illinois Reports for years, 1861- 1862. 2 vols. Gettysburg Monument Commrs. Report to the Governor of Ills., 1890. Haynie, Gen. I. N. Adjutant-General State of Illinois. Re- ports, 1861-1866. Revised by Adjutant-Gen. J. W. Vance, 1886. 8 vols.; Springfield, 1887. Also revised 1900-1902 by J. N. Reece, Adj. -Gen. 9 vols. Jayne, Dr. Wm. Richard Yates' service to Illinois as War Gov- ernor, pp. 143-147 in Publication No. 7, Illinois State Hist. Library. 8, Springfield, 1902. Regimental Histories of Illinois 7th Regt, Ills. Vols. Inf., his- tory of, Ambrose D. Lieb. 12, Springfield, 1868. 7th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf., proceedings of reunions, 1903-04, Spring- field, Ills. Pam. ; 8, 1903-04. 15th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. Fourth annual reunion. Rockford, Ills., May 25, 1885. Paper ; 8, Aurora, 1886. 43 WAR REBELLION. 31st Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. History of; regiment organized by John A. Logan. History prepared by a committee of the sur- vivors of the regiment, W. S. Morris, J. B. Kuykendall and L. D. Hartwell, committee. 8, Evansville, Ind., 1902. 31st Ills. Veteran Volunteer Infantry Minutes of annual re- unions, 1889, 1890, 1893, 1895, 1896, 1897. 33d Ills. Veteran Association Report proceedings 7th reunion Bloomington, Ills., Jan. 22-23, 1890; Burnham, Capt, J. H. comp. 8, Bloomingtcn, 1890. 33d 111. Veteran Vol. Inf. History of, in the Civil War, 1861-1865. Compiled by Virgil G. Way. 8, Gibson City, 1902. 36th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. During the rebellion, history of. Ben- nett, C. L., & Haigh, Wm. M. 8, Aurora, 1876. 39th Regt. Ills. Veteran Vols. Inf. (Yates Phalanx), history of. Clark, Chas. M., M. D. 8, Chicago, 1889. 39th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. Proceedings of the 3d reunion of the Yates Phalanx, Bloomington, Feb. 21, 1884. Morley, Wm. R,, comp. Wilmington, 1884. 45th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. A souvenir of the reunion held at Rockford, Ills., on the 40th anniversary of its march in the Grand Review ; being the remarks of Daniel Fish of Co. G. To which is appended the substance of the Regiment's history as preserved in official records. 8, Minneapolis; Byron & Wil- lard, pubs., 1905. 47th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. Bugle Echoes. The story of Illinois' Forty-seventh. Bryner, Cloyd. 8, Springfield, 1905. 50th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. History of, in the war for the Union. Hubert, Charles F. 8, Kansas City, 1896. 50th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. Report llth annual reunion, Camp- Point, Ills., Sept. 8, 1896. Hubert, Charles F. 8, Camp Point, 1896. 55th Regt, Ills. Vols. Inf. The story of, in the civil war, 1861- 1865. Compiled by a committee of the Regiment. 8, Clinton, Mass., 1887. 59th Regt. Ills. Veteran Vols. Inf. History of nine campaigns in nine States, 1861-65. Herr, Geo. W. 8, San .Francisco, 1890. 59th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. History of. Lathrop, Dr. D. 12; Indianapolis, 1865. 73d Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. History of. Newlin, W. H., ed. S , 1890. 73d Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. Minutes of the Association of the Survivors of the 73d Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf., Nov. 14 and 15, 1894. Newlin, W. H., Sec. Pam. 8, 1894. 44 WAR REBELLION. 73d Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. Minutes of the annual reunions of the survivors of the 73d Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf., Springfield, Ills., 14th, 1900, to 19th, 1905, inc. 75th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. History of. Church & Goodman, pubs. 8, Chicago, 1866. 84th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. History of. Macomb, Ills., 1866. 85th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. History of. Aten, Henry J. 8, Hiawatha, Kan., 1901. 86th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. History of. Kinnear, J. R, 8, Chi- cago Tribune Co., pubs., 1868. 86th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. Proceedings of reunions; 4th, 1890; 14th, 1900 ; 16th, 1902 ; 17th, 1903 ; 18th, 1904. 92nd Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. History of. 12, Freeport, Ills., 1875. 93rd Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. History of, from organization to mus- ter out. Trimble, Harvey M., ed. 8, Chicago, 1898. 94th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. Sketch and information concerning, in transactions of the McLean Co. Hist. Soc., Vol. I., Wai- record of McLean Co., and other papers. 8, Bloomington. 1899. 95th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. History of, 1862-1865. Wood. Wales W. 12, Chicago, 1865. 96th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. History of. Partridge, Chas. A., ed. 8, Chicago, 1887. 96th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. Reception to members of, at residence of Gen. John C. Smith, Chicago, Dec. 16, 1889. Also report of reception to members of the 96th at residence of Gen. Smith, July 20, 1893. 2 Pams. 8, Chica'go, 1890-93. 104th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. History of, 1862-1865. Calkins, Wil- liam Wirt. 8, Chicago, 1895. 112th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. History of. Thompson. B. F. 8, Toulon, Ills., 1885. 115th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. History of. Royse, Isaac Henry Clay, LL. B. 8, Terre Haute, Ind., 1900. 124th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. History of. Howard, R, L. 8. Springfield, 1880. 125th Regt. Ills. Vols. Inf. History of. Rogers, Robert M, 8. Champaign, Ills., 1882. 3d Ills. Cavalry Regt. In Transactions McLean Co. Hist Soc., War record of McLean Co. and other papers. 8, Blooming- ton, 1899. 10th Ills. Cavalry Regt. Assc. Proceedings of the annual re- unions. 1894, 1895, 1896, 1899. Springer, John G., comp. 45 . WAR REBELLION. 10th Ills. Cavalry Regt. Assc. Roster of survivors, Oct. 16th, 1894. Springer, John G., comp. 14th Ills. Cavalry Regt. History of the 14th Ills. Cavalry and the Brigade to which it belonged. Sanford, W. L. Donnelly & Sons, pubs. 8, Chicago, 1898. Note. The Library will be glad to procure other regimental histories and data. GOVERNORS OF ILLINOIS, AND IMPORTANT EVENTS IN EACH ADMIN- ISTRATION. Edwards, Ninian Only territorial Governor, 1809-1818. Born Montgomery Co., Md., March 17, 1775; died Belleville, Ills., July 20, 1833. Afterwards third Governor of Illinois, 1826- 1830. For events, see Illinois Territory. Bond, Shadrach 1818-1822. Born Frederick Co., Md., 1773; died Kaskaskia, April 13, 1832. Pierre Menard, Lt.-Gov. First Constitutional Convention, Aug., 1818. Establishment of State Bank. Removal of State Capital to Vandalia. Coles, Edward 1822-1826. Born Albemarle Co., Va., Dec. 15, 1786 ; died Philadelphia, July 7, 1868. Adolphus Hubbard, Lt. Gov. New State House erected at Vandalia. The fight against slavery, 1822-1824. See Illinois, Slavery. Gen. Lafayette's visit to Illinois. Edwards, Ninian 1826-1830. Wm. Kinney, Lt. Gov. Movement towards the erection of State Penitentiary, Alton, Ills. "\Yinnebago War. See Edwards Papers and Ninian W. Edwards' History of Ills. Reynolds, John 1830-1834. Born Montgomery Co., Pa., Feb. 26, 1789 ; died Belleville, Ills., May 8, 1865. Resigned Nov. 17, 1834 ; elected to Congress. Zadoc Casey, Lt. Gov. (resigned.) Black Hawk War. See Black Hawk War; Reynolds' Pioneer History; Reynolds' "My Own Times." Ewing, Wm. L. D. (15 days, vice Reynolds resigned) 1834. Born Paris, Ky., Aug. 31, 1795; died Springfield, 111., March 25. 1846. See Black Hawk War. 46 ILLINOIS GOVERNORS. Duncan, Joseph 1834-1838. Born Paris, Ky., Feb. 22, 1794; died Jacksonville, Ills., Jan. 15, 1844. A. M. Jenkins, Lt. Gov. Internal improvement scheme projected and begun during term of. See paper by Dr. Bernard Stuve. ' ' The State Internal Im- provement Venture of 1837-38;" pp. 114-125; in publication No. 7, Illinois State Historical Library, 1902. Removal of State Capital to Springfield, Ills. See Life of Duncan, by his daughter, Julia Duncan Kirby. 'Carlin, Thomas 1838-1842. Born Fayette Co., Ky., July 18, 1789; died Carrollton, Ills., Feb. 14, 1852. Stinson H. Anderson, Lt. Gov. Failure of State and Shawneetown Banks. Field-McClernand contest. Reports to the Gen. Assembly contain a full set of Canal re- ports, from 4th annual, 1839 to 1896, except 1869, 1879, 1885 and 1893. Annual reports from 1873 to 1902 in sepa- rate reports Internal improvements reports. Reports to the General Assembly. Message of Governor Carlin transmitting the semi-annual reports of the Board of Com- missioners of Public Works, 1838-1839; same, 1839-1840. 1 vol. ; 8, Vandalia, 1838-39. 1 vol. ; 8, Springfield, 1839-40. See Duncan. Supreme Court re-organized. Ford, Thomas 1842-1846. Born Uniontown, Pa., Dec. 5, 1800; diedPeoria, Ills., Nov. 3, 1850. John Moore, Lt. Gov. Mormon agitation in the State. Mexican War (beginning of). See Ford's History of Illinois, Mexican War. Early histories, Mormonism. -French, Augustus C. 1846-1853. Born Hill, N. H., Aug. 1, 1808 ; died Lebanon, Ills., Sept. 4, 1864. Re-elected under Constitution of 1848. First Governor of Ills, to be re-elected. Joseph B. Wells, Lt. Gov., 1846. Wm. McMurtry, Lt. Gov., 1849. Mexican War. Constitutional Convention, 1847. Massac Rebellion. Matteson, Joel A. 1853-1857. Born Watertown, N. Y., 1808 ; died Chicago, Ills., Jan. 31, 1873. Gustavus Koerner, Lt. Gov. See sketch of Koerner by R, E. Rombauer. In publication No. 9 of Ills. State Hist. Lib. Anti-Nebraska Editorial Convention. 47 ILLINOIS GOVERNORS. Matteson, Joel A. Bloomington Convention, 1856. Kansas-Nebraska excitement. Reduction of State debt, See Lincoln. Bissell, William H. 1857-1860. First republican Governor. Born near Cooperstown (Painted Post), N. Y., April 25, 1811; died March 18, 1860, Springfield, Ills. (Only Governor who died during term of office.) John Wood, Lt. Gov. Discovery of the canal scrip frauds. Lincoln-Douglas Debates, 1858. Wood, John 1860-1861. Born Moravia, N. Y., Dec. 20, 1798; died Quincy, Ills., June 11, 1880. Succeeded to office, vice Bissell, deceased. Thomas A. Marshall, President of Senate and Lt. Gov. Yates, Richard 1861-1865. Born Warsaw, Ky., Jan. 18, 1815; died St. Louis, Mo., Nov. 27, 1873. War Governor. Francis Hoffman, Lt. Gov. War of the Rebellion. Constitutional Convention, 1862. See War Rebellion, etc. Oglesby, Richard J. 1865-1869. Second term, Jan. 13, 1873, to Jan. 23, 1873 ; resigned Jan. 23. 1873, elected to U. S. Senate ; Third term, 1885-1889. Born Oldham, Ky., July 25, 1824; died Elkhart, Logan Co., Ills., April 24, 1899. William Bross, Lt. Gov. John L. Beveridge, Lt. Gov. John C. Smith, Lt. Gov. Assassination of Lincoln. Close of War of the Rebellion. Called out troops to suppress strikes at Joliet and Lemont, May 1885; East St. Louis, April, 1886; Union Stock Yards, Chicago, November, 1886. Palmer, John M. 1869-1873. Born Eagle Creek, Scott Co., Ky., Sept. 13, 1817 ; died Springfield, Ills., Sept. 25, 1900. John Dougherty, Lt. Gov. Constitutional Convention, 1870. Chicago Fire, 1871. See Chicago Fire, and Journal of Constitutional Convention, 1870 ; also Personal Reminiscences. Beveridge, John L. 1873-1877. Born Greenwich, Washington Co., N. Y., July 6, 1824; now resides near Los Angeles, Cal. Succeeded to office, vice Oglesby resigned. John Early, President of Senate and acting Lt. Gov. Archibald A. Glenn, do, 1875. 48 ILLINOIS GOVERNORS. Cullom, ' Shelby M. 1877-1881. Second term, Jan. 10, 1881, to Feb. 6, 1883. Resigned Feb., 6, 1883, elected to U. S. Senate. Born in Wayne Co., Ky., Nov. 22, 1829 ; now resides in Spring- field, Ills. Andrew Shuman, Lt. Gov. John M. Hamilton, Lt. Gov. Chicago Strike, 1877. Hamilton, John M. 1883-1885. Vice Cullom, resigned. Born Union Co., Ohio, May 28, 1847; died Chicago, Ills., Sept. 23, 1905. Wm. J. Campbell, President Senate and acting Lt. Gov., 1883. Oglesby, Richard J. 1885-1889. John C. Smith, Lt. Gov. East St. Louis Strike, April, 1886. Haymarket Riot, May 4, 1886. Joliet and Lemont quarrymen strike, May, 1885. Union Stock Yards Strike, November, 1886. Troops called out to suppress strikes mentioned above. Fifer, Joseph W. 1889-1893. Born Staunton, Augusta Co., Va., Oct. 28, 1840; now resides at Bloomington, 111. Lyman B. Ray, Lt. Gov. Chicago Drainage District Law. Revision of the compulsory education law. Altgeld, John P. 1893-1897. Born in Prussia, 1848; died at Joliet, Ills., March 12, 1902. Joseph B. Gill, Lt. Gov. Altgeld, J. P. Live questions; including our penal machin- ery and its victims. 2 vols. ; 12, N. Y., and Springfield, 1890-94. Pardoning of the il Anarchists." See Altgeld, J. P., Reasons for Pardoning Fielden, Neebe and Schwab. Pam. n. d. Strike of railway employes, 1894. State Fair permanently located at Springfield, Ills. World's Fair, Chicago, Ills., 1893. Tanner, John R. 1897-1901. Born Warwick Co., Ind., April 4. 1844; died Springfield, Ills., May 3, 1901. William A. Northcott, Lt. Gov. Spanish- American War. Labor Disturbances. Yates, Richard 1901-1905. Born Jacksonville, Ills., Dec. 12, 1860 ; now resides at Springfield, Ills. First Governor of Ills., born in Illinois. William A. Northcott, Lt. Gov. Called out troops to prevent lynching at Eldorado, Saline, Co., Ills., July 10, 1902. 49 ILLINOIS GOVERNORS. Yates, Richard. Troops sent to East St. Louis to protect life and property on account of the flood and inundations along the Mississ- ippi valley, June 10, 1903. Deadlock Convention, 1904. World's Fair, St. Louis, Mo., 1904. Deneen, Charles S. 1905. Present Governor of Ills. Born Edwardsville, Ills., May 4, 1863. Lawrence Y. Sherman, Lt. Gov. Current events. ILLINOIS BIOGRAPHY AND REMINISCENCES. Bateman & Selby Historical encyclopedia of Ills. 4, Chi- cago. Munsell & Co., pubs., 1901. Bonham, Jeriah Fifty years' recollections, with observations and reflections on historical events, sketches of lives and public services of eminent citizens of Illinois. 12, Peoria, 1883. French, A. W. Early reminiscences; pp. 60-62. Publication No. 6, Illinois State "Historical Library. 8, Springfield, 1901. Hinrichsen, Savillah T. Pioneer Mothers of Illinois. Pages 505-523, in publication No. 9, Illinois State Historical Library, 8, Springfield, 1904. Linder, Usher F. Reminiscences of the early Bench and Bar of Illinois. 12, Chicago, 1879. Matson, N. Memories of Shaubena, with incidents relating to early settlement of the West. 12, Chicago, 1878. 3d edition, 12, Chicago, 1882. Palmer, John M. ; ed. The Bench and Bar of Illinois; historical and reminiscent. 2 vols. ; 4, Chicago, 1899. The story of an earnest life. Personal recollections of John M. Palmer. 8, Cinn., 1901. Scott, John M. The Supreme Court of Illinois, 1818. Its first judges and lawyers. Short sketches. 8, Bloomington, 1896. Snyder, J. F. Forgotten statesmen of Illinois. In publications Nos. 8 and 9, Illinois State Historical Library. 1903, 1904. See Lincoln, Douglas, Governors of Illinois, etc. ILLINOIS EDUCATIONAL. Chamberlain, M. H., LL. D. Historical sketch of McKendree College. In publication No. 9, Illinois State Historical Li- brary, pages 328-364. 8, Springfield, 1904. Colleges; catalogues of educational institutions throughout the State. Illinois College, Jacksonville, Ills. Barton, Rev. C. B. The founders and founding of Illinois College. 16, Jacksonville, 1902. 4 50 ILLINOIS EDUCATIONAL. ILLINOIS COLLEGE. Kirby, Edward P. The organization and history of Illinois College, pp 40-47 in publication No. .7, Illinois State Historical Library. 8, Springfield, 1902. Illinois Teacher (The) -Periodical. 1855-1872, v. y. Leffingwell, Rev. C. W.-^-Bishop Chase and Jubilee College. Pub- lication No. 10, Illinois State Historical Library (soon to be issued). 8, Springfield, 1905. McCormick, Prof. Henry The value to both of a closer relation between the State Historical Society and the public school. Publication No. 10, Illinois State Historical Library (soon to be issue). 8, Springfield, 1905. Pillsbury, W. L. ; Jonathan B. Turner The influence of gov- ernment land grants for educational purposes upon the educa- tional system of the State ; pp. 30-40 in publication No. 6, Illi- nois State Historical Library. 8, Springfield, 1901. Selby, Paul The part of Illinoisans in the national educational movement of 1850-1862. Pages 214-229, in publication No. 9, Illinois State Historical Library. 8, Springfield, 1904. , State Normal Schools, Reports of. Illinois State Normal, Normal, Ills., 1857-1875, bound 1 vol. Eastern State Normal School, Charleston, 111., 1898-1900. Northern State Normal School, De Kalb, Ills., 1900. Southern State Normal School, Carbondale, Ills., 1876-1902, except 1888. Western State Normal School, Macomb, Ills. (Not yet pub- lished, 1905). .State Teachers' Association, State of Illinois, Reports of, 1901- 1904. Supt. of Public Instruction, State of Illinois. Biennial reports, 1st, 1855 ; 1857 to 1862 ; 1865-1904. University of Chicago Catalogues of, course of study, etc., 1895- 1896. University extension bulletins. University of Illinois Agricultural Experiment Station, bulle- tins. Catalogues of ; Law Dept., University Studies, etc. JUDICIAL HISTORY OF ILLINOIS. See Laws and Constitutional Conventions. Alvord, Clarence Wai worth Illinois in the Eighteenth Century. A report on the Documents in the St. Clair County Court House. Bulletin of the Illinois State Historical Library, Vol. I, No. 1, Sept. 1, 1905. Anthony, Elliott Constitutional history of Illinois. 8, Chi- cago, 1891. Breese, Sidney The early history of Illinois. 8, Chicago, 1884. Brown, Henry History of Illinois. 8, N. Y., 1844. 51 JUDICIAL HISTORY. ..,..,. /-.* ,.- / . Caton, John .Dean Early .J3ench,and Bar of Illinois. 8, Chi- cagoi 1893. . . .,.,,. Conkling, James C. -R,ecellecti,ons of 1;he Blench and, Bar of cen- tral Illinois. ' Lecture No. 2, Chicago Bar Association Lectures. Fergus Hist. Series No. 22. 8, Chicago, 1882." Cunningham, J. 0. Sonic facts in the judicial history of -Illi- nois. Pages 84-89, in -publication No.- 7, Illinois State His- torical Library.. 8, Springfield, 1902, Illinois Bar Association^ Annual reports,: 1877-1905, except 1878. Illinois Stale Historical Library, pubs. Information relating to the Territorial Laws of Illinois, s passed from 1809-1812. Pre- pared by Edmund J. James, Ph. D. Publication No. 2, Illinois State Historical .Library. 8, Springfield, 1899. The Territorial Records of Illinois. ' Edited by Edmund J. James, Ph. D. Publication No. 3, Illinois State Historical Library. 8, Springfield, 1901. Linder, Usher F. Reminiscences of the early Bench and Bar of Illinois. 12,. Chicago, 1879. .^^ Mason, Edward G. Early Chicago and Illinois. (Chicago His- torical Society Collections.) 8, Chicago, 1890. Illinois in the Eighteenth Century. (Fergus Historical Series No. 12.) Moses, John Illinois historical and statistical. 2 vols. ; 8, Chi- cago, 1889-92. , !W *^" f ',',','.,'. \,.i: r Palmer, John M., ed.- The Bench and Bar of Illinois, historical and reminiscent. 2 vols. ; 4, Chicago, 1899. Reynolds, John My own times ;. embracing also the history of my life. 12, Illinois, 1,855. Another edition, .published by the Chicago Historical Society, with notes and index. 8, Chicago, 1879. -Pioneer history of Illinois. 12-, Belleville, 1852. Scott, John M. The Supreme Court of Illinois, 1818. 8, Bloom- ington, 1896. . .. Stevenson, Adlai E. Constitutional conventions and constitu- tions of Illinois, pp. 16-30 in Pub. No. 8, : Ills. State Hist. Library, 1903. Todd, John Record Pook. Fergus Historical Series No., 33. Western Annals Albach, Perkins & Peck. 3 eds., 1847, 1850, 1856. ILLINOIS LEGISLATIVE. GOVERNMENT AND 'LAWS XLAv?g ik CHRONOLOGICAL ORDER). Government and Laws,, including Constitutional Conventions Laws of Illinois Territory. See Illinois Territory. \ 52 GOVERNMENT AND LAWS. Public and private laws of the State of Ills., (complete set), passed by the General Assembly, 1819-1905. Revised code of laws of Illinois, 1827. Enacted by the 5th Gen. Assembly. Revised code of laws of Illinois, 1828-1829. Revised code of laws of Illinois, 1832-1833. Act for the organization and government of the militia of this State, passed March 2, 1833. Together with the articles of war, and rules and regulations for government of the army of U. S. Published by authority. Printed by John York Saw- yer, Public Printer. 12, Vandalia, 1833. Public and general laws of Illinois, except such as have been repealed, 1839. Published by Stephen F. Gale. (Also known as Scammon's revision.) Revision of the laws of the State of Illinois. Brayman, M., comp., 1844-45. Ills. Conveyancer; being a collection of original and selected forms for popular use. Gilman, Charles, comp., Quincy, 1849. Compilation of all the general laws concerning real estate and the title thereto in the State of Illinois. Purple, N. H., comp., 8, Quincy, 1849. Compilation of the statutes of Illinois of a general nature in force Jan. 1, 1856, collated with reference to decisions of the Supreme Court of Illinois. Purple, N. H., comp., 2 vols. Statutes of Illinois, embracing all general laws of the State in force Dec. 1, 1857. with marginal notes, showing the contents of each section and reference to decisions of Supreme Court of the State upon the construction of each statute. Compiled by Samuel H. Treat, Walter B. Scates and Robertas. Black- well. Published by authority of Gen. Assembly., 1858. 2 vols. Statutes of Ills, and digest of all general laws of the State, 1818-1868, with a classified index to all local, special and tran- sient acts since Dec., 1844. Edited by Eugene L. Gross, Chicago, 1868. Index to laws of the State of Illinois, both public and private, which are not printed at large in Gross' Statutes of 1869 ; 1818- 1869. Eugene L. Gross & Wm. L. Gross, comps. Springfield, 1869. Statutes of Illinois. An analytical digest of all general laws of the State in force at the present time. Official and standard. By act of Legislature ; 1818-1872. Edited by Eugene L. Gross & Wm. L. Gross. Vol. II, acts of 1871-1872. Authenticated by official certificate, 1872. 53 GOVERNMENT AND LAWS. Statutes of Illinois. An analytical digest of all general laws of the State in force at the present time. Official and standard. By act of the Legislature, 1818-1869. Gross, Eugene L., comp. Revision of statutes and digest of general laws of Ills., 1818- 1873, with acts of 1873. Gross, Wm. L., comp. Revision of 1874. Compilation of all the general laws of the State in force at the present time. Official and standard. By act of the Legislature. Gross, Wm. L., comp. 2d ed., Vol. Ill, Acts of 1873-1874, Statutes of Illinois construed. Containing the statutes of 1874 as amended by acts of 1875-1877 by W. H. Underwood, with notes and references to all later decisions. Prepared by R. A. Halbert, Esq. Also Constitution of Illinois, annotated by Hon. E. M. Haines, 1878. Revision of 1883, Revised Statutes of Ills., embracing all laws of a general nature in force July 1. 1883, notes and references. Edited by George W. Cothran, LL. D. 4th revised ed., 1884. Revised Statutes of Illinois, comprising revised statutes of 1874 and all amendments thereto; general acts of 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1882 and 1883, being all the statutes of the State, in force Sept. 1, 1885. Edited and compiled by Harvey B. Hurd. Revision of 1885. Harvey B. Hurd, comp. Revised Statutes of 1887. Harvey B. Hurd, comp. Revised Statutes of 1889. Harvey B. Hurd, comp. Revised Statutes of 1891. Compiled by Harvey B. Hurd. Revised Statutes of 1893. Harvey B. Hurd, editor. Revised Statutes of 1895. Harvey B. Hurd, editor. Revision of 1897. Harvey B. Hurd, editor. LEGISLATURE. Journals of the Senate and House of Representatives of the State of Illinois, 1818-1905, except Senate Journal second ses- sion of the First General Assembly, 1819. CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS. Anthony, Elliott Constitutional history of Illinois. 8, Chicago, 1891. Journal of the Constitutional Convention, State of Illinois, 1818, Kaskaskia, (in-complete). Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Illi- nois, 1847. State Register, June 12, 1847, to Sept. 3, 1847 Daily report of the proceedings of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Illinois. Lanphier & Walker, pubs., Springfield, Ills. 54 CONSTITUTIONAL CONVENTIONS. Journal of Constitutional Convention of the State of Illinois, 1862. Charles H. Lanphier, printer, Springfield, Ills., 1862. Journal of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Illi- nois, 1869-70. State Journal Print, Springfield, Ills., 1870. Debates and proceedings of the Constitutional Convention of the State of Illinois, 1869-18701 Ely, Burnham & Bartlett, offi- cial stenographers. 2 vols. ; 4, Springfield, 1870. Reports of the State Officers to the General Assembly, 1838- 1896. (Previous to 1838 published in House and Senate Journals). Stevenson, Hon. Adlai E. The Constitutional Conventions and Constitutions of Illinois. In publication No. 8, Illinois State Historical Library, pp. 16-30. 8, Springfield, 1904. ILLINOIS CHARITABLE AND PENAL INSTITUTIONS." Blind Illinois Industrial Home for the Blind, Chicago. Annual reports of trustees ; 1st, 1894, 189.6, 1898, 1901, 1904. Illinois School for the BUnd, Jacksonville, Ills, Biennial re- ports: 2d, 1852; 6th,, 1859-60- 7th, 1861-62; 8th, 1863-64- 9th, *> 1865-66; 10th, 1867-68 ; llth, 18&9/70 ; 1874-1904.. (First an- nual, Jan. 1851, in reports to General Assembly, 1850-51). Brief history of .the , Institution,. 1849-93. Presented by the Illinois Board of World's Fair. Commissioners. 8, Chicago, 1893. Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, at Chicago Biennial re- ports: Annual 1874, biennial '13th, 1882; ''to 16th, 1888; 18th, 1892; to 22d, 1900; 24th, 1904;' (also 10th, 1876; to 17th, 1890; in reports to General Assembly.-) Charities Illinois State Board of Charities. Bi-ennial reports, 1870, 1872-1904. (1st bi-ennial report in reports to General Assembly, Jan., 1871.) Conference of Charities and Corrections Annual reports of con- ferences 1896, 1897, 1898, 1899," 1900, 1901, 190'2, 1903, 1904. Published by the Board of 'Charities. Charities Illinois State Commissioners of Public Charities (Illi- nois State Board of Charities). Bulletins, quarterly: Vol. I, 1899; Vol. II, 1900; Vol. III. 1901; Vol. IV, 1902; Vol. V, 1903; Vol. VI, 1904; Vol. VII, 1905. Charities Manual of financial bookkeeping and. forms for public institutions. Approved by the Illinois Board of. State Commis- sioners of Public Charities, April 17, 1902. Prepared by Frank D. Whipp, assistant secretary. 8, Springfield, 1902. Deaf Illinois School for the Deaf, Jacksonville, Ills. Bi-ennial (and annual) reports. 4th biennial, 1851-52; 1865 r 66 : 1868- 1904, inc. 55 ILLINOIS CHARITABLE AND PENAL INSTITUTIONS. Feeble Minded Institution for education of idiots and feeble minded Children, Jacksonville, Ills., later Lincoln, Ill's. Ex- perimental School, Jacksonville. 1st report, March, 1866 (2nd report Dec., 1866, in Reports to the General Assembly 1867) 3d and 4th anjmal reports, 1867-1868 . (5th, 1869, in reports to the General Assembly) 6th, 1870, 7th,. 1871, 8th, 1872, 9th, 1873, (10th annual, 1874, in reports to General Assembly), 6th, bi-ennial 1876, (Lincoln) to 20th bi-ennial, 1904. Female Illinois Home for Juvenile Female Offenders Bi-ennial reports of trustees and officers, 1st, 1894-1904. Geneva, Illinois. Girls State Training School for Girls, Geneva, Ills. Fifth bi- ennial report of the trustees and officers of the State Training School for Girls, July, 1902. (1st under this name, formerly Illinois Home for Juvenile Female Offenders, Geneva, Ills.) Bi-ennial reports, 1st, 1894-1904. Illinois Industrial School for Girls, South Evanston, Ills. Annual reports, 12th, 1889; 1895. Illinois Manual Training School Farm, Glenwood, Cook Co., Ills. 15th annual report, May 1, 1901, to May 1, 1902. Insane Asylums and Institutions Eastern Asylum at Kankakee, Ills. Bi-ennial reports, 1st, 1878 to 1904. Central Asylum at Jacksonville (1st) 1847-1862; 1864-1868; 1870-1904. Northern Asylum at Elgin, Ills. Biennial reports, 2nd, 1872 to 18th, 1904; (lacks first). 1st preliminary report dated Dec. 1870, cannot be found. Southern Asylum at Anna, Ills. Biennial reports, 10th, 1892, 12th, 1896, 13th, 1898, 14th, 1900, 15th, 1902, 16th, 1904. (1st, Nov. 30, 1874, to 9th, 1890, in reports -to General Assembly). Western Asylum at Watertown, Ills. Biennial reports. 1st, 1898, 2nd, 1900, 3rd, 1902, 4th, 1904. Asylum for Incurable Insane at Bartonville, Ills. 1st and 2nd, 1898, 3rd, 1900, 4th, 1902, 5th, 1904. Insane Criminals Asylum for Insane Criminals, at Chester, 111. Biennial reports of, 1st, 1892 to 1904, inc. Report of the investigating committee on the hospital for the Insane, and other State Institutions, made to the Governor of Illinois, Dec. 1, 1867. 8, Springfield, 1869. Penitentiaries Chester, Ills. Southern Penitentiary. Biennial reports: 6th, 1888; 9th, 1894-1904; (1878, 1879, 1880, 1882, 1884, 1890, 1892, in reports to General Assembly.) Penitentiaries Joliet, Ills. Northern Penitentiary. Biennial re- ports, 1866, 1868, 1872-1904 56 ILLINOIS CHARITABLE AND PENAL INSTITUTIONS. Penitentiaries Joliet Penitentiary. Catalogue of the library of the Illinois State Penitentiary at Joliet, Ills., 1902. Penitentiaries Wetmore, S. W. Behind the bars, life and times in Joliet prison. 8, Chicago, 1883. Reformatory Pontiac, Illinois. Biennial reports, 1892-1904. Became Illinois State Reformatory July, 1, 1891, formerly Re- form School. (Annual reports, 1872, 1873, 1874; biennial re- ports, 1876-1890, in reports to Gen. Assembly). St. Charles Home for Boys St. Charles, Illinois. 1st bi-ennial report July 1, 1904. Soldiers' and Sailors' Home Quincy, Ills. Bi-ennial reports, 2nd, 1888-1904. (1st bi-ennial report in reports to General Assembly, Oct. 1, 1886. 35th General Assembly, Jan., 1887, vol. 2.) Soldiers' Orphans' Home at Normal, Ills. Biennial reports, 1st, 1869-70, 2nd, 1871-72, special 1872-73, 4th, 1876, 5th, 1878, special memorial reports, 1879-1881 ; 6th, 1880 ; 7th, 1882 ; 8th, 1884; 9th, 1886; 10th, 1888; 12th, 1892; 14th, 1896-1904. Soldiers' Widows' Home Wilmington, Ills. Biennial reports, 1st, 1898-1904. NOTE The Library has also the reports of State officers. NOTE The library has the reports of a number of Patriotic, Fraternal and Social Societies and Associations, such as the Grand Army of the Republic, Masonic Societies, Odd Fellows, Knights of Pythias, &c. It also has a collection of genealogical works, including the lineage books of the National Society of the Daughters of the American Revolution. NEWSPAPERS IN HISTORICAL LIBRARY. Alton Daily Morning Courier Alton, Ills. June 1, 1854 to May 30th, 1855 (I vol.). Brown, George T., prop. Alton Observer Alton, Ills. Sept. 8, 1836 to April 19th, 1838. Lovejoy, Elijah P., ed. (St. Louis Observer, Sept. 3, 1835 to Aug. 10, 1836. Lovejoy, Elijah P., ed. Bound in one vol.) Cairo Daily Democrat. Feb. to Nov. 1865, April to July, 1866. Chicago Chronicle Chicago, Ills. July 1, 1904 to 1905 Chicago Daily Tribune Chicago, Ills. Sept. to Dec. 1863; Jan. to Dec., 1864; Jan. to Dec., 1865; July, 1899, to 1905. Chicago Journal Chicago, Ills., Nov. 13, 1865 to July 27, 1866. Chicago Legal News Chicago, Ills. Vol. 4, 1871 to Feb., 1894. Bradwell, Myra, ed. Chicago Legal News. Feb., 1894 to Vol. 32, 1900. Bradwell, Jas. B. & Helmer, B. B., eds. Chicago Times Chicago, Ills., Sept. to Dec. 1863 ; Jan. to Dec. 1864; Jan. to July 1865. 57 ILLINOIS NEWSPAPERS. Illinois Intelligencer, from 1822-26. *From Edward Coles to the State of Illinois. *" There were four newspapers printed in Illinois in 1825. A specimen of each Js at the end of this volume, viz : Illinois Intelligencer, Illinois Gazette, Kaskaskia Republican and Illi- nois Republican." Note The above is an exact copy of the note written on the fly leaf of the bound volume presented to the State of Illinois by Governor Edward Coles. Illinois Press Association, Proceedings, 1893, 1903, 1904. Illinois State Historical Library pubs. Bibliography of News- papers published in Illinois prior to 1860. Prepared by Ed- mund J. James, Ph. D., professor in the University of Chicago, assisted by Milo J. Loveless, graduate student in the University of Chicago. 8, Springfield, 1899. Illinois State Journal Springfield, Ills. From 1831 to 1905. Illinois State Register Vandalia, later, Springfield, Ills. From 1835 to 1905. Missouri Democrat Nov. 1861 to Nov. 22, 1862; Jan. to Dec. 1864; Jan. to Dec. 186.5; Jan. to July 1866. Missouri Republican Sept. to Dec. 1863; Jan. to Dec. 1864; Jan. 1865 to Jan. 1866. New York Tribune-New York City, N. Y. From Dec., 1850 to Dec., 1889-117 Vols. Prairie Farmer Chicago, Ills. The Prairie Farmer, 1846-1852; Wright, J. S. & Wight, J. Ambrose, eds. The Prairie Farmer, 1854-1855; Wight, J. Ambrose, ed. The Prairie Farmer, a weekly Journal of Agriculture, &c., 1867-1868 ; Prairie Farmer Pub. Co., pubs. St. Louis Globe-Democrat St. Louis, Mo. July, 1899 to 1905. Snively, E. A. Newspapers and newspaper men of Illinois; pp. 205-213 in publication No. 9 of Illinois State Historical Library. 8, Springfield, 1904. The Weekly Register (later Niles' Weekly Register). Niles, H., later Niles & Son (Vol. 51, edited by Wm. Ogden Niles) ; 51 Vols. 8, Baltimore. Sept. 7, 1811 to Feb. 25, 1837, and 1 Vol., index to the 1st series, 1811 to 1817. Series 1, 2 (new series), 3, 4, 5, printed and published by the editor. NOTE The library is also receiving about 50 weekly and semi- weekly newspapers from various towns throughout the State. 58 ILLINOIS. RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS. BAPTIST CHURCH Alton Baptist Association Minutes of the second annual meeting of the Alton Baptist Association held with the First Baptist Church of Alton, Sept. 4 and 5, 1884 American Baptist Missionary Union. The Missionary Jubilee; An account of the 50th Anniversary of the American Baptist Missionary Union, Philadelphia, May 24-26, 1864, with com- memorative papers and discourses. 8, N. Y., 1865. Anderson, Mrs. Galusha The Story of Aunt Lizzie Aiken. 16, Chicago, 1880. Bailey, Gilbert S. History of the Illinois River Baptist As- sociation and its Churches. 16, N. Y., 1857. Baptist General Association of Illinois Constitution and by- laws, minutes of its annual meetings, 1882, 1885, 1890, 1896, 1898-1899. Benedict David, A, M. General history of the Baptist de- nomination in America and other parts of the world. 2 Vols. 8, Boston, 1813. ^ Blois (de) Austen Kennedy The Pioneer School, a history of Shurtleff College, the oldest educational institution in the west. 12, Chicago, 1900. Bloomington Baptist Association Minutes of the Third An- nual Meeting, held in Normal, August 23-25, 1872. Bloomington Baptist Association Thirteenth annual meeting, held at Pontiac, III., Sept. 19-21, 1882. De Blois, see Blois. Dixon Baptist Association Minutes of the forty-ninth an- nual session of the Dixon Baptist Association held at Sterling, June 28-30, 1904. 8, Mt. Carroll, 1904. First Baptist Church of Chicago History of the First Baptist Church, Chicago, with the articles of faith, and the covenant, and a catalogue of its members, December, 1889. 12, Chicago, 1889. Shurtleff College, Upper Alton Jubilee Memorial of Shurtleff College. 8, Alton, 1877. See Blois. Springfield, Ills., Baptist Association Minutes of annual meetings 44th, 1881 to 47th, 1884 inc.; 50th, 1887 to 54th, 1891 ; 56th. 1893 to 61st, 1898 inc. ; 63rd, 1900 to 66th, 1903 ; 68th, 1905. -Walker, Edwin S. History of the Springfield Baptist Asso- ciation. 12, Springfield, 1881. 59 ILLINOIS RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS. CATHOLIC CHURCH. Alerding, Rev. H., The Catholic Church in the Diocese of Vin- cennes. 12, Indianapolis, 1883. Dunn, J. P. Father Gibault, the Patriot Priest of the North- west. In publication No. 10, 'Illinois State Historical Library (soon to be issued). 8, Springfield, 1905.. Jesuit Relations. 73 Vols. R. G. Thwaites, ed. Shea, John Gilmary History of the Catholic Missions among the , Indian tribes of the U. S. 1529-1854. 12, N. Y.,. 1857. CHRISTIAN CHURCH. Campbell, Alexander, editor The Christian Baptist, revised by D. S. Burnet, from the 2d edition, with Mr. Campbell's last cor- rections. 7 Vols. in one; 13th ed. 8, n. ,p., .1867. Eureka College Eureka, 111., Alumni Association, pubs. His- tory of Eureka College, with biographical sketches and remin- iscences. 12, St. Louis, 1894. Illinois Christian Missionary Society, publishers. Illinois Year Book of Churches of Christ. Disciples of Christ. Fifty- third Year. For the year ending July 31 r 1903. 8, Minier, Ills., 1902. Kane, Charles P. The Christian Church of Springfield, Ills. Something of its beginning and growth, during the first sixty ; years of its history, 1833-1893. Manuscript.' EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Chase, Rev. Philander Bishop Chase's defense of himself against the late conspiracy at Gambler, Ohio. Series of letters. Pams. 1831-32. Chase, Rev. Philander Bishop Chase's Reminiscences. 2d ed. 2 Vols. 8, Boston, 1848. Chase, Philander Life of, by Laura Chase Smith. 8, N. Y., 1903. See Leffingwell. Corbyn, Rev. Wm. H. The Catholic Church and its work in Illi- nois. 8, Quincy, 1876. Diocese of Illinois Journals of the annual conventions of the Church in the Diocese of Illinois. 3d to 45th, 1837-1882, ex- cept 5, 8, 26, 27, 41, 42, 43. Kerfoot, Samuel H. Bishop Whitehouse and the Diocese of Ills. Chicago, 1860, Pam. Diocese of Quincy Journal of the annual conventions of the Diocese of Quincy, Pams, 1878-80, 1884, 1888, 1893. Diocese of Springfield Journals of the Annual Synod of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Springfield, 1878-99, 1901, 1903, 1904, Pams. 60 ILLINOIS RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS. EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Leffingwell, Rev. C. W. Bishop Chase and Jubilee College. In Publication No. 10, Illinois State Historical Library (soon to be issued). 8, Springfield, 1905. Perry, Wm. S. The Episcopate in America. 8, N. Y., 1895. LUTHERAN CHURCH. Augustana Synod Official Records of the Scandinavian Evan- gelical Lutheran Augustana Synod. 1860-1900. Grace Evangelical Church, Springfield, Ills. Order of Exercises at the Dedication of the Church, March 19, 1893, Pam. Heilman, Rev. Lee M. Historic sketch of the Evangelical Luth- eran Synod of Northern Illinois. 12, Philadelphia, 1892, Pam. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Asbury, Francis The journal of the Rev. Francis Asbury, Bishop of the Methodist Episcopal Church, from August 7, 1771, to December 1, 1815, 3 Vols. 8, N. Y., 1821. Beggs, Rev. S. R. Pages from the early history of the West and Northwest, with special reference to Methodism. 12, Cin- cinnati, 1868. Buckley, James M. A History of Methodism in the U. S., 2 Vols. 8, N. Y., 1898. Cartwright, Rev. Peter Autobiography of, edited by W. P. Strickland. 12, Cincinnati, 1856. Chamberlin, M. H., LL. D. Address of the President of McKen- dree College delivered at the Educational Anniversary of the Southern Ills. M. E. Conference, Sept. 29, 1894. 12, St. Louis, 1894. Chamberlin, M. H., LL. D. Historical sketch of McKendree College, pp. 328-364 in Pub. No. 9, Ills. State Historical Library, 1904. Chicago Methodist Relief Committee Report of the Confer- ence Committee for the relief of the Methodist Institutions and Churches of Chicago. 8, Chicago, 1873. Field, A. D. Worthies and workers, both ministers and lay- men of the Rock River Conference. 12, Cincinnati, 1896. Kellogg, Amherst W., ed. A concise history of Methodism in England and America, of its origin, founders, development and institutions. 8, Milwaukee, 1897. Leaton, Rev. James, D. D. History of Methodism in Illinois, from 1793 to 1832. 12, Cincinnati, 1883. Madden, F. B., ed. Journal and records of the eightieth ses- sion of the Illinois Annual Conference of the Methodist Church held at Quincy, 111., Sept. 16-21, 1903. 61 ILLINOIS RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS. METHODIST EPISCOPAL CHURCH. Short, Rev. W. F. Early religious leaders and methods of Illi- nois, pp. 56-62, in Publication No. 7, Illinois State Historical Library. 8, Springfietd, 1902. Wakeley, Rev. J. B. The heroes of Methodism, containing sketches of eminent Methodist ministers, and characteristic anecdotes of their personal history. 12, N. Y., 1856. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. Dixon, Ills. Manuals of the Presbyterian Church of Dixon, Ills., for 1896-1899. 16, Dixon, Ills., Pams. Gillet, E. H. History of the Presbyterian Church in the United States of America. 12, Philadelphia, 1864. Logan, Rev. Thos. D. Year Book of the First Presbyterian Church, Springfield, Ills. 8, Springfield, 1891. Nevin, Alfred, D. D., LL. D., editor Encyclopedia of the Pres- byterian Church in the United States, including the Northern and Southern Assemblies. 8, Philadelphia, 1884. Presbytery Reporter Norton, A. T., and "Wight, Ambrose, eds.-Vols. 3-8, 1856-1864. 8, Alton and Chicago. Otis, Philo The First Presbyterian Church. A history of the oldest organization in Chicago, with biographical sketches of the pastors, and copious extracts from the choir records. 8, Chicago, 1900. Springfield, Ills. Seventy-fifth Anniversary of the organization of the First Presbyterian Church, Springfield, Ills., Feb. 1, 1903, Pam. Springfield, Ills. Original manuscript record books of the Presbytery of Springfield, 1829-1895. 10 vols. Third Presbyterian Church, Chicago, Ills., Library Associa- tionCatalogue, constitution and by-laws, 1884. 16, Chi- cago, 1884. UNITED BRETHREN IN CHRIST. Central Illinois Conference United Brethren in Christ. Re- cord Book. Original mss., book of the Central Illinois Confer- ence Church of the United Brethren in Christ, 1865-1884. Drury, Rev. A. W. Life of Rev. Philip Wm. Otterbein, foun- der of the Church of the United Brethren in Christ. 12, Dayton, 1893. ILLINOIS. RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES, ETC. Communistic Societies in Illinois. 62 ILLINOIS COMMUNISTIC AND .RELIGIOUS .SOCIETIES. BISHOP HILL COLONY Henry County, Ills. Bigelow, Hiram, The Bishop Hill Colony pp. 101-108, in publi- cation No. 7, Illinois State Historical Library. 8, Spring- field, 1902. Iowa Journal of History and Politics The Early Swedish Immigration to Iowa. By George T. Flom, pp. 584-615,Vol. Ill, No. 4, October, 1905. 8, Iowa City, Iowa, State Historical Society of Iowa, pubs. Mikkelsen, Michael A. The Bishop Hill Colony, a religious, communistic settlement in Henry County, Ills. Johns Hopkins University Studies in Historical and Political Science, 10th Series, No, 1. 8, Baltimore, 1892. ICARIANS Nauvoo, Hancock Co., Ills. Brown, Katherine H. Diane, a story of the Icarian settle- ment in Illinois. 12, N. Y., 1904. Nordhoff, Charles Communistic societies of the United States. The Icarians, pp. 333-339. Comparative view and review, pp. 385-418 of same book. 8, N. Y., 1875. MORMONS Nauvoo, Hancock Co., Ills. Caswell, Henry, M. A. The City of the Mormons, Pam. London, 1842. Dougall, Lily The Mormon Prophet. 12, N. Y., 1899. Ford, Governor Thomas- History of Illinois. 12, Chicago, 1854. Gregg, Thomas The- Prophet of Palmyra. 12, N. Y., 1890. Linn, Alexander The Story of the Mormons from the date of their origin to the year 1901. 8, N. Y., 1902. Pratt, Orson Series of pamphlets; to which is appended a dis- cussion between Elder Wm. Gibson and Rev. Mr. Woodman. 8, Liverpool, 1851. Reynolds, Elder George The myth of the "Manuscript Found" or the absurdities of the "Spaulding Story" "Eleventh book of the Faith-Promoting Series". 16, Salt Lake City, 1883. Riley, I. Woodbridge The founder of Mormonism. A psycho- logical study of Joseph Smith, Jr. With an introduction by Prof. George Trumbull Ladd. 12. N. Y., 1902. Smith, Joseph, Jr. The Book of Mormon. Five editions. 12, Palmyra, N. Y. 1830 ; 16, Kirtland, 0., 1837. 4th Amer. ed., 16 Nauvoo, Ills., 1842. 6th European ed., 16, Liverpool & London, 1866; and 16, Salt Lake City, 1883. Stenhouse, Mrs. T. B. II. "Tell it all." The story of a life's experience in Mormonism. An autobiography. Introduction by Mrs. Harriet Beecher Stowe. 8, Hartford, 1890. 63 ILLINOIS RELIGIOUS SOCIETIES. MORMONS. Times and Season Periodical, John Taylor ed., Vol. 5. 8, Nauvoo, 1844. Turner, J. B. Mormonism in all ages. 12,- N. Y. & London, 1842. Young, Ann Eliza Wife No. 19. A life in bondage. 8, Hart- ford, 1876. ILLINOIS CITIES. ALTON, ILLS. Alton Baptist Association, pubs. Minutes of the second annual meeting of the Alton Baptist Association, held with the first Baptist Church of Alton, Sept. 4 and 5, 1884. 8, Marissa, Ills., 1884. Alton Daily Morning Courier Alton, Ills., June 1, 1854, to May 30, 1855. Alton Observer (extra), pub. Proceedings of the Illinois Anti- Slavery Convention, held at Upper Alton on the 26, 27 and 28 of October, 1837. 8, Alton, 1838. Alton Trials of Winthrop S. Oilman, who was indicted with Enoch Long, Amos B. Roff and others for the crime of riot on the night of Nov. 7, 1837, while engaged in defending a printing press from an armed mob. Also trial of John Solomon, Levi Palmer and others for riot in attacking and destroying a print- ing press Nov. 7, 1837. Lincoln, Wm. S., comp. 12. N. Y., 1838. Barber & Howe, pubs. Early sketch of Alton. Vol. 2, "Our Whole Country," pp. 1087-1091. Beecher, Rev. Edward Narrative of riots at Alton, in connec^ tion with death of Rev. Elijah P. Lovejoy. 16, Alton, 1838. Blois (de), Austen Kennedy The Pioneer School, a history of Shurtleff College, the oldest educational institution in the W T est. 12, Chicago, New York, Toronto, 1900. Dedication of the Lovejoy Monument Alton, Ills., Nov. 8, 1897. Alton, n. d. Greene, Wm. W. Semi-centennial history of the Alpha Zeta Society of Shurtleff College; together with complete rosters of active and honorary members. 4, Alton, 1898. Lovejoy, Elijah P. (The library contains considerable material relating to Lovejoy, including the various biographies). Madison County history contains good sketch of Alton. Sentinel-Democrat, pubs. Alton, Ills., Souvenir Album. 16, Alton, Ills., 1895. Shurtleff College, Alton, Ills. Jubliee memorial of Shurtleff College, Upper Alton, Ills. Consisting of three vols. in one. 64 ILLINOIS CITIES. ALTON. I. The Semi-Centennial and general catalogue. II. The jubilee anniversary, with address and poem. III. The Centennial jubilee memorial roll-book. Alton, Ills., 1877. Western Publishing Co., pubs. Holland's Alton City directory for 1868-69. 8, Chicago, 1868. BELLEVILLE, ILLS. Alvord, Clarence Wai worth Illinois in the eighteenth century. A report on the documents in the St. Clair County Court House, Belleville, Ills. Bulletin of the Illinois State Historical Library, Vol. I, No. 1, Sept. 1, 1905. Belleville Public Library Board of Directors. Annual reports of; 14th, 1897; 17th, 1900; 18th, 1901; 19th, 1902; 20th, 1903; 21st, 1904 ; 22d, 1905. East St. Louis and Suburban Railway Co., pubs. Charles Dick- ens' trip to Belleville in 1842, and how the trip may be made today, n. p. ; 12, 1902. Perrin, J. N. The Oldest Civil Record in the West. In Pub. No. 6, Illinois State Historical Library, pp. 63-65. 8, Spring- * field, 1901. Philharmonic Society 100th Concert of the Philharmonic Society of Belleville, Ills., Nov. 18, 1886. 16, Belleville, 1886. The Rebellion ; a speech by Jehu Baker, delivered in the Hall of Representatives at Springfield Feb. 4, at Bloomington March 20 and at Belleville, March 28, 1863. 8 Belleville, Ills., 1863; Belleville Advocate Book and Job Office. See also, History of St. Clair County. BLOOMINGTON, ILLS. Barber & Howe, pubs. Early sketch of Bloomington. In "Our Whole Country." Vol. 2, pp. 1081-1082. Baker, Jehu The Rebellion, a speech by Jehu Baker, delivered in the Hall of Representatives at Springfield Feb. 4. at Bloom- ington March 20 and at Belleville March 28, 1863. 8, Belle- ville, Ills., 1863. Belleville Advocate Book & Job Co. Office. Bloomington Baptist Association, pubs. Minutes of the third annual meeting, held in Normal, Ills., Aug. 23-25, 1872. Thir- tenth annual meeting, held at Pontiac, Ills., Sept. 19-21, 1882. Burnham, J. H., comp. History of Bloomington and Normal. 8, Bloomington, 1879. Kerrick, L. H. Life and character of Isaac Funk, pages 159-170 in publication No. 7, Illinois State Hist. Library, 1902. McLean Co. Historical Society Transactions of, Vols. I-III, for the years 1899-1903. 65 ILLINOIS CITIES. BLOOMINGTON. Phillips, Isaac N. The law and the mobs. Dedicatory address at Bloomington, Ills., Sept. 24, 1903, on the occasion of the dedication of the McLean County Circuit Court room. 8, Bloomington, 1903. See also histories of McLean County. CAIRO, ILLS. Barber & Howe, pubs. Early sketch of Cairo. See pages 1091- 1092 in "Our Whole Country," Vol. II. 8, Cincinnati, 1853. Barber & Howe, pubs. Cairo City Property Co., pubs. Cairo, Ills., 1856. 4, N. Y., 1856. Baker & Godwin, printers. The past, present and future of the City of Cairo in North America; with reports, estimates and statistics. By a com- mittee of the shareholders. Sept. 29, 1858. 8, Portland, Maine, 1858. Printed by Brown Thurston. Cairo Daily Democrat, Feb. 22, 1865 to Nov. 28, 1865; April 13, 1866 to July 11, 1866. 2 bound vols. Cairo Expedition (The) Illinois' first response in the late Civil War. The expedition from Chicago to Cairo. Read before Chicago Historical Society, Tuesday evening, Nov. 19, 1890. (Chicago Hist. Society, pubs.) Burley, Augustus Harris, 8. Douglas High School of Cairo Commencement Themes, Glass of 1894. 12, Cairo, 1894. Long , Henry Report on condition and prospects of Cairo, 1850. 8, N. Y., 1850. (Also a chapter on history of Cairo in Perrin's History of Alex- ander Co.) CANTON, ILL. Law, M. J. F. History and reminiscences of school work in Canton, Ills. Law, Mrs. Mary J. F. 12, Canton, 1894. Daily Register Press. Ross, H. L. Early pioneers and pioneer events of Illinois. 8, Chicago, 1899. Swan, A. M. Canton, Ills., its pioneers and history. A con- tribution to the history of Fulton Co. Swan, Alonzo M. 8, Canton, 1871. See History of Fulton County. CHICAGO. Early CHICAGO. Andreas, A. T. Chicago, history of, from earliest period to 1885. 3 Vols. 4, Chicago, 1884-1885. Barber & Howe pubs. Early sketch of Chicago, and view of Chicago in 1831. In "Our Whole Country." Vol. 2, pages 1059-1071. 8, Cincinnati, 1853. 5 66 ILLINOIS CITIES. Early CHICAGO. BJanchard, Rufus Discovery and conquest of the North-West and history of Chicago. 8, Wheaton, 1881. Discovery and Conquest of the Northwest, with the history of * Chicago. In two vols. 8, Chicago, 1899. R. Blanchard & Co., pubs. 1899. Map of the environs of Chicago. (In map Graphic) Chicago, 1888. Calumet Club. Early Chicago. Reception to Old Settlers by Calumet Club. 12, Chicago, 1879. Chicago Hist. Society. Publications of. Vols. 1, 2, 3, 4, and Circulars and Addresses. Cleaver, Charles. History of Chicago, 1833-1892. 12, Chicago, 1892. Fergus Historical Series- No. 1. Annals of Chicago. Balestier, Joseph. No. 2. Directory of the City of Chicago, for 1839. Fergus, Robt. comp No. 5. Biographical sketches of some of Chicago's early V j settlers. No. 6. Continuation of the same. No. 7. Early Chicago Wentworth, John. No. 8. Early Chicago Wentworth, John. No. 9. Present and future pmspects of Chicago Brown, H. No. 10. Addresses delivered at meeting Hist. Soc. No. 11. Early medical Chicago, Hyde, Jas. Nevins, A. M., M. D. No. 14. Early Illinois. Rev. Jeremiah Porter, and others. No. 16. Early Chicago, Fort Dearborn Wentworth, John. No. 17. Wm. B. Ogden and early days in Chicago Arnold & Scammon. No. 18. Chicago River and Harbor Convention, 1847 Fergus, Robt. comp. No. 19. Early Chicago reminiscences Cleaver, Chas. No. 21. John Dean Caton Fergus, Robt. No. 22. Chicago Bar Ass'n Lectures Arnold, I. N., and other. No. 23. Early Illinois Railroads Ackerman, W. K. No. 25. Business Directory and Statistics of Chicago 1846 Norris, J. W. No. 27. Illinois and Indiana Indians Beckwith, Hiram W. No. 28. Chicago Directory 1843 Fergus, Robt. comp. Gale, Edwin 0. Reminiscences of early Chicago and vicinity. Illustrated by W. E. S. Trowbridge. 12, Chicago, 1902. Goodwin, Daniel, Jr. The Dearborns. (Chicago Hist. Society Proceedings). 8, Chicago, 1884. 67 s ILLINOIS CITIES. Early CHICAGO. Hoffman, Chas. Fenno A winter in the West. 2 vols. 12, N. Y., 1835. Also, reprinted, as Fergus Hist. Series, No. 20. Hoyne, Leonora Maria Temple, wife of Thomas Hoyne. Memor- ial. An autobiographical sketch; completed by her children. (Contains much matter relating to the early settlement of Chicago). 12, Chicago, 1897. Hurlburt, Henry H. Chicago Antiquities, including Chicago Business Directory for 1839. 8, Chicago, 1875. Chicago Antiquities. 8, Chicago, 1881. Inter Ocean Pub. Co. Chicago's first half century, 1833-1883. 8, Chicago, 1883. Kenkel, F. P., pub. The Story of Chicago; from the log cabin to the World's Fair. 4, Chicago, 1893. Kinzie, John H, (Entered in Office Dist. Clerk by). Narrative of the Massacre at Chicago, Aug. 15, 1812; and of some pre- ceding events. 8, Chicago, 1844. Kinzie, Mrs. John H. (Juliette A.) Wau-Bun; the early day in the Northwest. 8, N, Y. 1856. Derby & Jackson, pub. Another edition. 12, Phila., 1873. Also a new edition, edited with notes by Eleanor Kinzie Gordon. 12, Chicago, 1901.* Kirkland, Joseph. Chicago Massacre of 1812; with illustrations and historical documents. 12, Chicago, 1893. -The Story of Chicago. 4, Chicago, 1892. McCulloch, David. Early days of Peoria and Chicago. An ad- dress read before the Chicago Historical Society at a quarterly meeting held Jan. 19, 1904. 8, Chicago, 1904. Mason, Edward G. Early Chicago and Illinois. (Chicago Hist. Society. Collections vol. 4). 8, Chicago, 1890. Parrish, Randall When Wilderness was King. 8, Chicago, 1904. Richardson, Major. Hardscrabble. 12, N. Y., 1888. Simmons, N., M. D. Heroes and heroines of the Fort Dearborn Massacre, a romantic and tragic history of Corporal John Sim- mons and his heroic wife. Also of the first white child born in Chicago. 12, Lawrence, Kans., 1896. Steward, John F. Lost Maramech and earliest Chicago. A his- tory of the Foxes and of their downfall near the great Village of Maramech. 8, Chicago, 1903. The Chicago Portage, pp. 460-466 in Ills. State Hist. Library Publication No. 9, 1904. 08 ILLINOIS CITIES. CHICAGO FIRE. Chicago Relief and Aid Society. Annual report for year ending Oct. 31, 1871. First special report, 1871. First report of committee on special relief, 1872. Report to common council of Chicago, 1872. Chicago Times, pub. New Chicago; the work of reconstruction. 8, Chicago, 1872. Colbert, Elias, and Chamberlain, Everett Chicago and the great conflagration. 12, Chicago, 1872. Goodspeed, Rev. E. J. History of the great fires of Chicago and the West. 8, Chicago, 1871. Great Fires of Chicago and the West By a Chicago clergyman. 8, Chicago, 1871. Illinois reports to Gen. Assembly, 2nd special session of 27th Gen. Assembly 1871, contains account of fire, etc., and official action of the State, government and city officials. Illinois State Historical Library, Pub. No. 8 Early History of the Drug Trade of Chicago. (Gives an account of the Chicago fire, pp. 234-274.) 8, Springfield, 1904. A. E. Ebert, ed. Luzerne, Frank The lost city. Drama of the fire-fiend; or, Chicago as it was, and as it is, and its glorious future. A vivid and truthful picture of all of interest connected with the de- struction of Chicago and the terrible fires of the great North- west. John G. Wells, editor. 8, N. Y., 1872. McDonald, R. H. History and map of Chicago, with a history' of the great fire ; containing views of Chicago in 1820 and 1871. Photographs of public buildings burned, growth and progress of Chicago from 1774 to 1871. Its trade, commerce, industry and enterprise, with a record of all the great fires of the world. 12, N. Y., 1872. R. B. Thompson & Co., pub. Sew ell, Alfred L., comp. Scenes, incidents and lessons of the great Chicago Fire. 12, Chicago, 1871. Sheahan, J. W. and Upton, G. P. The great conflagration. 8, Chicago, 1872. University Publishing Co., pub. The Lakeside Monthly, Vol. 8, July to December, 1872. Contains article on the Chicago Fire of 1871, and the rebuilding of the city afterwards. October, 1872, pages 241-324. 8, Chicago, 1872. CHICAGO. (General historical material). Abbot, Willis John Carter H. Harrison. A memoir. 8. X. Y., 1895. (Copyrighted. Dodd, Mead & Co.) 69 "- r ILLINOIS CITIES. CHICAGO GENERAL HISTORICAL MATERIAL. Acme Publishing and Engraving Co., pubs. Chicago of today. The metropolis of the "West. The nation's choice for the World's Columbian Exposition. 4, Chicago, 1891. Addams, Jane Democracy and social ethics. (The Citizen's Library of Economics, Politics and Sociology. Edited by Rich- ard T. Ely.) Contains an account of Hull House and other sociological work in Chicago. 12, N. Y., 1902. Hull House. Maps and paper. 8, N. Y., 1895. Anderson, Mrs. Galusha The story of Aunt Lizzie Aiken. 16, Chicago, 1880. Andreas, A. T. History of Chicago. 3 vols. 4, Chicago, 1884-85. Banks, Charles Eugene The artistic guide to Chicago and the World's Columbian Exposition. 8, Chicago, 1893. Blue Book of Chicago Selected names of Chicago and suburban towns for the year ending 1892. Argyle Park, Auburn Park, Austin, Buena Park, Edgewater, Englewood, Evanston, Ft. Sheridan, Glencoe, Lake Forest, La Grange, Oak Park, Wood- lawn and other towns and villages. 12, Chicago, 1892. Another edition for 1897. 12, Chicago, 1896. Bradwell, James B. Pioneers of Chicago. In Memoriam. "4, Chicago, 1897. Report of Necrologist, 1898-99. Report of Necrologist, June 9, 1902. 8, Chicago, 1902. Bross, Wm. History of Chicago. 8, Chicago, 1876. Brown, G. P. Drainage channels and waterways. 8, Chicago, 1894. Burke, Wm. Henry Chicago Athletic Association, past and present. 12, Chicago, 1896. Campbell Investment Co., pubs. A history of a lot in Chicago. 16, pam. n. d. Chamberlain, Everett Chicago and its suburbs. 8, Chicago, 1873. Chicago Academy of Sciences, Bulletins For list of bulletins, see Chicago Educational. Chicago Citizen's Association, circulars, reports of committees, etc. Chicago Culture Club Ninth annual announcement of the Chi- cago Culture Club. Twentieth Century ; years three and four. 12, Chicago, 1904. Chicago Daily News, pub. The Daily News Almanac and Politi- cal Record, from 1885 to 1899, 1904. V. Y. 12, Chicago. 70 ILLINOIS CITIES. CHICAGO GENERAL HISTORICAL MATERIAL. Chicago Democratic Club, pubs. The Chicago Centennial, 1803- 1903, (medal). CHicago Drainage Channel and Waterway, Special Commission- ers Report of Commissioners appointed by Governor Tan- ner. 8, Chicago, 1900. Chicago Miscellaneous. 8, Chicago, 1879. Chicago National Bank, pub. Chicago, historical, pictorial, folio. Chicago, 1902. Chicago Newspapers, see Illinois Newspapers, pp. 56-57. Cleveland, H. W. S. Public grounds of Chicago, how to give them character and expression. 8, Chicago, 1869. Connorton, J. W., pub. Directory of the licensed real estate dealers of Chicago, 1891-1892. 12, Chicago, 1891. ' Cooley, L. E. The lakes and gulf waterways as related to the Chicago sanitary problems. A preliminary report. 8, Chi- cago, n. d. Date of preface, May, 1891. Press of John W. Weston. Cope, George W., comp. The iron and steel industries of Chi- i cago. Compiled and published for the information of the Iron and Steel Institute and Verein Deutscher Eisenhutten- leute, on the occasion of their visit to Chicago, Oct. 13 and 14, 1890. 12, Chicago, 1890. Crerar, John Will of John Crerar, Chicago. 4, Chicago, n. d. Crerar, (John) Library (See Libraries of Chicago). Cronin, Dr. P. H. See Hunt, McEnnis. Curon, L. G. Chicago, Satan's sanctum. 12, Chicago, 1899. Deering Harvesting Company, U. S. A., pubs., Chicago. Official retrospective exhibition of harvesting machinery for the Paris Exhibition. 8, Paris, 1900. Eckhart, B. A., and Kelley, Thos. Annual messages of Presi- dents Eckhart & Kelley, Sanitary District, Chicago. 8, Chi- cago, 1897. Elite Publishing Co. Elite directory and club list of Chicago. 1886-87, 1887-88, 1888-89. Everett, Marshall The great Chicago theater disaster. A com- plete story told by the survivors, presenting a vivid picture, both by pen and camera, of one of the greatest fire horrors of modern times. (Iroquois theater fire.) 8, Chicago, 1904. Fergus Hist. Series No. 18 Chicago River and Harbor Conven- tion, July 5-7, 1847. An account of its origin and proceedings, etc. 12, Chicago, 1882. See Early Chicago, Fergus Historical Series. 71 ILLINOIS CITIES. CHICAGO GENERAL HISTORICAL MATERIAL. Fiske, Spencer Chicago in picture and poetry; with one hun- dred illustrations. 8, Chicago, 1903. Fox, Cole & Co., pubs. Merchants' and Manufacturers' illus- trated Chicago guide for 1880. 12, Chicago, 1880. Flinn, John J. Chicago, the marvelous city of the West; his- tory, encyclopedia and a guide, 1891. 12, Chicago, 1890. Flinn, John JT. (Assisted by John E. Wilkie). History of the Chicago Police from the settlement of the community to the present time. Under authority of the mayor and superintendent of the force. 8,Chicago, 1887. Published under the auspices of the Police Book Fund, to benefit the Policemen 's Benevolent Ass'n. Freemen, Wm. H. The Press Club of Chicago. A history; with sketches of other prominent press clubs of the United States. 8, Chicago, 1894. Gage, Lyman J. Chicago. Pages 197-234, inc., in "Historic Town of the Western States." Edited by Lyman P. Powell. (American Historic Towns, No. 4). 12, N. Y. 1901. Garden City Lodge, No. 141, A. F. & A. Masons, Chicago- Souvenir of the semi-centennial of the Lodge, prepared by a committee. 8, Chicago, 1903. Gassette, Norman T. (Eminent Sir). History of Apollo Com- mandery Knights Templar of Chicago, 111., from May 20, 1845 to Sept. 30, 1884. 8, Chicago, 1884. H. C. Tiffany & Co., pubs. Goodspeed Publishing Co. The Bench and Bar of Chicago. In- dustrial Chicago, Vol. 6. 4, Chicago, 1896. Grand, W. Jos. Illustrated history of the Union Stock Yards. Sketch book of familiar faces and places at the yards. 12, Chicago, 1896. Granville, Austyn, and Knott, William W. If the Devil came to Chicago. A plea for the misrepresented by one who knows what it is to be misrepresented himself. 12, Chicago, 1894. Groene, J. H. & Co. pubs. A vest pocket directory of Chicago. 16, Chicago, 1893. Guthrie, Ossian. The great lakes and their relations to the Lakes and Gulf waterway. Lake fluctuations. Chicago, n. d. Harrison, Carter H. The truth about Harrison, taken from the records and the press, for the edification of those who have the desire to know, the capacity to appreciate and the ability to be fair. March, 1901. 8, Chicago, 1901. John F. Higgins, pub. Haymarket Riot. See Schaack. Howe, S. Ferd & Co., pubs. Chicago, commerce, manufactures, banking and transportation facilities, 1884. 8, Chicago, 1884. ILLINOIS CITIES. CHICAGO GENERAL HISTORIC AL MATERIAL. Year book of the commercial, banking and manufacturing interests of Chicago, with a general review of its business progress, 1885-1886. 12, Chicago, 1886. Hunt, Henry The crime of the century, or the assassination of Dr. Patrick Henry Cronin. 12, Chicago, n. p., n. d. Copy- right 1889. Hurlburt, Henry H. Chicago antiquities, including Chicago business directory for 1839. 8, Chicago, 1875. Chicago Antiquities. 8, Chicago, 1881. Hyde Park Protective Assn. Report to the Hyde Park Protective Association by the Executive Com. 1902-1903. 8, Chicago, 1902-1903. Iroquois Theater Fire. See Everett. Kerr, Charles H. & Co. The Beginning; a romance of Chicago as it might be^ with introductory letters by, Hon. Hempstead Washburne, Dr. H. W. Thomas, Judge Tuthill, Judge Tuley, Judge Kohlsaat and Professor Swing. 12, Chicago, 1893. Lampkins, Mrs. M. G. comp. Abstracts of bankruptcy petitions filed in the U. S. district court for the Northern District of Illinois, from the passage of the bankrupt Act of March 2, 1867, to its repeal Sept. 1, 1878. 8, Chicago, 1878. Lake City Publishing Co. pubs. Portrait and biographical re- cord of Cook and DuPage Counties, 111. 4, Chicago, 1894. Lincoln Park Commissioners, pubs. Report of the Commis- sioners and a history of Lincoln Park. Bryan, I. J. comp. 8, Chicago, 1899. McClure, J. B. ed. Stories and sketches of Chicago. An inter- esting, entertaining, and instructive sketch-history of the won- derful city "By the Sea." 8, Chicago, 1880. McEnnis, John T. The Clan-na-gael, and the murder of Dr. Cronin; being a complete and authentic narrative of the rise and developement of the Irish revolutionary movement, and an impartial account of the crime in the Carlson Cottage. 8*, Chicago, 1889. McVicker, J. H. The theatre; its early days in Chicago. A paper read before the Chicago Historical Society, February 19, 1884. 8 e , Chicago, 1884. Marshall, Major W. L. Atlas containing maps of the Chicago River; the Illinois, and its branches; showing results of im- provements by the U. S. Government 1896 to 1899. U. S. Govt. pubs. House doc. vol. 59, 1905, pt. 2, 56th Congress 1st, session 1899-1900. (Serial number 3956). Martineau, Harriet Society in America, 2nd edition 3 vols. 12, London; 1837, vol. 1, pages 348-364, describe visit of author to Chicago and Joliet in 1836. 73 ILLINOIS CITIES. CHICAGO GENERAL HISTORICAL MATERIAL. Merchants Loan & Trust Co., Chicago, pubs. The advancement of Chicago as a financial center up to the close of the 19th Century. 16, Chicago, n. d. Metropolitan Park System Report of the special Park Commis- sion to the City Council of Chicago on the subject of a metro- politan park system. Perkins, Dwight, comp. 8, Chicago, 1904. Moran, George E. pub. Dictionary of Chicago and its vicinity, with map of Chicago and its environs. 12, Chicago, 1893. Morris, Henry C. The history of the first National Bank of Chicago, preceded by some account of early banking in the ' United States especially in the West and at Chicago. 12, Chi- cago, 1902. Moses, John, & Kirkland, Major Joseph, editors History of Chi- cago 2 vols. 4, Chicago, 1895. Northwestern Sanitary Fair, Chicago Catalogue of the depart- ment of arms and trophies donated and exhibited at N. W. Sanitary Fair, Chicago, 1865. Pam. 8, Chicago, 1865. O'Rear, G. W. pub. Commercial and architectural Chicago. 12, Chicago, 1887. Putney, M. H. Real estate values and historical notes of Chi- cago, from the earliest period to the present time. 12, Chicago, 1900. Railways and railroads of the City of Chicago. Department of track elevation report, 1900. 8, Chicago, 1900. Ralph, Julian Harper's Chicago and the World's Fair. 12, N. Y. 1893. Our great West. Sketch and description of Chicago. Chap. 1, pages 1-63 inc. 8, N. Y. 1893. Rand, McNally & Co. pub's. Handy guide to Chicago and World's Columbian Exposition, illustrated. What to see and how to see it. 16, Chicago & N. Y. 1893. Rauch, John H., M. D. Public parks, with special reference to city of Chicago. 8, Chicago, 1869. Religious Philosophical Pub. Ass'n, pubs. A strangers' and tourists' guide to the City of Chicago, containing reminiscences of Chicago in the early day. An account of the rise and pro- gress of the city, description of public buildings, churches, schools and objects of interest, etc. A book of interest to visitors and a work of interesting information. 16, Chicago, 1866. Richardson, Major Hardscrabble, or, the fall of Chicago. 12, N. Y. 1888. 74 ILLINOIS CITIES. CHICAGO GENERAL HISTORICAL MATERIAL. Schaack, Michael J. Anarchy and anarchists, communism, socialism, and nihilism, in doctrine and in deed. The Chicago Haymarket conspiracy, and the detection and trial of the con- spirators. 8, Chicago, 1889. Seeger, Eugen Chicago, the Wonder City. 8, Chicago, 1893. Spies, August Autobiography of August Spies; his speech in court and general notes. 8, Chicago, 1887. South Park Commissioners Annual reports, 1869-1904. Sunset Club, Chicago The Sunset Club, Chicago, organized March, 1889. Meetings of 1891-1892, and list of members to Jan., 1893. 8, Chicago, n. d. Tanner, Halpin & Co. comps. D. B. Cooke & Co.'s Directory of Chicago for the year 1858. Complete general and business directory of the entire city (with map). 8, Chicago, 1858. Turner, Henry L. Souvenir album and sketch book of the 1st. Inf. I. N. G., Chicago. 4, Chicago, n. d. Ulrich, B. A. How should Chicago be governed'?. 8, Chicago, 1903. 'Union League Club, Chicago Exercises in commemoration of Washington's Birthday, Feb. 22, 1895. 8, Chicago, 1895. University of Chicago (See Chicago Educational). Van Arsdale & Massie, pubs. The Inter-State Exposition sou- venir; containing a historical sketch of Chicago; also a record of the great Inter-State Exposition of 1873. Vandercook & Co., pubs. Chicago Illustrated. 8, Chicago, 1880. Veteran Druggists' Ass'n of Chicago Early history of the Drug Trade of Chicago (Ebert, Albert E., ed.) in publication, No. 8, Illinois State Historical Library, pages 234-274. 8, Spring- field, 1904. (To be continued in publication No. 10, soon to be issued.) West Chicago Park, Commissioners of Acts organization, Board of Commissioners reports, 1870 to 1880, 1886, 1887. Western News Co., pub. Parks and property interests of Chi- cago. 8, Chicago, 1869. Wilkie, F. B., (Poliuto, pseud. ) Sketches and notices of the Chicago Bar ; including the more prominent lawyers and judges of the city and suburban towns. 8, Chicago, 1872. Wilkie, F. B. Walks about Chicago. 12, Chicago, 1869. Wilson & St. Clair, pubs. Biographical sketches of the leading men of Chicago. 8, Chicago, 1868. Wing, J. M. & Co., pub. Seven days in Chicago. 4, Chicago, 1877. 75 ILLINOIS CITIES. CHICAGO GENERAL HISTORICAL MATERIAL. "W. K. " Impressions of tbe west and south during a six weeks' holiday. Account of author's visit to Chicago and his journey through Illinois to St. Louis ; pages 10-30. 12, Toronto, 1858. Wright, Carroll D. (Chairman Com.) Report on Chicago Strike, June, July, 1894. (Sen. Ex. Doc.) 8, Washington, 1895. Wright, John S. Chicago, past, present and future. 8, Chi- cago, 1870. Young Men's Association of the City of Chicago Catalogue of the books belonging to the Young Men's Association of the City of Chicago. Vol. 1, from the foundation of the library, to April 1, 1865. Compiled by John M. Horton, librarian. 8, Chicago, 1865. CHICAGO (COMMERCIAL). Board of Trade, Chicago Annual reports trade and commerce of Chicago. Compiled for Board of Trade, 1871-1904. Clarke, Layton & Co. Real estate, great annual sale of, May 20, 1869. 8, Chicago, 1869, Connorton, J. W., pub. Directory of the licensed real estate dealers of Chicago, 1891-1892. 12, Chicago, 1891. Howe, S. Ferd & Co., pubs. Chicago, commerce, manufactures, banking and transportation facilities, 1884. 8, Chicago, 1884. -Year book of the commercial banking and manufacturing in- terests of Chicago, with a general review of its business pro- gress, 1885-86. 12, Chicago, 1886. Merchants' Loan & Trust Co., Chicago, pubs. The advancement of Chicago as a financial center up to the close of the 19th century. 16, Chicago, n. d. CHICAGO (EDUCATIONAL). Academy of Sciences (Chicago) Charter, constitution, by-laws and list of members, 1882, 1895, 1900. Annual address read by E. W. Blatchford, with reports of the secretary and treasurer, 1878. Annual reports: 38th, 1895; 39th, 1896; 40th, 1897. -Bulletins of, Vol. 1, Nos. 1-10 ; Vol. 2, Nos. 2-4. Bulletins of the Geological and Natural History Survey. Pt. 1, Nos. 1-5. Armour Institute of Technology, pub. Year Books, for 1895-96, with announcements for 1896-97, 1897-98, 1898-99, 1901-1902, 1902-1903, 1904-1905. Board of Education, Chicago Annual Reports; 3d, 1856, to 26th, 1880; 29th, 1883 to 31st, 1885; 39th, 1893 to 1904; except 7th, llth, 12th. 14th, 17th, 23d. Directory of the Board of Education, City of Chicago, 1897- 1898. 76 ILLINOIS CITIES. CHICAGO EDUCATIONAL,. Chicago Educational Commission Report of. 2nd edition. Printed, 1900. Chicago Legal News Co., pubs. Dedication of the Myra Brad- well School. 8, Chicago, 1895. Chicago Medical College Address before Alumni of Chicago Medical College, March, 1870. Sherman, Julien S., M. D. Chicago permanent vacation school and playground committee of Woman's Club, report. 8, Chicago, 1900. Chicago Record (The) A Journal devoted to Religion, Litera- ture and the fine Arts. April 1, 1857, to March 15, 1862. Wil- son, James Grant (ed.) Bound 1 vol. University of Chicago Addresses and appeals in behalf of the University of Chicago and the Baptist Theological Seminary during the Anniversary at Chicago in May, 1867. 8, Chicago, 1867. Bulletins of the University of Chicago. Circulars of information, University Extension Lecture-Study Department 1895-96. Contributions from Hull Botanical Labratory No. XIII. The ecological relations of the vegetation on the sand dunes of Lake Michigan. Cowles, Henry Chandler. 8, University of Chicago Press, 1899. Dep't of History The secession and reconstruction of Tennes- see. A dissertation submitted to the faculty of the graduate schools of Arts, Literature and Science, in candidacy for the degree of Doctor of Philosophy. Fertig, James Walter, A. M. 8, Chicago, 1898. University of Chicago Press. General Register of the officers and alumni, 1892-1903. 4, University of Chicago Press. The Decennial publications. The University Library. Printed from Volume 1. 4, Chicago, 1904. University Record (Periodical), Jan., 1898. Walker Museum, University of Chicago. Vol. 1, No. 1. The vertebrates from the Dermian bone bed of Vermilion Co., Ills. Case, E. C. 8, University of Chicago Press, 1901. CHICAGO (ECONOMICS, POLITICS, SOCIOLOGY). Addams, Jane Democracy and social ethics. (The Citizens' Library of Economics, Politics and Sociology. Edited by Richard T. Ely, Ph. D., LL. D.) Contains an account of Hull House and other sociological work in Chicago. 12, N. Y., 1902. Hull House Maps and Papers. Richard T. Ely. ed. 8, N. Y., 1895. 77 ILLINOIS CITIES. CHICAGO ECONOMICS, POLITICS, SOCIOLOGY. Ahern, M. L. The political history of Chicago. 8, Chicago, 1886. The great revolution. A history of the rise and progress of the People's Party in the City of Chicago and County of Cook, with sketches of the elect in office. 12, Chicago, 1874. Bennett, Fremont O. Politics and politicians of Chicago, Cook Co. and Illinois. Memorial volume. 1787-1887. 8, Chicago, 1886. Chicago Daily News, pub. The Daily News Almanac and Politi- cal Record, v. y. from 1885 to 1899, 1904. Chicago Democratic Club Chicago Centennial, 1803-1903. (Medal). Chicago Legal News, pub. The newly elected judges in Cook Co., Nov., 1892. 8, Chicago, 1892. Davis, Eugene, comp. Proceedings of the Republican National Convention, held at Chicago, Ills., June 2-8, 1880, resulting in the nomination of James A. Garfield of Ohio for President of the U. S. and of Chester A. Arthur of New York for Vice- President of the U. S. Chicago and the Convention; work of local committees, etc. pp. 3-11. 8, Chicago, 1881. Harrison, Carter H. The truth about Harrison, taken from the records and the press, for the edification of those who have the desire to know, the capacity to appreciate and the ability to be fair. March, 1901. 8, Chicago, 1901. CHICAGO (LIBRARIES). Chicago Historical Society, publications. Chicago Public Library Bulletins of, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892. Finding list. John Crerar Library Annual reports : 6th, 1900 ; 7th, 1901 ; 8th, 1902; 9th, 1903; 10th, 1904. Municipal Library and Bureau of Statistics (See Chicago Mu- nicipal Government.) Newberry Library Proceedings of the trustees of the Newberry Library, Chicago: 1888-1904. CHICAGO (MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT). Annual reports various Officers of the City of Chicago for 1883. 8, Chicago, 1884. Arnold, Bion Joseph Report on the engineering and operating features of the Chicago transportation problem, submitted to the committee on local transportation of the city council; also maps accompanying above report. 8, Chicago, 1902. 78 ILLINOIS CITIES. CHICAGO MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. Board of Inspectors, House of Correction, City of Chicago Re- ports (Annual) Board of Inspectors, House of Correction, City of Chicago, 1879, 1883. Board of Public Works, City of Chicago Reports of : 1868, 1871, 1873, 1874, 1875, 1877, 1879, 1881, 1882, 1883, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1887, 1888, 1889, 1890, 1891, 1892, 1893, 1894, 1901, 1902. Chicago Citizens' League Citizens' League of Chicago for the suppression of the sale of liquor to minors. 6th annual report, 1883 (printed 1884), constitution and by-laws. Also, various circulars and reports of special committees of the Citizen's Association. Chicago City Council, pubs. Report of special committee, to the City Council of Chicago, on the Street railway franchises and operations of the Chicago City Railway Co., the North Chicago City Railway Co., the North Chicago Street Railway Co., the Chicago West Division Railway Co., the Chicago Passenger Railway Co., the West & South Towns Street Railway Co., to Jan. 1, 1898. 8, Chicago, 1898. See Common Council. jChicago Municipal Library and Bureau of Statistics Hugo S. Grosser, librarian and comp. Bi-monthly, changed to quar- terly. Vol. 2, No. 1, 1902. Vol. 1, Nos. 1-5 (1901) ; No. 6, 1902. Vol. 2, Nos. 1-4, 1902-1903. Vol. 3, Nos. 1-4, 1903-1904. Vol. 4, Nos. 1-4, 1904-1905. Vol. 5 (1905) ; Nos. 1-2. Chicago New Charter Campaign Committee Chicago New Char- ter movement; why the pending constitutional amendment should be adopted. July, 1904. Civic Federation of Chicago The street railways of Chicago. Report of the Civic Federation of Chicago. Edited by Milo Roy Maltbie, Ph. D. Accountant's report by Edmund F. Bard. city acc't. 8, Chicago, 1901. (Reprinted from Municipal Affairs) 1901. Civil Service Commissioners of Chicago Annual Reports, 1895- 1897. Cooley, L. E. The Lakes and Gulf Waterway, as related to the Chicago sanitary problem. A preliminary report. 8, Chicago, n. d. Date of preface. May, 1891. Press of John W. Weston. Common Council, City of Chicago Proceedings of the Common Council. City of Chicago, 1870-1879, inclusive; 1881, 1882, 1889- 1890. 8, Chicago, v. y. Department of Track Elevation, City of Chicago Report of the Department of Track Elevation, City of Chicago. 1900. . Chicago, 1900. 79 ILLINOIS CITIES. CHICAGO MUNICIPAL GOVERNMENT. Finances of the City of Chicago Abstract of receipts, appropria- tions and expenditures of the City of Chicago for the fiscal year, 1900-1902. Kerfoot, William D., city comptroller, comp. Frost, E. Allen, deputy city comptroller, 1900-1902. Finances of the City of Chicago. Bonded debt of the City of Chicago, December 3l, 1899. 8, Chicago, 1899. Letter transmitting report relating to system of municipal ac- counts for the City of Chicago, the necessary ordinances and other data. Nov. 20, 1901. 8, Chicago, 1901. Flinn, John J. (assisted by John E. Wilkie) History of the Chicago police, from the settlement of the community to the present time. Under authority of the mayor and super- intendent of the force. 8, Chicago, 1887. James, Edmund J., Ph. D. The Charters of the City of Chicago. University of Chicago, studies in political science, part 1. 8, Chicago, 1898. Part 2d, The City Charters, 1838-1851; pp. 77-191 inc. 8, Chicago, 1899. Eelief and Aid Society (Chicago) Annual report for the year ending Oct. 31, 1871. First special report Chicago Relief and Aid Society 1871. First report committee on special relief Feb. 1872. Report Chicago Relief and Aid Society to Common Council City of Chicago, 1872. Report Chicago Aid Society 1874. Reynolds, Arthur R., M. D. (Comms'r) Annual report, depart- ment of Health, Chicago, 1894. 8, Chicago, 1895. Sanitary District of Chicago. Illinois State Board of Health, pub. Report of the sanitary investigations of the Illinois river and its tributaries ; with special reference to the effect of the sewage of Chicago, on the DesPlaines, and Illinois rivers, prior to, and after the opening of the drainage canal; with map. 8, Springfield, 1901. Sparling, Samuel E. Municipal history and present organiza- tion of Chicago. (Bulletin University of Wisconsin, No. 23, Economics, and Political Science Series, vol. 2, No. 2). 8, Madison, 1898. Street Railway Commission Report of the Street Railway Com- mission to the City Council of the City of Chicago, December, 1900. 8, Chicago, 1900. CHICAGO, RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS. Cheney (Rt. Rev.) Charles Edward, D. D. What do Reformed Episcopalians believe?. Eight sermons preached in Christ Church Chicago. 12, Philadelphia, 1888. Chicago Methodist Relief Com. Report of the Conference Com- mittee for the relief of Methodist Institutions and Churches of Chicago. 8, Chicago. 1873. 80 ILLINOIS CITIES. CHICAGO RELIGIOUS DENOMINATIONS. Chicago Pulpit, (The). weekly publication of ablest sermons by leading Chicago ministers, vol. 1, Nos. 1, .2, 3, 1871. Index Co. pub. 8, Chicago, 1871. Fergus Historical Series, No. 14 Some account of the religious history of Chicago. First Baptist Church of Chicago History of the First Baptist Church of Chicago; with the articles of faith and covenant, and a catalogue; of its members, December, 1889. 12, Chi- cago, 1889. Otis, Philo Adams The First Presbyterian Church; A history of the oldest organization in Chicago, with biographical sketches of the pastors, and copious extracts from the choir records. 8, Chicago, 1900. Phillips, George S. Chicago and her Churches. 12, Chicago, 1868. Third Presbyterian Church, Chicago Library Association., Cata- logue, constitution and by-laws, 1884. 16, Chicago, 1884. Young Men's Association of the City of Chicago Catalogue of the books belonging to the Young Men's Association of the City of Chicago, vol. 1, from the foundation of the Library to April 1, 1865. Compiled by John M. Horton, librarian. 8 Chicago, 1865. The various histories of Chicago, contain chapters on its religious history. CHICAGO WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION, 1893. American Library Association Catalog "A. L. A." Library 5,000 vols. for a popular library shown at World's Columbian Exposition. (U. S. Govt. pub. Bureau Education). 8, Wash- ington, 1893. Bancroft, Hubert Howe The Book of the Fair.; 5 vols. 4, Chicago, 1893. Banks, Charles Eugene The artistic guide to Chicago and the World's Columbian Exposition. 8, Chicago, 1893. Barrows, John Henry, editor World's Parliament of Religions; 2 vols. 8, Chicago, 1893. Blanchard, Ruf us Columbian memorial songs. 16, Chicago, 1892. Brazil, at the World's Columbian Exposition. Catalogue of woods exhibited by the State of Amazon, Brazil, at World's Columbian Exposition, Chicago, 1893. 8, Chicago, 1893. John Anderson Pub. Co. Cameron, Wm. E. Pictorial history of the Columbian Ex- position. 8, Chicago, 1893. 81 ILLINOIS CITIES. CHICAGO WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION. Chicago Tribune, pub. Glimpses of the World's Fair, through: the Tribune's Camera. 8, Chicago, 1893. Dean, Theresa White City Chips. 12, Chicago, 1895. War- ren Pub. Co. Department of-Publicity and Promotion, pub. After four cen- turies; the World's Fair, the discovery of America, to be commemorated by an International Exposition at Chicago, 111., U. S. A., 1893. Three pamphlets in the English, Spanish and Swedish languages. J. M. W. Jones Printing Co. Eagle, Mary Kavanaugh Oldham, editor World's Congress of AVomen, 2 vols. 4 , Chicago, 1894. Electricity, Dept. of Classification and rules, pam. Chicago. Flinn, John J., comp. Hand-book of the World's Columbian Exposition. 24, Chicago, n. d. Graphic Co. (The), pubs. English edition. The Exposition- Graphic, Vol. 1, No. 1., Chicago, Oct.-Dec., 1891. Quarterly, devoted to the World's Columbian Exposition. (Newspaper.) Houghton, Prof. Walter R., editor in chief Neely's History of the parliament of Religions and Religious Congresses at the- World' Columbian Exposition. Compiled from original man- uscripts and stenographic reports ; edited by a corps of able writers. 2 vols. in one. 4th edition. 8, Chicago, 1894. Hyland, J. S. & Co., pubs. The World's Columbian Catholic Congresses and educational exhibit. Official proceedings of all the Catholic Congresses of 1893, with addresses ; Catholic edu- cation day at World's Columbian Exposition, and an epitome of Catholic Church progress in the U. S. Preface by Rev. P. J. Muldoon. 8, Chicago, 1893. Illinois Board World's Fair Commissioners Report of, May 1- Oct. 30, 1893. 8, Springfield, 1895. Illinois Horticultural Board of Control, Fruit exhibit, State of" Ills. 12, Bloomington, 1893. Illinois Woman's Exposition Board, report of 1891-1894. Also,, official catalogue. Morgan, Horace H., LL. D. The historical World's Columbian- Exposition and Guide to Chicago; and St. Louis, the carnival city of the world. 8, St. Louis, 1893. D. M. Vandawalker & Co., pubs. Norton, C. B. World's Fairs, from London, 1851, to Chicago, 1893. Illustrated with views and portraits in the Maas art type. 8, Chicago, 1900. Publicity and Promotion Dept. of, ed. Fine Arts, official cata- logue of. Chicago, 1893. 6 82 ILLINOIS CITIES. CHICAGO WORLD'S COLUMBIAN EXPOSITION. Ralph, Julian Harper's Chicago and the World's Fair. 12, N. Y., 1893. Band, McNally & Co., pub. Buildings and art at the World's Fair, 4, Chicago, 1894. Handy guide to Chicago and World's Columbian Exposition. Illustrated. What to see and how to see it. 16, Chicago and IN. Y., 1893. Shepp, Jas. W., and Daniel, B. Shepp's World's Fair Photo- graphed. 8, Chicago, 1893. Stone, Kastler & Painter, pubs. Photographic views of the World's Columbian Exposition. 5 nos. paper. Chicago. Todd, F. Dundas The World's Fair through a Camera; snap shots by an artist. An interesting collection of views of grounds, exhibition buildings, foreign buildings, State build- ings, interiors and other views of general interest, n. p. folio. Woodward & Tiernan Printing Co. U. S. Government, pub. World's Columbian Exposition, Chi- cago, 1893. Report of committee on awards, special reports. House Doc's 510 (2 pts.), vols. 106, 107 (4373, 4374), 57th con- gress, 1st session. 1901-1902. ELGIN, ILLS. Congregational (First) Church of 1836-1886. Semi-centen- nial of the organization of the First Congregational Church of Elgin, Ills., held on Wednesday, May 12, 1886. 8, Elgin, 1886. Davidson, (Miss) Mae C. Elgin, Ills., and vicinity. (Manu- script. ) Le Baron, Wm., Jr., & Co., pubs. Past and present of Kane Co. 8, Chicago, 1878. EVANSTON, ILL. At well, Charles B., editor Northwestern University, Evanston, Ills. Alumni Record of the College of Liberal Arts. 8, n. d. Pub. by the University. Evanston authors and composers, 1900, Catalogue of, compiled by the Evanston Free Public Library and Miss Frances Simpson. 8, Evanston, 1900. Evanston, Illinois, Free Public Library Annual reports: May 31, 1903 ; May 31, 1904. Evanston Free Public Library Bulletins of, Nos. 48, 49, 52, 1903, 1904. Gordon, Anna A. Life of Frances E. Willard. 8. Chicago, 1898. 83 ILLINOIS CITIES. EVANSTON. I ' ^ ' Grover, Frank R. (Evanston Historical Society, pubs). Our Indian predecessors. The first Evanstonians. A paper read before the Society, November 2, 1901. Evanston Historical Society 3d Annual report; Feb. 15, 1902. Evanston Historical Society Report of the Secretary. J. Sey- mour Currey, pub. in transactions Illinois State Historical Society, 1904. No. 9, pp. 10-11. . Andreas, A. T. History of Cook Co. 4, Chicago, 1884. Kellogg, Amherst W. A concise history of Methodism in Eng- land and America; of its founders, development and institu- tions. (Pages 410-447 contain historical sketches of the North- western University and'of the Methodist Churches and Church work in Evanston.) 8, Milwaukee, 1897. Simpson, (Miss) Frances, comp. Catalogue of Evanston authors and composers, 1900. 8, Evanston, 1900. Willard, Frances E. A classic town. The story of Evanston by "An old timer." 12, Chicago, 1892. Woman's Temperance Publishing Co. See Gordon, Anna A. Glimpses of fifty years. The autobiography of an American woman, w r ritten by an order of the National Woman's Chris- tian Temperance Union. Introduction by Hannah Whitall Smith. 8, Chicago, 1889. GALENA, ILLS. Barber & Howe, pubs. Early sketch of Galena, Ills., pp 1093- 1096, in "Our Whole Country," Vol. 2. 8, Cincinnati, 1853. City Directory (Galena, Ills.), 1855-56. Contains also adver- tisements of the principal merchants, etc., and a lis,t of socie- ties in Galena. Houghton, H. H., & Co., pub. 12, Galena, 1855. Chetlain, Augustus L. Recollections of seventy years. 8, Galena, 1899. The Gazette Pub. Co. Kett, H. F. & Co., pubs. History of Jo Daviess Co. 8, Chicago, 1878. Spensley, William The mines of Jo Daviess County. A history of the early lead mining in the Galena district, pp. 31-37, in publication No. 8, Illinois State Historical Library. 8, Spring- field, 1904. Wells, William Western scenery; or, land and river, hill and vale, in the Mississippi Valley. Lithographed from original 0, ^ sketches. Sketch of Galena, pp. 45-47. 4 Cincinnati, 1851. s\ ^ Otto Onken, pub. GALESBURG, ILLS. Blanc, Madame (Th. Bentzon) The condition of woman in the U. S. A. Traveller's notes. Translated by Abby Langdon Alger. Co-education at Knox College, Galesburg, Ills, pages 191-218, inc. ILLINOIS CITIES. GALESBURG. Chapman, Chas. C. & Co. History of Knox County, Ills. Sketch of Galesburg, pages 623-640. 8, Chicago, 1878. Gale, Rev. G. W. Articles of faith and covenant of the Presby- terian Church, Galesburg, 111., together with the names of all persons who have been or who are now members of the church ; to which is appended a sketch of the history of the church, pam. 12, Galesburg, 1849. Galesburg City Council* pub. Revised ordinances of the City of Galesburg, with the city charter and amendments and the graded school charter, with sundry special laws of the State of Illinois relating to the government of towns and cities, with a short statement of the settlement of Galesburg, its popula- tion, government, etc. Revised by W. A. Wood, Galesburg, 1853. Galesburg Free Public Library Annual reports, 1904, 1905. Knox College. Catalogue of the officers and students of Knox College, 1875-76. Galesburg. -Bulletin of Knox College. Series 2, No. 4. May, 1903. Knox College Inauguration of Newton Bateman as president of Knox College, Galesburg, Ills., 1875. The Galesburg Printing ' Co. Knox College, Galesburg, Ills. Knox in 1901. A pictorial souvenir of our college life; commencement, 1901. paper. S\ Galesburg, 1901. Knox College The Student; commencement issue. Vol. 8, No. 9, June, 1881. West, Mary Allen History of the founding of the city of Gales- burg and of Knox College. Manuscript. JACKSONVILLE, ILLS. Bailey, John C. W. Sangamon Co., gazetteer, and city directory of Springfield and Jacksonville. 8, Springfield, 1866. Barber & Howe, pubs. Early sketch of Jacksonville, Ills. Pages 1077-1080, in "Our Whole Country," Vol. 2. 8, Cincinnati,. 1853. Barton, Rev. C. B. The founders and founding of Illinois Col- lege. 16, Jacksonville, Ills., 1902. Central Illinois Insane Asylum, Jacksonville, Ills. Bi-ennial re- ports. See Illinois State Charitable Institutions. Eames, Charles M. Historic Morgan and Classic Jacksonville. 8, Jacksonville, 1885. Glover, Rev. L. M. Letter from Rev. L. M. Glover to Congrega- tion at Jacksonville, Ills., written from Jerusalem and the Holy Land. Pages 345-349, in Vol. 4, No. 15, September, 1858, The Presbytery Reporter. 8, Alton and Chicago. L. H.. Parks, pub. 85 ILLINOIS CITIES. JACKSONVILLE. Hamilton, Rev. D. H., D. D*. The excellence of a good man's life. A sermon preached on occasion of the death of David A. Smith, Esq., of Jacksonville, Ills. 8, Jacksonville, Ills., 1865. Hardin, John J. Obsequies of, 1847, pam. Henderson, Dr Patrick Historical address to the Old Settlers'" Assc. of Morgan and Cass Counties, Ills. (Manuscript.) Illinois College, Jacksonville, Ills. See Illinois Educational. Illinois School for the Blind Jacksonville, Ills. Biennial reports of trustees, etc. See Illinois State Charitable Institutions. Illinois School for the Deaf Jacksonville, Ills. Biennial reports. See Illinois State Charitable Institutions. Morgan Co., Ills. Donnelly, Lloyd & Co., pubs. History of Morgan Co., Ills., 1878. Norton, Rev. Herman Record of facts concerning the persecu- tions in the Madeira Islands in 1843 and 1846; the flight of a thousand converts to the West India Islands ; and also, the suf- ferings of those who arrived in the United States. Fifth edition, with a supplement, sketching the history to the present time, pp. 184, 185, 238, 239, 240, account of settlement of these con- verts, in Jacksonville. 16, N. Y., 1850. Shirreff, Patrick A tour through North America. Vol. 1, pp. 215-224, 228. Sturtevant, J. M., Jr., ed. Julian M. Sturtevant. An auto- biography. 12, N. Y., 1896. JOLIET. Barber & Howe, pubs. Early sketch of Joliet, Ills., pp. 1103- 1105, vol. 2, in "Our Whole Country." 8, Cincinnati, 1853. Grinton, William Cass street sketches (Joliet, Ills). By "The Old Man." 12, Joliet, 1897. C. B. Hayward Co., pubs. Juliet and Joliet. Respectfully dedicated to the Hon. Geo. H. Munroe. Midsummer. 1904. 8, Joliet, Ills. Joliet News Printing Co. Le Baron, William, Jr., & Co., pubs. History of Will County, Ills. ; Joliet township, pp. 367-414. 8, Chicago, 1878. Penitentiary (Joliet, Ills.) See Illinois State Penal Institutions. KASKASKIA. Barry, P. T. The first Irish in Illinois. Reminiscent of Old Kaskaskia Days, pp. 63-70, in publication No. 7, Illinois State Historical Library. 8, Springfield, 1902. Brown, Stuart Old Kaskaskia days and ways. (In publication No. 10, Illinois State Historical Library, soon to be issued.) Paper read before the Illinois State Historical Society at the annual meeting, held in Springfield, Ills., Jan. 26, 190*5. 86 ILLINOIS CITIES. KASKASKIA. Bryant and Morrison Original manuscript day books and ledgers of the general merchandise stores of Bryant & Morrison,. at Kaskaskia, and Cahokia, Ills., which contain entries of 1800- 1810, 1811, 1813, 1818, 1819 to 1825, 9 manuscript books. Catherwood, Mary Hartwell Old Kaskaskia. A novel. In four parts, serial in Atlantic Monthly of Jan., Feb., Mch., April, 1893. Eschmann, (Rev.) C. J. Kaskaskia Church records. Transcribed and translated by Rev. C. J. Eschmann, pp. 394-413, in publication No. 9, Illinois State Historical Library. 8, Spring- field, 1904. Holbrook, Elizabeth Old 'Kaskia Days. 12, Chicago, 1893. Illinois Historical Collections Vol. 1, General George Rogers Clark's Conquest of the Illinois, pp. 172-464. Edited by Hiram W. Beckwith. 8, Springfield, 1903. Kaskaskia Interesting collection of photographs of historic buildings and places in Kaskaskia, taken in 1891 by Dr. W. G. Egleston, and by him presented to the Illinois State Historical Library. McDonough, J. L. & Co., pubs. History of Randolph, Monroe and Perry counties, Ills. 8, Phila. 1883. Montague, E. J. Directory, business mirror and historical sketches of Randolph Co. ; containing the name, residence and occupation of every citizen of the county, with a condensed sketch of Kaskaskia and Prairie du Rocher, commencing with their Indian history. Brief notes of pioneer settlers. 12. Alton, 1859. Moore, Frank Kaskaskia, roads and trails, pp 125-128, in pub- lication No. 7, Illinois State Historical Library. 8, Spring- field, 1902. See also histories of early Ills. LINCOLN, ILL. Donnelly, Lloyd & Co., pubs. History of Logan County. 8, Chi- cago, 1878. Goodnight, Rev. J. L., D. D. The evolution of American Libra- ries. An address delivered at the dedication of the Carnegie Library building, Lincoln, Illinois, April 29, 1903. 8, Lincoln, 1903. Hyde, J. F., comp. Lincoln City Directory for 1886-1887. 8 Lincoln, 1886. Lincoln Daily Courier, issue of Nov. 9, 1905 Account of dedication of Logan County Court House, and sketch of the City of Lincoln. Lincoln University History of; Jones W. B., comp., (manu- script) , Jan. 22, 1890. 87 ILLINOIS CITIES. LINCOLN. Lincoln, Ills., Woman's Club. Calender of the Lincoln Woman's Club, 1897-1898. 16, Lincoln. MOLINE, ILLS. Meese, Win. ^ A. Sketch of hktory of public libraries. The- history of Moline, 111., public library. See histories of Rock Island County. NAUVOO, ILLS. Barber & Howe, pubs. Early sketch of Nauvoo, Ills. Pages: 1099-1103 in "Our Whole Country," Vol. 2. 8, Cincinnati,. 1853. See Illinois Communistic Societies, the Mormons and Icarians^ PEORIA, ILL. Andreas, A. T. Atlas map, Peoria, Ills. 4, Chicago, 1873. Ballance, C., history Peoria, Ills., 1870. Barber & Howe, pubs Early sketches of Peoria, Ills. Pages 1082-1086, in Vol. 2, "Our Whole Country." 8, Cincinnati,, 1853. Descriptive account of the City of Peoria; Early history, &c. r 1859. First annual report Trade and Commerce, Peoria, 1870 to 1879. Fourteenth annual report Trade and Commerce, Peoria, 1883- 1884. Also bulletin of the Scientific Association of Peoria, 1887. Brown's Record and Historical View of Peoria, 1851. Johnson & Co., pubs. History of Peoria Co., Ills. 8, Chicago, 1880. McCulloch, David Early days of Peoria and Chicago. 8, Chi- cago, 1904. McCulloch, David, ed. History of Peoria County, Ills., pub- lished as Vol. 2 of the Historical Encyclopaedia of Illinois, and 1 History of Peoria County. Bateman and Selby, editors ; pub- lished by the Munsell Publishing Co., 2 vols. 4, 1902. McCulloch, David Old Peoria, pp. 41-51 in Publication No. 6,. Illinois State Historical Library. 8, Springfield, 1901. MacLaughlin, Ada Greenwood The Site of Fort Crevecoeur. pp. 179-189 in Publication No. 7, Illinois State Historical Library. 8, Springfield, 1902. Ogle, Geo. A. & Co., pubs. Standard Atlas of Peoria, City and County, including a plat-book of the County. 4, Chicago, 1896. 88 ILLINOIS CITIES. PEORIA.. Peoria Transcript, pubs. Descriptive account of the City of Peoria; sketch of its early history and view of its present business, manufactures, etc. 8, Peoria, 1859. Public Library of Peoria Annual reports, 12th, 1893 ; 13th, 1894 ; 15th, 1895, to 24th, 1904. List of English fiction, French fiction and books for juveniles, of the Peoria Public Library, 1894, with supplement to April 1899. Root, 0. E., conip. Root's Peoria City Directory, 1865, 8th edi- tion, 10th year. 8, Peoria, 1865. Smith, Laura Chase The life of Philander Chase, first Bishop of Ohio and Illinois and founder of Kenyon and Jubilee Colleges. 8, N. Y., 1903. E. P. Dutton & Co., pubs. AY ells, H. W. Schools and teachers of early Peoria. 12, Peoria, 1900. *Wightman, Geo. F., comp. Fort Creve Coeur. Scrap book con- taining map showing location of Fort Creve Coeur ; eight photo- graphic views of remains of the early fort (taken, 1890) and newspaper clippings descriptive of the Fort and its history; by Charles T. Lambert, J. Gale, P. A. Cramer, Robert Sloan and John G. Shea. (This locates Fort Creve Coeur in Taze- well County). Wi'son, Rev. Joseph D. Observations on fluviatile deposits in Peoria Lake, Ills. Bulletins of the Chicago Academy of Sci- ences. Vol. 1, No. 2, 1883. 8, Chicago, 1883. Zotz, Von A. Achtzen yahre in Peoria. Erstes heft. Pam. 8 U , Peoria, 1869. Allgemeine Gejchichte von Peoria. 8, Peoria, 1870. PRAIRIE DU ROCHER, ILLS. Church records edited by Rev. C. J. Eschmann. Pubs. 111. State Hist. Lib., No. 8, 1904, pp. 128-149. Montague, E. J. Directory, etc., of Randolph Co. 12, Alton, 1859. ILLS. Andreas, Lyter & Co., pubs. Atlas map of Adams Co. Folio, Davenport, Iowa, 1872. Anti-Slavery Concert for Prayer, a committee of. Narrative of facts respecting Alanson Work, Jas. E. Burr and Geo. Thomp- son, prisoners in the Missouri penitentiary for the alleged crime of negro stealing. Prepared by a committee. 8, Quincy, 1842. Asbury, Henry Reminiscences of Quincy Ills. 8, Quincy, 1882. Barber & Howe, pubs. Early sketch of Quincy, Ills. Pa^es 1086-1087, in "Our Whole Country," Vol. 2. 8, Cincinnati, 1853. *The printer was unable to supply type for French accents. Hence their omission. 89 ILLINOIS CITIES. Episcopal Church, Diocese of Quincy Journals of the annual Conventions of the Diocese of Quincy, 1878, 1880, 1884, 1888, 1893. Langdon, Addison L., pub. An illustrated chapter of representa- tive men and residences of Quincy, Illinois, the most beautiful of all western cities, n. d. 4, illustrated and engraved by George W. Melville, 1888. Langdon, Addison L. Quincy City Directory for 1875-76. 8, Quincy, 1875. Murray, Williamson & Phelps, pubs. History of Adams Co., Ills. History of cities, towns, etc. Biographies of citizens, statistics, portraits, etc. 8, Chicago, 1879. Musselman, D. L. Catalogue Gem City Business College, Quincy, Ills. 12, Quincy. Redmond, Pat .H. History of Quincy and its men of mark ; facts and figures exhibiting its advantages and resources, manufact- ures and commerce. 12, Quincy, 1869. Heirs & Russell, printers. Thompson, Geo. Prison life and reflections; account of arrest, etc., of Burr, Work and Thompson. 12, Hartford, 1855. Wilcox, David F., comp. and pub. Representative men and homes of Quincy, Ills. 4, Quincy, 1899. ROCKFORD, ILLS. Church, Charles A. History of Rockford and Winnebago Coun- ty, Ills., from the first settlement, 1834, to the Civil War. 8, Rockford, 1900. Published by the New England Society of Rockford, Ills. Nevius Post No. 1, Rockford, Ills. History and roster of G. L. Nevius Post No. 1, G. A. R, 16, Rockford, 1894. Public Library Rockford, Ills. Catalogue Rockford Public Library, 1886-1894. Bound I Vol. 8. ' Rockford Seminary Catalogues 23d, 1883-1884; 24th, 1884- 1885. Thurston, John H. Reminiscences of early days in Rockford. 8, Rockford, 1891. See histories of Winnebago County. ROCK ISLAND, ILLS. Rock Island Arsenal The history of, from establishment 1863 to December, 1876, and Island of Rock Island, 1804 to 1863 ; pre- pared under instructions Brig. Gen. Stephen V. Benet, U. S. A., Flagler, Major D. W., comp.. 4, Washington, 1877. 90 ILLINOIS CITIES. ROCK ISLAND. Rock Island Arsenal In Peace and War, with maps and illustra- tions. Tillinghast, B. F. 8, Chicago, 1898. Barber & Howe, pubs. Early sketch of Rock Island. Pages 1096-1099, in "Our Whole Country," Vol. 2. 8, Cincinnati, 1853. Bonney, Edward The Prairie Bandits; a tale of the Rock River Valley. An authentic narrative of thrilling adventures during the early settlement of Northern Illinois. 8, Rockford, n. d. The Register-Gazette Co. Quayle, W. P., pub. Rock Island Souvenir. Paper. Rock Island, 1895. See histories of Rock Island County and Black Hawk war. SPRINGFIELD, ILL. Annual reports of the Officers of the City of Springfield, Ills., 1871 to 1880, 1884, 1885, 1886, 1891, 1892, 1897, 1900. Author's Club, Springfield, Ills. Program of Authors' Club, 1901-1902, with list of officers and members, July, 1901. Pro- gram for 1904-1905. Arnold, Charles D., and Grimsley, Wm. P., eomps. The Spring- field City Code, comprising the laws of the State of Illinois, relating to the government of the City of Springfield and the ordinances of the City Council, re-compiled. 8. Springfield. 1892. Bailey John C. W. Gazetteer of Sangamon County and City Directory of Springfield and Jacksonville. 8, Springfield. 1866. Baptist Association Minutes Springfield Baptist Association, annual, 44th, 1881 to 1884; 50th, 1887 to 68th, 1905; except 55th, 1892 ; 62d, 1899 ; 67th, 1904. Baptist (The) Monthly periodical devoted to the interests of the Central Baptist Church, Springfield, Ills., 1892-1900. Rogers, Rev. Euclid B., ed. Barber & Howe, pubs. Early sketch of Springfield, 111. View of Old State House, and Lincoln Home, pp. 1071-1073, in "Our Whole Country," Vol. 2. 8, Cincinnati, 1853. Black, Wm. J., comp. Charters, revised ordinances, &c., Spring- field, 1858. 8, Springfield, 1858. Calhoun, John, comp. Revised ordinances of the City of Spring- field, 1851. 8, Springfield 1851. Citizens of Springfield Grant Memorial Services, State House, Springfield, Ills., Aug. 8, 1885. Order of Exercises. Pam. n. d. 91 ILLINOIS CITIES. SPRINGFIELD. City. Code of Springfield Comprising the laws of the State of Illinois, relating to the government of -the City of Springfield, arid the ordinances of the City Council, re-compiled by Grim- sley (William P.) and Arnold (Charles D.) 8, Springfield, 1892. Illinois State Journal, pubs. City Code, comprising the laws of the State of Illinois relating to the government of the City of Springfield, and the ordinances of the City Council. Mortimer, Charles Frederick, comp. 8, Springfield, 1902. Illinois State Journal Print. City Code Comprising the laws of the State of Illinois, relating to the government of the City of Springfield and the ordinances of the City Council, revised and codified. Published by author- ity City Council. Wallace (Joseph) and Patton (James W.), comps. 8, Springfield, 1884. City Directories (Springfield, Ills.,) for 1857-58. B. Winters & Co., pubs. 1860-61 C. S. Williams, pub. 1863 Campbell & Richardson, comps. 1866 Bailey, John C. W. 1866 Bronson & Nixon, pubs. 1868-69 Western Pub. Co., pubs. 1869-70 R. L. Dudley & Co., pubs. 1872-73 Julius Babeuf, pub. 1872-73 Joseph Wiggins, pub. 1873-74-David B. Gould & Co., pubs. 1874-75- J. Babeuf, pub. 1875 J. Babeuf, pub. 1876 Centennial City and Township Directory. Springfield Pub. Co. 1879-80 Springfield City Directory Co., pubs. 1881-82 Thomas, Knox, comp. 1881-82 J. Babeuf, pub. 1882-83 J. Babeuf, pub. 1884-85-J. Babeuf, pub. 1884 Phillips Bros. & Mclntosh, pubs. 1886-87 J. Babeuf, pub. 1887-88 J. E. Fitzpatrick & Co., pubs. 1888-89 J. Babeuf, pub. 1889-90 Hendrix & Co., pubs. 1890-91 Benson Bros., pubs. 8, St. Louis. 1891-92-U. S. Census Pub. Co. 1894 Springfield Directory Co., pubs. 1900-R. L. Polk & Co., pu'bs. 1902-03-R. L. Polk & Co., pubs. City Improvements, Public and Private, for 1858. pam. City Officers Reports of officers of City for, 1871 to 1880, 1884- 1885, 1886, 1891, 1892, 1897, 1900. 92 ILLINOIS CITIES. : SPRINGFIELD. K Miscellaneous pamphlets relating to Springfield, 1871. Revised ordinances of City of Springfield, for 1877. -Springfield, Ills., City Code, 1884. History of Springfield, attractions as a home and advantages for business, 1871. J. C. Power, comp. Diocese of Springfield (Episcopal) The Constitution and Digest of the Canons of the Diocese of Springfield, 1882. 8, Chicago, 1882. Episcopal Church Diocese of Springfield Journals of the Annual and Special Synods of the Episcopal Church in the Diocese of Springfield, 1878-1899; 1901, 1903, 1904. 'Giger, E. Douglas, comp. The story of the Sangamon County Court House, 1821-1861-1901. 8, Springfield, 1901. Grace Evangelical Lutheran Church Order of Exercises at the dedication of Church, March 19, 1893. Illinois State Journal Co. Springfield in 1892. Illinois State Journal Souvenir of 61 years, 4, Springfield, 1892. Gross, Eugene L., comp. The charter, with the several amend- ments thereto; various state laws relating to the city, and the revised ordinances of Springfield. 8, Springfield, 1865. Baker & Philips, pubs. Illinois State Register, pubs The Illinois Capital, Illustrated. 4, Springfield, 1898. Kane, Charles P. The Christian Church of Springfield, Illinois. Something of its beginings and growth during the first sixty years of its history, 1833-1893. (Manuscript). King's Daughters, Springfield, Ills. Constitution and by-laws of the King's Daughters' Home for Women. 8, Springfield, n. d. Knox, Thomas Almanacs. 12, Springfield, 1883-1889, 1892. Lawrence, R. D. Second annual address of, as the mayor of Springfield, Illinois, March 6, 1893. Newspapers See Illinois Newspapers. Norton, (Rev.) Herman Record of facts concerning the prese- cutions in the Maderia Islands in 1843 and 1846. The flight o a thousand converts to the West India Islands, and also, the sufferings of those who arrived in the United States. Fifth edition, w 7 ith a supplement sketching the history to the present time. 16, N. Y., 1850. The American Foreign Christian Union, pub. For settlement of these refugees in Springfield, Ills., see pages 184, 185, 238, 246, 248. Officers of the City of Springfield, annual reports 1871-1880 (bound in one vol.) 1873, 1874, 1878, 1879, 1884, 1885. 1886. 1891, 1892, 1897, 1898, 1899, 1900. Mayor's annual address, March 6, 1893: Citv Pode, and ordinances, 1851, 1858, 1865, 1877, 1884, 1892, 1902. 93 ILLINOIS CITIES. SPRINGFIELD. Officers of City of Springfield, City finances Statement of the- finances of City of Springfield, 1855-1856, 1871-1880. See- Reports. City Finances Statement of the finances of the City of Spring- field as exhibited in annual reports of officers, 1873-1874, 1878-1879, 1885-1886, 5 Vols. 12, Springfield. Park District, Board of Trustees First annual report of the Board of Trustees of the Pleasure Driveway and Park District of Springfield, Ills., for the fiscal year ending June 1, 1902. 2nd, 1903; 3rd, 1904. Power, J. C. History of Springfield, Ills. Its attractions as a home, and advantages for business manufacturing, etc. 8, Springfield, 1871. Power, J. C., assisted by Mrs. S. A. Power History of Early Set- tlers Sangamon County (under auspices Old Settlers' Assn.) 8, Springfield, 1876. Public and Private Improvements of Springfield, Ills., 1858. Bailache & Baker, pubs. 8, Springfield, 1858. Public Schools, Springfield, Ills. Annual reports of the superin- tendent-lst annual, 1858-59; 2nd, 1859-60; 4th, 1861-62; 5th, 1863 ; 7th, 1865 to 32nd, 1889-90, inc. ; 34th, 1891-92 ; 36th, 189-3- 1894 to 41st, 1898-99, inc. ; 45th, 1902-03. Lacks the 3rd, 1860- 61; 6th, 1864; 33rd, 1890-91 and 35th, 1892-93. Rickerson, (Rev.) F. D. Half century of Baptist history in Springfield, Ills., 1830-1881. 12, Springfield, 1881. St. Paul's Pro-Cathedral, Episcopal Annual register of the- Parish, festivals, celebrations, &c., Pams. 1871-1896, incom- plete. Sangamo Club of Springfield, Ills. Year book for 1904-1905. Club house, 518 Capitol Ave. ; country club house. Illinois State Fair Grounds. 12, Springfield, 1905. Springfield, Ills., Citizen's Memorial to President Abraham Lin- coln, Anril 21, 1865. Springfield's Woman's Club Year books of the Springfield Woman's Club,1895-1896 ; 1896-1897; 1897; 1898-1899. U. S. War Dept., Adjt. General's Office Special order regulating the transportation of the remains of the late President Abraham Lincoln from Washington City to Springfield, April 18, 1865. 8, Washington, D. C., 1865. Walker, Rev. Edwin S., comp. Autograph albums (two) contain- ing autographs of many prominent residents of Springfield and the State of Illinois. Presented to the Illinois State Historical Library by Mr. Walker. Walker, Rev. Edwin S. History of the Springfield Baptist Association. 12, Springfield, 1881. 94 ILLINOIS CITIES. SPRINGFIELD. -Walker, Rev. Edwin S. The Fathers of the Springfield, Ills., Baptist Association. Paper read at 50th Anniversary Sept. 7, 1887. 8, Springfield, 1887. The Lincoln Library; its genesis and development, Springfield, Ills., May 10, 1904. Wallace, Joseph, M. A., ed. Past and present of the City of Springfield and Sangamon County, Illinois, 2 Vols. 8, Chicago, 1904. S. J. Clarke Pub. Co. Wohlgemuth, Dr. Henry History and improvements of Oak Ridge Cemetery, charter and ordinances, rules and regula- tions. National Lincoln Monument and other matters of inter- est regarding same. Revised and adopted, 1902. 8, Spring- field, 1901. Note The Library has a fine collection of books of travel, writ- ten by persons who visited Illinois at an early day. These books contain sketches of the localities visited by the authors. Note The Library will be glad to purchase local historical material relating to Illinois history or any phase of it.