l vf j^L LIBRARY LIST NO. 6 t/Bfftffy ■mmsf-yl"/ luixois JL Reading List on ommission Government i ANSAS CITY PUBLIC LIBRARY KANSAS CITY, MO. NOVEMBER, 1913 This reading list is compiled to meet the demand for information on the subject of commission government. The basis of the list is the bibliography compiled bp the Library of Congress. Additions are constantly being made to all departments of the Library, and new books and references on municipal gov- ernment will be received as published. All questions relating to municipal affairs are covered in a broad way by the Library in both books and periodicals. c 0 \ (s. K l&r O U) r a/ COMMISSION FORM OF GOVERNMENT BOOKS American Academy of Political and Social Science. Commission government in Amer- ican cities, 1911. 352 A512 Same. In Annals, v. 38 no. 3. Ref. A most comprehensive study of the subject, giving both sides of the question, with results of commission government in different cities; contributes interesting papers on allied subjects, such as the short ballot, recall, and initiative and referen- dum. Bacon, Edwin Munroe and Morril Wyman. Birect election and lawmaking by popular vote; the initiative, the referendum, the recall, commission government for cities, preferential voting, 1912. 321.4 B128 Handbook giving the initiative, refer- endum and recall, commission government for cities, ballot reform and preferential voting. k: Beard, Charles Austin. American government and politics, 1910. 342.7 B368 v “The text is interestingly and care- * ^ fully written. * * * The author is to ~ be complimented on his successful attempt to make government appear as the ‘going 00 thing’ which it is.” — Ann. Amer. Acad. * Bradford, Ernest Smith. Commission govern- ment in American cities, 1911. 352 B799 Bruere, Henry and William Sheperdson. The new city government; a discussion of muni- cipal administration, based on a survey of ten commission governed cities. 1913. 352 B89n “Constitutes a valuable addition to the literature on improved city administration, " and is distinctive in method and in treat- ment from previous volumes published upon the merits of commission government in operation.” — Survey. j Des Moines (Iowa) Commercial Club. Des Moines plan of city government. 1907. 352 154 Hamilton, John Judson. The dethronement of the city boss. 1910 R2431 (Title changed in later edition to Govern- ment by commission.) “It must be admitted that his (Dr. Hamilton’s) arguments occasionally prompt the reader to think that he looks upon commission government as a panacea which will destroy partisanship, make city elections turn on issues and in genera 1 prepare the municipal millennium.” — Ann. Amer. Acad. Intercollegiate Debates: being briefs and re- ports of many intercollegiate debates. 3 v. 1909-13. Ref 808.5 161 Kansas City Star. Commission form of gov- ernment. 1911. 352 K16 A pamphlet issued by the Kansas City Star for free distribution. Points in favor, strongly presented. Koester, Frank. Commission government. (In his Price of inefficiency. 1913. p. 142-159) 304 K78 i MacGregor, Ford H. City government by com- mission. 1911. 342 M147 Report of the Plan Commission for the City of f Columbus. 1908. R2139 Robbins, Edwin Cylde. Selected articles on the commission plan of government. 3d ed. 1912. (Debaters’ handbook series.) Ref. 332 R63 Brief arguments pro and con. The high school debate book. 1911. 808.5 R632 Argument, points and references, pro and con, on various subjects, including commission government. U. S. Library of Congress. Select list of Ref- erences on commission government for cities, comp, by Herman H. B. Weyer. 1913. 016.352-2 Woodruff, Clinton Rogers. City government by commission. 1911. 352 W89 “The book gives an able, readable and comprehensive description of the commis- sion plan, its accomplishments and its future.” — C. L. King. PERIODICALS— Reference Use Only. Bestor, Arthur E. The latest in government. Chautauquan, 65:95-106. Campbell, Robert Argyll. Municipal govern- ‘ ment. Commission system. Original laws. Amer. political science review, 4:80-87. City government by commission: a symposium on the Galveston, Newport and Des Moines plans. Chautauquan, 51:108-141. * Commission government foi* cities. City hall, 11:235-6. g Commission government for Kansas City. Municipal journal and engineer, 1909, 27: 126. Commission government in the far West. Mun- icipal journal and engineer, 1911, 30:417. Does the commission form increase city effi- ciency. Am. City, 7:407. Donnelly, P. W. Securing efficient adminis-’ tration under the commission plan. Ann. Am. Acad. 41:218-32. Durand, E. Dana. Council government versus* mayor government. Political science quar- terly, 15:426-451, 675-709. Experts discuss the Des Moines plan. City hall, 10:408-413. Fancher, F. W. Two epoch-making campaigns in Dayton, Ohio. Am. City, 9:47-9. Gemunder, Martin A. Commission government: its strength and its weakness. National municipal review, 1:170-171. Gilbertson, H. S. Serious weaknesses of the commission plan. Amer. City, 9:236-7. The Municipal problem. Should a city govern itself? Outlook, 93:13-14. The Municipal problem. The form of city gov- ernment. Outlook, 93:90-92. Munro, William Bennett. Ten years of commis- sion government. National municipal re- view, 1:562-8. Recent developments in commission govern- ment. Outlook, 97:710. f The Relation of charter forms to municipal im- provements. Are commission-governed cities making more real progress than those under other forms of charter? Amer- ican city, 6:647-650. Re-making city government. Nation 93:591-5. Showing the job holder to the door. Collier’s. 51:14. Woodruff, Clinton Rogers. Municipal govern- ment. New city charters. (In American year book, 1911, ed. by F. G. Wickware. N. Y. 1912. 229-261.) Commission govern- ment 230-232. New forms of city charters: the com- mission system. (In American Year book, 1910. New York, 1911, 218-220.) The socialists and the commission form of government. National municipal review, 2:132-134. Simplified city government. Yale re- view, n. s. 1:206-20. FAVORABLE. Allen, Silas B. The Des Moines plan. (In Na- tional municipal league. Proceedings, Providence, 1907. 156-165.) Another municipal success by commission. World’s work, 18:11975-11976. Berryhill, James G. City government by com- mission. City hall, 11:368-370. Boston’s step forward. Commission governed cities. City hall, 11:144-146. Bradford, Ernest S. Commission government and city planning. American city, 7:113- 116. Financial results under the commis- sion form of city government. National municipal review, 1:372-77. Municipal board of directors. City hall, 11:316-317. Jones, William C. A model municipal charter (Berkeley, California) Independent, 71: 575-78. Moorhead, P. G. Bringing dead cities to life. Technical world magazine, 12:621-8. * More victories for commission government. Chautauquan, 65:301-302. Mowry, Don E. Governing cities by commis- sion. La Folette’s weekly magazine, 1:7-8. v Murdock, George H. A participating commis- sion plan of government. American city, 6:471-476. National municipal league. City government by commission: a report. National muni- cipal review, 1:40-48. The Originator of the Des Moines plan. (James G. Berryhill) Hampton’s magazine, 26: 248-250. Oyen, Henry. The awakening of the cities: The struggle for new forms of government. World’s work, 22:14831-7. Ryan, Oswald. The commission plan of city government. American political science review, 5:38-56. Ryan, Oswald. The real problem of commission government. Popular science monthly, 8:275-283. The revolutionary movement in city government. New England magazine, n. s. 45:253-257. Short ballot bulletin. Published by the (Na- # tional) short ballot organization for the in- - formation of Short ballot advocates and the press. Ed. by Richard S. Childs, Feb. 1911 — date. v. 1 — date New York, 1911 — date. Bi-monthly. Spokane’s new charter. An advanced form of commission government in a city of over 100,000 population — The preferential voting system and other noteworthy provisions. American city, 5:259-263. J Spread of commission government. Outlook, 101:95. Trousdale, H. C. Municipal ownership under * the commission plan. City hall, 11:38-39. Vance, J. W. On commission government. City hall, 22:151-152. Bragg, Harry. Municipal government by com- mission. City hall, 12:357-58. Childs, Richard S. The short ballot and the commission plan. American academy of political and social science. Annals, 38: 816-822. Childs, Richard S. The theory of the new con- trolled-executive plan. National municipal review, 2:76-81. Will commission government succeed in large cities? American city, 4:79-82. The City hall. Bulletin of the League of Amer- / ican municipalities; pub. monthly by Muni- cipal pub. co. Des Moines, Iowa. Crane, R. T. Commission system for Chicago. City hall, 11:91-93. Daly, William, jr. Watch commission govern- ^ ment grow. Everybody’s mag. 25:548-550. ..Dehoney, Carl. Breaking down ward lines in American cities. World to-day, 18:487-490. * Commission government and demo- cracy. American city, 2:76-78. Eliot, Charles W. City government by fewer men. World’s work, 14:9419-26. The Galveston idea. (In Bliss, W. D. P., ed. New encyclopedia of social reform. New York, 1908. 529-530.) Getting commission government in your town. * Short ballot bulletin, 1:9. Gilbertson, H. S. The short ballot in American cities. American review of reviews, 45: r 82-85. Goodyear, Demont. The experience of Haver- hill. Independent, 68:415-416. Growth of commission government. Map. World’s work, 23:262-3. Hiden, Robert G. Running a town as a busi- ness; a general manager in Stauton, Vir- ginia. Harper’s weekly, 54:13-14. Hyde, Henry M. Two hundred cities in revolt. Technical world magazine, 17:137-144. James, George Wharton. Two successful ex- periments in civic government: Galveston and Houston, Texas. Arena, 38:8-13, 144- 149. White, William Allen. The old order changeth. IV — Progress in American cities. Ameri- can magazine, 67:603-610. Woodruff, Clinton Rogers. Municipal charter making. City hall, 11:85-91. Simplicity, publicity and efficiency irl municipal affairs. National municipal re-^ view, 2:1-10. Simplified city government. Yale re- 9 view, n. s. 1:206-220. OPPOSED, Baily, William H. Forms of city government. League of American municipalities. Bul- letin, 7:71-76. ^Brennan, Robert 0. Control of municipal pub- lic utilities by states. City hall, 10:273-4. ^luthrie, George W. Some ideas on American city government. City hall, 11:328-335. Hibbard, George A. A business city govern- ment. New England magazine, 38:9-15. Kansas City Post. Files for Apr. & May 1908, articles and speeches opposed, adopted at election held June 2, 1908. Rhett, R. G. Charleston’s government. League of American municipalities. Bulletin, 9: 54-57. Shepard, Harvey N. The mayor and the city. Atlantic monthly, 74:85-94. Sikes, George C. How Chicago is winning good government. (In National municipal league. Proceedings Providence, 1907. 178-192.) Sims, T. Defects of commission government. Kansas City Post, May 25, 1908. Thurnau, Agnes. Criticizes Des Moines plan. ’City hall, 11:251-252. COMMISS 12 072460063 Cartwright, Otho Grandford. Effici, country government. American of political and social science. An 193-203. Childs, Richard S. A personal sugge^ a model county. Short ballot bufc no. 7:2-3. County government. California countit: ening; New York organization study. Short ballot bulletin, 1, nc County jungle. Short ballot and ur| needed badly. As to county gov the nation is in the dark ages — N no information, no science. This tide penetrates where reform ne before. Short ballot bulletin, 1, nc First short ballot county (Los Angeles^ ballot bulletin, 1, no. 11:6. Los Angeles short ballot county charte: ballot bulletin, 1, no. 12:4.