PUBLIC UBRflRY t' 6ULLETIN LITERATURE, HISTORY, ElOGRAPHY I TRAVELS OCTOBER, 1897 FRIGE TEN GENTS LOS ANGELES GEO. RICE & SONS 1897 %m money in purchasing: at our store RawUy King £i Cor. Broadway and f"h St. LOS ANGELES Quality- correct St-yles correct You can few modes of. ARE HERE OFFERED TO THE READING PUBLIC^ Why not buy your Carriage ««« Buggy Bicycle, Sad- dle, Barness Kobes, mbips where you have a ^ large stock to ^ select froih ? Cransportatioii Our Prices arc correct WHILE SEARCHING LOOK OVER THE EXTRA VALUES OFFERED BY Cbc Queen 8boe Store EVERY PAIR GUARANTEED 2 1 1 West Second Street and 162 and 164 North flain St. §ouiliern Qaiiiornia furniiyre Qp Ca.rpe;ts, Z^±nol(Zt:Lms. IXCa-ttings, Ccirta-ins, SiiadLes AWb F tirtnitt-tre;, OF FVEK.Y rDFSO^^IFTIOFT. 312-314 SOUTH BROADWAY. F. Heinzeman, I8l8l8^ie$8ie$ef8s8s8fft 1 $ 1 Druggist 1 A HOME PRODUCTION. * and 1 1 Chemist. | ERKENBRECHER’8 SOAP t 1 222 N. Main St. I /A V/. Is ° Lanfranco Bldg.. Hi Made | J this Z § 1 LOS ANGELES, CAL. ^ 1 t Hei'e Water * ? 1 Telephone | ^ riain 60 | i 1 ERKENBRECHER SOAP CO. LOS ANGELES. MANUFACTURERS. • * fretwork and grilles A Decoration for doorways, Archet, Fortiers, Etc. (Artistic Designs at Dow Prices.) Parquet Floors Wood=Carpet Strip=FIoors (Can be laid in Old Houses as well as New Ones.) HEALTHFUL CLEANLY PERMANENT ECONOHICAL Plain and Ornamental — Thick and Thin F^olisH^d Bordors for Ri4g;s JOHN A. SIVIITH 70^^ SOUTH BROAHWAY BOS ANGRLES QP" SAVINGS AND PROTECTION T^f4 L/i)C pJl^H AssociA- j^ii%^l^S3CQ L ATION IS SUITED TO . . . It 19 an Institution of the people, for the people and by the People ?e le ?8 IS You Can Start IS H IS |6 A Savings account on our Books with as little as loc. per week, or monthly savings account 25c., 45c , 60c., 75c., $1.00 and $1.25 per share per month to mature to $ 100 . DIMESiPI/ANTED TO DOLLARS GROW, and a competency harvested in old age. 'Cbe Combination ^ins It is the only proposition in the West that combines Building and Loan Investments with “old line” RELIABLE Insurance on the monthly payment plan which pro- te California Authorized Capital, S200,000 Paid Up Capital JSIOO.OOO yyionoy Loane^d on Roal Estate^ Intorost Raid on Doposits T. L. DUQUE, President I. N. Van Nuys, Vice-Piesident B. V. DUQUE, Cashier DIRECTORS— H. W. Heilman, I. N. Van Nuvs, O T. Johnson, H. W. O’Melveny, J. B. Lankershim Kaspare Cohn, W. G. Kerckhoff, Abe Haas, T. L. Duqne Laying/Bordering and Ee-Fitting Carpets Furniture Backing Kepairing and Upholstering PHONE MAIN 427 JOHN BLOESER Propr. Office: 456 S. BROADWAY KING SOLOMON said “of making BOOKS there is no end.” The same is also true of PICTURES. But what is a picture without a frame? For artistic framing, pictures and art novelties go to W. C. HARRIS 331 WEST FOURTH ST. Robert Sharp & Co., EMBALMERS d.rid FUNERAL DIRECTORS. 751-753 South Spring Street, In the New Armory Bldg, LOS ANGELES, CAL. Tel. Main 1029. Residence Tel. Alta 191. OPEN ALL HOURS. DENTAL PARLORS DR. G. H. KRIECHBAUn 356 S. Broadway = = Los Angeles, Cal. TELEPHONE BLACK 1385 Most Elegant and Comfortable Dental Parlors in Los Angeles. Modern Equipments. Up-to-Date Methods. Courteous and Skillful Treatment. MRS. .JOHN H. KOI^IiEK (Formerly of L. A. Creamery.) Main 1534 FRANL H. FliOOD Roller & G0.S lee Greaie Factory Wholesale.! Caterers Prompt delivery to all parts of the city Sherbet Individual Moulds a Specialty Sweet and Whipping Cream Parties Served I TELEPHONE BROWN 522 GOODWIN BROS. iA£KL-L- PKPER DEKL-ERS House Painters and Interior Decorators 390 SOUTH LOS ANGELES STREET Grimcs-Stassfortb Stationery Go. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA AGENTS FOR 6L0BE FILES and LABOR-SAVING OFFHE APPLIANCES Exclusive Manufacturers for Southern California for Clark’s Patent One Carbon Manifold. Receipt Book, 30^ South SjDi-irig St. Los Ang-oloSw UP.5»TOjtDATE^STATIONERS^ Wm. Meek Pres. C. Brown, See. and Trens Fred J. Gillette, V.-Pres. F. B. Elberson, Snpt The Meek baking Go. Established le83 Gall lor our Aerated Bread R.J. WITHERS, M.D. VETERINARIAN President Chicago Veterinary College Veterinary Editor American Field Fellow Chicago Academy of Medicine Ex- Assistant State Veterinarian, Illinois PKOPKIETOK FACTORY Sixth and San Pedro Sts. Tel. 322 M. STORES 226 W. Fourth St., Tel. loii Main 649 S. Olive St. Tel. 271 Main 602-4 San Pedro St., Tel. 322. Main Chicago Veterinary Hospital 627 South Hain St. Los Angeles = = Cal . Niehti teI'EPhone 1452 lgJ3JI^J2Jig[ Edison Electric Company. CEO. H. BARKER, President. LIGHT AND POWER. THE BEST SERVICE. COURTEOUS METHODS. This Company Ligrhts the CITY HALL, including the PUBLIC LIBRARY and all the City Offices, (over 600 lights) ENTIRELY FREE OF CHARGE. OFFICES: 314 West Third Street. m An absolutely guaran= teed pure Cream of Tar- tar Baking Powder. Enough merit in itself. But Dr. Fox’s HEALTH BAKING POWDER has another merit. It is a PEPSIN BAK= INQ POWDER. SAMUEL MEYER, IMPORTOR, WAOI^ESALE AND RETAIE DEADER IN CROCKERY and GLASSWARE, Los Angeles, Cal . Telephone Main 840 Removed to 347 S. Broadway, Pacific States Savinas, Loan & bniidina Go. SAN FRANCISCO CAL. The Largest, Strongest and Most Prosperous I5uilding and Loan Association on the Pacific Coast. NET ASSETS, $1,500,000.00. CUTLERY, PLATED AND SILVERWARE TRAYS FANCY GOODS WHITE AND DECORATED CHINA COALOIL LAMPS, ETC OFFICERS JNO. H. WISE, President. W. H. BUSCH, General Manager. GEO. E. GRAY, CHRISTIAN REIS: Cashier. WM. PARDY, Secretary. IstVice-President Wells, Fargo & Co. INSTALLMENT LOANS , LIMITED PAYMEN TS, FIXED TERMS. It is the only Association on the coast that can legally give a limited a.nd definite Installment Loan to borrowers. F*repa.Id Stocks G per ct. TVlonthly Insta^llment Stock. SOUTHERN CALIFORNIA OFFICE: 127 W. SECOND ST, LOS /^NGIBLES. M Gudaliii Packing Go. Rex Canned fleats. Rex Hams. Rex Bacon. Rex Lard. PACKERS ANE J0BER5 OF PROVISIONS. LOS ANGELES, CAL. J« C. BOWEN OARPEIMTER Fixtures. Screen Windows, Doors and Porches. General Repairing. Saws filed and keys fitted SOUT^EITO ST., LOS ATOELES, OAD, Green 18.2 ® esse this shop is moved the phone number will always be the same Cleaned and Reblocked in Latest Style Silk PRACTICai^ hatter and Pelt Hats Telephone Green 218 CAL. THOS. COAN hi^own ranch and guarantees satisfaction POULTRY, FISH, GAME AND PRODIinF , STORE: 629 SOUTH TtR.r>aTvyi;r^Y Nortli Spring Street Temple Sleek supplies families with fresh poul- try direct from A trial will pay Houses Boilt and Sold w.j.scnererco. Real . . Estate. Business Opportunities and Partnerships Arranged. '' Furnished Branch Office: Co.. Adams and Central. Telepone West 15. „ xvcuiB aau UOUeCtK Loans Nogotiatod. Main Office: lo8 S. Broadway. Telephone Brown 98. PACIFIC STEAM DYE WORKS O. R. KALWEIT, Proprietor. Ladies’ Garments and Gents’ Suits Cleaned, Dyed and Repaired. Also Rugs and Blankets. We make a Specialty in taking oflf Lace Curtains, Draperies ar.d Portieres ; also, Cleaning, Dyeing and Putting up in Artistic Style. P'rench Dry Cleaning, Glove Cleaning and Feather Cl eaning. Dyeing and Curling, uuequaled in the City. STRAW HATS Dyed, Bleached and Pressed, in the Latest Stytes MEN’S PANAMA and STRAW HATS Cleaned and Trimmed. 264 SOUTH MAIN STREET. Opp. Wells, Fargo & Co. Telephone Black 785 LOS ANGELES, CAL. MISS LOUISA BLACK • ♦ ♦ Dress jVIaker ♦ ♦ Room 34, Hallett & Pirtle Block, Cor. Broadway and 4th Tailor Made Gowns Fancy Waists MRS. J. F. HUNT • • • Jlriistic millinery • • • I Furnish Stylish Millinery at the Very Lowest Prices ^ We Guarantee Satisfaction in Every Instance ^ ^ ^ 324 West Fourth Street Los Angeles California Finest Turnouts in the City Eureka Stables Tally Ho for Picnics Single and Double Rigs Victoria with Coachman in Livery 323 West Fifth Street, Telephone Main Los Angeles, Cal. 71 A BARREL OF MONEY TO LOAN ON Diamonds, Slatcbcs, pianos, Furniture, Stc.^ f S. P. CREASINQER, 247 S. BROADAY, Rooms t & 2. <^^ssssss$sss^ • Have Your Teeth . . . Warm,fte?WoVL aePt.stry-Mode.-ate Charges, Spinks Block, Cor. 5th and Hill Tel. 1 1 65 Black. LOS flNGEUtS PUBLIC LIBRARY 5ULLETIN OF LITERATURE, HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY AND TRAVELS OCTOBER, 1897 PRICE TEN GENTS LOS ANGELES GEO. RICE & SONS 1897 Parker’s | New I Book I Store I 246 SOUTH I BROADWAY | Near Public Library f THE LARGEST, MOST VARIED AND MOST COMPLETE STOCK OF BOOKS WEST OF CHICAGO •••• MAIL ORDERS PROMPTLY PILLED •••• A FULL LIKE OF STATIOKERT, PERIODI- CALS AND EASTERN NEWSPAPERS IS CARRIED Mr. Parker has one of the finest collections of catalogues possessed by any dealer in this country, thereby enabling him to locate and generally secure any book published in this country or Europe. He has both a London and Paris agent. He makes a specialty of securing old, rare and out- of-print books. C. C. PARKER 246 S. BROADWAY, NEAR PUBLIC LIBRARY Office Telephone Main 613 Residence Telephone White 111 DEXTER SAMSON Funeral Director 523 S. SPRING STREET Special attention paid to Embalming Los Angeles^ Cat. Bodies for Shipment YOUR LIFE is] spent in bed. To secure comfort and rest, a good bed is necessary THE BEST SILK FLOSS AND HAIR MATTRESSES can be bad at — - INVAI.II> CHATRS T. MARTIN’S 531-3 south Spring St BULLETIN OF LITERATURE, HISTORY, BIOGRAPHY AND TRAVEL IN THE LOS ANGELES PUBLIC LIBRARY ABBOT ACTORS ABBOT, W. J. Battle fields and camp fires. 1890. 973.7:35 Battle fields and victory. 1891. 973.7:43 Battle fields of ’61. 1889. 973.7:30 Blue jackets of 1812. 1887. 973.5:2 Blue jackets of ’76. 1888. 973.3:14 Blue jackets of ’61. 1890. 973.7:34 ABBOTT, EDWARD. Revolutionary times. 1876. 973.3:13 ABBOTT, EVELYN. History of Greece. 1892. 2v. 938:11 Pericles and the Golden Age of Ath- ens. 1891. 938.03:2 ABBOTT, J. American history. 1860. 4v. 970:11 Alexander the great. 1876. 923.138:1a Alfred of England. 1849. 923.142:6b Charles I of England. 1876. 923.142:22 Charles II of England. 1877. 923.142:19 Cleopatra, queep of Egypt. 1879. 923.132:1 Cyrus the great. 1878. 923.135:2 Darius the great. 1868. 923.135:1 Elizabeth, queen of England. 1876. 923 142:21 Genghis Kahn. 1860. 923.154:7 Hannibal, the Carthaginian. 1849. 923.539:1a Julius Caesar. 1849. 923.137:1b Margaret of Anjou. 1861. 923.142:10 Mary, queen of Scots. 1876. 923.141:1b Nero. 1853. 923.137:2 Peter the great. 1859. 923.147:1b Pyrrhus. 1854. 923.138:2 Richard I of England. 1857. 923.142:3 Richard II of England. 1858. 923.142:4 Richard III of England. 1858. 923.142:7 Romulus. 1852. 923.137:3 William the conqueror. 1877. 923.142:24a Xerxes the great. 1850. 923.135:3 Summer in Scotland. 1876. 914.1 :T ABBOTT, J. S. C. American pioneers and patriots series. Christopher Carson. 1873. 923.973:12 Christopher Columbut. 1875. 923.945:1c Davy Crockett. 1874. 923.973:7 Benjamin Franklin. 1J73. 923.273 :14j John Paul Jones. 18K. 923.573:15 William Kidd and others of the pi^ rates. 1874 810.4:13a Chevaler de la Saho and his compan- ions. 1875. 923.944:4 Ferdnand de Soto. 1873. 923.946:2 Miles Standish. 1874. 923.573:13 Peter Stuyvesant. 1873. 923.273:41 George Washington. 1875. 923.173 :25h Civil war in America. 1863. 2v. 973.7:1a Empire of Austria, its rise and pres- ent power. Ib82. 943.6:3 Empire of Russia, from remotest per- iods to the present time. 1862. 947:3 Henry IV, king of France and Na- varre. 1884. 923.144:4 Hernando Cortes. 1856. 923.946:1 History of Maine. 1875. 974.1:1 Hortense, (daughter of Josephine.) 1870. 923.149:2 Italy and the war for Italian indepen- dence. 1882. 945:6 Joseph Bonaparte. 1869. 923.145:3 Josephine. 1879. 923.144:1b King Phillip, chief of the Wampan- oags. 1885. 970.2:5 Louis XIV (King of France.) 1870. 923.144:8 Louis Phillipe (King of France). 1871. 923.144:5 Madame Roland. 923,244:6a Marie Antoinette. 1849. 923.144:2a Napoleon III (Emperor of France.) 923.144:7 ABBOTT, L. Henry Ward Beecher. 1887. 922.5:7 ABYSSINIA. Baker, S, W. The Nile tributaries of Abyssinia. 1883. 916.3:1 Bruce, J. Travels and discoveries, 1878. 916.3:3 Smith, F, H. Through Abyssinia. 1890 916.3:2 ACTORS AND ACTING. Baker, H. B. Our old actors. 1878. 2v. 927.9:19 Coleman, J. Players and playwrights I have known. 1890. 2v. 822.8:3 ACTORS 4 AESCHYLUS Cook, D. Nights at the play. 1883. 822.04:3 On the stage. 1883. 2v. 822.04:2 Dramatic miscellanies. 1875. 3v. 822.09:5 Galt, J. Lives of the players. 1831. 2v. 927.9:31 Hutton, L. Curiosities of the Amer- ican stage. 1891. 812,09:1 Lewes, G. H. Actors and the art of acting. 1875. 927.9:10 Lowell, J. R. Our English dramat- ists. 1894. 811.37:16 Marstbn, J. W. Our recent actors. .1888. 927.9:24 Robins, E. Echoes of the playhouse. 1895. 822.04:6 Russell, W. C. Representative actors. 1888. 927.9:30 Seilhamer, G. O. The American theatre before the Revolution. 1888. 812.09:2 Stoddard, R. H. ed. Personal rem- iniscences of O’Keefe, Kelly and Taylor. 1876. 822.04:5 Stone, H. D. Personal recollections of the drama. 822.09:7 ADAMS, A. Roman antiquities. 1838. 913.37:4 ADAMS, ABIGAIL S. Familiar letters of John Adams and his wife Abi- gail, during the revolution.. 1876. 923.173:38b ADAMS, C. P. Massachusetts, its his- torians and its history. 1893. 974.4:6 Richard Henry Dana, a biography. 1891. 2v. 923.473:4 Three episodes of Massachusetts his- tory. 1892. 2v. 973.2:16 ADAMS, C. K. Christopher Columbus, his life and work. 1892. 923.945 :le Representative British orations. 1887. 3v. 825:1 ADAMS, EMMA H. Among the northern icebergs. 1890. 919.8:34 John of Wycliffe. 1890. 922.3:10 Life and incidents in the Fijian and Samoan islands. 1890. 919.6:10 Martin Luther. 1891 922.4:2c Savonarola. 1890. 922.2:12 To and fro, up and down in Southern California. 1888. 917:9:10 Tonga Islands, and other groups. 1890. 919.6:11 Two cannibal archipelagoes. 1890. 919.6:9 ADAMS, F. The Australians, a social sketch. 1892. 919.4:9 ADAMS, F. O. The Swiss confedera- tion. 1889. 949.4:1 ADAMS, FLORENCE D. Plays for children. 808.2:17 ADAMS, G. B. Civilization under the middle ages. 1894. 940.17 Growth of the French nation. 1896. 944:8 ADAMS, H. Historical essays. 1891. 904:10 John Randolph. 1883. 923,273:37 The United States ofAmerica during the administration of Jefferson. 1890. 4v. 973.4:4 The United States during the admin- istration of James Madison. 1891. 5v. 973.5:7 ADAMS, H. B. Life and writings of Jared Sparks. 1893. 2v. 814.494: Sp2 ADAMS, H. G. Cyclopaedia of poeti- cal quotations. 808.8 :R9 ADAMS, J. (2d president of United States). Familiar letters of John Adams and his wife Abigail Adams, during the revolution. 1876. 923.173:38b Adams, J. Q. Life of John Adams, 1874. 2v. 923.173:38a Morse, J. T. Life of John Adams. 1889. 923.173:38 x'^DAMS, J, Q. (6th president of United States.) Life of John Adams. 1874. 923.173:38a Morse, J. T. Life of John Quincy Adams. 1883. 923.173:36 ADAMS, O. F. Dear old story-tellers. 1889. 808:23 Presumption of sex and oth^r papers. '1892. 814. 49: Adi iStory of Jane Austen’s life. 1891. 823.744:3 ADAMS, R. C. History of the United States in rhyme. 1884. 973:25 \DAMS, S. Hosmer, J. K. Life of Samuel Adams. 1885. 923.273:4 ADAMS, W. H. D. Buried cities of Campania: Pompeii and Herculane- um. 1872. 913.37:8 By-ways of bookland. 1889. 824.89: Adi Land of the Incas. 1885. 985:2 Lyrics of love, from Shakespeare to Tennyson. 1873. 808.1:26 Maid of Oreleans. 1889. 923.544:3a Warriors of the crescent. (India). 1892. 923.154:6 ADAMS, W. T; (Oliver Optic). Our standard bearer: a life of U. S. Grant. 1888. 923.173.8d ADDISON, J. Works, with notes by R. Hurd. 1885. 6v. 824.52:2 Courthope, W. J. Life of Joseph Addison. 1884. 824.524:1 ADIRONDACKS. Murray, W. H. H. Adventures in the wilderness. 1874. 917.47:2 Warner, C. D. In the wilderness. 1878. 814.43:1 ADOLPHUS, F. Some memories of Paris. 1895. 944.07:4 AENEID. See Viigil. AESCHYLUS. Dramas; tr. by Swanwick. 1886. 882.1:2c Plays; tr. by Potter. 1889. 882.1:2b AESCUIiAPIUS 5 1 AFRICA Tragedies; tr. by Buckley. 1856. 882.1:2 Same; tr. by Plumplre. 1894. 882.1:2a Same; tr. by Copleston (con- densed and explained). 1894. 882.1:2d AESCULAPIUS. Walton, A. Cult of Asklepios. 1894. 913.38:1? AESOPUS. Fables; tr. by Croxall. 888.6:1 AFGHANISTAN. Forbes, A. The Afghan wars. 1839- 42 and 1878-80. 1892. 958:2 Malleson, G. B. History of Afghe.nis- tan. 958:6 Marvin, C. Russians at the gates of Herat. 1885. 947.08:2 AFRICA. Andersson, C. J. Lake Ngami. 1857. 916.8:4 Okavango river. 1861. 916.8:3 Ashe, R. P. Chronicles of Uganda. 1895. 967.1 Badlam, A. B. Views of Africa. 1895. 910.7:14 v7 Baker, S. W. Ismailia. 1875. 916.7; 24a Baldwin, W. C. African hunting. 1863. 916.8:5 Barth, H. Travels and discoveries. 1857. 3v. 916.6:2 Bent, J. T. Ruined cities of Mashona- land. 1892. 916.8-12 Brown, R. Story of Africa and its explorers. 1892. 4v. 916 :R3 Bruce, S. W. H. K. Memoirs of Mashonaland. 1895. 967:3 Burton, R. F. Lake regions of Cen- tral Africa. 1860. 916.7:14 Cameron, V. L. Across Africa. 1877 916.7:22 Chanler, W. A. Through jungle and desert. 1896. )16:6 Churchill, R. H. S. Lord. Men. mines and animals in South Africa. 1892. 916.8:11 Colville, H. Land of the Nile springs. 1895. 967:2 Cumming, R. G. Five years of a hunter’s life. 1874. 2v. 916.8:8 Davis, R. H. Dr. Jameson’s raiders 1897. 968:3 Drummond, H. Tropical Africa. 1889. vs. The Johannesburg reformers. 916.7:3 \ DuChaillu, P. B. Adventures in equatorial Africa. 1890. 916.7:2b Country of the dwarfs. 1871. 916.7:10 Journey to Ashango-land. 1871. 916.7:1 Dost in the jungle. 1869. 916.7:6 My Apingi kingdom. 1870. 916.7 :9e Stories of the gorilla country. 1867. 916.7:8 Wild life under the equator. 1868. 916.7:7 Field, H. M. The Barbary coast. 1893. 916.1:3 Garrett, F. E. Story of an African crisis. 1897. 968:5 Gessi, R. Seven years in the Soudan. 1892. 916.26:1 Greswell, W. P. Africa south of the Zambesi. 1892. 916.8:10 Hore, E. C. Tanganyika: eleven years in Central Africa. 1892. 916.6:7 Jephson, A. J. M. Emin Pasha and the rebellion at the equator. 1890. 916.6:5 Johnston, H. H. River Congo. 1884. 916.7:27 Johnston, K. Africa. (Stanford’s compendium). -916:R1 Keltie, J. S. Partition of Africa. 1893 960:1 Kerr, W. M. The far interior. 1886. 2v. 916.8:1 King. J. Dr. Jameson’s raid: Its causes and consequences. 1896. 968:2 Knox, T. W. Boy travelers on the Congo. 1887. 916.7:11 Hunters three. 1895. 916.0:1 Two youths in a Journey through Africa. 1883. 916.6:1 liatimer, E. W. Europe in Africa in the 19th century. 1895. 9i0 2 Little, H. W. Henry M. Stanley: his life, travels and explorations. 1890. 923.942:4 Livingston, D. Expedition to the Zambesi. 1866. 916.7:12 Last journals. 1875. 916.4a Missionary travels. 1858. 916.8:7 Ijong, C. C. Central Africa. 1877. 916.6:3 Macnab, F. On veldt and farm. 1897. 968:4 Martin, A. Home life on an ostrich farm. 1891. 916.8:9 Mathers, E. P. Golden South Africa. 1889. 916.8:14 Meyer, H. Across East African glaciers. 1891. 916.7:29 Oates, F. Matabele land. 1889. 916.8:5 Parke, T. H. Personal experiences in equatorial Africa. 1891. 916.7:13 Peters, C. New light on dark Africa. 1891. 916.7:30 Poole, S. L. Barbary Corsairs. 1890. 961:1 Reade, W. Savage Africa. 1864. 916:1 Reclus, J. J. E. Africa. 1886. 4v. 916:2 Riley, J. Loss of brig Commerce on coast of Africa. 1859. 916.1:1 Schweinfurth, Z. Heart of Africa. 1874. 2v. 916.6:4 Sheldon, L. V. Yankee girls in Zulu land. 1888. 916.8:2 Sheldon, M. F. Sultan to sultan. 1892. 916.7:32 Slatin, R. C. Fire and sword in the Soudan. 1896. 916.62:1 Smith, A. D. Through unknown African countries. 916.7:33 AFRICA 6 ALiDRICH Stanley, H. M. The Cong^o. 1885. 2v. 916.7:5 Coomassie and Magdala. 1874. 916.7:15 How I found Livingston. 1887. 916.7:18 In darkest Africa. 1890. 2v. 916.7:26 Story of the Emin rescue. 1890. 916.7:34 Through the dark continent. 1879. 2v. 916.7:19 Stevens, T. Scouting for Stanley. 1890. 916.7:28 Taylor, B. Journey to Central Africa. 1869. 916.2:18 Taylor, W. Africa illustrated. 1895. 916:5 Theal, G. M. South Africa. 1894. 968:1 Thomson, J. Through Masai land. 1885. 916.7:21 To the Central African lakes,' 1881. 2v. 916.7:16 Vincent, P. Actual Africa. 1895. 916:4 Wauters, A. J. Stanley’s Emin Pasha expedition. 1890. 916.7:17 Wilson, J. L. Western Africa. 1856. 966:1 Wissman, H. von. My second jour- ney through equatorial Africa. 1891. 916.7:31 AGASSIZ, L. J. R. Journey to Brazil. 1868. 918.1:1 Agassiz, E. C. Louis Agassiz: life and correspondence. 1888. 2v. 925:1 Holder, C. P. Louis Agassiz: life and work. 1893. 925:1a AGER, CAROLUS. See Pield, C. K. AGNOLO, A. d’. See Andrea d' Agnolo. AGREDA, MARIE de. Life of Joseph. patriarch and saint. 1888. 922.2:17 AHLWARUT, T. W. Divans of the six ancient Arabic poets. 1870. 890:3 AIKIN, J. Works of the British poets. 1852. 820.81:1 AINSLET, A. D. Reynard the fox; after Goethe’s version. 837:1 AINSWORTH, W. P. All around the world. 1870. 910.4:19 AIRY, O. English restoration and Louis XIV. 1888. 940.7:4 AITKEN, MARY C. Scottish ^ng: a selection of lyrics. 1874. m.04:5 AKBAR, (Emperor of India). Malleson, G. B. Life of Akbar. 1890. 923.154:1 AKENSIDE, M. Poetical works. 1894. 821.62:1 AKERS, ELIZABETH. High-top sweeting and other poems. 1891. 811.49;Ak3 ALABAMA. (Confederate cruiser). Semmes, R. Service afloat: career of the cruisers Sumter and Alabama. 1869. 973.75:7 ALASKA. Aldrich, H. L. Arctic Alaska and Si- beria. 1889. 917.98:16 Allen, W. B. Red mountain gf Alas- ka. 1889. 917.98:12 Ballou, M. M. New Eldorado: sum- mer journey to Alaska. 1889. 917.98:8 Bancroft, H. H. History of Alaska. 1886. 979.8 :R1 Broke, G. With sack and stock in Alaska. 1891. 917.98:15 Bruce, M. W. Alaska: its history and resources. 1895. 917.98:19 Collis, S. M. A woman’s trip to Alaska. 1890. 917.98:13 Dali, W. H. Alaska and its resources. 1870. 917.98:14 Elliott, H. W. Our Arctic province. 1886. 917.98:1 Hallock, C. Our new Alaska. 1886. 917.98:2 Jackson, S. Alaska and missions on the north Paciflc coast. 1880. 917.98:3 Karr, H. W. S. Shores and alps of Alaska. 1887. 917.98:4 Knapp, P. Thlinkets of Southeastern Alaska. 1896. 917.98:18 Morris, W. G. Report upon the cus- toms district, public service and re- sources of Alaska. 1879. 917.98:9 Pike, W. Through the subarctic for- est. 1896. 917.1:18 Schwatka, P. Nimrod in the north. 1885. 919.8:9 Scidmore, E. R. Alaska, its south coast and the Sitkan archipelago. 1885. . 917.98:6 Appleton’s guide book to Alaska and the Northwest. 1896. 917.98:17 Woodman, A. J. Picturesque Alaska. 1889. 917.98:7 ALB. See Whiteing, R ALBANY, COUNTESS of. Paget, V. Life of the Countess of Albany. 1888. 923.242:21 ALBERT. (Prince Consort of Eng- land). Grey, C. Early years of the Prince Consort. 1867. 923.142:5 ALCOCK, R. Capital of the Tycoon. 1877. 2v. 915.2:4 ALCOTT, AMOS BRONSON. Sanborn, P. B. A. Bronson Alcott: his life and philosophy. 1893. 2v. 921.1:1 ALCOTT, LOUISA M. Life, letters and journal. 1890. 813.414:1 ALDEN, E. C. Oxford guide. 1894. 914.257:1 ALDRICH, ANNE R. Songs about life, love and death. 1893. 811.49 :A12 ALDRICH, H. L. Arctic Alaska and Siberia. 1889. 917.98:16 ALDRICH, T. B. Prom Ponkapog to Pesth. 1883. 914:2 Judith and Holofernes, a poem. 1896. 811.48:6 Mercedes, and later lyrics. 1884. 811.48:1 An old town by the sea. (Portsmouth) 1893. 974.21:1 Poems. 1885. 811,48:? AtiEXANDER 7 AMERICA The sisters’ tragedy, with other poems. 1891. 811.48:4 Unguarded gates, and other poems. 1895. 811.48:5 Wyndham towers. (Poem). 1890. 811.48:3 ALEXANDER THE GREAT. Abbott, J. History of Alexander the great. 1876. 923.138:1a Williams, J. Life and actions of Alexander the grreat. 1829. 923.138:1 ALEXANDER I. (Prince of Bulgaria) Koch, A. Prince Alexander of Bat- tengerg. 1887. 923.149:1 ALEXANDER, FRANCESCA. Story of Lucia. 1884. 850.4:3 ALFIERI, V. Autobiography. 1877. 852.644:1 ALFRED THE GREAT. (King of England) Abbott, J. History of King Alfred of England. 1849. 923.142 :6:b Hughes, T. Life of Alfred the great. 1881. 923.142:6 Pauli, G. R. Life of Alfred the great. 1884. 923.142:6a ALFRIEND, F. H. Life of Jefferson Davis. 1868. 923.573:20b ALGER, W. R. Poetry of the Orient, 1874. 890:1 ALGIERS. Bridgman, F. A. Winters in Algiers. 1890. 916.5:2 Shaler, W. Sketches of Algiers. 1826. 916.5:1 Strahan, L. G. Walks in Algiers. 1878. 916.5:3 ALICE. (Princess of Great Britain) Biographical sketch and letters. 1884. 923.142:8 ALISON, A. Era of Napoleon. 1843. 940.8:1 ALLAN, W. Army of North Virginia in 1862. 1892. 973.73:24 ALLDRIDGE, LIZZIE. Lives of Florence Nightingale, Frances Rid- ley Havergal (and others). 1887. 920.7:1 ALLEN, A. V. G. Life of Jonathan Edwards. 1889. 922.5:2 ALLEN, ETHAN. De Puy, H. W. Ethan Allen and the Green mountain heroes of ’76. 1853. 923.573:12a Hall, H. Life of Ethan Allen. 1892. 923.573:12 ALLEN, G. Falling in love, with other essays. 1890. 824.89 :A15 ALLEN, J. L. Blue-grass region of Kentucky. 1892. 917.69:1 ALLEN, L. W. 1896. ALLEN, T. G. bicycle. 1894. ALLEN, W. B. ka. 1889. Abraham Lincoln. 811.49 :A15 Across Asia on a 915:16 Red mountain of Alas- 917.98:12 ALLEN, W. F. History topics. 1890. 907:3 ALLEN, W. W. California gold book: first nugget, its discovery and dis- coverers. 1893. 979.4:26 ALLIBONE, S. A. Critical dictionary supplement. 1891. 5v. 803 :R1 ALLINSON, E. P. Philadelphia: a his- tory of municipal development. 1887. 974.8:1 ALLSTON, W. Sylphs of the season, with other poems. 1813. 811.21 :R1 Flagg, J. B. Life and letters of Washington Allston. 1892. 927.5:28 ALMA-TADEMA. See Tadema, L. A. ALOYSIUS GONZAGA (Saint). Life of St. Aloysius Gonzaga. 1867. (anon.) 922.2:4 ALPS. Mummery, A. F. My climbs in the Alps and Caucasus. 1895. 914.94:7 Tyndall, J. Hours of exercise in the Alps. 1875. 914.94:3 Whymper, E. Scrambles amongst the Alps in 1860-9. 1872. 914.94:1 AMATEUR THEATRICALS. Adams, F. D. Plays for children. 808.2:17 Barmby, J. Plays for young people. 808.2:10 Bell, Mrs. H. Fairy tale plays. 1896. 808.2:32 De Witt’s amateur and parlor theatri- cals. Nos. 1-5. 808.2:22—26 Dick, W. B. Ethiopian scenes. 1879. 808.5:33 Harrison, C. C. Short comedies. 1889. 808.2:27 Heerman, F. Amateur theatricals. 1889. 808.2:28 Howard, C. J. Drawing room theat- ricals. 1870. 808.2:3 Hudson, F. Private theatricals. 1870. 808.2:11 Kroeker, K. F. Alice In wonderland and other fairy plays. 808.2:7 Shields, S. A. Fairy tale dramas. 808 2 ■ 13 Venable, W. H. School stage. 808.2:15 AMAZON RIVER. Bates, H. W. Naturalist on the river Amazon. 1864 918.7:1 Herndon, W. L. Exploration of the valley of the Amazon. (U. S. navy dept.). 1854. 2v. 918:14 Kellar, F. Amazon and Madeira rivers. 1875. 918:6 Orton, J. The Andes and the Amazon. 1870. 918:5 Wallace, A. R. Narrative of travels on the Amazon. 1853. 918.1:8 AMBROSIUS, JOHANNA. Poems. 1896. 831.89: Ami AMERICA. — Antiquities. Bandelier, A. F. Gilded man. 1893. 913.73:1 Brinton, D. G. Aboriginal American authors and their productions. 1883. 970.1:9 Davis, A. Antiquities of America. 1846. 913.70:5 AMERICA AMERICAN Le Plongeon, A. Queen Moo and the Egyptian sphinx. 1896. 972.015:1 Nadaillac, J. P. A. Pre-historic America. 1893. 913.70:4 Winsor, J. Narrative and critical history of America, v. 1. 1889. 970.R1 V. 1 History Belknap, J. The two Americas. 1882. 970:7 Bell, N. R. E. Heroes of American history. 1885. 973:19 Bowen, B. P. America discovered hy the Welsh. 1876. 973.1:3 Campbell, D. The Puritan in Hol- land, England and America, 1892 2v. 940.5:3 Eden, R. Pirst three English books on America. 1885. 917 :R2 Piske, J., Discovery of America. 1892, 2v. \ 970:4 Gilman, A. Discovery and explora- tion of America. ' 1887. 973.1:2 Gordy, W. P. Pathfinder in Ameri- can history. 1893. 973:38 Helps, A. Spanish conquest in Amer- ica. 1855. 4v. 980:1 Higginson, T. W. Book of American explorers. 1877. 973.1:1 Jameson, J. P. History of historical writing in America. 1891. 907:2 Johonnot, J. Stories of our country. 1887. 973:37 Lodge, H. C. Hero tales from Ameri- can history. 1895. 973:40 Montgomery, D. H, Beginner’s American history. 1892. 973:36 Leading facts in American history. 1893. 973:35 Old South leaflets. 2v. 973:34 Payne, E. J. History of the new world. 1892. 970:2 Pollard, J. History of the Battles of America in words of one syllable. 1889. 973:22 Robertson, W. History of the settle- ment and discovery of America. 1848. 970:9 Scaife, W. B. America: its geogra- phical history 1492-1892. 911.73:1 Stephens, T. Madoc: the discovery of America in the 12th century. 1893. 973.1:4 Winsor, J. Cartier to Prontenac. 1894. 973.2:25 Narrative and critical history of America. 1889. 8v. 970 :R1 Wright, H. C. Children's stories in Amer. history. 1888. 970:12 AMERICA AND the Americans from a Prench point of view (Anon.). 1897. 917.3:27 AMERICAN COMMONWEALTHS: ed. by H. E. Scudder: Connecticut. Johnston, A. 974.6:2 Indiana. Dunn, J. P. 977.2:1 Kansas. Spring, L. W. 978.1:2 Kentucky. Shaler, N. S. 976.9:3 Maryland. Browne, W. H. 975.2:1 Michigan. Cooley, T. M. 977.4:1 Missouri. Carr, L. 977.8:3 New York. Roberts, E. H. 974.7:6 Ohio. King, R. 977.1:1 Oregon. Barrows, W. 979.5:2 Vermont. Robinson, R. E. 974,3:2 Virginia. Cooke, J. E. 975.5:2 AMERICAN HISTORICAL Association papers. 1886, 3v. 906 :R1 AMERICAN HISTORY Series. Colonial era. Pisher, G. P. 973.2:13 Prench war and the Revolution. Sloane, W. M. 973.2:26 Making of the nation 1783-1817. Walker, P. A. 973.4:5 Middle period. 1817-1858. Burgess, J. W.. 973:51 AMERICAN INDIANS. See Indians. AMERICAN LITERATURE. Collections. Cheever, G. B. Prose writers of America, 1853. 810.8:3 Clemens, S. L. Library of humor, 1888. 817:26 Mason, E. T. Humorous master- pieces. 1891. 3v. 817:27 Morris, C. Half hours with best American authors. 1887. 4v. 810.8:1 Stedman, E. C. Library of American literature. 1888. 11 v. 810.8 :R1 History and Criticism. Beers, H. A. Initial studies in Amer- ican literature. 1891. 810.9:4 Cleveland, C. D. Compendium of American literature. 1858. 810.8:2 Earle, A. M. Early prose and verse. 1893. 810.8:5 Pields, A. Authors and friends. 1896. 810.4:1 Hawthorne, ■ J. American literature. 1895. 810.9:14 Lawrence, E, Primer of American literature. 1880. 810.9:9 Matthews, B. Introduction to Amer- ican literature. 1896. 810.9:13 Mitchell, D. G. American lands and letters. 1897. 810:3 Nichol, J. American literature. 1882. 810.9:3 Royse, N. K. Manual of American literature. 1872. 810.9:2 Stedmen, E. C. Poets of America. 1885. 811.43:2 Tyler, M. C. History of American literature. 1879. 2v. 810.9:1 Underwood, P. H. Builders of Amer- ican literature. 1893. 810.9:5 Watkins, -M. C. American literature. 1894. 810:1 Whipple, E. P. American literature and other papers. 1887. 814.35:6 White, G. The philosophy of Ameri- can literature. 1891. 810.1:1 Wright, H. C. Children’s stories in American literature. 1896. 810:2 AMERICAN MEN of Letters Series; ed. by C. D. Warner. Bryant. Bigelow, J. 811.334:1 Cooper. Lounsbury, T. R. 813.244:1 TELEPHONE TV^MIN f^tjssell arduyare ^o/npai>y SOUTH BROADiAZTXV Builders’ Hardware and Mechanics’ Tools |$$$$$$$^SSS^$$SS$SSSSSSS$».:^Ss^$SSSS^^^S$SS$SSSSSS$'| g Fine Cutlery and Sporting Goods AGENTS FOR THE BORN STEEL RANGE CO., CLEVELAND, OHIO AND THE LUDOWICI ROOFING TILE CO., CHICAGO. FOR FINE SHOES OF ALL KINDS FOR LADIES, Hisses and Children HEN, Boys and Youths GO TO THE POPULAR STORE OF . . . HAMILTON & BAKER 239 So. Spring St. ^ OFFICE HOURS: 10 A.M. TO 4 P.M. Trademark Registered CALL AT OFFICE AND GET TESTIMONIALS OF THOSE CURED IN LOS ANGELES HALL-THOMPSON Rheumatism Liver and Kidney Cure 431 S. B. THOMPSON, SOLE MANUFACTURER. South Spring Street, Room 20 Sunny Slope Wines . . . INVALIDS AND CONVALESCENTS NOTE THE FOLLOWING M At the World’s Columbian Fair we secured the highest' possible honors over all competitors of Califoinian Sweet Wines for our old vintages of Port and Sherry, four special- ties), the only two classes of wines which we had on exhibi- tion. We guarantee the absolute purity of every bottle put up by us. Tell your dealer you want no other. L. J. R05E & CO., (Limited) San Gabriel, California 5lCVCLEiS^*^ lA/E REINT BICYCLES ^ L. B. WINSTON 534 S. Broadway Charter Oak.. YARD AND STORE CLEANING AND RUBBISH HAULING Coal, Wood, Hay and Grain Gasoline and Oil. Telephone Ked 1934 J. B. LOVING 131 SAN PEORO ST. AMERICAN Curtis. Cary, E. 814.424:3 Emerson. Holmes, O. W. 814.364:2 Franklin. McMaster, J. B. 923.273 :14d Irving-. Warner, C. D. 817.244:1 Margeret Fuller Ossoli. Higginson, T. W. 814.314:1 Poe. Woodbury, G. E. 811.324:1 Ripley. Frothingham, O. B. 922.8:10 Simms. Trent, W. P. 813.354:1 Taylor. Smythe, A. H . 811.464:1 Thoreau. Sanborn, F. B. 818.314:1 Webster. Scudder, H. E. 924:2 Willis. Beers, H. A. 814.384:1 AMERICAN STATESMEN Series; ed. by J. T.Morse. John Adams. Morse, J. T. 923.173:38 John Quincy Adams. Morse, J. T. 923.173:36 Samuel Adams. Hosmer, J. K. 923.273:4 Benton. Roosevelt, T. 923.273:6 Calhoun. Holst, H. E. von. 923.273:9 Cass. McLaughlin, A. C. 923.273:5 Clay. Schurz, C. 923.273:13a Franklin. Morse, J. T. 923.273 :14e Gallatin. Stevens, J. A. 923.273:^3 Hamilton. Lodge, H. C. 923.273:26 Henry. Tyler, M. C. 923.273:52 Jackson. Sumner, W. .G. 923.173:13b Jay. Pellew, G. 923.273:58 Jefferson. Morse, J. T. 923.173:15 Lincoln. Morse, J. T. 923.173 :9h Madison. Gay, S. H. 923.173:35 Marshall. Magruder, A. B. 923.273:30 Monroe. Gilman, D. C. 923.173:37 Morris. Roosevelt, T. 923.273:31 Randolph. Adams, H. 923.273:37 Seward. Lothrop, T. K. 923.273:28 Van Buren. Shepard, E. M. 923.173:32a Washington. Lodge, H. C. 923.173:251 Webster. Lodge, H. C. 923.273:42 AMES, LUCIA T. Great thoughts for little thinkers. 1894. 900:1 AMICIS, E. de. Constantinople. 1878. 914.96:5 Holland. 1886. 914.92:1 Morocco. 1886. 916.4:1 Spain. 1886. 914.6:4 Studies of Paris. 1887. 914.4:3 AMIEL, H. F. Journal intime of Henri — Frederic Amiel: ed by Mrs. Hum- phrey Ward. 1885. 928.4:4 AMMEN, D. Atlantic Coast. 1883. 973.75 '1 AMMIANUS MARCELLINUS. Roman history. 1887. 937.06:1 ANCESTRY. See Genealogy. ANCIENT CLASSICS for English readers: ed. by W. L. Colilns. Aeschylus. Copleston, R. S. 882.1: 2d Aristophanes. Collins, W. L. 882.4:3b Cicero. Collins, W. L. 875.1:1 Herodotus. Swayne, G. C. 888.1:1 Hesiod and Theognis. Davies, J. 883 2*1 Homer. Collins, W. L. 883.1:1b Horace. Martin, T. 874.5:1a Juvenal. Walford, E. 877.7:1 Lucretius. Mallock, W. H. 871.1:1b 9 ANCIENT Plautus and Terence. Collins, W. L. 872 3'1 Pliny’s letters. Church, A. J. 8Z6.2:1 Sophocles. Collins, C. W. 882.2:1 Virgil. Collins, W. L. 873.1:3a Xenophon. Grant, A. 888.3:3 ANCIENT HISTORY. Bentley, J. H. Ancient history, liter- ature and art. 1897. 907:8 De Quincey, T. Essays in ancient history. 1876. 824.81:14 Duncker, M. W. History of antiquity. 1877. 6v. 930 :R1 Frost, J. Pictorial ancient history. 1848. 909:1 Goguet, A. Y. Origin of laws, arts and sciences. 1775. 3v. 930:1 Heeren. A. H. L. Historical research- es into the politics, intercourse and trade of the Carthaginians, Ethiop- ians and Egyptians. 1857. 930:12 Historical researches into the poli- tics, intercourse and trade of the principal nations of antiquity. 1854. 2v. 930:11 Manual of ancient history. 1854. 930:10 Herodotus: ed. by Rawlinson and ' Wilkinson. 1875. 4v. 930:3 Lenormant, F. Beginnings of his- tory. 1886. 930:8 Lord, J. Antiquity (Beacon lights of history. 1883. v.l). 908:lv.l Old pagan civilizations (Beacon lights of history; 1st ser. 1888). 908.: 2 Meyers, P. V* N. Ancient history for colleges and high schools. 1891. 930:16 Niebuhr, B. G. Lectures on Ancient history. 1852. 3v. 930:14 Putz, W. Manual of ancient geogra- phy and history. 1853. 911:3 Rawlinson, G. Ancient history. 1887. 930:4 Sassanian empire. 1876. 935.7:1 . Seven great monarchies of the an- cient eastern world. 1884. 3v. 935:1 Seventh great oriental monarchy Sixth great oriental monarchy: Par- thia., 1872. 935.6:1 Rollin, C. Ancient history. 1854. 4v. 930:15a Sayce, A. H. Ancient empire of the east. 1884. 930:2 Sheldon, M. D. Studies in Greek and Roman history. 1886. 930:5 Smith, P. Ancient history of the east. 1872. 930:9 White, J. S. Boys’and girls’ Hero- dotus. 1894. 930:7 ANCIENT HISTORY from Monuments Assyria. Smith, G. 935.2:1 Babylonia. Smith, G. 935.4:1 Egypt. Birch, S. 932:4 Greek cities and islands of Asia Min- or. Vaux, W. S. W. 939.2:2 Persia. Vaux, W. S. W. 935.5:3 Sinai. Palmer, H. S. 939.48:1 ANDERSEN 10 ARBIiAY ANDERSEN, H. C. In Spain and Por- tug-al. 1876. 914.6:1 Pictures of travel. 1871. 914:3 ANDERSON, A. D. The silver country; dr. The great southwest. 1877. 917.2:25 ANDERSON, J. Mandalay to Momien. 1876. 915.1:3 ANDERSON, J. H. History of the reign of George III. 1891. 942.07:9 ANDERSON, L. Among typhoons. 1892. 910.4:34 ANDERSON, MARY. (Mme. DeNa- varro). A few memories. 1896. 927.9:21a Winter, W. Stage life of Mary An- derson. 1886. 927.9:21 ANDERSON, R. B. The younger Edda. 1880. 839.6:2 Viking tales of the north. 1877. 839.6:1 ANDERSON, W. Mineral springs and health resorts of California.1890. 917.94:7 ANDERSSON, C. J. Lake Ngami. 1857. 916.8:4 The Okavango river. 1861. 916.8:3 ANDES. Orton, J. The Andes and the Ama- zon. 1870. 918:5 Whymper, E. Travels amongst the great Andes of the equator. 1892. 2v. 918:16 ANDRE, J. T.ossing, B. J. Two spies: Nathan Hale and John Andre. 1886. 923.5:3 ANDREA d’ AGNOLO (Andrea del Sarto). Baxter, L. E. B. Lives of Era Bar- tolommeo and Andrea d’ Agnolo. 1881. 927.5:33 ANDREWS, C. C. Brazil: its condition and prospects. 1887. ' 918.1:2 ANDREWS, C. M. The. historical de- velopment of modern Europe. 1896. V. 1 940.9:2 ANDREWS, E. B. Brief institutes of general history. 1886. 909:6 History of the United States. 1870- 1895. 1896. 973.8:2 History of the United States. 1894. 2v. 973:43 ANECDOTES. Arvine, H. Cyclopedia of anecdotes. 1859. 828 :R1 Boh-mots of Sidney Smith and R. Brinsley Sheridan. 1893. 824.72:2 Percy, R. Percy anecdotes. 1829. 827:14 Timbs, J. Anecdote lives of wits and humorists. 1862. 2v. 827:20 ANGELICO, FRA. Phillmore, C. M. Life of Fra Angeli- co and the early Florentine paint- ers. 1881. 927.5:34 ANGELO, MICHAEL . See Buonarroti. ANGLO-SAXON LITERATURE. Brooke, S. A. History of early Eng- lish literature. 1892. 829.1:1 Earle, J. Anglo-Saxon literature. 1884. 829:1 Metcalfe, F. Englishman and thr Scandinavian: Anglo-saxon and old Norse literature. 1880. 820.9:18 Sweet, H. Oldest English texts. 1895. 829 ’2 ANGOULEME, DUCHESS of. Imbert de Saint-Amand, A. L. The Duchess of Angouleme. 1892. 923.244:9a The Youth of the Duchess of Angou- leme. 1892. 923.244:9 ANNE (QUEEN OF ENGLAND) Burton, J. H. History of the reign of Queen Anne. 1880. 3v. 942.06:10 Morris, E. E. Age of Anne. 1877. 940.7:1 Stanhope, P. H. History of England; reign of Queen Anne. 1872.2v. 942.06:11 ANNE BOLEYN (Queen of Henry VIII). Benger, E. O. Memoirs of the life of Anne Boleyn. 1854. 923.142:25 ANSTEY, F. See Guthrie, F. A. ANTHON, C. Classical dictionary. 1844. 880.3 ;R2 ANTILLES. See Islands. ANTIQUITIES. See Archaeology. APACHE INDIANS. Bourke, J. G. An Apache campaign in the Sierra Madre. 1886. 970.3:1 APOSTLES. Greenwood, F. W. P. Lives of the twelve apostles. 1874. 922.1:3 Renan, E. The apostles. 1866. 922.1:1 APPLETON, J. H. Dr. Appleton; his life and literary relics. 1881. 928.2:4 APPLETON, W. H. Greek poets in English verse. 1893. 881:3 APPLETON’S CYCLOPEDIA of Amer- ican Biography. 1887. 6v. 920.07 :R2 APULEIUS, L. Works. 1893. 878.9:1 Tale of the marriage of cupid and Psyche. 1887. 878.9 ;2P ARABIA. Lane, E. W. Arabian society in the middle ages. 1883. 953:4 Palmer, E. H. The desert of the Exodus. 1872. 915.6:3 Taylor, B. Travels in Arabia. 1872. 915.3:1 ARABS. Conde, J. A. History of the dominion of the Arabs in Spain. 1854. 3v. 946:6 Coppee, H. Conquest of Spain by the Arab-Moors. 1881. 2v. 946.02:3 Poole, S. L. Story of the Moors in Spain. 1886. 946.02:2 Yonge, C. M. Story of the Christians and Moors of Spain. 1882. 946.02:1 ARBER, E., ed. The first three Eng- lish books on America. 1885. 917 :R2 ARBLAY, FANNY B. d’. Seeley, L. B. Fanny Burney and her friends. 1890. 823.664:1 ARBUTHNOT 11 ARIZONA ARBUTHNOT, P. P. Persian portraits. 1887. 890.4:1 ARC, JOAN OP. See D’Arc, Jeanne. ARCHAELOGICAL INSTITUTE of America. American series. Nos. 1, 3, 5. 1883-90. 913.73:2 Classical series. No. 1. 1886. 913.39:6 ARCHAEOLOGY. Babelon, E. Manual of oriental an- tiquities. 1889. 913.35:4 Bandelier, A. P. Archaelogical recon- noissance into Mexico. 1881. 913.72:1 Conway, W. M. Dawn of art in the ancient world. 1891. 913.30:2 Martin, W. G. W. Pagan Ireland. 1895. 913.42:6 Murray, D. Archaelogical survey of the United Kingdom. 1896. 913.42:7 Newton, C. T. Essays in art and archaeology. 1880. 913.30:3 Oriental studies; papers read be- fore the Oriental Club, Philadel- phia. 1888-1894. 913:4 Sayce, A. H. Higher criticism: the verdict of the monuments. 1894. 913.35:6 Smith, G. A. Historical geography of the Holy Land. 1895. 913.3:1 Westropp, H. M. Handbook of Arch- aeology. 1878. 913:6 ARCHER, T. Decisive events in his- tory. 1878. 909:8 The highway of letters (Pleet street). 1893. 942.1:3 ARCHER, T. A. The crusades. 1895. 940.4:5 ARCHER, W. English dramatists of today. 1882. 822.8:2 Life of Wm. Charles Macready. 1890 927.9:9 ARCTIC REGIONS. Adams, E. H. Among northern ice- bergs. 1890. 919.8:34 Aldrich, H. L. Arctic Alaska and Si- beria, 1889. 917.98:16 Barrow, J. A chronological history of the voyages to the Arctic regions. 1818. 919.8:17 Beechy, P. W. Voyage to the Pacific and Behring’s strait. 1836. 919.8:18 Blake, E. V. Arctic experiences: Capt. Tyson’s drift on the ice fioe. 1874. 919.8:15 Clutterbuck, W. J. The skipper in the Arctic seas. 1890. 919.8:24 Craig, H. Great Arctic travellers. 1891. 919.8:30 Gilder, W. H. Ice-pack and tundra: search for the Jeannette. 1883. 919.8:2 Schwatka’s search. 1881. 919.8:29 Greeley, A. W. International polar expedition. 1888. 2v. 919.8:10 Three years of Arctic service. 1886. 2v. 919.8:27 Hall, C. P. Arctic researches and life among the Esquimaux. 1865. 919.8:12 Hayes, I. I. An Arctic boat Journey. 1860. 919.8:5 Heilprin, A. Arctic problem and nar- rative of the Peary Relief Expedi- tion. 1893. 919.8:31 Huish, R. A narrative of the voyages and travels of Capt. Beechy to the Pacific and Behring’s straits, 1825- 28, and of Capt. Back to the Thle- weechoh river and the Arctic sea. 919.8:18 Hyde, A. The frozen zone and its ex- plorers. 1874. 919.8:3 Kane, E. K. Arctic explorations. 919.8:4 Knox, T. W. Voyage of the “Vivian” to the North Pole. 1885. 919.8:25 McClintock, P. L. Voyage of the “Pox” in thp Arctic seas. 1859. 919.8:19 Markham ,A . H. Great frozen sea. 1878. 919.8:20 Whaling cruise to Baffiin’s bay. 1875. 919.8:22 Markham, C. R. Threshold of the un- known region. 1873. 919.8:21 Melville, G. W. In the Lena delta. 1888. 919.8:12 Nansen, P. Eskimo life. 1893. 919.8:32 Parthest north. 1897. 2v. 919.8:23 Parry, W. E. Three voyages for the discovery of the northwest passage. 1868. 2v. 919.8:7 Peary, Mrs. J. D. My Arctic journal. 1893. 919.8:33 Richardson, J. Arctic searching ex- pedition. (Sir John Pranklin). 1854. 919.8:14 Sargent , E. Arctic adventure. 1858. 919.8:8 Schwatka, P. Nimrod in the north. 1885. 919.8:9 Wrangell, P. Expedition to the Polar sea. 1820-23. 1873. 919.8:16 ARDITI, L. My reminiscences. 1896. 927.8:46 AREY, H. W. Girard college and its founder, 1856. 923.873:2a ARGENTINE REPUBLIC. Hudon, W. H. The naturalist in La Plata. 1892. 918.2:3 Page, T. J. La Plata, the Argentine confederation and Paraguay. 1859. 918.2:1 Turner, T. A. Argentina and the Ar- gentines. 1892. 918.2:2 ARIOSTO, L. Orlando furioso; tr. by Rose. 1884.2V. 851.32:1 ARISTOPHANES. Comedies; tr. by Dindorf. 1887. 2v. 882.4:3 Same; (condensed and explained), by W. S. Collins. 1873. 882.4:3b Gray, T. Notes on Aristophanes and Plato.1886. 882.4:2 ARIZONA. Bancroft, H. H. History of Arizona and New Mexico. 1889. 979.1 ;R1 ARIZONA 12 ASSYRIA Browne, J. R. Adventures in the Apache country. 1868. 917.91:4 Chapin, F. H. Land of the Clift dwellers. 1892. 917.91:8 Conklin, E. Picturesque Arissona. 1878. 917.91:1 Hinton, R. J. Hand-book to Arizona. 1878. 917.91:7 Lummis, C. P. Some strang-e corners of our country. 1892. 917.8:33 Mowry, S. Geography and resources of Arizona and Bonora. 1863. 917.91:2 ARMITAGE, ELLA S. Childhood of the English notion. 1885. 942:25 ARMSTRONG, E. Lorenzo de Medici. 1896. 923.145:1 ARNOLD, A. Through Persia by car- avan. 1877. . 915.5:3 ARNOLD, A. S. Story of Thomas Car- lyle. 1888. 824.824:4 ARNOLD, E. Adzuma, a play. 1893. 822.87:1 India revisited. 1886. 915.4:1. Japonica. 1891. 915.2:16 Light of Asia. 1880. 821.87:1 Light of the world. 1891. 821.87:10 Lotus and jewel. 1887. ' 821.87:5 Pearls of the faith or Islam’s rosary. 1883. 821.87:3 Poetical works. 1892. 2v. 821.87 :R1 Potiphar’s wife. 1892. 821.87:9 Seas and lands. 1891. 915.2:15 Secret of death. 1886. 821.87:4 With Sa’di in the garden. 1888. 821.87:2 ARNOLD, E. L. England as she seems. 1888. 914.2:1 ARNOLD, F. History of Greece. 1871. 938:22 ARNOLD, G. M. B. Lives of Gainsbor- ough and Constable. 1881. 927.5:20 ARNOLD, M. Culture and anarchy. 1883. 824.85:2 Discourses in America. 1885. 824.85:3 Essays in criticism. 1883. 824.85:4 Letters. 1896. 2v. 824.85:8 Mixed essays. 1883. 824.85:5 Poems. 1883. 2v. 824.85:6 Sohrab and Rustum. 1892. 824.85:7 Study of Celtic literature; and. On translating Homer. 1883. 824.85:1 Walker, H. Greater Victorian poets. 1885. 821.80:5 ARNOLD, T. History of Rome. 1838. 937.12 Lectures on modern history. 1884. 940:24 Life of Hannibal. 1859. 923.539:1 Manual of English literature. 1888. 820.9:37 Stanley, A. P. Life and correspon- dence of Thomas Arnold. 1877. 923.742:1 ARRIVABENE, C. (Count) Italy under Victor Emmanuel. 1862. 2v. 945:1 ARTISTS. Bryan, M. Dictionary of painters and engravers. 1886. 2v, 927 ;R1 Clement, C. E. Artists of the 19th century. 1879. 927:2 Painters, sculptors, architects, en- gravers. 1873. 927:1 Robertson, J. F. Great painters of Christendom. 927.5:53 Sweetser, M. F. Artist biographies, 1877. 5v. 927:5 Tirebuck, W. Great minds in art. 1880. 927.5:51 Tuckerman, H. J. Book, of artists. 1868. 927:5 ARVINE, H. Cyclopedia of Anecdotes of literature. 828 :R1 ASCHAM, R. Works, 1865. 3v. 824.2:1 ASHE, R. P. Chronicles of Uganda. 1895 967:1 ASHLEY, -W. J. Edward III. 1887. 942.03:4 ASHTON, C. Handbook of Iowa. 1893. 917.77:1 ASHTON, J. Dawn of the 19th cen- tury in England. 1896. 942.07:16 ASIA. Allen, T. G. Across Asia on a bicy- cle. 1894. 915:16 Bigham, C. A ride through western Asia. 1897. 915.5:8 Burnaby,F. A ride to Khiva. 1877. 915:1 Landsdell, H. Russian Central Asia. 1885. 2v. 915.7:4 Leonowens, A. H. Our Asiatic cousins 1889. 915:8 Miller, O. T. Little people of Asia. 1885. 915:14 Norman, H. Peoples and politics of the far east. 1895. 915:12 Pinto, F. M. Voyages and adventures 1891. 916:11 Reclus, J. J. E. Asia. 1884. 4v. 915.2 Smith, M. C. Life in Asia. 1897. 910.7 :14v6 Stanley, H. M. My early adventures in America and Asia. 1895. 2v. 915:17 Taylor, B. Central Asia. 1888. 915:13 Temple, R. Asia. (Stanford’s com-i pendium). 1886. 915 :R1 Travels by land and sea. (Anon.). 915:3 Vambery, A. Travels in Central Asia. 1865. 916:6 ASIA MINOR. Bryce, J. Transcaucasia and Ararat. 1896. 915.6:22 Burnaby, F. On horseback through Asia Minor. 1877. 2v. 915.6:11 Cochran, W. Pen and pencil in Asia Minor. 1887. 915.6:12 Vaux, W. S. W. Greek cities and is- lands. 1877. 939.2:2 ASSYRIA. Maspero, G. C. C. Life in ancient Egypt and Assyria, 1892. 913.32:14 Struggle of the nations. 1897. 930 :R4 Perrot, G, History of art in Chaldea and Assyria. 1884. 2v. 913.35 ;R1 ASTORIA 13 AUTHORS Ragozin, Z. A. Story of Assyria. 1887. 935 ' 3 Sayce, A. H. Assyria. 1885. 935.2:2 Social life among the Assyrians and Babylonians. 1894. 913.5:1 Smith, G. Assyria. 1886. 935.2:1 Assyrian discoveries. 1883. 913.35:5 Assyrian Eponym Canon. 1875. ASTORIA. Oregom 935.2.3 Franchere, G. Voyage to the north- west coast in 1811. 1854. 917.9:17 Irving, W. ATHENS. Abbott, E. Age.1891. Boeckh, A. Astoria. 1849. 917.9:3 Pericles and the Golden 938.03:2 Public economy of Ath- ens. 1828. 2v. 938:28 Botsford, G. W.. The Athenian con- stitution. 1893. 913.38:11 Bulwer-Lytton, E. G. E. L. Athens. 1374. 938:2 Colton, W. Visit to Constantinople and Athens. 1836. 914.96:4 Cox, G. W. Athenian empire. 1889^ 938.04:1 Haigh, A. E. Attic theatre. 1889. 882:7 Schomann, G. F. Assemblies of the Athenians. 1838. 938:10 Stuart, J. Antiquities of Athens. 1389. 913.38:1 Verrall, M. de G. Mythology and monuments of ancient Athens. 1890. 913 38 ‘ 3 ATKINSON, J. B. Life of Johann Ov- erbeck. 1882. 927.5:24 ATKINSON, J. C. Forty years in a moorland parish. 1891. 914.2:19 ATKINSON, T. W. The upper and low- er Amoor. 1860. 915.7:1 ATLASES. Appleton’s hand atlas. 1878. 912:1 Bradley’s' atlas of the world. 1889. 912 :R3 Cram’s atlas of the world. 1892. 912:R17 Findlay, A. G. Classical atlas. 1847. 912:K16 Gage, W. L. Modern historical atlas. 1869. 912:4 Johnston, A. K. Royal atlas of mod- ern geography. 1889. 912 :R2 Mitchell, S. A. Ancient atlas. 913.30:5 Philip’s school atlas of classical ge- ography. 912:2 Rand and McNally’s atlas of the world. 1893. 912:R30 Rand and McNally’s business atlas. 912 :R1 Tallis’ atlas. 1851. 912:R12 ATWELL, H. Book of golden thoughts. 1370. 808.8:1 AUBERTIN, J. J. A fight with dis- tances. 1888. 917:18 A flight to Mexico. 1882. 917.2:20 AUDUBON, JOHN JAMES. St. John, H. R. Audubon, the natur- alist of the new world. 1864, 926:16 Andubon, the naturalist of the new world. 1864. 925:16 AUGUSTINE, SAINT. Confessions. 1395. 922,1:14 Schaff, P. St. Chrysostom and St. Augustine. 1891. 922.1:8 AUMALE, H. E. P. L. d’. The princes de Conde. 1872.. 2v. 923.144:10 AUSTEN, JANE. Letters. 1892. 823.74:1 Adams, O. F. Story of Jane Austen’s life. 1891. 823.744:3 Malden, Mrs. C. Jane Austen. 1889. 823.744:1 Smith, G. Jane Austen. 1890. 823.744:2 AUSTIN, A. England’s darling. 1896. 821.89 :Au7 AUSTIN, G. L. H. W. Longfellow. 1883. 811.344:3 AUSTRALASIA. Knox, T. W. Boy travellers in Aus- tralasia. 1889. 919.3:1 Tregarthen, G. Australasia. 1894. Wallace, A. R. Australasia. (Stan- ford’s compendium). 1888. 919.3 :R1 AUSTRALIA. Adams, F. The Australians. 1892. 919.4:9 Ballou,. M. M. Under the Southern Cross. 1888. 919.4:1 Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in Australia. 1891. 919.4-5 Fitzgerald, J. F. V. Australia. 1881. ^ 919.4:7 Lumholtz, C. Among cannibals. 1889. „ , 919.4:3 Sutherland, A. History of Australia and New Zealand. 1894. 994:1 Willoughby, H. Australian pictures. 1386. 919.4:2 AUSTRIA. Abbott, J. S. C. Empire of Austria. 1882. 943,6:3 Baedeker, K. Austria. 1896. 914.36:4 Cox, W. History of the House of Austria. 1807. 4v. 943.6:1 Hozier, H. M. Seven week’s war. 1867. 2v. 943 08 ’2 Kay, D. Austria-Hungary. 1880. 914.36:3 Leger, L. History of Austro-Hun- gary. 1889. 943.6:2 Maurice, C. E. Revolutionary move- ment of 1848-9 in Austria-Hungary. 1337. 940.9:1 AUTEROCHE, C. D’. Voyage to Cali- fornia to observe the transit of Venus. 1778. 917.94:52 AUTHORS AND AUTHORSHIP. Bainton, G. Art of authorship. 1890. ^ 808:15 Black, H. C. Notable women of the day. 1893. 809:14 Bolton, S. K. Famous English auth- ors of the 19th century, 1890. 820.9:42 Brandes, G. Eminent authors of the 19th century. 1886. 809:16 Disraeli, I. Calamities and quarrels of authors, 1812, 824,89D63-3 AUTHORS 14 BALU Dixey, W. Trade of authorship. 1889. 808:17 Farrar, F. W. Princes, authors and statesmen of our times. 1886. 920.02:4 Fields, J. T. Yesterdays with au- thors. 1872. 820.9:45 Gilder, J. B. Authors at home. 1889. 810.9:8 Griswold, H. T. Home life of great authors. 1887. 809:13 Gubernatis, A. de. Dictionnaire inter- national des ecrivains du jour. 1891. 3v. 928 :R1 Harris, A. B. Pleasant authors for young folks. 1884. 820.9:25 Hazlitt, W. Spirit of the age. 1876. 824.76:1 v. 5 * Higginson, T. W. Short studies in American authors.* 1888. 810.8:6 Mason, E. T. Personal traits of Brit- ish authors. 1892. 4v. 928.2:58 Rideing, W. H. Boyhood of living authors. 1887. 809:12 Saintsbury, G. Corrected impress- ions: Victorian writers. 1895. 824.89 :Sa2-5 Saunders, F. Story of some famous bodks. 1887. ' 801:16 Wilson, J. G. Bryant and his friends. 1886. 811.334:2 AVERY, S. P. Harp of a thousand strings. 1858. 817:9 1892. 914.2:35 AZARIAS, BROTHER. See Mullany. P. F. AZORES. See Islands. BABELON, E. Manual of oriental an- tiquities. 1889. ’ 913.35:4 BABYLONIA. Budge, E. A. W. Babylonian life and history. 1891. 935.4:2 Sayce, A. H. Social life among the Assyrians and Babylonians. 1894. 913.5:1 Smith, G. History of Babylonia. 1888. 935.4:1 BACH, JOHN SEBASTIAN. Poole, R. L. Life of Sebastian Bach. 1882. 927.8:2 BACON, ALBERT M. Manual of ges- ture. 1872. 808.5:4 BACON, ALICE M. Japanese girls and women. 1891. 915.2:35 Japanese interior. 1893. 915.2:24 BACON, E. M. Dictionary of Boston. 1886. 917.44:7 BACON, F. Wot*ks. 1864. 15v. 824.3:1 Essays. 824.3:2a Wisdom of the ancients. 824.3:3 Nichol, J. Francis Bacon.1888. 2v. 921.2:6 Reed, E. Bacon vs. Shakespeare. 1896. / 822.332:5 Spedding, J. Life and times of Fran- cis Bacon. 1878. 2v. 824.34:3 BACON, G. B. Siam. 1872. 915.9:5 BACOURT, C. de. Souvenirs of a dip- iomat. 1886. 846.79 ;B13 BADEAU, A. Military history of Ulys- es S. Grant. 1885. 3v. 923.173 :8f BADLAM, ANNA B. Views in Africa. 1895. 910.7 :14v7/ BAEDEKER, K. Handbooks. Austria. , 1886. 914.36 : 4 Belgium and Holland. 1888. 914.93:2 Egypt. 1892. 916.23:1 Great Britian, 1890. 914.2:29 Greece. 1889. 914.95:6 Italy. 1877. 3v. 914.5:21 London. 1889. 914.21:3 North Germany. 1890. 914.3:10 Norway and Sweden. 1889. 914.8:7 Paris. 1878. 914.4:17 Rhine. 1889. 914.3:12 South France. 1891. 914.4:22 South Germany and Austria. 1887. 914.3:13 Switzerland. 1889. 914.94:5 United States and Mexico. 1893. 917.3:18 BACEHOT, W. Literary studies. 1891. 2v. 824.89 :B15 BAHAMA ISLANDS . See Islands. BAILEY, J. M. Life in Danbury. 1873. 817:10 BAILEY, M. Treatise on elocution. 1863. 808.5:2 BAIN, A. On teaching English. 1895. 808:24 BAIN, R. N. Charles XII and the col- lapse of the Swedish empire. 1895. 923.148:3a. BAIN TON, G. Art of authorship. 1890J 808:15 BAKER, G. A. Bad habits of good so- ciety. 1875. 814.49 :B17 BAKER, G. M. Reading club and handy speaker. 1878. 3v. 808.8:7 BAKER, H. B. London stage. 1889. 2v. 822.09:3 Our old actors. 1878. 2v. 927.9:19 BAKER, J. Turkey in Europe. 1877. 914.96:2 BAKER, S. W. Albert N’yanza. 1888. 916.7:23 Eight years’ wanderings in Ceylon. 1856. 915.4:17 Ismaiiia. 1875. 916.7:24 Nile tributaries of Abyssinia. 1883 916.3:1 BALCH, E. S. Mountain exploration. 1893. 910:7 BALCH, T. French in America during the war of independence. 9/3.3:17 BALCH, W. R. Life of James Abram Garfield. 1881. 923.173:6b BALDWIN, J. G. Flush times of Ala- bama and Mississippi. 1853. 817:14 BALDWIN, N. C. African hunting. 1863. 916.8:6 BALDY, LIZZIE F. California pion- er, and other poems. 1879. 811.39 :B19 PALFE, MICHAEL WILLIAM. Kenney, C. L. Memoir of Michael Balfe. 1875. 927.8:19 BALL, B. W. Merrimack river, and other poems, 1892, 811,49 ;B21 BALLADS BARNARD BALLADS. Bell, R. Early ballads. 1885. 821.04:7 Cary, A. Ballads for little folks. 811.39 :C18-1 Child, F. J. English and Scottish pop- ular ballads. 1882. 9v. 821.08 :R1 Eggleston, G. C. American war bal- lads and lyrics. 1889. 2v. 808.1:28 Gummere, F. B. Old English ballads. 1894. 821.04:10 Hall. S. C. Book of British ballads. 1894. 821.08:10 Johnson. R. B.- Popular British bal- lads. 1894. 4v. 821.04:12. Lockhart, J. G. Spanish ballads. 1823. 861:1 M., D. H. Heroic ballads of the Moore, F. Songs and ballads of the southern people. 1891. 811.49m77 Percy, T. Reliques of ancient Eng- lish poetry. 1765. 821.04:6 Scott, W. Lyrics and ballads. 1894. 821.74:5 Scottish and English ballads. 821.04:3 Stevenson, R. L. Ballads. 1890. 823.89 :St4-6 Thackeray, W. M. Ballads. 1886. 923.81:7 Tunner, M. F. Ballads for the times. 1855. _ 821.79 :T84 BALLANTTNE, T. Essays in mosaic. 1870. 808.8;-; 5 BALLARD, R. Solution of the nyra- mid problem. 1883. 913..32:9 BALLOU, M. M. Aztec land. 1890. 917.2:3 Due north. 1887. 914.8:4 Due south. 1885. 917.29:4 Due west round the world in ten months. 1884. 910.4:1 Equatorial America. 1892. 918:15 New Eldorado. 1889. 917.98:8 Pearl of India. 1894. 915.4:22 Story of Malta. 1893. 914.58:1 Under the Southern Cross. 1888. 919.4:1 BALZAC, H. de Correspondence. 18 fS. 2v. . 843.73:2 Miniatures from Balzac’s master- pieces. 1894. 843.73:1 Saltus, E. E. Life of Balzac. 1888. 843.734:1 Wedmore, F. Life of Balzac. 1890. 843.734:3 ■Wormeley, K. R. Memoir of Balzac. 1892. 843.734:2 BANCROFT, G. History of the United States, 1870. lOv. 973:5 Life of Martin "Van Buren. 1889. 923.173:32 Literary and historical miscellanies. 1855. 814.49 :B22 Dyer, O. Life and writings of George Bancroft. 1891. 814.49B22-1 BANCROFT, H. H. Alaska, 1886. 979.8:1 Arizona and New Mexico. 1889. 979.1:1 British Columbia, 1887. 971.1:1 California. 1886. 7v. 979.4:2 California inter pocula. 1888. 979.4:4 California pastoral. 18S8. 979.4:3 Central America. 1886. 3v. 972.8:1 Essays and miscellany. 1890. 814.49 :Ba22 Literary industries. 1890. 814.494 :Ba22 Mexico. 1886. 6v. 972:7 Native races of the Pacific states. 1886. 5v. ,979:1 Nevada, Colorado and Wyoming. 1890. 978:1 North Mexican states and Texas. 1884. 2v. 972.1:5 Northwest coast. 1886. 2v. 979:2 Oregon. 1886. 2v. 979.5:1 Popular tribunals. 1887. 2v. 979:3 Utah. 1889. 979.2:2 Washington, Idaho and Montana. 1890. 979.7:1 William Gilpin. 1889. 923.573:21 BANDELIER, A. F. Archaeological reconnoissance into Mexico. 1881. 913.72:1 Gilded man. 1893. 913.73:1 Papers of the Archaeological Institute of America. 1883-90. 3v. 913.73:2 BANGS, J. K. Bicyclers and three oth- er farces. 1896. 812.49 :B22 New waggings of old tales. 1888. 817:16 BAN-VARD, J. Wisdom, wit and whims of distinguished ancient philosoph- ers. 1855. 880.8:4 BAOSE, C. W. Oxford. 1887. 942.5:1 BARBARY STATES. Field, H. M. Barbary Coast. 1893. 916.1:3 BARBER, J. W. Our whole country. 1861. 2v. 973:6 BARBOU, A. Victor Hugo: his life and works. 1881. 841.784:2 BARBOUR. L. G. End of time: a poem. 1892. 811.49 :B23 BARD, S. A. See Squier, E. G. BARDEEN, C. W. System of rhetoric. 1884. 808:8 BARDSLEY, C. W. Our English sur- names. 1874. 929.4:1 BARHAM, R. H. (Thomas Ingoldsby). Ingoldsby legends. 827.73:1 Life and letters, with sel. fr. his po- ems. 1870. 2v. 827.734:1 BARINE, A. Life of Bernardin de St. Pierre. 1893. 843.614:1 BARING, E. (Lord Cromer). Traill, H. D. Lord Cromer. 1897. 923 242*28 BARING-GOULD, S. See Gould, S. B. BARLOW, JANE. Bogland studies. 1894. 824.89 ;B25 BARLOW, JOEL. Columbiad. 1807. 811 :R1 Todd, C. B. Life and letters of Joel Barlow\ 1886. 811.234:1 BARLOW, W. S. Three voices. 1868. 811.39 ;B24 BARNARD, C. F. (Jane Kingsford.) Tone masters. 1870, 3v, 927.8: IQ BARNARD 16 BAYREUTH BARNARD, F. A. P. Great pyramid of Gizeii. 1884. 913.32:10 BARNARD, F. P. Strongbow’s conquest of Ireland. 1888. 941.5:5 BARNARD, H. MonroG, "W. S. Bd.ucH,tioii 8 ,l labors of Henry Barnard. 1893. 923,773:6 BARNBY, J. Plays for young people. ]^gY 9 808.2:10 BARNES, A. S. Brief history of the U. S. 1885. . 973:28 BARNES, D. From the Atlantic to the Pacifiic. 1866. 917.3:2 BARNES, J. Naval actions of the war of 1812. 1896. 973.5:9 BARNES, MART S. Studies in histori- cal method. 1896. 907:6 BARNEVELD, JAN* VAN OLDEN. Motley, J. L. Life and death of John of Barneveld. 1874. 2v. 923.249:1 BARONETAGE. See Peerage. BARR, AMELIA E. Young people of. Shakespeare’s dramas. 1882. 822.331:12 BARRAS P. Memoirs. 1895. .4v. 923.244:14 BARRETT, L. Life of Edwin Forrest. 1882 927.9:16 BARRETT, W. A. English church composers. 1882. 927.8:1 BARRIE, J. M. An Edinburgi eleven ^ggg 824.oy!jt> Margaret Ogilvy. 1896. 920.7:38 BARROW, J. Life of Peter the Great. 1862. Voyages to the Arctic barrows, H. D. coast counties of Central California. 1893. 9^.4. R 8 BARROWS, J. H. Henry Ward Beech er. 1893. 815.364.1 BARROWS, W. Oregon. 1886. 979.5:2 BARRY, J. S. History of Massachu- setts. 1857. 3v. 974.4:5 BARRY, R. M. Bayreuth and Fran- conian Switzerland. 1887. 914.3.7 ■rarRY T. a. Men and memories of San Francisco. 1873. 917.94:39 BARTH H. Travels and discoveries in North and Central Africa. BARTLETT, D. W. Life Lit J of Lady Jane Grey. London by day and night. . 914.21.2 BARTLETT, J. Complete concordance to iUe dramatic works of Shake- crtpnrp 1894. sZ2.oof5.rt^ Familiar quotations. 1888. Shakespeare phrase BARTLETT, J. R. Explorations and incidents connected with the United States and Mexican boundary com- mission. 1854. 2v. 917.89 :R1 BARTLETT, S. C. From Egypt to Palestine. 1879, 915.4:5 BARTLEY, G. C.T The Rhine. 1877. 914.93:1 BARTOLOMMEO, FRA. Baxter, L. E. B. Lives of Bartolom- meo and Andrea d’ Agnolo. 1881. 927.5:33 BARTON, J. Comic recitations and humorous dialogues. 1865. 808.8:23 BASHKIRTSEFF, MARIE. Journal of a young artist. 1889. Letters. 1891. BASSETT, J. Persia. 1886. 915.5:1 BASTILE, THE „ Bingham, D. A. The Bastiie. 1888. 2v 944.04:7 BATCHELOR, J. Ainu of Ja,patfe. 1892. 915.2! 21 BATES, A. Talks on writing English. 1896 808 ! 25 BATES, MRS. D. B. Incidents on land and water. 1857. BATES, G. W. (A. Haole) Sandwich Island notes. 1854. BATES, H. W. Central America, West Indies and South ^nierica. 1885 917.2 :xvo Naturalist on the river Arnazon. 1864. 918.1: r BATES, JOSEPH. ^ ^ . 0.7 ' White, J. Elder Joseph ^^^®®g22 8 -L BATES, KATHERINE L. English re- ligious drama. 1893. 822.1. BATES, LOIS. New recitations for infants. 1895. 808.1:39 bates, S. P. Battle of Gettysimj|^ BATTESON, H. G. The Ameri^can Episcopate. 1783^1883. 922.3. < BATTLES. Burnham, S. M. Struggles of the na- tions. 1891. 2v. ^ 909.R2 Creasy, E. S. Fifteen decisive battles of the world. 1883. George, H. B. Battles of English his , ory. 1895. 942. 2S[ Johns, R. Naval and military heroe of Great Britain. 1889. 942.15 Knox T. W. Decisive battles since Waterloo. 1889. 909.8:1 BAUTAIN, L. E. Art of extempore speaking. 1891. ^ BAXTER, LUCY E. B. Lives pf Fra Bartolommeo and Andrea d Agn- olo. 1881. Lives of Ghiberti and 3-i Luca della Robbia with other Italian sculptors. 1883. 927.3. BAYARD, PIERRE DU TERRAIL. Berville, M. de. Story of chevaliei Bayard. 1875. BAYNES, H. Dante and his ide^ah 1891 BAYNES, T. S. 1894. BAYREUTH. _ ^ Barry, R. M. Bayreuth and Fran conian Switzerland. 1887. 914.3 Shakespeare studies 822.331:3; BAZAN 17 Jackson, J. P. Bayreuth of ^agner 1891. 914.3:15 BAZAN, E. P. Russia. 1890. 914.7:17 BEACONSFIELD, EARL OF. See Disraeli, B. , , + is?*? beadle, J. H. Undeveloped west-^187^3^ BEASLEY, C. R. Prince Henry the navigator. 1895. • • BEATTIE, W. Thomas Campbelh^l^5^ BEAUFORT, R. L. de ^^^g27^:18a BErUFOT, M. Mexican BEAULIEU, A. L. See Leroy-Beaulieu BEAUMONT. TOANCIS. ^ Western wilds. 1879. '„ 4 - Macaulay, G. C. Francis BF.AUMONT, F. and FLETCHER. X ■Rp^t nlavs. 1890. 2v. 822.3b. i BEAUREGARD, P. G. T. ^Campaign and battle of BECKER. W. A. Charides^he priv- ate life of the ancient Greeks. iMb^ 937 : 1 BeSkWOURTH. j. P. AutoblosraphJ. BEECHER. H. W. Beecher as a hu- morist: selections comp. PaMotic address. 1887. 815.36.2 Henry Ward Beecher. Abbott, L. Henry wa 3^5 354.3 BsTows, j. H. Henry Ward Beechen beers, h a From Chancer Ten- irntfarstSs in American literature^ Nit^eiParherW„„..t8SS^^^^^^^^^^^ Ways of Yale. 1895. bSbIlT, a. H. The Gracchi. 188^^^^ Sir John Franklin. 188k BEBSLT, B. S. Queen BBBSLT. MRS. Stories from the hist- ory Rome. 1881. -rrrtivr BEETHOVEN, LUDWIG VON arapme E. Beethoven. 1887. 927.5.13 MoscheleS, I. Life of Beethoyem w|ner, R. Pilgrimage to Beethoven BEGG.'a. Great Canadian uorthw^, 1881. yiM.i/ BELGIUM. Baedeker, K. Belgium and Holland^ Huet,' C. B. Land of BERLIOZ BELKNAP, J. The Two Americas. 1882. 970:7 BELL, A. History of Canada. 1862. 2v. 971:8 BELL, CURRER. See Nicholis, C. B. BELL, ELLIS. See Bronte, Emily. BELL. H. Reminiscences of a rancher. 1881. 917.94:1 BELL, MRS. HUGH. Fairy tales and how to act them. 1896. 808.2:32 BELL, NANCY, R. E. (N. d’ Anvers) Heroes of American history. 1885. 973:19 Life of Raphael. 1883. o BELL, R. Early ballads. 1885. 821.08:8 BELLASIS, E. Cherubini. 1874. 927.8:45 BENDALL. C. Nepal and Northern India. 1886. 913.34.1 bender, H. Brief Roman literature. 1889 870.9 to benedict, E. L. Persons and places in Europe. 1887. 914:25 BENEDICT, J. Life of Weber. BENGER, ELIZABETH O. Memoirs of Anne Boleyn. 1854. 923.142.25 benjamin, S. G.W. Atlantic islands as resorts of health and pleasure. 1S7S »iy:< Story of Persia. 1887. nXra“ Troy, its legend, history and litera- ture. 1888. 939 . 2.1 BENNETT, JAMES GORDON. Pray, I. C. Memoirs of James Gordon Bennett. 1855. BENSON, E. Art and nature i” 1882 yi't.^.^o BENSON, E. W. (Archbishop Can- terbury). Cyprian. 1897. 922.L13 bent, S. a. Familiar sayings BENT^^'j.^T.^Btiined cities of Mashona- loTifl 1892 916.5 .12 BENTLEY, Julia H. Ancient history, literature and ^rt, topically ar- ranged with charts. 1897. 907.8 BENTLEY, RICHARD. Jebb. R. C. Life of Richard Bentl^. BENTON, J. A. The California pil- grim. 1853. _ 917.94.36 RENTON, THOMAS HART. ^Svelt, T. Thomas Hart Benmrn Beowulf, an BErSoe'^B. Browning and the Christian faith. 1896. t So a'ji ^SselT^Bife of Vitus Bering. BERKEBBT, H. Japanese leUejf- BERLIOZ, H. Autobiography. BERNARD 18 BIBLIOGRAPHIES BERNARD, of Clairvaux (Saint.) Morrison, J. C. Life and times of St. Bernard. 1884. 922.2:1 Storrs, R. S. Bernard of Clairvaux. 1892. 922.2:1a BERNARD P. Wonderful escapes. 1885. 920.04:4 BERNARD, J. Retrospections of America. 1887. 927.9:18 BERRY, DUCHESS OP. Imbert de Saint Amand, A. L. Duch- ess of Berry and the Court of Char- les X. 1892. 944.0^:3 Duchess of 'Berry and the Court of Louis XVIII. 1892. 944.06:4 Duchess of Berry and the revolu- tion of 1830. 1892. 944.06:2 BERSIER, E. Coligny: earlier life of the great Huguenot. 1894. 923.544:8 923.544:8 BERVILLE, M. de. Story of the Che- valier Bayard. 1785. 923.544:1 BESANT, ANNIE. Autobiography. Q99 Q*9 BESANT, W. Capt. Cook. 1890. 933.542:17“ Pifty years ago. 1888. 914.2:27 Prench humorists. 1888. 840.9:3’ Jerusalem, the city of Herod and Sa- ladin. 1871. 933:9 Rabelais. 1879. 847.324:1 Sir Richard Whittington. 1881. 923.242 '10 Westminster. 1895. 942.1:6 BETTANY, G. T. Life of Charles Dar- win. 1887. 925:2 b BETTERTON, T. Lowe, R. W. Life of Thomas Better- ton. 1891. 927.9:14 BEWICK, THOMAS. Thomson, D. C. Dife of Thomas Be- wick. 1882. 927.6 :R1 BIART, L. The Aztecs. 1887. 972.02:2 BIBLIOGRAPHIES. Alaska. Bancroft, H. H. ii? 97^.8 :R1 America. Bump, C. W. in 905 :R1 v.lO Winsor, J in 970:R1 Ancient history. Bentley, J. H. in 907:8 Archaeology. Martin, W. G. W. in 913.42:6 Arizona. Bancroft, H. H. in 979.1 :R1 ^ Ballads. Child, P. J. in 821.08 :R1 Biography. Phillips, L. B. in 920.02 :R3 British Columbia. Bancroft, H. H. in 971.1 :R1 Lord Byron. Anderson, J. P. in 821.764:4 Thomas Carlyle. Anderson, J. P. in 824.824:9 Central America. Bancroft, H. H. in 972.8 :Rlv.l Chili. Hancock, A. U. in 983:2 Colorado. Bancroft, H. H. in 978 :R1 Congo Pree State. Reeves, J. S. in 905:Rlv.l2 Charlotte Corday. Van Alstine, J. in 923.244:15 Criticism. Wylie, L. J. in 821.09:1 Drama. Brewer, E. C. in 803 :R5 English drama. Morley, H. in 820.9 :21v.ll English history. Wylie, J. H. in 942.04:6 English literature. Allibone, S. A. Classical dictionary of English lit- erature and British and American authors; with Kirk’s suprlement. 1891. 803 :R1 Brewer, E. C. ii? 803 :R4 Gosse, E. in 824.88:6 Lord, A. E. in 824.754:4 Saintsbury, G. in 824.89 :Sa2-3 Ethnology. Peatherman, A. in 901 :R1 Genealogy and pedigrees. Index to American genealogies. 1895. 929 :R4 Geography. Winsor, J. in 970.R1 v.2 German history. Henderson, E. P. In 943:8 Greece. Myers, P. V. N. in 938:25 Hawaiian islands. Chambers, H. E. in 905 :R1 v.l3 History. Lamed, J. N. in 903 :R5 Idaho. Bancroft, H. H. in 979.7 :R1 Indians. Bancroft, H. H. in 979 :R1 v.l Peatherman, A. Hendren, S. R. Winsor, J. Japan. Knapp, A. M, Jews. Kent, C. P. Legends, Hearn, L. Maryland. Latane, J. H, in 905 :R1 v.l3 Mexico. Bancroft, H. H. In 972 :R7 v.l Bancroft, H. H. in 972.1 :R5v.l Montana. Bancroft, H. H. in 979.7 :R1 Mysteries and miracle plays. Bates, K. L. in 822.1:1 Mythology. Winsor, J. in 970 :R1 v.l Negroes. Peatherman, A. in 901 :R1 v.l Nevada. Bancroft, H. H. in 978 :R1 New Mexico. Bancroft, H. H. , in 979.1 :R1 Northwest. Bancroft, H, H. in 979 :R2 v.l Northwest territory. Knight, G. W. in 906 :R1 v.l in 803 :R5 Opera. Brewer, E. C. in 901.R1V.3 in 905 :R1 v.l3 in 970 :R1 v.l in 952:3 v.2 in 933:12 ir 890:4 Oregon. Bancroft, H. H. in 979.5 :R1 v.l Leopold von Ranke. Adams, H. B. in 906 :R1 v.3 Russian translations. Vogue, E. M. de in 891.7:2 BlBLilOGRA-PHlES 19 BIOGRAPHY Slavery* Ballagh, J. C. in 905 :R1 v.l3 Cooley, H. S. in 905 :R1 v.l4 Sappho. Warton, H. T. in 884.2:1 Jared Sparks. Adams, H. B. in 928.1:26 Texas. Bancroft, H. H. in 972.1 :R5 v.l United States history. Early. Winsor, J. in 970.R1 v.8 Colonial. Sloane, M. in 973>.2:26 Revolution. Winsor, J. in 970. Rl: v8 Middle period. Burgess, J. W. in £)73.51 Civil war. in 019:L14 v.5 Willem Usselinx. Jameson, J. F. in 906 :R1 v.2 Utah. Bancroft, H. H. in 979.2 :R2 Virginia. Bruce, P. A. in 976.5:5 Same. Latane, J. H. in 905.R1 v. 13 Washington. (State) Bancroft, H. H. in 979.V:R1 West Indies. Winsor, J. in 970:Ri.v.8 Wyoming. Bancroft, H. H. in 978 :R1 Yellowstone Park. Chittenden, H. M. in 917.8V : 2 BICKERDYKE, MARY A. Davis, M. B. Mother Bickerdyke. 1886. 973.78:15 BICKERSTETH, E. H. Yesterday, to- day and forever. 1866. 821.79 :B47 BICKNELL, ANNA L. Life in the Tuileries under the second empire. 1895. 944.07:3 BICKNELL, W. L. Public buildings of Paris. 914.4:13 BIENVILLE. See Le Moyne, J. B. BiEROE, A. Black beetles in amber. 1892. 811.49 :B47 BIGELOW, J. France and the Confed- erate navy. 1888. 973.7:42 John Charles t'remont. 1856. 923.973:3b Samuel J. Tilden.1895. 2v 923.273:23 William Cullen Bryant. 1890. 811.334:1 BIGELOW, P. The German emperor and his eastern neighbors. 1892. 923.143:4 The German struggle for liberty. 1896. 2v. 943.06:1 BIGHAM, C. Ride through Western Asia. 1897. 915.5:8 BILLON, F. L. St. Louis in its early days. 1886. 977.8:6 BINGHAM, D. A. The Bastile. 1888. 2v. 944.04:7 BIOGRAPHY, Cyclopaedias and Dic- tionaries. Appleton’s Cyclopaedia of American biography. 1887. 6v. 920.07 :R2 Diccionario biografico universal. 1855. 920.01 :R5 Drake, F. S. Dictionary of American biography. 1876. 920.07 :R4 Men and women of the time. 1884-’95. 3v. 920.02 :R1 Phillips, L. B. Dictionary of biogra- phical reference. 1889. 920.02 :R3 Sanders, L. C. Celebrities of the cen- tury. 1887. 920.02 :R2 | Stephen, L. Dictionary of national biography. 1885. 50v. 920.042 :R5 Vapereau, L. G. Dictionnaire univer- sal des contemporains. 1880. 920.01 :R3 Who’s who. 1897. 920.042:R1 Collective. Anecdotes of public men. 1873. 920.073:1 Barrie, J. M. Edinburgh eleven. 1889. 824.89 :B27 Bernard, F. Wonderful escapes 1885. 920.04:4 Biographical pamphlets. 920.01:4 Bolton, S. K. Famous leaders among men. 1894. 920.02:18 Famous American Authors. 1887 810.9:10 How success is won. 1885. 920.02:13 Cesaresco, E. M. Italian characters in the epoch of unification. 1880. 920.045:4 De Quincey, T. Biographical and historical essays. 1877 824.81:7 Douglas, A. M. Heroes of the cru- sades. 1890. 920.04:6 Dumas, A. Celebrated crimes. 1896. 3v. 920.02:31 Duncan, P. M. Lives of botanists, zoologists and geologists. 1882. 925:10 Duyckinck, E. A. Lives and portraits of the presidents. 1868. 923.173:2 Dwight, N. Lives of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. 1851. 923.273:3 Dyer, O. Great senators of the U. S. forty years ago. 1889. 923,273:54 Edgar, J. G. Boyhood of great men. 1859. • 920.02:17 Footprints of famous men. 1853. 920.02:16 Emerson, R. W. Representative men. 1850. 814.36:13 Farmer, L. H. Boy’s book of famous rulers. 1886. 920.02:12 Farrar, F. W. Princes, authors and statesmen of our time. 1886. 920.02:4 Perris, G. T. Great leaders. 1889. 920.02:8 Field. M. B. Memories of men and women. 1874. 920.02:3 Fontenoy, Marquise de. Within roy- al palaces. 1892. 923.1:1 Forster, J. Sketches of some French and Spanish men of genius. 1891. 840.9:8 Fuller, T. History of the worthies of England. 1840. 3v. 920.042:1 Garnett, W. Lives of physicists. 1885. 925:11 Goodrich, C. A. Lives of the signers to the Declaration of Independence. 1837 . 923.273:3a Goodrich, S. G. Curiosities of human nature. 1845. 920.02:28 Lives of benefactors. 1844, 920.02:24 BIOGRAPHY 20 BIOGRAPHY Popular biography. 1852. 920.01 :R2 Recollections of poets, philosophers, and statesmen. 1856. , 917.4:8 Hale, E. E. Boys’ heroes. 1886. 920.02:15 Lights of two centuries. 1887. 920.02:14 Hare, A. J. C. Biographical sketches. 1895. 922.3:17 Hayden, S. Washington and his ma- sonic compeers. 1868. 923.173:25k Henry, S. Hours with famous Par- isians. 1897. 920.044:2 Herrick, S. E. Some heretics of yes- terday. 1890. 922:5 Hield, M. Living pages from many ages. 1879. 920.02:6 Hitchman, F. 18th century studi-es. .1881. ' 920.02:30 Holland, M. A. G. Our army nurses. 1895. 920.7:31 Hunt, P. Lives of American mer- chants. 1858. 2v. 923.873:1 Japp, A. H. Labor and victbry. 1881. 920.02:20 Leaders of men. 1880. 920.02:19 Johnson, R. Authors represented in Little classic series. 1875. 809:11 Jones, C. C. Biographical sketches of the delegates from Georgia to the Continental Congress. 1891. 923.273:64 Keddie, H. Modern painters and their painting. 1887. 927.5:7 Old masters and their pictures. 1887. 927.5:6 King, E. French political leaders. 1882. 923.244:1 Lamartine,^A. Memoirs of celebrat- ed characters. 1856. 3v. 920.04:2 Lanman, C. Leading men of Japan. -1883. 920.052:1 Lewis, T. C. Lives of mechanicians. 1884. ' 926:4 Lives of the officers of the Revolu- tion. 1829. 923.573:26 Lodge, E. Portraits of illustrious personages of Great Britain. 1849. gy. 920.042:2 London Times. Eminent persons: re- printed biographies. 1892. 4v. \ 920.01:1 Macaulay, T. B. Biographical essays. 824.83:1 McCarthy, J. Modern leaders. 1872. 920.04:1 McCullough, H. Men and measures of half a century.. 1888. 920.07:3 Marriott, J. A. R. Makers of modern Italy. 1889. 920.045:3 Martineau, H. Biographical sketches. 1869. 920.04:3 Martineau, J. Essays, reviews and addresses. 1890. 920.02:26 Mombert, J. I. Great lives. 1886 920.02:32 Mueller. F. M. Biographical essays. j^gg4, 920.02:23 Muir, M. M. P. Lives of chemists. 1883. 925:14 Muzzey, A. B. Prime movers of the revolution. 1891. 920.073:2 Nasmyth, D. Makers of modern thought. 1892. 2v. 920.04:7 bliphant, M. O. Makers of Florence. 1888. 920.045:1 Makers of modem Rome. 1896. 920.045:5 Makers of modern Venice. 1888. 920.045:2 One hundred years of a nation’s life. 923.273:2 Partori, J. Captains of industry. 1888. 2v. 920.02:22 Famous Americans of recent times. 1888. 920.07:17 Men of progress. 1870. 920.07 :R1 Peabody, A. P. Harvard graduates whom I have known. 1890. 923.773:^^ Plutarch’s lives. 1883. 4v. 920.0:3 “Politikos.” Sovereigns and courts of Europe. 1891. 923.140:1 Robertson, E. E. English poetesses. 1883. 821.09:6 Robertson, J. M. Modern humanists 1891. 921.2:9 Ryle, J. C. Christian leaders of the last century. 1869. 922:3 Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Portraits of men. 1891. 920.02:5 Sanborn, F. B. Homes and haunts of the elder poets. 1881, 8ill.09:5 Scheil, R. L. Sketches of the Irish bar. 1854. 2v. 923.442:1 Shairp, J. C. Portraits of friends. 1889. 920.02:10 Shuck, O. T. Representative and leading men of the Pacific. 1870. 979.4:29 Smalley, G. W. Studies of men. 1895. 816.49 :Sml-l Smiles, S. Brief biographies. 1869. 920.02 :V Smith, H. A. One hundred famous Americans. 1886. 9?.o.07:16 Smith, H. G. Romance of history. 1891. 904:20 Stoddard, R. H. Poets’ homes 1879. 811.09:4 Stoddard, W. O. Men of business. 1893. 923.373:2 Stowe, H. B. Lives and deeds of our self-made men. 1889. 920.07:2 Thayer, W. M. Turning points in suc- cessful careers. 1895. 920.02:9 Thonipson, R. W. Recollections of six- teen presidents. 1894. 2v. 923.173:26 Van Orden, W. H. Famous people of all ages. 1888. 920.01:3 Vasari, G. Lives of eminent painters, sculptors and architects. 1886. 6v. 927:4 Walton, I. Lives of John Donne, Henry Wotton, Richard Hooker, George Herbert and Robert Sander- son. 1884 . 920 . 042:8 BIOGRAPHY 21 BLACK Whipple, E. P. Recollections of emi- nent men. 1887. 814.35:8 Wilson, J. G. Sketches of illustrious soldiers. 1880. 923.5:2 Woolsey, S. C. An old convent school. 1895. 920.04:6 Wright, H. C. Children’s stories of the great scientists. 1889. 925:8 Youmans, W^. J. Pioneers of science in America. 1896. 925:21 Women. Black, H.C. Notable women authors. 1893. 809:14 Bolton, S. K. Lives of girls who be- came famous. 1886. 920.7:2 Successful women. 1888. 920.7:3 Brooks, E. S. Historic girls. 1890. 920.7:15 Cone, H. G. Pen portraits of literary women. 1887. 2v. 920.7:4 Dobson, H. A. Pour French women. 1891. 920.7:14 Dowie, M. M. Women adventurers. 1893. 920.7:29 Ellet, E. F. Pioneer women of the west. 1852. 920.7:22 Farmer, L. H. Girls’ book of fam* ous queens. 1887. 920.7:13 Fawcett, M. G. Some eminent women of our times. 1889. 920,7:12 Gordon, L. L. From Lady Washing- ton to Mrs. Cleveland. 1889. 920.7:5 Green, M. A. E. Lives of the prin cesses of England. 1850. 6v. 923.142 :x4 Hanaford, P. A. Daughters of Amer- ica, 1877. 920.7:23 Holloway. L. C. Ladie? of the White House. 1870. 920.7:6 Jameson, A. Lives of celebrated female sovereigns. 1831. 920.7:24 Japp, A. H. Wise words and loving needs. 1880. 920.7:8 JenKins, J. S. Heroines of history. 1853. 920.7:7 Ross, J. Three generations of Eng lish women: Susannah Taylor Sarah Austin and Lady Duff Gor- don. 1893. 920.7:28 Samte-Beuve, C. A. Portraits of celebrated women. 1885. 920,7:9 Starling, E. Noble deeds of women. 1848. 920.7:11 Strickland, A. Lives of the queens of England. 1840. 6v. 923.142:1 Lives. of the queens of Scotland; ed. by Kaufman. 1887. 2v. 923.141:2 Tillotson, J. Women of England. 920.042 : 5 Willard. F. E. Woman of the cen- tury. 1893. 920.7:R1 Women of worth. (Anon.) 920.7:21 See also lives of artists, musicians, BIRCH, S. Egypt to B. C. 300. 1890^ Records of the past: English transa- lation of Assyrian and Egyptian monuments. 1875. llv. '-IS bird, ISABELLA L. See. Bishop, I. L. BIRDS. Burroughs, J. Birds and poets. 1882. 814.41:1 Locusts and wild honey. 1883. 814.41:2 Wake Robin. 1889. 814.41:5 Knight, F. A. By leafy, ways. 1889. 814.49 :K74-1 Torrey, B. Foot-path way. 1892. 814.49 :T63-1 BIRNEY, JAMES GILLESPIE. Birney, W. James Birney and his times. 1890. 923.273:56 BIRRELL, a. Essays about men, wo- men and books. 1894. 824.89 :B53 Life of Charlotte Bronte. 1887. 823.814:4 Obiter dicta. 1885. 2v. 824.89 :B53 Res judicatae. 1892. 824.89 :B53-2 BISBEE, M. D. Songs of the pilgrims. 1887. 808.1:37 BISHOP, C. E. Pictures from English history by great historical writers, 1883. 942:16 BISHOP, EMILY M. Americanized Delsarte culture. 1892. 808.5:27 BISHOP, ISABELLA L. B. Journeys in Persia and Kurdistan. 1891. 2v. 915.5:4 Six months among the Sandwich Isl- ands. 1886. 919.6:3 Unbeaten tracks in Japan. 1880. 915.2:18 BISHOP, M. C. Prison life of Marie Antoinette and her children. 1893. 923.144 :2e BISHOP, N. H. The Pampas and the Andes. 1883. 918:11 BISHOP, W. H. House-hunter in Eu- rope. 1893. 914:61 Mexico, California and Arizona. 1889. 917.2:12 BISLAND, ELIZABETH. A flying trip around the world. 1891. 910.4:28 BISMARCK, PRINCE. Bismarck intime: the iron chancellor in private life by a fellow student. 1890. 923.243: :2c Bismarck’s table-talk. 1895. 923.243:2b Busch, J. M. Bismarck in the Franco- German war. 1879. 2v. 923.243:2a Lowe, C. Prince Bismarck. 1886. 2v. 923.243:2 BLACK, A. Story of Ohio. 1888. 977.1:3 BLACK, HELEN C. Notable women authors of the day. 1893. 809:14 BLACK, JEREMIAH SULLIVAN. Clayton, M. B. Reminiscences of Jere- miah S. Black. 1887. 923.473:1 BLACK, W. Life of Goldsmith. 1879. 821.644:2 BLACK, W. G. Heligoland and islands of the North Sea. 1888. 914.92:3 BLACK FOREST. Strahan, L. G. S. Black forest: its people and legends. 1885. 914.348:1 Wolff, H. "V/. Rambles in the Black forest. 1890 914 . 348:3 feLACKBtJRN BOliTON 5^2 BLACKBURN, H Artistic travel in Normandy, Brittany, the Pyrenees, Spain and Algeria. 1892 914:37 BLACKIE J. S. Life of Burns. 1888. 821.674:4 Songs of religion and life. 1876. 821.89 :B56 BLACKMAR, P. W. Spanish institu- tions of the southwest. 1891. 979:7 BLACKMORE, R. D. Pringilla: tales in verse. 1895. 823.89 :B56R BLACKSTOCK, E. F. Land of the Vi- king and the empire of the Tsar. 1889. 914:35 BLACKWOOD, HARIOT G. (March- ioness of Dufferin and Ava) My Ca- nadian journal. 1891. 917.1:16 BLAIKIE, W. G. Personal life of David Livingstone from his journals and .correspondence. 1881. 923.942:1a Summer suns in the far west: a holi- day trip to the Pacific slope. 1890. 917.94:45 BLAINE, JAMES GILLESPIE. Dodge, M. A. Biography of James G. Blaine. 1895 . - 923.273:27 BLAIR, FRANK PRESTON. Croly, D. G. Seymour and Blair: their lives and services. 1868. 923.273:67 BLAIR, H. Lectures on rhetoric and the belles letters. 1833. 808:11 BLAISDELL, A. F. First steps with American and British authors. 1888. 807:2 Stories of the civil war. 1890. 973.7:9 BLAKE, E. V Arctic experiences: Capt. Tyson’s drift on the ice-fioe. 1874. 919.8:15 BLAKE, MARY E. On the wing: ram- bling notes of a trip to the Pacific. 1SSQ Q17 Q»19 BLAKE, ROBERT (Admiral). Hannay, D. Admiral Blake. 1886. 923.542:12 BLAKE, W. Poetical works. 1891. 821.69 :B58 Gilchrist, A. Life of William Blake. 1863. 2v. 821.694 :B58 Swinburne, A. C. William Blake: a critical essay. 1866. 821.691 :B58R BLANCHARD, R, Historical map of the U. S. 912:R14 BLANEY, H. T. Old Boston: reproduc- tions of etchings. 1896. 917.44:6 BLAVATSKY, HELENA P. From the caves and jungles of Hindostan. 1892. 915.4:21 Sinnett, A. P. Incidents in the life of Mme. Blavatsky. 1886. 922.9:3 BLIND, MATHILDE. George Eliot. 1891. 823.884:3 Madame Roland. 1888. 923.244:6 BLISS, E. M. Turkey and the Armen- ian atrocities. 1896. 956:2 BLISS, W. R. Colonial times on Buz- Lay. 1888. 917 44:1 Old colony town and other sketches. 1393. 814.49 :B61 Paraoise in the Pacific: travel in the Sandwich islands. 1873. 919.6:5 BLOEDE, (Gertrude (Staurt Steme) Piero da Castiglione: a poem. 1890. 811.39:B62' BLOIJCH VGTZ, J. Brief history of Turkey. 1887. 949.6:1 BLOUET, P. (Max O’Rell) English phaiisees. 1892. 847;89:B62 Frenchman in America. 1891. 917:2 | Jacques Bonhomme: John Bull on the continent. 1889. 914.4:6 John Bull and Co. 1894. 910.4:46 John Bull and his island. 1889. 914.2:14 John Bull, junior; or, French as she is traduced. 1888. 847.89: B62-1 Jonathan and his continent. 1889. 917:1 BLOW, SUSAN E. Study of Dante. 1890. 851.157:1 BLUE BOOKS. See names of cities, countries, etc. BLUM, A. Adolph Isaac Cremieux, the Mordecai of the 19th century: the great Jewish-European philan- thropist. 1894. 923.644:1 BLUMNER, H. Home life of the an- cient Greeks. 1893. 913.38:13 BOAS, F. S. Shakespeare and his pre- decessors. 1896. 822.331:33 BOASE, C. W. Oxford (town). 1887. BOCCACCIO, G. The decameron. B2501P Symonds, J. A. Giovanni Boccaccio. 1895. ^ 853.154:1 BOCK, C. Temples and elephants: a journey through upper Siam and Lao. 1884. 915.93:1 BOWDEN, J. E. Life and letters of Fred. Wm. Faber. 1869. 922.2:11 BOECKH, A. Public economy of Athens. 1828. 2v. 938:28 BOISSIER, G. Life of Mme. de Sevigne 1888. 846.414:3 BOLINGBROKE, VISCOUNT of. See St. John, H. •BOLLES, F. At the north of Bearcamp Water. 1893. 814.49 :B64-1 Land of the lingering snow. 1891. 814.49 :B64 BOLTON, C. K. Life of Saskia, wife of Rembrandt. 1893. 927.5:50a Love story of Ursula Wolcott: a tale in verse of the time of the great re- vival in New England. 1895. 811.49 :B63 BOLTON, SARAH K. Famous Ameri- can authors. 1887. 810.9:10 Famous American statesmen. 1888. 923.273:1 Famous English authors of the 19th century. 1890. 820.9:42 Famous English statesmen of Vic- toria’s reign. 1891. 923.242:41 Famous leaders among men. 1894. 920.02:18 Famous men of science. 1889. 925:12 | Famous voyagers and explorers. 1893, | 923.9:4 BOTjEYN 23 BOVET How success is won. 1885. 920.02:13 Lives of g-irls who became famous. 1886. 920.7:2 Lives of poor boys who became fam- ous. 1885. 920.02:1 Successful women. 1888. 920.7:3 BOLEYN, ANNE. See Anne Boleyn. BOMBAUGH, C. C. Literature of kis- sing-, gleaned from history, poetry, fiction and anecdote. 1876. 808.8:24 BONAPARTE, ELIZABETH PAT- TERSON. Didier, E. L. Life and letters of Mme. Bonaparte. 1879. 920.7:18 BONNER, J. Child’s history of France, 1893. 944:6 Child’s history of Greece. 2v. 938:19 Child’s history of Rome. 1876. 2v. 937:6 Child’s history of the U. S. 1866. 3v. BONNEVILLE, BENJAMIN L. Irving, W. Adventures of Capt. Bon- neville, U. S. A. 1868’ 917.9:4 BONNYCASTLE, R. H. Spanish America. 1818. 2v. 918:12 BONOMI, J. Nineveh and its palaces 1889. 913.35:1 BONSAL, S. Morocco as it is, 1893. 916.4:7 BONVALOT, G. Across Thibet. 1892. 915.15:1 BOONE, DANIEL. Ellis, E. S. Life and times of Col. Daniel Boone. 1884. 923.973:10a BOOTH, EDWIN. Grossmann, E. B. Edwin Booth: recollections by his daughter. 1894. 927.9:26a Hutton, L. Life of Edwin Booth. 1893. 927.9:26 BOOTH, JUNIUS BRUTUS. Clarke, Mrs. A. B. The elder and the younger Booth. 1882. 927.9:15 BORNEO. Burbridge, P. W. Gardens of the sun: a naturalist’s journal of Borneo and the Sulu archipelago. 1880. 919.1:6 Clutterbuck, W. J. About Ceylon and Borneo. 1891 915.4:27 Hatton, F, North Borneo: explora- tions and adventures on the equator 1886. 919.11:1 Hatton, J. New Ceylon: a sketch of British North Borneo, or Sabah. 1881. 919.11:2 Keppel, H. Expedition to Borneo of H. M. S. Dido for the suppression of piracy. 1846. 919.1:2 BORROW, G. Bible in Spain: an at- tempt to circulate the Scriptures in the peninsula. 1843. 3v. 914.6:2 Wild Wales: its people, language and scenery. 1888. 914.29:2 BORTHWICK, J. D. Three years in California. 1857. 917.94:55 BOSCAWEN, W. St. C. Bible and the monuments: the primitive Hebrew records in the light of modern re- search. 1895. 913.33:3 BOSTON. Bacon, E. M. Diptionary of Boston, 1886. 917.44:7 Blaney, H, T. Old Boston: reproduc- tions of etchings. 1896. 917.44:6 Boston illustrated. 1872. 974.4:1 Directories: 1891, ’94-’95. 917.44:R1 Gilman, A. Story of Boston: a study of independency. 1889. 974.4:7 King, M. How to see Boston. 1895. 917.44:2 Lodge, H. C. Boston. 1891. 974.4:4 Scudder, H. E. Boston town. 1881. 917.44:4 Tiffany, N. M. Prom colony to com- monwealth: stories of the revolu- tionary days in Boston. 1891. 974.4:3 Pilgrims and Puritans: the planting of Plymouth and Boston. 1888. 974.4:2 BOSWELL, J. Life of Samuel Johnson. 4v. 824:634:2b Fitzgerald, P. Life of James Boswell. 1891. 2v. 824.694:B65 BOTSFORD, G. W. Development of the Athenian constitution . 1893. 913 38 ' 11 BOTTA, ANNA C. L. Handbook of universal literature. 1885. 809:3 Poems, 1881. ' 811.39 :B66 BOTTA, C. G. G. War of independence of the U. S. 1820. 3v. 973.3:8 BOTTS, J, M . The great rebellion. 1866. 973 7 ' 3 BOUDRYE, L. N. Historic records of the 5th New York cavalry. 1865. 973.7:4 BOULGER, D. C. Central Asian ques- tions. 1885. 958:5 England and Russia in Central Asia. 1879. 2v. 958:1 History of China. 1881. 3v. 951:1 Life of Yakoob Beg, ameer of Kash- gar. 1878. 923.251:1 BOURGEOIS, E. France under Louis XIV. 1897. 944.033 :R1 BOURGET, P. Impressions of Italy. 1892. 914.5:22 Outre mer: impressions of America. 1895. 917.3:20 BOURINOT, J. G. O^.r intellectual strength and weakness: historical review of literature and art in Canada. 1893. 810.9:7 Story of Canada. 1896. 971:5 BOURKE, J. G. Apache campaign in the Sierra Madre in 1883. 1886. 970.3:1 On the border with Crook. 1891. 917.8:31 Snake dance of the Moquis of Ari- zona. 1884. 917.91:3 BOURNE, C. E. Great composers: stories of the lives of eminent musicians. 1884. 927.8:24 BOURNE, H. R. P. Sir Philip Sidney. 1891. 821.324:2 BOURRIENNE, L. A. F. de. Memoirs of Napoleon. 1889. 4v. 923.144:3c BOVET, MME. de. Three months’ tour in Ireland. 1891. 914.15:6 BOWEN 24 BRITISH AMERICA BOWEN, B. F. America discovered by the Welsh. 1876. 973.1:3 BOWEN, E. Pictorial sketch-book of Pennsylvania. 1853. 917.4:31 BOWLES, EMILY. Life of Mme. de Maintenon. 1888. 923.244:7 BOWLES. S. Our new west; travel be- tween the Mississippi and the Pa- cific. 1869. 917.9:19 BOWNE, ELIZA S. A girl’s life eighty years ago: the letters of Eliza Southgate Bowne. 1888. 923.973:8 BOWRING, J. Ancient poetry and ro- mances of Spain. 1824. 861:2 Visit to the Philippine Iclo-nds. 1859. 919.1:3 BOX, M. J. Adventures and explora- tions in new and old Mexico. 1869. 917.2:15 BOYCE, NEITH. Sohgs. 1892. 811.49 :B69 BOYD, A. K. H. (Country parson). Autumn holidays of a country par- son. 1884. 824.89:B69 Every-day philosopher in town and country. 1878. 824.89 :B69-2 Leisure hours in town. 1884. 824.89 :B69-1 BOYD, J. P. Life of IT. S. Grant. 1885. 923.173 :8e BOYESEN, H. H. Essays on German literature. 1892. 830.4:1 Essays on Scandinavian literature. 1895. 839.5:2 Idylls of Norway and other poems. 1892. 839.81:1 Story, of Norway. 1886. 948.1:1 BOYLE, ESMERALDA. Thistle-down: poems. 1871. 811.39 :B71 BOYNTON, C. B. History of the navy during the rebellion. 1867. 2v. 973.75:6 BOYNTON, H. World’s greatest con- flict: Prance and America, 1788-1800, and Americas and Europe, 1800-1804. 1890. BOYNTON, H. V. Njational military park, Chickamauga - Chattanooga: historical gmde. 1895. 973.73:27 BRACE, C. L. (The new west: Califor- nia. 1869. 917.94:65 Norse-folk: a visit to the homes of Norway and Sweden. 1857. 914.8:1 BRACKENBURY, C. B. Life of Fred- erick the great. 1884. . 923.143:1 BRADFORD, G. Types of Ameri^n character. 1895. 814.49 :B72 BRADLEY, A. G. Gen. James Wolfe ■j^ggg 923.542:18 BRADLEY, H. “Story of the Goths. 1888. 943.01:3 BRADSTREET, ANNE. Campbell, H. Anne Bradstreet and her time. 1891. 811.124.1 BRAHMS, JOHANNES. Deiters. H. Johannes Brahms. 1888. 927.8:31 Impressions of Russia. 1889. 914.7:16 BRANN, H. A. Life of John Hughes, archbishop of New York. 1892. 922.2:19 BRANT, JOSEPH. Eggleston, E. Brant and Red Jacket. 1879. 970.2 :lj BRASSEY, LADY ANNE: Voyage in the Sunbeam. 1881. 910.4:2 BRAYMAN, J. O. Daring deeds of;, American heroes. 973:24. BRAZIL. i Agassiz, L. J. R. Journey in Brazil. 1 1868. 918.1 a! Andrews, C. C. Brazil: itS' condition and prospects. 1887. 918.1:2 Ewbank, T. Life in Brazil. 1856. 918.1:3 j| Kidder, D. P. Sketches of residence! and travel in Brazil. 1845. 2v. 918.1 :5i Smith, H. H. Brazil, the Amazons^ and the coast. 1879. 918.1:41 BREMER, PREDERIKA. Homes of] the new world: impressions of' A.merica. 1853. 2v. * 917.3:7 BRETT, R. B. Footprints of statesmen during the 18th century in England. 1892. 942.07:11 BREWER, E. C. Dictionary of phrase and fable. 1870. 803 :R4 Historic note-book. 1891. 903 :R4 Reader’s handbook. 1888. 803:R5 BREWERTON, G. D. The war in Kan- sas. 1856. 917.8 :23| BREWSTER, D. Life of Sir Isaac' Newton. 1831. 925:1^ BRICE, W. A. History of Ft. Wayne. . 1868. 977.2:^ BRIDGE, H. Personal recollections o« Nathaniel Hawthorne. 1893. 813.334:5 bridges, j. a. Idylls of a lost vil 824.89 :B7( Overheard in Arcady 801:32 A. Winters in At 916.5:1 BRAMHALL, MAE ST. J. Wee ones of Japan. 1894. 915.2:26 BRANDES, G. Eminent authors of the 19th century. 1886. 809:16 lage. 1889. BRIDGES, R. 1894. BRIDGMAN, F. geria. 1890. BRIDGMAN, LAURA D. Lamson, M. S. Life and education ol Laura Bridgman. 1881. 923.773:1 BRIGHAM, W. T. Guatemala, the land of the quetzal. 1887. 917.28:4 BRIGHT, J. P. Maria Theresa. 1897. 943.6:4 Essays. 1861. 824.89 :B77 BRIMLEY, G. BRINTON, D. G. Aboriginal America. 1883. 970.1:1 American race. 1891. -970. 1:*! Essays of an Americanist. 1890 814.49. B7' Giordano Bruno. 1890. 921.5:1 BRITAIN. See England. BRITISH AMERICA. Butler, W. F. Great, lone land. 1889 917.1:' Wild, north land. 1884. 917,1:' Cumberland, S. Queen’s highwaj from ocean to ocean. 1887. 917.1: Stearns, W. A. Labrador. 1884. 917.1:1 JUST RECEIVED NEW BED ROOTV^ suns ROCKING CHAIRS, CENTER TABLES, PEDESTALS AND PARLOR AND OFFICE DESKS IN T^/^KNV oeSIGNS Carpets, Mattings, Can be had of . . . Portiers, Lace Curtains and Window Shades. X. yVVMRXIN 531-3 So. Spring Street Invalid Chair Silver Plating also Gold, Nickel, Brass, Etc. Silverware re- plated, equal to new. Jewely, Cycles, Carriage Parts, Fixtures, re-finished. ^ - I 2 ^ ^ Cycles re-enameled all colors On^ITlclin^ and decorated to order Cycle Repairing Whiels BuiU to Order Patents Fine Mechanical Work. PACIFIC CYCLE COMPANY OFFICE: 217 WEST SECOND STREET FACTORY: BROADWAY, BETWEEN SIXT H AND SEVENTH STREETS m assage Creating I^OOtnS ^5 Salt Glows, Fomentations, Packs, Sprays, Showers, Scientific Massage and Prof. “Ling’s” system of Swedish sick gymnastics Skilled female operator to wait on ladies. First-class treatments guaranteed. Select patronage solicited J. V. WALDEN Masseur and Medical Gymnast Tel. Black 511. 405 1-2 S. Broadway, Op. Chamber of Commerce Booms 20-21 f\. Q. Qard^er F*I/\INO HOUSE ORCHESTRAL MUSIC furnished for all occasions MUSICAL INSTRUMENTS Tuned and Repaired Phone Brown 295 118 Winston St. El&tric Russian and riedicated Baths BROWNING 26 BUPB^UM Brownings for the young, (selections) 1896. 821.83:16 Ingram, J. H. Life of Elizabeth Bar- rett Browning. 1888. 821.824:1 BROWNING, O. Life of George Eliot. 1890. 823.884:2 Goethe, his life and writings. 1892. 832.624:3 Guelphs and Ghibellines: short hist- ory of mediavel Italy. 1893. 945.04:1 Modern England. 1891. 942.08:7 BROWNING, R. Works. 1890. 6v. 821.83 :R1 Brownings for the young, (selections) 821.83:16 Berdoe, E. Browning and the Christ- ian faith. 1896. 821.831:5 Cooke, G. W. Guide book to .the works of Robert Browning. 1891. 821.837:1 Corson, H. Introduction to the study of Browning’s poetry. 1888. ' 821.837:2 Fotheringham, J. Studies in the poetry of Robert Browning. 1888. 821.831:3 Gosse, E. Robert Browning: person- alia. 1890. 821.834:2 Jones, H. Browning as a philosophi- cal and religious teacher. 1891. 821.834:4 Kingsland, W. G. Life of Robert Browning. 1890. 821.834:5 Molineux, Marie A. Phrase book from the works of Robert Brown- ing. 1896. 821.831 :R1 Nettleship, J. T. Robert Browning: essays and thought. 1890. 821.831:1 Orr, Mrs. Life and letters of Rob- ert Browning. 1891. 2v. 821.834:3 Revell, W. P. Browning’s criticism of life. 1892. ' 821.831:2 Sharp, W. Life of Robert Browning. 1890. 821.834:1 Symons, A. Introduction to the study of Browning. 1894. 821.837:3 Triggs, O. L. Browning and Whit- man: a study in democracy 1893. 821.831:4 Walker, H. Greater Victorian poets. 1895. 821.80:5 BROWNLOW, W. G. Sketches of the rise, progress, and decline of seces- sion. 1862. 973.7:25 BRUCE, G. W. H. K. Memoirs of Mashonaland. 1895. 967:3 BRUCE, H. Life of Gen. Houston. 1891. 923.573:29a Life of Gen. Oglethorpe. 1890. 923.542:13 BRUCE, J. Travels and discoveries in Abyssinia. 1878. 916.3:3 Travels to discover the source of the Nile. 1790. 5v. 916.7 :R1 BRUCE, JAMES (Earl of Elgin.) Oliphant, L. The Earl of Elgin’s mis- sion to China and Japan. 1857-9. 1860. 915.2:6 BRUCE, M. W. Alaska: Its history and resources. 1895. 917.98:19 BRUCE, P. A. Economic history of Virginia in the seventeenth century. 1896. 2v. 975.5:5 BRUCE, T. Southwest Virginia and Shenandoah valley. 1891. 917.55:1 BRUGSCH, H. C. (Brugsch-Bey) His- tory of Egypt under the Pharaohs. 1881. 2v. 932:7 BRUNO, GIORDANO. Brinton, D. G. Giordano Bruno. 1890. 921.5:1 Frith, Miss 1. Life of Giordano Bruno. 1887. 921.5:1a BRYAN, M. Dictionary of painters, and engravers. 1886. 2v. 927 :R1 BRYANT, E. What I saw in Califor- nia. 1849. 917.94 :R27 Family library of poetry and song. 1886. 808.1:2 BRYANT, W. C. Family library of poetry and song. 1886. 808.1:" PicturescLue America. 1872. 2v. 917 :R Poetical works. 1854. 811.33'.: Popular history of the l/nited States. 1881. 4v. 973:7 Prose writings. 1889. 2v. 811.33 :R‘ Bigelow, J. Life of William Culle“ Bryant. 1890. 811.334: Godwin, P. Biography of William Cullen Bryant. 1883. 2v. 811.334:3 Wilson, J. G. Bryant and his friends. 1886. 811.334:2 BRYCE, J. Holy Roman empire. 1889 943: Transcaucasia and Ararat. 1896. 915.6:; Two centuries of Irish history. 188 941.57: BRYSON, MARY F. John Kennet Mackenzie; medical missionary t China. 922.5:" BUCHAN, J. Scholar gipsies. 189 824.89 :Bu BUCHANAN, R. Coming terror an other essays. 1891. 824.89 :B Master spirits. 1873. 824.89 :B86 BUCK, J. S.' Pioneer history of Ml waukee. 1876. 977.5. BUCKLE, H. T. Essays. 1880. 824.89 :B History of civilization 1857-8. 2v. m Englan 901 BUCKLEY, T. A. Great cities of f ancient world. 1852. 913 Great cities of the middle ages. 18 940: BUDGE, E. A. W. Babylonian life a history. 1891. 935. Dwellers on the Nile. 1891. 913.32: The mummy: Egytian funeral arc" aelogy. 1893. 913.32:' BUFFALO HISTORICAL SOCIETY. Annual reports. 1885-90. 90 BUFPUM, E. G. Sights and sensatio in Prance, Germany and Switz land. 1869. - 914 BULiFINCH 27 BURROUGHS Six months in the gold mines, in up- per and lower California. 1850. 917.94:29 BULPINCH, T. Oregon and Eldorado. 1886. 917.95:4 BULB, OLE. Bull, S. C. Ole Bull: a memoir. 1886. 927.8:23 BULLEN, A. H. Christmas garland: carols ?md poems. 1887. ' 821.04:8 England’s Helicon: lyrical and pas- I toral poems. 1887. 821.30:4 Lyrics from the dramatists of the Elizabethan age. 1889. 821.30:3 Lyrics from the song-books of the Elizabethan age. 1889. 821.30:5 BTJLOW, H. VON. Early correspon- dence. 1897. > 927.8:47 BULWER-LYTTON, E. G. E. L. 1st lord LYTTON) Athens: its rise and fail. 1837. 938:2 3:ramatic works. 822.84:1 King Arthur: a poem. 1871. 823.84:1 Lost tales of Miletus. 1886. 823.84:2 BULWER-LYTTON, E. R. (2d Lord ] Lytton) (Owen Meredith) Lucile. 1887. 821.89 :B87 Marah: poems. 1892. 821.89 :B87-2 Poetical works. 1882. 821.89 :B871 BUNNELL, L. H. Discovery of the Yosemite and the Indian war of 1851. 1880. 917.94:78 BUNNER, H. C. Jersey street and Jer- sey lane. 1896. 818.49 :B88 Poems. 1896. 818.49 :B88-2 Rowen: “Second crop’’ songs. 1892. 818.49 :B88-1 BUNSEN, C. C. J. VON. Life of Mar- ^ tin Luther. 1859. 922.4:2a 3UNYAN, JOHN. Brown, J. John Bunyan, his life times and work. 1888. 823.424:2 Froude, J. A. Life of Bunyan. 1880. 823.121:1 Macaulay^ T. B. Essay on Pilgrim’s progress. 824.83 :R2 Venables, E. Life of John Bunyan. 1888. 823.424:3 . Whyte, A. Bunyan characters. 1893. 823.42:1 BUONAROTTI, MICHAELANGELO. Clement, C. Life of Michael Angelo. 1885 927.5:32 Duppa, R. Life of Michael Angelo. 1846. 927.5:32b Grimm, H. Life of Michael Angelo. 1869. 2v. ' 927.5:32a Symonds, J. A. Life of Michael An- gelo Buonarotti. 1893. 2v. 927.5 :R2 BURBRIDGE, F. W. Gardens of the sun: Borneo and the Sulu archi- pelago. 1880. 919.1:6 BURCKHARDT, J. Civilization of the period of the Renaissance in Italy. 1860. 2v. 945.05:1 BURDETT-COUTTS, ANGELA G. (Baroness). Teck, Duchess of. Bar- oness Burdett-Coutts. 1893. 923.642:6 BURDETTE, R. J. Life of William Penn. 1882. 923.273:34 BURGESS, J. W. The middle period. 1897. 973:51 BURGOYNE, JOHN. Drake, S. A. Burgoyne’s invasion of 1777. 1889. 973.3:10 BURKE, E. Works. 1871. 12v. 825.62:1 Morley, J. Life of Edmund Burke. 923.242:16 BURKE, J. Royal families of England, Scotland and Wales. 1848. 2v. 929.72 :RJ BURKE. J. B. Genealogical and her^ aldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage of the British empire. 1853. 929 :R5 BURKE, T. N. Ireland’s case stated, in reply to Mr. Froude. 1887. 941.5:9 BURKE. U. R. History of Spain to the death of Ferdinand. 1895. 2v. 946:7 BURNABY, P. On horseback through Asia Minor. 1877. 2v. 915.6:1 Ride to Khiva: travels in Central Asia. 1877. 915:1 BURNAND, P. C. Quite at home. 1890. 827:15 BURNET, G. History of his own time. 1660-1714. 1833. 6v. 942.06:1 BURNETT, PRANCES H. The one I knew the best of all. 1893. 813.484:1 BURNETT, P. H. Recollections and opinions of an old pioneer. 1880. 923 273*22 BURNEY PRANCES. See Arblay, Mme. F. D. d’. BURNEY, J. Discoveries in the South sea or Pacific ocean, 1579-1764. 1803. 5v. 919.6 :R1 BURNHAM, SARAH M. Struggles of the nations. 1891. 2v. 909 :R2 BURNLEY, J. Life of Sir Titus Salt and George Moore. 1885. 923.842:1 BURNS, R. Poetical works. 1893.- 3v. 821.67 :R1 Blackie, J. S. Life of Robert Burns. 1888. 821.674:4 Carlyle,, T. Life of Robert Burns. 1859. 821.674:3 Lockhart, J. G Life of Robert Burns. 1828. 821.674:2 Reid, J. B. Concordance to the poems and songs of Burns. 1889. 821.673 :R1 Shairp, J. C. Life of Robert Burns. 1879. • 821.674:1 BURR, AARON. Davis, M. L. Private journal of Aaron Burr, during his residence in Europe, 1838. 2v. 923.273:8a Parton, J. Life and times of Aaron Burr. 1857. 2v. 923.273:8 BURROUGHS, J. Birds and poets. 1877. 814.41:1 Fresh fields. 1884. 7 Locusts and wild honey. 1883. 814.41:2 Pepacton. 1881. 814.41:9 Riverby. 1895. 814.41:8 Signs and seasons. 1886. 814.41:3 Wake-robin 1871. 814.41:5 Whitman, a study. 1896, 811.384 4 BURROWS 28 CAB Winter sunshine. 1875. 814.41:4 A year in the fields. 1875. 814.41:10 BURROWS, M. Cinque Ports. 1888. 942:3 History of the foreign policy of Great Britain. 1895. 943:28 BURTON, J. H. History of Scotland to 1746. 1853. 941:12 History of the reign of Queen Ann\ 18S0. 3v. 942.06:10 BURTON, R. F. Camoens: his life and his Lusiads. 1881. 2v. 869.1:2 City of the saints, and across the Rocky mountains to California. 1862. 917.92:2 The Kasidah of Haji Abdu Bl-Yezdi. 1896. 821.89:B95 Lake regions of Central Africa. 1860. 916.7 :U Stisted, Georgiana M. True' life of Capt. Sir Richard F. Burtofi. 18 j7. ^ 923.942-9 BURTON, W. E. Cyclopaedia of wit and humor. 1858. 2v. 827 :R2 BURY 3. B. History of the later Roman empire. 1889. 2v. 937.09:2 History of the Roman empire to the death of Marcus Aurelius. 1893. 937.06:7 BUSCJT, J. H. M. Bismarck in the Franco-German war. 1879. 2v. 923.243; 2a BUSS, FRANCES MARY. Ridley, A. E. Frances Mary Buss and her work for education 1895. 923.742:3 BUTCHER, S. H. Demosthenes. 1882. 885.6:2a BUTLER. A. Lives of the fathers martyrs, and other principle saints. 1745. 4v. 92^.1: 7 BUTLER, A. J. Court life in Egypt. 1887. 916.2:1 BUTLER, B. C. Lake George and Lake Champlain. 1868. 974.7:5 BUTLER, B. F. Butler’s book: auto- biography and memoirs. 1892. 923.573:25 Parton, J. Gen. Butler in New Or- leans. 1864. 973.73:15 BUTLER, J. H. Home and other poems. 1875. 811.39 :B98 BUTLER, S. Hudibras. 1885. 2v. 827.42:1 Poetical works. 821.49 ;B97 BUTLER, W. F. Great lone land: trav- el in the northwest of America. 1889. 917.1:6 Life of Charles George Gordon. 1889. 923.542:2c Life of Charles James Napier. 1890. 923.542:9 Wild north land: a winter journey across northern North America. 1884. 917.1:7 BUTTERWORTH, H. Songs of hist- ory. 1887. 811.49 :B98 Young folks’ history of America. 1887. 970:13 Zigzag journeys: Acadia and New France. 1886 917.1:10 Antipodes. 1888. 915.93; Australia. 1891. 919.4:5 British Isles. 1889. 914.2:18 Classic lands. 1888. 914:5 Europe. 1888. 914:6 India. 1887. 915.4:7 Levant. 1886. 916.2:2 Mississippi River. 1892, 917.6:5 Northern lands: the Rhine to the Arctic. 1883. 914:50 Northwest: the American Switzer- land. 1890. . 917.3:13 Occident. 1883. 917:4 Orient. 1881. 914:51 Sunny South. 1887. 917.5:9 BY PATHS of Bible knowledge. Assyria. Sayce, A. H. 935.2:2 Babylonian life and history. Budge, E. A. W. 935.4:2 Cleopatra’s needle. King, J. 913.32:11 Dwellers on the Nile. Budge, E. A. W. 913’.32;15 Egypt and Syria. Dawson, J. W. 913.32:12 Fresh light from the monuments. Sayce, A. H. 913.30:1 Hittites. Sayce, A. H. 939.4:4 Modern discoveries on the site of ancient Ephesus. Wood, J. T. 913.92:1 Recent discoveries on Temple hill at •Jerusalem. King, J. 913.33:2 Social life among the Assyrians and Babylonians. Sayce, A. H. 913.5:1 BYAM, G. West republics of America. 1850. 918:9 BYRON, G. G. N. (Lord). Letters and journals. 1886. 821.76:4 Poetical works. 5v. 821.76:1a Elze, K. Lord Byron: a biography. 1872. 821.764:6 Gallery of Byron beauties: portraits of the principal female characters in his poems. 821.76:2 Guiccioli, Countess T. G. My recol- lections of Lord Byron. 1869. 821.764:3 Jeaifreson, J. C. The real Lord Byron 1883. 2y. 821.764:5 Moore, T. Life and letters of I^ord Byron. 1858. 821.764:1 Nichol, J. Life of Lord Byron. 1880. 821.764:2 Noel, R. Life of Lord Byron. 1890. 821.764:4 Trelawny, E. J. Recollections bf the last days of Shelley and Byron. 1859. 821.70:4 C., T. E. Battlefields of the South. 1864. 973.73:26 CABLE, G. W. Creoles of Louisiana. 1886. 976.3:1 CABOT, GEORGE. Lodge, H. C. Life and letters of George Cabot. 1878. 923.273:60 CABOT, J. E. Ralph Waldo Emerson. I ^ 1888. 2v. 814,364:1 CABOT 29 CANADA CABOT, JOHN. Tarducci, P. John and Sebastian Cabot. 1893. 923.945:2a CABOT, SEBASTIAN. Nicholls, J. L. Life of Sebastian Cabot. 1869. 923.945:2 CAEDMON. Gurteen, S. H. Epic of the fall of man: a comparative study of Caed- mon, Dante and Milton. 1896. 821.09:11 CAESAR, J. De hello Galileo commen- tariorum; ed. by Walpole. 1888. 878.1:1c Same; ed. by Allen and Greenough. 1893. 878.1 :R1 Same; ed. by Collar. (Gate to Caesar) 1892. 878.1: Id Same (Eng. text); tr. by Duncan. 1856. 878.1:1a Same (Eng. text); tr. by McDevitt^ and others. 1877. 878.1:1 Abbott, J. Julius Caesar. 1849. 923.137:1b Fowler, W. W. Julius Caesar. 1892. 923.137:ld Froude, J. A. Caesar. 1879. 923.137:1 Napoleon III. Julius Caesar. 1865. 2v. 923.137:1c CAESARS, THE. Gould, S. B. Tragedy of the Caesars. 1892. 2v. 923.137:4 Suetonius, T. C. Lives of the twelve Caesars. 1887. 923.137:5 CAINE. T. H. H. The little Manx nation. 1891. 942.89:1 Samuel Taylor Coleridge. 1887 821.724:1 CAINE, R. Love songs of English poets. 1893. 821.08:16 CAINE, W. S. Picturesque India. 1890. 915.4:14 CAIRD, E. Essays on literature and philosophy. 1892. 2v. 801:1 CAIRD, J. India: the land and the peo- ple. 1883. 915.4:20 CALDERON de la BARCA, PEDRO. Hasell, J. Life of Calderon. 1879. 862.354:1 Trench, R. C. Calderon. 1856. 862.354:2 CALHOUN, J. C. Works. 1888. 6v. 815:3 Holst, H. E. von. John C. Calhoun. 1883. 923.273:9 CALIFORNIA. See special card in- dex in the library. CAI.LAHAN, D. T. Anne Boleyn: a historical drama. 1893. 812.49:013 CALLENDER, E. B. Thaddeus Stev- ens. 1882. 923.273:39 CALVERT, G. H. Shakespeare. 1879. 822.331:1 CALVERT, GEORGE (Lord Balti- more). Browne, W. H. Life of George Cal- vert and Cecilius. 1890. 923.242:36 CALVIN, JOHN. Guizot, P. P. G. St. Louis and Calvin. 1879. 922.2:5 CALVO, J. B. Republic of Costa Rica. 1890. 917.28:5 CAMERON, V. L. Across Africa. 1877. 916.7:22 Our future highway to India. 1880. 2v. 915:9 CAMOENS, L. de. The Lusiad. 1877. 869.1:1 Burton, R. P. Camoens. 1881. 2v. 869 1'2 CAMPAN, JEANNE L. H. G. Memoirs of the court of Marie Antoinette.' 1895. 2v. 923.144:2f Private life of Marie Antoinette. 1887. 923.144:2 CAMPBELL, C. The ancient dominion of Virginia. 1847. 975.5:1 CAMPBELL, C. D. N. Jesus, and. Soul to soul. 1879. 811.49 :C15 CAMPBELL, COLIN. (Lord Clyde). Burne, O. T. Lives of Clyde and Strathnairn. 1891. 923.154:5- Forbes, A. Colin Campbell. 1895. 923.154:5a CAMPBELL, D. The Puritan in Hol- land, England and America. 1892. 2v. 940.5:3 CAMPBELL, G. Philosophy of rhet- oric. 1776. 808.5:26 CAMPBELL, HELEN. Anne Brad- street and her time. 1891. 811.124:1 CAMPBELL, J. The Hittites. 1890. 2v. 939.4:3 CAMPBELL, J. D. S. (Marquis ’ of Lome). Life of Viscount Palmers- ton. 1892. 923.242:24a CAMPBELL, JOHN (Lord). Lives of the chief justices of England. 1881. 6v. 923.442:3 CAMPBELL, L. Guide to Greek trage- dy. 1891. 882:3 Sophocles. 1880. 882.2:1c CAMPBELL, T. Poetical works. 821.79 :C15 Beattie, W. Life and letters of Thomas Campbell. 1850. 2v. 821.794 :C15 CANADA. Description and travel. Begg, A. Great Canadian North West. 1881. 917.1:17 Blackwood, H. (Lady Dufferin). My (^anadian journal. 1891. 917.1:16 Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in Acadia and New France. 1886. I 917.1:10 Gibb’s route and reference book of the United States and Canada. 1893. 917.3:22 Murray, W. H. H. Daylight land. 1888. 917:16 Rae, W. P. Newfoundland to Mani- toba. 1881. 917.1:3 Ralph, J. On Canada’s frontier. 1892. 917.1:13 Stephens, C. A. The Knockabout club in the woods. 1887. 917.1:2 Sweetser, M. P. The maritime prov- inces. 1890. 917.1:12 Whitney, C. On snow shoes to the barren grounds. 1896. 917.12:1 Wilcox, W. D. Camping in the Cana- dian Rockies. 1896. 917.12:2 CANADA 30 CARRINGTON History. Bourinot, J. G. Story of Canada. 1896. 971:5 Douglas, J. Canadian independence and British imperial federation. 1894 971:9 Garneau, F. X. History of Canada. 1862. 2v. 971:8 Hart, G. E. Fall of New France. 1888. 971:1 Jones, C. H. Campaign for the con- quest of Canada. 1882. 971:4 Machar, A. M. Stories of New France 1890. 971:3 Parkman, F. Count Frontenac and New France. 1877. . 973.2:21 Jesuits in North America. 1867. 973.2:18 La Salle and the discovery of the great west. 1869. 973.2:19 Montcalm and Wolfe. 1884. 2v. 973.2:10 Old regime in Canada. 1874. 973.2:20 Pioneers of France in the new world. 1865. 973.2:17 Smith, G. Canada and the Canadian question. 1891. 971:7 Thomas, C. Contributions to the history of the eastern townships. 1866. 971:2 CANARY ISLANDS. See Islands. CANNING, G. Hill, F. H. George Canning. 1887. 923.242:15 CAPES, W. W. Livy. 1880. 878.4:1a Roman empire of the second century. 1888. 937.06:6 Roman history: the early empire. 937.07:1 CAPRON, E. S. History of California. 1854. 979.4:19 CARETTE, MME. Recollections of the court of the Thileries. 1889. .923.244:5 CAREY, WILLIAM. \ Myers, J. B. Life of William Carey. 1887. 922.6:3 CARIBBEES. See Islands. CARLETON, W. City festivals. 1892. 817.45:6 City legends. 1890. 817.45:5 Farm ballads. 1873. 817.45:1 Farm festivals. 1881. 817.45:2 Farm legends. 1876. 817.45:3 Geraldine. 1887. 817.45:4 CARLYLE, JANE W. Letters and me- morials; ed. by T. Carlyle and Froude. 1883. 920.7:39a Ireland, A. E. Life of Jane Welsh Carlyle. 1891. 920.7:39 CARLYLE, T. Correspondence between Goethe and Carlyle. 1887. 832.62:7 Correspondence of Thomas Carlyle and Ralph Waldo Emerson. 1883. 2v. 824.82:6 Critical and miscellaneous essays. 1872. 824.82:3 Early kings of Norway. 1875. 948.1:2 Early letters. 1886-9. 2v. 824.82:5 Frederick the Great. 1858. 6v. 923.143:1a French revolution. 1888. 3v. 944.04:16 Lectures on the history of literature. 1892. 824.82:7 Life of Burns. 1859. 82^.674:3 Life of Goethe. 832.624:2 Life of Schiller. 1845. 832.634:3 Life of Sterling. 1878 928.2:11 On choice of books. 824.80:1 On heroes and hero-worship. 1841. 824.82:4 Past and present. Chartism and Sar- tor resartus. 1877. 824.82:1b Reminiscences. 1881. 824.824:1 Sartor resartus. 1831. 824.82:2 Arnold, T. Thomas Carlyle. 1888. 824.824:4 Duffy, C. G. Conversations with Thomas Carlyle. 1892. 824.824:5 Froude, J. A. Thomas Carlyle, 1795- 1835. 1882. 824.824:2 Thomas Carlyle. 1834-81. 1885. 824.824:3 Garnett, R. Thomas Carlyle. 1887. 824.824:9 Macpherson, H. G. Thomas Carlyle. 824.824:10 Nichol, J. Thomas Carlyle. 1892. 824.824:6 CARMEN, B. Behind the arras. 1895. 811.49 :C21-1 Low tide on Grand Pre. 1894. 811.49 :C21 More songs from vagabondia. 1896. 811.40:2 CARMEN SYLVA. See Elizabeth, queen of Roumania. CARO, E. M. Life of George Sand. 1888. 843.824:1 CAROLINAS, THE Houston, D. F. Critical study of nulli- fication in South Carolina. 1896. 973.5:8 Poyas, Mrs. E. A. Olden time of Carolina. 1855. 975.6:1 CARPENTER, E. Civilization: its cause and cure. 1891. 901:14 From Adam’s peak to Elephanta, 1892. 915.4:19 CARPENTER, EDITH Lorenzo de’ Medici. 1893. 923.145:1b CARPENTER, F. B. Inner life of Ab- raham Lincoln. 1869. 923.173:91 CARPENTER, J. E. Popular readings in prose and verse. 1866. 5v. 808.8:4 CARPENTER, MARY T. A girl’s win- ter in India. 1892. 915.4:18 CARPENTER, S. H. English of the XIV century. 1880. 821.17:5 CARPENTER, W. H. History of Penn- sylvania. 1857. 974.8:2 CARR, A. Illustrated handbook of Cal- ifornia. 1870. 917.94:25 CARR, L. Missouri, a bone of conten- tion. 1888. 977.8:3 CARRINGTON, H. B. Ab-sa-ra-ka: experience of an officer’s wife on the plains. 1878. 917.8:28 CARSON 31 CERVANTES Beacon lights of patriotism. 1895. 900:2 CARSON, CHRISTOPHER (Kit Car- son). Abbott, J. S. C. Life of Christopher Carson. 1873. 923.973:12 CARTER, P. Life of Mark Hopkins. 1892. 922.5:5 CARTER, NELLIE M. Two girls abroad. 1888. 914:15 CARTHAGE. Church, A. J. Story of Carthage. 1886. 939.7:1 Davis, N. Carthage and her remains. 1861. 913.39:3 CARTWRIGHT, JULIA. Lives of Mantegna and Prancia. 1881. 927.5:29 CARY, ALICE and PHOEBE. Ballads for little folk. 1873. 811.39 ;C18-1 Poetical works. 1887. 811.39:018 Clemmer, M. Memorial of Alice and Phoebe Cary. 1884. 811.394:018 CARY, E. Life of George William Cur- tis. 1894. 814.424:3 CASANOVA, J. J. Escapes of Casanova and Latude from prison. 1892. 923.9:2 CASS, LEWIS. McLaughlin, A. C. Life of Lewis Cass. 1891. 923.273:5 CASTELAR, E. Old Rome and new Italy. 1873. 914.5:1 CASTILLO, B. D. del. See Diaz del Castillo, B. CATHERINE of ARAGON. Proude, J. A. Divorce of Cathrine of Aragon. 1891. 942.05:7 CATHERINE II. (Empress of Russia). Memoirs. 1859. 923.147:2 CATILINE. Sallustius, C. C. Conspiracy of Catiline. 1851. 878.2:1 CATLIN, G. Travels in Europe, with his North American Indian collection. 1848. 2v. 914:56 CATON, J. D. A summer in Norway. 1880. 914.8:6 CATULLUS, C. V. Poems of Catullus and Tibullus; tr. by Kelly. 1887. 874.1:1 Select poems of Catullus. 1879. 874.1:2 CAUCASUS, The. Bryce, J. Transcaucasia and Ararat. 1896. 915.6:22 Preshfield, D. W. Exploration of the Causasus. 1896. 914.7 :R1 Mummery, A. P. My climbs in the Alps and Caucasus. 1895. 914.94:7 CAVENDISH, MARGARET. (Duchess of Newcastle) Life of William Cav- endish. 1886. 923.242:33 CAVENDISH, WILLIAM. (Duke of Newcastle). Cavendish, M. Life of the Duke of Newcastle. 1886. 923.242:33 CAWEIN, M. Days and dreams. 1891. 811.49 :C31 CELLINI, B. Autobiography: tr. by Symonds. 1888. 927.3:3 Memoirs; tr. by Roscoe. 1888. 927.3:3a CELTIC LITERATURE. Arnold, M. Study of Celtic literature. 1883. 824.85:1 Sharp, E. A. Lyra Celtica. 1896. 891.6:1 CENTRAL AMERICA. Bancroft, H. H. History of Central America. 1886. .3v. 972.8:1 Bates, H. W. Central America, West Indies and South America. .1885. (Stanford’s compendium) 917.2:R3 Brigham, W. T. Guatemala: the land of the quetzal. 1887. 917.28:4 Calvo, J. B. Republic of Costa Rica. 1890. 917.28:5 Charnay, D. Ancient cities of the new world. 1887. 917.2:2 Curtis, W. E. Capitals of Spanish America. 1888. 972.8:2 Davis, R. H. Three gringos in Vene- zuela and Central America. 1896. 917.28:9 Pord, I. N. Tropical America. 1893. 918:19 Proebel, J. Seven years’ travel in Central America. 1859. 917.2:18 Gibbs, A. R. British Honduras. 1883. 972.82:1 Lombard, T. R. New Honduras. 1887. 917.283:1 Morelet, A. Travels in Central Amer- ica. 1871. 917.28:7 Peralta, M. M. de. Etnologia Centro- Americana. 1893. 913.728:1 Seeley, C. S. Lost Canyon of the Tol- tecs. 1893. 917.28:1 Squier, E. G. Notes on Central Amer- ica. 1855. 917.28:8 Travels in Central America, partic- ularly in Nicaragua. • 1853. 2v. 972.8:6 Stephens, J. L. Travel in Central America. 1841. 2v. 917.28:R1 Vincent, P. In and out of Central America. 1890. 917.28:6 Wells, W. V. Explorations in Hon- duras. 1857. 917.28:2 CENTRAL ASIA. Boulger, D. C. Central Asian ques- tions. 1885. 958:5 England and Russia In Central Asia. 1879. 2v. 958:1 Burnaby, P. Ride to Khiva. 1877. 915:1 Curzon, G. N. Russia in Central Asia. 1889. 958:7 Lansdell, H. Russian Central Asia. 1885. 2v. 915.7:4 Schuyler, E. Turkistan. 1885. 2v. 915.8:1 Vambery, A. Coming struggle for India. 1885. 958:3 Travels in Central Asia. 1865. 915:6 CERVANTES SAAVEDRA, MIGUEL de. Edwards, A. B. Story of Cervantes. 1862. 863.324:2 Jaccaci, A. P. On the trail of Don Quixote. 1896. 914.6:25 CESARESCO CHASE Oliphant, M. O. W. Life of Cer- vantes. 1880. 863.324:1 CESARESCO, EVELYN M. Italian characters in the epoch of unifica- tion. 1890. 920.045:4 CESNOLA, L. P. di. Cyprus. 1877. 913.93:1 CEYLON. Baker, S. W. Eight years’ wander- ings in Ceylon. 1856. 915.4:17 Ballou, M. M. Pearl of India. 1894. 915.4:22 Carpenter, E. Prom Adam’s peak to Elephanta, 1892. 915.4:19 Clutterbuck, W. J. About Ceylon and Borneo. 1891. 915.4:27 Haeckel, E. H. Visit to Ceyloii. 1883. 915.4:3 Knighton, W. Forest life in Ceylon. 1854. 2v. 915.4:12 CHADWICK, J. W. George William Curtis. 1893. 814.424:2 CHALDAEA. Maspero, G.^ C. C. Dawn of civiliza- tion. 1896. 930 :R3 Perrot, G. History of art in Chaldaea and Assyria. 1884. 2v. 913.35 :R1 Ragozin, Z. A. Story of Chaldaea. 1886. 935.1:1 CHALLONER, R. Lives of the fathers of the eastern deserts. 1863. 922.1:6 CHALMERS, THOMAS. ' Oliphant, M. O. W. Life of Thomas Chalmers. 1893. 922.5:8 CHAMBERLAIN, B. H. Tilings Japan- ese. 1890. 915:2:14 CHAMBERLIN, E. Chicago and its suburbs. 1874. 917.7:8 CHAMBERS, E. K. English pastorals, \ 821 08*8 CHAMBERS, R. ifeook of days. *1862. 2v. 903 :R1 Cyclopaedia of English literature. 1844. 2v. 820.3 :R1 Illustrations of the author of Waver- j ly. 1825. 821.741:1;] CHAMBERS, W. Miscellany of useful! and entertaining tracts. 1824. lOv. 820 8' 8 CHAMPFLEURY. See Pleury, J. CHAMPLAIN, LAKE. Butler, B. C. Lake George and Lake Champlain. 1868. 974.7:5 Murray, W. H. H. Lake Champlain and its shores. 1890. 917.4:19 CHAMPLIN, J. D. Chronicle of the coach: Charing Cross to Ilfracombe 1887. 914.2; 2 CHAMPNEY, ELIZABETH W. Three Vassar girls: Abroad. 1882. 914.6:17 At home. 1887. 917.3:15 In England. 1886. 914.2:3 In France. 1888. 914.4:2 In Italy. 1885. 914.5:2 In Russia and Turkey. 1889. 914.7:8 In South America. 1885. 918:1 In Switzerland. 1890. 914.94:4 In the Holy Land. 1892. 915.6:4 In the Tyrol. 1891. 914.36:2 On the Rhine. 1886. 914.3:14 CHANDLER, H. P. Lover’s year book of poetry. 1892. 808.1:24 CHANDOS CLASSICS. Calamities and quarrels of authors. Disraeli, I. 824.89 :D63-3 German novelists. Roscoe, T. 830.8:1 Italian novelists. Roscoe, T. 850.8:1 Life and letters of Edward Gibbon. 824.674:2 Percy anecdotes. Percy, R. 827:14 Representative actors. Russell, W. C. 927.9:30 The Saracens. Gibbon, E. 953:1 The Tatler. Addison, J. 824.50:1 The Vision. (Divine Comedy). Dante Alighieri. , 851.15:1c CHANLER, AMELIE R. Athelwold. 1893. 812.49 :C36 CHANLOR, W. A. Through jungle and desert. 1896. 916:6 CHANNING, E. Guide to the study of American history. 1896. 907:7 CHANNING, WILLIAM ELLERY. Channing, W. H. Life of William Ellery Channing. 1890. 922.8:9 CHAP-BOOK ESSAYS. 1896. 814.49:036 CHAPIN, P. H. Land of the cliff- dwellers. 1892. 917.91:8 Mountaineering in Colorado. 1889. 917 8 '21 CHAPIN, LOU V. Young folks’ story of the world. 1894. 909:16 CHAPLIN, J. Chips from the White House. 1881. 923,173:1 CHAPMAN, A. Wild Norway. 1897. 914.8:12 CHARD, T. S. California sketches. 1888. 917.94:44 CHARLES I. (King of England). Abbott, J. History of King Charles I of England. 1876. 923.142 : 22 Gardiner, S. R. First two Stuarts and Puritan revolution. 1876. 942.06:8 CHARLES II. (King of England). Abbott, J. History of Charles II. 1877. 923.142:19 CHARLES V. (Emperor of Germany). Robertson, W. History of the reign of Charles V. 1884. 3v. 943.03:4 CHARLES XII. (King of Sweden). Bain, B. N. Charles XII and the collapse of the Swedish empire. 1895. 923.148:3a CHARLTON, E. A. New Hampshire. 1857. 974.2:1 CHARNAY, D. Ancient cities of the new world. 1887. 917.2:2 CHASE, E. B. Over the border: Acadia. 1885. 917.1:4 CHASE, P. Early history of New Hampshire and Vermont. 1856. 917.4:28 CHASE, P. Reminiscences: an auto- biography. 1844. 922.3:1 CHASE, SALMON PORTLAND. Warden, R. B. Private life and pub- lic services of Salmon Portland Chase. 1874. 923.273:11 CHATTERTON CHINA S3 CHATTERTON, T. Poetical works. 1855. 821.63:1' CHAUCER, G. Complete works; ed. by Skeat. 1895. 821.17:4 Poetical works. 1879. 3v. 821.17:1 Browne, M. Chaucer’s England. 1869. 2v. 821.171:2 Carpenter, S. H. English of the XIV century: notes on Chaucer’s Pro- logue and Knight’s tale. 1880. 821.17:5 Haweis, M. E. ChauCer for children. 1882. 821.17:3 Lounsbury, T. R. Studies in Chaucer. 1892. 3v. 821.171:1 Ward, A. W. Life of Chaucer. 1879. 821.174:1 CHAUTAUQUA COURSE. 1885-6. Pomegranates from ah English gar- den. Browning, R. 821.83:17 1888-89. Outline history of Greece. Vincent, J. H. 938:12 1890- 91. Classic French course in English. Wilkinson, W. C. 840.7:1 Prom' Chaucer to Tennyson. Beers, . H. A. 820.9:25 Outline history of England. Joy, J. R. 942:6 1891- 92. Classic German course in English. Wilkinson, W. C. 830.9:5 Initial studies in American litera- ture. Beers, H. A. 810.9:4 1892- 93. Classic Greek course in Eng- lish. Wilkinson, W. C. 880.9 :R1 Grecian history. Joy, J. R. 938:23 1895- 96. Growth of the American na- tion. Judson, H. P. 973:44 1896- 97. French traits. Brownell, W. C. 914.4:28 Growth of the French nation. Adams, G. B. 944:8 Survey of Greek civilization. Ma- haffy, J. P. 938:29 CHEEVER, G. B. Prose writers of America. 1853. 810.8:3 CHENEY, CLARA E. G. Young folk’s history of the Civil war. 1887. 973.7:5 CHENEY, EDNAH D. Life of Christ- ian Daniel Rauch. 1893. 927.3:5 CHENEY, J. V. Golden guess: essays on poetry and the poets. 1892. 814.49 :C42 CHENOWETH, MRS. C. VAN D. Stories of the saints. 1880. 922.1:5 CHERUBINI. Bellasis, E. Cherubini. 1874. 927.8:45 CHESTERFIELD, EARL of. See Stanhope, P. D. CHEVREUSE, DUCHESSE de. Cousin, V. Secret history of the French court under Richelieu and Mazarin; or, life and times of Mme. Chevreuse. 1871. 944.03:3 CHEVRILLON, A. In India. 1896. 915.4:24 CHICAGO. Chamberlin, E. Chicago and its su- burbs. 1874. 917.7:8 Colbert, E. Chicago and the great conflagration. 1871. 977.3:1 Directories. 1886, ’91, ’94, ’96. 917.773 :R2 Wright, J. S. Chicago. 1870. 917.7:3 World’s Columbian Exposition. Artistic guide to Chicago and the World’s Columbian exposition. 1892. 917.73:1 Hill, T. E. Souvenir guide to Chica- go and the World’s Fair. 1893. 917.73:2 Ralph, J. Harper’s Chicago and the World’s Fair. 1893. 917.73:3 Rand and McNally’s handbook of the World’s Columbian exposition. 1893. 917.73:4 Ward, C. J. World’s Fair: Jamaica at Chicago. 1893. 917.292:1 CHILD, P. J. English and Scottish popular ballads. 1882. 9v. 821.08 :R1 Poems of religious sorrow and com- fort. 1889. 808.1:6 (CHILD, P. S. An old New England town. 1895. 974.6:4 CHILD, LYDIA M. Letters. 1883. 816.39 ■ C43 CHILD, T. Desire of beauty. 1892. 814.49 :C43 Praise of Paris. 1893. 914.4:15 Spanish-American republics. 1891. 918:13 Summer holidays. 1889. 914:30 CHILDS, G. W. Recollections. 1890. 814.49 :C44 CHILI. Byam, G. Wanderings in some of the Western republics of America. 1850. 918:9 Hancock, A. U. History of Chili. 1893. 983:2 Hervey, M. H. Dark days in Chili: Revolution of 1891. 1892. 918.3:2 Markham, C. R. War between Peru and Chili. 1883. 983:1 Spangler, J. M. Civilization in Chili. 1885. 918.3:1 CHINA. Anderson, J. Mandalay to Momien. 1876. 915.1:3 Bonvalot, G. Across Thibet. 1892. 915.15:1 Boulger, D. C. History of China. 1881. 3v. 915:1 China: its scenery, etc. (anon.). 915.1 :R1 Colquhoun, A. R. Across Chyrse: South China border lands. 1883. 2v. 915.1:7 Corner, E. China, pictorial and de- scriptive. 1853. 915.1:4 Cumming, C. P. G. Wanderings in China. 1886. 2v. 915.1:13 Doolittle, J. Social life of the Chin- ese. 1865. 2v. 915.1:12 Dukes, E. J. Everyday life in China. 1885. 915.1:6 Pielde, A. M. Corner of Cathay. 1894. 915.1:15 CHINA 34 CICERO French, H. W. Our boys in China. 1892. 915.1:14- Gilmour, J. Among the Mongols. 1888. 915.17:1 Hart, V. C. Western China. 1888. 915.1:1 Holcomb, C. The real Chinaman. 1895. 915.1:16 Howorth, H. H. History of the Mon- gols. 1876. 3v. 950 :R1 Knox, T. W. Two youths in Japan and China. 1879. 915.2:3 Lee, Y. P. When I was a boy in China. 1887. 915.1:10 Martin, W. A. P. Cycle of Cathay. 1896. 915.1:17 Mayers, W. F. Treaty ports of China and Japan. 1867. 915.1:5 Moule, A. E. New China and old. 1891. 915.1:11 Oliphant, L. Mission of the Earl of Elgin to China and Japan. 1860. 915.2:6 Price, J. M. Arctic ocean to the Yel- low sea. 1892. 915:15 Rockhild, W. W. Land of the Lamas. 1891. 915.1:8 Thomson, J. Straits of Malacca, In- do-China and China. 1875. 915.1:9 Vladimer. China-Japan war. 1896. 950:1 Williams, S. W. Middle kingdom. 1848. 2v. 951:2 Wilson, J. H. China. 1887. 915.1:2 CHITTENDEN, H. M. Yellowstone National Park. 1895. 917.87:2 CHITTENDEN, L. B. Personal remin- iscences. 1893. 814.39 :C44 Recollections of President Lincoln. 1891. 973.7:39 CHITTENDEN, W. L. Ranch verses. 1893. 811.49:C44 CHOATE, I. B. Wells of English. 1892. 820.1:1 CHOPIN, FREDERIC. Neicks, E. Frederic Chopin as a man and musician. 1888. 2v. 927.8:22 CHORLEY, H. F. Personal reminis- cences. 1876. 928.2:10 CHRISTMAS. See special card index in the library. CHRISTY, R. Proverbs, maxims and. phrases. 1893. 2v. 808.8 :R12 CHRONOLOGY. Brewer, E. C. Historic note-book. 1891. 903 :R4 Haydn, J. Dictionary of dates. 1889. 903 :R3 Keilprin, L. Historical reference book. 1892. 903:R2a Lamed, J. N. History for ready ref- erence. 1894. 5v. 903 :R5 Oxford chronological tables of an- cient history. 1835. ' 902 :R5 Puinam, G. P. World’s progress. 1883. 902 :R4 Tegg, T. Dictionary of chronology. 1854. 902 :R6 CHRYSOSTOM, SAINT. Schaff, P. St. Chrysostom and St. Augustin. 1891. 922.1:8 CHIHICH, A. J. Life of Henry V. 1889. 923.142:16 Pictures from Roman life and story. 1892. 937:14 Pliny’s letters. 1872. 876.2:1 Roman life .in the days of Cicero. 1884. 913.37:7 Stories from Homer. 883.1:7 Stories from Livy. 1882. 878.4:3 Stories from the Greek comedians. 1892. 882:4 Stories from the Greek tragedians. 1879 882*1 Stories, from Virgil. 1878. 873.1:3c Stories of the old world. 1894 930:17 Story of Carthage. 188,6. 939.7:1 Story of early Britian. 1890. 942.01:4 Story of the Persian war from Herodotus. 1881. 938.03:3 Traveller’s true tale, after the Greek of Lucian. 1880. 888.7:2 CHURCH, R. W. Beginning of the Middle Ages. 1878. 940:7 Dante, and other essays. 1891. 801:5 Life of Spencer. 1879. 821.314:1 CHURCH, W. C. Life of John Erics- son. 1890. 2v. 926:'9a CHURCHILL, C. Poetical works. 1871. 3v. 821.59 :C47 CHURCHILL, CAROLINE M. Over the purple hills: California. 1884. 917.94:69 CHURCHILL, JOHN (1st Duke of Marlborough). Creighton, L. Life of John Churchill. 1889. 923.242:38 Saintsbury, G. Marlborough. 1886. 923.542:1 CHURCHILL, R. H. S. (Lord Ran- dolph). Men, mines and animals in South Africa. 1892. 916.8:11 CIBBER, C. See Rees, J. CICERO, M. T. Academic questions. Treatise de finibus, etc. ; tr. by Yonge. 1887. 875.4:1 De Oratore; ed by Kingsley. 1851. 875.3:1 Same (Eng. text); tr. by Watson. 1884. 875.3:1a Orations (Latin text) ; ed. by Allen and Greenough. 1893. 875.2 :R1 Same (Eng. text); tr. by Yonge. 1887. 4v. 875.2:1 Three books of offices, etc.; tr. by Edmonds. 1887. 875.4:1b Treatises on the nature of the gods, * etc.; tr. by Yonge. 1887. 875.4:2 Tusculan disputations; tr. by Pea- body. 1886. 875.4:1a Church, A. J. Roman life in the days of Cicero. 1884. 913.37:7 Collins, W. L. Cicero. 1873. 875.14:4 Davidson, J. L. S. Cicero and the fall of the Roman republic. 1894. 937.02:5 CID 35 CI..AYTON Forsyth, W. Marcus Tullius Cicero.' 1864 ' 875.14:2 Middleton, C. Life of Cicero. 1848. 875.14:3 Trollope, A. Life of Cicero. 1880. 2v. 875.14:1 CID, RODRIGO DIAZ de BIVAR. (called the Cid.). Chronicle of the Cid.; tr. by Southey. 1808. 946:5 CIRCUMNAVIGATION. See Travels and voyages. CIST, H. M. Army of the Cumberland. 1882. 973.73:2 CITIES. Buckley, T. A. Great cities of the ancient world. 1852. 913:7 Great cities of the Middle Ages. 1856. 940:11 Davis, R. H. Great streets of the world. 1892. 912:3 Smith, H. A. Great cities of the an- cient world. 1886. 913:3 Great cities of the modern world. 1856. 940:11 Wonderful cities of the world. 1887. 910:1 CIVILIZATION. Adams, G. B. Civilization during the Middle Ages. 1894. 940:17 Buckle, H. T. Civilization in Eng- land. 1857. 2v. 901:2 Carpenter, E. Civilization. 1891. 901:14 Draper, J. W. The intellectual de- velopment of Europe. 1876. 2v. ' 901:5 Ducoudray, G. Modern civilization. 1891. 940:25 Geiger, L. The development of the human race. 1880. 901:11 Goguet, A. Y. Origin of laws, arts and sciences. 1775. 3v. 930:1 Guizot, F. P. G. History of civiliza- tion. 1828. 2v. 901:4 Gummere, F. B. Germanic origins. 1892. 901:13 Morgan, L. H. Ancient society. 1878. 901:9 Morris, C. Civilization. 1890. 2v. 901:12 Taylor, H. O. Ancient ideals. 1896. 2v. 901:18 Tylor, E. B. Primitive culture. 1874. 2v. 901:3 CLARENDON, 1st earl of. See Hyde, E. CLARK, E. L. Races of European Turkey. 1878. 949.6:7 CLARK, G. H. Life of Oliver Crom- well. 1893. 923.142 :9d CLARK, H. History of Knighthood. 1784. 2v. 929.71 :R1 CLARK, J. S. Practical rhetoric. 1892. 808:10 CLARK, W. Savonarola. 1890. 922.2:12 CLARKE, ASIA B. The elder and the younger Booth. 1882. 927.9:15 CLARKE. ELIZA. Life of Handel. 1885 927.8:4a- Life of Susanna Wesley. 1886. 922.7:3 CLARKE, H. History of England. (Continuation of Hume’s history). 1824. 942.R1 v.3 CLARKE, H. B. Spanish literature. . 1893. 860.4:1 CLARKE, J. F. Autobiography, diary and correspondence. 1891. 922.8:11 CLARKE, JENNIE T. Songs of the South. 1896. 811.08:7 CLARKE, MART COWDEN. Concor- dance to Shakespeare. 1878. 822.333 :R1 My long life. 1896. 920.7:34 CLARKE, W. Life of Walt Whitman. 1892. 811.384:1 CLASSICAL DICTIONARIES. Anthon, C. Classical dictionary. 1841. 880.3 :R2 Harper’s dictionary of classical liter- ature and antiquities. 1887. 913.38 :R6 Lemnriere, J. Classical dictionary. 1792. 880.3:R1 Riley, H. T. Dictionary of Latin and Greek quotations. 1888. 870.8 :R1 Smith, W. Dictionary of Greek and Roman antiquities. 1842. 913.38 :R1 Dictionary of Greek and Roman bio graphy and mythology. 18't^ 8v. 920.03 :R3 Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography. 1854. 2v. 913.38:R2 CLASSICAL WRITERS; ed by J. R. Green. Demosthenes. Butcher, S. H. 885.6:2 Euripides. Mahaffy, J. P. 882.3:1 Livy. Capes, W. W. 878.4:1 Milton. Brooke, S. A. 821.474:2 Sophocles. Campbell. L. 882.2:1 Vergil. Nettleship, H= 873.14:3 CLAVIGERO, F. X. History of Mexico. 1787. 2v. 972.02 :R1 CLAY, C. M. Memoirs, writings and speeches. 1886. 923.273:12 CLAY. H. Private correspondence. 1856. 923.273:13c Life of Henry Clay. (Anon). 923.273:13b Mallory, D. Life and speeches of Henry Clay. 1844. 2v. 923.273:13 Prentice, G. D. Henry Clay. 1831. 923.273:13d Schurz, C. Henry Clay. 1887. 2v. 923.273:13a CLAYTON, ELLEN C. Queens of song. 1865. 927.8:15 CLAYTON, MARY B. Reminiscences of Jeremiah Sullivan Black. 1887. 923.473:1 CLiEMENS COIiLAR CLEMENS, S. L. (Mark Twain). How to tell a story, and other essays. 1897. 817.49 :C59 Innocents abroad. 1889. 914:7 Library of humor. 1888. 817:26 Life on the Mississippi. 1883. 917.7:6 Roughing it. 1890. ./ 917.9:2 Sketches, old and new. 1889. 817:4 Tramp abroad. ^80. 914:8 CLEMENT, C. L# of Michael Ange- lo. 1885. 927.5:32 CLEMENT, CLARA E. Artists of the 19th century. 1879. 927:2 Egypt. 1880. 932:1 Life of Charlotte Cushman. 1882. 927.9:32 Painters, sculptors, architects, and engravers. 1873. 927:1 Queen of the Adriatic. 1893. ' 914.53:3 CLEMMER, MARY. Memorial of Al- ice and Phoebe Cary. 1884. 811.394: C18 CLEOPATRA. (Queen of Egypt). Abbott, J. History of Cleopatra. 1879. 923.132:1 CLERKE, AGNES M. Familiar stud- ies in Homer. 1892. 883.1:9 CLEVELAND, C. D. Compendium of American literature. 1858. 810.8:2 Compendium of English literature. 1847. 820.9:34 English literature of the 19th ceptury. 1866. 820.9:35 CLEVELAND, G. Writings and speeches. 1892. 815:14 Hensel, W. U. Life of Grover Cleve- land. 1888. . 923.173:5 Parker, G. F. Life of Grover Cleve- land. 1892. 923.173:5a CLEVELAND, R. J. Voyages of a merchant navigator of the days that are past. 1886. 910.4:3 CLEVELAND, ROSE E. George El- iot’s poetry and other essays. 1885. 814.49 :C59 CLIVE, ROBERT. (Lord). Wilson, C. Life of Lord Clive. 1890. ^ 4 . 9*8 CLOUGH, A. H. Poems. 1892. 821 89*C62 Prose remains. 1888. 821.89 :C62-1 CLOUSTON, W. A. Book of noodles. 1888 808 7 * 2 CLUTTERBUCK, W. J. About Cey- lon and Borneo. 1891. 915.4:27 Skipper in the Arctic seas. 1890. 919.8:24 CLYDE, LORD. See Campbell, C. COAN, T. Life in Hawaii. 1882. 919.6:8 COATES, H. T. Children’s book of poe- try. 1879. 808.1:33 COATES, I. T. Centennial Fourth of July oration, Chester, Pa. 1876. 815:2 COATS OP ARMS. See Heraldry. COBDEN, RICHARD. Gowing, R. Life of Richard Cobden. 1885, 923.242:5 ' Morley, J. Life of Richard Cobden. 1881. 923.242:5a COCHRAN, W. Pen and pencil in Asia Minor. 1887. 915.6:12 CODMAN, J. An American transport in the Crimean war. 1896. 947.07:4 Winter sketches from the saddle. 1888. 917.4:1 COE, FANNY E. Modern Europe. 1892. 910.7 :14v5 COFFIN, C. C. Boys of ’76. 1876. 973.3:6 Boys of ’61. 1886. 973.7:6 Building the nation. 1882. 973.4:1 Drum-beat of the nation. 1888. 973.7:31 Following the flag. 1887. 973.78:9 Freedom triumphant. 1891. 973.7:38 Life of Abraham Lincoln. 1893. 923.173:9m Marching to victory. 1889. 973.7:7 My days and nights on the battlefleld. 1865. 973.78:8 Old times in the colonies. 1880. 973.2:1 Our new way round the world. 1886. 910.4:15 Redeeming the republic. 1890. 973.7:26 Story of liberty. 1878. 940.5:1 COFFIN, R. B. (Barry Gray.) Castles in the air, and other phantasies. 1872. 814.39 :C65 COGHLAN, T. A. Wealth and Progress of New South Wales. 1893. 919,44:1 COIGNET ,J. R. Narrative of Capt. Coignet, soldier of the empire. 1776- 1850. 1890. 923.544:14 COLBERT, E. Chicago and the great conflagration. 1871. 977.3:1 COLE, G. R. P. R. Peruvians at home. 1884 . 918.5:3 COLE, J. W. Life and times of Charles Kean. 1859. 2v. 927.9:20 COLEMAN, G. Heir-at-law: comedy. 1891. 812.49 :C67 COLEMAN, J. Players and play- wrights I have known. 1890. 2v. 822 8*3 COLENSO, JOHN WILLIAM (Bishop of Natal) Cox, G. W. Life of J. W. Colenso. 1888 2v. 922.3:4 COLERIDGE, S. T. Anima poetae. 1895. 821.72:5 Complete w«rks, 1884. 7v. 821.72:3 Letters. 1895. 2v. 821.72:4 Caine, T. H. H. Life of Colerjdge. 1887. 8'21.724:1 Lord, A. E. Days of Lamb and Cole- ridge. 1893. 824.754:4 COLFAX, SCHUYLER. Martin, E. W. Life anl public ser- vices of Schuyler Colfax. 1868. 923.273:15 COLIGNY, GASPAR de. Bersier, E. Coligny. 1894. 923.544:8 COLLAR, W. C. Gate to Caesar. 1892. 878..1:ld COLLIER 37 CONDUCT COLLIER, ADA L. Lilith. 1885. 811.39 :C69 COLLIER, J. P. History of English dramatic poetry to the time of Shakespeare, and annals of the stage to the Restoration. 1831. 3v. 822.3:3 Notes and emendations to the text of Shakespeare’s plays. 1853, 822.331:6 COLLIGNON, M. Manual of Greek archaeology. 1886. 913.38:10 COLLINGWOOD, W. G. Art teaching of Ruskin. 1891. 824.861:1 Life and work of John Ruskin. 1894. 2v. 824.864:3 COLLINS, C. W. Life of Saint Simon. 1880. 928.4:3 Sophocles. 1872. 882.2:1 COLLINS, H. O. Memoirs of a bril- liant woman (Ann Van Stten Col- • lins). 1892. 920.7:40 COLLINS, L. HistoriciU sketches of Kentucky. 1847. 976 9 : J. COLLINS, W. Poetical works. 1894. 821.57:1 COLLINS, W. L. La Fontaine and other French fabulists. 1882. 841.454:1 Life of Montaigne. 1879. ^ 844.314:1 COLLINS, WILLIAM WILKIE. Dickens, C. Letters to Wilkie Collins. 1892. 823.83:2 COLLIS, SEPTIMA M. Woman’s trip to Alaska. 1890. 917 98:13 COLMAN, G. Broad grins and other sketches. 827:12 COLONNA, VITTORIA. Trollope, T. A. Life of Vittoria Colon- na. 1859. 851.344:1 COLORADO. Bancroft, H. H. History of Nevada, Colorado and Wyoming. 1890. 978 :R1 Chapin, F. H. Land of the cliff-dwel- lers. 1892. 917.91:8 Mountaineering in Colorado. 1889. 917.8:21 Fossett, F. Colorado. 1879. 917.8:24 Hayes, A. A. New Colorado and the Santa Fe trail. 1880. 917.8:9 Hill, A. P, Tales of the Colorado pioneers. 1884. 917.8:26 Lummis. C. F. Spm.e ctrange comers , of our country. 1892. 917.8:33 Powell, J. W. Canyons of the Colo- rado. 1895. 917.91 :R1 COLQUHOUN, A. R. Across Chryse; south China. 1883. 2v. 915.1:7 Key of the Pacific: Nicaragua canal. 1895. 972.85:6 COLTON, C. C. Lacon; or, many things in a few words. 1820. 828:2 COLTON, G. Q. Shakespeare and the Bible. 1888. 822.338:3 COLTON, W. Deck and port. 1850. 917:22 Three years in California. 1851. 979.4:15 Visit to Constantinople and Athens. 1836, 914.96:4 COLUMBUS, CHRISTOPHER. Abbott, J. S. C. Life of Christopher Columbus. 1875. 923.915:1c Adams, C. K. Christopher Columbus. 1892. 923.945 :le Barlow, J. The Columbiad: a poem. 1807. 811 :R1 Dickey, J. M. Christopeher Columbus. 1892. 923.945:lg Dixon, M. Chronicles of Christopher Columbus. 1893. 821.89:D64 Irving, W. Life and voyages of Christopher Columbus. 1828. 3v. 923.945:1a Lamartine, A. de. Life of Columbus. 1859. 923.945:1b Lives of Christopher Columbus and Americus Vespucius. 1854. (anon.) 923.945:6 Mac Kie, C. P. First and last voyages of the admiral of the ocean sea. 1891. 2v. ' 923.945 :lh Ober, F. A. In the wake of Columbus. 1893. 917.29:10 Saunders, F. Story of the discovery of the new world by Columbus. 1892. 923.945:ld Seelye, E. E. Story of Columbus. 1892. 923.945 :lf Winsor, J. Christopher Columbus. 1891. ' 923.945:1 COLVILE, H. Land of the Nile Springs 1895. 967:2 COLVIN, S. Keats. 821.784:3 Life of Landor. 1881. 824.794 :L23 COMIC LITERATURE. See Wit and humor. COMINES, P. de. Memoirs of Philippe de Comines. 1523. 2v. 944.02:1 COMINGES, GASTON J. B. de. Jusserand, J. J. A. A. French ambas- sador at the court of Charles II. 1892. 942.06:3 COMPOSITION. See Rhetoric. COMPTON, H. European military ad- ventures of Hindustan. 1893. 954:5 CONANT, HELEN S. Primer of Ger- man literature. 1878. 830.9:6 Primer of Spanish literature. 1878. 860.9:2 CONDE,J. A. History of the dominion of the Arabs in Spain. 1820. 946:6 CONDE, PRINCES de. Aumale, H. E. d’. History of the Princes de Conde. 1872. 2v. 923.144:10 CONDER, C. R. Palestine. 1890. 915.6:15 Tell Amarna tablets. 1894. 939.4:5 CONDUCT OP LIFE. Adams, O. P. Presumption of sex. 1892. 814.49: Adi Baker, G. A. Bad habits of goof so- ciety. 1886. 814.49 :B17 Emerson, R. W. Conduct of life. 1860. 814.36:11 Holland, J. G. Concerning the Jones family. 1863. 814.34:10 Gold foil. 1859. 814.34; 9 CONDUCT 38 CORDAY Lessons in life. 1888. 814.34:7 Plain talks. 1888. 814.34:8 Titcomb’s letters to young people. 1858. 814.34:11 Parsons, T. Professor’s letters. 1891. 816.39:P25 CONE, HELEN G. Pen portraits of literary women. 1887. 2v. ■920.7:4 CONFEDERATE STATES. Bigelow, J. Prance and the Confed- erate navy. 1888. 973.7:42 Davis, J. Rise and fall of the Con- federate government. 1881. 2v. 973.7:8 Official reports of battles. 1862. 973.7:33 Semmes, R. Service afloat: cruisers Sumter and Alabama. 1869. 973.75:7 CONGREVE, W. Best plays. 1888. 822. 46: IP Gosse, E. Life of William Congreve. 1888. 822.464:1 Mexico. 1884. 917.2:1 CONKLIN, E. Picturesque Arizona. 1878. 917.91:1 CONKLING, A. R. Appleton’s guide to CONNECTICUT. See New England. CONNOR, J. T. Lucia, and other sketches (poems). 811.49:076 CONSTABLE. A. Personal reminis- cences. 1887. 928.2:8 CONSTABLE. JOHN. Arnold, G. M. B. Lives of Gains- borough and Constable. 1886. 927.5:20 CONSTANT de REBECQUE, H. H. Memoirs on the private life of Na- poleon. 1895. 4v. 923.144: 3j CONSTANTINOPLE. Amicis, E. de, Constantinople. 1878. 914.96:5 Colton, W. Visit to Constantinople and Athens. 1836. 914.96:4 Crawford, P. M. Constantinople, 1895. 914.96:9 Elliot, F. Dia.ry of an idle woman in Constantinople. 1893. 914.96:11 Grosvenor, E. A. Constantinople. 1895 2v. . 949.61 :R1 Pardoe, J. Beauties of the Bosporus. 1839. 914.96:6 Pears, E. Fall of Constantinople: 'story of the fourth Crusade. 1886. 949.6:3 CONWAY, M. D. Emerson at home and abroad. 1889. 814.364:3 Life of Nathaniel Hawthorne. 1890. 813. 334:4 Life of Thomas Paine. 1892. 2v. 923.273:68 CONWAY, W. M. Dawn of art in the ancient world. 1891, 913.30:2 CONYBEARE, C. A. V. Place of Ice- land in the history of European in- stitutions. 1877. 949,1:1 CONYBEARE, W. J. Life and epis- tles of the Apostle Paul. 1883. 922.1:2c CONYNGHAM, D. P. Irish brigade and its campaigns. 1867. 973.73:14 COOK, E. D. Books of the play. 1882. 822.04:4 Nights at the play. 1883. 822.04:3 On the stage. 1883. 2v. 822.04:2 COOK, ELIZA. Poetical works. 821.89:077 ^^COOK, JAMES. Besant, W. Life of Capt. Cook. 1890. 923.542:17 Kippis, A. Narrative of the voyages round the world of Capt. James Cook. 910.4:18 COOK, T. A. Old Touraine. 1892. 2v. 944.54:1 COOKE, G. W. Guide-book to the works of Robert Browning. 1891. 821.837:1 Poets and problems. 1886. 821.80:2 COOKE, J. E. Hammer and rapier. 1886. 973.78:17 Stonewall Jackson. 1876. 923.573:24a Virginia. 1887. 975.5:2 COOKE, P. St. G. Conquest of New Mexico and California. 1878. 978.9:2 COOLBRITH, INA D. Perfect day and other poems, 1881. 811.49 :c77 COOLEY, T. M. Michigan. 1886. 977.4:1 COOLIDGE, SUSAN. See Woolsey, S. C. COOPER, ANTHONY ASHLEY. (1st earl of Shaftesbury). Traill, H. D. Shaftesbury. 1886. 923.242:17 COOPER, A. A. (3rd earl of Shaftes- bury.) Characteristics of men. 1711. 3v. 824.51:1 COOPER, ANTHONY ASHLEY. (7th earl of Shaftesbury). Frith, H. Life of the seventh earl of Shaftesbury. 1887. 923.242:9 COOPER, JAMES FENIMORE. Lounsbury, J. R. Life of James Feni- more Cooper. 1893, 813.244:1 COOPER, SUSAN F. Rural hours. 1887. 814.49 :C78 COPLESTON, R. S. Eeschylus. 1872. 882 l*2d COPLEY, JOHN SINGLETON. (Lord Lyndhurst.) Martin, T. Life of Lord Lyndhurst. 1883. 923.242:8 COPPEE, H. History of the conquest of Spain by Arab-Moors. 1881. 2v. 946.02:3 General Thomas. 1893. 923.573:14a CORBETT, J. Life of Monk. 1889. 923.242:18 Life of Sir Francis Drake. 1890. 923.942:5a CORBIN, DIANA F. M. Life of Mat- thew Fontaine Maury, 1888. 923.573:9 CORBIN, J. The Elizabethan Hamlet. 1895. 822.331:26 CORDAY, CHARLOTTE. Van Alstine, J. Charlotte Corday. 1890. 923.244:15 COREA 39 CRBIGHTOj^ COKEA. Griffis, W. E. Corea. 1888. 951.9:1 Landor, A. H. S. Corea or Cho-sen. 1895. 915.19:1 CORMENIN, L. (Vicomte de). Noted French orators, 1884. 845:1 CORNEILLE, PIERRE. Trollope, H. M. Lives of Corneille and Racine. 1881. 842.414:1 CORNELL, W. M. Life' of Horace Greeley. 1872. ' 923.273:59a CORNER, MISS E. China. 1853. 915.1:4 CORNWALL, BARRY. See Proctor, B. W. CORNWALL-LEGH, M. H. See Legh. CORREGGIO. Heaton, M. C. Life of Correggio. 1882. 927.5:31 CORSON, H. Aims of literary study. 1895. 807:4 Introduction to the study of Robert Browning’s poetry. 1888. 821.837:2 Introduction to the study of Shakes- peare. 1890. 822.331:22 CORT, MARY L. Siam. 1886. 915.93:4 CORTES, HERNANDO. Abbott, J. S. C. History of Hernando Cortes. 1856. 923.946:1 Helps, A. Life of Cortes. 1871. 2v. 923.946:1a CORWIN, THOMAS, Russell, A. P. Thomas Corwin. 1882. 923 273'16 COSTELLO, LOUISA S. Rose Garden of Persia. 1887. 891.5:2 COTTERILL, H. B. Introduction to the study of poetry. 1882. 801:24 COUCH, A. T. Q. (“Q.”) Adventures in criticism. 1896. 821.89 :C83-1 Green bays. 1893. 821.89 :C83 Warwickshire Avon. 1892. 914.2:35 COULANGES, P. de. See Fustel de Coulanges. COUNTRY PARSON. See Boyd, A. K. H. COURTHOPE, W. J. Life of Joseph Addison. 1884. 824.524:1 COUSIN, V. Secret history of the French court under Richelieu and Mazarin. 1856. 944.03:3 Simon, J. Life of Victor Cousin. 1888. 844:794:C83 COWLEY, A, Essays. 1878. 821.46:1 COWPER, W. Best letters. 1893. 821.65:2 Poetical works. 1854. 2v. 821.65:1 Smith, G. Life of Cowper. 1880. 821.654:1 COX, G. W. Athenian Empire. 1889. 938.04:1 Concise history of England and the English people. 1887. 942:1 Crusades. 1887. 940.4:1, General history of Greece to the death of Alexander the Great. 1888. 938:20 Greeks and Persians. 1887. 938.03:1 Life of John William Colenso. 1888. 2v. 922.3:4 COX, J. D. Atlanta. 1882. 973.73:3 March to the Sea: Franklin and Nashville. 1882. 973.73:4 COX, R. Adventures on the Columbia river. 1832. 917.9:1 COX, S. S. A Buckeye abroad. 1852. 914:46 Diversions of a diplomat in Turkey. 1893. 914.96:10 Isles of the Princes. 1887. 914.95:4 Three decades of federal legislation. 1885. 973.71:1 COXE, A. C. Impressions of England. 1863. 914.2:21 COXE, W. History of the House of Austria. 1889. 4v. 943.6:1 COZZENS, F. S. Sparrowgrass pap- ers. 1856. 817:11 CRABBE, G.’ Poems. 821.79 :C84 Kebbel, T. E. Life of George Crabbe. 1888. 821.794:084 ORAIG, H. Great Arctic travelers. 1891. 919.8:30 Napoleon Bonaparte. 1891. 923.144:3d CRAIK, DINAH M. (Miss Mulock). Fair France. 1871. 914.4:9 Plain speaking. 1882. 824.89 :C84-2 Poems. 821.89 :C84 Sermons out of church. 1875. 824 89 * C84-1 Studies from life. 1861. 824.89:084 Unknown country. (Ireland). 1887. 914.15:1 CRAIK, G. L. Manual of English liter- ature. 1889. 2v, 820.9:5 CRANDALL, C.H. Representative son- nets by American poets. 1890. 811.08:1 CRANE, W. Queen summer. 1891. 1 821.89:084 R Renascence. 1891. 821.89:085 CRAPSEY, E. Nether side of New York. 1872. 917.47 :8P CRAWFORD, F. M. Bar Harbor. 1896. 917.4:30 Constantinople. 1895. 914.96:9 . The novel: what it is 1893. 801:26 CRAWFORD, J. M. The Kalevala: epic poem of Finland. 1888. 2v. 894:1 CRAWFORD, S. W. Genesis of the Civil war. 1887. 973.7:19 CRAWFURD, O, English comic dra- matists. 1884. 822.8:1 Lyrical verse from Elizabeth to Vic- toria. 1896. 821.04:9 Portugal. 1880. 914.6:3 CRAWSHAW, W. H. Interpretation of literature. 1897. 807:6 CREASY, E. S. Fifteen decisive bat- tles of the world. 1883. 909:13 History of England to the end of the Middle Ages. 1869, 2v. 942:2 History of the Ottoman Turks. 1878. 949.6:4 CREIGHTON, LOUISE. Life of John Churchill. 1889. 923.242:38 CREIGHTON 40 CUMNOCK Life of Sir Walter Raleigh. 1882. 923.542:5c CREIGHTON, M. Age of Elizabeth. 1876. 940:13 Cardinal Wolsey. 1888. 923.242:20 Carlisle (Eng.). 1889. 942.8:1 Simon de Monfort. 1876. 923.242:39 CREMIEUX, ADOLPHE ISAAC. Blum, A. Adolphe Isaac Cremieux. 1894. 923.644:1 CRESTS. See Heraldry. CRIMEAN WAR. Codman, J. An American transport in the Crimean war. 1896. 947.07:4 Hamley, E. War in the Crimea. 1890. 947.07:3 Kinglake, A. W. Invasion of the Crimea. 6v. * 947.07:1 Sterling, A. Story of the Highland brigade in the Crimea. 1895. 942.08:9 Windham, C. A. Crimean diary and letters. 1897. 923.542:6 CROCKETT, DAVID. Abbott, J. C. S. David Crockett. 1874. 923.973:7 Ellis, E. S. David Crockett. 1884. 923.973:7a CROFUTT, G. A. Overland tours. 1888. 917.8:12 CROKER, J. W. Correspondence and diaries. 1884. 2v. 826.79 :C87 CROKER, T. C. Popular songs of Ireland. 1886. 821.04:1 CROLT, D. G. Seymour and Blair. 1868 923.273:67 CROMER, LORD. See Baring, Evelyn. CROMWELL, OLIVER. Letters and speeches; ed. by Carlyle. 923.142 :9e Clark, G. H. Life of Oliver Crom- well. 1893. 923.142 :9d Harrison, P. Oliver Cromwell. 1888. 923.142:9a Herbert, H. W. Oliver Cromwell. 1856. 923.142:9c Lamartine, A. de. Oliver Cromwell. 1859. 923.142:9b Merle d’ Aubigne, J. H. The Protec- tor. 1847. 923.142:9 CRONISE, T. F. Natural wealth of California. 1868. 917.94:3 CROOKS, G. R. Life of Bishop Mat- thew Simpson. 1890. 922.7:5 CROSS, MARIA A. E. (George Eliot). Essays. 1883. 823.88:1 George Eliot’s life as related in her letters and journals. 1885. 3v. 823.884:1 Miscellaneous essays. 1883. 823.88:2 Poems. 1885. 823.88:5 Spanish gypsy. 1880. 823.88:6 Blind, M. George Eliot. 1891. 823.834:3 Browning, O. George Eliot. 1890. 823.884:2 CROWE, E. With Thackeray in Amer- ica. 1893. 917.4:27 CROWEST, F. Great tone poets. 1875. 927.8:28 CROWNE, J. Dramatic works. 1873. 4v. 822.43:1 CRUIKSHANK, GEORGE. Jerrold, W. B. Life of George Cruikshank. 1882. 2v. 927.6:1 CRUSADES. Archer, T. A. The Crusades: story of the Latin kingdom of Jerusalem. 1895. 940.4:5 Cox, G. W. The Crusades. 1887. 940.4:1 Douglas, A. M. Heroes of the Cru- sades. 1890. 920.04:5 Gray, G. Z. Children’s crusade. 1870. 940.4:2 Mombert, J. I. Short history of the Crusades. 1894. 940.4:4 Pears, E. Pall of Cbnstantinople: the fourth Crusade. 1886. 949.6:3 Tasso, T. Jerusalem delivered. 1887. 851.46:1 CRUTTWELL, C. T. History of Roman literature to death of Marcus Aurel- ius. 1877. 870.9:2 CUBA. Ballou, M. M. Due South; or, Cuba past and present. 1885. 917.29:4 Davis, R. H. Cuba in war time. 1897. 917.291:2 Halstead, M. Story of Cuba. 1896. 972.91:1 Hurlbut, W. H. Gan-Eden; or. Pic- tures of Cuba. 1854. 917.29:9 Jackson, J. N. Winter holiday in summer lands. 1890. 917.29:5 Rowan, A. S. The island of Cuba. 1896. 972.91:2 Steele, J. W. Cuban sketches. 1891. 917.291:1 CULLUM, G. W. Biographical register of the officers and graduates of the U. S. Military Academy at West Point. 1891. 3v. 923.573 :R1 CUMBERLAND, S. The Queen’s high- way from ocean to ocean. 1887. 917.1:5 CUMMING, C. F. G. At home in Fiji. "1881. 2v. . 919.1:7 Fire fountains: the kingdom of Ha- waii. 1883. 2v. 919.96:1 In the Himalayas and on the Indian plains. 1886. 915 4:26 Wanderings in China. 1886. 2v. 915.1:13 CUMMING, R. G. Five years of a hunter’s life in South Africa. 1874. 2v. 916.8:8 CUMMING, W. G. Wild men aiid wild . beasts. 1888. 915.4:15 CUMMiNCS, W. H. Life of Purcell. ISSJ. 9‘J'7.8:6 CUMMt:NS, ELLA S. Story of the files: a revx«^w of Califo-n.a writers and literature. 1893. 979.1 25 CUMNOCK, R. McL. Readings for public and private entertainment. 1889. 808.8:26 439 441 5- St. Opposit(^ postoffee |el(^pl709e fT)ai9 1146 Low rent and spot cash payments enable us to sell at lowest possible prices .... We Buy, Sell or Exchange CAll and You Will See the Best Selected Stock in the City Our Windows Display Bargains All the Time .... — Furniture Co. SNVDER BROS. HEAT MARKET. Presh & Cold Storage. B/\CON. Poultry and Game in Season. Our Specialty We carry choice I cuts? in cold storage for any | I lenghth of time desired by ^ i our customers. Meats delivered to any part of the City on short notice. 566 SAN PEDRO STREET. Telephone Main I 57 I. Are You a Student ? READ THE FOLLOWING The practical value of Shorthand Writing is generally known, but compara- tively few students make the use of it they should. Could one who does much writing for his own reading but write as rapidly as he can think, what a great sav- ing of time it would be to him. Do you know that ECLECTIC SHORTHAND will give you this ability with much less time and study than any other system. Read the followiag: “After taking twenty lessons of Prof. Cross with no previous knowledge of his method, I was able to take stenographic work in the position which I am filling in this office with satisfaction.” E. M. WHITTLE, With the American Express Co., Chicago, III. “After less than two weeks’ instruction in Eclectic Shorthand from Prof. Cross, without any previous knowledge, except a partial knowledge of the princi- ples and having never written a sentence prior to taking instructions, I was able to use it with the greatest satisfaction in general correspondence work, and have never experienced the least trouble in transcribing my notes.” WILL A. SMOLLINGER, Stenographer with Covenant Mutual Benefit Association, Galesburg, 111. [Satisfied that the above would be regarded by phonographers as incredible we wrote to Mr. Smollinger’s employer, asking his version of the case, and received the following: Covenant Mutual Benefit Association, ) Galesbueg, III., October 15, 1882, ) Prof, J. Geo, Cross. College Com/meree^ Illinois Wesleyan XJnwersiiyy Blooming- ton: Dear Sir: I take pleasure in stating that Wm. A. Smollinger, a clerk in my employ for the last two years and a half, attended your College last August for the purpose of fitting himself for a shorthand amanuensis. He was absent from the office just two weeks, returning Aug. 15, and was then able to write about seventy words a minute. He has since that date done my correspondence from dictation, and is able at this date to write from 100 to 110 words a minute, and will, I think be able in a short time to correctly report ^iny ordinarily rapid speaker. I have had considerable experience with stenographers, and consider this very rapid work. While Mr. Smollinger has a quick and retentive memory, and has worked hard, I consider this remarkable progress largely due to your admirable system. I have the honor to be Yours very truly, E. F. PHELPS, Secretary. [Since the above date Mr. Smollinger has done considerable court, and general reporting.] My Institution is open day and evening and a student of the art can spend the day with me or take occasional lessons paying as he goes. ADDRESS OR CALL — Gross’ Siioriliand Goiieoe. 107 N. Sprlno SI. J. Q. CR0S5, President Author Eclectic Shorthand. CUNDAIiL 41 DANTE CUNDALL, J. Life of Hans Holbein. 1882. 927.5:25 CUNNINGHAM. A. Lives of British painters. 1879. 3v. 927.5:11 CURRAN. W. H. Life of John Philpot Curran. 1855. 923.442:2 CURTEIS. A. M. Rise of the Macedon- ian empire. 1886. 938.1:1 CURTIS. G. W. Prom the easy chair. 1892. 814.42:1 The Howadji in Syria. 1856. 915.6:6 James Russell Lowell: an address. 1892. 811.374:3 Orations and addresses. 1894. 3v. 814.42:3 Other essays from the easy chair. 1893. 814.42:2 Potiphar papers. 1856. 814.42:4 Cary. E. George William Curtis. 1894. 814.424:3 Chadwick. J. W. George William Curtis. 1893. 814.424:2 CURTIS. W. B. Capitals of Spanish America. 1888. 972.8:2 Venezuela. 1896. 918.7:1 Yankees of the East: sketches of modern Japan. 1896. 2v. 915.2:34 CURTIUS, E. History of Greece. 1874. 5v. * 938:3 CURZON, G. N. Persia and the Per- sia question. 1892. 2v. 955:1 Ru-.sia in Central Asia, and the Ang- lo-Russian question. 1889. 958:7 CURZON, R. Monasteries of the East. 1854. 913.9:1 CUSACK, M. P. C. Nun of Kenmare. 1889. 922.2:7 CUSHMAN, CHARLOTTE. Clement, C. E. Life of Charlotte Cushman. 1882. 927.9:32 CUSTER, ELIZABETH B. Boots and saddles. 1885. 917.8:3 Pollowing the guidon. 1890. 917.8:15 Tenting on the plains. 1887. 917.8:4 CUTTS, E. L. Augustine of Canter- bury. 1885. 922.1:12 Colchester (Eng.). 1889. 942.6:1 CYPRIAN, SAINT. Benson, E. W. Cyprian, his life, his times, his work. 1897. 922.1:13 CYRUS the GREAT. Abbott, J. History of Cyrus the Great. 1878. 923.135:2 Xenophon. Cyropaedia; or. Institu- tions of Cyrus. 1893. 888.3:5 DABNEY, THOMAS S. G. Smedes, S. D. Life of Thomas S. G. Dabney. 1890. 926:12 DALHOUSIB, MARQUIS of. See Ramsay, J. A. DALL , CAROLINE H. Barbara Pritchie. 1892. 920.7:26 Life of Dr. Anandabai Joshee. 1888. 926:3 DALL, W. H. Alaska and its re- sources. 1870. 917.98:14 DALLAS, G. M. Diary while U. S. minister to Russia and to England. 1892. 923.273:44 DALY, P. Henry Irving in England and America. 1884. 927.9:2a DALZEL, A. Collectanea Graeca ma- jora (Greek text) 1835. 881:1 Collectanea Graecea minora (Greek text). 1851. 881:2 DAMPIER, WILLIAM. Russell, W. C. Life of William Dam- pier. 1889. 923.542:11 DANA, R. H., Jr. Two years before the mast. 1840. 910.4:4 DANA, RICHARD HENRY. Adams, C. P. Richard Henry Dana. 1891. 2v. 923.473:4 DANIEL, J. W. A ramble among sur- names. 1893. 929.4:2 DANIELL, G. W. Life of Bishop Wilberforce. 1891. 922.3:9 DANIELEVSKI, G. P. Life of Princess Tarakanova. 923.547:1 DANTE ALIGHIERI. Divine comedy; tr. by Cary. 1889. 851.15:1c Same; tr. by Longfellow. 1893. 3v. 851.15 :R1 Same (in prose); tr. by Norton; 1891. 3v. 851.15: Id Same; Inferno; tr. by Parsons. 1893. 851.15:lf Same; Hell; tr. in prose by Sullivan. 1893. 851.15 :le Same; Purgatorio; tr. by Dugdale. 1883. 851.15:1b Same; Pilgrim’s progress (extracts); tr. in prose by Gurney. 1893. 851.151:4 New life; tr. by Norton. 1893. 851.15:3 Same; tr. by Rossetti. in 851.1:1 Translation of Dante’s eleven letters; ed. by Carpenter. 1891. 851.15:2 Baynes, H. Dante and his ideal. 1891. 851.151:1 Blow, S. E. Study of Dante. 1890. 851.157:1 Church, R. W. Dante and other es- says. 1891. 801:5 Gurteen, S. H. Epic of the fall of man: a comparative study of Caed- mon, Dante and Milton. 1896. 821.09:11 Harris, W. T. Spiritual sense of Dante’s Divina Commedia. 1889. 851.151:2 Kuhns, L. O. Treatment of nature in. Dante’s Divine Comedy. 1897. 851.151:5 Oliphant, M. O. W. Life of Dante. 1877. ' 851.154:2 Rossetti, D. G. Dante and his circle. 1887. 851.1:1 Rossetti, M. P. Shadow of Dante. 1889. 851.157:2 Scartazzini, J. A. Handbook to Dante. 1887. 851.151:3 Symonds, J. A. Introduction to the study of Dante. 1890. 851.157:3 DANTON 42 DEKKEB Ward, M. A. Life of Dante. 1887. 851.154:1 DANTON, G. J. Gronlund, L. Ca era; or, Danton in the French revolution. 1887. 944.04:10 D’ ANVERS, N. See Bell, N. R. E. D’ARBLAY (Mme.). See Arblay, P. B. d’. D’ARC, JEANNE. Adams, W. H. D. Maid of Orleans. 1889. 923.544:3a Bartlett, D. W. Life of Joan of Arc. 923.544:3b Lowell, P. C. 1896. Joan of Arc. 1896. 923.544:3d Michelet, J. Life of Joan of Arc. ' 1858. . 923.544:3 Oliphant, M. O. W. Jeanne D’Arc. 1896. . 923.544:3c DARIUS the GREAT. Abbott, J. History of Darius the Great. 1868. 923.135:1 DARLINGTON, W. M. Life and trav- els of Col. James Smith. 1799. 970.1:5 DARMESTETER, J. Selected essays. 1895. 844.89 :D25 DARWIN, CHARLES. Allen, G. Charles Darwin. 1893. 925:2c Bettany, G. T. Life of Charles Dar- , win. 1887. 925:2b Darwin, P. Life and letters of Charles Darwin. 1888. 2v. 925:2 Holder, C. P. Charles Darwin. 1891. 925:2a DATES. See Chronology. DAUDET, A. Recollections of a liter- ary man. 1889. 843.88:1 Thirty years of Paris and of my liter- ary life. 1888. 843.88:2 Sherard, R. H. Alphonse Daudet. 1894. 843.884:1 DAUNT, A. In the land of the moose. 1890. 917.1:14 DAUNT, W. J. O’N. Eighty-five years of Irish history. 1886. 2v. 941.5:3 DAVENPORT, B. R. Best fifty books of the greatest authors condensed for busy people. 1891. 808.8:28 DAVIDSON, J. Fleet street eclogues. 1895. 821.89 :D28 DAVIDSON, J. L. S. Cicero and the fall of the Roman republic. 1894. 937.02:5 DAVIDSON, J. W. The correspondent. 1886. 808.6:1 DAVIDSON, R. T. Life of Archibald Campbell Tait. 1891. 2v. 922.3:8 DAVIES, C. M. Mystic London. 1884. 914.21:5 DAVIES, JAMES. Hesiod and Theog- nis. 1873. 883.2:1 DAVIES, JOHN. Poems. 1869. 821.35:1 DAVIES, T. Dramatic miscellanies. 1785. 3v. 822.09:5 DAVIS, E. Half century: U. S. 1800- 50. 1851. 973.3:7 DAVIS, J. Rise and fall of the Confed- erate government. 1881. 2v. 973.7:8 Alfriend, P. H. Life of Jefferson Davis. 1868. 923.573:20b Davis, V. J. Jeffersou Davis. 1890. 2v. 923.573:20a Life and reminiscences of Jefferson Davis by men of his time. 1890. 923.573:20 DAVIS, JOHN. Markham, C. R. Life of John Davis. 1889. 923.942:2 DAVIS, MARGARET B. Mother Bickerdyke. 1886. 973.78:15 DAVIS, N. Carthage and her remains. 1861. 913.39:3 DAVIS, N. K. Juda’s jewels: a study in Hebrew lyrics. 1895. 892.4:2 DAVIS, R. H. About Paris. 1895. 914.4:26 Cuba in war time. 1897. 917.291:2 Dr. Jameson’s raiders vs. The Johan- nesburg reformers. 1897. 968:3 Our English cousins. 1894. 914.2:32 Three gringos in Venezuela and Cen- tral America. 1896. 917.28:9 The west from a car window. 1892. 917 8 '32 DAVIS, SARAH M. Life of Sir Philip Sidney. 1859. 821.324:3 DAVIS, W. B. History of Missouri. 1876. 977.8:5 DAVIS, W. H. Sixty years in Califor- nia. 1889. 979.4:10 DAVIS, W. J. History of political con- ventions in California. 1849-92. 1893. 979.4:18 DAVIS, W. W. H. El Gringo; or. New Mexico and her people. 1857. 917.8:17 DAWES, ANNA L. Life of Charles Sumner. 1892. 923.273:66 DAWSON, G. P. Life of John A. Log- gan. 1887. 923.573:22 DAWSON, J. W. Egypt and Syria: their physical features in relation to Bible history. 1887. 913.32:12 DAY, H. Prom the Pyrenees to the Pillars of Hercules. 1884. 914.6:14 DEAN, H. C. Crimes of the Civil war and curse of the funding system. 1869. 973.7 :R1 DECLARATION of INDEPENDENCE Dwight, N^ Lives of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. 1851. 923.273:3 Goodrich, C. A. Lives of the sign- ers of the Declaration of Indepen- dence. 1829. 923.273:3a One hundred years of a nation’s life (lives of the signers). 923.273:2 DE FOE, DANIEL. Minto, W. Life of Daniel De Poe. 1879. 823.514:1 DEITERS, H. Johannes Brahms: a biographical sketch. 1888. 927.8:31 DEKKER, T. Best plays. 1887. 822.39 :D37 DEIjAND DICKENS 4^ DELiAND, MARGARET. Florida days, 1889. 917.5:10 DELANO, A. Life on the plains and among the diggings. 1854. 917.94:28 DELAROCHE, PAUL. Rees, J. R. Lives of Horace Vernet and Paul Delaroche. 1880. 927.5:36 DE LEON, T. C. Pour years in rebel capitals, 1861-5. 1890. 917.5:11 DE LESSEES, See Lesseps, de. DE LONG, G. W. Voyage of the Jean- nette. 1883. 2v. 919.8:1 DELSARTE, P. System of oratory. 1887. 808.5:18 Bishop, E. M. Americanized Del- sarte culture. 1892. 808.5:27 Diehl, A. R. Delsarte primer. 1890 808.5:15 Morgan, A. An hour with Delsarte. 1889. 808.5:6 Sanburn, P. Delsartean scrapbook. 1890. 808.5:16 Shoemaker, Mrs. J. W. Delsartean pantomimes. 1891, 808.5:29 Warman, E. B. Gestures and atti- tudes: Delsarte philosophy of ex- pression. 1892. .808,5:25 Wilbor, E. M. Delsarte recitation book and directory. 1890. 808.5:14 DE MILLE, J. Elements of rhetoric. 1882. 808:7 DEMOSTHENES. Selectae orationes (Greek and Latin text); ed. by Mountenoy. 1791. 885.6 :R2 Same (Eng. text); tr, by Kennedy. 1887. 5v. 885.6:2 Butcher, S, H. Demosthenes. 1882, 885.6:2a DENMARK. See Scandinavia. DENNIE, J. Rome of today and yester- day. 1896. 914.56 :R1 DENNIS, G. Cities and cemeteries of Etruria. 1848. 913.37:6 DENSLOW, VAN B. Thomas Edison and Samuel F. B. Morse 1887. 925:3 DENT, C. T. Mountaineering. 1892. 910.9:1 DEPEW, C. M. Orations and after- dinner speeches. 1890. 815:10 DE PUY, H. W. Ethan Allen and the Green-Mountain heroes of ’76. 1853. 923.573:12a History of Napoleon Bonaparte. 1853. 923.144:6 DE QUINCE Y, T. Collected writings. 1896-7. 14v. 824.81 :R1 Japp, A. H. De Quincey memorials. 1891. 2v. 824.81:12 DERBY, EARL of. See Stanley, E. G. S. DERBY, G. H. (John Phoenix). Phoenixiana; or. Sketches and bur- lesques. 1855. 817:31 DESIREE. (Queen of Sweden and Norway). Hochschild, Baron. Life of Desiree, queen of Sweden ana Norway. 1890. 923.148:1 DE VERE, A. T. Essays. 1887. 2v. 824.89 :D49 DE WITT’S Amateur and parlor the- atricals. Nos. 1-5, 808,2:22-:26 DIALOGUES. Dick, W. B. Dialogues. 1886, 808.2:14 Dialogues and monologues. 1885. 808.2:8 Ethiopian scenes, etc. 1879. 808.5:33 Stump speeches and minstrel jokes, 1889. 808.2:15 Dickens, C.' Dialogues from Dick- ens. 808.5:28 Erasmus, D. Colloquies. 1524. 2v. 839.38:1 Graham, G. C. School dialogues for young people. 1878. 808.2:9 Holmes, A. Dialogues for very lit- tle folks. 1875. 808.2:12 Holmes, M. Dialogues for Christ- mas-. 808.5:38 McBride, H. E. All kinds of dia- logues. 1874. 808.2:18 Humorous dialogues. 1879. 808.2:5 Comic dialogues. 1873. 808.2:29 New dialogues, 1883. 808.2 :2C Temperance dialogues. 1877. 808.2:6 Martine, A. Droll dialogues. 1870. 808.5:31 Minstrel gags and end men’s hand- book. 1875. 808.5:30 Penelope’s symposium, etc. 808.2:16 Satterlee, C. Christmas plays. 1886. 808.5:44 Scott, J. F. Brudder Jones’ book of stump speeches. 1^8. 808.5:32 Shields, S. A. (Frost). Dialogues for young folks. 1867. 808.5:46 Humorous and exhibition dialogues. 1870. 808.5:45 New book of dialogues. 1872. 808.2:19 School and exhibition dialogues. 1871. 808.5 :4S Steele, S. S. Exhibition dialogues. 1882. 808.2.21 DIAZ DEL CASTILLO, B. Memoirs of the discovery and conquest of Mex- ico and New Spain.1844. 2v. 972.02 :K3 DIBDEN, J. C. Annals of the Edin- burgh stage. 1888. 822.09:8 DICEY, E. Victor Emmanuel. 923.145:2a DICK, ROBERT. Smiles, S. Life of Robt. Dick. 1878. 925:19 DICK, W. B. See Dialogues. DICKENS, C. American notes. 917.3:26 Child’s history of England. 942:18 Dialogues from Dickens. 1875. 808.5:28 Letters. 1879. 2v. 823.83:1a Letters: a collection, 1833-1870. 1889. 823.83:1 Letters to Wilkie Collins. 1892. 823.83:2 Pictures from Italy. 1881. 914.5:19 Speeches of Charles Dickens. 1884. 823.83:3 Dickens, M. Life of Charles Dickens. 1886. 823.834:1 DICKENS 44 DONALDSON Fields, J. T. Charles Dickens, Barry Cornwall and some of his friends. 1871. 823.834:6 Fitzgerald, P. Bozland. 1895. 823.831:1 Forster, J. Charles Dickens. 1874. 3v. 823.834:2 Hughes, W. R. A week’s tramp in Dickens-land. 1891. 914.2:33 Langton, R. Childhood and youth of Charles Dickens. 1891. 823.834:4 Mackenzie, R. S. Charles Dickens. 1870. 823.834:3 Marzials, F. T. Charles Dickens. 1887. 823.834:5 Pierce, G. A. Dickens dictionary. 1872. 803 :R9 DICKENS, MARY. Life of Charles Dickens. 1886. 823.834:1 DICKEY, J. M. Christopher Columbus and his monument Columbia. 1892. 023.945 :lg DICKINS, F. V. The old bamboo- hewer’s story: Japanese romance of the 10th century. 1888. 895.2:2 DICKINSON, EMILY. Poems. 1891. 2v. 811.49 :D56 DICKINSON, R. B. Los Angeles of to- day. 1896. 917.94:86 DIDEROT, DENIS. Morley, J. Diderot and the encyc- lopedists. 1886. 2v. 921.4:1 DIDIER, E. L. Life and letters of Mme. Bonaparte. 1879. 920.7:18 DIEHL, ANNA R. Delsarte primer. 1890. 808.5:15 DIEHL, C. Excursions in Greece to re- cently explored sites of classical interest. 1893. 913.38:7 DIRECTORIES. See names of cities, countries, etc. DISRAELI, B. (Earl of Beaconsfield). Letters, 1832-52. 923.242:29b Froude, J. A. Lord Beaconstieid. 1890. 923.242:29a Kebbel, T. E. Lord Beaconstieid. 1888. 923.242:29 DISRAELI, I. Amenities of literature. 1867. 824.78:3 Calamities and quarrels of authors. 1812. 824.78:4 Curiosities of literature. 1868. 3v. 824.78:1 Literary character, literary miscell- anies, etc. 1867. 824.78:2 DISTURNELL, J. Guide to New Mexi- co, California and Oregon. 1850. 917.94:43 DIX DOROTHEA L. Tiffany, F. Life of Dorothea Lynde Dix. 1892. 923.673:6 DIX, E. A. Midsummer drive through the Pyrenees. 1890. 914.4:12 DIXEY, W. Trade of authorship. 1889. 808:17 DIXON, MARGARET. Chronicles of Christopher Columbus. 1893. 821.89 :D64 DIXON, W. H. Free Russia. 1870. 914.7:7 Her Majesty’s tower. 1869. 2v. 942.1:1 Holy land. 1868. 915.6:20 New America. 1867. 917.3:3 White conquest. 1876. 2v. 917.3:9 William Penn. 1851. 923.273:34a DIXON, W. M. Tennyson primer. 1896. 821.811:6 DOBLADO, DON L. See White, J. B. DOBSON, H. A. At the sign of the lyre and other poems. 1886. 821.89 :D65 Eighteenth century essays. 1882. 824.89 :D65 Eighteenth century vignettes. 1896. 824.89 :D65-lv3 Pour Frenchwomen. 1891. 920.7:14 Henry Fielding. 1883. 823.514:1 Oliver Goldsmith. 1888. 821.644:3 Richard Steele. 1886. 824.534:1 Story of Rosina. 1895. 821.89 :D65-2 Vignettes in rhyme. 1886. 821.89 :D65-1 William Hogarth. 1883. 927.5:19 DODD, ANNA B. Cathedral days. 1887. 914.2:4 In and out of three Normandy inns. 1892. 914.4:23 DODGE, MARY A. (Gail Hamilto'n). Biography of James G. Blaine. 1895. • 923.273:27 Country living and country thinking. 1883. , 814.37:4 English kings in a nutshell. 1893. 942:22 Gala-days. 1865. 814.37:5 Nursery noonings. 1875. 814.37:3 Sermons to the clergy. 1876. 814.37:1 Skirmishes and sketches. 1865. 814.37:2 Summer rest. 1866. 814.37:6 Wool-gathering. 1877. 917.3:1 DODGE, MARY M. Along the way: poems. 1879. 811.39 :D66 Rhymes and jingles. 1895. 811.39 :D66-2 When life is young. 1894. 811.39 :D66-1 DODGE, N. S. Stories of American history. 1879. 973:50 DODGE, T. A. Riders of many lands. 1894. 910.4 :4‘’ DOLE, N. H. Score of famous con? posers. 1891. 927.8:4 Young folk’s history of Russia. 1881. 947:1 DOLLINGER, J. I. von. Studies in JtLiuropean history. 1890. 940:28 dolomites. See Tyrol. DOMEJNEvjH, E. Seven years residence in the great desert or JNortn Amer- ica. ±8bu. 2v. 970.6:2 DON VILE, MARGARET. Life of La- martine. 1888. 821.744:2 DONALDSON, J. W. Theatre of the Greeks. 1891. 882:5 DONALDSON, T. Moqui Pueblo In- dians of Arizona, and Pueblo In- dians of New Mexico. 1893. 970.1 ;R3 DONATELLO 45 DRYDEN Six nations of New York. 1892. 970.1 :R2 Walt Whitman. 1896. 811.384:5 DONATELLO (properly Donato de Betto Bardi). Baxter, L. E. B. Lives of Ghiberti and Donatello. 1882. 927.3:1 DONNE, J. Poems. 1896. 2v. 827.35:1 DONNELLY, I. Great cryptogram. 1888. 822.332:1 DOOLITTLE, J. Social life of the Chinese. 1865. 2v. 915.1:12 DORAN, J. Annals of the English stage. 1865. 2v. 822.09:4 Knights and their days. 1856. 940.4:3 DOTEN, LIZZIE. Poems from the in- ner life. 1864. 811.39 :D74 Poems of progress. 1871. 811.39 :D74-1 DOUBLEDAY, A. Chancellorsville and Gettsyburg. 1882. 973.73:1 DOUBLEDAY, C. W. Reminiscences of the filibuster war in Nicaragua. 1886. 972.85:3 DOUGLAS, AMANDA M. Heroes of the crusades. 1890. 920.04:5 DOUGLAS, J. Canadian independence. 1894. 971:9 DOUGLAS, R. K. Li Hungchang. 1896. 923.251:2 DOW, L. History of Cosmopolite. 1859. 922.7:8 DOWDEN, E. Introduction to Shakes- peare. 822.331:28 New studies in literature. 1895. 824.89 :D76-2 Percy Bysshe Shelley. 1886. 2v. 821.774:3 Robert Southey. 1880. 821.734:1 Shakespeare. 822.331:25 Shakespeare: a critical study of his mind and art. 1875. 822.331:2 Studies in literature. 1892. 824.89 :D76-1 Transcripts and studies. 1888. 824.89 :D76 DOWIE, MENIE M. A girl in the Karpathians. 1891. 914.39:1 Women adventurers. 1893. 920.7:29 DOXEY, W. Guide to San Francisco. 1897. 917.94:90 DOYLE, J. A. Puritan colonies. 1887. 2v. 973.2:3 DRAGOMANOFF, S. M. (Stepniak). Russia under the Tzars. 1885. 914.7:5 Russian peasantry. 1888. 914.7:3 Underground Russia. 1888. 914.7:4 DRAKE, C. M. California names and their meanings. 1893. 917.94:30 DRAKE, D. Pioneer life in Kentucky. 1870. 976.9:2 DRAKE, SIR FRANCIS. Corbett, J. Life of Sir Francis Drake. 1890. 923.942:5a Towle, G M. Life of Drake. 1883. 923.942:5 DRAKE, F. S. Dictionary of American biography. 1876. 920.07 ;R4 Indian history for young folks. 1884. 970.1:4 (Schoolcraft’s). Indian tribes of the U. S. 1884. 2v. 970.1 :R1 DRAKE, S. A. Burgoyne’s invasion of 1777. 1889. 973.3:10 Heart of the White Mountains. 1882. 917.4:15 Making of New England. 1888. .974:3 Making of the great West. 1887. 979:4 Making of the Ohio valley states. 1894. 977:3 Making of Virginia and the middle colonies. 1893. 973.2:12 Nooks and corners of the New Eng- land coast. 1875. 917.4:13 Taking of Louisburg. 1891. 973.2:8 Watch fires of ’76. 1895. 973.3:16 DRAMA. Archer, W. English dramatists of to- day. 1882. 822.8:2 Bates, K. L. English religious drama. 1893. 822.1:1 Boas, F. S. Shakespeare and his pre- decessors. 1896. 822.331:33 Collier, J. P. English dramatic poet- ry to Shakespeare, and annals of the stage to the Restoration. 1831. 3v. 822.3:3 Davies, T. Dramatic miscellanies. 1785. 3v. 822.09:1 Golden, W. E. Brief history of the English drama. 1890. 822.09:1 Halliwell-Phillips, J. O. Dictionary of old English plays. 1860. 822.03:1 Hazlitt, W. Lectures on the litera- ture of the age of Elizabeth. 1892. ... 822.3:4 Jones, H. A. Renascence of the Eng- lish drama. 1895. 822.8:4 Kingsley, C. Plays and Puritans. 1885. 904:7 Meredith, G. Essay on comedy. 1897. 808.7:3 Moulton, R. G. Ancient classical drama. 1890. 809.2:1 Schlegel, A. W. Lectures on dra- matic art and. literature. 1886. 809.2:2 (For index of plays, see card cat- alog in the library.) DRAPER, J. W. The American civil war. 1867. 3v. 973.7:10 Intellectual development of Europe. 1876. 2v. 901:5 DAYTON, M. Poetical works. 1876. 3v. 821.34:1 DRESSER, C. Japan: its architecture and art. ,.1882. 915.2:36 DRUMMOND, H. Tropical Africa. 1889. 916.7:3 DRUMMOND, W. Poems. 1894. 2v. 821,36:1 DRURY, R. Madagascar: journal dur- ing fifteen years captivity. 1890. 916.9:5 DRYDEN, J. Poetical works. 2v. 821. 48; la t>U BOSH! 46 BAlRiIjEj Saintsbury, G. W. Life of Dryden. 1881. 821.484:1 DU BOSE, H. M. Rupert Wise: lioem 1889. 811.49 :D85 DU CHAILLU, P. B. Adventures in the great forest of equatorial Afri- ca. 1890. 916.7:2 Country of the Dwarfs. 1871. 916.7:10 Journey to Ashango-land. 1871. 916.7:1 Land of the midnight sun. 1882. 2v. 914.8:2 Lost in the jungle. 1869. 916.7:6 My apingi kingdom. 1870. , 916.7:9 Stories of the gorilla countj-y. 1867. 916.7:8 Viking age. 1889. 2v. 913.39:5 Wild life under the equator. 1868. 916.7:7 DUCOUDRAY, G. History of modern civilization. 1891. 940:25 DUDEVANT, AMANTINE L. A. D. (George Sand.) Convent life of George Sand. 1893. 843.824:3 Letters. 1886. 3v. 843.82:1 Caro, E. M. George Sand. 1888. 843.824:1 Thomas, B. George Sand. 1888. 843.824:2 DUFF, ALEXANDER. Smith, G. Life of Alexander Duff. 922.5:13 DUFF, M. E. G. Sir Henry Maine. 1892. 825.714:1 DUFF, MARY A. Ireland, J. N. Life of Mrs. Duff 1882. 927.9:17 DUFFERIN, LADY. See Blackwood. Hariot G. DUh’FY, BELLA. Life of Mme. de Stael. 1887. 843.624:1 Tuscan republics. 1893. 945.5:3 DUFFY, C. G. Conversations with Carlyle. 1892. 824.824:5 Young Ireland. 1881. 941.5:8 DU GANN E, A. J. H. Fighting i^uak- ers: story of the war tor our union. 1866. 973.78:2 DUHRING, JULIA. Mental life and culture. 1893. 814.49 :D88 DUREto, E. J. Everyday life in china. iSSb. 915.1:6 DULlEA, O. j. Life of Claude Gellee le Lorraine. 1887. i)zi.b:z6 DUMAS, A. Celebrated crimes. 1896. 3v. 920.02:31 DUmgNT, HENRIETTA. Lady’s ora- cle. 1855. 808.8:32 DUNBAR, E. E. Romance of the age: discovery of gold in California. 1867. 917.94:49 DUNCAN, P. M. Lives of botanists, zoologists and geologists. 1882. 925:10 DUNCAN, SARA J. American girl in London. 1891. 914.21;! Social departure. 1891. 910.4:25 DUNCKER, M. W. History of an- tiquity. 1877. 6v. ' 930 :R1 DUNCKLEY, H. Life of Lord Mel- bourne. 1890. 923.242:37 DUNLOP, J. C. History of prose fic- . tion. 1888. 2v. 809.3:1 DUNLOP, R. Life of Henry Grattan. 1889. 923.242:25 DUNN, J. P. Indiana. 1888. 977.2:1 Massacres of the mountains: Indian wars of the far west. 1886. 970.6:1 DUNSTER, HENRY. Dunster, S. Henry Dunster and his decendants. 1876. 929:1 DUPLEIX, JAMES FRANCIS. Malleson, G. B. Life of Dupleix. 1890. 923.154:3 DUPPA, R. Life 'Of Michael Angelo. 1846. 927.5:32b DUPUY, E. Great masters of Russian literature in the 19th century. 1886. 891.7:1 DURBIN, J. P. Observations in Eu- rope. 1867. 2v. 914:42 DURER, ALBRECHT. Heath, R. F. Life of Albrecht Durer. 1881. 927.5:27 DURFEE, C. A. Concordance to the principal poets of the world. 1884i 808.1 :R2 DURUY, V. History of France. 1889. 944:5 History of Greece. 1892. 8v. 938 :R2 History of Rome. 1883. 6v. 937 :R1 DUTCH REPUBLIC. See Nether- lands. DUTT, R. C. Ancient India. 1893. 934:1 DUYCKINCK, E. A. Lives of the pres- idents of the U. S. 1868. 923.173:2 DWIGHT, N. Lives of the signers of the Declaration of Independence. 1851. 923.273:3 DWIGHT, T. F. Sketches of some of the federal and confederate com- manders. 1895. 973.7:40 DYCK, ANTONY Van. Head, P. R. Life of Van Dyck. 1879. 927.5:40 DYER, O. Great senators of the U. S. forty years ago. 1889. 923.273:54 Life and writings of George Bancroft 1891. 811.49 :B22-1 Lite of Andrew Jackson. 1891. 923.173:136 DYER, T. F. T. Folklore of Shakes- peare. 1884. 822.338:1 DYER, T. H. City of Rome. 1883. 937:9 Pompeii, its history, buildings and antiquities. 1887. 913.37:3 EARLE, ALICE M. Colonial days in old New York. 1896. 974.7:10 Customs and fashions in old New England. 1893. 917.4:26 Early prose and verse. 1893. 810.8:5 Margaret Wlnthrop. 1895. 920.7:30 EARLE 47 EARLE, J. Anglo-Saxon literature. 1884. 829:1 EAST, The. See Levant. EATON, CHARLOTTE A. Rome in the 19th century. 1881. 2v. 914.5:18 EBERS, G. Egypt. 1885. 2v. 916.2 :R1 Lorenz Alma Tadema. 1886. 927.5:22 Richard C. Lepsius. 1887. 925:9 Story of my life. 1893. 833.864:1 ECHEGARAT, J. Great Galeoto and Folly: Spanish plays. 862.59 :Ec4 EDDAS. See Scandinavian literature. EDDY, D. C. Europa. 1851. 914:10 EDEN, C. H. West Indies. 1880. 972.9:1 EDEN, R. The first three English books on America. 1885. 917 :R2 EDGAR, J. G. Boyhood of great men. 1859. 920.02:17 Footprints of famous men. 1853. 920.02:16 History for boys. 1855. 940:14 Sea-kings and naval heroes. 1860. 923.5:1 Wars of the Roses. 1859. 942.04:3 EDGEWORTH, MARIA. Zimmern, H. Life of Maria Edge- worth. 1884. 823.724:1 EDINBURGH. Dibden, J. C. Annals of the Edin- burgh stage. 1888. 822.09:8 Hutton, L. Literary landmarks of Edinburgh. 1891. 914.14:2 Masson, D. Edinburgh sketches and memories. 1892. 914.14:1 Oliphant, M. O. W. Royal Edinburgh 1890. 941.4:1 Stevenson, R. L. Edinburgh. 1889. 914.14:3 EDISON, THOMAS ALVA. Denslow, Van B. Lives of Edison and Morse. 1887. 925:3 McClure, J. B. Edison and his inven- tions. 1891. 925:3a EDMONDS, C. Poetry of the Anti-Ja- cobin. 1890. 821.70:3 EDWARD I. (King of England). Tout, T. F. Life of Edward I. 1893. 923.142 : 26 EDWARD III. (King of England). Ashley, W. J. Edward HI and his wars. 1887. 942.03:4 Warburton, W. Edward III. 1875. 942.03:7 EDWARDS, AMELIA B. One thous- and miles up the Nile. 1889. 916.2:11 Pharaohs, fellahs and explorers. 1891. 913.32:13 Story of Cervantes. 1882. 863.324:2 Untrodden peaks and unfrequented valleys. 1890. 914.36:1 EDWARDS, E. J. Story of an African crisis: Jameson raid. 1897. 968:5 EDWARDS, F. S. Campaign in New Mexico. 1847. 973.6:1 EDWARDS, H. S. Rossini. 1869. 927.8:7a Rossini and his school. 1881. 927.8:7 EGYPT The Romanoffs: tzars of Moscow and emperors of Russia. 1890. 923.147:3 EDWARDS, J. E. Randopi sketches and notes of European travel. 1857. 914:41 EDWARDS, JONATHAN. Allen, A. V. G. Life of Jonathan Edwards. 1889. 922.5:2 EDWARDS, P. L. California in 1837. 1890. 917.94:56 EDWARDS, W. A. Two health seek- ers in Southern California. 1896. 917.94:89 EGGLESTON, E. Beginners of a na- tion. 1896. 973.2:28 Brant and Red Jacket. 1879. 970.2:1 History of the U. S. 1890. 973:8 Montezuma and the conquest of Mex- ico. 1880. 972.01:1 Pocahontas. 1879. 970.2:3 Tecumseh and the Shawnee prophet. 1878. • 970.2:4 EGGLESTON, G. C. American war bal- lads and lyrics. 1889. 2v. 808.1:28 Rebel’s recollections. 1887. 973.78:10 Red Eagle and wars with the Creek Indians of Alabama. 1878. 970.2:6 Strange stories from history. 1886. 900:4 EGLESTON, T. Life of Major-General John Paterson. 1894. 923.573:30 EGYPT. Description and travel. Baedeker, K. Egypt. 1892. 916.23:1 Bruce, J. Travels to discover the source of the Nile. 1795. 5v. 916.7 :R1 Butler, A. J. Court life in Egypt. 1887. 916.2:1 Dawson, J. W. Egypt and Syria. 1887. 913.32:12 Ebers, G. Egypt. 1885. 2v. 916.2 :R1 Edwards, A. B. One thousand miles up the Nile. 1889. 916.2:11 Hale, E. E. Family flight over Egypt and Syria. 1882. 916.2:3 Knox, T. W. Adventures of two youths in a journey to Egypt and the Holy Land. '1882. 916.2:9 Lane, E. W. Manners and customs of the modern Egyptians. 1836. 2v. 916.2:5 Lepsius, K. R. Letters from Egypt. 1853. 913.32:3 Pool, S. L. Egypt. 1881. 916.2:18 Prime, W. C. Boat life in Egypt and Nubia. 1851. 916.2:13 Reeve, C. M. How we went and what we ^w. 1891. 916.2:17 St. John, B. Village life in Egypt. 1852. 2v. 916.2:12 Salvator, L. Caravan route between Egypt and Syria. 1881. 916.2:6 Wallace, S. E. Repose in Egypt. 1888. 916.2:4 Warburton, E. Crescent and cross. 1844. 916:3 EGYPT 48 ELiPHINSTONE History and antiquities: Birch, S. Egypt to B. C. 300. 1890. 932:4 Brugsch, H. C. Egypt under the Paraohs. 1881. 2v. 932:7 Budge, E. A. W. Dwellers on the Nile. 1891. 913.32:15 The mummy. 1893. 913.32:18 Clement, C. E. Egypt. 1880. 932:1 Conway, W. M. Dawn of art in the ancient world. 1891. 913.30:2 Edwards, A. B. Paraohs, fellahs and explorers. 1891. 913.32:13 Erman, A. Life in ancient Egypt. 1894. . 913.32 :R3 Herodotus. Euterpe. 1888. 888.1 :L2 Kendrick, J. Ancient Egypt under the Paraohs. 1852. 2v. 932:8 Lanoye, F. T. de. Rameses the great. 1885. ‘ 913.32:5 Le Plongeon, A. Queen Moo and the Egyptian sphinx. 1896. 972.015:1 Mahaffy, J. P. Empire of the Pto- lemies. 1895. 932:10 Mariette, A. E. Monuments of upper Egypt. 1872. 913.32:8 Outlines of ancient Egyptian hist- ory. 1892. 932:5 Maspero, G. C. C. Dawn of civiliza- tion: Egypt and Chaldaea. 1896. 930 :R3 Egyptian archaeology. 1888. 913.32:6 Life in ancient Egypt and Assyria. 1892. 913.32:14 Struggle of the nations. 1897. 930 :R4 Milner, A. England in Egypt. 1892. ^ 962:1 Perrot, G. History of art in ancient Egypt. 1883. 2v. 913.32:R1 Petrie, W. M. P. History of Egypt... 1895. 2v. 932:9 Ten years’ diggings in Egypt. 1892. 913.32:16 Poole, R. S. Cities of Egypt. 1882. 913.32:17 Rawlinsoii. G, Ancient Egypt. 1887. 932:3 Rawnslev. H. D. Notes for the Nile. 1892. 913.32:2 Sharpe, S. History of Egypt to A. D. 640. 1846. 2v. 932:6 Wilkinson. J. G. Popular ac count of the ancient Egyptians. 1854. 2v. 932:2 ELGIN, LORD. See Bruce, J. ELIOT, GEORGE. See Cross. Maria ELIZABETH of HUNGARY. (Saint). Montalembert. C. E. Life of S^. Eliz- abeth of Hungary. 1878. 922.2:16 ELIZABETH. (Queen of England). Abbott, J. Queen Elizabeth. (876. 923.142:21 Beesly, E. S. Queen Elizabeth. 1892. 923.142:21a Creighton, M. Age of Elii^abeth. 1876. 940:13 ELIZABETH. (Queen of Roumania) (Carmen Sylva). Roosevelt, B. Elizabeth of Roumania. 1891. . 92S.143-.5 ELLACOMBE, H. M. Plant-lore and garden craft of Shakespeare. 1884. 822.S38:(7 ELLETT, ELIZABETH F. Pioneet womep of the west. 1852. 920.7:22 ELLIOT, PRANCES. Diary of an idlfe woman in Constantinople. 1893. 914.96:11 Old court life in France. 1893. 2v. 944.028:1 ELLIOTT, H. W. Our Arctic province: Alaska. 1886. 917.98:1 Report on the seal islands of Alaska. 1884. 917.98:11 ELLIS, E. S. Life aiid times of Dan- iel Boone. 1884. 923.973:10a Life of David Crockett. 1884. 923.973:7a ELLIS. P. S. Concordance to the works of Percy Bysshe Shelley. 1892. 821.773 :R1 ELLIS, G. E. Puritan age and rule in Massachusetts Bay Colony. 1888. 973.2:11 Red man and the white man in North America. 1882. 970.1:6 ELLIS, H. The new spirit. 1890. 809:17 ELLIS, W. Madagascar revisited. 1867. 916.9:3 Polynesian researches. 1829. 4v. ■ 919.6:1 Three visits to Madagascar. 1859. 916.9:2 ELLW ANGER, G. H. Garden’s story. 1891. 814.49 :E15 Idyllists of the country side. 1896. 814.49 :E15-3 In gold and silver. 1892. 814.49 :E15-2 Story of my house. 1891. 814.49 :E15-1 ELOCUTION. Bailey, M. Introductory treatise on elocution. 1863. 808.5:2 Bautain, L. E. Art of extempore speaking. 1891. 808.5:35 Brown, M. T. Synthetic philosophy of expression. 1886. 808.5:5 Fleming, J. Art of reading and speaking. 808.5:55 Hussey, M. S. Helps in teaching reading. 1891. 808.5:8 Legouve, E. Reading as a fine art. 1877. 808.5:3 Shaftesbury, E. Lessons in empha- sis. 1889. 808.5:17 Shoefnaker, J. W. Practical elocu- tion. 1886. 808.5:1 Warman, E. B. How to read, recite and impersonate. 1889. 808.5:10 Zachos, J. C. New American speak- er. 1851. 808.8:18 ELPHINSTONE, M. Rise of the Brit- ish power in the East. 1887. 954:6 ELSE 49 ENGLAND ELSE, K. Lord Byron. 1872. 821.764:6 ELTON, C. A. Specimens of Greek and Roman classic poets. 1860. 3v. 880.8:3 EMBDEN, L. von. Family life of Heinrich Heine. 1892. 831.754:2 EMERSON, A. W. Composition and criticism. 1893. 808:19 EMERSON, R. W. Complete works. 1893. 12v. 814.36 :R1 Correspondence of Carlyle and Emer- son. 1883. 2v. 824.82:6 Memoirs of Margaret Fuller Ossoli. 1857. 2v. 814.314:3 Parnassus (Collection of poems ed by Emerson). 1874. 808.1:21 Cabot, J. E. Memoirs of Ralph Waldo Emerson. 1888. 2v. 814.364:1 Conway, M. D. Emerson at home and abroad. 1889. 814.364:3 Emerson, E. W. Emerson in Con- cord. 1895. 814.364:5 Garnett, R. Ralph Waldo Emerson. 1888. 814.364:4 Holmes. O. W. Ralph Waldo Emer- son. 1886. 814.364:2 Woodbury, C. J. Talks with Emerson. 1890. 814.36:10 EMERTON, E. Study of the Middle Ages. 1889. 940:3 Mediaeval Europe. 1896. 940.1:2 EMORY, W. H. Notes of a military reconnoissance. 1848. 917.89:2 Report on the United States and Mexican boundary survey. 1857. 3v. 917.2 :R2 ENGEL, L. From Handel to Halle 1890. 927.8:30 ENGLAND. Antiquities. Chambers, R. Book of days. 1862. 2v. 903 :R1 Gomme, G. L. Archaeology. 1886. 2v. 913.42:2 Romano-British remains. 1886. 2v. 913.42:3 Hall, H. Antiquities and curiosities of the exchequer. 1891. 913.42:4 Murray. D. Archaelogical survey of the United Kingdom. 1896. 913.42:7 Wright, T. Celt, Roman and Saxon. 1852. 913.42:1 Homes of other days. 1871. 913.42:3 Description and travel. Arnold, E. L. England as she seems. 1888. 914.2:1 Baedeker, K. Great Britain. 1890. 914.2:29 Blouet, P. John Bull and his island. 1889. 914.2:14 Brown, A. By oak and thorn. 1896. 914.2:39 Browne, M. Chaucer’s England. 1869. 2v. 821.171:2 Burroughs, J. Fresh fields. 1884. 814.41:7 Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in the British Isles. 1889. 914.2:18 Champlin, J. D. Chronicle of the coach: Charing Cross to Ilfracombe. 1887. 914.2:2 Champney, E. W. Three Vassar girls in England. 1886. 914,2:3 Couch, A. T. Q. The Warwickshire Avon.. 1892. < 914.2:35 Coxe, A. C. Impressions of England. 1863. 914.2:21 Davis, R. H. Our English cousins. 1894. 914.2:32 Dodd, A. B. Cathedral days. 1887, 914.2:4 Emerson, R. W. English traits. 1884. 814.36:12 Escott, T. H. S. England, her people, polity and pursuits. 1885, 914.2:20 Fowler, J. K. Echoes of old country life. 1892. 914.2:11 Harper, C. G. Dover road: annals of an ancient turnpike. 1895. 914.2:41 Hawthorne, N. Passages from the English note-books, 1876. 2v. 914.2:8 Hoppin, J. M, Old England. 1890. 914.2:22 Hughes, W. R. A week’s tramp in Dickens-land. 1891. 914.2:33 Jewett, L. Stately homes of England, 914.2:6 Knowles, J. H. To England and back. 1892. 914.2:9 Knox, T. W. Boy travelers in Great Britain and Ireland. 1891, 914.2:25 Legh, M. H. C. How Dick and Molly saw England, 914.2:40 Lippincott, S, J. C. Merrie England. 1885. 914.2:26 Miller, H. First impressions of Eng- land. 1859. 914.2:37 Patton, C. B. England as seen by an American banker. 1885, 914.2:10 Rideing, W. H. In the land of Lorna Doone. 1895. 914.2:54 Smith, E, Foreign visitors in Eng- land. 1889. 914.2:24 Smith, G. A trip to England. 1891. 914.2:30 Thwaites, R. G. Our cycling tour in England. 1892. 914.2:7 Timbs, J. Abbeys, castles and ancient halls of England and Wales. 1872. 3v. 942:10 Ward, M. F, English items. 1853. 914.2:12 Warner, C. D. The people for whom Shakespeare wrote. 1897, 822.338:11 Watson, J. Annals of a quiet valley in the Wordsworth country. 1895. 914.2:38 White, R. G. England without and within. 1881. 914.2:13 Winter, W. Gray days and gold. 1891. 914.2:15 General History. Bishop, C. E. Pictures from English history, 1883. 942:16 Brett, R. B. Footprints of statesmen during the 18th century. 1892. 942.07:11 ENGLAND 50 ENGLAND Burrows, M. History of the foreign policy of Great Britain. 1895. 942:28 Campbell, D. The Puritan in Hol- land, England and America. 1892. 2v. 940.5:3 Cox, G. W. Concise history of Eng- land. 1887. 942:1 Creasy, E. S. History of England to the Middle Ages. 1869. 2v. 942:2 Dickens, C. Child’s history of Eng- land. 942:18 Doage, M. A. English kings in a nut- shell. 1893. 942:22 Drayton, M. Poly-olbion: a poem. 1876. 3v. 821.34:1 Proude, J. A. Oceana; or, England and her colonies. 1886, 919:2 Gardiner, S. R. Student’s history of England. 1890. ‘ 942:20 Green, A. S. Town life in the 15th century. 1895. 2v. 942.04:7 Green, J. R. History of the English people. 1882, 4v. 942:4 Short history of the English people. 1895. 942:4a Hume, D. History of England to the reyolution in 1688. 1754. 6v. 942:5 Jacobs, I. Jews of Angevin, England. 1893. 942:23 Johns, R. Naval and military heroes of Great Britain. 1889. 942:15 Joy, J. R. Outline history of Eng- land. 1890. 942:6 Kingsley, R. G. Children of West- minster Abbey: studies in English history, 1886. 942.1:4 Knight, C. Popular history of Eng- land. 1862. 8v. 942:21 Lingard, J. History of England to 1688. 1819. 13v. 94Sf:J Lucas, C. P. Historical geography of the British colonies. 1890. 911.42 :l:v2 Matthew of Westminister. The flow- ers of history to 1307. 1853. 2v. 909:5 Montgomery, D. H. Leading facts in English history. 1893. 942:24 Rolfe, W. J. Tales from English history. 1894. 942:26 Round, J. H. Feudal England 1895. 942.02:4 Royal Colonial Institute. Journal, Nos. 5-8. 1892-3. 919.4:8 v.2 Seeley, J. R. Expansion of England 1883. 942:8 Stories from English history for young Americans. 1892, 942:11 Traill, H. D. Social England from the earliest times to the present day. v.1-3, 1894, 942:19 Warner, B. E. English history in Shakespeare’s plays. 1894. 822.331:24 Yonge, C. M. Rollo to Edward II 1882. 942:13 Young folk’s history of England 1879. 942:12 Anglo-Saxon (55 B. C.-1066). 942.01:4 Armitage, E. S. Childhood of the English nation. 1885. 942:25 Church, A. J, Early Britain. 1890. 942.01 i 4 Freeman, E. A. Old English history, 1885. 942.0ljl Giles, J. A. Six old English chron- icles. 1885. 942.01:, 5 Green, J. R. Conquest of England. 1884. 942.01:2 Making of England. 1882. 942.01:3 Robertson, C. G. Making of the English nation. 1896. 942.01:7 William of Malmesbury. Chronicles of the kings of England to the reign of King Stephen. 1883 942.01:6 Wright, J, Celt, Roman and Saxon. 1885. 913.42:1 Norman. (1066-1154). Freeman, E. A. The Norman con- quest. 1873. 6v. 942.02:1 Reign of William Rufus and acces- sion of Henry 1. 1882. 2v. 942.02:2 Jewett, S. O. Story of the Normans. 1887. 942.02:3 Robertson, C, G. Making of the Eng- lish nation. 1896. 942.01:7 Plantagenet (1154-1399). Ashley, W. J. Edward HI and his wars. 1887. 942.03:4 Froissart, J. Chronicles of England 1842. 2v. 940:9 Hutton, W. H. Simon de Montfort and his cause. 1888. 942.03:2 Misrule of Henry HI. 1887. 942.03:2 Stubbs, W. Early Plantagenets. 942.03:6 Warburton, W. Edward III. 1875. 942.03:7 Yonge, C. M. Wars in France. 1880. 942.03:1 Lancaster and York (1400-1486). Edgar, J. G. Wars of the Roses. 1859. 942.04:3 Gairdner, J. Houses of Lancaster and York. 1874. 942.04:1 Ramsay, J. H. Lancaster and York. 1892. 2v. 942.04:5 Thompson, E. Wars of York and Lancaster. 1892. 942.04:4 Wylie, J. H. England under Henry IV. 1884. 2v. 942.04:6 Yonge, C. M. Wars of the Roses. 1886. 942.04:2 Tudor (1485-1603). Proude, J. A. Divorce of Catherine of Aragon. 1891. 942.05:7 English seamen in the 16th cen- tury. 1895. 942.05:8 History of England from the fall of Wolsey to the death of Eliza- beth. 1873. 12v. 942.05:3 Goadby, E, The England of Shakes- peare. 1881. 942.05:6 ENGLAND 51 ENGLAND Hall, H. Society in the Elizabethan age. 1886. 942.06:8' Moberly, C. E. Early Tudors: Henry VII, Henry VIII. 1887. 942.05:5 Yonge, C. M. England and Spain. 1883. 942.05:^ Reformation times. 1879. 942.05:2 Stuart (1603-1714). Airy, O. The English Restoration and Louis XIV. 1888. 940.7:4 Burnet, G. History of his own time. 1753. 6v. 942.06:1 Burton, J. H. Reign of Queen Anne. 1880. 3v. 942.06:10 Gardiner, S. R. The great civil war. 1886. 8v. 942.06:1 First two Stuarts and Puritan rev- olution. 1876. 942.06:8 Guizot, F. P. G. The English revolu- tion of 1640. 1827. . 942.06:4 Hale, E. Fall of the Stuarts, and western Europe from 1678-97. 1876. 942.06:5 Hyde, E. History of the rebellion and civil wars of England. 1826. 8v. 942.06:6 Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of the court of England, during the reign of the Stuarts. 1839. 3v. 923.242:30 Jusserand, J. J. A. A. French am- bassador at the court of Charles II. 1892. 942.06:3 Life of Edward, 1st earl of Clarendon, written by himself. 1827. 3v. 923.242:4 Macaulay, T. B. History of Eng- land from the accession of James II. 1855: 5v. 942.06:7 Morris, E. E. Age of Anne. 1877. 940.7:1 Stanhope, P. H. England: reign of (^ueen Anne until the peace of Utrecht. 1872. 2v. 942.06:11 Sydney, W. C. Social life in England from the restoration to the revolu- tion. 1892. 942.06:12 Yonge, C. M. Forty years of Stuart rule. 1887. 942.06 Rebellion and restoration. 1890. 942.06:14 Hanover (1714-1837). Anderson, J. H. History of the reign of George III. 1891. 942.07:9 Ashton, J. Dawn of the 19th century in England. 1896. 942.07:16 Clarke, H. England from the revolu- tion of 1688 to the reign of George IV (continuation of Hume). 1824. 942.R1 V.3 Fitzgerald, W. J. Secret service un- der Pitt. 1892. 942.07:10 Green, W. Reign of George III. 1826. 942.07:4 Greville, C. C. F. Journal of the reigns of George IV and William IV. 1875. 2v. 942.07:1 Hassall, A. The making of the Brit- ish empire. 1896. 942.07:17 Hervey, J. Memoirs of the reign of George II. 1848. 3v. 942.07:5 Lecky, W. E. H. History of England in the 18th century. 1878. 6v. 942.07:2 McCarthy, J. Epoch of reform. 1882 942.08:2 History of the four Georges. 1890. 2v. 942.07 :( Morris, E. E. Early Hanoverians. 1886. 942.07:3 Rush, R. Residence at the court of London. 1845. 942.08:6 Sidney, W. C. England in the 18th century. 1891. 2v. 942.07:8 Thackeray, W. M. The. four Georges. 1879. 942.07:12 Tomkinson, W. Diary of a cavalry officer in the Peninsular war and Waterloo campaign. 1895. 942.07:15 Walpole, S. History of England from the conclusion of the great war in 1815. 1890. 7v. 942.07:14 Wright, T. Caricature history of the Georges. 1876. 942.07:7 Victoria (1837 — ). Browning, O. Modern England. 1891 942.08:7 Greville, C. C. F. Journal of the reign of Queen Victoria. 1887. 3v. 942.08:1 McCarthy, J. History of our own times from the accession of Queen Victoria to the Diamond jubilee. 1879. 3v. 942.08:3 McCarthy, J. H. England under Gladstone. 1885. 942.08:5 Molesworth, W. N. History of Eng- land. 1886. 3v. 942.08:4 Ward, T. H. Reign of Queen Victoria 1887. 2v. 942.08:8 Local History. Bristol. Hunt, ,W. 1889. 942.3:2 uanterbury. Stanley, A. P. Histor- ical memorials. 1855. 9*2:14 uariisie. Creighton, M. 1889. 942.8:1 Cinque Ports. Burrows, M. 1888. 942:3 Cleveland. Atkinson, J. C. lorty years in a moorland parish. 1891. 914.2:19 Colchester. Cutts, E. L. 1889. 942.6:1 Exeter. Freeman, E. A. 1887. 942.3:1 Londonderry. Hempton, J. Siege and history of Londerry. 1861. 941.5:12 Nottingham. Walks ’round Notting- ham, by a wanderer. 1835. 914.2:36 Oxford. Alsen, E. C. Oxford guide. 1894. 914.257:; Boase, C. W. Oxford. 1887. 942.5:; Hutton, S. F. Rixae Oxonienses. 1892. 942.5:1 Stratford-on-Avon. Lee, S. 1890. 942.4:1 Waite, W. H. Shakespeare’s Stratford. 822.334:1 ENGLISH 52 ENGLISH Winchester. Kitchin, G. W. 1890. 942.2:1 York. Raine, J. 1893. 942.7:1 Yorkshire. Stuart, J._ A. E. Liter- ary shrines of Yorkshire. 1892. 914.27:1 Smith, W. Old Yorkshire. 1881. 914.2:17 ENGLISH, T. D. Boy’s book of battle lyrics. 1885. 811.49 :En3 ENGLISH, W. H. Conquest of the country northwest of the river Ohio. 1896. 2v. 977:4 ENGLISH CLASSIC SERIES. Alexander’s feast, etc. Dry den, J. 821.48:R] Childe Harold’s pilgrimage. . Byron, G. G. N. 821.76 :R2 Comus. Milton, J. 821.47 :R2 Cotter’s Saturday night. Burns, R. 821.67 :R2 Deserted village. Goldsmith, O. 821.64:R1 Elegy in a country churchyard. Gray, T. 821.61 :R1 Essay on Pilgrim’s progress. Ma- caulay, T. B. 824.83 :R2 Eve of St. Agnes. Keats, J. 821.78 :R2 Excursion and Ode on immortality. Wordsworth, W. 821.67 :R1 Lady of the lake. Scott, W. 821.74:2 L’ Allegro, and II Penseroso. Milton, J. 821.47 :R4 Lycidas and Hymn of the Nativity. Milton, J.. 821.47 :R3 Prisoner of Chillon. Byron, G. G. N. 821.76 :R3 Rape of the lock. Pope, A. 821.53 :R1 Rime of the ancient mariner. Cole- ridge, S. T. 821.72.R2 Sir Roger de Coverly papers. Addison and Steele. 824.50 :R1 Tales of chivalry from the works of Sir Walter Scott. 940:19 Tales from English history. Rolfe, W. J. 942:26 Tales from Scottish history. Rolfe, W. J. 941:3 The traveler. Goldsmith, O. , 821.64:R2 ENGLISH HISTORY from contempo- rary writers. Edwards III and his wars. Ashley, W. J. 942.03:4 Jews of Angevin, England. Jacobs, J. 942:23 Misrule of Henry III. Hutton, W. H. 942.03:2 Simon de Montfort and his cause. Hutton, W. H. 94^03:3 Strongbow’s conquest of Ireland. Barnard, F. P. 941.6:5 Wars of York and Lancaster. Thompson, E. 942.04:4 ENGLISH LITERATURE. History and criticism. Allibone, S. A. Critical dictionary of English literature and British and American authors; with Kirk’s sup- plement. 1891. 5v. 803 :R1 Arnold, T. Manual of English liter- ature. 1888. ' 820.9:37 Bagehot, W. Literary studies. 1879. 2v. 824.89:B15 Bain, A. On teaching E/iglish. 1895. 808:24 Beers, H. A. Prom Chaucer to Ten- nyson. 1890.. 820.9:25 Bourinot, J. G. Our intellectual strength and weakness: review of literature and art in Canada. 1893. ^ 810.9:7 Brimley, G. Essays. 1861. 824.89 :B77 Brooks, S. English literature. 1895. 820.9:49 Choate, J. B. Wells of English. 1892 820.1:1 Cleveland, C. D. Compendium of Eng- lish literature. 1847. 920;9:3^ English literature of the 19th cen- tury. 1866. 820.9:31 Cooke, G. W. Poets and problems 1886. 821.80:2 Craik, G. L. Manual of English litera- ture. 1889. 2v. 820.9:5 DeQuincey, T. The 18th century in scholarship and literature. 1877. 824.81:10 Literary reminiscences. 1851. 824.81:11 Disraeli, I. Amenities of literature o 1867. 824.89 :D63-1 Dobson, A. 18th century vignettes 1896. - 824.89 :D65-1 v.3 Dowden, E. | Transcripts and studies 1888. 824.89 :D76 .Garnett, R. Age of Dryden. 1895. 820.9:57 Gosse, E. Prom Shakespeare to Pope. 1885. 824.88:7 History of 18th century literature. 1889. 824.88:6 Hazlitt, W. Literature of the age of Elizabeth. 1892. 822.3:4 The English poets. 1892. 821.09:9 Herford, C. H. Age of Wbrds worth. 1897. 820.9:56 Home, H. Elements of criticism. 1833. 801:18 Horne, R. H. New spirit of the age. 1844. 824.89 :Ho78 Hunt, T. W. Ethical teachings in old English literature. 1892. 820.9:26 Jacobs, J. Essays and reviews from the Athanaeum. 1891. 823.80:2 Jusserand, J. J. A. A. The English novel in the time of Shakespeare. 1890. 820.9:14 Lanier, S. The English novel. 1888. 820.9:12 ENGLISH 53 ENGLISH Lawrence, E. English literature primers. 1878. 3v. 820.9:48 Lillie, L. C. Story of English litera- ture. 1878. 820.9:53 Masson, D, British novelists and their styles. 1892. 823.09:1 Mather, J. M. Popular studies of the 19th century. 1892. 821.7:1 Meiklejohn, J. M. D. Brief history of the English language and literature 1896. 820.9:55 Mills, A. Literature and literary men of Great Britain and Ireland. 1852. 2v. 820.9:22 Minto, W. Characteristics of English poets from Chaucer to Shirley. 1889. 820.9:2; Literature of the Georgian era. 1895. 820.9:51 Mitchell, D. G. English lands, letters and kings. 1890. 4v. 820.9:15 Morley, H. English literature in the reign of Victoria. XL882. 820.9 :t English writers. 1887. lOv. 820.9:21 First sketch of English literature. 1890. 820.9:46 Morris, R. Specimens of early Eng- lish. 1893. 2v. 821.10:1 Mullany, P. P. Development of Eng lish literature. 1879. 820.9:1 Oliphant, M. O. W. Literary history of England in the end of the 18th and the beginning of the 19th cen- tury. 1882. 3v. 820.9:2 Pancoast, H. S. Introduction to Eng- lish literature. 1895. 920.9:54 Payne, J. M. English in American universities. 1895. 807:5 Phelps, L. . Beginnings of the English romantic movement. 1893. 820.9:38 Phillips, M. G. Popular manual of English literature. 1885. 2v. 8zu.9:4i Raub, A. W. Studies in English and American literature. 1888. 801:3 Rice, E. L. Introduction to American literature. 1846. 820.9:13 Robertson, J. L. English literature 1894. 820.9:51 Sainte-Beuve, C. A. Select essays. 844.74:1 Saintsbury, G. Essays in English literature. 1890. 824.89 :»a2-i Elizabethan literature. 1891. 824.89 :Sa2 -3 Smith, G. J. Synopsis of English and American literature. 1891. 809:10 Spalding, W. History of English lit- erature. 1858. 820.9:40 Stedman, E. C. Victorian poets. 1875. 811.43:3 Syle, L. D. From Milton to Tenny- son. 1894. 820.9:30 Taine, H. A. History of English lit- erature. 1877. 3v. 820.9:3 Ten Brink, B. Early English litera- ture. 1889. 820.9:16 Tuckerman, B. History of English prose fiction. 1882. 820.9:4 Underwood, F. H. Hand-book of Eng- lish literature. 1883. 820.9:10 Vaughan, C. E. English literary crit- icism. 1896. 820.4:3 Welsh, A. H. Development of Eng- lish literature and language. 1888 2v. 820.9:7 Digest of English and American literature. 1890. 820.9:24 Whippl^ E. P. Literature of the age of Elizabeth. 1869. 814.35:7 Wright, T Essays on literature, popular superstitions and history of England in the Middle Ages. 1846. 2v. 940.1:3 Wylie, L. J. Studies in the evolu- tion of English criticism. 1894. 821.09:4 Collections. Aiken, Dr. Works of the British poets from Ben Jonson to Beattie. 1852. 820.81:1 Chambers, R. Cyclopaedia of English literature. 1844. 2v. 820.3 :R1 Morley, H. Illustrations of English religion. 820.9:1. Shorter works in English prose. 820.8:4 Sketches of longer works in English verse and prose. 820.8:5 Payne, J. Studies in English poetry and prose. 1888. 821.08:19 Skeat, W. W. Specimens of English literature, 1394-1579. 1872. 821.20:3 ENGLISH MEN OF ACTION. Campbell. Forbes, A. 923.154:5a Clive. Wilson, C. 923.542:8 Cook. Besant, W. 923.542:17 Dampier. Russell, W. C. 923.542:11 Drake. Corbett, J. 923.942:5a Gordon. Butler, W. F. 923.542:2c Hav^ock. Forbes, A. 923.542:19 Livingstone. Hughes, T. 923.942:1 Monk. Corbett, J. 923.242:18 Montrose. Mowbray, M. 923.241:1 Napier. Butler, W. F. 923.542:9 Rodney. Hannay, D. 923.542:20 Strafford. Traill, H. D. 923.242:19 Warwick. Oman, C. W. C. 923.242 : 7 Wellington. Hooper, G. 923.542:10 Wolfe. Bradley, A. G. 923.542:13 ENGLISH MEN OF LETTERS; ed. by J. Morley. Addison. Courthope, W. J. Bentley. Jebb, R. C. 824.524:1 824.554:1 Bunyan. Froude, J. A. 823.424:1 Burke. Morley, J. 825.624:1 Burns. Shairp, J. C. 821.674:1 Byron. Nichol, J. 821.764:2 Carlyle. Nichol, J. 824.824:6 Chaucer . Ward, A. W. 821.174:1 Cowper. Smith, G. 821.654:1 Defoe. Minto, W. 823.514:1 Dryden. Saintsbury, G, W. 821.484:1 ENGLISH 54 EUROPE Fielding. Dobson, H. A. Gibbon. Morrison, J. C. Goldsmith. Black, W. Gray. Gosse, E. W. Johnson. Stephens, L. Keats. Colvin, S. Landor. Colvin, S. Macaulay. Morrison, J. C. 824.834:2 Milton. Pattison, M. 821.474:1 Scott. Hutton, R. H. 821.774:1 Shelley. Symonds, J. A. 821.774:1 Sheridan. Oliphant, M. O. W. 927.9:29a Sidney. Symonds, J. A. Southey. Dowdegi, E. Spenser. Church, R. W. Sterne. Traill, H. D. Thackeray. Trollope, A. ENGLISH WORTHIES; Lang. Blake. Hannay, D. Canning. Hill, P. H. Darwin. Allen, G. Jonson. Symonds, J. A. Marlborough. Saintsbury, G. 923.542:1 Raleigh. Gosse, E. 923.542:5b Shaftesbury. Traill, H. D. 923.242:17 Steele. Dobson, H. A. 824.534:1 EPHEfeUS. Wood, J. T. Discoveries at Ephesus. 1877. 913.38 :R; Modern discoveries on the site of ancient Ephesus. 1890. 913.92:1 823.524:1 824.674:1 821.644:1 821.614:1 824.634:1 821.784:3 824.794 :L23 821.324:1 821.734:1 821.314:1 823.624:1 823.824:1 by A ed. 923.542:12 923.242:15 925:2c 822.344:1 EPITAPHS. Northend, C. Book of epitaphs. 1873. 929.5:2 Pettigrew, T. J. Chronicles of the tombs. 1888. 929.5:1 EPOCHS OP AMERICAN HISTORY. The colonies. Thwaites, R. G. 973.2:2 Division and reunion. Wilson, W. 973:23 Formation of the union. Hart, A. B. 973.4:3 EPOCHS of ANCIENT HISTORY; ed by G. W. Cox. Athenian empire. Cox, G. W. 938.04:1 Early Rome. Ihne, J. A. P. W. 937:7 The Gracchi, Marius and Sulla. Beesley, A. H. 937.05:2 Greeks and Persians. Cox, G. W. 938.03:1 Rise of the Macedonian empire. Cur- teis, A. M. 938.1:1 Roman empire of the second century. Capes, W. W. 937.06:6 Roman history. Capes, W. W. 937.07:1 Roman triumvirates. Merivale, C. 937.05:1 Rome and Carthage: the Punic wars Smith. R. B. 937.04:1 Troy. Benjamin, S. G. W. 939,2:1 EPOCHS .of MODERN HISTORY; ed by E. E. Morris. Age of Anne. Morris, E, E. 940.7:1 Age of Elizabeth. Creighton, M. 940:13 Beginning of the Middle Ages. Church, R. W. 940:7 The Crusades. Cox, G. W. 940.4:1 Early Hanoverians. Morris, E. E. 942.07:3 Early Plantagenets. Stubbs, W. 942.03:6 Edward III. Warburton, W. 942.03:7 English restoration and Louis XIV. Airy, O. 940.7:4 Epochs of reform. McCarthy, J. 942.08:2 Era of the Protestant revolution. See- bohm, P. 940.7:2 First two Stuarts and Puritan revo- lution. Gardiner, S. R. 942.06:8 Frederick the Great and the Seven Years war. Longman, P. W. 943.05:1 French revolution. Gardiner, B. M. 944.04:6 French revolution and the first em- pire. Morris, W. C. 944.04:14 Houses of Lancaster and York Gairdner, J. 942.04:1 Normans in Europe. Johnson, A. H. 940:8 Thirty Years’ War. Gardiner, S. R. 943.04:4 ERASMUS, D. Colloquies; tr. by Bailey. 1878. 2v. ‘ 839.38:1 Proude, J. A. Life and letters of Erasmus. 1895. 839.38:2 ERICSSON, JOHN. Church, W. C. Life of John Erics- son. 1890. 2v. , 926:9a Headley, P. C. Miner boy and his Monitor. 1864. 926:9 ERMAN, A. Life in ancient Egypt 1894. - 913.32 :R3 ERSKINE, P. Iona: a lay of ancient Greece. 1888. 811.49:Er8 ESCHENBURG, J. J. Manual of class- ical literature. 1858. 913.30:4 ESCOTT, T. H. S. England, her people polity and pursuits. 1885. 914.2:20 ESTHER (Queen of Persia). Scott, W. A. Esther, the Hebrew- Persian queen. 1859. 923.156:1 EUGENIE (Empress of Prance). Imbert de Saint-Amand, A. L. Louis Napoleon and Mademoiselle d€ Monti jo. 1897. 923.144:7a EURIPIDES. Tragedies; tr. by Buck- ley. 1857. 882.3:1b Specimens of Greek tragedy (selec- tions); tr. by Smith. 1894. 882.3:2 Mahaffy, J. P. Euripides. 1879. 882.3:1a EUROPE. Description and travel. Aldrich, T. B. From Ponkapog to Pesth. 1883. 914:2 Americans in Europe. 1893. 914:63 Andersen, H. C. Pictures of travel in Sweden and Switzerland. 1871. 9X4:3 EUROPE 55 EUROPE Benedict, E. L. Stories of persons and places in Europe. 1887. 914:25 Bishop, W. H. House hunter in Eu- rope. 1893. 914:61 Blackburn, H. Artistic travel in Nor- mandy, Brittany, the Pyrenees. Spain and Algeria. 1892. 914:37 Buffum, E. G. Sights and sensa- tions in France, Germany and Switzerland. 1869. 914:43 Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys: Classic land. 1888. 914:5 Europe. 1888. 914:6 Northern lands: the Rhine to the Arctic. 1883. 914:50 Orient: Adriatic to the Baltic. 1881. 914:51. Carter, N. M. Two girls abroad. 1888 914:15 Catlin, G. Eight years’ travel in Eu- rope, with his North American In- , dians. 1848. 2v. 914:56/ Child, T. Summer holidays. 1889. 914:30 Clemens, S. L. Innocents abroad 1889. 914:7 Tramp abroad. 1880. 914:8 Coe, P. E. Modern Europe. 1892. 910.7:14 V.5 Cox, S. S. A Buckeye abroad. 1852. 914:46 Durbin, J. P. Observations in Europe. 2v. 914:42 Eddy, D. C. Europa: scenes in Eng- land, Prance and Switzerland. 1851. 914:10 Edwards, J. E. Random sketches and notes of European travel. 1857. 914:41 Forney, J. W. Letters from Europe 1867. 914:26 Puller, H. Sparks from a locomotive. 1859. 914:4 Greeley, H. Glances at Europe. 914:31 Guild, C. Britons and Muscovites. 1888. 914:11 Hale, E. E. A family flight through France, Germany, Norway and Switzerland. 1881. 914:52 Hamilton, P. J. Rambles in historic lands. 1893. 914:64 Holmes, O. W. Our hundred days in Europe. 1888. 914:12 Holt, B. Four centuries after. 1893. 914:62 Howard, B. W. One year abroad. 1887. 914:13 Hunnewell, J. P. The lands of Scott. 1888. 914:39 Jackson, H. M. Bits of travel. 1891. 914:57 James, H. Portraits of places. 1885. 914:34 Transatlantic sketches. 1888. 914:33 Knox, T. W. Boy travelers in Cen- tral Europe. 1893. 914:29 Lee, A. E. European days and ways. 1890. 914:9 Lippincott, S. J. Haps and mishaps of a tour in Europe. 1854. 914:14 Longfellow, H. W. Outre-mer. 1884. 914:23 Maughs, G. M. B. Souvenirs of trav- el. 1887. 914:36 Michelet, J. On the highways of Eu- rope. 1893. 914:59 Ninde, M. L. We two alone in Eu- rope. 1889. 914:44 North, M. Some further recollections of a happy life. 1893. 910.4:41 Ossoli, S. M. F. At home and abroad. 1875. 910.4:7 Peabody, A. P. Reminiscences of Eu- ropean travel. 1868. 914:55 Potter, V. M. To Europe on a stretcher. 1890. 914:49 Pratt, M. L. People and places: northern Europe. 1893. 914:70 Robinson, L. B. A bundle of letters from over the sea. 1890. 914:48 Rudler, F. W. Europe (Stanford’s compendium). 1885. 914 :R1 Satchel guide for Europe. 1889. 914:1 Scollard, C. On sunny shores. 1893. 914:66 Sessions, F. C. On the wing through Europe. 1889. 914:47 Stephens, J. L. Incidents of travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia and Poland. 1838. 914:17 Stine, M. H. Winter jaunt through historic lands. 1892. 914:60 Stockton, F. R. Personally conducted. 1889. 914:32 Taylor, B. By-ways of Europe. 1887. 914:53 Views a-foot. 1888. 914:19 Terhune, Mrs. M. V. Loiterings in pleasant paths. 1880. 914:28 Tousey, S. Papers from over the waters. 1869. 914:54 Warner, C. D. A roundabout journey 1887. 914:21 Saunterings. 1887. 914:20 Williams, L. L. A too short vacation 1892. 914:24 Willis, N. P. Famous persons and places, 1855. 914:67 Summer cruise on the Mediterran- ean. 1853. 914:22 History. Airy, O. English restoration and Louis XIV. 1888. 940.7:4 Alison, A. Era of Napoleon. 1843. 940.8:1 Andrews, C. M. Historical develop- ment of modern Europe. 1896. v.l 940.9:2 Arnold, T. Lectures on modern his- tory. 1884. 940:24 Coffin, C. C. Story of liberty. 1878. 940.5:1 Creighton, M. Age of Elizabeth. 1876 940:13 Dollinger, J. I. von. Studies in Eu- ropean history. 1890. 940:28 EUROPE 56 FARNEUIi Edgar, J. G. History for boys. 1855. 940:14 Fox-Vassall, H. R. V. Foreign rem- iniscences. 1851. 940:15 Freeman, E. A. Historical geography of Europe. 1882. 2v. 911:15 History of Europe. 1877. 940:16 Fyffe, C. A. History of modern Eu- rope. 1886. 3v. 940:12 Gerard, J. W. Peace of Utrecht. 1885 940.7:3 Hale, E. , Fall of the Stuarts and western Europe. 1876. 942.06:5 Hausser, L. Period of the reforma- tion. 1874. 940.7:5 Heeren, A. H. L. Political system of Europe and its colonies. 1857. 940:20 Lavisse, E. General views of the political history of Europe. 1891. 940:26 Lodge, R. History of modern Europe to the treaty of Berlin. 1896. 940.5:4 Lord, J. Modern European statesmen (Beacon lights of history, v.6). 1891. 908:1 Warriors and statesmen (Beacon lights of history, y.4). 1884. 908:1 Mackenzie, R. The 19th century. 1889. 909.8:2 Maurice, C. E. Revolutionary move- ment of 1848-9, in Italy. Austria- Hungary and Germany. 940.9:1 Monstrelet, E. de. Chronicles of the civil wars between the houses of Orleans and Burgundy. 1840. 2v. 940: 1C Morris, E. E. Age of Anne. 1877. 940.7:1 Muller, W. Political history of recent times. 1882. 940:21 Murdock, H. Reconstruction of Eu- rope. 1889. 940:18 Patton, A. St. G. Modern history. 1887. 940:22 “Politikos.” Sovereigns and courts of Europe. 1891. 923.140:1 Ranke, L. von. Latin and Teutonic nations. 1887. 940.5:2 Schlegel, K. F. W. Lectures on mod- ern history 1849. 940:2 Seebohm, F. Era of the Protestant revolution. 1874. 940.7:2 Taylor, W. C. Modern history. 1839 940:23 Thalheimer, M. E. Manual of Me- diaeval and modern history. 1874. 940:27 Voltaire, F. Age of Louis XV. 1771. 2v. 940.7:6 EUROPE. Mediaeval history. See Middle Ages. EVANS, A. J. Cretan pictographs and prae-Phoenician script. 1895. 913.39 :R2 EVANS, A. S. Our sister republic: Mexico. 1870. 917.2:9 EVANS, E. W. Walter Savage Landor. 1892. 824.791:1 EVELYN, J. Diary and correspondence of John Evelyn. 1664. 4v. 928.2:1a EVERETT, C. C. Poetry, comedy and duty. 1893. ■ 801:39 EVERHART, . J. R. By boat and Vail. 1892. 910.4:33 EWALD, G. H. A. History of Israel. 1878. 8v. 933:7 EWART, H. C. Toilers in art. 1892. 927.5:52 EWBANK, T. Life in Brazil. 1856. 918.1:3 EWING, T. Geography for schools and students. 1823. 910:R1 FABER, F. W. Poems. 1856. 821.89 :F11 Boden, J. E. Frederick William Faber. 1869. 922.2:11 FAITHFUL, EMILY. Three visits to America. 1884. 917:5 FALCONER, W. The shipwreck, and other poems. 1835. 821.69 :F19 FAMOUS PAMPHLETS; by Milton Defoe and others. 1886. 820.8:9 FAMOUS WOMEN. Countess of Albany. Paget, V. 923.242:21 Jane Austen. Malden, Mrs. C. 823.744:1 Emily Bronte. Robinson, A. M. 823.814:2 Elizabeth Barrett Browning. Ingram, J. H. 821.824:1 Maria Edgeworth. Zimmern, H. 823.724:1 George Eliot. Blind, M. 823.834:3 Elizabeth Pry. Pitman, Mrs. E. R. 923.642:3 Margaret Fuller. Howe, J. W. 814.314:2 Mary Lamb. Gilchrist, A. 824.754:1 Margaret of Angouleme. Robinson, A. M. P.. 923.144:11 Harriet Martineau. Miller, Mrs. P. F. 824.894 :M36 Hannah More. Yonge, C. M. 821.794 :M81 Rachel. Kennard, N. H. 927.9:8 Adelaide Ristori: an autobiography. 927.9:4 Madame Roland. Blind, M. 923.244:6 George Sand. Thomas, B. 843.824:2 Madame de Stael. Duffy, B. 843.624:1 Saint Theresa. Gilman, Mrs. B. 922.1:11 Susanna Wesley. Clarke, E. 922.7:3 Mary Wollstonecraft. Pennell, E. R. 824.694:G54 FANE, VIOLET. See Singleton, Mrs. M. M. FARADAY, MICHAEL. Tyndall, J. Faraday as a discoverer. 1882. 925:4 PARMER, LYDIA H. Boy’s book of famous rulers. 1886. 920.02:12 Girl’s book of famous queens. 1887. 920.7:13 PARNELL, G. S. Greek lyric poetry. 1891. 884:1 / Patronize Home Industry California feathers DIKECT FROM THE Ostrich Farm at South Pasadena Caliiornia Boas, Capes, Collars, Tips, Ainazons and Demi-PIuuies. California Featiiers are consider- ed tbe best on the market The farm is located be- tween Los Angeles and Pasadena, on electric car line, and is open daily to visitors. Send for Feather Price List to CAWSTON & COCKBURN, South Pasadena, Cal. DIRECT From the MINER to the USER (]oai,wood,tlai|i>' Grain Prompt Delivery Full Weights W. E. CLARK, Tel. West 69 1249 5. Figueroa St. PATRONIZE HOME INDUSTRY D. D. VA/HITNEY & CO. TRUNK MnNUFftGTURERS Belts, Holdalls Ladies’ Satchels Traveling Bags Boston Bags Telescopes, Trunks & Shawl Straps Shawl Wraps, Etc SAMPEE TRUNKS and CASES A SPECIALTY TRUNKS Made to Oi’der Covered and Repaired Call and see our new trunk corner Trunks called for & delivered free Sprino St. Telephone 3Iain .203 Uos Angeles 00 Not F'ail to Xry Our Olivo Oil ^ 1 Wm. Hawks & Son | ^ Staple and Fancy Groceries ^ We Make a Specialty of Fancy Butter g g.PFriAI TIF<^ ^ g I T eas, Goltee, 5uuer, Glieese, Olive Oil g 317 So. riain St. Tel. Main 258 We Have the Finest Java and Mocha ^ Blend in the Market ^ Style, Quality and Price that pleases at CHICAGO WALL PAPER HOUSE 305 So. Broadway Teleplione Black 9S4 Cut prices— 10c grade for 5c; 15c grade for a roll. See and decide for yourself. Estimates and samples sent free. Shades and moldings at cut prices LB. Winston 334 S. Broadway To buy or sell your household goods JOSEPH’S Tel. n. 1345 426=428 S. Spring St. PARNHAM 57 FIELD PARNHAM, ELIZA W. California in- doors and out. 1856. 917.94:33 Life in prairie land. 1846. 917.7:1 PARNHAM, J. T. Early days of Cali- fornia. 1860. 917.94:87 Travels in the great western prairies. 1841. 917.9:1? PARNSWORTH, R. W. C. Southern California paradise. 1883. 917.94:5 PARRAGUT, DAVID GLASGOW. Parragut, L. David Glasgow Parra gut. 1879. 923.573:3 Headley, P. C. Old Salamander: Ad- miral Parragut. 1865. 923.573:3a Mahan, A. T. Admiral Parragut. 1892 923.573:3b PARRAR, C. A. J. Through the wilds: the forests of New Hampshire and Maine. 1892. 917.4:18 PARRAR, P. W. Life and work of St. Paul. 1889. 922.1:2a Princes, authors and statesmen of our time. 1886. 920.02:4 Seekers after God. 1868. 921.9:2 PATHERS. Butler, A. Lives of the fathers, martyrs and other principal saints. 1745. 4v. 922.1:7 Challoner, R. Pathers of the eastern deserts. 1863. 922.1:6 PAULKNER, J. Philip Henry Sheri dan. 1888. 923.573:7a PAURIEL, C. Last days of the Consu- late. 1886. 944.05:1 PAWCETT, E. Bunting ball; a Graceo- American play. 1885. 811.49 :P28 Songs of doubt and dream. 1891. 811.49 :P28-1 PAWCETT, MILICENT G. Some em- inent women of our times. 1889. 920.7:12 PAY, T. S. The three Germanys. 1889. 2v. 943:1 PEATHERMAN, A. Social history of the races of mankind. 1881. 7v. 901 :R1 PELTON, C. C. Greece, ancient and modern. 1867. 938:15 PENELON, PRANCOIS (Archbishop of Cambray). Upham, T. C. Mine, de la Mothe Guy- on, with personal history and opin- ions of Penelon. 1874, 922.2:? PERDINAND V (King of Spain). Prescott, W. H. Perdinand and Isa- bella. 1838. 3v. 946.03:1 PERGUSON, A. Roman republic. 1855. 937.02:8 PERRIS, G. T. Great German compos- ers. 1879. 927.8:37 Great Italian and Prench composers 1890. 927,8:36 Great singers. 1881. 2v. 927.8:35 Great violinists and pianists. 1889. 927.8:31 Great leaders. 1889. 920.02:8 PERSEN, JOHN AXEL (Count). Gaulot, P. A friend of the queen Marie Antoinette. 1893. 923.248:1 PEUDGE, PANNIE R. India. 1880. 954:1 PICTION. Crawford, P. M. The novel. 1893. 801:26 Dunlop, J. C. History of prose fiction 1888. 2v. 809.3:1 Howells, W. D. Criticism and fiction 1891. 813.43:6 Jusserand, J. J. A. A. The English novel in the time of Shakespeare. 1890. 820.9:14 Lanier, S. English novel and the principle of its development. 1888. 820.9.12 Matthews, B. Aspects of fiction. 1896. 814.45:6 Philipson, D. The Jew in fiction. 1889. 801:31 Raleigh, W. English novel. 1894. 823.09:3 Simonds, W. E. Introduction to the study of English fiction. 1894. 823.09:2 Thompson, D. G. Philosophy of fic- tion in literature. 1890. 801:6 Tuckerman, B, History of English prose fiction. 1882. 820.9:4 Wheeler, W. A. Dictionary of the noted names of fiction. 1889. 803 :R7 PIELD, B. R. Medical thoughts of Shakespeare. 1885. 822.338 :P6 PIELD, C. K. (Carolus Ager). Pour- leaved clover: Stanford rhymes. 1896. 811.49 :Pi45 PIELD, CYRUS W. Judson, I. P. Cyrus W. Pield. 1896. 926:16 PIELD, EDWARD. The colonial tavern. 1897. 974:1 PIELD, EUGENE. Echoes from the Sabine farm. 1895. 811.49 :P45-4 Little book of western verse. 1890. 811.49 :P45 Love affairs of a bibliomaniac. 1896. 811.49 :P45-5 Love songs of childhood. 1895. 811.49 :P45-3 Second book of verse. 1893. 811.49:45-! Songs and other verse. 1896. 811.49 :P45-6 With trumpet and drum. 1892. 811.49 :P45-2 PIELD, PI. M. Barbary coast, 1893. 916.1:3 Bright skies and dark shadows. 1890. 917.5:8 Old Spain and new Spain. 1888. 914.6:20 Our western archipelago. 1895. 917:17 PIELD, M. B. Memories of many men and of some women, 1874. 920.02:3 PIELD, S. J. Personal reminiscences of early days in California, 1893. 979.4:24 PIELDE FLORIDA FIELDE, ADELE M. Corner of Cath- ay. 1894. 915.1:15 FIELDING, HENRY. Dobson, H. A. Henry Fielding. 1883. 823.524:1 FIELDS, ANNIE A. Authors and friends. 1896. 810.4:1 Whittier: his life and friendships. 1893. 811.364:1 FIELDS, T. Charles Dickens, Barry Cornwall, and some of his friends. 1871. 823.834:6 Life of Hawthorne. 1881. 813.334:2 Underbrush. 1877. 814.49 :F45 Yesterdays with authors. 1872. 820.9:45 FIJI ISLANDS. See Islands. FINCK, H. T. Lotus-time in Japan. 1895. 915.2:31 Pacific coast scenic tour. 1890. 917.9:16 Spain and Morocco. 1891. 914.6:16 Wagner and his works. 1893. 2v. 927.8 :9d FINDLAY, A. G. Classical atlas. 1847. 912:R16 FINLAY, G. History of Greece. 1887. 7v. 949.5 :R1 FINNEY, C. G. Memoirs. 1876. 922.5:4a Wright, G. F. Charles Grandison Finney. 1891. 922.5:4 FIRDAUSI. Shah Nameh; tr. by At- kinson. 1886. 891.5:1 FISHER, G. P. Colonial era. (U. S.) 1892. 973.2:13 Outlines of universal history. 1885. 901:11 FISK, WILBUR. Prentice, G. Wilbur Fisk. 1890. 922.7:7 FISKE, A. K. Midnight talks at the club. 1890. 814.49 :Fi54 FISKE, J. American revolution. 1891. 2v. 973.3:15 Critical period of American history. 1889. 973.3:11 Darwinism, and other essays. 1879. 814.49 :F54 Discovery of America. 1892. 2v. 970:4 Excursions of an evolutionist. 1883 814.49 :F54-2 History of the United States. 1894 973.39 Unseen world. 1876. 814.49 :F54-1 War of independence. 1890. 973.3:12 FITZGERALD, E. Letters to Fanny Kemble. 1895. . FITZGERALD, J. 1881. FITZGERALD, O. sketches. 1888. FITZGERALD, P. 826.89 :F57 F. V. Australia. 919.4:7 P. California 917.94:26 Bozland: Dickens’ places and people. 1895. 823.831:1 The Kembles. 1871. 2v. 927.9:25 Life of James Boswell. 1891. 2v 824.694:B65 Lives of the Sheridans. 1886. 2v. 927.9:29b . New history of the English stage 1882. 2v. 822.09:6 Romance of the English stage. 1875. 822 04:1 FITZPATRICK, W. J. Life of Charles Lever. 1879. 823.894 :L57 Secret service under Pitt. 1892. 924.07:10 FITZ-SIMON, E. A. Historical epochs. 1882. 900:3 FLAGG, J. B. Life and letters of Washington Allston. 1892. 927.5:28 FLAGS. Military commanders and designating fiags of the U. S. am^, 1861-1865; comp, under the direction of the Quartermastej^-General. 1886. 929.9 :R1 Preble, G. H. History of the fiag of the U. S. 1872. 929.9 :R3 FLAUBERT, GUSTAVE. Traver, J. C. Gustave Flaubert, as seen in his works and correspon- dence. 1895. 843.844:1 FLEMING, J. Art of reading and speaking. 808.5:55 FLETCHER, C. R. L. Life of Gusta- vus Adolphus. 1890. 923.148:2 FLETCHER, G. Poems. 1868. 821.37:1 FLINT, H. M. Mexico under Maxi- milian. 1867. 972:3 FLINT, R. Philosophy of history in France, Belgium and Switzerland. 1894. 944:7 FLINT, T. Recollections of the last ten years in the valley of the Missis- sippi. 1826. 976.2:1 FLORENCE (Italy). Armstrong, E. Lorenzo de’ Medici and Florence in the 15th century. 1896. 923.145:1 Hutton, L. Literary landmarks of Florence. 1897. 914.55:1 Johnson, V. W. Lily of the Arno. 1891. 914.55.2 Machiavelli, N. History of Florence. 1882. 945.5:1 Oliphant, W. O. W. Makers of Flor- ence. 1888. 920.045:1 Perrens, F. T. History of Florence. 1892. • 945.5:2 Scaife, W. B. Florentine life during the renaissance. 1893. 945.5:4 FLORIDA. Deland, M. Florida days. 1889. 917.5 :10P Giddings, J. R. Exiles of Florida. 1858. ■ 975.9:1 Norton, C. L. Handbook of Florida. 1891. 917.5:14 Ober, F. A. Knockabout club in the Everglades. 1887. 917.5:3 Rockwood, C. W. In Biscayne Bay. 1891. 917.59:1 Stowe, H. B. Palmetto leaves. 1873. 917.5:12 FliO'iVERS 69 PRANCE FLOWERS. Language of. Adams, H. G. Language and poetry of flowers. 1856. 808.1:9 Flowers: their language, poetry and sentiment. 1870. 808.1:18 B'ONTENOY, MARQUIS DE. With- in royal palaces. 1892. 923.1:1 FOOTE, H. S. Pen pictures from the garden of the world: Santa Clara county, California. 1888. 917.94 :R23 FORBES, ALEXANDER. History of Upper and Lower California. 1839 979.4 :R1 FORBES. ARCHIBALD. The Afghan wars. 1892, 858:2 Chinese Gordon. 1884. 923.542:2a Colin Campbell, Lord Clyde. 1895. 923.154;5a Life of Havelock. 1890. 923.542:19 Memories and studies of war and peace. 1896. 904:19 William of Germany. 1S88. 923.143.3 FORBES. H. O. A naturalist's wander- ings in the Eastern archipelago 1885. 919.1:5 FORBES. S. R. Rambles in .Naples. 1893. 914.5:24 FORBES-ROBERTSO N', See Robertson J. Forbes. FORCE, M. F. ITrom B^ort Henry to Connih. 1881. 973.73 5 FORD, T. N. Tropica] Ameri- i. 1893. 918 19 FORD, J. Best plays. 1888. 822.38:1 FORD, P. L. The true George Wash- ington. 1896. 923.173 ;2hd FOREIGN CLASSICS for English readers, Calderon. Hasell, E. J. 862.354:1 Cervantes. Oliphant, M. O. W. 863.324:1 Corneille and Racine. Trollope, H. M. 842.414:1 Dante. Oliphant, M. O. W. 851.154:2 Goethe. Hayward, A. 832,624:5 La Fontaine and other French fabu- lists. Collins, W. L. 841.454:1 Moliere. Oliphant, M. O. W. 842.424:1 Montaigne. Collins, W. L. 844.314:1 Pascal. Tulloch, J. 844.594 :P26 Petrarch. Reeve, H. 851.184:2 Rabelais. Besant, W. 847,324:1 Rousseau. Graham, H. G.' . 843.564:1 Saint Simon. Collins, C. W, 928.4:3 Schiller. Sime, J. 832.634:2 Madame de.Sevigne. Ritchie, A. T. 846.414:2 Tasso. Hasell, E. J. 851.464:1 Voltaire. Hamley, E. B. 842.564:3 FORMAN, H. B. Our living poets: an essay in criticism. 1871. 821.09:8 FORNANDER, a. Polynesian race. 1890. 3v. 996:1 FORNEY, J. W. Anecdotes of public men. 1873 920.073:1 Letters from Europe. 1867. 914:26 FORREST, EDWIN. Barrett, L. Edwin Forest. 1882. 927.9:16 Rees, J. Edwin Forrest. 1874. 927.9:1 FORSTER, JOHN. Charles Dickens. 1874. 3v. 823.834:2 FORSTER, JOSEPH. Some French and Spanish men of genius. 1891. 840.9:8 FORSYTH, W. Marcus Tullius Cicero. 1864. 875.14:2 Novels and novelists of the 18th cen- tury. 1871. 823.6:1 FORTIER, ALICE Louisiana studies. 1894. 976.3:10 FOSSETT, F. Colorado: tourists’ guide to the Rocky mountains. 1879. 917.8:24 FOSTER, E. Abraham Lincoln. 1884. 923.173:9a FOSTER, F. H. Seminary method of original study in the historical sciences. 1888. 907:4 FOSTER, J. Critical essays. 1888, 2v. 824.79 :F81 Essays in a series of letters. 1889. 824.79 :F81-1 FOSTER, J. W. The Mississippi val- ley. 1869. 917.7:5 FOTHERGILL, J. Studies in the poetry of Robert Browning. 1888. 821.831:3 FOULKE, W. D. Slav or Saxon. 1887. 947:9 FOWLER, J. K. Echoes of old country life. 1892. 914.2:11 B^OWLER, W. W. Julius Caesar and the foundation of the Roman im- perial system. 1892. 923.137: Id FOX, CHARLES JAMES Trevelyan, G. O. Early history of Charles James Fox. 1891. 923.242:35 Wakeman, H. O. Charles James Fox. 1890. 923.242:35a FOX-VASSALL, H. R. (3d Baron Hol- land). Foreign reminiscences. . 1851. 940:15 FRANCE. Description and travel, Baedeker, K. Southern France. 1891. 914.4:22 Brownell, W. C. French traits. 1896. 914.4:28 Champney, E. W. Three Vassar girls in France, 1888. 914.4:2 Cook, T. A. Old Tourain. 1892. 2v. 944.54:1 Craik, D. M. Fair France. 1871. 914.4:9 Dix, E. A. Midsummer drive through the Pyrenees. 1890. 914.4:12 Dodd, A. B. In and out of three Normandy inns. 1892. 914.4:22 Gould, S. B. In troubadour-land: Provence and Languedoc. 1891 914.4:19 Hawthorne, N. Passages from tha French and Italian note-books. 1881. 914.5:8 FRANCE 60 Hildebrand, K. France and the French in the second half of the 19th century. 1881. 914.4:20 James, H. A little tour in France. 1885. 914.4:10 Janvier, T. A. An embassy to Prov- ence. 1893. 914.49:1 Lipnincott, S. J. Stories and sights of France and Italy. 1885. 914.4:25 Macauoid, K. S. In the Ardennes. 1881. 914.43:1 Musg-rave, G. Nooks and corners in old France. 1867. 2v. 914.4:11 Pennell, J. Our sentimental journey throug-h Prance and Italy. 1888. 914:16 Roberts. M. France. 1881. 914.4:24 Smith, E. B. My village. 1896. 914.4:27 Smollett, T. Travels through France and Italy. 1766. 2v. 914.4:14 Stevenson, R, L. An inland vovage. 1888. 914.4:16 Woolson, C. F. Mentone, Cairo and Corfu. 1896. 910:2 History. General. Adams, G. B. Growth of the French nation. 1896. 944:8 Bonner, J. Child’s history of Prance. 1893. 944:6 Duruy, V. History of France. 1852 2v. (Cont. to 1896 by J. F. Jame- son.) 944:5 Elliot, P. Old court life in France. 1893. 2v. 944.028:1 Flint, R. Historical philosophy in Prance, Belgium and Switzerland. 1894. 944:7 Guizot, P. P. G. History of Prance. 1870. 8v. 944:1 Latimer, E. W. France in the nine- teenth century. 1892. 944.08:2 Michelet, J. History of Prance. 1833. 2v. 944:2 Yonge, C. M. Young people’s history of France. 1881. 944:3 Capet and Valois (987-1589). Adams, W. H. D. Maid of Orleans and the war of the English in France. 1889. 923.544:3a Comines, P. de Memoirs. 1886. 2v. 944.02:1 Froissart, J. Chronicles of Prance— 1326-1400. 1842. 940:9 Hutton, W. H. Philip Augustus. 1896. 922.144:13 Imbert de Saint-Amand, A. L. Women of the Valois court. 1893. 928.244:10 Jackson, C. C. Last of the Valois and accession of Henry of Na- varre. 1888. 2v. 944.02:3 Court of France in the sixteenth century. 1886. 2v. 944.02:4 Monstrelet, E. de Chronicles of the civil wars between the houses of Orleans and Burgundy. 1840. 2v. 940:10 FRANCE ' : Willert, P. F. Reign of Louis XI. • 1877. 944.02:2 Yonge, C. M. Wars in Prance. 1880 942.03 ’1 Bourbon (1589-1789). Bourgeois, E. Prance under Louis XIV. 1897. 944.033 :R1 Cousin, V. Secret history of the French court under Richelieu and Mazarin. 1856. 944.03:3 Imbert de Saint-Amand, A. L. Last days of Louis XV. 1893. 944:034:2 Jackscn, C. C. Old regime. 1882. 944.03:8 Kavanagh, J. Woman in France during the 18th century. 1893. 2v. 944.03:6 Martin, B, L. H. Prance from the Age of Louis XIV. through the de- cline of the rrjonarchy. 1866. 4v. 944.03:2 Pardoe, J. Louis XIV and the court of France in 17th century. 1886. 3v. 944.03:9 Perkins, J. B. Prance under Mazarin 1886. 2v. 944.03:1 Prance under the Regency. 1892. 944.03:4 Saint-Simon, L. de R. Memoirs of the reign of Louis XIV and the regency. 1876. 3v. 923.244:2 Willert, P. F, Henry of Navarre and the Huguenots. 1893. 944.03:7 Revolution (1789-1804). Barras, P. Memoirs of Barras. 1895. 4v. 923.244:14 Carlyle, T. French revolution. 1837 3v. 944.04:16 Gardiner, B. M, The French revolu- tion. 1890. 944.04:6 Gronlund, L. Ca-era; or, Danton in the French revolution. 1887. 944.04:10 Hesdin, R. Journal of a spy in Paris during the Reign of Terror. 1896. 944.04:18 Holst, H. von. The Prehch revolu- tion. 1894. 944.04:12 Imbert de Saint Amand, A. L. Citi- zeness Bonaparte. 1890. 923.144:1c Marie Antoinette. 1891. 923.144:2c Lamertine, A. de. History of the Girondists. 1886. 3v. 944.04:2 Lowell, E. J, Eve of the French rev- olution. 1892. 944.03:5 McCarthy, J. H. The French revo- lution. 1890. 944.04:3 tion. 1890. 944.40:3 Macdonald, E. J. J. Recollections. 1892. 2v. 923.544:5 Mahan, A. T. Influence of sea power upon the French revolution , and I empire. 1892. 2v. 944.04:8 Mallet, C. E. The French revolution. 1893. 944.04:9 Martin, B. L. H. France from the first revolution. 1833. 2v. 944,04:1 PRANCE 61 FREEMAN Mignet, P. A. M. The French revo- lution. 1856. 944.04:11 Morris, W. O. French revolution and first empire. 1891. 944.04:11 Rose, J. H. Revolutionary and Na- poleonic era. 1894. 944.04:15 Stephens. H. M. The French revolu- tion. 1886. 2v. 944.04:13 Symes, J. E. French revolution. 1892. 944.04:17 Thiers, L. A. French revolution. 1823 5v. 944.04:5 First Empire (1804-1815). Fauriel, C. Last days of the consu- late. 1886. 944.05:1 Gleig, G. R. Story of the Battle of Waterloo. 1875. 944.05:2 Ropes, J. C. Campaign of Waterloo. 1892. 2v. 944.05:5 Secret history of the court and cabi- net of St. Cloud: letters, Ausr.-Oct 1805. 2v. 944.05:60 Taine, H. A. Modern regime. 1890. 944.05:4 Thiers. T>. A. History of the consu- late and the empire under Napoleon. . 1845. 4v. 944.05:3 Restoration (1815-1848). Imbert de Saint Amand. A. L. Duch- ess of Berry and the court of Charles X. 1892. 944.06:3 Duchess of Berry and the court of Louis XVIII. 1892. 944.06:4 Duchess of Berry and the revolu- tion of 1830. 1893. 944.06:2 Lamartine, A. de. History of the res- toration. 1851. 3v. 944.06:1 Seopnd Republic and Second Empire (1848-1870). Bicknell, A. L. Life in the Tuileries under the Second Empire. 1895. 944.07:3 Carette, Mme. Recollections of the court of the Tuileries. 1889. 923.244:5 Imbert de Saint Amand, A. L. Revo- lution of 1848. 1895. 944.07:2 Maupas, C. E. de. Story of the coup d’ etat. 1884. 944:ll.Yx:l HALLIWELL-PHILLIPPS, J. O. Dictionary of old English plays. 1850. I 822.03:1 ■ Outlines of the life of Shakespe.are. 1U6. 2v. 822.334:5 HaLLOCK, C. Our new Alaska. 1886. 3l7.93:2 HALPINE, C. G. (Miles O’Reilly). Poetical works. 1869. 811.39:1:116 HALSTEAD, M. Story of Cuba. 1896. 972.91:1 HA.MBLEN, H. E. (P. Bent0.a AVil- liams). On many seas. 1397. .410.4:47 HAMERSl.Y, L. R. Records of living oi: leers of the U. S. navy and ma- rine corps. 1870. :123.5T3:27 HAMERTON, P. G. Autobiograohy 1896. n24.^‘94.H17 Intellectual life. 1882; 824.89: HI? Sylvan year. 1886. 324.89 :H17-1 No. 152 North Spring St. CORNER COURT Southern California Savings Bank Interest Paid on Deposits Sate Deposit Boxes, $3.00 and up uearlu DIRECTORS J. H. Braly, J M. Elliott, H. Jevne, Simon Maier C.W. Gates, Frank A. Gibson, W. C. Patterson, W. D. Woolwine, A. H. Braly. LOS ANGELES, CAL. The Cross “S” Fuel and Feed Co. EDWARD S SHATTUCK WHOLESALE and RETAIL Hay, Crain, Fuel, Storage YARD: 1227 FIGUEROA STREET Storehouses: University and First and Meyer. Telephone West 311 LOS ANGELES, CAL. LARGEST HAY WAREHOUSES IN CITY. RATES REASONABLE. G. STROmEE, Sign Painting Painter and Decorator Paper Hanging and Kalsomining OW TELEPHONE 937 — 208 W. Fout^th St. ^ Lios Angeles, Cal. 5TH ST. MACHINE WORKS High Grade Machine Work of all Kinds BICYCLE REPAIRING In all its Branches RUSSELL MANUFACTURING CO. 143 West 5th Street THE EASy WAV To see Californio is via the lines of the SOUTHERN PACIFIC CO. In scenic features the territory traversed is unsurpassed. It is the only line to the old Missions of San Gabriel, Santa Barbara, San Fernando and San Buena Ventura. It reaches Rediands, Riverside, Pomona, Santa Honica, Santa Ana, Monrovia San Bernardino and San Pedro. Its passenger stations are conveniently lo= cated. Its train service is com= prehensive and punc> tual. Its equipment is high class. A. D. SHEPARD, Asst. Gen’l Pass. & F rt. Agt. SPRING STKERT, LOS ANGELES, CAL. (I ly J I 'T Comfortably Warmed, ^ i I well Lighted » BETWEEN i LOS ANGELES | And PASADENA. i» I I Time 20 Minutes Low Commutation Rates. Thtis is tbe most satisfactory passen- ^ g«r service betTVeen Los Angeles ^ and Pasadena. I TRY IT ! HAMILTON 73 HARRISON HAMILTON. ALEXANDER. Tjods'e. H- C. Alexander Hamillon. lhS2. :»23.-^7.3.26 C'ralions (on Alexander Hamilton) delivertd at Hamilton Colleg'?; 95: ed. by M. G. Dod^t*. 923.273:26b Simmer, W. G. Alexander Hamillon. 1S90. 923.27.1:26a 923,942:7 HAMILTON, EMMA. Memoirs. 1891. 923.942:7 HAMILTON, GAIL. See Dodsre, M. A. Hamilton, J. a. Life of Daniel O’Connell. 1888. f''23.242;27 HAMILTON. P. J. Rambles in histori'' land.s. 1893. 914:64 HA MIX-TON, T. Men and manners in America. 1833. 917.4 -20 HAMLEY, E. War in the Crimea. 1890. 947.07:3 HAMLEY, E. B. Life of Voltaire. 1877. 842.564:3 HAMMOND, J. D. History of polit: cal parties in New York. State. 1843 3v. 974.7:2 HAMPDEN. JOHN. Grenville, G. N. Memorials of John Hampden. 1889. 923.242:32 HANAFORD, PHEBE A. C. Daugrhters of America. 1877. 920.7:23 HANCOCK, A. U. History of Chili. 1893. 983:2 HANCOCK, WINFIELD SCOTT. Hancock, A. R. Winfield Scott Han- cock. 1887. 923.573:4 Junkin, D. X. Winfield Scott Han- cock. 1880. 923.573:4a HANDEL, GEORGE FREDERICK. Clarke, E. Handel. 1885. 927.8:4a Marshall, F. A. Handel. 1883. 927.8:4 ROCKSTRO, W. S. Georg-e Frederick Handel. 1883. 927.8:4b HANNAY, D. Admiral Blake. 1886. 923.542:12 Frederick Marryat. 1889. 823.784:1 Rodney. 1891. 923.542:20 Tobias George Smollett. 1887. 823.634:1 HANNAY, J. Studies on Thackeray. 823.821:1 HANNIBAL. Abbott, J. Hannibal. 1848. 923.539:1a Arnold, T. Hannibal. 1859. 923.539:1 HAOLE, A. See Bates, G. W. HAPGOOD, ISABEL F. Russian ram- bles. 1895. 914.7:23 HARDENBERG, FREDERICK von. (Novalis). Hope, M. J. Novalis. 1891. 833.634:1 HARDING, G. P. Illustrious persons in English history. 1859. 920.042:4 HARDINGE, HENRY. Hardinge, C. S. Life of Viscount Hardinge. 1891. 923.154:4 HARDY, A. S. Life and letters of Joseph Hardy Neesima. 1891. 923.752:1 HARE, A. J. C. Biographical sketches. 1895. 922.3:17 Cities of Southern Italy and Sicily. 1883. ' 914.5:4 Days near Paris. 1888. 914.4:5 Sketches in Holland and Scandinavia. 1885. 914.92:2 Studies in Russia. 1885. 914.7:1 Walks in London. 1878. 914.21:6 Walks in Paris. 1888. 914.4:4 Walks in Rome. 1871. 914.5:5 Wanderings in Spain. 1873. 914.6:5 HARLAN, J. W. California. 1888. 979.4:13 HARLAND, MARION. See Terhune, M. V. HAROUN ALRASCHID. (Caliph of Bagdad). Palmer, E 11. Caliph Haroun Al- raschid and Saracen civilization. 1880. 923.153:1 HARPER. C. G. Dover road. 1895. 914.2:41 HARPER’S DICTIONARY of classical literature and antiquities. 1897. 913.38 :R6 HARPER’S SCHOOL CLASSICS. English literature primers. Lawrence E. 820.9:48 Primer’ of American literature. Lawrence, E. 810.9:9 Primer of French literature. Saints- bury, G. 824.89 :Sa2-7 Primer of German literature. Conant, H. S. 830.9:6 Primer of Spanish literature. Conant. H. S. 860.9:2 HARPER’S SCHOOL GEOGRAPHY. 1881. 910.7:4 HARRADEN, BEATRICE. Two health seekers in Southern California. 1897 917.94:89 HARRIS, AMANDA B. American au- thors for young folks. 1887. 810.9:11 Pleasant authors for young folks. 1884. 820.9*25 HARRIS, J. C. Georgia. 1893. 975.8:1 HARRIS, TOWNSEND. Griffis, W. E. Townsend Harris. 1895. ' 923.*-TS:24 HARRIS, W. T. Spiritual sense of Dante’s Divina commedia. 1889. 851.151:2 HARRISON, B. (23d President of the U. S.) Speeches. 1892. 815:15 Wallace. L. Life of Benjamin Harri- son. 1888. 923.173:12 HARRISON, C. H. Race with the sun. 1889. 910.4:21 HARRISON, CONSTANCE C. Short comedies for amateur players. 1889. 808.2:27 HARRISON, F. Life of Oliver Crom- well. 1888. 923.142:9a HARRISON, J. A. Greek vignettes. 1878. 914.95:1 Spain. 1881. 946:4 Spain in profile. 1879. 914.6:9 HARRISON 74 HEADIiBY Story of Greece. 1885. 938:6 HARRISON, J. B. Latest studies on Indian reservations. 1887. 970.1 :10v.2 HARRISON, MRS. J. W. Alexander Murdock Mackay. 1895. 922.5:14 HARRISON, JANE E. Myths of the Odyssey. 1882. . 883.1:12 HARRISON’S BRITISH CLASSICS. 1785. 8v. 824 :R1 HART. A. B. Formation of the Union 1892. 973.4:3 Guide to the study of American hist- ory. 1896. 907:7 HART. G. E. Pall of New Prance. 1888. 971:1 HART. J. S. Manual of compo^it.ioT' and rhetoric. 1870. 808:21 HART, V. C. Western China. 1888. 915.1:1 HARTE, P. B. East and west: noems. 1871. 811.49 :H26-1 Echoes of the foot-hills. 1879. 811.49 :H26-2 Poetical works. 1882! 811.49:H26 HARTE. W. B. Meditations in mot- ley. 1894. 814.49 :H46 HARTMAN, P. Life of Paracelsus. 1887 920 9*1 HARVEY, ANNIE J. Turkish harems and Circassian homes. 1871. 914.96:7 HARVEY, H. History of the Shawnee Indians. 1855. 970.3:3 HASELL, ELIZABETH J. Life of Calderon. 1879. 862.354:2. Life of Tasso. 1882. 851.464:1 HASSALL, A. Life of Viscount Bol- in^broke. 1889. 923.242:23 Louis XIV and the zenith of the French monarchy. 1895. 923.144:8a Making of the British empire. 1896. 942.07>:17 HASSAUREK, P. Pour years among the Spanish- American. 1868. 918:2 HASSENCAMP, R. History of Ire- land. 1888. 941.5:15 HASTINGS, WARREN. MACAULAY, T. B. Warren Hast- ings. 1893. 923.154:8 HATTON, P. North Borneo. 1886. 919.11:1 HATTON, J. Cigarette papers. 1892. 824.89 :H23 New Ceylon. 1881. 919.11:2 HAVELOCK, HENRY. ■ Forbes, A. Life of Havelock. 1890. 923.542:13 Phillips, E. C. Sir Henry Havelock. 1885. 923.542:3 HAVEN, G. Our next door neighbors: Mexico. 18:5. 917.2:22 HAVERGAL, PRANCES R. Poetical works. 1888. 821.89:1129 HAWAII. See Sandwich Islands. HA WEIS, H. R. American humorists. 1883. 817:29 HA WEIS, MARY E. children. 1882. Chaucer for 821.17.3 HAW:KER, ROBERT STEPHEN. Gould, S. B. The vicar of Mowens- tow: Robert Stephen Hawker. 1S92. 922.3.13 HAWKINS, P. Annals of the French stage. 1884. 2v. 842.09:1 HAWKS, P. L. Expedition of an American squadron to the China seas and Japan. 1857. 915.2:5 HAWTHORNE, J. American literature. 1895. 810.9:14 Nathaniel Hawthorne and his wii>e. 1884. 2v. 813.334:3 Saxon studies. 1876. 914.43:2 HAWTHORNE, N. Complete works 1892. 13v. 813.33 :R1 Bridge, H. Personal recollections of Nathaniel Hawthorne. 1893. 813.334:5 Conway, M. D. Nathaniel Hawthorne. 1890. 813.334:4 Fields, J. T. 'Hawthorne. 1881. 813.334:2 Hawthorne, J. Nathaniel Hawthorne and his wife. 1884. 2v. 813.334:3 James, H. Hawthorne. 1879. 813.344:1 HAY, JAMES. Swift: the mystery of his life and love. 1891. 827.524:2 HAY, JOHN. Abraham Linsoln. 1890.. lOv. 923.173:91 Castilian days. 1887. 914.6:7 Pike county ballads. 1871. 811.39 :H33 HAYDEN, E. V. North America. 1883. (Stanford’s compendium). 917:R3 .HAYDEN, S. Washington and his Masonic compeers. 1866. 923.173:25k HAYDN, FRANZ JOSEPH. Nohl, L. Life of Haydn. 1880. 927.8:17 . Townsend, P. D. Life of Haydn. 1884. 927.8:17a HAYDN, J. Dictionary of dates. 1889. 903 :R3 HAYES, A. A. New Colorado and the Santa Pe trail. 1880. 917,8:9 HAYES, I. I. An Arctic boat journey. 1860. 919.8:5 Land of desolation. 1872. 919.8:6 HAYNE, P. H. Legends and lyrics. 1872. 811.42:1 HAYWARD, A. Life of Goethe. 1878. 832.624:5 HAZEN, W. B. Narrative of military service. 1885. 973.7:29 HAZLITT, WILLIAM. Age of Eliza- beth, and characters of Shakes- peare’s plays. 1876. 822.3:4 Lectures on the English poets. 1892. 821.09:9 Miscellaneous works. 1859. 5v. 824.76:1 HAZLITT, WILLIAM C. Mary and Charles Lamb. 1874. 824.754:2 HEAD, P. R. Anton van Dyck. 1879. 927.5:40 HEADLEY, J. T. George Washington. 1862. 923.173:25a Miscellanies. 1850. 81^.39:H35 Mountain ’adventures. 1885. 910:4 Ulysses S. Grant. 1868. 923.173:8c Winfield Scott. 1861. 923.573:11a HEADLEY 75 HENRY HEADLEY, P. C. Facing the enemy: life and military career of Williarri T. Sherman. 1865. 923.573:19a Fight it out on this line: life and deeds of U. S. Grant. 1864. 923.173 :8g Island of fire: one thousand years of the old Northmen’s home. 1874. 914.8:8 Miner boy and his Monitor: John Ericsson. 1864. 926:9 Napoleon Bonaparte. 1860. 923.144 :3f Old Salamander: David Glascoe Far- ragut. 1865. 923.573:3a Old stars: Ormsby M. Mitchell. 1864. 925:6a Ulysses S. Grant. 1868. 923.173:8b HEARN, L. Glimpses of unfamiliar Japan. 1895. 2v. 915.2:29 Kokora: Japanese inner life. 1896. 915.2:32 Out of the East. 1895. 915.2:28 Stray leaves from strange literature. 1884. 890:4 Two years in the French West Indies. 1890. 917.29:3 HEARST, GEORGE. Memorial addresses on Senator Hearst delivered in the Senate and House of Representatives. 1894. 923.273:20 HEATH, R. Edgar Quinet. 1881. 844.814:1 HEATH, R. F. Albrecht Durer. 1881. 927.5:27 Titian. 1885. 927.5:45 HEATON, J. L. Story of Vermont. 1889. 974.3:1 HEATON, M. C. Correggio. 1882. . 927.5:31 HECLAWA (pseud). In the heart of the Bitter-root mountains. 1895. 917.96:1 HEDGE, F. H. Prose writers of Ger- many. 1852. 830.1:1 HEEREN, A. H. L. Ancient Greece. 1847. 938:17 Ancient history. 1854. 930:10 Historical researches into the politics, intercourse and trade of the Carth- aginians, Ethiopians and Egyptians. 1857. 930:12 Historical researches into the politics, intercourse and trade of the nations of antiquity. 1854. 2v. 930:11 History of the political system of Europe and its colonies. 1857. 940:20 HEERMAN, F. Love oy induction. 1889. 808.2:28 HEGEL, G. W. F. Lectures on the philosophy of history. 1857. 901:15 HEILPRIN, A. Arctic problem and the Peary Relief Expedition. 1893. 919.8:31 HEILPRIN, L. Historical reference book. 1884. 903 :R2 HEINE, H. Florentine nights, etc. 1891. 831.75:4 Heinrich Heine: his wit, wisdom and poetry (extracts); ed. by Dunbar. 1892. 831.75:2 Lyrics and ballads. 1892. 831.75:1 Poems. 1884. 831.75:3 Travel pictures. 1887. 914:27 Embden, L. von. Family life of Heinrich Heine. 1892. 831.754:2 Karpeles, G. Heinrich Heine’s life told in his own words. 1893. 831.754:3 Sharp, W. Heine. 1888. 831.754:1 HELM, MARY S. Early Texas history. 1884. 976.4:2 HELPER, H. R. Land of gold (Califor- nia). 1855. 917.94:64 HELPS, A. Friends in council. 1861. 2v. 824.84:1 Hernando Cortes. 1871. 2v. 923.946:1a Pizarro. 1869. 923.946:3a Spanish conquest in America. 1855. 4v. 980:1 HEMANS, FELICIA D. Poems. 821.79 :H37 HEMPTON, J. Siege and history of Londonderry. 1861. 941.5:12 HENDERSON. E. F. Germany in the Middle Ages. 1894. 943:8 HENLEY, W. E. Lyra Heroica. 1891. 821.08:4 Song of the sword. 1892. 821.89 :H38 Three plays: Deacon Brodie, Beau Austin, Admiral Guine^. 1892. 823.89 :St4-10 Views and reviews. 1890. 801:17 HENRY I (King of England). Freeman, E. A. Reign of William Rufus and accession of Henry 1. 1882. 2v. 942.02:2 HENRY II (King of England). Green, A. S. Henry 11. 1838. 923.142:20 HENRY HI (King of i^ngland). iiutton, W. H. Misrule of Henry 111. 1887. 942.03:2 HENRY V (King of England). Ghurch, A. J. Henry V. 1889. 923.142:16 HENRY VII (King of England). Gairdner, J. Henry VII. 1889. 923.142:17 Moberly, C. E. Early Tudors: Hen- ry Vll and Henry VIII. 1887. y^2.05;5 HENRY TV (King of France). Abbott, J. S. C. Henry IV. 1884. 923.144:4 Willert, P. F. Henry of Navarre and the Huguenots in France. 1893. 944.03:7 HENRY (Prince of Portugal). Beazley, C. R. Prince Henry, the navigator. 1895. 923.9:6 HENRY, JOSEPH. Memorial of Joseph Henry (pub. by Congress). 1880. 925:5 HENRY, PATRICK. Tyler, M. C. Patrick Henry. 1889. 923.273:52 HENRY 16 HILiLi Wirt, W. Patrick Henry. 1817, 923.273:52a HENRY, S. Hours with famous Parisians. 1897. 920,044:2 HENSEL, S. The Mendelssohn family. 1881. 2v. 927.8:39 HENSEL, W. U. Grover Cleveland. 1888. 923.173:5 HERALDRY. Burke, J. B Genealogical and her- aldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage of the British empire. 1853. 929 :R5 Clark, H. Concise history of knight- hood. 1784. 2v. 929.71 :R1 Crests of the families of Great Britain and Ireland. 1805. 929.8:1 Vermont, E. de V. America heraldica. 1886. , 929 :R1 Whitmore, W. H. Elements of her- aldry. 1866. 929:4 HERBERT, E. (Earl of Cherbury). Au- tobiography. 1886. 921.2:2a HERBERT, G. Favorite poems by George Herbert and others. 1882. 821.40:1 Poetical works of Herbert and Vaughan. 1864. 821.30:2 Works. 1856. 821.49 :H42 HERBERT, H. W. Oliver Cromwell. 1856. 923.142:9c HERBERT, MARY E. Impressions of Spain. 1866. 914.6:15 HEREFORD, C. History of Spain to- death of Ferdinand. 1793. 3v. 946 :T* HERFORD, C. H. Age of Wordsworth. 1897. 820.9:56 HERNDON, W. L. Exploration of the valley of the Amazon. 1854. 2v. 918:14 HERODOTUS. History; tr. by RawUn- son, 1875. 4v. 930:3 Swayne, G. C. Herodotus. 1873. 888.1:1 White, J. S. Boy’s and girl’s Herod- otus. 1894. 930:7 HEROES OF NATIONS; ed. by E. Abbott. Charles 'XII. Bain, R. N. 923.148:3a Cicero, Davidson, J. L. S. 937.02:5 Jeanne D’Arc. Oliphant, M. O. W. 923.544:3c Gustavus Adolphus. Fletcher, C. R. L. 923.148:2 Henry of Navarre. Willert, P. E. 944.03:7 Prince Henry, the navigator. Beazley C. R. 923.9:5 Julian. Gardner, A. 923.137:6a Julius Caesar. Fowler, W. W. 923.137: Id Lnicoln. Brooks, N. 923.173:9 Louis XIV. Hassall, A. 923.144:8a Lorenzo de Medici. Armstrong, E. 923.145:1 Napoleon. Morris, W. O’C. 923.144 :3e Nelson. Russell, W. C. 923.542:4a Pericles. Abbott, E. 938.03:2 Sidney. Bourne, H. F, 821.324:2 The(^doric the Goth. Hodgkin, T. 944.04:7 Wycliffe. Sergeant, L. 923.3:10a HEROES OF SCIENCE. Astronomers, Morton, E. J. C. 925:15 Botanists, zoologists and geologists. Duncan, P. M. 925:10 Chemists. Muir, M. M. P. 925:14 Mechanicians, Lewis, T. C. 926:4 Physicists. Garnett, W. 925:11 HERRICK, R. Hesperides. 821.43:1 HERRICK, S. E. Some heretics of yesterday. 1884. 922:5 HERVEY, J, Memoirs of the reign of George II. 1848. 3v. 942.07:5 HERVEY, M. F. S. Celebrated musicians of all nations, 1884. 927.8:27 HERVEY, M. P(. Dark days in Chili. 1892. 918.3:2 HESDIN, RAOUL (pseud.). Journal of a spy in Paris during the reign of terror. 1896. 944.04:18 HESIOD. Epics (Greek text); ed. by Paley. 1883. 883.2:3 Davies, J. Hesiod and Theognis. 1873. 883.2:1 HETTNER, H. Geschichte der deut- schen Literatur in achtzehnten Jahrhundert. 1893. 4v. 830.9 :G2 HEYWOOD, T. Best players. 1888. 822.39 :H51 HIBBARD, G. A. Lenox. 1896. 917.44:5 HIELD, MARY. Land of temples. 1882. * 915.4:16 Living pages from many ages. 1879. 920.02:6 HIGGINSON, FRANCIS. Higginson, T. W. Francis Higginson. ' 1891. 922.5:3 HIGGINSON, SARAH J. Java, the pearl of the East. 1890. 919.2:1 HIGGINSON, T. W. Book and heart: essays on literature and life. 1897. 814.44:5 Book of American explorers. 1877. 973.1:1 Concerning all of us. 1892. 814.44:4 English statesmen. 1881. 923.242:1 Francis Higginson. 1891. 922.5:3 Margaret Fuller Ossoli. 1884. 814.314:1 New world and new book. 1892. 814.44:3 Oldport days. 1873. 814.44:2 Short studies in American authors. 1888. \ 810.9:6 Women and men. 1888. 814.44:1 Young folk’s history of United States. 1889. 973:10 HILDRETH, R. History of the United States. 1849. 6v. 973:11 HILGARD, E. W. Physical and agri- cultural features of California, 1884. 917.94:24 HILL, A. S. Principles of rhetoric. 1889. 808:9 HILiL 77 HISTORY HILL, ALICE P, Tales of the Colo- rado pioneers. 1884. 917.8:26 HILL, D. J. Elements of rhetoric and composition. 1878. 808:22 HILL, F. H. George Canning. 1887. 923.242:15 HILL, F. S. Twenty years at sea. 1893. 910.4:44 HILL, G. B. Writers and readers. 1892 801:33 HILL, T. E. Souvenir guide to Chica- go and the World’s Fair. 1893. 917.73:2 HILLARD, G. S. Six months in Italy 1881. 914.5:15 HILLEBRAND, K. France and the French in the second half of the 19th century. 1881. 914.4:20 HILLER, F. Mendelssohn: letters and recollections. 1874. 927.8:26b HILLHOUSE, J. A. Dramas. 1839. 812.23:1 HILLIARD, H. W. Politics and pen pictures at home and abroad. 1892. 923.273 :17 HINES, G. Wild life in Oregon. 1881. 917.95:2 HINMAN, R. R. Early Puritan set- tlers of Connecticut. 1852. 929 :R6 HINSDALE, B. A. How to study and teach history. 1894. 907:2 Old Northwest. 1888. 977:2 HINTON, J. H. History and topography of the United States. 1857. 2v. 973:14 HINTON, R. J. English radical lead- ers. 1877. 923.242:2 Hand book to Arizona. 1878. 917.91:7 HISTORIC TOWNS; ed. by E. A Freeman. Boston. Lodge, H. C. 974.4:4 Carlisle. Creighton, M. 942.8:1 Cinque Ports. Burrows, M. 942:3 Colchester. Cutts, E. L. 942.6:1 Exeter. Freeman, E. A. 942.3:1 London. Loftie, W. J. 942.1:5 New York. Roosevelt, T. 974.7:1 Oxford. Boase, C. W. 942.5:1 Winchester. Kitchin, G. W. 942.7:1 York. Raine, J. 942.7:1 HISTORY, philosophy and study. Acton, Lord. Lecture on the study of history. 1896. 901:17 Allen, W. F. History topics. 1890. 907:3 Barnes, M. S. Studies in historical method. 1896. 907:6 Fitz Simon, E. A. Historical epochs, with system of mnemonics. 1882. 900:3 Flint, R. Philosophy of history in France, Belgium and Switzerland. 1894. 944:7 Foster, F. H. Seminary method of original study in historical sciences. 1888. 907:4 Freeman, E. A. Methods of histori cal study. 1886. 907:1 Hegel, G. W. F. Lectures on the philosophy of history. 1857. 901:15 Hinsdale, B. A. How to study and teach history. 1894. 907:2 Lecky, W. E. H. Political value of history. 1893. 904:5 Schlegel, K. Philosophy of history. 1829. 901:1 Smith, C. Lectures on the study of history. 1866. 904:11 Stubbs, W. Seventeen lectures on the study of medieval and modern his- tory. 1886. 904:1 Volney, C. F. C. The ruins; or, meditations on the revolutions of empires. 1792. 901:10 White, A. D. Methods of teaching history. 1895. 907:5 Universal. Andrews, E. B. Brief institutes of general history. 1886. 909:6 Archer, T. Decisive events in his- tory. 1878. 909:8 Burnham, S. M. Struggles of the na- tions. 1891. 2v. 909 :R2 Chapin, L. V. Young folk’s story of the world. 1894. 909:16 Eggleston, G. C. Strange stories from history. 1886. 900:4 Fisher, G. P. Outlines of universal history. 1885. 909:11 Freeman, E. A. General sketch of his- tory. 1876. 902:3 Historical essays. 1896. 904:12 Frost, J. Pictorial history of the world. 1848. 909:1 Gould, S. B. Historic oddities /and strange events. 1891. 900:5 Johonnot, J. Stories of heroic deeds. 1888. 904:17 Stories of other lands.1888. 904:18 Stories of the olden time. 1889. 904:16 Kingsley, C. Historical lectures and essays. 1880. 904:6 Labberton, R. H. New historical at- las and general history. 1871. 911 :R2 Lamed, J. N History for ready ref- erence. 1894. 5v. 903 :R5 Mahan, A. T. Influence of sea pow^r upon history. 1890. 909:10 Matthew of Westminster.. Flowers of history to 1307. 1853. 2v. 909:5 Maunder, S. History of the world. 2v. 909:2 Mitchell, S. A. General view of the world. 1848. 909:3 Myers, P. V. N. Outlines of medieval and modern history. 1886; 940:1 Parsons, R. Some lies and errors of history. 1893. 904:21 Ploetz, C. Epitome of ancient, me- dieval and modern history. 1883. 909:7 Sheldon, M. D. Studies in general history. 1895. 909:15 Smith, P. History of the world to the Fall of the Western Roman Em- pire. 1885, 3v. 909:12 HISTORY 7B HOMER Stubbs, W. Study of medieval and modern history. 1886. 904:1 Taylor, H. O. Ancient ideals. 1896. 2v. 901:18 Tytler, A. F. Universal history to the 18th century. 1844. 2v. 909:4 Yonge, C. M. Book of golden deeds. 1885. 904:3 HITCHCOCK, T. Unhappy loves of men of genius. 1891. 920.02:27 HITCHMAN, F. 18th century studies. 1881. 920.02:30 HITTELL, J. S. Brief history of cul- ture. 1875. 901:6 •Commerce and industries of the Pa- cific coast of North America. 1882. 917.94:61 Resources of California. 1863. 917.94:59 HITTELL, T. H. History of California. 1897. 3v. 979.4: RIO HOBART, A. C. Sketches from my life 1887. 923.542:7 HOCHSCHILD, BARON. i^ife of De- siree, Queen of Sweden and Norway. 1890. 923.148:1 HODDER, E. Life of Samuel Morley. 1888. 923.242:14 HODGINS, J. G. Anecdotes of Queeli Victoria. 1868. 923.142:12a HODGKIN, T. Italy and her invaders 1879. 6v. 945.01:2 Theodoric the Goth. 1891. 923.143:2 HODGKIN, VIOLET. Pilgrim^n Palestine. 1891. 915.6:18 HODGKINS, LOUISE M. Guide to the study of 19th century authors. 1893. 809:9 HUDSON, W. S. R. Hodson of Hod- son’s horse: twelve years of a sol- dier’s life in India. 1689. 826.89 :H66 HOFFMAN, C. i'. Winter in the West. 1835. 2v. 917.8:1 HOGARTH, WILLIAM. Dobson, H. A. Life of William Hog- arth. 1883. 927.5:19 HOuG, JAMES. Garden, M. G. Memorials of James Hogg. 1887. 821.794 :H67 HOLBEiN, HANS. Cundall, J. Life of Hans Holbein. 1882. 927.5:25 HOLCOMB, C. The real Chinaman. 1895. 915.1:16 HOLDEN, E. S. Hand-book of the Lick observatory. 1888. 917.94:8 Mongul emperors of Hindustan. 1895. 923.154:10 HOLDER, C. F. Charles Darwin. 1891 925:2a Louis Agassiz. 1893. 925:1a HOLE, S. R. A little tour in America. 1895. 917.3:21 HOLLAND, H. S. Memoir of Madame Jenny Lind-Goldschmidt. 1891. 2v. 927.8:32 HOLLAND, J. G. Bitter-sweet: a poem. 1858, 814.34:1 Concerning tbe Jones family. 1863. 814.34:10] Every-day topics. 1876. 2v. 814.34:5' Gold-foil. 1859. 814.34:9 Kathrina: a poem. 1867. 814.34:2 Lessons in life. 1888. 814.34:7 Life of Abraham Lincoln. 1866. 923.173:9b Mistress of the manse. 1867. 814.34:3 Plain talks on familiar subjects. 1865. 814.34:8 Puritan’s guest: poems. 1877. 814.34:4 Titcomb’s letters to young people. 1858. 814.34:11 HOLLAND, MARY A. G. Our army nurses. 1895. 920.7:31 HOLLAND, lord: See Fox-V assail, H. R. HOLLAND, SABA S. Memoir of Rev. Sydney Smith. 1855. 2v. 824.724:1 HOLLAND. See Netherlands. HOLLEY, MARIETTA (Josiah Allen’s wife). Poems. 1887. 811.49 :H72 HOLLOWAY, LAURA C. Ladies of the White House. 1870. 920.7:6 HOLMES, ALICE. Dialogues for very little folks. 1875. 808.2:12 , HOLMES, E. Life of Mozart. 1845. 927.8:5b HOLMES, EUGENIA K. Adolph Sutro 1895. 923.679:1 HOLMES, MARGARET. Dialogues for Christmas. 1887. 808.5:38 Recitations for Christmas. 808.5:42, HOLMES, O. W. Autocrat of the break- fast table. 1885. 817.32:1 Before the curfew, and other poems. 1888. 817.32:6 John Lothrop Motley. 1889. 816.394 :M85 Life and letters. 1896. 2v. 817.324:1 Our hundred days in Europe. 1888. 914:12 Over the teacups. 1891. 817.32:5 Poet at the breakfast table. 1872. 817.32:3 Poetical works. 1890. 817.32 :R1 Professor at the. breakfast table. 1859. 8l7.3Z:^i Ralph Waldo Emerson. 1886. 814.364:2 Selections from the breakfast table. 1858. 817.32:1c HOLST, H. von. French revolution. 1894. 2v. 944.04:12 Life of John C. Calhoun. 1883. 923.273:9 HOLT, B. Four centuries after. 1893. 914:62 HOLTON, I. F. New Granada. 1857. 918:7 HOLY LAND. See Palestine. HOLYOAKE, G. J. Public speaking anc debate. 1853. 808.5:11 HOME, H. (Lord Karnes). Elements o: criticism. 1833. 801:1 HOMER. Iliad; tr. by Bryant. 1870. 2v 883.1: Same; tr. by Buckley. 1872. 883.1:1 Same; tr. by Chapman. 1888. 2v. 883.1:1 HONE 79 HOAVEIiliS Same; tr. by Edward, earl of Derby. 1871. 883.1 :lj Same; tr. by Lang, Leaf and Myers. 1893. 883.1;lr Same; tr. by Pope. 1854. 883.1 :le Odyssey: tr. by Bryant. 1873. 2v. 883.1:3 Same: tr. by Butcher and Lang. 1893. 883.1:3b Same: tr. by Chapman. 1857. 2v. 883.1:3a Same: tr. by Palmer. 1891. 883.1:3c Brooks, B. Story of the Iliad. 1890. 883.1 :lg Church, A. J. Stories from Homer. 883.1:7 Clerke, A. M. Familiar studies in Homer. 1892. 883.1:9 Collins, W. L. Homer, the Iliad. 1872. 883.1:1b Geddes, W. D. Problem of the Hom- eric poems. 1878. 883.1:8 Gladstone, W. E. Homeric syn- chronism. 1878. 883.1:-^ Landmarks of Homeric study. 1890 883.1:5 Harrison, J. E. Myths of the Odvssey 1882. 883.1:12 Lang, A. Homer and the epic. 1893. 883.1 :D Lawton, W. C. Art and humanity ir Homer. 1896. 883.1:13 Leaf, W. Companion to the Iliad. 1892. 883.1:2 Montgomery, W. Tales of ancient Troy, and the adventures of Ulysses 1892. 883.1:10 Stewart, A. Tale of Troy» 1886. 883.1:6 HONE, P. Diary: ed. by Tuckerman. 1889. 2v. 923.673:4 HOOD, J. B. Advance and retreat. 1880. 973.78:5 HOOD, T. Poetical works. 1856. 2v. 821.79 :H76 HOOKE, N. Roman history to the ruin of the commonwealth. 1825. 6v 937:10 HOOKER, THOMAS. Walker, G. L. Thomas Hooker. 1891. 922:6 HOOPER, G. Life of Wellington. 1889. 923.542:10 HOPE, A. R. See Moncrieff, A. R. H. HOPE, M. J. Novalis (Frederick von Hardenberg): his life. 1891. 823.634:1 HOPKINS, MARK. Carter, F. Life of Mark Hopkins. 1892. 922.5:5 HOPKINS, T. Kilmainham memories. 1896. 941.5:16 HOPPIN, J. M. Greek art on Greek soil. 1897. 913.38:16 Old England. 1890. 914.2:22 HORACE. Lyrics: tr. by Brodie. 1868. 874.5:5 Odes (Latin text): ed. by Wickham. 1891. 874.5:1b Same (Eng. text): tr. by Conning- ton. 1892. 874.5:3a Same: tr. by Hague. 1892. 874.5:3 Same (Horatian echbes): tr. by Sargent. 1893. 874.5:4 Satires and epistles: tr. by Conning- ton. 1892. 874.5:6 Works (Lat. text): ed by Anthon. 1848. 874.5:1 Same (Eng. text): tr. by Smart. 1888. 874.5:1a Martin, T. Horace. 1873. 874.54:1 Sellar, W. Y. Roman poets of the Augustan age: Horace and the elegiac poets. 1892. 874.5:2 HOPE. E. C. Tanganyika. 1892. 916.6:7 HORNADAY. W. T. Two years in a .iungle. 1885. 915.4:8 HORNE, H, P. Nero and other plays. 822.3:6 HORNE, J. Year in Fiji. 1881. 919.1:8 HORNE, R. H. New spirit of the age 1844. 824.89 :Ho78 HORRY, P. Life of General Francif Marion. 1884. 923.573:8 HORT, DORA. Tahiti: garden of the Pacific. 1891. 919.6:16 HORTENSE (Queen of Holland). Abbott, J. S. C. History of Hortense daughter of Josephine. 1870. 923.1^9:2 HOSMER, J. K. Samuel Adams. 1885. 923.273:4 Story of the Jews. 1886. 933:3 Thomas Hutchinson. 1896. 923.273:25 HOTTEN, J. C. Our early emigrant ancestors. 1874. 929:2 HOUSSAYE, A. Behind the scenes of the Comedie Francaise. 1889. 842.7:1 Philosophers and actresses. 1852. 2v. 920.044:1 HOUSTON, D. F. Nullification in South Carolina. 1896. 973.5:8 HOUSTON, SAMUEL. Bruce, H. General Houston. 1891. 923.573:29a Williams, A. M. Sam Houston and the war of independence in Texas. 1893. 923.573:29 HOVEY, R. Launcelot and Guenevere: a poem. 1891. 811.49 :H82 HOWARD, B. D. Life with trans-Si- berian savages. 1893. 915.7:7 HOWARD, BLANCHE W. One yeai abroad. 1887. 914:13 HOWARD, C. J. Book of drawing- room theatricals. 1870. 808.2:3 HOWARD, H. (Earl of Surrey). Poems. 1894. 821.28:1. HOWARD, O. O. Life of General Tay- lor. 1892. 923.173:39a HOWE, JULIA W. Later lypics. 1865. 811.39:H83 Is polite society polite. 1895. 811.39 :H83-1 Life of Margaret Puller. 1883. 814.314:2 HOWELLS, W. D, Criticism and fic- tion. 1891. 813.43:6 HOWELiLiS 80 HUNT Farces and comedies: Albany depot. 1892. 813.43:9 Counterfeit presentment. 1877. 813.43:12 Evening dress. 1893. 813.43:14 Letter of introduction. 1892. 813.43:10 Likely story. 1894. 813.43:15 Mouse trap. 1889. 813.43:8 Out of the question. 1882. 813.43:13 Previous engagement. 1897. 813.43:17 Sea-change. 1888. 813.43:7 Unexpected guests. 1893. 813.43:11 Impressions and experiences. 1896. 813.43:2 Italian journeys. 1884. 914.5:9 Modern Italian poets. 1887. 813.43:5 My literary passions. 1895. 813.43:1 My year in a log cabin. 1893. 813.43:16 Niagara book. 1893. 917.47:3 Poems. 1873. ‘ 813.43 :c Stops of various quills. 1895. 813.43:4 Three villages. 1884. 917.3:12 Tuscan cities. 1884. 914.5:11 Venetian life. 1886. 914.5:10 HOWITT,. MARY B. Autobiography. 1889. 2v. 823.894 :H83 HOWITT, W. Homes and haunts of the most eminent British poets. 1851. 2v. 821.09:10 Literature and romance of Northern Europe. 1852. 2v. 839.5:1 HOWLAND, GEORGE, Jr. Gifford, W. L. R. George Howland, Jr. 1892. 823.6: LI HOWORTH, H. H. History of the Mon- gols. 1876. 2v. 950 :R1 HOYT, J. K. Cyclopedia of practical quotations. 1896. 808.8 :R5 HOZIER, H. M. Seven Weeks’ war. 1867. 2v. 943.08:2 HUBERT, P. G. Inventors. 1896. 926:17 HUBNER, J. A. von. Ramble round the world. 1874. 910.4:17 HUDSON, P. Private theatricals. 1870 808 2 * 11 HUDSON, MARY C. Outlines of men women and things. 1873. 814.39 :H86 HUDSON, W. H. Idle days in Pata- gonia. 1893. 918.2:4 Naturalists in La Plata. 1892. 918.2:3 Studies in interpretation: Keats Clough and Arnold. 1896. 820.4:2 HUEFFER, F. Richard Wagner. 1881 927.8:9a HUET, C. B. Land of Rubens. 1888. 914.93:3 HUG, LINA. Story of Switzerland. 1890.' 949.4:2 HUGHES, JOHN. Brann, H. A. John Hughes, first arch- bishop of New York. 1892. 922.2:19 HUGHES, R. M. General Johnston. 1893. 923.573:17 HUGHES, T. Alfred, the great. 1881. 923.142:6 David Livingstone. 1889. 923.942:1 Gone to Texas. 1884. 917.6:2 Vacation rambles. 1895, 910:5 HUGHES, W. R. Week’s tramp in Dickens-land. 1891. 914.2:33 HUGO, V. Dramatic works; tr. by Slous and Crosland. 1887. 843.78:3 Legend of the century: poems. 1894. 841.78:2 Letters to his family, to Saint Beuve and others. 1896. 843.78:4 Letters to his wife and others. 1895. 843.78:5 Poetical works (selections). 1885. 843.78:1 Sketches and legends of the Rhine. 1845. 914.3:9 William Shakespeare; tr. by Ander- son. 1886. 822.331:9 Barbou, A. Victor Hugo. 1881. 843.784:2 Marzials, F. T. Victor Hugo. 1888. 843.784:1 Nichol, J. P. Victor Hugo. 1893. 843.784:3 Swinburne, A. C. Study of Victor Hugo. 1886. 843.781:1 HULTON, S. F. Rixae Oxoniensis. 1892. 942.5:2 HUMBERT, A. Japan and the Jap- anese illustrated. 1874. 915.2:25 HUMBOLDT, A. von. Travels to the equinoctial regions of America, 1799-1804. 1870. 3v. 918:10 Political essay on the kingdom of New Spain. 1814. 4v. 917.2:27 HUME, D. History of England to rev- olution of 1688. 1854. 6v. 942:5 HUMOR. See Wit and humor. HUMPHREY, PRANCES A. How New England was made. 1890. 974.15 HUMPHREYS, A. A. Virginia cam- paign of ’64-’65. 1883. 973.73:6 HUNGARY. Dowie, M. M. A girl in the Karpath- ians. 1891. 914.39:1 Kossuth, L. Memories of my exile. 1880. 943.9:1 Kossuth and the Hungarian war. (anon.). 1852. 943.9:3 Laszowska, E. de. Land beyond the forest: Transylvania. 1888. 914.3:3 Leger, L. History of Austro-Hun- gary. 1889. 943.6:2 Maurice, C. E. Revolutionary move- ment of 1848-9 in Austria-Hungary. 1887. . 940.9:1 Paget, J. Hungary and Transylvania 1850. 2v. 914.39:2 S., E. O. Hungary and its revolutions 1889. 943.9:2 Vambery, A. Story of Hungary. 1886. 943.9:9 HUNNEWELL, J. P. Lands of Scott. 1888. 914:39 HUNT, P. Lives of American mer- chants. 1858. 2v. 923.873:1 HUNT, HELEN. See Jackson, H. M. HUNT, L. Autobiography. 1872. 2v. 824.774:1 Essays, 1891, 824.77:4 HUNT 81 IMBERT Men, women and books. 1873. 2v. 824.77:3 Poet and essayist (passages from his works). 1889. 824.77:5 Poetical works. 824.77:6 The seer. 1878. 2v. 824.77:1 Wishing cap papers. 1873. 824.77:2 Wit and humor selected from English poets. 1846. 827:3 HUNT, LOUISE L. Memoir of Mrs. Edward Livingstone. 1886. 923.973:5 HUNT, T. W. Ethical teachings in old English literature. 1892. 820.9:26 Studies in literature and style. 1890. 808:16 HUNT, W. Bristol (Eng.). 1889. 942.3:2 History of Italy. 1884. 945:3 HUNTER ,W. W. Brief history of the Indian vpeoples. 1895. 954:14 The Indian empire. 1886. 954:3 Marquess of Dalhousie. 1890 923.154:2 HUNTINGTON, A. S. Under a colonial roof-tree: fireside chronicles of early New England. 1891. 917.4:22 HUNTLEY, H. V. California: its gold and its inhabitants. 1856. 2v. 917.94:66 HURLBURT, W. H. Gan-Eden; or Pictures of Cuba. 1854. 917.29:9 HUSKISSON, W. Select speeches of William Windham and of William Huskisson. 1836. 825:7 HUSSEY, MARTHA S. Helps in teach- ing reading. 1891. 808.5:8 HUTCHINGS, J. M. In the heart of the Sierras. 1886. 917.94:23 HUTCHINSON, T. J. Two years in Peru. 1873. 2v. 918.5:2 HUTCHINSON, THOMAS. Hosmer, J. K. Thomas Hutchinson, royal governor of the province of Massachusetts Bay. 1896. 923.273:25 HUTTON, A. W. Cardinal Manning. 1892. » 922.2:14 HUTTON, L. Curiosities of the Amer- ican stage. 1891. 812.09:1 Edwin ‘Booth. 1893. 927.9:26 From the books of Laurence Hutton 1892. 814.49 :H97 Literary landmarks: Of Edinburgh. 1891. Of Florence. 1897. Of London. 1888. Of Rome. 1897. Of Venice. 1896. 914.14:2 914.55:1 820.9 :( 914.56:2 914.53:1 Other times and other seasons. 1895. 814.49 :H97-1 HUTTON, R. H. Cardinal Newman. 1890. 922.2:9 Essays on some of the modern guides to English thought in matters of faith. 1888. 824.89 :H98 Sir Walter Scott. 1879. 821.744:1 HUTTON, W. H. Misrule of Henry III: extracts from Matthew Paris and others. 1887. 942.03:2 Philip Augustus. 1896. 923.144:13 Simon de Montfort and his cause: ex tracts from Robert of Glouceste: and others. 1888. 942.03:3 William Laud. 1895. 922.3:15 HYDE, A. The frozen zone and its ex- plorers. 1874. 919.8:3 HYDE, E. (1st earl of Clarendon). The rebellion and civil wars in Eng land. 1826. 8v. 942.06:6 Life of Edward, earl of Clarendon, written by himself. 1827. 3v. 923.242:4 IBSEN, H. John Gabriel Borkman. 1897. 839.82:5 Little Eyolf. 1894. 839.82:^ Prose dramas. 1890. 6v. 839.82:1 Jaegar, H. Henrik Ibsen. 1890. 839.824:1 Shaw, G. B. Quintessence of Ibsen- ism. 1891. 839.826:1 Wicksteed, P. H. Four lectures on Henrik Ibsen. 1892. 839.821:1 ICELAND. Conybeare, C. A. V. Place of Iceland in the history of European institu- tions. 1877. 949.1:1 Maccoll, L. M. Story of Iceland. 1887. 949.1:2 Otte, E. C. Denmark and Iceland. 1881. 914.9:1 IDAHO. Bancroft, H. H. History of Washing- ton, Idaho and Montana. 1890. 979.7:1 IHNE, J. A. F. W. Early Rome. 1886 937:7 History of Rome. 1871 5v. 937:12 IMBERT de SAINT-AMAND, A. L. Citizeness Bonaparte. 1890. 923.144:1c Court of Empress Josephine. 1890. 923.144: Id Court of Louis XIV. 1893. 944.033:1 Duchess of Angouleme and the two restorations. 1892. 923.244 :9r Duchess of Berry and court of Charles X. 1892. 944.06:3 Duchess of Berry and court of Louis XVIII. 1892. 944.06:4 Duchess of Berry and the revolution of 1830. 1893. 944.06:2 H^ppy days of Empress Marie Louise 1890. 923.144:9 Last years of Louis XV. 1893. 944.034:2 Louis Napoleon and Mademoiselle de Monti jo. 1897. 923.144:7a Marie Antoinette and the downfall of royalty. 1891. 923.144:2c Marie Antoinette and the end of the old regime. 1890. 923.144:2b Marie Antoinette at the Tuileries. 1891. 923.144: 2d Marie Louise and the decadence of the empire. 1890. 923.144:9a Marie Louise and the invasion of 1814 1891. 923.144:9b Marie Louise, the. island of Elba and the Hundred days. 1891. 923.144:9c Revolution of 1848. 1895. 944.07:2 Wife of the First Consul. 1890. 923.144:1a Women of the Valois court. 1893. 923.244:10 NDIA 82 INDIANS Youth of the Duchess of Angouleme. 1892. 923.244:9 INDIA. Description and travel. Arnold, E. India revisited. 1886. 915.4:1 Bendall, C. Literary and archaeologr ical researches in Nepal and North- ern India. 1886. 913.34:1 Blavatksy, H. P. Prom the caves and Jungles of Hindostan. 1892. 915.4:21 Butterworth. H. Zigzag Journevs in India. 1887. 915.4:7 Zigzag Journeys in the antipodes. 1888. 915.93:6 Caine, W. S. Picturesque India. 1890. 915.4:1^ Caird, Sir. J. India. 1883. 915.4:20 Cameron, V. L. Our future highway to India. 1880. 2v. * 915:9 Carpenter, E. From Adam’s peak tr Elephanta. 1892. 915.4:19 Carpenter. M. T. A girl’s winter ir India. 1892. 915.4:18 Chevrillon, A. In India. 1896. 915.4:2^ Cumming, C. E. G. In the Himalayar and on the Indian plains. 1886. 915.4:20 Cumming, W. G. Wild men and wild beasts: scenes in camp and jungle. 1888. 915.4:15 French, H. W. Our boys in India. 1888. 915.4:2 Hi eld, M. The land of temples. 1882 915.4:16 Hornady, W. T. Two years in e Jungle. 1885. 915.4:8 Kipling, R. Out of India. 1895. 915.4:23 Knox, T. W. Two youths in a jour- ney to Ceylon and India. 1882, 915.4:4 Macleod, N. Days in Northen India. 1870. 915.4:9 Moore, J. The Queen’s Empire. 1886. 915.4:10 Moses, H. An Englishman’s life in India. 1853. 915.4:11 Oman, J. C. Indian life. 1889. 915.4:6 Palmer, J, W. The new and the old: California and India in romantic aspects. 1859. 917.94:73 Pratt, M. L. People and places here and there: India. 1892. 915.4:25 Taylor, B. India, China and Japan. 1859. 915:4 Thomson, J. T. Some glimpses intc life in the far east. 1865. 915.93:8 Wright, C. India and its inhabitants 1858. 915.4:13 History. Compton, H. European military ad- ventures of Hindustan, 1784-1803. 1893. 954:5 Dutt, R. C. Ancient India. 1893. 934:1 Elphinstone, M. Rise of British powe: in the east. 1887. 954:6 Feudge, F. R. India. 1880. 954:1 Frazer, R. W. British India. 1897. 954:13 Hunter, W. W. Brief history of the Indian peoples, 1895. 954:14 The Indian empire. 1886. 954:3 Inglis, Lady J. Siege of Lucknow: a diary. 1893. 954.2:1 Malleson, G. B. Indian mutiny of 1857. 1891. 954:16 Mill; J. History of British India. 1858. 954:2 Moncrieff, A. R. H. Story of the In- dian mutiny. 1896. 954: If Pimblett, M. W. How the British wor India. 1893. 954:7 Ragozin, Z. Story of Vedic India. 1895. 954:12 Shipp, J. Memoirs. 1829. 954:4 Tupper, C. L. Our Indian protector- ate. 1893. 954:10 Warner, W. L. The protected prince, of India. 1894. 954:8 Wheeler, J. T. History of India. 1867 4v. 954 :R1 Literature, Hearn, L, Stray leaves from strangf literature. 1884. 890:4 Kaegi, A. The Rigveda: the oldest literature of the Indians; tr. fr. the German by Arrowsmith. 1886. 891.2:2 Mahabharata (selections). Indian idylls; tr. by Arnold. 1884. 821.87:7 Song celestial; or, Bhagavadgita: tr. by Arnold. 1888. 821.87:6 Reed, E. A. Hindu literature. 1891. 891.1:1 INDIANA. Brice, W. A. History of Fort Wayne. 1868. 977.2:2 Dunn, J. P. Indiana. 1888. 977.2:1 INDIANS. Bancroft, H. H. Native races of the Pacific states. 1886. 5v. 979:1 Biart, L. The Aztecs. 1887. 972.02:2 Bourke, J .G. An Apache campaign in the Sierra Madre. 1886. 970.3:1 Snake-dance of the Moquis of Ari- zona. 1884. 917.91:3 Brinton, D. G. Aboriginal Americar authors and their productions. 1883. 970.1:9 The American race. 1891. 970.1:7 Brownwell, C. de W. Indian races of North and South America., 1864. 970.1:8 Catlin, G. Eight years’ travels and residence in Europe with his North American Indians. 1848. 914:56 Chapin, F. H. Land of the cliff-dwel lers. 1892. 917.91:8 Darlington, W. M. Col. James Smith during his captivity with the Indians, 1755-9. 1870. 970.1:5 Domenech, E. H. D. Seven years’ residence in the great deserts of North America, 1860. 2v. 970.6:2 Donaldson, T. Six nations of New York. 1892. 970.1 :R2 INDIANS 83 IRONQUILL Drake, F. S. Indian history for young folks. 1884. 970.1:4 Dunn, J. P. Massacres of the Moun- tains: Indian wars of the far west 1886. 970.6:1 Egg-leston, G. C. Red Eagle and the wars with the Greek Indians. 1878. 970.2:6 Ellis, G. E. The red man and the white man in North America. 1882. 970.1:6 Featherman, A. Aoneo-, Chiapo-, and Guarano-Maranonians. (Races of mankind, pt. 3). 1889. 2v. 901.Rlpt.3 Giddings, J. R. Exiles of Florida. 1858. 975.9:1 Goodrich, S. G. Celebrated American Indians. 1844. 970.2:7 Indians of North and South Amer- ica. 1844. 970.1:13 Grinnell, G. B. Story of the Indian. 1895. 970.1:14 Harvey, H. H. The Shawnee Indians. 1855. 970.3:3' Indian pamphlets. 2v. 970.1:10 Indian Rights Association. Reports, etc. 1886-92. 3v. 970.106:1-3 Jackson, H. H. Century of dishonor. 1881. 970.5:1 Knapp, F. The Thlinkets of south- eastern Alaska. 1896. 917.98:18 Lummis, C. F. Some strange corners of our country. 1892. 917.8:33 Mason, O. T. Woman’s share in prim- itive culture. 1894. 970.1:11 Schoolcraft, H. R. American Indians. 1851. 970.1:12 Indian tribes of the U. S.; ed. and abr. by Drake. 1884. 2v. 970.1 :R1 Short, J. T. The North Americans of antiquity. 1879. 913.70:2 Walker, h . A. The Indian question. 1874. 970.1:2 Wellcome, H. S. Story of Metia- kahtia (work among Indians of ±}ritish America). 1887. 970.5:2 INGEEUW, JEAN. Poems. 1871. 821.89:In4 Poems of the old days and the new. 1885. 821.89 :In4-l INGERSOLL, E. Crest of the conti- nent. 1888. 917.8:13 INGERSOLL, R. G. Liberty in litera- ture. 1890. 811.381:1 Prose poems and selections. 1884. 814.49 :Im INGLE, E. Southern sidelights. 1896. 975:1 INGLIS, JULIA. Siege of Lucknow. 1893. 954.2:1 INGOLDSBY, T. See Barham, R. H. INGRAM, H. A. Life and character of Stephen Girard. 1886. 923.873:2 INGRAM, J. H. Edgar Allan Poe. 1880 811,324;: Elizabeth Barrett Browning. 1888. 821.824:1 INVENTORS. Hale, E. E. Stories of invention. 1889. 926:10 Hubert, P. G. Inventors. 1896. 926:17 Towle, G. M. Heroes and martyrs of invention. 1890. 926:11 IOWA. Ashton, C. Hand-book of Iowa. 1893 917.77:1 IRELAND, J. N. Life of Mrs. Duff. 1882. 927.9:17 IRELAND. Description and travel. Bovet, Mme de. Three months’ toui in Ireland. 1891. 914.15:6 Craik, D. M. An unknown country. 1887. 914.15:1 French, H. W. Our boys in Ireland. 1891. 914.15:7 Hall, A. M. F. Ireland. 1842. 3v. 914.15:3 Sketches of Irish character. 1855. 914.15:2 Knox, T. W. Boy travellers in Great Britain and Ireland. 1891. 914.2:25 Martin, W. G. W. Pagan Ireland. 1895. 913.42:6 Pellew, G. In castle and cabin. 1888. 914.15:4 Thackeray, W. M. Irish sketch book. 1843. 914.15:5 History. Barnard, F. P. Strongbow’s conquest of Ireland. 1888. 941.5:5 Brycer, J. Two centuries of Irish hist- ory. 1888. 941.57:1 Burke, T. N. Ireland’s case stated in reply to Froude. 1887. 941.5:1 Daunt, -W. J. O’N. Eighty-five years of Irish history. 1886. 2v. 941.5:3 Duffy, C. G. Young Ireland. 1881. 941.5:8 Froude, J. A. English in Ireland in the 18th century. 1888. 3v. 941.5:6 Hassencamp, R. Ireland from the Reformation to the Union.. 1888. 941.5:15 Hopkins, T. Kilmainham memories. 1896. 941.5:16 Lawless, E. Story of Ireland. 1888. 941.5:1 Lecky, W. E. H. Ireland in the 18th century. 1893. 5v. 941.58:1 Le Fanu, W. R. Seventy years of Irish life. 1893. 914.15:8 McCarthy, J. H. Short history of Ireland. 1889. 941.5:13 MacGeoghegan, J. Ireland: ancient and modern. 1758, 941.5:11 Moore, T. Ireland to 1646. 1839. 2v. 941.5:2 Prendergast, J. P. Cromwellian set- tlement of Ireland. 1865. 941.5:7 Sadlier, A. History of Ireland in words of one syllable. 1885. 941.5:14 Thebaud, A. J. The Irish race in the past and present. 1889. 941,5: It Zimmerman, H, Irish element in me- dieval culture. 1891. 940.2:1 IRONQUILL, pseud. See Ware, E. IRVINE 84 ITAIiY IRVINE, R. M. Tribute to the memory of Robert M. Irvine. 1891. 922.5:10 IRVING, HENRY. Daly, F. Henry Irving- in England and America. 1884. 927.9:2a Winter, W. Life of Henry Irving. 1885. 927.9:2 IRVING, W. Astoria. 1849. 917.9:3 Biographies and miscellanies. 1866. 817.24:2 Captain Bonneville. 1868. 917.9:4 Christopher Columbus. 1828. 3v. 923.945:1a Conquest of Granada. 1829. 946.03:2 Crayon miscellany. 1865. 817.24:1 George Washington. 1857. 5v. 923.173:25b Mahomet and his successors. 1850. 2v. 922.9:1 Oliver Goldsmith. 1848. • 821.644:1 Sketch book. 1848. 817.24:3 Spanish papers. 1868. 946.02:4 Irving, P. M. Washington Irving. 1869. 3v. 817.244:2 Warner, C. D. Washington Irving. 1882. 817.244:1 Work of Washington Irving. 1893. 817.241:1 IRWIN, R. B. History of the 19th Army Corps. 1892. 973.73:23 ISABELLA (Queen of Spain). Prescott, W. H. Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. 1838. 3v. 946.03:1 ISLANDS. Ballou, M. M. Story of Malta. 1893. 914.58:1 Benjamin, S. G. W. Atlantic islands as resorts of health and pleasure. 1878. 919:7 Black, W. G. Heligoland and islands of the North sea. 1888. 914.92:3, Browne, J. R. Crusoe’s island. 1864. 917.94:2 Caine, H. The little Manx nation. 1891. 942.89:1 Cesnola, L. P. di. Cyprus. 1877. 913.93:1 Cox, S. S. Isles of the Princes. 1887. 914.95:4 Freeman, E. A. History of Sicily. 1891. 2v. 937.8:1 Story of Sicily. 1892. 937.8:2 Kelly, R. J. Sketches in the Isle of Man. 1845. 914.2:16 Quiggin’s guide to the Isle of Man. 1839. 914.2:23 Stone, O. M. Tenerife and its six satellites. 1887. 2v. 914.68:1 Walpole, S. The land of home rule: Isle of Man. 1893. 942.89:2 Weeks, L. H. Among the Azores. 1882. 914.6:8 ISOCRATES. Ad demonicum et pa- negyrics (Greek text); ed. by Sandys. 1868. 885.4:1 ITALIAN LITERATURE. Green, G. A. Italian lyrists of today 1893. 851.8:1 Howells, W. D. Modern Italian poets, 1887. 813.43r5 Morris, C. Half hours with the best foreign authors: Italian, Spanish, etc. 1888. 850.8:2 Phillmore, C. M. Studies in Italian literature. 1891. 850.4:4 Roscoe, T. Italian novelists. 850.8:1 Rossetti, D. G. Dante and his circle 1887. 851.1:1 Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy 1888. 2v. 945.05 :2pt.4 Trollope, F. E. Homes and haunts of Italian poets. 1881. 2v. 851:2 Vincent, G. E. Some Italian authors and their works. 1887. 850.4:2 Werner, A. The humor of Italy. 1893. 857:1 ITALY. Description and Travel. Baedeker, K. Northern, Central and Southern Italy. 1879. 3v. 914.5:21 Benson, E. Art and nature in Italy. 1882. 914.4:25 Bourget, P. Impressions of Italy. 1892. 914.5:22 Castelar, E. Old Rome and new Italy 1873. 914.5:1 Champney, E. W. Three Vassar girls in Italy. 1885. 914.5:2 Dennis, G. Cities and cemeteries of Etruria. 1848. 913.37:6 Dickens, C. Pictures from Italy. 1881. 914.5:19 Forbes, S. R. Rambles in Naples. 1893. 914.5:24 Furniss, W. Land of the Caesar and Doge. 1853. 914.5:3 Goethe, J. W. von. Travels in Italy. 1885. 914.5:17 Hare, A. J. C. Cities of Southern Italy and Sicily. 1883. 914.5:4 Hawthorne, N. French and Italian note-books. 1888. 914.5:8 Hallard, G. S. Six months in Italy. 1881. 914.5:15 Howells, W. D. Italian journeys. 1884. 914.5:9 Tuscan cities. 1885. 914.5:11 Jameson, A. M. Diary of an ennuyee. 1887. 914.5:14 Johnson, V. W. Genoa, the superb. 1892. 914.51:1 Longfellow, H. W. Poem of places: Italy. 1877. 3v. 808.1:4 Norton, C. E. Notes of travel and study in Italy. 1859. 914.5:16 Piozzi, E. L. T. Glimpses of Italian society in the 18th century. 1892. 914.5:6 Smollett, T. Travels through Prance ■ and Italy. 1766. 2v. 914.4:14 Stieler, K. Italy from the Alps to Mt. Etna. 914.5 :R1 Symonds, J. A. Sketches in Italy and Greece. 1879. 914.5:23 Taine, H. A. Italy, Florence and Venice. 1889. 914.5:12 Italy, Rome and Naples. 1889. 914.5:13 ITALY History: Early and General. Abbott, J. S. C. Italy and the war for Italian independence. 1882. 945:6 Browning-, O. Guelphs and Ghibel lines. 1893. 945.04:1 Burckhardt, J. Civilization of the period of the Renaissance in Italy. 1878. 2v. 901:8 Bryce, J. Holy Roman Empire. 1889. 943:6 Duffy, B. Tuscan republics. 1893. 945.5:3 Greene, N. Compendious history of Italy. 1860. 945:5 Greg-orovius, F. City of Rome in the Middle Ages. 1894. 2v. 945.01:1 Hodgkin, T. Italy and her invaders. 1885. 6v. 945.01:2 Hunt, W. History of Italy. 1884. 945:3 Machiavelli, N. Historical, political and diplomatic writings. 1882. 4v. 854.31:1 Mignaty, M. A. Historical past of Italy. 1876. 945:7 Simonde de Sismondi, J. C. L. History of the Italian Republic. 1832. 945:4 Spalding, W. Italy and the Italian islands. 1857. 3v. 945:.' Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy 1877. 7v. 945.05:2 Modern History. Arrivabene, C. Italy under Victor Emmanuel. 1862. 2v. 945:1 Cesaresco, E. M. Italian characters in the epoch of unification. 1890. 920.045:4 Latimer, E. M. Italy in the 19th cen tury. 1896. 945.09:1 Marriott, J. A. R. Makers of modern Italy. 1889. 920.045:3 Maurice, C. E. Revolutionary move- ment of 1848-9 in Italy. 1887. 940.9:1 Probyn, J. W. Italy from the fall of Napoleon. 1891. 945: It Thayer, W. R. Dawn of Italian in- dependence. 1893. 2v. 945.08:1 For history of Italy before the Fall of the Western Roman Empire, set Rome. ITURBIDE, AGUSTIN de (Emperor of Mexico). Political life of Augustin de Iturbide, written by himself. 1824. 923.172:1 JACCACI, A. F. On the trail of Don Quixote. 1896. 914.6:25 JACKSON, A. (7th President of the U. S.). Memoirs. 923.173:13c Dyer, O. General Andrew Jackson. 1891. 923.173:136 Life of Andrew Jackson, (anon.). 1868. 923.173:13d Parton, J. General Jackson. 1859. 3v. 923.173:13 Sumner, W. G. Andrew Jackson as a public man. 1883, 923.173; 13b JAMESON JACKSON, CATHERNE C. Court of Prance in the 16th century. 1886. 2v. 944.02:4 Last of the Valois and accession of Henry of Navarre. 1888. 2v. 944.02:3 Old regime. 1882. 944.03:8 JACKSON, HELEN M. (H. H.). Bits of travel. 1891. 914:57 Century of dishonor. 1881. 970.5:1 Glimpses of three coasts. 1886. 910:12 Verses. 1890. 811.49 :J13 JACKSON, J. P. Bayreuth of Wagner. 1891. 927.8 :9g JACKSON, JULIA N. Winter holiday in summer lands (Cuba). 1890. 917.29:5 JACKSON, S. Alaska and missions on the North Pacific coast. 1880. 917 98 ’3 JACKSON, THOMAS JONATHAN (Stonewall). Cooke, J. E. Stonewall Jackson: a military biography. 1876. 923.573 :24e Jackson, M. A. Life and letters of Gen. Thos. J. Jackson. 1892. 923.573:24 JACOBS, J. Essays and reviews frorr the Athenaeum. 1891. 823.80:2 Jews of Angevin, England. 1893. 942:22 JACOBS, M. Invasion of Maryland and Pennsylvania, and the battle oi Gettsyburg. 1864. 973.73:2: JAEGER, H. Henrik Ibsen: critical bi- ography. 1890. 839.824:1 JAHN, J. Hebrew commonwealth tc time of Adrian. 1840. 933:-;' JAMES I (King of England). Gardiner, S. R. First two Stuarts and Puritan revolution. 1876. 942.06:1 JAMES, G. W. Old missions and mis- sion Indians of California. 1895. 979.4:28 Tourist’s guide book to Southern Cal- ifornia. 1894. 917.94:83 JAMES, H. Daisy Miller. 1883. 813.46:1 Essays in London and elsewhere. 1893 813.46:4 French poets and novelists. 1884. 813.46:5 Life of Hawthorne. 1879. 813.334:1 Little tour in Prance. 1885. 914.4: 1C Partial portraits. 1888. 813.46: Portraits of places. 1885. 914 :3<- Transatlantic sketches. 1888. 914:3; Two comedies: Tenants and Disen- gaged. 1894. 813.46:2 JAMESON, ANNA M. Celebrated fe male sovereigns. 1831. 920.7:24 Diary of an ennuyee. 1878. 914.5:14 Early Italians painters. 1889. 927.5:1 Memoirs of the loves of poets. 1889. 809:15 Shakespeare’s heroines. 1886. 822.331:: Sketches of art, literature and char- acter. 1888. 824.89 :J2. Studies, stories and memoirs. 1885. $24.89 :J23-1 JAMESON JEPPEHSON Macpherson, G. Memoir of the life of Anna Jameson. 1878. 928.'2:'i JAMESON, J. F. History of historica: writings in America. 1891. 907:2 JANVIER, T. A. An embassy to Prov- ence. 1893. 914.49:1 In old New York. 1894. 917.47:1 Mexican guide. 1895. 917.2 :R-? JAPAN. Alcock, R. Capital of the Tycoon. 1877. 2v. 915.2:4 Arnold, E. Japonica. 1891 915.2:16 Seas and lands. 1891. 915.2:15 Bacon, A. M. Japanese girls and women. 1891. 915.2 : 35 Japanese interior. 1893. 915.2:24 Batchelor, J. Ainu of Japan. 1892. 915.2:21 Berkeley, H. Japanese' letters. 1891. 895.2:1 Bishop, I. L. Unbeaten tracks in Ja- pan. 1880. 915.2:18 Bramhall, M. St. J. Wee ones of Ja- pan. 1894. 915.2:26 Chamberlain, B. H. Things Japan- ese. 1890. 915.2:14 Curtis, W. E. Yankees of the East. 1896. 2v. 915.2:34 Department of Agriculture: general view of commerce and industry in Japan. 1893. 915.2:23 Dresser, C. Japan: its architecture, art and art manufactures. 1882. 915.2:36' Finck^ H. T. Lotos- time in Japan. 1895. 915.2:31 Gordon, M. L. American missionary in Japan. 1892. 915.2:20 Greey, E. The bear-worshippers of Yezo and the Island of Rarafuto. 1884. 915.2’: 10 Wonderful city of Tokio. 1883. yi5.2:9 Young Americans in Japan. 1889. 915.2:11 Griffis, W. E. Japan. 1892. 952:1 Mikado’s Empire. 1887. 915.2:1 Hawks, £\ L. Expedition of an American squadron to the China seas and Japan. 1857. 9io.2:5 Hearn, L. Glimpses of unfamiliar Japan. 1895. 2v. 915.2:29 Kokoro. 1896. 915.2:32 Out of the East. 1895. 915.2:28 Humbert, A. Japan and the Japan- ese. 1874. 915.2:25 Knapp, A. M. Feudal and modern Japan. 1896. 2v. 952:3 Knox, T. W. Adventures of two youths in a journey to Japan and China. 1879. 915.2:3 Lanman, C. Leading men of Japan. 1883. 920.052:1 Lowell, P. Noto: an unexplored cor- ner of Japan. 1891. 915.2:12 Occult Japan. 1895. 915.2:27 Soul of the far East. 1888. 915.2:8 Maclay, A. C. Budget of letters from Japan. 1889. 915.2:2 Mayers, W. F. Treaty ports of China and Japan. 1867. 915.1:6 Morse, E. S. Japanese homes and their surroundings. 1886. 915.2:38 Mossman, S. Japan. 1880. 915,2:19 Murray, D. Story of Japan. 1894. 952:2 Norman, H. Real Japan. 1892. 915.2:17 Oliphant, L. Mission of the Earl of Elgin to China and Japan, 1857-59. 1860. 915.2:6 Parsons, A. Notes on Japan. 1896. 915.2:30 Regamey, F. Japan in art and in- dustry. 1893. 915.2:37 Rein, J. J. Industries of Japan. 1889. 915.2 :R1 Japan: travels and researches. 1888. 915.2 :R2 Scidmore, E. R. Jinrikisha days in Japan. 1891. 915.2:13 Siebold, P. F. Manners and customs of the Japanese in the 19th century. 1841. 915.2:7 Sladen, D. Japs at home. 1892. 915.2:22 Vladimir (pseud) China- Japan war. 1896. 950:1 Weston, W. Mountaineering and exr ploration in the Japanese Alps. 1896. 915.2:33 JAPP, A. H. (E. Conder Gray). La- bour and victory. 1881. 920.02:20 ' Leaders of Men. 1880. 920.02:19 Making the best of things. 1891. 824.89 :J27 Master missionaries. 1880. 922:1 Wise words and loving deeds. 1880. 920.7:8 JARVES, J. J. Hawaiian or Sandwich islands. 1843. 996.9:1 JASMIN, JACQUES. Smiles, S. Jasmin, barber, poet, philanthropist. 1892. 849.143:1 JAVA. See Oceania. JAY, JOHN. Pellew, G. Life of John Jay. 1890. 923.273:58 Ren wick, B. John Jay. 1858. 923.273:58a Whitlock, W. Life and times of John Jay. 1887. 923.273:58b JAY, W. Mexican war. 1849. 973.6:6 JEAFFRESON, J. C. Book about doc- tors. 1871. 926.1:1 Real Lord Byron. 1883. 2v. 821.764:5 JEBB, R. C. Growth and influence of classical Greek poetry. 1894. 881:4 Richard Bentley. 1882. 824.554:1 JEFFERIES, R. Field and hedgerow. 1895. 824.89:J35-1 Story of my heart. 1893. 824.89 :J35-2 Waylen, H. S. H. Thoughts from the writings of Richard Jefferies. 1895. 824.89 :J35 JEFFERSON, JOSEPH. Autobiogra- phy. 1890. 927.9:12 Winter. W. The Jeffersons. 1881. 827.9:16 JEFFERSON 87 JOHNSON Life and art of Joseph Jefferson. 1894. 927.9:12a JFJFPERSON, T. (3d president of the United States). Autobiography and correspondence. 1858. 923.173:15b Morse, J. T. Thomas Jefferson. 1883 923.173:15 Parton, J. Thomas Jeiferson. 1889. 923.173:15a Schouler, J. Thomas Jefferson. 1893. 923.173:15c JEFFREY, P. Contributions to the Edinburgh Review. 1872. 824.73:1 JENKIN, FLEEMING. Stevenson, R. L. Memoirs of Fleem- ing Jenkin. 1887. 923.773:3 JENKINS, J. S. Heroines of history. 1853. 920.7:7 War between United States and Mex- ico. 1850. 973.6:7 JENNER, KATHERINE L. In the Alsatian Mountains. 1883. 914.34:1 JENNESS, J.S. Isles of Shoals. 1873. 974:7 JENNINGS, H. J. Lord Tennyson. 1884. 821.814:1 JEPtlSON, A. J. M. Emin Pasha and the rebellion at the equator. 1890. 916.6:5 JEROME, J. K. Idle thoughts of an idle fellow. 1890. 824.89 :J48-1 Stage-land: curious habits and cus- toms of its inhabitants. 1890. 824.89 :J48 JERROLD, W. B. Life of George Cruikshank. 1882. 2v. 927.6:1 JESSE, J. H. Memoirs of the court of England during the reign of the Stuarts. 1857. 3v. 923.242:30 Memoirs of the Pretenders. 1845. 923.142:23 JESSOPP, A. Coming of the friars. 1889. 904:9 Trials of a country parson. 1890. 824.89 :J51 JEWETT, L. Statelj'- homes of Eng- land. 1874. 914.2:6 JEWETT, SARAH O. Story of the Normans. 1887. 942.02:3 JEWITT, JOHN R. Adventures and sufferings of John R. Jewitt during a captivity among the savages of Nootka sound. 1815. 917.1 :15P JEWS. Ewald, G. H. A. History of Israel. 1878. 8v. 933:7 Bartlett, S. C. Prom Egypt to Pales- tine. 1879. 915.4:5 Frederic, H. New Exodus: Israel in Russia. 1892. 947.08:4 Hosmer, J. K. Story of the Jews. 1886. 933:3 Jacobs, J. Jews of Angevin, England. 1893. 942:23 Jahn, J. Hebrew commonwealth to the time of Adrian. 1840. 933:4 Josephus, F. Works: tr. by Whiston 933:1 Kent, C. P. The Hebrew people from the settlement in Canaan to the di- vision of the kingdom. 1896. 9.33:12 Lord, J. Jewish heroes and prophets. 1888. 908:lv.l0 Magnus, K. Jewish portraits. 1889. 824.89 :M27 Milman, H. H. The Jews from the earliest period to modern times. 1829. 2v. 933:2 Morrison, W. D. Jews under Roman rule. 1890. 933:11 Palmer, E. H. Desert of the Exodus 1872. 915.6:3 Pennell. J. The Jew at home (in Austria, Hungary, Poland and Rus- sia). 1892. 914:58 Philipson, D. The Jew in fiction. 1889. 801:31 Renan, E. History of the people of Israel. 1888. 5v. 933:5 JOAN of ARC. See D’ Arc,, Jeanne. JOHNS, R. Naval and military heroes of Great Britain. 1889. 942:15 JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY studies in historical and political science; ed. by H. B. Adams. 1883-96 14v. 905 :R1 Same: Extra volumes: America: its geographical history. Scaife, W. B. 911.73:1 Florentine life during the Renais- sance. Scaife, W. B. 945.5:4 New Haven, Levermore, C. H. 974.6:1 Philadelphia. Allison, E. P. 974.8:1 Spanish institutions of the South- west. Blackmar, P. W. 979:7 JOHNSON, A. H. Normans in Europe 1877. 940:8 JOHNSON, ANDREW (17th president of U. S.) Savage, J. Life and public services of Andrew Johnson. 1866. 923.173:16a JOHNSON, LAURA W. Eight hun- dred miles in an ambulance. 1889. 917.3:8 JOHNSON, R. Famous single and fugitive poems. 1880. 808.1:22 History of the French war ending in the conquest of Canada. 1882. 973.2:7 History of the war of 1812 between the United States and Great Brit- ain. 1882. 973.5:5 Idler and poet. 1883. 811.49:J63 Short history of the war of secession 1888. 973.7:12 JOHNSON, R. B. Popular British bal- lads. 1894. 4v. 821.04:12 JOHNSON, R. U. Battles and leaders of the Civil War. 1884. 4v. 973.7:27 JOHNSON, S. Alexander Pope. 1897. 821.534:1 Letters. 1892. 2v. 824.63:1 Lives of thg.most eminent English poets. 1864. 2v. 821.09:7 Boswell, J. Samuel Johnson. 4v. 824.634:2 JOHNSON JtJNIPERO Grant, F R. Samuel Johnson. 1887. 824.634:3 Stephen, U. Samuel Johnson 1880. 824.634:1 JOHNSON, T. T. Sights in the srold region. 1850. 917.94:37 JOHNSON, VIRGINIA W. Genoa, the superb. 1892. 914.51:1 Lily of the Arno. 1891. 914.55:2 JOHNSON, W. F. William Tecumseh Sherman. 1891. 923.573:191: JOHNSON, WILLIAM. Griffis, W. E. Sir William Johnsor and the Six Nations. 1891. 923.542: If" JOHNSTON, A. Connecticut, a study of a commonwealth democracy, 1887. 974.6 :r Representative American orations. 1886. 3v. • 815:1 JOHNSTON, A. K. Africa. 1884. 916 :R1 Royal atlas of modem geography. 1889. 912 :R2 JOHNSTON. ALBERT SIDNEY. Johnston, W. P. General Albert Sid- ney Johnston. 1880. 923.573:5 JOHNSTON, H. H. River Congo. 1884. 916.7:27 JOHNSTON, JOSEPH E. Hughes, R. M. General Johnston. 18QQ JOHNSTON, R. M. Studies, literary and social. 1892. 801:22 JOHONNOT, J. Geographical reader. 1883. 910.7:2 -- Stories of heroic deeds for boys and girls. 1888. 904:17 Stories of other lands. 1888. 904:18 Stories of our country. 1887. 973:37 Stories of the olden time. 1889. 904:16 Ten great events in history. 1888. 909:14 JONES, — . (A roving printer). Life and adventures in 'the South Pa- cific. 1861. 919:3 JONES, A. T. Two republics: Rom-^ and United States of America. 1892. 904:15 JONES, C. C. Biographical sketches of the delegates from Georgia to’ th Continental Congress. 1891. 923.273:64 JONES, C. H. Campaign for the con- quest of Canada 1882. 971:4 JONES.H. Browning as a philosophical and religious teacher. 1891. 821.834:4 JONES. REV. H. To San Francisco and back. 917.3:16 JONES, H. A. The Cmsades: a com- edy of modern London life, 1893. 822.89 :J72-:' Judah; a play. 1894. 282.89 :J72-2 Michael and his lost angel: a play. 1896. 822.89 :J72-? Renascence of the English drama. 1895. 822.8:^ Saints and sinners; a drama. 1891. 822.89 :J72 JONES, J. B. Rebel war clerk’s diary at the Confederate States capital 1866. 2v. 973.78:3 JONES, JOHN PAUL. Abbott, J. S. C. Life and adventures of Rear-Admiral John Paul Jones. 1874. 923.573:15 JONES, R. Growth of the Idylls of th^ king. 1895. 821.811:5 JONES, S. Anecdotes and illustrations related in his revival work. 1892. 817:25 JONES’ VIEWS of the seats, mansions etc., of noblemen and gentlemen of Scotland. 914.1:8 JONSON, B. Best plays. 3v. 822.34:1 Swinburne, A. C. Study of Ben Jon- son. 1889. 822.341:1 Symonds, J, A. Ben Jonson. 1886. 822.344:1 JOSEPH. (Patriarch and saint). Agreda, M. de. Life of Joseph, pa- trinroh and sain+. 1888. 922.2:17 JOSEPH BONAPARTE. (King of Naples and of Spain). Abbott, J. S. C. Joseph Bonaparte king of Naples and of Italy. 1869. 923.145:? JOSEPHINE. (Empress of Prance). Abbott, J. S. C. History of Josephine 1879. 923.144:1b Imbert de Saint-Amand, A. L. Citizeness Bonaparte. 1890. 923.144 :1<~ Court of the Empress Josephine. 1890. 923.144:ld Wife of the First Consul. 1890. ^ 923.144:1a Life of Empress Josephine, (anon.). 1870. 923.144:1 JOSEPHUS, P. Works; tr. by Whiston 933 ; 1 JOSHEE. ANANDABAI. Dali, Mrs. C. H. Life of Dr. Anand- abai Joshee, a kinswoman of Pund- ita Ramabai. 1888. 926:3 JOSIAH ALLEN’S WIPE. See Holley, Marietta, JOY, J. R, Grecian history. 1892. 938:23 Outline history of England. 1890. 942:6 JOYCE, R. D. Deirdre (poem). 1876. 811.39:J85 JUDSON, ADONIRAM. Judson, E. Life of Adoniram Judson 1883. 922.6:4 JUDSON, H. P. Growth of the Ameri- can nation. 1895. 973:44 JUDSON, IS.A.BELLA F. Cyrus W F'ield: his life and works. 1896. 926:16 JULIAN. (Emperor of Rome). Theosophical works; with Gregory Nazianzen’s invectives, and Libian- us’ monody; tr. by King. 1888. 923.173:6 Gardner, A. Julian; philosopher and emperor. 1895. 923.137:6a JULIAN, G. W. Life of Joshua R. Giddings. 1892 923.273:10 JUNIPERO SERRA (Friar). Palou, F. Junipero Serra. 1884. 922.2 :f Turkish “othef Baths 210 Co get well and keep well, take Curkisb Baii)$ South Broadway Open Dav and nigbf 25C. to $1.00 Please mention this Catalogue Blanchard « HEADQUARTERS F0R_^ Mounted and PJotograpbeii Unmounted Views Invites all patrons of the Library to Call and Examine His 01 Lo§ flnples and Vicinity Work and Prices ... KODAK FINISHING atrick, W. J. Charles Lever. 1879. 823.894 :L57 LEVERMORE. C. H. Republic of TVTaw Haven. 1886. 974.6:1 LEWES, G. H. Actors and the a.rt of acting. 1875. 927.9:10 Stnrv of Goethe’s, life. 1888. 832.62^:4 LEWES, L. Women of Shakesnea ro. 1895. ' 822.331:27 LEWIS, C. B. (M. Quad). Brother Gardner’s lime-kiln club. 1889. 817:24 LEWIS, C. T. History of Germany. 1889. 943:3 LEWIS, M. History of the Lewis and Clark expedition. 1893. 4v. 917.8:R1 LEWIS, T. C. Lives of mechanicians. 1884. 926:4 LIDDELL, H. G. Life of Julius Caesar. 1859. 923.137:1a LIDDON, H. P. Life of Edward Bouverie Pusey. 1895. 3v. 922.3:14 LIPE (periodical). Good things of life. 1890. 817:18 LI HUNGCHANG. Douglas, R. K. Public men of to- day. 1896. 923.251:2 LILLIE, LUCY C. Story of English literature for young readers. 1878. 820.9:53 LILLY, J. Dramatic works. 1858. 2v. 822.39 :L62 LINCOLN, ABRAHAM (16th president of the U. S.). LINCOLN 95 LITERATURE Abraham Lincoln’s pen and voice: letters, addresses, etc.; ed. by G. M, Van Buren. 1890. 923.173 :9o Political debates, between Lincoln and Douglas. 1860. 815:16 Speeches. 1895. 815.4:2 Allen, L. W. Abraham Lincoln. 1896. 811.49 :A15 Assassination of Abraham Lincoln: expressions of condolence (App. to diplomatic correspondence of 1865). 923.173:9k Brooks, E. S. True story of Abra- ham Lincoln. 1896. 923.173 :9r Brooks, N. Abraham Lincoln and the downfall of American slavery. 1895. 923.173 :9p Abraham Lincoln: biography for young people. 1888. 923.173:9 Carpenter, P. B. Inner life of Abra- ham Lincoln. 1869. 923.173:91 Chittenden, L. E. Recollections of President Lincoln and his ad- ministration. ^891. 973.7:39 Coffin, C. C. Abraham Lincoln. 189S. 923.173:9m Foster, E. Abraham Lincoln. 1884. 923.173:9a Greeley, H. Greeley on Lincoln. 1893. 923.273:59b Holland, J. G. Abraham Lincoln. 1866. 923.173:9b Lamon, W. H. Abraham Lincoln. 1872. 923.173:9c Recollections of Abraham Lincoln. 1895. 923.173:9c Leland, C. G. Abraham Lincoln and the abolition of slavery in the United States. 1885. 923.173 :9d McClure, A. K. Abraham Lincoln and men of war times. 1892. 973.78:13 Maltby, C. Life and public services of Abraham Lincoln. 1884. 923.173 :9f Morse, J. T. Abraham Lincoln. 1893. 2v. 923.173 :9n Nicolay, J. G. Abraham Lincoln. 1890. lOv. 923.173:91 Putnam, M. L. Children’s life of Abraham Lincoln. 1892. 923.173 :9h Raymond, H. J. Life and public ser- vices of Abraham Lincoln. 1865. 923. 173 :9e Rice, A. T. Reminiscences of Abra- ham Lincoln. 1889. 923.173 :9g Schurz, C. Abraham Lincoln. 1891. 923.173 :9j Tributes from his associates. 1895. 923.173 :9q LIND, JENNY. See Goldschmidt, Mme. Jenny Lind. LINDLEY, W. California of the south. 1896. 917.94 :R3 LINEN, j. Golden Gate: poem. 1869. 821.89 :L65 LINGARD, J. History of England to the accession of William and Mary. 1819. 13v. 942:7 LINTON, W. J. Life of John Green- leaf Whittier. 1893. 811.364:3 LIPPINCOTT, SARAH J. (Grace Greenwood). Bonnie Scotland. 1885. 914.1:1 Haps and mishaps of a tour in Eu- rope. 1854. 914:14 Merrie England. 1885. 914.2:26 Queen Victoria: her girlhood and womanhood. 1883. 923.142:12 Stories and sights of Prance and Italy. 1885. 914.4:25 LIPPINCOTT’S pronouncing gazetteer of the world/ 1895. 910.3 :R6 LISZT, FRANZ. Correspondence of Wagner and Liszt. 1889. 2v. 927.8 :9f Letters. 1894. 2v. 927.8:18c Beaufort, R. L. de. The Abbe Liszt. 1886. 927.8:18a Nohl, L. Life of Liszt. 1889. 927.8:18 Ramann, L. Franz Liszt. 1882. 2v. 927.8:18b LITERATURE. Dictionaries. Brewer, E. C. Dictionary of phrase and fable. 1870. 803 :R4 Reader’s handbook of allusions, etc. 1888. 803 :R5 Reddall, H. P. Pact, fancy and fable: handbook for ready reference. 1889. 803 :R8 Ripley, G. Cyclopedia of literature and the fine arts. 1873. 803: RIO Walsh, W. S. Handy book of literary curiosities. 1893. 803:R11 Wheeler, W. A. Dictionary of noted names of fiction. 1889. 803 :R7 History and Criticism. Adams, O. F. Dear old story tellers. 1889. 808:23 Birrell, A. Obiter dicta. 1885. 2v. 824.89 :B53 Botta, A. C. L. Handbook of univer- sal literature. 1885. 809:3 Bridges, R. Overheard in Arcady. 1894. 801:32 Brooks, H. M. Litejary curiosities. 1886. ' 917.4: 3, V.6 Buchanan, R. Master-spirits. 1873. 824.89 :B86-1 Caird, E. Essays on literature and philosophy. 1892. 2v. 801:1 Carlyle, T. Lectures on the history of literature. 1892. 809:7 Church, R. W. Dante and other es- says. 1891. 801:5 Corson, H. Aims of literary study. 1895. 807:4 Couch, A. T. Q. Adventures in criti- cism. 1896. 821.89 :C83-1 Crawshaw, W. H. Interpretation of literature. 1897. 807:6 DeQuincey, T. Literary criticism. 1876. 824.81:8 Disraeli, I. Calamities and quarrels of authors. 1812. 824.78:4 Curiosities of literature. 1868. 3v. 824.78:1 Dowden, E. New studies in literature. 1895. 824.89 :D76-2 LlTERATtTRE 96 lilTERATURE Studies in literature. 1889. 824.89 :D76-1 Essays from the chap-book, 1896. 814.49:036 Forsythe, W. Novels and novelists of the 18th century. 1871. 823.6:1 Gosse, E. Critical kitkats. 1896. 824.88:4 Gossip in a library. 1891. 824.88:1 Hallam, H. Literature of Europe. 15th-17th centuries, 1874. 4v. 809:1 Henley, W. E. Views and reviews, 1890. 801:17 Higg-inson, T. W. New world and new book. 1892. 814.44:3 Hill, G. B. Writers and readers. 1892. 801:33 Hodgkins, L, M. Guide to the study of 19th century authors. 1893. 809:9 Howells, W. D. My literary passions. 1895. 813.43:1 Hunt, T, W. Studies in literature and style. 1890. 808:16 Ingersoll, R. G. Liberty in literature: testimonial to Walt Whitman. 1890. 811.381:1 James, H. Partial portraits, 1888. 814.47:2 Johnston, R. M. Studies, literary and social. 1892. 801:22 Kingsley, C. Literary and general lec- tures and essays. 1880. 823.85:2 Lang, A. Letters on literature. 1889. 821.88:5 Letters to dead authors. 1889. 821.88:6 Le Gallienne, R. Retrospective re- views. 1896. 2v. - 824.89 :L46 Lowell, J, R. Among my books. 1873. 811.37:12 My study windows. 1871. 811.87:8 McMahan, A. B. The study class; guide to English literature. 1891. 820.7:1 Mabie, H. W. Essays in literary in- terpretation,.^1892. 814,49 : Mll-4 Mathews, W. Great conversers and other essays, 1882. 814.49 :M42 Hours with men and books. 1879. 814.49 :M42-2 Morley, J. Studies in literature, 1891. 801:9 Moulton, R. G. Ancient classical drama. 1890. 809.2:1 Ossoli, M. P. Art, literature and drama. 1875. 814.31:2 Pater, W. Appreciations. 1889. 824.89 :P26-2 Paul, C; K. Faith and unfaith. 1891. 824.89 :P28 Payne, W. M. Little leaders. 1895. 814.49 :P29 Posnett, H. M. Comparative litera- ture. 1886. 809:4 Prescott, W. H. Biographical and critical miscellanies. 1875. 814.39 :P92 Quackenbos, J. D. Illustrated history of ancient literature. 809:6 Repplier, A. Points of view. 1891. 814.49 :R29 Robertson, E, E. English poetesses. 1883. 821.09:6 Robertson, J. M. Essays toward a critical method. 1889. 824.89 :R54 Saintsbury, G. The flourishing of romance and the rise of allegory. 1897. 824.89 :Sa2-8 History of 19th century literature. 1896. 824.89 :Sa2-4 Miscellaneous essays. 1892. 824.89 :Sa2 Schaff, P. Literature and poetry. 1890. 801:7 Schlegel, j A, W. Lectures on dramatic art and literature. 1886. 809.2:2 Schlegel, F. Lt^ctures on the history of literature. 1848. 809:2 Scudder, H. E. Men and letters. 1887. 801:12 Sherman, L. A. Analytics of litera- ture. 1893. 801:11 Simonde de Sismondi, J. C. L. Hist- orical view of the literature of South Europe. 1850. 2v. 809:5 Stephen, L. Hours in a library. 1892. 3v. 801:8 Stevenson, R. L. Familiar studies of men and books. 1888. 823.89 :St4 Stoddard, R. H. Under the evening lamp. 1892. 814.49 :Sc6 Swinburne, A. C. Essays and studies. 1875. ^ 821.86:3 Miscellanies. 1886. 821.86:4 Thompson, D. G. Philosophy of flc- . tion in literature. 1890. 801:6 Thompson, M. Ethics of literary art. 1893. 801:38 Warner, C. D. Relation of literature to life. 1897. 814.43:6 Watson, W. Excursions in criticism. 1893. 801:29 Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews. 1850. 2v. 814.35:1 Wilson, W. Mere literature and other essays. 1896. 814.49 :W69 Woodberry, G. E. Studies in letters and life. 1890. 801:20 Zola, E. Experimental novel, and other essays. 1893. 844.89:Z7 Collections. Alden, J. B. Juvenile book of knowl- edge. 1886. 808.8:29 Baker, G. M. Reading club and handy speaker. 1878. 3v, 808.8:7 Ballantyne, T. Essays in mosaic. 1870. 808.8:15 Blaisdell, A. F. First steps with American and British authors. 1888. 807:2 Bombaugh, C. C. Literature of kiss- ing, gleaned from history. Action and anecdote. 1876. 808.8:24 Carpenter, J. E. Popular readings in prose and verse. 1866. 5v. 808.8:4 Cumnock, R. M. Readings for public and private entertainment. 1878. 808.8:25 LITERATURE 97 LONDON Garrett, P. Speaker’s garland. 1867. 7v. 808.8:21 Great truths by great authors. 1864. 808.8:6 Knight, C. Half hours with the best authors. 1866. 4v. 808.8:9 Library of general knowledge. 1834. 808.8:10 Martin, B. N. Specimens of American literature. 1875. 808.8:13 Monroe, L. B. Public and parlor readings. 1872. 808.8:11 Monthly repository and library of en- tertaining knowledge. 1833. 808.8:12 Morley, H. Early prose romances. 1889. 820.8:3 Newell, D. Youth’s parlor annual. 808.8:17 Saintsbury, G. Specimens of English prose style from Malory to Ma- cauly. 1886. 824.89 :Sa2-l Shuck, O. T. California anthology: from California writers and speakers. 1880. 808.8:34 California scrap book. 1869. 917.94:18 Shoemaker, C. C. Holiday entertain- ments. 1893. 808.5:40 Spofford, A. R. Library of choice lit- erature. 1881. 8v. 808.8:14 Library of wit and humor. 1885. 5v. 817:1 Stevens, A. How men propose. 1888. 808.3:1 Swinton, W. Studies in English lit- erature. 1886. 807:1 Warner, C. D. Library of the world’s best literature. 1896. lOv. 808.8 :R13 For any national literature, see name of country. LITERATURE PRIMERS; ed. by J. R. Green. American literature. Watkins, M. C. 810:1 English composition. Nichols, J. 808:12 English literature. Brooke, S. 820.9:49 Shakespeare. Dowden, E. 822.331:25 LITTLE, H. W. Henry M. Stanley. 923.942:4 LITTLE, W. J. K. Sketches in sun- shine and storm. 1892. 824.89 :L72 LIVERMORE, A. A. War with Mexi- co reviewed. 1850. 973.6:2 LIVINGSTON, LOUISE. Hunt, L. L. Memoir of Mrs. Edward Livingston. 1886. 923.973:5 LIVINGSTON, WILLIAM. Sedgwick, T. Memoirs of the life of William Livingston. 1833. 923.273:29 LIVINGSTONE, D. Last journals of David Livingstone in Central Africa. 1875. 916.7:4 Missionary travels and researches in South Africa. 1858. 916.8:7 Narrative of an expedition to the Zambesi and its tributaries. 1866. 916.7:12 Blaikie, W. G. David Livingstone. 1881. 923.942:1a Hughes, T. David Livingstone. 1889. 923.942:1b Smiles, R. David Livingstone. 1885. 923.942:1b LIVY. History of Rome; tr. by Baker. 1844. 878.4:2 Selections from the first five books with 21st and 22nd books entire (Latin text); ed. by Lincoln. 1847. 878.4:1 Capes, W. W. Livy. 1880. 878.4:1a Church, A. J. Stories from Livy. 1882. 878.4:3 LOBBAN, J. H. English essays. 1896. 824.08:2 LOCK, W. John Keble. 1893. 922.3:11 LOCKE, D. R. (Petroleum V. Nasby). Ekkoes from Kentucky. 1867. 817:7 Morals, of Abou Ben Adhem. 1875. 817:15 “Swingin’ round the cirkle’’: men, politics and things. 1866. 817:8 LOCKER-LAMPSON, F. See Lamp- son, F. L. LOCKHART, J. G. Robert Burns. 1828. 821.674:2 Sir Walter Scott. 1836. 821.744:2 Spanish ballads, and Chronicle of the Cid; tr. by Southey. 1823. 861:1 LODGE, E. Portraits of illustrious per- sonages of Great Britain. 1849. 8v. 920.042:2 LODGE, H. C. Alexander Hamilton. 1882. 923.273:26 Boston. 1891. 974.4:4 Daniel Webster. M889. 923.273:42 George Cabot. 1878. 923.273:60 George Washington. 1889. 2v. 923.173 :25f Hero tales from American history. 1895. 973:40 Short history of the English colonies in America. 1881. 973.2:5 Speeches. 1892. 815:13 Studies in history. 1884. 973:21 LODGE, R. History of modern Europe. 1896. 940.5:4 LOFTIE, W. J. London. 1889. 942.1:5 LOGAN, J. A. Jr. In joyful Russia. 1897. 914.7:24 LOGAN, JOHN A. Dawson, G. F. John A. Logan. 1887. 923.573:22 LOMBARD, T. R. The New Honduras. 1887. 917.283:1 LONDON. Archer, T. The highway of letters and its echoes of famous footsteps (Fleet street). 1893. 942.1:3 Baedeker, K. London and its envi- rons. 1889. 914.21:3 Baker, H. B. London stage from 1576-1888. 1889. 2v. 822.09:3 Bartlett, D. W. London by day and night. 914.21:2 Besant, W. Fifty years ago. 1888. 914.2:27 942.1:6 Westminster. 1894. LONDON LOUISIANA Davies, C. M. Mystic London. 1884. 914.21:5 Directories. 1891, ’94. 914.2 :R1 Duncan, S. J. An American girl in London. 1891. 914.21:1 Fitzgerald, P. Bozland: Dickens’ places and people. 1895. 823.831:1 Hare, A. J. C. Walks in London. 1878. 914.21:6 Hutton, L. Literary landmarks of London. 1888. 820.9:6 Loftie, W. J. London. 1889. 942.1:5 Pascoe, C. E. London of today. 1892. 914.21:4 Smalley, G. W. London letters and some others. 1891. 2v. 816.49 :Sml Timbs, J. Romance of London. 1872. 942.1:2 LONDON TIMES. Eminent persons: biographies reprinted from the Times. 1892. 4v. 920.01:1 Essays from the London Times. 1852. 824.08:1 LONG, A. L. Memoirs of Robert E. Lee. 1886. 923.573:6 LONG, C. C. Central Africa. 1877. 916.6:3 LONG, G. Decline of the Roman re- public. 1864. 5v. 937.02:4 LONG ISLAND historical Society. Reports, 1866-68, 1877-83. 906:3 LONGFELLOW, H. W. Poems of places: Italy. 1877. 3v. 808.1:4 Poetical works. 1893. 6v. 811.34 :R1 Poets and poetry of Europe. 1893. 820.8:10 Prose works. 1892. 2v. 811.34:R3 Austin, G. L. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 1883. 811.344:3 Gannett, W. C. Studies in Longfel- low. 1883. 811.341:1, Longfellow, S. Pinal memorials of Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 1887. 811.344:2 Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 1886. 2v. 811.344:1 Underwood, F. H. Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. 1882. 811.344:5 LONGMAN, P. W. Frederick the great and the Seven Years’ War. 1881. 943.05:1 LONGMAN’S Gazetteer of the world; ed. by G. C. Chisholm. 1895. 910.3 :R5 LONGMORE, T. Richard Wiseman, surgeon to Charles II. 1891. 926:14 LONGSTREET, J. From Manassas to Appomattox. 1896. 973.78:19 LORD, ALICE E. The days of Lamb and Coleridge. 1893. 824.754:4 LORD, J. Beacon lights of history. 1883-96. lOv. 908:1 LORENZO de’ Medici. See Medici. LORING, C. W. Nullification, seces- sion, Webster’s argument and the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions. 1893. 973.5:4 LORING, G. B. A year in Portugal. 1891. 914.69:1 LORNE, MARQUIS of. See Campbell, J. D. S. LORRAINE, CLAUDE. See Gellee, Claude. LOSSING, B. J. Harper’s cyclopedia of United States history. 1881. 2v. 973 :R5 Home of Washington: Mt. Vernon. 1870. 917.5:7 Mary and Martha Washifigton. 1886. 920.7:17 Pictorial field book of the Civil War. 973.7:22 Pictorial field book of the war of 1812. 1868. / 973.5:3 Story of the United States navy for boys. 1880. 973.75:5 Two spies: Nathah Hale and John Andre. 1886. 923.5:3 LOTHROP, MRS. H. M. S. (Margaret Sidney). Whittier with the children. 1893. 811.364:4 LOTHROP, T. K. William Henry Seward. 1896. 923.273:28 LOTI, PIERRE. See Viaud, L. M. J. LOTTO, LORENZO. Berenson, R. Lorenzo Lotto. 1895. 927.5:47 LOUIS IX (St. Louis). Guizot, P. P. G. St. Louis and Cal- vin. 1879. 922.2:5 LOUIS XI (King of Prance). Willert, P. P. Reign of Louis XI. 1877. / 944.02:2 LOUIS XIV (King of France). Abbott, J. S. C. Louis XIV. 1870. 923.144:8 Airy, O. English restoration and Louis XIV. 1888. 940.7:4 Bourgeois, E. France under Louis XIV. 1897. 944.033 :R1 Hassall, A. Louis XIV and the zenith of the French monarchy. 1895. 923.144:8a Imbert de Saint- Amand, A. L. Court of Louis XIV. 1893. 944.033:1 Pardoe, J. Louis XIV and the court of Prance in the 17th century. 1886. 3v. 944.03:9 Saint-Simon, L. de R. Memoirs on the reign of Louis XIV. 1876. 3v. 923.244:2 LOUIS XV (King of Prance). Voltaire, F. Age of Louis XV. 1771. 2v. 940.7:6 LOUIS XVIII (King of France). Correspondence of Prince Talley- rand and Louis XVIII during the Congress of Vienna; ed. by M. G. Pallain. 1881. 923.244:3a LOUIS PHILIPPE (King ot Prance). Abbott, J. S. C. Louis Philippe. 1871. 923.144:5 LOUISIANA. Cable, G. W. Creoles of Louisiana. 1884. 976.3:1 Fortier, A. Louisiana studies. 1894. 976.3:10 LOUNSBURY 99 McAIjIilSTER Gayarre, C. A. Louisiana. 1854. 4v. 976.3:2 Historical sketch book and guide to New Orleans and environs. 1885. 976.3:7 King, G. New Orleans. 1895. 917,63:1 Marcy, R. B. Explorations of the Red river of Louisiana. 1854. 976.3:3 Roosevelt, T. Winning of the west: Louisiana and the northwest. 1896, 977:lv.4 Thompson, M. Story of Louisiana. 1888. 976.3:8 LOUNSBURY, T. R. James Fenimore Cooper. 1883. 813.244:1 Studies in Chaucer. 1892. 3v. 821.171:1 LOVER, SAMUEL. Symington, A. J. Samuel Lover. 1880. 823.894 :L94 LOWE, C. The German Emperor: William II. 923.143:4b Prince Bismarck. 1886. 2v. 923.243:2 LOWE, R. W. Thomas Betterton. 1891. 927.9:14 LOWELL, ANNA C. Posies for child- ren. 1874. 808.1:38 LOWELL, E. J. Eve of the French Revolution. 1892. 944.03:5 LOWELL, F. C. Joan of Arc. 1896. 923.544:3d LOWELL, J. R. American ideas for English readers. 1892. 811.37:11 Among my books. 1873. 811.37:12 Bigelow papers. 1891. 2v. 811.37:4 Conversations on some of the old poets. 1893. 811.37:15 Democracy and other addresses. 1887. 811.37:7 Fable for critics. 1891. ' 811.37:5 Heartsease and rue. 1888, 811.37:2 Latest literary essays and addresses. 1892. 811.37:10 Letters. 1894. 2v. 811.37:14 My garden acquaintance. 1864, 811.37:9 My study windows. 1871. 811.37:8 Old English dramatists. 1894. 811.37:16 Poetical works. 1895. 4v. 811.37 :R2 Political essays. 1888. 811.37:17 Under the willows. 1869. 811.37:3 Brown, E. E. James Russell Lowell. 1887. 811.374:1 Curtis, G, W. James Russell Lowell. 1892. 811.374:3 Underwood, F. H. James Russell Lowell. 1882. 811.374:2 The poet and the man: James Rus- sell Lowell. 1893. 811.374:4 LOWELL, P. Noto: an unexplored cor- ner of Japan, 1891. 915.2:12 Occult Japan. 1895. 915.2:27 Soul of the far East. 1^8. 915.2:8 LOYAL LEGION of the United States. See Military order of the Loyal Legion of the U. S. LUBBOCK, J. Pleasures of life. 1888. 824,89 :L96 LUCAN. Pharsalias (book 1, Latin text) ; ed. by Heitland and Haskins. 1890. 873.2:1a Same (complete, Eng. text); tr. by Riley. 1884. 873.2:1 LUCAS, C. P. Historical geography of the British colonies. 1890. 911.42:1 LUCE, M. Handbook to the works of Tennyson. 1895. 821.811:7 LUCIAN. Dialogues of the gods; tr. by Williams. 1893. 888.7:8 Selections; tr. by Smith. 1892. 888,7:1 Church, A. .J Traveller’s true tale, after the Greek of Lucian, 1880. 888.7:2 LUCRETIUS. De rerum natura (Latin text) ; ed. by Munro. 1893. 3v. 871.1:1a Same (Eng. text); tr, by Watson. 1886. 871.1:1 Mallock, W, H. Lucretius. 871.1:1b LUDERS, C, H. Dead nymph, and other poems. 1892, 811.49 :L96 LUFFMAN, C. B. Vagabond in S^ain. 1895. 914.6:24 LUMHOLTZ, C. Among cannibals: travels in Australia. 1889. 919.4:3 LUMMIS, C. F. Land of poco tiempo (New Mexico). 1893. 917.89:1 Some strange corners of our coun- try. 1892. 917.8:33 Spanish pioneers, 1893, 973.1:5 LUNT, H. Across lots. 1888. 814.49 :L98 LUTHER, MARTIN. Adams, E. H. Martin Luther. 1891. 922.4:2c Bunsen, C. C. J. von. Martin Luther. 1859. 922.4:2a Great reformer: Martin Luther. (Anon.). 922.4:2b Kostlin, J. Luther. 1893. 922.4: 2d Mayhew, H. Boyhood of Martin Luther. 1864. 922.4 :2e Michelet, J. Martin Luther. 1884. 922 4 ’2 LYNCH, HANNAH. George Meredith. 1891. 823.894:M54 LYNCH, W. F. United States expedi- tion to the river Jordan and the Dead Sea. 1849. 915.6:1 LYNDHURST, BARON. See Copley, .1. S. LYSIAS. Orationes XVI. (Greek text) ; ed. by Schuckburgh. 1893. 885.2:1 LYTTON, E. G. Bulwer. See Bulwer- Lytton, E. G. M., D. H. Heroic ballads. 1890. 808.1:17 MABIE, H. W. Books and culture. 1896. 814.49 :Mll-2 Essays in literary interpretation. 1892. 814.49 :Mll-4 Essays on nature and culture. 1896. 814.49 :Mll-3 My study fire. 1890. 814.49: Mil Under the trees and elsewhere. 1891. 814.49 :M11-1 McAllister, W. society as I have found it. 1890. 923.973:11 MACARTHUR 100 MACL.BHOSE MACARTHUR, MARGARET. History of Scotland. 1874. 941:7 MACAULAY, G. C. Francis Beaumont: a critical study. 1883. 822.354:1 MACAULAY, T. B. Biographical es- says. ' 824.83:1a Critical, historical and' miscellaneous essays and poems. 1887. 3v. 824.83:1b Essay on Pilgrim’s progress. 824.83 :R2 Frederick the great. 1842. 923.143:1c History of England from the acces- sion of James II. 1855. 5v. 942.06:7 Lays of ancient Rome. 1884. 824.83:2 Warren Hastings. 1893. 923.154:8 William Pitt. 1881. 923.242:22 Morison, J. C. Macaulay. 1882. 824.834:2 Trevelyan, G. O. Life* and letters of Lord Macaulay. 1876. 2v. 824.834:1 McBRIDE, H. E. See Dialogues. McCarthy, j. Hendrickson, two thousand miles through the heart of Mexico. 1888. 917.2:23 McCarthy, JUSTIN. Epoch of re- form, 1830-50. 1882. 942.08:2 Pour Georges. 1890. 2v. 942.07:6 History of our own times. 1897. 3v. 942.08:3 Modern leaders. 1872. 920.04:1 Pope Leo XIII. 1896. 922.2:13a Sir Robert Peel. 1891. 923.242:26a McCarthy, justin huntley. England under Gladstone. 1885. 942.08:5 French Revolution. 1890. 944.04:3 History of Ireland. 1889. 941.5:13 MACCHETTA, BLANCHE R. T. Eliz- abeth of Roumania. 1891. 923.143:5 Verdi. 1887. 927.8:41. Victorien Sardou. 1892. 927.9:28. McClellan, g. b. McClellan’s own story. 1887. 973.78:11 McClellan, H. B. Life and cam- paigns of Major-General J. E. B. Stuart. 1885. 973.73:13 McClellan, R. G. The golden state. 1876. 979:5 McCLINTOCK, F. L. Voyage of the “Fox” in the Arctic seas. 1859. 919.8:19 McCLURE, A.K. Abraham Lincoln and men of war times. 1892. 973.78:13 McCLURE, J. B. Edison and his inven- tions. 1891. 925:3a MACCOLL, LETITIA M. Story of Ice- land. 1887. 949.1:2 McCRACKAN, W. D. Rise of the Swiss Republic. 1892. 949.4:4 McCULLOCH, H. Men and measures of half a century. 1888. 920.07:3 MACCUNN, FLORENCE A. John Knox. 1895. 923.641:1 MCDONALD, EDWARD F. U. S. Congress. Memorial addresses on the life of Edward P. McDonald. 1893. 923.273:18 MACDONALD, ETIENNE J. J. (Duke of Taren^m). Recollections. 1892. 2v. 923.544:5 McDonald, G. Dramatic and miscel- laneous poems. 821.89 :M14 Imagination and other essays. 1883. 824.89 :M14 MAC GEOGHEGAN, J. History of Ireland. 1758. 941.5:11 McGLASHAN, C. P. History of the Donner party. 1881. 917.94:11 MACHAR, AGNES M. Stories of New Prance. 1890. 971:3 MACHIAVELLI, N. Historical, politi- cal and diplomatic writings. 1882. 4v. 854.31:1 MACKAIL, J. W. Latin literature. 1895. - 870.9:7 MACK AY, A. Western world: travels in the United States. 1850. 3v. 917.3:6 MACKAY, ALEXANDER MURDOCH. Harrison, Mrs. J. W. Alexander Murdoch Mackay: missionary to Uganda. 1895.. 922.5:14 MACKAY, C. Life and liberty in America. 1859. 917:6 One thousand and one gems of Eng- lish poetry. 1867. 808.1:16 Voices from the mountains and from the crowd. 1853. 821.89 :M19 MACKAY, E. Love letters of a violinist 1886. \ 821.89:Mal9 Lover’s litanies. 1892. 821.89 :Mal9-l MACKENZIE, JOHN KENNETH. Bryson, M. F. John Mackenzie, med- ical missionary to China. 922.5:12 MACKENZIE, R. The 19th century. 1879. 909.8:2 MACKENZIE, R. S. Charles Dickens. 1870. 823.834:3 MAC KIE, C. P. First and last voy- ages of the Admiral of the ocean sea (Columbus). 1891. 2v. 923.945:lh McKINLEY, W. Speeches and ad- dresses. 1894. 815.4:1 MACKINNON, L. B. Atlantic and' transatlantic sketches. 1852. 917:7 MACKINTOSH, J. Miscellaneous works. 1872. 824.71:1 Story of Scotland. 1890. 941:8 MACKLIN, CHARLES. Parry, E. A. Charles Macklin. 1891. 927 9*22 MCLAUGHLIN, A. C. Life of Lewis Cass. 1891. 923.273:5 McLaughlin, E. T. studies in me- diaeval life and literature. 1894. 830.4:2 McLaughlin, j. Nouveau manuel epistolaire en Prancais et en Ang- lais. 808.6:2 MACLAY, a. C. Budget of letters from Japan.. 1889. 915.2:2 MACLAY, E. S. History of the United States navy. 1895. 2v. 973:45 MACLAY, W. Journal. 1890. 923.273:63 MACLEHOSE, SOPHIA H. Tales from Spenser. 1890. 821.31:2 MACLiEOD 101 MAIiTiBSON MACLEOD, N. Days in North India. 1870. 915.4:9 Macleod, D. Memoir of Norman Macleod. 1877. 922.5:1 McMAHAN, ANNA B. The study class: guide to English literature. 1891. 820.7:1 McMASTER, J. B. Benjamin Frank- lin as a man of letters. 1887. 923.273: 14d History of the people of the United States. 1884. 4v. 973:1 With the fathers. 1896. 973:47 MACNAB, FRANCES. On veldt and farm (South Africa). 1897. 968:4 MACPHERSON, GERALDINE. Me moir of the life of Anna Jameson. ^ 1878 928 2 ‘7 MACPHERSON, H. C. Thomas Car- lyle. 824.824:10 MA(5pHERSON, j. Poems of Ossian. 1792. 821.66 :R1 McPherson, W. Homes in Los An- geles city and county. 1873. 917.94:12 MACQUOID, KATHERINE S. In the Ardennes. 1881. 914.43:1 MACREADY, WILLIAM C. Archer, W. William Charles Ma- cready. 1890. 927.9:9 Price, W. T. William Charles Ma- cready. 1894. 927.9:9a MADAGASCAR. Drury, R. Madagascar. 1729. 916.9:5 Ellis, W. Madagascar revisited. 1867. 916.9:3 Three visits to Madagascar. 1859. 916.9:2 Knight, E. F. Madagascar in war time, during the French invasion. 1896. 969:1 Oliver, S. >P. Madagascar. 1886. 2v. 916.9:1 MADDEN, J. Lands of the Southern Pacific Railroad Company of Cali- fornia. 1880. 917.94:10 MADISON, DOROTHY. Memoirs and letters of Dolly Madi- son. 1888. 920.7:20 Goodwin, M. W. Dolly Madison. 1896. 920.7:20a MADISON, JAMES. Gay, S. H. James Madison. 1889. 923 .173:35 MAETERLINCK, M. Plays. 1894. 2v. 839.32 :M26-1 MAGELLAN, FERNANDO. Guillemard, F. H. Fernando Ma- gellan. 1890. 923.946:5a Towle, G. M. Magellan. 1879. 923.946:5 MAGNUS, KATIE. Jewish portraits. 1889. 824.89 :M27 MAGRUDER, A. B. John Marshall. 1885. 923.273:30 MAHAFFY, J. P. Empire of the Ptolemies. 1895. 932:10 Euripides. 1879. 882.3:1a Greek pictures drawn with pen and pencil. 1890. 914.95:5 Greek world under Pv.oman sway. 1890. 938.08:1 History of classical Greek literature. 1880. 2v. 880.9:2 Problems in Greek history. 1892. 938:9 Rambles and studies in Greece. 1887. 914.95:3 Social life in Greece. 1883. 913.38:6 Story of Alexander’s empire. 1887. 938:8 Survey of Greek civilization. 1896. 938:29 MAHAN, A. T. Admiral Farragut. 1892. 923.573:3b Gulf and inland waters. 1883. 973.75:2 Infiuence of sea power upon the French Revolution. 1892. 2v. 944.04:8 Infiuence of sea power upon history, 1890. 909:10 Life of Nelson. 1897. 923.542:4b MAHOMET, See Mohammed. MAHONY, F, S. Reliques of Father Prout. 1886. 827:9 MAIN, D. M. Three hundred English sonnets. 1896. 821.04:13 Treasury of English sonnets. 1879. 821.04:11 MAINE, HENRY. Duff, M. E. G. Memoir of Henry Maine. 1892. 825.714:1 MAINE. See New England. MAINTENON, Madame de. Bowles, E. Madame de Mainlenon. 1888. 923.244:7 MAITLAND, J. A. F. Life of Schu- mann. 1884. 927.8:21a MAKERS of AMERICA. George and Cecilius Calvert, Browne, W. H. 923.242:36 Columbus. Adams, C. K. 923.945 :le Fulton. Thurston, R. H. 926:8a Hamilton. Sumner, W. G. 923.273:26a Higginson. Higginson, T. W. 922.5:3 Hooker, Walker, G. L. 922:6 Houston. Bruce, H. 923.573:29a Hughes, Brann, H. A. 922.2:19 Jefferson. Schouler, J. 923.173:15c Johnson. Griffis, W. E. . 923.542:16 Le Moyne. King, G. 923.273:7 Mather. Wendell, B. 922:4 Morris. Sumner, W. G. 923.373:1 Oglethorpe. Bruce, H. 923,542:13 Stuyvesant. Tuckerman, B. 923.273:41a Sumner. Dawes, A. L. 923.273:66 Bishop White. Ward, J. H. 922.3:3a Winthrop. Twichell, J. H. 923.273:65 MALAYSIA. See Oceania. MALDEN, MRS. C, Jane Austen, 1889. 823.744:1 MALLESON, G. B. History of Afghan- istan. 1879. 958:6 Indian mutiny of 1857. 1891. 954:16 Life of Akbar. 1890. 923.154:1 Life of Dupleix. 1890. 923.154:3 MALL.ESON 102 MARSTON Prince Metternich. 1888. 923.143:7a Refounding^ of the German Empire. 1893. 943.07:1 MALLET, C. E. French Revolution. 1893. 944.04:9 MALLET, P. H. Northern antiquities (Scandinavia). 1770. 913.39:4 MALLOCK, W. H. Lucretius. 871.1:1b MALTBY, C. Life and public services of Abraham Lincoln. 1884. 923.173 :9f MANDEVILLE, J. Voiage and trav- ayle. 1887. 910:9 MANNERING, G. E. With axe and rope in the New Zealand Alps. 1891. 919.4:6 MANNING, HENRY EDWARD (Car- dinal). Hutton, A. W. Cardiijal Manning. 1892. 922.2:14 MANSFIELD, E. D. Personal mem- ories. 1879. 917.3:19 MANTEGNA. ANDREA. Cartwright, J. Lives of Mantegna and Francia. 1881. 927.5:29 MAROT, A. A. M. (Baron). Memoirs. 1892. 2v. 923.544:7 MARCO POLOl See Polo, Marco. MARCY, R. B. Exploration of the Red river of Louisiana. 1854. 976.3:3 Prairie traveller. 1859. 917:8 Thirty years of army life on the bor- der. 1874. 917.8:25 MARGARET of ANGOULEME (Queen of Navarre). Robinson, A. M. F. Life of Margaret of Angouleme. 1887. 923.144:11 MARGARET of ANJOU (Queen of Henry VI of England). Abbott, J. History of Margaret or Anjou. 1861. 923.142:10 MARGUERITE de VALOIS (Queen of Navarre). Memoirs. 1892. 923.144:12 MARIA THERESA (Empress of Aus- tria). Bright, J. F. Maria Theresa. 1897. 943.6:4 MARIE ANTOINETTE (Queen of Louis XVI). Abbott, J. S. C. History of Marie Antoinette. 1849. 923.144:2a Bishop, M. C. Prison life of Marie Antoinette and her children. 1893. 923.144:2 Campan, Mme. Memoirs of the court of Marie Antoinette. 1895. 2v. 923.144 :2f Private life of Marie Antoinette. 1823. 923.144:2 Gaulot, P. A friend of the Queen: Marie Antoinette— Count de Fersen. 1893. 923.248:1 Imbert de Saint-Amand, A. L. Marie Antoinette and the downfall of royalty. 1891. 923.144:2c Marie Antoinette and the end of the old regime. 1890. 923.144:2b Marie Antoinette at the Tuileries. 1891. 923.144: 2d MARIE LOUISE (Queen of Napoleon I). Imbert, de Saint-Amand, A. L. Hap- py days of the Empress Marie Louise. 1890. 923.144: 9 1 Marie Louise and the decadence of the empire. 1890. 923.144:9a Marie Louise and the invasion of 1814. 1891. 923.144:9b Marie Louise, the island of Elba, and the Hundred Days. 1891. 923.144:9c MARIETTE, A. E. Monuments of up- per Egyrt. 1872. 913.32:8 Outlines of ancient Egyptian history. 1892. 932:5 MARION, FRANCIS. Horry, P. Life of General Francis Marion. 1884. ' 923.573:8 MARKHAM, A. H. Great frozen sea. 1878. 919.8:20 Sir John Franklin and the northwest passage. 1891. 923.942:3a Whaling cruise to Baffin’s Bay. 1875. 919.8*22 MARKHAM, C. R. Life of John Davis. 1889. 923.942:2 Peru. 1880. 918.5:4 Sea fathers. 1884. 920.02:29 Threshold of the unknown region. 1873. 919.8:21 War between Peru and Chili. 1883. 983:1 MARKHAM, H. H. Resources of Cali- fornia. 1893. 917.94: RIO MARKHAM, R. King Philip’s war and the Indian troubles in New Eng- land. 1883. 973.2:6 MARLBOROUGH, DUKE of. See Churchill, J. MARMONT, A. (Due de Ragruse). Voyages, (atlas). 912 :R4 MARRIOTT, J. A. R. Makers of mod- ern Italy. 1889. 920.045:3 MARRYAT, PRANK. Mountains and molehills (California). 1855. 917.94:34 MARRYAT, FREDERICK. Hannay, D. Life of Frederick Marry- at. 1889. 823.784:1 MARSDEN, KATE. On sludge and horseback to the outcast Siberian lepers. 1892. 915.7:5 MARSH, G. P. Life and letters. 1888. 924:1 MARSH, J. Temperance recollections. 1866. 923.673:2 MARSH, L. B. Genealogy of John Marsh of Salem. 1888. 929:3 MARSHALL, G. L. O’er rail and cross ties with gripsack. 1892. 817:22 MARSHALL, JOHN. Magruder, A. B. Life of John Mar- shall. 1885. 923.273:30 MARSHALL, MRS. JULIAN. Life of Handel. 1883. 927.8:4 MARSTON, J. Works. 1887. 3v. 822.39 :M35 MARSTON, J. W. Our recent actors. 1888. 927.9.24 MARTIAL 103 MATTHEWS MARTIAL. Epigrams; tr. into Eng- lish prose and verse. 1871. 877.6:1 MARTIN, ANNIE. Home life on an ostrich farm. 1891. 916.8:9 MARTIN, B. E. In the footprints of Charles Lamb. 1890. 824.754:3 MARTIN, B. N. Specimens of Ameri- can literature. 1875. 808.8:13 MARTIN, BON L. H. History of Prance from the age of Louis XIV. 1833. 4v. 944.03:2 History of France from the first rev- olution to the present time. 1833. 2v. 944.04:1 MARTIN, E. S. Windfalls of observa- tion: essays. 1893. 814.49 :M36 MARTIN, E. W. Life and public services of Schuyler Colfax. 1868. 923.273:15 MARTIN, HELEN F. On some of Shakespeare’s female characters. 1888. 822.331:13 MARTIN, T. Horace. 1873. 874.54:1 Life of Lord Lyndhurst. 1883. 923.242:8 MARTIN, W. A. P. Cycle of Cathay. 1896. 915.1:17 MARTIN, W. G. W. Pagan Ireland. 1895. 913.42:6 MARTINE, A. Droll dialogues and laughable recitations. 1870. 808.5:31 MARTINEAU. HARRIET. Autobio- graphy. 1876. 2v. 824.894 :M36-1 Biographical sketches. 1869. 920.04:3 Retrospect of western travel. 1838. 2v. 917:9 Society in America. 1837. 2v. 917.3:11 Miller, Mrs. F. P. Life of Harriet Martineau. 1885. 824.894 :M36 MARTINEAU, J. Essays, reviews and addresses. 1890. 920.02:26 MARVEL,IK. See Mitchell, D. G. MARVIN, C. Russians at the gates of Herat. 1885. 947.08:2 MARX, K. Revolution and counter- revolution; or, Germany in 1848. 1896. 943.07:2 MARY ADELAIDE (Duchess of Teck). Baroness Burdett-Coutts. 1893. 923.642:6 MARY STUART (Queen of Scots). Abbott, J. Mary, queen of Scots. 1876. 923.141:1b Lamartine, A. de. Mary Stuart, queen of Scots. 1881. 923.141:1a Meline, J. P. Mary, queen of Scots. 1893. 923.. 141 :1c MARYLAND. Browne, W. H. Maryland. 1884. 975.2:1 MARZIALS, P. T. Life of Charles Dickens. 1887. 823.834:5 MASON, E. T. Humorous master- pieces from American literature. 1891. 3v. 817:27 The “Othello” of Tommaso Salvini. 1890. 822.331:19 Personal traits of British authors. 1892. 4v. 920.9:44 Songs of fairy land. 1889. 808.1:15 MASON, EMILY V. General Robert Edward Lee. 1872. 923.573:6a MASON, GEORGE. Rowland, K. M. Life of George Mason. 1892. 2v. 923.273:43 MASON, O. T. Woman’s share in primitive culture. 1894. 970.1:11 MASPERO, G. C. C. Dawn of civiliza- tion: Egypt and Chaldea. 1894. 1 ' 930: R3 Egyptian archaeology. 1888. 913.32:6 Life in ancient Egypt and Assyria. 1892. 913.32:14 Struggle of the nations, Egypt, Syria and Assyria. 1897. 930 :R4 MASSACHL SETTS. See New England. MASSEY, G. Tale of eternity, and other poems. 1870. 821.89 :M38 MASSINGER, P. Best plays. 1893. 2v. 822.37:1a MASSON, D. British novelists. 1892. 823.9:1 Edinburgh sketches and memories. 1892. 914.14:1 MASSON, P. Napoleon: lover and husband. 1894. 923.144 :3g MASSON ,G. Class book of French literature. 1870. 840.9:5 MATEAUX, CLARA L. George and Robert Stephenson. 1885. 926:7 MATHER COTTON. Wendell, B. Life of/ Cotton Mather. 1891. ' / 922:4 MATHER, J. M. John Ruskin. 1883. 824.864:1 Popular studies of the 19th century. 1892. 821.70:5 MATHERS, E. P. Golden South Afri- ca. 1889. 916.8:14 MATHERS, HELEN. See Reeves, Mrs. H. B. MATHESON, G. Spiritual develop- ment of St. Paul. 1890. 922.1:2b MATHEWS, A. (Paul Siegvolk). Bundle of papers. 1890. 818.39 :M42-1 Ruminations. 1893. 818.39 :M42 MATHEWS, W. Great conversers ,and other essays. 1882. 814.49 :M42 Hours with men and books. 1879. 814.49 :M42-2 Literary style. 1882. 814.49 :M42-1 Oratory and orators. 1882. 814.49 :M42-3 MATTHEW of WESTMINSTER. Flowers of history to 1307. 1853. 909:5 MATTHEWS, HARRIET L. Hymns, poems and patriotic selections. 1893. 808.8:30 MATTHEWS, J. B. Americanisms and Briticisms. 1892. 814.45:2 Aspects of fiction. 1896. 814.45:6 Decision of the court: comedy. 1893. 814.45:4 French dramatists of the 19th cen- tury. 1891. 814.45:8 Introduction to the study of Ameri- can literature. 1896. 810.9:13 MATTHEWS 104 METTERNtCH Pen and ink. 1888. 814.45:3 Poems of American patriotism. 1882. 811.08:2 Studies of the -stage. 1894. 814.45:^ Theatres of Paris. 1880. 814.45:7 This picture and comedy. 1894. 814.45:5 MAUGHS, G. M. B. Souvenirs of trav- el: Europe. 1887. 914:36 MAUNDER, S. History of the world. 1852. 2v. 909:2 MAUPAS, C. E. de. Story of the Coup d’ etat. 1884. 944.07:1 MAURICE, C. E. Revolutionary move- ment of 1848-9, in Italy, Austria- Hungary and Germany. 1887. ' 940.9:1 MAURICE, F. D. Letters of Frederick Denison Maurice; ed. by his son. 1884. 2v. 922.3:2 MAURY, D. H. Recollections of a Vir- ginian in the Mexican, Indian and Civil 1894. 973.87:18 MAURY, J. S. Principles of eloquence. 1851. 808.5:13 MAURY, MATTHEW FONTAINE. Maury, D. F. M. Life of Matthew Fontaine Maury. 1888. 923.573:9 MAXWELL, JAMES CLERK. Glazebrook, R. T. James Clerk Max- well. 1896. 925.3:1 MAY, CAROLINE. American female poets. 1859. ■ 811.09:2 MAY, S. J. Memoir. 1874. 922.8:2 MAYER, B. Mexico as it was and as it is. 1844. 917.2:4 Mexico: Aztec, Spanish and republi- can. 1854. 972:2 MAYERS, W. F. Treaty ports of China, and j’apan. 1867. 915.1:5 MAYHEW, H. Boyhood of Martin Luther. 1864. 922.4: :2e MAZARIN, CARDINAL. Cousin, V. Secret history of the French court under Richelieu and Mazarin. 1856. 944.03:3 Perkins, J. B. Prance and Mazarin with' a review of the administration of Richelieu. 1886. 2v. 944.03:1 MEDIAEVAL HISTORY. See Middle Ages. MEDICI, LORENZO de’. Armstrong, E. Lorenzo de’ Medici and Florence in the 15th century. 1896. 923.145:1 Carpenter, E. Lorenzo de’ Medici. 1893. 923.145:1b Reumont, A. von. Lorenzo de’ Medi- ci. 1876. 2v. 923.145:1a Roscoe, W. Lorenzo de’ Medici. 1796. 2v. 923.145 HR MEIKLEJOHN, J. M. D. Brief history of the English language and litera- ture. 1887. 820.9:55 MEISSONIER, JEAN LOUIS. Mollett, J. W. Meissonier. 1882. 927.5:37 MELBOURNE, LORD. See Lamb, W. MELENA, E. Garibaldi: recollections of his public and private life. 1887. 923.545:1 MELLE, R. Contemporary French writers. 1894. 840.9:7 MELVILLE, G. W. In the Lena delta: Greely relief expedition. 1888. 919.8:12 MENDELSSOHN-BARTHOLDY, P. Letters to Ignaz and Charlotte Moscheles. 1888. 927.8:26a Hensel, S. Mendelssohn family. 1881. 2v. 927.8:39 Hiller, P. Mendelssohn. 1874. 927.8:26b Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, K. Goethe and Mendelssohn. 1874. 927.8:40 Rockstro, W. S. Mendelssohn. 1883. 927 8 '26 MENEVAL, C. P. de. Memoirs of Na- poleon I. 1894. 3v. 923.144 :3h MENKEN, ADAH I. Infelicia. 1868. 811.39 :M52 MEREDITH, G. Essay on comedy and the uses of the cnmic spirit. 1897. 808 7" 3 Poems. 1892. 823.89 :M54 Le Gallienne, R. George Meredith. 1890. 823.891 :M54 Lynch, H. George Meredith. 1891. \ 823.894 :M54 MEREDITH, OWEN. See Bulwer- Lytton, E. R. MERIMEE, P. Letters to an incognita. 1889 843 81 * 1 MERIVALE, C. History of the Rom- ans under the empire. 1850. 937.06:4 Roman triumvirates. 1887. 937.05:1 MERIVALE. H. William M. Thack- eray. 1891. 823.824:2 MERIWETHER, L. Afloat and ashore on the Mediterranean. 1892. 910.4:36 Tramp at home. 1889. 917:10 MERLE d’ AUBIGNE, J. H. The Proctector. 1847. 923.142:9 MERMAID SERIES. Best plays of: Beaumont and Fletcher. 2v. 822.35:1 Congreve. 822.46:1P Dekker. 822.39 :D37 Ford. 822.38:1 Heywood. 822.39 :H51 Jonson. 3v. 822.34:1 Massinger. 2v. 822.37:1a Otway. 822.45:1 Shirley. 822.39 :Sh6 Wycherley. 822.44:1 MERRILL, S. Pastels in prose. 1890. 844.08:1 METCALFE, P. Englishman and the Scandinavian- 1880. 820.9:18 METEYARD, ELIZA. Life of Josiah Wedgwood. 1866. 2v. 927.3:4 METTERNICH, PRINCE. Memoirs of Prince Metternich. 1881. 5v. 923.143:7 MaPeson, G. B. Prince Metternich. 1888. 923.143:7a 0 ®"'* B*""" V®"*’ IH®«®v! DOES ^ ^ HE REST cLim/\:?c SOLAR \A//\TER HEATER. SAVES TIME AND MONEY ALWAYS READY. Heats Water tor Bath and Domestic Purposes BY THE SUN’S RAYS. CHAS. A. SAXTON, Agent, LOS ANGELES. TEL. MAIN 816. 316 WEST THIRD ST. D. Veilleu]^ Electrical Go., LOS KNGEL-ES, CAL. Electrical Contractors and Dealers in the Latest Improved Apparatus, ELECTRIC STOVES, CURLING IRON HEATERS, FLAT IRONS, FAN AND DENTAL MOTORS, DESK LAMPS INCANDESCENT GAS BURNERS AND GENERAL WIRING SUPPLIES. Estimates Furnished on Construction Work. IF YOU ARE UP TO DATE GIVE US A CALL. •W7E have * * unequaled ^ facilities fo r Prompt Delivery to all parts of the City* ^ ^ ^ ^ e^j^Distance no objection* RBYfDDp S JJEYER, OFFICE AND YARD : ia:20 So. yvXain St. TEL. WEST 46. We ^uapantjee OUR PRICES THE LOWEST, QUALITY THE BEST and POSITIVELY FULL WEIGHT. ^-CROT'ABIE St CO. PACIFIC COAST AGENTS ’PHONE riAIN 304 801 E. I St St. Los Angeles MEXICO 105 MIDDLE MEXICO. Description and Travel. Anderson, A. D. Silver country, or the Great Southwest. 1877. 917.2:25 Aubertin, J. J. Flight to Mexico. 1882. 917.2:20 Auteroche, C. D. Voyage to Califor- nia through Mexico. 1778. 917.94:52 Ballou, M. M. Aztec land. 1890. 917.2:3 Bandolier, A. F. Archaeological re- connoissance into Mexico. 1881. 913.72:1 Beaufoy, M. Mexican illustrations. 1828. 917.2 :R1 Bishop, W. H. Mexico, California and Arizona. 1889. 917.2:12 Box, J^<2Tdventures and explorations in new and old Mexico. 1869. 917.2:15 Brocklehurst, T. U. Mexico today. 1883. 917.2:21 Charnay, D. Ancient cities of the New World. 1887. 917.2:2 Conkling, A. R. Appleton’s guide to Mexico. 1884. ' 917.2:1 Curtis, W. E. Capitals of Spanish America. 1888. . 972.8:2 Evans, A. S. Our sister republic. 1870. 917.2:9 Ford, I. N. Tropical America. 1893. 918:19 Gilliam, A. M. Travels in Mexico. 1847. 917.2:16 Gooch, F. C. Face to face with the Mexicans. 1887. 917.2:26 Griffin, S. B. Mexico today. 1886. 917.2:13 Hale, E. E. Family flight through Mexico. 1886. 917.2:19 Haven, G. Our next door neighbors. 1875. 917.2:22 Janvier, T. A. Mexican guide. 1895. 917.2 :R4 Knox, T. W. Boy travellers in Mexi- co. 1890. 917.2:11 McCarthy, J. H. Two thousand miles through the heart of Mexico. 1888. 917.2:23 Mayer, B. Mexico. 1844. 917.2:4 Ober, F. A. Knockabout club in search of treasure. 1892. 917.2:29 Travels in Mexico. 1884, 917.2:5 Oswald, F. L. Summerland sketches, 1880. 917.2:14 Rogers, T. L, Mexico? Si Senor. 1893. 917.2:30 Ruxton, G. F. A, Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains. 1860. 917.2:6 Schaeffer, L. M. Travels in South America, Mexico and California. 1860. 917.94:84 Smith, F, H. White umbrella in Mexico. 1889. 917.2:7 Stephens, C. A. Knockabout club in the tropics, 1887. 917.2:8 Wells, D. A. Study of Mexico. 1887. 917.2:28 Wilson, R. A. Mexico and its religion. 1855. 917.2:17 Wise, H. A. Los Gringos. 1850. 917.2:10 History. Bancroft, H, H. Mexico. 1886. 6v. 972 :R7 North Mexican states and Texas. 1884. 2v. 972.1 :R5 Clavigero, F. X. Mexico. 1787, 2v. 972.02 :R1 Diaz del Castillo, B. Memoirs of the discovery and conquest of Mexico and New Spain. 1844. 2v. 972.02 :R3 Eggleston, E. Montezuma and the Conquest of Mexico. 1880. 972.01:1 Flint, H. M. Mexico under Maxi- milian. 1867. 972:3 Hale, S. Story of Mexico. 1889. 972:8 Humboldt, F. H. A. von. Political essay on the kingdom of New Spain 1814. 4v. 917.2 :27P Mayer, B. Mexico: Aztec, Spanish and Republican. 1854, 972:2 Noll, A. H. Mexico. 1890. 972:4 Ober, F. A. Young folk’s history of Mexico. 1883. 972:6 Prescott, W. H. Conquest of Mexico. 1843. 3v. 972.02:1 Robinson, W. D. Mexican Revolu- tion. 1820. 972:1 Solis y Rivadeneira, A. de. Conquest of Mexico. 1738. 2v. 972.02 :R2 Velasco, F. Sonora. 1861. 972.1:6 Wilson, R. A. Conquest of Mexico. 1859. 972.02:3 Young, P. Mexico. 1847. 972:5 MEYER, H. Across east African glaciers. 1891. 916.7:29 MEYNELL, ALICE C. T. The child- ren. 1896. 824.89 :M57-1 Color of life. 1896. 824.89 :M57 Poems. 1896. 824.89 :M57-3 Rhythm of life. 1896. 824.89 :M57-2 MICHAELANGELO. See Buonarotti, Michaelangelo. MICHEL, E. Rembrandt. 1894. 2v. 927.5 :R4 MICHELET, J. France before Europe. 1871. 944.08:1 France. 2v. 944:2 History of the Roman Republic. 1847. 937.02:1 Joan of Arc. 1858. 923.544:3 Luther. 1884. 922.4:2 On the highways of Europe. 1893. MICHIGAN. Cooley, T. M. Michigan, 1886. 977.4:1 Sheldon, Mrs, E. M. Early history of Michigan. 1856. 977.4:2 MIDDLE AGES. Adams, G. B. Civilization during the Middle Ages. 1894. 940:17 Buckley, T. A. Great cities of the Middle Ages. 1856. 940:11 Church, R. W. Beginning of the Middle Ages. 1878, 940:7 middle: 106 MISSOURI Doran, J. Knights and their days. 1856. 940.4:3 Emerton, E. Middle Ages. 1889. 940:3 Mediaeval Europe. 1896. 940.1:2 Froissart, J. Chronicles of England, Prance and Spain. 1842. 2v.. 940:9 Frost, J. Pictorial history of the Middle Ages. 1848. 909:1 Green, A. S. Town life in the 15th century. 1895. 2v. 942.04:7 Hallam, H. Europe during the Mid- dle Ages. 1818. 940:4 Johnson, A. H, Normans in Europe. 1877. 940:8 Kingsley, C. Roman and Teuton. 1864. 937.09:1 Lacroix, P. Manners, customs and dress during the Middle Ages and the Renaissance. 940.1 :R1 Lea, H. C. Superstition and force. 1866. 904:8 Lord, J. Middle Ages. (Beacon lights of history). 1883. 908:lv.2 McLaughlin, E. T. Mediaeval life and literature. 1894. 830.4:2 Myers, P. V. N. Mediaeval and mod- ern history. 1886. 940:1 Putz, W. Mediaeval geography and history. 1850. ' 940:5 Stille, C. J. Medieval history. 1882. 940.1:1 Stokes, G. T. Mediaeval history. 1887. 940:6 Stubbs, W. Medieval and modern history. 1886. 904:1 Thalheimer, M. E. Mediaeval and modern history. 1874. 940:27 Wright, T. Essays on literature, popular superstitions and history of England in the Middle Ages. 1846.'' 2v. 940.1:3 Zimmer, H. Irish element in mediae- val culture. 1891. 940.2:1 MIDDLETON, J. H. Remains of an- cient Rome. 1892. 2v. 913.37:9 MIDDLETON, T. Works. 1885. 8v. 822.39 :M58 MIGNATY, MARGARET A. Historical past of Italy. 1876. 945:7 MIGNET, P. A. M. French Revolution. 1856. 944.04:11 MILBURN, W. H. Ten years of preacher life. 1859. 922.7:1 MILL, J. History of British India. 1858. 5v. 954:2 MILLER, C. H. (Joaquin). Memorie and rime. 1884. 811.45:5 Songs of Italy. 1878. 811.45:3 Songs of the Mexican seas. 1887. 811.45:4 Songs of the Sierras. 1875. 811.45:2 Songs of the sun-lands. 1873. 811.45:1 MILLER, FLORENCE F. Life of Har- riet Martineau. 1885. 824.894 :M36 MILLER, H. First impressions of Eng- land and its people. 1859. 914.2:37 MILLER, HARRIET M. (Olive Thome Miller). Little people of Asia. 1885. 915:14 MILLER, WILLIAM. White, J. Christian life and public labors of William Miller. 1875. 922.8*3 MILLET, P. D. The Danube. 1893. 914.96:8 MILLET, JEAN-FRANCOIS. Sensier, A. Life of Jean Francois Millet. 1881. 927.5:3 MILLS, A. Literature and literary men of , Great Britain and Ireland,. 1870. 2v. 820.9:22 MILMAN, H. H. History of the Jews. 1829. 2v. 9^:2 MILNE, G. G. Lieutenant Admiral de Ruyter. 1896. 923.549:2 MILNER, A. England in Egypt. 1892. 962:1 MILNES, R. M. (Lord Houghton). Reid, T. W. Life, letters and friend- ships of Richard M. Milnes. 1891. 2v 821.894 :M63 MILTON, J. Poetical works. 183l5. 821.47:1 Poetical works of Milton and Marvell. 2v. 821.40:2 Prose works. 1884. 5v. 821.47:2 Brooke, S. A. Life of Milton. 1890. 821.474:2 Gurteen, S. H. Epic of the fall of man. 1896. 821.09:11 Pattison, M. Life of Milton. 1880. 821.474:1 MINA, XAVIER. Robinson, W. D. Expedition of Gen- eral Mina into Mexico. 1820. 972:1 MINNESOTA. Seymour, E. S. Sketches of Minne- sota. 1850. 917.7:2 Historical society: reports. 1867-89. 906:6v.l MINOR, ELLEN E. Life of Murillo. 1882. 927.5:43 MINTO, W. Characteristics of English poets from Chaucer to Shirley. : 1889. 820.9:23 Daniel Defoe. 1879. 823.514:1 Literature of the Georgian era. 1895. 820.9:52 MISSISSIPPI. Baldwin, J. G. Plush times of -'Ala- bama and Mississippi. 1853. 817:14 Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys on the Mississippi. 1892. 917.6:5 Clemens, S. L. Life on the Mississip- pi. 1883. 917.7:6 Flint, T. Recollections of the last ten years in the valley of the Mississippi. 1826. 976.2:1 Foster, J. W. The Mississippi valley. 1869. 917.7:5 Wells, J. M. Chisolm massacre. 1878. 976.3:6 MISSOURI. Billon, P. L. St. Louis in its early days. 1886. 977.8:6 Carr, L. Missouri. 1888. 977.8:3 Davis, W. B. Illustrated history of Missouri. 1876. 977.8:5 MITCHRtiL 107 MONSTRELiET North, P. A. Handbook of Sedalia. 1882. 977.8:2 Parker, N. H. Missouri handbook. 1865. 917.7:9 Snead, T. L. Fight for Missouri. 1886. 977.8:1 MITCHEL, ORMSBY MACKNIGHT. Headley, P. C. Old stars: Major-Gen- eral O. M. Mitchel. 1864. 925:6a Mitchel, P. A. Ormsby MacKnight Mitchel. 1887. 925:6 MITCHELL, D. G. American lands and letters. 1897. 810:3 Bound together. 1884. 818.32:1 English lands, letters and kings. 1890. 4v. 820.9:15 My farm of Edgewood. 1863. 818.32:2 MITCHELL, MARIA. Kendall, P. M. Maria Mitchell. 1896. 925*22 MITCHELL, S. A. Ancient atlas. 914.30:5 Ancient geography. 1854. 910.7:3 General view of the world. 1818. 909:3 MITCHELL, S. W. Collected poems. 1896. 811.49 :M69 MITFORD, MART R. L’Estrange, A. G. Friendships of Mary Russell Mitford. 1882. 826.79 :M69 MITFORD, W. History of Greece. 1835. lOv. 938:21 MOBERLY, C. E. Early Tudors. 1887. 942.05:5 MOBRAY, M. Life of Montrose. 1892. 923.241:1 MODERN CLASSICS. Charles Dickens, and Barry Corn- wall. Fields, J. T. 823.834:6 Enoch Arden, etc. Tennyson, A. 821.81:4 Favorite poems. Herbert, Collins and others. 821.40:1 My garden acquaintance, etc. Lowell, J. R. 811.37:9 Nature and other essays. Emerson, R. W. 814.36:7 On choice of books, by Carlyle; Es- says by Lamb; Favorite poems by Southey. 824.80:1 Poems. Milton and Gray. 821.40:3 Rab, etc. Browne, J. 824.89 ;B80-1 Seasons. Thomson, J. 821.56:2a Selections from the breakfast table. Holmes, O. W. 817.32:1c Snowbound, etc. Whittier, J. G. 811.36:1 Story of Iris, etc. Holmes, O. W. 817.30:1 Vision of Sir Launfal, etc. Lowell, J. R. 811.37:6b MOFFAT, ROBERT. Moffat, J. S. Lives of Robert and Mary Moffat. 1886. 922.7:4 MOHAMMED and Mohammedanism. Arnold, E. Pearls of the faith, or Islam’s rosary. 1883. 821.87:3 Gibbon, E. Life of Mahomet. 1857. 922.9:1c Irving ,W. Mahomet and his succes- sors. 1850. 2v. 922.9:1 Rees, J. D. Muhammadans. 1894. 954:11 MOHL, MARY C. O’Meara, K. Madame Mohl. 1886. 923.944:1 MOLESWORTH, W. N. History of England. 1886. 3v. 942.08:4 MOLIERE, J. B. P. Dramatic works. 3v. 842.42:1 Oliphant, M. O. W. Life of Moliere. 1879. 842.424:1 MOLINEUX, MARIE A. Phrase book of Robert Browning. 1896. 821.831 :R1 MOLLETT, J. W. Jean Antoine Wat- teau. 1882. 927.5:35 Meissonier. 1882. 927.5:37 Rembrandt. 1880. 927.5:50 Sir David Wilkie. 1881. 927.5:13 MOLLOY, J. P. Edmund Kean. 1888. 2v 927,9*3 Peg’ Woffington. 1892. 2v. 927.9:23 MOLTKE, H. von. (Count). Essays, speeches and memoirs. 1893. 2v. 923.243:4a Franco-German war. 1892. 943.08:4 Letters to his mother and brothers. 1892. 923.243:4c Moltke as a correspondent (selections from his letters). 1893. 923.243:4b Moltke: his life and character, sketched in journals, letters, etc. 1SQ9 94.9- 4 MOMBERT, J. I. Great lives: biogra- phies. 1886. 920.02:32 Short history of the Crusades. 1894. 940.4:4 MOMMSEN, T. History of Rome. 1857. 4v. 937.02:2 Provinces of the Roman Empire from Caesar to Diocletian. 1887. 937.06:5 MONCRIEPP, A. R. H. Story of the Indian mutiny. 1896. 954:15 MONEY, E. Truth about America. 1886. 917:11 MONK, G. (Duke of Albemarle). Corbett, J. Life of Monk. 1889. 923 242 '18 MONKHOUSE, A. Books and plays. 1894. 824.89 :M74 MONKHOUSE, W. C. Life of Turner. 1882. 927.5;14a MONNIER, M. Wonders of Pompeii. 1886. 913.37:2 MONROE, JAMES. (5th president of U. S.). Gilman, D. C. James Monroe in his relations to public service. 1883. 923.173:37 MONROE, L. B. Public and parlor readings. 1872. 808.8:11 MONROE, W. S. Educational labors of Henry Barnard. 1893. 923.773:6 MONSTRELET, E. de. Chronicles. 1840. 2v. 940:10 MONTAGU 108 MOROCCO MONTAGU, MARY W. Best letters. 1890. 826.51:2 Letters (selected passages). 826.51:3 Works. 1817. 5v. 826.51:1 MONTAGUE, F. C. Sir Robert Peel. 1888. 923.242:26 MONTAIGNE, M. E. de. Works. 1859. 4v. 844.31:1 Collins, W. L. Life of Montaigne. 1879. 844.314:1 MONTALEMBERT, C. P. Letters to a school fellow. 1874. 846.79 :M76 St. Elizabeth of Hungary. 1878. 922.2:16 MONTANA. Bancroft, H. H. History of Washing- ton, Idaho and Montana. 1890. 979 7*R1 MONTEPIORE, MOSES. Diaries of Sir Moses and Lady Monte- fiore. 1890. 2v. 923.642:5 MONTESPAN, MARQUIS de. Me- moirs. 1895. 2v. 923.244:13 MONTESQUIEU, C. de S. Considera- tions on the causes of the grandeur and decadency, of the Romans. 1882. 937:5 Sorel, A. Life of Montesquieu. 1888. 844.524:1 MONTPORT, SIMON de. (Earl of Lei- cester). Creighton, M. Life of Simon de Montfort. 1876. 923.242:39 Hutton, W. H. Simon de Montfort and his cause. 1888. 942.03:3 MONTGOMERY, D. H. Beginner’s American history. 1892. 973:36 Leading facts of American history. 1893. 973:35 Leading facts in English history. 1893 942:24 MONT(ioMERY, J. Poetical works. 2y. 821.79 :M76a MONTGOMERY, W. Tales of ancient Troy and the adventures of Ulysses. 1892. 883.1:10 MONTROSE, JAMES G. (Marquis). Mobray, M. Life of Montrose. 1892. 923.241:1 MOORE, P. Civil war in song and story. 1889. 973.7:28 Rebellion record: a diary. 1862. 973.7:14 Songs and ballads of the Southern people. 1886. 811.49 :M77 MOORE, G. Strike at Arlingford: a play. 1893. 822.89:M78 Burnley, J. Lives of Sir Titus Salt and George Moore. 1885. 923.842:1 MOORE, J. Queen’s Empire. 1886. 915.4:10 MOORE, T. History of Ireland to 1646. 1839. 2v. 941.5:2 Memoirs of the life of Richard Brin- sley Sheridan. 1866. 2v. 927.9:29 Personal reminiscences by Moore and Jerdan. 1876. 821.70:4 Poetical works. 821.75:1 Prose and verse. 1878. 821.76 ;R2 Symington, A. J. Thomas Moore. 1880. 821.754:1 MORDAUNT, CHARLES (Earl of Peterborough). Stebbing, W. Life of Peterborough. 1890. 923.542:14 MORE, HANNAH. Knight, H. C. Hannah More. 1862. 821.794 :M81-1 Yonge, C. M. Hannah More. 1888. 821.794 :M81 MORELET, A. Travels in Central America. 1871. 917.28:7 MORESBY, J. Discoveries and surveys in New Guinea and the D’Entrecas- teaux islands. 1876. 919.5:2 MORPILL, W. R. Russia. 1880. 914.7:19 Story of Poland. 1893. 943.8:1 Story of Russia. 1890. 947:6 MORGAN, ANNA. An hour with Delsarte. 1889. 808.5:6 MORGAN, L. H. Ancient society. 1878. 901:9 MORIARTY, G. P. Dean Swift. 1893. 827.52:2 MORISON, J. C. Life of Gibbon. 1878. 824.674:1 Macaulay. 1882. 824.834:2 St. Bernard. 1884. 922.2:1 MORLEY, H. English literature in the reign of Victoria. 1882. 820.9:8 Early prc'se romances. 1889. 820.8:3 English plays. 822.09:2 English writers. 1887. lOv. 820.9:21- First sketch of English literature. 1890. 820.9:46 Illustrations of English religion. 820.9:11 Longer works >in English verse and prose. 820.8:5 Shorter English poems. 821.08:12 Shorter works in English prose. .820.8:4 MORLEY, J. Critical miscellanies. 1893. 3v. 824.89 :M82 Diderot and the encyclopedists. 1886. 2v. 921.4:1 Edmund Burke. 825.624:1 Richard Cobden. 1881. 923.242:^ Rousseau. 1886. 2v. 843.564:1 Studies in literature. 1891. 801:9 \Toltaire. 1886. 842.564:2 Walpole; 1889. 923.242:34 MORLEY, SAMUEL. Hodder, E. Samuel Morley. 1888. 923.242:14 * MOROCCO. Ajnicis, E. de. Morocco. 1886. 916.4:1 Bonsai, S. Morocco as it is. 1893. 916.4:7 La Martiniere, H. M. P. de. Morocco. 1892. 916.4:5 Pellow, T. Adventures of Thomas Fellow in captivity among the Moors. 1890. 916.4:6 Stutfleld, H. E. M. El Maghreb. 1886. 916.4:2 MORRIS 100 MURILLO Thomson, J. Travels in the Atlas and South Morocco. 1889. 916.4:3 Viaud, J. Into Morocco. 1889. 916.4:4 MORRIS, C. Civilization. 1890. 2v. 901:12 Half hours with best American au- thors. 1887. 4v. 810.8:1 Half hours with best foreign authors: French. 840.8:1 German. 830.8:2 Greek and Roman. 880.8:1 Italian and Spanish. 850.8:2 MORRIS, E. E. Age of Anne. 1877. 940.7:1 Early Hanoverians. 1886. 942.07:3 MORRIS, GOUVERNEUR. Roosevelt, T. Gouverneur Morris. 1888. 923.273:31 MORRIS, Li. Poetical works. 1890. 821.89:M83 MORRIS, RICHARD. Specimens of early English. 1887. 2v. 821.10:1 MORRIS, ROBERT. Sumner, W. G. Robert Morris. 1892. 923.373:1 MORRIS, W. Earthly paradise. 1871. 3v. 821.85:1 Love is enough. 1873. 821.85:2 Poems by the way. 1892. 821.85:3 Story of the Glittering plain. 1891. 828:3 MORRIS, W. G. Customs district, public service and resources of Alaska Territory. 1879. 917.98:9 MORRIS, W. O’C. French Revolution and First Empire. 1891. , 944.04:14 Napoleon, warrior and ruler. 1893. ' 923,144:3g MORRISON, MARY J. (Jenny Wallis). Songs and rhymes for little ones. 1887. 811.49 :M83 MORRISON, W. D. Jews under Rom- an rule. 1890. 933:11 MORSE, E. S. Japanese homes and their surroundings. 1886. 915.2:38 MORSE, J. T. Abraham Lincoln. 1893. 2v. 923.173 :9n Benjamin Franklin. 1889. 923.273 :14e John Adams. 1889. 923.173:38 John Quincy Adams. 1883. 923.173:36 Thomas Jefferson. 1883. 923.173:15 MORSE, SAMUEL F. B. Denslow, Van B. Thomas A. Edison and Samuel F. B. Morse. 1887. 925:3 Prime, S, I. Samuel F. B. Morse. 1875. 925:17 MORTON, E. J. C. Lives of astrono- mers. 1882. 925:15 MORTON, ELIZA H. Geographical spice. 1893. 910.7:13 MORTON, H. Stories from American history. 970:8 MOSCHELES, IGNAZ. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy, F. Letters to Ignaz and Charlotte Moscheles. 1888. 927.8:26a Moscheles, C. Life of Moscheles. 1873. 2v. 927.8:43 MOSES, H. Englishman’s life in India. 1853. 915.4:11 MOSSMAN, S. Japan. 1880. 915.2:19 MOTLEY, J. L. Correspondence. 1889. 2v. 816.39 :M85 History of the United Netherlands. 1870. 4v. 949.2:1 John of Barneveld. 1874. 2v. 923.249:1 Rise of the Dutch Republic. 1856. 3v. 949.2:2 Holmes, O. W. John Lothrop Motley. 1889. 816.394 :M85 MOULE, A. E. New China and old. 1891. 915.1:11 MOULE, T. Illustrious persons in Eng- lish history. 1859. 920.042:4 MOULTON, R. G. Ancient classical drama. 1890. 809.2:1 MOWRY, S. Geography and resources of Arizona and Sonora. 1863. 917.91:2 MOZART, WOLFGANG AMADEUS. Holmes, E. Mozart. 1845. 927.8:5b Nohl, L. Mozart. 1880. 927.8:5a MUHLENBERG, WILLIAM A. Newton, W. W. Dr. Muhlenberg. 1890. 922.3:5 MUIR, J. Mountains of California. 1894. 917.94:79 Picturesque California. 1888. 3v. 917.9 :R1 MUIR, M. M. P. Lives of chemists. 1883. 925:14 MULLANY, P. F. (Brother Azarias). Development of English literature. 1879. 820.9:1 Phases of thought and criticism. 1892. 814.49 :M91 MULDER, DONIZETTI. Links from broken chains (poems). 1892. 811.49 :M91 MULLER, F. M. Biographical essays. 1884. 920.02:23 Chips from a German workshop. 1881. 5v. 834.81:1 German classics. 1886. 2v. 830.9 :G3 MULDER, GEORGE. Pitman, Mrs. E. R. George Muller and Andrew Reed. 1885. 923.642:1 MULLER, W. Political history of re- cent times. 1882. 940:21 MULLER CASENOV, H. Humor of Germany. 1893. 837:2 MULOCK, DINAH M. See Craik, D. M. MUMMERY, A. F. My climbs in the Alps and Caucasus. 1895. 914.94:7 MUNKITTRICK, R. K. Farming. (Poem). 1891. 817:20 MUNRO, J. Pioneers of electricity. 1890. 925:20 MUNROE, K. Golden days of ’49. 1889. 917.94:40 MUNTZ, E. Raphael. 1882. 927.5 :R3 MURDOCK, H. Recqnstruction of Eu- rope. 1850-70. 1889. 940:18 MURILLO. Minor, E. E. Life of Murillo. 1882. 927.5:43 MURRAY no NASMlTtt MURRAY, A. S. Greek archaeology. 1892. 913.38:5 MURRAY, AMELIA M. Letters from United States. Cuba and Canada. 1856. 917:12 MURRAY, D. Archaeological survey of the United Kingdom. 1896. 913.42:7 Story of Japan. 1894. 952:2 MURRAY, G. Ancient Greek litera- ture. 1897. 880.9:4 MURRAY, J. Handbook for travellers in Southern Germany. 1838. 914.3:1 Smiles, S. Memoirs and correspond- ence ,of John Murray, publisher. 1891. 2v. 920.4:1 MURRAY, J. O. Francis Wayland. 1SQ1 / 099 MURRAY, W. H. H. Adventures in the wilderness. 1874. ‘ > 917.47:2 Daylight land. 1888. 917:16 Lake Champlain and its shores. 1890. 917.4:19 MUSGRAVE, G. Nooks and corners in old France. 1867. 2v. 914.4:11 MUSICIANS. Barnard, C. F. Tone masters. 1870. 3v. 927.8:10 Barrett, W. A. English church com- posers. 1882. 927.8:1 Bourne, C. E. Great composers. 1884. 927.8:24 Clayton, E. C. Queens of song. 1865. 927.8:15 Crowest, F. Great tone poets. 1875. 927.8:28 Dole, N. H. Score of famous com- posers. 1891. 927.8:42 Engel, L. From Handel to Halle. 1890. 927.8:30 Ferris, G. T. Great German com- posers. 1879. 927.8:37 Great Italian and French com- posers. 1890. 927.8:36 Great violinists and pianists. 1889. 927.8:38 Hervey, M. F. S. Celebrated mu- sicians of all nations. 1884. 927.8:27 Parry, C. H. H. Studies of great composers. 1886. 927.8:33 Stieler, J. Great German composers. 927 8*20 MUSSET, A. de. Comedies. 842.76:1 Musset, P. de. Alfred de Musset. 1877. 842.764:1 MUZZEY, A. B. Prime movers of the Revolution. 1883. 920.073:2 MYERS, F. W. H. Essays, classical. 1883. 824.89 :M99-1 Essays, modern. 1883. 824.89:M99-2 Science and a future life. 1893. 824.89 :M99 MYERS, J. B. William Carey, founder of modern missions. 1887. 922.6:3 MYERS, P. Van N. History of Greece. 1895. 938:25 Medieval and modem history. 1886. 940:1 Remains of lost empires. 1874. 915:7 NADAILLAC, J. F. A. Pre-historic America. 1893. 913.70:4 NAMES. Bardsley, C. W. Our English sur- names. 1874. 929.4:1 Daniel, J. W. Ramble among sur- names. 1893. 929.4:2 Drake, C. M. California names and their meanings. 1893. 917.94:30 NANSEN, F. Eskimo life. 18y3. 919.8:32 Farthest north. 1897. 2v. 919.8:23 First crossing of Greenland. 1893. 919.8:11 Brogger, W. C. Fridtiof Nansen. 1896. 923.948:2 NAPIER, CHARLES J. Butler, W. F. Sir Charles James Napier. 1890. 923.542:9 NAPIER, W. F. War in the Peninsula and in the south of Prance. 1863. 5v. 946.06:1 NAPOLEON I (Emperor of France). Alison, A. Era of Napoleon. 1843. 940.8:1 Bourrienne, L. A. P. de. Memoirs of Napoleon. 1889. 4v. * 923.144:3c Constant de Rebeque, H. B. Memoirs on the private life of Napoleon. 1895. 4v. 923.144 :3j Craig, H. Napoleon Bonaparte. 1891. 923.144:3d Depuy, H. W. Napoleon Bonaparte. 1853. ' 923.144 :3n Headley, P. C. Napoleon Bonaparte. 1860. 923.144 :3f Lanfrey, P. Napoleon I. 1871. 4v. 923.144:3 Masson, P. Napoleon, lover and hus- band. 1894. 923.144 :3g Meneval, C. F. de. Memoirs of Na- poleon I. 1894. 3v. 923.144 :3h Morris, W. O’C. Napoleon, warrior and ruler. 1893. 923.144 :3e Ropes, J. C. First Napoleon. 1886. 923.144:3a Secret history of the court and cabi- net of St. Cloud in a series of let- ters. 1895. 2v. 944.05:6 Seeley, J. R. Napoleon I. 1886. 923.144:3b Tarbell, I. N. Napoleon Bonaparte. 1895. 923.144:31 Tolstoi, L. N. Napoleon and the Rus- sian campaign. 1888. 947.07:2 Ussher, T. Napoleon’s last voyages. 1895. 923.144:3k NAPOLEON III (Emperor of Prance). Julius Caesar. 1865. 2v. 923.137:1c Abbott, J. S. C. Napoleon III. 1869. 923.144:7 Imbert de Saint-Amand, A. L. Louis Napoleon and Mademoiselle de Monti jo. 1897. 923.144:7a NASBY, PETROLEUM V. See Locke, D. R. NASMITH, D. Makers of modern thought. 1892. 2v. 920.04:7 NASMYTH 111 NEW ENGLAND NASMYTH, JAMES. Smiles, S. James Nasmyth. 1883. 925:7 NAVAL HISTORY. Edgar, J. G. Sea-kings and naval heroes. 1860. 923.5:1 Johns, R. Naval and military heroes of Great Britain. 1889. 942:15 Mahan, A. T. Influence of sea power upon history. 1890. 909:10 Influence of sea power upon the French Revolution. 1892. 2v. 944.04:8 Markham, C. R. Sea fathers. 1884. 920.02:29 Verne, J. Great navigators of the 18th century. 1880. 910.4:40 NAVARRO, MME. de. See Anderson, Mary. NAYLOR, E. W. Shakespeare and music. 1896. 822.338:10 NEBRASKA. History of the state of Nebraska. (Anon.). 1882. 978.2:1 State Historical Society: Transac- tions and reports. 1892-3. 3v. 906:4 Wilber, C. D. Great valleys and prairies of Nebraska and the North- west. 1881. 917.82:1 NEESIMA, JOSEPH H. Hardy, A. S. Life and letters of Joseph Hardy Neesima. 1891. 923.752:1 NEIL, H. Photographs of the Holy Land. 915.69 :R1 NELSON, A. Memorials of Sarah Childress Polk. 1892. 920.7:25 NELSON, HORATIO. Mahan, A. T. Nelson. 1897. 923.542:4b Russell, W. C. Horatio Nelson. 1890. 923.542 :4a Southey, R. Nelson. 1813. 923.542:4 NERO. (Roman emperor). Abbott, J. History of Nero. 1853. 923.137:2 NETHERLANDS. Amicis, E. de. Holland and its people. 1886. 914.92:1 Campbell, D. Puritan in Holland, England and America. 1892. 2v. 940.5:3 Griffis, W. E. Brave little Holland. 1894. 949.2:6 Hare, A. J. C. Sketches in Holland and Scandinavia. 1885. 914.92:2 Motley, J. L. Rise of the Dutch Re- public. 1856. 3v. 949.2:2 United Netherlands. 1870. 4v. 949.2:1 Rogers, J. E. T. Story of Holland. 1889. 949.2:3 Schiller, J. C. P. von. Revolt of the Netherlands. 1788. 949.2:5 Young, A. History of the Nether- lands. 1884. 949.2:4 NETTLESHIP, H. Vergil. 1880. 873.14:3 NETTLESHIP, J. T. Robert Brown- ing. 1890. 821.831:1 NEVADA. Bancroft, H. H. Nevada, Colorado and Wyoming. 1890. 978: R1 NEVILLE, RICHARD (Earl of War- wick). Oman, C. W. C. Warwick, the king- maker. 1891. 923.242:7 NEVINS, W. S. Witchcraft in Salem village. 1892. 973.2:14 NEVINSON, H. W. Friedrich Schiller. 1889. 832.634:1 NEW ENGLAND. General. Bolles, P. At the north of Bearcamp water. 1893. 814.49 :B64-1 Land of the lingering snow. 1891. 814.49 :B64 Brooks, H. M. Days of the spinning wheel in New England. 1886. 917.4: 3, V.2 Chase, P. Early history of New Hampshire and Vermont. 1856. 917.4:28 Codman, J. Winter sketches from the saddle. 1888. 917.4:1 Drake, S. A. Heart of the White Mountains. 1882. 917.4:15 Making of New England. 1888. 974:3 Nooks and corners of the New Eng- land coast. 1875. 917.4:13 Earle, A. M. Customs and fashions in old New England. 1893. 917.4:26 Farrar, C. A. J. Through the wilds. 1892. 917.4:18 Field, E. The Colonial tavern. 1896. 974:1 Goodwin, J. A. Pilgrim Republic. 1888. 973.2:4 Hale, E. E. New England boyhood. 1893. 917.4:25 Humphrey, P. A. How New England was made. 1890. 974:15 Huntington, A. S. Under a Colonial roof-tree. 1891. 917.4:22 Jenness, J. S. Isles of Shoals. 1873. 974:7 King, T. S. The White hills. 1860. 917.4:4 Palfrey, J. G. New England to the revolution of the 17th century. 1866. 2v. 974:10 Prime, W. C. Along New England roads. 1892. 814.49 :P93-1 Robinson, R. E. In New England flelds and woods. 1896. 814.49:R56 Sweetser, M. P. New England. 1887. 917.4:10 White Mountains. 1886. 917.4:11 Thaxter, C. L. Among the Isles of Shoals. 1889. 917.4:12 Weeden, W. B. Economic and social history of New England. 1890. 2v. 974:13 Wharton, A. H. Through Colonial doorways.' 1893. 974.8:3 Local History. Connecticut. Child, P. S. . An old New England town. 1895. 974.6:4 NEW ENGLiA-ND 112 NICARAGUA Johnston, A. Connecticut. 1887. 974.6:2 Levermore, C. H. Republic of New Haven. 1886. 974.6:1 Orcutt, S. Stratford and Bridgeport. 1886. 2v. 974.6:3 Maine. Abbott, J. S. C. Maine. 1875. 974.1:1 Crawford, F. M. Bar Harbor, 1896. 917.4:30 Stephens, C. A. Knockabout club in the woods. 1887. 917.1:2 Thoreau, H! D. Maine woods. 1890. 917.4:23 Wells, H. P. City boys in the woods. 1890. 917.4:9 Massachusetts. Adams, C. P. Massachusetts. 1893. 974.4:6 Three episodes of Massachusetts history. 1892. 973.2:16 Barry, J. S. Massachusetts. 1857. 3v, 974.4:5 Grant, R. On the north coast of Massachusetts. 1896, 917.44:3 Hibbard, G. A. Lenox. 1896. 917.44:5 Nichols, L. D. Lotus Bay. 1889. 917.4:16 Thoreau, H. D. Cape Cod. 1866. 917.4:7 Tiffany, N. M. Pilgrims and Puritans. 1888. 974.4:2 New Hampshire. Aldrich, T. B. An old town by the sea (Portsmouth). 1893. 974.21:1 Charlton, E. A. New Hampshire as it is. 1857. 974.2:1 Steams, P. P. Sketches from Concord and Appledore. 1895. 814.49 :St3 Summer outings in the old Granite State. 1891. 917.4:29 Thoreau, H. D. Week on the Concord and Merrimack rivers. 1867. 917.4:21 Vermont. Heaton, J. L. Story of Vermont. 1889. 974.3:1 Historical society proceedings, 1872. 906:8 Robinson, R. E. Vermont. 1892. 974.3:2 NEW MEXICO. Bancroft, H. H. Arizona and New Mexico. 1889. -979.1 :R1 Cooke, P. St. G. Conquest of New Mexico and California. 1878. 978.9:2 Davis, W. W. H. El Gringo; or, New Mexico and her people. 1857. 917.8:17 Edwards, P. S, Campaign in New Mexico. 1847. 973.6:1 Frost, M. New Mexico. 1894. 917,89:3 Lummis, C. P. Land of poco tiempo. 1893. 917.89:1 Some strange comers of our coun- try. 1892. 917.8:33 New Mexico: resources, climate, etc. (N. M. Bureau of Information). 1894. 917.89:3 Prince, L. B. Historical sketches of New Mexico. 1883. 978.9:1 Wallace, Mrs. S. E. Land of the Pueblos. 1888. 917.8:19 NEW YORK. City. Browne, J. H. The great metropolis. 1869. 974.7:9 Crapsey, E. Nether side of New York. 1872. 917.47 :8P Directories. (Pac-similie of hxst direc- tory). 1786. 917.47:4 1886-7, ’91, ’94, ’96-97. 917.47 :R1 Francis, C. S. Picture of New York 1851. 917.47:6 Janvier, T, A. In old New York. 1894, 917.47:1 Roosevelt, T. New York. 1891. 974.7:1 Smith, M. H. Sunshine and shadow in New York. 1879. 917.47:5 Stoddard, W. O. Volcano under the city. (Draft-riot, 1863). 1887. 974.7:8 Todd, C. B. Story of the city of New York. 1888. 974.7:7 State. Brooks, E. S. Story of New York. 1888. 974.7:4 Butler, B. C. Lake George and Lake Champlain. 1868. 974.7:5 Earle, A. M. Colonial days in old New York. 1896. 974.7:10 Hammond, J. D. Political parties in the state of New York. 1852 .3v. 974.7:2 Howells, D. Niagara book. 1893. 917.47:3 O’ Callaghan, E. B. Documentary history of the state of New York. 1849. 4v. 974.7:3 Roberts, E. H. Planting and growth of the Empire state. 1887. 2v, 974.7:6 Society of the Sons of the Revolution: year books, 1891-93. 929 :R2 NEWCASTLE, DUKE of. See Caven- dish, W. NEWELL, D. Youth’s parlor annual. 808 8 '17 NEWKIRK, G. Rhymes of the states. 1896. 973:48 NEWMAN, J. H. (Cardinal). Apologia pro vita sua. 1864. 922.2:6 Historical sketches. 1896. 3v. 904:21 Letters and correspondence. 1890. 2v. 922.2:9a Hutton, R. H. Cardinal Newman, 1890. 922.2:9 NEWMAN, S. R. Practical system of rhetoric.. • 808:1 NEWTON, C. T. Essays on art and archaeology. 1880. 913.30:3 NEWTON, SIR ISAAC. " Brewster, D. Sir Isaac Newton. 1831. 925:18 NEWTON, W. W. Life of Dr. Muhlen- berg. 1890. 922.3:5 NICARAGUA. Colquhon, A. R. Key of the Pacific. 1895. 972.85:6 Doubleday, C. W. Reminiscences of the Filibuster war in Nicaragua. 1886. 972.85:3 NICHOLi 113 NORTHWEST Pouchet, J. Canal inter-oceanique de Nicaragua. 1879. 972.85:5 Roche, J. J. Story of the filibusters. 1891. 972.8:3 Squier, E. G. Nicaragua. 1860. 972.85:1 Travels in Central America. 1853. 2v. 972.8:6 Waikna: adventures on the Mos- quito shore. 1855. 917.28:3 Walker, W. War in Nicaragua. 1860. 972.85:4 NICHOL, J. American literature. 1882. 810.9:3 English composition. 1879. 808:12 Francis Bacon. 1888. 2v. 824.34:2 Lord Byron. 1880. 821.764:2 Thomqs Carlyle. 1892. 824.824:6 NICHOL, J. P. Victor Hugo. 1893. 843.784:3 NICOLAY, J. G. Abraham Lincoln. 1890. lOv. 923.173:91 Outbreak of the rebellion. 1881. 973.73:7 NICHOLLS, CHARLOTTE BRONTE (Currer Bell). Poems. 1886. 823.81:1a Poems of Currer, Ellis and Acton Bell. 823.81:1 Birrell, A. Charlotte Bronte. 1887. 823.814:4 Gaskell, E. C. Charlotte Bronte. 1873. 833.814:3 Shorter, C. K. Charlotte Bronte and her circle. 1896. 823.814:5 NICHOLLS, J. F. Sebastian Cabot. 18RQ Q9Q NICHOLLS. J. M. Perry’s saints. 188'6. 973.78:14 NICHOLS, LAURA D. Lotus Bay: Cape Cod. 1889. 917.4:16 NIEBUHR, B. G. Ancient history. 1852. 3v. 930:14 Rome to the fall of the Western Em- pire. 1870., 937:3 NIECKS, F. Frederick Chopin. 1888. 2v. 927.8:22 NIGER RIVER. Lander, R. Expedition to explore the course and termination of the Niger. 1844. 2v. 916.6:6 Thompson, J. Mungo Park and the Niger. 923.941:1 NILE RIVER. Baker, S. W. Albert N’yanza. 1888. 916.7:23 Nile tributaries of Abyssinia. 1883. 916.3:1 Bruce, J. Travels to discover the source of the Nile. 1790. 5v. 916.7 ;R1 Oliphant, L. Land of Khemi. 1882. 916.2:14 Speke, J. H. Discovery of the source of the Nile. 1868. 916.7:20 Warner, C. D. My winter on the Nile. 1888. 916.2:16 Wilkin, A. On the Nile with a cam- era. 1897. 916.2:19 NINDE ,MARY L. We two alone in Europe. 1889. 914:44 NINEVEH. Bonomi, J. Nineveh and its palaces. 1889. 913.35:1 Layard, A. H. Discoveries in the ruins of Nineveh and Babylon. 1853. 913.35:2 Nineveh and its remains. 1851. 2v. 913.35:3 Smith, G. Assyrian discoveries. 1875. 913.35:5 NOBLE, E. Russian revolt. 1885. 947.08:3 NOBLE, J. A. Sonnet in England, and other essays. 1896. 824.89:N66 NOEL, R. Essays on poetry and poets . 1886. 801:35 Lord Byron. 1890. 821.764:4 NOHL, L. Haydn. 1880. 927.8:17 Liszts 1889. 927.8:18 Mozart. 1880. 927.8:5a Wagner. 1889. 927.8:9b NOLL, A. H. Mexico. 1890. 972:4 NORDHOFF, C. California. 1882. 917.94:13 Northern California, Oregon and the Sandwich islands. 1874. 917.94:14 Peninsular California. 1888. 917.22:1 Sailor life on man-of-war and mer- chant vessel. 1884. 910.4:5 NORMAN, H. Peoples and politics of the far East. 1895. 915:12 Real Japan. 1892. 915.2:17 NORTH. CHRISTOPHER. See Wilson, J. NORTH, F. A. Hand-book of Sedalia, Mo. 1882. 977.8:2 NORTH, MARIANNE. Some further recollections of a happy life. 1893. 910.4:41 NORTH AMERICA. Aubertin, J. J. Fight with distances. 1888. 917:18 Hayden, E. V. North America. (Stan- ford’s compendium). 1883. 917 :R3 Knox, T. W. Young nimrods in • North America. 1881. 917:23 Martineau, H. Retrospect of west- ern travel. 1838. 2v. 917:9 Priest, J. American antiquities and discoveries in the West. 1835. 913.70:1 Tytler, P. F. Progress of discovery on the north coasts of America. I860. 917:25 NORTHEND, C. Book of epitaphs. 1873. 929.5:2 Child’s speaker. 1877. 808.8:19 NORTHROP, H. D. Charles H. Spur- geon. 1890. 922.6:2b Peerless reciter. 1894. 808.5:23 NORTW^EST, THE. Bancroft, H. H. North-west coast. 1886. 2v. 979 :R2 Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in the great northwest. 1890. 917.3:13 NORTHWEST 114 O’OONNELIi Daunt, A. In the land of t^ie moose, the bear and the beaver. 1890. 917.1:14 English, W. H. Conquest of the country northwest of the river Ohio. 1896. 2v. 977:4 Franchere, G. Voyage to the north- west coast of America in 1811-14. 1854. 917.9:17 Greenhow, R. Oregon ond California. 1844. 979 :R5 Irving, W. Astoria. 1849. 917.9:3 Captain Bonneville. 1868. 917.9:4 Lewis, M. Lew'is and Clark expedi- tion to the Pacific ocean. 1814. 4v. 917.8 :R1 Roosevelt, T. Winning of the West: Louisiana and the Northwest. 1896. ‘ 977:lv.4 Scudder, S. H. Winnipeg country. 1886. 917.1:1 Whitney, C. On snowshoes to the barren grounds. 1896. 917.12:1 NORTON, C. B. Notes of travel and study in Italy. 1859. 914.5:16 NORTON, C. L. Handbook of Florida. 1891. 917.5:14 NORTON, MINERVA B. In and around Berlin. 1889. 914.3:8 NORWAY. See Scandinavia. NOVA SCOTIA. , Chase, E. B. Over the border: Acadia. 1885. *917.1:4 Warner, C. D. Baddeck, and that sort of thing. 1890. 917.16:1 NUGENT, LORD. See Grenville, G. N. OATES, F. Matabele land and Victoria Falls. 1889. 916.8:5 OBER, F. A. Camps in the Caribbees. 1886. 917.29:7 In the wake of Columbus. 1893. 917.29:10 Knockabout club in: Antilles. 1888. 917.29:2 Everglades. 1887. 917.5:3 Search of treasure (Mexico). 1892. 917.2:29 Spain. 1889. 914.6:11 Travels in Mexico. 1884. 917.2:5 Young folk’s history of Mexico. 1883. 972:6 O’CALLAGHAN ,E. B. Documentary history of New York. 1849. 4v. 974.7:3 OCEANIA or OCEANICA. Adams, E. H. Fijian and Samoan islands. 1890. 919.6:10 Tonga islands and other groups. 1890. 919.6:11 Two cannibal archipelagoes. 1890. 919.6:9 Bowring, J. A visit to the Philippine islands. 1859. 919.1:3 Churchward, W. B. Blackbirding in the South Pacific. 1888. 919.6:12 Camming, C. F. G. At home in Fiji. 188L 2v. 919.1:7 Ellis, W. Polynesian researches. 1832. 4v. 919.6:1 Featherman, A. Papuo-, Malayo-, and Oceano-Melanesians. 1887. 2v. 901:Rlpt.2 Forbes, H. O. A naturalist’s wander- ings in the Eastern archipelELgo. 1885. 919.1:5 Fornander, A. Polynesian race. 1890. 3v. 996:1 Fraser, M. In Stevenson’s Samoa. 1895. 919.6:15 Gill, W. W. Jottings from the Pa- cific. 1886. 919.6:7 Life in the southern isles. 1876. 919:6 Green, W. S. High Alps of New Zea- land. 1883. 919.3:2 Guppy, H. B. Solomon islands. 1887. 919.35:1 Higginson, Mrs. S. J. Java, the pearl of the east. 1890. 919.2:1 Horne, J. A year in Fiji. 1881. 919.1:8 Hort, D. Tahiti. 1891. 919.6:16 Jones, — . Life and adventure in the South Pacific. 1861. * 919:3 Knox, T. W. Adventures of two youths in Siam and Java. 1880. 915.93:2 La Gironiere, P. P. de. Twenty years in the Philippines. 919.1:1 Lang, U. D. Origin and migration of the Polynesian nation. 1877. 919.6:13 Mannering, G. E. With axe and rope in the New Zealand Alps. 1891. 919.4:6 Melville, H. Typee. 1846. 919.6:1 Missionary voyage to the Southern Pacific ocean, compiled from jour- nals of officers and missionaries. 1799. 919.6 :R2 Moresby, J. New Guinea and the D’Entrecasteaux islands. 1876. 919.5:2 Paton, J. Story of John G. Paton: thirty years among South sea can- nibals. 1892. 923.9:3 Romilly, H. H. Western Pacific and New Guinea. 1887. 919.5:1 Stevenson, R. L. Footnote to history: eight years’ trouble in Samoa. 1892. 996.1:1 In the South seas. 1891. 919.6:17 Turner, G. Samoa one hundred years ago. 1884. 919.6:4 Tyler, C. M. Island world of the Pacific. 1887. 990:1 Vincent, F. Through and through the tropics. 1876. 919:1 Wallace, A. R. Malay archipelago. 1869. 919.1:4 Wilkes, C. United States exploring expedition, 1838-42. 1856. 5v. 919 :R4 Woodford, C. M. Naturalist among the head-hunters. (Solomon islands) 1890. 919.3:3 O’CONNELL, D. Select speeches. 1868. 2v. 825:6 O'DOJ^NELL m Oriental Hamilton, J. A. Daniel O’Connell. 1888. 923.242:27 O’DONNELL, JESSIE F. Love poems of three centuries. 1890. 2v. 808.1:23 O’ F ARRELL, M. J. St. Patrick. 1885. 922.1:9 OGLETHORPE, JAMES E. Bruce, H. General Oglethorpe. 1890. 923.542:13 O’GORMAN, EDITH. Trials and perse- cutions of Miss Edith O’Gorman, written by herself. 1871. 922.2:3 OHIO. Black, A. Story of Ohio. 1888. 977.1:3 Drake, S. A. Making of the Ohio valley states. 1894. 977:3 Historical and philosophical society. Transactions. 1837. 906 :R3 History of Ohio. (Anon.). 977.1:4 Kenny, D. J. Cincinnati. 1875. 917.7:7 King, R. Ohio. 1888. 977.1:1 Studer, J. H. Columbus, O. 1873. 977.1:2 OLD SOUTH LEAFLETS. (Chiefly studies in American history). 2v. 973:34 OLIPHANT, L. Episodes in a life of adventure. 1887. 910.4:6 Haifa: or. Life in modern Palestine. 1887. 915.6:2 Land of Gilead. 1880. 915.6:10 Land of Khemi. 1882. 916.2:14 Narrative of the Earl of Elgin’s mission to China and Japan. 1860. 915.2:6 Russian shores of the Black Sea. 1854. 914.7:25 Traits and travesties. 1882. 824.89:013 Oliphant, M. 6. W. Memoir of the life of Laurence and Alice Oliphant. 1891. 2v. 928.2:6 OLIPHANT, M. O. W. Cervantes. 1880. 863.324:1 Dante. 1877. 851.154:2 Jeanne D’Arc: her life and death. 1896. 923.544:3c Laurence and Alice Oliphant. 1891. 2v. 928.2:6 Literary history of England in the end of the 18th and beginning of the 19th century. 1882. 3v. 820.9:2 Makers of Florence. 1888. 920.045:1 Makers of modern Rome. 1896. 920.045:5 Makers of Venice. 1888. 920.045:2 Moliere. 1879. 842.424:1 Richard Sheridan. 1883. 927.9:29a Royal Edinburgh. 1890. 941.4:1 Thomas Chalmers. 1893. 922.5:8 OLIVER, S. P. Madagascar. 1886. 2v. 916.9:1 OLMSTED, F. L. Cotton kingdom. 1861. 2v. 917.6:3 Journey in the seaboard slave states. 1859. 917.5:4 Journey through Texas. 1857. 917.6:3 OMAN, C. W. C. Byzantine empire. 1892. 949.5:1 Warwick, the king-maker. 1891. 923.242:7 OMAN, J. C. Indian life (Hindu and Muhammadan). 1889. 915.4:6 OMAR KHAYYAM. Rubaiyat; tr. by Fitzgerald. 1890. 890:2 Same: with ill. by Vedder. 890 :R2 Same: Variorum edition; ed. by Dole. 890:2b O’MEARA, KATHLEEN. Madame Mohl. 1886. 923.944:1 OPTIC, OLIVER. See Adams, W. T. ORATORY. Cicero, M. T. On orators and ora- tory; tr. by Watson. 1884. 875.3:1 Holyoake ,G. J. Public speaking and debate. 1853. 808.5:12 Mathews, W. Oratory and orators. 1882. 814.49 :M42-3 Maury, J. S. Principles of eloquence. 1851. 808.5:13 Northrop, H. D. Peerless reciter. 1894. 808.5:23 Phelps, A. English style in public discourse. 1883. 808.5:56 Quintilian. Institutes of oratory; tr. by Watson. 1887. 2v. 875.6:1 Shaftesbury, E. Art of extempor- aneous speaking. 1889. 808.5:9 Sheppard, N. Before an audience. 1886. 808.5:21 ORCUTT, S. Old town of Stratford and the city of Bridgeport, Conn. 1886. 974.6:3 OREGON. Bancroft, H. H. Oregon. 1886. 2v. 979.5 :R1 Barrows, W. Oregon: the struggle for possession. 1886. 979.5:2 Bulflnch, T. Oregon and Eldorado. 1886. 917.95:4 Coke, H. J. Ride over the Rocky Mountains to Oregon and Califor- nia. 1852. 917.9:23 Gray, W. H. Oregon. 1870. 979.5:3 Greenhow, R. Oregon and California. 1844. 979 :R5 Hines, G. Wild life in Oregon. 1881. 917.95:2 Parker, S. Journal of an exploring tour beyond the Rocky Mountains. 1842. 917.9:8 State Board of Agriculture. Re- sources of Oregon. 1892. 917.95: 3, v.l Thornton, J. Q. Oregon and Califor- nia. 1849. 2v. 917.9:5 Twiss, T. Oregon question. 1846. 979.5:10 O’REILLY. See Halpine, C. G. O’REILLY, JOHN B. Conway, K. E. Watchwords from John Boyle O’Reilly. 1891. 811.49 :Or3 Roche, 4^. J. John Boyle O’Reilly. 1891. 811.494 :Or3 O’RELL, MAX. See Blouet, P. ORIENTAL LITERATURES. Ahlwardt, T. W. Divans of the six ancient Arabic poets. 1870. 890:3 I OHIENTAtj 116 t»AINTEltS Arbuthnot, F. F. Persian portraits. 1887. 891.5:4 Costello, L. S. Rose garden of Per? sia. 1887. 891.5:2 Davis, N .K. Juda’s jewels. 1895. 892.4:2 History of the forty vizirs; tr. from the Turkish by Gibb. 1886. 894:2 Taylor, I. Spirit of Hebrew poetry. 1861. 892.4:1 ORR, MRS. A. Life and letters of Robert Browning. 1891. 2v. 821.834:3 ORTON, J. Andes and the Amazon. 1870. 918:5 OSBORN, SARA B. Political and social letters of a lady of the 18th century. 1891. 826.69 :Osl OSBORNE, DOROTHY. See Temple. Dorothy O. OSCAYNAN, C. Sultan and his people. 1857. 914.96:3 OSGOOD, S. American leaves. 1867. 814.39 :Os3 OSLER, W. R. Life of Tintoretto. 1882. 927.5:38 OSSIAN. See Macpherson, J. OSSOLI, MARGARET F. Art, litera- ture and drama. 1875. 814.31:2 At home and abroad. 1875. 910.4:7 Life without and life within. 1875. 814.31:1 Emerson, R. W. Ossoli. 1852. 2v. Higginson, T. W. Ossoli. 1884. Margaret Fuller 814.314:3 Margaret Fuller 814.314:1 Howe, J. W. Margaret Fuller. 1883. 814.314:2 OSWALD, F. L. Summerland sketches: Mexico and Central America. 1880. 917.2:14 OTIS, JAMES. Tudor, W. James Otis. 1823. 923.273:33 OTTE, E. C. Denmark and Iceland. 1881. 914.9:1 Scandinavian history. 1894. 948:1 OTTLEY, R. L. Lancelot Andrews. 1894. 922.3:16 OTTOMAN EMPIRE. See Turkey. OTWAY, T. Best plays. 1888. 822.45:1 OUDINOT, N. C. Memoirs. 1897. 923.544:9 OUTRAM, G. Legal and other lyrics. 1887. 808.1:25 OVERBECK, JOHN F. Atkinson, J. B. Life of Overbeck. 1882. 927.5:24 OVERTON, J. H. John Wesley. 1891. 922.7:2a OVID. Works; tr. by Riley. 1889. 3v. 871.2:1 OWEN, FRANCES M. John Keats. 1880. 821.784:2 OWEN, J. Skeptics of the Italian Renaissance. 1893. 901:16 P. J. E. Musical moments. 1889. 808.1:13 PACIFIC STATES. Bancroft, H. H. Native races of the Pacific states. 1886. 5v. 979: El Bowles, S. Our new West. 1869. 917.9:19 Browne, J. R. Resources of the Pa- cific slope. 1869. 917.9:14 - Cox, R. Adventures on the Columbia river. 1832. 917.9:1 Finck, H. T. Pacific coast scenic tour. 1890. 917.9:16 Field, H. M. Our Western archi- pelago. 1895. 917:17 Greenhow, R. History of Oregon and California. 1844. " 979 :R5 Heclawa, pseud. In the heart of the Bitter-root mountains. 1895. 917.96:1 Hittell, J. S. Commerce and indus- tries of the Pacific coast. 1882. 917.94:61 Langford, N. P. Vigilante days and ways. 1890. 2v. 979:6 McClellan, R. G. Golden state. 1876. 979:5 Muir, J. Picturesque California and the region west of the Rocky moun- tains. 1888. 3v. 917.9 :R1 Ralph, J. Our great West. 1893. 917.8:34 Remington, F. Pony tracks. 1895. 917.8:36 Townsend, J. K. Across the Rocky mountains to the Columbia river, etc. 1839. 917.9:20 Winthrop, T. The canoe and the sad- dle. 1862. 917.9:21 PAGE, A. H. See Japp, A. H. PAGE, T. J. La Plata, the Argentine Confederation and Paraguay. 1859. 918.2:1 PAGE, T. N. Befo’ de war. 1888. 811.40:1 PAGET, J. Hungary and Transylvania. 1850. 2v. 914.39:2 PAGET, VIOLET. (Vernon Lee). Countess of Albany. 1888. 923.242:21 PAINE, THOMAS. Conway, M. D. Thomas Paine. 1892. 2v. 923.242:43 PAINTERS. Bryan, M. Dictionary of painters and engravers. 1886. 2v. 927 :R1 Clement, C. E. Painters, sculptors, etc. 1873. 927:1 Cunningham, A. The most eminent British painters. 1879. 3v. 927.5:11 Fromentin, E. Old masters of Bel- gium and Holland. 1883. 927.5:10 Jameson, A. M. Early Italian paint- ers. 1889. 927.5:9 Keddie, H. Modern painters and their painting. 1887. 927.5:7 Old masters and their pictures. 1887. 927.5:6 Ruskin, J. Modern painters. 1843. 5v. 824.86:5 Scott, W. B. Little masters (of Ger- many). 1881. 927.5:26 Vasari, G. Lives of eminent painters^ sculptors and architects. 1886. 6v. 827:4 PALESTINE 117 PARKER PALESTINE. Bartlett, S. C. From Egypt to Pales- tine. 1879. 915.4:5 Campbell, J. The Hittites. 1890. 2v. 939.4:3 Champney, E. W. Three Vassar girls in the Holy Land. 1892. 915.6:4 Conder, C. R. Palestine. 1890. 915.6:15 Tell Amarna tablets. 1894. 939.4:6 Dixon, W. H. Holy Land. 1868. 915.6:20 Hodgkin, V. Pilgrims in Palestine. 1891. 915.6:18 Kitto, J. Palestine: the Bible history of the Holy Land. 1841. 933:8 Knox, T. W. Two youths in a jour- nej'^ to Egypt and the Holy Land. 1882. 916.2:9 Le Strange, G. Palestine under the Moslems. 1890. 956:1 Lynch, W. F. United States expedi- tion to the River Jordan and the Dead Sea. 1849. 915.6:1 Neil, H. Photographs of the Holy Land. 915.69:R1 Oliphant, L. Haifa. 1887. 915.6:2 Land of Gilead. 1880. 915.6:10 Palmer, H. S. Sinai. 1878. 939.48:1 Perrot, G. History of art in Judaea. 1890. 913 :R1 Prime, W. C. Tent life in the Holy Land. 1872. 915.6:13 Sayce, A. H. The Hittites. 1890. 939.4:4 Smith, G. A. Historical geography of the Holy Land. 1895. 913.3:1 St. Clair, G. Buried cities and Bible countries. 1891. 913.33:1 Stanley, A. P. Sinai and Palestine. 1888. 915.3:2 Stapfer, E. Palestine in the time of Christ. 1885. 933:10 Thomson, W. M. Land and the Book. 1886. 3v. 915.6:5 Tristram, H. B. Land of Moab. 1873. 915.6:8 Warburton, E. Crescent and the Cross. 1844. 916:3 PALFREY, F. W. Antietam and Fredericksburg. 1882. 973.78:8 PALFREY, J. G. History of New Eng- land to the revolution of the 17th century. 1866. 2v, 974:10 PALGRAVE, F. T. Children’s treasury of English song. 1893. 821.08:11 Golden treasury of the best songs and lyrical poems in the English lang- uage. 1886. 821.08:2 PALMER, E. H. Caliph Haroun Al- raschid and Saracen civilization. 1880. 923.153:1 Desert of the Exodus. 1872. 915.6:3 PALMER, H. S. Sinai. 1878. 939.48:1 PALMER, J. W. New and the old: California and India. 1859. 917.94:73 Poetry of compliment and courtship. 1868. 808.1:7 PALMER, L. L. Napa and Lake coun- ties, California. 1881. 979.4:33 PALMERSTON, LORD. See Temple, H. J. PALOU, F. Life of Junipero Serfa. 1884 922.2:2 Noticias de la nueva California. 1874. 4v. 979.4 :R5 PANCOAST, H. S. Introduction to English literature. 1895. 820.9:54 PANIN, I. Lectures on Russian litera- ture. 1889. 891.7:5 PARACELSUS. Hartmann, F. Life of Paracelsus. 1887. 920.9:1 PARDOE, JULIA. Beauties of the Bosphorus. 1839. 914.96:6 Louis XIV and the court of France in the 17th century. 1886. 3v. 944.03:9 PARIS, COMTE de. History of the Civil war in America. 1875. 4v. 973.7:17 PARIS. Adolphus, F. Some memories of Paris. 1895. 944.07:4 Amicis, E. de. Studies of Paris. 1887. 914.4:3 Baedeker, K. Paris and its environs. 1878. 914.4:17 Bicknell, W. I. Public buildings of Paris and its environs. 914.4:13 Child, T. Praise of Paris. 1893. 914.4:15 Daudet, A. Thirty years of Paris. 1888. 843.88:2 Davis, R. H. About Paris. 1895. 914.4:26 Hare, A. J. C. Days near Paris. 1888, 914.4:5 Walks in Paris. 1888. ^4.4: 4 Jackson, C. C. Old regime. 1882. 944.03:8 Kaufmann, R. Paris of today. 1891. 914.4:18 King, E. My Paris: French charac- ter sketches. 1868. 914.4:21 Matthews, J. B. Theatres of Paris. 1880. 814.45:7 Taine, H| A. Notes on Paris. 1875. 914.4:7 Thackeray, W. M. Paris sketch book. 1872. 914.4:8 Vandam, A. D. An Englishman in Paris. 1892. 2v. 944.36:1 Whiteing, R. Living Paris and Prance. 1886. 914.4:1 PARK, MUNGO. Thompson, J. Mungo Park and the Niger. 923.941:1 PARKE, T. H. My personal experi- ences in equatorial Africa. 1891. 916.7:13 PARKER, F. W. How to study geo- graphy. 1889. 910.7:5 PARKER, G. Lover’s diary. 1894. 811.49 :P22 PARKER, G. P. Grover Cleveland. 1892. 923.173:6a PARKER, N. H. Missouri handbook. 1866. 917.7:9 PARKER 118 PAYNE PARKER, R. G. English composition. I860. 808:2 PARKER, S. Exploring tour beyond the Rocky mountains. 1842. 917.9:8 PARKER, WILLIAM KITCHEN. Parker, T. J. William Kitchen Parker 1893. 926:15 PARKMAN, F. Conspiracy of Pontiac. 1884. 973.2:23 Prance and England in North Ameri- ca: 1. Pioneers of France in the new world. 1865. 973.2:17 2. Jesuits in North America in the 17th century. 1867. 973.2:18 3. La Salle. 1869. 973.2:19 4. Old regime in Canada. 1874. 973.2:20 5. Count Pontenac. 1877, 973.2:21 6. Half century of conflict. 1892. 2v. 973.2:9 7. Montcalm and Wolfe. 1884. 2v. 973.2:10 Oregon trail. 1872. PARLEY, PETER. See Goodrich, S. G. PARNELL, T. Poetical works. 1894. ’ 821.52:1 PARRY, C. H. H. Studies of great com- posers. 1886. PARRY, E. A. Life of Charles Mack- lin. 1891. 927.9J22 PARRY, EMMA L. Life among the Germans. 1887. PARRY, W. E. Three voyages for the discovery of the northwest passage. 1868. 2v. PARSONS, A. Notes on Japan. 189b^ PARSONS, R. Some lies and errors a history. 1893. PARSONS, T. Professor’s PARTHIA Rawlinson. G. Sixth great oriental monarchy. 1872. Sok M Story of Parthia. 1893. 935.6.2 PARTON, J. Aaron Burr, ^ Andrew Jackson. 1887.*3v. 923.173:13a Benjamin Franklin. 1864. Captains of industry. 1888. Famous Americans of recent times^. aSal Butler in New Orleans. 186L General Jackson. 1893. Horace Greeley. 1872. 923.273:59 Humorous poetry of the English language from Chaucer to Saxe. 1881. 808.L8 Men of progress. 1870. 920.07 :R1 Le Parnasse francais. 1877. 841.08 :F2 Princes, authors and go?! our time. 1886. 920.02.4 Thomas Jefferson. 1889. 923.173.15a Voltaire. 1882. 2v. 842.564:1 PASCAL, BLAISE. Tulloch, J. Life of Pascal. 1878. 844.594:P26 PASCOE, C. E. London of today. 1892. 914.21:4 PATER, W. Appreciations. 1889. 824.89 :P26-2 Child in the house. 1896. 824.89 :P26-1 Miscellaneous studies. 1895. 82ii.89:P26 PATERSON, JOHN. Egleston, T. Life of John Paterson. 1894. 923.573:30 PATMORE, C. K. D. Principle in art. 1890. 821.89 :P27-1 PATMORE, P. G. Personal recollec- tions of Lamb, Hazlitt and others, (extracts ed. by R. H. Stoddard). 1875. 824.70:2 PATON, JOHN G. Paton, J. John G. Paton. 1892. 923.9:3 PATON, W. A. Down the islands: the Caribbees. 1887. 917.29:8 PATRICK, ST. O’ Farrell, M. J. Life of St. Patrick. 1885. 922.1:9 PATTENGILL, H. R. Special day ex- ercises. 1890. 808.5:39 PATTERSON, L. B. Twelve years in the mines of California. 1862. 917.94:50 PATTISON, M. Life of Milton. 1880. ' 821.474:1 Memoirs. 1885. 824.894: Pa27 PATTON, A. St. G. Modern history. 1887. 940:22 PATTON, C. B. England as seen by an American banker. 1885. 914.2:10 PATTON, J.\ H. Four hundred years of American history. 1876. 2v. 973:62 PAUL, St. Conybeare, W. J. Life and epistles of the Apostle Paul. 1883. 922.1:2c Farrar, F. W. Life and work of St. Paul. 1889. 922.1:2a Matheson, G. Spiritual development of St. Paul. 1892. 922.1:2b Renan, E. Life of St. Paul. 1869. 922.1:2 Wilkinson, W: C. Epic of Saul. 1891. 811.49:^39-1 PAUL of the CROSS, ST. Pius, Father. Life of St. Paul of the Cross. 1867. 922.2:18 PAUL, C. K. Faith and unfaith. 1891. 824.89 :P28 PAULI, G. R. Alfred the great. 1884. 923.142:6a PAUSANIAS. Description of Greece; tr. by Shilleto. 1886. 2v. 913.38:8 PAYNE, E. J. History of the new world. 1892. 970:2 PAYNE, J. Studies in English poetry and prose. 1888. 821.08:19 PAYNE, W. M. English in American universities. 1895. 807:5 Little leaders. 1896. 814,49:P29 PEABODY 119 PERSIA PEABODY, A. P. Harvard graduates whom I have known. 1890. 923.773:2 Reminiscences of European travel. 1868. 914:55 PEARS, E. Fall of Constantinople. 1886. 949.6:3 PEARY, JOSEPHINE D. My Arctic journal. 1893. 919.8:33 PEEBLES, J. M. Around the world. 1875. 910.4:22 PEEL, SIR ROBERT. McCarthy, J. Sir Robert Peel. 1891. 923.242:26a Montague, P. C. Sir Robert Peel. 1888. 923.242:26 Thursfield, J. R. Life of Peel. 1891. 923.242:26b PEELE, G. Works. 1888. 2v. 822.39 :P34 PEERAGE and BARONETAGE. Burke, J. B. Genealogical and her- aldic dictionary of the peerage and baronetage of the British Empire. 1853. 929 :R5 Royal families of England, Scot- land and Wales. 1848.2v. 929.72 :R1 PELHAM, H. F. Outlines of Roman history. 1893. 937:15 PELLEW, G. In castle and cabin. 1888. 914.15:4 John Jay. 1890. 923.273:58 PELLOW, T. Adventures: twenty- three years’ captivity among the Moors. 1740. 916.4:6 PEMBERTON, T. E. Edward Askew Sothern. 1890. 927.9:27 PENN, WILLIAM. Burdette, R. J. William Penn. 1882. 923.273:34 Dixon, W. H. William Penn. 1851. 923.273:34a Weems, M. L. William Penn. 1859. 923.273:34b PENNELL, ELIZABETH R. Mary Wollstonecraft. 1888. 824.694 :G54 PENNELL, J. Jew at home. 1892. 914:58 Our journey to the Hebrides. 1889. 914.1:6 Our sentimental journey through Prance and Italy. 1888. 914:16 Stream of pleasure. 1891. 914.2:31 PENNSYLVANIA. Bowen, E. Pictorial sketchbook of Pennsylvania. 1853. 917.4:31 Carpenter, W. H. History of Penn- sylvania. 1857. 974.8:2 PEPYS, S. Diary and correspondence. 1825. 4v. 923.242:31 PERALTA, M. M. de. Eiinologia Cen- tro- Americana. 1893. 913.728:1 PERCY, T. Boy’s Percy; ed. by Lanier. 1884. 821.04:6a Reliques of ancient English poetry. 1765. 821.04:6 PERCY Anecdotes; ed. by R. Percy. 1829. 827:14 PERICLES. Abbott, E. Pericles and the Golden Age of Athens. 1891. 938.03:2 PERKINS, ELI. See Landon, M. D. PERKINS, J. B. France under Ma- zarin. 1886. 2v. 944.03:1 Prance under the Regency. 1892. 944.03:4 PERKINS, J. H. Annals of the West. 1847. 973:3 PERRENS, P. T. History of Florence. 1892. 945.5:2 PERROT, G. History /of art in: Ancient Egypt. 1883. V* 913.32 :R1 Chaldaea and Assyria. 1884. 2v. 913.35 :R1 Persia. 1892. 913.35:R2 Phoenicia and its dependencies. 1885. 2v. 913.39 :R1 Phrygia, Lydia, Caria and Lycia. 1892. 913.392 :R1 Primitive Greece. 1894. 2v. 913.38:R5 Sardinia, Judaea, Syria and Asia Minor. 1890. 2v. 913 :R1 PERRY, JAMES H. Nichols, J. M. Perry’s saints: the fighting parson’s regiment in the Rebellion. 1886. 973.78:14 PERRY, MATTHEW C. Griffis, W. E^ Matthew Galbraith Perry. 1887. 923.573:10 Hawks, P. L. Expedition of an American squadron to the China seas and Japan under the command of Commodore Perry. 1857. 915.2:5 PERRY, NORA. Lyrics and legends. 1891. 811.49 :P43 PERRY, T. S. History of Greek litera- ture. 1890. 880.9:1 PERSIA. Description and travel. Arnold, A. Through Persia by cara- van. 1877. 915.5‘:3 Bassett, J. Persia the land of the Imans. 1886. 915.5:1 Bishop, I. L. Journeys in Persia and Kurdistan. 1891. 2v. 915.6:4 Layard, H. Early adventures in Persia. 1887. 2v. 915.6:2 Myers, P. V. N. Remains of lost empires. 1874. 915:7 Persian boundary commission. Ac- count of the journeys in Eastern Persia. 1876. 2v. 915.5:6 Weeks, E. L. Prom the Black Sea through Persia and India. 1896. 915:5 Wills, C. J. Persia as it is. 1887. 915.5:5 Wilson, S. G. Persian life and cus- toms. 1895. 915.5:7 History. Benjamin, S. G. W. Story of Persia. 1887. 935.5:2 Church, A. J. Story of the Persian war from Herodotus. 1881. 938.03:3 Cox, G. W. Greeks and the Persians. 1887. 938.03:1 Curzon, G. N. Persia and the Per- sian question. 1892. 2v. 955:1 Fraser, J. B. Historical and descrip- tive account of Persia. 1871. 935.6:1 PERSIA 120 PIKE Herodotus. History; tr. by Rawlin- son. 1875. 4v. 930:3 Perrot, G. Art in Persia. 1892. 913,35 :R2 Rawlihson, G. Seventh great orient- al monarchy. 1876. 935.7:1 Vaux, W. S. W. Persia from the earliest period to the Arab Con- quest. 1884. 935.5:3 PERU. Adams, W. H. D. Land of the Incas. 1885. 985:2 Cole, G. R. P. Peruvians at home! 1884. 918.5:3 Guillaume, H. Amazon provincew of Peru. 1888. 918.5 Hutchinson, T. J. Two years in Peru. 1873. 2v. 918.5:2 Markham, C. R. Peru. 1880. 918.5:4 War between Peru and Chili. 1883. 983:1 Prescott, W. H. Conquest of Peru. 1847. 2v. 985.1:1 Rivero, M. E. Peruvian antiquities. 1853. 913.85:1 Squier, E. G. Peru. 1877. 918.5:1 PETER, SAINT. Taylor, W. M. Peter the Apostle. 1877. 922.1:10 PETER, the great. (Emperor of Rus- sia). Abbott, J. Peter the great. 1859. 923.147:1b Barrow, J. Peter the great. 1862. 923.147:1c Schuyler, E. Peter the great. 1884. 2v. 923.147:1a Wight, O. W. Peter the great. 1860. 2v. 923.147:1 PETERS, C. New light on dark Afri- ca. 1891. 916.7:30 PETRARCH, P. Sonnets; tr. by Camp- bell. 1883. 851.18:1 Reeve, H. Petrarch. 1878. 851.184:2 Ward, M. A. Petrarch. 1891. 851.184:1 PETRIE, W. M. P. Egypt. 1895. 2v. 932:9 Ten years’ digging in Egypt. 1892. 913.32:16 PPEIPPER, IDA. Last travels of Ida Pfeiffer. 1861. 916.9:4 PHALARIS. Bentley, R. Dissertation upon the Epistles of Phalaris, Themistocles, Euripides, Socrates, and Aesop’s fables. 1883. 886.3:1 PHELAN, J. Tennessee. 1888. 976.8:2 PHELPS, A. English style in public discourse. 1883. 808.3:56 Ward, E. S. Austin Phelps. 1891. 923.773:4 PHELPS, ELIZABETH S. See Ward, Elizabeth S. PHELPS, H. P. Hamlet from the actor's standpoint. 1890. 822.331:20 PHELPS, W. L. Beginnings of the English romantic movement. 1893. 820.9:38 PHILADELPHIA. Allison, E. P. Philadelphia. 1887. 974.8:1 Geographical club. Mountain explora- tion; by E. S. Balch. 1893. 910:7 Oriental club. Oriental studies (se- lected papers). 1894. 913:4 PHILIP AUGUSTUS. Hutton, W. H. Philip Augustus. 1896. 923.i44:13 PHILIP (Indian king). Abbott, J. S. C. King Philip. 1885. 970.2:5 Markham, R. King Philip’s w’ar and the Indian troubles in New Eng- land. 1883. 973.2:6 PHILIP II (King of Spain). Prescott, W. H. Reign of Philip II. 1855. 3v. 946.04:1 PHILIPPINE ISLANDS. See Oceania. PHILIPSON, D. The Jew in fiction. 1889. 801:31 PHILLIPS, EDITH C. Sir Henry Havelock, and Colin Campbell. 1885. 923.542:3 PHILLIPS, L. B. Dictionary of bio- . graphical reference. 1889. 920.02 :R3 PHILLIPS, MAUD G. Popular manu- al of English liters^ure. 1885. 2v. 820.9:47 PHILLIPS, WENDELL. Speeches, lectures and letters. 1884. 2v. 815:5 PHILLIP^, WILLIAM. Conquest of Kansas. 1856. 978.1:4 PHILLIPS EXETER ACADEMY. Lectures. 1885-6. 815:4 PHILLMORE, CATHERINE M. Fra Angelico. 1881. 927.5:34 Studies in Italian literature. 1891. 850.4:4 PHISTERER, P. Statistical record t*f the armies of- the United States. 1883. 973.73.12 PHOENICIA. Perrot, G. Art in Phoenicia and its dependencies. 1885. 2v. 913.39 :R1 Ra.wlinson, G. Phoenicia. 1889. 939.4:1 Story of Phoenicia. 1889. 939.4:2 PHOENIX, J. See Derby, G. H. PHRYGIA. Perrot, G. Art in Phrygia, Lydia, Caria and Lycia. 1892. 913.392 :R1 PIATT, J. J. Landmarks and other poems. 1871. 811.39 :P57 PIATT, SARAH M. B. A woman’s poems. 1871. 811.39 :Pi57 PICKARD, S. T. Life and letters of John Greenleaf Whittier. 1895. 2v. 811.364:5 PIERCE, E.[ L. Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner. 1881. 4v. 923.273:66b PIERCE, G. A. Dickens’ dictionary. 1872 . 803:R9 PIERSON, A. T. From the pulpit tn the palm branch: of Spurgeon. 1892. 922.6:2c PIKE, G. H. Charles Haddon Spurgeon. 1892 . 922.6:2 Pictures Framed Artistically at Reasonable Prices Pictures Frames Art Materials nirrors Mouldings H. C. LICHTENBERQEF, Sole Agent, Soule Photograph Co. 202 South Spring Street, Wilcox Building All Mater- ials Mixed ^ by Electri- cal Machin- ery, Perfec- tion and Pu- rity Assured Tel. Park 12 Factory 1431-27 Pleasant Avenue TENTS and AWNINGS Wagon Covers and Cotton Duck Goods of every Descrip Oil Clothing and Horse Covers, Comforters, Blankets, Twines, Cotton Duck and Drills. Hammocks, Flags, Tents and Ore Sacks. Cetmjp F^urnisHor J. H. /WASTERS 215 COMMERCIAL ST. TELEPHONE MAIN 1512 CROWN PIANO 301 SoutH Broadway Sole Agents for the Wonderful Crown Pi^no-strictly High ^ you buy. PIKE 121 PIKE, W Through the sub-Arctic forest. 1896. 917 1 -is PIMBLETT, W. M. How the British won India. 1893. 0^4. 7 PINCKNEY, THOMAS. Pinckney, C. C. General Thomas Pinckney. 1895. 923.641:1 PINDAR. Odes; tr. into prose by Tur- ner, and into verse by Moore. 1882. c , ^ 884.5:1a Myers. 1888. 884.5:1 PINDAR, PETER. See Wolcott, J. PINERO, A. W. Cabinet minister. (farce). 1891. 812 49-P65 PINTO, P M. Voyages and alvfn tures. 1891. 915-11 PIOZZI, ESTHER L. Autobiography, letters and literary remains. 1861. 2v ^ 826.694:P65 Glimpses of Italian society in the 18th century. 1892. 914.5:6 Seeley, L. B. Mrs. Thrale, after- wards Mrs. Piozzi: sketch of her life, and passages from her diaries 826.694:P65-1 PITMAN, EMMA R. Elizabeth Pry. , 923.642:3 George Muller and Andrew Reed. 1885. goo /»42 • 1 PIT^ W. Celebrated speeches of Chatham, Burke and Erskine, 1835. Pitzpatrick, W. J. Secret service un- der Pitt. 1892. 942 07-10 Macaulay, T. B. William Pitt. 1881. 923.242 '22 PITTENGER, W. Daring and suffer- ing: Andrew’s railroad raid into Georgia in 1862. 1887. 973 78-6 PIUS, PATHER. Life of St. Paul of the Cross. 1867. * 922 2-18 PIZARRO, PRANCISCO. Helps, A. Pizarro. 1869. 923.946:3a Towle, G. M. Pizarro. 1878. 923.946-3 PLATO. Gray, T. Notes on Aristophanes and Plato. 1885. 882.4:2 PLAUTUS. Comedies: tr. by Riley. 1890- 3 3 Mostellaria (Latin text) ; ed. by Rani say. 1879. 872.3:2 Collins, W. L. Plautus and Terence. 872.3:1 PLINY. Church, A. J. 'Pliny’s letters. 1872. 876.2:1 POETRY PLOETZ, C. Ancient, medieval and modern history. 1883. 909:7 PLUTARCH’S lives; tr. by Clough and abr. by Ginn. 1894. 920.03:1b Same; tr. by Langhorn. 1868. 920.03:1a Same; .tr. by Stewart. 1883. 4v. 920.03:1 POE, E. A. Works. 1884. 6v. 811.32:2 Ingram, J. H. Edgar Allan Poe. 1880. 811.324:2 Woodberry, G. E. Edgar Allan Poe. 811.324:1 P()ETRY. History and criticism. of the Orient. 890-1 Bain, A. On teaching English. 1895. "fheology in the English poets. 821.08:18 Cheney, J. V. Golden guess. 1892. 814.49 :C42 Coleridge, S. T. Anima poetae. 1895. T> • . , . 821.72:5 Pnnciples of criticism. 1895. 821.72:6 Collier, J p History of dramatic poetry to Shakespeare. 1831. 3v. ^oets and problems!^ ^ 821 80*2 Cotterill, H. B. Introduction to the study of poetry. 1882. 801-24 De Vere, A. T. Essays, chiefly on poetry. 1887. 2v. 824.89:D49 Everett, C. C. Poetry, comedy and duty. 1893. 801:39 Gosse, E. Prom Shakespeare to Pope, 1885. 824.88-7 Jacobean poets. 1894. 824 88-5 GHswold, R. W. Pemale poets of America. 1863. 811.09:1 Guest, E. History of English rhythms. 1838. 2v. 821 09-6 Gummere, P. B. Handbook of poetics. 1892. 801. 41 Gurteen, S. H. Epic of the fall of man. 1896. 821.09:11 Jebb, R. C. Growth and influence of classical Greek poetry. 1894. 881:4 Noel, R. Essays on poetry and poets. 801:35 Raymond, G. L. Rhythm and har- mony in poetry and music. 1895. 801:42 Richardson, A. S. Stories from old English poetry. 1891. 820.08:1 Schaff, P. Literature and poetry. 1890. 801:7 Schelling, P. E. Poetic and verse criticism of the reign of Elizabeth. 1891. 801:30 Scudder, V. D. Life of the spirit in the modern English poets. 1895. ^ . 821.80:4 Selkirk J. B. Ethics and aesthetics of modern poetry. 1878. 801:25 Shairp, J. C. Aspects of poetry. 1882 824.89 :Sh2-3 On the poetic interpretation of na- ture. 1894. 824.89 :Sh2-l Studies in poetry and philosophy. 1891. 821.89 :Sh2-4 Stedman, E. C. Nature and elements of poetry. 1892. 811.43:4 Swanwick, A. Poets, the interpreters of their age. 1892. 801:27 Symonds, J. A. Studies in Greek poetry. 1880. 2v. 880.9-3 Todd, G. E. Early Scottish poetry, l^^l- 821.09:3 POETRY 122 POETRY Tyrrell, R. Y. L.atin poetry. 1895. 871:1 Vaug-han, C. E. English literary crit- icism. 1896. 820.4:3 Collections. Adams, H. G. Language and poetry of flowers. 1856. 808.1:9 Adams, W. D. Lyrics of love from Shakespeare to Tennyson. 1878. 808.1:26 Aitken, M. C. Scottish song. 1874. 821.04:5 Ballads: Scottish and English. 821.04:3 Bell, R. Early ballads. 1885. 821.04:7 Bisbee, M. D. Songs of the Pilgrims. 1887. 808.1:37 Bowring, J. Ancient poetry and romances of Spain. 1824. 861:2 Browne, P. P. Bugle 'echoes. 1886. 808.1:1 Bryant, W. C. Pamily library of poetry and song. 1886. -808.1:2 Bullen, A. H. Christmas garland. 1887. 821.04:8 England’s Helicon. 1887. 821.30:4 Lyrics from the dramatists of the Elizabethan age. 1889. 821.30:3 Lyrics from the song books of the Elizabethan age. 188^. 821.30:5 Caine, R. H. Love songs of English poets. 821.08:16 Carpenter, J. E. Popular readings in prose and verse. 1866. 5v. 808.8:4 Chandler, H. C. Lover’s year book of poetry. 1892. 2v. 808.1:24 Child, P. J. English and Scottish ballads. 1857. 4v. 821.04:4 Poems of religious sorrow and com- fort. 1889. ■ 808.1:6 Clarke, J. T. Songs of the south. 1896. 811.08:7 Costello, L. S. Rose garden of Persia. 1887. 891.5:2 Crawfurd, O. Lyrical verse from Elizabeth to Victoria. 1896. 821.04:9 Croker, T. C. Popular songs of Ire- land. 1886. 821.04:1 Durfee, C. A. Concise concordance to the principal poets of the world. 1884. 808.1 :R2 Edmonds, C. Poetry of the Anti- Jacobin. 1890. 821.70:3 Eggleston, G.‘ C. American war bal- lads. 2v. 808.1:28 Elegant extracts in poetry. (Anon.). 1809. 808.1 :R11 Elton, C. A. Greek and Roman class- ical poets. 880.8:3 Emerson, R. W. Pa,rnassus. 1874. 808.1:21 English, T. D. Boy’s book of battle lyrics. 1885. 811.49 :En3 Plowers: their language, poetry and sentiment. 1870. 808.1:18 Gallery of famous English and Am^- ican poets. 1860. 808.1 :R3 Garrett, E. D. Elizabethan songs in honor of love and beautie. 1894. 821.30:1 Garrison, W. P. Bedside poetry. 1887. 808.1:3 Gould, S. B. Silver store collected from mediaeval Christian and Jew- ish mines. 1887. 8:ii.89:G73 Greene, G. A. Italian lyrics of today. 1893. 851.8:1 Hales, J. W. Longer English poems. 1887. 821.08:9 Hall, S. C. Book of British ballads. 1849. 821.08:10 Hayes, J. L. Corolla hymnorum. 1887. ' 874:1 Heine, H. (and others). Lyrics and ballads. 831.75:1 Henley, W. E. Lyra Heroica. 1891. 821.08:4 Higginson, T. W. American sonnets. 811.08:5 Holmes, M. Recitations for Christ- mas. 808.5:35 Johnson, R. Pamous single and fugitive poems. 1880. 808.1:22 Minor poems. 808.1:32 Narrative poems. 808.1:31 Poems lyrical. 808.1:30 Johnson, R. B. Popular British bal- lads. 1894. 4v. 821.04:12 Kavanaugh, R. Juvenile speaker. 1877. \ 808.8:20 Kellogg, A. M. Autumn and winter school celebrations. 808.5:37 Knowles, P. L. Cap and gown. 1897. 811.08:8 Lambert, W. H. Memory gems. 1892. 808.1:35 Lang, A. Ballads of books. 1888. ' 808.1:20 Blue poetry book. 1891. 808.1:5 Lee, P. L. Sunshine in life. 1891. 811.49 :L51 Lockhart, J. G. Spanish ballads. 1823. 861:1 Longfellow, H. W. Poems of places: Italy. 1877. 2v. 808.1:4 Poets and poetry of Europe. 1893. 820.8:10 M., D. H. Heroic ballads. 1890. 808.1:17 Mackay, C. One thousand and one gems of English poetry. 1867. 808.1:16 Main, D. M. Three hundred English sonnets. 1896. 821.04:13 Treasury of English sonnets. 1879. 821.04:11 j Mason, E. T. Songs of fairy land. 1889. 808.1:15 I Masque of poets. 1878. 808.8:27 Matthews, H. L. Patriotic selections. i 808.8:30/ Matthews, J. B. Poems of American patriotism. 1882 . 811.08 :a May, C. American female poets. j' 1859. 811.09:2 POETRY 123 Moore. P. Songs and ballads of the southern people. 1886. 811.49 -M77 Money, H. Shorter English poems. . 821.08:12 Morrison, M. J. Songs and rhymes for little ones. 1887. 811.49 :M83 Northend, C. Child’s speaker. 1877. AT . 808.8:19 Northrop, H. D. Peerless reciter. ^,-r^ 808.5:23 O Donnell, J. P. Love poems of three centuries. 1890. 2v. 808.1:23 Outram, G. Legal and other lyncs. 808.1:25 P., J. E. Musical moments. 1889. 808 1 * 13 Palgrave, P. T. Children’s treasury’ of English song. 1893. 821.08:11 Golden treasury of the best songs and lyrical poems. 1886. 821.08:2 Palmer, J. W. Poetry of compliment and courtship. 1868. 808.1:7 Parton, J. Humorous poetry of the English language. 1881. 808.1:8 Le Parnasse francais. 1877. , 841.08 :P2 Patmore, C. K. D. Children’s gar- land. 1884. 808.8:26 Pattengill, H. G. Special day exer- 808.5:39 Percy, T. Boy’s Percy; ed. by Lanier. 1884. 821.04:6a Reliques of ancient English poetry. ^ 821.04:6 Poetry of the fields. 1870. 808.1:10 R., K. B. Pestival poems. 1884. 808 1 * 36 Randolph, H. P. pifty years of English song. 1887. 4v. 821 08*5 Red letter poems. 1885. 821.08-3 Repplier, A. Book of famous verse. o V. ^ ^ 808.1:19 Schaff, P. Library of poetry for Sunday reading. 1889. 808.1:12 Sharp, E. A . Lyra Celtica. 1896. Shoemaker, J. W. Best things from best authors. 1889. 5v. 808.8-22 Shoemaker, R. H. Little people’s speaker. 808.5:36 Simonds, A. B. American song. ^ 811.08:6 Sladen, D. B. W. Australian poets. 821.80:6 Younger American poets. 1891. ^ 811.08:3 Stedman, E. C. Victorian anthology „ _ 821.08:1 byle, L. D. Prom Milton to Tenny- son. 1894. 820.9:30 Thompson, S. Humbler poets. 1886. m 811.08:4 lynan, K. Irish love songs. 1892. TXT . 821.08:7 Waddmgton, S. English sonnets. 821.80:3 Ward, T. H. English poets. 1893. 4v. 821.09:2 Wellesley lyrics. 1896. 808 1-40 POND Wentworth, M. Poetry of the Pacific. . 811.39 :W48 West, K. Laureates of England. 1895. g2l 08*6 Whittier, J. G. Songs of three cen- poets'"' Burroughs, J. Birds and poets. 1877. „ 814.41:1 Porman, H. B. Our living poets. 821.09:8 Howells, W. D. Modem Italian poets. XT -L ^ 813.43:5 Ho Witt, W. Homes and haunts of the most eminent British poets. 1851. 2v. 821.09:10 James, H. Prench poets and novel- ists. 1884. 840.4:1 Jameson, A. Memoirs of the loves of the poets. 1889. 809:15 Johnson, S. Lives of the most emi- nent English poets. 1779. 2v. 821.09:7 Minto, W. Characteristics of Eng- lish poets from Chaucer to Shirley. * 820.9:23 Sanborn, E. B. Homes and haunts of our elder poets. 1881. 811.09:6 „ „ 811.09:5 Sellar, W. Y. Roman poets of the Augustan Age. 1892. 874.5:2 Roman poets of the Republic. 1889. 871 '3 Stedman, E. C. Poets of America. ^1885. 811.09:3 Stoddard, R. H. Poets’ homes. 1879. m 810.9:10 Trollope, P. A. Homes and haunts of Italian poets. 1881. 2v. 851-2 Walker, H. Greater Victorian poet’s. _ 821.80:5 POLAND. See Russia. POLK, SARAH C. Nelson, A. Memorials of Sarah C. Polk. 1892. 920.7:25 POLLARD, E. A. Second year of the war. 1863. 973.7:15 Virginia tourist. 1870. 917 5-6 POLLARD, JOSEPHINE. History’ of the battles of America in words of one syllable. 1889. 973*22 POLO, MARCO. Travels; tr. by Marsden and ed. by Wright, 1886. 915:10 Knox, T. W. Marco Polo for boys and girls. 1888. 915:10d Towle, G. M. Marco Polo. 1880. 915:10b POLYNESIA. See Oceania. POMPEII. Adams, W. H. D. Buried cities of Campania: Pompeii and Herculan- eum. 1872. 913.37:8 Dyer, T. H. Pompeii. 1887. 913.37:3 Gell, W. Pompeii. 1880. 913.37:5 Monnier, M. Wonders of Pompeii. 1886. 913.37:2 POND, G. E. Shenandoah valley in 1864. 1883. 973.73:9 POOLiB 124 PROVBRBS POOLE, R. L. Sebastian Bach. 1882. 927 8 '2 POOLE, R. S. Cities of Egypt. I882! 913.32:17 POOLE, S. L. Story of the Barbary corsairs. 1890. 961:1 Egypt. 1881. 916.2:8 Story of the Moors in Spain. 1886. 946.02:2 Story of Turkey. 1888. 949.6:2 POORE, B. P. Perley’s reminiscences of sixty years in the national me- tropolis. 1886. 2v. 920.5:3 POPE, A. Poetical works. 1848. 821.53:1 Johnson, S. Alexander Pope. 1897. 821.534:1 POPE, JOHN. Ropes, J. C. Army under Pope. 1881. 973.73:10 PORTER, D. Journal of a cruise made to the Pacific ocean. 1822. 910.4:8 PORTER, D. D. Incidents and anec- dotes of the Civil war. 1886. 973.7:16 Naval history of the Civil war. 1886. 973.75:3 PORTER, ROSE. About children. 1896. 818.49 :P83 PORTUGAL. Crawfurd, O. . Portugal. 914.6:3 Loring, G. B. Year in Portugal. 1891. 914.69:1 Stephens, H. M. Story of Portugal. 1891. 946.9:1 POSNETT, H. M. Comparative litera- ture. 1886. 809:4 POTTER, V. M. To Europe on a stretcher. 1890. 914:49 POUCHET, J. Canal interoceanique maritime de Nicaragua. 1879. 972.85:5 POWELL, J. J. Golden state and its resources. 1874. 979.4:8 POWELL, J. W. Canyons of the Colorado. 1895. 917.91 :R1 Reports of the Bureau of Ethnology. 1879-84. 5v. 970.1:1 POWERS, LAURA B. Story of the old missions of California. 1893. 979.4:21 POWLES, L. D. Land of the pink pearl. 1888. 917.296:1 POYAS, MRS. E. A. Olden time of Carolina. 1885. ' 975.6:1 PRAED, W. M. Essays. 1887. 824.89 :P89 PRAEGER, P. Wagner as I knew him. 1892. 927.8:9c PRATT, MARA L. People and places here and there: India. 1892. 915.4:25 Northern Europe. 1893. 914:70 Stories from Shakespeare. 1890. 822.338:9 , Stories of colonial children. 1894. 973.2:26 PRAY, I. C. James Gordon Bennett. 1855. 920.5:1 PREBLE, G .H. History of the fiag of the United States. 1880. 929.9 :R3 PRENDERGAST, J. P. Cromwellian settlement of Ireland. 1865. 941.5:7 PRENTICE. G. Life of Wilbur Fiske. 1890. , 922.7:7 PRENTICE, G. D. Biography of Henry Clay. 1831. 923.273:13d Poems. 1875. 811.39 :P91 Prenticeana; or. Wit and h..cmor in paragraphs. 817:3 PRESCOTT, W. H. Biographical and critical miscellanies; 1875. 814.39 ;P92 Conquest of Mexico. 1843. 3v. 972.02:1 Conquest of Peru. 1847. 2v. 985.1:1 Reign of Charles V. 1857. 3v. 943.03:4 Reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. 1838. 3v. > 946.03:7 Reign of Philip II. 1874. 3v. 946.04:1 Ticknor, G. William H. Prescott. 1863. 814.394 :P92 PRESTON, H. W. Documents illustra- tive of American history. 1891. 973 " 26 PRESTON, HARRIET W. Private life of the Romans. 1893. 913.37:10 PRICE, J. M. From the Arctic ocean to the Yellow sea. 1892. 915:15 PRICE, W. T. William C. Macready. 1894. 927.9:9a PRIEST, J. American antiquities, and discoveries in the West. 1835. 913.70:1 j PRIME, S. I. Autobiography and ' memoMals. 1888. 922.5:11 i Samuel F. B. Morse. 1875. 925:17 PRIME, W. C. Along New England r roads. 1892. 814.49 :P93-1 \ Among the northern hills. 1895. 814.49 :P93-2 Boat life in Egypt and Nubia. 1857. 916.2:13 . I go a-fishing. 1873. 814.^9 :P93 Tent life in the Holy Land. 1872. 915.6:13 PRINCE, L. B. Historical sketches of New Mexico. 1883. 978.9:1 PRIOR, M. Poetical works. 1892. 2v. 821.51:1a PROBYN, J. W. Italy from the fall of i Napoleon I. 1891. 945:10 PROCTER, ADELAIDE A. Poems. 1858. 821.89 :P94 PROCTER, B. W. (Barry Cornwall). English songs. 1851. 821.89 :Pr94-l Marcian Colonna. 1821. 821.89:Pr94 PROCTOR, EDNA D. Russian jour- ney. 1890. 914.7:10 PROCTOR, R. A. Great pyramid. 1883. 913.32:7 j PROPERTIUS. Elegies; tr. by Gantill- | on. 1892. 874.4:1 I PROUT, FATHER. See Mahony, F. S. I , PROVERBS. ‘ \ Christy, R. Proverbs, maxims and phrases of all ages. 1893. 2v. j 808.8 :R12 L Colton, C. C. Lacon. 1828. 828:2 jX Gracian, B. Art of worldy wisdom. ! ’ | 1892. 868.3:1 j , PRYDE 125 PRYDE, D. Highways of literature. 1882. 801 ■ 34 PULLER, C. School history of Rome. „ 937.06:4 PULLING, P. S. Sir Joshua Reynolds. _ 927.5:16 PULSZKY, P, A. White, red, black: Sketches of American society. 1853. 2v. 917.3:10 PURCELL, HENRY. Cummings, W. H. Henry Purcell. 1881. 927.8:6 PUSEY, EDWARD B. Liddon, H. P. Edward Bouverie Pu- sey. 1895. 3v. 922.3:14 PUTNAM, G. P. World’s progress: index to universal history. 1883. 902 :R4 PUTNAM, M. LOUISE. Children’s life of Abraham Lincoln. 1892. 923.173 :9h PUTNAM, RUTH. William the Silent, Prince of Orange. 1895. 2v. 923.149:3 PUTZ, W. Ancient geography and history. 1853. 911:3 Mediaeval geography and history. 1850. 940:5 PYRAMIDS. Ballard, R. Solution of the pyramid problem. 1883. 913.32:9 Barnard, P. A. P. Imaginary metro- logical system of the great pyram- id of Gizeh. 1884. 913.32:10 Proctor, R. A. Great pyramid. 1883. 913 32 ■ 7 Smyth, C. P. Life and work at the great pyramid. 1867. 3v. 913.32:4 Our inheritance in the great py- ramid. 1864. 913.32:1 PYRRHUS. (King of Epirus). Abbott, J. History of Pyrrhus. 1851. 923.138:2 “Q.” See Couch, A. T. Q. QUACKENBOS, J. D. Ancient litera- ture, oriental and classical. 1889. 809:6 QUAD, M. See Lewis, C. B. QUILLER-COUCH, A. T. See Couch, A. T. Q. QUILTER, H. Angiolotto Giotto. 1881 ^ 927.5:30 QUINET, EDGAR. Heath, R. Edgar Quinet. 1881. 844.814:1 QUINTILIAN. Institutes of oratory; tr. by Watson. 1887. 2v. 875 6*1 JUOTATIONS. - Adams, H. G. Cyclopedia of poetical | quotations. 808.8: R9 Attwell, H. Book of golden thoughts. _1870. 808.8:1 Bartlett, J. Pamiliar quotations. 1891. 808.8 :R2 Bent, S. A. Pamiliar short sayings of great men. 1887. 808.8:3 Hoyt, J. K. Cyclopedia of practical quotations. 1896. 808.8 :R5 King, W. P. H. Classical and foreign quotations. 1888. 808.8 :R 8 RAMSAY Riley, H. T. Dictionary of Latin and Greek quotations. 1888. 870.8 :R1 Ward, A. L. Dictionary of quotations from English and American poets. 1883. 808.8 :R 6 Wood, K. B. Quotations for occa- sions. 1896. 808.8:21 R., K. B. Pestival poems. 1884. 808 1 ■ 36 RABBE, P. Shelley; the man and the poet. 1888. 821.774:5 RABELAIS, P. Works. 1867. 2v. 847.32:1 Besant, W. Rabelais. 1879. 847.324:1 RACHEL (Eliza Rachel Pelix). Kennard, Mrs. N. H. Rachel. 1886. Q97 * RACINE, JEAN. Trollope, N. M. Corneille and Racine. 1881. 842.414:1 RAE, W. P. Business of travel. 1891. 910.9*2 Columbia and Canada. 1877. 917 Newfoundland to Manitoba. 1881. 917.1:3 RAGOZIN, Z. A. Assyria. 1887. 935:3 Chaldaea. 1886. 935 . 1:1 Media, Babylon and Persia. 1888. ^ 935.3:1 Vedic India. 1895. 954*12 RAIBOLINI, PRANCESCO (called ll Prancia). Cartwright, J. Lives of Mantegna and Prancia. 1881. 927.5:29 RAINE, J. York. 1893. 942.7:1 RALEIGH, Walter. English novel. 1894. 823.09:3 RALEIGH. SIR WALTER. Creighton, L. Sir Walter Raleigh. 1882. 923.542:5c Gosse, E. Raleigh. 1886. 923.542:5b Stebbing, W. Sir Walter Raleigh. 1891. 923.542:5a Thomson, Mrs. M. A. Sir Walter Raleigh. 1856. 923.542 :5d Towle, G. M. Raleigh. 1881. 923.542:5 RALPH, J. Dixie: southern scenes and sketches. 1896. 917.6:7 Harper’s Chicago and the World’s Pair. 1893. 917.73:3 On Canada’s frontier. 1892. 917.1:13 Our great west. 1893. 917 8*34 RALSTON, W. R. S. Early Russian history. 1874. 947:8 RAMANN, LINA. Pranz Liszt: artist and man. 1882. 2 v. 927.8:18b RAMBAUD, A. History of Russia. 1879. 3v. 947:7 RAMESES II (King of Egypt). Lanoye, P. T. de. Rameses the great. 1885. 913.32:5 RAMSAY, ALLAN. Smeaton, O. Allan Ramsay. 821.544:1 RAMSAY, J. H. Lancaster and York. 1892. 2v. 942.04:5 RAMSAY, JAMES A. (Marquis of Dalhousie). BAMSEY 126 REIN . Hunter, W. W. Marquess of Dal- housie. 1890. 923.154:2 RAMSEY, J. G. McG. Annals of Ten- nessee to the end of the 18th cen- tury. 1860. 976.8:1 RAMSEY, M. M. The island of Cuba. 1896. 972.91:2 RANDALL, D. A. Handwriting of God in Egypt, Sinai and the Holy Land. 1862. 915.6:14 RANDOLPH, A. F. M. Tfial of Sir John Palstaff. 1893. 822.331:18 RANDOLPH, E. Address on the hist- ory of California. 1860. 917.94: 4, v.l8 RANDOLPH, H. P. Fifty years of English song, 1887. 4v. 821.08:5 RANDOLPH, JOHN., Adams, H. John Randolph. 1883. 923.273:37 Garland, H. A. John Randolph of Roanoke. 1850. 923.273:37a RANKE, L. von. Latin and Teutonic nations. 1887. 940.5:2 Reformation in Germany. 1844. 943.03:2 RANSOME, C. Short studies in some of Shakespeare’s plots. 1890. 822.331:10 RAPHAEL. Bell, N. R. E. Raphael. 1883. 927.5:8 Muntz, E. Raphael. 1882. 927.5 :R3 RAUB ,A. W. Studies in English and American literature. 1888. 807:3 RAUCH, CHRISTIAN D. Cheney, E. D. Christian Daniel Rauch. 1893. 927.3:5 RAUM, G. E. Tour around the world. 1886. 910.4:37 RAWLINSON, G. Ancient Egypt. 1887. 932:3 Ancient history. 1887. 930:4 Parthia. 1893. 935.6:2 Phoenicia. 1889. 939.4:1 Seven great monarchies of the an- cient Eastern world. 1884. 3v. 935:1 Seventh great oriental monarchy. 1876. 935.7:1 Sixth great oriental monarchy. 1872. 935.6:1 Story of Phoenicia. 1889. 939.4:2 RAWNSLEY, H. D. Notes for the Nile. 1892. 913.32:2 RAYMOND, G. L. Rhythm and har- mony in poetry and music. 1895. 801:42 RAYMOND, H. J. Abraham Lincoln 1867. 923.173 :9e RAYMOND, R. R. Typical tales of fancy, romance and history from Shakespeare’s plays. 1892. 822.338:8 READ, T. B. Poetical works. 1883. 811.35:1 READE, CHARLES. Read, C. L. Charles Reade. 1887. 823.894 :R22 READE, W. W. Martyrdom of man. 1874. 901:7 Savage Africa. 1864, 916 ;X RECAMIER, MADAME. Memoirs and correspondence. 1890. 923.944:2 RECITATIONS. Bates, L. New recitations for in- fants. 1895. 808.1:39 Guthrie, P. A. Mr. Punch’s young reciter, 808,5:47 Holiday selections (Anon). 808.5 :R6 Kellogg, A. M. Autumn and winter school celebrations. 1894. 808.5:37 New Year and midwinter exercises. 1895. 808.5:51 Spring and summer celebrations. . 1895. 808.5:50 Werner’s readings and recitations. 1890-96. 15v. 808.8:8 REDDALL, H. F. Fact, fancy and fable. 1889. 803 :R8 REED, ANDREW. Pitman, Mrs. E. R. George lV(uller and Andrew Reed. 1885. 923.642:1 REED, E. Bacon vs. Shakespeare. 1897. 822.332:5 REED, ELIZABETH A. Hindu litera- ture. 1891. 891.1:1 REES, J. (Colley Cibber). Edwin For- rest. 1874. 927,9:1 REES, J. D. Muhammadans. 1894. 954:11 REES, JL R. Horace Vernet and Paul Delaroche, 1880. 927.5:36 REEVE, C. McC. How we went and what we saw: Egypt, Syria and the Aegean islands. 1891, 916.2:17 REEVE, H. Petrarch. 1878. 815,184:2 REEVES, HELEN B. One summer in Hawaii. 1891. 919.6:6 REEVES, J. The Rothschilds. 1887. *1 REFORMATION. Ilausser, L. Period of the Reforma- tion. 1874. 940.7:5 Lord, J. Renaissance and Reforma- tion. (Beacon lights of history). 1884. 908.1:v.3 Ranke, L. Reformation in Germany. 1844. 943.03:? Seebohm, P. Era of the Protestan Revolution. 1874. 940.7:! Yonge, C. M. Reformation times. 1879. 942.05;! REGAMEY, P. Japan in art and in- dustry. 1893. 915.2:3' REID, H. A. History of Pasadena. ,1895. 979.4:2' RElD, J. B. Concordance to the poems and songs of Robert Burns. 1889. 821.673 :R; REID, RICHARD. Reid, E. J. Judge Richard Reid. 1886.’ 923.473:! REID, S. J. Lord Russell. 1895. 923.242:1;: REID, T. W. Richard M. Milnes. 189] 2v. 821.894 :Me/j REIN, J, J. Industries of Japan. 188/ 915.3:yf REMBRANDT 127 RICHARDSON Japan: travels and researches. 1888. 915.2:R2 REMBRANDT. Michel, E. Rembrandt. 1894. 2v. 927.5 :R4 Mollett, J. W. Rembrandt. 1880, 927.5:50 REMINGTON, P. Pony tracks. 1895. 917 8*36 REMONDINO, P. C. Mediterranean shores of America: Southern Cali- fornia. 1892. 917.94:54 REMUSAT, MADAME de. Memoirs. 1889. 3v. 923.944:3 REMUSAT, P. de. Life of Thiers, 1889. 844.794 :T35 REMY, J. Journey to Salt Lake City. 1861. -2v. 917.92: PI RENAISSANCE. Burckhardt, J. Civilization of the period of the Renaissance in Italy, 1860. 2v. 945.05:1 Lacroix, P. Manners, customs and dress during the Middle Ages and Renaissance. 940.1: R1 Lord, J. Renaissance and Reforma tion. (Beacon lights of history). 1884. 908:lv.3 Owen, J. Skeptics of the Italian Renaissance. 1893. 901:16 Schaff, P. Renaissance. 1891. 940.6:1 Scaife, W. B. Florentine life during the Renaissance. 1893. 945.5:4 Symonds, J. A. Renaissance in Italy. 1877. 7v. 945.05:2 RENANi* E. The apostles. 1866. 922.1:1 History of the people of Israel. 1888. 3v. 933:5 My sister Henrietta. 1895. 920.7:16 Recollections and letters. 1892. 844.82:2 Recollections of my youth. 1883. 844.82:1 St. Paul. 1869. 922.1:2 RENWICK, H. B. John Jay. 1858. 923.273:58a REPPLIER. AGNES. Book of famous verse. 1893. 808.1:19 Books and men. 1888. 814.49 :R29-1 Essays in idleness. 1895. 814.49 :R29-2 Essays in miniature. 1895. 814.49 :R29-3 In the dozy hours. 1895. 814.’49:R29-4 Points of view. 1891. 814.49 :R29 REUMONT, A. von. Lorenzo de’ Medici. 1876. 2v. 923.145:1a REVELL, W. F. Browning’s criticism of life. 1892. 821.831:2 REVERE, J. W. Tour of duty in California. 1849. 917.94:16 SEVERE, PAUL. "tOss, E. H. Paul Revere. 1891. 2v. 923.573:28 JixEYNOLDS, SIR JOSHUA. Pr xing, P. S. Sir Joshua Reynolds. .x886. 927.5:16 RHETORIC. Bardeen, C. W. System of rhetoric. 1884. 808:8 Bates, A. Talks on writing English. 1896. 808:25 Blair, H. Rhetoric and belles lettres. 1833. 808:11 Campbell, G. Philosophy of rhetoric. 1851. 808.6:26 Clark. J. S. Practical rhetoric. 1892. 808:10 Davidson, J. W. The correspondent. 1886. 808.6:1 De Mille, J. Elements of rhetoric. 1882. 808:7 Emerson, A. W. Composition and criticism. 1893. 808:19 Genung, J. P. Outlines of rhetoric. 1894. 808:18 Practical elements of rhetoric. 1894. 808:20 Hart, J. S. Composition and rhetoric. 1870. 808:21 Hill, A. S. Principles of rhetoric. 1889. 808:9 Hill, D. J. Rhetoric and composi- tion. 1878. 808:22 Kellogg, B. Rhetoric. 1888. 808:14 McLaughlin, J. Manuel epistolaire en Francais et en Anglais. 808.6:2 Newman, S. P. Practical system of rhetoric. 1838. 808:1 Nichol, J. English composition. 1879. 808:12 Parker, R. G. English composition. 1845. 808:2 Phelps, A. English style in public discourse. 1883. 808.5:56 Waddy, V. Composition and rhetoric. 1889. 808:6 Welsh, A. H. Complete rhetoric. 1886. 808:13 Essentials of English. 1884. 808:26 Wendell, B. English composition. 1891. 808:4 Whately, R. Rhetoric. 1851. 808:3 RHOADES, H. E. Around the world with the Blue Jackets. 1890. 910.4:32 RHODES, J. F. United States from the compromise of 1850. 1893. 2v. 973.6:3 RIBADENEIRA, P. Lives of the early martyrs. 1857. 922.2:15 RICE, A. T. Reminiscences of Abra- ham Lincoln. 1889. 923.173 :9g RICE, E. L. Introduction to Ameri- can literature. 1846. 920.9:13 RICHARD I, Coeur de Lion (King of England). Abbott, J. Richard I. 1857. 923.142:3 RICHARD II (King of England). Abbott, J. Richard II. 1858. 923.142:4 RICHARD III (King of England). Abbott, J. Richard III. 1858. 923.142:7 RICHARDS, LAURA E. In my nursery. 1890. 811.49 :R39 RICHARDSON, ABBY S. History of our country. 1893. 973:49 RICHARDSON 128 ROBINSON’ Stories from old English poetry. 1^71. 821.08:14 HICHARDSON, D. N. Girdle round the earth. 1888. 910.4:9 RICHARDSON. JAMES. Wonders of the Yellowstone. 1889. 917.8:20 RICHARDSON, JOHN. Arctic search- ing expedition. 1854. 919.8:14 RICHELIEU, CARDINAL. Cousin, V. Secret history of the French court under Richelieu and Mazarin. 1856. 944.03:3 Perkins, J. B. Prance under Mazarin, with a review of the administration of Richelieu. 1886. 2y. 944.03:1 Robson, W. Richelieu. 1854. 923.244:11 RICHMAN, I. B. Appenzell: pure democracy and pastoral life in Inner-Rhoden. 1895. 949.4:5 RICHTER, J. P. F. Campaner Thai. 1877. 833.62:1 Leonardo da Vinci. 1880. 927.5:44 Lee, E. B. Jean Paul Richler. 1864. 833.624:1 RIDDLE, A. G. Recollections of war times. 1895. 973.71:3 RIDEING, W. H. Boyhood of living authors. 1887. 809:12 Boys in the Imountains and on the plains. 1882. 917.8:5 In the land of Lorna Doone. 1895. 914.2:34 RIDLEY, ANNIE P. Prances Mary Buss. 1895. - 923.742:3 RIDPATH, J. C. > History of the United States. ' 973:27 RILEY, H. T. Dictionary of Latin and Greek quotations. 1888. 870.8:R1 RILEY, J. Loss of the American brig Commerce on- the western ' coast of Africa. 1859. . 916.1:1 RILEY, J. W. Afterwhiles. 1888. 811.47:1 Child-world. 1896. 811.47:9 Plying islands of the night. 1^2. 811.47:6 . Green fields and running brooks. 1893. 811.47:5 Neighborly poems. 1891. 811.47:3 Old fashioned roses. 1891. 811.47:4 Pipes O’Pan at Zekesbury. 1892. 811.47:7 Poems here at home. 1893. 811.47:8 Rhymes of childhood. 1891. 811.47:2 RINK, H. Danish Greenlaud^877. 919.8:26 RIPLEY, G. Handbook of literature and the fine arts. 1852. 803:1 Prothingham, O. B. George Ripley. 1883 922 8*10 RISTORI, ADELAIDE. Studies and memoirs. 1888. 9lfi7.9:4 RITCHIE, ANNE I. T. MadaiAe de Sevigne. 1881. 846.414:2 Records of Tennyson, Ruskin, Brown- ing. 1892. , 821.80:1 RITTER, C. Geographical studies. 1861. 910.7:9 ROBBINS, MARY C. place. 1892. ROBERTS, C. G. D. tive. 1896. ROBERTS, E. RIVERO, M. E. Peruvian antiquities. 1853. 913.85:1- RIVERSIDE LIBRARY for young' folks; ed. by H. E. Scudder. Japan. Griffis, W. E. 952:1 Java. Higginson, Mrs. S. J. 919.2:1 New England girlhood. Larcom, L. ?-‘1.949:L32 George Washington. Scudder, H. E. 923.173 :25g Rescue of an old 814.49 :R54 Book of the na- 811.49 :R54 Santa Barbara. 1887. 917.94:17 Shoshone, and other western wonders 1888. 917.8:10 ROBERTS, E. H. New York. 1^87. 2v. 974.7:6 ROBERTS, MARGARET. Prance. 1881. 914.4:24 ROBERTS, O. M. Texas. 1881. 917.6:6 ROBERTSON, A. Through the Dolo- mites. 1896. 914.53:2 ROBERTSON, C. G. Making of the English nation. 1896. 942.01:7 ROBERTSON, D. Laird of Logan: wit and humour of Scotland. 1835. 827:13 ROBERTSON, E. S. English poetesses. 1SS\ 821.09:6 Henry W. Longfellow. 1887. 811.344:4 ROBERTSON, F. W. Life,- lectures and addresses. 1865. 922.3:6 ROBERTSON, J. F. Great painters of Christendom. 927.5:53 ROBERTSON, J. L. History of Eng- , lish literature. 1894. 820.9:51 ROBERTSON,' J. M. Essays towards^ a critical method. 1889. 824.89:R5' Modern humanists. 1891. 921.2:1] ROBERTSON, W. Reign of Emperoi Charles V. 1884. 3v. 943.03: Settlement and discovery of America.] 1848. 970; ROBINS, E. Echoes of the playhouse, 1895. 822.04: ROBINSON, AGNES M. P. Emibi Bronte. 1883. 823.814 Margaret of Angouleme. 1887. 923.144:1, ROBINSON, C. The Kansas conflict 1892. 978.1: ROBINSON, H. M. Great fur land Hudson bay territory. 1879. 917.1: ROBINSON, HENRIETTA. Wilson, D. Henrietta Robinson. 1855. 923.473:3 ROBINSON, LOUISE B. Bundle letters from over the sea. 1890. 914. ■» ROBINSON, R. E. In New England'); fields and woods. 1896. 814.49:R6 , Vermont. 1892. 974 3i|:| ROBINSON, W. D. Memoirs of \ Mexican revolution. 1820. 972 / - 73:3 of ROBINSON 129 ROME ROBINSON, W. L. Diary of a Samari tan. 1860. 926:5 ROBSON, W. Life of Richelieu. 1854. 923.244:11 ROCHE, J. J. Life of John Boyle O’Reilly, with poems and speeches, 811.494 :Or3 Story of the filibusters. 1891. 972.8:3 ROCHEFORT, H. Adventures of my life. 1897. 2v. 923.244:16 ROCHEJAQUELEIN. See La Roche- jaquelein. ROCKHILL, W. W. Land of the Lamas. 1891. 915.1:8 ROCKSTRO, W. S. George Frederick Handel. 1883. 927.8:4b Mendelssohn .1883. 927.8:26 ROCKWOOD, CAROLINE W. In Bis- cayne bay (Florida). 1891. 917.59:1 ROCKY MOUNTAINS. Grohman, W .A. B. Camps in the Rockies. 1882. 917.8:16 Ingersoll, E. Crest of the continent. 1888. 917.8:13 Irving, W. Adventures of Captain Bonneville. 1868. 917.9:4 Ruxton, G. F. A. Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky mountains. ■I860. 917.2:6 Webb, J. W. Altowan: life and ad- ventures in the Rocky mountains. 1846. 2v. ‘ 917.8:8 Wilcox, W. D. Camping in the Ca- nadian Rockies. 1896. 917.12:2 RODENBOUGH, T. F. Uncle Sam’s medal of honor. 1886. 973.78:1 RODNEY, GEORGE B. Hannay, D. Life of Rodney. 1891. 923.542:20 ROGERS, C. Social life in Scotland. 1884. 3v. 941:4 ROGERS, J. E. T. Historical glean- ings. 1869. 2v. 904:13 Story of Holland. 1889. 949.2:3 ROGERS, T. L, Mexico? Si Senor. 1893. 917.2:30 ROLAND, MADAME. Abbott, J. S. C. History of Madame Roland. 1851. 923.244:6a Blind, M. Madame Roland. 1888. 923.244:6 Tarbell, I. M. Madame Roland. 1896. 923.244:6b ROLFE, W. J. Shakespeare, the boy. 1896. 822.334:7 Tales from English history in prose and verse. 1894. 942:26 Tales from Scottish history in prose and verse. 1891. 941:3 ROLFSEN, N. Fridtiof Nansen. 1896. 923.948:2 ROLLESTON, T. W. Gotthold Ephraim Lessing. 1889. 832.614:2 ROLLIN, C. Ancient history. 1854. 4v. 930:15 ROLLINS, ALICE W. From palm to glacier. 1892. 910.4:35 ROME. Antiquities. Adam, A. Roman antiquities. 1791. 913.37:4 Becker, W. A. Gallus; or, Roman scenes of the time of Augustus. 1844. 937:1 Church, A. J. Roman life in the days of Cicero. 1884. 913.37:7 Eschenburg, J. J. Manual of classi- cal literature. 1858. 913.30:4 Fustel de Coulanges, N. D. The an- cient city. 1858. 938:16 Guhl, E. Life 6f the Greeks and Romans. 938:5 Lanciani, R. A. Ancient Rome in the light of recent discoveries. 1889. 913.37 :R1 Pagan and Christian Rome. 1893. 913.37 ;R2 Macaulay, T. B. Lays of ancient Rome. 1884. 824.83:2 Middleton, J. H. Remains of ancient Rome. 1892. 2v. 913.37:9 Preston, H. W. Private life of the Romans. 1893. 913.37:10 Schreiber, T. Atlas of classical an- tiquities. 1895. 913.38 :R4 Shumway, E. S. Day in ancient Rome. 1885. 913.37:11 General History. Beesley, Mrs. Stories from the hist- ory of Rome. 1881. 937:4 Bonner, J. Child’s history of Rome. 1876. 2v. 937:6 Church, A. J. Pictures from Roman life and story. 1892. 937:14 Dennie, J. Rome of today and yes- terday. 1896. 914.56 :R1 Duruy, V. Rome and the Roman people. 1883. 6v. 937 :R1 Dyer, T. H. City of Rome. 1883. 937:9 Goldsmith, O. Roman history. 1769. 937 :R2 Laing, Mrs. C. H. B. Child’s history of Rome. 1872. 2v. 937:16 Leighton, R. F. History of Rome. 1889. 937:8 Montesquieu, C. Causes of the gran- deur and decadence of the Romans. 1734. 937:5 Niebuhr, B. G. History of Rome to Fall of Western Empire. 1870. 937:3 Pelham, H. F. Outlines of Roman history. 1893. 937:15 Yonge, C. M. Young folks’ history of Rome. 1878. 937:11 Regal and Republican (753-31 B. C.). Arnold, T. History of Rome. 1838. 937:12 Beesley, A. H. The Gracchi, Marius and Sulla. 1888. 937.05:2 Davidson, J. L. S. Cicero and the fall of the Roman Republic. 1894. 937.02:5 Ferguson, A. Progress and termina- tion of the Roman Republic. 1855. 937.02:3 ROME ROWliANR Gilman, A. Story of Rome. 1885. 937:2 Hooke, N. Roman history- 1825. 6v. 937:10 Ihne, J. A. F. W. Early Rome. 1886. 937:7 History of Rome. 1871. 5v. 937:13 Livy. History of Rome; tr. by Baker. 1844. 2v. 878.4:2 I Long-, G. Decline of the Roman Re- public. 1864. 5v. 937.02:4 Merivale, C. Roman triumvirates. 1887. 937.05:1 Michelet, J. The Roman Republic. 1847. 937.02:1 Mommsen, T. Rome. 1857. 4v. 937.02:2 Smith, R. B. Rome and Carthage: the Punic wars. 189'5. 937.04:1 Imperial (31 B. C.-476). Ammianus Marcellinus. Roman history; tr. by Yonge. 1887. 937.06:1 Bury, J. B. Later Roman empire. 1889. 2v. . 937.09:2 Roman empire to the death of Mar- cus Aurelius. 1893. 937.06:7 Capes, W. W. Early empire. 1888.. 937.07:1 Roman empire of the 2d century. 1888. 937.06:6 Gibbon, E. Decline and fall of the Roman Empire. 1776. 5v. 937.06:3 Kingsley, C: Roman and the Teuton. 1864. 937.09:1 Merivale, C. The Romans under the Empire. 1850. 7v. 937.06:4 Mommsen, T. Provinces of the Rom- an Empire. 1887. 937.06:5 Oman, C. W. C. Story of the Byzan- tine Empire. 1892. 949.5:1 923.137:5 Modern City. Dennie, J. Rome of today and yes- terday. 1893. 914.56 :R1 Eaton, C. A. Rome in the 19th cen- tury. 1881. 2v. 914.5:18 Hare, A: J. C. Walks in Rome. 1871. 914.5:5 Hutton, L. Literary landmarks of Rome. 1897. 914.56:2 Kip, W. I. Christmas holydays in Rome. 1884. 914.56:1 Oliphant, M. O. W. Makers of mod- ern Rome. 1896. < 920.045: 5 Story, W. W. Roba di Roma. 1887. 2v. 914.5:7 ROMILLY, H. H. Western Pacific and New Guinea^ 1887. 919.5:1 ROMNEY, GEORGE. Gower, R. S. Lives of Romney and Lawrence. 1882. 927.5:17 ROMULUS (Pounder of Rome). Abbott, J. Romulus. 1852. 923.137:3 ROOSEVELT, BLANCHE. See Mac- chetta, B. R. T. ROOSEVELT, T. Gouverneur Morris. 1888. 923.273:31 Hunting trips of a ranchman. 1886. 917.8:6 New York. 1891. 974.7:1 Thomas Hart Benton. 1887. 923.273:6 Winning of the West. 1889. 4v. 977:1 ROPES, J. C. Army under Pope. 1881. 973.’73:10 Campaign of Waterloo. 1892. 2v. 944.05:5 Civil war in the United States. 1895. 973 7 '23 First Napoleon. 1886. 923.144 : 3a ROSCOE, T. German novelists. 1826. 830.8:1 Italian novelists. 850.8:1 Spanish novelists. 860.8:1 ROSCOE, W. , Lorenzo de’ Medici. 1796. 2v. 923.145 :R1 ROSE, HUGH H. (Lord Strathnairn) . Burne, O, T. Lives of Clyde and Strathnairn. 1891. 923.154:5 ROSE, J. H. Revolutionary and Na- poleonic era. 1894. 944.04:15 ROSS, JANET. Early days recalled. 1891. 920.7:19 Three generations of English wom^en. 1893. 920.7:28 ROSSA, J. O’D. Prison life. 1874. 923 242*12 ROSSETTI, CHRISTINA. New poems. 1896. 821.89 :R73-2 Poems. 1888. 821.89 :R73 ROSSETTI, D. G. Ballads and sonnets 1882. 821.84:2 Dante a\id his circle. 1887. 851.1:1 Family letters. 1895. 2v. 821.844:3 Poems. 1881. 821.84:1 Knight, J. Rossetti: 1887. 821.844:2 Rossetti, W. M. Rossetti as designer and writer. 1889. 821.844:1 ROSSETTI, MARIE P. Shadow of Dante. 1889. 851.157:2 ROSSETTI, W. M. Dante Gabriel Rossetti. 1889. 821.844:1 John Keats. 1887. 821.784:1 Percy Bysshe Shelley. 1869. 821.774:4 ROSSINI. Edwards, H. S. Life of Rossini. 1869. 927.8:7a Rossini and his school. 1881. 927.8:7 ROTHSCHILDS, The. Reeves, J. The Rothschilds. 1887. 923.343:1 ROUMANIA. Samuelson, J. Roumania. 1882. 914.98:1 ROUND, J. H. Feudal England. 1895. 942.02:4 ROUSSEAU, J. J. Confessions. 1782. 843.564:2 Graham, H. G. Rousseau. 1883. 843.564:3 Morley, J. Rousseau. 1886. 2v. 843.564:1 ROUX, J. Thoughts: meditations of a parish priest. 1886. 844.79 :R75 ROWAN, A. S. Island of Cuba. 1896. 972.91:2 ROWLAND, KATE M. George Mason. 1892. 2v. 923.273:43 ROWLANDS 131 RUSSIA ROWLANDS, D. Fishguard invasion by the French in 1797. 1892. 942.99:1 ROWTON, F. How to conduct a de- bate. 808.5:22 ROYSE, N. K. American literature. 1872. 810.9:2 RUBENS, PETER PAUL. Huet, C. B. Land of Rubens. 1888. 914.93:3 Kett, C. W. Life of Rubens. 1882. 927.5:39 RUBINSTEIN, ANTON. Autobiogra- phy. 1890. 927.8:3 RUDDY, ELLA A. G. Flowers of the spirit. • 1891. 811.49 :R83 RUDLER, F. W. Europe. (Stanford^ compendium). 1885. 914 :R1 RUETE, EMILY. Memoirs of an Arabi- an princess. 1888. 923.953:1 RUPERT, W. W. Study of the hist- ory and constitution of the United States. 1892. 973:46 RUSH, J. Philosophy of the human voice. 1893. 808.5:54 RUSH, R. Residence at the court of London. 1845. 942.08:6 RUSKIN, J. Ariadne Florentina. 1888. 824.86:10 Crown of wild olives. 1866. 824.86:14 Elements of drawing. Elements of perspective and Aratra Pentelici. 1888. 824.86:15 Ethics of the dust. 1866. 824.86:4 King of the Golden River. 1851. 824.86:16 Letters to a college friend. 1894. 824.86:3 Modern painters. 1843. 5v. 824.86:5 Praeterita. 1886. 2v. 824.864:2 Precious thoughts, gathered from the works of John Ruskin. 1881. 824.86:13 Queen of the air. 1869. 824.86:12 Sesame and lilies. 1865. 824.86:1 Seven lamps of architecture. 1888. 824.86:9 Stones of Venice. 188^. 2v. 824.86:8 Time and tide. 1867. 824.86:11 True and the beautiful. 1882. 824.86:6 Two paths. 1888, 824.86:7 Verona, and other lectures. 1894. 824.86:2 Collingwood, W. G. Art teaching of John Ruskin. 1891. 824.861:1 Life and work of John Ruskin. 1894. 2v. 824.864:3 Mather, J. M. John Ruskin. 1883. 824.644:1 Ritchie, A. I. T. Records of Tenny- son, Ruskin, Browning. 1892. 821.80:1 Waldstein, C. Work of John Ruskin. 1893. 824.861:2 RUSSELL, A. P. A club of one. 1887. 814.49 :R91-2 In a club corner. 1890. 814.49 :R91-1 Sub coelum. 1893. 814.49 :R91 Thomas Corwin. 1882. 923.273:16 r- RUSSELL, G. W. E. William Ewart Gladstone. 1891. 923.242:40 RUSSELL, HENRIETTA. Yawning. 1891. 808.5:19 RUSSELL, I. Poems. 1888. 811.39 :R91 RUSSELL, JOHN. Reid, S. J, Lord John Russell, 1895. 923.242:11 RUSSELL, R. H. Edge of the Orient. 1896. 915.6:16 RUSSELL, W. C. Horatio Nelson and the naval supremacy of England, 1890. 923,542:4a William Dampier. 1889. 923.542:11 Representative actors. 1888. 927.9:30 RUSSELL, W. H. My diary north and south. 1863. 2v. . 973.78:4 RUSSIA. Description and travel. Bazan, E. P. Russia, its people and its literature, 1890. 914.7:17 Brandes, G. Impressions of Russia. 1889. 914.7:16 Champney, E. W. Three Vassar girls in Russia and Turkey. 1889. 914.7:8 Child, T. The Czar and his people. 1891. 914.7:11 Dixon, W. H. Free Russia. 1870.- 914.7:7 Ertel, A. I. Russia under the Tzars. 1885. 914.7:7 Russian peasantry. 1888. 914.7:3 Underground Russia. 1888. 914.7:4 Gurowski, A. G. de. Russia as it is. 914.7:15 Hapgood, I. F. Russian rambles. 1895. 914.7:23 Hare. A. J. C. Studies in Russia. 1885. :ii4.7:l Knox, T. W. Boy travellers in the Russian empire. 1887. 914.7:2 Kovalevsky, V. T. Industries of Rus- sia. 1893. 2v. 914.7:22 Lannin, E. B. Russian traits and terrors. 1891. 914.7:12 Logan, J. A. In joyful Russia. 1897. 914.7:24 Morfill, W. R. Russia. 1880. 914.7:19 Oliphant, L. Russian shores of the Black sea. 1854. 914.7:25 Proctor, E. D. A Russian journey. 1890. 914.7:10 Stadling, J. In the land of Tolstoi. 1897. 914.7:14 Stevens, T. Through Russia on a mustang. 1891. 914.7:6 Stoddard, C. A. Across Russia. 1881. 914.7:13 Taylor, B. Travels in Greece and Russia. 1882, 914.95:7 Tikhomirov, L. Russia. 1888. 2v. 914.7:18 Wallace, D. M. Russia. 1881.914.7:9 Whishaw, F. J. Out of doors in Tsar- land. 1893. 914.7:20 History. Abbott, J. S. C. Empire of Russia. 1862. 947:3 Brodhead, J. M. N. Slav and Moslem 1894. 947:4 Dole, N. H. Young folks’ history of Russia. 1881, 947;1 RUSSIA 132 SAUTUS Edwards, H. S. The Romanoffs. 1890. 923.147:3 Foulke, W. D. Slav or Saxon. 1887. 947:9 Frederic, H. New Exodus: a study of Israel in Russia. 1892. 947.08:4 Green, F. V. Russian army and its campaigns in Turkey. 1879. 2v. 947.08:1 Howorth, H. H. So-called Tartars of Russia and Central Asia. 1876. 2v. 950 :R1 Leroy-Beaulieu, A. Empire of the Tsars and Russians. 1893. 3v. 947:11 Marvin, C. Russians at the gates of Herat. 1885. 947.08:2 Morfill, W. R. Story of Poland. 1893. 943.8:1 Story of Russia. 18,90. 947:6 Noble, E. Russian revolt. 1885. 947.08:3 Ralston, W. R. S. Early Russian history. 1874. 947:8 Rambaud, A. Russia from the earli- est times. 1882. 3v. ’ 947:7 Shaw, F. A. Brief history of Russia 1887. 947:2 Tolstoi, L. N. Napoleon and the Russian campaign. 1888. 947.07:2 Verestchagin, A. At home and in war. 1888. 923.549:1 RUSSIAN LITERATURE. Dupuy, E. Great masters of Russian literature in the 19th century. 1886. 891.7:1 Panin, I. Russian literature. 1889. 891.7:5 Turner, C. E. Modern novelists of Russia. 1890. 891.7:3 Studies in Russian literature. 1882, 891.7:4 Vogue, E. M. de. Russian novelists. 1887. 891.7:2 Voynich, E. L. Humour of Russia. 1895. 891.7:6 Wolkonsky, S. Pictures of Russian history and literature. 1897. 947:10 RUSTOW, W. War for the Rhine frontier. 1871. 3v. 943.08:3 RUYTER, MICHAEL A. de. Milne, G. G. Lieut-Admiral De Ruy- ter. 1896. 923.549:2 RUXTON, G. F. A. Adventures in Mexico and the Rocky Mountains. 1860. 917.2:6 Life in the far west. 1849. 917.8:7 RYAN, A. J. (Father Ryan).. Poems 1880. 811.39 :R95 RYLE, J. C. Christian leaders of the last century. 1869. 922:3 S., E. O. Hungary and its revolutions. 1889 943.9:2 S., J. K. Lapsus Calami. 1891. 821.89:81 SAADI, or Sadi. Gulistan; or, Rose garden; tr. by Gladwin. 1822. 891.5:3 SADLIER, AGNES. History of Ire- land in words of one syllable. 1885. 941.5:14 SAGAS. See Scandinavian literature. SAINT-AMAND, IMBERT de. See Im- bert de Saint-Amand. ST. CLAIR, G. Buried cities and .Bible countries. 1891. 913.33:1 ST. JOHN, B. Village life in Egypt. 1852. 2v. 916.2:12 ST. JOHN, HENRY (Viscount Boling- broke). Hassall, A. Viscount Bolingbroke. 1889. 923.242:23 ST. JOHN, MRS. H. R. Audubon, the naturalist of the New World. 1864. 925:16 ST. JOHN, S. Hayti: the black repub- lic. 1884. 972.94:1 ST. PIERRE, BERNARDIN de. Barine, A. Bernardin de St. Pierre. 1893. 843.614:1 SAINT-SIMON, L. de R. Memoirs on the reign of Louis XIV. 1876. 3v. 923.244:2 Collins, C. W. Saint-Simon. 1880. 923 244 '2a SAINTE-BEUVE, C. A. Portraits of celebrated women. 1885. 920.7:9 Portraits of men. 1891. 920.02:5 Select essays. 844.74:1 SAINTSBURY, G. Corrected impres- sions. 1895. 824.89 :Sa2-5 Elizabethan literature. 1891. 824.89 :Sa2-3 Essays iin English literature. 1890. 824.89 :Sa5-2 Flourishing of romance and the rise of allegory. 1897. 824.89 :Sa2-8 Marlborough. 1886. 923.542:1 Miscellaneous ess^s. 1892. 824.89 :Sa2 Nineteenth century literature. 1896. 824.89 :Sa2-4 Primer of French literature. 824.89 :Sa2-7 Short history of French literature. 1882. 824.89 :Sa2-6 Specimens of English prose style. 1886 . 824.89 :Sa2-l SAINTSBURY, G. E. B. Life of the Earl of Derby. 1892. 923.242:44 SAINTSBURY, G. W. Life of Dryden. 1881. 821.484:1 SALA, G. A. Things I have seen and people I have known. 1894. 2v. 824.89 :Sa3 SAlIlUST. Jugurthine war and con- spiracy of Catiline (Latin text); ed by Anthon. 1851. 878.2:1 Same (Eng. text); tr. by Watson. 1855. 878.2:2 SALT, H. S. Percy Bysshe Shelley. 1896. 821.771:2 SALT, SIR TITUS. Burnley, J. Sir Titus Salt and George Moore. 1885. 923.842:1 SALTUS, E. E. Life of Balzac. 1888. 843.734:1 SALTUS, F. S. Dreams after sunset. 1892. 811.49 :Sa3-4 Honey and gall. 1873. 811.49 :Sa3 Shadows and ideals. 1890. 811.49 Sa3-2 SALiVATOR 133 SCAIFE Witch of En-dor and other poems. 1891. 811.49 :Sa3-l SALVATOR, L. Caravan route be- tween Egypt and Syria. 1881. 916.2:6 SALVINI, TOMMASO. Mason, E. T. “Othello” of Tommaso Salvini. 1890. 822.331:19 SAMOA. See Oceania. SAMUELS, S. Prom forecastle to cab- in. 1887. 910 :ir SAMUELSON, J. Bulgaria, past and present. 1888. 914.97:1 Roumania, past and present. 1882. 914.98:1 SANBORN, P. B. A. Bronson Alcott. 1893. 2v. 921.1:1 Henry D. Thoreau. 1882. 818.314:1 John Brown, liberator of Kansas. 1885. 923.273:32 SANBORN, KATE. My literary zoo 1896. 818.49 :Sa5 Truthful woman in Southern Califor- nia. 1893. 917.94:35 SANBORN, KATHERINE A. Wit of woman. 1886. 808.7:1 SANBORN, P. Delsartean scrap-book. 1890. 808.5:16 SAND, GEORGE. See Dudevant, A. L. A. SANDERS, L. C. Celebrities .of the century. 1887.* 920.02 :R2 Viscount Palmerston. 1888. 923.242:24 SANDWICH ISLANDS. Bates, G. W. Sandwich island notes. 1854. 919.6:2 Bishop, I. L. Six months among the palm groves. 1886. 919.6:3 Bliss, W. R. Paradise in the Pacific. 1873. 919.6:5 Coan, T. Life in Hawaii. 1882. 919.6:8 Gumming, C. P. G. Pire fountains. 1883. 2v. 919.96:1 Ellis, W. Polynesian researches. 1829. 4v. 919.6:1 Pomander, A. Polynesian race. 1890. 3v. 996:1 Jarves, J. J. History of the Hawaii- an or Sandwich islands. 1843. 996:9:1 Nordhoff, C. Northern California, Oregon and the Sandwich islands. 1874. 917.94:14 Reeves, H. B. One summer in Hawaii. 1891. 919.6:6 Whitney, H. M. Tourist’s guide 1890. 919.6:14 SANGSTER, MARGARET E. On the road home: poems. 1895. 811.49 :Sa5 SANKEY, C. Spartan and Theban supremacies. 1884. 938.06:1 SANTAYANA, G. Sonnets and other verses. 1894. 821.89 :Sa5 SANTLEY, C. Student and singer: reminiscences. 1892. 927.8:44 SAPPHO. Wharton, H. T. Sappho: memoir, and text (in Greek and English). .1887. 884.2:1 SARACENS. Preeman, E. A. History of the con- quests of the Saracens. 1856. 953:3 Gibbon, E. Rise and fall of the Saracen Empire. 953:1 Gilman, A. Story of the Saracens, 1887. 953:2 Ockley, S. History of the Saracens. 1705. 953:1 Palmer, E. H. Caliph Haroun Al- raschid and Saracen civilization. 1880. 923.153:1 SARCEY, P. Recollections of middle life. 1893. / 928.4:2 SARDOU, VICTORIEN. Roosevelt, B. Victorien Sardou. 1892. 927.9:28 SARGENT, E, Arctic adventure by seq and land. 1858. 919.8:8 SARSPIELD, PATRICK. Todhunter, J. Patrick Sarsfield, earl of Lucan. 1895. 923.241:2 SARTO, ANDREA del. See Andrea d’ Agnolo. SASKIA. Bolton, S. K. Saskia, wife of Rem- brandt. 1893. 927.5:50a SATTERLEE, C. Christmas plays for home and parish. 1886. 808.5:44 SAUNDERS, P. Story of some famous books. 1887. 801:16 Story of the discovery of the New World by Columbus. 1892. 923.945:ld SAA^AGE, JAMES. Genealogical dic- tionary of the first settlers of New England. 1860. 4v. 929 :R7 SAVAGE, JOHN. Life and public ser- vices of Andrew Johnson. 1866. 923.173:16a SAA^AGE, M. J. Poems. 1882. 811.49 :Sa9-l These degenerate days. 1887. 811.49 :Sa9 SAVONAROLA. Adams, E, H. Savonarola, the Plor- entine martyr. 1890. 922.2:12a Clark, W, Savonarola. 1890. 922.2:12 Villari, P, Life and times of Savon- arola. 1896. 922.2:12b SAXE, J. G. Masquerade, and other poems. 1866. 817.35:2 Poems. 1868. 817.35:1a SAY, L. Life of Turgot. 1888. 923.344:1 SAYCE, A. H. Ancient empires of the East. 1884. 930:2 Assyria: its princes, priests and peo- ple. 1885, 935.2:2 Presh light from the ancient monu- ments. 1890. 913.30:1 Higher criticism and the verdict of the monuments. 1894. 913.35:6 The Hittites. 1890. 939.4:4 Social life among the Assyrians and Babylonians. 1894. 913.5:1 SAYER, P. History of Gibraltar. 1865. a46.8:l SCAIPE, W. B. America: its geogra- phical history. 1892. 911.73:1 SCANDTIVAVIA 134 SCHUBKRT Florentine life during the Renais- sance. 1893. 945.5:4 SCANDINAVIA. Baedeker, K. Norway and Sweden. 1889. 914.8:7 Bain, R. N. Charles XII and the collapse of the Swedish Empire. 1895. 923.148:3a Ballou, M. M. Due north: Scandi- navia and Russia. 1887. 914.8:4 Boyesen, H. H. Idyls of Norway. 1892. 839.81:1 Story of Norway. 1886. 948.1:1 Carlyle, T. Early kings of Norway. 1875. 948.1:2 Caton, J. D. Summer in Norway. 1880. 914.8:6 Chapman, A. Wild Norway. 1897. 914.8:12 Du Chaillu, P. B. Land of the mid- night sun. 1882. 2v. 914.8:2 Viking age. 1889. 2v. ^ 913.39:5 Headley, P. C. The island of fire: one thousand years of the old Northmen’s home. 1874. 914.8:8 Keary, C. F. Norway and the Nor- wegians. 1892. 948.1:3 Vikings in western Christendom. 1891. 948.01:1 Mallet, P.| H. " Northern antiquities. 1770. 913.39:4 Otte, E. C. Denmark and Iceland. 1881. 914.9:1 Scandinavian history. 1894. 948:1 Sidgwick, C. S. Story of Denmark. 1890. 948.9:1 Story of Norway. 1885. 948.1:4 Stone, O. M. Norway in June. 1883. 914.8:3 Taylor, B. Northern travel: Sweden, Denmark and Lapland. 1869. 914.8:9 Tromholt, S. Under the rays of th«- Aurora Borealis. 1885. 2v. 919.8:28 Vincent, F. Norsk, Lapp and Finn. 1881. 914.8:5 Woods, F, H. Sweden and Norway. 1882 914 8T1 SCANDINAVIAN LITERATURE. Anderson, R. B. Viking tales from the north. 1877. 839.6:1 Younger Edda. 1880. 839.6:2 Boyesen, H. H. Essays ’ on Scandi- navian literature. 1895. 839.5:2 Gosse, E. Northern studies. 1890. 824.88:8 Howitt, W. Literature and romance of Northern Europe. 1852. 2v. 839.5:1 Metcalfe, F. Englishman and the Scandinavian: a comparison of Anglo-Saxon and old Norse litera- ture. 1880. 820.9:18 Morris, W. Saga library. 1891. 839.6:3 SCARTAZZINI, J. A. Handbook to Dante, 1887, 851.151:3a SCHAEFFER, L. M. Sketches of travel in South America, Mexico and California. 1860. 917.94:84 SCHAFF, P. Library of poetry for Sunday reading. 1889. 808.1:12 Literature and poetry. 1890. 801:7 Renaissance. 1891. 940.6:1 St. Chrysostom and St. AbS^nstin. 1891. 922.1:8 SCHEIL, R. L. Sketches of the Irish bar. 1854. 2v. 923.442:1 SCHELLING. F. E. Elizabethan lyrics. 1895. 821.30:6 Poetic and verse criticism of the reign of Elizabeth. 1891. 801:30 SCHERER, W. History oX German literature. 1886. 2v. 830.9:1 SCHILLER, J. Ci F, von. Early dramas and romances. 1875. 832.63:1 Essays, aesthetical and philosophical 1879. 832.63:3 Historical dramas. 832.63:2 Poems. 1875. 832.63:4 Poems and plays. 1889. 832.63 :R1 Revolt of the Netherlands. 1860. 949.2:5 Thirty Years’ War. 1864. 943.04:5 Carlyle, T. Friedrich Schiller. 1845. 832.634:3 Nevinson, H. W, Friedrich Schiller. 1889. 832.634:1 Sime? J. Schiller. 1882. 832.634:2 SCHLEGEL, A. W. Lectures in dramatic art and literature. 1886. 809.2:2 SCHLEGEL, K. W. F. History of lit- erature. 1848. 809:2 Modern history. 1822. 940:2 Philosophy of history. 1829. 901:1 SCHLIEMANN, H. Ilios. 1881. 913.39:2 Mycenae. 1880. 913.38:2 Troja. 1884. 913.39:1 ^chuchhardt, C. Schliemann’s exca- vations. 1891. 913.38:4 SCHMIDT, A. Shakespeare lexicons. 1886. 2v. 822.333: R2 SCHMUCKER, S. M. Elisha Kent Kane, and other explorers. 1859. 923.973:9 SCHNITZLER, EDWARD. (Emin Pasha). Stanley, H. M. Story of Emin’s res- cue. 1890. 826.89 :St2 SCHUMANN, B. F. Assemblies of the Athenians. 1838. 938:10 SCHOOLCRAFT, H. R. American In- dians. 1850. 970.1:12 Indian tribes of the United States; abr. by Drake. 1884. 2v. 970.1 :R1 SCHOULER, J. History of the United States under the Constitution. 1880. 5v. _ 973.4:2 Thomas Jefferson. 1893. 923.173:15c SCHREIBER ,T. Atlas of classical an- tiquities. 1895. 913.38 :R4 SCHUBERT, FRANZ. Frost, H. F, Schubert, 1881. 937 S;8 SCHUCHHARDT 135 SCULPTORS SCHUCHHARDT, C. Schliemann’s excavations: an archaeological and historical study. 1891. 913.38:4 SCHUMANN .ROBERT. Maitland, J. P. Life of Schumann. 1884. 927.8:21a SCHURER, E. History of the Jewish people in the time of Christ. 1890. 5v. 933:6 SCHURZ, C. Abraham Lincoln. 1891. 923 173*93 Henry Clay. 1887. 2v. 923.273:13a SCHUYLER, E. Peter the great, em- peror of Russia. 1884. 2v. 923.147:1a Turkistan. 1885. 2v. 915.8:1 SCHWATKA, F. Along Alaska’s great river. 1885. 917.98:5 Nimrod in the north .1885. 919.8:9 SCHWEINFURTH, G. Heart of Afri- ca. 1^74. 2v. • 916.6:4 SCIDMORE, ELIZA R. Alaska, its southern coast and the Sitkan archipelago. 1885. 917.98:6 Appleton’s guide-book to Alaska and the northwest coast. 1896. 917.98:17 Jinrikisha days in Japan. 1891. 915.2:13 SCIENTISTS. Bolton, S. K. Famous men of science.' 1889. 925:12 Duncan, P. M. Lives of botanists, zoologists and geologists. 1882. 925:10 Garnett, W. Lives of physicists. 1885. 925:11 Muir, M. M. P. Lives of chemists. 1883. 925:14 Wright, H. C. Children’s stories of the great scientists. 1889. 925:8a SCOLLARD, C. On sunny shores (Europe). 1893. 914:66 Under summer skies. 1892. 910.4:45 SCOONES, W. B. Four centuries of English letters. 1880. 826.08:1- SCOTLAND. Abbott, J. Summer in Scotland. 1876. 914.1:9 Burton, J. H. History of Scotland. 1853. 8v. 941:12 Jones’ views of the seats, mansions castles, etc., of noblemen and gen- tlemen of Scotland. 914.1:8 Lippincott, S. J. Bonnie Scotland. 1885. 914.1:1 Mackintosh, J. Story of Scotland. 1874. 941:7 Mackintosh, J. Story of Scotland. 1890. 941:8 Pennell, J. Our journey to the Heb- rides. 1889. 914.1:6 Rogers, C. Social life in Scotland. 1884. 3v. 941:4 Rolfe, W. J. Tales from Scottish history .1891. 941:3 Scott, W. Tales of a grandfather. 1828. 914.1:1 Wilson, D. Archaeology and pre-hist- oric annals of Scotland. 1851. 913.41:1 Winter, W. Brown heath and blue- bells. 1895. 914.1:r Wordsworth, D. Recollections of a tour made in Scotland. 1894. 914.1:3 SCOTT, D. B. Smaller school history of the United States. 1872. 973:13 SCOTT, E. G. Reconstruction during the Civil War in the United States of America. 1895. 973.8:1 SCOTT, J .P. Brudder Jones’ book of stump speeches. 1868. 808.5:32 SCOTT, LEADER. See Baxter, Lucy E. B. SCOTT, W. A. Esther, the Hebrew- Persian queen. 1859. 923.155:1 SCOTT, W. B. Autobiographical notes of the life of William B. Scott. 1892. 2v. 927.5:15 Little masters (of Germany). 1881. 927.5:26 SCOTT, W. F. Story of a cavalry regi- ment. 1893. 973.73:25 SCOTT, WALTER. Familiar letters. 1894. 2v. 821.74:6 Journal. 1890. 2v. 821.744:5 Lyrics and ballads. 1894. 821.74:5 Poetical works. 5v. 821.74:1 Tales of a grandfather. 1828. 941:2 Tales of chivalry and the olden-time, selected from the works Scott. 1894. 940:19 Chambers, R. Illustrations of the author of Waverly. 1825. 823.741:1 Gilfillan. G. Sir Walter Scott. 1884. . 821.744:4 Hutton, R, H. Sir Walter Scott. 1879. 821.744:1 Lockhart, J. G. Memoirs of the life of Sir Walter Scott. 1836. 821.744:2 Yonge, C. D. Sir Walter Scott. 1888. 821.744:3 SCOTT, WINFIELD. Memoirs. 1864. 923.573:11 Headley, J. T. Winfield Scott. 1861. 923.573:11a SCUDDER, H. E. Boston town. 1881. 917.14:4 George Washington. 1890. 923.173:25g History of the United States. 1884. 973:29 Men and measures in America one hundred years ago. 1891. 917.3:14 Men and letters. 1887. 801:12 Noah Webster. 1882. 924:2 Winnipeg country. 1886. 917.1:1 SCUDDER, VIDA D. Life of the Spirit in the modern English poets, 1895. 821.80:4 SCULPTORS. Baxter, L. E. B . Lives of Ghiberti and Donatello, and others. 1882. 927.3:1 Luca della Robbia, and others. 1883. 927.3:2 Clement, C. E. Painters, sculptors, architects, engravers. 1873. 927:1 / SEATON 136 SHELLEY SEATON, WILLIAM W. William Winston Seaton: a biogra- phical sketch (Anon,). 1871. 920.5:4 SEDGWICK, T. Life of William Liv- ingston. 1833. 923.273:29 SEEBOHM, F. Era of the Protestant Revolution. 1874. 940.7:2 SEELEY, C. S. Lost canyon of the Toltecs. 1893. 917.28:1 SEELEY, J, R. Expansion of England. 1883. 942:8 Life and times of Stein. 1879. 2v. 923.243:3 Short history of Napoleon I. 1886. 923.144:3b SEELYE, ELIZABETH E. Story of Columbus. 1892. 923.945: If Story of Washington. 1893. 923.173:25c SEGUIN, LISBETH G. See Strahan, Lisbeth G. SEILHAMER, G. O. The American theatre before the Revolution, 1888. 812.09:2 SELKIRK, J, B, Ethics and aesthetics of modern history. 1878. 801:25 SELLAR, W .Y. Roman poets of the Augustan Age: Horace and the elegiac poets. 1892. 874.5:2 Roman poets, of the Augustan Age: Virgil. 1877. 873.14:1 Roman poets of the Republic. 1889, 871:3 SEMMES, R. Service afloat: career of the Confederate cruisers Sumter and Alabama. 1869. 973.75:7 SENECA. On benefits; tr. by Stewart. 1887. 872.6:1 SENSIER, A. Jean-Prancois Millet. 1881. 927.5:3 SERGEANT, L. Greece. 1880. 914.95:8 John Wycliffe. 1893. 922.3:10a SEVERN, JOSEPH. Sharp, W, Life and letters of Joseph Severn. 1892. 927.5:48 SESSIONS, F. C. On the wing through Europe. 1889. 914:47 SEVIER, JOHN. Gilmore, J. R. John Sevier as a commonwealth bmlder. 1887. 973.3:3 SEVIGNE, MADAME de. Best letters. 1891. 846.41:1 Boissier, G. Madame de Sevigne. 1888. 846.414:3 Ritchie, A. I. Madame de Sevigne. 1881. 846.414:2 SEWARD, W. H. Travels around the world. 1873. 910.4:10 Works. 1853. 5v. 815:11 Lothrop, T. K. William Henry Sew- ard. 1896. 923.273:28 SEYD, E. California and its resources. 1858. 917.94:71 SEYMOUR, E. S. Sketches of Minne- sota. 1850. 917.7:2 SEYMOUR, HORATIO. Croly, D. G. Seymour and Blair. 1868. 923.273:67 SHAFTESBURY, EARL of. See Coop- er, A. A. SHAFTESBURY, E. Art of extempor- aneous speaking. 1889. 808.5:9 Emphasis: rules and methods. 1889. 808.5:17 SHAIRP, J. C. Aspects of poetry. 1882. ' 824.89 :Sh2-3 On poetic interpretation of nature. 1894. 824.89 :Sh2-l Portraits of friends. 1889'. 824.89 :Sh2-2 Robert Bums. 1879. 821.674:1 Sketches in history and poetry. 1887. 824.89:Sh2 Studies in poetry and philosophy. 1868 . ' 824.89:Sh2-4 SHAKESPEARE. « See Special card index in the library. SHALER, N. S. Kentucky. 1886. 976.9:3 ^United States of America. 1894. 2v. 973:41 SHALER, W. Sketches of Algiers. 1826. 916.5:1 SHARP, ELIZABETH A. Lyra Cel- tica: representative Celtic poetry. 1 8Q1 ft • 1 SHARP, W. Heinrich Heine. 1888. 831.754:1 Joseph Severn, 1892. 927.5:48 Percy Bysshe Shelley. 1887. 821.774:2 Robert Browning. 1890. 821,834:1 Vistas. 1894. 822.89 :Sh2 SHARPE, S. History of Egypt to 640. 1846. 2v. 932:6 SHAW, FRANCES A. Brief history of Russia, 1887. 947:2 SHAW, G. B. Quintessence of Ibsen- ism. 1891. 839.826:1 SHELDON, ELECTRA M. Early hist- ory of Michigan. 1856. 977.4:2 SHELDON, LOUISE V. Yankee girls in Zulu land, 1888. 916.8:2 SHELDON, MARY D. General history. 1895. 909:15 Greek and Roman history. 1886. 930:5 SHELDON, MAY F. (Bebe Bwana). Sultan to sultan: adventures among the tribes of East Africa. 1892. 916.7:32 SHELLEY, P. B. Best letters. 1892. 821.77:2 Poetical works. 2v. 821.77:1 Prose works. 1888. 2v. 821.77 :R2 Dowden, E. Shelley. 1886. 2v. 821.774:3 Ellis, F. S. Lexical concordance to the poetical works of Shelley. 1892. 821.773 :R1 Rabbe, F. Shelley: the man and the poet. 1888. 821.774:6 Rossetti, W. M. Memoir of Shelley. . 1869. 821.774:4 Salt, H. S. Percy Bysshe Shelley. 1896. 821.771:2 Sharp, W. Shelley. 1887. 821.774:2 Symonds, J. A. Shelley. 1879. 821.774:1 Todhunter, J. Study of Shelley. 1350. 821.771:1 DR. rVETT Treats All Diseases of the FEET Removes Corns, Bunions and Warts without pain Ingrowing Nails and Chillblains permanently cured OFFICE at the Hammam Turkish Baths - - 210 South Broadway TURKISH BATHS 210 South Broadway Open Day and Night To get well and keep well, take Turkish Baths Please mention this catalogue DIRECT From the MINER to the USER (]oal. Wood, Hay* Grain Prompt Delivery Full Weights W. E. CLARK, „ Ji- St. Electrical, Steam and Hydraulic Machinery >« Supplies Electric and Hydraulic Elevators. steam and Power Pumps. Fisher Engines, Dynamos, Motors. Agents: John A. Roehlings Son’s Co. Wire. Patrick & Carter Electrical House- Goods. Coast Agents for Walker Company’s Street Railway Moters, Genera- tors, Power Transmissiyes and Arc Machinery. WYBRO & LAWRENCE CO. San Francisco, Eos Angeles, 53 Chronicle Bid. 522 S. Itroadway Tel. M. 5416 Tel. M. 1674 H C II r\Il ^ JL] C C most cases can bMUnOflLO Se cured by per- I————— fectly ground and fitted GLASSES Eyes Tested BOSTON OPTICAL CO. Free 228 WEST 2N D. ST. ICYXE €Sz GRANICHER R. N. RAULY, Successor to E. T. COOK & 00. Dealer in BOOKS, PERIODICALS & FINE STATIONERY. ALL THE LATEST BOOKS KEPT IN STOOK. TELEPHONE MAIN 321. 117 SO- SPRING SREET. Telephone Green 43 Goods Called For and Delivered EUGENE WALKER Fashionable Tailor Clothes cared for by the month for $1.50 per month. Special attention given to Cleaning, Dyeing and Repairing. <53:2 South yviaiu St. - LOS AINGELES, JONES’ BOOK STORE, 226 West 1st St BOOKS OF ALL KINDS BOUGHT, SOLD OR EXCHANGED. Stationery |{ Blank Books. USE JONES’ INK. 'i SHEPARD 137 SILiSBY Trelawny, E. J. Recollections of the last days of Shelley and Byron. 1859. 821.774:6 SHEPARD, E. M. Martin Van Buren. 1889. 923.173:32a SHEPARD ,H. N. Oration delivered at Boston, July 4, 1884. 815:6 SHEPARD, HAZEL. See Smith, H. A. SHEPPARD, N. Before an audience. 1886 . 808.5:21 SHERARD, R .H. Alphonse Daudet. 1894. 843.884:1 SHERIDAN, PHIJLIP H. Personal memoirs. 1888. 2v. 923.573:7 Faulkner, J. Philip Henry Sheridan. 1888. 923.573:7a SHERIDAN, R. B. Bon-mots of Syd- ney Smith and R. Brinsley Sheri- dan. 1893. 824.72:2 Dramatic works. 1891. 822.66:1 Fitzg^erald, P. Lives of the Sheri- dans. 1886. 2v. 927.9:29b Moore, T. Richard Sheridan. 1866. 2v. 927.9:29 Oliphant, M. O. W. Sheridan. 1883. 927.9:29a SHERMAN, L. A. Analytics of litera- ture. 1893. 801:11 SHERMAN, WILLIAM T. Memoirs. 1886. 2v. 923.573:19 Headley, P. C. Pacing the enemy: William Tecumseh Sherman. 1865. 923.573:19a Johnson, W. F. William Tecumseh Sherman. 1891. 923.573:19b SHERWOOD, MARY E. W. Epistle to posterity: recollections of many years of my life. 1897. 920.7:36 SHIELDS, SARAH A. (Frost). Ama- teur theatricals. 1868. 808.2:13 Dialogues for young folks. 1867. 808.5:46 Humorous and exhibition dialogues 1870 . 808.5:45 New book of dialogues. 1872. 808.2:19 School and exhibition dialogues. 1871. 808.5:48 SHINDLER, R. From the usher’s desk to the tabernacle pulpit: Charles Haddon Spurgeon .1892. 922.6:2a SHINN, C. H. Mining camps. 1885. 979:4.22 SHINN, EARL. (E. Strahan). Some highways and byways of American travel. 1878. 917:13 SHIPP, J. Military career of John Shipp. 1829. 954:4 SHIRKEY, J. Best plays. 822.39 :Sh6 SHOEMAKER, C. C. Holiday enter- tainments. 1893. 808.5:40 SHOEMAKER, J. W. Best things by best authors. 1889. 5v. 808.8:22 Practical elocution. 1886. 808.5:1 SHOEMAKER, RACHEL H. Dels- artean pantomimes. 1891. 808.5:29 Little people’s speaker. 1894. 808.5: SHORT, J. T. North Americans of antiquity. 1879. 913.70:2 SHORTER, C. K. Charlotte Bronte and her circle. 1896. 823.814:5 SHUCK, O. T. Bench and bar in Cali- fornia. 1888. 917.94:62 California anthology. 1880. 808.8:34 California scrap-book. 1869. 917.94:18 Representative and leading men of the Pacific. 1870. 979.4:29 SHUMWAY, E. S. Day in ancient Rome. 1885. 913.37:11 SHURTLEPP, E. W. Poems. 1883. 811.39: Sh9 SIAM. Bacon, G. B. Siam. 1873. 915.93:5 Bock, C. Temples and elephants: journeys through upper Siam and Lao. 1884. 915.93:1 Cort, M. L. Siam. 1886. 915.93:4 Knox, T. W. Adventures of two youths in a journey to Siam and Java. 1880. 915.93:2 Sommerville, M. Siam, with rom- ances illustrative of Siamese life. 1897. ' 915.93:3 Vincent, P. Land of the white ele- phant. 1874. 915.93:5 SIBERIA. Aldrich, H. L. Arctic Alaska and Siberia. 1889. 917.98:16 Gowing, L. P. Five thousand miles in a sledge. 1890. 915.7:3 Grieve, J. Kamschatka and the Kurilski islands. 1764. 957 :R1 Howard, B. D. Life with trans- Siberian savages. 1893. 915.7:7 Kennan, G. Siberia and the exile system. 1891. 2v. 915.7:6 Lansdell, H. Through Siberia. 1882. 2v. 915.7:2 Marsden, K. On sledge and horse- back to the outcast Siberian lepers. 1892. 915.7:5 Price, J. M. From the Arctic ocean to the Yellow Sea. 1892. 915:15 SICILY. See Islands. SIDDONS, H. Practical illustration of rhetorical gesture and action. 1822. 808.5:11 SIDDONS, SARAH KEMBLE. Fitzgerald, R. H. The Kembles. 1871. 2v. 927.9:25 SIDGWICK, CHARLOTTE S. Story of Denmark. 1890 . 948.9:1 Story of Norway. 1885. 948.1:4 SIDNEY, SIR PHILIP Complete poems.- 1877. 3v. 821.32:1 Bourne, H. E. Sir Philip Sidney. 1891. 821.324:2 Davis, S. M. Life and times of Sir Philip Sidney. 1859. 821.324:3 Symonds, J. A. Sir Philip Sidney. 1886. 821.324:1 SIEBOLD, P. P. Manners and cus- toms of the Japanese. 1841. 915.2:7 SIEGVOLK, PAUL. See Mathews, A. SILL, E. R. Hermitage and other poems. 1868. 811.49 :Si3 SILSBY, MARY R. Tributes to Shakespeare. 1892. 822.334:4 SIMCOX 138 SMITH i SIMCOX, C. A. Latin literature from Ennius to Boethius. 1883. 2v. 870.9:1 SIME, J. History of Germany. 1884. 943:5 Johann Wolfgang Goethe. 1888. 832.624:6 Lessing. 1879. 2v. 832.614:1 Schiller. 1882. 832.634:2 SIMMS, W. G. Captain John Smith. 1846. 923.273:38 Trent, W. P. William Gilmore Simms. 1892. 813.354:1 I SIMON, J. Victor Cousin. 1888. 844.794 :C83 SIMONDE de SISMONDI, J. C. L. Literature of the south of Europe. 1850. 2v. 809:5 Italian Republics. 1832. 945:4 SIMONDS, A. B. American song: rep- resentative American poems. 1894. 811.08:6 SIMONDS, W. E. Study of English fiction. 1894. 823.09:2 SIMPSON, J. H. Shortest route to California. 1869. 917.9:15 SIMPSON, MATTHEW. Crooks, G. R. Bishop Matthew Simp- son. 1890. 922.7:5 SIMS, J. M. Story of my life. 1885. 926:6 SIMSON, A. Travels in the wilds of Ecuador. 1886. 918.6:1 SINCLAIR, A. Two years on the Ala- bama. 1896. 973.75:9 SINDHIA, MADHAVA RAO. Keene, H. G. Madahava Rao Sind- hia. 1891. 923.554:1 SINGERS. Clayton, E. C. Queens of song. 1865. 927.8:15 Perris, G. T. Great singers. 1880. 2v. , 927.8:35 SINNETT, A. P. Incidents in the life of Madame Blavatsky. 1886. 922.9:3 SISMONDI. See Simonde de Sismondi. J. C. L. SKEAT, W. W. Specimens of English literature. 1890. 821.20:3 SKELTON, J. Poetical works of Skel- ton and Donne. 1855. 2v. 821.20:1 SKRINE, J. H. Memory of Edward Thring. 1889. 923.742:2 SLADEN, D. B. W. Australian poets. 1888 . 821.80:6 Japs at home. 1892. 915.2:22 Younger American poets. 1890. 811.08:3 SLATIN, R. C. Fire and sword in the Soudan. 1896. 916.62:1 SLOANE, W. M. French war and the Revolution. 1893. 973.3:4 SMALLEY, G. W. London letters. 1891. 2v. 816.49 :Sml Studies of men. 1895. 816.49 :Sml-l SMEATON, O. Allan Ramsay. 821.544:1 SMEDES, SUSAN D. Thomas S. G Dabney. 1890. 926:12 . SMETHAM, J. Literary works. 1893. ; 824.89 :Sm3 1 SMILES, R. David Livingstone. 1885. 923.942:1b SMILES, S. Brief biographies. 1860. 920.02:7 Jasmin, barber, poet, philanthropist. ^ 1892. 849.143:1 ■ Josiah Wedgwood. 1895. 927.3:4a Memoirs and correspondence of John Murray. 1891. 2v. 920.4:1 Robert Dick: geologist and botanist. 1878. 925:19 Round the world. 1871. 910.4:30 SMITH, A. D. Through unknown Af- rican countries. 1897. 916.7:33 SMITH, ADAM. Haldane, R. B. Adam Smith. 1887. 923.341:1 SMITH, ALEXANDER. Edwin of Deira (poem). 1861. 821.79 :Sm5 SMITH, D. M. Round the world. 1868. 910.4:29 SMITH, E. Foreign visitors in Eng- land, and what they have thought of us. 1889. 914.2:24 SMITH, E. B. My village. 1896. 914.4:27 SMITH, F. HARRISON. Through Abyssinia. 1890. 916.3:2 SMITH, F. HOPKINSON. Well worn roads of Spain, Holland and Italy. 1887. 914:40 White umbrella in Mexico. 1889. 917.2:7 SMITH, G. Bay leaves. 1893. 870.8:1 Canada and the Canadian question. 1891. 971:7 Lectures on the study of history. 1866. 904:11 Jane Austen. 1890. 823.744:2 Moral crusader: William Lloyd Gar-^ rison. 1892. 923.273:51a* .Trip to England. 1891. 914.2:30 United States: outline of political! history. 1893. 973:32 William Cowper. 1880. 821.654:1 SMITH, G. A. Historical geography of' the Holy Land. 1895. 913.3:1 SMITH, G. B. William I and the Ger- man Empire. 1888. 923.143:3a SMITH, G. ,J. Synopsis of English and American literature. 1891. 809:10 SMITH, G. W. Confederate war pa- pers. 1884. 973.7:18 SMITH, GEORGE. Assyria. 1886. 935.2:1 Assyrian discoveries. 1875. 913.35:5 Assyrian Eponym Canon. 1875. 925.2:3 Babylonia. 1888. 935.4:1 SMITH, DR. GEORGE. Alexander Duff. 922.5:13 SMITH, H. G. Romance of history. 1891. 904:20 SMITH, H. H. Brazil, the Amazons and the coast. 1879. 918.1:4 SMITH SOUTH SMITH, HELEN A. (Hazel Shepard). Great cities of the ancient world. 1886. 913:3 Great cities of the modern world. 1885; , 910:6 One hundred famous Americans. 1886. 920.07:16 Stories of persons and places in America. 1888. 971.3:17 Wonderful cities of the world. 1887. 910:1 SMITH, HENRY B. Stearns, L. P. Henry Boynton Smith. 1892. 922.5:6 SMITH, J. E. A. (Godfrey Greylock). Taghconic: the romance and beauty of the hills. 1879. 917.4:2 SMITH, JAMES. Darlington, W. M. Remarkable oc- currences in the life and travels of Col. James Smith. 1799'. 970.1:5 SMITH, JOHN. Simms, W. G. Capt. John Smith. 1846. 923.273:38 SMITH, L. S. Through Egypt to Pales- tine. 1896. 915.6:9 SMITH, M. H. Sunshine and shadow in New York. 1879. 917.47:5 SMITH, MARGARET V. Virginia. 1893. 975.5:3 SMITH, MARY C. Life in Asia. 1897. 910,7:14 SMITH, P. Ancient history of the East. 1872. 930:9 History Of the world. 1885. 3v. 909:12 SMITH, R. B. Lord Lawrence. 1883. 2v. 923.242:6 Rome and Carthage. 1895. 937.04:1 SMITH, S. Bon-mots of Sydney Smith and R. Brinsley Sheridan. 1893. 824.72:2 Wit and wisdom: selections from the writings of Sydney Smith. 1858. 824.72:1 Works. 1871. 824.70:1 Holland, S. S. Memoir of Sydney Smith. 1855. 2v. 824.724:1 SMITH, S. F. Theatrical management in the west and south. 1868. 927.9:13 SMITH, W. Dictionary of Greek and Roman an- tiquities. 1842. 913.38 :R1 Dictionary of Greek and Roman bi- ography and mythology. 1844. 3v. 920.03 :R3 Dictionary of Greek and Roman geography. 1854. 2v. 913,38 :R2 Greece to the Roman conquest. 1855. 938^24 Old Yorkshire. 1881. 914.2:17 SMITH, W. F. From Chattanooga to Petersburg. 1893. 973.78:16 SMITH, W. H. Bacon and Shakes- peare. 1857. 822.332:4 SMOLLETT, T. Travels through France and Italy. 1766. 2v. 914.4:14 Hannay, D. Life of Smollett. 1887. 823 . 634:1 SMYTH, C. P. Life and work at the great pyramid, 1867. 3v. 913.32:4 Our inheritance in the great pyram- id. 1864. 913.32:1 SMYTH, W. W. Year with the Turks. 1854. 914.96:1 SMYTHE, A. H. Life of Bayard Tay- lor. 1896. 811.464:1 SNEAD, T. L. Fight for Missouri. 1886. 977.8:1 SNIDER, D. J. Shakespearian drama. 1887. 3v. 822.331:23 SOCRATES. Xenophon. Memorabilia (Greek text): ed. by Robbins. 1866. 888.3:2 SOISSONS, S. C. de. Parisian in Amer- ica. 1896. 917.3:23 SOLEY, J. R. Blockade and the cruis- ers. 1887. 973.75:8 Boys of 1812 and other naval heroes. 1887. 973.5:1 Sailor boys of ’61. 1888. 973.75:4 SOLIS y RIVADENEIRA, A. de. Con- quest of Mexico by the Spaniards. 1738. 2v. 972.02 :R2 SOLOMON ISLANDS. See Oceania. SOMMERVILLE, M. Siam, with three romances of Siamese life. 1897. 915.93:3 SOPHOCLES. Plays and fragments. (Greek text); ed. by Jebb. 1893. 6v. 882.2: Id Plays; tr, by Franklin. 1886. 882.2:1 Tragedies; tr. by Plumptre. 1894. 882.2:1a Same (Selections from Aeschylus and Sophocles); tr. by Smith. 1894. 882:6 Campbell, L. Sophocles. 1880. 882.2:1c Collins, C. W. Sophocles. 1872. SOREL, A. Madame de Stael. 1891. 843.624:2 Montesquieu. 1888. 844.524:1 SORET, F. Conversations of Goethe with Eckermann and Soret. 1835. 832.62:5 SOTHERN, C. Horace Greeley ana other pioneers of America. 1892. 923.273:59c SOTHERN, EDWARD A. Pemberton, T. E. Memoir of Edward A. Sothern. 1890. 927.9:27 SOTO, HERNANDO de. Abbott, J. S. C. Ferdinand de Soto. 1873. 923.946:2 SOULE, P. Annals of San Francisco. 1855. 979.4:16 SOUTH, The (U. S.). Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in the sunny south. 1887. 917.5:9 De Leon, T. C. Four years in rebel capitals. 1890. 917.6:11 Field, H. M. Bright skies and dark shadows. 1890. 917.5:8 Goodwin, M. W. Colonial cavalier; or, Southern life before the revolu- tion. 1896. 876; 2 SOUTH 140 SPAIN Ingle, E. Southern sidelights. 1896. 975:1 King, E. Great South. 1878. 917.5:2 Olmsted, P .L. Cotton kingdom. 1861. 2v. 917.6:3 Journey in the seaboard slave states. 1859. 917.5:4 Ralph, J. Dixie. 1896. 917.6:7 Warner, C. D. On horseback. 1888. 917.5:5 SOUTH AMERICA. Ballou, M. M. Equatorial America. 1892. 918:15 Bates, H. W. Central America. (Stanford’s compendium). 1885. 917.2 :R3 Bonnycastle, R. H. Spanish America. 1818. 2v. 918:12 Bulfinch, T. Oregon and Eldorado. 1886. 917.95:4 Champney, E. W. Three Vassar girls in South America. 1885. 918:1 Child, T. Spanish-American repub- lics. 1891. 918:13 Ford, I. N. Tropical America. 1893. 918*19 Gerstacker, F. Travels. 1854. 917.94:85 Hassaurek, P. Pour years among the Spanish- Americans. 1868. 918:2 Helps, A. Spanish conquest in Amer- ica. 1855. 4v. 980:1 Holton, I. P. New Granada. 1857. 918:7 Hudson, W. H. Idle days in Pata- gonia. 1893. 918.2:4 Humboldt, A. von. Travels to the equinoctial ^regions of America. 1870. 3v. 918:10 Knox, T. W. Boy travellers in South America. 1885. 918:3 Schaeffer, I. M. Sketches of travel in South America. 1860. 917.94:84 Simson, A. Travels in the wilds of Equador. 1886. 918.6:1 Spears, J. R. Gold diggings of Cape Horn. 1895. . 918.2:5 Stevenson, W. R. Twenty years’ res- idence in South America. 1825. 3v. 918:18 Vincent, F. Around and about South America. 1890. 918:8 Wallace, A. R. Travels on the Ama- zon and Rio Negro. 1853. 918.1:8 SOUTH SEA ISLANDS. See Oceania. SOUTHWEST, . The. Anderson, A. D. Silver country. 1877. 917.2:25 Bartlett, J. R. Incidents in Texas, New Mexico, California, etc., con- nected with the U. S. and Mexican boundary commission. 1854. 2v. 917.89 :R1 Blackmar, E. W. Spanish institu- tions of the Southwest. 1891. 979:7 Chapin, P. H. Land of the cliff- dwellers. 1892. 917.91:8 Emory, W. H. Report on the U. S. and Mexican survey. 1859. 3v. 917.2 :R2 Gilmore, J. R. Advance guard of western civilization. 1888. 973.3:9 Rear-guard of the Revolution. 1886. 973.3:2 John Sevier as a commonwealth builder. 1887. 973.3:3 Lummis, C. P. Some strange cor- ners of our country. 1892. 917.8:33 SOUTHERN HISTORICAL Society papers. 1876-91. 8v. , 906 :R2 SOUTHEY, R. Commonplace book. 1860. 2v. 821.73:2 Life of Nelson. 1813. 923.542:4 Life of Wesley. 1820. 2v. 922.7:1 Poetical works. 5v. 821.73:1 Dowden, E. Life of Southey. 1880. 821.'(34:1 SPAIN. Description and travel. Amicis, E. de. Spain. 1886. 914.6:4 Andersen, H. C. In Spain, and a visit to “Portugal. 1876. 914.6:1 Borrow, G. Bible in Spain. 1843. 3v. 914.6:2 Champney, E. W. Three Vassar girls abroad. 1882. 914.6:17 Day, H. Prom the Pyrenees to the Pillars of Hercules. 1884.. 914.6:14 Field, H. M. Old Spain and new Spain. 1888. 914.6:20 Pinck, H. T. Spain and Morocco. 1891. 914.6:16 Hale, E. E. Seven Spanish cities. 1886. 914,6:12 Hale, S. Family flight through Spain^, 1883. 914.6:13, Hare, A. J. C. Wanderings in Spain. 1873. 914.6:5 Harrison, J. A. Spain in profile. 1879.\ 914.6:9) Hay, J. Castilian days. 1887. 914.6:7; Herbert, M. E. Impressions of Spain. 1 •1866. 914.6:15'! Jaccaci, A. P. On the trail of Don Quixote. 1896. 914.6:25 Lathrop, G. P. Spanish vistas. 1883. 914.6:23 Luffman, C. B. Vagabond in Spain. 1895. 914.6:24 Ober, P. A. Knockabout club in Spain. 1889. 914.6:11 Stoddard, C. A. Spanish cities. 1892. 914.6:18 Land of the cast- 914.6: 26 :! Thieblin, N. L. Spain and the Span- i iards. 1875. 914.6:19 Thomas, M. A scamper through Spain and Tangier. 1892. 914.6:22 Wallis, S. T. Glimpses of Spain. 914.6:10 Spain. 1882. 914.6:21 Letters from Spain. 914.6:6 History. Burke, U. R. History of Spain to the death of Ferdinand. 1895. 2v. 946:7 Conde, J. A. Arabs iri Spain. 1820. 3v, 946:6 Taylor, H. C. C. anet. 1896. 1854. Webster, W. White, J. B. 1822. SPAIN 141 SPPNSER Coppee, H. Conquest of Spain by the Arab-Moors. 1881. 2v. 946.02:3 Froude, J. A , Spanish story of the Armada. 1892. 904:14 Hale, E. E. Story of Spain. 1887. 946:2 Harrison, J. A. Spain. 1881. 946:4 Hereford, C. History of Spain to the death of Ferdinand. 1793. 3v. 946:1 Irving, W. Conquest of Granada. 1829. 946.03:2 Spanish papers. 1868. 946.02:4 Lummis, C. F. Spanish pioneers. 1893. 946:3 Napier, W. F. History of the war in the peninsula and in the south of France. 1863. 5v. 946.06:1 Poole, S. L. Story of the Moors in Spain. 1886. 946.02:2 Prescott, W. H. Ferdinand and Isa- bella. 1838. 946.03:7 Reign of Philip II. 1855. 3v. 946.04:1 Southey, R. Chronicle of the Cid. 1808. ~ 946:5 Watts, H. E. Christian recovery of Spain. 1894. 946.02:5 Yonge, C. M. England and Spain. 1883. 942.05:4 Story of the Christians and Moors of Spain. 1882. 946.02:1 SPALDING, W. History of English literature. 1858. 820.9:40 Italy and the Italian islands. 1857. 3v. 945:2 SPALDING, W. A. My vagabonds. 1889. 811.49 :Spl SPANGLER, J. M. Civilization in Chili. 1885. 918.3:1 SPANISH LITERATURE . Bowring, J. Ancient poetry and romances of Spain. 1824. 861:2 Clarke, H. B. Spanish literature. 1893. 860.4:1 Conant, H. S. Primer of Spanish literature. 1878. 860.9:2 Morris, C. Half hours with the best foreign authors: Italian, Spanish, etc. 1888. 850.8:2 Roscoe, T. Spanish novelists. 860.8:1 Ticknor, G. History of Spanish lit- erature. 1888. 3v. 860.9:1 SPARKHAWK, FR.^NCES C. Miss West’s class in geography. 1887. 910.7:16 PARKS, JARED. Adams, H. B. Life and writings of Jared Sparks. 1893. 2v. 814.494: Sp2 PEAKER’S GARLAND: one hundred choice selections in prose and poe- try. 7v. 808.8:21 PEARS, J. R. Gold diggings of Cape Horn. 1895. 918.2:5 PECTATOR, The; ed. by Chalmers. 1853. 6v. 824.52 :R1 Same; ed. by Chambers. 1853. 9v. 824.52 :R1 Same (Harrison’s British classics, v.4-5). 1786. 2v. «24:R1 Selections from The Spectator: 824.52:1b Same: 824.52:1a Same: 824.52:3 Same: in 824.89 :D65 Same: in 824.08:2 Same: (Sir Roger de Coverley papers). 824.50 :R1 SPEEDING, J. Life and times of Francis Bacon. 1878. 2v. 824.34:3 SPEECHES. Adams, C. K. Representative British orations. 1884. 3v. 825:1 Breckenridge, R. J, and others. Speeches. 1830. 815:12 Burke, E. Works. 1871. 12v. 825.62:1 Calhoun, J. C. Works. 1888. 6v. 815:3 Celebrated speeches of Chatham Burke and others. 1835. 825:4 Cleveland, G. Writings and speeches. 1892.' 815:14 Coates, I. T. Centennial Fourth of July oration. 1876. 815:2 Depew, C. M. Orations and after- dinner speeches. 815:10 Curtis, G. W. Orations and addresses. 3v. 814.42:3 Dickens, C. Speeches. 825:3 Gladstone, W. E. Speeches and pub- lic addresses. 825:5 Harrison, B. Speeches. 1892. 815:15 Huskisson, W. Select speeches. 825:7 Johnston, A. Representative Ameri- can orations. 1886. 3v. 815:1 Lincoln, A. Political debates. 1860. 815:16 Speeches. 1895. 815.4:2 Lodge, H. C. Speeches. 1892. 815:18 Lowell, J. R. American ideas for English readers. 811.37:11 McKinley, W. Speeches and ad- dresses. 1894. 815.4:1 Maine, H. Indian speeches and min- utes. 825.714:1 Moltke, H. K. von. Essays, speeches and memoirs. 1893. 923.243:4a O’Connell, D. Select speeches. 825:6 Phillips, W. Speeches, lectures and letters. 1884. 2v. 815:5 Seward, W. H. Works. 1853. 5v. 815:11 Shepard, H. N. Oration delivered in Boston July 4 ,1894. 815:6 Webster, D. Speeches and forensic arguments. 815.8:v.2 Works. 1869. 6v. 815:7 Windham, W. Select speeches. 825:7 SPEKE, J. H. Journal of the discov- ery of the source of the Nile. 1868. 916.7:20 SPENCER, E. Germany from the Bal- tic to the Adriatic. 1867. 914.3:5 SPENSER, E. Works. 1855. 3v. 821.31:1 Church, R. W. Life of Spenser. 1879. 821.314:1 Maclehose, S. H. Tales from Spenser. 1890. 821.31:2 SPOFFORO 142 STEIN Towry, M. H. Spenser for children. 1885. 821.31:4 SPOPFORD, A. R. Library of choice literature. 1881. 8v. 808.8:14 Library, of wit and humor. 1885. 5v. 817:1 SPOPFORD, HARRIET P. Three heroines of New England romance. 1895. 920.7:35 SPRING, L. W. Kansas, the prelude to the war for the Union. 1887. 978.1:2 SPURGEON, CHARLES H. Northrop, H. D. Life and works of Charles H. Spurgeon. 1890. 922.6:2b Pierson, A. T. From pulpit to palm branch: sermons memorial of C. H. Spurgeon. 1892. 922.6:2c Pike, G. H. Charles H. Spurgeon. 1892. 922.6:2 Shindler, R. From the usher’s desk to the tabernacle pulpit. 1892. 922.6:2a SPURR, G. G. Land of gold: tale of ’49. 1881. 917.94:51 SQUIER, E. G. Nicaragua. 1860. 972.85:1 Notes on Central America. 1853. 917.28:8 Peru. 1877. 918.5:1 Travels in Central America. 1853. 2v. 972.8:6 Waikna: adventures on the Mosquito shore. 1855. 917.28:3 STABLES, W. G. Wild adventures in wild places. 1881. 910.4:31 STALLING, J. In the land of Tolstoi. 1897. 914.7:14 STAEL, MADAME de. Germany. 1859. 914.3:6 Sorel. A. Madame de Stael. 1891. 843.624:2 STAGE. See Drama. Theatre. STANDISH, MILES. Abbott, J. S, C. Miles Standish. 1874 923 573*13 STANHOPE, P. D. (4th earl of Ches- terfield). Letters to his son. 1884. 826.52:1 STANHOPE, P. H. (5th earl of Ches- terfield). History of England. 1872. 2v. 942.06:11 STANLEY, A. P. Historical memorials of Canterbury. 1855. 942:14 Sinai and Palestine. 1888. 915.3:2 Thomas Arnold. 1877. 923.742:1 STANLEY, EDWARD G. S. (Earl of Derby). Saintsbury, G. E. B. Earl of Derby. 1892. 923.242:44 STANLEY, H. M. The Congo. 1885. 2v. 916.7:5 Coomassie and Magdala. 1874. 916.7:15 How I found Livingstone. 1887. 916.7:18 In darkest Africa. 1890. 2v. 916.7:26 My early travels and adventures in America and Asia. 1895. 2v. 915:17 Through the dark continent. 1879. 2v. 916.7:19^ Story of Emin’s rescue as told in Stanley’s letters. 1890. 916.7:34 Little, H. W. Henry M. Stanley. 1890. 923.942:4 STANSBURY, H. Exploration and I survey of the valley of the Greats ^.92:1! l:lU bleji 1 laxA Z:i Salt Lake of Utah. 1852. 2v. 917. STAPPER, E. Palestine in the time of Christ. 1885. 933:10 STARLING ELIZABETH. Nobley deeds of woman. 1848. 920.7: STATESMEN. Bolton, S. K. Famous America statesmen. 1888. 923.273: Brooks, N. Statesmen. 1893. 923.273:19 Farrar, P. W. Princes, authors anc statesmen of our time. 1886. 920.02: Lord, J. American statesmen ^ Bea- con lights of history, v.7). 90 Modern European statesmen. (Beacon lights of history, v.6). 1891. 90 Warriors and statesmen. (Beacoi lights of history, v.4). 1884. STATESMEN SERIES; ed. by L Sanders. Beaconsfield. Kebbel, T. E. 923.242:2 Bolingbroke. Hassall, A. 923.242:2 ^ Fox. Wakemah, H. O. 923.242:35s Grattan. Dunlop, R. 923.242:2 O’Connell. Hamilton, J. A. 923.242 Palmerston. Sanders, L. C. 923.242:2 Peel. Montague, P .C. 923.242:2 STEARNS, P. P. Real and ideal ii literature. 1892. 814.49 :St3- Sketches from Concord and Apple dore. 1895 . 814.49: St STEARNS, L. F. Henry Boyntoi Smith. 1892. 922.5 :i STEARNS, W. A. Labrador. 1884. 917.1 :1< STEBBING, W. Life of Peterborougt 1890. 923.542:3 ' Sir Waiter Raleigh. 1891. 923.542:5. STEDMAN, E. C. Library of Americaj literature. 1888. 11 v. 810.8: Nature and elements of poetry. Lmericaj . 810.8 :R I y. 1892. 1 811.43 j ! Poetical works. 1884. Jpoets of America. 1885. Victorian anthology. 1895. Victorian poets. 1887. 811.43? 811.43: 821.08:, 8bl.43:> STEELE, J. W. Cuban sketches. 1891 917.291: Old California days. 1889. 917.94:4 STEELE, RICHARD. Dobson, H. A. Richard Steele. 1886. 824.534 STEELE, S. S. Exhibition dialogues. ' 1882. 808.2:2., STEEVENS, G. W. Land of the dolla- 1897. 917.3:1 STEIN, HENRY F. C. von. Seeley, J. R. Life and times of Stei^ 1879. 2v, 923.243. STKPHEN 143 STOPKS STEPHEN, J. F. Horae Sabbaticae; 1892. 2v. 824.89 :St3 Stephen, L. Sir James Pitzjames Stephen. 1895. 923.442:5 STEPHEN, L. Dictionary of national biography. 1885. 51v. 920.042 :R5 Hours in a library. 1874. 3v. 801:8 Samuel Johnson. 1880. 824.634:1 Sir James Pitzjames Stephen. 1895. 923.442:5 STEPHENS, C. A. Knockabout club in the tropics. 1887. 917.2:8 Knockabout club in the woods. 1887. 917.1:2 STEPHENS, F. G. Sir Edwin Land- seer. 1883. 927.5:18 STEPHENS, H. M. French revolution. 1886. 2v. 944.04:13 Story of Portugal. 1891. 946.9:1 STEPHENS, J. L. Travel in Egypt, Arabia and the Holy Land. 1838. 2v. 916.2:15 Travel in Central America, Chiapas and Yucatan. 1841. 2v. 917.28 :R1 Travel in Greece, Turkey, Russia and Poland. 914:17 STEPHENS, W. R. W. Life and let- ters of Edward A. Freeman. 1895 2v. 826.89 :F87 STEPHENS, W. W. Life and writings of Turgot. 1895. 923.344:1a STEPHENSON, GEORGE. Mateaux, C. L. George and Robert Stephenson. 926:7 j STEPNIAK. See Dragomanoff, S. M. STERLING, A. Highland brigade in the Crimea. 1895. 942.08:9 STERLING, JOHN. Carlyle, T. John Sterling. 1851. 928 2 ■ 11 STERNE, L. Beauties of Sterne. 1782 823.62 :R1 Works. 1859. 823.62:1 Traill, H. D. Sterne. 1882. 823.624:1 STERNE, STUART. See Bloede, Gert- rude. STEVENS, AGNES. How men propose. 1888. 808.3:1 STEVENS, J. A. Albert Gallatin. 1884. 923.273:53 STEVENS, THADDEUS. Callender, E. B. Thaddeus Stevens. 1882. 923.273:39 STEVENS, THOMAS. Around the world on a bicycle. 1889. 910.4:11 Madoc: essay on the discovery of America. 1893. 973.1:4 Scouting for Stanley in East Africa. 1890. 916.7:28. Through Russia on a mustang. 1891. 914.7:6 STEVENSON, R. L. Across the plains. 1892. 823.89 :St4-4 Amateur emigrant. 1895. 823.89 :St4-3 Ballads. 1890. 823.89 :St4-6b Child’s garden of verse. 1888 . 823.89 :St4-8 Edinburgh. 1889. 914.14:3 Familiar studies of men and books. 1888. 823.89 :St4 Footnote to history: Samoa. 1892. 996.1:1 In the South seas. 1896. 919.6:17 Inland voyage: France. 1888. 914.4:16 Macaire: a farce. 1895. 823.89 :St4-9 Memoir of Fleeming Jenkin. 1887. 923.773:3 Memoirs and portraits. 1887. 823.89 :St4-l Poems and ballads. 1896. 823.89: St4-6 Silverado squatters. 1888. 917.94:32 Underwoods: poems. 1887. 823.89 :St4-5 Vailima letters. 1895. 2v. ^ 823.89 :St4-7 Virginibus puerisque. 1888. 823.89 :St4-2 STEVENSON, W. B. Twenty years’ residence in South America. 1825. 3v. • 918:18 STEWART, A. Tale of Troy. 1886. 883.1:6 STEWART, W. P. Pleasure hours in an eventful life, (poems). 1869. 811.39 :St4 STIELER, J. Great German com- posers. 927.8:20 STIELER, K. Italy from the Alps to Mount Etna. 914.5 :R1 STILLE, C. J. Mediaeval history. 1882. 940.1:1 STINE, M. H. Winter jaunts through historic lands. 1892. 914:60 STISTED, GEORGIANA M. True life of Capt. Sir Richard F. Burton. • 1897. 923.942:9 STOCKTON, F. R. Personally conduc- ted. (Europe). 1889. 914:32 STODDARD, C. A. Across Russia. 1891. 914.7:13 Beyond the Rockies. 1894. 917.94:63 Spanish cities. 1892. 914.6:18 STODDARD, J. L. Red-letter days abroad. 1883. 914:38 STODDARD, R. H. Lion’s club. 1890. 811.49 :St6-2 Poems. 1880, 811.49 :St6 Poets’ homes,. 1879. 811.09:4 Under the evening lamp. 1892. 814.49 :St6 STODDARD, W. O. Men of business. 1893. 923.373:2 Volcano under the city (N. Y. draft- riot, 1863). 1887. 974.7:8 STOKES, G. T. Mediaeval history. 1887. 940:6 STOKES, H. P. Chronological order of Shakespeare’s plays. 1878. 822.331:30 STONE, ELIZA A. Concerning friend- ship: a year book. 1896. 818.49 :St7 STONE, H. D. Personal recollections of the drama. 1873. 822.09:7 STONE, OLIVIA M. Norway in June. 1883. 914.8:3 Tenerife and its six satellites (Canary Islands). 1887. 2v. 914.68:1 STOPES, C. Bacon- Shakespeare ques- tion. 1889, 8?2.332:2 STORR 144 SUMNER STORR, F. Canterbury chimes: Chau- cer for children. 1889. 821.17:3 STORRS, R. S. Bernard of Clairvaux. 1892. 922.2:1a STORY, W. W. Conversations in a studio. 1890. 2v. 814.49 :Sto6-l Excursions in art and letters. 1891. 814.49 :Sto6 He and she. 1883. 811.49 :Sto6-2 Poems. 1887. 2v. 811.49 :Sto6 Poet’s portfolio. 1894. 811.49 :Sto6-l Roba di Roma. 1887. 2v. 914.5:7 STORY of the NATIONS series. Alexander’s Empire. Mahaffy, J. 938:8 Ancient Egypt. Rawlinson, G. 932:3 Assyria. Ragozin, Z. A. 935:3 Australasia. Tregarthen, G. 993:1 Barbary Corsairs. Poole, S. 961:1 British India. Frazer, R. W. 954:13 Byzantine Empire. Oman, C. W. C. 949.5:1 Canada. Bourinot, J. G. 971:5 Carthage. Church, A. J. 939.7:1 Chaldaea. Ragozin, Z. A. 935.1:1 Christian recovery of Spain. Watts. W. E. 946.02:5 Crusades. .Archer, J. A. 940.4:5 Early Britain. Church, A. J. 942.01:4 Germany. Gould, S. B. 943:7 Goths. Bradley, H. 943.01:3 Greece. Harrison, J. A. 938:6 Hansa towns. Zimmern, H. 943.5:1 Holland. Rogers, J. E. T. 949.2:3 Hungary. Wambery, A. 943.9:9 Ireland. Lawless, E. 941.5:1 Japan. Murray, D. 952:2 Jews under Roman rule. Morrison W. D. 933:11 Medea. Ragozin, Z. A. 935.3:1 Mexico. Hale, S. 972:8 Moors in Spain. Poole, S. L. 946.02:2 Normans. Jewett, S. O. 942.02:3 Norway. Boyesen, H. H. 948.1:1 Parthia. Rawlinson, G. 935.6:2 Persia. Benjamin, S. G. W. 935.5:2 Phoenicia. Rawlinson, G. 939.4:2 Poland. Morfill, W. R. 943.8:1 Portugal. Stephens, H. M. 946.9:1 Russia. Morfill, W. R. 947:6 Saracens. Gilman, A. 953:2 Scotland. Mackintosh, J. 941:8 Sicily. Freeman, E. A. 937.8:2 South Africa. Theal, G. M. 968:1 Spain. Hale, E. E. 946:2 Switzerland. Hug, L. 949.4:2 Turkey. Poole, S. L. 949.6:2 Tuscan reppblics. Duffy, B. 945.5:3 Vedic India. Ragozin, Z. 954:12 ■Venice Weil, A 945,3:1 STORY of the STATES; ed. by E S. Brooks. Louisiana. Thompson, M. 976,3:8 New York, Brooks, E. S. 974.7:4 Ohio. Black, A. ’ 977.1:3 Vermont. Heaton, J. L. 974.3:1 Wisconsin. Thwaites, R.- G. 977.5:1 STOWE, E. Diego Velazquez. 1881. 927.5:42 STOWE, HARRIET B. Lives and deeds of our self-made men. 1872. 920.07:2 Palmetto-leaves. (Florida). 18J3, 917.5:12 Stowe, C. E. Harriet Beecher Stowe. 1889. 813.374:1 STRACHAN-DAVIDSON. See David- son. STRAFFORD, EARL of. See Went- worth, T. STRAHAN, LISBETH G. Black forest. 1884. 914.348:1 Country of the Passion-play: Bavar- ia. 1890. 914.33:1 Walks in Algiers. 1878. 916.5:3 STRATHNAIRN, LORD. See Rose, H. H. STREET, G. S. Miniatures and moods. 824 89 " St9 STRICKLAND, AGNES. Queens of England. 1840. 6v. 923.142:1 Queens of Scotland. 1887. 2v. 923.141:2 STUART, J. Antiquities of Athens. 1889. 913.38:1 STUART, J. A. E. Literary shrines of Yorkshire. 1892, 914.2:42 STUART, JAMES E. B. ' McClellan, H. B. Life and cam- paigns of Maj.-Gen. J. E. B. Stuart. 1885. 973.73 :\L3 STUART (Royal house of). Jesse, J. H. Memoirs of the court of England during the reign of the Stuarts. 1839. 3v. 923.242:30 . Memoirs of the Pretenders. 1845. 923.142:23 STUBBS, W. Early Plantagenets. 1876. 942.03:6 Study of mediaeval and modem hist- ory. 1886. 904:1 STUDER, J. H. Columbus, Ohio. 1873. 977.1:2 STURGIS, J. Count Julian: a Spanish tragedy. 1893. 812.49 :St9 STUTFIELD, H. E. M. El Maghreb: ride through Morocco. 1886. 916.4:2 • STUYVESANT, PETER. Abbott, J. S. C. Peter Stuyvesant. 1873. 923.273:41 Tuckerman, B. Peter Stuyvesant. 1893. 923.273:41a SUCKLING, J. Poems, plays and other remains. 1874. 2v. 821.41:1 SUDERMANN, H. Magda. 1896. 832.89 :Su2 SUETONIUS. Lives of the twelve Caesars; tr. by Thomson. 1887. 923.137:5 SUMNER, CHARLES. Dawes, A. L. Charles Sumner. 1892. 923.273:66 Grimke, A. H. Charles Sumner. 1892. 923.273:66a Pierce, E. L. Memoir and letters of Charles Sumner. 1881. 4v. 923.273:66b SUMNER, S. B. Poems. 1877. 811.39 :Su6 SUMNER 145 SYRIA SUMNER, W. G. Alexander Hamil- ton. 1890. 923.273:26a Andrew Jackson as a public man. 1883. 923.173:13b Robert Morris. 1892. 923.373:1 SURREY, EARL of. See Howard, H SUTHERLAND, A. Australia and New Zealand. 1894. 994:1 SUTHERLAND, J. M. William Words- worth. 1887. 821.714:2 SUTRO, ADOLPH. Holmes, E. K. Adolph Sutro. 1895. 923.679:1 SWAINE, S. A. General Gordon. 1885. 923.542:2 Turner, the arrist. 1885. 927.5:14 SWANWICK, ANNA. Poets the inter- preters of their '^ge. 1892. 801:27 SWASEY, W. F. Early days and men of California. 1891. 917.94:53 SWAYNE, G. C. Herodotus. 1873. 888 . 1:1 SWEDEN. See Scandinavia. SWEDENBORG, EMANUEL. White, W. Emanuel Swedenborg. 1866. 922.8:4 SWEET, A. E. On a Mexican mustang through Texas. 1886. 917.6:4 SWEET, H. Oldest English texts. 1895. 829:2 SWEETSER, M. F. Artist biographies. 1877. 5v. 927.5:1 King’s handbook of the United States. 1891. 917.3 :R1 Maritime provinces: guide to Canada. 1890. 917.1:12 New England: a handbook. 1890. 917.4:10 White mountains: a handbook. 1886. 917.4:11 SWIFT, J. Battle of the books, etc. . ^ 827.52:5 Poetical w'orks. 1833. 2v. 827.52:1 Prose writings (selections); ed. by Levnn. 827.52:2 Same; ed. by Poole. 827.52:3 Tale of a tub, etc. 827.52:4 Hay, J. Swift: the mystery of his life and love'. 1891. 827.524:? Moriarty, G. P. Dean Swift and his writings. 1893. 827.524:3 SWINBURNE, A. C. Ben Jonson. 1889. 822.341:1 Essays and studies. 1875. 821.86:3 Miscellanies. 1886. 821.86:4 Poems and ballads. 1891. 2v. 821.86:1a Selections from poetical works. 1884. 821.86:1 Songs of the springtides. 821.86:2 Tale of Balen. 1896. 821.86:6 Victor Hugo. 1886. 843.781:1 William Blake. 1866. 821.691 :B58R SWINTON, W. Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac. 1882. 973.73:16 English literature. 1886. 807:1 SWITZERLAND. Adams, F. O. Swiss confederatipn. 1889. 949.4:1 Baedeker, K. Switzerland. 1889. 914.94:5 Champney, E. W. Three Vassar girls in Switzerland. 1890. 914.94:4 Hug, L. Switzerland. 1890. 949.4:2 Lee, T. M. Story of Switzerland. 1885. 949.4:6 McCrackan, W. D. Rise of the Swiss Republic. 1892. 949.4:4 Switzerland. (Anon.). 1832. 949.4:3 Symonds, J. A. Our life in the Swiss highlands. 1892. 914.94:6 Tissot, V. Unknown Switzerland. 1889. 914.94:2 Whymper, E. Scrambles among the Alps. 1872. 914.94:1 SYBEL, H. von. Founding of the Ger- man Empire. 1890. 5v. 943.08:1 SYDNEY, W. C. England and the English in the 18th century. 1891. 2v. 942.07:8 Social life in England from the Re- storation to the Revolution. 1892. 942.06:12 SYLE, L. D. From Milton to Tenny- son: masterpieces' of English po- etry. 1894. 820.9:30 SYLVA, CARMEN. See Elizabeth, queen of Roumania. SYMES, J. E. French Revolution. 1892. 944.04:17 SYMINGTON, A. J. Samuel Lover. 1880. 823.894 :L94 ■ Thomas Moore. 1880. 821.754:1 William Wordsworth. 1881. 2v. 821.714:1 SYMONDS, J. A. Ben Jonson. 1886. 822.344:1 Essays speculative and suggestive. 1894. 824.89 :Sy6-l Giovanni Boccaccio. 1895. 853.154:1 In the key of blue. 1893. 824.89 :Sy6 Introduction to the study of Dante. 1890. 851.151:3 Michaelangelo Buonarroti. 1893. 2v. 927.5 :R2 Our life in the Swiss highlands. 1892. 914.94:6 Renaissance in Italy. 1877. 7v. 945.05:2 Shelley. 1879. 821.774:1 Sir Philip Sidney. 1886. 821.324:1 Sketches in Italy and Greece. 1879. 914.5:23 Studies of the Greek poets. 1880. 2v. 880 9‘3 Walt Whitman. 1893. 811.384:3 Brown, H. F. John Addington Symonds. 1895. 2v.- 824.894 :Sy6 SYMONS, A. Introduction to the study of Browning. 1886. 821.837:3 SYRIA. Curtis, G. W. The Howadjl in Syria. 1856. 915.6:6 Dawson, J. W. Egypt and Syria. 1887. 913.32:12 Hale, E. E. Family flight over Egypt and Syria. 1882. 916.2:3 SYRIA 146 TENNYS^i Le Strange, G. Palestine under the Moslems. 1890. 956:1 Maspero, G. Struggle of the nations Egypt, Syria and Assyria.' 1897. 930 :R4 Myers, P. V. N. Remains of lost em- pires. 1874. 915:7 Perrot, G. Art in Syria and Asia Minor. 1890. 913:Rl,v2 Reeve, C. M. How we went and what we saw: Egypt, Syria and the Aegean islands. 1891. 916.2:17 TACITUS. Works. (Oxford trans.). 1888. 2v. 878.6:2a Same; tr. by Murphy. 1856. 878.6:2 TADEMA, LAURENCE ALMA. Ebers, G. Laurence Alma Tadema. 1886. 927.5:22 TAINE, H. A. English literature. 1877. 3v. • 820.9:3 Italy, Florence and Venice. 1889. 914.5:12 Italy, Rome and Naples. 1889. 914.5:13 Modern regime. 1890. 2v. 944.05:4 Notes on Paris. 1875. 914.4:7 TAINSH, E. C. Study of the 'Arorks of Tennyson. 1893. 821.811:9 TAIT, ARCHIBALD C. (Archbishop of Canterbury). Davidson, R. T. Archibald Campbell Tait. 1891. 2v. 922.3:8 TALBOT, E. H. Biographical directory of the railway officials of America. 1885. 923.873 :R1 TALBOT, J. E. Pope Leo XIII. 1886. 922 2*13 TALLEYRAND, PRINCE. Correspondence of Prince Talleyrand and Louis XVIII during the Con- gress of Vienna. 1881. 923.244:3a M;emoirs. 1891. 4v. 923.244:3 TARBELL, IDA M. Madame Roland, 1896. 923.244:6b Napoleon Bonaparte. 1895. 923.144:31 TARDUCCI, P. John and Sebastian Cabot. 1893. 923.945:2a TARRAKANOF, ANNA P. Danilevski, G. P. Princess Tarrak- anof. ■ 923.547:1 TARVER, J. C. Gustave Flaubert. 1895. 843.844:1 TASSO, T. Jerusalem delivered; tr. by Wiffen. 1887. 851.46:1 Hasell, E. J. Life of Tasso. 1882. 851.464:1 TATLER, The (Harrison’s British classics, V.3). 824:Rlv3 Selected essays. 824.50:1 Same: > in 824.08:2 Same: in 824.89 :D65 TAYLOR, B. Arabia. 1872. 915.3:1 By-ways of Europe. 1869. 914:53 Central Africa. 1854. 916.2:18 Central Asia. 1888. 915:13 Echo club. 1876. 811.46:3 Eldorado: voyage to California via Panama. 1850. 917.9:9 German literature. 1879. 830.9:4 Greece and Russia. 1859. 914.95:7 India, China and Japan. 1855. 915^ Lands of the Saracen. 1854. 915.S: Northern travel: Sweden, Denma; and Lapland. 1857. 914.8 Poetical works. ^ 1854. 811.46 Prince Deukalion. 1878. 811.46 Views a-foot: Europe. 1846. 914:1 Smythe, A. H. Bayard Taylor. 1896. 811.464 Ti^YLOR, B. F. Between the gat (California). 1880. 917.94: TAYLOR, H. C. C. Land of the ca tanet. 1896. 914.6: TAYLOR, H. O. Ancient ideals. 1896. 901: TAYLOR, I. SpirU of Hebrew poetr 1861. t 892.4 TAYLOR, JANE. Tales, essays ai poems. 1884. 824.79 :T TAYLOR, T. Masks and faces (ar other comedies). 1854. 812.30 TAYLOR, T. E. Running the blocl ade: adventures during the Amer can Civil war. 1896. 973.75: TAYLOR, W, California life. 1858. 917.94: TAYLOR, BISHOP W. Africa illui trated. 1895. 916 TAYLOR, W. C. Modern history. 1839. 940: TAYLOR, W. M. Peter, the apostle. 1877. 922.1 i TAYLOR, ZACHARY (12th preside^ of U. S.). General Taylor. (Anon.). 1868. 923.173:1 Howard, O. O. General Taylor. 181 923.173:35 TEGG, T. Dictionary of chronology. 1854. 902 TEMPLE, DOROTHY O. Letters t Sir William Temple. 1888. 826.49 :T! TEMPLE, HENRY J. (Viscount Palm erston). Campbell, J. D. S. Viscount Palmers ton. 1892. 923.242:24 Sanders, L. C. Viscount Palmers ton. 1888. 923.242:2 TEMPLE, R. Asia. (Stanford’s com pendium). 1886. 915:R Lord Lawrence. 1889. 923.242:6; TEN BRINK, B. Early English litera ture. 1889. 820.9:1 Five lectures on Shakespeare. 1895, 822.331:2 TENNESSEE. Phelan, J. Tennessee. 1888. 976.8: Ramsey, J. G. M. Annals of Tennes see. 1860. 976.8: Torrey, B. Spring notes from Tennes see. 1896. 8i4.49:T63- TENNYSON, A. Poetical works. 1889 6v. 821.81 :R; Brooke, S, A, Tennyson: his art anc relation to modern life. 1894. 821.811: Genung, J. F. Tennyson’s Iri memor iam. 1896. 821.811;} TENNYSON 147 THEATRE Jennings, H. J. Lord Tennyson. 1884. 821.814:1 Jones, R. Growth of the Idylls of the king. 1895. 821.811:5 Luce, M. Handbook to the works of Tennyson. 1895. 821.811:7 Ritchie, A. T. Records of Tennyson, Ruskin, Browning. 1892. 821.80:1 Tainsh, E. C. Study of the works of Tennyson. 1893. 821.811:9 Van Dyke, H. Poetry of Tennyson. 1889. 821.811:1 Walker, H. Greater Victorian poets. 1895. 821.80:5 Walters, J. C. In Tennyson land. 1890. 821.811:4 Waugh, A. Alfred, Lord Tennyson. 1893. 821.811:3 TENTERDEN, LORD. See Abbott, C. TERENCE. Comedies; tr. by Riley and Colman. 1890. 872.5:1 TERHUNE, MARY V. (Marion Har- land). Loiterings in pleasant paths (Europe). 1880. 914:28 Mary Washington. 1892. 920.7:27 TEUFFEL, W. S. Roman literature. 1873. 2v. 870.9:4 TEXAS. Bancroft, H. H. North Mexican states and Texas. 1884. 2v. 972.1:5 Davis, R. H. West from a car win- dow. 1892. 917.8:32 Helm, M. S. Scraps of early Texas history. 1884. 976.4:2 Hughes, T. Gone to Texas. 1884. 917.6:2 Kendall, G. W. Texan Santa Fe ex- pedition, 1885. 2v. 917.6:1 Olmsted, F. L. Journey through Texas. 1857. 917.6:3 Roberts, O. M. Texas. 1881. 917.6:6 Sweet, A. E. On a Mexican mus- tang through Texas. 1886. 917.6:4 Thrall, H. S. Pictorial history of Texas. 1885. 976.4:1 , U. S. department of war. Reconnais- sances of routes from San Antonio to El Paso. 1850. 970.3:2 THACKERAY, ANNE I. See Ritchie, Anne I. THACKERAY, W. M. Ballads, and Rose and the ring. 1886. 823.82:7 Book of snobs, and. Sketches of travel in London. 1848. 823.82:6 Burlesques. 1886. 823.82:3 Contributions to “Punch.” 1886. 823.82:5 English humorists of the 18th century 1853. 823.82:4 Four Georges. 1879. 942.07:12 Irish sketch book and critical re- - views. 1886. 914.15:5 Letters. 1887. 823.82:8 Miscellaneous essays. 1885. 823.82:2 Paris sketch book, Irish sketch book, etc., 1840. 914.4:8 Roundabout papers. 1879. 823.82:1 Anecdote biographies of Thackeray and Dickens; ed. by Stoddard. 1874. 823.80:1 Crowe, E. With Thackeray in Amer- ica. 1893. 917.4:27 Hannay, J. Studies on Thackeray. 823.821.1 Merivale, H. Thackeray. 1891. 823.824:2 Trollope, A. Thackeray. 1879. 823.824:1 THALHEIMER, MARY E. Manual of mediaeval and modern history. 1874. 940:27 THAMES, The. Pennell, J. Stream of pleasure. 1891. 914.2:31 THAXTER, CELIA D. Among the Isles of Shoals. 1889. 917.4:12 Poems. 1874. 811.49 :T33-1 Stories and poems for children. 1895. 811.49 :T33 THAYER, E. The Kansas crusade. 1889. 978.1:3 THAYER, W. M. Turning points in successful careers. 1895. 920.02:9 THAYER, W. R. Dawn of Italian in- dependence. 1893. 2v. 945.08:1 THEAL, G. M. South Africa. 1894. 968:1 THEATRE. Baker, H. B. London stage. 1889. 2v. 822.09:3 Coleman, J. Players and play- wrights I have known. 1890. 2v. 822.8:2 Cook, E. D. Book of the play. 1876. 822.04:4 Nights at the play. 1883. 822.04:3 On the stage. 1883. 2v. 822.04:2 Dibden, J. C. 'Annals of the Edin- burgh stage. 1888. 822.09:8 Donaldson, J. W. Theatre of the Greeks. 1891. 882:5 Doran, J. Annals of the English stage. 1865. 2v. 822.09:4 Fitzgerald, P. New history of the English stage. 1882. 2v. 822.09:6 Romance of the English stage. 1875. 822.04:1 Haigh, A. E. The Attic theatre. 1889. 882:7 Hawkins, F. Annals of the FrervJh stage. 1884. 2v. 842.09:1 Houssaye, A. Behind the scenes of the Comedie Francaise. 1889. 842.7:1 Hutton, L. Curiosities of the Ameri- can stage. 1891. 812.09:1 Jerome, J. K. Stage-land. 1890. 824.89 :J48 Matthews, J. B. French dramatists of the 19th century. 1891. 814.46:8 Studies of the stage. 1894. 814.45:1 Theatres of Paris. 1880. 814.45:7 Seilhamer, G. O. American theatre before the revolution. 1888. 812.09:2 Stone, H. D. Personal recollections of the drama. 1873. 822.09:7 THEBAUD 148 TIKHOMIROV THEBAUD, A. J. Irish race in the past and present. 1889. 941.5:10 THEOCRITUS'. Idyls and epigrams; tr. by Calverley. 1892. 884.6:2 Same; tr. by Lang. 1889. 884.6:1 THEODORIC. Hodgkin, T. Theodoric the Goth. 1891. 923.143:2 THEOGNIS. Davies, J. Hesoid and Theognis. 1873. 883.2:1 THERESA, SAINT. Gilman, Mrs. B. Saint Theresa of Avila. 1889. 922.1:11 THIEBLIN, N. L. Spain and the Spaniards. 1875. 914.6:19 THIERS, L. A. The Consulate and the Empire of Prance under Napoleon. 1845. 4v. 944.05:3 French revolution. 1823. 5v. 944.04:5 Remusat, P. de. Life of Thiers. 1889. 844.794 :T35 THOMAS, BERTHA. Life of George Sand. 1888. 843.824:2 THOMAS, C. Eastern townships. . 1866. 971:2 THOMAS, EDITH. M. Fair shadow- land: poems. 1893. 811.49 :T36-2 Lyrics and sonnets. 1887. 811.49 :T36 New Year’s masque, etc. 1885. 811.49 :T36-1 Winter swallow, etc. 1896. 811.49 :T36-3 THOMAS, GEORGE H. Coppee, H. General Thomas. 1893. 923.573:14a Van Horne, T. B. Major-General George H. Thomas. 1882. 923.573:14 THOMAS, L. G. Poems. 1871. 811.39 'T36 THOMAS, MARGARET. A scamper through Spain and Tangier. 1892. 914.6:22 THOMAS, P. J. Pounding of the missions (California). 1877. 979.4:5 THOMAS, W. H. Tinterne Abbey. 1839. 914.29:1 THOMPSON, D. G. Philosophy of fiction in literature. 1890. 801:6 THOMPSON, EDITH. Wars of York and Lancaster. 1892. 942.04:4 THOMPSON, F. Poems. 1894. 821.89 :T37 THOMPSON, J. Mungo park and the Niger. 923.941:1 Travels in the Atlas and South Mo- locco. 1889. 916.4:3 THOMPSON, M. Ethics of literary art. 1893. 801:38 Story of Louisiana. 1888. 976.3:8 THOMPSON, R. W. Recollections of sixteen presidents, from Washing- ton to Lincoln. 1894. 2v. 923.173:26 THOMPSON, S. Humbler poets: a col- lectiou of newspaper and periodical verse. 1886. 811.08:4 THOMSON, f). C. Life and works of Thomas Bewick. 1882. 927.6 ;R1 THOMSON, J. T. Some glimpses into life in the far east. 1865. 915.93:8 THOMSON, JAMES. Poetical works. 1863. 821.56:1 THOMSON, JOHN, .^traits of Malac- ca. 1875. 915.1:9 THOMSON, JOSEPH. Through Masai land. 1885. 916.7:21 To Central African lakes and back. 1881. 2v. 916.7:16 Thomson, J. B. Joseph Thomson. IRQfi Q9QQ49-1A THOMSON, MRS. M. A. Sir Walter Raleigh. 1856. 923.542 :5d THOMSON, W. M. The land and the book. 1886. 3v. 915.6:5 THOREAU, H. D. Autumn. 1892. 818.31:5 Cape Cod. 1866. 917.4:7 Excursions. 1886. 818.31:3 Familiar letters. 1894. 818.31:8 Letters to various persons. 1865. 818.31:7 Maine woods. 1890. 917.4:23 Summer. 1884. 818.31:1 Walden. 1854. 2v. • 818.31:4 Week on the Concord and Merrimack rivers. 1867. 917.4:21 Winter. 1888. 818..31:2 Yankee in Canada. 1892. 818.31:6 Sanborn, P. B. Henry D. Thoreau. 1882. 818.314:1 THORNBURY, G. W. Life of J. M. W. Turner. 1877. 927.5:141: THORNTON, J. Q. Oregon and Cali- fornia. 1849. 2v. 917.9 THRALL, H. S. History of Texas. 1885. 976.4:3 THRING, EDWARD. Skrine, J. H. Memory of Edward j Thring. 1889. 923.742:2 THUCYDIDES. Pelononnesian war; tr. by Smith. 1836. 888.2:1 THURSPIELD, J. R. Life of Peel. 1891. 923.242:26b THURSTON, R. H. , Robert Pulton. 1891. 926:8a THWAITES, R. G. The colonies. 1891. 973.2:2 Historic waterways. 1888. 917.7:10 Our cycling tour in England. 1892. 914.2:7 Story of Wisconsin. 1890. 977.5:1 TIBULLUS. Poems of Catullus and Tibullus, and the Vigil, of Venus; tr. by Kelly and others. 1887. 874.1:1 TICKNOR, G. History of Spanish lit- erature. 1849. 3v. 860.9:1 Life, letters and journals. 1876. 2v. 814.394 :T43 William H. Prescott. 1863. 814.394 :P92 TIFFANY, P. Life of Dorothea Lynde Dix. 923.673:6 TIFFANY, NINA M. From colony to commonwealth. 1891. 974.4:3 Pilgrims and Puritans. 1888. 974,4:2 TIKHOMIROV, L. Russia. 1888. Zvl 914.7:18 i TILDEN 149 TRAVELS TILDEN, L. E. Finger of fate; or, The death letter: a melodrama. 1893. I 808.2:22 TILDEN, SAMUEL J. BigeloWj J. Samuel J. Tilden. 1895. 2v. 923.273:23 TILLOTSON, J. Women of England. . 920.042:5 TILTON, T. Thou and I: a lyric of human life. 1880. 811.39 :T47 TIMAYENIS, T. T. History of Greece. 1883. 2v. 938:14 TIMES, J. Abbeys, castles and ancient halls of England and Wales. 1872. 3v. 942:10 Anecdote lives of wits and humorists. 1862. 2v.' 827:20 Romance of London. 1872. 942.1:2 TIMON. See Cormenin, L. de. TINKHAM, G. H. History of Stockton (California). 1880. 979.4:14 TINTORETTO. Osier, W. R. Giacomo Tintoretto. 1882. 927.5:38 TIREBUCK, W. Great minds in art. 1888 927.5:51 TISSOT, V. Unknown Switzerland. 1889. 914.94:2 TITIAN. Heath, R. P. Life of Titian. 1885. 927.5:45 TOCQUEVILLE, A. C. H. C. de. Me- moir, letters and remains. 1861. 2v. 923.244:8 TODD, C. B. Life and letters of Joel Barlow. 1886. 811.234:1 Story of the City of New York. 1888. 974.7:7 Story of Washington, the national capital. 1889. 975.3:1 TODD, G. E. Early Scottish poetry. 1891. 821.09:3 TODHUNTER, J. Life of Patrick Sars field. 1895. 923.241:2 Study of Shelley. 1880. 821.771:1 TOLAND, MARY B. M. Legend Lay- mone: poem. 1890. 811.49:T58 TOLSTOI, L. N. Fruits of culture: comedy. 1891. 891.72:1 Napoleon and the Russian campaign. 1888. 947.07:2 TOMKINSON, E. M. Benjamin Frank- lin. 1885. 923.273:14b Sarah Robinson, Agnes Weston and Mrs. Meredith. 1887. 920.7:10 TOMKINSON, W. Diary of a cavalry * officer in the Peninsular war and Waterloo campaign. 1895. 942.07:15 TOMLINSON, C. The sonnet: its orig- in, structure and place in poetry. 1874. 851:1 TORREY, B. Footpath way. 1892. 814.49 :T63-1 Rambler’s lease. 1889. 814.49 :T63 Spring notes from Tennessee. 1896. 814.49 :T63-2 TOUSEY, S. Papers from over the waters, 1869, 914:54 TOUT, T. F. Life of Edward I. 1893. 923.142:26 TOWLE, G. M. Drake, the sea-king of Devon. 1883. 923.942:5 Heroes and martyrs of invention. 1890. 926:11 Magellan. 1879. 923.946:5 Marco Polo. 1880. 915:10 Pizarro. 1878. 923.946:3 Raleigh. 1881. 923.542:5 Vasco da Gama. 1878. 923.946:4 TOWNSEND, J. K. Journey across the Rocky mountains to the Columbia river, etc. 1839. 917.9:20 TOWNSEND, M. The United States: an index to history, geography, etc. 1890. 973:15 TOWNSEND, P. D. Joseph Haydn. 1884. 927.8:17a TOWRY, M. H. Spenser for children. 1885. 821.31:4 TRAILL, H. D. Lord Cromer. 1897. 923 242 ’28 Lord Strafford. 1889. 923.242:19 Number twenty: fables and fantasies. 1892 827:19 Shaftesbury. (1st earl). 1886. 923.242:17 Social England. 1894. 3v. 942:19 •Sterne. 1882. 823.624:1 William III. 1888. 923.142:18 TRAVELS and VOYAGES. Ainsworth, W. P. All round the world, 1870. 910,4:19 Anderson, L. Among typhoons and pirate craft. 1892. 910,4:34 Balch, E. S. Mountain exploration. 1893. 910:7 Ballou, M. M. Due west. 1884. 910.4:1 Beechey, P. W. Voyage to the Pacific and Beering’s strait. 1831. 2v 919.8 :P18 Bisland, E. Plying trip around the world. 1891. 910.4:28 Blouet, P. John Bull and Co. 1894. 910.4:46 Brassey, A. Voyage in the Sunbeam. 1881. 910.4:2 Brooks, P. Letters of travel. 1893. 816.49 :B79 Burney, J, Discoveries in the South sea or Pacific ocean. 1803. 5v. 919.6 :R1 By land and sea. (Anon.). 1894. 910:8 Cleveland, R. J. Voyages of a mer- chant navigator. 1886. 910.4:3 Coffin, C. C. Our new way round the world. 1886. 910.4:15 Dana, R. H. Two years before the mast, 1887. 910.4:4 Dent, C. T. Mountaineering. 1892. 910.9:1 Duncan, S. J. Social departure. 1891. 910.4:25 Eden, R. First three English books on America. 1886. 917 :R2 Everhart, J. R. By boat and rail. 1892. 910.4:3.’ TRAVELS 150 Froude, J. A. English seamen in thf 16th century. 1895. ^ Gerstaecker, F. Journey round the world. 910.4:16 Hale, E. E. Stories of adventure 1888. 910.8:1 Hall, C. W. Drifting round the^world 1880. Hamblen, H. E. On many seas.^1897^ Harrison, C. H. Race with the sun. 1890. 910.4. ii-l- Hawks, F. L. Expedition of an Amer- ican squadron to the China seas and Japan. 1867. W5.2.6 Headley, J. T. Mountain adventures^ 1885 91U.4 Hill, F. S. Twenty years at se^ 1893 910.4.44 Hubner, J. A. - Ramble round the world. 1874. Hughes, T. Vacation rambles. 1895^ ^ Kippis, A. Voyage round the world of Capt. James Cook. 910.4.18 Knox, T. W. Young nimrods ground the world. 1882. ^ 910.4.23 Kotzebue, O. von. Voyage ot ‘discov- ery into the South Sea and Ber- ing’s strait. 1821. 3v. Legh, M. H. G. How Dick and Molly went around the world. 910.4.43 Leland, L. Traveling alone: a wo- man’s journey around the world^^^^ Mlundeville, J. Voiage and MiSionary voyage to the Pacific ocean, compiled from the journals of officers and mission- aries. 1799. 919.6. R2 Nordhoff, C. Sailor life on man-of- war and merchant vessel. Oliphant, L. Episodes in a life of ad- venture. 1887. " Peebles, J. M. Around the Pinto! F. M. Voyages and adven- Pon?r.’ Journal to the Pacific ocean. 1815. 910.4.8 Raum, G. E, Tour around Rhoades, H, E. Rroil‘^S:n“o. Vn^^^e S^iuels,^ T From the £°tecasto to ScotoriC.' Under summer sWes.^_^^ world. 1873. Smiles, S. Hound the world, mU Smith, D. M. Round the worid.^l86| Stables, W. G. Wild adventures in wild places. 1881. 910.4.31 TROY Stanley, H. M. My early adventures in America and Asia. 1895. 2v. , 915:17 { Stevens, T. Around the world on a bicycle. 1889. 2v. 910.4:11 j Stevenson, R. L. Amateur emigrant, i 1895. 823.89: St4-3 ' Vancouver, C. Voyage of discovery J to the North Pacific ocean and ' round the world. 1798. 3v. 917.9: RIO j Verne, J. Exploration of the world. | 1882. 910.4:39 Great explorers of the 19th century. 1881. 910.4:38 Great navigators of the 18th cen- tury. 1880. 910.4:40 Voyages around the world from Capt. Cook to the present. Walker, R. Five threes— 33,333 miles by land and sea. 1884. 910.4:12 Wilkes, C. United States exploring expedition of 1838-42. 1856. 5v. 919. R4 Young, J. R. Around the world wit? General Grant. 1879. 2v. _ TREGARTHEN, G. Australasia. 189t. TT’ELAWNY, E. J. Recollections of the last days of Shelley and Keats 1859 o21.iv. 4 TRENCH, MARY. Passion Play at Ober-Ammergau. 1890. 833 :l trench, R. C. Essay on life and genius of Calderon. 1856. 862.354 :L TRENT, W. P. William gilmorj Simms. 1892. TREVELYAN, G. O. Early history of Charles James Pox. 1891. 923.-^42:35 Life and letters of Lord Macaulay. 1876 2v. 824.834.1 TRIGGS, 6. L. Browning and Whit- man. 1893. TRISTRAM, H. B. Land of Moab.^pjS. 915.0 : 8 TROLLOPE, A. Autobiography. 1883. 823.874:1 Cicero. 1880. 2v. Thackeray. 1879. 823.824.1 TROLLOPE, PRANCES E. Homes and haunts of Italian poets. 1881. 2v. 851:2 TROLLOPE, H. M. Racine. 1881. Vittoria Colonna. 1859. What I remember. 1888, 2v. 823.874.2 TROMHOLT, S. Under the rays of the Aurora Borealis. 1886. 2v. • 919*0 1 2o TROWBRIDGE, J. T. Emigrant’s story, and other Home idyl. 1881. 811.49 :T75 Vagabonds, and other TROY. Benjamin, S. G. W. Troy. 1888. 939.2: Schliemann, H. Ilios. 1881. 913.39: Troja. 1884, 913.39; TRUEsDEtiLi 161 UNITED STATES TRUESDELL, AMELIA W. A Califor- nia pilgrimag-e. 1884. 811.39 :T76 TRUESDELL, HELEN. Poems. 1853. 811.39 ;Tr76 TRUMAN, B. C. Guide to the resorts of California. 1884. 917.94:21 TRUMBULL, J. Poetical works. 1820 2v. 811.21 :R1 TSOUNTAS, C. Mycenaean age. 1897. 913.38 :R7 TUCKERMAN, B. General Lafayette 1889. 2v. 923.544:2a English prose fiction. 1882. 820.9:4 Peter Stuyvesant. 1893. 923.273:41a TUCKERMAN, H. T. Book of the artists .1882. 927:5 TUDOR, W. James Otis. 1823. 923.273:33 TULLIDGE, E. W. Salt Lake City. 1850. 979.2:1 TULLOCH, J. Pascal. 1878. 844.594 :P26 TUPPER, C. L. Our Indian protec torate. 1893. 954:10 TUPPER, M. F. Ballads for the times. 1855. 821.79 :T84 Proverbial philosophy. 1851. 821.79 :T84-1 TURGOT, ANNE ROBERT. Say, L. Turgot. 1888. 923.344:1 Stephens, W. W. Turgot. 923.344:1a TURKEY. Baker, J. Turkey in Europe. 1877. 914.96:2 Bliss, E. M. Turkey and the Armen- ian atrocities. 1896. 956:2 Blochwitz, J. Brief history of Tur- key. 1877. 949.6:1 Champney, E. W. Three Vassar girls in Russia and Turkey. 1889. 914.7:8 Clark, E. L. The races of European Turkey. 1878. 949.6:7 Cox, S. S. Diversions of a diplomat in Turkey. 1893. 914.96:10 Creasy, E. S. Ottoman Turks. 1878, TURNER, T. A. Argentina and the Argentines. 1892. 918.2:2 TUTTLE, H. German political leaders. 1880. 923.243:1 Prussia under Frederic the great. 1888. 2v. 943.1:1 TWAIN, MARK. See Clemens, S. L. TWELVE ENGLISH STATESMEN. Freeman, E. A. Euiope. 1877. Greene, F. D. Turkey. 1895. Harvey, A. J. Cromwell. Harrison, F. Edward I. Tout, T. F. Queen Elizabeth. Beesly, Henry II. Green, A. S. Henry VII. Gairdner, J. Peel. Thursfield, H. R. Walpole. Morley, J. William the conqueror. E. A. William III. Traill, H. D. Wolsey. Creighton, M. TWICHELL, J. H. throp. 1891. 923.142:9a 923.142:26 E. S. 923.142:21a 923.142:20 923.142:17 923.242:26b 923.242:34 Freeman, 923.142:24 923.142:18 923.242:20 Life of John Win- 923.273: 65 949.6:4 Ottoman power in 949.6:5 Armenian crisis in 949.6:6 Turkish harems and Circassian homes. 1871. 914.96:7 Laveleye, E. de. Balkan Peninsula. 1887. 949.7:1 Oscanyan, C. Sultan and his people. 1857. 914.96:3 Poole, S. L. Story of Turkey. 1888. 949.6:2 ■ Smyth, W, W. Year with the Turks. 1854. 914.96:1 TURNER, C. E. Modern novelists of Russia. 1890. 891.7:3 Russian literature. 1882. 891.7:4 TURNER, G. Samoa. 1884. 919.6:4 TURNER, JOSEPH M. W. Monkhouse, W. C. Life of Turner. 1882. 927.5:14a Swaine, S. A. Life of Turner. 1885. 927.5:14 TWINING, T. Travels in America one hundred years ago. 1894. 917:14 TWISS, T. Oregon question. 1846. 979.5:10 TYLER, C. M. Island world of the Pacific ocean. 1887. 990:1 TYLER, M. C. American literature, 1607-1765. 1879. 2v. 810.9:1 Patrick Henry. 1889. 923.273:52 Three men of letters. 1895. 810.9:12 TYLOR, E. B. Primitive culture. 1874. 2v. 901:3 TYNAN, KATHERINE. Irish love- songs. 1892. 821.08:7 TYNDALL, J. Hours of exercise in the Alps. 1875. 914.94:3 Michael Farraday as a discoverer. 1882. 925:4 TYROL. Champney, E, W. Three Vassar girls in the Tyrol. 1891. 914.36:2 Edwards, A. B. Untrodden peaks and unfrequented valleys. 1890. 914.36:1 Robertson, A. Through the Dolo- mites. 1896. 914.53:2 TYRRELL, R. Y. Latin poetry. 1895. 871:1 TYTLER, A. F. Universal history. 1844. 2v. 909:4 TYTLER, P. F. Discovery on the more northern coasts of America. I860. 917:25 TYTLER, SARAH. See Keddie, H. UDALL, N. Roister Doister. (comedy). 822.22:1 ULRICI, H. Shakespeare’s dramatic art. 1888. 2v. 822.331:5 UNDERWOOD, F. H. Builders of American literature. 1893. 810.9:5 English literature. 1871. 820.9:10 Longfellow. 1882. 811.344:5 ‘ Lowell. 1882. 811.374:2 Poet and the man: Lowell. 1893. I 811.374:4 Thornbury, G. W. 1877. Turner. 927.5:14b Whittier. 1891. ' UNITED STATES, travel. 811.364:2 Description and UNITED STATES 152 UNITED STATES America and the Americans from a French point of view. (Anon.). 1897. 917.3:27 Baedeker, K. United States. 1893. 917.3:18 Barnes, D. Prom the Atlantic to the Pacific. 1866. 917.3:2 Blouet, P. Frenchman in America. 1891. 917:2 Jonathan and his continent. 1889. 917:1 B^ourget, P. Outre-mer: impressions of America. 1895. 917.3:20 Bremer, F. Homes of the new world. 1853. 2v. 917.3:7 Brooks, E. S. Century book of fam- ous Americans. 1896. 917.3:25 Bryant, W. C. Picturesque America. 1872. 2v. 917 :R1 Butterworth, H. Zigzag journeys in the Occident: Boston to the Gold- en Gate. 1883. 917:4 Zigzag journeys on the Mississippi. 1892. 917.6:5 Champney, E. W. Three Vassar girls at home. 1887. 917.3:15 Crofutt, G. A. Overland tours. 1888. 917.8:12 Crowe, E. With Thackeray in Amer- ica. 1893. 917.4:27 Dickens, C. American notes. 917.3:26 Dixon, W. H. New America. 1867. 917.3:3 White conquest. 1876. 2v. 917.3:9 Dodge, M. A. Wool gathering. 1877. 917.3:1 Faithful, E. Three visits to Ameri- ca. 1884. 917:5 Freeman, E. A. Some impressions of the United States. 1883. 917.3:4 Gibbs, M. Route and reference book of United States and Canada. 1893. 917.3:22 Guida generale degli italiani negli Stati Uniti. 917.3 :R4 Hamilton, T. Men and manners in America. 1833. 917.4:20 Hole, S. R. Little tour in America. 1895. 917.3:21 Johnson, L. W. Eight hundred miles in an ambulance. 1889. 917.3:8 Jones, H. To San Francisco and back. 917.3:16 Mackay, A. Western world. 1850. 3v. ' 917.3:6 Mackay, C. Life and liberty in Amer- ica. 1859. 917:6 Marcy, R. B. Prairie traveler. 1859. 917:8 Martineau, H. Society in America. 1837. 2v. 917.3:11 Meriwether, L. The tramp at home. 1889. 917:10 Money, E. Truth about America. 1886. 917:11 Murray, A. M. Letters from United States, Cuba anACanada. 1856. 917:12 Parkman, F. Oregon trail. 1872. 917.95:1 Pulszky, P. A. White, red, black: sketches of American society. 1853 2v. 917.3:10 Rae, W. P. Columbia and Canada. 1877. 917:21 Scudder, H. E. Men and manners in America one hundred years ago. 1891. 917.3:14 Shinn, E. Some highways and byways of American travel. 1878. 917:13 Soissons, S. C. D. A Parisian ir America. 1896. 917.3:23 Stanley, H. M. My early adventures in America and Asia. 1895. 917.8:22 Steevens, G. W. Land of the dollar 1897. 917.3:24 Stevenson, R. L. Across the plains. 1892. 823.89 :St4-4 Twining, T. Travels in America one hundred years ago. 1894. 917:14 Warner, C. D. Studies in the south and west. 1889. 917:15 History. General. Abbott, J. American history. 1860. 4v. 970:11 Adams, R. C. History of the U. S. in rhyme. 1884. 973:25 American historical association; pa- pers, 1886-89. 3v. 906 :R1 Andrews, E. B. History of the U. S. 1894. 2v. 973:43 Bancroft, G. History of the U. S. 1834. lOv. 973:5 Barber, J. W. Our whole country. 1861. 2v. 973:6 Barnes, A. S. Brief history of the U. S. 1885. 973:28 Bonner, J. Child’s history of the U S. 1866. 3v. 973:18 Brayman, J. O. Daring deeds of American heroes. 973:24 Bryant, W. C. Popular history of tlje U. S. 1876. 4v. 97S<7 Burgess, J. W. Middle period, 1817- 58. 1897. 973:51 Butterworth, H. Young folks’ history of America. 1887. 970:13 Campbell, D. Puritan in Holland, England and America. 1892. 2v. 940.5:3 Children’s history book: tales by famous story-tellers. 1896. 973:53 Cox, S. S. Three decades of federal legislation. 1885. 973.71:3 Davis, E. Half century. 1800-51. 973.3:7 Dodge, N. S. Stories of American history. 1879. 973:50 Eggleston, E. U. S. and its people. 1890. 973:8 Piske, J. History of U. S. for schools. 1894. 973:39 Frost, J. Remarkable events in the history of America. 1849. 973:8 Gilman, A. History of the American i people. 1883. 973:20- Goodrich, S. G. Pictorial history of/ the U. S. 1881. 973:3; Hale, E. E. History of the U. S. 973: THOS. BALL Carpenter >"'i Builder. . . Store and Office Fitting a Specialty Show Cases Shelving & Counters Screen Doors and Windows Jobbing of All Kinds Promptly Done Shop 212 E. Fourth Street New York Tailoring Company A. L. HEDBERQ, Mgr. A FINE LINE OF . Domestic and Imported... WOOLENS 15 years personal experience as a Designer and Cutter Fine Material and Experience in- sures the best possible results. 322 South Broadway TELEPHONE WEST 65 FIRST-CLASS TURNOUTS AT REASONABLE PRICES Palace Stables W. B. RAYMUND Mgr. 1 18 West 18th St. SPECIAL ATTENTION GIVEN TO DRIVING PRIVATE PARTIES ; We Will Board Your Horses. Prompt Service and Entire Satisfaction Ouaranteed- PHILLIP’S Sanitary Orate and Air Heater. Should you need a Furnace for the base- ment, see the PHILLIPS PORTABLE HOT AIR FURNACE. It contains all the latest improvements in Hot Air Heating, and does the work with less fuel and la- bor than any other. From six to eight rooms, on the one or different floors, can be thoroughly HEATED and VENTILATED with one of these Grates. They can be reset in any flre-place and will burn any kind of fuel. Send for free ILLUS- TRATED CATALOGUE and PRICES, to PHILLIPS SANITARY GRATE AND HEATING CO. OFFICE : 107 S. BROADWAY, LOS ANGELES. Tol. main FACTORY: 1 310 & 314 REQUENA ST. I LOS ANGELES. THEO NIELSEN.^ ^ PbOltC RCfl 175$. * * FRED. NIELSEN. \j/all paper ai>d paipt §tores, 7o4.7o6 SOUTH SPRING ST., Los Angeles, Cal. NEIL8EN BROS. \A/irido\A/ Gl^ss F^airits emd Oils Paper Hanging. Painting. Calcimining. Plastering. Tinting. Glazing. UNITED STATES 153 UNITED STATES Higg-inson, T. W. Young folks’ hist- ory of U. S. 1889. 973:10 Hildreth, R. History of U. S. 1849. 6v. 973:11 Hinsdale, B. A. The old Northwest. 1888. 977:2 Hinton, J. H. History and topography of the U. S. 1857. 2v. 973:4 History of the U. S. (California state series). 1888. 973:16 Johns Hopkins University studies in historical and political science. 1883-96. 14v. 903 :R1 Judson, H. P. Growth of the Ameri- can nation. 1895. 973:44 King, M. Handbook of the U. S. 1891. 917.3 :R1 Lodge, H. C. Studies in history. 1884. 973:21 Loring, C. W. Nullification, seces- sion, Webster’s argument and the Kentucky and Virginia resolutions. 1893. 973.5:4 Lossing, B. J. Harper’s cyclopedia of U. S. history. 1881. 2v. 973 :R5 ^ McCab^ J. D. Centennial history of * the U. S. 1874. 973:12 McMaster, J. B. History of the U. S. ,1884. 4v. 973:1 With the fathers. 1896. 973:47 Norton, H. Stories from American history. 970:8 Newkirk, G. Rhymes of the states. 1896. 973:48 Patton, J. H. Pour hundred years of American history. 1876. 2v. 973:52 Perkins, J. H. Annals of the West. 1847. 973:3 Pictorial description of the U. S. (Anon.). 1877. 973:4 Preston, H. W. Documents illustra- tive of American history. 1891. 973:26 Richardson, A. S. History of our country. 1893. 973:49 Ridpath, J._U. History of the U. S. 973:27 Rupert, W. W. Guide to the study of the history and constitution of the U. S. 1892. 973:46 Schouler, J. The U. S. under the constitution. 1880. 5v. 973.4:2 Scott, D. B. Smaller school history of the U. S. 1872. 973:13 Scudder, H. E. History of the U. S. 1884. 973:29 Shaler, N. S. United States. 1894. 2v. 973:41 Smith, G. United States: political history. 1893. 973:32 Thousand questions on American history. (Anon.). 1884. 973:30 Townsend, M. Index to the U. S. 1890. 973:15 Welborn, D. American epic. 1891. 811.49 :W44 Wilson, W. Division and re-union. 1893. 973:23 Wright, H. C. Children’s stories of American progress. 1888. 973:33 Yonge, C. M. Aunt Charlotte’s stories of American history. 1883. 973:17 Discovery. See America. Colonial (1607-1775). Abbott, J. S. C. King Philip. 1885. 970.2:5 Brown, A. Genesis of the U. S. 1890. 2v. 973.2 :R1 Coffin, C. C. Old times in the colon- ies. 1880. 973.2:1 Doyle, J. A. Puritan colonies. 1887. 2v. 973.2:3 Drake, S. A. Taking of Louisburg. 1891. 973.2:8 Virginia and the middie colonies. 1893. 973.2:12 Earle, A. M. Colonial days in old New York. 1896. 974.7:10 Eggleston, E. Beginners of a nation. 1896. 973.2:28 Ellis, G. E. Puritan age and rule in Massachusetts. 1888. 973.2:11 Fisher, G. P. Colonial era. 1892. 973.2:13 Gilman, A. Colonization of America. 1887. 973.2:24 Goodwin, J. A. Pilgrim republic. 1888. 973.2:4 Goodwin, M. W. Colonial cavalier. 1895: 975:2 Johnson, R. French war. 1882. 973.2:7 Lodge, H. C. English colonies in America. 1881. 973.2:5 Markham, R. King Philip’s war. 1883. 973.2:6 Parkman, P. Conspiracy of Pontiac. 1851. 2v. 973.2:23 Half century of conflict. 1892. 2v. 973.2:9 Montcalm and Wolfe. 1884. 2v. 973.2:10 Pratt, M. L. Stories of colonial child- ren. 1894. 973.2:26 Thwaites, R. G. The colonies. 1891. 973.2:2 Winsor, J. English and French ex- plorations and settlements in North America, 1497-1763; with those of the Portugese, Dutch and Swedes, (v. 3-5 of Narrative and critical history of America). 1889. 3v. 970 :R1 Mississippi basin. 1895. 973.2:27 Revolution and Confederation. (1775-1789). Abbot, W. J. Blue jackets of ’76. 1888. 973.3:14 Abbott, E. Revolutionary times. 1876. 973.3:13 Balch, T. French in America during the war of independence. 1891. 973.3:17 Botta, C. G. G. War of the inde- pendence of the U. S. 1820. 3v. 973.3:8 Chittenden, L. E. Capture of Ticon- deroga. 1872. 906:8 Coffin, C. C. Boys of ’76. 1876. 973.3:6 Drake, S. A. Burgoyne’s invasion of 1777. 1889. 973.3:10 UNITED STATES 154 UNITED STATES Watch fires of ’76. 1895. 973.3:16 Fiske, J. American Revolution. 1891 2v. 973.3:15 Critical period in American history 1889. 973.3:11 War of independence. 1890. 973.3:lf Gilman, A. Majcing of the American nation. 1887. 973.3:18 Gilmore, J. R. John Sevier as a commonwealth builder. 1887. 973.3:3 Rear-guard ' of the revolution. 1886 973.3:2 Hart, A .B. Formation of the Union 1892. 973.4: r Lee, H. Memoirs of the war in the southern department of the U. S. 1870. 973.3:1 Romance of the Revolution. (Anon). 1870. 973.7:2 Roosevelt, T. Winning of the West 1889. 4v. 977:^ Sloane, W. M. French war and the Revolution. 1893. 973.3:4 Wharton, F. Revolutionary diplo . matic correspondence of the U. S. 1889. 6v. 973.3:5 Winsor, J. Handbook of the Ameri can Revolution. 1880. 016:L15 United States of North America. (V. 6-7 of Narrative and critical history of America). 1889. 2v. 970 :R1 Constitution (1789-1812). Adams, H. U. S. during the adminis- tration of Thomas Jefferson. 1889. 4v. 973.4:4 Coffin, C. C. Building the nation. 1882. 973.4:1 Schouler, J. U. S. under the consti- tution. 1880. 5v. 973.4:2 Walker, F. A. Making of the nation. 1895. 973.4:5 War of 1812. Abbot, W. J. Blue jackets of 1812. 1887. 973.5:2 Adams, H. U. S. during the adminis- tration of James Madison. 1891. 5v. 973.5:7 Barnes, J. Naval actions of the war of 1812. 1896. 973.5:9 Johnson, R. War of 1812. 1882. 973.5:5 Latour, A. L. War in west Florida and Louisiana. 1816. 975.9:2 Lossing, B. G. Pictorial field book of the war of 1812. 1868. 973.5:3 Soley, J. R. Boys of 1812. 1887. 973.5:1 Mexican War. Edwards, F. S. Campaign in New Mexico with Col. Doniphan. 1847. 973.6:1 English soldier in the U. S. army. (Anon.). 1853. 973.6:4 Jay, W. Causes and consequences of the Mexican war. 1849. 973.6:1 Jenkins, J. S. War between U. S. and Mexico. 1850. 973.6:7 Ladd, H. O. War with Mexico. 1883. 973 . 6 :^^ Livermore, A. A. War with Mexico' reviewed. 1850. 973.6:2- Mexican war and its heroes. (Anon.). 1850. 973.6:8- Wilcox, C. M. Mexican war. 1892. 973.6:9 Williams, A. M. Sam Houston and the war of independence in Texas. 1893. 923.573:29 Civil War. General. Abljot, W. J. Battle fields and camp "fires. 1890. 973.7:35 Battle fields and victory. 1891. 973.7:43 Battle fields of ’61. 1889. 973.7 r30 Abbott, J. S. C. Civil war in Ameri- ca. 1863. 973.7:1 Blaisdell, A. F. Stories of the Civil war. 1890. 970.7:9 Botts, J. M. The great rebellion. 1866. 973.7:2 Brooks, N. Washington in Lincoln’s time. 1895. 973.7:44 Brown, G. W. Baltimore and the 19th of April, 1861. 1887. 973.7:37 Browne, F. F. Bugle echoes: poems of the war. 1886. 808.1 :’i7 Brownlow, W. G. Rise, progress an< decline of secession. 1862. 973.7:2': Cheney, Mrs. C. E. Young folksS: history of the Civil war. 1887. l : 973.71: Chittenden, L. E. Recollections 0 President Lincoln and his admini^i tration. 1891. 973.7:3 Coffin, C. C. Boys of ’61. 1886. 973.7: Drumbeat of the nation. 1888. 973.7:3! Freedom triumphant. 1891. 973.7 :f Marching to victory. 1889. 973.7:', My days and nights on the battle field. 1865. 973.78; Redeeming the republic. 1890. 973.7:2 Cooke, J. E. Hammer and rapier. 1886. 973.78:1 Crawford, S. W. Genesis of the Civ war. 1887. 973.7:1 Davis, J. Rise and fall of the Con federate government. 1881. 2v. 973.7: Draper, J. W. American Civil war. 1867. 3v. 973.7:1 Dwight, T. F. Some federal and cor federate comrhanders. 1895. 973.7:' Frost, J. B. Rebellion in the U. S. 973.7:! Giddings, J. R. History of the rebe lion. 1864. 973.71 Greeley, H. American conflict. 1866. 2v. 973.7:; Hale, E. E. Stories of the war. 188 973.78: Hazen, W. B. Narrative of militai service. 1885. 973.7 : Johnson, R. War of secession. 1888. 973.7: UNITED STATES 155 UNITED STATES Johnson, R. U. Battles and leaders of the Civil war. 1884. 4v. 973.7:27 Kirkland, P. Pictorial book of anec- dotes and incidents of the war of the rebellion. 1866. 973.7:13 Lossin^, B. J. Pictorial field book of the Civil war. 973.7:22 Lowell, J. R. Political essays. 1888. 811.37:17 McClure, A. K. Abraham Lincoln and men of war times. 1892. 973.78:13 Maury, D. H. Recollections of a Virginian in the Mexican, Indian and Civil wars. 1894. 973.78:18 Military order of the Loyal Legion of the U. S.: Illinois Commandery: Papers. 1891. 973.7:41 Missouri Commandery: Papers. 1892. 973.73:21 Moore, F. Civil war in song and story. 1889. 973.7:28 Rebellion record. 1862. 973.7:14 Nicolay, J. G. Outbreak of the rebel- lion. 1881. 973.73:7 Paris, Comte de. Civil war in Amer- ica. 1875. 4v. 973.7:17 Phisterer, P. Statistical record of the armies of the U. S. 1883. 973.73:12 Pollard, E. A. Second year of the war. 1863. 973.7:15 Porter, D. D. Incidents and anecdotes of the Civil war. 1886. 973.7:16 Rhodes, J. B. The U. S. from the compromise of 1850. 1893. 2v. 973.6:3 Riddle, A. G. Recollections of war times. 1895. 973.71:3 Ropes, J. C. Story of the Civil war. 1895. 973.7:23 Scott, E. G. Reconstruction during the Civil war. 1895. 973.8:1 Snead, T. L. Fight for Missouri. 1886. 977.8:1 Special Campaigns. Allan, W. Army of North Vir- ginia in 1862. 1892. • 973.73:24 Bates, S. P. Battle of Gettysburg. 1875. 973.73:20 Beauregard, P. G. T. Campaign and battle of Manassas. 1891. 973.73:18 Boudrye, L. N. Historic records of the 5th New York Cavalry. 1865. 973.7:4 Boynton, H. V. National military park, Chicamauga-Chattanooga. 1895. 973.73:27 C., T. E. Battlefields of the south. 1864. 973.73:26 Campaigns of the Civil war series: Antietam and Fredericksburg. Palfrey, F. W. 1882. 973.73:8 Army of the Cumberland. Cist, H. M. 1882. ■ 973.73:2 Army under Pope. Ropes, J. C. 1881. 973.73:10 Atlanta. Co3f, J. D. 1882. 973.73:3 Chancellorsville and Gettysburg. Popbleday, A. 1882, 973.73:1 Fort Henry to Corinth. Force, M. P. 1881. 973.73:5 March to the sea: Franklin and Nashville. Cox, J. D. 1882. 973.73:4 Mississippi. Greene, F. V. 1884. 973.73:19 Outbreak of the rebellion. Nicolay J. G. 1881. ♦ 973.73:7 Peninsula: McClellan’s campaign of 1862. Webb, A. S. 1881. 973.73:11 Shenandoah valley in 1864. Pond, G. E. 1883. 973.73:9 Virginia campaign of ’64 and ’65. 1883. 973.73:6 Conynghan, D. P. Irish brigade and its campaigns. 1867. 973.73:14 Irwin, R. B. The 19th Army Corps. 1892. 973.73:22 Jacobs, M. Rebel invasion of Mary- land and Pennsylvania, and battle of Gettysburg.) 1864. 973.73:23 McClellan, H. B. Campaigns of Major-General J. E. B. Stuart. 1885. 973.73:13 Nichols, J. M. Perry’s saints: the fighting parson’s regiment. 1886. 973.78:14 Parton, J. General Butler in New Or- leans. 1864. 973.73:15 Pittenger, W. Daring and suffering: Andrew’s railroad raid into Georgia 1887. 973.78:6 Scott, W. F. Story of a cavalry regi- ment: 4th Veteran Volunteers from Kansas to Georgia. 1893. 973.73:25 Smith, W. F. Prom Chattanooga to Petersburg. 1893. 973.78:16 Southern historical society papers. 1876-81. 8v. 906:R2 Swinton, W. Campaigns of the Army of the Potomac. 1882. 973.73:16 Van Horne, T. B. Army of the Cum- berland. 1876. 2v. 973.73:17 Walker, P. A. The 2d Army Corps in the Army of the Potomac. 1887. 973.7:20 Williams, G. Negro troops in the war of the rebellion. 1888. 973.7:21 Personal Narratives. Coffin, C. C. Following the fiag. 1887. 973.78:9 Eggleston, G. C. Rebel’s recollections 1887. 973.78:10 Hood, J. B. Advance and retreat. 1880. 973.78:5 Jones, J. B. Rebel war clerk’s diary at the Confederate States’ capital. 1866. 2v. 973.78:? Longstreet, J. From Manassas to Appomattox. 1896. 973.78:19 McClellan, G. B. McClellan’s own story. 1887. 973.78:11 Russell, W. H. My diary north and south. 1863. 2v. 973.78:4 Wood, C. J. Reminiscences of the war. 973.78:7 See also: Memoirs of Grant, Sherman and others. UNITED STATES 156 VENEZUEIiAf Navy in the Civil War. Abbot, W. J. Blue jackets of ’61. 1890. 973.7:34 Ammen, D. Atlantic coast. 1883. 973.75:1 Boynton, C. D. Navy during the re- bellion. 1867. 2v. 973.75:6 Mahan, A. T. Gulf and inland wa- ters. 1883. 973.75:2 Porter, D. D. Naval history of the Civil war. 1886. 973.75:3 Sinclair, A. Two years on the Ala- bama. 1896. 973.75:9 Soley, J. R. Blockade and the cruis ers. 1887. 973.75:8 Sailor boys of ’61. 1888. 973.75:4 Taylor, T. E. Running the blockade. 1896. 973.75:10 Naval History. Hamersly, L. R. . Records of living officers of the TJ. S. navy and ma- rine corps. 1870. 923.573:27 Lossing, B. J. Story of the U. S. navy. 1880. 973.75:5 Maclay, E. S. History of the U. S navy. 1895. 2v. 973:45 Miscellanies. Bartlett, J. R. Incidents connected with the U. S. and Mexican bound- ary commission. 1850-53. 917.89 :R1 Blanchard, R. 'Historical map of the U. S. 912:R14 Cullum, G. W. Officers and graduater of the Military Academy at West Point. 1891. 3v. 923.573 :R1 Emory, W. H. U. S. and Mexican boundary survey. 1857. 3v. 917.2 :R2 Haven, S. P. Archaeology of the U. S. 1855. 917.373:R1 Military commanders and designating flags of the U. S. army; comp, under direction of the Quartermaster- General. 1887. 929.9 :R1 Rodenbough, T. P. Uncle Sam’s medal of honor. 1886. 973.78:1 UPCHURCH, JOHN J. Life, labors and travels of Pather Upchurch, founder of A. O. U. W. ; ed. by S. Booth. 1887. 923.673:3 UPHAM, C. W. Life of John C. Pre mont. 1856. 923.973:3a UPHAM, CAROLINE E. Salem witch- craft in outline. 1891. 973.2:15 UPHAM, S. C. Voyage to California via Cape Horn in 1849. 1878. 917.94:58 UPHAM, T. C. Life, religious opin- ions and experience of Mme. df la Mothe Guyon. 1874. 922.2:8 URQUHART, J. Memoirs. 1855. 922:2 USSHER, T. Napoleon’s last voyages. '1895. 923.144:3k UTAH. Bancroft, H. H. History of Utah. 1889. 979.2 :R2 Burton, R. P. City of the saints, and across the Rocky mountains to California. 1862. 917.92:2 Remy, J. Journey to the great Salt' Lake City. 1861. 2v. 917.92: PI Simpson, J. H. Shortest route to) California: great basin of Utah. 1869. ^ 917.9:151 Stansbury, H. Exploration and sur-' vey of the great Salt Lake of Utah. 1852. 2v. 917.92:1' Tullidge, E. W. Salt Lake City. 1850. 979.2:1 VAMBERY, A. Coming struggle for India. 1885. 958:S) Life and adventures; written by him- j self. 1883. 923.943:1^ Story of Hungary. 1886. 943.9:9 i Travels in Central Asia. 1865. 915:6 1 VAN ALSTINE, JEANETTE. Chari - 1 otte Corday. 1890. 923.244:151! VAN BUREN, MARTIN (8th president! of U. S.). j; Bancroft, G. Martin Van Buren. 1889.i|l 923.173:3211 Shepard, E. M. Martin Van Buren. | 1889. 923.173 :32ai VANCOUVER, G. Voyage of discover^ to the north Pacific ocean and!' around the world. 1798. 3v. 917.9: RIO VAN DYCK, A. See Dyck, A. van. j VAN DYKE, H. Builders and othe poems. 1897. 811.49 :V3| Little rivers. 1895. 814.49 :V2; Poetry of Tennyson. 1889. 821.811:' VAN DYKE, T. S. Southern California' 1886. 917.94:2; VAN HORNE, T. B. Army of th( Cumberland. 1876. 2v. 973.73:1' Major-General George H. Thomas. 1882. 923.573:1^ VAN LAUN, H. History of Prencl literature. 1883. 3v. • 840.9:, VAN ORDEN, W. H. Pamous peoph oC all ages. 1888. 920.01: VAN TRAMP, J. C. Prairie and Rock" mountain adventures. 1868. 917.8 :2i VANSANT, N. Sunset memories. 1896 922.7:1' VAPEREAU, L. G. Dictionnaire unij versal des contemporains. 1880. 920.01:R VASARI, G. Lives of eminent paint ers, sculptors and architects. 1886. i 6v. 927 : VAUGHAN, C. E. English literar criticism: essays from Sidney, Dr> den, Johnson, etc. 1896. 820.4:! VAUX, W. S. W. Greek cities and isl ands of Asia Minor. 1877. 939.2 :j Persia to the Arab conquest. 1884. 935.5:, VELASCO, P. Sonora. 1861. 972.1 :< VELAZQUEZ. Stowe, E. Life of Velazquez. 1881. 927.5:4^ VENABLE, W. H. School stage: juve, nile acting plays. 1873. 808.2:1! VENABLES, E. John Bunyan. 1888. , 823.4*4: 1 VENEZUELA. 1 Curtis, W. E. Venezuela. 1896. 918.7:: VENEZUELA 167 VOYNICH Davis, R. H. Three gringos in Vene- zuela and Central America. 1896. 917.28:9 VENICE. Brown, H. P. Venetian studies. 1887 945.3:2 Clement, C. E. Queen of the Adri atic. 1893. 914.53:3 Howells, W. D. Venetian life. 1886. 914.5:10 Hutton, L. Literary landmarks of Venice. 1896. 914.53:1 Oliphan't, M. O. W. Makers of Ven- ice. 1888. 920.045:2 Ruskin, J. Stones of Venice. 1888. 2v. 824.86:? Weil, A. Venice. 1894. 945.3:1 Yriarte, C. Venice. 1896. 945.3:3 VERDI, GUISEPPE. Macchetta, B. R. Verdi: Milan and the opera of Othello. 1887. 927.8:41 VERESTCHAGIN, A. At home and ir war. 1888. 923.549:1 VERLAINE, P. Poems. 1895. 841.89:V58 VERMONT, E. de V. America her- aldica. 1886. 929 :R1 VERNE, J. Exploration of the world 1882. 910.4:39 Great explorers of the 19th century. 1881. 910.4:38 Great navigators of the 18th century. 1880. 910.4:40 VERNET, HORACE. Rees, J. R. Horace Vernet and Paul Delaroche. 1880. 927.5:36 VERRALL, A. W. Student’s manua’ of Greek tragedy. 1891. 882:2 7ERRALL, MARGARET de G. My- thology and monuments of ancient Athens. 1890. 913.38:3 ^ERY, J. Poems and essays. 1886. 811.49 :V58 /lAUD, J. (Pierre Loti). Into Moroc- co. 1889. 916.4:^ VICTOR EMMANUEL (King of Italy). Dicey, E. Victor Emmanuel. ' 923.145:2a Godkin, G. S. Victor Emmanuel II. 1880. 923.145:2 VICTORIA (Queen of England). Early years of the Prince Consort: comp, under the direction of the Queen. 1867. 923.142 :§ Greville, C. C. F. Journal of the reign of Queen Victoria. 1885. 2v. 942.08:1 Hodgkins, J. G. Anecdotes of her majesty the Queen. 1868. 923.142:12a Lippincott, S. J. Queen Victoria. 1883. 923.142:12 Private life of the Queen, by a mem- ber of the royal household. 1897. 923.142:12b ’’ILLARI, P. Girolamo Savonarola. '1896. 922.2:12b UNCENT, F. Actual Africa. 1895. 916:4 Around and about South America. ^ 1890. 918:8 In and out of Central America. 1890. 917.28:6 Land of the white elephant. 1874. 915.93:5 Norsk, Lapp and Finn. 1881. 914.8:5 Through and through the tropics. 1876. 919:1 VINCENT, G. E. Some Italian au- thors and their works. 1887. 850.4:2 VINCENT, J. H. Outline history of Greece. 1888. 938:12 VINCI, LEONARDO da. Richter, J. P. Life of Leonardo. 1880 927.5:44 VINET, A. French literature in thf 18th century. 1854. 840.9:2 VIRGIL. Opera (Latin text). 873.1:3b Same; ed. by Cooper. 1855. 873.1:3 Aeneid (books 1-6, with Pastoral poems; Latin text); ed. by Green- ough. 1894. 873.1 :R1 Same: (without Pastoral poems); ed. by McFarland. 1849. 873.1:1b Same: (Eng. text, complete, and without poems); tr. by Cranch. 1872. 873.1:1a Aetna. (Latin text); ed. by Munro. 1867. 873.1:4 Georgies; tr. by Blackmore. 1871. 873.1:2 Ancient lives of Virgil (Latin text); ed. by Nettleship. 1879. 873.14:2 Church, A. J. Stories from Virgil. 1878. 873.1:3c Collins, W. L. Virgil. 1872. 873.1:3a Nettleship, H. Virgil. 1880. 873.14:3 Sellar, W. Y. Roman poets of the Augustan age: Virgil. 1877. 873.14:1 VIRGINIA. Bruce, T. Southwest Virginia and Shenandoah valley. 1891. 917.55:1 Campbell, C. The colony and ancient dominion of Virginia. 1847. 975.5:1 Cooke, J. E. Virginia. 1887. 975.5:2 Thwaites, R. G. Border warfare. 1895 . 975.5:4 Pollard, E. A. Virginia tourist. 1870. 917.5:6 Smith, M. V. Virginia. 1893. 975.5:3 VLADIMIR, pseud. China-Japan war. 1896. 950:1 VOGUE, E. M. de. Russian novelists. 1887. 891.7:2 VOLNEY, C. F. C. The ruins; or. Meditations on the revolutions of empires. 1792. 901:10 VOLTAIRE, F. M. A. de. v Age of Louis XV. 1771. 2v. 940.7:6 Henriade, and other selected works. 1859. 842.56:1 History of Charles XII. 1859. 923.148:? Hamley, E. B. Voltaire. 1877. 842.564:3 Morley, J. Voltaire. 1886. 842.564:2 Parton, J . Voltaire. 1882. 2v. 842.564:1 VOYAGES. See Travels and voyages VOYNICH, E. L. Humor of Russia. 1895. 891.7:6 WADDINGTON 158 WARMAN WADDINGTON, S. English sonnets. 1 9Q& 991 9n*9 WADd’y, VIRGINIA. Elements of composition and rhetoric. 1889. 808:6 WAGNER, R. Correspondence with Liszt. 1889. 2v. 927.8:11 Letters to Dresden friends. 1890. 927.8 :9e Pilgrimage to Beethoven. 1896. 833.89 :W12 Finck, H. T. Wagner and his works. 1893. 2v. 927.8 :9d Gautier, J. Richard Wagner. 1883. 927.8:9 Hueffer, F. Richard Wagner. 1881. 927.8:9a Jackson, J. P. Bayreuth of WagneK 1891. 927.8:9g Nohl, L. Richard Wagner. 1889. 927.8:9b Praeger, F. Wagner as 1 knew him. 1892 . 927.8:9c WAITE, W. H. Shakespeare’s Strat- ford. 822.334:9 WAKEMAN, H. O. Charles James Fox. 1890. 923.242:35a WALDSTEIN, C. Work of John Rus- kin. 1893. 824.861:2 WALES. Borrow, G. Wild Wales. 1888. 914.29:2 Rowlands, D. Fishguard invasion by the French: passages from the diary of Daniel Rowland. 1892. 942.99:1 Timbs, J. Abbeys, castles and an- cient halls of England and Wales. ' 1872. 3v. 942:10 WALFORD, E. Juvenal. 1872. 877.7:1 WALKER, F; A. History of the 2nd A.rmy Corps in the Army of the Potomac. 1887. ' 973.7t20 Indian question. 1874. 970.1:2 Making of the nation. 1895. 973.4:5 WALKER, ' G. L. Thomas Hooker. 1891. 922:6 WALKER, H. Greater Victorian poets. 1895. 821.80:5 Three centuries of Scottish literature. 1893. 2v. 820.9:39 WALKER, R. The five threes: 33333 miles by land and sea. 1884. 910.4:12 WALKER, T. The Original. 1887. 824.89 :W15 WALKER, W. War in Nicaragua.’ 1860. 972.85:4 WALLAC:^, A. R. Australasia. (Stan- ford’s compendium). 1888. 919.3:R1 Malay Archipelago. 1869. 919.1:4 Narrative of travels on the Amazon and Rio Negro. 1853. 918.1:8 WALLACE, D. M. Russia. 1881. 914.7:9 WALLACE, L. General Benjamin Harrison. 1888. 923.173:12 WALLACE, SUSAN A. E. Land of the Pueblos. 1888. 917.8:19 Repose in Egypt. 1888. 916.2:4, WALLACE, L. Memories of fifty years. 1889. 927.9 :P5 WALLIS, JENNY. See Morrison, M. J. WALLIS, S. T. Glimpses of Spain. 1854. 914.6:10 WALPOLE, H. Horace Walpole and his world: passages from his let- ters; ed. by Seeley. 821.61:2 Letters; ed. by C. D. Yonge. 1890. 2v. 826.61:1 WALPOLE, ROBERT. (Earl of Or- ford). Mprley, J. Life of Walpole. 1889. 923.242:34 WALPOLE, S. History of England from the conclusion of the great war in 1815. 1890. ?v. 942.07:14 Land of home rule. 1893. 942.89:2 WALSH, W. S. Handy book of litera- ry curiosities. 1893. 80^:R11 WALTER, J. Shakespeare’s true -life 1890. 822.334:2 WALTERS, J. C. In Tennyson land. 1890. 821.811:4 WALTON, ALICE. Cult of Asklepios. 1894. 913.38:12 WALTON, I. Lives of Dr. John Donne, Sir Henry Wotton, etc. 1884. 920.042:3 WANDERER, A., pseud. Walks round Nottingham. 1835. 914.2:36 WARBURTON, E. Crescent and the cross. 916:3 WARBURTON, W. Edward HI. 1875 942.03:7 WARD, A. W. Chaucer. 1879. 821.174:1 WARD, ANNA L. Quotations from English and American poets. 1883. 808.8:RC WARD, C. J. World’s Pair: Jamaica at Chicago. 1893. 917.292:1 wXrD, ELIZABJETH S. P. Austin Phelps. 1891. 923.773:4 Chapters from a life. 1896. 813.494 :W21 WARD, H. S. Shakespeare’s town and times. 1896. 822.334:8 WARD, J. H. Bishop White. 18«2.-^ 922.3 :Sa WARD, M. P. English items. 1853. - 914.2:12 WARD, MAY A. Dante. 1887. 851.154:1 Petrarch. 1891. 851.184:1 WARD, T. H. Reign of Queen Vic- toria, 1887. ^v. 942.08:8 English poets. 1893. 4v. 821.09:2 WARDEN, R. B. Salmon Portland Chase. 1874. 923.273:11 : WARE, E. (Ironquill). Rhymes of Ironquill. 1889. 811.49 :W22 WARE, HENRY. Ware> J. Memoir of Henry Ware. 1845. • 922.8:6 WARE, MARY L. Hall, E. B. Memoir of Mary L. Ware. 1852. 922.8:5 WARMAN, E. B. Gestures and atti- tudes. 1892. 808.5:25 How to read, recite and impersonate. 1889. 808.5:10 WARNfjn 169 WEBSTER WARNER, B. E. English history In Shakespeare’s plays. 1894. 822.331:2^ WARNER, C. D. As we were saying. 1891. 814.43:4 Backlog studies. 1872. 814.43:2 Baddeck and that sort of thing. 1890. 917.16:1 In the Levant. 1891. 915.6:21 In the wilderness. 1878. 814.43:1 Library of the world’s literature. 1896. 20v. 808.8 :R13 My summer in a garden. 1870. 814.43:3 My winter on the Nile. 1888. 916.2:16 On horseback: a tour in Virginia North Carolina and Tennessee. 1888. 917.5:5 Our Italy (California). 1891. 917.94:57 People for whom Shakespeare wrote. 1897. 822.338:11 Relation of literature to life. 1896. 814.43:6 Roundabout journey. 1887. 914:21 Saunterings (Europe). 1887. 914 :2C Studies in the South and West. 1889. 917:15 Washington Irving. 1882. 817.244:1 Work of Washington Irving. 1893. 817.241:1 WARNER, W. L. Protected princes of India. 1894. 954:9 WARREN, MERCY. Poems. 1790. 812.11 :R1 Brown, A. Mercy Warren. 1896. 920.7:32 WASHBURNE. E. B. Recollections of a minister to France. 1887. 2v. 923.273:57 WASHINGTON, G. Correspondence with William Crawford. 1877. 826.60:1 Abbott, J. S. C. George Washington 1875. 923.173 :25h Brooks, E. S. True story of George Washington.' 1895. 923.liB3:25’ Brown, E. E. Young folks’ life of Washington. 1883. 923.173 :25i Ford, P. L. True George Washington. 1896. 923.173 :25d Hale, E. E. George Washington. 1888. 923.173:25 Hayden, S. Washington and his masonic compeers. 1866. 923.173:25k Illustrated life of Washington. (Anon.). 1862. 923.173:25a Irving, W. George Washington. 1857. 5v. 923.173:25b Kellogg, A. M. How to celebrate George Washington’s birthday. 1894. 808.5:49 Lodge, H. C. George Washington. 1889. 2v. 923.173 :25f Lossing, B. J. . Home of Washington- Mt. Vernon. 1870. 917.5:7 Scudder, H. E. George Washington. 1890. 923.173 :25g Seelye, E. E. Story of Washington. 1893. 9e3.173:25c Weems, M. L. George Washington. 1879. 923.173 :25e Wilson, W. George Washington. 1896. 923.173:251 WASHINGTON, Martha and Mary. Lossing, B. J. Mary and Martha Washington. 1886. 920.7 :i7 Terhune, M. V. H. Story of Mary Washington. 1892. 920.7:27 Wharton, A. H. Martha Washington 1897. 920.7:37 WASHINGTON, D. C. Brooks, E. S. Century book for young Americans. 1894. 917.53:1 Brooks, N. Washington in Lincoln’s time. 1895. 973.7:44 Keim, De B. R. Washington and its environs. 1874. 917.5:15 Poore, B. P. Perley’s reminiscences of sixty years in the national me- tropolis. 1886. 2v. 920.5:3 Todd, C. B. Story of Washington, the national capital. 1889. 975.3::* WASHINGTON (State). Bancroft, H. H. Washington, Idaho and Montana. 1890. 979.7:1 WATKINS, MILDRED C. American literature. 1894.. 810:1 WATSON, J. Annals of a quiet valley in the Wordsworth country. 1895. 914.2:38 WATSON, W. Eloping angels. 1893. 821.89 :W33-1 Excursions in criticism. 1893. 801:29 Father of the forest. 1895. 821.89 :W33-3 Lachrymae mu§arum. 1892. 821.89 :W33-2 Poems. 1893. 821.89 :W33 Purple East (Armenia). 1896. 821.89 :W33-4 Year of shame. 1896. 821.89 :W33-5 WATTEAU, JEAN ANTOINE. Mollett, J. W. Watteau. 1882. 927.5:35 WATTS, H. E. Christian recovery of Spain. 1894. 946.02:5 WATTS, I. Poetical works of Isaac Watts and Henry Kirke White. 1864. 821.60:2 WAUGH, A. Alfred, Lord Tennyson. 1893. 821.811:3 WAUGH, L. Autobiography. 1888. 922.7:9 WAUTERS, A. J. Stanley’s Emin \Pasha expedition. 1890. 916.7:17 WAYLAND, FRANCIS. Murray, J. O. Francis Wayland. 1891. 922.6:1 WEBB, A. S. The Peninsula: McClel- lan’s campaign of 1862. 1881. 973.73:11 WEBB, J. W. Altowan: life and ad- ventures in the Rocky mountains. 1846. 2v. 917.8:8 WEBB, W. S. California and Alaska. 1891. 917.9:22 WEBER, CHARLES MARIA F. von. Benedict, J. Weber. 1881. 927.8:12 WEBSTER, D. Speeches. 1850. 815:8 WEBSTER 160 WESTERN Works. 1869. 6y. 815:7 Life of Daniel Webster. (Anon.). 923.273:42a Lodge, H. C. Daniel Webster. 1889. 923.273:42 WEBSTER, J. Dramatic works. 1857. 4v. 822.36:1 WEBSTER, NOAH. Scudder, H. E. Noah Webster. 1882. 924:2 WEBSTER, W. Spain. 1882. 914.6:21 WEDGWOOD, JOSIAH. Meteyard, E. Josiah Wedgwood. 1866.2V. 927.3:4 Smiles, S. Josiah Wedgwood. 1895. 927.3:4a WEDMORE, F. Honore de Balzac. 1890. 843.734:3 WEEDEN, W. B. Economic and social history of New England. 1890. 2v. 974:13 WEEKS, E. L. From the Black Sea through Persia and India. 1896. 915:5 WEEKS, L. H. Among the Azores. 1882. 914.6:8 WEEMS, M. L. Benjamin Franklin. 1876. 923.273:14c George Washington. 1879. 923.173 :25e William Penn. 1859. ^ 923.273:34b WELBORN, D. (Citizen of Nashville). American epic. 1891. * 811.49 :W44 WELCH, P. H. Said in fun. 1889. 817:19 Tailor-made girl. 1888. 817:17 WELLCOME, H. S. Metlakahtla. (Missionary work abong the Indi- ans of British Columbia). 1887. 970.5:2 WELLESLEY, ARTHUR (Duke of Wellington). Letters. 1889. 923.542:10a Hooper, G. Wellington. 1889. WENDELL, B. Cotton Mather. 1891. 922:4 English composition. 1891. 808:4 Stelligeri and other essays. 1893. 814 .49:W4' WENTWORTH, MAY. Poetry of the Pacific. 1869. 811.39 :W4" WENTWORTH, THOMAS. (Earl of Strafford). Browning, R. Strafford. 1892. 923.242:19a Traill, H. D. Lord Strafford. 1889. " 923.242:ia WERNER, A. Humour of Holland. 1894. 839.37:1 Humour of Italy. 1893. 857:1 ^WERNER’S READINGS and recita- tions. 1890. 15v. 808.8:8 WESLEY, JOHN. Overton, J. H. John Wesley. 1891. 922.7:2a Southey, R. Wesley. 1820. 2v. 922.7:2 WESLEY, SUSANNA. Clarke, E. Susanna Wesley. 1886. 922.7:3 WEST, K. Laureates of England. 1895. 821.08:6 WEST INDIES. Eden, C. H. We^t Indies. 1880. 972.9:1 Froude, J. A. English in the West Indies. 1888. 917.29:6 Hearn, L. Two years in the French West Indies. 1890. 917.29:3 Kingsley, C. At last: Christmas in the West Indies. 1885. 917.29:1 Lucas, C. P. Historical geography of the British colonies. 1890. 911.42:1 Ober, F. A. Camps in the Caribbees. 1886. 917.29:7 In the wake of Columbus. 1893. 917.29:10 923.542:10 WELLESLEY LYRICS: poems by/ students and graduates of Welles-'’^ ley College. 1891. 808.1:40 WELLINGTON, DUKE of. See Welles Icy, A. WELLS, B. W. Modern French litera- ture. 1896. 840.9:10 Modern German literature. 1895. 830 9*7 WELLS, D. A. Study of Mexico. 1887 917.2:28 Things not generally known. 1883. 808.8:16 WELLS, H. P. City boys in the woods 1890. 917.4:9 WELLS, J. M. Chisolm massacre. 1878. 976.3:6 WELLS, W. V. Honduras. 1857. 917.28:2 WELSH, A. H. Complete rhetoric. 1886. 808:1? Development of English literature and language. 1882. 2v. ^ 820.9:7 Digest of English and American lit- erature. 1890. 820.9:4? Essentials of English. 1884. 808:26 Knockabout club in the Antilles. 1888. 917.29:'' Pag;on, W. A. Down the islands. T887. 917.29:8 Powles, L. D. Land of the pink pearl (Bahamas). 1888. 917.296:1 St. John. S. Hayti. 1884. ' 972.94:1 Ward, C. J. Account of the colony of Jamaica at the World’s Fair. 1893. 917.292:1 WEST POINT. See United States. WESTERN STATES. Beadle, J. H, Undeveloped West. 1873. 917.8:30 Western wilds. 1879. 917.8:2 Blake, M. E. On the wing: trip to the Pacific. 1883. 917.9:12 Bourke, J. G. On the border with Crook. 1891. 917.8:1 Carrington, H. B. Ab-sa-ra-ka: land of massacre. 1878. 917.8:28 Clemens, S. L. Roughing it. 1890. 917.9:2 Custer, E. B. Boots and saddle. 1885. 917.8:3 Following the guidon. 1890. 917.8:15 Davis^ R. H. West from a car- win- dow. 1892. 917.8:32 WESTERN 161 WHITTIER Drake, S. A. Making of the great West. 1887. 979:4 Greeley, H. Overland journey from New York to San Francisco. 1860. 917.94:48 Hall, J. Notes on the Western states. 1838. 917.8:14 Hoffman, C. F. Winter in the West. 1836. 2v. 917.8:1 Letters on travels in the West. (Anon.). 917.8:11 Marcy, R. B. Thirty years of army life on the border. 1874. 917.8:25 Rideing, W. H. Boys in the moun- tains and on the plains. 1882. 917.8:6 Roberts, E. Shoshone and other Western wonders. 1888. 917.8:10 Roosevelt, T. Winning of the West 1889. 4v. 977:1 Ruxton, G. F. Life in the far West. 1849. 917.8:7 Van Tramp, J. C. Prairie and Rocky mountain adventures. 1868. 917.8:29 Wilber, C. D. Great valleys and prairies of Nebraska and the north- west. 1881. 917.82:1 WESTON, W. Mountaineering and explorations in the Japanese Alps. 1896. > 915.2:33 WESTROOP, H. M. Handbook of archaeology: Egyptian, Greek, Etruscan, Roman. 1878. 913:6 WHARTON. ANNE H. Martha Wash- ington. 1897. 920.7:37 Through colonial doorways. 1893. . 974.8:3 WHARTON. F. Revolutionary diplo- matic correspondence of the United States. 1889. 6v. 973.3:5 WHARTON, H. T. Sappho. 1887. 884.2:1 WHATELY, R. Elements of rhetoric 1851. 808:3 WHEELER, J. T. History of India. 1867. 4v. 954 :R1 WHEELER, W. A. Dictionary of the noted names of fiction. 1889. 803 :R7 Familiar allusions: handbook of miscellaneous information. 1894. 808.8 :R4 WHIBLEY, L. Greek oligarchies. 1896. 938:27 WHIPPLE, E. P. American literature and other papers. 1887. 814.35:6 Character and characteristic men. 1866. 814.35:2 Essays and reviews. 1860. 2v. 814.35:1 Literature and life. 1849. 814.35:5 Literature of the Age of Elizabeth. 1869. 814.35:7 Outlooks on society, literature and politics. 1888. 814.35:4 Recollections of eminent men. 1887. 814.35:8 Success and its conditions. 1871. 814.35:3 WHISHAW, F. J. Out of doors in Tsarland. 1893. 914.7:20 WHISTLER, J. M'N. Gentle art of making enemies. 1890. 824.89 :W68 WHITE, A. D. Methods of teaching history. 1896. 907:5 WHITE, G. Philosophy of American literature. 1891. 810.1:1 WHITE, H. K. Poetical works. 1851. 821.68:1 WHITE, J. Life sketches. 1880. 922 8*7 William Miller. 1875. 922!s:3 WHITE, J. B. (Don Leucadio Doblado) Letters from Spain. 1822. 91^.6: 6 WHITE, R. E. Cross of Monterey. 1882. 811.49 :W68 Padre Junipero Serra. 1884. 920.01 :4vl WHITE, R. G. England without and within. 1881. 914.2:13 Shakespeare’s scholar. 1854. 822.331:7 Studies in Shakespeare. 1886. 822 331*3 WHITE, T. W. Our English Homer. 1892. 822.331:14 WHITE, W. Emanuel Swedenborg. 1866. 922.8:4 WHITE, REV. WILLIAM. Ward, J. H. Bishop White. 1892. 922.3:3a Wilson, B. Rev. William White. 1839. 922.3:3 WHITEING, R. (Alb.) Living Paris and France. 1886. 914.4:1 WHITELOCK, W. John Jay. 1887. 923.273:68b WHITMAN, S. Imperial Germany. 1891. 943.08:5 Realm of the Hapsburgs. 1884. 943.026:1 WHITMAN, W. Autobiographia. 1892. 811.384:2 Good-bye my fancy. 1891. 811.38:1 Leaves of grass. 1884. 811.38:2 Selected poems. 1892. 811.38:3 Burroughs, J. Whitman: a study. 1896. 811.384:4 Clarke, W. Walt Whitman. 1892. 811.384:1 Donaldson, T. Walt Whitman, the man. 1896. 811.384:6 Ingersoll, R. G. Liberty in literature: testimonial to Walt Whitman. 1890. 811.381:1 Symonds, J. A. Walt Whitman. 1893. 811.384:3 Triggs, O. L. Browning and Whit- man. 1893. 821.831:4 WHITMORE, W. H. Elements of heraldry. 1866. 929:4 WHITNEY, ADELINE D. T. Mother Goose for grown folks. 1890. 811.39 :W61 WHITNEY, C. On snowshoes to the barren grounds. 1896. 917.12:1 WHITNEY, H. M. Tourists’ guide through the Hawaiian islands. 1890. 919.6:14 WHITTIER, J. G. Child life. 1871. 808.1:34 Early poems. 1886. 811.36 :lg WHITTIER 162 WIIiLiIAMS Miriam and other poems. 1871. 811.36:2 Poetical works. 1848. 811.36:1 Prose works. 1866. 2v. 811.36:3 Songs of three centuries. 1875. 808 1*27 Fields, A. Whittier. 1893. 811.364:2 Piinton, W. J. John Greenleaf Whit- tier. 1893. 811.364:3 ILothrop, H. M. S. Whittier with the children. 1893. 811.364:4 Pickard, S* T. Life and letters of John G. Whittier. 1895. 2v. 811.364:5 Underwood, F. H. John Greenleaf Whittier. 1891. 811.364:1a WHITTINGTON, RICHARD. Besant, W. Sir Richard Whittington. 1881. 923.242:10 WHO’S WHO. 1897. 920.042 :R1 WHYMPER, E. Scrambles amongst the Alps. 1872. • 914.94:1 Travels amongst the great Andes of the equator. 1892. 2v. 918:16 WHYTE, A. Bunyan characters. 1893. ' 823 42 ' 1 WIEL, ALETHEA. Venice. 1894. 945.3:1 WIGHT, O. W. Peter the great. 1860. 2v. 923.147:1 WILBER, C. D. Great valleys and prairies of Nebraska and the north- west. 1881. 917.82:1 WILBOR, ELSIE M. Pelsarte recita- tidn book and directory. 1890. 808.5:14 WILCOX, C. M. Mexican war. 1892. 973.6:9 WILCOX, ELLA W. An erring wo- man’s love. 1892. ' 811.49 :W65-2 How Salvator won. 1895. 811.49 :W65-3 Maurine. 1882. 811.49: W65-1 Poems of passion. 1894. 811.49 :W65-4i Poems of pleasure. 1888. 811*49 :W65j WILCOX, W. D. Camping in thef Canadian Rockies. 1896. 917.12:2! WILDE, O. F. Intentions. 1890. 824.89 :W65. WILDER, D. W. Life of Shakespeare. 1893. 822.334:6 WILDER, M. P. People I’ve smiled with. 1889. 817:6 WILKES, C. Narrative of the United i States exploring expedition during the years 1838-42. 5v. 919:R4i WILKIE, DAVID. Mbllett, J. W. Sir David Wilkie. 1881. 927.5:13 WILKIN, A. On the Nile with a camera. 1897. 916.2:19 WILKINS, EVA. Descriptive geogra- phy taught by map drawing. 1893. 910.7:10 WILKINS, MARY E. Giles Corey: a play. 1893. 812.49 :W65 WILKINSON, J. G. Ancient Egypt- ians. 1854. 2v. 932:2 WILKINSON, W. C. Classic French course in English. 1890. 840.7:1 Classic German course in English. 1890, 830.9:5“ Classic Greek course in English. 1892. 880.9 :R1 Classic Latin course in English. 1893. 870.9:6 Epic of Saul. 1891. 811.49 :W39-1 Preparatory Greek course in Eng- , , lish. 1883. 880.7:2 'Preparatory Latin course in English, i 1883. 870.7:1 WILLARD, PRANCES E. Glimpses of fifty years. 1889. 923;673:5 Woman of the century: biographical sketches of leading American wo- men. 1893. 920.7 :R1 ! WILLARD, J. A. Half a century with judges and lawyers. 1895. 817:30 'WILLERT, P. P. Henry of Navarre and the Huguenots in Prance. 1893. 944.03:7 Reign of Louis XI. 1877 . 944.02:2 WILLIAM I, the conqueror (King of England). Abbott, J. William, the conqueror. 1877. 923.142:24a Freeman, E. A. William, the con- queror. 1888. 923.142:24 WILLIAM II (King of England). Freeman, E. A. Reign of William Rufus. 1882. 2v. 942.02:2 WILLIAM HI (King of England). Traill, H. D. William III. 1888. 923.142:18 WILLIAM IV (King of England). Greville, C. C .P. ’ Journal of the reigns of George IV and William IV. 1875. 2v. 942.07:1 WILLIAM I (Emperor of Germany). Forbes, A. William of Germany. 1888. 923.143:3 Smith, G. R. William I, and the Ger- man Empire. 1888. 923.143:3a WILLIAM II (Emperor of Germany). Bigelow, P. The German Emperor and his eastern neighbors. 1892. 923.143:4 Frederic, H. Young emperor, William II, of Germany. 1891. 923.143:4a Lowe, C. German emperor. 923.143:4b WILLIAM I (Prince of Orange). Putnam, R, William the silent. 1895. 2v. 923.149:3 WILLIAM of MALMESBURY. Chroni- cle of the kings of England. 1883. 942.01:6 WILLIAMS, A. M. Sam Houston and the war of independence in Texas. 1893. 923.573:29 WILLIAMS, ESPY. Dream of art and other poems. 1892. 811.49 :W67 WILLIAMS, P. B. See Hamblen, H. E. WILLIAMS, G. W. History of the negro troops in the war of the re- bellion. 1888. 973.7:21 WILLIAMS, J. Alexander the great. 1829. 923.138:1 WILLIAMS, LUCY L. A too short va- cation (Europe). 1892. 914:24 WILLIAMS, M. Leaves of a life. 1891. 2v. 923.442:4 WILLIAMS 163 WIT WILLIAMS, ROGER. Gammell, W. Roger Williams. 1846. 923 273 '35 WILLIAMS, S. W. Middle kingdom. 1848. 2v. 951:2 WILLIS, N. P. Famous persons and places. 1855. 914:67 Poems. 1868. 814.38:1 Prose works. 1850. 814.38:2 Rural letters. 1853. 814.38:3 Summer cruise in the Mediterranean. 1863. 914:22 Beers, H. A. Nathaniel Parker Willis 1888. 814.384:1 WILLOUGHBY, H. Australian pictures 1886. 919.4:2 WII>LS, C. J. Persia as it is. 1887. 915.5:5 WILSON, B. Life of Rev. William White. 1839. 922.3:3 I WILSON, C. Life of Lord Clive. 1890. ! 923.542:8 | WILSON, DANIEL. Archaeology and | prehistoric annals of Scotland. 1851. 913.41:1 WILSON, DAVID. Life of Henrietta Robinson. 1855. 923.473:3 WILSON, EPHRAIM K. IT. S. Congress: memorial addresses j on the life and character of j Ephraim King Wilson.1893. 923.273:21 1 WILSON, H. H. British India. 1858. ! '3v. 954:2 1 WILSON, J. (Christopher North). j Noctes ambrosianae. 1870. 4v. i 824.79 :W69 I Gordon, M. Christopher North. 1863. j 824.794 :W69i WILSON, J. A. History of Los Ange- j les county. 1880. 979.4:11; Paradox, and other poems. 1877. 811.49 :W69i WILSON, J. G. Bryant and his | friends. 1886. 811.334:2 General Ulysses S. Grant. 1897. 923.173 :8h I Sketches of illustrious soldiers. 1880. 1 923.5:2 WILSON, J. H. China. 1887. 915.1:2 WILSON, J. L. Western Africa. 1856. 966:1 WILSON, R. A. Conquest of Mexico. 1859. 972.02:3 Mexico and its religion. 1855. 917.2:17 WILSON, S. G. Persian life and cus- toms. 1895. 915.5:7 j WILSON, W. Division and reunion. 1893. 973:23! George Washington. 1896. 923.173: 25j Mere literature and other essays. 1896. 814.49 :W69 WINDHAM, C. A. Crimean diary and letters. 1897. 923.542:6 WINDHAM, W. Select speeches. 1841. 825:7 WINGATE, C. E. L. Shakespeare’s heroines on the stage. 1895. 822.331:31 WINGATE, G. W. Through Yellow- stone park on horseback. 1886. 917.8:18 WINSOR, J. Cartier to Frontenac. 1894. 973.2:25 Christopher Columbus. 1891. 923.945:1 Mississippi basin. 1895. 973.3:27 Narrative and critical history of America. 1889. 8v. 970 :R1 Was Shakespeare, Shapleigh. 1887. 822.332:3 WINTER, W. Brown health and blue bells: sketches of Scotland. 1895. &14.1:2 George William Curtis. 1893. 814.424:1 Gray days and gold. 1891. 914.2:15 Henry Irving. 1885. 927.9:2 The Jeffersons. 1881. 927.9:16 Life and art of Joseph Jefferson. 1894. 927.9:12a Stage life of Mary Anderson. 1886. 927 9 ‘21 WINTHROP, JOHN. Twichell, J. H. John Winthrop. 1891. 923.273*65 WINTHROP, MARGARET. Earle, A. M. Margaret Winthrop. 1895. 920.7:30 WINTHROP, T. Canoe and the saddle. 1862. 917.9:21 Life in the open air. 1863. 814.39 :W73 WIRT, W. Patrick Henry. 1817. 923.273:52a WISCONSIN. Buck, J. S. Pioneer history of Mil- waukee. 1876. 977.5:2 Illustrated description of Milwaukee; pub. by The Sentinel. 1890. 917.7:4 State historical society: reports. 1873-92. 2v. 906:5 Thwaites, R. G. Historic waterways. 1888. 917.7:10 Story of Wisconsin. 1890. 977.5:1 WISE, H. A. Los Gringos; or, An in- side view of Mexico and California. 1850. 917.2:10 WISEMAN, N. (Cardinal). RecoUec- tions of the last four popes, and of Rome in their times. 1858. 922.2:10 WISEMAN, RICHARD. Longmore, T. Richard Wiseman. 1891. 926:14 WISSMANN, H. von. My second jour- ney through equatorial Africa. 1891. 916.7:31 WIT and HUMOR. Advice to the officers of the British army (London edition of 1783 re- printed in fac-simile by Agathynian club of New York, 1867). 827:1 Avery, S. P. Harp of a thousand strings. 1858. 817:9 Bailey. J. M. Life in Danbury. 1873. 817:10 Baldwin, J. G. Flush times of Ala bama and Mississippi. 1853. 817:14 Bangs, J. K. New waggings of old tales. 1888. 817:16 WIT 164 WOOD Besant, W. French humorists. 1888. 840.9:3 Barham, R. H. Ingoldsby legends. 827:2 Beecher, H. W. Beecher as a humor- ist: selections from his works. 1887. 815.36:3 Blouet, P. John Bull, junior. 1888. 847.89 :B62-1 Burnand, P. C. Quite at home. 1890. . 827:15 Burton, W. E. Cyclopaedia of wit and humor. 1858. 2v. 827 :R2 Butler, S. Hudibras. 1663.' 2v. 827.42:1 Byerley, T. Percy anecdotes. 1829. 827:14 Clemens, S. L. Library of humor. 1888. 817:26 Sketches. 1889. 817:4 Clouston, W. A. Book of noodles. 1888. 808.7:2 Colman, G. Broad grins. 827:12 Cozzens, P. S. Sparrowgrass papers. 1856. 817:11 Curtis, G. W. Potiphar papers. 1856. 814.42:4 Derby, G. H. Phoenixiana. 1855. 817:31 Dick, W. B. Stump speeches and minstrel jokes. 1889. 808.5:43 Guthrie, P. A. Travelling compan- ions; reprinted from Punch 1892. 827:18 Voces populi; reprinted from Punch 1890. 827:16 Haweis, H. R. American humorists. 1883. 817:29 Hunt, J. H. L. **Wit and humor se- lected from English poets. 1846. 827:3 Jerome, J. K. Idle thoughts of an idle fellow. 1890. 824.89 :J48-1 Jones, S. Anecdotes and illustrations related in his revival work. 1892. 817:25 Kavanaugh, Mrs. R. Humorous drama for school and private the- atricals. 808.2:30 Keene, C. Our people (from “Punch”)* 1881. 827:17 Landor, M. D. Thirty years of wit. 1891. 817:21 Lemon, M. Jest book. 1864. 827:4 Lewis, C. B. Lime-kiln club. 1889. 817:24 Life (periodical). Good things of Life. 1890. 817:18 Locke, D. R. Ekkoes from Kentuc- ky. 1867. 817:7 Morals of Abou Ben Adhem. 1875. 817:15 “Swingin’ round the cirkle.” 1866. 817:8 Mahony, P. S. Reliques of Father Prout. 1836. 827:9 Marshall, G. L. O’er rail and cros;^- ties. 1892. 817:22 Mason, E. T. Humorous master- pieces. 1891. 3v. 817:27 Muller- Casenov, H. Humor of Ger- many. 1893. 837:2 Munkittrick, R. K. Farming. 1891. 817:20 Paley, F. A. Greek wit. 880.8:5 Parton, J. Humorous poetry of the English language. 1881. 808.1:8 Prentice, G. D. Prenticeana. 817:3 Puck (periodical). Hank’s assorted yarns. 1893. 817:28 Rabelais, P. Works. 1867. 2v. 847.32:1 Robertson, D. Laird of Logan: wit and humor of Scotland. 1835. 827:13 Sanborn, K. A. Wit of woman. 1886. 808.7:1 Scott, J. P. Brudder Bone’s stump speeches. 1868. ' 808.5:32 Smith, S. Bon-mots of Smith and Sheridan (selections). 1893. 824.72:2 Wit and wisdom (selections). 1858. 824.72:1 SpofCord, A. E. Library of wit and humor. 1885. 5v. 817:1 Thackeray, W. M. Book of snobs. 1848. 823.82:6 Burlesques. 823,82:3 Contributions to Punch 823.82:1 English humorists of the 18th cen- tury. 1853. 823.82:4 Timbs, J. Anecdote lives of wits and humorists. 1862. 2v. 827:20 Traill, H. D. Number twenty: fables and fantasies. 1892. 827:19 Welch, P. H. Said in fun. 1889. 817:19 Werner, A. Humor of Holland. 1894. 839.37:1 Humor of Italy. 1893. 857:1 Wilder, M. P. People I’ve smiled with. 1889. 817:6 Willard, J. A. Half a century with judges and lawyers. 1895. 817:30 WITHERS, A. S. Chronicles of border warfare. 1895. 975.5:4 WITT, HENRIETTE G. de. Monsieur Guizot in private life. 1881. 923.244:4 WOFFINGTON, MARGARET. Molloy, J. F. Peg Woffington. 1892. 2v. 927.9:23 WOLCOTT, J. (Peter Pindar). Works. 1794. 5v. 827 :R1 WOLFE, JAMES. Bradley, A. G. James Wolfe. 1895. 923.542:18 Parkman, P. Montcalm and Wolfe. 1884. 2v. 973.2:10 WOLFF, H. W. Rambles in the Black Forest. 1890. 914.348:2 WOLKONSKY, S. Pictures of Russian history and Russian literature. 1897. 947:10 WOLLSTONECRAPT, MARY. See Godwin, M. W. WOLSEY, THOMAS (Cardinal). Creighton, M. Cardinal Wolsey. 1888. 923.242:20 WOOD, C. J. Reminiscences of the war. 973.78:7 WOOD 165 XRNOPHON WOOD, F. H. Sweden and Norway. 1882. 914.8:11 WOOD, JOHN GEORGE. Wood, T. John G. Wood. 1890. 925:13 WOOD, J, T. Discoveries at Ephesus. 1877. 913.38 :R3 Modern discoveries on the site of an- cient Ephesus. 1890. 913.92:1 WOOD, KATHARINE B. Quotations for occasions. 1896. 808.8:21 WOODBERRY, G. E. Edgar Allan Poe. 1885. 811.423:1 Studies in letters and life. 1890. 801:20 WOODBURY, C. J. Talks with Ralph Waldo Emerson. 1890. 814.36:10 WOODBURY, L. Writings. 1852. 3v. 814.49 :W86 WOODFORD, C. M. A naturalist among the head-hunters. 1890. 919.3,: 3 WOODMAN, A. J. Picturesque Alas- ka. 1889. 917.98:7 WOODS, D .B. Sixteen months at the gold diggings. 1851. 917.94:67 WOOLSEY, SUSAN C. An old convent school in Paris and other papers. 1895. 920.04:6 Vv^OOLSON, CONSTANCE F. Men- tone, Cairo and Corfu. 1896. 910:2 WORDSWORTH, CHARLES. Annals of my life. 1891. 2v. 922.3:18 Shakespeare’s knowledge and use of the Bible. 1880. 822.331:16 WORDSWORTH, CHRISTOPHER. Greece. 1859. 914.95:2 WORDSWORTH, DOROTHY. Recollections of a tour made in Scot- land. 1803. 914.1:3 WORDSWORTH, W. Poetical works. 1854. 3v. 821.71:1 Selections from Wordsworth. 1890. 821.71:3 Knight, W. English Lake District as interpreted in the poems of Words- worth. 1891. Sutherland, J. M. worth. 1887. Symirigton, A. J. worth. 1881. 2v. WORLD’S WORKERS. Cobden. Gowing, R. 923.242:5 Dickens. Dickens, M. 823.834:1 Edison and Morse. Denslow, B. Van 925 821.711:1 William Words 821.714:2 William Words 821.714:1 Franklin. Tomkinson, E. M. 923.273:14b Gordon. Swaine, S. A. 923.542:2 Dr. Guthrie, Father Mathew, and others. Kirton, J. W. 923.642:2 Handel. Clarke, E. 927.8:4a Havelock and Campbell. Phillips, E. C. 923.542:3 Lincoln. Foster, E. »923.173:9a Livingstone. Smiles, R. 923.942:1b Muller and Reed. Pitman, E. R. 923.642:1 Florence Nightingale, Frances Haver- gal, and others. Alldridge, L. 920.7:1 Sarah Robinson, Agrnes Weston, Mrs. Meredith. Tomkinson, E. M. 920.7:10 Sir Titus Salt and George Moore. Burnley, J. 923.842:1 Shaftesbury (7th earl). Frith, H. 923.242:9 Turner. Swaine, S. A. 927.5:14 WORMELEY, KATHERINE P. Me- moir of Honore de Balzac. 1892. 843.734:2 WRANGELL, F. Expedition to the Polar sea in 1820. 1873. 919.8:16 WRIGHT, C. India and its inhabi tants. 1858. 915.4:13 WRIGHT, G. F. Charles Grandison Finney. 1891. 922.5:4 WRIGHT, HENRIETTA C. Children’s stories in: American history. 1888. 970:12 American literature. 1896. 810:2 English literature. 1889. 820.9:20 Children’s stories of American prog- ress. 1888. 973:33 Children’s stories of the great scientists. 1889. 925:8a WRIGHT, J. S. Chicago. 1870. 917.7:3 WRIGHT, T. Caricature history of the Georges. 1876. 942.07:7 Celt, Roman and Saxon. 1852. 913.42:1 Essays on literature, popular super- stitions, and history of England in the Middle Ages. 1846. 2v. 940.1:3 Homes of other days. 1871. 913.42:5 WRIGHT, W. Brontes in Ireland. 1883. 823.814:1 WYATT, SIR T. Poetical works. 1894. 821.27:1 Poetical works of Sir Thomas Wyatt and Henry Howard. 821.20:2 WYCHERLEY, W. Best plays. 822.44:1 WYCLIFFE, JOHN. Adams, E. H. John of Wycliffe. 1890. 922.3*10 Le Bas, C. W. Wiclif. 1832. 922.3:10b Sergeant, L. John Wycliffe. 1893. 922.3* 10a WYLIE, J. H. England under Henry IV. 1884. 2v. 942.04:6 WYLIE, LAURA J. Studies in the evolution of English criticism. 1894. 821.09:4 WYOMING. Bancroft, H. H. Nevada, Colorado and Wyoming. 1890. 978:1 XENOPHON. Anabasis: 1st four books (Greek text); ed. by Goodwin and White. 1894. 888.3:1 Same (complete), with Memorabilia of Socrates (Eng. text); tr. by Watson. 1891. 888.3:1a Cyropaedia, and The Hellenics; tr. by Watson and Dale. 1893. 888.3:5 Memorabilia of Socrates (Greek text); ed. by Robbins. 1866. 888.3:2 Minor works; tr. by Watson. 1891. 888.3:4 888.3:3 Grant, A. Xenophon. 1872. XERXES 166 ZOLiA XERXES, the great. Abbott, J. Xerxes the great. 1850. 923.135:3 YAKOOB BEG. Boulger, D. C. Yakoob Beg, ameer of Kashgar. 1878. 923.251:1 YEATS, W. B. Land of heart’s de sire: poem. 1894. 811.49 :Y3 YELLOWSTONE National Park. Chittenden, H. M. Yellowstone Na- tional Park. 1895. 917.87:2 Richardson, J. Wonders of the Yel- lowstone. 1889. 917.8:?0 Wingate, G. W. Through Yellowstone park on horseback. 1886. 917.8:18 YONGE, C. D. Sir Walter Scott. 1888. 821.744:3 YONGE, CHARLOTTE M. Aunt Char- lotte’s stories of American history. 1883. 973:17 Book of golden deeds. 1865. 904:3 Cameos from English history: England and Spain. 942.05:4 Forty years’ of Stuart rule. 942.06:9 Rebellion and Restoration. 942.06:14 Reformation times. 942.05:2 Rollo to Edward II. 942:13 Wars in Prance. 942.03:1 Wars of the Roses. 942.04:2 Christians and Moors in Spain. 1882i 946.02:1 Hannah More. 1888. 821.794 :M81 Old woman’s outlook in a Hamp- shire village. 1892. 824.89 :Y8 ' Young folks’ history of : England. 1879. 942:12 Prance. 1881. 944:3 Germany. 943.03:3 Greece. 1880. 938:13 Rome. 1878. 937:11 Y01JMANS, W. J. Pioneers of science in America. 1896. 925:21 YOUNG, A. The Netherlands. 1884. 949.2:4 YOUNG, E. Poetical works. 821.55:1 YOUNG, J. C. Picturesque Los Ange- les county. 1887. 917.94 :R13 YOUNG, J. R. Around the world with General Grant. 1879. 2v. 910.4:14 YOUNG, P. Mexico. 1847. 972:5 YRIARTE, C. Venice. 1896. 945.3:3 ZACHOS, J. C. New American speak- er. 1855. 808.8:18 ZANGWILL, I. Without prejudice. 1896. 824.89 :Z1 ZELTER, CHARLES P. Goethe’s let- ters to Zelter. 1887. 882.62:4 ZIMMER, H. Irish element in me- diaeval culture. 1891. 940.2:1 ZIMMERMANN, W. History of Ger- many. 1877. 4v. 943:4 ZIMMERN, HELEN. The Hansa towns. 1889. 943.5:1 Maria Edgeworth. 1884. 823.724:1 ZOLA, E. Experimental novel. 1893. 844^89 :Z7 MODITTIOINS /\IND OORRECTIONS. *AHLWARDT, T. W. Divans of the six ancient Arabic poets. 1870. 892.7:1 ALASKA. Schwatka, P. Along Alaska’s great river. 1885. 917.98:5 *ALDEN, E. C. Oxford guide. 1894. 942.5:3 *ARBUTHNOT, P P. Persian por- traits. 1887. 891.5:4 ^ARCTIC REGIONS. Greely, A. W. International Polar expeditioq to Lady Franklin bay. (official report). 1888. 2v. 919.8:27a Same (popular account): Three years’ of Arctic service. 1886. 2v. 919.8:27 * ARNOLD, T. (son of Dr. Arnold of Rugby). Manual of English lit- erature. 1888. 820.9:37 *BACON, G. B Siam. 1873. 915.93:7 BRETON, J. Life of an artist. 1890. 927.5:2 *BYERLEY, T. and Robertson, J. C. (Sholto and Reuben Percy). Percy anecdotes. 1829. 827:14 CHAUCER. G. Storr, P. Canterbury chimes retold for children. 1889. 821.17:3a *DE PUY, H. W. Napoleon Bonaparte. 1853. 923.144 :3n ELOCUTION. Rush, J. Philosophy of the human voice. 1827. 808.5:54 ENGLAND. Local history. Lee, S. Stratford-on-Avon. 1890. 822.334:10 PRANCE. Description and travel. Jenner, Mrs. K. In the Alsatian mountains. 1883. 914.34:1 GEORGIA. Harris, J. C. Georgia from the in- vasion of De Soto. 1896. 975.8:1 *JOSEPH, SAINT. Maria de Jesus de Agreda. Life of the patriarch Saint Joseph. 1888. 922.2:17 *MARIA de JESUS de AGREDA. Life of the Patriarch Saint Joseph. 1888. 922:17 *PARTON, J. Le Parnasse francais: a book of French poetry. 1877. 841.08 :P2 *Percy, R. and S. See Byerley, T. (* indicates correction). The O. K- liivepy I s. R. McFarland I jlj\ Proprietor j/j^ 4 Good Turnouts, Single, Double, Four-in- Hand ^ *=*'^ 260 South JMain Street 0>C5»C5v*^ MISS C BRODBECK Ifadie^ . . TOg^sle . Gown^ R SPECIflIiTV Wedding and Reception Gowns Suits can be made in short Rooms 41 and 42 Muskegon order when lesired .... ^ Block, Cor. 3rd and Broadway My rooms are near the Third street entrance THE PA. DENTAL GO. 226 South Spring St. Mates a specialty of CROWN AND BRIDGE WORK, PAINLESS EXTRAC- TION OF TEETH, etc. Seven years in Los. Angeles. Our Flexible Rubbet- Plates are unsurpassed. We employ no unskilled labor, therefore our prices are not below cost, but reasonable. All work guaranteed as recommended. A, J, STEVENS, Manager For Good Work ait TJp-fo-Date Prices go to — GEORGE J. ISAACSON Watch Maker, Jeweler and Diamond Setter All Work Warranted and Satisfaction Guaranteed Watches Cleaned and Waranted One Year Main Springs Crystals (the best) OTHER WORK AT PROPORTIONATE LOW PRICES ALSO ALL KIND OF JEWELRY MANUFACTURED OLD GOLD AND SILVER BOUGHT OR MADE UP 426 S. Broadway, 0 pp. Broadway Hotel, Los Angeles 76 60 10 and S6 DIRECT From the MINER to the USER (]oal. Wood, flau* Grain Prompt Delivery Full Weights W. E. CLARK, S'lferS St. ManiGurino and Hair Dressing Parlors . . . Care of HANDS and HAIR in ail fornix Shampooing - 50c Manicuring - - 25c Hair Dressing 35 and 50c yVVRS. EyV\7VV/\ l/vindrexh Room II, Kaweah Block, N. E. Cor. 3rd and Broadway — Just south of the Public Library dAtVAMIZeD IrO/1 amo (OPPCR ( 0 l?/ 1 ice 6 .EJALOKYLIGnT:)'' injRonAfiDvSLATe RoorinG tl C5PC(hT6sCO. TEL. MAIN 832 ni TIi 723-725 N. MAIN ST. Los Angeles Pipe Organ Piano Co. MANUFACTURERS OF 6HurcH, Concert and Parlor Pipe Organs and Pianos Pneumaic and Electro-Pneumatic Action and Pneumatic Couplers Our Specialty. Organs Rebuilt By the Latest Systems. Organs Taken Care of by Yearly Contract. Piano and Organ Tuning and Repairing. Pianos Bought, Sold and Exchanged. HENRY WILHELM, Manager. 649 S. Spring St. = Los Angeles, Cal. PJRTRA.irs AND VIEW’S LARGEST PHOTO CO. IN THE WEST DEVELOPING AND PRINTING FOR AMATEURS A SPECIALTY Telephone TVlain ISrS'T ^Largest Collection of Southern California Views in this City GARDEN CITY PHOTO CO. and RETAIL 606 E. FIFTH ST. LOS ANGELES, CAL. No Extra Charge for taking Photos in the Country We are here to stay OFFICE We have no rent to pay Open from 6 A. M. to 9 P. M* Views taken from 25 -foot elevation, Showing your Orchard, Vineyard, etc., to the best possible advantage. Large Picture Framing Department in connection. R. H. DUNSTON A. J. ROBERTS PIANOS AND FURNITURE PACKED SHIPPED AND STORED sS Dancing: , ^ % o/ PROF. E W. PAYNE Scientific Instructor r>f ,, — BALL ROOn and DRAMATIC DANCING - |||j„ojg Hall 61,11 and Broadway. The Glide System for Ball Room. School is open all the year. Classes form every six weeks. Terms I5.00 for 12 lessons in class. Two from same family $9.00. Private 6 for $9.00. Residence 1022 S. Bonnie Brae. Only the Best is the Cheapest STAR STEAM Carpet Gleaning Works. RODERICK: 7VlcI\/ER. 842 South Main CARPETS TAKEN UP, CLEANED AND RELAID SAME DAY IF NECESSARY. SE\A/ED /\IND REL/AID LACE CURTAINS, RUGS and BLANKETS CLEANED EQUAL TO NEW. Street. TEi.. MAIN 397. Bordering All Orders left with ns will receive Prompt Attention. Refitting A Specialty 5 C. n. SWINNERTON (* JF Successor to HUGH SMITH ^ } Plumbing H Gas Fitting f General Jobbing X } 203j4 N. Broadway 0pp. Court House. The Los Angeles saranBJiiaicner (Successor to ALFRED T. NICOLETTI) Manufacturer and Dealer in Marbelized Plaster Medallions, Busts, Etc. A Fine Collection of Classical, IVlytho- logical and Biblical Subjects after the Old Masters. Record. r AN ^Independent Daily ^ i Paper ^ ■5 FOR EVERYBODY. The Pioneer One Cent Daily on the Pacific Coast. '1 I 25 pef gonth Bronzing and Repairing Done on Short Notic. UP TO DATE In News, Methods and Mechanical Facilities. 1 29 East Seventh Street LOS ANGELES - - CAL. This Catalogue es, Ammunition, Cartridge Belts Corduroy Hunting Coats and Caps Leather and Corduroy Reversible Suits Camp Cots, Yukon Stoves RUBBER GOODS, Hose, Blankets, Gloves ^ Mattresses, Pillows, Slickers Tents Chamois Undersuits Awnings Pneumatic Mattresses Flags Aluminum Cooking Utensils Mackinaw Canvas Folding Boats Hardware Pack Straps Mackintoshes Sleds, Snow Shoes Lawn Canopies Folding Bath Tubs WM. H. HOEOEE I 36 SOUTH MAIN STREET PHONE MAIN 655 3 0112 087486467 WROUGHT STEEL AND MALLABLE IRON FOR HOTELS, RESTAURANTS AND FAMILY USE Gas Ranges, Steam Tables, Charcoal Broilers and Laundry Stoves are the very best ever ofiered to the public l>arper $ RcvnoMs Company 152 AND 154 NORTH MAIN STREET 153 AND 155 NORTH LOS ANGELES STREET CALL FOR A MAJESTIC COOK BOOK