929.1 C96o 196- v.4-6 (flWo CUSTER , OLD FAMILY RECORDS ll','1v y, iUt. ff'-J r OLD FAMILY RECORDS NUMBER POUR Originally Compiled and Printed "by Milo Custer, 1914 Reprinted "by the Bloomington-Normal Genealogical Society F-H ALLISON HENRY ALLOWAY hspkins ARNOLD JACKSON BOWEN KARR BUCKLES IARISON CASS MOORS GONAWAY McCEURE CCNNELL, OSBORN CRUMBAUGH PACKARD DOWNEY PATRICK FISLD-MI1LAR-BAIIJBY PIKE FORDICE REID & FOREMAN FOSTER SNEED GREENMAN TRXM1©R HAVENS WILLKOI7E KSNDRIX '. WITHERS KENDRYX WRIGHT 21. i v. V -U List of Photographs contained in Original Publication: Catharine (Fordice) Goodhart Jesse Havens Rebecca (Hin thorn) Havens William B. Hendrix Jane (Frankeberger) Hendryx Emma (McClure) Hodge Abel Larison Priscilla (Allison) Miller E. M. Pike Thomas Re id G. L. Wright This publication is merely a rep - int of the original book published. The Bloomington-Normal Genealogical Society cannot accept the responsibility for accuracy of contents. BLOOMINGTCN-NORMAL GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P. 0. Box 488 Normal 3 Illinois 61761 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://www.archive.org/details/oldfamilyrecordsOOcust Th \ ALLISON of Bedford C< m SARAH BOY/EN J ARIES ALLISON (l) Quaker, Their Children were JOHN ALLISON (l) m. Sarah Oldham, d. in Bedford Co. Pa. JONATHAN ALLISON, (1) m. Hannah Stiger, (Sister of Abraham Stiger, of Pa, & McLean Co. 111. ) d. in McLean Co. 111. Nov. 4, 1853. Buried in W. Twin C-rove Cem„ Wf. d. Sept. 6, 1865 9 aged 60 ys. 5 ms. 7 ds. James Allison Jan Thomas 6, 1880, jpt. 6, 1865? aged 60 ys. 5 (2) "b. 1812, d. unm. in McLean Co. Ill Allison, BENJAMIN ALLISON d. (1) unm. m b. 1816 Fisher, in McLean Co, killed by Sept. 21, horse 1891.) running McLean Co. 111. m. Mary E. (Colebaugh) 111. Sept. 15, l857.(Accidently away in Bloomington, 111. Buried in Scogins Cem, unm. in McLean Co. 111. May 1, 1853. ANDREW ALLISON, m. Coppick. d. near Milton, Betsey (Allison) Fisher, Caleb Allison, b. 1320, d, 1st Sarah (Coppick) Fisher, Ohio. Isaac 2nd Ann m. Fisher, d. nr. Milton, 0, Sarah (Allison) Pemberton, m. John Pemberton, Ann (Allison) Davis, m. Rebecca Allison, d. unm, Samuel Davis, Milton, Ml ton, 0. 0, m Priscilla (Allison) Miller, 1826, m, Samuel S. Miller, son of (Loyd) Miller, in McLean Co. 111. "The Rev. Alexander Miller of Virginia 1 ' McLean Co. 111. b, in Bedbord Co. James T. Aug. 20, Pa. April & Sarah 1848 (See 13, Page 26.) The children of Jonathan (1) & Hannah (Stiger) Allison were Jonathan Allison, (2) b. Bedford Co. Pa. Nov. 22, 1836, m. Mary M. Ritchie, at Springfield, 111. Dec, 26, 1363, d. Dale Twp. McLean Co. 111. June 2, 1910. James Allison, (3) m. Eliza J. Colebaugh, in McLean Co. 111. May 19, 1857. John Allison, m. Christina Kent, in McLean Co. 111. Jan. 1, 1865. Abraham Allison, m. Louisa Surdam, in McLean Co. 111. Nov. 4, 1863. Benjamin F. Allison, m. Martha Johnson, also in McLean Co. 111. Sept. 18, 1864. The c The c hildrcn of John (l) and Sarah (Oldham) Allison were James 0. Allison, Jehu Allison. Sarah B. (Allison) Hammer, and Elizabeth (Allison) Kassinger. hildren of Benjamin and Mary Ellen (Colebaugh) Allison were Lincoln Allison, Minerva J. (Allison) Short, Alpharetta (Allison) Roberts, Florinda (Allison) Buehre, Evaline (Allison) Stiles, Sarah A. (Allison) Cornclison, and Bird Allison. hildren of Isaac and Betsey (Allison) Fisher were John Fisher, James Fisher, and William Fisher. w Allison, Sarah (Allison) Pemberton, and Ann (Allison) Davis had no children. 1. The children of Samuel S. and Priscilla (Allison) Miller are Ann (Miller) Alexander. Priscilla (Miller) Wyman, Samuel Miller , Almira (Miller) Hill, Luella (Miller) Mitchell, Rebecca (Miller) Simmons, Thomas A. Miller, Information from Mrs. Priscilla Miller, Mrs. Evaline Stiles, Z.T. Webb, and the Marriage Records of McLean County, 111. ADDENDA Thomas Allison d, Nov. 12, 1894, . aged about 82 years. Rebecca Allison d„ Feb. 22, 1898, aged about 78 years. ALLOWAY (Prom McLean Co, 111. Marriage Records.) Mary Ann Alloway m, Alfred Moore, Peb. 6, 1834. Arthur Alloway m. Abigail Harvey, May 29 , 1835 . Lydia Alloway m. Reason Hines, about Sept. 22, 1836. William Alloway m. Alice Brozzeton, about Sept. 22, 1836. Henry Alloway m. Mary Jane Wickoff, Nov. 13, 1836. Abigail Alloway m. Samuel Brazelton, May 12, 1837. (The Census of McLean County, 111. for 1840 shows one, James Alloway, head of a family of seven persons, the approximate ages of which are given as follows, viz. one white male between ten and twenty years, one white male between thirty and forty, three white females between ten and twenty, one white female between twenty and thirty, and one white female between thirty and forty. ) ARNOLD JOHN ARNOLD, (l) m. Elizabeth Khowles. Their children were STEPHEN ARNOLD, JAMES ARNOLD, m, Jennie Goodman. WILLIAM ARNOLD. WESLEY ARNOLD. WILLIS ARNOLD, m. Martha Reed (?). LEWIS ARNOLD . FRANKLIN ARNOLD. SAITOEL ARNOLD. JOHN ARNOLD, (2) SCOTT ARNOLD, GEORGE M. ARNOLD b. Jan. 19, 1814, d. Aug. 31, 1898, m. Sarah — --- ~. ELIZA (Arnold) Roland, m. James Roland. -;;- -x- ■?(■ # * -x- # * -x- -x- * * JAMES ARNOLD, Brother of John Arnold, (2) m. Louvicy Goodman. (Information from Elizabeth R. (Arnold) Rhodes, (Mrs. Wm. J.)~ dau. of George M. Arnold, of Blooming-ton, 111. Miscellaneous Arnold Marriages. (Prom McLean County, 111. Marriage Records.) Sally Ann Arnold m. Thomas A. McCord, Dec. 1, 1840. d. Catherine .Arnold m William W. Blair, Dec. 9, 184-0. Lydia Arnold m. George W. Duffy, Mar. 8, I848. John Wo Arnold m. Mary Maria Benson, Nov. 18, 1852. Humphrey B. Arnold m. Folly M. Benson. Bee. 13, 1853. Eleanor C. Arnold m. Benjamin Wiley, July 24 , 1854 . Robert Arnold m, Polly A. Benson, Sept. 30, 1856 , Thomas Arnold m. Sarah J. R. Smith, Nov. 12, 1857. BOWEN (See Allison. ) JONATHAN BOWEN, son of THOMAS BOWEN and JANE his wife, was born at West Nottingham, Chester County, Pennsylvania, on the 11th ox the 6th month, old style, in the year of our Lord 1751. The ages of JONATHAN and ANN BOY/ENS Children, Sarah Bowen was born the 9th day of the 1st month in the year 1779. (m. James Allison, 1. ) Benjamin Bowen was born the 22nd day of tho 3rd month, A.D. 1780, (m. Mary Fisher, sister of Isaac Fisher. ) Jane Bowen was born the 24th day of the 7th month in the year 1781. Alice Bowen was born the 15th day of the 6th month in the year 1783. Elizabeth Bowen was born the 8th day of the 4th month in the year 1785. Isabel Bowen was born the 25th day of the 11th month in the year Sarah Allison, formerly Bowen, (wife of James Allison, 1) died First month the 31st, A.D. 1840. (Record copied from Bowen Family Bible by Mrs. Alpharetta Allison Roberts, Spencer, S. D. Jan. 11, 1914.) BUCKLES JOHN BUCKLES, (1) (Private, Capt. Daniel Boultinghouse ' s Co. Mounted Volunteers, Illinois Militia, Sept. 8, 1814, to Dec. 8, 1814.) was born May 13, 1774, and died near Leroy, 111. Feb. 20, 1844. He married .......... and had at least four sons, (and others?) viz. ABRAM BUCia.ES, b. Hoist on Co. Va. June 28, 1800, m„ Mary Williams, 1819, d. near Leroy, 111. May 17, 1878. Ch. John, (2) Maran&a (B. ) Collins, Aaron, Tabitha (B. ) Dickerson, Mary (B. ) Alstine, Mahala (B. ) Rut ledge, Roland, Emeline (B. ) Kershaw, Larkin, and William H. (Sec Duis' "Good Old Times' 1874, Page 564, ) THOMAS BUCKLES, b. White Co. 111. Jan. 18, 1812, m. Elizabeth J. Kimler, Feb. 2, 1837, d. ........ Ch. William M. , Robert P., Amanda (B. ) Lucas, Mary A., and Peter L. , d. Oct. 16, 1885. (See Duis' :i Good Old Times' 1 1874, P. 533.) PETER BUCKLES, b. ......... m. Jane M. Rutledge, May 12, 1833, d. near Leroy, 111. April 23, 1871. Ch. George W. , Thomas J., Robert B. (d. April 28, 1888.) Andrew J., Mary L. (B. ) Gay, Martha (3.) Ross, Matilda J. (B. ) Phillips, and Emma D. (Bl ) Gay. WILLIAM BUCKLES, b. ........ m. Mahala Miles, June 13, 1838 „ Ch.? CASE ABNER CASE (Soldier of 1812, from N.Y. ) was born in Connecticut about the year 1776, married Olive ROLL AND, about 1802, and d. at Madison, Wisconsin, Jan. 6, 1854 . His wife died on the same day. Their children were (1) SARAH (CASE) POST, b. about 1804. (2) GEORGE CASE, b. about 1806 . (3) THADDEUS CASE, b. about 1808, ni. 1st, Rachel Hendryx, 2nd, Emily Jane Enfield, in McLean Co., 111. Sept. 1, 1853, and d. at Lawrence, Kans. Dau. by 2nd wife, Mrs. Jacob Mikel, Blooming-ton, 111. (See HENDRYX) . (4) LEWIS CASE, b. in Ontario County, N.Y. Feb. 27, 1609, in. Sarah Hendryx, Oct. 13, 1831, and d. in McLean Co. 111. 1897. Had 5 children. (See Luis' "Good Old Times, 1874, Page 738.) (5) JAMES CASE, b. about 1812. (6) JOHN CASE b. about 1814. (7) ANN (CASE) CLARK, b. about 1816. C 017 AWAY Pour brothers, viz. AMOS, AQUILLA, CHALTON, and WILLIAM CONAWAY, settled near Leroy, 111, in Peb. 1830. The last-named died in Wyoming in 1895 . (W.P. Conaway, Ames, Kans. "to E.M. Prince, Blooming-ton, 111. Sept. 21, 1899.) AliOS CONAWAY, born in Maryland, about 1790, married J ARE BARNETT, about 1810, moved first to Bourbon Co. Kentucky, then to Vermil- lion County, 111. Sept. 19, 1828, then to Buckles Grove, McLean County, 111. Peb. 14, 1830, and died Dec. 30, 1838. Children. (1) WILLIAM II. CONAWAY, (County Commissioner, McLean Co. 111. 1841, 1842, and 1843.) b. Bourbon Co. Ky. Nov. 7, 1813, m. Emily Potts, and d. at Leroy, 111. March 18, 1859. (2 Ch. ) (2) JAMES CONAWAY, b. about 1815. (m.?) (3) NANCY CONAWAY, b. about 1817, m. Aaron S. Williams, Nov. 24, 1842. (4) CATHARINE CONAWAY, b. about 1819, m. Henry Merrifield, Oct. 20, 1831. (5) J MS CONAWAY, b. about 1821. (m.?) (6) AMOS CONAWAY, Jr. b. about 1823. (m?) (See Box 3, Case 110, Box 4, Case 170, and Box 21, Case 424, Estate Piles, also Marriage Records of McLean County, 111. and manuscript Biography of W. II. Conaway in McLean Co, Hist. Soc. Collection. ) Other Conaway Marriages in McLean County, Illinois. PROVIDENCE CONAWAY m. Otho Merrifeld, Dec. 8, 1842. (9 Ch. ) Sec Luis" Good Old Times, 1874, Page 546. MARGARET A. CONAWAY m. Joseph H. Knott, Nov. 10, 1853. NANCY J. CONAWAY m. William W. Cannaday, April 1, I858. WILLIAM P. CONAWAY, m. Ketturah Brittin, Nov. 21, 1861. (i n or Biography of JAMES H. CONAWAY, son of AQUILLA and RACHEL (BARNETT) CONAWAY, See Luis" Good Old Times, 537 4 CONNELL ALEXANDER CORNELL, son of SOLOMON and ANN (........) CONNELL, was born on the Atlantic Ocean, Oct. 12, 1800, when his parents were on their voyage from the North of Ireland to America. They settled at Steubenville, Ohio. He m. CATHERINE CRUMBAUGH, dau. of Jacob and Louisa (Snyder) CRUMBAUGH, in Henderson County Ry. 1826, came to McLean County, 111. 1830, and d. near Ellsworth, 111. Feb. 1, 1874. His wife was b. Nov. 17, 1806, and d. Jan. 31, I887 o Her father was a brother of Daniel and Henry Crumbaugh, the well known early pioneers of Leroy, 111. The children of Alexander and Catherine (Crumbaugh) Connell were (1) SARAH E. (C.) CLARK, b. March 16, 1829, m. JOHN CLARK. (Son, Charles B. Clark, b. May 8, 1862.) (2) HENRY T. CONNELL, b. Feb. 26, 1831, m. Mrs. Beulah I.IcClurg. (No Ch. ) (3) LOUISA A. (C.) SCHAEFFER, b. May 13, 1833, m. James T. Schaeffer. (No Ch. ) (4) MONTGOMERY A. CONNELL, b. Sept. 4 5 1835, m. NANCY CRUMBAUGH. (Ch. Martha R. (C . ) Mathers and Edith M. (C. ) ....,.....) (5) MARY C. (C.) FFNSTERMAKER, b. Nov. 30, 1837, in. ABRAM FENSTER- MAKER. (Dau., Mina C. b. March 10, 1870.) (6) LUCINDA J. (C.) PENSTERHAKER, b. Aug. 2, 1840, m. B. FRANKLIN FENSTERIvIAKER. (Ch. Electa, b. July 10, 1873, Ora (P. ) Powell, b. Dec. 12, 1877, and Jennie J. (F, ) Smith, b. ..•".....). (7) HELEN R. (C.) LINTON*CHENEY, b. Aug. 11, 1843, m. 1st, SANDERSON LINTON, 2nd, DAVID CHENEY. (Ch. by 1st hb. , George P. b. Dec. 16, 1862, Thomas, b. Sept. 2, 1864, May A. (L. ) Ricketts, b. Dec. 7, 1867. Ch. by 2nd hb., Louisa C. (C.) Meeker, b. May 13, 1871, Sarah E. (C.) Banfiold, b. July 28, 1873, William. H. b. Nov. 28, 1875, Helen (C.) Gunthor, b„ Jan, 18, 1878, Elsie (C.) Roberts, b. July 12, 1881, and Ethel (C.) Stewart, b. Sept. 2, 1886. ) (8) EKMELINE A. CONNELL, b. Nov. 17, 1845. CRUMBAUGH JACOB CRUMBAUGH, brother of Daniel and Henry Crumbaugh, was born probably in Frederick County, Md. about 1790, m. LOUISA SNYDER, and settled in Henderson County, Ky. Their children were (1) CATHARINE, m. ALEXANDER CONNELL, (2) MARGARET, m. JACOB SMITH, (not Susans husband.) (3) Phoebe, d. at age of 11 years, (4) GEORGE, m. MARY ANN .......... (5) CHARLOTTE, m. JOHN CRUMBAUGH, (6) SUSAN, m. JACOB SMITH, (not Margarets husband.) (7) LOUISA, m. HENRY MURRAY, (8 J MARY, m. JOHN CLARK. Information from Mrs. Louisa Schaeffer, Bloomington, Illinois, 1914. DOWNEY WILLIAM ALEXANDER DOWNEY, son of SANDERSON and MARY (TUCKER) DOWNEY, was born about 20 miles from Belfast, Ireland in the year 1802, and was brought to America by his parents about the year 1803. They settled first near Harpers Ferry, Virginia, moved thence to Frederick County, Maryland, about 1815 or I0I6, thence to Fayette County, Ohio, thence to McLean County, Ill- inois in 1829 5 He married first, ........ SHARP, secondly, JUSTINA CHOMP. Both his marriages occurred in Fayette County, Ohio. He died March 1, 1870, and is buried in the Indian Field Cemetery near Lexington, 111, lie was a soldier of the Black Hawk War. His father, Sanderson Downey, was a soldier of the War of 1812 5 enlisting from Virginia, and is also buried in Indian Field Cemetery. His second wife died Nov. 20, 1878, aged 62 years, 9 months. The Children of WILLIAM ALEXANDER DOWNEY by his first wife were (1) GEORGE E. DOWNEY, m. ...........? (2) MARY ANN, m. ........... (3) ELIZABETH, m. JOHN ASHABRANER, July 2, 1839 . (4) JOHN T. DOWNEY, 1, MARTHA C. HARP, Sept. 27, i860. ( 5 ) BENJAMIN DOWNEY, nu ......... . . ? ( 6 ) NELSON DOWNEY, m. ..............? Children by second wife who lived to maturity, (7) REBECCA J. m. E. W. FRAZEUR, (8) LYDIA ANN, m. DANIEL ASHABRANER, April 23, 1868. (9) DEAMA, M. SAMUEL KERR, (10) STEPHEN A. DOWNEY, m. ISABEL DENS ON, (11) SOPHRONIA L., m. JOHN B. CURTIS, June 3, 1868, (12) EMMA C. DOWNEY, d. Oct. 7, 1878, a. 15 years, 9 months, (15 ) HENSON B. DOWNEY. ( 2 ) m. . ............ , (16) WESLEY W. DOWNEY, m. 1st, ELIZA E. LOVEALL, Oct. 25, 1882, 2nd, FLORA V. WEDDEL, (Information from W. W. Downey, Grandson of William Alexander Downey, of Cooksvillo, 111. and McLean Co. 111. Marriage Records, Etc. ) HENSON B. DOWNEY, (1) son of SANDERSON and MARY (TUCKER) DOWNEY, b. in Frederic!: Co. Md. Aug. 26, 1817, came to McLean Co. 111. 1829, m. 1st, PHEBE, daughter of JOSEPH and CATHARINE (HANER) BRUMHEAD, April 7, 1839, 2nd, LOUISA ELLEN HAND, July 24, 1852, d. near Lexington, 111. June 22, 1871. 1st wf. b. April 7, 1824, d. March 26, 1852, 2nd wife b. Nov. 17, 1838, d. April 1, I884. Children by 1st wife who lived to maturity, (1) JAMES N; DOWNEY, b. Jan. 21, 1842, m. 1st, ELIZABETH MORSMAN, Aug. 25, 1864, 2nd, ELIZABETH WALDEN, April 10, 1873, d. Feb. 24, 1883.? (2) EMILY, b. Feb. 25, 1844, m. HENRY WALDEN. March 29, 1866. (Hb. b. June 5, 1842, d. April 28, 1880. ) (3) JAY H. DOWNEY, b. Oct. 26, I846, m. MARY A. CAMPBELL, Jan. 15, 1871. (4) ALLEN T. DOWNEY, b. Aug. 13, 1849, d. May 21, 1881. Children of Hens on B. Downey by second wife who lived to maturity. (6) MERRITT R. DOWNEY, b. Aug. 4, 1853, m. AMANDA BROWN, Dec, 18, 1877. Wf. b. Sept. 1, 1858. (6) ANNA E. DOWNEY, b. Dec. 19, 1859, d. Dec. 12, 1878. (11) PRANK E. DOWNEY, b. May 14, 1863, m. DAISY R. BARR, Aug. 27, 1891. Wf. b. Jan. 3, 1868. (12) I-UI E. DOWNEY, b. July 19, 1865, d. Mar. 12, 1882. (13) HENRY B. DOWNEY, b. Dec. 10, 1867, m. BESSIE L. BARR, Sept. 6, 1893. Wf. b. Dec. 25. 1873. (14) HARVEY E. DOWNEY, b. Feb. 16, 1870, d. Nov. 7, 1837. Information from Merritt R. Downey, Lexington, 111. See also Luis' "Good Old Times' 1 1874, Page 672. MISCELLNEOUS DOWNEY MARRIAGES, In McLean County, Illinois. ELIZA AM DOWNEY m. SAMUEL BEVAN, Feb. 25, I836. SARAH DOWNEY m. WILLIAM FOLEY, April 21, I836. MARY E. DOWNEY, dau. of Benjamin Downey, m. THOMAS MCMACKIN, Feb. 12, 1848. See Duis, Page 695. PHOEBE DOWNEY m. AMOS WOOD, May 9, 1852. JAMES P. DOWNEY m. LAURA STEELE, Feb. 21, 186?. JOHN DOWNEY m. ROSA HARWOOD, Sept. 22, 18?0. LIZZIE DOWNEY m. A. N. RINEHART, Aug. 17, 1870. FIELD— MILLAR— BAILEY . From an old Bible donated to the McLean Co. Historical Society, in Feb. 1913 1 by Mrs. Heckock, of 60i| W. Front St. Bloomington, 111. "JAMES FIELD, the son of JEREMIAH DINAH FIELD, the daughter of JAMES FIELD, was born at CHANSON, May the 6, A. D. 1765. DINAH MILIAR departed this life March the 13th, 1817, in the 53rd year of her age. SUSAN BAILEY FIELD, the daughter of LINDA and DAVID BAILEY, born May 1st, 1829." FORDICE. STANTON FORDICE, Senior, was born in Nova Scotia, April 9, 1777, was married, Feb. 4, 1800, and died in McLean County, Illinois, July 10, 1840. SUSANNAH MARSH, his wife, was born Oct. 9, 1783. Died July, 1859. Their children were born as follows, viz. WILLIAM FORDICE was born Nov. 15, 1801. Died Nov. 5, 1804. HARRIETT FORDICE was born Aug, 31, 1803 . Died Nov. 25, 1804, STANTON FORDICE, (Junior), was born March 31, 1806. DANIEL FORDICE (Father of Mrs. Catherine Goodheart,) was born in Nova Scotia, Sept. 17, 1807. Died in Oregon. LUCY (FORDICE) DEAN was born March 14, 1809. m. DEAN. JOHN FORDICE was born March 25, 1811. m. first, MARY C. DEAN, Nov, 17, 1836, second, SUSANNAH LANEAR, Jan. 28, 1846. (1st wf. d. about 1844.) S0PHR0NIA (FORDICE) DEAN was born Feb. 14, 1813, and m. BENJAMIN DEAN, May 30, 1836. JAMES MADISON FORDICE (l) was born Nov. 8, 1814, m. LETITIA SATTSRFIELD, FpTd. 22, 1838. HENRY FORDICE was born Nov. 12, 1816. Died March 5, 1846. ROBERT FORDICE was born Dec. 5, 1818. DAVID FORDICE was bom Aug. 8, 1821. Died July 19, 1823. ELIZA FORDICE was bom Sept. 10, 1824. FAMILY RECORD OF DANIEL FORDICE. DANIEL FORDICE (Son of STANTON, SR. and SUSANNAH (MABSH) (FORDICE , ) was bom Sept. 17, 1807, married first, ELIZABETH KENTSTON, (b. March 7, 1810, d. Jan. 27, 1833.) March 5, 1829, second ELIZABETH LUCAS, (b. Aug. 10, 1811, d. March 31, I852,) Jan. 16, 1834, third, MARGARET (HUNTER) COONS, (b. May 4, 1818, widow of DANIEL COONS,) March 24, I853. The children of DANIEL FORDICE were bom as follows, viz. ZEVIRA FORDICE was bom Sept. 26, 1830, died Nov. 17, 1842. CATHARINE 0LNEY (FORDICE ) GOODHEART was bom July 12, 1835, and m, JAMES GOOD- HEART, Aug. 26, 1852. 7. SUSANNAH (FORDICE ) CAMERON-KARRIS was born July 27, 1837, n. first, DUNCAN E, CAMERON, March 15, 1854, second, ELI KARRIS, Dec. 2, I856. (1st Kb. d. about 1855 ). MARIA (FORDICE) DEARTH was born Dec. 14, 1840, m. SALMATIUS DEARTH, Sept. 30, 1856. ELIZABETH (FORDICE ) was born Aug. 3, 1841. (Settled in Oregon. ) LEWISA H. M. FCRDICE was born Sept. 29, 1842, and died Jan. 26, 1846. WILLIAM STANTON FORDICE was born Dec 27, 1844. (Settled in Iowa.) LEWIS FORDICE (Of Washington, Iowa,) was born Mar. 15, 1849. LUCY JANE FORDICE was born Jan. 21, 1854, and Died Nov. 13, 1854. JOHN HUNTER FORDICE was born Nov. 7, 1855. (Went co Gal.) VIRGINIA ANN FORDICE was bom Feb. 18, i860, and Died Feb. 6, 1366. (From Copy of Family Record written by Daniel Fordice, and now in possession of Mrs. Catherine 0. Goodheart, and also from McLean County, 111. Marriage Records. See Soldiers of the Revolution and War of 1812 Buried in McLean County, 111. and Biographical Album of McLean County, 111. 1887, Pp. 387-390.) The first Census of McLean County, 111. 1840, shows three Fordices as heads of families, J. FORDICE, WIDOW FORDICE, and Z. FORDICE. Other FORDICE MARRIAGES IN MCLEAN COUNTY, ILL. PRIOR TO 1870. HELEN FORDICE m. CORNELIUS T. RATHBONE, Aug. 25, 1851. RUBY K. FORDICE m. WILLIAM COUCH, Feb. 12, 1852. LEBBEUS FORDICE, Jr. m. MARTHA STEPHENS, Jan, 25, 1853 . JOHN K. FORDICE m. MARY JANE FOWLER Jan. 26, 1853 . FANNY FORDICE m. SAMUEL IICAHREN, Feb. 6, 1853 . SUSANNAH M. FORDICE m. JAMES OGAN, May 9, I858. CASSIE FORDICE m, CORNELIUS FUHRMAN, Feb. 8, 1859 . CHARLES FORDICE m. EMMA MILLS, March 4, i860. CHARLES FORDICE m. AMANDA POND, Dec. 10, 1866. MRS. MATTIE FORDICE, nee DIXON, wife of J. M. FORDICE, and sister of Norval Dixon, was born in Brown County, Ohio, Feb. 18, 1846, was married in October, 1871, and died in Bloomington, 111. Aug. 13, 1877 » leaving one son. FOSTER. The first Census of McLean County, 111. 1840, shows three Fosters as heads of families, viz. A. FOSTER, D. FOSTER, and K, FOSTER. The following Foster marriages prior to 1865, are recorded in McLean County, 111. viz. CATHARINE FOSTER m. MOSES KUYKSNDALL, Hay 8, I836. JAMES T. FOSTER m. PHE3E FOSTER, Dec. 20, 1840. IIALINDA FOSTER m. WILLIAM SMITH, Jan. 15, 1843. JOHN FOSTER m. RACHEL FOSTER, June 15, 1843. SARAH FOSTER m. ISAAC R. SMITH, Nov. 28, 1344, WILLIAM FOSTER m. ELIZABETH FOSTER Oct. 11, 1846. MARGARET FOSTER m. JAMES ADAMS, Feb. 9, 1847. AARON FOSTER m. ELLEN TAYLOR, Oct. 19, 1847. HARRISON FOSTER m. POLLY ANN CHANCE, April 9, 1848. PERRY JACKSON FOSTER m. GHINEY HENLINE, Jan. 20, 1849. SARAH ANN FOSTER m. JAMES W. SMITH, Feb. 23, 1850. AARON 3. FOSTER m. ELIZA J. FOSTER, Aug. 23, 1850. M. E. FOSTER m, WILLIAM L. DUNCAN, June 30, 1351. MALINDA FOSTER m. ALEXANDER H.KEYES, Jan. 14, 1852. CATHERINE FOSTER m, JOHN M. BISHOP, May 7, 1852. SILAS J. FOSTER m. RACHEL BILLS, July 15, 18 52. WILLIAM FOSTER m. DILITKA WILEY, Dec. 28, 1354. GEORGE W. FOSTER m. CATHERINE BISHOP, Feb. 24, I855. 3. D.ROTHY FOSTER m. WILLIAM I. WILSON, April 1, I855. MARY C. FOSTER m. WILLIAM ECTON, March 27, I856. ROBERT FOSTER m. SARAH ANN COX, Aug. 20, I856. HANNAH H. FOSTER m. JOHN C. JOHNSTON, Sept. 3, 1357* WILLIAM L. FOSTER m. ELIZABETH COX, June 2k, I858. TH0I1AS FOSTER m. ANN CALEY, Sept. 21, I858. JOHN G. FOSTER m. REBECCA. BIRCH, Sept. 23, I858. MARY FOSTER m. J. WESLEY VAN SCHOICK, Dec. 2k, i860. GEORGE FOSTER m. MARY WEST, Oct. 25, I863. GREENMAN. (From Letter of Mrs. Fred Ball, of Clinton, 111. to Milo Custer.) Mr. Ililo Custer, Bloomington, 111. "Dear Sir, Your letter, with its interesting data and invitation to join the new society,* was very welcome. If at some future time, I can give you proof of service of any of my ancestors, I will gladly do so, but since they all, with the exception of Lt. Jeremiah Creenman and Joshua Cantrell, lived and died in the East, Vt. Mass, and R. I., I cannot podsibly write on for the necessary records in time to be ready Oct. 2nd, I am sorry." "Mary Grcenman, sister of Jeremiah Jr. and John, - (children of Lt. Jeremiah Greenman and Mary Eddy, of Providence, R. I.) was my fathers grandmother, and their service does my line no good, but I am very glad to have it to put in my book of 'The Ancestry of the Descendants of William Dunham and Susanna Williams, of Taunton, Mass.* which I hope to publish for private distribution some day„" "Lieut. Jeremiah Greenman was born in Newport, R. I, on the 7th day of May, 1758, and died in Waterford, 0. on the 15th day of Nov. 1828." "Miss Mary Noble, (dau. of Dr. Stephen Noble,) of 121 N. Western Avenue, Hollywood, Calif. has his diary, it having come to her through her mother, Amanda, daughter of John, son of Lieut. Jeremiah Greenman, It is intensely interesting to us. The opening lines are "The following journal contains the material transactions of the war as they fell under my observation or came to my knowledge, and the pri- vate incidents of my life. They commence from the 13th of September, 1775 » soon after my entering the service of the United States and were penned entirely for my own amusement at the time of writing, and as a memorial of facts which I supposed might yield me some pleasure in recollection. * * * His diary tells of his imprisonment at Quebec. * * * The book also gives accounts of entertainments of Washington and his officers in Saratoga and other j laces, whore they always gave thirteen toasts, which he has written down." "His wife was Mary Eddy, dau. of Esek Eddy, of Providence, R. I, (son of Jeremiah and Elizabeth dddy,) and Mary Perry, (dau. of Thomas and Martha Perry,) born in Providence, R, I. 1738 « This is in the public records of Providence, R. I." "A Jeremiah Greenman and Amy Wylcs were married in Providence long enough before the birth of Lt. J, G. to have been his parents, and while I can find no proof, I believe them to have been, for his son-in-law, William W. Dunham I, named a daughter Amy Wyles. A. daughter, Mary, named her dau. Amy Wiles, (not VJy-) and my grand-father, Jeremiah Perry Dunham, son of William W. Dunham I, who married Lt. J, G.'s dau. Mary, named a daughter Amy." " I believe that is all I can tell you that is not in the McLean County History, excepting that his late grand-daughter, Amanda G. Noble, said that the land granted him 'as a member of the order of the Cincinnati 1 was in Virginia, in that part which is now in Kentucky. Another of the family says that it is near Old Town, Kentucky, and that the record can be found in Washington." 9. * -ft -X- -* -* -ft "Again thanking you for your kindness, I am Yours Sincerely" (Mrs. Fred) Ivanilla Dunham Ball. 3.9 S. Madison, Clinton, 111. September twenty-nine. (1912) (See Duis f Good Old Times, Pp, 236, 538-9, and 746, also Soldiers of the Rev- olution and War of 1812 Buried in IicLean County, Illinois.) ^Daughters of 1812. HAVENS. JESSE HAVENS, son of JESSE HAVENS, Sr. (a native of Wales.) and CONTENT ( ) HAVENS f was born near Squawn Bay, New Jersey, June 23, 1781, married REBECCA, daughter of John and Margaret ( ....) HINTHORN, in Licking County, Ohio, Sept. 19, 1805. She was born July 18, 1785, and died at Hudson, 111. Feb. 18, 1864. He died at Delhi, Iowa, Dec. 2, 1862. They had settled at Havens Grove, (now Hudson,) 111. in the year 1829. Their children (all born in Ohio.) and grand -children were as follows, (1) ELIZABETH (H.) PIATT f b. Oct. 1, 1806, m. HEZEKIAH. PIATT, and d. in Iowa. Ch, Abel, Jesse, Cyrus, and John. (2) ANNA (H.) SMITH, b. April 13, 1808, m. JOHN SMITH, (son of DAVID SMITH.) March 30, 1831, and d. at Prescott, 'lis. March 18, I896. Ch. Dr. Lee Smith, Irena (Smith) Lewis, Jesse, David, John, Mary, Isaac, and Christian. (3) DORCAS (HAVENS) WHEELER, b. June 19, 1810, m. BENJAMIN WHEELER, son of BENJAMIN, SR. AND RACHEL (HARRIS) WHEELER, April 10, 1823. Ch. Valentine, Jesse, William L, , Rebecca (W.) Miller, John T., James A.,, Rachel, Eliza- beth, Mary, and Henry. (4) MARGARET (HAVENS) TRIMMER, b, Dec. 19, 1812, m. DAVID TRIMMER, and d. at Havens Grove, 111. Feb. ..., 1862, Ch. John A.,, Mary, Charles M. , and Isabel . (5) JOHN HA.VENS, b. Feb. 6, 1815, m. SARAH AM GILMORE, March 1, I838, d. at Rankin, 111. about I876. Ch. John, Jennie, Amanda, A.nn, Mary, and Margaret. (6) HIRAM HA.VENS, b. March 29, 1817, m. SALLY ANN TRIMMER, April 5, I838, d. Hudson, 111. Oct. 13, 1890. Ch. Martha E, (H.) Johnson, Etta B. (H.) Carrithers, and Alice (H.) Talmage. (7) JESSE D. HAVENS, b. Apr. 2, 1819, flU MARTHA. CURTIS, d. Peoria, 111. Jan. 21, 1897. Ch. Nellie (H.) Breckinridge, Wilbur F., Earnest A. (8) REV. JAMES HAVENS, b. March 19, 1821, m. EMILY H03S0N, March 31, 1842, d. Feb. 22, 1912, Ch. Joshua K. , Ellen (K.) Mantor, Matilda (H.) Drake, and Jesse L. (9) REV. ENOCH S. HAVENS, b. March 24, 1823, m. ESTHER A. DOUGHTY, March 4, 18*4-5, d. abt, 1874. No Ch. (10) IROD M, HAVENS, b. June 17, 1825, m. NANCY MURPHY, d. at Kappa, 111. Jan, 8, 1852. No Ch. (11) WJLLIAM W. HAVENS, b. July 1, 1827, m. MARY ASHBURN, October 14, 1847, d. March ..., 1907 • Ch. Halter, Isadorc, and William. (See Duis* Good. Old Times, 1874, P. 629, and Soldiers of the Revolution and War of 1812 Buried in McLean Co. 111. (information also from Miss Elizabeth Wheeler, dau. of Dorcas (H.) Wheeler, Hudson, 111. 1914.) HENDREC. WILLIAM HENDREC, was born (in Virginia?) Aug. 29, I763, and married SUSANNAH TAYLOR, April 19, 1784. She was born July 11, 1759. Ch. '■"0 MARY (H.) , born Jan. 18, 1785; 10. (2) BLANCHE (H.) HUNTER, b. Feb. 28 , 1788; (3) JOHN HENDRIX, born Dec, 9 , 1790} %) WILLIAM HENDRIX, Jr. bom Oct, 14, 1?92; S) SARAH (H.) LAFFERTY, (?) born Jan. 28, 1795; '6J SOLOMON HENDRIX, bom Oct, 11, 17965 '?) ANN (H.) TAYLOR, bom Nov. 17, 1798. JOHN HENDRIX (Of Blooming Grovo, McLean Go. 111.) son of William and Susannah (Taylor) Hcndrix, was born in Virginia, Doc. 9. 1790, married Jane Brittin, Dec. 23, 1813, settled at Blooming Grove, 1822, and died there, Jan. 15, I838. He was the first white settler in what is now McLean County, 111. (Wife b. April 20, 1798, d. Dec. 17, I856.) Children who lived to maturity? (1) NATHAN So HENDRIX, b. March 11, 18l6, m. 1st, Mahala Harbert, Feb. 5, 1839, 2nd, Mary d. Monroe Co. la. Ch, by 1st wf. Hester A., (K.) Gerdcr, David L. Hcndrix, Dau, by 2nd wf. Jessie (H.) Clever. (2) WILLIAM HENDRIX , (3) b. March 11 , 1819, m. (..... ) Mack. No Ch. Accidentally drowned near Placerville, Cal. Jan, 3s 1898. (3) ELIZABETH A, T. (H.) HARBERT, b. May 3, 1823, (Firstwhite child b, in what is now McLean County, 111.) m. Hiram Karbert, Dec. 5? I838, and d. Dec. 26, 134-2. Ch. William P. Harbert, Mary R. (H.) Boyd. (4) JOHN B. L. HENDRIX, b. Jan. 9, 1827, m. Elizabeth Creel, May 24, I855. d, Blakosburg, la. Mar, 25, 1895, Oh. Arm (H.) Trusscl, Mary J. (H.) Mounts. (See Obituary in Bloomington, 111. Daily Pantagraph. ) (6) SARAH L. S. (H.) ORENDORFF, b. July 24, 1831, m. Oliver H . P. Orendorff, April 1, 1847, and d. Feb. 24, 1912. Ch. Geo. F. Orendorff, and Mary J. (Orendorff) Cox, who supplied this data, HENDRYX. JOHN HENDRYX (Of Old Town, McLean Co. 111.) was born in New York City, about the year 1788, m. MARY FLNN, about 1808, settled at Old Town, McLean Co. 111. 1829, and d. there Jan. 30, I856. Children, (1) SARAH (H.) CASE, b. Jan. 14, 1810, m. LEWIS CASE son of Abnor and Olive (Rolland) Case, in Huron Co. Ohio, Oct. 13, 1831, and d. in McLean Co. Ill, Jan. 4, 188?. Ch. Mary A. (C.) Price, Olive (C.) Savage, Sarah E. (C.) Savage, Hannah E, (C.) Mikel, and Zurilda I. Case.' (Sec Duis» Good. Old Times, 1874- , P. 740.) (2) ALLEY (II,) BREWER - HARTLEY, b. March 12, 1812, m. 1st, WILLIAM BREWER, Sept. 10, 1335, 2nd WILLIAM HARTLEY, Nov. 13, I85I, & d. Apr, 20, 1897. (1st hb d. Apr. 18, 1843) Ch. by 1st hb. Jas. , John, Chas. , EC. Ch. by 2nd hb. Allio (IT.) Briscoe, Emma (H.) Boucher, (3) RACHEL (H.) CASE, b. Aug, 7, 1814, m. THADDEUS CASE, (brother of Lewis Case.) and d. July 25, 1852, Ch. John and Mary. (4) ABRAHAM HENDRYX, b. about 1816, d. young, (unmarried.) (5) ALLEN HENDRYX, b. Jan. 7, 1818, m. JANE FRANK3BERGER, dau. of Rev. Jesso and Rosanna (Rinchart) Frankebcrgcr , in McLean Co. 111. Nov. 3» I836, and d. March 16, 1890. Ch. William 3., Hannah (H.) Clinc, Clara (H.) Padgett, A. G., Jesso, Frederick H. , Dolly (H.) Padgett, Lewis, Eliza A.. (H.) Yetman, and George. (Sec Biographical Record of McLean County, 111. 1899, P. 362.) (6) HANNAH (II.) B13NN, b Doc. 25, 1821, m. DAVID II. BUNN, in McLean Co. 111. 3ot)t, 4, 1045, d. Juno 6, 1854, Ch. Minnie (B.) Mikcl, Asa M. (7) FREDERICK HENDRYX, b. 1823, m. ELISABETH MORRIS, in McLean Co. 111. Feb. 26, 1852, d. in McLean Co. 111. June 15, 1877. Ch. Edward, Fred, John, Andrew, James, Asa, Ora. 11. HENRY. WILLIAM HENRY was born in England, Doc, 25, 1794, immigrated to Baltimore, Mary- land, prior to 1812, enlisted as a privateer on the ship "Joseph and llary" was taken prisoner when that vessel was captured by the British, Nov, 25, 1812, was sent to Jamaica with others from the same vessel, escaped and returned to the United States, m. MARY BEELER dau. of SAMUEL AND MARY (GRA.VES) BEELER ; at Oxford, Ohio, Hay 12, 1818, settled at Twin Grove, McLean Go. 111. 1832, a.nd died there April 28, 1846. (Wife b. Oct. 4, 1797, d. July 26, 1881.) Ch. (1) WILLIAM E. HENRY, Sr. b„ Feb. 6, 1819, m. Mary E. Snell, Nov. 25, 1843, and d. at Dry Grove, McLean County, 111, Aug. 20, 1895* (2) SAMUEL HENRY, b, Feb, 29, 1823, m. Margaret Kill, d. March, 1909. (3) G. W, HENRY, b. June 27, 1825, m. Harriet S. Bush, Oct. 23, 1351. (4) MARY E. HENRY , b. Mar, 23, 1828, m, Samuel H. Brown Dec. 25, 1851. and d. Jan. 7, 1900. (5) EDWARD HENRY, b. Nov. 23, 1829, d. unmarried Feb. .. 1854, (6) J. IT. HENRY, b. July 5, I832, m. Hannah McCallister, Nov. 11, I858. (?) CAROLINE HENRY, b. Sept. 23, 1834, m. J. S, Hamilton, A.ug. 1, 1852. (8) JULLi HENRY, b. Feb. 28, I838, m. Rush W. Graham, April 4, 1866, WILLIAM HENRY had no brothers, but had three sisters, viz. Betsey (Henry) Logan, m. William Logan , Caroline (Henry) Brooks and (Henry) (information from G, W, Henry, Bloor.iington, 111. R, F. D, No. 5») Children of William E. and Mary (Snell) Henry, Ella (K.) Riser, William E. Jr., Elizabeth (H.) Sloan, Etta (H.) Beeler, Adelia (K,) Percy, and Don. Children of Samuel and Margaret (Hill) Henry, Belle, Lolla (H.) Voatch, and Lula (H.) Anderson. Children of G. W, and Mary S. (Bush) Henry, Nettie (H.) Kodler, Kate (H.) Renie, Lillian (H.) Hoysradt, Charles, Carrie (H.) Mart, Edward, George, and Hattic (K. ) Kershner. Children of Samuel II. and Mary E, (Henry) Brown Norman S. , Charles E. , Fred 3., John J., Lincoln H. , and Truman E. Children of J. W. and Hannah (McAllister) Henry Frank, Effie (K.) Dickon, Eva (H.) Fiscel, and Rollin. Children of John S, and Caroline (Henry) Hamilton Edward, Bert, Newton, Clayton, and A.lonzo. Children of Rush W. and Juliet (Henry) Graham, Guy, William, Ora, and Mamie (G.) Pcterman, HOPKINS . ROBERT HOPKINS, Jr. son of ROBERT and NANCY (SPENCS) HOPKINS, (brother of Patrick Hopkins,) b, in Sussex County, Delaware, Sept, 10, 1802 , m. AMELIA BARTHOLOMEW, dau. of Joseph and Christianna (Pickenpaugh) Bartholomew, came to McLean Co. 111. about I836 and d. Dec. 4, I858, (Wife b. July 20, 1800, d. Dec. 8, I858, Their children wcres (1) NANCY (H.) WILEY.- b. Clark Co. Ind. April 12, 1823, m. William Wiley, Sc-Dt. 30, 1842, and d. at Colfax, 111. June 5, 1914. 3 Ch. (2) CAPT. JOSEPH B. HOPKINS, (Captain, Co. S. 94th 111. Vol. Inf. Civil War.) m, Louisa Hcnline, Oct. 10, 1847. 12. HOPKINS (CONT.) (3) MARY A. (H.) DAWSON, m. Jacob Dawson, and d. about 1851. (4) JOHN HOPKINS, m. Emily Chalfant, and d. at Lodi, Wis. about 1850. (5) SARAH (H.) RAY, m. Lester ""'.".7. (6) ANGELIA. (H.) RAY, m. Joseph Ray. (7) ROBERT HOPKINS, (3) (Private Co. E. 94th 111. Vol. Inf. Civil War.) m. Jane Rathburn. (8) HENRY HOPKINS of Bloomington, 111., m. Missouri Arnold. For biographies of PATRICK HOPKINS, see Duis» Good Old Times, 1874, Pago 677, and Biographical Album of McLean Co. 111. 1837, P. 1015. JACKSON. WILLIAM JACKSON (Soldier of 1812 from Virginia,) b. 1777, m. Elizabeth Eishop, dau, of Daniel and Nancy Bishop, about 1805, came to 111, 1841, and d. near Leroy, 111. 1349. (Wf. born 1784, d. 18....) Ch, (1) MARGARET, b 1807, m. Stephen Ponquite. (2) DANIEL JACKSON, b. Fauquier County, Va. Jan. 16, 1809, m. Margaret Walden, Feb. 12, 1832, and d. near Leroy, 111. May 28, 1861 Ch. (See Duis' Good Old Times, 18?4, P. 7^5, and History of McLean County, 111. 1879, P. 885.) (3) AMY, b. 1311, m. E, P. Glasscock. (4) LYDlA, b. 1813, m. William Runyan. (5) ELIZABETH, b, I8l6, m. 1st .Yost, 2nd Youn<> (6) WILLIAM JACKSON, Jr. b. 1818. (d, unm.) 7 J SARAH, b. 1820, n. John Cody. k 8) JAMES H. JACKSON, b. 1822. (d, unm.) (9) ISAAC B. JACKSON, b 1324, m. Elizabeth C. (Branaman) Dawson, Nov. 12, 1842, and d , 8 Ch, (See Bio- graphical Album of McLean County, 111. 188?, P. 5^8.) (10) GEORGE W. JACKSON, b. 1826, m. .............. .Forbes, and d. Nov, 20, 1392, Son. G. W. Jr. (11) SUSAN L. b 1828, m. John Campbell, Feb. 22, 1847. The children of Daniel and Nancy Bishop were John, Thomas, James, Samuel, Matthew, Elizabeth (B.) Jackson, Charlotte, Jessamine, Susan, and Agnes. Information from Alpheus Jackson, (son of Isaac B.) Ellsworth, 111. KARR. JACOB KARR, son of John and Mercy (Lee) Karr, natives of Now Jersey, born in Sussex Co. New Jersey, July 27, 1738, married first, Maria Noble about 1819, second, Clara Garrison, and died in McLean Co, 111. April 1, 1840. 1st wf . b, Dec. 7, 1733, d. Aug. .., 1834. Ch, by 1st wf. (1) HARRISON N. KARR, b. Jan. 10, 1821, m. Alvira Spencc, Feb. 7, 1844. (2) ELLEN0R C. KARR, b. July 19, 1323. (3) JOSEPH P. KARR, b. Dec. 18, 1825, m. Margaret E. Elder, Feb. 15, 1849, and d. 1903. (4) HARRIET R. (KARR) DICKERSON-ESKEW , b, Hamilton Go. Ohio, March 20, 1828, m. 1st. R. F. Dickcrson, Jan. 1, 1845, and, Pcrrin C. Eskow, Feb. 13, 1877, and d. at Leroy, 111, Aug. 27, 1913- (5) JOHN KARR, (3) b. Sept. 17, 1831. Ch. by 2nd wf . (6) MERCY J. KARR b. Doc. 1, 1835, m« Harrison Barnett Sept. 12, 1852. (7) JAMES C KARR, b. Sept. .. 1837. (8) RACHEL KARR, b. about 1839, m. George W. Potts, May 7, 1857. Information from Miss Mary S. Dickcrson, daughter of Harriet R. (Karr) Dickcrson- Eskow, Leroy, 111. 1913, and the Jacob Karr family Bible. 13. LARISON ABEL LARISGN, Sr. b. in Maryland, 17.., m. Rachol Caton, abcmt 1806, and d, at Galena, 111. April 2, 1845, Wife d. 1846, Children! (1 (2 (3 (* ( (6 (7 (8 (9 (10 MARY (L.) LONG, b. about 1808, m. Robert Long, Grecnberry Larison, Sr. b, Morgan County, Ohio, Jan, 21, 1810, m. Araline Whitehead, April, ..1830, a.nd d. at Normal, 111, Oct. 14, 1882. (Sec Duis* Good Old Times, 1874, Page 127, and Daily Pantagraph, Oct. 16, 1882.) 9 Ch. MALINDA. (L,) DAVES -CAMPBELL, b. about 1812, m. 1st, James Daves in McLean County, 111. Dec. 13, 1832, 2nd, ........ .Campbell, and 3rd JAMES LARISON, b, about 1814, m. Margaret Hammett, in McLean County, 111. March 29, 1834. CATHERINE (L.) HOBLIT -WOODWARD , b. about 1816, m. 1st, James Hoblit, in McLean County, 111, Jan, 2, 1834, and 2nd, Thomas K. 'food- ward, Jan. 26, 1840. RACHEL (L.) HOBLIT, b. about 1818, m. John J. Hoblit, in McLean County, 111. Sept. 12, 1839. THOMAS LARISON, b. about 1820, m. Catharine A and d. at Atlanta, 111. ABEL LARISON, Jr. b, Muskingum County, Ohio, April 15, 1822, m. Julia Ann Stev ee 18.., and d. at Atlanta, 111. May 7, 1913. Iff. d. 1888. On. (See History of Logan County, 111. 1886, Page 585.) ELIZA. S. (L.) BROOKS, b. Oct. 1, 1824, m. Presley T. Brooks, Dec. 29, 1842, and d. June 15, 1897. (See Duis 9 Good. Old Times, 18?4, Pago 126.) 8 Ch. CATON LARISON, b. about 1826, m. and d, in Califor- nia about I85O. MOORE. CHARLES M00RE, Revolutionary Soldier from North Carolina, b. in Hanover County, Virginia, Jan. 11, I763, m. Martha ............... at Salisbury, N. C„ about 1792, settled in what is now TJoodford County Illinois, 1826, and d. Sept, 19, 1839 . Wife b. 1774, d. about 1845, Ch. (1) JOSIAH MOORE, b. about 1793, m. Jane A. Patrick, Feb. 25, 1833. Ch. Malinda (M.) Scott, Martha (M.) Dennington, and Louisa (M.) Bassett. (2) WILLIAM C. MOORE, b. Feb. 3, 1794, m. 1st, Sarah Decker, Oct. 20, 1833, 2nd., Ch, by 1st wife, James, Josiah 2, Hugh, Adam, and Narcissa (M.) Brown. (3) JOHN A. M00RE, b. March 18, 1796. (4) ALICE (M.) ALLOWAY, b. June 3, 1799, m. Alloway. 5} PRISCILLA. (M.) CAMPBELL, b. Feb. 2, 1802, m Campbell. k 6) MARY M00RE, b. Feb. 4, 1805. (7) HUGH C. M0CRE, b. March 18, 1803. (3) JOSEPH M00RE, b. April 25, 1810. (9) ALFRED MOORE, b. April 27, 1313, m. Mary A.nn Alloway, Feb. 6, 1834. Ch, Alfred Jr. , John, and ........... (M. ) Attaberry. (10) SARAH (M.) MCKEE, b. Jan. 11, 1317, m. William McKee, March 10, I836, Ch, Martha (McK.) Richardson, Candacc, Amanda (McK„) Kirk- patrick, Miriam (McK.) Hall, Richard, Josiah, and Emma. Information from U, S„ Pension Records, McLean County, 111. Marriage Records, and Aaron Ricahrdson, husband of Martha (McKee; Richardson, Lexington, 111. 1914.) 14. OOli 81 McCLURE. SAMUEL He CLUHE, son of THOMAS and SUSAN (HYNES) McCLURE, was bom in Christian County, Kentucky , about 1798, m. Malinda Euckncr, and died in McLean County, 111. .............. .1858. Ch. who lived to maturity, (1) Thomas IlcClure. (2) (2) Eliza J. IlcClure, m. J. R. Lawrence, Nove, 3 s I85O. (3) Emma IlcClure, b Mar. 9„ I83I, m, William F, Hodge, Hay 30, 1850, and d, at Danvers, 111. April 6, 1914. (4) Robert McClure, (2) (?) James IlcClure. Information from Emma (licCiuro) Hodge, July 16, 1913 • OSBORN. HARMON OSBORN, son of WILLIAM (?) OSBORN, was born in New York City, (?) . .... 1813, came to Bloomington, 111. about I836, married Sophia Johnson, daughter of .......... .and Sophia (Thomas) Johnson, Jan. 21, 1847, and died at Bloomington, 111. Aug. 26, 1354. It is thought he had a sister named Cornelia. Who were his ancestors? Ho was joint proprietor of a linseed oil and saw mill in Bloomington, 111, for several years. His wife came to Bloomington, 111. from Fenner, Madison County, Hew York. She was a milliner for many years. She was born ....... 1824, and died Dec, 10, 1899. Their children were CORNELIA. N. OSBORN., b. June 1, 18*4-8, d. Nov. 11, I850. AGNES C. (OSBORN) KCRIN3, b, Feb. 14, I85I m. Wm. K, Horine Aug. 31. 1371, and d. at Bloomington, 111. Oct. 14, 1909. Ch. Grace (H.) Chambers, J label (H„) Orcndorff, and Herman. .3) RILEY OSBORIT, b. Fob. 11, 1853, d. in childhood. (4) SAMUEL G. OSBORN, b. Jan. 7, 1355, d. unm. at Chicago, 111. Aug. 27 , 1893. SAMUEL S. OSBORN, son of WILLIAM, J. and REBECCA, (RANKIN ) OSBORIT, and grandson of WILLIAM OSBORIT, was born in Ohio, April 17, 1847, m. Frances Lambert, and d. at Bloomington, 111. July 28, 1912. Ch. Ray H., William J. (2), Mattic M. (Osborn) Smith, and Bessie. PACKARD . (PROM Original Record in McLean County Historical Societies Collection, Etc.) JOB PACKARD was born (at Bridget-rater, Plymouth County, Mass.) Dec. 15, 1770, m. Martha Clark, June 30 > 1805? and died at Hillbury, Worcester County, Mass. Aug. 17, I836. His wife was born May 28, 1734, and died at Princeton, Bureau County, 111. Feb. 17, 1868. Their children were (l) JOEL C. (l) b, A.ug. 31, 1806, d. April 2, 1811. (2 J AM (l) b. Nov. 30, 1807, d. A.ug. 31, 1808. '3) ANN (2) b. Mar. 13, 1809 , d, Jan. 6, 1889 . ,4) PERSIS (l) b. Mar. 21, 1311, d. May 29, 1813. (5) JOEL C. (2) b. Feb. 2, 1813, d. Dec. 26, I833. (6) SUMNER, b. Mar. 17, 1814, d. Dec. 9, 1888. (7) PERSIS (2) b. Aug. 11, 1815, d. Aug. 5, 1890. (3) CHARLES A. b. Dec. 16, 1816, d. Oct. 4, 1337. (9) ALANS0N, b. July 25, 1313, d. Jan. 9, 1819. (10) ALVAN, b. Sept, 19, 1821, 1821, d .(See Biog. Alb. McLean Co. 111. 138?, Pago 94, (11) ALMIRA. J. b. Aug. 31, 1823, d. Jan. 9, 1848, (12) MARTHA, E, (PACKARD) H0RR, b, Nov. 5, 182.4, (d. at Bloomington, 111. Sept. 16, 1911. Ho Ch.) (For Biographies of Major W, Packard, Frank Packard, and Thaddeus Packard, see Transactions , McLean Co, Historical Society, and Pantagraph Files.) 15. PATRICK. EDWARD P. PATRICK, (Or FitzPatrick, ) Revolutionary Soldier from North Carolina, was born in Ireland, 1760, was taken to A.merica when a child, married Mary ilc- Cord, daughter of James and Jane (Scroggs) McCord, in Iredell County, North Carolina, Feb. 13, 1797 1 settled in what is now Woodford County, Illinois, I83I, and died there Nov. 24, 1&34. His wife was born 1771, and. died Oct. 13, I850. Children (1) WILLIAM PATRICK, b. Oct. 20, 1798, d. (unm.) Nov. 14, 1833 . (2) CERENA (P.) HINTHORN, b. liar. 28, 1800, m. Adam Hinthorn, liar. 28, 1833 = and d.ied at Hudson, 111. Aug. 4, I878. Daughter Margaret (H.) Maple. (3) JAMES M. PATRICK, b. Feb. 9, 1802, (d. unm.) (4) ALLEN PATRICK, b. Jan. 25, 1304, m, Eliza J. McCorklo, ........18.., and d, at Washington, 111, Nov, 23, 1893. Ch. Ellen (P. ) North, S EE ADDENDA (5) AMANDA. (P. ) BILBREY, b, Oct. 29, 1805, n. Young Bilbrey, A.ug. 12, 1826, and d. A.ug. 26, 1883. Ch. Jane (B.) Coon, Mary Ann (B.) Arm- strong, Melinda (B.) Smith, William, Ellen (B.) Hinthom, Mar- garet, Alnira (B.) Hinthorn, Allen, ~vs\ ?l;i . (Seo Puis 1 Good Old Times, 1874, Pago 625.) (6) ALMIRA. F. (Or Jane A..?) (P. ) MOORE, b. Sept. 25, 1807, m. Josiah Moore, Feb. 25, 1033 » a ^d d, .........18.. Ch. Malinda (li.) Scott, Martha (M.) Donnington, and Louisa (M.) 3assett. (7) NIN3L0W F. PATRICK, b. July 28, 1809, d. (unm.) about 1829. (8) ELI F. PATRICK, b. June 3, 1811, m. Mary A. McCorkle, Sept. 28, 1840, and d. June 9, 1873. Ch. SEE ADDENDA. (9) MALINDA. F, (P. ) ARMSTRONG, b. Sept. 17, 1813, n. Garrett Armstrong, Sept. ..1844, and d. May 28, I863. Ch. Matilda, Marian, Miles, Martin, and Louisa. (See Kist. of Woodford County, 111. IS78, Pago 653.) Information from Mrs. Myra Patrick Kuey, 660 Woodland Park, Chicago, 111. and other sources. PATRICK ADDENDA. Children of Allen Patrick 11 j William B. Patrick (2) Ellen (Patrick) North, (doc.) (3) P, M. Patrick (4) Crvillc W. Patrick (5) Emma Patrick, (dec.) (6) Louisa C. Patrick (7) Douglas Patrick. Children of Eli Patrick (1) Latin (Patrick) Grum (2) Isabel (Patrick) Hallam (3) Sarah E. Patrick (4) Almira (Patrick) Huey (5) C. W. Patrick (6) Edward B. Patrick Children of Corona (Patrick) Hinthorn (1) Margaret (Hinthorn) Maple (2) Eli Hinthorn (Others ?) (Mrs. Latina (Patrick) Crum, El Campo, Texas, to Milo Custer, A.ug. 23, and Sept. 2, 1914.) l6 . PIKE. NOAH PIKE was bom April 3, 177^, married first, Joanna Hoard, March 16, 1794, secondly, Abigail Ripley, April 30, 10l6. First wife born Oct, 6, 1773, second wife "born Hay 31, 1792. Children by first wife, |l) NOAH, Jr., b. April 10, 1795 .2) SAMUEL, (No. 1.) b. Dec, 15, 1796 (3) ELIZA, b. Nov, 19, 1797 (4) SAMUEL, (No. 2) b, Aug. 25, 1799 J5) IVORY H., b. July 23, 1801 .6) TH30PHILUS S., b. Doc. 10, 1802 \7) HARRISON W., (Father of E, M. Pike, and others.) b. Aug. 19, 1304 [8) JOANNA B., (No. 1.) b. May 19, 1806 (9) MESHA.GK b. Feb. 7, 1807 (10) HANNAH B. r b. June 3, 1809 (11) JANE b. April 1, 1811 (12) JOANNA. B., (No. 2) b. July 5, 1813 Children by second wife (13) JOSEPH S, b. liay 9, 1817 (14) WILLIAM S. b. Feb. 2, 1821 (15) JOANNA. H. b. Jan. 20, 1824 (16) EUNICE S. b. Sept. 21, 1825 (17) MABIETTA S. b, June 1, 1827 (l3) ABIGA.IL b. July 21, 1829 ,19) SARAH S. b. Dec. 21, 1830 \ 20) LYDIA M. b. April 14, 1832 21) HENRY ::,, b. flay 4, 1834 k 22) QUINCY L. b. June 5, I835, and (23) An un named infant, b. Aug. 19, I836. (information from Mrs. Sue A.. Pike Sanders, dau. of Harrison If. Pike, Bloomington, 111. 1813 . See Vol. I, Trans. McLean Co, Hist. Soc. 1899, ?. 526, and Cent. 111. Obituraries, I87I- 1830.) RETT) and FOREMAN. THOMAS REID (Soldier of 1812 from Virginia,) ;*as born in Ireland 1778, m. Matilda Dawson, Oct. 22, 1307, came to McLean County, Illinois, 1868, and died Hay 16, 1875. Wife 13 (Forbes) Jackson 13 Margaret S. (Trimmer) 19 Martha 1 Martha E. (Havens) 10,19 Sophia (Johnson) Osborn 15 Sophia (Thomas) Johnson 15 JOHNSTON, Hannah H. (Foster) 9 John G. Johnston 9 KARR, Alvira (Spcnco) Karr 13 Clara (Garrison) Karr 13 Ellenor C. Karr 13 Harriet R. (Karr) Dickerson- Sskew 13 Harrison N. 13 Jacob 13 James C. 13 John 13 John 13 Joseph P. 13 Margaret E. (Elder) Karr 13 Maria (Noble) Karr 13 Mercy J. (Karr) Barnott 13 Mercy (Loo) Karr 13 Rachel (Karr) Potts 13 Christina 1 Elizabeth (K. ) Fordice ? Elizabeth (Lucas) Fordice 7 Samuel 6 Clarissa (Kirscy) Sneed 18 Emeline (Buckles) 3 KSRSHNER, Hattie (Henry) Kershner 12 KEYES, Alexander H. Keyes 8 Malinda (Foster) Keyes 8 KE1LSR, Elizabeth J. (K.) 3ucld.es 3 KIRCKPATRICK, A,manda (McKee) 14 KNOTT, Joseph H. 4 KNOWLES, El?* abeth Arnold (Knowles) 2 KUYKENDAIL, Ga irine (Foster) 8 lie-. is Kuvkendall 8 LA.CHINE, Noi ' (L.) Sneed 18 LAFFERTY, Sa h (Hendrix) 11 LAMBERT, Frances (L.) Osbom 15 LANEAR, Susannah (L.) Fordice 7 LANTER] IAN Eli ,beth (L. ) Trimmer 18 LABISON, Abel 14 A.be' -"-% f 14 A.rr,- .". (Whitehead) 14 Ca ine A. ( ) 14 Catherine (L. ) Hoblit- Uoalward 14 KENT, KENTSTON, KERR, KERSEY, KERSHAW , LAEISON , Cat on 14 Eliza 3. (L.) Brooks 14 Greenberry Larison, Sr. 14 James 14 Julia A.nn (Stevens) 14 Malinda (L. ) Daves-Campbell 14 Margaret (Kammett) 14 Mary (L. ) Long 14 Rachel (Caton) 14 Rachel (L.) Hoblit 14 Thomas 14 LAWRENCE, Eliza J. (McClure) 15 J. R. Lawrence 15 LEAR, Mattie (Apgar) Lear 18 LEE, Mercy (Lee) Karr 13 LEWIS, Irena (Smith) Lewis 10 LINTON, George F e 5 Helen R. (Connell) Linton- Cheney 5 May A. (L. ) Ricketts 5 Sanderson 5 Thomas 5 LOGAN, Betsey (Henry) Logan 12 William Logan 12 LONG, Mary (Larison) Long 14 Robert 14 L0VEA1L, Eliza E. (L.) Downey 6 LUCAS, Amanda (Buckles) 3 MANTOR, Ellen (Havens) Mantor 10 MAPLE, Margaret (llinthorn) Maple 16 MARSH, Susannah (il.) Fordice 7 MATHERS, Martha R. ( Connell) 5 MEEKER, Louisa C. (Cheney) Meeker 5 MERRIFIELD , Catharine (Conaway) 4 Henry 4 Otto 4 Providence ( Conaway) 4 MIKEL, Mrs. Jacob Mikel 4 See hendryx 11 Hannah E. (Case) Mikel 11 Minnie (Bunn) Mikel 11 MILES, Mahal \ (M, ) Buckles 4 MILLAR, Dinah 7 MILLER, Al: { ft.) Hill 2 A: ; Alexander 2 Ja^3.-j T, 1 Luella ( ,::,} Mitchell 2 Priscilla (Allison) 1^' Priscilla (Miller) Wyman 2 Rebecca (M, ) Simmons 2 Rebecca (Wheeler) Miller 10 Rev. Alexander 1 Samuel 2 MILLER, Samuel S. 1,2 Sarah (Loyd) 1 HILLS, Emma (ll. ) Pordicc 8 Julia (M.) Taylor-Snood 18 MTTCHEL, Luella (Miller) 2 MOORE , Adam 14 Alfred 2 Alfred, Jr. 14 Alice (Moore) Allouay 14 Charles 14 Hugh 14 Hugh G. 14 James 14 Jano A, (Patrick) Moore 14 John 14 John A. 14 Josiah 14, 16 Joseph 14 Louisa (M. ) Bassett 14,16 Malinda (ll.) Scott 14,16 Martha ( ) Moore 14 Martha (M. ) Dennington 14 Mary Ann (Alloway) Moore 2,14 Mary 14 Narcissa (M. ) Broim 14 Priscilla (M, ) Campbell 14 Sarah (Decker) Moore 14 Sarah (Moore) McKee 14 William C. 14 (vIoore)Attaberry 14 MORRIS, Elizabeth (ll.) Ilendryx 11 MOBSMAN, Elizabeth (ll.) Downey MOSS, Joseph 17 Margaret (Reid) Moss 1? MOUNTS, Mary J. (Hendrix) 11 MURPHY, Nancy (M. ) Havens 10 MURRAY, Henry 5 McAH/JRIT, Fanny (Fordice) Samuel 8 HcCALLISTER, Hannah (M.) Henry 12 MC CLURE, Eliza J. (M. ) Laxrrence 15 Emma (,I.) Hodge 15 James 15 Malinda (Buckncr) 15 Robert (2) 15 Samuel 15 Susan (Hynes) McClure 15 Thomas 15 Thomas (2) 15 MC CLURG, Mrs. Beulah (ll. ) Connell 5 MC C0RD t James 16 Jane (Scroggs) 16 Mary (M.) Patrick 16 Solly Ann (Arnold) 2 Thomas A. 2 MC CORKLSj Eliza J. (il.) Patrick 16 Mary A. (M.) Patrick 16 MC COY, Mrs. Blanche (II. ) Dean 18 Mary J. (Sneed) McCoy 18 William J. 18 MC KEE, Amanda (ll.) Kirkpatrick 14 Candace McKee 14 Emma 14 Josiah 14 Martha (M.) Richardson 14 Miriam (M.) Hall 14 Richard 14 Sarah (Moore) McKee 14 Uilliam 14 MC MA.CKIN, Mary E. (Downey) McMackin 7 MC MULLEN, Ada J. (Trimmer) McMullen 19 MC NAUGHT, Eliza A. (Trimmer) McNaught 19 NOBLE, Amanda G. 9 Mary Noble (dau. of Dr. Stephen Noble) 9 NORTH, Ellen (Patrick) North 16 CGAN, James 8 Susanmh M. (Fordice) Ogan 8 OLDAM, Sarah 1 0REND0RFF, Geo. P. 11 Mabel (Horine) 15 Mary J. (0.) Cox 11 Nancy (0.) Trimmer 18 Oliver H. P. 11 Sarah L, S. (Hendrix) 11 OSBORN, Agnes (0. ) Horine 15 Bessie 15 Cornelia N. 15 Frances (Lambert) 15 Harmon 15 Mattie M. (0. ) Smith 15 Ray K. 15 Rebecca (Rankin) 15 Samuel G e 15 Samuel S. 15 Sophia (Johnson) 15 Uilliam 15 William J. 15 Uilliam J. (2) 15 PADGETT, Clara (Hendryx) 11 Dolly (Hendryx) 11 PACKARD, Alanson 15 Almira J. 15 Alvan 1 5 Ann (1) 15 Ann (2) 15 PACKARD, Charles A. 15 PIKE, Abigail 17 Frank 15 Abigail (Ripley) 17 Job 15 Eliza 17 Joel C. 15 Eunice S, 17 Joel C. (2) 15 Hannah B. 17 Martha. (Clark) 15 Harrison W, (Father of E. M. Martha E. (P. ) Horr 15 Pike & others) 17 Major W. Packard 15 Henry H. 17 Persis 15 Ivory H. 17 Per sis (2) Jane 17 Sumner 15 Jeanna (Heard) Pike 17 Thaddeus 15 Joanna B. (l) 17 PARTEE, Charlotte (Re id) 17 Joanna B. (2) 17 Partee 17 Joanna H, 17 PATRICK, A.lmira (P. ) Huey 16 Joseph S. 17 A.manda (p. ) Bilbrey 16 Lydia M, 17 Ajoira F, or Jane A..? Marietta 17 (Patrick) Moore 16 Me shack 17 Cerena (P. ) Hinthorn 16 Noah 17 C. if. Patrick 16 Noah Jr. 17 Douglas 16 Quincy L. 17 Edward B. 16 Sarah S. 17 Edward F, Patrick (Fitz- Samuel (l) Samuel (2) 17 Patrick) 16 17 Eli F. 16 Mrs, Sue A. (Pike) Sander 3 17 Eliza J. (McCorkle) 16 Theophilus S. 17 Ellen (?.) North 16 PLA.TT, Abel 10 Ermna 16 Cyrus 10 F. 11. 16 Elizabeth (Havens) 10 Isabel (P. ) Kallam 16 Hezekiah 10 James N. 16 Jesse 10 Latin (P. ) Crum 16 John 10 Malinda F, (P.) Armstrong 16 POND, Amanda (P. ) Fordice 8 Mary (HcCord) 16 POST, Sarah (Case) Post k Mary A. (McCorkle) 16 POTTS , George U. Potts 13 Orville IT. 16 Rachel (Karr) Potts 13 Sarah E. 16 Emily (Potts) Conaway 4 William 16 POWELL, Electa (Fenstermaker) 5 William B. 16 Ora 5 Winslow F. 16 PRICE , Mary A,. (Case) Price 11 PEMBERTOI f, John 1 RANKIN , Rebecca (Rankin) Osbom 15 PENqUITE , Margaret (Jackson) 13 RA.THBGNE, Cornelius T. 8 Stephen 13 Helen (Fordice) Rathbono 3 PERCY, Adelia (Henry) 12 RATHBURN, Jane (R,) Hopkins 13 PERRY, Martha 9 RAY, Angel ia (Hopkins) Ray 13 Mary (Perry) Eddy 9 Joseph 13 Thomas 9 Lester 13 PETERMAN, , Mamie (Graham) 12 Sarah (Hopkins) 13 PHILLIPS , 1 Eliza M. (Trimmer) 19 REED, Martha (Reed) Arnold 2 Martha (Trimmer) 19 REID, Ann (Reid) Hale 17 Matilda Buckles h Catharine 17 PICKENPAUGH, Christianna (P.) Charlotte (Re id) Partee Elizabeth (Reid) Hood 17 17 Bartholomew 12 George 17 RE ID, J Re id Grafton Jacob Jane ( Jeremiah John John N. Joanna ( ) Ilargaret (Reid) Moss Mary (_ ) Reid RENIE , RHODES RICE , Matilda (Dawson) Reid Nelson Rebecca Ross Thomas William William, Jr t Kate (Henry) Elizabeth R, (Arnold) Sarah B. (Rice) Withers RICHAHDSON, Aaron Martha (McKee) RICHER, Anna Margaret (R.) Spawr RICK5TTS, May A., (Linton) Ricketts RINSKART, A. N. Rinehart Lizzie (Doimey) Rinehart Abigail (Ripley) Pike Ella (Henry) Riser Mary M» Alpharetta (Allison) Elsie (Cheney) Roberts Eliza (Arnold) Roland James Olive (Rolland) Case Martha (Buckles) Lydia (Jackson) William Jane M, (R.) Buckles Mahala (Buckles) Mrs. Sue A.. (Pike) Sanders SA.TTERFIELD , Letitia (S,) Fordice SAVAGE, Olive (Case) Sarah E. (Case) SCHAEFFER, James T. Louisa A.. (Council) I'ialinda (Moore) RIPLEY , RISER, RITCHIE, ROBERTS , ROLAND , ROLLAND , ROSS, RUNYAN, RUTLEDGS SANDERS , SCOTT , SGROGGS , SHADE, SHORT, SIMMONS , SLOAN , Sarah E. (Trimmer) Jane (S.) McCord Emily (Spaur) Minerva J. (Allison) Rebecca (Miller) Elizabeth (Henry) 1? 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 17 12 2 19 m- 14 18 5 7 7 17 12 1 1 5 2 2 11 k 13 13 3 3 17 7 11 11 5 5 14, 16 19 16 18 1 2 12 SMITH, Anna (Havens) 10 Christian 10 David 10 David 10 Dr. Lee 10 Irena (Smith) Lweis 10 Issac R a 10 Isaac 10 Jacob Smith (not Susan's husband) 5 James W, 8 Jennie J, (Fenstermaker) 5 Jesse 10 John (l) 10 John (2) 10 Mary 10 Mattie M (Osborn) 15 Melinda (Bilbrey) 16 Sarah Ann (Foster) 8 Sarah J. R. (S.) Arnold 3 Malinda (Foster) Smith 8 SNEED, Adelaide (Cannon) 18 Alice (Hebden) 13 Benjamin F. 18 Clarissa (Kersey) 18 David F. ' 18 Eliza, (Day) 18 Elisabeth (Boyd) 18 Elizabeth (Finley) 18 Slmira (Sneed) Haley 18 Fannie (Fredley) 18 Harvey F. 13 Henry G. 18 Isabel H (S.) Dunks-Hippie 13 James B. 18 John A., 18 John H, 18 Julia. (Mills) Taylor-Sneed 18 Mary J. (Sneed) McCoy 18 Nathan R. 18 Nomi (Lachine) 18 Rufus 13 Sarah E. (S.) Wilson 18 Tamar Hawkins 18 SHELL, Mary E. (Snell) Henry 12 SNYDER, Louisa (S.) Crumbaugh 5 SPARKS, Mary (Sparks) Willhoite 19 SPAWR, Ann M. (S.) Fitzgerald 13 Anna Margaret (Richer) 18 Eliza (Trimmer) 18 Elizabeth (3 . ) Champlin 18 Emily (S.) Shade 18 Jacob 18 Louisa I. (S.) Preble 18 SPAWR, Mary J. (S.) Sweet 18 TRIMMER, Sarah G. (S.) Franklin 18 Valentine 18 SPENCE, Alvira (Spence) Karr 13 Nancy (Spence) Hopkins 12 SPENCER, ( S pencer) Wright 20 STEELS, Laura (Steele) Downey 7 STEPHENS, Martha (Stephens) Fordice 8 STEVENS , Julia Ann (S . ) Larison 14 STEWART, Ethel (Cheney) Stewart 5 STIGER, Abraham 1 Hannah 1 STILES, Evaline (Allison) 1 STRETCH, Elizabeth (Van Dolah) 19 Jesse 19 Mary Ann (S . ) Trimmer 19 STROUD, Barbara (Stroud) Trimmer 19 SURDAM, Louisa 1 SHEET, Mary J. (Spawr) Sweet 18 TALIiAGE, Alice (Havens) Talmage 10,19 TAYLOR, Ellen (Taylor) Foster 8 Ann (Hendrix) 11 Julia (Mills) Taylor-Sneed 18 Susannah (Taylor) Hendrix 10 THOMAS, Etta J. (Trimmer) Thomas 19 Sophia (Thomas) Johnson 15 TILBURY, Elisabeth (Tilbury) Trimmer 19 TRIMMER, AdaJ(Trimmer) McMullen 19 Amanda (Gilmore) Trimmer 19 Barbara (Stroud) Trimmer 19 Charles II. 10,19 Daniel F. 19 David 19 David Trimmer 10,19 David F. Trimmer 19 David L. Trimmer 19 Eliza M. (Trimmer) Phillips 19 Eliza (Trimmer) Spawr 18 Elizabeth (Lanterman) 18 Elizabeth (Trimmer) Hand 19 Elizabeth (Tilbury) Trimmer 19 Enos A.. 19 Etta J. (Trimmer) Thomas 19 Fredrick 18 George II. 19 Havie 19 Isabel Trimmer 10 Isabel 19 J. Trimmer 19 Jesse Trimmer 19 John A. Trimmer 10,19 John D, Trimmer 19 John 3r. 18 John Jr. 19 Manford J. 19 Margaret E, (T.) Jenkins 19 Margaret (Havens) Trimmer 10,19 Margaret (Trimmer) Apgar 18 Martha (Trimmer) Phillips 19 Maria (Clark) Trimmer 19 Mary Ann (Stretch) Trimmer 19 Mary E, (Trimmer) Hobart 19 Mary (Trimmer) 10 Mary (Trimmer) Best 18 Nancy (Orendorff) Trimmer 18 Nicholas 19 Rebecca (Hinthorn) Trimmer 19 Sally A.nn (Trimmer) Havens 10 Samuel Trimmer 19 Sarah A, (Trimmer) Havens 19 Sarah E. (Trimmer) Van Buskirk 19 Scott Trimmer 19 Stephen Trimmer 19 Tabitha A.. (Trimmer) Barnard 19 Sarah S. (Trimmer) Scott 19 William Trimmer 19 William Trimmer Father 18 William Trimmer Son 18 William M. Trimmer 19 John F. 19 TRUSSEL, Ann (Hondris) Trussel 11 TUCKER, Mary (Tucker) Downey 5 VAN AKIN, Nancy A.. (Wright) 20 VAN BUSKIRK, Sarah S. (Trimmer) 19 VAN DOLAH, Elizabeth (V.D.) Stretch 19 VAN SCHOICK, Mary (Foster 9 Wesley Van Schoick 9 VEATCII, Lolla (Henry) Veatch 12 WALDEN, Elizabeth (W.) Downey 6 Emily (Downey) Walden 6 Henry 6 WEBB, Z. T. 2 WEDDEL, Flora V, (W.) Downey 6 WHEELER, Benjamin Wheeler Sr. 10 Benjamin Wheeler Jr. 10 Dorcas (Havens) Wheeler 10 Elisabeth Wheeler 10 Henry Wheeler 10 James A., Wheeler 10 Jesse Wheeler 10 John J. Wheeler 10 Mary Wheeler 10 Rachel (Harris) Wheeler 10 Rachel Wheeler 10 Rebecca (Wheeler) Miller 10 Valentine Wheeler 10 William L. Wheeler 10 WICHOFF, Mary Jane (W.) Alloway WILES, Amy Wiles W ILEY , B en jamin Dilitha (Wiley) Foster Eleanor G. (Arnold) Nancy (Hopkins) Wiley William TTiley WILHOTTE, Alexander Elial T. James M. John K. Joshua Lucy (Willhoite) Hancock Mary (Sparks) Willhoite Reuben Willhoite Thirza Dr. Willis C. Willhoite WILLIAMS Aaron S. Nancy (Conaway) Williams Mary (Uilliaias) Buckles Susanna Williams WILSON, Dorothy (Foster Wilson Fletcher Sarah E, (Sneed) Wilson William I. WISTCARYER, Sarah (Wistcaryer) Wright WITHERS, Allen Eliza Ann (Withers) Dore S valine Wither G. W. Withers Hannah R. Withers James M, Withers John Withers Mary Louise Withers Mary (Coles) Withers Matilda P. (W.) Dodge- Gonkling Peter Peter S. Withers Sarah B. (Rice) Withers Gapt. William P. Withers WOOD, Amos Wood Phoebe (Downey) Wood WOODWARD WRIGHT i Catherine (Larison) Thomas E. Eli George W. Wright (l) George W, Wright (2) Gilbert Wright Gilbert L. Wright Hamilton L, Wright Hiram 2 9 3 8 3 12 12 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 19 k 3 9 9 18 18 9 20 19 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 19 20 19 20 19 19 7 7 Ih 14 20 20 20 20 20 20 20 WRIGHT, Jesse L. Wright 20 Dr. Levi Wright 20 Nancy A. (Wright) Van Akin 20 Sarah (Wistcaryer) Wright 20 Thomas H. Wright 20 ( S -oencer) Wright 20 WYLES, Amy (Wylos) Greenman 9 WYIIAN, Priscilla (Miller) 2 YOST, Elizabeth (Jackson) Yost 13 Yost 13 Y0UNG E Elizabeth (Jackson) Young 13 Young 13 C=N> OLD FAMILY RECORDS, NUMBER FIVE, Originally Compiled and Printed i3y Milo Custer 1919 Reprinted by the Bloomington-Normal Genealogical Society 1969 FAIOLIES BAKER BARTHOLOMEW BRTTTIN COVELL DALZELL DEPEW DOTS DURLEY EVANS GRIPLEY KIMLER LEAF LUCE hacXENZIE MAX30N MAXWELL KOLLEK RANDOLPH RICH-WELCH DALZELL ADDENDA BI0OKINGTON-1K)RML GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY Mrs. Richard L. Wright, Publications Chairman Committee hemberss Mrs. Elinor Vance Wetter Mrs. Donna Smith Miss Honore' Hill LIST OF PHOTOGRAPHS CONTAINED IN ORIGINAL PUBLICATION Mrs. Margaret Baker Packard, Daughter of Seth Baker, 2. James Depew, Prvt. Co. B. 4th Regt. 111. Vols. Mexican War, 1846-184? William S . Depew Mrs. Wm. S. Depew Prof. -Etzard Duis Mary Gridley Bell Mrs. Leodicy (Maxwell) Dickerson, Daughter of William and Elizabeth (Evans) Maxwell William Orendorff, Sr. ^ Notel This publication is merely a reprint of the original book published by Milo Custer in 1919. The Bio omingt on-Normal Genealogical Society cannot accept the responsibility for accuracy of contents. BAKER . Information from Mrs, Margaret Baker Packard and Others, SAMUEL BAKER (1) son of EZEKCEL BAKER, was born near Sheffield, England, 1742, married RHODA SILLIMAN, daughter of Nathaniel and Nary (Lawrence) Silliman, 1773. He served as a Private in Capt. Aaron Stevens Company, Seventh Connecticut Regiment, (Col. Hiram Swift.) Ear. 7, 1777 to June.. 1777, Revolutionary War, enlisting from Fairfield, Conn, He re-enlisted in Capt. Bull's Company, Second Regiment, Light Dragoons, Continental Line, (Col. Elisha Sheldon.) Apr. 2, 1778, and was discharged Feb, 9, 1780, He also served as a physician. Children (1) Samuel Baker, (2) born April 25, 1775, married Margaret and died at Wayne svi lie, 111. June 21, 1852. His wife was born Nov. 1, 1784, and died Nov. 3, 1870. Children, Samuel C. Baker, b. 1807, and Mary (Baker) Wheeler, second wife of Dr. David Wheeler. (Others?) (2) Rhoda Baker, born Oct. 2, 1778. Never married. (3) Sarah Baker, born Mar. 31, 1781. Never married. (4) Dr. Isaac Baker, born Sept. 13, 1783. See further record. (5) Seth Baker, (1) born Dec. 2, 1785, married Susan Sayles, and died near Waynesville, 111. 1838. Children Noses Baker, born about 1812, Amanda M. (Baker) Gates, wife of Horatio M, Gates, born about 1814, Sophronia (Baker) McElhiny, wife of George McElhiny, born about 1815, Matilda (B>aker) Rue, wife of Alfred Rue, born about 1817, Mary Jane (Baker) Espey, wife of Dr. George Espey, born about 1819, Robert Baker, born Aug. 3, 1821, Stephen Baker, born Oct, 25, 1823, Silas Baker, born Sept, 23, 1825, and Hiram Baker, born Mar. 22, 1828. See Case 111, Box 3, Probate Files, McLean County, 111. (5) Ann Baker, born about 1790, died in childhood. Dr. ISAAC BAKER, son of Samuel and Rhoda (Silliman) Baker, was born in Fairfield County, Conn. Sept. 13, 1783, married first, Susannah M. Dodge, daughter of John Dodge and sister of Solomon Dodge, in Ohio, 1803, secondly, Ruth (White) Greenman, daughter of David White and widow of John Greenman, in McLean County, 111. June 27, 1833, thirdly, Nancy ( ) Miller, also in McLean County, 111. Aug. 1, 1852, and died at Leroy, 111. April 28, 1872. Dr. Isaac Baker's first wife, born Sept. 26, 1788, died Feb. 26, 1833. His second wife was born. .. .1793, and died Nov. 24, 1848. He was the first County Surveyor and the first Clerk of the County Commissioners Court of McLean County, 111, Children by first wife, (1) Seth Baker (2) born Aug. 16, 1805, married first, Mary M. Gates, daughter of Timothty M. and Margaret (Hughes) Gates, Dec. 25, 1829, secondly, Sarah Orendorff , daughter of William and Lovina (Sayles) Orendorff , Aug. 19, 1840, and died Dec. 5, 1846. Children by first wife, Margaret (Baker) Packard, and Bettie M, (Baker) Sargent. Son by second wife, Leander Baker. (2) Elliott "i. Baker, born May 8, 1808, married Ann Eliza Sutton, Feb, 6, 1834, and died Sept. 11, 1845. Children, Isaac and Lucinda. 1. (3) William !•!, Baker, born Feb. 9, 1811, married Amanda Goodwin, June 27, 1839 Ch, Ann (Baker) Starr, Susan. (4) John D. Baker, born Mar, 13, 1813, married first, Caroline Sutton, second, Cinderella Children of first wife, Columbus, Sidney, and Theodore . By second wife , Alfred and Clara , (5) Susannah M, Baker, b. June 25, 1815, d. in childhood, (6) Charles Baker, born Dec. 17, 1817, married first, Susan Hiscock, second, Hester Beatty, Apr. 8, 1851, third, Sarah Shaw. Children by first wife, Melville and Etta. By third wife, Anna (?Jaker) Nelson, Susan and Sadie. (7) Sidney D. Baker, born Feb. 14, 1823, married Laura A, Edwards, ' Mar. Ik, 1845. Children, ■ Frank and Eva (Baker) Smith. (8) Mary Ann (Baker) Rowan, born Feb. 12, 1823, married Martin B. Rowan, Feb. 12, 1843, and died July 28, I855. Children, Albert H. Rowan, and Ella (Rowan) Mason, wife of Judson R. Mason. (9) Solomon D. Baker, born April 16, 1825, married. .,,., .Children, Frank and Belle (Baker) , (10) Hiram Baker, (2) born Bee. 8, 1826, Fever married. (11) Albert W. Baker, born May 10, 1829, died "in childhood. Children by second wife, (12) Julia Ann (Baker) .Edwards, born July 17, 1834, married Lucius Edwards, May 22, 1853. Children,- Flora (Edwards) Letellier, Myra (Edwards) Roach and Lmma, (13) Laura W. (Baker) Noble, born July 10, 1839, married Hiram Noble. Children, Anna (Noble) Baker, Thomas, Edward and Charles, BARTHOLOMEW. JOSEPH BARTHOLOMEW, born in New Jersey, March 15, 1766, served as Lieutenant Colonel of Indiana Militia in the 3attle of Tippecanoe, Nov. 7, 1811, married first, Christianna Pickenpaugh, 1787, secondly Elizabeth T.cNaught, June. .1811, settled in what is now McLean County, Illinois, 1330, and died at Clarksville, 111.- Nov. 2, 1840. His first wife died in Indiana, May., 1809. His second wife died also in Indiana, ". . .182^, Bartholomew County, Ind . was named' for him. His children and grand-children were, By first wife, (1) Sarah (Bartholomew) Espey, born. . .1788, married Hugh Espey in Clark Co. Ind. 1805, died 1359. 11 Ch. (2) Joseph Bartholomew, Jr. born about 1790, died young, (3) Catharine (Bartholomew) McNaught, born... 1791, married Thomas McNaught , and died . . . 1B64 . 14 Ch . (4) John Bartholomew, born 1792 married Nancy McNaught, 1814, and died . 1827. (5) Mary (Jartholomexj) Hopkins, born about 1795 > married Patrick Hopkins, son of Robert, Sr. and Fancy (Spence) Hopkins, in Clark County, Indiana, 1820, and died near Lexington, Illinois, Aug. 29, 1839. Children, Joseph II., Fancy A, (Hopkins) Smith, Elizabeth (Hopkins) Hefner, Robert M, and Mary E. (Hopkins) Bowers. (6) Amelia (Bartholomew) Hopkins, born July 20, 1800, married Robert Hopkins, Jr., brother of Patrick Hopkins, and died at Fort Scott, Kansas, Dec. 16, I858. Children, Fancy S. (Hopkins) Wiley, Mary Ann (Hopkins) Dawson, Joseph, John, Sarah (Hopkins) Ray, Angelia (Hopkins) Ray, Robert M. (2) and Henry. (7) Martha (Bartholomew) Vail, born about 1801, married Gamaliel Vail, Son, George Vail, and 3 other Ch. (8) Marston C. Bartholomew, born about 1803, married Mary Hopkins, sister of Patrick and Robert. Children, Christianna (Bartholomew) Kaynard, Fancy E. (Bartholomew) Ringdorff, Robert M., Joseph, (3) John, (2) and Catherine (Bartholomew) Ackerman. (9) Albert Bartholomew, born about 1805. (10) Elizabeth (Bartholomew) Epler, born about 1807, married Isaac Epler, and died about 1830v One daughter. (11) Christianna (Bartholomew) Epler, born 1809, married Isaac Epler, widoxrer of her sister Elizabeth, in McLean County, Illinois, Feb. 18, 1832. 8 Ch. Children by second wife (12) George M, Bartholomew, born. ... ,1812, married Catharine Hefner, in McLean County, 111. Mar. 6, 1834. Ch. Elizabeth (Bartholomew) McCloud, Jane (Bartholomew) Sprague, Adaline (Bartholomew) Waite, . Joseph M. ,' Alonzo, and James. (13) Nancy (Bartholomew) Bradley, born. ... .1814, married James Bradley, in McLean County, 111. Nov. 30, 1837. 7 Ch. Son, Joseph Bradley, born Sept. 28, 1840 (14) Angela (Bartholomew) ferryman, born 1816, married William Merry- man, 1840, and died at Tacoma, Wash. 7 Ch. Pau. Elizabeth, Son, Joseph. (15 and 16), Lucinda and Finerva, twins, born about 1818. T)±ed in childhood. (17) James C. Bartholomew, born 1819, married Mary F. McFaught, in McLean County, 111. April 21, 1842, Ch. Robert, Harriet (Barth- olomew) Espaugh, James, and Sarah, (18) VJilliam M. Bartholomew, born May 9, 1821, married Frances A. Goddard, in McLean County, 111. Jan. 2, 1842, and died at Pingree, N. D 19,. Children, Frances (Bartholomew) Wanner, William A., Anna F, (Bartholomew) Stone, Eva (Bart holomew)W hit e, Dell A. (Bartholomew) Latta, and J. M. (19) An un-named child, born about 1823, died in infancy. BRITTIN. Information from Mrs. Julia A. (Brittin) Bailey, and Others. NATHAN BRITTIN was born Jan. 25, 1776, married Dufield, about 1805, and died near Leroy, 111. Jan. 8, 18$+. He was an early Justice of the Peace in McLean County, 111. His children and grand-children were (1) Elijah Brittin, born about 1807, married Mary Young, in McLean County, 111. Nov. 28, 1839, and died 18.. Ch. Julia (B.) and Mary J. (B.) (2) Nathan T. Brittin, born in Ohio, Oct. 18, 1809, married first, Elizabeth Rutledge, Dec. 15, 1831, secondly, Sarah Barnett, May 29, 1834, and died near Leroy, 111. Oct. 10, I869. Ch. by second wife, Mary J. (B) Emmett, Nancy (B) Linton, Julia A. (B) Bailey, Henry, Keturah (B) Conoway, John, Albert N., Olive (B) Buckles, and Asbury. (3) Morris Brittin, born about 1812, married Isabel Williamson, in McLean County, 111. Jan. 1, 1839, Ch. Mary A. (B) Teter, Thomas, Lucinda M. (B) Rachel (B) Webb, (B) and Luther. (4) Mary (Brittin) .... .born about 1814. (5) Elizabeth (Brittin) McClellan-Emmett, born about 1815, married first, Gurdeon McClellan, second, John Emmett, Ch. by first marriage, Taylor McClellan, Geo. P. McClellan, Henry McClellan, Frances (McClellan) Orendorff, and Mary Ann (McClellan) Emery-Williams. (6) John Brittin, born about 1818, married first, Julia A. Williamson, second, Mary Ann Cannady, April 8, I852. Ch. by first wife, Sarah (B) Brock, and Permelia (B) Ogden. Ch. by second wife, Columbus, and Narcissa (B) Spratt. (7) Perry Brittin, born about 1820, married first, Walden, second Rebecca Walker. Son by first wife, Morris E., Ch. by second wife, .Nathan J., Frank, .... .(B) Denny, Etta (B) Rayburn, and Charles. COVELL . Capt. Merritt L. Covell, born in New York State, about 1800, settled at Bloomington, 111. 1832, served as captain of a company of Illinois Militia in the Black Hawk War, April 23, to May 27, and June 4, to Aug. 3, 1832, married Catharine S. Tapp, June 20, 1833, and died in Washington, D. C. Sept. 17, 1849, leaving two sons, Guy and Lee D, Covell. His wife died also in Washington, D, C. Feb. 2, 1846. Capt. Covel was Circuit Clerk of McLean County, 111. Sept... 1832 to June, 16, 1845. Ortogrul Covell, brother of Merritt L. (?) was born, ... .1809, married Juliet E. A. Enos, sister of Mrs. Asahel Gridley, and died in Bloomington, 111. Sept. 23, 1846. He was an early merchant of that city, and a business partner of his brother-in-law, Mr. Gridley. His widow married secondly, Major Simon B. Brown. Eliphalet W, Covell, married Mary Durley, daughter of Horatio and Nancy Durley, in McLean County, Illinois, April 8, 1833, and later removed to Ogle County, 111. Robert Cove 11. , married Susannah Baker, in llcLean Co. 111. April 7, I860. DALZELL. Information from Walter G. Phelps, Hobson, Mont. . THOMAS -DALZELL, born in County Antrim, Ireland, Aug. 1, 1750, married Lucretia Pupuy, daughter of John and Catharine Dupuy, Nov. 10, 1789, in Botetourt County, Virginia, and died in Bourbon County, Kentucky, Feb. 1, 1832. Son, John Dalzell, born in Virginia, Sept. 23, 1790, served from Kentucky in the War of 1812, married Keziah Nicholas, dau- ghter of John and Ann (Froctor) Nicholas, March 20, 1820, and died in Atlanta, 111. April 20, I865. Daughter, Mrs. Elizabeth wren, Winfield, Kans. PEPEW. Information from I5rs. Clara Rockwell, Bloomington, 111. JOHN DFPEW, son of WALTER DEPEW, was born near Ludlow Castle, "in the North, of England", 1726, emigrated to New Jersey, 1748, thence to Rockbridge County, Virginia, sometime prior to the Revolution, and from there to Botetourt County, where he died April 21, 1811. He was married to Catherine , "a Maryland woman", and had eight children,, viz. Samuel, born 1759, (died in Virginia? Oct. 5, 1791) Isaac, born about 1760, John, born about 1762, Jacob, born about 1765, Elijah, born Pec. 12, 1767, (died in Ind. July 25, 182*0 Louisa, born about 17 69, Abraham, born. 1771, (died July 29, 1820) and Rev. James, born 1775, (died Sept. 20, 1820. ELIJAH DEPEW, son of John Pepew, was born in Botetourt County, Virginia, Oct. 5, 1767, married Elizabeth Peck, daughter of Benjamin and Margaret (Burden) Peck, and grand-daughter of Benjamin Burden, May 26, 1794, and died in Orange County, Indiana, July 25, 1824. His wife born 1770, died in Bloomington, 111. Jan. 21, 1845. Their children and grand -children were (1) Margaret (Pepew) Peck, born May 18, 1795, married Joseph H. Peck. Ch. Jane (Peck) Hardy; Evaline (Peck) Hardy; Harriet (Peck) Purington; and Catharine (Peck) Basford. (Husband b. 1792, m. 1818,. d. Decatur, 111. 1874.) (2) Isaac Depew, (2) born Oct. 18, 1797, married Sarah H. Vantress, March 28, 1819, and died near Bloomington, 111. Aug. 5, 1842. . Ch. Maria (Pepew) Hill, born April 27, 1823, James Pepew, (2) Soldier' of the Mexican "War, born 1825, Nary Ann R. (Depew) Wade, born Feb. 27, 1830, Bedford S. Depew, born Sept. 1, 1832, Margaret C. (Pepew) Corman, born Sept. 1, I835, and Isaac H.R.W. Depew, born July 4, 1839. (3) James ^epew, (l)born in Eotetourt County, Va. Nov. 8, 1800, married Judith Hill, daughter of William and Damaris (Colverd) Hill, in Orange County, Ind. 1831, settled at Bloomington, 111. 1835, and died there, July 9, 1889 . His wife was born in North Carolina, Dec. 1, 1812, and died in Bloomington, 111. April. 30, 1846. Ch,. William S, Pepew,, born 1832, James Albert Depew, of Sprague, Mo. and Evaline (Depew) Cox, wife of Andrew Cox. (See Puis' Good Old Times, 1874, Pago 312.) (4) Elijah D&pew, Jr. born March 25, 1803, married Angeline Milroy. Ch. Maria Louisa (Depew) Crothsrs, Lydia Depew, Angeline (Depew) Cook, and John Milroy Depew. (5) Ann Depew, born Kay 12, 1804, died un-married . (6) Catharine Depew, born Jan. 1, 1807, died un-married . (7) Benjamin P. Depew, born Dec. 25, 1809, Private, Co. H. 62nd Regi- ment, Illinois Vol. Inf. Civil War, married Mary (Cox) Kimler, daughter of Benjamin, Sr. and Philena (Dye) Cox, and widow of John Kimler, in McLean County, 111. Pec. 14, 1843, and died at Indianapolis, Ind. Oct. 20, 1862. Ch. Ann C. (Depew) Butler, born April 14, 1845, and John Walter Depew, born Feb, 5, 1852. (8) Joel Depew, 15th Mayor of Bloomington, 111. 1864-1865, born in Botetourt County, Va. Aug. 1, 1812, married Sally Ann Enlow, in McLean County, 111. June 28, 1849, and died in Bloomington, 111. Far, 4, 1872. Ch. Loren Depew, and Ora Depew. (9) Edward M, Depew, born Dec. 20, 1814, married Mary Ann Coffey, daughter of John and Mary (Harbert) Coffey, in McLean County, 111, Play 10, 1843, and died at Bloomington, 111. April 9, 1844. Daughter, Ella Depew, (10) Elizabeth (Depew) Cox, born Dec. 20, 181°, married first, Benjamin Cox, Jr. son of Benjamin, Sr. and Philena (Dye) Cox, in McLean County, 111. Oct. 4, 1843, secondly, Rev. Richard J. Nail, June 24, 1851, and died at Salem, 111. Mar. 25, 1857. Her first husband born May 13, 181&, died in Bloomington, 111, June 4, 1848. Daughter by first husband, Clara (Cox) Rockwell, born May 8, 1845. Sons by second husband, Edward Nail, born July 5, 1853, and Leonidas Nail, born Jan. 6, I856. JACOB DEPEW, son of John and Catharine ( ) Depew, born in Botetourt Count3^, Virginia, about I765, married and died in Bloomington, 111. Sept, 1847. Children, Benjamin Depew. born 1799, married Margaret and died at Bloomington, 111. Aug. 1, 1846, (Wife born 1799, died Dec. 16, I863.) and Maria (Depew) Lucas, born May 17, 1815, married Richmond Lucas, son of William and Gooden (Hendrix) Lucas, in McLean County, Illinois, April 16, 1838, and died June 11, I856. (Husband born March 5, 1815, died Oct. 7, I869.) WILLIAM S. DEPEW, son of James (1) and Judith (Hill) Depew, born in Orange County, Indiana, Aug. 12, 1832, married Fannie M. Schaura, June 4, I854, and died in Bloomington, 111. July 29, 1917. Children, James P. Depew, Ida M. (Lepew) Heafer, Maude E. (Depew) Drum, and William Depew. (x^ife born Oct. 3, 1836, died Aug. 19, 1917.) Miscellaneous Depew Data, James ^epew, (2) lexican War Soldier, son of Isaac and Sarah H. (Vantress) Depew, married Charlotte Johnson, in McLean County, 111. June 6, I85O. Children, Alice (Depew) Heafer, Grant Depextf, and Leonard Depew, Samuel Depew, son of John and Catharine (.....) Depew, born 1759, married Mary. ..i.Ch, Alexander R. Depew, born Feb. 23, 1788, Susannah L. Depew, born Nov. 29, 1789, Mary Depew, born Sept. 24, 1791. Mary A. (Coffey) Oopew, widow of Edward M. Depew, was born Dec. 15, 1831, married secondlj/ - , Harvey Bishop, Feb. 21, I85O, and died Nov. 26, Mary Depew died July 29, 1339, aged 60 years. Buried in old City Cemetery Bloomington, 111. Mary Ann, Wife of H. Depew, died Nov. 25, 1852, aged 27 years, 3 months, and 14 days. Buried in old City Cemetery, Bloomington, 111. Mary A, Depew, daughter of Isaac Depew, married Francis A. Wade, Feb. 21, 1*50 Sarah K. Depew married John Hendryx, in McLean County, 111. Feb. 12, 1846. DOTS. Professor Etzard Duis, author and compiler of the original edition of "The Good Old Times in McLean County, Illinois," the first and best work of its kind ever published in McLean County, and which the late Ezra M. Prince very justly referred to as a veritable mine of local history and biography, was. the second child of Jan and Himke Luis, and was born at Fulkum, near Essen, in the German Rhcinland, August 19, 1825. By an accident received in childhood, he was disabled, for life from per- forming manual labor or earning a living thereby. He received his first higher education through charity and the recommendation of the district school superintendent after leaving common school at Feu Hallaghers, and found engagement as- a "Haus Lehrer," or private tutor by Kerr Peter Becker at Neu Hallaghers, until he was twenty-one years old. He then attended the college at Katzhold and a few years later, the University at Hanover, inhere he was honored with the diploma of a Professor, having taken a complete course and full examinations in German, French and English. For several years he worked at the University of Hamel. He was then called and took charge as the principal teacher at the Seminary at Bremen, Germany, and later at Leeds and Hull, England, From thence he came to America in 1868, and took up his residence in South Dixon, 111., with his brother Jelle Duis, and soon succeeded in finding medical assistance for his crippled limb through the skill of Dr. C. C. Hunt of Dixon. After engagement as principal of the High School at Bloomington, 111., in 1872, where he taught German for one year, he undertook the preparation of a series of biographical sketches of the pioneers of McLean County, which in 1874 he published under the title of "The Good , . Old Times in McLean County, Illinois," containing two hundred and sixty- one sketches of old settlers, a complete historical sketch of the Black Hawk war, and a description of many matters of interest pertaining to McLean County, In 1875 he visited the Fatherland and returning the following year he found employment as a teacher in Chicago. He again crossed the Atlantic in 1884, became engaged to and married Fraulein Helena Ahlers, oldest daughter of Rev. Lenhart and Frau Cornelia Ahlers, of Bleersum, near Wittmund, Their marriage took place larch 17, 1885 . Returning to this country in 1886, he settled on a farm in Marion Township, Lee County, Illinois, near Dixon, where he died May 28, 1893, after suffering nearly six months from heart disease, leaving two sons, Fred and Jason Duis, three brothers and one sister. Prof. Duis was a member of the Lutheran Church, and his funeral sermon was preached by his pastor, Rev. Ruthauf . 7 PURIST. • • Compiled From Various Sources. HORATIO DURLEY, born in Kentucky, (?) probably about 1775, married Nancy...... settled. in Bond Co. 111. in the year 1821, and died there about 1830, Children, (1) James Durley, born about 1800, Corporal in Capt. M. L. Covell's Com- pany, Illinois Militia, Black Hawk War, April 23, 1832 to Way 27, 1832, settled at Platteville, Wis. 1835, and died there about 1880. (2) William Durley, born 1802, married first, Fills about 1827, secondly Margaret Fletcher, daughter of John and Elizabeth (NcElvain) Fletcher, of Sangamon County, 111 1833, and died in Bloomington. 111. Aug. 29, 1835. His first wife died about 1830. His second wife was born in Todd County, Xy. 1811, and died in Bloomington, 111. 1836. Daughter by first wife, Mildred M. (Durley) Laughton, born Aug. 6, 1828. Daughter by second wif e , . Adaline (Durley) Rice, born in Bloomington, 111. June 9, 1834- . •(3) Samuel Durley, born in Christian (?) County, Ky. 1805, removed to Bloomington, 111. about 1830, married Sarah Ann Scrogin, April 4-, I836, served as the first Probate Judge of McLean County, 111. Feb. 10, 1831 to Feb. 17, 1837 ^settled in Pettis County, Mo. about 1838, and died .there Feb. 16, 1879. Children, Mary A, (Durley) Dozier, born 1839, Amanda E. (Durley) Elgin, born 184-1, Leonidas, born 184-3, and Sarah M. Durley) May, born 184-9. (4-) Lexns Durley, born about 1806. , (5) John Durley, born about 1808, died in Bloomington, 111. Dec. 15, 1832, leaving a will in which he mentions his mother, Nancy Durley, also his brothers Samuel and William. (6) Elizabeth (Durley) Gorham, born about 1810, married Gardner T. Gorham. (7) Mary (Durley) Covoll, born about 1812, married Eliphalet W. Covell, in Bloomington, 111. April 8, 1833, and later resided in Ogle County, 111. Margaret K, (Hurley) Laughton, m. George R. Laughton, 1844, and died at Platteville, Wis. Jan. 8, 1864- , Ch. Dr. William R,, Charles A., Adaline A. (L) Rountree, and Frank D, Adaline (Durley) lice, m. Rufus A. Rice, June 6, 1854-. Sons, Francis A., b. July 4-, I860, and Edwin L., b. Dec. 28, 1864- Amanda E, (Durley) Elgin, m. James L. Elgin, Jan. 16, 1868. Sarah M. (Durley) May, m. John D. May, Oct. 31, I867. EVANS . (Information from Mrs. James Smith, grand-daughter of Andrew and Sarah (Evans) Biggs, 709 W. Jefferson St . , Bloomington, 111. Oct. 30, 1917.) .....EVANS, born in Wales about 1755, came to Philadelphia, Pa. probably about 1770, married... about 1775 » lived a while in Harford County, Maryland, and later in Sussex County, Few Jersey. Query, What was his full name and was he a Revolutionary Soldier? His children and grand-children wore as follows, LEMUEL EVANS, born Aug. 3, 1776, married first, JERUSHA VEZZET, April l4, 1796, second MARGARET BIGGS', Sept. 18, 1828, third, ANN MATTHEWS, April 22, 18^0, and died Nov. 20, 18^8. First wife born Sept. 18, 1782, died. July 23, 1824-. Second wife born March 15, 1800, died Oct. 2k, 1839. Third wife born died April 21, I860 Children. by first wife (1 (2 (3 Elizabeth Evans, born May 29, 1797, married Houser, and died, . , John M, Evans, born May k, 1802, married Ann Dandridge and died March 6, 1831. William Evans, born Feb. 3, 1805, married Delilah Mullen daughter of John and. Keziah (Abrams) Mullen, Aug. 1^, 1825, a «d died.,,1856. Samuel B. Evans, born May 1, 1807, married Margaret Hougham, March 3, 1835, a ^d died (5) Josiah Evans, born May 28, 1809, married and died...., (6) Nancy Evans, born Aug. 16, 1811, married .... Findley, and died., (7) Sallie Evans, born June 19, 1813, died Oct. 1^, 1815. (8) Susannah Evans, born April 15, 1816, died March 7, 1819. ' (9) Lemuel Evans, Jr. born May 27, 1818, died Aug. 29, 1823. Children of second marriage; (10) Andrew L. Evans, born Aug. 27, 1829, died Nov. 21, 1829. (11) David B. Evans, born Dec. 2, 1830, married (12) Charles V, Evans, born Feb. 17, 1833, married (13) James AHon Evans, born Sept. 13, 1837, married..... Child of third wife; (1^) Lemuel Evan Evans, born April 1^, 18^7, married Ellen Lange. Martha Evans, daughter of Lemuel Evans, died Mar. 9, I836. SARAH EVANS, born Aug. 12, 1787, married ANDREW BIGGS, about 1800, and died Sept. 10, I859 Children; (1) Lemuel Evans Biggs, born, Parch k, 1005, married Nancy Mullen, daughter of John and Xeziah (Abrams) Mullen, Nay 30, 1830, and died May 8, I860. (2) Andrew Biggs, Jr. born Jan. 1809, married Nancy Mullen, a cousin of his brothers wife, and died April 2, 1876. (3) Martha Biggs, born Oct... 1812, married William Hougham, Feb. 12, 1835, and died 1859. (4) James Biggs, born Oct... 1814, married Lucinda Stephens, Aug. 16, 1846, and died (5) Susannah Biggs, born Sept. 15, 1816, married Henry Brock, Sept. 10, 1846, and died Dec. 25, 1874. (6) Phcbe Biggs, born about 1820, married Joseph Richards, March 5» 1843, and died (7) William Biggs, born June 4, 1824, married first, Martha Shockey, second, Caroline Pumpelly, and died..,.. (8) Levi Biggs, born about 1827, married Elizabeth Snedeker. GRIDLEY. ASAHEL GRIDLEY, Senior, born March 29, 1765, married ELIZABETH PERCIVAL, April 14, 1788, and died May 5, 1814. His wife born about 1770, died Aug. 12, 1824. Their children were Timothy, Lydia, Elijah, Clarancy, Abigail, and Asahel, Jr. ASAHEL GRIDLEY, Junior, born near Cazenovia, New York, April 21, 1810, married MARY ANN EN0S, of Pittsburg, Pa. March 18, 1836, and died in Bloomington, Illinois, Jan. 25, 1881. His wife was born March 18 j 1820, and died Nov. 22, 1900. Their children were (1) Juliet (Gridley) Schoenrock, born about 1837. (2) Charles Gridley, born 1838, died Nov. 28, 1848. (3) Albert W. Gridley, born May 7, 1842, died Nov. 8, 1895- Son, Logan A. Gridley. (4) Mary (Gridley) Bell, born about 18^5. (5) Edward B. Gridley, born Dec. 13, 1853, died Jan. 7, 1910. KIMLER . JOHN KIMLER, Sir, born in Germany, about 1750, married 1784, came to America, and settled in Loudoun County, Virginia. His children were (1) Moses Kimler, (Va. Soldier of 1812) born Nov. 23, 1785, married Mary Akers, and died near Leroy, 111. Feb. 26, I85I. Ch. Richard, James, John, William, Jefferson, Benjamin, Franklin, and Elizabeth (Kimler) Buckles. (2) Evan Kimler, born about 1787, married and died in Fulton County, 111. (3) Daniel Kimler, born about 1789, married. ... .and died in Fulton County, 111 10 (4) John Kimler, Jr. born about 1790, married Mary Cox, daughter of Benjamin and Philena (Dye) Cox, Jan. 1, 1828, and died in McLean County, Illinois, July 24, 1838. His wife was born Mar. 13, 1806, and died April 4, 1891. She married secondly Benjamin P. Depew. Ch. .Hannah (Kimler) Ramsey, born Nov. 29, 1829, and Adaline P. (Kimler) McClun-Means, born Mar. 30, 1832. (Box 3, Case 39, and Box 4, Probate Files, McLean County, 111). (5) Benjamin Kimler, born about 1792, married and died in Fulton County, Illinois. (6) Israel Kimler, born' about 1794, married and died in McLean County, 111. about 1873. Children, Daniel, (2) born Sept. 22, 1859 and Alice, born Dec. 2, 1861. Others? (Box 56, Case 1875, Probate Files, McLean County, 111.) (7) Bailey Kimler, born about 1795 » married Louisa Driskill, March 2, 1837, and died in McLean County, 111. I85I. Children, Benjamin F. born Jan. 29, 1838, Margaret (Kimler) Weaver, born Feb. 13, 1839, Charles W. Kimler, born April 23, 1840, and Mary A. Kimler, born Aug. 14, 1843. (Box 9, Case 396, Probate Files, McLean County, 111) (8) Caleb Kimler, born about 1798, married first, Elizabeth Orendorff , daughter of William, Sr. and Sarah (Nichols) Orendorff, April 1, 1832, and died in McLean County, 111. Jan.' 15, 1848. Children, Lewis C. Kimler, born Feb. 5, 1833, (died Mar. 17, I867.) Marena J. (Kimler) Abel, born about 1835, William -J. Kimler, born Nov. 10, 1838, and America C. (Kimler.) Noggle, born about 1840. (Box 10, Case 333, Probate Files, McLean County, 111.) (9) Hannah (Kimler) Montgomery, born about 1800,- married Alexander Montgomery, and died in Indiana. (10) Eliza (Kimler) Schooley, born about 1802, married Samuel Schooley, and died in DeWitt County, 111. See Biographical Album of McLean County, 111. 1887, Pages 700 and 1175. LEAF. Edward Leaf , born Dec. 13, 1792. Mrs. Parry, wife of Benjamin Parry, died Mar. 23, 1882. William Leaf born Sept. 1, 1823 Mary E. Leaf, born Sept. 24, 1824. Edward Lovett Leaf, born in Mason Co. 111. Aug. 23, 1848. Adelia Leaf, born in Mason Co. 111. July 19, I85I. Elenor Mastick Leaf, born in Mason Co. 111. Nov. 24, I853. Amos Ganson Leaf, born in Mason Co. 111. Dec. 30, I855. George Franklin Leaf, born in Mason Co. 111. Apr. 6, I858. Seaberry Ford Leaf, born in Mason Co. 111. Mar. 30, 1861. George Franklin Leaf died Oct. 10, 1859. Benjamin Wad sworth died in Nemaha Co. Neb. Mar. 12, 1880, aged 63 years. See Addenda. EVANS . (Continued) 11 ELIZABETH EVANS, born about 1790 * married SOLOMON TOLIDAY, brother of JOHN TOLIDAY, a Revolutionary Soldier. Children, Saul Toliday, born about 1810. Fleming .Toliday, born about 1812. SUSANNAH EVANS, born about 1795, married NOAH CARPENTER . (Settled in Iowa) (See transactions McLean Co. Hist. Soc. Vol, II, P. 623) Corrections; Samuel B. Evans married Nancy Hougham, Mar. 3, 1835, not Margaret. See McLean Co. Marriage Records, Bloomington, 111. William Evans died about 1880, instead of I856, LUCE . (Copy of record furnished by Mrs. Martha M. (Orendorff) Luce, widow of Albert B. Luce, Downs, 111. SAMUEL SOVERHILL.LUCE was born Oct. 18, 1814, and died March 27, 1855 . JANE ANN LUCAS, his wife, was born Jan. 11, 1820, and died Feb. 11, 1870 They were married April 22, 1839. Their children were, (1) Sarah C. Luce, born Oct. 22, 1840, died Aug. 22, 1875. (2). Mary F. Luce, born Feb. 4, 1843, died June 17, 1861. (3) Albert B. Luce, born Nov. 15, 1844, died April 28, 1893. (4) Charles Luce, born Jan. 29, 1848. (5) Huldah Luce, born May 2, I85I, died April 29, I852. (6) George S. Luce, born Sept. 30, 1854, died Feb. 14, 1871. (Samuel S. Luce taught a subscription school in Bloomington, 111. in the year 1847.) MacKENZIE . (Original in an old Gaelic Bible printed in London, England, 1823, and found in the George Bradner house, N. E. corner Lee and Monroe streets, Bloomington, 111. Sept. 16, I9O5. "Alex(andc)r MacKenzie was born June 17th 1825 and was Baptized on the 24th of June. 1825.. G(e)orge MacKenzie was born June 20, 1827 and was Baptized 12 July 1827. G(e)orge MacKenzie Died on the 7th of April 1828. John MacKenzie was born January 14 1829 and was Baptized on the 20 of January 1829. Mary MacKenzie was born December 29th 1820 and was Baptized on the 21 of January 1831 . " 12 MAXSON. (Compiled from various sources.) DAVID MAXSON, born about 1795, married Sarah Kinsey, daughter of Christopher Kinsey, about 1815, and died in Harrison County, Ohio, about 1828. His wife" was born Sept. 9, 1796, and died at Stout's Grove, McLean County, Illinois, Sept. 20, 1852, They were the parents of five sons and two daughters. Their son JONATHAN MAXSON was born near Freeport, Ohio, June 11, 1820, came to Illinois with his mothers family in the year 1830, and married Amanda Curtis, daughter of Eber Curtis, April 16, 1843. They were the parents of eight children. (See Duis' "Good Old Times" P. 216. The following Maxsons married in McLean County, Illinois, wore probably children of David and Sarah (Kinsey) Maxson, RUTH MAXSON married William Hobson, Nov. 1, 1835. NATHAN MAXSON married Nancy Hale, Dec. 17, 1836. IRA MAXSON married Lucinda Trask, Dec. 13, 1840, and died about 1845.. Their daughter Lucy (Maxson) Ward was born about 1842 and died about 1866. After the death of her first husband, Lucinda (Trask) Maxson married Orrin Parker the authors maternal grandfather. MARY M. B. MAXSON married Daniel K. F. Trask, Feb. 14, 1843. LYDIA C. MAXSON married John M. Bullinger, Jan. 16, I85I MAXWELL. (Compiled From Various Sources) JOHN MAXWELL, Sr. born in Maryland, July 25, 1765, married Jane Brazelton, and died near Bloominsrton, 111. Aug. 19, 1857. His wife was born July 5, 1774, and died Dec. 29, 1833. Of their fourteen children, the writer was able to obtain essential data regarding but three, viz. William Maxwell, Elizabeth (Maxwell) Toliver, and John Maxwell, Jr. William Maxwell, son of John, Sr. and Jane (Brazelton) Maxwell, born 1797, married first Secondly, Elizabeth (Evans) Hobbs, daughter of William and Effy (Winebriner) Evans, and widow of William Hobbs, Apr. 9, 1829, and died near Bloomington, 111. Feb. 26, 1839. Children by first wife, Washington Maxwell, born about 1820, Larkin Maxwell, born Aug. 31, 1822, Martin Maxwell, born Sept. 2, 1824, and Levi Maxwell, born Dec. 5» 1826. Daughter by second wife, Leodicy (Maxwell) Dickerson, born July 16, 1830, married Henry C. Dickerson, and died Nov. 26, 1915. Elizabeth (Maxwell) Toliver, born Jan. 30, 1800, married James Toliver, in Orange County, Indiana, June 19, 1821, and died near Bloomington, 111 Nov. 17, 1893. Children, William, Phoebe (Toliver) Payne, Susan (Toliver) Johnson, Jane (Toliver) Johnson, Polly M. (Toliver) Hinshaw, Lucinda (Toliver) Covey, Elizabeth (Toliver) Barker, Nancy, Delitha (Toliver) Hunting, James M., and Martha (Toliver) Elson. 13 John Maxwell, Jr. born married Elizabeth Scott, and died near Wayne sville, 111. Jan... 1891. Children, Ann (Maxwell) Vetteto, John A., Lucinda (Maxwell) Arthington, David, (2) William (2) Caleb D., and Joseph. Of the other children of John, Sr. and Jane (Brazelton) Maxwell, the author was able to obtain only' the following data, viz. Lucinda Maxwell married Martin Scott, Feb. 26, 1830.* Obedience Maxwell married Elbert Dicker son, May 12, 1831. Mahala Maxwell married William Lane, March 22, 1832, Polly Maxwell married Martin Scott, widower of her sister Lucinda April 18, 1835. Phebe Maxwell, married Jeremiah Payne, April 20, 1837. Ch. John M. and Mary J. Nancy Maxwell married John Chatham. Sons, Isaac and James. Jane Maxwell never married. Olitha Maxwell, no data, Delitha Maxwell married Chester Jolly. *Susan Maxwell married Thomas Cheney, March 4, 1830. MULLEN . Information from Mrs. James Smith, Bloomington, 111. JOHN MULLEN, BORN Sept. 15, 1778, married Keziah Abrams, Oct. 5, 1800, and died April 20, 1845. His wife was born May 13, 1786, and died Dec.' 5» 1850. Their children were (1 (2 (3 (4 (5 (6 (7 William M. Mullen, born Nov. 3, 1803, died Nov. 5, I8O5. Sarah (Mullen) Sowards, born Aug. 9, 1806, married William Sowards, May 19, 1829, and 'died Feb. 2, 1884. Delilah (Mullen) Evans, First School Teacher in McLean County, 111. born Feb. 1, 1809, married William Evans, Aug. 14, 1825, a ^d died Oct. 13, 1888. Nancy (Mullen) Biggs, born April 13, 1811, married Lemuel Biggs, May 23, 1830, and" died Sept 11, 1893. John A. Mullen, born Aug. 17, 1813, died June 10, 1849. Jo siah Mullen, born Oct. 17, 1815, died April 8, 1859. Elizabeth (Mullen) Sowards, born Dec. 7, 1817, married Eli Sowards, Nov. 10, 1842, and died I896. ■ (8) William Henry Mullen, born Dec. 31, 1821, died Aug. 18, I85O. (9) Samuel Evans Mullen, born Sept. 15, 1823, died Aug. 18, I85O (10) Keziah Jane (Mullen) Austin, born Jan. 13, 1826, (11) Martha Ann (Mullen) Logan, born Aug. 19, 1827. (12) Jesse Latta Mullen,' born Dec. 31, 1831. RANDOLPH . Information from L. D. Welch, Bloomington, 111. GARDNER RANDOLPH, Son of Thomas and Hannah ( ) Randolph, born in England, March 16, 1796, married Elizabeth Ann Stringfield, daughter of John and Sarah ( ) Stringfield, Jan, 5, 1817, a ^d died in California Dec. 7, 1866. His wife was born March 14, 1798. Their children were (1) James Britten Randolph, born Oct. 1"5, 1818, married Sarah Evans, July 23, 1838, and died Dec. 31, 1876. (2) Temperance (Randolph) Tovrea, born Feb, 14, 1820, married Joshua Tovrea, Nov. 1838, and died Jan. 4, 1851'. (3) William Randolph, born Dec. 10, 1822. • (4) Sarah B. (Randolph) Welch,, born Oct. 11, 1824, married Albert Welch, Oct. 22, 1846, and died Aug. 9, 1910. Son, L. D. Welch. (5) Thomas Randolph, born July 28, 1826. (6) Samuel Thompson Randolph, born March 22, 1828. (7) Alfred Randolph, born July 15, 1830. (8) John Sevier Randolph, born June 15, 1832. (9) Caroline E. (Randolph) Evans, born May 3, 1834, married Thomas Evans, Aug. 22, 1854, and died Feb. 12, 1872. (10) Matilda V. (Randolph) Baldwin, born July 29, I836. (11) Sinclair' Randolph, born Jan. 27, 1839, died un-married Aug. 9, I865. (12) Minerva E. (Randolph) born Aug. 23, 1841, and died March 27,1866. RICE -WELCH. From an old family bible of Mrs. Sarah B. (Rice) Withers. "Mary Rice departed this life May the 23, I8O5." "Samuel Rice and Sally, his wife, was married May the 27, 1806." (Parents of Mrs. Sarah B. Withers?) "William B. Rice was born March the 5', 1807." "Fanney Rice was born March the 22, 1810, 'and departed this life August the 25, 1813." "James L. Rice was born March the 3, 1814." (Died Nov, 13, 1866. Brother of Mrs; Sarah B. 'Withers. Martha H. Rice, his wife, died Aug. 16, 1904, aged 86 years, 11 months and 12 days. Both burled in Bloomington, 111.) "Sarah B. Rice was born October the 25, I8I5." (Married Allen Withers, May 2, 1835, and died in Bloomington, 111. Jan. 4, 1897) "Fanney Rice (2?) departed this life January the 10, 1818) "Samuel R, Welch was borrt Jurte the 10th 1819." "James A. Welch was born March the 29th, 1821." "John F. Welch was born January the 3, 1823." "Thomas R. Welch was born Sept. 12th, 1825." "William R. Welch was born Jan. 22, 1828." "Mary Ann Welch was born Sept. 12th, 1830." "Sarah Frances Welch was born March the 27, I836." "Nancy A. Dicker son died October the 10, 1809." "Woodrow D. Jeffreys was born July 7th 1820." 15. DALZELL ADDENDA AND. CORRIGENDA. Information from Walter G. Phelps, Hobson, Mont. THOMAS DALZELL, born in County Antrim, Ireland, Aug. 1, 1750, married Lucretia Depew, daughter of John, and Catharine ( ) Depew, in Botetourt County, Virginia., Nov. 10, 1779, and died in 3ourbon County, Kentucky, Feb, 1, 1832. His wife was born in Frederick County, Maryland, Feb. 7,, 1766, and died May 13, 1859. Their children were, (1) John Dalzell, born 1790, married Keziah Nichols. (2)- Elizabeth Dalzell, born 1792, married Adam Haney, (3) Anna Dalzell, born 1794, married Ezra House, (4) Abram Dalzell, born 1796, married Catharine Harvey. (5) Robert Dalzell, born 1798, married Catherine Roberts. (6) Thomas Dalzell,. Jr, born 1804, was married four times, (7) Lucretia Dalzell, born 1806, married Joseph Coons. JOHN DALZELL, son of Thomas and Lucretia (Depew) Dalzell, born Sept. 23, 1790, married Keziah Nichols, daughter of John and Anna (Proctor) Nichols, March 20, 1820, and died in Atlanta, 111. April 20, I865. His wife born in Nicholas County, Ky, Aug, 19, 1801, died in Atlanta, 111, Aug. 18, 1884. Their children were ' (1 (2 (3 (4 (5 (6 (7 (8 (9 Ann M. Dalzell, born 1822, married Loren C. Brown. Caroline Dalzell, born 1824, married Wm, J. Mayers. Benjamin Dalzell, born .1826, married Harriot Buckner. Robert Dalzell, (2) born 1829, married Catharine Pell, John Dalzell, Jr. born 1831. Oliver H. C. Dalzell, born I836, married Mary Linley. Daniel W. Dalzell. born May 10, 1841, died Oct. 20, 1842. Andrew C, Dalzell, born 1841, married Mary E. Williams. Elizabeth C. Dalzell, born 1844, married M. Wren, (10) Ezra H. Dalzell, born 1846, married Mary Wood. LEAF ADDENDA. William Leaf married Mary E. Couchman, Aug. 20, 1846. Adelia Leaf married John Ray, Nov. 24, 1878. Elinor M. Leaf married John W. Lex^is, March 18, 1877. Amos Ganson Leaf married Emma F. Camfield, Apr, 12, 1878. Edward F. Leaf married Addie Keifer, Oct. 19, 1880. Seaberry F. Leaf married Dicie E, Church, Sept, 6, 1883. . • MAXS0N ADDENDA. Jonathan Maxson, born June 11, 1820, died April 10, 1889. Amanda, wife of Jonathan Maxson, born Dec. 18, 1826, died May 8, 1886, Helen Johnson, their daughter, b. July 26, 1830, d. June 18, 1887. (Buried in Bloomington Cemetery, Bloomington, 111.) 16 ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA (This addenda and corrigenda to be found in Old Family Histories #8, by Milo Custer ) BAKER FAMILY: Seth Baker, (2) had another dau. Mary (Baker) Ober, BARTHOLOMEW FAMILY: Elizabeth (Bartholomew) Epler b.Mar; 17, 1808, d. Jan. 22, 1830. Buried in Dawson Cem. nr. Lexington, 111, DURLEY FAMILY: Horatio Durley d. Oct... 1822, William Durley m. 1st Mildred Mills, Sept. 1827, 2nd ly, Margaret Fletcher, April 23, 1833. KEMLER FAMILY: Israel Kimler was b. abt. 1798, not 1898. MAXWELL FAMILY: John Maxwell, Jr. was b. Aug. 18, 1807, and d. Jan. 5, 1891. Lucinda (Maxwell) Scott was b. Jan. 10, 1809. Susan(Maxwell) Cheney was b. Aug. 27, 1816, and d. Apr. 21, 1844 INDEX ABEL, Marena J. OCimler.) ... 11 ABRAMS, Keziah 9,1^ ACKERMAN, Catharine (Bartholomew) . 3 AHLERS, Frau Cornelia. ..... 7 Fraulein Helena. .... 7 Rev. Lenhart 7 AKERS, Mary.' 10 ARTHINGTON, Lucinda (Maxwell). . .1^ AUSTIN, Keziah Jane (Mullen) . .14 BAILEY, BAKER, Julia A 4 Albert W 2 Alfred 2 Amanda (Goodwin) .... 2 Amanda M. . . . .... 1 Ann . 1,2 Ann Eliza (Sutton) ... 1 Anna 2 Anna (Noble) 2 Belle 2 Bettie M . . 1 ' Caroline (Sutton) .... 2 ' Charles 2 Cinderella ( ). ... 2 Clara. 2 Columbus ........ 2 Elliott' H 1 Etta 2 Eva. 2 Ezekiel 1 Frank 2 Hester (Beatty) 2 Hiram 1.2 BAKER, Dr. Isaac 1 John D 2 Julia Ann. 2 Laura A. (Edwards) ... 2 Laura W, ........ 2 Leander 1 Lucinda. 1 Margaret . 1 Mary '. ', 1,17 Mary Ann ........ 2 Mary Jane. , 1 Mary M. (Gates) 1 Matilda 1 Melville 2 Moses . . 1 Nancy (■ ■■■ ■) Miller . . 1 Rhoda., 1 Rhoda (Silliman) .... 1 Robert ......... 1 Ruth (White) Greenman. . 1 Sadie. 2 Samuel .1 Samuel C ........ 1 Sarah 1 Sarah (Orendorff). . . . 1 Sarah (Shaw) ...... 2 Seth 1 Seth (2) 17 Sidney 2 Sidney D 2 Silas 1 Solomon D 2 Sophronia 1 17 BALDWIN, BARKER, BARNETT, BAKER, Stephen 1 Susan 2 Susan (Hiscock) ..... 2 Susan (Sayles) 1 Susannah 5 Susannah M ....... 2 Susannah M (Dodge) ... 1 Theodore ........ 2 William M 2 Matilda V. (Randolph). .15 Elizabeth (Toliver) . . .13 Sarah *f BARTHOLOMEW, Adaline . , ...... 3 Albert ... 3 Alonzo ......... 3 Amelia 3 Angela . 3 Anna M 3 Catharine . 2,3 Catharine (Hefner) ... 3 Christiana 3 Christiana(Pickenpaugh) . 2 Dell A 3 Elizabeth 3,17 Elizabeth (McNaught) . . 2 Eva , . i ....... 3 Frances. . . , 3 Frances A. (Goddard) . . 3 George M , 3 Harriet. ........ 3 James. ......... 3 James C. ........ 3 Jane , 3 •John 2 John (2) ........ 3 J. M. 3 Joseph'T* . . • 2 Joseph (3) . . . . . . .3 Joseph Jr .2 Joseph M 3 Lucinda. ........ 3 Marston C 3 Martha 3 Mary 3 Mary F. (McNaught) ... 3 Mary Hopkins 3 Minerva . 3 Nancy . . .' 3 Nancy E.' ........ 3 •Nancy (McNaught) .... 2 Robert 3 Robert M 3 Sarah 2,3 William A 3 William M 3 BASFORD, BEATTY, BECKER, BELL, BIGGS, BISHOP, BOWERS, BRADLEY, BRADNER, BRAZELTON, BRITTIN, Catharine (Peck.) . . , . 5 Hester 2 Herr Peter ....... 7 Mary (Gridley) 10 Andrew 8,9 Andrew Jr 10 Caroline (Pumpelly) . . .10 Elizabeth (Snedeker) . .10 James 10 Lemuel .14 Lemuel Evans 9 Levi . .10 Lucinda (Stephens) , . .10 Margaret 9 Martha 10 Martha (Shockey) ... .10 Nancy (Mullen) . . 9,10,14 Phebe 10 Sarah (Evans), . . . .8,9 Susannah 10 William 10 Harvey ......... 6 Mary A. (Coffey) Depew . 6 Mary E. (Hopkins). ... 3 James 3 Joseph 3 Nancy (Bartholomew) ... 3 George .12 Jane . 13, 14 . . . 4 Albert N 4 Asbury . . 4 Charles. ........ 4 Columbus 4 Elijah 4 Elizabeth 4 Elizabeth (Rutledge) . . 4 Etta 4 Frank 4 Henry. ......... 4 Isabel (Williamson) . . . 4 John 4 Julia (B) 4 Julia A 4 Julia A. (Williamson). . 4 Xeturah 4 Lucinda^ ,4 Luther ......... 4 Mary 4 Mary A 4 Mary Ann (Cannady) ... 4 Mary J 4 Mary J. (B) 4 Mary (young) 4 Morris 4 Morris E 4 18 BRITTIN, Nancy b Narcissa . 4 Nathan .4 Nathan J 4 Nathan T . k Olive 4 Permelia 4 ■ Perry 4 Rachel 4 Rebecca (Walker) . . . . .4 Sarah. 4 Sarah (Barnett) 4 Thomas .4 BROCK, Henry 10 Sarah (Brittin) „4 Susannah (Biggs) , , .• . 10 BROW, Ann M. (Dalzell) . . . . 16 Loren C 16 Major Simon B. ..... .4 BUCKLES, Elizabeth (Kimler) ... 10 ■ . Olive (Brittin) 4 BUCKNER, Harriet. 16 BURDEN, Benjamin 5 Margaret 5 BULL, Capt. 1 BULLINGER,John M. 13 Lydia C . (Maxson) .... 13 BUTLER, Ann C. (Depew) 6 CAMFIELD ,Emma F 16 CANNADAY,Mary Ann 4 CARPENTER, Noah 12 Susannah (Evans) .... 12 CHATHAM, Isaac 14 James 14 John 14 Nancy (Maxwell) 14 CHENEY, Susan (Maxwell). . . .14,17 Thomas 14 CHURCH, Dicie E 16 COFFEY, John ..... 6 Mary A 6 Mary Ann 6 COFFEE, Mary Susannah L. .• , . . . ,6 Walter 5 William 6 William S ...... 5,6 Elbert. lb Henry C 13 Le'odicy (Maxwell) . . .13 Nancy A . . ' 15 Obedience (Maxwell) . .1^ John 1 Solomon , , 1 Susannah M 1 Mary A. (Durley) .... 8 Louisa 11 Maude E . (Depeitf) .... 6 k Professor Etzard. ... 7 Fred 7 Fraulein Helena (Ahlers)7 Himke . 7 Jan 7 Jason 7 Jelle 7 Prof 7 Catharine . 5 John. ......... 5 Lucretia 5 ' (Mils) 8 Adaline 8 Amanda ,E 8 Elizabeth ....... 8 Horatio. .... . '-,4,17 ' James 8 John 8 ' Leonidas. 8 Lewis 8 Margaret (Fletcher) .8,17 Margaret M 8 Mary . . ...... 4,8 Mary A 8 Mildred M 8 Mildred (Mills) ... .17 Nanc3' 4,8 Samuel, .,,,.... 8 Sarah Ann (Scrogin) . . 8 Sarah M 8 William 8,17 Philena 6,11 Emma. ......... 2 Flora 2 Julia Ann (Baker) ... 2 Laura A .2 Lucius . 2 Myrna 2 Amanda E. (Durley). . . 8 James L .8 20 EPLER, Christiana (Bartholomew). . 3 ELSON, Martha (Toliver). ... .13 EMERY, Mary Ann . (McClellan) , . . k EMMETT, Elizabeth (Brittin) McClellan. . . k John 4 Mary J. (Brittin). , . , M- ENLOW, , Sally Ann 6 ENOS, Juliet E. A fc Mary Ann 10 Christiana (Bartholomew) 3 Elizabeth (Bartholomew) 3, 17 Isaac. . . 3 ESPAUGH, Harriet (Bartholomew) . . 3 ESPEY, Dr. George 1 Hugh 2 Mary Jane (Baker) .... 1 Sarah (Bartholomew) ... 2 EVANS, 9 Andrew L 9 Ann (Dand ridge ) 9 Ann (Matthews) 9 Caroline E. (Randolph). .15 Charles V 9 David B 9 Delilah (Mullen). . . .9,1^ Effy (Winebriner) ... .13 Elizabeth 9,12,13 Ellen Lange 9 James Allen 9 Jerusha (Vezzey) 9 John M. . . 9 Josiah. 9 Lemuel, 9 Lemuel Evan Lemuel Jr. 9 Margaret (Biggs) ...... 9 Margaret (Hougham) . . . 9,12 Martha. 9 Nancy 9 Nancy (Hougham) 12 Sallie 9 Samuel 3 9,12 Sarah .8,9,15 Susannah 9,12 Thomas 9 William 9,12,13,1^ FINDLEY, 9 Nancy (Evans) 9 FLETCHER, Elizabeth (McElvain) . . . 8 John 8 Margaret 8,17 GATES, , Amanda M. (Baker) .... 1 Horatio M 1 Margaret (Hughes) .... 1 Mary M 1 Timothy M 1 GODDARD, GOODWIN, GORHAM, GREENMAN, GRIDLEY, HALE, HANEY, • HARBERT, HARDY, HARVEY, • HEAFER, 9 HEFNER, HENDRIX , HENDRYX , HILL, HINSHAW, HISCOCK, HOBBS, HOBSON, HOPKINS , Frances A 3 Amanda .......... 2 Elizabeth (Durley) .... 8 Gardner T 8 John. , 1 Ruth (White) 1 Abigail 10 Albert W 10 Mrs. Asahel ^ Asahel Jr 10 Asahel Sr . .10 Charles 10 Clarancy 10 Edward B 10 Elijah 10 Elizabeth (Percival) . . .10 Juliet 10 Logan A 10 Lydia. . . 10 Mr. . ^ Mary 10 Mary Ann (Enos) 10 Timothy 10 Nancy 13 Adam . . 16 Elizabeth (Dalzell) . . . .16 Mary 6 Evaline (Peck) 5 Jane (Peck) , 5 Catharine .16 Alice (Depew) ....... 6 Ida M. (Depew) 6 Catharine 3 Elizabeth Hopkins 3 Good-en: . 6 John . 7 Sarah H, (Depew) 7 Demaris (Colverd). .... 5 Judith 5,6 Maria (Depew) 5 William 5 Polly M. (Toliver) ... .13 Susan 2 Elizabeth (Evans) 13 William 13 Ruth (Maxson) 13 William. 13 Amelia (Bartholomew) ... 3 Angela 3 Elizabeth 3 Henry 3 John 3 Joseph 3 Joseph H . 3 Mary 3 Mary (Bartholomew) .... 3 21 HOPKINS , HOUGHAM, HOUSE, HUGHES, HUNT, HUNTING, Mary Ann 3 Mary E .• . 3 Nancy A . 3 Nancy S ......... 3 Nancy (Spence) . ..... 3 Patrick ■ . 3 Robert M 3 Robert M. (2) 3 Robert Jr 3 Robert Sr 3 Sarah 3 Margaret . .9,12 Martha (Biggs) 10 Nancy . 12 William 10 Anna (Dalzell) 16 Ezra .16 Margaret 1 Dr. C. C. . 7 Delitha (Toliver) ... .13 JEFFREYS, Woodrow D . . . . . c . . .15 JOHNSON, JOLLY, KEIFER, KEMLER, Charlotte 6 Jane (Toliver) 13 Susan (Toliver) .... .13 Chester. 14 Delitha (Maxwell) . . . .14 Addle. ' 16 Adaline P 11 Alice 11 America C 11 Bailey 11 Benjamin. . . , . . .10,11 Benjamin F 11 Caleb 11 Charles W 11 Daniel 10 Daniel (2) . . 11 Eliza . . . . 11 Elizabeth , .; 10 Elizabeth (Orendorff) . .11 Evan. . . . . . ... . .10 Franklin .10 Hannah .11 Israel 11,17 James .10 John .6,10 John Jr . . . . . . . . .11 Jefferson . . 10 Lewis C . 11 Louisa (Driskill) ... .11 Margaret, 11 Marena J 11 Mary A. . . 11 Mary (Akers) 10 KINSEY, LANE, LANGE, LATTA, LAUGHT0F, LAWRENCE, LEAF, KT.MLER, Mary (Cox) 6,11 Moses 10 Richard 10 William 10 William J 11 Christopher 13 Sarah 13 Mahala (Maxwell). . . . .14 William 14 Ellen 9 Dell A. (Bartholomew) . . 3 Adaline A 8 Charles A 8 Frank D 8 Margaret M.(Durley) ... 8 Mildred M. (Durley) ... 8 George R . . . . . ... 8 'Dr. William R . . . . . . 8 Mary . 1 Addie (Keifer) 16 Adelia. ....... 11, 16 Amos Ganson 11,16 Dicic E. (Church) . . . .16 Edward. . 11 'Edward F. . 16 Edward Lovett 11 Elinor M 16 Emma F, (Camfield) . . . .16 Georga Franklin .... .11 Mary S 11 Mary E. (Couchman) . . . .16 Seaberry F 16 Seaberry Ford. 11 William 11,16 , Flora (Edwards) 2 Elinor M. (Leaf) 16 John W .16 Mary 16 Nancy (Brittin) . . . . .4 Martha Ann (Mullen) . . .14 Gooden (Hendrix) 6 Jane Ann. 12 Maria (Depcw) 6 Richmond , 6 William 6 LUCE, Albert B 12 Charles 12 " George S 12 ' Huldah 12 Jans Ann (Lucas) 12 Mrs. Martha M. (Orendorff) 12 Mary F 12 Samuel S 12 Samuel Soverhill 12 Sarah C .12 LETELLIER LEWIS, LINLEY, LINTON, LOGAN, LUCAS, JOHNSON, Helen(Maxson) 16 22 MAC KENZIE,Alex(ande)r. .... .12 G(e)orge 12 John ......... .12 Mary ......... .12 MASON, Ella (Rowan) ...... 2 Judson R . .2 MASTICK, Elenor 11 MATTHEWS, Ann. . . * 9 MAXSON, Amanda .16 Amanda (Curtis), j . . .13 David . . i . i 13 Helen 1 . . .16 Ira. ....... c . .13 Jonathan * 13, 16 Lydia C 13 Lucinda (Trask) . ... .13 Lucy . 13 Mary M. B 13 Nancy (Hale) 13 Nathan 13 Ruth, 13 Sarah (Kinsey) 13 MAXWELL, Ann. 14 Caleb D 14 ' . David (2) 14 Delitha 14 Elizabeth 13 Elizabeth (Evans) Hobbs.13 Elizabeth (Scott). . . .14 Jane ......... .14 Jane (Brazelton) . , 13,14 John A 14 John Jr 13,14,17 John Sr 13,14 Joseph .14 Larkin 13 Levi . , 13 Leodicy. . . 13 Lucinda 14,17 Mahala 14 Martin 13 Nancy 14 Obedience ,14 Olitha 14 Phebe 14 'Polly , .14 Susan, 14,17 Washington .13 William. 13 William (2). . . . '. . .14 MAY, John D 8 Sarah M, (Durley) ..... 8 MAYERS, Caroline (Dalzell) . . .16 Wm. J 16 MAYNARD, Christiana (Bartholomew) 3 McCLELLAN, Elizabeth (Brittin) . . 4 McCLELLAN, McCLOUD, McCLUN, McELHTNY, McELVAIN, McNAOGHT, MEANS, MERRIMAN, MILLER, MILLS, MILROY, MONTGOMERY, MULLEN, MALL, NELSON, NICHOLAS , NICHOLS , NOBLE, 23 Frances 4 Geo. P 4 Gurdeon 4 Henry .4 Mary Ann ........ .4 Taylor . .4 Elizabeth (Bartholomew). .3 Adaline P. (Kimler) . . . 11 George 1 Sophronia (Baker) 1 Elizabeth 8 Catharine (Bartholomew). .2 Elizabeth 2 Mary F 3 Nancy 2 Thomas 2 Adaline P. (Kimler) McClun . 11 Angela (Bartholomew) •. , .3 Elizabeth 3 Joseph 3 William 3 Nancy (-t ). ..... .1 . . 8 Mildred. 17 Angeline 6 Alexander. . 11 Hannah (Kiraler) 11 Delilah. ....... 9,14 Elizabeth 14 Jesse Latta 14 John 9,14 John A . . . , 14 Josiah 14 Keziah (Abrams). . . .9,14 Keziah Jane 14 Martha Ann 14 Nancy . .9,10,14 Samuel Evans , 14 Sarah 14 William Henry 14 William M 14 Edward 6 Elizabeth (Depew) Cox. . .6 Leonidas . .6 Rev. Richard J 6 Anna (Baker) 2 Ann (Proctor) .5 Heziah 5 John 5 Anna (Proctor) 16 John 16 Keziah 16 Sarah . 11 Anna 2 NOBLE, Charles 2 Edward ......... 2 Hiram. 2 Laura W. (Baker) .... 2 Thomas 2 NOGGLE, America C. (Kimler) . . .11 OBER, Mary (Baker) 17 OGDEN, Permilia (Brittin) . . . 4 ORENDORFF, Elizabeth 11 Frances (McClellan) . . , 4 Lovinia (Sayles) . . . . 1 Martha M 12 Sarah. . , 1 Sarah (Nichols). ... .11 William. 1 William Sr 11 PACKARD, Margaret (Baker) . . . . 1 Mrs. Margaret (Baker). . 1 PARKER, Lucinda (Trask) Maxson 13 Orrin. ........ .13 PARRY, Benjamin 11 • Mrs. 7 .11 PAYNE, Jeremiah 14 John M 14 Mary J ........ .14 Phebe (Maxwell) 14 Phoebe (Toliver) ... .13 PECK, Benjamin 5 Catharine 5 Elizabeth. c 5 Evaline. ........ 5 Harriet 5 Jane 5 Joseph H . . 5 Margaret (Burden) .... 5 Margaret (Depew) .... 5 PELL, Catharine. 16 PERCIVAL, Elizabeth 10 PHELPS, Walter G 5,16 PICKENPAUGH, Christiana 2 PRINCE,. EzraM 7 PROCTOR, Ann 5 . Anna 16 PUMPELLY, Caroline 10 PURINGTON, Harriet (Peck) 5 RAMSEY, Hannah (Kimler). . . .'.11 RANDOLPH, Alfred 15 ■Caroline E ...... .15 ■ • - 'Elizabeth Ann (Stringfield). .14 Gardner 14 Hannah 14 James Britten 15 RANDOLPH, RAY, RAYBURN, RICE , RICHARDS, RINGDORFF, ROACH, ROBERTS , ROCKWELL, ROUNTREE, ROWAN, RUE, RUTHAUF, RUTLEDGE , SARGENT , SAYLES, SCHAUM, SCHOENROCK, SCH00LEY, SCOTT, SCROGIN, 24 John Sevier. ... . . 15 Minerva E 15 Samuel Thompson. . . . 15 Sarah 3 15 Sarah (Evans) ...... 15 Sinclair 15 Temperance 15 Thomas 14,15 William 15 Adelia (Leaf) 16 Angela (Hopkins) ... 3 John 16 Sarah (Hopkins) .... 3 Etta (Brittin) .... 4 Adaline (Durley) ... 8 Edwin L 8 Fanney 15 Fanney (2?) 15 Francis A. ..... . 8 James L, , 15 Martha H 15 Mary 15 Rufus A 8 Sally, 15 Samuel 15 Sarah 3 15 William B 15 Joseph 10 Phebe (Biggs) 10 Nancy E. (Bartholomew) 3 Myrna (Edwards) .... 2 Catherine 16 Mrs. Clara 5 Clara (Cox) 6 Adaline A. (Laughton) . 8 Albert H 2 Ella 2 Martin B 2 i-iary Ann (Baker) ... 2 Alfred 1 Matilda (Baker) .... 1 Rev 7 Elizabeth 4 Bettie M. (Baker). . . 1 Lovina 1 Susan 1 Fannie M , 6 Juliet (Gridley) ... 10 Eliza (Kimler) .... 11 Samuel. . 11 Elizabeth 14 Lucinda (Maxwell). .17,14 Martin 14 Polly (Maxwell). ... 14 Sarah Ann. ...... 8 SHAW, Sarah 2 SHELDON, Col. Elisha 1 SHOCKEY, Martha 10 SlLLIMAN,Mary (Lawrence) 1 Nathaniel. » .1 Rhoda ♦ .1 SMITH, Eva (Baker) 2 Mrs. James 8,14 Nancy A. (Hopkins) ... .3 SNEDEKER, Elizabeth 10 SOWARDS, Eli 14 Elizabeth (Mullen) . . . 14 Sarah (Mullen) 14 William 14 SPENCE, Nancy 3 SPRAGUE, Jane (Bartholomew) ... .3 SPRATT, Narcissa (Brittin) . » , .4 STEPHENS, Lucinda 10 STEVENS, Capt. Aaron 1 STARR, Ann (Baker) 2 STONE, Anna M. (Bartholomew). . .3 STRINGFIELD, Elizabeth Ann. ... 14 John 15 Sarah 15 SUTTON, Ann Eliza 1 Caroline 2 SWIFT, Col. Hiram 1 TAPP, Catharine S 4 TETER, Mary A. (Brittin) 4 TOLIDAY, Elizabeth (Evans). ... 12 Fleming. 12 John 12 Saul 12 Solomon . 12 TOLIVER, Delitha 13 Elizabeth 13 Elizabeth (Maxwell). . . 13 James 13 James M 13 Jane 13 Lucinda 13 Martha 13 Fancy 13 Phoebe 13 Polly M 13 Susan 13 William 13 TOVREA, Joshua 15 Temperance (Randolph) . . 15 TRASK, Daniel K. F 13 Lucinda, 13 Mary M. B. (Maxson) . . . 13 VALE, Gamaliel 3 George 3 VALE, Martha (Bartholomew). . . .3 VANTRESS, Sarah H 5,6 VETTETO, Ann (Maxwell) 14 VEZZEY, Jerusha 9 WADE, Francis A 7 Mary A. (Depew) ..... .7 Mary Ann R. (Depew) ... .5 WADSWORTH, Benjamin 11 WAITE, Adaline (Bartholomew) . . .3 WALDEN, 4 WALKER, Rebecca 4 WANNER, Frances (Bartholomew) . . .3 WARD, Lucy (Maxson) 13 WEAVER, Margaret (Ximler) .... 11 WEBB, Rachel (Brittin) 4 WELCH, Albert 15 James A . , , .15 John F 15 L. D 14,15 Mary Ann 15 Samuel R 15 Sarah B. (Randolph) . . . 15 Sarah Frances 15 Thomas R 15 William R 15 WHEELER, Dr. David 1 Mary (Baker) 1 WHITE, David 1 Eva (Bartholomew) 3 n u.X/11 ■••••••»*#t»J- WILEY, NancyS. (Hopkins) 3 WILLIAMS, Mary Ann (McClellan) Emery. . . . .4 Mary E 16 WILLIAMSON, Isabel 4 Julia A 4 WITHERS, Allen 15 Sarah B. (Rice) 15 WINEBRINER,Effy 13 WOOD, Mary 16 WREN, Elizabeth C. (Dalzell) . . 16 Mrs. Elizabeth ..... .5 M 16 YOUNG, Mary 4 25 ^> List of Photographs contained in Original Publications A. B. Funk James C. Harbord Ma j. -Gen, James G. Harbord Joseph Karr Dr. Thomas Karr Mercy (Karr) Buck Nancy (Karr) Noble Walter Karr (2) Sarilda (Robertson) Beeler Note! This publication is merely a reprint of the original book published by Milo Custer in 1922. The Bloomington-Normal Genealogical Society cannot accept the responsibility for accuracy of contents. BLOOMINGTON-NORMAL GENEALOGICAL SOCIETY P. 0. Box B. Normal, Illinois 61761 '-;'---;/,••• M.C - • ALIEN. DANIEL' ALLEN', b. Tioga County, N.Y. ,!?&*, served from that State in .the War 1 ' [ of 1"12, settled in McLean Cpunty, 111. rm first, Ann Oodd, secondly, Lucretia and d. in what is now Mount Hope Township, McLean County, 111. Feb. 15, 1847, Children by first wife; Benjamin, Jesse, David S,, Charles, Amy (A.) White, Ann (A.) Griffin, Phoebe (A.) ". Merritt. Children. by second wife; Rogers R., J. Kingsbury, Emily. (A.) Davison, Sarah (A.) Davison. (History of Tazewell Co 111. 1879, P. 488, and information from Stephen Griffin, son of Ann (Allen) Griffin.) David S... Allen m. Ann Van Gundy, Nov. 3, I856. (McLean Co. 111. Marriage ■ - Records, ., Book C, Page 296.) r Amy Allen r,i. Thomas B. Rood, Nov. 3, I856. (McLean Co. Ill, Marriage Records, Book C, Page 296) Jesse W. Allen m. Catharine Fry, Oct. 30 » I869. (McLean Co. 111. Marriage Records, Book F. Page 195.) ISAAC ALLEN came from Tennessee, and settled at White Oak Grove, (McLean and Woodford Counties, 111.) about 1833. Acoording to the Bloomington, 111, Western Whig of April 13, 1850, copy in Withers Public Library, he was reported at that time, as beyond recovery, from an attack of cholera. The probate records of Woodford Co. 111. show that he died April 12, I85O. According to the late William Hinshaw, of Bloomington, 111. his children were as follows: (1) ' William Allen, m (2) Susannah (Allen) Carlock, m. John J. .Car lock, son of Reuben Carlock. (3) Mary Jane (Allen) Leatherman, m. Cyrus Leatherman, (4) Sarah Ann(Allen) Lupton, (Twin sister of Mary Jane (Allen) Leatherman;) m Lupton, >:.■',■ \ ■ ■■.' ( 5) Abner P. Allen, (Union Veteran, Civil War.) (6) Amos W. Allen, (Union Veteran, .Civil War.) m. . , , Miles. (7) J Jamer K. Allen, (Union Veteran, Civil War.) ro Miles. WilliamS. Allen m. Phoebe J. Simon, June 25, I852. (McLean Co. 111. Marriage Records, Book C, Page 52.) Amos W. Allen m. Mary E. White, Feb. 4, 1864. (McLean Co. 111. Marriage Records, Book D, Page 393.) (See also History of Woodford Co. 111. I878, Pp. 4"y°>-9, and History of McLean C . Ill . 1879 , P . 683 . ) ."",... BRAMWELL . Rev. WILLIAM C. BRAMWELL, (Christian Minister.) son of Joseph and Jane (Martin) Bramwell, born at Crab Orchard, Ky. Oct. 22, 1788, m. Catharine McDonald-, in Ky. Jan. 16, 1810, settled near Madison, Ind. Mar. 28, 1811, served as a Lieutenant in Capt . Janes Burns' Company, Sixth Regiment, Indiana 1. Militia, 1811 and 1812, also as a member of the Indiana Legislature, 1833, and d« at Franklin, Ind. June 7, I865. Wife b. Mar. 25, 1791, d, also at Franklin, Ind. July 1, I865. (His father, a native of Yorkshire, England, d. at Crab Orchard, Ky. Feb. 15, 1790.) Children- and grand- children: (1) John M.,' Bramwell, b. Sept. 16,. 1816, m. Mary Dorsey,. and d. at Indiana- polis, Ind. Ch. Catharine (B)- Davenport, Isabel (B) Bryant, Mary A. (B) Hamilton, Emma (B) Caskey, Laura (B) Davis, John M., Jr. and Albert. (2) James Harvey BrarmTO 11, b. Mar. 9, 1813, m. first, Julia Vawter, 1839, 2nd, Lucinda Skinner, June 29, 1845, 3rd, Adelaide Martz, April 10, I856, '-' and d. near Eugene, Ore. First wife d. Dec.. 22, 1843. Second wife d. I85I. Ch. by 1st wf. Mary, Sarah (B) and William. Son by 3rd wife, John. (3) Solon C. Bramwell, b. May 31, 1815, m. Nancy A. Branham, April 9, 1840, second, Cjmthia M. Clarke, Jan, 18, I852, and d. at Kansas City, Mo. First xri.fe dT Feb. 6, 1840. Ch. by 1st wf . Edgar and Kate (B) Branham. Son by 2nd wf. Alpha. (4) Jesse V. Bramwell, b. Jan. 18, . 1818, m. Ann E. Griffith, daughter of Hezekiah and Lydia (Mobley) Griffith, April 23, 1839, and d. of cholera at Queensville, Ind. Oct.,.l, 1349.. Wife d. Nov. 25,1851. Ch. Amanda (B) Henry, Hezekiah, and Philo. (5) Ezra F. Bramwell, b. Oct. 4, 1820, m. Rebecca Griffith, daughter of Hezekiah and Lydia (Mobley) Griffith, Feb. 5, 1841, and d. at Bloomington 111. Sept. 17, 1902. Wife b. June 4, 1824, d. Dec. 5, 1894. Ch. Henrietta, Rachel (B) Decker, William C, Dan D., Charlotte L., Lydia (B) Chapman, Kate, Hester (B) Williams, and Frank L. (6) Zenas F. Bramwell, b. Nov. 24, 1823, m. Mary Ann Brocas, April 11, 1849, and d. at Indianapolis, Ind, Ch. Edward, Stella (B) Howell, Albert A., and Ira. (7) Wm. Andretrs Bramwell, b. Nov. 20, 1826, m. Caroline 0. Lee, April 13, 1854, and d, at Indianapolis, Ind. No. Children, < (8) Nancy M. (Bramwell) Lee. b. Oct. 11, 1329, m.- Charles V. Lee, June 8, 1854, and d. at Indianapolis, Ind. v. .. William H., Edgar, John, and Carrie. Mss. Autobiography of Rev. Wm. C. Bramwell, 1359, and Information from. Miss Henrietta Bramwell, and Mrs, Lydia (Bramwell) Chapman, Bloomington. Ill, C0SSITT . (Copied from Mss. Autobiography of Mrs. Dr. Eleazar Martin, daughter of Ann Catharine (Cossitt) Perkins, written during the years 1876, '7 & '8, and noxtf owned by her grand-daughter, Mrs. W. C. Lindsay, of Lexington, J 11.) RENE COSSITT, Sonlor, was bom in'Pr.ris, France, about the ;-?ar I690, married Ruth Porter of Waterbury, Conn. (Or Farmington, ) about the year 1720, and died at Granby, about 1770. Their Children; Reno (Ranna) Cossitt, Junior, born 1722, died 1810. (?) Harried; First wife, Phoebe Hillyer, who died Jan. 22, 1786; Second .wife, Martha Holcomb died July 10, 1798; third wife, Martha Barker. 2. Francois (Fransway) Cossitt, born 1726, died July 23, 1816. Timothy Cossitt, (born about 1728) died about 1800. John Cossitt, (born about 1730) died at Waterbury, Conn. Alexander Cossitt, (born about 1732) died at Granby, about 1820. Peggy Cossitt (born about 173^0 married Nathaniel Holcomb. Molly Cossitt, (born about 1736) married Thomas Weston of Waterbury, Conn Ruth Cossitt, (born about 1738) married Andrexxi Moore. . Lydia Cossitt, (born about 17^0) Never married." "You have the names of Ranna, Jr. '.s family correct, tho you have left out the name of Phoebe, (who) died at Granby, 1808. I find the name was spelt differently by some of the descendants, for instance, Cossit, Cosit Coset, Cossett, Cossitt. (also Cossite.) 1 saw the name of Count de la Cossitte, in Paris, France, when there, and presume that it is the same. The above is an extract of a letter written by Frederick H. Cossitt to his cousin Hattie E. Cossitt." (The following was copied, from an old bible printed at Cambridge, England 1770, and also owned by Mrs. W, C. Lindsay) t ' : . '. ."■ ) , "Ambrose Cossitt & Ann Cole was married February the first Pay, on Sunday by the Rev. Mr. Piets, (Or Liet?) in the year 1778" (Son of Rene Cossitt, Jr. Their Child rem "Anne C. Cossit (Mrs. J. A. Perkins) x^ras born the 5th day of May on Wednesday, one o'clock afternoon, 1779, (and) was christened by the Rev. Mr. Cossit; her suretys were Fehemiah Rice & Wife' & Madam Cossit." "Mary Alma Cossit was born 1781, Feb.ua ry 26th, at one'oclock morning. Her suretys were Hezekiah Rice & Wife (and) Madam Cossitt." Betsy Ruth (Cossit ) was born the 21 day of April, 1782, at 2 o'clock morning. Her suretys were Hezekiah Rice and Wife (and) Miss Dodge" "Ambrose Cossit (Jr.) was born August 28th I785 on Sunday, the sun one hour high in (the) morning. Suretys, Hezekiah , (Authors re-arrangement of part of the foregoing with additional material from the same source.) Rene Cossitt, Jr. son of Rene, St. and Ruth (Porter) Cossitt, was b. at' Granby, Conn. 1722, m. 1st, Phoebe Hillyer, who d. Jan. 22, 1786, 2nd, Martha' Holcomb, who d. July 10,. 179&. 3rd, Martha Barker. Sons; Ranna, Ambrose, Asa, and Silas. . . • , Ambrose Cossitt, Sr. Son of Rene, Jr. and Phoebe (Hillyer) Cossitt, b. about 1755, m. Ann C. Cole, dau. of Samuel Cole, of Claremont, N.K. Feb. 1, 1778, and d. at Claremont, N. H. 1802. Children; (1) Ann C. (Cossitt) Perkins-Merick, b. May 5, 1779, m. 1st, John Ayers Perkins, son of John and Esther (Ayers) Perkins, at Claremont, N. H., 3. 1797, 2nd. Ezra Mirick, and d . at Bloomington, 111. liar. 29, I869. Ch. Henry B. Perkins, b. about 1798, and Catharine A. (P) Martin, (wife of Dr. Eleasar Martin) b. Oct. 15, 1800, d. Oct. 1, I885. (Husband d. Aug. 1817, a. about 40 y.) (2) Mary A. (Cossitt) Jewett, b. Feb. 26, 1781, m. Joseph Jewett, at Granby, Conn, about 1822. Sons; Henry Lee Jewett, (Macon, Ga. I876) and Hon. Patrick Henry Jewett. (Jeffersonville, Ind. I876) (3) Elizabeth, R. (Cossitt) Stebbins-Wight, b. April 27, 1782, m. 1st, Bliss Stebbins, 2nd, Col. Simeon Wight, of Williamstown, Vt . and d. at Adrian, Mich. Had 5 children by 1st m. including Cortland B, Stebbins, and F. H. Stebbins . (4) Ambrose Cossitt, Jr. b. Aug. 28, 1785, m. ........ .and d. at Claremont, N. H. about I87O. Sons; John and George, Others? (5) Samuel C. Cossitt. b. about 1787, m. ....... .and d. in Ohio, about 1870. Dsu., Elizabeth (C) Dalton, wife of John E. Dalton, Onalasca, Wis. I876. (6) Francois ffene Cossitt, b. about 1790, m. 1st, Lucinda? Blair, at Princeton, Ky. (?) 2nd, Matilda Edwards, sister of Gov. Ninian Edwards, of 111. Had children, including Lucinda (C) Golladay, wife of Edward H, Golladay, (7) Charlotte R, (Cossitt) Voorhees, b. about 1792, m. Jacob Voorhees, of Fextf Jersey, about 1819, and d. at Charlotte, Tenn. about 1825. Asa Cossitt, (son of Rene Cossitt, Jr.) m. Polly Cole, dau. of Samuel Cole,' and sister of Ann C. (Cole) Cossitt. From Mss. Autobiography of Catharine A. (Perkins) Martin, (Mrs. Dr. Eleazar Martin) 1876,-' 7-' 8. FUNK, . ADAM FUNK, Jr. son of Adam, Sr. and Sarah (Long) Funk, b. April 8, 1758, m. Fancy Moore, about ... .1786, and d, at Funk's Grove, McLean Co. 111. Feb. 2, 1030. Children and grandchildren; (1) Absalom Funk, b. Sept. 11, I787, m. Mrs. Sarah ..... and d. at Chicago, 111. Sept. 4, 1851. No Children. (2) John Funk, b. July 23, 1791, m. Margaret Carr, 18., and d.'at Funk's Grove, 111, Feb...l855. Ch. Nancy (F) Ross, Tabitha (F) Carlin, John Jr., James, Elizabeth (F) Carson, Sarah (F) Jones, Absalom (2), Julia A. (F) Beard, and. Merritt C. (3) Jacob Funic, (l) b, Dec. 28, 1793, m. . . and d. near Groveland, 111 ,Ch. Adam, (2) Jacob Jr., Jesse, (2) Elizabeth, Nancy (F) Smith, and Caroline. (4) Sarah (Funk Stubblefield, b. April 11, 1796, m. Robert Stubblefield, son of Edx^ard and "Lightfoot" (Munford) Stubblefield, April 14, 1814, and d. Dec. 13, 1821. Ch. Absalom, Ann (S)' French-Lightner, Mary (S) Groves, and John. (5) Isaac Funk, Sr. b, Nov. 17, 1797, m. Cassandra Sharp, June „ , , 1826, and d. at Funk's Grove, 111. Jan. 29, 1365. Ch, George ¥. , Adam, Jacob, Duncan M, , LaFayette, Francis M., Benjamin F., Absalom, Isaac, Jr., and . Sarafy (F) Kerrick. ..,.-; (6) Dorothy (Funk) Stubblef ield , b. Sept. 15, 1799, m, Robert Stubblefield, widower of her sister Sarah, July 29, 1822, and d, at Funk's Grove, 111. Ch. George M., Jesse, Frances (S) Murphy, Adam, Eve, Edward, Isaac, William, and Charles Wesley. (7) Tabitha (Funk) Stubblefield, b. June 7, 1801, m Stubblefield, and died Ch. Edward, Fannie (S) Sharp, Nancy (S) Finley, Simon, John, and Cassandra (S) Wil'liams. (8) Jesse Funk, b. Dec. 15, 1803, m. Fannie U. Stringfield, Sept. 15, 1825, and d. ax Randolph's Grove, McLean Co. Feb. 6, .1865. Ch, Sarah J.- (F) Brittenham, Nancy (F) Wilson-Thompson, Adam C, Wesley J., Thomas C, Delilah (F) Brown, Nary (F) Barger, and Absalom. (9) 'Robert P, Funk, b. Nov. 14,' 1605, m. Virginia 1 Stringfield , May 13, 1830, ..and d. in Sumner Co.., Kans. _ Jan.. 16, 1881-.... Ch-.' Sarah (F) Ward, Nancy (F) Ward-Houser, William, Fannie (F) Alexander, Temperance (F) Firmer, Tabitha (F) Gorman, John, and Absalom. From copy of Funk Lineage, owned by Mrs. H. M. Rollins, daughter of Duncan M. Funk. GATES . TIMOTHY M. GATES, (Soldier of 1812) son of Timothy and Mary (Marsten) Gates, , ... i b. '^Bridgetown, Maine, Sept. 1, 1777, m. Margaret Hughs, May 13, 1800. settled at Bloomington, 111. 1828, d. Bloomington, 111. April 20, 1844. Wife b. May 15, 1782, d. Nov. 30, I838, Children- a-nd Grandchildren, - so far as known; (1) Malinda (Gates) Whipple, b, at Watertown, (Mass.) Sept. 17,- 1801, m. Roswell Whipple, d. Marietta, Ohio, Mar. 4, 1328. Ch? (2) Stephen F. Gates, b. Nov. 1, 1803, d. unm. about I885. (3) Mary M.-' (Gates) Baker, b. at Marietta, Ohio, Dec. 19,' I8O5, m. Seth Baker '(2) son of Dr. Isaac and Susannah M. (Dodge) Baker, Dec.' 25, 1829, and d. at Bloomington, 111. Dec. 5,' 1846. Ch. Margaret (B) Packard, Mary (B) Ober, Betty (B) Sargent, and Israel. (4) Elizabeth E. Gates, b. Feb. 27, 1807, d. June 7, 1323. (5) Emily G. (Gates) McKisson, b. Feb. 15, 1810, m. William McKisson, at Bloomington, 111. Aug. 4, 1831, d. at Bloomington, 111. May 18, 1871. , Ch. who- lived to maturity, Malinda M. (McK) Nightwine, Charles P.,. Lydia (McK) Franks-Hardy, Mary (McK) Roberts, Guy, and Allie(McK) Clark. (See McKisson Records in 0. F. R. 2 & 3,) » (6.) Charles C. r T ates,.b. at Roxbury, Mass. Mar. 20, 1812, d. June 28, 1840. (7) Horatio Gates, b. June 3, 1814, d. Brown Co. Kans. 5. (8) Hannah (Gates) Powell, b. Oct. 1, 1816, m. Eli N. Powell, Dec. 6, 1848, d. at Secor, 111. Dec. 8, IP76. Dau. Margaret (P) Heriford. Other ch.? (9) James M, Gates, b. at Morgan (town,0.?) Sept. 13, 1817, m. Margaret Jacoby, July l6, 1844, d. at Bloomington, 111. Feb. : 25, i860. Ch. Henry I. , b. June 19, 1845, Ann M. b. Oct. .. 1847, William W., b. I85I, Perry, b. I853, and Mary Jane, b. I858. Information from Margaret (Baker) Packard, and McLean Co. 111. Marriage and Probate Records. , HARBERT. JOSEPH BAILEY HARBERT, b. Ky. about 1780, m. Ann Galloway, about 1808, came to Havens' Grove, McLean Co. 111. Mar. 24, 1824, removed later to near Bloomfield, Iowa and d. there' about I859. Ch. Elizabeth (H.) Gross. (m. Richard Gross, Mar. 15, 1829.) Hiram, (b. July l6, 1814, m. 1st, Elizabeth Hendrix, Dec. 5, 1838, 2nd, Elizabeth Gaar, Jan. 29, 1846, d. Nov. 30, 1895.) John, d. a. 14 y. Mary (H) Walker, (b. Jan. 3, 1819, m. John Wesley Walker, Dec. 6, I838, d. Jan. 15, 1344.) David, b. Nov. 1820, m. Eliza Van Nostin, and d. Sept. 27, 1872.) liahala (H) Hendrix, (m. Nathan 3. Hendrix, Feb. 5, I839.) William, Fancy (H) Glover, Hannah Ann (H) McCarley, (m. Samuel McCarley, May 29, 1853.) Margaret (H) Dean, (m. Hcrlman Dean,:?:Sept. 19, 18^3. ) and Malinda JU (H), McCarley, (m. James R. McCarley, Jan. 4, I854.) Information from Miss Charlotte Harbert, daughter of David Harbert, and FcLean County, 111. Marriage Records. See also Biographical Album of McLean County, 111. 1887, Page 813. HARBORD. WILLIAM HARBORD, (Prvt. Capt. James Burns 1 Co. 6th Regt. Indiana Militia, 1812.) b. Va. Dec. 24, 1777, m. first, second, Jane Coffey (An aunt of Hon. Bailey H. Coffey) in Wayne Co. Ky. Jan... 1802, and d. near Bloomington, 111. Sept. 17 t 1845. 2nd wife b. June 22, 1782, d. also near Bloomington, 111. Oct. 2, 1862. Children and grandchildren so '.far as known; By second wife; (2) James C. Harbord, b. Wayne Co. Ky. Dec. .16, 1803, m. Esther Guthrie, in Decatur Co, Ind. Jan. 27, 1825, settled in McLean Co. 111. 1832, and d. near Bloomington, 111. Mar. 8, 1873. Ch. Martha A. (H) Walker, b. Jan. 21, 1827, Moses G., b. July 3, 1837, George W., b. Oct. 22, 1840, and Mahala C. H. J. (H.) Hunt, b. Sept. 22, 1846. (3) Agnes (Harbord) Wilkins, b. Aug. 9, 1805, m. , Wilkins. Ch. George, Jemima, and others? (4) John W. Harbord, b. July 18, 1807, m. Mary S ..and d. at Clarence, Shelby Co. Mo. Mar. 5, 1882. Son, M. H. Harbord. Other ch.? (5) Matthew L. Harbord, b, Jan. 23, 1^13 T m. cUxhh^r-li^ Luw, uau. or Kathan, Sr. and Sarah (Brooks) Low, in McLean Co. 111. Nov. 26, I836, and d. of cholera at Tremont, 111. July 24, 1849. Ch. George C . , b. April 19, 1837 Alphonzo, b. Oct. 12, I839, Sarah J. (H) Brown, b. roar. 20, 1843, lone (H) Brown, b. Dec. 24, 1844, Laura, b. Dec. 24, 1846, and Matthew Adolphus, b. Mar. 20, 1849. 6. (6) Mary B. (Harbord) Harbert, b. Mar. 19', 1315, m. Matthew B. Harbert, in McLean Co. 111. April 27, 1835. .Children? (7) Eleanor (Harbord) Plat te -Webb, b. Oct. 3, 1818, id. first, William Platte, in-' McLean Co. 111. July 17, 1835> secondly, Stephen Webb, Ch. .by 1st m.? Mo ch. by 2nd m. (8) William D. Harbord, b. Oct. 18, 1820, m. Susan J. onodgrass in McLean Co. 111. May 28, 184-9, and d. near Bloomington, 111. Sept. 5, 1862. Son, Charles B, (9) Mahala J. Harbord, b. Aug. 16, 1823. M.? Ch.? By first wife; (1) Robert A. Harbord, b. June 25, 1799, m. Martha Hunston, in McLean Co. 111. April 22, 1839, and d, in Iowa. Children? The aforenamed William Harbord and Joseph Bailey Harbert were brothers, but for reasons now unknown choose to spell their names differently. Nor could their parents names be learned, but they had other brothers and sisters as folloi-js; John, William, Matthew,. Mosby, Pattie (H) Brock, Ann (H) Reed, and Mary (H) Coffey, wife of John Coffey, also two other brothers, first names unknown. JAMES C. HARBORD, son of William and Jane (Coffey) Harbord, b. Wayne County, Ky. Dec. 16, 1803, m. Esther Guthrie, in Decatur County, Ind. Jan. 27, 1825, settled in McLean County, 111. 1832, and d. near Bloomington, 111. iar. 8, I873. Wife b. Sept. 15, 1°<04, d. July 19, I856. Ch. (1) Martha A. (Harbord) Walker, b. Jan. 21, 1827, m, John Wesley Walker, son of William and Kiancy (Driskill) Walker, in McLean County, 111. Aug. 17, 1848, and d. near Bloomington, 111. Jan. 15, 1844. Dau. Kittle (W) Chuse (2) Moses G. Harbord, b. July 3, 1837, m. Jane Price, dau. of George W., and Matilda B. (Prunty) Price, .... and d. at Portland, Ore. Ch. Ettie ,(H) Fry, Ida (H) Xnapp, Rolla C, and Kittie (H) Graver. (3) George W. Harbord, ,b. Oct. 22, 1840, m. Effie C. Gault, dau. of William W. and Catharine (Critton) Gault, in McLean County, 111. Dec. 16, I863, and d, in Lyon County, Kans. Dec. 27, 1914- . Ch. Maj.-Gen. James G. Harbord, U. S. A.,. Katharine (H) DeBann, (d . June 3, 1917) and Martha (H) Foreman. (4) Mahala C. H. J. .(H) Hunt,, b. Sept . 22, 1846, m. James A. Hunt, in McLean County, 111. Jan. 7, 1864, and d. July 8, 1873. iyo Children. Information from Mrs. Martha Harbord Foreman, Manhattan, Kans. .and Mc Lean County, 111. Marriage Records. See also ^uis 1 "The Good Old Times:, 1874, Page 239. HARRIS. . WILLIAM HARRIS, b, about 1776?, m. Fancy Highsmith. Ch. James, b. Sept. 8, 1798, (m... Redmond), Sarah, b. Dec. 8, 1799, (m. Luther Johnson), John, b. Jan. 2, 1801, (m ), Thomas, b. Nov. 19, 1802., Rev. David R., b. 7\pril 21, 1804, (m...„ ), AnnM., b. Dec. 29, 1805, (m. 7. James Hudspeth), Harvey, b. Mar. 25, 3-807, (m....' ), Alexander C, b. Dec. 27, 1803, (m. Fary Forfleet), Mary, b. June 3, 1810, (m. Edmond Neal) , Susan, b.' Fov. 17, 1811, (m;. ,. .Redmond) , Rev. William B. , b. Aug.- 22, IC13, (m. Harriet B. Paisley), Y. F. Fwing, b. Kay 13, 1815, (m. MaryRowe), Rev. Josiah G., b. Nov. 14, 1816, (m. Martha Cross), Rev. ChathanD., b. Aug, 28, 1818, (m. Eliza J. Johnson), Fancy L., b. eb. 26, 1820, (m. Rev. George Blewett) , Lewis D., b. April 29, 1823,- (m. . . ..-.■.. .-') and Cyrus L. , b. Aug. 9, 1825, (m. .. . ..'..) . Total; 17. Information from the Misses Harriet and M. Sue Harris, Dau., KARR. Capt. JOHN KARR, (2) Private, Hunterdon County, K. J. Revolutionary "war, also Captain, Ohio Militia, War of 1812, b".'N. J. 1759, son of Capt. John Karr, (1) Ft evolutionary War, Cumberland County, V. J. descendant of Sir Walter Kerr, an early colonist of N. J., m. Mercy Lee, dau. of Philip Lee, (Revolutionary War, F. J.) and Margaret, his Tarr) Scogin, b. in Warren County, R, J Nov. 20, 1815, m. William Scogin, son of Thomas and Mary Scogin, Dec. 31, 1836, and d. near Wapella, 111. Nov. 8, I860. Husband b. June 12, 1813, d. May' 12, 1881. Ch. Hannah A. (S) Dungey, Joseph K., Mary C. (S) Jennings, Jacob K., Amanda J. (S) Munson, Margaret C. (S) Metcalf, Rebecca F. (S) Brox-m, JohnW., and Emory W. :.-•' . . . : '\" (9) Walter Karr,- Jr., b. Nov. 12, 1817, m. first, Catharine Scogin, Secondly, P?.rmelia Foster, Jan. 13, 1842, and .d .ne-rWapella, Ill.Maur. 24, I865. First wife b. Oct. 2?, 1818, d. July 2, 1841. No ch. by first wife. Ch. by second wife; P'ulip, (3) William D., Margaret E. (K) Summers, Grace(X) Fielder, Barton, Douglas , and (&) , (10) Joseph J . Karr, b. Nov. 19, 1819, m. Lydia Souders, and d. at Campaign, 111. Ch. Mercy (K) Peters, Myrus, Abraham, Almeda (lO T filson, Elizabeth, Warren, and George B. Ifc, (11) George .Washington Karr, b. April 10, 1822, m. Cyi^ihia Ann well's, (?) and d. at Monticello, 111. Ch. John, (4), Elizabeth, and Preston. JOSEPH KARR, son of John (2) and Mercy (Lee) Karr, b. in Few Jersey, Feb. 14, 1.786,. m. Mary Petty, 1810, and d. in Warren County, N.J. Mar. 27, 1878. Wife b. July 27, 1790, d. Sept. '8,- 1870. Children; (1) James Karr, b. Oct. 28, 1811, d. July 1, 1817. (2) John P. Karr, b, June 27, 1813, d. Sept. 26, 1845. Never m. (3) Jacob Karr, (2) b. Nov. 19,. 1815, m. Ellen Ketcham, and. d. Jan. 3, 1907. Had 3 sons and 2 daughters. (4) Margaret Karr, b. Feb. 19, 1318, d. Oct. 22, 1818. (5) Mark Karr, b. Aug. 15, 1819, m. Sarah Ketcham, and rd.. July 10, 1887. Had 4 sons, including John Karr of Hackettstown, N.J., b. June 26, 1844. (6) Joseph Karr, Jr. b. Oct. 27, 1821, and d. Dec. % 1811, (7) Thomas Karr, (3) b, Dec. 23, 1823, m. Charity Ketcham, and d. at Cordova, 111. April 3, 1905. Had 3 sons and 2 daughters. (8) William Karr, (3) b. Aug. 28, 1826, m. Mary Apgar, and d. May 2, 1891. Had one son. (9) Joseph Karr, Jr. (No. 2) b. Feb. 9, 1829, ' m. Mary Force, and _ d. Dec. 10, 1908. Lived in Sterling, 111. Had 5 sons and 4 daughters..-. (10) Samuel Karr, b. Nov, 1, 1831, m. Mary Cline, and d,.- Nov. 1,. 1891. Had one daughter . (11) David Karr, b. July 18, 1834, m. Lydia Bowl by, and d. April 15, 1905. Had one son and one daughter. (12), Walter Karr, (4) b. June 26, 1837, m. Nancy Petty, and d Had one son. JOHN KARR, Jr. son of John (2) and Mercy (Lee) Karr, b.'in New Jersey about 1790, m. Sophia Jennings, about 13l6, (?) and d. in Ohio sometime between 1824 and 1840. Ch. (1) James Karr, b. about 1817, d. in Ohio. Never married , (2) Joanna (Karr) Baddeley, b. Mar. 26, 1819, m. John C. Baddeley, Son of John W.' r 5 Eliz? (^V-noy). Baddeley"'. Dec: 12, :vl339j';arH.d . Feb' 2a, '■lW;' Hone- one child . (3) Ellen (Karr) Baddeley, b. June 7, 1821, n, John C. Baddeley, (widower of her sister Joanna) Nov. 16, 1844, and d. Nov. 27, 1910. Ch. Anna (B) Rike, 10. Jennie (B) Beeney, Sadie (B) Ross, Thomas J., Charles H. f Minnie (B) Baker, and James C. . ; •• - , ' . '■ .-■/.. (4) John Wesley Karr, b. Feb. 2? r 1823, m. first, Tabitha Williams, secondly,., Mary Jane Craig, and d. Jan. 31, 1903. Ch. by first wife; Alice (K-) Alsup, Martha (K) Hunt, and Hiram. ' Ch. by second wife?' Mary (K) Buckles, Stephen, William', George, Frank, Thomas, (4) & Nellie'. (5) Jesse S. Karr, b. May 20, 1825, m. Permelia (Williams) Rutledge, widow of • Robert Blackburn Rutledge, and sister of Tabitha W. Karr, Dec. 2?, 1848, and d. July 25, 1912. Ch. Emma (K) Galusha, Thomas, (5) and John. (5) DR. THOMAS KARR, son of John (2) and Mercy (Lee) Karr, b. Bucks County, Pa. April 23- 1793, m. first, Elizabeth (Edwards) Kitchell, at North Bend, Ohio, Dec. 31, 1814, secondly, Martha (Edwards) Evans, sister of his. first wife, and d. near Heyworth, 111. Sept. 10, 187-8, First wife b. in Wales,, Dec. 2, 1787, d. near Hcyworth, 111. April 9, 1862. Second wife b. Llambrynmire . Wales Dec. 18, 1802, d (No ch. by second wife.) Children by first wife; (1) Eleanor (Karr) Hopping, b. Oct. 7, 1815, m. Edward Hopping, about 1834, and,d. ...'. 11843'. .' Husband b. about 1808, d'. 1853. Ch. Phoebe (H) He'ndrickson, ' Harriet (H) Moberly, Sarah (H) Nelson, and Margaret (H) Bracken-Cavender . (2) Martha Ann (Karr) Hartson, b. Nov. 2, 1817, m, James Hartson, in McLean Counter 111. Jan. 1, 1837, and d. about 1840. Husband b. about 1815. &. Sept. 24, ■ 1841. Son.'TY.D. Hartson. (3) Thomas Jefferson Karr, b. Feb. 10, 1821, m, Elizabeth Low, daughter of • Nathan, Sr 4 and Sarah (Brooks) Low, Dec. 29,' 1842, and d. Feb. 10, 1866, Wife b. Nov. 18, 1818, d. Nov. 1, 1903. Ch. Harvey 3., Elizabeth (K) Bradley, Guy, and . Dora (K) Johnstone. ... - (4) William Karr, (2) b. Jan. 5, 1823, m. Mary Jane Elder,! daughter of David and Hannah (Wakefield) Elder, Dec. 24, 1844, and d. Feb. 15, I896. Wife b. April 1, 1827, d. Oct. 15, 1902. Ch. Anstis (K) Jones, Iris (K) Ryburn, John, (6) Joseph W., and William E. (5) Elizabeth (Karr) Scogin, b. Aug. 4, 1825, m. Andrew W. Scogin, son of Joel and Esther (Wakefield) Scogin, Dec. 2% 1844,- and d. Oct. 13, 1845. No Children. WILLIAM KARR, (Soldier of 1812, Ohio Militia.) son of Thomas- and Celia (Lewis) Karr, and grandson of Capt. John Karr, (1) b. in Sussex County, N.J. Oct. 10, 1790, m. first, Sophia (Jennings) Karr, widoxtf of John Karr, Jr., secondly, Rachel Garrison, sister of Clarissa (Garrison) Karr, wife of Jacob Karr, and d. at Heyworth, 111. Nov.. 24, 1846. Second x-rife b. Kenton County. N.Y. Nov. 29, 1807, d. Heyworth, 111. April 29, 1866. No children by first xd.fe. Sens by second wife \ Aaron G. and Henry Lewis. WALTER KARR, (2) son of Thomas and Celia (Lewis) Karr, b. in Sussex County, N.J. July 8, 1797, m. Eliza Ann Karr, daughter of Walter (1) and Margaret (Weller) Karr, Jan. 1823, and d. at Heyworth, 111. Mar. 20, 1879. Wife b. July 24, 1804, d. June 3, 1843. Ch. (1) Edwin Karr, b. Oct. 18, 1823, m.. Catharine Foster, and d Ch. Eliza. Elizatebh(K) Anderson, Charles A., Harrison A., William, W. , Eugene, Evaline, and Zlmelia (K) Dempsey. 11. (2) Harriet (Karr) •Joolever-Kinzel, b. July 12, 1825, m. first, Walter Woolever, Feb. 11, 1844, second, D. C. Kinzel, and d 1914. Son by first marriage, Orlando D. Woolever. No ch, by second marriage, (3> William!. Karr, b. April 17, 1829, m. Lydia A. Cooper, Jan. 29, 1950, and d. Ch-. Morritt L., David W. t and Maude (K) Gillis. • • , • t • • t ■ (4) Henry A. Karr, b. Aug. 5, 1830,- m. Martha E. Story, Jan. 10, 1861, and d. July -27, 1908. Ch. Lyon, Grant, Mary (K) McDowell, and Frank. (5) Charles J. Karr, b. July 20,' 1832, drowned, June 30, 1835. (6) James L. Karr, b. July 20, 1837, d. Dec. 8, 1838. (7) Margaret (Sella (Karr) Rockwell, b.' June 27, 1840, m. E. P. Rockwell, and d. S'ons, Elmer E. and Walter E. JACOB KARR, son of John (2) and Mercy (Lee) Karr, b. Sussex County, K.J. July 27, 1798, m. first, Maria Noble, daughter of John and Sarah. (Price) Noble, about 1820, secondly, Clarissa Garrison, Jan. 29, 1835, and d, at Leroy, 111. April 1, 1840. First wife b. Dec. 7, 1788, d. Aug... 1834. Second wife b. Nov. 29, • 1807, d. Jan. 6, 1895. Ch. by first wife, who lived to maturity; (1) Harrison N. Karr, b. Jan. 10, 1821, m. Alvira Spence, Feb. 7, 1844, and d. Sept. 25, 1910. Ch. Robert, Jacob, Joseph, and Elizabeth (K) Hendryx. (2) Joseph P. Karr, b. Dec. 18, 1825, m. Margaret E. Elder, Feb. 15, 1849, and d... 1903. Ch. Maria E. (K) McComb, Alza (K) Blount, Emmitt, William, Martha- (K) Heare, and Mary (K) Gill. (3) Harriet R. (Karr) Dicker son-Eskew, b. Hamilton County, Ohio, Mar. 20, 1828, m. first, Robert F. Dickerson, son of Michael and Jane (Rutledge) Dickerson, Jan. 1, 1845, secondly, Perrin C. Eskew, Feb. 13, 1877, and d. at Leroy, 111. Aug. 27, 1913. Ch. by first husband; Merritt M., James L., Martha E. (D) Pray, Emma E. (D) Molesworth, Clara (D) Hofer, Ida M. (D) Pogcue. Robert F.,Jr., Mary S., and Hattie R. (D) Morris. Ch. by 2nd wife who lived to maturity; (4) Mercy J. (Karr) Barnett, b. Dec. 1, 1835, m. Harrison Barnett, Sept. 12, I852, Son, Asbury. (5) Rachel (Karr) Potts, b. about 1840, m. George W. Potts, May 7, 1857. Ch.? Information from Mrs. Amanda Crumbaugh, Mrs. Amanda Munson, John Karr of Hacketts- town, N.J. Lyon Karr, Guy Karr, Mr. and Mrs. P. A. Karr, Public Records and County Histories of McLean County, 111. and Gravestone Inscriptions LAYTON The following brothers and sisters named Layton were numbered among the pioneers of Central Illinois; Their parents names could not be learned by the author. (1) Margaret (Layton) McBrier, born about 1818, married John McBrier, Children; David W., Alice (McB) Donnegan, Mollie (McB) Taylor, Ann Eliza, and John, Jr. (2) Eliza (Layton) York, born about 1820, married Newton York, in McLean County, Illinois, Jan. 10, 1841. Children? 12. (3) Sarah (Layton) Sales, born about 1823, married James L. Sales, in McLean .County, Illinois, May 7, 1839. Children? (4) John M. Layton, born about 1825, married Rachel Fichols, daughter of Mounts and Mary Nichols, 1049. Wife born May 11, 1831, died July 8, 1869. Children; Mrs. James Currence, and Mrs. Theodore Williams, Atlanta, Illinois. (5) Catharine (Layton) Beeler, born Nov. 30, 1827, married William Beeler, Jr., June 25, 1844, and died April 8, 1862. Children; Harriet (B) Westmoreland, Sarah '(B) Fry, Mary Ellen (B) Banner, John D., Alfaretta .(B) Fry, Daniel E., Stephen A., Juliet, and Martha B. (B) Webb. See Beeler Genealogy. (6) Phoebe Ellen (Layton) Gordon, born Jan. 13, 1829, married Christopher C. Gordon, about 1845 and died in Atlanta, Illinois, Jan. 1898. Children; Mar- garet D. (G) Halbert, Benjamin F., Martha E. (G) Barham, James P., William E., Elijah J., John T., Albert M. , and Charles T. (7) Thomas Layton, born about I83O, married Ruth.... Daughters; Nancy (L) Scott, and Anna (L) ......... ,v r : (8) Nancy (Layton) Dollahan-Phillips-Beardsley, born about I832, married first, Milton Dollahan, in McLean County, Illinois, Oct. 4, I852, secondly, Phillips, thirdly, Dow Beard sley. Daughter by first husband; Emmeline (D) Stiger. Son by second husband; William Phillips. Children by third husband; George Beardsley, and Alice (B) Crain. , . >'' ,no+ - - *■ . ■,,■-■■ .,.__. (9) James Layton, born about 1834. Union Soldier, Civil War. Married? Children? (10) David Layton, born about I836, married Isabel Rose. Children; Bessie (L) Armstrong, Lois (L) and. Helen(L) (11) Samuel Layt on, born about I838, married Daughter; Cora (L) (12) Fletcher D. Layton, born about 1840, married.... Fullerton. Daughters.; Gertrude (L) ....... .and Mary (L) Information from Mrs, Huldah Eicher, Bloomington, Illinois, 1920, and Marriage Records of McLean County, Illinois, Etc. MORSE DANIEL MORSE, b. Nov. 25, I765, m. Rebecca Harwood, Oct. 15, 1795, and d. May 7, 1818. Wife b. April 3, 1775, d.' Mar. 16, 1839. Children; (1) Wyman C. Morse, b. Litchfield, Herkimer County, N.Y. Sept. 24, 1797. (2) Lucinda Morse, b. at Marshfield, (Mass.?) May 31, 1800. (3) Polly Morse, b. at Gorham, Ontario County, N.Y' Arpil 4, 1804 (4) Lydia Morse, b. at Gorham, N.Y. Oct. 22, 1806. (5) Margaret Morse, b. at Gorham, N.Y. Nov. 4, 1809, m. Loomis Thayer. Had : Ch. (6) Joseph Morse, b. at Gorham, N.Y. Aug. 19, 1811. (7) Jonathan Morse, b. at Gorham, N.Y. Sept. 23, 18141 13. (8) Sally and Silas Morse, (twins) b. at Gorham, N.Y. Nov. 3, 1816. Sally (Morse) Baker, dau. of Daniel and Rebecca (Harwood) ijorse, m. Calvin M. Baker, April 21, 1839, and d. at Bloomington, 111.. Dec. 1, I858. Husband b. July 22, 1812, and d. at Bloomington, 111. Oct. 18, 1853. Children; (1) Hattie E. Baker, b. May 3, 1840, d. Mar. 24, 1887. (2) Mary M. (B) Herod, b. Nov. 21, 1841, m. Geo. Herod, and d. Feb. 26, 1911. (3) Martha R. (B) Wright, b. Feb.. 6, 1844, m. James M. Wright, and d. Dec. 15,1913. °T4) Anna L. (8) Hutchins-Cady, b. Oct. 18, 1845, m. first, C.C, Hutchins, second, Charles Cady, and d. Nov. 22, 1903. (5) James A. Baker, b. Oct,. 5, 1847, m,' Nettie Williams. ■■■'--.■' (. ) -I -.-,> . : .;. (6) Minnie M, (B) Atkerson, b. Jan. 18, I852, m. Albert Atkerson. (7) Margaret M. (B) Pettibone, b. Feb. 22, 1854 , m. tfdwin L. Pettibone. Information from Mrs. Margaret M, Pettibone, Normal, 111. OLNEY . OMAN OLNEY, m .came to Blooming. Grove, McLean County, 111. about 1830, removed to Iowa in 1844. Their children were Hiram, Lyman, Hampton, Drusilla, "Zany," (Lusana?) and Margaret'. Information from Wm. Marcus Cox, 1920'. Sarah Olney m. Cheney Thomas, Jan. 9, 1834.' Hamilton Olney m. Rebecca Dean, April 25, 1839.. (McLean County, 111. Marriage Records.) William E. Olney d. about 1831.' Will dated 'Nov. 28, I83I. Wife, Sally Olney. (Box 1, Case 2, Probate Files, McLean County, 111.) Catharine Olney d . about 1840. (Box 2, Case 81, Probate Files, McLean County, 111.) ROBERTSON WILLIAM RUSSELL ROBERTSON, (Brother of Or mo nd Robertson) b. in Tennessee, (?) Feb. 12, 1797, m. MalinBa, Hinshaw, dau. of George, Sr. and Elizabeth (Worth- ins;ton) Hinshax^, about 1825, settled in McLean County, 111. about I83O, and d. near Bloomington, 111. Mar. 23, 1843. Buried in Scogin's Cemetery, Sec. 13, Dale Township, McLean County, 111. Wife b. Jan. 30, 1807, d. Feb. 11, 1887. (His itfidow m. secondly, Henry Blunt, Sr.) Children; (1) Elizabeth (R) Adams-Summerf ield , b. about 1827, m» first Jeremiah Adams, in McLean County, 111. Jan. 26, 1845, secondly, .Summer field, and d. in Kans. (Jeremiah Adams d. of cholera Aug. 15, 1855 » an d is also buried in Scogin's Cemeterjr.) (2) Jasper Robertson, b. about 1830, d. in Oregon. Never m. 14. (3) Larkin Robertson, b. about 1832, d. in Oregon. Never m. (4) William Newton Robertson, b. July 7, I836, m. Elizabeth Brown, in McLean County-, 111. Mr. 29, 1857, and d. near Bloomington, 111. Mar. 9, I859. Buried in Scogin's.. (5) Polly Ann (R) Tucker, b. Aug. 24, 1839, m. Isaac Tucker, in McLean County, 111. Mar. 21, 1858.- Settled in Mo. (6) Mary Jane (R) Dayhack, b. Sept. 4, 1841, m. John Dayhack, in EcLean County, 111. Aus;. 5, I858. Settled in Oregon. (See Hinshaw-T-Tenshaw Genealogy.) ORMOND ROBERTSON, (Brother of William Russell Robertson.) b. near Nashville, Tenn. Jan. 25, I8O5, m. Mary Ann Brown, in Overton County, Tenn. Feb. 17, 1824, came to McLean County, 111. 1830, and d.. at White Oak Grove, Feb. 27, [. 1852. Wife b. Sept. 15, 1801, d. Dec. 26, 1880. Buried in Upper White Oak Cemetery, about 8 miles north of Yuton, 111. Ch. (1) Catharine (R) Robertson, b. about 1824, m. her cousin Elza Robertson. (2) Rachel J. (R) (Hughes?) b. about 1825, (m. William J. Hughes, in McLean County, 111. July 21, 1849?) (3) Sarilda (R) Beeler, b. May 23, 1827, m. Benjamin S. Beeler, in McLean County, 111. Feb. 25, 1849, and d. near Bloomington, 111. April 17, 1912. (See Beeler Gen.) (4) William R,' Robertson, (2) b. about 1829, m. Malinda J. Lucas, in McLean County 111. Feb. 19, 1859. (5) Levi Preston Robertson, b. about 1831, m. Ellen Sanford, in McLean County, 111. Nov. 24, I85O. Daughter, Mrs. Lucy Meadows, Des Moines, Iowa. (6) Neety Ann (R) Benson, b. about 1833, ro. George S. Benson, in McLean County, 111.' Opt. 29, I856. Living, 1821. Ch. Frank, Cora, Hale, and G.M. (See Hi ns haw-Hens haw Genealogy,) (7) Louisa (R) Williams, b. abt. 1835, M.. Philip Williams. (8) George Hamilton Robertson, b. about 1838, m. Anna M, Lucas, (sister of Malinda J.) in McLean County, 111. Aug. 20, I856, and d.,...1917. Ch. Luke,. Dora (R) Anderson, and Rosetta, Information from Mrs. Huldah Eicher, daughter of Mrs. Sarilda Beeler, 1921. See also Duis' "The Good Old Times" 1874, Page 523. ROGERS Compiled from mss. records found in an old bible donated to the Salvation Army by Mrs. Carrie Allin Rogers, Bloomington, Illinois. Interpolations from Benjamin Genealogy. TIMOTHY ROGERS, (son of John and Patience (Miller) Rogers) b. (Middletown, Conn.) Mar. 3, 1766, m. Sally Moore, Nov. 15, 1790, and d. (at Chatham, N.Y.) June 21, 1850. Wife b. (Spencertown, N.I) May 23, 1770, d, Chatham, N.Y.) Nov. 7, 1844. Children; 15. (1) Ralph Rogers, b. May 30, 1791, m. Patty Paddock, Sept. 3, 1813, and d. Oct. 7. 1815. (Daughter, 'Pauline (R) Sleight) (2) Maria (Rogers) Thompson, b. Mar. 29, 1793, m. William Thompson, Dec. 27, 1812, and d. May 6, 1832. (Ch. Ralph R., Louisa (T) Van Alstyne, Benajah, and John) (3) Patty (Rogers) Benjamin, b. Feb. 18, 1795, m. Darius Benjamin, (son of Ebenezer and Phoebe (Rossiter) Benjamin.) July 5» 1817. (d. McLean Co. 111. Nov. 20, 1884. Ch. Edward D., DeWitt C, Timothy R., JohnR., Gilbert R., and Reuben M.) . (4) Ann (Rogers) Warner, b. Mar. 3, 1797, m. Timothy Warner, and d. Mar. 17, 1837. (Dau., Elsie (W) Ham) (5) John Rogers, b. Nov. 19, 1799, m. Eliza Shipman, Dec, 31, 1835 & d . at Valatie M.I. /July 5, 1839. Wife b. Feb. 8, 1810, d.'at Valatie, N.Y. Dec. 4, 1891. Ch. 'Caroline A. b. May 3, 1837, d.- Feb. 13, 1843. Walter- W., b. April, 4, 1841, m. Caroline Allin, dau. of William H. and Judith A. (Major) Allin, at Bloomington, 111. Dec. 17, 1863, and Martha (R) Best, b. Sept. 29, 1844 r (6) Gilbert V.Rogers, b. June 28, 1805, d. July 4, 1832. SAFLY ADAM SAFLY, son of Henry and Margaret Ssfly, b. . Loudoun County, Va. May 19, 1794, m. first Melinda Ferrel, dau°;. of "Stephen and Nanc3>" Ferrel, July 18, 1819, settled in Sangamon County, 111. 1820, m. secondly, Fancy Clifton) Spicer, and d. near Springfield, 111. Jan. 11, 1870. First wife b, Va. Mar. 23, 1799, d. Sangamon Co. 111. Jan 24, I858. Children by first wife; (1) Stephen F. Safly -, b. Nov. 16, 1820, m. Nancy Prunk, April 6, 1848, and d Wife b.... d. July 31, 1891. ' Ch. Mary J. (S) Cannon, b. Dec. 23, (d. Oct. 17, 1902) John M., b. July 1, I85O, Malinda A., b. Mar. 25, 1351, Adam R., b. Sept. 3, 1853, (d. Oct. 3, 1917) Elizabeth A., b. Nov. 3, 1856, (d. in infancy) William W. , b. April 15, I858, and Charles S., b. Aug. 2, 1864. (2) Margaret D. (Safly) Garrison, b. Oct.. 26, 1822, m. Edmond Garrison, Aug. 10, 1848, and d . . Ch? (3) Nancy Safly, (2) b. Oct. 26, 1824, d. Feb. 26, 1325. (4) Nancy T. (Safly) Pettus, b. Mar. 13, 1826, m. William E, Pettus, Oct. 10, 1843, and d. Sept. 22, I856. Ch? (5) Elizabeth (Safly) Garrison, b. April 12, 1828, m. Jacob Garrison, Arpil 10, I85I, and. d... Ch? (6) William Safly, b. Sept. 3, 1830. (m? ch?) (7) Mary R. (Safly) Matthew, b. June 7, 1835, m. William P. Matthew, son of Simon and Anna (neardorff) Matthew, July 14, I853, (Husband b. July 28, 1834.) Ch. Martha V., Stephen L., U. S. Grant, and Ida A. (8) Sarah Safly, b. July 17, 1837, o\ April 3, 1854. (9) John Safly, b. Mar. 9, 1839. (m? ch?) T6 (10) Malinda Ann (Safly) Hildreth-Miller, b. Feb. 15, 1&&, m. first, Jonathan. Hildreth, Sept. 8, 1857, secondly, William C. Killer, son of James T. and Sarah (Loyd) Miller, Sept ... .1881, and d. near Clinton, 111. 19.. Ch. by first m. . . .Ch, by second m. William and Edna. (11) Lucinda M. (Safly) Poffenberger, b. Feb. 15, 1841, m. William C. Poffenberger, son of Christian and Nary (Brantner) Poffenberger, Nov. 28, I858. Ch. George W., Mary Ann, John McL., May, and William D. Copy of records "owned, by Mrs. J. B. Kelly, Bloomington, 111. See also Poxvers ' Old Settlers of Sangamon County, 111. STRINGFIELD JAMES STRINGFIELD, son of Richard .Stringfield, was b. in Surrey County, Virginia, Dec. 19, 1730, m and had ch. viz. Nancy (S) McFadden, Delilah (S) Brittin, Bida ('";) Downs, John, William, and James, Jr. This James Stringfield Sr. had a/brother, Joseph Stringfield, who m. ..... . ,Eochy, in North Carolina. /half JOHN STRINGFIELD, Revolutionary Soldier, son of James and. ........ .Stringfield, b. Buncombe County, Kiorth Carolina, Feb. 13, 1762, m. Sarah Boilston, about 1790, and d. near Springfield, 111. Jan. 5, 1822. Wife b. Nov. 28, 1768, d. near Galena, 111. about I85O. (?). Children; r (1 (2 (3 (4 (5 (6 (7 Janes B. Stringfield, b. Sept. 25, 1791. (M?) William R. Stringfield, b. July 5, 1793. Delilah B. (Stringfield) Burlison, b. Feb. 6, 1795, m. James Burlison. Thomas R. Stringfield, b. Feb. 12, 1797. (M7) " Elizabeth A. (Stringfield) Randolph, b. Mar. 14, 1799, m. Gardner Randolph, Jan. 5, 1817. Sevier Stringfield, b. Feb. 28, 1801. (m?) Virginia F. (.Stringfield) Funk, b. Nov. 11, 1303, m. Robert P. Funk, April 13,' 1830 . (8) Temperance (Stringfield) Taylor, b. Nov. 27, 1805, m. John Taylor, June, 1824. (9) Fanny E. (Stringfield) Funk, b. Dec. 16, 1807, m. Jesse Funk, Sept. 15, 1825. (10) Alfred M. Stringfield, b. Oct. 14, 1809, m. Amelia Hand, Mar. 25, 1832. (11) Minerva Stringfield, b. Aug. 15, 18l6, d. in infancy. Information from Jesse F. Stringfield, and L. D. Welch, 1922. TOVREA Rev. THOMAS TOVREA, M. E. b. probably in North Carolina, about 1790, m. Mary McGhee, dau. and only child of William McGhee, a North Carolina Revolutionary Soldier, and Rebecca (Satterfield) Downs -McGee, his wife, about 1815, and died near Oskaloosa, Iowa, about I865. It is said he accompanied Gov. Edwards' I expedition to Peoria Lake in 1813. The Territorial Records of Illinois show- that Thomas Toverry" was appointed a -Captain in the 5th Regiment, Illinois Militia; May 11, 181?. Thomas Totspga had at least three sons, John, who lived . . hear Osfcaloosa, Iowa, Joshua,, and Charles. -■ Joshua Tovrea, son of Thomas and Mary (McGhee) Tovrea, b„ Oct. 2, 1818, m. 1st, Temperance Randolph, dau. of Gardner and Elizabeth A. (otringfield) Randolph in McLean County, 111. Nov. 18, 1838, 2nd, Julia Moore, about 1852, and d. Sept. 23, I863. Interred in Stewart Cemetery, near Randolph, 111. First wife b. Dec. 15, 1819, d. June 4, I85I.. Ch. by 1st wife, Rebecca (T) Moore, (m. John Moore) and Henry Tovrea . Dau. by 2nd wife,; Ann (T) Fisher. Charles Tovrea, son of Thomas and. Mary (McGhee) Tovrea, m. Charlotte Van Nostin, dau. of Abraham and Margaret (Cook) Yah Nostin, in McLean County, 111. April 12, 18)49. Ch. Samuel, Thomas, Mary, and Margaret. (Information from various sources.) ■■^Miscellaneous Tovrea Marriages in McLean County, 111. Elizabeth Tovrea, Benjamin Baldwin, Dec. 7, 1834. Dorcas Tovrea, Josiah Wilson, Nov. 27, I836. Jane Tovrea, Peter J. Welch, July 1, 1840 Mary Ann Tovrea, Thomas H, Greenman, Dec. 4, 1848. William Tovrea, Amanda Hancock, Aug. 24, 1848. Rebecca Tovrea, Samuel H. Martin, Sept. 12, 1848. Julia A. Tovrea, William H. Daniel, Nov. 16, 1848. William M. Tovrea, Margaret Crose, May 8, 1849. WYATT W0LF0RD WYATT, an early pioneer of McLean County, 111. b, Sept. 15, 1783, d. at Twin Grove, McLean County, 111. Aug. 15, 1834. Interred in Wyatt Cemetery, Sec. 20, Dry Grove Twp. Sons, Benjamin and Joseph. Other ch? (Gravestone Inscription, and Information from John C. Haybarger, and C. C. Hinshaw, 1917.) Miscellaneous Wyatt Marriages in McLean County, Illinois, Polly Wyatt, Joseph Oatman, Dec. 15, 1831. Littleberry M. Wyatt; Emmeline Dollahan, Nov. 3, 1846. Sina J. Wyatt, Andrew J. Mason, Nov. 1, 1849. Mary C. Wyatt, William M. Hays. Mar. 2, 1851. • - : • ADDENDA AND CORRIGENDA GATES FAIRLY; Mary M. (Gates) Baker d. Nov. 19, 18'39 KARR FAMILY; John W. Baddeley should be John C. Baddeley, Joseph Karr, Jr. d. Dec. 5, 1821. 18. INDEX ADAMS, Elizabeth (Robertson), 14 Jeremiah, 14 ALEXANDER, Fannie (Funk), 5 ALLEN, Abner P., 1 Amos W. ,1 Amy,l Ann,l Ann,(Dodd) 1 Ann (VanC-undy) , 1 Benjamin,! Catharine (Fry) , 1 Charles, 1 Daniel, 1 David. S . , 1 Emily, 1 Isaac, 1 James X. , 1 Jane , 1 Jesse, 1 Jesse W. , 1 J . Kingsbury, 1 Lucretia, 1 Mary E. '(White) , 1 Phoebe , 1 Phoebe J. (Simon) 1 Rogers R. , 1 Sarah, 1 Sarah Ann', 1 Susannah 1 William, 1 William S . , 1 ALLIN, Caroline, 16 Judith A. (Allih), 16 William, 16 ALLISON, Ellen (Karr), 9 William, 9 ALSUP, Alice (Karr), 11 ANDERSON, Dora (Robertson), 15 Elizabeth (Karr), 11 ANDREWS, James, 9 Mercy (Karr) , 8, 9 APGAR, Mary, 10 ARMSTRONG, Bessie (Layton), 13 ATKERSON, Albert, 14 i'innie M. (Baker, 14 AYERS, Esther, 3 BADDELEY, Anna, 10 Charles H. , 11 James C '.' ",' 11 Jennie, 11 Joanna (Karr"), 10 Joannah (Karr), 8 John C, 10, 18 BADDELEY, JohnW., 10, 18 Ellen (Ka'rr), 8 Minnie, 11 Sadie, 11 Thomas J . , 11 BAKER, Anna L., 14 Betty, 5 Calvin M. , 14 Hattie, 14 Dr. Isaac, 5 Israel, 5 James A. , 14 Margaret, 5» 6 Margaret M, f . 14- Martha R., 14 Mary M. , 14 Mary M. (Gates), 5, 18 Mary (Ober) , 5 Minnie (Baddeley) , 11 Minnie M . , 14 Nettie (Williams) 14 Sally (Morse) 14 Seth, 5 Susannah M. (Dodge) 5 BALDWIN, Benjamin, 18 - BANKER, Mary Ellen (Beeler) , 13 BARGER, Mary (Funk), 5 BARHAM, Martha E . (Gordon) , 13 BARKER, Martha 2,3 BARNETT, Harrison, 12 Mercy J. (Karr) 9,12 BEARD, Julia A. (Funk), 4 BEARDSLEY, Alice, 13 Dow, 13 George, 13 Nancy (Layton), 13 BEELER, Alfaretta, 13 Benjamin S . , 15 Catharine (Layton) , 13 Daniel E . , 13 Harriet ,13 John D . , 13 Juliet , 13 Martha B., 13 Mary Ellen, 13 Sarah, 13 Sarilda (Robertson) , 15 Mrs. Sarilda, 15 Stephen A., 13 William Jr . , 13 BEENEY, Jennie (Baddeley) 11 BENJAMIN, Darius, l6 DeWitt C . , 16 Ebenezer,' 16 BENJAMIN, Edward D., 16 Gilbert R., 16 John R . , 16 Patty (Rogers), 16 Phoebe (Rossiter) , 16 Reuben M. , 16 Timothy R . , 16 BENSON, Cora, 15 Frank, 15 G. M. f 15 George S . , 15 Hale, 15 Neety Ann (Robertson) , 15 BEST, Martha (Rogers), 16 BLAIR, Lucinda (?), I* BLEWETT, Rev. George, 8 Nancy L, (Harris) 8 BLOUNT, Alza (Karr), 12 BLUNT, Henry Sr. 12 BOILSTON, Sarah, 17 BOLIN, Charles, 9 ' Edith, 9 Hosea, 9 Isaac, 9 John ~* 7 . , 9 Mercy Ann, 9 Mirus. Fisher, 9 Rebecca Ann (Karr) ,8,9 William Henry, 9 BOWLEY, Lydia, 10 BRACKEN, Margaret (Hopping), 11 BRADLEY, Elizabeth (Karr), 11 BRAMWELL, Adelaide (Martz), 2 Albert, 2 Albert! Ay, 2 Alpha, 2 Amanda, 2 ; Ann E . (Griffith) , 2 Caroline 0. (Lee), 2 Catharine, 2 Catharine (McDonald), 1 Charlotte L. , 2 Cynthia ]:y (Clarke), 2 Dan D . , 2 Edgar, 2 < Edward , 2 Emma , 2 Ezra F., 2 Frank L., 2 Henrietta, 2 Hester, 2 Hezekiah, 2 ' Ira, 2 Isabel, 2 James' Harvey, 2 Jane (Martin), 1 Jesse V, , 2 BRAMWELL, John, 2 John M., 2 John M. , Jr. , 2 Joseph,. 1 Julia (Vawter) , 2 Kate, 2 Laura , 2 Lucinda (Skinner) 2 Lydia, 2 Mary, 2 Mary A . , 2 Mary Ann (Brocas), 2 Mary (Dorsey) , 2 Nancy A. (Branham) , 2 Nancy M. , 2 Philo, 2 Rachel, 2 Rebecca (Griffith), 2 Sarah, 2 Solon C, 2 Stella, 2 William, 2 Wm . Andrews , 2 William C . , 2 Rev. William C, 1, 2 Zenas, 2 BRANHAM, Kate (Bramwell) , 2 Nancy A, ,. 2 BRANT NER, Mary, 17 BRITTENHAM, Sarah J. (Funk), 5 BRITTIN, Delilah (Stringfield) ,' 17 BROCAS, Mary Ann, 2 BROCK, Pat tie (Harbord), 7 BROOKS, Sarah, 6, 11 BROW, Delilah (Funk), 5 ' Elizabeth, 15 lone (Harbord) , 6 Mary Ann, 15 Rebecca F. (Scogin) , 9 Sarah J. (Harbord), 6 BRYANT, Isabel (Bramwell), 2 BUCK, Amanda M,,, 9 Berentha (York), 9 Charles A., 9 Hiram, 9 Martha E . , 9 Mercy (Karr), 9 Nancy J . , 9 Thomas L. , 9 William S . , 9 BUCKLES, Mary (Karr), 11 BURLI30N, Delilah B. (Stringfield) ,17 James, 17 BURNS, Capt. James, 1, 6 CADY, Anna L. (Baker), 1^ Charles, 1^ CANNON, Mary J. (Safly) , 16 CARLIN, Tabitha (Funk), k CARLOCK, John J., 1 Susannah (Allen) , 1 CARR, Margaret, k CARSON, Elizabeth (^unk), ^ CASKEY, Emma (Bramwell) , 2 CAVENDER, Margaret (Hopping), 11 CHAPMAN, Lydia (Bramwell), 2 CHUSE, Kit tie (Walker), ? CLARK, Allie. (McXisson), 5 CLARKE, Cynthia M. 2 CLIFTON, Nancy, 16 CLINE , Mary, 10 COFFEY, Hon. Bailey H., 6 Jane, 6, 7 John, 7 Mary (Harbord), 7 . . COLE, Ann, 3 Ann C, 3, ^ Polly, 4 Samuel, 3» ^ COOK, Margaret, 18 COOPER , Lydia A . , 12 COSET, 3 COSSETT, 3 COSIT, 3 COSSIT, 3 Ambrose, Jr., 3 Madam, 3 Mary Alma, 3 COSSITE, 3 COSSITT, Alexander, 3 Ambrose , 3 Ambrose, Jr., U- Ambrose, Sr., 3 Ann C . , 3 Ann C.,(Cole), 3, 4 Ann Catharine, 2 Ann Cole, 3 * Asa, 3,^ Betsy Ruth, 3 Charlotte R., 4 Elizabeth, *!• Elizabeth R., k- Francis (Fransway), 3 Francois Rene, ^ Frederick H. , 3 , Gedrge, k Hat tie E . , 3 John, 3, z * Lucinda, ^ Lucinda (?) (Blair), ^ Lydia, 3 Madam , 3 Martha (Barker), 2,3 Martha ( Hoi comb ) , 2,3 COSSTTT, Mary A., k Matilda (Edwards), k Molly, 3 Peggy, 3 . Phoebe , 3 Phoebe (Hillyer), 2,3 Polly (Cole), k Ranna, 3 Ranna, Jr., 3 Rene, Jr., 3 f ^-. { Rene, Sr., 3 Rene (Ranna) , 2 Rene (Ranna) ,jr, , 2 Rev. Mr., 3 Ruth, 3 Ruth (Porter), 2,3 Samuel C, 4 Silas, 3 Timothy, 3 COSSITTE, Count de la, 3 COX, Wm. Marcus, 3& CRAIG, Mary Jane, 11 CRAIN, Alice (Beardsley), 13 CREVELING, Eleanor (?), 8 Eleanor .(Karr) , 8 CRITTON, Catharine, 7 CROSE , Margaret;, 18 CROSS, Martha, 8 CRUMBAUGH, Mrs. Amanda, 12 Amanda M, (Buck), 9 CURREFCE, Mrs. James (Layton) 13 DALTON, Elizabeth (Cossitt) , k John E., h DANIEL, William H., 18 DAVIS, Laura (Bramwell) , 2 DAVENPORT , Catharine (Bramwell) , 2 DAVISON, Emily (Allen), 1 Sarah (Allen) ,1 DAWSON, Nancy J, (Buck), 9 DAYHACK, John, 15 (',< Mary Jane (Robertson V ">5 DEAN, Margaret (Herbert), 6 Rehe^oo t Ul "] pEflKDORFF, Anna, 16 ' : , DeBANN, Katharine (Harbord), 7 DECKER, Rachel (Bramwell),' 2 DEMPSEY, Amelia (Karr), 11 DICKERSON, Clara, 12 Emma E . , 12 Harriet R. (Karr), 9,12 Hattie ,(., 12 Ida M., 12 James L. , 12 Jane (Rut ledge), 12 Martha E,, 12 Mary S . , 12 DICKERSON, Merritt-M., 12 Michael, 12 Robert F., 12 Robert F. , Jr. 12 DODD, Ann, 1 ; - [, DODGE, Miss/ 3 Susannah M . , 5 DOLLAHAN, Emmeline, 13, 18 Milton, 13 Nancy (Layton) , 13 DONNEGAN, Alice (MciVier), 12 DORSE Y, Mary, 2 •- <.-- DOWNS, Bida (Stringfield), 17 Rebecca (Satterfield) , 17 DRISICELL, Nancy, 7. ( DUNGEY, Hannah A,, 9 Margaret (Karr) 9 DUNSTON, Martha, 7 EDWARDS, Gov. 17 Elizabeth, 8, 11 Martha, 8, -11 Matilda, 4 Gov . Niriian, 4 EICHER, Mrs. Huldah, 13, 15 ELDER, David, 11 Hannah (Wakefield) , 11 Margaret F, . , 12 ? Mary Jane, 3.1 EOCHY, .......17 ESKEW, Harriet R (Karr), 9, 12 Perrin C . , 12 EVANS, Martha (Edwards), 11 Martha (Edwards) Karr, 8 FERREL, Melinda, 16 Fancy, 16: . Stephen, 16. FIELDER, Grace (Karr), 10 FINLEY, Nancy Jtubblef ield ) £ FINNER, Temperance (Funk), 5 FISHER, Ann (Tovrea), 18 - FORCE, Mary, 10 _ FOREMAN, Martha (Harbord) , 7 FOSTER, Catharine, 11 Parmelia, 10 FRANKS, Lydia (McKisson) , 5 FRENCH, Ann (Stubble field) , 4 FRY, Alfaretta (feeler), 13 Catharine; l- : ) ■ Ettie (Harbord),. 7 Sarah (Deeler) , 13 . • FULLERTON, .13 FUNK, Adam, 4,5 ! Adam C . , 5 ' t • Adam, Jr . , 4 Adam, Sr t| 4 FUNK, Absalom, 4, 5 Absalom (2) , 4 Benjamin F. , 5 Caroline, 4 Cassandra (Sharp) , 5 Delilah, 5 • Dorothy, 5 Duncan, M. , 5 Elizabeth,' 4 Fannie ,5 Fanny E (Stringfield) , 17 Fannie U. (Stringfield), 5 Francis M. , 5 George W. , 5, Isaac, Jr., 5 Isaac, Sr., 5 Jacob, 4,5 Jacob, Jr., 4 James, 4 Jesse, 5 Jesse (2), 4 John, 4,5 John, Jr. , 4 Julia A . , 4 LaFayette , 5 Margaret (Carr) 4 Mary, 5 Merritt C . , 4 Nancy, 4,5 Nancy ( Moore), 4 Robert P., 5 Sarah, 4,5 Mrs. Sarah, 4 Sarah J . , 5 Sarah (Long), 4 Tabitha, 4,5 Temperance, 5- Thomas C, 5 . Virginia (stringfield) , 5 Virginia F., (Stringfield) 17 Wesley J. , 5 tfilliam, 5 "GAAR, Elizabeth, 6 GALLOWAY, Ann, 6 GALUSHA, Emma (Karr), 11 GARRISON, Clarissa, 9, 12 ' Edmond, 16 Elizabeth (Saf ly) ,16 Jacob, 16 Margaret D. (Saf ly) , 16 GATES, Ann M. , 6 Charles C, 5 Elizabeth E., 5 Emily G , , 5 Hannah, 6 Henry I . , 6 Horatio, 5 GATES , James i . , o . HARBERT, Elizabeth (Hendrix) 6 Malinda, 5 Eliza (VanNostin) 6 Margaret (Hughs) , 5 Hiram, 6 Margaret (Jacoby) 5 John 6 Mary Jane 6 Joseph Bailejr 6,7 Mary M. 5, 18 Mahala 6 Mary (jiarston) 5 Margaret, 6 Perry 6 Mary 6 Stephen F. 5 Mary B. (Harbord) 7 Timothy, 5 Matthew 3, 7 Timothy M. 5 Nancy 6 William VI. 6 William 6 GAULT, Effie C. 7 HARBORD, Agnes 6 Catharine .(Critton) 7 Alphonzo 6 William W, 3 '7 Ann 7 GILL, ] v Jary (Karr) 12 Catharine (Low) 6 GILLIS , Maude (Xarr) 12 Charles B. 7 GLOVER , Nancy (Harbert) 6 Effie C, (Gault) 7 GOLLADAY, Lucinda (Oossitt) k Eleanor 7 GOLLIDj \Y f Edward H, & Esther (Guthrie) 6,7 GCTDON , Albert M. 13 Ettie 7 Benjamin F. 13 George W. 6,7 Charles T. 13 George C . 6 Christopher C , 13 Ida 7 Elijah J. 13 lone 6 James P. 13 James C . 6,7 John T. 13 Maj. Gen. James G. 7 Margaret D. 13 Jane (Coffey) 6,7 Martha E. 13 ' Jane (Price) 7 Phoebe Ellen (Layton) 13 John 7 William E . 13 John W. 6 GORMAN Tabitha (Funk) 5 Katharine 7 GRAINGER, Maria, 9 Kittie 7 GRAVER , Kit tie (Harbord) 7 Laura 6 GREEKS IN, Thomas H. 18 lrJ . rl . O GRIFFIN, Ann (Allen) 1 Mahala C.H.J. 6,7 Stephen, 1 Mahala J. 7 GRIFFITH, Anne Martha 7 Hezekiah 2 Martha A 6,7 Lydia (Mobley) 2 Martha (fmnston) 7 Rebecca 2 Mary 7 , GROSS , Elizabeth (Harbert) 6 Mary B. 7 Richard 6 Mary 3. ( ) 6 GROWS , Mary (Stubble field) k Matthew 7 GUTHRIE, Esther 6, 7 Matthew Adolphus 6 HALBERT, Margaret P. (Gordon) 13 HAM, Elsie (Warner) 16 HAMILTON, Mary A. (Bramwell) 2 HANCOCK, Amanda 13 HAND, Amelia, 17 HARBERT, Ann 6 Ann (Galloway) 6 Charlotte 6 David 6 Elizabeth 6 Elizabeth (Garr) 6 Matthew L. 6 Mosby 7 Moses G. 6,7 Pattie 7 Robert A. 7 Rolla C. 7 Sarah J. 6 Susan J, (Snodgrass) 7 William 6,7 William D. 7 HARDY, Lydia (McKisson) 5 HARRIS , ......... (Redmond) 7 HARRIS ..(Thomas) 7 Alexander C . 8 Ann M. 7 Rev. Chatham D. 8 Cyrus L. 8 Rev . David R .7 Eliza J. (Johnson) 8 Harriett 8 Harriett B. (Paisley) 8 Harvey 8 James 7 John 7 Rev. Josiah G. 8 Lewi s D . 8 M. Sue 8 Martha (Cross) 8 Mary 8 Mary (l\iorfleet) 8 Mary (Rowe) 8 Nancy (Hiq;hsmith) 7 Fancy L. 8 Sarah 7 Susan 8 William 7 Rev . William B . 8 Y. F. Ewing 8 HARTSON, James 11 Martha Ann (Karr) 8, 11 T. P. 11 HARVEY, Catharine 9 Joseph 9 '•;':■ Mary 9 Mary (Karr) 8,9 Matthew 9 HARWOOD, Rebecca 13, 14 HAYBERGER, John C. 18 HAYS, William M. 18 HE ARE, Martha (Karr) 12 HENDRICKSON, Phoebe (Hopping) 11 HENDRLX, Elizabeth 6 Mahala (Harbert) 6 Nathan E. 6 HENDRYX, Elizabeth (Karr) 12 HENRY, Amanda (Bramwell) 2 HERTFORD, Margaret (Powell) 6 HEROD, George 14 Mary M. (Baker) 14 HIGHSMITH, Nancy 7 HILDRETH, Jonathan 17 Malirda Ann (Safly) 17 HILLYER, Phoebe 2,3 HINSHAW, C. C. 18 Elizabeth (Worthington) 14 Malinda 14 William 1 HOFER, Clara (Dicker son) 12 HOLCOMB, Martha 2,3 Nathaniel 3 • ' Peg cry (Cossitt) 3 HOPPING, Edward 11 Eleanor (Karr) 8,11 Harriet 11 Margaret 11 Phoebe 11 Sarah 11 HOUSER, Nancys (Funk) 5 HOWELL, Stella (Bramwell) 2 HOYT, Joel I. 8 Luella, (Peters) 8 HUDSPETH, Ann (Harris) 7 James 8 HUGHES, ? Rachel J. (Robertson) 15 William J. 15 HUGHS, Margaret HUNT, James A. 7 Mahala C.H.J. (Harbord) 6,7 Martha (Karr) 11 HUTCHINS, Anna L. (Baker) 13 C. C. 14 JACOBY, Margaret 5 JENNINGS, MaryC. (bcogin) 9 Sophia 8,10 JEWETT, Henry Lee 4 Joseph 4 Mary A. (Cossitt) 4 Hon. Patrick Henry 4 JOHNSON, Eliza J. 8 Luther 7 Sarah (Harris) 7 JOHNSTONE, Dora (Karr) 11 JONES, Anstis (Karr) 11 Sarah (Funk) 4 ,10 ,(Wise) 9 Abraham 10 Alice 11 Almeda 10 Alvira 9 Alvira (Spence) 12 Alza 12 : - i Amelia 11 Anstis 11 Arthur C. 9 Barton 10 Catharine (Foster) 11 Catharine (Scogin) 10 Celia 9] Celia (Lewis) 9,11 Charity (Ketcham) 10 Charles M 11 IRR, Charles J. 12 Clarissa (Garrison) 9,12 Cynthia Ann (Wells) 10 David 8,10 David W. 12 Dora 11 Douglas 10 Edwin 9,11 Eleanor 8,11 Eleanor C. 8, 9 Eliza 9, 11 Eliza Ann 8, 9, 11 Eliza Ann (Karr) 8, 9, 11 Elizabeth 8, 10, 11, 12 Elizabeth (Edwards) 11 Elizabeth (Edwards) Mitchell 8 Elizabeth (Low) 11 Ellen 8,9 Emma 11 Emmitt 12 -,■• Eugene 11 E valine 11 Frank 11, 12 George 11 George B. Me. 10 George Washington 8,- 10 Grace 10 Grant 12 Guy 11, 12 Harriet 9, 12 Harriet U. 9, 12 Harrison A. 11 Harrison N. 9, 12 Harvey 3. 11 Henry A. 9, 12 Hiram 11 Iris 11 Jacob 12 Jacob (2), 8, 10 James 8, 9, 10 James 10 James L. 12 Jane (Swearingen) 9 Jesse 8 Jesse S . 11 Joanna 10 Joanna (Swearingen) 9 Joannah 8 Capt . John 8 John 9, 12 John (2), 10, 11, 12 John (>), 10 John (5), 9, 11 John (6), 11 John, Jr. 8, 10 John P. 8, 10 John W. 8, 9 V KARR, John W. (l) , 9 John Wesley 8, 11 Joseph 8, 10, 12 Joseph J. 8, 10 Joseph Jr. 8, 10, 18 Joseph Jr. (2) 10 Joseph P. 12 Joseph W. 11 Lydia (Mowlby) 10 Lydia (Snuders) 10 Lydia A. (Cooper) 12 Lyon 12 Margaret 8, 9, 10 Margaret E , 10 Margaret E. (Elder) 12 Margaret Celia 12 Margaret (Weller) 8, 9, 11 Maria E . 12 , Maria (Grainge'r) 9 Maria (Noble) 9, 12 Mark 8, 10 Martha 11, 12 Martha Ann 8, 11 ■".:'. Martha S, (Story) '12 Martha (Edwards) 11 Martha (Edwards) Evans 8 Mary 8, 9, 11, 12 Mary (Apgar) 10 Mary (Cline) 10 Mary (Force) 10 Mary (Morgan) 9 Mary (Petty) 8, 10 Mary Jane (Craig) 11 Mary Jane (Elder) 11 Maude 12 Mercy 8, 9, 10 Mercy J. 9, 12 Mercy (Lee) 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 Merritt L. 12 Myrus 10 Nancy 9 Nancy (Petty) 10 Nellie 11 P. A. 9 Mr. i Mrs. F. A. 12 Parmelia (Foster) 10 Pe rme li a ( Wi lli am s ) 11 Philip 8, 9 Philip (3), 10 Philip, Jr. 9 Preston 10 Rachel 9, 12 Rebecca 8 Rebecca Ann 0, 9 Rebecca (Swearingen) 9 Robert 12 Samuel 8, 10 KARR, Sarah (Ket chain) 10. Sophia (Jennings) 8, 10 Stephen 11 Tabitha (Williams) 11 Dr. Thomas 8, 11 Thomas 9, 10, 11 Thomas (2) 8 Thomas (4) 11 Thomas (5), 11 Thomas J. 8 r Thomas Jefferson 11 Walter 8, 9 Walter (1) 11 Walter (2) 9, 11 Walter (3), 8 Walter (k) 10 Walter, .Jr. 10 Warren 10 Williara 8, 9, 11, 12 William (2) 8, 11 William (3) 10 William D . 10 William E« 11 William L. 9, 12 William W. 11 Willy Ann 9 KELLY, Mrs. J. B. 17 KERR, Sir Walter 8 KETCHAM, Charity 10 Sarah 10 KINZEL, D. C. 12 Harriet (Karr) 9, 12 KITCHELL, Elizabeth 11 KMPP, Ida (Harbord) 7 LAYTON, ........ (Fullerton) 13 Anna 13 Bessie- 13 j. Catharine 13 Cora 13 David 13 Eliza 12 Fletcher D. 13 Gertrude 13 Helen 13 Isabel (Rose) 13 James 13; John M. 13 Lois 13 Farp;aret 12 Mary 13 Nancy 13 Phoebe Ellen 13 Rachel (Nichols) 13 Ruth (.,. i.) 13 Samuel 13 LAYT0F, Sarah 13 Thomas 13 LEATHERMAN, Jane (Allen) 1 Cyrus 1 LEE, Caroline 0. 2 Carrie 2 Charles W. 2 Edgar 2 John 2 Margaret 8 Mercy 8, 9, 10, 11, 12 • Nancy M. (Bramwell) 2 Phillip 8.. William H. 2 LEWIS, Celia 9, 11 LIET, Rev. Mr. 3 LIGHTFER, Ann (Stubblefield) U- LINDSAY, Mrs. W. C. 2,3 L0FG, Catharine (Harvey) 9 Sarah h LOW, Catharine 6 Elizabeth 11 Nathan, Sr, 6, 11 Sarah (Brooks) 6, 11 L0YD, Sarah 17 LUCAS, Anna M. 15 Malinda J. 15 LUPTON, Sarah Ann (Allen) 1 MAJOR, Judith A. 16 MARSTEN, Mary 5 MARTIN, Catharine A. (Perkins) k Dr. Eleazar 4 Mrs. Dr. Eleazar 2 Jane 1 Samuel H. 18 MARTZ, Adelaide 2 MASON, Andrew J. 18 MATTHEW, Anna (Deardorff) 16 Ida A. 16 Martha V. 16 Mary R. 16 Simon 16 Stephen L. 16 U. S. Grant 16 William P. 16 FEAD0WS, Mrs. Lucy 15 MERICK, Ann C. (Cossitt) 3 Ezra 4 MERRICK, Sarah (Funk) 5 MERRITT, Phoebe (Allen) 1 FETCALF, Ffargaret C. (Scogin) 9 FILES, 1 MILLER, Edna 17 James T. 17 Malinda Ann (; afly) 17 Mary (Harvey) 9 • KELLER, Patience 15 ';' i Sarah (Loyd) 1? .,^j" William? 17' tlj William C. 17 MITCHELL, Elizabeth (Edwards) Karr 8 MOBERLY, Harriet (Hopping) 11 MOBLEY, Lydia MOLESWORTH, Emma E. (Dickerson) 12 MOORE, Andrew -'3 John 18 Julia 18 (*' : Fancy 4 Rebecca (Tovrea) 18 Ruth (Cossitt) 3 Sally 15 MORGAN, Mary 9 MORRIS, Hattie R, (Dickerson) 12 MORSE, Daniel 13, 14 : Jonathan 13 Joseph 13 • Lucinda 13 Lydia 13 . ' Margaret 13 Polly 13 Rebecca (Harwood) 13, 14 Sally 14 Sally (twin) 14 Silas (twin) 14 , Wyman C . 13 MUNFORP, "Lightfoot" 4 MUNSON, Mrs. Amanda 12 Amanda J. (Scogin) 9 Sarah J. (Noble) 8 MURPHY, Frances (Stubble field) 5 r ■ McBRIFR, Alice 12 Ann Eliza 12 • David W. 12 John 12 John Jr. 12 Margaret (Layton) 12 Mollie 12 McCARLEY, Ann (Harbert) 6 James R, 6 Samuel 6 McCOMB, Maria E. Xarr) 12 McCONNELL, Martha E. (Buck) 9 McDonald, Catharine 1 McDOWELL, Mary (Xarr) 12 McFADDEN, Nancy (stringfield) 17 McGee, Rebecca (Satterfield) 17 McGHEE, Mary 17, 18 William 17 McKISSON, Allie 5 Charles P. 5 Emily G. (Gates) 5 i ill t. ■ , i McKISSON, Guy 5 Lydia 5 Malinda M. 5 Mary 5 'Willi am 5 NEAL, Gdmond 8 Mary (Harris) 8 NELSON, Sarah (Hopping) 11 NICHOLS, Mary 13 Mounts 13 Rachel 13 NIGHTWINE, Malinda M. (McKisson) 5 NOBLE, David 8 Hiram J . 9 . ( James X. 8 John 8, 9, 12 Joseph 9 Maria 9, 12 Mercy Ann 8 Nancy (Xarr) 9 Rebecca (Xarr) 8 Sarah/ J. 8 ,-\ Sarah (Price) '8, 9, 12 Stephen X. 8 Dr. Stephen W, 9 Thomas H. 9 Thomas J. 8 Uz 9 William 9 William C. 8 NORFLEET, Mary 8 OATMAN, Joseph 18 OBER, Mary (Baker) 5 OLNEY, Catharine 14 Drusilla 14 Hamilton 14 Hampton 14 Hiram 14 Lyman 14 Margaret 14 j Oman 14 ,. .-. . Sarah 14 William E . 14 . "Zany" (Lusana?) 14 PACXARD, Margaret (jjaker), 5,6 PODDOCX, Patty 16 PAISLEY, Harriet B. 8 PERKINS, Ann C. ( Cossitt) 3 Ann Catharine (Cossitt) 2 Anna C, (Cossitt) 3 Catharine A. 4 Esther (Ayers) 3 Henry B. 4 ' PERKINS, J. A. 3 John 3 John Ayers 3 PETERS, Eleanor (?) (Creveling) 8 Joseph K. 8 Luella 8 Mercy (Karr) 10 . . . . PETTIBOME, Edwin L. Ik Margaret M. (Baker) Ik PETTUS, Nancy T. (Safly) 16 William E. 16 PETTY, Mary 8, 10 Nancy 10 PHILLIPS 13 Nancy (Layton) 13 William 13 PIETS, Rev. Mr. 3 PLATTE, Eleanor (Harbord) 7 William 7 POFEENBERGER, Christian 17 George W. 17 John McL 17 Lucinda M. (Safly) 17 Mary Ann 17 Mary ( Brant ner) 17 May 17 William C 17 William D. 17 POGUE, Ida M. (Dickerson) 12 PORTER, Ruth 2,3 POTTS, George W. 12 Rachel (Karr) 9, 12 POWELL, Hannah (Gates) 6 Margaret 6 PRAY, Martha E. (Dickerson) 12 PRICE, George W. 7 Jane 7 Matilda (Prunty) 7 Sarah 8, 9, 12 PRUNK, Nancy 16 PRUNTY, Matilda B. 7 RANDOLPH, Elizabeth A. (Stringfield)17, Gardner 17, 18 Temperance 18 REDMOND 7 Susan (Harris) 8 REED, Ann (Harbord) 7 RICE, Hezekiah 3 Neherrdah 3 RIKE, Anna (Badrieley) 10 ROBERTS, Mary (McKisson) 5 ROBERTSON, Anna M. (Lucas) 15 Catharine 15 Dora 15 Elizabeth Elizabeth (Brown) 15 ROBERTSON, Ellen (Sanford) 15 Elza 15 George Hamilton 15 Jasper 14 Larkin 15 Levi Preston 15 • Louisa 15 Luke 15 Malinda (Hinshaw) Ik Malinda J. (Lucas) 15 Mary Ann (Brown) 15 Mary Jane 15 Neety Ann 15 Ormond Ik, 15 Polly Ann 15 Rachel J. 15 Aosetta 15 Sari Ida 15 William R. 15 William Newton 15 William Russell Ik, 15 ROCKWELL, Celia (Karr) 9 E. P. 12 Elmer E. 12 Margaret Celia (Karr) 12 Walter E. 12 . ROGERS, Ann 16 Caroline A. 16 Caroline (Allin) 16 Eliza (Shipman) 16 Gilbert V. 16 John 15, 16 Maria 16 Martha 16 Patience (Miller) 15 Patty 16 Patty (Paddock) 16 . - Pauline 16 Ralph 16 Sally (Moore) 15 Timothy 15 Walter W. 16 18 .ROLLINS, Mrs. H. M. 5 ' ROOD, Amy (Allen) 1 ROSE, Isabel 13 ROSS, Nancy (Funk) k Sadie (Baddelejr) 11 ROSSITER, Phoebe 16 ROWE, Mary 8 RUST, Mercy Ann (Noble) 8 RUTLEDGE, Jane 12 Permelia 11 Robert Blackburn 11 , RYBURN, Iris (Karr) 11 . SAFLY, Adam 16 Adam R . 16 17 16 SAFLY, Charles E. 16 Elizabeth 16 Elizabeth A. 16- Henry 16 John 16' John M. 16 Lucinda M. Malinda A. Malinda Ann 17 Margaret 16 Margaret D. 16 ' Mary J. 16 Mary R, 16 Melinda (Ferrel) 16 Nancy (2) 16 ' Nancy T . 16 Nancy (Clifton) 16 Nancy (Prunk) 16 Sarah 16 < Stephen F. 16 William 16 William W. 16 ' SALES, James L. 13 Sarah (Layton) 13 SANFORD, Ellen 15 SARGENT, Betty (Baker) 5 SATTERFIELD, Rebecca 17 SCOGIN, Amanda J. 9 Andrew 11 Catharine 10 Elizabeth (Karr) 8, 11 Elizabeth (Wakefield) 11 Emory W. 9. Hannah' A;" 9; Jacob K. 9 ' Joel 11 John W. 9 Joseph K. 9 Mary 9 Mary C . 9 Margaret ; C;. 9 Margaret (Karr) 8, 9 Rebecca F. 9 Thomas 9 William 9 SCOTT, Nancy (Layton) 13 SHARP, Cassandra 5 Fannie (Stubblefield) 5 SHIPMAN, Eliza 16 SIMON, Phoebe J. 1 SKINNER, Lucinda 2 SLEIGHT, Pauline (Rogers) 16 1 SMITH, Nancy (Funk) 4 SNODGRASS, Susan J. 7 ! SOUDERS, Lydia 10 SPENCE, Alvira 12 SPICER, Nancy (Clifton) 16 [■■■■STEBBINS, Bliss 4 Cortland S. 4 Elizabeth R. (Cossitt) 4 F. H. 4 STIGER, Emmeline (Dollahan) 13 STORY, Martha E. 12 STRINGFIELD (Eochy) 17 Alfred M. 17 Amelia (Hand) 17 Bida 17 Delilah 17 Pelilah B. 17 Elizabeth A. 17, 18 Fannie U. 5 Fanny E. 17 James 17 James B. 17 James, Jr. 17 Jesse F. 17 John 17 < Joseph 17 linerva 17 Nancy 17 Richard 17 Sarah (Boilston) 17 Sevier 17 Temperance 17 Thomas R. 17 Virginia 5 Virginia F. 17 William 17 William R, 17 STUBBLEFIELD, Absalom it- Adam 5 Ann 4 Cassandra 5 Charles Wesley 5 Dorothy (Funk) 5 Edx^ard 4, 5 Eve 5 Fannie 5 Frances 5 George M, 5 Isaac 5 < Jesse 5 John 4,5 , "Lightfoof* (Munford) 4 Dary 4 Fancy 5 Robert 4,5 Sarah (Funk) 4,5 * Simon 5 Tabitha (Funk) 5 William '5 SUMMERFTELD, 14 Elizabeth (Robertson) 14 SUMMERS, Margaret E. (Karr) 10 TV SWEARINGEN, Jane 9 Joanna 9 Rebecca 9 TAYLOR, Mollie (RcBrier) 12 Temperance ( itringf ield ) 1? TEACH, Martin 9 Nancy (Karr) .9 THAYER, Loomis 13 Margaret (Morse) 13 THOMAS ,,.7 Cheney 14 THOMPSON, Benajah 16 John 16 Louisa 16 Maria (Rogers) 16 Nancy (Funk) 5 Ralph R. 16 William 16 TOVERRY, Thomas, Capt. 18 TOVREA, Ann 18 Charles 18 Charlotte (Van Nostin) 18 Dorcas 18 Elizabeth 18 Henry 18 Jane 18 John 18 Joshua 18 Julia A. 18 Julia (Moore) 18 Margaret 18 Mary 18 Mary (McGhee) 17, 18 Mary Ann 18 Rebecca 18 Samuel 18 Temperance (Randolph) 18 Thomas 18 Rev. Thomas 17 William 18 William M. 18 TUCKER, Isaac 15 Polly Ann (Robertson) 15 TURNER, Mercy Ann (Solin) 9 VAN ALSTYNE, Louisa (Thompson) 16 VAN GUNDY, Ann 1 VAN NOSTIN, Abraham 18 Charlotte 18 Eliza 6 Margaret (Cook) 18 VAWTER, Julia 2 VOORHEES, Charlotte R. (Cossitt) 4 Jacob 4 WAKEFIELD, Elizabeth 11 Hannah 11 WALKER, John Wesley 6, 7 Kittie 7 Martha A. (Harbord) 6, 7 Mary (Harbert) 6 Nancy (Dri skill) 7 William 7 WARD, Nancy (Funk) 5 Sarah (Funk) 5 WARNER, Ann (Rogers) 16 Elsie 16 Timothy 16 WEBB, Eleanor (Harbord) 7 Martha B. (Beeler) 13 Stephen 7 WELCH, Peter J. 18 L. D. 17 WELLAR, Margaret 8, 9 KELLER, Margaret 11 WELLS, Cynthia Ann 10 WESTMORELAND, Harriet (Beeler) 13 WESTON, Molly (Cossitt) 3 Thomas 3 WHIPPLE, Malinda (Gates) 5 RosxtoII 5 WHITE, Amy (Allen) 1 Mary E . 1 WIGHT, Elizabeth.*.. (Cossitt) 4 Col. Simeon 4 WILKINS, Agnes 6 George 6 Jemima 6 WILLIAMS, Cassandra (Stubble field) 5 Hester (Bramwell) 2 Louisa (Robertson) 15 Nettie 14 Permelia 11 Phillip 15 Tabitha 11 Mrs. Theqdore (Layton) 13 WILSON, Almeda (Karr) 10 Dorcas (Tovrea) 18 Nancy (Funk) 5 WISE, .9 W00LEVER, Walter 12 Harriet (Karr) 9, 12 Orlando D. 12 WORTHINGTON, Elizabeth 14 WRIGHT, James M. 14 Martha R. (Baker) 14 WATT, Benjamin 18 Joseph 18 Littleberry M. 18 Mary C. 18 IaJYATT, Polly 18 Sina J. 18 Wolford 18 YORK, Berentha 9 Eliza (Layton) 12 Newton 12 YOUNG, Margaret (ICarr) 9 Corrections and Additions; HINSHAW, George, Sr. 1^ BADDELEY, Eliza (Cheney) 10 Ellen (Karr) 10 John !•■'. 10 CHENEY, Eliza 10 DEAN, Holrtian 6 HARBERT, Malinda J. 6 KARR, Ellen KcCARLEY, James R. 6 I'Jalinda J. (Harbert) 6 J UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS URBANA 929 1C960196- C001 OLOFAMILY RECORDS NORMAL. ILL ***0 IN 1 3 0112 025347060 •■-■■■"■ - •• : -*- *'r" ; - .a;js .- LSE-a ^ feg es m M m