Hi ■ ■'■•■-■ I w m m *x L- UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY MEMORIAL the class of 1901 founded by HARLAN HOYT HORNER and HENRIETTA CALHOUN HORNER *7 km ^^^ j m WffJ Ih Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/abrahamlincolninOObryn OCTOBER SIXTEEN, EIGHTEEN HUNDRED FIFTY-FOUR, WAS A MEMORABLE DAY IN PEORIA. NONE APPREHENDED IT THEN, AND BUT FEW APPRECIATE IT NOW — SEVENTY YEARS AFTER. Ahmljam ffitttrtfln m fteorta, SUtttotfi by 1. (E. Irynrr "3 earn anil Ijearu ffiinrnln anu Souglaa mljen a boy Printed in the United States of America Z/AsCatM ONE HUNDRED COPIES PRIVATELY PRINTED BY EDWARD J. JACOB, PRINTER PEORIA, ILLINOIS U. S. A. OCTOBER SIXTEEN NINETEEN TWENTY-FOUR NOT FOR SALE Abraham Htnrnln 'Jll? nmvtb nn areptr?, wnr? no rrrnun, No arts tgnnble marrei Ijta iags; Ant» wljpn in rUmft tjtn mtn w^nf town Gllje worlfc, in iarknmj, sang Ijte prate?! — S. Patterson Prowse Late Librarian of the City of Peoria .v- RISE TO TH HlfeHT #€& FENERATION OF FREE All??. WORTHY OF A FREE GOV* ERNMENT > • f HE PEOPLE $ WILL IS THE ULTIMATE LAW FOR ALL "" Abraham Lincoln. ABRAHAM LINCOLN Abraham ©train MOITAJI3HH0 A iO TH013H 3HT OT MM •3 J e luaoYP^^WI^ilr^QutOMKraowattaM 33jh so a Nnlft tfctdffll tBifflflP5tf«fiar THHM^a ;VJJA JI03 WAJ 3TAMITJU b tun sun men! wmm m, aaug lita prata?! e Ctffl of Peoria a- ABRAHAM LINCOLN CHAPTER ONE October 16th, 1854, was a memorable day in Peoria. None apprehended it then, and but few appreciate it now — seventy years after. It was the starting point of the race which won for Abraham Lincoln the Presidency of the United States — brought on the War of the Rebellion — led to the death of a half million men and twice that number disabled by dis- ease and wounds. Made free men and women of four million slaves, and desolated almost every home in the land. Four years of human sacrifice and suffering. At every fireside heart- strings were swept by the fingers of Death. From a population of thirty-four million, a million and one-half were taken. The monument in the Court House square bears the names of five hundred and twenty-five boys from Peoria, who died between April, 1861, and April, 1865, and Peoria had then less than one-tenth its present population. And the starting point of it all was at Peoria, that 16th day of October, 1854. As the evening shadows gather, I wander through the halls of memory and behold a picture of those earlier days. Peoria — "beautiful view" — for such is 11 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 the meaning of the word in the language of the Pottawattomies — only a village — bluffs covered with oak and hickory — undergrowth of hazel brush and wild blackberry — ravines in which the wolf still lingered. At the narrows butter- nuts, wild grapes, plums, pecans, persimmons and pawpaws. Rope ferries at either end of the lake — wild ducks floating upon the river's bos- om. Clouds of black birds darkened the skies. The honk of the wild geese winging their way North or South in endless file the whole day long foretold the season's change. Morning and evening heard the drumming of partridges, or the call of the quail in back yards and streets. Political times: the music of bands — of drums and fife with drummers and fifers garbed in colonial costume — the "Spirit of 76." Cam- paign songs — flags mounted on saplings with bunches of leaves at the top. Only thirty-four stars then. Floats with pretty girls in white representing Columbia and the several states. I see them at night upon the floor of my home — sleeping upon improvised beds upon the floor — my mother cooking for all. Not a completed railroad in Peoria, October 16th, 1854. No telegraph — no sewing machine — no telephone 12 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 — tallow candles for illumination — butter, eggs and milk lowered into the cistern to keep fresh. And yet all of the comforts and luxury of today were born of the brain and brawn of that and the succeeding generation. Amidst such scenes Lincoln and Douglas first met in debate in Peoria, October 16th, 1854. 13 CHAPTER TWO Drown's Peoria City Record of March 4th, 1854, gives the following description of Peoria at that date: "PEORIA IN 1854, though only in her 35th year, we will venture to say, is the most beautiful City in the West, its location is not surpassed by any, for the God of Nature in his wisdom formed its site so that there never was, nor is there any occasion of expending a thousand dollars to make every street in the whole City passible. Still, our "City Fathers" are, and have been for a year or two past, en- deavoring to improve upon what God, after he had made it "saw that it was good;" but im- provement is the order of the day. A few years since and most of our river towns now swelling into cities, were insignificant hamlets with a meagre backwoods population. Many of my readers will recall to mind, with a smile of satisfied pride the local and business condi- tion of our TOWN, when the business was con- fined to the barter of hazel nuts and eggs, for buttons, beads, powder and shot. Miniature stores, based on a capital of a few hundreds, 14 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 consisting mainly of a chest of tea, a sack of coffee, a keg of three-picayune James' river to- bacco, a barrel of "bald face," and a dozen butcher knives. And then again, the "country folks," after they had been to "town" and in- dulged a little in the "critur," about once a week, must have a little more indulgence in target demonstrations at a candle by night, or at the body of a turkey drawn with chalk on an "oak-puncheon." after they had got through with "trading" and ready to go home. Such like amusements comprised a good part of the time and business along our river line of settle- ments, which are now matters of memory only and thrown far to the rearward in the onward march of improvement. Whence the timid fawn stood by the margin of the stream or lake, feeding on the luxuriant herbage, or view- ing its shadow in the limpid wave; or the yell of the panther awoke the echoes of the wood — the sonorious breathing of steam engines, or the more thrilling, loud, long, terrifFic, terrible whis- tle of a locomotive is heard, and thriving towns and cities stand out in beauty along the shore, doing a business of countless thousands in mer- chandise and produce. Speaking of a locomo- tive and its whistle, it is now beginning to be 15 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 heard in all our continent — we have heard its clear shriek in this City for a few months past, shouting, "take care! take care!! the iron image moves!" What is that image like? Has it breath? and what is it? It is like some won- derful thing seen in a startling dream, imagined to be for some great purpose inexplicable! It has breath and arms, hands and feet, and is a live metal with a steam soul — here now, and in an hour 40, 50 or 60 miles hence, dragging after it its weak creator, with its bundles of rich substances; and sometimes it takes upon its shoulders great palaces full of human life and plunges into rivers and lakes and across the wide prairies; and wherever it goes it whistles! The lips of a thousand human whistles in one grand strain united could not raise a note half so loud and thrilling as the faintest effort of one iron man. Old men when you hear the whistle of the iron man of this day, do you ever think of the time you whistled to "drive off fear," or "drive dull cares away?" — How loud you could "sound," how the woods would ring and the hills echo with the tunes that "come natural." How pleasant you felt whistl- ing. You never expected then to hear a big piece of iron whistle louder than you could! 16 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 You can hear it now. The iron whistle is every man's musician — he is the particular favorite of the fast spirit enterprise, and the children of trade dance to the melody of his strain, while cold eyed speculation smiles, and grim-faced avarice laughs aloud when he whistles in the distance." (A fac-simile photograph of this four page paper will be found on the last pages of this book.) 17 CHAPTER THREE Although not six years of age I recall the day perfectly. I was a strong "Douglas man" — how he would appeal to a boy of that per- iod. The "Little Giant" — the foremost states- man of the day — arrayed in frock coat and black pants, wearing a high silk hat, white shirt and collar, with black stock. He came to our western village where such things were un- known — a being superior and supreme in my regard. The Democratic Committee had appointed a Committee of sixty to arrange for his reception, and had passed the following resolution: "Resolved: That the Democracy of Peoria County who wish to take part in the public reception of Judge Douglas be requested to meet at the "Three Mile House" (Potter's), on the Farmington road on Monday, the 16th inst., at 9 o'clock A. M. All who do so are requested to appear on horseback." The Peoria Republican of Oct. 19, 1854 says — "Mr. Douglas rode into our city yesterday at the head of a triumphal procession, seated in a 18 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 carriage drawn by four beautiful white palfreys and preceded by a band of music. Cannon boomed in welcome to the distinguished visitor and the cheers of his friends resounded through our quiet streets. He was waited upon by a committee of the faithful and escorted to the place of speaking, and the "distinguished chair- man" (Washington Cockle) welcomed him to Peoria County in a terse and eloquent speech in which he seemed to assume that the Judge was the great man of the age — the greatest man of any age in the past, and greater than any man that may flourish in any age in the future." In strange contrast was the quiet — undemon- strative entry of the tall, lank, homely and awk- ward Lincoln whose name and fame was to ring through the ages — Child of the Soil — friend of the people — the Emancipator of a race. Child-like in his faith — God-like in his courage — Christ-like in his martyrdom. The events which led up to this meeting form a fascinating page in the history of our coun- try and will deserve the attention of the student who wishes to familiarize himself with the de- velopment of free America as it exists today. 19 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 The immediate cause of the famous Lincoln- Douglas debates, of which the Peoria meeting was the forerunner, was the Kansas-Nebraska bill introduced into the United States Senate in January, 1854, by Judge Douglas, which became a law May 31st, 1854. This bill provided for the creation of two vast territories to be called respectively, Kansas and Nebraska. The inhabitants were to be al- lowed to decide for themselves whether or not slavery was to be permitted within their respec- tive limits. The passage of this bill created sectional rancor and discord. The North saw in the measure a scheme to make slavery Na- tional, and Southern statesmen confirmed the opinion. Robert Toombs of Georgia, who after- wards became a member of the Confederate Cab- inet, declared he would "yet live to call the roll of his slaves on Bunker's Hill." Squatters (Immigrants) flocked to Kansas and Nebraska from North and South — the one element firm to prevent the extension of slavery into these sections, the other seeking to create new slave territory. This question became known as the doctrine of "Squatter Sovereignty." 20 CHAPTER FOUR The Peoria debate could hardly be called a prearranged affair. A short time before the Peoria meeting, Judge Douglas had addressed the crowd at the State Fair held in Springfield, and the Whigs had arranged with Judge Lyman Trumble to make reply upon the day follow- ing, but be failed to appear, and Mr. Lincoln was called upon to fill his place. The Demo- crats had arranged a series of meetings for Judge Douglas — the first to be held at Peoria, October 16th. So soon as announcement of these meet- ings was made, the Whigs in Peoria got busy and an invitation was sent to Mr. Lincoln to appear and make answer. This invitation was signed by: John Hamlin A. P. Bartlett Lorin G. Pratt Dr. Joseph C. Frye Charles Ballance George C. Bestor Hugh W. Reynolds Alexander McCoy John Dredge John D. Arnold 21 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 Jonathan K. Cooper George W. McClellan Thomas Bryant John T. Lindsay John A. McCoy David D. Irons Valentine Dewein William A. Herron Edward Dickinson and John King (A facsimile of this invitation is given upon another page.) 22 LINCOLN'S INVITATION To PEORIA " ■ • <&#fZ*~J> y.-ir^. l--^ L^S) l£~ e&^s-.^—: •• '-='—^5 ~^!-c-, <=-£"- 1*-v <-Cs£-ZZ~^T- etas-. . cX-ri <- OF A FREE GOVI LAW FOR ALL,!' Mimimimmm m. )N OF FREE MEN, WOJ THE FIRST DUTY OF AN AMI CONSTITUTION AND LAWS O ERECTED BY GEORGE A.WILSON Cikuus mu. 19 LADIES OF THE GRAND ARMY OF THE REPUBLIC BRONZE PLATE ON THE PRESENT PEORIA COUNTY COURT HOUSE. ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 "After the lapse of more than a quarter of a century the critical reader still finds it a model of brevity, directness, terse diction, exact and lucid historical statement, and full of logical propositions so short and so strong as to resem- ble mathematical axioms. Above all it is pre- vaded by an elevation of thought and aim that lifts it out of the commonplace of mere party controversy. Comparing it with his later speeches, we find it to contain not only the argu- ment of the hour, but the premonition of the broader issues into which the new struggle was destined soon to expand. "The main, broad current of his reasoning was to vindicate and restore the policy of the fathers of the country in the restriction of slav- ery; but running through this like a thread of gold was the demonstration of the essential in- justice and immorality of the system. He said: "This declared indifference but, as I must think, covert zeal for the spread of slavery, I cannot but hate. I hate it because of the mon- strous injustice of slavery itself. I hate it be- cause it deprives our republican example of its just influence in the world; enables the enemies of free institutions with plausibility to taunt us as hypocrites; causes the real friends of freedom 74 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 to doubt our sincerity; and especially because it forces so many really good men among our- selves into an open war with the very funda- mental principles of civil liberty, criticizing the Declaration of Independence and insisting that there is no right principle of action but self interest. "The doctrine of self-government is right, — absolutely and eternally right, — but it has no just application as here attempted. Or perhaps I should rather say that whether it has such just application, depends upon whether a negro is not, or is, a man. If he is not a man, in that case he who is a man may as a matter of self- government do just what he pleases with him. But if the negro is a man, is it not to that extent a total destruction of self-government to say that he too shall not govern himself? When the white man governs himself, that is self- government; but when he governs himself and also governs another man, that is more than self-government — that is despotism. "What I do say is, that no man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent. "The master not only governs the slave with- out his consent, but he governs him by a set of 75 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 rules altogether different from those which he prescribes for himself. Allow all the governed an equal voice in the government; that, and that only, is self-government. "Slavery is founded in the selfishness of man's nature — opposition to it, in his love of justice. These principles are an eternal antagonism; and when brought into collision so fiercely as slav- ery extension brings them, shocks and throes and convulsions must ceaselessly follow. Re- peal the Missouri Compromise — repeal all com- promise — repeal the Declaration of Indepen- dence — repeal all past history — still you cannot repeal human nature. "I particularly object to the new position which the avowed principle of this Nebraska law gives to slavery in the body politic. I ob- ject to it because it assumes that there can be moral right in the enslaving of one man by an- other. I object to it as a dangerous dalliance for a free people, — a sad evidence that feeling prosperity, we forget right, — that liberty as a principle we have ceased to revere. "Little by little, but steadily as man's march to the grave, we have been giving up the old for the new faith. Near eighty years ago we 76 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 began by declaring that all men are created equal; but now from that beginning we have run down to the other declaration that for some men to enslave others is a 'sacred right of self- government.' These principles cannot stand to- gether. They are as opposite as God and mam- mon. "Our Republican robe is soiled and trailed in the dust. Let us repurify it. Let us turn and wash it white, in the spirit if not the blood of the Revolution. Let us turn slavery from its claims of 'Moral right' back upon its existing legal rights, and its arguments of 'necessity.' Let us return it to the position our fathers gave it, and there let it rest in peace. Let us readopt the Declaration of Independence, and the prac- tices and policy which harmonize with it. Let North and South — let all Americans — let all lovers of liberty everywhere — join in the great and good work. If we do this, we shall not only have saved the Union, but we shall have so saved it, as to make and to keep it forever worthy of the saving. We shall have so saved it that the succeeding millions of free, happy people, the world over, shall rise up and call us blessed to the latest generations." 77 CHAPTER SEVEN These recollections of my boyhood days are as pictures of the old masters whose colors re- main vivid through all the years. No words of mine can better describe what memory recalls of those stirring days, than the following from the pen of the special correspondent of the New York Post written four years after Lincoln and Douglas met in Peoria: "It is astonishing how deep an interest in politics this people take. Over long weary miles of hot and dusty prairie the processions of eager partisans come — on foot, on horseback, in wagons drawn by horses or mules; men, women and children, old and young; the half sick, just out of the last 'shake'; children in arms, infants at the maternal fount, pushing on in clouds of dust and beneath the blazing sun; settling down at the town where the meeting is, with hardly a chance for sitting, and even less opportunity for eating, waiting in anxious groups for hours at the places of speaking, talking, discussing, liti- gious, vociferous, while the war artillery, the music of the bands, the waving of banners, the 78 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 huzzahs of the crowds, as delegation after dele- gation appears; the cry of the peddlers vending all sorts of ware, from an infallible cure of 'agur' to a monster watermelon in slices to suit purchasers — combine to render the occasion one scene of confusion and commotion. The hour of one arrives and a perfect rush is made for the grounds; a column of dust is rising to the heavens and fairly deluging those who are hurrying on through it. Then the speakers come with flags, and banners, and music, sur- rounded by cheering partisans. Their arrival at the ground and immediate approach to the stand is the signal for shouts that rend the heavens. They are introduced to the audience amidst prolonged and enthusiastic cheers; they are interrupted by frequent applause; and they sit down finally amid the same uproarous dem- onstration. The audience sit or stand patiently throughout, and, as the last word is spoken, make a break for their homes, first hunting up lost members of their families, getting their scattered wagonloads together, and, as the day- light fades away, entering again upon the broad prairies and slowly picking their way back to the place of beginning." 79 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 In 1854 the old Court House stood in the same place as the present one. From the north corner of the square extending to the foot of the bluff and running through where now stands the Woman's Club House, was an ave- nue of locust trees fragrant in blossom time. Around the square were hitching racks to which were tied horses and mules attached to vehicles of every description — delegations arriving were preceded by floats. Usually there was one con- taining Miss Columbia, surrounded by young ladies in white, wearing sashes upon which were lettered the names of the States represented. I recall my mother entertaining one such, and im- provising for them beds upon the floor. To cook for thirty or forty was no trick for the efficient housewife of those days. Flags were almost invariably mounted upon saplings with a bunch of leaves at the top. At night illum- inations glowed from candles set in rows in windows. It is all a glorious memory. We regret that we have been unable to pro- cure any part of the address of Senator Douglas on this occasion. 81 CHAPTER EIGHT It will be noted that the writer has taken for his text — "I saw and heard Lincoln and Doug- las when a boy." This only! Variety may lead me far afield in striving to impart a per- sonal touch to my sketch, but I have found that children enjoy those stories most to which one adds a relationship. No matter how remote, and what are we all but grown up children — robbed of their bloom and touched with the canker of egotistic wisdom. For wisdom is the name we give our knowledge of evil, whereas, true wis- dom dwells only in the innocence of childhood. Probably no one stood higher in the esteem and confidence of Lincoln, than Colonel Alex- ander K. McClure, whose first wife was a cousin of my father. The following is an account of Colonel McClure: Colonel Alexander K. McClure, the editorial director of the Philadelphia Times, which he founded in 1875, began his forceful career as a tanner's apprentice in the mountains of Penn- sylvania three score years ago. He tanned hides all day, and read exchanges nights in the neigh- 82 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 boring weekly newspaper office. The learned tanner's boy also became the aptest tanner in the county, and the editor testified his admira- tion for young McClure's attainments by send- ing him to edit a new weekly paper which the exigencies of politics called into being in an adjoining county. The lad was over six feet high, had the thews of Ajax and the voice of Boanerges, and knew enough about shoe-leather not to be afraid of any man that stood in it. He made his paper a success, went into politics, and made that a success, studied law with William Mc- Lellan. and made that a success, and actually went into the army — and made that a success, by an interesting accident, which brought him into close personal relations with Abraham Lin- coln, whom he had helped to nominate, serv- ing as chairman of the Republican State Com- mittee of Pennsylvania through the campaign. In 1862 the government needed troops badly, and in each Pennsylvania county Republicans and Democrats were appointed to assist in the enrollment, under the State laws. McClure, working day and night at Harrisburg. saw con- scripts coming in at the rate of a thousand a 83 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 18 54 day, only to fret in idleness against the army red-tape which held them there instead of send- ing a regiment a day to the front, as McClure demanded should be done. The military offi- cer continued to dispatch two companies a day — leaving the mass of the conscripts to be fed by the contractors. McClure went to Washington and said to the President, "You must send a mustering of- ficer to Harrisburg who will do as I say; I can't stay there any longer under existing con- ditions." Lincoln sent into another room for Adju- tant-General Thomas. "General," said he, "what is the highest rank of military officer at Harrisburg?" "Captain, sir," said Thomas. "Bring me a commission for an Assistant Ad- jutant-General of the United States Army," said Lincoln. So Adjutant-General McClure was mustered in, and after that a regiment a day of boys in blue left Harrisburg for the front. Colonel McClure is one of the group of great Celt- American editors, which included Medill, Mc- Cullagh and McLean. 84 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 Long after the war Colonel McClure col- lected and published a book of Lincoln stories — "Lincoln's Own Yarns and Stories." — This one interested me: "HOW HE GOT BLACKSTONE" The following story was told by Mr. Lin- coln to Mr. A. J. Conant, the artist, who paint- ed his portrait in Springfield in 1860: "One day a man who was migrating to the West drove up in front of my store with a wagon which contained his family and house- hold plunder. He asked me if I would buy an old barrel for which he had no room in his wagon, and which he said contained nothing of special value. I did not want it, but to oblige him I bought it, and paid him, I think, half a dollar for it. Without further examination, I put it away in the store and forgot all about it. Some time after, in overhauling things, I came upon the barrel, and, emptying it upon the floor to see what it contained, I found at the bottom of the rubbish a complete edition of Blackstone's Commentaries. I began to read those famous works, and I had plenty of time; for during the long summer days, when the 85 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 farmers were busy with their crops, my cus- tomers were few and far between. The more I read" — this he said with unusual emphasis — "the more intensely interested I became. Never in my whole life was my mind so thor- oughly absorbed. I read until I devoured them." Grant Wright is an artist — a Peoria boy — with a studio in New York. Some time ago he sent me a "leaf from my sketch book" — It is a pencil portrait of Conant — then in his 94th year. (A photograph of the original is shown on another page. ) The sketch was made November 1 2th, 1914. Below the picture Grant has written "Dear Cloyd: On the opposite side is a little talk I had with this grand old man of the Art World just before he died. He paint- ed from life the only smiling Lincoln — The portrait is now in the Phillipsie Manor Yonk- ers. I also record the reporter's story of the New York Herald two years before." On the back of the leaf he writes, as follows: "Mr. Conant passes his declining years with his daughter, Mrs. Smith. His portrait of Gen- eral Anderson whom he esteemed very highly we worked on with great zeal and a study for 86 -i W 1 ' ^ C£<~X *-T^ "trV*^ -fW/^ £«rM~ aJi^wl" ^ut-j»^ /w.i*W&, ' >u 7J(, /v?Ck w # ^ w . /sfe-^ C^ ^(f ^/t^v ^ PHOTOGRAPH COPY OF LINCOLN'S HAND WRITING RE- FERRING TO HIS PEORIA ADDRESS ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 "The following extracts arc taken from var- ious speeches of mine delivered at various times and places and I believe they contain all I have ever said about 'Negro Equality.' The first three are from my answer to Judge Douglas, October 16th, 1 854 at Peoria." First Clipping. "This is the repeal of the Missouri Com- promise. The foregoing history may not be precisely accurate in every particular; but I am sure it is sufficiently so, for all the uses I shall attempt to make of it, and in it, we have be- fore us, the chief material enabling us to cor- rectly judge whether the repeal of the Missouri Compromise is right or wrong. "I think, and shall try to show that it is wrong; wrong in its direct effect, letting slavery into Kansas and Nebraska — and wrong in its prospective principle, allowing it to spread to every other part of the wide world, where men can be found inclined to take it. "This declared indifference, but as I must think, covert real zeal for the spread of slavery, I cannot but hate, I hate it because of the monstrous injustice of slavery itself. I hate it because it deprives our republican example of its just influence in the world — enables the ene- 93 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 mies of free institutions, with plausibility, to taunt us as hypocrites — causes the real friends of freedom to doubt our sincerity and especial- ly because it forces so many really good men amongst ourselves into an open war with the very fundamental principles of civil liberty — criticising the Declaration of Independence, and insisting that there is no right principle of ac- tion but self-interest. "Before proceeding, let me say I think I have no prejudice against the Southern people. They are just what we would be in their situation. If slavery did not now exist amongst them, they would not introduce it. If it did now exist amongst us, we should not instantly give it up. This I believe of the masses north and south. Doubtless there are individuals on both sides, who would not hold slaves under any cir- cumstances; and others who would gladly in- troduce slavery anew, if it were out of existence. We know that some southern men do free their slaves, go north, and become tip-top abolition- ists; while some northern ones go south, and be — " (This clipping ends here.) 2d Clipping. "When southern people tell us they are no more responsible for the origin of slavery, than 94 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 we; I acknowledge the fact. When it is said that the institution exists, and that it is very difficult to get rid of it, in any satisfactory way, I can understand and appreciate the saying. I surely will not blame them for not doing what I should not know how to do myself. If all earthly power were given me, I should not know what to do, as to the existing institution. My first impulse would be to free all the slaves, and send them to Liberia — to their own native land. But a moment's reflection would convince me, that whatever of high hope, (as I think there is) there may be in this, in the long run, its sudden execution is impossible. If they were all landed there in a day, they would all perish in the next ten days: and there are not surplus shipping and surplus money enough in the world to carry them there in many times ten days. What then? Free them all, and keep them among us as underlings? Is it quite cer- tain that this betters their condition? I think I would not hold one in slavery, at any rate; yet the point is not clear enough to me to de- nounce people upon. What next? — Free them. and make them politically and socially, our equals? My own feelings will not admit of 95 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 this; and if mine would, we would know that those of the great mass of white people will not. Whether this feeling accords with justice and sound judgment, is not the sole question, if indeed, it is any part of it. A universal feel- ing, whether well or ill-founded, can not be safely disregarded. We can not, then, make them equals. It does seem to me that systems of gradual emancipation might be adopted; but for their tardiness in this, I will not undertake to judge our brethern of the south. "When they remind us of their constitutional rights, I acknowledge them, not grudgingly, but fully, and fairly; and I would give them any legislation for the reclaiming of their fugitives, which should not, in its stringency, be more likely to carry a free man into slavery, than our ordinary criminal laws are to hang an innocent one. "But all this; to my judgment, furnishes no more excuse for permitting slavery to go into our own free territory, than it would for re- viving the African slave trade by law. The law which forbids the bringing of slaves from Africa; and that which has so long forbid the taking them to Nebraska, can hardly be dis- 96 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 tinguished on any moral principle; and the re- peal of the former could find quite as plausible excuses as that of the latter. "Judge Douglas, frequently, with bitter irony and sarcasm, paraphrases our argument by say- ing "The white people of Nebraska are good enough to govern themselves, but they are not good enough to govern a few miserable ne- groes! !" "Well I doubt not that the people of Nebras- ka are, and will continue to be as good as the average of people elsewhere. I do not say the contrary. What I do say is, that no man is good enough to govern another man without that other's consent. I say this is the leading prin- ciple — the sheet anchor of American republican- ism. Our Declaration of Independence says: 'We hold these truths to be self evident; that all men are created equal; that they are en- dowed by their Creator with certain inalienable rights; that among these are life; liberty and the pursuit of happiness. That to secure these rights, governments are instituted among men, DEPRIVING THEIR JUST POWERS FROM THE CONSENT OF THE GOV- ERNED." 97 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 "I have quoted so much at this time merely to show that according to our ancient faith, the just power of governments are derived from the consent of the governed. Now the relation of masters and slaves is, PROTANTO, a total violation of this principle. The master not only governs the slave without his consent; but he governs him by a set of rules altogether dif- ferent from those which he prescribes for him- self. Allow all the governed an equal voice in the government, and that, and that only is self-government. "Let it not be said I am contending for the establishment of political and social equality be- tween the whites and blacks. I have already said the contrary. I am not now combating the argument of necessity, arising from the fact that the blacks are already amongst us; but I am combating what is set up as moral argu- ment for allowing them to be taken where they have never yet been — arguing against the exten- sion of a bad thing, which where it already ex- ists we must of necessity, manage as we best can." 3d Clipping, "In the course of his reply, Senator Douglas remarked, in substance, that he had always con- 98 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 sidered this government was made for the white people and not for the negroes. Why, in point of mere fact, I think so too. But in this re- mark of the Judge, there is a significance, which I think is the key to the great mistake (if there is any such mistake) which he has made in this Nebraska measure. It shows that the Judge has no very vivid impression that the negro is a human; and consequently has no idea that there can be any moral question in legislating about him. In his view, the question of whether a new country shall be slave or free, is a mat- ter of as utter indifference, as it is whether his neighbor shall plant his farm with tobacco, or stock it with horned cattle. Now, whether this view is right or wrong, it is very certain that the great mass of mankind take a totally dif- ferent view. They consider slavery a great moral wrong; and their feelings against it is not evanescent, but eternal. It lies at the very foundation of their sens* of justice; and it can- not be trifled with — It is a great and durable element of popular action, and, I think, no statesman can safely disregard it." 99 PHOTOGRAPH COPY OF LETTER WRITTEN BY ABRAHAM LINCOLN TO HON. J. N. BROWN REFERRING TO HIS ADDRESS IN PEORIA, ILL., ON OCTOBER 16, 1854 ™. ~s J 7 i> /^£^w ^5w Z2 /^S^O <&^Lj^s ! /3i^^*J <0<~<^-3, p-^^c^-Zs /^ ^€ z ;iv.-/ / l - jL -~ ' ^y^^*^^-^-^-*^ i.^?yO. : jiHej X^ ***-<> &^^ m^^, / A^s? t^u^ -fr^z- ^r vW^ C»s£; far^ /t^^c^. L /g, fh C^7 A) pM*.^ ,l. a <> jsL^^^s / i,a. y—o £ri -r -/' c?t< /2--1 pi,, £-1 £*Lc^i- /^pi*J IfX -~^p M, -v- --*»_€•' fi^J >* ^/' ^ /.. / fa /-r y It- /jTh-*- -<* /> /^v - / s£//*^£C, S / 7 - _/ , t ' < ^O^ x ~ / ^rf /'>^-<- %<*~Assj Pr^~^7 ^ ^ zts^^sP'- O^l/v- Z^t^^ — ' ■€> ^' JL-^4- / y J 7 -7 ' l-x&C' ^?&<4ri+ v r /fen*** #~? j2^c~/ CHAPTER TEN It occurs to me, as it probably has to the reader, that these sketches are a little "jerky." They are like Billy Stoughton's typewriter. Billy was a clerk in the office of Captain L. L. Troy, Superintendent Railway Mail Service at Chicago. He was an expert typewriter, who could talk and follow copy at the same time. He also stammered badly. His machine was of the old fashioned kind, and the writing was invisible. I was talking to him one day when he stopped and threw open the carriage to ex- amine the writing. The keys had caught and he found nothing but a lot of meaningless characters. His face clouded with a look of blank astonishment — then he broke into a sun- ny smile — looking up at me he said: "Bry-Bry- ner — bes-best typewriter in America — writes ex- ex-exactly like I-I I talk." I may go "far afield" to give a personal touch to these pages, but the fragrance of mem- ory's flowered fields give them a charm to me of which I hope the reader may catch a faint breath. Colonel Clark E. Carr of Galesburg was our Minister to Denmark. I knew him well during 108 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 the last years of his life, and he told me many- things about Lincoln. He was with him upon the train which took Mr. Lincoln to Gettys- burg, and he said that Lincoln whilst enroute made pencil notes upon the back of an envelope. It was this probably that gave rise to the story that his address was without previous prepara- tion. It is far more likely that he only jotted down the headings of his speech to aid his memory of a carefully prepared address. As I have before said, at the Peoria meeting the platform was erected upon the south side of the old Court House and entrance thereto was through a window of the office of the Circuit Clerk. I have a vivid recollection of Judge Douglas' appearance as he stepped upon the platform. Colonel Carr has thus described him which coincides perfectly with the picture I have in mind. "He was dressed in a black broad cloth suit of latest Washington cut; with im- maculate linen — his trim figure, though small, seemed perfect, as his lustrous eyes looked out from under his massive forehead, surrounded by heavy brown locks. Bold, defiant, confi- dent, he seemed the impersonation of strength and power." 109 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 I doubt if anyone man aside from Lincoln contributed so much to the salvation of the Union as Judge Douglas. He virtually broke with his party and carried thousands of his followers with him. At the inauguration of Lincoln, he sat upon the platform and held Mr. Lincoln's hat, thus making public demonstra- tion of his support to the incoming adminis- tration. Exactly three months later he passed away in the city of Chicago, an irreparable loss to the Union cause. Edward Bonham was Lieutenant Colonel of the regiment in which I served in the Civil War. I was acquainted with his father, Jeriah Bonham, who wrote "Fifty Years Recollections." From this vol- ume, I make the following extract, as of inter- est in connection with Lincoln and Peoria: "There is not much in the early life of Abra- ham Lincoln to stir the imagination of the read- er. There is nothing to rouse up wonderful enthusiasm in the humble process of his edu- cation; his experiences of hardships; his early struggles with the rough forces of nature among which he was born. Indeed, we would be trespassing on the domain of history writ- ten by others if we attempted to give a brief 110 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 history of his early life, which has been so well and ably written by others, among them the campaign biographies of Scripps, Raymond and Barrett, the writings of Ward H. Lamon, Esq., and Hon. Isaac N. Arnold; also, "Life of Abra- ham Lincoln," by J. G. Holland; Carpenter's "Reminiscences," and later, the "Life and Pub- lic Services of Abraham Lincoln," by J. Carroll Power. To the excellence of all these we bear cheerful testimony. "Our "Recollections" of Mr. Lincoln must be confined in the main, to our personal ac- quaintance with him, which commenced at the mass Whig State Convention, held at Peoria, in June, 1844. Mr. Lincoln was among the "big guns" in the grand array of eminent states- men and eloquent speakers present on that oc- casion; a galaxy of bright particular stars in the constellation of talent and patriotism, num- bering among them Gen. John J. Hardin, who afterwards fell at Buena Vista, Colonel Edward D. Baker, who gave up his life at Ball's Bluff during the Rebellion, John T. Stuart, Stephen T. Logan, Jesse K. Dubois, U. F. Linder, O. H. Browning, Joseph Gillespie, Archie Williams, Jackson Grimshaw, T. Lisle Smith, Martin P. ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 Sweet, Ben. Bond, Richard Yates, T. Lyle Dick- ey, Lincoln B. Knowlton, D. W. Woodson, Wm. H. Henderson, and a host of others who came up to this grand council in the interests of Clay and Frelinghuysen, the Whig standard bearers in that memorable campaign. In addition to these there were present Caleb B. Smith, Henry S. Lane, and several other Indiana ora- tors, then and since known to fame, and from Missouri, there were the renowned and eloquent Dr. E. C. McDowell, Don Morrison, and many others. "Among all this brilliant array called to ad- dress the convention during the two days' ses- sions, none attracted greater and more marked attention than Mr. Lincoln. Dr. McDowell, Caleb B. Smith, Edward D. Baker and Gen. Hardin made their speeches before him. All made grand speeches and were loudly applauded. Gen. Hardin was then the member of Congress from this district, and Col. Baker the candidate for the succession. "It is among the brightest recollections of that day when Mr. Lincoln took the stand. He did not, on rising, show his full height, stood rather in a stooping posture, his long-tailed coat hang- 112 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 ing loosely round his body, descending round and over an ill-fitting pair of pantaloons that covered his not very symmetrical legs. He com- menced his speech in a rather diffident manner, even seemed for a while at a loss for words, his voice was irregular, a little tremulous, as at first he began his argument by laying down his pro- positions. As he proceeded he seemed to gain more confidence, his body straightened up, his countenance brightened, his language became free and animated, as, during this time he had illustrated his argument by two or three well- told stories, that drew the attention of the thousands of his audience to every word he ut- tered. Then he became eloquent, carrying the swaying crowd at his will, who, at every point he made in his forcible argument, were tumultu- ous in their applause. His subject was the ex- position of the protective system — the tariff, — the method of raising a revenue by a system of duties levied on foreign importations, which at the same time would afford protection to American industries. Mr. Lincoln spoke a lit- tle over an hour. His arguments were un- answerable. This speech raised him to the proudest height to which he had ever before 113 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 attained. He had greatly strengthened the Whig organization in the state and established his reputation as one of the most powerful political debaters in the country. "This speech showed to the people that he had thoroughly mastered all the great questions of the day, and brought to their discussion close- ness and soundness of logic, with numerous facts, clinched by the most elaborate and pow- erful arguments. This conclusion, it is among my recollections, we arrived at after enjoying this grand field day, hearing the most gifted of Illinois statesmen discuss all the great questions of the day, and we left with the thousand of others, for their homes, with the firm belief and conviction that Abraham Lincoln was the foremost statesman in Illinois, and would, at that time, have been willing to vote for him for any position from Congressman to Presi- dent of the United States, both of which priv- ileges were enjoyed in after years." 114 CHAPTER ELEVEN From early childhood, when in the old Court House in Peoria, I used to sit upon his knee and he bought me big red apples from old man Cutler. Colonel Robert G. Ingersoll, America's foremost orator, was throughout life my friend. I recall standing over the furnace register, shaking the black ostrich plume to put it in curl, which he wore upon his hat when he marched away as Colonel of the 11th Illi- nois Cavalry. As this is a Peoria story of Lin- coln, I shall here insert his splendid tribute to the martyred President. "ABRAHAM LINCOLN— strange ming- ling of mirth and tears, of the tragic and gro- tesque, of cap and crown, of Socrates and Dem- ocritus, of Aesop and Marcus Aurelius, of all that is gentle and just, humorous and honest, merciful, wise, laughable, lovable and divine, and all consecrated to the use of man; while through all, and over all, were an overwhelm- ing sense of obligation, of chivalric loyalty to truth, and upon all, the shadow of the tragic end. "Nearly all the great historic characters are impossible monsters, disproportioned by flat- 115 COLONEL ROBERT G. INGERSOLL OE PEORIA As he appeared in 1861 when he departed from Peoria as Colonel of the 11th Illinois Cavalry. ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 tery, or by calumny deformed. We know noth- ing of their peculiarities, or nothing but their peculiarities. About these oaks there clings none of the earth of humanity. "Washington is now only a steel engraving. About the real man who lived and loved and hated and schemed, we know but little. The glass through which we look at him is of such high magnifying power that the features are exceedingly indistinct. "Hundreds of people are now engaged in smoothing out the lines of Lincoln's face — forcing all features to the common mould — so that he may be known, not as he really was, but, according to their poor standard, as he should have been. "Lincoln was not a type. He stands alone — no ancestors, no fellows, and no successors. "He had the advantage of living in a new country, of social equality, of personal freedom, of seeing in the horizon of his future the per- petual star of hope. He preserved his individ- ualiy and his self-respect. He knew and mingled with men of every kind; and, after all, men are the best books. He became ac- 117 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 quainted with the ambitions and hopes of the heart, the means used to accomplish ends, the springs of action and the seeds of thought. He was familiar with nature, with actual things, with common facts. He loved and appreciated the poem of the year, the drama of the seasons. "In a new country a man must possess at least three virtues — honesty, courage and gener- osity. In cultivated society, cultivation is often more important than soil. A well executed counterfeit passes more readily than a blurred genuine. It is necessary only to observe the unwritten laws of society — to be honest enough to keep out of prison, and generous enough to subscribe in public — where the subscription can be defended as an investment. "In a new country, character is essential; in the old, reputation is sufficient. In the new, they find what a man really is; in the old, he generally passes for what he resembles. Peo- ple separated only by distance are much nearer together, than those divided by the walls of caste. "It is no advantage to live in a great city, where poverty degrades and failure brings despair. The fields are lovelier than paved 118 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 streets, and the great forests than walls of brick. Oaks and elms are more poetic than steeples and chimneys. "In the country is the idea of home. There you see the rising and setting sun; you become acquainted with the stars and clouds. The constellations are your friends. You hear the rain on the roof and listen to the rhythmic sighing of the winds. You are thrilled by the resurrection called Spring, touched and sadden- ed by Autumn — the grace and poetry of death. Every field is a picture, a landscape; every land- scape a poem ; every flower a tender thought, and every forest a fairy-land. In the country you preserve your identity — your personality. There you are an aggregation of atoms, but in the city you are only an atom of an aggregation. "In the country you keep your cheek close to the breast of Nature. You are calmed and en- nobled by the space, the amplitude and scope of earth and sky — by the constancy of the stars. "Lincoln never finished his education. To the night of his death he was a pupil, a learner, an inquirer, a seeker after knowledge. You have no idea how many men arc spoiled by what is called education. For the most part, colleges 119 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 are places where pebbles are polished and dia- monds are dimmed. If Shakespeare had grad- uated at Oxford, he might have been a quibbling attorney, or a hypocritical parson. "Lincoln was a great lawyer. There is noth- ing shrewder in this world than intelligent hon- esty. Perfect candor is sword and shield. "He understood the nature of man. As a lawyer he endeavored to get at the truth, at the very heart of a case. He was not willing even to deceive himself. No matter what his inter- est said, what his passion demanded, he was great enough to find the truth and strong enough to pronounce judgment against his own desires. "Lincoln was a many-sided man, acquainted with smiles and tears, complex in brain, single in heart, direct as light; and his words, candid as mirrors, gave the perfect image of his thought. He was never afraid to ask — never too dignified to admit that he did not know. No man had keener wit, or kinder humor. "It may be that humor is the pilot of reason, People without humor drift unconsciously into absurdity. Humor sees the other side — stands 120 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 in the mind like a spectator, a good-natured critic, and gives its opinion before judgment is reached. Humor goes with good nature, and good nature is the climate of reason. In anger, reason abdicates and malice extinguishes the torch. Such was the humor of Lincoln that he could tell even unpleasant truths as charming- ly as most men can tell the things we wish to hear. "He was not solemn. Solemnity is a mask worn by ignorance and hypocrisy — it is the preface, prologue, and index to the cunning or the stupid. "He was natural in his life and thought master of the story-teller's art, in illustration apt, in application perfect, liberal in speech, shocking Pharisees and prudes, using any word that wit could disinfect. "He was a logician. His logic shed light. In its presence the obscure became luminous, and the most complex and intricate political and metaphysical knots seemed to untie themselves. Logic is the necessary product of intelligence and sincerity. It cannot be learned. It is the child of a clear head and a good heart. 121 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 "Lincoln was candid, and with candor often deceived the deceitful. He had intellect with- out arrogance, genius without pride, and reli- gion without cant — that is to say, without bigotry and without deceit. "He was an orator — clear, sincere, natural. He did not pretend. He did not say what he thought others thought, but what he thought. "If you wish to be sublime you must be nat- ural — you must keep close to the grass. You must sit by the fireside of the heart; above the clouds it is too cold. You must be simple in your speech; too much polish suggests insincer- ity. "The great orator idealizes the real, trans- figures the common, makes even the inanimate throb and thrill, fills the gallery of the imagi- nation with statues and pictures perfect in form and color, brings to light the gold hoarded by memory the miser, shows the glittering coin to the spendthrift hope, enriches the brain, en- nobles the heart, and quickens the conscience. Between his lips words bud and blossom. "If you wish to know the difference between an orator and an elocutionist — between what 122 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 is felt and what is said — between what the heart and brain can do together and what the brain can do alone — read Lincoln's wondrous speech at Gettysburg, and then the oration of Edward Everett. "The speech of Lincoln will never be forgot- ten. It will live until languages are dead and lips are dust. The oration of Everett will never be read. "The elocutionists believe in the virtue of voice, the sublimity of syntax, the majesty of long sentences, and the genius of gesture. "The orator loves the real, the simple, the natural. He places the thought above all. He knows that the greatest ideas should be ex- pressed in the shortest words — that the greatest statues need the least drapery. "Lincoln was an immense personality — firm but not obstinate. Obstinacy is egotism — firmness, heroism. He influenced others with- out effort, unconsciously; and they submitted to him as men submit to nature — unconscious- ly. He was severe with himself, and for that reason lenient with others. 123 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 "He appeared to apologize for being kinder than his fellows. "He did merciful things as stealthily as others committed crimes. "Almost ashamed of tenderness, he said and did the noblest words and deeds with the*charm- ing confusion, that awkardness, that is the per- fect grace of modesty. "As a noble man, wishing to pay a small debt to a poor neighbor, reluctantly offers a hundred-dollar bill and asks for change, fearing that he may be suspected either of making a display of wealth or a pretense of payment, so Lincoln hestitated to show his wealth of good- ness, even to the best he knew. "A great man stooping, not wishing to make his fellows feel that they were small or mean. "By his candor, by his kindness, by his per- fect freedom from restraint, by saying what he thought, and saying it absolutely in his own way, he made it not only possible, but popular, to be natural. He was the enemy of mock solemnity, of the stupidly respectable, of the cold and formal. 124 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 "He wore no official robes either on his body or his soul. He never pretended to be more or less, or other, or different, from what he really was. "He had the unconscious naturalness of Na- ture's self. "He built upon the rock. The foundation was secure and broad. The structure was a pyramid, narrowing as it rose. Through days and nights of sorrow, through years of grief and pain, with unswerving purpose, 'with malice towards none, with charity for all,' with infinite patience, with unclouded vision, he hoped and toiled. Stone after stone was laid until at last the Proclamation found its place. On that the Goddess stands. "He knew others, because perfectly acquainted with himself. He cared nothing for place, but everything for principle; a little for money, but everything for independence. Where no prin- ciple was involved, easily swayed — willing to go slowly, if in the right direction — sometimes willing to stop; but he would not go back, and he would not go wrong. "He was willing to wait. He knew that the event was not waiting, and that fate was not the 125 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 fool of chance. He knew that slavery had de- fenders, but no defense, and that they who at- tack the right must wound themselves. "He was neither tyrant nor slave. He neither knelt nor scorned. "With him, men were neither great nor small — they were right or wrong. "Through manners, clothes, titles, rags and race he saw the real — that which is. Beyond accident, policy, compromise and war he saw the end. "He was patient as Destiny; whose undeciph- erable hieroglyphs were so deeply graven on his sad and tragic face. "Nothing discloses real character like the use of power. It is easy for the weak to be gentle. Most people can bear adversity. But if you wish to know what a man really is, give him power. This is the supreme test. It is the glory of Lincoln that, having almost absolute power, he never abused it, except on the side of mercy. "Wealth could not purchase, power could not awe, this divine, this loving man. "He knew no fear except the fear of doing wrong. Hating slavery, pitying the master — 126 ABRAHAM LINCOLN IN PEORIA 1854 seeking to conquer, not persons, but prejudices — he was the embodiment of the self-denial, the courage, the hope and the nobility of a Nation. "He spoke not to inflame, not to upbraid, but to convince. "He raised his hands, not to strike, but in benediction. "He longed to pardon. "He loved to see the pearls of joy on the cheeks of a wife whose husband he had rescued from death. "Lincoln was the grandest figure of the fiercest civil war. He is the gentlest memory of our world." 127 3§ 6 =-'° g H s 5 re J * -; ^ 3 ; J < re n 5' : -' „ ft ' JS' res ■ c 3 <"> -| 5 « || : g|"pg| l^lisl'l-S^s'l 1 It^Is II l~: i-l"5-! 2**6 ££5 £ P.Cis re J> g l|P|i| n- • ~ 3" JT Ci. * P w "^^Ow g? c h 3 m, o> ^ p s s: o =_^ r. P "3op^p.^3 js > - k. Z _ :«• B. 7 EL j? p' s =- = jr - tt K ? ~ -• = U ~ - p H rru * •' r- = 7 cm a° ?Jft_?Li Se c «. r ?_:*_<£_ t - - * " H ='• c 2~S' ~ O IT'c ^ r'^ 5 =■ H o E 3 erq s w £_'< r x a? r - § §_ p § p J5 £ c- — V" c_ a 5 —£_o p 3 ■•- g- g S 8 * f »> £ F ,J r 5 "' EL ■<. H P B ST S3 R § §*• s & 3. *.. cc 3 ■ & n S - F 1 ^ £ S pelts' p ET C- c r § ;r~ =c2 IfPV'e^a-Si o 3.§ f ►- rr* t- 3 rr. r^ rft _^ p o c* er s o c \" «f ~ e»5"sr5 £ C- = 3, c «. Er =T 5' 5S'S C >- P C [* h^rr- - "" O ►J- £3 "-J ~ 3? 5: k c — -d < p 5 ^ » c p* (? » g » ifc «• §"•— *J — £. w p 3c<2y;5^o :r: c Bffl srU i^t ■» tr* Si 1 • P •?• S) 5 s ?" v, g g 3: ^ rr 3 ; Cc'Hro^^^ ao ^s««pg=3=5^s c -?«? 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