LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAICN 510.84 Ij?<£>*- i«-»comp8. Coi Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS DIGITAL COMPUTER LABORATORY GRADUATE COLLEGE INTERNAL REPORT NO- *6 REORGANIZATION OF ILLIAC LIBRARY BY STANLEY GILL 1/9M REORGANIZATION OF ILLTAC LIBRARY 1. Renumbering of Routines An entirely new labelling system has been set up for the routines in the Illiac library. All routines in current use have been assigned new labels according to the new system, and therefore each have two labels, an old one and a new one. T"t is anticipated that the old labels will soon fall into disuse. New routines will carry only one label, in the new system. Obsolete routines will not be renumbered and will bear only the old label. The old labels were simply numbers. Each new label consists of a letter (or possibly two letters) followed by a number. The library has been divided into categories according to the types of operations performed, and the letter in a label denotes the category to which the routine belongs. Occasionally a routine, though belonging to one category, is useful only in connection with operations in another category; in such cases the letter of the latter category has been added as a second letter (most of these cases are floating decimal auxiliaries). The number is simply a serial number within the category. A list of categories is given in Appendix 1. 2. Summary Sheets For some routines there have already been prepared summary sheets stating concisely all the facts required in order to use each routine as it is intended to be used, and no more. These sheets do not give the code it- self, nor a description of the methods used. They do, however, give enough information to enable the routine to be used correctly and to be compared for usefulness with another routine of the same type. These summaries will be provided for all routines now in common use. Every group using the Illiac will be issued a folder containing the summaries, arranged according to category in alphabetical order, and further copies of summaries may be obtained from Mrs. Brown, The write-up of every future routine will be in two parts: 1. a summary, 2 o a description of the method used, with the code itself. -2- Only the former will be circulated. Copies of the latter will be available for consultation in the teletype roomj users who must make frequent reference to them may obtain copies for their own use from Mrs. Brown. Complete copies of all existing and obsolete codes will also be kept in the teletype room. 3. Code Tapes Effective February 1, 195H» library tapes will be labelled and filed according to the new system. Appendices: 1, list of categories 2. New labels in terms of old 3. Old labels in terms of new Stanley Gill APPENDIX T ILLIAC LIBRARY CATEGORIES Programmed Arithmetic A Floating Point Bo Other programmed arithmetic Code Checking C, Post Mortem checks De Dynamic code checks Integration Ee Quadrature F« Ordinary differential equations G e Partial differential equations Operations on Functions Ho Zeros and minima Io Interpolation Jo Operations on polynomials and power series K. Approximations and statistics Linear Algebra L. Simultaneous linear equations M. Other operations on matrices and vectors Input and Output No Number input Oo Scope output Pc Printing and punching Mathematical Logic Qo Mathematical logic Particular Functions Ro Roots and fractional powers S„ Logarithmic^ exponential and hyperbolic functions T„ Trigonometrical functions Vo Other special functions -u- Organizational Wo Countings sorting and selecting X, Program preparation Miscellaneous Z„ Miscellaneous complete programs -5- APPENDIX II NEW LABELS IN TERMS OF OLD Decimal Order Input Decimal Number Sequence Input Single Column Print Decimal Order Print Routine Arctan X Subroutine Sequence Checking Routine Print One Number in a Parameter Set Layout Full Printing Checking Routine Integration Routine for f(x) given at Equal Increments of x Natural Logarithm Double Precision Arithmetic Post Mortem Version of the Decimal Order Input Complex Ambers Operations Print 'A) with or without sign to n places as determined by a program parameter. Print n digits of an integer with or without a sign Tape Lettering Zero Suppression Integer Print Best Least-Squares Straight Line Input One Number from Tape s Integer or Fraction Logical Input Variable Subroutine Floating Decimal Arithmetic Routine Exponential Standard Routines Sine Cosine Interpolation Cube Root Address Search Routine Control Transfer Check Inverse Interpolation A Search for the Real Roots of f(x) ■ Print One Number Fractional or Integer in a Manner Determined by a Program Parameter 76. X6 Sum Memory and Check, Interlude 18 XI 23. N3 2$. P6 28. P9 31. T2 35. D3 37 o P5 39. D2 UQ-. El U3o SI US. BL U8. CI SO, B2 52 o P2 53. P3 &. P8 55. PU 60 e Kl 61, Nl 62. Q2 63. Al 6Uo S2 65. XU 66. Tl 67 o 11 68 . RU 69. C2 70. DU 71. HI 72. H2 75. PI -6- APPENDIX IT Continued -- 77. T3 78 Gl 79. Zl 80<, H3 81c Ql 82 VI 8U0 HU 85., H5 860 H6 87c AU 880 N2 89 Wl 90 X3 91o Ml 92 o RA1 93 c D5 9Uo C3 95o Dl 96 SA1 97. cU 98 G2 99o RA2 100c L3 101c V3 103 c C* lOlio MAI 10^ c R2 106 e R3 107c X5 IO80 X2 110 C01 111c HF1 Arctangent in Degrees LaPlace°s Equation - Liebnann Method Refraction Code Minimization of a Function of Two Variables Logical Algebra Legendre Polynomials Minimization of a Function of U Variables Minimization of a Function of n Variables Minimization of a Function of n Variables - Treating One Variable at a Time Revised 1,7 Precision Floating Decimal Input a Sequence of Decimal Fractions Loop Cycling Control Constant Listing Auxiliary Matrix Multiplication Floating Decimal Square Root Auxiliary Iteration Counter Post Mortem for Fractions and their Locations Check Point Routine Floating Decimal Logarithm Auxiliary Post Mortem for Integers and their Locations Poisson u s Equation - Liebnann - Frankel Method Floating Decimal Cube Root Auxiliary Complete Linear Equation Solver Sequnce of Random Numbers with Optional Preparatory Interlude Print Sets of Order Pairs and their Locations Matrix Multiplication with Fleeting Decimal Auxiliary Integral Root A ' ^ Fractional Power Routine Arithmetic Programming Shifting Sum Check Post Mortem for Fractions and their Locations Zero of a Solution of a Differential Equation -7- APPENDIX II Continued — 112. LI Solution of a Set of Simultaneous Linear Algebraic Equations Automatic Linear Equation Solver Solution of a System of Ordinary Differential Equations Solution of a System of Differential Equations by Milne's Iterative Method Square Root Routine New Automatic Eigenvalue-Eigenvector Program Automatic Inversion of a Symmetric Matrix Routine to Plot Points and Axes Tchebyscheff Polynomials Floating Point Constant Listing Auxiliary Floating Decimal ^undary Value Differential Equation Auxiliary Polynomial Approximation Letter Printing Convert a Number from Floating Decimal Representation to Normal Machine Form Sine Auxiliary for Floating Decimal Exponential Auxiliary for Floating Decimal Floating Decimal Tape with Standard Auxiliary 113. L2 11U. Fl 115, F2 116. Rl 117. M3 118. M2 119. 01 120. V2 121. XA1 122. FA1 123. KA1 12U. P7 125. A3 126. TA1 127. SA2 128. A2 -8- APPENDIX III OLD LABELS IN TEEMS OF NEW Al 63 A2 128 A3 125 AU 87 EL US B2 So CI U8 C2 69 C3 9U cU 97 cS 103 COl 110 Dl 9S D2 39 D3 3* DU 70 DS 93 El UO Fl 11U F2 115 FA1 122 Gl 78 G2 98 HI 71 H2 72 H3 80 hU 8U HS 8S H6 86 HF1 111 11 67 Kl 60 KA1 123 LI 112 L2 113 L3 100 Ml 91 M2 118 M3 117 MAI ioU Nl 61 N2 88 N3 23 01 119 PI 7S P2 S2 P3 S3 PU SS PS 37 P6 2S P7 12ll P8 su P9 28 Ql 81 Q2 62 HI 116 R2 10S R3 106 RU 68 RA1 92 RA2 99 SI U3 S2 6U SA1 96 SA2 127 Tl 66 T2 31 T3 77 TA1 126 VI 82 V2 120 V3 101 Wl 89 XI 18 n 108 X3 90 xU 6S xs 107 X6 76 XA1 121 ,OUN0.