REMOTE STORAGE OV\.l*cl 2:3 p 9-91) Through education to independence. ( see Education, 1899, 20:299-308) And the blind shall see an invention of P rof.Stiens . ( see Current lit. 1908, 34:586) Armitage, -T:R* Best methods for improving the condition of the blind. ( see Jour. of the see. of arts, #1870, 18:195; 1879, 27:228-29; 1886, 34:543-48) B.B.B. The blind l their limitations. ( see Uni verbalist quar. 1856, 15:147-61) Remarks on the blind a their education. ( see Universa- list quar* 1854, 11:399-407) Babcock, H.A. Methods for facilitating musical instruction in schools for the blind. 7p.O. Janesville 1883 The blind; ( see Sat „ rev. 1^89, 6 P : 418-14) > Blind people, (see. Quar.rev. 1865, 118:430-68) The "blind, their works & ways. (see Living age, 1854 , 40:435) Books for the "blind. (see Public lib. 1902, 7:370) Books for the blind, A. L. A. discussion. (see Lib. iour. 1698 , 23:0148-50) Campbell, P.J. Education of the blind. (see Lend a hand, 1891. 7:231-33) Garter, L.W Types for the blind. (see Macmillan’s mag. 1891, 64: 5 1-55) Convent for the blind. ( see Month, 1897, 89:255-59) Be Turine, V. Photophonic books for the blind. (see Sci , Amer.sup. 1902, 54:28582') Draper, S.A. Literature for the blind. (see Public lib. 1904, 9:147-49) Education of the blind. (see Museum of foreim lit. A sci. 1834, 24:230-35) Education of the blind. ( see North Amer.rev. 1833, 37; 20-58) Elliott, Isrs Maud (Howe) S Hall, P.H. Laura Bridgman, 59 4p. illus.C. Bo st. 1903. Everett, Ruth Educating the deaf-blind. (see Amer. monthly rev. of rev. 1902, 25:435—42) Exhibit of books for the blind. (see Public lib. 1905, 10:22-23) A factory with blind workers. 18) (see World's work, 1903, 6:3817- Fa^rohild, (see Lib. Mrs S.C. jour. 1900 Sew York state library for blind. - 25:77; Public lib. 1900, 5:101-2) Penn, VM7. Welfare of the blind. 45:472-79) ( see Fortnightly rev. 1886, Fraser, 1888 , Septimus 3 : 318 -81 ) Education of the blind. ( see Lend a hand, Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates Free readin, ciai pcs;; matter for the blind, Rules for* ,gu i de , 1 90 5 -da t e ) 5 (see U . S * o f fi - Gerry, M.S. Library of congress <5: mag. 190 3, 5 rT : 101-8) Good, Arthur Writing machines for sci . mo ♦ 1880 , 33: 643-52 ) Gray, P.G. Reading for the blind. the blind. (see xcribr the blind. (see Popular ( see Public lib. 1900, Hauptvogel, Richard Associations for helping the blind. ( see Amer. jour. of SDCiol. 1903, 8:687-92) Hodder, Edwin Notable blind folks. ( see Leisure hour, 1885, 34 : 616 - 19 ; 747 ^ 71 ) Howe, S:G, Education of the blind. ( see Araer. inst. of in- struction. Lectures, 183-4, 7:1-26) Hunter, J.H. Education of the blind. ( see Canadian mo. L na- tional rev. 1880, 18:171-02) Javal, Emile On becoming blind, advice for the use of per- sons losing their sight. 191p.u. N.i.1905 Jones, Li . • 0 • Education of the blind. i see Scribner mag. 1892, T C * r - 7 <"T C‘ \ i- c~ . i k — I j Keller, Helen Story of my life. 441p . illus. 0 . 1 . 1.1905 Kit to, John Lost senses, deafness A blindness. 37°p . illus. C . ■ . • V *] o tr. n ija eye z e r arm e , Mau r i c e de 3; Lr. by F.F. Lewis. The blind as seen through blind 154p • 0 . N. Y. 1893 Lewis, ftp. Necessity of state care of the adult blind. (see Charities, 1905, 13:497-98) Literature for the blind. (Mr Gall’s type) ( see Christian ob- server, 1835, 35:175-80) MoCune, Y.I. Books, printing £ libraries for Iowa - State institutions, Board of control 1900, 2:40-69) the blind. ( see of. Bulletin, Methods of printing 12:111-114) ‘or the blind. see Lend hand, 1894, Ml lis, H.A. Lav/ relating to the relief and care of dependents. see Amer. lour, of social. 1898, 4:51-54) I < 4 Moon, F.C. Books <5. libraries for the blind; read before the Pennsylvania Library club and New Jersey library associa- tion at Atlantic City, Ap.l, 1905. 6p.0. N.Y.1905. Printed for private circulation. Mooney, J:A. How the blind see. ( see Catholic world, 1889, 49:671-88) Moore, R.S. Occupation for the blind carries. ( see Nation, 1898, 46:115) Music for the blind .Alston type . ( see Penny mag. 1338, 7:219) Hew England asylum for the blind. ( see North Amer. rev. 1829, 31:66) New York state library for blind. ( see Lib. jour. 1399, 24:271 On prevention of blindness in the new-born, by a member of the opl halmological society. ( see Chambers 1 jour. 1336, 75:316- 18) Printing for the blind. ( see Nation, 1974, 19:431-32) Reading for the blind. ( see Leisure hour, 1979, 23:251-54) Ritter, J:F. How the blind are taught. ( see Chautauquan, 1392, 15:65-73) Rutherford, John. William Moon and his work for the blind. 2‘?0n . il ). us . 0 . Pond . 199? Sturgis, Dinah. kindergarten for the blind. ( see New Eng. mag 1895, new ser. 13:433-52) Swift, S.T. "For the blind - a wonderful world of light". ( see Catholic world 1393, 67:507-l r -) Transportation of books for the blind. ( see Lib. jour. 1902, 27:319; U.&* Official postal guide, 1905-date) Utley, H:vv. Books for the blind. (see ALA Proceedings, 1278, 23:93-95) Books for the blind c Short review of article . ( see Literary world, 1398, 29:232) 5 Wait, W:E. .A college for the blind, Bp.O. Fort Plain N.Y. New York system of punctography . lOp.Q. N.Y. 1895 What some libraries are doing for the blind. ( see Public lit. 1904, 9; 147-62) 1904, Work .for the adult blind. ( see Charities A 12:62) ^ Iritin-- table for the blind .invented by J.B.Fry^ ( see Every Saturday, 1371, 11:71) Zahm, J.A. New system of writing for the blind. (see Cath- olic world, 1895, 81:32-43) N 5-1 50