ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF HARTFORD Adopted since the publication of the W ^ eT CAW-'* ORDINANCES Adopted since the Revision of 1908. V\ 0 "rd\ t\* r\CC*, jyjAN ORDINANCE AUTHORIZING THE CITY COLLECTOR TO SELL AT •5 PUBLIC AUCTION LAND ACQUIRED BY THE STRICT FORECLOSURE OF CITY TAX OR Oj ASSESSMENT LIENS. j£* it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. Whenever the title to any real estate shall have JSbeen acquired by the City of Hartford through strict foreclosure 9 'pi any tax or assessment lien, or through the giving of said title —to the City to satisfy its claims for assessments or taxes, the City —collector may sell the same at public auction, either by itself or _ with other real estate so foreclosed or conveyed to the City, either on the premises sold or in his office, and may execute in the name H of the City a conveyance or conveyances to the purchaser of any -r -; real estate so sold, and may affix thereto the City seal. Sec. 2. The City collector may, at his discretion, employ an auctioneer to make such sale, and may also fix a minimum price below which no bid may be received. Sec. 3. Every such sale shall be advertised by posting a notice thereof, at least a week in advance, on the public signpost nearest to said collector’s office, and by such other advertising as he shall deem expedient. All the expenses of such sale shall be paid from the proceeds thereof by the City collector. Sec. 4. % In case the title of the City to property against which any school district shall have a claim for taxes, shall become 999 Xk o B art c IOOO MUNICIPAL REGISTER absolute by strict foreclosure, and such property shall be sold by the City collector, then said collector shall pay to such school district the amount of all taxes due it, and to the City the amount of all taxes and assessments due it, provided the net proceeds of such sale shall be sufficient to pay both, and shall pay the balance, if any, into the City treasury. In case such net proceeds shall not be sufficient to pay both, then such proceeds shall be divided between the City and the school district in proportion to the amounts due each respectively. Sec. 5. At any time within two years from the date of such sale, the owner of the property at the time of such foreclosure or any incumbrancer having an interest therein at said time may present a claim to the City treasurer for the payment to him of the proceeds of the sale, if any, in excess of the costs and expenses of such sale and the aggregate claims of the City and school district. Approved, Oct. 29, 1907. ORDINANCE RELATING TO LAYOUT OF NEW HIGHWAYS AND PLOTTING OF PRIVATE PROPERTY. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. No street plotted or opened by any private per¬ son, firm or corporation shall hereafter be accepted by the Court of Common Council until the petition for same with plot or plan showing proposed location of such street or highway, and its width, shall have been referred to and approved by the commis¬ sion on City plan. Sec. 2. The town clerk shall, upon the filing in his office of any such plot or plan showing layout of any such proposed high¬ way or street, immediately send to the party so filing such plot or plan a copy of this ordinance. Approved, Jan. 28, 1908. ORDINANCES IOOI AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO SUBSTITUTES OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. * Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: All men on the substitute roll of the fire department, who, under orders of the department, may be called upon for service at large fires or on special occasions, and do in fact respond to such calls, may be paid respectively through orders of said depart¬ ment a sum not greater than two dollars and fifteen cents for each call. Approved, Feb. n, 1908. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE SALARY OF THE CLERK OF THE CITY COURT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: The salary of the clerk of the City court shall be, from and after April 1, 1908, at the rate of one thousand dollars per annum, and in addition thereto he shall be paid a sum at the rate of five hundred dollars a year to meet and defray the expenses of his office. Approved, Feb. 25, 1908. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE CARE OF PUBLIC CEMETERIES. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. The care, management and control of all City cemeteries and burying-grounds are hereby imposed upon and delegated to the Board of Park Commissioners. Sec. 2. Said Board of Park Commissioners are hereby vested with all the powers and shall have all the duties in connection with the care, management and control of said City cemeteries 1002 MUNICIPAL REGISTER and burying-grounds, including the sale of lots therein, now vested in, imposed upon or assumed by the joint standing committee on City cemeteries. Sec. 3. Said Board of Park Commissioners shall, in carry¬ ing out the powers and duties imposed by this ordinance, have the right to employ such agents, servants and employees in the care, management and control of such cemeteries and of the sale of lots therein, with such powers and responsibilities as to said Board of Park Commissioners may seem necessary and proper, and from time to time may change the same at pleasure, and shall from time to time fix the wages or compensation of such employees. Said Board of Park Commissioners may further adopt such rules and regulations as to the care, management and control of such cemeteries and burying-grounds, and the sale of lots therein, as said board shall deem to be for the proper management of the same, and may alter or amend the same. Such rules and regula¬ tions as may from time to time be adopted, altered or amended by said board shall, after publication in accordance with the ordi¬ nances in reference to City advertising, have the force of City ordinances. Sec. 4. All proceeds of the sale of any and all lots in said City cemeteries and burying-grounds shall, on receipt of the same, be transmitted to the City treasurer, who shall not cover the same into the City funds, but shall deposit the same in such bank or banks, trust company or trust companies as may be designated by the Board of Finance, to be held and retained by such bank or banks, trust company or trust companies as a separate City fund to be known as the “ cemetery fund.” Sec. 5. The income of such cemetery fund as the same accrues shall be placed by the City treasurer at the disposal of said Board of Park Commissioners in addition to such amounts as from time to time may be appropriated therefor by the Court of Common Council, to be expended by said Board of Park Commissioners, if it deems necessary or proper, in the care, management and control of such cemeteries and burying-grounds and the improvement of the same. Said income of such cemetery fund, together with all amounts appro¬ priated by the Court of Common Council as aforesaid, shall be ORDINANCES 1003 deemed park funds, limited in their expenditure for the uses and purposes of the City cemeteries and burying-grounds under the provisions hereof, and shall be paid out by the City treasurer upon warrants signed by at least three members of the said Board of Park Commissioners. Sec. 6. All income accruing from such fund and not so drawn by said Board of Park Commissioners for the purposes as above set forth shall, at the close of the fiscal year, be added to the principal of said cemetery fund and thereafter held by the City treasurer and such depositaries as and for such principal. Sec. 7. Said Board of Park Commissioners shall be limited in expenditures in carrying out the powers and duties imposed upon said board by this ordinance to such amounts as from time to time may be appropriated therefor by the Court of Common Council, but such limitation shall not be deemed to prohibit the expenditure by said board of such additional amount or amounts as shall accrue as income from said cemetery fund. Sec. 8. All ordinances, resolutions or parts thereof hereto¬ fore passed by the Court of Common Council in reference to said cemeteries and burying-grounds are hereby repealed. Sec. 9. This ordinance shall take effect April 1, 1908. Approved, Feb. 25, 1908. AN ORDINANCE TO CARRY INTO EFFECT THE REVISED ORDINANCES. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section 1. The revised ordinances reported to this court on the 10th day of February, 1908, by the Ordinance Committee, together with all ordinances passed by this court since the first day of October, 1907, and this ordinance, shall constitute the general ordinances of the City of Hartford, and shall be and become operative on the first day of March, 1908, and shall on said first day of March, 1908, together with any ordinances that may be approved between said 10th day of February, 1908, and said first, day of March, 1908, and with all ordinances passed by this court ioo4 MUNICIPAL REGISTER since the first day of October, 1907, be the ordinances of the City, and all other ordinances or parts of ordinances shall be there¬ after repealed. Sec. 2. The said repeal shall not impair or affect any rights, privileges, immunities, or offices vested in the City of Hartford, or in any of its officers, or in any person or body corporate, and all matters, civil or criminal, commenced by virtue of the ordi¬ nances repealed as aforesaid, and pending unfinished, may be prosecuted to final effect in the same manner as if this ordinance had not been passed, and no ordinance which has been heretofore repealed shall be revived by the repeal mentioned in this ordinance. Sec. 3. No offense committed and no penalty or forfeiture incurred under any of the ordinances hereby repealed, before the time when said repeal shall take effect, shall be affected by said repeal, except that when any penalty, punishment or forfeiture shall have been mitigated by the provisions of the revision, such provisions shall be extended to any judgment to be pronounced under said repeal. Sec. 4. The rules of construction set out in section one of the general statutes of Connecticut are hereby made binding upon said revision. Approved, Feb. 25, 1908. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO SCHOOL OFFICERS. Be it ordained by the Coart of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section 66 of the revised ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows: School officers: Superintendent of schools, $2,000 per year; truant officer, $1,100 per year. Approved, March 24, 1908. ORDINANCES 1005 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO A PERMANENT FORCE OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. The number of permanent substitutes of the fire department shall hereafter consist of fifteen. Sec. 2. The force at engine companies Nos. 5, 6, 7, 8, and 12 shall hereafter consist of the following members, who shall be permanent men: One foreman, who shall also be a pipeman; one engineer, one stoker, one engine driver, one hose driver, three hosemen, their salaries to be in accordance with existing ordinances. Sec. 3. The force at chemical engine companies Nos. 9, 10, 11 shall consist of one foreman, one driver, one assistant driver, one pipeman, the salary of the foreman to be at the rate of twelve hundred dollars per annum. Sec. 4. This ordinance shall take effect October 1, 1908. Sec. 5. All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Approved, March 24, 1908. AN ORDINANCE RELATING, TO MOVING PICTURE MACHINES. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. That section 378 of the revised ordinances of the City of Hartford be and the same is hereby amended by the addi¬ tion of the following at the end of said section: No moving pic¬ ture machine shall be operated in the City of Hartford unless such machine is enclosed in a metal booth that has theretofore received the approval of the building inspector. No operator shall operate such machine until said operator has received a written permit from such building inspector.” Approved, March 24, 1908. ioo6 MUNICIPAL REGISTER AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO NOISE NUISANCE. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. Paragraph 441 of the revised ordinances of the City of Hartford is hereby amended by the addition of the fol¬ lowing clauses: “ The use or operation of a siren within the City limits. “ The use or operation of a whistle, horn, bell or other instru¬ ment on the streets of the City in such manner that excessive and offensive noise or noises are produced.” Approved, March 24, 1908. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ICE, Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. Every person, firm or corporation who, as a busi¬ ness, sell and deliver ice by weight within the City limits, shall provide scales for each wagon used by such person, firm or cor¬ poration in the delivery of such ice. Sec. 2. All persons having charge of the delivery of ice from a vehicle belonging to such person, firm or corporation shall, upon the request of a purchaser of ice from him or from such person, firm or corporation, weigh the same upon such scales when it is delivered. Sec. 3. Any person, firm or corporation violating the forego¬ ing sections shall be fined not less than one dollar nor more than fifty dollars for each offense. Approved, March 24, 1908. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO POLICE DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. The police department shall consist of one chief- of-police, one captain, one lieutenant, five detective-sergeants, who ORDINANCES 1007 shall perform general detective service, not more than six ser¬ geants, one of whom, under the direction of the mayor, may be assigned as inspector of licenses and public vehicles, one police matron, one hundred and five regular policemen, three drivers, and not more than one hundred supernumerary policemen, any of whom may be called into regular service by the chief-of-police whenever in the opinion of the Police Board their services may be necessary. Hereafter all appointments as regular policemen shall be from the supernumerary force. No supernumerary policeman shall be appinted to the permanent force until he has performed active service for at least six months. Sec. 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Approved, March 24, 1908. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CITY SCALE. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. That section twenty-three of the revised City ordinances be amended by the addition of the following, viz.: A City weigher, duly qualified as hereinbefore specified, shall be employed each year by the sealer of weights and measures at a salary of not more than six hundred dollars a year, who shall be in attendance at the City scales between the hours of 8 a. m. and 12 m. and 1 p. m. and 6 p. m. each day, except Sundays and legal holidays, whose duty it shall be to weigh loads or burdens of any kind which shall be brought to him for weighing, upon tender to him of fee as hereinafter set forth, and who shall give a certifi¬ cate of the weight of same signed by him as a City weigher. Said fee shall be fifteen cents for weighing each and every load weighed by him on such scale, and the same shall be paid by him over to the City treasurer at least once each week. No charge shall be made for weighing a wagon or conveyance empty and separately for the purpose of determining the actual weight of the goods contained in such wagon or conveyance. ioo8 MUNICIPAL REGISTER If requested by the purchaser of any article of merchandise sold by weight, excepting coal, the same shall be weighed on said City scales or on other scales hereafter acquired by the City for like purposes; provided, however, that such articles exceed in weight one hundred pounds, and the fees payable to said City weigher for such services shall be in all cases paid by the seller unless otherwise agreed between the parties. Approved, March 24, 1908. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE SALARY OF THE MAYOR’S STENOGRAPHER. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: From and after June 15, 1908, the salary of the Mayor’s sten¬ ographer shall be at the rate of $600 per annum. Approved, May 26, 1908. AN AMENDMENT TO THE CITY ORDINANCES RELATING TO THE SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section 29 of the revised ordinances is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following words: “ Provided that whenever it is practicable for the sealer of weights and measures to rectify any such weight so that it shall conform to the author¬ ized standards, he may do so, at the request of the owner, charging a fee of five (5) cents for each weight so rectified, and he shall keep an account of all fees so collected and pay the same monthly to the City treasurer.” Approved, July 14, 1908. ORDINANCES 1009 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PAY FOR CLERK HIRE IN BUILDING inspector’s DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That the second clause of Section 62, Chapter 5, of the revised ordinances of the City of Hartford is hereby amended so as to read as follows: “ Clerk hire, so much as is actually expended of $600.00 per year.” Approved, August 11, 1908. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO CAPTAINS AND LIEUTENANTS IN THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section 1. Hereafter the foreman of each company in the fire department shall be known and designated as captain. Sec. 2. On and after October 1, 1908, the Board of Tire Commissioners shall appoint from the permanent force of the fire department a lieutenant for each company, who shall act in place of and perform the duties of the captain in his absence. Sec. 3. Nothing herein shall be construed to authorize any increase in the number of employes in any company. Sec. 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Approved, September 15, 1908. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE SALARY OF LIEUTENANTS IN FIRE DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: From and after April 1, 1909, the salary of the lieutenant of each fire company shall be $50 per annum in addition to his sal¬ ary as regular fireman, and the total salary of a lieutenant shall not exceed $1,050 per annum. Approved, September 29, 1908. 1010 MUNICIPAL REGISTER AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO SECOND DEPUTY CHIEF IN FIRE DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. From and after October 15, 1908, the office of third deputy chief in the fire department is abolished. Sec. 2. From and after October 15, 1908, the second deputy chief shall be a permanent man. Sec. 3. From and after October 15, 1908, the salary of the second deputy chief shall be at the rate of not more than $1,300 per annum. Sec. 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Approved, September 29, 1908. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO KILLING ANIMALS ON STREETS. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section 441 of the revised ordinances is hereby amended by adding thereto the following: Depositing the body of any dead animal in any street or high¬ way in the city or killing any animal in such street or highway except in case of mercy or necessity. Approved, September 29, 1908. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING SCATTERING MANURE, ETC., UPON STREETS. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section 441 of the revised ordinances is hereby amended by adding thereto the following: Carting manure, soil or other material through the streets of this City in such a manner as to drop or scatter said manure, soil or other material upon said streets. Approved, November 24, 1908. ORDINANCES IOII AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING PAYMENT OF FIREMEN FOR INJURIES RECEIVED IN COURSE OF DUTY. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. Section 184 of the revised ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows: “ The necessary expenses hereafter incurred by any member of the fire department in being treated for injuries sustained while in the actual performance of duty shall be paid by the City of Hartford out of the general appropriation for the department as hereinafter provided. The Board of Fire Commissioners may recommend the payment of such expenses and upon such recom¬ mendation by said Board the Court of Common Council may order the controller to draw his order upon the treasurer for the amount so recommended.” Sec. 2. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Approved, December 15, 1908. AN AMENDMENT TO THE ORDINANCES OF THE CITY OF HARTFORD RELATING TO THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section 173 of the revised ordinances of the City of Hartford is hereby amended to read as follows: “ Section 173. FIRE COMPANIES. There shall be the following fire companies: Engine companies Nos. 1, 2, 5, 6, 7, 8 and 12, seven steam fire engine companies, each consisting of the following employees: one captain, one lieutenant, who shall both be pipemen, one engineer, one stoker, one engine driver, one hose driver, and two hosemen. Engine companies Nos. 3 and 4, two self-propelling fire engine companies, each consisting of the following employees: one cap¬ tain, one lieutenant, who shall both be pipemen, one engineer, one stoker, one tillerman, one hose driver and three hosemen. 1012 MUNICIPAL REGISTER Chemical companies Nos. 9, 10, 11 and 15, each consisting of the following employees: one captain, one lieutenant, who shall both be pipemen, one driver and one assistant driver. Engine and truck company No. 14, consisting of one captain, who shall be a pipeman, one lieutenant, who shall be a ladderman, one engineer, one stoker, one engine driver, one hose driver, one truck driver, two hosemen and three laddermen. One truck company, consisting of the following employes: one captain, one lieutenant, two drivers, one assistant driver, two tillermen and eight laddermen.” This ordinance shall take effect from April 1, 1909. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Approved, February 9, 1909. AN AMENDMENT TO THE ORDINANCES CONCERNING THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. The ordinance “ Concerning the Police Depart¬ ment ” approved, March 24, 1908, is hereby amended by striking out the words “ One hundred and five regular policemen ” in the fifth line thereof and inserting in place thereof the words “ one hundred and ten regular policemen.” Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect April 1, 1909. Approved, February 24, 1909. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING PAY OF ASSISTANT CLERK OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: From and after the 1st of April, 1909, the salary of the assist¬ ant clerk of the Board of Health shall be thirteen hundred and fifty dollars ($1,350) per year. Approved, February 24, 1909. ORDINANCES 1013 AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING ROLLER SKATING ON THE STREETS. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That Section 441 of the revised ordinances relating to nui¬ sances be and it is hereby amended by adding at the end thereof the following: Roller skating on the streets of the City, except on the sidewalks. Approved, May 11, 1909. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CONCERNING SALARIES OF EMPLOYEES IN THE CHARITY DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section 61 of the revised ordinances concerning the charity department is hereby amended by striking out the words and fig¬ ures in the twelfth and thirteenth lines thereof “ eleven thousand two hundred dollars ($11,200) ” and inserting in place thereof the words and figures “ twelve thousand five hundred dollars ($12,500).” Approved, May 25, 1909. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE HEIGHT OF FRUIT AND VEGETABLE STANDS. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section 1. No person shall sell or offer for sale or exhibit any vegetables, meats, fruit or confectionery, or any other article to be used for food, on the sidewalk or in front of the place of business where such articles are sold, offered for sale, or exhibited, unless said articles are placed upon a stand at least two feet high. Sec. 2. Any person violating the provisions of Section 1 hereof shall be deemed guilty of an act of nuisance and shall be ioi4 MUNICIPAL REGISTER liable to the penalties therefor provided in Section 279 of the revised ordinances. Approved, August 10, 1909. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE STORAGE OF MANURE. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. Every person owning, leasing or occupying any stall, shed or barn within one and one-half miles of the City Hall wherein any horse or neat cattle shall be kept shall place all manure and refuse from such horse or cattle in covered recep¬ tacles satisfactory to the superintendent of health. Sec. 2. No collection of stable manure shall be allowed to remain for a longer period than five days from May 1 to November 1, except upon such terms and under such conditions as the superintendent of health may prescribe. Sec. 3. The violation of any provision of this ordinance shall be deemed an act of nuisance and shall be subject to the penalties prescribed in Section 279 of the revised ordinances. Approved, August 10, 1909. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING SALARIES IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section 1. That Section 57 of the revised ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows: 1. Clerk of the Board of Police Commissioners, . $250 Chief of police, ....... 2,500 Captain, ......... 2,000 Lieutenant, ........ 1,600 Chief of detectives, ....... L 5 °° Each detective-sergeant, ...... 1,400 Each sergeant, ........ 1,200 Matron, ......... 480 ORDINANCES 1015 2. The policemen of the regular force shall be divided into three grades. All policemen shall serve the first two years after appointment in the third grade, the next succeeding three years in the second grade, and after five years in the first grade. 3. The pay of policemen of the regular force shall be at the following rates: First grade, $3.25 per day of actual service. Second grade, $3.00 per day of actual service. Third grade, $2.75 per day of actual service. Such regular policemen as may be included in the third grade by term of service, but who were appointed to the regular force from supernumeraries appointed prior to March 29, 1898, or from the first thirteen supernumeraries appointed after said date, shall continue to receive compensation at the rate fixed by the present ordinance during their term of service in the third grade. 4. The pay of supernumerary policemen shall be $2.50 per day while acting in the place of, or performing the duties of a regular policeman, and no allowance shall be made for any extra time of service during any day of twenty-four hours. This shall not affect the first thirteen supernumeraries appointed after March 29, 1898, nor supernumeraries appointed before that date. 5. In addition to the foregoing compensation there may be made to any police officer an allowance for his uniform damaged while on duty, upon the recommendation and approval of th^ Board of Police Commissioners. Sec. II. Section 198 of the revised ordinances is hereby amended so as to read: No. 198. Leave of Absence. Each member of the regular force of policemen shall hereafter have a leave of absence of twelve days in each year without loss of pay. The days are to be selected by the policemen with the consent of the Board of Police Commissioners. Sec. III. Section 199 of the revised ordinances is hereby repealed. Sec. IV. Section 200 of the revised ordinances is hereby amended so as to read: ioi6 MUNICIPAL REGISTER No. 200. Leave of Absence for Supernumerary Policemen. The Board of Police Commissioners is hereby authorized to grant to supernumerary policemen of the City of Hartford who are doing regular police duty, leave of absence without loss of pay at the rate of one day’s leave of absence per month, while so employed. Nothing in this section, however, shall be deemed to authorize such grant unless such supernumerary policeman is assigned to perform and is performing regular police duty for a continuous period of at least one calendar month. Sec. V. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. VI. This ordinance shall take effect from and after April i, 1910. Approved, August 10, 1909. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PAY OF CLERK OF CHARITY DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That the sixth line of Section 61 of the revised ordinances relating to salaries in the Charity department is amended so as to read as follows: “ Clerk, $1,800.00 per year.” Approved, September 28, 1909. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE DISTRIBUTION OF DRUGS, ETC. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That any person who shall distribute or give away any bottle, box, envelope or package containing any liquid, medicine, pill, powder, tablet or other article which contains a drug or poison in any street or highway or from house to house shall be fined not more than fifty dollars for each offense. Approved, December 14, 1909. ORDINANCES 1017 AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE INTERRUPTION OF PASSAGE ALONG SIDEWALKS. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That the owner of property before which vehicles are fre¬ quently unloaded by means of skids laid across the sidewalk in front of said property so that free passage aloftg said sidewalk is interrupted shall be required to furnish and put in place steps over said skids. Failure to furnish and place in position said steps shall constitute a public nuisance and be subject to the pen¬ alties provided in the ordinance concerning nuisances relating to highways. Approved, December 14, 1909. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING OPENINGS IN STREETS AND SIDEWALKS. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. No person or persons, firm or corporation, access to a portion of whose property is had through an opening in the sidewalks or streets of this city, shall uncover said opening until a suitable cage or guard is placed around said opening. Sec. 2. Any person or persons, firm or corporation who shall violate any provision of Section 1 hereof shall be fined not more than $50 for each offense. Approved, December 28, 1909. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE POWERS OF THE SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. The sealer of weights and measures may, at such reasonable times as he shall see fit, intercept in the process of ioi8 MUNICIPAL REGISTER delivery from the seller to the buyer goods sold by weight or measure or, in cases where goods are exposed for sale in pack¬ ages or parcels represented as being of a certain weight or meas¬ ure, take up and weigh or measure such goods, and it shall be his duty to report to the prosecuting attorney any instances where the goods are sold or exposed for sale as being of greater weight, measure or quantity than such goods do in fact weigh or measure. Sec. 2. It shall be lawful for said sealer of weights and measures to enter any store, house, building, yard or other enclo¬ sure in this city where goods are sold by weight or measure or offered for sale in packages or parcels represented to be of a cer¬ tain weight or measure for the purposes specified in Section i hereof. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall not apply to the sale of milk. Sec. 4. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Approved, January 25, 1910. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section 173 of the revised ordinances, as amended, and Sec¬ tion 177 are hereby amended to read as follows: Section 173. FIRE COMPANIES. Each fire company shall have one captain, one lieutenant and such other regular employees as may be assigned to it by the Board of Fire Commissioners, the total number of all such officers and other regular employees in said companies not to exceed 140, including one engineer for each steam fire engine company. Section 177. EQUIPMENT AND ORGANIZATION OF FIRE COMPANIES. The several fire companies shall be located, organized and equipped as the Board of Fire Commis¬ sioners shall designate. Approved, January 25, 1910. ORDINANCES IOI9 RULES OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH REGARDING THE PLUMBING AND DRAINAGE OF NEW HOUSES, AND HOUSES ALREADY BUILT, WHENEVER MATERIAL ALTERATIONS ARE TO BE MADE. After April 1, 1910, the plumbing and drainage of all new houses and of houses already built, when material alterations are made, must be constructed in accordance with the following specifications. SPECIFICATIONS. Section 1. Every plumber, before doing any work in or upon any building, shall, except in the case of the repair of leaks, file at the office of the Board of Health upon blanks to be pro¬ vided for the purpose, a notice and description of the work to be performed, and no plumber shall start any work until he has obtained from the Board of Health a permit to do the same. DRAINS. Sec. 2. All houses and other buildings on premises abutting on a street in which there is a sewer, shall be connected with said sewer by the owner or agent of the premises. Each house must be separately connected with the sewer, and when possible the connection must be dilectly in the front of the house or premises. The plumbing and drainage system, including rain leaders of every building, shall be entirely separate from that of any other, except where there are two buildings on one lot, one in the rear of the other. If there is no sewer in the alley to which the rear building can connect, the sewer of the first building may be extended to serve such rear building. Sec. 3. All material must be of good quality and free from defects. All work must be executed in a thorough and workman¬ like manner. Sec. 4. All horizontal house drains within, and to a distance of six feet outside the walls of buildings, shall be of extra heavy cast iron pipe, thoroughly tarred, at least four inches in diameter 1020 MUNICIPAL REGISTER for the main drain, or of such larger size as the plumbing inspec¬ tor may direct, and not less than three inches in diameter for sinks, trays, or other fixtures, with tight caulked, leaded joints, and shall be located so as to be readily accessible for inspection. The house drain within the building shall be securely hung on the cellar wall or the cellar ceiling, unless this is impracticable, in which case it must be laid in a trench- of uniform grade. The house drain shall have a fall of at least one-quarter of an inch to the foot, and more if possible. CLEANOUTS AND TRAPS. Sec. 5. No special connections, cleanouts, traps or fittings shall be used without first being approved by the Board of Health. Cleanout plugs and ferrules shall be of extra heavy brass and shall be placed at every right angle turn in the drain. All traps shall be provided with suitable accessible openings for cleaning purposes and all such openings shall be exposed to view. Sec. 6. A running trap may be placed on the house drain at an accessible point near the house wall. It may be just inside or outside of the wall. This trap must be furnished with openings on the house side and street side of the trap, having brass clean¬ out plug caulked into same, and brought near the surface for convenience in cleaning. Sec. 7. The trap on the main drain shall have an air inlet of iron pipe, not less than four inches in diameter, where the drain is six inches or less in diameter, entering on the house side of the trap and leading to the outer air, opening at some place not less than ten feet from the nearest window or opening into the building, and not less than fifteen feet from any ventilator, or air box, and shall also be provided with a cleanout on the street side of the trap which shall be brought to the surface of the ground. SURFACE DRAINAGE. t Sec. 8 . Every cellar not provided with a cellar drainer shall have a deep seal trap for surface drainage provided with a brass cleanout plug caulked into the inlet of same, and a brass flap or ORDINANCES 1021 back-water valve on the house side of the trap, which must be located where it will be accessible at all times. The trap must be set level so as to maintain a full seal of water, and so arranged that the surface of the water in the trap shall not be lower than the inlet to the trap. Surface drains must never be connected directly with the trap, but shall enter an open well that shall be built around the trap. Sec. 9. Cellars and foundation walls must be rendered impervious to dampness, and subsoil drains must be provided when necessary. SOIL AND WASTE PIPES. Sec. 10. Every vertical soil and main waste pipe must be of “ extra heavy ” tarred iron pipe, and must extend of full size through and above the roof, at least two feet, except in case of flat roofs, when it must extend at least six feet above the roof. When waste pipes are less than four inches in diameter they must be increased to that size from a point twenty inches below the roof. No cap or cowl shall be put upon the top of such ventilation pipe, but a strong wire basket may be securely fastened to it. All roof flanges must be made of sheet lead or copper, subject to the approval of the plumbing inspector. Each length of the soil or waste pipe must be securely fas¬ tened, and each vertical line of pipe must rest at its base on a proper foundation to prevent settling. All joints in cast iron drain, soil, waste and vent pipes must be so filled with oakum and molten lead, and caulked, as to make them water and air tight, and no joint shall be painted until tested by the inspector of plumbing. Where screw joints are used the fittings shall be recessed drainage fittings the joints to be made up in red lead and made tight, the same as cast iron pipe. Galvanized, malleable or cast iron steam fittings may be used for ventilation. Sec. 11. All changes in direction in iron pipes shall be made with curved pipes, and all connections with Y branches and one- sixteenth or one-eighth bends, if possible. The canting of pipes is prohibited. 1022 MUNICIPAL REGISTER Double Y’s, T Y’s or cross T’s shall not be used on horizontal drains. Long single T Y’s with branch equal in length to that of a Y and forty-five degree bend may be used. Double Y’s and T Y’s and short T Y’s may be used only on vertical pipes. T’s may be used only for vents. Sec. 12. All soil pipes must be at least four inches in diam¬ eter. A waste pipe receiving the discharge from more than six fixtures must be at least three inches in diameter and shall have a two-inch branch. Sec. 13. All iron pipe must be sound, free from holes, cracks or defects, and of grade known in commerce as “extra heavy ” except above all fixtures where “ Standard ” pipe may be used. The following weights per lineal foot will be accepted: 2 inches 5 pounds per foot. 3 inches 9)^ pounds per foot. 4 inches 13 pounds per foot. 5 inches 17 pounds per foot. 6 inches 20 pounds per foot. All fittings used in connecting iron pipe shall correspond with it in weight and quality. Sec. 14. All drain, soil, waste, vent and supply pipes shall be as straight, direct and concentrated as possible, and so placed as to be readily accessible for inspection. When necessarily placed within partitions or recesses in walls they must never be covered except with wood work fastened with screws, and so arranged as to be readily removed. Sec. 15. Wrought iron hangers (double hangers) one-half inch in diameter will be required for five- and six-inch pipe, three- eighths inch for three- and four-inch pipe, and one-quarter inch for two-inch pipe. Hangers, clamps, or suitable brick piers must be placed at intervals of seven and one-half feet. Sec. 16. All connections of lead with iron pipes must be made with a brass sleeve or ferrule of the proper size, put in the hub of the iron pipe, and caulked with oakum and lead. The lead pipe must be connected to the brass by a wiped joint. ORDINANCES 1023 VENTILATION. Sec. i 7. All traps must be protected from syphonage or back air pressure by a vertical air pipe of cast or galvanized iron, in no case less than two inches in diameter for one, two, or three water closets, and not less than three inches in diameter for more than three water closets. Sec. 18. The vent pipes for four sets of fixtures, such as sinks and wash trays, or wash bowls and bath tubs, shall be not less than one and one-half inches in diameter, and for more than four fixtures the pipe shall be two inches in diameter. Sec. 19. In case of fixtures located at a distance of eight feet from the main line of vent pipe, a separate line of vent pipe in no case less than two inches in diameter for water closet traps, and one-half inch in diameter for other traps, shall be used. These vent pipes must be increased to four inches before going through the roof. Sec. 20. When more than thirty feet of vent pipe is used, it must be increased to at least one size larger pipe. Sec. 21. The diameter of vent connection for traps shall be not less than the waste pipes they serve, except water closet vents which shall be not less than two inches, and which shall be taken from near the top of the bend between the water closet and the entrance of the bath or other waste, and as near to the water closet as practicable. Sec. 22. Vents for other traps shall be taken from near the crown or from the top of the waste pipe near the trap, but in no case from inside of the crown of the trap. Sec. 23. Vent connections shall be made so as to conform with the flow of water. Where T’s or T Y’s are used they shall be installed so as to conform to the flow of the air. Continuous vents may be used only on wash bowls, unless special permission is given in writing by the Board of Health. Sec. 24. Bowing of vent pipes shall not be allowed. Sec. 25. Rubber vent couplings and brass vent couplings for lead and iron pipe will not be allowed under any circumstances. 1024 MUNICIPAL REGISTER LEADERS. Sec. 26. Rain water leaders must never be used as soil, waste or vent pipes, nor shall any soil, waste, or vent pipes be used as a leader. Sec. 27. All leaders which are carried up within the walls of a building must be of extra heavy tarred cast or extra heavy galvanized iron and shall be connected with the roof by a heavy lead or copper spout which must not be put in until a heavy brass ferrule or soldering nipple be connected to the same by a wiped or heavy soldered joint and properly connected to the iron pipe. Slip joint on these connections will not be allowed. Sec. 28. All roof leaders shall be properly trapped below the frost line as near the main drain as practicable, and shall be provided with openings having heavy brass ferrules caulked into the same for cleaning purposes. Sec. 29. All leader drains from above the ground to the distance of six feet from the outside of the cellar walls of the building shall be of extra heavy cast iron pipe, and shall not be buried until after inspection by the Board of Health. STEAM EXHAUST. Sec. 30. No steam exhaust, blowoff, or drip pipe from a steam boiler shall connect with the sewer, or with any drain or soil or waste pipe. Such pipes must discharge into a tank or condenser from which a suitable outlet to the drain may be provided. No overflow from an expansion tank for hot water heater shall connect with any drainage system, unless a suitable tapped fitting be provided for such connections. Sec. 31. When lead pipes are used to connect fixtures with soil, waste, or vent pipes, it must not be lighter than the size specified below: 1 % inch in diameter 2^> lbs. per foot. ij4 inch in diameter y / 2 lbs. per foot. 2 inch in diameter 4^4 lbs. per foot. 3 inch in diameter 6 lbs. per foot. 4 inch in diameter 8 lbs. per foot. ORDINANCES 1025 Sec. 32. Lead traps and bends must be of the same weight per running foot as the lead pipe of corresponding size. Lead waste pipes shall not exceed six feet in length. Waste pipes over six feet shall be of iron. Sec. 33. The waste pipes from all fixtures must be separately and effectively trapped. Traps must be placed as near the fixtures as practicable, and in no case shall the trap be more than two feet from the fixture. Each bath tub must be fitted with a four-inch pot trap having a one and three-fourth-inch seal. When a wash tray and kitchen sink are on the same waste pipe, they may be trapped together, but the outlet must not be less than two inches in diameter. A suitable grease trap must be placed under the sink of every hotel, restaurant, eating house, or other cooking establishment. Sec. 34. Waste pipes from refrigerators, from safes under fixtures, or overflow from house tanks, shall in no case be directly connected with any soil or waste pipe, or with any drain or sewer. Sec. 35. A lead pipe from two fixtures, such as sink and wash trays, or wash bowl and bath tub, shall not be less than one and one-half inches in diameter. The following sizes of lead pipes and traps shall be: water closets, four inches; slop sinks, three inches; urinals, two inches; bath tubs, one and one-half inches; basins, one and one-half inches. Sec. 36. All vertical waste pipes shall be of iron. Sec. 37. All connections of lead supply, waste, vent, or flush pipes shall be made by means of wiped joints, and shall be sup¬ ported their entire length by means of lead tacks, or clips screwed to boards provided for the purpose. WATER CLOSETS. Sec. 38. Water closets must never be placed in a cellar or in an unventilated apartment. Each room or compartment must be of such size as to give at least two feet in front of the closet, and if containing a bath tub at least eighteen inches clear space in front of the tub for its entire length. It must be well lighted and ventilated to the outer air by a window of at least three square feet in area, and so arranged as to give a free opening of this size when open, or be separately ventilated by means of an 1026 MUNICIPAL REGISTER approved shaft or air duct. In the latter case a suitable fixed window of at least twelve square feet in area shall be provided in the enclosing partitions, suitably arranged to admit the natural light from the adjoining room. When such room or compart¬ ment is located in or closely adjacent to a room used as a dwell¬ ing, bake shop, market, provision store, or in any case in which escaping odors would cause a nuisance, all partitions must be made tight with lath and plaster or by such other method as may be approved by the plumbing inspector. Closets and urinals when intended for public use shall be local vented into a hot flue, or if such flue is not available, a suitable exhaust fan shall be provided. Lead waste connections from urinals shall in no case be less than two inches in diameter. All water closets must be connected by a floor flange and gas¬ ket and must be leaded. Putty connections cannot be used.. Sec. 39. Pan-closets and iron hopper and plunger closets are prohibited. They will not be allowed under any circumstances and wherever removed shall not be replaced. Offset washout water closets shall not be placed in a new building, nor shall they take the place of another closet without a special permit from the Board of Health. Sec. 40. All water closets must be supplied with an abund¬ ant flow of water for flushing, and where practicable from a tank. VAULTS AND CESSPOOLS. Sec. 41. When there is no sewer provided in the street, the privy vault shall be at least six feet deep, of the length and width of the privy building. The walls shall be of brick or stone, laid with a full joint of cement mortar; the bottom shall be covered with brick or stone, laid in cement mortar, and the whole interior of the vault shall be plastered with same, so as to be perfectly tight when completed. All privy vaults shall be at least fifty feet from a street or well and fifty feet from a house. Sec. 42. A cesspool shall be provided and built in the same manner and of the same materials as described for privy vaults, except that an overflow shall be provided that may enter tiles laid under ground with open joints permitting liquids to permeate the ORDINANCES 1027 land, provided there is no well within fifty feet of same. The cesspool shall be provided with a ventilated top and covered with a suitable opening for cleaning same. Connections with cesspool shall be made in the same manner as connections to street sewer. TESTS. Sec. 43. The entire system of plumbing, including lead con¬ nections and drains within the building, must be tested by filling the whole system with water, and having it remain filled for at least twenty-four hours. Sec. 44. When the plumbing is found to stand the test for the time specified, notice shall be given to the Board of Health, whose inspector shall within a reasonable time proceed to inspect same, and approve or reject it. Sec. 45. Any such system put in and covered before it has been tested and approved by the inspector, must be uncovered for examination at the direction of said officer. Sec. 46. When the entire work is completed and before it is used, it must be tested with peppermint or some other practical test in the presence of the plumbing inspector, and upon satisfac¬ tory completion of said work, the Board of Health shall issue a certificate of approval. Sec. 47. Whenever any changes are made in the plumbing or drainage of houses already erected, all new work must be done in accordance with the preceding rules. Sec. 48. Deviations and variations from these rules will be allowed when desired, if, in the opinion of the Board, they will not be, or are not liable to become a source of danger to the public health. Approved, January 25, 1910. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE LICENSING OF PLUMBERS. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council: That Section 296 of the revised ordinances be amended to read as follows: The Board of Health shall issue licenses to plumbers as here¬ inafter provided and shall keep a record of all licenses so issued. 1028 MUNICIPAL REGISTER Every plumber carrying on his trade in the City of Hartford must, on or before the first day of April, 1910, apply to the Board of Health for a license as a plumber, and shall, before receiving such license, be examined as to his qualifications as a plumber, in accordance with such rules and regulations as the Board of Health may prescribe. Every master plumber, while engaged in the plumbing business in the City of Hartford, who is not himself a licensed plumber, shall, after the first day of April, 1910, have in his employ at least one licensed plumber. Every master plumber shall display in a prominent and conspicu¬ ous place in his place of business his own license, or if he is not himself a licensed plumber, the license of at least one of the licensed plumbers who may at that time be in his actual employ, and shall not so display any license, other than his own, unless the plumber holding said license is actually working for him. Approved, March 1, 1910. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING SALARIES OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council: Section 1. That Section 57 of the revised ordinances of the City of Hartford, as amended by “ An Ordinance Concerning Salaries in the Police Department,” passed August 9, 1909, and approved August 10, 1909, be, and the same hereby is further amended, by striking out the words “ Each Sergeant,” the figures “ $1,200.00 ” and inserting in lieu thereof the figures “ $1,300.00.” Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect from and after April 1, 1910. Approved, February 15, 1910. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE SALE OF HUMAN FOOD. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: No person shall sell or offer for sale, or have in his possession with intent to sell for human food, in this city, any unwholesome, ORDINANCES 1029 decayed or stale fruit, vegetables or provisions of any kind what¬ soever, or any tainted, diseased, decayed or unwholesome meat, fowl, or fish, or any milk or other liquid used as food or drink by human beings that shall be so contaminated as to be injurious to the public health; or the flesh of any calf which weighed less than fifty pounds when killed and dressed, or which was less than four weeks old when killed. Every person being the owner, lessee or occupant of any rooms, stall, vehicle or place where any meat, fish, birds or fowl, fruit or vegetables, or any breadstufifs, cake, pastry or confec¬ tionery designed or held for human food, shall be stored or kept or shall be ofifered for sale, shall put and keep such room, stall, vehicle or place and its appurtenanes in a clean and wholesome condition; and every person having charge or interested or engaged, whether as principal or agent, in the care or custody of any meat, fish, birds or fowl, fruit or vegetables, or any bread¬ stufifs, cake, pastry or confectionery designed for human food, shall put and keep the same in a cleanly and wholesome condi¬ tion, and shall not allow the same or any part thereof to be poisoned, infected or rendered unsafe or unwholesome for human food. Upon any meat, birds, fowl, fish, fruit, vegetables or any articles of food or drink being found by any member or inspec¬ tor of the Board of Health, in a condition which renders them in his opinion unwholesome and unfit for use as human food, then such inspector or member of the Board of Health may forbid the same being ofifered or exposed for sale, or being sold for human food, until the owner or party in charge, or other proper person has obtained the consent of the Superintendent of Health to their being so ofifered, used or sold. And thereupon if the Superin¬ tendent of Health shall have approved the judgment of the said inspector or member of the Board of Health, said officer may order said articles destroyed or may permit the owner or any party in charge, to speedily remove such articles from any mar¬ ket, street or public place, but not to sell or dispose or offer to sell or dispose thereof for the purpose of human food. Any person violating the provisions of this ordinance, or dis¬ posing of any condemned article without permission of the Super- I0 3° MUNICIPAL REGISTER intendent or an inspector of the Board of Health, shall, upon conviction, be fined not more than fifty dollars for each offense. Section No. 288 of the revised ordinances of the City of Hartford is hereby repealed. Approved, March 1, 1910. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO SALARIES IN THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: On and after April 1, 1910, the salaries of the following mem¬ bers of the Fire Department shall be: Second deputy chief of the Fire Department, not more than $1,500 per annum. Electrical inspector, not more than $1,800 per annum. Assistant electrical inspector, not more than $1,200 per annum. Lineman, not more than $1,050 per annum. All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Approved, March 1, 1910. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. The Police Department shall consist of one chief- of-police, one captain, one lieutenant, five detective-sergeants, who shall perform general detective service, not more than ten sergeants, one of whom, under the direction of the Mayor, may be assigned as inspector of licenses and public vehicles, one police matron, one hundred and sixteen regular policemen, three drivers, and not more than one hundred supernumerary policemen, any of whom may be called into regular service by the chief-of-police ORDINANCES IO 3 I whenever in the opinion of the Police Board their services may be necessary. Hereafter all appointments as regular policemen shall be from the supernumerary force. No supernumerary policeman shall be appointed to the permanent force until he has performed active service for at least six months. Sec. 2. All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 3. This ordinance shall take effect from and after May 1, 1910. Approved, March 1, 1910. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE EMPLOYMENT OF MEDICAL INSPECTORS OF THE HEALTH DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That the fifth line of Section 60 of the revised ordinances relating to medical inspectors of the Health Department be amended so as to read as follows: “ Four medical inspectors each $600.00 per year.” Approved, May 24, 1910 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO SALARY OF CLERK TO SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That Section 67, page 28, of revised ordinances of 1908, shall be amended to read as follows: Section 67. SEALER OF WEIGHTS AND MEASURES. Sealer of weights and measures, .... $1,200.00 Clerk,. 6oao ° Approved, July 12, 1910. 1032 MUNICIPAL REGISTER AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING CERTAIN FORMS OF ADVERTISING IN THE CITY STREETS. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. No person shall place in or upon, or carry or transport in any manner or by any means, through, along, or upon any public street or sidewalk in the City of Hartford, or cause to be placed in or upon, or to be carried or transported in any manner or by any means through, along, or upon any such public street or sidewalk, any show-board or canvas, placard, sign, or advertising transparency or device of any kind for the purpose of displaying or exhibiting the same; provided, that nothing herein shall be so construed as to prohibit the customary and usual lettering used by business men on their wagons. Sec. 2. Any violation of Section i of this ordinance shall be a misdemeanor and be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars. Approved, October n, 1910. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 299 RELATING TO INSPECTION OF BUILDINGS, AND SECTION 3OI RELATING TO CERTIFI¬ CATES OF APPROVAL OF PLUMBING. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That Sections 299 and 301 of the revised ordinances be amended to read as follows: Section 299. INSPECTION OF BUILDINGS. No build¬ ing intended for human habitation, occupancy or use, shall here¬ after be erected or in any material manner altered or repaired, unless the owner or the person having charge of such erection, alterations or repairs shall first have submitted the plans, specifi¬ cations and details therefor, in so far as the same shall relate to ventilation, light, plumbing and drainage, to the Board of Health, who shall have power to approve, reject or modify such plans, ORDINANCES I0 33 specifications and details, and to issue such written instructions relating to said work as it shall deem proper for the protection of health. Section 301. CERTIFICATE OF APPROVAL. When the plumbing work upon any building requiring inspection and approval as aforesaid shall be completed, the Board of Health shall be notified by the plumber or person in charge, and if on inspection the work shall be found completed to the satisfaction of said Board, it shall issue a written certificate of approval, a copy of which and of all other proceedings in the matter shall be kept on file or recorded, and until such certificate is issued it shall not be lawful for the owner, manager or agent of said property to allow it to be used for human habitation or occupancy. Approved, October 11, 1910. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO STREET SALES BY CHILDREN. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section 412 of the revised ordinances of the City of Hartford is hereby amended so as to read as follows: No child under the age of ten years shall be allowed to sell, offer for sale, or distribute any article of merchandise on the public streets or in any public place within the city. No child between the ages of ten and fourteen years shall be allowed to so sell, offer for sale, or distribute any article of merchandise during the hours in which public schools are in session, or later than eight o’clock in the evening, nor until such child shall have obtained a badge of permit so to do from the Superintendent of Schools. Said license shall be issued without fee and in the dis¬ cretion of said superintendent, under such restrictions as he shall deem expedient, and shall be revocable at his pleasure; provided, however, that no child shall be discriminated against or refused such license solely on the ground of sex. Application for such license shall be made in the child’s behalf by his parent, guardian, or next friend. Approved, November 19, 1910. 1034 MUNICIPAL REGISTER . AN AMENDMENT TO “ AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING SALARIES IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT.” Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That “ An Ordinance Concerning Salaries in the Police Department,” approved August 10, 1909, be amended by adding thereto the following: VII. Injuries in the Performance of Duty. The Board of Police Commissioners is hereby authorized to grant to members of the regular police force and to supernumerary policemen of the City of Hartford, who shall have been injured in the performance of their duties as policemen, full pay for such time as they shall have been so disabled as to be unable to perform police duty, this section to take effect as of May 1, 1910. VIII. Traffic Squad. The Board of Police Commissioners is hereby authorized to assign certain members of the police force, either regular or supernumerary, to be not more than fifteen in number at any one time, for duty on what shall be known as the “ Traffic Squad,” and may in its discretion allow such officers leave of absence without loss of pay, in addition to the leave of absence given by Paragraphs II and IV of said ordinance, pro¬ vided, however, that it shall be unnecessary to assign other offi¬ cers to perform duty in the place of those allowed such additional leave of absence. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE PAY OF THE CITY MARSHAL AND FOR ATTENDANCE IN CITY COURT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That that portion of Section 52 of the revised ordinances of the City of Hartford, relative to pay of City marshal, be amended to read as follows: “ City marshal, $500.00 per year, and $500.00 per year for attendance in the City Court.” This ordinance shall take effect on and after April 1, 1911. Approved, December 28, 1910. ORDINANCES I0 35 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO MESSENGER OF THE CITY COURT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That Section 59 of the revised ordinances of the City of Hartford, Legal and Judicial Department, be amended to read as follows: “ Messenger of the City Court, $500.00 per year.” This ordinance shall take effect on and after April 1, 1911. Approved, December 28, 1910. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO INCREASE OF FORCE OF FIRE DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That Section 173 of the revised ordinances, titled FIRE COM¬ PANIES, be amended to read as follows: “ Each fire company shall have such officers and such other employees as may be assigned to it by the Board of Fire Com¬ missioners, the total number of such officers and other regular employees in said companies not to exceed 147, including one engineer for each steam fire engine company, and no company to have more than one captain or more than one lieutenant.” Approved, December 28, 1910. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ADDITIONAL LINEMAN FOR FIRE AND POLICE TELEGRAPH ALARM SYSTEM. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That the last clause of Section 171 of the revised ordinances is hereby amended to read as follows: “ From and after April 1st, A. D. 1911, there shall be two linemen, who shall assist the electrical inspector and be subject to his orders.” Approved, December 28, 1910. 1036 MUNICIPAL REGISTER AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 54 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1908. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: “ Section 54. STREET DEPARTMENT. President of Board of Street Commissioners, $2,000 for the salaries of the members of the Board, to be divided as they shall direct by vote. “ Clerk of Board of Street Commissioners, not exceeding $2,500 per year. “ Superintendent of Streets, not to exceed $2,500 per year, and suitable transportation.” Approved, February 28, 1911. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 56 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES RELATING TO SALARIES, GRADING, PAY, LOSS OF TIME, LEAVE OF ABSENCE AND VACATION OF MEMBERS OF FIRE DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section I. i. That Section 56 of the revised ordinances be hereby amended to read as follows: Clerk of the Bpard of Fire Commissioners not more than ..... Chief of Fire Department, First deputy chief of Fire Department, Second deputy chief of Fire Department, Electrical inspector, Asst, electrical inspector not more than Linemen not more than $3.00 per day of actual service. Captains, each, actual service, Fieutenants, ...... Engineer and mechanic, .... Engineer, ....... 2. The regular firemen commonly known as privates shall be divided into three grades. All firemen shall serve the first two $1,500 per yr. 2.500 per yr. 1,800 per yr. 1.500 per yr. 1,800 per yr. 1,300 per yr. $3.50 per day 3.10 per day 3.50 per day 345 per day ORDINANCES 1037 years after appointment in the third grade, the next succeeding two years in the second grade, and, after four years, in the first grade. 3. The pay of regular firemen shall be at the following rates: First grade, $3.00 per day of actual service. Second grade, $2.75 per day of actual service. Third grade, $2.50 per day of actual service. Sec. II. The pay of men on the substitute roll of the Fire Department, employed in the place of regular members, or at fires, or on special duty, shall be at the same rate as the third grade privates, viz.: $2.50 per day of actual service. Sec. III. At the discretion of the Board of Fire Commis¬ sioners, allowance may be made for time lost through injury received in the lines of duty, and also allowance of half-pay for time lost by reason of sickness. Sec. IV. That the position of engineer and mechanic be hereby created, which shall include the regular duties of an engi¬ neer, and the person occupying the position shall have charge of the department machine shop. Appointment to this grade shall be optional with the Board of Fire Commissioners. Sec. V. One day’s leave of absence in each ten, and ten days annual vacation, shall be granted to the permanent force of the Hartford Fire Department, such leave and vacation to be without deduction of pay. Sec. VI. All ordinances and parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. VII. This ordinance shall take effect on and after April 1, 1911. Approved, March 14, 1911. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING BILLBOARDS AND BILL-POSTING IN THE CITY OF HARTFORD. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. No person or corporation shall erect or maintain any billboard or outdoor advertising sign of any character what- 1038 MUNICIPAL REGISTER ever upon any land or buildings in the City of Hartford, nor post or display any bill, poster or advertising device of any kind upon any billboard, kiosk, fence, building, tree, or in any public place, without having first obtained the written consent of the owner of such property; and in case such property belongs to the City of Hartford, written permission must be had from the Mayor of said City. Sec. 2. No person or corporation shall post, or display in any public place, any poster, billboard or advertising device of any character without having first secured a license as a bill¬ poster as hereinafter provided ; except that this shall not apply to advertising of any business upon any building where such busi¬ ness is carried on. Sec. 3. (a) Every bill-poster employing one or more men shall secure from the Mayor of the City of Hartford annually an employing bill-poster's license to carry on the business of outdoor advertising, for which a fee of twenty-five dollars ($25.00) shall be paid to the City of Hartford ; such license shall run from Jan¬ uary first of each calendar year. At the time the same is issued such employing bill-poster shall file with the Mayor of the City of Hartford a list of all boards owned or leased by him, giving the location and size of each. ( b ) Every person engaged in the business of bill-posting not an employing bill-poster shall secure annually from the Mayor of the City of Hartford a license to engage in such business, for which the sum of one dollar ($1.00) shall be paid to the City, and for which he shall receive a badge bearing the number of his license, which badge must always be worn in sight when at work. These licenses shall run from January first of each calendar year. Sec. 4. No bill, poster, or picture of any kind of an immoral or indecent character, nor any bill or picture representing vice or crime, shall be exposed to public view in the City of Hartford; and the power shall be vested in the Mayor of the City to decide as to the suitability of any such bill or picture for public display; and he shall order the employing bill-poster upon whose board may be exposed to public view any bill or picture that, in his opinion, is immoral or indecent or that exploits vice or crime, to remove such bill, and upon failure to do so within twenty-four ORDINANCES IO39 (24) hours, the Mayor shall revoke such license, and any license so revoked shall not be renewed for one year from the date of such order to remove. Sec. 5. Every billboard, kiosk or other device for displaying advertising matter shall be constructed and maintained in a safe and substantial manner, the same to be determined by the Build¬ ing Inspector of the City of Hartford, and all such boards and other devices shall at all times be kept in a neat and clean condi¬ tion. There shall be no loose paper hanging from boards or allowed to fall upon the streets or sidewalk, and no dropping of paste upon the sidewalk. Upon the top of every billboard or advertising sign intended to be included under this ordinance, shall be plainly displayed the name and license number of the employing bill-poster using said board. Sec. 6 . Any citizen may report to the Mayor the location of any board, and the name and license number of the bill-poster using the same, upon which is displayed any offensive matter, or that is in an untidy or unsafe condition, and it shall be the duty of the Mayor to investigate every such report, and, if necessary, instruct the employing bill-poster using said board to take such action as will make the same conform to the provisions of this ordinance. Sec. 7. Any employing bill-poster failing to comply with the instructions of the Mayor relative to making his boards conform to the terms of this ordinance, shall have his license revoked. Any other person violating the provisions of this ordinance shall be fined not less than one dollar ($1.00) nor more than twenty- five ($25.00) dollars. Approved, March 28, 1911. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING DRIVING OF DROVES OF CATTLE THROUGH THE STREETS. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That the last clause of Section 441 of the Revised Ordinances of 1908 is hereby amended, so that the same shall read as follows: 1040 MUNICIPAL REGISTER “ The driving of any drove of animals through any street on which there is street-car service at any time without a license of the Board of Street Commissioners, or through any other street or highway of the city upon Sunday between sunrise and sunset without the written permission of the chief of police.” Approved, October 17, 1911. AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING AWNINGS OVERHANGING THE HIGHWAY. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. On and after January 1, 1912, no awnings shall be erected or maintained over any portion of a street, highway, public place or grounds, which when lowered shall be less than six and one-half feet above the sidewalk, and where there is no sidewalk less than six and one-half feet above the surface of such street, highway, place or grounds. Sec. 2. The Board of Street Commissioners shall have full power and authority to authorize, supervise, and inspect the erec¬ tion, location and maintenance of the awnings referred to in this ordinance, and may order changes in any of such awnings, or the removal of the same, whenever in their judgment such changes or removal shall serve the public interest or convenience. Sec. 3. Any person violating any of the provisions of this ordinance or failing to comply with any order of the Board of Street Commissioners herein authorized, shall forfeit and pay to the City of Hartford the sum of one hundred dollars for each offense, to be collected in an action of debt brought in the name of the City in the City Court of said City. Approved, November 14, 1911. ORDINANCES IO 4 I AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 299 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES RELATING TO INSPECTION OF BUILDINGS ADOPTED OCTOBER IO, I9IO. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That Section 299 of the revised ordinances be amended to read as follows: Section 299. INSPECTION OF BUILDINGS. No building intended for human habitation, occupancy or use shall hereafter be erected, or in any material manner altered or repaired, unless the owner or the person having charge of such erection, alterations or repairs shall first have submitted the plans, specifica¬ tions and details therefor, in so far as the same relate to ventila¬ tion, light, plumbing and drainage, to the Board of Health, and shall have received from said Board an approval thereof. Said Board shall have power to approve, reject or modify such plans, specifications and details, and to issue such written instructions relating to said work as it shall deem proper for the protection of health. Approved, December 12, 1911. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING STREET TRAFFIC AND RULES FOR DRIVING IN THE CITY OF HARTFORD. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Article I. Section i. VEHICLES IN MOTION. A vehicle, except when passing a vehicle ahead, shall keep to the right and as near the right curb as possible. Sec. 2. A vehicle meeting another vehicle shall pass on the right. Sec. 3. A vehicle overtaking another shall pass on the left side of the overtaken vehicle and shall not pull over to the right until entirely clear of it. 1042 MUNICIPAL REGISTER Sec. 4. A vehicle in turning to the right into another street shall keep as near the right curb as possible. Sec. 5. A vehicle in turning to the left into another street shall pass to the right of and beyond the center of the intersecting street before turning. Sec. 6. A vehicle crossing from one side of the street to the other shall do so by turning to the left, so as to head in the general direction of traffic on that side of the street. Sec. 7. Vehicles moving slowly shall keep as close as possi¬ ble to the right-hand curb, so as to allow vehicles moving faster free passage on the left. Sec. 8 . Whenever two or more vehicles traveling on differ¬ ent streets approach the intersection of two or more streets, each driver shall give the driver on his right hand the right of way. Sec. 9. No person shall drive, guide, or have the care of two or more horses harnessed respectively to different vehicles. Article II. Section i. SIGNALS. In slowing up, stopping, turning while in motion, or in starting to turn from a standstill, a signal shall be given by raising the whip or hand. Sec. 2. Before backing ample warning shall be given, and while backing vigilance must be exercised not to injure those behind. Article III. Section i. RIGHT OF WAY. L nited States mail, police, fire department vehicles, and ambulances, and vehicles of physi¬ cians while engaged in the actual performance of their profes¬ sional duties, shall have the right of way in any street and through any procession. Sec. 2. Subject to Section 1 of this Article, street cars shall have the right of way between cross streets over all other vehi- ORDINANCES 1043 cles; and the driver of any vehicle proceeding on the track in front of a street car shall turn out on a signal by the motorman or conductor of the car. Sec. 3. A vehicle waiting at the curb shall promptly give place to a vehicle about to take on or let off passengers. Article IV. Section i. STOPPING, STANDING, AND TURNING. No vehicle shall stop with its left side next to the curb in any portion of the city. Sec. 2. No vehicle shall stand backed up to the curb except when actually loading or unloading, and if said vehicle is horse- drawn and has four wheels, the horse or horses must stand paral¬ lel to the curb and faced in the direction of traffic, but no vehicle shall stand so backed up if it interferes with or interrupts the passage of other vehicles or street cars. Sec. 3. Unless in an emergency or to allow another vehicle or a pedestrian to cross its way, no vehicle shall stop in any public street, except close to the curb. Sec. 4. No vehicle shall stop or stand within the intersection of any streets, or of any street and driveway, nor within ten feet of a street corner or fire hydrant. Sec. 5. No vehicle or street car. shall stop in such a way as to obstruct any street or crossing, except in case of accident, or when directed to do so by a public officer. Sec. 6. A person having charge of a vehicle shall not stop the same abreast of another vehicle lengthwise of any street, except in case of accident or emergency. Sec. 7. No vehicle shall back to make a turn in any street, if by doing so it interferes with other vehicles, but shall go around the block or to a street sufficiently wide to turn in without backing. Sec. 8. The driver of a vehicle, on the approach of a fire engine or any other fire apparatus, shall immediately draw up said vehicle as near as practicable to the right hand curb and parallel thereto and bring it to a standstill. 1044 MUNICIPAL REGISTER Sec. 9. The driver of a street car shall immediately stop said car and keep it stationary upon the approach of a fire engine or other fire apparatus. Sec. 10. Street cars passing through Pearl Street in either direction shall not stop between the Phoenix Mutual Life Insur¬ ance Company’s building, number 49 Pearl Street, and Main Street for the purpose of discharging or taking up passengers. Sec. 11. There shall at all times be a space of at least twenty feet between street cars headed in the same direction, whether said cars are in motion or stationary. Sec. 12. No vehicle shall, between the hours of nine a. m. and six p. m. on any day except Sunday, stop for a longer period than twenty minutes on any of the streets, or portions of the streets, hereinafter designated, to wit: Main Street from the north line of Grove Street extended to the south line of Morgan Street extended; Mulberry Street from Main Street to Wells Street; Pearl Street from Main Street to Trumbull Street; Asylum Street from Main Street to High Street; Pratt Street from Main Street to Trumbull Street; Church Street from Main Street to Trumbull Street; Grove Street from Main Street to Prospect Street; Prospect Street from Atheneum Street to Cen¬ tral Row; State Street from Main Street to Market Street; Kins¬ ley Street from Main Street to Market Street; Temple street from Main Street to Market Street; Lewis Street from Pearl Street to Gold Street; provided, that this shall not apply to teams actually engaged in loading or unloading goods or merchandise, nor to vehicles on public stands, nor to vehicles of physicians engaged in the actual performance of their duties outside of their offices. Sec. 13. The Board of Police Commissioners may, from time to time, in case of special temporary emergency, extend these reg¬ ulations to include other streets whenever in its judgment such course is necessary, and may make such additional rules for the regulation of traffic at places in its opinion especially dangerous as in its judgment may be necessary to properly protect the public in the safe use of the highways. ORDINANCES IO45 Article V. Section i. CARE IN DRIVING, MANNER OF LOAD¬ ING. STEALING RIDES. No one shall cease to hold the reins while riding, driving or conducting a horse. Sec. 2. No one shall so load a vehicle or street car with iron or other material that may strike together without properly dead¬ ening it so that it will cause no unnecessary noise. Sec. 3. No one shall steal a ride upon any vehicle or street car, and no one shall ride upon the rear of any vehicle without the consent of the person in charge thereof. Sec. 4. The driver of a street car passing a standing street car shall reduce its speed to three miles an hour and give signal of its approach. Article VI. Drivers of vehicles and street cars must at all times comply with any direction, by voice or hand, of any member of the police force, as to stopping, starting, approaching or departing from any place, and the manner of taking up or setting down any passengers or loading or unloading goods in any place. Article VII. Section i. DEFINITIONS. The word “vehicle” includes equestrians, horses hitched to vehicles, led horses, motor vehicles of all kinds, and everything on wheels and runners except street cars. Sec. 2. The word “ horse ” includes all domestic animals. Sec. 3. The word “ driver ” includes the rider or driver of a horse, the rider of wheels and the operator of a motor vehicle or street car. Article VIII. PENALTIES. Whoever violates any of the provisions of the foregoing rules and regulations shall be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty dollars for each offense. Article IX. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Approved, December 12. 1911* 1046 MUNICIPAL REGISTER AN ORDINANCE ESTABLISHING ONE-WAY TRAFFIC ON STATE STREET. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: No vehicle, except trolley cars and fire and police departments equipment, shall pass through State Street between a point 25 feet west of the curb at the northwest corner of State and Market Street, and Main Street, except in a westerly direction during the hours of 9 A. M. to 7 P. M., week days. Approved, December 12, 1911. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO INCREASE OF FORCE OF FIRE DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That Section 173 of the revised ordinances, entitled FIRE COMPANIES, be amended to read as follows: “ Each fire company shall have such officers and such other employees as may be assigned to it by the Board of Fire Commis¬ sioners, the total number of such officers and other regular employees in said companies not to exceed 157, including one engineer for each steam fire engine company and no company to have more than one captain or more than one lieutenant.” Approved, January 9, 1912. AN ORDINANCE PROVIDING FOR THE APPOINTMENT OF AN INSPEC¬ TOR OF WIRES, AND PRESCRIBING DUTIES OF SAME. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. The officers of the Fire Department, in addition to those specified in Section 167 of the Compiled Ordinances, shall include an inspector of wires. Sec. 2. It shall be the duty of the inspector of wires to inspect all wiring systems which are designed to carry an electric light, heat, or power current within a building, and report forth- ORDINANCES IO47 with to the party owning or operating such wiring system any and all structural or other defects in the placing, location, or oper¬ ation of the same, and which, in the judgment of such inspector, are or may become dangerous to person or property, and to direct such remedy for any such defects as he may deem best suited to meet the circumstances of the case; to examine and pass upon all plans for the construction within buildings of wiring systems designed to carry electric light, heat, or power current, and, in case of approval to grant permits for such construction. He shall keep a record of all his doings, including orders made and permits granted, and shall file with the building inspector a copy of every permit which he may issue. He shall also make a detailed report of his doings to the Court of Common Council at least as often as once in six months, showing the number of certificates of per¬ mit granted and the number refused, and such other facts as may be of importance relating to the discharge of his duties. Sec. 3. No person shall construct within a building a wiring system which is designed to carry an electric light, heat, or power current until the owner or person constructing the same has filed with the inspector of wires a plan thereof, showing the whole wiring system within the building and the points of connection with outside circuits. No person shall add to or alter within a building any portion of the wiring system which is designed to carry an electric light, heat, or power current (except to make necessary repairs) until the owner or person constructing the same has filed with the inspector of wires a plan thereof and of such portion of the whole wiring system within the building and the points of connection with outside circuits as the inspector of wires shall require. No person shall commence the work provided for in such plans until they are approved in writing by the inspector of wires. Plans and specifications shall be approved or rejected within one week of the time of filing. After a plan has been approved, no alteration therein shall be allowed, except on a new application and permit as provided in this section. No wires specified in this section shall be covered or con¬ cealed from view until approved by the inspector of wires, who shall examine the same within three week days (legal holidays 1048 MUNICIPAL REGISTER excepted) after notice that they are ready for inspection. No electric current shall be turned upon such wires until they have been approved in writing - by the inspector of wires. All light, heat, power, burglar alarm, telephone, or other wires leading into any building, and all electric wires placed inside of any building, whether connected with aerial or underground wires, shall be installed under the rules of the National Electrical Code as established from time to time, and no person shall be appointed inspector of wires until he has, by an examination to be conducted under the direction of the Board of Fire Commission¬ ers, shown to said board that he is thoroughly instructed in the rules of said National Electrical Code. All electrical apparatus and wires for conducting electricity, both permanent and temporary, while in use in any building now or hereafter used for theatrical, operatic, or public assemblies, which has a seating capacity of one thousand or more persons, shall be under the direct supervision and control of a competent electrician, and no person shall act as such electrician who has not previously obtained the written approval of the inspector of wires. Sec. 4. Any person violating, or refusing to comply with, any order of the inspector of wires made in pursuance of the pro¬ visions of this ordinance and any person violating any of the pro¬ visions of this ordinance shall be punished by a fine not exceeding fifty dollars for each offense. Sec. 5. The salary of the inspector of wires shall be fifteen hundred dollars a year. Sec. 6 . Section 378 of the Compiled Ordinances is hereby repealed. Approved, January 9, 1912. AN ORDINANCE DIVIDING THE TENTH WARD INTO TWO VOTING DISTRICTS. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: From and after the first Tuesday of April, 19 12 > the Tenth Ward of the City of Hertford as now established shall be divided ORDINANCES IO49 into two voting districts to be known as the First and Second Vot¬ ing Districts respectively, and bounded as described below. All electors residing within said First Voting District shall vote at future elections held within and for said Ward at such voting place established within said District as the Mayor, or other offi¬ cer acting in place of the Mayor, shall in his warrant warning the same designate; all electors residing in said Ward within the lim¬ its of said Second Voting District shall vote at all elections here¬ after held within and for said Ward at such voting place established within said District as the Mayor, or other officer acting in the place of the Mayor, shall in his warrant warning the same designate. A moderator and other election officers shall be appointed as in other wards, but the moderator of the Second Voting District shall make his return to the moderator of the First Voting Dis¬ trict, who shall combine the two reports and make declaration as of one ward. FIRST DISTRICT. Beginning at the intersection of the center line of Sigourney Street with the center line of Collins Street; thence westerly along the center line of Collins Street to the center line of Woodland Street; thence southerly along the center line of Wood¬ land Street to the center line of Asylum Street; thence westerly along the center line of Asylum Street to the western boundary line of the City; thence southerly along the western boundary line of the City to the center line of War- renton Avenue; thence easterly along the center line of Warren- ton Avenue to Sisson Avenue; thence continuing along the same line produced to the center of the north branch of the Park River to the junction of the north and south branches thereof ; thence easterly along the center of the Park River to the center line of Laurel Street; thence southerly alolig the center line of Laurel Street to the center line of Park Street; thence easterly along the center line of Park Street to the southerly extension of the center line of Sigourney Street; thence northerly along the southerly extension of the center line of Sigourney Street to Capitol Ave- 1050 MUNICIPAL REGISTER nue; thence continuing along the center line of Sigourney Street to the place of beginning. SECOND DISTRICT. Beginning in the center line of the north branch of the Park River at the easterly prolongation of the center line of Warrenton Avenue; thence westerly along said center line of Warrenton Avenue to the western boundary line of the City; thnce southerly along the western boundary line of*the City to its intersection with the center line of the right-of-way of the New York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad; thence northerly along the center line of the right-of-way of the New*York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad to the center line of Park Street; thence easterly along the center line of Park Street to- the cen- er line of Laurel Street; thence northerly along the center line of Laurel Street to the center of the Park River; thence westerly along the center of the Park River to the junc¬ tion of the north and south branches thereof; thence northerly along the center of the north branch of the Park River to the place of beginning. Approved, January 23, 1912. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE FIXING THE SALARY OF THE SUPERINTENDENT OF STREETS. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That Section 54 of the Revised Ordinances of the City of Hartford, Revision of 1908, be amended by striking out of the last sentence the words “ $400 for horse hire in addition to,” and substituting in place thereof the words “ not more than $3,500 per year and transportation,” so that said section as amended will be as follows: " 54. STREET DEPARTMENT. President of the Board of Street Commisisoners, $2,000 for the salaries of the members of the board, to be divided as they shall direct by vote. ORDINANCES 1051 “ Clerk of the Board of Street Commissioners, not more than $2,500.00 per year. “ Superintendent of Streets, not more than $3,500.00 per year and transportation.” Approved, February 14, 1912. AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE REGULATING STREET TRAFFIC AND RULES FOR DRIVING. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That Section 5 of Article 4 of the ordinance regulating street traffic and rules for driving be amended so that said section shall read as follows: “ Section 5. No vehicle or street car shall stop in such a way as to obstruct any street or crossing, except in case of acci¬ dent or when directed to do so by a public officer, provided, how¬ ever, that this section shall not be so construed as to prevent street cars from stopping to receive or discharge passengers at crosswalks.” Approved, February 27, 1912. AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CONCERNING SALARIES IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR SUPERNUMERARIES. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section 200 of the revised ordinances concerning the Police Department as amended by Section 4 of the ordinances concern¬ ing salaries in the Police Department, as found on page 336 of the Journal of the Court of Common Council, 1909-1910, is hereby amended by striking out the words, “ Leave of absence without loss of pay, at the rate of one day’s leave of absence per month,” in the fourth and fifth lines thereof, and inserting in lieu thereof 1052 MUNICIPAL REGISTER the words, “ Two days' leave of absence without loss of pay dur¬ ing any one month," so that said section shall read as follows: 200. The Board of Police Commissioners is hereby author¬ ized to grant supernumerary policemen of the City of Hartford, who are doing regular police duty, two days’ leave of absence without loss of pay during any one month while so employed. Nothing in this section, however, shall be deemed to authorize such grant unless such supernumerary policeman is assigned to perform and is performing regular police duty for a continuous period of at least one calendar month. [Reconsidered and passed by a majority of each board of the Court of Common Council on March n, 1912, the Mayor’s veto to the contrary notwithstanding.] AMENDING THE ORDINANCE CONCERNING SALARIES OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. LEAVE OF ABSENCE FOR REGULAR POLICEMEN. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section 198 of the revised ordinances concerning the Police Department, as amended by Section 2 of an ordinance concern¬ ing salaries in the Police Department, as found on page 336 of the Journal of the Court of Common Council, 1909-1910, is hereby amended by striking out the word “ Twelve," in the sec¬ ond line thereof, and inserting in lieu thereof the word “ Twenty- four," so that said section shall read as follows: 198. Each member of the regular force of policemen shall hereafter have a leave of absence of twenty-four (24) days in each year, without loss of pay, the days to be selected by the policemen, with the consent of the Board of Police Commis¬ sioners. [Reconsidered and passed by a majority of each board of the Court of Common Council on March 11, 1912, the Mayor’s veto to the contrary notwithstanding.] ORDINANCES 1053 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO VACATIONS IN THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. Each member of the regular force of policemen of the City of Hartford shall have in addition to a leave of absence as provided by an amendment to Section 198 of the revised ordinances, five days’ vacation in every year. Such leave of absence and vacation shall be without deduction of pay. [Reconsidered and passed by a majority of each board of the Court of Common Council on March 11, 1912, the Mayor’s veto to the contrary notwithstanding.] ORDINANCE RELATING TO SALARIES OF CITY OFFICIALS. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. Section 52 of the revised ordinances of 1908 is hereby amended by striking out in line five thereof the figures “ $3,000.00 ” and substituting in lieu thereof the figures “ $3,500.00,” so that said line as amended shall read, “ Mayor, $3,500.00 per year.” Sec. 2. An ordinance concerning the salary of the Mayor’s stenographer, approved May 26, 1908, is hereby amended by striking out the words, “ June 15, 1908, the salary of the Mayor’s stenographer shall be at the rate of six hundred dollars per annum,” and substituting in lieu thereof the words, “ the first Monday of April, 1912, the salary of the Mayor’s stenographer shall be not more than seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum,” so that said ordinance as amended shall read, “ From and after the first Monday of April, 1912, the salary of the Mayor’s stenographer shall be not more than seven hundred and twenty dollars per annum.” Sec. 3. Section 52 of the revised ordinances of 1908 is hereby amended by striking out in line seven thereof the figures “ $3,600.00 ” and substituting in lieu thereof the figures 1054 MUNICIPAL REGISTER “ $4,000.00/’ so that said line as amended shall read, “ Treasurer, $4,000.00 per year.” Sec. 4. Section 52 of the revised ordinances of 1908 is hereby amended by inserting in line eight thereof, after the words “ Treasurer’s Clerk,” the words “ not more than,” so that said line as amended shall read, “ Treasurer’s Clerk, not more than $1,800.00 per year.” Sec. 5. From and after the first Monday of April, 1912, the treasurer of the City of Hartford shall have authority to employ, in his discretion, a person to perform the duties of stenographer and such clerical duties as may be required in the treasurer’s office, who shall hold such position at the pleasure of the treas¬ urer and shall be paid for such services by the city a salary at the rate of not more than $720.00 per year. Sec. 6. Section 52 of the revised ordinances of 1908 is hereby amended by striking out in line nine thereof the figures “ $3,600.00 ” and substituting in lieu thereof the figures “ $4,000.00,” so that said line as amended shall read, “ Collector, $4,000.00 per year.” Sec. 7. Section 52 of the revised ordinances of 1908 is hereby amended by striking out in line ten thereof the figures “ $1,800.00 ” and substituting in lieu thereof the words and figures “ not more than $2,000.00,” so that said line as amended shall read, “ Collector’s Chief Clerk, not more than $2,000.00 per year.” Sec. 8. Section 52 of the revised ordinances of 1908 is hereby amended by striking out in line eleven thereof the figures “$1,650.00” and substituting in lieu thereof the words and fig¬ ures “not more than $1,850.00,” so that said line as amended shall read, “ Collector’s Clerk, not more than $1,850.00 per year.” Sec. 9. Section 52 of the revised ordinances of 1908 is hereby amended by striking out in lines twelve, thirteen, and four¬ teen thereof the words and figures “ for such portion of the year as employed, at the rate of $1,200.00,” and substituting in lieu thereof the words and figures “ not more than $1,500.00,” so that said lines as amended shall read, “ Collector’s Additional Clerk, not more than $1,500.00 per year.’ ORDINANCES 1055 Sec. 10. Section 52 of the revised ordinances of 1908 is hereby amended by striking out in line fifteen thereof the figures “ $2,100.00 ” and substituting in lieu thereof the figures “ $2,500.00/’ so that said line as amended shall read, “ Control¬ ler, $2,500.00 per year.” Sec. 11. Section 52 of the revised ordinances of 1908 is hereby amended by striking out in line sixteen thereof the fig¬ ures “$1,000.00” and substituting in lieu thereof the words and figures “not more than $1,200.00,” so that said line as amended shall read, “ Controller’s Clerk not more than $1,200.00 per year.” Sec. 12. From and after the first Monday of April, 1912, the controller of the City of Hartford shall have authority to employ, in his discretion, a person to perform the duties of ste¬ nographer and such clerical duties as may be required in the con¬ troller’s office, who shall hold such position at the pleasure of the controller and who shall be paid for such services by the city a salary at the rate of not more than $720.00 per year. Sec. 13. From and after the first Monday of April, 1912, the city engineer shall have authority to employ, in his discretion, a person as chemist in the engineering department, to perform such duties as are especially assigned to him by said department or any other city department, who shall hold such position at the pleas¬ ure of the city engineer and who shall be paid for such services by the city a salary at the rate of not more than $1,800.00 per year. Sec. 14. An ordinance concerning salaries in the Police Department, approved August 10, 1909, is hereby amended by striking out the figures “ $480.00,” after the word “ Matron,” in the first section of said ordinance, and substituting in lieu thereof the figures “ $600.00.” Sec. 15. An ordinance concerning the salary of the clerk of the city court, approved February 25, 1908, is hereby amended by striking out the words, “ 1908, at the rate of one thousand dollars per annum, and in addition thereto he shall be paid a sum at the rate of five hundred dollars a year to meet and defray the expenses of his office,” and substituting in lieu thereof the words, “ 1912, at the rate of fifteen hundred dollars per annum,” so that said ordinance as amended shall read, “ The salary of the clerk MUNICIPAL REGISTER IO56 of the city court shall be from and after April 1, 1912, at the rate of fifteen hundred dollars per annum.” Sec. 16. Section 59 of the revised ordinances of 1908 is hereby amended by striking out in line six thereof the figures “ $1,800.00” and substituting in lieu thereof the figures “ $2,200.00,” so that said line as amended shall read, “ Judge of Police Court, $2,200.00 per year.” Sec. 17. Section 59 of the revised ordinances of 1908 is hereby amended by striking out in line ten thereof the figures ”$1,100.00" and substituting in lieu thereof the figures “$1,200.00,” so that said line as amended shall read, “Clerk of Police Court, $1,200.00 per year/’ Sec. 18. Section 59 of the revised ordinances of 1908 is hereby amended by striking out in line eleven thereof the figures “ $3.00 ” and substituting in lieu thereof the figures “ $4.00,” so that said line as amended shall read, “ Assistant Clerk of Police Court, $4.00 per day when acting.” Sec. 19. Section 59 of the revised ordinances of 1908 is hereby amended by striking out in line twelve thereof the figures “ $1,600.00 ” and substituting in lieu thereof the figures “ $1,800.00,” so that said line as amended shall read, “ Prosecut¬ ing Attorney of Police Court, $1,800.00 per year.” Sec. 20. Section 59 of the revised ordinances of 1908 is hereby amended by striking out in line thirteen thereof the fig¬ ures “ $400.00 ” and substituting in lieu thereof the figures “ $600.00,” so that said line as amended shall read, “ Messenger of Police Court, $600.00 per year.” Sec. 21. An ordinance concerning pay of Assistant Clerk of P)oard of Health, approved February 24, 1909, is hereby amended by striking out the words, “ 1909, the salary of the Assistant Clerk of the Board of Health shall be thirteen hundred and fifty dollars ($1,350) per year,” and substituting in lieu thereof the words, “ 1912, the salary of the Assistant Clerk of the Board of Health shall be not more than fifteen hundred dollars ($1,500) per year,” so that said ordinance as amended shall read, “ From and after the first of April, 1912, the salary of the Assistant Clerk of the Board of Health shall be not more than fifteen hun¬ dred dollars ($1,500) per year.” ORDINANCES 1057 Sec. 22. Section 60 of the revised ordinances of 1908 is hereby amended by striking out in line four thereof the figures “ $1,200.00 ” and substituting in lieu thereof the figures “$1,500.00,” so that said line as amended shall read, “ Plumbing Inspector, $1,500.00 per year.” Sec. 23. Section 60 of the revised ordinances of 1908 is hereby amended by striking out in line five thereof the figures “$1,000.00” and substituting in lieu thereof the figures “$1,200.00,” so that said line as amended shall read, “Bacte¬ riologist, $1,200.00 per year.” Sec. 24. Section 61 of the revised ordinances of 1908 is hereby amended by striking out in line nine thereof the figures “$1,350.00” and substituting in lieu thereof the words and fig¬ ures “not more than $1,500.00,” so that said line as amended shall read, “ Investigator, not more than $1,500.00 per year.” Sec. 25. An ordinance relating to pay for clerk hire in the Building Inspector’s Department, approved August 11, 1908, is hereby amended by striking out the words and figures, “ so much as is actually expended of $600.00 per year,” and substituting in lieu thereof the words and figures, “ not more than $720.00 per year,” so that said ordinance as amended shall read, “ Clerk hire, not more than $720.00 per year.” Sec. 26. Section 62 of the revised ordinances of 1908 is hereby amended by striking out in line six thereof the figures “$1,000.00” and substituting in lieu thereof the figures “$1,500.00,” so that lines five and six as amended shall read, “ Deputy Building Inspector, in lieu of all fee, $1500.00 per year.” Sec. 27. Section 63 of the revised ordinances of 1908 is hereby amended by striking out in line three thereof the figures “ $400.00 ” and substituting in lief thereof the words and figures “ not more than $720.00,” so that said line as amended shall read, ‘ Clerk of Registrars, not more than $720.00 per year.” Sec. 28. Section 65 of the revised ordinances of 1908 is hereby amended by striking out in line one thereof the figures “ $2,200.00 ” and substituting in lieu thereof the figures “ $2,500.00,” and by striking out in line four thereof the figures “$1,000.00” and substituting in lieu thereof the words MUNICIPAL REGISTER 1058 and figures “ not more than $1,250.00,” so that said section as amended shall read as follows: “ Tax Officers, Assessors, $2,500.00 per year to each member of the board. Board of Relief, $400.00 per year to each member of the board. Clerk of Assessors and Board of Relief, not more than $1,250.00 per year. Rate-maker, $400.00 per year.” Sec. 29. From and after the first Monday of April, 1912, the Board of Assessors of the City of Hartford shall have author¬ ity to employ, in its discretion, an additional clerk to perform such duties as shall be assigned to him by said board, who shall hold such position at the pleasure of said board and who shall be paid for such services by the city a salary at the rate of not more than $1,150.00 per year. Sec. 30. Section 67 of the revised ordinances of 1908, as amended by an ordinance relating to salary of clerk to Sealer of Weights and Measures, approved July 12, 1910, is hereby further amended to read as follows: “ Section 67, Sealer of Weights and Measures. Sealer of Weights and Measures, $1,400.00 per year. Clerk, not more than $840.00 per year.” Sec. 31. Section 70 of the revised ordinances of 1908 is hereby amended to read as follows: “ Section 70. Janitors. Janitor of City Hall, not more than $1,200.00 per year. Janitor of Halls of Record, not more than $1,100.00 per year.” Sec. 32. All ordinances or parts of ordinances inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Sec. 33. This ordinance shall take effect from and after April 1, 1912. Approved, March 11, 1912. AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE RELATING TO INCREASE OF FORCE OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. The ordinance entitled “An Ordinance Relating to the Police Department,” approved March 1, 1910, is hereby amended by striking out the words “ one hundred and sixteen ORDINANCES 1059 regular policemen ” in the sixth line thereof and inserting in place thereof the words “ one hundred and twenty-six regular policemen. ” Sec. 2. This ordinance shall take effect April 1, 1912. Approved, March 12, 1912. AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE RELATING TO SALARY OF ASSISTANT CLERK OF CHARITY DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section 61 of the revised ordinances of 1908 is hereby amended by striking out in the line seven thereof the figures “ $600.00 ” and substituting in lieu thereof the words and figures “ not more than $720.00,” so that said line as amended shall read, “ Assistant Clerk, not more than $720.00 per year.” Approved, March 12, 1912. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO MINIMUM WAGE PER DAY FOR UNSKILLED LABORERS OF STREET DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: The minimum rate of wage per day for unskilled laborers in the employ of the Board of Street Commissioners of the City of Hartford shall be two dollars. Approved, March 12, 1912. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO LICENSES FOR AUCTIONEERS. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That all persons licensed by the Mayor of the city to sell at auction under the provisions of Section 4648 and 4649 °f the General Statutes shall pay therefor a license fee of five dollars a day for the period covered by such license. Approved, March 26, 1912. io6o MUNICIPAL REGISTER AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTIONS 307 AND 308 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES RELATING RESPECTIVELY TO REPORTS OF DEATHS BY THE CLERK OF THE BOARD OF HEALTH TO THE COURT OF COMMON COUNCIL AND TO THE ANNUAL REPORT OF BIRTHS BY SAID CLERK TO THE COURT OF COMMON COUNCIL. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That Sections 307 and 308 of the Revised Ordinances be, and the same are hereby, amended to read as follows: Section 307. REPORTS OF DEATHS BY CLERK TO COUNCIL. The clerk of the Board of Health shall each month prepare and submit to the Court of Common Council a report of the deaths occurring during the preceding month, which report shall exhibit in a tabular form the age, sex, and color of the deceased; shall embrace in distinct classes those under one year of age, those from one to five, those from five to ten, those from ten to twenty, and so on for each decennial period; shall show the rate per cent, of mortality for the city, and contain a sum* mary of the causes of death. During the month of March in each year, said clerk shall prepare and submit to the Court of Common Council a report of the deaths which have taken place in the city and its several wards during the previous year, show¬ ing the age, sex, color, civil condition, occupation, and nativity of the deceased, the cause of death, and rate per cent, of mortality, classified in tabular form. Sec. 308. ANNUAL REPORT OF BIRTHS. Said clerk shall, during the month of March in each year, submit to the Court of Common Council a report of the births which have taken place within the city and within its several wards during the preceding year, which report shall exhibit in tabular form the rate per cent, of births in the city, the number of each sex born during the year and during each month of the year, the number still-born, the color of all in each class, and the nativity of the parents. Approved, March 26, 1912. ORDINANCES 1061 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE SALE OF HUMAN FOOD PASSED BY THE COURT OF COMMON COUNCIL, FEBRUARY 28, I9IO. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That the second paragraph of an ordinance relating to the sale of human food, passed by the Court of Common Council, February 28, 1910, be, and the same hereby is, amended by add¬ ing at the end thereof the following: “No newspaper or soiled paper of any sort may be used for wrapping articles designed for sale or delivery as human food,” so that said paragraph shall read as follows: “ Every person being the owner, lessee or occupant of any # rooms, stall, vehicle or place where any meat, fish, birds or fowl, fruit or vegetables, or any breadstuffs, cake, pastry, or confec¬ tionery designed or held for human food, shall be stored or kept, or shall be offered for sale, shall put and keep such room, stall, vehicle, or place and its appurtenances in a clean and wholesome condition; and every person having charge or interested or engaged whether as principal or agent, in the care or custody of any meat, fish, birds, or fowl, fruit or vegetables, or any bread- stuffs, cake, pastry, or confectionery designed for human food, shall put and keep the same in a cleanly and wholesome condi¬ tion, and shall not allow the same or any part thereof to be poi¬ soned, infected, or rendered unsafe or unwholesome for human food. No newspaper or soiled paper of any sort may be used for wrapping articles designed for sale or delivery as human food.” Approved, April 16, 1912. AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE REGULATING STREET TRAFFIC, ETC. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: 1. the ordinance entitled “An Ordinance Regulating Street Traffic and Rules for Driving in the City of Hartford,” approved Dec. 12, 1911, is hereby amended by striking out the word 1062 MUNICIPAL REGISTER “ twenty ” in the third line of Section 12, Article 4, and inserting in the place thereof the word “ forty/' so that said section when amended shall read as follows: “ Sec. 12. No vehicle shall, between the hours of nine a. m. and six p. m. on any day except Sunday, stop for a longer period than forty minutes on any of the streets, or portions of the streets, hereinafter designated, to wit: Main Street from the north line of Grove Street extended to the south line of Morgan Street extended; Mulberry Street from Main Street to Wells Street; Pearl Street from Main Street to Trumbull Street; Asylum Street from Main Street to High Street; Pratt Street from Main Street to Trumbull Street; Church Street from Main Street to Trumbull Street; Grove Street from Main Street to Prospect Street; Prospect Street from Atheneum Street to Central Row; State Street from Main Street to Market Street; Kinsley Street from Main Street to Market Street; Temple Street from Main Street to Market Street; Lewis Street from Pearl Street to Gold Street; provided, that this shall not apply to teams actually engaged in loading or unloading goods or merchandise, nor to vehicles on public stands, nor to vehicles of physicians engaged in the actual performance of their duties outside of their offices.” Approved, June 25, 1912. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO PAY OF MESSENGER OF THE CITY COURT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That Section 59 of the Revised Ordinances, entitled “ Legal and Judicial Department,” as amended December 28, 1910, be amended so that the fourth and fifth lines thereof, relating to the pay of the Messenger of the City Court, be amended so as to read as follows: “ Messenger of the City Court $600 per year.” This ordinance shall take effect on and after August 1, 1912. Approved, July 15, 1912. ORDINANCES 1063 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO FIRE-STOPS ON BUILDINGS. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That Section 373 of the Revised Ordinances of 1908 be amended so as to read as follows: “ Section 373. Every interior iron column supporting a partition or other brick wall or pier, shall be fireproofed by being properly encased in brick or terra cotta, or by a coating of plaster one inch thick on wire or metal lathing, or other fireproof mate¬ rials. Inside the fire limits, every furred wall or partition of stone, brick, or other like material, shall be provided with fire- stops at each story, said stop to consist of brick, mortar or other fireproof materials. Stud-bearing partitions shall be provided with fire-stops at each story which may be of the same material as partition, but no stop of wood shall be less than two inches thick, by the full width of partition. Where mortar stops are used, wooden strips two inches thick may be used as supports. The spaces between the floor joists, where they rest upon the bearing partitions, shall be stopped. The stop can be of the same material as the partition, but no stop shall be less than two inches thick. The spaces between the stair strings and the joists of the landing, unless unceiled, shall be stopped at three places in each story; stops can be of wood not less than two inches thick. In every building theYe shall be a line of fire-stops at every story which shall be set at the underside of each set of door joists, and at the base of all carrying partitions, and all carrying parti¬ tions to have at least one line of bridging, said fire-stops and bridging to be at least two inches thick, and the full width of studding. In all buildings, without regard to the number of stories, including all rooms finished off in the space enclosed by the roof, in what is termed the attic, all outside walls and all inside partitions shall be plastered down to the floor and back of all cases and wainscoting in each story.” Approved, July 15, 1912. 1064 MUNICIPAL REGISTER ORDINANCE RELATING TO SALARY OF CITY MARSHAL. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: 1 hat Section 52 of the Revised Ordinances entitled “ General City Officers” as amended Dec. 28, 1910, be amended so that the last two lines thereof relating to the pay of the City Marshal for attendance in the City Court shall read as follows: “ City Marshal $500 per year and $600 per year for attendance in the City Court.” Approved, August 13, 1912. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE LICENSING OF PEDDLERS. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. No person except those exempted by the Sta¬ tutes of the State shall sell or offer for sale within the city, any groceries, provisions, fruits, or any article of food, or any goods, wares, or merchandise, unless he shall have obtained a license so to do from the Chief of Police. This section, however, shall not apply to occupants of stores or shops within the city. Sec. 2. The fee for such license shall be $5 for each year or portion thereof in all cases, except for non-residents occupying a stand or location in the highway, for which the fee shall be $15 a day or $50 a week; and unless sooner revoked, all licenses shall expire on the thirty-first day of March succeeding the date of issue thereof ; but no such license shall be issued by the Chief of Police until the weights and measures of the applicant, if any such are used by him in his business, have been approved and stamped by the Sealer of Weights and Measures and a certificate to that effect from the Sealer of Weights and Measures has been exhibited with the Chief of Police. Sec. 3. Each person so licensed shall, on exercising his voca¬ tion, wear conspicuously on his left breast a suitable badge designed and furnished by the Chief of Police with the words “ Licensed Vendor " and the number of his license and the year ORDINANCES I06S such license is in force, in numerals, plainly inscribed thereon ; and each person so licensed, when using for the purpose for which he is licensed, a wagon, cart, or vehicle, shall have plainly displayed on both sides of such wagon, cart or vehicle, a sign designed and furnished by the Chief of Police bearing the num¬ ber of his license and the year in which such license is in force in numerals and the words “ Licensed Vendor ” in Roman letters, each numeral or letter to be at least three inches in height, such badge and sign to be furnished by the Chief of Police without expense to the. person so licensed. Sec. 4. It shall be the duty of the Chief of Police to keep a record of all licenses granted under the provisions of this ordi¬ nance in a book provided for the purpose, giving the number and date of each license; name, age, and residence of the person licensed; the amount of license fee paid, and also the date of revocation of all licenses revoked as hereinafter provided. Said Chief shall further keep a detailed account of all his receipts for such licenses, and make a return thereof annually to the City Treasurer. Said Chief shall, at the end of each month, report to the Sealer of Weights and Measures the name, age, and resi¬ dence of each person licensed under the provisions of this ordi¬ nance, together with the number and date of each license issued during such month. Sec. 5. Any person who shall engage in the business afore¬ said without being duly licensed as herein provided, or who shall violate any of the provisions of this ordinance, shall be fined not exceeding ten dollars, and the Judge of the Police Court may, in his discretion, revoke the license of any person convicted of a violation of any of the provisions of this ordinance, (or of any ordinance of the City of Hartford relative to the storing, han¬ dling, or sale of food, or any rule or regulation of the Board of Health or the Police Department in relation thereto, or for any other proper cause, upon the presentation of due evidence). Sec. 6. All ordinances, or parts of ordinances, inconsistent herewith are hereby repealed. Approved, August 13, 1912. io66 MUNICIPAL REGISTER AN ORDINANCE CONCERNING THE APPOINTMENT, DUTIES, AND COMPENSATION OF THE SECRETARY TO THE MAYOR. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. The office of the Mayor’s stenographer is hereby abolished, and the Mayor of the City of Hartford is hereby authorized to appoint from time to time some proper person who shall be a duly qualified citizen of the City of Hartford, to act as secretary to the Mayor and to serve during his pleasure. Sec. 2. The duties of such officer shall be to act as secretary and stenographer to the Mayor, under his instructions, and to act as assistant secretary and stenographer to the Board of Con¬ tract and Supply, Commission on City Plan, Public Dock Com¬ mission, Board of Finance and such other commissions or com¬ mittees of which the Mayor is a member as the Mayor may request. Sec. 3. The salary of said officer shall be at the rate of Twelve Hundred Dollars per year. Approved, October 15, 1912. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE LICENSING OF PLUMBERS. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That the Ordinance approved by the Court of Common Coum cil March 1, 1910, the same being an a'mendment to Section 296 of the Revised Ordinances, be amended to read as follows: “ The Board of Health shall issue licenses to plumbers as hereinafter provided and shall keep a record of all licenses so issued. Every plumber now carrying on his trade in the City of Hartford who has not received a plumber’s license from the Board of Health Commissioners, shall, on or before the first day of December, 1912, and each plumber desiring hereafter to carry on his said trade, shall, before commencing business, apply to the Board of Health for a license as a plumber, and shall, before receiving such license, be examined as to his qualifications as a ORDINANCES IO67 plumber in accordance with such rules and regulations as the Board of Health may prescribe. Every master plumber while engaged in the plumbing business in the City of Hartford, who is not himself a licensed plumber, shall have in his employ at least one licensed plumber. Every master plumber shall display in a prominent and conspicuous place in his place of business his own license, or, if he is not himself a licensed plumber, the license of at least one of the licensed plumbers who may at that time be in his actual employ, and shall not so display any license, other than his own, unless the plumber holding said license is actually working for him.” Approved, October 29, 1912. AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 379 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1908 RELATING TO FRONTAGES AND ENTRANCES TO THEATERS. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council: That Section 379 of the Revised Ordinances be and the same is hereby amended by adding at the end of the first paragraph of said section, the following: “ But when said building has no immediate street frontage, its main entrance shall open upon an area or unoccupied space at least thirty feet in width and equal in area to one-half of the auditorium, and said court space shall be directly connected with a street or public space by passages which have an aggregate total width of at least forty feet, no one of which passages, how¬ ever, shall be less than ten feet in width, so that said Ordinance as amended shall read as follows: “ There shall be at least one exit on this front, which shall be in no case less than five feet in width, and of such greater width in proportion to the seating capacity of the hall as an allowance of twenty inches for each one hundred persons will in the aggregate require. There shall be other independent exits of the same aggregate capacity. There shall be open courts on the sides not less than ten feet wide, with an exit or corridor from the court to the street. All rooms in theaters for the use io68 MUNICIPAL REGISTER of persons employed therein shall have two independent exits. All doors shall open outwards, and shall not be placed to reduce the passages above required. Every exit shall have over the same, on the inside, the words/ This way out/ in legible letters not less than four inches high. Plans showing the exits and stairways shall be printed on every program or play bill. All exits from the building shall be open at the beginning of every performance and whenever necessary and shall have fastenings on the inside only, but when said building has no immediate street frontage, its main entrance shall open upon an area or unoccupied space at least thirty feet in width and equal in area to one-half of the auditorium, and said court space shall be directly connected with a street or public space by passages which have an aggregate total width of at least forty feet and two of which passages, however, shall not be less than ten feet in width.” Approved, January 14, 1913. ORDINANCE RELATING TO SALARY, GRADING, PAY, LOSS OF TIME, LEAVE OF ABSENCE AND VACATION OF MEMBERS OF THE FIRE DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: 1. That Section 56 of the Revised Ordinances be and is hereby amended to read as follows: Clerk of the Board of Fire Commissioners . . . .$1,800 per year Stenographer Board of Fire Commissioners at the rate of not more than . 624 Chief of Fire Department. 2,700 First Deputy Chief of Fire Department. 2,000 Second Deputy Chief of Fire Department. 1,700 Master Mechanic . 1,600 Electrical Inspector . 2,000 Asst. Electrical Inspector . T 5 °° Linemen at the rate of not more than. 1,200 Captains, each at the rate of. 1,400 Lieutenants, each at the rate of. L 3 °° u a u u cc u u u ORDINANCES 1069 Engineer and Mechanic at the rate of.$1,400 per year Engineers at the rate of . 1,350 Inspector of wires . 1,500 The regular firemen commonly known as privates, shall be divided into two grades. All firemen shall serve the first year after appointment in the second grade and thereafter in the first grade. The pay of regular firemen shall be at the following rates: First grade .$1,200 per year Second grade . 1,050 Pay of men on the substitute roll of the fire department employed in place of regular men or at fires, or on special duty, shall be at the same rate as the second grade privates, to wit: At the rate of.$1,050 per year 2. At the discretion of the Board of Fire Commissioners allowance may be made for time lost through injury received in the lines of duty and also allowance of half pay for time lost by reason of sickness. 3. The person occupying the position of master mechanic shall have charge of the department machine shop and perform such other duties as the Board of Fire Commissioners may direct and shall have the rank of Deputy Chief. 4. That the duties of the engineer and mechanic shall include the regular duties of engineer, and the person occupying said position shall assist in the department machine shop. Appoint¬ ment to this grade shall be optional to the Board of Fire Commissioners. 5. That the position of stenographer of the Board of Fire Commissioners be and is hereby created and shall include the usual duties of stenographer and office assistant to the Clerk of Board of Fire Commissioners and Inspector of Wires. 6. One day’s leave of absence in each ten, and ten days vacation annually, shall be granted to the permanent force of the Fire Department. Such leave and vacation shall be without deduction in pay. 7. All ordinances and amendments of ordinances inconsist¬ ent herewith are hereby repealed. 1070 MUNICIPAL REGISTER 8. This ordinance shall take effect on and after April first, I9I3- Approved, January 14, 1913. AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 239 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES RELATING TO DUTIES OF THE CORPORATION COUNSEL. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Resolved, That Section 239 of the Revised Ordinances be amended by adding thereto the following, to wit: It shall be the duty of the Corporation Counsel to make report from time to time to the Court of Common Council whenever requested so to do regarding any matter relative to amending the City Charter to be referred by him as Corporation Counsel to any session of the General Assembly. Approved, January 14, 1913. AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION IO OF ARTICLE 4 OF THE TRAFFIC ORDINANCE. Be it enacted by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That Section 10 of Article 4 of the Ordinances regulating Street Traffic approved September 12th, 1911, be amended by striking out the word “ either ” in the second line of said section and substituting therefor “ a westerly,” so that said section as amended shall read as follows: “ Street cars passing through Pearl Street in a westerly direction shall not stop between the Phoenix Mutual Life Insur¬ ance Company’s Building, No. 49 Pearl Street, and Main Street for the purpose of discharging, or taking on passengers.” Approved, March 11, 1913. ORDINANCES 1071 AN ORDINANCE CREATING POSITION OF MECHANIC OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford, that: Section 1. The Board of Police Commissioners shall have power to select from time to time from the supernumerary force of the Police Department and to appoint to serve during the pleasure of said Board, a duly qualified person who shall be known as “ Mechanic of the Department.” He shall have charge of and shall keep in good order and condition and in proper repair all gasoline machines and motor vehicles belonging to or in charge of said Department and shall perform such other duties as from time to time may be prescribed by said Board. Sec. 2. The daily hours of duty of such Mechanic of the Department shall be also prescribed by said Board; he shall receive the pay of a patrolman of the first grade, and shall be entitled to the same vacation that such a patrolman now receives under existing Ordinances. Approved, March 25, 1913. AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE POWERS OF THE BUILDING INSPECTOR, ETC- Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council: That Sections 320, 321 and 392 of the Ordinances be amended so as to read as follows: Section 320. INSPECTION OF BUILDINGS. It shall be the duty of said Inspector to examine the condition of all build¬ ings within the City limits and to serve notice in writing upon the builders, owners or architects of such structures, as he deems to be unsafe or insecure in any particular, by reason of the mode or manner of construction, or material used in the con¬ struction thereof, or from any other cause or reason, and to order such changes in the mode or manner of construction and materials used, or such alteration or change in such building, or part thereof, as he may deem necessary to make said building secure and safe; and said Building Inspector may order such 1072 MUNICIPAL REGISTER buildings or any part thereof to be taken down or demolished if he deem such action necessary for the public safety. Sec. 321. RIGHT TO ENTER. The said Inspector is hereby empowered to, and whenever, in his judgment, occasion may require, shall enter into and upon any building, premises, staging, or other structure for the purpose of examining the same in reference to its safety, and attending to the performance of his duties as required by law, and shall order the same altered or demolished to his reasonable acceptance at the expense of the owner thereof, or of the owner of the land upon which the same is located. Sec. 392. PENALTY. If any person shall violate any provision of this ordinance or wilfully disobey or refuse to con¬ form to any written order of the building inspector as aforesaid, unless the same shall have been set aside or modified by said City Court on an appeal, or by said board of arbitrators on an appeal, or any order or decree of either said court or said board of arbitrators made by either on an appeal as aforesaid, or any order of the board of health relating to ventilation, light or drainage, he shall be guilty of a misdemeanor, and may be pun¬ ished on conviction thereof, by a fine of not more than two hundred and fifty dollars, and each succeeding period of seven days in the disobedience or refusal to conform to such order shall be considered a separate offense. Approved, June 10, 1913. AMENDMENT TO SECTION 6l REVISED ORDINANCES RELATING TO SALARIES OF CHARITY DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section 61 of the Revised Ordinances, of the City of Hartford, is hereby amended by striking out the words, “ Eleven thousand two hundred dollars” in the 12th and 13th lines of said section, and substituting therefore the words, “ Fourteen thousand dollars.” Approved, July 15, 1913. ORDINANCES 1073 AN ORDINANCE PROHIBITING CERTAIN FORMS OF ADVERTISING IN THE CITY STREETS. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. No advertising vehicles, trucks, vans or wagons shall be allowed in the streets of the City of Hartford. Nothing herein contained shall prevent the putting of business notices upon ordinary business wagons, so long as such wagons are engaged in the usual business or work of the owner, and not used merely or mainly for advertising. Sec. 2. Nobody shall place or carry upon his person, or cause to be placed or carried upon the person of another, on any sidewalk or street in the City of Hartford, any show-board, placard, or sign, for the purpose of there displaying the same. Sec. 3. The word “vehicles" as used in Section 1, shall be deemed to include wagons, trucks, carts, cabs, carriages, stages, omnibusses, motors, automobiles, locomobiles, locomo¬ tives, bicycles, tricycles, sleighs, or other conveyances for persons or property. Sec. 4. Any violation of Sections 1 and 2 of this Ordi¬ nance shall be a misdemeanor and be punished by a fine not exceeding twenty (20) dollars. Sec. 5. An Ordinance prohibiting certain forms of advertis¬ ing in the City Streets, passed by the Court of Common Council, and approved October 11, 1910, is hereby repealed. Approved, July 15, 1913. AN ORDINANCE AMENDING AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE REGULATION OF HANDLING GARBAGE. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That Section 124 of the Ordinances of the City of Hartford, be amended to read as follows: Every person owning or in charge of any place where meals or food or drinks are prepared for, or furnished to, human beings, or having in possession or being responsible for any garbage, 1074 MUNICIPAL REGISTER shall cause such garbage to be placed in suitable water-tight covered metal vessels, in some part of his premises convenient for removal or in some place designated by the Board of Health, and shall not mingle or cause or allow to be mingled any such garbage with ashes, store sweepings, rubbish or other waste materials. Said garbage shall be separately removed by, or under the direction of the Board of Street Commissioners, in water-tight covered receptacles or carts, under such rules and regulations as said Board may from time to time establish, and at such times not less than 3 times a week from May 15th to October 15th, in each year, and not less than twice a week from October 15th to May 15th, as said Board may prescribe. The removal, disposition and destruction of said garbage shall be in the least offensive and most sanitary manner possible. Approved, July 15, 1913. ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE SALE OF HUMAN FOOD. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council: That the second paragraph of an ordinance relating to the sale of human food passed by the Court of Common Council, February 28, 1910, and approved March 1st, 1910, as amended April 16, 1912, be and the same is hereby amended so as to read as follows: Every person being the owner, lessee or occupant of any room, stall, vehicle or place where any article used by man to be eaten or drunk, shall be stored or kept, sold or offered for sale, shall put and keep such place and its appurtenances in a clean and wholesome condition; and ho person either principal or agent, having charge of or interested or engaged in the care or custody of any such article so used by man, except fruits and vegetables that are peeled, pared or cooked before consumption, shall keep, sell, offer for sale, display or transport any such article unless the same is protected from dust, dirt, flies, soiled papers, newspapers, and all kinds of contamination. Approved, September 9, 1913. ORDINANCES 1075 AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO ELIGIBILITY FOR APPOINTMENT TO ANY OFFICE OR WORK BY THE CITY OF HARTFORD. Be it enacted by the Court of Common Council: Section i. No person shall be eligible for appointment to any office in the City of Hartford, nor for employment in any work done by the City of Hartford, or any of the departments thereof, unless such person shall have been a resident of the City of Hart¬ ford at least six months prior to said appointment or employment. Sec. 2. This ordinance may be suspended by two-thirds vote of the Court of Common Council. Sec. 3. Section 86 of the Ordinances of the City of Hartford is hereby repealed. [Reconsidered and adopted by a rising vote of 13 to 6 in the Board of Aldermen, October 27, 1913, the Mayor’s veto to the contrary notwithstanding. Common Council Board concurred by a rising vote of 27 to 9]. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE SINKING FUND. Be it enacted by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That the Court of Common Council shall annually lay a tax of at least one mill on the dollar on the City’s Grand List for the pur¬ pose of extinguishing the City’s funded debt, and That the Board of Finance shall each year include in their annual estimate of moneys necessary to be appropriated for the expenses of said City, for the year ensuing beginning April first, a sum equal to at least one mill on the dollar to be laid on the City’s Grand List for a Sinking Fund to extinguish the City’s funded debt. Approved, October 27, 1913. 1076 MUNICIPAL REGISTER AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE PASSAGE OF CRIMINALS THROUGH THE CITY STREETS. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. No person having in his custody any person or persons charged with or convicted of crime, and who may be handcuffed or shackled, shall convey or cause to he conveyed such person or persons through or upon any street in the City of Hartford in any conveyance in which the public are allowed to ride at the same time. Sec. 2. Any violation of Section 1 of this ordinance shall be deemed a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine not exceed¬ ing twenty dollars. Approved, November 11, 1913. AMENDMENT TO SECTION 4IO OF ORDINANCE RELATING TO LICENSES OF AMUSEMENTS, ETC. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That section 410 of the Ordinances be amended by adding at the end of the 13th line thereof the following words, “ Athletic halls used exclusively for holding athletic games, contests and exhibitions, $75 per year," so that section 410 as amended shall read: “ License fees, inspection. Every licensee before he receives any license for a theatrical exhibition, public show, public amuse¬ ment, athletic contest, or other performance or exhibition of any description to which admission is obtained by the payment of money or the delivery of any valuable thing, or by any ticket or voucher obtained for money or any valuable thing, shall pay for such license, covering such performance or exhibition, as follows: Circus, Wild West Show, and out-door and tent performances of an itinerant and transient character, $75.00 per day. Athletic contests, for each contest, $15.00. ORDINANCES 1077 Theaters, for all performances that may be held in them $75.00 per year; athletic halls used exclusively for holding athletic games, contests and exhibitions, $75.00 per year. All other performances, public shows, public performances or exhibitions, $1.00 per day, and every such licensee, as a condition for obtaining such license, shall cause facilities for entering and inspecting his place of amusement and viewing the exhibition of performances therein to be furnished at all times to the mayor when applying therefor. ” Approved, December 23, 1913. AMENDMENTS TO SECTIONS 437 AND 438 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1908 RELATING TO RATE-MAKER, DUTIES. CITY COLLECTOR. TAX WARRANTS. AND DELINQUENT TAX PAYERS. Be it enacted by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That Sections 437 and 438 be amended to read as follows: 437. “ Rate-maker, duties. City collector. Tax Warrants. Delinquent tax payers. The Court of Common Council shall, at any regular meeting held on or before the first day of April in 1914 and biennially thereafter, appoint, by concurrent vote, a city rate-maker, who shall hold his office for the term of two years, and who shall make out, certify, and report to the collector before the first day of June in each year, a rate bill setting forth the pro¬ portion which each taxable person shall pay according to law. The collector of the City, in collecting any tax laid by the Court t of Common Council, shall have the powers and conform to the regulations conferred upon and prescribed for the collection of town taxes by the public statutes of the state, after having % received from the Mayor a warrant for the collection of any such tax, which warrant the Mayor is empowered to issue upon appli- * cation of the Collector. And the Collector shall be accountable to the Mayor in the same manner as collectors of town taxes are to the selectmen; and the Mayor may also issue his warrant to and 1078 MUNICIPAL REGISTER thereby require and empower the city Marshal to collect from any negligent collector the sums due from such collector to the City Treasurer; which warrant may be against the lands, chattels, and body of such collector; and said warrant shall be proceeded with like executions in civil actions. 438. Annual tax. Special tax. The Court of Common Council, at any regular meeting thereof, held on or before the first day of April, in each year, shall lay a tax upon the polls and ratable estate within the city, as the annual tax for the current year, for the purpose of defraying any lawful expense, or paying the principal or interest upon any lawful debt, or discharging any lawful liability of the City of Hartford; and it shall be its duty to lay such taxes annually, at least, upon the proper list, provided that taxes authorized by law for any specific purpose, and other than the ordinary annual tax of the city, may be laid at any regular meeting of the Court of Common Council. ” Approved, January 27, 1914. AN ORDINANCE REGULATING THE EMISSION OF SMOKE IN THE CITY OF HARTFORD. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: 1. It shall be the duty of the Building Inspector to investigate all violations and complaints of violations of this ordinance; to collect evidence in regard to the same, and present such evidence to the Prosecuting Attorney for his action. 2. Before any person, firm or corporation shall construct or alter any stationary steam plant, boiler or furnace within the city limits, he shall make application at the office of the Building Inspector for a permit for that purpose, and shall furnish a written statement with plans and specifications in duplicate, giving the style and dimensions of such steam plant, boiler or furnace, together with the height and size of stack or chimney and the method or device to be adopted for the prevention of the emission of dense smoke therefrom; and if the matters described in said ORDINANCES 1079 application and statement of plans and specifications be approved by said Building Inspector, he shall issue a permit for the con¬ struction or alteration of such steam plant, boiler or furnace, keeping for the records of his office one set of the application papers. The provisions of this section shall not apply to minor necessary or emergency alterations or repairs which do not increase the capacity of said plants or involve any substantial alteration in structure or any alteration in the efficiency or method of smoke prevention. 3. The emission of dense smoke within the city from smoke¬ stack of any locomotive for a period of more than 30 seconds in any one period of five minutes, is hereby declared a nuisance, provided however that stacks of locomotives moving trains of six cars or more shall be permitted to emit smoke for one minute in any five minute period, provided that the emission of smoke of such darkness or density for a period not exceeding three minutes from the stack of any locomotive which is unexpectedly stopped by breakdown, signal or sudden emergency is permitted, and that stacks of locomotives in and about roundhouses be permitted to emit dense smoke for 30 minutes during the period when the fire is being built or rebuilt after cleaning. The emission of dense smoke upon the river adjacent to the city from the smokestack of any steam vessel for a period of more than five minutes in any one hour is hereby declared to be a nuisance. The emission of dense smoke within the city from the smokestack of any steam roller, steam derrick, steam pile driver, tar kettle or other similar machine or contrivance, or from the smokestack or chimney of any building or upon any premises, except for nine minutes in any one hour during which period the fire box is being cleaned or a new fire is being built therein is hereby declared a nuisance. The number of minutes or seconds during which smoke may be emitted in any period as provided in this section shall be deemed to mean the aggregate number of minutes or seconds and such minutes or seconds need not be consecutive. The Building Inspector may order any nuisance as above specified abated, and shall cause said order before its execution to be served on the owner or person in charge of the property or thing upon or in connection with which such nuisances exists, or io8o MUNICIPAL REGISTER such of them as are in the city and can be found. It shall be the duty of the police of said city to execute the order of the Building Inspector when so requested by said Inspector. If the party served with an order by the Building Inspector before the execu¬ tion of said order is begun apply to said Inspector for a modifica¬ tion or stay of such order it shall be the duty of the Inspector to suspend temporarily or modify it and give the party, as the case may require, a reasonable and fair opportunity to be heard, and to present proofs and facts against the execution of the order, or in favor of its modification. Abatement of any such nuisance may be in addition to the fine hereinafter provided. Any person or corporation owning, operating or in charge or control of any locomotive, steamboat, steam tug, steam roller, steam derrick, steam pile driver, tar kettle, or other similar machine or contrivance, or of any building or premises, who shall cause or permit the emission of dense smoke within the city, in contravention of the provisions of this section, from any smoke¬ stack, chimney or other contrivance used for the emission of smoke shall be deemed guilty of a violation of this ordinance and be punished as hereinafter provided. For the purpose of grading the density of smoke the Ringle- mann smoke chart, as published and used by the Federal Bureau of Mines, shall be the standard of comparison. Smoke shall be considered “ dense ” within the meaning of this ordinance when it is of greater density than No. 3 of said chart. 4. The issuance and the delivery by the Building Inspector of any permit for the construction, reconstruction, alteration or repair of any plant or chimney connected with a plant, shall not exempt any person or corporation from prosecution on account of the emission or issuance of dense smoke caused or permitted by such person or corporation. 5. Temporary permits for the emission of dense smoke, cov¬ ering periods not exceeding six months from the date on which this ordinance shall take effect, may be granted by the Building Inspector to any person or corporation applying for the same and satisfying the said Building Inspector that he will make changes or improvements to prevent the emission of dense smoke before the expiration of the period for which such temporary permit is ORDINANCES 1081 granted. But after six months has elapsed from the time when this ordinance takes effect no further temporary permits shall be granted unless the Building Inspector is satisfied that public con¬ venience requires it, and permits so granted shall be for a period not exceeding six months. 6. The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to build¬ ings used exclusively for private residence purposes, in which the number of families occupying apartments shall 'be less than nine. Nor shall the provisions of this ordinance apply to the City Fire Department. 7. Any violation of the provisions of this Ordinance shall be a misdemeanor, and shall be punished by a fine of not more than $50 for the first offense and not more than $100 for each succeed¬ ing offense. The prosecution or maintenance of any alteration or construction without a permit, as provided in Section 2 hereof, shall be considered a single and separate offense each day of such prosecution or maintenance, and each and every violation of this ordinance in any other respect shall constitute a separate offense. Approved, February 10, 1914. AN AMENDMENT TO SECTION 82 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1908 RELATING TO DEPARTMENTAL INSURANCE OF CITY PROPERTIES. Resolved, That ordinance number Eighty-two (82) of the City Ordinances be amended by inserting the following words, (excepting the Fire Department) said ordinance as amended to read as follows: Departments of the City (excepting the Fire Department) having the care and custody of insurable property belonging to the city, shall cause all such property to be insured in the name of the city, loss payable to the City Treasurer, and said Treasurer shall receipt in the name of the city, for all moneys coming due on account of policies of insurance issued on such property, and the expense of such shall be a charge upon the accounts of the respective departments having property insured in the name of the city. Approved, February 10, 1914. 1082 MUNICIPAL REGISTER AN ORDINANCE CONSTITUTING EIGHT HOURS OF SERVICE OR LABOR A WORKING DAY FOR CITY EMPLOYEES. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Eight hours of service or labor shall constitute a working day for all persons employed by the City in any City office or by any of the City Departments, Commissions or Boards, who are paid on a daily basis; for all work in excess of eight hours on any one day such persons shall receive extra compensation at the same rate as that at which they are paid for the eight hours which constitute a regular working day. The provisions of this ordinance shall not apply to the employees of the Fire and Police Departments. Approved, February 24, 1914. AN ORDINANCE RELATING TO DAZZLING HEADLIGHTS. Be it enacted by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section 1. That no operator of an automobile, trolley car or other motor vehicle while the same is being used or operated upon the public highways, squares or parks of the City of Hart¬ ford, shall use any acetylene, electric or other headlight unless the same be screened, covered or the light thereof dispersed so as not to dazzle or blind other users of said highways, squares or parks. Sec. 2. The Fire and Police Department vehicles shall be exempt from the provision of this ordinance, when engaged in actual service. Sec. 3. Any person violating this ordinance shall be fined not more than five dollars ($5.00) for the first offense and not more than ten dollars ($10.00) for each subsequent offense. Approved, February 25, 1914. ORDINANCES I083 AN ORDINANCE AMENDING SECTION 57 OF THE REVISED ORDINANCES OF 1908 RELATING TO GRADE AND WAGES OF THE POLICE FORCE. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: That Section 57 of the Revised Ordinances as amended by an ordinance approved, August 10th, 1909, be amended by substitut¬ ing for sub-divisions 2, 3, and 4 of said Section 1, the following: 2. The policemen of the regular force shall be divided into two grades. All policemen shall serve the first three years after appointment in the second grade and thereafter in the first grade. 3. The pay of policemen of the regular force shall be at the following rates: First grade $3.25 per day of actual service. Second grade, $3.00 per day of actual service. 4. The pay of the supernumerary policemen shall be $2.50 per day while acting in the place of or performing the duties of a regular policeman, until such time as the such supernumerary policemen shall have performed six months of regular service for the City, and $2.75 per day thereafter, and no allowance shall be made for any extra time of service during any day of 24 hours. Approved, February 25, 1914. AMENDMENT TO ORDINANCE RELATING TO THE INCREASE OF FORCE OF THE POLICE DEPARTMENT. Be it ordained by the Court of Common Council of the City of Hartford: Section i. The ordinance entitled “ An Ordinance Relating to the Police Department ”, approved March 1st, 1910, and amend¬ ed March 12, 1912, is hereby amended by striking out the words “ one hundred and twenty-six regular men ” in the 6th line of the ordinance approved March 1st, 1910, as amended March 12, 1912, and inserting in place thereof the words, “ one hundred and forty- * one regular policemen ”. Section 2. This ordinance shall take effect April 1st, I 9 T 4 - Approved, February 25, 1914* INDEX INDEX Ordinances passed since the revision of 1908: — Advertising in City streets, prohibiting. 1032, Advertising, regulating billposting and the use of bill¬ boards . Amusements, relating to licensing of. Appointees and Employees of City, eligibility of. Auctioneers, licensing of . Automobiles, regulating headlights for . Awnings overhanging the highway, concerning . Billboards and billposting, regulating . Building Inspector, relating to pay for clerk hire in office of . Relating to powers of . Buildings, inspection of .1032, 1041, Cattle, Driving of, through City streets . Cemeteries, care of, transferred to Park Department.... Charity Department, regulating salaries of employees in the . 1013, 1016, 1059, City Collector, authorized to sell land at auction that was acquired by strict foreclosure, and duties of... 999, City Court, increasing salary of Clerk of. City Court, Messenger of, concerning pay of. 1035, City Marshal, concerning pay of . 1034, City Plan, Commission on, proposed new plots of land and streets to be opened up, to be first referred to the . . City Scales, providing for, and the duties of City Weighers Corporation Counsel, duties of . ...^ . Criminals, regulating transportation of, through City streets . Delinquent Tax Payers, penalties for . Drainage and Plumbing Rules . Driving, rules for, in City streets . . 1041, 1046, 1051, 1061, Drugs, Distribution of . Eight-Hour Day for City employees, providing for. Fire Department, increasing force of. 1035* How the various Fire Companies shall be con¬ stituted . ion, Page 1073 1037 1076 1075 1059 1082 1040 1037 1009 1071 1071 1039 1001 1072 1077 IOOI 1062 1064 1000 1007 1070 1076 1077 1019 1070 1016 1082 1046 1018 io86 MUNICIPAL REGISTER Fire Department, Providing for Captains and Lieutenants in the . Providing for Second Deputy Chief in the . Providing for additional lineman for the Police De¬ partment and the. Relating to salaries, grading, pay, loss of time, leave of absence and vacations of members of . . 1036, Relating to a permanent force for the . Relating to substitutes in the. Relating to salaries in the. 1009, Firemen injured while in the discharge of their duty, payment of . Fruit and Vegetable Stands, regulating the height of. Garbage, regulating handling of . Headlights for automobiles and other vehicles, regulating Health Department, regulating salary of Assistant Clerk in the . Drainage and Plumbing rules. Relating to salaries of Medical Inspectors in the . .. Relating to Vital Statistics by the. Human Food, relating to sale of. 1028, 1061, Ice, providing for Scales for, and the Weighing of. Inspector of Wires. Insurance of City property, relating to. Killing of animals on streets,. Manure, regulating the Transportation of. Concerning storage of. Mayor’s Stenographer, increasing salary of. 1008, Messenger of City Court, concerning pay of. 1035, Moving Picture Machines, relating to Protection of, from Fire . Noise Nuisance, regulating the use of Whistles and Horns Ordinances providing for the Carrying into effect of the Revised. Peddlers, licensing of . Plumbing, Approval of . Plumbing and Drainage Rules . 1019, Plumbers, Licensing of. 1027, Police Department, providing for additional lineman for Fire Department and. Specifying the Organization and Constitution of the . 1006, Increasing the force of the. 1012, 1058, Regulating salaries in the, 1014, 1028, 1034, 1051, 1052, Creating the position of mechanic in the. Page 1009 1010 1035 1068 1005 1001 1030 1011 1013 1073 1082 1012 1019 1031 1060 1074 1006 IO46 I08l 1010 1010 1014 1066 1062 1005 1006 1003 1064 1032 1032 1066 1035 1030 1083 1083 1071 INDEX IO87 Page Police Department, Vacations in the . 1053, 1083 Ratemaker, duties of . 1077 Roller Skating in the Public Streets, regulating. 1013 Salaries of City Officials. 1053 Sale of Land Acquired by the City Collector by Strict Foreclosure, providing for the. 999 Sidewalks, Obstruction of. 1017 Sidewalks, Openings in. 1017 Sinking Fund, providing tax for . 1075 Smoke Nuisance, providing for the elimination of .1078 Streets, Openings in. 1017 Street Department, regulating salary of Clerk of. 1036 Regulating salary of Superintendent of Streets .... 1036 Minimum wage for laborers in the . 1059 Street Sales by Children, regulating . 1033 Street Traffic, rules for Driving and 1041, 1046, 1051, 1061, 1070 Superintendent of Streets, rgulating salary of. 1036, 1050 Superintendent of Schools, concerning salary of the .... 1004 Tax Warrants, relating to . 1077 Theaters, relating to frontage and entrances to . 1067 Traffic in public streets, rules for . 1041, 1046, 1051, 1061, 1070 Truant Officer, concerning salary of the . 1004 Vital Statistics by Health Board. 1060 Voting Districts, dividing Tenth Ward into two. 1048 Weights and Measures, Sealer of, relating to Duties of . 1008, 1017, 1031 Wires, Inspector of . 1046