^COURSES OF STUDY < English I (a) English I (b) Algebra (b) CO Algebra (a) ^Physical Geography 1 Physiology *Those who have already passed in com- mercial geography may substitute that credit here. Caesar (a) Caesar (b) English II (a) English II (b) Ih CO Geometry (a) Geometry (b) V >< Mediaeval OR Greek History Modern OR Roman History c CM Note: —If Mediaeval history is elected, Modern must be taken in the sec- ond semester. If Greek history is elected, Roman history must be elected in the second semester. Cicero (a) Cicero (b) CO < -o u CO German I (a) Algebra (c) German I (b) n . _ r. _1 Solid Geometry Choose One j English mstory Virgil (a) Virgil (b) a English IV (a) English IV (b) h Choose One -) Zoology ( Com. Arithmetic (a) Choose One j ^Arithmetic (b) CM NOTE:—If Zoology is elected, Botany must be elected in the second se- mester. Those who elect Arithmetic (a) in first semester must take Arithmetic (b) in the second. English III (a) English III (b) U> CO U. S. History Civics £ German I (a) OR Latin I (a) German I (b) OR Latin I (b) CO Algebra (c) OR ^Chemistry (a) Solid Geom. OR ^Chemistry (b) NOTE:—If chemistry is elected, both semesters of it must be taken. u English IV (a) English IV (b) CO a> German II (a) OR Caesar (a) German II (b,) OR Caesar (b) XJ Physics (a) Physics < b ) English History Select any study that will give you one additional credit. (3) COMMERCIAL COURSE FIRST SEMESTER SECOND SEMESTER 1st Year English I (a) Algebra (a) Physiology Commercial Arithmetic (a) English I (b) Algebra (b) * Commercial Geography Commercial Arithmetic (b) ’’Those who have already taken physical Geo. may substitute that credit here. 2nd Year English II (a) Geometry (a) Choose one j Mediaeval History 1 Zoology j Bookkeeping (a), (one credit) ( (two periods each day) English II (b) Geometry (b) i English History Choose one - *Modern History ( Botany J '•’Only those who have studied Mediaev- i al History may take Modem History. \ Bookkeeping (b), (one credit) / (two periods each day) 3rd Year English III ( j Bookkeepii 1 (two p< Short Hand i Typewriting Choose one < a) ng (c), (one credit) sriods each day) (a), (one credit) I (a), (1 hr. 1-2 Cr.) U. S. History German I (a) Latin Chemistry (a) ^Physics (a) English III (b) Short Hand I (b), (one credit) Typewriting I (b), (1 hr. 1-2 Cr.) | Those who elected U. S. History J will take Civics or English His- 1 tory, others will take the second ( semester of the subject elected. Fourth Year English IV (a) Short Hand II (a), (one credit) Typewriting II (a), (1 hr. 1-2 Cr.) Commercial Law [ Caesar (a) Choose one J German II (a) j Chemistry (a) ( Physics (a) English IV (b) Short Hand II (b), lone credit! Typewriting II (b), (1 hr. 1-2 Cr.) t Caesar (b) Choose one German II (b > J Chemistry ( b) ( Physics rb)