LI B RAR.Y OF THE U N I VERS ITY or ILLINOIS 912.7731 Kl3a OVER 37,000 GRADUATES SUCCESSFULIN BUSINESS hd Best Business College Return this book on or before the Latest Date stamped below. University of Illinois Library MAY 2 7 1S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 9 . T. 40 N KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 9 10 KANDUL’S GBEEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 11 12 KANDUL»S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE IS 14 KANDUL»S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE T.40N; KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 15 16 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 17 18 KANDUL^S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 1 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 19 20 KANDUL»S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 21 R.14E s&e p 16 T. 39N 22 KANDUL*S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE R. 14 E □!□ Dif/ I ST. • CO MffODd?;? ’!□□□□□ - i w. grand ~ * — - lUDDUn ^w. 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KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 61 62 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 53 j £st; "nsporirnir *o 64 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 56 66 KANDUL^S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE T.36N. , JVe /?S6 T.37N. KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 67 eaves Randolph and Wabash, S. to 22nd, U, to Indiana At., S. to 61»t, B. to Grand Blvd. Night cars every 16 minute*. Z.4 — ^mdianor— VTabash — Iiincoln (Route 3). Leaves Foster and Lincoln Av., S. E. to Center, E. to Clark, S. to Kinzie, E. to State, S. to Lake, E. to Wabash Av., S. to 22nd, E. to Indiana Av., S. to 51st, B. to Grand Blvd. TJt— Twrtwg' Park Blvd, Leaves Broadway and Irving Bark Blvd., W. to Narragansett Av. Night cars every 40 minutes. K.l — Kedale — CaliXorula (Route 17). Leaves Lawrence Av. and Kedzie Av., S. to Elston Av., 8. E. to California Av., S. to Chicago Av., W. to Kedzie Av., S. to 63rd. Night cars every hour from 22nd, S. to 63rd. K.2 — Kedzie — California. Leaves Lawrence Av. and Kedzie, S. to Elston Av., S. E. to California Av., S. to Chicago Av., W. to Kedzie Av., S. to 47th. K.3 — Kedzie — California. Leaves Belmont Av. and California Av., S. to Chicago Av., W, to Kedzie Av., A to 47th. K.4 — Kedzie — California. Leaves Belmont Av. and California, S. to Chicago Av., W. to Kedzie Av., S. to 22nd. Night cars every 16 minutes. Xi.l — Bake St. Leaves State and Randolph, W. to Dearborn, N. to Lake, W. to Austin Av. (Temporary Route) W. on Lake to Franklin, S. to Randolph, W. to Clinton, N. to Lake. Zi.2 — X^ke St. (WEST). Leaves Austin Av. and Lake, W. to Fifth Av. (Maywood). B.3 — Baramie At. Leaves Lake and Laramie Av., S. to Harrison St. B.4 — Barrahee— Dearborn (Riverview). Leaves Polk and Dearborn, N. to Kinzie, W. to Franklin, N. to Erie, W. to Kingsbury, N. to Chicago Av., W. to Larrabee, N. to Lincoln Av., N. W. to Belmont Av., W. to Robey, N. to Roscoe, W. to Western Av. B.S — ^Bawrence Av. Leaves Broadway and Lawrence Av., W. to Longwood Av. B.6 — ^Bincoln — Clark (Downtown). Leaves Dearborn and Monroe, W. to La Salle, N. to Illinois, E. to Clark, N. to Center, W. to Lincoln Av., N. W. to Foster Av. (Bowmanville). Night cars every 20 minutes. M.l — Madison St. (Austin). Leaves State and Madison, W. to Austin Av. Night cars every 10 minutes. M.2— Madison St. (Cicero). Leaves State and Madison, W. to Cicero Av. M.3 — (Madison St. (Crawford). Leaves State and Madison, W. to Crawford Av. M.4 — ^Madison — Colorado. Leaves State and Madison, W. to California and Colorado Av,, S. W. to Crawford Av. M.5 — Madison (West). Leaves Austin Av. and Madison, W. to Fifth Av., Maywood, N, to St. Charles Rd., W. to 19th Av., Melrose, S. to Madison and return to Austin Av. M.G — ^Michigan — Rlverdale. Leaves 118th and Michigan Av., S. to 127th, E. to Indiana Av., S. to 130th, S. in private right of way to 134th, E. to Indiana Av., S. to Leyden Av., S. E. to 138th St. M.7 — ^Milwaukee— W ashlngton. Leaves State and Washington, W. to Des Plaines, N. to Mil- waukee Av., N. W. to Ainslie (Jefferson). Night cars ©very 30 minutes. M.8 — Milwaukee — ^Extension. Leaves Ainslie and Milwaukee Av., N. W. to Devon Av„ (Nor- wood Park). M. 9 — ^Montrose At. Leaves Broadway and Montrose Av., W. to Knox Av. (Dunning), ir.l— Noble St. Leaves Milwaukee Av., Emma and Noble, N. to Blackhawk, W. to Holt, N. to North Av. N. 2 — Nortli At. Leaves Clark arid North Av., W. to Cicero Av. Night cars ©very 35 minutes. O. X — Ogden — ^Randolph (Baramle). Leaves State and Randolph, W. to Dearborn^ N. to Lake, W. to Franklin, S. to Randolph, W. to Ogden Av., S. W. Cicero Av., B, to 25th St., W. to Laramie Av., N. to Ogden Av. Night car© every 30 minutes. 0.3— Ogden — ^Randolph (Crawford). Leaves State and Randolph, W. to Dearborn, N. to Lake, W. to Franklin, S. to Randolph, W. to Ogden Av., S. W. to 22nd and Crawford Av. KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 67 O.S — Orden — Berwyn, XIL Leaves S. Kenton and Ogden Av., S. W. to Cicero Av., S. to 26th, W. to Central Av., S. to 26th, W. to Rldgeland Av., S. to 31st, W. to Stanley Av., S. W. to Harlem Av., S. to Ogden Av., S. to town of Lyons. 0.4 — Ocrden — Uadlson — Clark (Boate 11). Leaves Dlversey and Clark, S. to Madison, W. to Ogden Av., S. W. to Kenton Av. B.1— Bohey St. Leaves Fullerton Av. and Robey, S. to Blue Island Av. Night cars every 36 minutes. S. 1 — Sangamon — ^Baclne — Erie. Leaves Ashland Av. and Erie, E. to Racine Av., S. to Austin Av., E. to Sangamon, S. to Adams, W. to Racine Av., S. to 21st St. 8.5 — Sangamon — Morgan — Bacine (Boate 2^. Leaves Ashland Av. and Erie, E. to Racine Av., S. to Austin Av., E. to Sangamon, S. to Adams, W. to Racine Av., S. to 21st, W. to Throop, S. to 31st, W. to Morgan, S. to 39th at Stock Yards. 8.3 — Sedgwick — Dearborn. Leaves Polk and Dearborn, N. to Kinzie, W. to Orleans, N. to Chicago Av., W. to Sedgwick, N. to Lincoln Av., N. W. to Halsted and Fullerton Av., W. to Racine Av., S. to Webster Av., E. to Lincoln Av. and return. Night cars every 65 minutes. B.4 — So. Deering — So. Chicago. Leaves 63rd and Stony Island Av., S. to 76th, E. to Coles Av., S. to 79th, E. to Brandon Av., S. to 83rd, E. to Burley Av., S. to 87th, E. to Buffalo Av., S. to 92nd, W. to Commercial Av., S. to 104th, W. to Torrence Av., S. to 112th. Night cars every 60 minutes. 8.5 — Sontbport — ^Plfth Av. Leaves Polk and Dearborn. N. to Harrison, W. to Fifth Av.. N. to Wells, N. to Austin Av., W. to Franklin, N. to Erie, W. to Kingsbury, N. to Chicago Av., W. to Larrabee, N. to Crosby, N. W. to Division, W. to Halsted, N. to Clyboum Av., N. W. to Southport Av., N. to Clark. Night cars every 30 min. 5.6— State St. (79th). Leaves Wells and Division, E. to State, S. to 79th. ar— State St. (73rd). Leaves Wells and Division, E. to State, S. to 73rd. Night cars every 16 minutes. 5.8— State St. (63rd). Leaves Wells and Division, E. to State, S. to 63rd. 8.9 — State — Madison (Boate 7). Leaves Austin Av. and Madison, E. to State, S. to 63rd. aiO — state — Milwaukee (Boate 6). Leaves Alnslle and Milwaukee Av., S. E. to Clinton, S. to Ran- dolph, E. to Franklin, N. to Lake, E. to State, S. to 63rd. I.l — Taylor — Fifth Av. — Sheffield. Leaves Clark and Sheffield Av., S. to Lincoln Av., S. E. to Center, E. to Clark, S. E. to Wells, S. to Fifth Av., S. to Taylor, W. to Western Av. Night cars every 32 minutes. V. l — Van Boren. Leaves State and Van Buren, W. to Kedzle Av. Night cars every 30 minutes. W. l— Wallace — Bacine. Leaves Lake and State, S. to Archer Av. at 1900, S. W. to Canal, S. to 29th, W. to Wallace, S. to Root, W. to Halsted, S. to 47th, W. to Racine Av., S. to 79th. Night cars every 30 minutes. W.3— Wells — Lincoln — Bobey. Leaves Dearborn and Monroe, W. to LaSalle, N. to Illinois, W. to Wells, N. to Clark, N. W. to Center, W. to Lincoln Av., N. W. to Robey, N. to Balmoral Av., E. to Ravenswood Av., N. to Cemetery Drive (Rosehlll). W.3 — Wentworth — Clark (Downtow^. Leaves Washington and Clark, S. to Archer Av., S. W. to Want- worth Av., S. to 79th. Night cars every 16 minutes. W.4 — ^Wentworth — Clark (Downtow^. Leaves Wlashlngton and Clark, S. to Archer Av., S. W. to Went- worth Av., S. to 77th. W.6— Wentworth — Clark (Oowntow^. Leaves Washington and Clark, S. to Archer Av., S. W. to Went- worth Av., 8. to 63rd. W.6 — Western Av. (Boate 10). Leaves Lawrence Av. and Western Av., S. to 71st. Night cars every 30 minutes. W.7 — ^Western Av. (Boate 10). Leaves Lawrence Av. and Western Av., S. to 63rd. W.8— Western Av, (ITorth), Leaves Roscoe and Western Av., S. to 27th. W.9 — ^Whiting — South Chicago. Leaves (Commercial Av. and 92nd, E. to Baltimore Av.. S. to South Chicago Av., S. E. to 95th, E. to Ewing Av., S. to Indian- apolis Blvd., S. E. to 119th St., E. to Schraage Av., S. to Indianapolis Blvd., S. E. to Forsythe, E. to Exchange Av. (East Chicago, Ind.), 68 KANDUUS GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE W. IO — ^Windsor Farb — South Chioag'o. Leaves 63rd and Stony Island Av., S. to 73rd, B. to South Shore Av., S. E. to 75th, E. to Coles Av., S. E. to 79th, W. to Exchange Av., S. to 83rd, E. to Commercial Av., S. to 96th, E. to Ewing Av., S. to 108th. Night cars every 60 minute.s. X. l— 12th St. (East). Leaves Wabash Av. and 12th St., W. to Crawford Av. Night cars every 30 minutes. X.2 — 12th — ^Adams (Austin Av.). Leaves Dearborn and Adams St., W. to 5th Av., S. to 12th, W. to Austin Av. X.3 — 12th — ^Adams (Kenton Av.). Leaves Dearborn and Adams, W. to 5th Av., S. to 12th, W. to Kenton Av. Night cars every 30 minutes. X.4 — 12th — 14th — 16th. Leaves Wabash Av. and 12th, W. to Jefferson, S. to 14th, W. to Robey, N. to 12th, W. to Kedzie Av., S. to 16th, W. to Kenton Av. Night cars every 30 minutes. K.5 — 12th — 5th Av. — Clark (Boute 14). Leaves Diversey and Clark, S. E. to Wells, S. to 5th Av., S. to 12th, W. to Kenton Av. X.6 — 18th — Eeavltt. Leaves State and 18th, W. to Leavitt, S. to Blue Island Av. Night cars every 30 minutes. K.7 — 21st — Canal — Adams. Leaves Marshall Blvd. and 21st, E. to Halsted, N. to Canalport Av., N. E. to Canal, N. to Harrison, W. to Clinton, N. to Adams, E. to State. K.8— 22nd St. Leaves Wabash Av. and 22nd, W. to Kenton Av. Night cars every 15 minutes. X.9 — 22nd — 25th — Bawndale Av. Leaves Wabash Av. and 22nd, W. to Kedzie Av., S. to 25th, W. to Lawndale Av., S. to 33rd. Night cars every 37 minutes. X.IO— 26th St. Leaves Cottage Grove Av. and 26th, W. to Halsted. X.ll— 31st St. Leaves I. C. R. R. and 31st, W. to Pitney Ct., N. W. to Archer Av. Night cars every 16 minutes. X.12 — 35th — 36th. Leaves Cottage Grove Av. and 35th, W. to California Av., S. to 36th, W. to Kedzie Av. Night cars every 30 minutes. X.13 — 39th — Boot. Leaves Cottage Grove Av. and 39th, W. to Halsted, S. to Root, W. to Stock Yards. Night cars every 30 minutes. X.14— 43rd — Boot. Leaves I. C. R. R. and 43rd, W. to State, N. to Root, W. to Stock Yards. Night cai’s every 15 minutes. X.15 — 47th St. Leaves I. C .R. R. and 47th, W. to Kedzie Av. Night cars every 30 minutes. X.16 — 47th St. Leaves I. C. R. R. and 47th, W. to Western Av. X.17 — 51st St. (East). Leaves Grand Blvd. and 51st, W. to Leavitt. Night cars every 20 minutes. X.18— 51st St. (West). Leaves Leavitt and 61st, W. to St. Louis Av. X.19 — 59th — 61st. Leaves Blackstone Av. and 61st. W. to State, N. to 59th, W. to Kedzie Av. Night cars every 15 minutes. X.20— 63rd (Clearing). Leaves Central Park Av. and 63rd, W. to Central Av. X.21 — 63rd St. Leaves Stony Island Av. and 63rd, W. to Central Park Av. Night cars every 30 minutes. X.22 — 63rd St. Leaves Stony Island Av. and 63rd, W. to Robey. Night cars every 16 minutes. X.23 — 67th — 69th. Leaves Yates Av. and 67th, W. to Rhodes Av., S. to 68th, W. to Keefe Av., S. to 69th, W. to Western Av. Night cars every 16 minutes. X.24— 71st St. Leaves Cottage Grove Av. and 71st, W. to State. X.25 — 74th — 75th. Leaves the Lake and 76th, W. to Eggleston Av., N. to 74th, W. to Ashland Av. Night cars every 30 minutes. X.26— 79th St. Leaves The Lake and 79th, W. to Ashland Av. X.27 — 93rd — ^Fullman. Leaves Steel Mills and 89th, W. to Buffalo Av., S. to 92nd, W. to Exchange Av., S. to 93rd, W. to Stony Island Av., S. to 94th, W. and N. W. in Private Right of Way to 93rd and W. to Cottage Grove Av., S. to lllth, E. to Watt Av., S. to 116th, W. to Cottage Grove Av, Night cars every 60 minutes. KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 69 X.98 — 103rd — Pernwood. Leaves Cottage Grove Av. and 103rd, W. to Vincennes Av. X.39 — loetb — South Deerlng. Leaves Ewing Av. and 106th, W. to Torrence Av. X.30 — 111th— Boselasd. Leaves Cottage Grove Av. and 111th, W. to Stewart Av. X.31 — 115th — Kensington. Leaves South Park Av. and 115th W. to Halsted. X.38— 119th— West Pullman. Leaves Morgan and 119th, W. to Vincennes Av. THROUGH ROUTES Xonta 1 — Cottage Grove — Broadway (C.19). Leaves Devon Av. and Clark, E. to Broadway, S. to Clark, S. to Division, E. to State, S. to Lake, E. to Wabash Av., S. to 18th, E. to Indiana Av., S. to 22nd and Cottage Grove Av., S. E. and S. to 65th, E. to Lake Park Av. Xoute 2 — Wentworth — Clyhonm (C.13). Leaves Belmont Av. and Clybourn Av., S. E. to Division, E. to Wells, S. to Illinois, E. to Clark, S. to 22nd, W. to Wentworth Av., S. to 80th St. Xonte 3 — Indiana — ^Blneoln (Z.4). Leaves Foster and Lincoln Av., S. E. to Center, E. to Clark, S. to Klnzle, E. to State, S. to Lake, E. to Wabash Av., S. to 22nd, E. to Indiana Av., S. to 51st, E. to Grand Blvd. Boute 4 — Cottage Grove — Pullman (C.18). Leaves Randolph and Wabash Av., S. to 18th, E. to Indiana Av., S. to 22nd and Cottage Grove, S. E. and S. to 96th, W. to Michigan Av., S. to 119th, W. to Halsted, S. to 120th, W. to Morgan. Boute 5 — Cottage Grove — South Chicago (C.17). Leaves Randolph and Wabash Av., S. to 18 th, E. to Indiana Av., S. to 22nd and Cottage Grove Av., S. E. and S. to 71st and South Chicago Av., S. E. to 93rd St. Boute 6 — State — Milwaukee (S.IO). Leaves Alnslle and Milwaukee Av.. S. E. to Clinton, S. to Ran- dolph, E. to Franklin, N. to Lake, E. to State, S. to 63rd. Boute 7 — State — M'adison (S.9). Leaves Austin Av. and Madison, E. to State, S. to 63rd. Boute 8 — Halsted St. (H.l). Leaves Grace and Halsted, S. to 79th. Boute 9 — Ashland — Southport (A.8). Leaves Clark and Southport Av., S. to Cortland, W. to Ashland Av., S. to Lake, W. to Paulina, S. to 12th, E. to Ashland Av., S. to 70th. Boute 9 — ^Ashland — Southport (A.9). Leaves Clybourn Av. and Southport Av., S. to Cortland, W. to Ashland Av., S. to Lake, W. to Paulina, S. to 12th, E. to Ashland Av., S. to 70th. Boute 10 — Western Av. (W.6). Leaves Lawrence Av. and Western Av., S. to 71st. Boute 10 — Western Av. (W.7). Leaves Lawrence Av. and Western Av., S. to 63rd. Boute 11 — Ogden — Madison — Clark (0.4). Leaves Dlversey and Clark, S. to Madison, W. to Ogden Av., S. W. to Kenton Av. Boute 12 — Blue Island — Wells (B.4). Leaves Clark and North Av., W. to Wells, S. to 5th Av., S. to Adams, W. to Clinton. S. to Harrison. W. to Halsted and Blue Island Av., S. W. to 26th, W. to Kenton Av. Boute 13 — Halsted St. (H.2). Leaves Clark and Halsted, S. to 69th. Boute 14 — 12th — Wells— Clark (X.5). Leaves Dlversey and Clark, S. E. to Wells, S. to 6th Av„ S. to 12th, W. to Kenton Av. Boute 15— Abandoned. Boute 16 — Abandoned. Boute 17 — Kedzie Av. (X.l). Leaves Lawrence Av. and Kedzie Av., S. to Elston Av., S. E. to California Av., S. to Chicago Av., W. to Kedzie Av., S. to 63rd. Boute 18 — Halsted St. (H.3). Leaves Grace and Halsted, S. to 26th. Boute 19 — Abandoned. Boute 20 — Abandoned. Boute 31 — ^Abandoned. Boute 22 — Clark — Wentworth (C.8). Leave.s Howard and Clark, S. to 22nd, W. to Wentworth Av., S. to 80th. Boute 23 — Sangamon — Bacine — ^Morgan (S.^. Leaves Ashland Av. and Erie, E. to Racine Av., S. to Austin Av., E. to Sangamon. >S. to Adams, W. to Racine Av., S. to 21st, W. to Throop, S. to 31st, W. to Morgan, S. to 39th at Stock Yards. 70 KANDUL’S GEEEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 71 CHICAGO ELEVATED LINES Trains run “contra-clockwise” around the loop. Northwestern and South Side trains use the outer loop track. Metropolitan and Chi- cago & Oak Park trains use the inner loop track. There are four transfer points on the loop: Randolph and Fifth, State and Van Buren, Adams and Wabash, Clark and Lake. Trains through-routed are designated by their terminals, viz.: Evanston and Jackson Park (express) ; Ravenswood and Kenwood (express); Wilson Av. and Englewood (express); Wilson Av. and Jackson Park (local). North bound through route trains will use Wabash Av. and Lake. South bound through route trains use Fifth Av. and Van Buren. “Around the Loop” trains are run on the outer tracks from 9 a. m. to 4 p. m., every 3 minutes week days. Passengers on through route trains desiring to reach stations not touched by these trains or passengers at station not touched by through route trains desiring to reach those trains must use looped trains on either track for such purposes. Northwestern. North Water St. Terminal at Clark St. Bridge. Transfer points to other lines: To Metropolitan, Randolph and Fifth Av. To Oak Park, State and Van Buren. To South Side, Ran- dolph and Fifth Av. Routing of trains on week days: Through Routed Trains. Wilson Av. and Jackson Park — Locals: From 6:40 a. m. to 9 a. m. and from 4 p. m. to 6:40 p. m. Evanston and Jackson Park — Express: 6:30 a. m. to 12:16 a. m. Wilson Av. and Englewood — Express: 6:40 a. m. to 12:20 a. m. Ravenswood and Kenwood — Through: 6:33 a. m. to 12:46 a. m. Looped Trains. Ravenswood — 12:45 a. m. to 6:33 a. m. Evans- ton — 12:20 a. m. to 6:26 a. m. Wilson Av. — 12:25 a. m. to 6:36 a. m. North Water St. Terminal — Howard St. express every 10 min. from 5:10 p. m. to 6:20 p. m. Ravenswood — 6:35 p. m. to 6:62 p. m. Sundays. Through Routed Trains. Evanston and Jackson Park — Express: 7:65 a. m. to 12:30 a. m. Wilson Av. and Englewood — Express: 8:50 a. m. to 11:46 p. m. Ravenswood and Kenwood — Through: 8:22 a. m. to 12:33 a. m. Looped Trains. Sunday Ravenswood and Kenwood — Loop: 12:29 a. m. to 8:13 a. m. Evanston — 12:35 a. m. to 7:50 a m. Wilson Av. — 11:45 p. m. to 12:36 a. m. The time given is the arriving time at the loop or North Water St. stub terminal. South Side. The best transfer point for all other roads during the morning rush hour is Clark and Lake Sts. The best transfer point during the evening rush hour is Adams and Wabash Av. Routing and trains on week days; Jackson Park and Wilson Av. Local — From 6:30 to 9:00 a. m. and from 4:00 to 6:40 p. m. Jackson Park and Evanston express — 6:30 a. m. to 12:16 a. m. Englewood and Wilson Av. express — 6:40 a. m. to 12:20 a. m. Kenwood and Ravenswood (Through) — 6:29 a. m. to 12:42 a. m. Looped Trains. Kenwood — 12:69 a. m. to 1:09 a. m. Jackson Park — 12:20 a. m. to 6:26 a. m. Englewood — 12:26 a. m. to 6:40 a. m. Old Congress, between State and Wabash Av. Jackson Park — 6:10 p. m. to 6:30 p. m. Englewood — 4:55 p. m. to 6:20 p. m. Sundays. Through Routed Trains. Jackson Park and Evanston express — 7:65 a. m. to 12:30 a. m. Englewood and Wilson Av. ex- press — 8:50 a. m. to 11:45 p. m. Kenwood and Ravenswood (Through) — 8:23 a. m. to 12:30 a. m. Looped Trains. Kenwood — 12:31 a. m. to 1:09 a. m. Jackson Park — 12:36 a. m. to 7:50 a. m. Englewood — 11:60 p. m. to 8:46 a. m. Time given is arriving time at loop or old Congress St. Metropolitan. Fifth Av. Terminal between Jackson and Van Buren. The best transfer points during the morning rush hour are: To South Side — State and Van Buren. To Northwestern or Oak Park — Clark and Lake. The best transfer points during the evening rush hours are: To Northwestern — Adams and Wahash Av. To South Side or Oak Park — State and Van Buren. A transfer station has been constructed on West Lake St. near Paulina St., to enable passengers to transfer between Metropolitan Elevated and Chicago & Oak Park Elevated. Oak Park. Market St. Terminal at West Madison and The River. The best transfer points during the morning rush hour are: To Metropolitan — Quincy and Van Buren. To South Side — State and Van Buren. To Northwestern — Adams and Wabash Av. The best transfer points during the evening rush hour are: To Metropolitan or South Side — Randolph and Fifth Av. To Northwestern — Adams and Wabash Av. Transfer station at W. Lake and Paulina for Metropolitan trains. At all stations where there are two agents, one on each side of the track, passengers going east, or to the loop, must pay their fare at the station on the south side of Lake St., and passengers going west, or from the loop, must pay their fare at the station on the north side of Lake St. 72 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE INTERURBAN RAILWAYS Cblcaffo West Towns Bailway. Offices, corner Lake and Cuyler Av., Oak Park, 111. Car Depot, 22nd St. and Harlem Av. Xvanstou Traction Co. Offices, Clark and Davis Sts., Evanston, 111. Phone. Evanston, 111., line runs to Chicago City Limits on Clark at Howard St, East to the Elevated R. R. Line. Chicago & Joliet Electric B. B. For car schedule phone Rand. 681. General Office, 301 N. Ottawa St., Joliet, 111. (The Drainage Canal Route.) Depot, Archer and Cicero Avs. (City Limits). Connections made at Lyons with Ogden Av. cars of the Cook County and Chicago Surface Lines. Stations: Argo, Summit, Bethania Cemetery, Leafy Grove, Mt. Forrest, Willow Springs, Lemont, Romeo, Lockport, Dellwood Park, Illinois State Penitentiary and Joliet. Chicago 3e Xntertirhan Traction Co. Office and Car Depot, Vincennes Av. and 88th. For car schedule phone Wentworth 2766. Car line, B.6. Depot, 63rd and Halsted. Stations at 79th, 87th, 103rd and 111th Sts., Blue Island, Calumet Grove, West Harvey, Harvey, Franklin, Glen wood, Chicago Heights (connects here with Joliet & Eastern Traction Co.), Steger, Crete, Monee, Peotone, Manteno, Tucker, Bradley and Kankakee, 111. Chicago Eake Shore & South Bend Electric Ballway. Take Cottage Grove-Pullman (C.18) Surface Line or Illinois Cen- tral Railroad trains at Randolph, Van Buren or 12th St. Stations. For car schedule phone to Pullman or Kensington for connections. Stations at Kensington and Hegewisch, 111., Indiana Harbor, Gary, Hudson Lake, South Bend and other intermediate points in Indiana. Aurora, Elgin Sc Chicago Bailway. General Offices and Depot on 6th Av., between Jackson Blvd. and Van Buren St. For information phone Wabash 420 and 6048. Stations: All trains stop at Marshfield and Laramie Avs., Desplaines Av., Maywood, Bellewood, Elmhurst, Lombard, Glen Ellyn, Wheaton, Chicago Golf, Warrenville, Batavia Junction, Glenwood Park, Batavia, Aurora, West Chicago, Geneva, St. Charles. Wayne and Elgin. Trains connect with city lines in Aurora and with interurban lines for Montgomery, Oswego and Torkville; connects with city lines in Elgin and with interurban lines for Dunde^ Geneva, Carpentersville, South Elgin, St. Charles, Batavia, Belvidere, Rockford and Freeport; also with Joliet, Plainfield & Aurora Ry. Chicago Sc Milwaukee Electric Ballway. General Office, 137 S. LaSalle St. For train schedule phone Randolph 2801. Depot at Church St., Evanston, 111. Direct con- nection at Central St., Evanston, with Northwestern Elevated. Stations at WSlmette, Kenilworth, Winnetka, Lakeside, Glencoe, Ravinia Park, Ravinia, Highland Park, Highwood, Fort Sheridan, Lake Forest, Lake BlufC (connects here for Rondout, Libertyville and Area), North Chicago, Waukegan, Waukegan Golf Club, 33rd St., Zion City, Camp Logan at Zion City, Winthrop Harbor, Tobin Rd., Slosson, Kenosha, Racine and Milwaukee, Wis. Express trains stop only at Highland Park, Lake Forest, North Chicago, Waukegan, Zion City, Kenosha, Racine and Milwaukee, Wis. Chicago, Ottawa Sc Feorla Ballway. General Office, Joliet, 111.; phone Randolph 681 for information. Leaves Archer and Cicero Avs., via Chicago & Joliet Electric Railway, to Joliet, Rockdale, Rock Run Park, Birds Bridge, Minooka, Morris, Seneca, Marseilles, Ottawa, Starved Rock, La Salle, Princeton, Streator and intermediate points. RAILROAD STATIONS 1 — Central Passenger Station, E. 11th PI. and E. 12th, near S. Michi-. gan Av. Harrison 7340. 2 — Dearborn Station, corner Polk and Dearborn Sts. Harrison 3690. 3 — Grand Central Passenger Station, corner S. Fifth and Harrison. Wabash 3242. 4 — LaSalle Street Station, corner Van Buren, LaSalle and Sherman Sts. Wabash 3216. 6 — Union Depot, Canal, between Adams and Medison. Franklin 2872. 6 — New North-Western Station, on Madison, corner Canal and Clin- ton Sts. Main 966. KANDUUS GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 78 RAILROAD TICKET OFFICES Kmubers Indicate Passengrer Depots. F. Dept. Abbreviates Freig-bt Department. 2 — Atchison, Topeka & Santa Fe Ry., 78 E. Jackson Blvd. Harrison 4820. F. Dept. S. State and W. 12th. 3 — Baltimore & Ohio R. R„ 236 S. Clark. Wabash 3242. F. Dept, Polk and S. 6th Av. 1 — Chesapeake & Ohio Ry., 68 W. Adams. Wabash 1840. F. Dept., 401 W. Van Buren St. 6 — Chicago, Burlington & Quincy Ry., 141 S. Clark. Central 3117. F. Dept., W. Harrison and S. Canal. 3 — Chicago Great Western Ry., 62 W. Adams. Central 6269. F. Dept., W. Harrison and S. 5th Av. 2 — Chicago, Indianapolis & Louisville Ry. (Monon Route), 104 S. Clark. Harrison 3309. F. Dept., 836 Federal St. 6 — Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry., 62 W. Adams. Harrison 6162. F. Dept., Fulton and N. Union Avs. 4 — Chicago, Rock Island & Pacific Ry., 60 W. Adams. Central 4446. F. Dept., Taylor and Sherman. 5 — Chicago & Alton Ry., 142 S. Clark. Harrison 4470. F. Dept., Canal and Harrison. 6 — Chicago & North-Western Ry., 148 S. Clark. Randolph 4221. F. Dept., Galena Div. N. State and No. Water, Wisconsin Dlv. N. Jefferson and W. Grand Av. 2 — Chicago & Eastern Illinois Ry., 108 W. Adams. Harrison 6100. F. Dept., S. Clark and W. 12th St. 2 — Chicago, Indiana & Southern R. R., 100 S. Clark. Randolph 6300. F. Dept., Polk and LaSalle. 1 — Cleveland, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis (Big Four Route), 78 W. Adams. Randolph 6420. F. Dept., foot of E. South Water. 2 — Chicago & Western Indiana Ry. Harrison 3609. 2 — Grand Trunk Ry., 236 S. Clark. Wabash 1767. F. Dept., Taylor and Plymouth Ct. 2 — Chicago & Erie Ry., 226 S. Clark. Wabash 3274. F. Dept, W. 14 th and S. Clark. 1 — Illinois Central Ry., 76 W. Adams. Central 6270. F. Dept., foot of E. So. Water. 4 — Lake Shore & Michigan Southern Ry., 102 S. Clark. Randolph 5300. F. Dept., LaSalle and Polk. 1 — Michigan Central, 228 S. Clark. Wabash 4200. Foot of E. So. Water. 1 — Minneapolis, St. Paul & Sault Saint Marie Ry. (Soo Line), 140 S. Clark. Central 221. F. Dept., W. 12th and S. Canal. 4 — ^New York, Chicago & St. Louis (Nickel Plate Road), 66 W. Adams. Central 6172. F. Dept., ,S. Clark and Taylor. 6 — Pittsburg, Cincinnati, Chicago & St. Louis Ry. (Penna. Lines), 72 W. Adams. Wabash 3660. F. Dept., N. Halsted and Carroll Av. 6 — Pittsburg, Ft. Wayne & Chicago Ry. (Pennsylvania Lines). Wa- bash 3660. F. Dept., 323 Polk St 3 — Pere Marquette, 226 S. Clark. Harrison 4733. F. Dept., 628 S. 5th av 4 — Wabash R. R., 68 W. Adams. Harrison 4500. F. Dept., W. 12th and Plymouth PI. SUBURBAN TOWNS OlTlng XoBt Convexileat Transportation Zilna. Street car and elevated lines are designated by code numbers, routes of which will be found under heading of Street Railway Lines. Steam Railroads are given with figures indicating the pas- senger depot which can be found under Railroad Stations. ATondale M.4 Anrie Pai^ *3 Aabum Psrk W.4 Aebaro Heights W.4 Austin *10 Berwyn. C. B. & Q (5) Brighton Perk A.l Bridgeport A.l Bryn Mawr *3 BowmanTiTle .'...L.5 BeUwood, C. A O. W....(3) Blue Island, O.R.I.AP... 4) Breineid. C. R. I. A P...(4) Brosdriew, I. O. Ry Ill Bnene Perk *3 Bererly Hill. O.R.I.&P.. .(4) Bnmside S.IZ Brookdale 0.10 Brookfield, O. B. & Q....(6) Brookline C.IO Cheltenbsm S.7 Cicero M.l Clerkdale. O. A O. T (2) Clyde. C. B. A Q .iS) Ongin 0.1 Chicago Lawn W.5 Colehour W.7 Dnnning U.4 DaupUn Park O.ll Englewood W.4 Englewood on the Hill..W.S Edgebrook, C.M.ASt.P... SI Edgemoor, B. A O (3i Eggleston H.ll Edgewater *3 Euclid Park H.ll Eranston *3 Erergreen Pk., C.AO.T. ..<21 Femwood H.ll Forest Glen. C.M.ASt.P. J5) Forest Hill W.B Fort Sheridan. CI.AN.W. .(6) Gary. Ind., L.S.AM.3....i4i Oalewood 0.1 Glencoe, C. AN. W (61 Orayland M.4 Grand Crossing 0.10 Gresham, 0. R. 1. A P...(41 Gunderson Pk., I. O. Ry.(l) Hammond. Ind H.6 Harlem B.2 Hawthorne. C. B. A Q...(5) Harrey B.4 Hegewisch. P.Ft.W.AC...(5) High Ridge 0.5 Highland Park, C.AN.W.IG) Highwood, C. i N. W.... 6) Hinsdale. C. B. A Q (5) Homewood. I. C. B. B...(l) Hyde Park 0.8 lndianaHarbor,L.S.AM.S.(4) Irring Park M.4 Irondale. N.T.C.ASt.L...(4) Kenilworth. C. A N. W..(6) Kensington 0.11 Kenwood *7 Jefferson M.4 Lake Bluff. C. A N. W...(6) Lake Forest. C. A N. W.(61 La Grange. 0. B. A Q (5) Lakeside, C. A N. W (6) Lane Park. C. A N. W...(8) LaTcrgne. C. B. A Q (5) LibertyrUIe. C.M.ASt.P.. (5) Mayfair B.l Maywood, 0. A N. W (6) Melrose. O. A N. W (6) Mont Clare G.l Morgan Park H.ll Morton Grove.C.Sf.ASt.P.(5) Morton Park. C. B. A Q. J.5I Morrell Park K.4 Mt. Greenwood H.ll Normal Park *V Norwood Park. O.A N.W.iei Oak Forest. C. R. I. A P. 4) Oaklawn. Wabash B. R...(4) Oak Park *10 Park Manor 0.10 Parkside, 1. C. By .(l) Pennock G.l Pullman C.11 Pullman. West C.11 Ravens%Tood *11 Rarinia Park. C.AN.W..(6) Ridgeland. O. A N. W...(6i Biyerdale. 1. C. By (It River Forest, C. A N. W.(81 Rirerside. C. B. A Q (51 Rogers Park *3 Roseland. O. A E. I (4) .South Chicago 0.12 So. Deering 3.7 SouthLynne,P.O.O.ASt.L.(51 Sheridan Park *3 Summerdale C.B Summit, C. A A (5) Washington Hgt8..0BlAP(4) Wash. Hgta., E.. ORIAP(4) Wildwood, I. 0. By (1) Wilmette *3 Winnetka. C. A N. W...(8) West Ridge. 0. A N. W..(6) Zion City. C. A N. W....(6l Windsor Park K8 74 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 76 ^-GRANO CEMTRAC &TAT!0H 6&eARSORM ST.STATlOH G.AANOOLPH STSTA. t.C.R.R TVA*1 aUR£N STSTA. 14 R R a CCHTRAL STATION •.CITY HAU.SkCOUNTY BC&O. lOPosT oppice tI.eoAAO OP TRADE. SLOD lEPUBLlC L.IBRARY ■3. ART IM5TITUTC VAAUOITORIUM HOTSi. MAUOITORMJM THEATPe ISBISMARK HOTEL KfiLACKSTONE HOTEL tSBLACKSTONE THEATRE ITBRIOOS House I0CITY MALL SRUARE HOTEL •BCOHORESB HOTEL eOCOMTIHeMTAL MOTEL El PORT DEARBORN MOTEL 22BRAMO RACIftC HOTEL aORCAT HORTHCRN MOTEL Z7MOTEL MORRISON EB HOTEL SHERMAN aSKAlSERHOP HOTEL 50 MAJESTIC HOTEL 51 HEW CAULT HOUSE 3E PALMER HOUSE 33 PLANTERS HOTEL 33 COLUMBIA THEATRE )A SARATCCA HOTEL 8S STRATFORD HOTEL SSWCLLINSTON HOTEL 37 WINDSOR CUFTON HOTEL 38CHICAG0 ATHLETIC ASSN 39 OMCASO AuTOMSSilE OjuS S9 CITY CLUB orCHtCACO 40 HAMILTON CLUB 41 ILLINOIS ATHLETIC CLUB 431RORIJOIS CLUB 4SPRESS CLUB 44AMERICAN MUSIC HALL 4SC0HAHS ORAND OPERA MO. 4SCOLONIAL THEATRE 49 6ARRICK THEATRE 50 ILLINOIS THEATRE 51 JOE HOWARDS THEATRE SE LASALLE THEATRE S3 MAJESTIC THEATRE S4M^ VICKERS THEATRE SSOLYMPIC theatre SS POWERS THEATRE B7PRINCOSS theatre SSZIESPELO THEATRE S9MASONIC TEMPLE somarshall Field sco St HILLMANS DEPT. STORE eteosTon £tore CSMAMOEL cros. • C4CARS0N PHlie SCOTT ECO. SSTME PAIR S« ROTHSCHILD CO. S? SIESEL COOPeP. & CO SSMOHAONO^L 6LOD. PEOPLES SAS LISMT SLOS- 70 TELEPHONE BLDS- 74ME0INAH TEMPLE 7SPIOHER eLDC- 7S FIRST NATIONAL SANK BLDS 77NEW YORK LIFE DlOS 7SPORT DEARBORN ELDS. 7©MAf<:Q0eTTC BLDS- 60C0N8UMCRS CO BLDG 01 TKtSONE 8LDS- eZHEARST BLOo. 83 OTIS CLDC 84TEUT0HIC BLDS- 8S TITLE &TRUST BLDC eC RAILWAY F.ACHANOE BLDS. 87LYTTON BLDR- BBMAMHATTAcI BLDS. 89M0N7OCMERY WARD BLOG. dOirlTER OCEAN BLOC- 9) KARPEN BLDS- 92LEES Bldg. 9SSCCURITY BLDS. 94RECT0RS BLDG 9SL06AN STATUE 76 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE BUILDINGS Adams 317 W. Adams Adams Bxpress. . .116 S. Dearborn Advertising 123 W. Madison American Express.. 2 9 W. Monroe American Trust.... 7 6 W. Monroe Arcade 22 S. Clark Ashland 155 N. Clark Assessor’s Bldg.. 126 N. Fifth Av. Association 19 S. La Salle Art Institute. 201 S. Michigan Av. Athenaeum 162 N. Dearborn Athenaeum 59 E. Vanburen Atlantic 302 S. Canal Atlas 30 E. Randolph Auditorium. . .431 S. Wabash Av. Baldwin 315 S. Wabash Av. Baltimore 22 Quincy Barnheisel ...616 S. Michigan Bd. Bassett 126 S. Fifth Av. Bay State 138 N. State Bedford 203 S. Dearborn Bigelow 117 S. Clark Blatchford 60 N. Clinton Board of Trade.151 W. Jackson Bd Boddie 8-12 N. Clark Bonfleld 212 W. Randolph Bonheur 326 River Boon 533 S. Franklin Booth, A., & Co 162 W. Kinzie Borden 150-166 N. Dearborn Borland 106 S. La Salle Born 533 S. Franklin Botsford 38 W. Lake Bowyer 305 N. Michigan Av. Boyce 30 N. Dearborn Boylston 333 S. Dearborn Brand Art.... 16 W. Jackson Bd. Brede 105 N. Dearborn Brentano’s. . . . 207 S. Wabash Av. Broadway 175 N. State Brooks 225 W. Jackson Bd. Burgoyne . . . .316 N. Michigan Av. Buckeye 369 W. Van Buren Burton 177 N. State Bush Temple 808 N. Clark Butler 166 N. State Cable 67 E. Jackson Bd. Calumet 116 S. La Salle Caledonia ...180 W. Washington Cambridge ....160 N. Fifth Av. Caxton 606 S. Dearborn C., B. & Q. R. R..226 W. Adams Central Trust 126 W. Monroe Central Union. 121-127 W. Madison Ceylon 208 N. Wabash Av. Chamber of Com... 133 W. Wash. Champlain 8 N. State Chemical Bank... 117 N. Dearborn Chicago Furniture. 616 S. Wabash C. & N.-W. R. R. . .226 W. Jackson Chicago Savings.... 7 W. Madison Chicago Stock Ex. . .30 N. La Salle Chicago T &- Trust.. 69 W. Wash. Chronicle 176 W. Wash. Church, Thos...32 S. Wabash Av. Citizens Bank. 164 W. Washington City Hall Square 137 N. Clark Clinton 216 S. Clinton Cobb 14 N. Dearborn Coliseum, The. 1601 S. Wabash Av. Colonial 12 E. Jackson Bd. Columbian 509 S. Dearborn Columbus Memorial. . .31 N. State Commerce 321 S. La Salle Commercial 64 W. Lake Commercial Nat’l .... 126 S. Clark Commonwealth-Edison 120 W. Adams Como 443 S. Dearborn Consumers Co 220 S. State Continental 206 S. La Salle Conway Ill W. Washington Corn Exch 134 S. La Salle Cosmopolitan 176 N. State Couch 215 W. Lake Counselman 234 S. La Salle Crilly 35 S. Dearborn Crown 214 S. Wabash Av. Delaware 153 N. Dearborn Dexter 39 W. Adams Dickey 180 N. Dearborn Donohue 711 S. Dearborn Doggett 183 N. Wabash Av. Dunn 11 W. Jackson Dunn, W. P 726 S. La Salle Dry Goods Reporter.216 S. Market Dyche 6 W. Randolph Dwight 626 S. Clark Edison 120 W. Adams Electric 42 N. Market Electrical 617 W. Jackson Elks 174 W. Washington Ellsworth 537 S. Dearborn Ely 27 E. Monroe Enterprise 127 N. Fifth Av. Equitable 42 N. Dearborn Eureka 710 W. Madison Ewart 11 S. Jefferson Ewing 341 N. Clark Exchange Union Stock Yards Fairbank 157 N. Wabash Av. Farwell 102 S. Market Federal Adams & Clark Field, Marshall.124 N. Wabash Av. Fifth Av 106 S. Fifth Av. Fine Arts 410 S. Michigan Av. Firmenich ....184 W. Washington First Nat. Bank... 38 S. Dearborn Fisher 343 S. Dearborn Forbes 222 W. Washington Foreman’s 220 S. State Fort Dearborn 105 W. Monroe Prances 104 S. Jefferson Franklin Blk. . . .300 W. So. Water Franklin 626 S. Dearborn Fraternity 19 W. Adams Fullerton 112 N. Dearborn Gaff 230 S. La Salle Galbraith 226 W. Madison Gardner’s 170 W. Randolph Garland 110 N. Wabash Av. Gateley’s 69 E. Adams George 46 S. Fifth Av. Gibbons 20 B. Jackson Bd. Giles 426 S. Wabash Av. Girard 416 S. Dearborn Goddard 27 E. Monroe Grand Opera House.. 121 N. Clark Grant Park ..624 S. Michigan Av. Graphic Art. 1006 S. Michigan Av. Great Lakes 180 N. Market Great Northern. .. .20 W. Jackson Grocers 172 N. Wabash Av. Gunther 1018 S. Wabash Av. Hampton 222 N. State Hardware Exchange. .106 W. Lake Harris Trust Ill W. Monroe Hartford 8 S. Dearborn Harvester ...606 S. Michigan Av. Haymarket 716 W. Madison Hearst 326 W. Madison Heisen 608 S. Dearborn Henrietta ....143 N. Wabash Av. Herald, The... 163 W. Washington Hey worth 29 E. Madison Hobbs 68 W. Washington Home Ins 137 S. La Salle Hoops 108 S. Wabash Av. Hoyne 112 N. La Salle Hunter 337 W. Madison Huylers 31 S. State Hyman 100 W. So. Water Imperial . . . . Industry . . . . Insurance Ex. Iroquois .... Irving Isabella ...304-312 S. Clark ..117 N. Fifth Av. . . . . 176 W. Jackson 21 N. La Salle 638 S. Wabash Av. ..21 E. Van Buren Jefferson 168 W. Monroe KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 77 BTTUBIKOS (Contiaoed). Jefferson 156 S. Jefferson Jewelers 19 S. Wabash Av. Journal 21 S. Market Karpen 910 S. Michigan Av. Kaskaskia 601 S. Dearborn Kedzie 89 W. Randolph Kelley 184 W. Lake Kesner 5 N. Wabash Av. Kimball Hall. 308 S. Wabash Av. Kranz 130 N. State Lafayette 138 N. La Salle Lakeside 200-210 S. Clark Lakeside Press.. 7 26 Plymouth Ct. Lake View 116 S. Michigan Bl. La Salle St. T. & S..226 S. La S. Law 22 S. Market LeMoyne 27 E. Randolph Lees 19 S. Fifth Av. Lashar 616 S. Franklin Longley 116 E. So. Water Loomis 240-244 N. Clark Lowell 422 S. Dearborn Ludington . . . .1104 S. Wabash Av. Lumbermens 9 S. La Salle Lytton 8 E. Jackson Bd. Machinery Hall 64 S. Canal Madison 208 W. Madison Madlener 630 S. Dearborn Majestic 22 W. Monroe Mailer’s 5 S. Wabash Av. Mandel 230 S. 6th Av. Manhattan 431 S. Dearborn Marine 136 W. Lake Marquette 140 S. Dearborn Marshall Field.... 160 N. Wabash Marshall Field & Co. Annex 26 E. Washington Masonic Temple 159 N. State McClurg 218 S. Wabash Av. McCormick. . .332 S. Michigan Av. McNeal 10 N. Clark McNeil 323 W. Jackson McVlckers 25 W. Madison Medlll 618 S. Dearborn Medlnah 178 W. Jackson Mentor 39 S. State Mercantile 306 W. Adams Merchants 156 W. Washington Merchants L&Trust 112 W. Adams Merchants’ Nat 128 N. La Salle Methodist Book. 12 W. Washington Methodist Church. . . .77 W. Wash. Metropolitan. .. .154 W. Randolph Meyer 307 W. Van Buren Michigan Blvd. .30 N. Michigan Bl. Monadnock 304 S. Dearborn Monon 440 S. Dearborn Monroe 104 S. Michigan Av. Mortimer 164 W. Washington Morton 638 S. Dearborn National C. Bank.. 106 S. Dearborn National Life 29 S. LaSalle New Era 612 Blue Island Av. New York Life 39 S. La Salle North American 40 S. State Northern Office... 186 N. La Salle Northern Trust 60 B. La Salle Northwestern. . .208 N. Fifth Av. Northwestern Unlv....31 W. Lake Occidental 107 N. Market Ogden 192 N. Clark Ohio 609 S. Wabash Av. Old Colony 407 S. Dearborn Omaha 126 W. Van Buren Oneonta 145 N. Clark O’Reilly 306 W. Van Buren Orchestra 216 S. Michigan Otis 10 S. La Salle Ottawa 62 W. Madison Oxford 118 N. La Salle Peoples Gas 128 S. Michigan Peoples Life 130 N. 6th Av. Pinkerton 131 S. nfth Av. Plamondon 103 S. Clinton Plymouth 417 S. Dearborn Pontiac 542 S. Dearborn Poole 81 W. Harrison Pope 633 Plymouth Ct. Portland 35 N. Dearborn Postal Tel 140 W. Van Buren Powers 37 S. Wabash Av. Printers 732 Sherman Press Club 26 N. Dearborn Produce Ex 242 N. Clark Pullman 79 E. Adams Quinlan 131 N. Clark Railway Ex 80 E. Jackson Randolph 145 N. Clark Rand McNally 658 S. Clark Real Estate Ex . . .42 N. Dearborn Reaper 105 N. Clark Rector 79 W. Monroe Reliance 32 N. State Republic 209 S. State Rockdale 315 W. Washington Rookery 121 W. Adame Royal Ins 160 W. Jackson Bd. Ryerson 20 E. Randolph San Diego 309 River Schiller 64 W. Randolph Security 189 W. Madison Sheppard 216 S. Fifth Av. Sibley 331 N. Clark Silversmith 10 S. Wabash Av. Singer 120 S. State Society Brand 416 S. Franklin Springer 230 S. Canal Standard Oil. . .216 N. Wabash Av. Steger 28 E. Jackson Steinway Hall. . . .64 E. Van Buren Sterling-Hudson 167 W. Wash. Stevens 25 N. State Stewart 108 N. State St. Joseph 609 S. Dearborn Straus 6 N. Clark Stone 227 W. Van Buren Superior 135 N. Clark Syracuse 162 W. Randolph Tacoma 6 N. La Salle Taylor 105 N. Wabash Av. Telephone 230 W. Washington Temple 108 S. La Salle Temple Court.... 211 S. Dearborn Teutonic 179 W. Washington Textile 182 W. Adams Thompson, John R 366 N. Clark Times 102 N. Fifth Av. Title & Trust.. 69 W. Washington Tower 6 N. Michigan Av. Traders S. & T 309 S. La Salle Transportation. . . .608 S. Dearborn Tribune 7 S. Dearborn Union Bank 25 N. Dearborn Unity 127 N. Dearborn Van Buren 210 W. Van Buren Venetian 15 E. Washington Vermont 27 S. Fifth Av. Wabash Av. ...222 N. Wabash Av. Ward 12 N. Michigan Washington 40 N. Fifth Av. Watson 17 N. La Salle Webster 331 S. La Salle Wells 86 W. Harrison Western Methodist. . .14 W. Wash. Western Union.... Ill W. Jackson Westminster 108 S. Dearborn Wexford 339 S. Wabash Av. Williams 206 W. Monroe Willoughby 81 E. Madison Wolf Ill N. Dearborn Woman’s Temple.. 108 S. La Salle Palmer 367 W. Adams Patten 161 W. Harrison Pennang 230 N. Michigan Av. Yukon 107 W. Van Buren T. M. C. A 19 S. La Salle Y. W. C. A 828 S. Michigan Bl. 78 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE HOTELS Abalon 3038 Indiana Av. Acme 3227 £!. 92d Albany 513 Rush Albany 205 W. Randolph Albe 231 N. Clark Alcazar Inn 905 Windsor Av. Alden 121 E. 43d Alexandria 542 Rush Alhambra 1930 S. State Alvarado 1837 S. Michigan Av. Annex, Congress .. 510 S. Mich. Av. Anthony 2703 Wabash Av. Antlers 227 N. Clark Apollo 1236 W. Adams Arco 1340 S. Michigan Av. Arden 4746 Calumet Av. Arlington 839 N. Dearborn Arthur 309 S. Clark Ashford 1009 E. 75th Ashland 1535 W. 47th Astor 172 N. Clark Astoria 1814 N. Clark Areola 3800 Lake Park Av. Atlas 1902 S. Halsted Auditorium. . .430 S. Michigan Av. Barriball 243 E. 115th Belle view 450 N. Clark Bellevue 3333 S. Wabash Av. Belmont 706 W. Madison Belrose 1354 S. Wabash Av. Belvoir 1035 E. 47th Berkeley 1011 Bowen Av. Best 23 W. Van Buren Bismarck 175 W, Randolph Blackstone. . . .658 S. Michigan Av. Boston 316 S. Halsted Boulevard 2258 W. Madison Bradford 3000 Michigan Av. Bradley 536 Rush Breslin 541 W. Madison Brevoort 120 W. Madison Briggs 188 W. Randolph Bristol 216 E. 31st Brown 27 W. Ohio Burr 2112 S. Wabash Av. Burton 503 S. 5th Av. Cadillac 2136 S. Wabash Av. Caledonia 3148 W. Van Buren Calumet 7503 De Soto Av. Calvert 1801 S. Wabash Av. Cambridge ......600 N. Dearbron Cargill’s 4631 N. Racine Av. Cecil 1560 E. 64th St. Cecil 24 E. Van Buren Chicago Beach 51st & Cornell Chicago 22 S. Clark Chicago Mills 735 S. State City Hall Sq 87 W. Randolph City 1601 S. State Clarendon 635 N. Clark Coliseum 1421 S. Wabash Av. Collonade 6132 Prairie Av. Colonial 6325 Kenwood Av. Columbia 4 W. 31st Commercial ...538 S. Wabash Av. Congress ....501 S. Michigan Av. Crescent 4065 Ellis Av. Crown 163 N. LaSalle Dans 740 Root Darlington ...4700 N. Racine Av. Dean 211 N. Clark Dearborn Av....753 N. Dearborn Dearborn 666 S. State DeBlose 2518 Prairie Av. Decatur 1859 W. Madison DeFrance 530 Federal St. DeJonghe 14 E. Monroe Delavan 620 N. Clark Delaware 5 W. Delaware PI. Del Prado. 59th and Blackstone Av. DeMars 1104 W. Madison St. Doming 306 S. Clark Depot 143 W. G3d Douglas 2906 S. State Douglas Manor . 3540LakePark Av. Drexel 5769 Drexel Av. Drexel Arms. .O’kwood and Drexel DuNord 4603 Winthrop Av. Eastlake 5116 East End Av. Eastwood 4644 Sheridan Rd. Eldorado 6316 Dorchester Av. Elite European. . .816 W. Madison Elk 458 S. State Ellmark 3873 Ellis Av. Elms 1634 E. 53d Empire 526 S. Wabash Av. Empress 1110 N. Clark St. Erie 660 N. Clark Everett 5504 Everett Av. Exchange 22 E. Van Buren Fairbanks 2922 S. Michigan Fifth Avenue 47 S. 5th Av. Florence 1659 W. Adams St. Florence. . .Watt Av. and 111th St. Florida. .. 5721 Cottage Grove Av. Ford 2953 S. State Forest City 500 N. Clark Forest 1710 Greenleaf Av. Forester 854 E. 39th Franklin 31 N. Franklin Gale 5227 Cornell Av. Garden City 418 Sherman Gault, New 355 W. Madison Geneva 6109 Wentworth Av. German 432 N. State Germania 50 E. 33rd St. Gladstone. .6 2d and Kenwood Av. Glenwood 132 S. Ashland Bd. Globe 2403 S. State Grace 75 W.' Jackson Bd. Graceland 915 Sheridan Rd. Grand Pacific. ... 232 S. Clark St. Gr.-uit 6 N. Dearborn Grant Park.. 7 00 S. Michigan Av. Grasmere 4621 Sheridan Rd. Graystone Inn 153 E. Erie Great Northern. . . .241 S. Dearborn Greystone 5338 Blackstone Greystone Annex 5342 Blackstone Grove 3850 Cottage Grove Av. Hamilton 26 W. Huron St. Hammond 754 S. Dearborn Harmonia 3000 Indiana Av. Harmony 420 Rush Hart 519 S. State Hartford 5 W. Chicago Av. Harvard 5714 Blackstone Av. Harvard House. .825 N. Cicero Av. Hayden 554 E. 36th Hayes 1131 E. 64th St. Henderson ... 1823 S. Wabash Av. Holland 1524 E. 63rd St. Hollenden 156 W. 61st St. Homestead ...GGIO Dorchester Howard 2203 Calumet Av. Humboldt Park2711 W. North Av. Huron 669 N. Clark St. Hyde Park. .51st & Lake Park Av. Illinois 449 N. Clark Imperial 316 S. State Indiana House. . . .12 E. Grand Av. Inter Ocean 338 S. State International 1132 S. Michigan Av. Iroquois 3035 S. Michigan Av. Jackson 237 S. Halsted Jackson Park 1541 E. 63d Jefferson 1322 E. 47th Jefferson 574 W. Madison St. Julien 6258 Stewart Av. Kaiserhof 324 S. Clark Kedzie House 3208 W. 12th Kenwood 4700 Kenwood Av. Kenwood Manor 1134 E. 47th KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 79 HOTEZiS (Continued). Keystone 3022 S. State King Edward. ... 1700 W. Madison Kort’s 1550 E. 64th Lake View 567 E. 34th PI. Lakeside 355 N. State Lakota 3007 S. Michigan Av. LaPlante 1807 W. Van Buren LaSalle LaSalle and Madison LaSalle House 171 N. LaSalle La Strain 3535 Ellis Av. Leland 851 N. Dearborn LeRoy 6225 S. Halsted Lexington 2135 Michigan Av. Limits 642 Dole Av. Lincoln Park 1842 N. Clark London, New... 2001 Michigan Av. Loop 43 N. 5th Av. Loraine 528 S. Wabash Av. Luzerne 2006 N. Clark Lynden 5430 Cornell Av. Madison Ave. .6320 Dorchester Av. Magnolia 4627 Magnolia Av. Maison du Nord 1216 Astor Majestic 29 Quincy Manchester. . 1806 S. Michigan Av. Mansard 853 E. 63d Marco 510 S. Dearborn Marlborough 6 W. 22d Marlow 923 Wilson Av. Marquette 357 N. Clark Marquette 753 Oakwood Bd. Maryland 754 Oakwood Bd. Maryland 436 S. State Mayer 1152 S. Wabash Av. McHenry House... 551 S. 5th Av. Mentone 648 N. Dearborn Merchant’s 23 N. Bishop Metropole. . . . 2300 S. Michigan Av. Meyers 9 W. Harrison Michigan View.. 1148 S. Michigan Milwaukee 503 N. Clark Mineola 701 N. Clark Monarch 519 N. Clark St. Monticello. . 4569 Oakenwald Av. Montrose 1460 Hyde Pk. Bd. Morrison 83 W. Madison Morton. New 1802 S. Michigan National 57 E. Van Buren Navarro 1028 Sunnyside Av. Netherlands. .. 21 24 Michigan Av. Newberry 813 N. Dearborn Normandie 419 S. Wabash Av. Normandy 3563 Milwaukee Northern 165 N. 5th Av. North Park.. 2058 North Park Av. Northern Pacific 442 Sherman Northrope 5540 Cornell Av. Northwest 402 Wells St. Oakland. .3856 Cottage Grove Av. Oakwoods 7086 S. Chicago Av. Ohio 603 N. Clark Ontario 620 N. State Overland 241 E. 31st Oxford 202 S. Canal Palace 518 N. Clark Palmer State & Monroe Palos 217 E. 31st St. Pardue 114 S. Wabash Av. Park 22 W. Ontario Park Row 131 E 11th Parker 400 N. Clark Park View. .6327 Cottage Grove Av. Patterson. . . .613 Lincoln Park Bd. Peoples 2207 W. Van Buren Perry 2427 S. Michigan Av. Pfister 503 S. 5th Av. Piccadilly 175 N. Clark St. Planters 19 N. Clark Plaza 1555 N. Clark Plymouth 4700 Broadway Princess 339 S. Clark Pullman 3641 S. State St. Queen 609 S. Wabash Av. Quincy 16 Quincy Raleigh 648 N. Dearborn St. Randolph 9 W. Randolph Readsborough ....4606 N. Racine Reed 102 W. Lake Reliance 739 Milwaukee Av. Revelstoke 3535 Indiana Av. Revere House 415 N. Clark Richmond 409 N. Clark Rigi 138 S. Clinton St. Ross 750 Root Russell 1234 W. Madison St. Saratoga 29 S. Dearborn Schaefers 2150 N. Clark Schmidt 1600 N. LaSalle St. Scottish Inn.... 3958 Drexel Av. Seese 2062 N. Clark Seymour 1913 Archer Av. Sheffield 2524 Sheffield Av. Sheridan Park ....4631 N. Racine Sherman 108 W. Randolph Spicer 224 E. Huron Southern 317 W. 60th Southern. New ..1250 S. Michigan South Side 1807 S. State St. Charles 217 N. Clark St. Lawrence 530 N. Clark Stafford 122 W. Van Buren Stag 22 W. Van Buren Stanfield 1840 S. Wabash Star 2901 S. State State 555 S. State Stock Exch . . . .3872 Cottage Grove Stock Yard Inn 42d & Halsted Stockmans 711 S. State Stratford 79 E. .Tackson Bd. Superior 721 N. Clark Svea 34 2 AV. Chicago Av. Tacoma 1528 S. Michigan Av. Temple 71 AA'. Chicago Av. Transfer 1162 N. Clark Tudor 645 Cass I’nion 70 W. Randolph Union Park ....1438 AA'’. Madison University 552 E. 33d PI. Urahe Kato 548 N. Dearborn Utopia 2118 S. State Valencia 1311 S. Michigan Av. Van Buren.... 159 AV. Van Buren Vencedor 516 S. Wabash Av. Vendome 6200 Kenwood Av. ■Venice 676 N. Clark \’’ernon 4 233 S. Wabash Av. Vickery 1204 S. Wabash Av. Victor House....? E. Grand Av. Victoria 334 S. Clark A'’ienna 1314 S. Wabash Av. A’incennes 615 E. 36th Virginia 168 E. Ohio Waldo 1123 AV. Madison AVarner. .. .Cottage Grove and 33d Warren, Geo. AA’..1142 S. Wabash Warren 1556 N. Clark Warwick Manor... 3967 Drexel Bd. Washington. . 2318 Washington Bd. Wau Ocono Inn ....1054 Argyle Welcome. ... 1723 W. Madison St. AA'ellington 241 S. AV abash Av. West End 1418 W. Madison West Manor.. 110 S. Ashland Bd. Western European ... 544 S. State Westminster 1219 N. Clark Weton 609 S. State White House.. 2108 S. Wabash Av. Wicklow 666 N. State St. AVillard, New.. 3766 Cottage Grove Windermere 1614 E. 56th Wlndsor-Clifton 38 E. Monroe VVinthrop Inn.. 4710 AVlnthrop Av. Wisconsin 226 Wisconsin Woods 627 S. State Wychmere 121 E. 18th St. 80 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE MISCELLANEOUS INFORMATION Theatres, Music Halls, etc. Academy 16 S. Halsted Alhambra 1920 S. State American 741 S. Wabash Av. Auditorium. . .Wabash & Congress Bijou 304 S. Halsted Blackstone .... Michigan Av. & 7 th Cohan’s Grand Opera. .119 N. Clark Coliseum, The... 1501 Wabash Av. Colonial 26 W. Randolph Columbia 11 N. Clark Cort 132 N. Dearborn Criterion 1222 Sedgwick Crown 1605 W. Division Empire 701 W. Madison Empress. .6248 Cottage Grove Av. Gaiety 531 S. State Garrick 60 W. Randolph Haymarket 724 W. Madison Hippodrome. . . .26 W. Jackson Bd. Illinois 63 E. Jackson Bd. Imperial 2329 W. Madison La Salle 110 W. Madison Majestic 18 W. Monroe Marlowe 6254 Stewart Av. McVlcker’s 23 W. Madison Olympic 165 N. Clark Orchestra. . . .216 S. Michigan Ave. Palace 127 N. Clark Powers 124 W. Randolph Princess 319 S. Clark Star 1453 Milwaukee Av. Star & Garter 815 W. Madison Strand 700 S. Wabash Av. Studebaker . . . 418 S. Michigan Av. Whitney 66 E. Van Buren Wjlson Avenue. . .1050 Wilson Av. Zeigfeld 624 S. Michigan Av. StlMMEB GARDENS AND AHITTSEMENT PARKS. Bismarck Garden . Halsted & Grace Forest Park. . . .Leroy & Harrison Midway .. .Cott. Grove Av. & 59th Riverview Park. Western & Roscoe Ravinia Park North on C. & M. electric line to Highland Park White City. .63d & South Park Av. BZI.DIARD HAI.DS. Bensingev’s ...... Clark & Madison Bensinger’s 73 W. Monroe Bensinger’s 29 W. Randolph Burdick’s 166 W. Jackson Conklin’s 116 W. Madison Flenner’s 3 W. Monroe Foley’s 425 S. Wabash Av. Height’s 320 S. Michigan Av. Illinois 223 S. Wabash Av. Jefferson 619 S. Wabash Av. Mussey’s 67 W. Madison Pfister’s 18 W. Randolph State’s 211 S. State Sutton’s 183 W. Adams Mandarin Inn.. 414 S. Wabash Av. Micheli & Co 47 E. Harrison Midway. .. 6000 Cottage Grove Av. Natalby’s 25 W. Randolph North American 42 S. State Planters 16 N. Clark Royale 81 W. Monroe Rienzi 626 Diversey Bd. Sheridan Inn 6359 Broadway States ll E. Adams Stillson’s 8 S. Dearborn Tavern 174 W. Washington Tip Top Inn 79 E. Adams Venice Cafe. . . .522 S. Wabash Av. Victor’s (Italian).. 9 E. Grand Av. Vogelsang’s 177 W. Madison Weber’s La Salle St. Depot MUSIC HADES. Handel 27 E. Randolph Kimball 308 S. Wabash Av. Orchestra 216 S. Michigan Av. Steinway 64 E. Van Buren University. . . .410 S. Michigan Av. BADE BARKS. American League (White Sox), 36th & Wentworth Av. National League (Cubs), Corner Clark, Sheffield & Addison. Turkish Baths. Kercher Baths. .606 S. Wabash Av. Lynch’s 6 N. Clark New Madison 67 W. Madison Palmer House 19 E. Monroe Simon’s 67 W. Randolph Private Bathing Beaches. Barry. .Diversey Bd. at Lincoln Pk. Manhattan Beach. .79th & the Lake North Shore.Wilson Av. & the Lake Wilson. . . .Wilson Av. & the Lake Municipal Beaches. Arthur Meeker. . . .79th & the Lake Clarendon . . Sunnyside & The Lake Jackson Park 69 th & the Lake Lincoln Park. . Diversey & the Lake Ohio Ohio & The Lake Oakdale. . .Oakdale Av. & the Lake Walker 26th & the Lake Chicago’s Tree Public Baths. Carter H. Harrison 769 Mather Martin B. Madden. 3826 Wentworth William Mayer 4647 Gross Av. Robert A. Waller 19 S. Peoria Kosciusko 1444 Holt Av. John Wentworth. . .2838 S. Halsted Wm. B. Ogden. . .3646 Emerald Av. Theo. Gurney. .1139 W. Chicago Av. Joseph Medill. .2138 W. Grand Av. Dewitt C. Cregier. . .1163 Gault Ct. PRZNCIFAE RESTAURANTS. Baltimore 18 Quincy Bismarck 177 W. Randolph Bismarck Garden. .Grace, Br’dway Boston O. House. . . .83 W. Madison Cafe De Lac. 1018 S. Michigan Av. College Inn 10'6 W. Randolph Congress H. Cafe. .620 S. Mich. Av. De Jonghe’s 12 E. Monroe Drexel Cafe.. 3876 Cot. Grove Av. Galli, Mme 18 E. Illinois Green Mill 4802 Broadway Heinly’s 36 W. Monroe Henrici 67 W. Randolph King’s 32 N. 6th Av. Kuntz-Remmler.422 S. Wabash Av. Lamb’s Club 50 W. Randolph La Salle 10 N. La Salle DAIEY NEWSPAPERS. Abendpost. . . .223 W. Washington American 235 W. Madison Daily News 15 N. 6th Av. Examiner 12 S. Franklin Journal 21 S. Market Post 167 W. Washington Herald 163 W. Washington Tribune 7 S. Dearborn Staats Zeitung 20 S. 6th Av. EXPRESS COMPANIES. Adams 20 W. Washington American 23 W. Monroe Pacific 423 S. Dearborn Southern 20 W. Washington Wells Fargo 32 N. Dearborn Western 32 N. Dearborn KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 81 KASDUL'6 GPEEM BOOK AUTO GUIDE 6bowmg Principal ^teambhipPorfi on Vhfc Great LaKi5- marouettI SAVLT 9TE1 nMttSTK MErtCKiflEt KAP»«ETT^ At^CnAl « ®TP>VER5e TfKtMKrotrf ^MAHISTCE >LUOtriST©H Bay city A\^USK8&9M ' HAVEH U)|1;»H0UAH5 HAVER MAtEoa , HICHIOAM CfTV OROCHCiTE® MAMIUTOM PT HURON' >BUFFA \.0 DETROIT' WAUKCeCH CmCAGO TaEDO HAMMCHO sclevelamo OCEAIT STEAMSHIP EINES. Allan 127 N. Dearborn American 1 S. La Salle Anchor 35 W. Randolph Atlantic Transport 1 S. La Salle Austro-Amerlcan. .118 N. La Salle Cook & Sons 226 S. Clark Cunard 149 N. Dearborn Dominion Trans. Co. 22 W. Monroe French 139 N. Dearborn Holland Amer....l45 N. Dearborn Hamburg & Amer.164 W. Randolph N. German Lloyd. .107 N. Dearborn Norwegian Amcr..l40 S. Dearborn Red Star 114 N. Dearborn Russian American. .160 N. 6th Av. Scandinavian- Amer. 165 W. Klnzie Sicula Americana. .. .630 Forquer U. S. & Dominion. . .22 W. Monroe Uranium SS. Co.. 140 N. Dearborn White Star 112 N. Dearborn FOBEZGH CONSULS IN CHICAGO. Argentine 189 W. Madison Austria-Hungary. .108 S. La Salle Belgium 209 S. La Salle Bolivia 105 S. La Salle Brazil 208 N. Wabash Av. British 79 K Adams Chile 307 E. 22d St. Costa Rica 189 W. Madison Cuba 187 N. Clark Danish 154 W. Randolph Denmark 153 N. Dearborn Dominican 140 S. Dearborn Ecuador 19 Pearson France 173 W. Adams Germany 134 S. La Salle Great Britain 79 E. Adams Greece 143 N. Dearborn Guatemala 38 S. Dearborn Italy 72 W. Adams Japan 133 W. Washington Mexico 304 S. Dearborn Netherlands. .. .54 W. Washington Nicaragua 189 W. Madison Norway 30 N. La Salle Panama 159 N. State Persia.. 1214 S. Canal Peru 234 S. La Salle Russia 167 W. Adams Slam Chicago Club Spain 189 W. Madison Sweden 133 W. Washington Switzerland. . .179 W. Washington Turkey 209 S. La Salle Uruguay 127 N. Dearborn LAKE STEAMSHIP EIHES. Anchor Line, north end of Wells St. Bridge. Benton Transit Co., foot of E. Austin Av. Canada Atlantic T. Co., 307 E. North Water. Chicago Lighterage Co., 203 S. Dearborn. Chicago, Duluth & Georgian Bay Trans. Co., 84 South Water St. Chicago, Racine & Milwaukee, foot of E. Austin Av. Chicago & South Haven, north end of N. Clark St. Bridge. Dunkley-Willlams Co., at Rush St. Bridge. Erie R. R. Line, 102 N. Market. Erie & W'estern Trans. Co., north end of Wells St. Bridge. Goodrich Trans. Co., River and Michigan Av. Graham & Morton, 352 River. Indiana Trans. Co., N. Clark and the River. Kenosha-WauUegan Line, dock ft. of Orleans St. Lincoln Park Steamboat, foot of Randolph St. Manltou Steamship Co., at nortl side of Rush St. Bridge. Michigan City & Chicago, 84 W. South Water. Michigan, Indiana & Illinois Line, 80 E. Jackson Bd. Northern Michigan Trans. Co., ft. of E. Austin Av. Northern Steamship Co., 210 S. Clark St. Pere Marquette Line, 100 W. South Water St. Pittsburgh Steamship, 138 W, Jackson Bd. .South Haven Line, at Rush St. Bridge. St. Joseph-Chicago S. S. Co., 100 W. South Water. Union Steamboat, 102 N. Market. Waukegan & Kenosha Lines, foot of Orleans St. 82 KANDUL’S GEEEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE CHICAGO CITY OFFICES CXTT HAZiXb. Phone. Main 447. Architect, 10th floor. Assessments, Special, 2nd floor. Attorney, 6th floor. Auditor, 5 th floor. Bridewell, 2700 S. California Av. Bridges and Harbors, 4th floor. Building, 7th floor. Business Agent, Vault floor. Burial Permits, 7th floor. Cement Inspector, 4th floor. Civil Service Corrim., 6th floor. Clerk, 1st floor. Collector, 1st floor. Compensation Bureau, Vault floor. Comptroller, 6th floor. Contagious Diseases, 7th floor. Corporation Counsel, 5 th floor. Council Chamber. 2nd floor. Council Committee, 2nd floor. Dog Pound, 29th & Sacramento. Education Bd. of, 7 S. Dearborn. Election Commissioners, 3rd floor. Electrician, 6 th floor. Engineer, 4th floor. Engineers, Examiners, 10th floor. Ex. Rooms, Civil S. Comn., 10th fl. Finance Committee, 2nd floor. Gas Inspectors, Vault floor. Health Department, 7th floor. House of Correction, 2700 S. Cal- ifornia- House Moving, 2nd floor. Laboratory, 7th floor. Law Dept., Local Imp’vs, 2nd fl. Library, Municipal, 10th floor. Local Improvements, 2nd floor. L. I. Testing Lab., Federal Bldg. Map Department, 4th floor. Mayor’s Office, 6th floor. Meter Department, 1st floor. Oil Inspector, 10th floor. Park Commission, Special, 10th. Paymaster, 5th floor. Permits and Plats, 1st floor. Plumbers, Examiners, 10th floor. Press Association, 3rd floor. Prosecuting Attorney, 6th floor. Public Library, Washington and Randolph and N. Michigan Av. Public Service Dept., 6th floor. Public Works, 4th floor. Real Estate Agent, 5th floor. Sanitary Inspection, 7th floor. Sewer Department, 2nd floor. Sidewalk Department, 2nd floor. Statistics, 10th floor. Street Department, 2nd floor. Traction Department, 6th floor. Track Elevation. 10 th floor. Treasurer, 2nd floor. Water Department, 1st floor. Water Pipe Extension, 4 th floor. Weights & Measures, Vault floor. CHICAGO POXiXCE SEPT. City Hall, Phone Main 447. Superintendent, 5th floor. 1st Deputy Supt., 3rd floor. 2nd Deputy Supt., 3rd floor. Clerk of Dept., 5th floor. Custodian of Dept., 3rd floor. Matron Chief, 627 S. Clark St. Moving Picture Insp., 10th floor. Identiflcation Bureau, 625 S. Clark. Secretary of Dept., -5th floor. Vehicle Dept., 2nd floor. School of Instr., 4001 Filmore. Operators’ Room, 184 N. LaSalle. Detective Headquarters, 179 N. LaSalle. Motorcycle Headquarters, 1400 Indiana Av. Telegraph Room, 625 S. Clark. Horse Hospital, 17 N. Campbell. Traffic Division Armory. CIA* Police Statlona. First District. 1st Prct., 180 N. La Salle. Second District. 2nd Prct., 626 S. Clark. Third District. 3rd Prct., 210 W. 22nd. Fourth District. 4th Prct., 2523 Cottage Grove Av. Fifth District. 5th Prct, 454 E. 36th. Sixth District. 10th Prct., 5233 Lake Park Av. 11th Prct, 6001 S. State. Seventh District. 12 th Prct., 6344 Harper Av. 13th Prct, 834 E. 76th. Eighth District. 15th Prct, 2938 E. 89th. 16th Prct, 3525 E. 106th. Ninth District. 14th Prct, 200 E. 115th. Tenth District. 17th Prct., 6347 Wentworth Av. Eleventh District. 19th Prct, 4736 S. Halsted. 20th Prct, 1700 W. 47th. ! Twelfth District. 6th Prct, 740 W. 35th. Thirteenth District. 7th Prct., 2913 Loomis. 8th Prct, 3900 S. California. Fourteenth District. 21st Prct., 943 Maxwell. 22nd Prct, 2075 Canalport Av. Fifteenth District. 23rd Prct, 1700 W. 21st PI. 25th Prct, 2656 S. Lawndale Av. Sixteenth District. 24th Prct, 2250 W. 13th. 26th Prct., 4001 Filmore. Seventeenth District. 27th Prct., 120 N. Desplaines. 28th Prct., 1637 W. Lake. Eighteenth District. 29th Prct., 2433 Warren Av. Nineteenth District. 30th Prct, 4250 W. Lake. 31st Prct, 5610 W. Lake. Twentieth District. ■32nd Prct., 1123 W. Chicago Av. 33rd Prct., 1312 W. North Av. Twenty-first District. 34th Prct, 2256 W. North Av. 36th Prct., 2138 N. California Av. Twenty-second District. 36th Prct., 3973 Milwaukee Av. 37th Prct, 4905 W. Grand Av. Twenty-third District. 38 th Prct, 113 W. Chicago Av. 39th Prct., 1501 Hudson Av. Twenty- fourth District. 40th Prct, 2128 N. Halsted. 41st Prct, 2742 Sheffield Av. Twenty-fifth District. 42nd Prct, 3600 N. Halsted. 43rd Prct, 3801 N. Robey. Twenty-sixth District. 44th Prct., 1940 Foster Av. 45th Prct, 7076 N. Clark. Twenty-seventh District. 9th Prct, 11113 Commercial Av. 18th Prct., 8601 S. Green. CHICAGO EIRE DEFT. City Hall. Main 447. Fire Marshal, 1st floor. 1st Asst. Marshal, 1st floor. 2nd Asst, 400 S. Dearborn. 3rd Asst., 1401 S. Michigan Av. 4th Asst, 326 S. Jefferson. Attorney for Dept., 1st floor. Clerk of Department, 1st floor. Fire Alarm & Telegraph, 6th fl. •Secretary of Dept, 1st floor. Storekeeper, 1st floor. Veterinary, 1401 S. Michigan Av. KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 83 COUNTY, ILLINOIS STATE AND FEDERAL GOVERNMENT OFFICES Administrator. 137 N. Clark. Architect, 64 W. Randolph. Assessors, Board of, 3rd floor. Attorney, 5 th floor. Board of Review, 3rd floor. Circuit Court, 7th floor. Circuit Court Clerk, 4th floor. Civil Service Commissioners, 5th. Collector, 1st floor. Commissioners. 5th floor. Committee Clerk, 5th floor. Comptroller, 4 th floor. Coroner, 5th floor. County Agent, 213 S. Peoria St. Mon. 2608. County Clerk, 2nd floor. County Court, 6th floor. County Court Clerk, 6th floor. Custodian, 3rd floor. Jury Commissioners, 8th floor. Physician, 809, 31 N. State. President County Board, 5th. Probate Court, 6th floor. Probate Court Clerk, 6th floor. Public Service Dept., 5th floor. Recorder, 1st floor. Registrar of Titles, 1st floor. Sheriff, 4th floor. Surveyor, 4th floor. School Superintendent, 5th floor. Superior Court, 8th floor. Superior Court Clerk, 4th floor. Tax Department, 5th floor. Treasurer, 1st and 2nd floor. LOCATION OF COUNTY BUILDINGS City Hall — LaSalle & Washt’n. Children’s Hospital— Wood St., near Polk. Courthouse — Clark, Washington. County Jail — Dearborn Av. and Illinois St. Criminal Court Bldg.— Austin and Dearborn. County Hospital — Harrison and Honore Sts. County Infirmary — Oak Forest. County Morgue — Wood and Polk Sts. W. 519. Detention Hospital- — Wood and Polk Sts. County Insane As.vlum. Poor- house, etc. — At Dunning; reached by Milwaukee Av. cars and Chicago, Milwaukee & St. Paul Ry. Home for Delinquent and De- pendent Children — 771 Ewing. .Juvenile Court — 767 Ewing .St.; west side. Poor Farm — Oak Forest, 811. CSISUKAL COUBT BLDG, Criminal Court Clerk. 1st floor. Criminal Court. 3rd. 4th & 5th fl. Sheriff (bailiffs) in charge of Criminal Court. Grand Jury Assembly Rm. 2nd fl. State’s Attorney, 2nd floor. SANITABY DISTBICT OP CHICAGO. General Offices. 7th floor, 910 S. Michigan Av. ILLINOIS STATE OFPICES. Appellate Court, 7th floor, 165 N. Clark. Arbitration Board, 4750 N. Pler- mitage Av. Architects Ex., 175 W. Jackson. Attorney, State’s, Criminal Court. Barbers Ex., 105 W. Monroe. Chauffeurs Ex.. 737 W. Jackson. Civil Service, 130 N. 5th Av. Fire Underwriters, 175 W. Jack- son. Food Commission, 431 S. Dear- born. Grain Inspectors, 175 W. Jack- son. Health Dept., 15 E. Washington. Hospital, State. Dunning, 111. Industrial. 139 N. Clark. Live Stock Comn., Ex. Bldg., Stock Yards. Public Utilities Comn., 175 W. •Jackson. ILLINOIS NATIONAL GDABD. Division Headquarters, 209 S. State St. Batter.v' B, 2356 Lincoln Av. Field Hospital, 1542 S. Michigan. First Cavalry. 1330 N. Clark. 1st Regt., 1542 S. Michigan Av. 2nd Regt., Rockwell & Madison. 7th Regt., 3325 Wentworth Av. Sth Regt. Infantry. 60 E. 37th. Naval Reserve, foot of E. Ran- dolph & Washington Sts. Signal Corps, 1054 W. Washing- ton Bl. DNITED STATES GOVEBNMENT OPFICES. Federal Building, Adams, Jackson, Clark and Dearborn Sts. Agriculture Dept., 208 X. 5th Av. Attorney, District, Room 826. Circuit Court of .\ppeals. Rooms 750 to 758. Commerce Dept., Room 029. Custom House, 4tii floor. District Court, Rooms 600, 627, 650, 677. Hospital, 4141 Clarendon Av. Immigration Bureau, 845 S. Wa- bash Av. Interior. Dept, of. Room 776. Internal Revenue. Room 436. Investigation Bureau, Room 859. Life Saving Service, Room 500. Marshal, U. S., Room 804. Medical Ex., Pension Bureau, Room 879. Pension Bureau, Spec. Ex., R. 876. Revenue Cutter Service, R. 500. Secret Service, Room 881. Treasury Department, 1st floor. Treasury, Special Agent, R. 526. Vessels. Inspector of. Room 500. Weather Bureau, 14 th floor. Navy Dept. Headquarters. Hydrographic Office, Room 528. Marine Corps, Cen. Div., 537 S. Dearborn. Marine Corps, Chi. Div., 628 S. State. Postoffice Dept. Postmaster, 3rd floor. Civil Service Ex., 13th floor. Railway Mail, Room 308. Inspector of Dept., Room 331. War Dept., U. S. A. Central Dept. Hdqrs., 0th floor. Engineer, Room 508. Medical Reserve Corps, 6 N. Michigan Av. Quartermaster, 116 E. Ontario. Becruiting Offices. 505 S. State. 610 S. State. 905 S. State. 40 N. Fifth Av. 601 W. Madison. 73 W. Van Buren. 14 S. Canal. 530 N. Clark. 3004 E. 92nd. 84 KANDUL'S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE CLUBS Advertising Ass’n — 123 W. Mad- ison. Aero of Illinois. — 430 S. Mich. Amateur Musical — 410 S. Michi- gan Av. Apollo — 202 S. Wabash Av. Appomatox — 3441 S. Wabash Av. Aschenbroedel Verein — 73 W. Randolph. Ashland — 639 S. Ashland Av. Associated Yacht and Power — 38 S. Dearborn. Athenia— 1519 N. Clark. Avenue — 745 Milwaukee Av. Aztec Tennis — 2343 Common- wealth Av. Bachelor — 6064 Kimbark Av. Bellevue S. & P. — 1621 N. Cali- fornia Av. Beverly Country — 87th and S. Western Av. Birchwood Country — 1219 Chase. Boul. & Radium Whist — 357 N. Ol3>Tk Brothers of the Book — 64 E. Van Buren. Brownleigh — 16 N. Wabash Av. Builders — 133 W. Washington. Calumet Country — 95th and Cot- tage Grove Av. Canadian of Chicago — 239 S. Dearborn. Casino — 169 E. Delaware PI. Caxton — 410 S. Michigan Av. Central Eleanor — 37 S. Wabash. Central Mfg. District — 1110 W. 35 th. Chicago Architectural — 201 S. Michigan Av. Chicago Athletic Ass’n — 12 S. Michigan Av. Chicago Automobile — 317 Plym- outh Ct. Chicago Boys — 1144 Cambridge. Chicago Boys — 440 S. Dearborn. Chicago Boys — 1726 Orchard. Chicago Boys — 3759 Wentworth. Chicago Camera — 329 Plymouth. Chicago, The — 404 S. Michigan. Chicago College — 18 N. Wabash. Chicago Dental Research — 25 E. Washington. Chicago Dressmakers — 30 N. Dearborn. Chicago Engineers — 314 Federal. Chicago Estimators — 111 S. Clark. Chicago Poundrymen’s — 1949 W. Madison. Chicago Gun — 12300 S. Michigan. Chicago High School Teachers — 5 S. Wabash Av. Chicago Laundrymen’s — 104 W. Monroe. Chicago Literary — 410 S. Michi- gan Av. Chicago Mendelssohn — 323 S. Wa- bash Av. Chicago Motor — 1250 S. Michi- gan Av. Chicago Motorcycle — 3518 Ellis. Chicago Musicians — 175 W. Washington. Chicago Norsks — 2636 N. Kedzie. Chicago Press — 26 N. Dearborn. Chicago Principals — 5 S. Wabash. Chicago Progressive — 19 W. Jackson. Chicago School Masters — 5 S. Wabash Av. Chicago Single Tax — 64 W. Ran- dolph. Chicago Steam Engineers — 8 S. Dearborn. Chicago Whist — 143 N. Dearborn. Chicago Woman’s — 16 N. Wa- bash Av. Chicago Woman’s — 410 S. Michi- gan Av. Chicago Yacht- — Foot of E. Mon- roe. Chicago Yacht, Winter Qtrs. — 314 Federal. Church of Chicago — 29 E. Madi- son. City of Chicago — 315 Plymouth. Cliff Dwellers — 220 S. Michigan. Colonial of Chicago — 4445 Grand Blvd. Columbia Yacht — Foot of B. Randolph. Cosmopolitan Press — 30 N. 6th. Douglas Park Skating — 1910 S. Kedzie Av. Dedorah Boys — 5030 So. Park Av. East Side — 10300 Avenue J. Eastern Star — 159 N. State. Edge water Country — 5658 Win- throp Av. Edgewater Golf — Pratt & Ridge. Eleanor (1) — 6658 S. Wabash Av. Eleanor (2) — 6490 Kenwood Av. Eleanor (3) — 3860 Indiana Av. Eleanor (4) — 2411 Indiana Av. Eleanor (6) — 430 S. Ashland Av. Eleanor (6) — 2155 Pierce Av. Empire Motorcycle — 2770 N. Lin- coln. Engineers Harm’y — 118 S. Clark. Englewood — 6321 Harvard Av. Englewood Women’s — 6730 Went- worth Av. Fortnightly — 410 S. Michigan Av. Germania Maenerchor — 1536 N. Clark. Hamilton — 20 S. Dearborn. Hammond Athletic Ass’n— 2210 S. California Av. Hampden — 2732 Hampden Ct. Hardware of Chicago — 56 E. Ran- dolph. Harlem Jockey — 112 W. Adams. Hoffman Whist — 1349 S. Wabash. Illinois of Chicago — 314 Federal. Illinois Athletic — 112 S. Michi- gan Av. Illinois — 113 S. Ashland Blvd. Illinois Social & Frat. — 3156 S. State. Illinois Stone— 6 N. Clark. Irving Pk. Country — 4300 Irving Park Blvd. Iroquois — 21 N. LaSalle. Jackson Pk. Golf — 6310 Stony Island Av. .Tackson Pk. Yacht — 1556 E. 63rd. .lane — 812 Gilpin PI. Jefferson, Thos. — 1103 N. Dearb’n. Jeffersonian — 1342 Roscoe. .Josephine, The — 219 S. Wood. ICenwood — 1361 E. 47th. Kimrock Athletic Ass’n — 332 S. Michigan Av. Lake View Woman’s — 2732 Hampden Ct. Lake Side — 3920 Lake Park Av. LaSalle Social & Ben. — 1480 Lar- 17&1306 Lawndale — 3322 Douglas Blvd. Lincoln Park Yacht — Foot of Belmont Av. Lumbermen’s of Chicago — 239 S. Dearborn. Maciarz Polska — 1455 W. Divi- sion. Marine Athletic — 620 E. 39th. Masonic Athletic — 109 N. Dear- born. McCormick Clubhouse — 2630 Blue Island Av. Melissa, Evans — 3222 Rhodes Av. Mercury Athletic — 826 Polk. Meteor — 7613 Bond Av. Metropolitan — 4100 S. Michigan. Mid-Day — 38 S. Dearborn. Miriam — 436 Bowen Av. Merlam, The — 4501 Forrestvllle. Monroe Athletic — 71 W. Monroe. Musicians — 35 E. 22nd. National Athletic— 1821 S. Ra- cine Av. National — 123 W. Madison. KANDUL*S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 85 CXiXJBS (Continued). Nativity Young Men’s — 3701 S. Union Av. New Illinois Athletic — 112 S. Michigan Av. North Chicago Bowling — 639 Webster Av. North End Bowling — 244 Tell Ct. No. Side Automobile — 869 N. Dearborn. Off the Street — 1346 W. Van Buren. Old Friends of America — 14 N. Dearborn. Oriole Pleasure — 372 N. Kilpat- rick Av. Orphie Singing — 914 School. Piano of Chicago — 116 S. Michi- gan Av. Pioneer — 3612 S. State. Porcupine — 11119 S. Michigan. Press, The — 26 N. Dearborn. Pullman, The — 605 E. 111th. Quadrangle — 5801 University Av. Quincy Whist — 26 Quincy. Railroad — 910 S. Michigan Av. Railroad Men’s Rest — 124 S. Canal. Rainier — 3010 S. State. Ravenswood — 4551 N. Ashland. Ravenswood Golf — 4600 Law- rence Av. Rheingold — 1419 Fullerton Av. Ridgeway — 5536 Indiana Av. Rotary — 19 S. LaSalle. Ruth — 6001 Indiana Av. Saddle & Cycle — 5201 Sheridan. Saddle & Sirloin — Exchange and Dexter Av. (Stock Yards). Sherman Park — 1561 W. Garfield Blvd. Shore Acres — 6570 Sheridan Rd. Sleipner Athletic — 1820 N. Fair- field Av. Social Few — 605 Milwaukee Av. South Chicago — 9138 Houston. South Shore Country — 70th and the Lake. South Side Master Plumbers — 4647 S. Halsted. Southern, The — 116 S. Michigan. Speedway Park — 140 S. Dear- born. Sportsman’s of America — 608 S. Michigan Av. St. Vincent Lyceum — 2235 Shef- field Av. Standard — 2400 Michigan Av. Standard Athletic — 1338 W. 59th. Star City — 1846 Cornelia Av. Stewart, The — 8 S. Wabash Av. Sunday Evening — 10 S. LaSalle. Svlthiod Singing — 624 Wright- wood Av. Swedish — 1268 N. LaSalle. 'Three Arts — 1614 N. LaSalle. Town & Country — 2841 W. Wash- ington. Traffic of Chicago— 10 N. La Salle. Union League — 69 W. Jackson Union Printer.s of Chicago — 28 N. 5th Av. Unity — 3140 Indiana Av. University of Chicago — 76 E. Monroe. Up-Town. The — 712 Lincoln Parkway. Wanderers’ Cricket & A. — 71st and Selpp Av. Washington Park — 6224 Cottage Grove. West End Woman’s — 37 S. Ash- land Av. West Town — 2741 W. Madison. Western Railway — 910 S. Michi- gan Av. Westward Ho Golf — 6500 Bloom- Ingdale Av. Windsor Golf — 7510 Yates Av. Woman’s Athletic — 606 S. Michi- gan Av. Woodlawn Park — 6400 Woodlawn. Wyconda — 6263 Rhodes Av. MUNICIPAL COUNTS. Civil Cases. Courts held on the 8th, 9 th and 11th floors. City Hall Bldg. Criminal Cases — First District. Englewood Police Sta., 6347 Wentworth Av. Went. 373. Harrison St. Police Sta., Harri- son & LaSalle Sts. Rand. 480. Desplaines St. Police Sta., 120 N. Desplaines St. Rand. 480. Maxwell St. Sta., Maxwell and Morgan Sts. Randolph 480. Hyde Park Police Sta., 5283 Lake Park Av. Hyde Park 47. Thirty-fifth St. Police Sta. (P. M. ). 734 W. 35th. Yards 1260. West Chicago Av. Police Sta., 1125 W. Chicago Av. Shakespeare Av. Branch, Shakes- peare & California. Humb. 859. Chicago Av. Police Sta., 117 W. Chicago Av. North 1037. Sheffield Av. Police Sta. (P. M.), 2800 Sheffield Av. Lincoln 900. HOMES AND INSTITUTIONS. Associated Jewish Charities, 30 N. LaSalle. Bureau of Charities, 167 N. La Salle. Chicago Home for Boys, 1506 W. Adams. Chicago Relief & Aid Society, 167 N. LaSalle. Foundling Home, 17 S. Wood. House of Good Shepherd, Clark and Grace. Hull House, 800 S. Halsted. Illinois Masonic Orphans, 26 N. Bishop. Martha Washington, Irving Park Blvd. and Western Av. Newsboys & Bootblacks, 1418 S. Wabash Av. Old People’s, 3860 Indiana Av. Salvation Army Headquarters, 669 S. State. Salvation Army Rescue and Ma- ternity Home. 1332 N. LaSalle. St. Joseph’s Home for Friend- less, 1100 S. May. Volunteers of America. 1317 Washington Blvd. Young Men’s Christian Associa- tion, 19 S. LaSalle. Young Women’s Christian Asso- ciation, 830 S. Michigan Blvd. HOSPITALS. Alexian Brothers’, 1200 Belden. American, 2068 W. Monroe. Anna Ross, 1900 S. Kedzie Av. Augustana, 2037 Cleveland Av. Belden Av., 512 Belden Av. Bennett, Ada and Fulton Sts. Beulah (Maternity), 2144 N. Clark. Bohemian, S. California Av., near 12th. Chicago Baptist, Rhodes Av. and 34th. Chicago Charity, 2407 Dearborn. Chicago Fresh Air. 2450 Howard. Chicago Ear and Nose, 2619 Hampden Ct. Chicago Homeopathic. 738 S. W’ood. Chicago Hospital, 811 E. 49th. Chicago Lying-In, 616 S. Ash- land Blvd. Chicago Maternity, 2310 N. Clark. Chicago Policlinic, 219 W. Chi- cago Av. Chicago Tuberculosis, 167 W. Adams. Chicago Union, 834 Wellington. Children’s Memorial, 735 Fuller- ton Av. Columbia, 4607 Champlain Av. Columbus, 2648 Lake View Av. Cook County, 1835 W. Harrl.son. Detention, Wood and W. Polk. 86 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE HOSFITAIiS (Continued). Emergency (City), 1065 W. Mon- roe, 1428 Wells and 1275 Wash- ington Blvd. Englewood Emergency, 5209 S. Halsted. Englewood, W. 60th and S. Green. Evangelical Deaconess’, 408 Wis- consin. E)i'e, Ear, Nose & Throat, 235 W. Washington. [•'ranees E. Willard, 710 S. Lin- coln. Garfield Park, 3813 Washington. German-American, 741 Diversey Pkwy. German, 551 Grant PI. Grace, 300 S. Sangamon. Hahnemann, 2814 Groveland Av. Henrotin Memorial, 939 N. La Salle. Illinois Charitable Eye and Ear Infirmary, 904 W. Adams. Iroquois, 23 N. Market. Isolation, 35th & Lawndale Av. Jefferson Park, 1402 W. Monroe. Lake Shore, 4147 Lake Park Av. Lakeside, 3410 Rhodes Av. Lake View, 4420 Clarendon Av. Lincoln Park, LaSalle & Schiller. Marion Sims, 1222 LaSalle. Maurice Porter (children), Ful- lerton Av., near Orchard. Mary Thompson (women and children), "W. Adams and Paul- ina Sts. Mercy, 2537 Prairie Av. Memorial Institute for Infec- tious Diseases. 637 S. Wood. Michael Reese, 29th & Ellis. Monroe St., 2503 W. Monroe. North Chicago, 2551 N. Clark. Northwest, 1625 W. North Av. Northwest Sanit., 4553 Wilson. Norwegian Imt’n. Deaconess, 1138 N. Leavitt. Norwegian Luth. Tabitha, 1044 N. Francisco Av. Park Avenue, 1940 Park Av. Passavant Mem., 149 W. Superior. People’s, 253 W. 22nd. Post-Graduate, 2400 S. Dearborn. Practitioner’s, 735 W. Washgtn. Presbyterian. 1753 W. Congress. Provident, 57 W. 36th. Pullman, 11217 Watt Av. Ravenswood, 1917 Wilson Av^ Robert Burns, 3807 W. Washing- ton Blvd. Roosevelt, Monroe and Hoyne Av. St. Ann’s, 4900 Thomas. St. Anthony de Padua, 2875 W. 19 th. St. Anthons'’s Hospital and Or- phanage. Frankfort St., near Hoyne Av. St. Bernard’.^, 6337 Harvard Av. St. Elizabeth’s, 1433 N. Clare- mont Av. St. Hedwig’s, N. Hoyne Av., near Homer. St. Joseph’s. 740 Garfield Av. St. Luke’s, 1439 S. Michi.gan Av. St. Mary’s of Nazareth, 1120 N. Leavitt. South Chicaeo, 2323 E. 92nd. Streeter, 2646 Calumet Av. Swedish Covenant, 2739 Foster. United States Marine, 4133 Clar- endon Av. University, 432 S. Lincoln St. Washington Blvd., 2449 Wash- ington Blvd. Washington Park, 437 E. 60th. Wesley. 2449 S. Dearborn. West Side, 1844 W. Harrison. Woman’s Hospital, 462 E. 32nd. CEMETfiBIES IK CHICAGO AKD VICINITY. Arlington — W. 13 miles, near Elmhurst (C. & N.-W.). Bethany— Archer Av. and 79th. B’nai Abraham — S. of Waldheim. Bohemian National — N. Craw- ford and Foster Avs. (C.) Brookside — W. 16 miles, near S. Elmhurst. CalvazT — 8000 N. Clark St. Chebra Kadisha Ubikur Cholim — N. Clark, near Irving Pk. Bl. Chevra Shomer Hadas — Des- plaines Av., north of W. 12th. Concordia — 9 mis. W. on Madison. Crown Hill — 14 miles -west on the Aurora, Elgin & Chicago Electric R. R. Eden — Irving Park Blvd., near Franklin Park. Elm Lawn — W. 13 miles, near Elmhurst. Elmwood — Grand and Beach Avs. Evergreen — 87 th and S. Kedzie. Fairmount — Willow Springs. Fair Oaks Park — Matteson. Forest Home — W. 10 mis. on 12th. Free Sons of Israel — ^Waldheim. German Lutheran — Clark, near Irving Park Blvd. Graceland — -N. Clark and Irving Park Blvd. Hebrew Benevolent — Clark, near Irving Park Blvd. Highland — West Chicago. (C. & N.-W.) Memorial Park — Half mile W. of Evanston at Central Av. Montrose — Bryn Mawr and N. Crawford Av. Moses Montefore — South of For- est Home. Mt. Auburn— 39 th & S. Oak Pk. Mt. Carmel — 15 miles west (Au- rora Elec.). Mt. Forest — Thornton, 111. Mt. Glenwood — Thornton, 111. Mt. Greenwood — Morgan Park. Mt. Hope — Near Morgan Park. (C. & G. T. Ry.) Mt. Israel— Dunning, 111. Mt. Maariv — Dunning; Nagle Av. and Waveland Av. Mt. Olive — N. Nagle Av,, near Ibving Park Blvd. Mt. Olivet — S. 16 miles, near Morgan Park. New Light — Morton Grove, 111. Norwood Park — Sanford Av. and Higgins Rd. Oak Hill— W. 119th & Kedzie Av. Oakland — Proviso; W, 12 miles. Oak Lawn — 180th and S. Halsted. Oakridge — Oakridge & W. 12th. Oakwoods — Greenwood & 67th. Ohavo Amuns— South of F. Home. Ohavo Sholom — At Oakwoods. Polish — Milwaukee Av., near Norwood Park. Ridgelawn — N. Crawford and Pe- terson Avs. Rosehill — 5800 N. Clark. St. Adalbert — Norwood Park. St. Boniface — N. Clark and Law- rence Av. St. Henry — Ridge and Devon Avs. St. Joseph’s — River Grove. St. Maria — Grand Trunk Ry. and 87th. St. Lucas — N. Crawford and Fos- ter Avs. Shomer Hadas — -Desplaines Av. and W. 12th. Sinai Congregation — At Rosehill. Society of Benevolence — N. Clark and Irving Park Blvd. Union Ridge — Higgins and San- ford Avs., near Norwood Park. Waldheim — W. 10 miles on Har- rison. Woodlawn — W. 22nd and Har- lem Av. Zion Congregation — At Rosehill. KANDUL'S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 87 RE-NAMED STREETS LISTED HERE On August 15, 1913, the Chicago City Council by ordinance changed about 550 street names. These changes are all shown here as well as all changes made since then up to and Including April 1, 1916. Old name in the first column. Old Name Now Name "A” St Hamburg St. Adams Av Dante Av.. Adeptus Ct Liano Av. Aldine St Eden Av. Alexander PI. . . .Cresrent PI. Alma Av Latrobe Av. Alton Av Nordica Av. Anderson St Lamed Av. Anita Terr Grant PI. Archer PI W. 40th St. Arlington Av. S. Mayfield Av. Armour Av Fcdera: St. Ash St Neenah Av. Ashland PI Emerson Av. .\v'hi St Crenshaw Atlantic Av Oketo Av. Baird Av Loren Av. Baldwin Av.N. Winchester Av. Batavia Av Magnet Av. Bates Av Lieb Av. Bea<'h Ct Frontier Av, Belden Ct Cambridge Av. Bellevue Av Sayre Av. Berry St Farragut Av. Bishop Ct N. Bishop St. Blaine Av Miltimore Av. Blaine PI Quincy St. Bloomingdale Rd To Av. Blucher St Wilton Av. Bowmanville Rd To Av. Bowen St Berwyn Av. Bowen St Lynch Av. Bowen Av E. 41st PI. Bradley Av Ignatius St. Brant wood Av.Kercheval Av. Brook Av LeMai Av. Bross Ct -. .Hoyt Av. Bn'an Av .Tarvis St Bryan Av Jarvi.s St Bryson St Potomac Av. Buena Vista P1..W. 25th St. Buena Vista Tr, .. .Vista Tr. Burhaup Av Oconto Av, Butler St Normal Av. “C" St McLean Av. Caldwell Av Miami Av. Calland Ct Kongee Av, Calumet Av Forest Av. Calumet Av Oliphant Av. Campbell Av., S. S Artesian Av. • Campbell St Heald Av. Canal T'l M* !/ an Av. i Canal St, S. . .Egglc.ston Av. Candls Av Lacey Av. Carpenter Av Lillard Av, Carpenter Ct Lovejoy Av. Carroll St Carroll Av. Carter St Holbrook St. Catalpa ri.,.,N. Albany Av. Catalpa Ct N. Albany Av. Cedar St W, Superior St Central St...N. Hilldale Av. Central Av. .Narragansett Av. Central Av Chapel Av. Center St Kenilworth Av. Centre Av., N. .N. Racino Av. Centre Av., S..S. Racine Av. Ceylon Av Nina Av. Cliarles Ct Booth Av. C’ St N. Elizabeth St. Cheney St Liidlam Av. Cheney Av.,.Xew Hampshire Cherry PI. . .Shakespeare Av, Chestnut St Olcott Av. Chestnut PI Ct. Chicago Av Avondale Av. Chicago Tr W. Eric St Choctaw Av Kasson Av. Church Ct Grady Ct. Church PI Arcade PI. Cicero Ct..S. Maplewood Av. Clare Av Markham Av. Claremont St. .. .Palatine Av. Clarendon St. ..Newcastle Av. Clark A» Latrobe Av. Clarke Av Isham Av. aark St.. S Federal St. Clybourn PI Cortland St. Colfax PI Peterson Av. Columbia St Caton St. Columbia St Coticord PI. Congress Pk . . S. Talman Av. College Av Naper Av. j Old Name New Name I Cornelia Av...W. Walton St. I Cot. Or. Av Corliss Av. I Cot Gr. Av Corliss Av. Crawford PI Chopin Av. Crescent Av Ardmore Av. Crescent Av Nickerson Av. Crescent Rd. . .Hennepin Av. Crescent Rd. . .McClellan Av. Curtis Av Edbrooke Av. Dakin Av Dakin St Davis Av Moi-eland Av. Dearborn Av. . .Greenleaf Av. Dearborn Av. .N. Dearborn St Dearborn St. .S. Lafayette Av. Depot St S. Rockwell St. Diversey Ct Magnolia Av. Division Av Marietta Av. Dixon St Dickson St. Dixon Av Livermore Av. Douglas PI E. 34th PI. Drexcl Bd Olmsted Av. Drexel Ct Maiyland Av. East Ct Hudson Av. East End Av..Hyde Park Bl. East River St Boyd Av. East Wharf Libby Av. F.bcrly Av. ..N. St. Louis Av. Edgewater PI. . .Highland Av. Edgewater Tr Gregory St. Edison St Olcott Av. Edwards St Gale St Ekiredge PI E. i)th St. Elizabeth Av. . . .Ciihokia Av. Elierton Av Louise Av. Ellis Av Iroquois Av, Av Manton Av. ELston Av Indian Rd. Elston Ct Argyl St. Emerald St. . .Kamerling Av. Emerson Rd Lehigh Av. ; Enfield Av Lundy Av. Erie Av Baltimore Av. I Pluclid St Newcastle Av. I Euclid Av Avondale Av, 1 Euclid Av Imperial St. i Eugenic Ct ,..Fern Ct. I Evanston Av Broadway ! Evanston Av. . . .Sheridan Rd. I Evergreen St Newark Av. , Evergreen Ct Holly Av. Ewing Sf Gilpin PI. Ewing n Pierce Av. Fairview Av.,.Las Casas Av. Faraday Av Kewanee Av. Farragut Av Buffalo Av. i Fontenoy PI Girard St. I Forest St N. Paulina St Fountain Av. ., .Meredith Av. I Fox Ct Nordica Av. Fox PI Julian St. Francis Si Ardmore Av. Francisco St, N To Av. Francisco St., N To Av. Francisco St., N To Av. , Francisco St., S To Av. Francl.sco St, S To Av. Francisco St, S To Av. Frank Ct Napoleon Av. Franklin Av..N. ?»Iayfleld Av. Frink St Fulton St. Front St Fry St. Fullerton Ct . . . Cambridge Av. Fulton Av Albion Av, Fulton Av Hayes Av. Fulton Av Langley Av. Gage PI S. Artesian Av. Gage Ct W. 56th St. Gage I*k. AV....S. Claremont (7ault Ct Cambridge Av. Garfield Ct Garfield Av. George Ct N. Seeley Av. Gilbert Av W. 51th St Grace St Burling St. Gracftland Av.. Irving Pk. Bl. Grand Av Oshkosh Av, I Grand Av Pratt Av. I G'rant St Hood Av Grassmere Rd. . . .Massac Av. 1 Greenwood Tr Altgeld St. Griffin St Manila Av. Gross St Lester Av. j Old Name New Name I Gross Tr S. Whipple St. I Grove PI Hamburg St Groveland Av Ellis Av. (Jroveland Ct Lowe Av. Groveland Tr. . .Howland Av. Guernsey Av.,N. Kenton Av. Guernsey Av. . .Kimberly Av. Hamilton St Albion Av. Hamilton Ct Diana Ct Hamilton Ct. . . .Larrabee St Harlem Av. Rd. .Harlem Av. Harmon PI E. 11th St. Harvard St Arlington St Hawley Av Kirkland Av. Hawthorne Av Lagoon Av. Hawthorne St.. Kingsbury St. Hayes St Drummond PI, Hayes Av Arthur Av. Hayes Av Loyola Av. Henry St W. Walton St Hibbard Av Kenwood Av. Highland Av Ozanam Av. Hills Ct Giddings St. Hobart Ar Neva Av. Holden St Ellsworth St Howard Av Brainard Av. Howard Av., N..N.Mason Av. Howard Av., S..S. Mason Av, Howard Ct . . . Vanderpoel Av. Hubbard PI E. 7th St. Hubbard St Long Av. Humboldt St N. Richmond Humboldt St....S. Richmond Humboldt Av Palmer St, Hunter Av....N. Menard Av. Hutchinson Av. .Windsor Av. Hyde Pk. Tr. .. .Berkeley Av. Illinois Av Baker Av. lUinoi.s Ct Lime St. Independence Pl....Wayman India St Kelso Av. Indiana Av. .. .Ferdinand St, Indiana Av Osceola Av. Indiana St. .W. .W. Grand Av. Indiana St. . E. ..E. Grand Av. Ignomar Av Nassau Av. Jackson Av Maryland Av. Jackson Pk. Tr..E. 65th St J ackson PI G1 ady s Av. Jasper St Crystal St. Jefferson Av Harper Av. Jelferson (?t. . . .Kennison Av. Johnson St S. Peoria St. .Tohnstnn Av Lyndale St Jordan Ct W. 14th PI. Josephine Av.. Normandy Av. Karnalz Av Lansing Av. Kenwood Tr E. 72d PI. Kingston St Neola Av. Kingston St Natoma Av. Kosciusko Av, . . .Medina Av. Kosciusko St Lyndale St. Lafai’eitc Ct Seneca St Lafayette Pkway. Lafayette St, Laflin St Justine St Lake Av Lake Park Av. Lakeside Av.. . .Chippewa Av. LaJ^eside Tr Kastlake La Salle Av. . .N.La Salle St. La Salle Av Ottawa St. Laurel Av Lorel Av. Lawrence St Center St. Lee Av Fletcher St. Lee IM Ainslie St. Lciand St Schreiber Av. I>e Moyne Av Mercer Av. Le Moyne Av. . .Lo Moyne St. Lewis Av Massasolt Av. I^exington Av. .University Av. Lilly Av Naples Av. Lincoln PI Hudson Av. Lincoln PI Niagara Av. Lincoln Av Keokuk Av. Linden Av Onarga Av. Linden Av Naples Av. Linden Ct Cambridge Av. Lliine Av Nixon Av. Ix)gan St Newel Ar. Logan Av Genoa Av, Lorraine PI Mandell Ar. LflW'fll Av Lowell Av 88 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE RENAMED STREETS— Continued Old Name New Name LoweU Ct Garibaldi PI. Lydia PI..- Qet^sburg PL Lyman At N- Seeley At. Lyndale At Lyndale St. Madlaon At. . .Dorchester At. Maple At Klona At. Maple At Olympia At. Marguerite At. . .Lambert At. Market St E. 134th PI. Market Sa Kobinson SL Marquette Tr. .Pensacola At. McGrane Ct. .. .Kentucky At. Meridian St., E Hale At. Michigan St., E Michigan, E. . .E. Austin At. Michigan, W..W. Austin At. Michigan At iTy At. Michigan At Ozark At. Michigan Tr. .Oakenwald At. Miller At Wilson At. MUler Ct Horan At. Milton St NeTa At. Milton PI Patterson At. Monroe At Kenwood At. Monitor At NaTarre At. Morgan PI Quincy St. Morse At PorrestTille At. Morton St. . . N. Parkslde At. Mulberry At Nicolet At. Myrtle St S. Seeley At. Myrtle At Nlnnewa At. No. Water St Carroll At. Noble At Barry At. Noble Ct De Sota At. Normal Pywy., S Normal Pkwy. Normal Pkwy.. N Normal Pkwy. North Pi Holly At. Norwood At Mohican At. Norwood PI Heyden St. Nutt St Loolller Ct. Nutt Ct Loeffler Ct. Oak At BeTerly At. Oak At Ogallah At. Oak PI Wilton At. O’Brien At. ..N. Keating At. Ogden Pi Arcade PI. Ohio St., W Race At. OllTe St Oriole At. OllTB St S. Hamilton At. Ontario St., W..W. Ohio St. Ontario At Brandon At. Orchard St Lunt At. Ormonde At Lacom At. Our St Llpps At. Palmer At Cranden At. Panama St Niagara At. Park St Wicker Pk. At. Park At., N. .N. Parkslde At. Park At., S..S. Parkslde At. Park Ct ...Irwin At. Park PI E. 47th PI. Park Bow E. 11th PI. Paulina PL Hobson At. Pearce St TUden St. Pease At Newcastle Av. Peck PI E. 8th St Penn PI Walnut St. PennsylTanla At. .Oxford At. Perry St Greenview At. Peterson At Rogers At. Peterson At Elmdale At. Peterson St Willow St. Phillip At Chase At Phillips St Bismarck PI Pleasant St Frontier At. Pleasant PI Lyndale St. Poplar At N. Lotus At. Potomac St Potomac At. Powell Pk McLean At. Prairie. N N. Menard At. Prairie. S....S. Menard At. Prairie At Oleander At. Pratt St W. Huron St. Prospect At Otsego At. Racine Ct Draper St. Railroad Ct Forsyth- A t. Railroad PI S. Marshfield RaTenswood. . .N. Honors St. Rarenswood Pk.. E RaTenswood At. RaTenswood Pk., W RaTenswood At. RaTenswood Pk., W Sarak At. Reed PI Pensacola At. Old Name New Name BlTsr St E. 134th PI. Roberts At London At. Roberts At Giddings St. Roberts Ct Giddings St. Robinson At. . . .Moultrie At. Rosalie Ct Harper At. Bossana Ct. .. .Dorchester At. Sacramento Ct.N. Whipple St. School Pi Arcade PI. School St Otto St. Scott At NeTa At. Sedgwick Ct Felton Ct. Selby Tr Madella At. Selnyn At Kennicott At. Seminary Pi. .Drummond PI. Sheridan At. . . .Nettleton At. Sheridan At... O ak Park At. Sherman At Burnham At. Sheramn PI Dole At. Sherman Pi Armstrong St. Short PI Grimm At. Simpson At Midas At. Somerset Tr Hunt At. Sophia St Rice St. Soult St Florence At. South Pi Lafayette St. Southport At. .Glenwood At. Star At Dante At. State St Talcott At. State Ct Abbott At. St. Charles Ct.... Lawson At. Steiner Bd Leader At. SulliTan Ct Gratton At. Summit St S. Irrlng At. Superior, W. ...W. Huron St. Superior St Oneida At. Superior At Burley At. Syracuse At..N. Harding At. TeU St Willow St. Touhy At Kenilworth At. Town St Frontier At. Tremont At S. Seeley At. Union Ct Inanda At. Union St., N...N. Union At. Union St., S...S. Union At. Union Ct. Ford At. Van Buren PI Tilden St. Vernon At Owen At. Vernon At Ibsen St. Vlnceimes Ed. .Vincennes At. Vincennes At. . .Eberhart At. Wabansla At Clifton At. Wabash At Estes At. Waite At Muriel At. Waldemar At. .Manassas At. Waller St Miller St. Walnut At Hurlburt St. Walnut At., N. .N. Lotus At. Walnut At. . S . . S. Lotus At. Warner St S. Learitt St. Warren St Imlay St. Warwick At Newburg At. Washbume St.. .Nashotah At. Wasiiburn St Hodge St. Wash. At Blackstone At. Wash. St W. Randolph St. Wash. Bd OTerhUl At. Wash. PI W. Delaware PI. Waterrllle St Benson St. WaTeland Ct Clifton At. Wellington St. Wellington At. Wellin^n Ct DeTer At. Wells PI DcTon At. West St N. Central At. Western At Harlem At. Whipple Ct Garden St. Wilcox At WUCOX St. Willis Ct Heath At. Willow At Natoma At. Willow At Long At. Wilson At Odell At. Winchester At. . .Matson At. Winona At Winona St. Winter St Oriole At. Winthrop Ct...S. Bishop St. Wisconsin At Kruger At. Wright Ct N. Tallman At. Vale St Tale At. York St Flournoy St. 3rd At., N. .. .Mansfield At, 14th PI.. W W. 15th PI. 25th PI., W Cologne St. 25th PI., W Coulter St. 40th At., N. .N. Crawford At. 40th At., S..S. Crawford At. Old Name New Name 40th Ct., N keystone At. 40th Ct., S Komensky At. 41st At., N. ,. .Keystone At. 41st At., N. . .N. KarloT At. 41st At., S S. KarloT At. 41st Ct., N...N. KedTale At. 41st Ct., S...S. KedTale At. 42nd At., N. .N. KedTale At. 42nd At., N..N. Keeler At. 42nd At., S...S. Keeler At. 42nd Ct., N Kenosha At. 42nd Ct., N N. Tripp At. 42nd Ct., S S. Tripp At. 42nd PL, N....N. Tripp At. 43rd At., N..N. Kildare At. 43rd At.. S..S. Kildare At. 43rd Ct, N....N. Kolln At. 43rd Ct., S....S. Kolln At. 44th At., N. .N. Kostnor At. 44th At., S..S. Kostner At. 44th Ct., N..N. Kenneth At. 44th Ct, S..S. Kenneth At. 45th At., N. .N. KUboum At. 45th At., S..S. KUboum At. 45th Ct. N...N. Kolmar At. 45th Ct, S...S. Kolmar At. 46th At., N...N. Kenton At. 46th At., S...S. Kenton At. 46th Ct., N N. Knox At. 46th Ct, S S. Knox At. 47th At., N. .N. Kilpatrick At. 47th At., S..S. Kilpatrick At. 47th Ct., N..N. Keating At. 47th Ct. S..S. Keating At. 48th At., N. ...N. Cicero At. 48th At., S....S. Cicero At. 48th Ct, N Lacrosse At. 49th At., N...N. Lamon At. 49th Ct., N Laporte At. 50th At., N. .N. LaTergne At. 50th At.. S..S. LaTorgne At. 50th Ct.. N Lawler At. 51st At., N Leclalre At. 61st At., S.S. Leamington At. 51st Ct.N. .N.Leamlngton At. 52nd At., N..N. Laramie At. 52nd At., S..S. Laramie At. 52nd Ct. N Latrobe At. 53rd At., N.N. Locltwood At. 53d At., S.S. Lockwood At. 53rd Ct, N Lorel At. 54th At., N Long At. 54th Ct., N N. Lotus At. 54th Ct., N Lind At. 54th Ct., N Linder At. 55th Ct, N Luna At. 65th At., N Linder At. 66th At., N..N. Central At. 56th Ct., N..N. Parkslde At. 57th At.. N N. Major At. 57th Ct., N Mango At. 58th At., N. . .N. Menard At. 58th Ct, N Mansfield At. 59th Ct., N N. Mason At. 60th At., N. .N. Maynard At. 60th Ct, N. . . .McKicker At. 61st At., N Meade At, 61st At., N Moody At. 62nd At.. N Melrina At. 62nd Ct.. N Merrlmac At. 63rd At., N Mobile At. 63rd Ct.. N Mulligan At. 64th At., N.Narragansett At. 64th At., N Nagle At. 64th Ct., N Nagle At. 65th At., N Natchez At. 65th Ct., N Neenah At. 65th St. N Ardmore At. 66th At., N NashrlUe At. 66th Ct. N Natoma At, 66th St., E.E. Marquette Bd. 67th At., N. . .Nonnandy At. 67th Ct., N. . .Rutherford At. 67th St.. E.E. Marquette Rd. 67tli St. W.W.Marquette Rd. 68th At N. Oak Park At. 68th Ct., N. .. .Newcastle At. 68th Ct, N.New England At. 69th At., N.New England At. 69th At., N Newland At. 69th Ct. N Newland At. 70th At.. N Nicolet At. 70th At., N Sayre At. 70th Ct, N Nordics At. 70th Ct, N Nora At. 71st At Nottingham At. 71st At., N Nordica At. 71st Ct. N NoTa At. 71st Ct, N. .Nottingham At. 72nd At.. N Harlem At. St (no name) Auson PL KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 89 RENAMED STREETS— Continued Old Name New Name Ct (do Dame) Pierce At. St (do Dame).N. LamoD At. St. (do Dame). West End At. St (no name) .S. lismon At. St (no name).FTontenac At. St (no name) . .Langlade At. St (no name) ...Leonard At. 6t (na name) li/eaTenworth At. St (no name) . . . .Lorlng At. St. (no name).,.E. 52nd St St (no name)..S. Hoyne At. St (no name) . . .McCook At. St (no name) Oketo At. Old Name New Name St (no name) . ..Ozanam At. St (no name)....E. 66tli PI. St (no name)...W. 13th PI. St (no name) . . .W 14tb St. St (known as Jordan Ct.) W. 14th PI. St (no name) .Cot.GroTe At. St (no name) .CotGrove At. St (no name). . .Calumet At. St (no name) Forest At. St (no name) . . .Indiana At. St (no name) . .Gormont At. St. (no name) Lynch At. St (no name) . .N. Tripp At. Old Name New Name St (no name) Laflln St St (no name)... .Madrid At. St (no name) Luzon At. St (no name) Legett At. St (no name) .. .Lansing At. St (no name)...Lemont At. St. (no name) . .Keswick At. St (no name) .. ..Latham At. St. (no name) N. Central Fk. At. St (no name) N. Lawndale At. St (no name) Studio FI. St. (no namelVanderpoel At. St (no name).... Quarry St STREET NAME CHANGES IN MORGAN PARK Old Name New Name Aberdeen St (no change) Ada St Throop St Adams St S. Bishop St. Anna FI S. Lincoln St Arlington At....W. 110th PI. Armlda At S. Hoyne At. Atod At S. Fairfield At. Belmont At. . . .S. Seeley At. Berkley At W. 111th PI. Blanchard At.S. Rockwell St. Borao PI W. 110th St Carpenter St..S Carpenter St Centre At., S..S. Racine At. Centre St S. Wood St. Center St Chelsea Ft Church St (no change) Churchill AT....W. 116th PI. Clare At W. 118th St Clifton AT...S. Campbell At. Clyde At W. 107th PI. Court St W. 108th PI. Commercial At Hale At. (Treacent At....S. Irrlng At. Creacent. E....S. Irring At. Crescent. W....S. Oakley At. DaTol St (no change) Duane St W. 116th St Ebuda At W. 108th Pt Ebuda At W. 109th St. Esmond St (no change) Euclid St..S. Maplewood At. Eollete AT....B. Paulina St Fairfax At W. 110th St Fairfield At Hermosa At. Fairfield At. .Homewood At. Falrrlew At.. 8. Artesian At. Fifth St Loomis St First St S. Ashland At. Fourth St S. Bishop St Genera At S. Oakley At. Grand At.. 8. Washtenaw At. Old Name New Name Grore St W. 108th PI. Grore St Hale At. Grorelaud Ct Drew St Hale St W. 108th PI. Illinois At Hamlet At. Isabella At W. 113th St Joan PI W. 116th PL Josephine At....W. 112th PI. Keen PI W. 117th PI. La Salle St Glenroy At. Loomis St S. Ada St Longwood AT..Longwood Dr. Lothair At S. IrTing At. Lothalr At (no change) Lyon At W. 119th St Maryban At....W. 114th St. Marguerite At..W. 113th PL Maion St W. 109th PI. May St S. May St Meadow St Montrale At. Meadow St W. 113th PL Medora At W. 115th St Modora At W. 117th St Montlcollo AT..W. 108th PL Morgan At Monterey At. Morgan At W. 112th PL Morgan At W. 111th St Morgan St 8. Morgan St Oak St Church St Ogden At... 8. California At. Park Crescent. Homewood At. Park St W. 112th St Park St Pryor At. Pedro PI W. 118th St Prairie St W. 108th St Prospect At (no change) Prospect At. .. .Longwood Dr. Randall St W. 110th St Raymond St (no change) Raymond St W. 116th St Remington At. . .W. 107th PI. Old Name New Name Ridge At W. 116th St. Rlnaldo At W. 112th St Sada At W. 113th PL Second At S. Ashland At. Second At Hamlet At. Shopard St S. Wood St. Shepard St. .. .Woodland At. Short St DaTol St Short St S. Honors St South St W. 107th St Stanley St W. 111th PL Stephen St W. 110th PI. Steuben St (no change) Tasso PI W. lOSth PL Third St Lafiln St Throop St....S. Elizabeth St. Tracy At W. 103rd St Tremont At. ..S. Talman At. IJnlTeraity At..S. Oakley At. Vale St W. 109th St Vincennes At.... ( no change) Walker At. .. .Homewood At. Walnut St Hale At. Warren St Waseca PL West Crescent.. S. Oakley At. Washington At Hale At. Western At. . .8. Western At. Weston St Wesley St Weston St W. 114th PL Willard St W. 107th PL Winfield At W. 117th St Wood St 8. Wood St Woodland At.... ( no change) lOSth St W. 108th St 109th St W. 109th St 109th PI W. 109th PI. noth St W. noth St noth PI w. noth PI. 112th St W. 112th St 115th St W. 115th St 117th PI W. 117th PL 118th St W. 118th St. 118th PI W. 118th PI. STREET NAME CHANGES IN GERMANIA Old N&me New Name Old Name New Name Old Name New Name Arnold At...N. Ashland At. Aabland At., N N. Marabfleld At. Blrchwood Terrace Juneway St. Hermlta^ At N. Hermitage At. Lakeside Terrace Eastlake Terrace Paulina At...N, Paulina St Perry St Greenylew At. Sheridan Terrace Jonquil Terrace Sheridan PI ... . Sheridan Rd. St (no name) .. .Haskins At. STREET NAME CHANGES IN CLEARING AND STICKNEY 8. 48th At 8. Cicero At. 8. 52nd At...S. Laramie At. 8. 62nd Ct....3, Latrobe At. 8. 53rd At..S. Lockwood At. 5. 63rd Ct S. Lorel Av. 8. 64th At 8. Long At. B. 64th S. Lotus At. 6. 65tb At.... 8. Linder At. B. 55th Ct 8. Luna At. B. 56th At.... 8. Central At. 8. 56tb Ct....S. Parkside At. 8 . 67th At 8 . Major At. 8. 67th Ct..S. Massasolt At. 8. 68tb At.... 8. Menard At. B. 58th Ct. .8. Mansfield At. 8. 62th At... 8. Mayfield At. 8. 68th Ct 8. Mason At. 8. 60th At... 8. Maynard At. 8. 6lat At 8. Meade At. 8. 61st Ct 8. Moody At. 8. 62nd At...S. Melrlna Av. 8. 62nd Ct..S. Merrlmac At. 8. 63rd At 8. Mobile At. 8. 63rd Ct...8. Mulligan At. 8. 64th AT.S.Narragansett At. 8. 65th AT....S. Natchea At. 8. 66th At.. 8. Nashville At. 8. 72nd At... 8. Harlem At. Austin At.... 8. Maynard At. Central At. ... 8. Central At. Clarence At... 8. Natoma At. Clinton At. .. 8. Newlond At. Euclid At.. 8. Rutherford At G rand View At. . 8. Nagle At OroTe At... 8. Newcastle At Home At 8. Sayre At Humphrey AT.S.McVlckar At Kenilworth Av 8. Now England Av Maple At 8. Neva At Meadowbrook Av 8. Neenah A? Oak Park At 8. Oak Park At Prairie At.... 8. Menard At W enonah Av..S. Nordlca At W esley At.. 8. Normandy At Wisconsin At B. Nottingham At. 90 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE CHICAGO AT A GLANCE City organized in 1837; population then, 4,175; area 1 0 square miles. Fort Dearborn, located at the River and N. Michigan avenue, marks the oldest and first occupied spot by white people. Indians massacred white settlers at 18th street and Calumet avenue, August, 1812. Present area 193 square miles, with population of over 2,400,000. Geographical center of the city is at West 39th street and South Ashland avenue. Natural surface above the Lake is 10 feet. Lake Michigan’s first harbor was established March 2d, 1833. Chicago’s big fire started gCtober 8th, 1871, and within thirty-six hours 200 person perished, 18,000 buildings, with an approximate value of over $200,000,000, were destroyed. New York is 908 miles away; by rail only 20 hours. San Francisco, 2,272 miles; by rail only 96 hours. Chicago is only 79 years old and ranks as the fourth largest city in the v/orld. Ground lying east of Halsted street and near Madison sold for less than $7.00 per acre. Now worth over $15,000 per foot. Public transportation was first provided by Mr. Frank Parmelee by omnibus in 1853. Horse-drawn street cars appeared in 1 859. Cable cars first operated in 1 882 and the electric cars appeared in 1 890. The elevated railroad was first operated by steam in 1892 and changed to electric operation in 1 898. Over 150,000 miles of railroads center in Chicago; six big terminals, with over 90 way stations, are within the city limits for local travel. The combined space occupied by Washington, Lincoln, Garfield, Grant, Jackson, Humboldt, McKinley, and Marquette Parks is over 2,425 acres. Small parks and playgrounds occupy over 1,937 acres of ground. Chicago has over 1 1,755 miles of boulevard drivev/ays; 3,098 miles of streets, of which over 2,060 miles are paved. There are over 27,000 employees on the city payroll. Ten water pumping stations supply over 360,000,000 gallons of water through 1,500 miles of main and con- necting pipes. The sanitary district was organized in 1890. After ten years’ work the current of the Chicago River was reversed and made to flow through the Illinois to the Mississippi River. KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 91 STREET, AVENUE AND NUMBER INDEX TO MAP PAGE READ THE ABBREVIATIONS A Austin al Alley av Avenue bl Boulevard Cal Calumet ct Court dy Driveway E East E. S East Side fr From H. P Hyde Park J Jefferson L Town of Lake L. V Lake View N North N. D. . .North Division N. P. . . Norwood Park N. E Northeast nr Near N. S North Side N. V7 Northwest Opp Opposite P Pullman pi Place pk'y Parkway rd Koad R. P. . . . Rogers Park R. R. Ry. .. S S. D.. • South Division S. E. , S. S. . South Side sq. . . . St. . . . s. w. w. . . W. D.. • West Division w. s. West Side Page ABBOTT CT. At W. 700 N. from 2800 to 3168 17 ABEBDEBN At W. 1100 S. from 1 to 34.. . . .22 4700 to 6259.. . . .32 6300 to 8659.. ...38 8700 to 11059.. . . .44 11100 to 12269.. . . .51 ACASEhCY PB. At W. 830 S. from No numbers . . . . . .22 ADA B. At W. 1326 S. from 1 to 758. . . . .21 ADA S. At W. 1326 S. from 4700 to 6259. . . . .31 6700 to 8659.. . . .37 8700 to 9459.. . . .43 11230 to 11459. . . . .50 ADAMS E. At S. 200 E •from 1 to 84.. ...23 ADAMS W. At S. 200 W. from 1 to 1159. . . . .22 1200 to 2359.. . . .21 2400 to 3552.. . . .20 3800 to 4769.. . . .19 4800 to 5959.. . . .18 ADDZSOB At N. 3600 W. from 600 to 1159. . . . .17 1200 to 2359.. . . .16 2400 to 3659.. . . .15 3600 to 4769.. . . .14 5600 to 5969.. . . .13 6000 to 7159.. . . .12 AOITITE AV. At N. 4443 W. from 3740 to 3758.. . . . 8 5000 to 5559. . . . . 7 AZBSBEE At N. 4900 W. from 800 to 1159. . . . .11 1200 to 2359.. . . .10 2400 to 3359.. . . . 9 3600 to 4459.. ... 8 4800 to 5822.. . . . 7 AIBDBIE PB. At N. 4131 W. from 900 to 949. . . . .11 ABASKA At N. 1536 W. front 600 to 642.. . . .22 Page AEBAZnr AV„ N. At W. 3100 N. from 1 to 859. . . . .20 1600 to 3959. . . . .15 4000 to 6235. . . . . 9 ABBABY AV.. S At W. 3100 S. from 1 to 1134. . .20 1200 to 3869. . .25 3900 to 6259. ., . . .30 6300 to 8659. . . . .36 ABBEBT At W. 1438 S. from 1800 to 1861 26 AEBIOIT AV. At N. 6600 W. from 1000 to 1765 4 2400 to 3059 3 6600 to 7057 2 7200 to 7225 1 AESINE AV. At N. 3300 W. from 400 to 870 17 AXiBnrE SQ. At S. 752 E. from 500 to 551 28 ABEZABDEB At S. 2245 W. from 200 to 350 27 AXZCE PB. At N. 1630 W. from 2052 to 2156 16 ABBEB AV. AtW.3500 N.E.from 2900 to 2992 16 ABBFOBT At W. 1236 S. from 1600 to 2158 26 ABMOBD At W. 2124 S. from 1000 to 1034 21 ABTA VISTA TEBB. At W. 1050 N. from 3800 to 3849 17 ABTOEBD At N. 2500 W. from 800 to 1169. . . . .17 1200 to 2359. . . . .16 2400 to 3559. . . . .15 3600 to 4769. . . . .14 4800 to 5959. . . . .13 6900 to 7168. . . . .12 ABB At W. 1200 N. from 1 to 370. . Page ANSOB PB. At N. 418 W. from 2200 to 2258 21 ABTHOBV AV. At E. 400 S. E. from 6806 to 6984. . . . .39 7600 to 8410. . . . .40 8701 to 8759. . . . .46 8800 to 9406. . . . .47 ABBOUB PB. At N. 400 W from 1355 to 1567. . . . .21 ABCABE PB. At S. 26 W. from 1 to 1169 22 1604 to 1759 21 ABCE At W. 1316 S. from 2900 to 3035 26 ABCHEB AV. At W. 1 S. W. from 1900 to 2876. . . . .27 2889 to 3699. . . . .26 3700 to 3899. . . . .25 3900 to 4685. . 4700 to 5603. . . . .29 ABDMOBE AV. At N. 6800 W. from 952 to 1144. . . . .11 1234 to 1554. . 2400 to 3659. . . . . 9 6317 to 6582. . 6124 to 6866. . . . . 6 ABaVBE At N. 6000 W. from 832 to 1169. . . . .11 1200 to 2369. . . . .10 2500 to 3569. . 3600 to 4759. . 4800 to 5354. . ABBIBOTOB PB. At N. 2440 W. from 400 to 658. . . . .17 ABMXTAGE AV. At N. 2000 W. from 1628 to 2369. . . . .16 2400 to 3559. . . . .15 3600 to 4759. . . . .14 4800 to 5759. . . . .13 6000 to 7194. . . . .12 ABMOUB At W. 1600 N. from 400 to 766. . . . .21 92 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE Page I Page I AVSTIK AV., S. At W. 6000 S. from 1 to 1159 18 EAKl^OU Page ABSaSTBONa At N. 742 E. from 112 to 130 23 ABTESIAN AV., N. At W. 2425 N. from 200 to 1559 20 1600 to 3659 15 4400 to 6959 9 6400 to 7469 3 ABTESZAB AV., S. At W. 2428 S. from 2600 to 3869. . . .25 3900 to 6269. . . . .30 6300 to 8258. . .. .36 10700 to 11059. . . . .42 ABTKZBGTOB At s. 900 W. from 1200 to 1332. . . . .21 2400 to 3659. . . . .20 3600 to 4759. . ...19 4800 to 4969. . . . .18 ABTHUB AV. At N. 6500 W. from 1200 to 1769. . . . . 4 2400 to 3069. . ... 3 ASBT7BV TEBBACE At N. 4231 W. from 616 to 769 11 ASEEABD AV., N. At W. 1600 N. from 200 to 1559. . . . .21 1600 to 3959. . . . .16 4000 to 5730. . 6430 to 7766. . ... 4 ASHEABS AV., S. At w. 1600 S. from 1200 to 3869. . . . .26 3900 to 6259. . . . .31 6300 to 8659. . . . .37 8700 to 11069. . ...43 11100 to 12259. . ...50 ASHEANB BE VS., B. At W. 1600 N. from Madison to Lake. 1 to 164 21 6800 to 7450 4 ASHEABD BEVS., S. At W. 1600 S. from Madison to 12th. 1 to 1146 21 ASTOB At E. 40 N. from 1200 to 1564 23 ATTBZEE At N. 2125 N. E. from 2600 to 2636 16 AVBEBT AV. At N. 4226 W. from 2000 to 2076 10 2400 to 2676 9 AUBEBB At W. 900 S. from 3100 to 3864 27 AUGUSTA At N. 1000 W. from 1200 to 2369. . 2400 to 3559. . . . .20 3600 to 4759. . . . .19 4800 to 6959. . . . .18 AUSTXB AV., E. At N. 440 E. from 1 to 165. . ...23 AUSTIB AV.. W, At N. 440 W. from 1 to 1169. . ...22 1200 to 2369. . ..;21 2400 to 2458. . . . .20 4600 to 4769. . . . .19 4800 to 4959. . . . .18 AUSTIB AV., B. At W. 6000 N. from 1 to 1669. . . . .18 AVEBUE A At E. 4100 S. from 11600 to 11959 56 AVEBUE B At E. 4033 S. from 10500 to 10559 48 11600 to 13358 65 AVEBUE C At E. 4000 S. from 10300 to 10669 48 11600 to 13358 56 AVEBUE B At E. 3933 S. from 10115 to 10159 48 11600 to 13358 55 AVEBUE E At E. 3900 S. from 10400 to 10559 48 11900 to 11938 55 AVEBUE B At E. 3834 S. from 10300 to 11059 48 11110 to 13359 65 AVEBUE G At E. 3800 S. from 9725 to 11069 48 11110 to 11768 55 AVEBUE K At E. 3732 S. from 9700 to 11059 48 11400 to 11734 66 AVEBUE J At E. 3700 S. from 9600 to 11069 48 11110 to 11648 66 AVEBUE K At E. 3624 S. from 13300 to 13368 65 AVEBUE li At E. 3600 S. from 9500 to 11069 47 11110 to 13359 54 AVEBUE M At E. 3532 S. from 9500 to 11059 47 11118 to 13359 64 AVEBUE B At E. 3600 S. from 9600 to 11069 47 11118 to 13359 64 AVEBUE O At B. 3432 S. from 9500 to 11059 47 11100 to 13359 64 AVEBS AV., B. At W. 3836 N. from 200 to 1659 19 1600 to 3859 14 4000 to 6159 8 AVEBS AV., S. At W. 3836 S. from 1200 to 3258 24 4500 to 6459 29 AVOBSAEE AV. At W. 2800 N. W. from 2900 to 3499 16 3600 to 3999 14 4222 to 4499 8 4500 to 5108 7 6700 to 6229 6 6230 to 6399 6 6508 to 6794 1 AYBES CT. At W. 1236 N. from 700 to 766 21 BAXEB AV. At E. 3016 S. E. from 8300 to 8436 41 BAEDWIB AV. At E. 1900 S. from 7400 to 7469 40 At W. 3443 N. from 1600 to 2758 16 BAEMOBAIi AV. At N. 5400 W. from 900 to 1169. . . . .11 1200 to 2169. . .. .10 2400 to 3459. . ... 9 5000 to 5559. . ... 7 BAETZUOBE AV. At E. 2800 S. from 8300 to 8669. . . . .41 8700 to 11059. . . . .47 11100 to 13459. . . . .64 13500 to 13536. . . . .58 BABES At N. 1335 E. from 1 to 78. . . . .23 BABBEB At S. 1425 W. from 540 to 740. . . . .27 BABBY AV. At N. 3100 W. from 352 to 1169. . . . .17 1200 to 2359. . . . .16 2400 to 3659. . ...16 3600 to 4759. . ...14 4800 to 6959. . . . .13 6100 to 7169. . . . .12 BABTOB AV. At W. 2335 N. from 7200 to 7562 3 BAUWABS At W. 1600 N. from 1300 to 1376 21 BEACH AV. At N. 1433 W. from 3200 to 3559 20 4800 to 4969 18 BEACOB At W. 1337 N. from 4400 to 4759 10 BEAUBIEB CT. At E. 115 N. from 150 to 231 23 BEEKMAB AV. At E. 3200 S. from 7814 to 7862 41 BEETHOVEB BE. At N. 1240 W. from 200 to 443 22 BEEDEB AV. At N. 2300 W. from 300 to 1169. . ...17 1200 to 1460. . . . .16 3200 to 3560. . . . .15 3600 to 4769. . . . .14 4800 to 5959. . . . .13 6000 to 7188. . ., .12 BEEEBAF At S. 1117 W. from 1000 to 1025. . ...22 BEEEE BEAIBE AV. At N. 4100 W. from 1400 to 2369. . . . .10 2400 to 3659. . ... 9 3600 to 4759. . . . . 8 4800 to 5969. . ... 7 BEEEEVUE BE. At N. 1022 E. from 1 to 136. . . . .23 BEEMOBT AV. At N. 3200 W. from 400 to 1169. . ...17 1200 to 2369.. .. .16 2400 to 3659. . . . .15 3600 to 4769.. ...14 4800 to 6969. . . . .13 6000 to 7158. . . . .12 BEBBETT AV. At E. 1900 S. from •6700 to 8659. . . . .40 8700 to 9328. . . . .46 KANDUL’ S GR EE N BOOK ATLAS GUIDE Page 93 Page BENSBET AT. At E. 2600 S. from 9900 to 11059. . . . .47 11100 to 13469.. . . .54 13500 to 13759.. . . .58 BENSON AT. At W. 1400 S. from 3100 to 3284.. . ..26 BENTON PB. At N. 170 E. from State 1% blks. E...23 BEBNICE AT. At N. 3837 W. from 1800 to 1959. . . . .16 4700 to 4769.. 4800 to 5959.. . . .13 6000 to 6359. . . . .12 BEBKEBET AT. At E. 1015 S. fi-om 4114 to 6224.. . . .33 BEBBZN At N. 2313 W. from 2100 to 2359. . . . .16 2600 to 2740.. . . .16 BEBNABD AT. At W. 3433 N. from 3100 to 3959. . . . .15 4000 to 5359.. . . . 9 BEBTEAU AT. At N. 4200 W. from 1400 to 2359.. . . .10 2400 to 3559.. . . . 9 3600 to 4759.. . . . 8 4800 to 5959.. . . . 7 BEBWTN AT. At N. 5300 W. from 1000 to 1169. . . . .11 1200 to 2359.. . . .10 2400 to 3559. . ... 9 6000 to 5569.. ... 8 BESBET CT. At W. 1400 N. from 1600 to 1864.. ...16 BESSEMEB AT. At E. 900 S. from 10300 to 10424. . . . .45 BEST AT. At W. 931 N. from 2600 to 2758.. . . .17 BETTEB At S. 821 W. from 1056 to 1088.. . . .22 BETEBBET AT At W. 2000 S. E. from 8700 to 10263.. . . .43 BICXEBDIKE At W. 1446 N. from 500 to 756. . . . .21 BINGHAM At W. 2516 N. W. from 2000 to 2148.. . . .16 BZNZO At W. 1924 N. E. from 2300 to 2347.. . . .16 BZBCK At S. 900 W. from 2000 to 2050.. . . .21 BIBCHWOOD AV. At N. 7500 W. from 1308 to 1967 4 2000 to 2559 3 BXBKKOFF AT. At W. 660 S. E. from 8300 to 8410 38 BISHOP, H. At W. 1439 N. from 1 to 41 21 BISHOP, 8. At W. 1334 S. from 800 to 936 21 4600 to 6259 31 6300 to 8669 37 8700 to 11069 43 11100 to 12258 60 BISStLABK PB. At N. 664 W. from 825 to 920 22 1223 to 1368 21 BISSEBB At W. 924 N. from 1632 to 2271 17 BITTEB SWEET PB. At N. 4100 W. from 614 to 769 11 BXXBY CT. At W. 1427 N. from 400 to 431. 21 BBACKHAWK At N. 1500 W. from 400 to 1153 22 1200 to 1659 21 BBACKSTONE AT. At E. 1436 S. from 4832 to 6269 34 6300 to 8659 40 8700 to 9258 46 BBACKWEBB At W. 234 S. from 1800 to 1934 27 BBAIHE FB. At N. 4845 W. from 2400 to 3059 9 BBAIB At W. 620 S. from 1800 to 1859 27 BBAZE At W. 2300 S. E. from 3600 to 3637 26 BBAHCHABD CT. At E. 26 S. from 2412 to 2446 28 BBAHCHE At N. 1600 W. from 1200 to 1559 21 BBISS AT. At N. 1040 W. from 824 to 926 22 BBOOMIHaDABE Av. At N. 1800 W. from 1634 to 2359. . . . .16 2400 to 3559. . . . .16 4800 to 6759. . . . .13 6000 to 6734. . . . .12 BBUCHEB At N. 1257 W. from 1728 to 1757. . . . .21 BBUE ZSBAND AT. At W. 800 S. W. from 600 to 1199. . . . .22 1200 to 1399. . . . .27 1400 to 2698. . . . .26 BOABS OF TBADE Ct. Private Street. At S. 320 W. from No numbers 22 BOHAFABTE At W. 1300 S. W. from 2948 to 2990 26 BOND AT. At E. 3132 S. from 8331 to 8413 41 BOND At S. 3035 S. W. from 1600 to 1666 26 BONFZEBD At W. 1300 S. from 2700 to 2894 26 2900 to 3094 27 BOONE At S. 930 W. from 2166 to 2178 21 BOOTH AT. At E. 2900 S. from 11200 to 11259 54 BOSTON AT. At S. 316 W. from 700 to 779 22 i Page I BOSWOBTH AT. At W. 1526 N. from I 2600 to 3769 16 6436 to 7669 4 BOUBETABD WAT At W. 2834 S. from 2421 to 2459 25 BOWEN AT. At S. 4126 E. from 400 to 841 33 BOWUANTTBBE AT. At W. 2344 N. E. from 5300 to 5397 ;10 BBADBET At N. 1300 W. from 1300 to 1469 21 BBADBET FB. At N. 3736 W. from 800 to 866 .17 1900 to 2169 16 bbainabd at. At E. 3200 S. E. from 13400 to 13469 64 13600 to 13786 ,58 BBAND At W. 1900 N. from 2400 to 2410 16 BBAND ON AT. At E. 3200 S. from 7900 to 8516 41 8900 to 11059 47 11100 to 13459 64 13500 to 13659.... .58 BBEWEBT AT. At E. 536 S. from 2G17 to 2730 28 BBIAB FB. At N. 3136 W. from 362 to 762.... .17 BBiaHAU At N. 1442 W. from 1600 to 1769 21 BBIQHTON FB. At W. 2700 S. from 3964 to 4069 30 BBOAD At W. 1400 S. E. from 2900 to 3064 26 BBOAD WAT At W. 600 N. from 2800 to 3959 17 4C00 to 6369 11 BBOMFTON AT. At N. 3647 W. from 700 to 766 17 BBOSS AT. At S. 3100 W. from 2000 to 2369 26 2400 to 2465 25 BBTAN PB. At N. 150 N.W. from 1421 to 1476 21 BBTANT AT. At S. 3549 E. from GOO to 688 28 BBTN MAWB AT. At N. 6600 W. from 960 to 1169 11 1200 to 1966 10 2400 to 3550 9 3600 to 4369..... 8 6600 to 6959. 7 6000 to 7199 6 BUCKINGHAM FB. At N. 3334 W. from 600 to 888 17 BUENA AT. At N. 4200 W. from 640 to 1062 11 BUENA PABK TEB. At N. 4314 W. from 900 to 946 11 94 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE BVrPA£0 AV. At E. 3300 S. from 7830 to 8569... 8700 to 11069. ., . .47 11100 to 13459. .. , . .64 13600 to 13659... BVEHEB , . .68 At S. 1122 W. from 600 to 782 22 BVBBEY AY. At E. 3224 S. from 8232 to 8669.. ...41 8700 to 11059. . ...47 11100 to 13459. . . . .64 13500 to 13559. . ...68 BTTBBIEa At W. 736 N. from 1200 to 1240. . . . .22 1600 to 2932. . . . .17 BVBBIEOXOE At W. 600 S. from 1600 to 1734. . . . .27 BEBEHAU At E. 2800 S. from 7640 to 8659,. . . .41 BUBITSIOE AY. At E. 200 S. E. ffom 9100 to 9459 46 BTJBTOir FB., B. At N. 1500 E. from 1 to 62 23 Bt7BTOXr FBv "W. At N. 1600 W. from 1 to 66 22 BYBON At N. 3900 W. from 1000 to 1159. . . . .17 1200 to 2359. . . . .16 2400 to 3459. . . .15 3600 to 4759. . . . .14 4800 to 5959. . . .13 6000 to 7199. . . . .12 CABBE At S. PB. 5622 E. from Harper to Lake Pk. Private Street. . CABDWEBB AY. At W. 4500 N.W. from 5748 to 6869 8 6860 to 6399 7 CABHOEN AY. At E. 2526 S. from 9900 to 11059 47 11100 to 13459 64 13500 to 13759 58 CABHOEN PB. At N. 116 W. from State to Market. . . .22 CABXFOBmA AY., XT. At W. 2800 N. from 1 to 1569 20 1600 to 3369 15 4000 to 6359 9 6400 to 7559 3 OABXFOBNXA AY., S. At W. 2800 S. from 1 to 1169. . . . .20 1200 to 3859. . . . .26 3900 to 6269. . . . .30 6300 to 8259. . . . .36 9900 to 11069. . . . .42 11100 to 11459. . . . .49 CABZPOBEIA BX>., 8. At w. 2800 S. from 2400 to 3059. . . . .26 CABZPOBEIA XEB. At N. ; 3100 W. from 714 to 769. . ..,17 CABEUEX AY. At E. 327 S. from 1800 to 3869. . . . .28 3900 to 6269. . . . .33 6300 to 8559. . . . .39 8700 to 10859. . . . .45 11300 to 13359. . . . .62 13636 to 13569. . . . .66 Page CAMBBXDEE AY. At W. 633 N. from 800 to 1174 22 2300 to 3180 17 CAMFBEBB AY., E. At W. 2600 N. from I to 1659 20 1600 to 3659 15 4000 to 5969 9 6400 to 7469 3 CAUFBEBB AY., S. At W. 2500 S. from 1 to 1169 20 1200 to 3869 25 3900 to 6259 30 6300 to 8269 36 10700 to 11059 42 11400 to 11469 49 CABIPBEBB PABX At S. 708 W. from 2200 to 2259 21 CAEAB, E. At W. 500 N. from 1 to 372 22 CAEAB, 8. At W. 600 S. from 1 to 1169 22 1200 to 3569 27 3900 to 4369 32 CAEABPOBT AY. At W. 500 S. W. from 1748 to 2187 27 CABB At N. 1500 W. from 144 to 172 22 CABUSBE PB. At S. 1532 W. from 3100 to 3169 25 CABUEE AY. At N. 5100 W. from 1200 to 1759 10 2400 to 3559 9 3600 to 4559 8 4838 to 5468 7 CABOEDEBEX AY. At E. 3000 S. from 10600 to 11069 47 11100 to 13459 54 CABPEETEB, E. At W. 1031 N. from 1 to 922 22 CABFEEXEB, 8. At W. 1034 S. from 5000 to 6259 32 6300 to 8659 38 8700 to 10659 44 11234 to 12269 61 CABBOBB AY. At N. 334 W. from 1 to 1159 22 1200 to 2159 21 2900 to 3569 20 4000 to 4769 19 CABXEB PB. At N. 5840 W. from 7240 to 7262 6 GABY AY. At E. 1140 S. from 7600 to 7564 39 CASS At E. 30 N. from 400 to 908 23 CA^EBBO AY. At N. 2137 W. from 3400 to 3669 16 3600 to 4758 14 4800 to 4859 13 CASTBEWOOS XEB. At N. 4840 W. from 800 to 967.... .11 Page CAXABPA AY. At N. 5500 W. from 1000 to 1169 11 1200 to 1769 10 3200 to 3459 9 4935 to 6924 7 CiATOlf At N. 1636 W. from 2100 to 2160 16 CESAB At N. 1121 E. from 1 to 94 23 CEMEXEBY 9BZYE. At N. 6741 W. from 1600 to 1717 10 CEEXEEEXAB PB. At N. 612 W. from 1600 to 1659 21 CEEXEB At N. 2000 W. from 231 to 1168 17 1400 to 1444 16 CEEXBAB AY., E. At W. 5600 N. from 1 to 1659 18 1600 to 3959 13 4000 to 5829 7 CEEXBAB AY., 8. At W. 5600 S. from 4 to 1159 18 5100 to 6469 61 CEEXBAB Pk. Av., E. At W. 3600 N. from 400 to 1559 19 1600 to 3959..... 14 4000 to 6769 8 CEEXBAB Pk. Av., 8. At W. 3600 S. from 600 to 1159 19 1200 to 3269 24 3900 to 6269..... 29 6300 to 8659 36 CEEXBAB Pk. Sa^ E. At W. 3600 N. from 200 to 448 19 CEEXBAB Pk. Ed., 8. At W. 3600 S. from 1 to 343 19 CXtABMEBS PB. At N. 2336 W. from No numbers 17 CHAUFBAZE AY. At E. 625 S. from 4200 to 6259. . 6300 to 8259.. . . .39 9400 to 9469. . . . .46 CEAEEAY AY. At N. 2100 W. from 2720 to 2738 16 GHAPIE At N. 1124 W. from 1300 to 1366 21 CHAPPEBB AY. At B. 2026 S. from 6700 to 8669 40 8700 to 11069 46 11100 to 13459 53 13600 to 13768 67 CHABBE8 At W. 1700 S. from 9400 to 10444 43 CEABBXOE At W. 1636 S. from 3300 to 3669... ..26 CHASE AY. At N. 7231 W. from 1212 to 1828 4 2000 to 2959 3 CHAXHAK CX. At W. 630 N. from 1100 to 1174 22 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 95 Page CKAWCET AV. At K 1211 S. from 7600 to 8269 40 8700 to 9359 46 CKEXiSEA FXi. At S. 11036 W. from 1600 to 1731 43 CKEETEVHAM FE. At S. 7900 N. E. from 3011 to 3064 41 CZCEKBT AV. At W. 620 N. from 900 to 1564 22 OHE8TEB At N. 2346 W. from 1600 to 1771 16 CHESTNTTrr, E. At N. 848 E. from 1 to 290 23 OHESTN1TT, W. At N. 848 W. from 1 to 360 22 CHICAGO AV.. £. At N. 800 E. from 1 to 326 23 CHICAGO AV., W. At N. 800 w. from 1 to 1159. . . . .22 1200 to 2359. . . . .21 2400 to 3569. . . . .20 3600 to 4759. . . . .19 4800 to 5959. . . . .18 CHXFFEWA AV. At E. 2000 S. from 11600 to 12159. ... .63 CHOFXH FIi. At S. 2227 W. from 432 to 440 27 CHHISTIAHA AV. At W. 3334 N. from 600 to 1159 20 2800 to 3969 16 4400 to 5759 9 CHXr&CH At W. 1500 S. from 10200 to 11059 43 11100 to 11859 50 CH^CEClSIEIi At N. 1823 W. from 2000 to 2156 16 CZCEBO AV., H. At W. 4800 N. from 1 to 1559 18 1600 to 3959 13 4000 to 6369 7 CXCEBO AV.. B. At W. 4800 S. from 1 to 1159. . . , , .18 4200 to 6259. . . , . .29 6300 to 8659. . . . . .35 CXBCEE AV., E. At N. 5700 E. N. & W. 14 of circle from 5700 to 6087 8 CXBCEE AV., W. At N. 6700 W. N. & E. 14 of circle from 5719 to 6087 6 CEABA FE. At N. 2318 W. from 2400 to 2547 15 CEABEMOITF AV., H. At W. 2322 N. from 300 to 1559. . . . .21 1600 to 3959. . . . .16 4100 to 6169. . . . .10 6400 to 6450. . ... 3 CEABEMOHT AV., 8. At w. 2324 S. from 400 to 1044. . . . .21 2600 to 3459. . . . .26 5424 to 6259. . . . .31 6300 to 7859. . . . .37 9100 to 10669. . ...43 Page CEABEHCE AV. At N. 6200 W. from 7200 to 7654. . . . . 5 CEABEHSOH AV. At W. 800 N. from 3925 to 3969. . . . .17 4000 to 4769. . . . .11 CEABIHIZA At N. 844 W. from 1600 to 1769. . . . .21 CZ^ABX, H. At W. 100 N. from 1 to 1559. . . . .22 1600 to 3769. . . . .17 3800 to 3965. . .. .16 4000 to 6359. . . . .10 6400 to 7648. . . . . 4 CEABX, 8. At W. 100 s. from 1 to 1169. . . . .22 1200 to 2169. . . . .27 CEABKSOH CT. At W. 2832 N. from 100 to 239. . . . .20 CEAY At N. 1900 W. from 800 to 959. . . . .17 CEAVTOH CT. At W. 1810 N. from 6736 to 7356 4 CEEAVEB AV. At W. 1425 N. from 1100 to 1469 21 CEEVEEAHD AV. At W. 600 N. from 1216 to 1639 22 1600 to 2369 17 CEXFFOBD AV. At W. 6100 N. E. from 6700 to 6899 7 CEIPTOH AV. At W. 1136 N. from 1800 to 1836 16 1836 to 3764 17 4400 to 4769 11 CEIFTOH FABX AV. At W. 3634 S. from 1400 to 3059 26 4300 to 4769 30 CEXHTOH, H. At W. 630 N. from 1 to 373 22 CEXHTOH, S. At W. 530 S. from 1 to 1169 22 1200 to 1445 27 CEOVEB At W. 4631 N. from 4000 to 4058 8 CETBOUBH AV. At W. 430 N. W. from 1200 to 1565. . . .22 1600 to 1976. . , , . .17 1976 to 3177. . . . . .16 CEVSE AV. At E. 2100 S. from 6700 to 8659. . . ,40 8700 to 11059. . . , , .46 11100 to 13469. . , 53 13500 to 13759. . . COBEEHTZ . . .67 At N. 2035 W. from 2000 to 2369 16 COEES AV. At E. 2443 S. E. from 7100 to 8269 41 COEFAZ AV. At B. 2600 S. from 7400 to 8666 41 8700 to 9469 47 COEOGHE At W. 1300 S. W. from ! 2600 to 2870 26 Page COEOBASO AV. At S. 1 S. W. from 2800 to 3599. . . . .20 3600 to 4799... . .19 4800 to 6674. . . . . .18 coExnnBZA av. At N. 6726 W. from 1040 to 1922 4 COEVUEUS AV, At W. 2400 S. from 7400 to 8245 36 COBOOEBCIAE AV. At E. 3000 S. from 7900 to 8659 41 8700 to 10374 47 12900 to 13358 64 coir OHWE AETH At. At W. 330 N. from 2300 to 2936 17 COHCOBD FE. At N. 1700 W. from 900 to 959... . .17 3700 to 3736. .. . .14 4800 to 6169. . . . .18 COHGBESS, E. At S. 600 E. from 1 to 82 23 COHGBESS, W. At S. 600 W, from 200 to 1169. . . . .22 1200 to 2169. . . . .21 2400 to 3659. . ...20 3800 to 4769. . . . .19 4800 to 5459. . . . .18 COHHOBS At N. 1340 W. from 400 to 469. . . . .22 COHBAD At S. 1908 W. from 652 to 666 27 i COHSTAHCE AV. At E. 1836 S. from 6700 to 8659 40 8700 to 9328 46 COOK At N. 440 W. from 612 to 549 22 COOFEB At W. 1626 N. from 2300 to 2526 16 COBEISS AV. At E. 800 S. from 10300 to 10633 46 13000 to 13358 62 COBHEEZA AV. At N. 3600 W. from 600 to 1159. . . . .17 1200 to 2369. . 3000 to 3059. . . . .16 3600 to 4769. . . . .14 4800 to 5659. . . . .13 6200 to 6912. . . . .12 COBHEEE At N. 900 W. from 931 to 1127. . . . .22 1219 to 1569. . . . .21 COBHEEE AV. At E. 1600 B. from 6100 to 6569. . . . .34 6700 to 8268. . . . .40 COBTEZ At N. 1032 W. from 2000 to 2369. . . . .21 2400 to 3266. . . . .20 4200 to 4759. . ...19 4800 to 6559. . ...18 COBTl^HE At : N. 1900 W. from 1200 to 2259. . . . .16 2400 to 3669. . . . .16 3600 to 4669. . . . .14 4800 to 6769. . . . .13 6000 to 6734. . . . .12 96 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE Page COTTAGE GB’VE Av. At E. 200 S. E. from 2200 to 3859 28 At E. 800 S. from 3900 to 6259 33 6300 to 8659. . .. .39 8700 to 11059 45 11100 to 12958 52 COTTAGE PE. At S. 234 W. from 1300 to 1359 21 COTTETEB At S. 2336 W. from 2000 to 2259.. ...26 CRAFT At W. 819 N. from 3200 to 3269.... .17 CHANSON AV. At E. 2300 S. from 6700 to 8559 .40 8700 to 11059 .46 11100 to 13469 ,64 13500 to 13759 .58 CRAWFORD AV., N. At W. 4000 N. from 1 to 1559. . , . . .19 1600 to 3959... . . .14 4000 to 6359. . ... 8 CRAWFORD AV ., S. At W. 4000 S. from 1 to 1159. ., , . .19 1200 to 3659. . . . . .24 3900 to 6259. . , . . .29 6300 to 8669. . . . . .36 CBEIGEB AV. At E. 1733 S. from 6700 to 7859 40 CRESCENT FE. At N. 4100 W. from 800 to 960 11 CRIEEY CT. . At W. 218 N. from 1700 to 1722. 17 CRITTENDEN At N. 1052 W. from 1300 to 1350 21 CROMWEEE At W. 2700 N. from 2212 to 2356 16 CROOKED At N. 2000 W. from 1312 to 1366 16 CROSBY At W. 600 N. W. from 830 to 1199 22 CROSSING At N. 1930 W. from 1532 to 1659 16 CROWEEE At W. 1300 S. E. from 2700 to 2836 26 CBYSTAE At N. 1233 W. from 1912 to 2169 21 2600 to 3369 20 4000 to 4369 19 4800 to 6669 18 CUEEOM AV. At N. 4300 W. from 1423 to 2369 ,10 2400 to 3569 9 3600 to 4464 8 4800 to 6569 7 CUMMINGS PARK At E. 720 S. from 6032 to 6069 33 CURRIER At W. 1300 N. from 1000 to 1159 21 CURTIS At W. 1100 N. from 1 to 773 22 Page CUSHMAN FE. At N. 3410 W. from 4610 to 4710 .14 CUYEER AV. At N. 4035 W. from 1400 to 2169 10 2400 to 3368 9 4620 to 4769 8 6200 to 6359 7 CYPRESS At W. 2100 S. from 900 to 1129 21 DAKIN At N. 3920 W. from 800 to 1067 17 2400 to 2469 16 3900 to 3959 14 4800 to 5959 13 6400 to 6759 12 DAEE CT. At W. 1735 S. from 2200 to 2230 26 DAMON At S. 900 W. from 1000 to 1118 22 DANFOBD At E. 3006 S. from 10800 to 10959 47 DANTE AV. At E. 1433 S. from 6330 to 8659 40 8700 to 9169 46 DARWIN TER. At N. 2318 W. from 2846 to 3132 16 DAUPHIN AV. At E. 900 S. from 8700 to 9372 45 DAVEIN CT. At W. 3934 N. E. from 3000 to 3154 14 DAVOE At W. 1600 S. W. from 11234 to 11470 50 DAWSON AV. At W. 3435 N. E. from 2800 to 2961 15 DAYTON At W. 825 N. from 1400 to 1659 22 1600 to 2259 17 DEAN At N. 1738 N. W. from 1334 to 1380 21 DEARBORN, N. At W. 50 N. from 1 to 1659 22 DEARBORN, S. At W. 60 S. from 1 to 756. . . . .22 1400 to 3859. . . . .27 3900 to 5469. . . . .32 DEARBORN FKWY. At w. 50 N. from 1500 to 1659. . DE KAEB At S. 900 S. W. from 2011 to 2195. . . . .21 DE KOVEN At S. 1100 W. from 500 to 780 22 DEEAWABE FE., E. At N. 900 E. from 1 to 270 23 DEEAWABE FE., W. At N. 900 W. from 1 to 73 22 DEIfflNG FE. At N. 2661 W. from 400 to 666 17 DEPOT At S. 1640 W. from 600 to 744 27 Page DE SOTO AV. At E. 1239 S. W. from 7400 to 7507 40 desfeKines, n. At W. 640 N. from 1 to 630 22 DESFEAINES, S. At W. 640 S. from 1 to 1154 22 DEVER AV. At E. 1132 S. from 4634 to 4669 33 DEVON AV. At N. 6400 W. from 1000 to 1969 4 2000 to 3159 3 6500 to 6568 2 7100 to 7142 6 7400 to 7424 6 DEWEY PE. At N. 2720 W. from 600 to 767 17 DEWITT CT. At E. 245 N. from 835 to 921 23 DEKTER PARK AV. At W. 815 S. from 4100 to 4259 32 DICKENS AV. At N. 2100 W. from 2800 to 3659... ...15 3600 to 4769... , . .14 4800 to 6969... 6000 to 7165... ...12 DICKINSON AV. At W. 4930 N. from 4100 to 4169. . ... 7 DICKSON At W. 1623 N. from 1200 to 1659. . . . .21 1600 to 1760. . . . .16 DIVEBSEY AV. At N. 2800 W. from 2200 to 2369. . ...16 2400 to 3659. . . . .15 3600 to 4759. . ...14 4800 to 6959. . . . .13 6000 to 7187. . . . .12 DZVEBSEY FKWY. At N. 2800 W. from 300 to 1169 17 1200 to 2230 16 DIVEBSEY SCHOOE CT. At N. 2735 W. from 1100 to 1125 17 DIVISION, E. At N. 1200 E. from 1 to 88 23 DIVISION, W. At N. 1200 W. from 1 to 1169. . . .22 1200 to 2359. . . .21 2400 to 3559. . . .20 3600 to 4769.. . .19 4800 to 6959. . . .18 SIX At W. 847 N. from 800 to 910. . . .22 DOBSON At E. 1026 S. from 7100 to 8158.. 9000 to 9259.. ..45 DOCK At E. 48 N. from 1 to 12. . ..23 DOEE AV. At N. 2700 W. from 630 to 664.. DOETON AV. At E. 620 S. from 13400 to 13469. .. . .62 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 97 Page DOKZKXCK At W. 1430 N. W. from 2051 to 2243 16 DOBCKESTZB A7. At B. 1400 S. from 4700 to 6259 34 6300 to 8659 40 8700 to 8959 46 DOUGINAS BB. At S. 1330 W. from 3100 to 3559 25 3600 to 3759 24 SOUGBAS ABCASE At S. 3859 B. from 800 to 835 28 DOVEB At W. 1400 N. from 4400 to 4769 10 SOTEES PE. At S. 9419 B. from 3000 to 3028 47 DBASE AV. At W. 3535 N. from 400 to 1069 20 2400 to 3959 15 4000 to 5759 9 DBAPEB At N. 2540 W. from 1200 to 1260 16 DBEW At W. 1700 S3, from 10500 to 10838 43 DBEZEE AV. At B. 900 S. from 5100 to 6259 33 6300 to 8659 39 9000 to 9338 45 13000 to 13359 52 DBEEEE BD. At E. 900 S. from 3900 to 5059 33 DBESEE SQ. At S. 6130 E. from 800 to 859 33 DBUMaXOBD FE. At N. 2634 W. from 1100 to 1169. . . . .17 1400 to 1428. . . . .16 3400 to 3466. . .. .15 4200 to 4359.. . . .14 4800 to 6559.. . . .13 DUNN At W. 600 N. W. from 400 to 422. . . . .22 EAGEE At N. 162 W. from 600 to 741.. . . .22 EABEV AV. At W. 1300 N. W. from 6700 to 5859 10 EAST END AV. At E. 1700 S. from 6700 to 8459 40 8900 to 9328 46 EASTEAXE TEBB. At W. 1330 N. from 7500 to 7779 4 EASTMAN At N. 1440 W. from 800 to 1124 22 EASTWOOD AV. At N. 4636 W. from 800 to 958 11 2000 to 2359 10 2400 to 3359 9 4000 to 4128 8 EBEBHABD AV. At E. 600 s. from 6000 to 6259. . . . .33 6300 to 8269.. ...39 8700 to 11069. . ...46 11100 to 11130. . .. .62 Page EDBBOOKE AV. At E. 126 S. from 10500 to 11059 46 11100 to 12666 62 EDDV At N. 3538 W. from 1100 to 1159 17 1200 to 1959 16 3100 to 3659 15 3600 to 4172 14 4800 to 5869 13 6200 to 6359 12 EDEN AV. At E. 520 S. from 3764 to 3860 28 EDGECOMB FE. At N. 4114 S. W. from 800 to 986 11 EDGEMONT AV. At S. 1100 W. from 1300 to 1554 21 EDGEWATEB AV. At N. 5724 W. from 1400 to 1677 10 EDGEWOOD AV. At N. 2314 W. from 2817 to 3150 15 EDISON FK. AV. At W. 7400 N. W. from 6656 to 6965 1 EDMONDS At W. 6500 S. W. from 5500 to 6574.. . . . 7 SDWABDS CT. At w. 743 N. from 2100 to 2158.. . . .17 EGGEESTON AV. At w. 430 S. from 5900 to 5959. . . . .32 6300 to 8028. . . . .38 8700 to 11069. . ...44 11000 to 12459. . . . .51 EEAINE FE. At W. 700 N. from 3400 to 3460 17 EEBBIDGE AV. At W. 3600 N. E. from 3000 to 3099 15 EEBVBN AV. At S. 1000 W. from 1300 to 1559 21 EEEVATOB At S. 2700 S. W. from 1600 to 1790 26 EEIAS CT. At W. 1300 S. E. from 2900 to 2978,. . . .26 EEIZABETH, N At W. 1236 N. from 1 to 859. . . . .21 EEIZABETH, S. At W. 1236 S. from 4700 to 6259.. . . .31 6300 to 8669. . . . .37 8700 to 10273. . . . .43 11234 to 11469. . . . .50 EEK At N. 1330 W. from 1634 to 1658 21 EEK GBOVE AV. At W. 1800 N. W. from 1400 to 1549 21 EEEEN At N. 1334 W. from 1714 to 1916 21 EEEZOTT AV. At E. 1800 S. W. from 8100 to 8148 40 Page EEEIS AV. At E. 1000 S. from 2800 to 3869 28 3900 to 6259 33 6300 to 8468 39 9000 to 9358 46 13000 to 13359 52 EEEZS FABK At E. 625 S. from 3600 to 3644 28 EEESWOBTH At W. 326 S. from 722 to 748 22 1200 to 1363 27 EEEWOOD At W. 2300 N. from 6800 to 7348 3 EEM, E. At N. 1138 E. from 1 to 92 23 EEM, W. At N. 1138 W. from 1 to 665 22 EEMDAEE AV. At N. 6000 W. from 1200 to 1659 10 EEMWOOD AV. At E. 616 S. from 3700 to 3859 28 EESTON AV. At W. 1134 N. W. from 834 to 1145. . ...22 1146 to 1569. . . . .21 1600 to 2769.. ...16 2800 to 3916.. . . .16 3916 to 3969. . ...14 4000 to 6015. . ... 8 6016 to .5999. . 6000 to 6159. . ... 6 EMEBAED AV. At w. 732 S. from 2600 to 3859. . . . .27 3900 to 6949. . ...32 6400 to 8659. . . . .38 8700 to 10358. . . . .44 11800 to 12659.. . . .61 EMEBSON AV. At N. 624 W. from 1521 to 2259. . . . .21 EMIEV At N. 1040 W. from 1600 to 1759 21 EMMA At N. 1043 W. from 1400 to 1559 21 EMMET At W. 3200 N. W. from 2600 to 2638 16 EMS At N. 2200 W. from 2200 to 2359 16 2400 to 2648 16 ENGEEWOOD AV. At S. 6224 W. from 200 to 756 32 EBICKSON AV. At E. 726 S. from 10300 to 10669 46 EBIE, E. At N. 660 W. from 1 to 454 23 EBIE, W. At N. 660 W. from 1 to 1159... . .22 1200 to 2369. . , 21 2400 to 2464. . . , . .20 3932 to 4769... ,. .19 4800 to 6969. . . . . .18 EBNST CT. At E. 64 N. from 866 to 885 23 GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 98 KANDUL’S Page 3BSCAirABA AV. At E. 2900 S. from 7800 to 8659 41 8700 to 10259 47 ESMOITD At W. 1800 S. W. from 10920 to 11059 43 11100 to 11181 50 SSSEX AV. At B. 2500 S. from 7900 to 8659 41 8700 to 9359 47 BSTES AV. At N. 7100 W. from 1205 to 1959 4 2000 to 2959 3 7200 to 7239 1 BVCBID AV. At B. 1934 S. from 6700 to 8659 40 8700 to 9328 46 EVGENIS At N. 1700 W. from 127 to 558 17 EVANS AV. At E. 726 S. from 4200 to 6259 33 6300 to 8259 39 9300 to 9355 45 EVEBBTT AV. At E. 1725 S. from 5400 to 5569 34 EVEBGBEEN AV. At N. 1375 W. from 1800 to 2159 21 2600 to 3559 20 EVEBEEE AV. At N. 6127 W. from 7200 to 7561 5 EWING AV. At E. 3600 S. from 9200 to 9299 .47 3S00 to 10958 48 11118 to 11659 56 EXCHANGE AV. At B. 2836 S. from 7900 to 8659 41 8700 to 10159 42 12900 to 12959 54 7AIK FE. At N. 1413 W. from 732 to 754 22 FAIBBANES CT. At E. 264 N. from 500 to 756 23 FAIBFIEIiD AV., N. At W. 2733 N. from 200 to 1559 20 1600 to 2959 15 4800 to 5969 9 FAIBFIEI,!} AV., S. At W. 2734 S. from 900 to 1159. . . . . .20 1200 to 2159. . . . .26 4200 to 6259. . . . . .30 6300 to 8259. . , , . .36 10700 to 11059. .. , . .42 11100 to 11459. . . . . .49 FABGO AV. At N. 7432 W. from 1300 to 1656 4 2400 to 2569 3 FABBAGVT AV. At N. 5226 W. from 1400 to 2369 10 5500 to 6572 7 FABBEEIi At W. 1036 S. from 2600 to 3060 27 FABWEBB AV. At N. 6837 W. from 1100 to 1959 4 2000 to 2769 3 At W. 900 N. from 640 to 695. . . .22 FEDEBAB At W. 66 S. from 300 to 1169. . . .22 1200 to 3859. . . .27 3900 to 6469. . . .32 6400 to 8459. . . .38 FEBTON CT. At W. 400 N. from 1128 to 1166.. . .22 FEBDINAND At N. 462 W. from 1600 to 2325. . . .21 3634 to 4759. . . .19 4800 to 6470.. . .18 FEBN CT. At W. 412 N. from 1700 to 1769. . . .17 FIEBSINO AV. At W. 518 S. from 7700 to 7859. . . .38 FIBBMOBE At S. 1025 W. from 2400 to 3559. . . .20 3600 to 4539. . . .19 FISX At W. 1100 S. from 1600 to 3410. . . .27 FITCH AV. At N. 7135 W. from 2714 to 2959. . . . 3 FBEETWOOD At W. 1246 N. E. from 1406 to 1659. . . .21 1600 to 1668. . . .16 FBETCKEB At N. 3136 W. from 820 to 959. . . .17| 1200 to 2259. . . .16 2400 to 3048. . . .15 4100 to 4175. . . .14 4800 to 6359. . . .13 6100 to 6959. . . .12 FBOBENCE AV. At W. 824 isr. from 2600 to 3040 17 FBOBrUONB At N. 1727 W. from 200 to 245 17 FX.OVBNOV At S. 621 W. from 1500 to 2359. . . . .21 2400 to 3659. . . . .20 3600 to 4769. . . . .19 4800 to 5574. . . . .18 FOBS AV, At W. 658 S. W. from 2200 to 2243. . . . .27 FOBEST AV. At E. 318 S. from 3100 to 3859. . . . .28 9142 to 10859. . . . .45 11300 to 13462. . . . .52 13636 to 13558. . . . .56 FOBEST GBEN AV. At W. 6100 N. E. from 6400 to 6765 7 5800 to 5899 8 FOBBESTVIIiXiE AV. At E. 626 S. from 4300 to 6059 33 11100 to 11460 62 FOBQVEB At S. 900 W. from 500 to 929 22 FOBSYTH AV. At W. 342 S. from 1200 to 1367 27 Page FOSTEB AV. At N. 6200 W. from 900 to 1159... , . .11 1200 to 2369. . . . .10 2400 to 3559... . . 9 3600 to 4769... , . . 8 4800 to 6536. . . ... 7 FOWBEB At N. 1400 W. from 1900 to 2168 21 FOE At W. 1300 S. from 3100 to 3260 26 FBANCES FB. At N. 2100 W. from 2600 to 2788.. . . .15 FBANCISCO AV At W. 2900 N. irom 1 to 1169. . . . .20 1600 to 3959. . . . .15 4000 to 5780.. . . . 9 6400 to 7359.. ... 3 FBANCISCO AV ., S. At W. 2900 S. from 1 to 1159.. . . .20 2400 to 3859. . . . .25 3900 to 6259. . . . .30 6300 to 8269. . . . .36 FBANX At S. : 1337 W. from 102'8 to 1137. . . . .27 FBANKFOBT At N. 2120" W. from 2000 to 2359 16 2400 to 2640 15 FBANXBIN, N. At W. 300 N. from 1 to 1166 22 FBANEBIN, S. At W. 300 S. from 1 to 549 22 FBANXBIN BB. At N. 436 W. from 3028 to 3569 20 FBEDEBICX FB. At S. 5482 E. from 1300 to 1332 34 FBEBEONT At W. 900 N. from 1705 to 2269 17 FBONT AV. At E. 418 S. from 11600 to 12126 52 FBONTENAC AV. At W. 655 S. from 6000 to 6036 32 FBONTIEB AV. At W. 642 N. from 1200 to 1659 22 3916 to 3968 17 FBY At N. 832 W. from 928 to 1159 22 1200 to 1559 21 FUBBEB At S. 2904 W. from 1300 to 1566. . . . .26 FBBBEBTON AV. At N. : 240D W. from 300 to 1159. . . . .17 1200 to 2359.. 2400 to 3559. . . . .15 3600 to 4769. . . . .14 4800 to 5959. . ...13 6000 to 7112. . . . .12 FVBBEBTON FKWY. Same as Fullerton av. from 300 to 659. . ...17 FUBTON At N. 300 W. from 438 to 1169. . . . .22 1200 to 2369. . 2400 to 3669. . ...20 3800 to 4769. . . . .19 4800 to 6969. . . . .18 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 99 Page OAOE At W. 944 S. from 3B00 to 3865 27 OAZ^ At N. 4942 S. W. from 6500 to 5574 7 OAET AV. At N. 4434 W. from 800 to 957 11 OABDEir At S. 319 W. from I0l4 to 1052 22 1200 to 1259 21 OABSESXa At N. 1300 W. from 616 to 756 22 OABFZEI.i> AV. At N. 2100 W. from 300 to 1159 17 1200 to 1444 16 OABFIEED BD., E. At S. 5600 E. from 1 to 358 33 aABFxEES BD„ W. At S. 5500 W. from 1 to 1159 32 1200 to 2359 31 OABXBAEDZ PE. At*W. 1534 S. from 800 to 939 21 OABEABS CT. At E. 70 N. from 1 to 149 23 OABBETT At S. 3000 S. W. from 1600 to 1720 26 aABT PE. At N. 3630 W. from 600 to 642 17 OEOESrHEZMEB AV. At N. 4634 W. from 3722 to 3769 8 OEEEVA TEB. At W. 600 N. from 2400 to 2482 17 OEBOA AV. At W. 803 S. from 8700 to 9859 44 OEOBOE At N. 2900 W. from 800 to 1159 17 1200 to 2058 16 2400 to 3325 15 3600 to 4769 14 4800 to 5959 13 6000 to 7165 12 OEBSCA171A PE. At N. 1537 W. from 100 to 132 22 OETT7SBTJBO At N. 5082 W. from 5450 to 5959 7 ozBBmas At N. 4736 W. from 1500 to 2332 10 2700 to 2935 9 3722 to 3758 8 6026 to 6969 7 OZEBEBT CT. At W. 700 S. E. from 8400 to 8478 38 ozEzaifr PE. At S. 820 W. from 600 to 860 22 1200 to 1334 21 OZBABD At W. 1833 N. from 1400 to 1559 21 1600 to 2158 16 OZVZB8 CT. At W. 721 8. E. from 8400 to 8456 38 Page OEADYS AV. At S. 332 W. from 2100 to 2144 21 2400 to 3359 20 3800 to 4759 19 4800 to 5674 18 OEEBaYEE Z>E. At N. 5034 W. from 838 to 956 11 OEEN EAXE AV. At N. 6100 W. from 944 to 1159 11 1200 to 2325 10 OEENBOY AV. At W. 1425 S. from 10700 to 10859 43 aEEBW001> AV. At W. 1400 N. from 4925 to 6369 10 6400 to 7135 4 OEOY PE. At W. 1836 N. E. from 2200 to 2224 16 GOZIEPBOY AV. At N. 7100 W. from 7400 to 7665 1 GOETHE, E. At N. 1300 E. from 1 to 82 23 GOETHE, W. At N. 1300 W. from 1 to 324 22 GOOD At S. 809 W. from 1066 to 1088 22 GOODMAH At W. 5540 W. from 5600 to 5680 7 GOBDOH TEBBACE At N. 4200 W. from 634 to 758 11 GOBMOHT AV. At W. 1313 N. from 3920 to 3968. . . . .16 GOVEBHOB’S I»WY. At N. 400 W. from 3400 to 3459. . . . .20 GBACE At N. ; 3800 W. from 600 to 1159. . ...17 1200 to 2359. . . . .16 2400 to 3559. . . . .15 3600 to 4759. . . . .14 4800 to 5959. . . . .13 6000 to 7199. . . . .12 GBADY CT. At W. 1300 S. E. from 2800 to 2860 26 OBAHO AV., E. At N. 500 E. from 1 to 461 23 GBAND AV., W. At N. 500 W. from 1 to 1159. . .. .22 1200 to 2369. . ...21 2400 to 3599. . . . .20 3600 to 4350. . . . .19 4400 to 4799. . . . .14 4800 to 5975. . . . .13 6000 to 7192. . . . .12 GBAHD BEVD. At E. 400 8. from 3500 to 3859. . . . .28 3900 to 5059. . . . .33 GBAHT PE. At : N. 2235 W. from 300 to 568. . ...17 GBANVZEEE AV. At : N. 1 6132 W. from 940 to 1159. . ...11 1200 to 2359. . . . .10 3000 to 3169. . .. . 9 Page GBATEH AV. At W. 1053 S. from 3000 to 3087 27 GBAVES CT. At E. 531 8. from 3212 to 3266. . ...28 GBEEK, H. At W. 834 N. from 1 to 831. . . . .22 GBEE^ S. At W. 833 8. from 1 to 658. . . . .22 4712 to 6259. . . . .32 6300 to 8559. . . . .38 8900 to 10659. . . . .44 12000 to 12259. . . . .61 GZfcEEH BAY AV. At E. 3400 8. from 8300 to 8559. . . ..41 8900 to 11069. . . . .47 11100 to 13459. . . . .54 13500 to 13559. . . . .58 GBEEHEEAP AV. At N. 7048 W. from 1210 to 1959. . . . . 4 2000 to 2959. . ... 3 7200 to 7228. . . . . 1 GBEENVZEW AV. At W. 1500 N. from 2235 to 3959. . . . .16 4000 to 6359. . . . .10 6400 to 7659. . GBEEHWZCH At N. 1851 W. from 2000 to 2159. . . . .16 GBEENVrOOD AV. At E. 1100 8. from 4214 to 6259. . . . .33 6300 to 7959. . . . .39 8900 to 9359. . . . .45 GBEGOBY At N. 6330 W. from 1400 to 1756 10 GBEHSHAW At 8. 1100 W. from 2000 to 2359. . , , . .21 2400 to 3559... , ; .20 3600 to 4524. . . . . .19 GBESBCAM AV. At W. 3534 N. E. from 2900 to 3069 15 GBZMU AV. At N. 4827 W. from 5236 to 6344 7 GBOSS AV. At W. 1410 8. W. from 4600 to 4676 31 GBOVE AV. At W. 66 8. from 5600 to 6069 32 GBOVE At W. 214 8. W. from 1600 to 2299 27 GBOVEEAHD PK. At 8. 3326 E. from 600 to 659 28 GBOVEB GxnmzsoH At N. 4834 W. from 4800 to 5941 7 HADDOCK Z>E., E. At N. 225 E. from State to Wabash.. 23 ZCADDOCK PE., W. At N. 225 W. from State to FrankHn..22 HADDOH AV. At N. 1134 W. from 1500 to 2359 21 2400 to 3259 20 4200 to 4759 19 4800 to 6559 18 100 KANDUL>S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE •Page i KAFT At N. 6300 W. from 6300 to 6350 6 KAXSTES At N. 1100 S. W. from 700 to 880 22 KAEE AV. At W. 1832 S. from 10300 to 11159.. . . .43 11100 to 11865. . . .60 KAESTED, N. At W. 800 N. from 1 to 1659. . . .22 1600 to 3764.. . . .17 HAESTED, S. At W. 800 S. from 1 to 1169. . . .22 1200 to 3859.. ...27 3900 to 6259.. . . . 32 6300 to 8669.. . . .38 8700 to 11059. . . .44 11100 to 13047.. . . .51 HAMBVBG At N. 2145 W. from 600 to 659. . . . .17 1400 to 2358.. ...16 HAMXETON AV ., N. At W. 2133 N. from 2200 to 3959.. . . .16 4400 to 4759.. . . .10 HAMXETON AV., S. At W. 2133 S. from 100 to 1130. . . . .21 3200 to 3659. . . . .26 5600 to 6259.. . . .31 6300 to 7859.. ...37 8800 to 10659. . . . .43 HAMEET AV. At W. 1666 S. W. from 11100 to 11471.. . . .60 HAMEIN AV., N. At W. 3800 N. from 1 to 1559.. . . .19 1600 to 3969.. . . .14 4000 to 4959.. ... 8 HAMEIN AV., S i. At W. 3800 S. from 1 to 434. . . . .19 1400 to 3469.. . . .24 4300 to 6259.. . . .29 6300 to 8459.. . . .35 HAMMOND At W. 311 N. from 1700 to 1858.. . . .17 HAMPDEN CT. At W. 435 N. W. from 2600 to 2778.. ...17 HANCOCK At W. 3634 N. from 1600 to 2359.. . . .16 RABBOB AV. At E. 3243 S. from 9100 to 9369.. . . .47 HABDING AV., tt. At W. 3936 N. from 240 to 1669.. . . .19 1600 to 3869.. . . .14 4000 to 5027.. HABDING AV., S. At W. 3934 S. from 1200 to 3258.. . . .24 4600 to 5459.. . . .29 SLABEEM AV.. N. At W. 7200 N. from 2000 to 3959.. . .12 6600 to 6369.. . . . 6 6400 to 7156.. ... . 2 KABEEM AV., S. At W. 7200 S. from 6141 to 6858.. . .60 KABPEB AV. At B. 1600 S. from 6000 to 6269.. . .34 6300 to 8659.. . . .40 8700 to 9324.. . .46 Page I HABBlSOnr, E. At S. 600 E. from 1 to 86 23 RABBISOIT, W. At S. 600 w. from 1 to 1169. . . . .22 1200 to 2359. . ...21 2400 to 3669. . . . .20 3600 to 4759. . . . .19 4800 to 5959. . . . .18 SAST At W. 1921 N. from 400 to 429 21 KABTEABD CX. At W. 1735 N. from 500 to 545 21 HABXWEEE AV. At E. 126 S. from 6600 to 6669 39 HABVABS AV. At W. 319 S. from 6300 to 8159 38 8730 to 10359 44 11300 to 12259 51 HABVEY At W. 1700 S. from 2600 to 2675 26 HASKIITS AV. At W. 1735 N. W. from 7720 to 7760 4 HASTINGS At S. 1334 W. from 1140 to 1159 27 1200 to 2159 26 HAVSSEN CT. At W. 3900 N. from 3000 to 3122 14 KAWTKOBNE PE. At N. 3418 W. from 500 to 599 17 HAYES AV. At N. 6534 W. from 6834 to 7056 2 HAYFOBD At S. 7535 W. from 3700 to 3959 35 HAYNES CT. At W. 1160 S. E. from 2800 to 3051 26 HAZEE AV. At W. 900 N. from 4200 to 4659 11 HEAED AV. At S. 3040 S. W. from 1600 to 1755 26 HEATH AV. At W. 324 S. from 1300 to 1325 26 HEIN FE. At N. 1300 W. from 400 to 460 22 HEEEN CT. At W. 2330 N. W. from 2600 to 2631 16 HENSEBSON At N. 3336 W. from 3400 to 3572 15 4100 to 4348 14 4800 to 5859 13 6000 to 6359 12 HENEFXN At N. 6000 W. from 5400 to 5677 7 HENBY CT. At W. 2738 N. E. from 2766 to 2786 15 HEBUXTAGE AV., N. At W. 1735 N. from 1 to 1169... . . .21 1600 to 3959. . . , . .16 4000 to 6369... ...10 6400 to 7767. . . . . . 4 KEBMITAGE AV., S. At W, 1736 S. from 300 to 1146... , . .21 3400 to 3859... .. .26 4200 to 6259... , . .31 6300 to 8659... 8700 to 9059... , . .43 HEBBIOXNE At N. 6225 W. from 6300 to 6366 6 HEBMOSA AV. At W. 1700 S. W. from 10835 to 11076 43 11100 to 11463 50 HEBNSON At W. 1300 N. from 2020 to 3859 16 HEBVEY At N. 2100 W. from 1800 to 1969 16 HEYDEN AV. At N. 5900 W. from 6700 to 6868 6 HXCKOBY AV. At W. 838 N. from 947 to 1357 22 HIGGINS AV. At N. 4900 W. from 6400 to 6970 7 7268 to 7292 6 HIGH At W. 1421 N. from 2200 to 2759 16 HIGHEANB AV. At N. 6330 W. from 1400 to 1774 10 HIEE At N. 1100 W. from 153 to 370 22 HIEDAEE AV. At W. 1900 N. from 6736 to 7327 4 HIEEOCK AV. At W. 1100 S. W. from 2607 to 2587 27 2601 to 2952 .26 HINSCHE At N. 1481 S. W. from 600 to 638. . . . . 22 HIBSCH At N. 1400 W. from 2200 to 2259. .. . . .21 3200 to 3559... , , .20 3600 to 4769... . . .19 4800 to 5959... ...18 HIBSCH BEVD. At N. 1400 W. from 2300 to 2369... ...21 2400 to 2769. . . . . .20 HOBABT AV. At N. 6700 W. from 6600 to 6971. . . . . 6 ROBBIE At N. 1031 W. from 400 to 666... . .22 HOBSON AV. At W. 1700 N. E. from 2038 to 2062 16 HODGE At N. 6940 S. W. from 6236 to 6359 6 HOEY At W. 1300 S. W. from 2700 to 2708 27 HOEBBOOK ST. At N. 6100 S. W. from 6200 to 6359 6 HOEDEN CT. At E. 26 S. from Kand’ph to H’rson.23 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 101 Page HOXil^AirD BS. At W. 322 S. from 8500 to 8769 38 8700 to 9059 44 KOXi^T AV. At W. 1620 N. W. from 2000 to 2695 16 HOl^BYWOOS AV. At N. 5700 W. from 900 to 1144. . . . .11 1314 to 1676. . . . .10 2400 to 3559. . ... 9 KOESTEIN PABK At W. 2300 N. from 2128 to 2164. . . . .16 KOET At W. 1600 N. from 800 to 1669.. . . .21 1600 to 1659. . . . .16 HOMAN At W. AV., N. 3400 N. from 200 to 1659. . . . .20 HOMAN At W. AV., S. 3400 S. from 1 to 1169. . . . .20 1200 to 3859. . . . .26 4900 to 6259. . . . .30 6300 to 8459. . . . .36 HOMAN AV. BD ., N. At W. 3400 N. from 1 to 169. . . . .20 HOME AV. At N. 7400 W. from 1900 to 1964 4 HOMES At N. 1933 W. from 2000 to 2269 16 2400 to 3134 .16 4500 to 4659 ,14 4832 to 5172 .13 HOMEWOOD AV. At W. 1635 S. W. from 10933 to 11069 43 11100 to 11599 .50 KOHOBE, H. At W. 1827 N. from 4200 to 4359 10 KOHOBE, S. At W. 1826 S. from 1 to 627.. ...21 1500 to 3859. . . . .26 4300 to 6259. . . . .31 6300 to 8669. . . . .37 8700 to 8843. . . . .43 11800 to 11859. . . . .60 HOOD AV. At N. 1 6141 W. from 1200 to 1964. . ...10 7100 to 7169. . ... 6 7200 to 7267. . ... 6 HOOZEB At W. 800 N. W. from 932 to 1255 22 ROPE At S. 723 W. from 900 to 916 22 KOPKZHS PZ.. At S. 8825 S. W. from 1942 to 2135 43 HOBAH AV. At W. 1900 N. from 5200 to 5224 10 HOBTEHSE AV. At N. 6336 W. from 7412 to 7572 5 HOTTOK CT. At W. 935 S. E. from 2500 to 2559 27 HOEBTOH AV. At E. 3026 S. from 8000 to 8659 41 8700 to 11059 47 11100 to 13449 54 Page HOWABD ST. At N. 7600 W. from 1308 to 1967 4 2000 to 2959 3 HOWE At W. 625 W. from 1800 to 2059 17 HOWEAHO AV. At S. 8800 S. W. from 2100 to 2150 43 HOZZE AV. At E. 2600 S. from 9500 to 10926 47 11200 to 13459 54 13400 to 13759 58 HOYNE AV., H. At W. 2100 N. from 1 to 1559 21 1700 to 3959 16 4000 to 5359 10 6400 to 7559 3 KOYHE AV., S. At W. 2100 S. from 1 to 850 21 1200 to 3659 26 4700 to 6259 31 6300 to 8259 37 8935 to 11059 43 11100 to 11159 50 HOYT AV. At W. 2247 S. from 3228 to 3283 26 HVBEB ST. At N. 2330 W. from 1200 to 1212 16 HVDSOH AV. At W. 435 N. from 1336 to 1559 22 1600 to 3178 17 KUHBOEDT BE. At W. 3000 N. from 1600 to 2159 15 HUNT AV. At S. 8817 S. W. from 2000 to 2048 43 HUNTXNOTON At N. 6134 W. from 6300 to 6399 6 HUBEBUBT At N. 5800 N. W. from 6500 to 6944 6 HUBON, E. At N. 700 E. from 1 to 447 23 HUBON, W. At N. 700 W. from 1 to 1169. 22 1200 to 2369. 21 2400 to 3559. 20 3600 to 3969. 19 4800 to 5959. 18 HUTCHISON At N. 4231 W. from 3300 to 3359 9 4700 to 4759 8 4800 to 5559 7 HYACINTH At N. 6100 W. from 6200 to 6359 6 HYDE PABK BD. At S. 5100 E. from 900 to 1159 33 1200 to 1636 34 And at E. 1700 S. from 5100 to 5559 34 IBSEN At N. 6900 W, from 7400 to 7659 1 ZNOEEHABT CT. At E. 500 S. from 2625 to 2745 28 IGNATIUS At N. 6465 W. from 7100 to 7142 2 Page lEEINOIS, E. At N. 500 E. from 1 to 460 23 ZEEINOIS, W. At N. 600 W. from 1 to 430 22 ZMEAY At N. 6500 S. W. from 6500 to 7061 2 ZMPEBZAE At N. 6700 W. from 7700 to 7769 1 ZNANDA AV. At W. 2526 S. from 500 to 535 20 INDEPENDENCE BD At W. 3800 S. from 500 to 1169 19 1200 to 1342 24 INDIANA AV. At E. 200 S. from 1200 to 3869 28 3900 to 6259 33 6600 to 8657 39 8700 to 11069 45 11100 to 13469 52 13500 to 13736 56 INDIANAPOEIS AV. At E. 3700 S. E. from 10051 to 10576 48 INDIAN BD. At W. 5900 N. W. from 6100 to 6199 7 6200 to 6383 6 INFUEA At N. 6424 W. from 6600 to 6765 3 INGEESZDE AV. At E. 922 S. from 6100 to 6259 33 6300 to 8659 39 INGBAHAM At N. 1331 W. from' 1300 to 1374 21 INSTITUTE PE At N. 830 W. from 152 to 362. . . . .22 IOWA At N. 900 W. from 1800 to 2369. . . ..21 2400 to 3559. . . . .20 4000 to 4759. . . . .19 4800 to 6969. . . . .18 ZBENA At N. 6524 W. from 6634 to 6676 2 ZBON At W. 1400 S. from 3400 to 3662 26 ZBOQUOIS AV. At N. 6725 W. from 7708 to 7761 1 ZBVING AV., N. At W. 2234 N. from 300 to 1569. . . . .21 1600 to 3959. . . . .16 4000 to 6337. . . . .10 6400 to 6460. . . . . 3 ZBVING AV.. S. At w. 2234 S. from 100 to 942. . . . .21- 1300 to 3559. . . . .26 5720 to 5859. . ...31 6300 to 7769. . . . .37 9100 to 11069. . ...43 11100 to 11875. . . . .60 IBVZNG PABK BD. At N. 4000 W. from 600 to 1169. . ...11 1200 to 2359. . . ..10 2400 to 3569. . . . . 9 3600 to 4769. . ... 8 4800 to 5959. . . . ; 7 6000 to 7193. . 102 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE Page ZBWXH AV. At W. 2647 S. W. from 3800 to 3826 25 XSHAK AV. At N. 6400 W. from 7000 to 7143 2 XVY AV. At N. 7124 W. from 7200 to 7239 1 ;tacxsoi!T ST., x:. At S. 300 E. from l_to 86 23 JACKSOK ST.. W. At S. 300 W. from 1 to 360 22 JACSSOXr BD., w. At S. 300 W. from 400 to 1159 22 1200 to 2359 21 2400 to 3559 20 3800 to 4759 19 4800 to 5559 18 JAMES At S. 6128 W. from 2000 to 2118 31 JAESSEir AV. At W. 1433 N. from 3400 to 3959 16 4900 to 4923 10 JABBATH At N. 7236 W, from 2720 to 2850 3 JABVXS AV. At N. 7400 W. from 1212 to 1764 4 2200 to 2959 3 JASFEB At W. 1431 S. from 3600 to 3659. . . . .27 JEFFEBSON, N. At W. -600 N. from 1 to 470. . . . .22 JEFFEBSON. S. At W. 600 S. from 1 to 1169. . . . .22 1200 to 2148. . . . .27 JEFFEBV AV. At E. 2000 S. from 6700 to 8659. . ,40 8700 to 11059. . . . .46 11100 to 13469. . . . .64 13500 to 13769. . . . .68 JESSXE < CT. At W. 2049 N. from 400 to 420 21 JOEir PB. At S. 2233 W. from 800 to 854 27 JOXTES At W. 2300 N. W. from 2600 to 2631 16 JOITQUXB TEB. At N. 7700 W. from 1400 to 1734 4 JXTBSOB At W. 848 N. W. from 1400 to 1476 22 JTTBXA CT. At N. 2142 W. from 2700 to 2718 15 JUBXAir At N. 1449 W. from 1323 to 1759 21 JVlkXUS At W. 1064 S. from 1100 to 1128..'. ..22 JVITBWAY TEB. At N. 7800 W. from 1400 to 1840 4 JITmOB TEB. At N. 4300 W. from 644 to 854 11 Page JXrSTXNE At W. 1634 S. from 4500 to 6259. . . . .31 6300 to 8659. . . . .37 8700 to 9458. . . . .43 11900 to 12258. . . . .50 KAMEBBXNO AV. At N. 1334 W. from 4000 to 4359. . . . .19 4800 to 5540. . . . .18 KABBOV AV., N. At W. 4100 N. from 1 to 1559. . . . .19 1600 to 3559. . . . .14 4600 to 4969. . . . . 8 KABBOV AV., S. At W. 4100 S. from 1 to 1159. . . . .19 1200 to 3259. . . . .24 4300 to 6259. . . . .29 6300 to 6659. . . . .35 KASSON AV. At W. 4100 N. from 4424 to 4736. . . . . 8 XEABSAQE AV At W. 4170 N. W. from 2900 to 3025. . . . .14 XEATXNG AV.. N. At W. 4734 N. from 1400 to 1559. . . . .19 1600 to 3544. . . . .14 4600 to 6168. . . . . 8 KEATINO AV., S. At W. 4734 S. from 4200 to 6269. . . . .28 XEDVABE AV., N. At W. 4134 N. from 800 to 1559. . . . .19 1600 to 3859. . . . .14 4000 to 4959. . . . . 8 XEDVABE AV.. S. At W. 4134 S. from 600 to 824. . . . .18 1200 to 3259. . . . .24 4300 to 6259. . . . .29 6300 to 6669. . KEXIZXE AV., N. At W. 3200 N. from 1 to 1559 20 1600 to 3959 15 4000 to 5759 9 KEBZXE AV., S. At W. 3200 S. from 1 to 1159. . . . .20 1200 to 3859. . . . .2.'; 3900 to 6239. . . . .30 6300 to 8669. . . . .36 KEszxE Bs., nr. At W. 3200 N. from 2200 to 2659 15 KEEFE AV. At E. 635 S. from 6808 to 6876.'. . . .39 XEEBEB AV„ N At W. 4200 N. from 1 to 1659. . . . .18 1600 to 3959. . . . .14 4000 to 6169. . . . . 8 XEEBEB AV„ S, At W. 4200 S. from 1 to 1159. . . .19 1200 to 3269. . . .24 4300 to 6259. . . .29 6300 to 6669. . . .36 KEEBEV At W. 1006 S. E. from 2800 to 3060 27 KEEiroir At N. 1639 W. from 1600 to 1757 21 KEXTS At W. 1300 N. from 700 to 769 21 Page XEBSO AV. At W. 4200 N. W. from 4600 to 4736 8 XEMFEB FB. At N. 2334 W. from 600 to 668 17 XEKBABB At S. 800 S. W. from 2013 to 2142 21 KEKESAW TEB. At N. 4232 W. from 641 to 842 11 KEnrXBWOBTH AV. At N. 7200 W. from 1200 to 1959 4 2000 to 3168 3 7200 to 7236 1 XEITMOBE AV. At W. 1039 N. from 4000 to 6359 11 XEBITETK AV., XT. At W. 4434 N. from 200 to 232 19 1900 to 3959 14 4000 to 5020 8 KENKETS AV., S. At W. 4434 S. from 600 to 780 19 1400 to 3069 24 4700 to 6259 29 6300 to 6469 36 XEimxCOTT AV. At W. 4235 N. E. from 4500 to 4669 8 XEKNZSOIT AV. At N. 6016 W. from 4500 to 4530 8 KEXTOSHA AV. At W. 4234 N. from 2900 to 3159 14 KEKTOnr AV., XT. At W. 4600 N. from 1 to 1169 19 3300 to 3834 14 4400 to 5159 8 XEITTOIT AV., S. At W. 4600 S. from 1 to 259 19 KEITTBCKV AV. At W. 4634 N. E. from 4800 to 4850 8 KEXTSXiraTOlT AV. At S. 11552 E. from 100 to 834 62 KENWOOD AV. At E. 1342 S. from 4700 to 6259. . . . . .34 6300 to 8269. . . . .40 8700 to 8869. . , KEOKTTK AV. At W. 4134 N. W. from 4400 to 4539 8 KEBCHEVAB AV. At W. 4600 N. W. from 5700 to 6869 8 KEBFOOT AV. At W. 700 S. E. from 8308 to 8844 38 ICESWXCK AV. At W. 4100 N. W. from 6936 to 6299 8 KEWANEE AV. At W. 4234 N. E. from 4700 to 4769 8 KEVSTOITE AV. At W. 4034 N. from 120 to 1659 19 1600 to 3959 14 4000 to 4969 8 KXES FB. At S. 1027 W. from 2240 to 2258 21 KANDUL'S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 103 Page xix^BOTmir AV., r. At W. 4500 N. from 1 to 1158 19 1600 to 3959 14 4000 to 5159 8 KXBBOUSR AV., B. At W. 4500 S. from 1 to 1159 19 1200 to 3557 24 4700 to 6259 29 KXU>ABB AV., R. At W. 4300 N. from 1 to 1559 19 1600 to 3959 14 4000 to 5159 8 xhiDabe AV., s. At W. 4300 S. from 1 to 1169. . . . .19 1200 to 3259. . . . .24 4700 to 6258. . 29 6300 to 6459. . ...35 KIBPATBICK AV., R. At W. 4700 N. from 1 to 1559 19 1600 to 3959 14 4000 to 4894 8 XXBFATBICZ AV., S. At W. 4700 S. from 1 to 924 19 4200 to 6259 29 KZMBAX.B AV. At W. 3400 N. from 1600 to 3959 15 4000 to 5959 9 KXMBABX AV. At E. 1300 S. from 4700 to 6259 34 6300 to 8259 40 9200 to 9359 46 KZMBBBBV AV. At W. 4534 N. from 5000 to 5078 8 xma PB. At N. 3025 W. from 837 to 890 17 XXROSBT7BT At W. 500 N. from 328 to 1559 22 1600 to 1859 17 1900 to 2083 16 XXRQBTOR AV. At E. 2500 S. from 7300 to 8659 41 8700 to 9359 47 XXRRET AV. At E. 1624 S. from 8900 to 9328 46 XXRSXE, E. At N. 400 E. from 1 to 68 23 XXRSIE, W. At N. 400 w. from 1 to 1169. . . . .22 1200 to 2359. . . . .21 4000 to 4759. . . . .19 4800 to 5469. . . . .18 XZORA AV. At W. 4300 N. E. from 4600 to 4670 8 XZBXBARD AV. At W. 4340 8. from 2200 to 2426 24 XROX AV., R. At W. 4634 N. from 2200 to 3544 T4 4400 to 4758 8 XROX AV., 8. At W. 4634 8. from 4200 to 6259 29 XOBZR AV., R. At W. 4334 N. from 200 to 1664 1» Page XOBZR AV., S. At W, 4334 S. from 1200 to 3266. . . . .24 4700 to 6259. 6300 to 6459. ...36 XOBMAB AV., V r. At W. 4534 N. from 200 to 825. . ...19 1600 to 3559. . . . .14 4000 to 5159. . ... 8 XOBMAB AV.. 8 . At W. 4534 S. from 300 to 1159. . . . .19 1500 to 3069. . . . .24 5100 to 6259. . . . .29 XOSTREB AV., R. At W. 4400 N. from 1 to 1569. . ...19 1600 to 3969. . . . .14 4000 to 5960. . ... 8 XOSTREB AV., S. At W. 4400 S. from 1 to 1159. . . . .19 1200 to 3266. . 4700 to 6258. . . . .29 6300 to 6459. . . . .35 XOMERSXY AV At W. 4034 S. from 1200 to 3259. . . . .24 4300 to 6269. . . . .29 XORGEE AV. At W. 4554 N. from 1600 to 1664 14 KBEZTEB AV. At E. 3636 S. from 9332 to 9558 48 KBOBB At W. 2039 8. from 2300 to 2332 26 XBVOEB AV. At W. 4800 N. E. from 4800 to 4942 8 XUEHX, PB. At W. 1938 N. E. from 2300 to 2330 16 XTJKRS CT. At W. 2430 N. from No numbers 15 BACEY AV. At N. 5837 N. W. from 6700 to 6756. ; ...7 BA CBOSSE AV. At W. 4834 N. from 148 to 236. . . . .18 1800 to 2258. . . . .13 4400 to 5169. . ...7 BA FAYETTE AV. At W 26 S. from 6500 to 6077. . . . .32 6500 to 8446. . . . .38 9100 to 10759. . . . .44 11500 to 12458. . . . .51 BA FAYETTE At N. 4835 W. from 800 to 966. . 1200 to 1228. . ...10 BAFBZR At W. 1500 a. from 1 to 1160. . . . .21 1200 to 2652. . . . .26 4500 to 6269. . . . .31 6300 to 8659. . . . .37 8700 to 11058. . . . .43 11100 to 12259. . . . .60 BAGOOR AV. At W. 400 S. W. from 7610 to 7864. . . . .38 BAXE, E At N. 200 E. from 1 to 117. . . . .23 At N. 200 w. from 1 to 1169.. 1200 to 2359. . . . .21 2400 to 3659. . . . .20 3600 to 4759. . . . .19 4800 to 5969. . . . .18 BAKE PABX AV. At E. 400 8. E. & S. along The Lake from 2300 to 3869 28 3900 to 4375 33 4400 to 5659 34 7100 to 7842 41 XA.XE SHOBE SB. At E. 500 N.W. & N. along The Lake from 628 to 1664 23 BAKESISE PB. At N. 4734 W. from 800 to 956 11 BAXEVZEW AV. At W. 400 N. from 2400 to 2750 17 BAXEWOOB AV. At W. 1300 N. from 6200 to 6359 10 6400 to 6934 4 BAMBEBT AV. At W. 4900 N. W. from 5700 to 5836 7 BAMOR AV., R. At W. 4900 N. from 1 to 1559 18 1600 to 3959 13 4200 to 4959 7 BAMOR AV., 8. At W. 4900 S. from 900 to 916 18 Z^ARS CT. At W. 336 N. from 2000 to 2069 17 BAROSOR At N. 1467 S. W. from 700 to 726 22 BAROBAOE AV. At W. 4934 N. from 5200 to 6446 7 BARGBEY AV. At E. 700 S. from 3700 to 3859 28 3900 to 6259 33 6300 to 8259 39 8700 to 10759 45 11100 to 13359 62 BARSZRG AV. At W. 4836 N.W. from 6700 to 5860 7 BAPOBTE AV. At W. 4934 N. from 148 to 236 18 2000 to 2259 13 4400 to 4769 7 BABAMZE AV., R. At W. 6200 N. from 1 to 1669 18 1600 to 3959 13 4000 to 5369 7 BABAMZE AV., 8. At W. 5200 8. from 1 to 1158 18 5100 to 6469 61 BABCRMORT AV. At N. 3931 W. from 1800 to 1944 16 BABCOR AV. At N. 6100 S. W. from 5416 to 6641 7 BABRABS AV. At W. 6200 N.W. from- 6300 to 6469 7 104 KANDUL'S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE Pare Page l^ABBABEX: At W. 600 N. from 800 to 1159 22 1600 to 2359.... .17 EABETTA CT. At W. 1027 S. from 400 to 436 22 ZiA SAEl^E, XT. At W. 150 N. from 1 to 1669. . . . .22 1600 to 1724. . . . .17 EA SAEEE, S. At w. 150 S. from 1 to 939. . ...22 1600 to 3859. . . . .27 3900 to 6259. . . . .32 7900 to 8446. . . . .38 9300 to 10759. . . . .44 11500 to 12359. . . . .51 EAS CASAS AV. At W. 4940 N. W. from 5600 to 6759 7 XiATHAM AV. At W. 6034 N.W. from 5436 to 5536 7 X.ATBOBE AV., XT. At W. 6235 N. from 1 to 1569 18 1600 to 2359 13 4436 to 4459 7 EATBOBE AV., S. At W. 6236 S. from 6100 to 6469 61 EAVEBOEE AV., E. At W. 6000 N. from 1 to 1669 18 2000 to 3969 13 4000 to 6169 7 i^AVEBOEE AV., S. At W. 6000 S. from 1 to 911 18 EAW AV. At W. 640 S. from 500 to 748 22 EAWEEB AV. At W. 6034 N. from 400 to 1669. . . . .18 2000 to 2269. . ...13 4000 to 5644. . ... 7 EAWEBAEE AV ., E. At W. 3700 N. from 400 to 1559. . . . .19 1600 to 3959. . . . .14 4100 to 5159. . ... 8 EAWEBAEE AV., S. At W. 3700 S. from 500 to 934. . . . .19 1200 to 3469. . . . .24 -4700 to 6259. . . . .29 6300 to 8459. . . . .36 X^WBEECE AV At N. 4800 W. from 800 to 1169. . . . .11 1200 to 2359.. . . .10 2400 to 3569. . . . . 9 3600 to 4769. . ... 8 4800 to 5999. . ... 7 EAWSOE AV. At W. BlOO N.W. from 6700 to 5751. . ... 7 EEABEB AV. AtW. 6136 N.E. from B800 to 6036. . ... 7 EEAMXEOTOE AV E At W. 5124 N. from 100 to 1559. . . . .18 1900 to 2259. .- . . .13 4000 to 5360. . ... 7 EEAMIECTOE AV S At W. 6143 S. from 1 to 828. . . . .18 EEAVEEWOBTH AV. At W. 6334 N. W. from 5534 to 6642..... 7 Page EEAVITT, E. At W. 2200 N. from 1 to 1669. . ...21 1600 to 3959. . . . .16 4000 to 5352. . . . .10 6400 to 6450. . . . . 3 EEAVXTT, S. At W. 2200 S. from 1 to 1159. . . . .21 1200 to 3659. . . . .26 7100 to 7269. . ...37 8700 to 10659. . . . .43 EE CEAXBE AV. At W. 5100 N. from 1 to 1559. . . . .18 1600 to 3959. . . . .13 4000 to EEE FE. 5369. . ... 7 At N. 738 W. from 2000 to 2059. . . . .21 EECETT AV. At W. 5034 N. E. from 6100 to 6359. . ... 7 EEHXOH AV. At W. 5400 N. from 6100 to 6282. . ... 7 EEHMAEE CT. At W. 529 N. from 2626 to 2738. . . . .17 EEEAEB AV. At N. 4700 W. from 800 to 1169. . 1200 to 2369. . . . .10 2400 to 3559.. ... 9 3722 to 4759. . ... 8 4800 to 6959. . . . . 7 EE MAI AV. At W. 5234 N. E. from 6200 to 6379 7 EEMOET AV. At W. 6135 N. E. from 6700 to 5945. . ... 7 6000 to 6259. . ... 8 EEMOYEE At N. : 1500 W. from 2000 to 2359. . . . .21 2400 to 3559. . . . .20 3600 to 4759. . . . .19 4800 to EEC 5959. . . . .18 At W. 866 S. from 2520 to 2672. . . . .27 EEOEABB AV. At W. 6300 N. W. from 6566 to 5577. . . . . 7 EESSXEO At W. 924 N. from 800 to 866. . . . .22 EESTEB AV. At W. 5430 N. W. from 4900 to EEVEE 4948. . At S. 2700 W. from to iMUvns 1669. . . . .26 At W. 1234 N. from 1900 to 2269. . . . .16 EEXXEaXOE At S. 733 W. from 2058 to 2159. . . . .21 2400 to 3659. . . . .20 3600 to 4759. . . . .19 4800 to 5628. . . . .18 EEYSEE AV. At E. 300 S. E. from 13700 to 13799 56 EXAEO AV. At W. 5336 N. W. from 6300 to 6377 7 EIBBT AV. At W. 6240 N. W. from 4800 to 4864 7 EIBEBTY At S. 1342 W. from 640 to 740. . . . .27 EXEB AV. At W. 5424 N. E. from 6200 to 6484.. ... 7 EXEE AV. At N. 2525 W. from 800 to 1159. . . . .17 1200 to 1469.. ...16 EXEEABB AV. At W. 6600 N. E. from 5816 to EXME 6362. . ... 7 At W. 822 S. from 2400 to 3252. . . . .27 EXECOEE, E. At W. 1900 N. from 1 to 1398. . 1600 to 3969. . . . .16 4000 to 6236. . ...10 EXECOEE, S. At W. 1900 S. from 1 to 1169.. ...21 1200 to 3859. . 4300 to 6269. . ...31 6300 to 8659. . ...37 11800 to 11859. . . . .60 EXECOEE AV. At W. 200 N. W. from 1800 to 2799. . ...17 2800 to 3999. . . . .16 4000 to 4821.. . . .10 4822 to 6361. . ... 9 EXECOEE F’XWAY At E. 128 N. from 600 to 950. . ...23 EXECOEE FABX, W. At W. 300 N. from 2030 to 2369.. . . .17 EIEB AV. At W. 5300 N. W. from 6200 to 5369 7 EIEDEE FE. At W. 3000 N. W. from 2400 to 2564 15 EXEBEB AV., E. At W. 5600 N. from 1600 to 1559 18 2400 to 3959 13 4200 to 6848 7 EXEBEB AV., S. At W. 6600 S. from 5100 to 6359 61 EIFFS AV. At W. 5300 N.W. from 4800 to 4892 7 EISTEB AV. At W. 1844 N. W. from 2200 to 2367 16 EXVEBMOBE AV. At W. 5535 N. E. from 6200 to 6362 7 EOCK At W. 1449 S. E. from 2800 to 3804 26 EOCKPOBT At W. 2332 S. E. from 3620 to 3640 26 EOCVSX At N. 920 W. from 100 to 444 22 EOCXWOOB AV., E. At W. 5300 N. from 1 to 1657 18 1600 to 3959 13 4000 to 6246 7 EOCXWOOB AV., S. At W. 5300 S. from 1 to 812 18 6100 to 5469 61 KANDUL*S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 105 Papre IiOEFFIiZIB CT. At W. 1028 S. from 1600 to 1942 27 EOaAH BD. At N. 2600 S.W.&W fr. 2200 to 2379 16 2400 to 3117 15 ZiOOAK SQ. At N. 2600 W. from 3132 to 3159 15 BXiOYD AY. At W. 1300 S. E. from 3000 to 3038 26 BOUAZ FB. At S. 528 W. from 200 to 234 22 BONBON AV. At W. 5335 N. from 4731 to 4771 7 BONEBOAN At W. 324 N. from 1900 to 1916 17 BONG AT., N. At W. 6400 N. from 1 to 1559 18 1600 to 3959 13 4000 to 5521 7 BONO AT., S. At W. 5400 S. from 5100 to 6459 61 BONOWOOD DBZTE At W. 2100 S. from 8700 to 11066 43 11100 to 11859 50 BOOMZS At W. 1400 s. from 1 to 1169. . . . .21 1200 to 2975. . . . .26 3000 to 3071. . . . .27 4500 to 6269. . 6300 to 8759. . ...37 8700 to 11059. . . . .43 11100 to 12258. . . . .60 BOBEB AT.. N. At W. 5334 N. from 1 to 1559. . . . .18 1600 to 2459. . . . .13 BOBEB AT., 8. At W. 5334 S. from 5100 to 6459 61 BOBZNO AT. At W. 5425 N. W. from 6200 to 6265 7 BOTHAIB AT. At W. 2035 S. W. from 11143 to 11470 50 BOTES AT., N. At W. 6440 N. from 1 to 1559 18 2400 to 3659 13 4736 to 5525 7 BOTES AT., S. At W. 5435 S. from 5100 to 5469 61 BOEZSE AT. At W. 5435 N. W. from 6230 to 6399 7 BOEZSTZBBE CT. At E. 2500 S. from 11000 to 11059 47 11100 to 11171 64 BOTEJOT AT. At W. 5434 N. W. from 5100 to 5460 7 BOWE AT. At W. 700 .s. from 2400 to 3869. . . . .27 3900 to 5969. . . . .32 6300 to 8669. . . . .38 8700 to 10369. . . . .44 11600 to 12669. . . . .61 Page BOWEBB AT. At W. 4334 N. from 1600 to 3959 14 4000 to 6159 8 BOYOBA AT. At N. 6651 W. from 1006 to 1369 4 BEBECK At N. 2028 W. from 2000 to 2359 16 BECE At W. 1334 N. from 1400 to 1438 21 BEBBAU AT. At W. 5435 N. from 5235 to 6464 7 BEEBBA AT. At E. 2224 S. from 7100 to 8659 40 8700 to 11059 46 11100 to 13459 54 13500 to 13759 68 BEBB FB. At W. 1719 S. & W. fr. 1226 to 1756 21 BEISBEB At W. 336 S. from 1600 to 2611 27 BENA AT., N. At W. 6534 N. from 1400 to 1559 18 1600 to 3169 13 4736 to 5625 7 BENA AT.. S. At W. 5534 S. from 5100 to 5459 61 BENDY At W. 6565 N. from 6200 to 6362 7 BENT AT. At N. 7000 W. from 1108 to 1959 4 2000 to 2959 3 7400 to 7761 1 BETHEB At S. 2425 W. from 2600 to 2659 25 BETZ FB. At N. 1648 W. from 615 to 631 22 BEZON AT. At W. 5600 N. E. from 6000 to 6045 7 BYDZA At N. 212 W. from 640 to 741 22 BYMAN At W. 1100 S. W. from 2900 to 2999 27 3000 to 3098 26 BYNCH AT. At W. 5500 N. E. from 5300 to 6590 7 BYNDABE At N. 2230 W. from 2000 to 2359 16 2400 to 3559 16 3700 to 4569 14 BYON AT. At E. 625 S. E. from 9300 to 9432 46 BYTBE At W. 1234 S. from 600 to 1141 21 MACABZSTEB FB. At S. 727 W. from 1200 to 1332 21 MACEDOITZA At W. 1825 N. from 1200 to 1272 21 I*af?e IMACFABBANE AT. At E. 1726 S. from 8300 to 8659.. . ..40 8700 to 9328. . ...46 MACKINAW AT At E. 3326 S. from 8233 to 8569. . . . .41 8700 to 11059.. . . .47 11100 to 13469. . . ..64 13500 to 13559.. . . .68 MADEBBA AT. At W. 5600 N. W. from 6000 to 6082.. ... 7 MADZSON. E. Base line for North and South Streets. 1 to 85. . . . .23 MADZSON. W. Base line for North and South Streets. 1 to 1169. . . . .22 1200 to 2359.. . . .21 2400 to 3559. . . . .20 3600 to 4759.. . . .19 4800 to 5969.. . . .18 MADZSON FABK At S. 5046 E. from 1200 to 1380.. . . .34 MADBZD AT. At W. 5700 N. from 6325 to 6366.. ... 7 MAONET AT. At W. 5636 N. W. from 6300 to 6449. . ... 7 MAONOBZA AT. At W. 1236 N. from 2600 to 2759.. ...16 4400 to 6359.. ...10 6400 to 6460.. . .. 4 NtAJOIt AT., N. At W. 5700 N. from 1600 to 3959 13 4000 to 6768 7 MAJOB AT., S. At W. 6700 S. from 5100 to 6469 61 UABDEN At W. 1300 N. from 4400 to 4759 10 UABTA At W. 1500 S. E. from 9900 to 10269 43 MABTEBN AT. At W. 1700 N. from 7432 to 7650 4 MANASSAS AT. At W. 6036 N. E. from 6200 to 6399 7 MANDEBB AT. At W. 5600 N. W. from 6300 to 6369 7 MANOO AT. At W. 5734 N. from 1600 to 2359 13 4000 to 6778 7 MANZBBA AT. At W. 6800 N. E. from 6300 to 6360 7 MANISTEE AT. At E. 2726 S. from 7900 to 8659 41 8700 to 10558 47 12600 to 12769 64 MANZTOE FB. At N. 2521 W. from 2327 to 2369 16 MANOR AT. At W. 2734 N. W. from 4400 to 4763 8 MANSFZEBD AT., N. .. At W. 6834 N. from 1000 to 1659. . . , .18 1600 to 2759. . . . . .13 4000 to 6669. . . . . 7 10« KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE Page ICAKSFZEl^S AV~ S. At W. 6834 S. from 5100 to 6259 61 UAlfTTOlir AV. At W. 6800 N. W. from 6900 to 6969 7 MAFEE At N. 1038 W. from 1 to 140 22 MAOteE SQUABE AV. At W. 1228 N. from 3600 to 3767 16 UAFEEWOOQ H. At W. 2626 N. from 1600 w to J.009 . . 2918. . ,...15 4000 to 6959. . ... 9 6400 to 7459. , .... 3 aXAFEEWOOE Av., S. At w. 2525 S. from 300 to 632. . 20 3500 to 3769. , 4000 to 6259. . 30 6300 to 8259. . ...36 10700 to 10859. . 42 ICABBEE PE. At S. 116 W. from 1 to 778 22 MABCY At W. 1000 N.W. from 1634 to 1866 17 1900 to 1943 16 KABOATE TEB. At N. 4936 W. from 800 to 959 11 UABIAKNA At N. 2700 W. from 834 to 1159 17 1200 to 1726 16 MABZETTA AV. At W. 6300 N. E. from 6340 to 6366 6 MABZOH CT. At W. 1838 N. from 1200 to 1276 21 ZZABBET, K. At W. 360 N. from 1 to 179 22 aCABXET, S. At W. 360 S. from 1 to 611 22 aCABKKAM AV. At W. 5835 N. E. from 5900 to 6970 7 MABMOBA AV., IT. At W. 5900 N. from 2100 to 3959 13 4000 to 5668 7 ICABQTTETTE AV. At E. 2732 S. from 7544 to 8659 41 8700 to 9869 47 12600 to 12769 .64 aiABQUETXE BD., E. At S. 6700 E. from 1 to 469 39 At E. 500 S. from 6600 to 6659 39 At S. 6600 E. from 600 to 1169 39 1200 to 1669 40 MABQVETTE Bd., W. At S. 6700 W. from 1 to 1169. . , , . .38 1200 to 2369. . . , .37 2400 to 2769. . , , . .36 UABSKAEE BEVB. At W. 2900 S. from 1900 to 2359 26 JCABSKFZEEZl Av„ IT. At W. 1633 N. from 400 to 1159 21 1600 to 3969 16 7600 to 7767. ■ 4 BEABSHFZEES Av.^ st At W. 1633 S. from 300 to 1147.. ...21 1600 to 3662. . . ..26 4200 to 6259. . . . .31 6300 to 8659.. . . .37 8700 to 9259.. . . .43 MABXZE At w. 1325 S. from 10600 to 10669. . UABY At W. 1100 S. E. from 2500 to 2713 27 aSABYEAND AV. At E. 826 S. from 4900 to 5859 33 6300 to 8659 39 MASOIT AV., E. At W. 5934 N. from 1 to 1169 18 2100 to 3169 13 4000 to 6768 7 MASOE AV. S. At W. 5934 S. from 1 to 147 18 5100 to 6269 61 nCASSAC AV. At W. 5700 N. W. from 6100 to 6265 7 MASSASOZX AV., E. At W. 5734 N. from 800 to 1459 18 UASSASOIT AV., S. At W. 6736 S. from 6100 to 6269 61 aXATHEB At S. 721 W. from 600 to 780 22 KAXSOE AV. At W. 5925 N. E. from 6200 to 6335 7 maxxkew At S. 214 W. from 1716 to 1758 21 aSAVS AV. At W. 1000 N. W. from 1830 to 1981 17 aSAUXEaTE cx. At W. 1620 N. E. from 1218 to 1266 21 aCAZWEXkE At S. 1321 W. from 600 to 1125 27 aSAY, E. At W. 1133 N. from 1 to 922 22 MAY, S. At W. 1133 S. from 600 to 1138. . , , . .22 1800 to 2129. . . ,27 4800 to 6259. . . ,32 6300 to 8659. . . , . .38 8700 to 10659. . . . .44 11234 to 12258. .. , . .51 MAYFZEEZl AV., E. At W. 5900 N. from 1 to 1659 18 aCAYFZEES AV„ S. At W. 5900 S. from 1 to 147 18 6100 to 6259 61 aiAYEABS AV., E. At W. 6000 N. from 1600 to 3959 13 4000 to 5957 7 aaUlYEABl) AV., s. At W. 6000 S. from 5100 to 6269 61 McCOOK AV. At W. 6026 Ni W. from 6920 to 5941 6 Page aCcCXEEEAE AV. At W. 5600 N. W. from 6100 to 6382 7 McDEBMOXX At W. 1600 S. E. from 2900 to 2938 26 McOEASHAE At W. 422 S. from 2200 to 2242 27 McKEEBY At W. 1300 N. from 1600 to 1669. 21 1600 to 1729 16 McEEAE AV. At N. 2046 W. from 1400 to 1647. . . . . .16 2400 to 3559... ...16 3600 to 4759. . . , . .14 McEEOD AV. At W. 6300 N. W. from 6000 to 6166 6 aXcBEYEOEDS At N. 1461 W. from 1600 to 1769 21 HcVZCEEB AV., E. At W. 6034 N. from 1600 to 2969 12 McVZCKEB AV., S. At W. 6035 S. from 5100 to 5459 60 aCEADE AV., E. At W. 6100 N. from 1600 to 3959 12 aiEAOE AV., S. At W. 6100 S. from 6100 to 6459 60 aSEAZ>OW EAEE At W. 1727 N. from 6720 to 6769 4 aCECHAlTZC At W. 426 S. from 1600 to 1845 27 aSESZEE AV. At N. 2331 W. from 3400 to 3580... . .16 4800 to 6159... IS 6800 to 7188. . . ..12 aiEllZEAK AV. At W. 6200 N. E. from 5800 to 5948. . ... 6 aSEEBOSE At N. 3238 W. from 400 to 769. . ...17 1200 to 2369. . . ..16 2700 to 3638. . . . .16 4100 to 4359. . . . .14 4800 to 5820. . . . .13 6000 to 6974. . . . .12 aOEEVZEEE PE. At N. 4236 W. from 1418 to 1481. . . . .10 aCEEVZEA AV., E. At W. 6200 N. from 1600 to 3859 12 5600 to 6346 6 aCBEVZEA AV., S. At W. 6200 S. from 6100 to 6430 60 aSEEABZl AV., E. At W. 6800 N. from 1 to 1159 18 1600 to 3969 13 4000 to 6761 7 aCEEABD AV., S. At W. 6800 S. from 1 to 144 18 6100 to 6469. . . . .61' aiEEZIAEE At W. 1500 N. W. from 1900 to 2066 16 aKEEOaCZEEE At N. 18001 w. from 160 to ^69; 17: KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 107 Page ME&CE& AT. At W. 6236 N. E. from 6335 to 6365 6 MEREDITH AT. At W. 6600 N. from 6200 to 6361 7 MEBIDIAH At N. 23 W. from 640 to 740. . . . .22 MERRIT.D AT. At E. 2126 S. from 6700 to 8659.. . . .40 8800 to 11069.. . . .46 11100 to 13469. . . . .63 13600 to 13758. . . . .67 MERRIMAC AT. , N. At W. 6234 N. from 1600 to 2959. . . . .12 6625 to 5769. . ... 6 MERRIMAC AT. ., S. At W. 6234 S. from 5100 to 6469. . . . .60 METROFODE At N. : 3034 W. from 4800 to 6369. . . . .13 6100 to 6959. . ...12 METROPODITAN PD. At N. 622 W. from 3934 to 3960. . . . .19 MEYER CT. At W. 612 N. from 1600 to 1659. . . . .17 MZAMZ AT. At W. 5835 N. E. from 6100 to 6169 7 MZCHAEE CT. At W. 2040 N. from 6800 to 6836 3 MZCHZOAH AT., H. At E. 100 N. from 1 to 360. . ...23 MICHIGAN AT. , s. At E. 100 s. from 1 to 1169. . . . .23 1200 to 3859. . ...28 3900 to 6262.. . . .33 6540 to 8669. . . . .39 9100 to 11069. . . . .45 11100 to 12631. . MIDAS AT. At W. 6900 N. E. from 6125 to 6299 7 MIDWAT PARK At N. 600 W. from 5700 to 6968 18 MIDWAT Plalsance At S. 5900 E. from 800 to 1569 34 MH.DRED AT. At W. 900 N. from 2600 to 2959 17 MIDDARD AT. At W. 3640 S. from Page MIDWATTREE AT. At W. 600 N. W. from 200 to 899 22 900 to 1699 21 1600 to 1951 16 1962 to 2999 16 3000 to 3999 14 4000 to 6764 7 5800 to 6369 6 6400 to 6540 2 MINERTA AT. At E. 1134 S. from 6400 to 6669 39 MOBIDE AT., K. At W. 6300 N. from 1600 to 3859 12 6700 to 6759 6 MOBIIiE AT., S. At W. 6300 S. from 5100 to 5559 60 moppat At N. 1834 W. from 2400 to 3136 15 6100 to 5174 13 MOHAWK At W. 536 N. from 1300 to 1569 22 1600 to 2069 17 MOHICAN AT. At W. 6000 N. E. from 6200 to 6299 7 MONROE, E. At S. 100 E. from 1 to 87. .23 ! At S. 100 w. from 1 to 1169. . . . .22 1200 to 2369. . . . .21 2400 to 3559. . . . .20 3800 to 4759. . . . .19 4800 to 6674. . . . .18 MONTANA ; At N. 2434 W. from I 900 to 1159. . . . .17 1 1200 to 2359. . . . .16 4400 to 4759. . 4800 to 6169. . 1200 to 2400 to 3600 to 4800 to 600 to 656. . . . .19 1200 to 3234. . . . .24 6100 to 6469. . . . .29 6600 to 6635. . . ..36 MIDDER At W. 1030 S. from 600 to 926. . . . .22 1200 to 1366. . . . .27 MIDTON AT. At W. 600 N. from 800 to 1174 22 MILTIMORE AT. At W. 6836 N. E. from 5600 to 6788 7 MOREDAND AT. At W. 6200 N. E. from 6346 to 6371 6 MOROAN, N. At W. 1000 N. from 1 to 761 22 MORGAN, S. At W. 1000 S. from MONT CDARE AT. At W. 7134 N. from 2500 to 2969 18 MONTEREY AT. At S. 11234 N. W. from 1600 to 1952 60 MONTGOMERY At W. 2700 S. E. from 4000 to 4174 30 MONTICEDDO AT. At W. 3634 N. from 400 to 1669 19 1600 to 3959 14 4000 to 5169 8 MONTROSE AT. At N. 4400 W. from 646 to 1159 11 2369 10 3559 9 4769 8 6969 7 , MONTVADE AT. At S. 11334 N. W. from 1638 to 1906 50 MOODY AT., N. At W. 6134 N. from 1600 to 2959 12 5600 to 5769 6 MOODY AT., S. At W. 6135 S. from 6100 to 6420 60 MOORE At W. 309 N. from 1128 to 1155 22 MORMAN At W. 1700 N. W. from 1300 to 1331 21 1 to 1169. ., .22 1200 to 3869. .. 4700 to 6259.., , ,32 6300 to 8659. . , ...38 8700 to 11059... 11100 to 12259. . . , . .61 MORSE AT. At N. 6944 W. from 1100 to 1969 4 2000 to 2759 3 MORTON At W. 2100 N. from 6800 to 7319 3 MOSPRATT At W. 1100 S. from 3100 to 3410 27 MOZART, N. At W. 2834 N. from 800 to 1159 20 1600 to 3959 16 4000 to 6740 9 6400 to 6759 3 MOZART, S. At W. 2834 S. from 300 to 1166... , .20 3600 to 3658. . . . ,25 4100 to 6259... 30 7100 to 8259. .. MUDDIGAN AT., N. At W. 6334 N. from 1800 to 2969 12 6600 to 6769 6 MUDDIGAN AT., S. At W. 6334 S. from 6100 to 6659 60 MVRPHY AT. At W. 1900 N. from 7324 to 7531 4 MUSBIEGON AT. At E. 2834 S. from 7726 to 8659 41 8700 to 10659 47 11200 to 12759 54 HYRICK At S. 7834 W. from 3600 to 3959 35 NAGDE AT., N. At W. 6434 N. from 1600 to 3669 12 5600 to 6338 6 NAGDE AT., S. At W. 6434 S. from 5100 to 5869 60 NAFEB AT. At W. 6600 N. E. from 5900 to 6250 6 NAFDES AT. At W. 6335 N. W. from 6000 to 6162 6 Narraganaett Av., N. At W. 6400 N. from 1600 to 3959 12 Narragaasett Av., 8. At W. 6400 S. from 6100 to 5859 60 NASHOTAH AV. At W. 6535 N. E. from 6900 to 6034 6 NASHTIXiDE AV., N. At W. 6600 N. from 1600 to 1959 12 6400 to 6550 2 NASHVIDDE AV., B. At W. 6600 S. from 5100 to 6859 60 108 KANDUL^S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE Page KASSAV AV. At W. 6400 N. from 6000 to 6198 6 BTATCHEZ AV., N. At W. 6600 N. from 1600 to 3959 12 NATCHEZ AV., S. At W. 6600 S. from 6100 to 6859 60 NATOUA AV., N. At W. 6634 N. from 1600 to 3559 12 6600 to 6359 6 6400 to 6559 2 NATOnCA AV., S. At W. 6634 S. from 6100 to 6869 60 NAVABBE AV. At W. 6426 N. W. from 5800 to 6241 6 NEBBASEA AV. At W. 3042 N. from 1800 to 2140 16 NEENAK AV., N. At W. 6634 S. from 2800 to 3969 12 6200 to 6250 6 NEENAH AV., S. At W. 6534 S. from 6100 to 6859 60 NEESON At N. 3026 W. from 1200 to 2359 16 4000 to 4176 14 NEOEA AV. At W. 6700 N. E. from 6000 to 6299 6 NETTEETON AV. At W. 6800 N. B. from 6026 to 6174 6 NEVA AV., N. At W. 7134 N. from 2000 to 3969 12 5600 to 6359 6 6400 to 6669 2 NEVA AV., S. At W. 7134 S. from 5200 to 6869 60 NEVADA At N. 2626 W, from 4400 to 4769 .14 4800 to 4959 13 NEWABH AV. At W. 6736 N. W. from 6700 to 6359 6 6400 to 6696 2 NEWBUBd AV. At W. 6400 N. W. from 6900 to 6168 6 NEWBEBBV AV. At W. 822 S. from 1000 to 1169 22 1200 to 1728 27 NEWCASTEE AV., N. At W. 6834 N. from 2200 to 3969 12 6600 to 6369 6 6400 to 6536 2 NEWCASTEE AV., S. At W. 6835 S. from 6100 to 6869 60 NEWEEE AV. At W. 7000 N. E. from 6136 to 6290..... 6 New England Av., N. At W. 6900 N. from 2400 to 3959 12 New England Ar., 8. At W. 6900 S. from 6100 to 6869 60 Page NEWGABD AV. At W. 1433 N. from 6400 to 6759 4 New HampaUre At. At W. 6916 N. from 6628 to 6744 6 NEWEAND AV., N. At W. 6834 N. from 2000 to 3969 12 NEWEAND AV., S. At W. 6836 S. from 6100 to 6869 60 NEWBOBT AV. At N. 3434 W. from 800 to 1169. . ...17 1200 to 1959. . 4000 to 4148. . 4800 to 5869. . ...13 6200 to 6360. . ...12 NEWTON At w. 1833 N. from 900 to 1169. . . . .21 NZEMAN AV. At N. 6400 W. from 6600 to 6834 6 NXA6ABA AV. At W. 6935 N. W. from 6000 to 6290 6 NICKEBSON AV. At W. 6900 N. W. from 6800 to 6160 6 NZCOEET AV. At W. 7000 N. from 5600 to 6862 6 NINA AV. At W. 7200 N. E. from 5740 to 6027 6 NZNNEWA AV. At W. 7100 N. W. from 6000 to 6146 6 NIXON AV. At W. 7124 N. from 6500 to 6548 2 NOBEE At W. 1400 N. from 400 to 1559 21 NOBA AV. At W. 7032 N. from 3600 to 3969 12 NOBDZCA AV., N. At W. 7100 N. from 2000 to 3962 12 5600 to 6359 6 6400 to 6540 2 NOBDZCA AV., S. At W. 7036 S. from 5136 to 5859 60 NOB21AE AV. At W. 600 s. from 2330 to 3859. . . . .27 3900 to 6259. . . . .32 6300 to 8143. . . . .38 8700 to 10369. . . . .44 11100 to 12469. . . . .51 NOBBZAE FABXWAV At S. 6730 W. from 234 to 469 38 NOBMANDY AV., N. At W. 6700 N. from 1600 to 3978 12 6200 to 6369 6 6400 to 6669 2 NOBNtANDY AV., S. At W. 6700 S. from 6100 to 6869 60 NOBTH AV., E. At N. 1600 E. from 1 to 61 23 Page NOBTH AV., W. At N. 1600 -W. from 1 to 1169..... 22 1200 to 2359 21 2400 to 3669 20 3600 to 4769.. ...19 4800 to 6969 .18 6000 to 7169 12 NOBTH BBANCH At W. 1000 N. W. from 1041 to 1388 22 NOBTH FABX AV. At W. 300 N. from 1336 to 1659 22 1600 to 2358 17 NOBTH SHOBE AV. At N. 6700 W. from 1029 to 1765..... 4 2400 to 3059 3 7200 to 7369 1 NOBTH WATEB At N. 318 E. from 1 to 658 23 NOBTON At W. 1149 S. from 612 to 924 22 NOBWOOD At N. 6034 W. from 1200 to 2110 10 6200 to 6269 6 NOBWOOD FX. AV. At W. 6200 N. W. from 4800 to 6459 7 6600 to 6399 6 6400 to 6665 1 NOTTINaHAM At., N. At W. 7100 N. from 3000 to 3969 12 NOTTZNOHAM At., S. At W. 7100 S. from 6200 to 5869 60 NUBSEBY At N. 1236 N. W. from 2000 to 2136 16 OAX, E. At N. 1000 E. from 1 to 134 23 OAX W, At’N. iooo W. from 1 to 646 22 OAX OBOVE AV. At N. 3644 W. from 1100 to 1142 17 OAXDAEE AV. At N. 2934 W. from 315 to 1169.. ...17 1200 to 2259.. ...16 3600 to 4165.. ...14 4800 to 6359.. ...13 OAXENWAED AV. At E. 1120 S. E. from 4000 to 4269 33 4300 to 4699 .34 OAXEAND Crescent At S. 4061 S. E. from No numbers 33 OAXEEY AV., N. At W. 2300 N, from 1600 to 3969 16 4000 to 6169 10 6400 to 6460 3 OAXEEY AV., 8. At W. 2300 S. from 1200 to 3629 26 4100 to 6269 31 6300 to 8169 37 9100 to 11040 43 11200 to 11869 60 OAXEEY BEVD., N. At W. 2300 N. from 1 to 1669 21 OAXEEY BEVD., S. At W. 2300 S. from 1 to 1169 21 KANDUL>S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 109 Page OAK FABK AT., XT. At W. 6800 N. from 1600 to 3963 12 6200 to 6359 6 6400 to 6559 2 OAK FABK AV., S. At W. 6800 S. from 5100 to 5859 60 OAKWOOD BIiVD. At S. 3940 E. from 400 to 924 33 O’BBZXSK At S. 1236 W. from 600 to 740 27 OCONTO AT. At W. 7224 N. from 5800 to 6068 5 6500 to 6769 1 OCTAVZA AT. At W. 7300 N. from 6600 to 6759 1 ODEBB AT. At W. 7300 N. from 6126 to 6352 5 6600 to 6769 1 OOABBAK AT. At W. 7435 N. E. from 6654 to 6678 6 OODEN AT. At N. 200 S. W. from 1421 to 2308. . . . .21 2309 to 2369. .. . .26 2400 to 3569... 3600 to 4562... . .24 OGDEN BBTD. Same as Ogden Av. numbers included fr. 1674 to 2764. . 21-22 OGBESBY AT. At E. 2337 S. from 6700 to 8577. . ...40 8900 to 11059. . ...46 11100 to 13459. . 13500 to 13769.. OHZO . E At N. 600 E. from 1 to 485. . . . .23 OHIO . "W At N. 600 W. from 1 to 1269.. . . .22 1200 to 2369. . ...21 2400 to 3659. . ...20 3600 to 4769. . ...19 4800 to 5969.. ...18 OKETO AT. At W. 7420 N. from 6300 to 6359. . ... 6 6510 to 6768. . ... 1 OBCOTT AT. At W. 7600 N. from 6800 to 7169 1 OBEANDEB FKWT. At W. 7538 N, from 6800 to 7159 1 OBZFHANT AT. At W. 7800 N. E. from 6425 to 6763 1 OBITE AT. At N. 6636 W. from 1400 to 1746 10 3200 to 3269 9 OBZTEB FB. At S. 1644 W. from 1314 to 1324 26 OBM8TED AT. At W. 7400 N. W. from 6521 to 6863 1 OBTKFZA AT. At W. 7700 N. E. from 6400 to 6774 1 ONABOA AT. At W. 7400 N. W. from 6400 to 6769 1 ' Page ONEIDA AT. At W. 7700 N. W. from 6414 to 6471 1 O’NEZB At S. 2269 W. from 800 to 864 27 ONTABZO, E. At N. 620 E. from 1 to 463 23 ONTABZO, W. At N. 620 W. from 1 to 466 22 OBCHABD At W. 705 N. from 1600 to 1559 22 1600 to 2683 17 OBEOON At S. 627 W. from 1200 to 1359 21 OBBEANS At W. 326 N. from 400 to 1569 22 OBXOBE AT. At W. 7600 N. from 6200 to 6359 5 6800 to 7159 1 OSBOBNE At W. 1716 N. from 600 to 644 21 OSCEOBA AT. At W. 7412 N. from 6800 to 7169 1 OSOOOD At W. 1032 N. from 1800 to 3874 17 OSKOSH AT. At W. 7800 N. E. from 6500 to 6763 1 OSWEGO At W. 1643 N. from 400 to 420 21 OTZS At W. 627 N. from 1200 to 1241 22 OTSEGO AT. At W. 7700 N. E. from 6566 to 6636 1 OTTOWA At W. 7800 N. E. from 6600 to 7164 1 OTTO At N. 3324 W. from 1212 to 1969 16 2800 to 2930 15 OTEBHZBB AT. At W. 7700 N. from 6800 to 7163 1 OWEN AT. At W. 7700 N. W. from 6900 to 6986 1 OZFOBD AT. At W. 7736 N. W. from 6400 to 6793 1 OZANAM AT. At W. 7800 N. from 6400 to 7069 1 OZABK AT. At W. 7736 N. from 6800 to 7061 1 FACKEBS AT. At W. 1300 S. from 3900 to 4669 31 FABATZNE AT. At N. 6300 W. from 6522 to 6834 6 7200 to 7659 6 FABMEB At N. 2200 W. from 2800 to 3659. . , , . .16 3600 to 4759. . , . . .14 4800 to 6724. .. , . .13 6100 to 7190... . . .12 Page FABMEB SQ. At N. 2200 W. from 3000 to 3169 16 FABK AT. At N. 127 W. from 1600 to 2359 .21 2400 to 3359 .20 3800 to 4759.. ....19 4800 to 6169 18 PABKEB AT. At N. 2726 W. from 3400 to 3459 16 4000 to 4769 14 4800 to 6659..... 13 FABKHDBST AT. At W. 1940 N. from 7300 to 7346 4 FABKBXDGE BBTD. At N. 7200 W. from 7400 to 7763 , 1 PABKSZDE AT.. N. At W. 6634 N. from 1 to 1469 18 1600 to 3159 ,13 4000 to 5724. . . , 7 PABKSZDE AT., S. At w. 6634 S. from 1 to , 746 ,18 5100 to 6259 .61 FABNEBB AT. At w. 526 S. from 2900 to 3859..... .27 4300 to 6031 ,32 6300 to 8669 ,38 8700 to 10259 ,44 11100 to 12459 ,61 FATTEBSON AT. At N. ; 3632 W. from 1832 to 1959 ,16 4000 to 4759...., .14 4800 to 6959 ,13 6200 to 6369 ,12 FATZAK PB. At s. 7607 E. from 1100 to 1141 .39 FADBINA, N. rAUA At sXM w. A, £*• 1700 N. from 1 to 1659... , ..21 1600 to 3959. . , 4000 to 6369... 6400 to 7757. . . . . . 4 FAUBZNA, S. At W. 1700 S. from 1 to 1169. . . . .21 1200 to 3859. . . . .26 4300 to 6259. . ...31 6300 to 8669, . . ...37 8700 to 9159. . . . .43 11634 to 11859. . . . .60 FAKTON AT. At E. 2200 S. from 6700 to 8659 40 8700 to 11069.. . . .46 11100 to 13469 54 13600 to 13669 68 FEABB CT. At W. 712 N. from 2100 to 2158 17 PEABSON, E. At N. 830 E. from 1 to 296 23 PEABSON, W. At N. 830 W. from 1 to 17 22 PECK CT. At N. 6900 N. W. from 7146 to 7176 6 PENN At W. 700 N. from 1200 to 1240 22 110 KANDUL»S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE Page PEKSACOKA AT. At N. 4333 W. from 1431 to 2142.. 2400 to 3359.. 4700 to 4769.. ... 8 4800 to 6769. . PEOBIA, At W. , H. 900 N. from 1 to 610.. PEOBZA, At W. , S. 900 S. from 1 to 1159.. 1200 to 2140.. . . .27 4934 to 6259.. ...32 6300 to 8659. . 8700 to 10659.. ...44 11600 to 12268.. ...61 PElUtY AT. At W. 124 S. from 6500 to 7659.. 9100 to 11059.. . . .44 11100 to 12369.. .. .51 PESHTZOO CT. At E. 460 N. from 600 to 620. . pstebsoh at. At N. 6000 W. from 1600 to 2369 10 2400 to 3659 9 3600 to 4056 8 5800 to 5969 7 6200 to 7169 6 7200 to 7269 6 PHXEAEEEPKZA PE. from 4600 to 4769 19 PHZEEXPS AT. 2424 S. from 7200 to 8659 41 8820 to 9369 47 PHOTO PE. ,At S. 13 W. from 1300 to 1359 21 PZEBCE AT. o^A^‘ ^^23 W. from 2000 to 2159 21 3200 to 3659 20 4100 to 4133 19 4800 to 4959 18 PZHE AT. At W. 6500 N. from 1 to 1369 18 PZHE At E. 137 N. from 416 to 660 23 PZHE OBOTE AT. ot^^A from 2700 to 3969 17 PZHOBEE At W. 2200 N. from 6800 to 7368 3 PZPPZH -At S. 7653 W. from 3700 to 3959 35 PITHET CT. AJv.5^- S. E. from 2900 to 3066 26 PEAZSAHCE CT. At S. 6024 E. from 1430 to 1444 34 PEEASAHT AT. At W. 2136 S. E. from 8800 to 9459 43 PEUXS ,At S. 622 W. from 1400 to 1458.. .21 PETMOUTH CT. At W. 32 S. from 300 to 1169 22 1200 to 1436 27 POE At W. 1024 N. W. from 1864 to 1890 17 Page POZHT At W. 2648 N. W. from 2000 to 2161 16 POEK At S. 800 W. from 1 to 1162 22 1200 to 2369 21 2400 to 3669 20 3600 to 4769 19 4800 to 6462 18 POPE CT. At W. 2542 S. from 1200 to 1293 25 POPEAB AT. At W. 1100 S. E. from 2700 to 3068 27 POBTEAHD AT. At W. 252 S. from 4500 to 4620 32 POTOBEAC AT. At N. 1300 w. from 1900 to 2359. . ...21 2400 to 3659.. 3600 to 4359. . ...19 4800 to 6959.. ...18 POTWYHE PE. At N. 4432 W. from 2120 to 2156 10 POWEEE AT. At W. 2448 N. from 2020 to 2348 15 PBAZBZE AT. At E . 300 s . from 1600 to 3869 . . . . .28 3900 to 6269 .. ...33 6300 to 8559.. ...39 8700 to 10869 .. 11300 to 13369 .. ...62 PBATT AT. At N. 6800 W. from 2000 to 3069 3 7200 to 7666 1 PBATT BETS. At N. 6800 W. from 1048 to 1958 4 PBESCOTT AT. At W. 6500 N. W. from 6147 to 6199 . 7 PBZHCETOH AT. At w. 300 S. from 2200 to 3859 .27 3900 to 6269 ,32 6900 to 8162 .38 8730 to 11069 .44 11100 to 12269 .51 PBZHDZTZEEE At N. 2246 S. W. from 2700 to 2738 .15 PBOSPECT AT. At W. 2024 S. E. from 8700 to 11048 43 PBOSPECT SQ. At W. 1800 S. from 9100 to 9130 43 PBTOB AT. At S. 11200 N. W. from 1600 to 1766 50 1800 to 1933 43 PUBPEE At W. 266 S. from 1900 to 2124 27 PZTTHAM At W. 666 N. from 728 to 759 22 QUABBY At W. 1000 S. W. from 2600 to 2642 27 QZTZHCT At S. 230 W. from 1 to 1066 22 1300 to 1369 21 4800 to 6674 18 Page QITXHH At W. 1100 S. E. from 2700 to 3060.. BACE AT. At N. 634 W. from 4600 to 4769.. 4800 to 6968.. ...18 BACZHE AT.. H. At W. 1200 N. from 400 to 974. . 1943 to 3947. . 4400 to 4768.. ZLACZHE AT„ S. At W. 1200 S. from 1 to 1169.. ...22 1200 to 3819.. . . .27 4700 to 6269.. ...32 6300 to 8659.. 8700 to 11059.. .. .43 11100 to 12259.. BAEEZOK CT. At W. 2345 S. from 1300 to 1342 26 BAHDOEPK, E. At N. 150 E. from 1 to 110 23 ZUZHDOEPH, W. At N. 150 W, from 1 to 1169... . . . 22 1200 to 1421... 3100 to 3139... BAHSOaE At S. 1118 W. from 2200 to 2230 21 BASCHEB AT. At N. 6433 W. from 1400 to 1766 10, BATEH At N. 6200 W. from 6300 to 6836 6 XtATEHSWOOB AT. At W. 1800 N. from 3000 to 3969 16 4000 to 6369 10 6400 to 7767 4 BAWSOH At N. 1645 S. W. from 1300 to 1366 16 BAYUOHS At N. 1638 W. from 2000 to 2024 16 BEAD CT. At W. 2531 N. from 800 to 866 20 BEDPZEED At N. 1720 W. from 1400 to 1470 16 SEES At N. 1346 W. from 600 to 1068 22 BETA At W. 822 N. from 3600 to 3668 17 BKZHE At N. 2300 W. from 2200 to 2359 16 2400 to 2731 16 BHODES AT. At E. 600 s. from 3100 to 3869.. ...28 3966 to 6258. . ...33 6300 to 8659.. BICE At N. 826 W. from 1800 to 2359.. ...21 2400 to 3359.. 4400 to 4759.. ...19 4800 to 6968.. lUCKABD AT. At W. 1236 S. from 10600 to 10659 43 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 111 Page RXCHKOXrD, K. At W. 2936 N. from 812 to 1169 20 1600 to 3969 16 4000 to 6880 9 6400 to 6769 3 SXCHJKOKB, 8. At W. 2935 S. from 300 to 1169. . . . .20 3500 to 3559. . .. .25 4152 to 6259.. . . .30 6300 to 8259.. ...36 SXDGX: AT. At W. 1200 N. W. from 6600 to 6369 10 6400 to 6769 4 6800 to 7661 3 XXDOEtAirX) AY. At E. 1736 S. from 6700 to 8269 40 8900 to 9328 46 BXSOEWAY AY., H. At W. 3736 N. from 400 to 1659 19 1700 to 3959 14 4000 to 4959 8 XXDOXIWAY AY., 8. At W. 3735 S. from 1400 to 3459. . . . .24 4700 to 6459...:. 29 7600 to 7862 35 BXSGEWOOD CT. At E. 1354 S. from 5400 to 6496 34 BXTCXtXX: CT. At E. 62 N. from 1300 to 1326 23 bxyx:b At E. 51 N. E. from 300 to 378 23 BOBIIT8 TEBBACE At N. 4627 W. from 644 to 768 11 BOBEBT8 At W. 534 N. from 600 to 759 22 BOBBY, B. At W. 2000 N. from 1 to 1559 21 1600 to 3959 16 4000 to 6179 10 6400 to 7547 4 BOBBY, 8. At W. 2000 S. from 1 to 1169. . . . .21 1200 to 3869. . . . .26 4300 to 6259. . 6300 to 8659. . . . .37 9000 to 10059. . . . .43 BOBXRSOR AtW.1700 S.&S.E.from 2700 to 3169. . . . .26 BOCXWEEE, R. At W. 2600 N. from 400 to 1559. . . . .20 1600 to 3169. . . . .16 4000 to 6164. . ... 9 6400 to 7469. . ... 3 BOCXWEEE. S. At W. 2600 S. from 1 to 825. . . . .20 1232 to 3859. . . . .25 3900 to 6259. . . . .30 6300 to 7632. . .. .36 10900 to 11058. . . . .42 11100 to 11459. . . . .49 BOGEBS AY. At W. 5300 N..E. from 5200 to 5299. . . . . 7 5600 to 5999. . . . . 8 7200 to 7299. . . . . 3 7300 to 7699. . . . . 4 BOXEBY ■At W. 900 N. from 3600 to 3959. . . . .17 Page BOOXEBY CT. At W. 133 S. from Adams to Quincy.. 22 BOOT At S. 4149 W. from 1 to 759 32 B08COE At N. 3400 W. from 400 to 1169.. , , . .17 1200 to 2369. . . , . .16 2700 to 3538. . . ...16 3600 to 4759. . . . . .14 4800 to 5859... , , ,13 6000 to 6945. . , . . .12 B08E At W. 1430 N. from 800 to 856 21 B08EOAXiE AY. At N. 5900 W. from 1200 to 1369 10 BOSEEAKD AY. At E. 116 S. from 9900 to 9959 16 3OSEM0BT AY. At N. 6300 W. from 942 to 1159 11 1200 to 1559 10 B08EYB PE. At N. 2500 W. from 400 to 462 17 BOS8 AY. At W. 218 S. W. from 6510 to 6570 38 BTTBEE At W. 652 S. from 1600 to 2050 27 BUNDEE PE. At S. 12 W. from 1000 to 1168 22 SUSS At E. 100 N. from 400 to 1139 23 BtTTHEBFOBD A7.,K. At W. 6736 N. from 2400 to 3659 12 BETBXBFOBD At.,S. At W. 6735 S. from 5100 to 5869 60 SACBAMEBTO Av.,B. At W. 3000 N. from 2200 to 3969 15 4000 to 6222 9 6400 to 7359 3 SACBAMERTO Av., 8. At W. 3000 S. from 2200 to 3869 25 3900 to 6259 30 6300 to 8259 36 SACBAMERTO Bd.,R. At W. 3D00 N. from 1 to 1169 20 SACBAMERTO Bd., 8. At W. 3000 S. from 1 to 1159 20 SACBAMERTO 8Q. At N. 440 W. from 3000 to 3033 20 SAOXRAW AY. At E. 2636 S. from 7500 to 8669 41 8700 to 9369 47 11200 to 12759 64 ST. ARTSORY’S CT. At W. 2135 N. from 4800 to 4959 10 6400 to 6460 3 ST. CEAXB At E. 164 N. from 430 to 735 23 ST. OEOBOE’8 CT. At N. 2260 S. W. from 2700 to 2738 15 Page ST. HEEER’S CT. At N. 2114 S. W. from 2700 to 2718 15 ST. JAMES PE. At N. 2500 W. from 400 to 470 17 ST. JOHRS CT. At W. 1532 N. from 200 to 356 21 ST. EAWBERCE AY. At E. 600 S. from 4100 to 6259. . . . .33 6300 to 8659. . .. .39 8700 to 9469. . . . .45 13000 to 13359. . . . .62 ST. EOUXS AY„ R. At W. 3500 N. from 200 to 1559.. ...20 3100 to 3959.. . . .16 4000 to 5769.. 9 ST. EOT7XS AY„ 8 . At w. 3500 S. from 1 to 1159.. ... 20 1200 to 3869.. . . .26 4400 to 6259.. . . .30 6300 to 8459. . . . .36 ST. MABY’S At N. 2170 S. W. from 2748 to 2764 16 ST. MXCHAEE’S CT. At W. 448 N. from 1600 to 1759 17 ST. PAYE AY. At N. 1735 W. from 2000 to 2359 16 4800 to 6174 13 SARGAMOR, R. At W. 931 N. from 1 to 931 22 SARGAMOR, S. At W. 931 S. from 1 to 1169.. , . . .22 1200 to 2142. . . , . .27 6200 to 6259. . . , . .32 6300 to 8659... 8700 to 10669. . , , . .44 11600 to 12259. . . , . .61 SAR JOSE AY. At N. 6100 W. from 2200 to 2259 10 SABAK AY. At W. 1800 N. from 2929 to 3169 16 SAWYEB AY., R. At W. 3224 N. from 400 to 942 20 1600 to 3969 16 4000 to 6669 9 SAWYEB AY., 8. At W. 3224 S. from 1200 to 2859 26 4400 to 6059 30 SAYBE AY., R. At W. 7000 N. from 2000 to 3962 12 6300 to 6359 6 6400 to 6549. . . . 5 SAYBE AY., 8. At W. 7000 S. from 5100 to 6859 60 8CHXCK PE. At N. 600 N. E. from 1260 to 1270 ,.22 8CHXEEEB, E. At N. 1400 E. from 1 to 72 23 8CHXEEEB, W. At N. 1400 W. from 1 to 344 23 8CHEXTE AY. At E. 436 S. from 11300 to 11460 62 112 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE Page scKaoK. At^N. 3300 W. from 900 to 1169.. ...17 1200 to 2369.. 2935 to 3538.. ...16 3600 to 4769.. 4800 to 6820. . 6000 to 6975.. . . .12 SCRBEIBBB AT. At N: 6440 W. from 1600 to 1766.;. . . . 4 7100 to 7144.. . . . 2 scbebebt at. At N. ; 2700 W. from 2300 to 2369.. . . .16 2400 to 3569. . . . .15 3600 to 4759.. . . .14 .4800 to 5959.. . . .13 6000 to 7190 . . . . .12 SCOTT At.N. 1234 B. from 1 to 88 23 SEBOB At S. 622 W. from 540 to 782 22 SEDOEWICX At W. 400 N. from 658 to 1559.... .22 ■1600 to 2259..... 17 SEEIiEY AT., E. • At W. 2034 N. from 400 to 420 21 2200 to ,3959 16 4400 to 4959 10 6400 to 7569 3 SEEXiET AT., S. At W. 2034 S. from 1 to 1034..... 21 3200 to 3659 26 4700 to 6269 31 6300 to 7869 37 9500 to 10765 43 SEEDOE At B. 1020 W. from 1800 to 1854 21 SEUXEABT AT. At W. 1100 N. from 1914 to 3959 17 4000 to 4367.;... 11 SESnEOEE AT. At N. 6700 W. from' 5600 to 5959. . ... 7 6126 to 6259. 6 SEEECA At E. 235 N. from 500 to 920 23 SEEESHAEE At W. 348 S. from 4054 to 4124 32 SfiWABD At W. 528 S. from 1600 to 1882 27 BRASES FE. At N.' 1614 W. from 624 to 769 17 SRAKESFEABE AT. At N. 2138 W. from 2500 to 2934 16 shAucheesst At W. 336 N. from 1300 to 1332.... .22 sreffxeEs at. At W. 1000. N. from .1649 to 1569... -..22 1600 to. 3849, . . . ;17 SHEEBYCT. At W. 966 S.. from 1900 to 1942.;.. .27 SHEESOE SHEEIDAE BOAD ^ At E. 400 N. from 2800 to . 3818 and fr. 621 to 969 and fr. 3900 to 3969 17 4000 to 6369 and fr. 1000 to 1147 11 6400 to 7799..... 4 SHEB3SAE At W, 167 S. from 300 to 969. ....22 SHEBWIE AT. At N. 7339 W. from 1200 to 1650 4 2800 to 2959 3 srieeds at. At W. 334 S; from 2600 to 3759 27 4200 to 6859 32 SROETO At W. 1100 S. from 600 to 1039 22 SROBT At W. 1430 S. E. from 2700 to 2832 26 S3C3EET At W. 1325 S. from 600 to 926 21 SZDEET AT. At E. 1128 S. from 4416 to 4459 33 SIEBEES FE. At N. 1431 W. from 600 to 663 22 SZEQEE At N. 1336 W. from 200 to 459 22 SIEEOTT FE. At N. 618 W. from 1200 to 1248 21 SEADE At W. 1742 S. E. from 3052 to 2061 26 SEOAE At N. 1240 W. from 1300 to 1382 21 SEOCVM AT. At N. 4633 W. from 5600 to 6959 7 SMAEEET CT. At W. 3434 N. from 2040 to 2559 15 SMXTR AT. At W. 900 N. from 1500 to 1576 22 SEOW At W. 2200 N. E. from 2428 to 2498 16 SOEOE At W. 1100 S. from 1400 to 1459 27 SOBCEBSET AT. At N. 5700 W. from 6400 to 6466 7 SOTTTR BETB. At N. 347 W. from 6600 to 6969..;.. 18 SO. CRZCAOO AT. At E. 410 S. B. from 6700 to 7499 39 7500 to 8699 40 8700 to 9485 47 SOETR FABX AT. At E. 400 S. from 2200 to 3459 28 5100 to 6269 33 6300 to 8669 39 8700 to 11069 46 11100 to 11469 62 SOUTR SROBE BB. At E. 2400: S. from 6700 to 7069. . . . .;40 and B. from • 2400 to 2665 41 and S. E. & S. from 7100 to 8325 41 SOETR WATEB, E. At N. 300 E. ’from 1 to 117.. ...23 SOETR WATEB , W. At N. 300 W. from 1 to 352.. ...22 soetEfobt at. At W. 1400 N. from 1953 to 3969.. . . .16 4000 to 4152.. ...10 SFAEIiOXEG' AT.. E. At W. 3300 N. from 400 to 1559.. ...20 1600 to 3959.. . . .16 4000 to 5969.. ... 9 SFAEBBIEO AT., S. At W. 3300 S. frOm 1 to 1169. . ...20 1200 to 3869.. ,,.26 4610 to 6259.. . . .30 6300 to 8469.. .. .36 SFBZEOFXEBB AV..E. At W. 3900 N. from 400 to 1659.. . . .19 1600 to 3959.. ...14 4000 to 6040.. ... 8 SFBXEEFXEBn AV..S. At W. 3900 S. from 1 to 1159.. . . .19 1200 to 3259.. ...24 4300 to 6259.. . . .29 6300 to 8459. . . . .35 SFBECE At S. 700 W. from 1400 to 1458 21 STAEEEY TEBBACE At W. 2442 S. from 300 to 344 20 At W. 1132 S. B. from 2600 to 2636 27 STABB At N. 1636 W. from 300 to 342 17 STATE, E. Dividing line for all East and West Sts. 1 to 1469 23 STATE, S. Dividing line for all East and West Sts. 1 to 1159.. . , .23 1200 to 3859.. . . .28 3900 to 6259... . , 33 6300 to 8669... . .39 8700 to 11059,. . . .46 11100 to 12659. . . . .52 STATE FRY., E. Same as N. State from 1500 to 1669. . . . .23 STATZOE At W. 2200 N. W. from 2400 to 2681.. ..-.16 STATE At W. 2628 N. W. from 2000 to 2192 .16 STEFREES At E. 3000 S. from 10900 to 11059, 47 11100 to 11259.;..; 64 STEFREESOE AT. At E. 631 S. from 10436 to 10769 .46 11100 to 11469...... 62 STEEBEE At S. 11400 W. from .1700 to .1771 .60 At W,' 1408 N. -from 1 to ' 354;...; 21 SOETR SROBE -AT. At B. 2400 S. B. tron: . .7100 to. 7883.. .;. 4 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 118 Page STEWABT AV. At W. 400 S. from 1200 to 3259 27 3900 to 6269 32 6300 to 8459 38 8700 to 11069 44 11100 to 12658 61 STOHE At E. 70 N. from 1200 to 1326 23 8TON7 XSEAE'D AV. At E. 1600 S. from 6600 to 6269 34 6300 to 8669 40 8700 to 10269 46 STBATFOBS FE. At N. 3460 W. from 600 to 632 17 ST&XXTO At W. 628 S. from 1600 to 2034 27 BTBOirO At N. 4931 W. from 4800 to 6259 7 STUDIO FD. At S. 328 W. from 1300 to 1359 21 SUUXVAV At N. 1300 W. from 400 to 469 22 SOICUEBDADE AV. At N. 6334 W. from 1400 to 2159 10 suansxT av. At W. 800 S. from 8600 to 8626 38 SUENVSXDE AV. At N. 4600 W. from 800 to 1169 11 1200 to 2359 10 2400 to 3659 9 3600 to 4759 8 4800 to 6659 7 SUFEBZOB, B. At N. 731 E. from 1 to 433 23 SUFEBXOB, W. At N. 732 W. from 1 to 1126... . . .22 1400 to 2369.. . , . .21 2400 to 2759.. . . . .20 4600 to 4759.. , ...19 4800 to 5969... ...18 SUBF At N. 2862 W. from 300 to 668 17 SUBBEV CT. At W. 1300 N. from 2400 to 2620 16 SWAEE At S. 4642 W. from 122 to 359 82 TAECOTT AV. At W. 6935 N. W. from 6600 to 6899 6 TAEEMAK AV., E. At W. 2631 N. from 1 to 1669 20 1600 to 2969. 16 6400 to 6559 3 TAEEMAN AV., B. At W. 231 S. from 400 to 632.. ...20 1200 to 1466.. . . .26 3942 to 5869.. ...30 6300 to 8259.. . . .36 10700 to 11059.. 11100 to 11459. . . .49 TAVEOB At S. 1000 W. from 1 to 1169.. ,..28 1200 to 2359. ...31 3400 to 3169. ...80 3600 to 4459. ...19 Page TEED FE. At N. 1100 W. from 1429 to 1569 21 TEUFEE At W. 1329 N. from 700 to 766 21 TEBBA COTTA FE. At N. 2500 S. W. from 1700 to 1726 16 THE STBAHD At E. 3428 S. from 8900 to 9060 47 THOMAS At N. 1100 W. from 1800 to 2359.. . . .21 2400 to 3559.. .. .20 3600 to 4769.. . . .19 4800 to 5959.. . . .18 THOME AV. At V. >300 W. from 1400 to 1959.. .. .10 3000 to 3169.. ... 9 THOBNDAEE AV. At N. 5900 W. from 934 to 1169.. .. .11 1200 to 1714.. .. .10 2400 to 3110. . ... 9 THBOOF At w. 1300 S. from 1 to 1169.. ...21 1200 to 2540.. . . .26 2600 to 3070.. ...27 4700 to 6259.. .. .31 6300 to 8659.. ...37 8700 to 11069.. . . .43 11100 to 11459. . . . .60 TIEDEN At s. 416 W. from 700 to 1160.. . . .22 2000 to 2147. . . . .21 TODD At S. 2100 W. from Grove to the river. .27 TOOXEB FE. At N. 868 W. from 1 to 36 22 TOBBEHCE AV. At E. 2628 S. from 9500 to 11069. . . . .47 11100 to 13459. . . . .54 13500 to 13769. . . . .68 TOWEB CT. At E. 123 N. from 800 to 820.. ... 23 TOWNES CT. At W. 721 N. from 1630 to 1654 22 TOWNSEND At W. 460 N. from 668 to 1174 22 TBANSZT AV. At S. 3925 private St. in Stock Yards. .32 TBANSZT AV. At E. 1720 S. W. from 8125 to 8158 40 TBEMONT At S. 5628 W. from 400 to 668 32 TBZFF AV., N. At W. 4234 N. from 800 to 1669.. ...19 1600 to 3959.. ...14 4000 to 6159.. ... 8 TBZFF AV.. S. At w. 4234 S. from 600 to 823.. .. .19 1200 to 3269.. ...24 4700 to 6269.. ...29 6300 to 6459.. ...35 TBOWBBZDOE FE. At S. 6188 W. from 3600 to 8624:;..;. 29 Page TBOY, N. At W. 3131 N. from 400 to 874 20 1600 to 3959 16 4000 to 6069 9 TBOV, S. At W. 3131 S. from 136 to 1169 20 1200 to 3069 25 4336 to 6269 30 6300 to 8659 36 TBUMBUEE AV., N. At W. 3434 N. from 400 to 1060.. ...20 5200 to 6769. . ... 9 TBUMBUEE AV. ., S. At w. 3433 S. from 318 to 534. . ...20 1400 to 3059. . .. .25 6100 to 5859.. ...30 7818 to 7859.. ...36 TUBNEB AV. At W. 3335 S. from 300 to 368 20 1200 to 3059 25 6000 to 6869...,. 30 UHEAND At N. 1437 W. from 700 to 776 22 UNION AV., N. At W. 700 N. from 1 to 768 22 UNION AV., S. At W. 700 S. from 1200 to 3859.. . . .27 3900 to 6069.. . 6300 to 8669.. . 8700 to 10369... . .44 11600 to 12669... . .61 UNION FX. CT. At W. 1500 N. from 200 to 364 21 UNZVEBSZTV AV. At E. 1116 S. from 6100 to 6259... ...33 6300 to 8069. . . ...39 8900 to 9369. . . ...46 UFTON At N. 1829 W. from 2300 to 2360 .16 VAN BUBEN, E. At S. 400 E. from 1 to 87 .. ...23 VAN BUBEN. W. At s . 400 W . from 1 to 1169 .. 1200 to 2359 .. ...21 2400 to 3568 .. . . .20 3800 to 4759 .. . . .19 4800 to 6674 .. . ..18 VANDEBFOEE AV. At W. 1816 S. from 9300 to 9869 43 VAUGHAN AV. At E. 1310 S. from 9300 to 9364 46 VEDDEB At N. 1200 N. W. from 600 to 740 22 VEBNON AV. At B. 420 S. from 2818 to 3860 28 3966 to 6269 33 6300 to 8659 39 10900 to 11069 46 11100 to 11259 52 13400 to 13459 56 VEBNON FX. FE. At S. 641 W. from 832 to 1162 22 VZCTOB AV. At W. 1200 N. W. from ,6800 to 6893 10 114 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE Page VICTOBZA At N. 6800 W. from 1430 to 1560.. ...10 3200 to 3259.. ... 9 VZEAS PE. At N. 4634 W. from 2144 to 2148.. VZHCEHHES AV. At E. 700 S. W. from 3600 to 3869.. .. .28 3900 to 5058.. . . .33 6800 to 8659.. . . .38 8700 to 9869.. . . .44 9900 to 11069.. . . .43 11100 to 11875.. . . .60 VZHE At W. 616 N. from 1200 to 1342.. 1600 to 1732.. VZBaZHZA AV. At W. 2634 N. W. from 4500 to 5964.. ... 9 VZSTA TEBBACE At W. 836 N. from 4312 to 4346.. ...11 WABAHSZA AV. At N. 1700 W. from 1330 to 2359.. ...16 2400 to 3559.. . . .16 3600 to 4769.. . . .14 4800 to 6834.. ...13 6000 to 6734.. ...12 WABASH AV., H. At E. 60 N. from 1 to 233 23 WABASH AV., S. At E. 60 S. from 1 to 1159.. . .23 1200 to 3859.. . .28 3900 to 6262. . . .33 6560 to 8659.. 9100 to 11059.. ...45 11631 to 11692.. .. .62 WADE At N. 1030 W. from 1200 to 1236.. . .22 1236 to 1342.. ..21 WAXiDEH PABKWAV At W. 1811 S. from 9736 to 10669.. . .43 WAEDO PE. At N. 120 W. from 640 to 740. . ..22 WAEKEB CT. At W. 1314 S. from 1624 to 1659. . ..26 WAEE At W. 1134 S. from 3100 to 3769.. WADEACE At W. 600 S. from 2310 to 3859.. . .27 3900 to 6469.. . . .32 7600 to 8669. . . .38 8700 to 11069.. . .44 11100 to 12659. . . .61 WAEEECK CT. At W. 2134 S. from 1700 to 1744. . ..26 WABZiEH AV. At N. 6624 W. from 1600 to 1765 4 WAXiBBB AV., H. At W. 6700 N. from 1 to 1469 18 WAEBBBAV., S. At W. 6700 S. from 1 to 144 18 WABHITT At N. 231 W. from 1600 to 2362 21 2860 to 3660..,,. 20 4600 to 4769.... .19 Page WAXiTOH, B. At N. 931 E. from 1 to 267 23 WAXTOH, W. At N. 932 W. from 1 to 74 22 1300 to 2369 21 2400 to 3362 20 4200 to 4769 19 4800 to 5959 18 WABD At W. 1336 N. from 2100 to 3959 16 WAHHEB AV. At N. 4133 W. from 1400 to 2172 10 2400 to 3359 9 4800 to 6369 7 WAHBEir AV. At N. 36 W. from 1600 to 2359 21 2400 to 3369 20 WABSAW AV. At N. 3041 W. from 2600 to 2970 16 WABWICK AV. At N. 3733 W. from 4000 to 4759 14 4800 to 6959 13 6200 to 6359 12 WASECA PXb At S. 11200 W. from 1630 to 1723 50 WASHBTTBHE AV. At S. 1224 W. from 1024 to 1169 27 1200 to 2259 26 2400 to 2469 25 WASHIHOTOH, E. At N. 100 E. from 1 to 87 23 WASHZHaTOH, W. At N. 100 W. w • from 1 to 1169. , 22 1200 to 2369.. 21 2400 to 3359. . 20 3800 to 4769. , 19 4800 to 6969. . , . . .18 WASHZHOTON Blvd. At N. 100 W. from Canal to Austin Av. Numbers as Washing- ton street. WaahUiglon Pk. Ct. At E. 425 S. from 4900 to 5069 33 WASHTEHAW At.,H. At W. 2700 N. from 1 to 1659 .20 1600 to 3259 .16 4700 to 5969 . 9 6400 to 6969 . 3 WASKTEHAW Av. .S. At W. 2700 S. from 1 to 1169 .20 1200 to 3869 .25 4200 to 6269 .30 6300 to 8259 .36 10700 to 11069 .42 11100 to 11469 .49 WATEBXOO CT. At W. 646 N. from 3000 to 3024 17 WATEBSTDE AV. At E. 3800 S. E. from 13151 to 13379 65 WATT AV. At E. 600 S. from 11100 to 11468. 62 Page WAVEXiAlrS AV. At N. 3700 W. from 1159. 2369. 3559. 4769. 6959. 7170. .17 .16 .16 .14 .13 .12 600 to 1200 to 2400 to 3600 to 4800 to 6200 to WAVEBXY CT. At W. 1300 N. from 1 to 42 21 WAVDSAH At N. 322 W. from 600 to 922 22 4600 to 4769 19 WAYHE AV. At W. 1334 N. from 5200 to 6359 10 6400 to 6869 4 WEBSTEB AV. At N. 2200 W. from 300 to 1169 17 1200 to 2169 16 WEED At N. 1354 W. from 732 to 1079 22 WEXXZHOTOH AV. At N. 3000 W. from 350 to 1200 to 2500 to 3800 to 4800 to 6000 to 1169. 2259. 3359. 4769. 6969. 7166. .17 .16 .16 .14 .13 .12 WEEDS At W, 200 N. from 300 to 1669 22 1600 to 1862 17 WEZrDEX At N. 1031 W. from 162 to 372 22 WEHTWOBTK AV. •• W. 200 S. from 1600 to 3859 27 3900 to 6259 32 6300 to 8446 38 9300 to 11069 44 11100 to 12659 61 WESXEV At S. 11434 1665 to 2023 60 WEST EHO AV. At N. 200 W. from 3800 to 4769 19 4800 to 6969 18 WESTEBH AV~ ET. At W. 2400 N. from 1 to 1659 21 1600 to 3969 16 4000 to 6369 10 6400 to 7669 3 WESTEBH AV., 8. At W. 2400 S. from 1 to 1169 21 1200 to 3859 26 3900 to 6269 31 6300 to 8669 ,87 8700 to 11069 43 11100 to 11869 60 WESTEBH Av. Bd., 8. At W. 2400 S. from 3100 to 6469.. 26-31 WESTOH PE. At S. 8800 W. from 2000 to 2171 48 WEST WATEB At W. 426 N. from 1 to 441 22 At W. 420 S. B. from 2000 to 2024..... 27 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE 115 WXOPPBE, K. Page At W. 3032 N. from 300 to 446. . .. .20 1600 to 3959.. ...16 4000 to 6920.. 6400 to 6769. . ... 3 WHZPPBE, S. At W. 3031 S. from 1 to 1159. . . . .20 2200 to 2769.. . . .25 4300 to 6269.. . . .30 6300 to 7784. . . . .36 W HI T IH O At N. 922 W. from 154 to 360 22 WHZTKXTT AV. At E. 726 S. from 10600 to 10618 46 WICKEB FJC. AT. At W. 1800 N. W. from 1300 to 1639 21 WXE&Ain> At W. 218 N. from 1400 to 1669 22 WIXCOZ At 8. 118 W. from 2300 to 2359 21 2400 to 2959 20 3800 to 4659 19 WJX.Z, At W. 1240 N. from 900 to 951 21 WZZZkABB CT. At W. 1220 N. from 100 to 137 21 WlZiXiETS CT. At W. 3000 N. W. from 2500 to 2636 16 wntitow At N. 1800 W. from 200 to 1062 17 2000 to 2059 16 WZEVOT AT. At W. 2100 N.W. from 1724 to 1978 16 WXX80IT AT. At N. 4600 W. from 748 to 1169 11 1200 to 2359 10 2400 to 3659 9 3600 to 4759 8 4800 to 6959 7 WELTOH AT. At W. 934 N. from 3000 to 3869 17 WXirCHESTEB Av. IT. At W. 1934 N. from 400 to 1159. . , ...21 1600 to 2169... , . .16 4200 to 6236. . . . . .10 WXBCRXSTSlt At., 8. At W. 1930 S. from 1 to 1130. . , ...21 2300 to 3869. . . , . .26 4600 to 6269. . . , . .31 6300 to 8659... ..37 8700 to 10059. . . ...43 wnrssoB at. At N. 4630 W. from 800 to 961 11 2600 to 2766 9 3722 to 3756 8 6000 to 6769..,. . 7 WZSNEBAGO AT. At W. 2162 N. W. from 1700 to 1893 16 wzmrEooirKA at. At W. 409 S. W. from 7801 to 7899 38 Page WZHHEBCAC AT. At N. 6035 W. from 1200 to 2369 10 2400 to 2769 9 4800 to 6369 7 WntOXTA At N. 6134 W. from 848 to 1169 11 1200 to 2359 10 2400 to 2869 9 4834 to 6359 7 WZHSTOV AT. At W. 1600 S. E. from 9600 to 10198 43 WXBTTHBOP AT. At W. 1100 N. from 4600 to 6369 11 6532 to 6678 4 WZSCOIT8XXr At N. 1900 W. from 200 to 656 17 WISNEB AT. At W. 3500 N. E. from 2900 to 2999 16 WOEFBAK At N. 2834 W. from 800 to 1159.. ...17 1300 to 2359.. 3500 to 3569.. ...16 3600 to 3659. . . . .14 4800 to 6159. . . . .13 6934 to 7066.. . . .12 WOOB, ] gr. At W, 1800 N. from 1 to 1559.. ...21 1600 to 2169. . . . .16 WOOD. 1 1. At W. 1800 S. from 1 to 1169,. ...21 1200 to 3859.. . . .26 4300 to 6259.. . . .31 6300 to 8669.. . . .37 8700 to 10968.. . . .43 11600 to 11859. . WOODABS AT. At W. 3400 N. E. from 2800 to 2842 15 WOOSBAHD AT. At W. 1746 S. W. from 11400 to 11880 60 WOOS2VAK1I PABX At S. 3437 E. from 600 to 666 28 WOODZiAWB AT. At E. 1200 S. from 4436 to 6269 34 6300 to 8269 40 8900 to 9359 46 WBZOKT At W. 1320 N. from 1600 to 1698 16 WBXGHTWOOD AT. At N. 2600 W. from 400 to 1159 17 1200 to 1770 16 3218 to 3659 16 3600 to 4769. 14 4800 to 6969. . . . . 13 6000 to 7190. 12 YAEB AT. At W. 240 S. from 6300 to 8159 38 8800 to 10269 44 11300 to 12329 61 TATES AT. At E. 2400 S. from 7100 to 8669. . . . .41 8700 to 11069. . ...47 11100 to 13469. . 13500 to 13769. . . . .58 TEATOW . At S. 1119 w. from 1800 to 1864'. . . . .21 jrxa. At N. 2900 W. from 600 to 656 17 5TK AT., H. At W. 200 N. from 1 to 307 22 STK AT., 8. At W. 200 S. from 1 to 1143 22 2600 to 3729 27 3900 to 5869 32 7TS £• At S. 700 E. from 1 to 82 23 8TS ZS At S. 800 E. from 1 to 84 23 9TB S At S. 900 E. from 1 to 86 23 IITK, E. At S. 1100 E. from 1 to 86 23 IITS, W. At S. 1100 W. from 1000 to 1121 22 IITH PXb, E. At S. 1136 E. from 100 to 133 28 12TR, E. At S. 1200 E. from 1 to 127., ... 23 13th, W. At S. 1200 W. from 1 to 1169.. ...22 1200 to 2359. . 2400 to 3659.. 3600 to 4769.. ...19 4800 to 6959.. laTH BD., W. At S. 1200 W. from 1600 to 2269 21 13TK PB., W. At S. 1222 W. from 640 to 742 27 2600 to 3669 26 13th, E. At S. 1300 E. from 1 to 126.. ...28 13TH, , w. At S. 1300 W. from 400 to 1169., ...27 1200 to 2363.. 2600 to 3359.. 3600 to 4359. . . . ,24 13TK PB. . W. At S. 1314 W. from 640 to 348.. . . .27 2630 to 3659. . 14TK, , E. At S. 1400 B. from 1 to 132. . 14TK, , w. At S. 1400 W. from 1 to 1169.. ...27 1200 to 2159.. ...26 2400 to 2760,. ...26 3800 to 4469i. ...24 14TH PB., W. At S. 1446 W. from 600 to 1169 27 1200 to 1950 26 2600 to 2626 26 1 (OFIT IMF At 'S. 1600 W. from 1 to 1169 27 1200 to- 1928 .26 2400 to. 3669... 1.25 3600 to 4659 24 116 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE Page 15TH Pt., W. At S. 1527 W. from 600 to 1169 27 1200 to 1769 26 2400 to 2769 25 4534 to 4566 24 16TB, E. At S. 1600 E. from 1 to. 248 28 16TK, W. At S. 1600 W. from 1 to 1169 27 1200 to 2359 26 2400 to 3559 25 3600 to 4569 24 17TH, W. At S> 1700 W. from 1 to 1176 27 1400 to 2059 26 2400 to 2659 25 17TB FE., W. At S. 1729 W. 700 to ,744.. from ...27 At S. 1800 B. from 1 to 325 28 iS^B, w. -At S. 1800 W. from 1 to 1159 27 ,1200 to 2369 .26 2400 to 3536. ....25 3600 to 4359 24 18TB FE.. W. At S. 1829 W. from 900 to 1136 27 1300 to 2359 26 2600 to 2659 25 4324 to 4359 24 19TB At ’s. 1900 W. from 1 to 1169. 1200 to 2369. 26 2400 to 3359. 3651 to 4359. 24 19TB FE., W. At S. 1929 W. from 700 to 1178 27 aOTB, E. _ ' At S. 2000 E. from 1 to 366 28 -At ’s. 2000 W. from 1 to 1159 27 1300 to 2359 .26 2400 to 3062 :26 .4000 to 4369. 24 20TB FE., W. At S. 2029 W. from 200 to 1159 27 aiST, E. At S. 2100 E. from 1 to 368. ... =28 At’s. 2100 W. from 1 to 1180 27 1200 to 2369 26 2400 to 3469.... i26 3934 to 4350 ,.24 aiST FE,, W. ' At S. 2128 W. from ,300 to ■740.. ...27 ■ 1300 to 2369. . ...26 2400 to 3059., . . .25 4000 to 4359.. . . .24 aaBD, At s. 2200 E. from 1 to ; 381.. ...28 aaNS, w. At S. 2200 W. from ■ 1 to 1180,.,-. ..27 1200 to' 2359... .,,26 . 2400 to -3669. 26 3600 to 4656., . . .‘v24 Page 22BS FE., W. At S. 2229 W. from 200 to 337... 1800 to 2359... . .26 2600 to 2878. . ..25 23BS, E. At S. 2300 E. from 1 to 412... ..28 a3BD, W. At S. 2300 W. Crom 1 to 437.. . .27 1800 to 2359.. . .26 2400 to 3659.. . .25 3600 to 3769.. ..24 23BD FE. W. At S. 2328 W. from 200 to 478 . . . . 27 .2100 to 2359.. . .26 2600 to 2878. . . .25 24TB, E. At S. 2400 E. from 1 to 435.. ..28 24TB, W. At S. 2400 W. from 1 to 640.. 2100 to 2359.. . .26 2400 to 3559.. . .25 3600 to 4178.. . .24 24TB BE. . W. At S. 2400 W. from 2800 to 2934. . . .25 24TB FE., W. At S. 2428 W. from 200 to 667.. . .27 2300 to 2359.. . .26 2400 to 2734.. . .25 4000 to 4378. . . .24 25TB, E. At S. 2600 E. from 1 to 442.. . .28 25TB, W. At S. 2500 W. from 1 to 1172.. . .27 2300 to 2359. . . .26 2400 to 3559.. . .25 3600 to 4378.. . . .24 25TB FE. . W. At S. 2629 W. from 200 to 768.. . .27 2600 to 2969.. . .-25 4000 to 4369. . . .24 26TB. E. At S. 2600 E. from 1 to 359. . . .28 26TB, W. At S.: 2600 W. from 1 to 778.. . . .27 2400 to 3559 ; . . . 25 3600 to 4559. . . . .24 26TB FE . W. At S. 2630 W. from 1 to 164;. . .27 27TB, E. At S. 2700 E. from 400 to 646. . .. .28 27TB. W. At S. 2700 W. from 1 to 888.. ...27 3000 to 3569.. .. .25 3600 to 4369.. . . .24 28TB. E. At S. 2800 B. from 1 to 666. . . .28 Aomv -T7 At S. 2*800 W. from 400 to 769.1V. »27 3000 to 3669. • 26 3600 to 4559 24 28TBFE., W. : At S. 2830 W. fr^rni 200 to 636 27 QQmxr w • - . .A’t-S*. 2900 b: from 1 to '646 28 Page 29TK At ’s. 2900 W. from 1 to 1026 27 29TB FE., E. At S. 2930 E. from 300 to 380 28 29TB FE., W. At S. 2931 W. from 334 to 354 27 30TB, E. At S. 3000 E. from 1 to 646 28 30TB, W. At S. 3000 W, ffom 1 to 769.... .27 3100 to 3559 26 3600 to 4559....; 24 30TB FE., W. At S. 3030 W. from 332 to 356..... 27 31ST, E. At S. 3100 B. from 1 to 663 28 31ST, W. At S. 3100 W. from 1 to 1180 27 1200 to 2369 .26 2400 to 3559 25 3600 to 4659 .24 31ST BE., W. At S. 3100 W. from 2400 to 2769 26 31ST FE., W. At S. 3130 W. from 900 to 1180 27 1200 to 1859 26 32NS, E. At S. 3200 E. from 1 to 620 28 32ND, W. At S. 3200 W. from 1 to 1180 i27 1200 to 2050 26 3600 to 4369 24 32KD FE.. W. At S. 3230 W. from 900 to 1180 27 1200 to 1669 26 33BD, E. At S. 3300 B. from 1 to 654 28 33BD, W. At S. 3300 W. from 1 to 959 27 1200 to 2269 26 3700 to 4369 24 33BD FE., E. At S. 3334 E. from 600 to 565 28 33B9 FE., W. At S. 3334 W. from 800 to 959 27 1600 to 1856 26 ^ At ’s. *3400 B. from 1 to 676 28 34TB, W. At S. 3400 W. from 1 tO' 969 27 1300 to 2369..;,, -.26 2400 to 2669 26 3700 to 3759., ...24 34TB FE„ B. At S. 3434 E. from 500 to 599 28 34TB FE., W. At S. 3430'W. from 800 to 1169 27 1800 to 1969 26 2400 to 2469..... 25 36TB, B. > At S. 3500 B. from 1 to- 766 28 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE n? Page At S. 3500 W. from 1 to 1169 27 1200 to 2369 26 2400 to 2959., 25 3700 to 3759 24 35TK FZk., W. At S. 3629 W, from 800 to 959 27 w 2600 to ^009 • . . 2769... .25 36XH. E. At S. 3600 E. from 1 to 769. . . , . .28 36TH, W. At S. 3600 W. from 1 to 959.. . , . . 27 1539 to 2359... , . . 26 2400 to 3224... .. .25 36TK FE. .. E. At 8. 3631 E. from 1 to 678... ...28 36TK W. At S. 3630 W. from 2600 to 3224 25 37TK, E. At S. 3700 E. from ' 1 to 814 28 37TK, W. At S. 3700 W. from 1 to 1169 27 1524 to 2355 26 2800 to 3525 25 37TH F£., E. At S. 3731 E. from 1 to 635 28 37TK FXi.. W. At S. 3730 W. from 334 to 980 27 1600 to 1669 26 2600 to 3459 25 fSQflVVV VI At ’s. 3800 E. from 1 to 958 28 38TH, W. At S. 3800 W. from 1 to 1169 27 1600 to 1958 26 2452 to 3559 25 38TK FE., E. At S. 3830 E. from 412 to 469 28 38TH FE., W. At S. 3830 W. from 300 to 1600 to 980. 1659. 2636 to 3569. 25 39TH, E. At S. 3900 E. from 1 to 880 28 *>afnw nr At S. 3*900 W. from 1 to 769 27 1200 to 2369 26 2400 to 3969 26 40TH, E. At S. 4000 E. from 1 to 976 33 40TH, W. At S. 4000 W. from 2600 to 3169 30 40TK FE., W. At S. 4030 W. from 600 to 669 32 2600 to 3169 30 41ST, E. At S. 4100 E. 1 to 1088.. 418T, W. At S. 4100 W. 400 to 769,. 2314 to 2340.. from . . .33 from . . .82 . . .31 Page 41ST FE., E. At S. 4130 E. from 943 to 1046..... 33 42ES, E. At S. 4200 B. from 1 to 1145 33 AQTffTi nr. At ’s. 4200 W. from 300 to 769 32 1600 to 2369 31 2400 to 3159 30 4600 to 4759 29 42ES FE., E. At S. 4230 E. from 400 to 1163 33 42ED FE., W. At S. 4230 W. from 300 to 559 32 2316 to 2340 31 43BD, E. At S. 4300 E. from 1 to 1163 33 43BD, W. At S. 4300 W. from 1 to 769 32 1600 to 2359 31 2400 to 3559 30 3800 to 3969. 29 43BD FE., W. At S. 4330 W. from 1 to 759 32 44TH. E. At 8. 4400 E. from 1 to 1163. . ...33 44TH, Vr. At 8. 4400 W. from 1 to 659.. ...32 1600 to 1959.. ...31 2400 to 3659.. ...30 3800 to 3969. . . . .29 44TH PEm ±s. At 8. 4431 E. from 500 to 569.. . . .33 1200 to 1242. . . . ,34 44TH FE. W. At 8. 4431 W. from 1 to 769. . ...32 3831 to 3869. . .. .29 45TH, E. At 8. 4600 E. from 1 to 1169.. ...33 45TH, W. At 8. 4600 W. from 1 to 769.. ...32 1400 to 2359.. ...31 2400 to 3569.. ...30 3800 to 3959.. ...29 45TH FE. E. At 8. 4531 E. from 400 to 460. . Page At ’s. 4700 E. from 1 to 1169 33 1200 to 1416 34 47XS W. At S. 4*700 W. from 1 to 1159. . ...32 1200 to 2359.. ...31 2400 to 3559.. 3600 to 4769.. . . .-29 47TH FE., , E. At S. 4731 E. from 800 to 828.. ...33 1352 to 1378.. . . .34 47TH FE., , W. At 8. 4730 W. from 600 to 1169.. ...32 2100 to 2359.. ...31 2400 to 2459.. . . .30 48TH, , E. from At 8. 4800. E. 1 to 1169.. 1200 to 1380.. . . .34 48TH, ■ w. At S. 4800 W. from 600 to 1169.. .. .32 1200 to 2359.. ...31 2400 to 3528.. 3800 to 4469.. . . .29 45TH FE., W. At S. 4530 W. from 1 to 658 32 2300 to 2359 31 2400 to 2559 30 3800 to 882.6 .29 46TH, E. At S. 4600 E. from 1 to 1169 33 1200 to 1267 34 At S. 4600 W. from 1 to 769... , . .32 1400 to 1959... 2400 to 3570... , . .30 3800 to 3959.. . ...29 46TH FE„ E. At S. 4630 E. from 400 to 644 33 46TH FE., W. At S. 4631 W. from 122 to 710 32 2400 to 2559 30 3800 to 3825.. ...29 48TK FE., E. At S. 4830 E. from 400 to 456 33 48TS FE., W. At S. 4830 W. from 200 to 835 32 2100 to 2359 31 3500 to 3529..... 30 49TH, E. At S. 4900 E. from 1 to 1169 33 1200 to 1441 34 49TS At S. 4900 W. from 600 to 1159 32 1200 to 2342 31 3700 to 4469. 29 49TH FE., W. At S. 4930 W. from 700 to 959. 32 1200 to 2340 31 50TH, E. At S. 6000 E. from 1 to 1169 33 1200 to 1466,... ;34 At S. 6*000 W. from 1 to 1169..-. ..32 1200 to 2369-.. ...,31 2400 to 2769. . .; ;30 3700 to 4469 29 50TH FE., E. At S. 6031 E. from ' 400 to 738 33 50TK FE., W. . At S. 5030 W. from 700 to 969 32 2100 to 2340 31 51ST, E. . * At S. 6100 E. from 1 to 769.... '.33 51ST, W. At S. 6100 W. from 1 to 1169 32 1200 to 2369 31 2400 to 3559 30 3600 to 4769i.;..29 6200 to 6969 61 6000 to 7069 60 51ST FEm W. At 8. 6130 W. from 300 to 969... •,,32 2000 to .2342 Bl 3600 to 3624 29 • 7000 to 7025'. ...\«0 118 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE Page Page 52ED, At . E. S. 6200 E. from 100 to 1169.. 1200 to 1528.. 52ES, At W» S. 6200 W. from 1 to 1169.. ...32 1200 to 2359.. ...31 2400 to 3469.. 3600 to 4569.. 5200 to 6969.. ...61 6000 to 7165.. ...60 53in> W. At S. 6231 W. from 300 to 324 32 3600 to 3624 29 53BD, , B. At S. 6300 B. from 1 to 1159. . 1200 to 1719. . .. .34 53BD, , w. At S. 6300 W. from 1 to 1169.. ...32 1400 to 2069.. ...31 2400 to 3469.. ...30 3600 to 4759.. ...29 6600 to 6959. . . . .61 6000 to 7166.. . . .60 S3BD FE. . W. At S. 6331 W. from 800 to 960. . 2000 to 2157.. . . .31 3000 to 3459. . . . .30 6200 to 5359.. . . .61 54TK, , B. At S. 6400 E. from 1 to 1169. . ...33 1200 to 1826. . B4TH, W. At S. 6400 W. from 122 to 1169 32 1400 to 2169 31 2400 to 3469 30 3600 to 4769 29 6200 to 6669 61 6100 to 7159 60 S4TK FA., E. At S. 6430 B. from 300 to 1176 33 1400 to 1638 34 54TH FE„ W. At S. 6431 W. from 334 to 959 .. 2100 to 2266. . 3000 to 3469. . 55TH, r B. At S. 5500 E. from 800 to 1169. . ...33 1200 to 1828. . . . .34 55TK, , w. At S. 6600 W. from 2400 to 3669 30 3600 to 4759. . . . .29 4800 to 6959 61 6000 to 6359 60 5STK FZi., E. At S. 5531, E. from 200 to 382 33 5STB FE., W. At S. 6620 W. from 3600 to 4659 29 56TK, E. At S. 5600 E. from 1 to 1159 33 1200 to 1859 34 56TK, W. At S. 6600 W. from 400 to 1169..... 32 1200 to 2366-. ...J 31 2400 to 2469; ..:i SO 3600 to- 4669.. .;.’29 6300 to 7169 60 Page 56TH FE„ W. At S. 6631 W. from 332 to 669 32 3600 to 3959 29 6300 to 7169. .60 T! At 's. 6700 E. from 1 to 1169. .33 1200 to 1569 34 57TS IF. At k 5'700 W. from 1 to 1159 32 1200 to 2364 31 2400 to 3659 30 3600 to 4659 29 6400 to 7159 .60 57TK FE., W. At S. 6731 W. from 1 to 559. ^ 9 . 3600 to 3659. i i i ’30 3600 to 3969 29 eoipv T* At k ’6800 B. from 1 to 1169 33 1200 to 1428 34 68TH, W. At S. 6800 W. from 1 to 1159 32 1200 to 2366 31 2400 to 3559 30 3600 to 4569 29 6400 to 7159. .60 58TH FE., W. At S. 6831 W. from 400 to 569. . . . .32 3500 to 3569. . . . .30 3600 to 4168. . . . .29 59TK, 1 B. At S. 6900 E. from 1 to 1169. . . . .33 1200 to 1554. . ...34 59TH, 1 w. At S. 6900 W. from 1 to 1169 32 1200 to 2366 31 2400 to 3659 30 3600 to 4769 29 6400 to 7158 60 S9TK FE., W. At S. 6931 W. from 200 to 364. 3300 to 3559. 3600 to 3959. '.'.'.'.29 60 CT ¥■ At k 6000 E. from 1 to 1159 33 1200 to 1553 34 60TH, W. At S. 6000 W. from 1 to 1159 32 1200 to 2364 31 2400 to 3659 30 3600 to 4769 29 5800 to 6959 61 60TH FE., W. At S. 6030 W. from 200 to 759. 3300 to 3559. 3600 to 3959 ! ! ! ; '29 61ST, E. At S. 6100 E. from 1 to 1169 33 1200 to 1569 34 61ST, W. At S. 6100 W. from 1 to 1169. . . ..32 65TK FE. E. 1200 \o 2364. . . . .31 At S. 6631 E. from 2400 to 3559. . . . .30 1400 to 1560. . ...40 3600 5600 to to 4769. . 6959. . . . .29 . . .61 65TH FE., W. At S. 6530 W. from GIST FE., E. 400 to 646. . .’.'.38 At S. 6129 E. from 3200 to 3559. . . :iS6 1400 to 1432. . . . .34 3600 to 3959. . . . .35 61ST FE., W. At S. 6129 W. from 200 to 3200 to 3600 to 769, 3659. 3969. .32 .30 .29 62m>, E. At S. 6200 E. from 400 to 1169 33 1200 to 1667 34 6SNS, W. At S. 6200 W. from 134 to 1159. .32 1200 to 2352 31 2400 to 3550. 3600 to 4769. .30 .29 5600 to 5969 61 62ED FE., E. At S. 6230 E. from 1400 to 1417 34 62ES FE., W. At S. 6230 W. from 3200 to 3569 30 3600 to 3969 29 63BS, E. At S. 6300 E. from 1 to 1169 33 1200 to 1664 34 63BD, W. At S. 6300 W. from 1 to 1159 32 1200 to 2359. ..;.31 2400 to 3569 30 3600 to 4759 29 4800 to 5969 61 63BD FE., E. At S. 6331 E. from 832 to 860 39 1424 to 1618 40 63BD FE., W. At S. 6331 W. from 626 to 746 38 3200 to 3569 36 3600 to 3859 36 6425 to 6759 61 64TH, E. At S. 6400 E. from 400 to 1159 39 1200 to 1560 40 64TK. W. At S. 6400 W. from 1 to 1169... ;;38 1200 to 2369 37 2400 to 3559 36 3600 to 4426 35 6600 to 6759. 61 64TH FE., E. At S. 6429 E. from 830 to 869 39 64TK FE., W. At S. 6430 W. from 3200 to 3669 36 3600 to 3959 36 5600 to 5759 61 65TK, E. At S. 6500 E. from 400 to 1169 39 1200 to 1559 40 65TK, W. At S. 6600 W. from 1 to 1159 38 1400 to 2359 37 2400 to 3569 36 3600 to 4425. .35 5600 to 6768. . . . '.61 119 KANDUL'S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE Page 66TS,3I. At S. 6S00 E. from 1 to 459 39 ISAIPW TV At S. 6600 W. from 1 to 1169. . ...38 1400 to 2369. . . . .37 2400 to 3559. . . . .36 3600 to 4169. . ...36 66TH PE. . E. At 8. 6630 E. from 1 to 159. . . . .39 1400 to 1660. . . . .40 66TH PE., , W. At S. 6631 W. from 400 to 747. . . . .38 3200 to 3559. . . . .36 3600 to 3959. . . . .36 6TTH, , E. At S. 6700 E. from 500 to 1159. . 1200 to 2382. . . . .40 67TK, W. At S. 6700 W. from 2800 to 3569 36 3600 to 4159 35 67TK P&.f W. At S. 6731 W. from 2000 to 2158 37 3600 to 3750 36 At ’s. ‘6800 E. from 1 to 769 39 1356 to 2384 40 68TH, W. At S. 6800 W. from 1 to 1169. . . . .38 1200 to 2359. . 2400 to 2759. . . . .36 3600 to 3769. . . . .35 68TH PE.. W. At 8. 6831 W. from 2000 to 2126. . . . .37 3600 to 3769. . 69TH, At , E. 8. 6900 E. from 1 to 769. . ...39 1200 to 2380. . . . .40 AAMIV At S. 6’900 W. from 1 to 1169. 38 1200 to 2369. 2400 to 2769. 36 3600 to 3759. 36 69TK P£., S. At 8. 6931 E. from 200 to 779 39 1400 to 1532 40 69TH PZi., W. At S. 6930 W. from 2000 to 2164 37 TOTH, B. At S. 7000 E. from 1 to 658 39 1200 to 2380 40 TOTH, W. At S. 7000 W. from 1 to 1169. . . . .38 1200 to 2359. . . . .37 2600 to 2769. . . . .36 TOTH PE. . E. At 8. 7031 B. from 300 to 666. . 2200 to 2369. . TOTH PE.. . W. At S. 7031 W. from 1 to 328. . . . .38 2000 to 2150. . . ..37 T18T, E. At 8. 7100 E. from 1 to 1169.. 1200 to 2399.. . . .40 2600 to 2670. . . . .41 Page TIBT W, At’s. 7100 W. from 1 to 1169 38 1200 to 2369... 2400 to 3559... 3600 to 3959... TIST PE.. E. At S. 7130 B. from 1200 to 1660. . . .40 TIST PE.. W. At S. 7130 W. from 1200 to 2159. . ..37 T2HD, E. At S. 7200 E. from 1 to 1159... 1200 to 2369. . 2400 to 2671. . ..41 72HD, W. At S. 7200 W. from 1 to 1159. . . .38 1200 to 2359. . . .37 2400 to 3169. . ..36 T3HD PE. E. At 8. 7230 E. from 1200 to 2126. . . .40 2500 to 2620. . . .41 T2HS PE. W. At 8. 7230 W. from 1200 to 2162. . . .37 T3BD, E. At S. 7300 E. from 1 to 1169. . . .39 1200 to 2359. . . .40 2400 to 2686. . . .41 73KB. W. At S. 7300 W. from 1 to 1159. . .38 1200 to 2359. . . .37 2400 to 3169. . ..36 TSUD PE. E. At S. 7330 E. from 1500 to 1550. . 2500 to 2618.. 73BD PE. . -w. At 8. 7330 W. from 1200 to 2120. . ..37 74TH, E. At 8 . 7400 E. from 1 to 1169. . ..39 1200 to 2359.. . .40 2400 to 2740. . . .41 74TH, W. At 8 . 7400 W. from 1 to 1159. . 1200 to 2359.. . .37 2400 to 2659. . . .36 74TH PE. . E. At 8. 7430 E. from 1500 to 2069. . . .40 2440 to 2638. . . .41 74TH PE. W. At 8 . 7430 W. from 1200 to 1280. . . .37 75TH. E. At 8. 7600 E. from 1 to 1169. . 1200 to 2359. . . .40 2400 to 2788. . . .41 75TH. W. At 8. 7600 W. from 1 to 1169. . 1200 to 2359. . . .37 75TH PE. . E. At 8. 7630 E. from 1034 to 1056.. 1600 to 1660. . . . .4(» 2700 to 2738. . ...41 75TH PE. W. At 8. 7630 W. from 3700 to 3940. . . .36 76TH, E. At S. 7600 E. from 1 to 1169... 1200 to 2359. .. 2400 to 2886... ...41 76TH. w. At S. 7600 W. from 1 to 1159... . . .38 1400 to 2359... .37 2800 to 3169... 3700 to 3940. . . T6TH VZi., E. At S. 7630 E. from 1500 to 1660 40 2700 to 2838 41 T6TH FE., W. At S. 7630 W. from 3700 to 3940 36 777B 3B» At 's. *7700 E. from 1 to 1169. . . . .39 1200 to 2359.. . . .40 2600 to 2938. . TTTH, . w. At 8. 7700 W. from 1 to 1159. . 1200 to 2359. . . . .37 2400 to 3159. . . . .36 3700 to 3940. . ...35 TTTH PE., , E. At 8. T 730 E. from 2800 to 2838. . . . .41 TTTH PE., W. At S. 7730 W. from 3700 to 3940 36 T8TH, E.~ At S. 7800 E. from 1 to 1169. . ...39 1200 to 2359. . . . .40 2600 to 3036. . T8TH, W. At 8. 7800 W. from 1 to 1169. . ...38 1200 to 2369. . .. .37 3740 to 3940. . . . .36 T8TH PE. . E. At 8. 7830 E. from 2900 to 2938. . . . .41 78TH PE., W. At S. 7830 W. from 3600 to 3940 36 797B £ At ’s. *7900 E. from 1 to 1169. . 1200 to 2359. . ...40 2400 to 3303. . .. .41 T9TH, , w. At 8. 7900 W. from 1 to 1159. . ...38 1200 to 2369. . ...37 3400 to 3459. . ...36 3600 to 4769. . 79TH PE. . E. At 8. 7930 E. from 1132 to 1166. . 3000 to 3059. . . . .41 T9TH PE., , W. At 8. 7930 W. from 400 to 450. . . ..38 2000 to 2359. . 3600 to 3759.. . . .36 80TH, . E. At 8. 8000 B. from 1 to 1169. . ...39 1200 to 2359. . . . .40 2600 to 3166.. . ..41 80TH, , w. At 8. 8000 W. from 200 to 1169. . ...38 1600 to 2359.. ...37 3600 to 3869. . BOTH PE. . E. At S. 8030 E. from 2934 to 3034. . 120 ■KANDUL>S GREEN BOOK ATLAS- GUIDE Page 80XK HCi., W. At S. 8030 W. from 600 to 624 38 2200 to 2359 37 3600 to 3869..... 36 Qicnt V °^At’s.'8100 E. from 1 to 1159 39 1200 to 2369 40 • 2400 to 3169 .41 1 to 1159... -1600 to 2359. . . 2400 to 2959. .. . . 36 3600 to 3959. . . . . .35 £1ST F£., J3. At S. 8130 E. from 1112 to 1159.. 39 2934 to 2959. 41 aisT pt., w. At S. 8130 W. from 500 to 726 38 2000 to 2359 37 2534 to 2626 36 3600 to 3959 35 82KS, S. . . At S. 8200 E. from 1 to 1159 39 1200 to 2369 40 2400 to 3169 41 82NS, W. At S. 8200 W. from 1 to 945 38 1200 to 2369 37 2400 to 2959 36 3600 to 3959 36 82KD F£., E. At S. 8230 E. from 1016 to 1159 39 2934 to 2959 41 . 600 to 675. . . . .38 2000 to 2159. . . . .37 2534 to 2624.. ...36 3600 to 3959. . . . .36 63ES, E. At S. 8300 E. from 1 to 1159. . .. .39 1200 to 2359. . . . .40 2400 to 3359. . . . .41 .83BD, W. At S. 8300 W. from . 1 to 1069. . ...38 1200 to 2159. . . . .37 2400 to 3669. . 3600 to 3959. . . . . 36 83SD PIi., E. At S. 8330 E. from .. 1500 to 1769 40 . 30.00 to 3169 41 83BD P£., Vr. At S. 8330 W. from 6.00 to 620 38 3200 to 3669 36 3600 to 3959 35 OAtpYr Tt At ’s. '8400 E. from 1 to 1020 39 .1400 to 2159 40 2400 to 3359 41 84TK, W. • . At S. 8400 W. from 1 to 1159 38 1200; to 1969 37 3100 to 3659. . ... .36 3600 to 3959... ..35 84TK P£., E. At S. 8430. E. from 1600 to 1769 40 84XH: FE., W. At S. 8430 W. from 3200 to 3659..... 36 3600 to 3959. . . . .36 Page 85XK, E. At S. 8500 E. from 1 to 965. . ...39 1400 to 2369. . 2400 to 3369. . ...41 85XK, W. At S. 8500 W. from 534 to 1159. . ...38 1200 to 1969. . . . .37 3100 to 3659. . . . .36 3600 to 3959. . 85XK FE. E. At S. 8525 E. from 1500 to 1669. . . . .40 8&XK, E. At S; 8600 E. from 46 to 953. . . ..39 1400 to 2235. . . . .40 2400 to 3359. . . . .41 86XH, W. At S. 8600 W. from 534 to 1159. . . . .38 1200 to 1959. . . . .37 3100 to 3166. . .. .36 86XH FE. E. At S. 8630 E. from 522 to 656 39 86XK FE., W. At S. 8630 W. from 832 to 924 38 1600 to 1769 40 87XH, E. At S. 8700 E. from 1 to 1169 39 1200 to 2359 40 2400 to 3326 41 87XH, W. At S. 8700 W. from 1 to 1169 38 1200 to 2359 37 2400 to 3569 36 3600 to 4769 3-6 87XH FE., E. At S. 8730 E. from 400 to 882 45 1224 to 1262 46 88XH, E. At S. 8800 -E. from 320 to 890 46 1228 to 2359 46 2634 to 3328 47 ooffiiir iir At S. 8'800 W. from 261 to 1159 44 1200 to 1924 43 88XH FE., E. At S. 8830 E. from 334 to 876 46 1232 to 1332 46 89XH, E. At S. 8900 E. from 200 to 1159. . . ...46 1300 to 2359 .46 2400 to 3426 47 oQniTr vr At 's. 8'900 W. from 200 to 1169 44 1200 to 2168 43 89XK FE., E. At S. 8930 E. from 316 to 866 46 1300 to 1386 46 90XK, E. At S. 9000 E. from 200 to. 1169 46 1200 to 2359 46 2400 to 3428 47 qhtit ixr At k. 9'0OO W. from 400 to 1159..... 44 1200 to -2169 43 Page 90XK FE., E. - At S. 9030 B. from 200 to 844..:. ..46 .1320 to 1440... ..46 90XK FE., W. At S. 9030 W. from 1700 t6 1739. ....43 91SX, E. At S. 9100 E. from 1 to 1169 .46 1200 to 2359; .. .,.46 2400 to 3366.. ... .47 91SX ' At's. 9100 W. from 1 to 1169 44 1200 to 2359 43 91SX FE., E. At S. 9130 E. from 4UU xo 1400 to 9^0 • . . 1764. . . . .46 91SX FE., W. At S. 9130 W. : from 1700 to 1834. .. . .43 92ND E. At S. 9200 E. : from 1 to 1169. .. 1200 to 2369. .. ..46 2400 to 3328. .. . .47 92ED, W. At S. 9200 W. : from 1 to 1169. .. . .44 1200 to 2170. .. ..43 92KD FE. , E. At S. 9230 E. : from 600 to 934... ..45 1300 to 2359... . .44 92ND FE. ■ W. At S. 9230 W. from 1632 to 2369. . . . .43 93BD, E. At S. 9300 E. from 200 to 1169... 1200 to 2359. . . 2400 to 3244. . . , . .47 93BD, W. At S. 9300 W. from 1 to 1169. .. . .44 1200 to 2170. . . , . .43 93BD FE. . E. At S. 9330 E. from 3500 to 3532... ...47 93BD FE. . W. At S. 9330 W. from 1600 to 1646. ., ...43 94XK, E. At S. 9400 E. from 64 to 1169... . ,45 1200 to 2359... , . .46 2400 to 2959... , ..47 3600 to 3532... , . .48 94XK, W. At S. 9400 W. from 1 to 1169... 1200 to 2170,. . . ...43 95XH, E. At S. 9500 E. from 1 to 1169... , ,46 1200 to 2369... , . .46 2400 to . 3431... , . .47 3432 to 3652... ...48 At S. 9600 W. from 1 to 1169 44 1200 to 2369. ...-.IS 95XK FE., W. At S. 9630 W. from 432 to 1169..... 44 1200 to 1760 43 96XK,E. At S. 9600 B. from 1 to 369... ..46 2600 to 3169 47 3432 to '3732 48 KANDUL’S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE Page 96TH, W. At S. 9600 W. from 1 to 1159 44 1200 to 2359 43 96TK VI,., W. At S. 9630 W. from 430 to 446 44 97TH, E. At S. 9700 E. from 1 to 359 45 2600 to 3059 47 3432 to 3764 48 97TS "W At S. 9*700 W. from 1 to 1159 44 1200 to 2359 43 97TK VZ,., W. At S. 9730 W. from 430 to 1159 44 1200 to 1354 43 9dTS E At S. 9800 E. from 1 to 359 45 2600 to 3059 47 3432 to 3863 48 98TR, W. At S. 9800 W. from 1 to 1159 44 1200 to 2224 43 98TK n., W. At S. 9830 W. from 430 to 446 44 99TS, B. At S. 9900 E. from 1 to 369 45 2220 to 2359 46 2400 to 3035 47 3500 to 3886 48 99TS ^67. At S. 9*900 W. from 1 to 1169 44 1200 to 2359 43 99TH PB., E. At S. 9930 E. from 1 to 82 46 99TH PB., W. At £?. 9930 W. from 300 to 446 44 lOOTK, E. At S. 10000 E. from 1 to 128 46 2208 to 2369 46 2400 to 3035 47 3432 to 3759 48 lOOTH, W. At S. 10000 W. from 1 to 1159 44 1600 to 2359 43 lOOTR PB., E. At S. 10031 E. from 1 to 90 46 lOOTR PB., W. At .S. 10031 W. from 300 to 446 . . . 44 1200 to 1756 43 lOlST., E. At S. 10100 E. from to 129 46 2208 to 2359 46 2400 to 3025 47 3432 to 3759 48 lOlST, W. At S. 10100 W. from 1 to 1159 44 1600 to 2359 43 101 ST PB., E. At S. 10131 E. from 1 to 92 46 lOlST PB., W. At S. 10131 W. from 430 to 448 44 1232 to 2034 43 Page 103ND, E. At S. 10200 E. from 1 to 92 46 2208 to 2359 46 2400 to 2956 47 3432 to 3980. 48 102R3>, W. At S. 10200 W. from 40 to 1159 44 1600 to 2359 43 102RS PB., E. At S. 10231 E. from 1 to 88 46 102NS PB., W. At S. 10231 W. from 430 to 446 44 1212 to 1538 43 103BD, E. At S. 10300 E. from 1 to 1140. . . . .45 2208 to 2359.. . . .46 2400 to 3431.. . . .47 3432 to 3934. . . . .48 103BD, W. At S. 10300 W. from 1 to 1169.. 1200 to 2359.. . . .43 2400 to 2769.. . . .42 103BD PB., E. At S. 10331 E. from 1 to 765.. . . .45 103BD PB., W. At S. 10331 W. from 1 to 1169.. . . .44 104TR. E. At S. 10400 E. from 1 to 964. . 2216 to 2359. . . . .46 2500 to 3431. . . . .47 3432 to 3969.. . . .48 1 rVAT'TT "UJ At s! 10*400 W. from 1 to 1159 44 1200 to 2169 43 104TR PB., E. At S. 10431 E. from 82 to 769 45 104TR PB., W. At S. 10430 W. from 1 to 1169 44 1600 to 1767 43 105TR, E. At S. 10500 E. from 1 to 824 46 2232 to 2369 40 2400 to 3431 47 3432 to 3967 .48 At s’. 10*600 W. from 1 to 1169 44 1200 to 2359 43 105TR PB., W. At S. 10531 W. from 200 to 366 44 1400 to 2040 43 106TR, E. At S. 10600 E. from 615 to 825 46 2600 to 3431 47 3432 to 4054 48 106TH, W. At S. 10600 W. from 200 to 1169 44 1200 to 2359 43 106TR PB., E. At S. 10631 E. from 3100 to 3130 47 106TR PB., W. At S. 10630 W. from 1 to 364 44 1700 to 1769 43 107TR, E. At S. 10700 E. from 1 to 1136 .46 2600 to 3431 47 3432 to 3759. . . . .48 121 Page 107TR, W. At S. 10700 W. from 1 to 1169 44 1200 to 2359 43 2400 to 2759 42 107TR PB., W. At S. 10731 W. from 200 to 1159 44 1200 to 2359 43 lAotiiTr T* At s’. 10800 E. from 1 to 659. ....46 2500 to 3431. ... .47 3432 to 3827 48 108TR, W. At S. 10800 W. from 1 to 1159 44 1200 to 1440 43 2400 to 2769 42 108TR PB., E. At S. 10831 E. from 3000 to 3224 47 108TR PB., W. At S. 10830 W. from 1 to 1159 44 1200 to 2359 43 109TR, £. At S. 10900 E. from 1 to 440. . . . .45 2500 to 3431. . . . .47 3432 to 3826. . . . .48 109TR, W. At S. 10900 W. from 1 to 1169. . 1200 to 2369. . ...43 2400 to 2769. . ...42 109TR PB., W. At S. 10931 W. from 1 to 1159 44 1200 to 1676 43 2500 to 2569..... 42 llOTR, E. At S. 11000 E. from 1 to 440. . ...45 2033 to 2369.,. . . .46 2400 to 3431. . . . .47 3432 to 3824. . . . .48 llOTR, W At S. 11000 W. from 1 to 1159.. 1200 to 2359. . . . .43 2400 to 2769. . llOTR PB., E. At S. 11030 E. from 1 to 469 46 llOTR PB., W. At S. 11030 W. from 1 to 1169. . 1200 to 2369. . . . .43 2600 to 2659. . . . .42 lllTR, E. At S. 11100 E. from 1 to 736. . . . .45 2032 to 2236. . . . .46 2236 to 3431. . . ..47 m 'PIT XBT At s! 11*100 W. from .44 , . .43 1 to 1169. 1200 to 2359. 2400 to 2769 42 lllTR PB., E. At S. 11130 E. from 1 to 669 .62 lllTR PB., W. At S. 11130 W. from 1 to 1169 61 1200 to 2359 50 X12TB E . At s’. 1*1200 E. from 1 to 725 62 2032 to 2236 63 2236 to 3431.' 54 3432 to 3824. 65 no*pw nr At s’. 11200 W. from 1 to 1159 61 1200 to 2359 60 2600 to 2769^ 49 122 KANDUL*S GREEN BOOK ATLAS GUIDE Page IISTK 3PIi., E. At S. 11230 E. from 1 to 536 62 2832 to 2866 64 112TK PE., W. At S. 11230 W. from 1 to lies 51 1200 to 2369 50 113TK, B. At S. 11300 E. from 1 to 726... , . .62 2236 to 3431... , . .64 3432 to 3632. . . ...66 113XK, W. At S. 11300 W. from 1 to 669 61 2218 to 2269 60 2600 to 2769 49 113TR PE., E. At S. 11330 E. from 1 to 80 62 113TK PE., W. At S. 11330 W. from 1 to 1169 61 1200 to 2359 60 114TK, E. At S. 11400 E. from 1 to 726. .. ...62 2236 to 3431... . . .54 3432 to 3827. . . ...66 114XH, W. At S. 11400 W. from 1 to 659 61 2300 to 2369 50 2400 to 2769 49 114TK PE., E. At S. 11430 E. from 1 to 369 62 114TK PEh vr. At S. 11430 W. from 1 to 1169 61 1200 to 2169 60 115TK, E. At S. 11500 E. from 1 to 767 52 2500 to 2635 64 3600 to 3825 65 115TS VTm At s’. 11600 W. from 1 to 1169 61 1200 to 2369 60 2400 to 2769 49 115TH PE., W. At S. 11630 W. from 900 to 947 61 116TK, B. At S. 11600 B. from 1 to 392... , . .52 2000 to 2235... . . .53 2236 to 2635. . . . .54 3432 to 4059... ...65 116XH, W. At S. 11600 W. from 1 to 1026... ...61 1800 to 2231... , . .60 116TK PE., W. At S. 11630 W. from 600 to 768 61 1600 to 2369 60 117TS, E. At S. 11700 E. from 1 to 381... , . .52 2016 to 2235... . . .63 2236 to 3431... . . .54 3432 to 4069. . . ...56 117XK, W. At S. 11700 W. from 100 to 1026 51 1600 to 2123 50 117TK PE.. E. At S. 11730 E. from 1 to 164 62 U7TK PE., W. At S. 11730 W. from 600 to 769 51 1900 to 2229 60 Page 118TK, E. At S. 11800 B. from 1 to 372.. 2000 to 2236.. ...63 2236 to 3431.. ...64 3432 to 4069.. . . .66 118XH, W. At S. 11800 W. from 1 to 1024.. . . .61 1600 to 2369.. . . .60 118XH PE.. E. At S. 11830 E. from 1 to 164. . . . .62 118XH PE., W. At S. 11830 W. from 734 to 769.. . . .61 1600 to 1759.. . . .50 119XK, E. At S. 11900 E. from 1 to 363.. ...52 2041 to 2236.. . . .63 2236 to 3124.. . . .64 3834 to 4059.. ...55 119XK, W. At S. 1190O W. from 1 to 1169.. . . .61 1200 to 2369.. ...50 119XK PE., E. At S. 11930 E. from 1 to 356. . . . .62 130TK, E. At S. 12000 E. from 1 to 350... . . .62 2110 to 2235. . . . .53 2236 to 3224. . , , . .54 3834 to 4069. .. . . .66 120XH, vr. At S. 12000 W. from 1 to 1169 61 1200 to 1569*. 50 120TK PE., E. At S. 12030 E. from 1 to 336 52 2200 to 2260 63 1 Ql T! At S. 12100 E. from 1 to 267.. . . .62 2110 to 2235.. ...53 2236 to 2425.. . . .54 121SX, W. At S. 12100 W. from 1 to 169.. ...61 1400 to 1669.. ...50 121SX PE.. E. At S. 12130 E. from 1 to 259. . 2200 to 2242.. ...63 122 m). E. At S. 12200 E. from 1 to 164. . . . .62 2134 to 2236.. ...63 2236 to 3224.. . . .54 122ND, W. At S. 12200 W. from 200 to 1169. . ...61 1400 to 1669.. . . .60 1221!n> PE., E. At S. 12230 E. from 1 to 164. . . . .52 123ED, E. \At S. 12300 E. from 1 to 164 62 2235 to 2624 54 123BD, W. At S. 12300 W. from 1 to 1159 61 1200 to 1559 60 124TK, E. At S. 12400 E. from 1 to 169 62 2235 to 2626 64 124TH, W. At S. 12400 W. from 1 to 768 61 Page 124XK PE., E. At S. 12430 E. from 1 to 160 62 125TH, E. At S. 12500 E. from 2235 to 2426 64 IQRnrwr nr At s! 12600 W. from 1 to 769 61 1 OAW V At s’. 12600 B. from 1 to 62 62 2236 to 2825 54 1 fjttiw nr At s’. 12600 W. from 600 to 759 51 126TR PE., E. At S. 12630 E. from 135 to 159 62 1 QVPnr V At s’. 12700 E. from 1 to 1169 62 2632 to 2824 64 1 nr At s’. 12700 W. from 1 to 769 61 128TK, E. At S. 12800 E. from 2632 to 2824 64 IB At s’. 12900 E. from 2933 to 3427 64 129TK PE., E. At S. 12930 E. from 3400 to 3430 64 130XK, E. At S. 13000 E. from 200 to 1169 62 1200 to 1659 .63 2632 to 3426 64 131ST, E. At S. 13100 E. from 600 to 959 62 3032 to 3424 64 132ND, E. At S. 13200 E. from 600 to 959. .52 3000 to 3424 64 3832 to 3844 55 133BD, E. At S. 13300 E. from 200 to 959 62 3000 to 3424 54 3432 to 3936 65 At s’. 13400 E. from 100 to 1150 52 1200 to 2236 63 2236 to 3427 64 3428 to 4069 65 134TH PE,, E. At S. 13430 E. from 100 to 620 62 135TH, E. At S. 13500 E. from 2032 to 2235 53 2236 to 3359 54 135TH PE., E. At S. 13630 E. from 200 to 260 56 136TK, E. At S. 13600 E. from 200 to 360... , . .56 2034 to 2235. .. . .67 2236 to 3359. . . ...68 136TK PE., E. At S. 13630 E. from 200 to 360 66 137TK, E. At S. 13700 B. from 2034 to 2235 67 2236 to 2624 68 138TK, E. At S. 13800 E. from 200 to 1159 66 1200 to 2236 67 2236 to 2624 68 THE FAMOUS STARGK PIANO Sweet-Toned Guaranteed 25 Years Select your piano for its tone quality. Starck pianos are not only beautiful pianos, but more than this, they are scientifically con- structed so that each separate part of the piano performs its own work in producing a tone of marvelous sweetness, purity and power. You will be delighted with the match- less tone quality of the Starck. Every Starck piano is guaranteed for 25 years. This guarantee has back of it the repu- tation of an old-established, responsible piano house. It means what it says and assures you a satisfactory piano. 30 Days* Free Trial You can have a beautiful Starck piano in your own home for 30 day.s' free trial. If, at the end of that time, you do not find it the highest grade, sweetest-toned and finest piano in every way that you have ever seen for the money you are at perfect liberty to send it back, and the trial will have cost you nothing. The Starck piano must make good with you, or there is no sale. The Celebrated Special Piano Bargains Here are a few of our second-hand bargains: Knabe $135 Steinway 120 Emerson 88 Kimball 60 Player-Piano $295 Call at our store and look at these bargain pianos of which there are a great many. You are sure to find what you want. Starck Player-Piano Easy Payments Lovers of music who are not musi- cians can render on the Starck player- piano any favorite selection with Just as good expression as the composer himself. Be- ing simple to understand, easy to operate, and durable In construction, the Starck player-piano meets the demand for a reliable, high-grade player-piano at a reasonable price. Call at our salesrooms and let us demonstrate this wonderful instrument. You can begin your payments on the low- est, easiest terms ever suggested by a piano manufacturer. These terms are arranged to suit your convenience, and you can buy a piano, for your home, without missing the money and on terms as low as $1.00 per week. P. A. Starck Piano Go. noar Adam. 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