ACROSS CANADA liNiVERSiTY OK ILLINOiS LIBRAR' FE'j “ 2 1917 Annotated Guide via Canadian Pacific Railway — the greatest transportation System in the world. •I—— To coiivort p. m. time into 24-hour system, add twelve, thus: d.OO p. m. Is 12-f*3=l5 o'clock, Jj CL \ G ^ Annotated Guide CONTENTS The Dominion of Canada Victoria and Vancouver to Montreal. Vancouver to Field Field to Swift Current Swift Current to Broadview Broadview TO Fort William Fort William to Chalk River Chalk River to Montreal British Columbia Coast Service Alaska Kootenay Central Branch Calgary to Edmonton Calgary to Lethbridge Edmonton to Winnipeg Great Lakes Route New Lake Ontario Shore Line Winnipeg to Toronto Montreal to New York Montreal to Boston Montreal to Portland Montreal to Halifax The Land of Evangeline. Montreal to Quebec Winnipeg to Minneapolis and St. Paul Arrow Lakes JCeows Nest Kootenay Landing to Dunmore "(^Pass Route page 4 8 35 50 52 65 71 9 10 32 46 46 53 60 62 67 76 77 77 78 83 86 89 92 95 4 Across Canada THE DOMINION OF CANADA — AREA, POPULATION, ETC. ANADA comprises the northern half of North America. Its southern boundary is the United States, on the east is the Atlantic, on the west the Pacific, and on the north the Arctic Ocean. Its area is 3,729,665 square miles, larger than that of the United States, and nearly equal to that of Europe. The population was, according to the census of 1911, 7,206,643, or nearly a fourth less than that of Belgium. (Estimated population for 1913, 7,758,000.) The census also showed that of the population 3,896,685 were British by race or origin, 2,054,890 were of French descent, 393,320 Germans, 105,492 Indian and half-breeds, 36,795 Chinese and Japanese, while almost every European race was represented in the remainder. During recent years a large number of farmers from the United States have settled in the Western Prairie provinces. Population to square mile, Canada 1.93; Great Britain, 471; U. S. A,, 25. From Vancouver on the Pacific to Halifax on the Atlantic is 3,740 miles by rail. From Dawson on the Yukon River to Victoria on the Pacific is 1,550 miles by ocean and river steamer and rail. Its most southerly portion is in the latitude of Northern Spain and Italy, and the most northerly portion of the mainland is in the latitude of Northern Norway. PROVINCES AND TERRITORIES. The following table gives the areas and population of the various provinces : — Provinces Area in Square Miles. Population 1901 Census. Population. 1911 Census. Yukon, etc 207,0761 1 47,348 / 8,512 Northwest Territories l,242,224j f \ 18,481 British Columbia 355,855 178,657 392,480 Alberta 255,285 73,022 374,663 Saskatchewan 251,700 91,279 492,432 Manitoba 251,832 255,211 455,614 Quebec 706,834 1,648,898 2,003,232 Ontario Prince Edward Island 407,262 2,1841 1 2,182,147 2,523,274 r 93,728 New Brunswick Nova Scotia 27,985 21,428 J 1 893,953 351,889 1 492,338 Total 3,729,665 5,370,515 7,206,643 CLIMATE. In a country of such a vast extent, a wide variety of climate is naturally to be found. Except on and near the ocean coast, the general characteristic of the climate of Canada comprises a warm dry summer and a dry cold winter. It is bracing and healthful, and in all respects is a white man’s country. On the Pacific coast, owing to the Japanese current, the climate is identical in temperature with that of the British Isles, which lie in the same latitude. CONSTITUTION AND GOVERNMENT. The Dominion is governed, under a Governor-General appointed by the British Crown, by a Legislature or Parliament, which makes the laws. Parliament is composed of two Houses, the Commons, elected by the people, and the Senate, appointed by the Government. Annotated Guide 5 The Cabinet or Government, which administers the laws passed by Parliament, is composed of members of Parliament, who must have the support of a majority of the Commons or elective branch in order to hold power. A change of policy, by reason of a change of Government, may occur at any time, and an election to decide as to the views of the people on the change may be held at any time. The Dominion Parliament controls the criminal law, the militia, the post office, railways, indirect taxation by the tariff and excise, trade relations with other countries, and, speaking generally, all matters of national concern. The Dominion owns and controls the administration of the public lands in the three Central Provinces and throughout Northern Canada. These provinces contain many millions of acres of unoccupied agri- cultural government land, and the responsibility for their development rests upon the Dominion Government. The provinces are governed by legislatures elected by the people, and have responsible government on the same principles as the Dominion. They are charged with providing the civil law and administering both civil and criminal laws. They provide for education and for municipal government, and for direct taxation in their support, and generally all matters of a purely provincial or local nature. EDUCATION. Primary education in Canada is amply provided for in all the pro- vinces, and in nearly all it is free. The figures for 1912 show that there were then 25,700 public and high schools, with 41,389 teachers and 1,418,555 pupils. Canada spent on education in 1912, $44,149,219. Eighty-five per cent, of all the population over five can read, and 74 per cent, can both read and write. The system of education is mainly compulsory (except in Manitoba) and unsectarian. RELIGION. There is no State Church in Canada, but there are numerous places of worship belonging to the different denominations. According to the census returns of 1911 the adherents of the principal religious bodies were as follows: Roman Catholics . . . 2,833,041 Mennonites 44,611 Presbyterians . 1,115,324 Congregationalists . . 34,054 Methodists . 1,079,892 Salvation Army 18,834 Anglicans . 1,043,017 Christians 16,773 Baptists . 382,666 Evangelical 10,595 Lutherans . 229,864 Buddhists 10,012 Greeks 88,507 Brethren 9,278 Jews 74,564 JUSTICE and' CRIME. Respect for law and maintenance of order are very prominent features of life in Canada, as distinguished from most other new countries. The criminal statistics show a slight increase, but there is very little serious crime in Canada. In 1913 (the latest year for which statistics are available) there were 18,320 convictions in all for indictable offences, of which 15,725 were first convictions. Only 293 of these offences called for sentences of five years and over, and only in 23 instances was sentence of death passed. In 4,655 cases the offender was allowed the option of a fine. Each Province supports its own police force, with the exception of Saskatchewan and, Alberta, which, with the Yukon Territory, are policed by a fine body of men, the Royal North-West Mounted Police. The force, ^ which numbers 1,268, in 1914, officers and men, was organised in 1873. The Canadian Pacific Railway has its own police system. TRANS-CONTINENTAL RAILWAY. The Canadian Pacific Railway has been well called one of the wonders of the world, and is the longest continuous track railway under one management in the world. It was constructed from coast to coast in five years instead of ten, as per contract, and its total mileage is over 6 Across Canada 18, 15^.. It possesses 76 steamships, 2,248 locomotives, 2,772 passenger and sleeping cars, and 95,367 freight cars. During the year ending June 30, 1914, it carried 15,638,312 passengers and 27,801,217 tons of freight. BANKING AND SAVINGS. Canada has 1,133 Post Office and Government Savings Banks. There are 30 chartered banks in the Dominion with branches all over the country. In ten years their assets have trebled, their capital has increased 50 per cent., and their note circulation has more than doubled. The public deposits in Canada amount to $1,011,367,714. The total savings of the people amount to about $150 per head — the highest record of any country in the world. IMPORTS AND EXPORTS, 1912-13. Date Total Total Total Exports Imports Trade 1912 $341,980,882 $559,325,544 $ 901,306,426 1913 436,218,037 686,604,413 1,122,822,450 Canada buys $100 per annum per head of the population. CANADA AS MANUFACTURING COUNTRY. The census of the manufacturers of Canada taken in 1911 for the calendar year 1910 gives the following comparative statistics, compared with those of the census of 1901 for the calendar year 1900, namely: — 1910 1900 I ncrease Inc. p.c. Establishments 19,218 14,650 4,568 31.18 Capital $1,247,583,609 $446,916,487 $800,667,122 179.15 Employees 515,203 339,173 176,030 51.89 Salaries, Wages. $241,008,416 $113,249,350 $129,959,066 112.81 Materials $601,509,018 $266,527,858 $334,981,160 125.68 Products $1,165,975,639 $481,053,375 $684,922,264 142.38 The capital employed in manufactures increased during the decade by 178.58 per cent., and the value of products by 142.11 per cent. The number of establishments employing five hands and over last year was 19,202, being an increase of 4,552 in the decade. AGRICULTURAL CROPS. The progress of Canada as an agricultural country may be seen in the following figures for the crops for the years 1901, 1911 and 1913 respectively ; — Crop 1901 1911 1913 Wheat. . 55,572,000 bush . 215,851,300 bush. 231,717,000 bush. Barley. . 22,224,000 “ 40,641,000 “ 48,319,000 “ Oats — 151,497,000 “ 348,187,600 “ 404,669,000 “ Potatoes 55,363,000 " 66,023,000 “ 76,720,000 " 35,375,000 acres were under cultivation in 1913, value of products being $552,771,500. Exports of agricultural produce in 1913 totalled $208,642,607. Canada has also a large and increasing fruit production, consisting principally of apples, but including also peaches, plums, grapes, and small fruits. Annotated Guide 7 LIVE STOCK. The figures of the live stock for the same period show a similar rate of progress: — Live Stock 1910 1911 1912 1913 Horses 2,213,199 2,266,400 2,236,800 2,535,800 Cattle 7,114,914 7,086,600 6,983,700 6,831,800 Sheep 2,598,470 2,389,300 2,360,600 2,141,000 Swine 2,753,964 2,792,200 2,656,400 3,072,600 J. D. McGregor, of Brandon, Manitoba, won the prize for the best animals out of 10,000 shown at the International Live Stock Exhibition, Chicago, December, 1913. FISHERIES. Canada has the most extensive fisheries in the world, including 12,780 miles of sea coast and innumerable lakes and streams amounting to 220,000 square miles of fresh water. The number of vessels and boats engaged in the industry is 41,170, and the number of fishermen 91,132. The principal fish caught are salmon, lobsters, cod, herring, mackerel, trout, halibut, and haddock. The value of the fish caught in 1912-13 was $33,389,464. Exports in fish in 1913 totalled $20,237,348. There are 56 fish-breeding hatcheries, and over 800,000,000 fry are annually distributed. Canada s lobster plant is valued at $3,750,000, with nearly 70 lobster canneries, the output of which in 1912 was 110,823 cwt. live lobsters and 10,(X)7,136 lbs. preserved lobsters. MINERAL PRODUCTS. Canada is rich in minerals, particularly in metals, and has the largest nickel, corundum, and asbestos deposits in the world. Mineral produc- tion, 1912, $135,048,296. The Yukon goldfield is 125,000 square miles in area. Canada has 1,234,269,310,000 metric tons of coal in coal areas estimated at 109,168 square miles. The famous Cobalt mines yielded in 1910 silver to the value of $15,500,000. FOREST PRODUCTS. Canada’s forest resources are almost illimitable. According to official estimates, there are 1,248,798 square miles of forest area in Canada. Such estimates do not include the great northern belt of forest, as to which all is more or less conjecture. Ontario contains the largest area of forest lands, estimated at 102,000 square miles. North of the Canadian Pacific Railway are about 60,000,000 acres covered by spruce, jackpine, and poplar. Red and white pine are found in large quantities in many parts of the Province. WATER POWERS. Canada possesses twice as large commercially potential water powers as the United States, namely 16,600,000 h.p., of which only 1,016,521 h.p. has been developed. The greatest development up to date has been in the provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Canada’s share of the 1,125,000 h.p. from Niagara Falls amounts to 450,000 h.p. There are many undeveloped water powers along the line of the Canadian Pacific Railway. TELEPHONES AND TELEGRAPHS. There were 889,572 miles of telephone wire in Canada at the end of 1912 and 370,884 telephones in use. This is one.tdephone for every eight of the population. There are 134,700 miles of telegraph wire of which 102,700 miles are owned and operated by the Canadian Pacific Railway. There are 40 wireless telegraph stations. NATIONAL PARKS. Canada has three great National Parks in the Rocky Mountains: (1) Rocky Mountain Park, with an area of 1,800 square miles; (2) Yoho Park, area 560 square miles, and (3) Glacier Park, area 468 square miles. Both the Canadian Government and the Canadian Pacific Railway are spending large sums in developing these parks and making them accessible to the tourist, so that they are rapidly becoming the Playgrounds of North America. C. P. R. Empress Hotel, Victoria, B. C. .4. DESCRIPTION OF TRANSCONTINENTAL ROUTE Victoria and Vancouver to IVIontreaL 2,895 Miles victoria — Alt. 20 ft. Pop. about 67,700. Capital of British Columbia, charmingly situated at the southern extremity of Vancouver Island, overlooking the Straits of Fuca to the Pacific, and beyond the Gulf of Georgia, the mainland. Across the strait are the beautiful Olympic Mountains, and far away at the east the white cone of Mount Baker is conspicuous. The climate resembles that of the south of Eng- land. Besides the magnificent Government buildings, which rank amongst the finest in America, the city has many fine public and private structures, including the Canadian Pacific Railway’s palatial Em- press Hotel, one of the finest hostelries on the Pacific coast. Beacon Hill Park affords a fine view of the waters and mountains on every side. The city has an extensive trade, and many large commercial houses, which do a very large outfitting trade for the Yukon. The Chinese quarter is always interesting to visitors. The Esquimalt and Nanaimo Railway extends northeasterly through a heavily timbered country of great natural beauty and many prosperous settlements, to the fertile Courtenay district with a branch to Port Alberni. A splendid Canadian Pacific Steamship service connects with Vancouver — a ferriage of four hours through a beautiful archipelago. The “Princess” steam- ships are the most popular boats on the Pacific coast. Steamboats also afford regular connections with Puget Sound ports, and depart about every five days for San F rancisco, connecting there for Southern Califor- nia, Mexico and South American west-coast ports. Steamers from and to Vancouver for Japan, China, Philippines, Hawaii, Fiji and Australia stop at Victoria for passengers, and there are regular sailings for Alaskan points both for tourists visiting the wonderful fiords of the north coast, and those intending to explore the great gold-belt of the Yukon. Esquimalt Harbor, two miles from Victoria, was formerly the British naval station on the North Pacific, with naval storehouses, workshops, graving docks, etc. Vancouver — Alt. 11 ft. Pop. 207,000. The Pacific terminus of the railway and the nearest ocean port to the great wheat lands. Until May, 1886, its site was covered with a dense forest. From May to July its growth was most rapid, but in July a fire, spreading from the surrounding forest, swept away every house but one in the place, and, with this one exception, every building now seen has been erected since that time. The situation is most perfect as regards pic- turesqueness, natural drainage, harbor facilities and commercial advan- ACROSS CANADA Annotated Guide via the Canadian Pacific Railway Annotated Guide 9 tages. It has extensive wharves and warehouses, churches, schools, etc., all of the most substantial character, and many first class hotels, among them the Vancouver Hotel, recently very much enlarged, operated by the Canadian Pacific Railway. It has many miles of asphalt streets, and cement sidewalks, has an electric street railway, and is lighted both by gas and by electricity. An ample supply of pure water is provided by means of pipes laid under the Inlet from two mountain streams, while the city’s sewage system is second to none. Besides its magnificent hotel, the Canadian Pacific Railway has a large station and offices in the city, and it is a remarkable tribute to the growth of both railway and city that big additions have just been made to these edifices. There is a regular steamship service to Victoria, Seattle, Nanaimo and San Francisco, to Philippines, Japan and China, to Sydney, Australia, via Honolulu, H.I., Suva, Fiji, and to Puget Sound and Alaskan ports, it being one of the principal points of departure on the coast for the Yukon and other northern goldfields, and an outfitting headquar- ters for miners and prospectors. The Canadian Pacific Railway White Empress Steamships take the shortest, safest and most pleasant route to Yokohama, Kobe, Nagasaki, Manila, Shanghai and Hong Kong, making the quickest passage by from five to ten days across the North Pacific, departing every two or three weeks. Two magnificent new steam- ers have been added to this service. These are the “ Empress of Asia” and “Empress of Russia.” They are the fastest and most luxurious boats on the Pacific. With their luxurious cabins, and splendid public rooms, with a gymnasium, verandah cafe and laundry; with a gay Fili- pino band and the perfect service of the China boys, these vessels make the voyage to the Orient one of the most delightful in the world. The Far East is now brought near, and Vancouver touches the finger tips of dainty little Japan. A large proportion of the silk trade passes through Vancouver, and the Canadian Pacific Railway “Silk Train” is perhaps the most famous train in the world. The speed and seaworthy qualities of the “ Empresses ” was recognized by the British Admiralty which promptly requisitioned these boats on the outbreak of war. The country south, towards the Fraser, has fine farms, and is espe- cially adapted to fruit growing. The electric railway running from Van- couver to Steveston intersects this district and gives access to the salmon canneries at the foot of the Fraser River. The coal supply comes from Nanaimo, directly across the Straits of Georgia, and almost within sight. The scenery all about is magnificent — the Cascade Mountains near at hand at the north; the mountains of Vancouver Island across the water at the west; the Olympics at the south-west; and Mount Baker looming up at the south-east. Stanley Park is a magnificent public pleasure resort, and a visit to Capilano Canyon, a remarkable mountain cleft across the Inlet, is a delightful outing. Opportunities for sport are unlimited at no great distance — mountain goats, bear and deer in the hills along the Inlet and trout-fishing in endless variety. A stay of a week at Vancouver will be well rewarded. Vancouver and Victoria are closely connected with the BRITISH COLUMBIA COAST SERVICE An extensive steamship coast service is provided in connection with the Canadian Pacific Railway. From Victoria and Nanaimo steamers ply daily to Vancouver. Also at regular intervals from Northern British Colum- bia ports, west coast of Vancouver Island, and from Skagway, Alaska, where c o n ne c t ion is made with the White Pass and Yukon Route during the summer sea- son from Dawson, Atlin and other Yukon points. From Seattle, steamers de- part daily for Victoria and Van- couver. 10 Across Canada Canadian Pacific Steamer “ Princess Charlotte " British Columbia Coast Service FROM ALASKA From June to November the Canadian Pacific Railway operates a weekly service of modern steel steamers from Skagway to Vancouver, Victoria and Seattle, and a slightly less frequent service during the remaining part of the year. Leaving Skagway in the evening, after the arrival of the White Pass & Yukon Railway train from interior points, we get a glimpse of the now deserted village of Dyea, and shortly pass on the right the United States Army post at Fort Seward and the adjoining town of Haines. Snowcapped mountains hem us in on every side, and waterfall, mountain torrent and glacier succeed each other until we turn into Gastineau Channel which is reached after eight hours steaming from Skagway, and very soon we are at our first stop, Juneau. Across the channel from Juneau is Douglas Island on which are located the famous Treadwell Mines and the adjoining town of Douglas. Treadwell has the largest gold quartz mills in the world, over 1,000 stamps being in operation day and night. Juneau is the capital of Alaska and the seat of Government. It is a very prosperous and thriving city, backed by an enormous mining development in the district surrounding, and is at present attracting the large mining capitalists. Mount Juneau rises sheer up from behind the town. Leaving Juneau, we proceed back through Gastineau Channel and into Stephens Passage where in the summer time, if the steamer has not already called there northbound, a call is made at Taku Glacier. This is one of the world’s finest sights. The glacier extends over 100 miles back to Atlin Lake in the extreme interior of British Columbia. It is a sight that never will be forgotten. The steamer is within sight of ice floes and bergs of all sizes and shapes, giving out the most wonder- ful colors. Huge masses are continually breaking off the glacier, crashing i nto the water with the noise of thunder, and floating away to be melted Juneau, Alaska [TosUh Lake IetI^kahtlaI f WtiCE/flUPERT<5 E'S^NQTON LOWE.JNifijg iiVlUkiuiy 4'llli'l i PtillisKtilBaj- ^ . -"•'‘ill ^O'Wn-. jSitK^;;^^Obvkano Jjake y . "'CA^ERY , j Qiilco ^^buVE^ ll 'tCM^PBELU ^'''4 RIVER r. :^5lAND 5 4* pOy'RT,ENAYfl 1 (^y '^'bMoxis *’• RAV -.wM ;aski; CLAVqobb™ ^'^ANAIMOl 'adysmithI )ldwat^ ^2^ 5 770 Indicates Double Track BRITISH COLUMBIA COAST SERVICE 12 Across Canada Thence southbound we go leaving Admiralty Island on our right, on through Frederick Sound, passing glaciers, waterfalls, and snowcapped peaks, until we arrive at Wrangel Narrows. Here half speed is the order, and for two hours we glide through a narrow and tortuous channel, passing jutting rocks and wonderful shadows and reflections on every side, and very shortly arrive at the very interesting old port of Wrangel. Wrangel is the port of disembarkation for those destined into the Cariboo Country. Stern wheel steamers operate from Wrangel during season of navigation up the Stikine River to Telegraph Creek in North- ern British Columbia, and the world’s greatest hunters go through here regularly en route to the Cariboo, where some of the finest big game hunting in the world is found and first class guides can be obtained. From Wrangel we proceed past Lincoln Rock lighthouse through Clarence Strait to Ketchikan and get our last glimpse of Alaskan glaciers. Ketchikan is the first and last American Port of entry in Alaska. It is a prosperous and thriving town in the centre of a big fishing district. One of the most remarkable characteristics of the Alaska salmon can be seen at Ketchikan. Millions of these salmon can be seen ascending the waterfalls and shallow streams at certain seasons of the year, on the way to deposit their eggs in a safe and quiet place, frequently leaping more than their own length clear of the water in making the ascent. Leaving Ketchikan, we cross the Alaskan boundary into Canadian territory, proceeding through the almost landlocked Tongas Narrows and through the Revilla Gigedo Channel to Port Simpson— about four hours steam from Ketchikan. Port Simpson was one of the first Northern posts established by the Hudson’s Bay Company, and the old fort and part of the stockade in which it was enclosed can still be seen. This is an historic spot of much interest. Leaving Port Simpson, we proceed through Chatham Sound and in about four hours arrive at Prince Rupert, considered by many destined to be the Vancouver of the North. Sufficient time is allowed passengers here, as at other ports, to take in the points of interest. From Prince Rupert, the steamer goes south through the beautiful Granville Channel, where thickly wooded mountains rise on either side and waterfalls are frequent, and on through Graham’s Reach out into Millbank Sound and the broad Pacific Ocean. After about an hour’s steaming on open water, we enter Fitzhugh Sound and so on out into Queen Charlotte Sound ; the largest stretch of open water on the whole trip. Three hours steaming takes us across, and the steamer hugs the Vancouver Island Shore until Alert Bay is reached. This is one of the prettiest spots on the coast and has a fine, sandy beach. Here is a white mission settlement and Indian village. There is a hospital and cannery, and the Indian village that lines the shore has one of the most interesting collections of totem poles to be found on the Pacific Coast. Several are over fifty feet high. From Alert Bay we steam in between Vancouver Island and the mainland of British Columbia for about fourteen hours to Vancouver. There we are loathe to leave the steamer after four days of the utmost enjoyment. Seattle and Victoria passengers transfer to one of the local “ Princess” steamers at Vancouver for those points, and Eastbound passengers to the trains which are almost alongside. Annotated Guide 13 New Canadian Pacific Hotel at Vancouver MAIN TRANSCONTINENTAL LINE j (Continued) | Starting on our journey across the continent from Vancouver, the Canadian Pacific Railway follows the south shore of Burrard Inlet, and the outlook is most delightful. Snow-tipped mountains beau- tiful in form and color, rise opposite, and are vividly reflected in the mirror-like waters of the deep-set Inlet. At intervals along the heavily wooded shores are mills with villages around them, and with ocean steam- ships and sailing craft loading with sawn timber for all parts of the world ; on the other hand, and towering high above, are gigantic trees with trunks of twenty, thirty and even forty feet circumference. At the eighth mile the north arm of Burrard Hastings Alt. 24 Inlet is seen extending at right angles to the Barnett “ 16 railway about fifteen miles into the moun- Port Moody “ 13 tains which, black and sombre, descend about 5,000 feet sheer into the water which is almost fathomless. Shortly after passing Port Moody, which for a time was the terminus of the railway, at the head of the Inlet, the railway leaves salt water, and crossing over a low-lying ridge descends into the valley of the Fraser. At West- (Westminster) Alt. 12 minster Junction a sub-division strikes Westminster JunCa “ 28 in from Westminster on the Fraser River. This city is the headquarters for the salmon canning industry, which is represented by a dozen or more extensive establishments. It has also large sawmills — the product of which is shipped largely to China, South America, Africa, Europe and Australia — and the Provincial Asylum and Penitentiary are located here. Steamers ply regularly to Victoria. 14 Across Canada Soon after leaving the Junction the line crosses Pitt River by a bridge one-quarter of a mile in length — from which a magni- ficent view is to be had up Pitt Lake, embracing water and woods and mountains of great height, and at various dis- li!i, tances, and meadows alive with cattle. On either side of the river extensive al- luvial flats have been dyked, thus rendering about 20,000 acres of the most fertile . lands fit for culti- vation. At Hammond the bank of the Fraser River is reached and fol- lowed by the rail- way for about 130 miles. It is here a smooth and mighty river. Immense trees are frequent, their size being indicated by the enormous stumps near the roadway. Many beautiful glimpses are had of Mount Baker, a magnificent isolated cone, in the State of Washington, rising 14,000 feet above the railway level, the favorite view being that from the crossing of Stave River about two miles east of Whonnock. From Mission a sub-division crosses the Fraser River and runs to the international boundary line where rail connection is made with the Northern Pacific Railway from Seattle, Tacoma, Portland, and all Oregon and California points. This line gives through connection for all the prominent points on Puget Sound, and for Portland and San Francisco (via the Shasta Valley). Harrison Hot Springs Hammond Haney Whonnock Mission Alt. 21 “ 19 “ 16 “ 21 Nicomen Alt. 25 Near Harrison Mills the Harrison River is Harrison Mills “ 40 crossed just above its confluence with the Fraser. The steamer “Vedder” operates between Harrison Mills Station and Chilliwack Wharf. Chilliwack Valley is situated on the south side of the Fraser River opposite Harrison Mills Station, and comprises over 55,000 acres of rich agricultural land and is famed for dairying, mixed farming and fruit growing. Two of the finest equipped creameries in the Dominion are operating at Chilli- wack, producing over one-half million pounds of butter annually, also the largest fruit canning company in the province is now in operation there. The city of Chilliwack has a population of 2,500 inhabitants, and has the advantages of city water, telephones and electric light. Agassiz Alt. 54 At Agassiz, overlooked by Mount Cheam, is a Ruby Creek “ 96 Government Experimental Farm where fruit and grain are grown in great variety. Agassiz isthestationfor Harrison Springs (hot sulphur), on Harrison Lake, five miles north. These springs are famed for their curative properties, and are visited by invalids from everywhere on the Pacific Coast. The St. Alice hotel affords accom- modation, and the country about is most interesting. Ruby Creek is named from the garnets found in the vicinity. North Bend Indicates Double Track SEATTLE TO VICTORIA AND VANCOUVER AND THE ESQUIMALT & NANAIMO RAILWAY 16 Across Canada Hope — Alt. 209 ft. Across the river from Hope is the village of the same name — a mining town and trading post, whence trails lead over the mountains in different directions. To the south-west may be seen Hope Peaks, where great bodies of silver ore are exposed, and only await suitable fuel to be worked profitably. The Kettle Valley Railway being built through Southern British Columbia will join the main line at Hope as well as at Spence’s Bridge. This will, when finished, provide an attractive alternative route to the east. Yale — Alt. 215 ft. Yale is the head of navigation and from it a wagon road was built in 1863-4 to the then famous Cariboo Mines, but the first 100 miles of it have been abandoned since the con- struction of the railway, and become in many places impassable even for a foot passenger. Yale was formerly an outfitting point for miners and ranchmen northward. It occupies a bench above the river in a deep cul-de-sac in the mountains, which rise abruptly and to a great height on all sides. Indian huts are seen on the opposite bank, and in the village a conspicuous Joss-house indicates the presence of Chinamen. Leaving Yale the valley turns to the right and then to the left and the railway, passing through a succession of tunnels, enters the canyon of the Fraser — where the cliffs are enormous, and apparently bar the way. The wagon road crosses and recrosses the railway many times in the next 12 miles, till we reach Spuzzum where it passes to the opposite side of the river by a most picturesque suspension Spuzzum — Alt. 895 bridge, and runs thence to Boston Bar (about 12 miles) through one continuous canyon. The scenery is startling. The great river is forced between vertical walls of black rock where, repeatedly thrown back upon itself by op- posing cliffs, or broken by ponderous masses of fallen rock, it madly foams and roars. The railway is cut into the cliffs 200 feet or more above and the jutting spurs of rock are^ pierced by tunnels in close succession. Ten miles above Spuzzum is Hell Gate, the narrowest point in the canyon. The river is held back by the projecting rocks, and in time of freshets rises 120 feet above its winter level, and those who pass through the canyon in the month of August often see the eddies packed with salmon, their back fins out of the water as they rest pre- paratory to making a rush round the next point. ^ There can also be seen in a few places the remains of the old Indian trail for foot passengers only, the first for pack animals, and the old wagon road, all of which have been abandoned for the railway. Hell Gate, Fraier Canyon Bend — Alt. 487 ft. North Bend (a sub- divisional point) is a desirable stopping- place for tourists who wish to see more of the Fraser Canyon than is poss- ible from the trains. There ^ are some pretty falls a short '''distance from the station, and in the vicinity capital fishing is to be had. Keefers — Alt. 555 ft. From North Bend the line follows the west side of the canyon, with the river surging and swirling far below. The old Government road, built in the early '60’s, and abandoned since the opening of the railway, attracts attention all along the Fraser and Thompson valleys. Three miles above Keefers, where it follows the cliffs opposite to the railway, it is forced to^ the height of a thousand feet above the river, and is pinned by seemingly slender sticks to the face of a gigantic precipice. The canyon alternately widens and narrows. Indians are seen on projecting rocks down at the water’s edge, spearing salmon or scooping them out with dip-nets, and in sunny spots the salmon are drying on poles. Chinamen are seen on the occasional sand or gravel bars washing for gold; and irregular Indian farms or villages, with their quaint and barbarously decorated graveyards, alternate with the groups of huts ol the Chinese. Near Kanaka the railway passes through a tunnel directly on to a cantilever bridge, and crosses to the east side of the Fraser River, which it follows for about six miles to Lytton, a Lytton — Alt. 687 ft. small trading town. Here the railway leaves the valley of the Fraser, and enters the canyon of the Thompson River. ) The mountains now draw together and the railway winds along their face hundreds of feet above the struggling river. The gorge rapidly narrows and deepens, and the scenery becomes wild be- yond description. The frowning cliffs opposite are mottled and streaked in many striking colors, and now and then, through i 18 Across Canada While’s Creek Bridge aud Fraser Canyon near Spuzzum. B.C. breaks in the high escarpment, snowy peaks are seen glistening above the clouds. Ten miles above Lytton, Nicomen, a little mining village, is passed, on the river bank opposite which the first discovery of gold in British Columbia was made in 1857. Above this point the scenery becomes very striking and peculiar. The Gladwin Alt. 745 train runs upon a sinuous ledge cut out of the Thompson 670 bare hills on the irregular south side of the Drynoch “ 752 stream, the ravines spanned by lofty bridges, and the Thompson, in the purity of a trout brook, whirls down its winding torrent path as green as an emerald. Sometimes the banks are rounded, cream-white slopes; next, cliffs of richest yellow, streaked and dashed with maroon, jut out; then masses of solid rust-red earth, suddenly followed by an olive-green grass slope, or some white exposure. With this fantastic coloration, to which the brilliant emerald river opposes a striking contrast, and over which bends a sky of deepest violet, there is the additional interest of great height and breadth of prospect, and a constantly changing grotesqueness of form caused by the wearing down of rocks of unequal hardness, by water and wind, into towers, monuments, goblins and griffins. The strange forms and gaudy hues of the rocks and terraces, scanty of herbage impress themselves most strongly on the memory. Spence’s Bridge — Alt. 768 ft. At Spence’s Bridge the old wagon road up this valley to the Cariboo gold country crosses the river; and the railway crosses here the mouth of the Nicola River, whose valley to the south is an important grazing and ranching region through which a line has been built to the Village of Coldwater, where connection is made with the Kettle Valley Ry. Two miles beyond Basque the hills press close upon the Thomp- CnafetitM A Jf QKfi ®on River, which cuts its way through a " ■ winding gorge of almost terrifying gloom and desolation, fitly named the Black Canyon. Emerging, the train fol- lows the river as it flows swiftly among the round-topped, treeless and water-cut hills. Ashcroft has developed into a busy town, being the point of departure for Cariboo, and other gold fields in the A u 000 northern interior of British Columbia. Trains ASncrofC Att. yya freight wagons drawn by from four to ten yoke of oxen and long strings of pack mules, laden with merchandise, depart from and arrive here almost daily. There are extensive cattle ranches in the vicinity, and some farming is done. i 'hHHioUck HOPE Lookout, P,k. The Old SejCtl^rj lAike ^Uat r lS 9 tl y ^Wi; '• 'CHIL'LIWACK N Icoiuea ^ Wl \- .IIWN"' tilatloo L Sutndu , Lake PAC, MISS'ION Huntingdon (Suuiaa) ^Li'llooet Mt. Blanchard-. ^llonu^^ck n|]l ''Ci>q\nl'(aTri V - »\i'///.'> '>';//<>, /M •'in'.'' \ Jort'ilodd^' '// yorJhuiArtit- NXW WESTMI^.&T.E|8> y A,N ^ ^ ^ y*^ '''T'x V ~ VCA ' ■"^ Z,-,-'^^^.' iSaii iid- ' Mlulu id, Uvlnirno Til A IT OF a Eo na I A pb\£N^ (s.. GAM£>i:£H'^ 57 4tr Indicates Double Traok VANCOUVER TO YALE 20 Across Canada Walhachin Savona After leaving Ashcroft the valley begins to widen out, and passing - Walhachin, where there is a large flourishing orchard visible from the main line, the line soon reaches Savona at the loot of Kamloops Lake. From Port Moody to this point the railway was built by the Dominion Gov- ernment and transfer- red to the Company in 1886. From Savona the line fol- Alt. 1,253 lows the “ south shore of Ka m- loops Lake for about twenty miles. It is a beautiful hill-girt sheet of water. Quicksilver mines, which it is hoped will prove of great value, can be seen on the opposite shore of the lake. Cherry Creek — Alt. 1,142 ft. Near Cherry Cre&k a series of mountain spurs project into the lake and are pierced by numerous tunnels, one following the other in quick succession. On one of these spurs a deposit of magnetic iron ore was discovered, from which large quantities have been, and still are being, shipped. Kamloops — Alt. 1,151 ft. Pop. 5,250. Sub-divisional point and principal town in the Thompson River Valley, operating its own water and electric light plants and as at present developing Hydro-Electric power, begun many years ago around a Hudson’s Bay post. The north fork of the Thompson comes down from the mountains 200 miles northward, and here joins the main river. It is a beautiful spot, whose dry invigorating climate makes it a pre-eminently desirable resort for sufferers from pulmonary troubles. The broad valleys intersect at right angles. There is a background of bordering hills, and streams. Steamboats are on the river, and saw mills briskly at work, Chinese labor being largely employed. The triangular space between the rivers opposite Kamloops is an Indian reservation, overlooked by Mount St. Paul. The principal industries around Kamloops are cattle and horse raising and fruit growing by irrigation. The latter industry is progressing very rapidly, as this district is well adapted for all kinds of fruit culture. This is the supply point for a large ranching and mineral region south- ward, especially in the Nicola valleys, reached by stage lines, and for the mines being operated in the immediate vicinity of the town, ores of which are largely similar to those of Trail Creek, principally gold and copper. Thence the railway follows up the valley of 1,14^ the South Thompson River and the eye is 1,144 gladdened by the sight of grass, fenced fields, growing crops,hay stacks, and good farm houses on the level surface, while herds of cattle, sheep and horses roam over the valley and bordering hills in large numbers. This ranching country is one of the garden spots of British Columbia. The people are com- paratively old set- tlers, hav- ing come in r from the Pacific^' Coast. Ducks Alt. Shuswap Hotel lacola, Penticton, Okanagan ValU' YALE TO KAMLOOPS 22 Across Canada About two miles east of Shuswap station the great Shuswap lakes, the centre of one of the best sporting regions on the line, are reached! Northward within a day caribou are abundant; the deer shooting south- ward within 30 miles is very good, and on the lakes there is famous sport in deep trolling for trout. For 50 miles the line winds in and out the bem ‘ while geese and ducks fly over the waters anc shadow play upon the opposite banks. This la bordering slopes gives a fine reminder of Scotti The railway in getting around it leads, at dh many times, towards every one of the thirty-tw the compass. Chase Alt. 1,174 To avoid following the Squilax ^ “ 1,295 shore in all its wind- Notch Hill “ 1,686 ings, the line crosses over an intervening ridge at Notch Hill — ascending about 600 fe( ^ mountain side and giving a magnificent view across the lake, its wind- ing shores on both sides of the long and narrow sheet of water stretching far on either hand, with high mountain ridges for the opposite back ^ beautiful views. The railway crosses one of these arms by a drawbridge at Sicamous Narrows. Sicamous is the station for mining and agricultural districts to the south where Sicamous — Alt. 1,141' there is large settlement. An excellent Canadian Pacific Railway hotel at Sica- mous forms splendid headquarters for those wishing to remain over and shoot, fish or make a daylight trip through the mountains. On Shuswap Lake small craft are always obtainable. There is excellent trout fishing during the proper seasons, within a few minutes» hundred yards to two or three miles in breadth, and ftipir VilcrVi HolH cVlnrpc frincrf^ri liftlfi narrow ground. The line then gradually runs down hill until it reaches the level of the water, at Sal- mon Arm, which it runs entirely round, and then goes for a long distance along the south- ern shore of the lake. This is a most remark- able body of wa- Salmon Arm — Alt. 1160 ter. It lies among the mountain ridges, and consequently extends its long nar- row arms along the intervening valleys like a huge octopus in half-a-dozen directions. These arms are many miles long, and vary from a few Annotated Guide 23 paddle of the hotel — also at Annsty Lake near the head of Seymour Arm, and White Lake near Copper Island. Both places can easily be reached by boat, and by short trail which the railway company has cut. Grouse shooting in the fall is plentiful and there is deer shooting within a reasonable distance over the hills directly across the lake from the hotel. A subdivision of the railway runs to Vernon and Okanagan at the head of Lake Okanagan, a magnificent sheet of water on which the Canadian Pacific have steamer service to Kelowna and to Penticton, at the foot of the lake. Kelowna is a growing town of over 3,000 population. Tributary to the town are some fifty thousand acres of first class fruit land, much of which is under cultivation. ^ Four thousand more acres are being converted into fruit orchards in Okanagan Centre. As showing the adaptability of the soil it may be stated that a very good grade of tobacco is grown in the neighborhood of Kelowna. There is excellent hotel accommodation obtainable at Penticton. The new Kettle Valley Line passes through Penticton. The Hotel Incola is an ideal c" resort for any time of year owing to the sunny dry Wapiti or Elk climate of the valley. In the vicinity of Penticton a strong land company has purchased a tract of land which it is rapidly irrigating and cultivating until today it has over 3,000 acres of the finest fruit lands producing rich returns each season. A short distance east of Vernon, a charming spot is the Coldstream estate, lately the property of Lord Aberdeen, formerly Governor-General of Canada. It contains some 13,000 acres of first-class fruit lands, a large part of which is in a high state of cultivation. F urther down the lake are Peach- land, Naraniata and Summerland, which are becoming favorite resorts. This is a land of vineyards and orchards, as well as a Mecca for keen sportsmen, for there is an abundance and variety of large and small game, including caribou, bear, deer, bighorn and mountain goat. From Sicamous the trans-continental line ascends the valley of Eagle River, which cuts through the Gold Range and is filled throughout with a dense growth of immense trees — spruce, Douglas fir, hemlock, cedar, balsam and many other varieties — giants all of them. At Craigellachie the last spike was driven in Malakwa Alt. 1,210 the Canadian Pacific Railway on Nov. Craigellachie “ 1,222 7, 1885 — the rails from the east and the west meeting here. Following up the valley, four beautiful lakes occur in close succession, Griffin, Three Valley, Victor and Summit, each occupying the entire width of the valley and forcing the railway into the mountain sides. . 1 / The high- A A Three Valley Alt. 1,634 est point Clanwilliam “ 1,812 reached in Eagle Pass is at Summit Lake, where the valley is so deep cut and direct that it seems to have / been purposely provided for the rail- way. The line de scends 525 feet in the next eight miles to the Columbia River. The two peaks south- east, seen from the main line of the jl railway, are Mackenzie and Tilley, |i(,f and the most prominent one to- ' fi', wards the southwest is Mount Beg- ' bie, imposing and glacier-studded. Soon after crossing the river we reach Revelstoke, the northern gate- way to the great Kootenay mining camps. The late Donald Smith (Lord Strathcona) driving the last spike, at Craigellachie* November 7, 188S 24 Across C'a n a d a A Fair Alpine Climber by which the trip through Southern British Co- lumbia may be continued over the Crowsnest Pass Route to Dunmore on the plains east of the Rockies where connection is made with the main line. ' Revelstoke— 1,492 ft. Pop. 3,500. On the Columbia River — a rail- way divisional point and a gateway to the great West Kootenay mining camps. The Hotel Revelstoke facing the station is a mo- dern building with all conveniences. A fine tourist resort — fishing, hunting, boating and mountain climbing can be enjoyed here. On Mount Revelstoke, immediately north of the city, the Provincial and Dominion Gov- ernments decided to build an automobile road, 18 miles in length, from which a magni- ficent view of glaciers, mountain peaks, valleys and rivers can be obtained. On the summit of this mountain is one of the most beautiful Alpine Parks to ^ be found anywhere. A comfortable cabin has been provided for the accommodation of tourists. Fish and game are abundant j in the vicinity. The Columbia, which ! makes a great detour from the east around the ■^northern extremity of the Selkirks, while the railway cuts directly across, is here much larger than at Donald, from which it has fallen 1,071 feet, and 28 miles below Revelstoke expands into the Arrow lakes, along which there is much beautiful country, and where the opportunities for sport are unlimited. A steamer makes bi-weekly trips of some forty miles up the river. To reach the mining regions by this route, involves a most delightful trip on the branch line to Arrowhead and steamer down Arrow Lake to Nakusp, past the famous Halcyon Hot Springs, a well-known re- sort, where there is an excellent hotel with villas. Opposite Halcyon is Halcyon Peak (10,400 ft.), and there are pretty waterfalls back of the hotel. There are trails to different points on the lake and to the moun- tain’s crest. Game is plentiful, and there is excellent boating and fishing. From Nakusp there is rail communication with the Slocan and to West Robson, whence different subdivisions lead through the Bound- ary District to Midway, to Trail and Rossland and to Nelson. Nelson has steamer connection with Kootenay Landing, the present western terminus of the Crowsnest Pass Route, which runs through East Kootenay and Southern Alberta and connects with the main trans- continental line at Dunmore on the plains of Western Canada. (For descriptive notes of this route see pages 92 to 101.) Leaving Revelstoke, the line soon enters the Selkirk Range by the valley of the , 'f:-: P ■ Illecillewaet River — the first portion of " which is a gorge in which the -.t,. ' ' railway and river appear to dispute the passage through a chasm with vertical rocky walls standing but ten yards apart. Twin Butte — Alt. 1,872 ft. This station takes its name from the huge double summit near by, now called Mounts Macken- zie and Tilley. After pass- ing the station, there looms up at the left the conspicuous and beautiful peak named Clachnacoodin. C. P, R. Steamer on B. C. Lake Service Indicates Double Track KAMLOOPS TO REVELSTOKE 26 Across Canada Albert Canyon — Alt. 2,221 ft. Just east of the station the train runs suddenly along the very brink of several remarkably deep fissures in the solid rock, whose walls rise straight up, hundreds of feet on both sides, to wooded crags, above which sharp, distant peaks cut the sky. The most striking of these canyons is the Albert, where the river is seen nearly 150 ft. below the railway, compressed into a boiling flume scarcely 20 ft. wide. An observation platform at which all trains stop gives the traveller the opportunity of better viewing this wonder of nature. The Illecillewaet River is here of no great llleclllewaet Alt. 2,707 size, but of course turbulent. Its water Ross Peak ” 8,436 is at first pea-green with glacial mud, but rapidly clarifies. The gorge is sometimes of considerable width, filled with a remarkable forest of those gigantic trees for which British Columbia is famous, and there are exceedingly grand outlooks all along. About Ross Peak station are many silver mines penetrating the crest of one of the lofty hills north of the railway. Passing Ross Peak Siding the line skirts along the base of Cougar Mountain, and looking forward up the valley one of the finest and most magnificent views on the line may be had of the peaks near the summit The Imperial Limited at Glacier of the Selkirks, with Sir Donald, the highest of them all, near the centre of the picture. Continuing up the valley, the Illecillewaet is crossed for the thirteenth and last time, and sweeping sharply to the right the line touches the base of Ross Peak, and turning back to the left across the valley leading down from Ross Peak Glacier forms a double loop like the letter S, and continuing to ascend around the mountain side, soon reaches the Glacier House. Glacier House — Alt. 4,086 ft. Station and hotel are within thirty minutes’ walk of the Illecillewaet Glacier, from which, at the left. Sir Donald (10,808 ft.) rises a naked and abrupt pyramid, to a height of a mile and a quarter above the railway. This stately mono- lith was named after the late Sir Donald Smith (who was afterwards known as Lord Strathcona), one of the original promoters of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Farther to the left, looking from the hotel, are two or three sharp peaks (Uto, Eagle, Avalanche and MacDonald), second only to Sir Donald. Rogers’ Pass and the snowy mountain beyond (a member of the Hermit range, which is called Grizzly, from the .frequency with which bears are met upon its berry-bearing slopes) i are in full view. Again to the left, at the west end of Hermit Range, on the south side of Bear Creek, comes Cheops, and in the foreground, i far down among the trees, the Illecillewaet glistens across the valley. I Somewhat at the left of Cheops the shoulders of Ross Peak are visible over the wooded slope of the mountain behind the hotel, which is called Abbott. Between Ross and Abbott in the background is an enormous wall of snow. This is the Mount Bonney Glacier. To the right of Ross, between Ross and Cheops, a glimpse is caught of the Cougar Valley where are the wonderful caves of Nakimu (Indian for “Grum- I bling Caves”). These caves, whose recesses have not been fully explored, contain many chambers, some of which are of surprising beauty. Roads have been constructed by which they have been made easy of access" Turning again to face the Great Illecillewaet Glacier a “V” shaped valley is seen on the right. This is the valley of the Asulkan Brook, a gem of mountain beauty, where a series of white cascades foam through vistas of dark spruce and fir, where falls leap from ledges above in clouds of flying spray, and shining open meadows lead the traveller to listen for the tinkle of the Alpine herd. The peaks going from right to left are — Aftoh, the sharp apex; the Rampart, an oblong wall; the Dome, a rounded rock; Castor and Pollux, two sharp spires farthest south. To the left of the Asulkan Glacier comes a forested dome. Glacier Crest, the western boun- dary of the Great Illecillewaet Glacier, which is banked on the other ' side by the lower slopes of Sir Donald, from whose summit an immense , number of glaciers can be seen. The hotel affords a most delightful stop- ping place for tourists who wish to hunt or explore the surrounding moun- ; tains or glaciers. Here in the heart of the Selkirks every comfort and lux- i ury are found, and here many gather annually to spend the summer ; amidst the wonders of nature. The Company : has greatly enlarged the hotel to accommodate I the increasing number of tourists who are not satisfied with the short stop made by train. The fllecillewaet Glacier is exactly two miles i I Glacittr Hotel— 'Canadian Pacific Railway 28 Across Canada away, and its slowly receding forefoot with immense crevices, abysmal depths cutting across the crystal surface, is only a few hundred feet above the level of the hotel. Several good trails have been made to it, and its exploration is practicable. A splendid view can be obtained of the Great Glacier from Glacier Crest. To the left of the Great Glacier, and 3,000 feet above the hotel, another view is from the trail at the foot of Sir Donald. Easy trails also lead to Marion Lake on Mount Avalanche, 1,500 feet above Glacier House. On Mount Avalanche is the Cascade summer house, directly above the mountain torrent, seen tumbling down the green shoulder from Avalanche Peak to the head of the Asulkan Valley, where the ice flow of two main branches of the glacier meet. Good routes have also been mapped by the guides up Eagle and Sir Donald; the former being an easy climb. This peak is so named on account of a large rock figure exactly resembling an eagle perched upon the knife-sharp edge of the moun- tain. It is seen to best advantage from the trail leading to Mount Avalanche. The Asulkan Valley trail branches off from the main glacier trail about a quarter of a mile from the hotel and crossing the Asulkan brook climbs up the east side of the valley to the forefoot of the Asulkan by another fine pony trail, and from here the trail to Rogers’ Amphitheatre may be taken, where is located a hut that may be used as a base for exploring and climbing the neighboring peaks and glaciers. From Rogers’ Pass there is another trail that follows along Bear Creek to Baloo Pass. From here is reached the famous Nakimu Caves, a series of natural caverns, situated on the lower slopes of Mount Cheops in the Cougar Valley. The return jour- ney from the caves to the hotel may be made via a trail and carriage road that follows the Illecillewaet River. A glacial stream has been caught and furnishes fountains about the hotel. Game is very abundant throughout these lofty ranges. Their summits are the home of the mountain goat, which are seldom found south of Canada. Bears also are seen frequently in this vicinity. Just east of Glacier Station a 5 mile tunnel is being bored through the Selkirks. It will be the largest in America, and when complete, will eliminate 4 miles of snowsheds and shorten the route through the Rockies by 4 miles. It will cost $10,000,000. Curving sharply to the left the train passes a long snow shed (not through it, for an outer track is provided that the summer scenery may Annotated Guide 29 i not be lost), and continuing to ascend along the slopes of the Summit f Peaks, the line soon crosses the summit of the Selkirks. Selkirk Summit — Alt. 4,351ft. Summit of the pass. The mountains j at the left are: Tupper, the group of castellated granite crags directly above the pass; Hermit, a rounded height; I the Swiss Peaks, separated from the peaks on each side by deeply I notched ravines; Rogers’ Peak, across the narrow but deep gulf from Grizzly, which in turn stands opposite to the pyramidal heights of I Cheops, a veritable Titan of this group, with the profile of a hatted I Napoleon plainly silhouetted against that face of Cheops overlooking ! the vast glacial field of the whole Hermit range; and looking out of the I pass towards the west, and over the deep valley of the Illecillewaet, ^ is Ross Peak, a massive and symmetrical mountain carrying an im- mense glacier on its eastern slope. Rogers’ Pass — Alt. 4,302 ft. This pass was named after Major A. B. Rogers, by whose adventurous energy it was dis- covered in 1881, previous to which no human foot had penetrated to the summit of this great central range. The pass lies between two lines of huge snow-clad peaks. That on the north forms a prodigious amphi- theatre, under whose parapet, five or six thousand feet above the valley, half-a-dozen glaciers may be seen at once, and so near that their shining green fissures are distinctly visible. In this direction, at the head of the largest glacier may be seen a group of sharp serrated peaks, clear cut against the sky. The tallest is Swiss Peak, so called in honor of the members of the Swiss Alpine Club who first stood upon its highest pinnacle. The changing effects of light and shadow on this brotherhood of peaks, of which Tupper and Macdonald are among the chief, can never be forgotten by the fortunate traveller who has seen the sunset or sunrise tinting their battlements, or has looked up from the green valley at a snow storm trailing its curtain along their crests with perchance a white peak or two standing serene above the harmless cloud. The cowled figure of a man, with his dog, on the edge of one of the crags shapes itself out of the rocks, and gives the name of Hermit to the sub- range. The way is between enormous precipices. Mount Macdonald, through which the new five-mile-long tunnel is being bored, towers above the railway a mile in almost vertical height. Its base is but a The Great Glacier 30 Across Canada and stupendous, and yet so near, that ‘ one is overawed by a sense of immensity and mighty grandeur. This is the climax of mountain scenery. These two match- less mountains apparently were once united, but ages ago some terrific convulsion of nature rent them asunder, leaving barely room for the railway. On the south stretches the line of peaks connecting Macdonald with Sir Donald, Uto, Eagle and Avalanche, from south to north — the rear slope of which were seen in ascending the Beaver. This pass valley has been reserved by the Govern- ment as a national park. From the summit the line follows down the valley of Bear Creek, and after leaving the station at Rogers’ Pass it clings to the base of Tupper Mountain, whose clustered spires face those of Mount Macdonald, and are nearly as high. About four miles from Rogers’ Pass station the line turns to the left into the valley of the Beaver, and near Bear Creek station a brief but precious glimpse is caught of Tupper Mountain, through a gap in the cliffs on the left. This station is 1,000 feet above the Beaver, whose upper valley can be seen penetrating the mountains southward for a long distance. Many of the difficulties of the railway from snow in the winter occur between Bear Creek and the summit on the east and for a similar distance on the west slope of the Selkirks, and these have been completely overcome by the construction, at vast expense, of sheds, or more properly tunnels, of massive timber work. They are built of heavy squared cedar timber, dove-tailed and bolted together, backed with rock, and fitted in the mountain’s sides in such a manner as to bid defiance to the most terrible avalanche. Bear Creek — Alt. 3,663 ft. The line now descends the left bank of the Beaver, where it is notched into the steep mountain side a thousand feet above the river, which appears as a silver thread winding through the narrow and densely forested valley. The principal difficulty in construction on this part of the line was occasioned by the torrents, which come down many of them in splendid cascades. „ Annotated Guide 31 Nx- through narrow gorges cut deeply into the steep slopes along which the railway creeps. ^ The greatest of all these bridges crosses Stony Creek — a noisy rill, flowing in the bottom of a narrow, V-shaped channel, 300 feet below the rails — one of the loftiest railway bridges in the world. A little "'V furtheronisa very high bridge, spanning a foaming \ cascade, whence one of the most beautiful prospects jof the whole journey is to be had. So impressed 4/ 'were the builders with the charm of this magnificent I V; / picture of mountains, that they named the spot The ’■ I Surprise. From Mountain Creek bridge, a few miles \ jV beyond, where a powerful torrent comes down from ' high mountains northward behind, one sees up the f ' Beaver valley a long line of the higher peaks of the Selkirks, en echelon, culminating in Mount Sir Donald, with which acquaintance was made at Glacier House, Opposite is a line of huge tree-clad hills, occasion- Rocky Mountain ally showing snow-covered heads above the timber Sheep line. Nature has worked here on so gigantic a scale that many travellers fail to notice the extraordinary height of the spruce, Douglas fir and cedar trees, which seem to be engaged in a vain competition with the mountains themselves. From Six-Mile Creek the line follows Cedar ^ Alt. 3 ,170 the left bank for a little way, then crosses Six-Mile Creek ‘ £,588 to the right bank and passes through the Gate of the Beaver River — a passage so narrow that a felled tree serves as a footbridge over it — just where the river makes its final and mad plunge down to the level of the Columbia. Beavermouth — Alt. £,430 ft. This is the most northerly station on the transcontinental route. The line soon turns abruptly to the right, and ascends the valley of the Columbia River, clinging to the sides of the hills, where the Selkirks and the Rockies crowding together, force the river through a deep and narrow gorge, As the train emerges from the canyon, a magnificent view is to be had of the Rockies, rising range upon range, and ex- tending from north-west to south-east. The line crosses the right bank of the river at Donald. Donald—^//. £,67 4 ft. From Donald to Golden the railway runs up the Co- lumbia on the face of the lower bench of the Rockies with the Selkirks in full view, opposite. Moberly— £,548 ft. Mob- erly is the site of the oldest cabin in the mountains, where the winter of 1871-2 was passed by the govern- ment engineering par- ty under Mr, Walter Moberly, C.E. engaged in the preliminary surveys of the trans- continental route. Just east of Moberly, the Swiss village of Edelweiss is passed where the C. P. R. quarters its Swiss Mountain Guides. Chalet at Edelweiss, Swiss Guides Village 32 Across Canada Golden — Alt. 2,578 ft. Golden is a prosperous mining town on the Columbia, at the mouth of the Kicking Horse. About Golden and at various places above, especially at the base of the Spillimachene Mountains, gold and silver mines are being developed, which have recently received a new lease of life through the opening up of the Kootenay Central Railway. KOOTENAY CENTRAL BRANCH In order to facilitate the development of agriculture, fruit growing and mining in this valley, and to encourage tourists to visit the beautiful district round Lake Windermere, the Canadian Pacific Railway Company has just completed the construction of the Kootenay Central branch connecting Golden, on the main line, with Fort Steele and Wardner, on the Crows Nest Pass line, a distance of 187 miles. An automobile stage runs on the Government road from Golden to Fort Steele and Cranbrook, and from the road one can see the Ready Made Farm settlements which the Canadian Pacific Railway has prepared at Parsons, Harrogate, Spillimachene and other suitable locations. The automobile road which is being constructed by the Canadian Pacific Railway in conjunction with the Federal and Provincial Governments through the Vermillion Pass from Banff will join this Government road at Sinclair, over sixty miles up the valley from Golden. At Sinclair there are hot springs, in connection with which an up-to-date health resort is being projected. With the slope of the Rockies on the left and the wonderful panorama of the Selkirk Mountains on the right, this newly opened valley offers to the tourist and the sportsman a virgin route of marvellous beauty. At various points irrigation companies are supplying the water for mixed farming and the cultivation of small fruits and the hardier varieties of apples, and there is already considerable settlement near the Windermere Lake. Excellent sport may be had in the canyons and creeks which run up on either side of the valley — this being one of the most convenient ways of reaching the great ice-field which caps the Selkirks. On Toby Creek, Earl Grey, when Governor-General of Canada, erected a hunting lodge. There is a comfortable tourist hotel at Invermere, not far from Athalmer Station, which provides an excellent centre for those who desire to explore the valley. A highly picturesque trail leads up Horse Thief and Mackenzie Creeks to Iron Cap Mountain, a ridge 10,000 feet above the sea, from which magnificent views may be had within a radius of 100 miles over the peaks of the Rockies and Selkirk Mountains. Indicates Double Track REVELSTOKE TO FIELD 34 Across Canada MAIN TRANSCONTINENTAL LINE I (Continued from Golden) Glenogle Alt. S,003 Just beyond Golden the railway enters the Palliser ** 3,283 Kicking Horse Canyon. Into this vast chasm goes the railway, crossing the river from side to side to ledges cut out of the solid rock, and twisting and turningdn every direction, and every minute or two plunging through projecting angles of rock which seem to close the way. With the towering cliffs almost shutting out the sunlight, the roar of river and train being in- creased an hundred-fold by the echoing walls, the passage of this gorge will never be forgotten. An abrupt turn of the river reveals Mount Hunter which pushes its huge mass forward like a wedge between the Ottertail and Beaverfoot ranges. At the right the highest peaks of the Ottertail Mountains rise abruptly to an immense height and looking south the Beaverfoot range extends in orderly array as far as the eye can reach. Just before reaching Leanchoil, the Canadian National Park, in which are embraced the Yoho Valley, the Great Divide, Lakes in the Clouds, and the Bow Valley to the eastern foothills of the Rockies,^ is entered. This magnificent domain of about 6,000 square miles is a public pleasure ground that is without a rival. Leanchoil — Alt. 3,677 At Leanchoil the Beaver- foot River comes in Ottertail “ 8,967 from the south and joins the Kicking Horse River, which stream is followed to the summit of the Rockies. Mount Goodsir (11,663 ft.), the highest of the Ottertail group, is seen from Ottertail Creek. The Ottertail range to the right appears sheer and pinnacled, with no amphitheatre among the craggy heights, while the Van Horne ^ ^ to the right are ochre-colored in their slopes ^ and show an undulating succession of /Tf. ^ ^ough and crest among their summits, \ The railway, which runs due north to Ottertail, gradually curves in a north-easterly direction, ascending the valley of the Wapta, lying be- tween the Ottertail and Van Horne ranges, and enters the flats of the Kicking Horse just before reaching Field. The scen- ery is grand and very large glacier bearing heights are seen at the north. Mount Stephen House, Hotel at I'icld Annotated Guide 35 FIELD AND SWIFT CURRENT: 464 Miles (Alberta Division) \ ! .^.4. Field— 4,066 ft. At Field is a charming hotel managed by the railway company — the Mount Stephen House — not far from the base of Mount Stephen, which rises 10,450 feet above the sea level and facing Mount Field. This is a favorite stopping place for tourists, and has been recently en- larged to meet the wants of increased travel. Field combines all possible at- tractions for the mountain tourist. From this point is reached a great glacier field, and the track only a short distance from all the mysteries and wonders of an upper ice world. Trails lead along the mountains’ side and through the valley, and shelters have been erected for the con- venience of visitors to this new wonderland of the Yoho Valley. Here are some of the highest peaks and finest scenery in the Rockies. Emerald Lake, 7 Emerald Lake Chalet miles from Field, is one of the most charming of mountain waters. A curious natural bridge is passed en route. Here a comfortable chalet has been erected by the railway company. On the shoulder of Mount Stephen is a fossil bed, rich in rare specimens of trilobite. During the summer Swiss guides are stationed here to accompany tourists and mountain climbers. Looking down the valley from the hotel, the Van Horne range is seen on the right. Coming from the west the road first enters the new spiral tunnel of 2,910 feet, under Mount Ogden. Emerging from the tunnel the track runs back west across the Kicking Horse river, and then enters the cork- screw tunnel of 3,200 feet under Cathedral Mountain, and after de- i scribing an elliptic curve emerges to again run along the Kicking Horse I Valley. The whole thing is a perfect maze, the railway doubling back i upon itself twice, tunnelling under mountains and crossing the river twice in order to cut down the grade. Put in brief, the work which has now been completed is as follows; — j Length of two tunnels, 134 miles; length of cutting outside of tunnels, C. P.R. NE GRADE REVISION HECTOR - FIELD Tfie line ftHs from HCCTOK Old line : — distance 4 1 miles, ^rade *i% Nen/ line: • 82 • 2 2% On old hne 4 engines could haul 710 tons On -ten hne 2 • can • 960 tons There are Three nen tunnels 170ft 2890ft &. 3200ft >ong, the tno longer beinj spira{ erlth a radnjs of 573 fh 36 Across Canada Chateau Lake Louise 7 miles; increase in length of track, 43^ miles; reduction in grade, from 4.5 to 2.2; approximate cost of work, $1,500,000; number of men employed, about 1,000, with complete outfit of steam equipment. Time of work, twenty months, from October, 1907, to July, 1909; 75 carloads of dynamite were used, or upwards of 1,500,000 pounds of the explosive. The cost of explosives alone came to over $250,000. This is not merely a great piece of tunnelling, but the first intro- duction of this spiral system of tunnels on this continent. The railway rounds the base of Mount Stephen, on whose side can be seen a silver lead mine at an altitude of 2,500 feet, and climbs the last of the great ranges. The scenery is sublime and overwhelming in its grandeur. The line ascends rapidly, crossing the deep gorge of the Kicking Horse and skirting the beautiful Wapta Lake at Hector. Hector Alt. 5J99 At the “Great Divide,” where a sparkling Stephen “ 6,321 stream separates into two waters, one flowing to the Pacific and the other to Hudson Bay, the backbone of the continent is reached. The station at the summit of the Rocky Mountains, like the stupendous mountain some miles behind, one of the chief peaks in the Rockies in this latitude, is named in honor of the first President of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Here a tablet has been erected to the memory of Sir James Hector. In de- scending a tributary of the Bow River, the huge peak of Mount Daly can be seen with its crescent shaped glacier a dozen miles away and 1,300 feet above you. The first stop is at Lake Louise, the station for the Lakes in the Clouds. BRITISH COLUMBIA Annotated Guide 37 / Canadian Pacific Hotel System Lake Louise — Alt. 6,032 ft. At Lake Louise sure-footed ponies or rigs may be taken to the Lakes in the Clouds, famed the world over for their unsurpassable beauty. Perched on the mountain sides, these lakes, hidden from general view amidst the most romantic environments, are rare gems whose loveliness and charm surpass all description. Lake Louise, which is the first, is three miles from the station by motor car line which ascends the side of the mountain. On the shore of this beautiful lake there is a comfortable hotel, the Chateau Lake Louise and cottages, where excellent accommodation is provided. There is a bridle path to Mirror Lake higher up the mountain, and a still further ascent to Lake Agnes, during which a magnificent view of the Bow Valley and the surrounding mountains is obtained. Trails also lead to Paradise Valley, to the Valley of the Ten Peaks, and to other sequestered spots. No more delightful place is imaginable than these lovely stretches of water in cloudland. Shelters have recently been constructed for the accommodation of tour- I ists. They are within easy .1. distance of the hotel, and are of especial benefit to amateur photo- graphers who delight in BE RTA RAILWAY FROM YALE TO CALGARY 38 Across Canada Buffalo at Banff catching the lights and shadows of the superb views of the locality. Trails lead across the stream draining Lake Louise to Fairview Mountain on the left side and to the Saddle- back still farther eastward, from which one '^’’‘>T>can look across the abysmal gorge 2,000 ft. ^%^^/deep to the avalanches of Mount Temple, the forested vale called Paradise Valley, the scarred battlements of Mount Sheol and the pinnacled heights of Castle Crags behind Fairview Mountain. A good carriage road leads to Moraine Lake and the Valley of Ten Peaks Other trails lead round to the right of Lake Louise directly on to the Glacier bed of Mount Victoria, the great palisade of snow, 11,355 ft. high, that shuts off all view to the south. This trail also connectes with the route to Abbot Pass, a deep canyon between Victoria and Lefroy, 11,220 ft. A stiff climb over this pass and down to the rear of Lefroy and Victoria leads by a chain of beautiful mountain tarns to O’Hara Lake and Cataract Creek, which flows directly down to Wapta Lake, on the main line at Hector Station. O’Hara Lake, recently opened to the public by a well-made pony trail from Hector, is a worthy rival of Lake Louise and presents features of wild Alpine grandeur in its surroundings that cannot be surpassed. It may be reached also from Lake Louise and Field, and by a combination of the trail Lake McArthur may be visited. To enable visitors to climb and explore in safety, the Canadian Pacific Railway offers the services of Alpine guides of the very highest class. One of these is always stationed at Lake Louise. The others will be found at Field, Emerald Lake and Glacier. The railway runs down the forested Bow Valley, which is sentinelled by mountains exceedingly grand and prominent. Those on the lefi (northeast) form the bare, rugged and sharply serrated Sawback sub- range, with a spur, called the Slate Mountains, in the foreground. On the right the lofty Bow range fronts the valley in a series of magnifi- cent snow-laden promontories. The gap of Vermilion Pass opens through the range, permitting a view of many a lofty spire and icy crest along the continental watershed, from whose glaciers and snow- fields the Vermilion River flows westward into the Kootenay. Most prominent on the east side are the precipitous face of Storm Mountain (10,309 ft.), and the snow dome of Mount Ball (10,825 ft.). To the right, standing supreme over this part of the range, the prodigious, isolated, helmet-shaped mountain named Temple (11,626 ft.), the loftiest and grandest in this whole panorama. This great mountain becomes visible almost from the “Divide ’’and is the most conspicuous and admirable feature of this wonderful valley, which has been referred to by one writer as an “amphitheatre of scenic glory.’’ The great Castle Mountain on the left, resembling a huge giant’s keep, stretches its great length for several miles, with turrets, bastions and battlements, and at one spot Swimming Pool, Banff Hot Sorin/!s Hotel 1 a remarkable reproduction of a drawbridge with portcullis. Opposite is Copper Mountain, in which are said to be large deposits of ore, and beyond is Pilot Mountain, 9,650 feet, whose pyramidal peak is the only one that can be seen from both sides of the Bow Valley. Castle is the station at the base of the great Castle Alt. 4,657 eminence known as Castle Mountain. The Sawback “ 4,537 views forward and to the rear are delightfully j surprising. The Vermilion Lakes are skirted, ’ and an excellent view is had of Mount Bourgeau and the snow-peaks far to the west, enclosing Simpson’s Pass. Hole-in-the-Wall Mountain is passed on the left. This mountain has a remarkable cave which can be entered for 160 feet, where a chimney-like aperture gives a glimpse I of the sky. The cave is 1,500 feet above the valley. Banff — Alt. 4,521 ft . — Station for Canadian National Park and Hot Springs. This park is a National Reservation of 5,732 square miles, embracing parts of the valleys of the Bow, Spray and Cascade i; rivers. Lake Minnewanka and several noble mountain ranges, and beyond the “ Divide,” the Yoho Valley and the country to the west and south of it.^ The Park is the largest in the world, being nearly half as large again as the famous Yellowstone Park in the States. No part f of the Rockies exhibits a greater variety of sublime and pleasing scenery, and nowhere are good points of view and features of special interest so accessible, since many good roads and bridle-paths have been made. The railway station at Banff is in the midst of impressive mountains, 40 Across Canada The huge mass northward is Cascade Mountain (9,825 ft.); eastward IS Mount Inglismaldie, and the heights of the Fairholme sub-range, behind which lies Lake Minnewanka. South-eastward from Inglis- maldie, in the same range of the Fairholmes, the sharp cone cf Peechee (called after an Indian chief), closes the view in that direction; this is one of the highest mountains visible. To the left of Cascade Mountain, and just north of the track, rises the wooded ridge of Stoney Squaw Mountain, beneath which lie the Vermilion Lakes, seen just before reach- ing the station. Up the Bow, westward, tower the distant snowy central heights of the Main range about Simpson’s Pass, most prominently the square, wall-like crest of Mount Bourgeau. A little nearer, at the left, is seen the northern end of the Bourgeau range, and still’nearer, the razor-like back of Sulphur Mountain, along the side of which are the Hot Springs, and on whose summit, at 7,484 ft., an observatory has been established. The isolated bluff southward is Tunnel Mountain, while just behind the station. Mount Bundle, 9,665 ft., rises sharply] so near at hand as to cut off all the view in that direction. Near the station is a large corral of 800 acres in which are about 100 buffalo. In well-constructed cages are specimens of the various wild animals found in the Rocky Mountains. The village of Banff is a short distance south- west of the station, on the hither side of the Bow, and the Canadian Pacific Railway Banff Hotel about a mile further on. A steel bridge takes the carriage-road across to the magnificent hotel, built by the Railway Company, on an eminence between the foaming falls in the Bow and the mouth of the rapid Spray River. This hotel has just been reconstructed on a truly magnificent scale, having a kitchen capable of supplying 600 meals at one time. It is most favorably placed for health, picturesque views, canoeing, driving, walking and mountain- climbing. In direct connection with the hotel there has been opened what is probably the finest bathing establishment on the continent. It is built in the forrn of three terraces, the outer and lower one of which forms the great semi-circular cold water swimming pool, which is one hundred and twenty feet in diameter and varies from three to seven feet in depth. The second terrace contains the sheltered warm sulphur- I water pool which is supplied by piping the water direct from the Hot i Springs on Sulphur Mountain at the rate of 1,165 gallons per hour. This pool measures 28 feet by 80 feet and varies from four feet to seven feet in depth. The water in the pool is maintained at a temperature of 110 degrees Fahrenheit— about five degrees lower than at the source of supply — by the continuous flow of water. The bathing space is enclosed by a screen of plate glass between concrete posts, to protect | the bathers against the breezes. Adjoining the sulphur plunge, there ten shower baths, and complete ^ Turkish and Russian baths finished in marble ! I I BanfF Hot Springs Hotel. Owned and Operated by the Canadian Pacific Railway Annotated Guide 41 The Three Sisters Canmore and fitted with all the latest plumbing de- vices. One hundred dress- ing rooms are provided at this level, and on the third terrace there are' the cooling rooms, private sul- phur baths, and rooms for the Swedish masseur and his attendants who were from Europe to take charge of the establishment. The roof of the third ^ terrace forms a wide promenade upon which chairs are placed to ehatile guests to obtain both a view of the bathers below and of the whole magnificent panorama of the mountains. The entire structure is of reinforced concrete and the pools are lined throughout with white glazed tile, and lighted by electricity so that they may be used at night as well as by day. Still another attraction at Banff is the new golf course. Golf enthusiasts who have played the game on the ordinary country golf links will find the sport at Banff even more fascinating. Nestling among the mountains, completely surrounded by gigantic peaks, and with the glacier-fed Bow River flowing throughout its length, the course is superbly located, Nature making it not only one of the highest courses on the American continent, but also one of surpassing beauty. The links are reached from the Banff Springs hotel by either carriage road or foot-path leading directly to the club-house. The house is nicely fur- nished fand provided with all conveniences. There is a good tennis court in connection with hotel. In Banff itself there are a sanitarium and hospital and a museum of more than local interest has been established by the Government. Nine miles from Banff is Lake Minne- wanka, on which launches are operated. There is capital fishing, the trout being of extraordinary size. Wild sheep (the big horn) and moun- tain goats are occasionally to be seen on the neighboring heights. Some extraordinary fossil remains and markings of mammoth pre- historic creatures are found on the mountain slopes surrounding this lake, as well as on Cascade Mountain. At the upper end of the lake is the valley of Ghost River, a strange region where the mountain rivulets gurgle off into subterranean reservoirs and the granite walls are pitted with caves. Between Banff and the lake is Bankhead, where are located the anthracite mines, operated by the Canadian Pacific Railway, whose output will shortly provide the country as far east as Winnipeg with fuel. The hot springs are at different elevations upon the eastern slope of Sulphur Mountain, the highest being 900 ft. above the Bow. All are reached by fine roads, commanding glorious land- scapes. The more important springs have been improved by the Government, and picturesque bathing houses have been erected and placed under the care of attendants. In one locality is a pool inside a dome-roofed cave, entered by an artificial tunnel; and adjacent, another spring forms an open basin of warm sulphurous water. Since ■ III! I ii i h j 5S Indicates Double Track FIELD TO CALGARY Annotated Guide 43 the opening of the railway, these springs have been largely visited, I and testimony to their wonderful curative properties is plentiful. I These springs are reached by a delightful drive of about a mile along a j winding, pine-bordered road, up the valley of the Bow River to the I base of Sulphur Mountain. Among the other pretty drives radiating from Banff is “the Loop," a beautiful roadway around the Bow Valley, in full view of the superb Bow Falls, skirting the base of Mount Rundle, to the banks of the Bow River ; another interesting drive is that along the north side of the Vermilion lakes to Edith Pass; another favorite outing is that to Tunnel Mountain, by way of its spiral, tree-lined roadway. Of the longer trails that have been opened probably the most important is that up Brewster Creek, at the head of which is a huge glacier. West from Lake Minnewanka there is another trail through Aylmer Pass and down the Ghost River, returning to the lake by way of the Devil’s Gap. There is also another magnificent trail from the Spray Lakes to Kananaskis Lake. From one to two weeks can be profitably spent on these last two trips. Of interest to motor-car enthusiasts is the new automobile road on which Banff will be an important stop-over point. This road is now ‘ being built by the Dominion Government, the British Columbia I Government and the Canadian Pacific Railway. It starts at Calgary I and runs through the Mountains to Banff. At Castle Mountain it branches off through the beautiful Vermilion Pass to connect with a ! road already in existence running from Golden to Cranbrook on the I Crow’s Nest Pass line of the C. P. R. From here there is a road to I Macleod and from that point there is connection with Calgary, making I a five hundred mile automobile road, which when completed will be I the grandest highway in the world. About twenty miles south of Banff 1 is Mount Assiniboine, the Matterhorn of the new world, the ascent of [ which, after several unsuccessful attempts, was made in the autumn of 1901 by the Rev. James Outram and a party of [ Swiss guides. The way to it leads through beauti- ful valleys studded with transparent blue lakes and park-like prairie openings. ! Bankhead — Alt. 4,569 ft. Just after leaving the station, the train passes along a large corral of 800 acres already described. The railway skirts the base of Cascade Mountain and follows Cascade Creek until after Anthra- cite is passed, when it rejoins the Bow. Half- way between Anthracite and Canmore, the park is left. The Gap — Entrance to the Prairies from the Canadian Rockies 44 Across Canada Can more — Alt. 4,^83 ft. Near Canmore are large coal mines. A striking profile of the Three Sisters is obtained, with Wind and Pigeon mountains looming up beyond. On a hill behind the station stands a group of isolated and curiously weathered conglomerate monu- ments, called “hoodoos.” Passing through the Gap — a narrow The Gap Alt. 4,^36 ^ passage between two vertical walls — the Exshaw “ 4,34'y’ gateway by which the Bow River issues Kananaskis “ 4,318 from the hills, the Kananaskis River is crossed by a high iron bridge, a little below where it joins the Bow, and the roar of the great falls of the Bow (called Kananaskis Falls) may be heard from the railway. Near it the track turns and descends the long valley between the Fairholme range on the left and the Kananaskis range opposite. The prominent peak on the right is Pigeon Mountain, and in leaving the station called The Gap, a magnificent view is obtained of Wind Mountain and the Three Sisters also on the right. At Exshaw is one of the largest cement works in Canada. There is a remarkable contrast between the ranges in view behind. On the left are fantastically broken and castellated heights; on the right massive snow-laden promontories, rising thousands of feet, penetrated by enormous alcoves in which haze and shadow of gorgeous coloring lie engulfed. The jaggedness of profile observed is now ex- plained. These mountains are tremendous uplifts of stratified rocks, of the Devonian and carboniferous ages, which have been broken out of the crust of the earth and slowly heaved aloft. Some sections, miles and miles in breadth and thousands of feet thick, have been pushed straight up, so that their strata remain almost as level as before; others are tilted more or less on edge (always on this slope towards the east) and lie in a steeply slanting position; still other sections are bent and crumpled under prodigious side-pressure, while all have been broken down and worn away until now they are only colossal fragments of the original upheavals. This disturbed stratification is plainly marked upon the faces of the cliffs, by the ledges that hold the snow after it has dis- appeared elsewhere, or by long lines of trees, which there alone can maintain a foothold, and this peculiarity is one of the most striking and admirable features of the scenery. By the time Cochrane is reached, the trav- Morley Alt. 4,066 eller is well within the rounded grassy foot- Cochrane “ 3,748 hills and river “benches” or terraces. Ex- Glenbow “ 3,676 tensive ranches come into view and are passed Keith 3,651 in rapid succession as the train speeds east- ward towards the fertile prairies of Western Canada. Great herds of horses are seen in the lower valleys, thousands of cattle on the terraces, while the hilltops provide grazing for flocks of sheep, making a picture restful, novel and interesting to one who has but a moment before passed from the Rocky ranges lying eastward hundreds of miles from the Pacific. After leaving Cochrane and again crossing the Bow, the railway descends from the top of the last terrace, whence a magnificent view of the receding mountains is obtained, and where the foot-hills fall in successive tiers of sculptured heights from the snowy range behind them. Calgary — Alt. 3,435 ft. The largest city in Alberta, it has 80,000 population, with upwards of 425 retail stores, 150 whole- salers, 75 manufacturers, 25 banks. General offices of the Canadian Pacific Railway are located here; including the head offices of the Department of Natural Resources, under whose jurisdiction comes the great Bassano Irrigation project. The extensive Western car shops of the C. P. R. are at Ogden, near Calgary. These shops will eventually employ about 3,500 men. The new Canadian Pacific Hotel Palliser ranks among the finest in North America. The city owns, operates and controls its public utilities, including municipal street railway, gravity waterworks system, light and power plant and street paving plant. All these are profitable enterprises, and yield a big revenue. Forty miles of street railway are in operation. This city is supplied with natural gas from Bow Island, which is sold at low rates, both to manufacturers and for domestic use. Annotated Guide 45 The most imposing building in Calgary is undoubtedly the Palliser, Uhe new C. P. R. hotel. Externally the building is French Renaissance. IBuff pressed brick, Roman size, is used for the facing of the walls while i Indiana limestone is used for trimmings. Its ground measurements are ^227 feet by 145 feet and it rises to a height of 120 feet above the side- iwalk. From the roof a magnificent view of the snow-capped peaks of I the Rockies is to be had. It comprises ten floors — basement, ground, mezzanine and seven (service floors, with a roof garden and sun parlor on the roof. The (structure is built of steel and reinforced concrete throughout.^ ^ In (shape, it is rectangular as far as the first floor; above that, it is “E" I shape, contained in one long wing of 46 feet wide by 227 feet long on the north side with three projecting wings at right angles on the I street side — these wings being 99 feet long, 46 feet wide for the two '; end ones, and 54 feet wide for the centre one. The advantage of this 'design is, of course, that sufficient lighting for all rooms is secured. There are no “inside rooms.” The spaces between the wings also 'i afford provision for skylights for the lighting of the lower floor. Entering from Ninth Avenue, one passes through the vestibule ■(into the entrance hall (46 x 32 feet), with the Palm Room (42 x 50 I feet) on the left and the Drawing Room on the right. Beyond is the i Rotunda, 147 feet long by 40 feet wide. The floor of the Rotunda, I vestibule, entrance hall and elevator hall is of grey Tennessee marble, i and the columns that support the roof are finished in Botticino marble, ■r with Sylvian marble for the bases. On the right of the Rotunda is the i main Dining Room, 38 feet wide and 142 feet long, ruining the whole j depth of the ground floor from north to south and finishing in a semi- ' circular bay at the south end. On the left of the Rotunda are the flower ; stand, bar, and cafe, the floors of which are large heather-brown tiles. To the north of the Rotunda are the elevator hall and the spacious kitchen. The first floor contains a beautiful balFroom, 48 x 50 feet, situated at the north end of the centre wing. At either side of the ball-room, in courts, are pergolas, extending to the side wings. The remainder of this floor, and the whole of the floors above, is occupied by bed-rooms, with an average of about 50 per floor. The bedrooms range in size from 12 x 15 feet to 20 x 14 feet, and are usually in pairs, with connecting doors between, and bathrooms on either side. Inside each wing is a broad corridor running down the centre. Every bedroom is finished with mahogany doors, with a full length heavy plate glass mirror on the bedroom side of the door. The furniture of the bedroom is all fumed oak, with dull brass fittings. There is hot and cold running water, ice water service, telephone, and C. P. R. BridiJe OYcr the Saskatchewan P.iTcr at Edmonton CALGARY TO EDMONTON AND CALGARY TO LETHBRID^^ 1 From Calgary an important branch line connects with Edmonton, the Capital of the Province of Alberta (see p. 54), and another south to Lethbridge and Macleod. The Canadian Pacific Calgary to Edmonton branch line passes through and serves an exceptionally rich region, well suited for mixed farming and especially for dairying, which is, indeed, the staple industry of the inhabitants. For a distance of thirty miles after leaving Calgary the line skirts the extreme western boundary of the C. P. R. Irrigation Block, as far as Crossfield. The undulating prairies continue all the way, but after leaving Crossfield the character of the countryside gradually changes. Unlike Southern Alberta — i.e., the lands along the main transcontinental line of the C. P. R. — Central Alberta is wooded. Bush will be seen everywhere and clumps of trees, until presently, when nearing Edmonton, the clumps are in some parts continuous. Olds — (58 miles) where one of the three Agricultural Schools recently established by the Alberta Provincial Government is located. Red Deer — (95 miles), pop. 3,500, is an important town, and the It is situated on the Red Deer River, and has in the neighborhood valuable coal, clay, sand and gravel deposits. It will also be the sub- divisional point of the new C. P. R. branch westward to Rocky Moun- tain House (between 50 and 60 miles), now in course of construction. Lacombe — (113 miles), pop., 1,800, is also in the heart of a mixed farming district, and is the location of a Dominion Govern- ment Experimental Farm. A branch line runs from here eastward via Coronation to Monitor, connecting with the C.P.R. Moose Jaw to Macklin branch at Kerrobert, Near Lacombe is Gull Lake, a summer and bathing resort that is quickly becoming popular amongst the people of Southern and Central Alberta. Wetaskiwin — (152 miles), pop. 3,600, is the junction point for the main line to Winnipeg. Edmonton — (194 miles). See page 54. The line south from Calgary to Macleod and Lethbridge also passes through a good farming country. Aldersyde (where a cut-off line branches direct to Lethbridge), High River, Cayley, Nanton, Claresholm are some of the more important stations — all yielding substantial grain and cattle traffic. Near High River is a ranch famed for its breed of Percherons. At Lethbridge is the headquarters of an irrigation district now operated by the National Resources Department of the Canadian Pacific Railway, formerly by the Alberta Railway and Irrigation Com- pany. Near here is Coaldale, a prosperous Ready Made Farm Colony settled with Old Country farmers. centre of a splendid mixed farming and dairying district. CALGARY TO LETHBRIDGE Annotated Guide 47 1 TRANSCONTINENTAL MAIN LINE CALGARY TO SWIFT CURRENT Leaving Calgary one sees the great Ogden shops, at which the equipment of the railway on this section Alt. 3,406 of the line is repaired and renovated. Approaching Shepard, the foot-hills are left behind, and at Langdon there are some large cattle ranches. Here the railway leaves the valley of the Bow River. A new cut off has just been completed between Shepard and Gleichen over which trains pass. Ogden Shepard Langdon Cheadle Strathmore Namaka Gleichen 3,406 3,366 3,289 3,233 3,179 3,041 2,950 A Fairy of the Prairies certain transcontinental From Shepard to Gleichen also the main line traverses the western sec- tion of the Canadian Pacific Company’s 3,000,000 acres irrigation project and the canal and ditches are ^ crossed at several points. The Irrigation Block is traversed by the main line of the rail- way and extends a distance of 145 miles. This is the largest.irrigation project on the continent and is divided into three sec- tions. Work has been completed on the .Western section and a great part of the land marketed. The Eastern section, extending from Carlstadt to Bassano, is now also ready for settlement. About three miles south of Bassano is located the great Horse - Shoe Bend dam which has made the waters of the Bow River available for irrigation on this Eastern section. By means of the dam the ordinary water level at the site is raised 45 feet, resulting in the waters flowing from the far distant eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains being diverted through a total length of 2,500 miles of canals and distributing ditches over about 1,800 square miles of fertile prairie country, irrigating approximately one-third of that area. The farms which will be cultivated by this method of irrigation are seen on each side of the track, and at Gleichen and Strathmore the Experi- mental Irrigation Farms are located close to the line, and the results from the application of water in growing crops and trees may be noted. Near Strathmore are located a great number of the Canadian Pacific’s “Ready Made” Farms. Under this policy the Company improves farms in advance of their sale, so that the arriving settler finds await- ing him a farm with a comfortable house, fine barn, a drilled well and about fifty acres in crop. The whole farm is fenced. The price of these improvements is added to the price of the land, the whole sun being payable in a space of twenty years. ^ This policy has been extended to three Prairie Provinces, and is also being adapted to smaller areas in the Columbia Valley along the line of the Kootenay Central Branch north of Golden. At Langdon the railway falls to the valley of the Bow River. From Langdon branch lines run northward to Acme. At Gleichen {Alt. 2,950 ft.) pop. 500, a last receding view of the Rockies may be had by the traveller as he is carried toward the rising sun. At Namaka is another farm of the Canadian Land and Ranch Company. The Company has 1,600 acres under crop here and excellent harvests are reaped. > C. P. R. Supply Faraa, Slruthmore 48 Across Canada Near Crowfoot " station and south'"'*'*^' of the railway is large occupied by th Blackfoot I some of whom, seen about the 5 tion. From a line has just constructed that opens up a rich farming district. It passes through Empress and rejoins the main line at Swift Cur- rent. From Tilley station, on a very clear day, the higher peaks of the Rocky Mountains may be seen 150 miles away to the westward. The sunset over these peaks is a never-to-be-forgotten sight, the snowy caps P. R. Irrigation Dam, Bas Cluny Crowfoot Bassano Lathom Southesk Cassfis Brooks Bantry Tilley Kininvie Carlstadt Suffield Bowell Redcliff Alt. 2M1 “ 2,698 “ 2,58Jt “ 2,555 “ 2,1^98 “ 2,512 “ 2,1^76 “ 2,^98 “ 2,427 “ 2,492 “ 2,452 “ 2,579 “ 2,428 of the jagged line of the horizon adding to the splendor of the view. The entire country is underlaid with two or more beds of good coal, and natural gas is frequently found in boring deep wells. This gas is utilized at Langevin in pumping water for the supply of the railway, and both there and at Tilley it can be seen burning brightly. Eastward and to the north and south of the railway, the entire prairie is seen to advantage, and before August it is a billowy ocean of grass. Cattle ranches are spread over it, and farms appear at intervals. The grade is up and down past Suffield and Bowell, and as Redcliff is approached some of the finest ranching land in America and also the largest herds of Galloway cattle in the world are to be seen. A branch joins the main line at Suffield from Lomond. The railway descends gradually from the higher plateaus, and crosses the south branch of that river, on whose eastern bank is the town of Medicine Hat. Medicine Hat — Alt. 2,168 ft. Pop. 15,228. On account of the im- mense flow of natural gas, and many other advantages, Rudyard Kipling christened it “The town that was born lucky.” It is situated in the valley of the South Saskatchewan, and is the centre of a magnificent mixed farming district. Apples, plums, and small fruit are quite at home here, and a demonstration farm has been inaugurated by the Provincial Government. A sub-divisional point, with large rail- way shops, all operated by natural gas. An important station of the Royal North-West Mounted Police. There is an abundance of coal all through the district, but the light, heat and power in the city is derived entirely from natural gas, which is sold to manufacturers at 5 cents per thousand cubic feet, and for domestic purposes at 133^ cents. The snowfall here is lighter, and the winter shorter than anywhere else in An Up-to-Date Plough Annotated Guide 49 Canada east of the Rocky Mountains. There are three large brick plants, abattoir, flour mills and extensive greenhouses. The river is navigable for steamboats for some distance above and for 800 miles below to Lake Winnipeg. From Dunmore, the Crowsnest Section leads off westerly past Lethbridge, one of the chief sources of the coal supply for the country, east to Winnipeg v. j,, and through the Crowsnest Pass of the Rocky Moun- tains to Kootenay Lake and to the mines of West Kootenay, in whose greater development it is proving a powerful factor by supplying cheap fuel for smelting purposes. (For descriptive notes of the Crowsnest Pass Route, see pages 92 to 101.) Dunmore Alt. 2,398 Pashley Irvine Walsh Cummings Hatton 2406 2,492 2,437 2,388 2,465 Royal North West Mounted Policeman At Dunmore, what may be taken as a typ- ical mixed farm- ing country may be seen, for not only are capital crops raised here, but a number of valuable horses and cattle are bred and pastured here. Eastward from Medicine Hat to Swift Current the line skirts the northern base of the Cypress Hills, wihch reach an altitude of 3,800 feet, and in many places are covered with valuable timber. It is impossible to conceive of a better stock country than that lying between the Cypress Hills and the railway. Rich in the grasses that possess peculiar attractions for horses and cattle, the valleys and groves of timber give ample shelter all sea- sons of the year, and the numerous streams flowing out of the Cypress Hills afford an unfailing supply of water. The handsome profits realized by the stock- men testify better than words to the value of this district for cattle raising. Lakes and ponds, some fresh, some alkaline, occur at intervals. At Maple Creek, a few miles south of which Sitting Bull, the Sioux Chief, was captured by a Canadian Mounted Police officer after the massacre of Custer and his American cavalrymen, are extensive yards for the , , , . , , shipment of cattle. The town is sup- ported by trade with the cattle ranches, and farming is successfully carried on m the vicinity. Near the town is a North-West Mounted Police station. At Crane Creek there are several large farms, irrigated, and some of which are entirely devoted to stock raising, as many as 7,000 cattle and 500 horses being usually on a single range. The satisfactory results obtained from working farms at various points on the line proved the value of these lands for farming, and result in attracting the atten- tion of settlers and capitalists to this section of the country. Gull Lake, pop. 350, is a rising town and has two good hotels and several grain elevators. In the outlying district are many farms which are entirely devoted to sheep, large numbers being usually wintered there. An iirigated meadow on the north side of the lake is worth seeing. Kincorth Maple Creek Cross Crane Lake Sidewood Tompkins Carmichael Gull Lake Antelope Webb Seward Beverley Alt. 2,537 “ 2,595 “ 2,530 “ 2,515 “ 2,508 “ 2,628 “ 2,633 “ 2,560 “ 2,553 “ 2,581 “ 2,473 “ 2,463 Swift Current- -Alt. 2,420. Terminus of the Alberta Division. 50 Across Canada Swift Current — Alt. 2,420 ft. Pop. 4,050. A railway divisional point on a pretty stream of the same name. Swift Current is in the centre of a very large agricultural district extending from the Cypress Hills on the south to the Saskatchewan River on the north. The soil is particularly adapted for grain farming, and the country is being rapidly filled up with settlers. There are now seven grain elevators and a large flour mill here. A branch line goes southeast to Vanguard. The Government has erected a Meteorological Observing Station. From Swift Current to Moose Jaw the line steadily falls on the eastern slope of the Coteau, and winds through an irregular depression to the basin of the Chaplin Lakes — formerly known as the Old Wives’ Lakes — extensive bodies of alkaline water having no outlet. The northernmost of these lakes is reached at Rush Lake, a large area of fresh water and a favorite resort of waterfowl — swans, geese, ducks and peli- cans — which at times congregate here in myriads. Chaplin is on a comparatively large body of water, Lake Chaplin, south of which is Lake Johnson. The country is treeless from Cypress Hills to the eastern border of the Regina plain, 200 miles, but the soil is excellent nearly everywhere. The prairies about and beyond the Chaplin Lakes are marked in all directions by old buffalo trails and scarred and pitted by their “wallows.” Antelope may be sometimes seen, and coyotes and prairie dogs. Moose Jaw — Alt. 1,766 ft. Pop. 25,000. A railway divisional point and the junction with the Soo Line, the most direct line Aikins Waldeck Rush Lake Herbert Morse Ernfold Chaplin Secretan Parkbeg Mortlach Caron Boharm Alt. 2,399 “ 2,368 “ 2,324 “ 2,309 “ 2,271 “ 2,355 “ 2,198 “ 2,264 “ 2,062 “ 1,975 “ 1,838 “ 1,791 Annotated Guide 51 Harvesting on the Western Prairies - literally translated, is “The-creek-where-the-white-man-mended-the cart-with-a-moose-jaw-bone.” The Moose Jaw-Macklin sub-division * of the Canadian Pacific Ry. runs from Moose Jaw to Outlook, and thence via Kerrobert to Macklin, where it joins the Winnipeg-Edmonton line of the Canadian Pacific. The finest stockyards on the line from the ranches to Winnipeg are located here. The city is pleasantly situated in a dip in the prairie, at the junction of the Moose Jaw and Thunder Creeks, and to the south are shortly seen the Dirt Hills, the northwest extension of the great Missouri Coteau. It is a distributing centre for , the ranches to the south and west, as well as for the rich grain growing district to the north, and west to the Elbow of the Saskatchewan. The city owns its own water works and electric plant; has fine public schools, churches, banks and city hall. Flour mills and elevators indicate the wheat producing qualities of the district. Pasqua — Alt. 1,869 ft. At Outlook there is one of the largest bridges in Canada. It is 300 feet long, has eight 240-feet truss spans, supported by concrete piers with approaches, consisting of three 80-feet, seven 60-feet and nine 45-feet plate girder spans on steel towers. The height of the bridge from tail level to water line is about 140 feet. The completion of this bridge has opened up a sixth route between Winnipeg and Edmonton and provides the most direct connection between St. Paul, Minneapolis and Edmonton. Another new line has been opened from; Moose Jaw southwestward to Expanse, a distance of 35 miles. From Pasqua, a subdivision extends south-east through Estevan to the I International boundary line at Portal, where connection is made with the Soo Line from St. Paul and Minneapolis, and it is by this route that passengers from the Pacific Coast travel to the Middle States. • Trains run through between St. Paul, Minneapolis, Moose Jaw and Pacific Coast. Regina — Pop. 47,000. The capital of Belle Plaine Alt. 1, 90S the Province of Saskatchewan and Pense “ 1,881 the distributing point for the country Grand Coulee “ 1,857 far north and south. Regina “ 1,684 This territory is a very fertile one, known as the park country, in which large numbers of settlers have already become prosperous. The Moose Mountain subdivision extends southward from Regina to Areola, con- necting with the Areola subdivision, thus giving an alternative route be- tween Brandon and Regina. New branch lines have just been opened from Regina to Bulyea and Colonsay, making connection with Winnipeg- Saskatoon-Edmonton line. A couple of miles west of Regina are the headquarters of the Royal North-West Mounted Police. The barracks, officers’ quarters, offices, storehouses and the imposing drill hall, to- gether make a handsome village. On the south bank of Wascana Lake the new Provincial Government Buildings for Saskatchewan are being erected at a cost of $1,500,000. The Mounted Police is a military organization numbering 1,000 odd men, who are stationed at intervals over Western Canada to look after the Indians and preserve order generally. Nearer the city are the Lieutenant-Governor’s residence and the exhibition buildings. 52 Across Canada Passing Regina, Pilot Butte, an unimportant hill near by, is seen. Within a mile of Balgonie station is the last or most easterly farm of the Canadian Land and Ranch Company, a farm chiefly devoted to grain growing, there being 4,000 acres in crop. All along the line the work of double tracking the transcontinental main line across the prairie may be seen from the train. Butte Alt. 2,016 Balgonie “ 2,168 McLean “ 2,279 Grain Elevators by night At McLean (which stands 200 feet higher than Qu’Appelle and 375 feet higher than Regina) the Regina plain is left at its easterly border. Passing through a short stretch of wooded country, the train reaches Qu’Appelle. great Qu'Appelle— ^ It. 2, 1 23 ft. A good road extends northward to Fort Qu’Appelle and beyond. Fort Qu’Appelle, 20 miles distant, is an old post of the Hudson Bay Company, beautifully situated on the Fishing Lakes in the deep valley of the Qu’Appelle River. There are several Indian reservations in its vicinity, and an important Indian mission and school. At Indian Head — pop. 2,000 — is located Indian Head Alt. 1,920 a fine experimental farm conducted under Sintaluta “ 1,979 Government auspices. It is situated on Wolseley “ 1,948 the north side of the railway, and in this Summerberry “ 1,938 locality are numerous farms on which Grenfell “ 1,967 great yields of wheat are obtained. The Oakshela “ 1,952 town of Indian Head is making rapid growth, consequent upon the successful farming of the district around it, and owns an up-to-date municipal water supply and electric lighting plant. From Indian Head eastward the line follows a gradually lowering prairie. Sintaluta, Wolseley and Grenfell have already become important local markets. From Wolseley a branch goes to Reston, on the Winnipeg - Areola Line. Broadview — Alt, 1,961 ft. Pop. 1,750. Terminus of the Saskatch- ewan Division. A railway divisional point, prettily 1 situated at the head of Lake Ecapo in the midst of an excellent j mixed farming district. A reservation occupied by Cree Indians is 1 not far away. The Standard time changes here to Central, one \ hour faster. I Percival Alt. 2,039 Whitewood “ 1,966 Burrows “ 1,948 Wapella " 1,932 Red Jacket “ 1,916 Moosomin 1,885 Fleming “ 1,792 Kirkella ‘ 1,689 Elkhorn “ 1,633 Hargrave “ 1,580 Virden “ 1,444 Routledge “ 1,415 Oak Lake ” 1,416 Griswold ‘ 1 , 4^1 From Broadview to Brandon the frequent t ponds and lakes afford excellent oppor- | tunities for sport — waterfowl being abun- j dant. Percival stands upon a ridge 100 ! feet higher than the general level. From i Whitewood the country northward is ac- i cessible by a bridge over the Qu’Appelle ! River. Moosomin, the most important j town in the eastern portion of Assiniboia, is ^ the station for Fort Ellice at the north and :| the Moose Mountain district at the south, f From Kirkella the Saskatoon line of the | C. P. R. diverges north-west through a new j and wonderful farming country. A mile : east of Fleming the Province of Manitoba j Annotated Guide 53 Alexander Alt. 1,408 is entered. Virden and Elkhorn are market Kemnay “ 1,363 towns of particularly attractive districts, and further east the undulating prairie is well occupied by prosperous farmers, as the progressive villages at intervals testify. The railway draws near to the Assiniboine and drops into its valley just before reaching Brandon. i Brandon — Alt. 1,199 ft. Pop. 18,000. A divisional point; one of the I largest grain markets in Manitoba; and the distributing I market for an extensive and well settled country. It has grain elevators, flour mills, large planing mills, banks, and a number of manufactories. I The city is beautifully situated on high ground, and has well-made streets and many substantial buildings. A Dominion Experimental Farm and a Provincial Asylum are established within the city limits. The Areola subdivision line runs from here to Regina, 240 miles, I via Areola, through the Moose Mountain country. At Schwitzer f it connects with the Souris subdivision which runs 133 miles south- west to Estevan, located on the Soo - Pacific line connecting Wes- 5 , tern Canada with the middle and North-Western States of the Union. [ Subdivisions also run north to Minnedosa, Yorkton, Sheho, Lanigan; south of Deloraine, Lyleton, etc. Just east of Brandon the Assiniboine River is crossed by an iron bridge, and the Brandon hills are left towards the south- west. From Chater the Miniota subdivi- sion of the Canadian Pacific Ry. running northwestward towards the Saskatchewan country is operated to Miniota, a distance of 71 miles. From MacGregor a subdivi- sion extends 55 miles to Varcoe on the Miniota subdivision. Between Brandon and Portage la Prairie stations succeed one another at intervals of five or eight miles, and many of them are surrounded by bright and busy towns; and at nearly all are tall and massive elevators, with now and then a flour mill. Principal among these is Carberry (pop. 1,050), an im- portant grain market. After passing through a bushy district, with fre- quent ponds and small streams, containing many stock farms, for which it is particularly adapted, the railway crosses part of the famed Portage Plains and reaches Portage la Prairie. Chater Douglas Sewell Carberry Melbourne Sidney Austin MacGregor Bagot Burnside Alt. 1,214 “ 1,220 “ 1,254 “ 1,257 “ 1,247 “ 1,232 “ 1,015 “ 956 “ 936 “ 869 i i i EDMONTON TO WINNIPEG Via Portage la Prairie on the Great West Express I Generally speaking, the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway ' means the transcontinental line between Vancouver and Montreal, i But there is really another main line which is that portion of the system I over which the through trains between Edmonton and Winnipeg are operated. All trains on this line start from Edmonton and follow the north-west I branch to Portage la Prairie, where it joins the main transcontinental r line and runs over that line for a distance of 56 miles into Winnipeg. From Edmonton the line runs in a southeasterly direction and follows , that general direction the complete distance to Portage la Prairie, where it joins the main line and goes directly into Winnipeg. This entire Winnipeg-Edmonton main line passes through some of 54 Across Canada \SCl^- the most productive country in all the prairie provinces and has on its line some of the most progressive towns and cities. It is a gently rolling prairie most of the entire 849 miles. Edmonton — Pop.^ 67,000, is the capital of the Province of Alberta, ' and is situated on both banks of the north Saskatchewan River. That part to the south was originally known as the city of Strathcona, but was amalgamated with Edmonton two years ago. The C. P. R. enters Edmonton now by means of a magnificent steel high-level bridge, 2,550 feet long, 152 feet above water level, which carries also street car tracks and traffic roads. This was opened in the summer of 1913. Edmonton was established as a trading post of the Hudson's Bay Company in 1795, and the remains of the old fort are still standing on the same bluff overlooking the river as the splendid Parliament Buildings of the Province of Alberta, opened last year. The University of Alberta, the Robertson Presbyterian College, and many other educational institutions are situated here. Two other great transportation systems operate into Edmonton. The city is run on very progressive municipal lines, and owns and operates all its own public utilities; and it was one of the pioneer cities of Western Can- ada to bring into force a single tax system of land assessment. It is the distributing centre for the vast Peace River country to the north and north-west, and is also the centre of an important and rapidly developing coal industry, the production of mines in and around Edmonton being over 300 tons per day. At Sedgewick in Alberta and Wolfe in Saskatchewan are successful ready-made farm settlements established by the Canadian Pacific for British Colonists. For a line passing through a prairie country the Winnipeg- Edmonton line has more of scenery than generally falls to purely agricultural country. At Wynyard there is a beautiful body of water. Quill Lake, 40 miles in length, the railway passing close to its shore for many miles, and in the valley of the North Saskatchewan River there is an ever-pleasing change to the rise and fall of the land on either side. At Macklin connection is made with the Outlook Branch for Moose Jaw, thence via through express to the twin cities of Minneapolis and St. Paul. ^ It will thus be seen that passengers from Edmonton and the twin cities can travel by a direct route, this line being a continuation of the Soo Branch from North Portal and the twin cities. ^ It will be noted that the opening of the country between the two main lines has all the time been the aim of the Company. At Wilkie short branches run north-west and south-east into a rich wheat country. Further east at Colonsay and Laniganbranches join the line from Regina via Valeport and Bulyea and from Kirkella on the main transcontinental line. At Minnedosa a branch line from Brandon is passed. Yorkton is one city making substantial progress. At Saskatoon, the largest city between Winnipeg and Edmon- ton, the line crosses the South Saskatchewan River, and at Edmonton it crosses the North Saskatchewan River on a high level bridge, recently completed at a cost of over a million dollars, and giving it an entrance into that city on Jasper avenue almost in the centre of the city. The Company has also just completed a fine new office building in Edmonton, where the ticket and telegraph offices are housed in a six story structure that is the pride of the people of the city. A new office building has also just been completed in Saska- toon for the better housing of the Com- pany offices. Saskatoon University Annotated Guide 55 PORTAGE LA PRAIRIE TO WINNIPEG— Continued Portage la Prairie — Alt. 851 ft. Pop. 7,000. On the Assiniboine River, The market town of one of the best grain districts, and one of the principal markets in the Province. It has large flour mills and many grain elevators, an oatmeal mill, fence wire factory, a biscuit factory and several other in- dustries. The Winnipeg-Edmonton Line of the Cana- Hlgh Bluff Alt. 827 dian Pacific Ry. Poplar Point “ 812 branches off here. Reaburn “ 80Ii. The town is an IVIarquette “ 805 educational and Meadows “ 790 residential centre. Rosser “ 795 There is a descent Bergen “ 781 of 100 feet from Portage la Prairie to Winnipeg, although the land is appar- ently level. East of Portage la Prairie the country is thickly settled to Poplar Point, between which place and Rosser there is a quantity of land held by speculators. The line of trees not far to the south marks the course of the Assiniboine River, which the railway follows from near Brandon to Winnipeg. Long Lake is a favorite resort for sportsmen, and Reaburn is the half- Fort Garry way station between Vancouver and Montreal. Winnipeg — Alt. 761 ft. Pop. 200,000. Capital of the Province of Manitoba, formerly known as Ft. Garry (pop. in 1871, 100). Situated at the confluence of the Red and Assiniboine rivers, both navigable by steamboats, it has been, for many years, the chief post of the Hudson’s Bay Company, which has here very extensive establish- ments. Winnipeg commands the trade of the vast region to the north, east and west. The city is handsomely built, superior brick and stone being available, and has sixty miles of electric railway in the city and forty-four miles of suburban track, parks, hospital, great flour mills, grain elevators, huge abattoirs, many notable public buildings, including Provincial and Dominion offices, and is the greatest grain market in the British Empire. The Royal Alexandra, owned and oper- ated by the Canadian Pacific Railway, ranks amongst the finest hotels in the world. It was erected at a cost of $1,250,000, has been extended to twice its original size, and is most handsomely decorated and furnished. The hotel is adjacent to the Company’s Railway Station, which is also a magnificent building. Immense workshops of the Canadian Pacific Railway are here, and the railway has also in this city the two largest train yards in the world. One yard, which has been completed for several years, has 110 miles of track. The second is even larger, as it includes seventy tracks of a total mileage of 183 miles. In connection with this yard development the Canadian Pacific has a transfer elevator of a million bushels capacity. Land offices of the railway are located in the city, and here also are the chief Western Immigration offices of the Government, and the immigration sheds. The C. P. R. owns large areas of good agricultural land, and has a comprehensive colonization policy for facilitating the settlement of practical farmers. A number of ready- made farms are prepared each year, and loans of live stock are made to experienced farmers settling on C. P. R. lands between Winnipeg and the Rocky Mountains. Sectional maps and pamphlets giving valuable in- formation as to the nature and character of the lands traversed by the road are supplied to those who desire them free of cost by the Land Branch of the Department of Natural Resources. Agents at all points along the line can give full information and prices of the Company’s lands in the vicinity of the respective stations. The Canadian Pacific 56 Across Canada ] Railway has two subdivisions leading southward on either side of the Red River to Emerson and Gretna, on the U. S. boundary, connecting at the former point with the train service of the Soo Line for St Paul and Minneapolis. Two subdivision lines of the Canadian Pacific Rail- way go southwest, the fi' st to Areola in Saskatchewan, thence to Regina through the Moose Mountain country, a section now being rapidly settled, and the second to Napinka in Southern Manitoba, connecting at Souris and Napinka with the con- necting line from Brandon through to Estevan, the junction with the ^>^^Soo- Pacific line, and two other sub- di'.dsions run north and northwest; v^.one to Selkirk, Winnipeg Beach and Riverton, and the other to \ Stony Mountain, Stonewall, Teulon and Arborg, 76 miles north of the city. , I . Leaving Winnipeg the Red River crossed at St. Boniface (pop. a distinctively French sub- urb of Winnipeg, though much older than the latter, and immortalized by the poet Whittier by his reference to the “Bells of the Roman Mission,” and as suggestive of de- votion to the hardy voyageur as “The Angelas” to the peasant. Thence the line runs eastward via Oakbank, Hazelridge and Norquay to Molson Jet. Between the latter point and Whitemouth the country has prairie characteristics. Sawmills appear in the vicinity of and beyond Whitemouth. Numerous pretty lakes are seen until the Lake of the Woods district is reached, Manitoba having been left after passing Ingolf. Near Keewatin are the works of the Keewatin Power Co., creating one of the greatest water powers in the world, making of the Lake of the Woods a gigantic mill-pond with an area of 3,000 square miles, and affording most conven- ient sites for pulp-mills, saw mills, flour- mills, and other establishments for sup- plying the needs of the Great Canadian West and for manufacturing its products on their way to Eastern markets. At Keewatin {pop. 1,800) is a mammoth flouring mill, owned and operated by the Lake of the Woods Milling Co., and built of granite quarried on the spot. Main Street, Winnipeg NorthTranscona Alt. Oakbank Hazelridge Cloverleaf Lydcatt Molson Julius Shelly Whitemouth Darwin Rennie Telford Ingolf Busteed Keewatin 766 804 789 813 876 921 903 954 1,050 1,104 1,182 1,170 1,078 Kenora — Alt. 1,082 ft. Pop. 5,300. At the principal outlet of the Lake of the Woods, is an important mining centre with several large saw-mills, the product of which is shipped westward to the prairies. It is the key to the great goldfields now being developed in its immediate vicinity and in the Rainy Lake and Seine River districts to the south, which are reached by steamer, the route lying through one of the most picturesque regions on the continent. The Lake of the Woods is the largest body of water touched by the railway between the Pacific and Lake Superior. Its fisheries are very valuable, the annual shipments being large. The lake is studded with islands and is a favorite resort for sportsmen and pleasure seekers. Its waters break through a narrow rocky rim at Kenora and Keewatin, and fall into the Winnipeg River. The tourist will find good up-to-date hotel accommodation in Kenora. From here the country is excessively broken and the railway passes through numerous rocky uplifts. The scenery is of the wildest descrip- tion, and deep, rock-bound lakes are always in sight. In fact, from Winnipeg to Fort William the railway traverses a wild, broken region. Annotated Guide 57 ^with rapid rivers and many lakes, but containing valuable forests and 1 mineral deposits. At Eagle River two beautiful falls are seen, one above and the other below the railway. Margach Scovil Hawk Lake iPine ] Edison Vermilion Bay Eagle River < Oxdrift Dryden ' Barclay iWabigoon Dinorwic , Dyment Tache j Raleigh ^ Ignace Bonheur M English Niblock i Upsala rlSavanne Alt. 1,140 “ 1,194 “ 1,286 “ 1,372 “ 1,322 “ 1,220 “ 1,168 “ 1,218 “ 1,249 “ 1,207 “ 1,232 “ 1,342 “ 1,358 “ 1,412 “ 1,479 “ 1,522 “ 1,507 “ 1,626 “ 1,581 “ 1,497 At Dryden the Ontario Government has established an experimental farm. There being large areas of good land specially suited for mixed farming and dairying, settlement is progressing rapidly, the chief advantages of the district, besides the facility with which the land is cleared, being the proximity of good markets, the illimitable supply of timber and water, abundance of fish and game, winter employment for settlers in the lumber camps, and healthfulness of the climate. Wabi- goon is the point of departure for the new Manitou mining region, and the Lower Seine and Rainy Lake country can be reached by this route. Steamers operate on these^ waters during naviga- tion, and in winter there is a good sleigh road. Further east the Saw- bill mining country is reached from t Eotraace to Rotunda, Royal Alexandra Hotel, Winnipeg 58 Across Canada Raith Buda Finmark Kaministikwia Murillo Westfort Alt. 1,573 “ um “ 1,176 “ 1,007 “ 939 “ 626 Bonheur Station by government wagon road. Following the Wabigoon and Mat- tawan Rivers to Kaministikwia, the railway then follows the Kaminis- tikwia River for some distance. Mu- rillo is the railway station for the Rabbit Mount silver district, and four miles from the station are the Kakabeka Falls, where the Kaministikwia leaps from a height rivalling that of Niagara. The falls are best reached from Fort William by rail- way. Kenora Eastern” standard time. Port Arthur — Alt. 613 — The western terminus of the Eastern Lines of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Fort William— 4^/. 607. Pop. 16,498. A short distance from the mouth of the Kaministikwia River, a broad deep stream with firm banks, affording extraordinary advantages for lake traffic with a waterfront of 26 miles. From the beauty of its situation, its accessibility and the opportunities for sport in the neighborhood, it has become a favorite resort for tourists, and is rapidly becoming an important commercial centre. A long promontory of basaltic rock on the opposite side of Thunder Bay, called the “Sleeping Giant,” whose Indian legend takes one back to aboriginal days, terminates in Thunder Cape, behind which lies the once famous Silver Islet, which yielded almost fabulous wealth before becoming flooded. Pie Island, another mountain of columnar basalt, divides the entrance to the bay, which is flanked on the west by Mackay Mountain, overlooking Fort William. Looking west, between Pie Island and Thunder Cape, Isle Royale (now become a popular summer resort) may be seen in the distance.^ Fort William was formerly a very important Hudson’s Bay Company’s post, and was the great rendezvous of the hunters, voyageurs and chief factors of the Company. The fur house of the old fort is now used as an engine house for the great coal docks, and some of the largest grain elevators in the world overshadow all. There are railway workshops and the usual buildings and sidings incident to a divisional point. Fort William is the Western Terminus of the Canadian Pacific Railway Lake Steamship Line. These fine steel steamships ply between here and Port McNicoll. (See pages 60 to 64.) Eastbound passengers should here set their watches forward one hour in conformity with “ / /v CALGARY TP WINNIPEG 60 Across Canada GREAT LAKES ROUTE I (Summer Months Only) i Fort William and Port McNicoll, 550 Miles I (GREAT LAKES STEAMSHIPS) j Port McNicoll and Toronto, 108 Miles (Rail) j Toronto and Montreal, 338 miles (Rail) 1 Fort William Alt. 607 Port Arthur 613 The splendid steamships of the Canadian Pacific Railway start from Fort William on the eastbound trip. They are more like ocean liners than the ordinary lake steamship, and the meals and accommodation are up to the usual high standard of the Company. The steamers sail down the Kaministikwia, calling at Port Arthur, on Thunder Bay — thence across the Bay and rounding Thunder Cape, directly across Lake Superior to Sault Ste. Marie. {Pop. 10,179.) Sault Ste. Marie— 632. Pop. 15,000. Prosperous towns on both the United States and Canadian sides, where the Soo rapids carry off ■Ti:. . — the waters of Lake Superior to the St. Mary’s River and Lake Huron. The rapids, which drop about 18 feet, are avoided by three canals, two being in Michigan and one in Ontario, the locks of which rank amongst the largest in the world. Passengers may go ashore while the vessel passes through the locks. Sault Ste. Marie has within the last ten years sprung from what lacked little of being a wilderness, to its pre- sent size and importance on the industrial and commercial map. The city is surrounded with a halo of interest from the early time of the Hudson’s Bay Fur Company to the present, when the material results of the greatest feats of engineering to be seen on the Continent at- tract the eyes of the thousands of visitors who come annually in search of recreation and health. Hour after hour it is possible for one to see the great passenger and freight boats pass through the locks. The Canadian Government lock is nine hundred feet long and sixty feet wide. It is one of the longest in the world, and was built in 1888- 1895 at a cost of about $4,000,000. Of equal interest to both citizens and visitors are the great industries of the Lake Superior Corporation. Fort Brady is a military post on the American side. Connection is here P. R. Great Lakes Steamer Annotated Guide 61 iagara ills made with the Soo line, which leaves the main line of the Can- adian Pacific Railway at Moose Jaw, in Western Canada, passes through North Dakota and Minne- sota to Minneapolis and St. Paul, and thence continues on through Minnesota, Wisconsin and North Michigan to Sault Ste. Marie and through Ontario to Sudbury, where it again connects with the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway. The Duluth, South Shore & Atlantic Railway also runs here from Duluth, and connection is made with steamers for Lake Superior (South Shore), Michigan, Huron and Erie. From the “Soo” enjoyable side trips may be made to the Desbarats Islands on the north shore of Lake Huron, Mackinac, etc., and the Michipicoten gold fields on Lake Superior. At Soo the largest double leaf Bascule Bridge in the world has just been completed. The route followed by the Canadian Pacific Railway steamers is down the St. Mary’s River, through the new channel of Hay Lake and across Lake Huron and through the famous Georgian Bay with its thousands of islands to Port McNicoll, the new terminal port of the Canadian Pacific Railway Great Lakes Steamships. The large new wharves, elevators, railway Alt. 580 buildings, etc., show the visitor that this “ 662 is a newly created port. The up-to-date “ 632 equipment allows the handling of traffic “ 594 most expeditiously, and no money has been spared by the Company in making this new port one of the best on the Great Lakes. Train connection for Toronto is made at steamship side and leaves as soon as passengers and baggage have been transferred. Port McNicoll Tay Fesserton Coldwater Coldwater June. Alt. 632 Eady Carley Craighurst Midhurst Mac Utopia Baxter Alllston Berlin Tottenham Palgrave Cedar Mills Humber Bolton Kleinburg Elder Woodbridge Emery Weston Parkdale “ 680 “ 763 “ 837 “ 765 “ 764 “ 718 “ 726 “ 727 “ 764 “ 837 “ 938 “ 916 “ 880 “ 835 “ 700 “ 629 “ 664 “ 620 “ 427 “ 805 West Toronto At Coldwater Junction the Sudbury- Toronto line is reached and followed through an old settled agricultural part of the counties of Peel and York. Fer- tile fields and fruitful orchards are seen on every hand. Alliston, Tottenham and Bolton are industrious towns of growing importance. Parkdale and West Toronto are growing suburbs of Toronto. From Toronto an interesting side trip may be made, either by rail or across Lake Ontario, to the now world- famed Niagara Falls. The Falls are divided by Goat Island, those on the U.S. being called the American Falls and those on the Canadian side the Horse Shoe, from their shape. Trips may be made either behind these mighty walls of waters or in front of them by steamer. Those with the opportunity should not miss the chance of visiting this wonder of nature. 62 Across Canada Toronto (Union Station) — Alt, 254. Pop. 470,144. The capital and chief city of Ontario, and the next city to Montreal in the Dominion. It is situated on Lake Ontario and has a most complete railway system, reaching out to every important place and district in the province. It has immense manufacturing establishments, and some of the* largest comrnercial houses in the country. The new Canadian Pacific office Building at the corner of King and Yonge Streets is one of the land marks of the city. Its educational institutions are widely known. Its people are nearly all of English, Irish or Scotch extraction, ^ and_ while the city has strongly marked English characteristics, it is distinctively western in the inten- sity of its activity and energy. In addition to the other numerous railway lines of the Canadian Pacific and Grand Trunk companies centering here, the Northern Division of the Grand Trunk Railway System extends northward, past Lake Simcoe, to North Bay on Lake Nipissing, where it connects with ^ the Canadian Pacific Railway’s Transcontinental Line. Canadian Pacific trains run via Hamilton and Welland to Niagara Falls and Buffalo, making close connections for Rochester, Syracuse, Troy, Albany and New York. At West Toronto the London and Muskoka sections of the Canadian Pacific Railway diverge, the formerextend- ing to London and Detroit, connect- ing at the latter pointy with the Wabash Rd. for St. Louis, Chicago and other western United States points. The Muskoka section runs northward to the Great Lakes Ports and via the Muskoka Lakes and Georgian Bay route to Sudbury where it unites with the Vancouver- Montreal line. Don Express Leaside Junction — Alt. 429 trains run through by way of Toronto (Union Station) to Leaside Junction — where con- nection is made by the line from North Toronto. i !? ? 3 I S B Eli 25; Si , rnSfiJ ij HWiCTi J B0 551 * 8ii;S[i: 3 8 5S 5 a m 111 C, P. R. Office, Toronto NEW LAKE ONTARIO SHORE LINE i Whitby Alt. 58 Oshawa a 87 Bowmanville u 119 Lovekin C( 119 Port Hope a 46 Cobourg u 48 Colborne ti 34 Brighton Trenton u u 54 Belleville u 14 Shannonville a 70 Lonsdale 146 KIngsford u 214 Roblindale 210 At Agincourt the new Lake Ontario Shore line from Montreal to Toronto leaves the Peterboro line, passing through a picturesque and fertile agricultural dis- trict. The most important towns passed are: Oshawa, pop. 9,000; Bowmanville, pop. 6,000, the centre for a rich farming country; Port Hope, a very pretty town of 5,000 inhabitants, possessing one of the best harbors on the lake; Cobourg, pop. 5,000, a popular summer resort also a busy grain exporting town; Trenton, pop. 4, 704, seat of an extensive lumber and milling industry; Belleville, pop. 11,000, a thriv- Annotated Guide 63 Alt. SOI ing manufactur- 400 ing town situ- 357 ated in the Bay 358 of Quinte. At 310 Tichborne Jet. 223 the subdivision leading to Kings- ton is crossed. , From Belleville to Glen Tay many pros- ^ perous farms are passed. At Glen Tay j the Peterboro line is rejoined, where a double-track line continues into Montreal. Wilkinson richborne Jet. Crow Lake I Bolingbroke ^ Christie Lake ^ Glen Tay Portaging I I PETERBORO LINE CONTINUED j ;Aglncourt Alt. 663 Market sta- Locust Hill “ 667 tions for a fine Claremont “ 886 agricultural Glen Major “ 84.5 country. •Myrtle “ 888 Wheat, rye, Burketon June. *'1,057 oats, barley, iPontypool “ 1,067 butter, cheese and fruit are largely pro- Manvers “ 968 duced and much attention is given to ! Bethany June. “ cattle breeding. From Burketon Junc- I Cavan ** 645 tion, a subdivision of the Canadian Paci- I fic Railway extends to Lindsay and Bob- I caygeon and the beautiful Kawartha Lakes, which are annually be- coming better known as a summer resort. At Bethany Junction, near^Aterboro, a branch line of the railway from Port McNicoll on I Georgian Bay connects with the main line. 'Peterboro^ — Alt. 633 ft. Pop. 20,000. On the Otonabee River, which I here falls 150 feet within a few miles, affording an im- 'mense water-power, which is utilized by many large mills and manufac- , tories. The city is well built, and has a large trade. The surrounding Scountry has extraordinary attractions for sportsmen and pleasure seekers. Beautiful lakes, rivers and waterfalls occur in all directions, and the fishing is especially good. The Peterboro or Rice Lake canoe, so well known to all sportsmen, is made here, and with one of them a great extent of territory may be reached from this city. Steamship and railway lines radiate in all directions. A structure worthy of note at Peterboro is the “lift lock,” which can be seen from the train. By this contrivance progress of the vessel from a lower to a higher level is made by bodily lifting lock and vessel by means of powerful hydraulic machinery. Indian River Alt. 709 Norwood “ 671 Havelock “ 700 Blairton “ 643 Central Ontario Junction “ 598 Ivanhoe “ 608 Tweed “ 476 Sulphide “ 654 Kaladar “ 702 Ardendale “ 617 Mountain Shore “ 681 Sharbot Lake “ 646 Maberley “ 676 Bathurst “ 479 Glen Tay sively worked iron mines. Tweed, on the Moira River, a logging stream emptying Passing through a fine farming country, of which Norwood is the market town, Havelock, a railway divisional point, is reached. The next station is Central Ontario Junction, where the line crosses the Central Ontario Railway, extending from Picton and Trenton, on the Bay of Quinte, northjvard to a num- ber of large and exten - Locks at Peterboro / 64 Across Canada f j into the Bay of Quinte at Belleville, is a busy town in the centre of a rich farming and dairying district. Connection is here made with the Bay of Quinte Railway for Tamworth, Napanee and Deseronto. The country through here from Havelock east for nearly , , one hundred miles is more or less broken by rocky uplifts and largely covered with timber. Iron, phosphate, asbestos, and other valuable mine r a Is abound. The Kingston sub- division, from Kings ton on the St. Law- rence to Ren- frewon the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, is crossed at Sharbot Lake, a favorite resort of sportsmen, and especially noted for the good fishing it affords. Along this line are many picturesque spots. At Glen Tay the new Lake Ontario Shore line is joined. One of a Thousand Waterways j Perth — Alt. 4S3 ft. Pop. 4,600. A prosperous town with a number of mills. Quarries of fine building stone and deposits of mineral phosphates are worked in the vicinity. The town has modern lighting and water systems. Smiths Falls — Alt. 4^3 ft. Pop. 6,557. Junction with Ottawa and Brockville subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Rail- j way; and at Carleton Place, 13 miles northward, with the main line ! of the Canadian Pacific Railway (see page 72). The town has a number of important manufactories, for which falls in the Rideau River afford ample water-power. Superior brick is made here and good , building stone abounds. Excellent refreshment rooms at the station. Merrickville Kempton Alt. 352 Mountain I< 273 Winchester 4< 247 Chestervllle 41 238 Finch 44 273 Avon more 44 324 Monckland 328 Apple Hill 44 298 Glenroy 44 267 Green Valley 44 279 Glen Norman 251 Dalhousle Mills U 225 St. Telesphore 44 225 St. Polycarpe June. 191 St. Clet St. Lazare 44 177 At Merrickville, a considerable manufacturing town, a fine iron bridge carries the line over the Rideau River. At Kempton, the : Prescott subdivision of the Can- adian Pacific Railway extends north- j ward to Ottawa and southward to '■ Prescott, where connection is made j during summer months with the River St. Lawrence steamers, and ' during summer and winter by ferry , with the New York Central Railroad for all important points in New York ; State, and at St. Polycarpe Junction j the Grand Trunk Railway is crossed. ; From St. Polycarpe also a newly con- ■ structed line extends southwesterly , to Cornwall on the St. Lawrence. | Vaudreull Ste. Annes Alt. 87 “ 113 At Ste. Anne de Bellevue are the splendid buildings of the Macdonald Agricultural College. Directly under the bridge are the locks by means of which steamboats going up the Ottawa are lifted over the rapids. It was at Ste. Annes that the poet Moore wrote his memorable Canadian boat-song. There is almost continuous settlement back of Ste. Annes in a land of orchards, and a number of summer resorts on the shore of Lake St. Louis. The old village of Lachine is seen at the right; and beyond it the Canadian Pacific Railway bridge across the river just above the famed Lachine Rapids. Passing Westmount, Montreal’s wes- tern suburb, the run is made on the brow of an embankment, and then on a high stone viaduct to Windsor Street Station. Beaconsffleld Valois Dorval Montreal June Westmount Montreal Alt. 108 93 88 155 152 109 Annotated Guide 65 C. F. R. Station at Fort Arthur I Main Transcontinental Line — Continued PORT ARTHUR TO CHALK RIVER: 745.8 Miles (Lake Superior Division) Port Arthur — Pop. 17,000 — On the west shore of Thunder Bay, an arm of Lake Superior. It has substantial buildings and hotels, is the judicial centre for district of Thunder Bay, owns its own electric railways, light, telephone and water works, and is an important business centre, with modern lumber, smelting and grain industries. It is connected with Fort William by electric railway. Port Arthur is a favorite resort for tourists during the summer months, not only the natural beauty of the surroundings being very attractive, but the fund of amusement unfailing, and the air clear, dry and healthful. Leaving Port Arthur and skirting the rocky and picturesque line which follows the ever-changing north shore of Lake Superior, the great- est inland body of fresh water in the world, the passenger is carried by and around promontories of so startling a character that he is thoroughly engrossed in interest. Rocky ledges, fishing grounds and arable land- stretches alternate for hundreds of miles. Eastward to Nipigon Bay are many fine fishing streams, much praised by the devotees of Izaak Walton. The constantly changing views on Nipigon Bay are charming. From Nipigon trip can be made to Lake Nipigon, the trout fishing in which has been said to be the finest in the world. The Lake with land for twenty miles around it has been set apart by the Ontario Government as a Forest Reserve. All of the streams emptying into Lake Superior con- tain speckled trout in plenty, and in some of the streams, Nipigon River especially, they are noted for their large size — six pounders being not uncommon. Nipigon River, which is crossed by a fine iron bridge shortly after leaving the station, is a beautiful stream, well known to sportsmen. Everywhere on Lake Superior, white-fish and the large lake trout are com- mon. Between Gravel and Rossport some of the heaviest work on the entire line of rail- way occurs, and approaching Schreiber (a divisional point and refreshment station) a chain of islands separates Lake Supe- rior from Nipigon Bay. Travellers should keep in view the great sweep around Jack Fish Bay, which is particularly fine from a scenic point of view. Jack Fish is the great coaling station for the railway on the northeast angle of Lake Superior. Until Heron Bay is reached the line is Mackenzie Alt. 913 Beck “ 957 Loon “ 1,048 Pearl “ 847 Ouimet “ 74S Hurkett “ 609 Nipigon ** 681 i 66 Across Canada carried for sixty miles through and around the bold and harsh promontories of the north shore of Lake Superior, with deep rock cut- tings, viaducts and tunnels constantly occurring, a n d at frequent intervals, where the railway is cut out of the face of the cliffs, the lake comes into full view. No part of this wonderful scenery should be missed by the traveller. A mile from Heron Bay the Big Pie River is crossed by a high iron bridge, and from occasional rocky uplifts a level tract is found. From Round Lake the railway follows the White River to the station of the same name. At White River, in addition to buildings common to all subdivisional points, are yards for resting cattle en route from the ranches of Western Canada to Eastern and British markets. Around Jack Fish Bay North Shore of Lake Superior Kama Gravel Rossport Schreiber Alt. 6JS “ 629 “ 6I^6 “ 996 Jack Fish Alt. 636 IVliddleton “ 690 Coldweil “ 718 Heron Bay “ 714 Trudeau “ 1,043 IVIobert “ 1,094- Bremner “ 1,132 White River “ 1,225 Amyot “ 1,381 Grassett ■“ 1,237 Swanson “ 1,221 Franz 41 Hobon “ 1,221 Lochaish “ 1,174- Missanabie “ 1,097 the many lakes and rivers is Dalton Alt. 1,155 Wayland “ 1,432 Pardee “ 1,524 Chapleau “ 1,411 Nemegos “ 1,419 Ridout “ 1,363 WakamI “ 1,396 Woman River “ 1,1^38 Ramsay “ 1,397 Bisco “ 1,333 Metagama “ 1,268 Pogma 1,158 Stralak “ 1,360 Cartier “ 1,379 Larchwood “ 885 Chelmsford “ 888 Azilda “ 891 Near Missanabie, where Dog Lake is crossed, a short portage connects the waters flowing southward into Lake Superior with those flowing northward into Hudson Bay. Furs are brought here from the far north for shipment. At Big Stony Portage, twelve miles south of Missanabie is ex- cellent trout fishing, and the several mines being operated about Michipicoten, near Lake Superior. The large, clear, rock-bound lakes are in places so numerous that, with their con- necting arms, they form a labyrinth of waters covering great areas and offering matchless opportunities to sportsmen and canoeists. Bear, moose and deer abound throughout this region and the fishing in capital. Chapleau — Pop. 2,JfiO — is another subdivisional point, with railway work- shops and is a bright rail- way town. Farming oper- ations on a small scale have recently been com- menced here. It is charm- ingly situated on Lake Kabequashesing, the waters of which flow i James Bay. Bisco is situated on an extensive and irregular lake called Biscotasing, and has a considerable trade in furs and lumber. Cartier is a subdivi- Annotated Guide 67 sional point with the usual collection of sidings and railway structures. East of here there are wide intervals of good agricultural land, but timber cutting is as yet the principal industry. The lands belong to ^ the Province of Ontario and are open to settlers. Leaving Phelan, a good view of the high falls of the Vermilion River is to be had for a moment, the scenery from Bisco to this point being particularly fine. From Sudbury {pop. 7 ,061), the next place of importance, the “Soo" subdivision leads off to Lake Huron and thence along its shore and the Ste. Marie River to Sault Ste. Marie, 179 miles, at the outlet of Lake Superior, where a new immense iron , bridge affords connection with two American railway lines, one extend- ’ ing to Duluth and the other to St. Paul and Minneapolis, and thence on through Minnesota and North Dakota to Moose Jaw, on the Main = Transcontinental Line of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Sudbury — Alt. 865. Sudbury is the point where the main lines of the Canadian Pacific Railway Company diverge for Toronto and Montreal. (See page 55 for description of Winnipeg.) Winnipeg Alt. 761 The Winnipeg -Toronto service, via the Kenora “ 1,082 Toronto-Sudbury subdivision furnishes an excellent service between the “Gate City " and “Queen City " as they are called. The Transcontinental line is followed from Winnipeg through eastern Manitoba and New Ontario and around the north shore of Lake Superior to Romford, seven miles east of Sudbury, in the Alt. 607 great nickel mining country. (For “ 613 full description of transcontinental line, “ 865 see pages 55 to 66.) “ 843 From Romford Junction the line runs ^ south-easterly to Toronto through the park region of the Parry Sound and Muskoka districts, which are becoming the summer homes of many, and the favorite resort for anglers and hunters. Passing through a land of rock, which bears the French Alt. 629 ^ Pickerel Landing “ 624 Fort William Port Arthur Sudbury Romford Jet. u nmistakable marks of glacial action, the French which carry the and Pickerel rivers outflow from Lake Nipissing to Georgian Bay, are crossed on huge structures, on the former river being a bridge with a span of 415 feet. Byng Inlet— 623 ft., pop. 1,700— which is located in an arm of the Georgian Bay, possesses a magni- ficent harbor. This is one of the centres of timber- ing operations, which are here, as elsewhere along this new line, car- ried on extensive- ly. The scenic delights of the region are almost continuous, but at Point au Baril nature seems tc On Lake Muskoka 68 Across Canada have donned her prettiest costume. From Point au Barll Alt. 642 here views of the great Georgian Bay archi- pelago — island after island to the number of 30,000, and varying in size from a mere speck to those of many acres — are to be seen from the car window, and nearing Parry Sound the archi- pelago again bursts into view. The road skirts the shores of this wonderful water for several miles. Parry Sound — AU. 686 — is a thriving town of 4,000 population, and is the centre of lumbering activity. The railway does not enter the town, but clinging to the highlands crosses over it on a steel viaduct 1700 feet long and 120 feet above the Seguin Valley. Beyond Parry Sound there is a region of rock and water and trees which make a delightful combination, and at Muskoka, a divisional point, the gateway to Lake Joseph, one of Muskoka AU. 790 the largest of the famed Muskoka Lakes, is reached. Gordon Creek is another pleasant piece of summer land. On island-dotted Bala Bay is the southern Bala (Falls) AU. 765 gateway of the Muskoka district, and one (Muskoka Lakes) of the famous beauty spots of this portion of Canada. The falls near the railway track make a pretty water scene. From Bala all parts of the region, which is the summer home of many thousands of Americans and Cana- dians, are easily accessible by the splendid steamers of the Muskoka Lakes Navigation and Hotel Company. The Severn Falls AU. 688 Severn River is the southern boundary of this great summer land, and after crossing it the agricultural part of Old Ontario is entered. At Cold water Junction the line crosses the road being Coldwater Junction AU. 632 built by the C. P. Ry. from Victoria Alllston “ 727 Harbor to Peterboro, east of Toron- to, and which is destined to be- come one of the great grain carrying routes from the west. Bolton — AU. 84-8. At Bolton the line joins the road running from Owen Sound and which forms part of the Upper Lake route. From here the run is through an old settled farming section, and along the line are a number of pleasantly placed towns and manufacturing centres, like Wood- West Toronto AU. 394 bridge, Weston, West Toronto and Park- Parkdale “ 305 dale, the latter two of which are practi- Toronto “ 254 cally part of the City of Toronto. Toronto (see page 62) MAIN LINE FROM SUDBURY— Continued Sudbury Coniston Romford Junction Wanapitel Markstay Warren Verner Cache Bay Sturgeon Falls Meadowside Beaucage AU. 865 Within a few miles of Sudbury, “ 820 and reached by two “ 841 short lines of railway, “ 799 are the most exten- “ 688 sive copper and “ 689 nickel deposits “ 672 known in the world, “ 663 and the vicinity has “ 687 also, in the Moose “ 664 Mountain range, the “ 664 largest iron range in Canada. Large quantities of the ores have been shipped from the mines, and a number of smelting furnaces are in operation near Sudbury, reducing the ores on the spot. Indicates Double Track LAKE AND RAIL ROUTE, WINNIPEG TO TORONTO VIA SUDBURY 70 Across Canada North Bay — AlL 660. Pop.^ W,Jf00. The capital town of Nipissing District, situated on Lake Nipissing, an ex- tensive and beauti- ful sheet of water, 90 miles long and 20 wide, with forest- clad shores and islands. Small steamers ply on the lake, and the dis- trict is much fre- quented by sports- men. North Bay is a railway divi- sional point, with repair shops, etc. On the shores of Lady Evelyn Lake The Ontario ^ Gov- ernment Railway, known as the Timiskaming and Northern Ontario Railway, runs from here to Cobalt, Cochrane, etc., in the Timiskaming country. This railway has been materially assisted in its traffic by some famous mineral discoveries made along this line, the chief being the Cobalt silver mines. From Lake Nipissing the railway traverses a somewhat wild and broken country with frequent lakes and rapid streams. Fishing and shooting are excellent. Little villages surrounding saw-mills con- tinue to occur and newly-made farms are not infrequent. There is plenty of good land near by, but the railway here, as in other places, follows the streams and the “breaks” in the country, and the best is not seen from the car windows. Nearing Sturgeon Falls the railway crosses directly over the falls of the Sturgeon River. Sturgeon Falls is a thriving village with a saw- mill and several churches. Bonfield, formerly called Callander, was originally intended as the Eastern terminus of the Canadian Pacific Railway, to which connecting roads would run, but with the change of control from Government to Company, the transcontinental line was extended to Montreal. At Mattawa the line strikes the Ottawa River, which for many miles is the dividing line between the Provinces of Ontario and Quebec. Mattawa {pop. 1,673) is an old fur-trading post of the Hudson’s Bay Company, but at present of most importance as a distribu- ting point for the lumbering districts and agricultural country about Lake Timis- kaming. From this point a subdivision runs up to Timiskaming and Kipawa, from each of which famous fishing and hunting grounds may easily be reached. At Timis- kaming there is steamer connection from Haileybury, from which place canoes and guides can be procured, and an endless series of trips, un- surpassed anywhere, can be made, including those to the peerless Tima- gami district. From Kipawa. exploration of the beautiful lake of the same name furnishes an ideal holiday. Those who love the wild will find their every desire satisfied in this part of the country, game and fish being in plenty, and the comforts of civilization not too far Cliff e Alt. 699 Corbeil “ 734 Nosbonsing “ 785 Bonfield “ 784 Rutherglen “ 789 Eau Claire “ 691 Mattawa “ 563 Annotated Guide 71 ^ Klock Deux Rivieres ( Bissett Adelard I Stonecliff ; Mackey i Moorlake I Wylie ; Chalk River off. It is also a favorite centre for moose Alt. 630 hunters, and with good reason. Guides “ 618 and supplies may always be obtained “ 666 here. An attractive point for tourists “ 661 is Lake Timiskaming, and no more en- “ 476 joyable canoeing can be imagined than in “ 431 exploration of these waters, which abound “ 666 in fish, as the country does in game. To “ 628 the south of the railway is Algonquin “ 623 Park, established by the Ontario Govern- ment as a forest and game preserve. I CHALK RIVER AND MONTREAL: 242 Miles I (Eastern Division) Chalk River — Alt. 623 — is a divisional point, with an engine house and the usual railway buildings and appurtenances. From Mattawa to Pembroke the railway continues along the west bank of the Ottawa, whose valley narrows and the Ottawa flows deeply be- tween the increasing hills. Little towns are growing up around the saw- mills, which occur wherever water-power is to be had. Pembroke {pop. 6,600) is the most important town on this section of the line, having many substantial industries and commanding a large part of the trade of the lumbering districts towards the north. The Ottawa river is again navigable for a consider- able distance above and below, and steamboats are frequently seen. From Renfrew {pop. 3,600) a subdivision runs to Eganville, and it is also the junction of the Kingston & Pembroke Railway, extending southward through a district abounding in iron, to Kingston, on the St. Lawrence. Arnprior {pop. 4,396) and Pakenham {pop. 2,200) are also important manufacturing points, lumber milling being a large industry. Proceeding to Carleton Place the line follows the beautiful Ottawa Valley, which, from Pembroke south-easterly, is well cultivated by English, Scotch and German farmers. Large clear streams come rushing down to the Ottawa from the hills at the west, and these and the Ottawa as well, afford fine fish- Thlstle Alt. 608 Petewawa “ 466 Stafford “ 474 Pembroke ** 381 Meath Snake River Cobden Haley’s Renfrew Russell Castleford Alt. 417 “ 4H “ 476 “ 630 “ 417 “ 416 Lumbering on the Ottawa River 72 Across Canada Sand Point Alt. 265 Braeside “ 279 Arnprior “ 299 Pakenham “ S23 Sneddon S79 Almonte S97 ing — Maskinonge, trout and bass being common. There are frequent bright and busy manufacturing towns, and saw-mills occur at favorable places all along the river. At Almonte {pop. 2,500), are large woollen mills and other manufactories. Carleton Place (Junction)—/!//. U8. Pop. 2,900. Junction of a ' ^ subdivision running south to Brock- ville on the St. Lawrence River, crossing the Montreal and Toronto Line at Smiths Falls. At Carleton Place are large saw-mills, railway and other workshops. Nearing Ottawa the railway follows the south bank of the Ottawa River for a distance, and on its wide stretches may be seen enormous quantities of saw-logs held in “booms" for the use of the mills below. Ashton Alt. W Stittville “ 898 Bells Corners “ 224 Britannia “ 181 Ottawa (Broad Street)— A//. 214— Pop. 100,000. Capital of the Dominion. Picturesquely situated at the junction of the Rideau River with the Ottawa. The Chaudiere Falls, which here in- Parliauieiit Builuin^s, Ottawa terrupt the navigation of the Ottawa River, afford water power for a host of saw-mills and other manufactories. Vast quantities of lumber are made here from logs floated down from the Ottawa River and its tributaries. The city stands on high ground overlooking a wide valley, and contains many fine residences, the Royal Mint, the Victoria Mu- seum, large hotels, etc. The stately Government buildings overshadow all. Rideau Hall, the residence of the Governor-General, is within the city limits. Many improvements have been made in Ottawa at the cost of the Federal Government, and it is now held to be worthy of the title “The Washington of the North," and visitors agree that the title is not inapt. The driveways in and about Ottawa are unexcelled. Indeed it has been said to be the most picturesque Capital in the world. Ottawa possesses charms of situation and surroundings which, coupled with the foresight which has characterized the laying out of the city, have made it one of which not only every citizen, but also every Canadian, may well be proud. A subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Railway extends southward to Prescott on the St. Lawrence, where ferry connection is made with Ogdensburg, N.Y., and rail lines to New York. Leaving Ottawa the main line crosses a long iron bridge, from which a fine view of the Chaudiere Falls is obtained, and enters Hull {pop. Annotated Guide 73 20,500) in the Province of Quebec, and then recrosses the Ottawa River by the Alexandra bridge to the Sparks St. Station in the heart of Ottawa. From the line of railway may be seen the matchless lumber plants of this busy annex to the Capital^of the Dominion, comprising saw-mills, and match and box factories of considerable magnitude, whose products find their way to foreign as well as domestic markets. Subdivisions of the Canadian Pacific Railway extend in a westward direction to Wal- tham, and up the Gatineau Valley to Maniwaki. These two subdi- visions bring the great sporting facilities of the Gatineau within easy reach of the city dweller. I Ottawa Alt. 214 (Sparks St.) ^Navan “ 239 Leonard “ 272 Hammond “ Bourget From the Sparks Street Station the line follows the banks of the Rideau Canal which, with the Rideau River and Lakes connects the Capital with the City of Kingston at the foot of Lake Ontario, and crossing the Rideau River runs south-easterly past a number of small but thriv- ing towns which have been created by the con- struction of the Short Line between Ottawa and Montreal. Caledonia Springs is a favorite health resort, on account of the medicinal properties of its waters, a fact which has led the Alt. 171 Canadian Pacific Railway to operate 178 here one of its magnificent chain of “ 168 hotels. Vankleek is the first im- “ 272 portant town on the line, and nine “ 181 miles beyond it is the flourishing “ 104 French Canadian town of St. Eugene. Shortly after leaving St. Eugene, the which here extends beyond the Ottawa River — is entered. To the right of Rigaud is the Rigaud Mountain, an eminence near whose summit is a curious deposit of small rounded boulders, covering an acre or two — a bare, desolate spot surrounded by luxurious vegetation — to which legend gives the name of the Devil’s Playground. The Lake of the Two Mountains — an expansion of the Ottawa River — is reached shortly after leaving Rigaud, and its margin skirted for over ten miles. The pretty watering-places of Hudson Heights, Hudson and Como, where many Montrealers spend the summer months, are passed. Plantagenet Alfred Caledonia Springs Vankleek St. Eugene Rigaud Province of Quebec- Hudson Como Vaudreuil iSte. Annes Alt. 92 “ 97 “ 85 “ 116 On the opposite shore of the Lake is the Trap- pist Monastery, whose silent inmates divide their time between their religious duties and the cultivation of the soil. Vaudreuil is a picturesquely placed village at the most wester- ly of the five mouths of the Ottawa River ; which empty into the St. Lawrence. Ste. Anne de Bellevue {pop. 2,000) [ occupied a prominent place in the early history of Canada, and at one i time there were efforts put forth to give it greater commercial import- ance than the Montreal of that day. Here are the splendid buildings of the Macdonald Agricultural College. The village is prettily situated and the scenery is beautiful. Ste. Anne was once the home of the poet Moore, and is the scene of his memorable boat song, There is almost continuous settlement back of Ste. Anne in a land of orchards, and a number of summer resorts on Lake St. Louis, a widening of the St. Lawrenp River, are passed in rapid suc- cession. J ust before reaching Montreal Junction (five miles from Montreal) the old village of Lachine is seen to the right; and above the trees further to the right a view is had of the great steel bridge built by^ the Cana- dian Pacific Railway Company across the St. Lawrence. Caledomi borings Hotel 74 Across Canada Beaconsffleld Alt. 108 Lachine was for a long time the point of Valois “ 93 departure of the early trading military Dorval “ 83 expeditions; and it was from here that Duquesne set out in 1754 to seize the Ohio Valley — an expedition that culminated in the defeat of Braddock. Montreal West — Alt. 155. — This is the point of junction for trains from and to the Maritime Provinces, New York, Boston, Portland, and all trains to the West. The neighbor- hood is remarkable for its apple orchards, the world-renowned Fameuse being grown here to perfection, and the line from this point to Montreal crosses all streets and residential parts on overhead bridges. Westmount — Alt. 152. — Montreal’s fashionable suburb on its western limits. Montreal — (Windsor Street Station). Alt. 109 ft. Po/j. (with suburbs) 67 2 J 17. The chief city and commercial capital of Canada is situated on an island formed by the St. Lawrence and Ottawa Rivers, and on the site of the ancient Indian village of Hochelaga, visited by Jacques Cartier in 1535. A trading-post was established here by the French 250 years ago; and this was the last place yielded by the French to the British in 1760. For many years it was the chief centre of the fur trade. Atlantic steamships of the Canadian Pacific, Allan, Donaldson, Canadian Northern, White Star-Dominion, and other well-known lines run here. The St. Lawrence River and canals bring this way much of the trade of the Great Lakes. Recently the city gained prominence by being the location of the largest floating dry-dock in the world. Num- erous railway lines, mostly controlled by the Canadian Pacific and Grand Trunk Companies, radiate from here in all directions. Both these companies have their principal offices and workshops here, and both have great bridges over the St. Lawrence River. The city has a far-reaching trade, and great manufacturing establishments; has seven miles of fine wharves of masonry, vast warehouses and grain elevators; imposing public buildings, handsome residences and superior hotels, one of the best of which is the Place Viger Hotel, which is connected with the C. P. R.’s new Place Viger Station, and is operated by the Company. The Canadian Pacific’s other station, the Windsor, is the largest build- ing of its kind in Canada. It is a huge grey stone structure, built on the most modern lines and equipped with every facility for the operation of the railway and the comfort of the public. Here are located the head offices of the Company. From the Windsor Street Station trains leave for Toronto, Detroit, Chicago, St. John, N.B., Halifax, New York, Boston, Portland, Sault Ste. Marie, Duluth, St. Paul, Minneapolis, Winnipeg and Vancouver; and for Ottawa by the Short Line. From the Place Viger Station trains run to Ottawa by the North Shore Line, to Quebec, Mont Laurier in the Laurentian Mountains, and local points. In Montreal are the Angus Shops of the Canadian Pacific where the Company builds and maintains a great proportion of its rolling stock. These shops cover an area of 200 acres and are claimed to be the largest and most modernly equipped shops on the continent. Connected with them are a free school for apprentices, a library, lunch rooms, where good meals can be obtained at reasonable prices, a fire brigade, police force, ambulance corps, an athletic association and many other features of a similar nature, all fostered by the railway for the purpose of furthering the welfare of its employees. These shops employ over six thousand men and turn out a complete new train every working day. Visitors with time to spare should make a point of visiting the historic old Chateau de Ramesay, which was for a great many years the residence of the former Governor-Generals of Canada. The place reeks with tradition, and many interesting old relics can be seen of days gone by. It was here that Franklin set up his first printing press. The Montreal Art Gallery, The McGill College, and Mount Royal Park from which a view of the entire city can be had, are other points of interest. SUDBURY TO MONTREAL 76 Across Canada Montreal is but a day’s or a night’s ride to the principal cities of the United States on the North Atlantic seaboard — New York, Boston and Portland, Me. — and there is a choice of several routes to the first-named place. MONTREAL AND NEW YORK: 384 miles Adirondack Route, via N. Y. Central Route I. — Is by the New York Central from the Windsor Street ; Station, crossing the St. Lawrence River on the Canadian Pacific ' Bridge above the Lachine Rapids, and thence through the Adirondacks, passing attractive summer resorts (Loon Lake, Paul Smith’s, Saranac i Lake, etc.), to Utica and Albany, and thence down the east bank of the Hudson River to New York. This trip may be pleasantly varied in sum- ' mer by taking the steamer in the morning from Albany down the Hudson to New York. Rutland Route, via Troy and Rutland Route II. — Is by the Rutland Railroad from the Windsor St. Station over the lines of the Canadian Pacific Railway to Iberville Junction, thence across the islands and along the eastern shore of Lake Cham- plain, finally running into New York over the tracks of the New York Central Railroad from Troy. D. & H. Route, via Troy and Saratoga Route HI. — Is by the Delaware & Hudson Rd., via the west shore of Lake Champlain to Troy, and thence New York Central. This route can be varied in summer via steamer through Lakes Champlain and George at an expenditure of about 12 hours’ time, and slight addi- tional cost in price of ticket. Annotated Guide 77 MONTREAL AND BOSTON; 341 miles Via Montreal & Boston Air Line There is a through service by Canadian Pacific trains. The route traverses the most fertile section of the English settled part of Southern Quebec, crosses the international boundary at Newport, Vt., touches Lake Memphremagog, runs through the picturesque valley of Northern Vermont, with the Green Mountains in view, and skirting the IVhite Mountains of New Hampshire, passes through the most interest- ing parts of New England. MONTREAL AND PORTLAND, ME.; 286 miles Via White Mountains The same route as above is followed to St. Johns- bury, Vt., where connection is made with Maine Central trains to Portland. From St. Johnsbury, the line penetrates the White Mountains, passing Lunenburg, Fabyan, the Crawford Notch and North Conway, thence through Southern Maine to Portland. During the summer months through sleeping and parlor Portiand cars are run between Montreal, Portland, Old Orchard Beach and Kennebunkport. f 1 : C P R Headcjuarters, Wiiidsor Street Station. Montreal Montreal Mewport >t. Johnsbury Fabyan I -Montreal Newport Plymouth ? Boston 78 Across Canada I MONTREAL AND HALIFAX: 757 miles ! ! Via Short Line ! Westmount Montreal Junction Highlands Adirondack June. St. Constant St. Phiiippe L’Acadie St. Johns Iberviiie Ibervilie Junction Ste. Brigide Farnham Brigham Junction Adamsville West Shefford Fulford Foster South Stukely Eastman Junction Eastman Alt. m “ m “ 117 “ 98 “ 9It “ 117 “ 131 “ 161 “ 111 “ 115 “ 165 “ 192 “ 269 II “ J^SO “ 583 “ 697 “ 837 “ 910 “ 911 Montreal — (Windsor Street) — From Montreal the train runs on an elevated embankment to Montreal West, the point of diver- gence for lines north, west and south, and crossing the Lachine Canal, reaches the south bank of the St. Law- rence just above the Lachine Rapids, by a wonderful steel bridge. This bridge, which is one of the largest in America, was considered at the time of building to be of sufficient size and strength to carry the Company’s traffic for some years to come. ^ Recently, however, so rapidly has the traffic over this part of the line increased that the Cana- dian Pacific has found it necessary to double-track the structure. These operations, costing over two million dollars, were carried on without interfering in the slightest degree with the passing of trains. The old structure has been removed and replaced with one twice as wide and over four times as heavy. To the right of the bridge is the Indian village of Caughnawaga. St. Johns {pop. 8,000) is a prettily loca- ted prosperous town, and across the Richelieu River is Iber- ville, and a little further on, Iberville Junction, from which a railway runs to St. Hyacinthe and Sorel on the St. Lawrence. The Stanbridge and St. Guillaume subdivision of the Canadian Pacific Railway is crossed at Farnham {pop. 3,927), which is a railway subdivisional point with the usual collection of buildings common to such places. At Brigham Junction the Montreal and Boston Air Line diverges for the White Mountains and Boston. At Eastman Junction the Orford subdivision diverges northward to Windsor Mills and southward to Mansonville. At Foster the Drum- mondville subdivision of the Cana- dian Pacific Railway is crossed. Annotated Guide 79 Magog Alt. 689 Rock Forest ” 701 Magog (pop.8,600) is situated upon the shore of Lake Mem- phremagog — a magnificent sheet of water dotted with many islands and surrounded by rugged, heavily wooded hills. This lake is a justly popu- lar resort for summer tourists who weary of its lovely scenery. Its two fa- mous mountains — Orford and Owl’s Head — are the most Station auJ Hotel, imposing of_ the neighboring heights. From Magog Station a steamer makes a circuit of the lake daily during the summer season, touching at all important points, including the fashionable resort of Newport, Vt., at the southern extremity. Sherbrooke is the metropolis of the English-speaking district of the East- ern Townships. It is an exceedingly pretty place, with a population of 19,243, and possessing many impor- tant factories and business establish- ments. ^ Here connection is again made with the Quebec Central to Levis, opposite Quebec. The rapid Magog and St. Francis rivers unite their currents here, and the falls of the Magog are well worth seeing. At Lennoxville, distant three miles east from Sherbrooke, connections are . made with Boston & Maine Railroad, running south to the summer resort of Newport, Vt., situated at the < j Sherbrooke Alt. 604 '} Lennoxville ” 498 ] Johnville ” 852 i Bulwer ” 930 , Birchton “ 971 1 Cookshire ” 684 ' 'Bury ” 1,065 1 Scotstown ” 1,193 ^ Milan ” 1,646 . Spring Hill, Que. ” 1,690 j Megantie ” 1,314 Dltchfleld ” 1,476 ^ Boundary ” 1,849 southern end Lake Memphremagog, where it connects with the Montreal & Boston Air Line of the Canadian Pacific Railway. Megantic is a rare spot for sportsmen. There is fairly good accommoda- tion at the hotels here, and guides for a fishing and shooting trip can be secured. Lake Megan- tic is twelve miles long by from one to four wide. Near Lake Megantic is Spider Lake, the *' Geneva of Canada,” where the club house of the Megantic Fish and Game Club is located. At Boundary the mountains which divide Quebec from Maine^ are passed, and the route lies for 200 miles through the most picturesque part of the Pine Tree State. Alt. Lowelltown Holeb Jackman Long Pond Mackamp Tarratine Somerset June. Moosehead Greenville June. 1,605 1,253 1,228 1,181 1,176 1,116 1,000 IfiU 1,059 From Jackman the Moose River and its chain of lakes are easily reached, Market and Church at tredericton, N.B. 80 Across Canada where game and fish are abundant. Long Lake is a water of this chain. Near Tarratine station the Kennebec River leaves Moosehead Lake, a magnificent water stretch, forty miles long and from one to fifteen miles broad. The scenery along the lake is charming. Moosehead is a small station on the lake shore, and Greenville Junction 1,700) is a busy little town also on the lake, and is a very popular point with those who love the rod and rifle, as within easy reach are any number of trout waters and rare good shooting grounds, moose, caribou, deer, bear, grouse, etc., being found within short distance. There are several hotels that offer excellent accommodation, and guides, canoes, etc., can be obtained on the spot.^ From Greenville station steamers run to all the points of interest, including Mount Kineo and the popular hotel at its base, the Kineo House. Near Wilson stream the road runs close to the base of the Boarstone Mountains. At Brownville Junction the line of the Katahdin Iron Works Railway is crossed. Onawa Alt. 6S7 The scenery along this section of the line Brownville June. “ S89 is considered to rank amongst the finest Lake View “ 4^0 in Maine, Lake Onawa being perhaps as Seboois “ 196 pretty as any of the numerous waters. Mattawamkeag “ 223 The Penobscot River is crossed at Mat- tawamkeag, and many canoeists make this station their objective point, descending the river from Moosehead Lake, a trip that offers great inducements in the way of fishing and scenery. Kingman Alt. 325 Bancroft “ 334 Danforth “ 380 Eaton “ 400 Forest “ 436 Lambert Lake “ 417 These are comparatively new and very prosperous villages. The country is wild and rugged, and intersected by streams and lakes — a good territory for the sportsman. Guides are usually obtainable, and if the time can be found a stop-over is made worth while during the season by countless opportunities at some fine game. Vanceboro — Alt. 387 . — The last station before crossing the boundary between the State of Maine and New Brunswick. It lies close to the beautiful St. Croix River, the outlet of the boundary chain of lakes, and is an excellent point for the angler and hunter. Entering New Brunswick, the first stop is made at McAdam Junction, where connections are made for Woodstock, N.B., Houlton, Me., and Presque Isle, Me., Edmundston to the north, and for St. Stephen, N.B., and the beautiful watering place, St. Andrews, N.B., to the south. St. Andrews is situated on Passamaquoddy Bay, and for beauty of environment is not surpassed by any point on that portion of Reversible Falls, St. John, N. B. Annotated Guide 81 McAdam June. Alt. 4J^5 Magaguadavlc 391 Harvey “ 491 Fredericton June. 71 Hoyt 60 Weisford 77 Westfield Beach £2 Fairvllle ‘ 28 the Atlantic coast. The Algonquin, a splendid Canadian Pacific Railway Hotel, is situated here. At Fredericton Junction connection is made for the city of Fredericton {pop. 7,208), some- times called “the Celestial City,” the capital of New Brunswick. The line soon strikes the St. John River, and follows it for some miles, crossing it near St. John, where the Reversible Falls present to the traveller a remarkable tidal phenomenon. The Bay of Fundy is skirted to St. John, the loyalist city. St. John, H.B.—Alt. 15.— Pop. 60,000, The city of St. John was destroyed by fire in June 1877, causing a loss tween §20,000,000 and $30,000,000. From its ashes has arisen a bright progressive city, with noth- ing to-day to indicate the awful calamity which then befell it. Old St. John, with all her romantic & SV-’ Acadian Simplicity tokens of French rule and Acadian simplicity, is lost, but new St. John fills her place admirably, and is now a busy modern centre. St. John is a maritime city the winter port for the Atlantic steamers. An inspection of the docks and different craft is always of special interest to a visitor. At present the Dominion Government is making large extensions to the harbor, there being under construction new deep water docks which will provide berths for twenty-four ocean liners of the largest type. An immense new dry-dock, which will be the largest in the world, is also being built, and altogether the outlay will amount to about $25,000,000. Jn the new harbor twenty-three wharves are to be built, from 900 feet m length upwards. The Canadian Pacific has just completed a million dollar grain elevator, and many important manufacturers have recently es^blished large plants and warehouses in this progressive city. The St. John River, “the Rhine of America,” with its wonderful “reversible cataract, should be seen by every visitor; also the fine suspension bridge and rail way cantilever bridge near the falls. Close to the city, Kennebecasis River, is one of the finest rowing courses in the world. A trip up the St. John River to Fredericton by steamer will reveal all the changing beauties of that stream. Steamers ply every week day be- tween St. John and Digby,where connection is made with the Dominion Atlantic Rail- way for Halifax and Yarmouth, this being a favorite route between the chief cities of the two provinces, the railway traversing the land of national and romantic associations, the matchless Annapolis Valley, the scene of many a stirring incident in olden days, and famed the world over as the home of Longfellow’s Evangeline. ^ The Eastern Steamship Co.’s Line gives connection with Eastport, Me., Portland and Boston. Good trout fishing and shooting can be had near the city. Hampton Alt. Sussex Petitcodlac “ Salisbury “ The train traverses the 27 lovely Kennebecasis Valley, 69 in which are some of the 100 finest New Brunswick 102 farms. In the immediate 82 Across Canada yicinity of St. John are attractive watering places. The scenery is soft and pleasing — the rounding hills and abrupt heights forming pictures that delight the eye. To the east and south are many small lakes in which trout are abundant. Sussex and Hampton are pretty little towns. The Petitcodiac River is followed for some distance to Moncton. An interesting feature of the river is the “ Bore ” of the incoming tide, when the water rushes up with great force in a huge wave, often several feet high, that fills the empty riverbed. Moncton — Alt. 50. Pop. 11,329 — situated on a bend of the Petit- codiac River. It is the headquarters of the Intercolonial Railway System, the chief offices and workshops of which are located here. It has many important industries, including a cotton mill, foundry and wood-working and clothing factories. Hunting grounds abound withm a radius of a few miles and sportsmen usually outfit here for an expedition into the wilds of northern New Bruns- wick. F rom Painsec J unction a branch line extends to Point Du Chene, con- necting with steamers for Summerside, Prince Edward Island. Sackville has a fine college and Methodist academies, and is situated in a choice The Haunt make this town one of great importance. Beyond Elko, the Elk River is crossed, and about a mile below is the Elk River Canyon, which ■ extends for several miles. The water drops 600 feet in that distance, i and being compressed between narrow vertical walls, turbulently rushes i MOOSE JAW TO MJNNEAPOLIS-ST.PAUL Marie 98 Across Canada through the canyon. The scenery here rivals that of the Fraser and Thompson Canyons. The railway turns north-easterly, following the Elk for over 40 miles. Along the Elk thick seams of coal crop out, for here are the great coal fields of East Kootenay, which are said to be the largest undeveloped coal measures in the world. Coal exists to the summit of the Rockies, and beyond the pass it is again found under- lying vast areas. An analysis and test of these coals have been made, and the results as shown in the Government reports prove that they compare favorably with the best coals of the same variety in Pennsyl- vania. Of coking coal there is an abundance, which is proving of great importance to the smelters of British Columbia. Passing through a thickly timbered country and crossing Morrissey and other creeks, the railway runs into Fernie, the present centre Fernie Alt. 6,600 of development of the coal industry. This Hosmer “ 3,445 town {pop. 4,500), which is at the mouth of Sparwood “ 3,836 Coal Creek, only sprang into existence in Natal “ 3,771 1898, and is making wonderful progress. Michel “ 3,850 It has fine hotels, good stores and a large McGillvray “ 4,131 number of comfortable residences. Already Crows Nest “ 4,443 a large number of coke ovens are in opera- tion, and as the supply of coal is inex- haustible, these will be increased as the demand for coke by the smelters of the province becomes greater. The coal mines are five miles to the south and are connected with the town by a branch railway. The railway continues up along the Elk to Michel, at its junction with Michel Creek, where coal mining operations are in progress. Thence it follows the Michel and climbs up the mountain sides, making some amazing turns and twists to gain higher ground. By the “ Loop ” nearly three miles are travelled to make a height of less than 200 feet — the road doubling back on itself to within a stone’s throw of its course directly below. Summit Lake and Crows Nest are reached at an altitude of 4,410 feet. A short distance east the summit of the Rockies is crossed at an altitude of 4,427 feet. Here is the dividing line between British Columbia and Alberta, and a mountain stream separating its waters flows both to the east and to the west, one emptying finally in Hudson Bay and one in the Pacific Ocean. Shortly after the descent is com- menced Island Lake, a placid hill-girt stretch, is skirted at an altitude of 4,409 feet, and beyond is Crows Nest Lake {alt. 4,390 ft.), whose western bank is followed for several miles. This lake is credited with being the birthplace of the zephyrs that blow across the plains, and it is known that on occasions, while the western part of the lake is still and calm, “white caps” predominate on the eastern part. The railway runs directly past “the cave’’ — a hole in the side of Sentinel Mountain — from which pours out a great flood. This is the source of the Middle Fork of the Old Man River, which is believed to be the outflow of a subterranean stream. Five miles to the north is a remarkable phenome- non in the shape of a natural tunnel which pierces a mountain. Directly to the left is Crows Nest Mountain, a magnificent hoary-headed giant, which rises to a height of 7,800 feet, at whose rear is a cluster of pin- nacles known as the Seven Sisters. On this great isolated mountain the attention of the traveller is naturally concentrated, its splendor and beauty being one of the chief glories of this region of the Rockies. Annotated Guide 99 Coleman Alt. 4,301 Blairmore “ 4 , 324 . Frank “ 4,201 Hillcrest “ 4,110 Lundbreck Alt. 8,907 When first seen from Crows Nest Lake it has the appearance of a mas- tiff’s head. Blairmore, to the east of which are cold sulphur springs whose waters are sought by many, is reached and beyond is a narrow defile— “The Gap” — through which the train finds its way to the foot-hills and the plains. To the right Turtle Mountain looms tc great height, its base forming one of the walls of the Gap, and here a last view of the grand Crows Nest Mountain is obtained. From Crows Nest Lake the line has followed the middle fork of the Crows Nest or Old Man River, with which it keeps company as a rule as far east as MacLeod. East of Blairmore, the thriving town of Frank, of recent birth, is another centre of coal mining operations. At the crossing of the Middle Fork, near Burmis, is a pretty little crescent-shaped fall. To the left is Mas- sacre Butte, the scene of a horrible tragedy about thirty-five years ago, when a party of German prospectors were butchered by the Indians. The mountains to the left are the Livingston range of the Rockies, between whose base and the Porcupine Hills is a wide tract of grass country on which large heads of cattle and horses feed. In this region there has been a large influx of settlers in recent years, and agriculture as well as stock raising is carried on. Cowley is situated about two miles west of the crossing of the south branch of the Old Man River, and six miles east is Pincher {pop. 1,250), the station for the thriving town of Pincher Creek, situated in the fertile valley to the south. Four miles east of Pincher, and ^ , , , . , .snugly ensconced in a valley, is the Indian Industrial School, which is civilizing and educating the youthful “breth- ren in red.” There is a round descent, and the line curves gradually to the south of the Porcupines, crosses many streams that seam the earth, and in which there is capital fishing, and reaches the broad Albertan plain— the home of the cowboy and the cattle king. The Rockies are paralleled for a short distance, affording magnificent views of their marvellous proportions. Victoria Creek {9,860ft.) and Castle Mountain are prominent in the distance, and Turtle Mountain, shaping itself into a huge tortoise, is silhouetted against the sky. There is a glorious panorama spread before one — on one side the vast plains which stretch far away until earth and sky seem to meet; on the other the serrated Rockies, standing forth in all their sublimity and grandeur, piercing the very clouds. On the plains a long line of large boulders marks the exist- ence of an ice age in prehistoric times, and directly ahead on the left are the Mounted Police quarters and the town of MacLeod. ] Macleod— 8,103 ft. ^ Pop. 2,000. On the Old Man River, one of I the most typical of western railway towns, and the head- ,5 quarters of the ranching industry of Southern Alberta. Throughout * this region are many stock ranches, and farming operations are now it being largely carried on, large yields of winter wheat of good quality i being produced. There is plenty of feed, shelter, and water, and the i climatic conditions are most favorable for stock raising, the mean Cowley Pincher Brocket Peigan 8,830 3,761 8,301 3,811 Across Canada Pearce Monarch Kipp Alt 3,090 3,093 3,046 Lethbridge Viaduct temperature being higher than in Central Ontario, owing to the Pre- valence of the Chinook winds, whose moderating influences are felt nearly as far east as Medicine Hat. From Macleod a subdivision runs northwards to Calgary (108 miles) arid to Edinonton on the banks of the North Saskatchewan (300 miles), a district which, like Southern Alberta, is attracting a great deal of settlement. , t i i • From Macleod the railway continues due east through a level plam, passing several unimportant stations, one of which— Kipp, junction point for the new Acme subdivision — was a trading post in the early days, and the scene of many an Indian battle, and reaches the valley of the St. Mary’s River. West of Lethbridge there has been completed by the Canadian Pacific Railway one of the most gigantic engineering works in Canada, the bridging of the Belly River and the Old Man River, replacing twenty wooden bridges by two immense steel viaducts, one 5,330 feet in length with a maximum height of 314 feet above the river and the other 1,900 feet in length with a height of 146 feet above the bed of the river. The cost of this work exceeded two million dollars. 1 he former is one of the notable steel structures of the world. It required 645 cars to transport the steel used in the construction of these viaducts, and nearly one thousand cars of material were used in the building of these mammoth permanent structures. This and other important improvements prove the policy ot tnis Company is to spare no expense to make its line the best in the world. The lands under irrigation in this region and near Lethbridge are being transformed from a range country to a farmer’s paradise. Reach- ing the eastern bank of the St. Mary’s, a short run brings the train to Lethbridge {pop. 11,070). i • • 4 . Is a prosperous coal mining town, owning its own electric light and power plant and water works. The output of the mines, which are worked by the Alberta Railway and Irrigation Co., finds a ready market in Montana, in British Columbia, and as far east as Winnipeg, in Canada. This Com- pany’s railway connects Lethbridge with Great Falls, Montana. This district is now known as the home of the celebrated Alberta red wheat, although not a few years ago it was one vast cattle range. From Leth- bridge the railway runs due east through a flat country, broken in places by gulches, for 107 miles, and at Dunmore connects with the main line of the Canadian Pacific Railway, which is followed until Moose Jaw is reached. Lethbridge Coaldale Chin Barnwell Taber Fincastle Purple Springs Grassy Lake Burdett Bow Island Winnifred Whitia Seven Persons Bull’s Head Dunmore Medicine Hat Alt. 2,975 2,820 2,776 2,725 2,662 2,630 2,617 2,644 2,567 2,612 2,714 2,736 2,468 2,399 2,398 2,168 Annotated Guide 101 Dun more Maple Creek Moose Jaw — The junction point with the Soo Line, where connection is made for Minneapolis, St. Paul and Chicago. Portal, Minot, Hankinson and Glenwood are flourishing towns passed en route, and constantly changing panoramic views of lakes, forests, rivers, farms and cosy villages are brought before the traveller as he passes through the lakey way to the twin cities of the Middle States. The social and commercial centres of the Middle Minneapolis States. Politically two municipal corporations, but St. Paul in substance one large community of nearly half-a- million population. St. Paul is the capital of the State of Minnesota. Around the city are numerous natural lakes and parks. It is the terminus of nearly all the principal railways of the VVestern States and a great tourist centre. The Chicago Line of the Soo Line has many things to commend it to the traveller to Chicago, Milwaukee or to any of the many beautiful summering places to be found east of the Twin Cities along the line. The way is through the beautiful Minnesota country to the Wisconsin line, where the St. Croix River is spanned by a mighty bridge. Through Wisconsin the line runs through an agricultural country that is fast becoming known as some of the best farming New Richmond land in the entire western country. The heavy Chippewa Falls timber which for so many centuries has covered the Eau Claire land is fast disappearing, and in its place the land- Abbotsford scape is becoming dotted with splendid up-to-date Marshfield farms and fine buildings, for the Wisconsin farmer Stevens Point always prospers. There are thousands of beautiful lakes along the right of way through the entire state, and many are well known as ideal summering places because of the fine summer homes, and well appointed summer hotels which are built along their shores. The clear crystal waters of these lakes are wonderfully stocked with game fish of all descriptions, the large and small mouthed black bass, however, being the most popular with the average sportsman, although the mighty muskalonge, which often grows to a weight of over forty pounds, is also a prime favorite. Waupaca, Wis., is one of the most noted of the vacation spots within easy reach of either Chicago, Milwaukee or the Twin Cities. The lakes at Waupaca are over twenty in number and form a chain several miles in length. The irregular shores, with their hard sandy beaches, tempt the lover of bathing, while the launch or canoe owner finds the place ideal for cruising. There are many other beauty spots including Stevens Point, Fremont, Fond du Lac, Oshkosh, Cedar Lake, etc. Waukesha, Wis., is famous for its wonderful water, which is shipped all over the country. Waukesha is a city of beautiful drives and handsome residences, and the hotel accommodations are of a high order. There are several lakes nearby, and the Fox river flows near the city. Resthaven, at Waukesha, is open for business. This model fire proof structure is built upon an elevation which commands a splendid view of the surrounding country. A competent staff of medical specialists, representing the best talent in Milwaukee and Chicago, will be available. The line to Milwaukee branches off from the main line at Rugby Junction, but through sleepers are operated daily between Milwaukee and the Twin Cities. Chicago, the second city in size and importance in the United States, is reached in the morning, after a fast, comfortable, enjoyable run on a perfect train. Mukwonago Burlington Silver Lake Camp Lake Lake Villa Chicago Waupaca Neenah Oshkosh Fond du Lac Milwaukee Waukesha 102 Across Canada HOTEL SYSTEM CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY THE CHATEAU FRONTENAC— QUEBEC i In the quaintest and historically the most interesting city in America. One of the s finest hotels on the continent. It occupies a commanding position overlooking the St. Lawrence, its site being unrivalled. Rates, $5.00 per day and upward. One mile from C. P. R. Station. Transfer charge: Bus, 25 cents. American plan. \ THE PLACE VIGER— MONTREAL 1 Is a handsome structure immediately opposite the Viger Square, at Place VIger Station, 13^ miles from Windsor Street Station, and at a convenient distance from Ocean Line docks, most tastefully furnished, the style and elegance characterizing the Chateau ; Frontenac at Quebec being also found here. Rates, $4.00 per day and upward. ^ Americanplan. THE ALGONQUIN— ST. ANDREWS, N.B. ] (Open from June 15th to September) J has recently been thoroughly renovated and much enlarged. Best natural golf links I in Canada. Rates $4.00 per day and upward. Also The Inn (open from June 15tb j to September 1st) at $2.50 per day and upward. American plan. I McADAM STATION HOTEL— McADAM JUNC., N.B. , Is especially convenient for travellers, owing to its location at the junction with ■] the main line of the Company’s branch lines intersecting New Brunswick. Rates, $3.00 ; per day and upward. American plan. CALEDONIA SPRINGS HOTEL— CALEDONIA SPRINGS, ONT. ' Is situated at the famous Caledonia Springs, about 300 yards from the C. P. R. Station, j The Springs are now well known all over the American Continent. $2.50 per day and $20.00 per week and up. (Winter rate.) THE ROYAL ALEXANDRA— WINNIPEG, MAN. < Situated at the Railway station, furnished with every modern convenience. European plan. HOTEL PALLISER— CALGARY, ALTA. This magnificent hotel is in the heart of Calgary business district, yet with its beauti- fully arranged sun-parlors, roof gardens, and lounging-rooms, the traveller gets the 1 full advantage of the bracing air of the foothills of the Rocky Mountains. Rates $4.00 ; per day and up. American plan. BANFF SPRINGS HOTEL— BANFF, ALTA. (Open from May to October) J In the Canadian National Park, on the eastern slope of the Rocky Mountains, Is 4,500 1 feet above sea level, at the junction of the Bow and Spray Rivers. A large and handsome structure. Distance from C. P. R. Station is about 13^ miles. Transfer ‘ charge 25 cents. Rates, $4.00 per day and upward. American plan. I CHATEAU LAKE LOUISE— LAKE LOUISE, ALTA. (Open from June 1st to October) Is a quiet resting place In the mountains, situated by Lake Louise, from which there I Is a good carriage drive. A convenient base from which to explore the Lakes In the Clouds. The Chateau is situated about 4 miles from Lake Louise Station. Tramway Transfer charge 50 cents. Rates $4.00 per day and upward. American plan. MOUNT STEPHEN HOUSE— FIELD STATION, B.C. ^ a chalet hotel fifty miles west of Banff, at the base of Mount Stephen, which towers I 8,000 feet above. This is a favorite place for tourists, mountain climbers and artists, i The wonderfu 1 Yoho Valley is reached by way of Field. Rates $4.00 per day and ■I upward. American plan. EMERALD LAKE CHALET— NEAR FIELD, B.C. (Open from June 15th to September 30th) a most romantically situated Swiss chalet hotel with accommodation for forty guests. ; The gateway to Yoho Valley. 7 miles from Field Station Transfer charge $1.00. j Rates, $3.50 per day and upward. American plan, i GLACIER HOUSE— GLACIER, B.C. 1 In the heart of the Selkirks, within forty-five minutes walk of the Great Glacier, which j covers an area of about thirty-eight square miles. Rates, $4.00 per day and upward, i American plan. ! HOTEL REVELSTOKE-REVELSTOKE, B.C. i situated between the Selkirk and Gold Ranges, at the portal of the West Kootenay . gold fields and the Arrow Lakes. Rates, $3.00 per day and upward. American 5 plan. A. J. MacDonell, Lessee. I KOOTENAY LAKE HOTEL— BALFOUR, B.C. I (Open June 1st to September 30th) A new first class tourist hotel at Balfour, B.C., near the junction of the Kootenay i River and Kootenay Lake. An ideal resort for sportsmen. Rates $3.50 per day ^ and upward. American plan. HOTEL SICAMOUS— SICAMOUS, B.C. i built on the shores of the Shuswap Lakes where the Okanagan branch of the C. P. R. i begins. Rates, $3.50 per day and upward. American plan. ^ HOTEL INCOLA— PENTICTON, B.C. ^ A new first class Tourist hotel at the foot of navigation on Okanagan Lake, reached ■ by the C.P.R. Steamers. An ideal resort for any time of the year owing to the sunny dry climate of the Okanagan Valley. Managed by H. Vince, for the Kettle Valley j Railway. HOTEL VANCOUVER— VANCOUVER, B.C, the Pacific Coast terminus of the Railway, is a hotel which is being greatly enlarged to ' meet the pressing demands and designed to serve the large commercial business of the ^ city, as well as the tourists who find it profitable and interesting to remain a day or longer. Situated K mile from C. P. R. Station; transfer charge 25 cents. Rates, 1 $4.00 per day and upward. American plan. I CAMERON LAKE CHALET— CAMERON LAKE, B.C. Open May to September 30th I The Chalet at Cameron Lake, on Vancouver Island, E. & N. Ry., Is an attractive I place for a holiday. Rate, $3.50 per day. American plan. EMPRESS HOTEL— VICTORIA, B.C. A short distance from boat landing. One of the most beautiful hotels on the American Continent. European plan. F. L. HUTCHINSON, Manager in Chief. Hotel Department, Canadian Pacific Railway Montreal, Annotated Guide 103 Canadian Pacific Railway STEAMSHIP LINES TRANS-ATLANTIC SERVICE Montreal Quebec St. John, N.B. MISSANABIE AND METAGAMA NEW TWIN- SISTER SHIPS Gross register, 13,000 tons, displacement (loaded) 18,000 Twin screws; Sea speed, 16 knots. Length, 520 feet; width 64 feet. Passenger capacity: — 250 cabin, 1,200 third. Comfortable smoking rooms and attractive cafe. Spacious dining saloons. Gymnasium. Card room, drawing room and lounge. Attractive up-to-date library. Marconi wireless telegraphy. Submarine signals. Complete information, relative to trip to or from Europe, ^ will be cheerfully given on application to any / Canadian Pacific Agent. W. G. ANNABLE, General Passenger Agent, Dominion Eipress Building. MONTREAL, Que. 5 104 Across Canada Canadian Pacific Railway Steamship Lines TRANS-PACIFIC SERVICE VANCOUVER, JAPAN and CHINA CALLING AT VICTORIA, B.C., YOKOHAMA, KOBE, NAGASAKI, SHANGHAI, HONG KONG QUICKEST TIME ACROSS THE PACIFIC JAPAN (in 10 days) CHINA (in 15 days) MANILA (via HONG KONG) 21 days la Japaaese Waters* Empress of Russia ” and ‘‘Empress of Asia ” (At present Requisitioned by the British Government) Gross legister, 16850 tons, displacement (loaded) 30625. Quadruple screws; Turbine engines; Sea speed 20 knots. Length, 590 feet; width, 68 feet. Smoking rooms unparalleled on any ocean. Attractive drawing-rooms and writing rooms. Magnificent main saloon, 74 feet long, 65 feet wide. Luxurious suites: — Parlor, bedroom and bath room. Single and two-berth rooms. Electric fans and berth lights. Electric heaters. Enclosed promenade, 240 feet long. Gymnasium. Library. Laundry. Dark room for amateur photographers. Marconi Wireless Telegraphy. Music — Filipino Band. Complete information relative to trip to the Orient will be cheerfully given by any Canadian Pacific Agent. C. E. BENJAMIN, General Passenger Agent, Montreal, Qne. Windsor Street Station. Annotated Guide 105 Canadian-Australasian Royal Mail Steamship Line i BETOEEN I j Vancouver -Victoria i AND I Honolulu, H.I., Suva, Fiji, I Auckland, New Zealand, ! Sydney, Australia j ii I; r I, I; « NIAGARA,” “ MARAMA” and “ MAKURA” Fine Twin-Screw Steamships Clyde built and fitted with bilge keels ; also all modern ^ appliances for speed, safety and comfort. The smooth, short and enjoy- able route to the Antipodes THE STATE-ROOMS ARE LARGE AND WELL VENTILATED. THE DINING- ROOM EXTENDS THE WHOLE WIDTH OF EACH STEAMER, WHILE THERE IS ALSO A PLEASANTLY SITUATED DRAWING-ROOM AND LOUNGE ON DECK. THE VESSELS ARE FITTED THROUGHOUT WITH ELECTRIC LIGHT ^ AND AN AMPLE NUMBER OF BATHS ARE PROVIDED. For rates and sailings ask or write any Canadian Pacific Railway agent. 106 Across Canada CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S GREAT LAKES SERVICE Between Fort William, Port Arthur*, Sault Ste-Marie, Ont. and Port McNicoll n n n Sailing four days every week during Summer Season by magnificent Clyde-Built Steamers : “ASSINIBOIA” “KEEWATIN” “ALBERTA” “MANITOBA” Transcontinental passengers may use Great Lakes as optional route at small additional cost Annotated Guide 107 CANADIAN PACIFIC RAILWAY COMPANY'S British Columbia Modern Steel Steamers Vancouver, Victoria, Seattle. Vancouver, Prince Rupert, Anyox and Skagway, Alaska. Vancouver, Nanaimo. Vancouver, Victoria, Comox. Vancouver, Powell River. Victoria, West Coast Vancouver Island. Seattle, Tacoma, Olympia. Seattle, Port Townsend. Accommodation is of the very best, and ships are fitted with every appliance that makes for safety. BETWEEN FOLDER ON REQUEST FROM ANY C. P. R. AGENT 108 Across Canada The Canadian The Wolverine The Dominion Fast Express Trains Between MONTREAL TORONTO DETROIT CHICAGO n n n n n n Equipment consists of Electric- lighted Compartment Sleepers, Electric-lighted Standard Sleepers, Club Car, Dining Car Everything of the Best Annotated Guide 109 Popular Resorts in Ontario reached by the CANADIAN PACIFIC Georgian Bay and Thirty Thousand Islands, French River, Point au Baril, Mus- koka Lakes, Kawartha Lakes, Lake Ontario Shore Line ^ Good accommodation is obtainable and stop-overs are made worth while by the enjoyment and benefits derived. ^ Pamphlet “RESORTS IN ONTARIO,” giving full information, can be had from any Canadian Pacific Agent, n )K 110 Across Canada Popular Resorts in Quebec reached by the CANADIAN PACIFIC The Laurentians, Lake Memphremagog, The Gatineau Valley, Lower St Lawrence, Quebec, Montreal n n n In summer the numerous lakes and waterways, with their wooded shores and many islands, make this an ideal country for summer recreation, and in winter, when all is covered by the white mantle of “My Lady of the Snows,’’ winter sports furnish the amusement which makes Quebec such a delightful all - season province. Pamphlet on request from any C. P. R. Agent. Annotated Guide The Land of Evangeline Made famous by Long- fellow's favorite poem A Country of Dykes and Orchards and Mighty Tides. In addition to being of fascinating his- toric interest, the Land of Evangeline is admir- ably suited for summer visitors, as it combines sea bathing, yachting and fishing with drives and other sports in a country where pretty apple orchards add to the charm of valleys of no ordinary beauty ^ Pamphlet, “ Vacation Days in Nova Scotia,” on request from R. U. PARKER, General Passenger Agent, Dominion Atlantic Railway, Kentville, N.S 112 Across Canada W^hat the Canadian Pacific does to assure the Safety of its Patrons ILLIONS are spent every year on double tracking, telephone dispatching equipment, electric block signals, and num- erous other devices that increase the safety of travel. CE. Every employee on the Canadian Pacific is encouraged to consider above everything else the safety of the passenger. ''Safety First ” is the most popular movement on the Canadian Pacific Pailway, Printed in Canada. '■_> V' ' I ■ i ‘ .' i .V ^) ' ^l‘ ■ '» -liV ’ • V ' li '■■ V ‘ v/^■' ' •, ' ■ IS-:-’;-: Jig ,vii. \ \ My )'■.„ «» SlIPP; ‘1C, ■>■'••:>. ’ .;•: I '.I I #v;/typ'» '. '’}yM , 'vy '•-•.'.•i . '‘’. v'v'V'C Wy 'J ! ; \ - H t'' \< '". { ^•- '*)>'! I : i; '