nellus J. K. rustees : I'es, President e, Vice-President . Holter, Secretary and Treasurer Josephine Israel James Sullivan (I. L. Ramsey R. H. Howey Ao 5i H36.C. ■arian, Frank C. Patten Founded 1868 Organized as a Free Public Library 1886 * Helena Public Libretry Warren Street and Seventh Avenue Helena, Montana. Mans Public Library hnrrout History Pr-rioliouls THls Vjse^iptiv^ lint xx :uvkant-v1 tor tho usw of t‘>a otuda&ts at tho ** hurt* ant History cla^sNmeh woots fortnightly at ths public library, ?H» abject at this cHss is to euitiv&is % bro« •' 1 i . . ■ - «, ’ Literary Digest, N.Y.^ity, &3.00 Giv«s excellent, brief outlines of subjects of current mt«r»>st, i. together with well-selected extracts from the periodical y (ts range of subjects is wide, tt Has become the host of It* xind. Public Opinion, H.Y.r ity, 3%. 5U &Me up of selections and condensations from the periodical ^ross* It formerly a better paper than it is now. Greet Hound Horld, H.Y.City, II. 50 Describes unite accurately the important and significant events Of the whole world, Subjects to be written up *.r-» ^ ell -chosen and each is made complete enough to he understood as a whole, Language good and style pleasing. Interesting to young people of all ages. Youth's Companion, boston, Muss. S1.7F The editorials on “Current Topics" page are written with unusual care by the best authorities. Interesting and profitable to adults as well as you" h. Timely Topics, Lansing, tiieh, $1,00 It treats principally of the large and important matters of world history, such as are of very general interest. Articles are bright and *mi -rtsming; written in good, cl ear, concise language* Some well- selected articles are quoted. The editor has bean the Michigan state superintendent of schools. Intended for school use. The ill««lf«M wo i# Harper's, Leslie's Ollier's, A. Scientific tmorienn, M* ftkfli Art, excalUnt r .thrau>.'h thaxr |*>r- truits and othar iiiotwas. Thara nr* treonantlv fjood. sipnad articles, on questions of ourrent history. Leslie's has a bioprai-hical i'’>K a •ktltled "People istM Mo t.” The political cartoons in Mt»* Pack, and some of the are sometimes noteworthy. The l.ondon News, Saturday Review, Public Opinion, and other Uni-1 ish w( are also important. 2. Monthlies, et c. American Monthly devi'sw of Reviews, N.f.^ity, %%.*'■) py t' a r the boat monthly for general information on the current i affairs is4 thought of Ibl f®fl4 in politics sociology m general. The spirit in which it is conducted is cosmopolitan, hope- ful f progressive, and sympathetic towards the common litt* In the "Progress of the world* 1 the outlook is broad, information accurate, and «ty»e interesting? it is sometimes gossipy, and is too much given to political speculations about the future. Good portraits, illus- trations, and small maps are a vary valuable feature. The political cartoons are well-selected, but often too much reduced in sise. ?he brief "Record of current events" is carefully and accurately written. The contributed articles are on timely subjects, often from the best writers. Political Science Quarterly, Boston, *3.0<> The "Record of political events" by prof.Wiliiam A. Winning, published m June and December, is an excellent resume of political and social movements throughout the world, occupying about 3U s each time* I t is carefully prepared and wel 1- proportioned 0 Current History (quarterly), Boston, ftass* $1.50 \ Furnishes a good general summary of events, ft is reliable wtl 1- written. Good proportion is sometimes disregarded by needless amplification of unimportant details* Chautauquan, $t~advi 11 a, Farm. $2.00 The department entitled "History an it is mn do* consists of brief and quite well-written paragraphic statements about the important events of the month* Th$ forum, North American, Armais of th Am ncan Academy, Municipal Affairs, National Geographic teagasine, Nineteenth Century, Contem- porary, fortnightly. Century, Scribner's, McClure ' r>, and ot or 1 ? d- m, reviews and maga&ines contain articles that present th latest and best information obtainable on special subjects of current interest and inquiry* Fhoae contributions are frequently from well- known writers, each eminent in his own field. The biographical statements concerning contributors form a very serviceable feature of the Forum. 8. Newspapers. The tendency to provide more extended and expressive headlines and a brief outline or summary statement at the beginning of a news* pap^r article is a good one,v«ry useful to busy people, bach of the prominent newspapers ot the principal cities has its own special characteristics, some to be commended and some not* Special ft mlion is hereto! four papers only. ■i 1 * ' )> i , >. 1 » i . > • K '<'/V . • , f 1 • ■ > •' 1 I . I' ' | •. > ' • ' i ' *•' r ' I" ‘ ' ' *' S ■ 1 , .. v :: - . . 1 I- ; • ' -i' ! i ■. ■* •> r •• ♦ 1 * > I r . ' I 1 • ' , ^ i ‘ ; '" : v . 1 . • ■ < 1 , ' ): " - " • . ■;'! ‘ . . i - !i >. »/ r<-. v Y l ' • , i ' fi , i ’ . ' I i 1 fi j * * ' 1 f ‘ rK * \r ■ ,rtu’ 1 * t ' * ■ - • 11 r " ■ 1 i ■: . 4 ' r ,i * V; 'j I 7 ' I ■ 'i v ?' ■' ^ ■* -■'* V-j "Ifi ' \r 1 <# • I ' ,, ■ ' ' : * '* II 5 t • 5 i ' ' ; i . . . - 1 5 : ■ i :>*' • " ■ . ; •- ilh ! I £ . •/I * .!■' / • ■i 'l ‘ "> . i i i f i ■> s ( The New lor* Tribune ( K*>publ icur. ) has a strong cor^s of editors. Mitorial s on foreign affairs show wide and accurate information. The correspondence from Washington is good. Isaac N.^ord wntas wall irom London* "Kx~ attach e* gets much inside information about kuropean politics. The New fork Sun (Democratic) is noted ton its very able staff of editors, reporters* and correspondents who taka great pains to givo the nows accurately and to express everything in pood language. It has sth 11 type and brief headlines. The Chicago hecerd (independent) is fair-minded editorially and has a strong corps oi correspondents. The daily letters from 'lUiam r. « Curtis, formerly at tha head ot th^ Bureau oi American Kepublics, are v jry interesting and informing* *rtr. Curtis Has earned a high reputation as one of the nest newspaper correspondents ot the day* Phe Chicago Times-Herald (Republican) is very ably conducted. It is editorially strong, conservative, and undemocratic.