SUBURBAN HOMES MORGAN PARK. S. L. JENKS & CO., \ MONEY PAID FOR KENT MADE AVAILABLE IN THE PURCHASE OF A HOME. To all who have any desire to secure a home of their own, and become independent citizens, but who do not yet see their way clear to its accomplishment, the Blue Island Land and Building Company, the owners of the larger part of Morgan Park, offer the following statements for their consideration, feeling that if thoroughly investigated, the way will be made both clear and easy. The Blue Island Land and Building Company, regularly incorporated under the laws of the State of Illinois, composed largely of some of the best citizens of Chicago, has been in existence since 1869, and refers with pride to all with whom it has held business relations during these seventeen years, as to the reliability of its statements, and its reputation for fail-dealing. The Blue Island Land and Building Company was organized for the purpose of operating in real estate in Cook County, and has done more towards the development of suburban property, perhaps, than any other organization or enterprise yet inaugurated. The lands owned by this Company are of a high and rolling character, sloping to the south and east to the Calumet river, which is the natural outlet for its drainage. A large propor- tion of the land is skirted with timber, while over the entire tract the nature of the soil is such, that both shade and fruit trees are easily grown ; thus admitting of the most pictu- resque treatment, at very slight expense. In short, for all the requirements, of a suburban home, the location is unequaled in Cook County. -ir Map of Morgan Park. 2 During the last five years but little effort has been made to effect sales. The demand being for a poorer class of property, it was the judgment of the Company that competition with such should not be forced, consequently only such sales have been made as seemed for the best interests of the Company, in securing desirable residents. The gradual improvement, however, during the last six months, in the demand for the better class of suburban prop- erty, has been so marked as to warrant the Company in insti- tuting a radical change of policy, and offering for sale its entire holdings. In accordance therewith, the attention of buyers is called to this property at Morgan Park, and that all may have an opportunity to enjoy its varied attractions, it has been decided, in offering it for sale, to make such prices and terms as will bring it within their reach. Depot at Morgan Avenue, Morgan Park. This beautiful subdivision, to be fully appreciated needs to be seen. Its high lands, overlooking the country for miles around, the pure atmosphere, free from smoke and other nuisances that are becoming more and more intolerable every year in the city, is especially inviting, and suggestive of health. Situated on the suburban branch of the Rock Island Rail- road, 13 miles from its Van Buren street depot, with its 14 daily trains each way, and requiring only from 35 to 50 minutes in transit (a mere step, as it were, from the bustling mart to the quiet of green fields), it is more accessible than the majority of homes in the city; and with the fares at $5.25 for monthly tickets, considering the additional comfort, when the change of season requires it, of a warm car and a roomy seat, The way we get to Morgan Park. in contrast with the discomfort of the cold and crowded street- car, who can say it is not much to be preferred. The way the city people get to their homes. -4- 5- Some of the many advantages possessed by Morgan Park are 1st. It is an incorporated village, with ordinances and executive officers, for the maintenance of order and protection of property, affording a sense of security to its inhabitants, not present in the majority of suburban localities. 2d. The high and rolling character of the land, the great- er portion of which, lying from 80 to 100 feet above the level of Lake Michigan, admits of cheap and perfect drainage. A view of a section of Morgan Park from below the hill. A system of sewerage for the entire village, from surveys made by experienced engineers, has already been adopted. 3d. A never-failing supply of pure water, equal to, if not surpassing, the springs of Waukesha, Wis., in health- giving qualities, is obtained from an artesian well 1,700 in depth. It is pumped to a sufficient height to sup- ply all parts of the village, enabling house owners to secure the same con- veniences as are obtained in city resi- dences. Water-works, Morgan Park. 4th. It has its own post-office, where three mails are re- ceived and despatched daily. It is connected by telegraph with every part of the country, besides having telephone commu- nication with the city. The United States Express Company has an office here; also a local wagon express makes daily trips to and from the city. 6 Railroad facilities are as favorable as these of any other Chicago suburb, as will be seen by the following time-table : Trains leaving Chicago for Morgan Park: A. M. 0.28 G.50 7.45 8.37 P. M. 12.15 2.26 4.00 4.45 5.00 5.35 5.55 6.20 7.20 9.20 11.35 SUNDAYS. 1.15; 5.55 and 11.00 P.M. Trains leaving Morgan Park for Chicago: A. M. 5.05 6.15 6.45 7.20 8.04 0.15 10.10 P. M. 12.35 2.45 8.45 6.20 6.10 9.85 SUNDAYS. 9-15 A.M. and 4.85 P.M. 5th. All the necessary supplies for the family are furnished by dealers at city prices, while the sale of intoxicating bever- ages of every description within the limits of the village is prohibited by ordinance. Graded Public School, Morgan Park. EDUCATIONAL ADVANTAGES. 6th. As an educational centre Morgan Park has become renowned; but few places in the country possess equal facili- ties. It has a first-class public school, centrally located, equal in standing to the best in the city, and with ample accommo- dations to meet the wants of the community for several years. It has also the Morgan Park Military Academy and Manual Training School (see cut), an institution for the practical edu- cation of boys, which alone would command attention in any community. There is also the Chicago Female College (see cut) for the higher culture of young ladies, a seminary which has grown up with Morgan Park, and which now stands in the front rank. The Theological Seminary (see cut), which has made the name of Morgan Park familiar throughout the country, pre- sents a most remarkable record. From very limited means, at the date of its establishment, it has moved steadily forward, through every obstacle, until to-day, its fame, as a power for good, is acknowledged in every educational circle. Its won- derful success has drawn to its support many valuable friends, resulting in an endowment of $250,000, which assures its future against every contingency. Crowded to its utmost capacity, and the demand for scholarships constantly increas- ing, the necessity for more room was long since presented to the management. As a consequence, a movement was started to secure a building fund of $50,000, which has met with such success that operations upon the Library building have been commenced. Finally, although it would seem that little more could be asked for, we must, in passing, call attention to two other excellent institutions located at Morgan Park the "American Institute of Hebrew," which, through its Correspondence School, is giving instruction to hundreds of men in all parts of the world; and the "Publication Society of Hebrew," which by the high order of its books and periodicals (Hebraica, a linguistic and philological quarterly, and The Old Testament Student, a popular monthly, devoted to Bible-study) is in a peculiar manner directing attention to this western suburb. Our space, however, will not admit of further enumeration of advantages connected with this locality ; we leave the investigator to learn for himself that our statements are not 8 Military Academy, Morgan Park. overdrawn, simply adding, for the benefit of those who are in doubt as to the wisdom of locating a home in the suburbs, the following substantial advantages, which have been so clearly pointed out by another: "A suburban home means no rent to pay, no ntovi ng to do; it means trees, lawn, shrubbery, flower garden, vegetable gar- den if you want it, pure air, room for your children to play, 9 away from the street and its evil influences, better JiealtJi, especially for the children ; fewer doctor's bills, lower taxes, better citizenship, neighbors who will take a more sincere interest in your welfare, a warm seat in a comfortable car. Every payment on your home is a deposit in a savings bank that cannot break something to leave to your family, safe from ordinary disaster, that will increase in value as the years go by. Everything you do to improve or beautify it adds to its market value. " Suburban homes are the cheapest and easiest to pay for. With $300 or more to pay down, what you now pay for rent, will nearly, perhaps quite, pay the rest. "Insure your life for enough to meet all deferred payments ; then if you die, your family will not be left homeless. "How much will you pay for rent in ten years? What will you have to show for it?" OUR HOUSES, PRICES AND LAND. On the following pages of this pamphlet will be found cuts of front elevations and plans of houses and cottages which we are now building in Morgan Park, and which we offer for sale with lots 50 feet front by from 150 to 250 feet deep, at the price named under each cut. These houses are all placed upon solid stone and brick foundations, and are built in the most substantial manner, and with the best of materials. We sell these houses on a small cash payment and balance in monthly payments. Forty per cent, of the entire amount may remain on mortgage for five years (at six per cent, inter- est, payable semi-annually) if desired. We furnish houses at a low rental for purchasers to live in while these houses are being built. We furnish railroad tickets free to persons wish- ing to visit Morgan Park with a view to purchasing houses or lots. We also sell lots at a very small cash price, and build houses on them on plans furnished us by the purchaser, should our plans of houses not suit. The title to all this property is perfect, and a printed abstract showing the title perfect in the present owners will be fur- nished to each purchaser. 10 11 No. 1. This house, with a fifty-foot lot, will cost from $1,400 to $1,600, according to the location of lot. (See plan below.) 5 S 5 H t 2 o 2 12 No. 2. This house, with a fifty-foot lot, will cost from $1,800 to 2,000, according to the location of lot. (See plan below.) x o *? O 2 2 2 . 1 2 13 X r i! 5;? ? ? ^3 V HK^K^K^HHUMKH^ 1 ***** i \ _J ;/?' r . N Z T - n p\. ~^T ^ / ! 0,0 If 1 1C " 'H O -J> " L^ 1^ * \ *$j{) I LJ 13- No. 3. Tliis house, with a fifty-foot lot, will cost from $2,000 to $2,200, according to the location of lot. (See plans on next page.) 14 15 No. 4. This house, with a fifty-foot lot, will cost from $2,000 to 32,200, according to the location of lot. (See plans on next page.) -10 r**- i -o K> ^ 5; O M S M * 1 5 . S a r! B- i o > * z -17 issszssxsssuSnsssssssssssssssssSsS No. 5. This house, with a fifty-foot lot, will cost from $2,000 to $2,200, according to the location of lot. (See plans on next page.) -18 -19- No. 6. This house, with a fifty-foot lot, will cost from Si' ,400 to $2,600, according to the location of lot. (See plans on next page.) 20 BED ROOM 13 x 10-6 BED ROOM V BED ROOM ll' l 13-6 21- * f X \ v **s -\+ S^ /- A I No. 7. This house, with a fifty-foot lot, will cost from $2,5('0 to $3,000, according the location of lot. (See plans on next page.) 22 23 No. 8. This house, with a fifty-foot lot, will cost from $2,700 to 3,000, according to the location of lot. (See plans on next page.) 24 25 No. 9. This house, with a fifty-foot lot, will cost from $3,000 to $3,500, according to the location of lot. (See plans on next page.) 26 27 No. jo. This house, with a fifty-foot lot, will cost from $3,400 to $3,600, according to the location of lot. (See plans on next page). 28 No. 10. First floor. No. 10. Second floor. 29- (SIDE ELEVATION.) No. 11. This house, with a fifty-foot lot, will cost from $3,500 to LOGO, according to'the location of lot. (See plans on next page.) 30 -31-- No. 12. This house, with a fifty-foot lot, will cost from $3,600 to, $3,800, according to the location of lot. (See plans on next page.) 32 -33- No. 13. This house, with a fifty-foot lot, will cost from $4,000 to 1,500, according to the location of lot. (See plans on next page.) 34 35 No. 14. This house, with a fifty-foot lot, will cost from $4,500 to 5.000, according to the location of lot. (See plans on next page.) -36 37- No. 15. This house, with a fifty-foot lot, will cost from $6,400 to 6,800, according to the location of lot. (See plans on next page.) -38 39- NOTE TO SECOND EDITION. """Since publishing the first edition of this pamphlet, in June last, there have been over forty houses erected in Morgan Park, the larger part of which have already been sold to per- sons who have become residents of this beautiful suburb. Many other public improvements have been begun, notably the large new stone and brick library building for the Theo- logical Seminary, and the large brick sewer passing through the centre of the village, along Morgan Avenue. These improvements, together with forty or fifty new houses, all of which will be completed this present season, will give to Morgan Park additional attractions for suburban homes. In- creased railroad facilities have also been granted us, and more are expected. We have added five new designs of houses to the list in our first pamphlet, and have others which are not published. The easy terms on which we sell these houses bring within the reach of any party with a small sum of money (as a cash payment) the privilege of obtaining a good home in a beauti- ful and healthy suburb, accessible by rail to the very heart of the city, without delay by bridges, and within from forty to fifty-five minutes' ride of the chief business centre, at a month- ly payment of about what the rent of a similar house would cost in the city. Go with us, free of cost for railroad fare, and see the. place before purchasing elsewhere. MORGAN PARK, October, 1886. OUR UNIMPROVED LOTS. We call the attention of capitalists and others who wish to make money, to Morgan Park, as a desirable place to safely and profitably invest surplus money or earnings. It is better and safer than any savings bank, and promises very large dividends in the near future as profits on investment. We sell unimproved lots on small montJily payments, at six per cent, interest, and large tracts for all casli, at prices so low that an immediate profit can be realized by subdividing and selling out in lots. f3gr" We invite careful investigation. Th SS3 BLUE ISLAND LAND I BUILDING GO MORGAN PARK, & CO., et. i5 LA SALLE STREET, <;i{or,\t> S. L. JENK MORGAB AMKIUCAN I'l HI.K ATI OK IIKHJU.