FINDING LIST NIAGARA FALLS PUBLIC LIBRARY 1899 MADl FINDING LIST Niagara Falls Public Library NIAGARA FALLS, N. Y. January, 1899 Niagara Falls Public Library CHARTER GRANTED 1895. BOARD OF TRUSTEES Appointed by the Board of Education. PETER A. PORTER. THOMAS Y. WELCH. FREDERICK K. PADDOCK. HANS NIELSON. ARTHUR C. HASTINGS. Bx-officio. Bx-o&cio. OFFICERS OF THE BOARD PETER A. PORTER, President. N. L. BENHAM, Secretary. HANS NIELSON, Treasurer. LIBRARY OFFICERS Mrs. ADELE BROWNLEE BARNUM, Librarian. Miss MARY S. MURRAY. Assistant Librarian. iii CONTENTS PAGE Officers iy Contents {y Historical Sketch y Rules yj Information for Readers ....... vi Periodicals Yii Outline of Classification yiii General Works 1 Book Rarities 3 Philosophy 4 Religion 5 Sociology 7 Philology 12 Natural Science 13 Useful Arts 16 Pine Arts 19 Fiction 20 Literature 52 History 59, 76 Travel 60 Biography 67 Porter Collection 82 Books for the Blind 86 Juvenile Library 88 Author Index 113 Subject Index 129 LIBRARY HOURS 9 A. M. to 12 M. 2 p. M. to 5 p. M. ON MONDAYS. 1:30 p. M. to 5:30 p. m. and 7 to 9 p. m. iv on IV 5-/ HISTORICAL SKETCH The Niagara Falls Public Library can trace its ancestry back to 1814, when an association of citizens started what was called the Grand Niagara Library with forty books, Hume's History of England and Gibbon's Rome being among the number. General Parkhurst Whitney, who was school commissioner and trustee, had charge of the library from 1814 to 1828. At a meeting held November 23, 1838, a tax of $2,000 was voted for the purchase of books for a district library. This was the beginning of an' institution which has been perpetuated for fifty years. October 1, 1840, $60.00 was appropriated for the purchase of the first and second series of Harper's School Library. The money allowed for books at that time was about $32.00 a year, hence in December, ,1852, the library boasted of 502 volumes. This District School Library had many homes. It started its existence in the small recitation rooms on the first floor of the old Third Street School where it was soon crowded out and moved to the Frontier Mart. It was next found in the Y. M. C. A. room on the upper floor of the brick building on the corner of Cherry and Main streets, owned by A. H. Porter. Shortly it was moved back to the Frontier Mart on the second, then on the upper floor. The next change was to the third floor of Ryan's Block, and from there to the room on the third floor of the Arcade Building. The present generation as well as the one before, owes a debt of gratitude to James F. Trott who moulded public sentiment, and whose untiring efi'orts perpetuated the District School Library, which formed a nucleus for the Niagara Falls Public Library. Although an active business man, Mr. Trott personally gave out the books once a week during all these years, and gratuitously discharged the duties of librarian, with all that the name implies. He is known as the Father of the Public Schools— as truly he may be called the Father of the Public Library. February 1, 1895, the District School Library ceased and the Niagara Falls Public Library under the new charter opened its doors with the following officers : Trustees, James F. Trott, President; Hans Nielson, Treasurer; Thomas Y. Welch, Eugene Laurier and David Phillips ; N. L. Benham, Librarian ; Mrs. Adele Brownlee Barnum, Assistant Librarian. James F. Trott served as President until his death October 26, 1898. Eugene Laurier, resigned January 29, 1897, Peter A. Porter taking his place. Frederick K. Paddock was appointed by the Board of Education November 25, 1898, and on the same date Peter A. Porter was chosen President of the Library Board. The library has fallen heir to books from different sources. In 1897 the old Suspen- sion Bridge District School Library No. 2 disintegrated and about 500 volumes found a home on our shelves. During the same year the Y. M. C. A. disbanded, and the library became richer by their gift of 300 books. From these was formed the small collection of Book Rarities noted on page 3, and the old English and French law books, which may be found under Law and Administration on page 8. Much interest has been shown by individual donations, the Porter collection being the most valuable gift. An annual Book Day has been observed, when the library puts on holiday attire and especially welcomes the citizens, who come with a Godspeed, and donations of books. This has proved a pleasant feature, creating an interest and at the same time adding materially to the number of books. February 1, the birthday of the library, is also Book Day. In June, 1898, the library was moved from its old home on the third floor of the Arcade Building to more commodious quarters on the first floor of the same building. It now occupies two large rooms, gaining by this means a reading and reference room. The patronage is rapidly increasing from a circulation of 12,501 books the first year to 35,012 the third year. The library now contains over 5,000 volumes. It is also the home of the Niagara Frontier Historical Society. Y RULES The Niagara Falls Public Library is free to residents of the city of Niagara Falls over ten years of age. Each borrower will be supplied with a registered card upon which he may draw one book at a time. Immediate notice of change of residence must be given at the library. Registered card holders are in all cases responsible for books drawn upon their cards by whomsoever presented. When a card is not in use the borrower will be held responsible for it. On the return of all books drawn upon it, a lost card will be replaced by the payment of five cents. Books may be retained two weeks unless labeled ''seven day book." Most books may be renewed for two weeks, but new books and books greatly in demand, can only be renewed at the discretion of the librarians. A fine of two cents for each day's detention will be collected. Special privrileges are granted to the schools and to literary clubs. Non-residents may draw books from the library by making a deposit of one dollar. This money will be refunded when the card is surrendered. INFORMATION FOR READERS The finding list is a classified list of all books in the library. It is in two parts. First, a classified list of all adult books. Second, a classified list of all juvenile books. Indexes of authors and subjects follow. Fiction takes its place in 800 Literature, page 20. Biography and Travel will be found in 900 History on pages 67 and 6oi respectively. The call number of each book is made up of two numbers, a class and an author number. Thus 700 D89 indicates Class 700 Fine Arts, D89, the author's number. An exception is made in Fiction and Juvenile stories where only the author's number is used and the books are arranged alphabetically by authors. The call number is given at the left of the column in the finding list, and in violet ink on the cards in the card catalog. The card catalog in the library contains full entries of every book under author and in fiction under author and title. The librarians will cheerfttlly aid those desiring help in the use of the card catalog. The bulletin board in the library will give recent additions as they are made fi-om time to time. Books marked * are Reference books, j indicates Juvenile Books. CURRENT PERIODICALS IN THE READING ROOM Bookman. Bulletin of Good Roads. Canadian Engineer. Century. Cosmopolitan. Electrical World. Gartenlaube. Harper's Monthly. Harper's Round Table. Harper's Weekly. Ladies' Home Journal. Library Joijrnal. McClure's. Munsey. N. Y. Times Review of Books and Art. Niagara Falls Courier. Niagara Falls Daily Cataract. Niagara Falls Gazette. Niagara Falls Journal. Outlook. Puritan. Review of Reviews. Scientific American with supplement. Scribner's. Wide World Magazine. Youth's Companion. vii 4 OUTLINE OF CLASSIFICATION 000 GENERAL WORKS too PHILOSOPHY 200 RELIGION 300 SOCIOLOGY 400 PHILOLOGY 500 NATURAL SCIENCE 600 USEFUL ARTS 700 FINE ARTS 800 LITERATURE 900 HISTORY j JUVENILE viii CLASSIFIED LIST OF THE BOOKS IN THE LIBRARY. Choose well; your choice is brief and yet endless. — Goethe. OOO GENERAL WORKS *010 B64 Bookman literary year-book, 1898 ; ed. by James MacArthtir. 1898. *010 B87 Bulletin of bibliography, v. 1-date. *016.8 B65 Boston Public Library. Catalogue of English prose fiction. 1893-97. *0168 B65f French fiction. 1892. *016,8 B56g Galatea collection of books relating to history of women. 1898. 016.8 F45 Field, Eugene. Love affairs of a bibliomaniac. 1896. 016.8 K26 Keidel, Q. C. Romance and other studies. 1896. 016.9 Adl Adams, C: K. Manual of historical literature. 1882. *019 Am3 Catalog of "A. L. A." Library of 5,000 volumes as shown at the World's Columbian Exposition. 1893. *019 B65 Boston Public Library. Bulletins. Jan., 1892-Apr., 1895. v. 10-14. Issued quarterly. Contents. Chronological index to historical fiction. List of periodicals, newspapers, etc., in principal libraries of Boston and vicinity. Fac-sinaile of chart of Boston Harbor. No. 92. Fac-simile of first draft Freeman's oath. No. 97. Fac-simile of five broadsides of Bost. Com. of correspondence. No. 93. Fac-simile of five Revolutionary broadsides. No. 90. Fac-simile of four broadsides relating to American Colonies. No. 94. Fac-simile of list of passengers in Speedwell, 1656. No. 96. Fac-simile of a petition of Handy-Craftsmen of Boston, 1677. No. 95. Fac-simile of plan of Boston, 1692. No. 95. List of portraits of Benjamin Franklin. No. 89. Catalogues of Annuals. No. 94. Egypt. No. 94. Alps. No. 95. Steam engines. No. 95. Works relating to the blind. No. 95. Africa. No. 95. Heath and hygiene. No. 97. Tracts of time of Charles I. No. 98. Roads. No. 99. Corea, Japan, China. No. 99. Goethe. No. 100. Arctic regions. No. 96. Electricity. No. 88. *019 B651 List of books for younger readers. 1898. *019 B65m Monthly bulletins v. 3-date. 1898. *019 C21 Carnegie Library, Pittsburgh, Pa. Catalogue of English prose fiction. 1898. *019 C21b Monthly bulletin, v. 3-date. *019 H25 Hartford Public Library, Hartford, Conn. Bulletin v. 19, 20-date. 1897- 98. GENERAL WORKS. 2 *019 N51 Niagara Falls, N. Y. District School Library No. 2. Catalogue 1891. *019 Sa3 Salem Public Library, Salem, Mass. Monthly bulletin, v. 3, 4. 1897-98. *019 Su8 Suspension Bridge, N. Y. Union School District No. 7. Catalogue of library. 1891. *020 L61 Library journal, t. 22. 1897. ''025 D53 Dewey, Melvil. Abridged decimal classification. cl894. *027 F73 Foote, E: L. Librarian of the Sunday school. 1897. 028 Ab2 Abbott, Rev. Lyman, ed. Hints for home reading. 1892. *028 B95 Burt, M: E. Literary landmarks. 1895. 028 P83 Porter, Noah. Books and reading. 1875. 028 R64 Rolfe, W: J. Elementary study of English. 1896. *028 Sa7 Sargent, M: E., and A. L. Supplement to reading for the young by J. F. Sargent. 1896. *031 Am3 American cyclopaedia. 16 v. and index. 1872-92. ^031 J63 Johnson's universal cyclopaedia. 8 v. 1886. *031 W68 Willsey, J. H., comp. Harper's book of facts. iUus. 1895. General Periodicals *050 C59 Cleveland Public Library. Cumulative index to a select list of periodi- cals. V. 2. 1898. *051 Ap5 Appleton's journal, v. 8, 9. illus. 1880. *051 B641 Book Buyer, v. 13. 1896-97. *051 B64 Bookman, v. 4, 5, 6, 7. illus. 1896-98. *051 B87 Bulletin and good roads, v. 26, 27-date. 1897-98. *051 C33 Century magazine, v. 13, 14, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 25, 26, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31. 1882-87-88-89-90-91-92-95-96-97-98. 17 v. *051 C39 Chautauquan. v. 19. 1894. *051 C82 Cosmopolitan, v. 20, 21, 22, 23. 1896-98. *051 F91 Friend, v. 60. 1887. "051 G54 Qodey's magazine, v. 135-138. 1896-98. *051 H23 Harper's monthly magazine, v. 45, 46, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52, 53, 54, 55, 56, 57, 59, 62, 64, 65, 71, 72, 73, 78, 79, 81, 83, 84, 85, 86, 87, 92, 93, 94. 1872-78-80-81-82-84-85-88. 32 v. *051 L61 Library magazine of select foreign literature. 1879-81. 6 v. 1883. *051 L71 Littell's living age. v. 10, 11, 12, 13, 15, 16, 21, 23, 25, 26, 27, 42, 44, 45, 46, 47. 1875-76-78-79-83-84. 16 v. *051 M13 McClure's magazine, v. 6-10. 1895-98. 5 v. *051 M92 Munsey's magazine. v. 12, 13, 14, 15, 17, 18, 19. 1894-96-97- 98. 7v. *051 N42 New Princeton review, v. 1-4. 1886-87. 3 v. *051 N81 North American review, v. 149, 156. 1889, 1893. 2 v. *051 P98 Putnams' monthly magazine, v. 1, 3, 4. 1853-54. 4 v. *051 R32 Review of reviews, 10, 14, 15. 1896-97. 3 v. *051 Scr31 Scribner's magazine, v. 4, 5, 6, 7, 8, 9, 10, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. 1890-92, 1894-98. 16 v. *051 Scr3 Scribner's monthly magazine, v. 4, 5, 6, 7,8, 9,10,11,12, 14,15,16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21. 1871-81. 17 v. *052 L84 London news, illustrated American edition, v. 10-12. 1892-94. *052 P38 Penny magazme. 1832-34. illus. 1832. *071 N75 North, S. N. D. Newspaper and periodical press of the United States 1884. GENERAL WORKS. Buch fiir AUe; illustrirte Familien-Zeitung. 94 heften 1-8. 1894. Deutsche illustrirte Zeitting. band 5,6. 1886-87. Gartenlaube; iUustrirtes Familienblatt. heften 20-28. 1891-95. Illustrirte Zeitting. iUus. band 75. 82. 1882-86. Uber land und meer. illns. band 59, 62. 1888-89. *073 B85 *073 D48 *073 G19 *073 116 *073 Ub3 Book Rarities *080 Adl Adams, J: Q. Masonry and anti-masonry. 1832. *080 A13 Algarotti, Count. Letters. 1782. *080 An2 Anderson, Aeneas. British embassy to China. 1796. *080 Ar4 Aristide on le citoyen. 2y. 1766. *080 B27a Barruel, Abbe. Abrege des memoires pour servir a I'histoire dn Jacobin- isme. 1798. History of Jacobinism, pts. 2 and 4. 1798. Beddoes, Thomas. Elements of medicine. 1803. Bourbon, Armand de. Prince of Conti. Works. 1711. Burridge, Ezek. Historia nnperae rernm mutationis in Anglia. 1697. Child, Josiah, Baron. Discourse of trade, n. d. Chillings worth, William. Works, v. 2. 1752. Life and Writings. 1725. Corporation. 1775. Day=thoughts. 1788. Denmark as it was in the year 1692. 1694. Drelingcourt, Charles. Christian's defence against the fears of death. 1728. Duperron, Anquetie. L'Inde en rapport avec TEurope. 1798. Eloge du roi de Prusse. 1787. Evangelical family library. 3 v. n. d. Gardeners kalendar. 1751. Gladwin, Francis. Transactions in Bengal. 1788. Griesbachii, lac. Symbolae criticae. Hanway. Reflections, essays and meditations, t 2. 1761. Causes de la revocation de 1' edit de Nantes. 1788. History of Mediterranean fleet from 1741 to 1744. 1745. Histoire des Dauphins Francois. 1713. Holstein de Stael, Baroness, ed. Letters of Prince de Ligne. v. 2. 1809. Hottingero, J: H. Historia Orientalis. 1651. Irving, Washington. Voyages and discoveries of companions of Colum- bus. 1831. John Ronge and the Holy Coat of Treves. 1845. Laverne, L. M. P. de. Histoire de Souvarof 1809. Lyons, J. T., comp. Jewish calendar from A. M. 5614 till A. M. 5664. Maclean, Charles. Excursion in France. 1804. Memoirs of Baron de Tott. 2 v. 1786. Monsieur Cleveland fils natural de Cromwell, tomes 2, 3, 4. 1732. Morgan, Lady. Book of the boudoir. 2 v. 1829. Morgan, William. Dr. Price's writings. 1795. Osorio, Jerome. History of the Portuguese during reign of Emmanuel. 2v. 1752. *080 P18 Palmer, John. New Schemes of shorthand. 1774. *080 P221 Parkeri, Samuelis. De rebus fui temporis commentarium. *080 R26 Regio, R. P. Animadversiones in Georgii Batlei, Cromwelli parricidae aliquando protomedici. 1664. *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 *080 B27 B39 B66 B94 C431 C43 C43h C81 D33 D41 D81 D92 E14 Evl G17 G45 086 H19 H62 H62 H62d H74 H79 Ir8 J61 L38 L99 M22 M51 M74 M82 M821 Os5 PHILOSOPHY. 4 *080 R34 Rhetorique Fraii9oise. 1792. *080 R74 Rotheram, John. Essay on faith. 1772. *080 Shll Sharp, Granville. Important prophecies. 1775. *080 Shi Sharp, Rev. Thomas. Rubric in the book of common prayer. 1787. *080 Sh5 Sherlock, Rev. W. Preservative against popery. 1714. " *080 Sil Sierra Leone Company. 1799. *080 St2 Staunton, Q: T:, Baron. China. 1822. *080 St3 Steel, David. Shipmaster's assistant. 1803. *080 Til Table generale des matieres de I'histoire de France. 1798. *080 T14 Tallis. Illustrated Scriptural history for youths. 2 v. pi. n. d. *080 T49 Tingry, P. P. Painters complete guide. 1831. *080 T68 Traite historique et dogmatique des indulgences. 1800. *080 V Histoire Genealogique des maisons souveraines de I'Europe. 2 v. 1811. *080 V56 Ventouillac, L. T. French librarian. 1829. *080 W67 Williams, Mrs. C. R. Holbey family. 1832. JOO PHILOSOPHY 104 R81 Royce, Josiah. Spirit of modern philosophy. 1896. 109 H39 Henry, C. S. Epitome of the history of philosophy. 2 v. 1842. 113 F542 Fiske, John. Outlines of cosmic philosophy. 2 v. 1874. 121 D54 Dick, Thomas. On the improvement of society by the diffusion of knowl- edge. 1839. Mind and Body 130 Up3 Upham, T: C. Outlines of imperfect and disordered mental action. 1840. 131 B85 Buckley, Rev. J. M. Faith-healing. 1897. 131 F62 Fletcher, Horace. Menticulture ; the A-B-C of true living. 1897. 131 F62h Happiness. 1897. {Menticulture series II.) 133 H22 Hare, Robert. Experimental investigation of the spirit manifestations 1855. 133 C41 Cheiro (psewc/ of cojMte de Hamong.) Language of the hand, illus. pi 1897. 133 Sa32 Salverte, Eusebe. Occult sciences. 2 v. 1855. 3 33 Sco8 Scott, Sir Walter. Letters on demonology and witchcraft. 1841. 133 St8 Strange visitors. 1893. 134 H86 Hudson, T: J. Law of psychic phenomena. 1897. 134 M72 Moll, Albert. Hypnotism. 1897. 136 H61 Hirsch, William. Genius and degeneration. 1896. Psychology 150 Ab2 Abbott, Rev. Lyman. Study in human nature. 1885. 150 Ab3 Abercrombie, John. Inquiries concerning the intellectual powers. 1839. 150 Ab3p Philosophy of the moral feelings. 1839. 150 B79 Broolcs, Edward. Mental Science. 1885. 150 H41 Herbart, J. F. Text-book in psychology. 1896. 150 vSc3 Scripture, E. W. New psychology, illus. 1898. 150 W48 Wentworth, i^cv. J. B. Logic of introspection. 1886. Ethics 170 B16 Bain, Alexander. Moral science. cl869. 170 B96 Bushnell, Horace. Moral uses of dark things, v. 2. 1881. 170 C84 Craik, Mrs. D. M. (Mulock.) Sermons out of church. 1875 RELIGION 170 G82 171 C73 173 Sa7 178 F49 178 G72 178 P18 188 Au6 193 Scli6 204 B79 204 D84 204 M77 204 M77wa 204 M77w 204 W28 204 W28u *205 On4 209 H94 209 H94s 209 H94sli 210 P17 211 F542 213 W12 215 D84 215 G99 215 H98 215 H98s 218 F542 220 G27 *220.2 H35 *220.4 N42 *220.5 Bll 220.7 B76 221 Sw3 221 W72 222 Blld 222 Bllde 222 Bll 222 Bllg 222 Bllj 222 Bilk 223 Bllb 223 Bile 223 Bll Green, W: W. Via moralis vincendi. Combe, George. Moral philosophy. 1844. Sargent, C. E. Our home, illus. 1890. Finch, J: B. People versus the liquor traffic. cl883. Gough, J: B. Sunlight and shadow. 1886. Palmer, C. F. Inebriety. 1898. Aurelius, A. M. Emperor of Rome. Meditations, n. d. Schopenhauer, Arthur. Selected essays, n. d. 200 RELIGION Brooks, Rev. Phillips. Spiritual life. n. d. Drummond, Henry. Addresses. 1892. Moody, Rev. D. L. Prevailing prayer. cl884. Way and the word. n. d. Way to God. cl884. Watson, Rev. John, {pseud. Ian Maclaren) Mind of the Master. 1896. Upper room. 1895. Oneida Reserve. Free church circular, v. 3. Jan. 1850 to Jan. 1851. Hurst, i?eF. J. F. Short history of the early church. 1886. Short history of the Mediaeval church. 1887. Short history of Reformation. 1885. Natural Theology 1886. Paley. Natural theology. 2 v. illus. 1840. Fiske, John. Idea of God as affected by modern knowledge. Wagner, Jacob. Book of life. 1894. Drummond, Henry. Natural law in the spiritual world. 1887. Quyot, Arnold. Creation. 1884. Huxley, T. H. Science and Christian tradition. 1894. Science and Hebrew tradition. 1894. Fiske, John. Destiny of man. 1885. Bible Qeike, Rev. Cunningham. Hours with the Bible, n. d. Hebraist's vade mecum: a verbal index to contents of Hebrew and Chaldee scriptures. 1867. Novum Testamentum Graece. 1840. Bible. Holy Bible. 1897. Briggs, S. R. and Elleot, J. H. Notes on Bible readings. 1878. Swedenborg, Emanuel. Arcana cselestia. 10 v. 1882. Wines, E. C. Commentaries on laws of ancient Hebrews. 1855. Bible. Daniel and the Minor Prophets; ed. by R. G. Moulton. 1897. {Modern reader^ s Bible.) Deuteronomy. 1896. {Modern reader^ s Bible.) Exodus. 1896. {Modern reader's Bible.) Genesis. 1897. {Modern reader's Bible.) Judges. 1896. {Modern reader's Bible.) Kings. 1896. {Modern reader's Bible.) Bible. Biblical idyls; ed. by R. G. Moulton. Bible.) Ecclesiastes and Wisdom of Solomon. 1896. Job. 1896. {Modern reader's Bible.) 1897. {Modern reader's {Modern reader's Bible.) RELIGION. 223 Blip 223 Blips 224 Bll 224 Bile 224 Blli 224 Bllj 224 C83 224 C91 225 C91 225 K77 225 R14 228 Sw3 229 Bll 230 C83 230 G35 230 M69 230 T97 230 Sw3 230 Sw3a 230 Sw3c 230 Sw3f 230 Sw3m 231 C54 232 B39 232 D73 232 Ed2 232 F24 232 H87 232 L88 232 T14 237 D54 237 Sw3 239 B97 240 W33p 244 V28 250 P26 251 W33 252 B79 252 B96 252 D36 252 M91 252 Sm6 253 Ea7 201 B79 201 vSa8 201 St 8 265 M13 6 Proverbs. 1896. {Modern reader's Bible.) Psalms and Lamentations. 2 v. 1898. {Modern reader' s Bible,) Bible. Chronicles; ed. by R. G. Moulton. 1897. {Modern reader' s Bible.) Ezekiel. 1897. {Modern reader" s Bible.) Isaiah. 1897. {Modern reader" s Bible.) Jeremiah. 1897. {Modern reader" s Bible.) Cowles, Rev. Henry. Ezekiel and Daniel, with notes. 1867. Cumtnings, Rev. John. Prophetic studies, n. d. Cummings, Rev. John. St. John. 1856. Knox, C: E. Year with St. Paul. 1864. Ramsay, W: M. St. Paul the traveler and Roman citizen. 1897. Swedenborg, Emanuel. Apocalypse revealed. 2 v. 1883. Bible. Ecclesiasticus ; ed. by G. R. Moulton. 1896. {Modern reader" s Bible.) Theology Coxe, A. C. Apollos. 1874. Gibbons, James, Cardinal. Our Christian heritage. 1889. M'Llvaine, C. P. Evidences of Christianity. 1859. Tyndale, William. Answer to Sir Thomas Morc's dialogue. 1850. Swedenborg, Emanuel. Angelic wisdom. 1885. Angelic wisdom concerning the divine providence. 1886. Compendium of his theological writings. 1880. Pour leading doctrines of the new church. 1897. Miscellaneous theological works. Clark, Dougan. Offices of the Holy Spirit. 1880. Beecher, Rev. H: W. Life of Jesus the Christ. 1872. Dorner, J. A. Person of Christ, v. 1. 1861. Eddy, Rev. Zachary. Immanuel. 1868. Farrar, Rev. F: W: Life of Christ. 1893. Hughes, Thomas. Manliness of Christ, n. d. Lord, Eleazar. Messiah in Moses and the prophets. 1852. Talmage, Rev. T. DeW. From manger to throne. cl892. Dick, Thomas. Philosophy of a future state, v. 1. 1845. Swedenborg, Emanuel. Heaven and its wonders. 1885. Butler, Joseph, Bishop. Analogy. 1843. Practical Religion Watson, Rev. John, {pseud. Ian Maclaren.) Potter's wheel. 1897. Van Dyke, Henry. First Christmas tree, illus. 1897. Pastor's manual. 1852. Watson, 7?ey. John, {pseud. Ian Maclaren.) Cure of souls. 1896. Brooks, Rev. Phillips. Light of the world, and other sermons. 1893. Bushnell, Horace. Sermons for new life. 1859. Dehon, Rev. Theodore. Sermons. 2 v. 1821. Mullois, M. I. Clergy and the pulpit. 1867. 5mith, Rev. 5. S. Sermons, v. 1. 1821. Earle, Rev. A. B. Bringing in the sheaves. 1885. Brooks, A'cv. Phillips. Influence of Jesus. 1897. Satolli, Francis, Archbishop. Loyalty to church and state. 1895. Strong, Rev. Josiah. New era. cl893. Maclear, Rev. Q: F. Holy Eucharist. 1889. SOCIOLOGY. 270 B88. 270 R22 271 J49 271 P23 272 C38 272 L46 277.3 H94 289 Sw3 289 T36 289 W63 290 C12 291 L25 291 M96 292 R89 296 H58 298 L98 Church History 1891. Bungener, L. F. History of the Council of Trent. 1855. Read, Mollis. Hand of God in history. 2 y. 1860. Jessopp, Rer. Augustus. Coming of the friars. 1892. Parkman, Francis. Jesuits in North America in the 17th century. {France and England in North America, pt. 2.) Charles, Mrs. Elizabeth (Rundle). Martyrs of Spain and liberators of Holland. 1866. Lea, H. C. Superstition and force. 1866. Hurst, Rev. J: F. Short history of the Church of the U. S. 1492-1890. Swedenborg, Emanuel. The true Christian religion. 1886. Thomas, A. C. and R. History of the society of Friends in America. 1895. Wight, Thomas. History of people called Quakers. Non-Christian Religions, Including Mythology Caird, John. Oriental religions. 1882. Lang, Andrew. Modern mythology. 1897. Murray, A. S. Manual of mythology, illus. 1883. Ruskin, John. Queen of the air. n. d. Hine, Edward. Forty-seven identifications of British nation with lost ten tribes of Israel, n. d. Lyford, Rev. C. P. Mormon problem. 1886. 300 SOCIOLOGY 301 Sp3 *304 B81 304 R67 *312 Un3 *317 W89 320 F54 *320 M76 320 N75 *320 R39 320 T65 321 B14 326 Cll 326 F87 326 H79 327 M27 *328 M94 *328 Un3a *328 Un3m *328 Un3 3. 1897. {Synthetic Spencer, Herbert. Principles of sociology. philosophy.) Brown, D. P., ed. Forum. 2 v. 1856. Roosevelt, Theodore. American ideals. 1897. U. S,— Interior, Department of. Eleventh census. 1890. (Tlie) World almanac and encyclopedia, maps. 1898. Fiske, John. Civil government of the United States. cl890. Political Science Montesquieu, Charles de Secondat, Baron de. L'esprit des Loix. 2 v. n. d. Nordhoff , Charles. Politics for young Americans. cl875. Richardson, J. D., comp. Messages and papers of the Presidents. 1789- 1897. 7v. 1898. Townsend, Calvin. Shorter course in civil government, n. d. Badeau, Adam. Aristocracy in England. 1886. Cable, G: W. Negro question. 1890. Freeman, Rev. F. Africa's redemption. 1852. Hosmer, William. Higher law. 1852. Mahan, A. T. Interest of America in sea power. 1898. Murlin, E. L. New York red book, illus. 1898. U. S,— Congress. Abridgement of messages and documents from the Presi- dent of the U. S. from 1890-1897. 5 v. 1897. Messages from President of the U. S. to thirty-second, thirty-third, thirty-fourth, thirty-seventh, thirty-eighth and thirty-ninth Con- gress from 1852 to 1865. 25 v. Record of the fifty-third and forty-sixth Congress. 11 v. 1871-81-95. SOCIOLOGY. 8 *328 Un3r U. S.— Congress. Register of debates of eighteenth Congress, v. 1. 1825. *328 Un3c U. S. Congressional Globe. Debates and proceedings of thirty-second, thirty- third, thirty-sixth, thirty-seventh, thirty-eighth, thirty-ninth and fortieth Congress. 1853 to 1869. 46 v. 329 H18 Hammond, J. D. History of political parties in the state of New York 2 Y. 1846. 329 M12 McCarthy, Justin. Ireland's cause in England's Parliament. 1888. Political Economy 330 An2 Andrews, E. B. Institutes of economics. 1894. 330 B63 Boileau, D. Political economy. 1811. 330 B67 Bowker, R: R. Economics for the people. 1886. 330 E19 Ely, R: T. Introduction to political economy. cl889. 330 F28 Fawcett, M. Q. Tales in political economy. 1874. 330 G29 George, Henry. Science of political economy. 1898. 330 H38 Henderson, C: R. Social spirit in America. 1897. {C. L. S. C ) 330 K74 Knight, Charles. Knowledge in power. 1856. 330 M59 Mills, J: S. Principles of political economy. 2 v. 1897 330 P82 Political economy. 1820. 330 P85 Potter, A. Political economy. 1840. 331 B64 Booth, Gen. William. In darkest England and the way out. 1890. 331 C15 Campbell, Helen. Prisoners of poverty. 1889. 331 042 Qilman, N. P. Profit sharing between employer and employee. 1893. 331 L32 Larned, J. N. Talks about labor. 1876. 331 L77 Lloyd, H: D. Wealth against commonwealth. cl894. *331 N42 N. Y. (state)— Labor Statistics, Bureau of Report for year 1895. 2 y. 331 R44 Riis, J. A. How the other half lives, illus. 1894 331 W97 Wyckoff, W. A. Workers. 1897. 332 D91 Dunbar, C: F. Theory and history of banking. 1897. 332 P41 Percy, H. C. Cashier's scrap-book.' illus. 1879. 332 WIS Walker, F: A. Money. 1891. 335 E19 Ely, R: T. Socialism. 1894. *335 H84 Howits, G: H. History of the One Hundredth Regiment. 1870. *336 Un3 U. S,— Interior, Department of Eleventh census report on wealth, debt and taxation. 1890. 337 E19 Ely, R: T. Problems of to-day. cl888. 337 F96 Furber, H. W., ed. Protection and free trade. 1888. 338 Ei4 Eighty years progress of the United States, v. 1. 1869. 338 H54 Hilgard, E. W. Cotton production of state of Louisiana. 1884. Law and Administration 341 D74 Douglas, James. Canadian independence. 1894. 341 W46 Wells, D. A. and others. America and Europe. 1896. (Questions of the day.) Contents: 1 United States and Great Britain. 2 Monroe doctrine. E. J. Phelps. 3 Arbitration in international disputes. Carl Schurz. 341 W88 Woolsey, T. D. International law. 1885. 342 B84 Bryce, James. American commonwealth. 2 v. 1889. 342 C76 Constitution of the U. S. of America. 1863. 342 C94 Curtis, Q: T. Constitutional history of the U. S. 2 v. 1895. *342 N48 N. Y. (state)— Constitutional Convention. Convention manual. 25 v. 1894. *342 P17 Palgrave, Sir Francis. Original authority of the King's Council. 1834. SOCIOLOGY. *342 P58 Pickering, Danby. Statutes at large. v. 1, 2, 4, 5, 6, 7 2 pts., 8, 9, 10, 11, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 20, 21, 22, 23, 24, 25, 26, 27, 29, 31, 33, 34, 35, 36, 38, 39,40, 41 2 pts., 43 2 pts., 44 2 pts., 45 2 pts., 46, 48, 49, 50, 51. 1765. *342 R29 Reports on public records of the kingdom. 1800. *342 Un3 Laws of U. S of America from 1789 to 1815. v. 1. 1815. *345 Un3 U, S. — Supreme Court. Report of case of Dred Scott versus J. F. A. Sanford. 1856. *346 Ac8 Acts of Assembly of Jamaica. 1770. *346 Ami Ambler, Charles. Report of cases in High Court of Chancery. 1790. *346 C16 Acts and ordinances of Lower Canada. 1845. *346 D22 D'Anvere, Knightly. General abridgement of the common law. 3 v. 1705. *346 F86 Fraser, Simon. Reports of proceedings of House of Commons. 1791. *346 R21 Raymond, Robert, Baron, ed. Cases argued in courts of King's bench and common pleas, v. 3. 1790. *347 C58 Clerk's magazine. cl804. *347 F88 Freminville, M. de. Vrais principes des fiefs en forme de dictionnaire. 2 V. 1759. *347 G99 Quyot, Q. A. Traite des fiefs. 6 v. 1751. *347 H24 Harrison, Joseph. Practice of court of chancery, v. 1. 1796. *347 H91 Hunt, William. Distresses and repledin. L. 1794. *347 Im5 Impey, John. Instructor clericalis. 1807. *347 L41 Law and constitution of India. 1825. *347 M29 Malloy, Charles. Jure maritime et navali. 2 v. 1759. *347 M45 Maxwell, J: I. Spirit of marine law. 1800. *347 M69 Mitford, John. Pleadings in court of chancery. L. 178t. *347 M76 Montagu, Basil. Digest of the law of partnership, y. 1. 1815. *347 M78 Moore, Thomas. Precedents in bankruptcy. L. 1789. *347 P181 Palmer, Sir Qefret. Cases per Sir Francis Moore, chivaler. 1663. *347 P22 Parker, James. Conductor generalis. 1788. *347 P38 Pensey, Henrion de, ed. Traite des fiefs de Dumoulin analyse et confrere. 1773. *347 P72 Plowden, Francis. Usury and annuities. L. 1797. *947 P92 Preudhomme. Traite des droits. 1781. *347 R25 Reeves, John. Law of shipping and navigation. 1792. *347 R87 Runnington, Charles. Ejectments. 1795. *347 Se4 Sellon, B. J. Practice, pt. 1. 1792. *347 T43 Tidd, William. Practice of the court of King's bench with appendix. 2 v. L. 1790, *347 T71 Treatise on equity. 2 v. 1807. *347 W48 Wentworth, John. System of pleading, y. 1-11. 1797. *349 B64 Bornier, Philippe. Conferences des ordonnances de Louis XIY. y. 1. *349 C31 Causes celebres et interessantes. y. 5, 6. 1739. *349 C64 Code de procedure ciYile. n. d. *349 F41 Ferriere, C. J. de. Institutes de I'EmpereurJustinien. v. 1, 2, 4, 6. *349 Is6 Issali, lean., comp. Plaidoyez et harangues de Monsieur le Mairtre. *349 N85 Nouveaux reglements pour I'administration de la justice. 2 y. 1737 *349 R24 Recueil chronologeque des ordonnances. 1757. 350 W69 Wilson, Woodrow. The state. 1892. *351 H28 Halsell, anon. Proceedings in House of Commons, y. 2, 3 *351 Un3 U. S.— Civil Serviee Commission. ElcYcnth annual report. June 30, 1894. 1895. 352 C76 Conkling, A. R. City goYcrnment in the U. S. 1895. *352 N42 New York (city)— C/Vj7 Service Commission. Thirteenth annual report 1897. 1787. 1671. 4. 1785. July 1, 1893 to SOCIOLOGY. 10 *352 N51 *352 N51p *252 N42po *352 N51r 352 St8 353 F45 353 H24 *353 N42 *353 Of2 353 Sp3 353 Y8 355 K58 *355 N42c *355 N42 *355 Un3 *355 Un3m 359 G79 359 R25 359 W68 *360 Un3 364 N42 370 Sp3 370 T58 371 F92 371 Sch6 371 SchOs 372 P86 372 W63 Niagara Falls. Ordinances of Common Council. 1895-96. Proceedings of the Common Council for years 1892-93-94-95-96. 4 v. Police Department. Report of commissioners. 1896-97. Revised charter of the city. 1895. Strong, Rev. Josiah. Twentieth century city. cl898. Field, A. M. Political primer of New York state and city. 1897. Harrison, Benjamin. This country of ours. 1897. N. v. (state)— Constitutional history a lid civil list. 1884. Official register of the United States. 2 v. 1889. Spears, J: R. History of our navy 1775-1897. 4 v. illus. 1897. Young, A. W. First lessons in civil government. 1845. King, Capt. Charles. Trials of a staff-officer. 1898. N. Y. (state)— Cava/rj^. Annual report of the Adjutant-General of State of N. Y. for 1894-95. 5 v. N. Y. {si^te)— Militia. General regulations for the Military Forces of the State of N.Y. 1863. U. S. Art of war in Europe in 1854, 1855 and 1856. illus. pi. maps. 1861. U. S. Military expedition in 1855-56. Great shipwrecks 1544-1877. illus. n. d. Reed, Sir E. J. and Simpson, Edward. Modern ships of war. 1888. Wilmot, Capt. S. Eardley. Development of navies during the last half century, illus. 1892. U. S. Commissioners. Rej)ort of International penitentiary congress oi London. 1873. N. Y. {si^te.)— Reformatory. Year-book for 1896. illus. 1897. Education spencer, Herbert. Education. 1895. Tolman, W. H. History of higher education in Rhode Island. 1894. Bowen, H. C. Froebel. 1897. {Great educators.) Schoolmaster in comedy and satire. cl894. Schoolmaster in literature with intro. by Edward Eggleston. cl892. Poulsson, Emelie. In the child's world. 1896. Wiggins, Mrs. K. D. and Smith, M. A. Froebel's gifts. 1897. Self-Education and Culture 374 All Alcott, W: A. Young husband. 1848. 374 Ally Young woman's guide to excellence. 1847. 374 Ar6 Arnold, i?e v. Frederick. Turning points in life. 1873. 374 As3 Ashmore, Ruth. Side talks with girls. 1896. 374 Au7 Austin, J. M. Golden steps. 1853. 374 B41 Bell, Lilian. From a girl's point of view. 1897. 374 B56 Blackie, J: S. On self-culture. 1874. 374 B85 Buckley, J. M. Oats or wild oats? 1885. 374 C21 Carnegie, Andrew. College lectures, n. d. 374 C69 Collyer, Robert. Talks to young men. 1888. 374 Eg3 Eggleston, Q: C. How to educate yourself. 1875. 374 G27 Qeike, Cunningham. Entering on life. 1887. 374 078 Graves, Mrs. A. J. Woman in America. 1842. 374 HI 3 Hale, E: E. How to do it. 1871. 374 HI 7 Hamerton, P. Q. Intellectual life. 1897. 374 H25 Hartzell, J. H. Application and achievement. 1891. SOCIOLOGY. 374 H55 374 H71 374 J23 374 J63 374 L95 374 M42 374 M46 374 M92 374 N84 374 Sm4 374 Sm41 374 Sm4s 374 Sm4t 374 Sp7 374 Sii7 374 T56 374 V74 374 Y74s 347 W34 374 W61 376 D64 376 G56 377 Ad5 378 C73 379 D64 *379 D79 *379 J13 *379 N42 *379 N42 379 P83 379 T21 *380 Un3 *385 N42 389 T64 11 Hillis, N. D. Man's value to society. 1897. Holland, J. Q. Plain talks on familiar subjects. 1866. James, J: A. Young man from home. 1844. Johnson, Joseph. Living in earnest. 1863. Lowell, Mrs. A: C. Seed grain for thought. 2 v. 1856. Mathews, William. Getting on in the world. 1876. Means and ends. n. d. Munger, T. T. On the threshold. 1895. Nott, Eliphalet. Counsels to young men. 1840. Smiles, Samuel. Character. 1872. Life and labor. 1888. Self help. 1869. Thrift. 1876. Sprague, W. B. Letters on practical subjects. 1854. Sunny days of youth. 1893. Todd, Rev. John. Student's manuel. 1842. Vincent, Rev. J: H. Chautauqua movement. 1886. Signal lights. 1889. Watts, Isaac. Improvement of the mind. 1833. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. (Train.) Friendly letters to girls. Dix, Rev. Morgan. Lectures on calling of Christian woman. 1883. Qolden legacy, n. d. Adler, Felix. Moral instruction of children. 1895. Compayre, Gabriel. Abelard. 1893. {Great educators.) Dix, J. A., comp. Decisions of the superintendent of common schools of the state of New York. 1837. Draper, A. S. Public schools in New York and Massachusetts. 1892. Jackson, Sheldon, D. D. Education in Alaska 1891-92. illus. map. 1894. {TJ. S. Education bureau of.) Pamphlet N. v. {state.)— Dept. of Public Instruction. Thirty-second annual report of superintendent. 1886. N. v. (state.)— Dept. of Public Instruction. Forty-first annual report for 1894. 2v. Potter, Alonzo. The school. 1842. Taylor, J. O. District school. 1835. U. S. — Commercial relations. 1871. N. v. (state.) — Railroad Commission. Third annual report for year ending Sept. 30, 1886. 2 v. 1886. Totten, C: A. L. Important question in metrology. 1884. Customs and Folk-lore 390 G62 Goodrich, S. Q. Manners and customs of the principal nations of the globe. 1848. 392 Sw3 Swedenborg, Emanuel. Delights of wisdom pertaining to conjugal love. 1885. 395 C33 Celnart, Mi22e. Book of politeness. 1855. 395 H48 Hervy, Q: W. Principles of courtesy. 1862. 395 Sh5 Sherwood, Mrs. John. Manners and social usages, illus. 1897. 396 D66 Dodge, Abigal. New atmosphere. 1865. 396 E15 Ellis, Mrs. Daughters of England. 1843. 396 E15w Wives of England. 1843. 396 E15wo Women of England. 1843. 396 P58 Five talents of woman. 1888. 12 PHILOLOGY. 396 HIS Hamilton, Gail {pseud of M. A. Dodge.) Woman's worth and worthless- ness. 1872. 396 H53 Higginson, T: W. Women and men. 1888. 396 M14 MacDonald, Arthur. Abnormal woman. 1895. 396 Os7 Ossoli, Margaret (Fuller) Marchesa d'. Woman in the nineteenth century. 1855. 398 Asl Asbjornsen, P: C. Folk and fairy tales, illus. 1883. 398 Aslr 'Round the yule log. cl895. 398 C83 Curtin, Jeremiah. Myths and folk-lore of Ireland. 1890. 398 F54 Fiske, John. Myths and mj^th-makers. 1885. 398 F92 Frost, W: H: Wagner story book, illus. 1896. 398 G88 Grimm, J. L. and W. K. Household tales, tr. by Margaret Hunt. 2y 1892. 398 G931 Guerber, H. A. Legend of Middle Ages, illus. 1896. 398 G93 Myths of Greece and Rome, illus. 1895. 398 G93m Myths of northern lands, illus. 1895. 398 H24n Harris, J. C. Nights with Uncle Remus. 1881. 398 H24 Uncle Remus, illus. 1897. 398 K21 Keary, A. awe/ E. Heroes of Asgard. 1893. 398 L71 Litchfield, M. E. Nine worlds : stories from Norse mythology. 1890. 398 M61 Miller, Hugh. Scenes and legends of the north of Scotland. 1891. 398 M77 Mooney, M. S. Foundation studies in literature, illus. 1895. 398 M771 Moritz, Jokai and others. Golden fairy book. 1894. 398 Ow2 Owen, M. A. Ole Rabbits plantation stories, illus. 1896. 398 Sk3 Skinner, C: M. Myths and legends of our own land. 2 v. illus. 1896 398 Un2 Underbill , Z. D. Dwarf's tailor. 1886. 398 W67 Williams, A: M. Studies in folk-song and popular poetry. 1894. 399 B66 Boutell, Charles. Arms and armour in antiquity. 1871. 400 PHILOLOGY English Language 422 T72 *423 C33 *423 C33c *423 W39 425 H55 425 W61 428 L81 428 M42 428 Sw6 428 W58 Trench, R: C. On the study of words. 1882. Century dictionary of the English language. 6 v. F. 1889-91. Century cyclopedia of names, ed. by B: E. Smith. 1895. Webster, Noah. International dictionary of the English language, illus 1896. Hill, A: S. Our English. 1890. Whitney, W: D. English grammar. 1879. Lockwood, S. E. H. Lessons in English. 1890. Mathews, William. Words : their use and abuse. 1876 Swinton, William. Language primer. 1881. White, R: Q. Words and their uses. 1880. German Text-books *433 W63 Weir, Elizabeth. German dictionary, n. d. 438 Ad5 Adler, G. J. German reader. 1870. 438 Ah6 Ahn, F. Easy method of learning German language. 1875. 438 D82c Dreyspring, Adolphe. Cumulative method for learning German. 1890. 13 NATURAL SCIENCE. 438 D82 Easy lessons in German. 1886. 438 K25 Keetels, J. Q. Oral method with German. cl871. 438 Oe5 Oeschlaeger, J. C. Key to Ahn's method of learning the German lan- guage, n. d. 438 W89 Worman, J: H. German echo. n. d. French *443 M38 445 K72 448 Ah6 448 C45 448 C69 448 D87 448 F53 448 F58 448 K25 448 K72 448 W89 *473 C38 475 A15 478 C68b 478 C68 478 L53 485 G63 488 H21 488 W58 Text-books Masson, Qustave. Dictionary of French and English languages Knapp, W: I. French grammar. 1864. Ahn, F. French language. 1861. Chouquet, Gustave. First lessons in French, n. d. CoUot, A. Q. French words and phrases, n. d. Duffet, F. New French method. cl881. Fisher, E: T. Easy French reading, n. d. Fivas, Alain de. Classic French reader. 1866. Keetels, J. Q. Oral method" with French, pt. 2. n. d. Knapp, W: I. French reading book. Worman, J: H. First French book. 1881. Latin and Greek . Text-books Charlton, L. T. Elementary Latin dictionary. 1896. Allen, J. H. and Qreenough, J. B. Latin grammar. 1881. Collar, W: C. and Daniell, M. Q. Beginners Latin book. Collar, W: C. Latin composition. 1890. Leighton, R. F. Latin lessons. 1880. Goodwin, W: W. Elementary Greek grammar. 1883. Harkness, Albert. First Greek book. n. d. White, J: W. First lessons in Greek. 1883. cl890. 500 NATURAL SCIENCE 500 G62 Goodrich, S. G. Glance at the physical sciences, illus. 1844. 500 H88 Humboldt, Alexander von. Cosmos. 2 y. 1850. 500 H97 Mutton. Book of nature laid open. 1843. 500 M88 Mudie, Robert. Guide to observation of nature. 1854. 501 B85 Bucke, Charles. On the beauties, harmonies and sublimities of nature. 1841. 504 Adl Adams, Rev. Charles. Earth and its wonders, illus. n. d. 504 B85 Buckley, A. B. afterwards Mrs. ]?ishtr. Through magic glasses, illus. 504 D98 Huxley, T: H. Discourses biological and geological. 1894. 504 D98e Evolution and ethics. 1894. 504 H98m Method and result. 1893. 504 H98s Science and education. 1894. 504 H36 Helmholtz, Hermann. Popular lectures on scientific subjects, illus. 1873. *506 Sm6a Smithsonian Institution. Annual report for years 1856-63. 506 Sm6 Annual report of the U. S. national museum for 1886-89. 1889-91. 506 Sm6c Contributions to knowledge. 19 v. pi. illus. 1848. 507 C76 Conway, M. D. Travels in South Kensington, illus. 1882. NATURAL SCIENCE. 14 507 M88 508.3 D25 508.3 In 508.3 Un3 508.3 Un3m 508.3 UiiSna 508.3 Un3ii 508.5 H76 508.7 Un3 508.8 B31 508.8 Un3 511 C67 511 P12 512 W48 513 L87 513 St4 514 Lll 520 D54 520 F61 520 L81 521 H43 523 D54 523 F61 523 L95 523 M69 523 P94e 523 P94 524 P94 526 G41 526 N42 529 Am3 530 Av3 530 D45 530 Eu5 530 R29 532 M55 533 B58 536 C59 Mudie, Robert. Popular guide to the observation of nature, illus. 1839. Darwin, Charles. Naturalists voyage around the world. 1896. In the temperate regions, illus. 1882. U. S.— Coast Survey. Reports for 1852 1854, 1856, 1863, 1864. 5 v. maps, illus. Maps accompanying report, illus. maps. 1951. U. S. — Navy. Report of surveys for ship canal by way of Isthmus of Darien. illus. map. 1874. Report of surveys for ship canal by way of Isthmus of Tahuantepic. illus. map. 1872. Hooker, J. D. Himalayan journals, illus. 1855. U. S. — Congress. Report of explorations and surveys for a railroad from the Mississippi River to the Pacific Ocean 1853-54. 12 v. illus. pi. maps. 1860. Bates, H: W. Naturalist on the river Amazon, illus. 1875. U. S. — Navy. Astronomical expedition to southern hemisphere during 1849, 1850, 1851, 1852. 2 v. illus. pi. maps. 1855. Mathematics Colburn, Warren. Intellectual arithmetic. cl884. Packard, S. S. Commercial arithmetic. 1891. Wentworth, Q. A. Elements of algebra. 1892. Loomis, Eleas. Analytical geometry. Stewart, S. T. Plane and solid geometry. cl891. Lacroix. Elementary trigonometry, n. d. Astronomy 1897. 1880, Dick, Thomas. Sidereal heavens. 1840. Plammarion, Camille. Popular astronomy, illus. n. d. Lockyer, J. N. Elements of astronomy, illus. 1870. Herschel, Sir J: F. W. Treatise on astronomy, illus. 1839 Dick, Thomas. Celestial scenery, illus. 1839. Flammarion, Camille. Wonders of the heavens, illus. 1880. Lowell, Percival. Mars. pi. 1896. Mitchell, O. M. Planetary and stellar worlds. 1863. Proctor, R. A. Expanse of heaven. 1874. Universe and the coming transits, illus. 1874. Half hours with the stars, illus. 1882. Gillespie, W: M. Treatise on surveying, illus. pi. maps N. Y. (state) — Adirondack Survey. Seventh annual report. American almanac for year 1861. v. 31. 1861. Physics, Electricity, Magnetism and Chemistry Avery, E. M. Elements of natural philosophy, illus. cl885. Deschanel, E. A. E. M. Natural philosophy tr. and ed. by J. D. Everett. 1895. Euler, Leonard. Letters on different subjects in natural philosophy, illus. 1839. Renwick, James. Familiar illustrations of natural philosophy, illus. 1840. Merriman, Mansfield. Treatise on hydraulics, illus. 1898. . Blake, E. W. Aerodynamics. 1882. Clerk, Dugald. Gas engines. 1893. 15 NATURAL SCIENCE. 537 B41 537 C83 537 G95 *537 H81 537 L821 537 L82 537 M92 537 P22 537 T37 537 T74 538 T38 540 F82 542 J65 542 R29 549 D19 *549 Uii3 550 D19 550 D19m 550 D19t 550 G36 550 G62 550 L51 550 M31 *550 Oh3 550 T25 550 W72 550 W72w 551 F46 551 G62 551 H53 551 M44 *551 Uii3 551 Shlo 551 Shi 554.9 L96 557 Shi *557.1 C16 558 D25 560 M61 561 D32 570 D66 571 C62 572 D71 573 H98 573 W72 575 D25 575 D84 575 H98 Bell, Louis. Electric power transmission, illus. 1897. Cox, F. P. Contintiotts dynamos and motors, illus. 1893. Gunn, Robert. Arithmetic of magnetism and electricity. 1895. Houston, E. J. Dictionary of electrical words, terms and phrases, illus. 1894. Lodge, O: J. Lightning conductors and lightning guards, illus. 1892. Modern views of electricity, illus. 1892. Munro, John. Story of electricity, illus. 1897. Parkhurst, C. D. Dynamo and motor building for amateurs, illus. 1893. Thompson, S. P. Electricity and magnetism. 1893. Trowbridge, John. What is electricity? 1896. Thompson, S. P. Electromagnet, illus. 1892. Fowne. Manual of chemistry. 1885. Johnson, J. F. Chemistry of common life. 2 v. Renwick, James. First principles of chemistry. illus. illus. 1851. 1840. Dana, J. D. Manual of mineralogy and petrography, illus. 1897. U. S. — Interior, Department of. Report of mineral industries eleventh census. 1890. Geology, Paleontology, Biology cl875. 1896. 1882. Dana, J. D. Geological story briefly told, illus. Manual of geology, illus. pi. maps. 1896. Text-book of geology, illus. 1871. Geikie, Sir Archibald. Class book of geology, illus. Goodrich, S. G. Wonders of geology, illus. 1848. Lee, C: A. Elements of geology for popular use. illus. 1840. Mangin, Arthur. Earth and its treasures, illus. 1875. Ohio (state)— Geo7o^/ca/ Survey. First annual report. 1890. Tenney, Sanborn. Geology. 1866. Winchell, Alexander, Sparks from a geologist's hammer, illus. Walks and talks in geological fields. 1886. Figuier, Louis. World before the deluge, illus. 1872. . Goodrich, S. G. World and its inhabitants. 1848. Higgins, W. M. (The) earth, illus. 1839. Maury, M. F. Physical geography of the sea. 1855. U. S.— Weather Bureau. Bulletins. 1896. Shaler, N. S. Outlines of the earth's history, illus. 1898. Sea and land, illus. 1894. Lubbock, John, Baron. Scenery of Switzerland and its causes, illus. 1896. Shaler, N. S. Story of our continent, illus. 1892. Canada — Geological Survey {or 1853, 1854, 1855, 1856, 1857. Darwin, Charles. Geological observations, illus. maps. 1891. Miller, Hugh. Testimony of the rocks. 1857. Dawson, Sir J. W: Geological history of plants, illus. 1888. Dodge, C: W. Introduction to elementary practical biology. 1897. Clodd, Edward. Story of " primitive " man. illus. 1895. {Lib. of useful stories.) Donnelly, Ignatius. Atlantis, illus. 1882. Huxley, T: H: Man's place in nature. 1896. Winchell, Alexander. Preadamites. illus. 1886. Darwin, Charles. Origin of the species, n. d. Drummond, Henry. Ascent of man. 1895. Huxley, T: H: Darwiniana. 1893. USEFUL ARTS. 16 Botany 580 A15 Allen, Grant. Story of the plants. 1898. {Lib. of useful stories.) 580 D19 Dana, Mrs. W: S. According to season. 1894. 580 G79e Gray, Asa. Elements of botany, illus. pi. cl887. 580 G79 Manual of botany. 1864. *580 N42 N. Y. {state)— Botanist. Annual report, pi. 1897. 580 P51 Phelps, Mrs. A. H. (Lincoln.) P'amiliar lectures on botany, illus. 1845. 580 W85 Wood, Alphonso. American botanist and florist, illus. 1873. 581 M42 Mathews, F. S. Familiar trees and their leaves, illus. 1897. 581 V52 Vegetable substances for the good of man. illus. 1839. Zoology 590 Agl Agazziz, Louis. Methods of study in natural history, illus. 1893. 590 G35m Gibson, W: H. My studio neighbors, illus. 1898. 590 G35 Sharp eyes. 1896. 590 H13 Half hours in the deep, illus. n. d. 590 H17 Hamerton, P. G. Chapters on animals, illus. 1888. 590 H26 Hartwig, Q. Sea-monsters and sea-birds. 1887. 590 L98 Lydekker, R. and others. Natural history, illus. 1897. 500 N21 Natural history; the elephant, illus. 1858. 590 Or8 Orton, James. Comparative zoology, illus. 1897. 590 PI 2 Packard, A. S. Zoology. 1894. 590 R24 Redfield, A. M. Zoological science, illus. 1860. 590 V28 Van Dervoort, J. W. Water world, illus. n. d. *594 P75 Poe, E: A. Conchologist's first book. 1839. 595 B14 Badenoch, L. N. Romance of the insect world, illus. 1893. 595 G35 Gibson, W: H. Eye spy. illus. 1898. 595 H13 Half hours in the tiny world, illus. n. d. 595 N21 Natural history of insects. 2 v. illus. 1840. 595 Scu4 Scudder, S: H. Frail children of the air. 1897. 595 W85 Wood, Rev. J: G: Insects at home, illus. 1883. 596 J13 Jackson, Sheldon, D. D. Report on introduction of reindeer into Alaska. illus. 1894. 597 H71 Holder, C: F: Marvels of animal life, illus. 1888. 598 Ab2 Abbott, C; C. Birds about us. illus. 1895. 598 B29 Baskett, J: N. Story of the birds, illus. 1897. 598 C36 Chapman, F. M. Bird-life, illus. 1897. 598 F52 Fish, E. E. Blessed birds. 1890. 598 M61 Miller, O. T. Our home pets, illus. 1894. 598 T37 Thompson, Maurice. By-waj^s and bird notes. 1885. 598 W58 White, i?ey. Gilbert. Natural history of Selborne. illus. 1841. 599 F66 Flower, W: H: The horse, illus. 1892. 599 H71i Holder, C: F: Ivory king; a popular history of the elephant, illus. 1888. 599 R66 Romer, A. Natural historv. illus. n. d. 600 USEFUL ARTS 600 G62 Goodrich, S. G. linterprise, industry and art of man. 1848. 600 H33 Hazen, Edward. Popular technology. 2v.ini. 1842. 603 A15 Allen, C. W. History and my vStery of common things. *605 CI 6 Canadian engineer, v. 5, 6-date. 1897-98. *605 G17 Gardener's monthly, v. 2, 3, 4, 5. illus. 1860-61-62-63. UNEFUL ARTS. *605 Scil *606 AgS *606 N42 "606 N42s •'^606 Un3 609 Se8 17 Scientific American, v. 32. illiis. 1875. Agriculture— Department of. Report of the secretary. 1894. N. Y. (state) — Board of general managers of N. Y. exhibit at the Colum- bian Exposition. Report, illtis. 1894, N. Y. (state)— Board of Commissioners representing State of N. Y. at In- ternational Exposition at Atlanta, Georgia. 1895. U. S. — Exposition of 1889 at Paris. Report of the Commissioners. 3 v. iUtts. 1890. Seven wonders of the world, n. d. Medicine ■■^610 Am3 American Association of obstetricians and gynecologists, transactions of, for 1897. V. 10. 1898. *610 Am3g American gynaecological journal, v. 4-7. 1894-95. 4 v. *610 Am3j American journal of obstetrics, v. 10-14. 1877-81. 5 v. ■=^610 M46 Medical news. v. 58-65. 1891-94. 8 v. *610 M46r Medical record, v. 12, 13, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 25, 27, 28, 29, 30, 31, 32, 33, 34, 35, 36, 37, 38, 47, 48, 49, 50, 51, 52. 1877-81, 1884-90, 1895-97. 27 V. 611 B41 Bell, Sir Charles. (The) hand, its mechanism and vital endowments, iUus. 1855. 611 G88 Griscom, J: H. Animal mechanism and physiology, illus. 1840. 612 M36 Martin, N. N. Human body, illus. 1895. 613 C67 Coles, L. B. Tobacco using. 1853. 613 C73 Combe, Andrew. Physiology of digestion, illus. 1843. 613 C73p Principles of physiology . 1839. 613 C731 Combe, George. Constitution of man. illus. 1872. 613 J63 Johnson, James. Economy of health. 1843. 613 R91 Russell, Charles. Wonders of bodily strength and skill, illus. 1872. 613.7 M22 Maclaren, Archibald. System of physical education, illus. 1869. 614 Am3 American Public Health Association. Public health. 1886. 614.8 G42 Gilmore, Rev. John. Storm warriors. 1875. 615 Ed2 Eddy, M. B. A. Science and health. 1896. ■'•■616 Am3 American year-book of medicine and surgery, illus. pi. 1898. 616 H69 Holbook, M. L. Liver complaint, nervous dyspepsia and headache. 1883* ■^^'619 Un3 U. S. — Agriculture, Department of. Diseases of swine. 1879. Engineering 620 B27 Barr, W: M. Pumping machinery, illus. 1898. 620 M27 Mahan, D. H. Treatise on civil engineering, illus. 1896. 620.1 Ed9 Edwards, Emory. American steam engineer, illus. pi. 1893. 621 Adl Adams, Henry. Handbook for mechanical engineers. 1891. 621.1 F76 Fowey, M. N. Catechism of the locomotive, illus. pi. 1897. 621.3 At5 Atkinson, Philip. Elements of electric lighting, illus. 1889. 621.3 Em6 Emmet, W. L. R. Alternating current wiring and distribution. 1894. 621.3 H81 Houston, E. J., and Kennelly, A. E. Electric heating, illus. 1895. Magnetism, illus. 1896. 621.3 K14 Kapp, Gisbert. Dynamos, alternators and transformers, illus. n. d. 621.3 K14e Electric transmission of energy, illus. n. d. 521.3 Scl3 Slingo, W., a72d Brookie, A. Electrical engineering, illus. 1895. 621.3 T37 Thompson, S. P. Dynamo-electric machinery. 2 v. illus. cl893. 622 J62 Johnson, J. C. F. Getting gold, illus. 1898. 623 G16 Garbett, Capt. H. Naval gunnery, illus. 1897. USEFUL ARTS. 18 *623 Uii3 624 B94. 624 M55 625 B99 625 Shi 627 F21 630 Am3 630 Ar5 630 B86 630 C35 630 C63 *630 D66 630 H76 633 B15 633 Sw5 639 E15 *639 N42 *639 Un3 *639 Un3f 639 Un3r *639 Un3s 640 C81 641 L63 641 R69 641 R69d 641 R69f 641 R69h 641 R69s 641 R69t 653 R58 656 K37 657 G63 657 P12 657 W67 658 Em3 658 F87 658 W85 680 Am6 680 R29 690 B65 690 N52 693 B17 694 B41 694 H28 U. S.— Sea-coast defences. Report of. 1862. Burr, W: H. Stresses in bridge and roof trusses, illus. pi. 1896. Merriman, Mansfield, and Jacoby, H: S. Roofs and bridges (part III. bridge design.) illus. 1896. Byrne, A. T. Treatise on highway construction, illus. pi. 1897. Shaler, N. S. American highwaj^s. illus. 1896. Fanning, J. T. Practical treatise on h^^draulic and water-supply engineer- ing, illus. pi. 1896. Agriculture^ Domestic Economy American husbandry. 2 v. 1840. Armstrong, John. Treatise on agriculture. 1840. Buel, J. Farmer's instructor. 2 v. 1840. Chaptal, Le Comte. Chemistry applied to agriculture. 1840. Cobbett, William. American gardener. 1844. Dodge, J. R. Agricultural statistics of United States. 1891. Hooper, J. E: Practical farmer, gardener and housewife. 1842. Bailey, J. M. Book of ensilage. 1880. Swift, R. B. Who invented the reaper ? Elliott, H: W. Seallslands of Alaska. 1884. N. Y. {StatQ)— Fisheries, Game and Forests. First annual report of com- missioners for 1895. illus. 1896. U. S.— Fisheries, commission of. Bulletins for 1888. v. 8. illus. maps. 1890. Fishery industries. 4 t. illus. maps. 1887. Report of commissioner of Fisheries for 1886. Fur-seal and other fisheries of Alaska, maps. 1889. Corson, Juliet. Family living on $500 a year. 1888. Lincoln, Mrs. D. A. Boston cook book, illus. 1894. Rorer, Mrs. S. T. Colonial receipts. cl894. Dainties. cl894. Fifteen new ways for oysters. cl894. How to use a chafing dish. cl894. Sandwiches. cl894. Twenty quick soups. cl894. Rockwell, J. E. Shorthand instruction and practice. 1893. Kennedy, W: S. Wonders and curiosities of the railway, illus. 1884. Goodwin, J. H. Improved book-keeping. 1892. Packard, 5. S. Bryant and Stratton book-keeping, n. d. Williams and Rogers. Book-keeping. 1894. Emery, M. S. Every-daj business. 1894. Freedley, E. T. Practical treatise on business. 1853. Wood, Henry. Natural law in the business world. 1887. Amongst machines. 1876. Renwick, James. Application of the science of mechanics to practical purposes, illus. 1840. Boston Industrial School Association of. Wood-working tools, illus. 1884. Nicholson, Peter. Mechanics' companion, illus. 1842. Baker, I. O. Treatise on masonry construction, illus. 1897. Bell, W: E. Carpentry made easy. pi. 1893. Hatfield, R. G. American house carpenter, illus. 1895. 19 FINE ARTS. 700 D89 701 B91 701 R21 701 R89 701 T13 704 C85 704 W57 *705 H78 709 G63 709 L89 709 L96 *711 H55 *711 N42 *711 N42s *711 P96 *711 V66 720 H35 720 R891 720 R89 720 R89s 723 SmG *726 Y3 729 R89 738 Ea7 740 C36 741 T99 750 C59 755 J23 755 R89 758 F81 759 Rll 770 W15 *779 Sh4 700 FINE ARTS Du Maurier, George. English society, illus. 1897. Burke, Edmund. On the sublime and beautiful, n. d, Raymond, Q: L. Genesis of art-form, illus. 1893. Ruskin, John. Lectures on art. n. d. Taine, H. A. Lectures on art ; 2d ser. 1896. Crane, Lucy. Art and the formation of taste, illus. 1889. Whistler, J. A. McN. Gentle art of making enemies. 1890. Horticulturist and journal of rural art. illus. v. 15 and 16. 1860-61. Goodyear, W. H. Roman and medieval art. 1897. (C. L. S. C.) Lossing, B. J: Outline history of the fine arts, illus. 1840. Liibke, Wilhelm. Outlines of the history of art. 2 v. illus. 1896. Hill, R. F. Letter relative to the International park at Niagara Falls. 1880. (AT. Y. Assembly bill No. 615.) N. Y. (state)— Sur Fey on preservation of scenery of Niagara Falls. Special report, illus. maps. 1880. {N. Y. Senate, No. 37.) N. Y. {statQ)— Reservation at Niagara. Eleventh, twelfth, thirteenth annual reports of the commissioners, illus. 1894-96-97. N. Y. (state)— Pw6/ic Parks. Board of commissioners, second annual report. 1872. Queen Victoria Niagara Falls Park. Tenth annual report of commis- sioners for 1895. Architecture Heathcote, H. Architecture for general readers, illus. 1896. Ruskin, John. Lectures on architecture and painting, pi. n. d. Readings. 1889. Seven lamps of architecture, illus. n. d. Smith, T. R. Architecture Gothic and Renaissance, illus. 1880. Van Rensselaer, Mrs. Schuyler. English cathedrals, illus. 1896. Ruskin, John, Stones of Venice. 3 v. illus. pi. n. d. Earle, Mrs. Alice (Morse). China collecting in America, illus. 1897. Chapman, J. G. American drawing-book, illus. Tyrwhitt, Rev. R. St. J. Our sketching club, illus. 1875. Clement, Mrs. C. (E.), afterwards Mrs. Waters. Outline history of painting, illus. 1883. Jameson, Mrs. A.. B. M. Legends of the Madonna, as represented in the fine arts. 1895. Ruskin, John. Mornings in Florence, n. d. Foster, Vere. Simple lessons in water-color, illus. 1894. Radcliffe, A. G. Schools and masters of paintings, illus. 1876. Wallace, EUerslie. Amateur photography. cl884. World's Fair photographs collected by D. B. Shepp. 32 pts. illus. cl893. Music 780 Ap8 Apthorp, W: F. Musicians and music lovers. 1894. 780 F29 Fay, Amy. Music-study in Germany. 1894. *780 G91 Grove, Sir George, ed. Dictionary of music and musicians, index, illus. 1890. 780 K87 Krchbiel, H: E: How to listen to music. 1897. 781 R41 Richter, E. F. Manual of harmony, illus. n. d. 4 Y. and FICTION. 20 782 G93 Querber, H. A. Stories of famous operas, ilhis. 1897. 783 Sm5 Smith, E. M., ed. Woman in sacred song, illiis. 1885. 784 T81 Tufts, John W., and Holt, H. E. Normal music course reader, v 1 3 1883. Amusements 790 H72 HoIIister, H. E. Parlor games. cl887. 790 Sa9 Sawyer, F: W. Life made happy. 1857. 793 B17 Baker, G: M. Social stage. 1871. 793 B41 Bellamy, William. Century of charades. 1897. 793 B41s Second century of charades. 1897. 793 P69 Planche, F: D., comp. Evening amusements, illus. n. d. 793 P76 Pollock, W. H. and Lady. Amateur theatricals. 1879. 793 W21 Ward, S. H., and Watson, M. L. McL. Green guess book. 1897. 795 C31 Cavendish (psezjcf. of Henry Jones). Laws and principles of whist. 1895. 796 C35 Chambers, E. T. D. Ouananiche and its Canadian environment, illus. 1896. 796 P83 Porter, L. H. Cycling for health and pleasure, illus. 1896. 796 R63 Rogers, Archibald, and others. Hunting, illus. 1897. 796 Sa7 Sargent, D. A., and others. Athletic sports, illus. 1897. 796 W21 Ward, M. E. Bicycling for ladies, illus. 1896. 796 W69 Wilson, E: L., anff ot/zers. Mountain climbing. 796 Yal Yale, L. M., and others. Angling, illus. 1897. 800 LITERATURE FICTION A Ab2 Abbott, Charles Conrad. Colonial wooing. 1895. Adl Adams, Rev. W. King's messengers. 1870. Ad5 Adler, Cyrus, and Ramsay, Allan. Told in the coffee house. 1898. Af8 Afterglow. 1877. Ag9 Aguilar, Grace. Days of Bruce. 1894. Ag9h Home influence. 1890. Ag9m Mother's recompense. 1890. Ai5 Aimard, Qustave. Frontiersmen, n. d. Allh Alcott, Louisa May. Hospital sketches, illus. 1896. All Work. n.d. A126c Alden, Mrs. Q. R. (psewc/. Pansy). Chautauqua girls at home. cl873. A126fi Five friends, illus. 1882. A126f Four girls at Chautauqua, n. d. A126h Hall in the grove, n. d. A126 ^ King's daughter. cl873. A1261 ' Little Fishers. 1886. A126mi Mrs. Dean's v^ray. n. d. A126m Mrs. Solomon Smith looking on. cl882. A126r Ruth Erskine's crosses. 1893. Al26t Tip Lewis and his lamp. 1893. A126w What they couldn't. 1895. A126wi Wise and otherwise. 1893. 21 FICTION. A12 Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. Marjorie Daw. 1890. A12p Prudence Palfrey. cl874. A12s Stillwater tragedy, n. d. A12t Two bites of a cherry. 1890. A124b Alexander, Mrs. (psewd, of Mrs. Annie French Hector) . Barbara. 1898. A124 By woman's wit. n. d. A124-f For his sake. n. d. A124h Her dearest foe. n. d. A124mi Mrs. Crichton's creditor, illns. 1897. Al24m Mona's choice, n. d. A124w Which shall it be ? n. d. A124wo Wooing o't. n. d. A152 ^ Allen, Grant. What's bred in the bone. n. d. A15a Allen, James Lane. Aftermath. 1896. A15c Choir invisible. 1897. A15 Flute and violin. 1895. A15k Kentucky cardinal, illus. cl894. An2 Andersen, Hans Christian. Sand-hills of Jutland, n. d. An8 Anstey, F. (psewd. of Thomas Anstey Guthrie). Vice versa, n. d. ArSl Armstrong, Annie E. Very odd girl. Ar7 Arthur, Timothy Shay. After a shadow and other stories, n. d. Ar7d Debtor and creditor, n. d. Ar7h Home heroes, n. d. Ar7ho Home scenes, n. d. Ar7k Keeping up appearances, n. d. Ar71 ' Lessons in life. n. d. Ar7m Married life. n. d. Ar7o Off-hand sketches, n. d. Ar7or Orange blossoms, n. d. Ar7r Retiring from business, n. d. Ar7ri Riches have wings, n d. Ar7s Seed time and harvest, n. d. Ar7sk Sketches of life and character, n. d. Ar7st Stories for young housekeepers, n. d. Ar7sto Stories for parents, n. d. Ar7su Sunshine at home. n. d. Ar7t Tried and the tempted, n. d. Ar7w Words for the wise. n. d. Ar7wa Ways of Providence, n. d. Ar7wo Woman's trials, n. d. As2 Ashenbroedel. n. d. AsS Astor, John Jacob. Journey in other worlds. 1894. Atl At the Red Glove, n. d. At4 Atherton, Gertrude. American wives and English husbands. 1898. Au3a Auerbach, Berthold. Aloys. 1877. Au3c Convicts. 1890. Au3 On the heights, n. d. AuSp Poet and merchant, n. d. AuSv Villa on the Rhine. 2 v. cl892. Au7e Austin, Jane. Emma. Au7m Mansfield Park. n. d. Au7p Pride and prejudice, n. d. Au7 Sense and sensibility, n. d. Au74 Austin, Mrs. Jane Goodwin. Betty Aldeu, n. d. FICTION. 22 Austin, Mrs. Jane Goodwin— Coutinued. Ati74da David Alden's daughter. 1896. Au74d Dr. Le Baron and his daughters. 1896. Au74n Nameless nobleman. cl881. Au74s Standish of Standish. 1884. B B17 Baker, Sir Samuel White. Cast up by the sea. B171m Baker, William Mumford. Mose Evans. 1874. B171 Year worth living. 1878. B19 Balestier, Wolcott. Benefits forgot. 1894. Balestier, Wolcott, joint author. See Kipling, Rudyard. B21 Ballantyne, Robert Michael. Floating light of the Goodwin sands, n. d. Balzac, Honore de. Works, tr. by Ellen Marriage and George Saintsbur3\ {Comedie bumaine.) B211b Bachelor's establishment, illus. 1898. B211be Beatrix, illus. 1898. B211ca Catharine de Medici, illus. 1898. B211ce Celebates. illus. 1898. B211ces Cdsar Birotheau. illus. 1898. B211c Chouans and Conscript, illus. 1897. B211ce Colonel Chabert. illus. 1898. B211p Country parson and Albert Savaron. illus. 1897. B211c Countrj- doctor, illus. 1898. B211co Cousin Pons, illus. 1895. B211da Daughter of Eve. illus. 1898. B211d Distinguished provincial at Paris, illus. 1898. B211 Eugenie Grandet and other stories. 1897. B211f Father Goriot and M. Gobseck. illus. 1898. B211b La Grenadiere. illus. 1898. B2XU Lily of the valley and other stories. 1898. B211lo Lost illusions, illus. 1898. B211m Modeste Mignon and other stories, illus. 1898. B211b Peace in the house, illus. 1898. B211pe Peasantre. illus. 1898. B211q Quest of the absolute, illus. 1897. Contents. Unknown masterpieces. Christ in Flanders. Melmoth reconciled. Red house. B211s Seamy side of history and other stories, illus. 1898. B211se Serepheta and other stories, illus. 1898. B211u Ursule Mirouet and other stories. 1898. B211ce Vendetta, illus. 1898. B211w Wild ass' skin, illus. 1897. B211wo Woman of thirty and Start in life. 1898. B22b Bangs, John Kendrick. Bicyclers and three other farces, illus. 1896. B22c Coffee and repartee. cl893. B22g Ghosts I have met. 1898. B22h House-boat on the Styx, illus. 1897. B23m Mantel-piece minstrels, illus. 1896. B22 Mr. Bonaparte of Corsica, illus. 1895. B22p Paste jewels. 1897. B22pe Pursuit of the house-boat illus. 1897. 23 FICTION. Bangs, John Kendrick— Continued. B221r Rebellious heroine. 1897. B22t Three weeks in politics, illus. cl894. B22w Water ghost. 1894. B24 Barlow, Jane. Irish idylls. 1896. B24s Strangers at Lisconnel. 1895. B25 Barnard, Edna A. Maple range, n. d. B27 Barr, Mrs. Amelia Edith (Hudleston). Beads of Tasimer. n. d. B27be Bernicia. 1895. B27b Border shepherdess, n. d. B27bo Bow of orange ribbon. 1897. B27d Daughter of Fife. cl886. B27f Friend Olivia. cl892. B27j Jan Yedder's wife. cl885. B27k Knight of the net. 1896. B27ki King's highway. 1897. B271 Lone house. 1894. B27m Master of his fate. n. d. B27s She loved a sailor, n. d. B27sin Singer from the sea. cl893. B27si Sister to Esau. cl888. B27sq Squire of Sandal-side. 1897. B271fa Barr, Robert. Face and the mask. 1897. B271f From whose bourne. cl888. B271i In midst of alarms. cl894. B271m Mutable many. 1896. B271o One day's courtship. cl896. B271 Woman intervenes. 1896. B272 Barrie, James Matthews. Auld Licht idyls, n. d. B2721 Little minister, n. d. B272m My Lady Nicotine, n. d. B272s Sentimental Tommy. 1886. B272wh When a man's single, n. d. B272w Window in Thrums, n. d. B274 Barrett, Wilson. Sign of the cross. 1898. B28 Barton, William Eleazar. Hero in homespun. 1897. B342 Baylor, Frances Courtney, aiterwards Mrs. Belger. On both sides, n. d. Bayly, Ada Ellen. See Lyall, Edna, pseud, B35 Beacon light ; a tale of the Covenanters, n. d. • B39 Beecher, Rev. Henry Ward. Norwood, n. d. Behrens, Bertha. See Heimburg, W. pseud. Bell, Currer, pseud. See Bronte, Charlotte. B411i Bell, Lilian. Little sister to the wilderness. 1898. B411 Love affairs of an old maid. cl893. B41 Under side of things. 1896. B411 Bellamy, Edward. Equality. 1897. B4111 Looking backward. 1889. B45 Berger, E. (pseud, of Elizabeth Sara Sheppard). Charles Anchcster. n. d, B461a Besant, Sir Walter. Armorel of Lyonesse. n. d. B461 All sorts and conditions of men. n. d. B461c Children of Gibeon. n. d. B461f For faith and freedom, n. d. B461i Ivory gate. n. d. B461r Rebel queen. 1893. FICTION. 24 Besant, Sir Walter— Coiitiutied. B461s St. Catharine's by the tower, n. d. B461w World went very well then. n. d. B461g Besant, Walter, and Rice, James. Golden butterfly, n. d. B462 Bessie Ijsmg, n. d. B55 Bjornson, Bjornstjerne. Arne. 1895. B56b Black, William. Briseis. 1896. B56 Daughter of Heth. n. d. B56g Green pastures and Piccadilly. 1892. B56h Handsome Humes. 1890. B56hi Highland cousins. 1890. B56i In far Lockaber. n. d. B56si In silk attire. 1892. B56j Judith Shakespeare, n. d. B56m Macleod of Dare. 1892. B56p Princess of Thule. 1892. B56sd Stand fast Craig-Royston ! 1891. B56s Strange adventures of a house-boat. 1893. B56st Strange ad Yen tiu'es of a phaeton. 1892. B56t Three feathers, n. d. B56w White heather, n. d. B56wh White wings, n. d. B56wo Wolfenberg. 1893. B561a Blackmore, Richard Doddrige. Alice Lorraine, n. d. B561 Lorna Doone. n. d. B561p Perly-cross. n. d. B561sl Slain by the Doons. 1897. B561s Springhaven. 1890. B621 Blodgett, Mrs. Mabel Fuller. At the queen's mercy, illus. 1897. B62 Blossom, Henry M. Checkers. 1896. B64 Boothby, Guy. Doctor Nicola, illus. 1896. B68 Bowles, Emily. In the Camargue. n. d. B69 Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth. Norseman's pilgrimage. 1875. B72 Brady, Cyrus Townsend. For love of countrj^. 1898. B73 Bread-winners. 1884. B78 Bronte, Charlotte, a/terwarc/s Mrs. Nicholls {pseud. Currer Bell). Jane Eyre. B78p Professor. B78s Shirley. B78v Villette. n. d. B781 Bronte, Emily (pse«c/. Ellis Bell). Wutliering Heights. 1894. B79 Brooke, Wesley. Eastford. 1855. B81 Brown, Almedia M. Diary of a village gossip. B814 Brown, Helen Dawes. Petrie estate. Browne, Charles F. See Ward, Artemus, pseud. B83 Brush, Mrs. Christine (Chaplin). Colonel's opera cloak. 1894. B85 Buchanan, Rachel. Debutante in New York society, n. d. B851 Buchanan, Robert Williams. vShadow of the sword. 1877. Bulwer-Lytton, Baron. See Lytton, E: G: E. Bulwer-, Baron. B88j Bunncr, Henry Cuyler. Jersey street and Jersey lane. 1896. B881 Love in old clothes, illus. 1896, B88s ''Short sixes." illus. 1891. B88 Story of a New York house. B88/, Zadoc Pine. 1891. 25 FICTION. B882h Bunyan, John. Holy war. ti. cl B882 Pilgrim's progress, with a life of John Bunyan by J: A. Fronde, n. d. B89 Burch, Harriette E. Stella Rae. 1890. B891 Burdette, Robert J. Chimes from a jester's bell, illns. 1897. B93 Burnett, Mrs. Frances (Hodgson). Dolly, n. d. B93f Fair barbarian, n. d. B93h Haworth's. 1890. B93hi His grace of Osmond. 1897. B93la Lady of quality. 1896. B931 Louisiana. 1880. B93p Pretty sister of Jose. 1889. B93t That lass o' Lowrie's. ii. d. B93th Through one administration. 1894. B934d Burnham, Mrs. Clara Louise. Dearly bought. 1896. B934dr Dr. Latimer, 1896. B934ms Miss Archer Archer. 1898. B934m Miss Bagg's secretary. 1890. B934mi Mistress of Beech Knoll. 1896. B934n Next door. cl893. B934no No gentlemen. 1881. B934s Sweet clover. 1895. B934 Wise woman. 1895. Biirstenbinder, Elizabeth. See Werner, Ernst, pseud. B98 Butt, Beatrice May. Eugene. 1877. B992 By the Tiber, n. d. C Cllb Cable, George Washington, Bona venture. 1893. Clld Dr. Sevier. 1897. Cll Grandissimes. u. d. Cllj John March, Southerner. 1894. Cllm Madam Delphine. 1896. Clio Old Creole days. 1879. Clls Strange true stories of Louisiana. 1893. C114 Cadell, H. M. Ida Craven. 1876. C113 Caf fyn, iVfrs. Mannington. Children of circumstances. 1894. C112 Cahan, Abraham. Yekl, a tale of the New York Ghetto. 1896. C12 Caine, Hall. Bondman, n. d. C12c Capt'n Davy's honeymoon. 1895. C12ch Christian. 1897. C12d Deemster, n. d. C12m Manxman. 1897. C12s Scape goat. n. d. C12sh Shadow of a crime, illus. 1895. C141 Cambridge, Ada, afterwards Mrs. Q: F: Cross. Little minx. 1893. C14 My guardian. 1892. C14n Not all in vain. 1892. C14t Three Miss Kings. 1896. C18 Carey, Rosa Nouchette. Averil. C18b But men must work. 1896. C18c Cousin Mona. 1896. C18f ForLilias. 1896. C18h Heriot's choice, n. d. C181 Little Miss Muffet. 1893. FICTION. 26 Carey, Rosa Nouchette— Continued. C18m Merle's crusade, n. d. C18mi Mrs. Romney. 1886. C18o Onlj^ the governess, n. d. CI80I Old, old story. 1897. C18r Robert Ord's atonement, n. d, C18s Sir Godfrey's granddaughters. 1894. C18w Wee wifey. n. d. C18u Uncle Max. 1894. C192 Carlen, Mme. E. S. (Flygare). Ivar. 1852. C191 Carleton, Will. Old infant. 1896. C19w Carleton, William. Willy Reilly. n. d. C19 Works. V. 3. illus. 1881. C22 Carpenter, Esther Bernon. South county neighbors, n. d. C25 Cary, Alice. Bishop's son. 1867. C25p Pictures of country life. 1866. C28d Catherwood, Mrs. Mary (Hartwell). Days of Jeanne D' Arc. 1897. C28 Romance of Dollard. illus. cl889. C311 Caunter, Rev. Hobart. Romance of history, n. d. CSS Cervantes, Saavedra, Miguel de. Adventures of Don Quixote de la mancha. n. d. CSS Chamberlain, N. H. Autobiography of a New England farm house. C351 Chambers, Julius. Mad world and its inhabitants. 1877. C3521 Chambers, Robert William. Lorraine. 1898. CS52 Red republic. 1897. C36 Chandler, Bessie. Woman who failed. 1893. C361 Chap-Book stories. 1876. C38 Charles, Mrs. Elizabeth (Rundle). Chronicles of the Sch6nberg-Cotta family. 1864. C38o On both sides of the sea. n. d. C38w Winifred Bertram. 1867. Chatfield-Taylor, H. C. See Taylor, H. C. Chatfield. CS81 Charlesworth, Maria Louisa. Oliver of the mill. 1876. Chatrian, Alexandre, joint author. See Erckmann, Emile. C46 Christmas stories. 1890. C47 Church, Alfred John. Burning of Rome. 1892. C54 Clare, Justin. Royal banner, n. d. C592a Clemens, Samuel Langhorne (pseud. Mark Twain). American claimant, illus. 1892. C592c Connecticut Yankee in King Arthur's court, illus. 1896. C592g Gilded age. illus. 1874. C592o £100,000 bank notes. 1893. C592 Personal recollections of Joan of Arc. illus. 1896. C592t Tragedy of Pudd'nhead Wilson and those extraordinary' twins. 1894. C59 Cleveland, Rose Elizabeth. Long run. 1890. C61a Clifford, Mrs. William Kingdon. Aunt Anne. 1892. C61 Flash of summer. 1894. C631 Cobb, Sylvanus, Jr. Ivan, the serf. n. d. C63 Cobban, J. McLaren. King of Andaman. 1895. C65 Coffin, Charles Carleton. Daughters of the Revolution, illus. 1895. C69 Collins, Wllkie. Armadale, n. d. C69m Moonstone, n. d. C69w Woman in white. 27 FICTION. C73 Comins, Lizzie B. Hartwell farm. C76 Conway, Hugh (pse« H25s Snow-bound at Eagles. 1894. H25t Thankful Blossom. 1877. H25tr Three partners. 1897. H25t Twins of Table Mountain. 1879. H25m Two men of Sandy Bar. 1876. H25w Waifof the plains. 1890. H28 Hatton, Joseph. Old house at Sandwich, n. d. H316c Hawkins, Anthony Hope {pseud. Anthony Hope). Chronicles of Count Antonio. 1896. H316co Comedies of courtship. 1897. H316 Dolly dialogues. 1895. H316fa Father Stafford. cl891. H316f Frivolous cupid. 1896. H316g God in the car. 1894. H316h Heart of the Princess Osra. 1896. H316i Indiscretion of the duchess. 1894. H316m Man of mark. 1895. H316ph Phroso. illus. 1896. H316p Prisoner of Zend a. 1894. H316s Simon Dale. cl897. H31 Hawthorne, Julian. American penman, n. d. H314d Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Dolliver romance, illus. 1895. H314 House of the seven gables. 1888. H3141 Little masterpieces. 1897. H314m Marble faun. 2 v. 1860. H314mo Mosses from an old manse. 1896. H314s Scarlet letter. 1885. H314t True stories from history and biography. 1881. H314tw Twice told tales. 1879. H324 Hayes, Henry. Queen money, n. d. H324s Story of Margaret Kent. 1886. H34 Healy, Mary. Storm-driven. 1877. Hector, Mrs. Annie (French). 5ee Alexander, Mrs. pseud. H36 Heimburg, W. (pseud, of Bertha Behrens). Lora, the major's daughter. n. d. H36m Magdalen's fortunes, n. d. H362 Helps, Sir Arthur. Casimir Maremma. 1888. H39 Heniker, Florence, aTjd Hardy, Thomas. In scarlet and grey. 1896. H411 Her crime. 1882. H41 Her picture, n. d. H49 Hewlett, Maurice. Forest lovers. 1898. H53 Higginson, Thomas Wentworth. Malbone. n. d. H551 Hill, Headon. By a hair's breadth. 1897. H62 His majesty myself, n. d. H651 Hobbes, John Oliver (pseud, of Mrs. Pearl Mary (Richards) Craigie). School for saints. 1897. H65b Hocking, Joseph. Birthright, illus. 1897. H65 Mist on the moor. 1896. H69 Holbeach, Henry. Shoemaker's village. 1871. H71 Holland, Josiah Gilbert. Arthur Bonnicastle. 1890. H71b Bay-path. 1890. H71c Concerning the Jones family, n. d. FICTION. 36 H71m Miss Gilbert's career. 1890. H71n Nicholas Minturn. n. d. H72 Holly, Marietta. My opinions and Betsey Bobbet's. n. d. H72m My wayward pardner. n. d. H72s Samantha at Saratoga, n. d. H72sa Samantha among the brethren, n. d. H72sam Samantha among the colored folks, illns. cl894. H72SW Sweet Cicely. 1896. Holm, Saxe, pseud. See Jackson, Mrs. Helen Hunt. H734d Holmes, Mrs. Mary Jane. Daisy Thornton. 1890. H734h Homestead on the hillside, n. d. H734m Madeline. 1893. H734Tna Marguerite, n. d. H734.q Queenie Hetherton. n. d. H734ro Rose Raymond's ward. n. d. H736e Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Elsie Venner. 1895. H736 Guardian angel. 1891. H736m Mortal antipathy. 1885. H75 Homoselle. 1890. H751 Honor bright. 1883. Hope, Anthony, pseud. See Hawkins, Anthony Hope. H77 Hopkins, Mark. World's verdict, n. d. H78 Hornaday. William Temple. Man who became a savage. 1896. H79 Hotchkiss, Chauncey C. In defiance of the king. 1898. H81 House on the marsh. 1885. H83 Howard, Blanche Willis, afterwards Mrs. Teuffel. Aulnay tower. H83a Aunt Serena. 1881. H83g Gttenn. illus. 1884. H83o One summer. 1894. H83op Open door. 1889. H83t Tony the maid. 1887. H834m Howe, Edgar Watson. Mystery of the locks. 1885. H832 Story of a country town. 1896. H834 Howells, William Dean. April hopes. 1888. H834ch Chance acquaintance. 1877. H834c Coast of Bohemia. 1893. H834da Day of their wedding. 1896. H834d Doctor Breen's practice. 1881. H834f Foregone conclusions. 1875. H834i Indian summer. cl885. H8341 Lady of the Aristook. 1879. H834m Modern instance. 1882. H834o Open-eyed conspiracy. 1897. H834r Rise of Silas Lapham. 1885. H834s Suburban sketches. 1871. H834t Traveler from Altruria. 1894 H834u Undiscovered country. 1880. H834w Woman's reasons. 1883. H87^i Hugo, Victor. Hunchback of Notre Dame. n. d. H87 Les mis<^rables. 2 v. illus. n. d. H87m Man who laughs. 1895. H87ii Ninety-three, n. d. H87t Toilers of the sea. n. d. H88 Hume, Fergus. Third volume. cl895. 37 FICTION. Hunt, Helen. See Jackson, Mrs. Helen Hunt. I In4 Ingelow, Jean. Studies for stories. Iii44 Ingraham, i?er. J. H. Pillar of fire. 1896. In44p Prince of the House of David. 1894. In44t Throne of David, n. d. Iron, Ralph, pseud. See Schreiner, Olive. Is9 Is that all. 1877. J J. S. of Dale, pseud. See Stimson, Frederic Jesup. J134 Jackson, George Anson. Son of a prophet, n. d. jl3^ Jackson, Mrs. Helen (Hunt). Hetty's strange history, n. d. J13 Mercy Philbrick's choice. 1890. J13r Ramona. ti. d. jl3s ' Saxe Holm's stories. 2 v. n. d. Jacoby, Henry S.,joii3taut72or. 6ee Merriman, Mansfield. j23a James, Henry, Jr. American. 1877. j23d Daisy Miller. 1894. j23e Europeans. cl887. J23 Portrait of a lady. j23w What Maisie knew. 1897. J26 Janvier, Thomas Allibone. Aztec treasure-house. cl890. ^2Qu Uncle of an angel and other stories, illus. 1891. J35 Jeffries, Richard. Wood magic. 1890. J41 Jenkins, Mrs. C. Within an acc. 1875. j4.g Jerrold, Douglas. Mrs. Caudle's curtain lectures, n. d. j4g2i Jerome, Jerome Klapka. Idle thoughts of an idle fellow, n. d. j4fj2s Sketches of lavender, blue and green, illus. 1897. j4,g2 Three men in a boat. n. d. j484t Told after supper, illus. 1891. J55 Jewett, Sarah Orne. Country doctor. 1884. j55^. Country of the pointed firs. 1896. J551 Life of Nancy. 1896. j555n Marsh island. 1885. J55J1 Native of Winby. 1893. j55o Old friends and new. 1879. j55s Strangers and wayfarers. 1887. j55t Tales of New England. 1890. J55w White heron. 1886. John, Eugenie. See Marlitt, E. pseud. jg3 Johnson, Samuel. Rasselas, prince of Abyssinia. 1892. jg7 Jolcai, Maurus. Black diamond. 1896. JY3 Jones, Sarah J. Rest or unrest, n. d. K K25 Keenan, Henry F. Aliens, n. d. K38 Kennedy, John P. Horse shoe Robinson. 1890. K38r Rob of the bowl. 1890. K45 Kernahan, Coulson. Captain Shannon. 1896. K56 Kimball, Richard B. Henry Powers, n. d. KSew Was he successful. 1866. FICTION. K58a K58b K58c K58 K58cp K58cl K58CO K58d K58f K58g K58k K581 K58m K58r K58so K58st K58s K58tr K58t K58u K58w K58wa K582 K61a K61 K61w K611 K614 K62c K621 K62m K62ph K62p K62 K62ii K63s K63 K64 K841 K86 L L19 L25 L511 L51 L51s L52 L55 L55w L56 L57a 38 King, Capt. Charles. Army wife. 1896. Between the lines. cl888. Cadet days. cl894. Captain Blake. 1890. Captain's dreams. 1895. Colonel's Christmas dinner. 1896. Colonel's daughter. 1895. Deserter. 1896. Foes in ambush. 1893. General's double, illus. 1898. Kitty's conquest. 1892. Laramie. 1894. Marion's faith. 1895. Ray's recruit. 1898. Soldier's secret. 1895. Starlight Ranch. 1896. Story of Fort Frayne. cl895. Trumpeter Fred. 1896. Two soldiers and Dunraven Ranch. 1894. Under fire. 1895. Waring's peril. 1895. Warrior's gap. 1897. King, Grace. Balcony stories. 1893. Kingsley, Charles. Alton Locke. 1889. Hypatia. n. d. Westward ho ! 1894. Kingsley, Florence Morse. Paul, a herald of the cross. 1896. Kingston, William Henry Qiles. Adventures among the Indians. 1884. Kipling, Rudyard. " Captains courageous." illus. 1897. Light that failed. 1896. Many inventions. 1896. Phantom 'rickshaw, n. d. Plain tales from the hills. Soldiers three, n. d. Kipling, Rudyard, and Balestier, Wolcott. Naulahka. 1897. Kirk, Mrs. Ellen Warner (OIney). Story of Lawrence Garthe. 1894. Walford. n. d. Kismet, n. d. Kouns, Nathan C. Dorcas, the daughter of Faustina, ii. d. Kraszewski, J. I. The Jew. 1890. Kurschner, Lola. See Schubin, Ossip, pseud. L L., J. W. Brockley Moor. 1874. La Motte-Fonque", Friedrich Heinrich Karl, Baron de. Undine. 1898. Lang, Andrew. Monk of Fife. 1895. Lee, Eliza Buckminster. Florence. 1852. Lee, Mary Catharine. Quaker girl of Nantucket, n. d. Soulless singer. 1895. Le Qallienne, Richard. Romance of Zion chapel. 1898. Le Queux, William. Eye of Istar. 1898. Whoso findeth a wife. 1898. Letters from hell. 1886. Lever, Charles. Arthur O'Leary. n. d. 39 FICTION. Lever, Charles— Continued. L57c Charles O'Malley. n. d. L57 Harry Lorrequer. n. d. L57j Jack Hint on. n. d. L58 Lewald, Fanny, afterwards Mrs. Stahr. Hnlda. n. d. Lewes, Mrs. See Eliot, George, pseud. L622 Like a gentleman. 1882. L62 Lillie, Mrs. Lucy Cecil (White). My mother's enemy, n. d. L624 Life's remorse, n. d. L64 Lindsey, William. Cinder-path tales. 1896. L72 Little classics: ed. by Rossiter Johnson. 1890. Contents: V. 1 Hei-oism. V. 2 Love. L721 Little sister. 1882. L86 Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Hyperion. 1894. L89 Lost Sir Massingberd. n. d. Loti, Pierre (psewd. o/Jnlien Viand). Iceland fisherman. 1896. X^gi Lover, Samuel. Handy Andy. n. d. L911 Legends and stories, n. d. L96 Ludlow, James Meeker. Captain of the Janizaries. cl890. L97 Lush, Charles Keeler. Federal jndge. 1898. L981 Lyall, David. Heather from the brae. 1896. L98a Lyall, Edna (pseud, of Ada Ellen Bayly). Autobiography of a slander. 1896. L98de Derrick Yanghan. cl889. L98 Doreen. illns. 1894. L98d Donovan, n. d. L98h Hardy Norseman. L98i In the golden days. 1888. 1,98k Knight-errant, n. d. L98wa Wayfaring men. 1897. L98w We two. n. d. Iv98wo Won by waiting, n. d. L99a Lytton, Edward George Earle Bulwer-, Baron. Alice, u. d. L99c Caxtons. n. d. L99 Coming race. n. d. L99e Ernest Maltravers. n. d. L99h Harold, n. d. L99la Last of the barons, n. d. L99m My novel. 2 v. illus. 1894. L99n Night and morning. L99pa Parisians. 2 v. 1874. L99pl Panl Clifford. 1883. L99p Pansanias the Spartan, n. d. L99r Rienzi. n. d. L99w What will he do with it? 2 v. n. d. L99z Zanoni. 1884. M Mil Maartens, Maarten (pseud, of]. M. H. van der Poorten-Schwartz). God'i fool. 1865. Mllg Greater glory. Mllj Joost Avelingh. 1895. Mllm My Lady Nobody. cl895. FICTION. M12d M12 M12m M121 M14al M14a M14d M141 M14m M14 M14st M14sa M14se M14s M14w M17d M17 M18 M22 M22d M22do M22k M221 M26 M27d M27 M27p M28 M29 M31 M34 M34c M34g M34i M341a M341 M34o M34ow M34s M342 M341j M341ja M341m M341 M341p M341pi M341pr M35 M36 M42 Right honourable. 40 McCarthy, Justin. Dear Lady Disdain. 1890. Maid of Athens, ii. d. Miss Misanthrope. 1877. McCarthy, Justin, and Praed, Mrs. Campbell. 1890. MacDonald, George. Alec Forbes, n. d. Annals of a quiet neighborhood, n. d. Donal Grant, n. d. Lilith. 1895. Malcolm, n. d. Marquis of Lossie. n. d. St. George and, St. Michael, n. d. Salted with fire. 1897. Seaboard parish, n. d. SirGibbie. n. d. Wilfred Cumbermede. ti. d. MacFall, Mrs. Frances (Clark). See Grand, Mme. Sarah, pseud. McGlasson, Eva Wilder. Diana's livery. 1891. Ministers of grace. 1894. Mcintosh, Maria J. Two lives. 1881. Mackay, Minnie. See Corelli, Marie, pseud. Maclaren, Ian (pseud, of John Watson). Beside the bonny briar bush. 1895. Days of auld lang syne. 1895. Doctor of the old school. 1897. Kate Carnegie. 1896. McLennan, William. Spanish John. 1898. Madam Lucus. 1882. Magruder, Julia. Dead selves. 1898. Magnificent plebeian, n. d. Princess Sonia. 1895. Majendie, Lady Margaret. Grannetto. 1876. Malloy, J. F. How came he dead? n. d. Manuela Paredes. n. d. Marlitt, E. (psewd. of Eugenie John). At the councillors. 1890. Countess Gisela. 1891. Gold Elsie. cl887. In the Shillingscourt. 1895. Lady with the rubies, n. d. Little moorland princess. 1893. Old mam'selle's secret. 1895. Owl's nest. Second wife. 1895. Marorne.. cl878. Marryat, Capt. Frederick. Jacob Faithful, n. d. Japhet in search of a son. n. d. Masterman Ready. 1888. Mr. Midshipman Easy. 1896. Peter Simple, n. d. Pirate and the three cutters, n. d. Privateersman. n. d. Marshall, Mrs. Emma (Martin). Eaglehurst towers. Martineau, Harriet. Deerbrook. 2 v. 1839. Mathers, Helen, a/if/ otAers. Fate of Fenella. cl892. 41 FICTION. M43h Matthews, Brander. His father's son. 1896. M43 Tales of fantasy and fact. 1896. M4>4> Maupassant, Guy de. Odd ntiniber. cl889. Mayo, Mrs. Isabella (Fyvie). See Garrett, Edward, pseud. ]^46 Meade, Lillie Thomas, afterwards Mrs. Smith. How it all came round. n. d. M49 Melville, Q. J. Wyte. Brookes of Bridlemere. 1872. ]Vr54a Meredith, George. Amazing marriage. 2 y. 1895. M54 Diana of the crossways. 1890. ]VI541 Lord Ormont and his Aminta. 1895. M541 Meredith, Katharine Mary Cheever. Green gates. 1896. M55f Merriman, Henry Seton {pseud, of Hugh S. Scott). From one generation to another. 1898. M55g Grey lady. 1897. M55 In Kedar's tents. 1897. M55s Sowers. 1897. M55w With edged tools. 1894 M671 Mirage. 1878. M67 Miriam, Monfort. n. d. M691 Miss Hitchcock's wedding dress. 1890. M692 Mitchel, Frederic Augustus. Sweet revenge. 1897. ]VI69 Mitchell, John Ames. Amosjndd. 1896. M69g Gloria victis. 1897. M691 Last American. 1893. M69t That first affair. 1897. M694f Mitchell, Silas Weir. Far in the forest. 1895. M694 Hugh Wynn; free Quaker. 2 v. illus. 1897. M694i In war time. 1895. M694m Madeira party. 1895. M694w When all the woods are green. 1897. M721 Modern Mephistopheles. 1877. M72 Modern story-teller, n. d. M73 Molesworth, Mrs. Mary Louisa {pseud. Ennis Graham). Third Miss St. Quentin. 1890. M76 Monti, Luigi. Adventures of a consul abroad. 1878. M78i Moore, Frank Frankford. Impudent comedian, illus. 1897. M78 Jessamy bride. 1897. M81 More, Sir Thomas. Utopia, n. d. M83 Morse, Lucy Morse. Rachel Stanwood. 1893. M89 Muhlbach, Louisa {pseud, of Mrs. Clara (Miiller) Mundt). Andrea Hofer. n. d. M89 Prince Eugene, n. d. M89 Old Fritz, n. d. M89f Frederick the Great and his court. 1888. M89f Frederick and his family. 1888. M89f Berlin and Sans Souci. 1888. M89h Henry the Eighth and his court. 1888. M89h Mohammed Ali. 1888. M89h Merchant of Berlin. 1888. M89j Joseph II. and his court. 1888. M89j Queen Hortense. 1888. M89j Gothe and Schiller. 1888. M89m Marie Antoinette. 1888. M89m Empress Josephine. 1888. FICTION. 42 Muhlbach, Louisa— Contintied. M89m Daughter of an empress. 1867. M89n Napoleon in Germany. 1867. M89n Louise of Prussia. 1867. M89n Napoleon and Blucher. Mulock, Dina Maria. See Craik, Mrs. Dinah Maria (Mulock). Mundt, Mrs. Clara ^MuUer). See Miihlbach, Louisa, pseud. M92g Munroe, Kirk. Golden days of '49. illus. cl889. M92 White conquerors, illus. 1893. M94 Murfree, Mary Noailles {pseud. Charles Egbert Craddock). His vanished star. n. d. M94i In the Tennesee mountains. 1887. M94m Mystery of the Wytch-Face Mountain. 1895. M94p Prophet of the Great Smoky Mountains. 1885. M94s i Story of Keedon Bluffs. 1888. M96 Murray, J. David Christie. In direst peril. 1891. M96m Martyred fool. 1895. M97 Musick, John R. Columbian historical novels. 12 v. illus. 1895. Contents : V. 1. Columbia, 1435-1506. V. 2. Estevan, 1506-1547. Y. 3. St. Augustine, 1547-1570. V. 4. Pocahontas, 1570-1620. V. 5. (The) Pilgrims, 1620-1643. Y. 6. Century too soon, 1643-1680. V. 7. Witch of Salem, 1680-1700. V. 8. Braddock, 1700-1763. V. 9. Independence, 1763-1800. V. 10. Sustained honor, 1800-1824. V. 11. Humbled prinde, 1824-1854. V. 12. Union, 1854-1894. M99 My wife, and my wife's sister. 1881. N N15 Nameless waif. cl881. N62 Nimport. 1877. N66 Noble, Annette Lucile. Uncle Jack's executors. 1894. N75 Nordhoff , Charles. Cape Cod and all along shore. 1890. N79d Norris, William Edward. Dancer in yellow. 1896. N79f Fight for the crown. 1898. N79 Major and minor. 1894. (pseud, of Edgar Wilson Nye). Guest at the Ludlow. 1897. o Oh4 Ohnet, Georges. Ironmaster, n. d. 013 Oliphant, Mrs. Margaret Oliphant (Wilson). Cuckoo in the nest. 1892. 013h Hester, n. d. OlSho House in Bloomsbury. 1894. 013od Odd couple, n. d. 013s Second son. n. d. Ol3st Story of a governess. 1895. Om2 O'Meara, Kathleen. Narka, the nihilist. 1887. ^^■l Oraquill, psewc/. Mme. Jane Jimk and Joe. 1876. 0t4 Otis, Belle. Diary of a milliner. 1867. OuSs Short stories from Outing, illus. cl895. FICTION. Ow2 Ow2m Ow21 43 Owen, Catharine. Gentle breadwinners. 1888. Molly Bishop's family. 1888. Owen, George W. Out of the cage. 1877, P P14i P14o P14i P22a P22p P22r P22 P22w P24 P29 P31 P32 P36 P361 P36p P36q P381 P38 P75 P751 P75t P75w P76n P76 P78d P78in P78i P78mi P78m P78r P78 P78t P79 P831 P831t P83 P83u P84 P87 P91 P91a P91s P98i P98 1896. 1896. Son of Israel. 1898. P, H. F. Constance Aylmer. 1869. Page, Thomas Nelson. In ole Virginia. 1887. Old gentleman of the black stock. 1897. Unc Edenburg. 1895. Pansy, pseud. See Alden, Mrs. Q. R. Parker, Gilbert. Adventure of che North. 1896. Pierre and his people. 1896. Romany of the snows. 1896. Seats of the mighty. 1896. When Valmond came to Pontiac. 1895. Parr, Mrs. Louise (Taylor). Robin. 1882. Payne, James. Prince of the blood. 1888. Peard, Frances Mary. Catharine. 1893. Peattie, Mrs. Elia W. Mountain woman. Pemberton, Max. Gentleman's gentleman. Little Hnguenot. 1895. Puritan's wife. 1896. Queen of the jcvSters. 1897. Penn, Rachel {pseud, of Mrs. E. S. Willard). Pennot, Rev. Peter. Achsah. 1876. Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. See Ward, Mrs. Elizabeth Stuart (Phelps). Poe, Edgar Allan. Gold-bug. n. d. Little masterpieces. 1897. Tales, n. d. Weird tales, n. d. Pollard, Eliza Frances. "Not wanted." n. d. Robert Aske. n. d. Pool, Maria Louisa. Dally. 1891. In a dike shanty. 1896. In the first person. 1896. Mrs. Gerald. 1896. Mrs. Keats Bradford. 1892. Red-Bridge neighborhood, illus. 1898. Roweny in Boston. 1892. Two Salomes. cl893. Poor and plain. Porter, Jane. Scottish chiefs, n. d Thaddeus of Warsaw, n. d. Porter, Rose. Summer drift-wood for the winter's fire. cl870. Uplands and lowlands. cl872. Post, Waldron Kintzing. Harvard stories. 1896. Power, Lady Marguerite. Country quarters, n. d. Praed, Mrs. Campbell-, joint author. See McCarthy, Justin. Prentiss, Mrs. Elizabeth (Payson). Pemaquid. n. d. Aunt Jane's hero. cl871. Stepping heavenward, n. d. Putnam, George I. In blue uniform. 1893. On the offensive, n. d. 44 FICTION. Q Q, pseud. See Couch, Arthur Thomas Quiller. Quiller- Couch, Arthur Thomas. See Couch, Arthur Thomas Quiller. R R13a Ralph, Julian. Alone in China. 1897. R13 People we pass, illus. 1896. Ramsay, Allan, joint author. See Adier, Cyrus. R21 Raymond, Rossiter W. Camp and cabin, ii. d. R211 Rayner, E. Free to serve. 1897. R22c Reade, Charles. Cloister and the hearth, n. d. R22f Fottl play. 1898. R22g Griffith Gaunt, n. d. R22i It is never too late to mend. n. d. R22p Peg Woffington and Christie Johnson, n. d. R22pti Put yourself in his place, n. d. R22t Terrible temptation, ii. d. R22v Very hard cash. n. d. R22 Wandering heir. n. d. R27 Reid, Capt. Mayne. Desert home. n. d. R32 Revere, Joseph W. Keel and saddle. 1872. R322 Reverend idol. n. d. R39 Richardson, Samuel. Clarissa Harlowe. n. d. R43 Ridge, W. Petit. Clever wife. 1896. Riggs, Mrs. Kate Douglas Wiggin. See Wsggin, Mrs. Kate Douglas. R45 Riley, James Whitcomb. Sketches in prose. 1894. R54 Roberts, Charles George Douglas. Forge in the forest. 1897. R56 Robinson, Rowland Evans. Danvis folks. 1896. R56ti Uncle Lisha's outing. 1897. R58 Roche, Regina Maria. Children of the abbey, n. d. R624 Roe, Azel Stevens. James Montjoy. n. d. R6241 Long look ahead, n. d. R624t True to the last. n. d. R62b Roe, Edward Payson. Barriers burned away. 1896. R62d Day of fate. cl880. R62 Driven back to Eden. R62e Earth trembled. cl892. R62f From jest to earnest. 1875. R62h He fell in love with his wife. 1886. R62hi His somber rivals. 1883. R(32k Knight of the nineteenth century. 1877. R62na Natiire's serial story. 1884. R62n Near to nature's heart. 1876. R62o Original belle. cl885. R62t Taken alive. cl885. R62w ' Without a home. 1881. R63 Rogers, Robert Cameron. Will o' the Wisp, illus. 1896. Rohlfs, Mrs. Charles. See Green, Anna Katharine. R611 Romance of Beauseincourt. 1874. R66 Romance of the Revolution. 1890. R722 Rosemary and rue. n. d. R73 Ross, Clinton. Chalmette. 1898. R73s Scarlet coat. 1897. KOll Russell, Charles Wells. Fall of Damascus. 1878. 45 FICTION. R91c R91e R91n R91s R91 R91t R91w R95m R95s R95t Sa2 Sa24 Sa22 Sa3 Sa21 Sa21c Sa9 Sa91 Sch5 Scli7 SchTt Sch72 Sch72o Sch9b Scli9 Sco8 Sco8 ScoSh Sco8h ScoSm ScoSm Sco8p Sco8p Sco8pi Sco8pi Sco8q Sco8q Sco8t Sco8w Sco8w Sel Sels Selv Se2 Scti2 Scti24 Se6 Sli2 Sh21 Russell, William Clark. Copsford mystery. cl896. Emigrant ship. n. d. Noble haul. 1896. Sea queen. 1883. Three stranded-yarn. 1895. Two captains. 1897. Wreck of the Grosvenor. n. d. Ryan, Mrs. Marah Ellis (Martin). Merze. cl888. Squaw Elouise. cl892. Told in the hills. 1894. s St. John, Perry B. Arctic Crusoe, n. d. Saint Pierre, Jacques Henri Bernardine de. Paul and Yir^nia. 1895. Saintine, Xavier Boniface. Picciola. 1890. Salvage, n. d. Sand, George {pseud. ofMme. Dudevant). Consuelo. n. d. Countess of Rudolstadt. n. d. Savidge, Eugene Coleman. American in Paris. 1896. Savage, M. J. Bluffton. 1878. Schmid, Herman. Habermeister. 1869. Schreiner, Olive {pseud. Ralph Iron). Story of an African farm. n. d. Trooper Halket. 1897. Schubin, Ossip (pseud, of Lola Kirschner). Leafless spring. 1886. " 0 thou my Atistria! " n. d. Schwartz, J. M. W. van der Poorten. See Maartens, Maarten, pseud. Schwartz, Marie Sophie. Birth and education. 1871. Guilt and innocence. 1871. Scott, Hugh S. See Merriman, Henry Seton, pseud. Scott, Sir Walter. Bride of Lammermoor. 1887. Woodstock. Heart of Mid-Lothian. 1887. Castle dangerous. Monastery. 1887. Abbot. Peveril of the peak. 1887. Surgeon's daughter. Pirate. 1887. St. Ronan's well. Qucntin Durward. 1887. Anne of Geirstein. Talisman. 1887. Waverley. 1887. Antiquary. Seawell, Molly Elliot. History of Lady Betty Stair, illus. 1897. Sprightly romance of Marsac. illus. 1897. Virginia Cavalier, illus. 1897. Sedgevick, Katharine. Redwood, n. d. Scudder, Horace Elisha. Dwellers in five sister court. 1890. Scudder, M. L. Almost an Englishman, n. d. Seola. 1878. Shapley, Rufus E. Solid for Mulhooly. 1889. Sharp, William. Wives in exile. 1896. 46 FICTION. Sh4 Shelton, William Henry. Last three soldiers, illus. 1897. She Shillaber, Benjamin Penhaliow (psew(?. Mrs. Partington). Partingtonian patchwork. 1872. Sh8 Short stories, n. d. 511 Sienkiewicz, Henryk. Deluge. 2 y. 1895. Silp Pan Michael. 1893. Silq Qno Vadis. 1897. Silw With fire and sword. 1896. 512 Signer, Monaldini's niece. 1888. S15 Slosson, Mrs. Annie (Trumbull). Seven dreamers. cl890. Sm2 Smart, Hawley. Courtship in 1720 and 1860. Sm5c Smith, Francis Hopkinson. Caleb West, illus. 1898. SmSd Day at Laquerre's and others. 1895. Sm5 Gentleman vagabond. 1896. Sm5t Tom Grogan. 1896. Smith, Hannah. See Stretton, Hesba, pseud. Sm51 Smith, Julie P. Lucy. 1880. Smith, Nora Archibald, joint author. See Wiggin, Mrs. Kate Douglas. Sm53 Smith, William Hawley. Evolution of Dodd. n. d. Sp2 Spanish brothers. 1871. Sp6 Spofford, Mrs. Harriet Elizabeth (Prescott). An inheritance. 1897. Sp6m Master spirit. 1896. Stl Stael-Holstein, Anne Louise Germaine (Necker) Barronne de. Corinne. n. d. Stahr, Mrs. See Lewald, Fanny. St2 Stanley, Henry Morton. My Kalula. n. d. Stannard, Mrs. Henrietta Eliza Vaughan. See Winter, John Strange, pseud. St22 Stanton, Evan. Ruhainah. n. d. St3i Steel, Mrs. Flora Annie. In the permanent way. 1897. St3 On the face of the waters. 1897. St3p Potter's thumb. 1894. St41 Sterne, Lawrence. Sentimental journey through France and Italy, n. d. St41t Tristram Shandy, gentleman. 2 v. 1895. St4 Stevens, Mary Fletcher. By subtle fragrance held. 1893. St44b Stevenson, Robert Louis Balfour. Black arrow. 1896. St44d David Balfour. 1895. St44s Dr. Jekyll and Mr. Hyde. 1895. St44f Fables. 1894. St44k Kidnapped. 1895. St44m Master of Ballantrae. n. d. St44p Prince Otto. 1895. vSt44sa St. Ives. 1897. St44 Treasure island. 1884. St44we Weir of Hermiston. 1896. St44w Stevenson, Robert Louis Balfour, and Osbourne Lloyd. Wrecker. 1896. St44wr Wrong box. St5 Stimson, Frederic Jessup. King Noanett. 1896. St5m Mrs. Knollys, and other stories. 1897. vSt5p Pirate gold. 1896. St5s vScntimental calendar. 1893. St6a Stockton, Frank Richard. Adventures of Captain Horn. 1895. St6 Ardis Clavcrden. n. d, St6cas Casting away Mrs, Lccks and Mrs. Aleshine; and the Dusantes. 1896. 47 FICTION. St6eh Chosen few. 1895. St6gi Girl at Cobhurst. 1898. St6gr Great stone of Sardis. illtis. 1898. St6g Great war syndicate, n. d. St6h House of Martha. 1894. Stehit Hundredth man. n. d. St61 Late Mrs. Null. n. d. St6m Merry Chanter, n. d. StGmi Mrs. Cliff's yacht. 1896. St6po \ Pomona's travels. cl894. St6r Rudder grange, n. d. St6sq Squirrel Inn. 1891. St6s Stories of the three burglars. cl889. St6st Story teller's pack, illus. 2897. St64 Stoddard, William Osborne. Heart of it. St74 Stories by American authors, n. d. St76 Stories by English authors. 10 y. illus. 1898. V. 1. Africa. V. 2. England. V. 3. France. V. 4). Germany. V. 5. Ireland. V. 6. Italy. V. 7. London. V. 8. Orient. T. 9. Scotland. V. 10. The sea. St7 Story of Margredel. 1894. St72a Stowe, Mrs. Harriet (Beecher). Agnes of Sorrento. 1896. St72 Mayflower. 1890. St72m Minister's wooing. 1859. St72o Old town folks. 1869. St72pe Pearl of Orr's island. 1896. St72p Pink and white tyranny. 1871. St72po Poganuc people, illus. 1878. St72s Sam Lawson's old town stories, n. d. St72u Uncle Tom's cabin. 1887. St8 Streckfuss, Adolph. Quicksands, n. d. St8t Too rich. n. d. St81 Stretton, Hesba (pseucf. of Hannah Smith). Max Kromer. n. d. StSlt Through a needle's eye. n. d. St91 Stuart, Esme. Woman of forty. 1893. St9 Stuart, Mrs. Ruth McEnery. Carlotta's intended. 1894. St9i In Simpkinsville. illus. 1897. St9so Solomon Crow's Christmas pocket, illus. 1897. St9s Sonny. 1896. Su2m Sue, Eugene. Mysteries of Paris, n. d. Su2 Wandering Jew. n. d. Sw5 Swift, Jonathan. Gulliver's travels, n. d. T T14 Tales from McClure's ; adventure. 1897. T14h Tales from McClure's ; humor. 1897. T14r Tales from McClure's ; romance. 1897. T14w Tales from McClure's; the war. 1897. 46 FICTION. T14wa Tales from McClure's ; the war. 1897. T19 Tautphoeus, Jemima Montgomery Baronin von. Initials. 2 v. 1896. T19q Quits, n. d. T21 Taylor, Hobart Chatfield Chatfield-. American peeress. 1894. T211 Taylor, Mary Imlay. Imperial lover. 1897. T211o On the red staircavSe. 1897. T27h Terhune, Mrs. Mary Virginia (Hawes) (pseud. Marion Harland). Handi- capped. 1881. T27f From my youth tip. 1874. T27 Gallant fight, n. d. Teuffel, Mrs. Blanch Willis (Howard) von. See Howard, Blanche Willis. T32 Thackery , William Makepeace. Adventures of Philip ; prefixed, n. d. T32 Shabby genteel story, n. d. T32b Burlesques, n. d. T32c Christmas books, n. d. T32h Henry Esmond, n. d. T32hi History of Pendennis. 1850. T32m Memoirs of Barry Lyndon, n. d. T32me Men's wives, n. d. T32m Great Hoggarty diamond, n. d. T32n Newcomes. n. d. T32v Vanity fair. n. d. T32vi Virginians, n. d. Thanet, Octave, pseud. See French, Alice. T36 Thomas, Annie, afterwards Mrs. Cudlip. No alternative, n. d. T372 Thompson, Basil. Court intrigue. 1896. T37 Thompson, Daniel Pierce. Green mountain boys. T371 Lock Amsden. 1855. T39 Thorpe regis. 1874. T51d Tirebuck, William Edwards. Dorrie. 1891. T51 Miss Grace of all Souls. 1895. T51s Sweetheart Gwen. 1896. T58a TolstoY, Lyof NikolaTevitch, Count. Anna Karenina. cl886. T58 War and peace. 4 v. in 2. 1889. T59 Tompkins, Elizabeth Knight. Broken ring. 1896. T62 Topelius, Zachris. Times of Charles XII. ii. d. T62t Times of Gustaf Adolf, n. d. T641b Tourgee, Albion Winegar. Bricks without straw. cl880. T641 Figs and thistles, n. d. T641fo Fool's errand. 1880. T641j John Fax. cl882. T662 Towner, Ausburn. Chedayne of Kotono. 1877. T661 Townsend, Edward W. Chimmie Fadden. illus. cl895. T661c Chimmie Fadden explains, illus. cl895. T661d Daughter of the tenements, illus. 1895. T66 Townsend, Virginia Frances. Lenox Dare. T68q Train, Elizabeth Phipps. Queen of hearts. 1898. T68m Madam of the Ivies. 1898. T68 Social highwayman. 1896. T74a Trollope, Anthony. American senator. 1877. T74d Doctor Thorne. 2 v. 1893. T74 Prime minister, n. d. T74r Ralph the heir. n. d. FICTION. 49 T741 Trollope, T. Adolphus. Dream numbers, n. d. T741s Sealed packet, n. d. T781 Tsar's window, n. d. T84d Turgenief, Ivan Sergevitch. Dream tales. 1896. T84 Fathers and children. 1895. T84y Virgin soil. 2 y. 1896. j Tuttiett, M. Q. See Grey, Maxwell, pseud. T93 Two lilies, n. d. T97 Tyler, Moses Coit. Brawnville papers, n. d. T99 Tyler, C. C. Fraser-. Mistress Judith. 1875. U Un2 Underwood, Frances Henry. Lord of himself. 1874. V V28 Vandergrift, Margaret {pseud, of Margaret Janvier). Doris and Theodora. n. d. V59c Verne, Jules. Castle of the Carpathians. ilh»s. n. d. V59fi Five weeks in a balloon, illus. n. d. V59f From the earth to the moon. n. d. V59fu Fur country, illus. 1876. Y59g Giant raft. 1895. Contents: Eight hundred leagues on the Amazon. Cryptogram. V59i In search of the castaways, illus. cl873. V59m MyvSterious island, n. d. V59t Tour of the World in eighty daj^s. 1873. V59 Twenty thousand leagues under the sea. n. d. Viaud, Julien See Loti, Pierre, pseud. Y77 Villari, Linda. In change unchanged. 1877. Y82 Visit to my discontented cousin, n. d. V94 Voynick, Mrs. Ethel Lillian (Boole). Gadfly. 1897. W W W., C. H. Five hundred dollars. 1890. W14c Walford, Mrs. Lucy Bethia. Cousins. 1894. W14 Mr. Smith. 1894. W14s Successors to the title. 1896. W15 Wallace, Lew. Ben-hur ; a tale of the Christ. 1880. W15f Fair god. n. d. W15p Prince of India. 2 v. 1891. W16 Walsh, A. Stewart. Mary, the Queen of the house of David. 1893. W17 Walworth, Mansfield T. Stormcliff. 1866. W21 Ward, Artemus {pseud, o/ C: F. Browne). Betsey Jane Ward. n. d. W214do Ward, Mrs. Elizabeth Stuart (Phelps). Doctor Zay. 1882. W214d Donald Marcy. 1893. W214 Friends. 1881. W214ga Gates ajar. 1896. W214g Gates between, n. d. W214m Madonna of the tubs. 1895. W214o Old maids and burglars in Paradise. 1897. W214sc Sealed orders. 1880. W214s Silent partner, n. d. FICTION. W214si W214st W214SU W215 W216he W216h W216m W216 W216si W216S W22a W22 W23 W24g W24 W244d W244da W244dai W244 W244k W244m W24411 W244r W244s W244wi W244w W25 W26 W29 W38 W44 W461i W461w W461 W461t W46 W46t W49 W49s W52 W53 W54g W54f W54h W54k W541 W54 W54r 50 Ward, Mrs. Elizabeth Stuart (Phelps)— Continued. Singular life. 1896. Story of Avis. 1877. Supply at Saint Agatha's. 1896. Ward, Herbert Dickinson. Burglar who moved Paradise. 1897. Ward, Mrs. Humphry. Helbeck of Bannisdale. 2 y. 1898. History of David Grieve. 1892. Marcella. 2 v. 1894. Robert Elsmere. 1894. Sir George Tressady. 2 v. 1896. Story of Bessie Costrell. 1895. Ware, William. Aurelian. 1874. Zenobia. 1887. Warman, Cy. Express messenger, illus. 1897- Warner, Anna, joint author. See Warner, Susan. Warner, Charles Dudley. Golden house, illus. 1895. Their pilgrimage. 1890. Warner, Charles Dudley, joint author. See Clemens, Samuel Langhorne. Warner, Susan, and Anna. Daisy. 1890. Daisy in the field, n. d. ' Daisy plains, n. d. Gold of Chickaree. 1890. Kingdom of Judah. 1878. Melbourne House, n. d. Nobody. 1883. Red wallflower. 1884. Stephen, M. D. 1883. Wide, wide world. 1893. Wj-ch hazel. 1887. Warren, Cornelia. Miss Wilton. 1892. Warth, Julian. Dorothy Thorn, n. d. Waterloo, Stanley. Story of Ab. 1897. Watson, John. See Maclaren, Ian, pseud. Webber, C. W. Tales of the southern border. 1887. Welch, Philip H. Said in fun. illus. 1889. Wells, H. Q. Invisible man. 1897. War of the worlds, illus. 1898. Wheels of chance, illus. 1896. Thirty strange stories. 1898. Wells, K. Q. MissCurtis. 1888. Two modern women. 1890. Werner, Ernst {pseud, of Elizabeth Biirstenbinder) St. Michael. 1895. Westall, William. For honor and life. 1894. Wetherell, Elizabeth, pseud. See Warner, Susan. Wetheriil, Julie K. Wings. 1878. Wey man, Stanley John. Gentleman of France. 1895 From memoirs of minister ol France. 1895. House of the wolf. 1895. King's stratagem. 1895. Little Wizard. 1895. My Lady Rotha. 1895. Red cockade. 1896. Alphine Fay. n. d. iPICTION. Weyman, Stanley John— Continued. W54sh Shrewsbury, illus. 1898. W54s Story of Francis Cludde. cl892. W54ti Under the red robe. 1895. W56 Wheeler, James Talboys. Life and travels of Herodotus. 2 v. 1856. W58 Whitby, Beatrice. Awakening of Mary Fenwick. 1889. W582 Whitcher, Frances M. Widow Bedott papers, n. d. W584c White, Eliza Orne. Coming of Theodora. 1895. W584 Winterborongh. n. d. W61 Whitney, Mrs. Adeline Dutton (Train). Ascntney street. 1890. W61b Bonnyborough. 1886. W61f Faith Gartney's girlhood. 1889. W61g Gayworthy's. n. d. W61go Golden gossip. 1893. W61h Hitherto. 1889. W61o Odd or even. 1880. Y61ot Other girls. 1896. W61r Real folks. 1896. W61si Sights and insights. 2 v. 1889. W61su Summer in Leslie Goldthwaite's life. 1895. W61w We girls. 1896. W62 Who will win. n. d. W63 Wichert, Ernest. Green gate. 1887. W632 Wiggin, Mrs. Kate Douglas, afterwards Mrs. Riggs. Cathedral court- ship and Penelope's English experience, illus. 1895. W632m Marm Lisa. 1897. W632p Penelope's progress. 1898. W632Y Village watch-tower. 1895. W65h Wiikins, Mary Eleanor. Htirable romance. cl887. W65j Jane Field. cl892. W65je Jerome, illus. 1897. W65m Madelon. 1896. W65 New England nun and other stories. 1894. W65p Pembroke. 1894. W65y Young Lucretia. 1892. W661 Will Denbigh, nobleman. 1877. Willard, Mrs. E. S. See Penn, Rachel, pseud. W66 Wille, Elizabeth de. Johannes Olaf. 1873. W67 Williams, Jesse Lynch. Princeton stories. 1896. W69a Wilson, Mrs. Augusta (Evans). At the mercy of Tiberius. 1893. W69 Inez. 1888. W69i Infelice. n. d. W69y Vashti. n. d. W732 Winter, John Strange {pseud, of Mrs. Henrietta Eliza Vaughan Stannard). In luck's way. n. d. W732p Peacemakers. 1898. W73j Winthrop, Theodore. John Brent. 1876. W83 Wolf at the door n. d. W85 Wood, John Seymour. College days. 1894. W86 Woods, Katherine Pearson. John, a tale of King Messiah. 1896. W882 Wooley, Celia Parker. Roger Hunt. 1892. Woolsey, Sarah Chauncey. See Coolidge, Susan, pseud. W88a Woolson, Constance Fenimore. Ann. cl882. W88 East Angels, n. d. LITERATURE. 52 Woolson, Constance Fenimore— Contintied. W88f For the major, n. d. W88h Horace Chace. 1894. W88j Jtipiter lights, n. d. W881 Woolwich cadet, n. d. Y Ya2 Yates, Edmund. Broken to harness. 1890. Y3 Yeats, Sidney Kilner Levett-. Chevalier d' Anriac. 1897. Y31 Yeats, W. B. Secret rose, ilkis. 1897. Y8c Yonge, Ciiarlotte Mary. Chaplet of pearls, n. d. Y8co Constable Towers. 1891. Y8coo Cook and the captive, illus. 1894. Y8cr Crossroads. 1892. Y8d Dove in the eagle's nest. n. d. Y8f Founded on paper. 1897. Y8h Heartsease. 1895. Y8he Heir of Redclyffe. n. d. Y8 Unknown to history. 1893. z Zal Zangwill, Israel. Children of the Ghetto. 1896. Zald Dreamers of the Ghetto. 1898. Zalm The master, illns. cl895. Zo7l Zola, Emile. Lonrdes. 2 v. 1897. 2o7p Paris. 2 v. 1898. Zo7 Rome. 2 v. 1897. LITERATURE General Works *803 B75 Brewster, E. C. Character sketches from romance and fiction. 4 v. illiis. pi. 1892. 804 M7G Montgomery, James. Lectures on general literature, poetry, etc. 1839. 805 C45 Choice literature. 1883-5. 808 Ad2 Addison, Joseph, and otAers. Selections from the Spectator, v. 2. 1840. 808 B28 Bartlett, John. Familiar quotations. 1894. 808 C35 Chambers, Robert, eJ. Cyclopaedia of English literature, v. 1. 1860. 808 C59 Cleveland, C: D. English literature. 1852. 808 G792 Great truths by great authors. 1853. 808 H25 Hart, J: S. Composition and rhetoric. 1892. 808 K12 Karnes, H: H. Elements of criticism. 1869. 808 K62 Kellogg, A. M. How to celebrate Washington's birthday in the school room. 1894. 808 M44 Maury, yl/>/>c. Principles of eloquence. 1842. 808 M61 Milledulcia. 1857. 808 R65a Rollins, Mr.s\ Alice (Wellington). Aphorisms for the year. 1897. 808 R65 Unfn miliar quotations. 1895. *808 Sh7 Shoemaker. J. W., et/. Best things from best authors. 7 v. 1895. *808 vSp6 Spofford, A. R., and Gibbon, Charles, ed. Library of choice literature. 10 V. illus. cl895. LITERATURE. 53 *808 Sp61 Spofford, A. R., and Shapley, R. E., ed. Library of wit and humor. 5 v. pi. 1897. 808 St6 Stoddard, Elizabeth. Readings and recitations. 1884. 808 T21 Taylor, John, comp. Pocket lacon. n. d. 808 T66 Towsend, L. T. Art of speech. 1884. 809 G62 Goodrich, S. Q. (psewc?. Peter Parley ) . Literature, ancient and modern. 1848. 809 H15 Hallan, Henry. Introduction to the literature of Europe. 1882. {Works. V. 5.) 809 Si8 Sismondi, J. L. S. de. Historical view of the literature of the south of Europe. 2 v. 1885-6. (Bohn's Hb.) American Literature General 810 M69 Mitchell, D. Q. (pseud. Ik Marvel). American lands and letters, illus. 1897. 810 R89 Richardson, C: F. American literature. 1895. American Poetry 811 A12f Aldrich, T: B. Friar Jerome's beautiful book, illus. cl896. 811 A12 Poems, illus. cl898. 811 B24 Barlow, J: R. John's trip. 1871. 811 B54 Bishop, Levi. Poetical works. 1879. 811 B84 Bryant, W: C. Poems. 1843. 811 B84p Poems, v. 2. 1857. 811 B84s Selections from American poets. 1840. 811 B88 Bunner, H: C. Poems. 1897. 811 C19 Carleton, William. Rhymes of our planet. 1896. 811 C25 Gary, Alice. Ballads, Ij^rics and hymns. 1874. 811 P^45 Field, Eugene. Little book of western verse. 1895. 811 F45s Second book of verse. 1895. 811 F45so Songs and other verse. 1896. 811 F45e Field, Eugene, and Roswell. Echoes from the Sabine farm. 1895. 811 H71 Holland, J. Q. (psewc/. Timothy Titcomb). Bitter-sweet. 1866. 811 H71k Kathrina. 1877. 811 H73 Holmes, O. W. Poems. 1874. 811 J23 James, W: T. Rhymes afloat and afield. 1891. 811 L27 Lanigan, J: A. Woodland rambles. 1894. 811 L86 Longfellow, H: W. Poetical works. cl883. 811 L86g Golden legend. 1855. 811 L86s Song of Hiawatha. 1866. 811 L86t Tales of a wayside inn. 1864. 811 L95 Lowell, J. R. Poetical works. 1884. 811 M61 Miller, Mrs. Emily (Huntington). From Avalon and other poems. 1896. 811 M69 Mitchell, S. W. Collected poems. 1896. 811 P53 Piatt, J: J. Western windows. 1877. 811 P75 Poe, E. A. Poems. cl892. 811 R45 Riley, J. W. Afterwhiles. 1894. 811 R45f Flying islands of the night. 1892. 811 R45n Neighborly poems. 1891. 811 R45pi Pipes O'Pan at Zekesbury. 1892. 811 R45p Poems here at home. 1893. 811 R45r Rubaiyat ofDoc Sifcrs. illus. 1897. LITERATURE. 54 811 R65 Rollins, Mrs. Alice (Wellington). Little page fern and other verses. 1896. 811 R95 Ryan, Rev. A: J. Poems. 1886. 811 St3 Stedman, E: C. Poetical works. 1885. 811 T36 Thomas, E. M. Winter swallow with other verse. 1896. 811 W58 Whitman, Walt. Leaves of grass. 1891. 811 W61 Whittier, J: Q. Complete poetical works. 1876. 811 W61s Snowbound. 1872. 811 W61v Vision of Echard. 1878. 811 W64 Wilcox, E. W. Poems of pleasure. 1897. 812 H49 Howe, Mrs. Julia (Ward). World's own. 1857. American Essays. Amettcan Oratory 814 B39e Beecher, H: W. Eyes and ears. 1862. 814 B39 Star papers. 1855. 814 B94 Burroughs, John. Riverby. 1895. 814 B941 Locusts and wild honey. 1895. 814 B94w Wake-robin. 1896. 814 B94y Year in the fields, illus. 1896. 814 C36 Chap-Book essays. 1896. 814 C93 Curtis, Q: W: From the easy chair. 3 v. 1898. 814 C93o Other essays from the easy chair. 1898. 814 D99 Dymond, Jonathan. Essays. 1845. 814 Em3c Emerson, R. W. Conduct of life. 1896. 814 Em3r Representative men. 1894. 814 Em3 Essays. 2 v. 1894. 814 Em3n Nature, addresses and lectures. 1893. 814 F39 Fern, Fanny (pseud, of Mrs. Sarah Payson Parton). Folly as it flies. 1871. 814 F54 Fiske, John. Darwinism and other essays. 1885. 814 F54e Excursion of an evolutionist. 1885. 814 F54u Unseen world. cl876. 814 H71g Holland, J. G. (pseud. Timothy Titcomb). Gold-foil. 1859. 814 H71 Lessons in life. 1864. 814 H711 Letters of the Joneses. 1880. 814 H71t Titcomb's letters to young people. 1859. 814 Mil Mabie, H. W. Books and culture. 1897. 814 M25 McVittie, J. Vagor. 1891. 814 M42g Mathews, William. Great conversers. 1875. 814 M42 Hours with men and books. 1877. - 814 M43 Matthews, Brander. Aspects of fiction. 1896. 814 P33 Peck, H. T. Personal equation. 1898. 814 R29 Repplier, Agnes. Essays in miniature. 1892. 814 R29i In the dozy hours. 1894. 814 R29p Points of view. 1894. 814 R29v Varia. 1897. 814 vSa5 Sangster, Mrs. M. E. (Munson). With my neighbors. 1891. 814 vScu2 Scudder, H. E. Childhood in literature and art. 1894. 814 T T., Q. A. Sheaf of papers. 1875. 814 T14 Talmage, Rev. T. DeW. Crumbs swept up. n. d. 814 V28 Van Dyke, H: J. Little rivers, illus. 1896. 814 W572 Whipple, E. P. Essays and reviews. 2 v. 1851. 815 L63s Lincoln, Abraham. Little masterpieces. 1898. 815 L63 Speeches. 1895. LITERATURE. 815 W39s 815 W39 817 C591 817 C59 817 D44 817 H73 817 H73o 817 Ir8 817 Ir8a 817 Ir8b 817 Ir8i 817 Ir8l 817 Ir8s 817 Ir8t 817 L95 817 R45 817 Sa9 811 Sa9 817 Sa92 817 T21 817 W24 817 W24b 817 W24i 817 W24m 817 W641 818 B85 818 H71 818 P94 818 M69 818 M69r 818 T39 818 W73 55 Webster, Daniel. Little masterpieces. 1898. Speeches and masterpieces. 1854. American Satire and Humor Clemens, S: L. (psend. Mark Twain). Life on the Mississippi, illus. 1896. Roughing it. 1892. Derby, Q: H. Squibob papers, illus. 1865. Holmes, O. W. Autocrat of the breakfast-table. 1895. Over the tea cups. 1891. Irving, Washington. Alhambra. n. d. Astoria, n. d. Bracebridge hall. 1887. Irving gift. 1858. Little masterpieces. 1897. Sketch book. n. d. Tales of a traveler, n. d. Lowell, J. R. Biglow papers. 1889. Riley, H. H. Puddleford papers. 1875. Saxe, J: Q. Clever stories of many na tions. 1865. Poems. 1854. Sayings wise and otherwise. 1885. Taylor, B: F. Summer-savory. 1879. Warner, C: D. Backlog studies. 1881. Being a boy. illus. 1878. In the wilderness. 1878. My summer in a garden. 1895. Wilder, M. P. People I've smiled with. cl889. American Miscellany Buckingham, J. T. Specimens of newspaper literature. 2 v. 1850. Holland, J. Q. (pse«. Life of Sebastian Cabot. 1840. Bound with life of Steuben. NichoUs. Shorter, C. K. Bronte and John. William CuUen Bryant. 1893. Pilgrim's progress and life and times BIOGRAPHY. 70 B^Cll Caesar, Julius. Abbott, Jacob. History of Julius Caesar. cl877. B Cllf Fronde, J: A. Caesar; a sketch, n. d. B H19 Liddell, H. G. Life of Julius Caesar. 1886. Bound with life of Hannibal. B C12 Calhoun, John Caldwell. Hoist, Hermann von. John C. Calhoun. 1885. {Amer. statesmen.) B C12j Jenkins, J. S. Life of J. C. Calhoun, n. d. B C19 Carlyle, Thomas. Fronde, J: A. Thomas Carlyle; a history of his life in London. 2 t. in 1. 1892. B C19g Guernsay, A. H. Thomas Carlyle. 1889. B C27 Cass, Lewis. McLaughlin, Andrew. Lewis Cass. 1896. {Amer. states- men.) B B54 Chamisso, L. C. Peter ScMemihls wundusame Geschechte. 1888. Bound with Unser Bismarck. B C33 Cervantes, Saavedra Miguel de. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (W). Cervantes. n. d. {Foreign classics.) B C35 Chamberlain, Joseph. Jeyes, S. H. The Right Hon. Joseph Chamberlain. n. d. {Pub. men of the day.) Charles the Great. See Charlemagne. B C37 Charlemagne. James, G: P. R. History of Charlemagne. 1842. B C38 Charles \.f Bmperor of Germany. Robertson, William. History of the reign of the Emperor Charles V. 1843. B C45 Chorley, Henry F. Stoddard, H: R. Personal reminiscences. 1875. Bound with lives of Planche and Young. B C57o Clay, Henry. Obituary addresses on death of the Hon. Henry Clay delivered June 30, 1852. B C57 Schurz, Carl. Life of Henry Clay. 2 v. 1887. {Amer. statesmen.) B C61 Clinton, DeWitt. Renwick, James. Life of DeWitt Clinton. 1840. B C72 Columbus, Christopher. Irving, Washington. Life and voyages of Christopher Columbus, n. d. B C77 Cook, Capt. James. Besant, Walter. Captain Cook. 1894. {Eng. men of action.) B C78 Cooper, James Pennimore. Lounsbury, T: R. James Fennimore Cooper. 1884. {Amer. men of letters.) B C782 Cooper, Peter. Lester, C. E. Life and character of Peter Cooper. 1883. Cornwall, Barry, pseud. See Procter, B. W. B C87 Crockett, David. Life. n. d. B C88 Cromwell, Oliver, the Protector. Carlyle, Thomas. Oliver Cromwell's letters and speeches. 2 v. 1860. B C88g Gardiner, S. B. Cromwell's place in history. 1897. B C88h Herbert, H: W: Oliver Cromwell, n. d. B C881 Lamartine, Alphonse de. Life of Oliver Cromwell. 1879. B C88r Russell, i?ev. M. Life of Oliver Cromwell. 2 v. 1839. B H19 Lamartine, Alphonse de. Life of Oliver Cromwell. 1886. Bound with life of Hannibal. B C94 Curtis, George William. Cary, Edward. George William Curtis. 1895. {Amer. men of letters.) B C96 Custer, Gen. George Armstrong. Custer, Mrs. E.. (B). "Boots and saddles." 1885. B C96c Following the guidon. 1890. B C96ct Tenting on the plains, illus. 1887. B C992a Cyrus the Great. Abbott, Jacob. Histories of Cyrus the Great and Alex- ander the Great, n. d. B C992 RawHnson, George. Cyrus the Great. 1884. B D26 Daudet, Alphonse. Thirty years of Paris, illus. 1893. B D29 Davis, Henry W. vSpeeches and addresses. 1867. BIOGRAPHY. B D55d B D55 B D56 B St4 B Ed3 B Ed4 B Ed9 B E14 B P65 B E142 B Em3 B Se5 B Erl B F24 B F42 B F45 B F48 B F55 B W65 B F84 B F85 B F851 B F85ma B F85m B F85w B F87 B F88 B F95 B G13 B G132 B G18 B G45 B G45ri B G45r B G57 71 Dickens, Charles. Dickens, Mamie. My father as I recall him. illus. 1897. Mackenzie, R. S, Life of Charles Dickens, n. d. Dickinson, Daniel S. Dickinson, J: R. Speeches and correspondence of late D. S. Dickinson. 2 y. 1867. Eaton, William. Felton, C. C. Life of William Eaton. 1840. Bound with life of Steuben. Edgeworth, Maria. Hare, A: J: C, ed. Life and letters of Maria Edge- worth. 2 V. 1895. Edison, Thomas Alva. Dickson, W. K. L., ai2c? Antonia. Life and inven- tions of T. A. Edison, illus. 1894. Edwards, Jonathan. Miller, Samuel. Life of Jonathan Edwards. 1840. Eliot, John. Francis Con vers. Life of John Elio t. 1840. EUery, William. Life. 1840. Bound with life of Pinkney. Elizabeth, Queen of England. Abbott, Jacob. History of Qneen Elizabeth. iUns. 1876. Emerson, Ralph Waldo. Holmes, O. W. Ralph Waldo Emerson. 1886. {Amer. men of letters.) Epictetus. Farrar, F: W: Seekers after God. 1894. Erasmus, Desiderius. Fronde, J: A. Life and letters of Erasmus. 1895. Farragut, David QIascoe. Mahan, A. T. Admiral Farragut. 1893. {Gr. commanders.) Pessenden, William P. Memorial addresses. 1870. Field, Cyrus West. Judson, Mrs. 1. (F.) Cyrus W. Field and his work. (1819-1892.) illus. 1896. Fillmore, Millard, Pres. U. S. Barre, W. L. Life and public services of Millard Fillmore. 1856. Fitch, John. Wescott, Thompson. Life of John Fitch, illus. 1878. Fox, Charles James. Rae, W. F. Wilkes, Sheridan, Fox. n. d. Francis, of Assisi, Saint. Sabatier, Paul. Life of St. Francis of Assisi. 1894. Franklin, Benjamin. Chaplin, Jeremiah. Life of Benjamin Franklin, n. d. Little masterpieces ; selections from his autobiography. 1898. McMaster, J: B. Benjamin Franklin as a man of letters. 1895. {Amer. men of letters. ) Morse, J: T., jr. Benjamin Franklin. 1894. {Amer. statesmen.) Weems, M. L. Life of Benjamin Franklin. 1884. Frederick the Great, King of Prussia. Macaulay, T: B. Life of Frederick the Great. 1879. Fremont, Mrs. Jessie (Benton). Souvenirs of my time. 1887. Fuller, Margaret, afterward Marchesa d' Ossoli. Higginson, Margaret Fuller Ossoli. 1892. {Amer. men of letters.) Galileo. Brewster, Sir David. Life of Galileo. 1841. .Gallatin, Albert. Stevens, J: A. Albert Gallatin. 1886. {Amer. men.) Garfield, James Abram, Pres. U. S. Thayer, W: M. Log-cabin White House. 1881. Gladstone, William Ewart. Jones, C: H. Short life of W: E. Gladstone. 1880. Ridpath, J: C. Life and times of William E. Gladstone, illus. cl898. Russell, G: W. E. Right Honourable William Ewart Gladstone. {Prime ministers of Queen Victoria.) T: W. states- to the 1891. Goethe. SeeGothe. Goldsmith, Oliver. Irving, Washington. Life of Oliver Goldsmith. 1840. BIOGRAPHY. B G65 B G71 B G76 B G76d B G76t B G86 B G97 B H18 B J33 B H19 B H271 B H27 B H3i B H311 B H39 B H73 B H77 B H78 B H81 B H86 B H8S B Ir8 B J13 B J33 B J33p B J35 B J35t B J63 B J72 B J77c B J77 B J77w B K23 B G13 B L43 B L55 72 Gordon, Gen. Charles George. Hake, A. E. illtis. 1884. Stor^^ of Chinese Gordon. Guthe, Johann WoSfgang von. Hayward, A. Goethe, n. d. (Foreign classics.) Grant, Gen. Ulysses Simpson, Pres. U. S. Personal memoirs. 2 v. 1885-86. Dana, C: A. Life of U. S. Grant, illns. 1868. Thayer, W: M. From tannery to the White House. 1885. Grey, Jane, Lady. Bartlett, D. W. Life of Lady Jane Grey. n. d. Gustavus I!., Adolphus, King of Sweden. Fletcher, C: R. L. Gnstavus Adolphus and the struggle of Protestantism for existence. 1892. (Heroes of the nations.) Hamilton, Alexander. Lodge, H. C. Alexander Hamilton. 1 886. (^iiier. statesmen. ) Reuwick, James. Life of Alexander Hamilton. 1840. Bound with life of Jay. Hannibal. Arnold, Thomas. Life of Hannibal. 1886. Hastings, Warren. Ly all, &r Alfred. Warren Hastings. 1894. {Eng. men of action. ) Macanlay, T: B. Warren Hastings. 1886. Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Lathrop, G: P. Stndy of Hawthorne. 1876. Lathrop, R. (H). Memories of Hawthorne. 1897. Henry, Patrick. Tyler, M. C. Patrick Henry. 1887. {Amer. statesmen.) Holmes, Oliver Wendell. Morse, J. T., ed. Life and letters of O. W. Holmes. 2 y. 1896. Hopper, Isaac T. Child, L. M. Isaac T. Hopper. 1881. Hortense. Abbott, J: S. C. History of Hortense. 1870. HoMdin, Robert. Autobiography, tr. by R. Shelton Mackenzie. 1859. Hubbell, Mary E. Hubbell, Mrs. Memorial of an only daughter. 1857. Hume, David. Huxley, T: H. Hume. 1894. Irving, Washington. W^arner, C: D. Washington Irving. 1886. {Amer. men of letters.) Jackson, Andrew, Pres. U. S. Sumner, W: G. Andrew Jackson. 1886. {Amer. statesmen.) Jay, John. Life. 1840. Pellew, George. John Jay. 1895. {Amer. statesmen.) Jefferson Thomas, Pres. C7. 5. Morse, J: T.,>. Thomas Jefferson. 1886. (Amer. statesmen.) Tucker, George. Life of Thomas Jefferson. 2 v. 1837. Johnson, Samuel. Boswell, James. Life of Samuel Johnson and his tour to the Hebrides, ed. by Percy Fitzgerald. 1897. Jones, John Paul. Abbott, J: S. C. Life and adventures of John Paul Jones. 1874. Josephine, Empress of France. Saint-Amand, Imbert de. Citizeness Bonaparte. 1897. Court of the Empress Josephine. 1897. Wife of the First Consul. 1894. Keckley, Elizabeth. Behind the scenes. 1867. Kepler, John. Life. Bound with life of Galileo. Lawrence, Amos. Lawrence, W. R., ed. Extracts from diary and cor- respondence. 1860. Leo XIII., Pope. McCarthy, Justin. Pope Leo XHL 1896. {Pub. men of the day.) n BIOGRAPHY. B L63b B L631 B L63tn B L63o B L63r B L63 B L63ti B L76 B L79 B L86 B L95 B M261 B M26 B M331 B M33s B M33st B M33 B M33 B M35 B P65 B M45 B M47 B M48 B M52 B M58 B M59 B M61 B M69 B M27 B M74 B M76 B M77 B M83 B M91 Memorial address on Lincoln, Abraham, Pres. U. S. Bancroft, George. life of Abraham Lincoln. 1866. Legislative honors to the memory of Pres. Lincoln with message from Gov. Fenton. 1865. Morse, J: T., />. Abraham Lincoln. 2 v. 1894-5. (Amer. statesmen.) Oldroyd, O. H., ec?. Lincoln memorial ; album-immortelles, illus. 1883. Raymond, H: J. Life and public services of Abraham Lincoln, illus. 1865. Schurz, Carl. Abraham Lincoln. 1891. U. S. Diplomatic correspondence in regard to assassination of Pres. Abraham Lincoln. 1866. Livingstone, David. Roberts, J: S. Life and explorations of David Livingstone. 1874. Locke, Alton. Autobiography. 1850. Longfellow, Henry Wadsworth. Robertson, E. worth Longfellow. 1887. {Gt. writers.) S. Life of Henry Wads- Norton, C: E., ed. Letters of James Russell Goodwin, M. W. Dolly Madison. James Madison. 1886. {Amer. Lowell, James Russell. Lowell. 2 V. 1894. Madison, Mrs. Dorothy (Payne). 1896. . Madison, James, Pres. U. S. Gay, S. H. statesmen.) Mahomet. See Mohammed. Marchesi, Mme. Mathilde (Qraumann). Marchesi and music. 1897. Marie Antoinette, Queen of France. Saint-Amand. Imbert de. Marie Antoinette and the end of the old regime. 1894. Saint-Amand, Imbert de. Marie Antoinette at the Tuileries. 1787-1791. 1895. Saint-Amand, Imbert de. Marie Antoinette and the downfall of royalty. 1895. Marion, Gen. Francis. Horry, P., and Weems, M. L. Life of General Francis Marion. 1884. Marshall, John. Magruder, A. B. John Marshall. 1886. {Amer. states- men.) Mather, Colton. Peabody, W. B. C. Life of Colton Mather. Bound with life of Pinkney. Mazzini, Joseph. Life vn-itings and political principles. 1872. Meissonier, Jean Louis Ernest. Mollett.J: W. Meissonier. illus. {Illus. biog. of gt. artists.) Melek-Hanum. Thirty years in the harem; autobiograph. 1872. Mendelssohn family. Hensel, Sebastian. 2 v. 1882. Michael Angelo. Black, C: C. Michael Angelo Buonarroti. 1889. Milnor, Rev. James. Stone, J: S. Memoir of James Milnor, D. D. Miller, Hugh. Brown, T: N. Life and times of Hugh Miller. 1859. Mitchell, Maria. Kendall, P. M., comp. Maria Mitchell. 1896. Mohammed. Irving, Washington. Mahomet and his successors, n. d. Monroe, James, Pres. U. S. Gilman, D. C. James Monroe. 1886. {Amer. statesmen.) Montaigne, Michel Eyquem de. Collins, W. L. Montaigne. n. d. {Foreign classics.) Moody, Rev. D. L. Daniels, W. H. D. L. Moody and his work. 1875. Morris, Qouverneur. Roosevelt, Theodore. Gouvemeur Morris. 1888. {Amer. statesmen.) Muller, George. Life of trust. 1867. 1840. 1895. n. d. 74 BIOGRAPHY. B M831 Morris, Robert. Sumner, W: G. Robert Morris. 1892. (Makers of America.) B M96 Murray, Rev. John. His life written by himself. 1891. B N16b Napoleon I., Emperor of France. Bourrienne, Fanvelet de. Memoirs of Napoleon Bonaparte. 8 y. 1891. B N16 Scott, 5ir Walter. Life of Napoleon Buonaparte. 1828. B N16n Napoleon and his campaigns, illns. n. d. B N331 Nelson, Horatio, Viscount. Laughton, J: K. Nelson. 1895. {Eng. men of action.) B N33 Russell, W. C. Pictures from the life of Nelson, illns. 1897. B N48 Newton, Sir Isaac. Brewster, David. Life of Sir Isaac Newton. 1839, B Og4 Ogilvy, Margaret. Barrie, J. M. Margaret Ogilvy by her son. 1897. Ossoli, Margaret (Fuller) Marchesa d\ See Fuller, Margaret. B P21 Park, Mungo. Life and travels. 1840. B P26 Pascal, Blaise. Tnlloch John. Pascal, n. d. (Foreign classics.) B P38 Penn, William. Dixon, W: H. William Penn. 1851. B P44 Petrarch, Francesco. Reeve, Henry. Petrarch, n. d. (Foreign classics.) B P61 Pierce, Gen. Franklin, Pres. U. S. Bartlett, D. W. Life of Gen. Franklin Pierce. 1852. B P65 Pinkney, William. Wheaton, Henry. Life of William Pinkney. 1840. B C45 Planche, James Robinson. Stoddard, H: R: Personal reminiscences. 1875. Bound with lives of Chorley and Young. B P94 Proctor, Bryan Waller. Autobiographical fragment. 1877. B R15 Randolph, John. Adams, Henry. John Randolph. 1886. (Amer. states- men.) B R281 Rembrandt van Ryn. Mollett. J: W: Rembrandt. 1892. (Tllus. biog. of gt. artists.) B R28 Remusat, Mme. de. Memoirs. 1880. B R38 l^lchard U.f King of England. Abbott, Jacob. History of King Richard n. of England, illus. 1858. B R382 Richard III., King of England. Abbott, Jacob. History of King Richard the third, illus. 1858. B R41 Richmond, Rev. Leigh. Grimshaw, T. S. Memoirs of Rev. Leigh Richmond. 1856. B R95 Ryan, Rev. Stephen Vincent, Bishop of Buffalo. Cronin, Patrick. Rt. Rev. S. Y. Ryan, D. D. 1896. BSch8 Schuyler, Mrs. Margarita. Grant, Mrs. Anne. Memoirs of an American lady. 1876. B Sco82 Scott, Sir Walter. Journal. 2 v. 1890. B Sco8 Scott, Gen. Winfield. Mansfield. E: D. Life of Gen. Winfield Scott. 1846. B Se5 Seneca. Farrar, F: W: Seekers after God. 1894. B Se8 Seymour, Horatio. Horatio Seymour. 1886. B Sh52 Sheridan, Gen. Henry Philip. Personal memoirs. 2 v. illus. 1888. B Sh5 Sheridan, Richard Brinsley Butler. Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (W). Sheri- dan. 1883. (Eng. men of letters.) B W65 Rae, W. F. Sheridan, n. d. Bound with the lives of Wilkes and Fox. B Sh54s Sherman, Gen. William Tecumseh. Memoirs; v^rritten by himself. 2 v. illus. 1892. B Sh54b Boyd, J: P. Life of General William Sherman. 1891. B Sh54 Northrop, H. D. Life and deeds of General Sherman, illus. cl891. B W69 Smith, Capt. John. Hillard, G. S. Life of Capt. John Smith. 1840. Bound with life of Wilson. B Sm6 Smith, /^CF. Sidney. Holland, Lar/j. Memoir of the Rev. Sidney Smith. 2 V. 1855. BIOQRAPHY. B Sue B St4 B St44 B St7 B T14 B T32 B T39 B L93 B Y26 B W36 B V66 B Y88 B W21 B W27 B W27f B W27i B W27k B W271o B W27p B W2711 B W36 B W39 B W391 B W39m B W39t B W394 B W51 B W46 B W58 B W581 B W61 B W65 B W671 B W67 B W69 75 Sumner, Charles. Dawes, A.. L. Charles Stimiier. 1892. {Makers of America.) Steuben, Frederick Wilhelm Augustus, Baron. Bowen, Francis. Life of Baron Stenben. 1840. Stevenson, Robert Louis Balfour. Yalima letters. 2 v. 1896. Stowe, Mrs. Harriett (Beecher). Field, Annie, ed. Life and letters of Harriet Beecher Stowe. 1898. Talleyrand, Charles Maurice Perigord de. McHarg, C: K. Life of Prince Talleyrand. 1857. Thackery, William Makepeace. Crowe, Eyre. Thackeray's haunts and homes. 1897. Thoreau, Henry David. Sanborn, F. B: Henry D. Thorean. 1895. {Amer. men of letters.) Toussaint, L'Ouverture. Mossell, C. W. Toussaint L'Onverture. illns. 1896. Van Buren, Martin, Pres. U. S. Shepard, E: M. Martin Yan Buren. 1896. {Amer. statesmen.) Vane, Sir Henry. Life. 1840. Bound with life of Wayne. Victoria 1., Queen of England. Tooley, S.. A. Personal life of Queen Yictoria. illus. 1897. Voltaire, Francois Marie Aronet de. Hamley. Yoltaire. n. d. {Foreign elassics.) Ward, Mrs. Elizabeth Stuart (Phelps). Chapters from life. 1897. Washington, George, Pres. U. S. Bancroft, Aaron. Life of George Washington. 1860. Ford, P. L. True George Washington. 1896. Irving, Washington. Life of George Washington. Kirkland, Mrs. C. M. Memoirs of Washington. Lodge, H: C. George Washington. 2 v. 1895. Paulding, J. K. Life of Washington. 2 v. 1858. Washington, Mary and Martha. Lossing, B. J. Mary and Martha, the mother and the wife of George Washington, illus. 1886. Wayne, Anthony. Armstrong, John. Life of Anthony Wayne. 1840. Webster, Daniel. Banvard, i^er. Joseph. Daniel Webster. 1875. Lodge, H: C. Daniel Webster. 1886. {Amer. statesmen.) March, C: W. Reminiscences of Congress. 1820. Tefft, B. F. Life of Daniel Webster, n. d. Webster, Noah. Scudder, H. E. Noah Webster. 1886. {Amer. men of letters.) Wesley, Rev. John. Watson, Richard. Life of Rev. John Wesley. 1845. Wellington, Arthur Wellesley, Duke of Hooper, George. Wellington. 1889. {Eng. men of action.) Whitefield, Rev. George. Gillies, John. Memoirs of Rev. George White- field ; collections of his sermons and other writings. 1838. Whitman, Walt. Burroughs, John. Whitman ; a study. 1896. Whittier, John Qreenleaf . Pickard, S. T. Life and letters of John Green- leaf Whittier. 2v. 1895. Wilkes, John. Rae, W. F. Wilkes, Sheridan, Fox. n. d. William 11., Emperor of Germany. Lowe, Charles. German Emperor William II. {Pub. men of the day.) Willis, Nathaniel Parker. Beers, H: A. Nathaniel Parker Willis. 1893. {Amer. men of letters.) Wilson, Alexander. Peabody, W: B. O. Life of Alexander Wilson. 1840. 2 V. n. d. 1860. {Amer. statesmen.) HISTORY. B W78 B W732 B W731 B W74 B W93 B C45 76 Winslow, Anna Green. Earle, A. M., ed. Diary of Anna Green Winslow. 1894. Winthrop, John. Twiehell, J: H. John Winthrop. 1892. (Makers of America.) Winthrop, Margaret. Earle, Mrs. A. M. Margaret Winthrop. 1896. ( Women of Colonial and Revolutionary times.) Wirt, Gen. William. Kennedy, J: P. Memoirs of William Wirt. 2 v. 1849. Wright, Silas. Jenkins, J: S. Life of Silas Wright. 1847. Young, Julien Charles. Stoddard, H: R: Personal reminiscences. 1875. Bound with lives of Chorley ahd Planche. ANCIENT HISTORY 930 B85 930 R19 930 R65 930 Sa92 932 B45 932 Ed9 932 K34 932 L28 932 R19 932 R19s 933 H79 933 J77 933 R91 933 W93 935 F86 935 F86m 935 R12s 935 R12 937 Ar6 937 G35 937 G35h 937 G42 937 G57 937 K26 937 K26h 937 L53 937 L88 937 P36 937 St3 937 W65 Buckley, T. A. Great cities of the ancient world, illns. 1855. Rawlinson, Qeorge. Seven great monarchies of the ancient eastern world. ilhis. 1884. Rollin, Charles. Ancient history. 2 v. 1856. Sayce, A. H. Ancient empires of the East. 1884. Berkley, E. Pharaohs and their people, illtis. n. d. Edwards, A. B. Pharaohs, fellahs and explorers, illus. 1892. Kenrick, John. Ancient Egypt. 2 v. in 1. 1883, Lanoye, F. de. Rameses the Great, illus. 1870. j Rawlinson, Qeorge. History of ancient Egypt. 2 v. illtis. 1882. Story of ancient Egypt, illus. 1887. {Story of the nations.) Hosmer, J. K. Story of the Jews, illus. 1886. {Story of the nations.) Josephus,' Flavius. Works; tr. by William Wiston. 1858. , Palestine; or. The Holy Land. 1839. Wright, William. Empire of the Hittites. illus. 1884. Eraser, J. B. Historical and descriptive account of Persia Mesopotamia and Assyria. 1842. Ragozin, Mme. Z. A. Story of Assyria, illus. 1887. nations.) Story of Media, Babylon and Persia. illus. 1888. nations.) 1842. {Story of the {Story of the History of Rome Arnold, Thomas. History of Rome. 3 v. in 1. 1860. Gibbon, Edward. Decline and fall of the Roman Empire. 5 v. 1884. History of the decline and fall of the Roman Empire, illus. 1857. Oilman, Arthur. Story of Rome. iUus. 1885. {Story of the nations.) Goldsmith, Oliver. History of Rome. 1840. Keightley, Thomas. History of the Roman Empire. 1848. History of Rome. 1848. Leighton, R. F. History of Rome, illus. 1895. Lord, John. Old Roman world. 1874. Pellison, Maurice. Rome in Pliny's time, illus. 1897. {C. L. S. C.) Steele, J. D., and E. B. Brief history of Rome, illus. 1885. Wilkinson, v9/r J: Q. Popular account of ancient Egyptians. 2 v. 1854. History of Greece 938 D56 Dickinson, G. L. Greek view of life. 1898. HISTORY. 938 G911 938 G91 938 G91m 938 H412 938 K26 938 M27 938 T48 939 C47 939 R12 939 R19 940 A141 940 A141h 940 B85 940 D93 940 Ed3 940 F99 940 062 940 H15 940 J23 940 J92 940 M73 940 T32 940 W58 941 M19 941 Sco8 941.5 C73 941.5 C95 945.5 L42 941.5 Sa9 941.5 T21 942 B54 942 G16 942 G82 942 K26 942 Mil 942 M76 942 N29 illus. 77 Great battles of the ancient Greeks and Persians, n. d. Qrote, Qeorge. History of Greece. 4 v. 1881. March of the 10,000 Greeks, n. d. Herbert, H: W: Captains of the old world. 1851. Keightley, Thomas. History of Greece. 1848. Mahaffy, J: P., ajid Oilman, Arthur. Story of Alexander's empire. 1887. {Story of the nations.) Timayenis, T. T. History of Greece, v. 1. illus. 1882. Church, A. J. Story of Carthage, illiis. 1886. {Story of the nations.) Ragozin, Mme. Z. A. Story of Chaldea. illns. 1886. {Story of the nations.) Rawlinson, Qeorge. Story of Phoenicia, illus. 1889. {Story of the nations.) HISTORY OF EUROPE Alison, Sir Archibald. History of Europe from 1789-1815. 4 v. 1859. History of Europe from 1815-1852. 4 v. 1859-60. Buckley, T. A. Great cities of the Middle Ages, illus. 1857. Duruy, Victor. History of modern times, tr. by Edwin A. Grosvenor. 1894. Edgar, J: G. Crusades and crusaders. 1860. Fyffe, C: A. History of modern Europe. 3 v. 1890-91. Goodrich, S. G. (pseud. Peter Parley). Lights and shadows of E^uropean history. 1848. Hallam, Henry. View of the state of Europe during the Middle Ages. 2 v. 1885. James, G: P. R. History of chivalry. 1840. Judson, H. P. Europe in the 19th century, illus. 1894. Mombert, J. I. Short history of the crusades. 1894. Thatcher, O. J. Short history of mediaeval Europe. 1897. (C. L. S. C.) White, James. Eighteen Christian centuries. 1894. History of Scotland and Ireland Mackintosh, John. Story of Scotland illus. 1894. {Story of the nations.) Scott, Sir Walter. History of Scotland, v. 1. 1840. Comerford, T. History of Ireland. 1826. Cusack, M. F. Patriot's history of Ireland. 1869. Lawless, Emily. Story of Ireland, illus. 1888. {Story of the nations.) Savage, John. Ninety-eight and '48, the modern revolutionary history and literature of Ireland. 1884. Taylor, W. C. History of Ireland, v. 2. 1854. History of Engfland Bishop, C. E., comp. Pictures from English history, n. d. Gardiner, S. R. Student's. history of England. 3 v. illus. 1896. Green, J: R: Short history of the English people. 1895. Keightley, Thomas. History of England. 5 v. 1840. Macaulay, T: B. History of England from the accession of James II. 5 Y. 1849. Montgomery, D. H. Leading facts of English hivStory. 1895. Neele, Henry. England, n. d. {Romance of history.) HISTORY. 78 942.02 J55 942.08 M12 942.08 M12s 943 B72 943 B84 943 G73 943 L58 943 R91 943 Schls 943 W59 943.1 K66 943.8 F63 943.9 V25 Jewett, S.. O. Story of the Normans, illus. 1887. (Story of the nations.) McCarthy, Justin. History of our own times. 3 y. n. d. Short history of our own times. 1884. History of Germany and Austria Bradley, Henry. Story of the Goths, illus. 1888. {Story of the nations.) Bryce, James. Holy Roman Empire, n. d. Gould, Sabine Baring— Story of Germany, illus. 1895. {Story of the nations.) Lewis, C. T. History of Germany from the earliest times. 1874. Russell, W. H. My diary during the last great war. 1874. Schiller, Frederick von. History of the thirty years' war. 1891. Whitman, Sidney. Imperial Germany, illus. 1897. (C. L. S. C.) Klaczko, Julian. Two chancellors. 1876. Fletcher, James. History of Poland. 1841. Vambery, Arminus. Story of Hungary. illus. 1886. {Story of the nations.) History of France 944 Ab2 Abbott, J: S: C. French Revolution of 1789. illus. 1859. 944 C19 Carlyle, Thomas. History of the French Revolution. 2 v. 1885. 944 C88 Crowe, E. E. History of France. 3 v. 1840. 944 D93 Duruy, Victor. History of France. cl889. 944 G94 Guizot, F. P. Q. Popular history of France. 6 v. in 4. illus. 1869. 944 K63 Kirk, J: F. History of Charles the Bold, duke of Bergundy. 2 v. 1864-89' 944 L16 Lamartine, Alphonse de. History of French Revolution of 1848. v. 1 1849. 944 M36 Martin, Henri. Popular history of France. 3 v. illus. 1877. 944 M38 Masson, Gustave. Story of mediaeval France, illus. 1895. {Story of the nations. ) 944 M76 Montgomery, D. H. Leading facts in French history. 1894. 944 S33 Segur, Philip, Count de. History of the expedition to Russia by the Emperor Napoleon in 1812. 2 v. 1841. 944 T13 Taine, H. A. Ancient regime. 1896. {Origins ofcontemp. France.) 944 T13f French Revolution. 3 v. 1897. {Origins of contemp. France.} 944 T13m Modern regime. 2 v. 1890. {Origins of contemp. France.) History of Italy^ Spain and Russia 945 013 Oliphant, Mrs. M. O. (W). Makers of Venice, illus. n. d. 945 Si8 Sismondi, J. C: L. S. de. History of the Italian republics. 1840. 945 Sk2 Sketches from Venetian history. 2 v. 1843. 946 Ab2 Abbott, J: S. C. Romance of Spanish history, illus. 1869. 946 F66 Florian. History of the moors of Spain. 1840. 946 HIS Hale, E: E., ai2rf Susan. Story of Spain, illus. 1886. {Story of the nations.) 946 H62 History of Spain and Portugal. 5 v. 1840. 945 L35 Lattimer, E.. W» Spain in the nineteenth century. 1898. 946 P92 Prescott, W: H. History of the reign of Ferdinand and Isabella. 3 v. 1861. 946 P92h History of the reign of Philip the second. 3 v. 1885. 947 C73 Complete history of the Russian war. 1857. HISTORY. 947 M81 947 R92 948 C87 948 Si6 948.1 B69 949.1 H62 849.2 M85 949.2 M85r 949.2 R63 949.4 H62 949.4 H87 949.6 B78 949.6 G83 949.6 P78 950 G62 951 C13 951 L76 951 Sel 952 G87 952 M16 952 M96 953 G42 954 C81 956 P78 960 G62 79 Morfill, W: R: Story of Russia. Russian Empire. 1856. illus. 1895. (Story of the nations.) History of Scandinavia and Minor Countries of Europe Crichton, Andrew, afid Wheaton, Henry. Scandinavia. 2 v. 1841. Sinding, P. C. History of Scandinavia from early times. 1867. Boyesen, H. J. Story of Norway, illtis. -1886. (Story of nations.) Historical account of Iceland, Greenland and the Faroe Islands. 1841. Motley, J. L. History of the United Netherlands. 4 v. 1873. Rise of the Dutch Republic. 3 v. 1859. Rogers, J. E. T. Story of Holland. 1895. (Story of the nations.) History of Switzerland from B. C. 110 to A. D. 1830. 1840. Hug, Una, and Stead, Richard. Switzerland, illus. 1890. (Story of the nations.) Brockett, L. P. Cross and the crescent, illus. maps. Phil. cl877. Greene, F: D. Rule of the Turk, illus. 1896. Pool, Stanley Lane-. Story of Turkey. 1896. (Story of the nations.) HISTORY OF ASIA AND AFRICA Goodrich, S. G. (pseud. Peter Parley). Lights and shadows of Asiatic history. 1848. Gallery, M., and Yvan. History of the insurrection in China. 1853. Ljiingstedt, Sir Andrew. Historical sketch of the Portugese settlements in China. 1836. Sears, Robert. Pictorial history of China and India, illus. 1851. Griffis, W: E. Mikado's Empire., illus. 1876. MacFarlane, Charles. Japan, illus. 1852. Murray, David. Gilman, Arthur. nations.) Warner. India. Poole, S. Lane-. Story of Japan, illus. 1894. (Story of the nations.) Story of the Saracens, illus. 1887. (Story of the 962 R19 970 G62 *970 W73 970.1 G62 970.1 G62m 970.1 Sch6 970.1 St8 970.2 Ab2 970.2 G62 970.2 St71 970.2 St7 970.2 T32 970.3 Am6 illus. 1854. Story of Turkey, illus. 1888. (Story of the nations.) Goodrich, S. G. (pseud. Peter Parley). Lights and shadows of African history, illus. 1848. Rawlinson, George. Egypt and Babylon. 1885. HISTORY OF NORTH AMERICA AND THE INDIAN Goodrich, S. Q. (pseud. Peter Parley). Lights and shadows of American history, illus. 1848. Winsor, Justin. Narative and critical history of America. 16 pt. 8 v. illus. 1889. Goodrich, S. G. (pseud. Peter Parley). History of the Indians of North and South America. 1848. Manners, customs and antiquties of the Indians, illus. 1848. Schoolcraft, H: R. American Indians. 1851. Strong, J. C. Wah-kee-nah and her people. 1893. Abbott, J: S. C. History of King Philip. 1857. Goodrich, S. G. (pseud. Peter Parley). Lives of celebrated American Indians. 1848. Stone, W: L. Life and times of Red Jacket. 1841. Life of Joseph Brant. 2 v. 1838. Thatcher, B. B. Indian biography. 2 v. 1841. Among the Pima and Maricopa Indians. 1893. TRAVEL. 80 970.3 J62 970.3 P76 970.5 J12 970.6 Ir8 971 K59 971 P23c 971 P23 971 R54 972 H13 972 P92 972.9 F64 972.9 R78 973 Aii2 973 B22 973 B84 973 F54 973 J92 973 L891 973 M78 973 Sm5 973 Sw5 973 T37 973 Y8 Johnson, Elias. Legends of the Iroquois. 1881. Pollard, J: Q. Pamunkey Indians of Virginia. 1894. Jackson, Mrs. H. H. Century of dishonor. 1893. Irving, J: T. Indian sketches. 1888. Kinsford, William. History of Canada. 9 v. 1887-97. Parkman, Francis. Count Frontenac and New France under Louis XIY. 1894. (France and England in North America.) Old regime in Canada. 1874. {France and England in North America.) Roberts, C: G. D. History of Canada, maps. 1897. Hale, Susan. Story of Mexico, illus. 1889. (Story of the nations.) Prescott, W: H. History of the conquest of Mexico. 3 v. 1843. Flint, Qrover. Marching with Gomez. 1898. Rowan, A. S., and Ramsay, M. M. Island of Culpa. 1897. History of the United States Andrews, B: E. History of the U. S. 2 y. 1894. Bancroft, George. History of the United States. 10 v. 1856-75. Bryant, W: C, and others. Scribner's popular history of the United States. 5y. 1897. Fiske, John. History of the U. S. illus. 1895. Judson, H. P. Growth of the American nation, illus. 1895. (C. L. S. C.) Lossing, B. J. Pictorial history of the United States, illus. n. d. Moore, Frank. Diary of the American Revolution. 2 y. illus. 1860. Smith, Goldwin. U. S. an outline of political history. 1492-1871. Swinton, William. Condensed history of United States. 1871. Thompson, J: L. History of the wars of the U. S. from earliest times to close of Mexican war. illus. 1854. Young, A. W. American statesman. 1855. 973.1 B67 973.1 P23 973.1 T42 973.1 V58 973.1 W43 973.2 Am3 973.2 C15 973.2 Ea7 973.2 G42 973.2 L82 973.2 P23c 973.2 P23h 973.2 P23 973.2 P23m 973.3 Ab2 Period of Discovery and Colonial Period Bowen, B: F. America discovered by the Welsh in 1170 A. D. 1876. Parkman, Francis. Pioneers of France in the new world. 1896. (France and England in North America pt. 1.) Thwaites, R. Q. Colonies 1492-1750. maps. 1896. (Epochs of Amer. history ) Vere, M. Scheie de. Romance of American history 1872. Weise, A. J. DiscoYcries of America to 1525. illus. 1884. American colonial tracts, y. 1. 1897-8. Campbell, Douglas. Puritan in Holland, England and America. 2 v. 1893. Earle, Afrs. A. (M). Colonial days in old New York. 1896. Qilmore, J. R. Advance guard of western civilization. 1888. Lodge, H: C. Studies in history. 1896. Parkman, Francis. Conspiracy of Pontiac. 2 v. 1896. Half century of conflict. 2 v. 1895. (France and England in North America, pt. 6.) La Salle and the, discovery of the Great West. 1879. (France and Eng- land in North America.) Montcalm and Wolfe. 2 v. 1891. (France and England in North America, pt. 7.) History of American Revolution Abbott, Jacob. Revolt of the colonies, n. d. HISTORY. 973.3 An3 973.3 B65 973.3 B81 973.3 C77 973.3 C77i 973.3 F54a 973.3 F54 973.3 Sel 973.3 St7 973.3 T38 973.3 W29 81 Anecdotes of the American Revolution. 1844. Botta, Charles. History of the war of the Independence of the U. S. 2 v. 1837. Brown, A. E. Beside old hearth-stones, illus. 1897. Sullivan, Gen. John. Journal of his military expedition against the six nations of Indians. 1887. Cooke, J: E. Stories of the Old Dominion. 1879. Fiske, John. American Revolution. 2 v. 1896. Critical period of American history. 1892. Sears, Robert. Pictorial history of the American Revolution, illus. 1845. Stone, W: L. Border wars of the American Revolution. 2 v. 1854. Thomson, J: L. Indian wars of the Revolution of the U. S. illus. 1887. Watson, Elkanah. Men and times of the Revolution. 1856. 973.4 W15 973.5 B67 973.5 J63 973.5 T59 973.6 B44 973.6 Sh5 973.7 B57 973.7 G46 *973.7 H23 973.7 J63 973.7 M13 973.7 M78 773.7 M991 973.7 R68 973.7 R91 *973.7 Sco8 *973.7 Sco8a 973.7. So4 973.7 T66 973.7 T75 *973.7 Un3 *973.7 Un3g 973.7 W12 973.8 An2 Period m9—mt Walker, F. A. Making of the nation. 1895. Bowen, A., anon. Naval monument ; accounts of the battles fought be- tween the U. S. and Gt. Britain, illus. 1836. Johnson, Rossiter. History of the war of 1812-15. cl882. Tompkins, Daniel D. Public papers 1807-1817. v. 1898. Benton, T: H. Thirty years in the Senate from 1820-50. 2 v. 1854. Sherman, John. Recollections of forty years in the House, Senate and Cabinet. 2 v. illus. cl895. History of Civil War Blaine, J: Q. Twenty years of Congress from Lincoln to Garfield. 2 v. pi. 1888. Glazier, Willard. Battles for the Union, illus. 1875. Harper's pictorial history of the Civil war. 2 pts. O. illus. maps. 1894. Johnson, Rossiter. Short history of the War of secession. 1888. McClellan, Gen. Q: B. McClellan's own story; the war for the Union. 1887. Moore, Frank. Civil war in sonof and story, illus. 1889. My cave life in Yicksburg. 1864. Ropes, J: C. Story of the Civil war. 1894. Russell, W: H. My diary North and South. 1863. Scott, Col. R. N. War of the Rebellion, containing official records of Union and Confederate armies. 75 v. 1890. Atlas. 3 pts. 1891. Soley, J. R. Blockade and the cruisers. 1895. Townsend, T: 5. Honors of the Empire state in the War of the Rebellion. 1889. Trooper's adventures in the war for the Union, n. d. U. S.—Navy, Dep't of. Official records of the Union and Confederate navies in the War of the Rebellion. 1894-97. Sec. 1. 6 v. U. S,— Geological Survey. Report of Wisconsin, Iowa and Minnesota, illus. pi. maps. O. 1852. Wade, B. F., and Qooch, D. W. Report of Fort Pillow massacre. 1864. Andrews, E. B: History of the last quarter century in the U. S. 1870-95. 2v. 1896. 974 B23 History of the States Barber. Pictorial history of the Northern states, n. d. PORTER COLLECTION. 82 974 F38 Ferguson, Henry. Essays in American history. cl894. 974 P54 Fiske, John. Beginnings of New England. 1895. 974 W58 White, Henry. Early history of New England. 1841. 974.6 D96 Dwight, Theodore, History of Connecticut. 1840. 974.7 J26 Janvier, T: A. In old New York, illus. 1894. *974.7 N42 New York (state)— Colonial laws from 1664 to Revolution. 5 v. 1896. *974.7 N42h Historian, second annual report of. v. 1. 1897. *974.7 Ocl O'Callaghan, E. B. Documentary history of the state of N. Y. 3 t. maps. 1849. 974.7 R41 Richmond, J. F. New York and its institutions, 1609-1873. illus. 1872. 974.7 R54 Roberts, E. H. New York. 2 y. 1893. 974,7 R541 Roberts, J: A. New York in the Revolution as colony and state, pi. 1897. 974.7 T85 Turner, Orsamus. Pioneer history of the Holland purchase of western New York. 1849. 974.8 F53 Fisher, S. Q: Making of Pennsylvania. 1896. 974.8 J63 Johnson, W. F. History of Johnstown flood, illus. 1889. 974.9 St6 Stockton, F. R. Stories of New Jersey. 1896. 975.5 Ar7 Arthur, T. S., and Carpenter, W. H. History of Virginia. 1852. 975.8 Ar7g History of Georgia. 1852. 976.9 Ar7k Story of Kentucky. 1852. 977 D78 Drake, S: A. Making of the Ohio valley states, illus. 1894. 977.1 B562 Black, Alexander. Story of the Ohio, illus. 1888. (Story of the states.) 977.3 119 Illinois in 1837. map. 1837. 977.6 N31 Neill, E: D. History of Minnesota. 1858. 978 F41 Ferris, Jacob. States and territories of the great West. 1856. 979 M13 McCSellan, R. Q. The golden state, illus. 1872. 979.8 J13 Jackson, Sheldon. Alaska, illus. 1880. HISTORY OF SOUTH AMERICA, AUSTRALIA 985 P92 Prescott, W: H. History of the conquest of Peru. 2 v. 1855. 993 T71 Tregarthen, Qreville. Story of Australasia, illus. 1893. (Story of the nations.) 996 B51 Bingham, Hiram. Residence of twenty-one years in the Sandwich Islands, illus. 1848. 996 R91 Russell, Rev. M. Polynesia. 1843. PORTER COLLECTION OF BOOKS RELATING TO NIAGARA FALLS Gift of Peter A. Porter. These books arc arranged alphabetically by authors. The card catalog in the library notes the pages in each book especially relating to Niagara Falls. It also contains a sub- ject catalog of the collection. These books are not to be taken from the library. P386 A15 Allen, S. M. Address on occasion of the opening of navigation to Niag- ara Falls, July 4th, 1857. Niagara Falls. 1857. P917.3 Am3 American sketches by a native of the United States. Lond. 1827. PF Am3 American tract society. Views from nature, illus. pi. N. Y. n. d. P811 An2 Anderson, Rev. Duncan. The white canoe: the Maid of the Mist. n. p. n. d. Pamphlet. P779 Ar7 Art work of Niagara county. 2 v. 12 parts. Chic. 1894. 83 PORTER COLLECTION. P917 B16 Baird, Robert. Impressions of tlie West Indies and North America in 1849. Phil. 1850. P917.4799 B23 Barham, William, ed. Descriptions of Niagara selected from various travelers, illus. pi. Gravesend. n. d. P811 B24 Barlow, Joel. Columbiad. Lond. 1809. P811 B53 Bird, James. Frances Abbott. Lond. 1837. P917.3 B61 Blaney, Capt. W: N. Excursions through the U. S. and Canada during the years 1822-23 by an English gentleman, pi. map. Lond. 1824. P917 B75 Bremer, Fredrska. Homes of the new world. 2 v. N. Y. 1853. P811 B87 Bulkley, Rev. C. H. A. Niagara ; a poem. N. Y. 1848. P917.3 C16 Candler, Isaac. Summary view of America by an Englishman. Lond. 1824. P917.3 C25 Carver, Capt. Jonathan. Three years' travels throughout the interior parts of North America. Charlestown. 1802. P621 C27 Cassier's magazine. July, 1895. N. Y. 1895. Niagara power number. P814 C58 Clark, L. Q. Literary remains. N. Y. 1851. PB C71 Clinton, DeW. Campbell, W: W. Life and writings of DeWitt Clinton, illus. por. 1849. P970.1 C72 Colton, C. Tour of the American lakes in 1830. 2 v. Lond. 1833. P910 C73 Complete illustrated guide to Niagara Falls and vicinity, illus. map S. n. p. 1878. Pamphlet. P973.3 C77 Cook, Frederick, comp. Journal of military expedition of Major General John Sullivan in 1779. illus. por. maps. Auburn. 1887. P286 C83 Cox, F. A., D. D., and Hoby, J., D. D. Baptists in America. N. Y. 1836. P917.47 C86 Creve-coeur, St. John de. Voyage dans la haute Pensylvanie at dans I'etat de N. Y. 3 v. pi. maps. Paris. 1801. P970.3 C96 Cusick, David. Sketches of ancient history of the Six Nations, pi. Lock- port. 1848. P917.3 D24 Darby, William. View of the United States, historical, geographical and statistical, maps. Phil. 1828. P910 D49 De Veaux, Samuel. Falls of Niagara, a tourist's guide to this wonder of nature, illus. map. pi. Buffalo. 1839. P917.4799 D49 Travelers' own guide to Saratoga Springs, Niagara Falls and Canada. illus. 2 maps. Buffalo. 1841. P287 D64 Dixon, Rev. James. Personal narrative of a tour through a part of the United States and Canada. N. Y. 1849. P811 Em6 Emmons, Richard. The Fredoniad: or, independence preserved, an epic poem on the late war of 1812. Ed. 2, 4 v. Phil. 1830. Vol. 1 is Ed. 3, pub. in 1832. P386 D79 Drayton and Reed. Survey for ship canal around Niagara Falls. 5 lines, n. p. 1835. P917.4799 F19 Falls of Niagara, illus. N. Y. n. d. Pamphlet. P917.47 F82 Fowler, John. Journal of a tour in the state of New York in the year 1830, and return to England by the Western islands. Lond. 1831. P917.1 F82 Fowler, Thomas. Journal of a tour through British America to the Falls of Niagara in 1831. Aberdeen. 1832. P917.3 F44 Fidler, Rev. Isaac. Observations on professions, literature, manners and education in the U. S. and Canada made in 1832. N. Y. 1833. P711 F87 Free Niagara, pi. Buffalo. 1885. Pamphlet. PB G37 Gilbert, Benjamin. Walton, William. Narrative of the captivity and sufferings of Benjamin Gilbert and his family. Lancaster. 1890. P917.3 G54 Qodley, J: R. Letters from America. 2 v. Lond. 1844. P910 H78 Guide to Niagara Falls, illus. n. p. n. d. P917.3 H19 Hamilton, Capt. Thomas. Men and manners in America. Phil, 1833, PORTER COLLECTION. 84 P917.1 H34 P917.63 H39 P917 H39 P917.63 H39 P917 H39n P917 H39Y P917 H39ne P917.47 H62 P917.4799 H72 P917.4799H72n P052 H75 P051 H75 P917.4799 H83 PF H83 P910 H87 P910 H91 P973.5 Iii4 P353 Iu4 P910 J63 P917 J64 P974.7 K49 P917.3 L38 PF P917.1 L62 P917.3 L98 P557.4 L98 P811 M121 P917.3 M19 P917.3 M192 P917.3 M35 P917.3 M36 P917.4799 M44 P917.3 M48 PB B74 P917.3 M76 Head, Sir F. B., Baron. Emigrant. N. Y. 1847. Hennepin, Lodewyk. Bevschryviiig van Louisania. Amsterdam. 1688. Nieuwe ont dekldnge van een Groot Land. Amsterdam. 1702. Hennepin, Louis. Description de la Lonisiane. map. Paris. 1888. Notivelle decouverte d'un tres grand pays situe dans I'Amerique, entre le notivean Mexique et la mer glaciale. pi. Amsterdam. 1698. Voyage ort nouvelle deconverte d'nn tres grand pais, dans TAmeriq-ue. Amsterdam. 1712. Hennepin, Ludow. Neu enteckung vieler sehr grossen land-schafften in America. Bremen. 1699. History of the city of Buffalo and Niagara Falls, illus. 1896. Holley, Q: W. Falls of Niagara, pi. map. N. Y. 1883. Niagara; its history and geology, incidents and poetry, pi. map. N. Y. 1872. Home friend ; a weekly miscellany, v. 1. Lond. 1852. Home and country ; an illustrated American magazine. June 1895. v. 10. N. Y. 1894. Contains poem on the Battle of Cold Harbor where Col. Peter A. Porter lost his life. Pamphlet. Howells, W: D., and others. Niagara book, a complete souvenir of Niagara Falls, illus. pi. Buffalo. 1893. Their wedding journey, illus.. Bost. 1882. Hulett, T. Q, Every man his own guide, pi. map. Buffalo. 1844. Hunter, W: S. Panoramic guide from Niagara Falls to Quebec, illus. map. Bost. 1857. IngersoII, C: J. Historical sketch of the second war between the U. S. of America and Great Britain. Phil. 1849. IngersoII, L. D. History of the War Department of the U. S. with biographical sketches of the secretaries, pi. Wash. 1879. Johnson. New guide to Niagara Falls. Buffalo. 1853. Johnston, J. F. W. Notes on North America. 2 v. map. Bost. 1851. Ketchum, William. Authentic and comprehensive history of Buffalo. 2 V. map. Buffalo. 1864-5. Levasseur, A. Lafayette in America in 1824 and 1825. 2 v. S. Phil. 1828. Life in America ; or, The wigwam and the cabin. Aberdeen. 1848. Lillie, A. Canada: physical, economic and social. Toronto. 1855. Lyell, Sir Charles. Second visit to United States of America. 2 v. N. Y. 1848. Lyell, Charles. Travels in North America in the years 1841-2. 2 v. in 1. N. Y. 1845. McCarty, William, comp. Songs, odes and other poems on national subjects, part 2, naval. Phil. 1842. Mackay, Charles. Life and liberty in America in 1857-58. illus. N. Y. 1859. Mackenzie, E. View of United States and of Upper and Lower Canada. pi. maps. Newcastle-on-Tyne. 1820. Marryat, Capt. Frederick. Diary in America. N. Y. 1839. Martineau, Harriet. Retrospect of Western travel. 2 v. 1838. Maude, John. Visit to the Falls of Niagara in 1800. pi. Lond. 1826. Melish, John. Travels through the United States of America in the years 1806, 1807, 1809, 1810, 1811 pi. maps. Lond. 1818. Memorial of Margaret E. Breckinridge. Phil. 1865. Montule, E. Voyage to North America and the West Indies in 1817. illus. pi. Lond. 1821. 85 PORTER COLLECTION. P917.4799 M83 Morse, Mrs. S P917.3 M96 2 v. P386 N48 P621 N5L P910 N51 P811 N25 P917.4799 N84 P974.7 Odd P974.7 Ocl P917.3 Of2 P910 Or7 P973.2 P23 P973.1 P23 P910 P25 P917.3 P27 P386 P29 P974.799 P82 P974.799 P82n P051 P83 P917.3 P87 P277.3 R25 P974.799 R28 P917.3 R67 P917.3 R82 P012 Sal P917.3 Scli8 P917.4799 Se8 P917.4799 Se8ii P811 Sh2 P917.3 Sh3 D. Greater Niagara. 1896. Murray, A. M. Letters from the United States, Cuba and Canada, inl. N. Y. 1856. New York — Corresponding Association for the promotion of internal im- provement. Public documents relating to the New York canals, map. N. Y. 1821. Niagara "BslWs— Business men's association. Water power of the Falls of Niagara applied to manufacturing purposes, illus. pi. Buffalo. 1890. Pamphlet. Niagara Falls; a guide and souvenir. Buffalo. 1864. pampiilet. Neal, John, a/20B. Battle of Niagara, a poem. Bait. 1818. Notes on Niagara, contributed by various travellers. unb. illus. pi. map. Chic. 1883. O'Callaghan, F. B., ed. Colonial history of the state of New York, with index. 11 v. maps. por. pi. O. 1853-61. Documentary history of the state of New York arranged under the direction of Christopher Morgan, Sec. of State. 4 v. pi. maps. Albany. 1894. Offenbach, Jacques. America and the Americans. Lond. n. d. Orr, J: W. Pictorial guide to the Palls of Niagara, illus. maps. Buffalo. 1842. Parkman, Francis. La Salle and discovery of the great West. N. Y. 1879. Pioneers of France in the new world. N. Y. 1885. Parsons, H. A. Book of Niagara Falls. Ed. 6 enl. pi. Buffalo. 1838. Patten, Edmund. Glimpse at the United States and the northern states of America with the Canadas— during the autumn of 1852. pi. Lond. 1853. Payne, Mr. Ship canal around the Falls of Niagara; report. 1890. (U. S.— House— 51st Cong. 1st sess. Report No. Pamphlet. Porter, P. A. Brief history of Old Fort Niagara, illus. 1896. Niagara region in history, illus. N. Y. 1895. Portfolio. July 1809. V. 2. pi. Phil. n. d. Power, Tyrone. Impressions of America during the years 1833-35. Phil. 1836. Reed, Andrew, B. B., and Matheson, James, B. B. Narrative of the visit to the American churches by the deputation from the Congre- gational union of England and Wales. Ed. 2. 2 v. illus. Lond. 1836. Remington, C. K. Ship-yard of the Griffon, pi. map. Buffalo. 1891. Roos, F. F. de. Personal narrative' of travel of the United States and Canada in 1826. pi. L. 1827 Rubio. Rambles in the United States and Canada. Ed. 2. Lond. 1847. Sabin, Joseph. List of the editions of the works of Louis Hennepin. N. Y. 1876. Pamphlet. Schultz, Christian. Travels on an inland voyage. 2 v. pi. maps, O* N. Y. 1810. Severence, F. H. Niagara in Chicago, illus. map. N, Y. n. d. Niagara in London, illus. map. Buffalo, n. d. Pamphlet. Sharpe, William. Niagara and Khandalla; or, nature worship East and West. Lond. n. d. Pamphlet. Shea, J: Q. Discovery and exploration of the Mississippi valley. N. Y. 1852. Wash. 1430.) 2 V. BOOKS FOR THE BLIND. 86 PF Sm5 Smith, H. B. New Don Quixote, a continuation of adventures of Cervantes' gallant knight and his faithful squire, illus. Buffalo. Cl892. Pamphlet. P917.1 Sm5 Smith, M. Geographical view of the British possessions in North America. Bait. 1814. P917.3 St2 Stansbury, P. Pedestrian tour of two thousand three hundred miles in North America in 1821. N. Y. 1822. P910 St3 Steele, O. Q. Book of Niagara Falls. Ed. 8. pi. map. Buffalo. 1840. P970 St7 Stone, W: L. Life and times of Red Jacket. N. Y. 1841. 917.3 St9 Stuart, James. Three years in North America. 2 v. N. Y. 1833. 917.3 Su8 Sutcliff, Robert. Travels in some parts of North America in the years 1804, 1805 and 1806. pi. Phil. 1812. P811 Til Table rock album and sketches of the Falls, illus. Buffalo. 1859. P917 T21 Taylor, Rev. Isaac. Scenes in America for the amusement and instruction of little tarry- at-home travellers, p. 1. map. Hartford. 1848. P910 T64 Tourist; or, pocket manual for travellers. Ed. 6. map. N. Y. 1838. P917.3 T74 Trollope, Anthony. North America. N. Y. 1862. P917.3 T742 Trollope, Frances. Domestic manners of the Americans. Ed. 5. Lond. 1839. P917 T81 Tudor, Henry. Narrative of a tour in North America. 2 v. Lond. 1834. P974.7 T85 Turner, C. P. Pioneer period of western New York. Buffalo. 1888. Pamphlet. P974.7 T85p Turner, O. Pioneer settlement of Phelps and Gorham's purchase and Morris reserve. 1851. P917.47 Y35 Van Rensselaer, Solomon. Narrative of the affair of Queenstown in the war of 1812. map. N. Y. 1836. P917.3 Y68 Vigne, Q. T. Six months in America. 2 v. p. 1. Lond. 1832. P621 W29 Water power at Niagara Falls to be successfully utilized, maps. Buffalo. 1886. Pamphlet. P917 W45 Weld, Isaac. Travel through the states of North America, pi. map. Lond. 1799. P917.3 W67 Willis, N. P. American scenery, pi. Lond. n. d. P917.4799 W67 Willis, N. P., arid otizers. Falls of Niagara, unb. illus. Chic. 1893. P917.3 W89 Wortley, E. S., Lady. Travels in the U. S. during 1849 and 1850. N. Y. 1851. P917.3 W93 Wright, Frances. Views of society and manners in America during the years 1818-20. 2d American from the 1st London edition. N. Y. 1821. BOOKS FOR THE BLIND New York Point fe824 Ad2 Addison, Joseph. Spectator papers. 1895. B824 B13 Bacon, Francis. Selections from his essays. 1895. B821 B82 Browning, Mrs. Elizabeth (Barrett). Selections from poems. 1896. B811 B84 Bryant, W: C. Thanatopsis and other poems. 1896. B821 B99 Byron, G: Q. N., Lore/. Prisoner of Chillon. 1896. B204 D84 Drummond, Henry. Two addresses. 1892. B781 G29 Qeotschius, P. Materials used in musical composition. 2 v. 1888. 87 BOOKS FOR THE BUND. B261 G35 Gibbons, James, Cardinal. Faith of our fathers. 2 y. 1894. B811 L86 Longfellow, H: W. Evangeline. 1895. B811 L86s Selected poems. 1883. B824 Mil Macaulay, T: B. Essay on Milton. 1896. B824 Mile Essays on Pilgrim's progress. 1895. B821 Sco8 Scott, Sir Walter. Lady of the lake. 1896. B689 Si5 Simpson, J. A. Notes on tuning. 1890. B815 W39 Webster, Daniel. Bunker Hill oration. 1896. B815 W39o Oration on Adams and Jefferson. 1896. Braille B372 M92 Munroe. New primer. 1896. Raised Type BP All B225 N42 Alcott, L.. M. Little women. 1896. ^ New Testament for the blind. 4 v. 1880. JUVENILE LIBRARY 000 GENERAL WORKS j05 Ey2 Every boy's annual. 2 v. illus. 1885. j051 Bll Babyland. illus. v. 10, 12. 1886-c88. j051 H23 Harper's round table, v. 17. illus. N. Y. 1896. j051 H23 Harper's round table. New series v. 1-date. 1898. j051 P19 Pansy, ed. by Mrs. G. R. Alden. illus. y. 14. Nov. 1886 to Oct. 1887. j051 R54 Robert's merry museum 1843-44. y. 5-8. illus. 1847. j051 Sa2 Saint Nicholas, v. 10, pt. 1, 11, 15, 16, 17, 18, 19, 20, 21, 22, 23. 1882- 84, 1888-96. j051 W63 . Wide Awake, y. 28, v. 29. illus. 1888,1889. jl78 P25 Parton, James. Smoking and drinking. 1868. j221 W85 Word, Rev. J. Q., comp. Old Testament history in simple language. 1871. 300 SOCIOLOGY j342 B79 Brooks, E. S. Century book for young Americans, illus. cl894. j359 L89 tossing, B. J: Story of U. S. NaYy. illus. 1881. j374 L58 Lewis, Dio. Our girls. 1871. j374 N82 Notes for boys (and their fathers) on morals, mind and manners. 1888. j374 T99 Tytler, Sarah. Papers for thoughtful girls. 1866. j374 Y8 Young mechanic. 1844. Folk-lore j398 C36 Chapin, A.. A. Story of the Rhinegold. illus. 1897. j398 F92 Frost, W: H: Knights of the Round Table. 1897. i398 L27 Lanier, Sidney, ed. Boy's Froissart. illus. 1884. j398 L27b Boy's King Arthur, illus. 1884. j398 L27bo Boy's Percy, illus. 1882. j398 L27k Knightly legends of Wales, illus. 1884. 500 NATURAL SCIENCES jSOO An2 Andrews, Jane. Stories mother nature told her children. 1893. j500 H76 Hooker, Worthington. Child's book of nature, illus. 1857. j500 P31 Peabody, S. H. Cecil's books of natural history, illus. 1880. j500 vSa2 Saintine, X. B. Dame nature and her three daughters. 1869. j520 M78 Moore, Annie, and Nicliols, L. D. OYcrhead. illus. cl878. j523 B21 Bali, Sir R. S. Star-land, illus. 1892. 89 JUVENILE. j530 M45 j530 P39 j530 R76 j536 Ab2 j550 K61 j550 Shi j550 W72 j551 Ab2 j551 F94 j572 R27 j578 F53 j580 P88 j581 G79 j582 Ami "j582 H13 j590 B47 j590 M61 j590 P31 j590 W85 j591 H71 j595 Y27 j592 B85 j596 G62 j596 InS j596 R27 j596 W85 j598 L81 j598 N21 j600 B96 )600 M41 j603 L72 j603 T34 j606 T42 j608 H13 j612 All j650 J72 j751 C35 j790 B38 Mayhew, Henry. Wonders of science, illns. 1856. Pepper, J: H: Boy's book of science, illns. n. d. Routledge, Robert. Science in sport, illns. 1877. Abbott, Jacob. Heat, illns. 1871. {Science for the young:) Kingsley, Charles* Madam How and Lady Why. 1896. Shaler, N. S. First book in geology, illus. 1892. Winchell, Alexander. Geological excursions, illus. 1886. Abbott, Jacob. Water and land, illus. 1872. {Science for the young.) Frye, A. E. First steps in geography, illiis. 1894. Reid, Capt. Mayne. Odd people. 1861. Fisher, A. B. (Buckley). Through magic glasses, illus. 1890. Pratt, M. L. Fairyland of flowers, illus. cl890. Gray, Asa. How plants behave, illus. cl872. American forest. 1860. Hale, Q. E.. Little flower people, illus. 1893. Biart, Lucien. Adventures of a young naturalist, illus. 1871. Miller, O. T. {pseud, of Mrs. Harriet (Mann). Little folks in feathers and fur. illus. 1894. Peabody, S. H. Cecil's books of natural history, illus. 1885. Wood, J. Q. Natural history for young people, illus. 1882. Holder, C: F: Living lights, illus. 1888. {Marvels of animal life series.) Van Bruyssel, Ernest. Population of an old pear-tree, illus. 1894. Buckley, A. B., afterwards Mrs. Fisher. Life and her children, illus. 1887. Goodrich, S. Q. (pseud. Peter Parley). Book of quadrupeds, illus. 1864. Intelligence of animals, illus. 1869. Reid, Capt. Mayne. Quadrupeds, a book of Zoology for boys, illus. 1867. Wood, J. Q. Animal traits and characteristics, v. 2. illus. 1864. Lockwood, Samuel. Animal memoirs ; birds, v. 2. 1888. {Readings in natural history.) Natural history of birds. 1840. Busy lives around us. n. d. Mateaux, C. L. Wonderland of work, illus. 1884. Little ladders to learning, illus. 1869. Things in-doors. illus. n. d. Jenks, Tudor. Century World's Fair book, illus. cl893. Hale, E: E. Stories of invention. 1893. Alcott, W: A. The house I live in. illus. 1851. Jones, R. J. C. Ships, sailors and the sea. illus. 1887. Champney, Mrs. Elizabeth (Williams). All around a palette, illus. 1878. Beard, D. C. What to do and how to do it. 1892. Beard, L., and A. B. American girl's handy book, illus. 1893. JUVENILE. 90 j793 B71 Boy»s own book of indoor sports and choice parlor games. d. j796 B38 Beard, D. C. American boy's book of sport. 1896. j796 R91 Russell, Charles. Bodily strength and skill. 1873. 800 LITERATURE STORIES A A. L. O. E. {pseud, of Charlotte M. Tucker). Old friends with new faces 1861. jAp Precepts in practice. 1860. jAb21 Abbott, Annie W. Impulse and principle. 1869. jAb2 Abbott, Jacob. August stories, n. d. jAb2f Florence stories. 3 y. n. d. jAb2fr Franconia stories. 7 v. n. d. jAb2j Jonas stories. 3 v. n. d. jAb2ju Juno stories. 4 v. n. d. jAb21 Lucy books. 5 v. n. d. jAb2m Marco Paul's voyages. 3 v. jAb2r Rollo books. 13 v. n. d. jAb2ro Rollo in Europe. 2 y. n. d. jAb2s Stories of Rainbow and Lucky, n. d. jAb2w William Gayseries. 4 y. n. d. jAb24p Abbott, Rosa. Pinks and blues. 1870. jAb24 Young detectiYC. 1869. jAc8 Acton, Mrs. Adams. Twilight stories, illus. n. d. jAdl2 Adams, Charlotte. Boys at home. 1866. jAdl4 Adams, H. C. The ballot, n. d. jAdl4c Charlie Lucken. 1893. jAdl6 Adams, W. H. D. The boy makes the man. illus. 1868. jAdl6s Scenes with the hunter, illus. n. d. jAdl8 Adams, William. Cherrystones. 1867. jAdla Adams, William Taylor (psewc/. Oliver Optic). All aboard. 1884. jAdl American boys afloat. 1893. jAdlb Brake up. 1869. jAdlc Cross and crescent, n. d. jAdlg Going south. 1880. jAdlgo Going west. 1880. jAdlp Poor and proud. 1878. jAdlsn Snug harbor. 1884. jAdsu Sunny shores. 1875. jAdlf Fighting Joe. 1865. jAdli In school and out. n. d. jAdlis Isles of the sea. 1877. jAdlla Lake breeze. 1879. jAdll Lightning express. 1883. jAdln Northern lands. 1872. jAdlsq Square and compass. 1885. jAdlst Stand by the Union, n. d. jAdlt Taken by the enemy. 1889. 91 JUVENILE. Adams, William Taylor— Con tintied. jAdltr Try again, n. d. jAdlv Victorious Union. 1894. jAdlvi Vine and olive. 1876. jAdlw Within the enemy's lines. 1891. jAdly Young lieutenant. cl865. jAd9 Adventures of Gerard the lion killer. 1869. jAi4 Aikin, and Barbauld, Mrs. Evenings at home, illns. 1855. jAi4j Juvenile budget reopened. 1855. jAll Alcott, Louisa May. Aunt Jo's scrap bag. v. 1, 2, 3, 4, 6. 1882. jAUe Eight cousins. 1890. jAllg Garland for girls. 1888. jAllj Jack and Jill, illus. 1891. jAlljo Jo's boys. 1891. jAUk Kitty's class day. cl868. jAUl ' Little men. n. d. jAUli Little women, n. d. jAlllu Lulu's library. 1890. jAllm Moods. 1864. jAUo Old fashioned girl. 1891. jAUp Proverb stories. 1882. jAUr Rose in bloom. 1891. jAlls Spinning wheel stories, ti. d. jAUu Under the lilacs. 1891. jA12 Alden, Ellen Tracy. Stories and ballads. 1879. jA121 Alden, Mrs. Q. R. (pseud. Pansy). Pansy's Sunday book. 1895. jA124 Alden, William Livingston, Moral pirates, illus. 1880. jA126 Aldrich, Thomas Bailey. Story of a bad boy. illus. 1893 jA13 Alger, Horatio, jr. Brave and bold. n. d. jA13c Charlie Codman's cruise. cl886. jA13da Dan, the newsboy, n. d. jA13d Digging for Gold. cl892. jA13e Errand boy. illus, n. d. jA13f Facing the world, n. d. jAlSfa Fame and fortune. cl868. jA13fr Frank's campaign. cl892. jA13he Hector's inheritance. cl885. jA13h Helen Ford. cl866. jA13p Paul Prescott's charge. cl893. jA13r Ragged Dick. n. d. jA13ri Risen from the ranks, n. d. jAlSro Rough and ready. 1890. jA13sa Sam's choice, n. d. jA13sh Shifting for himself. 23. J. jA13s Slow and sure. n. d. jAl3t Tony the hero. n. d. jAlSwa Wait and hope. n. d. jA13st Strive and succeed, n. d. jA13str Strong and steady. cl871. jA13y Young boatman of Pine Point. 1892. j A.m3 American family in Paris, illus. 1869. jAn2 Andersen, Hans Christian. Fairytales. 2 v. 1892. jAn2s Shoes of fortune. 1869. jAn2st Story book. n. d. JUVENILE. 92 Andersen, Hans Christina— Continued. jAn2w Wonderful tales, illus. 1879. jAn24 Andrews, Jane. Seven little sisters. 1893. jAn24t Ten boys on the road from long ago to now. illus. 1893. jArl Arabian night's entertainments, illus. 1880. jArlt Thousand and one nights. 1883. jAr2 Archie, Grey. n. d. jAs3 Ashley, B. F. Air castle Don. cl896. jAs3t Tan pile Jim. cl894. jAu7 Austin, Stella. Paul's friend, illus. 1890. B jB21b Ballantyne, Robert Michael. Black Ivory, illus. 1873. jB21 Chasing the sun. n. d. jB21d. DogCruso. n. d. jB21f Freaks on the fells, n. d. jB21g Gascoyne. n. d. jB21n Norsemen in the West. 1872. jB21s Shifting winds, n. d. jB21w Wild man of the West. n. d. jB21wo World of ice. n. d. jB22 Banvard, Joseph. Soldiers and patriots of the American Revolution. cl876. jB26 Barnes, James. Yankee ships and Yankee sailors— 1812. illus. 1898. jB345 Baylor, Frances Courtnay, afterwards Mrs. Belger. Juan and Juanita. illus. 1888. jB41 Bell, Catharine D. Graham, n. d. jB411 Belisle, D. W. American family Robinson, n. d. jB43 Bennett, John. Master Skylark. 1897. jB54 Bits of talk for young folks. 1876. jB59 Blanchard, Amy E. Twenty little maidens, illus. 1895. jB66 Bouvet, Marguerite. Prince Tip-Top. 1892. jB661 Boundary tree. n. d. jB691 Boy pilgrims, n. d. jB692b Boyesen, Hjalmar Hjorth. Boyhood in Norway, illus. 1894. jB692 Modern vikings, illus. 1887. jB75 Brewster, Marion. Under the water-oak. 1892. jB77 Brine, Mary D. Echoes from story land. cl888. jB77h Hither and thither, illus. cl894. jB79b Brooks, Elbridge Streeter. Boy of the first empire, illus. 1896. jB79 Historic girls, illus. 1887. jB79u Under the tamaracks. 1896. jB792bo Brooks, Noah. Boy emigrants. 1895. jB792b Boy settlers. 1896. jB792 Fairport nine. 1895. jB81 Brown, Frances. Granny's wonderful chair, n. d. jB934 Burnand, F. C. Happy thought hall, illus. 1872. jB9v3e Burnett, Mrs. Frances (Hodgson). Edith a 's burglar, illus. 1895. jB93g Giovanni and the others. 1893. jB931 Little Lord Fauntleroy. 1890. jB93li Little Saint Elizabeth. 1895. jB93 ' vSara Crewe, illus. 1888. jB93t Two little pilgrims' progress. 1895. 93 But once. ti. d. Butterworth, Hezekiah. Boys of the Greetiaway court. Knight of liberty. 1896. illiis. 1893. jC23t jC231 jC27c jC27ca jC27 jC27f jC27h jC27m jC27o jC27r jC27s jC35 jC39 jC42 jC421 jC44 jC55 jC59a jC59 jC59p jC59t jC63 jC63t jC63tti jC69 jC76 jC76i jC76l jC77 jC77c jC77cr jC77e jC77g Cahun, Leon. Blue banner. Catnpe, J. H. Captain Kidd. Adventures of Captain Mago. illus. 1878. Robinson the younger. 1866. 12. d. illus. 1876. Alice's adventures Three Yassar girls in France. 1875. Carey, Rosa Nouchette. Esther, illus. n. d. Our Bessie, illus. n. d. Cargill, John F. Big-horn treasure, illus. 1897. Carroll, Lewis {pseud, of Charles Lutwidge Dodgson). in wonderland, illus. 1893. Through the looking glass, illus. 1872. Carryl, Charles Edward. Davy and the goblins, illus. 1895. Castleman, Harry {pseud, of Charles Austin Fosdick). Camp in the foot- hills. 1893. Camping out. n. d. Frank at Don Carlos' rancho. n. d. Frank before Yicksburg. cl864. House-boat boys. n. d. Mail carrier, illus. cl879. Our fellows, illus. cl872. Rodney the partisan, illus. cl890. Snowed up. illus. cl876. Champney, Mrs. Elizabeth (Williams). illus. 1888. Chatterbox, illus. 1891,1894. 2 v. Cheney, Mrs. Edna Dow. Child of the tide. Cherry stones, n. d. Stories from China, illus. n. d. Clark, Sara J. See Shrley, Pen, pseud. Clarke, Mary Cowden. Kit Barn's adventures. 1856. Clarke, Rebecca Sophia. See May, Sophie, pseud. Clemens, Samuel Langhorne {pseud. Mark Twain). Huckleberry Finn, illus. 1897. Adventures of Tom Sawyer, illus. 1895. Prince and pauper. 1891. Tom Sawyer abroad, illus. 1894. Cobden, Paul. Going on a mission. Take a peep. 1874. Turning wheel, illus. 1872. CoUingwood, Harry. Congo rovers. Converse, Frank H. In southern seas. Island treasure, n. d. Lost gold mine, illus. 1896. Coolidge, Susan {pseud, oi Sarah Chauncey Woolsey). Barberry bush. 1893. Clover. 1889. Cross patch. 1881. Eyebright. 1879. Guernsey Lily. 1892. Adventures of 1871. n.d. 1888. JUVENILE. 94 Coolidge, Susan— Continued. jC77i In the High Valley. 1891. jC77j Jnst sixteen. 1893. jC77n Nine little goslings. jC77no Not quite eighteen. 1894. jC77r Round dozen, illus. 1883. jC77w What Katy did at school. 1888. jC77wh What Katy did next. 1887. jC78 Cooper, James Fenimore. Stories of the sea. illus. 1868. jC83 Cowan, J. F. Mother of the king's children. 1892. jC831 Cox, Palmer. Brownies around the world, illus. 1894. jC841 Craik, Mrs. Dinah Maria (Mulock). Little lame prince. 1897. jC84 Craik, Georgiana Marion, afterwards Mrs. May. Miss Moore. 1874. jC87 Crockett, Samuel Rutherford. Sweetheart travellers, illus. cl895. jC871 Crofton, Mrs. Caldwell. Little ladies, illus. 1892. jC871u Uncle Bill's children, illus. jC88 Crowfield, Christopher. Little foxes. 1866. jC92 Cupples, Mrs. George. Singular creatures and how they are found. 1872. D jD17 . Dalton, William. Wolf boy of China, illus. 1869. jD24 Darling, Mary G. In the world. 1871. jD25 Darnell, Henry Falkner. Flossy. 1889. jD29 Davis, Elizabeth A. Snip and whip. 1877. jD291 Davis, Mrs. Rebecca (Harding). Kent Hampden. 1892. jD31 Davy's motto, n. d. jD33 Day, Thomas. History of Sanford and Merton. 1875. jD36 DeFoe, Daniel. Robinson Crusoe, n. d. ^ jD37 Deland, Ellen Douglas. Malvern. 1896. jD37s Successful venture. cl897. jD54 Diaz, Mrs. Abby (Morton). Jimmy Johns, illus. 1878. jD541 Lucy Maria, illus. 1874. jD54p Polly Cologne, illus. cl881. jD54w William Henry, illus. 1872. jD55 Dickens, Charles. Child-pictures, illus. 1868. jD55c Cricket on the hearth. 1885. jD641 Dixon, R. B. Fore and aft. 1883. jD66b Dodge, Mrs. Mary (Mapes). Baby world. 1884. jD66d Donald and Dorothy. 1893. jD66 Hans Brinker. illus. 1875. jD661 Land of pluck. 1894. jD66n New baby world, illus. 1897. jD66t Theophilus. 1876. Dodgson, Charles Lutwidge. See pseud. Carroll, Lewis. jD74 Douglas, Amanda Minnie. In the ranks. 1883. jD74a Kathie's aunt Ruth. 1883. jD74h Kathie's harvest days. 1883. jD74s Kathie's soldiers. 1883. jD74su Kathie's summer at Cedarwood. 1883. jD74t Kathie's three wishes. 1883. jD744 Douglas, Marian. Peter and Polly. 1876. jD84b Drysdale, William. Beach patrol. 1897. jD84f Fast mail. 1896. jD84 Mystery of Abel Forefinger. 1894. W 95 JUVENILE. Drysdale, William— Continued. jD84y Young reporter. 1895. jD92 Dunning, Mrs. A. K. Loss and gain. cl877. E jEdS Edgeworth, Maria. Early lessons, illus. n. d. jEdSf Frank. 2 v. 1851. jEdSm Moral tales, illus. n. d. jEdSp Parent's assistant, illus. n. d. jEdSpo Popular tales, illus. u. d. jEg3 Eggleston, Edward. Hoosier school boy. illus. 1883. jBg32 Eggleston, George Gary. Wreck of the Red Bird. 1882. j£i5 Eiloart, Mrs. Elizabeth. Boy with an idea, illus. 1874. jE15 Ellis, Edward Sylvester. Hunters of the Ozark, n. d. jE15t Tad. illus. cl891. jE15th Through forest and fire. cl891. jE15w Wyoming. 1888. jE15n Ned in the block house. jE15ne Ned in the woods. cl884. jE15ned Ned on the river. cl884. jE15u Uncrowning a king, illus. 1896. jEnl Enault, Louis. Captain's dog. illus. 1888. jErS Eriing the bold. 1869. jEw5 Ewing, Mrs. Juliana Horatio. Flat iron for a farthing, illus. 1888. jEw5g Great emergency. 1888. jEw5j Jackanapes, illus. 1887. jEw5j Daddy Darwin's dove cot. jEw5j Story of a short life. jEw5ja Jan of the windmill. 1876. jEw51 Lob lie-by-the-fire. 1888. jEw5m Melchior's dream. 1888. jEw5mr Mrs. Over the way's remembrances, illus. 1887. jEw5s Six to sixteen, illus. 1894. jEw5w We and the world. 1888. jEy7 Eyster, Mrs. Nellie (Blessing). Colonial boy. 1889. F jP22 Far and near. n. d. jF224 Farming for boys. 1869. jF23els Farquharson, Martha (pseuJ. o/ Martha Finley). Elsie Densmore. 1893. jF23f Elsie's friends at Woodburn. cl887. jF23k Elsie's kith and kin. n. d. jF23mo Elsie's motherhood, n. d. jF23 Elsie's vacation. cl891. jF23e Elsie at Viamede. cl892. jF23el Elsie's widowhood. cl880. iF23ra Mildred at Koselands. n. d. jF23t Two Elsies, n. d. jP39 Fern, Fanny {pseud, of Mrs. Sarah Payson Parton). Little ferns for Fanny's little friends, illus. 1854. jF24 Farrar, Frederic William, Dean. St. Winifred's, illus. 1888. jF45 Field, Mrs. Frederick. "I forgot." 1878. Finley, Martha. See Farquharson, Martha, pseud. jF73 Foot, Katharine B. Rovings of a restless boy. cl892. JUVENILE. 96 Posdick, Charles Austin. See Castleman, Harry, pseud. jF86l Frazer, Douglas. Log of the Maryland, illus. 1891. jF86 Perseverance Island. 1890. jF88 French, Alice (pseuJ. Octave Thanet). We all. illus. 1893. jF89 Frere, M. Old Deccan days. 1869. G jG4.5 Gladden, Washington. Santa Claus on a lark and other stories, illus. 1890. jG62 Goodrich, S. Q. (pseud. Peter Parley). Faggots for the fireside, illus. 1868. jG62h Home in the sea. 1869. jG62m Make the best of it. 1869. jG62p Persevere and prosper. 1869. jG62r Right is might. 1869. jG62t Take care of number one. 1869. jG62ta Tales of the Revolution. 1869. jG62tal Tales of sea and land. 1869. jG62tr Truth finder. 1869. jG62w What to do and how to do it. 1869. jGwi Wit bought. 1869. Gordon, C. See Vieux, Moustache, pseud. jG73 Goulding, F. R. Young marooners, or Robert and Harold. cl866. jG74 Gourand, Julie. Peter Lipp. illus. 1868. jG76j Grant, Robert. Jack Hall. 1893. jG76 Jack in the bush. 1893. jG761 Granny's story box. illus. n. d. jG82 Green, Evelyn Everett.— True to the last. 1891. jG83b Green, Homer. Blind brother, n. d. jG83 Burnham breaker. 1887. jG83r Riverpark rebellion, illus. 1892. jG832 Green, Mrs. Star in the dust heap, illus. 1876. jG85 Greenwood, Grace (pseud, of Mrs. Sara Jane (Clarke) Lippincott). Bon- nie Scotland, illus. 1883. jG85h Heads and tails. 1874. jG85s Stories for home folks. 1884. jG85st Stories from famous ballads. 1885. jG852 Greenwood, James. Adventures of Reuben Davidger. illus. 1866. jG93 Guernsey, Lucy Ellen. Loveday's history. 1885. jG94 Guizot, Mme. Moral tales, illus. 1867. jG94p Popular tales. 1864. H jHll Habberton, John. Country luck. 1887. jHllo Other people's children. 1877. jHllw Who was Paul Grayson ? illus. 1881. jH13 Hale, Edward Everett. Christmas eve. 1873. jH13c Crusoe in New York. 1880. jH13e East and West. cl892. jH13f Four and five. 1891. jH13n New England boyhood. cl893. jH13t Ten times one is ten. 1893. jH14a Hall, Charles W. Adrift in the ice-fields, n. d. jH14 Drifting round the world, illus. 1881. 97 JUVENILE. jH14-4 Hall, Theresa Oakley. Her mother's fancy. 1875. jH23 Harper and brothers. Harper establishment, illus. cl855. jH24d Harris, Joel Chandler. Daddy Jake the runaway, illus. 1896. jH24 Little Mr. Thimblefinger and his queer country. 1896. jH24m Mr. Rabbit at home; a sequel to Mr. Thimblefinger. illus. 1897. jH24s Sister Jane. 1896. jH29 Hauff , Wilhelm. Arabian days' entertainments, illus. 1882. jH291 Haven, Mrs. Alice B. (pseud. Cousin Alice). Home stories. 1869. jH291n No such word as fail. 1857. jH291o Out of debt, out of danger, 1873. jH291p Patient waiting no loss. 1861. jH291pl Place for everything. 1864. jH31 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Grandfather's chair, n. d. jH31t Tanglewood tales. cl853. jH31w Wonder-book. 1879. I'HSlwo Wonder-book. 1890. Contents: Tanglewood tales. Grandfather's chair. jH39a Henty, George Alfred. Agincourt. 1896. jH39 Beric, the Briton, illus. 1892. jH39bo Bonnie Prince Charlie. 1896. jH39b By pike and dyke. 1894. jH39ca Captain Bayley's heir. n. d. jH39c Cat of Rubastes. illus. n. d. jH39fo For name and fame. n. d. jH39gi Girl of the commune, n. d. jH39f In freedom's cause. 1894. jH39g In Greek waters. 1893. jH39i In the heart of the Rockies. 1895. jH391 Lion of St. Mark. 1894. jH39m March on London. 1897. jH39on On the Irawaddy. 1896. jH39one One of the 28th. n. d. jH39o Out on the pampas, illus. n. d. jH39r Red skin and cow-boy. illus. n. d. jH39s St. Bartholomew's eve. illus. 1894. jH39t Through Russian snows. 1895. jH39ti Tiger of Mysore. 1895. jH39u Under Drake's flag. 1894. jH39wh When London burned, illus. 1895. jH39w With Clive in India, illus. ti. d. jH39wic With Cochrane the dauntless. 1896. jH39wit With Frederick the Great. 1897. jH39with With Lee in Virginia, illus. 1894. jH39wim With Moore at Corunna. 1897. jH39wi With Wolfe in Canada. 1890. jH39wu Wulf the Saxon, illus. 1895. jH39y Young Carthaginian, illus. n. d. jH76 Hooper, Jane Winnard. Arbelle's school days. 1864. jH77 Hope, Ascott R. Round about the minster green, n. d. jH79 Hosmer, James K. Thinking bayonet. 1865. jH81 House on wheels, illus. n. d. jH83b Howard, Blanche Willis, aRerwards Mrs, Teuffel, Battle and a boy. 1892. 98 JUVENILE. Howard, Blanche Willis— Continued. jH83 No heroes. 1894. jH831 Howe, Edgar Watson. Moonlight boy. 1886. jH834 Howells, William Dean. A boy's town, illns. 1890. jH834c Christmas every day. illns. 1893. jH87 Hughes, Thomas. Tom Brown's school days, illns. 1885. jH88 Humphrey, Frances A. Children of Old Park's tavern. 1886. jH94 Hurrah for New England. 1861. Ide, Mrs. Frances Otis (Ogden). See Ogden, Ruth, pseud. jln4 Ingersoll, Ernest. Ice queen, illns. 1885. jIrS Irving, Washington. Rip Van Winkle. 1882. J Janvier, Margaret Thomson. See Vandergrift, Margaret, pseud. jJ55 Jewett, Sarah Orne. Betty Leicester. 1890. j J24 Jamison, Mrs. Cecile Viets (Dakin) Hamilton. Toinette's Philip. 1896. jJ611 Johnes, Merideth. Prince Charlie, illns. 1863. j J62 Johnson, E. Judge's pets, illns. 1872. jJ621 Johnson, Rossiter. End of a rainbow. 1892. jJ621p Phaeton Rogers, illns. 1896. K Kaler, James Otis. See Otis, James, pseud. Kellogg, Elijah. Ark of Elm island. cl869. Arthur Brown. 1870. Boy farmers of Elm island. 1869. Brought to the front. cl875. Burying the hatchet. 1879. Charlie Bell. cl868. Child of the island glen. 1872. Cruise of the Casco. cl871. Fisher boys of Pleasant cove. 1874. Good old times. cl877. Hard-scrabble of Elm island. cl870. John Godsoe's legacy. Lion Ben. cl868. Mission of Black Rifle. cl876. Sophomores of Radcliffe. 1871. Sowed by the wind. n. d. Sparks ot genius. 1871. Strong arm. 1881. Turning of the tide. cl873. Unseen hand. 1882. Young deliverers. cl871. Young ship-builders. cl870. Whispering Pine. cl872. Wolf run. n. d. Kingsley, Charles. Water babies. 1891. Abridged. Kingston, William Henry Giles. Charley Laurel, illus. n. d. Ernest Bracebridge. 1831. In the eastern seas, illus. 1889. jK29 jK29a jK29b jK29br jK29bu jK29c jK29ch jK29cr jK29f jK29g jK29h jK29j jK291 jK29m jK29s jK29so jK29sp jK29st jK29t jK29u jK29y jK29yo jK29w jK29wo jK61 jK614 jK614e jK614i JUVENILE. 99 Kingston, William Henry Qiles— Continued. jK614ma Mark Seaworth. n. d. jK614m Missing ship, illus. n. d. jK614o On the bands of the Amazon, n. d. jK614p Peter the whaler. 1865. jK614pe Peter Trawl, ti. d. jK614s Stories of animal sagacity, n. d. jK614v Voyage round the world, illus. 1873. jK614r Voyages of the "Ranger" and "Crusader." 1891. jK614w Wanderers, illus. 1876. jK614y Young Llanero. illus. 1877. jK614yo Young rajah, illus. 1876. jK62 Kipling, Rudyard. Jungle book, illus. 1894. jK62s Second jungle book, illus. 1895. jL14 jL16 jL23 jL25m jL25a jL25 jL25g jL25p jL25r ' jL25y jL37 iL43 jL43s jL43y jL43yo jL43you jL43youn jL47 jL51 jL56 jL62 jL622 jL622e jL622h jL622j jL622m jL622n jL622r jL622ru jL622s jL724 jL79 jlv791 Lakeman, Mary. Pretty Lucy Merwyn. 1884. Lamb, Charles. Adventures of Ulysses. 1892. Lander, Sarah W. Spectacles for young eyes, illus. 1865. Lang, Andrew. My own fairy book. 1896. Lang, Andrew, ed. Animal story book, illus. 1896. Blue fairy book, illus. 1893. Green fairy book, illus. n. d. Pink fairy book, illus. 1895. Red fairy book, illus. 1893. Yellow fairy book, illus. 1894. Laurie, Andre. Captain Trafalgar, illus. 1887. Lawrence, Uncle, pseud. In search of a son. 1890. Story of a mountain. 1890. Young folks ideas, illus. 1893. Young folks queries, illus. 1893. Young folks science in story, illus. n. d. Contents : Whys and wherefores. Ideas. Queries. Young folks whys and wherefores, illus. 1893. Lear, Edward. Nonsense books, illus. 1896. Lee, Day Kellogg. Summerfield. 1869. Leslie, Mrs. Madeline. Play and study. 1865. Lil. 1889. Lillie, Mrs. Lucy Cecil (White). Colonel's money, illus. 1888. Esther's fortune. 1889. Household of Glen Holly, illus. 1888. Jo's opportunity. 1886. Mildred's bargain, illus. 1882. Nan. illus. 1883. Rolf house, illus. 1886. Ruth Endicott's way. 1895. Squire's daughter, n. d. Lippincott, Mrs. Sarah Jane (Clarke). 5ee Greenwood, Grace, pseud. Little brother, n. d. Locke, John S. A brave struggle, illus. cl886. Locker, Arthur. Stephen Scudamore, the younger. 1871. JUVENILE. 100 Lothrop, Mrs. Harriet Mulford (Stone). See Sidney, Margaret, pseud. jL95 Lowell, Robert. Anthony Brade. 1874. M jMi4 MacDonald, George. At the back of the north wind, illus. n. d. jM14h History of Gntta-Percha Willie, n. d. jM29 Malot, Hector. Sea and shore, illus. 1873. jM31 Mannering, May. Little maid of Oxbow. 1871. jMSll Little Spaniard. 1869. jM33 Marian and her pupils . n. d. jM332 Marguerite's journal. 1875. jM342 Markham, Ricliard. Around the yule-log. illus. 1879. jM36 Martineau, Harriet. Peasant and prince, illus. 1886. jM39 Masterman ready, n. d. jM42b Mathews, Joanna H. Bessie at school. 1880. jM42be Bessie at the seashore, n. d. jM42m Maggie Bradford's fair. cl892. jM42 Maggie Bradford's schoolmates. 1890. jM422 Mathews, Margaret Harriet. Dr. Gilbert's daughters, n. d. jM43 Matthews, Brander. Tom Paulding, illus. cl892. jM45 May, Sophie (pseud, o/ Rebecca Sophia Clarke). Asbury twins. 1875. jM45do Doctor papa, illus. cl877. jM45d Doctor's daughter. 1871. Dotty Dimple stories. 6y. 1868-70. Contents: jM45g V. 1. Dotty Dimple at her grandmother's. jM45w v. 2. Dotty Dimple out west. jM45s Y. 3. Dotty Dimple at school. jM451i V. 4. Dotty Dimple at home. jM45p V. 5. Dotty Dimple at play. jM45f v. 6. Dotty Dimple flyaway. jM45f Flaxie Frizzle. 1876. jM45i In old Quinnebasset. 1892. jM45k Kittyleen. 1884. jM451 Little pitchers. 1878. jM45m Miss Thistledown. cl873. jM45o Our Helen. 1874. jM45q Quinnebasset girls. 1877. jM45t Twin cousins. 1880. jM452 "May," pseuc?. "I will." 1868. jM46 Meade, Lillie Thomas, afterwards Mrs. Smith. Deb and the Duchess, illus. 1889. jM46f Four on an island, illus. cl892. jM46g A girl in ten thousand, n. d. jM46m Merry girls of England, n. d. jM46p Palace beautiful, n. d. jM46po Polly, a new fashioned girl. n. d. jM46r Ring of rubies, illus. 1892. jM46s Sweet girl graduate, n. d. jM55 Merriman, Effle W. Little millers. 1891. jM57 Meunier, Victor. Adventures on the great hunting grounds, illus. 1872. jM612 Mille, James de. Lily and the cross, illus. 1875. jM612w Winged lion. n. d. Miller, Mrs. Harriet (Mann). See Miller, Olive Thorne. iM61 Miller, Olive Thorne. Queer pets at Marcy's. illus. 1880. JUVENILE. lOi Milman, Helen. See Crofton, Mrs. Caldwell. jM73 Molesworth, Mrs. Mary Louisa (pseud. Etinis Graham). Adventures of HerrBaby. 1890. jM73c Carrots. 1882. jM73ch Christmas child. 1888. jM73cp Christmas posy, illus. 1888. jM73chr Christmas tree land. 1886. jM73cti Cuckoo clock. 1882. jM73g Grandmother dear. 1882. jM731 Little Miss Pee^gy. 1888. jM73n Next door house. cl892. jM73o Oriel window. 1896. jM73r Rectory children. 1890. jM73re Red Grange. 1891. jM73ro Rosy. 1882. jM73t Tapestry room. 1882. jM82 Morley, Ralph. School days at Mount Pleasant. 1871. jM86 Moulton, Mrs. Louise (Chandler). Bed-time stories. 1894. jM86f Fire light stories, illus. 1883. jM86s Stories told at twilight, illus. 1890. Mulock, Dinah Maria. See Craik, Mrs. Dinah Mariah (Mulock). jM92a Munroe, Kirk. At war with Pontiac. 1895. jM92b Big cypress. 1894. jM92can Canoemates. 1893. jM92 Campmates. 1891. jM92c Crystal, Jack and Co. illus. 1889. jM92d Dorymates. cl889. jM92f Flamingo feather. cl887. jM92fu Fur-seal's tooth. 1898. jM92p Painted desert. 1897. jM92r Rick Dale. 1896. jM92t Through swamp and glade. 1896. jM92w Wakulla, illus. n. d. jM92wh White conquerors, illus. 1893. N Neal, Alice (Bradley). See Haven, Mrs. Alice (Bradley). jN29 Neely, Kate J. Actions speak louder than words, n. d. jN29b Birds of a feather. cl868. j^,j29f Fine feathers do not make fine birds. cl868. jN29li Handsome is that handsome does. 1868. jN29o One good turn deserves another. 1870. jN55 Nieritz, Qustav. Alexander MenzikofF. 1853. jN731 Noonday. 1863. jN75 Nordhoff , Charles. Stories of the island world, illus. 1857. jj^79 Norris, Amelia Marryat. A week by themselves, illus. n. d. j^^82 Norton, Charles Ledyard. Medal of honor man. illus. 1896. O jOd2 Odd stories about animals, illus. n. d. jOg2c Ogden, Ruth {pseud, of Mrs. Frances Otis (Ogden) Tde). "Courage." illus. 1891. jOg2 Loyal little red coat. cl890. jOU Oldfellow, Alfred. Tom Randall. 1885. JUVENILE. 102 jOnS Only a dog. illus. 1877. jOr3 O'Reilly, Mrs. Robert. Giles' mmority. 1874. jOt4b Otis, James (pseuJ. o/ James Otis Kaler). Boy captain. cl896. jOt4m Mr. Stubbs' brother. 1882. j0t4 Toby Tyler. cl881. jOu4 Ouida (pseud, of Louise de la Ramee). Bimbi. illus. 1893. P jP18 Palmer, Lynde (pseud, of Mrs. Mary Louise Peebles). Archie's shadow. 1887. jPlSd Drifting and steering. 1887. jP18] Jeannette's cisterns. 1882. jPlSo One day's weaving. 1887. jP28 Paull, Minnie E. Ruby and Ruthy. 1892. jP31 Pearson, C. H. Young pioneers of the northwest, illus. 1871. jP311 Pearson, Henry Clemens. His opportunity. 1887. Peebles, Mrs. Mary Louise. See Palmer, Lynde, pseud. jP42 Perry, A. Schoolmaster's trial. 1881. jP421f Perry, Nora. Flock of girls. 1896. jP421h Hope Benham. illus. 1896. jP421t Three little daughters of the Revolution. 1897. jP421 ' Youngest Miss Lorton. 1889. jP44 Peters, William Theodore. Children of the week, illus. 1886. Phelps, Elizabeth Stuart. See Ward, Mrs. Elizabeth Stuart (Phelps). jP58 Picked up adrift, n. p. n. d. jP74b Plympton, A. Q. Black dog. 1896. jP74 Dear daughter Dorothy, illus. 1895. jP74d Dorothy and Anton. 1895. jP74r Robin's recruit. 1893. jP88 Prarie boys. n. d. jP97 Pussy cat stories, n. d. jP99 Pyle, Howard. Men of iron, illus. 1892. jP99m Merry adventures of Robin Hood, illus. 1896. jP99p Pepper and salt, illus. 1890. jP99w Wonder clock, illus. 1894. R jR13 Rainbows for children, n. d. Ramee, Louise de la. See Ouida, pseud. jRlSf Rand, Edv/ard A. Fighting the sea. 1887. jR15m Making the best of it. 1890. jR15 Up north in a whaler. 1889. jR21 Ray, Anna Chapin. Half a dozen girls, n. d. jR212 Raymond, Evelyn. Mixed pickles. 1892. jR214 Raymond, Rossiter W. Man in the moon and other people, illus. cl874. jR24 Red Eric. n. d. jR27bo Reid, Capt. Mayne. Boy hunters, illus. 1896. jR27b Boy tar. 1864. jR27 Bush-boys, illus. 1866. jR27c Cliff climbers, illus. 1864. jR27f Forest exiles, illus. 1871. jR27o Ocean waifs, illus. 1872. jR27p ' Plant hunters. 1865. jR27w Wood-rangers. 1882. JUVENILE. 103 Reid, Capt. May ne—Contin tied jR27y Young yagers, illus. 1866. jR27yo Young voyagers, illtis. 1882. jR27s Reid, Capt. Mayne, and others. Stories about animals, n. d. jR39c Richards, Mrs. Laura E. (Howe). Captain January. 1895. jR39 Hildegarde's holiday. 1891. jR39n Narcissa. 1894. jR39na Nautilus. 1895. jR39cj Queen Hildegarde. 1889. Riggs, Mrs. Kate Douglas Wiggin. See Wiggin, Mrs. Kate Douglas. jR56 Robinson, Leora Bettison. House with spectacles. 1877. jR61 Rod and gun club. n. d. jR65 Rollins, Mrs. Alice (Wellington). Finding of the gentian. 1896. jR66 Romaunt, Christopher. Island home. 1867. jR72 Rose and lavender. 1891. jR78 Rowcroft. Australian Crusoes. n. d. jR89 Ruskin, John. King of the golden river. 1892. jR91 Russell, William Clark. Master Rockafellar's voyage, illus. 1891. S jSa2 St. Johnston, Alfred. Charlie Asgarde. 1884. jSa2i In quest of gold. 1887. j3a41 Samuels, Edward A. Thousand mile walk. n. d. jSa4 Samuels, Capt. S. From the forecastle to the cabin, illus. 1887. jSa8 Saunders, Marshall. Beautiful Joe ; autobiography of a dog. illus. 1894. j3ch8 Schuyler, Theophile. Letters everywhere, illus. 1871. iScu2 Scudder, Horace Elisha. Bodley's afoot, illus. 1883. jSel Sea stories. 1874. jSel2 Sea breezes, illus. n. d. jSeS Sewell, Anna. Black Beauty ; autobiography of a horse, illus. 1893. jSelr Seawell, Molly Elliot. Rock of the Lion, illus. 1898. jSh62 5hillaber, Benjamin Penhallow {pseud. Mrs. Partington). Double-run- ner club. 1882. jSh6 Shirley, Pen {pseud, of Sarah J. Clark). Little Miss Weezy's sister. 1890. j3ilfi Sidney, Margaret {pseud, of Mrs. Harriet Mulford (Stone) Lothrop). Five little Peppers, illus. cl881. jSil Five little Peppers grown up. illus. n. d. jSilf Five little Peppers midway, illus. 1890. jSilh Hester. 1886. jSill Little red shop. 1889. jSilp Phronsie Pepper. 1897. jSilr Rob. 1891. jSilw What the seven did. 1882. iSi3 Silver pitchers, n. d. jSm5 Smith, Mrs. Mary Prudence (Wells) {pseud. P. Thome). Jolly good times at Hackmatack. 1891. Smith, Nora Adjoint author. See Wiggin, Mrs. Kate Douglas. jSp9 Spyri, Johanna. Heidi. 1885. jSt4f Stephens, C. A. Fox-hunting, n. d. jSt41e Left on Labrador. 1873. jSt41 Lynx-hunting. cl872. jSt4 Off to the geysers, illus. 1872. jSt4o On the Amazon. cl872. JUVENILE. jste jSt6r jSt6s jSt64 jSt64ca jSt64cr jSt64c jSt54cli jSt64d jSt64g jSt64gu jSt64o jSt64q jSt64r jSt64s jSt64sw jSt64t jSt64tw jSt64wli jSt64w jSt7 jSt72 jSt74 jStS jSw3 jT21 jT214 jT37 jT42 jT59 jT66 jT66j jT66m jT68 jT69 jT72 jT752 jT75 jT75c jT75cu jT75d jT75f jT75fa jT75ja jT75j jT75k jT751 jT75n jT75o 104 Stockton, Frank Richard. Jolly fellowship. 1887. Round about rambles in lands of fact and fancy, illus. 1872. Story of Yiteau. illus. 1884. Stoddard, William Osborne. Among the lakes. 1888. Captain's boat. 1896. Chris, the model maker, illus. 1896. Chuck Purdy. 1890. Chumley post. 1895. DabKinzer. 1887. Gid Granger. 1891. Guert Ten Eyke. illus. cl893. On the old frontier. 1893. Quartet. 1886. Red mustang. cl890. Saltillo boys. 1886. Swordmaker's son. 1896. Talking leaves, illus. cl882. Two arrows, illus. cl886. White cave. 1893. Winter fun. 1888. Story of Cecil and his dog. 1869. Stowe, Mrs, Harriet (Beecher). Palmetto-leaves, illus. 1873. Stories and pictures from the Old Testament, illus. cl889. Strive and thrive. 1890. Swett, Sophie. Captain Polly, illus. 1889. T Taylor, Bayard. Boys of other countries. 1876. Taylor, Emily. Tales from the history of the Saxons, n. d. Thanet, Octave, pseud. See French, Alice. Thompson, Daniel Pierce. Green mountain boys. 1887. Thorne, P., pseud. 5ee Smith, Mrs. Mary Prudence (Wells). Thurston, Louise M. Children of Amity court. 1873. Tom Dunstoae's troubles, ti. d. Townsend, Virginia Frances. Boy from Bramley. Joanna Darling. cl868. Margery Keith. cl875. Traill, Catharine Parr. Canadian Crusoes. n. d. Travels and surprising adventures of Baron Munchausen. 1879. Treasury of old-fashioned fairy tales, n. d. Trowbridge, John. Three boys on an electrical boat. 1894. Trowbridge, John Townsend. Burrcliff. 1867. Chance for himself, illus. cl872. Cudjo'scave. 1895. Doing his best. n. d. Fast friends, illus. n. d. Father Brighthopes. n. d. Jack Hazard, n. d. Jolly rover, illus. 1882. Kelp-gatherers, illus. 1891. Lawrence's adventures, n. d. Neighbor Jackwood. 1888. Old battle ground. 1867. JUVENILE. jT75p jT75pr jT75s jT75y jT75yo jT93 jT99 jUnl jUp3 jV19 jY19s jV26 jY67 jW21b jW21g jW21 jW21gy jW21t jW23 jW24 jW27 jW33 jW37 jW38 jW51f jW51j jW51s jW51 jW58l jW58 jW61b jW61 jW61z jW631 jW63b jW63p jW63 jW63s jW63t 105 Trowbridge, John Townsend— Continued. Phil and his friends, illus. 1883. Prize cup. 1896. Silver medal, illns. 1880. Young Joe. illns. 1879. Young surveyor, illus. 1875. Tucker, Charlotte M. See A. L. O. E., pseud. Two black birds, illus. n. d. Tytler, Ann Fraser. Leila at home. cl858. U Uncle Philip's conversations about the whale fishery. 2 v. 1854. Uphill. cl880. V Vaile, Charlotte M. Orcutt girls. 1896. SueOrcutt. 1897. Vandergrift, Margaret (pseud, of Margaret Thomson Janvier), Queen's bodyguard. 1883. Vieux, Moustache (psewt/. of C. Gordon). Boarding school days. 1873. W Wall, George Henry. Emigrant's lost son. n. d. Ward, Mrs. Elizabeth Stuart (Phelps). Boys of Brimstone court. 1879. Gypsy Breynton. n. d. Gypsy's cousin Joy. cl866. Gypsy's year at Golden crescent, n. d. Trotty book, illus. 1875. Warm hearts in cold regions, n. d. Warner, Susan (pseud. Elizabeth Wetherell). Ellen Montgomery's book- shelf. cl883. Washington, Beatrice. Story of Juliette. 1892. Watson, Henry C. Boston tea party. 1888. Wealth and worth. 1856. Weber, Alice. Affair of honour. 1893. Wesselhofft, Mrs. Lily F. (Pope). Flipwingthe spy. illus. 1890. Jerry the blunderer, illus. 1896. Sparrow the tramp, illus. 1896. The winds, the woods and the wanderer. 1890. Wetherell, Elizabeth, pseud. See Warner, Susan. White, Eliza Orne. Little girl of long ago. 1896. When Molly was six. 1895. Whitney, Mrs. Adeline Dutton (Train). Boys at Chequasset. 1882. Real folks. 1872. Zerub Throop's experiments, n. d. Wier, M. E. Patience to work. n. d. Wiggin, Mrs. Kate Douglas afterwards Mrs. Riggs. Bird's Christmas carol, illus. 1896. Polly Oliver's problem, illus. 1895. Story of Patsy. 1895. Summer in a canon, illus. 1894. Timothy's quest. 1895. 106 JUVENILE. jW63st Wiggin, Mrs. Kate Douglas and Smith, Nora A. Story hour, illtis. 1895. jW65 Wilkins, Mary Eleanor. Pot of gold. 1892. jW69 Wilson, Olive L. At the sign of the White swan. 1892. jW75 Wise, Daniel. ThornclifFe hall. 1881. jW85 Woodbridge, Anna E. Summer in the Rockies. 1885. jW86d Woods, Mrs. Kate Tannatt. Doctor Dick. 1893. jW86m Mopsy. cl896. jW86 Out and about. cl882. jW86s Six little rebels. 1893. Woolsey, Sarah Chauncey. See Coolidge, Susan, pseud. jW89 Worth not wealth. 1859. jW93 Wright, Mable Osgood. Tommy- Anne and the three hearts, illus. 1897. jW99 Wyss, Johann David. Swiss family Robinson, n. d. jW99s Swiss family Robinson. 2 y. 1856. jW99w Willis the pilot. 1882. Y jY82 Young artists. 1866. jY82n Young Nile voyagers. jY82w Young Wrecker, n. d. LITERATURE j808 B58 Blake, J. L. Juvenile companion. 1844. j808 L64 Lindsay, N. P. Young speaker's library, illus. cl893. j811 F451 Field, Eugene. Love-songs of childhood. 1896. j811 F45 With trumpet and drum. 1896. j811 P56 Piatt, Mrs. S. M. B. Poems in company with children. 1877. j811 Sa5 Sangster, Mrs. M. E. Little knights and ladies. 1895. j811 T33 Thaxter, Celia. Stories and poems for children. 1895. j821 St4 Stevenson, R. L. B. Childs garden of verses. 1895. j822 Shly Lamb, Charles, and Mary. Tales from Shakspere. 1892. j888 C47 Church, A. J: Stories of the Old w^orld. 1892. j888 C47s Stories of the East from Herodotus, illus. n. d. j888 K61 Kingsley, Charles. Ti?e heroes ; or, Greek fairy tales, illus. 1891. 900 HISTORY GENERAL j900 Eg32 Eggleston, Q: C. Strange stories from history, illus. 1886. j908 L25 Lang, Andrev^^, ed. Red true story book, illus. 1895 TRAVEL AND ADVENTURE j910 Ad9 Adventures of famous travellers in many lands, illus. n. d. j910 Am3 American adventure by land and sea. 2 v. 1859. j9lO D24 Daring adventures among the Indians, illus. n. d. j910 K61 Kingsley, Henry. Tales of old travel, illus. 1869. j910 M41 Mateaux, C. L. Peeps abroad, illus. n. d. JUVENILE. j910 N75 j9i0 P412 j910 T41 j913.7 Ab2 107 Nordhoff, Charles. Merchant vessel, illus. Perils of the sea. 1859. Thrilling adventures at sea. illus. n. d. Abbott, Jacob. Aboriginal America, illus. V. 1.) 1884. 1860. {American history, j914 B43 j914 B98 j914 B98n j914 B98o j914 H13 j914 K77 j914 K77s j914 M12 j914 Scu2 j914 T67 j914.2 CSS j914.2 G85 j914.2 K77 j914.2 Scu2 j914.3 B98 j914.4 Ab2 j914.5 Ab2 j914.5 C35w j914.6 C35 j914.6 Ob2 j914.7 K614 1914.7 K77 j914.7 Ou7 i914.92 Ab2 j914.92 Scu2 TRAVEL IN EUROPE Benedict, E. L. Stories of persons and places in Europe, illus. cl887. Butterworth, Hezekiah. Zigzag journeys in Europe, illus. 1881. Zigzag journeys in northern lands, illus. 1884. Zigzag journeys in the Orient, illus. 1882. Hale, E: E., and Susan. Family flight through France, Germany, Nor- way and Switzerland, illus. 1881. Knox, T: W. Boy travellers in northern Europe, illus. 1892. Boy travellers in southern Europe, illus. 1894. McCabe, J: D. Our young folks abroad, illus. 1886. Scudder, H. E. Mr. Bodley abroad, illus. 1881. Trafton, Adaline. American girl abroad, illus. 1890. Travel in Great Britain and France Champney, Mrs. Elizabeth (Williams). Three Vassar girls in England, illus. 1884. Greenwood, Grace {pseud, of Sara Jane (Clarke) Lippincott). Stories of travel and history for children. 1885. Knox, T: W. Boy travellers in Gt. Britain and Ireland, illus. 1891. Scudder, H. E. English Bodley family, illus. 1884. Butterworth, Hezekiah. Zigzag journeys in northern lands, illus. 1884. Abbott, Jacob. English channel. 1863. Travel in Italy- Abbott, Jacob. Rollo in Rome. 1868. Champney, Mrs. Elizabeth (Williams). Witch Winnie in Venice. 1897. Travel in Spain Champney, Mrs. Elizabeth (Williams). Three Yassar girls abroad, illus. 1883. Ober, F. A. Knockabout club in Spain, illus. 1889. Travel in Russia and Holland Kingston, W: H: G. Fred Markham in Russia, illus. 1858. Knox, T: W. Boy travellers in the Russian Empire, illus. 1887. Our young folks abroad, illus. n. d. Abbott, Jacob. Rollo in Holland. 1863. Scudder, H. E. Bodley grandchildren and their journey in Holland, illus. 1882. TRAVEL IN ASIA j915 P68 j915 K77 Fogg, W. P. Land of the Arabian nights, illus. 1882. Knox, T: W. Boy travelers in Ceylon and India, illus. 1881, JUVENILE. 108 j915 M62 Miller, O. T. {pseud, of Mrs. Harriett Mann). Little people of Asia, illus. 1883. j915 V38 Van Wert, Rupert. Rip Van Winkle's travels in Asia and Africa, illus. 1882. j915.1 D17 Dalton, William. John Chinaman, 1865. j915.2 G86 Qreey, Edward. Wonderful city of Tokio. illus. 1883. j915.2 K77 Knox, T: W. Boy travellers in Japan and China, illus. n. d. j915.4 C91 Gumming, Gordon. Wild men and wild beasts, illus. 1888. j915.4 F88 French, H. W. Our boys in India, illus. 1883. j915.8 K45 Ker, David. Lost city ; or boy explorers in Central Asia, illus. 1885. j915.9 K77 Knox, T: W. Boy travellers in Siam and Java, illus. 1881. TRAVEL IN AFRICA j916 K77 Knox, T: W. Boy travellers in Africa, illus. 1884. j916 K77c Boy travellers on the Congo, illus. 1888. j916 K77i In wild Africa. 1895. j916 Sh4 Sheldon, L. V. Yankee girls in Zulu-Land, illus. 1888. j916.2 K77 Knox, T: W. Boy travellers in the far East, illus. map. 1883. TRAVEL IN NORTH AMERICA j917.1 B98 Butterworth, Hezekiah. Zigzag journeys in Acadia and New France. 1890. Travel in United States j917.3 B98 Butterworth, Hezekiah. Zigzag journeys in the Occident, illus. 1883. j917.4 B63 Bodley's on wheels, illus. 1879. j917.47 Sil Sidney, Margaret. Adirondack cabin, illus. 1890. j917.73 B98 Butterworth, Hezekiah. Zigzag journeys in the White City, illus. cl894. TRAVEL IN SOUTH AMERICA j918 B98 Butterworth, Hezekiah. Over the Andes, illus. 1897. j918 K77 Knox, T: W. Boy travellers in South America, illus. 1885. TRAVEL IN OCEANICA j919.3 K77 Knox, T: W. Boy travellers in Australasia, illus. 1889. j919.4 K77 Land of the kangaroo, illus. 1896. j919.6 St6 Stories from the South seas. n. d. j919.8 St3 Stephens, C. A. Knockabout club along shore, illus. 1883. BIOGRAPHY Collected j920 B63 Bolton, Mrs. Sarah (Knowles). Lives of poor boys who became famous, illus. cl885. j920 H13 Hale, E: E. Boys' heroes, illus. cl886. 109 JUVENILE. j920 H36 Hield, Mary, Living pages from many ages, illus. n. d. j920.7 B63 Bolton, Mrs. Sarah (Knowles). Lives of girls who became famous. illus. cl886. j920.7 W84< Women of worth. 1861. j923 Ab2 Abbott, J: S. C. Kings and queens, illus. 1855. j923 B66 Boyhood of great men. 1851. j923 B79 Brooks, E. S. Century book of famous Americans. cl896. j923 F22 Farmer, L. H. Boy's book of famous rulers, illus. 1886. j923 M52 Men who have risen. 1861. j923 P58 Pictures o*f heroes and lessons from their lives, illus. n. d. j923 W69 Wilson, C. D., and Reeves, J. K. Bible boys and girls. cl896. j925 W93 Wright, H. C. Children's stories of the great scientists. 1888. j926 B66 Bourne, H: R; Famous London merchants, illus. 1869. j926 P25 Parton, James. Captains of industry. 1884. j928 R43 Rideing, W: H. Boyhood of famous authors. 1897. Individual Biography jB A12 Alexander the Great. Abbott, Jacob. History of Alexander the Great. illus. 1854. Arc, Joan of. See Joan of Arc. ]B B27 Barrows, Gen, Willard. Barrows, William, anon. The general. 1870. jB B64 Boone, Daniel. Abbott, J: S. C. Daniel Boone, the pioneer of Ky. illus. 1872. jB B64e Ellis, E. S. Life and times of Daniel Boone, n. d. jB B93 Burnett, Mrs. Frances (Hodgson). One I knew best of all. illus. 1893. jB C23 Carson, Christopher. Abbott, J: S. C. Christopher Carson, illus. 1875. jB C38 Charles \,y King of England. Abbott, Jacob. History of King Charles the First of England, illus. 1848. jB C384 Charles II., King of England. Abbott, Jacob. History of King Charles the Second, illus. cl849. jB C59 Cleopatra, Queen of Egypt. Abbott, Jacob. History of Cleopatra Queen of Egypt, illus. 1858. jB C72 Columbus, Christopher. Bradford, S: H. Story of Columbus, illus. cl856. jB C72e Eggleston, Edward. Story of Columbus, illus. 1893. jB C81 Cortez, Hernando. Abbott, J: S. C. History of Hernando Cortez. illus. 1855. jB C87 Crockett, David. Abbott, J: S. C. David Crockett. 1874. {American pioneers and patriots.) jB C99 Cyrus the Great. Abbott, Jacob. History of Cyrus the Great, illus. 1857. jB D24 Darius the Great. Abbott, Jacob. History of Darius the Great, illus. 1854. jB D46 De Soto, Ferdinand. Abbott, J: S. C. Ferdinand De Soto. 1873. {American pioneers and patriots.) jB D78 Drake, Sir Francis. Towle, G: M. Drake, the sea-king of Devon. cl882. {Young folks' heroes of history.) jB F85 Franklin, Benjamin. His life written by himself. 1891. jB G28 Genghis, Khan. Abbott, Jacob. History of Genghis Khan, illus. 1860. jB H19 Hannibal. Abbot, Jacob. History of Hannibal, illus. 1849. jB H39 Henry IV., King of France. Abbott, J: S. C. History of Henry the Fourth. illus. 1856. JUVENILE. 110 jB G57 jB L32 jB L63b jB L63 jB L92 jB M27 jB MSB jB P53 jB P68 jB P76 jB P98 jB P99 jB R13 I'B R38 jB St2 jB St9 jB Y44 jB W27 jB W27h jB W27s jB W67 jB W672 jB X2 Wampanoags. 1857. Towle, G: M. Pizarro Abbott, J: S. C. History of King cl 878 . ( Fo tmg- folks ' heroes Joan of Arc. Monvel, Bouet de. Joan of Arc. illus. 1896. Larcom, Lucy. New England girlhood. 1889. Lincoln, Abraham, Pres. U. S. Brooks, E. S. True story of Abraham Lincoln, illus. cl896. Coffin, C: C. Abraham Lincoln, illus. 1893. Louis, Phillipe, King of France. Abbott, J: S. C. History of Louis Phil- lipe. illus. 1871. Magellan, Fernando. Towle, G: M. Magellan. 1879. {Young- folks' heroes of history. Margaret of An jou. Abbott, Jacob. History of Margaret of Anjou. illus. 1861. Philip, King of the Philip, illus. Pizarro, Francisco. of history.) Polo, Marco. Towle, G: M. Marco Polo. cl880. {Young folks' heroes of history.) Putnam, Gen. Israel. Hill, G: C. Gen. Israel Putnam, illus. 1865. Pyrrhus. Abbott, Jacob. History of Pyrrhus. illus. 1854. Raleigh, S/r Walter. Towle, G: M. Raleigh, illus. cl881. {Young folks' heroes of history.) Richard 111., King of England. Abbott Jacob. History of King Richard the Third, illus. 1858. Standish, Miles. Abbott, J: S. C. Miles Standish. 1872. Stuvesant, Peter. Abbott, J: S. C. Peter Stuvesant. 1873. {American pioneers and patriots.) Vasco da Gama. Towle, G: M. Voyages and adventures of Yasco da Gama. illus. 1878. {Young folks' series.) Washington, Qeorge, Pres. U. S. Fiske, John. Washington and his coun- try. 1887. Hale, E: E. Life of George Washington, illus. 1888. Seelye, E.. E. and others. Story of Washington. 1893. William the Conquerer, King of England. Abbott, Jacob. History of William the Conquerer. illus. 1858. William the Silent. Barrett, Mary. Story of William the Silent. cl869. Xerxes the Great. Abbott, Jacob. History of Xerxes the Great, illus. cl850. ANCIENT HISTORY j933 J77 Josephus, Flavins. Young folks' Josephus, ed. by William Shepard. illus. 1885. j937 Ab2 Abbott, Jacob. Story of Romulus, illus. 1852. j937 B64 Bonner, John. Child's history of Rome. 2 v. illus. 1856. j938 B64 Child's history of Greece. 2 v. illus. 1857. HISTORY OF EUROPE j940 C65 Coffin, C: C. Story of liberty, illus. cl878. j940 Ed3 Edgar, J: G. History of Europe, illus. 1861. j940 Ed3g Great men and gallant deeds, illus. 1868. {Crusades and the crusaders.) j941 G28 Geldart, Mns. Thomas. Stories of Scotland, illus. 1861. JUVENILE. Ill j941 Sco8 Scott, Sir Walter. Tales of a grandfather. 4 y. 1846. j942 D55 Dickens, Charles. Child's history of England, n. d. j942 J71 Jones, M. The Black Prince, illtis. 1863. j942 St6 Stories from English history for yonng Americans, illus. 1892. j942 St8 Strickland, Agnes. Tales from English history, n. d. j942 Y8 Yonge, C. M. Young folks' history of England, illus. n. d. j943 Y8 Child's history of Germany. 1885. j944 Y8 Child's history of France, illus. 1885. j946 B64 Bonner, John. Child's history of Spain, illus. 1894. j947 D681 Dole, N. H. Young folks' history of Russia, illus. 1881. j949.2 G87 Qriffis, W: E. Brave little Holland. 1894. HISTORY OF NORTH AMERICA AND THE INDIAN j970.2 EgS Eggleston, Edward, and Seelye, L. E. Brant and Red Jacket. 1879. {Famous American Indians.) j970.2 EgSm Montezuma. cl880. {Famous American Indians.) j970.2 EgSp Pocahontas. cl879. {Famous American Indians.) j970.2 EgSt Tecumseh and the Shawnee prophet. cl878. {Famous American Indians.) j970.2 Eg32 Eggleston, Q: C. Red Eagle'. N. Y. cl878. {Famous American Indians.) Histoty of the United States j973 B64 j973 B73 j973 B79 j973 B98 j973 C65 j973 Eg3 j973 Eg3h j973 En3 j973 M76 j973 M84 j973 P61 j793 P93 j973.1 F92 j973.1 H53 j973.2 Ab2 j973.2 L62 j973.2 L62h j973.3 Ab2 j973.3 Ab21 j973.3 B79 j973.3 C65 j973.3 F54 j973.5 Ab2 j973.5 So4 j973.7 Ab2 Bonner, John. Child's history of the U. S. 2 v. N. Y. 1856. Brayman, J. O. Daring deeds of American heroes, n. d. Brooks, E. S. Story of the U. S. of America, illus. cl891. Butterworth, Hezekiah. Young folks' history of America. 1895. Coffin, C: C. Building the nation, illus. cl882. Eggleston, Edward. First book in American history, illus. cl889. History of the U. S. and its people, illus. 1888. English, T. D. Boy's book of battle-lyrics, illus. 1885. Montgomery, D. H. Beginner's American history, illus. 1896. Morton, Henry. Stories from American history, n. d. Pierson, Mrs. H. W. History of United States in words of one syllable. illus. cl884. Primary history of United States, illus. n. d. Frost, Thomas. Half hours with the early explorers, illus. n. d. Higginson, T. W., ed. Book of American explorers. 1879. Abbott, Jacob. Northern colonies, illus. cl862. {American history, r. 4.) Lilly, Lambert. Early history of the Southern states, illus. 1854. History of the middle states, illus. 1854. Abbott, Jacob. War of the Revolution, illus. 1864. {American history. V. 7.) Abbott, W. J. Blue Jackets of '76. A history of the naval battles of the Revolution. cl888. Brooks, E. S. Century book of the American Revolution. cl897. Coffin, C: C. Boys of '76. illus. cl876. Fiske, John. War of Independence. 1893. Abbott, W. J. Blue Jackets of 1812. cl887. Soley, J. R. Boys of 1812. 2 v. in 1. illus. cl887. Abbott, W. J. Battle-fields and camp fires, illus. cl890. JUVENILE. j973.7 Ab2b j973.7 Ab2ba j973.7 Ab2bl j973.7 C42 j973.7 C65 j973.7 C65d j973.7 C65f j973.7 Y8 j974 D78 j974.2 P53 j974.4 B98 j974.4 P53 j974.4 T44 j 974.4 T44p j974.7 D92 j978 D78 112 Battle-fields of victory, illus. cl891. Battle-fields of '61. illus. 1889. Blue-jackets of '61. 1892. Cheney, Mrs. C. E. Popular history of the Civil War. illus. cl894. Coffin, C: C. Boys of '61. illus. cl886. Drum-beat of the Nation. 1888. Freedom triumphant, a fourth period of the Rebellion. cl890. Young, J. B. What a boy saw in the army, illus. cl894. Drake, S. A. Making of New England, illus. 1886. Philip, Uncle, pseud. Conversations about New Hampshire. 2 v. 1840. {History of U. S. No. 6.) Butterworth, Hezekiah. Young folks' history of Boston, illus. 1881. Philip, Uncle, pseud. Conversation about Massachusetts. 2 v. 1840. {History of U. S. No. 3.) Tiffany, -N. M. From colony to commonwealth, illus. 1891. Pilgrims and puritans, illus. 1888. Dunlap, William. History of New York for schools. 2 v. illus. 1839. Drake, S: A. Making of the great West, illus. 1887. AUTHOR INDEX. k Kempis, Thomg.s. See Thomas a Kempis. A. L. O. E., pseud,, 90. Abercromble, John, 4. Abbott, A.. W., 90. Abbott, C: C. 16, 20. Abbott, Jacob, 61, 69, 70. 71, 74, 89, 90, 107, 109, 110, 111. Abbott, J: S: C, 69, 72, 78, 79, 109, 110. Abbott, Lyman, 2, 4. Abbott, W. J., 90. Acton, Mrs. Adams, 90. Adams, Rev. Charles, 13, Adams, C: K., 1. Adams, Charlotte, 90. Adams, Henry, 14, 17. Adams, H. C, 68, 90. Adams, J: Q., 3. Adams, O. F., 68. Adams, Rev. W., 20. Adams, W. H. D., 60, 64, 90. Adams, William, 90. Adams, W: T., 90, 91. Adler, Cyrus, 20, Adler, Felix, 11. Adler, G. J., 12. Aesop, 59. Agassiz, Mrs. E. (C), 69. Agassiz, Louis, 16. Aguilar, Grace, 20. Ahn, F., 12, 13. Aikin, John, 91. Aimard, Gustave, 20. Alcott, L.. M., 20, 87, 91. Alcott, W: A., 10, 89. Alden, E. T., 91. Alden, Mrs. G. R., 20, 88, 91. Aldrich, T: B., 21. 53, 91. Alexander, Mrs., pseud., 21. Algarotti, Count, 3. Alger, Horatio, Jr., 91. Alger, W: R., 59. Allen, C. W., 16. Allen, Grant, 16, 21. Allen, J. H., 13. Allen, J. L., 21. Allen, S. M., 82. Ambler, Charles, 9. Ames, M.. C, 65. Amicis, Edmondo de, 63. Andersen, H. C, 21, 91, 92. Anderson, Aeneas, 3. Anderson, C. J., 64. Anderson, Rev. Duncan, 82. Anderson, J: J., 60. Andrews, B: E., 80. Andrews, E. B:, 8. 81. Andrews, Jane, 88, 92. Anstey, F. (pseud.), 21. Apthorp, W: P., 19. Armstrong, A.. E., 21. Armstrong, John, 18, 75. Arnold, Arthur, 63. Arnold, Sir Edwin, 56. Arnold, Rev. Frederick, 10. Arnold, Matthew, 56, 57. Arnold, Thomas, 72, 76. Arthur, T. S., 21, 82. Artman, William, 67. Asbjornsen, P: C, 12. Ashley, B. F., 92. Ashmore, Ruth, 10. Astor, J: J., 21. Atherton, Gertrude, 21. Atkinson, Philip, 17. Atkinson, T: W., 64. Auerbach, Berthold, 21. Aurelius, A. M., 5. Austin, Jane, 21. Austin, Mrs. J. G., 21, 22. Austin, J. M., 10. Austin, Stella, 92. Avery, E. M,, 14. B Bacon, Francis, 57, 86. Bacon, G: B., 64. Badeau, Adam, 7. Badenoch, L. N., 16. Bailey, J. M., 18, 6'2. Bain, Alexander, 4. Baird, Robert, 83. Baker, G: M., 20. Baker, I. O., 18. Baker, Sir S: W., 22, 63. 64. Baker, W: M., 22. Baldwin, J: D., 60, 61. Balestier, Wolcott, 22. Balestier, Wolcott, joint author. Rudyard. Ball, Sir R. S., 89. Ballantyne, R. M., 22, 92. Ballou, M. M., 60. Balzac, Honore de, 22. Bancroft, George, 73, 75, 80. Bangs, J: K., 22, 23. Banvard, Joseph, 75, 92. Barham, William, 83. Barlow, Jane, 23, 56. Barlow, Joel, 83. Barlow, J: R., 58. Barnard, E. A., 23. Barnes, James, 92. Barnum, P. T., 69. Barr, Mrs. A. E. (H.), 23. Barr, Robert, 23. Barr, W: M., 17. Barre, W. L., 71. Barrett, Mary, 110. Barrett, Wilson, 23, Barrie, J. M., 23, 74. Barrows, William, 109. See Kipling, I 114 Barruel, Abb^, 3. Barth, Henry, 64. Bartlett, D. W., 72, 74. Bartlett, John. 52. Bartlett, S. C, 64. Barton, W: E., 23. Bashkertseff, Marie, 69. Baskett, J: N., 16. Bates, H: W., 14. Baylor, F. C, 23, 92. Bayly, A. E. See Lyall, Edna, pseud. Beard, A. B,, joint author. See Beard, L. Beard, D. C, 89, 90. Beard, L., 89. Beddoes, Thomas, 3. Beecher, H: W., 6, 23, 54. Beers, H: A., 75. Behrens, Bertha. See Heimburg, W., pseud. Belcher, Lady, 66. Belisle, D. W., 92. Belknap, Jeremy, 67. Bell, C. D., 92. Bell, Sir Charles, 17. Bell, Currer, pseud. See Bronte, Charlotte. Bell, Lilian, 10, 23. Bell, Louis, lo. Bell, W: E., 18. Bellaigue, Camille, 68. Bellamy, Edward, 23. Bellamy, William, 20. Benedict, E. L., 107. Bennett, John, 92. Benton, T: H., 81. Berger, E., pseud., 23. Berkley, E. P., 76. Besant, Sir Walter, 23, 24, 70. Biart, Lucien, 89. Bickersteth, E. H., 56. Bigelow, John, 69. Bigelow, Poultney, 64. Bingham, Hiram, 82. Bird, I.. L. See Bishop, Mrs. I.. L. (B.) Bird, James, 83. Birrell, Augustine, 57. Bishop, Mrs. I.. L. (B.), 63, 67. Bishop, Levi, 53. Bishop, W: H., 65. Bjornson, Bjornstjerne, 24. Black, Alexander, 82. Black, C: C, 73. Black, William, 24. Blackie, J: S., 10. Biackmore, R: D., 24. Blake, E. W., 14. Blake, J. L., 106. Blake, M.. E.., 61, 65. Blanchard, A. E., 92. Blaney, Capt. W: N.. 83. Blodgett, Mrs. M. P., 24. Blossom, H: M., 24. Boileau, D., 8. Bolton, Mrs. S.. (K.), 67, 68, 108, 109. Bonner, John, 110, 111. Bonsai, Stephen, 05. Booth, Gen. William, 8. Boothby, Guy, 24. Bornler, Philippe, 9. Boswell, James, 72. Botta, Charles, 81. Bourbon, Armand de, 3. Bourget, Paul, 65. Bourne, B: P., 66. Bourne, H: R:, 109. Bourrienne, Fauvelet de, 74. Boutell, Charles. 12. Bouton, J: B., 62. Boutwell, G: S., 68. Bouvet, Marguerite, 92. Bowen, A., 81. Bowen, B: P., 80. Bowen, Francis, 68. Bowen, H. C, 10. Bowker, R: R., 8. Bowles, Emily, 24, Bowles, Samuel, 65. Boyd, J: P., 74. Boyesen, H. J., 24, 79, 92. Bradford, S: H., 109. Bradley, Henry, 78. Brady, C. T., 24. Bramhall, M. S.. 63. Brassey, A.. (A.) Lady, 60, 63, 65. Brayman, J. O., 68, 111. Bremer, Fredrika, 83. Brewster, A.. H. M., 62. Brewster, David, 71, 74. Brewster, E. C, 52. Brewster, Marion, 92. Briggs, S. R., 9. Brigham, W: T., 65. Brightwell, C. L., 68. Brine, M.. D., 92. Brockett, L. P., 79. Bronte, Charlotte. 24. Bronte, Emily, 24. Brooke, S. A., 55, 56, 92. Brooke, Wesley, 24. Brookie, A., joint author. See Slingo, W., Brooks, Edward, 4. Brooks, E. S., 88, 92, 109, 110, 111. Brooks, Noah, 92. Brooks, Rev. Phillips, 5, 6. Brougham, Henry, Lord, 57. Brown, A. E., 81. Brown, A. M., 24. Brown, D. P., 7. Brown, Frances, 92. Brown, H.. D., 24. Brown, T: N., 73. Browne, C. F. See Ward, Artemus, pseud. Browning, Mrs. E.. (B.), 56, 86. Browning, Robert, 56. Brush, Mrs. C. (C), 24. Bryant, Edwin, 66. Bryant, G: J., 67. Bryant, W: C, 80, Bryce, James, 65. Buchanan, Rachel, 74. Buchanan, R. W., 24, Bucke, Charles, 13. Buckingham, J. T., 55. Buckley, A. B., 13, 83. Buckley, J. M.. 4, 10. Buckley, T, A., 76. Buel, J., 18. Bulkley, C. H. A., 83. Bungener, L. E., 7. 115 Bunner, H: C, 24, 53. Bunyan, John, 25. Burch, H. E., 4, 6. Burdette, R. J., 25. Burke, Charles, 60. Burke, Edmund, 19. Burnaby, Fred, 63. Burnand, P. C, 92. Burnett, Mrs. P. (H.), 25, 92, 109. Burnham, Mrs. C. L,., 25. Burns, Robert, 56. Burr, W: H., 18, Burridge, Ezek, 3. Burroughs, John, 54, 75. Burstenbinder, Elizabeth. See Werner, Ernst, pseud. Burt, M: E., 2. Bushnell, Horace, 6. Butler, C. M., 62. Butler, Joseph, Bishop, 6. Butler, Samuel. 56. Butt, B. M., 25. Butterworth, Hezekiah, 93, 107, 108, 111, Bryant, W: C, 53, 86, Bryce, James, 78. Bryne, A. T,, 18. Byron, G: G. N., Lord, 58, 86. c Cable, G: W:, 7, 25. Cadell, H. M., 25. Caesar, Julius, 59. Caffyn, Mrs. Mannington, 25. Cahan, Abraham, 25. Cahun, I^eon, 93, Caine, Hall, 25. Caird, John, 7. Caldwell, Halwin, 67. Callery, M.., 79. Callery, Yvan, joint author. See Callery, M. Cambridge, Ada, 25. Campbell, Douglas, 80. Campbell, Helen, 8. Campe, J. H., 93. Candler, Isaac, 83. Carey, R. N., 25, 26, 93. Cargill, J: P., 93. Carlen, Mme. E. S. (P.), 26. Carleton, Will, 26. Carleton, William, 26, 53. Carlyle, Thomas, 57, 70, 78. Carnegie, Andrew, 10, 60. Carpenter, E. B., 26. Carpenter, W. H., 22. Carroll, Lewis, pseud., 93. Carryl, C: E:, 93. Carver, Jonathan, 65, 83. Cary, Alice, 26, 53. Cary, Edward, 70. Castleman, Harry, pseud., 93. Catherwood, Mrs. M: (H.), 26. Caunter, Rev. Hobart, 26. Cavendish, pseud., 20. Celnart, Mme., 11. Cervantes, S. M. de, 26. Chamberlain, N. H., 26. Chambers, E. T. D., 20. Chambers, Julius, 26. Chambers, Robert, 52. Chambers, R. W:, 26. Champney, Mrs. E.. (W.), 89, 93, 107. Chapin, A.. A., 88. Chaplin, Jeremiah, 71. Chapman, Capt. Charles, 60. Chapman, P. M., 16. Chapman, J. G., 19. Chaptal, Ee Comte, 18. Charles, Mrs. E.. (R.), 7, 26. Charlesworth, M. E.., 26. Charlton, L. T., 13. Charnay, Desire, 61. Chatrian, Alexandre, joint author. See Erck- mann, Emile. Chaucer, Goeffrey, 56. Cheever, G: B., 69. Cheever, H: T., 67. Cheiro, pseud., 4. Cheney, Mrs. C. E., 112. Cheney, Mrs. E. (D.), 69, 93. Child, Josiah, 3. Child, L. M., 72. Child, Theodore, 61. Chillingsworth, William, 3, Chouquet, Gustave, 13. Church, A. J., 26, 77, 106. Cicero, M. T., 59. Clare, Justin, 26. Clark, Dougan, 6. Clark, L. G., 83. Clark, S. J. See Shirley, Pen, pseud. Clarke, Mary Cowden, 93. Clarke, R. S, See May, Sophie, pseud., Clemens, S: L., 26, 55, 60, 61, 93. Clement, Mrs. C. (E.), 19. Clement, J., 68. Clemmer, Mary, 65. Clerk, Dugald, 14. Cleveland, C: D., 52. Cleveland, R. E... 26. Cleveland, R: J., 60. Clifford, Mrs. W: K., 26. Clinton, DeW., 83. Clodd, Edward, 15. Cobb, Sylvanus, Jr.. 26. Cobban, J. McE., 26. Cobbett, William, 18. Cobden, Paul, 93. Coffin, C: C. 26, 60, 110, 111, 11 Colburn, Warren, 14. Coleridge, S: T., 56. Coles, L. B., 17. Collar, W: C, 13. Collins, Wilkie, 26. Collins, W. L. 73. Collinwood, Harry, 93. CoUot, A. G., 13. Collyer, Robert, 10. Colton, C, 83. Combe, Andrew, 17, Combe, George, 5, 17, Compayre, Gabriel, 11, Conklin, A. R., 9. Converse, Prank H., 93. Conway, Hugh, pseud., 27. Conway, M. D., 13. 116 Cook, Frederick, 83. Cook, J: E., 27. Cooke, G: W., 56. Cooke, J: E., 81. Cooke, Mrs. R. (T.), 27. Coolidge, Susan, 27, 93, 94. Cooper, J. F., 27, 68, 94. Coppee, Francois, 27. Corelli, Marie, pseud., 27, 58. Corner, Miss, 63. Corson, Hiram, 56. Corson, Juliet, 18. Cotes, Mrs. Everard. See Duncan, S.. J. Couch, A. T: QuiUer— , 27. Coventry, John, 27. Cowan, J. F., 94. Cowles, Rev. Henry, 6. Cox, F. A., 83. Cox, F. P., 15. Cox, Palmer, 94. Cox, S: S., 63. Coxe, Rev. A. C, 6. Craddock, C: E. See Murfree, M.. N. Craigie, Mrs. P. M.. (R). See Hobbes, J: O., pseud. Craik, Mrs. D. M. (M.), 4, 28, 61, 94. Craik, G. M., 94. Cram, G: F., 60. Crane, J. E., 28. Crane, Lucy, 19. Crane, Stephen, 28. Crawford, C. H., 64. Crawford, F. M., 28, 63. Creasy, Sir E: S., 60. Creve-coeur, St. J: de, 83. Crichton, Andrew, 79. Crockett, David, 70. Crockett, S: R., 28, 94. Crofton, Mrs. Caldwell, 94. Cronin, Patrick, Rt. Rev., 74. Cross, Mrs. G. F. See Cambridge, Ada. Crouch, A. P., 28. Crowe, Eyre, 75. Crowe, E. E., 78. Crowfield, Christopher, 94. Cubas, A. G., 65. Cudlip, Mrs. See Thomas, Annie. Cumming, C. F. G., 66. Cumming, Gordon, 108. Cumming, R. G., 65. Cummings, Rev. John, 6. Cummins, Maria S., 28. Cupples, Mrs. George, 94. Curtin, Jeremiah, 12. Curtis, G: T., 8. Curtis, G: W:, 28, 54. Cusick, David. 83. Custer, Mrs. E.. (B.), 70. D DeFoe, Daniel, 94. Deland, E. D., 94. Dahlgren, Mrs. M. v., 66. Dalton, William, 94, 108. Dalzel, Andreas, 59, Dana, C: A., 72. Dana, J. D., 15. Dana, R: H:, 60. Dana, Mrs. W: S., 16. Danforth, Parke, 29. Daniels, W. H. D. L., 73. Dante, Alighieri, 59. Darby, William, 83. Darling, M.. G., 94. Darlington, T., 69. Darnell, H: F., 94. Darwin, Charles, 14, 15. Daudet, Alphonse, 29, 70. Davenport, R. A., 67. Davis, E.. A., 94. Davis, J: F:, 63. Davis, H: W., 70. Davis, L. C, 29. Davis, Mrs. M. E. (M.), 29. Davis, N., 61. Davis, Mrs. R. (H.). 29, 94. Davis, R: H., 29, 60, 62,64, 65, 66. Dawes, A.. L., 75. Dawson, Sir J. W:, 15. Day, Thomas, 94. Deane, Margery, 61 . D'Anvere, Knightly, 9. Defoe, Daniel, 29, 94. Dehon, Rev. Theodore, 6. Deland, E. D., 9. Deland, Mrs. Margaret, 29. Dennie, John, 61. De Quincey, Thomas, 58. Derby, G: H., 55. Deschanel, E. A. E. M., 14. De Veaux, Samuel, 83. Dewey, Melvil, 2. Diaz, Mrs. A. (M.), 29, 94. Dick, Thomas, 4, 6, 14. Dickens, Charles, 29, 58, 94, 111. Dickens, Mamie, 71. Dickinson, G. E., 76. Dickinson, J: R., 75. Dickson, W. K. L., 71. Dix.J. A., 11. Dix, Rev. Morgan, 11. Dixon, Rev. James, 83. Dixon, R. B., 94. Dixon, W: H., 74. Dodge, Abigal, 11. Dodge, C: W., 15. Dodge, J. R., 18. Dodge, Mrs. M.. (M.), 94. Dodgson, C: L., 94. Dole, N. H., 29, 111. Donnelly, Ignatius, 15, 29. Dorner, J. A., 6. Dorr, J. C. R., 62. Douglas, A. M., 30, 94. Douglas, Edith, 30. Douglas, James, 8. Douglas, Marian, 94. Dowden, Edward, 57, 59. Doyle, A. C, 30. Drake, S: A., 82, 112. Draper, A. S., 11. Drelingcourt, Charles, 3. Drummond, Henry, 5, 15, 86. Dryden, John, 56. Drysdale, William, 94, 95. Dreyspring, Adolphe, 12. 117 Du Chaillu, P. B., 62, 64, 67. Dudevant, Mme. See Sand, George, psettd. Ouffet, P., 13. Dugall, Ivily, 29. Dumas, Alexandre, 30. Du Maurier, George, 19, 30, 31. Dunbar, C: F., 8. Duncan, S.. J., 31. Dunckley, Henry, 31, Dunlap, William, 31. Dunning, Mrs. A. K., 95. Duperron, Anquetie, 3. Duruy, Victor, 78. Dwight, N., 68. Dwight, Theodore, 82. Dymond, Jonathan, 54. E Earle, Rev. A. B., 6. Earle, Mrs. A. (M.), 19, 65, 76, 80. Eastman, Mrs. M.. H., 31. Ebers, Georg, 31. Eddy, M. B. A., 17. Eddy, Rer. Zachary, 6. Edgeworth, Maria, 31, 95. Edwards, A. B., 64, 76. Edwards, C. R., 31. Edgar, J: G., 110. Edwards, Emory, 17. Edwards, H: S., 31. Edwards, W: H., 66. Eggleston, Edward, 31, 95, 109, 111. Eggleston, G: C, 10, 31, 95, 106, 111. Eiloart, Mrs. Elizabeth, 95. Eliot, Annie, 31. Eliot, George, psend., 31, 58. Elleot, J. H., joint authors. See Briggs, S. R. Ellet, E.. F., 68. Elliot, Frances, 31. Elliott, H: W., 18. Ellis, Mrs., 11, 31. Ellis, E: S., 31, 95, 109. Ellis, William, 65. Ely, R: T., 8. Emerson, R. W., 64, 62. Emery, M. S., 18. Emmet, W. R., 17. Emmons, Richard, 83. Enault, Louis, 95. English, T. D., 111. Erckmann, E^mile, 31, 32. Erman, Adolph, 64. Euler, Leonard, 14. Evans, Augusta. See Wilson, Mrs. A. (E). Ewbank, Thomas, 66. Ewing, Mrs. J. H., 95. Eyster, Mrs. N. (B.), 95. F Fanning, J. T., 18. Farmer, L. H., 109. Farnham, I. J., 66. Farquharson, Martha, pseud., 95. Farrar, F. W:, Dean, 6, 69,71, 74, 95. Fawcett, Edgar, 32. Fawcett, M. G., 8. Fay, Amy, 19. Felton, C. C, 71. Fenelon, Frangois, 68. Fenn, G: M., 32. Ferguson, Adam, 61. Ferguson, C: D., 66, Ferguson, Henry, 82. Fern, Fanny, pseud., 54, 95. Ferriere, C. J. de, 9. Ferris, G: T., 68. Ferris, Jacob, 82. Fessenden, W. P., 71. Feuillet, Octave, 32. Fidler, Rct. Isaac, 83. Field, Annie, 61, 62, 63. Field, Eugene, 1, 32, 53, 106. Field, Mrs. Frederick, 95. Field, H: M., 61, 62, 63. Field, Ros well, joint author. See Field, Eugene. Fielde, A. M., 10, 63. Fielding, Henry, 32. Figuier, Louis, 15. Finch, J: B., 5. Finck, H: T., 66. Finlay, 66. Finley, Martha. See Farquharson, Martha, pseud. Fish, E. E., 16. Fisher, A. B. (B.), 81, 89. Fisher, E: T., 13. Fisher, S. G:, 82. Fiske, John, 4, 5, 7, 12, 54, 82, 111. Fivas, Alain de, 13. Flammarion, Camille, 14. Fletcher, C: R. L., 72. Fletcher, Horace, 4. Fletcher, James, 78. Fletcher, J. S., 32. Flint, Grorer, 80. Flower, W: H:, 16. Fogg, W. P., 107. Foot, K.. B., 95. Foote, E.. L., 2. Foote, Mrs. M.. (H.), 32. Forbes, Archibald, 32. Forbes, Mrs. E. A., 61. Ford, P. L., 32, 75. Ford, Mrs. S. R., 32. Fosdick, C: A. See Castleman, Harry, pseud. Foster, Yere, 19. Fothergill, Jessie, 32. Fouque^ Baron, de la Motte. See La Motte- Fouque, Baron de. Fowey, M. N., 17. Fowler, John, 83. Fowler, Thomas, 83. Fowne, 15. Fox, John, 32. Foxton, E., 32. Francois, Louise von, 32. Franklin, Benjamin, 71, 109. Fraser, J. B., 76. Eraser, Simon, 9. Frazer, Douglas, 96. Frederic, Harold, 32. Freedley, E. T., 18. Freeman, E: A., 59. Freeman, Rev. F., 7. 118 Fremanville, M. de, 9. Fremont, Mrs. J. (B.), 71. French, Alice, 32, 96. French, H. W., 108, French, J. N., 65. Frere, M., 96. Freytag, Gustav, 32. Friedman, I. K., 32. Fronde, J: A., 70, 71. Frost, John, 59, 68. Frost, Thomas, 111. Frost, W: H:, 12, 88. Frye, A. E., 60, 89. Fuller, Anna, 32. Furber, H. W., 8. G Garbett, Capt. H., 17. Gardiner, S. B., 70. Gardner, S: A., 32. Garrett, Edward, pseud., 32, 33. Gaskell, Annie. 33. Gaskell, Mrs. E.. C, 33. Gatty, Mrs. M. (S.), 33. Gay, S. H. 73. Geil. H., 20. Porter, Noah, 2. Porter, P. A., 85. Porter, Rose, 43. Post, W. K., 43. Potter, A., 8. Potter, Alonzo, 11, Poulsson, Emelie, 10. Powell, J. W., 66. Power, Lady Marguerite, 43. Power, Tyrone, 85. Praed, Mrs. Campbell-, joint author. See Mc- Carthy, Justin. Pratt, M, I/,, 89. Prentiss, Mrs, E„ (P.), 43, Prescott, W: H„ 78, 80, 82. Prime, E. D. G., 60. Prime, S. I., 61. Prince, W: C, 64, Proctor, B, W., 74. Proctor, R. A., 14, Pumpelly, Raphael, 60. Putnam, G: I:, 43. Pyle, Howard, 102. Pylodet, L., 59. 124 Q Q pseud. See Couch, A. T: Quiller-. Quiller-Couch, A. T: See Couch, A. T: Quiller-. R Radcliffe, A. G., 19. Rae, W. F., 71, 74, 75. Ragozin, Mme. Z. A., 76, 77. Ralph, Julian, 44, 65, 66. Ramee, Louise de la. See Oulda. pseud. Ramsay, Allan, 20, 44. Ramsay, M. M., joint anthor. See Rowan, A. S. Ramsay, W: M., 6. Rand, E: A., 102. Rawlinson, George, 59, 70, 76, 79. Ray, A.. C, 102. Raymond, Evelyn, 102. Raymond, G: E., 19. Raymond, H: J., 79: Raymond, Robert, 9. Raymond, R. W., 44, 102. Rayner, E., 44. Read, Hollis, 7. Reade, Charles, 44. Reade, W. W., 64. Redfield, A. M., 16. Reed, Andrew, 85. Reed, Sir E. J., 10. Reeve, Henry, 74. Reeves, John, 9. Reeves, J. K., joint author. See Wilson, C. D. Regio, R. P., 3. Reid, Capt. Mayne, 44, 89: 102, 103. Remington, C. K., 85. Remington, Frederic, 66. Renwick, James, 14, 15, 18, 70, 72. Repplier, Agnes, 54. Revere, J. W., 44. Reynolds, J. N., 66. Rice, James, 24., Richards, Mrs. E. E. (H.), 103. Richards, W: C, 69. Richardson, C: F., 53. Richardson, James, 66. Richardson, J. D., 7. Richardson, Samuel, 44, Richmond, J. F., 82. Richter, E. F., 19. Rideing, W: H., 109. Ridge, W. P., 44. Ridpath, J: C, 71. Riggs, Mrs. K. D. W. See Wiggin, Mrs. K. D. Riis, J. A., 8. Riley, H. H., 55. Riley, J. W., 44, 53. Roberts, C: G: D., 44, 80. Roberts, E. H., 82. Robert?, J: A., 82. Roberts, J: S., 73. Robertson, E. S., 73. Robertson, William, 70. Robinson, H. M., 67. Robinson, E. B., 103. Robinson, R. E., 44. Roche, K. M., 44. Rocltwell, J. E., 18. Roe, A. S., 44. Roe, E: P., 44. Rogers, Archibald, 20. Rogers, J. E. T., 79. Rogers, R. C, 44. Rohlfs, Mrs. Charles. See Green, A.. K Rolfe, W: J., 2, 57. Rollin, Charles, 76. Rollins, Mrs. A. (W.), 54, 103. Romaunt, Christopher, 103. Romer, A., 16. Roos, F. F. de, 85. Roosevelt, Theodore, 7, 69, 75, 85. Ropes, J: C, 81. Rorer, Mrs. S. T., 18. Ross, Clinton, 44. Rotheram, John, 4. i Rotteck, Charles von, 59. Routledge, Robert, 89. Rowan, A. S., 80. Royce, Josiah, 4. Runnington, Charles, 9. Ruskin, John, 7, 19, 58, 103. Russell, Charles, 17, 90. Russell, C: W., 44. Russell, G: W. E., 71. Russell, Rev. M., 70, 82. Russell, Michael, 61. Russell, R. H., 63. Russell, W: C, 45, 74, 103. Russell, W. H., 78, 81. Ruston, G. F., 66. Ryan, Rev. A: J., 54. Ryan, Mrs. M. E. (M.), 45. S Sabatier, Paul, 71. Sabin, Joseph, 85. Saint-Amand, Imbert de, 72, 73. St. John, Mrs. Horace, 69. St. John, P. B,, 45. St. Johnston, Alfred, 103. Saint Pierre, J. H: B. de, 45. Saintine, X. B., 45, 89. Saintsbury, George, 59. Sala, G: A:, 62. Salverte, Eusebe, 4. Samuels, E: A., 103. Samuels, Capt. S., 103. Sanborn, F. B:, 75. Sanborn, Kate, 66. Sand, George fpseud.), 45. Sangster, Mrs. M. E. (Munson), 54, 106. Sargent, C. E., 5. Sargent, A. E., joint author. See Sargent, M: E. Sargent, D. A., 20. Sargent, M: E., 2. Satolli, Francis, 6. Saunders, F., 62. Saunders, Marshall, 103. Savage, M. J., 45. Savidge, E. C, 45. Sawyer, F: W., 20. Saxe, J: G., 55. Sayce, A. H., 76. Scheffel, J. V., 58. Schiller, Frederick von, 58, 78. 125 Schmid, Herman, 45. Schoolcraft, H: R., 79. Schopenhauer, Arthur, 5. Schreiner, Olive, pseud., 45. Schubin, Ossip, pseud., 45. Schultz, Christian, 85. Schurz, Carl, 70, 73. Schuyler, Eugene, 64, Schuyler, Theophile, 103. Schwartz, J. M. W., van der Poorten. See Maartens, Maarten, pseud. Schwartz, M, S., 45. Schweinfurth, George, 64. Scott, Hugh S. See Merriman, H: S., pseud. Scott, Col. R. N., 81. Scott, Sir Walter, 4, 45, 56, 74, 87, 111. Scripture, E. W., 4. Scudder, H. E., 45, 54, 75, 107. Scudder, M. L., 45. Scudder, S: H., 16. Sears, 62. Sears, Robert, 79, 81. Seaward, Edward, 65. Seaweli, M. E., 45, 68, 103. Sedgewick, Katharine, 45. Seeley, J: R., 58. Seelye, E. E., 110. Seelye, L. E., 111. Segur, Philip, Count de, 59, 78. Sellon, B. J., 9. Sessions, P: C, 62, 66. Severence, F, H., 85. Seward, O.. R., 60. Sewell, Anna, 103. Seymour, Horatio, 74. Shakespeare, William, 57. Shaler, N. S.. 15, 18, 89. Shapley, R. P., 45. Sharp, Granville, 4. Sharp, Rev. Thomas, 4. Sharp, William, 45, 85. Shea, J: G., 85. Shell, Lady, 63. Sheldon, L. V., 108. Shelley, P. B., 56. Shelton, W: H:, 46. Shepard, E: M.. 75. Shepard, E.. S., See Berger, E., pseud. Sheridan, Gen. Henry Philip, 74. Sherlock, Rev. W., 4. Sherman, L. A., 55. Sherman, John, 81. Sherman, Gen. William Tecumseh, 74. Sherwood, Mrs, John, 11. Shillaber, B: P,, 46, 103, Shirley, Pen, pseud,, 103. Shoemaker, J, W., ed., 52. Shorter, C: K., 55, 69. Sidney, Margaret, pseud., 103, 108. Sienkiewicz, Henryk, 46. Slgourney, Mrs. ly. H., 67. Simpson, J, A,, 87. Sinding, P. C, 79. Sismondi, J. L. S. de, 53, 78. Skertchly, J. A., 64. Skinner, C: M., 12. Slingo, W., 17. Slosson, Mrs. A.. (T.), 46. Smart, Hawley, 46. Smiles, Samuel, 11, 67. Smith, E. M., 20. Smith, F. H., 46, 62. Smith, George, 61. Smith, Goldwin, 80. Smith, Hannah. See Stretton, Hesba, pseud Smith, H.. A,, 61. Smith, H. B., 86. Smith, J. P., 46. Smith, M., 86. Smith, Mrs. M.. P, (W.), 103. Smith, N. A., 46, 103, 106. Smith, Rev. S. S., 6. Smucher, S. M., 68. Smith, Sidney, 58. Smith, T. R., 19. Smith, W: H., 46. Soderstrom, Hugo, 58. Soley, J. R., 81, 111. Southey, Robert, 56. Southgate, Horatio, 63., Souvestre, l&mile, 59. Spalding, 63. Sparks, Jared, 67, 69. Spears, J: R., 10. Speke, J: H., 64. Spencer, Edmund, 56. Spencer, Herbert, 7, 10. Spofford, A, R:, 52, 53. Spofford, Mrs. H. E.. (P.), 46. Sprague, W. B., 11, Spry W, J. J., 60. Spyri, Johanna, 103, Squier, E, G., 61, 65, Squier, G: F., 66, Stael, Mme, de, 59. Stael-Holstein, A.. L,. G. (N.) See Stael, Mme,de. Stahr, Mrs. See Lewald, Fanny, 46. Stanley, H: M., 46, 64, Stannard, Mrs, H, E, V. See Winter, J: S., pseud. Stansbury, P., 86. Stanton, Evan, 46. Staunton, G: T:, 4. Stead, Richard, joint author. See Hug, Lina. Stedman, E. C, 54, 55. Steel, Mrs. F. A.., 46. Steel, David, 4. Steele, J. D,, 16. Steele, O. G., 86. Stephens, C. A,, 103, 108. Stephens, J: L., 65. Stephens, Leslie, 63. Sterne, Lawrence, 46. Stevens, J: A., 71. Stevens, M.. F., 46. Stevens, Thomas, 60. Stevenson, R. L. B., 46, 58, 60, 62, 67, 75, 106. Stewart, S. T., 14. Stimson, F: J,, 46. Stockton, F. R., 46, 47, 61, 82. Stoddard, C: W., 66. Stoddard, Elizabeth, 53. Stoddard, H: R:, 70, 74, 76. Stoddard, W: O., 47, 104. Stone, J: S., 73. Stone, W: L., 79, 81, 86. Stowe, Mrs. H. (B.), 47, 104. Streckfuss, Adolph, 47. 126 Stretton, Hesba, pseud., 47. Strickland, Agnes, 60, 68, 111. Strong, Rev. Josiah, 6, 10, 65. Strong, J. C. 79. Stuart, Esme, 47. Stuart, James, 86. Stuart, Mrs. R. McE., 47. Sue, Eugene, 47. Sullivan, Gen. John, 81. Sullivan, M. P., joint author. See Blake, M.. E.. Sumner, Charles, 67. Sumner, W: G., 72, 74. Sutcliff, Robert, 86. Swedenborg, Emanuel, 5, 6, 7, 11. Swett, Sophie, 104. Swift, Jonathan, 47. Swift, R. B., 18. Swinton, William, 12, 80. T T., a. A. Taine, H. A., 19, 55, 67, 78. Tallis, 4. Talmage, Rev. T. DeW., 6, 54. Tannahill, Robert, 56. Tautphoeus, J. M. Baronin von, 48. Taylor, Bayard, 60, 61, 63, 64, 65, 104. Taylor, B: P., 55. Taylor, Emily, 104. Taylor, H. C. Chatfield-, 48. Taylor, Rev. Isaac, 86. Taylor, J. O., 11. Taylor, John, 53. Taylor, M.. I., 48. Taylor, Rev. William, 66. Tefft, B. P., 75. Tenney, Sanborn, 15. Tennyson, Alfred, 56. Terhune, Mrs. M.. V. (H.), 48. Teuffel, Mrs. B. W. (H.) von. See Howard, B. W. Thackery, W: M., 48, 58. Thanet, Octave, pseud. See Prench, Alice. Thatcher, B. B., 79. Thaxter, Celia, 106. Thayer, yV: M., 71, 72. Thomas, Annie, 48. Thomas, A. C, 7. Thomas, E. M., 54. Thompson, Basil, 48. Thompson, D. P., 48, 104. Thompson, J: L., 80. Thompson, Maurice, 16. Thompson, S. P., 15, 17. Thompson, W: M., 64. Thomson, James, 56. Thomson, J: L,., 81. Thomson, Joseph, 64. Thoreau, H: D:, 55, 65. Thorne, P., pseud. See Smith, Mrs. M. P. (W.). Thucydides, 59. Thurston, L. M., 104. Thwaltes, R. G., 80. Tidd, William, 9. Tiffany, N. M., 3 12. Timayenis, T. T., 77. Tingry, P. P., 4. Tirebuck, W: E., 48. Titcomb, Timothy, pseud. See Holland, J. G. Todd, Rev. John, 11, 66. Tolman, W. H., 10. TolstoY, L. N., Count, 48. Tomes, Robert, 66. Tompkins, D. D., 81. Tompkins, E.. K., 48. Tooley, S.. A., 75. Topelius, Zachris, 48. Totten, C: A. L., 11. Tourgee, A. W., 48. Towle, G: M., 109, 110. Towner, Ausburn, 48. Townsend, Calvin, 7. Townsend, E: W., 48. Townsend, G: A., 65. Townsend, E. T., 53. Townsend, T: S., 81. Townsend, V. P., 48, 104. Trafton, Adaline, 107. * Traill, C. P., 104. Train, E.. P., 48. Tregarthen, Greville, 82. Trench, R: C, 12. Triplett, Frank, 67. Tripp, Alonso, 61. TroUope, Anthony, 48, 65, 86. TroUope, Prances, 86. Trollope, T. A., 49. Trowbridge, J: T., 15, 104, 105. Tschudi, J. J. von, 66. Tucker, C. M., 105. Tucker, George, 72. Tuckerman, Bayard, 57. Tudor, Henry, 86. Tufts, J. W., 20. Tulloch, John, 74. Turgenief, I. S., 49. Turner, C. P., 86. Turner, Orsamus, 82, 86. Tuttiett, M. G. See Grey, Maxwell, pseud. Twain, Mark, pseud. See Clemens, S. L. Twichell, J: H., 76. Tyler, A. P., 59. Tyler, C. C. Praser-, 49. Tyler, Josiah, 64. Tyler, M. C, 49. Tyndale, William, 6. Tyrwhitt, Rev. R. St. J.. 19. Tytler, A.. P., 105. Tytler, Sarah, 98. u Underbill, Z. D., 12. Underwood, P. H:, 49. Upham, T: C, 4. V Vaile, C. M., 105. Vallari, Einda, 49. Vambery, Arminus, 78. Van Bruyssel, Ernest, 89. Vandam, A. D.. 62. Vandergrift, Margaret, pseud., 49, 105. 127 Van Dervoort, J. W., 16, Van Dyke, Henry, 6. Van Dyke, H: J., 54. Vane, Sir Henry, 75. Van Rensselaer, Mrs, Schuyler, 19, 86 Vasari, Giorgio, 68. Ventouillac, L. T,, 4. Vere, M, Scheie de, 80, Verne, Jules, 40. Viaud, Julien. See Ivoti, Pierre, pseud, Vieux, Moustache, pseud., 105. Vigne, G. T., 86. Vincent, Frank, 62, 63, 64, 65, 66. Vincent, Rey. J: H., 11. Virgil, 59. Voynick, Mrs. E. Iv. ()$.), 49, w W., C. H., 49. Wade, B. F., 81, Wagner, Jacob, 5. Wakefield, Edward, 66. Walford, Mrs. L. B., 49, Walker, F. A., 8, 81. Wall, G: H:, 105. Wallace, A. R., 67. Wallace, Ellerslie, 19. Wallace, L,ew, 49. Wallace, S. E., 66. Walsh, A. S., 49. Walworth, M. T., 49. Ward, Artemus, pseud., 49. Ward, Mrs. E.. S. (P.), 49, 50, 68, 75, 105. Ward, H. D., 50. Ward, Mrs. Humphry, 50, Ward, M. E., 20. Ward, S. H., 20. Ware, William, 50. Warman, Cy, 50. Warner, Anna, joint author. See Warner Susan. Warner, C: D., 50, 55, 61, 64, 72. Warner, C: D., joint author. See Clemens, S: Warner, Susan, 50, 105. Warren, Cornelia, 50. Warth, Julian, 50. Washington, Beatrice, 105. Waterloo, Stanley, 50. Waters, Mrs. See Clemens, Mrs, C. (E.). Watson, Elkanah, 81. Watson, H: C, 105. Watson, John, 5, 6, 40. Watson, M. L. McL., joint author. See Word, S. H. Watson, Richard, 75, Watson, William, 56. Watts, Isaac, 11. Webb, J. W., 66. Webber, C. W., 50. Weber, Alice, 105. Webster, Daniel, 55, 87. Webster, Noah, 12. Weems, M. E., 51, 73. Weir, Elizabeth, 12, Weise, A. J., 80. Welch, P. H., 50. Weld, Isaac, 86. Wells, D. A., 8 Wells, H. G., 50. Wells, K. G., 50 Wentworth, G. A., 14 Wentworth, J. B., 4. Wentworth, John, 9. Werner, Ernst, pseud,, 50 Wesselhofft, Mrs, I., F. (P.), 105 Westall, William, 50. Westcott, Thompson, 71. Wetherell, Elizabeth, pseud. See Warner, Susan. Wetherill, J. K., 50. Weyman, S. J:, 50, 51. Wharton, A. H., 68. Wheaton, Henry, 74. Wheaton, Henry, joint author. See Chrichton, Andrew. Wheeler, J, T., 51. Whipple, E. P., 69. Whistler, J. A, McN,, 19. Whitby, Beatrice, 51, 54, 55, 69, Whitcher, F: M.. 51. White, E. O., 51, 105. White, Gilbert, 16. White, Henry, 82, White, J: W,, 13, White, R: G,, 12, Whitman, Sidney, 78. Whitman, Walt, 54. Whitney, Mrs. A. D. (T.), 11, 51, 105. Whitney, W: D., 12. Whittier, J: G., 54, Wichert, Ernest, 51. Wier, M, E., 105, Wiggin, Mrs, K,. D., 10, 51, 105, 106, Wight, Thomas, 7. Wikoff, Henry, 61. Wilcox, E, W,, 54. Wilder, M. P., 55. Wilkins, M.. E., 51, 106. Wilkinson, Sir J: G., 76. Wilkinson, W: C, 59. Willard, Mrs. E, S. See Penn, Rachel, pseud. Wille, E.. de, 51. Williams, A: M., 12. Williams, Mrs. C. R., 4. Williams, J., 69. Williams, J. L., 51. Willis, N. P., 86. Willsey, J. H., 2. Wilmot, S. E., 10. Wilson, Mrs. A. (E.), 51. Wilson, C. D., 109. Wilson, E: L., 20, 64. Wilson, J, H,, 63. Wilson, O, E,. 106. Wilson, Woodrow, 9. Winchell, Alexander, 15, 89. Wines, E. C, 5. Winks, W: E:, 68. Winsor, Justin, 79. Winter, J: S., pseud., 51. Winter, William, 62. Winthrop, Theodore, 51, 55. Wise, Daniel, 69, 106. Wood, Alphonso, 16. Wood, Henry, 18. Wood, J: G:, 3 6, 89. 128 Wood, J: S., 51. Woodbridge, A.. E., 106. Woods, K.. P., 51. Woods, Mrs. K.. T., 106. Wooley, C. P., 51. Woolsey, S.. C. See Coolidge, Susan, pseud. Woolsey, T. D., 8. Woolson, C. P., 51, 52. Word, J. G., 88. Wordsworth, William, 56. Worman, J: H., 13. Wortley, E. S., 86. Wrangell, Ferdinand, 67. Wright, Prances, 86. Wright, M. O., 106. Wright, William, 76. Wyckoff, W. A., 8. Wyss, J. D., 106. X Xenophon, 59- Y Yale, Iv. M., 20. Yates, Edmund, 52 Yeats, S. K. Levett-, 52 Yonge, C. M.., 52, 68, 111. Young, A. W., 10, 80. Young, J. B., 112. z Zangwill, Israel, 58. Zola, :6mile, 52. SUBJECT INDEX A Abbeys. See Architecture, 19, See also Gt. Britain, 61. Abolition. See Slavery. Aborigines. See North America, 79. Abridgments. See Law, 8. Administration, 8. Adventures. See Travel, 60. See also Juvenile books, 106. Afghanistan. See Asia. Africa, history, 79. travel, 64. See also Juvenile books, 108. Ages,, archeologic. See Biology, 15. geologic. See Geology, 15. Agriculture, 18. Aid to readers, library economy. See General works, 2. Alabama. See States. Alaska. See States. Almanacs. See Sociology, 7. Astronomy, 14. Alps. See Switzerland. Amazon river. See Travel in South America, 66. See also Natural sciences, 14. America, British, See Hist, of North America, 80. Central, travel. See Travel in Mexico, 65. discovery of, 80. Noith, history, 79. scientific travels and surveys. See Geology, 15. travel, 65. South, history, 82. scientific travels and surveys. See Geology, 15. travel, 66. American antiquities. See Antiquities, 60. colonies, history, 80. Indians, 79. literature, 53. American and Eng. private law. See Law, 8. Amusements, 20, See also Juvenile books, 89. Anatomy. See Medicine, 17. Ancient countries, description and customs. See Antiquities, 60. history, 76, Angling. See Amusements, 20. Animals. See Paleontology, 15. Anthropology, mind and body, 4. nat, hist, of man. See Biology, 15. Antiquities, 60. See also Biology, 15. Aphorisms. See Literature, 52, Arabia, travel, 63. Archeology, ancient, descriptive. See Antiqui- ties, 60. prehistoric. See Biology, 15. Arches. See Architecture, 19. See Engineering, 17, Architecture, 19, Arctic regions. See Polar regions, 66, Argentine Republic. See South America, 66. Arithmetic. See Mathematics, 14. Armenia. See Travel in Asia, 63. Armies. See History. military engineering. See Engineering, 17. military science. See Law, 10. Artillery. See Engineering, 17. Arts, fine, 19. Useful, 16. Asia, antiquities. See Antiquities, 60. history, 79. travel, 63. Asia Minor. See history of Greece, 77, travel. See Minor countries, 63. Assyrian antiquities. See Antiquities, 60. history. See Ancient history, 76. Astronomy, 14. Athens. See Greece. Athletic sports. See amusements, 20. Atlantis. See Biology, 15. Atlases, maps, etc. See Geography, 60. Australia, history, 82. travel, 60. Austria, history, 78. travel. See Travel in Europe, 61, Antobiography. See Biography, 69, See also Juvenile books, 109. B Babylon, antiquities, 60. ancient history, 76. Ballads. See American poetry, 53. See also English poetry, 56. Banks. See Political economy, 8. Baseball. See Amusements, 20. Battles. See History. Bedouins. See Arabia, Bees. See Zoology, 16. Begging. See Political economy, 8. Belgium, history. See Hist, of Europe, 77. travel. See Travel in Europe, 61. Belles-lettres. See Literature. Bible, 5. Bibliography. See General works. 1. Bicycle. See Amusements, 20. Bimetallism. See Political economy, 8. Biography, collected, 67. See also Juvenile books, 108. individual, 68. See also Juvenile books, 109. Biology, 15, Birds. See Zoology, 16, Body and mind, 4, Book rarities, 3, Books, bibliography. See General works, 1. Boston. See General works, 1. See also United States, Botany, 16. See also Natural science. 80, Brain, mind and body, 4. 130 Brazil. See South America. Bridges. See Engineering, 17. British America. See Nortli America. Building. See Useful arts, 18. c Cairo. See Egpyt. California. See United States. Canada, history. See North America. Cannon. See Engineering, 17. Capital and labor. See Political economy, 8. Carpentry. See Domestic economy, 18. Carthage. See Rome. Castles. See Architecture, 19. Catacombs. See Antiquities, 60. Catalogs. See General works, 1. Cathey. See China. Cathedrals. See Architecture, 19. Catholic church. See Church history, 7. Cave men. See Biology, 15. Caves. See Geology, 15. Celts. See Ancient history. 76. Central America. See Travel in Mexico, 65. Centra! States. See United States. Ceylon. See India, 63, Chaldea. See Hist, of Greece, 76. Chancery law. See Law, 8, Character, ethics, 4. formation of. See Self education, 10. of reading. See General works, 2. Charts. See Astronomy, 14. maps. See Geography, 60. China, history. See Hist, of Asia, 79. travel, 63. China ware. See Fine arts, 19. Chivalry. See Hist, of Europe, 77. Christ. See Theology, 6. Christian church. See Church history, 7. Christianity, evidences. See Theology, 6. Church history, 7. Churches. See Architecture, 19. City government. See Law, 8. Civil government. See Political science, 7. Civil war, 81. See also Juvenile books, 111. Civilization. See History, 59. Classics. See Greek literature, 59. See also Latin literature, 59. Coal. See Geology, 15. Collected biography, 67. See also Juvenile books, 108. Commonwealth. See Hist, of England, 77. Commune, of 1871. See Hist, of France, 78. Communism. See Political economy, 8. Conchology. See Zoology, 16. Confederate states, U. S. See Civil war, 81. Sec also Juvenile books, 111. Confederation, Amer. colonies. See Amer. Revo- lution, 80. Congress of U. S. See Political science, 7. Congressional documents. See Politicalscience, 7. Connecticut. See Hist, of the states, 81. See also Hist, of United vStates, 80. Conscience. See Ethics, 4. Constantinople. Sec Minor countries, 63. Constitutional conventions. See Law, 8. law and history. See Law, 8. Conversation. See Self-education, 10. Cook-books. See Domestic economy, 18. Coral reefs. See Geology, 15. Corals. See Zoology, 16. Cossacks. See Hist, of Russia, 78. Costumes. See Customs, 13 . Council of Trent. See Church history, 7 . Cretaceous era. See Geology, 15. fossils. See Paleontology, 15. Crusades. See Hist, of Europe, 77. Cuba, history, 80. travel. See West Indies, 65, Currency. See Political economy, 8. Customs, 11. Cycling. See Amusements, 20. Cyclopaedias, general. See General works, 2. special. See Subject. D Darwinism. See Biology, 15. Dates. See History. Declaration of Independence U. S. See Amer. Revolution, 80. Diaries. See Biography, 69. See also Juvenile books, 109. Description and travel, 60. See also Juvenile books, 107. Devotional works. See Religion, 5. Dictionaries. See Philology, 12. special. See Subject. Discoveries. See Useful Arts, 16. Digest, Amer. and Eng. See Law, 8. Diseases. See Medicine, 17. Dogma. See Theology, 6. Domestic economy, 18. Drama, English, 57. See also Foreign literature, 58,59. Dramatic amusements. See Amusements, 20. music, 19. Drawing. See Fine arts, 19. Drill, military science. See Law, 8. Drilling, engineering, 17. Dynamatics, electro. See Electricity, 15. E Ear, psysiology. See Medicine, 17. psychology. See Psychology, 4. Earth, astronomy, 14. physical geology. See Geology, 15. Earthquakes. See Geology, 15. Economics, political economy, 8. Education, 10. Egypt, antiquities. See Antiquities, 60. history. See Hist, of Africa, 79. travel. See Travel in Africa, 64. Electric engineering. See Engineering, 17. Electricity, 14. Encyclopaedias. See Cyclopaedias. Engineering, civil and mcch. See Engineering, 17. topographic. See Astronomy, 14. Engines. See Engineering, 17. England, history, 77. See also Juvenile books, 110. travel. See Tr^yel in Gt, Britain, 61, 131 English composition. See Literature, 55. drama, 57. essays, 57. language. See Philology, 12. literature, 55. Ensilage. See Agriculture, 18. Entomolog-y. See Zoology, 16. Epic. See Poetry. Equador. See South America. Equity. See Law, 8. Essays, American, 54. English, 57. foreign, 58, 59. Etliics, 4. Etlinic religions. See Non-Christian religions, 7. Etiquet. See Customs, 11. Etymology. See Philology, 12. Europe, history, 77. travel, 61. See also JUTenile books, 107. Evidences of Christianity. See Theology, 6. Evolution, biology, 15. See also Natural theology, 5. F Fairy tales. See Folk-lore, 11. See also Juvenile books, 88. Farming. See Agriculture, 18. Farther India. See Asia. Female, education. See Self-education, 10. Ferns. See Botany, 16. See Paleontology, 15. Fertilization. See Botany, 16. See Zoology, 16. Feudalism, age of. See Hist, of Europe, 77. Fiction, 20. Juvenile, 90. Fictitious characters, dictionary of. See Ivitera- ture, 52. Fief. See Law, 8. See also Book rarities, 3. Field books. See Engineering, 17. operations, goldesy. See Astronomy, 14. sports. See Amusements, 20. Figures, prosody. See Philology, 12. Filibusters. See Hist, of Cuba, 80. Finance. See Political economy, 8. Fine arts, 19. Fish commission. See Agriculture, 18. Fisheries. See Agriculture, 18. Fishes, paleontology, 15. See also Zoology, 16. Fishing. See Amusements, 20. Flora. See Botany, 16. Flowers. See Botany, 16. Fluids. See Physics, 14. Folk-lore, 11. See also Juvenile books, 88. Food. See Domestic economy, 18. Football. See Amusements, 20. Fortune=telling. See Mind and body, 4. Fossil, antiquity of man. See Biology, 15. Fossils. See Paleontology, 15. France, history, 78. travel, 62. See also Juvenile books, 107. French literature, 59. and Indian wars. See U. S. History, 80. language. See Text-books, 13. Friars, monastic orders. See Church history, 7. Free trade. See Political economy, 8. Friends, society of. See Church history, 7. Froebel, system. See Education, 10. Fruit. See Agriculture, 18. Fungi. See Botany, 16. Future life. See Natural theology, 5. G Games. See Amusements, 20. Qas engines. See Engineering, 17. Gazetteers. See special country. Geography, 60. Geologic reports and surveys. See Natural science, 13. See also Geology, 15. Geology, 15. Geometry. See Mathematics, 14. Georgia. See United States. German Empire, 78. language. See Text-books, 12. literature, 58. periodicals. See General periodicals, 3. Germany, history, 78. travel. See Travel in Europe, 61. See also Juvenile books, 107, Ghibelines. See Hist, of Italy, 78. See also Collected biography, 67. Gods, idolatry. See Non-Christian religions, 7. mythology, 12. Gothic architecture. See Architecture, 19. Goths. See Hist, of Europe, 77. Grammar. See Philology, 12. Great Britain, history, 77. See also Juvenile books, 110. law. See Law, 8. travel, 61. See also Juvenile books, 107. Greece, antiquities. See Antiquities, 60. ancient history, 76. See also Juvenile books, 110. travel. See Minor countries, 62. Greek language. See Text-books, 13. literature, 59. See also Juvenile books, 106. mythology, 7. See also Folk-lore, 11, 12. Greenland. See Polar regions, 66. Guelfs. See Hist, of Italy, 78. See also Collected biography, 67. Gulf states. See United States. Guns. See Engineering, 17. Gymnastics. See Amusements, 20. H Habits, customs. See Customs, 11. See also Antiquities, 60. Hallucinations. See Mind and body, 4. Hand books of travel. See Travel, 60. Harmony. See Music, 19. Hawaii, history. See Hist, of Australia, 82. travel. See Travel in Oceanica, 66. 132 Heat. See Physics, 14. Hebrew history. See Ancient history, 78. History, 59. See also Juvenile books, 106. Holland, history. See Minor countries, 79. travel. See Minor countries, 62. Holy alliance. See Hist, of Europe, 77. Holy Land. See Travel in Palestine, 63. Holy Roman Empire. See Hist, of Germany, 78. Holy Scriptures. See Bible, 5. House building. See Domestic economy, 18. House keeping. See Domestic economy, 18. Houses. Sec Architecture, 19. Humor. See Satire and humor, 55, 58. Hungary. See Germany. Hypnotism. See Mind and Body, 4. Independence, American. See Hist, of U. S., 80. India, history. See Hist, of Asia, 79. travel, 63. Indiana. See United States. Indians, North American, 79. Indoor amusements. See Amusements, 20, Industrial arts. See Useful arts, 16. Inquisition. See Church history, 7. Insects. See Zoology, 16. Intellect. See Psychology. 4. Inventions. See Useful arts, 16. Invertebrates. See Paleontology, 15. See also Zoology, 16, Invincible armada. See Hist, of Spain, 78. Ireland, history, 77. travel. See Travel in Gt. Britain. 61. Isle of Man. See England. Italy, history, 78. literature. See French literature, 59. travel, 62, J Japan, history. See Hist, of Asia, 79. travel, 63. See also Juvenile books, 107. Jerusalem. See Palestine. See also Egypt. Jesuits. See Church history, 7. Jesus Christ. See Theology, 6. Jews. See Ancient history, 76. Juvenile books, 88, K Kansas. See United Stales. Kentucky. See United States, L Labor and capital. See Political economy, 8. Language. See Philology, 12, Latin, language, 13. literature, 59. Law, 8. Legends. See Folk-lore, 11. See also Juvenile books, 88. Letters. See Lriterature, 52, See also Biography, 69, Levant. See Turkey in Asia. Libraries. See General works, 1. Linguistics. See Philology, 12. Liquor problem. See Ethics, 5. Literature, 52. See also Juvenile books, 90. Lives. See Biography, 67, 69. See also Juvenile books, 108. Local government. See Law, 8, Locomotives. See Engineering, 17, Logic. See Philosophy, 4, London, description. See Gt. Britain, 62. history. See Hist, of England, 77. M Machinery. See Engineering, 17. Madagascar. Sea Africa. Magazines. See General periodicals, 2. Magnetism. See Electricity, 14. Mahometanism. See Mohammed, Biography, 73. Maine. See United States. Malay. See Oceanica. Malta. See Italy. Man. See Biology, 15. Manners and customs. See Name of country. Manual training. See Useful arts, 16. Maryland. See United States. Massachusetts. See United States. Mathematics, 14. Mechanics. See Engineering, 17. Medicine, 17, Medieval, architecture. See Architecture, 19. Europe. See Hist, of Europe, 77. Mediterranean. See Africa. Memoirs. See Biography, 67, 69, See also Juvenile books, 109. Memory. See Psychology, 4. Mental philosophy. See Psychology, 4. Metaphysics. See Philosophy, 4. Meteorology. See Geology, 15. Mexico, antiquities. See Antiquities, 60. history. See Hist, of North America, 79. travel, 65. Mind and body, 4. Mineralogy. See Chemistry, 14. Mines. See Engineering. 17. Minor countries. See Special countries. Miscellany, 55, 58, 59. Mississippi valley. See United States. Missouri. See United States. Modern history, 77. See also Juvenile books, 110. Mohammedanism. See Mohammed, Biography, 73. Money. See Political economy, 8. Moors. See Hist, of Spain, 78. Monuments. See Antiquities, 60. Moral philosophy. See Ethics, 4. Mormonism. See Non-Christian religions, 7, Morocco. See Africa, Motion. See Physics, 14, Municipal government. See Law, 8. Music, 19. 133 Mythology, 7. See also Folk-lore, 11. See also Juvenile books, 88. N Natural history. See Natural science, 13. See also Zoology, 16. philosopliy. See Physics, 14, science, 13. theology, 5. Naval battles. See Civil war, 81. See also Juvenile books, 111. Navy, U. S., 10. Necrology. See Biography, 67, 69. See also Juvenile books, 108, 109. Negro, emancipation. See Political science, 7. Netherlands, history. See Minor countries, 79. travel. See Travel in Minor countries, 62. New England, history. See Hist, of United States, 80. See also Hist, of the states, 81. Testament. See Bible, 5. New York state. See Hist, of the states, 81. New Zealand, history. See Australia, 82. trarel. See Travel in Oceanica, 66. Newspapers. See General periodicals, 2. Niagara Palls. See Porter collection, 82. Nile. See Travel in Africa, 64. Non-Christian religions, 7. Norman conquests. See Hist, of Europe, 77. Normandy, France. See Hist, of France, 78. Normans, England. See Hist, of England, 77. Norse mythology. See Folk-lore, 12, North America, history, 79. travel, 65. Northmen in America. See Hist, of North America, 79, 80. Norway, history. See Minor countries, 79. travel. See Travel in Scandinavia, 62. o Obituary addresses. See Biography, 69. Ocean. See Zoology, 16. Oceanica, travel, 66. See also Juvenile books, 108. Ohio. See United States. Old Testament. See Bible, 5. Opera. See Music, 19. Oratory, American, 54, English, 58. Oriental literature, 59. P Painting. See Fine arts, 19. Paleontology, 15. Palestine, history. See Ancient history, 76. travel, 63. Palmistry. See Mind and body, 4, Paris. See France. Parks, public. See Fine arts, 19. Parliamentary law. See Political science, 7, Parlor games. See Amusements, 20, Parties, political. See Political science, 7. Patagonia. See South America. Pedagogy. See Education, 11. Pennsylvania. See Hist, of the states, 81. Periodicals, bound. See General periodicals, 2, Special topics. See Subject,, Persia, history. See Ancient history, 76. literature. See Oriental literature, 59. travel, 63. Peru. See South America, 82. Philology, 12. Photography. See Architecture, 19. Physical geography. See Geology, 15. science. See Natural science, 13. See also Juvenile books, 88, Physics, 14. Physiology. See Medicine, 17, Plants. See Botany, 16, Poetry, American, 53. English, 56. foreign, 59. Poland. See Russia. Polar regions, 66. Political economy, 8. science, 7. Pompeii. See Antiquities, 60, Porter collection. 82, Portugal. See Hist, of Spain, 78, Pottery. See Fine arts, 19, Poverty. See Political economy, 8, Primary education. See Education, 10. Primeval man. See Biology, 15. Production. See Political economy, 8. Pronunciation. See Philology, 12. Protection. See Political economy, 8. Psychology, 4, Puritans. See Colonial period, 80, See also Hist, of U, S., 80. Puzzles. See Amusements, 20. Q Quakers, sect. See Church history, 7 . Queens' lives. See Collected biography, 68. Quotations. See Literature, 52. R Reading, aids. See General works, 1. See also Literature, 52. Recipe books, cookery. See Domestic economy, 18. Reformation. See Hist, of Europe, 77. Religion, 5. and science. See Natural Theology, 5. Religions, non-Christian, 7. Religious history. See Church history, 7. Revolution, U. S. history, 80. English, 1688. See Hist, o^ England, 77, French, See Hist, of France, 78. Rhetoric. See Literature, 52. Riddles. See Amusements, 20. Roads. See Engineering, 17. Rocky Mountains. See Travel in United States, 66. Rome, antiquities. See Antiquities, 60. description. See Travel in Italy. 62, history, 76, See also Juvenile books, 110. 134 Ruins. See Antiquities, 60. Russia, history, 78, travel, 62. See also Juvenile books, 107. s Samoa, history. See Australasia, 82. travel. See Oceanica, 66. Sandwicii islands. See Oceanica, 66. Saracenic empire. See Asia. Satire and humor, 53, 55, 58. Scandinavia, history, 79. travel, 62. Science. See Natural science, 13. See also Juvenile books, 88. Science and religion. See Natural theology, 5. Scotland, history, 77. literature. See English literature, 55, See also Poetry, 56, travel. See Travel in Gt. Britain, 61, Scriptures. See Bible, 5, Sculpture. See Fine arts, 19, Self-culture, 10. Surgery. See Medicine, 17, Sermons. See Practical religion, 6. Seven wonders of the world. See Useful arts, 16, Shakespeariana. See English drama, 57. Shells. See Zoology, 16. Siam. See Asia, See also Juvenile books. Siberia, travels. See Minor countries, 64, Sicily. See Italy. Sight. See Physics, 14. Slavery, political science, 7. abolition of. See Civil war, 81. Smithsonian Institution. See Natural science, 13, Social science. See Sociology, 7. Sociology, 7. Songs and ballads. See Poetry, 53, 56. Sonnets. See English poetry, 56, Speeches. See Oratory, 54, 58, South America, history. See Hist, of North America, 79, travel, 66. See also Juvenile books, 108. Southern states. See United States. Spain, history, 78. travel, 62. Spanish America. See Travel in Mexico, 65, Sparta. See Greece. Sports. See Amusements, 20, Surveying. See Engineering, 17, Surveys, general, scientific. See Natural science, 13. Sweden. See Scandinavia. Switzerland, history. See Hist, of Minor countries, 79. geology. See Geology, 15. travel. See Travel in Europe, 61, Synonyms. Sec Literature, 52, Syria. See Palestine, T ' Tariff. See Political economy, S. Taxation. See Political economy, 8, Teaching. See Education, 10, Technology. See Useful arts, 16, Telescope. See Astronomy, 14, Temperance. See Ethics, 4, Tennessee. See United States. Theatricals, amateur. See Amusements, 20, Thebes. See Greece. Theology, 6. Thirty years' war. See Hist, of Germany, 78, Tibet. See China, Trades, mechanics. See Domestic economy, 18, Tradition. See Folk-lore, 11. See also Juvenile books, 88, Travel and description, 60. See also Juvenile books, 106. Trees. See Botany, 16. Trent, Council of. See Church history, 7. Troy. See Greece. Trusses. See Engineering, 17. Turkey, history. See Minor countries, 79, travel. See Minor countries, 63, u United Kingdom, See Gt, Britain, United States, constitution. See Law, 8, history, 80, See also Juvenile books, 111, travel, 65, See also Juvenile books, 108, Useful arts, 16. V Vegetation. See Botany, 16, Venezuela. See South America, Venice. See Italy, Vertebrates. See Paleontology, 15, See also Zoology, 16, Violinists. See Collected biography, 67, Violins. See Music, 19. Virginia. See Hist, of the states, 81, Virtues. See Ethics, 4, Visigoths. See Hist, of Germany, 78, Voice. See Music, 19, Volcanoes. See Geology, 15, Voyages. See Travel, 60, See also Juvenile books, 106. w Wages. See Political economy, 8, Wagner opera. See German literature, 58, Wales. See Gt, Britian, Wealth. See Political economy, 8, West Indies, travel, 65. Western states. See United States. Winds. See Geology, 15. Wit. See Humor, 55, 58. Witchcraft. See Mind and body, 4. Woman, customs. See Customs, 11. education. See Self-culture, 10. Words. See Philology, 12. World's Fair. See Useful arts, 16. See also Juvenile books, 89. Y Yearbook, statistics. See Sociology, 7. York. See England. ' Yucatan. See Antiquities, 60, z Zoology, 16. NIAGARA FALLS PUBLIC LIBRARY BOOK MARK *♦ Once on a time " a Library Book was overheard talking to a little boy who had just borrowed it. The words seemed worth recording, and here they are : *« Please don't handle me with dirty hands. I should feel ashamed to be seen when the next little boy borrowed me. ** Or leave me out in the rain. Books can catch cold as well as children. " Or make marks on me with your pen or pencil. It would spoil my looks. *♦ Or lean on me with your elbows when you are reading me. It hurts. Or open me and lay me face down on the table. You wouldn't like to be treated so. ♦* Or put between my leaves a pencil or anything thicker than a single sheet of thin paper. It wotild strain my back. «♦ Whenever you are through reading me, If you are afraid of losing your place, don't turn down the corner of one of my leaves, but have a neat little Book Mark to put in where you stop, and then close me and lay me down on my side so that I can have a good comfortable rest. ♦« Remember that I want to visit a great many other little boys after you are through with me. Besides, I may meet you again some day, and you would be sorry to see me looking old and torn and soiled. Help me to keep fresh and clean, and I will help you to be happy."