HOT A PERIODICAL OF THE U N I V ER_S ITY OF ILLINOIS cop . 2 MOT A PERIODICAL UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS LIBRARY AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN BOOKSTACKS Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2017 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign Alternates VI DANIEL RAYMOND An Early Chapter in the History of Economic Theory in the United States. JOHNS HOPKINS UNIVERSITY STUDIES IN Historical and Political Science HERBERT B. ADAMS, Editor History is past Politics and Politics are present History.— Freeman. FIFTEENTH SERIES VI DANIEL RAYMOND An Early Chapter in the History of Economic Theory in the United States By Charles Patrick Neill, A. M. Instructor in Economics in the Catholic University of America. BALTIMORE The Johns Hopkins Press PUBLISHED MONTHLY June, 1897 Copyright, 1897 , by the Johns Hopkins Press. GUGGENHEIMER, WEIL & CO., PRINTERS, BALTIMORE. 3 JO. 7 A i3irj TABLE OF CONTENTS. Chap. Page. Introduction 7 I. Early Economic Thought in the United States . . 9 II. Daniel Raymond and His Work— I. Life and Work 14 II. Outline of his system 28 III. Genesis of Raymond’s System— I. Influence of environment. 39 II. Lauderdale and Raymond 42 IV. Daniel Raymond and Friederich List 46 DANIEL RAYMOND AN EARLY CHAPTER IN THE HISTORY OF ECONOMIC THEORY IN THE UNITED STATES. INTRODUCTION. The net result of a study of the history of economic science in the United States during the first century of our national existence has been summed up thus: “Not only has no American school of writers on political economy been established, if we except that which we are about to notice (Henry C. Carey and his several disciples), but no recognized contribution to the development of the science can be pointed out in any way comparable to those made by the French writers, or to those which the Germans are now making .” 1 “The general result then to which, as we believe, a sober examination of the case must lead any candid inquirer, is that the United States have, thus far, done nothing towards developing the theory of political economy, notwithstanding their vast and immediate interest in its practical applica- tions .” 2 Despite this foreshadowing of negative results, the pres- ent study was begun in the belief that a further investigation into the history of economic science in the United States would not be without scientific interest. Had this country produced no economic writers at all, the causes of such barrenness would have invited inquiry ; and if we have pro- duced writers, and these have been without influence on the development of the science, the why of this is also worthy of study. The results of the present study would seem to indicate that perhaps American writers have exerted an influence upon 1 North American Review, January 1876, p. 137. Dunbar, Eco- nomic Science in the United States, 1776-1876. 2 Ibid . , p. 140. 8 Introduction . [218 the development of the science to an extent that has not here- tofore been conceded. The general history of economic science has been divided into the fragmentary period, in which isolated discussions of economic topics are found scattered about in the writings of thinkers in other fields; the period of monographs and empirical systems; the constructive period, in which systematic treatises appear, essaying the presentation of a complete science; and the critical or ana- lytical period. 1 Although the appearance of the United States in the family of nations was subsequent to the begin- ning of this third period — or, perhaps, coincident with it — the history of the development of the science here, or rather of its development at the hands of American writers, repro- duces the phases marked in its general history. The year 1820 may be said to have ushered in the third period in the United States, 2 with the publication of a treatise on political economy from the pen of Daniel Raymond, of the Baltimore bar; and it is of this writer and his work that the present monograph purposes to treat. The importance of Raymond’s work is not alone in that it is the first systematic treatise on economics from the pen of an American, but also in that it shows the influence of Amer- ican conditions, and in consequence presents a theory of political economy opposed at all points to the prevailing system as developed by the dominant school of Adam Smith. Before dealing with the work of Raymond, it may not be amiss to sketch in brief the condition of economic thought in this country during the period preceding his appearance as an economist. iCossa, Introduction to Study of Political Economy. 2 “Down to the year 1820 no American produced any treatise on political economy which the world has cared to remember.” N. A. Rev., January, 1876, p. 134. “There is no American treatise on the subject, . The only American book that has the semblance of a treatise on political economy is Hamilton’s reports as Secretary of the Treasury.” Ray- mond, 1st ed. (1820), p. 5. CHAPTER I. Early Economic Thought in the United States. In a new country, as was the United States of a century ago, with meager facilities for education — and that educa- tion dominated largely by the classics — with crude social conditions, and, in consequence, little leisure or inclination on the part of the people for abstract study or speculative thought, one does not expect to find any extensive knowl- edge of the principles of the new science of economics, or any very profound interest taken in its study. If this knowl- edge or interest were to be looked for anywhere, it would be amongst the statesmen of the day; for politics had very largely absorbed the best intelligence of the time, the up- building on permanent lines of the new political structure demanded attention to basic principles and not shifting ex- pedients, and the most important and most fiercely contested political issues of the day were distinctively economic. But even the architects of our political and industrial system do not seem to have depended much on the light that a study of the rising science might have afforded them, nor do they seem to have been much influenced by arguments drawn from it. Franklin had indeed in his speculations discussed numer- ous economic topics, and by some of his reviewers he has been reconstructed into an economist worthy of his time ; 1 1 Wetzel, Benjamin Franklin as an Economist, J. H. U. Studies. 10 Early Economic Thought in the XJ. S. [220 but a less admiring critic has given the weight of his author- ity to the proposition that Franklin “not only did not ad- vance the growth of economic science, but he seems not even to have mastered it as it was already developed.” 1 From Franklin to Alexander Hamilton no public man seems to have displayed any grasp of economic principles suffi- cient to have made him worthy of note on that account. 2 Hamilton in this respect stands out in bold relief amongst his fellows, and yet his mastery of the best economic thought of his day, and his skill in expounding and applying its prin- ciples, does not seem to have enabled him to win over ready assent to his measures. His plan for a national bank as a fiscal aid to the government and a regulator of the currency was made possible rather through a “deal” of the sort termed “practical politics,” than as a result of economic thinking; and his protective measures only became a national policy long years after his report on manufactures, and then only as the result of new developments, and not in direct conse- quence of his writings. The political rather than the eco- nomic bearing of measures was the influence that deter- mined legislation. Were they centralizing or decentraliz- ing? — this was the aspect that appealed to the men who were fashioning the new republic. With their minds haunted by this all important question, they were little likely to be in- fluenced by the principles of Adam Smith’s new science. It might be useful as lending added support to theories al- ready accepted on other grounds ; but it would scarcely win assent to its principles from those to whose minds political considerations had already given an opposite trend. The study of economic science made headway slowly at first. An American edition of Adam Smith had made its appearance at Philadelphia as early as 1789. 3 Two decades seem to have elapsed before there was a growth of interest in 1 Prof. Dunbar in N. A. Rev., January, 1876, p. 130. 2 Ibid., p. 13 1. 3 Catalogue of Baltimore Athenaeum Library, 1827. 11 221 ] Early Economic Thought in the U. S. the science sufficient to warrant another edition. A second reprint appeared from Hartford in 1811, and a third from the same place in 1818. Interest seems to have been awakening about this time, for in 1819, only two years after its appear- ance in England, Ricardo’s “Principles” was reprinted at Georgetown, and a translation of Say appeared from the same place in 1821, and was quickly followed by a second edition. 1 Cossa implies 2 that these reprints were partly, if not largely, for use in the schools, but at this time political economy had found place in college curricula only in a few instances, and not by any means to an extent to have called for such a multiplication of text books. It is more likely that the rising sentiment for a protective system was attract- ing interest to economic principles, and that the advocates of free trade were becoming zealous not only in the study of their master, but also in placing within easy reach of their dissenting brethren authentic copies of the creed of true believers. 3 Jefferson, who had been exposed to the infection in France, was very much interested in the science of political economy, and very earnestly bent on stimulating the study of it among his fellow-citizens. Through his efforts “A Treatise on Political Economy,” by “Count Destutt Tracy, member of the Senate and Institute of France, and of the American Philosophical Society,” was translated from the original French manuscript, and published at Georgetown in 1817. Jefferson regarded this author as “the ablest writer living on intellectual subjects;” and when the book issued from the press, it was prefaced by a letter from Jefferson, in which he indulges the hope that its merits will win for it a “place in the hands of every reader in our country,” and 1 Carey, Biographical Sketches, p. 9. introduction to the Study of Political Economy, p. 466. 3 In marked contrast to the inactivity of their opponents, the free traders were at this time active propagandists. Cf. Mathew Carey, Biographical Sketches. 12 Early Economic Thought in the U. S . [222 says that it is his “hearty prayer” that it may be made the elementary book of instruction in the science. 1 After its publication, John Adams wrote of this book: “Upon the subject of political economy at large, I know of nothing better.” 2 Yet notwithstanding that the work could elicit such high praise, Jefferson had been for five years trying to secure a publisher for it before his efforts bore fruit. 3 The book dealt with abstract principles, and was metaphysical ; it was consequently of little avail as a weapon for political strife; and it was this latter aspect of a work on political economy that determined its popularity. Jefferson’s efforts to spread a knowledge of economic prin- ciples among his compeers were not, on the whole, encour- aging; and from some of his letters we may glean his opinion of the condition of the science in this country in his day. 4 1 It was originally intended that this work should be first pub- lished in this country, on account of the author’s fear of incurring the displeasure of Napoleon should it come to his notice. Though Jefferson arranged for its publication here, his name was not to be publicly connected with the work, as the author was prepared to deny its authenticity, in case it should come to the notice of Na- poleon. But before a publisher could be secured here, Napoleon had been deposed, and the work appeared in France before it is- sued from the press here. Jefferson’s Works, edited by H. A. Wash- ington, Vol. VI., p. 568; Vol. VII., p. 39. 2 A’s works, Vol. X., p. 385. 3 J’s works, Vols. VI.-VII. 4 To Dupont de Nemours, Feb. 28, 1815: “With sufficient means in the hands of our citizens, and sufficient will to bestow them on the government, we are floundering in ex- pedients equally unproductive and ruinous; and proving how little are understood here those sound principles of political economy first developed by the economists, since commented and dilated by Smith, Say, yourself, and the luminous reviewer of Montesquieu. I have been endeavoring to get the able paper on the subject, which you addressed to me July, 1810, and enlarged in a copy received the last year, translated and printed here in order to draw the attention of our citizens to the subject; but have not as yet succeeded. Our printers are enterprising only in novels and light rea.ding. The readers of works of science, although in considerable numbers, are so sparse in their situations, that such works are of slow circulation. But I shall persevere.” Ibid., Vol. VI., p. 429. 13 223] Early Economic Thought in the U. S. During the first thirty years, then, of our national exist- ence little attention seems to have been bestowed upon the study of economic science. An interest in it begins to show itself in the closing years of the first quarter of the present century. The philosophy of that day had everywhere taken for its shibboleth “Liberty, Freedom;” and in a country such as ours, which had so recently freed itself — after much sacri- fice — from being too much and too capriciously governed, which had, within the memory of citizens not yet old, been regarded merely as territory to be exploited as best suited the interests of the classes controlling the “home govern- ment,” it was only natural that the philosophy of individual- ism should find a congenial soil, and that the colonists, be- come citizens, should look askance at government, watch with jealous eye its every expansion of function, plan to hedge it about with restraints, and take kindly to the doc- trine of laissez faire. Accordingly, then, when an interest in economic science begins to awaken here, there is a pre- disposition to accept the system of Adam Smith, to cling to it as the teaching of wisdom, and to erect it into the creed of orthodoxy. Such was the status of economic science in the United States when the first American treatise on the subject appeared. To Dupont, May 15, 1815: “The newspapers tell us that you are arrived in the United States. You will now be a witness to our deplorable igno- rance in finance and political economy generally. I mentioned in my letter of February that I was endeavoring to get your memoir on that subject printed. I have not yet succeeded.” Vol VI., p. 458. To M. Carrea de Serra, Dec. 27, 1814: “I have received a letter from Mr. Say, in which he expresses a thought of removing to this country Mr. Say will be surprised to find, that forty years after the development of sound financial principles by Adam Smith and the economists, and a dozen years after he has given them to us in a corrected, dense, and lucid form, there should be so much ignorance of them in our country; that ... we are trusting to tricks of jugglers on the cards, to the illusions of banking schemes for the resources of the war, and for the cure of colic to the inflation of more wind.” Vol. VI., p. 406. CHAPTER II. Daniel Raymond and His Work. Daniel Raymond (1786-1849) was a native of Connecticut He prepared himself for the bar in the law school of Tapping Reeve, at Litchfield, Conn., 1 and in 1814 appears as a mem- ber of the bar of Baltimore. 2 He had brought with him to the land of his adoption the New England hatred of its pe- culiar institution, and in 1819 he came before the public in a pamphlet on the “Missouri Question.” In 1820 he essayed a more ambitious role, and gave to the public his “Thoughts on Political Economy” (Vol. I., pp. 470). This was the first systematic treatise on the subject to be written by an American, 3 and it may not be without interest to know what led to his taking up the subject. Ray- mond’s own explanation is frank, and sufficiently modest. The public permitted him many moments of leisure in his profession; poring over “musty law books” had grown a weariness of the flesh; idleness too was irksome; and for mere diversion he set about putting on paper his thoughts on political economy. 4 As he wrote his subject developed 1 Federal Gazette and Balto. Daily Advertiser, Dec. 26, 1823. 2 Records of the Superior Court, Baltimore. 3 Supra, p. 2. 4 “The following sheets were written to please myself — my princi- pal object in writing them, was employment. The public has not seen fit to give me constant employment in my profession, other- wise this book had never been written. I had read musty law books till I was tired. Idleness was irksome, and I sought relief in put- ting on paper some of my thoughts on political economy. If the public shall think this a sufficient justification for writing a book, it is well; if not, I cannot help it. I have no other to offer. “As to my inducement for publishing it, I know not what to say. The best excuse I can allege for publishing is, that it pleased me so to do, and one feels a sort of satisfaction in doing as he pleases, without consulting any one.” Preface to 1st ed. p. 1. 225] Daniel Raymond and His Work. 15 in his mind beyond anticipated proportions ; 1 and then, to please his whim, he put his notes into the hands of the printer. He styles his book “Thoughts on Political Econ- omy;” he does not send it out as a “general treatise on polit- ical economy;” he modestly professes his inability to write such a treatise; and the only merit to which he lays claim is that of a pioneer in the attempt to shake off the domina- tion of “foreign theories and systems of political economy,” and develop in their stead a system suited to America .” 2 Raymond’s system was strongly antagonistic to the pre- vailing individualistic philosophy; it leaned to govern- mental interference in opposition to laissez faire , stood for protective tariffs, decried banks and paper money, and hurled anathemas at slavery as an economic evil, an abom- ination before the Lord, and a curse alike upon enslavers and enslaved. It thus touched upon sorely vexed questions of the day over which the fiercest political contests were being waged; and in consequence it was only to be expected that it would win enthusiastic admirers on the one hand, and harsh critics on the other — each equally biased and one- sided in their respective estimates of the work. Discrim- inating judgment was hardly to be looked for. 1