Iklljl z o - in AND UJ cr JACK UQUE SASH Q Q) U. t- Z D O < Q in J I o: UJ in" Z u D UJ 2 Q u a U. Q. U. h UJ o: Adams & Kelly Company Illustrated Catalogue J 908 -J 909 Omaha, Nebraska TO THE TRADE B take pleasure in presenting to yon our new illustrated catalog for 1908 and 1909. In compil- ing the same, we have endeavored to retain all the best features of our last catalog, adding thereto such new matter as will make the present catalog the most complete and handsome in the Sash and Door business, and maintain our reputation for up-to-date literature. Our immense modernly. equipped factories, employing hundreds of skilled workmen, our large and well assorted stock constantly on hand and our efficient office force enables us to handle large or small orders promptly and accurately, assuring, satisfaction to our customers. We gladly furnish esti- mates either from plans or lists, and we respectfully solicit your patronage. Respectfully yours, ADAMS & KELLY COMPANY ADAMS KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. ORDER BY . NUMBER < ~* ONLY *~ WE ASSUME THAT THE NUMBERS OF DESIGNS IN ORDERS OR BILLS FOR ESTIMATE SENT US REFER TO THIS CATALOGUE UNLESS OTHERWISE SPECIFIED DO NOT CUT THIS BOOK ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OFFICIAL GRADES SASH, DOORS AND BLINDS Adopted by the Wholesale Sash, Door and Blind Manufacturers' Association of the Northwest. DOORS. AAA. Oil Finish Doors Material for AAA Oil Finish Doors must be Clear, no white sap admitted. Workmanship must be good. A A. Oil Finish Doora> Material for A A Oil Finish Doors must be Clear, with the ex- ception that white sap will be admitted, not to exceed twenty-five (25) per cent of the face of any one piece. Workmanship must be good. No. 1 Quality. Material in No. 1 Doors must be Clear, with the exception that water stains and small pin knots not exceeding one-fourth (%) inch in diameter may be admitted. No piece to contain more than two (2) such defects and no door more than five (5) such defects on each side; white sap not considered a defect. Workmanship must be good. No. 2 Quality. Material in No. 2 Doors may contain knots not to exceed one (1) inch in diameter, and blue sap showing on both sides not to exceed fifty (50) per cent in any one piece of the door and gum spots showing on one ( 1 ) side of a piece only and other slight defects shall not exceed ten (10) in number on each side and each white pine stile, bottom and lock rail must contain at least one (1) and not to exceed three (3) such defects, plugs admitted and not regarded as a defect. Slight defects in workmanship admitted. No. 3 Quality. Material in No. 3 Doors may contain all stained sap and small worm holes and fine shake; also knots not exceeding one and three-fourths (1% ) inches in diameter. Twenty (20) defects may be allowed on each side, also slight defects in workmanship. Each piece of white pine in a No. 3 Door must contain a defect. Not more than six (6) defects allowed in any one piece. No. 4 Quality. No. 4 Doors are regarded as a cull door and must contain large coarse knots and may contain rot, worm holes, shake and other serious defects. A Standard Door may be through tennon, blind tennon or dowelled. WINDOWS. ChecK R.ail Windows may contain two (2) knots three-eighths (|^) inch in diameter or one red knot five-eighths ( % ) inch in diameter in each piece of a window. White sap and not over thirty-three and one-third (33X) per cent blue sap may be admitted in any one window. Workman- ship must be good. Plain Rail Windows and Sash may contain blue sap and small knots. BLINDS. No. 1 Outside Blinds must be made of Clear lumber except that small sound pin knots, water stain and white sap may be admitted. Workmanship must be good. WOODS ADMISSIBLE,. Woods other than Michigan, Wisconsin and Minnesota or Western White Pine admitted in Doors, Blinds and Windows except in Oil Finish Goods. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. DIRECTIONS FOR ORDERING. Tune, c/lnnoyance and Expense can be Salted by cN^pting and Following Closely the Suggestions We will understand all orders and inquiries as calling for Regular Western Style and Sizes as described in this catalog, unless specifically ordered otherwise, or unless covered by standing instructions to the contrary. Be Explicit in ordering, that we know what you want. Do not assume Always give width first, length or height second, then thickness. Always use inches to designate glass sizes, and feet and inches for openings or outside measurements. SASH and WINDOW. The term " Sash " indicates only one piece to fill opening. The term "Window" indicates two pieces (upper and lower sash). State size of glass, number of lights, opening ("unless regular stock) and thickness. State whether open or glazed, and if glazed whether of single or double strength. If a window whether check or plain rail. If segment or circle head give number of style desired (see page 64) and radius of circle or segment if not regular. \Vhen not otherwise specified we will understand for Circle Head Style D 100 with a radius one-half the width of the sash less the width of the stile, and for Seg- ment Head D 103 with a radius the width of the sash less the width of the stile. When an odd sash or window is ordered always give both glass size and number of lights and outside opening, and if possible send sketch . If glass sizes only are given we will under- stand that regular stock widths of stiles, rails and bars are required. Note All windows and sash are understood to be glazed unless ordered open specifically. All glazed windows are primed or oiled one coat unless otheiwise ordered. DOORS. In the absence of fuller instructions we will consider an order or inquiry for doors to call for the Standard Four Panel O. G. Doer No. 1 quality ."- State width, height and thickness, number of panels and arrangement of same and quality. If molded state whether flush or raised mold one or two sides. State style of sticking unless O. G. is desired. If oil finish state whether machine smoothed or hand smoothed is desired. If odd send sketch or detail. Odd doois will be made with regular stock widths of stiles, rails, muntins and panels unless i-pecifically ordered otherwise. OUTSIDE BLINDS. We will understand all orders for blinds to call for Regular Western Stock Styles and Sizes, iy inch rolling slats unless specifically ordered otherwise. State size and number of lights of window fc.r which blinds are ordered, also thickness of blind, and whether all rolling slats (R. S ), sta- tionary slats (S. S.), or half rolling and half sta- tionary (% R.S. % S. S.) If odd give outside opening, thickness, ar- rangement of slats and send sketch. The regular stock blind is the width of the witdow to be covered and one inch longer. Orders for brick buildings must so specify, and will in the absence of additional instruc- tions be made two inches longer than window opening. A blind indicates a single piece to fill opening. A pair of blinds indicates two pieces to fold together to fill opening. A set of blinds indicates more than two pieces, and should always be accompanied by sketch. INSIDE BLINDS. Inside blinds we will understand are to be made four-fold, l>i inch thick, outside panel and inside slats; made to be cut in the center unless otherwise stated. Give exact outside opening always, thickness, number of folds and arrangement of panels or slats. If cut twice or more specify height from top to each cut. If wanted to fold into box give width of out- side folds. If not the usual arrangement of panels or slats (see page 182), always send sketch. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. *. rTl a 2 LISTED SIZES OF TTY7VV T T/'"' TJrT 1 /^T_TT7 /~*V T5 ATT \Y7TTk.TT\/'*\'\Y7'C 1 jll TWO LIGHT CHECK RAIL WINDOWS. 1 1 % inches Thick. r Size of Glass. Price Open. Price Glazed, S. S. Price Glazed, D. S. Size of Opening. Weight Open. Weight Gl.S. S. Weight Gl. D. S. 16x20 $1.66 $3.35 $4.15 i ay a x s 10 7 12 14 22 1.66 3.50 4.40 4 2 7 13 15 24 1.66 3.50 4.60 4 6 7^ 14 16 26 1.70 4.00 5.30 4 10 8 15 17 28 1.86 4.10 5.55 5 2 8 16 68 30 1.92 4.25 5.85 5 6 8^ 17 19 32 2.10 4.55 6.25 5 10 9 18 20 34 2.50 5.40 6.90 6 2 9X 20 26 36 2.56 5.50 7.15 6 6 10 21 23 18x20 1.70 3.60 4.55 i ioy e x 3 10 7 13 15 22 1.70 3.90 5.05 4 2 7^ 14 16 24 1.70 3.95 5.25 4 6 8 16 18 26 1.76 4.20 5.45 4 10 8 17 19 28 1.92 4.40 6.05 5 2 8^ 18 20 30 1.98 4.45 6.15 5 6 9 19 21 32 2.14 4.75 6.55 5 10 QX 20 22 34 2.50 5.65 7.40 6 2 10 21 24 36 2.56 5.95 7.85 6 6 10 23 25 38 2.90 6.80 8.35 6 10 10^ 24 26 40 3.14 7.30 9.05 7 2 11 25 28 20x20 1.76 3.95 5.10 2 oy e x 3 10 7^ 16 17 22 1.76 4.10 5.25 4 2 8 16 18 24 1.76 4.1O 5.25 4 6 8 17 19 26 1.82 4.30 5.45 4 10 8^ 19 21 28 1.96 4.60 5.80 5 2 9 21 23 30 2.02 4.80 6.15 5 6 &A 22 24 32 2.20 5.35 6.80 5 10 9^ 23 25 34 2.50 5 85 7.40 6 2 10 24 26 36 2.56 6.15 7.90 6 6 10^ 25 27 38 2.96 7.15 8.90 6 10 11 26 28 40 3.20 7.80 9.70 7 2 ll 1 ^ 27 29 22x22 1.82 4.35 5.50 2 2^x4 2 8 18 20 24 1.82 4.35 5.50 4 6 8X 19 21 26 1.86 4.50 5.70 4 10 9 20 22 28 2.02 4.80 6.15 5 2 9^ 21 23 30 2.08 5.25 6.70 5 6 OX 22 24 32 2.26 5.65 7.30 5 10 10 24 26 34 2.50 6.40 8 05 6 2 10 '/o 25 27 36 2.56 6.50 8.65 6 11 26 28 38 3.02 7.50 9.50 6 10 11 28 30 . 40 3.26 8.45 10.55 7 2 12 29 31 42 3.35 8.90 11.10 7 6 12 31 33 44 3.60 9.40 12.35 7 10 13fc 32 34 24x20 1.86 4.40 5.80 2 4^x310 8 18 19 22 1.86 4.55 6.00 4 2 8^ 19 21 24 1.86 4.65 6.00 4 6 9 20 22 26 2.02 4.80 6.15 4 10 9 21 23 28 2.08 5.25 6.70 5 2 9^ 23 25 30 2.14 5.55 7.15 5 6 10 25 27 32 2.30 6.00 7.50 5 10 10^ 26 28 (Continued on next page. ) 10 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. LISTED SIZES OF TWO LIGHT CHECK RAIL WINDOWS. ( Continued. ) I % inches Thick. Size of Glass. Price, Open. Price Glazed, S. S. Price Glazed, D. S. Size of Opening. Weight, Open Weight, Gl. S. S. Weight, Gl. D. S. 24x34 $2.50 $6.50 $8.20 2 4V6 x 6 2 11 27 30 36 2.56 6.60 8.25 6 6 11 28 32 38 3.08 8.30 10.35 6 10 llfc 30 33 40 3.32 8.50 10.60 7 2 12 31 34 42 3.42 9.70 12.15 7 6 12 33 35 44 3.66 9.90 12.40 7 10 13* 34 36 46 3.94 10.20 12.70 8 2 13 35 38 48 4.22 12.45 15.25 8 6 13J6 36 39 26x24 2.08 5.10 6.80 2 QY 6 x 4 6 9 21 23 26 2.08 5.45 7.05 4 10 9^6 23 25 28 2.24 5.90 7.45 5 2 10 24 "27 30 2.28 6.25 8.00 5 6 lOfc 26 29 32 2.46 6.45 8.20 5 10 10^ 27 30 34 2.66 7.50 9.50 6 2 11 29 32 36 2.72 7.55 9.55 6 6 11& 31 34 38 3.26 9.50 11.50 6 10 12 32 35 40 3.50 9.75 11.70 7 2 12 . 34 36 42 3.60 9.85 12.35 7 6 12% 35 38 44 3.86 11.00 13.95 7 10 13 36 39 46 4.12 12.35 15.15 8 2 13 37 40 48 4.40 12.60 15.40 8 6 13& 38 42 28x24 2.28 5.70 7.55 2 8y B x 4 6 9^ 23 25 26 2.28 6.20 7.85 4 10 10 24 27 28 2.28 6.25 8.00 5 2 10 25 28 30 2.34 6.30 8.05 5 6 10* 27 30 32 2.52 7.40 9.40 5 10 11 29 31 34 2.70 7.90 9.55 6 2 llfc 31 33 36 2.76 8.20 10.50 6 6 12 32 35 38 3.34 9.60 11.50 6 10 12 33 36 40 3.58 9.85 11.80 7 2 IS* 33 37 42 3.66 10.80 13.15 7 6 13 34 39 44 3.92 11.60 14.25 7 10 13 35 41 46 4.18 12.40 15.20 8 2 13fc 36 43 48 4.48 13.50 16.75 8 6 14 37 44 30x24 2.50 6.15 8.25 2 I0y s x 4 6 10 25 27 26 2.50 6.80 9.00 4 10 10^ 26 29 28 2.52 6.80 9.05 5 2 lOfc 27 30 30 2.52 7.75 9.85 5 6 11 29 32 32 2.68 8.10 10.40 5 10 11* 31 34 34 2.88 8.30 10.60 6 2 12 33 36 36 2.94 8.35 10.65 6 6 12 35 38 38 3.54 9.80 12.30 6 10 12% 36 39 40 3.78 10.45 13.20 7 2 13 37 40 42 3.86 11.50 14.20 7 6 13 38 41 44 4.12 11.80 14.45 7 10 13^ 39 43 46 4.38 13.40 16.65 8 2 14 40 45 48 4 68 13.70 16.90 8 6 14 tf 41 46 32x24 2.94 7.00 8.65 3 Oy e x 4 6 IOK 26 28 26 3.00 7.45 9.30 4 10 10', 27 30 ( Cor. tinued on next page. ) ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 11 Jlj? LISTED SIZES OF TWO LIGHT CHECK RAIL WINDOWS. 1 ( Continued. ) 1% inches Thick. Size of Glass Price Open. Price Glazed S. S. Price Glazed D. S. Size of Opening. Weight Open Weight Gl. Ss. S. Weight Gl. D. S. 32x28 $3.18 $8.50 $10.65 3 Oy e x 5 2 11 29 31 30 3.24 9.65 11.55 5 6 11^ 31 34 32 3.44 11.75 5 10 12 35 34 3.68 12.00 6 2 12 37 36 3.74 13.30 6 6 12% 39 38 3.82 14.25 6 10 13 41 40 4.06 15.45 7 2 13 42 42 4.14 15.55 7 6 13% 44 44 4.40 17.85 7 10 14 46 46 4.66 18.10 8 2 14^ 47 48 4.96 18.40 8 6 15 48 34x24 3.18 7.95 9.45 3 2Y 8 x 4 6 11 27 30 26 3.24 8.95 10.65 4 10 11 29 32 28 3.42 9.15 10.80 5 2 11* 31 33 30 3.48 9.85 11.80 5 6 12 33 36 32 3.70 12.00 5 10 12 37 34 3.92 13.50 6 2 12y 2 38 36 3.98 14.40 6 6 13 40 38 4.06 14.45 6 10 13 42 40 4.30 15.70 7 2 13 < 2 44 42 4.37 17.80 7 6 14 46 44 4.64 18.10 7 10 14 47 46 4.92 1835 8 2 14% 49 48 5.20 18.90 8 6 15 51 36x24 3.28 8.40 9.85 3 414 x 4 6 11 28 32 26 3.34 9.40 11.05 4 10 ll l /2 31 34 28 3 52 10.25 12.15 5 2 12 32 35 30 3.58 10.30 12.20 5 6 12 35 38 32 3.78 13.65 5 10 18# 39 34 4.02 14.75 6 2 13 40 36 4.08 14.80 6 6 13 41 38 4.16 17.95 6 10 13/ 2 43 40 4.40 18.15 7 2 14 46 42 4.48 18.25 7 6 14 48 44 4.74 18.50 7 10 14# 50 46 5.00 22.15 8 2 15 51 48 5.30 22.40 8 6 16'A 53 40x24 3.64 11.35 3 ay s x 4 e 12 34 26 3.70 12.35 4 10 12 36 28 3.88 12.5O 5 2 12. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 13 LISTED SIZES OF EIGHT LIGHT PLAIN RAIL WINDOWS. I y s inches Thick. Size of Glass. Price, Open. Price, Glazed S. S. Size of Opening. Weight, Open Weight, Glazed S. S. 8 x 10 $1.78 $3.15 1 8^ x 3 10 5 10 12 1.96 3.65 4 6 5 12 9 x 12 1.96 3.65 1 10% x 4 6 6 14 14 2.22 4.30 5 2 7 17 10 x 12 2.02 3.85 2 0^ x 4 6 8 15 14 2.30 4.35 5 2 8 18 16 2.64 5.10 5 10 9 20 12 x 14 2.36 4.95 2 4^ x 5 2 9 19 16 2.64 5.55 5 10 11 32 18 2.94 6.40 6 6 12 25 ___ -L LISTED SIZES OF TWELVE LIGHT PLAIN RAIL WINDOWS. I Ya inches Thick. Size of Glass. Price, Open. Price, Glazed S. S. Size of Opening. Weight. Open. Weight, Glazed S. S. 7x9 $2.05 $3.95 21x3 6 6 15 8 x 10 2.08 4.00 24 x 3 10 7 17 12 2.38 4.60 4 6 8 18 14 2.64 5.70 5 2 9 19 9 x 12 2.38 4.90 27x4 6 9 20 13 2.60 5.75 4 10 9 21 14 2.64 5.85 5 2 9 22 15 2.95 6.50 5 6 9 23 10 x 12 2.46 5.20 2 10 x 4 6 9 21 14 2.72 5.80 5 2 9 23 15 2.95 6.50 5 6 &A 24 16 3.00 6.70 5 10 10 26 12 x 14 3.63 8.10 34x5 2 10 25 16 3.93 8.90 5 10 10 28 For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note B, page 73. For larger than listed sizes, see Rule 1, page 73. For Sash Extras see pages 73 to 75. 14 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. LISTED SIZES OF EIGHT LIGHT CHECK RAIL WINDOWS. I % inches Thick. | Size of Glass. Price Open. Price Glazed S 8. Size of Opening. Weight Open. Weight Glazed 3.8. 8 x 10 $2.10 $3.55 1 9x3 10 7 16 9 x 12 2.12 3.95 1 11x4 6 8 17 14 2.38 4.45 5 2 9 18 10 x 12 2.18 4.05 2 1x4 6 9 18 14 2.44 4.50 5 2 10 19 16 2.86 5.30 5 10 11 22 12 x 14 2.56 5.15 2 5x5 2 11 23 16 2.86 5.70 5 10 12 24 18 3.20 6.45 6 6 13 27 14 x 16 3.37 6.70 2 9x5 10 13 28 18 3.72 7.70 6 6 14 31 20 4.09 8.45 7 2 15 35 LISTED SIZES OF TWELVE LIGHT CHECK RAIL WINDOWS. r\w inches Thick. Size of Glass. Price Open. Price Glazed s. s. Size of Opening. Weight Open. Weight Glazed 3.8. 8 x 10 $2.26 $4.15 2 4^ x 3 10 8 19 12 2.40 4.85 4 6 9 20 9 x 12 2.60 5.05 2 7i x 4 6 10 22 13 2.85 5.90 4 10 11 23 14 2.88 5.95 5 2 11 24 10 x 12 2.82 5.50 2 10^x4 6 11 23 14 3.10 6.15 5 2 12 26 16 3.40 7.05 5 10 13 29 18 4.07 8.45 6 6 13 32 12 x 14 3.89 8.15 3 4^ x 5 2 14 32 16 4.21 8.95 5 10 14 36 18 4.70 9.76 6 6 15 38 20 5.09 11.25 7 2 15 40 For irregular or intermediate sizes see Note B, page 73. For larger than listed sizes, see Rule 1, page 73. For Sash Extras see pages 73 to 75. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 15 FACTORY WINDOWS. Fifteen-Light Windows. Plain Rail. I ' inches Thick. Size of Glass. Price Open. Price Glazed S. S. Size of Opening. Weight Open. Weight Glazed. 7x9 $2.65 $5.05 2 1x4 2% 6 19 8 x 10 2.70 5.10 2 4x4 7H 8 20 12 3.08 5.95 5 6 9 24 14 3.43 7.30 6 4 9 25 9 x 12 3.09 6.25 2 7x5 6 10 26 13 3.t)8 7 30 5 11 10 27 14 3.43 7.45 6 4 10 28 15 3.84 8.35 6 9 10 30 16 3.90 8.45 7 2 11 32 10 x 12 8.20 6.65 2 10 x 5 6 10 25 14 3 60 7.50 6 4 10 29 15 3.84 8.35 6 9 11 30 16 3.90 8.55 7 2 11 32 12 x 14 4.55 9.90 3 4x6 4 11 31 16 4.95 10.95 7 2 12 34 FACTORY WINDOWS. Fifteen-Light Windows. Check Rail. I % inches Thick. Size of Glass. Price Open. Price Glazed S. S. Size of Opening. Weight Open. Weight Glazed. 8 x 10 $2.94 $5.35 2 %^ x 4 8 9 22 12 3.12 6.20 5 6 10 25 14 3.71 7.60 6 4 12 27 9 x 12 3.38 6.40 2 7^ x 5 6 11 26 13 3.71 7.60 5 11 12 28 14 3.74 7.80 6 4 13 30 16 4.42 8.60 7 2 14 32 10 x 12 3.67 7.10 2 10i x 5 6 12 28 14 4.03 7.85 6 4 13 32 15 4.23 8 80 6 9 13 33 16 4.42 8.95 7 2 14 34 12 x 14 5.06 10.35 3 4^ x 6 4 14 32 16 5.47 11.50 7 2 14 36 18 6.11 12.55 8 O 17 40 For irregular or intermediate sizes see Note B, page 73. For larger than listed sizes see Rule 1 , page 73 For Sash Extras see pages 73 to 75. 16 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. FACTORY WINDOWS. Eighteen Light Windows. Plain Rail. I ' M Inches Thick. Size of Glass. Price Open. Price Glazed. S. S. Size of Opening. Weight Open. Weight Glazed. 7x9 $3.28 $6.32 2 1x4 \\y z 9 23 8 x 10 3.33 6.40 2 4x5 5V4 Q 24 12 3.81 7.36 6 6 10 26 14 4.22 9.12 7 6 10 31 9 x 12 3.81 7.84 2 7x6 6 11 29 13 4.16 9.20 7 11 31 14 4.22 9 36 7 6 11 34 15 4.72 10.40 8 11 36 16 4.80 10.70 8 6 12 38 10 x 18 3.94 8.32 2 10 x 6 6 11 30 14 4.35 9.28 7 6 11 35 15 4.72 10.40 8 12 36 16 4.80 10.72 8 6 12 38 12 x 14 5.81 12.96 3 4^ x 7 6 12 37 16 6.29 14.24 8 6 13 40 FACTORY WINDOWS. Eighteen Light Windows. Check Rail. I % inches Thick. Size of Glass. Price Open. Price Glared. S. S. Size of Opening. Weight Open. Weight Glazed. 8 x 10 $3.62 $6.64 2 4> x 5 6 10 25 12 3.84 7.76 6 6 13 28 14 4.61 9.52 7 6 15 36 9 x 12 4.16 8.08 2 7^ x 6 6 14 32 13 4.56 9.44 7 14 33 14 4.61 9.52 7 6 15 35 16 5.44 11.28 8 6 17 40 10 x 12 4.51 8.80 2 10^ x 6 6 14 . 33 14 4.96 9.84 7 6 17 40 15 5.34 10.96 8 18 43 16 5.44 11.28 8 6 19 46 12 x 14 6.22 13.04 3 4} x 7 6 16 40 16 6.73 14.32 8 6 20 46 For irregular or intermediate sizes see Note B, page 73. For larger than listed sizes see Rule 1, page 73. For Sash Extras see pages 73 to 75. ADAMS & KELLY CO.. OMAHA, NEB. 17 FACTORY WINDOWS. Twenty-Light Windows. Check Rail. I % inches Thick. Size of Glass. Price Open. Price Glazed S. S. Size of Opening. Weight Open. Weight Glazed. 6x8 $3.90 $6.85 2 4^ x 3 10 8 19 7x9 4.00 7.11 2 8^ x 4 3 10 22 8 x 10 4.07 7.47 3 OJ6 x 4 8 12 26 12 4.32 8.73 5 6 13 32 14 4.96 10.62 6 4 14 34 9 x 12 4.68 9.09 3 4^ x 5 6 14 30 14 5.18 10.71 6 4 15 32 10 x 12 5.08 9.90 3 8^ x 5 6 18 36 14 5.58 11.07 6 4 20 40 16 6.12 12.69 7 2 21 45 12 x 14 7.00 14.67 4 4^ x 6 4 22 45 16 7.58 16.11 7 2 22 50 FACTORY WINDOWS. Twenty-Four Light Windows. Check Rail. i% inches Thick. Size of Glass. Price Open. Pi ice Glazed. S. S. Size of Opening. Weight Open. Weight Glazed. 6x8 $5.06 $9.03 2 4^ x 4 6 10 22 7x9 5.34 9.60 2 8^ x 5 12 26 8 x 10 5.42 9.96 3 OJ^ x 5 6 13 32 12 5.76 11.64 6 6 15 35 14 6.56 13.68 7 6 18 42 9 x 12 6.24 12.12 3 4^ x 6 6 16 37 14 6.90 14 28 7 6 20 45 10 x 12 6.76 13.20 3 8^ x 6 6 20 40 14 7.44 14.76 7 6 22 47 16 8.16 16.92 8 6 25 54 12 x 34 9.32 19.56 4 4^ x 7 6 25 54 16 10.10 21.48 8 6 26 58 For irregular or intermediate sizes see Note B, page 73. For larger than listed sizes see Rule 1, page 73. For Sash Extras see pages 73 to 75. 18 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. FACTORY WINDOWS. Thirty-Light, Windows. Check Rail. I % inches Thick. Size of Glass. Price Open. Price Glazed, S. S. Size of Opening. Weight Open. Weight Glazed. 6x8 $6.04 $10.91 2 10% x 4 6 11 23 7x9 6.24 11.83 3 3% x 5 13 30 8 x 10 6.77 12.44 3 8% x 5 6 14 35 12 7.20 14.54 6 6 16 37 9 x 12 7.80 16.34 4 1% x 6 6 18 40 14 8.64 17.84 7 6 20 45 1O x 12 8.45 16.49 4 6% x 6 6 20 45 14 9.29 18.44 7 6 22 50 12 x 14 11.66 24.43 5 4% x 7 6 25 57 16 12.67 26.84 8 6 27 65 FACTORY WINDOWS. Thirty-Two Light Windows. Check Rail. \% Inches Thick. Size of Glass. Price Open. Price Glazed, S. S. Size of Opening. Weight Open. Weight Glazed. 6x8 $6.77 $12.16 2 4^ x 5 lOfc 12 26 7x9 7.12 12.64 2 8^ x 6 6% 14 30 8 x 10 7.22 13.26 3 0^ x 7 2^ 17 40 12 7.68 15.52 8 6^ 22 49 9 x 12 8.32 16.14 3 4^ x 8 Q% 23 52 14 9.20 19.02 9 10^ 26 60 10 x 12 9.02 17.58 3 8^ x 8 6% 25 54 14 9.90 19 68 9 1O^ 28 65 12 x 14 12.44 25.26 4 4* x 9 10^ 30 72 For irregular or intermediate sizes see Note B, page 73. For larger than listed sizes see Rule 1, page 73. For Sash Extras see pages 73 to 75. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 19 USTED SIZES OF TWO LIGHT PANTRY CHECK RAIL WINDOWS. I % inches Thick. Size of Glass. Price, Open. Price, Glazed, S. S. Size of Opening. Weight Open. Weight Glazed. 12. x 20 $1.56 $3.25 1 4y 8 x 3 10 6 13 1 24 1.56 3.40 4 6 6 13 26 1.60 3.90 4 10 6 13 28 1.76 4.00 5 2 7 14 30 1.82 4.15 5 6 7 14 32 2.00 4.45 5 10 8 15 34 2.40 5.30 6 2 8 15 36 2.46 5.40 6 6 8 9 15 14 x 20 1.61 3.30 i ey 8 x 3 10 16 24 1.61 3.45 4 6 9 16 26 1.65 3.95 4 10 9 16 28 1.81 4.05 5 2 10 17 30 1.87 4.20 5 6 10 17 32 2.05 4.50 5 10 11 19 34 2.45 5.35 6 2 11 19 36 2.51 5.45 6 6 12 21 LISTED SIZES OF CUPBOARD SASH, TWO LIGHT. I ' H inch and % inch Thick. Size of Sash. Price, lYs inch, Open. Price, \y?, inch, Glazed, S. S. Price, % inch, Open. Price, % inch, Glazed, S S. 1- 4x4-0 $2.08 $2.85 $1.88 $2.70 4-6 2.55 3.55 2.30 3.35 5-0 3.00 3.95 2.70 3.70 1- 6x4-0 2.10 3.15 1.90 3.00 4-6 2.60 3.75 2.35 3.60 5-0 | 3.05 4.45 2.75 4.20 1- 8 x 4-0 2.15 3.35 1.95 3.20 4-6 2.65 4.35 2.40 4.15 5-0 3.10 4.80 2.80 4.60 1-10 x 4-0 2.20 3.90 2.00 8.75 4-6 2.70 4.50 2.45 4.30 5-0 3.15 5.15 2.85 4.90 2- 0x4-0 2.25 4.25 2.05 4.00 4-6 2.75 4.85 2.50 4.65 5-0 3.20 5.35 2.90 5.15 For irregular or intermediate sizes see Note B, page 73. For Cupboard Sash larger than listed sizes see Rule 18, page 74. For Extras see pages 73-75. 20 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. LISTED SIZES OF FOUR LIGHT SASH. I's Inches Thick. Size of Glass. Price Open. Price Glazed, S. S. Size of Opening. 8 x 10 $1.02 $2.25 1 8x20 9 x 12 1.12 2.65 1 10 x 2 4 14 1.18 2.85 2 8 10 x 10 1.10 2.70 2 0x20 12 1.14 2 80 2 4 14 1.18 3.00 2 8 16 1.66 3.80 3 12 x 14 1.56 3.80 2 4x28 16 1.72 4.15 3 For l}i inch Four Light Sash, open or glazed, add 15% of the open list. LISTED SIZES OF SIX LIGHT SASH. I Inches Thick. Size of Glass. Price Open. Price Glazed, S S Size of Opening. 7x9 $1.22 $2.85 2 1 x 1 10 8 x 10 1.30 3.20 2 4x2 9 v 12 1.46 3.75 2 7x24 10 x 12 1.60 4.10 2 10 x 2 4 For \y% inch Six Light Sash, open or glazed, add 15% of the open list. LISTED SIZES OF ONE LIGHT SASH. 3-inch Bottom Rail. I Inches Thick. Size of Glass. Price Open. Price Glazed, S S. Size of Opening 16 x 20 $1.26 $2.65 1 8 l / e x 2 1 18 x 20 1.33 2.85 1 10^x2 1 20 x 20 1.40 3.05 2 Oy 8 x2 1 24 1.54 3.40 2 5 24 x 24 1.68 3.90 2 4% x 2 5 28 1.82 4.20 2 9 30 1.89 4.45 2 11 For irregular or intermediate sizes see Note "B," page 73. For larger than listed sizes see Rule 18, page 74. For Extras see pages 73 to 75. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 21 LISTED SIZES OF ONE LIGHT SASH. I , Inches Thick. Size of Glass List Open List Glazed, S. S. Size of Opening 8 x 10 $0.90 $1.60 11% x 1- 1# 10 x 12 .98 1.80 1- 1% x 1- 3^ 14 1.02 1.90 1- 5^ 12 x 16 1 08 2.15 1- 3^ x 1- 734: 20 1 16 2.50 1-11^ For \y% inch, open or glazed, add 15% of the open list. For larger than listed sizes, see Rule 18, page 74. LISTED SIZES OF HOT BED SASH. is Inches Thick. Width of Glass Rows of Glass List Open List Glazed. S. S. Size of Opening 7 4 $5.10 $ 945 3-0 x 6-0 8 4 5.30 10.10 34 x 6-0 7 5 5.90 11.05 3-6 x 6-0 7 5 6.60 12.60 3-6 x 7-0 10 4 4.90 10.50 4-0 x 5-0 Listed Sizes, \% Inches Thick. Width of Glass Rows of Glass List Open List Glazed, S. S. Size of Opening 7 4 $7.20 $11.35 3-0 x 6-0 8 4 7.40 11. 9O 3-4 x 6-0 7 5 8.10 13.00 3-6x60 7 5 9.10 14.95 3-6 x 7-0 10 4 6.90 12.35 4-0 x 5-0 For Hot Bed Sash with Crossbars, add 10 cents net for each sash, for 3 or more; for less than 3 sash, a minimum charge of 25 cents will be made. For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note B, page 73. For Extras, see pages 73 to 75. 22 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. LISTED SIZES OF TWO LIGHT CELLAR SASH. I % Inches Thick. Size of Glass. Thickness. Price Open. Price Single Glazed, S. S. Price Double Glazed, S. S. Size of Opening. Weight Open. Weight Glazed. 10 x 12 1% $1.04 $2.10 $3 30 21 x 16 4 6 14 K 1.06 2. 2O 3.50 18 4 6 16 1.10 2,50 4.00 2O 4 6 18 4< 1.20 3. TO 4.35 22 5 8 20 < 1.38 3.10 5.0O 24 5 8 12 x 12 (4 1.10 2.30 3.60 25 x 16 5 8 14 1.12 2.55 4.15 18 5 8 16 (1 1.16 2.70 4.40 20 5 8 18 II 1.20 2.85 4.70 22 6 9 20 II 1.46 3.30 5.20 24 6 9 22 (( 1.50 3.55 5.75 26 6 10 24 ( 1.54 3.80 6.20 28 6 11 14 x 16 ( 1.30 3.10 5.10 29 x 20 5 8 18 it 1.34 3.25 5 40 22 5 8 20 |< 1.60 3.70 5.95 24 6 11 22 1.64 3.95 6.40 26 6 11 24 (( 1.65 4.10 6.75 28 6 12 LISTED SIZES OP THREE LIGHT CELLAR SASH. I Ys Inches Thick. Size of Glass. Thickness. Price Open Price Single Glazed, S. S. Price Double Glazed, S. S. Size of Opening. Weight Open. Weight Glazed. 7x9 V/B $0.98 $1.95 $3.00 21 x 13 4 6 8 x 10 .98 2.05 3.20 24 x 14 4 6 12 1 06 2.25 3.55 16 4 6 9 x 12 1.06 2.35 3.70 27 x 16 4 7 18 (( 1.1 2.45 3.85 17 4 7 14 4< 1.10 2.50 400 18 5 8 16 +4 1.34 2.90 4.50 20 5 8 10 x 12 44 1.24 2.60 4.05 2 10 x 16 5 8 14 1.28 2.60 4.35 18 5 8 16 < 1.34 8.15 5.05 20 5 8 12 x 12 M 1.S2 3.45 4.30 34 x 16 6 9 14 M 1.86 8.80 5.80 18 6 10 16 1.90 4.00 6.15 20 6 10 For 124-inch 3-light cellar sash, glazed or open, add 15$ of the open list. For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note "B," page 73. For larger than listed sizes, see Rule 18, page 74. For Extras see pages 73 to 75. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 23 LISTED SIZES OF ONE and TWO LIGHT TRANSOMS. 1% Inches Thick. Size of Opening. Glass Size for 1 Light. Price List Open, 1 Light or 2 Light. Price List, Glazed, 1 Light S. S. Price List, Glazed, 2 Light S. S. Price List, Glzd. 1 Light D. S. 2- 6 x 12 26 x 8 $1.05 $1.90 $2.15 14 10 1.O5 2.10 2.50 16 12 1.08 2.30 2.75 18 14 1.15 2.SO 3.10 20 16 1.35 3.OO 3.75 2- 8 x 12 2 x 8 1.15 2.OO 2.40 14 10 1.15 2.30 2.70 16 12 1.18 2.40 2.95 18 14 1.21 2.70 3 35 20 16 1.46 3.20 4.10 22 18 1.5O 3.50 4.35 24 20 1.54 3.60 4.60 2-10 x 14 30 x 10 1.19 2.35 2.80 16 12 1.22 2.70 8.80 18 14 1.25 2.90 3.60 20 16 1.28 3.20 4.10 22 18 1.54 3.55 4.40 24 20 1.58 3.80 4.90 3- x 14 32 x 10 1.40 S.7O 3.80 16 12 1.44 2.95 8.60 18 14 1.46 3.20 4.00 20 16 1.50 8.SO 4.35 22 18 1.79 3.95 4.95 24 HO 1.88 4.40 5.55 3- 6 x 14 38 x 10 1.91 3.55 $3.50 4.20 16 12 1.95 3.80 3.80 4.60 18 14 1.98 4.10 3.95 5.00 20 16 2.02 4.35 4.35 5.50 22 18 2.06 4.80 4.80 5.95 24 20 2.09 5.00 5.10 6.30 ( Continued on next page. ) For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note " B," page 73. For larger than listed sizes, see Rule 18, page 74. For Extras, see pages 73-75. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. LISTED SIZES OF ONE and TWO LIGHT TRANSOMS. inches Thick. Continued. Size of Opening. Glass Size for 1 Light. Price List Open, 1 Light or 2 Light. Price List. Glazed, 1 Light S. S. Price List, Glazed. 2 Light S. S. Price List, Glzd, 1 Light D. S. 4- x 14 44 x 10 $2.32 $4.10 $5.10 16 12 2.36 4.35 5.55 18 14 2.39 4.75 6.00 20 16 2.43 5.00 6.70 22 18 2.46 5.55 7.50 24 20 2.50 5.90 8.20 5- x 14 56 x 10 2.71 4.90 7.00 16 12 2.79 5.40 7.90 18 14 2.86 5.85 8.45 20 16 2.93 6.40 9.15 22 18 3.01 6.90 10.05 24 20 3.08 7.20 11.25 26 22 3.15 7.60 11.30 28 24 3.22 8.15 12.9O 30 26 3.30 8.95 13.00 6- 0x20 68 x 16 3.53 7.75 10.70 22 18 3.60 8.25 12.35 24 20 3.68 8.70 14.05 26 22 3.76 9.50 14.15 28 24 3.83 10.15 16.85 30 26 3.91 11.60 16.95 32 28 3.99 11.70 19.20 34 30 4.06 12 8O 19.30 36 32 4.14 12.85 24.20 For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note " B," page 73. For larger than listed sizes, see Rule 18, page 74. For Extras, see pages 73-75. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 25 Front Sash and Check Rail Windows E call your special atten- tion to our line of Hand- some Front Sash and Check Rail Windows. These sash are made from strictly No. 1 white pine, the glass designs being our exclusive property. All the sizes listed as stock are manufactured by us in quantities, we can, therefore, make exceedingly low prices in these sizes. 26 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR SPECIAL FRONT SASH Top Light Glazed Leaded Art Glass. 1900 For sizes carried in stock see page 46. For prices see our net price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 27 OUR SPECIAL FRONT WINDOW. Top Light Glazed Leaded Art Glass. 1900 For sizes carried in stock see page 46. For prices see our net price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 28 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR SPECIAL FRONT SASH. Top Light Glazed Leaded Art Glass. 1904 For sizes carried in stock see page 46. For prices see our net price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 29 OUR SPECIAL FRONT WINDOW. Top Light Glazed Leaded Art Glass. 1904 For sizes carried in stock see page 46. For prices see our net price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 30 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR SPECIAL FRONT SASH Top Light Glazed Leaded Art Glass. TULIP For sizes carried in stock see page 46. For prices see our net price folder Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 31 OUR SPECIAL FRONT WINDOW. Top Light Glazed Leaded Art Glass. TULIP For sizes carried in stock see page 46. For prices see our net price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 32 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR SPECIAL FRONT SASH Top Light Glazed Leaded Bevel Plate Glass. KXXXXXXXXX^ MIKADO For sizes carried in stock see page 46. For prices see our net price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 33 OUR SPECIAL FRONT WINDOW Top Light Glazed Leaded Bevel Plate Glass. MIKADO For sizes carried in stock see page 46. For prices see our net price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 34 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR SPECIAL FRONT SASH Top Light Glazed Leaded Bevel Plate Glass. COLONIAL For sizes carried in stock see page 4G. For prices see our net price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 35 OUR SPECIAL FRONT WINDOW Top Light Glazed Leaded Bevel Plate Glas?. COLONIAL For si/.es carried in stock see page 46. For prices see our net price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 86 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR SPECIAL FRONT SASH Top Light Glazed Leaded Double Strength. NIAGARA For sizes carried in stock see page 46. For prices see our net price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 37 OUR SPECIAL FRONT WINDOW. Top Light Glazed Leaded Double Strength. NIAGARA For sizes carried in stock see page 46. For prices see our net price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR SPECIAL FRONT SASH Top Light Glazed Mitred Cut Colonial Glass. MOHAWK For sizes carried in stock see page 46, For prices see our net price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 39 OUR SPECIAL FRONT WINDOW. Top Light Glazed Mitred Cut Colonial Glass. MOHAWK For sizes carried in stock see page 46. For prices see our net price folder. Save time and motley by ordering designs and sizes]we carry in stock. 40 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR SPECIAL FRONT SASH Top Light Glazed Lace Curtain. &:&&&'\%: : - : &:~: : '': : tt SARATOGA. For sizes carried in stock see page 46. For prices see our net price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 41 OUR SPECIAL FRONT WINDOW, Top Light Glazed Lace Curtain. SARATOGA. For sizes carried in stock see page 46. For prices see our net price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 42 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR SPECIAL FRONT SASH. Top Light Glazed Portrait Lace. MAYFLOWER. For sizes carried in stock see page 46. For prices see our net price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock, ADAMS & KELLY CO.. OMAHA, NEB. 43 OUR SPECIAL FRONT WINDOW. Top Light Glazed Portrait Lace. MAYFLOWER. For sizes carried in stock see page 46. For prices see our net price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 44 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR SPECIAL FRONT SASH Top Light Glazed Lace Curtain. BERKSHIRE,. For sizes carried in stock see page 46. For prices see our net price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 45 OUR SPECIAL FRONT WINDOW, Top Light Glazed Lace Curtain. BERKSHIRE. For sizes carried in stock see page 46. For prices see our net price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. .ADAMS & KELLY CO.. OMAHA, NEB. OUR SPECIAL FRONT SASH AND OUR SPECIAL FRONT WINDOWS. See Cuts, pages 26 to 45. SIZES CARRIED IN STOCK, SIZE OF OPENING. SIZE OF BOTTOM GLASS. SIZE OF TOP GI.ASS. 38x52 40 x 40 40 x 16 38x56 40 x 44 40 x 16 3 8x510 40 x 48 40 x 16 38x62 40 x 52 40 x 16 40x52 44 x 40 44 x 16 40x56 44 x 44 44 x 16 4 0x510 44 x 48 44 x 16 40x62 44 x 52 44 x 16 40x66 44 x 56 44 x 16 These sizes correspond in height with regular stock Two-light Windows, with glass 28, 30, 32, 34 and 36 inches high. Making a specialty of these Sash and Windows, and by buying the glass in large quantities, we are able to make lowest prices and very prompt shipments. For prices see our net price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 47 LISTED SIZES OF COTTAGE FRONT SASH, One Light. D 11 Size of Opening Thickness Size of Glass List Open List Glazed, D. S. a- sy% x 3-10 IX 40 x 40 $3.45 $12.55 4- 2 " 44 3.60 1455 4- 6 " 48 3.75 15.25 4-10 (1 52 3.91 18.65 5- 2 II 56 4.06 20.95 5- 6 60 428 21.20 4- OVi x 3-10 II 44 x 40 4.07 15.75 4- 2 " 44 4.24 17.40 4- 6 " 48 441 21.10 4-10 ' 52 4.59 23.70 5- 2 II 56 4.74 23 85 5- 6 " 60 4.93 2540 5-10 64 5.11 27.70 4- 4^ x 3-10 " 48 x 40 4.49 17.45 4- 2 " 44 4.67 22.15 4- 6 ( 48 4.85 24.70 4-10 " 52 5.04 2490 5- 2 <> 56 5.22 26.40 5- 6 ." 60 5.40 28.70 5-10 " 64 5.60 31.05 4- 64 x 3-10 " 50 x 40 4.58 18.30 4- 2 " 44 4.76 22.95 4- 6 II 48 4.94 25.50 4-10 " 52 5.13 27.05 5- 2 56 5.35 29.40 5- 6 " 60 5.54 29.60 5-1O " 64 5.84 32.05 5- O l / s x 4- 2 " 56 x 44 5.18 27.20 4- 6 " 48 5.37 28.75 4-10 " 52 5.56 31.05 5- 2 >< 56 5.75 37.05 5- 6 " 60 5.94 3725 5-10 " 64 6.24 40.25 For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note "B," For larger than listed sizes, see Rule 18, page 74. See our Special Front Sash and ' page 73. For Extras, see pages 73 to Windows pages 26 to 45. 75. 48 ADAMS & KELLY CO.. OMAHA, NEB. COTTAGE FRONT CHECK RAIL WINDOWS. Dl D2 COTTAGE FRONT SINGLE SASH. D 3 For prices of above in all sizes, see opposite page. See our Special Front Sash and Windows, pages 26 to 45. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. LISTED SIZES OF J%-INCH COTTAGE WINDOWS and SASH. No. D 1 No. D2 No. D3 No D3% Window. Window. Sash. Sash. SIZE. Top Bottom Light. Light. Open. Glazed. D. S. Open. Glazed. D. S. Open Glazed D. S Open. Glazed. D. S. 3- 8^x5- 2 40 x 16 40x40 $7.46 $19.95 $4.46 $16.25 $5.26 $17.05 $8.26 $20.75 5- 6 40 x 16 40x44 7.68 21.85 4.68 18.15 5.48 18.95 8.48 22.65 5-10 40 x 16 40x48 7.98 22.75 4.98 19.05 5.78 19.85 8.78 23.65 6- 2 40 x 18 40x50 8.48 23.60 5.48 19.90 628 20.70 9.28 24.40 3-10^x5- 2 42 x 16 42x40 7.80 22.10 4.80 18.40 5.60 19.20 8.60 22.90 5- 6 42 x 16 42x44 8.00 23.75 5.00 20.05 5.80 20.85 8.80 24.55 6-10 42 x 16 42x48 8.30 24.05 5.30 20.35 6.10 21.15 9.10 24.85 6- 2 42x20 42x48 8.86 25.45 5.86 21.75 6.66 22.55 9.66 26.25 4- 0^x5- 2 44 x 16 44x40 8.14 23.40 5 14 19.70 5 94 20.50 8.94 24.20 5- 6 44 x 16 44x44 8.33 25.05 5.33 21.35 6.13 22.15 9.13 25.85 5-10 44 x 18 44x46 861 25.90 5.61 22.30 641 23.00 9.41 26.70 6- 2 44 x 18 44x50 9.12 30.00 6.12 26.30 6.92 27.10 9.92 30.80 6- 6 44x22 44x50 9.30 31.20 6.30 27.60 7.10 28.30 10.10 32.00 4- 4% x 5- 2 48 x 16 48x40 8.62 25.70 5.62 22.00 6.42 22.80 9.42 26.50 5- 6 48 x 18 48x42 8.80 27.25 5.80 23 55 6.60 24.35 9.60 28.05 5-10 48 x 18 48x46 9.00 31.05 6.00 27.35 6.80 28.15 9.80 31.85 6- 2 48 x 18 48x50 9.60 34.05 660 30.35 7.40 31.15 10.40 34.85 6- 6 48x20 48x52 9.83 34.30 6.83 30.60 7.63 31.40 10.63 35.10 4- 6^x5- 2 50 x 16 60x40 8.75 26.60 5.75 22.90 6.55 23.70 9.55 27.40 6- 6 50 x 16 50x44 8.94 31.30 5.94 27.60 6.74 28.40 9.74 32.10 5-10 50x16 50x48 9.24 34.00 6.24 30.30 7.04 31.10 10.04 34.80 6- 2 50 x 18 50x50 9.73 34 95 6.73 31.25 7.63 32.05 10.53 35 75 6- 6 50 x 22 50x50 10.00 36.15 7.00 32.45 7.80 33.25 10.80 36.95 4- 8^x5- 2 52 x 16 52x40 8.88 30.70 5.88 27.00 6.68 27.80 9.68 31.60 5- 6 52 x 18 52 x 42 9.06 32.55 6.06 28.85 6.86 29.65 9.86 33.35 5-10 52 x 18 52 x 46 9.40 35.30 6.40 31.60 7.20 32.40 10.20 36.10 6- 2 52x20 52x48 9.94 36.80 6.94 33.10 7.74 33.90 10.74 37 60 6- 6 52x20 58 x 52 10.19 38.40 7.19 34.70 7.99 35.50 1099 39.20 5- 0^x5- 656x16 56x44 9 34 36.40 6.34 32.70 7.14 33.50 10.14 37.20 5-1056x16 56x48 9.64 38.05 6.64 34.35 7.44 35.15 10.44 38.85 6- 2 56x20 56x48 10.11 39.95 7 11 36.25 7.91 37.05 10.91 40.75 6- 6 56x20 56x52 10.36 42.30 7.36 38.60 8.16 39.40 11.16 43.10 7- 2 56x24 56 x 56 10.84 46.10 7.84 42.40 8.64 43.20 11.64 46.90 For irregular or intermediate sizes see Note B, page 73. For larger than listed sizes see Rule 1, page 75. For Extras see pages 73 to 75. See our Special Front Sash and Windows pages 26 to 45. 50 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. COTTAGE FRONT CHECK RAIL WINDOWS AND SASH. D 5 D 7 D8 For prices on above windows see page 51. For prices on Sash No. D 4) see One Light Sash List, page 47, and One Light Transom List, pages 23 and 24. See our Special Front Sash and Windows, pages 26 to 45. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 51 LISTED SIZES OP J%-INCH COTTAGE WINDOWS. SIZE. Top Wght. Bottom I,ight. No. D5 No. D7 No. D8 Open. Glazed. D. S. Open. Glazed. D. S. Open. Glazed. D. S. 3- 8^x5- 2 5- 6 5-10 6- 2 40 x 16 40 x 16 40 x 16 40 x 18 40x40 40x44 40x48 40x50 $6.26 6.48 6.78 7.28 $18.45 20.35 21.25 22.10 $18 06 18.28 18.58 19.08 $30.95 32.85 33.75 34.60 $32.96 33.18 33.48 33.98 $47 10 49.00 49.90 50.75 3-10^x5- 2 5- 6 5-10 6- 2 42 x 16 42 x 16 42 x 16 42x20 42x40 42x44 42x48 42 x 48 6.60 6.80 7.10 7.66 90.60 22.25 22.55 23.95 18.40 18.60 18.90 19.46 33.10 34.75 35.05 36.45 33.30 33.50 33.80 34.36 49.25 50.90 51.20 52.60 4- 014x5- 2 5- 6 5-10 6- 2 6- 6 44x16 44 x 16 44 x 18 44 x 18 44x22 44x40 44x44 44x46 44 x 50 44 x 50 6.94 7.13 7.41 7.92 8.10 21.90 23.55 24.40 28.50 29.70 18.74 18.93 19.21 19.72 19.90 34 40 36.05 36.90 41.00 42 20 33 64 33.83 34 11 34.62 34.80 50.55 52.20 53.05 57.15 58.35 4- 4^x5- 2 5- 6 5-10 6- 2 6- 6 48 x 16 48 x 18 48 x 18 48 x 18 48x20 48x40 48x42 48x46 48x50 48x52 7.42 7.60 7.80 8.40 8.63 24.20 25.75 29.55 32.55 32.80 21.12 21.30 21 50 22.10 22.33 38.75 40.30 44.10 47.10 47.35 37.22 37.40 37.60 38.20 38.43 56.20 57.75 61.55 64.55 64.80 4- 6^x5- 2 5- 6 5-10 6- 2 6- 6 50 x 16 50 x 16 50 x 16 50 x 18 50x22 50x40 50x44 50x48 50 x 50 50x50 7.55 7.74 8.04 8.53 8.80 25.10 29.80 32.50 3345 34.65 21.25 21.44 21.74 22.23 22.50 39.65 44.35 47.05 48.00 49.20 37.35 37.54 37.84 38.33 38.60 57.10 61.80 64.60 65.45 66.65 4- 8^x5- 2 5- 6 5-10 6- 2 6- 6 52 x 16 52 x 18 52 x 18 52x20 52 x20 52 x40 52x42 52x46 52 x48 52 x52 7.68 7.86 8.20 8.74 8.99 29.20 31.05 33.80 35.30 36.90 23 28 23.46 23.80 24.34 24.59 45.80 47.65 50.40 51.90 53.50 40.58 40.76 41.10 41.64 41.89 64.55 66.40 69.15 70.65 72.25 5- 01^x5- 6 5-10 6- 2 6- 6 7- 2 56 x 16 56 x 16 56x20 56x20 56x24 56x44 56x48 56x48 56 x 52 56 x 56 8.14 8.44 8.91 9 16 9.64 34.90 36 55 38 45 40.80 44.60 23.74 24.04 24.51 24.76 25.24 61.50 53.16 55.05 57.40 61.20 41.04 41.34 41.81 42.06 42.54 70.25 71.90 73.80 76.15 79.95 For irregular or intermediate sizes see Note B, page 73. For larger than listed sizes see Rule 1, page 73. For Extras see pages 73 to 75. 52 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. GABLE SASH and FRAMES. Sash D 12 Frame D 13 Sash D 12'/ 2 Frame D O Sash D 14 Frame D 15 Sash D 16 Frame D 17 t=r Sash D Frame D Sash D 20 Frame D 21 Sash D 22 Frame D 23 Sash D 22 'A Frame D 23^ Price of Sash, 1J6 inches thick. Price of Frames, with 5Ji inch Jamb. Number. Size of Opening. Price Open. Price Gl. S. S. Number. D Price. D 12 2 0x2 5 $1.54 $3.40 D 13 $2.70 D 12# 20x2 5 6.05 7.9O D 18# 2.00 D 14 20x2 5 1.54 3.40 D 15 2.00 D 16 20x2 10.40 12.05 D 17 4.50 D 16^ 20x2 1O.40 12.05 DITji 3.70 D 18^ 20x2 5 3.80 5.65 D 195S 2.40 D 20 20x2 18.40 20.05 D21 3.70 D 22 20x2 5 3.35 5.20 D23 4.50 D 22^ 20x2 5 4.75 7.40 B2354 1.75 Sash prices subject to Sash Discount. Frame prices subject to Frame Discount. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 53 GABLE SASH and FRAMES. Sash D 24 Frame D 25 Sash D 24)4 Frame D 25)4 Sash D 26% Frame D 27% Sash D 28 Frame D 29 Sash D 30% Frame D Sash D 32 Frame D 33 Sash D 34 Frame D 35 Sash D 36% Frame D 37 % Sash D 38% Frame D 39% Price of Sash, \% inches thick. Number. Size of Opening. Price Open. Price Gl. S. S. Number. Price. D24 2 0x2 5 $6.25 $8.45 D25 $3.75 D24% 28x1 4 17.60 19.15 D25% 3.00 D 26% 28x1 4 9.60 11.60 D27% 2.40 D28 20x2 23.00 25.25 D29 4.25 D30y 2 20x3 16.85 20.00 D 31)4 4.50 D32 20x3 10.85 13.40 D33 4.50 D34 20x3 27.65 31.00 D 35 4.50 D36% 28x1 4 6.40 7.60 D37^ 3.50 D38% 28x1 4 6.40 7.60 D39^ 2.00 Price of Frames, with 5^ inch Jamb. Sash prices subject to Sash Discount. Frame prices subject to Frame Discount. 54 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. QUEEN ANNE WINDOWS. nnnnnn = u unnn V D42 D43 D44 unuuuc UL n: n: n: DC DC _J 1 j = n JU n :: in JUU ZED ZED znn ZED inn D45 D46 For Sash Extras see pages 73 to 75. D47 No. D 42. 1%-inch open, add $3.00 to list price of two-light open window, same size. If glazed with plain glass add $3.70. No. D 43. For 1^-inch open, add 20 cents list for each marginal light to price of two-light open window same size. If glazed with plain glass add 25 cents list for each marginal light to price of two-light window, same size, glazed with plain glass., No. D 44. For^96-inch open, add 20 cents list for each marginal light to price of two-light open window, same size. If glazed with plain glass add 25 cents list for each marginal light tolprice of two-light window, same size, glazed with plain glass. No. D 45. For 1 Jg-inch open add 20 cents list for each marginal light to price of two-light open window, same size If glazed with plain glass add 25 cents list for each marginal light to price of two-light window, same size, glazed with plain glass. No. D 46. 1%-inch open, add $10.40 to list price of two-light 'window, same size. For glazed add $11.25. No. D 47. 1^-inch open, add 20 cents list for each light to price of two-light open window of same size. If glazed with plain glass add 25 cents list for each light to price of a two-light window, same size, glazed with plain glass. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. QUEEN ANNE WINDOWS. .^kAAAJ D 48 D 49 D 51 D 52 D 53 For prices on above add to list price of 2 light windows same size the following: \H INCH OPEN GRAZED 1^ INCH OPEN GRAZED D48 $6.30 $6.85 D 51 $11.00 $12.10 D49 5.00 5.50 D 52 3.50 3.75 D 50 9.10 9.75 D 53 35.20 36.30 If above sash are glazed with white chipped, enameled or colored glass (any color except ruby) add 40cjper^ square foot of glass measure to glazed list. If ruby, add 70c per square foot to glazed list. For Sash Extras see pages 73 to 75. 56 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. QUEEN ANNE WINDOWS. D 54 D55 D 56 For prices on above, add to list price of two-light windows, same size, the following: IJi INCH OPEN GLAZED \% INCH OPEN GLAZED IJi INCH OPEN GLAZED D54 $7.90 $8.55 D 55 $13.00 $14.10 D 56 $6.40 $6.60 If above sash are glazed with white chipped, enameled or colored glass (any color except ruby) add 40c per squat foot of glass measure to glazed list. If ruby, add 70c per square foot to glazed list. For Sash Extras see pages 73 to 75. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 57 QUEEN ANNE WINDOWS. \ D 57 D 58 D 59 /\7 D60 D61 D62 For prices on above add to list price of two-light windows same size the .following: 1H INCH OPEN GRAZED IJi INCH OPEN GRAZED D 57 $4.20 $4.65 D60 $8.00 $8.80 D 58 2.00 2.20 D61 6.20 6.85 D59 4.00 4.40 D62 4.00 440 If above sash are glazed with white chipped, enameled or colored glass (any color except ruby) add 40c per square foot of glass measure to glazed list. If ruby, add 70c per square foot to glazed list. See Note A, B and C, Sash Extras, page 73. 58 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. QUEEN ANNE WINDOWS. D 63 D 64 D 65 D 66 D67 D68 For prices on above add to the list price of 2 light windows same size the following: IX INCH OPEN GRAZED l# INCH OPEN GLAZED D63 $14.40 $14.85 D66 $27.20 $28.05 D64 19.20 19 75 D67 14.40 14.85 D 65 20.80 21.45 D68 16.00 16.50 If above sash are glazed with white chipped, enameled or colored glass (any color except ruby) add 40c per square foot of glass measure to glazed list. If ruby, add 70c per square foot to glazed fist. See Notes A, B and C, page 73, Sash Extras. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 59 QUEEN ANNE WINDOWS. D69 D70 D 71 D72 D 73 D 74 For prices on above add to list price of 2 light windows same size the following: ]# INCH OPEN GRAZED \% INCH OPEN GLAZED D69 $20.00 $20.55 D 72 $8.00 $8.25 D70 14.20 14.70 D73 14.40 14.85 D71 21 20 22.05 D 74 87.20 28 10 If above sash are glazed with white chipped, enameled or colored glass (any color except ruby) add 40c per square foot of glass measure to glazed list. If ruby, add 70c per square foot to glazed list. See Notes A, B and C, page 73, Sash Extras. 60 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. QUEEN ANNE WINDOWS. D75 D76 D77 v\ D 78 D 79 For prices on above add to the list price of 2 light windows same size the following: IX INCH OPBN GLAZED IX INCH OPEN GLAZED D 75 $0.80 $1.00 D78 $12.00 $13.20 D76 1.60 2.00 D79 6.00 6.60 D77 11 80 12.30 If above sash are glazed with white chipped, enameled or colored glass (any color except ruby) add 40c per square foot of glass measure to glazed list, If ruby, add 70c per square foot to glazed list. See Notes A, B and C, page 73, Sash Extras. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 61 QUEEN ANNE and COLONIAL SASH. Glazed Plain Glass. D80 D 80. For open, \y% inch thick add 20 cents list for each marginal light to price of a one- light open~sash of same size. If glazed with plain glass add 25 cents list for each marginal light to'price of a one-light sash of same size, glazed with plain glass. nndn D82 D 82. For open, 1^4 inch thick add 20 cents list for each marginal light to price of a one- light open sash of same sire. If glazed with plain glass add 25 cents list for each marginal light to price of a one-light sash of same size, glazed with plain glass. D 84 D 84. For open, iy& inch thick add $4.90 to half the list price of a two-light window of sim- ilar size. For glazed, add $5.75 to glazed list. D81 D 81 . For open, 1^ inch thick add 20 cents list for each marginal light to price of a one- light open sash of same size. If glazed with plain glass add 25 cents list for each marginal light to price of a one-light sash of same size, glazed with plain glass. D83 D 83. For'open, iy inch thick add $19.40 to half the list price of a two-light window of sim- ilar size. For glazed add $20.65 to glazed lift. D85 D 85. For open, lf inch thick add 50 cents list for each light to price of one-light open sash of same size. If glazed with plain glass add 55 cents list for each light to price of a one- light sash of same size, glazed with plain glass. Prices on Queen Anne Sash are for less than stock quantities (Note "a," Sash extras, page 73.) If above sash are glazed with white chipped, enameled or colored glass (any color except ruby) add 40 cents per square foot of glass measure to glazed list. If ruby add 70 cents per square foot to glazed list. For Sash extras see pages 73 to 75 . ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA. NEB. QUEEN ANNE and COLONIAL TRANSOMS. Glazed Plain Glass. D86 D 86. For open, 1ft inch thick, add 50 cents list for each light to price of one-light open transom of same size. If glazed with plain glass add 55 cents list for each light to price of a one- light transom same size, glazed with plain glass. jnnnnnuuuLJu = = nnnrnnc I i D88 D 88. For open, 1ft inch thick, add 20 cents list for each marginal light to price of a one- light open transom of same size. If glazed with plain glass add 25 cents list for each light to price of a one-light transom of same size, glazed with plain glass. D90 D 90. For open, 1ft inch thick, add 70 cents list for each light to price of a one-light open transom of same size. If glazed with plain glass add 75 cents list for each light to price of a one- light transom of same size, glazed with plain glass. D87 D 87. For open, 1 ft inch thick, add $1 1 .50 to list price of l^i inch one-light transom of same size. For glazed, add $13.25 to glazed list. D89 D 89. For open, 1ft inch thick, add 70 cents ist for each light to price of one-light open transom of same size. If glazed with plain glass add 75 cents list for each light to price of a one- light transom of same size, glazed with plain glass. at D91 D 91 . For open 1 ft inches thick, add $1 .80 to list price of one-light transom of same size. For glazed, add $2.25 to glazed list. For open transoms, 1^ inches thick, add 50 per cent to list of I ft open transoms. Prices on Queen Anne transoms are for less than stock quantities. (Note "a," Sash Extras.) If above transoms are glazed with white chipped or colored glass (any color except ruby) "add 40 cents per square foot of glass measure to glazed list. If ruby, add 70 cents per square foot to glazed^list. For Sash Extras see pages 73 to 75. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 63 TRANSOM EXTRAS. For Segment Head Transom, D 92 and D 93, add to open or glazed list the following: l^inch. 1M inch. List. List. Up to 2 - O l / 8 wide opening $1.80 $2.50 2-1 to 3-0^" " 2.40 3.35 3-1 to 4-0^" " 4.10 5.75 4-1 to 5-OJ4 " " 5.90 8.25 For Circle Head Tramsom, D 94 and D 95, add to open or glazed list the following : 1% inch. IJi inch. List. $4.50 5.20 Up to 2 - 0% wide opening. 2-1 to 3-0*4 " 3-1 to 4-0>i " 4-1 to 5-0>i " 7.60 9.00 List. $6.30 7.25 10.65 12.60 For Circle Head Transom, D 96, add to open or glazed list the following : 1% inch. \% inch. List. List. Up to 2-054 wide opening $ 7.00 $ 9.80 2-lto3-0#" " 7.70 10.75 3-lto4-0#" " 10.10 14.15 4-lto5-0#" " 11.50 16.10 For Circle Head Transom, D 97, add to open or glazed list the following : \% inch. IJi inch. List. Upto2-0ji wide opening __________ ......... $14.00 3-1 to 3-0^" " ...... ............ 15-40 3-1 to 4-0^" " . .................. 20.20 4-1 to 5-OV* " " 23.00 $19.60 21.50 28.30 32.20 For Gothic Head Transom, D 98, add to open or glazed list the following: \% inch. inch. List. List. Upto2-0>^ wide opening ........... ________ $ 9.30 $1300 2-lto3-Oy 8 " " ___________________ 10.00 13.95 3-1 to 4-0^" " ... ............. ... 12.40 17.35 4-1 to 5-014 " " 13.80 19.30 See Notes A, B and C, Sash Extras, pages 73 and 75. D 92 ^ ^ D 93 D 95 D 96 D 98 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. DIRECTIONS FOR ORDERING CIRCLE AND SEGMENT TOP WINDOWS. D99 For window frames, circle inside and outside. D 100 For window frames, circle outside, square inside. In ordering Segment or Circle-head Sash and Windows, give the number of style desired and the radius of Circle or Segment. If no number or proper description is given in ordering, we will sub- stitute for Circle Head Style No. D 100, and for Segment Head Style No. D 103, using our regular radius, which is the width of the Sash for Segment Heads and one-half the width of Sash for Circle Heads. Always use these numbers, D 99, D 100, D 102 or D 103. in ordering segment or circle top windows or frames. D102 For^window frames, segment inside and outside. D 103 For window frames, segment outside, square inside. The above windows can be filled with any number of lights required. Always give radius of segment, otherwise they will be made regular radius which is width of window. For prices see page 65. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 65 PRICES on CIRCLE and SEGMENT TOP WINDOWS. PRICE. No. D 99 For list on open or glazed windows or sash with half circle top add to open or glazed list the following: \% inch 1% inch List. List. Up to2-0>^wide opening $ 4.50 $ 6.30 2-1 to 3-0^ " " 5.20 7.25 3-lto4-0>i " " 7.60 10.65 4-1 to 5-0}* " " 9.00 12.60 No. D 100 For list en open or glazed windows or sash with half circle top outside and square inside add to open or glazed list the following: \% inch \% inch List. List. Up to 2 - Qy& wide opening $ 5.00 $ 7.00 2-lto3-0}6 " " -- 7.00 9.80 3-1 to 4-0}^ " ". -. - 10.50 14.70 4-1 to 5 -OK " " 13.00 18.20 No. D 102 ) For list on open or glazed windows or sash with segment top add to No. D 103 / open or glazed Hit, the following: \% inch 13 inch List. List. .Up to 2 - Oft wide opening .$ 1.80 $ 2.50 '2-lto3-0}i " " 2.40 3.35 3-1 to 4-0^ " " 4.10 5.75 4-1 to 5-0^ " " 6.90 8.25 See Note A, B and C in Sash Extras, pages 73 and 75. 66 ADAMS & KELLY CO.. OMAHA, NEB. CHURCH WINDOWS. D 104 D 105 D 106 D 107 D 108 D 109 For Gothic Head, D 104, add to open or glazed list, window same size, the following: l^inch. 1% inch 126 inch. 1% inch. List. List . List. List, Up to 2 - ( y& wide opening.. . $4.50 $6.30 3-1 to 4 - 0% wide opening. $7.60 $1<>.C5 2-lto3-U#" " ... 5.20 7.25 4 - 1 to 5 - Oy s " " .. 9.00 12.60 For Gothic Head, D 105, add to open or glazed list, window same size, the following: \ft inch 1% inch. 1 inch. 1% inch. List. $18.05 14.00 List. 3 - 1 to 4 - 0*4 wide opening. $12.40 4-1 to 5-0^ " " .. 13.80 List Up to 2 - Q l / wide opening. __ $ 9.30 2-1 to 3-0^" " ... 10.00 For Peak Head, D 107, add to open or glazed list, window same size, the following: l?iinch. \% inch. l^inch. List. List. List. Up to 2 - O l / s wide opening.^. $2.25 $3.15 3-1 to 4 - 0^ wide opening. $4.00 2-lto8-OH" 2.80 3.90 4-1 to 5-0^ " " .. 5.50 For Peak Head, D 108, add to open or glazed list, window same size, the following: l^inch. l?k inch. ij& inch. List. List. List. Up to 2 -0}i wide opening..- $4.15 $5.80 3 - 1 to 4 - 0% wide opening. $5.90 2-1 to 3- OJ4 " " --. 4.70 6.55 4 - 1 to 5 - 0# " " __ 7.40 List. $17.40 24.35 % inch. List. $5.60 7.70 =^ inch. List. $8.25 10.35 D 106. For price, see rule 5, sash extras, using list of two gothic tops, and rule 11, notes "A," "B" and "E," and rule 25, notes "B" and "C." for glazing small lights. D 109. For price, see rule 9, note "A," using list of two peak heads, and rule 11, notes "A," "B" and "E," and rule 25, notes "B" and "C," for glazing. For glazing transoms, Nop. D 96, D 97 and D 98, see rule 25, notes A, B and C, page 75, sash extras. For sash extras, see pages 73 to 75. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. CHURCH WINDOWS. D 110 D 111 D 112 D 113 We make Church Windows of every description and glaze with any kind of glass desired at lowest prices. Write for prices on above. 68 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. CHURCH WINDOWS. D 114 D 115 D 116 D 117 Write for prices. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 69 CHURCH WINDOWS. D118 D 119 MULLION CHURCH WINDOWS. D 120 4 121 Prices on application. 70 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. BENT or BOW-FACED WINDOWS. We get out at moderate prices, Bow-Faced Windows, Frames and Bent Glass, either in Plate or Window Glass. Orders for such Windows should be accompanied with full-sized section drawing, 'as indicated by above cuts. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 71 CIRCLE-FACE WINDOWS. When ordering, give radius measured to outside of top sash, and say whether frames are made with square jambs like detail A, or radiating jambs like detail B. A full size paper pattern of sill will prevent errors. If made like detail B give distance measured straight across between jambs from outside edges of the top sash. DETAIL A. DETAIL B. For prices on Bent Windows see Rule 22, page 75. 72 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. STORM SASH. Usually made ly& inch thick with 2>4 or 3 inch stiles and top rail and 5 inch bottom rail. Two-Light Storm Sash with Slide Ventilator. Two-Light Storm Sash for Cottage Front Windows. Eight-Light Storm Sash with Swing-Light Ventilator. Four-Light Storm Sash without Ventilator. Twelve-Light Storm Sash Double Ventilator. STORM SASH. I inch Storm Sash, same price as I inch Check Rail Window, same opening. Open Storm Sash, add 15 per cent to 1# Check Rail Open list. For glazed add 20 per cent to 1^ Check Rail Open list. For Ventilators in top or bottom rail, add 10 cents net. For Swing Light, add 40 cents net. For prices see Rule 26, page 75. PLEASE NOTICE. Our Regular Storm Sash are made with 2 '4 -inch stiles. We can make one or more Ventilators in bottom rail of each sash as per cuts above. For Sash Extras see pages 73 to 75. IK VENTILATORS ARE WANTED, ORDER MUST so STATE. PLACE YOUR ORDER FOR STORM SASH EARLY. ADAMS & KELLY CO.. OMAHA, NEB. 73 SASH EXTRAS. NOTE "A" -When the term "Stock Quantities" is used in these rules, it means ten or more of the articles of one size, style and quality. NOTE U B" For irregular or intermediate sizes in stock quantities, use same list as next larger listed size, both open and glazed. For less than stock quantities, on sizes not listed, an extra 10% of the open list will be charged. NOTE "C" Unless otherwise specified, when a net extra or a list extra is provided, it will apply to either open or glazed list, and when a percentage of the list is provided, it applies to open list only, and should be applied before glazing is added. LARGER SIZES. RULE 1. (a) For list on 1^ and 1% inch open windows wider than listed sizes, add to the open list for similar window of widest listed size of same height, for each additional 4 inches or part thereof SOc'list (b) For list on 13/6 and 1% inch open windows longer than listed sizes, add to the open list for similar window of longest listed size of same width, for each additional 4 inches or part thereof 50c list WIDE STILES, RAILS OR BARS. RULE 2. For list on 1% inch open windows, or sash, with stiles, rails or bars wider than regular stock sizes, add as follows: (a) For stiles and top rails wider than 2 inches to glass rabbet, for each ' additional ^ i ncn r part thereof, add of the open list to open or glazed list 10% list (b) For bottom rails wider than 3 inches to glass rabbet, for each additional "V* inch or part thereof, add of the open list to open or glazed list 7H%lHst (c) For check rails thicker than 1 % inch and not over 1 4 inches finished sizes, add of open list to open or glazed list - 20%list (d) For vertical bars wider than regular stock, for each additional ^ inch or part thereof, add of open list to open or glazed list 5%' list (e) For horizontal bars wider than regular stock, for each additional M inch or part thereof, add of open list to open or glazed list - 6% list NOTE For rabbeting check rails see Rule 27, page 75. O. G. LUGS. RULE 3. For list on 1% inch open or glazed windows with O. G. lugs, add to open or glazed list for each sash with lugs 50c list SEGMENT HEADS. RULE 4. -For list [on open or glazed windows or sash with segment or imitation segment heads (Fig. D 102 or D 103, page 64) , add to open or glazed list the following : If inch \\ inch list. list. Up to 2-0 1/6 wide (opening) $1.80 $2.50 2-1 to 3-Q1/6 " - 2.40 3.35 3-1 to 4-0 H " 4 - 10 5 -75 4-1 to 5-0^ " -- - - 5.90 8.25 Over 5-0 }/% wide subject to special price. HALF CIRCLE OR GOTHIC IN AND OUT. RULE 5. For list on open or glazed windows or sash with half circle top (Fig. D 99, page 64) or Gothic top (No. D 104, page 66) inside and outside, add to open or glazed list the following : If inch If inch list. list. Up to 2-0 Y% wide (opening) $4.50 $6.30 2-1 to 3-0^ " - 5 -20 7.25 3-1 to 4-01/6 " 7.60 10.65 4-1 to 5-0 Ys " 9.00 12.60 Over 5-0 J^j wide subject to special price. HALF CIRCLE OR GOTHIC SQUARE INSIDE. RULE 6. For list on open or glazed windows or sash with half circle top out-side, square inside (Fig. D 100, page 64) , or with Gothic top outside, square inside, add to the open or glazed list the following: If inch if inch Up to 2-0 Y% wide (opening)-. $5.00 $7.00 2-1 to 3-0^ " - 7.00 9.80 3-1 to 4-01/6 " - 10.50 14.70 4-1 to 5-Q1/6 " 13.00 18.20 Over 5-0 J^ wide subject to special price. FULL CIRCLE SASH. RULE 7. (a) For list on open or glazed sash full circle inside and outside, add to open or glazed list of a similar square sash double the amount provided in Rule 5. (b) For list on open or glazed sash full circle outside, and square inside, add to open or glazed list of a similar square sash double the amount provided in Rule 6. 74 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. ELLIPTICAL, KITE-SHAPED OR "EYEBROW" SASH. RULE 8. For elliptical, kite-shaped or eyebrow sash, add of the open list to the list of a full circle similar size sash (Rule 7), either open or glazed 25% list PEAK HEAD SASH. RULE 9. (a) For list on open or glazed windows or sash with peak head inside and outside (Fig. D 107, page 63) , add to open or glazed list the following. i| i nc h if inch list. list. Up to 2-O^j-wide (opening) $2.25 $3.15 2-1 to 3-0^ " 2.80 3.90 3-1 to 4-OJ^ " :... - 4.00 5.60 4-1 to 5-Oy 8 ' 5.50 7.70 Over 5-0 }/% wide subject to special price, (b) For sash, peak head outside, square inside, add double the amount shown above. DIAMOND SASH. RULE 10. For list on open or glazed sash, diamond shape, add to open or glazed list, double the amount shown by Rule 9. DIVIDED SASH. RULE 11. For list on open or glazed windows or sash divided into small lights, and not spe- cifically listed, add to the list for similar two-light window or one-light sash for each light as follows: If inch U inch list. list. (a) For rectangular lights $0.20 $0.28 (b) For lights not rectangular, but formed by straight bars on all sides (diamond lights) (except suspended lights see Note "C") .50 .70 (c) For suspended diamond lights (similar to long and square lights in sash Nos. 1) 7, D 8, page 50) .70 ?"_'> r .95 (d) For lights not rectangular but formed by curved bars 1.60 """ 2.25 (e) If glazed see Rule 25, Note B, page 75. COTTAGE STYLE WINDOWS. RULEJ12. For cottage style windows (with top and bottom light of different heights) not listed, add together one-half of the lists of windows of the same width containing the same or next larger glass size, for the bottom and top respectively, and add 40c list HALF WINDOWS. RULE 13. For half windows (either top or bottom sash) add to half of the list of such window ... 40c list 1H INCH THICK. RULE 14. (a) For list on 1^ inch sash, not listed, and for two and four light plain rail windows, use 1% inch list, open or glazed. (b) For list on 1% inch check rail windows, open or glazed, use 1% inch check rail list. iy 8 INCH PLAIN RAIL WINDOWS. RULE 15. For 1% inch plain rail windows use l^inch check rail list, open or glazed. 1M INCH THICK. RULE 16. (a) For 1 % inch windows or sash , open or glazed, add of the 1 % inch open list to the \% inch open or glazed list, unless otherwise pro- vided for. 50% list (b) For all extras for 1 % inch windows or sash unless otherwise provided for, add to extras for 1% inch sash 50% list 2J4 INCH THICK. RULE 17. For 2 or 2J inch windows or sash, open or glazed, add of the 1% inch open list to the 1% inch open or glazed list 100% list SINGLE SASH. RULE 18. (a) To make open sash list on 1 ^ inch transom, cellar sash and other single sash containing 4 rectangular lights or less, not otherwise provided for in this list, figure the united inches (width and length added) of the entire glass measurement, when 52 united inches or less, per inch. 3^c list (b) For the same, when glass measurement is over 52 and not over 76 united inches, containing 6 rectangular lights or less, per inch 4c list (c) For the same, when glass measurement is over 76 and not over 100 united inches, containing 8 rectangular lights or less, per inch 4 J^c list (d)lForthe same, when glass measurement is over 100 united inches, con- taining 12 rectangular lights or less, per inch 5j^c list (e) For greater number of lights than provided for in notes a, b, c and d, add for each extra light 20c list CASEMENT SASH. RULE 19. For casement sash, figure each sash as per rule 18. If rabbeted, see Rule 27, page 75. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 75 WINDOWS WITH MORE THAN TWELVE LIGHTS. RULE^20. For 15 It. windows, open or glazed, add to 12 It. list 30 % list 16 18 20 24 12 12 12 12 NOTE. When the total glass width exceeds 36 inches, add of the open list, to the open or glazed list 10% STORE SASH. RULE 21. (a) Store sash with stiles and top rail 3 in. to glass line, and bottom rail 4 in. to glass line, 1 % in. thick, per lineal foot around the opening 36c list (b) Bars for IjHsin. sash not over 1 in. between glass, per lineal foot 16c list (c) For wider stiles, rails, etc., see Rule 2, page 73. (d) For glass beads or stops, see Rule 23, page 75. (e) For panels under store sash, see foot note under store doors, page 164. BENT SASH. RULE 22. For square head 1 It. bent sash, add to 1% or 1% in. open list as follows: RADIUS. Up to 24}/6 Opening. 25 to 36^ Opening. 37 to 48^ Opening. 49 to 60 Opening. Up to 4 ft. 4-1 to 5 ft. 5-1 to 6 ft. 6-1 to 7 ft. 7-1 to 8 ft. $9.75 8.70 7.90 7.35 7.00 $14.50 13.00 11.85 11.00 10.50 $20.60 18.70 17.00 15.40 14.00 $30.80 28.00 25.40 23.10 21.00 (a) For larger than 8 ft.' radius and not over 10 feet, deduct 5% from addition for each 6 inches. For larger radius than 10 feet, deduct 25%. (b) For bent windows double the amount for single sash. STOPS and BEADS. RULE 23. For stops or beads around square glass in sash or windows of any thickness, add for each light as follows : For each light of m List. List. 16 united inches or less 25c 53 to 64 united inches 55c 17 to 28 " " 30c 65 to 76 " " 65c 29 to 40 " " 35c 77 to 88 " " 85c 41 to 52 " " 45c 89 to 100 " 95c Over 100 united inches add Ic per inch. NOTE. The minimum charge under Rule 23 for any sash will be 60c list OIL FINIS'H. RULE 24. For windows or sash selected for oil finish, add of the open list to open or glazed list 20% GLAZING. RULE 25. (a) For glazing with AA glass, add of the 1 % inch glazed list 10% (b) In figuring glass of unlisted glazed sash with marginal or divided lights, either diamond, square, peak or otherwise, figure as though the sash contained but one light of glass and add for glazing per light - - Sclist (c) For windows or sash glazed with white chip, enameled, or with col- ored glass (any color except ruby), add to D. S. glazed list, for each square foot of glass measure 40c list If glazed with ruby, add for each square foot, glass measure 70c list STORM SASH. RULE 26. (a) 1% inch storm sash take the same list as given for a. \% inch check rail window with an equal number of lights of the same size. (b) For 1% inch storm sash, when ordered in stock quantities, add of the 1 % inch open storm sash list, to the open or glazed list 15% For same in less than stock quantities, see Note "B," page 73. (c) For 3 inch stiles for storm sash, open or glazed, add of the open list 15% (d) For O. G. edge on storm sash, add 5c net (e) For ventilators for storm sash, add for each lOc net (f) For swing lights for storm sash, without hardware, add 50c net For same, fitted with hooks and hinges, add 65c net (g) For painting storm sash black one side, add for each sash 15c net RABBETING.^ RULE 27. (a) For rabbeting outside of rails or stiles of windows or sash, add to the list for each edge rabbeted (except as below) 20c list (b) For rabbeting check rails of windows, per window 40c list (c) For rabbeting storm sash, casement or cupboard sash, per pair lOc net (d) For rabbeting sash for plate or other thick glass, add for each sash <& so rabbeted..-. 5cUist NOTE. The minimum charge under Rule 27 for any one order will be.. ISc'net 76 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. GRAINED DOORS. Our Grained Doors are Unexcelled. They are painted two coats, best lead and oil paint, hand grained and carefully finished with our special transparent varnish. E 175. 4-Panel O. G. Grained. E 176} Grained. We Carry in Stock the Following : FOUR-PANEL DOORS. 2-6 x 6-6, iy e 2-8 x 6-8, iy e 2-6 x 6-6, 1% 2-8 x 6-8, 1% SASH DOORS. 2-6 x 6-6, 1% 2-8 x 6-8, 1% Grained Doors 10 cents net more than Painted Doors. See table, page 79. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 77 E 177 'Yz Grained We carry in stock the following sizes : 2-6 x 6.- 6, 1% 2-8 x 6-8, 1% GRAINED DOORS. E 178% Grained We carefully crate all our Grained Doors to avoid damage in shipment. Grained Doors lOc. net more than Painted Doors. See table, page 79. E 179. Grained 78 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. Painted Doors ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. PAINTED DOORS. Our painted doors are well manufactured, shellaced, and, painted two coats of light colored paint. All of our painted doors are carefully crated before shipping to avoid damage in transit. They are good sellers and it will pay you to carry them in stock . We carry in stock, sizes 2-6 x 6-6 and 2-8 x 6-8, both 1% and \y^ inches thick. E 180 4-Panel, O G Painted. LISTED SIZES OF No. 4 QUALITY O G DOORS. and inches thick. Size of Door Thickness Price 4-Panel Door No. 4 Quality Price 4-Panel Door Painted 2- X 6- 12- 16 $2.35 $3.00 2- 6 X 6- 6 12 - 16 2.60 3.25 2- 8 X 6- 8 12 - 16 2.75 3.40 Above doors have bevel raised panels one side only. 2- X 6- 1/8 2.60 $3.25 2- 6 X 6- 6 |H 2.90 3.55 2- 8 X 6- 8 iy s 3.05 3.70 2- 10 X 6- 10 1/8 3.55 4.20 3- X 7- \% 3.70 4.35 2- X 6- i/s 2.85 3.50 2- 6 X 6- 6 i/s 3.20 3.85 2- 8 X 6- 8 1/8 3.40 4.05 2- 10 X 6- 10 1/8 3.95 4.60 3- X 7- 13/* 4.10 4.75 For grained doors add lOc net. For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note B, page 161. For larger than listed sizes, see Rule 1, page 161. For Extras see pages 161 and 162. 80 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. PAINTED DOORS. 5-Panel, Painted. LISTED SIZES OF No. 4 QUALITY O G DOORS. and inches thick. Size of Door Thickness Price 5-Panel Door No. 4 Quality Price 5-Panel Door Fainted 2 0x6 12- 16 $2.55 $3.20 2 6x6 6 12- 16 2.80 3.45 2 8x6 8 12- 16 2.95 3.60 Above doors have bevel raised panels one side only. 2 X 6 1/8 2 80 3 45 2 6 X 6 6 1 1 A 3 10 3 75 2 8 X 6 8 i/s 3 25 o 90 2 10 X 6 10 1/8 3 75 4 40 3 X 7 1/8 3. 90 4 55 2 X 6 1/8 3.05 3 70 2 6 X 6 6 i/s 3.40 4 05 2 8 X 6 8 i/s 3.60 4 25 2 10 X 6 10 1/8 4.15 4 80 3 X 7 1/8 4.30 4 95 For grained doors add lOc net. For No. E 213 door, No. 4 quality or painted, add to list of No. E 211 door, open or glazed, 81.25. For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note "B," page 161. For larger than listed sizes, see Rule 1, page 161. For Extras, see pages 161-162. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 81 PAINTED SASH DOORS. E 181^. Painted. E 182%. Painted. Price, l^i inches thick. SIZE No. E181M-4 Light No. E 182 J 2 Light Open Glazed Open Glazed 2-6x6- 6 $4.20 $6.15 $4.20 $6.35 2-8x6- 8 4.40 6.65 4.40 7.15 2-10 x 6 - 10 4.95 7.45 4.95 7.85 3- O x 7- 5.10 8.05 5.10 8.85 82 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA. NEB. PAINTED SASH DOORS. E 183^. Painted E 184. Painted Price, \Y% inches thick. SIZE No. E 183^-1 Light No. E 1842 Light Circle Top Open Glazed Open Glazed 2- 6 X 6- 6 $4.05 $735 $4.95 $7.00 2 - 8 X 6- 8 4.25 8.35 5.15 8.35 2- 10 X 6- 10 4.80 9.45 6.70 9.15 3- X 7- 4.95 11.05 5.85 10.60 For beads around the glass in one-light painted sash doors, add 20 cents to above list. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 83 WEIGHTS OF FOUR PANEL DOORS. APPROXIMATE WEIGHTS OF O. G. FOUR PANEL DOORS. THICKNESS S11.K y* inch \ l /% inch 1% inch 1=S inch 2 - 0x6- 17 23 28 2 - 4x6- 4 21 27 31 2 - 6x6- 6 23 30 35 42 2 - 8x6- 8 25 32 37 46 2 - 10 x 6 - 10 35 40 52 3 - 0x7- 38 45 55 3 - 0x7- 6 50 60 3 - 0x8- 55 65 For Moulded Doors add to above five pounds for each side moulded. Weight of Mouldings : 1 inch x 1 inch, per 100 lineal feet, fifteen pounds. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. CUPBOARD PANEL DOORS. E185 E 186 E 187 E188 E 189 E 190 List price each, IJi inches thick, O G, No. 1 quality. Size of Door. E 185 E 186 E 187 E 188 E 189 E 1OO 1-6x2-6 $2.35 $1.85 $2.05 $2.00 $2.15 $2.25 2- 8 2.45 1 95 2.15 2.10 2.25 2.35 2 - 10 2.55 2.05 2.25 2.20 2.35 2.45 1-8x2-6 2.50 2.00 2.20 2.15 2.30 2.40 2- 8 2.60 2.10 2.30 2.25 2.40 2 50 2 - 10 2.70 2.20 2.40 2.35 2.50 2.60 1-10 x 2 - 6 2.60 2.10 2.30 2.25 2.40 2.50 2 - 8 2.70 2.20 2.40 2.35 2.50 2.60 2-10 2.80 2 30 2.50 2.45 2.60 2.70 2 - O x 2- 6 2.75 2.25 2.45 2.40 2 55 2.65 2- 8 2.85 2.35 2.55 2.50 2.65 2.75 2- 10 2.95 2.45 2.65 2.60 2.75 2.85 3 - 3.10 2.60 2.80 2.75 2.90 3 00 1-6x4-0 3.45 2.95 3.15 3.30 3.25 3.35 4- 6 3.70 3.20 3.40 3.55 3.50 3 60 5 - 4.00 3.50 3.70 3.85 3.80 3.90 1-8x4-0 3.65 3.15 3.35 3.50 3.45 3.55 4- 6 3.95 3.45 3.65 3.80 3.75 3.85 5- 4.25 3.75 3 95 4.10 4.05 4.15 1-10 x 4- 6 4.15 3.65 3.85 4.00 3.95 4.05 5 - 4.50 4.00 4.20 4.25 4.30 4.40 5 - 6 4.80 4.30 4 50 4.65 4.60 4.70 2-0x4-6 4.40 3.90 4.10 4.25 4.20 4.30 5- 4.75 4.25 4.45 4.60 4.55 4.65 5 - 6 4.85 4.35 4.55 4.70 4.65 4.75 For rabbeting single pair, add 15c net; for two pair or more, add lOc net per pair. For \y& inch cupboard doors, add to \ l /% inch list 15 % For bead and cove, add lOc list. For cupboard doors with a greater number of panels than provided for in above list for such size, add lOc list for each extra panel. For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note "B," page 161. For Extras, see pages 161 to 162. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 85 CHINA CLOSET SASH DOORS. E 191 E 192 E 193 E 194 E 195 E 196 List Price Each. \y & inch thick. Outside Measure Size of Glass in K 191 Nos. E 191 and E 192 open No. E 191 Glazed No. E 192 Glazed 1 4 x 4 - 12 x 43 $2.08 $3.65 $2.85 4 6 x 49 2.55 4.55 3 55 5 - X 55 3.00 5.15 3 95 1 6 x 4 - 14 X 43 2.10 '3.95 3.15 4 6 X 49 2.60 4.75 3.75 5 - X 55 3.05 5.65 4.45 1 - 8 x 4 - 16 X 43 2.15 4.15 3 35 4 6 X 49 2.65 5.35 4 36 5 - X S5 3.10 6.00 4.80 1 10 x 4 18 X 43 2.20 4.70 3 90 4 6 X 49 2.70 5.50 4.50 5 - X 55 3.15 635 5.15 2-0 x 4 20 X 43 2.25 5.05 4.25 4 - 6 X 49 2.75 5.85 | 4 85 5 - X 55 3.20 6.55 5 35 For rabbeting single pair add 15 cents net. For rabbeting two pair or more add 10 cents per pair. For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note B Sash Extras. Open. Glazed. For price of E 193 add to price of E 191 $1.20 $1.50 For price of E 194 add to price of E 191 1.20 1.50 For price of E 195 add to price of E 191 4.00 4.40 For price of E 196 add to price of E 191 4.50 4.95 86 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. LISTED SIZES OF FOUR PANEL O G DOORS. E200. Raised panel both sides. E 2OO SIZE. Thick- ness, Inches. Price No. 1 Quality. Price No. 2 Quality. Price No. 3 Quality SIZE. Thick- ness, Inches. Price No. 1 Quality. Price No. 2 Quality. Price No. 3 Quality. 30x60 We $4.85 $4.35 $3.55 2 8 x 6 10 1% $7.35 $6.60 26x60 ii 5.60 5.05 2 10 x 6 10 it 7.70 6.95 $5.60 28x60 it 5.75 5.20 3 x 6 10 tt 8.20 7.40 30x60 (i 6.86 6.15 20x70 tt 7.25 . 6.55 24x64 u 5.25 4.76 22x70 tt 7.35 6.60 20x66 i t 5.30 4.80 24x70 tt 7.35 6.60 26x66 ii 5.60 5.05 4.00 26x70 ti 7.40 6.65 26x68 ii 5.70 5.15 28x70 li 7.60 6.85 28x68 ii 5.75 5 20 4.30 2 10 x 7 tt 7.85 7.05 2 10 x 6 10 ii 7.35 6.60 5.05 30x70 tt 8.20 7.40 6.00 26x70 7.30 6.55 26x76 tt 9.15 8.25 30x70 it 7.85 7.00 5.40 2 '8 x 7 6 1 1 9.60 8.65 20x60 1% 5.40 4.85 3.90 2 10 x 7 6 (i 10.10 9.10 26x60 it 6.20 5.60 30x76 li 10.55 9.50 28x60 t i 6.40 5.75 26x80 it 10.50 9.45 30x60 ii 7.60 6.85 28x80 1 1 10.95 9.85 24x64 M 5.80 5.25 30x80 (i 12.00 10.80 20x66 (( 5.85 5.30 26x66 1% 9.30 8.35 22x66 II 6.00 5.40 28x68 (1 9.60 8.65 2 4x6 6 It 6.00 5.40 2 10 x 6 10 11.55 10.40 26x66 (1 620 5.60 4.45 26x70 11. 1O 10.00 28x66 tt 6.40 5.75 28x70 < 11.40 10.25 30x66 tl 8.20 7.40 2 10 x 7 li 11.80 10.60 20x68 1 1 5.95 5.35 30x70 ii 12.30 11.10 22x68 1 1 6.10 5.50 26x76 1 1 13.75 j 12.40 24x68 tt 6.10 5.50 28x76 " 14.40 12.95 26x68 it 6.35 5.70 2 10 x 7 6 tt 15.15 13.65 28x68 tt 6.40 5.75 4.75 30x76 15.85 14.25 2 10 x 6 8 tt 7.70 6.95 26x80 it 15.75 14.20 30x68 tt 8.20 7.40 28x80 ti 16.45 14.80 2 x 6 10 tf 7.10 6.40 30x80 1 1 18.00 16.20 2 2 x 6 10 tt 7.30 6.55 30x86 ii 21.20 19.10 2 4 x 6 10 tt 7 30 6.55 30x90 tt 23.40 21.05 2 6 x 6 10 tt 7.35 6.60 1 LISTED SIZES OF FOUR PANEL O G INCH DOORS. Raised panels both sides. SIZE. Thickness. Inches. Price No. 1 Quality. Price No. 2 Quality. Price No. 3 Quality. 2 0x6 12-16 $4.35 $3.90 $3.20 2 4x6 4 12-16 4.75 4.30 2 0x6 6 12-16 4.75 4.30 2 6x6 6 12-16 5.05 4.56 3.60 2 8x6 8 12-16 5 15 4.70 3.85 Inch Doors finish \ inch thick, raised panel 1 S. , flat 1 S. For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note "B," page 161. For larger than listed sizes, see Rule 1, page 161. For Extras, see pages 161-162. Yellow Pine Panel doors take above list but are made in No. 1 quality only. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 37 LISTED SIZES OF FIVE PANEL O G DOORS. E201. Raised panels both sides. SIZE. Price 1% in. No. 1 Quality. Price 1% in. No. 2 Quality. Price 1% in. No. 1 Quality, Price l^i in. No. 2 Quality. 2 X 6 $5.70 $5.15 2 X 6 6 6.40 5.80 2 4 X 6 6 6.40 5.80 , 2 6 X 6 6 6.50 5.90 $9.60 $8.65 2 8 X 6 6 6.70 6.05 2 X 6 8 6.55 5.95 2 4 X 6 8 6.55 5.95 2 6 X 6 8 6.65 6.00 2 8 X 6 8 6.70 6.05 9,90 8.95 2 X 6 10 7.60 6.85 2 4 X 6 10 7.60 6.85 2 6 X 6 10 7.65 6.90 2 8 X 6 10 7.QJ6 6.90 2 10 X 6 10 8.00 7.25 11.85 10.70 2 X 7 7.65 6.90 2 4 X 7 7.65 6.90 2 6 X 7 7.70 6.95 11.40 10.30 2 8 X 7 7.90 7.15 11.70 10.55 2 10 X 7' 8.15 7.35 12.10 10.90 3 X 7 8.50 7.70 12.60 11.40 2 6 X 7 6 9.45 8.55 14.05 12.70 2 8 X 7 6 9.90 8.95 14.70 13.25 2 10 X 7 6 10.40 9.40 15.45 13.95 3 X 7 6 10.85 9.80 16.15 14.55 2 6 X 8 10.80 9.75 16.05 14.50 2 8 X 8 11.25 10.15 16.75 15.10 3 X 8 O 12.30 11.10 18.30 16.50 For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note "B," page 161. For larger than listed sizes, see Rule 1, page 161. For Extras, pages 161-162. Five panel l>s inch doors when ordered in stock quantities, use list for l>-inch four panel door same size, and add 30c. For same in less than stock quantities, use \y% inch five panel list same size. Yellow Pine panel doors take above list, but are made in No. 1 quality only. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. LISTED SIZES OF FIVE CROSS PANEL O G DOORS. E 202^. Raised panels both sides. SIZE. Price IJi in. No. 1 Quality. Price \% in. No. 2 Quality. Price \% in. No. 1 Quality. Price 1& in. No. 2 Quality. 2 X 6 $6.00 $5.45 2 z 6 6 6.70 6.10 2 4 X 6 6 6.70 6.10 2 6 X 6 6 6.80 6.20 $9.90 $8.95 2 8 X 6 6 7.00 6.35 2 X 6 6 6.85 6.25 2 4 X 6 8 6.85 6.25 2 6 X 6 8 6.95 6.30 2 8 X 6 8 7.00 6.35 10.20 9 25 2 X 6 10 7.90 7.15 2 4 X 6 10 7.90 7.15 2 6 X 6 10 7.95 7.20 2 8 X 6 10 7.95 7.20 2 10 X 6 10 8.30 7.55 12.15 11.00 2 X 7 7.95 7.20 2 4 X 7 7.95 7.20 2 6 X 7 8.00 7.25 11.70 10 60 2 8 X 7 8.20 7.45 12.00 10.85 2 10 X 7 8 45 7.65 12.40 11.20 3 X 7 8.80 8.00 12.90 11.70 2 6 X 7 6 9.75 8.85 14.35 13.00 3 8 X 7 6 10.20 9.25 15.00 13.55 2 10 X 7 6 10 70 9.70 15.75 14.25 3 X 7 6 11.15 10.10 16.45 14.85 2 6 X 8 11.10 10.05 16.35 14.80 2 8 X 8 11.55 10.45 17.05 15.40 3 O X 8 12.60 11.40 18.60 16.80 For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note "B," page 161. For larger than listed sizes, see Rule 1, page 161. For Extras, see pages 161-162. Five cross panel lyi inch doors when ordered in stock quantities, use list for l>s-inch four panel door same size and add 60c. For same in less than stock quantities, use \Y% inch five cross panel list for same size. For No. E 201^ O G door, three cross and two upright panels, use five cross panel O G list for same size. Yellow Pine panel doors take above list but are made in No. 1 quality only. Above doors less than 7 ft. 6 in. in height will be made with five panels. Above doors 7 ft. 6 in. in height and not over 8 ft. 6 in. in height, will be made with either six or seven panels. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 89 LISTED SIZES OF LJ FIVE CROSS PANEL DOORS BEAD and COVE. E 202%. Raised panels both sides. SIZE. Price IJUn. No. 1 Quality. Price \yi in. No. 2 Quality. Price V/t, in. No. 1 Quality. Price \y 4 in. No. 2 Quality 2 X 6 $6.20 $5.65 2 X 6 6 6.90 6.30 2 2 X 6 6 6.90 6.30 2 4 X 6 6 6.90 6.30 2 6 X 6 6 7.00 6.40 $10.10 $9.15 2 8 X 6 6 7.20 6.55 2 X 6 8 7.05 6.45 2 2 X 6 8 7.05 6.45 2 4 X 6 8 7.05 6.45 2 6 X 6 8 7.15 6.50 2 8 X 6 8 7.20 6.55 10.40 9.45 2 X 6 10 8.10 7.35 2 2 X 6 10 8.10 7.35 2 4 X 6 10 8.10 7.35 2 6 X 6 10 8.15 7.40 2 8 X 6 10 8.15 7.40 2 10 X 6 10 8.50 7.75 12.35 11.20 2 X 7 8.15 7.40 2 2 X 7 8.15 7.40 2 4 X 7 8.15 7.40 2 6 X 7 8.20 7.45 11.90 10.80 2 8 X 7 8.40 7.65 12.20 11.05 2 10 X 7 8.65 7.85 12.60 11.40 3 X 7 9.00 8.20 13.10 11.90 2 6 X 7 6 9.95 9.05 14.65 13.20 2 8 X 7 6 10.40 9.45 15.20 13.75 2 10 X 7 6 10.90 9.90 15.95 14.45 3 X 7 6 11.35 10.30 16.65 15.05 2 6 X 8 11.30 10.25 16.55 15.00 2 8 X 8 11.75 10.65 17.25 15.60 3 O X 8 12.80 11.60 18.80 17.00 For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note "B," page 161. For larger than listed sizes, see Rule 1, page 161. For Extras, see pages 161-162. For five cross panel \ l /& inch doors when ordered in stock quantities, use list for \ l /$ inch four panel door, same size, and add 80c. For same in less than stock quantities, use l^i inch five cross panel list for same size. For No. E 201^ bead and cove door, three cross and two upright panels, use five cross panel bead and cove list for same size. Yellow Pine panel doors take above list but are made in No. 1 quality only. Above doors less 7 ft. 6 in. in height, will be made with five panels. Above doors, 7 ft. 6 in. in height and not over 8 ft. 6 in. in height, will be made with either six or seven panels. 90 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. O G SASH DOORS. RAISED PANELS, TWO SIDES. LISTED SIZES OF TWO and FOUR LIGHT O G SASH DOORS \Y% inches thick. SIZE Price Open E 210 or E 211 E 210 Price Glazed E 211 Price Glazed 2 6x6 6 $6.70 $8.65 $8.85 2 8x6 8 6.90 9.15 965 2 10 x 6 10 8.20 10.70 11.10 2 6x7 7.90 10.00 10.50 2 8x7 8.10 1055 11.40 3 0x7 8.70 11.65 12.45 3 0x7 6 11.05 14.50 17.70 3 0x8 12.50 16.60 20.60 E210 For 1^ inch Sash Doors, add 50 % of the Ift inch 4 panel list, same size. For E 213 Door, No. 1 quality, add to list of E 211 Door, open or glazed, $1.50 list. This list does not include Stops; for prices on Stops see Rule 8, page 162. For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note "B," page 161. For larger than listed sizes, see Rule 1, page 161. For Extras, see pages 161-162. E 211 E 212 O G SASH DOORS. RAISED PANELS, TWO SIDES. LISTED SIZES OF ONE LIGHT O G SASH DOORS \% inches thick. E 212. 1 It. O G Sash Door E 21 iy 2 . 1 It. O G Sash Door SIZE Price Open Price Glazed SIZE Price Open Price Glazed 2 6x66 $6.45 $9.75 2 6x66 $6.75 $9.70 2 8x68 6.65 10.75 28x68 6.95 10.25 2 10x6 10 7.95 12.60 2 10x6 10 8.25 18.35 2 6x70 7.65 12.30 2 6x70 7.95 11.25 28x70 7.85 12.50 2 8x7 8.15 12.25 3 0x70 8.45 14.55 30x70 8.75 13.40 3 0x7 6 10.80 18.00 30x76 11.10 17.20 3 0x8 12.25 20.20 3 0x80 12.55 19.75 For 1^ inch Sash Doors, add 50% of the IjHs inch 4 panel list, same size. This list does not include Stops; for prices on Stops see Rule 8, page 162. For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note "B," page 161. For larger than listed sizes, see Rule 1, page 161. For Extras, see pages 161-162. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 91 O G SASH DOORS. RAISED PANELS, TWO SIDES. LISTED SIZES OF ONE LIGHT O G SASH DOOR. \Y% inches thick. SIZE. Price Open Price Glazed D. S. 2 6x6 6 $7.05 $ 9.25 2 8x6 8 7.25 9.95 2 10x6 10 8.55 11.85 2 6x7 8.25 11.20 2 8x7 8.45 11.45 3 0x7 9.05 13.15 3 0x7 6 11.40 16.05 3 0x8 12.85 18.95 For 1^ inch Sash Doors, add 50% of the \y% inch 4 panel list, same size. This list does not include Stops; for prices on Stops, see Rule 8, page 162. For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note "B," page 161. For larger than listed sizes, see Rule 1, page 161. For Extras, see pages 161-167. E 214 LISTED SIZES OF SIDE LIGHTS FOR DOORS. Two or three lights. O G two sides. \Yi inches thick. SIZE. Thickness Price for Each, Open Price for Each, Glazed 1 0x6 6 1% $2.60 $3.60 10x6 8 << 2.65 3.65 10x6 10 ti 3.00 4 10 10x7 " 3.05 4.15 10x7 6 it 3.40 4.75 12x6 6 " 2.80 3.85 12x6 8 2.85 3.90 12x6 10 it 3.20 4.30 12x7 3.25 4.35 12x7 6 " 3.60 4.95 12x8 " 4.35 5.85 Above prices are for two or three light in each side light. State in ordering how many lights are desired. Above list subject to door discount. For above side lights, 1^' inches thick, add 50% of the open list, either open or glazed. For bead and cove, add lOc list. For moulding panal with flush moulding, add for each side moulded, for each panel, 55c list. For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note "B," page 161. For wider than listed sizes, add to list of l'-2" side light of same length, for each additional 2 inches or part thereof in width, 15% list. For Extras, see pages 161-162. 92 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. Special Front Doors the following pages we show our full line of Special Front Doors. These doors are manu- factured by us (in the sizes indicated) in stock quantities, and are always carried in stock. We can consequently give you prompt shipments and lowest prices on these goods in the sizes specified. The popularity of some of these designs is already established. The new ones will be found equally fine, and together with our already popular doors, form a variety of styles, with a corresponding range in prices, from which any taste can be suited. Our carvings are genuine hand work and the glass designs are our exclusive property. We guarantee workmanship to be the best. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 93 OUR SPECIAL FRONT DOORS. White Pine, No. 1 Quality. Glazed Sandblast Glass. Glazed Colonial. CLIPPER Sizes carried in stock: No. 1 GRADE. 2- 6x6- 6, 2- 8x6- 8, 2-10x6-10, 2- 8x7- 0, 2-10 x 7- 0, 3- 0x7- 0, KLONDIKE Glass Size: Sizes carried in stock . No. 1 GRADE. Glass size: 1% & 1% 21% x 28 1% & 1% 23% x 30 1% & 1% 25% x 32 1% & 1% 23% x 34 1% 25% x 34 1% 27% x 34 2- 6 X 6- 6, 1% & 1% 21% X 20 2- 8 X 6- 8, 1% & 1% 23% X 22 2-10 X 6-10, 1% & 1% 25% X 24 2- 8 X 7- 0, 1% & 1% 23% X 26 2-10 X 7- 0, 1% 25% X 26 3- X 7- o, 1% & 1% 27% X 26 For net prices see our complete price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 94 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR SPECIAL FRONT DOORS. White Pine, No. 1 Quality. Glazed Sandblast Glass. Glazed Sandblast Glass. OMAHA Stock Sizes: Glass Size: 2- 6 x 6- 6, 1% 21% x 32 2-8x6- 8, 1% & 1% 23% x 34 2-10 x 6-10, 1% & 1% 25% x 36 2-8x7- 0, 1% & 1% 23% x 38 3-0x7- 0, 1% & 1% 27% x 38 NORTHWEST Stock Sizes: Glass Size: 2-6x6- 6, 1% 21% x 30 2-8x6- 8, 1% & 1% 23% x 32 For ntt prices see our complete price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 95 OUR SPECIAL FRONT DOORS. White Pine, No. 1 Quality. Glazed Portrait Lace. Glazed Portrait Lace. FAIRY Stock Sizes: Glass Size: 2-8x6- 8, 1%& 1% 18 x 32 2-10 x 6-10, 1% 20 x 34 2- 8x7- 0, 1% 18 x 36 3-0x7- 0, 1% 22 x 36 SYLVAN Stock Sizes: 2-8x6- 8, 1% & 2-10 x 6-10, 1% 2-8x7- 0, 1% 3-0x7- 0, 1% Glass Size: 23% x 26 25% x 28 23% x 30 27% x 30 For net prices see our complete price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 96 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR SPECIAL FRONT DOORS. White Pine, No. 1 Quality. Glazed Sandblast Glass. Glazed Sandblast Glass. DEWEY Sizes carried in stock: Glass Size: 2- 6x6- 6, 1% 21%x21% 2-8x6- 8, 1% & 1% 23% x 23% 2-10 x 6-10, 1% 25%x25% 2- 8 x 7- 0, 1% & 1% 23% x 27% 3-0x7- 0, 1% & 1% 27% x 27% HOLLAND Sizes carried in stock : Glass Size: 2- 8 x 6- 8, 1% 23% x 30 For net prices see our complete price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 97 OUR STOCK SPECIAL FRONT DOORS. White Pine, No. 1 Quality. Glazed Lace Curtain. Glazed L,ace. HAWKEYE DAKOTA Stock Size: 2-8x6 8, I ft & Glass Size: 23 x 34 Stock Size: 2-8x6- 8, 1ft & Glass Size: 23ft x 34 For net prices see our complete price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock 98 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR STOCK SPECIAL FRONT DOORS. White Pine, No. 1 Quality. Glazed Sandblast Glass. Glazed Sandblast Glass. PARK GATE Stock Sizes: 2- 6x6- 6, iy & 2-8x6- 8, l$i & 1% Glass Size: 2iy s x 28 x 30 MOUNTAIN MILL Stock Sizes- Glass Size: 2-6x6- 6, \y % 21/g x31^ 2- 8 x 6 8, iy & & 1? 4 23^ x 23^ 2- 8 x 7- 0, 1# & 1% 233/ s x 27% 3-0x7- 0, 1% & 1# 27/g x For net prices see our complete price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 99 OUR STOCK SPECIAL FRONT DOORS. White Pine, No. 1 Quality. Glazed Sandblast Glass. Glazed Lace. MANILA HONOLULU Stock Size: 2-8x6- 8, iy & & Glass Size: x 23H Stock Size: 2-8x6- 8, iy s & Glass Size x For net prices see our complete price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 100 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR STOCK SPECIAL FRONT DOORS. White Pine, No. 1 Quality. Glazed Lace. Glazed Sandblast Glass. SENATOR Stock Size: 2-6x6- 6, 1# 2- 8-x 6- 8, 1# & 1# 3-0x7- 0, 1% Glass Size: 20 x 21 22 x 23 26 x 27 MORRO Stock Size: 2- 8 x 6- 8, Glass Size: & For net prices see our complete price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and si?es we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 101 OUR STOCK SPECIAL FRONT DOORS. White Pine, No. 1 Quality. Glazed Sandblast Glass. Glazed Sandblast Glass. JAPAN Stock Size: Glass Size: 2-6x6-6, 13/6 213/6 x 213/s 2-8x6-8, 13/g & Itf 233/ 8 x 23/g EMPEROR Stock Size: 2-8x6-8, 134 Glass Size: x 30 For net prices see our complete price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 102 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR STOCK SPECIAL FRONT DOORS. White Pine, No. 1 Quality. Glazed Lace Curtain. Glazed Portrait Lace. IVANHOE Stock Size: 2-8x6-8, Glass Size: 23/8 x 30 BARON Stock Sizes: Glass Size: 2-8x6- 8, 1# & 1% 23% x 40 3- x 7- 0, 1# 27^ x 44 For net prices see our complete price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 103 . OUR STOCK SPECIAL FRONT DOORS. White Pine, No. 1 Quality. Glazed Lace. Glazed Sandblast Glass. MELROSE Stock Sizes: 2-6x6-6, 1# 2-8x6 8, 1H & Glass Size: 213/s x 24 x 26 DUKE Stock Sizes: 2-6x6- 6, 1# 2-8x6- 8, 1# & Glass Size: 21# x 26 23^ x 28 For net prices see our complete price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 104 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR STOCK SPECIAL FRONT DOORS. White Pine, No. 1 Quality. Glazed Bevel Plate. Glazed Bevel Plate. CELTIC Stock Size: Glass Size: 2-8x6-8, 1# & 134: 233^ x 26 3-0x7-0, 1^ 27# x 30 SUPERIOR Stock Size: Glass Size: 2-8x6- 8, IJi & 13^ 18 x 32 2-10 x 6-10, 13^ 20 x 34 2-8x7- 0, 1% 18 x 36 3-0x7- 0, 134: 22 x 36 For net prices see our complete pi ice folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 105 OUR STOCK SPECIAL FRONT DOORS. White Pine, No. 1 Quality. Glazed Bevel Plate. Glazed Bevel Plate. DERBY ZENITH Stock Size: 2-8x6-8, Glass Size: 231/z x Stock Size: 2 - 8 x 6 - 8, 1H & Glass Size: x 30 For net prices see our complete price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 106 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR STOCK SPECIAL FRONT DOORS. White Pine, No. 1 Quality. Glared Bevel Plate. Glazed Mitred Bevel Plate. MINNESOTA Stock Sizes: 2- 8 x 6- 8, iy& 2-10 x 6-10, 1# 2-8x7- 0, 1% 3-0x7- 0, 134: & Glass Size: 23H x 23^ 25/8 x 25^ 23/g x 27/8 27^ TRANS-MISSISSI Stock'Size: 2-8 x 6~-8, & Glass Size: 21 x 23 For net prices see our complete price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 107 Veneered Hardwood Doors the following pages we show you our line of Stock Hardwood Veneered Doors. In presenting these doors we aim to show you a line of doors which will appeal to you. There is no one thing which can so add to the beauty of a home as its doors. Years of experience, coupled with a per- fect system of manufacture and getting our raw material, enables us to offer hardwood doors that combine quality, durability, style and beauty, and at a cost but little more than the ordinary door. Our carvings are genuine hand work and the glass designs are our exclusive property. We guarantee workmanship to be the best. 108 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. WALDORF. SIZES IN STOCK : PLAIN RED OAK (Veneered). Sizes Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, 1# 18 x 54 2-8x7- 0, 1% 18 x 58 3-0x7- 0, iy 4 22 x 58 QUARTERED WHITE OAK (Veneered). Sizes Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, IY 4 _ 18 x 54 2-8x7- 0, 1% ... 18 x 58 3- x 7- 0, Is/ .: 22 x 58 SOLID WHITE PINE Sizes Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, 1|4 . 18 x 54 2-8x7- 0, 1# 18 x 58 3-0x7- 0, 1# __ 22 x 58 For prices see our complete price folder. Our Plate Glass has a one and three-fourths inch bevel. This door is made with 6-inch stiles and 18-inch bottom rail. The heavy egg and dart moulding around the glass greatly adds to the beauty and durability__of the door. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 109 OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. WALDORF. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 110 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OXFORD. SIZES IN STOCK: PLAIN RED OAK (Veneered). Size Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, IK 18 x 54 2-8x7- 0, IK 18 x 58 3- 0x7-0, IK --- -- -- 22 x 58 QUARTERED WHITE OAK (Veneered). Size Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, IK - 18 x 54 2-8x7- 0, IK 18 x 58 3- 0x7-0, IK - 22 x 58 SOLID WHITE PINE. Size Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, IK - I 8 x 54 2-8x7- 0, IK --- 18 x 58 3- 0x7-0, IK - 22 x 58 For prices see our complete price folder. The wide stiles on our doors permits the use of fancy hardware as well as making the door a more substantial article. The stiles are 6 inches wide and the bottom "rail 18 inches. The glass in this door is our New Lace design. It is made up on heavy double strength glass. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. Ill OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. OXFORD. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 112 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. DARTMOUTH. SIZES IN STOCK : PLAIN RED OAK (Veneered). Size Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, 1# 18 x 54 2-8x7- 0, 1# . 18 x 58 3- x 7- 0, is/ ... . 22 x 58 QUARTERED WHITE OAK (Veneered). Size Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, 1?4 18 x 54 2-8x7- 0, 1# 18 x 58 3-0x7- 0, 1^ 22 x 58 SOLID WHITE PINE. Size Glass Sizes 2- 8'x 6- 8, 1# 18 x 54 2-8x7- 0, 1?4 18 x 58 3-0x7- 0, 1^ 22 x 58 For prices see our complete price folder. Our Plate Glass has a one and three-fourths inch bevel. These doors are made with wide stiles and bottom rails, and to add to the beauty and durability of the door a heavy Egg and Dart Moulding is put around the glass. This makes a ver)- neat front or vestibule door. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 113 OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. DARTMOUTH. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 114 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. VASSAR SIZES IN STOCK: PLAIN RED OAK (Veneered). Size Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, 1# 18 x 54 2-8x7- 0, 1# 18 x 58 3-0x7- 0, 1# 22 x 58 QUARTERED WHITE OAK (Veneered). Size Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, 1# 18 x 54 2-8x7- 0, 1# 18 x 58 3-0x7- 0, 1# 22 x 58 SOLID WHITE PINE. Size Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, 1# 18 x 54 2-8x7- 0, 1# 18 x 58 3-0x7-0, is/ 22 x 58 For prices see our complete price folder. The stiles 011 these doors are 6 inches wide, the bottom rail 18 inches wide. The heavy Egg and Dart Moulding gives the door a finished appearance as well as protects the veneers from dampness. The Lace Design is made on heavy Double Strength glass. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 115 OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. VASSAR. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 116 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. CUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. PRINCETON. SIZES IN STOCK : PLAIN RED OAK (Veneered). Sizes Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, 124 18 x 54 2- 8 x 7- 0, 1^ . 18 x 58 3-0x7-0, 1# . 22 x 58 QUARTERED WHITE OAK (Veneered). Sizes Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, 1%; 18 x 54 2-8x7- 0, 1^ .. 18 x 58 3- x 7- 0, is/ 22 x 58 SOLID WHITE PINE. Sizes Glass Sizes 2- 8 x 6- 8, 1# __ 18 x 54 2- 8 x 7- 0, 1% 18 x 58 3- Ox 7- 0, 1# .22 x 58 For prices see our complete price folder. Our Plate Glass has a one and three-fourths inch bevel. These doors are made with wide stiles and bottom rails. To add to the beauty and durability of the door a heavy Egg and Dart Moulding is put around the glass. Genuine wood carving on bottom rail. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 117 OUR STOCK : HARDWOOD DOORS. PRINCETON, Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 118 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. CAMBRIDGE. SIZES IN STOCK: PLAIN RED OAK (Veneered). Size Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, 1% 18 x 54 2-8x7- 0, 1% 18 x 58 3- 0x7-0, 1# 22 x 58 QUARTERED WHITE OAK (Veneered). Size Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, 1# 18 x 54 2-8x7- 0, 1# 18 x 58 3-0x7- 0, 1# 22 x 58 SOLID WHITE PINE. Size Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, 1# 18 x 54 2-8x7- 0, 1# 18 x 58 3-0x7- 0, 1# 22 x 58 For prices see our complete price folder. The glass in this door is our new art design Lace Chipped. The Lace design is blasted into heavy double strength glass. The reverse side is then chipped, making the glass obscure. This glass is interchangeable and can be glazed into any of our square light hardwood doors. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 119 OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. CAMBRIDGE. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 120 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. WINDSOR. SIZEvS IN STOCK: PLAIN RED OAK (Veneered). Sizes Glass Sizes 2-. 8 x 6- 8, Iti . 16 x 50 2-8x7- 0, \y . _ 16 x 54 3-0x7-0, is/ _ 20 x 54 QUARTERED WHITE OAK (Veneered). Sizes Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, Itf 16 x 50 2-8x7- 0, Is/ 16 x 54 3- 0x7-0, iy 20 x 54 SOLID WHITE PINE. Sizes Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, Is/ 16 x 50 2- 8 x 7- 0, Is/ ... . 16 x 54 3- 0x7-0, 13^ 20 x 54 For prices see our complete price folder. This door makes an excellent front or vestibule door. It has wide stiles and bot- tom rail making the door more substantial as well as permitting the use of fancy hard- ware. The glass is the best American polished plate, beveled 1^ and fastened in with a neat moulding. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock^ ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 121 OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. WINDSOR. Save time and money by ordering designs and sixes we carry in stock. 122 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. COLUMBIA. SIZES IN STOCK: PLAIN RED OAK (Veneered). Size Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, 1# 16 x 50 2-8x7- 0, iy 4 :.. 16 x 54 3- 0x7-0, 1# 20 x 54 QUARTERED WHITE OAK (Veneered). Size Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, 1# 16 x 50 2- 8 x 7- 0, iy 16 x 54 3-0x7-0, 1^ 20 x 54 SOLID WHITE PINE. Size Glass Sizes 2- 8 x 6- 8, 1^ 16 x 50 2- 8 x 7- 0, 1% ... 16 x 54 3- x 7- 0, 1# .. 20 x 54 For prices see our complete price folder The stiles on this door are 6 inches wide, the bottom rail 20 inches. The heavy Egg and Dart Moulding around the panel protects the veneers from the moisture as well as adds to the beaut}- of the door. The Lace design is blasted on heavy double strength glass. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 123 OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. COLUMBIA. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 124 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. CORNELL. SIZES IN STOCK: PLAIN RED OAK (Veneered). Sizes Glass Sizes 2-8x6-8 1# 16 x 50 2-8x7-0, Is/ 16 x 54 3-0x7- 0, 1# _. . 20 x 54 QUARTERED WHITE OAK (Veneered). Sizes Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8. is/ 16 x 50' 2-8x7- 0, 13^ 16 x 54 3- 0x7-0, 13^ 20 x 54 SOLID WHITE PINE. Sizes Glass Sizes 2- 8 x 6- 8, 1% 16 x 50 2-8x7- 0, 134 _ 16 x 54 3- 0x7-0, 1% ... 20 x 54 For prices see our complete price folder. Wide stiles and bottom rail. Glass the best of American Polished Plate and a per- fect oval in shape. Solid wood carvings with a heavy moulding protecting the veneers are a few of the assets of this door. The glass in all our hardwood doors are fastened in with a neat moulding. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 125 OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. CORNELL. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 126 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. CARLISLE. SIZES IN STOCK: PLAIN RED OAK (Veneered). Size Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, IK 16 x 50 2-8x7-0 IK 16 k 54 3-0x7-0, IK -- 20 x 54 QUARTERED WHITE OAK (Veneered). Size Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, IK 16 x 50 2- 8 x 7- 0, IK - -- 16 x 54 3-0x7- 0, 1% - 20 x 54 SOLID WHITE PINE. Size Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, 1# 16 x 50 2-8x7- 0, IK ,- 16 x 54 3-0x7- 0, IK --- - - 20 x 54 For prices see our complete price folder. The Battenberg Lace design is blasted on heavy double strength glass. Like the rest of our oval light doors it has a heavy raised moulding around the panel. The glass is fastened in place with a neat moulding. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 127 OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. CARLISLE. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 128 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. YALE. SIZES IN STOCK: PLAIN RED OAK (Veneered). Sizes Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, IK -- 16 x 50 2-8x7- 0, IK 16 x 54 3- Ox 7-0, IK 20 x 54 QUARTERED WHITE OAK (Veneered.) Sizes Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, IK 16 x 50 2-8x7- 0, IK- - - 16 x 54 3-0x7- 0, IK - - ---- 20 x 54 SOLID WHITE PINE. S'zes Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, IK 16 x 50 2- 8 x 7- 0, IK --- 16 x 54 3- 0x7-0, IK -- 20 x 54 For prices see our complete price folder. The cut of this door needs no explanation. Everything is brought out clearly to the smallest detail. The heavy raised mouldings protect the veneers and also serve to hold the glass panel firmly in place. Our plate glass has an inch and three-fourths bevel. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO.. OMAHA, NEB. 129 OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. YALE. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 130 ADAMS & KELLY CO.. OMAHA, NEB. OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. ANNAPOLIS. SI r ZES IN STOCK: PLAIN RED OAK (Veneerei). Size Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, 1# - 16 x 50 2-8x7- 0, 13^ 16 x 54 3-0x7- 0, 1# . 20 x 54 QUARTERED WHITE OAK (Veneered). Size Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8. \y 16 x 50 2-8x7- 0. 1% 16 x 54 3- x 7- 0, 1# . . 20 x 54 SOLID WHITE PINE. Size Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, is/ 16 x 50 2-8x7- 0, 1# 16 x 54 3-0x7- 0, 1# 20 x 54 For prices see our complete price folder. The lace design is made on heavy double strength glass. Carried in stock 1^ inch thick only. Special sizes and thicknesses made- to order at special prices. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 131 OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. ANNAPOLIS. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 132 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. WEST POINT. SIZES IN STOCK: PLAIN RED OAK (Veneered). Size Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, 134_. 23*< x!8 2- 8 x 7- 0, 13/4 -. - 23^x18 3- x 7- 0, 134 . . 27^ x 18 QUARTERED WHITE OAK (Veneered). Size Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, 13^ 23^ x!8 2-8x7- 0, Is/.. 23^ x!8 3-0x7- 0, 134. . 27^ x!8 SOLID WHITE PINE. Size Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, 134_. 23^ x!8 2- 8 x 7-. 0, 134.. . 23^ x!8 3-0x7-0, 134 ...... 27# x 18 For prices see our complete price folder. A stylish door which may be used for either a front or interior door. The glass in this door is our new leaded art design, made up of opalescent and moss glass. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 133 OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. WEST POINT. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock 134 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. SYRACUSE. SIZES IN STOCK PLAIN RED OAK (Veneered). Size Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, 134 23^ x 18 2-8x7- 0, 134 23^ x 18 3- x 7- 0; 134 27^ x 18 QUARTERED WHITE OAK (Veneered). Size Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, 134 ;. .... 23^ x 18 2- 8 x 7- 0, 13^ 23^ x 18 3-0x7-0,13^ _ 2TX x 18 SOLID WHITE PINE. Size Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, 134 23^ x 18 2- 8 x 7- 0, 134 23j< x 18 3- x 7, 0, 134 . 27X x 18 For prices see our complete price folder. A stylish door which may be used for either a front or interior door. The glass in the door is our new leaded art design, made up of opalescent and moss glass. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 135 OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. SYRACUSE. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 136 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS HARVARD. A very neat and inexpensive front or vestibule door. We carry this door in stock in Plain Red Oak only, but can furnish it in Quarter Sawed Oak or Birch on short notice. SIZES IN STOCK: PLAIN RED OAK (Veneered). Size Glass Sizes 2- 8 x 6- 8, iy 4 . 23 x 34 2-8x7- 0. 1% ... 23 x 38 3-0x7- 0. 1# ., . 27 x 38 For prices see our complete price folder. This door is glazed with the best American Polished Plate and beveled one and three fourths inches. It makes an excellent vestibule door when used in connection with the larger light doors. Carried in stock 1^ inches thick only. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 137 OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. HARVARD. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 138 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. WELLESLEY. SIZES IN STOCK PLAIN RED OAK (Veneered). Size Glass Sizes 2-8x6- 8, 1% 23 x 34 2- S x 7- 0, 1^ 23 x 38 3- x 7- 0, 1# . 27 x 38 For prices see our complete price folder. The portrait lace glazed in this door is made on double strength glass. A neat front door that will match up with cross panel interior doors. The door, while plain, is very substantial. We carry this door in stock in Plain Red Oak only, but can furnish it in Quarter Sawed Oak or Birch on short notice. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 139 OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. WELLESLEY, Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 140 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA. NEB. OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. AMES. SIZES IX STOCK: PLAIN RED OAK (Veneered), 2 - 4 X 6 - 6, IN 2 - 6 X 6 6, IN 2 - 4 X 6 - 8, IN 2 - 6 X 6 - 8, IN 2 - 8 X 6 - 8, IN 2 - 6 X 7 - o, IN 2 - 8 X '7 - o, IN 3 - X 7 - o, IN For prices see our complete price folder. A very neat inside door. Can furnish doors veneered, two kinds of wood on short notice. Save tim.e and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 141 OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. AMES. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 142 ADAMS & KELLY CO.. OMAHA, NEB. OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. FIVE CROSS PANEL BEAD AND COVE. SIZES IN STOCK : PLAIN RED OAK DOORS (Veneered.) 2- 0x6- 0, \% 2- 8x7- 0, 2- x 6- 6, 13/8 2- 10 x 7- 0, 2- 0x6- 8, V/8 3- x 7- 0, 2- 4x6- 6, is/s 2- 10 x 6- 10, 2- 4x6- 8, 13/ S "2- 6x7- 0. 2- 6x6- 6, 1?4 2- 8 x 7- 0, 2- 6 x 6- 8, 13/8 3- x 7- 0, 2- 8x6- 8, 1^8 2- 6x7- 6, 2- 10 x 6- 10, 13/8 2- 8 x 7- 6, 2- 6x7- 0, 13/8 3- x 7- H, For prices see our complete pnc-.- f> Her. Doors over 7-0 high are made with 6 cross panels. Can furnish doors veneered with two kinds of wood on leasonable shoit notice Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 143 OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS, OAK. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 144 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. FIVE CROSS PANEL BEAD AND COVE, SIZES IN STOCK: BIRCH DOORS (Veneered). 2- 0x6- 0, 13/8 2- 6 x 7- 0, 1# 2- 0x6- 6, 13/8 2- 8 x 7- 0, 1^ 2- 0x6- 8, l3/ 8 2- 10 x 7- 0, 1^ 2- 4x6- 6, 13/8 3- x 7- 0, 13/8 2- 4x6- 8, 13/8 2- JO x 6- 10, 1% 2- 6x6- 6, 13/8 2- 6 x 7- 0, 1# 2- 6 x 6- 8, 3^ 2-8x7-0, 1^ 2- 8x6- 8, 13/8 3- x 7- 0, 1^ 2- 10 x 6- 10, 1^ 3- x 7- 6, 1^ For prices see our complete price folder. Doors over 7-0 high are made with 6 cross panels. Can furnish other sizes and veneered different woods on short notice. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 145 OUR STOCK HARDWOOD DOORS. BIRCH. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 146 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. HARDWOOD VENEERED DOORS. HARD WODD Full size section. Bead and cove sticking. We can veneer any door in any kind of wood desired. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 147 INSIDE DOORS. E220 BEAD AND COVE SIZE Prices of E 220 BEAD AND COVE SIZE Prices of E 221 \% Inches 1% Inches 1M Inches 1& Inches 2 - 8x6- 8 $7.50 $10.70 2 - 8 x 6 - 8 $8.10 $11.30 2- 10 x 6 - 10 8.80 12.65 2 - 10 x 6 - 10 9.40 13.25 2- 8x7- 8.70 12.50 2- 8x7- 9.30 13.10 3- 0x7- 9.30 13.40 3 - 0x7- 9.90 14.00 3 - 0x7- 6 11.65 16.95 3- 0x7- 6 12.85 17.55 Sizes not listed, extra price. See our Special Front Doors, pages 93 to 106. 148 ADAMS & KELLY CO.. OMAHA, NEB. FRONT DOORS. E222 E223 BEAD AND COVE SIZE Thickness. Price of E 222 Price of E 223 Add for \% inches Thick Open Glazed, D. S. Open Glazed, D. S. 2- 8x6- 8 1% $7.90 $10.76 $7.85 $10.65 $3 20 2 - 10 x 6 - 10 9.30 12.50 9.10 12.40 3.85 2 - 8x7- < i 9.50 12.85 9.25 12.75 3.80 3- 0x7- " 9.75 13.65 9 60 13.55 4.10 3- 0x7- 6 12.05 16.76 11.95 16.70 5.30 Sizes not listed, extra price. See our Special Front Doors, pages 93 to 106. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 149 FRONT DOORS. E224 E225 BEAD AND COVE SIZE Thickness Prices of E224 Prices of K225 Add for 1% inches Thick Open Glazed D. S. Open Glazed D. S. 2- 8 x 6 - 8 1% $7.75 $10.90 $ 8.20 $11.35 $3.20 2 - 10 x 6 - 10 " 9.05 1295 10.50 13.40 3.85 2 - 8x7- " 900 12.65 9.40 13.00 3.80 3- 0x7- " 9.55 14.25 10.00 14.70 4.10 3- 0x7- 6 " 11.90 17.20 12.35 17.65 5.30 Sizes not listed extra price. See our Special Front Doors, pages 93 to 106. 150 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. FRONT DOORS. I , iL JPJL J'i|' ; !i 'I', I., . ...I 1 =, WMI. E226 E227 BEAD AND COVE. SIZE Thickness Prices ot E 226 Prices of E 227 Add for \% inches Thick Open Glazed D. S. Open Glazed D. S. 2- 8x6- 8 1% $7 55 $11.30 $8.65 $12.40 $3.20 2 - 10 x 6 -10 " 8.80 13.55 9.95 14.65 3.85 2- 8x7- " 8.70 13.45 9.85 14 55 3.80 3- O x 7- n 930 14.65 10.45 15.75 4.10 3 0x7- 6 it 11.65 17.95 1280 19.10 5.30 Sizes not listed, extra price vSee our Special Front Doors, pages 93 to 106. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 351 FRONT DOORS. E 228 E229 HEAD AND COVE SIZE Thickness Prices of E 228 Prices of E 229 Add for 1% inches Thick Open Glazed, D. S. Open Glazed, D. S. 2 - 8 x 6 - 8 1% $ 8 80 $12.55 $ 9 10 $11.90 $3.20 2 - 10 x 6 - 10 10.10 14.80 10.40 13.70 3.85 2 - 8x7- 11 1000 14.65 10.30 13.60 3.80 3-0x7-0 ! 10.60 15.90 1090 14.80 4 10 3- 0x7- 6 12.95 19.25 13.25 17.95 5.30 Sizes not listed, extra price. See our Special Front Doors, pages 93 to 106. 152 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. FRONT DOORS. H 230 E231 1 BEAD AND COVE Thickness SIZE Prices of E 230 Prices of E 231 Add for 1% inches Thick Open Glazed, D. S. Open Glazed, D. S. 2 - 8 x 6 - 8 1% $ 9.10 $11.90 $ 9.55 $12.35 $3 30 2- 10 * 6 - 10 10.40 13.70 10.85 14.15 3.85 2- 8 x 7 - O 1030 13.60 10.75 14.05 3.80 3 - 0x7- 10.90 14.80 11.35 15.25 4.10 3-0x7-6 " ! 13.25 17.95 13.70 18 40 5.30 Sizes not listed, extra price. See our Special Front Doors, pages 93 to 106. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA. NEB. 153 FRONT and VESTIBULE DOORS. K238 E239 SIZE Thickness Prices of E 238 Prices of E 239 Add for 1% inches Thick Open Glazed Open Glazed 2- 8x6- 8 1% $9.40 Prices Furnished on Applica- tion $19.90 Pi ices Furnished on Applica- tion $3.20 2- 10 x 6- 10 10.85 21.35 3.85 2 - 8 x 7 - . E 267 Egg and Dart Moulding. Size of Each Side I,ight Thickness I,ist of Each, Open I.ist of Each, Glazed S.S. 1- 0x6-6 Itt in. $2.60 $3.60 6- 8 " 2.65 3.65 6-10 " 3.00 4.10 7- " 3.05 4 15 7- 6 " 3.40 4.75 1- 2x6-6 " 2.80 3.85 6- 8 " 2.85 3.90 6-10 " 3.20 4.30 7- " 3.25 4.35 7- 6 " 3.60 4.95 8- " 4.35 5.85 10-inch, same price as 12-inch. For 1^" inches thick add 50 per cent. For moulding panel with flush moulding, add for each side moulded for each panel 55c List. For price of E 264, either open or glazed, add to price of No. E 262 $0.75 " " E265, " " " " " .75 E266, " " " " " 1.50 E 267, " " " " " " 2.00 For wider than listed sizes, add to list of 1 ft. 2 in. door of same length, for each additional two inches in width, 15 per cent list. For Extras, see pages 161 and 162. Above prices subject to door discount. We make side lights to match any style door, in any wood, solid or veneered, at lowest prices. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 159 SIDE LIGHT VESTIBULE OPENING. E 270 Write for prices. 160 ADAMS & KELLY CO.. OMAHA, NEB. SIDE LIGHT VESTIBULE OPENING. wnmnmanim E 271 Write for prices. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 161 DOOR EXTRAS. NOTE "A" When the term "Stock Quantities" is used in these rules it means 10 or more of one size, style and quality. NOTE "B" For irregular or intermediate sizes, in stock quantities, use'same list as next larger listed size. For less than stock quantities on'sizes not'listed, an extra 10% will be charged. LARGER THAN LISTED. RULE 1. (a) For list on doors wider than listed sizes, use the list of a 3 foot door, same height, and add for each additional 6 inches or part thereof 25% list (b) For list on doors longer than listed sizes, use the list of the longest similar door of same width, and add for each additional 6 inches or part there- of 15% list (c) For single doors made to represent a pair, add $2.50 list THICK DOORS. RULE 2. (a) For 1% inch doors, not otherwise provided for, add of the 1% inch four panel door list for same size 50% list (b) For list on 2 or 2 J^ inch doors (single or double thick) form list for a similar 1% inch door and add 50% list (c) For list on 2^ inch door (single or double thick) form list for a similar 1% inch door and add 70% list (d) For list extras on doors thicker than 1 % inches, where extras are specified as applying to 1 Y% inch doors, add for the different thicknesses same percentage as above. WIDE STILES, RAILS OR HUNTS. RULE 3. (a) For 1% mcn doors with stiles and top rails wider than 4% inches (including solid mold) add for each additional 1 inch or part thereof.... 75c list (b) For 1% inch doors with cross rails (other than top, lock or bottom rails,) wider than 4% inches (including solid mold) , add for each wide rail for each additional 1 inch or part thereof 15c list (c) For l^s i n - doors with lock or bottom rails wider than 8^ or 9% inches respectively (including solid mold) , add for each wide rail for each additional 1 inch or part thereof 25c list (d) Sliding doors having one stile wider than regular, add per door % price in Note "A". PANELS. RULE 4. (a) Arrangement of panels. Doors No. fc, 200 and E 201, over 3- and not wider than 4- 0, 3 panels wide. " 4- " 4-10, 3 or 4 " 4-10 " 6- 0, 4 " 5 " ^ " 7- 0, 5 " 6 Cross panel doors up to and including 7-4, 5 panels high. 7-6 and not higher than 8-6, 6 or 7 panels high. 8-8 " 10-0, 7 " 8 " For a less number of panels (making wider panels) , special price will be charged. ADDITIONAL PANELS. NOTE "B" For more panels than provided for in the lists, add for each additional panel 30c list CROSS PANELS. NOTE "C" For doors having two or more cross panels not covered or otherwise provided for, add to their respective list for crossing panels SOc'list GRADUATED PANELS. NOTE "D" For graduated panels, add for each panel :.. 30c list MOULDED PANELS. RULE 5. Doors with moulded panels, add to the list of similar 1 % or 1 %-inch O. G. door as follows : Flush moulded 1 side, per panel 40c list Flush moulded 2 side, per panel 65c list Raised mould 1 side, per panel 80c list Raised mould 2 side, per panel $1.30 list DIFFERENT STYLES OF DOORS. RULE 6. (a) (One Panel) For one panel doors, special price. (b) (Two Panel) For two panel doors, 1 wide, 2 high, special price. (c) (Two Panel) For two panel doors, 2 wide, 1 high, use 4 panel list and add-. 15% ]i s t (d) (Three Panel) For three panel doors, special price. (e) For four cross panel doors, special price. 162 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. SASH DOORS. RULE 7. (a) For sash doors not listed add to the list of a similar panel door of the same size: If 1 light No. 4 quality, 20c list No. 1 and 2 quality 25c list If 2 light No. 4 quality, 40c list No. 1 and 2 quality 50c list If 4 light No. 4 quality, 40c list No. 1 and 2 quality 50c list (b) For sash doors with marginal or divided lights, add to the list of a similar 1 It. door for each light, the same amount as provided in Rule 1 1 , sash extras. (c) For list on solid mould doors, 3 feet wide or less, segment head or seg- ment corner glass, add to list for a similar 1-light door with square glass ... 1.50 list (d) For list on solid mould doors, 3 feet wide or less, half circle or gothic glass, add to list for a similar 1-light door with square glass 6.00 list (e) For list on solid mould doors, 3 feet wide or less, with gothic 2-light glass, add to list for a similar 2-light doorwith square glass 2.80 list (f) For raised mould sash or panel doors, 3 feet wide or less, with circle top glass or panels, add to proper list for each side moulded.-- 2.50 list (g) For doors glazed with enameled, chipped or colored glass (any color except ruby), add to glazed list for each square foot of glass measure 40c per ft. If ruby, add 70c per ft. GLASS BEADS RULE 8. For beads or stops around glass in a door with one or more square lights, add to the proper list for such door for beads around each light of 16 united inches or less.. 18c list 17 to 28 29 to 40 41 to 52 53 to 64 65 to 76 77 to 88 89 to 100 25c 30c 40c 45c 55c 70c 85c STICKING RULE 9. For P. G., Ovolo, B. & C. or C. & B. sticking, not covered in lists, add to - list of a similar O. G. door 20c list DUTCH DOORS RULE 10. For Dutch doors or doors made to cut through lock rail, add to list of a similar door of same size 1.50 list For same, cut and rabbeted 2.50 " OIL FINISH AA RULE 11. (a) For AA selected stock doors for oil finish (machine smoothed) add to proper list for No. 1 door ... 80c list OIL FINISH AAA (b) For AAA doors, 3-0x9-0 and under, free from sap and knots (machine smoothed), for oil finish, add to proper list for No. 1 door 2.00 list (c) For AAA doors, 3-0x9-0 and under, free from sap and knots (hand smoothed), for oil finish, add to proper list for No. 1 door 3.00 list BANDING RULE 12. For banding sliding doors, two sides, add to proper price for such doors for each lineal foot, measured around the opening of each door 5c net RABBETING. RULE 13. For rabbeting and beading folding doors, made extra wide for rabbeting, add to proper price for such door, per pair 50c net ASTRAGALS. RULE 14. (a) For single astragals for folding doors not over eight foot high add: If doors are 1^ inch thick or less ... 30c net If doors are 2 14 or 2 J^ inch thick 80c net (b) For double astragal for sliding doors not over eight footjhigh, add : If doors are 1% inch thick or less .... 60c net If doors are 2>i or 2^j inches or less - $1.25 net (c) For lengths over eight feet add for each additional 2 feet or part M thereof 20 % (d) For astragal joint on stiles, add: If doors are 1% inch thicker less 50c net If doors are 2} or 2% inch thick..-.. 75c net ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 163 Store Doors and Store Fronts |N the following pages we show a line of Artistic and Original Designs of Store Doors and Store Fronts. 164 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. STORE DOORS. SINGLE STORE DOORS. E281 LISTED SIZES OF STORE DOORS, O G PANELS, TWO LIGHT, No. E 281 No. E Size of Pairs Price IJi-in. Open Price IX-in. Glazed D. S. Price 1%-in. Open Price IK-in. Glazed D. S. Size of Door Price 1%-in. Open Price 1%-in. Glazed D. S. Price 1^-in. Open Price IJC-in.' 1 Glazed D. S. I 50x70 $14.35 $23.75 $21. 55 $30.95 30x70 $7.85i$14.70 $11.80!$18.7O 76 15 75 26.25 23.60 34.20 7 6 8.60| 15.40 12.90 19. 7O 8 18.40 30.75 27.60 39.95 8 9.90| 18.05 14.85 23.00 8 6 20.30 33.90 1 30.45 44.10 8 6 10.80 20.00 16 20 25.40 60x76 17.20 30 80 25.80 39.40 34x70 8.70 16.85 13.05 21.20 8 19.80 36.10 29.70 46.00 7 6 9.30 18.50 13.95 23.15 8 6 21.60 40.00 32.40 50 80 8 10.50 19.70 15.75 24.95 9 24.25 42.70 36.40 54.80 8 6 11.45 22.10 17.20 27.85 For 2^( inches thick, see Rule 2, Door Extras, page 161. Panels for store front, solid mould, \y% inch thick, per square foot, 70c list. Panels for store front, solid mould, 1^ inch thick, per square foot, fl.OO list. For moulding panels with flush moulding, add for each panel moulded, per side, For moulding panels with raised moulding, add for each panel moulded, per side. For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note "B," page 161. For larger than listed sizes, see Rule 1, page 161. For Extras, see pages 161 and 162. 60c list. $1.20 list. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 165 STORE DOORS. E282 List price per pair, 1^" inches thick. Size of Opening. Price, Open. Price, Glazed, D. S. 5 0x7 $23.70 $39.45 7 6 25.95 44.60 8 30.35 53.80 8 6 33.50 58.20 6 0x7 6 28.40 52.45 8 32.65 60.15 8 6 35.65 69.50 9 40.50 86.35 For 2% inches thick, see Rule 2, Door Extras, page 161. Panels for store front, solid mould, \y^ inch thick, per square foot, 70c list. Panels for store front, solid mould, ] % inch thick, per square foot, $1.00 list. For moulding panels with flush moulding, add for each panel moulded, per side, 60c list. For moulding panels with raised moulding, add for each panel moulded, per side, $1.20 list. For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note "B," page 161. For larger than listed sizes, see Rule 1, page 161. For Extras, see pages 161-162. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. STORE DOORS, E284 List price per pair, 1^ inches thick. Size of Opening. Price. Open. 5 0x7 $24.75 $39.45 7 6 27.25 44.60 8 31.75 53.80 8 6 35.15 58.20 6 0x7 6 29.85 52.45 8 34.25 60.15 8 6 37.50 69.50 9 42.50 86.35 Price, Glazed, D. S. For 2y4 inches thick, see Rule 2, Door Extras, page 161. Panels for store front, solid mould, iy% inch thick, per square foot, 70c list. Panels for store front, solid mould, 1% inch thick, per square foot, $1.00 list. For moulding panels with flush moulding, add for each panel moulded, per side, 60c list. For moulding panels with raised moulding, add for each panel moulded, per side, $1 .20 list. For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note "B," page 161. For larger than listed sizes, see Rule 1, page 161. For Extras, see pages 161-162. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 167 STORE DOORS. E285 List price per pair, 1^ inches thick. Size of Opening. Price, Open. Price, .Glazed, D. S. 5 0x7 $26.06 $41.85 7 6 28.55 47.20 8 33.40 66.85 8 6 36.85 61.55 6 0x7 6 31.25 55.30 8 35.90 63.40 8 6 39.20 73.05 9 44.55 89.40 For 2% inches thick, see Rule 2, Door Extras, page 161. Panels for store front, solid mould, l^j inch thick, per square foot, 70c list. Panels for store front, solid mould, 1% inch thick, per square foot, $1.0O list. For moulding panels with flush moulding, add for each panel moulded, per side, 60c list. For moulding panels with raised moulding, add for each panel moulded, per side, $1.20 list For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note "B," page 161. For larger than listed sizes, see Rule 1, page 161. For Extras, see pages 161-162. 168 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. INSTRUCTIONS Necessary for a correct understanding of your order for Store Fronts. It is always best to give full information as to your wants when ordering store fronts, thus avoiding delays and possible misunderstandings. A. Give width and height of opening front is to fill. B. Specify whether single or double doors are wanted. C. Give size of doors. D. If possible give size of various lights of glass for entire front, and specify whether plate or D. S. E. Specify whether wood or metal posts at angles. F. State whether to use wood sash or jamb construc- tion with stops and metal bars. We will furnish you upon request, estimates of any style of work, illustrated in any book or according to architects plans. NOTICE On the following pages we show many new and modern styles in store fronts, and call particular attention to our stock store front designs. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 169 170 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA. NEB. 9*7 J ^ N^ O OQ 5 o cJ ADAMS & KELLY CO.. OMAHA. NEB. 171 OUR STOCK STORE FRONT DESIGNS. Details for Store Front. E 286 Details for Store Front. E 287 Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 172 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. STORE FRONTS. E288 E289 See page 168 for instructions in ordering. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 173 STORE FRONTS. E 292 E 293 See page 168 for instructions in ordering. 174 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. METAL COVERED WOOD BARS for SASH and STORE FRONTS. E308 Price per foot, $2.40 E311 Price per foot, $1.20 E309 Price per foot, 40c E310 Price per foot, 48c Prices subject to discount. E 312 Price per foot, $1.28 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. METAL COVERED WOOD BARS for SASH and STORE FRONTS. E313 Price per ft. 34c E 814 Price per ft. 27c E316 Price per ft. 2 5c Price per ft. 24c METAL COVERED WOOD SASH BARS with IRON TONGUE. E 317 E318 E319 No. E317 $80.00 No. E318-. - 75.50 E 320 E321 PRICE PER JOO FEET. Division Bars with Iron Tongue. No. E31P $62.25 No. E 320 $53. 5O No. E 321 51.25 Extra charge for Cross Bars. Prices subject to discount. 176 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. CHURCH DOORS. E325 E326 E328 Write for prices. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 177 CHURCH DOORS. A A A A E331 E332 Write for prices. ADAMS & KELLY CO.. OMAHA, NEB. OUTSIDE BLINDS. LISTED SIZES OF OUTSIDE BLINDS FOR EIGHT LIGHT WINDOWS IN PAIRS. Size of . Glass. Price l/ 8 -in. Rolling Slats. Price 1%-in Stat. or %-Sta.t. flats. Price 1%-in. Rolling Slats. Price 1%-in. Stat or K-Stat. Slats. Size of Opening. 9 x 12 $3.00 $3.40 $3.75 $4.15 1 11 x 4 7 14 3.35 3.75 4.20 4.60 5 3 16 3.60 4.00 4.50 4.90 5 11 10 x 12 3.00 3.40 3.75 4 15 2 1x4 7 14 3 35 3.75 4.20 4.60 5 3 16 3.60 4.00 4.50 4.90 5 11 18 4.80 5.20 6.00 6.40 6 7 20 5.55 5.95 6.90 7.30 7 3 12 x 14 3.35 3.75 4.20 4.60 2 5x5 3 16 3 60 4.00 4 50 4.90 5 11 18 4.80 5.20 6.00 6.40 6 7 20 5.55 5 95 6.90 7.30 7 3 F 1 Half Stationary and Half Rolling Slats. LISTED SIZES OF OUTSIDE BLINDS FOR TWELVE LIGHT WINDOWS IN PAIRS. Size of Glass. Price IJ/g-in. kolling Slats. Price l/g-iu. Siat. or ^-Stat. Slats. Price IJi-in. Kolling Slats. Price 1%-in. Stat. or J4-Stat. Slats. Size of Opening. 8 x 10 $2.70 $3.10 $3.40 $3.80 2 4^x3 11 12 3.00 3.40 3.75 4.15 4 7 14 3.35 3.75 4.20 4.60 5 3 9 x 12 3.30 3.70 4.10 4.50 2 7^x4 7 13 3.35 3.75 4.20 4.60 4 11 14 3.50 3.90 4.40 4.80 5 3 15 3.70 4.10 4.65 5.05 5 7 16 3.80 4.20 4.75 5.15 5 11 10 x 12 3.85 4.25 485 5.25 2 10^x4 7 14 4.30 4.70 5.40 5.80 5 3 15 4.40 4.80 5.50 5.90 5 7 16 4.60 5.00 5.75 6.15 5 11 18 5.15 5.55 6 45 6.85 6 7 20 5.95 6.35 7.40 7.80 7 3 F 2 Rolling Slats. For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note "B," page 183. For larger than listed sizes, see Rule 1, page 183. For Extras, see page 183. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 179 OUTSIDE BLINDS. OUTSIDE BLINDS FOR FOUR LIGHT WINDOWS IN PAIRS. Size of Glass. Price l}4-in. Rolling Slats. Price 1/s-iii. Stat or Yz-Stat. Slats. Price 1%-in. Rolling Slats. Price 194-i. Stat. or J^-Stat. Slats. Size of Opening. 10 x 20 $2.70 $3.10 $3.40 $3.80 2 1x3 11 24 3.00 3.40 3.75 4.15 4 7 26 3.30 3.70 4.10 4.50 4 11 28 3.35 3.75 4.20 4 60 5 3 30 3.50 3.90 4.40 4.80 5 7 32 3.60 4.00 4.50 4.90 5 11 34 4.50 4.90 5.60 6.00 6 3 36 4.80 5.20 6.00 6.40 6 7 38 5.15 5.55 6.45 6.85 6 11 40 5.55 5.95 6.90 7.30 7 3 12 x 20 2.70 3.10 3.40 3.80 2 6x3 11 22 2.90 3 30 3.65 4.05 4 3 24 3.00 3.40 3.75 4.15 4 7 26 3.30 3.70 4.10 4.50 4 11 28 3.35 3.75 4.20 4.60 5 3 30 3.50 3.90 4.40 4.80 5 7 32 3.60 4.00 4.50 4 90 5 11 34 4.50 4.90 5 60 6.00 6 3 36 4.80 5.20 6.00 6 40 6 7 38 5.15 5.55 6.45 6.85 6 11 40 6.55 5.95 6.90 7.30 7 3 14 x 24 3.30 3.70 4.10 4.50 29x4 7 26 3.35 3.75 4.20 4.60 4 11 28 3.50 3.90 4.40 4.80 5 3 30 3.70 4.10 4.65 5.05 5 7 32 3.80 4.20 4.75 5.15 5 11 34 4.70 5.10 5.90 6.30 6 3 36 5.05 5.46 6.30 6.70 6 7 38 5.40 5.80 6.75 7.15 6 11 40 5.80 6.20 7.25 7.65 7 3 16 x 24 3.85 4 25 4.85 5.25 2 11 x 4 7 26 4.00 4.40 5-00 5 40 4 11 28 4.30 4.70 5.40 5.80 6 3 30 4.40 4.80 5 50 5.90 5 7 32 4.60 5.00 5.75 6.15 5 11 34 4.85 5.25 6.05 6.45 6 3 36 5.15 5 55 6.45 6.85 6 7 38 6 50 5.90 6.85 7.25 6 11 40 5.95 6.35 7.40 7.80 7 3 F 3 Stationary Slats For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note " B," page 183. For larger than listed sizes, see Rule 1 , page 183. For Extras, see page 183. 180 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUTSIDE BLINDS. LISTED SIZES OF OUTSIDE BLINDS FOR TWO LIGHT WINDOWS IN PAIRS. Size of Glass in Window. Price IVa-in. Rolling Slats. Price 154-in. Stat. or }-Stat. Slats. Price IX-in. Rolling Slats. Price Ijs-in. Stat. or %-Stat. Slats. Size of Opening. 20 x 20 $2.70 $3.10 $3.40 $3.80 2 oy s x 3 11 24 3.00 3.40 3.75 4.15 4 7 26 3.30 3.70 4.10 4.50 4 11 28 3.35 3.75 4.2O 4.60 5 3 30 3.50 a.90 4.40 4.80 5 7 32 3.60 400 4.50 | 4.9O 5 11 34 4.50 4.90 5.6O 6.00 6 3 36 4.80 5.20 6.00 6.40 6 7 38 5.15 5.55 6.45 6.85 6 11 4O | 5.55 5.95 | 6 9O 7.30 7 3 22 x 24 3.00 3.4O 3.75 4.15 2 2y e x 4 7 26 ! 3.30 3.70 4.10 4.50 4 11 28 3.35 375 4.20 460 5 3 3O 3.50 3.90 4*40 480 5 7 32 3.60 4.00 4.60 4.90 5 11 34 | 4.50 4.90 6.60 6.00 6 3 36 4.80 5.20 6.00 6.40 6 7 38 5.15 5.55 6.45 6.85 6 11 40 5.55 5.95 6.90 7.30 7 3 24 x 24 3.00 | 3.4O 3.75 4.15 2 4J4 x 4 7 26 3.30 3.70 4.10 4.50 4 11 28 3.35 3.75 4.20 4.60 5 3 30 3.50 3.90 440 4.80 5 7 32 3.60 400 4.5O 4.90 5 11 34 4.50 4.90 5.60 6.00 6 3 36 4.80 5.2O 6.00 6.40 6 7 38 5.15 5.55 6.45 6.85 6 11 40 5.55 6.95 6.9O 7.3O 7 3 26 x 24 3.30 3.70 4.10 4.50 2 Q l / s x 4 7 26 3.35 3.75 4.20 4.6O 4 11 28 3.50 3.90 4.40 4.80 5 3 SO 3.70 4.10 4.65 5.05 5 7 32 3.8O 4.2O 4.75 5.16 5 11 34 4.70 6.1O 5.90 6.30 6 3 36 6.05 6.45 6 30 6.7O 6 7 38 5.40 5 80 675 7.15 6 11 40 5.80 6.20 7.25 7.65 7 3 28 x 24 ! 3.30 3.7O 4.10 4.50 2 8y 8 x 4 7 26 3.35 3.75 4.20 4.60 4 11 28 3.5O 3.90 440 4.80 5 3 30 3.70 4.1O 4.65 6.06 5 7 32 3.80 4.20 4.76 5.15 5 11 34 4.70 6.1O 6 90 6.30 6 3 36 5.05 6.45 6.30 [ 6.70 6 7 38 5.40 5.8O 6.75 7.15 6 11 40 5.80 6.20 7.25 7.65 7 3 (Continued on next page.) For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note " B," page 183. For larger than listed sizes, see Rule 1, page 183. For Extras, see page 183. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 181 OUTSIDE BLINDS. OUTSIDE BLINDS FOR TWO LIGHT WINDOWS IN PAIRS. Continued. Size of Glass in Window, Price IH-in. Rolling Slats. Price 1^-in. Stat. or J^-Stat. Slats. Price 1%-in. Rolling Slats. Price 1%-in. Stat. or y z Stat. Slats. Size of Opening. 30 x 24 $3.85 $4.25 $4.85 $5.25 2 I0y s x 4 7 26 4.00 | 4.40 5.00 5.40 4 11 28 4.30 | 4.70 5.40 5.80 5 3 30 4.40 4.80 5.50 5.90 5 7 32 4.60 5.00 5.75 6.15 5 11 34 4.85 5.25 6.05 6.45 6 3 36 5.15 | 5.55 6.45 6.85 6 7 38 5.50 5.90 6.85 7.25 6 11 40 5.95 6.35 7.40 7.80 7 3 For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note "B," page 183. For larger than listed sizes, see Rule 1, page 183. For Extras, see page 183. LISTED SIZES OF SINGLE OUTSIDE BLINDS FOR TWO LIGHT WINDOWS. Size of Glass in Windows. Price IJi-ln. Rolling Slats. Size of Opening. Size of Glass in Windows. Price \ l /t-ia. Rolling Slats. Size of Opening. 12x24 $2.05 1 4^x4 7 14x24 $2.40 1 6%x4 7 26 2.15 4 11 26 2.45 4 11 28 2.20 5 3 28 2.60 5 3 30 2.30 5 7 30 2.70 5 7 32 2.40 5 11 32 2.80 5 11 34 2.95 6 3 34 3.25 6 3 36 3.15 6 7 36 3.40 6 7 Single blinds for four light pantry windows not over light pantry window blinds of the same height. inches in width same price as two 182 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. F4 All Slats. INSIDE BLINDS. DIRECTIONS FOR ORDERING. First In all cases give the exact outside measure of Blinds wanted. Second Give the number of folds. Third State if Blinds are to be all slats, or half panels and half slats. Fourth State distance from top of window to center of meeting rail of sash, or where Blinds are to be cut. Fifth Give thickness of Blinds. Sixth If Blinds fold in pockets, give size of pockets. Seventh State if Blinds are to be painted or finished in oil. Eighth If for oil finish, extra price. F5 Panels, Slats. l>6-mch thick all slats, all panels, or a combination of both. Per l,in. Ft 2-fold, 2 feet wide and under $1.00 3-fold, 2 feet 11 inches wide and under 1.25 4-fold, 2 feet 1 1 inches wide and under 1.50 4-fold, over 2 feet 11 inches and not over 3 feet 5 inches. 1.75 5-fold, over 2 feet 1 1 inches and not over 3 feet 5 inches 2.00 6-fold, 3 feet 5 inches to 4 feet 5 inches, inclusive 2.50 8-fold, 4 feet 4 inches to 5 feet 5 inches, inclusive 3.00 J F6 Panel. %-inch inside blinds 5 per cent less than l^j -inch. The above prices are for pine. If for oil finish add 20 per cent to above prices. If hardwood, such as Cherry, Ash, Maple, or Black Walnut are wanted, write for prices. We make Inside Blinds that are not ex- celled, either in workmanship or style, in any market. For blind extras see page 183. F7 All Panel. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 183 OUTSIDE BLIND EXTRAS. NOTE "A" When the term "Stock Quantities" is used in these rules, it means 10 or more of the articles of one size, style and quality. NOTE "B" For irregular or intermediate sizes, in stock quantities, use same list as next larger listed size. For less than stock quantities on sizes not listed, an" extra 10 per cent will be charged. LARGER SIZE. RULE 1. For list on outside window or door blinds larger than listed sizes, use list on next larger size of a similar blind and add as follows : For each additional 4 inches in length or part thereof for 1 ^ inch blinds. ...50c list For each additional 4 inches in length or part thereof for 1 % inch blinds. -..65c list For each additional 2 inches in width or part thereof for 1 y% inch blinds ....30c list For each additional 2 inches in width or part thereof for 1^ inch blinds ....40c list SEGMENT OR PEAK HEAD. RULE 2. For list on segment or peak head blinds add to proper list $4.00 list CIRCLE TOP OR GOTHIC HEAD. RULE 3. For half circle or gothic head blinds add to proper list $7.00 list WIDE STILES OR RAILS. RULE 4. (a) For outside blinds with stiles or top rails wider than 1% inch, add to the list for similar blind for each ^ inch or part thereof lt% list (b) For bottom rails wider than 5 inch, add for each additional inch in width or part thereof 5% list STICKING. RULE 5. Stock blinds are made with O.G. sticking for rolling slat blinds, and square sticking for stationary or half stationary slat blinds. For special stick- ing use proper list and add 5% list NOTE. A minimum charge of $1.00 net will be made for any one order. SINGLE BLINDS. RULE 6. For single blinds or for one-half of a pair of blinds, use one-half of the list of a pair double the opening of the single blind and add 26% list MULLION BLINDS. RULE 7. For list on mullion blinds use list of a pair of similar blinds of the same opening and add 25% list For same when center beaded to represent a pair add 35% list FOUR FOLD BLINDS. RULE 8. For list on four fold outside blinds, use double the list of a pair one half the width of the opening and add 10% list SOLID MOLD PANEL SHUTTERS. RULE 9. For solid mold panel shutters use the list of stationary slat blind of the same size and thickness and add 25% list BEAD and BUTT SHUTTERS. RULE 10. for shutters bead and butt 1 S., flush molded 1 S., use list of a stationary slat blind of the same size and thickness, and add 45% list BLINDS FOR 34 INCH GLASS AND LONGER. RULE 11. Blinds for 34 inch glass and longer are made three panels high unless otherwise ordered. DOOR BLINDS. RULE 12. All door blinds are made in pairs and rabbeted, same as window^blinds , unless otherwise ordered. RULE 13. For 1% inch door blinds add to \Y & inch list 25% list 'l% INCH THICK. RULE 14. For 1% inch blinds, u?e 1 J/jj inch list for similar size and style, and add 100% list 184 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. F8 LISTED SIZES OF DOOR BLINDS. Only carried in stock in pairs. Prices on F 8 SIZE. Thickness. Price Per Pair. I I /B in. Rolling Slats. 2 6 X 6 6 1% $6.30 2 8 X 6 8 6.75 2 10 X 6 10 7.00 3 X 7 7.45 All door blinds made in pairs and rabbeted, same as window blinds, unless otherwise ordered. For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note ''B," page 183. For larger than listed sizes, see Rule 1, page 183. For Extras, see page 183. SWING WATER CLOSET DOORS. F9 F 10 F 11 SIZE OF DOOR. F 9 I6-inch closet doors, add to above prices 15% list. For irregular or intermediate sizes, see Note "B," page 183. For larger than listed sizes, see Rule 1, page 183. For Extras, see page 183. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 185 VENETIAN BLINDS. If you want the best on earth get them. BLIND HANGER. Cut is one half exact size. CORD^FASTENER. Venetian Blinds are not only better than sliding blinds, but much cheaper also; while the first cost is more than for common shades, considering the difference in their durability, saying nothing about their relative worth and advantages, they are in the end cheaper even than shades. For list prices see page 188. 186 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. VICTORIA VENETIAN BLINDS. Essential improvements over all others. Made to order only. Are made of thin wood slats hung on the best woven ladder tape; hang within window frames, between jambs or stop beads; are never swinging out in the room, "sticking fast" or ''coming off the roller," and are perfectly noise- less, both in use and operation. Can be hung in old as well as new buildings by anyone. It is seen that all the slats or any part of them can be instantly adjusted to admit light and air the full width and height of a window, or exclude it from the top, bottom or any part. Are perfectly sanitary and can be as easily kept clean as any other piece of furniture. Shows one of the many handsome effects that can be produced draping windows equipped with them. They are made from plain and fancy woods, finished natural, painted or enameled any color or tint desired, to match the finish of a room or building. FIVE WAYS THE SLATS CAN BE ADJUSTED, AND STILL THERE ARE OTHERS. No. 1, shows all slats closed. No. 2, blinds half drawn, upper slats closed. No. 3, lower slats closed, upper open. No. 4, blinds entirely drawn. No. 5, all slats turned to exclude the sun, and still admitting an abundance of light. Made with slats 2 inches and also 2ft inches wide. The former are intended for medium-sized windows in residences, etc. The latter width costs less, makes a lighter blind, and are intended for larger windows, such as are found in public buildings, etc. Either width is well adapted for any use. For list prices see page 188. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 187 VENETIAN BLINDS. DIRECTIONS FOR ORDERING. Reference can be made to the above cut to describe where dimensions are taken, saying.if taken at "a", "b" or "c", and if taken at "c" how much lap was allowed on face of casing. "a" Between stop heads. "b" Between jambs. "c" Face of casing and tell how much, if any, lap has been allowed on each side. Caution. Be careful to give exact dimensions. Number of blinds. Width between window jambs. Height of frame from window sill. Height of sill from floor. Width of stop beads. Width of jamb from stop bead to face of casing. Are slats to be 2 inches or %y& inches wide ? It is generally better to hang blinds between window jambs, but sometimes preferable to hang them between the stop beads ; in the latter case the distance between the "stop beads" must be given and at the head of the column the word "jambs" changed to "stop beads". No blinds charged at less than fifteen square feet. Where no preference is stated the blinds will be made from basswood, with slats 2 inches wMe, which makes a very handsome blind. FOR OUTSIDE USE. For list prices see page 188. 188 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. LIST PRICES VENETIAN BLINDS. Price per square foot. CLASSIFICATION OF WOODS. 2% Inch 2 Inch Slats. Slati. Spruce, Whitewood, Linden and Yellow Pine, finished natural, stained to imitate Hardwoods, or painted in dark colors $0.19 $0.21 Painted in light colors or tints... .21 .23 Painted in enamels... .24 .26 Enameled, rubbed between coats... .38 .40 White Pine, Cypress, Plain Oak, Ash, Elm, Chestnut and ordinary Maple .21 .23 Plain Birch and Butternut .22 .24 Quartered Oak and Quartered Sycamore .24 .26 Cherry, Black Walnut, California Redwood and White Ash .30 .32 Red Mahogany, Curly Birch, Bird's Eye and White Maple .38 .40 Above prices include all hardware for hanging. If bronzed hardware is wanted add 25 cents per blind. With the exception of Painted and Enameled work, the above prices are in Varnish Finish. Add to above list for ordinary Rubbed Finish 3 cents per square foot. No Blind figured to contain less than 15 square feet. Our Venetian Blinds do not require any special frame, are easily applied, and are the most simply constructed on the market. Venetian Blinds do not interfere with curtains or draperies, and are be- coming more popular every year. Prices subject to discount. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 189 SCREEN DOORS and WINDOW SCREENS. Made of Northern White Pine covered with black enameled wire cloth and painted with best lead and oil paint. Full size Window Screen. SCREEN DOORS. Above Screen Door is our common door, painted green and covered with best black enameled wire cloth. We show a full line of fancy screen doors in our screen door booklet together with sizes carried in stock and prices. Write for it. SCREEN WINDOWS. We make screen windows in any size and show sizes carried in stock and prices in our hand- some screen booklet. Write for it. Our stock window screens are 1> inch thick, painted green and covered with best black wire. 190 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. IDEAL No. 4. IDEAL No. 4, The best spring hinge in the market. All our trimmings are put up one set complete in a separate pasteboard box, which contains the follow- ing: 1 pair spring hinges. 1 dozen bright screws. 1 hook and eye. 1 knob and screw. All complete packed in a small box ready to hand to your customer. " The Best and the Cheap- est." For prices see our Screen Booklet. f \_ 7 IDEAL DKIACHABLE. IDEAL DETACHABLE. The spring part of the hinge is the same as the Ideal No. 4, except that is de- tachable. By using this detachable arrangement the door can be removed at the close of the season, without taking out any screws, by simply turn- ing the button shown on tight side of cut. All the trimmings for one door consist of the following: 1 pair detachable spring hinges. 1 dozen bright screws. 1 hook and eye. 1 knob and screw. Each set of these hinges is furnished complete in a small pasteboard box all ready to hand to your customer. For prices see our Screen Booklet. ROTARY FASTENER. The cut above shows a screen window or storm sash held in place by a set of Rotary Fasteners. It will be noticed that the view is from the inside. After screwing the fasteners to the screen or sash stile, and driving the iron pin into the stop, the screen or storm sash is placed in position and locked by turning the lever of the fastener from a horizontal to a vertical position. (See cut ) The particular merit of this simple device is that it enables a screen or a storm sash to be fastened in place from the inside, thus avoiding ladder climbing, etc., for upper story openings. One set includes four fasteners, screws and the iron pin as shown in cut. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 191 OUR SPECIAL STOCK BLOCKS. G 1 .00 per 100. G 2 .80 per 100. G 3 5.00 per 100. Hi G 4 $10.00 per 100. G 5 J.20 per 100. G 6 .00 per 100. G 7 G 8 G 9 $10.00 per 100. $10.00 per 100. $11.00 per 100. We carry above blocks in stock in yellow pine and white pine in widths 4#, 4#, and 5% inches. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 192 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. G10 $7.00 per 100. i ' - ' - '"' '-. .. '' ' ' G 13 $6.00 per 100. G 16 $5.50 per 100. G 19 $9.60 per 100. G 22 3.40 per 100. CORNER BLOCKS. \ l /% inches thick. Gil .80 per 100. G 14 ).60 per 100. G 17 5.60 per 100. JP G20 $7.20 per 100. G 23 3.00 per 100. G 12 $9.00 per 100. G 15 $14.40 per 100. G 18 56.60 per 100. G 21 $10.80 per 100. 111 ^.jA|r : ifr.=^i* jfteiHtlrj.- ' ru'-iV,' . VI 1 ^^. l^lifH. G24 $8.00 per 100. Corner Blocks made to suit casings. Always specify width when ordering. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 193 HEAD BLOCKS. G25 |14.40 per 100. G28 |26.40 per 100. G26 $16.80 per 100. G 29 $15.60 per 100. G27 .00 per 100. G30 $24.00 per 100. . G31 G32 G33 $15.60 per 100. $40.00 per 100. $13.20 per 100. Head Blocks made to suit casings. Always specify width when ordering. 194 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. BASE BLOCKS. G34 |21.60 per 100. G37 $16.80 per 100. G35 $16.80 per 100. G38 $16.80 per 100. G36 .80 per 100. G 39 $16.80 per 100. G 40 G 41 G 42 $16.80 per 100. $16.80 per 100. $24.00 per 100. Base Blocks made to suit casings. Always specify width when~ordering. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 195 INTERIOR FINISH. Window Trim G 48 consists of the following : ^Side and Head Casing No. 8309 or 8310. Stool No. 8267. Apron No. 8379. Corner Blocks No. G 3. Door Trim G 48 consists of the following : Side and Head Casing No. 8309 or 8310. Corner Blocks No. G 3. Base Blocks No. G 6. Write for prices. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 196 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. ist Cap L64 8397 8395 r INTERIOR FINISH. G49 Door Trim G 49 consists of the following : Side Casing No. 8309 or 8310. Base Blocks No. G 6. Cap Trim No. 8397-5-L 64. Dust Cap. Head Casing is 7 in. high. Window Trim G 49 consists of the following : Side Casing No. 8309 or 8310. Stool No. 8267. Apron No. 8379. Cap Trim No. 8397-5-L (54. Dust Cap. Head Casing is 7 in. high. Write for prices on complete sides of trim. For prices on Cap Trim only, see our Net Price Folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 197 INTERIOR FINISH. 8395 G50 Window Trim G 50 consists of the following : Side Casing No. 8309 or 8310. Stool No. 8267. Apron No. 8379. Cap Trim No 8393-94-95. Door Trim G 50 consists of the following : Side Casing No. 8309 or 8310. Base Blocks No. G 6. Cap Trim No. 8393-94-93. Write for prices on complete sides of finish. For prices on Cap Trim only, see our Net Price Folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 198 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. INTERIOR FINISH. 8401 8404 8402 8403 r G51 Door Trim G 5 1 consists of the following : Side Casing No. 8309 or 8310. Base Flocks No. G 6. Cap Trim Nos. 8401-04-02-03. Window Trim G 5 1 consists of the following : Side Casing No. 8309 or 8310. Stool No 8267. Apron No. 8379. Cap Trim Nos. 8401-04-02-03. Write for prices on complete sides of finish. For prices on Cap Trim only, see our Net Price Folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 199 INTERIOR FINISH, 8410 8413 8411 8412 G52 Window Trim G 52 consists of the following : Side Casing No. 8309 or 8310. Stool No. 8267. Apron No. 8379. Cap Trim No. 8410-13-11-12. Door Trim G 52 consists of the following : Side Casing No. 8309 or 8310. Base Blocks No. G 6. Cap Trim No. 8410-13-11-12. Write for prices on complete sides of finish, For prices on Cap Trim only, see our Net Price Folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 200 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. INTERIOR FINISH. 8401 Denti's G53 Door Trim G 53 consists of the following : Side Casing No. 8309 or 8310. Base Block No. G 6. Cap Trim No. 8401. Dentils 8402-03. Window Trim G 53 consists of the following : Side Casing No. 8309 or 8310. Stool No. 8267. Apron No. 8379. Cap Trim No. 8401 Dentils 02-03. Write for prices on complete sides of finish. For prices on Cap Trim only, see our complete Price Folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 201 INTERIOR FINISH. 8410 8413 8411 8412 r Window Trim G 54 consists of the following : Side Casing No. 8330. Stool No. 8268. Apron No. 8371. Cap Trim Nos. 8410-13-11-12. G54 I I Door Trim G 54 consists of the following : Side Casing No. 8330. Base Blocks G 7. Cap Trim No. 8410-13-11-12. Write for prices on complete sides of finish. For prices on Cap Trim only, see our Net Price Folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. '202 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. INTERIOR FINISH. 8410 8413 G55 Door Trim G 55 consists of the following : Side Casing No. 8330. Base Blocks No. G 7 Cap Trim No. 8410-13-11-12. Window Trim G 55 consists of the following : Side Casing No. 8330. Stool No. 8268. Apron No. 8371. Cap Trim No. 8110-13-11-12. Write for prices on complete sides Qf finish. Foi prices on Cap Trim only see our Net Price Folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 203 8411 8112 r INTERIOR FINISH. G56 Window Trim G 56 consists of the following : Side Casing No. 8330. Stool No. 8268. Apron No. 8371 . Cap Trim No. 8410-13-11-12. Door Trim G 56 consists of the following : Side Casing No. 8330. Base Blocks No. G 7. Cap Trim No. 8410-13-11-12. Write for prices on complete sides of finish. For prices on Cap Trim only, see our Net Price Folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 204 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. INTERIOR FINISH. 8410 8413 8411 8412 r G57 Door Trim G 57 consists of the following : Side Casing No. 8330. Base Blocks No. G 7. Cap Trim No. 8410-13-11-12. Window Trim G 57 consists of the following : Side Casing No. 8330. Stool No. 8268. Apron No. 8371. Cap Trim No. 8410-13-11-12. Write for prices on complete sides of finish. For prices on Cap Trim only see our Net Price Folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 205 CARVED ORNAMENTS and ROSETTES. PRICES. Number. Size. Price per Hundred. G 70 4x4.. $11.00 G 71.. 3^x3^-. 11.00 G 72 3x3 7.50 G 73.. 3x3.. ...1 16.00 G 74.. 3 in. diameter... 9.00 G 75 4 in. diameter 13.00 G 76 3 in. diameter , 8.50 G 77 4x4 13.00 G 78 3^x3^ 15.00 G 79 3x3 1300 G 80 3^x3^.. 16.00 G 81... 17^x4 . 40.00 G 82. _ 4^ in. high 30.00 G 83... 2^x3^ -. 16.00 G 84 5x9 32.00 G 85... 33/xl5>^ 48.00 . G 86 5^x4^ 20.00 G 87 5^ x 4^ 20.00 G 88.. ..12x4.. . 32.00 These carvings carried in stock in Yellow Pine, Oak, and Birch. Other sizes and other kinds of wood must be made to order and at higher prices. 206 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. GENUINE CARVED ORNAMENTS and ROSETTES. G70 Size 4x4 G74 3 in. diam. G75 4 in. diam. G76 3 in. diam. G77 Size 4x4 G78 Size 3^ x G73 Size 3x3 G80 Size 3^ x For prices and sizes see page 205. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 20T GENUINE CARVED ORNAMENTS and ROSETTES. II G85 G81 G82 G83 f , r G84 G86 G87 For prices and sizes see page 205. 208 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. COMPOSITION ORNAMENTS. G 100 For prices and sizes see page 209. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 209 PRICES FOR COMPOSITION ORNAMENTS. The designs of Composition Ornaments shown on page 208 are made for both Exterior and Interior work. Prices named are for Exterior work and sizes specified. Other sizes, prices on application. G 90 10-inch diameter, each... $2.00 12-inch '' " 2.20 14-inch " " 2.60 16-inch " " . . 3.20 G 91 2% in. high x 2^ in. wide, each $0.20 5% " x3%: " " .40 7 " x4# " " 48 8 " x4^ " " .52 10 " x5K " " --- -64 12 " x7 " " . .80 G 92 6>^-inch diameter, each $1 . 00 8^-inch " " 1.60 10-inch " " 200 12-inch " " 2.20 14-inch " " 2.60 16-inch " . . 3.20 G 93 16 in long x 7 in. wide, each $1.60 18 " x7 " " 2.00 22 " x7 " " 2.40 30 " x7 " . . 3.00 G 94 -inch diameter, each $1 .00 8-inch 10-inch 12-inch 14-inch 16-inch 1 20 2.00 2.20 2.60 320 G 95 16 in. high x 8 in. wide, each. .$2.00 G 96 & G 100 For space 12 inches or less in height. Festoons can be made any length per lineal foot $1.00 G 97 4-inch diameter, each $0.80 5-inch ' " . 1.00 7-inch " " 1.20 10-inch ' " 2.00 G 98 For space 14 inches to 18 inches high. Festoons can be made any length per lineal foot... $2.00 G 99 4-inch diameter, each $0.80 6-inch " " 1.00 7-inch ' ' . 1.20 10-inch " " . .2.00 If ornaments are made for Interior wood finish deduct 15 per cent from above prices. Prices subject to discount. 210 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. GRILLE WORK. Our Special G 101 Our Special G 102 Our Special G 103 Above styles in any size furnished promptly in any kind of wood. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 211 GRILLE WORK. Our Special G 104 IiTTjri ^^&& fl ft tffHHHH' Our Special G 105 Our Special G 106 Above styles in any size furnished promptly in any kind of wood. 212 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. GRILLE WORK. G 107 G 108 G 109 Above styles in any size furnished promptly in any kind of wood. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 213 GRILLE WORK. G 110 G 111 G 112 Above styles in any size furnished promptly in any kind of wood. 214 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. GRILLE WORK. G113 Above style in any size furnished promptly in any kind of wood. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 215 GRILLE WORK. This grille in any size furnished promptly in any kind of wood. 216 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. GRILLE WORK. G115 Above grille in any size furnished promptly in any kind of wood. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 217 GRILLE WORK. G 116 Write for Prices. Furnished in any kind of wood for any size of opening. 218 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. GRILLE WORK. G 117 Write for Prices. Furnished in any kind of wood for any size of opening. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 219* GRILLE WORK. G 118 Write for Prices. Furnished in any kind of wood for any size of opening. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. SPECIAL FINISH for CASED OPENING. Furnished in any wood for any size of opening. Write for prices. G120 COLONNADE FINISH. Furnished in any wood for any size of opening. Write for prices. G 121 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 223 COLONNADE FINISH. Furnished in any wood for any size of opening. COLONNADE FINISH. Furnished in any wood for any size of opening. ;Write for prices. G123 I IT" 224 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR SPECIAL PLATE RAIL DESIGNS. H H 2 We make the above Plate Rails in any kind of wood wanted. Write for prices, giving quantity and kind of wood desired. In ordering give number of brackets wanted on plate rail HT2. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 225 OUR SPECIAL PLATE RAIL DESIGNS. H 3 H 4 We make the above Plate Rails in auy kind of wood wanted. Write for prices, giving quantity and kind of wood desired. 226 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. Stair Work 0X0 For the past forty years we have made a study of stair work and take particular pride in this branch of our business. We now have the most complete and best equipped stair building plant in the world, and no job is too intricate or diffi- cult for our skilled workmen to execute. We use only selected kiln-dried material and have on hand all of the common woods and many of the choice ones, so that we can handle all orders promptly, whether from architects details or written instruction. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 227 INSTRUCTIONS Necessary for a correct understanding of your orders for stair work. It is always best to give full information as to your wants when order- ing stair work, thus avoiding delays, and possible misunderstandings. We suggest giving full and complete answers to the following : A Give height of story from floor to floor. B. Give width of joist in second story. C. Give whole width of stairs to outside of strings. D. Give rise and run as cut on string board. E. Give number of risers, treads and nosings. F. Give width of cylinder from face to face. Q. Give width and style of base in hall. H. State which way stair turns at top. I. Give sketch of floor plan. Your order should state kind of wood wanted in the different parts and should distinctly specify : 1. NEWELS Design, size of shaft or base, etc. 2. PLATFORM NEWELS Design, size of shaft or base, etc. , and where located. " Show by plan. " 3. BALUSTERS design, size, whether long, short or medium. If for boxed string, state length. 4. RAILING Design, size, number of feet of straight in pieces. Number of feet in pieces on the tun. 6. CROOKS (a) Easing at Newel, whether flare or straight, (b) Cylinder Give plan showing number of treads involved, size of cylin- der, and position of last riser, (c) Quarter turn Radius of circle and position. 6. TREADS Length, width and thickness, which end returned, if any. 7. RISERS Length, width and thickness. We will furnish you upon request, estimates of any style of work, illustrated in any book or according to architects plans. NOTICE. On the following pages we show many new and modern styles in stair work, and call particular attention to the fine appearance of our own special designs of stair material. 228 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR SPECIAL STOCK STAIR RAILS. EUREKA Size, 2X x 3^ We carry the above design of stair rail in stock, both in Yellow Pine and Oak. All our stair rails are made from selected kiln dried material, thoroughly seasoned and hand smoothed. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR SPECIAL STOCK STAIR RAILS. ACME Size, 2% x ATLAS Size, 2# x 3^ We carry the above designs of stair rail in stock, both in Yellow Pine and Oak. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 230 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR SPECIAL STOCK STAIR RAILS. FULL ROUND RAIL Size, 2x2 We carry the above designs of stair rail in stock, both in Yellow Pine and Oak. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 231 OUR SPECIAL STOCK BALUSTERS. K5 K6 K7 We carry the dbove in stock in Red Oak and Yellow Pine, in the following sizes: 1 % x 2 ft. 4 in. and 1 % x 2 ft. 8 in. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 232 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR SPECIAL STOCK NEWELS, IOWA ILLINOIS DAKOTA We manufacture above newels in large quantities so are able to make very low prices. STOCK SIZES. NEWEI, SHAFT BASE LENGTH Iowa. 7x7 9x9 4-6 Illinois 6x6 8x8 4-6 Dakota 6x6 8x8 4-6 Carried in stock in Oak and Yellow Pine. For prices see price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 233 OUR SPECIAL STOCK NEWELS. TOLEDO OMAHA OHIO DUBUQUE We manufacture above newels in large quantities so are able to make very low prices. STOCK SIZES : NEWEL SHAFT BASE LENGTH Toledo 6x6 8x8 46 Omaha 6x6 6x6 4-6 Ohio 6x6 6x6 4-6 Ohio . 5x5 5x5 4-6 Dubuque 6x6 8x8 4-6 Carried in stock in Oak and Yellow Pine. For prices see price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 234: ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR SPECIAL STOCK NEWELS. MODERN DBS MOINES NEBRASKA PE.ORIA We manufacture these Newels in large quantities so are able to make^very low- prices.* STOCK SIZES : XEWEIv SHAFT LENGTH Modern 5x5 6-0 Des Moines 5x5 6-0 Nebraska . 5x5 6-0 Peoria _ 5x5 6-0 Carried in stock in Oak and Yellow Pine. For prices see price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 235 Our Special Stair Work Designs |N the following pages we offer a few sug- gestions in Stair Work Designs for modern homes. Any of the designs shown we can furnish in any wood re- quired, and guarantee our workmanship to be of the highest order. 236 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR SPECIAL -DESIGN STAIR WORK. IOWA DESIGN Starting Newel Iowa. Angle Newel Des Moines. Rail Eureka. Baluster No. K 7. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 237 OUR SPECIAL DESIGN STAIR WORK. DAKOTA DESIGN Starting Newel Dakota. Angle Newel Des Moines. Rail Acme. Baluster No. K 6. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 238 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR SPECIAL DESIGN STAIR WORK. ILLINOIS DESIGN Starting Newel Illinois. Angle Newel Peoria. Rail Eureka. Baluster No. K 7. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 239 OUR SPECIAL DESIGN STAIR WORK. TOLEDO DESIGN Starting Newel Toledo. Angle Newel Modern. Baluster No. K 6. Rail Acme. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 240 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR SPECIAL DESIGN STAIR WORK. OMAHA DESIGN Starting Newel Omaha. Angle Newel Nebraska. Rail Atlas. Baluster No. K 5. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 241 OUR SPECIAL DESIGN STAIR WORK. OHIO DE.SIGN Newel Ohio. Rail Chief. Baluster No. K 5. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 242 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR SPECIAL DESIGN STAIR WORK. XXX Above is a suggestion for a neat open stair design with a hall seat. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 243 ,v ., 244 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 245 246 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 247 248 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 249 250 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 251 252 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. STAIR BALUSTERS. K 10 Kll K 12 K 13 K14 K 15 K 16 K 17 K 18 K 19 We do not carry these designs in stock, but can make to order in any kind of wood desired. See our stock patterns, page 231. For prices see page 264. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 253 STAIR BALUSTERS. K20 K21 K22 K23 K24 K25 K 26 K27 K28 K 29 We do not carry these designs in stock, but can make to order in any kind of wood desired. See our stock patterns, page 231. For prices see page 204. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 254 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. STAIR RAILS. K30 K31 Size, 3x3^ Size, 2^ x Yellow Pine _..35c per foot Yellow Pine. 30c per foot Oak .40c per foot Oak... 35c per foot K32 Size, K33 Size, 2 J4: x Yellow Pine_ Oak.. 30c per foot Yellow Pine . 35c per foot Oak, ___ 35c per foot 40c per foot See our Special Stock Rails, pages 228 to 230. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 255 STAIR NEWELS. K 101 K 102 K 103 K 104 K105 Q K 106 K 107 K 108 K 109 K 110 For complete list of prices refer to page 264. See our Stock Newels, pages 232, 233, 234. 256 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. STAIR NEWELS. Kill K 112 K 113 K 114 K115 K116 K 117 K 118 K 119 K 120 For complete list of prices refer to page 264. See our Stock Newels, pages 232, 233, 234. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 257 STAIR NEWELS. K 121 K 122 K 123 K 124 K 125 K 126 L K 127 K128 K 129 K 130 For complete list of prices refer to page 264. See our Stock Newels, pages 232, 233, 234. 258 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. STAIR NEWELS. K 131 K 132 K 133 K134 K135 K 136 K 137 K 138 K 139 K140 For complete list of prices refer to page 264. See our Stock Newels, pages 232, 233, 234. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 259 LANDING or ANGLE NEWELS. K 141 T K 142 K143 K 144 K 145 K 146 K 147 K 148 K 149 K 150 For complete list of prices refer to page 265. See our Stock Newels, pages 2X2, 233, 234. 260 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. STAIR ELEVATIONS. K 151 K 152 K 153 K 154 See page 227 for necessary directions for ordering stairvvork. For complete list of prices refer to page 264. See our Stock Stair Designs, pages 236 to 242. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 261 STAIR ELEVATIONS. K 155 K 156 K157 K158 See page 227 for necessary directions for ordering stairwork. For complete list of prices refer to page 264. See our Stock Stair Designs, pages 236 to 242. 262 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. STAIR ELEVATIONS. K159 K 161 K 162 See page 227 for necessary directions for ordering stairwork. For complete list of prices refer to page 264. See our Stock Stair Designs, pages 230 to 242. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 263 STAIR ELEVATIONS. K 163 K 164 K 165 K 166 See page 227 for necessary directions for ordering stairwork. For complete list of prices refer to page 264. See our Stock Stair Designs, pages 23<> to 242. 264 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. PRICE LIST of STAIR WORK. STAIR NEWELS Shown on pages 255 to 258. Number. Yellow Pine. Plain Oak. Number. Yellow Pine. Plain Oak. K101 $4.00 $5.00 K121 $7.50 $8.75 K102 4 25 5 30 K122 8.50 9.50 K103 6.35 7.40 K123 9.20 10.40 K104 10.00 11.50 K124 9.00 10.00 K105 10.00 11.50 K125 7.90 9.20 K106 4.20 5.30 K126 20.20 21.60 K107 5.65 6.95 K127 13.60 14.70 K108 6.85 8.15 K128 15.40 16.70 K109 12.40 14.40 K129 13.40 14.60 K110 9.10 10.60 K130 8.90 10.00 Kill 6.10 7.30 K131 9.30 10.40 K112 8.30 9.80 K132 12.70 14.30 K113 7.55 9.10 K133 17.60 18.70 K114 5.65 6.95 K134 21.90 23.50 K115 13.00 14.00 K135 15.00 17.50 K116 8.50 9.50 K136 24.10 25.20 K117 7.50 8.50 K137 18.90 20.00 K118 8.50 9.60 K138 23.40 24.50 K119 8.90 10.00 K139 24.00 25.00 K120 12.30 13.40 K140 40.00 41.00 STAIR NEWELS Shown on Stair Elevations, pages 260 to 263. Number. Yellow Pine. Plain Oak. Number. Yellow Pine. Plain Oak. K151 $15.40 $16.40 K159 $ 7.00 $ 8.00 K152 12.50 13.50 K160 14.40 15.50 K153 18.90 20.00 K161 18.90 20.00 K154 17.00 18.00 K162 18.90 20.00 K155 12 90 14.00 K163 12.10 13.20 K156 15.90 17.00 K164 7.00 8 00 K157 15.20 16.30 K165 18.90 20.00 K158 11.90 13.00 K166 7.40 8.50 Above prices based on newels with shaft not larger than 6 x 6; for 7x7 shaft add 2oc net. For quarter-sawed oak, red birch or woods of similar value, add 25 per cent to above prices. Prices subject to discount. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 265 PRICE LIST of STAIR WORK. ( Continued. ) ANGLE OR LANDING NEWELS. 5 feet 6 inches long. Shown on page 259. Number. Yellow Pine. Plain Oak. Number. Yellow Pine. Plain Oak. K141 $5.00 $5.50 K146 $8.70 $9.20 K142 5.00 5.50 K147 10.00 11.50 K143 5.00 5.50 K148 15.10 15.60 K144 6.00 6.50 K149 17.10 17.60 K145 8.00 9.00 K160 19.50 20.00 STAIR BALUSTERS. Shown on page 252 and 253. Number. Yellow Pine. Plain Oak. Number. Yellow Pine. Plain Oak. K10 $0.18 $0.21 K20 $0.18 $0.21 Kll .18 .21 K21 .18 .21 K12 .18 .21 K22 .18 .21 K13 .18 .21 K23 .18 .21 K14 .24 .27 K24 .18 .21 K15 .18 .21 K25 .18 .21 K16 .18 .21 K26 .20 .23 K17 .18 .21 K27 .20 .23 K18 .27 .30 K28 .18 .21 K19 .18 .21 K29 .12 .15 Above prices based on newels with shaft not larger than 5 x 5; for 6 x 6 shaft add 25c net. For quarter-sawed oak, red birch or woods of similar value, add 25 per cent to above prices. Prices subject to discount. 266 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. L3 L4 L6 L7 L10 Lll L 12 13 TURNED BEADS. White or Yellow Pine, Oak, Birch, or woods of equal value. ^^flH^^^^^^^M I -- -Li -m -^fe- w ir~fc ^ II^M i - . - I. i i -^J^jJfcj.^^^ i ! r-i ..-, i .2--2 SS -a 111 Is? s as a n ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 267 TURNED BEADS. Pine or Yellow Pine, Oak, Birch, or woods of equal value. L 14 L 18 L 16 L17 L 18 t 19 L20 L 21 L22 I, 23 L24 I. 25 L26 - J J: J . BtJS C4 f O ~IH V 3&* oj a * J , C(J 8S& - n, $6.00 per ICO lineal feet. L 34. Two-thirds size, % x \%, $6.00 per 100 lineal feet L 35. Two-thirds size, % x \%, $6.00 per 100 lineal feet. L 36. Two-thirds size, % x 1^, $6.00 per 100 lineal feet. I, 37. Two-thirds size, % x 254 , $9.00 per 100 lineal feet. 270 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. EMBOSSED MOULDINGS. White or Yellow Pine, Oak, Birch, or woods of equal value. L 38. Full size. ^ x >, $3.00 per 100 lineal feet. L 39. Full size, y& x ft, $3.00 per 100 lineal feet. L 40. Full size, ft x ^, $3.00 per 100 lineal feet. L 41. Full size, ft x #, $3.00 per 100 lineal feet. L 42. Full size, y z x ^, $3.00 per ICO lineal feet. L 43. Full size ft x %', $3.00 per 100 lineal feet. L 44. Full size, % x #, $3.00 per 100 lineal feet. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 271 EMBOSSED MOULDINGS. White or Yellow Pine, Oak, Birch, or woods of equal value. L 45 Full size, # x 1#, $4.80 per 100 lineal feet. L, 46. Two-thirds size, ^ x 1%, $6.00 per 100 lineal feet. L 47. Full size, ^ x 1#, $4.40 per 100 lineal feet. L 48. Two-thirds size, ^ x 2)4, $8.00 per 100 lineal feet. 49. Full size, y z x #, $3.00 per 100 lineal feet. 272 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. EMBOSSED MOULDINGS. White or Yellow Pine, Oak, Birch, or woods of equal value. L 50. Two-thirds size, ^xl^, $4.80 per 100 lineal feet. L 51. Two-thirds size, Hxl l / 2 , $4 40 per 100 lineal feet. L 52. Two-thirds size, %xl^, $7.00 per 100 lineal feet. L 53. Full size, ^xl, $3.20 per 100 lineal feet. L 54. Full size, #x#, $3.20 per 100 lineal feet. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 273 EMBOSSED MOULDINGS. White or Yellow Pine, Oak, Birch, or woods of equal value. 55. Size, & x & inch. Price, $3.00 per 100 lineal feet. L, 56. Size, y z x [f inch. Price, $3.fO per 100 lineal feet. L 57. Size, % x 1# inches. Price, $5.00 per 100 lineal feet. L 58. Size, # x 1 % inches. Price, $7.00 per 100 lineal feet. L 59. Size, % x 1> inches. Price, $6.00 per 100 lineal feet. L 60. Size, l l / 8 x \y 2 inches. Price, $7.20 per 100 lineal feet. 274 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. EMBOSSED MOULDINGS. White or Yellow Pine, Oak, Birch, or woods of equal value. L 61. Size, y x 2 l / & inches. Price, $8.50 per 100 lineal feet. L, 62. Size, ?/& x 2# inches. Price, $11.00 per 100 lineal feet. Iv 63. Size, % x 3% inches. Price, $13.00 per 100 lineal feet. L 64. Size, % x 2% inches. Price, $10.00 per 100 lineal feet. L 65. Size % x 2 inches. Price, $8.00 per 100 lineal feet. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 275 EMBOSSED MOULDINGS. White or Yellow Pine, Oak, Birch, or woods of equal value. L 66. Size, ^ x X inch - Price, $3.00 per 100 lineal feet. L 67. Size, ft x I l / 8 inches. Price, $4.00 per 100 lineal feet. L 68. Size, # x 1% inches. Price, $5.60 per 100 lineal feet. L 69. Size, ft x 2 inches. Price $7.50 per 100 lineal feet. 276 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. Hardwood Mantels On the following pages we show our complete line of original hardwood mantel designs, with out- fits. All of our mantels, regardless of price, are made of thoroughly sea- soned kiln-dried lumber. The finish and workman- ship is first-class in every respect, and equal to the best on the market. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 277 OUTFITS. Regarding Outfits. The following Outfits can be furnished with Mantels shown in this Cata- logue. You will find that each Mantel is priced with the various Outfits. In ordering please be sure and specify which Outfit is wanted with each Mantel ordered. OUTFIT No. M 12 OUTFIT No. M 13/ 2 '-3 8 - Z 'O" fl y " 3 Interior View of No. M 41 Combination Grate. Showing how Basket Hangs on Frame. Interior View of No. M 42 ' Comblna tion Grate. Showing how Basket hangs on Frame. Front View of No. M 41 Combination Grate. Showing Summer Front in position. 30^ inches wide, 30^ inches high; fire basket 24 inches wide, 7 or 9 inches deep. Outfit NO M 12 consists of Fireplace No. M 41 Virginia (Irate; black wrought iron finish; 30^ inches wide. 30% inches high, with 24 inch Berlin black basket, 7 or 9 niches deep, without Summer front. Facing Best quality enameled tile (any color). Hearth 60x21 inches; best quality enameled tile (any color). Summer Front can be had with Outfit No. M 12 for $2.00 list extra. This outfit can also be had with plated frame and Summer front for S2.00 list extra. Prices subject Front View of No. M 4 254 Combinatioi '"" ^"bcrt 5 Grate. = .S55 Showing Summer Front in position. 24V4 inches wide, 30% inches high; fire basket 20 inches wide, 7 or 9 inches deep. Outfit NO. M 13^ consists of Fireplace No. ~M42% Grate; black wrought iron finish; 24 l / inches wide, 30^ inches high, with 20 inch Btrlin black Basket 7 or 9 inches deep, without Summer front. Facing Best quality enameled tile (any color). Hearth 60x21 inches; best quality enameled tile (any color) Summer Front can be had with Outfit No. M 13J^ for $2 00 lis extra. This outfit can also be had with plated frame and Summe front for $2.00 list extra. to discount. 278 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUTFIT No. M 14 Interior View of No. M 51% Chicago Mounted Buckeye Grate. Outfit NO, M 14^ consists of Fireplace No." M 51^ Chicago Mounted Buckeye Grate, black wrought iron finish, 24^2 inches wide, 30^ inches high, 20 inch fire pot 9% inches deep, with dumping bottom. Facing Best quality enameled tile (any color). Hearth 60x21 inches; best quality enameled tile (any color). Outfit No. M 14: l / 2 can also be had 30^ inches wide, 30^( inches high, fire pot 24 inches wide, 9^ inches deep, for $3.00 list extra. Frame and Summer front on out fit No. M14^ can also be had in plated finish for $3.00 list extra. Front View of No. M 51% Chicago Mounted Buckeye Grate. Showing Summer Front in Position. 24% inches wide, 30J4 inches high. Fire pot 20 inches wide, 9% inches deep. FENDERS. Side View of No. M Chicago Mounted Buckeye Grate. Showing Double Draft Damper Arrangement. THE CHICAGO GRATE. Pat. July 19, 1892. A good serviceable double draft grate, single basket front, suitable for soft coal, hard coal or wood; has tile fite back, iron sides to air cham- ber, which prevent burning out, made with dumping bottom. The back bar and tfunions in these giatesare not protected as in the Majestic. For a medium priced fire place they have no equal in either finish, construction or weight. All made with our patented loose cross piece, which prevents cracking or warping. All mounted ready for use, one grate in a case. 36 and 42 inches long. No. M 62. Brass Fender with plain rail. Price $11.50 No. M 63>. Brass Fender with fancy rail. Price 11.50 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 279 OUTFIT No. M15. Interior View of No. M61 Mounted Gas Grate. I i i 1 * < i I ) > * . t t . i * * . .< , i . . ,* Front View of No. M61 Mounted Gas Grate, Plated Finish. Showing Summer Front in Position. 24% inches wide, 30^ inches high, or 30j| " " 30^ Outfit NO. M15 consists of Fireplace No. M61 Mounted Gas Grate 24% inches wide, 30 X inches high, with 5 row Multiple Burner. Facing Best quality enameled tile (any color). Hearth 60 x 21 inches best quality enameled tile (any color). Sectional View No. M61 Mounted Gas Grate. 1. Damper Rod. 2. Gas Chambers. 3. Cast Iron Back to Burner. 4. Valve. 5. Fret. 6. Crown. 7. Mixers 8. Sheet Iron Back. 9. Reservoir and Canal to feed each row. 10. Damper. The Multiple Burn- er Gas Grate, show- ing separate gas chamber (No. 2) for each row of burners, the lower being larg- er than the upper one form a reservoir to feed them when grate is turned low. These chambers form a canal at each end extending up from lower reservoir. The back of gas chamber is of cast iron and will not rust out from moisture in chimney. We guarantee this grate to be the best gas grate made and to give entire satisfaction. Always specify whether for natural or manufac- tured gas. FENDERS. 32, 39 and 47 inches long. Prices subject to discount. M61 ^. Wrought Iron Finish. Price $9.00 280 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUTFIT No. M16^ Outfit NO. Ml 6}^ consists of Fireplace No. M 1\% Sun Ray Mounted Grate, 24^ inches wide, 30^ inches high; firepot UO inches wide, 12 inches deep, with plated cast frame, ash screen and summer front. Facing Best quality enamel tile (any color.) Hearth 60 x 21 inches, best quality enamel tile (any color.) Outfit No. M 16}4 can also be had 30^ inches wide, 30X inches high; firepot 24 inches wide, 12 inches deep, for $5.00 list extra. Interior View of No. M71M Sun Ray Grate Side View of Back Showing damper arrangement, fire tile and general construction of No. Sun Ray Grates. ASH PIT DOOR Hinged M72 Front View of No. M71K Sun Ray Grate Made of Heavy malleable iron; opening j^ in. wide. 30,^ in. high; firepot 20 in. wide, 12 8x12 or 10 x 12. in. deep, with shaking and dumping bottom. List price each ...... ________ ..... _ $3.00 Prices subject to discount. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 281 OUTFIT No. M17y 2 . Outfit NO. M 1 7^ consists of Fireplace No. 1 plated Improved Columbian Ventilating Grate, 30> inches wide, 30^ inches high, 24-inch plated basket, and No. 2 plated Improved Columbian Ventilating Grate, 24% inches wide. 30> 4 inches high, 20-inch plated basket; both with plated summer front. Front View No. 2 Improved Columbian Ventilating Grate. 24 ^ inches wide 30^ inches high, 20-inch plated basket with shaking and dumping bottom. Interior View No. 1 Improved Columbian Ventilating Grate. ^j inches wide, 30}^ inches high, 24-inch plated basket with shaking and dumping bottom. Description of IMPROVED COLUMBIAN VENTILATING GRATE.S For Hard Coal, Soft Coal, Coke or Wood. WHAT WE CLAIM FOR. THEM : 1st They are made in one piece like a stove, and require no labor or expense to set, it being only necessary to push them into the fire place and they are ready for use. 3d Its air supply not being overheated, is far more pleasant and healthful than that of a furnace. 3d It keeps fire from Fall till Spring, and will run over 24 hours without any attention. 4th In case of the breakage of tiles while in use, they can be replaced from the front without disturbing other parts of the large iron frame. 6th The greatest economy. All the solid fuel and a large portion of the smoke and gases being consumed. 6th Cleanliness. The dust being carried up the flue in the rear of the back fire tile and discharged into the main flue 7th Durability and simplicity of construction. No light castings, no complicated machinery. 8th Our new shaking and dumping bottom grate is the most satis- factory ever produced. 9th It shakes without disturbing the entire bed of fire, simply sifts the ashes through into the stationary ash pan or ash pit below; it will not waste unburned fuel, and cannot become clogged by slate or clinkers. It has a double set of lateral bars, one directly over the other, with a set of pins attached between lower set of bars, extending through upper set and into fire pot as shown in cut. When desired the entire contents of fire pot may be dumped into ash pan or ash pit same as the ordinary dumping bottom grate. 10th It can be dumped and cleaned out with ease and dispatch. llth As near perfect combustion as possible to get in a grate. V2th The Summer Front, so constructed as to fit closely and readily into position without removing the grate or any portion of it. 13th The cold air which lies on the floor is rapidly drawn through the back flues, which assists greatly in heating the room. 14th The current of air passing up the back flues, into the chimney improves the draft wonderfully, and although we dp not claim to cure smoky chimneys, there are countless instances where it has been done. 15th They are surpassed by none in the world in excellence of finish and beauty o'l design. The Columbian Ventilating Grate is a most economical consumer of fuel, burns hard or soft coal, wood, coke or natural gas, with perfect combustion, absolutely no waste of fuel. Side View of Improved Colum- bian Ventilating Grate. Showing damper arrangement, fire tile and general construction of Nos. 1 and 2 Improved Columbian Ventilating Grate. WHAT THEY WILL DO : The damper system as applied to the Improved Columbian Ventilating Grates gives the user absolute control of the fire, thereby providing an easy way to increase or lessen the heat as required. This is an important feature. It also affords an excellent system of ventilation, as will as collecting the cold air from the floor and carrying the same into the air chamber back of the fire tile, where it becomes superheated and passes above the line of fire, produc- ing perfect combustion of the gases, which otherwise would escape into the flue uncjiisumed. This consumption of the gases adds very materially to the heating qualities, as well as to the economy, cheerfulness and cleanliness. We would call your attention to the position occupied by the top tile, which acts as a check and prevents the heat from passing direct into the flue It also insures the passing of the superheated air directly over the line of fire, pro- ducing greater benefit for the fuel consumed. By opening the lower damper when shaking the grate all the dust is drawn into the chamber back of the fire and then discharged into the main flue. Nothing but the very best materials and workmanship enter into their construction. 282 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. CAST IRON FIRE. SE/TS M 83^ Wrought'iron finish. Height, 30 inches. Wrought iron finish. Height, 27^ inches. Price.. $9.00 Price... .$9.00 SPARK GUARDS. DOUBLE LINED. COPPER PLATED. No.~M.81 24 inches wide, 30 inches high Ust price, $2.00 No. M82 30 inches wide, 30 inches high List price, 3.00 Special sizes to order. Prices subject to discount. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 283 FIRE, PLACE, FURNISHINGS CAST IRON ANDIRONS M 91 % 18 inches high. Price, per pair $5.50 M 92% 18 inches high. Price, per pair $5.00 M 93 inches high. Price, per pair $5.00 M 95 PORTABLE, GRATE, Dumping bottom and casters. Price, black, 24#xl3> inches deep $10.60 " plated, " " 12.50 21*4 and 24# inches wide, 12% inches deep. Price, black $9.50 " plated.. ..10.50 M 96 , AUTOMATIC ASH TRAP Price, 7x10 or 9x11 inches.. $0.70 Wrought Iron Finished Portable Grate Price, 18, 20 and 22 inches wide $7.50 " 24and27X " 9.00 " 30 10.70 " 36^ " . ...15.00 Prices subject to discount. 284 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. M 100 Height, 4 feet 10 inches. Width, 5 feet. Tile opening, 42 inches wide, 39 inches high Tile projection, 3 inches. Columns, 3% inchts in diameter. Front of shelf and columns veneered in quarter-sawed oak. Balance selected oak, finishe 1 in our high grade golden oak, superior flow finish. Mantel only, without trimmings. $24.50 Mantel complete with outfit No. M \\y z 51.50 complete with outfit No. M 12 43.00 " " " " " M15._ 51.50 " M 13# 42.00 " " " " " M 16^ 59.50 Mantel complete with outfit No. M \l l / 2 $76.50 Prices subject to discount. For outfits see page? 277 to 283. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 285 M 101 Height, 6 feet 8 inches. Width, 4 feet G inches to 5 feet. Tile opening, 36 inches wide, 36 inches high. Tile projection, 3 inches. Square French beveled plate mirror, 14 x 24 inches. Columns 2 l / 2 inches in diameter, veneered in quarter-sawed oak. Made of selected oak, finished in a rich golden oak, siiperior flowed finish. Mantel only, without trimmings $23.50 Mantel complete with outfit No. M 14>^$50.50 " complete with outfit No. M 12.. 42.00 " " " " " M 15 50.50 " M13^ 4100 " " " M16^ 58.50 Mantel complete with outfit No. M 17>^ $75.50 Prices subject to discount. For outfits see pages 277 to 283. 286 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. M 102 Height, 6 feet 9 inches. Width, 5 feet. Tile opening, 36 inches wide, 31) inches high. Tile projection, 3 inches. Square French beveled plate mirror, 16 x 28 inches. Columns, 3^ inches in diameter. Made of selected oak, finished in a rich golden oak, superior flowed finish. Front of shelves and columns veneered in quarter-sawed oak. Mantel only, without trimmings $37.00 Mantel complete with outfit No. M 14>^$64.00 " complete with outfit No. M 12.. 55.50 " " " " " M 15.. 64.00 " M 13^ 54.50 " " ' " " M 16^ 72.00 Mantel complete with outfit No. M 17^ $89.00 Prices subject to discount. For outfits see pages 277 to 283. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 287 M 103 Height, 6 feet 7 inches. Width, 5 feet. Tile opening, 42 inches wide, 42 inches high. Tile projection, 3# inches. Square French beveled plate mirror, 20 x 30 inches. Made of selected oak, finished in any desired color, wax finish. This mantel looks best in Mission finishes, such as Ant- werp, Flemish, Weathered or Early English. Mantel only, without trimmings $43.50 Mantel complete with outfit No. M 14^$70.50 complete with outfit No. M 12.. 62.00 " " " " " M 15 7050 " No. M 13^ 61.00 " " " " " M 16# 78.5O Mantel complete with outfit No. M Yl l / 2 $95.50 Prices subject to discount. For outfits see pages 277 to 283. 288 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. M104 Height, 4 feet 7 inches. Width, 4 feet 6 inches to 5 feet. Tile opening, 36 inches wide, 36 inches high. Tile projection, 4 inches. Also furnished without tile projection to set flat against the wall. Made of selected oak, finished in a high grade golden oak, superior flowed finish. Mantel only, without trimmings $11.00 Mantel complete with outfit No. M 14>^ $38. 00 complete with outfit No. M 12.. 29.50 " " " " M15.. 38.00 " M13^ 28.50 " " " " M16^ 46.00 Mantel complete with outfit No. M 17^ $63.00 Prices subject to discount. For outfits see pages 277 to 283. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 289 M 105 Height, 6 feet 9 inches. Width, 5 feet. Tile opening, 36 inches wide, 39 inches high. Tile projection, 3 inches. French beveled plate mirror, 18 x 36 inches. Columns, 3% inches. Made of well selected oak, finished in a rich golden oak, superior flow finish. Front of shelves and columns veneered in well figured quarter-sawed oak. Mantel only, without trimmings ------- $37.00 Mantel complete with outfit No. M 14>$64.00 complete with outfit No. M 12.. 55.50 " " " " " M 15 64.00 " M 13^ 54.50 " " " " " M 16^ 72^00 Mantel complete with outfit No. M 11% ____ $89.00 Prices subject to discount. For outfits see pages 277 to 283. 290 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. M 106 Height, o feet. Width, 5 feet. Tile opening, 42 inches wide, 39 inches high. Tile projection, 4 inches. Made of selected quarter-sawed oak or birch, finished in any desired color, piano polish finish. Looks best in the golden oak. Mantel complete with outfit No. M 14}^$56.50 " " " " " M 15.. 56.50 " " " " M \Q 2 64.50 Mantel only, without trimmings ______ $29.50 complete with outfit No. M 12. 48.00 47.00 " " Mantel complete with outfit No. M 17^ ____ $81.50 Write for prices on mantel with hand-painted tile facing, similar to the one shown in cut of mantel. Prices subject to discount. For outfits see pages 277 to 283. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 291 M 107 Height, 5 feet 8 inches. Width, 5 feet. Tile opening, 42 inches wide, 42 inches high. Tile projection, 4 inches. Made of selected oak, finished in any of the popular Mission finishes, such as Weathered, Antwerp or Flemish, wax finish. Mantel only, without trimmings $36.00 Mantel complete with outfit No. M 14^$63.00 complete with outfit No. M 12 54.50 " " " " " M 15 6300 " M13^ 53.50 " " " " " M16>2 71.00 - Mantel complete with outfit No. M 17^ $88.00 Prices subject to discount. For outfits see pages 277 to 283. 292 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. M 108 Height, 6 feet 5 inches. Width, 4 feet 6 inches to 5 feet. Tile opening, 36 inches wide, 36 inches high. Tile projection, 4 inches. Square French beveled plate mirror, 14x24 inches. Made of selected oak, finished in a rich golden oak, superior flowed finish. Mantel only, without trimmings. $26.00 Mantel complete with outfit No. M 14^$53.00 " complete with outfit No. M 12.. 44.50 " " " " " M 15 .. 53.00 " " M 13^ 43.60 " " " " " M 16^ 61.00 Mantel complete with outfit No. 17^ $78.00 Prices subject to discount. For outfits see pages 277 to 283. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 293 M 109 Height, 7 feet. Width 4 feet 6 inches to 5 feet. Tile opening, 36 inches wide, 36 inches high. Tile projection, 3 inches. Square French bevel plate mirror, 18x33 inches. Columns 3^ inches in diameter, veneered in quarter-sawed oak. Made of selected oak, finished in our rich golden oak, superior flowed finish. Mantel only, without trimmings $34 50 Mantel complete with outfit No. M 14 / I ,$61.50 complete with outfit No. M 12.. 53.00 " " " ' " M 15 61.50 " M13^ 52.00 " " " " " MlGfr 69.50 Mantel complete with outfit No. 17^ 86.50 Prices subject to discount. For outfits see pages 277 to 283. 294 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. WOOD CARPET and PARQUET FLOORING S NOT, as many people suppose, a temporary floor covering to be laid down and taken up at pleas- ure, but is a permanent new floor on top of the old one, and is carefully fitted into all the offsets and runs around all the projections of the room, and is firmly nailed down with small brads; ana when finished has the effect of a thick European floor. We make it, however, in the same elaborate and beautiful designs, by the process of gluing the wood on cloth instead of to another piece of wood an inch or so thick, and we make it at a much less cost, as we utilize the floor already down, and thus occupy but five-sixteenths of an inch, instead of one inch or more (as with thick parquet) . Where disappointments have arisen from any kind of hardwood floors, it has invariably been from not understanding the proper treatment, or in expecting too much of them. The treatment of floors should be the same as the European. The common remark "that a bare floor is so cheerless" comes wholly from the impression given by an ordinary pine floor, with its unsightly cracks, and from not having seen the effect of a well-laid Parquet Floor, in combination with the furniture and other articles, in keeping with the character of the room in which it is laid. Is made in the uniform thickness of five- sixteenths of an inch. The woods used are all kiln dried and prepared so as to prevent shrinkage Care must be taken to preserve them from dampness until the floor is laid and finished. The straight carpeting, 36 and 28 inches wide, rolls up like an oilcloth, and is thus readily shipped. The borders and strips are twelve feet long, and the Parquet Flooring comes in sheets 2x4 feet, and make a solid package for shipping. Are bein<* extensively used, on account of their healthful- ness and convenience in keeping the room clean and free from dust. They are generally used on the middle part of the room, leaving a margin of about two feet around sides of the room for furniture to stand on. The floor upon which they lie should be a good one, with some degree of ornamentation, and free from joints and cracks. The dust on the floor is easily removed with a damp cloth or brush, and the rug can be rolled up at pleasure, and be taken out to be freed from dust. Rugs are now made to order at a very moderate cost, and of any desired shape and size. WOOD CARPET and PARQUETRY RUGS ESTIMATES in- Free of charge for floors or borders, with full structions and working drawing, will be cheerfully given to parties sending us a sketch of the ground plan, with measurements of the space desired to be covered. State what class of room it is for, also if a cheap or ornamented floor is desired. Our floors vary from $1.25 to $18.00 per yard. It is better to say how expensive a floor is desired, and the design will be made in accordance. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 295 296 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. Cfl I h I 00 g 55 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 297 00 O 3 H w D O> < PL, H O <-t-l oo O h I oo w Q ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. CO & I H w D ZS co CO w Q 5 w .1 IT. JU s 304 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. WILSON'S PATENT HORIZONTAL ROLLING PARTITIONS. 02 Isometric sketch showing construction. 03 The vertical dotted lines show the tempered steel bands which bind the slats together. The anchor springs in the baseboard to which the bands are attached permit them to extend so that the partition can roll up easily, while the slats are at all times kept in close contact. The flat, even space in center is prepared for Blackboard, Map or Decoration. Prices and other information upon application. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 305 DETAILS of HORIZONTAL ROLLING PARTITIONS. \ ~ Jl ' O 4 View showing one line of partitions in elevation and another in section at right angle. Enlarged section show- ing roller under the ceil- ing in cornice. O 5 Enlarged view showing roller above ceiling be- tween joists. O 6 306 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. VERTICAL ROLLING PARTITIONS, The construction of this Partition is the same as described on page 307, except that its lower edge is fitted with easy-running casters ; the runway is of hardened steel, and so also is the bottom of the box in which it coils, thus effectually preserving the wearing surface and reducing the friction of operation to a minimum. A partition rolling above, being exactly counterbalanced at all points, very little exertion is required to move it ; but in a partition rolling upon its edge sideways, the whole weight of it must be moved by the operator; moreover, any settling of the build- ing by which the floor track is thrown out of a true level, has a very serious effect upon its working, especially if the slats are hinged or locked together, as the large number of links or hinges could not, under such circumstances, be kept in perfect alignment, and an undue strain thrown upon one or two links would inevitably result in derange- ment or breakage. The great strength and pliability of the continuous tempered steel bands binding the slats of our partitions together are proof against any strain that can possibly be put upon them in operation, under any circumstances. Wilson's Vertical Rolling Partitions coil in spiral grooves upon easy-running casters, and require no other apparatus. The method employed is exceedingly simple, and there is nothing connected with them that can get out of ordei . They are made of any thickness required, from half inch upward. IMPORTANT NOTICES WHICH SHOULD BE READ BEFORE SENDING ORDER. All necessary preparation for the reception of Rolling Blinds and Partitions must be provided by the builder. See detail sheets, which will be furnished on application. All Rolling Partitions are measured at their full width and twelve inches higher than sight opening, or to the top of box in which they coil. Cornices or Brackets are never included in estimates for Rolling Partitions unless specially mentioned. Order blanks for Rolling Partitions, and also full instructions for hanging them in place will be furnished upon application. The use of these will prevent many mistakes. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 307 VERTICAL ROLLING PARTITIONS. O 8 Detail of coil boxes, scale % inch to 1 inch. These boxes are drawn to accommodate partitions 16 feet wide in each, or for an opening 32 feet wide as shown in illustration on page 303. O 9 Section showing groove below the floor level. Details of grooves, half full size. O 10 Section showing groove above the floor level. 308 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. ROLLING PARTITIONS. Full-size section of slats for horizontal partition. Note how little of the wood, and consequent strength is taken away. O 11 O 12 O 13 Full-size sectional slats for vertical rolling partition. O 14 Write for prices and other information. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 309 Colonial Columns call your special attention to our Colonial Staved Columns shown on the following pages. Our columns are manufactured by us from strictly No. 1 White Pine. The method of construction for our built-up columns is of our own patent and guarantees our customer a perfect and satisfactory piece of work. The lock joint used in our col- umns, not only ties the staves together, but gives one-third more gluing surface than any other column on the market. 310 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. STOCK COLONIAL PORCH WORK. p i SIZES CARRIED IN STOCK. 6 x 6, 8-0 6 x 6, 9-0 6 x 6, 10 - 8 x 8, 8-0 8 x 8, 9-0 8 x 8, 10-0 10 x 10, 8-0 10 x 10, 9-0 10 x 10, 10 - P2 Scamozz' For prices see our Net Price Folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 311 FLUTED COLONIAL PORCH COLUMNS. P3 SIZES CARRIED IN STOCK. 10 10 10 X X X X X X X X X 6, 6, 8-0 9-0 6, 10-0 8. 8-0 8, 9-0 8, 10-0 10, 8-0 10, 9-0 10, 10 - P4 Scamozzi. For prices see our Net Price Folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR SPECIAL PORCH COLUMN and NEWELS SIZES CARRIED IN STOCK. P 5 4x4, 8 and 9 ft. 5x5, 8, 9 and 10 ft. P6 4x4, 4 ft. 5x5, 4 ft. P7 4x4, 4ft. 5x5, 4 ft. P8 6x6, 4 ft. 8x8, 4 ft. x6, 4ft. 8x8, 4 ft. P5 P6 P8 Fot prices see our net price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 313 OUR SPECIAL STOCK SPINDLES and BALUSTERS. SPINDLES. No. P 9 sizes in stock : \y% x '8 inches. 1% x 8 " 1^x10 " No. P 10 sizes in stock : 18 x 8 inches. P9 P10 BALUSTERS. P12 No. P 12 sizes^in stock : 1# x 16 inches. IX x 18 " \X x 20 " 1# x 24 " P13 P 14 No. P 13 sizes in No. P 14 sizes in stock : stock : IX x 16 inches. 1% x 16 inches. IX x 18 " IX x 18 " IX x 20 is/ x 20 " IX x 24 " IX x 24 " For net prices see price folder. P 15 No. P 15 sizes in stock : IX x 16 inches. IX * 18 IX x 20 13/ x 24 Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA. NEB. HEAVY PORCH RAILS. P17 Size, 3^x2% inches Made any width to fit balusters from 1 to 2% inches. See our Special Stock Rails, page 315. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 315 OUR SPECIAL STOCK PORCH RAILS. These Rails are deservedly popular with the trade. We carry all these designs in stock, and can ship immediately upon receipt of order. TOP or HAND RAIL. BOTTOM or FOOT RAIL. P 21 Size, TOP or BOTTOM RAIL. P 22 Size, BEADED and SQUARE PORCH BALUSTERS. Also Suitable as a Spindle Rail. In lineal feet. We carry these Balusters in stock in Pine or Poplar. P 24 Size, 1# x 1 For net prices see our Price Folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 316 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OUR SPECIAL STOCK PORCH BRACKETS. \ x~~> P25 P26 P 27 P28 For prices and sizes carried in stock see our net price folder. The above brackets are all made \y% inches thick, Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 317 STOCK ADJUSTABLE GABLE ORNAMENTS. Adjustable to any pitch. P30 Extends 5 feet 6 inches down gable. Extends 6 feet down gable. These adjustable ornaments are made of sound selected Pine lumber, complete as shown, with slides and set screws for adjusting size to fit in gable. Perfectly designed and propor- tioned and can be used to beautify and improve old houses as well as new ones. . A novelty and quick seller. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 318 ADAMS & KELLY CO.. OMAHA. NEB. " WASHINGTON FIR GUTTER. Our V Gutters are made of Washington Fir and are recommended for use where a cheap but durable gutter is required. Washington Fir never warps, checks or splits and we can guarantee it fully. We carry same in lengths from 6 to 16 feet. V Gutter. 4-inch is No. P 35; 4>-inch is No. P 36; 5-inch is No P 37. CORNER BEADS. P 40 P 41 Yellow Pine Corner Beads always in stock. TABLE LEG. We make Table Leg No. P 42 in Pine or Poplar, in the following sizes: 2% __________ 2 ft., 6 in. .2 ft., 6 in. BASE ANGLES. These Base Angles \y% x 14 inches, save milreing base at corners. Yellow Pine always in stock. P 42 43 Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 319 5-INCH CUT CEDAR DIMENSION SHINGLES. P 49 COVE DOWELS and BALLS. For outside Porch work. P 50 in. diameter. PICKETS. P 53 P 54 No. P 53. 1 x 3 3 ft. No. P 53. 1 x3 4 ft. No. P 54. IX x IX 3 ft. No. P 54. IX x IX -- .--4 ft. P 61 X in. diameter. FENCE POST CAPS. P 55 Usual sizes used 4X ^i ^ in. diameter. P 52 l^i in. diameter. For prices see Net Price Folder Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 320 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. PORCH COLUMNS WITH PEDESTALS. P56 P 57 Write for Prices. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 321 PORCH PEDESTALS. P58 P59 P60 P 61 P62 Prices furnished upon application. 322 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. PORCH BALUSTERS. HEAVY TURNED BALUSTERS. P70 P71 P72 SAWED BALUSTERS. P73 P74 P80 P 81 P 82 P 83 ORDINARY TURNED BALUSTERS. P84 P90 P91 P92 P93 P94 P95 P96 See our stock designs, page 313. For prices and sizes carried in stock see our Price Folder. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 323 PORCH SPINDLES. /^=^ W P 101 P 102 P 103 P 104 P 105 P 106 P 107 P 108 P 109 P110 Pill P 112 P 113 P 118 P 115 P 116 P 119 P 120 P 121 See our stock designs, page 313. For prices see our Net Price Folder. P 117 P 122 324 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. FINIALS, DROPS, GUTTER ENDS, BRACKETS & RAFTER ENDS P130 3% x 33! in. 30 in. high. 75c. " : P131 ;x33in. 30 in. high. 85c. P 132 Price each, $1.10 P133 Price each, 80c P 134 154x4x10 in. IOC. P 137 n P 138 P 144 P 145 P 141 P 142 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 325 FLOORING, THRESHOLDS, WEIGHTS, CORD and PULLEYS. HARDWOOD FLOORING. Our flooring is made from Kiln-dried, Clear Stock, perfectly manufactured and securely tied in bundles to assure safe arrival at destination. OAK THRESHOLDS. Inside, size Outside, size We carry the above in stock in 3-foot lengths, neatly tied in bundles of 10 each. The 3-foot length works very economically for doors three feet wide and under. If desired we can also furnish thresholds in lengths from six to sixteen feet. SASH WEIGHT. SASH CORD. SASH PULLEY. For prices see our net price folder. Save time and money by ordering designs and sizes we carry in stock. 326 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. CRESTINGS and DRAPERY P 146 ^ x 4 in. 9c per lineal foot. P 147 ^ x 4 in. 8c per lineal foot. P 148 % x 4 in. 8c per lineal foot. P 149 1>6 x 7> in. 24c per lineal foot. P 160 l>i x l l / 2 in. 28c per lineal foot. ^_^N- __^XX^_^XX^__^X__^^^_^/^ ^^ S*^ X^ S^ ^^ ^^ -^^_ .S^. ' booooooooooooooo P 161 1^ x 5 in. 12c per lineal foot. P 152 1^x5 in. lOc per lineal foot. CIO P 153 1>^ x 5 in. 15c per lineal foot. P 154 1^ x 5 in. 15c per lineal foot. Prices subject to discount. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 327 GABLE ORNAMENTS. P158 We make these ornaments to fit any size or pitch desired ; unless otherwise ordered we make them 6 feet across at base. See our stock designs page 317. 328 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. BRACKETS. P 210 P 214 P 218 P 211 P 212 Special prices quoted on above designs P 213 P 215 P 216 P 217 P 219 P 220 One member, \y% inches thick. P 221 LIST PRICE EACH. Size. P 214 P 215 P 216 P 217 P 218 P 219 P 220 P 221 8x10 $0.15 $0.15 $0.14 $0.15 $0.14 $0.14 $0.15 $0.16 lOx 12 .17 .16 .15 .17 .15 .15 .16 .16 10 x 14 .19 .17 .17 .19 | .17 .17 .17 .17 12 x 14 .21 .19 .19 .21 .19 .19 .19 .19 12 x 16 .22 .20 .20 .22 .20 .20 .20 .20 For 1 ^ inches thick add 25 per cent. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 329 BRACKETS. P222 P223 P224 P225 P226 One member, \y% inches thick. LIST PRICE EACH. P227 Pattern. 14 x 10 16x12 18x14 20x14 24 x 16 28x18 P222 $0.24 $0.27 $0.40 $0.47 $0.53 $0.67 P223 .26 .29 .44 .51 .57 .71 P224 .24 .27 .40 .47 .53 .67 P225 .26 .29 .44 .51 .57 .71 P226 .24 .27 .40 .47 .53 .67 P227 .26 .29 .44 .51 .57 .71 For 1% inches thick add 25 per cent. 330 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. BRACKETS. P228 P229 P230 P231 P232 P233 1 member, 1^ inches thick. LIST PRICE EACH. Pattern 14x10 16x12 18 xli 20x14 24 x 16 28x18 P228 $0.24 $0.27 $0.40 $0.47 $0.53 $0.67 P229 .24 27 .40 .47 .53 .67 P230 .33 .36 .44 .51 .57 .76 P231 .43 .47 .56 .63 .69 .86 P232 .25 .29 .44 .51 .57 .72 P233 .24 .27 .40 .47 .53 .67 For 1 % inches thick add 25 per cent. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. FACE BRACKETS. P234 P 235 P236 P237 P238 P 239 P 240 One member, l^g inches thick. LIST PRICE EACH. P241 Pattern 6 x 12 8x14 8x18 10x20 10x24 12x26' 14x30 P 234 $0 16 $0.20 $0.23 $0.29 $0.32 $0.36 $0.40 P 235 16 .20 .23 .29 .32 .36 .40 P 236 .22 .25 .28 .33 .36 .40 .44 P 237 .16 20 .23 .29 .32 .36 .40 P 238 .22 .25 .28 .33 .36 .40 .44 P 239 .16 .15 .23 .29 .32 .36 .40 P 240 .22 .25 .28 .33 .36 .40 .44 P 241 .31 .33 .36 .40 .42 .46 .50 For 134 inches thick add 25 per cent. 332 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. FACE BRACKETS. P242 P243 P244 P245 P246 I P 247 P 248 Three members, 3^ inches thick. LIST PRICE EACH. P 249 Pattern 6x12 8x14 8x18 10x20 10x24 12 x 26 14x30 P 242 $0.33 $0.39 $0.44 $0.53 $0.60 $0 67 $077 P 243 .37 .43 .48 .59 .65 .73 .83 P 244 .37 .43 .48 .59 .65 .73 .83 P 245 .33 .39 .44 .53 .60 .67 .77 P 246 .37 .43 .48 .59 .65 .73 .83 P 247 .37 .43 .48 .59 .65 .73 .83 P 248 .33 .39 .44 .53 .60 .67 .77 P 249 .37 .43 .48 .59 .65 .73 .83 Larger sizes proportionate in price. Atove Iracluts aie alvajs made without abacus moulding, and prices are made on this basis. I f Brackets aie v anted -with moulding, specify design. Made in this way we add small amount to qi:o1ati( rs. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 333 BRACKETS. P250 P251 P252 P253 P 254 P255 P 256 P257 P258 Three members, 3^ inches thick. LIST PRICE EACH. Size P250 P 251 P 252 P 853 P 254 P 255 P 256 P257 P258 10x14 $0.51 $0.47 $0.47 $0.47 $0.47 $0.51 $0.47 $0.51 $0.47 12x16 .61 .57 .57 .57 .57 .61 .57 .61 .57 14x18 .72 67 .67 .67 .67 .72 .67 .72 .67 16x20 .85 .80 .80 .80 .80 .85 .80 .85 .80 18x24 .93 .87 .87 .87 .87 .93 .87 .93 .87 20 x28 1.07 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.04 1.07 1.04 1.07 1.04 Larger sixes proportionate in price. Above Brackets are always made without abacus moulding, and prices are made on this basis. If Brackets are wanted with moulding, specify design. Made in this way we add small amount to above quotations. 334 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. BRACKETS. P259 P 260 P 261 P262 P 263 P 264 P265 P 266 Three members, 3>^ inches thick. LIST PRICE EACH. P 267 Size P 259 P 260 P 261 P 262 P 263 P 264 P 265 P 266 P 267 10x14 $0.47 $0.47 $0.47 $0.51 $0.47 $0.47 $0.51 $0.47 $0.47 12x 16 .57 .57 .67 .61 .57 .57 .61 .57 .57 14x18 67 .67 .67 .72 .67 .67 .72 .67 .67 16 x 20 8O .80 .80 .85 .80 .80 .85 .80 .80 18x24 .87 .87 .87 .93 .87 .87 .93 .87 .87 20x28 1.04 1 04 1.04 1.07 1.04 1.04 1.07 1.04 1.04 Larger sizes proportionate in price. Above Brackets are always made with abacus moulding, and prices are made on this basis. If Brackets are wanted without moulding, specify design. Made in this way we add small amount to above quotations. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 335 EXPLANATION AND INSTRUCTIONS. N page 344 we illustrate one of our Modern Ionic Capitals with necking, "Empire," as applied to a column showing the wood shaft and core running through the Capital supporting the entablature above. The plans of the different abacus forms as given will serve as a further illustration of the relative position of shaft and our material. All our Capitals are furnished as shown in the catalogue, each Capital having a complete finish to connect with shaft. The diameter given in catalogue represents the top of column. The width represents the top of the pilaster. The height given is the exact height of Capital. Always allow a trifle more height for your core so the weight will rest on shaft and not on Capital YZ of an inch up to 10-inch diameter, ^ of an inch above that size will be sufficient to insure a safe application. The thickness of our material is 1 inch up to a 10-inch diameter Capital, making the core of a 10-inch diameter Capital, 8 inches; of an 8-inch Capital, 6 inches. Above 10 inches allow yk of an inch more for the thickness of material for every 2 inches of increased size, making core for a 14-inch diameter Capital, 11^ inches; a 16-inch Capital, 13^ inches, etc. In ordering Capitals give name, number and size of diameter or width. Also state materials wanted, viz.: Exterior composition, warranted to stand in any climate. Interior composition, made with grain to match any wood, having a solid wood body, requires no core on column Always state the kind of wood and finish. Fibrous plaster used in conjunction with interior plaster finish. The sizes of our Brackets given are : 1st The entire width across abacus moulding. 2d Width of face on body without moulding. 3d Drop or length. 4th Projection. 336 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. EXTERIOR. COLUMN CAPITAL R 10 INTERIOR. Diameter, Inches. Height, Inches. Prices, Each. (FOR NATURAL WOOD FINISH.) 3 I* $1.50 Diameter, Height, Prices, 4 2% 1.70 Inches. Inches. Each 4> 2)4 1.70 1 A $ 0.80 5 27/ s 1.90 \y z .90 5J 3>i 1.90 2 1/8 1.00 6 3^4 2.10 2/4 1/8 1.35 6)i 3f6 2.10 3 1.60 7 3^" 2.40 3}4 2 4 1.90 7^ 4/^ 2.40 4 2% 2 10 8 4fi 2.70 4^ 2)4 2.40 8> 4^ 2.90 5 2% 270 9 5^ 3.50 5^ 3/8 3.10 9/^ 5/8 3.80 6 3/8 3.50 10 5^ 4.15 6% 4.00 IP* 5/8 4.70 7 3-^ 480 11 6# 5.40 7/ 4X 580 12 8l( 650 8 6.70 13 7^ 7.70 8/4 4# 7.60 14 7% 9.40 9 8.75 15 8/8 11.40 9^ 5^8 9.80 16 9 13.40 10 5# 10.80 17 9^ 15.40 11 12.70 18 lOtf 17.40 12 6|4f 14.90 20 H/8 21.40 14 7^ 20.00 21 11^ 24.00 22 12^ 2670 24 13^ 32.00 25 14 3750 Above prices based on oak or birch. Any 28 16 45.00 other woods 20 % extra. 31 nx 57.00 COLUMN PILASTER R 11 EXTERIOR. INTERIOR. Width, Height, Prices, (FOR NATURAL, WOOD FINISH.) Inches. Inches. Each. 3 1# $0.90 Width, Inches. Height, Inches. Prices Each. 4 2* 1.00 1.00 1 A $ 0.50 fm Q 7/ 1 11 xSl /& .00 5% 6 3/8 1 JO 1.15 1.25 1 2*i 2 3 * 1/8 1* .60 .80 1.00 7 1 1 . & O 1.45 1.45 4 2 4 2 f 1.15 1.25 1.45 1 fiO 8# 4K 1 .vlv/ 1.75 5 2% i!eo 1 85 Q 2 10 y 5/8 Ma JiV 2.30 6 3/8 2.10 9 40 10 5% 2.50 2.80 7 3^ H/8 10.45 12.85 14 14 7# 12.00 21 11^ 14.40 22 12)4 16.00 24 13^ 19.20 25 14 2250 Above prices based on oak or birch. Any 28 16 27.00 other woods 20 % extra. 31 17^ 34.20 State return or thickness of pilaster. Above prices subject to discount. All Capitals and Brackets listed under the heading Exterior can also be furnished for Interior plaster finish at same price. ADAMS & KELLY CO, OMAHA, NEB. 337 ITALIAN RENAISSANCE IONIC (Scamozzi). COLUMN CAPITAL. COPV'D 1899 DECORATORS SUP'Y CO R 10 PILASTER CAPITAL. COPY'D 1899. DECORATORS SUP'V CO. R 11 For prices see preceding page. 338 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. ROMAN CORINTHIAN (Pantheon). Diameter, Inches. 5 5/ 2 6 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 22 2i 30 Width, Inches. 9 10 11 12 13 14 15 16 18 20 22 24 30 32 EXTERIOR. Height, Inches. 15/8 16* 18 19 21 25 28 30 % 43 EXTERIOR. Height, Inches. 12 12* 15/ 8 18 21 22/ 8 25 28 3034: 43 COLUMN CAPITAL. R 12 INTERIOR. (FOR NATURAL WOOD FINISH.) Prices, Each. Diameter, Height, Prices 5 2.00 Inches. Inches. Each. 2.25 1 1/8 $ 1.80 2.70 1'A 2 2.00 3.00 2 2^j 2.25 3.55 2)4 33/8 2.90 3.90 3 4 3 55 4 25 3*4 434 4.00 4.65 4 5> 4.75 5.20 4,^ 6/4 5.40 5.60 5 7 6.70 6.25 5/^ IY* 8.00 7^20 6 9 9.40 8.25 7 10)^ 13.40 10.00 8 12 18.70 12.00 9 13* 24.00 14.70 10 14|^ 29.40 17.25 12 IC 3 ^ 42.00 20.70 26.00 Above prices based on oak or birch. Any 31.30 other woods 20% extra. 38.00 46.50 70.00 PILASTER CAPITAL. R 13 $1 1 1 1 1 Prlce, Each. 20 35 50 GO 80 2.15 2.35 2.55 2.80 3.10 3.35 3.75 4.55 4.95 6.00 7.20 8.70 10.35 12.60 16.05 17.40 22.80 27.90 42.00 52.00 INTERIOR. (FOR NATURAL WOOD FINISH.) Width, Inches. 1 2 1* 6 7 8 9 10 12 Height, Inches. 3/g 4 4^ 5)4 fi% 7 7^ 9 10# 12 13 ' 4 Prices Each. 1. 1. 1 1, 2. 1634: ,10 .20 .35 .75 ,15 2.40 2.85 3.25 3.70 4.20 4.95 6.00 8.85 12.00 16.35 25.20 Above prices based on oak or birch. Any other woods 20% extra. State return or thickness of pilaster. Above prices subject to discount. All Capitals and Brackets listed under the heading Exterior can also be furnished for Interior plaster finish at same price. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 339 ROMAN CORINTHIAN (Pantheon). COLUMN CAPITAL. R 12 PILASTER CAPITAL. R 13 For prices see preceding page. ORS SUP'Y CO. 340 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. ROMAN COMPOSITE (Septimius Severus.) Diameter Inches. 6 8 10 12 16 EXTERIOR. Height Inches. 11/2 23 Price each. & 5.40 8.10 10.80 13.50 24.00 Width Inches. 6 8 10 12 16 PILASTER CAPITAL R 15 EXTERIOR. Height Inches. 85/ 8 23 State thickness or return of pilaster. Price each. & 3.25 4.85 6.50 8.10 14.40 Above prices subject to discount. All Capitals and Brackets listed under the heading Exterior can also be furnished for Interior plaster finish at same price. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 341 ROMAN COMPOSITE (Septimius Severus.) COLUMN CAPITALS. R 14 PILASTER. COP'D 1899. DECORATORS SUPPLY CO t R 15 For prices see preceding page. COP'D 1899. DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. 342 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. BRACKETS. R 16 EXTERIOR. Abacus Width, Inches. Face Width, Inches. Projec- tion, Inches. Drop, Inches. Prices, Each. 2> 2 2 7 $1.80 3& 3 3 10^ 2.70 5 4 4 14 4.00 6j 5% 5# 18J4 5.40 7^ 6 6 21 6.80 10 8 8 28 10.25 13# 11 9^ 32 13.00 INTERIOR. (FOR NATURAL WOOD FINISH.) Abacus Face Projec- Wldth, Width, tlon, Drop, Prices, Inches. Inches. Inches. Inches. Each. 2% 14 $5.40 9.30 13.00 BRACKETS. R 17 EXTERIOR. INTERIOR. (FOR NATURAL WOOD FINISH.) Abacus Width, Inches. Face Width Inches Projec- tion. Inches. Drop, Inches. Prices. Each. Abacus Face Width. Width Inches. Inche Projec- tion. s. Inches. Drop, Inches. Prices, Each. 3> 3 6 3 1.20 % l /2 3 6 3 $1.75 4# 4 8 4 1.85 4^ 4 8 4 2.95 5% 5 10 5 2.40 5K 5 10 5 4.65 7 6 12 6 3.20 7 6 12 6 6.40 8/8 7 14 7 4.00 9* 8 10 8 5.35 10^ 9 18 9 6.7f> H# 10 20 10 8.00 14 12 24 12 10.00 w# 14 28 14 14.75 Above prices subject to discount. All Capitals and Brackets listed under the heading Exterior can also be furnished for Interior plaster finish at same price. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 343 COP'O 1899. DECORATORS SUPPLY CO. R16 GREEK ERECHTHEUM For prices see opposite page. 344 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. COMPOSITION CAPITALS, PLAN ANGVLAR ABACVS .COFFER PILASTER^ PLAN SQVARP ABACVS . COLVA\N . "A" indicates the core or extended shaft running through capital. 'B" shows thickness of composition. "C" indicates the return of pilaster column, which always must be mentioned in ordering pilaster capitals. For columns see pages 310 and 311. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 345 Porches o 00 o 'E beg to call particular attention to our designs for porches. In the development of the modern dwell- ing the porch has come to receive more and more attention, as appreciation has grown of its usefulness as an out-door room in summer, and of the fact that a well-designed porch greatly improves the appearance of a house. This double purpose has been kept in mind in the preparation of our designs, and we believe they will be found both comfortable and elegant. o oo o As we make a specialty of these porches, we are able to furnish the material at lowest prices. When writ- ing for prices send sketch showing size of porch and location of columns. 346 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 00 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 347 05 348 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. Oi ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 349 350 ADAMS & KELLY CO.. OMAHA, NEB. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 351 352 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 01 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 353 Write for prices. 354 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. PORCH DESIGNS. R26 R27 R 28 R29 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 355 PORCH DESIGNS. Q R 30 jp= R31 R 32 R 33 Porches like these can be made of stock balusters, rails, spindles and newels. Lower baluster usually made 24 inches high; spindle, 10 inches high. Deck baluster, 18 inches high. In ordering or writing for prices send ground plan of porch giving all necessary measurements. 356 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. WINDOW FRAMES for FRAME BUILDINGS. s 10 Window Frame, Plain Cap. S 11 Door Frame, Plain Cap. S 12 Window Frame, Moulded Cap. S13 Door Frame, Moulded Cap. Our regular frames, for frame building 2x4 stud, have jambs 5^ inches wide and \ l /& inch outside casing. For prices see our price folder. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 357 WINDOW and DOOR FRAMES for BRICK BUILDING. H t i JSO S14 S 15 Elevation and details of Door Frame for Brick Buildings. Elevation and details for Box Window Frame. For prices see our Net Price Folder. 358 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. INSIDE DOOR FRAMES. S 16 Plain Jamb with stops. S.17 Rabbeted Jamb. S 20 For Double Acting Door. S 18 Transom Head. Plain Jamb with Stops. S 21 Rabbeted Jamb and Extension Jamb. For Sliding Doors. Head Jambs. Pocket Jamb. Striking Jamb. S 19 S 22 Paneled Jamb. For prices see our Net Price Folder. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 359 FANCY WINDOW FRAMES for FRAME BUILDINGS. s } n / rm m / S 25 S 26 S 27 For prices see our Net Price Folder. S 28 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. COLONIAL ENTRANCE FRAME. WITH DOOR AND SIDE LIGHTS. S30 Write for prices. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 361 COLONIAL FRAME and WINDOWS. S31 Write for prices. 362 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. COLONIAL ENTRANCE FRAME. WITH DOOR AND SIDE LIGHTS S32 Write for prices. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 363 COLONIAL ENTRANCE FRAME. WITH DOOR AND SIDE LIGHTS. S33 Write for prices. 364 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. GOTHIC WINDOW FRAMES S84 1 S36 When ordering Gothic Windows, Doors or Frames, give radius and size of opening. Write for prices on above frames, giving sizes, width of jambs and full information. Window S 34, same addition to list price as Church Window No. D 104. Window S 36, same addition [to k list price as Church Window No. D 105. S35 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 365 LOUVRE FRAMES. S37 S38 S39 S40 We make a specialty of church work and can at all times handle your orders promptly and correctly. Write for Prices. 366 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 00 to ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 367 C/) I z 5 u & 1C CO 368 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. KITCHEN CABINETS. T 1 Cabinet Base T15 Top Cabinet Tl Cabinet Base. Size of top, 26x48. Underneath the top is a knead- ing board, 20x24, and a meat board, 12x20. Below this are two drawers, 18x17x1; one drawer has three divisions. Below these are two bins, 19x21x14^, which will hold 60 Ibs. of flour each. Weight, 100 Ibs. T15 Top. Length, 47 inches; height, 30 inches; width, 9^ inches. On either end are four drapers two are 15x4x8 ^ deep, two are 7^x4x8j^ deep. In the center is a door 14^x12. Weight, 50 pounds. This top also fits Nos. T3, T7, T9 and T10 Cabinets. T5 Cabinet Base. D Size of top, 26x40. Underneath the top is a drawer, 19x17x4. Below this is a bin, 10x21x14^, with a division in the center, eachjsection holding 30 Ibs. of flour. Weight 60 Ibs. i i f ^ L^jT14iTop. ^^ I Length, 38 inches; height, 20 inches; 'width, 7 inches. Has four small drawers, 5^x5>2x3^, and one large drawer in the center, 14x5^x3^ . This is .finished light; weight 25 Ibs. Fits No. T2 and No. T 5 Kitchen Cabinets. T5 Cabinet Base T14 Top Cabinet T2 Cabinet Base. Size of top, 26x40. Underneath the top is a knead- ing board 20x24. Below this is one drawer, 24x17x4, with three divisions. Below this is one large bin, 24x21xl4>, with a partition; one section will hold 50 Ibs. and the other 25 Ibs. of flour. This table has a substantial support on each end of the top. Weight, 75 pounds. No. T 14 Top fits this cabinet. T 1 Cabinet Base. Size of top, 26x48 Underneath top ^is a bread board, 20x24. Underneath this is one drawer, 24x17x4, one small drawer, 14>xl9x2> , and one large bin, divided into two compart- ments, one holding about 50 Ibs and the other 30 Ibs. of flour. A good cabinet for the money. Weight 90 pounds. Nos. T4, Til, T12 and T15 Tops fit this Cabinet. See prices page 370. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 369 KITCHEN CABINETS. T 3 Cabinet Base. Size of top 26x48. Underneath the top is a kneading board, 20x24, and a meat board, 12x20. Below this are two drawers, 19x17x4; one drawer has three divisions. Below this is one large bin, 24x21x14^, with a partition; one section will hold 50 Ibs. and the other 25 Ibs. of flour. On the left side are two drawers, 14^x19x5^. Top is well supported on each post with brackets. Weight, 100 pounds. T4 Top Cabinet. Length, 47 inches. Height, 20 inches. Width of shelf, 7 inches. Six small drawers, 5X\5}4x3^. One center drawer, Il>x5^x3%\ Paneled back. This top is fastened to the ends through the top and also on the back edge of top with screws. This top cabinet will also fit Nos. Tl, T7, T9, and T10 Cabinets leaving full size of lower cabinet for use. Weight 25 pounds. T9 Cabinet Base. Size of top, 2(5x50. Underneath the top is a kneading board, 24x20, and a bread board, 12x20. Below these are two drawers, 17x19x4, one drawer having three divisions. In the center are two drawers, 14^xl9x5>. On either side are flour bins 14^x21^x14^, which will hold 50 Ibs. of flour each. Weight, 125 Ibs., shipped K. D. Til Top. Length, 47 inches; height, 30 inches; width, 9} inches On either side is a door, 4jxl2. In the center are four drawers. Two are 15x4x8^ deep, two are 7^x4x8^ deep. Weight, 50 Ibs. This top will fit Nos. Tl, T8, T7, T9 and T10 Kitchen Cabinets. T 9 Cabinet Base Til Top Cabinet T 10 Cabinet Base. Size of top, 48x20. Bread board over doors, 20x24. Two small drawers in center are 11x4x21 deep, with partitions for knives, forks, spoons, etc. One drawer 14x8x21 deep; one drawer 11x8x21 deep; one flour bin. 14x15x21, which will hold 60 Ibs. of flour; one cupboard with two doors, 24x16x22. This cabinet is castered and shipped K. D. Crated and ready for shipment. Weight 150 pounds. T 1O Cabinet Base T 18 Top Cabinet T18 Top. Length, 47 inches. Height, 36 inches. Width, 9^ inches. On either end are three drawers, one 15x4x8^ deep, two Ij4x4x8} deep, also two bins, 15x8^x8^ deep. In the center is a door, 14^x16^. Size of shelf in corners below, 5x12 inches. This top will fit Nos. Tl, T3, T7, T9 and T10 Kitchen Cabinet Bases. Weight, 60 pounds. This top placed on any of the bases mentioned makes a handsome kitchen outfit. See prices page 370. 370 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. KITCHEN CABINETS. We herewith give you a general description of Kitchen Cabinets manufactured by us. The} 7 are solidly built and put together to stand the wear and tear of the kitchen. The fronts and ends are made of Northern Michigan maple, which is well known for its quality and color ; the balance of the cabinet is made of select whitewood. They are finished light, the natural color of the wood, thus giving them a neat and clean appearance. The bins are made to run in hardwood grooves, and special care is taken that they run very easy , The flour is easily put in and taken out, and when necessary to be cleaned, bins can be taken out of the cabinet without any trouble. This is superior to many Kitchen Cabinets on the market with tilting bins, which are inconvenient in this respect. The rounding part of the bins are made of three-ply wood, which gives the best satisfaction. The bins and drawers are perfectly true, work very easily, and are dust proof. They are shipped K. D., the turned feet only are left off, and are easily put on, thus making K. D. shipments a saving of considerable freight. The top cabinets are entirely made of hardwood, and are also finished light, the natural color of the wood. Try a sample order and be convinced that they are the best Kitchen Cabinets on the market for the money. PRICE LIST. No. Tl $8.00 No. T7 $7.40 No. T 11 Top $6.50 No.T2 6.80 No.T9 11.00 No. T 14 Top 3.50 No.T3 9.80 No.TIO 12.50 No. T 15 Top 6.50 No.T5 5.50 No.T4Top 4.00 No. T 18 Top 8.00 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 371 Office Desks Store Counters and Shelving 372 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OFFICE DESKS. T 20. 4 feet 6 inches long, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 3 feet 10 inches high. Price $33.00 T21. 5 feet long, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 3 feet 10 inches high. Price 36.00 Oak, golden finish. Extension slides. Finished back. Quarter-sawed Sycamore pigeonhole case. Combination lock on drawers. Spring lock with duplicate keys on curtain. 4 drawers on left side, 3 drawers on right hand side, the lower partitioned for books. Casters. Also furnished with closed panel back to order. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 373 OFFICE DESKS. T 22. 3 feet long, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 3 feet !) inches high. Price '. $23.00 T 23. 3 feet 6 inches long, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 3 feet 9 inches high. Price 25.00 Oak, golden finish. Extension slide. Finished back. Quarter-sawed Sycamore pigeonhole case. Combination lock on drawers. Spring lock with duplicate keys on curtain. Two small drawers in interior, pen rests and card racks. Casters. 374 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OFFICE DESKS. m T 24. 4 feet long, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 3 feet 7 inches high. Price $29.50 Oak, golden finish. Extension slides. Finished back. Quarter-sawed Sycamore pigeonhole case. Combination lock on drawers. Spring lock with duplicate keys on curtain. 4 drawers on left side, book closet on right hand side. Drawers, pen rests and card rack in interior. Casters. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 375 OFFICE DESKS. T 26. 4 feet long, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 3 feet 9 inches high. T 27. Drawers both sides; otherwise the same as T 26. Price $30.00 Price.. . 30.00 We also furnish T 26 in Birch, imitation Mahogany finish, for $4.00 extra. Oak, golden finish. Extension slides. Finished back. Quarter-sawed Sycamore pigeonhole case. Combination lock on drawers. Spring lock with duplicate kej - s on curtain. 4 drawers on left side, book closet on right hand side. Drawers, pen rests and card racks in interior. Tongue and groove dust-proof curtain. Casters. Also furnished with closed panel back to order. A complete and reliable 4-foot desk at a very low price. 376 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OFFICE DESKS. T 28. 4 feet 6 inches long, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 4 feet 2 inches high. Price $44.00 T 29. 5 feet long, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 4 feet 2 inches high. Price 47.00 Oak, golden finish. Extension slides. Full paneled finished back. Quarter-sawed Sycamore pigeonhole case. Combination lock on drawers. Spring lock with duplicate keys on curtain. 4 drawers on left side, 3 drawers on right hand side, the lower partitioned for books. 12 wood pigeon- hole filing boxes and one card index drawer. Gloss finish except writing bed and top, which are polished . Casters. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 377 OFFICE DESKS. T 30^. 5 feet long, 2 feet 9 inches wide, 3 feet 5 inches high, price $72.00 Quarter-sawed oak, golden finish, rubbed dull. Extension slides. Full paneled finished back. Combination lock on drawers. High grade spring lock with duplicate keys on curtain. Center drawer with flat key lock. Middle drawer on right hand side double and partitioned for vertical file. Casters. 378 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OFFICE DESKS. T 31 A. 4 feet 6 inches long, 2 feet 9 inches wide, 4 feet 2 inches high. Price $80.00 T 31 B. 5 feet long, 2 feet 9 inches wide, 4 feet 2 inches high. Price 85.00 T 31 C. 5 feet 6 inches long, 2 feet 9 inches wide, 4 feet 2 inches high. Price 90.00 Quarter-sawed Oak, golden finish, rubbed dull. Extension slides. Full paneled finished back. Combination lock on drawers. High grade spring lock with duplicate keys on curtain. Center drawer with flat key lock. Middle drawer on right hand side double and partitioned for vertical file. Pigeonhole case contains 6 wood pigeonhole boxes, 2 drawers and card index drawer. Illustration shows T 31 B. Casters. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 379 OFFICE DESKS. THE "CHICAGO" TYPEWRITER CABINET. T 32. 3 feet 3 inches long, 2 feet 6 inches wide. Price ...$30.00 T 33. 4 feet 3 inches long, 2 feet 6 inches wide. Price 34.00 T 33 is the same as the above cut only it has a row of drawers on both sides. Oak, golden finish. Extension slide. Paneled finished back. 4 drawers. Combination lock . A complete flat top desk when closed. Same adjustment as T 34 and T 35. We furnish the 4 typewriter cabinets T 32, T 33, T 34 and T 35 in gloss or polish finish. See price list. When not specified in order which is wanted we ship the gloss finish. 380 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OFFICE DESKS. THE "CHICAGO" TYPEWRITER CABINET. T 34. 4 feet 3 inches long, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 3 feet 10 inches high. Price $45.00 T 35. 3 feet 3 inches long, 2 feet 6 inches wide, 3 feet 10 inches high. Price 40.00 T 35 desk is the same pattern of desk as the above cut, but has but one tier of drawers. Oak, golden finish. Extension slides. Paneled finished back. Quarter-sawed Sycamore pigeonhole case. Combination lock on drawers. Spring lock with duplicate keys on curtain. 4 drawers on left side, 3 drawers on right hand side, the lower partitioned for books. Casters. A complete regular roll top desk when the drop cabinet is closed. With one motion the type- writer is brought in its proper place. The device for raising and dropping machine is simple and strong and will not get out of order. When in use the typewriter is rigid, and when closed the cabinet is dust-proof. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 381 OFFICE DESKS. T 36. 4 feet 2 inches loug, 2 feet 6 inches wide. Price $20.00 T 37. 4 feet G inches long, 2 feet 6 inches wide. Price.. 22.00 T 38. 5 feet long, 2 feet 6 inches wide. Price.. _ 24.00 Oak, golden finish. Solid wood top. Extension slides, Finished back. 4 drawers ou^left side, 3 drawers on right hand side, the lower partitioned for books. Combination lock. Casters. 382 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OFFICE DESKS. STANDING DESK. T 3Q%. 4 feet long, 2 feet 9 inches wide, 2 drawers. Price $22.00 T40>. 5 feet long, 2 feet 9 inches wide, 3 drawers. Price 25.00 T 41^ . 6 feet long, 2 feet 9 inches wide, 3 drawers. Price. 28.00 T 42>. 8 feet long, 2 feet 9 inches wide, 4 drawers. Price 35.00 Oak, golden finish. Ash legs. Solid wood top. Finished back. Height from floor to level part of top 3 feet 8 inches. Shipped K. D. Cash drawer with coin tray and Yale spring lock fur- nished to order. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 383 OFFICE DESKS. STANDING DESK. T 45. 5 feet long, 2 feet 9 inches wide, 3 feet 8 inches high. T 46. 6 feet long, 2 feet 9 inches wide, 3 feet 8 inches high. T 47. 8 feet long, 2 feet 9 inches wide, 3 feet 8 inches high. Price $45.00 Price 50.00 Price.. . 56.00 Oak, golden finish. Solid wood top. Finished back. Book closet in right hand cabinet has dust-proof roll curtain fitted with spring lock and duplicate keys. T 45 and T 46 have 3 drawers and T 47 4 drawers in top part, Made portable in three parts. Cash drawer with coin tray and Yale spring lock furnished to order. Also furnished with closed back to order. 384 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 385 u J) 386 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 0) cc _Jj 00 W g O) CJ o a : fa S S W 3: 5 z a ? i a 2 c S .s'S - >u 0) O ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 38T at *o I ; < . {j^ w OQ si (X, c -o M.ti 388 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. M3S cd co "Son TJ Z- ? ^ 5-c < y a> OQ .J: ' ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 389 en n .5 > en ? eg "o'C .5 o r^ **"* o d < 3S W .2 HS .is |1 si jj'u Ji 9" ojet 390 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. > 1 A I 1 i w g - s-s .2 * s a > Vj 'Sod _ ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 391 P SK (L 9 ^ 3* i; u 392 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 393 > >> s Is .sg. {/J C* ZCJ U> CO I- O SJ* P !-* si jp o a- 394 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. CHECK DESKS. ^tffmi T60 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 395 METAL GRILLE WORK and WICKETS. T65 T66 u ..L-J. T67 T68 The above grille work made in steel or brass with any desired finish. Write for prices. See our line of Bank Counters and Fixtures, pages 386 to 394. 396 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. METAL GRILLE WORK and WICKETS. T69 T70 T71 T72 The above grille work made in steel or brass with any desired finish. Write for prices. See our line of Bank Counters and Fixtures, pages 386 to 394. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 397 METAL GRILLE WORK and WICKETS. T73 T 74 :o 3GCCC- T75 The above grilles made in steel or brass with any desired finish. Write for prices. See our line of Bank Counters and Fixtures, pages 386 to 394. 398 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. METAL CHECK BASKET and CAGE WORK. T 76 A Brass Hand Hole Frame for Cage Work. Usual size 10 x 3 inches. T 76 B Brass Basket with 5-16 Tube Frame. Usual size 8x10x2^ in. each. Hand hole r and basket also furnished in steel. T77 Bank Cage Work, with Gravity Sliding Door. Made of flat wire, combination square and diamond mesh. W T rite for prices. See our line of Bank Counters and Fixtures, see pages 386 to 394. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. COUNTERS. V 12 V 13 Any wood desired. Prices on application. 400 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. COUNTERS. V 14 V 15 Any kind of wood. Prices on application. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 401 DRY GOODS SHELVING. V 16 V 17 Furnished in any wood desired. Prices on application. 402 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. CASH DESKS. Front View of V 18 Back View of V 18 Furnished in any wood desired. Prices on application. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 403 TELEPHONE BOXES. V21 V 22 STORE TABLES. V 23 Furnished in any wood desired. Prices on application. V24 404 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. OFFICE RAILING. V25 V26 V27 V28 V29 V 30 V31 V32 As quantity materially affects the price on the above class of goods we are unable to name a satisfactory list price, but will gladly quote promptly our lowest prices on application. We have exceptionally fine facilities for executing orders for above railings. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 405 CHURCH PEW SEATS. V33 V34 V 35 Write for prices, stating size and kind of wood desired. 406 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. CHURCH PEW SEATS. V36 V37 V38 Write for prices, stating size and kind of wood desired. ADAMS & KELLY CO.. OMAHA, NEB. 407 PEW ENDS. V39 V40 V41 V42 V43 V44 For prices see list following. 408 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. STYLES of PEW BODIES and LECTERNS. V45 V46 Lectern. V 47 Lectern. V 48 For prices see list following. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 409 PULPITS. V50 26 inches wide. In oak or birch (in the white.) V 51 30 inches wide. In oak or birch (in the white.) V 52 36 inches wide. In oak or birch (in the white.) V 53 36 inches wide. In oak or birch (in the white.) We can furnish these pulpits in any desired finish. The above pulpits can be made with adjustable top if desired. For prices see list following. 410 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. CHOIR and ALTAR RAILING. V54 V55 V 56 V 57 , V 58 V 59 We have exceptionally fine facilities for manufacturing above class of goods and would be pleased to name prices upon application. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 411 PRICES OF Church Furniture Pages 4O6 to 4O9 Prices given below are for church furniture manufactured out of oak, furnished K. D., in the white. No hardware, etc., is included. Write us for prices if the goods are desired manufactured from woods other than oak, and for extra price if desired finished in hard oil in- stead of in the white. PLAIN OAK IN THE WHITE No. V39 V40 V41 V42 V43 V44 Pew End Pew End Pew End Pew End Pew End Pew End Price $2.75 2.25 2.35 3.26 3.25 2.25 No. V47 V48 V 50 V51 V52 V 53 Pulpit Price Lectern $ 7.50 8.00 15.00 Lectern Pulpit Pulpit Pulpit 25.00 20.00 30.00 Style "A," Pew Body, per foot, $1.00 412 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. LADDERS. PRICES. V 81 Norway Pine. 4-foot.. each $0.70 5-foot .- _ " .90 6-foot " 1.00 7-foot " 1.20 8-foot " 1.40 V 82 Selected Norway Pine, Heavy Steel Spreader. 4-foot _ _each $1.40 5- foot. 6-foot. 8-foot. 10-foot. 12-foot. 1.70 2.05 2.75 3.40 4.10 V 80 Norway Pine, Hardwood Rungs. 24-foot each$ 5.25 30-foot " 6.60 36-foot " 8.25 42-foot.. ' 10.00 V 80 V 81 V 82 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 413 LAWN GOODS. EXCELSIOR LAWN SWINGS. Constructed of selected hardwood, built on correct mechanical principles, and braced at every point. Seats are deep, wide and commodious, and have high back rests. Hangers are so built being hung from top of frames that full benefit is de- rived from oscillation. Center-beaded moulding on back and seats. Slats in foot- board are extra solid and close enough that a child can not get its foot between the slats. Finished in glossy, bright vermilion, seats and slats finished natural and pro- tected by coach varnish. V 85 FOUR PASSENGER 6 feet high, 30-inch seat, 14 inches deep, weight 150 pounds ...Each, $10.00 414 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. ^i _^ GENASCO Ready Roofing The finest prepared roofing on the market. We guarantee every roll. For full informa- tion see our special advertising and price list. We also carry in stock at all times a well assorted line of BUILDING PAPER of all descriptions, and can ship promptly. Let us have your orders for Prepared Roofing Tarred Board Red Rosin Sheathing Straw Board Tarred Felt Plain Carpet Lining Eureka Deadening Felt Corrugated Carpet Lining Threaded Felts And any other Building Paper you need. Our prices are right. WE HAVE NONE BUT THE BEST ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 415 GLASS We handle and constantly carry in stock ALL the ordinary sizes of Window Glass, and can furnish promptly all sizes of plate glass and the various designs of fancy glass shown herein. We can also supply you with any of the varieties of glass in ordinary use, such as ground, chipped, enamel, figured, wire glass for skylights, and the different kinds of colored glass, viz: cathedral, ondoyant, Venetian, etc., etc. Write us for any desired information and we will be pleased to be of service to you. 416 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. AVAV.VA "' ..^ - )******** rA V* ^k- *** c^ : ^yw w ^ *J O" ^ f/l 00 O H 53 a H a 2 I* 3V 5 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 417 00 00 m 6 CQ Q Z < 00 w u 418 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 05 CO CO CO cS fc. U) ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 419 I H OQ Q CO H o ^ * s, o 420 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 00 CO h 00 < si ^ijij&-^- : ^^^ftfp^ o o <#. CO ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 421 a, a w CQ a oj Q 73 G PQ CO 8 422 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 00 00 8 v 00 w IH a > K ^ o ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 423 Q s S I s M I > v ^ ^" 424 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. WIRE GLASS. RIBBED WIRE. X, YV and ^ inch thick, up to 40 inches wide and 100 inches long. Recommended by Boards of Fire Underwriters of all principal cities in the United States as a Perfect Fire Retardant. Skylights; Lights in Fire-Proof Elevator Shafts; Lights in Fire-Proof Doors; Lights in Cellar Windows; Lights in Fire- Escape Windows; Lights instead of Fire Shutters. ROUGH AND POLISHED WIRE. Rough ]^, Y*i an( l Y* incl1 thick, up to 40 inches wide and 100 inches long. Polished in ^-inch thick only. MAZE WIRE. % and Y* i nch thick, up to 40 inches wide and 100 inches long. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 425 >s?< >^^8 l3< :X< >< XT^ X X X X X X X V v A r\ X \/ \/ /\ /\ X 426 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. LEADED PLAIN DOUBLE STRENGTH GLASS. W 41 $1.70 per square foot. W 42 $1.00 per square foot. W 43 90c per square foot. W 44 L.50 per square foot. W 45. $2.20 square foot. J5F W 46. $3.50 per square foot. W 47. $3.20 per square foot. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 427 LEADED PLAIN DOUBLE STRENGTH GLASS. W 48 5.00 per square foot. W 49 .80 per square foot. W 50 $1.10 per square foot. W 51 $1.30 per square foot. W 53 $2.00 per square foot. W 54 $1 .60 per square foot. W 52 .30 per square foot. 428 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. LEADED PLAIN DOUBLE STRENGTH GLASS. A QUALITY AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS No Color. For French Picture, Crystal Plate or Bevel Plate, in lead or metal, plain, copper or brass finish send for special prices. Give sizes. W55 90c per square foot. W56 90c per square foot. W 57 $1.30 per square foot. W 58 .00 per square foot. W 59 60c per square foot. W60 $2.00 per square foot. W61 L.90 per square foot. For leaded bevel plate see pages 432 to 438. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 429 LEADED PLAIN DOUBLE STRENGTH GLASS. A QUALITY AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS No Color. For French Picture, Crystal Plate or Bevel Plate, in lead or metal, plain, copper or brass finish, send for special prices. Give sizes. W 62 $0.80 per square foot. W63 $1.30 per square foot. W65 $1.20 per sq. ft. W66 $1.20 per sq. ft. W 64 $1.20 per square foot. W67 $0.70 per square foot. W68 $2. 00 per square foot. W69 $2.30 per square foot. W70 J.OO per square foot. W 71 $1.30 per square foot. For leaded bevel plate see pages 432 to 438. 430 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. LEADED PLAIN DOUBLE STRENGTH GLASS. A QUALITY AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS No Color. For French Picture, Crystal Plate or Bevel Plate, in lead or metal, plain, copper or brass finish, send for special prices. Give sizes. W72 $1.50 per square foot. W74 $2.00 per square foot. W76 $1.70 per square foot. W79 $1.60 per square foot. W73 $1.50 per square foot. W75 $2.00 per square foot. W77 $2.00 per square foot. W78 $2.00 per square foot. Forjleaded bevel plate see pages 432 to 438. W80 $0.90 per square foot. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 431 LEADED PLAIN DOUBLE STRENGTH GLASS. A QUALITY AMERICAN WINDOW GLASS-No Color. For French Picture, Crystal Plate or Bevel Plate, in lead or metal, plain, copper or brass finish send for special prices. Give sizes. W81 .60 per square foot. W84 $2.00 per square foot. W 82 .70 per square foot. W86 W 87 Top light, $2.20 per square foot. W 88 Bottom light, $1.30 per square foot. W83 $1.CO per square foot. W 85 .00 per square foot. $1.10 per square foot. For leaded bevel plate see pages 432 to 438 W 89 1 .10 per square foot. 432 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. LEADED BEVEL PLATE TRANSOM LIGHTS. W 90. $2.80 per square foot. W 96. $3.50 per square foot. W 91. $2.80 per square foot. W 97. $2.50 per square foot. W 92. $'2.00 per square foot. W 98 $2.50 per square foot. W 93. $3.20 per square foot. W 99. $6.00 per square foot. W 100. $2.50 per square foot. W 94. $2.00 per square foot. W 95. $2.40 per square foot. W 101. $4.00 per square foot. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 433 434 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 435 &K&&. y i ,, '' -w. -i - t-i~r 436 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 438 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. GLASS 'E are pleased to lay before our patrons and the public what we believe to be the most complete and elegant assortment of decora- tive architectural and building glass yet issued in the United States, both in variety and origi- nalty of the work displayed . It not only marks a great advance in our own resources and skill, but also in the development of the very art itself. A considerable portion of the work shown is now presented to the public for the first time, and could only have been produced by the development of new and improved methods, such as recently introduced. We have also increased our resources to more than double their former capacity, to keep pace with the increased demand for high-class work. We take pleasure also in calling attention to the high artistic character of the work exhibited, all of the illustrations of which are made from photographs of glass turned out by us from original designs. We are also pleased to state that notwithstanding the very greatly improved character of the work, the prices have in no instance been advanced, and some special lines have been reduced in a very marked degree. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 439 OFFICIAL PRICE LIST FOR BEVELING, GRINDING AND POLISHING DRILLING HOLES, SILVERING AND RE-SILVERING ALL KINDS OF GLASS. JULY 1, 1899. Discounts Furnished on Application. Entered according to Act of Congress in the year 1899, in the office of the librarian of Congress at Washington, by THE NATIONAL MIRROR MANUFACTURERS ASSOCIATION OF THK UNITF.D STATES, PITTSBURGH, PA. PRICE PER PLATE FOR BEVELING PLATE GLASS. ~ QJ SIZE OF BEVEly HNCH PLATE. Up to 24 inches long, Per inch, not over 12 inches wide 1 cent Up to 48 inches long, not over 12 inches wide \% cents 24 to 3>i inches wide .-. 2 cents 36 to 48 inch; s wide 3 cents Up to 72 inches long. not over 13 inches wide 1% cents 12 to '-'4 inches wide IK cents 24 to 36 inches wide 2H cents 36 to 48 inches wide. 3% cents Up to 96 inches long, not over 24 inches wide 2 cents 24 to 36 inches wide 3 cents 36 to 48 inches wide 3% cents 48 to 60 inches wide \% cents Up to 120 inches long, not over 24 inches wide 3 cents 24 to 3(3 inches wide 3% cents 36 to 48 inches wide 4J4 cents 48 to 60 inches wide 5J^ cents Up to 144 inches long, not over 24 inches wide Z]/ 2 cents 24 to 36 inches wide 4^' cents 36 to 48 inches wide ...5 cents 48 to 60 inches wide 6 cents Up to 168 inches long, not over 24 inches wide 4 cents 24 to 36 inches wide 5 cents 36 to 48 inches wide 5Ji cents 48 to 60 inches wide 6J? cents Plates larger than 60x168, special price. Plates y 2 inch thick double % inch price Plates 2i inch thick -.four times % inch price Plates 1 inch thick six times % inch price Plates over 1 inch thick special price Grinding edges, without polishing, one-half of above prices. Grinding and polishing edges of beveled plates, % of % inch, G. and P. price. SILVERING. Plates, Germans, "Window Glass, Etc. Plates containing less than y t foot ..each, $0.08 Per Foot. Plates containing % ft. up to 10 sq. ft <0.20 10to2Usq. ft .30 " 20 to 40 " .40 40 to 50 " .50 50 to GO 00 to 75 75 to 100 100 to 120 .60 .80 1.00 1.50 RE-SILVERING. Add 8 cents per square foot to above prices. Germans, Window Glass or Shocks silvered or re-silvered at owner's risk of breakage. N. B. Where more than the usual quantity of blocking or polishing is necessary, an extra charge will be made for the extra time required. All odd sized plates, beveled, ground and pol- ished, silvered or re-silvered, charged as even incheF. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 441 LEADED ART GLASS. W142. $1.20 per sq. ft. W143. $1.20 per sq. ft. W144. $1.70 per sq. ft. W 145. $1.80 per sq.ft. W 147. $1.20 per sq.ft. W 146. $1.70 per sq. ft. W 148. $1.20 per sq.ft. j I W 149. $1.50 per sq. ft. \V 150. $1.70 per sq. ft. W 151. $1.30 per sq, ft. 442 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. LEADED ART GLASS. W152. $1.70 per sq.ft. W155. $1.50 per sq. ft. W153. $1.50 per sq.ft. W154. $1.20 per sq.ft. W 156. $1.00 per sq. ft. xxxx'wxxxxl W 157. $1.50 per sq. ft. W158. $0.90 per sq. ft. W 159. $0.90 per sq. ft. W 160. $0.90j>er sq. ft. 'W161. $1.00 per sq. ft. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 443 LEADED ART GLASS. W 162. $2.70 per sq.ft. W 166. $1.40persq. ft. W 165. $2.00 sq. ft. W 164. $1.20 sq. ft. w 167> j 1>50 per sq> W163. $2.00 sq.ft. W 168. $1.50 per sq. ft. W 169. $1.70 per so. ft. W170. $1.10 sq. ft. 444 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. LEADED ART GLASS. W171. $2.50 per sq. ft. W 173. $3.30 per sq. ft. W172. $2.00 sq.ft. W 174. $3.50 sq. ft. W 175. $1.20 per sq ft. W176. $3.00 per sq. ft. W177. $1.50 per sq.ft. W178. $1.40persq. ft. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 445 LEADED ART GLASS o o o o <> o . . . x/VV ^> o o o o o o \/ W179. $1.80 per sq. ft. W180. $1.40 per sq.ft. W181. $1.30 per sq. ft. W 182. $1.20 per sq. ft. W183. $1.00 per sq. ft W 184. $1 .50 per sq. ft. W185. $2.30 sq.ft. W 186. $1.70 sq. ft. W187. $1.40 per sq. ft. 446 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. LEADED ART GLASS. W188. $1.60 per sq. ft. W189. $1.30 per sq. ft. W 190. $1.30 per sq. ft. W 193. $1.30 sq. ft. W 101. $1.50 per sq. ft. W-192. $1.50 per>q. ft. W194. $1.20 per sq. ft. W 195. $1.2()sq. ft. W196. $1.50 per sq.ft. W 197. $1.50 per sq. ft. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 447 LEADED ART GLASS. W 198. $1.30 per sq. ft. W 199. $1.20 per sq. ft. XXXIXXX W200. $1.00 per sq. ft. W201. $2.00 per sq. ftj W 202. $2.50 per sq. ft. W 203. $1.80 per sq. ft. 448 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. LEADED ART GLASS, ^^^BBHHBBHHHH IS_ I . '. I. t W204. $2.70 per sq. ft. W 205. $1.30 per sq. ft. W206. $1.50 per sq.ft. W 207. $3.20 per sq, ft. Wi208. $1.30 sq. ft. W 210. $1.30 per sq. ft. W 211. $ 1.30 per sq. ft. 212. $1.30 per sq. ft] W213. $1.30 per sq. ft. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 449 LEADED ART GLASS. W214. $2. 10 per sq. ft. W215. $1.50 per sq. ft W216. $1.30 per sq. ft. W218. $1.60 per sq. ft. W219. $1.30 per sq.ft. W217. $1.30 per sq. ft. W220. $2.00 per sq. ft. 450 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. LEADED ART GLASS. >/ NXW-" ^.^ >/ W221. $1.80 per sq. ft. W 223. $3.00 per sq. ft. W 224. $2.70 sq. ft. W 226. $2.50 sq. ft. W 222. $2.20 per sq. ft. W 227. $2.90 per sq. ft. W.225. $4.00 per sq. ft. W 228. $3.00 per sq. ft. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 451 LEADED ART GLASS. W230. $1.70 per sq. ft. W229. $1.30 per sq.ft. W231. $10.00 per sq. ft. W232. $ 1.30 per sq. ft. W233. $1.60 per sq. ft. 452 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. LEADED ART GLASS. W234 $10.00 per sq. ft. W 235 $2.00 sq. ft. W 236 f 3 00 sq. ft. ,V 237 |2.50 per sq. ft. W240 $1.50 sq.ft. W 241 $1.50 per sq. ft. W242 $1.50 sq.ft. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 453 454 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 455 456 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. LEADED ART GLASS. W 262 $2.00 per sq. ft. W 263 $2.00 per sq. ft. OFFICIAL MOULDING BOOK (ILLUSTRATED) SHOWING FULL FINISHED SIZB OF MOULDINGS WITH EXACT SIZE AND LIST PRICE PER ONE HUNDRED LINEAL FEET MARKED ON EACH. Adopted March 1, 1897. Revised May 2, t90f. 1908 PUBLISHED BY SHATTOCK: & NIGKAV co., 180-182 MONROE STREET, CHICAGO. 458 CROWN MOULDINGS. List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. 459 List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. 460 CROWN MOULDINGS, List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet SPRUNG COVC AND BED MOULDINGS. 461 LUt PnoM M siren are per 100 lineal feet 462 BED MOULDINGS, List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. RETURN BEADS, THREE-QUARTER ROUNDS, ROUNDS AND COVES. 463 List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. 8058 $1.00 464 QUARTER ROUNDS AND HALF ROUNDS, Lit Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. 8O76 8O77 O. G. STOPS. 465 List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. 8O82 % 10.90 8O83 %!% $1.00 8092 %*2% $2.25 8084 %*!% 81.10 8O93 y* 2 1 4 $2.00 8085 %*!% $1.40 8094 ^*2 Si. 80 8O86 %x2 $1.60 8O8T %*i $1.80 8088 */***% $2.00 8095 X* 81.60 8096 X $1.20 8089 ^*i^ $1.15 8O98 y*v/ a $1.35 8090 >i^i-% $1.GO 8099 y, >< i 3 /4 $1.80 8O91 y*** $2.05 8100 ^"2% ?2.25 466 P. G. AND BEAD STOPS. List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. 81O1 9**H* $1.05 81O2 H*i% $1.20 81O3 9** 19* 81.60 8104 %x2 81.85 81O5 %*v/ $2.00 8112 ^*2K 82.50 8113 X*^ 82.25 8114 %*2 82.05 8115 %*!% $1.80 8116 J*xl% Si. 35 81O6 s /8**y* $2.25 81O7 S /B * 2* 82.00 8118 Kxl^ $1.15 81O8 %*2 81.85 8119 ^ x 1% $1.35 81O9 81.60 r 812O ^*i% $1.80 8110 % x 1% $1.20 8111 Hi>6 $1.05 8m >S*2 ?2.05 8122 % " V*. * 2.25 NOSINGS, PANEL AND BASE MOULDINGS 467 List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet 8123 13 /16 * 1% for i3/ 16 " Steps $1.65 468 ASTRAGALS AND BATTENS, LUt Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet 8138 13 Ae x 1 $2.00 $1.00 $1.00 8146 8148 Vl6x2 $2.25 8149 7/16 X 2 $2.25 8151 PANEL AND BASE MOULDINGS, 469 Lilt Prices EB given are per 100 lineal feet. 8157 "Ae $2.00 470 PANEL AND BASE MOULDINGS, Lift Prices &a given are per 100 lineal feet $2.00 BAND MOULDINGS. 471 List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. 472 BAND MOULDINGS. List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. 8200 %x% 42.00 8196 "Ae * 234 $2.50 8197 13/6 * 2% 83.00 RABBETED PANEL AND BASE MOULDINGS List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. INTERIOR CORNICE, HOOK STRIPS AND TRANSOM BARS, 475 List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. 8234 ^"2^ $2.75 8235 13^6 X 2% 83.00 8236 iH * 1% $4.00 8237 IK x 1% $3.30 476 CORNER BEADS, SHELVING EDGES, SHELF CLEATS AND ELECTRICAL MOULDINGS, List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. 8238 l^xl^ |4.40 8239 1^*1^ $4.40 8240 1^ x 1J5 |4.40 8241 ^16 X % $1.00 8243 13 A6 x 2)4 82.50 8247 CJ 82 4 8 U TJ 82.50 8251 WAINSCOTING CAPS. 477 List Prices ac given are per 100 lineal feet. 8252 13/16 x 2 82.25 8254 13 /16 x 2% $2.50 8261 13 /16 x 2J 82.50 8262 1>S*2M $4.15 478 PICTURE MOULDINGS AND WINDOW STOOLS, List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. 8266 13 /16 3 $3.25 8267 1^x3% $6.60 8268 1Y 8 * 4% *7.45 8269 iy a * *x $7.4:> 8269'< i y x 3% J6.20 827O iy* x 4* $7.45 PARTITION CAPS AND SHOES, PEW BACK RAILS, THRESHOLDS AND LATTICE. 479 List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. 8271 13A6 X 1% $2.00 8273 3/16 X 2% $2.50 8280 IB x iy a $0.^5 8274 13/16 X 2% $2.50 8277 %x3% $4.00 8278 %x3% 84.00 8279 %**y* 84.50 8281 8282 $1.00 $1.35 480 DRIP CAPS FOR WINDOW AND OUTSIDE DOOR FRAMES, Lut Pricei H given are per 100 lineal feet. CASINGS, List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. 8288 Wi x 3 $4.20 8289 ?i6 x 4% |4.75 829O 1: K6 x 4% |5.25 8291 6 x 534 $5.75 482 CASINGS, Hat Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet 8296 13/16 X 3% $4.20 8297 1*16 x 4% $475 8298 13/ 16 x 4% $5.25 8299 ^16 x 5% $5.75 83OO la/ie x 3% $4.20 8301 1^6 x 4V $4.75 8302 13/ 16 X 4% $5.25 83O3 13/16 x 5% $3.75 List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. CASINGS, 483 83O4 %6 x 3% $4.20 8305 U>A6 x 4J4 $4.75 8306 %6 x 4% $5.25' 8307 Ae x 514 $5.75 8308 %6 x 3% $4.20 8309 8311 ' 3 /16 x 5% $5.75 484 CASINGS, Lilt Prices &e given are per 100 lineal feet. 8312 S&e x 3 |4.20 rvr 8313 ^16 x 4>4 $475 8314 Ae x 4% $5.25 8315 13/16 X 5% $5.75 CASINGS, 485 LUt Price* M given are per 100 lineal feet 486 CASINGS. Hat Pricei M given are per 100 lineal feet CASINGS. 487 List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. 8336 13A6 X 3 $4.20 8337 18/16 X 4% |4.75 8338 3 /16 X 4% 15.25 8339 13/16 x 514 488 CASINGS, List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. 8351 % x 5% CASINGS. 489 List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. 8353 fi* * 4% J475 8354 /ie x 4% 8355 ^6X3% 8356 3/16 X 4% |475 490 CASINGS, List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. 8358 13 /16 i 3% $4.20 8359 13 /16 X 4J4 $4.75 836O 13 /16 x 4% $5.25 8361 13/16 X 5% }*..,> 8365 13/16 X 5J4: $5.75 CASINGS AND BACK BANDS. 491 List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet 8366 iy * l3 /ie $1.25 836*7 13/16 X 3% $4.20 8368 1H * 1% J2.50 8369 1^16 X 4>i |4.75 8371 >%6 x 4 $4.75 8372 !%*!% $3.00 8373 1%6 x 3% $4.20 492 CASINGS AND BACK BANDS. List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. 8374 1H*1H $2.10 8375 l=Vl6 x 3% {4.20 8376 l^xl} |2.10 8377 8/16 X 4% 15.00 8378 V/B x IK |2.10 8379 ^16 x 3 fJ.20 8380 1H*1X $2.10 8381 13 A6 x 4 $5.00 BEAD AND COVE AND O. G. CASINGS AND BASE. 493 List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet 8382 ls /ie x 5% 15.75 8383 13 Ae K 7J $7.90 8384 a/16 X &4 $4.75 8385 13/16 X 5% $5.75 8386 13 /i6 x iy |7.90 CAP MOULDINGS AND HEAD AND SIDE CASINGS FOR DOOR AND WINDOW TRIM, LUt Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet CAP MOULDINGS, HEAD CASINGS AND FILLETS FOR DOOR AND WINDOW TRIM, 495 List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. 8394 Ae x 4% |5.00 8395 Vie x i 81.15 8397 M/16 X 5 15.50 8398 %*lVg $1.25 Cap Mouldings, Head Casing, Fillet and Quarter-Round Turned Bead Moulding for Door and Window Trim, List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. 8400 IVgxS I8.TO 8402 13 Ae x 4% $5.00 84O3 y**i% $1.40 Cap Mouldings, Head Casing, Fillet and Quarter-Round Turned Bead Moulding for Door and Window Trim, List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet 84O5 1H x 2% $5.25 8406 "/16 x 5% $5.75 8408 "As X 13/! 6 $1.00 84O9 %**/B $3.35 84O7 %*i^ $1.40 498 Cap Moulding, Head Casing, Fillet and Embossed Moulding for Door and Window Trim, List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. 8410 l x / 8 x 2 8411 1^8x6 15.50 >L\ *1 (? V 8412 %"^A $1.40 BASE. 499 Liit Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet 8415 $8.15 8417 I#6x7 $7.60 500 BASE, IAet Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet 8424 Ae x 7% 18.15 8425 %*% 81.00 8426 13/16 X T% 17.90 8428 13,4s x 7 |7.90 SECTION OF WINDOW FRAME FOR FRAME BUILDING, HOT HOUSE BARS AND STILE, 501 bt Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. 8429 Outside Casing 843O i%6 x iy 8 81.50 Blind Stop 8431 13 /16 x 4% 85.00 Tulley Stile 8433 1%*2K |4.95 Bar 8434 1% " \% J3.30 liar 502 SILLS FOR WINDOW FRAME FOR FRAME BUILDING, JAMB LININGS FOR BRICK. Lilt Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. 8437 M/16 x 4% 85.00 8438 ia/w x 4% $5.00 8439 1^x5^ $12.10 8111 In ordering jamb linings, give width to shoulder, not extreme width. 844O "As * % $6.00 SuT> Sill SECTION OF BOX WINDOW FRAME FOR BRICK BUILDING. 503 List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. 8441 1^x2 |375 8442 "Ae x 4% Outside casing 8443 8432 y* "AB $1.00 ' : Vi6 x 4% $440 Pulley stile 8444 -Ms x 4% II S 8445 'Vie x 4Vg Inside casing of frauic 50* ASTRAGALS FOR SLIDING AND FOLDING DOORS, 8446 8447 2% 13 /J6 * 2% PORCH RAILS. 505 List Prices as given are per 100 lineal feet. 506 PORCH RAILS AND BALUSTER STOCK, ( Uti Prices ta given are per 109 lineal feet. 8457 154x334 8459 846O LIST PRICE OF MOULDINGS. 507 PRICES GIVEN ARE PER 1OO LINEAL FEET. No. PRICK 8000. $3.50 No. PRICE 8054 $1.15 No. PRICE 8109. $1.60 No. PRICE 8164 $1.50 No. PRICE 8219 $1.90 8220 2.45 8001. 6.00 8055 3.30 8110 1.20 8165. 2.50 8002 4.00 8056 . 4.85 8111 1.05 8166 1.25 8221 2 60 8003 . . 3.00 8O57 4.85 8112 2.50 8167 . 1.40 8222 2.75 8004 5.50 8005 . 5.00 8058 1.00 8113 2.25 8168 2.00 8223 3.30 8059 1.00 8114 2.05 8169 1.40 8224 3.30 8006 .... 4.50 8007 ... 2.00 8060 1.00 8115 1.80 8170 1.65 8225 2 75 8061 1.25 8116 1 35 8171 2.00 8226 2.20 8008 .. 2.50 8062 2.00 8117 1.15 8172 2.00 8227 1.80 8009 4.00 8063 1.00 8118 1.15 8173 2.00 8228 2.45 8010 3.00 8064 1.00 8119. 1.35 8174 1.75 8229 3.30 8011 ... 2.50 8065. 1.00 8120.. ... 1.80 8121 2.05 8175 2.00 8230 6.60 8012 4.50 8066 1.00 8176 2.00 8231 1.90 8013 5.00 8014 3.50 8067 1.50 8122 2.25 8177 2.25 8232 3.50 8068 2 00 8123 1.65 8178 2.25 8233 3.25 8015 1.15 8069 2.50 8124 3.75 8179 2.50 8234. 2.75 8016 2.00 8070 1 .00 8125 4.95 8180 2.75 8235. 3.00 8017 1.65 8071 1.00 8126 8.80 8181 3.00 8236 4.00 8018 2.50 8072 1 25 8127 2 00 8182 3.25 8237 3.30 8238 4.40 8019 3.00 8073 1.15 8128 1.00 8183 2.75 8020 3.50 8020)6 - 2.25 8074 2.25 8129 1.15 8184 2.50 8239 4.40 8075 1.00 8130 1.25 8185 2.00 8240 4.40 8021 4.50 8076 1 00 8131 1.40 8186 2.00 8341 ... 1.00 8022 5.00 8077 1.00 8132 1.00 8187 .. 1.75 8242 2.00 8023 4.00 8024 2.00 8078 1.15 8133 1.50 8188 225 8243 .. 2.50 8079 1.40 8080 1.75 8134 3.30 8189 ... 2.00 8244 ... .75 8025. 2.50 8135 1.65 8190 ... 2.25 8245 1.65 8026 3.00 8081 2.00 8136 3.95 8191 2.75 8192 2.75 8246 1.75 8027 4.50 8082 .90 8137 2.00 8247 1.20 8028 4.00 8083 1.00 8138 2.00 8193 1.50 8194 .... 2.50 8195 2.00 8248. .. 2.50 8029 350 8084 . 1.10 8139 1.00 8249 1.40 8030 ... 2.50 8085 1.40 8140 1.00 8250 ... 2.00 8031 2.00 8086 1.60 8141 1.25 8196 2.50 8251 85 8032 2.25 8087 1.80 8142 . 1.50 8197 300 8252 2.25 8253. 1.00 8033 3.00 8088 2.00 8143 1.75 8198 2.00 8034 . 3.50 8089 1 15 8144 2.25 8199 3.50 8254 2.50 8035 . 1 00 8090 1.60 8145 1 00 8200 2.00 8255 1.00 8036 . 1.40 8091 2.05 8146 1.00 8201 .... 2.25 8202 2 tO 8256 2.95 8037 2.50 8092 2.25 8147 1.75 8257 3.95 8038 3.30 8039 5.50 8093 2.00 8148 2.25 8149 2.25 8203 . 2.50 8258 3.30 8094 1 .80 8204 1.75 8259 1.80 8040 1 .00 8095 1.60 8150 8205 3.00 8206 1.80 8207 .... 2.45 8260 2.65 8041 1.25 8096 1 20 8151 8261 2.50 8042 1.00 8097 1.10 8152 1.15 8262 4.15 8043 1.00 8098 1.35 8163 1.25 8154 1.50 8208 3.00 8263 2.00 8044 1.25 8099 1 80 8209 ... 3.00 8264 2.00 8045 1.65 8100 2.25 8155 . 1.50 8210 .. 3.00 8265 2.00 8046 2.95 8101 1.05 8156 1.75 8211 ... 3.30 8266 3.25 8047 3.45 8102 1.20 8157 2.00 8212 2.20 8267 6.60 8048 6.20 8103 1 60 8158 1.75 8213 2.45 8268 7.45 8049 4.85 8104 1.85 8169 .. 1.15 8214 2.90 8269 7.45 8269^... 6.20 8270 7.45 8050 2.75 8105 2.00 8160 1.00 8215 2.20 8051 1.70 8106 2 25 8161 1.15 8216 2.45 8052 1.00 8107 2 00 8162 1.25 8217 2.90 8271 2.00 8053 1.00 8108 1.85 8163 1.50 8218 1.55 8272 3.75 508 LIST PRICE OF MOULDINGS. PRICES GIVEN ARE PER 100 LINEAL FEET. No. PRICE 8373 $2.50 No. PRICE 8311 $5.75 8312 4 20 No. PRICE 8349 $4.75 No. PRICE 8387 $2.50 No. PRICE 8425 $1.00 8274 2.50 8350 5.25 8388 5.25 8426 7.90 8275 2 95 8313 4.75 8351 5.75 8389 3.30 8427 1.00 8276.... 3.95 8314 5.25 8352 4.20 8390 5.25 8428 7.90 8277 4.00 8315 5.75 8353 4.75 8391 3.30 8428^... 7.00 8429 7.05 8278 4.00 8316 4 20 8354 5 25 8392 5.25 8279 4.50 8317 4.75 8355 4.20 8393 5.45 8394 5.00 8430 1.50 8289 .85 8318 5 25 8356 4 75 8431 5.00 8281 1.00 8319 5.75 8357 5.25 8395 1.15 8432.... 1.00 8282 1.35 8320 4 20 8358 4 20 8396 . 4.15 8433 4.95 8283 2.95 8321 4.75 8359 4.75 8397 5.50 8434 3.30 8284 3.75 8322 5.25 8360 5.25 8398 1.25 8435 ... 8.25 8285 4.55 8323 5 75 8361 5 75 8399 5.45 8436 9.10 8437 5.00 8286 5 40 8324 4.20 8325 4 75 8362 4 20 8400 8.70 8287 6.25 8363 4 75 8401 5.30 8438.. . 5.00 8288 . 4.20 8326 5 25 8364 5 25 8402 5.00 8439... 12.10 8289 4.75 8327 5 75 8365 5 75 8403 1.40 8440 6.00 8290 ... 5.25 8328 4 20 8366 1 25 8404 3.35 8441.... 3.75 8291 5.75 8329 4 75 8367 4.20 8368 2 50 8405 5.25 8442 8292 4.20 8293 4.75 8330 5 25 8406 5.75 8443 4.40 8331 5 75 8369 4 75 8407 1.40 8444 8294 5.25 8332 4 20 8370 2 50 8408 1.00 8445 8295 5.75 8333 4 75 8371 4 75 8409 3.35 8446.. 8296 4.20 8297 4 75 8334...,. 5.25 8335 5 75 8372 3.00 8373 4 20 8410 4.80 8447 8411 5.50 8448 8298 5 25 8336 4 20 8374 2.10 8375 4 20 8412 . 1.40 8449 8299 5.75 8337 4 75 8413 6.70 8450 . . 8300 4.20 8338 5 25 8376 2 10 8414 3.30 8451.... .... 8301 4.75 8302 5.25 8339 5 75 8377 5 00 8415 8.15 8452.. . 8340 4 20 8378 2 10 8416 1.00 8453 8303.. 5.75 8341 4 75 8379 4 20 8417.... 7.60 8454 8304.. . 4.20 8342 5 25 8380 2 10 8418 1.15 8455 8305 4.75 8343 5 75 8381 500 8419 7.90 8456... 8306 5.25 8344 4 75 8382 5 75 8420 2.75 8457. 8307.. 5.75 8345 5 25 8383 7 90 8421 8.15 8458 8308. 4.20 8346 4 75 8384 4 75 8422... 1.00 8459 8309 4.75 8347 5 25 8385 5 75 8423 3.60 8460.. 8310... 5.25 8348 4 20 8386 7 90 8424 8.15 IMPORTANT NOTICE. When moulding is priced by the inch it is in all cases understood that the price is based on ripping width of lumber, that is: l / of an inch wider than the finished size of moulding. For example: A "/% inch thick panel moulding if made to finish 1^ inches wide, would be charged as 2 inches (being ripping size); to finish full 2 inches, would be charged as 2^ inches, etc. Approximate weight of Mouldings, lxl_inch, per 100 lineal feet, 15 pounds. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 509 GLOSSARY OF TRADE TERMS. The definitions below give the meaning of various terms used in this book or in quotations affecting articles described as established by general usage. IN GENERAL. MEASUREMENTS. OUTSIDE OPENING The measurement of any given article from outside to outside. The frame opening. Always should be given in feet and inches. BETWEEN" GLASS The difference between the outside opening and the total glass measure- ment of a given window or sash. FACE MEASURE The measurement of any part of an article exclusive of any solid mold or rabbet. FINISHED SIZE -The measurement of any given part of an article over all or including the solid mold or rabbet. RIPPING SIZE The size of stock necessary to produce any given finished size. Usually J4 inch over finished size up to 5 inch cuts and J^ inch over above. MOLDING. SOLID MOLD or SOLID STUCK A mold which is worked on the article itself. APPLIED MOLD A separate mold applied or attached to any part of an article. FLUSH MOLD An applied molding which finishes flush with or below the face or surface of the stiles or rails of the article. RAISED MOLD An applied molding which partly covers or which extends above the face or surface of the stiles or rails of the article. MULLION An upright or vertical bar, usually wider than the ordinary bar, dividing the glass in a sash, or a wide upright bar dividing two sash in a frame. Applied also to single blinds made to repre- sent pairs. MUNTIN. Applies to any short or light bars either vertical or horizontal in a sash or in a door between panels not extending the full width or length of the article. ODD WORK. This term applies to any article which is not listed under listed sizes, or for which a list must be formed by the application of any of the Foot Notes or Rules for Extras unless these specific- ally state to the contrary. RAIL. The cross or horizontal pieces of the framework of a sash, door or blind. STILES. The upright or vertical outside pieces of a sash, door or blind. STOCK QUANTITY. Ten or more of any given article of one kind, size and quality. 510 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. STICKING. (See Solid Mold.) O. G. A solid mold which is a combination of a cove and a quarter round with no fillet between. The standard sticking for doors, sash and blinds. COVE AND BEAD A solid mold which is a combination of a cove and quarter round with a small fillet between. BEAD AND COVE A solid mold is a combination of a quarter round and cove with a small fillet between and on each side. OVOLO A solid mold which is a quarter round with a small fillet on each side. P. G. A solid mold which is a long bevel with a small fillet on each side. APPLYING TO SASH OR WINDOWS. SASH. A sash indicates a single piece to fill a given opening. WINDOW. A window indicates two pieces one upper, one lower to fill an opening arranged to slide vertically. CASEMENT. Applies to a sash or pair of sash made to be hung on hinges to swing. COTTAGE. COTTAGE WINDOW A window in which the meeting rails are placed above the center of the opening. COTTAGE SASH A sash made to correspond to a cottage window. FRENCH WINDOW. A pair of sash made to be hung on hinges like a pair of doors A long pair of casement sash. FACTORY SASH OR WINDOWS. Sash or windows divided into small lights for factory use The term implies an inferior quality of material for paint, permitting the use of reasonable defects of any nature not weakening the sash. FULL BOUND. This term indicates that the sash so described shall have a similar amount of wood in stiles and top and bottom rails, usually described as "same rail all around." MEETING RAILS. The rails of a window which meet when the window is hung and closed. PLAIX RAIL Meeting rails of the same thickness as the rest of the window. CHECK RAILS Meeting rails sufficiently thicker than the window to fill the opening between the top and bottom sash made by the check strip or parting strip in the frame. They are usually beveled. LUGS OR HORNS. An extension of the stiles of a window beyond the meeting rails. They are usually molded on the inside of the stile with an O. G. Mold (O. G. Lugs). QUEEN ANNE. Windows or sash divided into small lights. SUSPENDED LIGHTS. A term applied to a light within a sash, formed by straight bars, any one of which must be attached to the free end or to the beveled joint of other bars or munts. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA. NEB. 611 APPLYING TO DOORS. ASTRAGAL. MOLD For Folding Doors -A strip of molding the length of the door of any desired pattern to be applied to one of a pair of folding doors so as to form a rabbet. SINGLE For Folding Doors A strip the length of the doors with a cross-section usually similar to a letter "T" used to form a rabbet. DOUBLE For Sliding Doors -A pair of strips the length of the doors rabbeted to receive the doors on the back and molded or grooved reciprocally on the face to make a tight joint. JOINT For Sliding Doors A molding or groove worked reciprocally on the meeting edges of each of a pair of cloors to make a tight joint. BANDED DOORS. Doors with a thin band or strip usually molded on the outside edge of the face of each stile and top and bottom rail Also called friction strips. CHAMFERED DOORS. Doors with the corner of the stiles or rails beveled at an angle of about 45 degrees. STOP CHAMFER -A chamfer stopped or ended short of the length of the piece chamfered. DOWELED DOORS. Doors put together with dowels instead of tenons. DUTCH DOOR. A door made to be cut horizontally through the lock rail so that the upper part can be opened independently of the lower part. FOUR-PANEL DOOR. Unless specificallv otherwise stated is understood to mean the standard listed four-panel door No. E 200. FIVE-PANEL DOOR. Unless specifically otherwise stated is understood to mean the standard listed five-panel lock rail panel door No. E 201. PANELS. Bevel raised panels are standard. GRADUATED PANELS. Doors with cross panels^of a'different width usually graduated from a wide lower panel to a narrow top panel. _, LOCK RAIL. The center rail of a standard four-panel door. PANEL The horizontal panel of a standard five-panel or similar door. TENONS. THROUGH TENONED A door made with tenons on the ends of the rails mortised or tenoned through and showing on the outside of the stile. BLIND TENONED OR MORTISED A door made with the tenons on the ends of the rails mortised into but extending only part way through the stile. 512 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. APPLYING TO BLINDS. BLIND. SINGLE A single blind is one piece to fill a given opening. PAIR A pair of blinds is two pieces to fill a given opening, made and rabbeted to fold. SET A set of blinds is more than two pieces for a given opening made to fold upon each other. STATIONARY SLAT BLINDS. Blinds with slats mortised into or so attached to the stiles as to be fixed. HALF STATIONARY BLINDS Blinds with one panel of movable or rolling slats, and one of stationary or fixed slats. SHUTTERS. Blinds with solid panels instead of slat panels. BEAD AND BUTT SHUTTERS. Shutters with panels flush with the stiles and rails on one side and with beads lengthwise of the panels, at or near the stiles on one side only. FLUSH MOLD. See Flush Mold_[under "General." APPLYING TO TERMS AND DISCOUNTS. CAR LOTS. Quantities of mill work sold at one time for shipment at one time which aggregate the minimum weight allowed by the published railroad tariff for the given destination usually 24,000 pounds. LOCAL OR WAY FREIGHTS. Terms applied to sales or shipments which for any reason take less than car lot rates of freight CASH DISCOUNT. A discount allowed for payment of an invoice within a specified time from date of invoice. It does not apply to any freight or other allowance, which should always be deducted before cash discount is taken. F. O. B. OR FREE ON BOARD. This term indicates that the quotation or sale is made for goods on the cars at seller's shipping - point without charge for loading or handling. FREIGHT ALLOWED. Signifies that the seller will allow the purchaser on presentation of paid freight bill to deduct from settlement the full amount of freight paid on any given shipment from shipping point to destination. It does not guarantee the safe delivery of goods. FREIGHT EQUALIZED. Signifies that the seller will allow the purchaser on presentation of paid freight bill to deduct from the settlement an amount equal to the excess if any of the amount paid for freight over the sum which the buyer would have had to pay on a similar shipment from the point equalized with. It does not guarantee safe delivery of goods. OPENINGS. Quotations are frequently made at a specified discount for a given number of openings. In this connection an opening is understood to mean One Door or two Cupboard Doors. One Window. Two Sash. One Pair of Blinds or two Single Blinds. STOCK GOODS OR STOCK ITEMS. Terms frequently used in quotations to indicate such listed sizes as are regularly carried in stock by the party quoting. Must not be confused with "listed sizes" which may be "stock sizes" in one locality and not in another. ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 513 INDEX. PAGE Altar Railings --- - - 410 Astragals, for Sliding Doors .. 504 Balusters -- 231-252-253-322 Bank Counters -- ..386 to 393 Base Corners and Beads 318 BLINDS Door 184 Extras 183 Inside 182 Outside, for Two, Four, Eight and Twelve Light Windows 178, 181 Pantry 181 Venetian 185 to 188 Blocks Corner, Head, and Base 191 to 194 Boxes, Telephone 403 Brackets 316, 324, 328 to 334 Cabinets, Kitchen 368 to 370 Cap Trim, Special Hardwood... 159 to 204 Carved Ornaments and Rosettes 205 to 207 Cased Openings and Columns. 220 to 223 Chairs, Office 384, 385 Check Desks 394 Church Furniture ....405 to 410 Church Furniture, Price List 411 Colonial Entrance Opening 360 to 363 Composition Ornaments, Price List 208, 209 Composition Capitals and Brackets .335 to 344 Counters, Bank ..386 to 393 Counters, Store 399, 400 Crestings 326 Desks, Cash 402 Desks, Check 394 Desks, Office : 372 to 383 Dimension Shingles 319 Directions for Ordering Sash, Doors and Blinds 8 DOORS Church 176, 177 Cottage, Our Special .93 to 106 Cliina Closet 85 Cupboard 84 Extras 161 to 162 Five Cross Panel O. G ..88 Five Cross Panel Bead and Cove 89 Five-Panel O. G 87 Four- Panel O. G 86 Front and Vestibule... 148 to 157 Grained 76, 77 Inside _ 147 Interior _ 195 to 204 O. G. Sash ... 90, 91 Painted 79 to 82 Screen 189 Side Lights .91 to 158 Side Light Vestibule Opening.. 159, 160 Special Front 93 to 106 Special Veneered Doors .108 to 146 Store 164, to 167 Veneer Oak, Hardwood 108 to 146 Weights, Sizes, and Thicknesses 83 Dowels and Balls 319 Dry Goods Shelving _. .401 Drops and Draperies, for Porch Work 324,326 Fence Post Caps 319 Finials 324 Finish, Interior 195 to 204 Fixtures, Bank 386 to 393 Flooring, Hardwood 325 Flooring, Parquetry 294 to 300 Flooring, Parquetry, Prices 301 534 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. INDEX Continued. FRAMES PAGE Church GO to 07, 360 to 367 Colonial 300 to 363 Gable 52, 53 Gothic 364 Louvre 365 Plain Drip Cap, Moulded , Cap and Fancy Cap 356 to 359 Gable Ornaments 317-327 GLASS Art Sand Blast 417, 420 Beveled Plate _ 421 Chipped. Colonial and Florentine 422 Colored Art Glass 441 to 456 Heavy Rolled Glass 423 Lace Design 416, 417, 420 Leaded Beveled Plate 432 to 437 Leaded Colored, for Church Windows 453 to 456 Leaded Plain D. S. (no color) 425 to 431 Mitred Beveled Plate 421, 437 WireGlass 424 Grille Work 210 to 219 Grille Work, Metal 395 to 398 Gutters . ...318 Gutter Brackets and Ends 324 Interior Finish 195 to 204 Ladders and Lawn Goods 412, 413 Lecterns 408 MANTELS Hardwood 284 to 293 Outfits ...277 to 283 MOULDINGS Embossed . 269 to 275 Ordinary 458 to 506 Ordinary Moulding Price List 507, 508 Turned and Rope 266 to 268 Newels, Porch 312 Newels, Stair... 232 to 234, 255 to 259 OFFICE FITTINGS Counters 386 to 393 Office Chairs 384-385 Office Desks .376 to 383 Office Rails . ,404 Partitions T 393 Telephone Boxes 403 Partition, Rolling 302 to 308 Patent Fasteners for Storm Sash and Window Screens 190 Pedestals 320, 321 Pew Ends and Pew Seats 405 to 408 Pickets 319 Picture Mouldings, Embossed .269 Plate Rails -.224, 225 PORCH WORK Balusters, Turned and Sawed 313, 322 Brackets 316, 328 to 334 Capitals (composition) ..335 to 344 Cased Opening 220 to 223 Columns 310, 311, 312 Drops 324 Gable Ornaments 317, 327 Gutter, V 318 Newels 312 Porch Designs 345, 355 Rails 314, 315 Special Stock Patterns ...310 to 319 Spindles 313, 323 Portiere Work 210 to 219 Pulpits 409 Railing, Office 404 Rosettes . . 205 to 207 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. 515 SASH INDEX Continued. PAGE Bars, Metal 174, 175 Cellar - - 22 Cord 325 Cottage Front . 47 to 53 Cottage, Special - 25 to 46 Cupboard 19 Extras 73 to 75 Four-Light Sash .. - - 20 Front -..25 to 45 Gable - - 52, 53 Hot Bed 21 One-Light Sash - - ...20, 21 Pulleys . 325 Queen Anne ...61 Six-Light Sash 20 Storm - - .- 72 Transom .". 23, 24 Weights 325 Screen Doors and Windows - 189 Screen Door Spring Hinges 190 Shelving ...; 401 Shingles 319 STAIR WORK Balusters 231,252,253 Elevations. 260 to 263 Directions for Ordering 227 Interior - 243to 251 Newels Starting, Angle and Special 232 to 234, 255 to 259 Price List 264, 265 Rail, Special 184 to 186, 228 to 230 Stair Rail 254 Stair Designs 235 to 242 Stair Stock Goods, Special Designs ..243 to 253 Store Fronts I ..169 to 173 Store Counters 399, 400 Store Tables ...- ^ 403 Table Leg ..318 Telephone Boxes 403 Thresholds 825 Tracery 326 TRANSOMS Extras 63 Gothic Top 63 One and Two Lights 23, 24 Queen Anne 62 Three Lights. 22 Vestibule Opening... 159 to 160 Water Closet Swinging Doors 184 WINDOWS Bent or Bow-Faced and Circle-Faced 70, 71 Church 66 to 69, 364 to 367 Circle and Segment Top 64, 65 Colonial 61 Cottage Front 47 to 53 Cottage Special . 25 to 46 Eight-Light Plain Rail 13 Eight-Light Check Rail 14 Factory Windows, 15, IS, 20, 24, 30 and 32 Light 15 to 18 Four Light, Check Rail 12 Gothic 364 New Special 25 to 45 Pantry 19 Queen Anne - 54 to 60 Screen. 189 Twelve-Light Plain Rail 13 Twelve-Light Check Rail 14 Two Light, Check Rail 9 to 11 Two Light Pantry Check Rail 1!) Wickets, Bank and Office ...395 to 398 Window and Door Frames for Brick Building ___ 357 Window Frames for Wood Building 356-359 Window Screens .. ..189 516 ADAMS & KELLY CO., OMAHA, NEB. Index to Our Stock Specialties T M1E illustrations In this Catalogue are arranged alphabetically numerically, as follows: Sash being numbered D I to D 121 inclusive; Doors, E 175 to E 332 inclusive ; Blinds, F I to F 10 Inclusive, etc. Our STOCK Specialties are In the front part of each alphabetical classification. Base Angles.. __ 318 Blocks. : 191 Brackets 316 Corner Beads 318 Dimension Shingles _ _ .319 Doors, Special Front 93 to 106 Dowels and Balls 319 Fence Post Caps 319 Fir Gutter 318 Flooring, Thresholds, Weights, Cord and Pulleys 325 Gable Ornaments ...317 Grilles 210, 211 Hardwood Cap Trims. 195 to 204 Pickets 319 Plate Rail 224, 225 Porch Work 310 to 319 Sash, Special Front 25 to 45 Spindles and Balusters 313 Stair Work 226 to 242 Table Legs.. 318