•■ :w ... State of Illinois Henry Horner, Governor Department of Registration and Education John J. Hallihan, Director GEOLOGICAL SURVEY DIVISION M. M. Leighton, Chief Urbana, Illinois No, 19 INFORMATION CIRCULAR Feb. g, 1937 SUIuiuARY LIST OF AREAS IN WESTERN, NORTHERN, AND CENTRAL ILLINOIS RECOi'ivIENDED FOR SPECIAL INVESTIGATION AS POSSIBLY SUITABLE FOR STRIP-MINING By Gilbert H, Cady The following list of areas possibly suitable for strip mining has been prepared to accompany a set of preliminary maps show- ing the outcrop of the workable coal beds in' western Illinois, in parts of northern Illinois, and a small area in central Illinois. The list is extracted from a report in which the occurrence and char- acter of the different coal beds is described in greater detail, the publication of which awaits the necessary printing funds. Areas Recommended for the Special Attention of Those Interested in Areas of Strippable Coal (For locations of areas mapped in Plates I-XIV see attached index map) (1) C oal No. l . - SiDoon River valley in the vicinity of a mine located in the NE. -l/k sec. 20, T. 7 N., R. 2 E., Fulton County (Avon ouadrangle), Plate I (see Index Map). (2) Coa l No. 1. - In Illinois valley north of Havana, west of Quiver Lake and Illinois River in northeastern Waterford Township (T, 4- N., R. k E.) Fulton County, (Havana ouadrangle), Plate II. (3) Coal N o . 1 . - Southwest Warren County, southwest of Ponemah Station on the Santa Fe Railroad in sec. 33, T. 10 N., R, 3 W. (Monmouth quadrangle), P late I . Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champajgn http://archive.org/details/summarylistofare19cady Page 2 tk-) Coal No. l . - Near Green River Station on the Rock Island Railroad in sec. 7, T. 17 N., R. 2 E., Henry County (Orion auad- rangl e ) , Plate I . (5) C oal No. 1 . - On upland between Cass Creek and Rock River valley in sees. 2&, 29, 32, and 33, T. 17 N., R. 1 W., Reck Island County (Milan Quadrangle and Illinois State G-eological Survey Bul- letin 3gC, Plate II), Plate I. Special attention is also called to an outlier of No. 1 coal east of Hampton and south of Rapid City (LeClaire auadrangle), Pla te I . (6) Coal No . 2. - A small tract west of Atkinson along U. S. Route 6 in sees. 32, 33, and jk, T. 17 N., R. k E. (Annawan quad- rangl e ) , P late I . (7) Coal No. 2 . - Roseville area, Ts. g and 9 N., Rs . 2 and 3 W. , Warren County (G-ood Hope auadrangle and Illinois State G-eo- lcgical Survey Bulletin H-JA, Plate I), Plate_II. (g) Coal No. 2 . - West of Spoon River between Babylon and Seville, Ts. 6 and 7 N. , R. IE., Fulton County (Avon auadrangle and Illinois State G-eological Survey Bulletin 3gB, Plate I), Plate II . (9) Coal No . 2. - Tennessee area, T. 5 N., R. k- W., McDonough County (Colchester auadrangle and U. S. G-eological Survey G-eologic Folio 20g), Plate I V. (10) C oal N o . 2 . - Northern Illinois. Along west flank LaSalle anticline in sees, 12 and 13, T. 33 N., R. 1 E., along both sides Highway Route No. 6, LaSalle County (LaSalle quadrangle and Illinois State G-eological Survey Bulletin 37, Plate 1)/ Plate "III . (11) C oal No. 2 . - Northern Illinois. On south side of Illi- nois Valley in sees. 19, 20, and 21 and adjacent parts of sees. 23, 29, and 30, T. 33 N., R. IE. (LaSalle auadrangle and Bulletin 37), Plat e V. (12) Coal No. 2 . - Northern Illinois. In Illinois River valley bottom east of Ottawa, sees. 7, g, and 9, T. 33 N., R. k- E , , LaSalle County (Ottawa quadrangle), Plate II I. (13) Coal No . 2. - Northern Illinois. North side of Illinois River valley and south of and along Clark Run in sees. 26, 27, 33, 3^, and 35, T. 3^ N., R. 2 E., and sees. 3 k, 9, and 10, T. 33 N., R. 2 E., LaSalle County (Ottawa auadrangle), Plate III . (lk) Coal No. 2. - Northern Illinois. North side Illinois River in sees. 7 and g, T. 33 N., R. 7 E., near Morris, G-rundy County (Morris auadrangle and Illinois State G-eological Survey Bulletin H-JB, Plate III), Plate II I. ,Q^: : , C f t, Page 3 (15) Coal No. 2. - Northern Illinois, T, 31 N., R. 9 E,, Kankakee County north of Essex (Herscher ouadrangle and Illinois State Geological Survey Bulletin 5 P , Plate I), P late V. (lb) Coal No. 5. - Area southeast of Galesburg and northeast of Lake Bracken in Ts, 10 and 11 N., R. IE., Knox County (Galesburg ouadr angl e ) , P late VII . (17) Coal No. 5. - Area southeast of Abingdon mainly in sees. lU- and IS, T, 9 N., R, IE., Knox County (G-alesburg ouadrangle), Plate VIII . (lg) Coal No. 5. - Area in the vicinity of Rushville and Pleasantview, Schuyler County (Rushville and Beardstown ouadrangles) , Plat e_IX . (19) Coal No. 5. - Area near Astoria in sees. 13, 1^, 15, 22, 23, and 2^, T. 3 N. , R. 1 E,, and in sees, lg and 19, T. 3 N,, R. 2 E,, Fulton County (Beardstown quadrangle), Plate I I. (20) Coal No. 6 . - Sheffield district area west and south cf Sheffield in Bureau County (Bud a and Anna ouadrangles) , Pl ate X . Specia l attention is called to coal No. 6, Kewanee district lying north and northwest of Kewanee, Henry County ( Ann a wan ouad- rangle), Plate XI , which, however, is not recommended, (21) Coal No. 6. - Galva district. Area mainly west and north nf Galva, Henry County, Pl ate XII . (22) Coal No . 6 . - Etherly— Victoria district, between Wataga and Etherly and Victoria, north and south of the Galesburg and Great Eastern Railroad and north and northeast of Victoria, Knox County, plate I . (23) Co al No . 6 . - Area in central Stark County between Modona and Wyoming in sees. 11, 12, I 1 -!-, 23, 25 and 2o, T. 13 N., R. 6 E. Small areas of strippable coal possibly present. Plate I. (2*0 Coal No. 6. - Laura-Princeville field, T. 11 N,, Rs. 5 and 6 E,, Peoria County. Small tracts in the northwest Dart of county, Plate I . (25) Coal No. 6 . ~ Kickapoo field. Area lying along east side of Kickapoo Creek extending north of the village cf Kickapoo for about five miles, Peoria County (Dunlap ouadrangle), Plat e XIII . Attention is called to the Brimfield district northeast of the village of that name in sees. 3 to 7, and 17 to 19, T. 10 N., R. 6 E,, Peoria County, where there is considerable coal of uncertain cuality under shallow cover, Plate I . Page k (26) Coa l No. 6 . - South side of Kickapoo Creek from Pottstown vest to vicinity of Elmwood, Peoria County (Peoria and G-lasford auadrangles and U. S, Geological Survey Bulletin 506, Plate II), Plate II. (27) Coal N o. 6, - Southwest of Farmington in Fairview, Farming- ton, and Canton townships (T. g N., Rs . 3 and k E . , and T. 7 N., R, 4- E.), Fulton County (Canton quadrangle and Illinois State Geo- logical Survey Bulletin 3^B, Plate I), Plate I. Special attention is called to an occurrence of No. 6 coal under shallow cover north of South Wilmington, G-rundy County, Plat e V . (2$) Shelby vill e coal . - Area in southeast Shelby County, T. 10 N., R. 6 E., extending over into Cumberland County between Necga and Trowbridge (Mattoon ouadrangle), Plate XIV . Preliminary Maps Showing Outcrops of Workable Coal Beds in Western, Northern, and Central Illinois The following maps are available in blue-line prints at cost cf reproduction (see attached index map and list): Plates I and II, th<= two large maps (scale 2 miles to the inch), show in the main the position of the outcrops of coal beds Ncs, 1, 2, 5> 6, and 7> with some special additional data related to mining operations, active and abandoned, in coal bed No. 1. The position of active stripping mines and areas stripped as of about September 1, 19 j&, are shown on these and other plates, Plate III (scale 1/2 mile to the inch) is a map cf a strip seven to eleven miles wide, lying each side of and including Illinois River Valley from the vicinity of Morris to the vicinity of LaSalle. it sh-sws the position cf outcrop of No. 2 (LaSalle or Third Vein) coal bed, the altitude cf the bed, and such drilling data in regard to depth and thickness of the beds as are available for publication. Plate V (scale 1/2 mile to the inch) shows the outcrop and structure of No. 2 coal bed and the extent of stripoing operations in T. 33 N., R. g E., Grundy County. (Morris ouadrangle and Illinois State Geological Survey Bulletin ^3B, PI. III.) Plate VI (scale 1/2 mile to the inch) shows the outcrop and structure of No, 2 ccal bed in southeastern Grundy, southwestern Will, and northwestern Kankakee counties and the area underlain by No. 6 coal bed in the vicinity cf South Wilmington. Mined-out areas and strip coal mines are shown. (Morris, Wilmington, and Herscher ouadrangles and Illinois State Geological Survey Bulletin 55 , PI. I.) Page 5 Plates IV and VII to XIII (scale 1/2 mile to the inch) are maps of areas located in western Illinois. They show the outcrop and depth of coal near the outcrop in greater detail than is possible on the smaller scale maps, Plates I and II, These maps have been prepared because of inouiries that have been received in regard to the areas or because the areas seem to be of special interest as pos- sible sources of strippable coal. Plate XIV (scale 1/5 mile to the inch) is a. map of an Iso- lated area underlain by one of the younger Pennsylvania^ coal beds, possibly the Shelbyville coal, located in the southeastern part of Shelby County and overlapping into Cumberland County. Since the preparation of the maps early In the autumn of 193^> there has been considerable exploration work in certain of the areas, particularly in the G-alesburg, Roseville, Brimfield, South Wilmington, and Shelby County areas, but in most cases the results of recent drilling are not yet available. It is hoped that much of this information can be added in time for publication in the fall of 1937. Island (Hear'y ~=±rr~™ u r e a u — i ,-"' i r "i Cook ! Men- / l - L !Si 1 ^ frrrL-S Will , [Stark | / 1 Knox J MatfShall I I I™ I f""LvTT^® oria / I Livingston I I ; Warren! L-Jr V11 . pi / Woodford I n" 1 U^VIIII LH^- 1 -! 1 I I Iroquois McDonoughj \^s cvr ^ Fulton r ' Tazewell ' McLean ' Ford I . ) Ha/cock J O*— IV | y- j | I \J Adai V ^£fc L ogan I Menard Morgan I ike \Scott-j \ Macoupin (Montgomery i r Mitt ^"Ichampaign | Vermlll