^ ** ♦ STATE CF ILLINOIS ^'^1 / A DEPARTMENT OF REGISTRATION AND EDUCATION c.3 Directory of ILLINOIS SAND and GRAVEL PRODUCERS W. L. BUSCH G yGAi ILLINOIS STATE GEOLOGICAL SURVEY urbana John C. Frye, Chief MINERAL ECONOMICS BRIEP t April 1963 iffilL DIRECTORY ILLINOIS SAND AND GRAVEL PRODUCERS W. L. Busch The following directory of common sand and gravel producers in Illinois lists approximately 300 operations and some 225 producers operating in 69 counties throughout the state. Counties in the northeastern part of the state are the largest pro- ducers of sand and gravel. The northwestern and central parts of Illinois also are important producing regions. With the exception of some counties border- ing on the Mississippi, Ohio, and Wabash Rivers, the southern third of the state has few sand and gravel producing areas. During 1961 Illinois operators of sand and gravel pits produced over 12.1 million tons of common sand valued at about 10.8 million dollars, and more than 15.6 million tons of gravel valued at almost 14 million dollars. This directory was compiled from the most complete information avail- able at the time of listing, and gives, where possible, for each operation the name of the operating company or individual, the mailing address, the name of the county in which the operation is located, and the approximate location within the county. Although there are no doubt more sand and gravel operations in ex- istence than the directory indicates, complete and current information regard- ing every possible producer at any given time and place is not available. Sand and gravel operators and other interested groups can assist in keeping the list- ings up to date by sending to the Illinois State Geological Survey any correc- tions or additions to the directory they can supply. Operators who produce only silica sand or natural bonded molding sand are not included in this directory. A directory of these producers and other producers of special commodities will be issued at a. later date. 1 - ILLINOIS SAND AND GRAVEL PRODUCERS Producer Mailing Address Location of Operation B licks Construction Co, Ray W. Ellison Quincy Sand Co. ADAMS COUNTY c/o C. J. Blickhan Quincy Ursa Front and Broadway, Quincy 6 mi. N. of Quincy S.W. of Ursa Quincy at Mississippi kivar H. H. Halliday Sand Co, ALEXANDER COUNTY 224 Tenth Street, Cairo Cairo at Ohio River Greenville Gravel Co. Cyril Munie Gravel Co. Robert Pruitt Sand and Gravel Co. BOND COUNTY P.O. Box 309, Greenville West edge of Greenville Pocahontas 1% mi. N. of Keysport Greenville Near Greenville Belvidere Blacktop Co, Inc. Conard and Keegan Davis Sand and Gravel Co, Wayne Nolan Fred Smith Spencer Sand and Gravel BOONE COUNTY R.R. 1, P.O. Box 12 : Belvidere 418 Starr Street, Belvidere 1 mi. W. of Belvidere, Rt. 20, Davis Pit % mi. E. of Belvidere on Rt. 20, Lanning Pit R.R. 1, Box 37, Belvidere Near Belvidere R.F.D., Harvard 3 mi. E. of Belvidere Capron 120 Burgess Street, Belvidere Various pits in Boone and other counties Near N.E. edge of Belvidere Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2012 with funding from University of Illinois Urbana-Champaign http://archive.org/details/directoryofillin06busc - 2 Producer Mailing Address Location of Operation BUREAU COUNTY Cattani-Guerrieri Construction Co. Cherry Floyd Clapp Walnut Hansen Bros. New Bedford R. C. Hoffman Walnut J. P. Hollerich Mineral Material Service Division, General Dynamics Corp. Seaton Gravel Co. Swanson Construction Co, Walnut Gravel Co. The Western Sand and Gravel Co. ?ferle TSfcipple Wyanet Sand and Gravel Co. Yuccus Gravel Pit 300 W. Washington Street. Chicago -6 Cherry Box 84, Princeton R.F.D. 1, Walnut 111 N. Spalding Street, Spring Valley Buda c/o F. S. Poscharscky Wyanet Seatonville Near DePue 2 mi. W. of Walnut on Rt. 92 1 mi. S. and 1 mi. W. of Manlius West of Walnut Near Mineral, 5 mi. N,W. of Sheffield Near Manlius Near DePue South of Buda 2% mi. W. of Walnut on Rt.92 Near Spring Valley N.E. of Sheffield North of Tiskilwa 1 mi. S.W. of Seatonville Carl Sievers West Point Sand Plant CALHOUN COUNTY Hamburg Near Michael c/o Era Inman, Batchtown 3 mi. S.W. of Batchtown Heisler Gravel Co. Kutz Bros. Rein, Schultz & Dahl, Inc, CARROLL COUNTY R.R. 2, Mt. Carroll P.O. Box 14, Forres ton P.O. Box 120, Sfcoughtoft, Wisconsin 3% mi. E. of Mt. Carroll West of Milledgeville, Mertz Pit Various pits in Carroll and other counties - 3 Producer Mailing Address Location of Operation Joe Peck CASS COUNTY Arenzville Near Beardstown Gibson Bros, CHAMPAIGN COUNTY 1202 Lincolnshire Drive, Champaign Near Mahomet Material Service Division, 300 W. Washington Street, General Dynamics Corp. Chicago 6 Parkhills Gravel Pit 702 S. Neil, Champaign Mahomet Sand and Gravel Division, Pontiac Stone Co, P.O. Box 412, Pontiac W. H. Troike Co. N.E. of Mahomet 1% mi. N.E. of Mahomet Near Mahomet, 1 mi. S.W. 1 mi. S., Ik mi. W. of Mahomet Box 295, Mahomet West Champaign Gravel Co, Box 463, Champaign W. V. Williams P.O. Box 287, Gibson City Armstrong Pit, near Ludlow % mi. N. of Mahomet on Rt. 47 CLARK COUNTY Harold Kuhn Sand and Gravel R.R. 4, Marshall Lawrence Sand and Gravel Co. R.F.D. 2, West Union Marshall Gravel Co. Marshall C. and E. Material Co. West fie Id Stanfield Gravel Co. 902 Plum, Marshall 9 mi. S. of Marshall, 2 mi W. of Darwin 9 mi. S. of Marshall Near Marshall Near Westfield 2 mi. W. of Darwin John Boyd Gravel Pit Olen Humphres Walter Joos Martins Sand and Gravel COLES COUNTY 103-9th Street, Charleston Near Charleston Ashmore 4% mi. W. of Ashmore Farmington Near Farmington 527 S'th Street, Charleston 4 mi. S. of Charleston Mattoon Sand end Gravel Co, P„0, Box 259, Mattoom Near Etna - 4 Producer ■Mailing Address Location of Operation Chicago Gravel Co. Doetsch Bros. COOK COUNTY 343 S. Dearborn, Chicago 4 Hanover Twp„, near Elgin, Hammonds plant 35 E. Palatine Road, Wheeling Near Glenview Material Service Division, 300 W. Washington Street, General Dynamics Corp. Chicago 6 Near N. edge of Wheeling Road Materials Corp. Worth Sand and Gravel Co., Inc. c/o E.M. Melahn, Algonquin Near Arlington Heights Near S C W. edge of Worth 7545 W. 111th Street, Worth '..' ■. Bowman Gravel Co, William J. Wyke William J. Wyke CRAWFORD COUNTY 140 E. LaMotte Street, Palestine P.O. Box 477, Robinson P.O. Box 477, Robinson 5 mi. N. of Palestine 1 mi, S.E. of Hutsonville 5 mi. N. of Palestine A. B.C. Gravel Co. Casey Stone Co. Greenup Gravel Pit CUMBERLAND COUNTY P.O. Box 217, Greenup 9 mi. N.E. of Greenup, near Union Center 104 W. Alabama Ave., Casey 7 mi. N. of Greenup Greenup Near Greenup Floit Sand and Gravel Co, Elmer Larson Inc. Otto Machine Co. Elmer Repp BE KALB- COUNTY 139 Maple Street, Sycamore Near Sycamore 320 Prospect Street; DeKalb Sandwich Boynton Pit, R.F.D., Cortland '. . . Near Sandwich 204 Prairie Street, Genoa 2% mi. W. of Kingston on Rt. 72, Wilson Pit Tyrrell Gravel Co. R.F.D. 2, Sycamore Near Sycamore - 5 Producer Mailing Address Location of Operation McDowell and Heidelberg Gravel Co. DE WITT COUNTY Downs H. M. Rickgauer Sellards Sand and Gravel Co, Heyworth 1009 S. Quincy Drive 5 Clinton Wear DeWitt 1 mi. W. of Kenney, Tunbridge Twp. South of Heyworth Elmhur st -Chicago Stfcne Co- Elmhur st -Chicago Stone Co, Elmhurst-Chicago Stone Co, DU PAGE COUNTY 400 W. First Street, Elmhurst 400 W. First Street, Elmhurst 400 W. First Street, Elmhurst 2 mi. W. of Bartlett Near Warrenville-Rt. 55 and Rt. 59 Near Winfield, N.W. of Wheaton EDWARDS COUNTY Aulvin Sand and Gravel Co. c/o George Aulvin, Albion Near Albion FAYETTE COUNTY Burtschi Sand and Gravel Co. Box 67, Vandalia Hunt Sand and Gravel Co. Ramsey Melvin Dugan Sand and Gravel Co. Forrest Lutz Hagarstown Mulberry Grove 1 mi. S.W. of Vandalia Near Ramsey in Carson Twp, Near Hagarstown Near Mulberry Grove FORD COUNTY M. C. Smith Construction Co. 427 E. Ninth Street. Gibson City Howard Thomas Gravel Co, Howard Thomas Gravel Co. 745 N. Market Street, Pax ton 745 N. Market Street, Paxton 1 mi. S., 3/4 mi. E. of Gibson City Judkins Pit near Paxton Youngreen Pit, 3 mi. W. of Paxton - 6 Producer Mailing Address Location of Operation FORD COUNTY (continued) W. V. Williams Construction 201 W. 8th Street, Co. Gibson City 1 mi, S., % mi. E. of Gibson City FULTON COUNTY Duck Island Sand and Gravel Co. P.O. Box 466, Canton Brown County Stone Co, Box 164, Mt. Sterling Otter Creek Sand and Gravel Citizens National Bank Co. Bldg., Macomb S. of Banner, 8 mi. E. of Canton 1% mi. E. of Enion, S.W, of Havana Kerton Twp., 6 mi. S.W. of Havana GALLATIN COUNTY Delta Materials Co., Inc. R.F.D. 1, Shawneetown Gail Denny Sand Co. Harrisburg Gallatin County Gravel Plant New Haven McDonald Sand and Gravel Co. New Haven Near Old Shawneetown Near Shawneetown Near New Haven Near New Haven GREENE COUNTY Lyle B. Moushon Construction 621 Sycamore Street, Co. Carrollton Near Carrollton Material Service Division, General Dynamics Corp. Peabody Coal Co. GRUNDY COUNTY 300 W. Washington Street, Chicago 6 301 Olive Street, St. Louis, Missouri Morris at Illinois River Near Gardner Collinson Bros. Clyde Johnson Oberlaender Sand Co, HENRY COUNTY 3115 23rd Ave., Moline 4 mi. N.W. of Kewanee Atkinson N.W. of Atkinson 519% 15th Street, Moline Near Colona, E. of Moline - 7 - Producer Mailing Address Location of Operation Schadt Service Co, HENRY COUNTY (continued) 623 First Ave., Silvis Near Cleveland Gray Material Co. A. T, Sumner & Sons IROQUOIS COUNTY Crescent City R.R. 1, Milford E. of Crescent City 8 mi. E. of Milford Lawder Sand Co, JACKSON COUNTY Grand Tower Grand Tower at River Dubuque Sand Co, JO "DAVIESS COUNTY Box 325, Dubuque, Iowa Near E, Dubuque Arcole Midwest Corp. Kenneth P. Bakley Barth and Ehorn Consumers Division Vulcan Materials Co. Dundee Sand and Gravel Co. R. R. English Arnold Erickson Erthom and Son Feltes Coal and Gravel Co . , Inc . Fox Valley Gravel Co. KANE COUNTY 3225 Main Street, Evanston 1 mi. S.W, of W. Dundee Huntley \ mi. N. of Hampshire Hampshire Near Hampshire 79 W. Monroe Street. Chicago 3 1 mi. S.E. of E. Dundee 129 Roth Ave., Barrington Bolz Rd. and Rt. 25, Carpentersville 691 Prairie Street Road, Aurora Near S.W. edge of Aurora Elburn Aurora 4 mi. S.E. of Elburn Near Aurora Jericho Road, N. Aurora East side of N. Aurora Box 423, Route 3, Aurora Near Montgomery S.W. of Aurora Grove Sand and Gravel Co. 446 W. Park Ave., Aurora Rt. 47 and Harter Rd. Producer Mailing Address Location of Operation Grove Sand and Gravel Co, Warren W. Krahn Material Service Division General Dynamics Corp. Road Materials Corp, Edward Schneider Edward Schneider Steffan Bros., Inc. Van Acker Sand and Gravel Co. KANE COUNTY (continued) 446 W. Park Ave., Aurora 410 Maiden Lane, Dundee 300 W. Washington Street. Chicago 6 Raymond Sand and Gravel Co. Big Rock c/o E.M. Melahn, Algonquin R.R. 3, Box 72, Elgin R.R. 3, Box 72, Elgin Box 125, Carpentersville Box 65, Wayne Rt. 55 and Hankes Rd. Williams Pit, E. Dundee Dundee Pit near E. Dundee % mi. W. of Rt. 47 on Kaneville Rd. Adjacent to E. Dundee 4 mi. N.W. of Elgin, near Pingree Grove Near S. Elgin Rt. 25 at Carpentersville opposite Golf Course 2 mi. N, of St, Charles Azzarelli Construction Co, Kankakee Bank Sand Co. KANKAKEE COUNTY 401 N. West Street, Kankakee P.O. Box 466, Kankakee 4% mi. W. of Kankakee 5 mi. W. of Kankakee Avery Gravel Co. Elmer Larson, Inc. KENDALL COUNTY R.F.D. 3, Plainfield Near Oswego 320 Prospect St., DeKalb Piano Pit, Piano Knox County Gravel Co, KNOX COUNTY Princeville Near Hertnon Atlas Sand and Gravel Co. LAKE COUNTY 1015 N. Milwaukee, Libertyville Near Gurnee Producer Mailing Address Location of Operation Atlas Sand and Gravel Co. Big Hollow Sand and Gravel Co. Chain 0' Lakes Sand and Gravel Co. LAKE COUNTY (continued) 1015 N. Milwaukee, Libertyville R.F.D., Ingleside Volo Near Libertyville 1% mi. S. of Fox Lake Near Volo, 3 mi. S.W. of Round Lake Consumers Division Vulcan Materials Co. Ray A. DeBolt Excavating Doetsch Bros. Economy Crushed Gravel Inc. Leo J. Fox McHenry Sand and Gravel Co., Inc. Raymond A. Peterson Vern Thelen Sand and Gravel Co. Tri County Sand and Gravel Co. 79 W. Monroe Street, Chicago 3 541 Hough Street, Barrington 35 E. Palatine Road, Wheeling 1207 10th Street, Waukegan R.R. 2, Box 259, Antioch 920 N. Front Street, McHenry 1308 N. Milwaukee Ave., Libertyville R.R. 1, Box 421, Spring Grove R.F.D., Ingleside Rt. 173 and Rt. 41, Wadsworth . . Near Barrington Near Half Day Near Waukegan Near Antioch Near Wauconda Near Libertyville 2 mi. E. of Spring Grove Near Ingleside Garrows Gravel Service Vernon Henry Vernon Henry Roy LaBolle LaSalle County Portable, Inc. LASALLE COUNTY c/o L.S. Garrow & Sons, Serena Box 77, LaRose Box 77, LaRose Somonauk Near Serena % mi. N., % mi. W. of Lowell, Lock Pit 3 mi. E., 1 mi. N. of Streator, Streator Pit Near Somonauk P.O. Box 249, Ottawa Near Wedron, N.E. of Ottawa Producer - 10 Mailing Address Location of Operation Mattel Gravel Co., Inc. Mertel Gravel Co., Inc. Moline Consumers Co. Mo line Consumers Co. River Industries, Inc. Spicer Gravel Co. LASALLE COUNTY (continued) West Water Street, Peru 1 mi, E. of LaSalle off Rt. 6 West Water Street, Peru West Water Street, Peru 313 16th Street, Moline Buffalo Rock Plant, near Ottawa 313 16th Street, Moline Near Sheridan P.O. Box 641, Seneca Seneca at Illinois River 445 Union Street, Marseilles ...2 mi. E. of Marseilles on Rt. 6'. The Western Sand and Gravel 111 North Spalding Street, Co. Spring Valley . ; ... Near Sheridan Ambraw Gravel Co., Inc. Green Construction Co. Gregory Gravel Co. H. and B. Gravel Co., Inc Vincennes Gravel Co., Inc LAWRENCE COUNTY Lawrenceville Westport c/o L.W. Gregory & Son Lawrenceville 12th and Adams Streets, Lawrenceville Box 427, Vincennes, Indiana 3% mi. N.E. of Lawrenceville Near Westport, 7 mi. N.W. of Lawrenceville Near Lawrenceville N.E. corner George Field, near Lawrenceville 4% mi. N.E. of Lawrencevill; Fraza Sand and Gravel Co. C. C. Macklin Nelson Sand and Gravel Co, Rock River Ready Mix LEE COUNTY 506 First Ave., Dixon Steward Nelson Near Dixon Near Steward Near Nelson, S.W. of Dixon Logan Ave. at River, Dixon Dixon at Rock River Howard Arnold LIVINGSTON COUNTY Fairbury Near Fairbury - 11 Producer Mailing Address Location of Operation Rowe Construction Co, Valley View Dirt and Gravel Co. LIVINGSTON COUNTY (continued) 1523 W. Market Street, Blooming ton R.F.D. 1, Manville 1 mi, W, of Strawn, Adams Pit Near Cornell John Allsopp Sand and Gravel Co. LOGAN COUNTY Mt. Pulaski Near Mt. Pulaski Lincoln Sand and Gravel Co. Arcade Annex, P.O. Box 56, Lincoln 1 mi. S. of Lincoln MACON COUNTY Decatur Hydraulic Sand and 700 South Taylor Ave. Gravel Co. Decatur Macon County Sand and Gravel, Inc. R.F.D. 8, Decatur S. edge of Decatur 1 mi. W., 3 mi. S. of Harris town Alton Sand Co. C. E. Barker Sand Pit Gary Dredging Co. Guth Sand Co. Hoeffken Bros., Inc. Johnson Sand Pit Mississippi Lime Co. MADISON COUNTY Foot of Henry Street, Alton Foot of Henry St., Alton Mitchell Near Mitchell, 3 mi. N. of Granite City 958 Union Street, Alton Near Alton at Mississippi River Box 905, Granite City Mitchell Stallings 1 mi. W. of Mitchell, N. of Granite City Near Mitchell, 3 mi. N. of Granite City Stallings, near E. edge of Granite City 7 Alby Street, Box 247, Near Alton at Mississippi Alton River Stockers Sand and Gravel Co. 509 Main Siieet, Highland Near Highland - 12 - Producer Mailing Address. Location of Operation Vernon Henry Princeville Stone Co, Mitchell Wilson MARSHALL COUNTY Box 77, LaRose Princeville P.O. Box 183, Lacon 1% mi. S. of LaRose, Sperry Pit Near Henry S. Prairie Rd., Lacon Arrowhead Sand Co. C. Hilgendorf Delta Materials Co., Inc, Federal Materials Co. MASON COUNTY Troy Grove San Jose MASSAC COUNTY R.R. 1, Shawnee town P.O. Box 1098, Paducah, Kentucky Near Mason City Near San Jose Near Joppa Metropolis at Ohio River Algonquin Ready Mix, Inc. Kenneth P. Bakley Kenneth P. Bakley Belvidere Blacktop Co., Inc, Consumers Division Vulcan Materials Co. Consumers Division Vulcan Materials Co. Cowhey Materials and Fuel Co. Crystal Lake Trucking and Excavating Co. Crystal Lake Trucking and Excavating Co. Fox Valley Gravel Co. KcHENRY COUNTY Algonquin Hunt ley Huntley R.R. 1, P.O. Box 12, Belvidere 79 West Monroe Street, Chicago 3 79 West Monroe Street, Chicago 3 Algonquin Route 14,. P.Oo 184, Crystal Lake Route 14, P.O. 184, Crystal Lake . . Box 453, Route 3, Aurora North edge of Algonquin 3% mi. N.W. of Crystal Lake 2 mi. E. of Huntley 3 mi. S. of Marengo on Rt. 23, Griebel Pit Rt. 14 and Rt. 31, Crystal Lake 1 mi. N.W. of Algonquin 1% mi. N. of Algonquin Near N. edge of Algonquin Near Cary - 3 mi. N.E. of Algonquin Near Cary - 3 mi. N.E. of Algonquin Producer - 13 .Mailing Address. Location of Operation McHENRT COUNTY (continued) Garden Prairie Stone Co., Inc. Floyd M. Greibel Material Service Division General Efynamics Corp. McHenry Sand and Gravel Co., Inc. McHenry Sand and Gravel 1 Co., Inc. McHenry Sand and Gravel Co.. Inc. 523 West Prairie Street Marengo P.O. Box 145, Marengo 300 West Washington Street, Chicago 6 920 North Front Street, McHenry 920 North Front Street, McHenry 920 North Front Street, McHenry Wayne Nolan R.F.D., Harvard Near Marengo 3% mi. S. of Marengo on Rt. 23 1 mi. N.W. of Algonquin 2 mi. W. of McHenry on Rt. 120 2 mi. E. of McHenry on Rt. 120 near Lakemoor Rts. 22 and 14, Fox River Grove 5 mi. E. of Harvard on Rt. 173 Wayne Nolan Wayne Nolan Wayne Nolan O'Leary Bros. Construction Co. Robert Peters Sand and Gravel Co. Elmer Repp Road Materials Corp. The Ian Sand and Gravel Co. The Ian Sand and Gravel Co. Tonyan Bros., Inc. R.F.D., Harvard R.F.D., Harvard R.F.D., Harvard P.O. Box 344, Woodstock R.F.D. 2, Harvard 204 Prairie Street, Genoa 2 mi. E. of Harvard, off Rt. 14 2 mi. E. of Harvard, on Rt. 173, S. 1 mi. 5 mi. N. of Harvard on Rt. 14 1% mi. S.E. of Woodstock on Rt. 14 Near S.E. edge of Harvard Rt. 23, S. of Marengo - 3 mi. Griebel Pit c/o E.M. Melahn, Algonquin Near town of Island Lake Route 1, Box 421, Spring Grove Route 1, Box 421, Spring Grove 512 West Bay Rd., McHenry Rt. 173 at Lake and McHenry County Line State Park Road, Spring Grove Rt. 134, mi. W. of Rt. 12, S. of Fox Lake - 14 Producer Mailing Address Location of Operation LeRoy Wirsing McHENRY COUNTY (continued) Box 431, Huntley 4 tnio N. of Huntley on Rfc. 47, Foster Pit McDowell and Heidelberg Gravel Co. McGrath Sand and Gravel Co. Rowe Construction Co. Rowe Construction Co. Rowe Construction Co. Rowe Construction Co. McLgAN COUNTY Box 49, Downs 600% S. Broadway, Lincoln 1523 W. Market St., Blooming ton 1523 W. Market Street, Bloomington 1523 W. Market St., Bloomington 1523 W. Market Street, Bloomington Sellards Sand and Gravel Co. Heyworth Near Downs, 7 mi. S.E. of Bloomington S.W. edge of Bloomington Lake Bloomington, Hoobler Pit, 12 mi. N.E. of Bloomington Market Street Pit, Bloomington Downs, Rt. 150, 7 mi. S.E, of Bloomington Near Heyworth, 10 mi. S. of Bloomington Near McLean MOULTRIE COUNTY Mattoon Sand and Gravel Co. P.O. Box 259, Mattoon Near Gays OGLE COUNTY Kutz Bros. Co. Forreston Near Forreston C. C. Macklin Steward Near Kings McGrath Sand and Gravel Co. 600% S. Broadway, Lincoln Near Forreston Valley Redi-Mix Co. c/o E.G. Kolpak, Oregon East of Oregon Floyd Weigle Shannon Near Forreston Chillicothe Gravel Co. PEORIA COUNTY 1438 N. 4th Street ; Chillicothe 1% mi. N.E. of Chillicothe - 15 Producer Mailing Address Location of Operation PEORIA COUNTY (continued) Construction Materials Co. 100 Cass Street, Peoria S. of Chillicothe near Rome McGrath Sand and Gravel Co. Peoria County Gravel Co. Peoria County Gravel Co. 600% S. Broadway, Lincoln Near Chillicothe 904 Shenandoah Dr., Peoria 1 mi. N. of Kickapoo 904 Shenandoah Dr., Peoria Near Oakhill, 17 mi. N.W, of Peoria Stevers Inc. Swords and Chipman, Inc, 2423 Farmington Road. Peoria 5 West edge of Peoria c/o R.D. Chipman, 107 S. Near Mapleton, S.W. of Jefferson. Peoria 2 Peoria PIATT COUNTY Material Service Division 300 W. Washington Street, 4 mi. N. of Monticello General Dynamics Corp. Chicago 6 on Rt. 47 Missouri Gravel Co, PIKE COUNTY 313-16th Street, Moline Barry Plant near Barry Bishop Burd DBA Mize Gravel Pit Delta Materials Co., Inc. PULASKI COUNTY Olmsted R.R. 1, Shawneetown Near Olmsted Near New Grand Chain Jim Knott Sand Pit Southern Illinois Sand Co. RANDOLPH COUNTY Evans vi lie 1200 Swanwick Street, Chester Near Evansville Chester at River ROCK ISLAND COUNTY General Sand and Gravel Co. c/o Moline Consumers Co., 313-16th St., Moline Big Island Pit, near Milan Moline Consumers Co, 313 16th St., Moline 6 mi. N.E. of Cordova 16 - Producer Mailing Address Location of Operation Mo line Consumers Co. ROCK ISLAND COUNTY (continued) 313- 16th Street, Moline Near Moline SANGAMON COUNTY Buckhart Sand and Gravel Co., Inc. Buckhart, S. of Mechanics- burg, E. of Springfield R.F.D., Mechanicsburg Clear Lake Sand and Gravel P.O. Box 378, Springfield E. edge of Springfield Springfield Sand and Gravel Co. 426 South 5th Street, Springfield 5 mi. E. of Springfield on Mechanicsburg Road Brown County Stone Qo. John J. Elas T. F. Hollembeak and Son SCHUYLER COUNTY Box 164, Mt. Sterling Near Beardstown 315 E. Adams St., Rushville 6% mi. S. of Rushville Mt. Sterling 6 mi. W. of Beardstown Homer E. Grady Gravel Pit SCOTT COUNTY Exeter 1 mi. W. of Exeter SHELBY COUNTY Hanfland Sand and Gravel Co. R.F.D. 3, Shelbyville 4 mi. S.W. of Shelbyville Fisher Sand Pit ST. CLAIR COUNTY Millstadt Missouri-Illinois Materials 2100 N. Wharf Street, Co. St. Louis 6, Missouri Near Millstadt, 5 mi. S.W, of Belleville 800 N. Front Street, East St. Louis L. Roberts Gravel Co, STARK COUNTY Wyoming Near Wyoming 17 - Producer Mailing Address Location of Operation STEPHENSON COUNTY Freeport Blacktop Co, Route 1, Freeport V. H. Stich Sand and Gravel Lena 2 mi, E. of Freeport Near Lena Arrowhead Sand Co. R. A. Cullinan and Sons Hoffer Construction Co. Inc. TAZEWELL COUNTY Troy Grove Tremont Box 2006, E. Peoria 8 McGrath Sand and Gravel Co. 600% S. Broadway, Lincoln McGrath Sand and Gravel Co. 600% S. Broadway, Lincoln Peoria Concrete Construction Co. 315 Broadway, Peoria C. A. Powley C. A. Powley R.R. 2, Washington R.R. 2, Washington Near Green Valley Various pits in Tazewell and other counties End of Kenwood St, . T < ■: E. Peoria Near Mackinaw Near Pekin 1 mi. E. of E. Peoria on Rt. 150 Near Washington 2 mi. E. of E« Peoria on Rt. 24 Bittle Construction Co, UNION COUNTY Anna 4 mi. W. of Jonesboro David Allison, Jr, Kenn F. Barrick Kenn F. Barrick Kenn F. Barrick Black Bros. Lawrence Clifton VERMILION COUNTY R.R. 1, Alvin R.F.D. 1, Wellington R.F.D. 1, Wellington R.F.D. 1, Wellington Rossville R.R. 1, Westville Near Alvin % mi. N., % mi, W. of Cheney vi lie 2 mi. E. of Hoopeston on Rt. 9 % mi. E. of Potomac on Rt. 136 Near Rossville 2 mi. E. of Westville 18 - Producer Mailing Address Location of Operatio n Hillmar Sand and Gravel Div. Robert Hill Co. Inc. Hope Gravel Pit Lewis & Co. Potomac Gravel Co. Seymour Gravel Pit Elton A. Wagner Co. VERMILION COUNTY (continued) Perryrcville Rd., Danville Pithian Box 38, Perry svi lie Road, Danville Potomac R.R. 1, Oakwood 505 N. Gilbert Street Danville Perrysville Rd., S.E. edge of Danville 1 mi. S. of Hope Perrysville Rd., S.E. edge of Danville Near Potomac 3 mi. E. of Oakwood on Rt. 150 S.W. of Bismark, 6 mi. N. of Danville Allendale Gravel Co, WABASH COUNTY R.R. 1. Allendale Comp ton's Pit Keensburg Dunbar Sand & Gravel Co. Box 97, Belmont Mt. Carmel Sand & Gravel Co. Box 209, Mt. Carmel Mt. Carmel Sand & Gravel Co. Box. 209, Mt, Carmel Trusty Sand and Gravel Co. Cowling Near Pat ton, 5 mi. N..of Mt. Carmel Near Keensburg Cowling at Wabash River Near Mt. Carmel 3 mi. N. of Mt. Carmel Near Cowling A. & Z. Gravel Co. Buford Sand and Gravel Co, Eastwood Sand and Gravel Works Hal ley Sand and Gravel Co, WHITE COUNTY Maunie Near Maunie 207 Herbert Street, Carmi Near Maunie 201 S. Water Street Grayville R.R. 2, Dahlgreen Near Grayville Near Phi Hips town Collinson Bros. WHITESIDE COUNTY 3115 23rd Ave., Moline Near Prophetstown - 19 Producer Mai ling Address Location of Operation McCue Bros. Inc. WHITESIDE COUNTY (continued) R.F.D. 1, Sterling 2% mi. No. of Sterling on Ewbank farm H. J. Taber and Sons 513 Market Street, Prophet st own 2 mi. W. of Prophetstown Avery Gravel Co, Chicago Gravel Co. Chicago Gravel Co. Elmhurst -Chicago Stone Co, Elmer Larson, Inc. Material Service Division, General Dynamics Corp. Material Service Division, General Dynamics Corp. C. H. Monk C. H. Monk Peabody Coal Co. Peabody Coal Co. WILL COUNTY R.R. 3, Plainfield 343 S. Dearborn Street, Chicago 4 343 S. Dearborn Street, Chicago 4 400 W. 1st Street, Elmhurst 320 Prospect Street, DeKalb 300 W. Washington Street, Chicago 6 300 W. Washington Street, Chicago 6 211 Hunter Street, Joliet 211 Hunter Street, Joliet 301 Olive Street, St. Louis, Missouri 301 Olive Street, St. Louis, Missouri 1% mi. E. of Plainfield Near Plainfield Near Rockdale, S.W. of Joliet Barbers Corner - Rt. 53 - 2 mi. N. of Rt. 66 Vick Pit, R.F.D. , Channahon Near Channahon West edge of Lockport Rt. 66 near Channahon - Gaskill Pit Rt. 66 N. of Wilmington Cooper Pit Near Braidwood Near Wilmington Anderson Sand and Gravel Co. Illinois Wisconsin Sand -.. ; and Gravel Co, WINNEBAGO COUNTY 519 E. State Street, Rockford 228 N. LaSalle Street, Chicago 1 Near New Mil ford, 5 mi, S. of Rockford Near S. Beloit - 20 - Producer Mailing Address Location of Operation Kelley Sand and Gravel Co. Larson Bros, Sand and Gravel Co. Northwest Gravel Co. Porter Bros. Rockford Sand and Gravel Co. Rockford Sand and Gravel Co. Sahlstrom & Sons Bldg. Products WINNEBAGO COUNTY (continued) c/o John L. Kelley, Roscoe Near Roscoe 1822 S. Fifth Street, Rockford Near Loves Park, N.E. edge of Rockford Box 271, Beloit, Wisconsin Near S. Beloit on Rt. 51 Roscoe Near Roscoe 4102 S. Main Street, Rockford 4102 S. Main Street, Rockford Pagles Pit, Lindenwood Rd., New Mil ford (Near Rockford) South Main Pit, Rockford 217 Peoples Ave., Rockford Near Rockford Eli Amigoni Wood-Mar Construction Co, WOODFORD COUNTY Roanoke 7 mi. E. of Roanoke 611 State Street, Eureka 1 mi. W., 4 mi. S. of Secor