LIBRARY OF THE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN 5io.e>^ r\o.2a>7-22>2 cop. 2 Digitized by the Internet Archive in 2013 ' «- ' V s J/& r Report No. 292 /f/a~'C*A- T CALIBRATION OF DOPPLER RADAR USING TUNING FORKS by Lester Martin Lendrum September 1, 1968 NOV 9 1972 UNIVERSITY Or ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN DEPARTMENT OF COMPUTER SCIENCE UNIVERSITY OF ILLINOIS AT URBANA-CHAMPAIGN URBANA, ILLINOIS Report No. 292 CALIBRATION OF DOPPLER RADAR USING TUNING FORKS* by Lester Martin Lendrum September 1, 1968 Department of Computer Science University of Illinois Urbana, Illinois 6l801 Submitted in partial fulfillment of the requirements for the degree of Master of Science in Electrical Engineering in the Graduate College of the University of Illinois, 1968. Ill ACKNOWLEDGMENT The author wishes to thank Professor T. A. Murrell for his patience and guidance in the preparation of this paper. The generosity of Muni Quip Corporation in supplying the Radar Timer was greatly appreciated. The author also wishes to express appreciation to the University Research Board for providing funds for computer computations. Special thanks go to Miss Marian Buch whose help in typing and proof- reading the preliminary drafts was invaluable. IV TABLE OF CONTENTS Page 1. INTRODUCTION 1 2. TARGET SPEED MEASUREMENT BY DOPPLER SHIFT 3 3- ANALYSIS OF MIXING AND DETECTING PROCESSES 7 k. THEORETICAL DETECTOR OUTPUTS Ik 5- EXPERIMENTAL VERIFICATION 17 6. SUMMARY 29 7. CONCLUSIONS 31 BIBLIOGRAPHY 32 APPENDICES 33 1. INTRODUCTION There are in use today many radar units which depend on the Doppler shift in frequency to measure the velocity of a moving object. In most instances, such as measurement of speeds of vehicles on a highway, the difference frequency falls in the audio range (Appendix A) When this is the case, a convenient and commonly used method of calibra- tion consists of placing a vibrating tuning fork close to the antenna and in the direct path of the radiation, and adjusting the conversion circuits to bring the indicated speed into agreement with the reading corresponding to the tuning fork frequency. In spite of the advantages afforded by this method, no investigations in this area are available. The purpose of this study is to evaluate the reliability of tuning fork calibration. In this respect, the operation of the radar unit will be analyzed for normal use in regard to reading speeds and for calibrating conditions. Therefore, the objectives of this study are to: 1. Analyze the process of speed measurement by Doppler radar. 2. Analyze the mixing and detecting processes in the particular radar unit under study. 3. Predict the theoretical detector output wave forms for the following cases: a) where the reflecting object is moving at a constant rate of speed. b) where the reflecting object is a vibrating tuning fork. h. Correlate the theoretical detector outputs with actual detector outputs for the case of a vibrating tuning fork. 2 5 . Show that the signal generated by a vibrating tuning fork is a satisfactory calibration signal for Doppler radar units. 2. TARGET SPEED MEASUREMENT BY DOPPLER SHIFT In normal usage, the radar beam, usually shaped to a width of a few degrees by the antenna assembly, is aimed at the target and radiation from the target is received by the same or another antenna. As shown in the block diagram of Figure 1, a small portion of the transmitted frequency is fed to a mixer, where it is added to the signal received from the moving object. For electromagnetic radar units, operating at higher 10,525 mHz. or 2,^50 mHz., the radio frequency energy is fed directly to the mixer, which consists of a length of waveguide or transmission line. The detector is usually a semiconductor crystal diode designed to respond to these high frequencies. To a good approximation, the output of the detector is proportional to the square of the envelope of the mixed wave (square-law detector). The various waveforms of interest are shown in Figure 2. Mixing the two sinusoidal R.F. waves produces an interference pattern with envelope variations at the difference frequency, Af . Although the envelope variation is not sinusoidal, (it is the square root of a sinusoidal), the square law detector will generate a sinusoidal output. The output of the detector is amplified and then converted into a square wave which is at the same frequency. The square wave is then clipped and differentiated to form a pulse train of period t = l/Af . The pulse train is then fed into the conversion circuit which produces a direct current proportional to the number of pulses per second and hence to the difference frequency, Af. The square-wave convertor, the differentiator, and the pulse to direct current convertor are used to be certain that UJ < 1 > tr 2 3 w <2 & z i UJ ( \ co 2 tr f t o UJ ii 1 1 /I u. 1 1 o / \ / \ ; \ tT i \ UJ < ' i \ U_ tr _l K W i i CL i.i HZH- 2 < PULSI TO DIREC URRE INVER * i ( i » \ °8 i i 1 t X \ < |/ EC O 1- o UJ UJ Q 1 / i ( > V i 1 AJ J 1/ i i o or ID » tr UJ X O 2 c/) -p •H P T3 CO ffi U CD H ft ft O P o 6 cc) U W cd •H o o O H pq r-i •H p4 . TRANSMITTED FREOUENCr.F. REFLECTED FREQUENCY RECEIVED. F 7 lite" m N1XER OUTPUT on SaURRE LRU DETECTOR OUTPUT SQUARE WRVE OUTPUT DIFFERENT 1RTOR OUTPUT 20.00 MO. 00 60.00 TIME (X10 1 ) 80,00 Figure 2. Waveforms of Doppler Radar Unit. 6 the speed indication is a function only of the difference frequency and not of the amplitude of the received signal. Thus, using this method, the Doppler difference frequency Af controls the current through a D.C. meter calibrated in miles per hour. By adjusting the circuit values, the meter can be calibrated to read 10 mph for a difference frequency of 31^ Hz., 20 mph for a difference frequency of 628 Hz., etc. . Thus, the meter indicates the velocity of the moving object by measuring the frequency of the Doppler shift it causes . Since it is the signal output from the amplifier section which contains the information of interest, the remaining circuitry will not be discussed. The relationship under consideration is that existing between the movement of the target and the output of the amplifier section. With this in mind, the mixing and detecting processes will be analyzed in detail. 3. ANALYSIS OF MIXING AND DETECTING PROCESSES The particular radar unit under study operates at 10,525 mHz. The mixer in this case is a length of RG 52/w waveguide. The detector is a 1N23C semiconductor crystal diode. 3.1 Mixing The dominant mode in rectangular guides such as RG 52/w is TE . i, u The transverse electric field is the quantity of interest since diode detectors respond to this field only. The electric field of a TE mode 2 in a waveguide is given by: e j(o>t + e) e -j/(jr/a) - O) [i.£ z (l) K is a constant depending on the strength of the signal, 9 is the time phase angle with respect to some reference, co is the radian frequency of the signal, p. is the permeability of air, e is the permittivity of air, a is the width of the waveguide, and z is the distance along the axis of the guide. This wave is propagating in the positive z-direction. The mixer consists of an antenna coupled to a shorted section of waveguide as shown in Figure 3. 1. E. C. Jordan, Electromagnetic Waves and Radiating Systems , p. 289- 2. Ibid., p. 267. Figure 3« Mixer and Detector If an R. F. signal is received by the antenna, a TE.. n wave propagating 1, to the right is set up in the guide. Let the electric field of this wave be E . Since the waveguide is shorted at z = 0, the incident wave E T is reflected totally; the reflected wave is E . The incident electric field may be represented by / 2 2 j(co t + 9 ) -j/(jt/a) - oo n ue z E (t,z) = K co Q e ° ° e * u & (2) where K depends on the strength of the signal, and 9 is the time phase angle referenced to the R.F. source. The reflected wave, E_.> is propagating in the negative n z-direction and its magnitude is the negative of that of E , since E (t,0) + E (t,0) = (a conducting surface). Thus -i- R 2 2 j(co t + e ) j/(n/a) - co ^ E R (t,z) „ -K co e ° ° e" (3) 9 The incident and reflected electric field form a standing wave pattern in the guide. The resultant electric field in the guide is the sum of the incident and reflected fields. ^esultant^' 2 ) = E I (t ' z) + \ (t ' z) 3( e slnj{-n/a)^ - ay-ie z (k) The diode detector is mounted in the guide at a fixed positon z_, as shown in Figure 3. This position is chosen in the design of the -unit such that sin is fairly close to unity. Since the electric field of interest is that at the position of the detector, the above equation may be simplified to: j(o> n t+e ) ^esultant^ " K ' e (5) This is the electric field at the detector for a single incident wave. If more than one incident wave is present, superposition is used to find the total electric field in the guide. In the following calculations, all frequency shifts will be JOXj_t treated as continuous phase shifts; that is, a signal having e j(a) t + e(t)) time dependence will be written as having e time dependence, where 9(t) = (a*, ~<^ n H i- n this case (Appendix B) . In Doppler type radar units using a waveguide mixer-detector as described above, energy from the source is fed to the mixer -detector by two paths (Figure h) . A small reflector, R, is build into the antenna assembly to send a small portion of the source energy into the mixer- detector (path A). This causes a standing wave to be set up in the UJ o (r 3 O \ < t \ 5 i u CD a: g o UJ 10 cl9 vi- a: UJ X ZA«: L\ \ / / / ft •H X! tQ S3 o •H +3 cO H 0) « -P J- C. e l = VW- S 2 " VW an l E 2 l " K 2> and 9=9 - 9 + btd/X; see Equations 6, 7, and 8. Thus, the magnitude of vector e , |E corresponds to the magnitude of E . By the law of "G X XOX3J- ^l 2 = |E 1 | 2 + |E 2 | - 2|E 1 | |E 2 | cos * (9) Since = « - 9, cos - -cos 9: yielding l^l 2 = lEj 2 + |E 2 | 2 + 2| El | |E 2 | cos (9 c - 9 Q + ^) (10) Since the detector output is the square of the envelope of the total electric field, the final result is DETECTOR OUTPUT = IeJ 2 + IeJ'" + 2 1 E_ I |E_| cos(9 -0_ + -7% (ll) '1' '2' ' 1' ' 2' c X 11+ k. THEORETICAL DETECTOR OUTPUTS ' Using the procedures developed in the last section, the detector outputs have been related to d, the distance between target and antenna. If this distance varies with time, then the detector output will also vary with time. In this section, the detector output is determined for two cases: first, the distance decreasing or increasing at a constant rate with respect to time (corresponding to the Doppler shift caused by a constant velocity target either closing or moving away); second, the distance varying sinusoidally about a fixed position (corresponding to reflection from a vibrating tuning fork). k.l Doppler Shift Without loss of generality, only the case in which the target is moving directly away from the antenna assembly at a fixed velocity, v, is discussed. Thus, d = d + vt where d is the distance between the antenna and target at t = 0. In Equation 11, the argument of the cosine becomes 9' + 1+itvt/X where 1 = 9 - 9 + kitd.^\. DETECTOR OUTPUT = C + C C0S(9' + 1+jrvt/X) (12) This corresponds to the square law detector output as shown in Figure 2. The time dependence of the cosinusoid is 4rcvt/X, which, since ^— = f , is A. (J 2f v equivalent to , the Doppler difference frequency if the direction of c travel of the target is neglected (Appendix A). This result agrees with the discussion in Section II. 15 k.2 Vibrating Tuning Fork . If the reflecting surface is a vibrating tuning fork, the distance, d, varies about a fixed point d . This oscillation is very nearly sinusoidal and therefore d = d + 8 cos w t, where 8 is the maximum distance the tines of the tuning fork move from d and to is the angular frequency of the tuning fork oscillation. In Equation 11, the argument of the cosine becomes ©" + hnd^'k + (hit&/\) cos CD„t, where 9" = 9 - 9 . Thus, the detector output is given by, DETECTOR OUTPUT = C* + C" cos (9" + kxdJ\ + (kiib/\) cos to t) (13) If — =r— is small enough, a very close approximation of the expressions can be realized by expanding the cosine and sine functions in a power series. [(*W5/X) cos to t] 2 cos [ ( i +Jt8/X)cos to f t] = 1 - ^ [(kn&/\) cos to t] + m - • • • [(^&A cos 03x.t] sin [(JfrtsA) cos co«t] = -^— cos to^t - 3J I At [(iwoA)cos at] + - . . . (1*0 3 5-' (15) Using only the first two terms of Equation 14, and only the first term of Equation 15, the expression for the detector is approximated by, 16 DETECTOR OUTPUT - C* + C" (l - kx 2 £/l?) cos (9'* + ka5 0? S) H I Si ■2 SI ? :i i 7? i® u M l 515 18 ?! a* ** L 5: ?! |3 I IS z #» 2- ' I §5 i -8 8il_L si "Ibh^di ?! ul3pilt • ^ ; p 1 » a i 5 ° = U. 1 O m a £*5 I < ° I 0: N Si 5> ;»!^ii nfttigji •H :S? 1 -1 *■ J ft. fl Figure 6 21 HOLD METER DIAGRAMS ~*H 'iSZZ. }" FOR NT MODELS 1200 I a J FOR R..T MODELS SERIES 64 S 63 ANTENNA DIAGRAM WOW . .oil — r||| | MM! I H« "" "'""' ■ T "* VtT TITV * MOLD METER MID ANTENNA BjagAMJ FOR RADAR TIMER*. ■— /Wgg Hi xa.,^g- MTI P-/4-&* ^7^y" CI200-5-D Figure 7 22 Ul Q 2 O O cr z o »- 2 o UJ _l u. UJ or 2S 1 cr UJ < ui a. 0) CJ a PQ H cd o •H -P ft O (in O U bO a3 •H Q O •H cu CJ CO ffi UI r~\ en < < — z z UJ "*" CO cu •H 23 00*06 l3~K3NdIdi; 00 'SL 00 DINONyUH 0N033S 09 00 'Sh OO'OE -( 1 1 1 h 0) •H 00*06 00*SL 00*09 00 "Sh OO'OE X08) DINOWHdH 1SUIJ 24 TABLE 1 First and Second Harmonic Voltages £d (cm) V 1 (mV) V 2 (mV) Ad (cm) V 1 (mV) V 2 (mV) 0.000 75-0 3-7 0.825 67.O 4.5 0.025 75-0 3-9 0.850 63.0 5-5 0.050 73.0 4.4 0.875 57-0 6.5 0.075 70.0 5.2 0.900 51.0 7-h 0.100 66.0 5-9 0.925 45.0 8.2 0.125 61.0 6.7 0.950 38.0 8.7 0.150 57-0 7-1 0.975 30.0 9.3 0.175 51.0 8.2 1.000 27.5 9-7 0.200 44. 8.8 1.025 14.5 10.0 0.225 38.0 9-3 1.050 5.6 10.0 0.250 31.0 9-9 1.075 3.8 10.0 0.275 23.0 10.0 1.100 12.5 10.5 0.300 15-5 10.2 1.125 20.5 10.0 0.325 7-9 10.3 1.150 29.0 9.7 0.350 2.8 10.5 1.175 37-0 9.1 0.375 9-5 10.2 1.200 45.0 8.5 0.400 16.5 10.2 1.225 52.0 8.0 0.1+25 24. 5 10.0 1.250 58.O 7.2 0.450 31.0 9.7 1.275 64.0 6.5 0.475 38.0 9-1 1.300 68.0 5.8 0.500 45.0 8.4 1.325 72.0 5.1 0.525 51.0 8.0 1.350 74.0 4.3 0.550 57-0 7.5 1.375 76.0 4.2 0.575 61.0 6.5 i.4oo 77.0 3.8 0.600 66.0 5.7 1.425 77-0 4.3 0.625 69.0 4.8 1.450 76.0 4.4 0.650 72.0 3-8 1.475 74.0 5-4 0.675 74.0 2.9 1.500 71.0 5.9 0.700 75-0 2.4 1.525 67.0 6.8 0.725 75-0 2.1 1-550 63.0 7.3 0.750 75.0 2.3 1-575 57-0 8.4 0.775 73.0 2.9 1.600 50.0 8.8 0.800 70.0 3.6 1.625 44.0 9-5 25 5«2 Measurement of Allowable Distortion If the amplifier output is sufficiently distorted, it is possible that the square-wave convertor may produce a waveform which is not at the fundamental frequency of the input signal. This might possibly lead to miscalibration of the radar unit. Let it be noted that not all forms of distortion can cause miscalibration. Only distortion which causes a change in the sign of the slope of the signal may cause miscalibration; for example, the waveform in Figure 10A. However, distortion caused by saturation or cut-off of an amplifier (clipping) cannot cause miscalibration; Figure 10B. The particular type of distortion of concern here is that generated by a vibrating tuning fork. Since the first and second harmonics are the only ones of significance for vibrating tuning forks (Section IV"), measurements involving only second harmonic distortion were taken. A B Figure 10 A Hewlett-Packard Model 203A Variable Phase Function Generator and a General Radio Model 1319A Oscillator were used to provide a signal in which the magnitudes of the first and second harmonics could be varied 26 independently. This signal was connected through a 5000 to 1 divider to W-X on Figure 6. W-X is the normal mixer input point. For these measurements, the mixer diode was removed and the klystron power supply disabled. Measurements were again taken at point A, Figure 6, using two frequency selective VTVM's. With the RANGE control in the extreme clockwise position (maximum sensitivity), 13*5 mV RMS at point A was required to activate the meter. The frequency of the fundamental was approximately 1500 hertz and the output meter of the radar unit was indicating approximately 50 miles per hour as was expected. The second harmonic component of the signal was increased until the output meter began to move upscale. This was called the break point and the magnitude of the second harmonic at this point was recorded. If the amount of second harmonic is increased beyond the break point value, the indicated speed increased until it reached twice the original reading or approximately 100 miles per hour. The second harmonic voltage was also recorded at this point, which was called the leveling point. Table 2 shows the values obtained for various first harmonic voltages. TABLE 2 V 2 at v l RMS V 2 at break point leveling point 13-5 mV 10.0 mV RMS 16.0 mV RMS 30.0 19.5 31.0 100.0 62.0 110.0 300.0* 2*K).0 300.0 * Distortion caused by clipping becomes evident at 210 mV RMS. 27 It is obvious from Table 2 that V must be greater than l/2 V, in order to cause an improper speed indication. It should be mentioned that as V increases beyond 210 mV RMS, the amount of second harmonic distortion necessary to cause an improper speed indication becomes close to 100 percent; that is V. — V . 5. 3 Approximation of 8 for Tuning Forks Three aluminum-alloy tuning forks are supplied by Muni Quip for the purpose of calibration. These forks vibrate at frequencies corresponding to 30, h5, and 65 miles per hour and these values are stamped on the respective forks. Normally, these forks are struck lightly and then placed directly in the path of the radiation. However, the second harmonic component generated by the mixing of these signals in the radar unit strongly depends upon the value of 8, the tine displacement. Therefore, to obtain the worst case conditions the forks were struck as hard as possible and the tine movement observed by means of a stroby lamp. It was found that none of the forks showed more than one millimeter total tine displacement, thus giving a maximum 8 of 0. 5 millimeters or 0.05 centimeters. It was also noted that the higher frequency forks had smaller displacements than the lower frequency forks. Table 3 shows the maximum first harmonic voltages obtainable at point A, Figure 6, due to reflections from the tuning forks. TABLE 3 Maximum First Fork Serial No. Harmonic Voltage 30 mph ho6k9 1.5v U5 mph k0650 1.3v 65 mph 40651 o.8v 28 29 6. SUMMARY When the operator wishes to calibrate the radar unit, he strikes the tuning fork, places it in front of the antenna, and looks for a steady reading on the output meter. When he obtains a steady reading, he adjusts the CALIBRATE control to bring the indicated speed into agreement with that stamped on the fork. Using the 30 mile per hour fork, it is possible to generate approximately 1. 5 V RMS of first harmonic signal at point A, Figure 6. Since 5 = 0.05, Equation 16 indicates that V (max) = r — V.. (max) or 83. 3 niV RMS of second harmonic d A _L signal can be produced if the fork is held in the proper position. If the RANGE control is set further clockwise than the midpoint, this is a sufficient second harmonic signal to cause the output meter to read double the true reading. However, to achieve this double reading, the operator must hold the tuning fork within l/k millimeter of the proper position. Throughout the course of the experiment, the author has tried repeatedly to obtain a double reading with a hand-held tuning fork. Although one can observe the reduction of first harmonic component which indicates the fork is near the proper position, even an unsteady reading greater than that stamped on the tuning fork has never been achieved. This can be readily understood since it can be shown that the fork must be held in the plane perpendicular to the path of the radiation in addi- tion to the fact it must be held exactly at the proper distance from the antenna. Furthermore, as the operator seeks a more stable reading by moving the fork, he seeks a position where the voltage produced is 30 greater. This is equivalent to moving to a first harmonic maximum and thus away from the position which may cause a double reading. 31 7- CONCLUSIONS On the basis of the measurements which have been made, it has been shown that the vibrating tuning fork approximates the signal caused by a moving target well enough to be used for calibration, and that it is practically impossible to miscalibrate a radar speed meter using the tuning fork method regardless of the position of the RANGE control. Furthermore, if someone with an extremely steady hand did manage to obtain a steady second harmonic reading when calibrating a radar unit, the miscalibration would be by a factor of two. This would cause a vehicle traveling at 60 miles per hour to register on the meter as 30 miles per hour. A miscalibration of this magnitude would be noticed immediately by the operator and result in recalibration. 32 BIBLIOGRAPHY Fink, D. G. , Radar Engineering , New York, McGraw-Hill, 19^7- Jordan, E. C. , El e c t r omagn e t i c Wave s and Radiating Systems , Englewood Cliffs, Prentice-Hall, 1950. Luck, D. G. C, Frequency Modulated Radar , New York, McGraw-Hill, 1949. Pound, R. V. , Microwave Mixers , New York, McGraw-Hill, 19^8. Ridenour, L. N. , Radar Systems Engineering , New York, McGraw-Hill, I9U7. Terman, F. E. , Radio Engineering , New York, McGraw-Hill, 1932. Torrey, H. C, and Whitman, C A., Crystal Rectifiers , New York, McGraw-Hill, 19^7- 33 APPEND DC A DOPPLEE SHIFT 1,2 Given incident electromagnetic radiation of frequency f in a stationary medium, propagating to the left with velocity c, the speed of light. A reflecting surface S, is moving to the right with velocity v. All wavelengths, frequencies, and velocities are those observed by a stationary observer. Figure 11 The wavelength of the radiation, X, is given by c/f . Points A and B are successive maximum points in the electric field. Thus, points A and B are moving to the left at the velocity of light and are separated by X, the wavelength. Point A strikes the reflecting surface at time t = 0, and at position x • At time t , point B strikes the surface. Since the reflecting surface and point B are approaching each other at velocity c + v, and the distance between them at t = is X, 1. D. Fink, Radar Engineering , p. 287. 2. D. Luck, Frequency Modulated Radar, p. 7« X 34 C + V At time t , the reflecting surface S has moved to position : = x + v(t ) and point B of the wave is at S. Also at time t , point A has traveled from the point of reflection x to x + ct since the reflected wave is now traveling to the right at the velocity of light. The distance between points A and B is the wavelength of the reflected wave X ' . X' = et - vt 1 (19) Substituting for t from Equation 18. (C ^ V)X (20) c + v v ' Since f _ = — and the frequency of the reflected wave f ' equals X'/ c c - v v ' The difference frequency, Af = f ' - f Af = f 2v (22) c - v If the incident electromagnetic radiation and the reflecting surface are moving in the same direction, the formula for the difference frequency is: Af o f 35 2y c + v The two expressions are for all practical purposes equal to 2f v/c for all velocities yet attained of man-made vehicles. The following graph shows the Doppler shift (difference frequency) for various target speeds and electromagnetic wavelengths. In the experimental work described in this paper, the incident frequency was 10, 525 mHz. This corresponds to a difference frequency of 31. 367^+23^ hertz per mile per hour. The error in disregarding the direction of travel is about .000015 per cent at 100 miles per hour. 36 10,000 r 5000- 1000- - 500- X c/) ac UJ _j o o 100 100 500 1000 5000 10,000 CARRIER FREQUENCY IN MHe. 50,000 100,000 Figure 12 37 APPENDIX B ANGLE MODULATION AS APPLIED TO DOPPLER EFFECT Angle modulation is defined to be modulation of the argument of the trigonometric function. That is, the signal S = A cos is angle modulated if is modulated. Both frequency and phase modulations are special cases of angle modulation. In the case of an unmodulated signal, = to t + , where co is the angular carrier frequency and 6 is some phase angle. The instantaneous angular frequency ft is defined as 3©/<3t; for an unmodulated signal ft = to . Now, frequency modulate the signal by causing the instantaneous angular frequency ft to vary. Let ft = o> + Aof(t) (24) where o> is the carrier frequency, Ao is the maximum frequency deviation, and f(t) is a function of time with continuous first derivative. It follows that, = /ftdt = /[flj + Aof(t)] dt (25) c = co t + Ao / f (t) dt (26) c S = A cos [co t + Ao / f(t) dt] (27) Take the unmodulated signal, S = A cos (co t + ) and cause to vary as Ao / f(t) dt. Then the resulting signal is the same as expressed by Equation 27. 38 Now, consider the Doppler shift as a frequency modulation of the carrier. In Equation 27, £*o is the angular difference frequency, and f(t) = 1. Applying the results from above, a difference frequency of £*a is equivalent to a continuous change of phase of £w radians per second. S = cos (a) t + Ao>t) (28) APPENDIX C 39 COMPUTER PROGRAM THE PROGRAM REPRODUCED HERE IS THAT USED TO PRODUCE THE GRAPH OF THE FIRST AND SECOND HARMONICS SHOWN IN FIGURE 9. FOLLOWING THE PROGRAM IS THE PRINT OUT WHICH RESULTS. THE AVERAGED DATA SHOWN HERE IS THE SAME AS IS PLOTTED IN FIGURE 9. MAIN PROGRAM CALL CPB1 DIMENSION RIT 7,1,N LALL LHB1 DIMENSION DATA! 10,2,66), AV<2,66) ,DD(66) RIT 7,1,N FORMAT( 12) RIT 7,2, ( ( (DATA(I,J,K),J=1,2),K=1,66),I=1,N) FORMAT(2F10.2) CALL AVER(N,DATA,AV) CALL MATCH ( AV , FMAX , SMAX , DD, THET A, THETA 1 , THETA2* Z = ABSF(THETAl) -ABSF ( THETA2 ) IF(ABSF(Z)-.2) 67,100,100 67 CALL GRAPH(THETA,DD,AV,FMAX,SMAX) GO TO 200 100 CONTINUE WOT 6,5 5 F0RMAT(46H BAD MATCH IN THETA *** PROGRAM TERMINATED ***) 200 CONTINUE END PROGRAM FOR SUBROUTINE AVER THIS SUBPROGRAM AVERAGES UP TO 10 DATA SETS AND CORRECTS FOR ERRORS IN METER CALIBRATION. SUBROUTINE A VER ( N, DATA, AV ) DIMENSION DATA( 10 ,2 ,66 ) , AV ( 2 ,66 ) FN = N DO 1 L = 1,N DO 1 M = 1,66 1 DATA(L,2,M) = ,919*DATA ( L , 2 , M ) DO 10 I = 1,2 DO 10 J = 1,66 DO 15 K = 1,N 15 AV(I,J) = AV(I,J) + DATA(K,I,J) 10 AV( I, J) = AV( I,J)/FN RETURN END ^0 PROGRAM FOR SUBROUTINE MAT*~H THIS SUBPROGRAM FINDS THE EXPERIMENTAL VALUE OF .DELTA AND ALSO EQUATION 17, FINDS THE VALUE OF THETA TO BE SUBSTITUTED INTO THE THEORETICAL 12 13 14 15 16 17 18 10 100 4 37 38 39 40 41 50 71 59 60 SUBROU DIMENS PI = 3 FMAX = SMAX = FMIN = SMIN = WOT 6, FORMAT DO 10 FK = K- DD(K) WOT 6, FORMAT IF( FMA FMAX=D IF(SMA SMAX=D IF(FMI FMIND= FMIN=D IF( SMI SMIND= SMIN=D CONTIN WOT 6, FORMAT WOT 6, FORMAT EXDELT WOT 6, FORMAT B =4.0 THETA1 THETA2 DO 65 IF( 1-2 THETA= GO TO THETA= DO 59 IF(THE I F( P I / THETA= GO TO IF(THE THETA= CONTIN IF( 1-2 TINE M ION D .14159 0.0 0.0 100. 100. 7 ( 1H1,2 K=l,66 1 = 0.02 6,DD(K (3F20. X-DATA ATA( 1, X-DATA ATA(2, N-DATA DD(K) ATA( 1, N-DATA DD(K) ATA( 2, UE 100 (///// 4, FMAX ( / = (2.8 2,EXDE ( 1H ,/ *PI/2. = -B* ATCH( DATA, FMAX , SMAX , DD,THET A , THETA1 , THETA2 ) ATA(2,66) ,DD(66) OX, 13HAVERAGED DATA) 5*FK ) ,DATA( 1,K) ,DATA(2,K) 5) ( 1,K) ) 12,13,13 K) (2,K)) 14,15,15 K) ( 1,K) ) 17,16,16 K) (2,K) ) 10,18,18 K) /, 10X,7HMAXIMUM, 1 4X , 7HM I N I MUM, 14X , 8HD I STANCE ) , FMIN, FMIND, SMAX, SMIN, SMIND 3F20.5,//,3F20.5) 05*SMAX)/(FMAX*PI ) LT //,31HEXPERIMENTAL VALUE OF DELTA IS ,F10.5,//) 805 FMIND +PI/2. • -B*SMIND ,38 1 = 1,2 )37,38 THETA1 39 THETA2 J =1,5 TA) 40 2. +TH THETA 59 TA -PI THETA UE ) 61,62,62 ,50,50 ETA)41,60,60 + PI /2.) 60,71,71 -PI kl 61 THETA1=THETA GO TO 65 62 THETA2=THETA 65 CONTINUE THETA=(THETAl+THETA2)/2.0 WUT 6,3,THETA1,THETA2,THETA 3 F0RMAT(9H THETA1 = , F 10 . 5 , / / , 9H THETA2 = , F 10 . 5 , / / , 8H THETA = 1 ,F10.5) RETURN END PROGRAM FOR SUBROUTINE GRAPH THIS SUBPROGRAM GENERATES THE THEORETICAL CURVES FROM EQUATION 17 AND PLOTS THEM ALONG WITH THE AVERAGED DATA. SUBROUTINE GRAPH ( THETA , DD, DATA , FMAX , SM AX ) DIMENSION DATA ( 2,66) , FHARM(660) ,S HARM (660) , DD ( 66 ) , D ( 660 ) , 1 TX(2) ,TY1 (2) PI = 3.14159 B =4.0*PI/2.805 DO 20 1=1,660 F 1= 1-1 D( I )=.0025*FI ANG = THETA +B*D( I ) FHARM( I )=ABSF( FMAX*COS ( ANG ) ) 20 SHARM(I)= ABSF( SMAX*S I N ( ANG ) ) CALL CCP4SC(D, 10.0, 660, 1,TX) CALL CCP4SC(FHARM,8.0,660,1,TY1 ) CALL CCP1PL(2. 0,2. 0,-3) CALL CCP5AX(0.0,0.0,20HFIRST HARMONIC ( BOX ) , 20, 6 . 5 , 90. , TY 1 ) CALL CCP5AX(0.0,0.0,8HDISTANCE,-8,08.5,0.0,TX) CALL CCP5AX( 8.5,0.0,26HSEC0ND HARMONIC ( TR I ANGLE ) , -26, 6 . 5 , 1 90.0,TY1) CALL CCP6LN(D f F HARM, 660, 1,TX,TY1 ) CALL CCP6LM(D,SHARM, 660,1 ,TX,TY1 ) DO 30 I =1,66 Y1=(DATA( 1, I )-TYl ( 1 ) )/TYl (2) Y2=(DATA(2, I)-TY1(1))/TY1(2) X = (DD( I )-TX( 1) )/TX(2) CALL CCP2SY(X,Y1, 0.075, 0,0. 0,-1 ) CALL CCP2SY( X,Y2, 0.075, 2, 0.0,-1) 30 CONTINUE CALL CCP2SY(2.0,6.5,0.15,29HDETECT0R OUTPUT IN MILLIVOLTS, 1 0.0,29) CALL CCP2SYI 2.0,6.25,0.15, 16H VS,0.0,16) CALL CCP2SY(2.0,6.0,0.15,26H DISTANCE IN CENT I METERS, 0.0, 1 26) CALL CCP1PL{ 12.0,0.0,-3) RETURN END U2 AVERAGED DATA DISTANCE FIRST HARMONIC SECUND HARMONIC .OOOOO .02500 .05000 .07500 . 10000 .12500 . 15000 .17500 .20000 .22500 .25000 .27500 .30000 .32500 .35000 .37500 .40000 .42500 .45000 .47500 .50000 .52500 .55000 .57500 .60000 .62500 .65000 .67500 .70000 .72500 .75000 .77500 .80000 .82500 .85000 .87500 .90000 .92500 .95000 .97500 1.00000 1.02500 1.05000 1.07500 1.10000 75.00000 74.50000 72.50000 70.00000 66.00000 61.00000 56.50000 50.50000 44.00000 37.75000 30.50000 23.00000 15.50000 7.70000 2.65000 9.10000 16.50000 24.50000 31.00000 38.00000 44.50000 50.50000 56.50000 61.00000 65.50000 69.00000 72.00000 73.50000 74.50000 75.00000 74.50000 72.50000 70.00000 64.00000 63.00000 57.00000 51.00000 45.00000 38.00000 30.00000 25.25000 14.25000 5.55000 3.90000 02.50000 3.30840 3.63005 3.99765 4.73285 5.42210 6.06540 6.61680 7.53580 8.04125 8.59265 9.05215 9.19000 9.28190 9.46570 9.64950 9.41975 9.37380 9.19000 8.96025 8.54670 7.85745 7.44390 6.98440 6.06540 5.33020 4.54905 3.58410 2.84890 2.13667 1.83800 2.02180 2.59617 3.17055 3.99765 4.96260 5.83565 6.70870 7.35200 7.94935 8.50075 8.91430 9.19000 9.32785 9.32785 9.51165 ^3 1.12500 21.00000 1.15000 29.00000 1.17500 37.00000 1.20000 44.50000 1.22500 51.50000 1.25000 58.00000 1.27500 63.50000 1.30000 68.00000 1.32500 71 .50000 1.35000 74.00000 1.37500 76.00000 1.40000 77.00000 1.42500 77.00000 L. 45000 76.00000 1.47500 73.50000 1.50000 71.00000 1.52500 67.00000 1.55000 62.50000 1.57500 57.00000 1.62500 50.50000 1.62500 44.00000 9.23595 9.05215 8.59265 8.04125 7.58175 6.93845 6.11135 5.46805 4.68690 4.04360 3.67600 3.40030 3.53815 3.85980 4.54905 5.37615 6.11135 6.66275 7.53580 8.04125 8.73050 MAXIMUM (-IKST HARMONIC VOLTAGE IS 77.00000 MILLIVOLTS MINIMUM FIRST HARMONIC VOLTAGE IS 2.65000 MILLIVOLTS POSITION OF FIRST HARMONIC MINIMUM IS 0.35000 CENTIMETERS MAXIMUM SECOND HARMONIC VOTAGE IS MINIMUM SECOND HARMONIC VOTAGE IS 9.64950 MILLIVOLTS 1.83800 MILLIVOLTS POSITION OF SECOND HARMONIC MINIMUM IS 0.72500 CENTIMETERS EXPERIMENTAL VALUE OF DELTA IS 0.11189 CENTIMETERS THETA1 = THETA2 = THETA = 0.00280 -0.10640 -0.05180 *tfj a \$1* ■ I I