CAMBRIDGE PUBLIC LIBRARY A BIBLIOGRAPHY OF THOMAS WENTWORTH HIGGINSON CAMBRIDGE, MASSACHUSETTS DECEMBER, 1906 J. A, CUMMINGS PRINTING CO. BOSTON Thomas Wentworth Higginson, son of Stephen and Louisa (Storrow) Higginson, was born in Cambridge, Massachusetts, Dec. 22, 1823. He was graduated from Harvard College in 1841, and from the Harvard Divinity school in 1847. He became pastor of a Unitarian church in Newbury port, from 1847-1850, and from 1852 to 1858 was pastor of a Free church in Worcester. His name was prominently identified with the anti-slavery agitation, and at the outbreak of the civil war he served as captain of the 51st Massachusetts regiment of volun- teers, and later, as colonel of the 1st South Carolina volun- teers, the first regiment of colored troops in the federal ser- vice. Since 1878 he has resided in Cambridge, and has devoted himself to literature, education, the political rights of women, and to public affairs in general. From 1889 to 1903 he was a member of the Board of Trustees of the Cambridge Public Library. This bibliography is based on a note book of Thomas Wentworth Higginson, and is compiled by Mrs. Winifred Mather, assistant cataloguer in the Cambridge Public Library, with the assistance of his private secretary, Miss Eva G. Moore. In the Chronological list the place in parenthesis under the year indicates where Higginson resided during that year. Def. I, II, etc., after a title refers to the volume in the Definitive edition (1900) in which that title also appears. When an article has been published later both in a separate volume and in the Definitive edition it is only referred to in the Definitive edition. Order of arrangement under each year : Books. Pamphlets, leaflets, broadsides. Books or pamphlets written with others. Contributions to books. Contributions to periodicals. Editor, translator, compiler. Miscellaneous articles, book notices, editorials not previously listed. CHRONOLOGICAL LIST. 1843 (Cambridge) A history. [Poem.] (In Christian examiner , Nov.) Signed H. Mrs. Child’s letters from New York. (In the Present , Nov. 15.) La madonna di San Sisto. [Poem.] (In the Present , Dec. 15.) Def. YI. Same. (In Our book . [A Salem fair publication.] Sept., 1844.) Same. (In Longfellow. Estray. 1846.) 1845 (Cambridge) Lay of the humble. [Poem.] (In N. Y. tribune , Oct. i.) Tyrtaeus. [Poem.] (In Harbinger , Nov. i.) Same. (In Liberator , Nov. 7.) Articles. (In Christian world , Jan., Peb.) Signed H. 1846 (Cambridge) Four hymns. (In Longfellow and Johnson. Book of hymns.) The railroad. [Poem.] (In Harbinger , Apr. 4.) Holiness unto the Lord. [Sonnet.] (In Harbinger , June 20.) Hymn of humanity. (In Harbinger , June 27.) Hebe. [Poem.] (In Harbinger , July 4.) 6 A word of hope. [Poem.] (In National anti-slavery standard, Sept. 3.) Sonnet to William Lloyd Garrison. (In Liberty bell.) ( Tr .) A cradle song, from the German of Riickert. (In Harbinger , July 4.) Same, entitled Nature’s cradle song. Def. VI. Two articles on licentiousuess. (In Chronotype.) 1847 (Cambridge — Newburyport) Hymn. (In Exercises at the 31st annual visitation of the Harvard divinity school , July 16.) Pph. Def. VI. Ordination exercises, Sept. 15, with letter about ecclesiastical councils. Pph. 1848 (Newburyport) Thanksgiving sermon, Newburyport, Nov. 30. Pph. Fugitives 5 hymn. (In Liberty bell.) 1849 (Newburyport) The twofold being. [Poem.] (In Peabody, Elizabeth P., ed uEsthetic papers.) 1850 (N ewburyport) Address to the voters of the third congressional district of Mass. Pph. Birthday in fairyland. Pph. Same. (In Phillips. Laurel leaves for little folks f 1903.) The tongue : two practical sermons. Pph. 7 ( With C. Cushing and F. L. Dimmock.) Address to the citizens in behalf of the public library [Newbury port]. Broadside. 1851 (Newburyport) Merchants : a Sunday evening lecture, Jan. Pph. Same. (In Hunt’s merchants’ magazine , Oct.) Newbury school committee report, 1850-51. Pph. Newburyport free evening school report, 1851. Pph. To a young convert. [Poem.] (In Liberty bell .) Same. (In his Afternoon landscape. 1889.) 1852 (Newburyport — Worcester) Things new and old: an installation sermon, Sept. 5. Pph. Address for Freedom club, Worcester. Broadside. Address to the citizens of Worcester. (Young men’s library association.) Broadside. Elegy without fiction: sermon, Oct. 31, suggested by the deaths of Webster and Rantoul. Broadside. Man and nature. (In Christian examiner , July.) (Tr.) Forward. [Poem], from the German of Hoffman von Fallersleben. (In Liberty bell.) Def. VI. Same. (In Sword and pen, Dec. 17.) 1853 (Worcester) Thalatta : a book for the seaside. Ed. anonymously by Higginson and Samuel Longfellow. Contains 3 of Higginson’s poems. Address on the operation of the anti-liquor law, Boston, Jan 21. (State temperance committee report.) Pph. Unitarian autumnal convention : a sermon. Pph. 8 Bemarks before the constitutional convention on the qualifica- tion of voters, June 3. Broadside. Am I my brother’s keeper ? sermon. (In Liberty bell.) Conscience in the counting room. (In Hunt's merchants' magazine , Jan.) Speech at anti-slavery convention. (In Liberator , Feb. 11.) November; December. [Poems.] (In Putnam's monthly ’ magazine , Apr.) December. (In his Afternoon land- scape. 1889.) Moral results of slavery. (In Hunt's merchants' magazine, June.) The lovers. [Poem.] (In Putnam's monthly magazine , Sept.) Odensee. (In Putnam's monthly magazine , Nov.) Same. (In Longfellow, ed. Poems of places.) A day in Carter notch. (In Putnam's monthly magazine , Dec.) Sermons to children. (In Sunday school gazette.) Speech at the Legislative temperance society. (In Life boat.) (JEJd.) Whole world’s temperance convention report. Pph. 1854 (Worcester) Does slavery Christianize the negro ? (Anti-slavery tract, no. 4.) Massachusetts in mourning.: a sermon preached in Worcester, June 4.) Pph. Scripture idolatry : a discourse. Pph. Same. (In Liberator , Oct. 6.) Reprinted in London. Woman and her wishes : an essay inscribed to the Mass, con- stitutional convention. Pph. Reprinted in London; originally written for TJna. Letter. (In Hartford Bible convention. Proceedings. Appendix.) Sermon on the Nebraska bill. (In Liberator , Feb. 17.) 9 Speech at Abington, Aug. i : celebration of West Indian eman- cipation. (In Liberator, Aug. n.) African proverbial philosophy. (In Putnam’s monthly maga- zine , Oct.) 1855 (Worcester — Winter in Fayal) Worcester school committee report, Dec. 31, 1854. Speech at New England anti-slavery convention. (In Libera- tor, June 8.) Anti-slavery colporteurage. (In Liberator , Sept. 7.) Signed H. Speech at anniversary of Boston mob convention. (In Libera- tor, Nov. 2.) At Fayal began a book, the Beturn of faith, of which only one chapter was afterwards published as the Sympathy of religions (1871). 1856 (Worcester — Trip to Kansas) Speech at anniversary of West Indian convention. (In Liberator , Aug. 8.) Going to Mt. Katahdin. (In Putnam’s monthly magazine , Sept.) Written in the name of one of the ladies of the party. Portugal’s glory and decay. (In North American review , Oct.) Letters from Kansas to New York tribune . Published later as an anti-slavery tract (no. 20), under the title A ride through Kanzas , and also published independently. 1857 (Worcester) Speech. (In State disunion convention, Worcester, Jan. 15. Proceedings.') Pph. and Broadside. 10 Statement on spiritual manifestations, Apr. 15. Broadside. The new revolution : a speech before the American anti-slavery society, May 12. Pph. Circular letter, July 8, calling for state disunion convention. Leaflet. Call for a northern convention at Cleveland, Oct. 28-29. Leaflet. 1858 (Worcester) Woman in Christian civilization : N. Y. address. (In Religious aspects of the age. By various authors.) Saints and their bodies. (In Atlantic monthly , Mar.) Def. VI. Speech at fifth anniversary of the N. Y. anti-slavery society. (In Liberator* May 28.) Mademoiselle’s campaigns. (In Atlantic monthly , July.) Def. VII. Waterlilies. (In Atlantic monthly , Sept.) Def. VI. Physical courage. (In Atlantic monthly , ISTov.) Same. (In his Outdoor papers. 1863.) Romance of history. (In Liberty bell.) {Comp, with Mrs. Lucy Stone.) Woman’s rights almanac for 1858. 1859 (Worcester) The rationale of spiritualism. Pph. The results of spiritualism : a discourse, N. Y., Mar. 6. Pph. Woman and the alphabet. (In Atlantic monthly , Peb.) Def. IV. Also published as a tract under the title Ought women to learn the alphabet ? Boston, 1870, and Manchester, Eng., 1873. Letter to a dyspeptic. (In Atlantic monthly , Apr.) Same. (In his Outdoor papers. 1863.) 11 A charge with Prince Rupert. (In Atlantic monthly , June.) Def. VII. Murder of the innocents. (In Atlantic monthly , Sept.) Same. (In his Outdoor papers. 1863.) 1860 (Worcester) A visit to John Brown’s household in 1859. (In Redpath. Public life of Capt. John Brown .) Def. II. Maroons of Jamaica. (In Atlantic monthly, Feb.) Same. (In his Travellers and outlaws . 1889.) Maroons of Surinam. (In Atlantic monthly, May.) Same. (In his Travellers and outlaws. 1889.) Theodore Parker. (In Atlantic monthly, Oct.) Def. II. Fayal and the Portuguese. (In Atlantic monthly , Nov.) Def. VI. 1861 (Worcester) Barbarism and civilization. (In Atlantic monthly, Jan.) Same. (In his Outdoor papers, 1863.) Gymnastics. (In Atlantic monthly, Mar.) Same. (In his Outdoor papers. 1863.) April days. (In Atlantic monthly, Apr.) Def. VI. Denmark Vesey. (In Atlantic monthly, June.) Same. (In his Travellers and outlaws. 1889.) Ordeal by battle. (In Atlantic monthly, July.) Nat. Turner’s insurrection. (In Atlantic monthly, Aug.) Same. (In his Travellers and outlaws. 1889.) My outdoor study. (In Atlantic monthly, Sept.) Same. (In his Outdoor papers. 1863.) A new counterblast. (In Atlantic monthly, Dec.) Same. (In his Outdoor papers. 1863.) 12 1862 (Worcester — Enlisted in September.) Worcester public library, second annual report. Pph. Snow. (In Atlantic monthly , Feb.) Def. VI. Letter to a young contributor. (In Atlantic monthly , Apr.) Same. (In his Atlantic essays. 1871.) Same. (In his Hints on writing and speech making. 1887.) Health of our girls. (In Atlantic monthly , June.) Gabriel’s defeat. (In Atlantic monthly , Sept.) Same. (In his Travellers and outlaws. 1889.) Life of birds. (In Atlantic monthly , Sept.) Def. VI. Procession of the flowers. (In Atlantic monthly , Dec.) Def. VI. 1863 (War) Outdoor papers. A Puritan minister. (In Atlantic monthly , Sept.) Same. (In his Atlantic essays. 1871.) 1864 (War — Newport) Regular and volunteer officers. (In Atlantic monthly , Sept.) A night in the water. (In Atlantic monthly , Oct.) Def. III. Leaves from an officer’s journal. (In Atlantic monthly , Nov., Dec.) Book notices. (In Atlantic monthly , Friend of progress.) 1865 (Newport) Leaves from an officer’s journal. (In Atlantic monthly , Jan.) Bequest of spiritualism. (In Friend of progress, Feb.) Herbert Spencer. (In Friend of progress, Mar.) 13 Up the St. Mary’s. (In Atlantic monthly , Apr.) Def. III. Fair play the best policy. (In Atlantic monthly , May.) Frances Power Cobbe. (In Friend of progress, July.) Up the St. John’s. (In Atlantic monthly , Sept.) Def. III. Our future militia system. (In Atlantic monthly , Sept.) (Tr.) Works of Epictetus. Same. Revised. 2 v. 1890. Same. (In Cambridge classics .) Book notices and editorials. (In Atlantic monthly , Common- wealth, Friend of progress, Independent .) 1866 (Newport) Children’s books of the year. (In North American review, Jan.) ( Ed .) Harvard memorial biographies. 2 v. 13 of these biographies were written by Higginson. Book notices and editorials. (In Atlantic monthly, Independent .) 1867 (Newport) Newport free public library. [Circular calling the attention of the community to its history, needs, etc.] Pph. Nonsense of it. Leaflet. Replies to arguments against woman suffrage. A plea for culture. (In Atlantic monthly, Jan.) Same. (In his Atlantic essays, 1871.) Charlotte P. Hawes. (In Radical, Jan.) A driftwood fire. (In Atlantic monthly, Feb.) Def. Y. Out on picket. (In Atlantic monthly , Mar.) Def. III. The haunted window. (In Atlantic monthly, Apr.) Same. (In his Oldport days. 1873.) 14 Oldport in winter. (In Atlantic monthly , May.) Def. V. Negro spirituals. (In Atlantic monthly , June.) Def. III. An artist’s dream. (In Atlantic monthly , July.) Reprinted in Def. Y. under the title an Artist's creation. Up the Edisto. (In Atlantic monthly , Aug.) Def. III. Sunshine and Petrarch. (In Atlantic monthly , Sept.) Def. V. Literature as an art. (In Atlantic monthly , Dec.) Same. (In his Atlantic essays. 1871.) Articles. (In Independent, Nation .) 1868 (Newport) Newport free library, president’s report, 1867-68. Pph. Lydia Maria Child ; Margaret Fuller Ossoli. (In Eminent women of the age. By various writers.) Oldport wdiarves. (In Atlantic monthly , Jan.) Def. Y. The pedigree of liberalism. (In Radical , Mar.) The American lecture system. (In Macmillan’s magazine , May.) Same. (In Littell’s living age , June 6.) {Adapted) Child pictures from Dickens. Book notices and editorials. (In Independent.) The book notices include a series, Live Americans , giving accounts of Longfellow, Lowell, and others. 1869 (Newport) Malbone. Same. (In Atlantic monthly , Jan. - June.) Memoir of Dr. Thaddeus William Harris. Pph. Def. II. Reprinted from Harris's Entomological correspondence. Preface. (In Erckmann-Chatrian. Mme. There se. Tr. by C. L. Eortem.) 15 Immortality: an address, [Boston], Feb. 21, 1869. (In Radical , Mar.) Greek goddesses. (In Atlantic monthly , July.) Def. VII. Tr. into French in the Revue britannique , Oct., 1869, and also into modern Greek. Letters to country boys. (In Hearth and home.) Book notices and editorials. (In Atlantic monthly , Inde- pendent, N. Y tribune .) 1870 (Newport) Army life in a black regiment. Def. III. Same. Tr. into French under the title Vie militaire dans un regiment noir. Paris, 1884. Decoration day address, Mt. Auburn, May 30. Broadside. Same. (In Peed and others , eds . Modern eloquence, vol. 8. 1901.) Americanism in literature. (In Atlantic monthly , Jan.) Same. (In his Atlantic essays , 1871.) A shadow. (In Atlantic monthly , July.) Def. VI. Footpaths. (In Atlantic monthly , Nov.) Def. VI. Our menagerie. (In Our young folks.) Swimming. (In Atlantic almanac.) Book notices and editorials. (In Atlantic monthly , Independent , Index , N. Y tribune , Woman’s journal.) 1871 (Newport) Atlantic essays. Madam Delia’s expectations. (In Atlantic monthly , Jan.) Same. (In his Oldport days. 1873.) The sympathy of religions. (In Radical , Feb.) Def. VII. Published as a pamphlet, Boston, 1871 ; reprinted, London, 1872, and Boston, enlarged, 1876; reprinted in Unity church-door pulpit, Chicago, June 16, 1885 ; reprinted in World’s parliament 16 of religions, vol. Chicago, I., 1893; tr. under the title, L'affin ite des religions , by Mrs. Maria E. MacKaye, Paris, 1898. Plutarch’s morals. (In Radical , Mar.) Unpublished letters from Theodore Parker. (In Radical , May.) Buddhist path of virtue. (In Radical , June.) Sappho. (In Atlantic monthly , July.) Def. VII. An evening with Mrs. Hawthorne. (In Atlantic monthly , Oct.) Def. II. On an old Latin text book. (In Atlantic monthly , Oct.) Def. VII. Book notice of Verses , by “H. H.” (In Atlantic monthly . Decent literature.) Editorials. (In Independent , Index , JY. Y. tribune (including letters from Newport and from Harvard college), Woman's journal. 1872 (Newport) A day of Scottish games. (In Scribner's monthly , Jan.) In a wherry. (In Atlantic monthly , Eeb.) Def. V. Character of Buddha. (In Index , Mar. 16.) Hawthorne’s last bequest. (In Scribner's monthly , Nov.) Editorials. (In Index , Woman's journal.') 1873 (Newport) Oldport days. Are you a Christian ? Pph. Same. (In Index , Jan. 25.) Higher education of woman : a paper before the Social science convention, May 14. Pph. Intercollegiate scholarships. (In Scribner's monthly , Jan.) Editorials. (In Index , Woman's journal.) 17 1874 (Newport) The baby of the regiment. (In Whittier, comp. Child life in prose . ) Reprinted from Army life in a black regiment. 1870. How the American revolution opened. (In Oliver Optic 7 s magazine . ) Same. (In Young folks 7 history of the U. S. 1875.) Charles Dudley Warner. (In Scribner 7 s monthly , Jan.) Decoration. [Poem.] (I11 Scribner 7 s monthly, June.) Def. VI. Old Dutch times in New York. (In St. Nicholas , Sept.) Same. (In Young folks 7 history of the U. S. 1875.) Editorials. (In Independent , Woman 7 s journal A) 1875 (Newport) English statesmen. (Brief biographies of European public men series.) Edited the 3 other volumes in this series. Young folks’ history of the United States. Tr. into French (2 editions), Paris, 1875; inf o German, Stuttgart, 1876; into Italian, 1888. Life of Emerson. (In Johnson 7 s universal cyclopaedia .) * The word philanthropy. (In Free religious association. Free- dom and fellowship in religion .) Def. YI. Introductory address, Free religious association. Pph. The gymnasium and gymnastics in Harvard college. (In Vaille and Clark, comp., Harvard book , vol. 2.) 18 1876 (Newport) History of the public school system in Ehode Island. (In History of public education in It. 1 , 1636-1876. A moonglade. (In Laurel leaves. Pub. by W. F. Gill.) Def. V. Speech at memorial service for Dr. S. G. Howe. (In Howe, Mrs. Julia Ward. Memoir of Dr. Samuel Gridley Howe.) Def. II. ( With Thomas H. Clarke.) A sketch of the public schools in the city of Newport. (In History of public education in It. I.) Childhood’s fancies. (In Scribner’s monthly , Jan.) Lowell’s Among my books. Second series. (In Scribner’s monthly , Mar. Culture and progress.) Story of the signing. [Declaration of independence.] (In Scribner’s monthly , July.) The paper Provenfal song mistakenly attributed to Higginson in Galaxy , Apr., was by Mrs. Maria E. MacKaye. 1877 (Newport) [Education in] Ehode Island. (In Kiddle and Schem. Cyclo- paedia of education. Intercollegiate literary association report. Pph. {Comp.) Young folks’ book of American explorers. Book notices and editorials. (In Nation , Woman’s journal.) A portion of the book notices in the Nation were called Poetry of the month, later entitled Kecent poetry. The reviews were continued to Feb., 1904. 1878 (Cambridge — Trip to Europe) Speech at Conference of liberal thinkers, London, June 13. Pph. 19 Letter on physical and intellectual habits. (In Holbrook. Hygiene of the brain nerves .) B. G. White. (In Atlantic monthly , May. Contributors’ club.) Some war scenes revisited. (In Atlantic monthly , July.) Reprinted in Def. Ill under the title Fourteen years after. Saxe Holm’s botany. (In Atlantic monthly , July. Contribu- tors’ club.) An Irish heart. (In Scribner’s monthly , Dec.) Editorials. ( In Woman's journal. ) 1879 (Cambridge, from this time) Short studies of American authors. First published in the Literary world. Intercollegiate literary association : its history, aims, and results. Pph. Speech at Frothingham festival, N. Y., Apr. 22. Pph. Joseph Cook. (In Atlantic monthly , Mar. Contributors’ club.) New England life. (In Atlantic monthly , June. Contributors’ club.) Eecent essays. (In North American review , July.) Speech at Library convention in Boston, June-July. (In Library journal, Sept.-Oct.) ( With others.) Other side of the woman question. (In North American review, Nov.) Editorials. (In Woman' s journal.) 1880 (In Legislature) From the death of Winthrop to Philip’s war; French and Indian wars. (In Winsor, ed. Memorial history of Boston, vol. 1 . ) 20 A revolutionary congressman on horseback. (In Scribner’s monthly , Jan.) Same, (fn his Travellers and outlaws , 1889.) Dwelling-places. [Poem.] (In Scribner’s monthly , Mar.) Def. VI. The reed immortal. [Poem.] (In Atlantic monthly , Aug.) Def. VI. Two anti-slavery leaders. [William Lloyd Garrison and Levi Coffin.] (In International review , Aug.) Howells’s Undiscovered country . (In Scribner’s monthly , Sept.) A search for the Pleiades. (In Atlantic monthly , Nov.) Def. VI. Editorials. (In Harvard register, Woman’s journal.) 1881 Common-sense about women. Eeprinted in London, 1890, 4th ed., with some omissions. Tr. into German from the English ed. under the title Die frauen- frage und der gesunde mens chenver stand, by Eugenie Jacobi, 1895. Young folks’ history of the United States. 2d ed. Printed in raised type by the Howe memorial press, Perkin s institution and Mass, school for the blind. Address at the celebration of the battle of Cowpens, Spartan- burg, S. C., May 11. Pph. Same. (In Heed and others , eds. Modern eloquence, vol. 8. I 9 OT 0 Oration. (In Exercises in celebrating the 250th anniversary of the settlement of Cambridge , Dec. 28, 1880.) French radical eloquence. (In Heed, ed. The city and the sea , with other Cambridge contributions in aid of the hospital fund. Memorial ode [May 30]. (With Long’s Oration.) Pph. Def. VI. Also printed separately. 21 Notice of Benjamin Peirce. (In King, comp. Memorial collection. ) Carlyle’s laugh. (In Atlantic monthly, Oct.) Sellar’s Roman poets of the republic. (In Atlantic monthly , Oct.) Short march with the guard. [Verses.] (In Sword and pen , Dec. 9.) Book notices and editorials. (In Christian register, Literary world, Woman's journal.) 1882 Young folks’ history of the United States. New ed., with additional chapters. Speech at Rev. Samuel Johnson’s funeral. (In Samuel John son : a memorial .) Pph. ( With others.) Testimony on Charles river railroad, Feb. 13. Pph. The Brook farm period. (In Demoresfs monthly, July.) First Americans. (In Harper's monthly magazine, Aug.) Visit of the vikings. (In Harper's monthly magazine, Sept. ) Spanish discoverers. (In Harper's monthly magazine, Oct.) The last three articles were published later in Higginson’s Larger history of the United States (1885), and in Higginson and MacDonald’s History of the United States (1905). The baby sorceress. [Sonnet.] (In Century magazine , Nov.) Def. VI. Editorials and other articles. (In Index, Nation , Woman's journal .) 1883 Dedicatory address at unveiling of the statue of John Bridge, Sept. 20, 1882. (In Cambridge city document, 1883.) Why do children dislike history? (In Methods of teaching history. Hall’s pedagogical library, vol. 1.) Report on the Parker library. (In Boston public library. jist annual report.) Pph. 22 Old English seamen. (In Harper's monthly magazine , Jan.) French voyageurs. (In Harper's monthly magazine , Mar.) Negro race in America. (In Atlantic monthly , Apr.) Conway’s Emerson at home and abroad. (In Century magazine , Apr.) “An English nation.” (In Harper's monthly magazine , Apr.) The hundred years’ war. (In Harper's monthly magazine , June.) Second generation of English in America. (In Harper's monthly magazine , July.) The British yoke. (In Harper's monthly magazine , Aug.) Dawning of independence. (In Harper's monthly magazine , Oct.) The foregoing articles in Harper's magazine were published later in Higginson’s Larger history of the United States (1885), and in Higginson and MacDonald’s History of the United States , ( I 9 °S)* Lodge’s Webster. (In Atlantic monthly, Oct.) Book notices and articles. (In Nation .) 1884 [Life of] Margaret Fuller Ossoli. Wendell Phillips. Pph. Def. II. Reprinted from the Nation , Feb. 7, 1884. Young men’s party. Pph. Reprinted from the N. Y. evening post , Oct. 4, 1884. Palmer’s Odyssey. (In Atlantic monthly , Oct.) 1885 Larger history of the United States. Oration. (In Memorial services in the city of Cambridge on the day of the funeral of General Grant , Aug. 8 .) Pph. Hawthorne’s Nathaniel Hawthorne and his wife. (In Atlantic monthly , Feb.) 23 American flash language in 1793. (In Science , May 8.) Lowell in England. (In Literary ivorld, June 27.) “ H. H.” (In Critic , Aug. 22.) Mrs. Helen Jackson, “H. H.” (In Century magazine , Dec.) Def. II. Began a series of articles, entitled Women and men, in Harper's bazar . 1886 The monarch of dreams. Def. Y. “A German translation of this story appeared in the New York Freie zeitung of Aug. 18, 1889, the translator being Louis Wagele and the title Her monarch seiner traume. It is said to have also appeared in French, but no particulars are known.” William Lloyd Garrison. (In Atlantic monthly, Jan.) Def. II. Grant. (In Atlantic monthly, Mar., Sept.) Def. II. How I was educated. (In Forum, Apr.) Same. Pph. To the memory of “ H. H.” [Sonnet.] (In Century magazine, May.) Def. YI. Eeminiscences of Helen Jackson. (In New Frinceton review, July.) Old Salem sea-captains. (In Harper's monthly magazine, Sept.) Same. (In his Travellers and outlaws. 1889.) E. P. Whipple. (In Atlantic monthly, Sept.) Same. (In his Short studies of American authors.) Mr. Hamerton on literature in a republic. (In Harvard monthly, Dec.) Articles. (In Critic, Independent, Good cheer, Harper's bazar, Nation.) 1887 Hints on writing and speech making. Women and men. Reprinted from Harper's bazar . 24 For self-respect and self-protection : speech at the annual meet- ing of the American woman suffrage association, Phila., Nov. i. Pph. and leaflet. Life of John Brown. (In Appleton's cyclopaedia of American biography , vol. i.) Preface. (In Stevens. Around the world on a bicycle .) Speeches, letters, etc. 1853-1887. (In Stanton and others , eds. History of woman suffrage . 4 v.) Unsolved problems in woman suffrage. (In Forum , Jan.) Reprinted later as a pamphlet. Mr. Hamerton on literature in a republic. (In Harvard monthly , Jan.) Hayne, Paul Hamilton. (In Chautauquan , Jan.) Lanier, Sidney. (In Chautauquan , Apr.) A missent letter. (In Strawbridge and Clothier's quarterly , vol. 6, no. 2. Summer no.) Same. (In Woman's journal , Aug. 27.) Sub pondere crescit. [Sonnet.] (In Century magazine , Sept.) Def. VI. Articles. (In Harper's bazar , Independent .) 1888 Short studies of American authors. Rev. and enl. Address. (In Reunion of the free soilers of 184.8-1852 , Bos- ton, June 28.) Pph. English sources of American dialect. (In American anti- quarian society. Proceedings. New series, vol. 4.) Howells’s Modern Italian poets. (In Nation , Jan. 5.) A precursor of Hawthorne [William Austin]. (In Independent. Mar. 29.) English and American manners. (In Forum , J uly.) 1889 The afternoon landscape : poems and translations. Travellers and outlaws. 25 Three outdoor papers. (Riverside literature series.) Pph. Lowell in Cambridge. (In Critic , Feb. 23.) Yestis angelica. [Poem.] (In Scribner’s magazine , Mar.) Def. VI. Nils’s garden. [A story.] (In Century magazine , July.) Ode to a butterfly. [Poem.] (In Century magazine , Hov.) Def. YI. 1890 In a fair country : essays from Outdoor papers. Illustrated by Irene E. Jerome. Cambridge public library : plan reported to the Book com- mittee. Pph. Cambridge : Literature. (In Hurd, comp. History of Middlesex county , vol. 1.) Opening address. (In Browning society of Boston. Memorial to Robert Browning , Jan. 28.) A world literature. (In Century magazine , Jan.) Letter relating to the Cambridge public library. (In Cam- bridge tribune , Mar. 15.) Richard Henry Dana. (In Cambridge tribune , Dec. 20.) {Ed. with Mrs. Ellen H. Bigelow.) American sonnets. Preface, by Higginson. {Ed. with Mrs. Mabel L. Todd.) Poems, by Emily Dickinson. Preface, by Higginson. 1891 Life of Francis Higginson. On the steps of the hall (University hall, Aug. 28, 1837). Privately printed. Leaflet. Poem inscribed to the class of 1841, Harvard university. Address at the 100th anniversary, Jan. 24. (In Massachusetts historical society. Proceedings.) Rabiah’s defense. [Poem.] (In Atlantic monthly , Sept.) Def. YI. Emily Dickinson’s letters. (In Atlantic monthly , Oct.) 26 The two lessons. [Sonnet.] (In Century magazine , Dec.) Def. VI. Glimpses of authors. (In Brains , Oct. 15- Jan. 1, 1892.) (Ed. with Mrs. Mabel L. Todd.) Poems, by Emily Dickinson. 2d series. (Ed. in part.) The Eindge gifts to Cambridge. [City publication.] Articles. (In Harper’s bazar , Independent .) 1892 Concerning all of us. The new world and the new book : an address delivered before the nineteenth century club of N. Y. city, Jan. 15, 1891, with kindred essays. Literature in a republic : a lecture. (In Eeed and others , eds. Modern eloquence , vol. 5.) Tribute to Lowell. (In Massachusetts commandery of the Loyal legion. In memoriam.) Pph. Same. (In Cambridge tribune , Feb. 20.) Youth and literary life. (In Lectures to young men , N. Y.) Pph. English ancestry of the Higginson family. (In New England historical and genealogical register , Apr.) An Egyptian banquet. [Sonnet.] (In Scribner’s magazine , Apr.) Def. VI. The sleeping car. [Poem.] (In Century magazine , May.) Def. YI. School, college, library. (In Cosmopolitan magazine , May.) A world outside of science. (In New world , Dec.) Same. Pph. Same. (In his Book and heart , 1897.) (With Mrs. Florence W. Jaques.) List of battles and casual- ties of Massachusetts regiments during the war of the rebellion. (In New England historical and genealogi- cal register , Jan.) Articles. (In Nation .) 27 1893 Cambridge public library report. Pph. Straight lines or oblique lines ? (In Woman suffrage leaflet , Nov.) (With Mrs. Mary T. Higginson.) Such as they are: poems. (With Edward Channing.) English history for American readers. Speech on the turning point in the history of the parliament of religions. (In World’s parliament of religions, vol. i.) Articles. (In Boston evening transcript , Nation , Fublie opinion .) 1894 Cambridge public library report. Pph. Note [to] Books and reading , by Sir John Lubbock. (In Woman’s book, vol. 2.) Introduction. (In Speeches and addresses of William E. Russell . ) How to use a public library. (In Golden rule , Sept. 27.) How to read magazines. (In Golden rule , Nov. 15.) 1895 Massachusetts in the army and navy during the war of 1861-65. Vol. 2 - The fairy coursers. [Poem.] (In Cambridge sketches , by Cambridge authors.) The woman who most influenced me. (In Ladies’ home journal, Oct.) A young girl's library. (In Ladies’ home journal, Nov.) Articles. (In Boston evening transcript , Harper’s bazar, Nation, et al.) 1896 Massachusetts in the army and navy during the war of 1861-65. Vol. 1. 28 Prefatory note. (In Aspinwall. Short stories for short people.) The school of jingoes. (In Essays from the Chap-book.) Life in Cambridge town. (In Gilman, ed. Cambridge of 1896 ) Octavius Brooks Frothingham. (In New world , Mar.) A Keats ms. (In Forum , June.) Same. (In his Book and heart , 1897.) The romance of a brown-paper parcel. (In Century magazine, Aug.) . A bookshelf in the kitchen. (In Ladies’ home journal, Nov.) Cheerful yesterdays. (In Atlantic monthly, Nov. - Dec.) Def. I. {Comp.) Bough list in ms. of his Galatea collection of books in the Boston public library relating to women. With newspaper scraps, printed titles, and a supplementary accessions catalogue. A comment on the Galatea collection may be found in the Boston evening transcript, Feb. 18, 1896. {Comp.) Scrap-book of periodical articles, newspaper cut- tings, and portraits relating to James Bussell Lowell. Presented to the Cambridge public library, 1896. Articles. (In Boston evening transcript, Harper’s bazar, Harper’s weekly, Independent , Nation, Outlook, Youth’s companion, et all) 1897 Book and heart. Procession of the flowers, and kindred papers. Def. VI. The biography of Browning’s fame. (In Browning society of Boston. Papers.) Educational conditions and problems. [Speech at the annual meeting of the Harvard teachers association, Mar. 6.] (In Educational review, May.) Cheerful yesterdays. (In Atlantic monthly, Jan. - May.) Def. I. 29 Gottingen and Harvard eighty years ago. (In Harvard grad- uates ' magazine , Sept.) Literary London twenty years ago. (In Atlantic monthly , Dec.) Articles. (In Nation ) et al.) 1898. Cheerful yesterdays. Def. I. Cambridge public library report. Pph. Tales of the enchanted islands of the Atlantic. ( With Edward Channing.) English history for Americans. New edition of their English history for American readers. 1893. [Sketches of] Brown, Cooper, and Thoreau. (In Carpenter, ed. American prosed) Literary Paris twenty years ago. (In Atlantic monthly , Jan.) On the outskirts of public life. (In Atlantic monthly , Feb.) Articles. (In Nation , Outlook , et al.) 1899. Contemporaries. Def. II. Old Cambridge. Save the republic. (Anti-imperialist leaflet, no. 19.) Reprinted from Harper' s bazar, Aug. 12, 1899. ( With William Taggard Piper.) Cambridge public library report. Pph. Harriet Beecher Stowe. [Preface.] (In Stowe. TJncle Tom's cabin. Hew ed.) Wendell Phillips. (In Encyclopcedia Britannica.) His brother’s brother [John Holmes]. (In Atlantic monthly , Aug.) The road to England. (In Atlantic monthly , Oct.) Articles. (In Nation , Outlook , et al.) 30 1900. [Writings. Definitive ed.] 7 v. Vol. I. Cheerful yesterdays. Chapters first printed in the Atlantic monthly . 2 . Contemporaries. Most of the sketches previously printed. 3. Army life in a black regiment. Previously printed. 4. Women and the alphabet. Chiefly articles printed in Harper's bazar. 5. Studies in romance. Includes Malbone. — The monarch of dreams. — Oldport days [part of], 6. Outdoor studies. Mostly previously printed essays and poems. 7. Studies in history and letters. Most of these previously printed. The alliance between Pilgrim and Puritan in Massachusetts : an address delivered before the Old planters’ society, Salem, June 9, 1900. Pph. Seasons for voting for Bryan. Leaflet. Reprinted from the Springfield daily republican , Sept., 1900. ( With W. L. Garrison and G. S. Boutwell.) How should a colored man vote in 1900? Leaflet. Reprinted from the Boston herald, Oct. 11, 1900. The reoccupation of Jacksonville in 1893. (In Mass, com- mandery of the Loyal legion. Civil ivar papers, vol. 2.) Addresses and remarks. (In Free religious association. Pro- ceedings, 1867-1900.) 31 Education and the public library. [Typewritten.] (Boston public library. Eree lectures, 1900.) Articles. (In Independent, Outlook.) 1901 American orators and oratory : being a report of lectures delivered at Western Beserve university. The edition is limited to 500 copies. ( With William J. Bolfe.) Cambridge public librarv report. Pph. Childe Boland to the dark tower came. (In Poet-lore, Apr.- June.) Articles. (In Boston evening transcript, Independent , Outlook, et al.) 1902 [Life of] Henry Wadsworth Longfellow. [Life of] John Greenleaf Whittier. Horace Elisha Scudder : a memorial. (In American academy of arts and sciences. Proceedings .) Pph. Speech at Winchester, Eng., Sept. 18, 1901. In Bowker. King Alfred's millenary .) (Ed.) Story without an end. By E. W. Carove ; tr. by Sarah Austin. Preface by Higginson. (Ed.) Walks with Ellery Channing. [Extracts from ms. diaries of Balph Waldo Emerson. Introduction by Higginson.] (In Atlantic monthly, July.) Articles. (In Independent , Outlook.) 1903 James Elliot Cabot: a memorial. (In American academy of arts and sciences. Proceedings.) Pph. (With Mrs. Margaret Higginson Barney.) [Papers.] (In Heath readers .) 32 ( With Henry Walcott Boynton. Reader’s history of Ameri- can literature. Based upon a course of lectures “American literature in the nine- teenth century ” given by Higginson at the Lowell institute, Boston, 1903. They were reported in part in the Boston evening transcript under the following titles and dates : American literature, Jan. 6 ; The Philadelphia period, Jan. 9 ; Irving and Cooper, Jan. 13; Boston takes the lead, Jan. 16; Concord litterateurs, Jan. 20; Influence of the South, Jan. 23; Writers from the West, Jan. 27; Our literary obstacles, Jan. 30. Address. (In Centenary of the birth of Ralph Waldo Emer- son Concord , May 25.) (Tr.) Fifteen sonnets of Petrarch. The introduction is based essentially upon Sunshine and Petrarch (1867) which originally included most of the sonnets in this volume. This edition consists of 430 numbered copies. Articles. (In Christian endeavor ivorld , Independent , Outlook > Success.) 1904 Address on Decoration day in Sanders theatre [Cambridge!, May 30. Pph. The sunny side of the transcendental period. (In Atlantic monthly , Jan.) English and American cousins. (In Atlantic monthly , Feb.) Books unread. (In Atlantic monthly , Mar.) Aristocracy of the dollar. (In Atlantic monthly , Apr.) Intensely human. (In Atlantic monthly , May.) Butterflies and poetry. (In Atlantic monthly , June.) Articles. (In Boston evening transcript , Encyclopedia Ameri- cana , Nation , Outlook , The reader , Sunday magazine } [ Wanamaker’s] Book news.) 33 1905 Part of a man’s life. George Erisbie Hoar. (In American academy of arts and sciences. Proceedings?) Pph. Letter relating to the Intercollegiate socialist society. Leaflet. Beprinted from Harper's weekly , July 14. ( With William MacDonald.) History of the United States. Enlarged ed. of Higginson’s Larger history of the U. S. Introduction. (In Capen. Country homes of famous Americans .) Introduction. (In Sinclair. The aftermath of slavery?) American audiences. (In Atlantic monthly , Jan.) . The close of the Victorian epoch. (In Atlantic monthly , Mar.) English literature in the last half of the nineteenth century : lectures delivered at the Lowell institute, Boston, 1905. Not published, but reported in part in the Boston evening tran- script under the following titles and dates : A few English poets, Mar. 1 ; Carlyle, Froude, Kuskin, Mar. 8; Darwin’s domesticity, Mar. 15; Landor and his class, Mar. 22 ; Decent English letters, Mar. 29 ; Browning and Tennyson, Apr. 5. Letters of mark. (In Atlantic monthly , Apr.) Wordsworthshire. (In Atlantic monthly , July.) William James Bolfe. (I11 Outlook , July 22.) Literature as a pursuit ; an address before the Harvard ethical society, Cambridge, Mass. (In Critic , Aug.) History in easy lessons. (In Atlantic monthly , Sept.) The cowardice of culture. (In Atlantic monthly , Oct.) The above six papers in the Atlantic monthly together with the six published in the same periodical for 1904 form the volume “Part of a man’s life.” (Ed.) The Hawthorne centenary celebration at the Wayside, Concord, Mass., July 4-7, 1904. Contains Higginson’s address, July 4, as presiding officer of that day. 34 Articles. (In Christian endeavor world , Critic , Independent , Nation , Outlook . 1906 Introduction. (In Braithwaite, Book of Elizabethan verse.) A great poet in her prime : Elizabeth Barrett Browning. (In [ Wanamaker > s~\ Book news , Mar.) A reunited Anglo-Saxondom. (In Critic , Apr.) “Gentlemen by profession.” (In Independent , Apr. 12.) ( others .) The creative spirit in literature. (In Outlook , Nov. 24.) BOOKS AND ARTICLES ABOUT HIGGINSON. Ammidon. Thomas Wentworth Higginson. (In New England magazine , Oct. 1888.) Andrews. Poem to Col. Higginson. (In Christian register , Dec. 24, 1903.) Bid well. Thomas Wentworth Higginson. (In Eclectic maga- zine, May, 1877.) Blanc. Un americain representatif. (In Questions ameri- caines .) Same. (In Revue des deux mondes , June 1, 1901.) Same. A typical American. Tr. by E. M. Waller. 1902. Bolton. Thomas Wentworth Higginson. (In American authors [1887]. ) Boston evening transcript, Dec. 22, 1898. Col. Higginson’s 75 J ears - Dec. 22, 1904. Col. Higginson at 81. Boston herald, Deo. 23, 1901. Col. Thomas Wentworth Higginson, 78 years of age. Boston Sunday herald, Dec. 20, 1903. Col. Thomas Went- worth Higginson at four-score. Butterworth. Old age of New England authors. [Notice and portrait of Col. Higginson.] (In Review of reviews, American, Dec. 1900.) Cambridge chronicle, Eeb. 28, 1880. Warning to Col. Higginson. Editorial at the time Higginson was running for the legislature in opposition to Muzzey. Dec. 26, 1903. Eighty years old. Cambridge tribune, Dec. 26, 1903. Fourscore years. 36 Apr. 2, 1904. Reception to Col. Higginson by Camp 56, G. A. R. Cooke. The Emerson centennial. [Notice and portrait of Col. Higginson.] (In New England magazine , May, I 9°3*) — Free religious association.) In New England maga- zine , June, 1903.) Contains notices and a portrait of Higginson. Old times and new in Dublin, N. H. (In New Eng- land magazine , Aug., 1899.) — — — Thomas Wentworth Higginson at Cambridge. (In Gilder, ed. Authors at. home [1888]. ) Unitarianism in America. 1902. Contains references to Higginson. Crawford. Summer vacation colonies : Thomas Wentworth Higginson. (In New England home magazine , supp, to Boston Sunday journal, July 8, 1900.) Same. Boston’s dean in his summer home. (In National magazine, Aug., 1902.) Current literature, Sept., 1900. Col. Thomas Wentworth Higginson. (General gossip of authors and writers.) Dutoit. An American reformer : an extract tr. from JJn beau moment de la vie americaine in La liberte chretienne , Jan. 14, 1906. (In Boston evening transcript , Oct. 16, 1906.) Foley. [Bibliography of T. W. Higginson ] (In American authors, 1795-1895.) Frothingham. [Higginson a transcendentalism] (In Trans- cendentalism in New England. 1886.) Grant. Verses to Col. Thomas Wentworth Higginson on his 80th birthday. (In Atlantic monthly, Feb., 1904.) Halsey. Thomas Wentworth Higginson in Cambridge, Mass. (In American authors and their homes . 1901.) 37 Hart. Slavery and abolition. (American nation, vol. 16.) 1906. Contains references to Higginson. Harvard graduates’ magazine, Dec., 1898. Thomas Went- worth Higginson, LL. D. Higginson. Cheerful yesterdays. 1898. How I was educated. (In Forum , Apr., 1886.) Old Cambridge. 1899. • The first chapter contains some reminiscences of Higginson’s life. Jackson. Col. Higginson and his ex-slave regiment. (In Christian register , June 30, 1898.) Col. Thomas Wentworth Higginson. (In New Eng- land magazine , Dec., 1901.) Lawton. Introduction to the study of American literature. [1902.] Contains numerous references to Higginson. Thomas Wentworth Higginson, author, soldier, and statesman : events in his life. 1889. Pph. Mead. Thomas Wentworth Higginson. (In New England magazine , Deb., 1900. Editor’s table.) Same. Pph. Outlook, Eeb. 6, 1904. Thomas Wentworth Higginson. Portraits (in the following) : Appleton’s cyclopaedia of American biography, vol. 3. 1887. Bolton. Famous American authors. 1887. Book buyer, May, 1892. Bookman, Jan., 1903. Critic, Aug., 1905. Duyckinck’s cyclopaedia of American literature, vol. 2. i 8 75 - Eclectic magazine, May, 1877. Harper’s weekly, Apr. 8, 1905. 38 Higginson. American orators and oratory. 1901. Cheerful yesterdays. [Writings. Definitive ed.] Yols. 1, 3, 7. 1900. Independent, Dec. 7, 1905. Lamb’s biographical dictionary of the United States, vol. 4. 1901. Lamp, Mar., 1903. National cyclopedia of American biography, vol. 1. 1892. New England magazine, Oct., 1888; Dec., 1890 ; Mar., 1891; Aug., 1899; Dec., 1901; May, 1903; June, 1903. Outlook, July 3, 1897 ; July 2, 1898 ; Eeb. 6, 1904; Nov. 24, 1906. Review of reviews (American). Dec., 1900; Mar., 1904. Stedman and Hutchinson, eds. Library of American literature, vol. 8. 1889. Warner’s library of the world’s best literature, vol. 13. [1896-98.] Same. Special ed. Vol. *18. [1896-99.] World’s parliament of religions, vol. 1. 1893. Putnam. Thomas Wentworth Higginson. (In Singers and songs of the liberal faith . 1875*) Reid. Eastern authors : Thomas Wentworth Higginson. (In Literary northwest , June, 1893.) Rhodes. [Higginson’s attitude toward fugitive slave law, etc.] (In History of the United States , vols. 1-2. 1893.) Rideing. Thomas Wentworth Higginson. (In Boyhood of famous authors . [1897.] Sampson. Short letter to the editor about Col. Higginson. (In Christian register , July 14, 1898.) Scudder. Biographical sketch of Higginson. (In Higginson. Three outdoor papers. Riverside literature series.) Pph. Stevens. [References to Higginson.] (In Anthony Burns : a history.) Strachey. The man of letters as reformer. (In Spectator , Mar. 29, 1902.) 39 Same. (In Living age , May io, 1902.) Time and the hour, May 29, 1897. Famous people at home: Thomas Wentworth Higginson. Twentieth century club. Col. Higginson’s eightieth birthday. (In Christian register Dec. 24, 1903.) Washburne. The negro soldier in Cuba : a talk with Col. T. W. Higginson. (In New England home magazine , supp. to Boston Sunday journal, May 1, 1898.) Whiting. [Col. Higginson as presiding officer at the Author’s reading in commemoration of Longellow’s 81st birth- day, at Sanders theatre, 1888.] (In Boston days , 1902.) An account of this occasion may be found in the Cambridge chronicle and in the Cambridge tribune, Mar. 3, 1888. Wilson. Hew England in letters. 1904. Contains numerous references to Higginson. Winslow. [Col. Higginson.] (In Literary Boston of to-day . Worcester magazine, Dec., 1903. Worcester in literature: Thomas Wentworth Higginson. Wright. [Life and character of Col. Higginson.] (In Cam- bridge tribune , May 26, 1906.) Reprinted from Human life . Literary Boston of to-day. (In National magazine , Jan. 1900.) Additional biographical articles may be found in the following : Adams. Dictionary of American authors. 5th ed. 1905. Allibone’s dictionary of authors. Supplement, vol. 2. 1892. American cyclopaedia, vol. 8. 1881. American men of science. 1906. Appleton’s cyclopaedia of American biography, vol 3. 1887. Chambers’s cyclopaedia of English literature, vol. 3. 1904. Chambers’s encyclopaedia, vol. 5. [1897.] 40 Drake’s dictionary of American biography. 1876. Duyckinck’s cyclopaedia of American literature, vol. 2. [1875.] Encyclopedia Americana, vol. 8. [1903.] Encyclopaedia Britannica. 10th ed. Vol. 29. Lamb’s biographical dictionary of the United States, vol. 4. 1901. Men and women of the time. 15th ed. 1899. National cyclopaedia of American biography, vol. 1. 1892. New international encyclopaedia, vol. 9. [1903.] Warner’s library of the world’s best literature, vol. 13. [1896-1897.] Same. Special ed., vol. 18. [1896-99.] Who’s who (English). 1906. Who’s who in America. 1906-07. Ample notices of Higginson appear also in the latest French, Italian and German encyclopedias. INDEX TO CHRONOLOGICAL LIST The figures in the margin refer to the year. Abington, Aug. i 1854 Addresses, speeches, etc. : Ab- ington, Aug. 1, 1854; Alli- ance between Pilgrim and Puritan, 1900; Anti-liquor law, 1853; Anti-slavery convention, 1853; Boston mob convention, 1855 ; John Bridge statue, 1883; Cam- bridge anniversary oration, 1881 ; Conference of liberal thinkers, 1878; Constitu- tional convention, 1853; Decoration day, Mt. Au- burn, 1870; Decoration day, Sanders theatre, 1904; Em- erson centenary, 1903; For self-respect and self-protec- tion, 1887; Free religious association, 1875, 1900; Free soilers reunion, 1888; Freedom club, Worcester, 1852 ; Frothingham festival, N.Y., 1879 > General Grant’s funeral, 1885; A history, 1843; Howe memorial ser- vice, 1876; Immortality, Feb. 21, 1869; Rev. Samuel Johnson’s funeral, 1882; King Alfred’s millenary, 1902; Legislative temper- ance society, 1853; Library convention, Boston, 1879; Literature as a pursuit, 1905; Mass, historical so- ciety, 1891 ; Mass. 3d con- gressional district, 1850; Merchants, 1851 ; New Eng- land anti-slavery conven- tion, 1855; New revolution, 1857; New York anti-slav- ery society, 1858; Newbury- port public library, 1850; Spartanburg, S. C., 1881; State disunion convention, 1857; West Indian conven- tion, 1856; Woman in Christian civilization, 1858 ; Woman suffrage, 1887; World’s parliament of relig- ions, 1893; Young men’s library association, Worces- ter, 1852. African proverbial philoso- phy. 1854 Aftermath of slavery . 1905 Afternoon landscape. 1889 Alfred, King. 1902 Alliance between Pilgrim and Puritan. 1900 Am I my brother’s keeper? 1853 American audiences. 1905 American flash language in 1793. 1885 42 American lecture system. 1868 American literature in the nineteenth century. 1903 American orators and oratory. 1901 American sonnets. 1890 Americanism in literature. 1870 Anti-liquor law. 1853 Anti-slavery colporteurage. 1855 Anti-slavery convention. 1853 April days. 1861 Are you a Christian ? 1873 Aristocracy of the dollar. 1904 Army life in a black regi- ment. 1870 Around the world on a bi- cycle. 1887 Artist’s dream. 1867 Atlantic essays. 1871 Austin, William. 1888 Baby of the regiment. 1874 Baby sorceress. 1882 Barbarism and civilization. 1861 Bequest of spiritualism. 1865 Birthday in fairyland. 1850 Book and heart. 1897 Books and reading. 1894 Books unread. 1904 Bookshelf in the kitchen. 1896 Boston mob convention. 1855 Bridge, John. 1883 Brief biographies series. 1875 British yoke. 1883 Brook farm period. 1882 Brown, John. Life. 1887 Yisit to Brown’s household. i860 Brown, Charles Brockden. 1898 Browning, Elizabeth B. 1906 Browning, Kobert. Biog. of Browning’s fame. 1897 Memorial. 1890 Bryan, Keasons for voting for. 1900 Buddha, Character of. 1872 Buddhist path of virtue. 1871 Butterflies and poetry. 1904 Cabot, James Elliot. 1903 Cambridge. Life in Cam- bridge town. 1896 Literature. 1890 Old Cambridge. 1899 Oration, Dec. 28. 1881 Cambridge public library, Letter relating to. 1890 Plan for the library. 1890 Reports. 1893, 1894, 1898, 1899, 1901 Carlyle’s laugh. 1881 Channing, William Ellery. 1902 Charge with Prince Rupert. 1859 Charles river railroad testi- mony. 1882 Cheerful yesterdays. 1896-1898 Child, Mrs. Lydia Maria. Letters. 1843 Sketch (Eminent women). 1868 Childe Roland. 1901 Childhood’s fancies. 1876 Children, Sermons to. 1853 Children’s books of the year. 1866 Cleveland convention. 1857 Close of the Victorian epoch. x 9°5 Cobbe, Frances Power. 1865 Coffin, Levi. 1880 Common-sense about women. 1881 Concerning all of us. 1892 Conference of liberal thinkers. 1878 Conscience in the counting room. 1853 Constitutional convention, qualification of voters. 1853 Contemporaries. 1899 Cook, Joseph. 1879 Cooper, James Fenimore. 1898 43 Country homes of famous Americans 1905 Cowardice of culture. 1905 Cowpens, Battle of. 1881 Cradle song. 1846 Creative spirit in literature. 1906 Dana, Bichard Henry. 1890 Dawning of independence. 1883 Day in Carter notch. 1853 Day of Scottish games. 1872 December. 1853 Declaration of independence. 1876 Decoration. 1874 Decoration day, Mt. Auburn. 1870 Decoration day, Sanders theatre. 1904 Dickens, Child pictures from. 1868 Dickinson, Emily. Letters. 1891 Poems. 1890, 1891 Does slavery Christianize the negro? 1854 Driftwood fire. 1867 Dwelling-places. 1880 Education and the public library. 1900 Educational conditions and problems. 1897 Egyptian banquet. 1892 Elegy without fiction. 1852 Elizabethan verse. 1906 Emerson, Balph Waldo. Cen- tenary. 1903 Conway’s Emerson at home and abroad. 1883 Emerson. 1875 Introduction. 1902 England, Road to. 1899 English and American cous- ins. 1904 English and American man- ners. 1888 English history for American readers. 189 3, 1898 English in America, Second generation of. 1883 English literature in the last half of the 19th century. 1905 English nation. 1883 English sources of American dialect. 1888 English statesmen. 1875 Epictetus. 1865 Fair play the best policy. 1865 Fairy coursers. 1895 Fayal and the Portuguese. i860 First Americans. 1882 Footpaths. 1870 For self-respect and self-pro- tection. 1887 Forward. 1852 Free religious association. 1875, I 9 00 Free soilers reunion. 1888 Freedom club, Worcester. 1852 French and Indian wars. 1880 French radical eloquence. 1881 French voyageurs. 1883 Frothingham, Octavius Brooks. 1896 Frothingham festival, N.Y. 1879 Fugitives’ hymn. 1848 Gabriel’s defeat. 1862 Galatea collection. 1896 Garrison, William Lloyd. 1886 Sonnet to. 1846 Two anti-slavery leaders. 1880 “Gentlemen by profession.” 1906 Glimpses of authors. 1891 Going to Mt. Katahdin. 1856 Gottingen and Harvard eighty years ago. 1897 Grant, Ulysses S. 1886 Memorial services. 1885 Greek goddesses. 1869 44 Gymnasium and gymnastics in Harvard college. 1875 Gymnastics. 1861 H. H. See Jackson, Helen. Hamerton on literature in a republic. 1886, 1887 Harris, Thaddeus William. 1869 Hartford Bible convention. 1854 Harvard memorial biogra- phies. 1866 Haunted window. 1867 Hawes, Charlotte P. 1867 Hawthorne, Nathaniel. Cen- tenary. 1905 Hawthorne’s Nathaniel Hawthorne and his wife. 1885 Last bequest. 1872 Precursor of. 1888 Hawthorne, Mrs., An evening with. 1871 Hayne, Paul Hamilton. 1887 Health of our girls. 1862 Heath readers. 1903 Hebe. 1846 Higginson, Francis. 1891 Higginson family. 1892 Higher education of woman. 1873 Hints on writing and speech making. 1887 His brother’s brother. 1899 History, A. 1843 History in easy lessons. 1905 Hoar, George Frisbie. 1905 Holiness unto the Lord. 1846 Holm, Saxe. 1878 Holmes, John. 1899 How I was educated. 1886 How should a colored man vote in 1900? 1900 How the American revolution opened. 1874 Howto read magazines. 1894 How to use a public library. 1894 Howe, Samuel Gridley. 1876 Howells, William Dean. Mod- ern Italian poets. 1888 Undiscovered country. 1880 Hundred years’ war. 1883 Hymn of humanity. 1846 Hymns. 1846, 1847 Immortality. 1869 In a fair country. 1890 In a wherry. 1872 Intensely human. 1904 Intercollegiate literary asso- ciation. 1877, 1879 Intercollegiate scholarships. 1873 Irish heart. 1878 Jackson, Helen. 1885 Reminiscences ; To the memory of. 1886 Verses. 1871 Jacksonville in 1863. 1900 Johnson, Rev. Samuel. 1882 Ride through Kanzas. 1856 Keats ms. 1896 Lanier, Sidney. 1887 Lay of the humble. 1845 Leaves from an officer’s journal. 1864, 1865 Letter to a dyspeptic. 1859 Letter to a young contributor. 1862 Letters of mark. 1905 Letters to country boys. 1869 Library convention, Boston. 1879 Licentiousness. 1846 Life of birds. 1862 Literary London twenty years ago. 1897 Literary Paris twenty years ago. 1898 Literature as a pursuit. 1905 Literature as an art. 1867 Lodge’s Webster. 1883 Longfellow, Henry Wads- worth. 1902 45 Lovers. 1853 Lowell, James Bussell. Among my books. 1876 Loyal legion tribute. 1892 Lowell in Cambridge. 1889 Lowell in England. 1885 Lowell scrap-book. 1896 Lowell institute lectures, Boston. 1903, I 9°5 Madam Delia’s expectations. 1871 Mademoiselle’s campaigns. 1858 Madonna di San Sisto. 1843 Maibone. 1869 Man and nature. 1852 Maroons of Jamaica. i860 Maroons of Surinam. i860 Mass, historical society. 1891 Mass, in mourning. 1854 Mass, in the army and navy. 1895, i8 9 6 Mass. 3d congressional dis- trict. 1850 Memorial ode. 1881 Merchants. 1851 Missent letter. 1887 Monarch of dreams. 1886 Moonglade. 1876 Moral results of slavery. 1853 Murder of the innocents. 1859 My outdoor study. 1861 Nebraska bill. 1854 Negro race in America. 1883 Negro spirituals. 1867 New counterblast. 1861 New England anti-slavery convention. 1855 New England life. 1879 New revolution. 1857 New world and the new book. 1892 New York anti-slavery so- ciety. 1858 Newbury school committee. 1851 Newburyport free evening school. 1851 Newburyport public library. 1850 Newport free public library. 1867, 1868 Newport public schools. 1876 Night in the water. 1864 Nils’s garden. 1889 Nonsense of it. 1867 November. 1853 Ode to a butterfly. 1889 Odensee. 1853 Old Cambridge. 1899 Old Dutch times in New Y^ork. 1874 Old English seamen. 1883 Old Latin textbook. 1871 Old Salem sea-captains. 1886 Oldport days. 1873 Oldport in winter. 1867 Oldport wharves. 1868 On the outskirts of public life. 1898 On the steps of the hall. 1891 Ordeal by battle. 1861 Ossoli, Margaret Fuller. Life. 1884 Sketch. (Eminent women). 1868 Other side of the woman question. 1879 Our future militia system. 1865 Our menagerie. 1870 Out on picket. 1867 Outdoor papers. 1863 Palmer’s Odyssey. 1884 Parker, Theodore. i860 Unpublished letters from. 1871 Parker library report. 1883 Parliament of religions, World’s. 1893 Part of a man’s life. 1905 Pedigree of liberalism. 1868 Peirce, Benjamin. 1881 46 Petrarch, Fifteen sonnets from. 1903 Philanthropy, The word. 1875 Phillips, Wendell. 1884, 1899 Physical and intellectual habits. 1878 Physical courage. 1858 Plea for culture. 1867 Pleiades, Search for the. 1880 Plutarch’s morals. 1871 Portugal’s glory and decay. 1856 Procession of the flowers. 1862, 1897 Puritan minister. 1863 Rabiah’s defense. 1891 Railroad, The. 1846 Rationale of spiritualism. 1859 Reader’s history of American literature. 1903 Recent essays. 1879 Reed immortal. 1880 Regular and volunteer officers. 1864 Results of spiritualism. 1859 Reunited Anglo-Saxon dom. 1906 Revolutionary congressman on horseback. 1880 Rhode Island. Education. 1877 Public school system. 1876 Rindge gifts to Cambridge. 1891 Road to England. 1899 Rolfe, William James. 1905 Romance of a brown-paper parcel. 1896 Romance of history. 1858 Rupert, Prince. 1859 Russell, William E. 1894 Saints and their bodies. 1858 Sappho. 1871 Save the republic. 1899 School, college, library. 1892 School of jingoes. 1896 Scripture idolatry. 1854 Scudder, Horace Elisha. 1902 Second generation of English in America. 1883 Sellar’s Homan poets of re- public. 1881 Sermons : Am I my brother’s keeper? 1853; Elegy without fiction, 1852; Mass, in mourning, 1854; Ordination exercises, Sept. 15, 1847; Nebraska bill, 1854; Scripture idol- atry, 1854; Sermons to children, 1853; Thanks- giving sermon , 1 848 ; Things newand old, 1852 ; To a young convert, 1851 ; The tongue, 1850; Uni- tarian autumnal conven- tion, 1853. Shadow. 1870 Short march with the guard. 1881 Short stories for short people. 1896 Short studies of American authors. 187 9, 1888 Sleeping car. 1892 Snow. 1862 Some war scenes revisited. 1878 Spanish discoverers. 1882 Spartanburg, S. C. 1881 Spencer, Herbert. 1865 Spiritual manifestations. 1857 State disunion convention. 1857 Story of the signing. 1876 Story without an end. 1902 Stowe, Harriet Beecher. 1899 Straight lines or oblique lines? 1893 Sub pondere crescit. 1887 Such as they are. 1893 Sunny side of the transcen- dental period. 1904 Sunshine and Petrarch. 1867 Swimming. 1870 47 Sympathy of religions. 1871 Tales of the enchanted islands of the Atlantic. 1898 Temperance convention, Whole world’s. 1853 Temperance society, Legisla- tive. 1853 Thalatta. 1853 Thanksgiving sermon. 1848 Therese , Mine. 1869 Things new and old. 1852 Thoreau, Henry David. 1898 Three outdoor papers. 1889 To a young convert. 1851 Tongue, The. 1850 Transcendental period. 1904 Travellers and outlaws. 1889 Turner, Nat. 1861 Two anti-slavery leaders. 1880 Two lessons. 1891 Twofold being. 1849 Tyrtaeus. 1845 Unitarian autumnal conven- tion. 1853 United States. History (with MacDonald). 1905 Larger history. 1885 Young folks’ history. 1875,1882 Young folks’ history for the blind. 1881 Civil war. Mass, regiments. 1892 Unsolved problems in woman suffrage. 1887 Up the Edisto. 1867 Up the St. John’s. 1865 Up the St. Mary’s. 1865 Yesey, Denmark. 1861 Yestis angelica. 1889 Yikings, Yisit of the. 1882 Warner, Charles Dudley. 1874 Waterlilies. 1858 West Indian convention. 1856 Western Reserve university lectures. 1901 Whipple, Edwin Percy. 1886 White, Richard Grant. 1878 Whittier, John Greenleaf. 1902 Whole world’s temperance convention. 1853 Why do children dislike his- tory ? 1883 Winthrop to Philip’s war. 1880 Woman : Common - sense about women. 1881 Other side of the woman question. 1879 Unsolved problems in woman suffrage. 1887 Woman and her wishes. 1854 Woman and the alphabet. 1859 Woman in Christian civili- zation. 1858 Woman suffrage. 1887 Woman’s rights almanac. 1858 Woman who most influ- enced me. 1895 Women and men. 1887 Worcester public library re- port. 1862 Worcester school committee report. 1855 Word of hope. 1846 Wordsworthshire. 1905 World literature. 1890 World outside of science. 1892 World’s parliament of relig- ions. 1893 Writings. Definitive ed. 1900 Young folks’ book of Ameri- can explorers. 1877 Young folks’ history of the U. S. 1875, 1882 For the blind. 1881 Young girl’s library. 1895 Young men’s library associa- tion, Worcester. 1852 Young men’s party. 1884 Youth and literary life. 1892